Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 29, 1880, Image 2

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    llie gUpuMuan.
ui a. a. f -ttiir v-v
Georoi B. Goodlander, Editor.
Reader, If yo want to know what ti going ob
Ib tho business world, just road our advertising
olumns, the Speial oolumn 1b particular.
Democratic XaUonnl Ticket!
Gen. AVinficld S. Hancock,
Hon. WDliaui H. English,
roB RLKCVORS-AT-LARGR: E. Monsghan, William II. I'l.jforJ.
ros district klectorr:
15. George A. Post.
1 16. A oram M. BeDtoa.
'IT. John P. I.lnton.
IB. John 8. Miller.
110. Joho 0. Saxton.
,20. Calvia M. Bower.
;21. Jas. A.J. Buebnnnn,
:22. Christophsr Magoe.
1 23. Robert M. Gibson.
24. William B. Duulep.
125. Harry W. WileoB.
1 20. Samuel Orlffith.
37. J. Kofi Thompson.
John Slevln.
Kdwia A. Pue.
John M. Campbell,
Oillies Dallett,
JnhB M. MuffeM.
Edward Welden.
Nathan C. James.
Ueorgo Filbert.
Jss. U. M'Sparren.
Alfred J. Mrtii.
Allan derringer.
Frank Turaer.
P.J. Birmingham.
Henry K. Davis.
Democratic State Ticket !
Democratic County Ticket !
Tax ! Tax ! ! Saturday, Oc
tober 2d, is the lost day to pay
your tax, if you propose to vote
nt the November election. The
tux must be puid THIRTY
DAYS before the election.
Presumption. A Froe Trado can
Uidato for President and Tariff stamp
ers partakes of refined hypocrisy too
apparent for evon fools to overlook.
Straddling; Work. From the in
ternal fuss soma fellows havo boon
making for the past ten days, and the
long faces worn by othcru long
enough to cat oats out of an upright
churn it is pretty evident thut all
havo heard from Maine The baltlo
was a severo one. The loss on ttio
Radical sida is nenrly 10,000 since
1870 four thousand a yoar I This Is
enough ol a loss to bankrupt uny ordi
nary firm.
A Soiled Dove. Credit Mobilior
Scofiold's speech covored tho first
page of the Ilaftman'i Journal last
week. Ho is a poscy ol a "talesman.
No father, would over want his son to
follow in Scofiold's tracks. In 1872,
wbilo making a speech at Girard,
Erie county, somo tellow in the crowd
inquired of him what his "swig'
amonnlod to in tho Credit Mobilior
Job. Ho staggorod for a while, and
then remarked that the words were
too French, he did not know what tho
words meant, flow innocent I yet,
the bonds were in his pocket at the
Conoresbional Conference. As we
go to press (Tuesday afternoon) tho
democratic Conferees of the XXth
Congressional district are in session at
Lock Haven, for the purpose of nomi
nating a candidato for Congress.
Clearfield, (peculiarly so,) presents no
candidato ; neither docs Clinton, bnt
Contre presents ex-Governor Curtin ;
Elk, J. K. P. Hall, Esq.; Mifflin, Hon.
Andrew Reed, and I'nion, ox-Senator
Dill. As there are no less than three
Andrews Curtin, Dill and Rood -in the
field, we are nnablo to say which of
the candidates are the "dark horse"
In this race. However, whoever is
nominated will be elected. A former
candal will not be repeated.
I. r
' . .. ) f ......
Tax 1 Tax ! ! Saturday, Oc
tober 2d, is tho last day to pay
your tax, if you propose to vote
at the November election. The
tax must be paid THIRTY
DAYS before tho election.
Tho- lordly rulers of the Republican
party havo at lust come to grief. .Ho
viously disappointed at tho wisdom dis
played by tbo Democratio party in the
nomination of General II uncock lor
President, they at onco determined to
break him down by the most bitter
assaults. Thoy began with tho Sur-
ratt businoss and that fell flut npon
tho country and died of its own weight
Then thoy tried his soldior record, but
Goncral Sherman promptly said "write
down anything you pleuso about (ion
oral Hun cock an a soldier and a gen
tleinan, and I will chcorlully sign it.'
Next they succeeded in blinging to
light tho Sherman letter written about
tho timo of tho Hayes fraud, and that
was found to be a most patriotio papor
worthy tho best days and ablest cili
Eon of tho Republic. And last, foiled
in ovory attompt to destroy tho char
acter of tho Democratio candidate,
and turn back the tide of success that
is setting in, they raised the cry of
general bankruptcy, Southern claims,
Rebel pensions and such a condition of
universal ruin as would send tho coun
try to genorul smash.
In answer to a letter upon this sub
ject, found olsowhoro in this puper,
General Hancock puts un effectual
quiotuB upon tho wholo subject, and
we doubt ifuny one will bo so far gono
on tho way to lunacy as to beliove any
moro of tho silly stories of tho Repub
licans af tor reading this letter. It is
tho instructive and spontaneous utter
auco of a patriotic man giving ex
pression to the honest indignation of
his soul at tho baro thought that ho
or tho Domocratio party could provo
so falso to tho principles of patriotism
and loyalty to tho country.
It will givo additional security to
tho country In tho just conclusion that
at last a statesman will bo called to
tho front ono who will summon his
great abilities for the administration
of tho Government in tho interest of
all the pcoplo of every section of our
beloved country.
To our mind thcro will bo no moro
inquiries about tho opinions of Goncral
Hancock on puhlio questions, and his
last letter is the brightest gleam of
statesmanship that has yet appeared,
and will gladden the hearts of millions
of our pcoplo as it is read all over our
August Belmont, the great Now
York Hanker, was made President
of tho monstor Hancock meeting
held in that city, on tho 23d inst.,
when and whero 40,000 torches were
counted, and it took three hours to
pass a certain point. Such a procossion
was never witnessed in America.
Mr. Belmont, on tiiking tho chair,
among other things, said: "Why was
it that tho Foderal dobt could not be
fundod at a loss rato of intorest than
six and seven porcontum ? And
just as soon as tho Democrats got con
trol of Congress, the intorest on the
debt camo down to FOUR por cont.;
and siucoour friondsbavogotcontrolof
tho Sonato, millions of tho debt has
been negotiated for THREE AND
ONE-HALF. Why was that not
done before tho Democrats came into
in tho Legislative branch of tho Gov
ernment, and tho burthens of tbo tax
payers cased up to the amount of mil
lions of dollars annually?"
Tho conundrum pntby Mr. Belmont,
is ono to which we call the attontion
of Judge McEnally, Messrs. Murray,
Harris, and other Radical orators.
Tho question raised by Mr. Belmont
is very simple but highly important to
tho tax-payers who havo had millions
of their money stolen by the excessive
interest Imposed npon thorn by the
Radical leaders in the past eighteen
Blaini Explains. The overthrow
of tho Radicals in Maine, was not only
a great surpriso, but a crushing blow
to bonalor Blaine. On Tuesday (the
day after the election) Blaino sent tho
following dispatch from Augusta to
Genoral Garfield. How tho General
enjoyed it has not boon reported. Hero
is tho document :
"The Bet reeultof ysstordav's election aaaoarlr
aa ean be aletsd at thli bonr (2 P. M. Tuesday,)
it about aa followa t The Republicans have car
ried the First, Second and Third Congressional
distrlets, while the Fosionists bare earrled tbe
Fonrlb and Fifth. The Republican, bar oar-
rlcd both branches of the Legislature by a strong
majority, reaching perhaps Iwo-lblrds f each ua the popular rote lor Uovsrnor. Deris
and Plalated hare each over 73,000 votes, with the
probabilities or I'letsted eotniog out a few hun
dred, perhaps a tboosand ahead. Tbe result Is
undeniably a surprise to aa Bad eoaally to aee
the mass of tbe Democratic party la Maine. Oar
canvass waa never more accurately tatteB and It
showsd OB Wednesday a total vote for Davis of a
trifle over 70,000, with an assured majority of 6,.
000 as the minimum. In tbe four days preoodiag
me eieetioa we lost aver votes by mean s
well known to the managers of the aatlonal Dem
oeralle Bampeiin. and wbiek do not eall for
further speciAoalioa from me. The total rota
cast Is variously estimated at from 75,000 to 100r
e, ana toe money all came from beyond the
State. Such scenes were never before witnessed
IB Maine. J. U. Blaiub."
Tho sun struck Sonator has boon
telegraphing ever sinoe the loss of his
State, bnt it won't straighten out. The
loss of 10,000 since 1870 is a sovore
blow to Blaine, Frye, Hale k Co.
Nearlt Flopping. Col. Bob lngor-
soll is nearly converted. He aays :
"The game now stands four to four,
and Hancock has the deal." Bob
knows the dealer has two chanceso
the other fellow's One. Col., you will
never have as fine a chanco to flop on
tho right side of human affairs as now.
i -1 j
No You Don't I One of the amus
ing things about the result in Maine is
the charge of the Republicans that tho
FuBiomsla carried tbe election by fraud.
This does not come with good grace
from a party which stolo tbe President
and then rowardod the thieves. We
wait for bolter reason.
Chairman Cessna, in one of bis pri-
vato circulars to his Radical party
friends, stated that a large number of
persona "voted through their eyee"
lacking all other intelligence. We
wonder whethor those follows down
in Maine saw It that way ?
Note. Each Document it knoirn, ami
may be ordered, by itt Number, u iliout
reciting the Title.
No. l.Plutlorm Letters ol Accent
anco of Hancock and I'-n
glish. Gen. lluueot k's Let
ter toGen. Sherman. Con
stitutional Amendments.
8 pp.
No. 2. Civil liecoriisof Gen. Hancock.
Speech of Captain Hun
cock at Los Angeles, Cal.
July 4th, 1HC1. Motiou on
Bubcock Court-Martiul.
Gen. Hancock's Letter to
Gen. Sherman. 24 pp.
No. 3. Garfiold and tho Credit Mobi
lior swindle. 8 pp.
No. 4. (iai field on tho Tariff. 4 pp.
No. 5. War Claims mid Private
Claims. 8 pp.
No. fi. The Democratio Party tho
Friend nf tho Soldior. 8 pp.
No. 7. Chinese Emigration. 4 pp.
No. 8. History of a Carpet Hag Gov
ernment. 8 pp
No. 9. Gen. Hancock's Letter of
Acceptance, ami his Letter
to (ion. Sherman. 4 pp.
No. 10. Civilized Hull-Doting in
Rhode Island and Massa
chusetts. 4 pp.
No. 11. Garlleld denounced by the
Hepulilicnns of His Own
District. 4 pp.
No. 12. Garfield and tho Ship Build
ers. 4 pp.
No. 13. Republicans in Judgment on
tho Republican Candidates.
8 pp.
No. 14. Electoral Commission, i pp.
No. 15. Venezuela Scandul. 4 pp.
No. 10. Some Small Steals. 4 tin.
No. 17. Democratic Economyand Ho-
publican f.xlruvagancc.
8 pp.
No. 18. Garfield and tho Do Golycr
Bribo. 8 pp.
No. 13. Gnrfiolil and tho Salary Steal.
Doc. A. 'Snmo as English No. 1. 10
pp. I. cadet.
Doo. B. Lilo of Gon. Hancock. 32 pp.
Doo. C. Republicans in Judgment
upon tho Republican Can
didates. (Same as English
No. 13.) 8 pp.
Doc. D. Sumo as English No. I.
Doo. K. Same as B.
Doc. F. Same as C.
Doc. G. Life of General Iluncock.
32 pp.
Doc. II. Samo as C.
A dispatch from Now York, dated
September, 25th, says: Tbo declara
tion of Goncral Daniel E. Sickles, who
has hitherto been an activo Republi
can, and was Minister to Spain under
Grant, of bis intention to support Gen.
Hancock, was the subjoct of much
comment in political circles yoBtcrday.
At the National Democratio Uoadquar
tors Genoral Sickles's accession to tho
Democracy was considered of great
value. Tho gonoral boliof among the
Democrats was that the General's dec
laration would bring to Hancock's
support thousands ol soldiers who serv
ed in tho army of tho Potomac, and
who havo hithorto actod with tho Re
publican party. Some Republicans,
who are not activo politicians, regard
Gonoral Sickles's withdrawal from tho
Repulican party as a very damaging
blow. They oponly oxpross tho opin
ion that his admitted ability as a po
litical manager should not bo lost to
tho Republicans, and thoy fear his in
fluence with the veteran Union soldiers.
General Sickles said, that ho was a
candidato for no office Ho should
vote for General Hancock, because ho
bolievod that tho country would bo
entirely safe under an administration
of whioh he was the head, He had
not dotormincd whether ho would tako
an activo part in tho campaign or not.
Genoral Sickles was in command of
tho Third Corps at Gettysburg, and
lost his leg thero. On tho following
day Gonornl Hancock also fell dospor
ately wounded just as his corps had
rcpulsod Longstroet recently appoint
ed by President Hayes as Ministor to
Turkey and won tho great bottlo.
Impudent. Most of tboso Credit
Mobilier statesmen aro coming to tho
surface in the Interest of De Golyor
Garfield. Even Colfax has tho Impu-
doneo to bark occasionally in the inter
ost of his soiled confederate Tho
Philadelphia Itccord hits ono of those
soiled doves this kind of a clip :.
lion. O leant W. Hcslleld, who was one of the
Pennsylvania statesmen whoso liRbt waa dark
ened by tbe Credit Mobilier eclipss. It again
beaming on tbe bcrison. He waa last beard
from at Emporium, Cameron oounty, la the edge
oi ine wilderness.
Our ox Representative was tricked
by Oakos Amos's French words, Cred
it Mobilier. Ho had tho audacity to
tell a respectable audienco in Eric
oounty that he did not know what tboso
words meant, when at the timo tho
wholo audienco saw tho stock papers
sticking out of his pockets.
Goinu Up. Last year tho Demo
crats polled 2,853 votes at tho primary
oloction. This year it runs up to 8,05!)
on Assembly; Prothonotary, 3,510
Register k Rocordcr, 3,515; and on
Surveyor, 3,402. This shows that tho
Democrats aro awake to surrounding
evonts. Moro: Tho result of last Sat
urday a week shows another fact.
Over ono third of all tho votors in tho
oounty patronized tho primary. Tho
Registry list in the Commissioners'
offleo shows that thoro aro 10,018
votors in tho county, abont 8,600 of
whom wore at the primary.
Let us IIavi it. Now that G
Hancock has gratified the curiosity of
the Radical journals with another let
ter it in order for those journals,
especially those pretentious organs of
protection, tho Philadelphia Prus and
the Pittsburgh Diipatch, to demand of
Gonoral Garfiold that he furnish for
publication hit oorrespondonce with
the British Free Trado Cobdon Club
at the time of his election as an hon
orary member of that Association.
Tin West End. Tho "Copper
beads" of Brady and Bloom townships
gathered at Ponnville on last Saturday
evening, and there Joined bands with
Curwonsvillo, Pike, Lumber City and
the Greenwooditos, and tboy had ono
of the biggoat jamborees that the Gram
pian Hills ever hoard of. Mr. Krobs
and Col. Barrett did the orating, and
one brass and five martial bands furn
ished the mnsic.
Bnrnside Borjugu...
I'lroiOold " ..
Curteen.vllle "
HoetKlalo " ..
Luuiher City ..
NewM'e.bington" ..
O.or.,1. ,
WallaoetoB " ,
Becearia Towo'hip.
Bell " .
Hluom " .
Bogie " .
Bradford " .
Brady " ,
Burmide " .
Chest " ..
Covington "
Decatur "
FerguruB '
(llrard " .,
Ooihon M
Orstuni M .,
(Irernwood " ..
Iluileh " .
lloiton " ..
Jordan " ..
Karlbaue " .
Knot " .,
Laurence 14 u
Morris "
Penn " .,
1'iko " .,
Sandy .,
Union " .,
Woudwaid " .
Toiat .
Tuesday, September 21at, 1880, was
tho day fixed by tho rules govorning
tho Democratic party of Clearfield
county for tho assembling in Conven
tion, in tho Court room, of tho dole
gatos from the several boroughs and
townships, for the piirposo of nominat
ing cunilidutcs for county offices, as in
dicated by tho proclamation of tho
County Committee, and to attend to
such other party mutters as might bo
legitimately considered by such a body.
The Convention wns chIIcI to order
nt about ono o'clock P. M., by Dr. J.
P. Burchficld, Chairman of tho County
Committee Tho first business in
order wns a call ol thescvoral borouchs
and townships, for tho purpose of
knowing w nether thcro was a quorum
of delegates present, and to ascertain
tho names of tho persons elected dele
gates. Tho result was as follows :
Durnside Borough C.B. Patrick, Rob'LConner.
ClearOrld Borocgh-Dauiul W. Moore, W. Boss
Mcpherson, Uoorgs Wearer. a
Curwonsvillo Borough Robert Malloa, W. 0.
Iloutidale Borough Henry Reibliog, Jobs B.
Lumber Cily Boraugb Ell II I In, A. P. Worts.
Neuburg Borough Iiaac Marble, Usury Mo
Masters. New Washington Borough N. A. Arnold,
11. D. Rose.
Osceola Borough John K. Whilr, K. J. DuiTey.
YYnliaort'in Borough John tVeatbrook, M. D.
Beccaria Tonaihlp Joseph B.Dickey, Lem
uel Knot.
Bell Towniblp Johu M. Ross, James W. Me.
0 sc.
Bloom Township -William Lines, Frank M
Brlde. Iliiggs Township David Mccse, B. M -Darin.
Bradford Towolp J. A. blewart, I. (J. Bar
ge Brady Township Lewis Schook, Deal Bisbsl,
J. W. Corp, George Koarr.
Buroeide Township John Qorman, Otbelle
Smead. a
Chest Towntbip A. Curry, John Ilookenbury.
Covington Township F. L. Coudriet, J. W.
Pat Ion.
Decatur Township Jacob F. Sleiner, David
Fergusou Township James Ferguson, John
Olrard Township Qeorga W. Sterer, Benjamin
tloshon Township W. P. Stun, Uso. Mecler.
Oraham Township W. II. Huhlsr, 1'hllip
Ureenwood TowBshlp J. A. Rowlss, Jacob
Uulich Towoship-ll. II- Hummell, D. 0.
Huston Township A. II. Bosencrans, John
Jordan Township Thomas Smith, Reuben
Karthaus Township James 8. Luoas, B. J
Knol Township Joseph Srhard, L. 0. Bloom,
Lawrence Township A. O. Krarnsr, Zaok.
Ogden. Joseph 11. Kowlee, Robert Boyd.
Morris Township J. M. Holt, Jamss L. Stew
art, O. C. Ilartle.
Penn Township James McCowsn, John H
Piks Township Arnold Bloom, Bam'l MeKon
riok. Sandy Township John M. Troael, II. J. Mead
Fred. Traoey.
Union Township 8. B. Walty, Thos. Brook
bank. Woodwaid Township James Kcatly, 8. B.
At the conclusion of thn roll call il
was found that bnt 78 delogatcs an
swered to their names. Tbo absent
mombor of tho Convention proved to
bo Mr. Othello Smead, of Burnsido
township, who was reported sick by
Mr. Gorman, tho other delegate.
On motion of Joseph II. Rowles, Mr.
Gorman waa authorized to cast the
two votea of his district, according to
instructions, thus making a full Con
vention of 79 delegates, 40 of whom
would bo necessary to make a nomi
nation. Thoro wore no contested scats
nor memorials or protests presented.
Tho Chairman then announced that
tho next business in order was tho
election of two tellers to tally tho pop.
ulurvote. Mr. Mooro nominated Mr.
Georgo Weaver, who declined, and in
turn nominated W. C. liolnibold ol
Curwensvillo, and A. 11. Rosuncransof
Huston. Tho motion was seconded
by various parlies, and unanimously
agreed to. At this point, Mr. Mooro
introduced some resolutions, but by
common consent they went over until
tho candidates were nominated, and
tho clerks proceeded to tally tho pop
ular vote.
Tho Chairman stated that the first
business in cider was the nomination
of a candidate for Assembly, and or
dered tho Convention to proceed to a
nallot, resulting as lollows :
James Ftyna of (lullcb township, had 47 votes.
Abrsm Humphrey of Lawrence twp., had 111 votes.
Mr. Win. Potter Read wns also a
candidato, but not having secured tho
delegates from any district, ho was
not in tho raco, and Mr. I'lynn, hav
ing rcccivod a majority nf tho votes
on tho first ballot, was declared tho
nominee for Assembly, and his nomi-
rmtion was at onco unanimously rati
fied by tho Convention.
Tho Chairman then announced as
the next business in order, Iho nomi
nation of a candidate fur Prothonotarv,
Tbe election returns showed that tho
gentlomcn named below had mado a
canvass for that ofllco, and a ballot
was ordered, resulting as lollows:
eanniniTBs. rau.ots.
1st Id Id 4ih tth th.
(feorgo II. 11.11 11 11 14 18 IB dr.
Ooorgc O. Kirk..... 4 4 4 dr
N. P. Wilson 10 11 10 It dr
James Kerr SS S4 14 84 3 1 47
A. W. Wilier, 14 li 17 17 14 II
Isaae Mays 4 4 dr
W. H. Dlokensoa 1 dr
Total 7 71 9 1 71 7V
After the first ballot waa taken, and
the Chairman having announced that
mere was no nomination, Dr. l'olier,
of Karthaus, moved that the Rule
(XIII.) roquiringsix successive ballots
be taken before any candidato could
bo dropped, be suspended, and pro
ceed to the second ballot. Tho mo
tion waa unanimously agreed to and
the Convention proceeded to a second
ballot, dropping the name of Mr. Dick
enson, who had the lowest vote This
ballot showed that Kirk and Mays
wore a tie, and Rule XIII. was again
brought into requisition, because it re
quires in caso of a tie voto in Conven
tion that tbe candidate having the
lowest popular vote should bo dropped.
A glance at tho rctnrns showed that
Mr. Mays was off, and tho balloting
for Prothonotary proceeded as above
tabulatod. Mr. Kerr, having received
a majority of all tbe votes on the 6th
Democratic Primary
September 18lh, 1880.
I 7i 17 i II IS! J ...
' 107 4 1; SS 141 4 S .1 ...
15 'I II S'l 7 4 II 1 20 i 0 12 1 ...
' i I " 74 II 1 71 il IS 4 K ...
12 ....... lj Hj . st ,
13 1 Hi IV v . .
' 1 J! ' i i :z
II ..... Il 731 35 , 40 S-1 Ill
' II 01 III , ij ; ,1
" 1 2 3 e IV 47 17 7 1
:l .101 10 to Jl! ,
' i ... 17 1 i i io " i ..:
' 17 ij t I IS 30 1 1 1 ...
'J ' ' I II S7 2V 1 i I ...
3 'I' 8 3 ( II t, 1)8 , ...
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JI " " " 10 25 12 I (I 40
I ' 4S II 4 u I
! I ... 8 7 j2 I
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'I 37 i V I IV 10 16 1 3 12
l'l I 6 15 ... 0 4 70 4
'"'I 8 58 54 8 1 10 S7 1.18 25 18
" I 3 20 VI ll... 1.1 58 4 7 ...
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811 2, 1 54 4 1 (ill 78 10
4I 31 110 05 2 11 II 1SI 75 2 SO 8 ...
I 5l 14 1 S i s si i ...
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ballot, was jiiBMitiiiiously declured tho
nominee for Ihut office. Tho Prothun
oturyrSsip having been disposed of, tbe
Cliuiminn announced as tbo next busi
ness in order, tho nomination of a can
diu'uto for Register and Recorder, and
a ballot was ordured, resulting as fol
lows :
I'ilLll.ilr.S. 0ALLOVS.
1st Id 3d tth Slh
Aihm Broth 10 10 IB 12 11
trugo M. Ferguroa SS 35 35 : 44
Wiiiam V. Wright 17 17 20 20 23
A. .'. Bloom 8 ilr
W. I. Luther S 1 1 1
A. C Folmer I J dr
W. . Krulser 1 dr
ToUl 79 71 19 79 79
Tie filth ballot Bellied tho question,
and Hie nomination of Mr. Ferguson
wns riado unanimous.
Tin next business in order was tho
nomitation of a candidate for County
Surveyor. The tact that Samuel F.
McCbskcy, of Curwcnsvillc, had no
opposition and polled over 3,400 votes,
his ntmination was made by acclama
tion, if"
Tin next in order wus the election
of n Chairman of the County Cum
mitteo for 1881, and tho selection uf
tho members of tho Committee Mr.
nominated Dr. llurchficid
Tho motion having been seconded, and
no other nominations having boen
made, Secretary Wallaeo put the mo
tion More tho Convention, and it was
unanimously agreed to. The names
of tho members of tho Committeo, to
gether with their postorflce address, are
as follows:
Ron.srwr. rosrorricR.
Kurmiile B r. Matt, frrin, Burn. ids.
Clearleid " John Huilihaa, ClearOrld.
Curueasr'a John 11. Norris, Curnensville.
Iloutrtale " Petriek Shields, llnutiitnle.
l.umbrrC'y" Irene Haincv Lumber City.
Newliurg " John M. Toeer, Hurd.
N. Wash's " Vi m. Mahaflay, N. Washington.
Osrenla " J. II. H. Walters, Osoeola Mills.
Wallncston " Michael D Reldy, Wallaeeton
tVwaria T'p. John B. Dillon, Utaevllla.
Bell " James W. MeUee, Chest.
Bloom " Sidney Smith, Forest.
Boggs " (1. (I. Merrill, Wallaeeton.
Bradford Eli Bolt, Woodland
Brady " J W. Corp, Lutbersliurg.
Burnsido " John Qcrrosn, N. Washington.
Chest " Lawranee Killian. MnPhorron
Covington " Lawrence Flood, Frenohville.
Dsoatur " Jaeob F. Steiner, Pnilipsburg.
FurgosoB " Uoorgs Miohaela. M.rron
(llrard " W. 8. Qilliland, Laconic's Mills.
Hoshen " W. M. Wilson, Lick Run.
Graham " John W. Turner, Wallaeeton.
(Ireenwood " James Cleary, Bower.
Uulich " D. C. Flynn, Smith's Mills.
Huston II. L. Horning, Pen Held.
Jordan " J. W. Johnson, Ansonrillc,
Karthaus ' Martin Kopp, Salt Llek.
Knox " Enos Bloom, Ksw Millport,
t.awrenoe w A. M. Bloom, ClearOeld.
Morris " Peter Moyer, Kylertown.
Penn "D.T.Sharp, Uramplao Hills.
Pike " Ssmusl Moore, Curwenerllls.
Randy ' John M. Troiell, Dullois.
I'nion ' William Welly, Koekton.
Woodward ' J. O. Xing, Madera.
Tho next business in order was origi
nal resolutions and unfinished busi
ness. Tho preamble and resolutions
ollered by Mr. Moore oamo up, and af
ter several ballots were had thoreon,
they woro finally adopted. They read
as follows :
Wbrbbsi. la all popular rovernmeaU It Is of
inn nignesi importance tbat, in tbe selection or
eandidetea for offleial position, the popular will,
fairly espresstd, should be elearlj ascertained,
WRRRSAR,ssrious and almost universal dlssat
Isrsstlon now exists regarding the present ralss
tor making aemiaatisns ia this oounty there
fore, be It
Vesofreif, That this Convention, representing
tbe Democracy tf Clearfield eounly, hereby re
spectfully instructs the County Convention tooall
a Convention to revise the rules directing the
manner of nominating candidates to be voted for
at the general eieetioa.
Ht9otvd, That aaid Convention be called and
held at a dsy early enough for its work to be
submitted to the party lor Its ratitiostion or re
jection ob or before (he election la February next.
Mr. Stewart then offered the follow
ing: r?eioleeil, That tleerge II. Hall, af Lawrence
township, is hereby appointed Representative
delegate to the next liemocratlo Bute Conven
tion, with power to substitute If unable to at
tend himself.
Tho resolution was agreed to unnni
mously. Mr. Steiner then offered tho
tlitoUed, That Dr. J.W. Potter, of Covington,
James L. Leery, of ClearOeld, and John K.
White, of Osceola, be selected aa OengreSMonal
Conferees to meet with tho other Conlerses ol this
District, and naino a Democratic candidate for
Congrees in ths XXth Congressional District.
Mr. Moore moved to amend1 the res
olulion, by adding tho name of John
F. Weaver fop one of tho gentlemen
named in tbo priginal. Alter somo
wrangling over it, together with ad
vice from tho rcur, tho nmendmant
wus withdrawn '.and the resolution
adopted without debate.
Mr. Flynn then offered tho billowing
resolution :
rVfsoI.eir, Thai A. W, Wallers, ct Clearfield,
Winleld 8. Luther, of Brady, and lllraia Wood
ward, of Huston, era hereby sppninted Sena
torial Conferees to mset like Conferees from Cen
tre and Clinton, fur the parpose af sleeting a
Senatorial delegate to tha Boat Democratic State
Convention with power te substitnte.
Tho resolution was adopted. At
this point lomo member moved that
Jacob F. Steiner, of Decatur, George
Weaver, of Clearfield, and James W.
McGhoe, of Bell, bo appointed a Com
mitteo to wait upon the nominees and
inform them of wbnt happened, and
bring them before tho Convontion.
Tho motion was agreed to, and it was
but a short timo until all woro on
hand. Each nominee was introduced
to tho Convention by Chairman Stei
ner, and a common senso speech made
by all of them. At the conclusion ol
tho remarks mado by tho nominees,
Chairman Uurchfleld arose and return
ed thanks to the Convention for the
confidence Imposed In him by his re
election. On motion ol John Smith, the Con
vontion adjourned sine die, with throe
boarty choers for Hancock and the
whole ticket.
John's Mistake. John Sherman
said in a recent spooch : " Thoro wore
no Republicans in tho Rebel army ;
no, not one." Ho forgot his friends
Longstreet and Moshy, who are cred
ited with having fought on that side.
In tho present campaign, they both
voto as thoy shot.
General Grant announce that he is
coming East. Why didn't be come
before tho election in Maine T He
hould have helped to boom the thing
up down there weeks ago.
Election, held Saturday,
From the hour when the first report
of tho Maine election wus flashed over
tho wiro, there has been no timo when
the result could possibly bu viewed in
any other light than that of a most
dislicurtchingdclunlol tbo Reiiiiblicans.
Even when it was confidently as
serted that Davis had been re elected
by a plurality of a fow hundred votes,
thn Republicans were coinpeRod! to
confess a loss of about 15,000 votes as
compared with tho corresponding elec
tion 01 tne lust, rrcsiuciiuui year.
On this melancholy and demoraliz
ing exhibit tbo ltudicals stimulated hi.
litrity which was less creditublo to
their courage than their sense. Their
organs mado a stout effort to keep up
tho failing moralo of tho Republican
masses, and somo of their committees
hired batteries to (ire salutes thus
jubilating over such a loss in Maine as,
u mnlctica in other Kepuolican iStales,
will leave tho party so fur out in tho
cold ol chill November that it will
havo littlo bopo of ever getting back
to its old pnsseiuinns.
Wbilo tho result was in doubt, tho
Poft did not doom it best to harrow up
tbo Radical mind with frequent allu
sions to the disaster that had befallen
their parly. Wo were willing that
tho unhnppy brethren should guthcr
such scant crumbs ol consolation as
their gloomy outlook afforded. And
even their asinine performance of
firing 200 guns over their disaster clie
ited nothing tincharitablo or unkind.
Hut now that tho election of Gen
Plaislod is conceded, we feel that it is
quito timo to remind the Republicans
of their folly, and to say that tho full
import ol tho Fusion victory in Maino
bus never been exaggerated. No ono
doubts that Hancock is stronger than
Plaistcd with tho voters oftlio Pino
Treo Stale No man doubts that
Maine is lost to Garfield. It is equally
evident to sagacious politicians of all
parlies that tho Radical loss in this
preliminary strugglo foreshadows the
fate of that party in the gonoral en
gagement on tho 2d of November.
I I'dsTiiiirjf on rost.
Down in Maine. Tho Now York
Sun, in alluding to what happened
rccontly away down East, remarks :
"Because of the delinquencies of tho
Republican newspapers and orators,
tho rank and file of that party aro
likoly to miss tho roal point of tbo
Maine election.
"We havo looked into half-a-dozen
loading Republican journals in as many
Wostorn States, and wo find that on
the morning of tho election in Maine
they prodictod a majority for Davis
for Govornor of from 12,000 to 15,000.
It is evident from the tonoof the news
papers that thoy had received thoir
impressions from Blaine At tho East
tbo Republicans near tho close of the
contest becamo more moderate in thoir
anticipations. But oven here and in
Now England the leaders of opinion
in tho party claimed a majority ol
botwoon 6,000 nnd 0,000. J ust before
the election that gorgeous blower,
Mnjor-Goncral Jndson J. Kilpntrick,
lresh from the stump In Maino, assured
tho Now Jorsoy Republicans that Ia
vis would get a majority of 12,000.
"These glowing prophooies have
como to naught. Tho tido sols strong,
ly in the opposite direction. Tho terri
ble disaster in Maino at tho September
contest will be followed by the defeat
of the Garfield electoral lickot in No
vomber. Now Hampshire tools tho
shock ; and the granilo ribs of tho
party in that State are likoly to yield
to the pressure. Connecticut did pot
nocd tho inspiration of a victory in
Maino to mako It snro for Hancock. I
"So much for New England. But
it is at tho West that tho results in
Maino will prodtico tho greatest otfect.
Tboy will certainly givo Indiana to
tho Democrats in Oclobor, and they
will probably cause a Republican do
feat on tho same day In Ohio; while
Pennsylvania on the East and Illinois
on tho West will be apt to follow the
example of their neighbors in Novem
ber." Cabinet Marino. The Washing
ton 1'ott pnts it in this way: "The
first important duty devolving upon
President Hancock after his inaugura
tion will be the formation of a Cabinet.
Considerable interest will attach to his
selections, which, wo feel authorized to
annonnco, Gen. Hancock will mnke
himtelf. The Genoial will bo tho re
cipient of advico npon this subject from
many sources and quarters. ' Wo pro
poso to content ourselves with simply
suggesting what wo consider would be
an ideal Democratio Cabinot :
Secretary of Stale Jeremiah 8. Black, af
Secretary of tha Treasury Ssmuel 1. Tilden,
of New York.
Secretsry ol War Georgo D. MoClcllan of
New Jersey.
Secretary of Iba Navy Thomas A. Hendricks,
of Indiana.
Serratary ef Ihe Interior-Allen O. Thurmaa.
Postmaslar-Uesteral John B. Qordus, of
Attorney. General Denjemln V. Butler, of
Greenback "Floppers." Out in tbe
Stateof Indiana a revolution has broken
out among the Grcenbackers. Tho
chief "floppcr" is Hon. J. R. Yoagley,
thoir nominee for Secretary of Slate.
IIo has openly declared for Hancock,
and has declined tho Greenback nomi
nation for the office montioncd, and
invites every Grecnbatkor to follow
Honest and Wise. Tbe editor of
tho Qlobe, the Radical organ in Hunt
ingdon county, in alluding to the mis
fortune that bclell Lie party down cast
says: "Don'l let tho reverse in, Maine
oast yoq down." That's nice advice
to tho vanquished.
The floppen meeting in Pittsburgh,
last week was the biggest thing ever
witnessed In Western Pennsylvania
Hancock, all.
Tax ! Tax 1 1 Saturday, Oc
tober 2d. is tho lust day to pay
your tax, if you propose to vote
at the November election. The
tax must be paid THIRTY
DAYS before tho election.
No record shows plainer Iho ex
trurnguncu of Iho Republicans than
their course in this Slutu for the twen
ty years Ihey have been in power.
The oflleiul figures prove, thut ill this
time, tho ordinary expenses of Iho
State government havo been increased
from ?';70,074, tho lust year the Dem
ocrats were in power, to 11,332,383,
tho lust year of Ilartruitfl's adminis
tration. In this timo tho salaries of
tho State officers, of every description,
have boon increased from Governor
down to tido-wator. Wo naino a few
ol tho offices, below, to show tho in
crease; and for purposes of compari
son will take tho year 1850, tho last of
Govornor Faokor, and 1879, tho last of
Governor Hurtrunft. In this time not
only huvo sultiries of ull kinds been
ruised, sometimes us much us two or
thrco hundred per cent., but all ex
penses, incidenlal to tho conduct of
the State government, have been cor
respondingly increased. Let tho tax
payers look at theso figures : i
Salary of Qovcrnor I 4,000
Secretary of Commonwealth...... ',7S0
Deputy Commonwealth 1,500
Auditor Ueneral 1,700
Surveyor Ueneral I.OHII
Altorney Ueneral.......- , w S,UI0
Adjutant Ueneral 000
State Treasurer..... 1,700
Governor's I'rlvale Sscretary... Boo
Clerk and Messenger hire in
State and kixeculive Dopart-
auata 5,400
Clerk aod Messenger hirein Au
ditor General'a Office 8,700
Clerk hire In Adjutant Uen l'a
Clerk end Messenger hire In
School Department 8,000
Legislative Expenses 150,000
Publie Printing 30,000
Salariea of Judges I25.UHO
Printing Legislative Record S.V.S
8 700
Theso figures are a sample of tbo
increase in salaries and expenses of ull
kinds sinco tbo Republicans camo into
power. Tbo Suite government has
become a very expensive affair instoad
of the inexpensive thing of 1859, in
Democratio hands. These officials ren
der no more, nor belter, service than
when their salaries were much lower.
Tho money, every cent of it, comes
lrom the pockets of the people, in some
shape Has tho wages of tho labor
ing man, mechanio, or the return of
the farmer for his toil, been increased
n proportion to tho pay of oflicc-holt!.
orsr 1 boy havo not. 1 bus it has al
ways been with tho Republican party.
When they get into power they con
sider offices places of money. making,
instead of public trust, bunco increase
tho salaries, as well as create new
offices. All parlies should unito and
turn out of power tho purty which
thus violates their faith with tho pco
plo. Doytestotcn Democrat.
Result in Four States. Tho local
elections in four Slates indieata thoir
choice tor President, as follows :
Dsmocran'e. Jtrpublitan.
Alabama 10 I Vermont 5
Arksnsas b I
Maiae 1 1
Total 23 I Total 5
Vermont looks lonesome, all alono
by itself.
But thou it was ono of tho four
States in 1852 that voted against tho
Democrats. More : Thut Stato voted
against Jefferson, Monroe, Jackson
all tho old patriots. It is Vormont,
and tbero is no community it liko on
this Continent. Tho Radical leaders
in that Stato are as anti-Dcmoc.-atic
as tho Lords of England.
A Political Rocket by a Celebra
ted G rernb acker. Phil'a, Sept. 26.
Frank W. Hughes, of Pottsville, tho
recognized leader of the Groonbackors
in Pennsylvania, will to-morrow send
tho following dispatch to Gen. Wea
ver, tho Greonback candidate for Presi
PovTRVtLUt. September 37. 1880 C7enernl J
B. R'aersr. A'ntioaal Ortrhark.Lnknr lmAiJ!
for Vrsideatr Your published congratulations to
Heloa Chare encouraging by approving his dis
organisation tending to the defeat ef four elec-
tors lor vttavor and Chambers ia Maine and to
ensure the eleelina of seven Uerfleld electors In.
etead, forfeits your claims to tbe support of the
organisation. Il simply means that yon desire
our Irleods thsro aa well ae elsewhere to bo de.
feated by the auocess of Uarflsld. The National
Ureenback-Labor men are such from nrtncinle
Bad therefore ant marketable by aav leaders.
jraaaB w, HllOHRR.
Congress. Wo notico by tho re
turns that elovon districla volod on
Congressman at our Primary, polling
406 votes, as follows : 374 for Dill 31
for Curtin, and 1 for Test. Tho voters
in Karthaus scattered well on that
issue Dill bad 20, Curtin 16, and
Tost 1. Girard cast 21 for Dill, and
11 for Curtin. Wallaeeton, 18 for
Dill and 2 for Curtin. Bloom, Boggs,
tbe two Bnrnsidos, Fergustw, Gruhom
and Union, all straight for Dill.
Orthodox Viewb. Charles Francis
Adams wrote a letter to tha Demo
cratic moeling in New York on Thurs
day, and expressed tho hopo "that
proper means may bo resorlcd to for
tho purpose of securing an honest elec
tion, free from tho corruption and in
terference of Intriguing volunteers with
suasion in Iheir pockets. A repetition
of the events of last election would, in
my beliof, seriously shako our Govern
ment to its Inundation."
A Decided Mixture An enchango
says: "Bob lngersoll preached at Mr
Vickor's theatre, Chicago, Sunday af
ternoon, from tho toxt: 'What shall
wo do to bo saved V Every ponton In
tho congregation was presented at the
door with a cord, issued by tho Young
Men's Christian Assoeiatiun, on which
was printed : 'Beliovo in the Lord Jesus
Christ and thon shalt be saved.' "
Go Is I If tho pictorir.1 column of
last week s Journal, will restore to its
beloved Blaine his 1C.O00 loss in Maino,
lot him have it, Tho Demoerals have
no uso for that Commonwealth. Liko
Zachariah MoNaul'scow, it is "partly
so" now; and by another year will
roll up 10,000 lor "tho old Union
Dead. Rov. Dr. J. P. Kosenmiller,
of Lancaster, ono of the eminent cler
gymen belonging to the Lutheran de
nomination, died at Allontown. Pa.
on tho 80th init., from congestion of
the brain, caused by overwork during
the session or the East Pennsylvania
Syncd at the latter place.
No JokiI It is safe to fay that
when Cameron, Conkling and Logan
heard the news from Maine tier just
emilod, privately,
New York, September 24. tieneml
Hancock has written a letter on the
subject of wur ciniiiis'lii rujily to a l.:l
ter lrom Theodore Cook, ol Cincinnati.
Tho correspondence is as follows:
Cincinnati, September 20 (len.
IT. ,S. Hancock, Uovcrimr't Island, N. Y.
Dear sir: I inclose slips cm from
the Gazette and Comiiifrcid, of this
city, both of litem newspapers of large
circulation and influence in Ohio and
Inditiua, rvfurring. us vuti will wo, to
the much harped upon subject in our
politics, or tho rebel claims' 1 heso
newspapers and Republican slump
speakers aro constantly asserting that
it you aro elected President the claims
ol tho disloyal pcoplo of tho South for
losses sustained in tho war will bo al
lowed, and paid hy the United Slates.
They further direct special attention
to tho fact that this chorgo lias been
mado against tho Democratic party
and ttlttl you, its candidato lor Presi
dent, have not denied it. This wur
furu is mado in all seriousness and
maintained with great earnestness and
repeated day after day in the press and
in speeches. You aro known to tho
country as a frank, honest soldier, now
tbe representative of tho Democratic
party and having n right to speak tor
it. Whatever you muy say tho people
will hear and beliuvo 1 submit tbo
matter to your good judgment as to
what you should say or whether you
should make any public utterance at all.
Very respectfully yours,
(Signed) Theodore Cook.
General Hancock replies, as lollows:
Governor's l-dand, N. Y. Sept. 23.
To Theodore Cook, Esq., Cincinnati,
Ohio Hear Sir: Your letter of the
20th inst has been received. 1 regret
that you aro disturbed about thnt bug
bear, Southern war claims. The peo
ple cannot bo mislead by iL To sup
poso thnt rebel claims or claims in the
interest of persons who were in tho
Rebellion can in any soy or in any
degree be countenanced, is an imputu
tion of disloyalty such as used to be
made against Democrats, even when
they were in arms delondingtho coun
try. So fur as it touches me, 1 do
nouncc it. Tho Government can nev
er pay a debt or grant pension, or re
ward of any sort for waging war upon
its own existence, nor could I bo in
duced to approve or encourage the
paymont ot such debt, pension or re
ward. Nobody oxpects or wants such
unnatural action. To propose it would
bo an insult to the intelligence and
honor of our peojdo. When the Re
bellion was crushed Iho heresy of se
cession in every form and in every in
cident went down forever. It is a
thing ot tho post. Wo move forward,
not backward. Jt 1 were t'rosident,
I would veto all legislation which
might come bedim nie providing for j
the consideration or payment ol claims i
of any kind for losses or damages by
persons who were in tho Rebellion,
whether pardoned or not. In relation
to Union war claims the Government';,
obligations to its defenders como lirsl.
Thev aro lusting and sucted. Tbo
public luws of civilized nations do not
in general, recognize claims for injuries
to properly resulting lrom tho opera
lions of war. Novcrlholcss our Gov
ernment has treated with groat indul
gence tho claims for lossos and dama
ges suffered by Union men from mili
tary operations of tbe wur of tho Union.
nut as hostilities were closed moro
than fifteen years ago, claims of that
nnlure, now mostly in tho hands of
persons other than tho original suffer
ors, are becoming stale and in my
judgment might tuirly bo considered
as barred by the lapse ol tune anil it
hereafter entertained at all should bo
subjected to tho strictest scrutiny.
Yours very truly,
(Signed) . infield 8. Hancock.
In Full. This issue of tbo Repub-
lican contains a complete report of
the proceedings of tbo Democratic
County Convention. Tho editor of
tho other organ took our old place at
the desk, and worked away liko a
beaver, handling tho papers and
recording facts, as we supposed, and
would givo us a full report in his
journal, so that wo would havo noth
ing to do but to copy a talented
and detailed report of tho proceedings
from tho now organ. Bnt we were
fooled. Wo had to go and bunt up
all tho papers and prepare a report
tbroo days after tbe Convention had
adjourned. It is so hard for some pco
plo to keep in place. ' ,
Buy Now. The Philadelphia Times,
soys : 'Tersons in want of canal boats,
tow-paths, mules and boys with rolled
up trousers for next year's navigation,
can got bargains by applying to Chair
man Cessna. Tho articles havo never
been used, bnt they got terribly bat
tered and bruised by recent squalls on
tbo Maino coast, and will bb sold cheap
and on indefinite credit."
That "Hloody Rebel." A contem
porary says: "Hayes' last official ad
before starling ont on bis six weeks'
journoy, was to sign Goncral Long-
street s Commission as Minister to
Turkey. Wo beg the organs not to
grow too indignant nt this advanoe of
Lee's Licutonunt to possess tho Fed
eral Government."
Titrz, Is It f Some timo before lb
election, Logan said to a correspondent
ol the Albany Argut : " If Main should
chooso a Republican Governor by 10,
000 majority, the election of Garfield
would bo assured. I n any other evont
the result in November would bo very
doubtful." What does ho think about
it now f
Shf.rman Discounted. Tito peoplo
01 Maine havo evidently come to the
conclusion that tho largo crops this
year are duo to Providcnco and not to
John Sherman. He said in his Ohio
spoccb that It was his financial policy
borrowing money that mado the
country prosperous.
On the Swell Tho Democrats ol
Clcarfiold county polled 3,207 votes
lor Govornor in 1878, and on the 18th
inst., at the Primary, cast 3,000. In
1875 our Tote for Govornor was 3,273,
and for Tilden in 1876 it was 4,220.
This waa the largest voto over cast.
Do Some Work I Why did not the
now party organ publish theproclama
tion of tho County Committee, an
nouncing a general mass mooting this
week t Less room for Maine and a
little moro for Cloarfiold would look
Tui Rioui Sound. Tho card of A.
W. Wallers, Esq , late candidate fnr
Prothonotary, whioh appears in this
issuo of the RefI'M.ican, breathes the
true spirit of a Democrat from princl-
A scurrilous communication in iho
Wurron Jdi7 lust week, repioduccd in
tho Independent I'reiif, evidently had
its origin In Franklin. Tho writer,
who is perhaps a Credit Mobilier sort
of Christian on the pious luy, utter
some, harmless twaddle about Colonel
McCalmunt, thus stales his case in
regard to the candidates for the Pus.
idency :
"General Gailleld in a praying man
Goncral Hancock a swearing man ,
General Garfield a teo lolaller Gen
eral Hancock a wine bthlu-r ami whi-ky
di inker."
In reply to this idiotic scribbler, if
any reply to such stuff is needed, no
quote the following from a letter
written to The Pmbyterian, of Phils
delphin, a prominent religious news
paper, by iho Into ltev. D. X. Jiinkln.
D. 1)., in September, 1C78. It is the
voluntary tribute of that distinguished
minister of tho Gospel to tho persnnul
character of General Hancock. Hr.
Junkiii suvs :
"General Hancock, whoso guest I
am, and nt whoso desk these ;ities are
pennod, is, as you know, a Pcnnsylva.
lotto of the Pennsylvaniuns. burn
near to your city (at Montgomery
Square), ho still has a warm love for
Pennsylvania. His fiiino needs no
impiibo lrom my pen. Hut I know
tho readers of The Presbyterian will he
happy to be told that, unliko some
other distinguished men, his social
ehnrucler and private morals are as
pure us his military career bus been
brilliutit and his civil record magnan
imous." Here is the testimon' of a Christian
gentleman and scholar, uniiifincneed
by political bias or excitement, against
Pccksoitlian drivel of a nurrow-ininded
partisan, who probably never saw the
man be is trying to malign nor tho one
Le is anxious to commend. Venango
A Leak Somewhere. Col. Hob
lngersoll went stumping through
Maino and said he found "the woo,
just full ol Republicans." When he
reads the news wo rather think ho
will conclude there is a necessity for
the place which preachers threaten
sinners with The i'epublicnns seem
to have largely stayed in the woods
Caa envhody tell us ths price of Mules non'
itunlinidim tj.h.
Inquire of John Cessna, Chairmm of the he
publican State Committee. He undertook to run
tbia Preaiilential campaign with Males and eaeol
Soars, but as the Ibing turned out so badly for his
psrty to Maine il Is probable thnt be will sell bis
entire stiek at almost any price. tlMHtin.j'lv9
That's good on Cessna, mules and
Ci.unntNo Them. President MeCul.
lough and S. T. Broekbank, Esq., de
livered rattling speeches in the Wig
wain last Friday evening. Do Golycr
Garfield was roughly handled, proven
to bo an ultra F reo Trailer ; yet, plant
ed on a Turiff platform.
Amy Missing. When Blnin tele
graphed the disastrous result of tho
Muino election to Garfield, realizing,
as he did, that tho returns would re
quire doctoring, why in the world
didn't ho add: "Send on Amy
Mitchell !"
Not a Good ( i i a r d "Tho inten
tion of tho Republican party is to con
tinue to guard tho National Treasury,"
says on orgon. Guard ill Yes, with
tho samo unswerving fidelity a colored
man would a watormclon patch.
CAsn Down. Tho Washington Pott
says that tho corps ol wot iiurseg at
tached to the Columbia Hospital ro
tbo only Govornmont employes at the
capital who have not been subjected to
campaign assessments.
Due Notice. It may be a little un
kind, but somo ono ought to tell Chair
man Cessna Ibat it appears, according
to the Maino oloction, as if Iho work
ingmcn didn't intend to "voto through
their oyes."
The Democratic Club will msrt in
tbo Wigwam on Friday evening next,
and will bo addressed by Dr. T. .1.
Boyor. Let thoro bo a full lurnout.
Tho Doctor will give, us a stalwart
A Good Idea. It is said that the
reason Secretary John Sherman wants
Gen. Arthur to bo Vice President is
to prevent him from cvor getting into
anolher Custom House.
Somebody who has examined the
question says : "Tho aun is an em
blem of purity. Hut Hancock's char
acter is clearer than this model. It
hasn't a spot on iL"
It looks now as though Blaino would1
keep on writing and Bonding telegrams
until ho would get a stroke from the
ltx 3,awt.sfuifms.
AH of Iht while pits, hemlock kdJ ma timber
on I7i acre, prt of tli lUvirr lUUkrr
I P. set ln U ....... ...L.. 1. ,. V ,
....,, simusuip, ip mr uiix i na uiiq.r-
Kfiod will rt-eelr fc.r raid l.ubr.
a., a., i.rv. nr iur in WDOIO mOHSt, WUB
inch lima to rwnriM it , nav b rtm, -pun.
ti. HP. 4 W. KAKKKT1,
AilVi for the OwDtr.
CletrHelJ, P.,8,,t. , lHSO-tf.
. af w. .
9J tiw hi. j trr-i
Is A compound nf the Tlrtitm of fAaextmriMht
ntilliii(i.i. niamlrakn, rUm ilrvk. with the
lixhilc of nitawh anil Iron, all Jw.erftil lilc-l-limkitm.
UiKxI-cleanaiiig. ami hio-auatniniiul
elrineiita. H la tho purest, anliat. ami in
every way the mnat pfToetibal a!tinutve swili
ritin known or nvAilattle to Wie piil.lie. Ilic
sciences of imilicino and vltciutalrv Itaic
never proiliirril so valuable, a riHiiislr. iht
one no Hilent to euro all ihaosana resulting
from Impure blrasl. 11 curew Hem fit In. and
nil crnfulotia Harases, l.ry.lprlna, Itiwe.
or HU Antimnv'e Klre, 'I'lmnlca nnd
I ire-ejrnlw, ii.iiilr, lllotchea, HolK
lilmora, Tetter. I III mora. Knit lilielim,
NciiM-llonil, l:iMBxvorm, l lrerw, Korea,
tlirmniitlsiii, Alorriirlitl Isiaenae, No
rnlcln, I't'iiiule Wenkneaaen anil Irregll
lurlll.H, .l.iunillee, Alleetlona r lb'
l.lver, l.w,,s Kuiselstlon, anil
t.eil. ntl Debility.
fly its searching and cleansing svimTilie
It I'lirsee rail tin. foul riirniii..u li"'h
ru'Cniuiniiie lliei l-looil. anil enitse slr-rsaiiire-le
nl -mil iIih-iiv. It atirtlulntea ntul onlivi-iis
t " vi'il luii'tiona. ft promotes enemy ami
s'-ittli. Il reitorea anil preHervea lirai'h.
Ii oilmen new Me anil vigor tliyougliont Ilia
v. hoi- avtf. m. No sufferer from anv itisenw
V ol, , nnaea from lmvnrityof theldooil need
'"-'''. ximxill give Avail's Rasi ii i 1
a or trial. Itpinetnlier. Um earlier the
tun... Um siell.r the cure.
fi r..i lie Ins been fiirnlahrrl to physician"
eve: vtiii.-re; ni they, reeofrnlring lt Rtif
tlm iiiamina, a.hiilnu.k-r It In their prat ti' '-
rmr nearly forty ream Avsa'R BassAra
aiu.A has been widely nsetl, ami it now p
aeaaea the ronlitlenee of millions of peopl"
who have experienced bcnoflta from 111 mar
vellous curative virtues.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer It Civ
rmetleal and Analytical ChenslstA,
Lowell, Mass.