Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 06, 1880, Image 3

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Terms of Subscription.
Ifpid 1b ftUvuo,or viUkia three moo tbs... $3 OA
If i.s id edtr ibra end befure six months.., 1 60
jr j.aid after tbfipirtlo of all tuuubU... I 00
Messrs. B. M. PiTTtnaiLi. A Co., News
lu.per AJvertiing Agents, 37 Park Kow, eonier
llorkiokn 8trt, ere our doij Authorise! Agents
iB York flit-.
MrlliiwlUt r)tco.l ChurctlRvT.Ulo.
I.kihv, Fftitur. ftemoes eterj babbeth at luj
A. M., n4 7i !. M.
Snlblb Sfthnol at f A. M.
l'rTr Meeting every WedneaJajr, at H P. M.
t'oiun unloo berries, Aral Habbath of e-erjr
north, el lt A. M.
et l lrarttcld M. E. ( hurrh Kr.
Chakliii W. Hunm-ir, Pailor. Preaebing every
ultrrnat Sunday, at i o'clock, P. M. Bunlajr
Soboul at 21, P. M. All ar In r tied to attend.
prcbterlaii Chnrch Rt. H. B. Bdtlbr.
.Sahbatb servles morning and evening Bab School at 3 P. M Prayer Meeting YVednea
Ur evening-
Haptut t'hurch. R. . -.-, puur
Ssl.lmih bahoul all P. M. Praysr Mealing very
,V diner-day evening,
st, s-raucle' hurrli( altoMr HrT. P
J.HLittPAN. Iitiia aarfle at 104 A. M., ob
i he lint, third and foartb Sundayaof ah month)
Y vapors and Iter, edict. on of the llliaaed Kaerament
at 7 u'ulock, P. M.8undity Be boo 1 every tiuoday
afternoon at I o'clock.
Kixmnd Monday of January.
Third Monday of March.
Ktiat Monday of June,
r'uortb Monday of Heptember.
First Monday of Jana.
Second Monday of Novsmber.
pivrlio orriciM.
Prttidenl Jtdy lion. Chsrles A. M-J-t,
Lock Haven,
Aiitant Lmm Judg Mob. Johft Il.Orvts, af
Atioeiat Judyti A brain Ogden, Clearfield
Vincent U. Holt, Clearflald.
Prolhonotarjf Eli I) loom.
lltgtiltr and Kicordir L. J. Morgan.
Trtaiurtr Philip Dolts.
iitfnVf Attorntyi. Y. MuKenrlck.
Hhuriff James Mnbaffey.
Itrpuly ShtrijfV. I. Thumpsot..
Pwrniiy Siiraeyor Satnual V. McOonkey, Cur
nnnn9. County Commhaiontrt C. W. Kyler, (Iraham
tnn P. O.t Eluh Jormiton, Grampian Pills P. 0.;
John Norrii, or., Corwenavllls.
Commiftonert' CUrkJahn W. Howe.
County Auditart William V. Wright, Hear.
Old : Joseph OilliUnd, Three Kunt f J. 8. Nor
ri, Woodland.
County Coroner Jimei A. Moore, Clearfield.
Jwrv CQmmiuitMn-AndrawJ. Ja.kFOBtt'lear-6.-1,
Wm. K. llrown, Clearfield.
Suprintwlent a I'ubli Jraoa M. L. Mc
Uui.wn, Clenrfleld.
SrnUrnf Wci'jKttd- JVaaanrtt Jot W.Carlila,
offif at L'h!rburg la.
XotartM Phli John W. Wrlgley, Wm. Ra
,ldiugh. Cyrui (lordon, Clearfield; Joieph R.
Irwin, N. E. Arnold, Curwenirillaj J. A. Llvlnj
,ione, DuHoli City.
Our Fptcinl column il d.cldrdly Interesting in
I..C.I point of !, nd vroetmul. raJin to
outiitl.r, who want to inv. money.
Will jou tike wlic.l.o.ti or corn or tub-n-riition
?" We .re aftrn Inquired of in tblf w.y
bj Utter fr m )etron who reii'le t ft (
fruin Clrnrflcld. We igiln ley yee. The rtoelpte
uf e rOFftoneible) neruhent or will owner In the
TU'lnity, will ftn.wer ue Jut well the ee.b.
T.i illluitrete : If ftny or oar petinoe will dellrer
ii. linn ef rrftin t the mill of Jo.epk H. Dreth,
in Chent town.hln, tlorfteo l'.tehln, in Durnildo,
ri.ouiin II. Forcey, In Ornbftin, Wm. Porter or
Sh , in Uwrenoe, or Brown Beyler'i, ftl
H'li-kton, Cnioo towmhip, ftnd forw.rd their
rccfiptl for the olount, we will credit them ow
tlitlr fti'CoBDt for the nine. In tble w.y ftil nay
oon py wht they owe. It they will purine thU
fctf-Advcrtiflcrs and others will hear
inmtnd that all articl intendrd for publication
in thlx paper ti u l be bonded in, not latar than
1 uraday, at 0 A. M. Don't forget It I
Sheriff wtlo of real cuvuto on ThurH-
day, Ocl'Wr 2Stb.
'l b i t-uleof the Shaw IIouao property
m bitii postponed nntll December 8lb.
Il '"M.John WilHon" will Bcndiw bin
puRtoflioe addrev, ba may Irara aomething to bia
A lare, new and handsome Ilan-,.,-k
and Kngllih Hug will toon make It appaar
unne ou our atreeti.
mm a mm -
Francis Murphy, tho great Temper
anft Aportle, la announced to lecture in tba Coort
iltiufe every evening neit week.
- mm -
TiiANsfiKRHsoBS. Mr. John M. Jor
dan, ol Oulicb towoahlp.ptfbliabaa an int. ruling
notice in oar adTortiilng aolamna this weak.
. . i mm 1" ""
The Jioyul bemities of Kurope owe
much of their perional attractieaato the inflo
anca of Ayer'a Ilalr Vigor, which baepi tba hair
fifth and bright.
Tho Cent it) County Fair is being
Md at Beltefontatbtf week, emmanetog on tba
Mb and ending on the 7tfa- Wa art the proprie
tor of a ticket, but ean't go.
Thero seemed to be an abundance
of applet and eider la Market laat Friday morn- ;
ing. Applet ware tailing at la and 40 aenta per
buohaUDd cider at IS eentt a gal ton.
(Jcar Mitchell. Ksq., publishes a no
tice of hii appointment it CoamiaaioDcr to Uke
ttatlnony in a dirorot eaao. All intertited are
referred to our adrertliiog oolumoa.
. m
Tho jury in tho Novliiig-Penninglon
rate were quartered at tba rbaw llouie during
the trial laat week and wero guarded by Tip
tarti J. bn W. Shngart and Th.caaJ Dougboriy.
. . i i
The Synod of llarrirtnurg, the juris-
dictiun of which embrace lb Preabytrriaa ra
gregatloni in tbla oouotj, will meat In Chimbwi
burg, Franklin cointy.on Tbnrfday tfenlng, the
2lt Inat.
a 1 -
On Monday. November 1st, the Ad
miniitrator of Uao. B Kelly, lata or the borough
of Hontidele, drc-a-aJ, will tell the in it reel of
aalddfcedcnt in aomt valuable real catate. Pee
a ivtrtiieinenl.
Tho Fall nicotingot the Huntingdon
Prtabytery It in aaainn tbla week at Birming
ham, Huntingdon county. Tba Pre-bytO'ia n
rongregatlitn of CI tar Held la repreentid by Bar.
II. JR. Butler and tilder Mllet R I
The cold and dibagrei,atleupiino',tiul
raina wero about a week behind itbadul e time
thia year, but when they did eotaa laat week they
were a little alow in leafing at, cropping out at
different Hint during the entire weak.
The Election Proclamation i pub
liibod in our paper thia week. KteetluB officer
and volera ahould read and atnJy it from bow un
til the election ao aa ta enable all to dtteharge
their duliea Intelligently o election day.
Wallace Bruce of I'oubkocpKk,
New York, Col. J. P. St.forl. of Marihelllown,
Iowa (two nlhti). an I Prof. B. V. DeOraff, of
I'atleraon, New Jerey, will delivar eveolng Itc
uiea lf.' re the ocil Teacher." InttUute.
. . n. i a mm
The rrmaint- of ieurgo Fauver, who
died of eonaumptloa In tho MrKeaB eooDty ail
rritlona, were brought to tba ho-aoM bla father,
J "hn Fauver, In Lawrence towmhip, and on
SeturJay foranuon laat war lattrrad la tbaceine
trry at that place.
Superintendent MtQuown hns com
pleted ergigrmenia wllb Prof. B V. Wdr-.IT,
-u.erintandenl or the Pnblle Bcboola of Patter
oa eity, New Jeraey, and Pror. Char lei II. Ver
rill.of Delawart eounte. New York, aa in it toot on
for lU Tei'htra' Caty iBitiiuta which will
cmitaa in tbla pi are on Monday, Deeambar Wtb.
. mm -
Wo are informed that Her. C. "W.
Burnley, of the Clearflald alrouit, aliiated by
Mtia Talmagt, of Willinmapart, bat bm oaa-
doeting a vary neaeetfol revival meeting at the
"hewiville M. B. Cburb ht the peat four or Ave
weaki. A great nuatbar of pertoai , nih aldaad
young, have manirtatH tnemaelrae aa being on
- r a -
1). II. Boltorf. a well known tvacber
in tba irboUe of our oonnty, tad brathor of J.
K. Buttorf, of tbla place, neaonpaainH by
( Kmoiy Marrow, ton af II. B. Marrow, of Uoaban
lownabtp, atartod laat ook I attend Medical
Cullega al Cletelann, Ohio. Mr. Bntterf will
attend left area (kit Wialar and aomplaU ait
1 Hum, hating prav lonely attended the medical
jj atbool at Ann Arbor, Michigan.
LmlfoB And Mitwi' nboi it H. Leh
ii A Co'i.
Tho cbcupettt and best boy's booia
are to bt bad at Moor a 'a,
Silk J'rinjAa In proat variuty
draii lrlmtnlni, ai T. A. Flaok A Co'i.
Hard Coal. Do you want any
hardaaai Uii Winter Ifaa. ardar U oJ
DaniM L. Lcary, and do bo wait until Utt bad
tat her aati la. Hand In your order Immedtauly,
or yoa may have toua difficulty ta aaourt it later
la the aaaaon. Sept, tl It
a mm
Damaoc We learn from thu Royn
oldirllla PajHr, that Jacob Kunt a, of Trouiritle,
bad a Taloablo bona killed ob the oiauona to
Big Rub borough, and tba J e O'er eon Monty
Court decraad that the borough wai la full and
bould pay Kuntt fib?.
Home six or cii'lit luri'O t'linipaii'ti
flags and baaaara occupy omplrnotia poiltlona
akng the thoroughfare, af our neighboring town
of Pbilipeburg, and we balltro tba moil af them
float in tba breciein faror of Uanoook, Eogiiih,
Jenka and Daahart. Tb anterprla of onr Demo
eratio neigh bora ofer there la eootmendable.
The lust hand-organ of the no anon
v lil tad our town on Friday, wbioh no doubt waa
on tbo way to Winter-quarter, aooompanled by
a man aa organ tit and a girl aa oeibier.
No t Another on paiicd through town on
Monday, and it wne the laat, for it iung "la the
Pweat Bye and Bye" and "Home, Sweet Jlntae."
i '
Judge Orvis is presiding at Court
(bit week, aaaiated by Aaaociate Judgea Ogden
and Holt. The attention of the Court It being
taken up wilb Commonwealth huilneaa, and
'ha Inmatea of tba eoaoty nrleon will he at
tended to flrat. Tba trial of Kvani and Hill,
for fbooting the two Swodea 1b Hon tad ale lait
June, bat been oonlinued.
Kist of letters remaining unclaimed
In tho Poatoffico at Clear ft el J, Pa., for tbt week
ending October 4th, 1880 :
Tbomaa Allen, Jokn Banahuff, George Bradford,
Miat Lucy Fuller. A. J, Uublor, John llerdman,
Elmer B. Luiier, Tbomaa Moore, Br., K. II. Bead,
Joaepb Fawcalt, Oeo. U. Btnwbridge, Philip
Wcrl. P. A. OAUL1N, P. M.
mm e
Removals. Mr. Michael Kottly-
borger haa purchased and bow oooupiea the prop
arty on Fourth itrcet recant ly ocoupitd by David
Wagootr, the latter moving to W'eat ClearDeld.
Theodore Nell, whe haa been running EudreaV
brewery ob Fourth atreet, haa moved to the
Shatter brewery, near the new tannery. Charley
Snuffer haa moved bla family Into a houaa in
Uilladale. ... ,
Tkmpebance. The Second Quitr
tarly Conrcntion of tba (Irampian Temparaoea
I'nion will be bell a tJreenvlllo, on Saturday,
October 16th, commending at 10 oVktck A. M.
All interested in tba can at of Temperance are
cordially Ibvltod. The oitrelaet wilt com let of
Haaiiicgc, Email, Select Oral ion i and Le'turea,
with appropriate tttuilc.
2(. Ur Ohihr or Cohuitikr.
A Shade op Chanoe. The Lewis-
(town AwfiNiJiaya: "George W. Albert I, formerly
of Lewlatown, but cov pnbliaber of tha fiutitf
Vatr, at Vul.a City, California, la the Bepub.
llcan cand ida'o for Ci only Clerk In Cutter
county, ' There eeeme to ba fotae mta-cpallieg
about Lia name We are the proprietor of two
nolea wrjiob be gava ut in 1174 and 74, and ha
then aeured II '-(leorgt W, Elbt-rty.'' Doea eroia-
ing tho Hocay Mountaint wreck n fbllow'a name
in that way 1"
"X6t (iuiLrvl" Harry Knglisii,
who creati'd to much seneeiin in April laat at
Caledonia, Elk county, for tba fa'al ahooling of
Conalabla Warnitb and the tarioua wounding of
Vq timer, Waa triel at Ridgway la t weak, and
after the Jury had retired but a ahorl time
the verdict of "Net Guilty" waa retnrced. Tbla
trial waa about tba ftrt buiioen traanastad In
tbo new Kik County Court tlouae. Bngliah la
atill In ouitody and will bo triad In the McKean
county Court on the charge of forgery.
Tub Band Contest at Bnonie villi.
Of tho bandt, the B rook v Die Dtnotrml com
menti ai follow! : ''Tba band oonteil on Friday,
between tba Uridiout Cornet Band of Cloarfield
and tha DuBoit band, waa a ricb treat to all lor-
era of good malic Indeed, tba Ina muata nhicb
tba Tarloui band au ongrudgingty beet owed upon
tha oitiaena during their atay will long bo reinem
bared. Tbt very gentlemanly behavior Of all the
mem bar I hat won fur them a high place Id tho
eiteem of all. Perhapa torn of (ha 'manhea' of
which we hear may not reault fatally, tut bo one
knowa how thaea tblnga will terminate "
- - a aa
TbeSuprumo Court now in susnion
at Pitta burgh hai J utt promulgated flaciiiona In
tbo foHonicg eTaaei ukoQ up from tbt Common
Pleat Court or Clearfield county :
Bridgat Baker et al. vp. Allegheny Valley It. R
Judgment reverted, and new (rial granted.
John DuRoUfe. Bigler, Young A Co. Judg
ment ravened, and new trial graoUtd,
Richard Art hurt vt, Andrew Ring etal. Judg
inant ravened, and new trial granted.
Leonard'! arprat from Orphan' Court, Clear
field county. Decrto reverted with dlrecttoat to
correct auditor', report by etrlking off liema of
oi tna appeal. -
I a ei -
Last Picnic. Wo wish to remind
our readera of the laat grand picnic or the tea eon
announced to come off at Merrell'a Woode, la tho
rear or tbo Fair ground., Weat Clearfield, on
Thuraday and Friday, ObtobirUtb and 15th.
Tbt large platform haa been aml iiel in oe the 1
wtalber abould prove diaagreeablt, and tba man
ager! have gone to oonalderabtt expenae and
trouble to mtk nary thing plraeanl at! com
rortable for nil wknattind. - A fraud prist, oon-
atating of a handaoma and valuable ailver eup,
gold HneJ, will be awarded the belt lady waltier.
Ilaeka will be run to and from (bt grounda at
low rate of fart. Everybody la invited.
ita ew -
Huuday ea or ing laet it wat ettnowneefl on our1
itreetathat all that waa mortal in tha peraon of
William P. Bradley waa dead. Tbla waa bard to
believe on tba part af fhoaa who taw him on tbt
atreet a few daya previnua, apparently enjoying
pretty good hie! lb but auc waa the fact! Ho ia
no mora. Mr. Bradley Waa wrll and Intimately
known to many or the citlteoa or our county, hav
ing been engaged iejeeplrig hotel In thii borough.
He occupied tb Leon art Houre for tonra lime, and
four tr .e jrara ago be leased the Allegheny
llnu'e, which be waa duping at the time of bit
death. He aetvtd in ibeeepaattyof Clerk to the
County Commiaeionera from 1S&I until lflfiP, and
of ntreiaity became peiaonally acquainted wilh
Conatablea, Atttmton, Col I act or .4 t(t.( many of
nhtra will regret to learn of hiademiae. He alio
taught public it-bool In thia borough and other
dltwieii In the county at a tarly day. He via-
Itedtht State Fair at Philadelphia a few weekt
ago, and alto apeot a few daya at the aoaebort,
h oping to receive tome bto,ftt, k the diieate
eonumptiOB bad Ukea auoh n hold npon bin
tbet bia hopea were in vain. Retook hie bed on
Tilt-dey of laat week, and declined an rapidly that
ba npiied on Sunday morning, at te'
tbt ft-Hii year ef bla age, A widow and a number of
relative are left to raooia bUOatvtb,., Tbe funeral
took place tbla (Tuesday) morning at ID o'eloek.
The I.adhjal row wow. Alter a
great deal of rrepratl en tbe pert of our Radi
cal friends laat week, tbvy gut together a re-
pecUble .bowing on Wedutadey evening to
Uke pail ia the torchlight pretest i a I but it waa
nothing like that or the Dmoefeti ibe evening
prtvluos. II tbe ltmoeratl bad on Tueaday
nigbt what lampa tbe Bey ublltiana had salt ejoueed
en Wadneaday evening, (hey eoald have had 100
mere man In Hue. The Hepublleana.leevliig oat
tbe Orpheus, Citiaaa . and Uaiwenavllle brass
hands, and several martial bandt, had about 140
men and bys ia lint, la tbe rear of which wa a
donkey I ling a male with n rider.. car
rying an image that looked more like Ibe Chair-
of tbt Clearfield County Committee than
anjtbiog else we hate ever even. Tbe Court
House and Opera House were both lighted te en.
terttln the erowd, hut after Ailing the Court
mem, they tent twv bawds te the Opera ll'iute to
gather an audience. Tbey were all an aim
fort ably reaitl ta Ibe Court Bona tbnt they
were eon ten l to remain, and Ibe Opera Huuae
wal subsequently abanlooed. Tbe meeting was
proeidadoTcr bf tfeaeal PelluOi T CurwenavIlM,
and tha speakers were n ftlltw frem Phladelpkia,
named Shields, the eaverllng of wbvee kind ceased
more merriment than the language he utel did
respect, H. T.HsnwajA, ef bona Usee a, a Mr
Meran, of Philadelphia, and Ouogreasanan Mar
ray. Tbe love fee! broke up near midnight, and
tbey all west b iene fUImg thai tbty had iwlhm
akort ef the demuuilrellou and enlbailaaei ef tbt
evening previent j and tbey will reeltte II about
the tbird ef Novenbor neit.
We have witnessed these anaual damoattta-
itaaa ler the past twenty Ave years, but never
before wea tbe eon trail to great. Tba Democrat
Hied ibe Court U.eee, Opera Honte, tbe Pub lie
fkjeer and nil tbe beielt, while all (we Redfral
were eomfortably seated la the Coert room. On
any former oet u Ion a tbe Badieala In Ihetr
street parade threw iba iytearerats'la Ibe shade,
la point ef namnera, but en tbla eroaalnw tht let
tar had three t one. lloweve Ihli eampntga It
ruealng In that gmnre, in 4 H cennM Ve rhangod
Mo re'n have tho cheapest boots in
NI!tO. ATTBKD. ' ,
Jogmcn, bear in niiud that Moore's
la the only pltoe you oaa gat Perk in 'a boota and
ahoea In lhaeounty. 1 BepL SI it t
- S !
All stylos, all grades, and all prices
of Men', Youth'i, Boy'a and Children' iclotblng
at Hirllnger A Roek'a. Sept 30-St
. mm mm -r
If in need of a carpet, call at T. A.
Flack A Oo'a, who bare Jutt received a new In
voice of carpeting, which will be told at greatly
reduced prleca.
imm -mmm
Faumers, Look UeriI -Lytic will
give yon higbeatanurkat nrleei for Wheat, Oeta,
Cera, Derk wheat, Butter, Egga, Onleui, Applu.
dried frnita, and all kinda of produce, lie hat
tbe largeat and beat telected ttoek of grocerlta,
tena, ooffect, molaaaee, tpleei, oil talt, tugar,
queen 1 ware, tuba, buck eta, leak eta, churn. Ao.,
in Clearfield aouaty. Jla buajiia geedt In large
quantities froia uanufacturera and flrat handa
for eaib. ana take the advantage of nil
diaoouate,undatlie fa eaabled to aeil at lawoet
prteet. He give one b prieee for produce, and trill
bit gooda at tbe lowest prloee In tbt flounty.
1 m a 1
Confbuencb Apikjintments. The
appointmenU for tbe ensuing Confereooe year for
the Clarion diitjict T tha Al-i R. t Oeoferenoe,
which behi k. natunar aatMin at Carry, Pa.,
wevk before laat, art aa follnwa : Elder P, P. Pimr, Clarion, Pa,
Tlrllctue-H. M. Uur 11 1,
ttrookport (i. A. Ilvia.
BrooLvllIn 0. 0. McEnHre..L g '. '.
BroobwaTvllle Wick.' ' '"
Celleniburg-B. P. Dclo. 1
Clarlngton H. Dimmick, auperrjumcrary .
Clarion W, H. Mosiman.
Corsica To he tupplied. .
Cranberry K. R. Knapp. ' "
CurlUvilh-t3. C. Bunt. ft ( ) 1
DuUola To he aupplled.
Bast Brady-W. L. Hilay. '
Kdauburg W. M. Martin.
Kioerickville J. H. Laverty. I
Lutbertburg 8. K. Winger. '
New lielhleiiem ilvrtt Wilton.
PerrytvlJIe 9 L. Wilkinson.
President W. J1. Barton, aaprnunierary.
Puntautawney A. M. Lockwood.
Putneyville T. II. tshcckler. , ,,T
RwynoldatilW- t. Plnnnml. A
Itichardville-0. B. Ned.
Himerabuig J. C. McDonalJ.
KuckUnd J. tUruett, .. .:
Halem To be aoppiied.
Hharritt II V. Talbot.
pihippenvllle O. M. Hackelt.
Troy To be tupplied. '.('
W aabingt)B-U. M. Fill.
Lev! Beeri Prinolaal ol Currier Seminary,
member of Clarion Quarterly Coufereneo.
R. C. Smith Financial Agent of Carrier Sem
inary and member or tbe Clariun Quarterly Con
U aeeordanea with proviont notice, given by
tbe Chairman of tbe Democratlp County Commit-
tr, tba DetDocrnoy of Clvarfield borough and
aniaounding townahipa, and tboea In attendanoe
at Oturt from n, aisembleJ in Mast Ca- I
entioa on Tuei day even ing of last week, to hear ,
tha iatuet of the campaign politely diacmied'
Tbe pruoeesioa farmed in line In the vloialty of
the Wigwam ' T o'clock P. M. fur a torchlight
parade, and marched along aur principal a keels,
being joinoj by a delegtioa from Curwcniville
and Pike townrhip, headed by the Curwenaville
Cornet Hand, a deltgatVin from renn township
nnd Mt. Joy, in Lawrence township. Tbeltreeta
were ablate wilh torches and enthusiasm, and the
line waa InternperMd with appropriately worded
trantparenoiea and banners, Th Orphan 1 ond
CLtltena' I rail 1anda of tbia place, tbt Curwena
ville band, and tereral martial bandt occupied
poilliona In tba procession, and furnithed an
abun dan oe of muais.
After marching for an hour or nure, the people
crowded the Opera Houaa full, and It waa found
necetaary te nrganiae n eocene) one In tbt Court
Home. Tbe meeting In tbe Opera House waa
called to order by Chairman Burch fluid, and on
motion Hon. Ueore B. Barrett waa onUod npon
to preiide, tup ported by the following offlcera,vlt :
Vice Preaidenta John Owena, Lawrence ;
Hiram Wojd'nrd, Hnpn'Oenral Baker, Knox;
C. W. Kyler, (irahain ; Dr. F. B. Reed, Otecola;
Dr. Caldwell, Glenn Hone; O. L. Reed, Clear-
field ; John Trosell, Snndy ; David Meaie, Bo ga;
Don St. Gevrgt Fraaiet, UuuUdule , Dr. A. U.
Beooett, flew Waaluagloo ;-- Cites. bVhwtra,
Brady ; John D. Tboapten, Curwvnavllle Daniel
Moore, Ktrtbaui. .. ,(i
Serretar lea Jamea P. Hale, Omcola ; Jobnaon
Hamilton, Luthoraburg ; Dr. J. M. Btewmrt,
Clearl4. I . ,
i ,
Judg Barrett Introduced J. 1. Butler, uf Boa
ton, Man, at the Aral apeak tr ef tba evening,
Mr. Butler briefly end eloquently reminded bit
llitenen ef tht bad record of the Republican
party. IJii speech wne ww)l received by all who
beard It. He addressed the Ureeobackera In tha
Court House In thii place two years ago.
Senator Wallace waa tbe next speaker, and de
livered aa able speech of three-quart era of an
hour. He was followed by Hon. Jacob Ziegler
editor of the Butler, (Pa.) Herald. "Uncle Jake,"
as be iavfftvmUirl kai Although an old man,
pill a great deal of humor In hil add ran, and at
timet got quite eloquent while talking about Oen.
Uanceck. The tpecchei were nil able nnd Inter
citing and held the audience until eleven o'oloek,
when the meeting adjourned with three cbeera
for (leoeral llaneook and tbe Whole Utket.
The meeting la tbe Court House waa prtilded
over by D. VT. Moore, Ksq., and waa add re ned
by Uoi. Jacob Kurgldr nnd f. L Butler, c bang
ing alternately between tbnt place and the Opera
Thai ended the meeting, nnd all went home
reeling that It waa good for lhe to be there. Thia
oocasion waa one that Indicated that the Demo
crat! of ClearSeld county are fully alive to their
Interetta and tba beat interest of tbe whole
Tbe trial or Jolvn A. evllnB fuf tbt shooting
of Btmael Pennington at UouUdalt, en the 17th
of February laat, and from the effect or which
Pennington died on Monday morning, April 10th,
HMO, began In ooj Court, before Judge Orvie, on
Taaaday morning or laat week. The Common
wealth waa represented by District Attorney
Mrheaiiek and Win. M. McCuUeugb, Esq.. nnd
the prisoner waa defended by Metara, MeKnally
A McCurdy and Bmltb T. Wilson, Ksq. Tueada)
foreneea waf taken up In twieoiing n jnry, after
which tbe ctst wta ready for (he attvrneya. Tbt
Jury waa eempoiel of the following:
Adaak Beck, farmer, Beooarla towmhip,
Bent MiUtr, farmer, Lawrenoe township,
William Thurston,-fanner. Jordan township,
tieorge Ltngle, farmer, Wirard township,
6. U, Heverly, tanner, Bceoarin township,
Heme Hpaaeglor farmer, airaham iewntblp,
Bautuwl P. kjbank, oarpeattr, Lawrenoe twp.,
Hncry Hraome, paiaier, l'ike to win-hip,
Uhrletinn Knrb, farmer, Brad townahlp,'
Jnihua Hen thorn, farmer, Pike township,
iCaebariah Hoover, faraner, Bradford townahlp,
Jobn W illiams, farmer, Jordan township.
A Urge nam bet ef wttneeaea worn etnmieed rm
each aide. Mapa of 11 ou tad a la borough, showing
tbt teeno nf the afliaaS, and the gnn tiein wBlh
tb load -of hue It ih at wni diaoharged, were offered
la evidence. Uob , e-die reeled their eau on
Thursday hvening, and Friday wal devoted to
the argument of Ike ease belore the jury. Dietilet
Attorney MeKrnrlck spoke lnt,and was followed
by Mi. Wilsoa and Judge MeKnally. Mr,
MgCeltowgh eame tmai. ned eeoelnowd hta rgn
ment about half peat nine In tbe evening. :
ludere Orvii delivered n careful and exhaustive
charge te the Jury in n tWr nwl liapawtkel tm
net, end aflerwarnt rntrrneted tbem od iwe ptfintl
of law submitted by Defendant'! eountel.
Two tlpatavta were twera, nnd nl oat 10:90
o'clock P. M. tbe Jury retired to their room to
deliberate npow A vtrdret. The Judre gave
tbem notion tbnt If tbey reach e n verdict any
time before It e'eleeh that night, Court Would
convene at the ringing of the bell, a ad It would
be received. Bbertly before It n'elvck the bell
rang out Ita to net apen tbeetlllueM ef the mid
night nlr, an A It waa but a few momenta when
men and boys oeuld be eeea rumtiag ha the Court
House from all direction t beat tbe reaull. The
Coert room wal packed full, nnd everything waa
te quiet that nothing eoeld be beared bet the
ticking of ibeeloob in the aswer. The prisoner
wee brought in by Sheriff Mahnffey, and abort ly
afttrward the Jurymen nled la and took their
etati ia tht bo I, The Verdict waa banded to tbe
Clark. Mr. Blontn, whs bmaded ii At Ibe OouK
foexaainatloa. At tbo request nf ln Defend
ant't eeunael the jnry waa boiled, after wbiab Ue
Clerk aaidii ,;'Ucaiien.en of tbe jury, hear ken te
yotr veidiotaa tbe Court do ba.e It leoerded
Yon Sod the Defendant, John A. Netliog, guilty
la maaaer and form aa he Hand Indictee" , and
guilty of murder la tbe flrat degree. And ao yon
all any . Tbey all tea ponded in the affirmative.
While tbe verdict wae being received an kin
the death like ttlltnect thai prevailed, the pris
oner tat with Stele indifference, at he did through
out the entire pregreet ef ibe trial. Ilia
unntenanee wne pale nnd care-worn, eauted by
hie long Imprisonment. Tnn Sheriff took the
auMinuela mta hack to priaea and locked him
him np te await toils action.
On Saturday etmf ieatge MeE nally mode
n motion for nnew trial, which mouoa will probe
bly be argued tblt week.
Men's good boots 11.90 at Moore's.
Men's bats from 75 cents to 15 at
Moo re 'a.
Women's good shoes only SI at
Buy your rubbers ol Mooro's. Tboy
tall the cbtapeatl
Buy your millinory goods of II.
Lehman A Co't.
m a '
A full aosortraent ot gloves, all kinds,
at U. Lehman A Oo'a.
FlanneU, castiimercs and cantons in
full ateck at T. A. Fleck A Co'a,
Window shades in newest styles and
great variety at T. A. Fleck A Co t.
You cannot go amins In anything
yen want If yon eall at T. A. Fleck A Cort.
The boHt fitting comet ever made
U now to be foead nt T. A. Fleck A Co.'t.
A now lino of all wool cash moron, in
the late new abadea. jutt received nt T. A. Fleck
A Co'a, 1
Now is tho time to got your over
coat at Uirlinger A Rook'i tbtap for oaak nr In
eicbange for grain Sept 18 -St ,
Mommie cloth, in cotton and wool,
dreai gingbama, and tbe Fall style In dreet eal
looee art among tba lateat arrlvaii at T. A. Flack
A Co'i. .
.Tho improved semi-circular adjuiita
ble Corset la tbe Inuat novelty at T. A. Ftook A
Co'a. Tbty are noted for comfort, eaae and dura
blllty. Ladles, give them a trial. Satisfaction
Making tho buying ofdrcBsand dry
gooda a ituiy, carefulneaa in aelcetlng tbo tame
and selling them nt the right figurea haa made
T. A. Fleck A Co't tbe popular dry gooda houaa
In Clearfield county.
Buy Your Mill Now 1 Wo are tho
proprietors of a Saw Mill, complete In every par
tlnnlar, which we will tell very cheap For par
ti cult ri, addreai K. A., A W. D. fiftJLEU,
DsenVftO tt ,. ClearSeld, Peno'n.
Clearvield Coal Trade. State
ment of Coal and other freight a tent over tbt
Tjroot A Clearfield Divlaion, Pennsylvania Rail
road, for tbe weak ending Sept. 17th, 18S0, and
tbe tame time mat year f '
For tbe week
Same time laat year
Incretit...... t
Previously during year - 1 .1 ,&T
Samt time laat year...
Totftl In I'M
H.u. tim, kit
1 10 J 001
'""t" J,13J,64I ..'..I
.. 9,h2
' vTUKn rRHififtre,
Miioell.neoue freight.
....1-11 oara.
,.I2J M
ltUMlflR Hiti.s. Oot. IH,
Mr KniTom Hi have htd enme fun op here
at the expense of our Deputy Pottmealer General.
He manlfeated considerable Indignation on lait
Wedoeaday, boiuse bia party friends bad em
ployed a Demooralio band loaUend(the Clearfield
meeting that nigbt. However, after growling
fur some time, he Joined tbe parade and itarted
for tbe County seat. But he heard eo touch
Haaeoek tela betwena Pennviile and Curwens
viile, and nobody lalitog Into line to swell tbe
gang, between tbe two towns, that he became dia
a ursged and deserted tba train at Curwensvillo,
so highly dinguated that I should not be aurpritod
ir be votes tcr Hancock on eleetion day. Yon
know that tbe turnout from Peun, Lumbar City,
Kerfcueoo, etc., to that meeting wa a Stale, in
comparison with Ibe turnout on former occasion.
Tba Haooock atar outshines the DeOolyer Oar
field etar up here, and I will not be surprised If
quite a number f Radical a ia thia neigbborbood
will vote for Hancock, who la gaining ground
every day. Yours,. Hanuoii.
-r - mm m ,
The Cengretilonal Conference of tbe 20th ;
District met nt the Irvin Hoose, Lock Haven, on :
Tuarday, Sep Umber 28tb , at 3 P- M. The follow-1
Ing Conferees were preaent :
Centre-J. II. Morrlaon, J. H. Holt, C. T.
Alexander. 1
Clearfield Dr. i. W. PoUer, Jamea L. Leavy,
John K. White.
Clinh.a H-L. Dieffenbacb, W. II. Brown, T.
C. Hippie.
Elk Andre Kaol, Charles Lahr, O. D Mrs
senger. MiffTio C. P. Dull, 8. B. Weber, J. 8. Rektrd.
linten Joseph Ureen, Samuel Blelr, i. W.
Walla, (Mr. Walla baiog abetnt Mr. Blair east
bia vote for him.)
Tbe Conference organised by theteleolion of
Judge Luhr, ot Hlk.for Prcaident.T. C. Uipple,
of Clinton, and John K. White, of Clearfield,
Secretaries. '' ' '
On the oall of eonqiiea Mr. Morrlaon, of Centre
nominated Hon. A. U. CurtiB for Congress, Mr.
Messenger, of Elk, of tbe same eounty j and Mr.
Baksrd, of Mifflin, nominated Andrew Reed, Eiq.,
of tbe same county. The following letter from
Hon. A. II, DIB was presented nnd read i
LRwiMunn. P.. Sewtrmber lflth, IbM.
Dr. Samuel Blair, Joseph Ureea and (i. W.
Walls, Oen t lam en : As the delegates te the
Conereaeional Cunlarenoe from thia dittriot 1 wish
to notify you of any deaire that my name aball not
be prwaante. as a eanaiaaie ror me netninauon ior
Con .1 res.
1 appreciate nigtiiy the Honor aone me ny me
eounty We auggeihng my name, bwt as several
gentlemen me eoinpviing for the honor or tbe
nomination I de not feel at liberty, eooapyiog the
position thai I do, to engage la the aealesu By
making to is decision ot mine an own ai me meei-
Ing of tbe Confereaee yen will much oblige me.
ery truly youra, , a. u. vihi.
The Convention then took several ballot with
reeeates now and then, till aboil 10 o'clock In
tbe evening, the vote standing t for Curt in (Cea
tr, Clinton and Clenrfleld,) 0 for Ratd (Mifflin
and Union,) and I for Hall (Elk,) wbon tbey ad
journed till tbe next morning.
Tbey met next morning at 8:30 o'clock, and on
tbe Sib ballot Hon. Andrew t. Curt in resolved
11 Votes (aeeecaary, IS, two front Elk
having voted to him.) lie we thereupon de
clared the nominee, and on motion tbe oomina
tlen was made unanimous.
Maun. Potter, Rnkerd, end Dlefeabetb were
appointed n Committee to Inform the nominee ef
the actio of tba Conference. The Committee
performed thai duty, and (Jovernor Curtia waa
presented. He eiprelied bis thanks for th
boner eon fern d vpoa him, and acknowledged bit
plsasnr at being placed In a petition te be vin
dicatsd frum tbe wrong done bin nnd hit party
in 1878. He raid h bad left the Badlcal party
la 18T2 and joined the Democrats ; that be had
been with tbem ever that ttu, and was
heartily In tbe MsnesnaipMy tbla year nnder the
lead ef the gall am Hancock; that there were
tilt two great parties In Ibis country lbs Demo
nrstis and Ibe Kadioal and that he bad in 1171
left tbe Utter nnd joined tbo femur, beennae be
believed that It waa only through the Demoeratle
party that th eeunfty eould enjoy perfect peace
and lasting prosperity, ho said inai ia iere ne
had obeyed the mandates if the Stele Central
Committee nnd left bis dlnlriet to do battle for
the Demoeratle candidate for (Joforoor. In bia
absence eatraerdlnary eomblnatlona were made
and In tne reault be and the party had suffered
grievous wrong. This time be proposed to alay
in his dletriet. He had received invitations to go
to Ohio and Indiana, and sella from tb Blate
Central Com mi (We, bal he bad tnadewp bla mind
to remain, with tbeas who bad honored him with
ibis nomination, and with them te labor for the
tuccets of the Demoeratle ticket thr whole
tls It el and as be felt sure of tbe election of ibe
gal lent Unaeock, so bt fell la reference to him
self that Ibe Demoeratle party would stand by
bin, and would do bis part towarda glriag tbsm
an estiva, energetl and aealooB suppirt. lie had
ao fesvs ef the result, and reatsd eon Aden l la the
belief thai tbe party would right the wrong of
1878 nod sustain Itself.
Ills remarks wsrs frequently Interrupted with
applause, and at tbe close loud calls were made
for Mr. Reed. He responded and laid thai he
had goas Into tba Conference, us was evident,
not te aeanlnata Ih hoaorsble geetlewna wbo
had beea thtir eholoe to dsy, but now that the
selection bad been made, and unanimously son
eurred la, It received bis eordtal support, lie
recognised ihewnrasat llaeiief thenominee.end
pledged ble hearty euppert, ef him la lb can
At tb conclusion or bia remarks, which
were loudly applauded, Mr. Hell was cartel for.
U aald he bad tola there la good faith as a
candidate, end waa gratified st the supper be
bad received from bit Bounty bat that the nomt
nation bed fallen It aa other, tad be theagbt it a
eelaotloa eminently It te be made, aad It would
reetlre bit tnost hsarty support. The men wbo
were hit C fores wee representative wea ia
Elk eeuaty, nnd their as (tea weald bt anneurred
la by ibe people of Elk, and whsa tbe tote was
cut ea the Id pf November, our dut lag ut abed
a em I nee would be feuad re on lag along with ear
Bubsu standard bearer, W Inlaid B. Unneosk. Pot
himself he would eo ell la hi power te bring te
Uevereer Cnrtla lbs eeppeet bs should raoelve,
anil whrab be ae ant the Demeerey f Ilk
wevAd aire, Frttiueat appleuee taUrrapted Mr.
Halt's remeike, at tht slese of which the Confer
ence tdjourntd sfa rff.
New Daily Staoi Lini. Jmtx L.
Leery nil luooeeded In h.rlng dftlly uub
llilMd betweeft Cleftrteld PennH.ld, ftnd will
bmftfur nt iftlly Uimn th. two point,.
Ulaoonlriotb.g.n with April lit, .ndth. itig.
wllllur. Cle.rD.ld X Boinlng ( 8un
dfty) o'.lock, tn.klog eonneetlonl with nil
trtlmoa th. Low Urftd, Hftllroftd at Pennfl.ld, re
luming ftft.r Ih. Ift.t tr.l. tba l is. ...Dlftg.
PftftWBg.riftbd freight will beeerrUd et low rftt...
Order, left ftt ftny of tbe hot.ll will b. ntt.nded
t.. 16.pr7V-tf
M.r.nri, Etc. All Mrton, w.ntlng t r.t
el.H D.wmg Muhln. ibould boy tb. N.w Im
prored Llght-Kunning Weed, lor i.l. by John 8.
llore., Fft.tor MilM &. BMrt, deW
Ift Michlnu ftnd, ileynoldxllle, P..
n.y lutb-6ro
KtiTin.-Dellrered t lUft Hell Bond
ICO.noo 11-loeb ,h.ed ihinglee.
1110,000 U looh ied ibingln.
100,000 feet of pin. board.
ftofl.000 U-fe.t ib.ved hooil.
4.0H0 railroftd tin.
10,010 feat of good h.mlook boftrdi.
For which 1 will pay the bigheit market prlea,
dellrwed ftl Clewfleld, or ftt any point oft th.
Tyrone 4 C'l.arllild llailroad.
J. T. Ka.Haft.
Olrtrlold, P., Oot It, ISTS.lf.
Oai UunoRin Pin Cent. Diico'jrt on Oi.n
Pltiona. Sewing Machine, can now be pnrchftied
at Merrell'a lift ftnd variety atore, from 1.14 up
ward.. All hind, of aewlng maebinea ropairod
on tba ahorta.t notioa.
Claarlleld, Pa., July H, HJT.
! Coil.lfTO,a BalM ! w have prepared
ft form, nd have on band ft Urge quantity, of
blank "Oollaotor1. Sal.i," which hare been ap
proved by tha bigheit legal aathorlty in tba
Courtl of tbia county. At Tieeary tVale per
doien wa will mail any number to tha Collector
ordering them. A Collect.r, wb.ft compelled to
adrcrtiaa property, mu.t poal up not leia rh.ft
Ibree notioea In the moat pullie plaeea in tn
borough or towmhip.
Just Iteceired.
Just rioonivfcd hy ARNOLD, l
Car Load Nora Scotia riastcrl
Car Lond puro Corn, fiye and Oats
Chop !
Car Load Deakcn Halt !
Car Load of Choice Family Klour!
Car Lond Dry Goods, Grocorios , 4c!
HrrShinulea, Bitrk. Ii. ii. Tics and
drain will be lakon in exohange.
Curwensvillo, May 1, 1878.
drnce ol thebridt'a parent a, on Tuesday, (Septem
ber list-, Wm. 1. Woodward, Jr., and Misa
Lillian, daughter of Cbarlet ltobaeker, Haa., all
of Ptnfield, Cltarfleld eounty.
ALMONDMILLER. At Morrladale Mlnea,
Clearfield ooun'y, on Wadneaday, September 2tttb,
10, by 0. C. Crowell, Ksq., Mr. J. T. Almond
anfl AlISS .warm m, minmr, no ib in vcuin .vug-
ty, P.
KBSTKn-BKLL. At Penovllle, on Sunday,
October 8d. IBM), bv Cbarlea Helper, Ken., Mr.
Jeesie Heater and Mra. Clementine Hell, both of
ttreenwood townahlp, Clcarrield oouoty, fa.
BRADLEY. In Clearfield borough, at the
Allegheny House, on Hun day morning, October
.d, IN.), at t o'clock, of ooniuuiption, William
Hpeer Bradley, aged 53 yeara, 8 monlbe and 3.'
l-I THKR In Bred towniblD. near Lutbers
burg, at the home of bis father, Major M. U.
Luther, on Tuesdav. September 28th, Imi, ban
beua T. Latber, aged 40 yeara, fl moolha and 13
DRLMMOND. Near Lotheraburg, Wednei
dev. Hen t ember 3lHb.lH80, Willie, aon of Williai
A. and Jane Drummond, nged IS yeart,4 muntha
and 16 days.
Willie we a good boy; Intellectual, promising,
died happy and weat to Heaven.
Lock Haven paperi please copy.
811 1'NK WKILEK. At the residsnee or his
father nt Lick Hun Mills, lloshea townahlp, on
(September 2stb, 1HU, vt Trpbotd rarer, Elha 1.
Hhunkweilsr, agcdjSt years,? months and 30 days.
The desth of tbls young man affords a mourn
ful opportunity lo testify to tbe uprlghtnesa of
hia character. He spent bis abort life where he
was born and died, and was known and beloved
by a large olrols of friends and acquaintance,
who in large autueert alt ten dad his funeral. Of
bis good qualities It will suflee to say that be had
mora of the virtuea and fewer of tbe vice than
falls tn tbe tot nf most young man amiable,
courteous, honest, Indastrleuf, faithful and oblig
ing In all bis relation of life, and died tn tbe
full assurance of a happy future la tbe life to
come. He was brought ep under tba ausplors of
the writer, who heartily gives this tribute or re
spect to the memory ef a dear friend. I.
WEAVER. In Clearfield borough, on Mon
day, Boptember 17th, 10, at 11 o'clock P. M., or
membraneous croup, I rsnei Eliiabeb, daughter
ef George and Ida Wsarsr.aged 3 years, 3 months
and 13 days.
Little Frankie, whose sudden and unexpected
death ha wrought so much sadness to tbe hearts
of her parents, was one of the most beautiful and
amiable children that ever bleated a borne. Bhe
was wlae and thoughtful far beyond her years.
Hbe was the pet of a food and loving father, and
the Idol of a doting and affectionate mo tbet.
Death eame te tbls loving fa onssbold, with aearely
a moment's warning. His march was stealthily
and almost unnoticed until bis work was does,
and the sad reality eould hardly be realised by
bar parents, who elung lo bar sad would not be
lieve their baby pet wsi dead. Their grief was
nnbanoded and eel led forth the warmest sympa
thy from Ibe entire eo mm unity, among whom
neither father or another has a single enemy but
on the fontrary, the most dsvotsd friends. Tbslr
hsirti are wrung with sorrow j but let us bop
that they may And consolation and eoaifort in
the realisation that their dear little Frankie bas
been only removed from thim tn tbe eare and
protection or Him, who, while on earth, took lit
tle trhttdren In his arms and blessed them, and
aid i 'ufleT liltle children to come unto me and
forbid them not, for of snob is lbs kingdom of
Mamma sadly strokes the golden bead,
' ' '' A in accents so uneven,
flhe stills ibe heart pain to sty t
"No i our darling is up In Heaven
With tear-dimmed eyes she kneels .
In fervent silent prayer, ,
, Aa tbe apiril of her loved ooe
float near upon the air. ' - .
CLaRiiRi.n, Pa.
flct. itb, ISS8.
Flour, pet ewt,., -
Buckwheat Plour, perewt.,...
V on
... ' 1 "
Corn Meal, per cwt
Chop, rye, perewt , ...
K ttop, mixed, per ewi ...
Bran, per ewt
Wheal, per bushel.
Kye, per banhel
Oeta, per bushel
Cora, ears, per buahel
1 .0
I 00
J It
. ,
... ' lo
... T
i is
Hock w beat, per bnsnel
Clover seed
Timothy seed
Potatoes, per bushel
Apples, par bushel..,,,, -
llama, war pound
Hi boa Id er, per pound -.m.
tmed near, per pound. ..........
Chicken, per pair
Butter, per pound
"gga, per dosen
Salt, per seek, largo.,...,... ...
uoai uu, par ganoo
Lara, per pouad m.
Dried Apple, per pound
Dried Peaches, per pound ,
Beans, per bushel.....,.,.
PatLAnuLrnu, Oct. 4tb.Bradilufi are with
out aisenlial ehange. Cotton Is dull at 1 1 Km I'ie
for middling uplanda ana uun. mra mere is
nothing doing. Heeds Clover sells slowly el
Ttfrvne. Timothy It in fair demand at $2 70(i.I SO.
rlax I wantea at rionr ann
Meal Flour Is la moderate request and firm.;
Hales of l,0f) barrels, including Minnesota low
an. choice extea, at s4.Tbmb.7e do.sHT(a)
I III; western do . at .-(& V4 1 and patents a
Ift Tsoafl ) also, 8,1111 bnrrela Ulrard, Uem, Mar
ket street, Kgypt ana voeitenhem on private
terms. Itys flotr Is aearee and firm all.
Urain Wheat la less active, but steady. Bales
of 8,000 bushels, inelnded rejected et tlOv' M ,
red aad amber, track, nt l.Osjfa)! 1 and No.
I red, elevator, nt H At inn open ooare,
flrat eall, s.000 baahels December aold at 11.101 ,
$l.tN was hid for OeVeor;l.ou for November,
aodfi.lui for DeoemtteT. nye is arm as vus ior
Pennsylvania. Corn la In fair demand and
stsedv. Hate of T,V0 nuanais, including yellow,
nt ti($bVQ 1 utscd al M(vft4c, and rejected at
siitjapwC, At ins open ooaru, nrii can, ito
was bid for October ; fur November, and suae
for Daceeibsr. Oats are firm nod fairly active.
Bales of Mot baibela, iaeluding white at IV, (3)
414c 1 and rejected and mixed allTi3ic
Whisky la steady. Bales of 200 barrels west
,m, at 81.13.
Cnieaao.OoL 4ih.Flourootrt. Wheat actlre,
lower and week t He. I red Wiater, V,(d,V;
Ne. 1 Cbieago Bprlng, .IlO.lo ror eash Mh
for Ue tuber 4iolr December, No. 1 do., ie.
r.r. ..... and tower I fil(ayla lereaahi 40
dJ4Ac for November i S lc lor December. Oate
dell and a shade lower 1 lorct uue lor nash 1 Sole
for Nevember. Bye aud barlFy steady, rora
Irraeulen eash hither, optluna lowsr 1 $1 Jf
It eu for eaebi sl .( It. 88 for Oeteber 1
l2 AT,(a)l2.T0 for November. Lard Armor at
$7. fit breast, ant November. Bulk meats easier 1
shoulders. short ribt, tft short elear,
ft. aw. Whisky fteady.
Jtttti ttmtigrtti-nts.
I tHTR A trefpftailftgoft Ih, premtiai
J of tba aubaeriber reelding io Bloom lown
ebip, on ar about tha IUI af July laat, a light
HKD COW, both bind fMt whit., and about ten
yeerl old. Tba owner la reu, to eora. for
ward, prove bia property, pay tb. hrral eb.rgM
nd teka bar ftway, or tba boeet will b, dlipoeod
of aeoordkog to law.
Foroik Pa., Oet. . l80 Jt.
I.lXECUTOR'H NOTICB. Notioe la bam
J by girrn that Leltere TeitamenUry aft th.
..Uleof JOHN R VADUHT, lata of Kartheae
township, Cleartield eounty, Pennsylvania, da.
eeaMd, having duly grented to tbe nftdar
eiaued, all persona Indebted to said .etal. will
fileaea aaaka immediate paymeat, and tboM bav
ng olftlm. or d.mabdi agaioet tba eatne, will
praaant them properly authenticated fir eettle.
Lent without delav. J. W. POTTER,
Karthaui, l a . repk 30, IB80 6I.
undersla-ned re id in c in tiulicb township.
hereby gives public notice to tboso parties wbo
are la tbe bam tot trespassing on ois premnew, w
well as sll others who may be inclined to oorum it
tbo tame wrong, that tbey must desist hereafter.
I will enforoe tbe law againet all persons without
rsspect to parties found bunting or strolling
over my premises without my consent. A word
le tbe wise abould be auflieient.
Ramsy, Oct. Itb, 1680-Jt.
VfOTICK I DIVOHt'K la the Court of
X Common Pleas of Clearfield oouoty, No. 31,
June Term, ISft). Altai Suhpotma Sr Divorce.
Almlra Kriae, by her next friend. William
Grab em vt. O. H. P. Krisn.
Tha unileralgned Comuiiiaioner appointed by
tbe said Court to take testimony io tbe above
case, gives aotioe that he will atlend to lbs duiias
of bia appointmont at his office In tbe borough of
uioameia, re., an rnaey, ootoner z-u. at
I e clock r. H., when and where alt parties in
tcresled may attend, OSCAR MITCHELL.
Lommisi loner.
Clearfield, Pa., Oct. fith, IMO St.
Slate Normal School, i
Ill ILD1NU, lb. bolt of tbe kind In the Vailed
ACCOMMODATIONS for KM) boarderl.
SCHOOL, nnt olaai li all reaped,.
DKPAIITMKNTS Normal, Claailcal, Commer
cial, Mualeal
THK FALL TKRM of IS wttka will opoft on
Monday Sep t 6, 1880.
EXPENSES, as low a those of nay other sobool
affording equal ad rentage end accommoda
For Catalogue, addrssi
JOHN H. Fni'NCll, LL. D..
Iroilil, Pa., July 14th, lKSO bro.
ValuaUe hi Estats!
1Y virtue of an order of tbs Orphans' Court of
J J Clearflald eounty, there will be exposed to
sals on the premises, in Uurnaide townrhip, on
Sat unlay, October Ml), 1880,
At 10 o'clock A. M., the following property or
FKANCId M. ELLTUN, doe'd : All that certain
tract of land situate In Bnrnside townrhip, Clear
field eounty, Pa., bounded north by A. end 6.
Pulton's lands, eait by David Fulton, south by
David Weaver, and on tba wait by A. and S. Ful
ton's lands, containing
With fifteen ncres cleared, and having thereon
erected a frame dwelling, lfix24 feet, and a log
barn, 10x34 feet, and other outbuilding.
THKMS OF 8.1 Li: t
Oe third cash at confirmation of sale, one
tbird In one year thereafter, and one-third in two
years thereafter, with Interest on deferred pay
ments from data of eenflrmation of aale, which
payments are to be secured by judgment bond.
juiih fkiiviK, Aatntuiatreior.
Burntide, Pa , Sept. 14, 18H-4t.
Valuable Heal Estate
BT rirtue of an order of the Orphan' Court of
Clearfield eounty, tbe undersigned Admin
istrator of the estate of Ueorge B. Kelly, dee d.
will sell at publie sale on tbe premises in tbe
borough of Uoutidale, Clearfield eounty, Pa., on
Monday, November lut, 1880,
At IO O'Clork A. M
All of tbe Interest or said decedent in the follow
ing described real estate, vis : All that certain
lot of ground situate in the borough of Uoutidale,
eounty of Cleartield and State of Pennsylvania,
fronting on Brisbln st about 3D feet, and running
bach tn aa ellev called Pnruce alley about one
hundred and fifty feet, and beiar the one-half ef
lot known in tbu plan of Hootadala as lot No. !tfiu,
bounded ay lot ot flouts aeirs en one ame, ana
the other part of laid lot on tbe 01 her side, bav
ins: thereon erected a two-storv frame building
20x40 feet, with a two-story kitchen attached to
It 16x20 feet, and outbuildings. Tbe same Is now
uaed aa a hotel property.
One-half eah at time or sels.end the residue
In one rear from the day or sale with Interest, te
be seoured by Bond and Mortgage or Judgment
Bond. n. u. iviLtii,
Adm'r ef estate of (1 . B. Kelly, dee'd.
Clearfield, Oet. 6th, lt.8U.4t.
nIIR undersimed ha arrived at tb eoaclmion
X to sell off all hi atore gooda and a large
amount of other personal property oa a is prem.
ises, at wt LSUMJunu, at a public Auction,
commencing on
Tiiesdriy, October 12th, 1880.
At 10 o'clock A. M., nnd to oonttnue from day to
day until all (be goods and property named are
disposed of at whatever price ihev may bring.
The properly consists of B'i'UBK UOODa OF A LL
KINDS, such as cloths, eatinalts, easilmeres,
muslins, delaines, linen, drillings, oalli'oes, trim
ming, riblioos, laec, eluthing, knots
and shoes, hats and caps allot Ibe best material
and made to order hots, socks, gloves, mil tens,
Coffee, tea, sugar rie, molases, flab, salt pork,
linseed oil, fish oil, carbon oil. Hardware, queens
ware, tinware, oast iogs. plows aud pluw eastings,
nails, spikes, corn cultivators, cider presses, svo d
all kinds of axes. Perfumery, paints, varoiih,
glass, and a general assortment of slallnnery usu
al v kent in a eountrr store
ALMI, IIUUMCS and !Al l u K, a two oorse
wauoR. a two-horse carriage, and a spring we gnn
together with a lot of farming utensils and other
perional property too numerous lo mention.
amounting te lass than $10 must be paid upon
tbe delivery ef the property. On sales over 110,
a credit of six months will he given by furnishing
approved security, or a discount of 8 portent.
will be made on toe old II tne can is lemierea.
French. Ills, Pa , Beptember 24, IftHI-tr.
or .
Desirable Ileal Estate
Estate of XUciurl Shaw, Sr., Doe'd.
TIIR unjenlrneii, Vierutore of tb. .at.t. of
KICllAIll) KIIAVT, Sr., dMeeaed, will olor
1 publie eala at Ih. COl'HT I1UUMK. In tha nor.
ugh of Clearflcld, Pa., on
Monday, Dcoember Gtli, 1880,
AT 1:30 O'CLOCK P. IH.,
Tbs fellowlag valuable real estate, vis t
The three st ery BRICK HOT HI, properly.
earner of Market and First streets, la the bor
ough of Clearfield, known as
'The Shaw House,'
Frontlog with two lot of ground thereto belonging
100 feet on Market street, and iau
feetoa Flrat street, with n two. story
dwellinc house attached. The ho.
tel Kroner has sixty bed-rooms and
all eenventeeeee for a first -elaae
betel. One ef the most desirable hotel properties
la Central Pennsylvania,
Tbe eheva will be aold together with a two
star frame dwelline boase on Market atreet, ad
jeeent to tb Hotel, aud one other frame dwelling
beuee and n two-dory, nu iroawog
oa Market street. Also, a frame dwelling house
fronting oa First street.
ALSO. All (hat eerttia lot, haowa la Ibe
r-laii of Clearfield borough aa Lot No 1 19, . .
fronting fit feet nn Luc est ttreat, ran- fTTt
ning beak 171 feet, more or ), loan alley
with dwelling house nnd all necessary nut
buildings tbereoa reeted,aad ether improvement.
One-tblrd eash at delivery of good deed, aad
the balance to be secured by bond and mortgage,
payable In one nnd iwe years, with tnlereiL
e A. B. BIIAW,
Hurt I. Ing Ears ef Richard Shew, 8r.,dece.
Clearfield, Pa., Dan. , Mt 1.,
r n
CRM) BCTHIIELnW George Weaver A Co
ej, want Ave thousand bushels of OATS, now,
and will pay oaab er produce,
Claerti.lj, Pa Aug. It, ISTf-tf.
CAHTIOltf. All persons are hereby warned
ftt te purchase or have anything to do with
tbe following perional property, aow In the pos
session of Henry Raoords, of Uraham, township,
via: All bis household goods and kitchen furnllure,
n stove and three bogs. Tbo foregoing
property waa purohaaed by me at Constable sale,
and Is allowed te remain In tbe possession ef eeid
Henry Reoorda on loan only, subject to my order
ntnnytime. W. B. MAUUIRK.
Kylertown.iSept. S2d, 190-11.
IHTRAY. Ketrey.d from tbe premlaea of
J the 8ubcribr, reaiding in Ulom l..nebip,
on or about tba Ivln of September, cne larg. red
and one white cow with bell on, will be frrah
about the let of October, and nbnut nine yeara
old. AIm, one red and ana white belfer one year
old, with ball .in. 1 will pay liberally for infor
mation, tbnt will lead to tbe teoorery of my prop
erty. My poatofflo. ftddra.e la Foreat P. 0.,
Cleftrneld County, Pa. DAVID 8. KNARH.
Kept. lllt, 18S0 St.
la hereby givrn that Leltera of Admlnia.
tr.lion on tba aaUU of WM. BICIl.tK, let.
af Cle.rli.ld borough, CleftrOold Co., Pa., doe'd,
having been duly granted to tb. unu.riign.d, .11
pwoona iadebud to aald ftaUU will pleaaa m ike
immediate payment, end thoe heving claima or
demanda againat tba aama, will prevent tbem
properly authenticated for eelllemenl without
del.y. MARIA J. llllll.HK,
Clearlcld, Pa., Hept. I, 1880 Al.
Farm For Sale.
The tubsrriber now offers bis farm for sale.
The property Is looated one mile and a half north
of Clearfield, oontaining ICIfiHTY ACHKH,
most of which is cleared and nnder good cultiva
tion, good two-story "L" bouse, large frame born
and other naeessary outbuildings, together with
an orchard of all kinds of fruit, lbs whole ii
underlaid with a vein of good coal. Tbis prop
erly will be exohanged for smaller property. For
furilm particular eall on tne premises, or uy
letter addred to J"iin v. ar.r,w,
September 1, ISHO-Sm. Clearfield, Pa.
and all kinds of
ao To
O. U. MKMiEI.L, Agent,
CLEARFIKLD, PA. Jun. t, 'itO-tf.
My 11 Sm.
Thomas A. Duckett,
IIIKBEBY give notice to the citiiens of Clear
flald and tbe surrounding vicinity that I am
tiretiared at all times to furnish families and
manufacturing establishment with n superior
quality of
Coal, Wood t Coke,
Which I am prepared to deliver ia a few hours'
notice. 1 am alwavs reedy to haul and deliver
front and to the depot, or anywhere elie, and I
move families and household goods anywhere on I
short notice. THOS. A. DUCKBTT. !
Clearfield, Pa., Mar. II, loftt-tr.
Valuable Real Estate I
rpHK undersigned, 8 1 oo ten et JoBKPH
X BEST, deoeased, late of II amp den township,
Cumberland eounty, Pa., will sell oa
Wednesday, Octoher 20th, 1880,
At the Court Home, In ClearDeld town, Clear
field oounty, Pa., tha following dearribed Haa
Kitate, rit :
Triiot pjo. 1.
Unimproved. This tract Is oovered with Timber,
such as Pine, Oak, Chestnut, Hemlock, etc., and
underlaid with minerals, aneh aa Lead and Coal,
bounded as fullows : On tbs eest by Clearfield
creek, en the north nnd west by John M. Cbase,
being a part of a larger traot of land called tbe
" (Susanna Ward Tract," laying la Knex town
ship. Trtaot No. B.
I'nlmproved. This I n valuable property for ita
mineral such as coal that It oonUina and tha
advantage ol taking ft out bounded as fullows :
Oa the north by Hulomon Hall man nnd John M.
Chase, on the east by lands of Churchmen, and
TraWvot INo. 8,
Unimproved. This la without n doubt a valuable
property, with llaauppoeed inexhaustible mineral
uh aa eeel and it advantage, raving la a
direot line with tbe Houtadale Coliery Ballroad,
within two or three milee of the above-named
tract of Und and eveninally must pass through
those lands. This tract la bounded as follows :
On the south by tbe lands or tbe lluuts heirs.
on the west by W. H. Joy, eta. Tbe.e two lait
tracts are lying in Woodward township, Morgan
llun pursing tnrotign.
Poisons wiihinc to aee anv of these tracts can
do so by calling oa John I. Coder, living nenrth
properties. Ita will give any or all lalormanon
about these properties, or on tbe undersigned Ex
ecutors, living in Cumberland eounty, Pa., or any
oommunirati'in-will be received at Kberly' Mills
P. O.
Twsnty per eent. of tbe purehase money lo be
paid wben ibe property is siricaaa on, tne oai
aiiee to be paid on the first day nf April, lsl
when poseesti.n nnd title will he given.
K i ecu tors.
Kberly 'a Mill', Cumberland Co , Pa., Hep. 18-la
The News From
Boots and Shoes,
Qats and CapJJ
Celt's Hiog
That Ever Came Into the
Oarf).t.l, ft, Sept. il, IMd Sra.
Curwensvillo, Pa.
Wholesale Dealer in
Boots, Shoes, Groceries,
I huv direct from jobbers and ninnufacturers, receive goods at
enr lond rates, hence can compete
phia houses.
Also, Dealer in
Saw Logs, Lumber, Shingles and Bark.
Parties having bark to haul during the Winter, can contract
and receive liberal advances. Also, advances made on Saw Logs.
Give me a call.
feut. Ill, 1880-If.
WE INVITE the people
insnection of our Wnro
READY made
Gent's Furnishing Goods,
As we buy for cash only, we are enabled to give our patrons
every possible advantage. Our
adapted to Merchant Tailoring, is complete, we employ oniy
first-class workmen, and are prepared to make suits at short notice
and unusually low prices.
We tender our thanks lor
Room No. 4, Pic's Opera House Block, Clearfield, Pcnn a.
September 20, 1880-tf.
All kindt of Casketa and Coflini kept on band, and tarnished to order on
short notico, including tho fin cat an well ai tbe clieapeH that can be manu
factured. Our
oonraii priBBiinvim
Ii tho bnal In uae, and will be furnithed when required. Funerali attended
in any part of Ihe county. Call at my oflice, on Second etrcot, or leave)
vour ordon at Troulman'e Furniture Store, adjoining tho roetolflce.
oet 1,70-ly.' Clearfield, Ta.
tw Sflirrtistmmls.
OM.V TO I.OAN.-Oa Iret elau In-
nrored farm pmperty, hj the Mntnal
Id ars
aareaee Oumpanv of New lork, an lr.t ftinrt-
,a,a, In Mail free, It.eoe ap. Vot farther Ift
furftiatioB applj ta the nnderelaned.
Cleeil.ld Pa., Ma; Tia, U7 tf.
May ( onrem The andenlined, bailnf
b.Q nppAiat AmHt for tb. b.n.nt of eredi.
lore bj Jaa. II. Drahun, of Cle.rt.U fteroofh, all
paraona, tharafora, h.vl.f elaiae atalnet him will
pr.enl them 1. ft. for, aad tftoee In
det ad t, the aald 'Jrehaat ftra required la aetlle
aad maha Barmeftt to ne.
KliWAHI) . RlllLKn,
AFHUKV W. Lliii,
ClaarlaM, Pa., Iw. 14, ll't-lf.) Auiawa.
ITHT ftJOTITE.-Cani. on
j tha Suberlrr, reeidlnR in Otrard town-
bip, OB or aboat tha laat day f Aofoat, two
tew., ane red with while atar la tba lervhead,
theatberaft AWerny brown, lloth hftva ahort
thleft horaa, and nppoied ta ba three yeara aid.
Tba ewner U) raue,le4 t. )ra. forward, prove
ble property, pay all neeeMery eheravn, and lake
tba ateer, away, or they will b. Mid .a tbe law
dlreete. SAMl'Kk O. HHADroHl). II, IIM K .
la bareby given that fatten of Adalolitra
I...B eatba e.uieef UKKKNWOOD M.CHAI K.
KN.Iate af Knoi townahlp, CloarB.ld Maoty, Pn.,
daoaaaed, having bwa duly (re.tad t. ih. a.d.r
alrftad, all parione Indwhud to old aetata will
pbwae Bake tediete payment, and theaa bav.
lag elalaia or d.aa.di .g.lftet tb. will pra
Mot them properly ftathefttleated for aattleaiaal,
wllkont delay. JOHN M.CKAOhlN,
Admlnlrtraur 0. T.i.
tfew Millport, P... Sept. fj, ll l.
it ."to 3 S-S"' Id
Z Sbtg-- O .
rm g jft5. z
l;Sy Mil
j - a p w v
elgli Yh 1
-6,e .H m---S "a
nil g f5r J
mi JiiJi li
.c'E -z a. (. " So
with New York and Fhikdel-
of Clearfield and vicinity lo the
nnd well selected stock of
line of piece goods, especially
past tuvors, and soiicu your luiure
Jnr dfrrtUrmcnti.
Cftrweanllla, Pa , Jan. I, -fa tf.
T)F.F. FOR SAI.P.. Thlrteaft hive, aa
1 Italian Bee, which I will ettl aheap for
eeah, or eiehaaire for wb.aL F.r farther
form.ti.ft Mil .o mr ftdilren th. nnd.rlgn.
Mo,,l t'. ClMrl.ld, P.
i;.KN I.ANIM KOR At.fb la Ilaetoft
X ft"d Pine Uwn.hipa, CWarield Manly.
tlMMaable lime alven (orp.rt.f parehftM
anay. Prloe, io M te .II M per Mra.
v. i i. i e. ainn i - .
P.ol.ld, Pa.
r WaLiftcft A Kftaaa,
Sept. 1, lIMf. Cleftrteld, P,
Pine Timber for Sale I
Tba under,!. nad offer, for Hie M mf term.,
thro, ftad an. half aaillion faal of plaa hambev a
tw Iraeti af land ) Oefttr. Ow. .Ilk
tw, and ana. half mlllioaa, elte.uua mlH. fma
ll..ud Itelloa, . M. V. R. aad ta. Matte,
with aae mlllleft fMt, ftillM from aald ata.
tlen. liaod atr.m, of water rnaalag Ungthwlna
thraugh efteh treat. ,
Klnmpagt SS per Thmutmnd.
Treat! alM MnUla Mb and Bemleol. OtW
pln.oah .nd b.mwot limber ift the ft.ighb.rkM4
er aale. wood leoaUoft fee poruhU, aa. mllL
n.erj.M, Pa., Sept l', la.t