PeiiiiHylvimlnltallronil TV BON 8 t CLEARFIELD BRANCH r5 ml aftor Monday, MAT 14, 1880, I ha Vy Fallen.., Tralna will ran dally (eleept Sua daya) between Tyrone and Cloarllolil, ae fullowa CLEARFIELD HAIL. LBAVB BOUTII. LEA VB NOllTll. CurwonlTllle,. HlTerriew Olaarflald Lvooard,.. Barrett .1.11), . .J.:io, .1.40, " .!.., ' Tyrone,.. Venacnyoo,... Buintalt . Poweltua, Oaeeola,... Iloynton, Ktelner'e, Phillplborf, (Iranam Blue llall, Wallactun,.. Bialer Woodland,..., llarrett, Leonard , Clearfield,.... . 9M,l.u . W.Ji, " . too, " ,10.00, " ,10.12," .10.17," .111.32, " .10.26,"" 10.1S, " ,10.37," ,10.44, " .10.62, .10.60," .11.07," .11.12, '" .11.10," ,.S4, " 4.01, " Woodland, Ilisler Wailaoeton,.... Ulna ball ...OH, ", ,.4.Ji, ,.4.81, ,.4.S, " ..4.8V, .4.40, " .4.03, " .4.05, " ...15, " .t.ii, " .0.00, " Orahani l'hilipiburg, aitelner'a, . lloynton, Oaoaola Powellon Stimuli, VaDtoyoo..MM ItlTervtew CurwenaTille, 11.26, " ,.11,401,, Tyrone, a.. CLKAKF1ELD KXI'KKSS. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE KOKTI1. CnrweniTllle. HiverTiew..,M Cl.arl.14...... Leonard, llarrett, Woodland,.,,. Bialer rYallaeeton,... Slue liall, Qrahain Philip. burg.. Steinar'a, Boynton, Oioeole, Powelton, Summit, Vaniooyoe Tyrone, 6.80 I. 6.80 " 6.47 " 6.6:i " 6.67 " 0.03 " 6.08 ' 0.15 " .31 " 0.26 " 6.20 " .33 " 6.37 " 1.42 6.68 7.06 7.23 " 7.44 Tyrone, Vanacoyoe,... Summit l'owelton Olceola,M Doynton , rkein.r'o I'hilinaburir. ..7.30 r. .7.43 " .8.06 " .8.17 " ,.8 38 ,.8.34 " ..8.30 " ,..8.42 " ..8.47 ' ..8.16 " ..0.01 " Oraham , Ulna lull . VYallaocton, ., Biglcr Woodland,..., ,.17 " .0.25 ' Barrett, Leonard, Clearlleld,...., Hirer iew,... Curwenavltle ..0.30 " ,.0.39 ..0.48 10.00 I'HILIPSBUIia MOSHANNON IIKANC1IES LIATI lorJTH. P. M. a. M. A. M. ITattona. 2 00 Morriidale, 2:16 7:00 Pbilipiburg, lis 7:03 Stelner'a 2:34 7:00 Boynton, 2:30 10:20 7:18 Oaeeola, 1:44 10:SS 7:31 Moabannon, 2:47 10:43 7:30 Ntorlini, 3:6 10:48 7:46 Houtidale, 3:57 10:53 7:65 MoCanley, 8:07 10:58 8:111 Kendrlck'i, 3:1 11:03 8:00 Kamey. LRATR KORTR. A, ht. r. 13 12 12 12: H. P. H. 40 35 4:30 22 4:14 14 4:16 0:10 12: 04 4:01 8.68 II 61 8:57 46 8:50 8:60 11: 8:46 II 8:10 11 40 8:45 85 8:46 .30 3:30 25 3:30 8:36 11.1 8:30 11 BALD KAOLE VALLEY BRANCH. Ei. P. M. 7.08 3.23 8.01 8.24 8.31 8.46 y.iis 041 Mall. A. M. Hall, p. at. t 6.3 6.17 6.38 6.16 6.05 4.65 4.11 a 8.55 Exp. A-. H. 7.56 7.43 7.0i 6.43 6.33 6.33 6.00 6.26 8.20 6.37 0.16 0.43 0.51 10.03 10.20 11.08 leave Tyrone i Bald Eagle Julian Milcaburg llellofonte Mileaburg Howard arrlT. L. Haven TYRONE BTATION. BABTWARD. A.M. Paeifle Expreaa 8:14 Johnatown Kxpreae 8:61 P. M. Day Expreaa 12:61 Mall Train, 8:27 Atlantio Expreaa, 6:51 Phila. Expreaa, 0:33 WBBTWA11D. PittaburRh Exp'aa, 1.53 raoltie hxpreia, B:1E P.M Way Paaaenger, .1:15 Chicago Expreaa, 3:36 Mail Train, 6:34 Fait Line, 7:08 Cloaeoonneotloni made by all trainaat Tyrone and 1,0011 itaven. 8. 6. BLAIR, myl7tf. Superintendent. BTAOB LINES. A etefte leavea Curwonaville daily for H.ynoMa villa, at 1 o'elook, p.m.,arrivlngat Reynoldaville at 6 o'clock, p. m. Returning, leavea Koynolda Title daily, at 7 o'clock, a. m., arriving at Cur- wenavtiieal 13 o'elook, m. rare, eacb way, 12, A ataire leavea Curwenivllle dally, at 1 o'clock, p. m., lor DuUuii City, arriving at DuUoia City at 6 o'clock, p. tn. Returning, leavea DuUoia at 7 o'clock, a. m., daily, arriving at Cnrwenavilleat il o clock, m. rare, eacb way, 91 .50. Alloglicny Valley Railroad. LOW GRADE DIVISION, and after Monday, June 28th, 1880, V tbe paaaenger tralni will run daily (except Buoa.yj between Kea ilanK and imttwooil, aa iciiowa : F.AWTW AIII). Daj Mall leavea Pllt.bnrg 8:56 a. m. lied liana 1 1 :Ha Hugo Junction 1 1:51 ; New Bethlehem 12:56 p. m.t Mayaviile 1:10; Troy 1:35 ; Uroobville 1:55 : Fuller'. 3 10 ; Ray. nnldavilla 2:38 ( Dullola 8:06 : Summit Tunnel 1:31 i I'enueld 1:42 ; Tjlera 3:55 1 JJeneiatte 4:31 j arrivea at Oriflwoou at 5:20. W E8TW A H I). Day Mail leavea Driftwood 12:20 p. m.i Beneirtte 1:00 i Tvler'a 1:28 : PanBeld 1:80 ; Summit Tunnel 2 00 ; Dullola 1:16; Reynoldaville 2:38 ; Fuller'a 1:54; BrookTlllo8:l6; Troy 3:32; Mayaviile 3:65; New Bethlehem 4:00; Hligo Junction 4:47; Red Bank 6:03; arrive! at mtiourg at l:u p. in. Tbe Reynoldaville Accommodation leavea Kejnoldaville daily at 7:55 a. m. and arrirca at Red Bank at 10:60 a. m.. Pittaburib at 1:40 I), m. Leavea Pittabnrgh at 2:16 p. m.; Red Hank at e:oo p. m.; arriving at iteynoldavllle at v:ue p. m. Cloae eonnectlona made with tralna on P. A B Railroad at Driftwood, and with tralna on tbe Allegheny Valley Railroad at Red Bank. DAVID McCA 11(10, Uen'i Sup't. A. A. Jackbor, Sup't L. U. Div. PARK FKOM CLEARFIELD, TO Bcllefonte, Pa Lock Haven Willlamaport. Huntingdon . Lewiatown. Maryaville.. Cuweniville Oaeeola UAHR1KBURI) . (3 05 , 170 , I 60 , 1 80 I 00 , 4 60 . 20 . 66 . 4 76 Middletown 5 00 Marietta 6 66 Lancaater. I 80 PHILADELPHIA 7 00 Altoona 1 66 Johnatown.. I 85 Phllipaburc 61 Tyrone 1 22 PITTKUUHI1 6 16 lUlsttUaiuous. ARNOLD WANTS Shingle Bolls & Saw Logs. Ourwtntrlllt. Ju. 9, 78-tf. FA11M FOR SALE ! The omlertlfcnftd will isll t firlritts aale, hit urm. located loFtno townRbip.Ulekrtitlil oiiantjr Fat., eoDUIoitif SIXTY AOriES, half of wbich li In a rood itate of PultlTatton, with afratn dwellim, log barn.'a thriHy orchard hq aa exponent ipring oi never laiiing water, toftethsr with the Decenary outboildlnpt. Tba portion not cleared it bcaTily timbered, and all it underlain witu eoal and iron, it will be ioltj low and oa aaay termi. For farther information tall oa the tiremiMf, or ad d re i the iubacriber at Uratnpiaa llilli V. O. OWEN J. K hi, NAN. UramjilaB llilli, Jane Jd, 3m. JJARD TIMES IIAVK KO EFFECT IN FRENCHYILLEI I an a wart that there art eome ftenoni a little hard to pleaae, aad I am alio aware that tbe complaint of "bard tinea" ! well aih attiTenal. Bat I an o trituated bow that I oan iatiif the farmer and profe eonelaeWely that "hard tinei" win tot eneet tnoee who Day their ffondi irom me, and all mj f atroni thai I be Initiated Into tbe n eret of IIOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES I have R-oode enonah to all the Inhabl UnU in the lower and of tbe eounty which I aril at exceeding; low rataa from my mammoth atore tn MULSONlirRO, where I ean alwaya be foand ready, to wait apoa cellar, and (apply them with Dry Goods of all Kinds, Sao a ae Clothe, Ratinette, Caaelmerea. MoiIIdi vatainee, i.tnea, l'rnnngi, uaiteoes, TrinnLage, Ribbon a. Laoe. Readj-nade Clothing, Boots and Shoei, llaU aad Capeall of the beet material and made to order Hoee, Soeke, Uloree, alittene, Laeei, Ribboni, f OnOCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, 8rr, Rice, MnlaMee, Flh, Ball rork, Llneeed Oil, Ftita oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Qaeentware, Tinware, Caitlni;a,riowe avna now laiiinfie, natie, ppnee, tora Ualtira ton, Cider Preitee, aad all kind, of Aiei. rerrnnery, Palate, TaraUh, OIai, aad a irenerat aeaertneBt oi HUUoner', OOOD FLOUR, Of difarent bran da, alwaya on hand, aad will ht eld at ut lew.ft poaaibla fifaral. J. O. MeOlaia'l Medlclaea, Jayna'a hfeJlcloee UaaUttar l aad Ueoflaad l Blttara. Ittl poandf of Wool wanted for which the lineal price will at paid. Clorereead ta h aad far aait at tbe fewtat market prioa. Alee, Afenl for etrattonvlll. aid Carwenavllle aareaaing BauiaB, trVCallandaaafovyoeimlTM. Ton will lad ararythiai aiaally kept la a retail atora. ... tf. M. COUDRIKI. rrttehTlll, t. 0., Aaiaat 12, U74. Pi,5f(U.1Uf0U3. ARNOLD HAS ADVANCED Prices of Shingles. SHAVED AND SAWED. a Curwtnfvill, JA. , 7H lf. E. S. HENDERSON, ir-l.'-r-n''---' UNDERTAKER BURNdIUB, fenn a. TUB ubecrlber bow offen to tbe elliieni of llurmide and vicinity, an unprovided pooUltj. litre Iter all kind! of Catkitte and l-omni wm be kept on band, and orden niieti at onoe. itinera I a iUndtd Anywhere. I will furqiih tbe flneet a well ai llie eheanelt article, dcdlnated tofiineraU All ordtre left at the .lore ut' John C. Coxnatt will reoelre prompt attention. Fur further partlculnrii, on 1 1 oa or Mreii s, h. lih.NUbU.SU.N. Dee. 10, 1879-tf. GEO. WEAVER & CO., 8KCIIND PTiml'.T. CLEARFIELD, PA., Have opt-nod up, In the ft ore room lately occupied by Weaver t HctU,oB Second itreet, a large and well leloeted utook of Dry - Goods Groceries, UuOTtf AND SllOKS, QUKENSWARE, WOOD A WILLOW WARE i IIAT8 AND CAPS, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &c. Which they will dlapoi. of at reaaunalilo ratea for aaah, or exchange lor oountry produce. OEOH11E WEAVER A CO. Clearlleld, Pa., Jan. V, 1878-1. REMOVAL ! James ! Leavy, Having purohnied the entire itock of Fred. Sackett, hereby give. D'-tlrethat be had moved Into the room lately occupied by Keed X HaRerty, on Second street, where be ii prepared to oiler to tbe public PARLOR STOVES, of tho lateit Improved patterni, at hm price.. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Gas Fixtures and Tinware. Hoofing, Spouting, Plumbiog, Gai Fitting, and Kepairiog Fumpl a ipecialty. All work warranted. Anything In my line will be ordered vpeclal If deiired. JAM. h. LCAV V, Proprietor. FRKD. SACKETT, Agent. Clearfied, Pa., January 1, 1879-tf. -THAT ALL- WOOLEN GOODS HAVE ADVANCED ENORMOUSLY IN VALUE, THE IBICES OF OUR New Spring Clothing Will Bs Found t Low AS LAST YEAR. GUINZBURG'S -ONE PHICE- WESTERN HOTEL C0RXER, CLEAHFIKI.D. l'A., Pa, April Uth, 18S0 o. HOFFER'S Cheap Cash Store. H(MH NO. THRIVE. DPEHA IKll'HIJ, Clearfleld, Pa., WltOLEPALK k RETAIL DKALKR IN DRY GOODS, Cotnpriiinjr, Drew Oool( of tbe rery latent ntytea, eonnitin(t In part of Caohmeret, Mannhefter Faneiee, Alpaeai, and all manner of Fancy Dress Goods, Sorb ai Cretonn, Mohair Lit ft ere, PlaiJi, Vrtn Uinhami, Drew f'anetei of the very lateit, tylee, and ai eheap ai they ean be told la thli market. NOTIONS, Confining nf Oloree for nti, Ladiei and Miitea. J!ih or all iba-lee, bilk rrtnjrei, Lae, Fanry Dreat Bnttona, LaJlei' Tiei of all ihadei and it t lei, CotTi and Collari, Ribboae of all hindi and qaalitlea. Merino t'aderwear, Trimala,al etc. BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES. Queensw&ro, Hardware, Tinware, CarprKOlICiotliM, WALL PAPER, LEATHER, FISH, Etc., Walt, will aa aala wkolaaak or ratall. WiU Uka Country Produce I Birhange ftr tioocla ( Market Prlrea. wh. j. aorrKR, l IrarBrld, Pa., rp(. t, la)T lf. CLOTHING STORE, rttisreUnnrotts. Thomas A. Duckett, DKALEKIN , IIIKKKItV give to I Ire to the eltiieni of Clrar Held and the urrouudinir vicinity Ihnt 1 am fsa-tand at all liiiioe lt furuieb lauiiliei and uiemifacturiDft- oitabllihuutile with a euperlor (uaiily of Coal, Wood 1 Coke, Which I am prepared to deliver la a fw lumri notice. I am alwayi ready to haul and deliver from and to tbe depot, or anywhere elie, and move utuliics aua boueniiitl gooili any wo pre on anort aoiieo. ut us, a. uiaie.ii CUarAold, Pa-, Mar. SI, IhsO-lf. TO FARMERS! I wiih te tnfiirin the Farmeri of ClearDeld county, that I aui the mnoufiolurer of Wheeler's patent Hallway Chain I1IOUSE POWER, With Threahcre and Cleaner! of one or two hone power. For further jmrtlcuUri addreie the undenigneil at HloortKburg, Cohiml'la eounty, or rail upon V. M. CAKltuN A HHO., A(T"nti, in Clearfli-ld Pa. J. M. HULMHKlt. June 2d, IX8O-811., JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN FURNITURE, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET 8THEET, NEAR P. 0. The andeniftned begi leave to Inform the elti ieni of Clearfield, end the publlo generally, that he hiu on hand a fine amort men t of Furniture, fooh aa Walnut, Cheitnut and Painted Chamber Buitei, Varlor bultei, Kerllning and Eiteniiioo Chain, Ladiei and tienta' Kaay Chain, the For fnratad Dininjr and Parlor Chain, Cane Peat and Windior Chain, t'lutbet unit, otep and hxten lon Ladderi, Hat Raoki, Scrubbing Brushet, Ao MOULDING AND PICTUKK F HAM Erf, ockinf Ola net, Chromoa, Ae., which would 'iltable f'tr Holiday preionta. deol0'7 JOHN TROUTMAN. Re-Union of Trade. THE onderaiftnod wishing to Inform the puMio that he opened a COMMISSION KTOHE At the old itsnd In Trout v I tie, Clearfield county, Pa., oo the lth mit , with a full itvRk or i)v c.oodm, (.itot i,itii;s, NttrioN?, 4otK, Hhoea, i:tr.( In fiet everything to be found in a firit-elaii atore, all of which I am determined to tell at the loweit oaih price. FAIIMEH AND MJMIinitMEN Wl find It to their advantnoe to do their deallns with me, ae tbe higheat price will he paid fur Grain, Bhinglea, or Produce of any kind. Part or one-half oaih will be paid. Trading for oningieior bumoeroi any iinu a tpeciaity. aiio, agent for Singer Sewing Machines. Having made arrangement! with Eaitern mer ohanta to ietl gooJi furniiDed me, therefore call and iee, ai I will be enabled to aril cheaper than tbeebeapmt. J. W. CAHL1LE, Troutrille, Pa., flept. 14, '7tf-ly. Agent. Leading, h Cheapest. " THE BEST Boot and Shoe, Hat and Cap Store IN CLEARFIELD COUNTY Ii the ona in the OPERA HOUSE, KEPT BV G.C.&T.W. M0011E, We have jmt recti red our fipring and Summer atocR, wniffl, Having been purcuaied neiore tbe advance, can be aoid at tbe OLD PHICK. Call and iee. Deiidea the cheaper good iu our line, we keep . BOOTS, FINE SHOES, Perkins' Boots and Shoes, CLAFLIN'S SHOES, STETSON'S HATS AND THE GENUINE TAYLOR .MACKINAW HAT, Which a ra car apirialllaa. Wo atao hara a full Una of UKNTS' BUM M Kit I'MlHK WKAH. All lb. lalailaorplliH in NKCKH'EAH. Uira ua a oall aoil ba aatiafi.d. il:o. C. ATIIM W. MOdHI!. Cl.arOslJ, Pa., April 14, 1810.0m. NOT AT STUMP CREEK. 15UT AT H. LEHMAN dCO.'S Store, ROOM NUMBER TWO, Pic's Opera House. CLEARFIELD, PA., Where H. Lehman A Co. have opened a very large mora oi me iaien anu beet iljiei or DRY goods, Fancy Goods, MILLINERY GOODS., AND A tVhh ARSOHTMKNT OF la&dics', Hic3:o' tc Cliildron'i S-XX-O-DK-S Of all ,l;ll, bow la Iha aaarkal. Call la ami, or viirr II. I.KHMAH A CO, Clnrutla, Pa,, Marrk 17, If. If-- :.'' itl ANOTHER STRIKE ! THE UKPUBLICAN. CLKAKKIKLD, l'A. WUU.VKSDAy MllllSINO. SKPT. I, U DEMOCRATIC I' HIM AH Y KlKt' TIOX HUl.KS FOll ISai). county cuuMivraa. 1. The crKanliatl'JB of the County C -tnnilttpe i hall be and remain aa dow ejnitltuted that ii, one Dfiubcr fur every bnroii"(h ami twwmhip and a Clialrmitn, whlt-h Committee .ball be erlected annually by the deleRiitei, and their tern of oflioe ball befiu at January fullowinc their elMjtlon. OK Till tRLXATII AKD CuNVKNTIult. 3. Tbe aember of deltatei to whleb each dll trlet ii mj tilled ii bad unuu ihe folluwing rule, that Ii to aay i Uach election diitrlol Id the coun ty (Killing one nun ana tieiuooreuo vr ihali be eotilled to twu cJoleHdiei abiolulely, and fa.r -aw.ti B.t.i tiinnl line huDirod UeiDocratio vote!, or fraollon ureatur than otie-balt titer col, puilea in laid diitriot at the tut preceding uuvernon elerllun, an additional dn legale, and under thil rate the followiog allvlmont of delalei la dow tuaue lor lotv t Hum -Me borough J Deeadir 3 Clearlleld 1-ertruion 2 Curwottivllle Jitllrard J Houtidale 3 (Jrnhatu 2 Lumber City 2:(ihen -Ii New Waihingtoii 2(.reeuwiod 2 Newbnrg Jitlulioh 3 Oiceole 2 lluitoo 2 WHlUcelor. 2 Jordan 1 Doccnria townxhip J K art haul 2 Hell J, Knox i Uivoin 2 Lttwrrt.ce 4 I .g(tn 2 Morrli S'urd a'lVnn 2 -T Pike 2 Burniide 2 San-ly X Chcit 2 I'nl'in 3 2iWoodward. t Total 19 LECTIoH or ARti M TlltS CT CHilBHAW. 8, The deli'gnte ekctlone and County Con Yen -tionahall be governed and ooaducted itrictly in aeour.anee with the following rulei, and the Chairman or Ihe County Committee ihall bo an nually eloeted by tbe County Convention and ahall be wci't the President of all County Convention!. I Tina or ai.acTiof a. 4, The election for delegate! to reprcacnt the diltorent diilricta In tbe annual Democratic Cuun ly Convention ahall lie hold at the usual plaoe uf holding the general eleitumi far ?aeh diatrict, on the tjitlurday preceding the third Tueiday of Sep tember, (huing the ltlU ihla year) begiuning at 1 o'clock, P. M., f me day. ao to hold klictior. . The aaid delegate elvetiona ahall be huld by an eleetion board, to eonmt of the meuibr of the County Committee for auch d lit riot, and two other bemoeratie votera thereof, who ihall be ap pointed or draignated by tba County Commlttro. now TJ FILb VACAHl'IKf, Iu naie any of the peraoni io oonititutlug the board ihall be abient from the place of boldiog the e loot ion for a ouartir of an hour after the time appointed, by Hule F.nt, for the opening ol the same, bii or their place er placet, ihall be filled by an election to be eonduoied viva root by tbe Democratic votera preaent at the time. yirALtriiuTiow or voviri. 0. Every qualified voter of the diitrlct, who at the laat general electron voted tbe Dcinooralio ticket, ib a 11 ba entitled to vote at the delegate electiona, Muia or voTixa. 1. The voting at all delcgnle electiona ahall be by ballot ; upon whieh ballola chall be written or printed the name or unraea of the delegate or del egate TOted for, together with any inatruationa which the voter may deilre to give the delegate or delrgatea . Each ballot to be received from the person voting the eame by a member of the eleetloo board, and by him drjionilrd io a box or other receptacle prepared for thut purpone, to which boi or other reoeptnele no ponon hut tbe mem ben of the election board ihall have aceeia. OF IKSVnt'CTIUNH. 8. No instruction! ahall be received or reeog nliud union tho fame be Toted upon the ballot aa provi'leed by Kule Seventh, nor ihall luoh in tructlom, if voted upon' the bal.ot, be binding upon the delegate, ualeri oce-balf r more of the halloti ihttll cntuin initructioni concerning th mme oflioe. Whenever half or more ef the bal lot! ihall eotitaiu instruction! concerning any office, tbe dtlecatei elected at lucb election thai I be held to be inMriiattd to support tbe candidate naving ttie bigueiL number oi votei lor sucb office. That when a candidate having received the big lie at number or vote tn a .(strict is it rick en from the roll in accordance with Hule Thirteenth It become! the duly of tbe delegate! in aaid dis trict to cartt their vetea for tbe candidate having received the next highest number of votea in laid dutrloL rrowttd, that lucb candidate shall have reocived one-fourth the number of votes polled for the candidate. coanucviao tub rlrctioii, antra aud ii.akks. 9. Each election board ihall keep aa actuate list of I be naraei of all persona voting at inch elections; which Hit of votera together with a lull ana complete return or eucn election eon teining an accurate atatement of tbe persons elected delegate! and all instructions voted, shall be certified by aaid board to tbe County Conven tion, upon printed blanks to be furniibed by tbe uounty touimiltee. CO HTM Tin 0 IB ATI OW I'RLRflATKK, FHARIt, it I'. 10. Wheaeverfrom inv district. nualifled Dem ocratlc voters, In numbora Kjiial to five timea the delegate! which lucb district bai in tbe County Convention, ahall complain in writing of an un due eleetion of false return of delegate or of in st met ion s, in which complaint tbe alleged facta ihall be epeolelly act forth and vertfiod by the athdavlt of one or more peraona, inch complaint shall nave tbe right to oonteit tbe neat of auch delegate! or their validity of inch Instruction!. a eon Mima or rivi. 8uch oomplaint ihall be beard by a Committee of live delegate! to be appointed by the Presi dent of the Convention, which raid Committee hall proceed to hear the parties, their proofs and allegations, and aa loon ai may be reported to tue convention wnat ueiegatei are entitled to seat! therein, and what Imtruotiona are binding niioo inch Ue it gates. v hereupon the t'unven tion ihall proceed immediately, upoa the nail of tbe yeaa and nays, to adopt or reject the report of tae contesting partiea. in which can or (tie yeas and nayatbe name! of the delegatea whole aeata are contested or whose tin! ructions ere disputed, nball be omitted. QtTALirtcArioxa or DiLxnATaa attiiiriTiirxa. 11. All delesntes must reside In the district they represent. In ease of absence or inability to attend, luumitutiona may te made from citi ebf of the diflrlot. Mt'NT OB IV tUNTRDCTIOKR, OR Bl KXI'ILLKP. 12. Delegate! most obey Instrnrtiona glvtn them by their respective diitrioti, and if violated it anaii be tue duty of lite 1'reildent of tbe Unn veation to out the vote of inch delegate or dele gate! tn accordance with the instructions: end tbe delegate or delegatei io offending shall be forthwith expelled from the Convention, end ihall not he eligible to any ofliee or plaoe of trust in i ue piny lor a period ot twe yean. A MAJORITY OF ALL RRCIISART TO MOM IK Am. 13. In Convention a majority of all the dele gatea ihall be necerary to a nomination ; and no penon'i name shall be excludpd from tbe Hit of candidates until after the HIXTII ballot or vote, when the peraon reoeivtng the least number of voles ihall be omitted and struck from the roll, and loon at each successive vote until a nomina tion la made, Pravidttt, that if there ahall boa tie vote between two or more of the candidates for any office, during the balloting of the dele gates, then tn that caie the candidate having re ceived the lowest popular vote shall be dropped, and the balloting proceed. PUNA LTV roR COMMITVtKO rHAVIH AKD BRIXKRT. 14. tf any person who ii a enndidate for any nomination befnre the County Convention, ahall be proven to bare offered or paid any money, or other valuable thing, or made any promise of a eon i derail oa or rt-werd to any person for his rote or influence, to secure the delegate from any district, or shall have nflered or paid any money or valuable thing, or promised any ennsiieratioa or reward, to any delegate for bii vote, or to any other person with a view of indulging or secur ing the votea of delegates, or If tbe same shall be done by any other person with tbe knowledge and consent ef rneh eandidate, tbe name of each candidate ihall be immidiately stricken from the Hit of oaadidatei, or if euoh fact be ascertained after his nomination to any office, and before the final adjournment, the name of the nominee ahall be struck from tbe tioket and tbe vacancy sup plied by a new aominat lon, and in either oase auch person ihall be Ineligible to any aomi natlon by a Convention, er te an election aa a delogate thereafter. And la oare It ihall be al leged after the adjournment of the Convention that any candidate put In nomination haa been guilty of iuch aela, or any other fraudulent prae ticeato obtain such nomination, the charge ahall ba Investigated by tbe Coanty Committee, and inch step! taken ai tbe good of the party may noire. 4. If any delegate ahall receive any money or ether valeable thing, or accept the promise of any const iteration or reward to tie paid, delivered, or secured to him, or any person for inch dele gate ai an Inducement for bii vote, upon proof ol the fact to the aaliifaction of tbe Convention, uch delegate ihall be forthwith expelled, and shall not be received ai a delegate to any future Convention, and ihall be ineligible to any party nomination. t lki to havi raacinKNca. 16. Case arising under Ihe rnlei ihall have precedence over all other batineii in Convention, until determined. MBETJfte or THI CORVKMTIO. 17. The County Convention ahall tneH anna ally, la the Coart House at I o'clock P. II., en the third Tueiday of September. ARet rRMRirr or cAOinATBi. 1. The aamei of all the candidate! for office ahall be announced at leait three weeki previous to Ihe lime of holding the primary election. J. P. Hi a. uriKLit, Chairman. War. K. W allacm, Secretary. "THK BAYONET IS NOT A FIT INSTRUMENT F O II COLLECT ING TUE VOTES OE FREEMEN." Hancock. K?ery lsrnocratle trter In IrtrlVM fount) aheuld bear In mind that vT vOIK DAY end Tlllf HKDA V, HEM EMItKR let and lid, arc the laat daya for rrgletrrlng fnrlhenfit el ret Ion. Let every D? snot ret In Clearfleld coanty AT ONCE that bia name lion the Reg. latry. Tbe Hart mT votera a now poated tip at every elertlnn llotiae. Fourtoonth Annual Exhibition OFTIIB CLEARFIELD COUNTY Agricultural Society, to RE liai.D AT CLEARFIELD, PA., MVtlntitriay, Tmrnilay A SEPTKMBEIl 15, 1 ami 17, lfiSO. OFPICEHH FOR 1880i Lrardrr Daaitixe, tawrencetwp. VIro Prealdeiite V. Ririirl, Iawrenae twp ; M.S. SfKNCfH, Penn twp. Treaurr John Mi(lAi'UHRV,Clearfiold, Pa, Htcrelary Al. M. Row, ClarDald, Pa Kxeritllvo t'onimlttcc K. M. Davii, Peunj W. P. Tati, Lawrence; Join Smith, Bloom i L. H. LtBRiteLKH, Union; Pi'iLir Doits, tk-coerla. HULE? AND KBtll'LATI'-NS. I. The galea will bo opened at B o'ebott A. M, ea h day, and at that time every oflioer is re tiulred U' be at Uiv host. Tbe gatoi will be closed at A o'clock each atoning. I. All tor It and article! oHi-reil lur premium! must be owned by tba person or peraons offering the same, or by inie moiuoer t'f bia or btr fjm llv. 3, All artie'es mast be entered in the name of tbe bona fid owner. HhouM any be entered otherwise, they will not be allowed to receive a premium, altbuuh aardr, ly the Ju igoa ; ner will suin award be pufhet. 4. Any ticket patted through tbe fuiioe, or found io tbo poEsirSilun of at.T p-rsun who is nut the rightful owner, wii lo forlVU-d to the And ation, aad perious detwtvd in pas'ing tickets will be dcilt with aooordiog to law. 6. No charge will be made lor entering animals or artiflei for eahibitlon iuth exhibition being absolutely free. (I, The Hnoiety will open It! premium licit to person! without distinction on breeding stock Iroin all parts or tue Union, whether nnrsre, cattie, beep or awine. but on field crops, flour, grain end manufacturing or mechanical eihlbits, all awards aball be confined to the county, and all article! muat have been mad within tbe period of one year privioni to the pretent fair. Articles of special merit manufactured 'jutslde of ibo county may receive a diploma if io recome tided by tbe judges of their reapeutive olasa. 7. All parsons enteriog animals and article for exhibition muat procure oards from the Sec retary, and attach the same to tbe animal or article previous to being placed upon the ground. The number and class, and the a umber in the class, with tbe name ot the article will appear on the card attached, but tno name oi ine exhibitor will not appear. 8. The ofhecra will be on the grounds at 0 o'clock on 1TKHDAY MOKNINU, September 14th, and all en inula and article! are expected to be entered on that day ; but exhibitore M lST have their exhibits entered on the Secretary's book and bava them within the enclosure by M o'elook oa Wednesday, tbe first day of tbe Fair except horaei for pleaxure or trotting premium!. Thli rule will be Inet'y mdhertd to, ai there ere but three days of the Fair thli year. 9. Ho person abiil iee or be informed of the qurabcrs or kinda of entries except the officers. 10. When no oomtietitlon occurs in any olaes, a premium shall be awarded only when the In trlniic merit of the animal or article warrant It, and thil ihall not necessarily be the first premium, but such ai in the Judgment of the examining commit lee tne article Deserves II. An animal enteral fur exhibition In one elan cannot compete for a premium in any other clan, exoent ai fullawe: A tingle animal may be exhibited ai one of a pair, or in the elan uf bwecpitakei. 12. All atock and articles entered fr exhibi tion, must remain on the ground until 2 o'elook r, M. or the tail day of the fair or forfeit pre mium, unlin permission Ii given by thu 8uper-iott-ndent of the department to remove them. l'A. Hay and straw will be furnished gratis for all animals entered ir premiums, and grain will he furnirhtd at cost for those who desire to pur ohnie. 14. No animal considered uniotin) shall ba allowed to compote for premium!. Thli rule I does not apply to horses entered for speed. 15. AH animals io claaes 1, J, 3, 4, 6, 0 and 7 I muat be shown on the track at 10 o'clock on i Ftiday morning. Tunic not exhibitel will not! be examined, j 16. lletting and wagering upon the Society grounds are strictly forbidden. i 17- The Executive Committee may revise the premluma awarded at anr regularly called meet ing, and, at Its discretion, alter, amend or reverse the award of the judges, 18. Tbe demand on the Tteanurer fur premi ums must he made either personally or by letter, on or before the first day of January following the Fair, or the premium will be considered for feited to the Society. Premiums will be paid oo and after September 20tb, IO. 19. Every precaution will be taken for the atety of stuck aid articles on exhibition, after their arrival and arrangement on the ground, but the Society will not he responsible lor any loaa or damage that may cccur. Kihibitori will be required to give perianal attention to the animals nod art idea, and at the ehise of the Fair to attend to Iheir removal. 30. Hating aaloona, telling ell kinds of eatablea. fruits, nuts, oandies, and rstre-hing drinks (other than intoiicallng drinks) will be licensed to sell on the ground, by paying to Ihe Secretary twenty dollar! (20) previous to going onto the ground. Earn one io renting a refreshment booth ahall be entitled to ticked of admission for four persons. St. Hacks, carrying piiiengora in and out of of Ihe grounds will ba charged a license of ten do liar i, ($10) to be paid to (be Secretary before golrig on the grounds. Etch hack will be entitled to ticketi of admiiaion for two persons. 22. "Flying lloriea" will be given the privilege nf the ground during the Fair for twenty dollars, (f -0) to be paid to the Seretary before going on the grounds. Kach "flying horse" ia entitled to tick ota or admission for two perions. 2. All peanut and lemonade tellers, (except tboae paying 920 license) all gamea of chance, lottery icbeines, hucksters and peddlers, will be itrictly excluded from tba grounds, and witt bt admiltrd. at any prict. At'CTtQN. Thrre will be an auction sale of itock on tbe last day of the Fair, at 2 o'clock. Thuae desiring to icl) will pleaie notify the Secretary aa to tbe kind of stock and number, prior to tbe day of ale. The auctioneer will be paid by the Society. INSTIU CTION3 TO MKMDEUS OF COM MIT! t.KS. All memben of Committees will repirt at th e ticket office at 10 o'clock on Thursday morning, September loth. After filling vacancies the hooka will be placed in (heir bunds, and they will immediately proceed to businesa. Their report! must be handed to the Seoretary not later than o'clock of Thursday except the Judges In claasea I, 2, .1, 4, &, A aad T, who ihall report jJ 12 o'clock on Friday. No person can act at judge ia a elaaj In which he ia an exhibitor. An article or animal having no competition shall not in all eaaea be entitled to a first pro mium, but may receive lucb a premium aa In the judgment of the Committee iu merit warrant. tio discretionary premium! ihall be awarded, but articles and animals which are not Included in the regular list may ba eommendwd, and the oommendation together with the reaaon therefor, entered on Ihe Commtttee'a book for action at some regular meeting of the officers of the Asso ciation. If it be ascertained that any exhibitor baa ma do, or caused to be made, any false statement! In regard to any animal or ar tide exhibited, or if any exhibitor ihall attemnt to interfere with the judges in the prrformance of their duties, by let ter or otherwise, ae or she snail be excluded from competition. 'J tie re will be a Committee of three judges for each class. Kach Judge as named below la Chairman of his Committee, and la authorised to appoint two assistants, end report luch appointaietiti, with their acceptan-e, to Ihe Secretary of the Society before Srptember lth. It la recommended that auch assistant! be appointed from men and women who are active and tutelHgmt. All auch member of Committee (not being mem here ef the leeiely) will be furnished with free cards of admission, on presenting te the Secretary a written certificate of their appointment ai auch, signed by the Chalraaea ai tbe Committee by whom appointed. CHAIRMKN OF COHHITTKBS OFJHHlKS. CI.AMHRI, RAM R. r. O. APDRBRI. I, 2, S aa Chae. Brown Kocktoa. 4, 6, S. r Amos D. Tate -.Ho war. U.'.M "n,3' j JoDB 1!"r...Kylartown. li, 10, 20,21, 24, 26, .13, I " 22, 2S, 2U, 3 2d, 27,2" ;tn, 31, 82 .14, 35 T. W. Moon..Cnrweaivllle. A. H 11 llti Clearfield. Mn. J. Mcllride, " Mrs. D. U. Nevling, " John Kus'ell L. City. ADMISSION TO THK onOVNDS. All peraoni ean obtain ticketi of admission to tho grounda at tbe Secretary 'a office, near the entrance, aa follows, to wit : Single admission for ad nit a $ 25 Single admission for children under 12 and overt) yean 10 Single admlMlon for tingle Irani n 26 Single admission for double team 1J "lUy ticket!," admitting alto aoreea and ear- ri'ge i0 Membership or teasnn ticket, entitling holder U pan in horsee and carriage, and alto to enter articles forexhibiiioa without further charge , 1 00 Family ticketa, admitting wife and children under IU, also norseiandeerriage. and en title Ihe bolder or his family to enter arti cle! for exhibition H I 00 Seaton ticket, admitting wile and children ander 12 yeart 1 00 Membership and family ticket! ean be had two two week i prior to the Fair by ipp'j to the Seo retary. Kihibitori paying fete the Treatury a turn lees than one dollar cannot draw premiami. Admission to Orand Stand 19 PREMIUM LIST. Ill WHICH. Claft Staltions. fleet stall lea, for heavy draft $ Second bett , , 8 I Pen ttnd celt, between 2 and I yean H I I Second bett I I Clast 2Marc$ and Colts. Beat brood mare for all work I Seeead belt I 1 Bett eeli ander 1 year eld S I Sewnd bait 1 ( Beit gelding or mart between t and I yn. t I Second beet M ,, 1 t Gas SClydctdale and rcrcheron. Ilert rtalHon, any age M lit 1 Second best I I giflmflsruifttfjs. t'ATTLU. Chut 4Short Jiornt. Ilest bull, t ytari and over.. Heeon 1 beat Ileal bull under t yean , r-enond bet v,.. Heat cow, S years or over..... Second best Heat heiler under I years Beound beat t 6 10 4 00 . 6 00 . 8 00 , 4 00 I 00 3 00 2 00 Class bAMerneys or Jcrstys Sittve aa Clau 4. Class 6 Ayrshire. Same aa Claai 4. Class 7 yative or Grade. JW bull, S ytari and over $ 00 Kecond beat - S 00 Beit bull under I years roond belt 4 00 2 00 3 00 I 00 I 00 1 00 Deal oow, 2 years and over Second belt.. liaet heiler under V yeari.. Second beat , Hit UUP. 1 Class 8 ColswoU. Ram S yean old and over 3 00 Ham 1 year old and over -. 2 00 Ham lamb I 00 Puo 2 ewes, 2 yearaold and ever 2 00 Pen 2 ewe I amis M 1 0U Class 9 Leicester. Same as Clue 8. Class 10 Merinos. Same si Cli 3. Class 11 South Downs. Same ai Clan 8. Class 12 Fatted Sheep. Ilest flock, rt. In number, any age or breed. Country Gentleman. HW I N K. Class 13 Berkshire. Hoar 1 year old and over $ 2 00 I year 1 00 Sow 1 year old and over 2 Oil Sow under 1 year 1 00 doss U Chester White. Same aa Class 13. Class 15 Poland China. Same as Hat! 13. Class KYorfahtre. Same as Class 13. Class 17 Graded. Best tow and pigs t 2 00 POl! X THY. Class IS Chickens. Best trio Brahniaa t 0 Best trio Buff Cochins - b Best trio Paitridge Cochins 50 Best trio I.egburna . - 60 Best trio llainburgs 0 Beit trio Houdana 60 Beit trio Poland fiO Beit trio Plymouth Hocki - 50 Beat trio Han turn 60 Beit trio Oiroe Fowls t0 Best display of eblnkena, not leas tban I trioi, all differont breeda 2 00 Class 19 Turkeys. Beit trio Bronie t I 00 Bett trio White Holland! 1 00 Beit trio Native .'. 1 00 Class 20 Uucks, Geese, d-c. Beat Irlo Muicovy 4 &0 Beit trio Aylesbury M Beit trio Pekto 0 Ilest trio Native 60 Best trio geese 60 Bett trio guinea fowls 60 Beat collection of pigeon i - 60 Best pair peafowl! I 00 Persons bringing fowls of any kind must alio bring eoopssuilab e for keeping them in and dis playing them to advantage. A new building will be provided for their accommodation. Class 21 Farming Implements, dc Best harrow Din. Best fanning mid Dip. Beat r uik cultivator Dip. Beat horse rake Dip. Best wheat drill Dip. Beat bay rising Dip. Best eidar mill -Dip. Beat corn iheller -Dip-Beit hone power -Dip. Bast dog power Dip. Best churn Dip Best farm gate Dip. Best bee hive Dip. Best wool folder ...Dip. Uest tub! oil plow Dip Best fertilising grain drill.,... Dip. Beat tare hi og machine Dip. Beat reaping machine -Dip. Beat mowing machine Dip. Best combined reaper and mower Diu. Best sewing maobine .Dip. Beat atraw cutter Dip Beat half doxen brooms $1 00 Bett specimen cooper work 60 Best grain eradle 1 00 Beat display tinware H 1 00 Beat diiplay hardware 1 00 Bett display sporting goods I 0U Beautiful lithograph diplomat will be presented io mote persona to wnom tney are awaraea uy tne judges, Clan 22 Fruits. lit Pre. 2d Pre Beet t varieties of tnmmer and fall applet, 4 each $1 00 $ .0 Beet 4 varletiet ainter applea,4 each 1 00 60 Beat 3 varietiet market apples,4 each 1 00 10 Largest and beitcolleetion of applet 2 0ft I 00 Heat 3 varietiet pain, 4 each 1 a0 60 Bett collection of peart...,, 1 00 60 Beet A varietiet of peanhet 1 00 60 Beit display of peaebet 1 60 76 Beit variety qnlneea 1 00 60 Beat variety pluma M 1 00 60 Beat variety grapet 1 00 60 Largest and keel collection grapes- I 00 60 Largest end best collection of fruit t of all kindt 8 00 1 60 Notr. Fruit muat be properly named and labeled. Hake np your Hat ef frnita careful ly. Class 23 Flowers. Beet display of flowering plantar $ 4 00 Class 24 Vegetables, Best eo) loo l ion of potatoet. named and labeled, one peck each $ 1 00 Bett single variety, I pk, named A labeled 60 Beat peck large onions , 60 Best naif peck set oniont from teed 60 Bett peck tomatoea H 60 Bett peck parsnips 60 Bett peek field turnips , 60 Beat peck turnips for table ie 60 For the largest turnip 26 Best three headt of cabbage 60 Beat peck table bcett H 60 Beat peck field beett w 60 For the largett beet 26 Beat peck eerrela 60 Bett neck mangel wurael 60 Beit half peek vegetable oyalert 60 Beat three squaihee 60 Heaviest field pumpkin - 60 Bett peck lima beans, thai led M 60 Beit half peck tweet peppert., 60 Beat specimen cauliflower ?5 Bett lix ttalkt celery 1 00 Beat two water melont 60 Beit twe musk melont M 60 Beit pec tweel oorn ean 60 Beit half pound hope H 60 Bett collection of vegetables railed by one exhibitor 2 00 Class 25 Grain and Flour. Beit bushel white wheat 2 Ol) Beat bushel red wheat 2 00 Bett bushel oorn In the ear 7 Best bushel Oats 7f Bett bunhel rye 76 Beet bushel barley fb Best bushel clover teed 76 Bett bushel timothy teed . 76 Beit AO poundt wheal floor 76 Beit 60 poundt graham floor 76 Beit 60 ponndt corn meal 60 Beit tlx atelkt oorn taken from the field... 60 Class 20 Stutter, Cheese, Jloney, d-c. Beat 10 poanda or more ef firkin butter, at least 3 months old .$ 2 00 Bett five ponodt or mere of batter 1 00 Seeondbeit 60 Beatobeeae made by exhibitor I 00 Seeondbeit HH 1 00 Tbe exhibitor to give a atatement of tbe maa ner of preparing the firkin butter and ef making ine eneese. Best specimen maple tugar, 6 poandi 1 00 Second beat 60 Bett box of honey , 60 Bett diiplay of hooey 1 0 Class 2.7Bread, Vickies and Jellies. Beit loaf of wheat bread 60 Beit loaf of brown bread w 60 Beat ipeeimen biscuit 60 Best specimen erecken 60 Bast specimen jelly eake 60 Beat specimen I mit eake 60 Beat specimen marble eake 60 Best ipeeimen white oake 60 Beit ipeeimen chocolate eake 60 Beit ipeeimen currant Jelly- 60 Best ipeeimen paaeh Jelly 60 Best specimen pear jelly 60 Beat specimen apple Jelly 60 Beat tpecimea Siberian erab apple jelly..,, 60 Bett ipeeimen erab apple jelly 60 Bett ipeeieaea tomato ottiup Beit ipeeimen pickled eucumben Beit ipeeimen pickled tomatoea 60 Bett specimen ptekled mango HM M 60 Beit ipeeimen piekled peaoh ., 60 Beet specimen pickled pear ..... 60 Largest eol lection of pickles 1 0 Beat and largett eol lection of preeervei, not lest than ill different kinds .. 1 0 Class 23 Canned and Dried Fruits. Rett tpecimea leaned applet .. $ 61 Bett ipeeimen tanned peach at H 60 Bett ipeeimen eanned eberriea 61 Bast tpecimea eanned tomatoea HH 60 lien specimen eanned raspberries 60 Beit ipeeimen eanned blaekberrlea HHH fcw Beat ipeeimen eanned itrawberrtea 60 Beat specimen oaaned ewrraota.. to Beat ipeettnen ennned quineet. .,. to Bett specimen eanned ploeia...,.nM o Beat ipeeimen eanned grapea MmM 0 Beit ipeeimen canned book loner r lee 60 Beat and largeit eel lection of eanned fraiU 1 00 Bett tpecimea dried applet, 6 ponadt..,.., 60 Beit specimen dried p cachet, 6 poundt...... 60 Bett and largett ool. dried fralu 6lbi.eaca 1 Beat Jar apple better........ M,...mMM. 61 Bett jar peach batter. M AM tne above to ae pat np la g lata jar. Clus 29 Fin Arts. Bert India Ink portrait H .....4 00 Beit collection oil painting ., JJfw afli'rrtisrmfuts. wt mn wmwtmm. Bett collection of photographs, all kinds... I 00 Moat penoil work 1 M Second belt u Class 30 Domestic Manufactures. Ten yarda olotn $ 1 ' Ten yarda flannel, plain Ten yard! flannel, barred Ten yardi Ilnon - Ten yards tow elotb Pieoe rag earpet Piatt WQulflarnat ..a 1 00 I OO 1 00 I 041 I 00 I 00 Pair waul blank sis 00 Coverleta I 00 Specimen wool yarn 60 Specimen linen tbroad 60 Counterpane 1 " VYool'iomforttr 1 vf Pair wool locks, hand-made 60 Pair wool mitt out, hand made - 60 Pair wool glovet, band-made 60 Pair wool bote, ladies', hand-made 60 Pair woo bote, obildren t, nauJ- maa a en Pair buokakio gloves 60 Pair for glovea - Lap robe I Pair oottuu took i, band-made 6" Pair linen tocka, baud-mule - 60 Best made overcoat - 1 00 Beit made dross coat I O'l Beit made pantaloon! 60 Beat made veil...: 60 Class 31 Needlework. Beat laoe collar, band-made $ 25 Bait lane handkerchief, hand-made. Ij Bett table apread, hand made 60 Beit ottoman cover, hand-made 60 Beat silk bed quilt, pieced 1 0U Beit delaint bed quilt, pieced 76 Bett eradle quilt, any kind 76 Beat cotton quilt, any kind 50 1111 pin eushlu, band-made 26 Beat stand cover, hand-made 60 Butt lady's laoe tie, hand made 60 B-tt piano stool oover, bind -made - 60 Beat lady'i embroidered skirt 60 Best lady's embroidered chemise 60 Bett iad.v't driwera 60 Beat lady 'a embroidered uigbtgowa 60 Beit lady's embroidered apron 26 Best lady's embroidered cape 26 Bett embroidered dreaa fur child - 60 Beit embroidered cloak for child - 50 Best embroidered ahawl for child 60 Beit crochet skirt forehild 60 Bett knitted mimes' hood - 26 Best knitted ohild'a hood 26 Best pair cuff aud collar 26 Best pair pillow thams, embroidered 60 Best sheet shams, embroidered 60 Best i beet shams, braided 26 Best idow lamhrequint 6U Btit tola cushion or pillow 60 Bett chair cushion 26 Best toilet tet in wonted. 7 pieoea 60 Beit lot crochet, 7 pieoei 60 nest supper work o Best child't carriage afghan, ban 1-meJe... I 00 Bett bureau tidy, crochet - M Beat embroidered towel- 60 Best braided catch-all... 26 Class 32 Children's Department. Madt by children under 13 mart old, only. Bett orochet tidy for ebalr, woolen . 26 Uest erochet tidy for ebair, cotton ib Best oroc bet basket, cotton or wool . 25 Best knit lamp-mat, woolen - 25 liest knit waten case, woolen ia Beit eomb and brueb eate 25 Beit toilH tet, woolen, 7 plecea 60 Beit toilet set, oottou, 6 pieoea 25 Beat alipper bolder - 25 Best card receiver 25 Beit cardboard lambrequins, for bracket . 25 Bett pair pillow shams ... , 26 Beit pin cushion on H. R. oan vats 25 Bett pin cusbioo on lace tl Best specimen of feather trimming - 2i Beit handkerchief b I 2. Beit -hair receiver 25 Beit can r ass tidy..., 26 Best balloon made uf cardboard 25 Beat tilk euihion .'. 25 Beat picture frame " 26 Best fancy scrap hag 25 Best eample woolen edging 25 Beit child't hood 25 Class 33 Carriages, Wagons, Ac. Bet twj-horse wagon $ t 00 Best two-horse apring wagon- 3 00 Best one-hone spring wagon 2 00 Best two-seated top carriage 4 00 Beit one-bone buggy 2 00 Best one-seated phu'ton .... S 00 Beit light sulky I 00 Beit eleigh, aingle 2 00 Class 31 Furniture, Wood work, dec. Best display of furniture I 4 00 Beit parlor suit 3 f0 Bett chamber tuit I 00 Beit ipeeimen fancy toroll aawing, band... 60 Beit speelmen fancy aeroll tawing, machine 6u Bett ipeeimen fancy work with penknife... 60 Beit ipeeimen initio work 60 Class 3G Harness, Leather, dec. Btst tet farm or road harneti...H I 00 j Best carriage double harness - 2 00 1 Beit tet tingle barnetl 2 00 Bett nien't saddle 1 00 Beat lady'a saddle 1 00 Best bridle and martiogale 1 00 Bett halter 60 Bett displty of ladies' end geutt' boots, shoes and gaiters 3 00 Best horse collar - 60 Bett two sides upper leather 1 00 Best two tidea sole leather I 0t Bett two aides ha men leather 1 00 Bett two oalf skins - 1 00 Class 30 Musical Instruments. Beit and largeit display planoi A oi,gaot...t 6 00 TROTTING, WALKING PCLMNG, No. 1 Pi in $i(l. OriR to All. Trotting race. Firat bone $20. 1J $16. 3d $5 No entrance fee will be charged. All trotting to be In harneai , beat 2 In 3 heatt. No. 2 Puaia $20. Fon Horrri Raiiro in Co. Trotting raea. First bone $10. 2d $. Sd $4. No entrance fee. Any bone winning In No. 1 will be excluded from No. 2. Beet I In $ heatt. NO. I Pi MB $10. Walking raoa. Firat team $5. 2d $3. Sd $2. No entrance fee. Tno borset to walk in an ordinary farm wagon. Single hair-mile beat. No. 4 Prawn $3. Pulling atone boat. Firs, team 2. 2d $1. Two hortea to move load not Iota than 2 feet. L. DENNINU, President. AL. M. ROW, Secretary. Clearfield, Pa., Aug. 26, 1880. STATE FAIR. Twenty-seventh Annual Kxhlbltion Penna, Agricultural S::::ty will Bi anm in MAIN CENTENNIAL BDILDIN0, I'nirmount Park, PiilAdolphia, SEPTKMBEIl Oth to 18th. ENTRIES AND COHPSTITION FREMI X2TTEK1TATI02TAL SZ07T or 8HBKP, WOOL AND WOOL PltODUCTS, SEPTEMUF.K 20m to 25tii, 1880. Kntr, Boi.ka Kill clou at Iha OA.., Nona-writ eoraar Tenth and Chaataat 8trMta, Adr. tl, 1BB0. $40,000 IN PREMIUMS. Cash Prizes for Live Stock, $24,315. Bct'aaioN TtciRTi at oaa.Ti.T saatioRD maraa. Llbaral ArrangomaDta for Tranaportation. WM. DI8SKL, Paaa'r, D. w.flxiLKn. Rafl'g. flw'jr. KLaainoa M'Coilar, Cor. 8. Au, II, '80-41 HARTSWICK & IRWIN, 88C0ND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS IK PU11E DRUGS! CIIKMICALSI PALM'S, OILS, DYE STUFF VARNISHES, BRI1BIIK3, PERFUMERT, FANCY QO0DS, TOILET AKTlCI.tS, 0F ALL KINDS, PURS WINES AND LIQUORS far atadliiaal aaraoaas. Tram,, Sappartm, Bohaal Book, aad Statloa. rj, and all othar arttelaa aaaall, foaad Is a Dr., Bur. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CARE FULLY COMPOUNDED, ifarla, a aaria al- latleUo" ' iU U"' lM J. O. BARTSWTCK. ,, , . JOHN I. IRWIN. Claariald, DaMaihat 11, 1174. THE REPUBLICAN, P.bllih.d ararj W.Jo-Jaj b, G. B. GOODLANDER,. CLBAKKIICMI, PA., Haa 111. Lai-feat Circulation at any awr In MorthweaUrii Paunaylraula. The largo aud constantly Inorouaing oiroulotion of the Republican, renders It valuablo to business men as a modi urn thro' which to roach tho public TttRMr) or SuuacaiPTioN : Ii uuid in advance, . . 12 00 If paid after three months, . 2 50 If paid alter six months, . . S 00 When papers aro sent outsido of the county payment must be in advance ADVKKTISING: Ton linos, or loss, 8 tiraos, . f 1 60 Kach sabsoquont insertion, SO Administrator' Notices, . . 2 60 Executors' Notices, .... 2 60 Auditors' Noticos, .... 2 60 Cautions and Kstrays, ... 1 60 Dissolution Notices, ... 2 SO Professional Cards, 6 lines, year, 6 00 Special noticos, pur lino, ... 20 YKARLY ADVKUT1SEMENTS: One square, 10 lines, Two squares, . . . Tliree square", . . One fourth column, . Ono half column, Ono column, . . . S8 00 16 00 20 00 60 00 70 00 120 00 KlilXKS. We have always on hand a largo stock of blanks ol all doscriptions. SUMMONS, SUBPOENAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OP AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, KER BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, to., 4c, to. JOB PRINTING. We are prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING SUCH AS POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, to., to., IN THE BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Geo. II. Uoorilandcr, Clearfleld, Clearfield County, Pa. THE MANSION HOUSE. Corner of Heeond and Market Htreelt. M.AHI-II.M), A rpim eld and eoaiiaodloat Hotel has. duriLs X Ibo pail year, been enlarged to .1, former capacity for the eoteriatnraent of nr6. gert and guttta. The whole building hat km, refurnished, aud the proprietor will stare nu paint , to rtnder hit gueaU eonifortable ebil. flaying with bin. er-The 'Mansion Home" umnlboi runs 10 and frutn the Depot on the arrival and departure of each train. W. l CAHbtiN, July 12 TT-U Proptleui LLKGIIENY ilOTKL Market Mtreet, Clearfield, Pa, Win. H, Bradley, formorly proprietor of the Leonard House, having leased the AllciWy Hotel, solicit, a there of public patronage, 1 1$ House bae been thoroughly repaired and aeely furnished, and gueets will Bnd it a pleasant atof,. plug plaoe. The table will be iup)lied with lot beel of everything In tbe market. At the tar will be fuund Ihe btst and liquors. (Ju,j tabling atlaobed. W il. 6. i!ltAll,FV, Way 17, 76. Proprietor. rjKM 1'KIEANCK JIoUHK, NEW WAlSIIINUTON, PA. II. D. l.UfcK, , . I'MOI'klBl. H Heals, 2')C. Man and burse tvur night, $ uu. Maa end two hortea over night, if I. in. Tho boat of acooniinodatitni lor man aad k Mr,i Oct. ZSTB-tf. WASHINGTON HOUSE, NEW WASHINGTON, I a Tbit new and well furnished faoure has (m-h. taken by tbe undersigned. He feels eunfldeii! . . being able to render satisfaction to tboae who it , favor him with a call. Way 8, 1872. U. W. IMVIH, Pr..p r LOYD HOUSK, Main Htrtet, PUILIPHUUKO, PKNN A. Table alwaya supplied with tbe best the uiatlv affvrda. The traveling public ia Invited ...eni! )m.I7. KOl.KKT I.UVL County National Bank, OP CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM in M atonic Building, ono door oki O. D. Watson's Drug Slure. Pataage Ticketi to and from Liverpool, gUtei, town, Ulasguw, London, Peril and Uoiirnimira., Alto, Draft for tale on the Hoa Hank uf IruUn - ana imperial Hank or London. JAMKS T. LKONAIiD, Pre.'t W. M. 611 AW, Cashier. JslI,1:? DREXEL & CO., Nu. 34 Houth Tlilrd Htreet, l"llllaj. l,l.l. It.l.rHKHS, And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mail will rM.iv. prompt atlrn tion, and all Itiri.ruiaticn obMifulir OrJ.ra aolloted. April II I' p. k. aimoLit. fl. w. a a NO L&. F. K. ARNOLD & CO., KunlicrN unci Jtrok? r, KytiolVvllle. slelTerawn Co., Pa. Munar rcofilvnd oo dcporlt. Difmurttk at ... dtrat rate. KaiUrs and Fort i go Kxcbaripft : wav on tiand and eollrction promptly uid; iioni.iivii.a, utc in, ij,-iy gcutistrtj. n. heichholj), II K ii fi O N DIUTIHT, J 'Inadoata of the Peiionjlvanl r.ill-4e of DeuUl Hnrrerr. .Otfine in reiitlenee of Ir. Ililli.iti.i.oiiif the haw llnaaa. mcliU, '78 il. DR. E. M. THOMPSON, (OSr. ia Back Buildln,,) "CarwenaTllle, Clearfleld Co.. Pa. mrh Ii M. IllLLS, 01f Jf aTtVE DE.YT1ST, CLEARFIELD, PENN A. &Oflif in raatdtnc aprioaita Shaw Itnu?. Jj9.IS-tl-tf J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLEARFIKLD, PA. Offio. in reaidrnea, Second atwt.) Nitron Oalda Oaa a4miDiaterad for the paia bb aztiactioa of tealh. Cleardrld. Pa., Uar i, 1SJT.1t. Ittisrtllatifous. aaV in . Awn naM TaafMiaa r..l ) outetfraa. Aildreaa II. Hallat S Company, Portland, Maine. dM)7,'7U lv, TO rpr diy at rionia. Fatnplei wurlh fre. Ad tire Htininn Jk Co., foitland, Matna. dacHVV It. Q'Jii) week. Ill day at Rama aatllj madf. VIA Co(lr outfit fret. Addrari Trnt A Co., Augmta, Maine. deol7,'7V-lT. SIlOKMAKIKfi.-1 hereby inform my pa tronr, and mankind in feoeral, that I harf rrmored my tbocmaklrtf phup to the room ia Grahatu'i ruw, over 8. 1. Bnyder'i jewelry tnrr, and that I am prepared io do all kinda of work In my lino cheaper than any ether obop tn town. All work warranted ae food aa ean be dona anj where alt. Poaitlrely thil ! the chrepert thop tn Clearlleld. JOS. H. DKEHING. Dee, II, 1878-tf. J.H.LYTLE, Wholesale d Retail Dealer in CrocorioS, IHK LABUKSTand BKST 8KI.KCTKD PTOt K IN J li U COUNTY. COFFER, TKA, SUGAR, 8YRDP. M RATS, PIHIl, SALT, OILS, (JUEESSWAliK, TI'BSandlHTKKTS. Plilfil) FHL'ITS, CANNKO flOODS, SPICKS, BROOMS, KI.OUR, FEKD. County Agent for i.onn.iiRO'a Ton.u t os, Thea. hou,ht CA8II ia larj. Iu, and aold at almoat eity priraa. JAMKB H. I.YTI.K. Claardald, Pa., Jaaa IS, IST8-I7. The Bell's Run Woolen Factor) Penn townahlp, Clearfleld Co., Pa. HURNBl) OUT. OT MOT BURNED UPI ha.a, at rnat .tpaaH.r.liuiKa nalghhorhood amialty, in th. .raetioa of a lrt etaieWool.n MaBaraotorj.vith all Iha aaoaira attaehad, and ar. prapared Io aiaha all klnda af Cloth,, CaaeiBana,, IHaa hute, Flannale, . Pint, .1 , oode oa hand anppl, ail oar .Id aad ft thooeaad naw.natnr afboaa w. aak to aoa. aad aiarnln. .ar etcta. Th. hailnua of CARDING AND FULUNQ 111 rKal.a .ar wpMlal altntloa. Pr-r' arranir.tB.nU will h. aoad. to tm.It. and d.llrtf Wo.1. to anit enatoaam. All work warranted aa' doaa apoa th. aotiea, aad by Uriel etua Uoa to aaaiaaea ar. hop. va nalia. a liberal aaara f pnbli. patronage. IO.OOO POUNDS WOOL WANTIPI We will naT tho hl.haet eaaakrf nriaa for aad Mil .ar aaaanfaetarad (oodaaa low aa alalia! ooda eaa h. hoafht la th., aad weeeiraf fail te r.nd raonabl. latlefutloa aJwa.a a. foaad at koaa. Mad. U aaah. tnf eaplaaatioa, alth.r la penna ar h, B.war t