Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 29, 1880, Image 3

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Terms of Subscription.
ff paid Id adrane,Qr within three month. ,.$1 00
If paid after thro ud before ill Baonihs... S 0
If paid after theeiplratloo of fix nouhl... I 00
iff-Messrs. B. M. pBTTXAtLi, A Co., Newa-
p Advertising Agent, 17 Park How, ornr
linnkojan Htrort, are our duly authorised Agent
in ivw York city.
HF.hHiUtVn NOTTCfc.ll.
McIIhmIUI I,nlcal Church --Rot. Ono.
Lkipv, Paster. Service every Sabbath tl UX
A. M., and Tf I. M.
Habbetb fvrbool at 0 A. M.
Prayer Meeting every Wednesday, at fa P. II
Communion Service, first aSabbath of every
.nunta, ai n't a. m.
Went Cleartield M, E, burc..Rev.
Chahlks W. 11 u an lit, Pastor. Preaching every
alternate Sunday, at 8 o'clock t P. M. Bunday
hcbooi at a, r. ju. All ar invited to attod.
Prenbterln Church Rev. H. B.Bctliu
Sabhatb aerTicea morning and evening Sab
bath School at I P. M. Prayer Meeting Wednes
day orati log.
HaptUt Church. Rt. , Paitor.
Hatibatb School ata P. M. Prayer Meeting every
n etlnesday evening.
Mt. Prancla' ChurchCatholic Re?,
l.t'niniPAH. Ihvlne service at 10 A. M., on
tha first, tbird and fourth Rundaysof each month;
Vespers and Benediotion of the Blessed Heorament
at 7 o'clock, P. M. Sunday Bcbool every Sunday
afternoon at o oioon.
Stsoood Monday of January.
Third Monday of Mnroh.
Kitat Monday of June.
Fourth Mun day of .September.
TIM a or lOLDlMO COM MOB P 1.141.
Pint Monday of J ana.
Second Monday of November.
public orriciM.
Preeidenl Jndy Hon. Charier A.
Loch Haven.
Aeeietant Law Judge
Rellefonte. Hon. John II. Orrla, of
Aifociat Judge Ah rata Ogden, Clearfield j
Vlooent 11. Holt, Clearfield.
Hrotkonotary Kli Bloom.
Regieter and Recorder L.J. Morgan
Tren$nrr Philip Llotta.
Di.trict Attorney i. V. MoKenrlck,
Sheriff- Jamas MahaiTey.
Deputy Sheriff F. I. Thompson.
County Surveyor Samoa) F. McCIoskey, Cur-
County Cmmieeionere C. W. Kvler, Or ham
ton P. 0.; Elab Johnston, 0 ramp tin Hills P. O.j
John Norris, or., t-'orwensvine.
Vnmmittiontrt' C Uric John W. Howe.
Count Auditor William V. Wright, Clear
fUld : Joseph Uilllland, Tbroa Hum j J. 8. Nor-
ris, Woodland.
County Coroner James A. Moor, Clearfield.
Jury Camtniieionere Andrew J. Jackson, Clear
fled, Wm. R. Brown, Clearfield.
Superintendent of Publit Sckoole M. L. Mc
Quown, ClearfloM.
Sealer of Weiyhf tf Mtaenrtt Jeiaa W.Carllla,
office at Luthernburg Pa,
Notarite 'iio(i John W. Wrlglay, Wm. Ra
dobaiigh, Cyrus Gordon, ClearfloM J Joseph H.
Irwin, N. E. Arnold, Curwcnaville; J. A. Living
tone. Dullola-Clty.
Our Special column it decidedly interesting in
a local point of view, and profitable reading to
uutildora who want to eav money.
V I'lW, IIP t'0(HMSt
"Will you tako aheit, oti or oorn for lub
feriptlon ?" W are often inqoirtd of Id tbla way
by letter fr m putrona who reaida at a diitaac
from Clearfield. W again lay yea, Tb receipt!
of a reponaibl merchant or mill owner in tba
virlnity, will anawer oa Jut ai well aa the oaih.
To tllluatratat If any of our patrnoa will dalirar
Hi a bag of grain at tba mill of Joaeph H. Bretb,
in Cheat townxhlp, Iloraca Pateblo, la Baroiidt,
Tbnmaa II. Forcey, in Uraham, Wm. Porter or
fihaw'a, la La wren ee, or Urown A Sayler'a, at
lUiktrn. I'd iD towailiip. and forward their
recelpta for th evjount, wa will credit Ihem on
their account fr (be anie. Id till way all may
toon pay what they owe, if they will puriua tbia
eourae. tf.
ftaT Ad venders ftnu others will bear
In mind that all articles intended for publicatloa
in this paper mut be banded ia, not later Ifaaa
Tuesday, at 9 A. M. Don't forget it !
The Autumn leaves are fulling.
Daylight is decreasing at the rato of
two tnioulca a day.
Tho farmers aro having a shocking
time with their corn.
It will bo lawlul to shoot pheasants
tm and attar the ltot October.
Tho Luthoran Synod of Central
PeueylvanU wa in asaalon at Milroy lie I wook.
i ! a w 1
The Krie Conference of tho M. E.
thurrh la now In eeaiioo at Corry, Krleceooty.
- mm aw i
Thin is about tho timo of year when
a man bunt up hi old tax receipt or gta a new
Mrs. Geo. 8. Moorehoad, of Browns-
Till, Pa., after riaiting bar old homo la Lutbera
burg, ia making a visit to friend in this place.
A good cow owned by O. L. Moore,
of this borough, died last Thursday morning. It
w supposed that ah cat something poisonous.
m a
Hememborthat ncxtbtiturday, Octo
ber 2d, is the last dy to pay State aod County
tax ia order to secure a vote at the November
Republicans as woll as Democrats
are Invited to cone u too meeting oi ioe union
Haven this (Tuesday) evening. Fall la line,
there ara torcbei for all.
As a purifier of tho blood, Ayer'i
Saraaparilla ha ao equal. It wonderfully Im
prove tba complexion, and brings to old and
young the bloom of health.
Dr. J. W. Totter, o( Karthaus, gives
notice in (his pi pear of bis appointment as ex
erutor of the estate of Joba R. Vaugbt, late of
Karthaus towoehip, deceased.
, . mm mm
Krankie Vcavci,an interesting child
and eldest daughter of Ueorge and Ida Wearer,
died of Membraneous croup on Monday night,
aged aboat 2 year and 2 montha.
mm a m
Parties from Curwensvillo uio auc
tloaing off dry-goods, Ac, in tb aid Western
building ca Second street. The salea will 8 jo
ainua every afternoon endevoalog this week.
- mm i - -
Miss Alice Wilson, well known in
tbla oocflBuiulty, and teeond daughter of Clark
Wiltoa, Eaq., wai married al Smothp'irt, Ala
Koan aouMy, oa the fith of PeptemWr, to Mr. Rd,
Mcwajey, of Smethport. Pa.
mm 1
Wo would call the attention of tho
traveling public to th card of lb Tamparanoe
House, New Washington, II. D. Roe proprietor.
Tha beet accommodation aad attention will
he gives guest itflplng at tbl bouse.
Tbo Shaw Ilotiso was re-opened on
Monday mernlngfor the ntertatoment of gueata
by Measrt. Johnson aad Peatt. We are glad to
this hotel opea again, and especially when In
tb control of two each good landlords.
Tho Philipsburg Journal says that
workmen are bow engaged In elevating the "Big
Pill" on th T. a 0. R. R. It will be raised to lea
foot higher In prevent the earl from running
against cb other when rounding the eujve,
m mm
(ototiieCm'B Hoom ! Our lomo
oralis frl.ndt 4 ivll olhirl fioa Ih. m.itr, t
l.ldD Co.tlihould lo lb. Wi,. dur.
In( Wm nanaali. LoU ndln !
t.r Iher. udfoodchDMWmiiiaK4lit.d.
Tho (1rl nnmbor of Col. Lovl Jj-
TiU'i m p.ptr, lb. If mil Ckrieh, Ii
r l.lil.. Il Ii f'fr,
will b. l.d I. b..r of III in" li.nol.ll;
ad HIUc.ll. tl II Is lb. bMk-
. . "
Tho "PuRoia Deposit Hnk" la tho
Hill of Ih. trit book .lUblllbad l DoDoli, ud
vblah Ii ton op Irooioolliif t.o.t.l
b.nkl., bwlHM. W. MtBr,r II PiMldool,
ud W. C. Bortlrd Cub In. Tb. i.fl vilfbi
I.OOO poaftdl.
m mm i
Mr. A. Thanlimner, tho Opor Houm
oloibl , bil iw .drotllt.B.01 lo lb.
Rirriuo.i ibli All tbo work ud Mdi
boi (ou ol of kli nor. Ii wornwlod u b. Ir.l
olui Md lo flto iifoollob. Bood kli odror
llwnoiil, ltd lo bin Mil.
mm m ' " -
The prir.o silver enp, to bo given tho
best lady altsr at the plenlo to be held at Merrill
Woods, ca the 14tk aad IHb
now oa exkiblUca la the shew wiadew at Harry
Hayder ' barber ihofj aad 9f ttor wher tt
will naula aitll tba Sy f lh coatoit.
Bleached and unbleached muslin at
H. Lehman a Oo.'a.
Tho cheapest and boat boy's boots
ara to b had at Moo re 'a.
Now is the time to got your over-
oala at Blrli&ger A Rook'a cheap for eaah or la
oiehang for grata Sept. 29 It
- - ' m tern
. Huy Your Mill Now ! Wo aro ihc
proprietors of a Saw Mill, complete ia ery par
ticular, wbiob wa will tell very obeap. For par
ticular, addraai E. A. A W. D. BIOLER,
mebSflO tf. Clearfield, Pena'a.
- -
..Making the buying of drena and dry
goaa a study, earetuinaaa in aeieotiDg the same
and sailing them at tba right figure baa mad
T. A. Flack A Co'i tha popular dry goods houaa
In CI ear 11a Id county.
Ellis I.Shtinkweilor, eon of Mr. Dan
lel Vbankweiler, died at tha residence of bis
father la Ooeban township, oa Saturday last,
agad aboat 24 or 25 years. Ha was la Clearfield
oa M aday of last week, and appeared to be an
Jojlrg good health.
- --
A Bad Omen. Tho Uepublicuns of
iiiiooaa reeaniiy made two attempt to raise a
p'de orar two hundred fee in length, but were
BBEaeoeasful both Hue. Thoy will fail in many
other thing1 that they are trying to aemmptUb
bxfore the campaign ia orer.
Hard Coal. Do yoi want any
hard coat tote winter r U so, order It now ol
James L. Leavy, and do Dot wait until the bad
weather acts Id. band in your order Immediately,
oryoo may bare some difficulty to secure it later
in the season. . Sept. 22 2t
i tm i
Bcuool Tax. Mr. John I. patter-
eoa bae been selected by the Borough Bo hoot
Board as Collector for the current year, and is
now delivering notices to the delinquents. Tha
schoulf ara nw all open, and It Is very
necesiary that the tax be promptly paid so that
the teachers may receive their just duel.
Auction I Auction 1 1 The reader
will obaenre lhat Mr. L. M. Coudrlet of Freoeh-
f ille propoees to auctioneer off all bis store goods
and other personal property, commencing on the
Ittb of Ootober, and continue from day today
until all are disposed of. So advertisement in
tbia paper and posters now ia olraulatija.
A Serious Accident. One daylant
week, while peeling bark co the job of Messrs.
Hollopeter A Brubeker, In Uoion township, Mr.
Walter Sterling received a sever gaab lo Ihecap
of the knee by the glancing of his ax. The
wound 1 a ptlnful one, and tb flnfortunate
young man will In all probability have a stiff
knee the remainder of fail life.
Court. The September terra of our
Court conimeuccd on Monday at 1 o'clock, with
Judge Orvie, Ogdoo and Helt oa tb Bench.
Dr. A. M. Hilla, of tbla borough, was mad For
man of the Grand Jury, and Harry Hemphill,
John Larrluor and A. J. Conllin war appointed
Tipstaves. The Pennington Nevllng murder cae
wa taken up on Tuesday morning, and may oc
cupy the Court moat of the week.
Lint of letters remaining unclaimed
in the PustcoVe at Clearfield, Pa., for the week
coding September 27th, 1880 :
Mia. It. L. ArJerT, Edward Brown, J sine
Blyler, Uarty A. Bailey, Mrs. Monaney B entry,
I.v Casprrssun, Mrs. Tillia Kamerly, Rebbeca
MeCraeken, Alex Mills, William Powell, Mrs. J.
Sulton, Eugene Petera.
P. A.tiAULIN, P. M.
A Labor Thout. Ashley Thorn, of
neat Clearfield, caught at aim on trout last l'oura-
day, wllti hQk and line, which measured 22
iDoboa in .length, and weighel 3 pound 91 ounce.
Tbia i the first of thi apeciea of fish that we bar
heard of being caught in our river alnce their
introduction, some years alnoa. Ash made a lucky
catch when be got held of that follow. The salmon
trout tl highly value! as an article of food.
N. E. Arnold, of Curwensvillo, by a
Dew advertisement In this Issue of th Kifubli
cam, give aotio to the publia that he i now
ready to transact wholes! business ia dry goods,
aod f Ornish In g good of every description. Mr.
Arnold solicit a share of the patronage of our
farmer and tradesmen, an 1 taay will fin 1 him a
pleaaant aod afirsl-elasi man to do business with.
Call and ec him at hi tor ia Patton' new
brick block, CurwansvlII.
d - -
Tbe lufL and bent picnic of the
aeaaoD Is announced to take place at Merrill's
Woods, ia the rear of tb Fair ground, West
Clearfield, on Tburtdayand Friday, October Hth
nod 16th. Among other feature of tb occasion
will be a. prlte of a valuable ailvor cup, gold-lined,
to I given to th beet and moat graceful lady
wattiar. Meat can be procured on th ground
at all boar. Refreshment and various kinds of
amusement will be furnished.
The Fair at Brookvillo last wock is
pronoanoed a decided success by all who attended .
It was said there waa aever a larger crowd la
Brook UU than that or last week. It is estimated
that there were 16,000 people oa the grounds oa
Thursday. The Orpheas band returned home oa
Saturday evening. An Eb Cornet, valued at
sixty dollars was contested for oa Friday by the
Orpheua band of this place and the Excelsior
band of Da Boi a. Tbe Judges reserved their de
cision. i m
New Daily Stage Line. James L
Loavy ha auecccdsd In baying a dally mail estab
lished between Clearfield and Ponnfield,and will
hereafter rua a daily stage betwet-a tbe two point.
Hlseontraet began with April 1st, and the stage
will leave Mearfleld every morning (except 8un
day) at S o'clock, making connection with all
train on tb Low Grade Railroad at Peon field, re
taming after tbe last train tbe same evening.
Passengers end freight will be carried at low rate,
Order lft at any of tbe hotel will be attended
to. lftapr7V-tf
mm a i
Eaoi.b Era, Paplembvr 10lb, IS 80.
Ma. Goodlanbkm j I have tbe pleasure to re
port to voa the orxaoltatioo of a Hancock and
English Club at tbia place, on the evening of
(September, the 18th, with thirty membera. we
expect at our next meeting to Increase our mem
berabip to one hundred. J. T. McLarrrn Is
Preaiilmt, Jtse U"aa Vina President, David
Meeac Trvasurt-r, aod O. W. H meal Secretary .
Everything ia moving aloe ly and harmoniously.
Uuggs will send la her report with an increase
ofer her usual majority,
U W. flwiAt, Peerelary.
Farurrr, Look Here! Lytlo will
give yoo highest market price for Wheat, Oats,
Corn, Buckwheat, Holler, Eggs, Onion, Apple,
dried fruits, and all kicds of produce. He baa
lb largest end bsst selected stock of groceries,
tea, enffr, molasses, spices, oil salt, sugar,
queensvar. Jobs, bucket, baskets, churns, Ac,
Id Clearfield county. He buys hi goods in large
quantities from menu fact Brr and Brat band
fer cash, and take tha advantag of all
discounts, and to be I eaabled to sell at loweat
price. II gives ab price for producc,andll
bis good at tb loweat price la tba Bounty.
ept-24-'70 tf
Another Barn Destroyed. In tho
A I too o a Daily Tribune, of lriday meralng last,
wa find tbe followlag particular of th destruc
tion by fire of Mr. Forehey' barn, which occurred
oa (be 22d instant : "Trts barn of Ben jam la
Forehey, situated aboet three aod a half miles
from thahvlllc, la Clearfield eeaaty, wa totally
destroyed by Ire at aa early boar oa Wedoeaday
nrning. Quito ft large amount of trope, valued
at II ,200, waa burned. Th origin of the fir is
unknown. Lata tb evening before aom of the
mea were at tba bare and everything waa right.
Th lire stock waa alt taken out safely although
lb last of It bad a very narrow escape. The
In ira dm waa light. Tb building wa a fram
structure, situated about a bend red yard from
tbe bouse i ao other building were damaged.
Persca visiting th place aeit day taid the Ire
made ft eleaa wp and did not even lav e
charred tlk tf timber."
- i
A Mibsino Boy. Some woeks ago
a by named Jelly sad ten ly disappeared froai bla
bom In Osceola and nothing eauld b heard of
him. He went first to Tjroa aad thea to Pitts
burgh, where be has been for some time. A day
ar twf sins ft package wa found la that tlty
oataiaiag several plese of hla clothing. Ol tb
bssosa of tbe blrt wa written the name aad ad
dress "Warren Jolly, Osceola Mills, Olearleld
eoanly, aad a brier aoit wriuea wiib a isea
peaeil directed tbe lader of to artiei lo Mad It
to tba ewaar'a nether, at OsmoIb. There ware
any conjectures a ta what had become f th
bey, aud there was a tasplcloa that h bad
abandoned the package aad aoamltted sulcld.
Tha misting lad destroyed this suspicion, ko-
sver, by making hi Rppearaoce there en Tum
day, A railroad statloa egetl notice I a boy
aboat twelve year old loitering aboat ia suooa
aal wa promptly ak4 who h was. H gave
his nam a Warren Jolly aad said he raa away
from hi homo al Osceola, Pa., aad waa oa hi
way lo visit his sitter ta Clarion eeaaty. Tb
lad we pert aa a trala hi ar ef the ceo. I color,
wha wa dl reeled ta pat hi of at Voia.--i-foe
7W , September I2d.
Men's good boots $1 90 at Moore's.
Mix re's have the cheapest boots in
Men's hats from 75 cents to 95 at
i in a a i
Women's good shoes only at
anoore .
Buy your rubbers ot Moore's. Tboy
an in CDeapesti
Corsets in all styles and sizes at
II. ienman uo. a.
.- - m m -
Ladies, II. Lehman & Cohavo
baud soma Una of ctahmares.
Flannels, caanimores and cantons ii
full clock at T. A. Fleok CVs.
Window shades in newest styles an
great variety at i. a. a leek a to .
Silk fringes in great variety for
area trimmings, at i. a. rieca a tos.
You cannot go amitw in anything
you want u you can at 1. a. riecx a uo's.
The bent lilting cornet ever made
u now to o lound at i. a. rick Co. i.
A now line of all wool caflhmores.i
the lata sew abadea, Juat recelvtd at T. A. Flee!
A Co'a.
All styles, all grades, and all prices
of Mod a, ootfi a, Boy i and LhtidrD aclolbto
at Uirllnger A Rook'l. Pept. 29-2t
Logmen, hoar in mind that Moore
is the only place you can get Perkia'c boot and
shoes in tb oounty. Sept. 22-4t
Mommio cloth, in cotton and wool
droit ginghams, and the Fall stylos in dress oal
tcoes ar among the latest arrival at T . A. Fled
A Co's.
If in need ol a carpet, call at T. A
Fleck A Co', who bar just received a new In
voice of carpeting, which will be sold at gr eatly
reduced price.
The improved semi-circular adjiiHta-
bl Corset is the tetait novelty at T. A. Flock A
Co'. Tbey ar ootod for comfort, ease and dura
billty. Ladies, giro them a trial. Batiffaotioi
A Fact. An advertisement insortcd
la tb RapiraLicaa will reach more reader than
If published in all tho other paper la tha coun
ty, and cost the advertise! Its than one-half
In other words, an advertisement published to
our Jcurnal Is worth doubl tba price of that
ohergtxt by any other publisher la th county,
It I a fact.' , tf.
Clearfield Coal Trade. State-
ment of Ceal and other freights cnt orer th
Tyrone A Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Rail
road, for the week ending Sept. 18th, 1880, and
the same time last year :
Fur the week - 48,o.
Same time last year - 36,832
Previously during year
Same time last year
Totnl In 1H0...
ftame time last yar
othbb rneiasT.
Lumber "lfl-1 car.
Miscellaneous freight - 70 "
It or k Ton, September 22d, Ifl8.
Ma. Eniroft I aend you the proceedings o
our meeting of thla evening. Oa motion, it waa
resolved that Jfibn Penis, of Peno township, act
as President, and Jacob Laborde and J. fa. Us
wald, of Union township, Vice President, and
wm. Weltv Hecretarr. lor th cveninr
There wa a pretty good turnout. Some of the
Democrat from Brady. Bloom and Penn town
ships war present. Attar tb meeting waa or-
nailed and vrvtfito In order, Jrank rield
ing, Esq., of Clearfield, addressed the audience
very ably, by reviewing tb official record of
James A. Oarfield ia rrsard to tha Credit Mo
holier and Ie Go Iyer contract, and the action be
took In the Returning Board which counted oat
H- J. Til den, who waa lee-ally elected rresidcnioi
tbe United States In lt7o. He also referred to
tbe manner in which the public lands have been
squandered and the.teacbings ol bat red and section
alism aa proclaimed by tbe public speakers and the
pressor the itepublicaa party, aad closed by re
viewing the patriotic career of tbe gallant (Jen,
W. o. Hancock.
8. T. Urookbank. Esq.. of Clearfield, next ad
dressed the meeting very ably to regard to the
leatsiation oi in uemoeratio ana rvepuoiioan
parties ta respect lo the soldier of tbe late war.
lie also referred to the snbject of the tariff, the
oivtl service reform as practiced by tbe Kepnbll
can partv.and eoniratulated the Democrat ii
respect to oar victory id Main, mr. nm. r.
JuhneoB oext addressed the meeting In hi usual
tyl. W. Wbltt, Secretary.
To the Democracy of Clearfield county ;
I lake thi method of rctornlng to the Demo
crate of my native county my moat sincere and
grateful thanks for their suj'port and effort in
my behalf while a candidate for the oOoe of l'ro.
thonotary at tbe last primary election. At
thou eh unsuccessful, oevorthelca I am a thank
ful and feel under Ih earn obligation to my
frienia a tbouxb I had been nominated. I aaid
to tbe Democracy during my canvass that th
ball I woald end In the Oouventlon. Let tbe nomi
nation rest where it might, I would be found
where I alwaya have been in tb past and where
I consider tbe only proper place lor all true vm
ocrata cheerfully and earnestly supporting tha
nominees of the party. And I want to Bay dis
tinctly and without any equivocation, I am for
tne octet, toe wnoie tic not, irom nancocx to me
Closker. I am alwaya willina and ready lo work
as bard for tb ptinclple represented by tbe
word "Democracy" as I worked trying to aeoor
my nomination. That there were many tbinga
done Id tbe contest fur tha nomination that, If
generally known, would undoubtedly receive the
severest condemnation of a large majority of tbe
Democracy of the county, ther i ao doubt but
our party should not and must not be neid re
sponsible for tb crooked works and ways of an
scrupulous candidates ar a few individuals.
Tbe endorsement of my friends In Clearfield
borough wa sueh that I have reason to be
proud of it, aod in tbe Convention where aixteen
uninstmcted delegate gar me their sup pert it
wa an Indication of popular feeling that I will
ever gratefully remember. I am, with respect,
e.,yourob9d)eotservBt. a. w. WAi.riK
CLBiarixLD, Pa., September 27th, 1S8U.
PxaniLD, September 24th, 1890.
Mr. Editor t Uuatoa township atlll lives,
move and ha tl due share of earthly excite
ment. The chief excitement of the week was a
marriage ta high life. The parties being Wm.D.
Woodward, Jr., son of Hiram Woodward, Esq.,
and Lillian Bnbackcr, daughter of Charles Ko
backer, Esq. The ceremony was perlormed at
the residefioe of Mr. Robaokcr, by the Rev. A.
B. Hnoven, in tbe presence of a select party of
invited guests, we near oi "lusions between
(Jrrenbackcrs and Democrats, and between Ureeo
baekers and Republicans, but tbia marriage wti
a fusion between ft leading Democratic aad a
leading Republican family.
The Presbyterian Festival are held every two
wceka lo Coryell's Hall. These featlval leave
aeeompli'bed financial wonder for th Presby
terian Church In (hi place, paying off the
ohurrh debt, and keeping the minister paid
Business Is flourishing In th township. Th
heartrending aad well-grounded fear of lb Re
public party about a "change" don't appear lo
soar the business men here any more than It
doe anywher els. Th lumber operations of
Merrill, oa Anderson creak, furnishes considera
ble trade to our merchant. There were five mill
ion or more feet of hemlock lumber cut daring
the Summer along tba Clearfield road and oo
Mountain run, and the hemlock bark ta now be
ing hauled to tba Par field depot and ahipped
away, and the log be pet la during the
Wiater. Tb far -cr bar gathered excellent
crops, com reporting a pbeooumal yield of po
Politlrally, the township la "red hot." Republi
can are very much frightened at the outlook,
and declare that the country i going to thd'ga,i
and tb people seem do tor wined to Nod It there. I
Still, they managed to get a big drum, a little
drum, ana encouraging ine amaii soya to make a
big noise on Monday evening, which they cat led
a grand 'Repoblicao Rally.' The great Dr.W. 0.
Doane, of Williamaport, wa present and made a
speech la Coryell' Hall. Hellled to orerflowlnf
th enp of Republican abuae and poured it out on
tha poor vsmeerai. ill tllort waa declared to
be a tirade whose foolishness was only exceeded
by It coarsen. Tbe credit (?) of getting the
aoise and tbe gathering is due to L. Bird, Ks.,
lo whose 41-lenb head resides a fair share of the
RepubltceB party of Huston. One poor old Dem-1
oerat who burrshed for Hancock wa threatened
whh a slap, bat com more atalwart dafaoder f
th faith hurrahed la spile of tb threats.
Macau, Etc. All person waating a first-
las 9ewmg Machine should bug the New Im
proved Light-Running Weed, for sale by John S.
Beers, Clearfield, Pa., ar Miles R. Beer, dealer!
la Machines aad Organs, Reynold villa, Pa.
may llb-m !
WiaTUP-Dellvered at tbe Rail Road.
100,00 tl iaeb ehaved ahlngla.
inn.OOi 14 -Inch aawed ahingl.
100,00 feet of pin boards,
ft00,v.i M-ree shaved beopa,
t,Dn railroad tie.
c,trO reat of good heailnek board.
For which I will pay th highest marM price,
delivered at Clearfield, ar at any polil oa tb
Tyrone A Clearfield Railroad.
J. P. KaAMX.
Clearfield, Pa, Oat. U, 1171 tf.
Oas BranaBD Pan Cant. Disoouxr aw Old
Price. Hewing Macbloaa can bow be purchased
at Werrell's tin and variety atore, from $W up
ward. All kiodaof tewing machin repaired
on tue shortest notioe.
Clearfield, Pa., July 18, 1ITT.
Cou.sctor'i Balis 1 W bare prepared
a form, and have on hand a large quantity, ef
blank ''Collector's Salea," which have been ap
urvvml br th bicbeet leral authority; in lite
Court of Ibis county. At Twenty Vtnte per
dosen we will mall any number to me collector
ordering them. A Collector, wbea compelled to
advortise property, muat post up not lea than
three notice la th moat public plaoa In bis
oorwugD or lownsnip. u.
J ii tit ltVeelretl.
Jut Reoived by AltNOLI), at
Cur Load Nova Scotia riaster !
Car Load puro Corn, Py and OaU
Coop i
Car Load Dcakon Saitl
Car Load of Choice I amily Flour I
Car Load Dry Goods, Grocerios, ic.l
EdrBhini;les, Hark. it. ii. liea and
Grain will be taken in exchange.
Curwensvillo, May 1, 1878.
ROSK DRIOIIT. Al lb. Aalon IIouu,
Broukrllto, IV, o. Tburidiy, 16lb,
I8K0, bv H.r. Theodora lleiid.rton, Mr. Iuu E.
Ron &d Mill Ida Brii-hL .11 of Dulloil,
DUKLAP-DUQAN. Al lb. Lnthmn p.r-
on.g., Ne Millp.rl, od W.dnMd.y, Augu.t
IHtb, 18S0, bf K.r. f . II Btitrk, Mr. I..I.Q H.
UunUit, of Uloominirtoq. ud 111. H.dl. Uug.D.
of HiomctIII., ill of Ul.irfl.ld oounty, P.
McCRACKKtf FINK. At lb. Lulb.m
non.K, N.w Millport, o. Tburidaj,
cr l:(d, Hot. P. B. bb.rH. Mr. Jo...
th.o MpCr.ek. .od MiH llnariettm Fuk, .11 of
Now Millport, CL.rfl.ld oountj, P..
Sni'iBTS MERRILL At lb. mld.uo. of
th. brid.'l p.rooll, OD Thorad.j,HpltDbr 16tb, hot. L. u. Merrill, ual.Ud b, Kor.
Ueorg. Rie., Mr. Ueorge F. BhMU, of Vouoga-
tewn, Ohio, end Mil. il. Alice Merrill, ol n.m-
pum, p.. ,
0LlABrlll.l, P. Sept 28,
$3 00
1 80
1 80
1 no
1 40
1 00
1 10
I it
Flour, per cwt.
Buabwhe.l Floor, p.r ewt H...
Cor. Me.l, per cwt H -
Chop, rye, perewt
Chop, mixed, per owl
Ilr.o, per ewt
Wheel, per bo.hel
Rye, per buihel
Oet., per bufhel
uuin, ear., per Doeaei.... H
Btinkwheat, per ba.bel
Clorer leed
Timothy leed
Potatoel, per bo.hel
Apple,, per boibel
Ham,, per pouod
etboolder, per poond
Dried Beef, per poood ....., per pair
nutter, per pound
Egire, per doien
I Ou
Belt, per aaok, large
Coal Oil, per gallon
Lard, per pouod
Dried Applee, per pound H.
Dried reaobea, par pound -
1 24
Beana, per bu.h.l
PntLADKi.rMtA, Sett J7- Cottoa U steady at
12(a)l2ic for middlings. Bark Is uouilnsl at Sir
for No. 1 quercitron. Seeds Clover seed is dull
alTiftLfilc lb. Timotbr is worth $2.74(42.86,
and fie need $1 .iSfu, 1 .30. Flour and Weal-
There are free sellers or flour et current quota
tions, but the inquiry is limited to choice families
and good patenta to supply the wants ef the home
consumers. Hale of l.ffofl barrels Minnesota ul
tras, low to choice, at t do. do, atrale-ht
at $fi(u6.6uf Pennsylvania family, at WJa(m
I.IZi western do., at J(iiO ; and patent ai
I(1.7iffl. Hv flour ia ttcadv at
Oram Wheat is quiet but generally nrm,
Salea of 4,000 busbela, rejected at Vbc(a).Qt;
red and amber, track and afloat, at SI .04 ; and
No. 2 red elevator, at ft .Oft. At the open board,
first call, 10,01)0 bushels September, sold at f l.fln;
10.00 October, ai.Ofii i ft.DUO IN o vera her at bi.ot.
and 20.01)9 bushela December. nttl.OHi. Rr
sells at y:tc for Pennsylvania. Cora Is quiet and
rather weak. 8ee of 6,000 bushels ; yellow at
bio: mixed at o24fa534c. and rejected at bll(i)
i3c. At tb open board, first call, ale was bid
for September; ftle rorUctooer; 02ic lornorcm -ber,
and IOo for December. Oat arc fair and In
itcadv rcauest. Sales of 6,000 bushel rejected
and miledat IVlyiQe, and whit at 40i(y,4Ji
CDlOAOO.Sept, 27. Floor steady. Wheat steady,
Id fair demand and easier: No. 2 red Winter at
mtyMoi No. 3 Chicago Bpring, V0ifds0T for
etui; vi'fe loruotouer; i iryvio lornoTomuerj
No. 8 do . 83c: rejected. ftHf(O70o. Corn easier.
4LrvM tt ub svlc for October; 40io lor
November. Uata easier, IVa for cash ; 3jc lor
Hcptember. SejtcforOotober; 2Hto for November,
Kre dull at 7dc. fork on set (led and lower;
Si7.7Aful6.00 for eaaht $18.00 for October;
$l2.72J(aia.7 for November. Lard dull f $7.8
((t,8.7 J fur cash and October t 7.r-JT(iiv7.BJ lor
lNorember. Mulfc meats steady. Whisiy on
settled and lower at $1.12 .
n. d.
R08B, . . Paoi-ftiaTOR.
Tba beet of accommodations for man and
A liberal sbar of publia patronage i
isepeiv, flW
ISTH A V. Est rayed from tha premise or
j the Bobsoribcr, residing in Bloom township,
on or about tbe 1 Ol b of Hcptember, one large red
and one white eow with bell on, will be fresh
about tbe 1st of October, and about nine years
old. Also, one red and an whit belter on year
old, wiib ball on. 1 will pay liberally for in f or
al al ion that will lead to the recovery of my prop
erty. My postofflc address i Forest P. U.,
Clearfield fount f, Fa. 1AV1D B. HflAHK,
Kept. 2tb, 1880 iu
TXKCI'TOira NOTICK, Notioe I here.
I j bv wlvrn that Letter Testamentary en the
ciutaof JOHN R VAUUIIT, late of Karthau
township, Clearfield county, Peonsylvanla, de
ceased, having been duly granted to the under
lined, all persons Indebted to said estate will
please mak iinmediat payment, and those hav
ing eiairae or uemaoue against toe same, win
present thera properly authenticated f r setlle
ment Without delay. J. W. POTTO,
Karthaus, Pa., Sept. SO, 1880-flt.
The undersigned will sell at private aal. hla
farm, located in Peno townahlp.Clearfield county,
fa., containing
SIXTY A.on.ius,
alt of which Is In a good st at of cultivation,
Ith a fram dwelling, log barn.'a thrifty orchard
and aa eicellent spring of never failing water,
together with the necessary outbuildings. The
portion not cleared Is heavily timbered, and all
I underlaid with coal and Iron. It will be sold
low and oa aay terms. For further information
call on the premise, or address th snscriber at
(Jramplan III1I' P. O. OWKN J. KKKNAN.
Grampian Hills, June Id, I c NO 3m.
He, li lm.
THE undersigned ha arrived at theconotuaioa
to sell off all his store good and a lerre
amoaat ef other personal property oa hi prem
ise, at MUldSONBUatf, at ft public Anction,
oommeneiag oa
Tuesday, October 12th, 1880.
At 10 o'clock A. M., and t continue from day to
lay anil I an tb goous aad property named are
isposed of at whatever prlie tbey may bring.
IP prnpeny eunsisia oi a ivnn uuus urAUL
INI'H, eueh ft cloths, Sal i net!, eassimeres.
u si ins, detainee, line, drillings, calidoee, trim
ings, ribbons, lac, rradv-made clothing, bnot
aod shoes, hat and caps all of tb beet material
and made to ardor bora, socks, gloves, mittens,
CoiTee, tea, sugar rie, molasses, 6h,alt pork
llnssed ell, Isb oil, carbon oil. Hardware, qustn
were, tinware, castings, plow and plow aastlna-s.
Balls, spikes, aora ealttvators, aider presses, an d
ail sinus ei axeu. reriuwery, nainia, varnisn,
glai-a, aod a general aaaartment at stationery asu
elly kept In a co-mtry atore
ALSO, HOKHKfl and CATTLI, ft two horse
wagon, a two-bore carriage, aod a spring wagon,
together with a lot of farming aUnstl and other
parsana) property too aumeroaste eattoa,
TERMS AND CONDITIONS. All sales ta lee thea $16 most be paid apen
tbedelivery of the property. Oa aales over $10,
a redit of ala montha will be given by famishing
approved WMiarity, r a discount of $ percent
will be mad oa th bid if tha cash Is tendered.
raehvll, Pa , flcpumbar 24, 1$M tft
$tui flwtlsrmrnts.
State Normal School,
B17LDIN3, Ih. hail of tie kind I. Ih. I'nIUd
ACCOMMODATIONS for 400 boarder..
SCHOOL, trit-elaMln all Ripeetl.
DtCPARTMENTS Normal, Claieleal, Commer-
ol.l, Moiloal.
THE FALL TERM of 15 wnki will open on
Monday Sep'l 6, 1830.
EXPENSES, a low a thoi of any other scboo
atTordlog equal advantages and accommoda
For Catalogue, address
IDlim, Pa., Jul; Hth, 1880 3m.
Valuable Real U!
IIY vlrto of an order cf tbe Ornbana' Court oi
If Clearfield eountv, there will bo emosed to
aal on to premier, in iiuroaid tuwnsbip, on
Saturday, October OUi, 1880,
At 10 o'clock A. M., the following nronert of
rtiAntin m. r i uiu.i, ueo u : ah mat certain
tract of land situate in UurnaidetowopbiD. Clear
field eountv. Pa., bounded north bv A. aod S,
ruitou a lauds, east by uavtd ruiton, south by
David Weaver, and on th west by A. and o. rul
ton a lands, containing
With fifteen acre cleared, and having thereon
erected a frame dwelling, ICx 24 fret, aad a log
barn, JUlStt teat, and olltet oulhuildinga.
TERJftS OF 8.1 LE:
Oic-tblrd cash at confirmation of sale, one-
third in one year thercaller, and one-third lo two
years thereafter, with interest on deterred pay
ment Irom date of confirmation of sale, wbiob
payment ar to be secured by Judgment bond.
j u Jin hi i, Auminitiraior.
Burniide, Pa., Sept. 16, lHb0-4t,
Desirable Real Estate
Eotato cf .Richard. Shaw, Sr., Dcc'd.
rilJIR undersigned, Kxecutors of the estate of
X HICilAKU BHAW, fr., deceasru, win oner
at public sale1 at tbe COI UT tiODhK. In the bor
ough of Clearfield, Pa., on
Mondny, October 4th, IS80,
AT 1:30 O'tXOCIt P. M..
The following valutbte real estate, vis t
Tb three-story BRICK HOTEL projrty,
corner of Market and First streets. Id the bor
ough of Clearfield, known as
'The Shaw House,'
Fronting with two lots of ground thereto belonging
SOU feet on Market street, and i
l-ulnii LV.T.t ilrul llh.l.A.ilhr
0 dwelling bouse attached. The bo
tel proper has filty bed-rooms and
all conveniences lor a nrsi-cias
hotel. One of the most desirable hotel properties
Id Central Pennsylvania.
The above will be sold together with a two
slorv frame dwell! nr. house on Market street, ad
jaoent to tho Hotel, and one other frame dwelling
house and a two-atory atore running, an ironung
on Market street. Also, a frame dwelling house
fronting on First street.
ALSO. All that certain lot, known ia tbe
filau of Clearfield borough as bnlflo MV, .
routing 60 feet od Locust street, run
ning back 172 feet, more or less, to an ally I jjj
with dwellirg house and all necesiary out-
building tberconcrected,andoiar improvements,
th ii.ft h of 8.1 n::
One-third cash at dcllvcrr of good deed, and
tbe balance to be secured by bond and mortgage,
payable In one and two year, with Interest.
a- o. rtiiAtv,
Surviving Ix'r of Richard Hbaw, Srdec'd.
uiearncia, ra oepu b, incv oi.
ItRY 1.1HT Name and tec 1 1 on of those
nersoDS drawn wa jurors t aerra at Septem
ber term, commencing on the fourth Monday,
(27 th) and coot in oc two weokst
A. M. Hills. .. Clearfield 0. W. Msttern .Dcoatur
M. B. Cowdrick. "
A pear Blootn...Cur'vllle
C. K. Btrickler Bell
John P. Lea, "
h. L, Hoorer....OrcD'd
W. A. Hoover.. ,n.Bogge
Richard Freeman. ..Pike
Jaa. Cornel y.. Wood ward
Jos. Delehunt, "
Henry PlubolL...nirard
Fred Ratney Osceola
A. E. WoolrldgcBrad d
J. R. Alexander... Knoi
II. L. Henderson, "
Jaa, Haley,,.. lloaladalc
Theo. VanDuicn " 1
Jas. Dewier-... Dunialde
Cbaa. 8chwem.... Brady
David Reams, M
John Troxel Randy
8. M 'Clarrca.... Decatur I
John Beala.H Morrla
L. W. Berry.. .Wallaea'a
J. St. Lew)..
W. TburaloD,
I. H. KhoO',
John Hanna, Jr...Oulioh
John U. Smith,
Jo. 1. Oaaoe,
John Williams,
Ueorge Lingle....Oirard Hugh Riddle... Burniide
aepn jVavia, I'onn A'lara ueca,
Robert M cere.. Pert uaoa
H. Frank HoutsJal
Joseph U.Joes..Decatur
William Harp i tar, "
Cbas. McMatrs..Chst
R. 8. Montgomery,
P. K.Proith.. .Clearfield
Jame K. Watson, "
Colcnel Owens, M
John A. Slork, "
Zch Hoover... Bradford
John steams, "
Ham. HpanrglcOrabam
George W. Hall, "
A. C. Dale, '
8. W. Hcverly..Bcccarla
I). Wbitesides. "
R. Rex.
Ashler Weld, "
tSitn oa Croea, "
H. II, Irvin....Lawrebce,
hi i Hoult,
J. K. Parks,
J. W. " Osceola
Robert Lawbead "
Kills J. Rodger. "
Levi London Hoggs
D. Moor Karthau
George W. Orr,
O. U. Merrell,
Kvans Miller, "
F. W. Riddlc.N Wash'n
Ja. Daugharty, jr.
Matt Row I s Wood ward
Joba McLaogblin,
Nelsoa H. Packer, "
A. P. bhoff, "
Albert Copnlar '
Bamuel 1'. bhank, "
Joaepb Bailey Pike1
Kmery Miller,
Henry Brown,
J. M. Keller 6andy
John Kooolay .Bell
Jcahua Uartsharn, M
U. Addleman, "
J.A.Campbell. "
inriatiao horn,... Brady
T. W. Moor..ClcarflcldJ. M. Ley die Brady
John I. PatteribD, " Jess Lines, "
Thomas Kobbina, II). J. Kline.. .Woodward
Levi Hcnnehoof...Boggs Solomon Toser, Jr.. Chest
A. Worts. ..Lumbar Citj Alfred (Stephens, "
Ja H. Worn. .Lawrence Kobert rowler,
J. Krenser,
Jamea Raueb.. Karthau
Luther BarretL.Fergiis'n
Robert llnyd, "
Jcre Urafflui... Bradford
.Scott Brown Pike
Kobert Livergood, M
Aaron 8blrev Ooehcn
0. Bsrlhtott.Covinaloi
Joseph Monoal... Jordan
John Marlla Dscatur
A. J. Hhugarts,
Joba Moore... H outsit el
John Charletoa,
J. Kcefe...Curweneille
J. 11. Horoicg..Hutoa
J. M. l.uore,
FtenJ. Noke...Burosidc
U. tSbatfer Sacdj
J. Druramond. "
W.J. Weatover.
D. U- Waring Morris
(leo. Merry man.. Osceola
L, M. Wilson,
The News From
Boots and Shoes,
ats and CapJ
That Ever Came into the
ClMrl I, Pa., ,ft. tf, M). la.
Gtstsrakliif bis
ICrgal sawrtlsftttrnt.
Sheriff's Sale.
Tty virtue of th annexed aiiJ forrgalng Writs
or t ten r aetme issued out or your aonorabi
Court, and to m directed, I have levied oa and
will expos to public sale, at tba Court Hon ia
to ovrouga oi viarniii, oa
Ihureday, 8ptcmbr 3()lh, I WHO,
At 1 o'clock, P. M., all the following messuages,
tenements and tract of lands, bounded and de
scribed aa follow, viii-
All tb defendant's Interest, being tb undivid
ed ona-aixlb, mora or less, ia th following de
cor i bed lands, to witi All those four tract ofland
situata la Bcoearla township, Clearfield county,
Pa., bounded and described a follows, to wit:
Th first three thereof beginning at a beech cor
ner of Jame Blaine, John Brady and William
Brady survrya, thcac nort 87 i degrees west
SV1 6-10 peicbe to a hemlock, thenoe by Juilah
Haines survey aoitb 4H degree east (lain perchnc
to beech, thence souih BV degrees eest 4UV peron.
s to ash (gone), thence couth 41 degree west
053 perches, crossing and ra-recrossing Clearfield
creek to beech and place of beginning, Contain-
inr 1 1 US acre and 13 percbe neat measure,
mora or Icra, and being tracts warranted inhe
name of Joba Whitmer, ilenry W bit mar and
Herman Wlilltner, excepting and reserving out of
tbe above 60 acres sold to JU. sraoiH. I be other
thereof berlnninf at a whit nin corosr of Ben
jamin Young tract, thence north 48 deges east
zil perches to hem loot stomp, insnoc aoutn oj
dczreeseaat 86 percbe to post, thence north 371
dcirreea west 92 perches to post, thenoe south 68
degrees cast 113 o il) perches to post od lin of
tb William iiawi survey, taenec ny ine urns
north Sv degrees west 60 perches to mn pie, Iheno
south yJi degrsc west 71 a-iu percnes u post,
snath tt degrees east 17 6-10 perohea to post,
tbonce aouth 624 degrees west 232 percbe to old
hemlock of 17W, corner of Thomas Maitin and
Hubert Maitin surveys, thence south 6i degrees
vest 07 6-10 perohes to post orner of Benjamin
Young survey, thrnc south S7i degree east wo
percbe to whit pin aad plaoa of beginning,
containing 1 HO acre and Pi perches, more er leu,
and being part of a larger tract warranted ia the
name of Win. Wilson. Th csid four tract of
land being tb came premise conveyed by Geo.
D. Morgan and wife by B. C. Uume and Adam
Hoy, tbeir attorneys In fact, by deed dated 16tb
January, lo.o, to d. mane w altera and olhor.
all tbe defendaut's interest, being tho undivided
one-slxlh, more or less, of and in the following
tracts ol land situate ia Becoaria township afore
said : Two of said tracts, surveyed od warrants
in the name of James Bleine and Kphraim or
Alexandor Blaine, beginning at a beech corner
of James Blaln and Wm. Brady and John Brady
survey, thence outh 85 degree east 104 perob-
ea to white pine stump, thence south 06 degrees
west 300 perches to a beecb, thtnoc south tit de
grees east 270 perohes to a post on east bank of
Ulearneld croea, inenoe norm Z4 degrees oast 00
percbe to a post, thence north 4 degrees west 166
perches to a bi-mlock, thenoe south 84 degrees
east 21 perohes to a poat, thence north S degree
cast 84 perene to a post, tuenc outb de
grees east 1 IH perches ta a post, thenoe north 3
degree east 20 perches to a while ak (down)
thence north KO degree west 208 percbe to hem
lock stump, tbence aouth 40 drareee west 440
perches to the beginning, containing 766 acre
and 71 perches. Tb other two thereof, anrvey.
ed on warrants In name of Wm. Brady and John
Brady, beginning at a beech corner of James
Blaine survey, tuenc north H7 degrees west 127
6-10 parches to white oak, thenoe south 62a da
grees west 243 percbe to dogwood, thenoe south
66 dcaree west 247 perches to an orisrinal cor
ner, now post, thence south 8HJ degrees east 864
perches to Bcmiocx (down, tbcaoa north o.i do
grees east c3 perches to beech, thenoe north
Si degree west 272 percbe to tb beginning,
containing 1173 acres aod 10 perches.
Tbe above four tracts blng tbe cam premises
conveyed to J. B. Walters and others by A. W.
Patclitnand Jackson Palcbin, Kxecutors, by deed
dated 31 December, I8?j. There being an Im
provement on th Brady tract consisting of 12
or 16 aoru of cleared land with lug bous and
log oarn toeroon.
all th defendant' Intcrcat, being an undivided
one-Sixth, more er less, or and lu the follow
ing tract of land situate in Becoaria township.
atorefaid, beginning at a hemlock, thence north
b2 drgrees east S-10 perches to tbence south
drgrees east perch to corner, thence
south 48 degree west 170 perches to hemlock
and place ol beginning, containing 32V acre and
66 perches, and being tract warranted in the
nam of Jociab Haines.
all tb defendant's interest, being the undivided
one-third, more or less, of all that certain tract of
land situate id Beocaha township, aforesaid, be
ginning at a post faaid to beorignal hickory cor
ner betwt-en Jamc Blaine (upper) aad th Euh-
ralm Blaine) being od the line between the third
and fourth Blaine aurvcys, counting from the
south end or tne bacn, thenoe along land or h.
D. Weld acd Samuel Hegarty south 10 degrees
cast 4.W porches to post and stones, tbeaoe north
S4 degrees west 40 perches to pait, tbence north
36 degrees st 30 to whit thorn, thence
north 64 degree west 160 perch e to a post,
tbence north 13 degree west 7-1 6-10 percbe to
old whit oak, north corner of Sebastian Qreff
survey, tbence south 70 degree west 38 perches
to a post oo bank of Clearfield creek, thence up
said creek aoutb iJ degrees weot 12 perch e,
south 6 degrees west 30 perohes, south tt degrees
east 28 perches, crossing Clearfield creek to white
thorn, thenoe south 1 degree west 30 perches to
fallen asb, tbeno along land of Jamc Snyder,
Aaron Lyle and Jamea Cra north 10 degree
west 2C0 pcrchcatoapost, thence north 83 degree
west KI4 perches to fallen hemlock, thenoe north
10 degree west 106 6-10 perches to ash (gon),
thene by original lino between th third and
fourth surreys of Blaine warrant, ooun ting from
south end of batch, couth 83 degrees east3V4 per
ohea to tbe plac of beginning, containing 693
aora and 12ft perebca, mora or lea, excepting
and reserving out of said described premise luO
acres or the surfao or said land sold and con
veyed to Wm. May by ded recorded at Clear
flcld ta Ued iiooK 13, pagos la, ate.
all the defendant' Interest, being th undivided
oit-lnird, more or less, in all the coal, Iron ore,
and ether mineral in or upon all that oertain
tract ol land situate in Becoaria township, afore
said, known as tha Oshell property, bounded and
descnoen as iohows t lieginoing al a post, tbence
north 3 j degrees east 1 00 perches to a post, thence
north 3 i degree west 46 perches to beech, tbence
north B.i degree west 1 08 percbe to post, thenoe
south 334 drs-reeaecst 62 perohes to nosL thane
south 9 east 80 6-10 perches to birch, tbence
north 84 degree west 106 percbe to post, thence
aoutn v asi ai pnrcnas to post, tbeno south 871
uegreos cnai iK7 perone to the beginning, con'
taming VB acre and 63 6-10 perohes.
all the defend ant's Interest, being the andlvidcd
one-third, ef a oertain tract of mod situate in
the said township of Beocaria, bounded and de
scribed as follows! Beginning at a post, tbeno
by land of J. W. Oal lag ber, the following courses
and distances : South &.tB degrees east 16 perches
to a post, north 8 degree west 20 percbe to a
post, norm bo degrees east Tt perene lo a poat.
tnenc ny iania lormeriy oi main uo now
Aaron Lyl, Jamea Cree aod W. il. k Co. north
Vfj degree west 2W0 perohes lo an asb (gone), an
old corner, tbence by other land north 83i do.
greea weat 14 perches to a hemlock, thane by
land of Thomas Billington, aouth Sft degree east
128 perches to a hickory, (down) aod thenoe
partly by the last named and partly by land of
(j tin in an uooo aoaiD i uegreea ast mi parches
to tb place of beginning, containing 38 acre 1 16
3-10 perches and allowance, mora or less, and be
ing tract warranted in the nam of J. Blake Wal
All the above mentioned tract of land la Bec
oaria township, being valuable coal properties
They ar underlaid wilh several workable vein
of bituminous coal and on the line of the exten
sion or the Bell's Dap Railroad, which la now lo
preres of construction. Thcj ar also covered
with large quantities of brio lock and oak timber.
all of defendant s Interest, being aa undivided
one-third part, more or leu, In the following de
scribed tract of land aituate In Buroaide lown
ablp, Clearfield county, Pa. t One thereof bf iro
ning at itonrs, corner of Ibis and tract in the
name of Martin Mailer, thence ti di-grees west
2V8 perches to hemlock (down), thence south 70
degress out 77 perches to post, tbence south 20
degree west 76 perches lo post, thence south (by
land of Mitchell) 871 drgrees east 113 perohea,
tbence by Inn.le of Aaron W. Patch in north 2
decrees east 370 perches lo old hemloek eorner,
tbence north 87 i dgreea west 1M perches to
sionee ana piece oi bcginoing, containing 870
acre and 70 percbe, mora or less, and being
trect warren ed in the name of Frederick Kuha,
said land covered with hemlock and other timber.
The other thereof beginning at a hemlock, tbence
by labd formerly of John LSmllb aoutb 2j degree
wear, m percnes 10 augar maple, inenoe aoutb i
uegrece casi ion perches lo sugar, thence hy land
of Jnhn M. Kiddle north 21 derrec east 87 oer
ones to a poat ; I hence north 67 4 degrees west 166
perene io aemiocg and place of beginning, con
taining 90 acres and 42 perches, more or less.
all of defendant's Interest, belna an undivided
one-third, more or less, In the following described
tract or land stluat la Huston townahlp, Clear-
OelJ eounty, Pa., beginning at a beech ooroer of
warrant Ao. 6070, thence couth 106 perches t a
post corner of warrant No. 4266, thene cast 171
perches lo post, thenoe by warrant No. 4266 north
1 06 percbe to post, Ihenoa west 171 perch to
th place of bcginoing. containing 106 acre aad
allowance, more or leaa, and being tract warrant
ed in the name of David Caldwell.
Tb said tract of land having a larr auantitv
of hemlock, ebcatnut and thr valuable timber
Seiied, token In execution, and to be cold
tb property of J. Blake Walter.
all that certain place of land la Brcsaria town
ship, village of OIa Hop, hevlnrtharc-n erect
ed a email dwelling bouae and one acre cleared,
beginning In rua, tbence north 84j degreee weot
8)V feet to hemlock, thence South 67 degree weat
165 feet to post, tbence aouth S4f east 240 feet
t Arthur lot, thenea south 67 degree weat 150
feet to poat at Cooper avenue, tbence west 14 J de-!
greet west 240 fel lo post, thene south 67 degrees
west 60 feet to stones, tbence aouth 34 degree
act 76 feet, more er lose, to Bergea lot, iheac
south 67 degree west 13 rods to Ule Hope and
Bald Kagla turnpike, thenoe along sam west 3
rods la Bear' lin, tbene north 9 degree east 68
rod to old whit oak corner, Copenhaver, thenoe
aoutb 43 degree east 6V rod lo poat, tbence Son lb
67 degree wal 1 4 rod and 8 link lo beginning,
containing I acres, mora er lets, and IL
on ather, beginning at ft corner of Wright and
ttomery sooth 66 degrees st l roas to post,
iheac loath II degree east 11 rod t post.
hence routh 80 degrees east 3 rods, more or less,
to tDk of Clearfield reek, tbence up said creek
about eooth 6 degree weat 83 rods, mora or a.
to whit oak, Ibeuo north 88 degree weal 80
rod lo rua, tbene north 36 degree eaat 21 rods
t beginning, eonlalaiag i act, more er ls.
Seised, taken la execution, and to be sold a
(he property of Jeremiah Cooper.
Tana ar Bali Tbe arioe or am at which
th property shall be struck off mast be paid al
Ih tlm of sal, or such other airaegnsat mad
b ImmadlaUly pat up and sold attain at th ex
nana and risk of tb paraoB to whom it
struck off. and who. in a as of deficiency at neb
re-al, shall mak good tb aam, ana ib no
inataoo will tbe Deed be presented la Court for
eonflnaatioa unless tb money is actually paid ta
th Sheriff. JAMKti MA1IAFFKY,
, SRBRirr'i Orrica, I Sharif.
Clearfield, Pa,. SapL 8, 1880.
a OOO HI!Mli:i,.Oenre Weaver A Co
S, wani nve taooaand bushela of OATH, now.
aod win pay easn or produce.
Clearfield, l'a, Aug. 11, 1 870 If.
AtlTIOW. All persona are hereby warned
j ni io purcoaee or nave anyioing to oo wi
tha following personal property, now Id the di
session of Henry Records, ef Oreheta. townh
vli: All bisbouaebold goods and kitchen furniture,
a stov and thre hogs. the forego! n
prone rtr was purchased by me at Con si a bl
and I allowtd to remain lo tb possession of said
Hoary Record on loan only, subject to my order
at any time. w. u. jiauuuus,
Kylertown, Sept. ZZd, lsu-at.
May Concern t Tbe undersigned, baviui
been appointed Assif noes for tbe benefit of eredi
tors by Jas. B. Urabam, of Clearfield borough, all
persons, therefore, having claim against Dim wil
present (hem to us for settlement, and those Id
dct cd to tb said 'J rah am ara required to setli
and mak payment to us.
Clearfield, Pa., Dm. 24, lH70-tf Assignees,
Notice to Borrow Money I
Notice Is hereby siren that ao application will
be mad to th Court of Common Plea of Clear
field county, od Monday, October 4th, I8H0, for
a decree authorising tbe School Board of Houtr-
dale borough to lasua Bonda to tb amount of
seven thousand dollars (37,000), for th purpose
of erecting a Public School building.
w. u. liAWtf or ohu, (resident.
Fb'RD TODD, Secretary.
Houtidale. Pa., Sept. 3, 1880-41.
J U hereby giren that Letters of Adminli
tratioa od th estate of WM. BIULKK, late
oi i;i earn eld borough, Clearfield Co., Pa., dec d,
naving been amy granted to tne undersigned, al
persons indebted to said estate will please mik
immediate payment, and those havioa claims jr
demands against the same, will present them
properly authenticated for settlement without
Clearfield, Pa., Sept, I, 1880-fit.
Farm For Sale.
Th subscriber now offer his farm for sat.
The property is located one mile and a half nnrtl
of Clearfield, containing i:i(.UTY ACIIEM,
most or wnteb 1 oleared and under good cultiva
tion, good two-story "L" bouse, large fram barn
and other necessary outbuildings, together with
an ore u ara oi an Kind oi iruiu The whol
underlaid with a vain of good eoal, This prop
erly will be ei changed for smaller property. For
letter addressed to
0epleubr 1, 1880-8m.
Clearfield, Pa.
Alloa R. EarUr. bv bar father and next friend
Hiram Woodward, v. M.J. Karley.
In the Court of Common Plea of Clearfield
eounty, Pa., No. VS. March T.. 16S0. Altai Sub
poena An. Divorce.
ine undersigned Co mniis lienor, appointed by
said Court, to Uke testimony In the above case,
hereby gives notice that b will attend to th
duties of his appointmeatatth office of Wallace A
Kreb, Id Clearfield, Pa., oo FRIDAY, Ot'TOBKR
1st, I8fi0,at 10 o'clock A. A!., when aad wher
an parties interested may attend.
Clearfield, Sept 22, 1880-It.
Pine Timber for Sale I
The undersigned offers for sale oa aaav term.
lore and one-balf million feet of pin lam ber oi
two tracts of land In Centre eounty. On with
two and one-half millions, aitoate tea miles from
flow aid Station, B. K. V. R. R., and tbe other,
with one million feet, seven miles from said sta
tion. Uood stream of water run nine lemtbwii
urougu cacu tract.
Siumpare $3 per ThouMand.
Tract also contain eak and hem look. Other
pine oak and hemlock timber in tb neighborhood
or mi, uood location for porta hi saw mill.
Clnrficld, Pa., Bwpt. 1st, 1880-6t.
nd all kind, of
ao to
O. B. MERIiELL, . Agent,
CLEARFIELD, PA. (Jum I, '80-tf.
Market Htreet, Clearfield, Pa.
We manufacture all kind af Furniture for
Chamber, Dining Rooms, Libraries aod Hall.
If you want Furniture of any kind, don't bay
jum jvw n our stocu. ,
Id .11 It. brkDohel, ,ronptl, .ttended to.
Clearfield, Pa, Feb. , 'II.
Thomas A. Duckett,
T UKRKBY give notioe to th rltliea of Clear-
L id and th surrounding vicinity that I am
prepared at all times to furnish famlli and
manufacturing stabliibment with ft superior
quality oi
Coal, Wood Coke,
Whlrb I am prepared to deliver in ft few hours
notice, i am always ready to haul and deliver
Irom and to th depot, or anywhire elae, and
more (amines and household goods anywhere oa
anon notice. TIIOH. A. DUCKETT.
Clearfield, Pa., Mar. SI, 188t tf.
Valuable Real Estate I
R undersigned, Executors ef JOSKPH
EST, deceased, lata of Hampden towaibfp,
Cumberland county, Pa., will Mil on
WcdncBdny, October 20tli, 1880,
At tbe Coart Home, la Clurleld lo., Clear
Held mom,, Pa., lb. folloi.f d.Mrilnd Ke.l
U.tale, .1. t
Trftot No. 1.
Unimproved- Thi tract ic covered with Timber.
such a Pin, Oak, Chestnut, Hemlock, etc., and
underlaid with minerals, such a Lead and Coal,
bounded follows r Oa Oi east bv Clsarfll.l
creek, en the north ind weat by John M. Chase,
Being a pari or a larger tract or lead called the
"Susanna Ward Tract." latin la Knoi town.
ITSVOt XV O. let.
Unimproved. This Is a valuable property for Its
mineral sack aa coal that it contain and the
advantage of taking It out bounded aa follows
Oa lha north by Solomon Hkllmen and Joba M.
Chase, oa tb at by land of Churchman and
Trot IVo. a,
Unimproved. This I without a doubt a valuabl
property, with It supposed laeihaastlbl mineral ,
aueb as oal and Its advaalage, laving la a
direct Ho with tha Uoutsdale Cellery Railroad,
wunia iwo or inree mil o in above-named ,
tracts ofland and eventually muat pas through
those lands, This tract ia bounded as follow:
Od th south by th land of Ih Honls heirs,
oa tbe west by W. If. Joy. etc. The tw last
tract ara lying la Woodward township, Morgaa
nun passing larougn.
Proa within t Be an of these tracts ean ,
d so by calling oa Joba I. Coder, living near tbe
properties, lie will give any or all Informaiioa
about these properties, er oa tb undersigned Ita
sca tore, living in Cumberland ouay, Pa., or any
emcBBB.eatioB will ba recalted al Kbcrly Mills
Twenty per cent, af tba parch money t aa
paid wbea tbe property U strickee off, tb bal
anna to b paid on th first day ef April, 1881,
ia poastsaira aad tut win n given.
Iberly'i Willi. Cberland Oa ( IV, Bern. U ta.
a will ba approved, otherwise th property w:
Gurrocnsvillc, Pa.
Wholesale Dealer in
Boots, Shoes, Groceries,
I buy direct from jobbers find manufacturers, receive iroods at
car load rates, hence enn compete with New York and Philadel
phia houses.
Also, Dealer in
Saw Logs, Lumber,
Parties having bark to haul
and receive liberal advances.
Give me a call.
Sept. It, 1880 If.
WE INVITE the people
inspection of our large
READY made
Gent's Furnishing Goods,
As we buy for cash only, we aro enabled to cive our patrons
every possible advantage. Our lino of piece poods, especially
adapted to Merchant Tailoring, is complete. Wo employ only
first-class workmen, and are prepared to make suits at short notice
and unusually low prices.
We tender our thanks for pant favors, and solicit your future
Room No. 4, Pie's Opera House Block, Clearfield, Penn'a.
September 29, 1880-tf.
. .
All kind, of CbfkolJi nnd ColTlm kept on hnnd. and larniahed to order on
hort notice, including tho finest m well
faclnrcd. Our
oonreii niEHBrivBri
I the best In uoe, and will be furninheil
in any part of the eountv. Call at
your orders at Troutman'a Fnrnitore
oct l,79-1y.'
2ltiv gbflvrrHgrmtntg.
,000 Rail Road Ties.
CerweniTlUe, Pa. Jaa. I. "JS-tf.
ONKV TO l.OA.0 Irat rla In-
arovad farsa property, bv tb Mnlaal Life
suranee Ousapany of New York, on Irst snort'
cei. in sens froaa tl.OnO no. For further la-
forsaaliwa apply ta tbe andersigned.
H l1 HA Ml A 1 W. SMITH.
Olearleld Pa., May Tib, lttTS tf.
TBTR AV KOTICIC-Oan tmpaaalng oa
j tb Stibseriber, residing la Uirard fen-
ip, os or about tbe laat day af August, two
steers, arte red wltk whit star la tba furchead.
he ather aa Alderav brawn. Betb have abort
thirst boras, and supposed ta be three year eld.
The owner I requited to eon forward, prove
i property, pay all nceessar ebsra-sa. and take
tbe steers away, or thfy will be sold as tha law
OililngUin, Sept 21, If SO-at.
I hereby given that LH tars of Adoiinlstra-
oa oa the etaif UKKKNWOOI) McCKAf K
EN.Iale of Knot town eh In. Clearnrld eoantv. Pa..
deoeaaed, having baea dnly granted ta lata ander
ignd,all persons Indebted to aid aetata will
plea nab immediate par meat, and those bar
ing e let or demands a get est lha earn will p re
arm I them properly at hen Heated for feftlemeai,
ail boat delay. JOIlIf MoCRACKBN,
Administrator 0. T. A.
91 Millport, Pa., "apt, 11, MOQ-At.
M o 6 S
i S CtT
, j
s 2 t es
us 5?
- J! 5 f. H
-sS-s J.E
2 8
mt -
0 - 1
.85 g
z -
I ml
. CI 1
J ft
r. S
be. rj
e - 6 "i
a m c
o o -o
1 - c a
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. : S
I g
S3H l-
be 5
a " el
a "5 2 g.s
J3 .
!s .-
a c
C w M
OHtoU bs
Shingles and Bark.
duriner tho Winter, can contract
Also, advances made on Saw Logs.
of Clearfield and vicinity to the
and well selected stock of
tho choancut that can bo manu-
when required. Funeralt attended
mv oRico. on Second street, or leare
Slere, adjoining the Poatoffice. s
Clearfield, Pa.
gtw giat'trtlgfrnrnX.
Cvweaarlll., Pa., Jaa. a, "It-it.
V.M P()H SAI.K. Thlrto.. bl.M af
Italia, ta wblok I Kill nU eh.en for
aaea, er ...hanj. for aal. Par lerlh.r I.,
foreiallo. Mil ar aUm, Ik. ar,i.r..n.J.
Hot t, It- tt. ClMrleld, P..
Board af Coelngloa lll.lrlel l.k t. M.
plo, foair Sekool Tee.her. far Ik. tarM.
Tbe, aill p.? Inm ! u ISO per aealk, imr.
In, lotke gjad. .1 Cnlilleat.. n, ardar f Ik.
Uoard. LIWIS PIUARU, Se.:Mar.
Fr.och.UI., Pa., Sept. It, Itst-tl,
aad Pine tow.,hlp.,Cl.arielde.lT.jW,
Keaaa.akle lis. jlr.n let pari of aareuaa.
eo.Y. PriaM M M lo l,.o pee MH.'
Mlem'a reeerr.d. L. BIRD, Ani,
Pera..ld, Pa.
r Wallacb A Ka...,
SepLJt, I' Clewald,P
a-Tkl aid ui well.eMabllikad H.l.t kaa
kM. laae k, Ike aaderelgoed, aad k. faal. m.
Bdenl af rendarln, aatiefaetlo. i th.ea k. mmf
palraalM klaa. Oeod elakllB( feltaekad.
Llff IS 0. BLOOM, Prapriaiw.
April tl,M-ir,
. 3