Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 13, 1880, Image 3

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Terms of Subscription.
ff pid in advanoe.or within three mouths ..$3 00
If id after thrt and before m moot hi... S AO
If paid after theeipirailon of six monbts... 1 00
p&rMtMTi, B. M. Pbttcnoill Co., Newa Advertising Agents, 17 Park how, corner
tides man Street, are our duly authorised Agents
in N-w York City.
Methmtlet .EpUcopal 1-hurrh Rcr. (I wo.
Lnnr, Pastor. Services every Sabbath st 14
A. M., end 7j t. M.
Sul.t.atb Hobool at 9 A. M.
Prayer Meeting ever; Wedneadey, at 74 P. M
Cuuiu. union Service, first tiebbath of every
m on tu, at it' A. M.
UcKt Clearllcld M. IC. tl hurrh. Rev.
OitnLKS . m'SftLar, Paetor. Prearhing ovary
ultimata 8untay, at 8 o clock, P. M. (Sunday
:-cb(Hjl it .(, r. at. ah arc invited to nlteud,
lrel.) terlaii ChurchIUT. II. B-Uutlkiu
Sabbath services morning and evening 8eb-
tnth So hool at I f. H.trayer Meeting od pol
ity evening.
Haptlt Churrh. Kev. , Pastor
Sak.tiftitt Hclioul at 8 P. M. Prayer Meeting every
Wednesday evening.
Mt. Frantic t'hurrh CatTmllc Rer. P
J, hHFBtPAK. IMviue nerriet t 101 A. M., on
'ho Ant, third and fourth Sundayeof etch month;
Vvapers and Benediction of the blessed decrement
at 7 o'clock, P. M. Sunday bohool tvery bun day
.flernoon at S o'clock.
tll OV luLDlRfl QUABTKM S 8141 OH S OOVRT.
Second Monday of January.
Third Monday uf March.
Ptnt Monday ef J una.
fourth Munday of September.
tiki or a old i no; couuon rmas.
Tint Monday of J an a.
Second Monday of Not em bar.
rt-iLio orrioifta.
Prttident Jndgt lion. Charles A. Muyer,
I ck liar en.
Aitant Law Judge Hon. John H. Orris, of
Aiacinlt Judge Ahram Ogden, Clearfield j
Vincent B. Holt. Clearfield.
I'rothoMoiaty Kit Bloom.
lijUr and Recorder L J. Morgan.
Tieneurer Philip Ilotts.
Diilrict Attorney J. F. McKanrlck.
Sheriff Jams VahaiTey.
I'rputy Sheriff P. I. Thompson.
Cuuntj Surveyor Samuel V. MoCloakey, Cur
vniviila. County Commieeionfr C. W. K)ler, Uraliam.
ton P. 6.; Elnb Johnston, Grampian llills P. 0.;
John Norrli, Sr., Curwensville
Cimminitnrr' Clerk John W. Howe.
County Auditor William V. Wright, Olear-fi-1,1
; Joseph HUHIund, Three Hum ; J. 8. Nor
ris, Woodland.
- Comnt tWoarr James A. Honrs, Clearfield.
Jury Commifionere Andrew J. Jackson, Clear
fle.i , Win. H. Urown, Okarfleld.
Sirinteitdtn1 of Public School M. L. Me
guown, CInarllfld.
Sealerof Wiktt& jlfaamrtf JeiM W.Carllle,
i, Pice at Luiber.liurg Pa.
Solaris fubtie. John W, Wrlgley, Wm. Ra-d.-hnuh,
Cyrua (J union, Clrarfield ; Jofjih R.
Irwin, N. K. Arnold, CurwentTilla ; J. A. Living
iitnue, lJuHoil City.
Our fyen'n column Ii decidedly interesting In
n locl point of view, and profitable reading to
t Guidon who want to lava money.
vr-:, of (oriisii i
"Will jou tuke wheat, oata or e -re fur tub
x'riptimi ?" We arc uften Inquired of in tbli way
bi li tter frim patrona who reiido at a diMance
triiu Clearfield. We gnio lay yea, Tbe receipU
ul a reriotiille merchant or mill owner In tbe
vi. initv, will aniwrr ui Jot ej well a tbe cah.
To illluitrate : If any of oar patron will deliver j
Uf a nag ot gram at . ... .IH ,
.L- III f U II II.. I k
in Chert tnwntdilp, Horace Patcbln, In Hnrnaule, I
Tl. qui hi II. Forney, In tJruhain, Win. Porter or
Miaw'i, in Lawreune, or Brown A Seyler'a, l
Ro kti'n, I'uion townahip, and forward their
rinipli for the a .iount, we will credit them on
thi tr account for tbe lame. In tbii way all mny
oon pay what they owe, if they will purine tbia
etirAdvcrtiHern and others will bear
in tu:nd that all articlea intended for publication
in tbii papir mwt be handed i, not later than
Tueiday. t 9 A. M. Don't forget It !
Chestnuts are plenty and wormy,
i -a- aw
Do yon comprehend tho figures
- m - m - -
Wild geeso and trumps have gone
Mr. Lillie W. Wile, daugUtcr of ex-
SherllT Powell, of tbli place, la at preient lojmirn
.rig with friendi in Philadelphia.
m m -
The season is now tipon us when
rnniantio young ladu-i gather Autumn leave anil
noil the fiuuily Bible and other good bookl.
m - mi -
The County National Hank puhlishos
x report ol tbe condition or that intntmion at
the cloie of buiineas on October lit. The ibow-
ing ii a g'iod one.
. mm e --
uv. William J. Gibson, V ).t ol
Duneannille, Blair eoonty, s well-known Prei
byierian divine, will complete hli fiftieth jear la
the mioiitry tbii mentb.
, mm
"Curwensvillo has a cheese lacttry
and tbe other day ibipped fcur tone of choice
nueeie to the eastern market." -A'xcAaiioe.
Pray, who runt tht mammoth itabiitbment 1
m mm -
H. W. Graham moved into the brick on Pine a I net, recently eocupled by
ex Sheriff Penli. JatntaL. Leavy wit) .oen oc
cupy tbe residence vacated by Mr. yrabam.
i mm
Quito an extensivu busmesH is done
In the vicinity of Pen field, lb it county, in digging
and ibtpping laurel root to tbe Kait-ra eitiei,
-where It Is manufactured into looking pipci.
mm ma
Kuv. T. J. Sherrard, of Mifllintown,
in tbe Hunting Ion Presbytery, haa received a
call from the Presbyterian congregatieo at Brook
ville, Clarion Preibytary, at a salary or $1,203 a
It. Xewtun Shaw, proprietor of the
Lenard liouae, recently purobased a valuable
and hand!" me borae in l'biladt li-hia, which ia
now la hif subte hi this pla. It Is said to be
gcr. '
Jacob ftitzmun has been appointed
ticket agent of tbe Pennsylvania Railroad at
O n- ola, this county. A new depot building la
will under way, and will soon be completed at
that tatlou.
mt mw - -
An npplo tree in the yard of ex-
Shiriff Liugle, tn Pbillpburg, was lull of bioisoms
lalt week, and tho Journal, the "local" having
sampled the tn, they were as fragrant at tbe
blooms of May.
mm e mm -
Gray and black pquirrela and pheas
ants are said to bt luite plenty in tbe mountains
tbli Fall. Some of oar ipertsnten have birn
u,ulte auccBiaful, large numbers ol iqairreli be
ing brought In nearly every day.
i mm .-
W. C. Cardon is having some im
tmvementa made to tbe Kelllebtrger property,
ot Market street, reecnily pnrohsstd by bim
Pretbonwtary Ul03 alio Improve 1 the prop
eity purchased by bim on Pine street.
H. B. Freeman, formerly telegraph
operator and rai Irosd ageat at Oaeeole, this Bounty ,
has been promoted and Is now doing duty In tbe
Dlrtateher'i tfflee at Tyrone, lie i. a roa of Mr.
A. L, Frtemen, railroad agent at Riglsr station
mm e mm -
In tho Supremo Court at Pittsburgh,
on ike 4tb inn , tbe ease or H. U. fibilhnglord
vi. D. H. Mood, Truatee, taken np from the Com
moa Pleas Court of Huntingdon county, was
tffisined, and the H-Mits beire are entitled to
a a an
A lump post has been put up on
M atkei unit, in fr.nt cf T. A. Faek A Co.'a
itore, on which basbeea (laced a bandaome lamp
il colored glaar, mannfaetared and letlered el
preniy for the above-named enterprlilog firm.
Tbe light of tbii lamp can be seen tbe entire
lengtb of Market street, eat and wait.
Tbo dwelling house of John ltado-
baugb, Jr., con el Jeba 8. Radebaegh, at Wood
ward's mill, let Helton tenniblp, near Penfield,
ws totally eitrnyiKl by Sra during Monday
forenoon of la it week. The greater p oil Ion or
nil or tbe boaseheld effeeta were saved. The
luii Is eitimated at about M. Tbe wiad blow
ing ia ft faverable direction at tbe tlsae Is all that
saved the mill.
The foreatsat this season of tho rear,
arrayed In gorgeeua and varigated hues, (ores a
. pkture tbat ts perfeelly grand, end can't help
hat aitiaet the adulraUua end pleeae tbedlsoon
teudindtvtdnal,acwellnatbeeewk are romea Il
ea I ty larlined. The tearlct ftnd gnlden Hate of
Aotumn, b:enJ(n with the beautiful bright grera
Isavee that arc itlll fresh, form aeae that "Is
lait toe lively fir anything." '
Mon' good boots $1 90 at MooroV
Judjjo Koley visited the
County Filr at Bellefunte lest week.
Silk i'rinos in great variety
dreaa trimmings, at T. A. Fleck 4 Cu'i. ..
Henry K. Snyder, of this place, ac
eoispanledby hlawifc, U ililting hkold bo ma In
cyder county
Mr. George KaHUm. of PuBom, is a
aw undent m iba bffiea of Mean. Wallace A
Kraba, of tblt plaoa.
' -
Many ot our citizens nro takincr
the Pair at Paaxautawaey tbia week. Many nun
of then would Ilka to ba there.
A new tine of all wool cttwlimeroH, in
Iba late new ihadre, jut I reeelvad at T. A. Fleck
A Cu'i.
Or. Stewart, Dentist, will be ubitent
from bla emoe Iron Monday, October l&tb,
Saturday October 231, Inclusive. St
All atylea, all gradt-H, and all prices
of Mcn'a, Vomh'., Ruy'a and Chl'dren' lolulhiog
at lllrllnger Rook a. Sept. SV-St
Motnmie cloth, in rotton and wool,
drets ginghami, and the Fall itytes in drcai oal
Iroea are among the later t arrirali at T A . Fleck
A Co'a.
I ! --
Ii in need ot a cnrjiet, t all at T. A.
Fleck A Cu'i, abo bare juit tereid a new Id
roica of oarpeling, which will be mvll at greatly
redui-vj prion.
Mr. Thomua Dougherty, ot thift place,
while engaged in grubbing, on Friday lair, re-
ceired a vary painful cut on kit foot, from which
he auflora ronriderabty.
Ayer'n A vim Cure U an infulliblo
cure for Fcier and Aua La all It forma. The
proprietor! warrant it, and tbtir word la ai good
ai a V 8. bond. Try it.
Tlio improved semi circular adjusta
ble Co net ii the lateat novelty at T. A. Flcok A
Co'a Tliry are notrd for comfort, eao and dura
bility, ladiei, give them a tril. Halifactiun
m an
$329. 'I'l'o "Ven letkr uf (1
Van livt, a prounneut llruokville Radical
Orecnbacker, appearr eliewhcre fu tbia l.aue. lie
givei bia rcai mi fur advocating the elacti m ol
Hancock. Head bia letter!
- m
Wo learn from tho Tim? Unit the
Slenri. Craibta, of Saluna, Pa., bare leaieJ
ground from Zachariah McNut, in Curwannilla,
and eomineoced the erecliun (if buildiuga for a
carriage manufactory.
Mr. Levin C present pro
prietor of the Susquehanna lluuae, CurwcnuTille,
will aell at public tali, on Friday, OcL 22i, at hi
late reiideace at the "Old iiloom Hrldgef" a large
lot of perional property, fnailating principally
of houreliuid gmda, For particular! eee pnrtiei.
IEAl. Uui'indoii G. Slerliiijf, a nu-in
berof the grrat Philadelphia dry t.miis firm
Jainel, Kent, r-'ai.tee A Co., tiled in that city on
Thursday lait, after a few bura' lilneii. Hi?
as; wa 66 yraia. lie wu wall and Intimately
known to in any of tbe mcrcliunte of our county,
who will regret to of hli death.
Andy Jacknon comtH to tho front
thii week with a large now udtcitiieuient. lie
baa completed arrangement! tn the We.t by which
be ni rujjly hi cudon.eii with LmndfoiDcl
black walbut furniture at attoniihingly low i
prlcea. Read bit rle lilt, and eall at hit it ro ,
on Markut itreet and aee ipteimeni of thv goodi.
Va aro enjoying very lino weathor, i
but the morning and ironing are not mild j
! onnugb to u'o without flrei, aa we are informed bai
bten be cum in the Leonard Graded tobool hull I-
lag Qp (J fce (i
The fraity mornlngi .
0f aii weo), wcre enough to chill the intellect and
give all (he lobular! a bad cold. Wetruotthat
tome arrangemcnta may bo made for the con. furl
of the children, as well as the trache ra.
liiz. The liuntingdoa Local Anr,
or the 4tb lost , remarks: "That the Executive
Committee or tbe J ui.iata Valley Printeri Afioela
tion, Ditt In tbii place on Saturday, to count up
tbe surplus from (be rttont picnic at Roaring
Spring. Mama. McPike, P paddy, CoaraJ an I
Tyhurst were In attendanoe. There s a balance
of $17.57 in the Troneury, Well, ir that band
or printeri don't know a right bower from tbe
left, we are fooled.
a .
Will Soon bk Opkn. Tho Tyrone
Herald says, that "the Bell's Uap citentlonia
searing completion, an J ptrtici engjred In ill
eon at ruction believe it will bo ready for the trans
portation of coal and lumber before Winter sell
in." This road leaves tbo main lino seven mliei
esit of Altonna, scales theAlleghtny mountains,
and stuns at Cualporton Clear (Md creek, four
wiles above Olen Hope, in BeCcaria township,
thla eoonty, where they have nothing leu than
lit feet coal veins.
A Family Rkijnion. Wo clip tho
following from the Ottumwa,'(Iowa) Oji'y Courier,
of the 2d imun' : MTba fallowing peneui arc
tbe eitv vitltifig Prof. Rheem acd his aiiter, Mra.
Prof. Lighton : Their mother, Mn. LydLi Rheem
and Ueorge W. Kbeom, wife and d4ugh:er, from
Clearfield, Pa.; Mrs. Annie Wallace and two sons,
from Charlton, Iowa Messrs. 8. J. and L. M.
Rbeem, from Omaha, Neb.; Mrs. A. C. Wilooi
and daughter, from Kansas City, Mo- We hope
tbey will have a pleasant family reunion."
Sad Accident. Tbo Huntingdon
AVim says : "Lait Wedneaday night, September
28tb, Oioar Clarke, eldeit cot of Dee Jam in end
Almlra Clarke, of WewUrg, and aged IS years,
had been at the Melbodnt Village Camp, ami
after he bad returned to the borne of Binjamln
Baker, wbete be was living, he no bitched the
horse from the carriage end Itaped upon his back
to rids him to pasture. The night being dark, he
roJe into a grape vine and became sw entangled
that be was violently thrown off tbe horse's back
and iostsntly hilled, the fall breaking bli neck."
mm mmi -
A Terrible AcnnnNT. Wo learn
from tbe lUlicfocte Hfpmbtica, that Mr. Homer,
of Ibe Mate College, mot with a hocking acci
dent on lait Tuesday, by wbmh be lost a hand.
He waa engaged in threbing grain with a power
tbrcihvr, and ioo unguarded muineut bla right
band w.s eaught by the cylinder toetb and dawn
Into thv machinery, teanng it off at the wriit.
Were It nt for the fait that Mr. Uouor li a
strongly built man, and was therefore able to free
himreir from tbe machinery, Il Is probable that
bis whole arm wuulj have bicn wrentht-d from
his body, in which sate be woflll very likely
have lost bis life. The arm wi.s io terribly torn
and lacerated that It was f-ual necanary to
amfulate It below lbs elbow Iv prevent mortifica
tion. mm -
Fatal It. H. Acuidknt. Wo learn
from tbe Look Haven Oemotrui, ef the 7ib in it.,
that en the previous evening tbe Bald Kigle
freight ran over aa estray bursa ae ar Mill Hall,
Cent.e county, The engine was upiet and tbe
fireman, Micbtel HiuhII, a resident f Tyrone,
killed. The engineer, Duke Cox, who resides In
the ei'y of Loch 11 a ven, was eerlouily injured,
bat It ts hoped not fatally. We wonder how the
ojiner of that vagrant boras reels over tbe death
of bis fellow-ma,eauaet by bis gross neglect.
Suppoie It bad been a paaienger train, and mores
of periuni killed F A boric without a driver baa
no more right on a railroad track, than ha ha s In
a parlor, and for a trepaaof tbii kind the owner
sbeuld be aev.rely puniabed.
mm mm
A SicRtouB Fall A party, composoJ
of half a doaen young ldie and gsntlemea of
this place, went to tbe ridgei a mile or two west of
Carwensville to gather ebeitnute,ea Tueiday of
lait week. Ftnwick McLeod,oae of the party,
climbed a tree and waa engaged in threshing down
the burs, when, nUurluiialsij, tbe limb broke and
befell n distance or about thirty five reet to tbe
rough and stony ground below, fracturing bla
thigh, cutting his head and face, and bruiting
bim about the abouldera severely. He was brought
to tba reiidene of his. mother, In this borough,
the same evening In an Insensible condition, for
several days greet fears wsre entertained In
regard to bis recovery, but at present writing be
is Improving, and the prospects for bis getting
ah out again are very favorable.
mm mm, i - . r , ,
A 1 1 oris i Killed by a Snake
Tbe Allwoa 8mn laya i "Jacob Braant, ef Ht.
Anguattae, Cambria couety, was driving to AI
toofta on Saturday with a iwo-aeree had of lum
bar, In which be deals to some e a tent. 0a the
way down the eaouaiaio, la tbe vicinity of Burh
hern, he saw a large rattlesnake U the road, but
not in lime to slop the team. The animals did
not see the snake and alwoet stepped upon tbe
reptile. The snake In passing under the horses
IsMened Us fangs In the leg of Che or them and
dli appeared In Ike underbill b before It could be
killed. Mr. Braunt drove aa to this city, the
woaoded borre giving no avldsnee of Its) sertons
ln)ariei. Arte traneaotiagbU kaiiacas here Mr.
Dranai started home agaia, bat when ftbout half
way to hit residence the leg cf Ibe bitten eelmal
began ta swell and tho poison spread so rapidly
that tba koree dropped over dead lot long after.
Tbe animal was a fine and a valuable one, war th
sbont II 9tt."
Men's bats from 75 cents to $5 at
Women's good abocs only $1 at
m uur a.
Buy your rubbers o! Moore'. Tbey
en me coeapeat :
Huy your millinery goods of II.
Tbo cheapest and best boy's boots
tv iv bi dm ai h oo re a.
A full aortment ot gloves, a
at II. Lehman A Co'a.
FlanncU, cupsimcrca and cuntoiift in
full aiock at T. A. Fleck A Co'a.
Window ftbadesin newest stylet and
groat raritty at T. A. Heck A Co'a,
- m
Aycra Pills are the kento! all purga-
tlvca for family ue, Tbey are pleaiant, lata
and lure, and excel all other Pilla in healing and
curative qualities.
Making tho bjiying of drcn and dry
good a itudy, rarefuloefi in lolecting tho aauc
and telling them at the right figure bai made
T. A. Fleck A Co'i the popular dry gnodi bouie
In Clearfield county,
licv Yorn Mat Now (Wo aro the
proprietor of a Few Mill, ertnplete In every par
ticular, which we will aell very cheap. Fur par
tisan, addrH E. A. A W. V. BIULEIt,
mchVSO tf. Clearfield, I'enn'a
J. K, Turner, was appointed Hur
gen, and William Lyman and Andrew Klear
Counoilmen.of the borough of Wallaoeton, at tbe
recent term of Court, to fill racancleaocoaaloned
by remorali.
Mrs. Surah Means, and duuihter
Bailie, uf Brook villa, have been vii itiog at tbe reii
drnoa uf John K. Weaver, E., ia tbli place, for
aweekpait. Mra. M. ii tbe wllow of the late
Hon. Robert R. Mnana, well koowo to many of
our reader,
iox Scared. Wo caught imnu in-
formation ba the fly, to the effcet that a prominent
Piittburph Iron firm haa furniahed one of our
Fira Brick citahlinhments with an open order of
tbia kind : "fen l ui three ear kadi per woek of
your brick nntit further or den."
Tho Kxcclrtior Jiund of OtiBois, irut
the Btlft Eb Cornet contertal for at the Jlrookvil e
Fair. Il ia merely hear. ay 10 far ai the people in
tbia lection are concerned. The Judgei end mana
gers, between them, promlml to make tbe rcrolt
known officially, but they failed to di to from louie
cauaeor oiher.
Adjourned Court. An adjourned
Omrt will be held In tbia place, oommeaciog oo
Tuesday, Oct. 26tb, for the purpose of diipoiing
of:,",h rg-jment liM, and at which time tho motion
iot a new i ni ia me uvung-fenotn jton mar tier
care will be argued, aod auob other canal i oan
be diapnaed of without a Jury.
A Fact. An advertisement inserted
tn the Rki-iiilicik will reach more readera than
if publUhid in all the other papari In the coun
ty, and coat the advertiiei lew than one-half
I ohur wunli, in adrartiit uietit published In
our J ureal la wtirtli double the prioe of that
charged by any other publifber in the county.
1 1 li a fuet." tf.
George W. Moans, Ksq., of ltroolc-
villv, Asaignee of Nathan Carrier, advertise! a
tare lot of valuable timber and coal tandi liluate
In thii county, which will be offered at public snle
on Thuriday, October 3th. Full partiuulan can
be obtained ty reference to tbe advert iienirnt in
tbia paper, or addrening a letter to Mr. Meaoi at
Brookville, Pa.
IJst of letters remaining unclaimed
In the Poitofllce at Cleaifleld, Pa., for the week
ending October 11th, 1H80 :
James A- Ulylsr, D. II. Ball, Miis May lUdy
J no. C. llemperly, Jnu, Jackiblion, Mrs. Jncob
Klobs, Agnea Mnliaci, Lillis Kicly, Aug-Jit Mei
salfans, R. W.Ogdin, Edith hitter.
Temperance. Tho Second Quar
terly Convention of tbe Grampian Temperance
Union will be held a' Greenville, on Saturday,
October lfiib, commencing at 10 o'olock A. M
All Intererted in the eause of Temperance are
cordially lovited. The eierolses will consist of
Head is gl, Eisays, Helect Orations and Lcturei,
with appropriate mil lie.
2t. Br Okdkr or Committkr.
8;i2I.-Thoss cabalistic figures which
tot Democrats to laughing and Uarfield men to
cursing, appeared laat week on door stepts, pae
scnts, fences everywhere. They are chalked in
ail colors, and $.121) is becoming as numerous and
falls as silently as tbe leaves. Even the scholars
In Chairman Harris' room are putting Ibim on
tha blackboard, f
A Sad Affair. On Wednesday last,
Oct. fitb, Mrs. John Shepherd, of Burnside town
ship, was spinning In tbe kitchen and her four
teen mon'.bi old boy was playing on the floor.
Having filled her spool, she went np stain to reel
It, and on ber return the missed the child. After
making eoniiderable searob, she found (he little
boy tn tbe iprieg drowned f He had crawled
off to It, and toppled in. Tbe grief of tbe par
ents can be Imagined. The child was buried at
Zion church, Rev. Mr. Corert officiating at the
Dast Picnic Wo wish to remind
our readers of the lait grand picnio uf tha season
announoed to come off at Merrell'e Woods, in the
rear or the Fair groundi, West Clearfield, on
Thursday and Friday, OhtobarUlh and loth.
Tbo large platform has been entitled in cue the
weather should prove disagreeable, and tbo man
agers have gone to considerable exprnee and
trouble to make everything pleasant and com
fortable for ail wb elib 1. A grand prise, con
silting or n handsome and valuable silver cup,
gold-line 1, will be awarded the best lady waltisr.
Hacks will be run to and from the grounds at
low ratrsoffare. Everybody la Invited.
New Daily Stage Link. James L,
Leavy baa inccceded in having a dally mail ea lab
ile bed between Clearfield and Pennficld, and will
he oaf tar run a dally stage between tbe two points.
Hia contract began with April lit, and tbe stage
willlrave (learfleld every morning (except Sun
day) at 8 o'clork, making connections with all
trains on tbe Low Grade Railroad at PennOeld, re
turning after the lait train the same evening.
Passengerssnd freight will be carried at tow rates.
Ordsrs lett at any of the hotels will be attended
riraoJ opinlag of MILLINER V QoODS, at
11. Lehman A Co.'a, Opera IloU'e, Clearllcld, Pa.
Tbe latest aovelilui In lists, Ucbnets, Bilks,
Velvets, Sat Id i, Pluibei, Fancy Feathers, Wings,
Flowers and Ornamente, Ladles' CLOAKS and
DOLLMANS, Phawla, Blankets, Skirls, aod a
full lino or DRESS UOODS, Flannels, Cloakings,
etc. Thanking the ciliseni or Clear (la Id and
vicinity far past favo-e, we solicit a continuance
of tbe came. - II. Lirtuan A Co.
Out, IS, IfiHO-tr.
Farmers, Look II err I-Lvtle will
give you highest market prices for Wheat, Oats,
Cora, Buckwheat, Butler, Eggs, Onions, Apples,
dried fruits, and all kmds ef produce, lie has
tbe largest and beit selected stock cf groceries,
teas, coffees, molaiies, Spices, oil salt, sugar,
queensware, tabs, buckets', baskets, eh ami, Ac.,
In Clearfield county. He buys his goods In large
quantities from manufacturer! and first hands
for cash, and takes the advantage of nil
discounts, end to he le enabled te sell at lowest
prices. He glveecash prfeea for pmduce.and tells
his goods at the lowest prices In tbe county.
sept-Ie-'7v tf
The Huntingdon I'RKunvTiRY.
Tbe Huntingdon Pre i by lory tnel according to
edjnrnmeot, In tbe Freebytwrlao church or
Birmingham, on Tueiday, the Ith tost. In tbe
absence cf both Moderator and Clerk, Rev. J, C
Kelley was rbteen Moderator pro tern., aid Rev.
D. U. Campbell Recording Clerk. The opening
em on was preached by Rev. 6. W. Dufileld, of
Altoooa, Rev. George Deneugh waa rrcelved
from the Preil ytery or Pbilalelpbla.and accepted
a call le the church of Mifflin. Rev. N. P.
Brawn, of Newton Hamilton, excepted a call to
the church of Petersburg ftr one hair the time.
A meeting in the Iota rail of tbe Sabbath ffrhoal
wet held on Tuesday evening, which waa ad'
dresaed by Rev. H. A. Bet let, Rev. George
Beoaugb, Dr. T. A. Elder and others. R.v. fl.
W. Pcmefo read a report of the Sabbath School
work In tbe Presbytery, part of which ts aa fol
lows: Biiiy-ecvoaieheois, with 1,371 scholars.
AmoBot contributed to the Boards of the eh arch,
$avS.7, Tho rentlae bciioeaa isnal at the Oc.
tobct meelia g ws Uaaeaelod. Tho Presbytery
adjourned to meet tt rtrwta on the fcfond Tact
day of April, IMt,
airraiiBEa tibk, 1880.
Court convened on Monday, 17th In it., with
Judvea Orvls. Oeden and Holt on tho bench
John Lar rimer, J. L. Conklin and Harry
Hemphill ware appelated tipataves for the flrat
week. Rylreater Weluier, John Lar rimer and
Harry Hemphill served as (ipl'avss lor too sec
ocd week.
oven mn TKnuiyiR.
Commonwealth vs. John Nevling. No. 1
Msrch Beaaioni. Murder. September 28
jury iworn ; Oftuher lit, the jury find defendant
guilty of murder In the Ant degree. Motion for
a new trial filed, and Sfdb of October fixed as the
time for arcumeut of the same
Commonwealth vs. George Evens and George
Hill. No. SI Pepttmher Sessions, 18B0, Murder.
Continued on application oi aeienuanis.
Commonwealth vs. Jas. Miles and West Beales.
No. , (September Seiiioni, I8MI. Charged with
the murder of George Phuff, In 175. October
3d 1611, Hbta Cor put granted by Hon. John II,
Orvli, returnable 7th Inst. October 7th, 1HSA,
alter beaming the teilimony or tbe Commonwealth,
defendanta were discharged from custody,
a hoc a RT Liar.
In tbe matter of tbe Sheriff's sale of the prop
erty of L. C. Klnyen. Rule to show came why
the confirmation absolute should not be stricken
off. Rule diacbarged.
James L. Leavy vs. John Kotler, No. 2t'fi June
Term, loSO, Rule to show caue why Judgment
ibould not be opened . Rule discharged.
Levi Uos, Trustee vs. James T. Leonard, No,
i Term, 1880, Io Equity, Ruleon de
fendant to ehow cause why attachment ahould nut
iseneattachmenl awarded againit defendant ; tbe
same not to liaue if acoouut is tiled on or before
October JOth, Ittstl.
The other cases on the list were oootinued until
2Mb iast.
Report of viewers re tuning to lay out n new
road : end vsrate that portion now in uie from a
point on tbJ Mcl'herion road, on the line between
George (iulich'i and Brooius, to a point on the
Lanicb road, In Lawrence townihlp.
Report of viewers refusing to lay out a new
road from at or near il. u. v cavers, in Hraty
townrbip, to John Heiters, Jr.'s on laudiof Ii. L.
Wearer and John Rniter, Jr., in Interred public
rnd leading from Ethel's grist mill to Daniel
Fryers, in Bell township, on tho lands or D.
hiibt-l, JI. W. Weaker, and others.
Report or viewen vacating public road In Penn
townrbip, leading from a point on the Pennville
end Lutheraliurg pike at or near Jeaie L. Spencer'i
to the public rue J at or near renton npenoers
saw mtii.
heport of viewers laying out e public road In
l.awrfince townimp irom intemction or uiearflsld
and Williams itreet i, In West Clearfield, to the
river road.
Report of vicwen vacating public road laid out
from the Erie turnpike, in If loom township, to
tne Eevicr saw nun in aau lownnntp.
Report of vie wen vacating public road laid out
irom f net turnpixe to Annenon creea. in
Bloom townibip, beginning at a point on old
Krrsi-y road on land of H. Rheem and leadingto
Erie turnpike.
Report of viewers laying out a public read In
Woodward townibip, beginning at the mouth of
Alexander's rum, and leading to the Madera griit
mill, in said towanmp.
Krnort ef viewers vesting entirely road lead
ing from the Sufquehana river near Rinebart
Welz-si's, In Bell townahip, to the Indiana county
line. -
Report of viewers laying out a public road In
Uloom townauip, leaning irom tne "oil neney
road to Simon La horde's lane, In said township.
Report of viswers laying out a public road
from Jesse Weaver's, in Bell township, to inter
sect the Pumsutawney road near Solomon Pease,
In said township.
Report of viewer laying out a public road to
icaa from ueorge uicaey a, in ureebwooa town
ahip, to tuwnbip road near Daniel Pnedlioe's,
in Boil townthip.
Report uf viewers laying out a public road
trom I'bihp nonarJ a on u tier mop on ids iiouts
dale and Paraonville townibip road, to a point
near public sntauol bouse, mar rt biteaidei oolhery,
ia Woodward township.
Report of viewers laying out a public road
from the Erie turnpike, near Wisor A Bender's
train road to a pvml near Beaver run bridge on
road leading from Jacob Mook's tvOioola.
Report ot viewers aeseiiibg the damage occur
ing tothe properly of Michael rcaaoo
of the laying out of a public rod Irom S. T.
Hendttreon'a planing mill, in Woodward town
ibip, to ibe tillage of Rmmey, in Uulioh town
ship. CDRriHUKi m ii,
Rctiort of Peter Cameron. James A. Moore and
John Lvtle. viewers appointed to review Mad
laid out from mouth or Alexander s run. in wood
ward townnhip, and running to N. llagerty s
flouring mill, in said township, returning aaid
road aa unless and unnecenary, and laying out
new road. Sustained, and cxoeiitjons filled.
View let aside.
Report of reviewers report In that there Is no
urcaiion for the public road laid out from tha
noma lamp rihooi house, In t'nion townhP in
tersecting road leading from Wlnttrbur to
Walkenrille, to a point uear the lluiton l')wn
phip line.
Report of viewers laying out public road in
Lawrence townahip, leading from Nichols itreet,
In West Clearfield, at its intersection with Front
itreet, to Park street, at its Intersection with
puMio road in said townihip.
Report of viewer! vacating public road laid out
from road leading from Peanrille to Ponxsu
tawney. at or nrar Thns. Wain's mill, to the old
K ittannlng road near George Hartshorn, tn Penn
townihip. I
rteport nr viewers laying out a public road
or near Home Camp school house, in I'nion
township, to Winterburn, In Huston township.
Report of vlewersfrevlewlng, vacating and lay,
Ing out a publio mad, laid out from main road in
Greenwood township, at R, C. Thompson's to C.
and A. Dougherty'i, In Bell township.
Report of viewers laying out a public road,
leaning irom rfocay ttenn, en the puittc road
irom uurwetiiviiie ra narniiae, tnteriectine puo
lie rosd leading from R.C. Thompson's to C. A
A. Dougherty's, near D. W. Lyons, in Dell town
Report of viewers laying out a publio mad In
tbe township cf Sandy, from tbe foot or Main
treet, in the town or Dalloli, to the Railroad
i tat ion in said town.
Report of viewers vacating and sopplylns? ft
piece of a road leading from Durnside to New
Waa biaeton on what is called tbe Riddle Hill
Report of viewers refuting to lay nut a public
roaa imwj me residence or i hoi. Mitchell s, on
tbe Kelly rnsd, In Rurnsidc townibip, to the
Dornuirn or nurui'ie-
Report of viewer! laying out a public road
irom i;urwe3iviire to tne Cherry Tree, through
Pike, Penn, Greenwood, Bell and Burnslde town
ships. saw ROADS,
Petition or eltlsensof Bradford township, for
app-lntment of viewers to view and vacate a
township mad wbton haa been laid out from
Mark Kyler's to Jonathan Wisor's, In Bradford
township. Head, and Thomas Moore, 0, 0. Buck
and Georjie Albert appointed viewers.
Petition or citiiensof Bradford township, for
viewers in vacate mat part oi pusito mid laid
out and opened from Clearfield pike near Wood
land Brick Works (lower yard) to James Parks,
In said township. Read, and Thorn a Moore, 0.
0. Buck and Will lan Peters appointed viewers.
Petition of eitisens nr Chen and Burnslde
tnopi, f(.r a rosd from n estover, in Cheat town
ship, to Grant, Indiana county. Preiented, and
T. W. Moore, Joseph Hutnmerville and John C.
Mitchell appointed viewers.
Petition fore review of a mad laid out from
W estover to public road leading to Newburg, In
teraeetlng the same at Henrv Kitchens. Pre
seated, and Jamea Mitchell, D. W. Moore and
John Lytic appointed viewers.
Petition of o it tien of Union townihip for a
puone roai irom a point near ntoweii 's mtu, In
said township, to a point near Heme Camp school
house, In said township. Read, end L. Bird,
J no, o. Hewitt and J. Miles Drossier appointed
Perl Ion of eitiseni of Covtngtoo township for
viewers to vacate a public road, leading from the
oriflge acron tne mouth of Deer creek, in laid
townbip, to tbe lower end of Keating public
landing, in said townahip. Read, and Lawrence
flood, Lherlee Kabnarrs and William Miller ap
pointed viewers.
Petition or eltiisns or Covington township,
asking that the public rjad loading from Susque
hanna river near month at Deer crock to a point
on tha Caledonia road, in Covington to wnahip,
be vacated. Read, and Lawrence Ptood, Cberlei
Scbnarrs, and We, Miller appointed viewers.
Petition of the eltiiens of Iiloom townahip, to
vacate and supply that part of the Paeservilie
and Hock ton public road in Bloom townihip line.
Presented, and T. W. Moore, Jackson Donsall
and Samuel Hollopnter appointed viewers.
Petition of eitisens of Greenwood townibip, for
a public rosd to lead from forke of a publio road
at corner uf David Geia' field to a point oo a
survey of public mad, now about to be opened,
leading Irom Aaron Neweomer's, in Greenwood
township, to Priedlioe's, in Bell townihip, at or
near tbe nortneait corner of David Johnson's
farm, in Greenwood township.
Petition of eltiiens of Graham and Bradford
townships, for tbe vacation ol that part uf the
public road leading from Graham's saw mill, in
Graham townibip, about one mile north of Ura
bampten, and ending near Uallow'a harbor, In
Bradlord township. Read, and Thomas Moore,
Jubn McDowell aud John Woolridge, Sr., ap
pointed viewers.
Petition or eitisens or Pike and Lawrence
towmblps, lor a road from John Owen's, tn Pihe
townibip, to month of Hog Back ran, at the
river, in Lawrence township. Read, and James
Mitchell, D. W. Moore and John I. Patterson ap
pointed viewers.
Petition of eitisens of Bradv townshln.for a
road from Bell end Brady township line, near
nun nrner , io roaa near nisnei u nchucker s
grist mill, In Brady townibip. Presented, and
Geo. C. Kirk, H. K, Ginter and John W. Koone
appointed viewers.
i eiition tor a road from near lienj. t'araon s,
in Brady tuwnxbip, to near Seyler'a school home,
in aaid townihip. Presented, and Geo. C. Kirk,
Ihomai Ureckbaak and John N older appointed
Report of viewers rsoomnendinc that the
"Low Bridge" at Clearfield be made a free bridge,
and assessiug tbe damages sustained tu the" Lower
uruge Company thereby at ,g"o. Head and
and approved.
Report ot viewer recommending thst the
"Clearfield Creek Bridge ' be made a free bridge
and aliening tbe damagea occasioned by lac
taking of the same at l,i09. Read and ap
proved. Report of viewers recommending that tbe
"Luuttter City Bridge" be made a free bride, and
aisesiing tbe damages occasioned by the taking
of tbe same at $l,VUu, the Bridge Company Io re
tain mn noasc. need at,d approved.
Peittiea of ettiaene ef Hanly township, for a
county bridge acrose Handy creek at a place
where the public road lo Rockdale crosses said
creek. Reed, endUea. C. Kirk, Dr. H. V. track
man and Alex. Shoe appainied viaweri.
iinoa oi ciusena or item lownsnin. ventre
county, for a bridge nereis Moihanuon creek at
Osceola Mills, laid creek being tbe lino between
Clear field and Centre ceunttea. Read, and John
L. Cattle, Devtd Uear a art end Jacob P. Slelner
appointed viewers.
I'etitiea of emsews ef Hell township, for 0
bridge screes Susquehanna river at n polat where
road New Washington crosses said Hear near
the widow Wet isli, In said township, Read, aod
8. P. McCloskey, Robert Mabafiey and James
MoGbee a p pel o ted viewers.
Return of the sale of Ibe real estate cf James
Lingle.lateof Goihen township, dtceaaed. tiled,
and confirmed niei.
Return of tbe sala or the real si'ate of Chaa
W, Leonard, decerned. Piled, and eouflriaed
a in'.
Return uf mU of Ihe real estate nf Jerome
B sum gar drier, late of lltiutsdale, deoeaied. Filed,
and ooufirmed niti.
Return of sale of the real estate of Wm. L.Rlihel,
late of Lawrence township, deceased, t iled, end
OOP firmed hi si.
Return of sale of the real estate of Samuel W i do
oms, late of Peon (uwA'bijr, deceased. Piled,
and confirmed niii.
Return of sale of the real estate of Samuel
Caldwell, late of Pike township, deceased, piled,
and confirmed nisi,
Rettrn of sale of ihe real ertateof Geo. M
Nolder, doceaeed. Filed, end confirmed wr'W.
Return uf sate of the real eitate of James
Freline, late wl Covlt-gton Uwnihip, deceased.
Filed, and confirmed ait,
D. W. Muore was appointed Guardian of Mary
E. Irvin, minor ol ild of Wm. V. Irvln, late ol
Bornside, deceased.
John P. Pent a was sppointcd Guardian of
Martha Jane J a ret, miuor child of Sprankle
Watkina, late of J e Her ion county, deoeaied.
Jemee C. 0-veni wai appoiotud Guardian of
Martha M., Elisabeth M., Blanch, Aaron ti. aod
Allen S. Fulton, minor obtlJren of Alexander
Fulton, late of Burnt ida townibip, deceased.
W. A. llanrty, Eur, Bled bis report, dis
tributing the balance in tbo bandi of tha eJuitnie
trator ol Miles Davis, Iste of Becoaria township,
deceased. Confirmed nisi.
Oioar Mitchell. Eio , filed bis report, diitrllmt-
ing the money in the naiida of Anthony title, Ad'
tuiutitrator uf Robert Young, deceased. Cob
firmed niai.
Order granted Tor tbe sale or the real estate
situate In Clearfield county, late Ihe property of
George B. Kelly, late of Huntingdon
Ceaeed, for payment of debts.
Order granted for isle of the reel eitate of
Francis M. Fulton, Iste cf Buiniide township,
deceased, for payment of debts.
order granted i. 11. Hurray, K,q., Uuardian of
W. Irvin, Laura M., Daisy P., Helen G., and
Nannie 1. Shaw, minor children of A, 11. Shaw.
late or Clcarlield borough, deceaied, for ealeol
certain real oatate.
J. K. Turner was apnoWftvd Borgcis, and Wm
Lyman and Andrew klear Councilmen for the
borough ol Wallaceton, to fill the vacanvira oc,
eaiioued by the removal from said borough of
me nurgess and two tounenmon.
Rule granted on J. G. Schryter, Samuel Bell,
A . M. H loom, 8. P. Shank, Henry Markle and J.
S. Showers, Directors of the Independent school
diitric: ot Weit Clearllcld, to ahow came why
they should nut be removed, their places deolnrcj
vacant, aud Directors appointed in their a lead
lor their failure to provide a sufficient number of
souoois and teep tne lame open as provided by
Alflra Krlse vs. 0. II. Krise No. 21 June
Term, 1MHI. Hub. Sir. Dinrc: Oscar Mitchell,
Ei",., appointed Commissioner to take testimony.
Martha Delia! vs. James B. Delteas. No fl
March Term, J KHO. Sb. Sr. liturr. F. A.
Fleming appointed Commissioner to take testi
mony. Oicar Mitchell, Eia., was appointed Auditor
to dispose of tbe exceptlona to the account of
Margaret A. incaey, Administratrix oi n.o
Die key, dee'd.
A. A. Adams, Esq., was appointed Auditor to
diitrioute balance in tne bands ol tns Adminis
trator of John U. Rafferty, dee d.
T. J. MoCullongh, Esq., was appointed Audi
tor lo hear and decide eieeptious to the return
of partition of the real estate of Jubn Rora
baugb, doo'd.
W. A. llagerty, Lsq., was appointed Auditor
to distribute the balaooc la the bauds of tbe Ad
ministrator or John Darmoy, lata of Covington
township, deo'J.
iritw noHot uns.
The citlieni of DiiHoil presented a petition
ssking that the town be incorporated es a borough.
The petition wai laid before tbe Grand Jury, and
thev returned that It Is eipedient to grunt a
Charter nf Incorporation for the town of OuBols
as prayed for by the petitioners. The report of
the Grand Jury win oc eonnrmoa ai tne January
Term. 1BSI, unlesi exceptions are filed in Ibe
meant ime.
Court adjourned on Thursday, Oot. tb, until
the 3'Hh Init.
The Law op TagspAHs. Wo clip
the following from an exchange, tbo editor or
which Is a lawyer, and we suspect he knows what
the law Is tn tbe subject. He says : " Some per
sons think thst the sign boards forbidding bunt
ing, fishing or trespassing upon private lands
are or little account and that they may be disre
garded with Impunity, This Is e mistake, as the
law makes it an act of trespass lo go on cultivated
or enclosed lands for at y purpose without per-
Isslon of tbe owner, even if there Is no sign
board, and the owner la entitled to recover actual
damages for such trsspari. Where the sign
boards are properly erected any person who tres
passes opoa tandi to guarded is liable not only
to pay the actual damsgea but also penalty not
exceeding $25, If, however, tbe owner wishes
to avail himself of the proviilons of the law, he
must make bis sign board comply with Its re
quirement!. There auil be at least one sign
board, not less then a foot square, to every fifty
acres of land, upon the lot lines, upon the shores
or banks of the lake, stream or pond, which It Is
intended to protect, or In a conspicuous place
upon tbo grounds that ere to be thus protected.
Any person who defaces, Injures or destroys each
'go Is guilty of n tni idem ran or and Is liable to
a penally of $-15."
Clearpielu Coal Trade. State
ment of Coal and other freights sent over the
Tyrone A CleorDeld Division, Pennsylvania RslL
road, for the week ending October Id, 1880, and
the lame time last year :
For the week
Same time last year.,..
Previously during year
8ame time last year
Total in
Same time last ytar
... 41,(118
... 42,SM
. 1,109,003
. 1,132,610
69 3R3
M &8,t)20
Lumber i:tB cars.
Miscellaneous freights ...1611 "
Mo re's have tho cheapest hoots in
You cannot go amiss in anything
you want if you call at T. A. Fleck A IVs.
Tho best fitting corset over made
le now to be found at T. A. Fleck A Co.'a.
Logmen, bear in mind that Moore's
Is the only place ynu can get Perkin'i boots and
shoes In the county. Srpt. 33 4t
Now is tho time to get your over
coats ftt H irlinger A Rook's cheap for caib or in
exrhange for grain Sept. 2B 3t
MOOBK-III'SII.-On Thnr.iL.. 8opt.
1 SHO, at the r..l,lpnn of th. brMa fath.r, tj th.
Re.. fltrip 0. lUfrtr, Mr. Rotwrt Moore, of
lloittsittle, t'l..rnld county, to ML. Aon Hopln.
Bulb, or Jobnltowtl, r.
Mrt'OY BPlrH M lU H. I. rlona,r,
DIM Hap., og, Hrpt. 2Vtb, I", J
K.r. r. A'Lmt. Mr. llok.M L. MtC.j, of
-rt,', X Hoiila, tad Miaf li.ttii A. Spto. of
BrilOCII-I.riTT In TrooltllH, on Thun.
d.T, Out Tib, hr Hat. John Wolbaoh, Mr.
Ijaoi.l Kntorh, of Brad, townrbip, Clrarfi.ld
eonnly, and Mia Catharine Lott, of Ilenderaon
townibip, Jeft.nun eonnt,.
I'IKRCB K I'Hrt. At Ih. oDIef the oOrl
nlin, Ju.tir,, on Mondar, Oat. ,th, Iftfil), b, A.
J. fry, Kra, Mr. Moe Pierr., of New
ton borough, t'karft.ld oountj,, and Mipa Mioerrn
Kohn, of Head townibip, Cambria ennnt,.
KB I'll ART PIlftl'R At the rrildenee of
tbe bnde'i parent., on Thuriday, ept. Stub, 1880,
hr H.e. W.U. W light, Mr. J. A. Kephari, or
Iterator townihip, Cl.arn.ld eouoty, end Mil,
Clara B.Rbopo,ot Uo,c townibip, Centre count,.
WILSON In Janespille. on Ralunlay, flept.
alb, IMil.of diphtheria, Ella May, daus-hler of
Jamas W. ami Relic Wilton, a fed 4 years, 5
lontbs aod tt days.
WILSON In JeneSTltle, on Saturday, Oct.
Id, IShO, ef diphlberia, Clarence L eon of Jamea
W. and Rail Wilson, aged II years and 31 days.
MURRAY. At his reiidenne la Qirard town-
ehip, on Saturday, October ih, I JO, of typhoid
pneumonia, William Murray, aged 69 years, T
months and 1? days.
Tbe deoeaied bsd been ill only about ten dayt
He was a son cf John and Mary Murray, with
whom ba earns le this county, a bis Infancy, on
the 7th or April, 1121. He was an inoleof Tbos.
11. Murray, &q., ef this borough. He endnred
any of the privations and hardships ei per lanced
by those ho began life at that early day In thla
(then wilderness) region. He wai aa Induitrt-
ons, honest, nnoltretlre man, aa eaeellent cltl-
sen, and faithful Is sll ths relations of life. His
place In tho community will tot be easly (tiled.
Ho learec n wife and two young children to
mean tbe untimely loie.
For abent rlht yrars past, be bed been a con
sistent msmbsr cf the V, B. Cfaurrh. Bnddenly,
as he was brought dewa ta tho JorJan of death,
ha waa aotanprepsred. As hie wife andchilarew,
his brother nnd si iters gathered aboat hl, he
aasured tbem that he was prepared to die. His
faith in Christ wai strong an I abiding, md he
gars good tcHimoay of bis acceptance with God.
MArninrti, Err All persons wanting n first-
vMmmm uwwtuff mwgisf soouiu ouy toe mw im
proved Ligbt-Kunninf Weed, for sale by Jubn S,
Beers, Clearfield, Pa., or Miles H. Beers, dealer
In Machines and Organs, Iteynoldsvllle, Pa.
may IVih-oui
Wamtip. Delivered at tne Rail Road.
lflt),npe 211. Inch shaved ihingles.
1 n MOO it-lneb sawed shingles.
100,000 feet of pine boards.
00,()ilO 14-reetenaved hoops,
o.onil railroad ties.
60,000 feet vt good hemlock boards.
Fur which 1 will pay the highest market price.
delivered at Clearfield, or at any point on the
Tyrone A Clearfield Kailrod.
J. t. Krahim.
Clearfield, Pa., Oct. 16, 1878 tf.
Own II ii upftRD Pin fin nr. Diiooimv on Old
PmciH. Sewing Machines oan now be purchased
at Merrrdl's lin and variety store, from $Ab up
wards. All kinds uf sewing machines repaired
on the shortest notice.
Clearfield, Pa., July 18, 1877.
Collxcvoh'i Fa tns We have prepared
a form, end have on hand ft large quantity, of
blank "Collector's Sales," which have been a
proved by the highest legal autburlly In I
Court! of this county. At Tioeniy Venlt per
dosen we will mail any number to tbe Collector
ordering tftem. A Lol eetnr. when compelled io
advurtisc lroprtr. must cost up not iesa than
three nolioes in tha tnoit publio places In bis
uoruugu or townsnip. u
Just Jtoeclveil.
Just liocivcil l.y ARNOLD, l
Cnr Loud Nova Kcotia rianlor!
Cur Load pure Com, Ifyo and Outs
uitop i
Cur Load Denkou Still !
Cur Loud of Clioico Kumily Flour 1
Cur Loud Dry (ioods, (Irocorios.ic!
rjr8lnni;loii, Bark. li. II. Tics nnd
(i fit in will be tnkon in exchnngo.
Curwotidvillo, May 1, 1878.
ClbarfiilDj Pa.,
Flour, per cwt
Iturkwhrat Flour, per ewt
Corn Meal, par ewt
Chop, rye, ierowt
Chop, mixed, t er cwt
Ilran, per cwt
Whoet, per bu.liel
Rye, per bu.bel
Out,, per huihcl
Corn, can, per huihel
Buckwheat, per bn.bel leed ,'
Timothy ,eed..) ,
Potntoee, per buihel
Applea, per buibel
Kami, per pound
Hhoulder, per pound Hl
Dried Uecf, per pound
Chlckeni, per pair
Rutter, per pound
Kltffi, per doten
Halt, per lack, large
Coal Oil, per gallon
Lard, per pound
Dried Apple., per pound
Dried Pvachel, per pound
lleaua, per buibel
Oct. 12th, IfcSO.
$J 00
I fcfl
1 8(1
1 "0
I 40
1 00
I l0
J n
1 24
1 Oil
1 on
JWiit gulwtisrmfttts.
Slate Normal School,
Iil H.UINll. the bait of tbe kind In Ihe Tolled
Statai. '
SCHOOL, fir,! clan in all reipecla.
DKPA ItTMIvNTS Normal, Claitical, Commer
cial, Moiical
Til K K.U.I, TK11M of IA wtiki will open on
Monday Sep'l 6, 1880.
EXPENSES, aa low as thoie of any other ichool
affording equal a J vantage and acconimo-la-tlons.
For Catalogue, ad J re si
Ianuaa, Pa., July 14th, 1880. 8m.
Valuable Ural Eslale !
BY rlrtuc of an order of the Orphans' Court of
Clearfield oounty, tbe undersigned Admin
Uirator of the estate or Ueorge B. Kelly, dee'd,
will sell at public sale on tbe premises in the
borough of lloutidale, Clearfield oounty, Pa., on
Monday, November 1st, 1880,
At IO O'Clork A. M.,
All of the interest of ssld decedent in the follow
ing deter i he d real estate. Tie : All that certain
lot of ground situate In the horeujrh of Ifoutsdale.
county of Clearfield and State of Pennsylvania,
front inn on llriuMn it., about 3d feet, and running
bark loan alley railed ttpruee alley about one
hundred and ntty reel, and being tne one-hair or
lot known in the plan of lloutidale as lot No. 29,
boon iled by lot of Ilouts heirs on one iile, and
tbe ether part of said lot on tbe other side, bar
ing thereon erected a two-story frame building
.Ux io reel, with a two-story kitchen attached to
it 1 0x2H feet, and outbuildinjra. Tbo sums is now
used as n bote) property.
One-half rash at time of sale, and the residue
In one jear Irom the day of sale with interest, to
ba scoured by Rood and Mortgage or Judgment
Bond. w u. HKLLl.
Adin'r of estate nf (J. fl. Kelly, dee d.
Clearfield, UoL 6ih, IMIML
fflHK underriicned has arrlredat the conclusion
to sell oil all his store goods and n large
amount of other personal property on bis prem
ises, at Ml'L.SOMJt )UJ. at a public Auetioo,
eotnmenoiog on
Tuesday, October 12th, 1880.
At 10 o'clock A. M., and lo eon tine-) from dwy lo
day until all Ibe goods end property named are
diiposed of at whatever price they may bring.
The properly oonsiMs of S TOR K UOOIM OPAI.L
HINDIS, such as cloths, satinetle, cassiineres,
murlins, delaines, linen, drillings, eslieoei, trim-
rninfts, ribbons, lace, reaJy-made clothing, boots
and shoes, hata and cups all of tlx best material
and made to ordrr hoes, sockr, gloves, mittens,
CctTi-c, tea, sugar rlcs, molafses, fUh.ielt pork,
linseed oil, va oil.oarbon oil. Ilardware.queene'
ware, tinware, inga, plows aod plow calling?,
nan, spiKi'S, corn cultivators, eider prssies, and
all klndi ot axes. 1'tr turnery, painta, rarnlih,
gla, end a funeral atPirtmeut of alationery upu
ally kciit in a oountrr store.
AI.M-, llOKMCH ebd t ATTLK, a two bone
wagon, a tiro-horse oatriaa;e, and a spring wagon,
together with a lot of farming u ten Mil and other
pir lunar property too numerous to mention.
amounting to lees than 110 mutt bo paid upon
tbs delivery of tbe property, On eales orcr $10,
a eredit ofaii montliawill begiren by furniihing
a'proea seeurtty, or a discount ot b per cent,
will be made on tbe bid If Ihe caib Is tendered.
I, M. COriiRIET.
Fa'0chllls, Pa., September 34, lSHO-tf.
Desirable Real Estate !
Estato of Hichard Sha-w, Sr., Doo'd.
rIIR nnderrltrne-l, Tiaentora ef the eitate of
i. ItlCIIAHIl NIIAW, Kr., dereaM, will nffer
at pahlieialot Ihe CUI'RT IIUII8K. In th. bor
ough of Clearfield, Pa., on
Mondriy, December Cth, I8S0,
AT 1:30 O'CI.IH'K P. M
The followin, Talnabl. real aitaU, via :
Tba llire. .tore RRICK HOTRI, nrnnarte,
corner of Market and Firet atraotj. 1. the bor
ough of Clearfleld, anown at
'Tho Shaw House
Fronting with twolotsof ground thereto belonging
Mh 300 reef na Market street, and llfO
- feet oo Mrst street, with a two -etory
I I lM dwelling hnaae atiaehed. The ho
wlIuI Prof,t nt 'ix,7 bed-rooms end
.-.v4il all eonveaiencea for a flret-elaas
hotel One of tbe most desirable hotel properties
In Central Pennsylvania.
The abora will be cold together with n Iwa
story frame dwelling hone on Market street, ad
Jaceat to the Hotel, and one other frame dwelling 1
house and a two itory store oniidina;, ail fronting ;
on Market street. Also, a frame dwelling hnuse i
fronting on First street, j
ALSO. All thet certain lot known In Ihe
pi ah ol Clearfield boron a; b as Lot Ho
Ironllng sO feet on Locust otreel, run-
aing bark 173 feet, more or Iesa, to an alley I' a
with dwelling bouse andallaecesSBry out
buildings th i eon t reeled, aad other improrements.
One-third cash at dellrrry of good daed, and
tbe balsnee to be secured by bond and mortgage,
payable In one and twr years, with Interest.
A. B. I II AW,
BorrMng Kx'rs of Richard Shaw, Sr., dee'd.
Clfarfleld, Pn., Dec. I, iRfiMi.
r Ot( nirKlli:i.S3,-aeorge Weaver A Ce
ell, want lire thousand bushels of OATS, now,
and will pay cash or produce.
Clearfield, Pa Aug. II, 1671-tr.
11 underslrned reildinc In Uulich township,
hereby kItos public notice to those parties who
are in the habit of trespassing on his premises, as
well as ell others who may be Inclined to commit
in -amo wrong, inet tbey mast aerisi nerearier.
I will enforce the lawagsinst all persons without
respect to partlei fmiod hunting or strolling
otermy preuiisss without n,y oncnt. A word
to tbo wire should be suDlcionL
Harney, Out. 0th, 180 3l.
IsiTHA Y.-Kstrsyed from the premises of
J tbe Hubieribar, reiiiiin In Rlobin township,
ou or about the lUib of Heptitnber, cne larne red
and one white cow with bell on, will be fresh
about the 1st of October, and about nine ysars
oict. Also, one red and one white belter one year
olj, with hell oo. I will pay Itoernlly for infor
mation that will lead to tbe teeorery of my proti-
My poitcfflne aUilren Is forest r. U.,
Clearfield County, Pa,
bept. IWth, 18 Sli t,
AI) M I I Hi It A T4 It 'fl NOI I C B. Notice
la hereby girm that Letters of Adtntnis.
tration on the eaUte of WM. HUH. UK, Isle
ef Clearfield borough, Clearflsld Co., Pa., dee'd,
basing been dnly granted to Ihe undersigned, all
persons indebted to said estate will pleese mike
immediate payment, and those having claims or
demands attains! Ibe same, will present them
properly authenticated for settlement without
WM.D. IlKILtiit,
Clearfield, Pa., Sept. 1, mO-ot.
Farm For Sale.
Tbe Subscriber now offers his farm for sale.
The property Is located one mile and a half north
of Clearfield, containing Lldll l V AI HKM,
most of which is cleared and under good cultiva
tion, good two-story "L" hoase, large frame barn
and other neceeiary outbuilding, together with
an orchard of all kinds of fruit. Tbe whole Is
underlaid with a vein of good coal. This prop
erty will be exchanged forsmsller property. i't
further particulars oall on Ihe premliss, or by
letter addreiied to JOHN C. HKKD,
dep lumber 1, 18S0-3m. Clearfield, Pa,
OH TINW Altlfi, II A It I) VV A It E,
ant nil kinds of
. B. M KliHEI.I,, . Agent,
CLEARFIELD, FA. June I, 'SO. tf.
iinj IS 3m.
Thomas A. Duckett,
field and the iu
notice to the ritisena of Clear.
urrounding vicinity that I am
prepared at all time to furoiib famlliei and
manufacturing eilabllsbments with a snperior
quality of
Coal, Wood Coke,
Which I am prepared to deliver In a few hours'
ootice. I am alweya ready to haul and delirer
Irom and to the depot, or anywhere elae, and
mora lira i lies and household goods anywhere on
snort notice. THOH. A. ULCKKiT.
Clearfield, Pa., Mar. II, lKSo-tf.
Valuable Real Estate I
rMV. undenlgned, Exeentors of JoSEPII
X RbT, deceaied, late of Hampden township,
m ber I and county, Pa., will sell on
Wednesday, October 20th, 18S0,
a s i i i l.iii sw ui..
At the Court House, la Ct ear 11 eld town, Clear
field county, Pa., the following described Real
niiate, ris r-
Firctot ISTo. 1.
Unimproved This tract Is eovered with Timber.
such as Pine, Oak, Chestnut, Hemlock, etc., and
underlaid with minerals, such as Lead and Coal,
bounded as follows : On the eest be Clearfield
creel, en tne nortn and west by John H. ( base,
being a part of a larger tract of land called the
" Susanna Ward Tract," layina in hnox town,
rrsvoi xv o. id.
Unimproved. This Is a valuable property for Its
mineral sm-b ea coal that it contains aud Ihe
advantage ol taking it out bounded as follows :
On ibn north by Hoi onion Hall man and John U,
those, on tbe east by lands of Churchman and
Tract No. O,
Unimproved. This Is without a doubt a valuable
property, with itaanpnoaed inexhaailible mineral
iuch as coal and lla advantage, laying la a
direct line with tha Houtadale Coliery Railroad,
within two or three miles of tha above-named
tracts of land and eventually must pass through
inoseiaaus. ibis tract is bounded as follows:
On Ihe south by tbe lands of tbo Houla beire.
on the west by W. II. J.iy, etc. These t we laat
traels art lying in Woodward townibip, Morgan
nun pawing inroitgn.
Persons winbing to see any of these traots een
do so by calling on John I. Coder, living nrar tbe
properties, fie will give any or all information
about ibeje properties, or on the undersigned Bs-
eoutera, living in Cumberland county, 1'., or
ootomunicatiun will be received at Kberly'e Mills
Twenty per cent, of the purohese money tu be
paid when the property is stricken on, tne bal-am-e
to be pa4 on the first day of April, Isol,
when poM-ai n and title will he given.
Rbrrly's Mill, Cumberland Co , Pa., Be p. lite
The News Fran
Boots and Shoes,
ats and CapjJ
h F."l:l::: G::;;
That Ever Came Into the
rifirlrll, Pa, f. !. IMI Inj.
I ' 5
Curwcnsvillc, Pa.
Wholesale Dealer in
Boots, Shoes, Groceries,
I buy direct from jobbers nnd innmifiictiirerrj, receive (roods at
car loud rates, lience can compete with New York nnd Pliilndel
phin houses.
Also, Dealer in
Saw Logs, Lumber, Shingles and Bark.
Parties having bark to haul during the Winter, can contract
and receive liberal advances. Also, advances made on Saw Logs.
Give mc a call.
Cept. Ill, ISSO tr.
WE INVITE the people of Clearfield and vicinity to the
inspection of our largo and well selected stock of
Gent's Furnishing Goods,
As we buy for cash only, we are enabled to give our patrons
every possible advantage. Our line of piece goods, especially
adapted to Merchant Tailoring, is complete. We employ only
first-class workmen, and are prepared to make suits at short notice
and unusually low prices.
We tender our thanks for past favors, and solicit your future
Room No. 4, Pie's Oicra House 151ock, Clearfield, Penn'a.
September 29, 1880-tf.
All kintla of CnrkeU ant) Coftlm kept on bind, nj lurninlied to order on
hort nolico, including tlio fineat well
tnottircu iiir
oonpsn riiEsjinviin
la tlio bunt In lino, and will ba furniahed
in any part of the county. Call at
your ortlcra at Trontman'a Forniluro
oct 1,70 ty.'
JUur aflrrrtiiSfmrnts.
OSKY TO I.OAM.-Oa first-class Im-
jS-TfL prv-a iria properly, DJ IDC Mutual Itiie
In i u re nee Com pan r uf New York, on Brat mort
gage, In sums from l,ooi p. por further in
furmaliua afpl; tatbe unrirrsigned.
Clearfield Pa., ilaj 7lk, 1879 tf.
AHMICIlbKI-'jai MITUF Tn Whom It
May I'oiiram s The undersigned, baring
been appointed Assignees for tbe benefit of credi
tors by Jss. R. (Irshttm, or Clearfield bornnxb, all
per een, therefore, claims against bim will
pre een I lba to as for seUlsment, and those in
det ad to tbe said 'Irak am are required lo settle
and make payment to us.
Bl'esnu a. liltlLHK,
Clearfleld, Pa., Dec. S4, ISV9 tf ) Assignees.
IXKCHTOH'Sl NOTICIC Notice) is here.
J by fiven thst Letters TeitemenUr an the
eitate cf JOHN R VAttlHT, laU of Kartbaas
township, ClearttelJ cneelr, Pennsylvania, do
ceased, having been daly granted to the nader
sinned, all persons Indebted to said estate will
please make immediate payment, and those bar
ing eiaims or or me oca against tbe same, will
preeent them nrcMrlv authenticated fir settle
ment Withont delay. J. VT. I'OTTltK,
Kartbaus, Pa,lep. IJ, (It,
is hereby given that letters ef Admlnltra
litm 08100 01810 01 OkKUNWDilD MiCKAt K
KN'.late of Knot township, (.'learfleld oounty. Pa.,
deceased, having boon duly granted ta the under
signed, all parsons Indebted la said estate will
i lease male imeieaiare payment, ana nose anv
ig claims or demands s re-tost the earns will pre
sent these properly anlheitirated for aettleaaoaL
witboat delar. JOHW MrCMCKIN,
anesiBiBiraiv u.
!frw Mlllfnrt, Pn., Pspl. V, Hut nt.
, lUisrrtlanrcsK.
- s s
na o
g.e 2
a. n
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a a. n
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2 g 5
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.83 -3
?.hj Si
C mi'i a.
a a -o .
3 T w Z
4 a a
to 2
I-. w
at tlio cheapest that can be mann-
when rcnuired. Fonerala attended
my oflire. on Second atrect. or leare
Sicrc, adjoining the I'oatoffice.
J.iri. 1-. ijKAVy,
Clearfield, Pa.
Cerw.nirllle, P., Jan. t, 'J lf.
BF.M fOR PAI R. Tbirlw. al.M t
Italian He .ble. I will well ...a, far
eaah, w eaehen.e for wheal. Far fwrther In
fametlan oall .. t aoMrtel the nder.l.eej.
J.f. K KAM KR,
Nee t, t If.', Pa.
a .
1' and Pin.t.wnihlfi,ClaarleldMnntf. ST
heMonanl. tlaiecteen Inrpartof pnrebaa. rVg
B.nav. Price IS 00 I. flf.M per a.f.
Minera'a raeerfed. L. BIRD . A ran I.
Pena.M, Pa.
r WiLLatrt A Knnaa,
P.t It, H lt.,
Pine Timber for Sale I
The ndsrsigned offers for sale en easy terms,
three and one half million foot of pin rsnssr on
two tracts of lead In Centre county. One with
two and ono-balf million, situate test ml lee from
Howard Statins., B. I. V. li. ft., end the witter,
with oae million feet, seven snllee from said sta
tion. Uood streams of water running lee gib wise
through each tract.
HI mm im rt $H per rAMNaf.
Tracts also contain ask and hemlock. Other
nine oak and ham leek timber la the neighborhood
for Hie. Ueod location for nerublt saw mill.
m CVR18U0RD0N.
rieaifield, Pn., 0ept 1st, UM at.