Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 13, 1880, Image 1

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rtir largeat Circulation eraiiy Newspaper
In orih Central Penneylvaula.
Terms of Subscription.
If paid in advance, or within 1 mootha....? OO
If paid after 3 and before aaontba ft so
ii raid after tba axplratton of 6 montba... 3 IN)
Rates ot Advertising.
Tr-ntlent advortlaamente, par aquareof lOIluetor
rt, A titnee orleaa $ 60
fur aaeb euheequent InMrtloD 0
A Iminiitratori' and Kieeutcra' notleea. t 60
Vuditora' notlcei I fit
CiuMontand RttrayB 1 &0
Dirmlutlon notice! I
ProrVii'inel Carde, & Uoat or leai,l year...- h 00
I, tal nntirai.par Una H .......... SO
iiur tl 00 I i eolama.. $50 00
3 tuaree... II 00 I j column.. 70 00
.1 marea... SO 00 1 eolnmn.. ISO 00
sCaiqtfrg' Cards,
j j w. SMITH,
Clearfield, Pa.
1:11 Phllipiburg, Centre Co., Pa. yipd
CurweBarille, Clearfield oounly, Pa.
oet. II, '7S-lf.
-Ofce in lie Opera Hcrnee. Oct", '
n n.
Attounvs and Counselors at Law,
clearfield, pa.
January SO, 1879.
Clearfield, Pa.
pf- Office one door eeal of Sbaw Hontt.
nfli.-e in Maconlo building, Second alreet, op
ji.ite Ibe Court Houae. J.26,'78tf.
J Clearfield County, Penn'a.
ap Jo-ly in Opera lloute.
4r(ITii'e In the MapolIo Bulldintr, over tbe
County National Bank. uiare 8U,
,i'rron.i'f:r-r.r..i h,
r-VIII attend to all leial bu.lnen wltb
pMJOiptneai and fidelity feh 1 1,'
flinar r. wallaci.
joaa w. wntaLir.
I T (Suaeiiora to Wallace A Fialdinft,)
jui.1'77 Clearfield, Pa.
(Ifllre ur.r tho Ouanty Natloaal Bank.
June 111, '7Stf.
g L. Mc(SEE,'
DuBoie, Clearfield County, Penn'a.
erWill attend promptly to all legal boelneea
enlru.ted to bia eare. jaoil, '80,
Tmii, a. Hnanar.
OTaoa soanoa.
afr-Office Id Ple'a Opera Ilooae, lecond floor.
fuRara a. h'bnallt. dahibl w. a'cuanr,
( IcarOeld, Pa.
fit" Legal bnainea. attended to promptly wltbj
ildcllty. umoe on second alreel, above tbe rtret
National Bank. Jan:l:7e
Real BaUte and Collection Agent,
Vitl promptly attend to all legal bullaeea ea-
tntitcd to ma eare.
drOflioe ia Pie'a Opera Hoaae.
All legal bnllneai rntraitod to hla oart will re
ceive prompt atlaotloa,
JMrOflee la tbe Coart Hoaae.
nd Heal Rotate Agent, clearHeld, Pa.
Office on Tbird atreet, bet. Cherry A Walnat,
tWRoapoolfullj oferi hla aerrloo. la .oiling
and buying landa la Clearfield aad adjoining
eeiattea aad wtta aa azparteneaol over twenty
y.ara aa a aareeyor, flatten hlmaelf tbat be oaa
randor elliiaetioa. IFeb. ll:S:tf,
I'liysidnus' Cards.
Office la realdeBCa on Firel at.
April U, 1171. ClearlUld, Pa.
Will attead prefeaalonal ealla promptly. augl0'70
JJR. T. J. liOIER,
Office oa ilarkel Street, Clearfield, Pa,
Office boon: I to II a. ai., and 1 to I p. m.
dr-Offioe adjnialag the reaideace of Jamet
Wrigley, Kae,., oa Seeoad St, Cloarleld, Pa.
Julyll.'II tf.
R. n. n. VAN VAI.ZAII,
ptr Office II to t P. M.
May It, im.
Late Hargeoa of the ltd Reglmeat, Panniylraala
eoiaaaeora, aaelag relaraea rrom tae Army,
efface kla profeaaieaal lorTlaoi la tkoeitiaeaa
t of Cloarleld ooaaty
T jadr-Profaaal.aal ..III promptly
Office ea Boooad ftroel, (ermerly
i DjWeoda.
eueaded to.
aoeapled by
(eprt.'M tf
Ilea aaatly oaoeatod at tkia office.
GEO. B. G00DLANDEE, Editor
Wo hare printed a larg. onmber of tbo b.w
PEE BILL, and will on the reoeipt of twenty.
I.. Acta, wiail a moot to any .ddree. obtSJ
71LUAM M. IIEKKY, Justice
T T or tn riici Attn BcmviBtn, LUMUEK
CITY. Collection! made and money promptly
paid over. Artiolea of a( t and deedt o(
conveyance neatly aittauted and warranted cor.
ract or ao charge, ivy 71
lattice of the Paaet and Scrlvooer,
C'urweuavllle. !
frejuCotteoticnt made and money promptly
paid .ver. fen a J 7111
(oBTKBD a. O.)
ron aniiL Towaanif .
May , tST8.1j " '
MtaLltn "t
Square Timber & Timber Lands,
House and Sign Painter and Paper
Clearfield, Peun'a.
VauWill ezeaute joba in hi, line promptly and
In a workmanlike manner. arr.,67
BAKER, Market Bt., Cltarlleld, Pa.
Freih Breed, Ruik, Rolla, Piel and Caeea
on band or made to order. A general aaaortment
of Confeotloonriee, Fruit, and Natl In atoek.
loo Cream and Oyitere in araaon. Saloon nearly
opposite tbe Poatofline. Prioea moderate.
March l,.-'7tt
Real Esta'.e, Square Timber, Saw legs,
,6rOffloe on b'eoond mreet, In rear of atore
r. ui of (leorgo Wearer A Co. JauK. 'TS-tf.
Ittcalur Toirnhip,
Oaeeola Mill. P. O.
II official bu.lnera ontrapted to him will be
promptly attended to. meMV, 71,
Shop on Market St., oppotlta Court IIQe.
A clean towel for every enrtomer.
Alao dealer In
lift lliaii'la nf TiibKro and CRara.
ru.rfl.M P. "t
WalUceton, Pa.
-9-Ua bai prepared himulf with at) the
necei.ary blank forina under tba I'-Daioo and
Uuuntj' law at well ai blank Uaetlf, ate. All
lefttl matlari antruiteti In bit care will reeeirt
prompt attention. mii jm, ibiv-u.
Market mreet, Irarlicltl, a.,
Harness, Bridlet, Saddles, Collars, and
llorse furnishing Goods.
p4FA kids f repairinif prnraptlr attended
to. tSaddlara' Hardware. I.or-e Uruabra, Curry
Oomhe, Ac, alwaji on bind and for aale at tba
loweat oain price. LMrcD 1V IN'V
ktvPurapB alwaye on baud and Bade to order
an ihort notice. Pipaa bored on reasonable tarma.
All work warranted to render auiiacuon, at
delivered if deilred. mjSiilvpd
liivery tHtable.
TH K anderilftned beg leare te Intortn tbe pab
lie that be now fully prtpar to aecoaiino-
dtate all IB tba way or rarnUning H.tea, Buggiee,
daddlaa and Hameai, oa tbe ihorteat eotlee and
an rauonable tense. Keeidenee on Loenet itraat,
between intra and ronrtn.
t.BD. W. OKA Kit ART.
Ttearfleld, Feb. 4, 1874.
rriHB DdrrfifOflJ, havteg letnaj tble mpj
X modiai H'.tel, le the village of Oltn Hope,
ia now prepartd te aecatnmodate all who nay
eall. My table and bar aba!) be trap plied wiib
tbe Den tbe martat aflnrtit.
Qlen Dope, Pa., Uaroh SO, U7 tf.
Alao.eatenalva uanuftvotBrer and dealer In Square
AituDor ana naweu leumoeroi an auida.
kW'Ordera tollcltrd and all toll promptly
and naaufaotflrari of
a an DIALIB in
Watches, Clocki and Jowelry,
Orakam'$ Rom, tmrktt Areet,
All bind of repairing In my line promptly at
ended to. Jo. Ill, 1871.
Clearfield Nursery.
rfMIl anderilrned, having eauMlibed a Ifnr-
X ry ea the 'Pike, about half way betweea
eBrneia and forwent? lilt, ta prepared to ror
eitb all of FRUIT TKKKSj (atandard and
dwarf,) Kvrrgreena, Bhrabbery, Urapa Vine.
Uooaobcrry, Lewtoa Blaehberry, Strawbsrra.
and Ratpberry Vlnee. Alao, Htberlan Crab Treet,
Wuinte, and early aeaflet KbMbrb, Aa. Urdera
promptly attended to. Add real,
J. l. WHMI1IT,
aep)0 tS.y Curwentvllie, Pa.
F. M. CARD0N & BR0.,
0a Market Bt,one door wetof Mantlon Hoaae,
Oar arm. rm eat a are rf the an out eomrlett
ehereeter tor furniahiag the pablie with Froth
Huate er all atad, and or lae very beat quality.
fVealae deal ia all ktnda ef Agrieelteral lmrjlt.
venta, which we heap on eihitiltioa for the ba-
aBt ef the pvbhe. Call aroand wbaa ta town,
and take a look at tfliag, er addraaa a
Clearteld, Pa., Jaly 14, IMa tf.
Clearfield tnnurnnrt 4grneyt
JAaiai aaaa. cabkoli. ,. ainnn.
Repraeanttha following aa i ether Irat-elaaa Co't
Companies. Aaaeta.
Liverpool London A Globt-U. II. Ur..H,:HiU,r
Lyeomlag on taataalAoajh plana.... A,000,00fl
Pbaanit, of llar(frd, Conn i,U.9Hi
Intaranoe Co, of North Am erica 1,4.13,74
North Br It lib A aaareanttle U. I. Br. l.TH.&flJ
rVknttlah Commeretal U . B. Branch...- tT,l4t
W aterlowB w....... T4 , I a
Travalore (Lift A Aeeldeat) 4,ftft,4a4
OtAae aa Market St., ef p. Coart Hoaae, Clear- j
eld, Pa. Jane i, If -if.
& Proprietor.
How the Pootlcal Campaigner Raltlea
Around In the Fight.
Tbe following poem wet written ly Mr. G. F.
Town tend, Chairman of the Trumbull (Ohio)
County Republican Central Commit la, and firat
publiahed U April, 1873.
Ab ! J u oa ie, lad, tic' newi I har,
Hie' Doujupraiic taunt and aneer
Tbey ca' the namet that grate tbo ear,
Like villain, thief.
While down my heard tear obaiea tear,
Wl' very grief.
In dayt gine by, wl muoite pride,
Wi' holy tpeech and plout atride,
I've reen ye ratikit, title by tide,
wl' godly men ;
An' fame wat peddhn' far an'wid,
Vour prAitai tlioo.
An' when opo' the battle field,
Y'ur k intra i aword juii dcjgu'il to wcii-t,
We a' ripectod buttered tLield,
An' broken erar,
Kreye an inch o'grun' wnd jield,
For love or tear.
Ad' when, again, wl' loud huitai.
We teut ye all to make our lawa,
An' thow iourtel' in Coitgrent haV,
We tho't i'aootb,
Ye was at Arm at granite wa'a,
Far Hicbt and J ruth.
Like AtUt. wi' hit pt.nd'ruui,
Ttiro3g-b l.iative bn'a ye -trode.
While, i emi aig, on your tbouldora broad,
Tbe IN t ion lay j
Ad' ieal an' woe ttood at yoar nod,
To go or ftay.
Hut whin ye tried wi' all your uiibt
To make rebellion 'a bhtideit right.
An' necka dttervin' baltera tight
Ye aouRht to clear,
We taw tbingt In adiilerent Umta,
Awa" up here. -
An' then, again, we'd eauta to fear
That golden moaner, Xoliiliar;
That gull'd tae inony I here and here
Like a tie po. tatted,
Till duubtt arote, if ye wat i!oar,
Or like the rent.
Hut wbeo ja taw tba Trenaury door
An" jutt ayuot tbe ihioio' ore,
Wi' birte-lroh greed, deruandio more,
Ye could na atop :
Hut grlp'l the gold and drap't your pow'r
A wofu' twap.
Ah ! Jamie, 'twat a lucklem day,
When ya made up your mm' to it ray
Fraa bonett patba aaa far away
An' oluiuh wi' greed
Tliat curted relroaetivf pay,
Like ane in m-ed.
Now Uk a frien'i advice, keep oilui.
Got the risht title of I'ncle Sato,
An'atk a tniiiivn to rjiara,
Ur tome tic' corner ;
Abience frar h.ina may prove a balm
For wounded honor.
r-'ae fare ye weel ! the Lord ha wl' yu,
An' muck It comfort my Ha gie you,
An' frae the greed o1 Mammon free you.
An' In the en'
Fttte Patati'a olutchea nfely aee you,
Amen ' Amen !
Prt.m the Orapbio Hemocrat, nrookvllle, Pa.
Hon. Geo. A. Jenks.
Guiiigo A. Junka, tbo Dcihocmlic
condidato Air Supremo Judtro, is in bis
forty-firth year. Jle is tho youngcHt
of ten children, and wan born in 1'unx
sntawnoy, Jefferson county, Pa.,
March 20, 183G. His father, a pliysi
cian, was descended from B Welsh
Qualjr family who were among tho
early settlors of Philadelphia. II is
mother wiih a daughter of tbo Rov. D,
Barclay, u Scoteli Presbyterian minis
lor. When Mr. Jonks was a child, bis
eldent brother, D. B. Jonks, who was
a lawyer, was teaching him to count
a bundled, and casually at-ked him
what business be would follow when
be beeamo n man. The reply was,
"Wait till to morrow morning and I
will tell you." During tho night tho
determination was formed, and tho
next morning communicated by tho
subject of this sketch, tbat he would
be a lawyer. This purpose, so early
formed, was unaltorably fixed. Thence
forward bis every labor and study
was directed to lite purpose ol bis lilo
To there early studies is largely to bo
attributed bis capability to deal with
original legal questions, auch as bo
manifested on tbo impeachment of
Secretary Jielknap, tbo discussion of
tbo Louisiana and Oregon cases before
tbo Electoral Commission, and the do
bato on tbo distribution of tho Geneva
When attending the common sebool,
one of the readers then in nso was the
Introduction to tho English Reader,
In this, ono of tbo lessons was the
story of the "Noble Baskot-makor."
Krora the story the moral was derived
that every man, no difference what
bis circumstances or purposes in lifo
might bo, should learn a trade. This
moral be determined to act upon,
When fourteen years old bis fntbor
died. At sixteen lie entered upon an
apprenticeship of two years to tbo
carpenter and joiner trade. Whon bis
torm oxpirod, ho worked at bis trude,
taught school, and occasionally was
employed at civil engineering, till be
entered college Whilo ongnged in
the latter vocation, in the (Spring of
1855, ho assisted to lay out Omaha, in
Nebraska. In the full of tbat year be
entered the junior class at Jefferson
College, having iu tho mornings and
evenings, while teaching and working
steadily pursued his literary studies.
lie bad been entered as a student of
law before be entered oollego, and tho
lion. W. P, Jenks, who was bis Ktiar-
dian, bad Irom early boyhood, directed
bim in bis legal and literary reading.
Ho graduated at Jefferson Col logo in
tbo class of 185R, and in Pobruary,
1859, was admitted to tho bar, In
Jefferson county, having finished bis
legal studies undor bis elder brother,
I . W. Jenks.
At tbo Septombor torm, 1859, holed
in conducting bia first caso in Court,
which was an all-important ono to his
clients, a widow and her minor chil
dren, whose all was their home, and
that homo was dependent upon the re
sult of tho caso. He was onnoaed bv
the leading legal talent ut the bar,
including Hon. Isaao O. Gordon,
lion. William P. Jonks and Hon.
O. W. Zolglor. Ho won tbe caso and
tlionro lorward was employed in most
of the important causes in his own
county, and bis namo soon became
familiar in many of tho Courts of west
ern and central Pennsylvania, to which
bo was called for the trial of important
When not engagod in tho Courts,
his life has been one of constant atudy
and preparation. Ho novor sought
publio position, but was known as a
Democrat. In tbe fall of 1874 be was
tendered tho Democratic nomination
for Congress in the 25th district of
Pennsylvania, against Gen. Hurry
Whito. Tbo district was hoavily Re
publican, but his personal popularity
and tho tidal wave elected him to tho
41th Congress. Speaker Korr ap
pointed him Chairman of tbo Com
mittee on Invalid Pensions A mas
torly report on the condition and work
ing of tho pension bureau, derived
from investigation by order of tbo
House, bo soon made, and followed
this by a bill which was calculated to
prevent luluro abuses. Bounty land
warrants, which beloro this bad been
personal prororly, and become the
plunder ot a dishonest ring, which at
ono single timo bad (eir.ed upon ovor
ono hundred thousand acres ot land,
were changed to reality, through bis
efforts, and to guarded that only the
rightful owners, their legal heirs or
ussigns, could obtain thorn.
His forensic ability first became
known to tho Houso in a discussion
concerning the character of an Invalid
Pension. He had assorted that an In
valid Pension, for death or disability
of a soldier in the service, in tho lino
of bis duty, was a contract right. This
was denied by soino of tbo leading Re
publicans of the Houso, who alleged
it was a mero gift of gratuity, and a
warm debato ensued, at tho conclusion
of which Mr. Junks made a legal argu
ment, tracing tho legislation on the
subject from and since tbo Revolution
ary war, and establishing so couclus
ively the position ho assumed, that it
has not since been denied. This was
soon succeeded by a legal discussion
concerning tho refusal of Hullott Kil
bourno to testily bef'oro acommitleo of
tbo House.
' Tho legal prominence be hud already
(attained led tho House to elect him as
ono of tho seven managers on part of
tho House to conduct tbo impeach
mentof Secretary Belknap, tho others
being Messrs. Lord, Knott, Lynde,
MuMuhon, Hoar and Lapham. On
that trial befu'ro tho Senato the De
fendant was represented by three
leading lawyers of tho Nation Hon.
Joremiah S. Black, Hon. Mutt Car
penter and Hon. Montgomery Blair.
Mr. Jenks was selected by the managers
as one of tho Committee to draw the
pleadings. Ho was afterwards ap
pointed to mnko ono of tho arguments
on the quuslion of tbo jurisdiction of
tho Senate to impeach after tbe olHccr
had resigned, and subsequently, in
consequence of tho illness of Mr. Lap
ham, ho was selected to discuss tho
facts. His legal attainments were on
this trial mado conspicuous to tbo
Senate and the Nation, and conceded
to bo unsurpassed by any in the cause.
Tbo subject of tho distribution of
tho Gcnova Award came before tbe
Houso on majority and minority re
ports from tho Judiciary Committee
Mr. Jenks offered an amendment to
the majority report, and iu support of
llio amendment and report as amended
mado an argument involving some of
tho most difficult questions of interna
tional law. The report, as amended
by bim, was passed by tho House.
Soon after the meeting of the aocond
session be was appointed by Speaker
Rundall one of tbo committee of fifteon,
to Investigate the conduct of tho elec
tions in Louisiana, and on his return
was appointed by the Chairman of the
Democratic Caucus, with Mr. Field ol
Now York, and Mr. Tucker of Vir
ginia, to represent tbo Democracy of
tbo Houso in preparing, presenting and
discussing the facts and tho law before
the Electoral Commission. Itfcll to Mr.
Jenks to mnko tho opening arguments
in tho eases of Louisiana and Oregon.
While he wasongaged in llio discussion
of the first of these cases boforo the
Com mission, Sonalors Thurman and
Bayard sat sido by Bide. Senator
Bayard passed a note of admiration of
tbe argument to Senator Thurman,
and in response received the following
reply ; "Tho more I hoar this man, tho
more I admire him. Ho reasons like
a Nowton'or LaPlaco. He has spoken
half an hour and has not uttorod a
superfluous word." This compliment
ary opinion was genorally concurred
in by tboso who heard or read tho pro
ceedings before the Elocloral Com
mission. In most of tbo legal discussions that
aroso in the Houso Mr. Jenks partici
pated, in audition to tbo full perforin
ancoof his duties on tbe very laborious
Committee ol which ho was Chairman.
At tho expiration of his congressional
term, he immediately resumed his pro
fessional pursuits, in which be has
ever sinco boon engaged. His extens
ive praolico has included almost every
branch tbat arises in the State and
covers a voty broad range of Area.
His election to the Supremo bench of
the Slate will be but a just recognition
of bis superior legul attainments.
Crime Upon Crimi. Juduo Black
has boen liberally quoted by tho Re
publican papers as testifying Garfield's
furity in the Credit Mohiiier matter,
n reply to a direct question, be now
confirms his former statements, but
makes his meaning clearer, in those
ords :
'Did I mean la my teller to Mr. Illalao tbat
General MarBHd acknowledged tbo receipt ef
atoek and dividenda Irom ako. Aiaoir Unqoea
ttonably he egread to take the atoek and did re
eaiea dividend, opoa It. The letter plainly im
pliea tbat he had ooncealed or tried to eoneeel
tbat fact from ma. lint nil adiaiiiion wal coupled
with a atatement which ahowed him to be gullt
leae." Now, wholber Garfield took the
dividenda innocently or otherwise, bis
subsequent statement under oath and
bis persistent denials over sinco must
condemn bim in the eyes of honest
people wbo admire truthfulness and
bate the crime ot perjury. It is bail
enough to lie about such matters, but
to commit porury is awful I
Lou "Patbor, tbo lecturer at the
hall to-night said luner rays were only
concentrated luminosity ol the earth s
satellite What do you think about
it?" Intelligent parent "All moon
shine, my son, all monnshins!"
The author of tbo folloning clear
and convincing TIIIHTY-SEYEX
DEASOXS is well known to us. A
Democrat up to the timo ol tbo Kansas-Nebraska
troubles, bo then took
tho Douglas viaw ( things, and dur
ing the war became actively identified
with tbo Republican parly. Ho has
voted with tho Republican party ever
since, though often restivo under tbo
disprtt'wfl- r,al--t1ti7 try a aeifiab
and corrupt leadership. The nomina
tion of General Hancock brings him
fully to tbo light of day, and bo gives
tindcniablo reasons lor tho fitilh by
which ho is now guided :
The Republican nominee, General Gur
field, has been declnred a corrupt and
unworthy man by mmy of the high
est authorities of his own parly.
Many of tho Independent Kenubli-
eans of bis own district adopted and
widely circulated a resolution which
arraigned and denounced hint "lor bis
corrupt connection with tho Credit
Alobilicr; lor bis fulio denials thereof
before his constituents: tin his perjur
ed denial thereol beloro a Committee
of bis peers in Congress; for fiaud
among his coiiniiluenu, in circulating
among I hem a pamphlet purporting to
ml loi ill the finding ol said Committee
and tbo evidenco aguinst bim, when in
fact material portions thereof were
omitted and gurbled.
These same Independent Republican
constituents also arnigned and charg
ed him "with corrupt bribery in sell
ing bis official influence, as Chairman
of the Committee on Appropriations,
for five thousand dollars to tho Du
(iolycr pavement lini?, to aid them in
securing a contract from the Board ot
I'ublio Works of the District of Colum
bia, Felling his iuflurnco to aid said
ring in imposing Uon the people of
said .District a pavement, which is al
most worthless, tit threo times ils cost;
selling his influence m aid such ring
in procuring a contract, to procure
which it corruptly uid ninety seven
ihoasund dollars lor influence ; selling
bis influence in manors that involved
no question of law, npon tho shallow
pretext that bo was acting as a law
yer; selling his influence in a manner
so palpable and clear as to be lound
and doclurcd by an impartial and com
petent Court, upon an isstio solemnly
Tbat samo body of the Independent
Republicans of General Garfield's own
irrespective ol lormer or purty attach
district called npon t licit fellow citizens,
mcntfl, who desired honest government
to unito with them in an effort to do
teat Genera) Garfield, and elect in his
stead an honest and reliablo man ; and
becauso such efforts have elicited so
much sympathy at various times in
tbo district where General Garfield is
best known, that if it had not contain
ed one of tho very largest Republican
district majorities in tho entire United
States, bo would long sinco have been
remanded to deserved obscurity and
disgrace, for the reason and on tbe
ground that bo is a dishonest and cor
rupt man.
General Garfield's connection with tbo
De Golycrv pavement transaction, was
not only an unworthy and dishonest
act, which no man deserving tho sup
port of tbo honost members of any
party could commit, but a direct vio
lation ot one of tho best and most uso
ful laws over passed by tbo Republican
party, which duclures that for precise
ly such acts as General Garfield com
mitted in connection with this trans,
action, ho and all other criminals guilty
of tho same offense should be punished
by lino, by imprisonment, nnd by be
ing declared forever iucnpnblo of hold
ing any offlco of honor, trust or profit
under tho government of tbo United
Slates. '
It is tbe duty of ovory honost citizen,
without distinction of party, who
wishes to secure tor himself and bis
posterity tho blessings of bonest gov
eminent, and aid in the enforcement
of such law, and to put an ineffaccublo
brand of disgraco upon tho corruplion
isls who violate them.
On account of General Garfield's guilty
complitily with some of tho most cor
rupt schemes by winch tho National
Treasury has ever been despoiled, bo
would not bavo tho power to resist tho
clamors and demands of other spoils
men if bo should bo elected President
ot tho United States. Tho most cor
rupt elements of tho Republican party
would find in bim a congonial confed
erate, as bis own record establishes his
his complicity with their crimes, and
proves his readiness to violate his pri
vato and his official oath, to sacrifice
bis honor, to degrado bia manhood,
and to betray his trust as holder of the
purse-strings of tbo Nation.
Tbe agencies now actively employed
to secure the election of General Gar
field, in spito of the horror his crimos
have inspired in tho hreasls of many
honest Republicans, are of a corrupt
and corrupting nature, inasmuch aa
tbo main reliance of tho present party
managers is upon the lavish uso ol'im
moneo turns of money, wrung Irom
employes of tho government, in defl
ance of tho Civil Sorvico Rules laid
down at tho commencement ol tho ad
ministration of President Hayes, and
from local party leaders who have been
enriched by municipal abuse.'.
Men whoso sole interest in elections
hinges upon regaid for tho welfare of
their country, nnd who are not tho
partners, nor tho dupes, nor the de
pendants of tho leaders who wield gov
ernmental powers for the puipnsoof
enriching themselves, cannot maintain
tboir soll respoct by acting as tbe ac
complices of notorious enrrnptionists.
Every intelligent knows that
under the dominion of tho Republican
party the noble State of Pennsylvania
has held a subordinate and disgraceful
position at tho National Capitol, not
withstanding the great services she
has ronderotl to tbe Republican party,
and the virtues and brilliant talents of
many of her Ilopublicao cilitona, and
meanwhile the management of tho
leading Republican cities of the State
and of matters oonnectfd with State
government has often fallen into the
bands of unworthy men.
Numerous attempts mudu to restore
ronnsylvania to hor truo position and
to purify bor counsels, wbicb bin god
on the hopo of effecting a radical re
form within tho lines of tho Republi
can party, havo disastrously lulled on
account of tho thoroughness with
which ils tnachinorv has been pervert
ed and controlled by leaders wbo wore
oniony opposed to pure government.
The best and only hope of a trium
phant vindication of tbe motto of tbo
Commonwealth, "Virtuo, Liberty and
Independence," binges upon a Na
tional Democratic triumph, under tbo
leadership of the most distinguished
and patriotic of Pennsylvania's living
Every living principlo of genuine Re
publicanism has so often beon violatod
by influential leaders of tho Renubli-
cttn parly of Pennsylvania, that that
organisation has become Republican
only in namo. Tho vital spark bas
fled, and tbo controlling element of
inul which remains is a putrid corpse.
Garfield, after remaining in tho Union
army long enough to bo of a little
sorvico to tbo causo ho espoused, aban
doned tho army lor tho purposo of tak
ing a scat in congress, at a time and
under cirenmstancos similar to those
of which President Hayes declared,
"that any Union officer who pursued
such a courso deserves to be scalped."
Tho free trade rocord Garfield mado
during his fourteen years sorvico in
Congress, from 18C3 to 1877, was so
notoriously hostilo to tbo industrial in
terests of Pennsylvania, that when
Garfield was mado tho Republican
caucus nominee for Speaker of tbo
Houso of Representatives, soon after
tho inauguration ot President Hayes,
at a timo when Garfield could not even
be elected, five Protectionist members
of Congress from this Slnto refused to
voto lor (jurheld on tho mound that
bis tariff rocord could not bo satisfac
torily explained to Pennsylvania Pro
tectionists. BECAUSE
Tbo glitter of Garfield's life has no
solid und sterling basis. He is a pinch
beck boalman, a pinchbeck teacher, a
pinchbeck preacher, a pinebbock far
mer, a pinchbock lawyer, a pinchbeck
soldier, a pinchbeck statesman, and it
ho should unfortunately be successltil
in tbo present canvass he would bo a
pinchbeck President.
Whilo General Garfield has been de
servedly condemned in tho most op
probrious terms by many of his Re
publican associates in Congress, by
many ol bis Republican constituents,
by many of tho Republican journals of
tne country, and by all honest and in
telligent men who havo read the fear
ful record ot his corruption, General
Hancock has deserved nnd received
high encomiums from his fellow-citizens
of all sections and parties, and
stands today boforo tho American
people with a career bo unspotted and
distinguished tbat it is not surpassed
by that of any living man.
Of the battlo of Gettysburg, in which
General Hancock wss a commanding
figure, it has repeatedly been said by
tho wisest men ol tho North and tho
South that no event of tbe war tlid
more to crush tbo Confederacy.
Dr. Draper, tho great histotian, de
clares that utter Gettysburg "freedom
was master of the Continent."
Professor Jacobs, of tho Pennsylvania
Collego at Gettysburg, who was an
eye-witness of the battle, writing soon
after it was fought, declared that "by
tho determination ot that dreadful
struggle tho corner stone of the fabric
which tho rebellion sought, to erect on
colored bondage and the distinction of
tho races of men, which God mado of
ono blood, is crushed to pieces, and
tbo bright days of a happy future
bloom up before our vision, whon we
shall onco moro bo a happy and pros
perous people."
Tbo City Councils of Philadelphia, by
tho unanimous action ol all the Repub
lican members, in February, lKlit,
passed resolutions declaring that "the
uso of Independence Hall bo granted
to Major General Hancock, for tho re
ception of his friends, nnd in order to
afford Iho citizens ol Philadelphia an
opportunity to testify their personal
regard for him, and thoir appreciation
of his gallantry and patriotism."
When there were vory large Ropubli
can majorities in both Houses of Con
gress, in April, lKGfi, a joint resolution
was passed which declared that "tho
gratitude of tho American people and
tho thanks of their representatives in
Congress are hereby tondored to Maj.
General Winfield Scott Hancock, for
bis gallant, meritorious and conspicu
ous share in thnt great and decisiro
victory, Gettysburg."
General Hancock in his lotter ol ac
ceptance distinctly announces that
"tho thirteenth, fourteenth and fif
teenth nmondmonta to the Constitution
of the United States, embodying the
results of tho wur for tho Union, are
inviolablo. If called to the Presidency
I should deem it my dnty to resist,
with all of my power, any attempt to
impair or evade tho lull force and ef
fect of the Constitution, which, in ov
ory article, section and amendment, is
tho supremo law of the land."
General Ilancock has properly laid
stress, in his letter of acceptance, upon
too importnnco ol Honest liovornnient
by declaring that "public office is a
trust, not a bounty bestowed upon tho
holder. No incompetent or dishonest
persons should ovor bo entrusted, or, if
appointed, they should bo promptly
(ioncral Hancock declare that "Ilia
timo has como to enjoy tho substantial
benefits of reconciliation. As ono poo
pie we have common intorests. Let
us enennrngo the harmony nnd goner
ons rivalry among our own industries,
which will revive our languishing mer
chant marine, extend our commerce
with foreign Nations, assist our mer
chants, manufacturers and producers
to dovelopo our vast natural resources,
and increaso the prosperity and happi
ness of our poople."
By voting lor General Ilancock the
triple duty would be performed of
honoring and rewarding a distinguish
ed and palriotio 8oldior-Sltesman, of
rebuking a corrupt nomination, and of
restoring a bright era of honest Gov
ernment and sectional concord
General Hancock's entire life has been
devoted to tbo gallant and meritorious
Borvico ol bis country.
Tho battle now being wagered under
bis leadership is a battlo of tho people
for tbo honest Government of the pco
plo of all sections against every up
plianco that power, patronage and
money can enlist in bclmlLof the mer
cenary nomirico of a inorconary organ
ization BECAUSE
It may be truly said ot the contrast
between tbo lives, records and charac
ters of the two loading Presidential
candidates, "that was to this, Hyperion
to a satyr.
The great sorvico General Hancock
rendered to the people of Pennsylva
nia, at Gettysburg, gives bim a strong
er claim than any other living man to
tho gratitude of the citizens of Phila
delphia, and all olhor portions of Penn
sylvania. When tho fact that our ar
mies wore triumphant at Gettysburg
was lully realized by tho brave troops
wbo del'endod the Union lino, and tbey
ascertained that tho enemy bad re
treated, a living witness and partici
pant in that great struggle declares
that from tboso brave soldiers there
wont up cbeors lor Meade, tho soldier,
without fear or reproach, who began
with a ureal victory, his illustrious
career as Commander of tho Arm' of
llio I'olomac ; cheers lor Hancock, who
stemmed the tide of defeat on tho first
day, and selected the ground on which
the glorious victory was achieved, and
on tho scoond day had again stnppod
tho tide ot rebel victory and restored
our shattered lines, and on tho tbird
duy had met and repulsed the feurful
assault on which Loo's all was staked,
and won tbo battle that was really the
death blow to the rebellion."
Goneral Hancock, after receiving a
very painful and dangerous wound,
while in command at the post or great
est danger at the most critical stage
of tho bottle of Gettysburg, continued
to direct the tight in spite ot his tear
ful personal sufferings until victory
was assured, and then sent Major
Mitchell as tho bearer of this great
message : "Tell General Meade that
tho troops tinder my command bavo
ropulsod tho assault of the enemy, who
are now flying in all directions in my
The answer to this mossage, inslitnlly
sent back by General Moado, wits:
"Say to General Hancock, 1 regret
exceedingly that be is wounded, and I
thank bim, for tho country and myself,
for the sorvico ho has rendered today."
Of the thron groat Pennsylvania Gen
erals who bore a prominent and heroic
part in the great stru egle at Gettys
burg, one, tbe brave Reynolds, gavo
up bis life in tbe causo of his country,
on tho vory first day ot the conflict;
another, General Meade, has passed
away, to join tho immortal band of
tboso "wbo sink to rest with all their
country's honors blest;" while the
only great survivor of this noblo trio,
Genoral Winfield Scott Hancock, is
living among us to day, to lead us for
ward in a now struggle for pure Gov
ernment, for honost rule and lor tho
complete restoration ol' the Union for
which ho so bravoly lought.
Whilo the stirring evonts wore pro
gressing which constituted one of the
greatest chapters in tbo world's his
tory, the people of Philadelphia, and
ol all other threatened portions of tho
Stato of Pennsylvania, wore watching
the issue or that terrible contest with
a degree of painful anxiety, of trem
bling fear, ol mingled dread and hope
fulness, and of mortal agony, that no
pen can picture and no tongue describe,
i'horo was weeping and wailing in
hundreds of thousands ol Pennsylva
nia tamilies, which had not only sent
tulhera and brothers and sons to the
front, but did not know Irom hour to
hour how quickly tho worst horrors of
war would be brought to their hearth
stones ; and then, when every availa
ble and transportable articlo of wealth
in the city of Philadelphia, of material
value, was packod np ready to bo luken
at a moment's notice to Now York;
when tho trunsportablo wealth ol many
portions of Southeastern Pennsylvania
was buried, bid away, put on trains of
heavily laden oars many miles in longtn,
or so disposed of that, in tbo event ot
tho realization of tho forebodings that
mado many a stout heart quail, these
goods could be borne to a place of
salety at a moment a notice ; then, in
our churches, and at all pluccs where
largo numbers of porsons assembled,
and in tho privato closets of all good
citizens, a lervcnt prayer went up
Irom tho very depth of the hearts of
all our pooplo that God would send to
us a deliverer.
Genoral Hancock was, to a much
greater extent than any other living
man, tbe personification and directing
mind of tho army of heroes by which
our City and State wore saved from
the indescribable koriorsof a succesHful
invasion. He was the man God sent
to our reseuo in answer to tho prayers
of our heart stricken people.
The Ohio Administration of tho Gov
ernment has rewarded, by an import
ant appointment, Goneral Longslroet,
who ia tbe most prominent living Con
federate General, engaged in the criti
cal assault upon tho portion ol the
Union line at Gettysburg, which Gen
oral Hancock defended with great
gallantry and success, risking in thin
very struggle his own life, and receiv
ing a learlully painful and nearly futal
wuund. A Washington dispatch, dated,
September Clh, 1880, announced Gen
eral Longstreot's arrival at tho Na
tional capital, lor tbs purpose ol re
ceiving instructions in regard to the
discharge of his duties as Minister to
Turkey. Pennsylvania Republican
who are not dead to all feeling of
gratitude and Stato pride will rclase
to anile in the effort to strike down
their deliverer, who is the nohlost liv
ing son ol their own Commonwealth,
at a moment when tho Buckeye poli
ticians who run tho Government, and
who ask lor a perpetuation of their
leaso of power when tbey ask you to
elect Garfield, are honoring with one
of tho best positions in their gift; tbe
Confederate soldier who did at Gettys
burg, and directly against Hancock's
portion of tho Union lino, all that
mortal man could do to make the in
vasion of this Commonwealth success
ful, to destroy our railroads, to birn
our bridges, to seize our coal mines, to
dovastate our rural districts, and to
either destroy or impose forced loans
upon our towni and cities.
We cannot, as jnst men' or at grateful
TEEMS $2 per annura la Advance,
- j citizens, or as beings whoso hopo that
whon dire perils III ron ton us in the
luturo our prayers may again bo an
swered, now betray our deliverer, at tho
moment whon tbo Republican party
heaps some of its highest honors upon
tho very man who battled against his
legions. We cannot strike down Gen
eral Huncock for the Presidency, and
by tbs samo act applaud the appojnt
nient of Genoral Longslroet as Mi nis
ter to Turkey, without feeling that we
descrvo to have ournffn luturo lives
blighted and blasted for the base sin of
the folly or niRTcniiiNn iidsinesh in
It is so seldom tbat tbo editor
of tho New York Jeriild bits any
thing to say favorable to tbo Demo
cratic purty that we are not often
able to quoto from its columns ; but in
alluding to tho great meeting held in
Now York City recently, bo mado
the following truthful business remarks:
The speeches last night were natur
ally in praiBo ol tho Democratic par
ly, but lltoy contain some points which
are worthy ot general attention. Mr.
Belmont reminded iow lork and the
country thnt while Socrctary Shorman
has shown great ability in tbo rclumf.
ing of the debt at a lower ra to of in
terest this important financial opera
tion was bcgHn only after tho Demo
crats gained control of tho Houso and
had ils greatest success after they pos
sessed a working majority in both
Houses. Capital, neither hero nor in
Europe, said Mr. Belmont, Booms to
havo beon alarmed at tho Democratic
ascendancy, nnd tho attempt of tbo
Republicans to create a public alarm
now, ho thought, was willtout basis.
Undoubtedly ho is right. No parly
coming into power is going to destroy
itself by measures injurious to the
credit or honor ot the Nation. That
is rather to be expected of a party
demoralizod by too long possession of
power and already to bid too high or
stoop too low for continued support.
Tho Democrats, if they should elect
(ienerul Hancock, would make it thoir
first aim by careful good behavior to
conciliate tho confidonco of tho public,
in order that thoir predominance
should not bo short lived. They would
bo conscious tbat oven a moderate
amount ot misconduct would send them
hack into a very hopeless minority.
Headers, whoso memory readies back i
a uuuiie-r ui a ci-mui , vtoi i t:iiiiuiiui
that llio Democrats in those days used
tho samo arguments against the Ko-
publicans which these, after twenty
years of power, now use against their
opponents. In thoso ante-war times
we used to road in all tbo Democratic
organs terriblo predictions of ruin to
tho country it tbo ilopublicans were
allowed to carry an oloction. But tho
just and truo reply of tho Republicans
was that any parly yoked with tbo
responsibility ol an administration at
once becomes conservative
The recent discovery of an old and
most izhastly system ot larceny prac
ticed lor yjars on tbo property and
effects of dead Union soldiers, kept in
a Govornmcnt sal'o in the Treasury
building at Washington, shows how
important it is that tho records and
archives ol tho publio service should
bo thoroughly overhauled under the
supervissrSsa ol a Democratic adminis
tration. Tboso thefts were penetrated
in tho chief clerk s room ol the second
Auditor of tho Treasury, from which
pocketbooks and packages cf valua
bles sont thither by those wbo found
ihcm on the persons of Union joldiers
slain in battle at Gettysburg, Antio-
tam and Bull s Run were taken and
emptied of their contents. It it diffl
cult to conceive of a viler or mora re
pulsive form of villainy, and yet from
Iho statements ot Secretary Sherman
and his subordinates it appears tbat
these robberies wore long a;ro k now n to
have occurred, but tho scandal was
"hushed up" not only until tho wretch
ed crenttire who had thus spoiled Iho
dead but who was nevertheless re
tained in office bad died, but until
Auditor French, who knew all tho
circumstances, bad died also. During
the present Presidential campaign
much bas been said, not alono by Re
publican journals and orators iu gen
eral, but by Secretary Sherman bim
sell in particular, as to tho freedom of
the Treasury Department in Into
years from speculations and cmtic.'.lo-
ments. Now the poople will begin to
understand this. 11 lelouics in the
Treasury are husbod up and com
promised it is no wonder that the rec
ords look bright and pure. X. Y.
JWW A B EA U T1FV t. 11 Y M X
There is an interesting incident
mentioned in the lifo of Chas. Wesley,
which led to the writing ot ono of bis
Hwcet hymns.
One day Mr. Wesley wus silting by
an open window, looking out over the
beatilifial fields in Summer time. Pros
enlly a little bird flitting about in tho
sunshine attracted bis attention. Just
then a hawk came swooping down to
ward tbo little bird. Tho poor thing
very much frightened was darting
here and there, trying lo find some
place of rolugo. In tho bright, tunny
air, In the leafy trees, or tho green
fields, there was no hiding place from
tho fierce grasp of the hawk. But,
seeing the open window, and tho man
sitting by it, the bird flow in its terror
toward it, and with a beating heart
and quivering wing, found refuge in
Mr. Wosloy't bosom. Ho sheltered it
from llio threatening danger, and sav
ed it from a cruel death. Mr. Wesley
was at tho timo suffering severe trials,
and was fooling the need of a refuge
in hit own timo of trouble as much as
the trembling little bird did, that nes
tled in hi bosom. So he took up his
pen and wrote tho hymn :
"Jeaei, Savioarof my eoitl,
Let m. tv Thy bneom fly.
Whil. tbe wave, oftraable roil,
While the Itiapeat etili ia high."
A Silent Bi'sinibs Monitor An
oxchango remarks: "While Conkling
wat talking sectionalism to tho busi
ness men of Now York in bit late
groat effort 500 loaded dray wore
waiting their turn at the wharves to
unload goods destined lor the South.
The silent commentary of such tug
gestive (acts must depress the stoutest
A Bi.I'niier. Mr. Blaine, for a
shrewd politician, made a very big
miatako when he wrote ol the French
voter of Maine aa an "ignorant and
purchasable race" a mislako be will
doubtless discover at a timo he least
expect or desires to.
Colonel F. A. Conk ling, brother ol'
Senator Roscoo Conkling, addressed a
largo and enthusiastic meeting of Dem
ocrats and independent Republicans on
Mondny evening last in Now York,
and among other things said :
"Who bavo taken tbe places ol Sum
ner, Chase, 'Trumbull, Seward, and
other loaders', Tbo Logans, the Cain,
ornns, tho Garfields and tho Colfaxo.
From tbe time tboso men bavo assu ro
od tho control of tho party it has beon
held together by tho oohosive powor
ol'plundor. And now I would liko to
ask what tbat Ikpt-Wkar, jarty
bos done. Tbo party has put forward
a man whoso character will not hour
scrutiny. They havo mado an odious,
malignant aeetiuiialismtbuchiel feature
ol the canvass. This man Garfield
has been put forward as representing
tho principles of that parly. Now I
tell you ho stands before the American
people as a liar, a perjurer, a bribe
laker, a back-salary grubber, and, last
but not least, as tbo most conspicuous
figure in tho electoral fraud of 1870.
Now, of courso you and I understand
that the men who havo put Garliold
forward must necessarily support him,
iiml if their consciences will permit
them lo do so I find no fault with
them. But 1 do obiect to one lliinir.
1 do object to Iho Ron. Hamilton Fish
declaring that 'no purer or abler man
ever assisted in tho councils ol tho
Nation. No bettor man can be found.'
Now, wo do not expect that men liko
Hamilton Fish ana George William
Curtis shall throw dust in the eyes of
tho American pooplo like that."
Tho speaker said he thought it
proper to read Thomas Jefferson's ad
dress, and he quoted at length from it,
and added, "I may say that there ts
no man that has lived in this country
who lives to up that creed hotter than
Gen. Hancock." Whon bo was asked to
support the nomination of Genoral
Ilancock lie said he held back, having
thoughts of West Point nnd of milita
ry men wbo bad no experience in civil
offuirs, but after ho bad read Goneral
Ilancock s letters it seemed no exagger
ation to'suy thnt no man who has figur
ed in the affairs of this coujilry better
appreciates tbe spirit of our institu
tions than General UancockT- !'l have
referred," he continued, "to the dilem
ma in which tho Republicans rrVo plac
ed. 1 feel sorry lor them; I said
something just now about Hamilton
1'isli. iSow, it any gentleman should
happen to hear of my brother speak
ing of Mr. Garfield in that way be
would oblige mo by dropping me a
postal card." Cheers and luughler.
One of tho important circumstances
of this campaign, be thought, is that
so many Republicans have come out in
tho support of General H uncock.
"There is no need of giving names." bo
said "You know many ol them.
There are about threo hundred ol
them where I just catno from. They
asked mo to como here and speak.
They uro against tho narrow, odious
sectionalism that (onus tho chief feat
ure of tho Republican canvass."
from Col. Forney', 8peeoh at Pillaburgb.
In considering tho tariff question, in
which you are bo deeply interested, 1
,cei, nol wnro j.ou t1Bt t ullve i.
ways favored tbu protectivo system.
Its loading champions in this Stato
have been my personal friends, and
whenever a practical issue relating to
this subject hat boon raised during tho
last generation I havo united with
them in buttling lor tho interest ol our
noble Commonwealth. In these strug
gles ono of tho most insidious and dan- -gorous
opponents we have bad to en
counter was James Abraham Garfield.
Uo has been a decided supporter to
tho Free Trndo theories which some
ofthoEastorn and Woslorn Republi
cans habitually support. Ho favored
a reduction of the duty on pig iron
whon all Pennsylvania Congressmen
opposed such a reduction. Ho oppos
ed the abolition of tbo duty on tea and
coffee when all Pennsylvania protec
tionists contended for that measure.
Uo voted for tho ten per cent, reduc
tion of tbo duties on all tho manufact
ured products that camo into competi
tion with tho insidious and injurious
measure which was opposed by all true
friends of American industries. Gen.
Garliold has boon dazed by tho glam
our of Frco Trade and tho fanciful
honor of being elocted a member of
tho Cobden Club. Ho bas been ready
to sacrifico your intorests for the sako
of winning applause, or possibly more
substantial rewards for competing
British manufacturers. So far was
this subserviency to foreign intorests
carried during fourteen years on Con
gressional sorvico that when Garfield
was selected, in 1877, as tbe caucus
nomineo of tike Republican party tor
the Speakership of tho Houso of Rep
rcsentatives, five of tbo Ropublioan
Congressmen of Pennsylvania includ
ing some of your immediate Repre
sentatives, refused to vote for General
Garfiold on account of the zeal bo bad
displayed in advocating Free Trado
GOGUE. We notico by a contemporary that
Mr. Blaino, lalo of tho Stato of Maine,
attempted to mako a speech at the
Garliold mass meeting at Philadelphia,
recently, but could not he heard lor
tbo noi'so. He finally managed to ut
tor these words:
"I have come Ave hundred mllca to aay to tbl,
great Commonwealth, ia which I bavo the pride
aad honor of bkilbright, that thcelectloaof ilan
eoek la a menace to the great Indoitriaa of lb.
llnitcd Ktatei, and with thia thooght na yonr
mind, I have no doubt that yen will give, on tbo
7d of November, ao overwhelming majority for
Uenvral Uartteld "
Mr. Blaino must bavo imagined that
the pooplo of Pennsylvania have be
come very ignorant sinco bo emigrated
from tho Siato. That be traveled five
hundred miles to say what be did say
is proof positive that ho regards Phila
delphia people as a sot of greon noma
and Ignoramuses. Mr. Blaino might
as well have saved himself the trip.
Pcnnsylvanians know Hancock, their
fellow-Ponnsylvaniun, and (hoy also
know tbat he ran be trusted on the
Tariff question as a Ponnaylvaman,
whilo Garfield's wholo record thowt
that so far as that question it concern
ed the Ohio candidate ia not in sym
pathy with the purpose of the Penn
sylvania protectionists. Mr. Blaine
had better go back to Maine at onca
and try to keep the majority for Han
cock in that Slate down to a reasona
ble figure.
II API'Y Stii.l. Nellie Hubbard,
daughter of the ox Governor of Con
necticut, who married ber father
coachman, baa not boen forgiven. She
takes in sewing, while ber husband
drives a hack. But a he is sober and
an industrious young man, and tbey
livo happily together, porbaps ehe isn't
hankering for forgiveness.
Soldi zrinm. General Hancock loft
tbo field on a stretcher and returnoil
before his wounds were healed. Gen.
Garfiold left the field bolore powdor
commenced to burn, to take a .t in
Congress, and never returned. This it
tbo military record of the two candi
dates in a nut shell.
"Is your cough any eaaiorf'taid
one ol poor Ilood't acquaintance, on
calling to aee bow ha was. "It should
he, "said the wit, from bis pillow ; "I've
been practicing all night. j
Omihous Judge Black ha beef
saying more good thing of Garfish
but we don't too thorn in lli Radic,