THE llEPUBLICAN. """clearkieldTpa. WKbNKffDAY MORNING, 8KPT. , 1880. Terms of Subscription. ( paid la dvan,or within tbr month., .91 00 If paid after thtM Bad bfor ait month. .. t 60 Ifpatdafttf lhHpiratloDof alx monbu... I 00 ?-0Mitrf. 8. M. Pittuksili A Co., Nw-p-pr Advertising Aganta, IT Park Row, mr Beekmsn Street, era our duly authorised Agent in N w York City. ri-:lic.i()h notices. Method Ut Episcopal 'burch-Rv. flno. Leii'i', Paitor. 8rvlo vry Sabbath t lo, A.M., and 7 P. M. Sabbath School at W A. M. 1'raver Netting every Wednesday, at 71 P. M Cinn:union Harriet, first Sabbath of avery nonth, it 10 A. M. Wet Clearfield M. E. Church Rot. Pharlki W. Ht, Paitor, Preaohiof every alternate flunday, at I o'clock, P. M. tiuadey School at 2, i. ai. aii an in r ilea to at ten a. Prcbterlau ChurrhRT. II. S.Bdtlbb. -Sbbtb services morning and rning Sab- t.:h School at t P. M. Preyr Muting Wdn Ixy craning. Iluntlat t'hurrh. Her. , Pastor. Ht.ieth School al 8 P. M. Praysr Meeting vry Wednesday Tailing. tft. Francis Church Catholic Rav. P I. ,SnntiiK. Uivina aarviea at 10f A. M., on 'ha flrit. third and fourth Sundayiof each month: Vespers end Benediction of the Blessed .Sacrament al 7 u clock", r. . runaay ecnooi ovary ououay afternoon at I o'clook. OFFICIAL DiniXTOHY, tium or loLDma qdaitii bbbbiobb oocbt. Second Monday of January. Third Monday of March. First Monday of Jim. Fourth Monday of September. Tina or aoLnina com mom pliai . Fint Monday of Jnna. Seocnd Monday of Norambar. rvtuo officer. Prttidtm Jndg Hon. Charts A. Majr, t.nch Haven. Auittant Lorn Judy Hon. John H. OttI, of "e lie font a. Atoeiat Judy Abram Ogdnf Clearfield) V m rant U. Holt, Clearfield. I'rotKonotary Eli bloom. Ktgiitir and Recorder L. J. MorgaD. Trtaturtr Philip Dottl. liitlriet Attorney J. F. HoKeoKck. Shtriff Jatnei MahafTey. I'tpuiy &k,riffi V. I. Cnunlf Surveyor Bamuel P. McCloikey, Cur--.nivlll. County ComminionT C. W. Kyler, Graham ton I'. 0.; Elah Johnston, Grampian If 111 P. 0.; John Norm, Br., Curwenivllle. (mminiontri' Vhrk John W. Howe. County Auditor William V. W right, Clear-(1-1,1 : Ji,afh Gilliland, Tbraa Runa ; J. 8, Nor ri a, Woodland. County Coronir James A. Moore, Clearfield. Jury Commiuiontrt AndrewJ. Jackion, Clear fit, 1, Wm. R. Brown, Clearfield. SuprinUdtnt Public School I. Mo Juon, Clenrrtflld. Stolrrof Wtiyhii 4 .Wwttiiraa Jeaaa W.Carlila, office at l.utherburg Pa. Xotarin rlli John W. Wrl(r,ley, Wm. Ra liimuifh, Cjrui Uordon, Claarflaldt Jowpb R. Irin,N.E. Arnold, Curwenirilla j J. A. Living, Dulioii City. Our Sptcint column la decidedly interfiling In a local pulnt of Titw, and profltablt reading to uutoidara who want to tare money. yi:h, HI' COUHKK I Will 3 on Uka wheat, oata or eorn fr inb ftTitiot ?" W are often inquired of in tbli way by hlter fri'in f-ntroni who rida at a diitanca ff. in CUMrBeld. We again y '. The relpU uf a re fjnrnilile merchant or will owner in the Trinity, HI answer juat aa well ai the oaab. T- illlurtrate: If any of our patrom will dalifer ii' a b.'g of grain at the mill of Joaaph II. Breth, In CbiM towni-hip, Horace Pntchin, In Burnilda, Tliotnr.i H. Foreey, in 0 tab am, Wm. Porter or fUiew'n, In Lawrence, or Brown A 8eyler'i, at K'xkt.'n, I'oion townahip, and forward tbeir rt-rtlpti for the amount, we will eradlt them on thtlr account for tbe earn. In tbii way all may loon py what they owe, If they will purine tbli coiine. tt. BfcaTAdvertiRura and others will boar in mind ibat all article! intended for publication In thi per rnmt be handed la, not later than lueiday, al 9 A. M. Don't forget It! Men' good boots SI 90 at Moore'. Tho Williamsport Sun bus bad a -in W head put on It." - m aw The CU'iirfiuld County Medical As- fi iatloo meeta in DnBuii to d-iy. mm a Chestnut will soon be ripe. One . r lw titavy from will Bnleh them. Now ih the timelo buy your carpet. II. Let mm A Co. have Juat rex-elvcd a large lot. mm Franem Murpby began a series ot Tt rnjitrADce meetlngi at Pbilipiburg on Hun day. mm mm - Buriittidu now sports a braeui band. The initrumect bav been purchased, and ar In the bandi of the player. - -a m Mr. .lolin T. 1iddlo, of Brady town ihip, tliU eonot,, .ill uch id on of tbt BrMik Till, lobcol. lb. coming WlnUr. m Serviced will bo held in the Went ClurBeld M. K. Churab nut mom In, t 101 o'clock, Intlmd of 7) In t)i ...oing. Mr. Peter Wohor, well-known eiti seo of Phiiipsburf , .nd he.p.r .r ., died it hit h.n. in lb.t plac. on Wftlncid.T Uit, iged 42 ycri. tm ' - The Bound of the school bell is heard in ! tb. land, and call, tba bojl aod glrll Irutn . lonf naiol f plaj t. what tba. Ibink ia .n ardmml talk. m " AndyJui kHonhaaa Rood axiiortmont of baodiomo frame! for all v.rlali.l of plctoroi at bli furniture llor. an Market Itract. Ilia) prlc.i are reaionable too. Snow in rcportpd to havo fallen in (lall.fhcr town. hip, Cllnloa Mnntjr, on VTedooi d;oflait week. We bar. hae been anjojlo, drllghtful weatner In tbli .Icinitj. A new town, to bo called M inert Till., ii bein g laid ont near Pblllpibnrg. Hereral rw coal minel neenlljr opaned o Loop ran le I he caul, of tbii Dew anterprlM. L. 0. Lingle Jnna tbe aurv.ying. The departure of tho Orphcua hand tor UrcokTlile, end tbe Drum eorpi a abort tine after to attend a Radical love-feait at Penneld. made affair, quite enthuitaatle on our itrcotl lait Monde, morning. N. K. Arnold haa opened a wholo aale iter, ia one of the new brick bloohl in Car wenitllle. Hie bailneiewill be coolln.J otrlclljr to .boleeale, end ealeim.n to Iraral and lollcit ordtn will be employed. i i If you want to aco aomotliintf hand idoii walk aroend and lake, look at And, Jaeb aon'e ehow window, two doerl eait of Moo,'e tore. TheeonUmtl, together with their arrangc, Ii eomolblng to bo groell' admired. At the recent annual conterenco of tbe United Drctbrei rb.rrb, held In tba wetter, pari of tbii Stete, Her. V. C. nl.J wei itelloned al ClrarHeld and Be.. P. Blrajer at Bnrnilda. Iheie were the al, eppoinlmenti made for thl cnoitty. Tho Foxburg (Fa.) Uazcltr haa been remored to Clerioa and eooiellitoted wltb tbe H p.tli'ni. of Ibat plac Mr. W. It. Jokei, a former editor of the KrpmUlcmm, will preilde or.r tb eoleane f the new tombiaelion, wblob Ii now etjled tberrrpMefMN-Oovft.." , . Mr. lloo. W. Ithcom, Rxprora Ajront el tbii plire, .lib ble femilr, left tkle (Turedej) Baaing lor a ell weeke' trip t. Ibe Weil, .lilting In Ohio, Iowa, N.bmha aad Hinowl. Mr. Al. K Liageefeller, of rbllipibarg, will bare charge of Ibe Ripreea aflleo her. during tbe eb .. of Mr. Hb..m. Tho aocond annual re union of tho Hilb Regiment, P.. V.I.Btewt, will b held .1 Peninlawaey oe tb lltb of October Beit, tbe fint day af Ibe Fair. Tbli wmblnalloa will eer lalaly attract a large arowd f ppl t the beaalifol and enUrpriilng tows In tbe Hinoelag Valley. All who attend tba Puen.lawe.y Fair a. Ika I lik, IJib, lllb aod lath d.yi of aeil Wtt.nlb win .ol regret II. Quits a number ol our oitiaons, who ere mere lovoro WIIU lor.une u.i perioal we k.ew .1, nibramd lb. .pportani 1, and vliltal tb. Ktele Fair es Wednetdey of lait WMk. Tbe fare from Olearteld e. PbiMel pbl. and ret.ra, laolollag admliivo. t. Ike Filr groasdi, wai tin, good t. ret.ra aay Una ap leu.. Salard.yete.lMfellewleg. Thirty -.lee ticket wen eeld el lb. etalio. Is Cleard.ld. Summor ended find Autumn com MtDocd vita Tuesday , eptubr Slit. Straw hata and linen duitors will now ba called In. 11. Lehman 4 Co. bavo just received a hsndiom lina of dry good, fancy and mllll nary good. Next week Is Court week in Clear Held, and a targe attendance of our eountrymao ! antloipated. Tbe most noted men of modern times hate publlaty attaated to the valna of Ayar'i Cherry Pectoral aa a our for eoughi and eolda. TIIB JUNIOR HANCOCK CLUB ME UTS IN TUB WIGWAM EVERY TUESDAY EVE NINO. BOYS, TURN OUT. Tub speakers announced (or the Democratic Maii Meeting on Taeiday evening of next week are all firit-elaaa. Go and hoar them. a Letters of ftdministrallon on the aetata of Greenwood MaCreokea, lata of Knot townablp, deeeeeed are publltbed. John Mo Crack ro la aduinlitrator. Mr. Potter Head, of Jawrence town bip, gladdened the heart of the RarciLioiM office printer with a baakat of 8no Concord grapca. They were delloioni. Timher por Sale. By an adver- tieement in tbii Uaue it will be notlead that Mturi.G R.and W. Barrett offer fur eale tbe timber on 27i acre of land to Morria lowoibip. .. m i - Mr. John Kiiuc, aduiniflttutor of Franoii M. Pulton, deceased, lata of Ham tide towmblp, adrertliai valuable real eat ate la tbii paper to be mid at public aaleon Saturday, Octo ber 9ih. Read the advertisement for particu lar!. i a The Orpheua' Cornet Band, some twenty in number, left on Monday morning by way of Peo field to attend the Fair at Brookville. A do ten or more of our oititene are aUo "taking in" tbe agricultural exhibition there tbii week. e -- - Weighty Landlords, Wo learn that David John ma and ax-ShcrifT Panti have laaied and will open the Shaw llouie In a few dayi for tbe entertainment of traveller!. Thoia who know the a per ion ally are awaro that they are what miy be termed aolid, clever goo t lemon. -. - i mm a Hard Coal. Do you want any bard eoat tbii Winter t If ao, order It now of Jamai L. Leeiy, and do Dot wait until the bad weather aeta lu. Sand in your order immediately, or you may have tome difficul'-y to itvure It later In the leaioo. Sept. 22-31 "Thb Hoys in Blue." Tho Junior Hancock A Engllih Club paraded for the first Urn on Monday evening with Iti new ou' fit blue capwi. The boyi looked, and no doubt felt, ai proud ai tbey did when they wore their fint pair of booti. Tbe capi have not arrived yet, but are on tbe road. Turn Ot:r! The Ml. Joy Hancock and Kngliih Club will meet at the Hobool Uouae, in that Tioinil, on TLuriday evening, and will be addreiied by Iarael Teat end Darid L. Krebr, Eiq'i. Peaocretito ur futt Turn out lo lour Club meeting, end then go to tbe election, and rlelor, ii lure. Til K Ficmc. The picnic in "Morrill's Ororc," in the rear of tbe Fair groundi, held ever afternoon and night lart wetk, drew the crowd. A dialog pUt'orm. rofreibmeote e.andi, the circular iwfng aod ''lluidejooper'i aggrega tion," under a iw.ll tent, were among the principal at'.lacttoai. i. . DtuocBATic Thrift. The laric pilee ol bona In tbe ricioli, of our atorci indi cate . large trade In the mercantile bueineu thle Fell and Winter. In the .Tent of lleaeock ' eleolloo thia proiperlij will b. continued, and our diitreircd and panio-llrijken oountrr for tbe pelt lereoyeara will bloiioto a. tbe roie. . M A MmriiHTUNK. Wo learn that our old and eiteemed friend, Dorid Dreailcr, Eiq , nf Vnlon to.oibip, receotlj met with . eerioul ac cident, tbe major portion of bli noie having been bitten off h, a eicioua borae. Tbii Ii a miifor tune that cannot be rectified. Tbe 'quiro hae our undivided ejmpathj lo tble anfortunat. Fatal Accidint. On Thursday, tho l:h lait., I. 8. Caldwell, of DuIMl, aged ebont SO veeri.wblle driviog In . buggy, making a ihort turn .1 Sbaffer'a) Mna, w.a tbrowo from tbo t. biale, end lo lerloaily injured that ba died wllblo ill houri afteeward. Uia body wai properly cared for end forwarded to bit brother at Lock Haven for burial, i. - I lint of lettora remaining unclaimed in the Poitoffloe at CleerA.ld, l'a., for the week ending September 10tb, IS80 : A. M. Barnili, Ada Bauer, Oeorge Kvam, John, Mn 0. W. Fcuun, J.mee Kyler (3), Mn. Lueinda Morrieon, Mr. I'axton, 1. fianuleon, Il.ila Wllllaua. P. A.'UAULIN, P. M. n -Attsntion ! All the members of Ibe lufrlfa Pa. hegimant In Clearfield eoonty, we are rtqu.ited to itat., .re Invited to be prewnt at tbe re-ualoa of tbe momben of that organiaatioa at Puoiiutawney,OD tbe 13th day of October Beat, There are many who bave reoelrej no invitation boeeuio of tbeir poctomee addren bing unknown to tboie loperiatendlng tbo propoecd meotlnf m Fistival Postponid. On account f the 6h.w Houi. being leaeed and occupied, aod Itciag unable lo procure a initable plaoe at thia lime, the Feitival for tbe benefit of the Well Cl.arll.ld M. K. Church, to bo held Beit week, haa been poitponad Indefinitely. Due notice of tbe time and plac of holding tb. ,ama will bo given in the future. Rav. C. W. Dt'kiaKr. iliookville is to hare a baby expoai lion at the Fair Ibl week. A premium la to be given for the largait, fatteit acd prettleit baby ander two Ive moatbl old, ae well aa to the one over twelve and under twenty-four. Alio to the largait and bandiomoit twlni and trlplete. Tbe premium ll to b. awarded on the moraing of the third day of the Fair. We alio bad a baby eipoiition t our Fair doll b.blee. Ther. waa no maternal Jeeloniy or favorllelim ehown eilber. Tho Winter term of our borouili irbooll eomueneed oa M-nday morning leit, with the following eorpi of teioberr Principal Prof. B. C. Yoongmao. lit Aa.ntant Frank U. llama. Jd Alililanl Matt rtavage. No. I Primary L. B, W.b.r. No. I Primary W. I Tate. No. I Primary Mile Carrie Flegal. No. d Primary Kale M. School No. 4 Mcopiei the old Academy build ing el Fint atreet, wbieb bee been repelred for tbe Bill TlllNii' Wo learn that Joseph Linee, reeiding near Lulberiburg, ii tbe propne tor of as apple Baeeeurlng la incbei in blreum- ference, end w.lgbi 191 ounce. Jamee Milea, reeiding oa tb "Woodeid.a farm," la Brady townihip, tbe .Ideit Improvement in tbe eounty, railed a luralp I. eigbl w.eka, which moaiaree 21 iochea In diem.ter, w.lghiog 4 pounde aod I ooneea. Will aomo Oranger, ar eomebedy alee, take dow. tbwe Bradyit.e wba ralie aueh boge prndueto . ld 'ikun.ed eut" f.rmi. m eii Hound to bx Happy. DulJois Is bound to praiuer or "bull." Thet tows hel tbe largeit eaw-iaill 1. the werrd, end . lo. fe bot.l ai eea be foand en tb. Continent. To Boiih ap elvllliallo. In thai Vocallly, the W(r I agita llog the creeitoB .f b Opera Uoaie, tbe cite, liibment of a Bent, ..d tbe organiaatlon f a Toeog Men' Chriitla. Aiioelatlon, A. .Id reiident of Ibe piece, M w. write, .1 o.r elbow remark!! "There I. ao better ope.iog In tbe I'niled State for Ibll letter enlerprire, end 1 hope it wont fell." TaraIiX No. Two. Tho torchlight proeeeaion of tbe Democracy o. Monday .von ing in point of B.mbari and appearance retired tkat af tb. Radi o. S.t.rday night le lecladed lai fg' .ifieance. Beeidei tbe Citlaene' Cereet band and a martial band, there were aboat 2S torehea la line, moil of the bearer wearing aap and eepoa Tb diiplay wai a fine ooo,end t he Domoeret good oauee t. rejoice erer tb. reiult In Maine and Ibeir turnout ftt bom bar n ihort aotioe. Tbe pelade .a Tueiday Bight of lait weak waa sol large) but It made op I. .otbuilaara, whet It larked i. o.abire. An Incidxnt. Ths following wo lip from the Ollatoa eTepnehem "Tbe M.lh. diet Cbareh at We.lp.rt waa lold at pmbll. lale a few yean lieee, aad Col. Nojee beeeaa. the por. ebaaer, far III or tevaa hundred dollar. Il oe.reo af lime a sew man wai aat to 1h Weal port eireall. He etopped with Ooloael Nejee aad fa.nd hi. home tbe headquarter for lllnerent nreaeberl. Ia eeuraa of eoaveriatioa he aeked Ibe Clonal, "Da yo belong I. the .hureh f " lo which heaaawarad, "No bat the cbareh belenge to me." That ahereh Wise ha bmb doa.led t. Ibe Mdhodlit eeagregaUo. by Cel. Noyea, hand omily painted, refaralihed and filUd op, and wee to bav kwa rededleaUd B.nd.y laat, th. day apoa wbleh their friend aad ben .factor elept the eees tl deetb la hi wa naa.etoa. A "straw" vota was taken on the Mall train oa Tueiday morning balweea Oeooo I. and Olearfield, raiulting aa follow t Hancock, 48; U.rSelJ, 17. A DECATUR PICNia Ma. niroa i A grand Sunday School picnic waa held et Ibe Ohio bohool Hour, la Deoalur towmblp, September lllb, 1890, It wae my pleaaure to attend it, and It le onlyjuitlee lo the oceaiion to aey that la wil a grand iuomii. There wai every emuiement Ibere thai waa adapted to men ooceatoni awlngi lor big and utile, a atana bendiomely decorated for the eratori of tba day. aod eandiei, Ac., were tire, to Ibe children at coat. Kverywbere you looked ebout at Ih. hour ol noon , Ibere wet. tablet groaning wltb rlon and delicate refreibmenla and every otraoger on Ibe trouod bad a dmii or tnvilatioo lo dine, and Mr.Jeeee lion, lirand Maeter of ceremooieo, made himrell hoaria invilini everybody to ootne lo tbe tablei and not to go awey hungry. Tbe people of Decatur know bow to get op a picnic eou io entertain iirengeri. Burr inaan 12d, leal). THE HARVEST HOME PICNIC. Mr. KaiToR: I bav notieeo any aoocount of lb Ifarveat Home or Auguit 1 sth, in your eoi umna. Perbapl eouia of your reader! who were not able to be praiant would like to know It. On account of ibe rain In the morning, the people did not gather until a late hour, but by noon quite a erwd wai oo the ground, and tbii we augmeniea oy aaaitionai arrival ouring an tbe afternoon. Shortly after twelve o'clock din ner waa eerved, and two houri were occupied in diapoiing of thweontentiof innumerable baiketi, Ac. A tier dinner, the aMmbly wai called to order by Mr. J. B Shaw, Mr. L. Denning acting ai rrindeut and Mr. at. J , uweoi aa (secretary, AddrMie were made In tbe following orden Addrei er Welcome by Mr, rt- U. fentx; re plied to by Her. H. . Butler. Adilreaica by Mr. Leonard Rhone, W. 0. Penn sylvania Htat Grange, Rev. J. Q. A. Fullerton, Her. u. w. urnicy, ana eioiiog eaureai uy ma PrralJaot. Tbe neopl returned to their home well pleaied with tbaday'a enjoyment, many of them not leaving tL ground until darkaeia compelled them to retire. Turn Primary Kleotion. Last Saturday our frieodi held their election for dele gate who art In union In the Court Houi ai w go to ren tbii (Tueiday) afternoon. The rot in thin borough and Lawrence townihip wai ai followi t 0FFICK8 Q f AND I CANIDAT KB. P f For Anembly, llynn 77 4S " " Humphrey 14V ,27 " Head 1 JJ For Prolb'y, 1U1I.. 47 )II5 - Kirk 3 3 " " Wilnon 1 I " ' Kerr.. lift 18 W altera 1(17 M " " Mayi 4 8 " Ilickinion.. I 1 For Kccorder, lirelb II 10 " " Fergoiou.. 63 ,7 ' Wright. 141 138 " " Bloom 4 ,( " Lulhrr b 18 Folm.r II For Surveyor, MoCloikey 22 2H& The turnout In the two diitricti wai large over 2.10 vote were polled In tbe borough, an d aometbinj over 3uu in the lo.n.Mp, thu show ing ahat a decided Intereat tbe people ar taking in cur primary electlona ; an from the general outlook, It iremi that Fljnn, Kerr end Forguion would meke Ihel.Dding. MeClolkey wa going it alone, and, eooeeqnently, be it all hi own way. THE FAIR. The fourteenth annual exhibition of the Clear field County Agriculture 8ooiety, bold OB the Fair groundi in Welt Clearfield oa Wednesday, Tbunday and Friday of laat week, waa Bot con sidered a luceen , either ai regard xhiblta or atlca datra. The iibiblt la the Meln building eoneiited of aomo fency work, Jellies, butler, breed, n limited display uf fruit, three monitor head af cabbage, com tell corn, levernl leckl of wheat, quite a variety of vegetables, a ihow case filled with toyi from D. neilbrun'a variety itore, aod the Singer and Davla sewing machine!, rep resented by their respective agenla, the motiv powar for the hit aamed being furniihcd by . diminutive iteani engine. Tbe foregoing enuniern lloB with a very small exhibit of stock embreced the whole businsss. All the articles and animals en exhibition were nf the finest qualllty and tb. owners or. Justly entitled to the praise and commendation bestowed on them by tba visitors. Tbe announcement that Francis Murpby, tbe famoul Temperance lecturer, had been engaged to addreis the public on the grounds at 2 o'clock P. M. on Thursday attracted quite a targe crowd that afternoon. Mr. Murphy appeared on tbe pi atform erected for tba occasion in tbe grove nt the appointed time, aod, after a somvwhtt brief but vry ipproprlate addreae by Rev. Dr. W. B. Watklni, of Johnstown, h waa introduced to the audience and delivered an eloquent lecture, oc cupying an hour or mora. Ills remarks were not etricily enflned lo tcmperenee or agrieul tu r.l themes, but was more particularly In behalf of th youth, with a few hint to pareola to look nfter tbe comforts and desires of tbeir oflipring, and to giv tbetn propnr mental training, incul cate sound prinelplee aod good morels, before tbey left Ibe paternal roof lo struggle with tbe world. The spsaker wai pleasing to bli manner of talking, of rather fine peraonal oppeeraooe, aod astonished his heerers, who had often beard about bim but Bover before had a. opportunity to realise tbe power be had over his audiences. The list of premiums awarded by the Judges of of Ihe different departments la as follows : llo race. CLASS I STALLIONS. Best stallion for light draft, Jas. Mehaffey..$o OA Second best, 1. D. tiuppy , 100 CLASS 2 MARKS AND COLTS. Beit eolt between 1 and 2, Frenk W, Shew . Dip 2 01) 2 00 Beit colt under 1 year, T. T. Smith Beit bey gelding, Burton Uolioh Cattle. CLASS 4-8II0RT HORNS. Beit bull, T. T. Smith , 4 00 CLASS 6 ALDERNKTS OR JKRSEVS. Best boll, John A. Mcllrida I on , Oil , Dip 4 00 i I 00 1 00 . t 00 Second beet, Wm. II. Dill Tblrd beet, Joha Pent! CLASS fi-AVRSIIIRKS. Best bull under I years, H. M. Devi Beit bell ever I years, Job. Sankey , CLASS 7-NATIVE OR ORADB. Best beiler under 1 year, L. Dennlng.H... CLASS 7 OUKRNSKY. lies! bull, W. 0. Tuttla Sheep. CLASS I COTRWOLD. Bolt two ewe Iambi, W. P. Tat. Bell ram lamb, W. P. Tat Beit ram over 1 year, W. P. Tale Beit two ewe over 2 Jean, JV. V. Tale.... , Dip . Dip , S 00 2 00 Hwlne. CLASS K-TORKSII1RI. Best boar, Richard Sbaw ... 2 00 .... 2 00 Beit sow and pigs, Richard Shew... .ay Poultry, CLASS 20-D1ICK8, QKKSI, AC. Host ttlo gume. fowls, John Pent Biier.llaiieou. CLASS 21-MACIIINKRT. AO. Davli eewing machine, D. L. Byrerm .. Dip CLASS 22 FRUIT. Belt qnlneel, J. B. Read , Holt eoliertico of peere, K. M. Davis . I 10 .. 1 00 Uest trapes, K. at. I'avte. , .. 1 00 Second bait grapes, B. M. Davis .. to H.n rail applee, a. M. Davis . 1 on 1 00 4 00 Best Winter apples, H. M. Davis J.. CLASS 33-FLOWIRIRO PLANTS, Bsst display, Krneet Book CLASS 24 TRUKTAnLRS, AC. Beat collection of potatoes, J. B. Read I 00 neei peea potatoes, "reerieoi," J. u. Head. Dip Beit peck parinlpa, J. B- Read.... Beit peek eerrote, J. B. Reed Dip Dip to to ueet pec eniena, Leender Deanine Beit peck sweet eorn, LMnder Denalog..,. Beet all itelki of field eoro, L. Denning..., Reel peck tomaloci, W. P. Tata llo.tiqu.ibei, W. P. Tale Beit bu.bel oora eare, W. p. Tat. Urgeet iquesh, W. P. Tate Beit mingel worsels, J. B. Read to Dip to 76 Dip Dip Dip Reileabliage, K. M. Davli Hsu baihel white wheat, Miles Read t u Bail buihel red wheat, Milea Heed .. 2 00 Bill busbsl eels, John A. MeUrtde Dip CLASS 20 BI'TTKR, OIIKK3B, AO. Bistcheeie, K. M. Davis 2 00 But boiler, aire. T, T. Smith 1 Second ben, K. M. Davis to CLASS 27 BRKAD, PICKLES. AO. Beit wheat bread, Ml.e l.jdle Feller Dip brown bread, Mis Lydta Falser n Dip inn ran, mis i.yui. retier Beet epple pie, Miis Lydia Felaer Hll Beit drop ukel, Mies Lydia Fetser Best sugar cakes, Mise Lydia Fetser Reel Jelly cake, Mrs. Joha Peals Beit diiplay Jeille., Mrs. Job. Pente Beit apple Jelly, Mrs. L. Denning Bait Jelly, Mre. L. Denning,.,.., Beit Jar plrklei, Mri. L. Denning Beet tomato eataup, Mrs. L. Deaniag Bast plum Jelly, Mrs. K. M. Davis ., Beit rambarrv l.llv. Mrs. K M .. ... Dip .... Din ... Dip ... aria .... to .... 1 ... Dip to .... to ... to Dip Dip Best canned peaches, Mre, B. M. Davla.... to aaane. pears, lira. a. as. Davis Beet eane abnlM. Mre. T T elniih Beit eeaned h.ckleberrlee, Mre. T. T. Smith, Dip Beet eeaned grapee, Mr. T. T. Smith-....,. 6U UmI peeeh batter, Mre. T. T. Smith M CLASS 90 DOM K8TI0 MANUFACTURERS Beit rag ecu-pee, Mr. T. T. be. Ilk 1 01 CLASS 21 HEEDLIWORK. Reel lee lie, Mies A.. Al. Beet crochet each, Mies Ada Ale.......... Beet ereebel skirl, Mise Ad. Ale.... ......... Beet knliud bo.4, Mies Ad. Ale Ueileob'd .bemlaek Mm Kile MeOlelle..., Beetemk'd .Ighldreoe, Mils Bliss MeClelUa, Best sofa pillow, Mis Klla MsClelLa Beat telle! eet, Mice Jennie 8baw Best Udy, Miss Mery Bankey ...... Best pia china, M In Maud Sankey Moc re's bavs tho cheapest boots in lOWB. Men's bats from 75 conti to fS at Moore's. Women's good shoes only $1 at Moon I. Tho cheapest and best boy's boots era to b bad at Moore . liny your rubbers ot Moore's. Tboy sell the cheapeitl Flannels, cunaimeres and cantons in full nook et T. A. Fleck A Co', The caso of Hurry Knglisb was sot down for trie! this wk at Kldgway. Window shades in newest styles and great rarltly at T. A. Fleck A Co s. You cannot eo amiss in anythintr you wsnt If you call at T. A. Fleck A Co'. Silk fringes in Croat variety for dress trimmings, at T. A. Fleek A Co's. The bent liltinir corset evor liiuilo I bow to be found at 1 A. Fleck A Co.'. A new line of all wool cash mores, in the late sew shades, Just received at T. A. Fleck A Co's. Ladies, if vou want a nioa dress pat tern, either silk, worsted or eottuo, go to II. Leh man A Co. THE SENIOR HANCOCK CLUB MEETS IN THE WIOWAM EVERY FRIDAY EVE NINU. ATTEND. Locmon, bear in mind that Moore's la the only place yoo eao get Pcrkln's boots end shoes in lb ounty. Sept. 22-4t A full line of (Jonts' Furnishing Quods, lists, Caps, Trunka, Vallaes, Ac, received this weeh at Hlrlinger A Rook's store. IS 2 Mommie cloth, in cotton and wool, dress ginghams, aod the Fall styles in dress cel. leoes ar among th latest arrivals at T. A. Fleck A Co 'I. If in need ot a carpet, call at T. A. Fleck A Co's, who have Jut received a Bow In voice of eerpeling, which will be sold at gr aatly reduced prteei. Hirli Hirer & Itook are rccoivimr a large stock of Men's, Youth's, Boys' and Chil dren's Clothing, which tbey will sell ebeep for cash, or will exchange for grain. lt-2 Tho improved semi-circular adjusta ble Corset 1 Ihe latest novelty at T. A. Fleck A Co's. Tbey are noted for comfort, eaae and dura bility. I.ailles, give them a trial. Satisfaction warr noted. Making; tho buyinir of dross and dry goods a study, crefulnoss in selecting tbe same and selling tbem at the right figures haa made T. A. Fleck A Co's the popular dry goods house lo Clearfield county. T. A. Fleck, of tho firm of Fleck A Co., Is at prenot In Nw York and Philadelphia, purobeaing an unuinal large stock of dress, drygh and miltinsry good. The latter will be made a 8jj0 ipecietty this season. sept. 8,-21. Her Ynim Mn.t. Now I We are tlior"D- proprletors of a Saw M ill, complete in every par ticular, which we will sell very cheep. For per tlculars, address E. A. A W. D. BIOLER, moh3,'d0 If. Cleerfleld, Penn'a. For Sale. All kinds of Doors and Wiudow-seib. Cell Bear the Lutberen Chureb, or addren me at Clearfield, Pa. R. CAXriBLn. Aug. II, 41. Wamtid. -ftv ft vouiiffUdv. board lag la a ohrlitlan family, In price not to -xod Mth $2.76 or 13 per week. 6b would not object to iVO de som lewlog ai part payment fur th aam. Ing, Plac acceptable tthr Id th town or lb conn- try. Addrara Mm Japk. Claarlald, Pa, Nkw Daily IStaox Link. -Jamos L. Leavy baa mcceeded In having a dally mall eitab liihed between Clearfield and FennBald, aad will hereafter rua a dally stag between th two point. Ill contract began wttb April lit, and th atag will leave Clearfield awry morning (except Sun day) at I o'clock, making connection with all train on th Low Grade Railroad at Pennfield, re turning after tbe laat train tb sam even lag. Pauengeri and freight will b carried at low rat. Ordtra left at any of tb hotels will ba attended to. 16apr7V-tr AMONG THE DISTRICTS, ar a, l. m'qi'owx. BR&DT. Ia accordance with our programme we exam ined lb Brady townihip Uaohsr la tb public bo lid tog, Monuay, September Win. i he number of fjuplteanta were teurtacn, nearly all of whom had juit returned from icbool, and onieqntly well prepared for the examination. Use waa re jected. A roipeotable Dumber of ipeatator ware preient during tbe day and Ave Director, lb new school bout on th farm of Mr. Jesse Lines 1 n sarin c completion and preasati th annearaoee a a modal hoot. It haa a vary desirable loca tion and attract I v surrounding, aad when com pleted will be furnished with tbe Improved Sus quehanna School furniture. ine loiiowing ar ine leacnvn appointed ay th Board for lb coming tern, Latbenburg Htgb ecbooi, jc, u. llayst Latbenburg Primary, K I la M oora; Ceal Hill aboL It. K. Jimeeon : Salem Mbool, J. I. Brockbaaki Croia Hoadi Kbool, bedla Morgan) Pin Swamp school, fl. K. Hay i : eninai aenooi. eu Huball t A u rand chool, Km Fauat j Hartsfelt school, T. W. Brock bank Lib (new; eckool, ifla Reams j Troutvill acbool, A. A. iL.arx : Kast Branch icbool, Alice M. Wearer. We belter tbeiaJarlei agrd upon ar 3i aod $40 per month. Tba Director exehanced their cbeol readan laUly tn uafor"Raub'i Keaderi. " The tducitional meeting wa bld ia th Lu theran church Id the evening of examination day. Dr. YYileon wai ebosen Preiident, Dr. Snackman. Jacob Kdingr and John Shaflar Vlo Prsidnta. Sadie Morgan was elected Secretary. Rev. (lied- bin, J. vr. t orp, a. weber, K. U. Hay and tb writer addieaied tb meeting. Good muaio wai for a Liked for tb oceaitoa by th choir. I A fur lb addr. appropriate molutiona were read and adopted. BAUD V. Th Mcond teacbar' examination wai hIJ for tbli townahip on Tuesday. September 14th. Tba : olai numbered ventn, three of wbom failed te paas the examination. Tb Director were all preient and mamfeited an anuiual intereit ia th proceeding!. Mr. P. S. Weber, tb scholarly heoretary or tb Uotrd, delivered a stirring ad dreis to the teacher at th close of tb examina tion, la wbieb he alearly defined tb relation th Board sustained te tb uhool lotaretts af tb district and what tbey would expect during th eoming term of the employed a teacher. Tb li rector a bald a icetioa at the aloae of tbe exami nation and gave tbe ontract lor building tw new school houses (on at Falls Creek, tbe other near Henry Utriek' te Jamea Blair, for W1J. Tbey alio elected the following teach era and agreed upon tb appended lalaite Central Du Bo ii school Mo. I, J. M. Puitlethwatt, $37.60 , Central Dullois Primary school No S, Barbara Filer, $32 j Wait BuUota Mbool No. 1, MoKeaa Uarl, $47.50 Weat Dulioia school No. I, Lima Liddle, $12; East Dullois school Ne, 1, W. H. Liddle, $.U.0 ; Kait DuBois ichooi No. 2, hag gle Sweeney, $32 WhiU ichooi No. ft, O. W. W. N el ion .I4 West, Liberty Mbool No. 8, P.S. II char ting, 8 .f4 ; Felii Crk school No. T, Kffi Bli liar, M; Brooks school No. 8, J amis PorUr, $:t4 j Ulnt chool No. , Tilli Osborn, $J8 ; Sabula Mbool No. 10, Wm. P. JDki, 2H ; Pin Urov eehool Ne. 11, Thomas Kagaa, $88) Hetriek (new Mboel) at aula MoCullough, $.8. It will be seen by lbs above, that Sandy towa ihip will pay $443.40 moatbly for teachers lala riM. They bav tbi year aa aMumeat af thir teen mill on tb dollar for Mbool purpoMi, and w prditfer th Mboel ef tbetowoibtp annual prcperuy iae eoming lira. Miacellaneoua Educational Note. Twa hundred and oa proffialnaal rti irate war tsiua, ana tweir applicants rejecie dur ing th examination tour. On hundred and Mveaty lv Blrtftert and mor than one tbousand eight aandra d people at tended tbe examinations and educational mt- logs. Mr. J. T. Llddl. formerly principal of th Du Bel Central school, bai bean appointed to tbe second pieo ta tb rovm putitic school, Mr, Llddl was on ef our beit teaoben.and wcon grata 1st tb tsaobars of Jeffersoa apoa lack a valuable aeeesaioa le their ranks. Mtis Rom Butler, who has been waaectad wltb the DuBois public aoboole for soma yean pait. ba accepted a pottllua la Neriaumbertaadeoaa eennty. We ar Indeed sorry to reecr) Ue re moval of t many t oar taebrs. W hav reeelved th nam f lb teacbar appoiated la m vera I dlitriet aet reported with tbe snmlaeiloa tour, aad will publiaa them la th educational tolani aeitwek. Th School Board ef LawrenM tewaihlp, r meir agent, win ae at lb uirceters rom la ibe Opera Houm each Sat a rd ay afUraooa, from tbe 26th aatll tb apralng or tbeir seheoli, te attend I tb eiebangleg f book. ThoM latrstd sbonld take aotlM. 8. P. Fi.her, e Salt Lick, 1 atttadlag Cellege t Ada, unto, aaa oiogita nail, f Lumber VI ty, is at Ana A row, ali.biga. We m It lUUd that Joha DaBoli payi $4,0 tax aaoaaity ta taa acaoej mad ar Baady tows bin. Mr. Lewis Brawa ha Wn hoM taaeher af tba Wt Clarftld pmbll school far tb eomUg term. Tba Skawavilla aad Wllliamtdal Mbeto. la la Ooikaa twncblp, ara la nd of foe mat teaoher. If any mob m this, pIssM apply t asewie uwtn, at latea stin nun, A pMUU aiamlnatlea af leechm will be bald la Leeaerd wradad Mbool butldlnc a SMnrdav. October 16ib. Nen will be aaemlaed aal tney eve 9m m pioyea ia veaaa. Farmers, Look Herb! Iiytlo will glr. yo. highest market price, lor a neat, ueta, Cora, Buckwheat, Batter, Eggs, ObIou, Appl, dried traits, and all kinds of prodao. lie ba Ih largest and best selected 'took of groceries, leas, coffee, molasses, sploee, .11 nil, sugar, queeniwuro, tubs, buckets, basksti, ehuro, Ao., la Clsarfisld lounly. He buy Bli goods io larg qusotitles from manufacturers and Brat hoods for cash, aod lake lb advanlaga or all discounts, and so h 1 Babld to sail ot lowest prlc. H give eaih price for produo,and sells his goods at the lowest prices ia tbe county. Bep.24-'7t)-tf Clearfield Coal Tr..ux. State ment ef CI and other freights sent over tbe Tyrone A Clearfield Division, Penmylranlollall. road, for Ih. week todlng Sept-lllh, I860, ood the m tim last year l OOAb. For Ihe week Same time lostyeer Previously during year Berne time Inst year Decrees Total la l 880 Same time lait year ... Doorcase... Lumber ... 43,003 ...,1IR can. ....I2 " Miicellaneoui freights CLEARFIELD MARKETS, CLBAnrilLB, 1'Xi Sspt. 22, IS80. f.1 00 1 80 I 81 1 00 1 40 1 00 1 10 IS 4t . 40 00 OP 3 IS 40 to 1 Ii It II 10 to 20 m 2 00 It 10 r ii 2 It Flour, per owl. Buckwbent Flour, per cwt Corn Meel, per cwt - Chop, rye, per cwt Chop, mixed, per ewt Hran, per owl, Wheat, per bushel Rye, per buihel Oati, per buahel Corn, eare, per bushel ... Buckwheat, per buibel ... Clover eeed Timothy iced Potetoel, per buibel -. ' Appier, per bushel Ouions Hams, per pound Shoolder, per pound Dried Beef, per pound Cbickene, per pair Butter, per pound Eiora, per dosen Salt, per cock, large coal oil, per gallon Lard, per poun Dried Apples, per pound Dried Peaches, per pound... Beans, per bushel ytarrUl QRAHAM MVL1.EN. At the residence of the bride's grandmolher, Mrs. Laolcb, in Clear field, on Wednesday, September Mb, 1880, by Her. John Hewitt, tir. Benner Urehoni, of B.lle fonte, Pa., and Miss Agues Mullen, or Clearfield, Penn'a. AhCllY-M18SEY. At Mlleiburg, Pa., Sep- timber I4tb, 1X80, by ltsv. W. O. Wright, Mr. Thomes Ii. Arohy, of I'lne drove Mills, Centre county, P. . and Miia Clerliia u. aiaasey, oi alsltbewsnurg, Huntingdon, rn. WALLS H ALTON. At New Millport, Thurs dsy, September loth, 18H0, by Lewis Urberd, Etq., Mr. Alfred Weill, or New Millport, and Mies Alice Helton, of Jorden township, Cle.r- Oclil counlv. Pa. - nt.n toss. ,. 44,8111 ,.. 91,211 13,080 .... 1,0X0.01! 1,031,000 28.413 ....1,104,004 1,002,811 It is very interesting and .netructive wbon taken in connection with your spooch, for it shows the " goim of tho idea " which your party acted on when ,. L-iti mi-i sua. MEHRILL. In Morris townitiip.on Monday, July ll'ib, IKbO, gamuel A. Merrill, aged 80 yean, 7 month and 4 day. MERRILL. Id Morrli townihip, v Friday, September lUlb, 180, Hannah 0. Merrill, widow of Samuel A. Merrill, agt-d 69 yearr, S montbi 30 day. FLEMIaNU. At No. IV 19 (lren street, Phil delpbia, oa Hun day, September 12th, lMsO, Jan Way, wife of lavid S. Flemiog, of Gurweoiviilc. la tbe 60th jeor of her age. ;.u i - -- - - -t mouth ideas by coDsiHtont and regit succcnsioo. Jt m woven like a ui Stripe ltitO the Whole Warp And W irert of tboir history. As soon ai they tho nrvaapauiinn nf thA KcHnrnl (wnrnrnnis MASON. In liraarordtowoRbip.on Daluraay, September 18tb, 1880, John H. Maaon, aged 68 year. Mr. Maaea lost a leg lb battl of tlttty burg, aod luffered from that wound vr line, tl leavi a wlf and a larg family. WILSON. Ia Bra ford township, oa Sunday, SfDtetnber 12th, 1880, Iltttl S. Wtlaon, daughlar or bamuw r.aoa iiannan nueon, agea years, 2 months and 2 days. Sh I s not dead, but ilecpeth "Peaceful b thy silaut slumbar Peacelul In thy grave so low. Yet again w hop to meet ttiM, When th day of life is fled, Then In Heaven w hep to greet IhM, . When no farewell tear I shed." Special. Macbikks, Etc. All ptriona wanting a flrit- elais Sewin Machine ihould bov the New Im- roved Light-Running Weed, fpr sale by John 8. ers, Claarfiald, l'a., or Miles R. llMrs, dealer in Macblnu aad Urgani, Ileynoldivtlle, fa. may lttk -fm Ox a HuiimiD Paa Cxrt. D hood it on Old Pbicb. Sewing MacblBsoan now bpurchad at Merrill s tin and variety store, iron . up wards. All kinds of sewing macbinii repaired oa th ihortcit none. Clearflcld, Pa., July 18, 187T. Cot.LBirron' Salbi I W hav prepared a form, and hav on band a large quantity, of bleak "Collector' Salt." which ttev Been ap proved by tb highlit legal authority In tb Court oi inn couniy. a. mwry iri-n dosen w will mail any number to th Collector rdering them. A Collector, wbea eumpellcd to adrurtiM property, tuust post up net lii than tbree notlCM in tn moil punue pi aco in an borough or townahip. tf. WABTan. DellTrd it tba Rail Road. 100,000 28-Inch kavd ifalnglM. 100,000 24-Inch aawed iblngl. 100,000 feet of pin botrda, 800,000 14-feet shaved hoop. 5,0(10 railroad tie. ft0,0vQfctof good hemlock boards. For whlcb I will pay th highest market price, delivered at Clearfield, or al any point oa th Tyroa A Clearfield Railroad. alt jT. ftlURRRi ClearAeld, Pa., Oet. 1ft, 1878-tf. Ju&t ICooeivcd. Just Rconivcd by ARNOLD, at CUKWENSV1LLE: Car Load Nova Hcotia rlftsterl Car Iioad pure Corn, Ryo and Onts Chop! Uar Jjoad Ueakon bait I Car Load of Choice Family Flour! Car Load Dry Goods, Groceries, Ac! ftf-Shingles, Bark. R. R. Tics and Grain will be tukon in exchange. Curwensvillo, May 1, 1878. legal dmtUmtuttf. JURY lJflT.-A.Nama and laeatloa or IhoM perNBS drawn as Juror to rv at Septem ber term, commencing on the fourth Monday, (27th) and continue two WMks t QBAltD JI'ROB rinST Wiit. A. M. Illll...CIr8eldtfl. W. Mailer,. Decatur M. B.Cowdrlek. " Apgftr Bloom...Cur'vill C. K. StrickUr Ball L. la Hoover.... tireen'd John F. Lea, W. A. Hnover...H.Botga Riohird Freeman. ..Hike Ja. Corneir-Woodward Joa. belcRunt, " HenrvPluebell.Girard Fred Harney Osceola A. E.Woolrid..Brad'd H. L. Henderson, " Ja. Haley,... Uoatidlle TbM. VinDuaen " Jaa. Dowler Bunild Chai. Hob warn.... Brady David Ream. " John Troxel Randy S. M'Clarraw.IMtur J- R. A launder... Knox John BmIi.. Morri rnavanai jcaoan riaat wibk. L. W. Brry...Wallifn Jeho Hanna, jr,..(lullih John U. Smith, " Joi. D. Oanoe, J. K. Lewi i. W. Tnnritoa ..Knox Jordan . H. hholT, " John Williumi, " Heorg Lingl....OIrard Hugh RlJdla...Burnild Joiepb Davi .Peoa Adam Beak. Robert Meore..Ferguion H. Freak HoatiJale JoMph (J, t)oi..Leeatur William HarpiUr, " John Ream, " Cha. McMaatara.Cbait Sam. Spanogl..Qrsham It. S. Montgomery, " tiMrg W. Hall, " F. K. Pmitta.. .ClearAeld A. C. Dale, " JimM K. Wation, " S. W. Havrly..Bcerla Colonel Owen, H J. D. Whiteaidea, " JuLa A. Stock, ' R. Rex, M jZach lloovsr... Rrsdford Abley Weld, " i Simon Cross, " 8. H. Irvln....LawreaeBH Houll, J. R. Parks, J. W. Scott Oiceola Robert Law head " (iMrge W. Orr, " O. B. Metre II, Brns Miller, " Jas. Daughrlv,Jr. " Joha MeLaogblin, ' Samuel P. Sbank, " JoMph Bailey Pike Rosary Miller, ' Henry Brown, " Jeihua Uarubarn, " Kills J, Rodger. " Levi Loudon B"gK D. Moore Kartbaua P. W. Kiddle N Wacb'n Matt Rowli..Weodward N.I.ob 11. Packer, M A. P. (hoff, Albert CuDoler " J. M. Keller Sandy Joha Kconley Bell . A. Campbell, " II, Addle man, JBriitian horb.... Brady T. W. Moor ..ClearleldlJ. M. Leydi Brnty Joha I. Patwrioa, i Llnee. Tbomai Hobbias, " Uvl Hennehof...Bof D. J. Klioe... Woodward Solonea Toser, Jr..Cbett Alfred Stephen, ' Robert Fowlr, JamM Ranch.. Ktrtfaan A. Werts.a.LnmbM City Jas.fl. Norri..Lawrae J. J. Kramer, Robert Bnvd. Luther Harrett.Feraoi'a Jar QraAn...Brdford Seotl Brown Pik Robert Liver coed, O. Rerihlott-.Covlnaton A area Sbiray....Oebw JOMpk Moncal-.Jordaa joha Martin. ..HDeaur i. s.Mi,..i;rwan avtll A. J. S be wart l. J. H. Borlg .H J. M, Lueor. Jebn Moonw..Uetdal Jab Char late. BenJ. Nek...Baraitd J. B. Shaffer Bandy W. J, w set over, J, J. Dr-immoad, L. M. Wilaaa, D. H. WaHng.....Morrii 0a. Merry maOicola grpl giilmlistmtDts. Sheriff's Sale. Br virtu of tb annexed and foregoing wrlti of i'l'aK 'arte luued out of your honorabl Court, and to n directed, I hare levied oa and will expo to public aal, at tb Court Houi In tb borough or Clearfield, on Itiuradny, Beptember 30th, 1HNO, At t o'clock, V. V., all tbi following meiiuagei, tenement! and tract el landV.ouac " or! bed ai follow, via 1 All th defendant' lotcrut, being tba undivid ed ono-iliih, more or l"i, In Ihe following d aeribed lande.towitt All thoae four tract of land ituat la Becoarla townihip, ClearAeld eounty, Pa., bounded and drioribeii aa fuilowi, to wtt : Tb flrit three thereof beginning at a beech cor nerof J am at Dlaioe, John Brady and William 11 reily eurveyo, thence aort 87 i degreei wait SU3 6-10 perchea to a he ui lock, thence by Joiiah Ilainea aurvey noi .h 4H degree eait and perchea to beech, thence luu-h sir degree eait 4Utl perch i to aih (gone), (bene aouth 4V degreei weet 6611 perchea, croailng and ra-recroiilng Clearfldd creek to beoh and place of beginning, contain ing Hot aero nd 186 pare bin neat meaaure, nor or leiii and being tract! warranted lo the names of John Wbitiner, Henry Wfaituer and lleruian Whitmer, excepting and reaerving out of the above ftOacrea old to H. Uranitl. ibe otber thereof betrlnninf at a white pio corner of Ben- jatnia Youug tract, theno north 48 degree aaat ill parobe to ham look .tump, tbtnoo fcoutn Tfj degreei eaat 66 perch ei to pyat, thonc north M degreei west l2 perollea lo poat. theno louth oil degreei eait US ft-10 perchea to poit on lina of the William Kawl lurray, theno by th aam north flU degreei weat 80 perchea to map la, thence outh ft2i dvgr wit 71 6-10 parchea to poit, outh SB degreei eait ST 610 parch to poit, thence aouth degree weit 2X2 perchea to old hemlock of 1 7 VS, corner of Tbotnaa M nil in and Hobcrt Maitin aurvayi, theno aouth 6fli degree i ; -it V7 ft-10 percbei to poat crner of benjamin Young aurvey, theno aouth 874 degre eait V8 . perche to whit pin and plac of beginning,! containing iHOacreaand fft perche, more or leu, and being part of a larger tract warranted la tb nam of Win. Wilian, The mid four tract of land being tb lam pramlati conveyod by Geo. D. W organ aod wife by K. C. Hume and Adam I Hoy, Ibeir attorney In fact, by deed dated 16th January, 1875, to J. Blake H' altera aod other. ALSO, all tbe defendant' Intereit, being th undivided one-tilth, more or n, of and In tbe fullowing tracti of land situate in lleocarla townihip afore laid: Two of said tracts, surveyed on warrant! in the nam of Jamai lllaiu aod K fib -aim or Aloiander Blaine, beginning at a beech corner of Jainei lllain and Wm. Brady and John Brady inrveya, thence south 8ij degreei act 104 perch ea to whit pine stump, thence south Aft degrees west SOtt perches to a beech, thane louth 84 de grees eaat 270 perchei to a poit on ait bank of Clearflcld creek, thenee north SS degreei eait 60 perebe to a poat, thence north 4 degreei west 183 percb to a hemlock, theno south 84 degrees ait 21 perche to a poit, tbenoa nortb S degrees, eait 84 perohel to a poit, tbmee aouth 84 de grees eait 118 percbei te a poit, thence north 8 degree ea-t 20 percb to a whit enk (down),! thonc north 80 degree! weft 1(18 parebei to hem-1 lock ituup, tbenoa south 4V degree weat 440 I perchea to tbe beginning, containing Tf5 aorea and 72 perchea. The other two thereof, survey ed on warrant! ia name of Wm. Brady and John Brady, beginning at a beech corner of Jamei Blaine aurvey, theno north 874 degree weat 187 6-10 perches to while oak, thence South itJi de grees west 243 pereb to dogwood, thence south bi degree woit 247 perchei to an original cor-! ncr, now poit, thence so .tb RSi degree eat 8(14 pcreh to hemlock (dowo), theno north 62) de grees etit 4t3 perches to beech, thence north 8. degree weit 272 perebe to th beginning, containing 1173 aorei and 10 percbei. The abuv four tract being tb asm premiias conveyed to J B. Walteri and otheri by A. W. I'atchinsnd Jackion Patchia, Exeoutori, by deed Ved8l Uecamber, 187.. There bilng aa Irn- leinent on tli Urany traeta etniiatiig or 12 i; e or cleared lana wtib tog uou ana ii ;,V jreon. ALSO, V' o int'i Intereit, being an undivided ina e or leis, or and U the follow inc X Q-land lituate ta Becoarla towmblp by'v beginning at a hemlock, thence north vgreei east stv percnei io incnoesouta degreei eait pcrohe to comer, tbene south 48 degree west 170 perobu to hemlock and plar of beginning, containing 820 aorea and 68 perches, and being tract warranted In the nam of Joilah Haines. ALSO, all tli defendant's Interest, being Ibe undivided one-third, more or leis, of all that oeriain tract of land situate in Becoarla townahip, aforeiaid, be ginning at a post (laid to beorigoal hickory cor ner between James Blaine (upper) aud the Eph- raim Blaine) being on the line between th third and fourth Dlaina turveyi, conn ting from th south end of the batch, tbenoa along land of L, d. Weld and Samuel Hegarty MUtb 10 degrees eait 4.1i perches to poit and stones, theoce north 844 dearees weit 40 perchM to post, thence nortb 88) degrees oast 30 percLei to while thorn, tbsoo north 64 degrwi wait 168 perches to a post, then north 12 degrees weit 1$ 6-10 perobes to old whit oak, north corner of Scbaitiaa Graff urvcy, tbenoa south TO degrees west 38 parobe to a post on bank of Clear Held creek, theno up said creek south 17 degree west 12 perches, south ft desrees weit Si) perches, south V degrees east 28 prches, crossing Clearfield creek to while thorn, tbenoe soma i degrM wen zu peronei to fallen nib, thence along land of Jamee Snyder, Aaron Lvle and Jamea Cree north 10 derreui weat 200 perchea to a poit, thence north 88 degree WMI 10 percoei io lanen nomioeB, inence noriu 10 degreei wait 10ft 6-10 perobei to ash (gone), theno by original Mn between tba third and fourth aurreys of lllain warranti, counting rrom Muth and of batch, aouth 88 degree anst .Ifd per ches to the plac of bee inn in c, containing 6SS acre and 128 perches, mor or lets, excepting and reaerving out of said described premiiM lt0 aorei of tb lurfae of laid land sold and ton-veyt-d to Wm. Mars by dead recorded at Clar- Aotd la Ded Book 13, pages 16, lc. ALSO, all th defendant's lutercit, being th undivided ota-lbird, mor or leis, In a lit lie coal, Iron ore, and ether mineral lo or upon all that certain tract of land lituate In Becoarla townahip, afor aaid, known ai th O.hell property, bounded and deicribcd a follow : BcgiuniBg at a poit, thenee north 24 degree aaat 1 00 perchei to a pout, theno north 8:tj degree west 4ft perches to beech, theno north degrees west H'8 perches to pott, thence south 8.14 degree eait 62 percb to poit, thenc south t aat 80 ft-10 perohel to birch, tbebM nortb 84 degreei weit 106 perchei to post, thenee Muth f ait 67 pcrcbi to post, thence outa 87i degreei st 187 perchM to tbe beginning, eon taming 08 aer and ft.i 6-10 perches. ALSO, all tb defendant's Intereit, being th undivided one-third, or a certain tract ol land situate in tbe laid towmblp of Becoarla, bounded and de scribed a follow: Bagioning at a post, thenee by land of J. W. Uallagher, tb to l lowing eouriei and diitancei: South 8.H degreei eait 18 perchei to a poat, north S degrees weit 20 perches to a post, nortb no degrees cast n percbei te a poat, thenc by landa formerly of Blaine A Co., now Aaron Lyle, Jamea Cre aod W. H. A Co. north 04 degree weit 200 peroheto an aih (gone), an old corner, theno by other land north U3J de grca weit 14 perche to a hemlock, tbeuc by land of Tbomai Billinglon, avutb 8i degrees aaat 128 perch m ta hickory, idown) and thebo partly by tbe last named and partly by land of Ihriitian uooa souin i aegrees east mi perones to tbe place ol beginning, containing 88 acre 1 16 3-10 perches and allowance, more or lars, and be ing tract warranted in ibennmaol .1, make Wal ters. w All tli abov mentioned tract of land ia Bee- carta townihip, being valuable coal properties. They ar underlaid with several workable veins of bituminous coal Bud on th lin of th exten sion of th Belle Gap Railroad, which ia now In process of construction, Tbey ar also covered with large qnantitt oi aemioek and oai timber. ALSO. all of defendant's Intereit, being an undivided on third part, more or leu, In the following de scribed tracti of land lltuat In Burnild town ihip, Clearfield eounty, Pa. i On thereof begin ning at stones, corner of tbt and tract In tb nam ol Martin Mailer, thenc 2t di grees west 2V8 nerrbei to bsmlock (down), thenee sou tli 70 degress eut 77 parcbM to post, thence south 20 degree weat 76 perches to poit, thenee south (by land of Mitchell) 871 degrees east 11.1 perches, thenee by lends of Aaron W. Patcbln north Si dec: reef cast S70 psrcbsi to old hem lank corner, thenc north 8i deerr weit 114 t-srchei lo stones and plac of beginning, containing 870 aers and 70 perches, mor or less, and being tract warren' td In Ih name of Frederlok Kuha, said land covered with hemlock and olhar timber. The otber thereof befinainf at a hemlock, thnc by land formerly of John Hteith eooth H degrees west 87 parches to Bugar mapl, theno south 87) degree ea-t 168 perobes lo mgar, thenc by land ol John M. Riddl nortb 24 degree eaat 87 per oh to a post t theoce nortb 87 4 degr wait 18ft perche to hemlock and place of beginning, con taining v acre and ll percb, mor or lias. ALSO, all of defendant's Interest, being an undivided one-third, more or less, in Ibe following described tract of land situate in Huston towmblp, Clear field oounty, Pa., beginning at a beech corner of warrant Ho. ftfi7, theno south IV percbes ta a post corner ef warrant No. 4266, thenc at 171 perra to post, toene ny warrant no. 4202 norm 196 perrbei to poit, thenc weat 171 ptrohc to tb plac of beginning, containing 106 acres and allowance, mor or lets, and being tract warrant ed in tho name of David Caldwell. Tbe said tract of land having a Isrt quantity of hemlock, hfslnt and lber valuable timber thereon. Seised, taken In iccollon, and to be nld a tb property of J. Blake Waller. ALSO, all that certain piec of land la Becearia towa ship, vlllar of 'Ilea Hop, havlnr tberw a erect ed a small dwelling Boum and en ncr leared, beginning In run, thenc aorta si degree wmi 8uu feet to hemlock, theac south 67 degreei wt 186 feat to poit, thenee south 844 -t 240 feet 1 Arthur lot, thenee south 67 degree weit 10 feet to post at Cooper avenue, thBM wt It de grees weit 140 rettopoit,thnMMiith 67 degreei weat a Mt 10 lnB, thenee MUta M aegreee eaal 78 feet, more r Ims, to Bergen lot, ibeao south 67 degree west IS rods te (ilea Hope and Bald Eagle turnpike, then along same nest 2 rods ta Bear's lin, Ibcbm aertb 9 degree MM 63 rods le old whit oak corner, Copenbarr, thence aouth 41 degree salt 60 rod I lo poit, tbeni Muth 67 degrett wit 1 4 rod and 8 link to beginning, containing ft acrM, mor r lets, and alL ALSO, one otber. Wlnnlnc at a rnr of Wright and Rotnery Math 66 degrM ast 1ft rods u post. tbene Moth 11 degrns east 11 rods t p"l( thtnee rceth ft decree ast ft rods, mor er Im te bank of Clear eld rh, tbaM ap Mid rft about otb 6 dei-ree west SS rods, mor er less, t wbll oak, t basse aorth 8S degr weat 89 reds I ran, lhne north 26 aegrMi it 21 rods ta be(oBin.Mataieiac 81 acres, more it Mi. Bailed, token la oxooailon, aad to b Mid at Iks nrntmrl uf Jeremiah Cooner. 1bub er Bai a Tb irtoe or wm at which tb property shall a struek f muet b pid at lb Dm of sal, or lu-h thr iromnt mad as will be approved, eltierwla to propeMjr will be isamediatelv put op onil eeld osele al the el p.nee aod rials of tba person to w bore It waa struck off. aad who. In aaa. or denatenov ot such ra-eete, shall make eood tbo rami, and In no ioatanee will the Deed ba presented io Coart for oonnro.atioo unless tbe mono, I tetuallf paid to the Bheriff. JAMKnjMAIMFFY, Sonatrr'aOrnco, ( tSls.rlnT. ClearOeld, Pa., Uept. I.JlaSO.) SherilTs Sale. Dy vlrtn of th anneied and foregoing writ of 'iW i'aeimt limed out ef your honorabl Court, and to m directed, I bav levied on and will siposatopuMla iala,atthe Court Houm, in th borough of Clearfield, on Thursday, H .it. tuber 23d, IHM4I, A II t hat certain tract or pio of land lituate in Bradford townihip, Clearfield county, l'a., con taining 206 acrM and 9 parch, tb Mm, mor or leal, nJ oeniliting of two adjoining tracts or pieces of land, ona of which contains 1HH acres and IDS perches, bounded aa follows 1 Beginning at ao nab, an old corner of tract surveyed on warrant granted lo Paul Cox and others; tbenoe extending by th Mid trtet wst 100 parches to a poet tbono aouth 1674 perohM to a poati tbeno st 108 perchea to a ebsitnut ; tbbo by land aold by Wm. Samom to A. Pierce aorth 12 degress weit 180 parohM to plac of beginning, being part of two tracts surveyed on warrants sreaied to John Naabit and tiMrg Bartnam, dated 27 July 1702, about 180 acres elosred, mor or less, having thereon recld a two-story frame hous. larc bank bar and other ouiouiitiing', and a larg appl orchard. Also, ona otber piece containing o? acrM ana 147 oerchei, bexinninc at a ehestnut sorner 1 thenc west 147 rcbi to post ; llienoe IH per obes to a pust : tbenoe east 100 perobes to a post ; tbene north 28 dsgreei salt 100 perches to place of beginning, being part of two tracts surveyed on warrants granted to Jonathan Nesbit and George Bartaain, oatd July 27, 1708, having about 40 acres cleared, with a small frame houi thereon. Seiied . token execution, and to b sold a in property of Mark Kylsr. ALSO, all that certain tract or plc of land sltuaU ia Bradford towmblp, I'laarns.a aouniy, renu a, bounded and described aa follows : Beginning at tbe soutbwMt corner of th aurvey warranted In tba name ot Timotbr Paxton; tbenoe eait 63 percbei to a poit 1 tbenoa along line of land of Jam B. Urabam north 8ft perches to a poit;; theno along tin of Jms B. Urabam wait 6H pi rebel to poit on lin of Francii Weit, and tbno aleng lata tine sou in so perouea te eo ma west corner of Timothy Paxton survey and plaoe of beginning, containing 34 acres and 104 perches j net, bavlog thereon erected a aweinog noun, barn, and other buildlnn. bein nearly all clear ed. Seiie I, taken la execution, and to be sold as th property of Henry Mainss. Tirhi 0 Balb. Th nrlc or mm at which th property ahall be struck off must be paid at 10 time 01 sal, or sum 010 or arraugeui-'Uv- as will be approved, otherwii tb property will be Immediately nut tin and old aaam at th l- penM and rlk of th peraon to whom It wai suuck off, nd who, in case of deficiency at suoh ra-sals, shall make good tb am, and In no instance will the Deed ba Dreaented la Voutt lor confirmation unless the money is actually paid to tho Sheriff. J AMI. a HAUArrai, SHuntrr'a Omca, I Sheriff Clearfiald. Pa.. Aug. 26, UttQ. ( SherifT's Sale. BY virtue of sundry writl of Vn. Ks.t liiued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Clear hold Co.. and lo me di reeled, ther will betxpesed to PUBLIC SALE, at tba Court House, ia the borough of Clearfield, Pa., on Thursday, Uept. tl.ld, Ihmo, At 1 o'clock, P. M-, tb following described real stat, to witt A II defendoot's interest in all tboa certain tracti of land situate in Greenwood townihip, Clearfield countr. Ps., bounded and deicribed ai follows 1 No. L Beginning at a red oak on the west bank of th Susquehanna river 1 thenc north lu degrees weit 220 perches to a chestnut, aod thenc by remainder 01 tract norm o aegreei can o ne rebel to pait 1 tbenoe by Woojiidc land aouth 16 degrees H 210 percnee 10 a wnueoaa eorner 00 tb river i theoce up laid river the Mvaral eounei aad diitancei to th red oak and p ace of beginning, containing 122 acre and 122 perobaa with about u acres cieareu. No. 2. On other tract of land iltuat n Greenwood township, ClearOeld county, Pen n it I -ranta, baglnoing at a whit oak on th river bank ; t lit no np mid river north 0 degreei west lii nercbei to an old wbtte oak (uownl : Ihenoe bv land lat of Wm. Haitell, dee'd, moth 48 de greei eait 86 perches to a stone heap ; thenc souin let dcgrs wmi percnes to ma piaee 01 beginning, containing acrei. No, 8. uoeoiber uactonana iltoate in Green wood township, ClearAeld counlv, Pennsylvania, Wei nn ing at a fallen hickory corner of tracts No. 8662 and 8686 j thenc by land grant ad to Geo. Elder Muth perches to th bank of th rivar 1 tbene dowo said rirar Its Mr era! oourMS and distance! to a fallen black oak aad eorner of fint described piece ; thencealong the same north 14 dearer weit 277 parcoM to coeitnui norm 70 degreei east 87 psrchei to post ; thane south 14 degreei eait 26 perohel to land now owned by Nicholas McCracken ( theno south 62 degrees east HO ptrobM, mor or leu, to poit j ihenoe north 12 degrew weit 40 perches to hemlock; thenc north 21 degreei ait 18 perche to hem lock t uence norta a degree weit, weit 21 nr- abM to hemlock) tbenoe lv4 dgrea wsst 64 percbes to a hemlock 1 theno north 414 degr west o perones 10 m bowiuci j iuddoo norm 1 ne aroe weit .16 perch to a hemlock: thence north 804 dexreM west 7 8-10 perche to a birch oa the orixinal line of laid tract No. 8662: thence by said line south ol degree west ISO perch, more or 1ii, to plac of beginning, containing 2H7 acre and 92 perobes, mor or less, with altout 60 acre clssrei, ana navtng 1 ncr eon rcta hewed lug houM, bank barn, and other out buildinc. Alio, all ef defendant's Interest la one otber tract of land situal In Hell two., CMarfleld Uo. Pa., being part of tract warranted to Glen Daniel, hounded as followi t Beginning at stone corner of land of McCraaken and O. Tuompion t tbenoe by Thomo'on'a land north 631 do trees east 60 per. to post (becoh) : thenee by land of L. L Hoover north 6i de. west 281 percbM to a post (beech) theac bv tract no. wil ouib it atgrvea wu 61 t arc ha to stonei t tbene ay land ol a. mc Crack en aouth degr ast 20ft perch s to stone and plac of beginning, containing nt acre and 42 8-10 parches. Alio, ona otner tract 01 land innate in Bell townihip, ClearAeld oounty, Pa., beginning at maple t thence by land of Henry Beck no. 4289 eait 630 prehs to a Una 1 thence by ftvSS and Vacant land south 320 perches to a hickory ; tbene by V scent land and No. 6916 south 83 de grees west ft4 perches to a poit thonc by No. 6918 and 6919 north 884 perch to pise of be ginning, containing 1100 acres. Alio, one other tract 01 lana lituate in 11011 townihip, CIarAld eounty, Pa., beginning at a poit on line or land Mid to hV L.Miller. Bound ed on the north by tract 6921, on tbeoast by tract 6016, en tb south by tract 8666, and oa that by tract in nam of Cbrlitophsr Kratssr, con taining about luO acrei. SciMd, taken la exeoatioa, aaa to ue 101a ai property of R, 0. Thompson, ALSO, tbe following real citat of defends at lituate la Lumber Ctty borough, ClearAeld county, Pa., be ginning at a white pine stump at eorner of land or R. Young, dee d., tbenoe by land of said Voung esials, aouth 24 degree cast 270 4-10 perch- to a street; I bene by Mid slrtet north 69 degrM wrst lS feet to corner or Ross aad Ferguson lots ; thenc by th nin nortb 81 degrvM eait 180 feet, north 60 degrM weit S40 feet, south SI degrMi west 10 feet to tb aforesaid street, and by It north 19 degrMS west 210 to a 12 foot alley; then re by said alley Berth 81 degrist 180 fact to 12 foot alley i thenc by Mid alley north 31 degrM eaat 180 feet, and north 69 degree weit 270 feet to centre of Spring street ( tbene nortb 31 degree east by elber land lat of said dec u 42 2-It) perches to a poit thenc BOrtb 69 de grees west 6A 4-10 parches to a poit oa John P. title's hoe 1 tbenoe aorta id aegrcM wait i.n perclits to th turnpik tbene by It aorta 29 degrMS eaat 24 perches, tbenee north 2 degreto wail 12 perches, aoilb 12 degrMS eait 20 perchei to G. Bell's line, and thence by tb earn Math 40 degree east 07 7-10 percbM to beginning, oniainiag 1 04 ari, 139 prhM and alio wan m, with about u aorea eiar(t, aaa baring taereon erected m frame boum and log barn and tbr oat- j building. Alio, all that certain tract or land situate la the borough of Lumber City, Clearfield eounty, fa., beiinnln at a poit, tben sooth BV degrees Mt 19 4 It) perches; tbenoe north 69 degrees west 68 4 10 pe-cbes to a post) tbene aoutb iu degree eait 66 ft-10 percbM to a poat and plac of bcglnaiBK, containing about 10 acrM with about i acre cleared and no buildings. Also, all that certain traet of land ta rergueon township, Claarfiald coanty, Pa., bounded and deMnbed aa follows t Oa th ait by land of Me Can ley A Palterion, on th Muth by land of Ma Can ley A Wltberight, oa th weit by leads af Witbvrlgbt and K. 0. Barrett, aad on tba north by lands of R. C. Barrett, Witheright, Fred Kb off and John P. Straw, containing 71 acres, mora r lei, with about 26 acrM cleared, and having thereon rctd a small houM and siahl. Seised, take In execatton, and t be sold ai Ibe property of J. M. Ron, Tana or 8ta. Th prlc ar um at whhb the property ifaall he struck off m nit be paid at th time of aal, or suoh other arrangements made as will b approved, otherwise th property will b immediately put np and sold again at tb eipanM and risk of th penoa to whom II was struck off, aod who, In M of deficiency at snob re eel, ahall make good th Mm, and la no in it a nee will th Deed bo presented la Court for eon Arm a tlon nnlM tb money li actually paid to th Shir iff. JAMBS MAHAFFKY, SakBirr' Orrica, I ShwitT., Pa., Aug. 26, 1880. Thomas A. Duckett, -DKALKR IN THRRKBY glv natlea I tb eiliieoi f Clear field aud the surround in a vlciaity that I am pre pared at all time to fare lib famlli aad manufacturing iiablihmnt altb a superior quality i, Coal. Wood g Coke, Whir I am prepared to deliver la a few Bonn no tie. I am always ready to haul and deliver Irom and to tb depot, or anywhere else, and mora families and bonsehnld goeds anywhere oa short boIIm. TIIOH. A. DCUKKTT. CIarftM, Pa,, Mar. SI, 1880-tf. pi'ttllattfoui. T iT T S 3 if S 11 H &.'!sj, ,,"3-S til -1 H 3 r,i5 E ff!! 1 j W 3 'O 11? M iA o H - m M lift 0 I ! 5m 1 I Vat iSc.SaCC-gC vw 13 - il- a mil 1 1 lsl i - -t c S3 o o Hrsj inn N. E. ARNOLD, WILL PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE 0x1. 1,000 CORDS HEMLOCK BARK. 1,000 CORDS OAK BARK. 1,000 CORDS SHINGLE BOLTS. 1,000,000 ONE MILLION SAWED SHINGLES. 1,000,000 1,000,000 ONE MILLION SHAVED SHINGLES. 1,000,000 No waiting for turn, but unloaded immediately. Highest cash price paid at all times. Liberal advances made on large lots. Go see Arnold before contracting your bark. . N. E. ARNOLD, CURWEIUSVILLE, PA. Mej U, HSO.lf. ' JAMES L. t. . VliJS" -an - wxJ.I.X7jB t7 3rX3E3RTAKEIR, MARKET STREET, ( I.KAHFIEI.D, PENT,'. All kinds of Csakets and Coffins kept on band, and furnished to order on short notice, including tho finost as well as the cheapest that can ba manu facture.. Our oonriBH FiiBssmvxm Is the bnst In use, and will be furnished when required. Funerals attended in any part of the county. Call at my oflice, on Second street, or loave your ordors at Troutman's Farnituro .Store, adjoining tho Postoffice. JAS. L. LKAVY, oct 1,70 Ty.' Clearfield, Pa. gtiv gsflmtlstturntg. ARNOLD WANTS 5,000 Rail Road Ties. Cur wenavlll. Fa, Jan. t, '78-tt IhTOKI-.V TO l.OAN.-Oa Int-clasi lm ill. proved farm property, by th Mutual Life lniurane Company of New York, on Ant mort gage, la turns from $l,0t0 up. For further in formitiua apply to the undrnigned. HI'HXTHAL W. SMITH. Clearfield Pa., May Tin, 1870-tf. gUSQl7KHANNA IIOUSK, CURWENSVILXE, PENN'A. -4rTbii old and wall-eitabliched Hotel haa been leased by tb undersigned, and h feel eon- ldnt of rendering sstlsfaetina to thos who may patron It him. Oond stabling attached. in v, BLUun, rroprieior. April II, '80-tf. Aflt-iIRNF.t-.l KOTICR...TO Whom It May Concern t The undersigned, having been appointed Assign for lb benefit of rdi tore by Jas. b. (Jrabam, of OIarflld borough, all persons, therefore, having claims against him will prewnt them to us for settlement, and those ta det d la th said 'J ran am ar reqalred to tU aad mah paymeat to us. KUWATID A. BK1LKR, AISBDHY W. LKB, Clearfield, Pa., Dec. 84, 1171-tf. AasigaeM. Notice to Borrow Money I Notice Is hereby given that a tppllcatlon will b mad te the Court of Common Plea of Clear field eounty, on Monday, October 4th, 8f0, fr a der autboriiing th So boo I Board of Houl dal boreugh to inn Bonds to tb amount of eeves tbouvand dollar (87,01)0), for th parpose of rctiag a Public School building. W. C. LANUbPOltU, President. FKHO TDOU, 6ortary. Iloutidala, Pa , Sept. I, 1880 4t. TOR TINWAHB, HAHDtfAMB, and HOUSE FURNISHING! GOODS. and nKKDt.Rf, ATTACHMKNTS AND PARTS, and all klnria of Si; WING MACHINES, 110 TO O. B. MKKHEUi, . Agent, efLKARriKLD, PA. (June f, tf. Divorce Notice. Martha D'llaai, , her n.xt frlead Wns. A. 11 never te. I. the Co.rl ef Cues eee. Plees of Clear. Id eoontr, Po. Ne, SI, Mareh Teres. IKS. Janes B. D'flos. Aha. 8ah. 8er.Ulv.ree. Seltee le Jmmtt B. iV'aVn., Aeepawetal Rio i Vow are berebv aolifled la apoeer I. raid C nerl on ar Defer, th. POI'HTll MONDAY (the I7ih) OP BRI'TKMHRR NKXT, aad wh, a diveroe frees the Beads of .trteaoo, she. Id oi .. aeere.. t. toe etmv. eue. JAMKS MAHAPPIV, Sherlf. a.fileeaker let. i0 II SlllSffUaBfois. LEAVY, Stw 2vflwtlsfmfnfii. ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE. Cerwsnsvllle, Pa., Jan. I, 'T lf. BKl'.H FOR RALE. Thlrteea alVM .r Italia. Beea wklet I will sell ek.e. f.r ea.b, er .sobenire for wbeet. Por farther I., furmellon eall e. or the .ndenlrned. J. P. KKAMKR, Noe , 1tlt. Cleerlela, Pa. TEACIIEHH M'ArsTED. The Soeoel Uosi ef Cnvln,teo blitrlet wleb to aas iilo, four School Teerhers fnr tbe eorreot teres. The, will peyfronat2 te $:10 oer oa..tb, Meera. tng lo tbe f Jade of f ertineeie. B, order ef toe lloerd. LKW1S P1CARU, Beeretarj. rreseoviiie, re.,oepi. le, leeu-.i. ADJOURNED RALBTb .ale af tea real eiuu or the tale Besaoel Caldwell, of Pike towmhlfi, Cleerfleld Moot,, Peooa., wbli-b wes advertised to eessa off e. the Hat da, of Ae,est, ), bee heea oJJoemd, aad will b. at Ihe Coart lloaee, ClearAeld, eo Toeedev, September Iffth, ot 1 o'etoek P. M. JUM.1 T. MAUKrlTl, ASseloietrotor. Sept. Stb, islt td C.rwoevlUe, Pa. 1,1 AH M I.ANIM ff)R RAI.B.1. DaeUa X o.dPioetewoihipe,Cl.erSeldeeootj. , 'ioe tewoihipe, ClaerSeld jeeA, e tlmeelveo fernertof nsissewZ p 'rleee t 00 to III.OS pet ere. 1 neeeooaoie umej asooev. Prleee I Hioera's rsierved. L. BIKD, A ceal, PeaSeeS, Pa. r Waixaoa a K...t, B.L H, H7 lf. CUerteld, ADMINIetTRATOR'R NOTICED Notts, is hereh, vn Ibat Leuer ef Adeslala. tr.lie. ae Ihe eaUla ef WM. BK1LKR. esu of Clearl.ld boro.jh, ClMrl.ld Ce, P., dee'd, oevms nee. o.ij graaieo to too 00Mreig.eS, oil nereooe Indebted to sold etute will phraae Bah. imotadiete pevvaeei, aod those h.vta. Uimi ear demaode asaioet too saese, wilt press.t tbeaa properly eutheotloated for aatllesseot wllhaeit 'lelaj. MARIA J. BIOLIR, WM. II. BIULKR, . ... Adsaiolrvrakarfc Clearlslil, P..,8epL I, ! 4u Farm For Sale. Tba subscriber oow hie faM A i. Tbe proper!, la loeeted eoe estle aad o half earth of Clearleld, eeoUioio, KliiUTV ACIIavH, moot of wbieb la eleared aad wader good ealtre. tie., good two-store "L" heuee, larg. freeae bee. end otber aeeessar, ootlaikliDga, together ertta a. arehard of .11 kl.Ja ef (rait. The wool, la ...arleld with . vei. ef good eool. Thia ,ra- erl, will a. eiebeoged forseialear pre perl,. Pe. pemouiere eaii oa toe preoaieei, er bs letur ddreMd W JOHN 0. RIKB, rlepuabr I, 1IIIS-I. Cleerfleld, P.. Pine Timber for Sale I Too anderslgoed offer far Ml ea eur, tarma, Ihrae ood OM b.lf satllle. Sxt W pla. lasshw ea tw. traet f lead I. ...,. Oa with tw. od mo. beef sallMeas, allaele lea Biles fewaa Bl.iloe, B. I. V. B. tL, aad the ether, with eoe bIIIIoo fowl, oevea Milee free 4d sta tie. Uoed snusi ef eater reeaia, leagthwls. eooh treot. Slumpagt 18 fxr rs4istl. Traet elio eeeulo oak add heoeleeb.. Otber aloe eob aod her. look Uiehee la tbe Mtkkerhoed for Ml, ti looatlo. (, aoes.. aaw Bill. tfVRVB GORDON. rieerSeli Pa., Sept. M, ISSS St,