Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 22, 1880, Image 1

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The Urge! t liculntlou ol any Newspaper
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HTauycrs' Cards.
11:1.79 Clenrrielrl, Pa.
AITUKSJSI - A T - u A v ,
I 18 Phlllpeburg;. Centre Co., Pi. y:pd
Uarweniville, Cleartiild county, Pa.
ocl. 1, '78-If.
jriJ-OIIloe In IIjo Opera JIcium. ootll, '78-tf.
January 30, 1878.
Clearfield, Pa.
.Office In the Court House. Jj'l.'"
Ofli ;e In Us.onle building, Second .tract, op.
po.ile Ibe Curt House. Je!,7-lf.
(.'. ARNOLD,
,111 Clearfield Count. Penn'a. 75y
OtT.oe in Optra Mount.
ap li.-ly
(tMn In tba Masonic DnllJinj. over tba
CJunly Nalloual Hank. luiarS4 80.
,irTH.i;i, tr,
r-Wlll attend to all ljl budnne wltb
promptneei and OdelllJ febt l,'
wn.i.aaH A. wiLt.aca. OATtD L. Kama,
u mar r. alLUca Jo w. walOLiT.
(haioeaiore to Wallaea a rieldinf.)
A T T O I! X E Y S - A T - L A AV ,
jnsl'TT CloirUeW, P.
b in Pie'e Opera Houeo.
Juno 20, 7tf.
g L. McUEE,
DuBois, Clearfield County, Penn'a.
n-Will attend promptly to all leel bnilneel
Mitru.tou to Oil oaro. LI1"1,
TB01. B. nt'RRAT.
OTnna oottr.on.
J"Offico In Pie'l Opera Uouee, leoond door.
iuetre . n'mallt. oamikl w. kt'uuftor.
l learUeld. Pa.
jNre-Laal bneineea attended to promptly wlthj
ddelity. Ofllce OB Heoond street, aboee tbe Pint
National Bank. Jan:l:7
A T T O R N E Y - A T - L A W
Real E.tate and Collection Agent,
Will promptly attend to all legal bullneii an.
tru.teit to nie earn.
TT-OfBee in Pie'e Opera Ilooeo. Janl'7o.
All legal bnelne.l entrueted to bli care will re
ecive prompt attention.
jt-4-Offlce In tbe Court lluuie.
i,d Kcnl Batata Afreut, ( leartleld, Pa,
utHee on Tblrd .treat, bet.Cberry A Walnut,
iB4r Re.peetfully oftere bla ferTleee In eellln
and buying land! In Olearfleld and adjoining
eounllol ) and with aa eiperlenee ol orer twenty
y.ara aa a eurveyor, flatter! bimielf that he eaa
render latuiaollon. ireo. i.:e:u,
I'liasldans' Cards.
Office 1b reiidcnoe on Flr.t it.
April 14, 1871. Clearfield, Pa.
yt. W. A. MEANS,
Will attend profeiilonal call! promptly. auglO'70
Office on Market Street, Clearfield, Pa
.Mr Office huuri i 8 to II a. m , and 1 to 8 p. a.
JstT-Oltee adjoining the reildenee ef Jamel
tVrieley, E., on Hccond nt., Clearfield, Pa.
JulySI,'7S tf.
AND PINH mitaain.
OBoe hour Front 11 to 1 P. M.
May 11, 1878.
Lata Surgeea of the 88d, PaaaiyleanU
Volaauere, earing r.lara.d from the Army,
ofleri bli profeaslenal lerelee te okeeltiieoi
of Clearfield eoaaty. .
BeT-Profeiilonel ealll premptly alunded to.
0e ea Saeeld itfeet, fettaeilyeeeup e by
Or. Weed!. LTL?L
Ilea neatly eiecated at tbll otic.
VOL. 51-WH0LE NO. 2,689.
We bave printed a large nninber of tba new
FEE BILL, and will on tba receipt of twenty.
ivm nents. aiail a copy to any eddraaa. nrM
71LLIAM. M. IIENKY, Juktioe
fill V. TnllMtlnni mud and montT prompt It
paid ovtr. Arttols of eVgrMineu. and dwsdt of
ooDfTiio null; lorutad ind marrantrdeor
rcot or do chorpn Itjj'
J nt ice of tht 1'eaet and Sorivtotr,
Curwensvlllfl. P
Collection i
aid over.
hi nd fl mid mooT promptly
(oerr-Rb r. o.)
reft nnLi. Townanir.
May 8, 1878 ly
PKALicn la
Square Timber & Timber Luiidu,
House and Sign Painter and Paper
Clearfield, Pcim'ft.
VfuWI" aaaoute Jobe In bli line promptly and
In a wr manlike manner. rrL
BAKER. Market St.. CUarCeld, Pa.
Fre.h Rre.d, Hu.k, Rollt. Pi" and Cake,
i.--., ... ,n ,...i.r. A ueneral axiurtmeut
of C.mfectionarie., Frulte and Note In etook.
Ioa Cream and Oy.tore in BeLion. onioun no,, j
onpoella the ninu-moe. i nor. .-
Marrb I0-'7S.
Real Estate, Square Timber, Saw Legs,
jrfl-Offloa en Second ilreat, In rear of Itore
n oin of Oeorje Weaver A Cu. I jen, '78 tf.
jrsricE of tub peace
Ortalur Toxrmhip,
Oaoeola Mill! P. O.
II official UtlneF. entraetcd to him lll be
promptly atteiidod to. mob2V, ,.
8bep on Market Pt.. oppoilte Court Hou.e.
A clean towel fyr every euJtomer.
Al. dealur In
lle.t lliauda of Tubal co and ClRara.
ru.old P. "
Wallaretuu. Pa.
MU h.. nrenarcd hiunelf with all the
Decenary furun under tba l'cneii.n and
Buunty la, ae well ae blank Denle, ete. All
,cfL9 matter! entrujloo to o'e earo .m ,v..
prouipl attention. My ' l7"-.
Mmket Htreet, c:iearHMn, l-n.,
mari KlCTOnan art ntALnn in
lliirnm. Bridles, Saddles, Collars, and
jlorse-rurnwhing uootis.
eJ-AII or repairing promptly attended
u. ...' llor.e llriiehcB. Curry
Cumba. Ac. alwaye on band ana tor eaio ai ido
loweil oaab price. (Marcli 1, 18, ,
ay-Pompe alwaye on band and made to order
en abort notice. I'ipei bored on reaeonaoie terme.
All work warranted to ronder eatiefnetlon, and
deilrered if doelred. myll:lypd
fjlvery Ntable.
flllE onderilfcnei bngi leareto itiiorn. the pub
X Ho tht hi ii'now fully prrpaiW to Kcotnmo
dute ft) I la tht wyof furniihiDK lU.lci, )luKRitt
titvidl and liftman, on tht ihortent nutioo and
til rtaaonabla Unni. Kaiidonot on liocmt tutet,
tatwttn Third and Fourth,
artitld, Fab. 4, U74.
TUB undcnlgned, baring Icaied thla eom.
modioua Hotel, la tbe Tillaire of Ulen Hope,
it now prepared to eceomtnodato all who may
oall. My table and bar ibull be inpplied with
tba belt tbe market efl'inli.
OEtlH'IK W. D0TTS, Jr.
Ulen Hope, I'a., Mercb !, 1870 tf.
Aliu.fXttniift manufarlnrarand dtatnr in Rquara
Tinibor and Hawad Lnmbcrolill Hindi,
reorder lolielte-i and all billi promptly
E. A. BIGLER &. CO.,
Dial 1I( III 111
and manufacturer! of
Ain in
Watcheg, (Mocki and Jowclry,
Orolon'l Rom, Mmrkt ftrerl,
I.CAIlFll:lJ, PA.
All kind, of repairing In my line promptly ot-
ended to. Jan. lit. I!7.
Clearfield Nursery.
rpilR underelgned, haring eetabllihed a Nur
X lery on tbe 'Pike, abuut half way between
Clearfield and Curwenarille, te pronaree, to rur
nlih all klnde of FRUIT TREKS, (itandard and
dwarf,) Evergreen!, Skruhbery, Urape Vlnei,
Uiwpeberry, Lawton Blackberry, Strawberry,
and Ka.pberry Vine.. Alio, Siberian Crab Treea,
guinea, and early learlet nnunarn, ao. urueri
prompUy attended to. Addrere,
4. u, v. nniii i,
eepSO 88.y Curwenevllle, I'a.
On Market flt, one door wett of Maniloa Iloaie, '
Oar arrangement! are rf the mort eonnlete
rharaeter lor furni.blng the publle with Fre.h
Meals of all kind, and of the very heat quality.
K'aalio deal IB all kind! of Agricultural Imple
ment!, which we keep on eabibilion for the ben
efit of the nubile. Call aronnd when la town,
and take look at thing., or addre.i ul
' f. at. l A KUOfl at OKU.
Clearfield, Pa., July 14, 187i-tf.
lcarilrld Ititturanrt ffffiiry.
jams Bian. tabnoll L. siobi.b.
Mi t: it it ft mniti.r., .irri,
R.prenattbe folluwlnf and other trlt-elasa Co'i
Commotes. A.ieU.
t i... i.j. a nib.-IT.,"
Lyeoming-oamelualAeaih plans.... ,".
I'bnenll, of Ilsritord, Cone -.. M14.0U Co. of North America 1,481,874
North Uritl.h 4 Mercantile It. 8. Br- 1,781,1(1
Scotll.h Coeamcretal-U. S. Branch.... !,H
Walertewn 78t,8l
Trarelera (Life A Aceldent) 4.WMM
OfiirenB Market SI.,epB. Court House, Clear
l.ld, Ps. Jene 4, ?!.
i Proprietor.
"Garfield's Part in it GrearterThan
That of any Other Living Man."
; A n 1 1 i:t. i)
AliatractuftheCaMeaa Pre
aettted by Hull. Thumaa A.
Ilctidiirka at liiillaiiapolls.
In a Kpuvuh at Marion, Indiana, lust
month, lion. Thomas A. Uundricke
dvt'lared Jamcit A. Uarlicld, tho i(o
puhlican nominco for Prcaident, more
Mioiisiblo lor tho l'rcsiuunti&l t licit
four vcant uo than any other Itviiii
man, and cited tho documents and
parrea where the proof of his axhcrtioiis
ould lo luunu. ine lnaianapone
Jourmil, owned by John C. New.Chuir
nian ot the Indiana Republican Btute
Committee, in hit) issue ol Monday taut,
rctemni; to .Mr. lletiilnck a chprges
contained tho following :
"Thil 1. a t pacific chsrf e of eorruption against
General HarhVld. Aliuming. to begin wilb, that
tbo election ol Uayee wal fraudulent, an a.iump
tiun, whieh ai a lawyer, Mr. Ilendrickl must
knew ii nut only unwarrantable but falae, be ai
serts tbat tJencra) Oarflold bad more to do with
It titan any other man. Proceeding to specify,
Mr. Ilendrlck. assert, that Oenoral UarAeld went
to New Orleans as a partisan, "without tbe au
thority of law," as if any law were necei.ary to
authorise a man to go lo New Orleans, and tbat
while there be took charge of the returns from
We.t Felecisna parish and "in one of the inner
room! 01' Packard's Cuslotn House," manipulated
the returns and prepared effidartts and interroga
tories to make out a cs.e. 1 IAi. could b tub
.laHliorerf (JtHtral Utirjitld would bt ditgraced.
t'nlcis Mr. Uendrickrcaresubstaotlate the charges
he is di.graeed. Ho otTered no proof of the ebarge
in bie Marion speech and has ottered none sines,
lie cannot produce aoy. The charge Is unsup
ported by any evidence worthy of belief.
Jlr. llvndru'ks, on Monday night, at
Indianapolis, took up in detail Mr.
tiitrtield's connection with tho Presi
dential li and, and tho record as pro-
seuted consisting mainly of Garfield's
own sworn testimony, is a more dam
aging and disgtacelul record than wo
wish to see against any man wno
should bo placed in the Chair honored
by aslnnglon. Mr. iicnuricus eatu :
II 1 don t this evening substantiate
every material emirgo i win as no
manlo vote agnmst Juniea A. vjurnciu..
Applause. Every single charge, tho
substance of every cbargo, I will make
good to tho intelligent-it of this great
audience to ninlit. and vou Bball bo the
jury, and il I do, then tho Journal has
saiu in anvanco mat tiarneiu is uis
graced. Applause. What did I say,
gentlemen f 1 said that Uarlifltl went
to New Orleans immediately alter tho
election four ycam ago; that ho par
ticipated in manipulating the evideneo
and preparing tho caso lor tho Return
ing Board, and that upun theovidenco
which bo und others tuus preparcu uto
Returning Board made a return aguinst
tho men that wcro elected for the nun
that were not elected that is lite
MONY. Hoforo a Committeo of Congress,
Mr. Carlield leatillcd;
(. Did you visit Now Orleans in
the month of Novomber, 1870 1 A. 1
Q. What time in tho month did yoo
go ? A. I think it was tho 14th day
of November that wo arrived at Now
Tho 14th day of November was im
mediately aftor tho Presidential cleo-
lion of 187U, and in his testimony he
sars that tbey leftNow Orleans to ro-
turn to YVBBnington ny on me ist,
day of Dccombor. Bo you will observe
,, r A '...-...!. I .na . V.,u.
mat, .mutes uaiuviu nun no iwv
Orleans, reaching thero about a week
alter tbo Presidential election, and
sflavine their eighteen days. What
did ho do while there? I charge, and
the Journal sayB if it is supported, ho
is a disgraced man : 1 chttrgo that he
occupied an inner room of the Custom
House, assigned lo mm, arm mm aione,
and in that room be saw witnesses,
black and whito, of Louisiana, and ho
conversed with thorn alone, and when
their testimony was not made out
satisfactorily to him, ho suggested in
terrogatories that should bo put to
them, and these interrogatories went
to tho Keturning Hoard, and that no
turning Board made a report against
the men that wero elected. That is
what J chargo. 1 say to you 1 will
make it plain lo you to night by bis
own evidence. What does the Journal
say to mo? That I havo lumishod no
respectable ovidonco, when I have re
ferred by pago and document to the
sworn testimony of Garfield bimsell.
What did ho do? First, gentlemen, 1
said that they distributed parishes
among these visiting statesmen, and
that in tho distribution of parishes for
investigation and manipulation, tho
parish ot West Feliciana loll to James
A. uarlleia. t will react wnat ne swore
to, and altor to night it shall not bo
beforotho intelligence of Indiana what
Hendricks said, bnt tho question shall
ho what Garfield said. Applause.
In his answer to a question, bo sivts :
Thereupon, in order to mako our
work of examination and our knowl
edge of tho caso as full as possible, tho
suggestion was adopted that all the
testimony relating to one parish bo
given to ono man. Among tho parishes
that wcro contested wore the two
parishes of Foliciana, and I bolievo
Mr. Sherman assigned these parishes
to Mr. J'arkor and myself, saying that
wo could divido them between os as
wo choso. I suggested to Mr. Parker
to tako bis choice Ho took East
Feliciana; 1 took Wost Feliciana.
q What did you tako it for?
I will givo tho answer of that prog.
nant question, and whon it is answered
tho Journal says that tbo man tho Ho
publicans havo upon their banner for
candidate is s disgraced man. Ap
A. 1 I
mean by that to say tbat I took
the copioa of all tho ollleial papers
which wero delivcrod to llio Return
ing Hoard touching tho election in
West Feliciana and for convcnicnco of
cxaming tbeso papers, as 1 did not re
side nt IhoSt. Charles hotel, I occupied
a room in tho Custom House in the
corner of the building. Laughter.
I don't know now whoso room it
was ; It was a room not very much
used; I think it was otic of tho private
offices, perhaps of tho Collector him
self. You recollect who was tho Collector,
don't yon ? It was Packard that was
running for Govornor and tbat could
ho not bold his oluco although ho got a
thousand more votos than 11 ay on, who
got tho voto of Louisiana. Applauso.
Gontlomon, what do you say to tho
proposition which I made in my spcoch
a month ago, that Garfield wool lo
New Orloans at a partisan ; tbat be bo
occupied ono of therooms of the Custom
liouso tor tho purpose or making up
i no evidence lor tho ilolarning Hoard :
When wis this room In the Custom
House ? I said this was an Inner room.
and propose to provo that by Garfield
Q. Whore did you convorso with
her, that is a negro woman, Amy
Mitchell? A. In a privato office in
tho Custom Houso.
Q. Ono of Govornor Kellogg's
rooms? A. No, sir; in ono of Mr.
Packard's rooms in tho Custom Houso.
(j. Who was there besides you two?
A. I don't think thero was anybody
olso present whon she was thoro.
y Who Drought nor to tne room r
A I can't say; somebody brought
her there. I think sho bad a little
child iu bcr arms. Sho sat down and
1 nskod her to tell mo tho story of her
husband's death, with all tho particu
lars, and I told hor that all I wanted
to know was the exact truth about it.
Q. Was thero a doorkoopor to the
room? A. I think thero was nobody
by at all. .
tj. Hilt was iiiereauooiKooperotii-
side tbo door? A. Tbat 1 don't
Q. Do you romombor that there
was a doorkeeper lor that room ? A.
Tbat door communicatod witn another
room ; there was no door into tne nan ;
1 think that door communicated with
tbo next room, which communicated
with tho hall.
Was it an inner room or not, gen
tlemen ? This is what Garfield swears
to. Tho Journal says it is not truo.
That is between Garfield and tho
Journal, and between tbom 1 would
not know which to bolievo. Applatiso.J
Q. So she did not go ti'om a nail
nlo that other room beioro sho would
got into tho room whoro you wore ?
A. 108 ; 1 taHo It that tne question
of the inner room is a settled question.
Q. Was that door leading lrom tbo
outer door into this open or shut ?
A. 1 don t know.
(J. Who occupied tho outer room
at the time? A. Thero wero sovoral
Custom Houso clerks who bad desks
behind a sort of railing.
O. In that inner room was tnoio
anybody beside yourself? A. No
body, aomo ol tho other men wno
wero feotting up BtatomcntB about
other purishes cumo iu there, but tho
room was assigned to me. Applauso
So tho question is, what did he do
in the inner room? and that question
was asked him under oath.
O. What did vou do ? A. I look
all those papors, commencing with the
protest, and read tnotn careiuny anu
mado a careful briof of their contonts,
giving tho summary of each witness
n my own way, as l wouiu n i wore
a lnwyor in tho caso. Applauso.
Thero is uarlicld at iot Drloans
the man that asks to prosido in tho
chief office of this great Nation. Thoro
liartield silting in that inner room
in the Custom House, where tho light
of day was cut oft", and rocoiving tho ovi
denco that turned tho Parish of West
Foliciana and examining them as
though bo wore a lawyer in tho caso,
and so ho swears:
When 1 had completed that 1 felt a
great deal ot anxiety to soe tbo men
who bad tcBliHool tt l cnnln
It was not enough to read tho ovl-
dence as it bad been fixod up for tho
negroes and tho whites, but It was
more than that.
"1 confess 1 felt a good deal of sur
prise and astonishmont at the revela
tions contained in thoso documents.
That I wont thero wilb no little ap
prehension that thero muBt bo a good
deal of lying in tho papors of both
Bides connocted with tho election. 1
made inquiry and found that a con
siderable number of tbe witnesses
whoso testimony 1 bad examinod, and
inquired for them and procured inter
views with them. I eat down with
them and asked tbom to tell mo in
their own way tbe atorics ol their re
lation lo the election. 1 cannot name
all the witnesses with whom 1 con
versed, but somo of tbom 1 remember
distinctly. Mrs. Amy Mitchell, (I shall
have something to say about hor di
rectly), tbo young woman whoso hus
band bad been killed during tho regis
try or election. 1 also remember Judgo
Duall, a Parish Judge, whom I exam
ined in the samo wit as lo tbo result
of tho examination. It was a conver
sation of my own with these witnesses.
I draughted somo interrogatories to
draw out more fully from somo of tho
witnossea tho testimony which they
had given ralhor in brief and some of
tho intorrogntorics which subsequently
wcro appended to the testimony ol
theso witnesses."
Now, notice what ho has sworn to :
That ho occupied that room, und that
when tho testimony was all handed to
him relating to tbo parish of West Feli
ciana, ho examined it and tho testi
mony, and ho mado nut a list of ono
half or two thirds of tho witnesses, and
bo sont for them ono by ono. Ho ex
amined them, snd when their testimony
was not as full as ho desirod, ho pro
pared additional interrogatories, which
went, In some cases nt least, beioro tho
Returning Board. A little further about
what ho did :
Q Some or these affidavit I notice
in tbo West Feliciana caso were mado
after you arrived in Now Orleans,
Did you have anything to db with
them yourself in taking thorn ? A
N othuig, oxccpl that in somo tnstancos,
as 1 havo related, I proparod Interro
gatories. '
Now, gentlcmon, he mentions as tho
moat romarkablo case in which he pre
pared luo questions lor the witnesses,
tho caso of Amy Mitchell, so I will
reafl what Garfield swore to in regard
to that case.
Q As regards the caso of Amy
Mitchell, which made an impression on
yon, can you toll whothcr it was before
or after you wore furnished with
copy of hor affidavit that you had this
conversation witn her J A. it was
afterward. It was tho reading of tho
alltdavit that improssod mo, and
asked to have hor sent to mo.
O 1 soe that tho affidavit appears
to havo been sworn to the rfUth ot .No
vombor 1 A. I advised them to tako
a fullor slatomont by intorrogatorioe
lrom Amy Mitcholl, and 1 thtnx 1 pro
pounded a portion of tho interroga
tories. Tho preliminary statement,
tho simple affidavit, was carlior.
Now, genllomon, I will turn over a
page and boo what tho caso of Amy
Mitchell was. (Turning tbo leaves of
a book.) huo first made an affidavit
in tbo Custom House whoro sho was
examined privately by James A. Gar-
Held. That affidavit was not lull
enough. Ho prepared additional in
terrogatories lo be propounded lo her
and she answered thoso interrogatories,
and in her testimony beforo the samo
committeo sho afterward hmrlf mort
that there vat no truth in the statement
given in response to UarMd't interroga
lories. In answer to qtiostion pro
pounded bv Govornor Cox. of Oliio.
who is a Republican, Amy Mitchell
said she repealed nor direct tosll
mony that every statement contained
in llio anidavit was false ; mat she did
not say anything because she know it,
but said what they told hr to say. Hot
testimony also showed that sho had
bcon trained in the Custom Houso to
testify beforo tho committeo. I don't
say that Garfield was present when
she swore to tbo answers to tho inter
rogatories, but ho prepared tho inter
rogatories alter ho had an interview
with that colored woman, when thoro
was no person besides themselves pres
ent; and tho samo woman comes beforo
the committee of Congress, not in an
inner room, not when the light of God's
day is shut off, but sho cornea beforo
tho committeo of Democrats and Re
publicans, and in that testimony, given
under oath and under the test of a
cross examination by the Republican
members of tho eommitloe, she says
there was not a word of truth in the testi
mony which shfqant in answer to Gar-
field's questions. f ArplauB0. . ,
me noxt purpose, gentlemen, 1 novo
in my mind is to ask why did General
Garfield spend eighteen days in tho
inner room of tho Custom Houso ?
Why did ho have privato interviews
with the colored and white peoplo
whoso testimony was to bo taken to bo
usod before the Returning Board ? and
why did ho prepare intorrogatorios for
tho witnesses ? I will answer in his
own words:
(J. Hut didn't you understand that
in the cases where you suggested that
interrogatories should bo prepared in
stead of ovidence, they wero to go be
ioro tno Iteturning Hoard ' A. lcs,
sir. .
I wish to connoct directly this trans.
action with tbo duies of the man who
tukes the solemn oath to deal fuirly. it
was his duty as a member ot tho com
mission to deal fairly.
Jlio next question is, what cid Gar
field know in regard to Losisiana.
That wo find on pago SO.'). I say ho
know Louisiana was Doinoeralin by
8,000 majority whon he sat in that
inner room and had private conversa
tions with tho witnesses and prepared
interrogatories lo guide and control
their testimony, when ho was at that
work, and whon ho was writing a
brief to mako it appear tbe other way,
ho know that Louisiana had cast a
Domocratio majority of 8,000, and hero
is his sworn testimony on that subject :
Q. Did you get any idea how tho
vote of Louisiana stood lrom tbo face
of the returns ? A. I had all those
ideas that could bo got from tho news
papers and the leaders of tho different
parties. V o had hail, of course, very
full information of that sort.
Q. Presuming that thoro wero not
somo parishes to be thrown out by tho
Koturning isoard, it was very cloar
that tho Slate had gone forNicholla
and Tildon, was it not? A. it was
very woll understood by tho timo I
got thore, and, indeed, beforo I got
thero, that if nothing but the face of
the returns was to be considered, and
if every voto sent up was to be treated
as a legal vote, Mr. Tildon was ahead.
y. And if ovcry voto sont up was a
tcKl TOIO, anU HOtllo .iiv. llftrublicnu
votos woro not found, it was very clear
that tho htato had gone tor Piicholls
and Tildon? A. Yes.
Thoro is your man, Republicans, that
you nroposo to placo in tho chair that
W oshington occupied. I A voice, "No,
nevor." It will novor bo done. No
man with a rocord like that did over
tako that chair, and in tho kind provl
denco of on eternal God it will novor
occur. He know by the returns tbat
Tildon, for President, and Nicholls, for
Govornor, wore oloctod in tho elate ot
Louisiana, and yet when ho know that,
he says whon ho got to Now Orleans
ho staid there eighteen days, and all
that ho did was to sit in that inner
room whore nobody could find him ex
cept they passed from tho public hall
through another room, and thore
alono with poor ignorant witnesses, ho
prepared interratorios and talked with
them, and that those intorrogatoriosand
tliat talk went tothc Board andlurnish
od scoundrels the of that board pretexts
to return against the truth that Tildon
was boa'.cn in Louisiana. Could you
suppose that this man was to rolurn
to Washington and becomo a juror
and docido whether Tildcn or 11 uvea
was oloctcd, and to decide between
man and man whether llondricks or
Wheeler was olected Vice President ?
Tbo Journal says : "If this can bo
substantiated, then Garfield would bo
disgraced." Laughter. How stands
ho now 7 How between you and me
between our intelligence and your
conscience and minds? Ayo, moro
than that. How is it between you
and yourselves? Is ho disgraood?
"Unless Mr. Hendricks ran substanti
ate the cbargo bo is disgraced." I
havo accepted tho issuo without fear ;
and 1 stand hero in tho presonco of my
neighbors ; uproarious applauso which
lasted several ninutos 1 thank God
and your intelligence, I am not dis
graced. AppUuso Mr. Homlricks
offered no proof of the charges in the
Marion speech, and has nono sinco be
cannot produce any. The chargo is
unsupported by any ovidonco worthy
of belief," and the eridenco is Garfield
himself. Applause That is harder
on Garfield than atiHhing I evor said.
A voico, "That's ; givo it to 'em
Tom." j !
MISSION. Now, gentlemen, this man that thus
came and conducted himself at the city
of N ow Orloans, and holpod to prepare
the caso, and helpci to got a false re
turn from a false and perjured return
ing board camo on U Washington, and
then what do you tkink he did whon
thero was a bill proposed in Congress
tho bill that did finally pass to ap
point a commission composed of five
mombors of llio house and five mem-
bors of the senate and five mombors of
the supremo court to hold a conference
upon Ibis great itsue? Whon that
bill was pending Garfield got up and
said, no, it must not bo ; and horo are
tho reasons ho gave :
"It assumes tho right of Congross to
go down into the coliegos and inquire
into all tbo acta and tacts connected
with their work. It assumes thejight
of Congress to gojdown into tho States
to review tno act ol every oliicor, to
opon every ballot box, and to examine
overy ballot cast by 7,000,000 ol
Americans, i uat was iiarncia s oo
ioct to tbe bill that if it did pass and
that those liitcon mon appointed unuer
the law, it would ho thoir duly to go
back ol all technicalities and returns,
and to pass npon the real fact of the
caso. to co into the ical ballot box and
soo how the votes wcro, and to decide
tho case npnn tho real truth. And
after that when the bill passed, and ho
became one of tho filtoon, be voted
every lime that tbey should not opon
tho door to Invostigato, bnt that the
law closed the door, and said that
Kellorif's certiflcate'and the certificate
of the Returning Board was stronger
than law and tho Constitution and the
judgment of Congress. And his voto
was tho eighth voto against seven
that decided that they should not go
behind the Returning Board. Ap
plauso. Mr. Julian said, "whon ho stood in
tho Houso it was Garfield speaking,
but when he was upon tho commission
it was the party domanding powor,
monoy and olllco." Applause. Let
me read you this oath ho took. I tuke
it from Mr. Julian's speech : "I, Jas.
A. GarGold, do solemnly swear that I
will Impartially examine and consider
all questions submittod to the Commis
sion of which 1 am a member, and a
truo judgment rentier thereon agroea
blo to tbo Constitution and laws, so
help me God." Applause and laugh
ter. I don't protond to be any thing
but a wicked lawor that's all; but
thure is not wealth oiioegh in the
Houso or in tbe Senate of the United
States ; to say : 11 you pass this law
I hold that It opens the door to inves
tigation, and we can go down to Now
Orloans and ascortuin how tho vote
was in fact, and thon after 1 got npon
tbe Commission to turn around and
say that the Roturning Board and its
finding is conclusive upon us, and we
cannot investigate at all. 1 would not
do it tor a thousand years of tenure in
tho great office for which ho is a candi
date. Applauso.
Tho Catholic Ilevieio prints tho fol
lowing "Railroad guide for travelers
on their way to heaven :"
1. Ho roturn tickets or excursion
2. Infants in tbo arms of thoir Holy
Mother, the Catholic Church, free.
3. No deadheads or half faros al
4. Travelers aro particularly re
quested to bring nothing with them
but good works, otherwise they may
miss tho train or incur serious trouble
on tho frontier.
5. Clergy as well as others carrying
money run groat risks no insurance
taken on such luggage.
u. Passengers received at all points
on this route.
7. No runners, gamblers, drunkards,
or thioves, or scalp tickets pormiltcd.
H. T ravelers should bewaro ot coun
terfeit tickets issuod by unauthorized
agents, and also tho pickpockets, pride
and boasting.
v. liaggago should no examined lrom
timo to time for fear of rust or moth.
10. Parents are requested to kocp
an eye on thoir children, as they may
be spirited away ry bad penpio and
fallen angels; they aro also requested
not lo expose t licit children to dangers
on tho plallorm.
11. Young people should avoid the
dangerous custom of looking out of
tho windows and admiring the scon
ery, as dust and poison aro in the air.
11. ISO lav-over lic-KelB issued, aick-
ots non-transferrablo.
13. For further information apply
at the head ofhee, and be it fully un
derstood that faith, and when possiblo
irood works, aro nocessary accomplish
menu lor all those who desire to travel
this wav. -
To all of which tho Christian at Work
adds this commont :
"In order to accommodate all, several
special trains will run, known as the
Baptist train, Mothodist, Presbyterian
Episcopal, Lnthornn, Reformed Dutch,
and other trains; tho passport of faith
good on all ; on tho Baptist train part
ot tho trip is by water, but tba desti
nation and conditions of travol aro tbo
Tho family had only lately moved
in tbe neighborhood. A day or two
aftor their arrival tbe bead of tho
family wont to a grocer in tho neigh
borhood and asked the price of a can
ot contlonBod milk.
"Fifteen cents," said the proprietor.
"filtoon devils I exclaimed the cus
tomer.. "Why, man alive, I don't want
to buy a doson cans, but only ono.
What do you ask for halt a can, whole
sale figures!
"Never sell half a can."
"I rockon you never soil anything if
you mark your goods up that way.
supposo 1 tnko a whole can, will yon
como down to a uimor
"Fifteen cents is tho usual price."
"That may bo with tho unreliable
transient customers, but 1 am an old of Galveston, and the store tbat
catches my pcrmanont trado will have
to be enlarged within six months. Suy
a dime, and throw in a pound or so of
soda cruckcrs, and it's a whack."
"Do yon buy a good deal in tho
course of a year ?" asked tho proprie
tor, with a sneer.
"Do I buy a good deal ? I should
soy 1 did. Why, it won't lie moro
than two months before I'll havo to
got another box of matches. Tho box
I am using from now is more than half
gone, and 1 only got it last rebrunry,
too. Say a dimo for tho condensed
milk, and one of them etalo water
melons thrown in as a sorter of an in
ducement, and you can put theso two
nickels in your burglar-proof sate."
" fifteen cents is the lowest price."
"I wish you could see my blacking
brush. It can't hold out over Christ
mas, and tbon I'm bound to negotiate
lor a new ono. Throw ono box ot
blacking in with the condonscd milk
and it's a transaction."
"1 won t do it."
"All right I You won' do It. I'll
just kocp my eye on you. I'll bet
your stock is Insured lor twico wbat
it s worth, and you are going to havo
re pretty soon. Yt hen a merchant
don't care to build tip his trado he is
Xing to fail or swindle somebody
somehow. Good morning, sir." fi'dl.
veston Ainrs.
What a Noted Liar I Secretary
John Sherman, in a speech to a Gar-
tiold Ulub at Washington tho other
ovening, among other lies, said : "Not
a singlo Kepubliran waa to be found
in tho (Jonlodorate Army." Vi ell, ricotc,
as the cuto Yankoo would put it, how
will the casluor ol the Treasury as
sign Longslreot, Key, Mosby, Acker
man, oto., who for years woro gray
uniforms, and ever since tbe war cloi
ed have roceivod tho same bounties
that "tho boys in bluo" recoived.
Somebody, many voaro ago said : "Ye
hypocrites, bow can ye escape tne
damnation of bell." There) is just
whoro thoso hypocritical tiarflelders
will land, notwithstanding tho fact that
such men as Jlceeuer x Co. have been
trying to cover up that hot placo.
Is ui A Good Judoi? Colonol For
ney says: "Full information enables
mo to speak by the book whon I as
sert that thero was not a Republican
leader, of any nots, that did not admit,
on reflection, that Garflold's selection
waa a blunder." This is a revelation
mado by Colonol Forney, a Republican
leader at Chicago, dovotod to tirant
and who conversed freely with all the
load ire members of the Convention
Tbo Colonol's judgmont of public men
at this period can be relied on.
FECTIONS. The enooring illustrations of the ul.
Ira Republican press to tbo "timo serv
ers and placo seekers," as it calls thoso
gontlomon in tbo party ranks who
nvo hod tho hardihood to dosort a
candidato because his record disquali
lies him for the highest office in the
people's gift, aro best answered if,
indeod, thoy are worthy of reply by
tho namos of the gentlcmon them
selves. With groat caroand painstak
ing there has bcon prepared a list of
somo of those moro prominent mem
bers ot tbo Kepubhoau party who navo
thus far placed themselves on rocord
for W infield S. Hancock and his worthy
associate on tho Presidential ticket,
William 11. English. Tho names aro
givon bolow:
Leonard W. Joromo, ol JNow lora
Horalio King, of New 1 oik city.
Gonoral Patrick XL. Jonos, of New
York city.
Gen. Buttorfiold, of Now York city.
Hon. Eli Thayer, of Massachusetts.
Hon. Charles Francis Adams, of
Ex-Governor Andrew G. Ctirlin, of
W. It. JJinsmoro, President ol the
Adams Express Company.
Jobn iloey, superintendent ol tne
Adams Express Company.
Hon. John T. porney, editor ol
the Philadelphia Progress.
l-.dward Junior, editor ol lue ixow
llavon Palladium, a recent staunch
Republican organ.
Hilton Kowan Uolpor, author ol
"The Impending Crisis."
lion. o. Vt . Moulton, recently a
Republican member of Congress from
Judge Mocser, County Judgo, of
Sholbyvillo, Illinois.
Mr. A. Bead, Chairman ot tho lie-
publican Central Committee ol Sulli
van county, Now York.
lion, lioorgo If. Wcndlmg, ol hi.
Louis, a leading Republican and ex
member of Congress, will take tho
stump for Hancock and English. He
will bo remembered as tho gentleman
who replied effectively to Colonol In-
gorsoll's lecturo on "Hell."
Uolonol John A. v impy, horotoioro
prominent Republican of Georgia.
lie will vote and work for Hancock.
Hon. Lewis Loveless, of Piko coun
ty, Indiana, an able lawyer and a fine
rotor Wilson, a leading luwyer ol
Streater, Illinois, an active Republican
unld Garfield's nomination Mr. Wil
son has nevor hold office, and has no
predilections in that direction.
Ueneral n. w. isarbor, or Micuigun.
Gonoral Barber auccoeded Genoral
Terrell as Third Assistant Postmaster
General at tho instance of his staunch
friend, the late .aohariab Chandler.
Colonol George W illiamson, late
United States Minister to Central
America. Mr. Williamson is a repre
sentative Southorn man of wealth and
influonce, residing in Now Orleans.
Daniol R. Goodloo, of Washington,
a Ropublicnn of tho old school, and a
Southern abolitionist for thirty years,
and at ono time, an Emancipation
Commissioner undor Lincoln.
General Pearson, of Pittsburg, Fa.,
wboso recent declaration for Hancock
caused so much dismay to Republicans
in Wostorn Pennsylvania.
Henry B. Hayes, the wealthy Re
publican coal oiiorator, of Alloghcny
county, Pa. Mr. Hayes did brilliant
sorvice as Colonel ot a regiment during
the war ; was Socrotary of Logation
to Denmark ; is now a leader and a
guido in matters political, and exorcises
and influences ovor thousands of votors
in tho bituminous coal regions.
Messrs. Bullock, the millionaire
manufacturers of Pennsylvania, Dar
ing the war tho firm beating this name
fitted out aoveral wholo Kogimonts of
Union soldiors. Tbe present mombors
of the house have always been Repub
licans. Don. Henry W. Harrington, the
Grooback candidato for Governor of
Indiana in 1876, whon ho was indorsed
by many Republicans.
Eugene li. Travis, ol W eslcbestor,
Now York. Mr. Travis was in 1870,
the Republican candidato for Surro
gate of his county.
John lirovor, Ubanberry, iow jer
sey, an influential citiccn. Jlo lias a
bandsorao Hancock banner in iront oi
his residence.
Ex Senator Thompson, of Indianap
olis, a personal and political friond of
the late Ulivor r. Morten.
Colonel D. W. Magraw, of the old
Ono Hundred and Sixteenth Pennsyl
vania Volunteers. 11 0 has boon a
life long Republican.
John 1. Long, OL Louis, ono oi uio
most prominently rantmon ol the nest,
W. A. uuthrio, xavoltcviiio, iNorm
Carolina, prominent in state pontics.
lion. K. It. ocldomriogo, oi icrro
Haute, Indiana. Mr. italdomridgo is
attorney for the Indianapolis and St.
Louis Kailroad. and Has noon in me
Legislature sovoral times as a Kepub
A. B. Falsontbal, of Terre Haute,
Indiana, who was Socrotary of the
Repabhcn County Committee in 187b
William Maiwey. ono ot iTiiiaooi-
rthia'a millinnairna. and the lirilicipal
owner ol tho rniiadoipiiia ana a nan
tie Citv railroad, a prominent lioimD-
lican politician and a member of the
Union League.
George W. V inton, of Moline, Illi
nois, who in 1876 came within an ace
of being tho Republican candidato for
Lieutenant Uovernor,
John J. iiedrkk, a prominent Re
publican ot Omaha, Nobraska, who
says, "l bcliove as uou is my judge
change of party administration will be
for the good ol the greatest number.
Hundreds ot olhor namos could be
added to this list, but wo have not the
space to give thorn at present.
A woman at Carson, Nevada, is said
to have undertaken to refrain from
spooking for forty duye. Tho report
runs as lollows : -sue ocgan ai nine in
tho morning, and at 101 hor pulse was
leeblo lrom exhaustion that tho
.. if . .. ......
physicians feared she would die by
noon. ,At II her heait beat but twenty-six
a minute, and hor respirations
woro hardly noticeable Hor frionds
now nrged hor to discontinue hor terri
bio task, and told bor some gossip
about a neighbor. On hearing it she
immediately rnsbed from the house,
and going across the street, mot a lauy
friond and talked to C) last night, and
is now rally restored.
ThiLotalGcirili.a. An exchange
says: "lionerol siosny, united nioioi
Consul, was charged July 30tb, with
committing an assault with a spear on
an American scamon. After boaring
the evidence, the Magistrate cautioned
Moaby and dismissed tho summons.
Some one asked a lad how It was
that ho was so short for his age. He
replied, "Father keeps mo so busy I
am t time to grow."
TEEMS-$2 per annua In Advance,
NEW SEllIES-VOL 21, NO. 37.
Probably the moanosl trick that was
evor played on a white man, was play-
od lust week in this city, and tho fact
that there Is no vigilanco committee
hero Ib tho only reason the perpetrators
of llio trick aro alive. A business man
had just purchased a now dtitf h-it, and
ho went into a saloon with hall' a
friends to fit tho hut on his bead.
Thoy all took beer, and passed around
tho hat so all could see it. uneoi tno
meanest mon that evor bold a country
olllco wont to the bar tender, and had
a thin slico of limbtirg cheese cut off,
and whon tho party wore looking at
tho frescoed colling through boor glass
es, this wicked person slipped tho
choose under the sweat leather of the
hat, and tho man put it on and walkod
out. The man who owned the bat is
ono ol your nervous peoplo, who is sl
ays complaining ot being sick, and
who foils as though somo dreadful dis-
oaso was going to take possession of
him and carry bim off. Ho went back
to bis placo of business, took off bis bat
and laid it on tho tablo and proceeded
to answor somo letters. Ho thought
he detected a smell, and when his part
ner asked him if bo did. A clerk said
it was evident somebody's foot needed
washing. Tbo man turned pale, and
said ho guessed ho would go homo.
llo met a man on tho sidewalk who
said tho air was full of miasma, and in
tbe street car the man who sat noxt
to him moved away to tho other end
ol the car, and asked him if ho had jost
come from Chicago. The man with
tbo bat said not; wbon tho stranger
said they wore having a good deal of
small pox thore, and be guessed ne
would got out and walk, and he pulled
the bell and jumped off. The cold
perspiration broke out on the torchead
ol the man with tho now hat, and he
took it oil to wipo his forehead, and the
whole piece ol chocso soe mod to roll
over and hicatbe, and tho man got the
full benefit of itand camo near fainting
away, lie got homo, and bis wife met
him and asked what was tho matter. He
said be believed mortification bad sot in,
and she took ono whiff as bo took off his
hat, and said sho should think it had.
" Wherodid you got into it ?" said sho
"Got into what?" said tho man, "I
have not got into anything, but pome
deadly disease has got hold of mo,'
disease that emcllcd iiko that had got
hold of him, and was going to be
chronic, ho tell that he would be a
burden to himsell it ho lived vory long,
Sho got his clothes off, soaked his feet
n mustard water, and ho slept, T he
hat was lying on the center table, and
tho children wonld oomo in and got a
smell ol it, and look at each other with
reproaehlul glances, and go out and
play. Tbo man slept and dreamed
that a small-pox flag was hung in front
of his houso, and that he was riding in
butcber wagon to the pest houso.
Tho wifo sent tor a doctor, and when
tho man of pills arrived, she told him
all about the caso. The doctor picked
up tbe patient's hat, tried it on and
got a enitf. Ho said tho hat was
pickod beioro it was ripe. Tbon tbo
doctor and wifo held a post mortem
examination of tho hat, and found tho
limburgcr. Fow und short wore tho
prayers they said. Thoy woko the
patient to prepare his mind lor tho
revelation that was about to bo made.
Tho doctor asked him if his worldly
affairs were in a satisfactory condition.
llo gasped and said that they wero.
The doctor asked him if he had made
his will. He said that he had not, but
that bo wanted a lawyer sont at onco.
Tbo doctor asked him if ho felt as
though bo was ready to shuffle off.
The man said he bad always tried to
lead a different lilo, and bad tried to
do as ho would bo done by, but tbat
be might bave mado a misdeal In some
way and be would like to bave a nun
inter sent for to take an account of
Thon the doctor brought to the bed
side tho hat, opened up the sweat
leather und showed tho dying man
wbat it was that smolled so, and told
him ho was as well as any man. Tbe
patient pinched himself to seo if bo
was alive, and jumped out of bed and
called for his revolver, and tho doctor
couldn t keep up with him on tbe way
to town. Tbo last we saw of the odor
iferous, ho was trying to bribe
the bartender to tell him which one of
those pelicans it was tbat put that
slico of cheese in his bat lining.
Peek's Sun.
OF 1876.
Tho leading Republican organs in
Indiana bave dropped the issues of the
campaign and concentrated their forces
villainous personal abuso ot Mr.
llondricks. This shallow device is in
tended to draw public attention from
tbe record of Gun. James A. Garfield,
but it will not bavo that effect.
On tho contrary, Gen. Garfield's ro
cord in tho matter of the fraud of 187G,
which Mr. Hondricks has recently pre
sented in such vidid light, will be
scan nod with the same scrutiny that
tho organs of (ion. Garfield's party be
stowed on Credit Mobilier and Do
Golyer some yoars ago, and tho con
clusion will be as damaging aa was the
Poland report, which contradicted bis
It is not uncharitable to remark tbat
tho more ono investigates part ot Gen.
Garflold's publio life, tbe more ono is
inclined to concur in tho opinion ex
pressed by bis Republican neighbors
in lHTfl, that "II K OUGHT TO BE
Those who don't go quilo so fur as
that will compromise on tbo declara
tion of those Radical organs that, in
187H, rose up to assort most vehemently
that Gen. Garfield "MUST BE KICK
And vet thoro are nooule who want
this man Garfield to be mado Presidon!
ol'the United Statos.whothoy said years
ago "ought to be in the penitentiary.
Not aGovsrnment Rsmabk. The
Washington Post straddles a celebrated
Divine in this moaei way : "it is luo
Rov. Honry Ward Beochor who is now
raising bis voice to glorify tho "purity"
of this Administration, ne will not
intimato that the Rov. Honry Vi ard
Beochor Is not a competent Judge of
purity, but wo will etuto as a fact that
ho Induced Mr. Hayes to retain a de
faulting Rcvcnno Collortor in office
aftor his defalcation had boon mado
known to tho Rov. Henry Ward
Beochor. Tbat was his notion ol
official purity.
"This is a nice time of night for you
to be coming in," said a mother to her
daugbtor, who returned from a walk
at ten o'clock. "When I was like
vou." continued she, "my mot hor wonld
not allow me out later seven o'clock."
"Oh, you had a nice sort of a mother,"
murmured the girl. "1 bad, you
young jado," said tho mother, "a moor
mother than yon ever nao.
Among all the groat truths enuncia
ted by tlie representatives of the Na
tional Democratic party in tbe Cincin
nati Convention, there was none which
elicited a more sincere ar.d unanimous
response than tho Convention's with
ering denunciation of the great fraud.
Thoro ia not a man in tba United
Statos with an intelloct above that of
tho clam who does not know and, in
hia heart admit, tbat tbo Convention
stated a simple fact whon it declared
mat mo great "iraud ot 1S70-7T, ny
which, upon a false count of the eloo
toral votea of two States, the candidato
defeated at the polls was declared to
be President, and, for tho flmt timo in
American history, the will of the peo
ple wus But aside under a threat of
military violence, struck a deadly blow
at our systom ol representative govern
There is no intelligent man who does
not know, no man who will not admit
that the Domocratio party presented
to the world a noble example of patri
otism whon it consented to submit, lor
a timo, to that unparalleled crime;
when it calmly decided to bo robbed of
tho results ol its victory and permit
tho th fcalcd opposition to triumph by
t riminul methods, rather than plunge
the country into the horrors ol civil
war. 'i'hut example of patriotic devo
tion to tho good of the peoplo, that
sacrifice on tho altar of peace, baa no
parallel in tho history of any country.
But when that decision was made,
and the victors assumed the place of
tne vanquished, thoy believed tbat tbe
groat crimo of tbo ago would be re
membered and punished iu 1880, and
tho Cincinnati Convention stated only
an admitted truth when it assorted
that this issue proredoa and dwarfs
every other; that il imposes a more
snored duty npon tbe peoplo of tbo
Union than evor addressed the cop
science of a nation of free men.
If the American peoplo aro worthy
of Iroedom, if they deserve immunity
from successful plots ot revolutionary
conspirators, if thoy aro fit lo guard
the priceless jewel of liberty, it their
nocks aro not intended for the yoke of
despotism, if thoy would not decree
that lruud may again triumph and an
archy assume the placo of order if,
in short, thoy aro intellectually and
morally capablo of self government,
thoy will put the soul of overwhelm
ing condemnation on tho party that
"struck a deadly blow at our sys
tom of representative government."
n ashtngton robt.
Tho reader of current events muat
como to the conclusion that Garfield is
a confidence prevaricator. The Uar
rishurg Patriot in a late issue draws
this picture of the man who wants to
bo President :
"Gonoral Garfield's testimony beforo
tbe Do Golyer Investigating committee
is a characteristic instance ol his habit
of prevarication. Ho declared in bis
vindication speech to bis constituents
in 1876 that ho had labored hard dur
ing most of a night in preparing the
brief of argument for tbe De Golyer
pavement tor which ho received the
05,000 foe, and that he argued the case
beioro tho Washington Board ol Publio
When before the Investigating Com
mittee as a witnoss he was asked first .
whether he filed an argument with
tho Board, and he answered that he
had "an impression tbat he bad bled
it, but was not "certain." Two years
before be boldly told his constituents
that ho argued tbo case before tbe
Board, llo was next aBkcd by tbe
Committeo whether ho at any time
appeared before tbe Board or made
any argument whatever. He answered
"1 do not romoinber that 1 did but I
did speak to Governor Shepherd on
the ejubject, giving my opinion in its
favor." When Govornor Shephord was
brought on tbo witnoss stand be testi
fied that all Garfield did was to speak
to him once on the Bubjocl.
This is the way in which the Chair
man of the House Committee on Ap.
iiropriations earned his $5,000 from
)o Golyor, by speaking once to Boss
Shepherd, llo told bis conBtituonts
of his arduous labors in preparing an
argumout for the Do Golyer wood
pavomont andof his delivering the argu
ment beforethe Board of Pubilo Works.
Ho subsequently awore tbathearguod
the case bofore the Board, but whon
cross-examined ho "could not remem
ber" that he did. Finally, whon tho
whole matter is siftod down he earned
hia fee by speaking ouce to Boss Shep
herd. Such is tho man who is presented to
the Amorican people by a great party
as a candidate for tbe exalted position
of President
Thi Last Feaud. An exchange
says : " Tho statue of ox-Governor John
W. Geary, authorised by an act of tbo
Legislature, was eroctod over the grave
of the docoascd on Wednesday a week,
in Mount Kalmia Cemetery, at Bar
risburg. Tbe statue was erected un
der the supervision of a Commission
consisting of Governor Hoyt, Secre
tary of tbo Commonwealth yuay ana
Socrotary ot Internal Affairs Dunkle.
Ovor forty dosigns were submitted,
that chosen by tbo commission Doing
tho design of Mr. Goorge Starkey, of
Scranton. The statue stands on a pe
destal, tbe wholo twolvo and a hair
loot high, tho statue boing six feet four
inches high. The fignre represents
tho Governor in full Major General's
uniform, tho left arm resting on a flag-
draped column. In the right hand ia
held tho undress military bnt worn
during tho late war; in the left hand
a gauntlet. At the fool of the statue
is a oannon ball, un tne peaosuti is
iho whito star of Geary's division, and
beneath tho star a tablet bearing the
words, 'MBjorGonoral Jobn W. Geary,'
in Gothio letters. Tho monument ia
of bronxe ; the base and pedostal of
granito. The Legislature, in 1878, ap
propriated 15,000 for the purpose and
this amount will bo paid to Mr. Star
key now that the monument is placed
in position." Of all the Governors tbo
Stato ever had, Geary was the least
entitled to this45,000 grab: because,
through him and Goorgo O. Evans the
State Treasury lost .100,000 at ono
A TRKAStiar Robiiei. A contem
porary says : "The united Stales Min
ister to Austria, Mr. John A. Kasson,
is di awing a thousand dollars a month
as pay for supposed services abroad.
Ho is also running for Congress in one
of the districts in Iowa ; be is also on
tho stump in tbat State; he also ex
pects to bo oloctcd Spoakorin the next
Houso. Considoring that he is not an
Ohio man Mr. Kasson seems lo beget
ting along pretty woll."
You Rude Mam I Tbo Nowark
(Ohio) Advocate saya that J Ames A.
Garfield is a suggestive way of writ
ing the name of the Republican candi
date for President. How uncouth these
Buckye people aro toward eaob other 1
A aealoas soul without meekness ia
Iiko a ship in a storm, in dangor ol a
wreck. A meek soul withonl seal ts
like a ship in a calm, that moves not
as fast as it ought.
"Aro yon lost, my little lollow f" asked
a gentleman of a four-year-old ono day
in Rochestor. "No," bo sobbed in re
ply ; "b-but m-my mother is."
The Christian who prays fop grace,
for holiness, while all the while be ia
living so as to frustrate all those pray
ors, is sowing among thorns.
"All work and no play makes Jack
a dull boy." Vei
err row Jackl will be
lt left to themselves.
fow J
come dull hoys