Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 06, 1880, Image 2

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ai,u. 7'lSj-iit.r,
Reader, If y want to know what le going en
la the bueineae world, just read our advertising
tolomni, th Special column in particular.
Homorratlc National Ticket !
Gen. Wiiifuiil S. Hancock
Hon. William II. Enslisli,
r.iB KLKrTOR-AT-.ARflB t
Roberl K. Moaeghan, William II. PlayferiL
i re-B pihthi
1. Join Slttin.
I. K.lwin A. I'm.
S. John M. Campbell,
. (lilllel D.llelt,
5, Joha M. MftetL
II. K.lwatd Wal.len.
T. Nathan C. J.tnee.
8. OMrg. Filbert.
ft. Ju. (J. M'Snrrf:D.
111. Alfred J. Martin.
11. A.leta derringer.
12. Ffank Turner.
l:i. P. J. UirtnltiRhiim.
14. Henry K lljrii.
or klectoii,:
I.i. Ue.irge A. Poll,
jltt. Abrain M. Ilenton.
17. J. hn P. Union.
1 18. Julia 8. Millar.
III. John 0. Ballon.
20. Calein M. Ilower.
21. Jal. A. J. BuebanaB.
1 23. Chriatepher Mim.
Hubert M. Oibaiin.
24. William B. HuTil.p.
8.1. ll.rrj W. WlleoB.
Kamuel Oriffit b .
j 87. J. Hon Thuuipiun.
Democratic State Ticket !
for auditor of.nerai. :
Democratic County Ticket !
Club Meeting. Dr. Buyer will ad
dress tho Hancock Club in tho Wig
wam next Friday evening.
MuRniYisM. Wo learn that Francis
Murphy will lecturo in tho Courtroom
every evening during next week. ,
A Grand Democratic MASS
MEETING will be held in
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 20th, 1880.
j"A nuinbor of prominent speak
ers imvo been invited
- j oroiiio,'
Hon, Daniel W. Megs,
' Of IndiiuuV,
: Of Hollefonlo,
Senator Wallace.
,, , ' OrCloftrfloM,
lmve ngreed to be present, or
furnish good substitutes.
WEDNESDAY, October 13th.
Speaker -Ex-Governor Cur.
tin, our nominee fur Congress,
DaviiJ L. Krebs, Eh.., nnd Col.
Walter Barrett.
'THURSDAY, October 14th,
Speakers Ex-Governor Cur
tin, David L. Krebs, Esq., and
Col. Walter Darrett.
FRIDAY, October 15th,
Speaker!! Ex-Governor Cur-
tin, IJon. Georfjo IiT Barrett, nnd
David L. Krebs, Esq.
Lei there lie a full turnout of
our friends at these places.
J. P. llinonriKiji, Chair'n.
W. E. Wallace, Scc'y.
Cleawfikld, Oot. Oth. 1R80.
fc. y
Holovv will liu luiintl a comtilotu
(if the number ut vtiters in every lior
oiij-b ftint township In Clvarftvlil coun
ty, as returned by the aevorul Ansets-
orii to tho County Cotiniiitwionerri for
BoR'itTnrR. f A V A I I.V H jb'b A T WMi. Tal.BI.'e
lturaeile Bor...... 04 FrrfOfoa 1."I
Cleerlield 47.4 lliranl 126
farwemiill. 223 (lu.henH. ltH
U.mUj.l. .Ilia Ureheia 162
Latubar City Ml llreeawofHl 117
Newburs 45 tlulieh J.J
N . Weliir.gtn..., -t HuKi-n ....... eJS
Hioeole JV1 Jurjen ... . loe
Wellacat.B 43 karlhatia UI
Heeearia I up 347 Kaol K7
11.11 J.iO Lawrence 4'I2
Bloom lilt Murrli...... 4j
Bojric. 1(14 Patio . Ist
lirabfunl ..' J Pik
Brady 4M SaBjy 00
UarBaida IlilaiuB... IS
Lbait 211 WaodwatJ
Coving-tuB W
Ilttalur . in Total -.IO,CI
Sinco our Ceneua KiiutnoraUiin uu
noun ceil our population na being 43,
we have hud it ' cheeked up to uu"
by some ot our old coach neighbor,
that our Jlnumerutora had made a lih-
erul calculation of our population, bo
caurio it happened to bo bo far beyond
their caleution. ' We now have square
proof that wo have at leant 2,000 raoro
population than tho Enumerators fix
ed it at in Juno. Above wo produvo
tho work ol thirty-olght AnncsnorH, dif
ferent men discharging other duties,
and yot, wheu wo use tho same figures
(4j) on tho list of voters (10,018) that
wo employed on tho number of taxa
ble inhabitant, tho result ia a popula
tion of 45,028. This rci-ult is ponitivo
proof that tho Census Enumerators'
work fulls short of that made by the
AsHemiors on tho firhl of September.
Tbo same result also shows that tho
population of this borough by tho rule
should bo over 2,000.
The Political Outlook. In these
times of excitement it is an interesting
thing just now to study tho political
problem from tho standpoint of past
events A earoful review of tho man
ner in which tho States have voted on
President roveals this information In
regard to those States whoso votes aro
considered most important in deciding
the Presidential qicstion. Maine lias
voted 0 times for 'jemocratio par
ty and 0 times against; New York,
12 for and 8 against ; New Jersey, 10
for and 10 against; Connecticut, 4 for
and 1C against; Pennsylvania, 13 for
and 7 ngainst; Ohio, 9 for and 10
against; Indiana, 10 for and G against,
aud Illinois, 10 lor and 5 against In
the present contest it is reasonably
oerlain that these States may bo fairly
placed in the dchatahlo column, and
tho contest will bo waged in them by
both parties with all the deturmina
tion and energy inspired by the hope
of success. It will bo Been that Penn
sylvania lias voted oltener fur tho
Democratic ticket than against it, and
hor vote, we believe, has always been
roconlod in favor of tho succcsslnl can
didate. "As goes Pennsylvania, eo goes
tbo Union," ia likely to bo verified this
time, and unless the present tide should
receive a disastrous chock by the Oc
tober election, the old Keystone of tho
Federal arch will wheel into lino and
cast her electoral vote for the soldier
candidate ,
AnotherCkntennial. Anoxchango
hrj h : "Tho centennial ot the buttle ol
King's Mountain, South Carolina, will
bo celebrated with much spirit on the
tUb, Tth and SUi of October. Students
of colonial history will remember that
this was one of tho most brilliant vic
tories of the Revolutionary struggle.
Tho Uritish, under Mojor Ferguson,
lost 210 men out of a total of 800.
Most of tbo aurvivora were captured.
Their commander was among the alain.
On tho first day of the celebration
there will be a sham fight under Gen
oral Joseph E. Johnston, to illustrate
the real action, the troops being taken
from theCarolinas, Virginia and Tenn
essee. On the 8th there will be a com
petitive drill, open to contestants from
the same States, to, be conducted by a
band of United States army officers,
who will award a centennial rn-ino to
tho victors." .
To Tiif. Point. An oxchangc says :
"Roscoo Conkling'a bloody shirt har
angue in New York is meeting with
decided opposition from papers of bis
party like the Now York Timet and
Evening Post. Tho party ought to bo
driven from this driveling nonsense
abouttho South, and beinduced to look
at things in their right light, but it is
not likely to be in this campaign. With
a candidate with a foul record, which
they cannot defend, they have nothing
loft but to flaunt the bloody shirt and
preach the gospel of hato, and they
aro doing it with ol will; but it has
got stale and unprofitable, and is driv
ing thousands from the party. The
people want fraternity and prosperity,
and they are turning to the Demo
crats as the only sourco from which to
get It."
Ttia Rrpahllcaa ! staalinr 1b Claarflell laat
Wartnatda arealng traa a bhi Bwatiag a! tha
Ittopla la a.ary rcapaat and pat tha Oauoaralta
meeting of tha niabt barure la the ahaila both In
namhart aad anthu.ia.ta. The d.l.fatian which
lea thla plaaa, noet ef whlrb waa from PeBB
tea-n.htp, area aiora thaa doable la aamberi IheB
that of the Ltemaralia U.leratioB of the eveainf,
before. rVtfxam'fe Orona.
If tho editor of the aloresaid organ
will condescend to inquire of those
persona who wore present at both
meetings, ho will learn this faot: On
Tuesday evening Pie's Opera House
was filled chock full, a largo meeting
was hold in tho Court room, while hun
dreds of pooplo were on the streets and
in tho hotels, stores, offices, ot. Hut
on Wednesday night everybody was
in tho Court room. How is that for
putting "in the shade?"
A Veteran. We notice that a
Democratic meeting at Monroo. Kav-
ctto county, Pa., on Saturday a-woek,
was presided over by Col. Benjamin.
Brownflcld, aged 101 years, who said
In tho course of his speech: "I novcr
missed a Presidential oloelion. I voted
twice for Jefferson, twice for Madison.
twice for Monroo, and three times for
lien.Jackson. IvotcdforVanllurcn.and
also for Polk, Cass, Pioroe, Buchanan,
IJniiglaa, Meridian. Seymour, (irceler
and Tilden. And I hone to lira in
voto for General Hancock ; and as the
result of my long exporlonce I would
advlso yon to Tote for him too."
"Immcnsol" is what the Radtlaln
call their torchlight procession. Wo
object to"Chiistian statesmen" using
mil term : because it is not true The
election roturna will show that these
men have prevaricated, if they have not
tittered naked lies In nrHnr tr mlalna,!
and deceive those who aro tint pmfoa-j
smnal politicians.
At our must head thin week will bo
found the full Dcinot ratie ticket, from
President ot the United Statu duwn to
County Surveyor. Tha nomination of
ox-Governor Cui tin fur Congress com
pletes the list.
We ailupt tho views of the editor of
the Clinton Democnit in relation to tho
nominee fttr Congress. Ilusuys: "It
will be seen by reference) to the proceed
ings of the Congressional Conference
found elsewhere in this issue, that Hull.
Andrew U. Curtin, of BellelViiite, has
been nomh.tted tor Congress in this
Twentieth district. In tho nominee
wo have a gentleman fitted for the
position in s high degree. Long ex
perience iu public life has given him
advantages that will make his presence
a atrength to tho councils of tho peo
ple., and his life long residence among
tho people ho is to represent makes
him tho best of representatives for tho
citizens of his district; while his ser
vices as Governor fully acquainted him
with tho people and resources and
wants ot tho whole State, uud the in
terests of Pennsylvania would be guard
ed by him with a fidelity and intelli
gence cqnul to tho best.
"As a Democrat, Mr. Cuitin bus beeni
working in every campaign oiuee 1872.
lie was long in the lead of the many
eminent men who are forsaking the
Radical party now and raging under
the banner of Dcmocrucy with Huu
oock as their leader. Ho left his party
when it was strong, and surrendered
high position to follow the lead of his
principles. It was long ere ho up
peured as a candidate, aud then ho was
pressed forward by leading men of tho
State, including the candidate for Gov
ernor, tho Chariman of tho State Cen
tral Committee, tho lute ex Governor
Bigler and others, and even the noblu
Democratic leader, Hon. Thomas A.
Hendricks), camo into his district to
announce his satisfaction at the nomi
nation. During the campaign of 1878,
when an extraordinary condition ex
isted iu tho thrco principal counties ot
bis district a condition that does not
exist now, and will not again soon
unmindful of himself, he submitted
promptly to tho orders of the Stuto
Committee aud went nut to do battle
lor tho Democratic candidHto for Gov
ernor. Then a great wrong was in
flicted upon him aud the parly dis
graced itself by defeating him and plac
ing e mere non entity in the plate
where they ought to bavo put him.
Now there is au opportunity to right
that wrong by electing him to Con
gress. That it will be dono, wo are
oon6tlciit. Tho experience of tho past
will conflno tho candidate's efforts to
his own district. He will bo Been and
hoard in all parts of it, and tho result
will be a handsomo majority for An.
drew G. Curtin in November."
Not all Bkiots. Occasionally thoro
comes to tho surface a Radical leader
who is the proprietor of something
more than bigotry. Hero is a case in
point: General Adam E. King, who
sorved with Hancock during tho war
and baa since been a prominent Ropub-
lican official in Baltimore, publishes a
letter in the Baltimore American, say
ing that no man in Maryland entor
tains a more sincere regard for Gen.
Hancock than ho does, but that ho is
a Republican and will vote for Garfield.
In answer to tho Insinuations of politi
cal brawlers that the Republican sol
dier who speaks well ot a Democratic
fellow soldier is to be suspected, Gen.
King Bays: There aro individuals so
narrow-minded that they are unable to
comprehend how a man can bo loyal
to his party without becoming a social
hermit or bating all who honestly dif
fer from him. Those who prefer such
a lop-sided existence aro welcome to
thciriarrow-gaugo road ; I cannot
travel with them. Politics do not
govern my personal friendships, It
seems to me quite possiblo to admire,
respect and liko a political opponent
and yot fight him on tho hustings and
at tha polls. It will bo a sorry day
for any community and, for special
reasons, our own fair city and Stuto
when party fealty and party standing
must bo determined by our capacity
to abuso and malign our fellow-citizens
whoso views antagonize our own."
"A RmiEL Yell." Tho Richmond,
(Va.) Dirpatch says : "Gen. Hancock's
lottcr doclaring what will bo his policy
in regard to Southern war claims, if.
ho should be elected President, is a
model of outapokon candor. Ho does
not minee matters at all. Ho will pen
sion no rebels, pay no rebel claims, and
will aorutinizo all the claims of the
Unionists of tho South, which last are
ho old that they might bo outlawed
Good for Hancock. Ho is a second
Bismarck. This latter statesman is
said to have deceived all tho diploma
tists of Europe by simply telling the
truth iu bia negotiations. Hancock
confounds his enemies by simply speak-
ing out with plainness and boldness.
Stub a man can't bo defeated. Hur
rah for Hancock I"
Hancock's One Fault. An old fel
low by tho name of Fraly, who lives
in Helena, Aikansas, and who has been
a life-long Republican, and belongs to
the Grand Army of tho Republic, Is an
ardent admiror of Hancock, undor
whom bo served through tho war. He
said tho other day that he could not
find it in his heart to vote against him,
but that ho had Ono lault ho don't al
ways speak the truth. "IIo rushed to
the head of our regiment at Chancel-
lorsville," said the old man, "and urg.
ed n forward, Baying, 'Como on, bov
don't bo alrniil. There's no danger.'
But I'll plodgo you my word, gentle
mon, wo lost thirty men out of my
own company in that alnglo charge."
A ProfoundOpinior. Anoxchango
remarks: "Don Cameron has sufficient
ly recovered from the terrlblo shock
he roccivod at Chicago to express th
opinion that Garfield can afford to lose
Ohio and Indiana, and be aloctod by a
majority of (tco rotes, provided New
York, Now Jorscy and Connecticut all
go against Hancock. This is the most
hopeful view of a doomed party that
has yot Been tho light."
Blaine on the Wino. Blaine spoke
at Pittsburgh and than moved on to
Ohio and Indiana to explain to tho
Buckeyes and Hoosicrs how that ter
rible alip tip in Maine took lilaco and
to prepare thorn for tha Democratic
deluge that Is sure to overwhelm thorn
in October. Blaine and Maine Is not
good music to Radical cars nut West.
rmc itKPrnurAy okhaxs
IFmia the Nat. Yuik (Hep.), Sept. 14, '!).
Gen. Hancock bus written a very
Trunk and explicit loiter on tho ques
tion ol rebel war claims. If he hail
kindly ut copies of it to the various
oiutois who ticukd tbo question lit
the Tuiitiiiuny meeting on Thursday,
he might have saved litem much em
barrassment. IIo says: "If I were
President I would veto all legislation
which might enme before mo prof id
ing for tho consideration or payment
of claims of any kind fur losses or dam
uges by persons who were in rebellion,
whether pardoned or nut." THIS IS
CONCERNED. It does not sneuk
behind a forced construction of tho
fourlueulh amendment, but declare
his personal purpose in regard to legis
lation which tho amendment does not
cover. Tho assuranco which bo glvcB
does credit to bis honesty and bis in
dependence, and is one which every
intelligent citizen, whatever his poli
tics, will rejoice to receive. The coun
try can now devote its attention to
other and graver issues between tbo
two parties, ol which there is no luck,
and as to which the position of Gen.
Hancock is completely identified with
that of bis party.
From New Yurk Tribune (Kep.), Sipt. U, 'B0.
From N. Y. K.eulog Pull (Hep.), Sep.. ii, '80.
General Hitnoock'e letter re.naotlnir Southern
war elaiui. i. manly and eit.lieit. Few will quae
tion ita franknMi or direetneea of purpoie eare
tbore who would belt like lo aea It fold of ttaeie
quallti., and wboea wi.b wuald therefore ba fa
ttier (o llielr inouKlit.
From Alban; Era, Journal (Kep. J, Sept. It, 'SO
Tha lleneral'e itatetnant of what hia own offi
cial action would ha in the aveat of hie electioa
in explicit.
l-'rai the Springfield Republican (Independent
II. 21, l"0 )
General Ilanoook'a letter on tha Rebel olaimi
ll by all odila bin ibarrret nnd moat ptriklnir ut-
teran. aa Tet, and one which will commend him
greatly to the country. Tha ri.publioau papera
were ao conlldeul lie would nut have, the
ouaraice to put hinja.lf on record aaaintt "rebel
olaiuia" tb.i.e not neme'l hy the Uth amend
ment that they wiU be al much diaappoiotcd in
thia letter aa they were by the pruduutton af the
Micrinan aorre.pondenco.
llucKHYE vs. Buckeye. Tho editor
ot llio Washington Puii is an Ohio
man, and he plugs his neighbor in this
way : "Ohio has given a great many
prominent men to tho country, and is
doubtless inclined to wear her laurels
proudly. Sho is ashamed of James A.
Garfield. Of all her sons in publio life
bo is probably, within her bordors, the
most unpopular.
"Why ? Becuuso he is known to be
dishonest, mendacious and cowardly.
"This black sheep is the candidate
of tho Republican party for President
ol the United Suites, Ho is expected
to carry his Slate in the Presidential
election. He was nominated with that
end principally in viow, for Ohio is
considered to bo a doubtful State.
"What course will Ohio pursue in
this omorgoncy ?
"Will she cast her voto to give the
country a President whose name and
character would make even that of
Hayes respectable by comparison?
Will she aid the scheme of the Repub
lican party to inflict upon the country,
as its Chief -Magistrate, tho man who
disgraced her in the National Ilouso
of Representatives ? Will she volo to
put a political corruption is t into the
Whits House, ovor the head of the
great Boldier who saved the country
in tho test battle of tho rebellion ?
"Will Ohio do this?"
. The Maine Election Official Re
turns! Tho complete roturns of the
election in Muino have at last been re
ceived and tabulated. The total voto
polled was 117,!21, which was the
largest vote by nearly 10,000 overcast
in the Stato, tho next highest voto be
ing that of last year, 138,3.15. Tho
votes of tho rospectivo candidates aro
stated as follows :
Plalited, Furior,
Parle, Republican
Nye, Froblbllit.B.
Scattering.. H ......
General.; Plaisted'a plurality in 234.
He lacks 2 III of a majority, and Davis
lacks 714 of a majority. The amend
ment making plurality elect is adopted
by not far from 20,000 majority. Da
vis, the present Governor, will thero
foro retire on the first Monday of Jan
uary next, and a Democrat will fill bia
placo. Tbo Radical Iocs in Maine
(15,000) ha over teu per cent, since
1870. A similar loss in Pennsylvania
at the approaching election will give
the Democrats 70,000 majority.
Hen. Butler's Opinion. Genoral
Butler has just returned from Ohio and
Indiana, whero ho has delivered ovor
twonty speeches during the past two
weeks. Ho declares that ho has no
feats ot Landers' election in Indiana,
and tho State, ho says, is certain for
Huncock by an Increased voto in No
vember. His expectations of Ohio are
nearly at hopeful for tbo Democracy.
Ho assctts that Ohio 1b a doubtful
Stale for tho Republicans, and while
the Democrats may not carry it in Oc
tober, tho Republican voto will show a
fatal falling off. Tho forced effort of
tho Republicans to keep up their voto
in Garfield's homo district is to him a
confession of great weak lies. "Han
cock will win," said ho, "thoro's no
mistako about it. It's in tbo air, and
every man feels it. Any candid Re
publican must confess that tho Gar
field cause ia weakening."
Kihil Claim. Tho Philadelphia
Timet "rata in" on Garfield, a follow :
"General Garfield bat not yot defined
his position regarding Southern claims.
Under a Republican Congress moro of
theso claims have been paid than an
dor a Democratic Congress, and it is
important to know if that is going to
continue a part of the party policy
Some of tho organs havo figured tho
amount of theso claim np to noarly
thro thousand million. This ia an
appalling sum. General Hancock saya
none of it can be paid with hia con
sent, and tho country ia willing lo hoar
what Goneral Gaifteld may havo to
say on thia exciting subject,'
Good Luck! The Huntingdon
Grconbackor havo endorsed II. J.
McAtccr, the Domocralio nomine for
Senator in tho Franklin Huntingdon
district. Thla secures hia election
and returns Democrat to the scat of
a Radical. Fisher tho present Radi
cal Congressman from that district,
was also, lb Senator, and be simply
stepped from Uarriaburg to Washing
ton ; but this fall ha will mis both
scats, andean dovota hi future lime
to hi "Middle Penitentiary "
I.UTIIEIISIH Rll, Oct. -It b, 1H.S0.
Mil. Kiutor ; The largest meeting
of any kind ovor held in tbia place
waa that on last Saturday atVernoon
uud evening. A hickory pole, UI8
loci in length, had been secured and
placed on tbo ground on Friday, and
when Saturday Fame, all preparations
were completed for raising the highest
t ii ile ever ruised bef'uro at this place.
By two o'clock a large crowd bad
gathered from Brady township awaiting-
'i'O arrival of delegation from
other places. We soon heard the
Rockton Band which led a largo dele
gation from I nion. Next came Bloom.
A procession of over two hundred was
then formed, when the music from
Troutvillu was heard, which led Capt.
Kopp's Club, m beuutllul uniform.
These joined the procession and they
marched to meet the DuBois delega
tion. The Democrats of Brady were
highly pleased when they saw the
Hugs wavo on Carson's Hill, oat nod
by u delegation of about -00 voters
from Sandy township, led by the Kx
celsior Cornot Band of DuBois. The
procession now numbered over 500,
which paraded the streets of Lutliers
burg until half past three, when Mr.
Guorgo Thompson, of Itnynoldsville,
gave orders for the pole raising. The
polo was a heavy one, hut it win put
up without difficulty. Tho crowd dis
ponied then - until hull pnst seven,
when a lino was formed for the torch
light parade. There wore only three
hundred torches, consequently there
wero hundrods of men who did not go
in tho parade. lutt aa the procession
was repairing to tbo speaker's stand,
the delegation from Reynoldsville, 120
strong, all dressed in beautiful uniform,
led by tho Reynoldsville Cornet Bond,
made its appearance. Tho procession
now numbered ovor four hundred vo
tors which marched to the speaker's
stand, where tho grand mass meeting
was organized by electing the follow
ing officers :
President. J. P. Taylor, of DuBois.
Vico President. J. M. Troxell, of
Sandy; Thoi. Brockhank, of Union;
Wm. Lines, of Bloom ; dipt. Kopp, of
Troulvillo; and T. B. London, of
Soorntarioi. W. Scott Luther, of
Brady, and Cua. II, Barrett, ofSati
Tho President then introduced Israel
Teal, Esq., of Clearfield, who spoke
for ono hour on the topics of tho cam
paign, and h was followed by David b.
Krebs, K.sq. These spuechos wero
well delivered. Tho Reynoldsville
delegation paraded the streets again,
when tho largest mass meeting ot the
season in Luihursbtirg adjourned with
three rousing cheers for Huncock and
The crowd was estimated to have
been over 2,000 by Republicans, but I
am certain it was over 1,500. Look
out for tho largest majority in Novem
ber next over givon from llrady for
the Democracy I Yours,
Fo ebt, Pa., Oct. 1st, 1880.
Mil. F.mroa: Tbo Democrats of
Bloom, Union, Penn and Brady, rallied
at the "Old Dloom Hotel" (Forest P.O.)
on October 1st. Largo delegations from
tho throe last named townships, escort
ed by tbo Rnckton, Pcnnville and Lu
thersburg banJs, all came at 7 o'clock
P. M., when tho mocting was organiz
ed electing W. S. Luther, of Brady,
President, Wm. Dale, David W. Chil
ton, Adam Weaver, of Bloom, Jacob
Laborde, of Union, and John Pentz,
of Penn, Vice Presidents, and James
B. Clark, Secretary. The President
thon opened the meeting with a low
remaika for Huncock and Knglish,
wbicb wero enthusiastically greetod
hy the audienco, after which he called
J. Frank Snyder, Ksq., one of the
speakers ot tbo evening, who dwelt
for ono half hour upon tho issues of
the campaign. S. T. Brockhank, Esq.,
was then called, aud ho Bont bot sbot
into the ranks of tho enemies ot the
Union, led by Garfield and Arthur.
Wo have routed them until they can
not rally in Rloom before tho 2d ot
November, when Bloom will roll up a
booming majority for Hancock and
Knglish. lours, A IjIstener.
That Innocent I The Woleh voters
in Ohio having manifested strong dis
satisfaction with Garfield's nomination
and a disposition on tho part of many
of them to "flop" over to Hancock, H.
M. Edwards, of Scranton, in litis Stale,
bus bocn sent thoro to stiffen tho back
bone of his Welsh countrymen, and
mako them solid for tho man who waa
bribed hy Oakcs Ames without know
ing it. Too thin I Too thin! I
Sublime Impudence. Mr. Blaine
say it is "impudent" lor the nomocra
cy lo ask to bo placed In power. We
don't suppose the Senator detects even
a suspicion of impudence in the parly
that, having stolen tho Presidential
ofilce nnd its 10!,000 dependencies four
years ago, now conies beforo tho peo
ple aaking that the may be ap
proved and Ihe criminal rewarded by
a new lease of power.
A Lick at Garfield. It is wisely
suggested by a Republican journal
somewhat addicted to moralizing, that
"if a man does not wish to ba wound
ed and libeled by the publication of his
record, ho should be careful to mako a
good one." How otlon and what pen
etraling force thia reflection must come
home to tho saddened soul of Juntos
A. Garfield.
If called to the. Vwirfrm-y should
deem it my duty to resist tnfi nil my
poircr any attempt to impair or crude the
luf force and effect of the Constitution,
which in every article, section and amend
ment it the tvpremi law of the land.
llancock't letter of acceptance.
"My dear boys," is the way Gar
field addressed a Club of I'tic lads. He
should have told them when they grow
up to be men lo keep a lockout for such
fellows a Amos, Do Golycr k Co., and
chargo more than 13-!' for committing
How Qi'eer I Most of tbo Radical
organs still lack the full return from
tho election in Maine. The loss of
15,000 in that one-horso Common
wealth seems to bo annoyance enough
without making it a matter of public
Tbo Now York Jlerald advises tho
Republican leaders to regard the dic
tates of common decency, by dropping
the foolish cry about the payment of
"rcbol war claims." Pretty sensible
advice coming from an independent
Ha Knows ! "Thoro was," said a
dmliguishnd Republican General inNew
York the other day, "A Presidency in
tho battle ot Gettysburg, an J the Dem
ocrats Lad sense enough te Bee the
point, and shouldered Hanoock."
Hancock. ,
Tho editor ot lite Tyrone lltmld,
has been interne wing the, southeastern
section ol the Clearfield coal field, and
has tuken a pretty full inventory of
the Moshaniion region. In his iasno
of lust week lie says:
The depressing effort of'tbo Clear
field coal strike, in tho early part of
lite season, may be taken as au evi
dence of Ihe fuel that the business in
terests of Tyrone are largely depend
ent on the mining industry of that re
gion. the vital import
ancuofa flourishing and continuous
trudu from the mountain coal fields, a
Herald reKrlor skipped over the
ridge last week, intending to spy out
tbo land and report the situation.
The new Moshonnon railroad, bo
much tulked of, waa tho first object of
interest, Should thut bo completed to
Koating, Tyrono would no longer bo
tho oullut ol tho vast wealth of bitu
inin stored in tbo grand old hills of our
sister county. To our surpriso this
road is to be, and soon will bo, ono of
tho fixed institutions ot the coul region,
and will result in working a great
chuuge in tho business of Tyrone so
lur at least as the shipping interests
ooncorn us but in what way ?
From Osceola the road is leading up
tho Moshnnnon to a new and almost
unlimited coal basin hitherto untouch
ed. Helnw Phtlipsburg, on the route
lo Keating, is a lorbiddtng wildernoss
of mountains, for a distance ol forty
or filly miles, through which a rail
road may not find its way for tho next
hundred years, its a consequence, all
Ihia newly tapped mineral wealth
must of necessity flow through the iron
gateways of Tyrone, end every addi
tional ton of coal passing through our
city will leave its mark behind in tho
shape of increased pay-rolls in the
ofllco of the transportation oompany.
Hundreds of emigrants are now at
work on tho new lines of railroad, al
most literally digging up the wbolo
country. At one point a short dis
lunce above Osceola, four railroads
will soon brunch out into arteries pen
etrating the carbonaceous stores of tho
now ttmberlessbills. J liomuin uraticn
leads to Houtzdalo and Rainey, and
the new Moshannon rood is being
graded up the stream to the left, and
alter reaching Whiteside run will en
ter that basin the largest coal field
in tho county. It will then reach the.
summit between Janosville and Ha
rney station.
A short distance above the junction
of ibis road with the lloutzdale branch,
the new road to the left leads to the
Kllis coal lands, around Kllis' mill.
Tho company now operating or open
ing Ibis coal, estimates a shipment of
fifty cars a day lor a period of forty
yoars all from one properly.
switching oil lo the rignt side ot
lloutzdale branch, 1b the Decatur
road, leading up Coal run. At this
place, W, J. Juckson has one mine
open, and is about commencing lo
ship from snowdrift. A short dis
tance up Coal run, the Decatur prop
erty, consisting of 1,000 acres, is be
ing dovcloped. The road-bed is al
ready graded, and before a gieat
while,' tho iron draught-borso will
steam his way up Coal run to draw
tbo long hidden wealth, away trom
Decatur hills.
Tho Gobs run branch loading off
from tho Houtzdalo road between
Moshannon and Sterling collieries, is
fed by innumerable mines, chief among
tho old ono being tboso of Whitehead
and Fishor's. Whitehead is running
the celebrated Ocean Colliery. This
road has boon extended more than a
mile to tho new mine of Berwind,
White A Co., known as Eureka No. 2.
Above most ol the old mines, and
located between lloutzdale and Ra-
moy, is one of Whitehead's now mines,
which will soon bo ready for operation.
The mine oars will be hauled up to the
"dump" at tho head nf tho Bbutes, by
a stationary engine, iiiu coat is al
most lovel with the railroad, hence
the necessity of a plane or slope. Mr.
Whitehead has so many mines in tins
region that be is obliged to keep a
book of special record to aa not to lose
the namo and location ol any ol bis
collieries. In addition to bis ooal in
terests, ho is also proprietor of Eliza
beth furnace in this county, and is
perhaps the only wealthy operator in
the Clearfield region wbo has steadily
but rapidly worked his way up from
tho pick.
The Moshannon Coal Company has
opened a new and very large mine on
the same road not far above lloutz
dale. The old mines on this branch
are old and new Moshannon, Beaver
ton, Sterling, Eureka, the celebrated
Franklin, Old Penn, Beavor Run, and
perhaps ono or two more, i
The new mines boing opened will
certainly double tho capacity of this
great coal basin; and even tnen, as
the star ol the coal empire rolls west
ward, southward and northward, the
long trains of black diamonds will
wind down tbo mountain side at an
ovor increasing rate.
Tboso who tear that the coal ship
uionta may fall off and that Tyrone
will cease to bo tho outlet of a busy
traffic, should visit the Moshannon val
ley now dotted with largo camps
where hundreds ot emigrants employ
ed on the new road "talio their grub,"
and rest from their labors at night,
among gnat, mosquitoes,1 wildcats,
panthers and boars. In the evenings,
theso imported sons of toil, gather in
urouii around their camp-fire, and
tor miles along the stream, tha forest
valley is made to ring with the cheer
ful songs of "Father Land."
All this speaks of pushing, tluiving
industry, prosperity, wealth, comfort,
happiness and peace, a reasonable aharo
ol which must, in tbo nature ol tutngs,
fall to the lot of Tyrone and Its people,
JlftV gkflwtisfuifnu.
11 HTR A VCama treeriae.lnr on the pretnleea
1 J II uie ivnKri.r., reaiuiiig ,u uran.iu
hip. OB or Bliont the Brat of July laat, B RLAOK
hIF.BR, two or three eeara 014. Tha awner la
requaated lo eoaae forward, prove hia property,
pay the legal ehergea and take the animal away,
or It will Be m.pneea ot aa tne law atreacr .
Kjlarlown, Pa., Oek I, IKS t. .
CIIOP.MAKIJi.-t hareW Inform tne pa.
O troae, and mankind ut tenera), thai I have
remoead mf ahoeaahtn akop lo lha room la
Uraheta'a row, over H. 1. Bneder'a jewelry Mora,
and that I am prepared la do all ainde a! work
In my Uoe eheaper thaB any other ebos la Iowa.
All work warraated M rooa aa eea ba dona any
where elee. FoaiUeelj thia la Uta eheapeat abap
to Lieanieia. . von. Jl. VBtnutu.
Dee. II, Wl If.
Sheriff's Sale.
1JY tlrtna nf nndry wrlti of Km. Km,, larad
t oat of tbt Voart or wnnm Flaaa of Cloar-
Or Id Co., and to m directed than will booxaoaad
tn PUBLIC BALK, at tha Court Houaa. lo tho
buret. Kb of Olevflald, fa., M
Ttiaraday, October tftth, IftAO
At 1 'look, P. M , tha followtaf donrtbod real
lata, to wit
A oartaialratH of Wad 1 1 laat in Wallaoaton
borouitb. Clear ft Id tfountr. Pannt lTania,bonad
d lha north by aa allay, on tbo oaat by aa
alloy, ob I ho aoQlh by atari aid atroot. aod ot
tho woat by lot of A. t raati, and knows In plaB af
aata borotifb aa lot Ho. 07, and baring tnorooa
orootad a larva framo houao, frame otablo, and
otaar ontBalldiaira. Halt ad, takaa In oiocattoB,
and to bo eold aa tho property f laaao tibia el.
All that eertala pieoo ef groaod lit oat la tho
Tiueffoo! uuiiota, uiaarnria eoaaty, Peneayvauta,
bouadod aad d atari bad u follow t Buoadad aa
tne Math by Long ireet.aB tho weal byOboroh
atroot, oa the north by aa allay, an tbr oaat by
land of DiBnla A Pallor, and known In rrmaral
plan of the eiltago of iMtiiota, in Sandy to wo ah, p,
iom no. u, 11 aaa in. j no lot are laotoeod
with a fond board fenoo. Helled. Ukoa la a a ra
ti on, and to no a Id aa law proper! of J. A.
van ip,
Tbbki 09 8 j i. a. Tbo prtoo ar earn at which
the property hall be tiroek off moat bo paid at the
it no of tale, or to eh other amnremeata niado aa
will be approted, otborwlao tbo prarrarty will be
iBiBiediatoly pot np and told Bffata at the oinoBao
awn rui ot toe panon towaoni u was at rook t,
and who, la oaae ef daBotenoy at enoh ro-oala.
a ball naeJie good tne aaaie, and ta no Inetanoo
will tho Deed be or aaa tad la Oonri for mbAi-
tlon naloaa the money la aotaall paid to too
lrm. AHAi r KT.
innntrr'i Omra.
Cleerfteld, IV, Oft , l"M
irtjnl gult'trtisemfttts.
"God Save the Commonwealth I"
Election Proclamation.
WHKHBAH, by an Act of th n.n.ral Am,.
nlr ol Hie Ciironiontrealtn or Fenr.rlvania
onlllle.1 "An Ael lo re(alala the lleneral Eleetii.B
within thla Comtnunwcalih, It ia enjoined utxm
the (Sheriff of the evvrrel oountiaa
notice of am;h elovtioo, Die placet where to bo
held, and the odiocra U bo elected,
TtiKitsroitH, f, JAMRS MAHAPKEV. High
Sheriff !' Clearfield county, do hereby Rive Fuli
lio Notice to the oloetora of the county f Clear -livid,
that B general el rot ion will -be hold oa
Tt?BDAV roMeOWixn tub Fimr Monmr or No
vbhbbb (boing the Id day of the month), at the
or oral elertiop diatricta ia aaid eouoty, at whli-h
time and place the qualified votera will voto
For twenty-nine elector! for P rati dent aad V'iae
Fur ono peraoa for Judge of the Hopreiae Conrt
of tbo C'ommobwoalth of Pcnaaylvanla.
For one pereon for Auditor Oeneral of the Com
mon wealth of Peaoeylvaoia. J
For one hereon to repratent theentiatlsa of Clear
field, Centre, Clinton, Kik, Mifflin and l oioa
(tbo XX. District) in tha Cngrea of the
I'm ted Statoa. i
For one penuo fur Anacnhty. o repitaent the
county of Clearfield to the Home of Uenreaenta
titet of the Com mon weal Ik of PenoaylveDU.
For one pinion for Proihoootary of Clearfield
For onepereoD for Hrgiater and Recorder of Clear
field eounty.
Uun,,e. ,u K. ,,.
Fur one porion for Surveyor of Clearfield county.
The electors of tha county of Clearfield will take
notioa that tbo Mid e lee tion wiU bo held at the
following place, rii :
Hurnttido borough at too nubile ecniol nonte In
aid borough.
Itearfleld borough, at the Com to t mo ocr office,
in the Court llttoeo.
Curwenarille borouub. at the houaa of Samuel
Way, corner of State aud H'alnat atreeta. In aaid
lloutidalo borouah, at the publio house of Wm.
Parker, io aaid borough.
Lumber Ltty borouub. at the iublie cbool
houee in aaid borough.
Nawbura borough, at the achool houie, iu aaid
iscw Wafhineton borouirh, at the publio achool
Louie, in aaid borough.
Uaceola borouirb. at Ihe Public houae of Al i lo
Hovt, in aaid borough.
ttallanetoa borough, at the nubile Mb no I houee
in aaid borough.
Beeraria towoahip. at the Union Hotel, in Glen
It'll townihlji, at the tvue nf Robert Mehafley,
bloom tow d thin, at the home of the Ute Jamei
Bloom, Ut.
Bogga towmhlp, at the bouroof Edward Albert.
Drat) Ford towntibip, attbe houie ef Jacob Pierce,
llrady townahip. at the puMie houee of William
Scbwem, Jr., In Luthetaburg.
fiurniiiie towr-abip, at lounge achool houee.
Cheat townahin, ai the imblic achool houee near
6imB Horobougb'a.
i.ovtnicton townamp. at toe achool home in
Decatur townablp, at Ceo t re aoliool boneu.1
Fergiiaon townahip, at thebouie of John Orer i
Ory .formerly occupied by Tboa. Kobioron.f Broad- I
way.) I
(ilrard townahip, at Uongrcii Hill achool bouae.
Uaaheo townahip, at the public echool bouae al
Graham towcabip, at the houee of tha late Jacob
II obit r.
Urecnwood townahip, at the uul.!i b uo of
Samuel llulthan, ia aaid townahip.
uulicb townahip, at tnepuplie achool houae, tn i
Janearille. i
Un.iM tr. a. a...!., .t thai hAh.. nf tha. Ut. J a a Sea
Jordan townahip, al the public achool hoaae. In
Knox township at Turkey Hill achool bouae.
art haul townahip, at Hridgen'a arhool houie.
Lawreat-e township, at the Arbitration room. In
the Court Hoaoe, in the borough of Clearfield.
AlArrie tow ne tup, at tbe bouae formerly occupied
hy Thome I Kjler.
feno townahip, at too hotel formerly kept ly
. W. Anderion. -
Pike townihir, at tbe townahip achool houaa ia
the borough of Carwenarille.
Dandy townahip, at ihe publio achool bao in
tbe town of DuUoii.
I'nion towmhip, at tbe houaeof D. E. Rmbaker.
Woodward township, at the public achool bourn
to the town of lioattrille.
Form of Ticket.
AN ACT regulating the mode of Toting at alt
elaclinaa in the aeveral eountiee of tbia Com
monwealth, approved the 33th day of March,
A. I. lhft, viz:
SirrioN 1. i9 ft imnettA by the Senate and
Hoaae of Repreaentatlvee ef the Commonwealth of
Pennarlrania in (leneral Aaaerably met, and It li
herehy enacted by authority of the a awe, That the
qualified voter of tbe aeveral eountiee of thia
Commonwealth, at alt general, townahip, borough
and apeeial elections, are hereby hereafter ant hor
ned and required to vote, by tick eta, printed, or
written, or partly printed and partly writteo, aev
orally elasaiHed aa folio we t One ticket ahall em
brace the namea of all judgea of oourta voted for,
and to te labeled, ootiide, "judiciary ;" ono ticket
ahall embrace the namea of the 8 tale officers voted
for. and be labeled, "Htato;" one tioket ahall em.
brace the namea of nil eounty officers voted for,
including efnee of eenaior, mew bet and members
of assembly, if voted for, ft ad tn ember of Congress,
if voted for, and be labeled, "eounty f one tirket
ahall embrace tbe namea of all township officers
voted for, and bo labeled, "townahip ;" one ticket
ahall embrace tbe names of all borough oDeara
voted for, and be labeled, "borough " aod eaeb
elaaa shall be deposited In separata ballot toiel.
When the Pol la art te Kept Open. .
A farther supplement to tha art regulating
elections In this Commonwealth, approved
January 89, and February IH, A. D. lttTv :
Hr. 6. At all eleetioBS hereafter held voder
tbe laws of ibis Commonwealth, the polls shall be
opened at men o'eloek, a. ns., nnd elotad at seven
o clock, p. m.
Appolntmeut of Judge aud Ittapeclora.
Arc 8. Tn all election districts where a vacancy
exists by reason ef th dieqaeKAcaUon of tha
officers or otherwiie to an election board hereto
fore appeloted, ar where any new district ahell be
formed, the Judge or Judges of the Cart ef Com
snot) Fleas of the proper county shall, ten days
before any general or special election, appoint
eompeteut persona to All said racannlno, and to
eoodnef, tne election tn sam new antrioia, ana in
tbe appointment ef iaapeetore to any election
amine, coin snail not ne oi me same political
party, and tbe indae of eUetione ahall In all oaetB
be of the political party having the majority ef
votes in aaid district aa nearly as tne aaid juuge
or judge can aeosrtaia th fact,' and In caas of
the disagreement of the Judgea aa to the selection I
of Inspectors tbe political majority ef the judges
hall select one ot said in tapes tors, aad th mnaor- I
tly Judge or judges r-ball saleet the other. I
Hae. t, Whenever there ahall be a vacnney lo '
an election board oa the morning of aa aloe tion,
said vacancy shall be tiled In conformity with
stilting laws. 1
Ihitlea of KIccMoH Offlcera.
8 re. 8. At the opening of Ihe poll at all elea
tiona It shall be th du'y of tbe jmlgea of election
for their respective district a to designate one af
the Inspector, whose duty it ahall be to have in
euatndy ihe registry of voters, and to mk the 1
entries therein required by law, and 14 ahall be
tbe duty of the ether of the aaid inapeetora to
receive and number the ballets presented al said
f)kc. 9. All etertlona by IheHtliena ahall be by
ballet i avry ballot voted shall be numbered la
the order In which it ahall be received, and the
number recorded by the clerks on t he list of voter
opposite the nam ef the elector from whom re
oeired. Aad any voter voting two or more tick
ets, the several tickete aa Tuted ahall etch ba
numbered with the number eorreapandlng with
the number lo the name of tbe voter. Any elec
tor may write his name upon hia tirket ar eaaa 1
the same to be written thereon, and attended by
a ettiien of tbe diatrlct. In addition lo the oath
bow prereribed by law to ba taken and lohs-'rtbod
by election officers, they shall severally be sworn
or affirmed not to dfaclnee how any elector shall
have voted, aalais required to do ao at witataiea
la a judical proceeding. AH judgea, Inajieetnra,
clerks and overseen of any aloctioa held under
thia act shell before entering upon their du i tea,
be duly sworn or affirmed in the presence of
eaeb other. The judge shall he eworv by th
minority inspector, If there shall be eaeb minority
inspector, and tn ease there ahall be aa minority
inspector then hy a just toe of tha peaoe or alder
man, and th inspectors, overseers aod olerk shall
be sworn by tbe Mf e. Certificates of such swear
ing ar affirming ahall be duly made eat and sign-.
ed by tbe officers an sworn, and attested by tbe
eSeer who administered the oath. If any jadfre
ar minority Inspector refuses or fails to swear tha
officers ef election in the manner required fa this
act, or If any officer of election ahall act wlthoat
being Irst duly swora, ar if any officer ef aleotioa
shall sign th form of elh without being duly
sworn, or if any judge nr minority Inapontor shall
sertiiy that any officer waa ewora when he waa
not, snail be deemed a mlfdemeannr, and upon
conviction tbe officer or eHers no offending shall
be Antd not exceeding one ihouaetid dollars or
Imprisonment not exceeding on year or both at
the discretion af ihe Oonrt. -1
N on-Reg I ate red Votera. ,
80. It. On the day ef election any person
whoae name ahall not appear on the registry of
voters, ena wna e let mi the rignt la vale al aaid
election, ehall produce at least one qualified voter
of tbe district aa a wltnaee to the rwsldeaea af
the claimant la the diatrlct In which ho claims to
be a voter for the period of at least two months
immediate) preceding aaid aleetioa. whioh wit
ness shall be awom ar affirmed, aad aubseriba a
writ tea, or partly writ tea aad partly prloted affi
davit to lb facta stated by him, which affidavit
shall define clearly where the residence la of the
persoa to alaiming te be a oter, end the pereon
ae claiming the right te voto aba I also take and
eahacrlbj a written, ar partly written and partly
printed affidavit, stating to tbe best of bta knowl
edge and belief wbea aad where he woe barn j
that be hae been nettltea af the t'nlted Btatae
for ana month, ant af lh Com moo wealth af
nnesyivaaie, mat ana resided in the Com
moawealth aaa yes, or (f formerly a qualified
elector ar alive-bora etiitee theraaf. aad has
removed therefrom and returned, thet he has re
elded therein eii meatbi neat preceding said elee.
ttoaj that be baa resided la the district ia whUh
h claims to be a voter for th period of at least
iwo mentna immaaiaieiy praewiint mm elect ton :
that he baa net moved into the di atrial for the
pa epos or votieg thereto ; that he has, tf twenty
two year of nga ar np wards, paid a Biato ar
eanty tat within twa years, which was assessed
at least two months and paid at least one moatk
before the election. Tbe said affidavit shell also
tatt whet and where Ibt tm claimed to be paid
r .A-'r-... V''
Ittliit (UrrtlSfuifnts.
Iij th aflUtit iu MieftMit, ind whot nl whr
Mil lo wt.oin paid, anil tin Ui r4Mit tberulor
hall b produowd fur latoinatioa udImi I be
ftflWnt i til In hi tffl (rit Ut it ha bn
lui or daalroyod, or that Ut never raoeivri any,
nd. if fkluralUnd ultiisn. ah all alaoatatc wlian,
wbr mid by wht iaort ba waa aklurathi nd
hall produca liilrrtiBoata of vtaralitatiui
fur rsttiuioatttuB ; but If th prtom elaiiainu
tha right t Tot thill Uka and ai alW
davlt that ha la oadra bora eitisea of tit
UoUod iStatei, or tf born cliawhar aball ttttta
tba fact la hU alUUrt and ahall produee vi
drore 'bat ba ha been bataraliaed, or it antiiUd
to elitttntliip by raaaoo ot bif father' naturaliia
Hub, and tball furtbar tal In bia aflit)avit that
he ia at tha tin of malting U.a aftidstrit f the
b.a a oitiitD of Ih. Uoii.J
. .... . . a....
,., plti of lh. ,., ,nJ
il..,.l..i ,1,.,-e,,.- . th.. h. .
i(d))j nfcfiB t(1
months next preceding said
election, and in tne aleetioa district ttu months
immediate) preceding such election, he aliiUi be
entitled lo vote, although be shall not have pid
(axes. The said affidavit of all persons making
such olaime and the affidavits of tho witneaaea to
their residence- saall be preserved by the aleotioa
bis -I, aud at tho olie ot tha election tbev site II
be enclosed with the Hat el voters, tally lift, aud
other papers required by law to be filed by ihe
return judge wlib tbo prutbuootary,aod aLittJl re
main on file therewith in the proihoootary 's otfioe,
subject to examination as other election papers
are. If the eieoltett eflioeps ahall (In f that Uie
applicant possesses all tbe legal tjualitl jAtio ot af
a voter he ahall h pertained to vote, an d hia
oidie shall boadd:d to the lit of taxuhloi by the
election offi jera, the word " Ti " btiiog ai li-d
where th claimant elaiius to vote uu tax, and
the word "Age" where he claims to vote on age,
Ihe same words being added by the olerks in e toh
case reiperHirety aa the iite of toreeci ing
at aiteh election. v ' ' k'
Ihallrngr ef KtgMered Voter,
Snn. II. It shaR b law I'll for Aiy qualified
olttsoa o? tha dietriot, aotwithetMidiiig thv uewso
ot lh propaaed voter ia contained on ibe list al
resident tasables. to cuallenae the rote of su-h
ptraooa, whereupon the same proof ui the right.
orauDrage aa now required by mw 'Tian no pai
licly made, and acted on by tie election b jard,
and the vote, adna. Med or rejected sxr'ading lo
lha evidenoe. Kvory pcroon claiming to ba a
naturalised eitlieo shall be required to pro -luce
hia naturalisation certificate at the election be
fore voting, except where he has been for five
yearo consecutively a voter In tbo dial net in
wbicb he offura his vote, and on tbo vote of su'b
person being received it shall be tbo duty of tbe
election officers to write or it imp on such certifi
cate the word "voted." with tbo day, month and
j oar, and if eov election officer or officer a shall
receive a aecoud vote on the aama day by virtue
of the same eertifl-afe, except where eons are en
titled to vote beeeue of the naturuliial i-n of
their fathers, they aad lh person win jliall offer
such second vote shall he iruiltr of e misdeutoan
or, and on twnvistton thereof fined or impris
oned, or both, at the discretion of lh court, hut
the floe shall not exoeed sir tuttdrod dollars lo
eech caa, nor th iupriaoainettt oae year. The
like puiiishment shall be indicted on oonrlctiun
ot Ue officers of election who shall ntjloot or re
fuee to make or cause to be niado the en. orna
ment required at aforesaid on said oaturalitat tun
certificate. 1 .
Neglect al' Duly of Ulertlon Officer.
8ac. II. If ay election officer ahall tefutca or
neglect te require aacb proof of Ihe right rf
so 17 rare as Is described by this law, or tbe law
to wbicb this Is a supplement, from any person
(tiering to vote whowe name is But on the list ofi
neaesred voters, or white right to vole la chnl
koged by any quail lied vutor present, and shall
admit such jeriou to vote without requiring such
proof, every j.eraofi ao offending ehiUl, ufm con
viction, be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be
sentenced for every rw-b offence to pay a fine not
oxoeediag five hundred dollars, or to undergo an
imprisonment tnt more than ono year, or both, at
the (iiscreliun ef tbe Jourt.
Cauvnaa of the Votra by the Court.
Pro. 1.1. Aa anon as the polls eball eloae lb of
ficers of the election shall proceed to count all
the votes Qriat for oaoh candidate voted for, and
make out a full return ot tha eeian In triplicate,
with a return sheet in addition, iq all of whicn
tbo votes received by each candidate ahall be git-
after bis or ber name, Brat in words and again
ln H, "d
hall be Signed by all of said of
ficers, and certified by ovetvoera if any, or if not
so certified the orereers aod any otheer riming
to sign or certify, or cither ol lie id, ahall write
upon each or the returns bis or their reason 'or
not signing or oertilvmg them. Tht volt at eooa
tve tounltd thal alto be auaWiry nad nit tfa lnrml
from fee mitrfe le tec t-i'iimt prmrnt, and a
brf ttnttmtttt sAoinny tht votes m-eircd fay mack
candidate thnlt ht made anrt tiqnrd bw the tlrction
(ft'ccrt e soon as tht vote it counted, aud the tame j
thntl oe immeninte'w pttm up oa fee dimr of the I
election Aoate for inftrmntion of the tinhlie The
trtplica e returns snarl Be enclosed tn enve ops
and be sealed in the presence of the officers, and
one envelope with the unsealed return ah net
given to the jada, wbioh shall contain oae list 1
of votera, tally-aper, and oathe Ol' offijors, and
another of said envelopes ahall ba given to Ibe
minority inspector. All judges living within
twelve miles of the Prothonolary't offioe.or within
twenty -feur miles, if their residence Win a town,
village or city oa lb tin of railroad leading tn
th county teat, ahall before two e'elocer, post-
meridian, af the day after tha election nnd all;
other Judges ahall before twelve o'clock meridian
of the second dny after the election, doiivet aaid
return, together wiik return sitae., to tbe Pro-,
thonotary of the Coo rt of Common Plea of the
oounly,whlch said return sheet ahall boflltd.end
the day and hoar of tiling marked thereon, aad
ehall be preserved by the Prothonotary for publio
inspection. At 12 o'clock on the said aocond
day following any election, the Prothonotary of
the Coai-l of Common Plvae-ehall present the said
returns te the said court : in conn lies where there
Is ao resident President Judge, the Assoc. ate 1
Judgea ahall perform tbe dalle impesed upon the1
Court of Common Pleas, wbioh aball convene for
said purpose j the reharae presented by the Pro
thonotary shattbe opened by said oonrt, and com
puted by tueh of its i Score, and aunh eevern as
sistants m tho court thall appoint, hi the prewenee
of the judge or judgea of said oourt, d the
returna certified and certificates of election issued
under lh seal of the court, aa U row required tt
be dD by lire retern jodgee, aod th vote a eo
oomputed and cert I Bed shall be open to too pubMo,
or in aee of complaint of a qualified elector under
oath charging palpable fraud or mirtake, and
particularly epectfyiag the alleged mistake or
fraud, or where fraud or mistake Is apparent on
the return, tbe court shall examine the return,
ad if la tha jo d go sat of the turt it ehall bo
necessary to a just Ura said court shall issue
sum mar proocaa againat tho elooUtta officers mid
overseers if any, ut the election dirlriet com
plained ef, to bring them forthwith into oourt,
with all election papers in their posatsata, u4
if palpable mistake or fraud ahall be discovered,
it ahall, upon such bear 104 a may be deemed
nee eatery to enlighten the court, and be corrected
by tbe court, and so certified ( but tiler at ions of
palpable fraud ot BMBtako shad ba Ww. or tha
said oonrt wlttela three otaya alter lb 4ey the
returns are brought into oonrt for eomputatioo,
and the aaid Inquiry shall ba directed only to
palpable fraud or mistake, and shall not be
deem mi a Judicial jurisdiction to eooclu le any
contest now or hereafter to be provldtil by law,
and the other or said tiljillcsia returns rbtll be
placed in the box and scaled up with the ballots.
Ntlhioa ia thia aet aball require the returns ol
elsctlun of borough or townahip oSheit to be
made to the courti as directed in this section, but
all the returns of the election of township and
boron kb offitera to he etiolated in a seeled covt-r,
directed to the Prothonotary of the Court ol Com
moo Plea of tbe proper count v. and shall bv
soma one ef tbeoi be delivered into hia offiue
within three days after every such election aad
filed therein. In eountiee where there are three
or more jajgea of aaid oourt. learaed in the law
at least iw judges shall sit to compute and cer
tify returns, suileaa unavoidably prevail tod, If
any ef the aaid judges ahall himself be a eendt
data fer any offioe at any election he shall not sit
With tb court or act tn counting th returns of
such eieeriJH, and tn a, a cee Ike other Judrea,
if any, shall act, and If in anv county there shall
lie no judge qualified to bold the ssid court under
the pvovisioae ol tan act prvwant and ale tr
then tn every sum oaae, the reenter of wins
the sheriff aod county oommisstoners of the proper
ooanty ahall be and constitute a Hoard, wbo, nr a
majority af whom aball bora and exorcise al tbe
powers, and perlurm all tha dutlea vested In or
required to be performed by Ibe Oourt of Common
fleas 01 sucn county, by and under tho nrovia
lone of thla ace t ten but Bone of the said officers
shall act as a mem her of snub Hoard when biia
self a candidate for auy office at te election, Ibe
rt turns of which tb aaid Board la reqaited to
count ander the provisions f thta section.
her. ft. In all elections hereafter ihe cert i lee te
of naturaiieatioa.lf gemuine, ahall be eonolueive
evidence of Ibe fact mentioned therein, and
Where the pereoi ottering to vote elalms the right
on tbe payment ot taa. tbe receipt of each tai, If
Mgned by Ihe proper officer, shall be the evidenoe
thereof ; ll eucn pcrsea does not produce eaeb re
eeiptatkea tbe payment of the tax may be nrovan
by the oath of such person, or Mlur evidence
I at lag when, "her ami toj whom iVch ta was
paid. , v - .. v.- 1 , , . - , . i.i
Peroon I'rohibUcd from gervliig; uu Wee
uuai eavarwoa)
i Notice ia further hereby gives, that all pereon a
rsfrjii jHfucn i m r t ace, w oo an a ii hold an
office or annMntment of trust under tbeUevei-n
ment ef tbe t'nlted Ptates, or ef tbia Stale, or of
any Incorporated ditrti,t, whether a commissioned
erneer or otnerwtae, a aabordmateomeer or agent,
wbo ii or shall be employed under the xUacisla-
livw, PXrcattve or Judicial department! of Ibis
hUt or of the United rUetr-s. or anv cite or in.
oerporatrd district, and also that every member
oi no gross, or oi me Dial legislature, or or tha
common or sclent council of any city or eoinmn
i toner of anv Incorporated diatrlcL are he la
Incapable of holding or exoreinag, at lh name
time, the office or appoint ment of Judge, lnapee
tor or Clerk of any election of thlaCommonwealth.
Of election ntueera.
In ease the pereon who ahall hare raoalrod the
second blgbaet number of rotes for Inspector shall
n. aitvwo uu ia any oi election, then the person
who shall have reoaivad lha eeeond highest num
ber of velee for judge at tbe Beit preewdiag erec
tion, ahall aotaa inspector to hie p.eeoi mmi to
vmmm m feraii who aaati nave rece! th blgb
set number of votes for inapector aball oat atiood,
tb parson elected jedue shall anooia I aa
tor la his place; aad i oaae lb pertvoa alec tod
Jsdga aball Bot attend, thaa tha toanaotar -h.. M.
ei red lha bigbeat number of votes, eball appoial
a judge In his place j or if any vacancy ehall eon
tie oe in the Heard for Ihe apnea of one hour after
iow itwe nxew ny taw tot me onenina of the ale
lien, th qualified enter of the township, ward
or district fur wklab aneh officer ahall have been
elected, praannt at th pleon of ejection, aball -
we. ono owi or iatr number to ill tob vacancy
Alert, that where a jadae, bv eiekaeaa or wwae.'
able accident, is unable to attend snob Moating
of judges, tbe a Ihe oertifieatoa at ret era sbaii be
takea aharg or by oae of tb laspoatota or aierk
or tb eleattua ef the district, wbo eball do aad
perform the duties required of aaid Judge enable
lUectlee. Board Oathe
The iBvpertere, Judge and elerki require 4 U
law te beM toweabip aad general election! ahaJl
take and eubsertl tbe several aaihe ad
lions required by the Ivth.lwth and list eeetiena
' - - f--- e-
of lli est of M dar of Ju'y, 1 9'lw, "An ant relat
ing to Ibe eUotiou of ibis Coenmoowealth, which
oaths or alTlruitli ts shall be preparel or admin
latered in tho meaner prie ritei it tbe ISih and
V'.'d sections uf said act. and in eddiiion t Hit
power eint.-rnd by the Mlb aecliott of sti 1 atl,
the jit'lge tr atiber of the ineptlwrs sIihII have
power lo hdtmoitler lie oath preiorihel ty S4id
ai-l to any cierk ot a genei-al, Se.'ial at towotbip
The fullowiug khtll Oe the form of ihe oath or
allirioiliou t-j be tnkeo lv each inspector, vis t
I A. H do that I will duly attend to the
eumng elei'tiin during the eon tin nance ihrreuf
as an inaprotur. uad hi 1 will not receive any
tii'ketoi rot tioia any person other tliau surh
as I firmly believe ( be, aording to the pre
via ion of the Conalltut'jti aod the laws of thia
Common wealth, entitled to a vote al sucheloctioo,
without requiring suob evidenoe of tbe right to
rota a It directed by low.uor' will 1 raxeiioualy
deUv or refuse to reooive any vle from eny per
son whit I hll belteve to he emit 11 lo a vote
as alofeieid, and tbai I will out dtatd as b w any
e'eetor akall lte vuled, unices required u d so
as a witeaa in a judicial proceed i of, but that 1
will iu eli thing truly aud uuprltftily and faith
fully puriuiut my dul tburoia, lo tbo beat of my
jihlgueut aui ai.ilit.r, aod that 1 aw not di
rectly or iudireeiiy, lutaresttd in aay bet or
wearer oa tbe rtnili el ibis election
Tbe following shall bi tbo oith or alfirjiatliin
of each juU, vis: "I A. V. do that I will
as judge duly a'.ten l the ensaing cleotlon durl ng
tUo Poitlinu..nce 'h-'reo', aad r,iitufuMy aasi't the
inspectors io carrying on two a una, that I will
aot -glv" my ooevont that an) voto or ticket
shall be reeoived from any porno or than such
aa truly behove to be, aeeording tj the provn
ions of the Cuntiluttun aod tbe law a of thia
'Common wealth, eutttU-d to vote at aneh election,
without req iiricg suou oviJene of the rigtit to
rote as is directed by law, aol that I will ue ar
best cndeavrs to prcvont anv fraud, deceit or
nliute ia carrying un the aaae by citueua qnnti
fied lo vi'ta or others, and 1 will make a true and
ptrlret return of tK aatj election, anil that I
wilt not disclose bow uny t loo tor ahall hire vnto'l
unless required to do so ae a wina iu a Ju
1 pnn-eeJinu, and will in all thiugv truly, imp ir
liiiiy and lui'lifullv perform my duty respecting
tha time, o the beftof my Judgment and abililj,
and (bat 1 aiu not directlj tr inhreplJ.v interested
in a ny bet of wgr on th n eult of thia lo ion."
The following 'Salt be tin trm of oaih or
affirmition tn be tkeo by ca' h olerk, vix : " I,
A. B ). do that I will Impartially eel
truly write d"WD tbe name of eali elector wbo
shall vote at tb ot.twnf lr.lln which shall be
given ma in charge, m1 nlso the uue of ihe
1 lowuehip, ward or dutri-t wlttnein suah elector
reside, and will r-eord tbo nuiuber of bis ballot
on tbe list of voters tipp eile to bis nunc, and
eart-fully and truly write (1wq, the nun bur of his
ballot cn the lift of rottr 'ippo'i'e te hie name,
and carefully aud trulv write down the number
ol vot a tll shall be given f ir ea-h oandid.te al
the oliciin, a often as hia name shall he read to
mo try the infpedori thereof, a'id In all things
truly anl faitblullr pcifonn my dty rvipoiti'ig
the same, to the bent of my ju lament and abi ity ;
that 1 am imiI diri-:lv or indaecily interest ! ir
any hi-t or war on this elontioa, and that 1 wilt
not diac!se how any elector shall have voted, un
lea required to do so s a wltaeia in a judiHel
proceed Tg "
Cotntitulloiial lr)vlHloiiH,
Upeniel attrnti'tli ia bMiy direetej to Ibe
Kifhtb ArtuMe ol the New ConnlituUoo i
titrriusi 1 , livery male ritisen twenty fine yetrw
of age, posiMing tne f 'U 'Wiog q ia itl -n'.tuuv
ehall beei.tiilfd to vole at all elections :
ii lie shall bare been a a tiren oi the I'ni--lod
Htats at leat one nonib. '
AWoed Hebtll liar rc-i lcd in th,St,i one
year (or, if hating prt-viously bem a qiilirraf
elector or nttire biro uhiion of t'.u St 'm he
ebtl) have re novel tb vifroo and rt irnnJ, iUmi
vix month, immediately prose-ling tte elJti io
TkirdU ahall hie resided iu Ihe election
distrtot where he eball offer to vac at least two
months immediately preceding the okation.
fumrtk If iwei.ty-tW' years of age or up war In
bo shall hnr psi l witbm tw yoir a 8tate or
County tax. whl'h ahall have boon ascel at
leart two mmthi .n I paid oo m tth b -fjro the
rKi , 4. A.Ielccti'Uis by the cittxeoi shall b by
ballut- Kerry ballot volvd ihnll be numbered in
the order in whioh it shall be rtOtired, and tbe
number recorded by the election ufliiert on tie
list of voters, ouj-of.te to ni f tbo elector
who ptoscots the ballot. Aay elector tn y write
lata baiu l upon bia tickiit, or cauae the utu to be
written thereon, an 1 attettxd by a citit u ol Ihe
dtftfiut. I h elac.ion otli e. sb-ill 'ie iwra or
aftirmei nut to dia -loa how 4.ny elector tht 11 hare
voted, ualeas required to do it as n witness in a
jUillci! proneedtog.
Bsi-. 6. ElfcHjfi b tll iu all raso, except Ireo
ttn, felony, an I brefli nr aur-t f of the pe i ie. be
privileged from arroj' during th nr at'en lance on
elections and ro ili;g to and returnioif thrretrom.
Sic ft. Whenever at:y of th qualified electur
of this Cniiitii aball bo in actatl m:litiry
service, uu ler e rtquisition from ihe Prenid'-nt ol
thel'iiite! St.itai, ur by the authority of ikia
Cotumonwi-Hltb, such eUctors mty eierciae the
right of suHnie in all iiona by tb ciliicot,
under such reutioas, ni if l hey were present at
their ureal plaor t eletnioo.
ot.c. 7- All taws reguuting tne h tlding ol elec
tion by th clttiens, or for lbs registration, of
electors, shell b uniform throunhoat lha b'ate.
but no lac tor shall b deprived of tha privilege-
ef voting by icarna of hia name not being regia-
try t, Any pereon who tbx'.l give or p.-o:ane.
or otter to giro, to any elector, aoy money, re.
ward or other valuable consideration f ir hii voto
at ao election, or for wituholdmg the saiue, or
who eball give or promise to give auoii consider
aiioa to any persoB or parly l r such e.evt r who
shall rreeive or agree to receive for biiuaelf or lor
another, any money, reward or o titer valuable
eoGiidenuion f r hia Tuts at an electim, or f r
iihholding tbe same, ehall thereby for lei t the
right lo vote at such election, and any elector
whose right to vole ahall be challenged for sooh
eauee bvlore the electioa efheerr, shall be re
quired to swear or affirm that the matter of the
challenge ia untrue before bis vote aball bo re
ceived. eii;. 9. Any person who ahall. while a eandl-
jade for oflloe, be guilty of bribery, fraud ar will
ful violation of any election law, eball be forever
diiqualitU'd from holding any office of trustor
profit In this Commonwealth, and any pereon
eotiviotod ol Willi 'jl violation of tbe electioa laws
aball, to? addition to any penalties provided by
lew, be deprived of the right of aaifrago ahaolately
fur the term ef four years.
Bsc I t. ror tne purpoae of voting, bo person
i ball be deemed to bavo gnioed a residence hy
reason of his absence, while employed in tb
service, of either etvli or military, of this Slate
or the L'nilcl (Slates, nor while engaged In the
navigation of tU watore of Ih State or th
United States, or no tha high nor while
student of any institutional learaing, nor while
kept in any Poor liouae, or other Arylutm, al
publio exnsose, nor woile confined la public
bltr. 14. District election boards shall consist
of a jwdge and two Inspectors, wbo aball b chosen
annual y by tbe oiusous, , Knch eieotor ahall have
the right te vote lot the judge and one inspector,
and each inspector shall appoint one clerk. The
firt election board lur auy new district ehall b
selected, and vaeaDela lo atoctien boards filled.
aa pruvidsd by law, WteUuo omeera ahall bo
pri vile god from arraat uyoa day of oWeliun,
while engaged la making up and traoamiUing
returns, except upon warrant of a oonrt af reoord
or judse thereof, lor an election fraud, for felony,
or lur wanton breach ol tbe peace, lb cities, ihey
may elaim exemption Trom jur duty durtog liieir
terms of service. ,
her. 15. No person shall he outlined to serve
as an aleotien officer who ebaH bold, ? abali with
in two month havo belt, any office, or appoint
point, or employment in or antler tho Uovern
ment of the I oiled Rates, or of this Ktala. er o(
any oily or eounty, or of any municipal twerd.
poioueiMion, or trust in any city, save only Ju
lieea of tha peace and aldermen, notaries public,
aod persons in the militia service of the rtiete :
nor abatl aoy election officer be eligible to any
eivti omce to u nil ad at an nleciion at which be
shall ecrr. save only to rueh subordinate munici
pal, ur letal officers, below the grade of the city
or count otlioera. a abatl bv dtiinatd hr tea
oral laws.
GIVEN under my hand aud eeal, at Claaitkld.
Penu'a, this fit h day of October, ia -as year
L.B- of our l.ord on thousand tight hundred
aoti eighty, aod ol the ludependenoo ol Ibe
I'nittd Htates the one hundred aad filth.
JAMKt) MAiiAlFliV, Sberill-
Hair Vigor,
It It a mort afrrwalls rtrriMlng, wthi.h
It at once liarnikit and f (Tcctnal, for fre
tnrving tits hair. It rettoret, wiin the
glow and frMhnclB of jotilh, faded or fray,
liuhl, and red hair, to a rlrk brown, or deep
black, tt may ba doalrcd. Dt IU um tliln
,liir It tltlckcnfd, ant) baldnm oftrn
tltottgit not alwnyt cured. It checki fallinn
o! tlic hair imronllalcljr, and cauaca a now
growth in all canei when tha gluidt tre
not decayed; whila to braahjr, wetk, or
oiltortriiw dlacatod htlr, it Impart, .Utility
ami ttrcngth, and renders it pliable.
The Virion cleantet the icalp, cttrei tnd
,prevmilt Iho formation of dandml; tnd,
by lit cooling, itlmitldtlnK, and toollilnil
prnprrtlet, It hlt rnowt If not all of th"
ll'itti .it and ditcuet peeullar to the aralp,
keeping It eocf, tlcaa, ltd soft, under
Well conditions dltrsica of tha scalp tnd
hair aro Impossible. j.
As a'Dresaing for Ladles' Hair,
The Vmoa Is Inoomnarable. It It eolef
h ia, contain! noiiheroU nordjre, and 'ill
'it toll whlto cambric. It Impart! aa
, agrcaabl and lasting perfume, and tt aa
aniela tot tne billet K ll economical tad
anturpamed In lit etcellenco,
.1 runaaa sv
, Dr. J. C AYER I CO., Lowell, HaH,
rmetteal aaMS AnatftM cliaaalaH-
soi.o r all rnicnotPTS i!'WIrr:,