Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 01, 1880, Image 2

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    Bfce jfttpuMiflin.
tiioBOi B. GooDLANur.E, Editor.
Reader, If jou want to know what il ffolnv on
la the buiinoi! world, Juit read our adverting
eoiuain., ids .Yjxctaf eoiutnn in particular.
Democratic National Ticket!
l'OR ritKSIDJiJiT:
Gen. Winficld S. Hancock,
Hon. William II. Edish
Robert R. Monaghen, William II. I'lujford.
1. John Slevia.
2. K twin A. l'ue.
1. John M. CnmpWII,
4. (Hilt. Dnllrtt.
o. John M. Moimu
A. Edward Waldon.
7. Nathan C. Jumei.
8. fleorjro Filhcrt.
9. Ju, 11. M'Nperren.
111. Dr. A. J. Marlio.
1 1 . derringer.
1J. Frank Turner.
1.1, P.J. Ilirnilnglmm.
14. II. E. Derli.
Ifi. aenre;, A. Poit.
HI. A. M. Ilenton.
17. J. T. l,in(on.
is. Col. John r). Miller
I III. J. 0. Pmton.
J. 0. M. Ilowor.
21. J. A. J. Ilueunnan.
22. Cirtntof,lir Mage..
-, rtnoort Al. MlDlrin.
24. Thomai Bradford.
25. llarrj W. Wilion.
2H. 8raul (Irlfflih.
27. J. Kan Tkoapion
Democratic State Ticket!
for supreme judoe:
No men worth? the office of Pre li dent should
b willing to bold it if counted in, or placed there
by any fraud. - U. 6. Ghaut.
I oould never have been reconciled to the ele
vation by the smallest aid of mine of a pen on,
however respectable In private life, who must
lorever carry upon me brow the stamp of fraud
Brit triumphant in American history. No sub
sequent action, however meritorioui, oan waih
away tbe letten ot that record.
CRAltLII Fas nets A runs.
I would rather bat Lite uuu(Miu.(iutwf tuau-
ter of a million of tbe American people than that
oi ine Louisiana neturning iioerd, or or the t'nm
minion which excluded tbe f&oti and decided
the question on a technicality.
Turn. A. IIintnRirKS,
Under tbe form! of law, Rutherford D. Hayes
bai been declared President of the United States.
His title rests upon df-franchfsement of lawful
voters, the fa lie certificates of the returning offl-
oers acting corruptly, ana tee dec n ion o( a com.
minion which hai refused to hear evidence of al-
lend fraud. For the flnt time are the American
people confronted with the fact of a fraudulently
elected President, Let it not be understood that
tbe fraud will be silently acquiesced tn by the
country. l,oi no Hour pail in wbicb tbe usurpa
tion Is forgotten.
AnnaiNi or Democratic M. O.'i.
One hundred yean of human depravity accu
mulated and concentrated Into a climax of crime.
Never again In five hundred years shall they bare
ma opportunity 10 repeal me wrong.
The true and proper use of the military power,
besides defending the nntional honor against for
eign nations, is lo uphold the laws and civil gov
ernment and to secure to every person residing
among us tbe enjoyment of life, liberty and prop
erty. The right of trial by jury, the habeas corpus,
the liberty of the press, the freedom of itieech.
the natural rights of persons and tbe rights of
property must ne preserved.
rower nay destroy the forms, bat not the prin
ciples of justice. These will live in spite even
of the sword.
The great principles of American liberty it 111
are the lawful inheritance of tbii poople and ever
l boa Id be.
Armed Insurrections on forcible resistance to
tbe law will be Instantly rep rested hj arms.
Nothing can intimidate me from doing what I
believe to be honest and right.
Arbitrary power has do existence here.
I Prom the New York Times, Feb. IV, 1873.
4essrs. Kelley and (.artleld present a most
distressing figure. Their participation in the
Credit Mobilior affair ii complicated by the mast
unfortunate contradictions of testimony,
f From the New York Times, Feb. 20, WS.J
The character of the Credit Mobilier was no
secret, The sou roe of its profits were very well
known at tbe time Congress in eft. bought it.
Though Oakea Amu may have succeeded in eon
eealing his own motive, which was to bribe Con
gressmen, their acceptance of the stock was not
on mat account innocent. The dishonor of the
act, as participation in an obvious fraud, atill
Home of them have indulged in testimony with
reference to tbe matter which has been contra
dicted. The committee tii(inctly rereft lAs (etfi
wwiy of mr tkt member; Tkii tan only fre
rfime on lA grmund that it is Mittrw. Hut mnlru
ttttimonp givtn under oath is morally, if not Ugat-
It is the clear duty of Congress to visit with
tmaiihraent all who took Credit Mobilier stock
from Oakes A met.
From the New York Tribnns, Feb. 19, 18711
James A. UartUld, of Ohio, had ten shame;
never paid a dollar; received it 29, which, after
tbe Investigation began, be was amicus tc have
considered as ft loin from Mr. Otksi Ames to
Well, the wlckednsss of all of It 1s that tbese
men betrayed the trust of the people, deceived
their eon it 1 1 asms and by evaiioni and falsehoods
eon fasted tbe transaction to be digreetfal.
IFromUiaNsw Ynrk Trlbuae, Feb.W, WM
Ir. Ames establishes very clearly lb point
that be was not alone in this oOenne. kt to
ht orpelttd intWry, As ssra wAo Were triltcf
sJhould ffo with him.
A Cnn-Dipii I.s-Qcmv. "Va,
wlint does the printer live on ?"
"Why, my child ?" ."Because I
henrd you say you hadn't paid
him for six years, and you Btill
ttiko the paper."
"If the Dmocrotic parly siioi;i.d nt
I'Kumittep to I'ur.VAll., it would have
ken better for us that TUB RE II EL I.
CEEDED." X. y. Tribune, July,W0.
Robollion prcfurred by tho Republi
can party "us" to Ions of powur in
tho Government!
KcccHxion to bo advocated in tho
ovont ot tbe election of General Han
cock I
Tho Republican party, which con
trots a majority of the Northern States,
to plunge tho country into another
war of rebellion unless allowed to rule I
The principal mgan of tho party i
tho country openly advocating a de
struction of tho Union if not pcrmittei
to control its Government I
I bo Now lork Irwune, while lying
about Wailo Hampton, fostering th
spirit ol Koi'usnion union); its readers I
Tho New York Tribune, and ac
knowledged leader of sentiment in tli
Republican party, threatening tho peo
ple with another war if they do not
vole for Garfield !
These are the meanings of thai sentence,
or English language is incapable of con
veying any meaning I
And thon too, thoy want you to voto
for a man for President, who was fre
quently bribed and on several occasions
porjurod himself. Whala"grand moral
Tbe text book lor Speakers, for the
cumpaign of 1880, will bo ready for
distributing in a few days. Speakers
wishing to bo supplied with tho Tex
Rook should writo at onco to
W. 11. Babnum,
Chairman Nat. Dom. Com.,
138 Fifth avonuo.,
Now York
Tho Text Book contains tho lives
of Hancock and English and their
Lottors of Acceptance, tho phitlorm
adopted in Cincinnati, tho Records ot
GurHold and Arthur, including histo
ries of tho Credit Mobilier, District of I
Columbia and Indian Rings, the Elec
toral Fraud, tbo Pacific Mail Sloal
tho Moth Swindle, tho Civil Service
Sham and tho other great scandals
which havo disgraced tho Republican
administration. It also contains Com
pilations of Statistics and Political
Information of great value to speakers
and odilors.
Ever? Democratic voter in Clc.rfleld
county .liaulrl bear In mind that WF.DN EH.
and id, are the lait day. for refrlilerliig
for Hie uext election.
All Hancock and English Campaign
Clubs and other organisations wbioh
support tho Pomocratic candidates are
requested to send to
V. U. Babnum,
Chairman Nat. Dom. Committee,
138 Fifth Ave.,
Now York,
1st. Tho namo and location ol thui
2d. A statcmont of the number of
mombors oniollod.
3d. The names of olllcors.
4lh. Accounts of mootings held.
6th. Reports, every two weoks dur
ing tho campaign, of tbo number and
ncroaso of membership, with tho con
lition and prospects of tho canvass.
To Votebb. Tho 2d of Seplombor
is tho last day for registration and as
sess mont
The Assessor of cae'u district is ro
quirod to bo at tho oloction-honse on
Wednesday and Thursday, Septombor
1st and 2d, from 10 A. M. to 3 P. Al
and from 6 P. M. to 9 P. M., to per
fect tho list of votors.
All persons entitled to voto should
personally sco that they are assessed
as well as registered.
rorsonB intending to be naturalizod
boforo tbe 2d of October should also bo
assessed and registered by tho 2d of
Let every Democrat 111 ClcarUeld county
aee at okce that III. name I. on the Reg-.
I.lrj. The Hit ol rolera la now ported up
at every election llnuae-
Thk Tai'TU Occasionally. Tho
Radical organs uro so addicted to lying
when alluding to prominent Democrats,
that tho truth is tho oxcoption and not
the rulo. Tho Pittsburgh Telegraph be
longs to tbo formor. Tho editor is honest
onough to say this, which we oommend
to the Garfield organs who havo boon
lying about Hampton's speech. Tho
telegraph says :
R.n.tor Wad. HaaiDton ku mm fll lo nnhll.h
till ownnporl of thMoB fa. mad. .1 Staunton,
V ir.ln la, on the 36 of Lit month, and 10
critiolMd bM.ui. It w.i .aid lo contain a declara
tion that tb. D.moorntio party ii now eontondioft
for th. principlM for whieh Lm and Jaoaaon
fought. In bli report tha ofloniir. word! do not
all. '
oocur. and ertdent war. not ntt.rMl h. bin
B. Journal und Times ploaso
Read ini Rvlks. On our fourth
pago will bo found tbo Apportionment
and Rules governing the action ol the
Domocratio party In Clearfield county,
n rotation to tho nomination of District
and County officers. These samo rulos
will bo printed on tbo back of the blank
oloclion papers, for tho benfit and
guidanco of tho voters and the Primary
Election Boards. Road them.
Let votors and candidates road our
Rulos relating to Primary Eloctions,
found on our fourth pago.
Soo fourth pago for tho ptogramroo
of tho Agricultural Society during the
coming Fair.
Our first pago is chuck full of ex
cellent reading matter this week.
Read Senator Davis, of Illinoils, on
Hancock. See first page.
At this timo il Is very important to
go buck into tho history of the forma
lion of our Constitutional form ol Gov
ernment. Twovory prominent theories
ontered into the construction ol a Con
stitution for tbe formation of a mwo
complete union among several Federal
States, one modeled after that of En
gland, and one on a more liberal basis.
Tho first was tho plan proposed by
Hamilton, and the other, which finully
bocamo tho fundamental lv of the
Union by Jefferson.
A few quotations from Hamilton's
plan will show tho tendencies of an in
flaential class in his timo, and a little
observation will exhibit the fact that
ho has a following in tho Republican
party of tbo present duy.
Ho proposos, in Article III, Sec. 0.
The Senators shall hold their places.
during good behavior, and removal
shall take place only by conviction on
impeachment for some crimo or misdo
mcanor. Art. IV, Sec. 2. Electors for Presi
dent shall be chosen by eitir.ens ol'sui'h
Stale having un inheritance lor (lneo
lives in the luud, or a ch ur pei-sniial
estate oi the value of one Uiout-und
Spanish nulled dollars of tliu present
Art. IV, Setj. 0. The President of
the United States shall hold his olfico
during good behavior, removal only by
conviction upon an impeachment for
some crime or misdemeanor.
Art. VII oontains this clause : "llo
it onaetcd by tho people of tho United
States ol America," us tho enacting
authority on all laws.
Art. VIII, See. 1. Tho Governor or
President ot each- Slato sliull be ap
pointed under tho authority ol tho
United Slates and shall havo the right
to negative ull laws about lo bo passed
in tho State of which ho shall bo Gov
ernor or Presidont, subject to such
qualifications as the Legislature of tho
United Status shall prescribe in tire
Sluto which bo shall be Govomor or
President, subject to such regulations
as tho Legislature of the United States
Bhall proscribe.
Sec. 2. Each Governor or President
shall hold his office until his successor
bo appointed, dios, or is removed, or ro-
Tho olllcors of militia in the sovoral
States may bo appointed under the au
thority of tbo Unitod States.
Many othor oxlracts from this plan
for a Constitution, and from Hamilton's
othor writings, go to show his viow of
a strong Govornmont. At tho saino
timo it is remarkable how closely tbo
policy of tho Republican party is a
copy of tins Hamilton plan of Govorn
mont. Many instances of this can
roadily bo supplied ; but ono of tho
most striking is that of tho prosont
candidato of tho Republican party for
Prosidont ol tho Unitod States, Jamos
A. Gnrfiold. On tbo 25th of January,
18C5, he mado a speech in Congross, in
which ho said :
"I boliove that tho famo of Jefferson
is iraning and (lie fame oi Hamilton
waxing in tho estimation of the Ameri
can pcoplo, and that we are gravitating
toicard a strong Government. I am glad
that we are.
Radical Twisting. Wo notice that
tbo Philadelphia Bulletin, a leading
Radical organ, repudiates tho tariff
viows of tho Now York Timet. Tho
views ol tho Times bear a close corres
pondence to tho views of General Gar
field. Doos tho Bulletin rcpudiato
Garfield? It is hardly worth whilo on
this tar iff question for Pennsylvania
tariff organs to try at onco to rido and
go afoot. No publio man in tho coun
try is moro distinctly committed to
tariff revision than Genoral Garfield
When Kelley, Killingor & Co. rofused
to voto for him for Speaker because of
his known scnlimcnU on this subject,
they knew what they wcro about, and
tho Now York Time knows what it
is aboutin supporting Garfiold for Pres
ident. What astonishes us still moro,
is tho fact that tho Radical organs and
orators of our county bellow tariff!
tariff II tariff! II all the timo, whilo
their candidato, Credit Mobilcr-Do Gol-
y or-Salary G rab Garfiold, is notoriously
a Free Trader, fully provon such, too,
by his votes and Bpooches in Congross,
roportod and prihtod by Radical hands,
so much so, that tbroo Ponnsylvanians
jwfusod to voto for him for Spoakor at
tho opening of tho prosont Congress.
Bible class teachers should utilize more
truth in their sayings outside of tho
New Mnsio. Timo works wonder-
ful changos. Hero is ono change to
which wo want to call tho altonlion of
our readers. Under a picturo repre
senting Genoral Garfield as n BRIBE
TAKER, Harper's Weekly iu 1872 used
theso words which woro no loss ox-
prossivo than tho pictures of Garfield,
Colfax and Brooks, tho principlo "spot
ted characters of that date : "Dig-
graced in tho oye ot tho publio for
owning Credit Mobilier stock, which
was in fact and Intont a fraud upon
tho Govonmont. Also lor doooit and
ksvnsion. 'lho lntrh trust ol lecielntion
misused. Tho pooplo will not long ro-
spoct tho laws if thoy lose respect for
tho law makor." Ono would hardly
think parly prejudice would compol
mon like Mr. Curtis to support a man
for office that thoy boliovod was a
bribo takor,porjuror and takor ol illegal
foos But it is so. The corrupt and
disgraced man ol 1872-3, is just the
thing for 1880.
Krery Democratic voter l Clearfield
county ehould bear Id mind that w l:l)M ..
and 3d. are the laal dayi for regliterlnr
ror ine next election
Theadltorof tha Claarl.ld RirrlnrK doxo'l
Mm to lik. oar politic W. .Mure Joa that th.
fMltnt if rwiproeatod, but w. .re glad to Bole,
th. wbil., that th. oountry II la inch a eandilina
tbit tbi d.r. not (Ir. .ml to inoh
rillienoui, parldioai, traiterooi, Iraaionabl. an.
um.atai it Tomltad forth daring tha war for th.
l'Bioa.-fryofevMi' 1'aptr.
Well, "Smarty," whore was you
'during lho war for the Union ?" How
much did you pay for a substitute T
What did your Bounty and Roliof
taxes amount too during and since tho
Irrepressible conflict" closed 1 If you
havo by any moans contributed to sup
press tho Rebellion, yon may have tho
right to libol us ; but not othcrwiso.
Your snobbory cannot bo utilized in
war or pcaco for tho benefit of oilhcr
I race.
Thin hkinnkd Statesmanship. A
contemporary appropriately remarks :
"Thuro un be no more charming illus
tration ot the elasticity of the civil
service, or nt least of the diplomatic
brunch of it, than is supplied in Minis
ter Hanson's temporary abandonment
ot his post at Vienna for tbo purpose
jl coming over io lbo United States to
participate in a political canvass as a
speechmakor. Tho pretext is that Kas
son has been nominated for Congress
in Iowa. After tho oloclion ho pro
poses to go back to Vionna 'to close
up his connection with tho Legation
and resign.' Why could he not havo
dono this boforo leaving Vionna f"
Tho reader of current events is awaro
thul the Hayes (fraud) administration
opened a "civil service reform" shop
soon altor il was seated by the dam
nable 8 by 7 Returning Board. Tbo
edict issued by Hayes ti Co. prohibit
ed every Federal ofllci) bolder from
taking part in Conventions or othor
oat-door political work. Yet, half the
Cabinet is on the slump, and Hnyos
himself lias turned ''tramp" to forward
the failing fortunes of the Radical par
ty. More: iot satisfied with forfeit
ing tbo pledgo of the administration
and debauching tho departments of
tho Government, all tho Foreign Min
isters and Consuls who can make a
speech havo boon ordered home to
take lbo stump so as to help the in
iquitous schemes ot tho Radical party
along during their civil service cm
sudo ngainst common decency.
Loyal Tiii'Nimn. On tho l'uh ol
March, A. D. 1,8711, while Credit Mold-
lior was made boiling hot by tho Poland
(Radical) Committee ol Investigation,
Harpor's weekly Journal of CIVILI
ZATION, contained tbe following:
"Tho action of lho Houso of Represen
tatives on Poland's report, in substitut
ing a voto of consuro and condemna
tion for tho resolution expelling Ames
and Brooks, and passing ovor tho
other inculpated membors without
notice, fell fur short of tho just expec
tations of tho country. ( was a clear
case of moral cowardice, an unmanly
shirking of responsibility. Tbo Houso
has virtually declared that a member
may offer to accept a bribe, and yet
not bo disqualified from retaining bis
scat in Congress. "Absoluto condem
nation must bo tho vordict of lho
country on such a lamentablo oxhibi
"Moral pusillanimity" was good thon
and should bo now ; but tho editor in
question, Goo. W. Curtis, is villifying
Gon. Hancock, and praising Garfiold.
As Mr. Curtis was tho otiglnal cham
pion of tho Hayes Civil Servico Reform,
and in 1873 uttered tboso cutting
words, wo suspect that ho is only acting
tho hypocrito for the sake of his party.
ThkTbue Reason. State Chairman
Dill recently said, in regard lo Repub
lican claims for recognitions by the
pooplo: "They are good at claiming,
Sherman Bold the bonds, which any
body could hnvo dono. A Democratic
Congress conferred on him tho power
to meet tbe demand for tho redemption
of tkogrconbacks.and tho largo harvests
ol tho country, coupled with tbo blight
ed harvests in Europo, simplified lho
process by throwing the balanco of
trado largely in our favor. The Re
publican party could not havo pre
vented the resumption of spocio pay
ments without disobeying the law.
Sherman is signalizing bimsoll now by
locking tip 50,000,000 ol silvor dollars
instead of floating thorn as ho should
Ho and his party will bring on another
panic if left alono." Mr. Sherman could
nover havo accomplished tho prosont
partial resumption had not two Demo
cratic measures been passed ono re
storing silver to its rank as money, and
ono forbidding tho cancellation of
groonbacks, and providing for their
roisBiio. Ho knows this but ho will
not acknowledge it.
l-'.very Democratic voter In Drnrrleld
county .hoiild bear In mind that W I. UN :.
and ?d, are the laat daya for reMcrlug
fur the licit election.
Democratic Meetings. Wo learn
that during tho past week, successful
meetings woro held nt Rock ton, Union
township, Winterburn and Laurel
Run, (Tyler Station) in Huston town
ship, addressed by Win. M. McCullongh
and S. T. Brockbank, Esqs. A joint
meeting between Covington and Kart-
huus townships was held at Oak II
on tho 28th ull., where they havo a
Hancock Club numbering 115 mom
bors. Tho speakers woro Daniel Mooro,
Esq., Pr. J. W. Poller and Abrain
Humphrey. At tho conclusion oi tho
spceehoB, tho House gavo three rous
ing ohoors for tho ticket, and adjourned
t" meet til Mnlsonburg on Saturday
evening, September lltb, whon sev
eral speakers will bo present to tell tho
naked Irtilh.
Business. Tho following standing
offer is published In IhoKlmira Gazette:
Wanteo. Somo Republicans or com
bination ol Republicans, who aro will
ing to tako up tho following wagers,
the money lo cover which will bo roady
at this ollleo within soven and one-half
minutes altor any ono bos signified his
intentions of accepting tho propositions:
1100 thrit
Ilanoook earri.i IVnnlylfaoia.
" " Coanertlcot.
" " N.w Jrrwy.
" " Indiana.
" " New York,
th. ahor. L.ti ar. won.
1 00
910(1 "
1100 al
Tho following single wager is also
open: $100 that Hancock will bo
Failed. Gen. Garfield, the Radical
candidate, mado throe attempts after
tho war closed to have Gonoral Han
cock legislated out of the Army by
an Act of Congross. Providence, how
over, interfered on every occasion, and
our nomineo is noxt to Gon. Sborman
on tho military rolls, and by tho 5th
of March next will be Commandor in
Chief of tho Army and Navy in spite
ol Garfield and his political guerrillas.
No Difference;. Whon Garfield
took that 15,000 from De Golyor for
services as Chairman of the Com mi (too
on Appropriations, tho Now York In
dependent denouncod it as a bribe.
Tbe InJependent now discovers that it
was a "fee." How cuto I I
Ci'awENsviLLE, August 28, 1880.
Eihtou Rf.pi:ui.ican : The three
hundred members of our Hancock
and English Club usserableil at Ar
nold's Hull Inst erening, pursuant to
a call from tho Vigilance Committee,
were offered a treat which paid them
amply lor the time spent there. Your
townsman, 1). L. Krebs, Esq., aeconi.
puuied by the most hlirring and active
ot Chairmen, Dr. J. P. Buicbtield, held
the largo utidiento spell-bound with
with his clear and truthful statement
oi the issues involved in tbe present
cumpaign without using tho methods
employed by somo of tho Republican
speakers, (on the samo sland) namely :
that of "throwing mud." llo showed
forcibly lho reason why no truo Amer
ican citizen can cast his vole for Gar
field for President, but should uso all
bo'nest moans In their power to help
oloct the "suporb," Winfield Scott Han
cock, to tho highost gilt within lho
power ol tho pooplo President of tho
United States.
Mr. Krehs was lollowcd by Chair
man Burchlield, who, in a few concise
words, explained lo tho audience thrir
duty in this campaign, und who
brought cheering report from ull parts
ol tho county. Lot mo suy horo that
this heretofore "hot-bed" ol Republi
canism shall witness a change dream
ed ol by few.
Another meeting will be held at
Arnold's Hall on Friday evening, Sep
tember 10th. Prominent speakers will
bo present. Respecllully,
Wol'LD IT BE Saps ? A few even
ings ago, a ilr. Warwick, no relation
to tho King maker, addressed tho Re
publican Invincible nt Norristown,
and in tbo course of bis remarks said
of Mr. Garfield: "Th man wo havo
placed upon our ticket aid we ask you to
give this great Government into his
care and into his keeping." Read the
following, Mr. Warwick, ami tell us
wholher il would be safe ?
I ncv.r ownod, r.o.ive-1. or abroad ti rronive
aoy .took ol the Crodit Mohilior tit of tli. Union
PaoiAn railroad, norany dividood. or profit, aril
loa from either of Ihntn. From Hit Oitu fiiern
Trttimimji beor Iks I'otaud Cttmmitlt, Jan. 1 04,
The fact, in regard to Mr. U.iriuM, n found
by the Committee, ar. ihit bo .jrroo.l with Mr.
Auiei to take ten lliarei of Credit .Mobilier Itenk,
hot dhl uot p;iy for tho lama. Mr. Atoe. recoivrd
the eighty per oent. dividend In bi.od aod lold
them tor ninoty-i.von per cent, .od alio rreeired
lb, ilxty per oent. eaih dividend-, whieh, to
gether with the price of tbe .lock aod Intareit,
ieft a balance of $:i29. Xhta ium iu paid .r.r
to Mr. Oirfield by a check oa tli. Hn recent-at-Armi,
and Mr. Oirflvld then nndentood tail .m
tea iki bttlanet of dieiitendt after paying for Ike
Hnck. From Jii'Uft I'oUtnd'a iYr;,orl, 'eo. I8re,
1878 (Varielif'. TVllinony Porjuriil.
If Garfield goos into the White
House, ho will bo tho first known per
jurer who has ever administorod "this
great Govornmont."
Somebody Lyinu. Either tho Rad
ical Congress in 1873, lied outrageously
about Garfield, and spread tbo lies
wrongfully upon tho records, or they
must acknowlcdgo that ho is unfit to
bo Prosidont of tho United States.
Which ? That is tho question that now
agitates tho honest voter. And if
Hayes and John Sherman told tho
truth about Arthur, tho Radical nomi
neo for Vice President, fivo years later,
ho is not a fit man to clcvato to that
office. Our ndvico to all voters is to
adopt Hancock English, against whom
no damning Congressional record is
filed. There is no uso in electing men
to thoso high ofilces who wear soiled
"Not Twenty Years Aoo." Wm.
E. Chundlorof Maine, who was Blaino's
'right bowor' at tho Chicago Convon
lion which nominated Garfield, made
tho following declaration in a letter to
tho Concord (N. II.) Monitor, dated
Fobrnary 20, 1873: "Tbo Republican
party cannot and will not take upon
itself the sins of Collax or Patterson or
Ames or Kolley or Garfield I Rather
it will bo truo to its mission, and place
the seal of condemnation npon Ihom
all." All which is respectfully submit
ted to the pioui consideration of tho
editors of tho Journal and the Times,
Wonderful. Revolution goes on.
Twenty thousand pcoplo galhored in
and around Fancuil Hall, Boston, on
last Saturday night. Gon. Ben. But
ler spoke for nearly two hours favor
ing the election of Hancock, and ho
gave substantial reasons for bis course.
Ho literally "skinned" poor DoGolyor
Garfield. He thinks, howevor, if tho
aforesaid was elected Prosidont ho
would carry back to tho Treasury lho
$25,000 salary grab if somo fellows
in tho Western Rcsorvo would kick
np a fuss about it.
The New York Cknrtk f aioa, which biloan to
the man or what ar. known a. raligiom newipa
pen, edited by a women, ad.oflal.i the election
of General Qarflold on the ground! of "Chrlltaio
duty.-' "II uencral uarseld II elected," the
Union lay., "he will he the fint Preild.nt of the
Vniled Htat.1 line Waihinglon'a time who ha-
beeo or la a profeiilag ChriitlaD and member of
aa .rangelical oboroh of Chriit. '
Wo find tho abovo squib in nearly
all our Radical oxchungos. "It's
a nobby pioce." If it is a "Chris-
tain duty" to accept bribos, commit
perjury, etc., thon Garfiold Is tho man.
Ho beats anything in that lino, by tho
record, that was ever offered for Pres
ident. Certainly no Compliment. Ono
of tho heavy Stalwart sheets, in eulo
gizing Genoral Grant, assert that ono
of his most vulnublo and conspicuous
characteristics is his "quick perception
and nocurato ostimulo of character."
This accounts lor Genoral Grant's long
and close intimacy with McDonald and
tho appointment of that person to a
highly responsible ofllco. It will also
bo rnthor consoling to Belknap, Robe
son and tbo horde of thiovoa who flour
ished during Grant's eocond term.
A Fraud Straw. Both Lincoln and
Grant wcro ro nominated lor Prosidont,
yet Hayes' namo was never montionod
in tho recent Chicago Convention. Tho
party wns awnro that he had obtained
his office by thoflnnd perjury, bonce his
namo was dropped out of thocalaloguo
of Radical candidates Ono hnll of
tho membors of his own party aro
satisfied that Rutherford and his family
should bo residents of Fremont, Ohio,
instead of tho White House, cribbing
Tilden's $50,009 a yoar.
"Piiunny" Morals. The Curwons
villo organ intimatos that "tho God-loving
and loyal would voto for Garfiold."
If it is In order, morally, for that class
of persons to endorso Credit Mobilior,
De Golyor and Salary Grabs, besides
ll'.KJLKY, then a now edition of
Catechisms and Sunday school books
must bo put out at onco, adjusted to
that row fangled idea of slatcmanship
as practiced by Garfiold & Co.
Brimstone in the Air. (ion. B. F.
Butler will speak tor Hancock In Maine.
and tho stalwart organs aro already
crying "spoons" attor him. Although
tho spoons have been discussed for
eighteen years, the Radical) never
noticed thorn until now. How quoor !
General Albert J. Myer, Chief Sig
nal officer of the United Stales Army,
died at Buffalo, Now York, on Tin's
say morning lust, of heart disease,
llo was born ut Newburg, Nuw York,
September 20, 1818, graduated at Ge
neva College in 1817, took the degree
of M. D ut tho University of Buffalo
in 1851, und in 1851, was appointed
Assislunl Surgeon in the United States
Army. From 1858 to 1800, bo was
on special duty in tho Signal Service,
and in tho latter year wus mado Ma
jorund Chlof Signal officer of tho army,
nerving in Nuw Mexico and in tho
Rocky .Mountains iint'l May 1801. In
June of that year he was mado Signal
officer on tho staff of General Butler ul
Fortress Monroo, ami alterward of
General McClcllan, and took part as
Chief Signal officer in nearly all lbo
engagements during tho l'eninsu
Campaign. In November, 1802, I
took charL'o of tho Sietinl office
Washington. Ho was anceosflivoly
hrnvftiofl I .inllienniit. Colonel Cnlnni.1
and Brigadier General, tho last being
ior uisiingtiisnou Borvicos in organii
ing, instructing and commanding tho
Signal Corps of tho Army, and lor its
ospocial servico October 6, 1804, at
Allutooua, Georgia. Ho was mude
Colonel and Cbit'i Signal officer of tho
nrmv in -lull. 1800. nnd lnLrnliipail n
full course of study of Signals nt West
1 oi nt nnd Aniinnolis. Hv virtue ol
an act nniirovcd February !), 1870, ho
was clutrged with tbo special duties of
the observation and giving notice I
telegraph nnd signuls of the npproui
and forco of storms on tho Northern
lakes and sea coast, al tho Military
pnsis in mo interior, and al oiuei
points in tho States nnd Territorico
lie organized tho mctcorlot-ioul divis
ion of the Siirnnl onion, bninir nsHii-nerl
' rs a r.
to duty according to his commission
as hrovet Ungadier-denoral in June,
IBil. In March, 18iJ, ho was placed
in churi-o of tbo sneciul duties of tolo-
giaphy, etc., being authorized to estab
lish Signal Stations and Light-Houses
ana oilier points throughout lbo conn
trv. nnd to connect theso Stations bv
tolcsrapli. In 1873, ho was a dele
gate to tho International Mctoorolog
ical Congress at Vionna. Ho has pub
linked a manual of Signals for the U
S. Armv and Navv. His dailv wenth
or report of probabilities was tho cause
ol his being nicknamed "Uld J'robg
by lbo press ol tho country.
fl.rflold growi in reputation with e.ery ap
pearanoe before tbe people. C'lectNanri Com
mercial. Y'es, hid reputation has been grow
ing that way for several yoars. It bo-
gan to grow with tho testimony beloro
tbo Credit Mobilior invostigation, lis
growth was rapid whon Judgo Poland's
Commiltco published tho report, show
ing that ho had committed perjury ;
and it was even moro rapid when he
took Do Golyor's feo of 85,000 for ser
vices as a nieinbor of lho Appropria
tion Cpmmittoo in tho nouso of Rep
How Changed ! Whon Democratic
papers mako the same charges against
Gen. Garfield that have boon mado in
scol os of prominent Republican organs,
they aro promptly branded as "cam
paign lies?" What woro they when
thoy first appeared, and whon tho pv
pore in which thoy originatod bad no
inducement or temptation to say any
thing but tbo tiuth about Gen. Gar
field? What were Ihoy then? Will
tho organs answer this query 1
A Good Nomination. Tbo Demo
cratic Conferees of tho Huntingdon.
Franklin, etc. Congressional District,
mot at Miftlintown on Thursday lost,
and nominated Hon. R. Milton Speor,
of Huntingdon, on tho first ballot This
sottlos tbo matter in tho Middlo Pent
tontiary District. Horatifl Gates, etc.,
will bo fishercd out of his scat and
speered homo to superintend nnd other
wise assist in building up a peniten
tiary on "the bluo Juniata."
Thanks. Tho National Democratic
Committuo bos our thanks for a copy
ol tho Campaign Text book for 1880
Tho foundation boing tha political sinB
of Commission and Omission ot lho
Radical party. Tho document contains
about COO pages, and is a concise but
wonderlul abridgement of the crimes
and follies of tho party in powor. It
is a good book for evory man that
loves Liberty and Personal Freedom.
Radical Virtues. Tho Washing
ton Post remarks: All tho depart
ments aro now run as auxiliaries of
tho Radical Campaign Committee.
Cabinot officors seem proud ol submit
ting themselves and their subordinates
to tho dictation of Marshall Jewell
This comos of having "a pure adminis
tration and an improved civil servico.
Dai.aran. Owing to our Inability lo eel hold
of In tim. othor matter pertaining to "Wall ace and
Ilia Cone-Pot" No. S, we bare to diiappointour
reader!. CnrimirilU Times.
Why, that's awful I Will you "got
hold of" It by your noxt issuo ? Please
inform your "disappointed" readers so
that Ihoy may bo rendered comforta-
bio solar as your "No. 3" is concerned.
Tho Curweniville Times la running a aerial
ilory on Wallace and the ooffre-pot buiineai.
noil everter.
Wo inspect that that coffoo put will
boil ovor somo day and scald somo
body. A moro Infumnua libel was
never coined ngainst any man in pub
lic or private life.
Tho denth ol Horsehel V. Johnson
leaves Sonalor Hamlin and ex-Senator
Lano as tho only living representatives
of tho Presidential tickets of I860.
Lincoln, Douglas, Brookonrldgo, Boll
and Everett havo all passed away.
Attention Tho Sccrotaiy of ovcry
Hancock Club will confer a favor on
party account, if bo will furni6h us
ith a synopsis ot tho proceedings of
their rcspcctivo Clubs.
ANY parties In need of Paw Mill are hereby
Informed thnt 1 will sell tbctn one as rood
as new. Stern's; Blocks,
Melting, and all the ether nature. In good order.
Kvr further laformatlea, addreei
Oieeola Mill,, Cle.rd.lJ Co, Pa.
March I, 1SH0 If.
May 11 8m.
Funs. The fes must be paid in advance for
announcing lbs Dawes of eandidulee and tbe prlut
ing of 1 2, lilt) tickets vrtll le as follows:
CtjiigreM $U
AueniUy - II
Prolhouoteiiy 1"
RegiMrr and Heoorder I
County Hurveyor i
We are authorised to announoe the uasne of
AND11I.W II., of tniob eouoty, as a eea
didale lor Cnpgrtm, sul jeotto tbe rules governibg
tbe l)euioortie party.
1'ostolhoe address, Lowisburg, Uuton ouunly,
We are authorised to announce tbe name of
SAM T KL K. McCLoSKKY, of Curweneville, as
a candidate for County Surveyor, subject to tbe
rules governing tne Drtnoeratio party.
Tostuflioe address, Curwensville, 1'a,
We nrtf authorised to announoe the name of
JAMKS FI.YNN, or Oulicb township, u a can
didate for Assembly, subjeet to tbe rules govern
ing the Democratic party.
Post offl oa address. Smith's Mills.
We are authorised to announoe tbe name of W.
POTTK K HKKD, of Lawrence township, as a ean
didate for Assembly, subject to tht rules govern
fng tbe Demoeratlo party.
1'ustoQloe address, Curwensville.
'We are authorised to announce tbe Dame of
A 1IHAM Ut MIMIUKY, of Uwrcnoe township,
as a eandiilate for Assembly, subject to the rules
g'veraiig the Jomocretio prty.
PoMlxflioe address, Clearfield.
We are nuthoriicd to announce tbe name of
OKORtJ K II. I1A1.L, ofLatrrenoe township, as a
oan diii ate for v rot no notary, subject to tne rules
governing the Democratic party.
rosU!face address, ClearUnld.
We are authorised to announce tbe name of
OKOKWKC. KIRK, of Brady tuwimhip, as a
eandldate for I'rolhooolary, subject to tbe rules
governing tne uemooratia party.
Pustollioe address, liuthersburg .
We are authorised to an nuance the name of
N. P. W ILSON, of Bradford township, as a can
didate fur Protbonotary, subject to the rales gov
erning tbe Democratic parly.
Par to tli ce address, Woodland.
We are authorised to announce tha nitn. of
JAMKS KKKR, ofClearfleld borough, as a cao-
uniaie ior rroinonotary, subject to tbe rules gov
erning the Democratic party.
Pustollioe address, Clearlield.
We are authorised to announce the name of
A. W. WAU KKS, of Clearftfld borough, as a
candidate for Protbonotary, subject to toe rules
governing the Democratic party. address, Clearfield.
We ire authorised to announoe the name of
I8AAC MA) 8, of Knm township, as a oanliU'e
for Prolhonotary, suljct to the rules governing
the Democratic party,
Postoflioe address, New Millport.
W are authorised to announce (he name of
WILLIAM 11. DICKINSON, of Quitch town
ship, as a candidate for Prothonotary, subject to
the rub's governing tbe Democratic party.
PiiaUiffine address, Ramey.
We are authorised to announce tbe name of
ADAM UK K Til, or New Washington, as a candi
date for Register A Recorder, subject to tbe rules
governing the Democratic party.
Post OSes address, New Washington.
We are authorised te announce tbe name of
() KnltOK M. KRKtiLSON, or Lumber City, asa
candidate for Register A Recorder, subject to tbe
rules governing the Democratic party. address, Lumber City.
We are authorised to announce the name of
WM. V. WRIUIIT, of Cbiartield borough, as a
candidate for Regiiter A Recorder, subject lo the
rules governing tbe Democratic patty.
pnnliiffioe address, Clearfield.
We are authorised to announce tbe name of
A. FORKSTKR BLOOM, of Pike townibip, as a
candidate for Register A Kocordor. subject to
the roles governing the Democratic party.
r oit offi jo address, New Millport.
We are authorised to announce the nnrae of
WINFIKI.DB. LITHKK, of Ilrady township,
as a candioate for Register A Record or, sutject
to the rules governing the Democratic party.
Postuffioe address, Luthersburg,
We are authorised to announce the name of A.
C. FOLMAR, of Morris township, asa candidate
for Register A Recorder, subject to tbe rules gov
erning the Democratic party.
Poaloffice address, Kylertown.
iijoi n.vr.n
Desirable Real Estate !
Estato of Richard Shaw, Sr., Dcc'd.
THK undersigned, Pxecutcrs of tbe estate of
urnll i lilt uiiaur a- j j
-A. "iviinnu i'ii r n , nr., afrenV4J, Will Oiler
at public sale at tbe COliRT UOl'SK, in tbe bor-
IMierh ilf f'lR.l.l Da f
Monday, September 6thf I8S0,
The following valuable real estate, vis :
Th three-story BRICK HOTEL property,
ough of Clearfield, known as
aornar oi aoa first ireetfl. in tne bor
'The Shaw House
Fronting with two lots of ground thereto belonging
jiuv iee. on aiarsei street, and MM
j jT - ieji uu w iri enrvtH, wuo a iwo.siory
! dwelling house attached. Tbe ho-
iLlJuSC tel proper has siitv bed-rooms and
'iZrtfkj3 all conveniences for a first-class
hotel. One of the most desirable hotel properties
In Central Pennsylvania,
The above) will be sold together with a two
story frame dwelling house on Market street, ad
jacent to tbe Hotel, and one other frame dwelling
douse and a two-story store. bonding, all Ironting
on Market street. Also, a frame dwelling house
fronting on First street.
ALSO. All that certain lot, known In the
plali ot Clearneld borough as LotNol.HV, m t
(rooting 60 feet on Locust street, run
ning back 172 feet, more or less, to an alley I ZL-
with dwelling bouse and all necessary out
buildings thereon tree ted, and other improvements.
One-third cash at delivery of good deed, and
the balance te be secured by bond and mortgage,
payable In one and two years, with Interest.
Surviving Kx'rs of Richard Shaw, Sr-,dee'd.
Clearfield, Pa August 18, lHSO-St.
by given that the following accounts hare
been examined and passed by me, and remain
filed of record in this office fur the In unset ion of
heirs, legatees, creditors , and all others Interested.
and will be presented to tbe next Orphans' Court
of Clearfield eounty, to be held at the Court
1 loose, in tne borough of Clearfield, commencint
on the fourth Monday (being tbo ITtb day) of
neptcmuer. a. u. inu ;
Final sn-uuul at Lemuel Dyr. (Itiar.tlan of
brmuel J. KffT, minor heir or r. U. Neff, late
of New Washington, Clearfield Co., Pa., dee d.
Final account of John J. Pictrd, Ouardian of
alllleney Uormont, minor child of . L. Uor
mont, late ci Covington township, Clearfield
county, Pa.,dec'd.
Final account of J. P. Fry, Administrator of the
estate or nancy Uorman, late of Hurnside town,
ship, Clearfield oointy, Pa, doe'd.
Final account of Edward Farrell, (iuardian of
Thomas Levi Rafferty, minor heir of Thomas
Raflerty. late of Peon township, Clear lis id
eouoty, IV, dee'd.
Final account of A. D. Johnson, Administrator of
tne estate or Alexander Uissey, late of Morris
township, Clearfield eouoty, P., dee'd.
The account of James B. O rab am, UuerdUn of
Daniel Rider, Joseph Rider llonry Hider and
Solomon Rider, minor heir- of Juab Rider, late
of Covington township, Clearfield eounty, Pa.,
Partial account of Margaret A. Dickey, Admin
istratrix oi tneestaieel Williams. Dlokey,lat
of Here aria township, Clearfield county, pi.,
deceased ,
Partial amount of John T. Straw, Administrator
ot in estate of Joseph straw, late of Ferguson
township, Clearfield Co., Pa., dee'd.
Partial account of H. L. Henderson, Admlnlstra.
tor ot the estate of John Korabeugh, late of
Hurnside township, Clearfield Co., Pa.,deo'd.
Final acoaunt of William T. Rloom, Guardian of
Frank Hrhosning, mmor heir of Francis Schoe
ning, late of Jordan township, Clearfield Co.,
Pa., deceased.
Final account of Lawrence Flood and Francis
liarmoy, Admlnutrators of the estate of John
Hanony, aie or Covingten township, Clearfield
Co., Pa., deceased.
Final amount of John Smith and Isaac Smith,
Administrators of the estate of ileo. II. Smith,
late or Uirard township, Clearfield eouoty, Pa.,
Account of Anthony II He, Guardian of Margaret
iuppa, na.naniei nipps ana Jo ha IlippS,
minor eblldren of Mrs. Hip pi, late of
, Clearfield Co., Pa- dee'd.
Account of Jamas B. Graham, T mi tee for the
eie oi ine real estate ol William lrvin, late or
Curwensville boroogh.Clearfield Co., Pa., dee'd.
Final aeconnt of John Smith, Administrator of
tne estate or John t'larv, lata of liloom town
ship, Clearfield Co., Pa , deeaased.
Final account of Charles Helper, Administrator
oi tne estate ei jonn a. Hafierty, late of Peon
township. Clearfield sonnlv. P .
Final teouonl of II. L. MoUtw, Trustee of tbe
estate or J one pa li. lavidion, late of Itell town
ship, Clearfield eountv. Pa., dee d.
Partial account of Henry title, tiuarjita of Lacy
K., Ida I. and Semen tha B. Sloes, minor chil
dren of George Blots, lata of Kooi township,
Clearfield eounty. Pa., dee'd.
Account of Henry Kile, Administrator of the
estate oi warren Jills, late of Pike township,
Clearfield eoantv. Pa., dee'd.
Tbe second partial aeeoont of James B. Graham
ana Kdward a. lrvin, Kiecuters of tbo estate
of William lrvin, lot of tho beroogb of Cur
weniTille, Clearfield ooantjr, Pa., deceased.
L.J. MuRGAN. Reclsur.
Clearlield, Pi., Aug. li,
2Wur dmtisotuuts.
AHHlGNKi: NOT! CI'.. To Whom It
May Concern t The undersigned, having
beeu appointed Assignees for tbe bnunflt of ereili.
ttirs by Jas. R. Uraliam, of Clearfield borough, all
persons, therefore, having claims against Una will
prevent ".hem lo us for settlement, and ths in
dwt ed to tbe laid Until id are required tJ stilt I
acd make payment to as.
EDWARD A. 111(1 LKR,
CUeitUld, IV, Dvo. 14, I8.V-U. Aslguaes.
It. 1! W1NSLOW,
Clearfl.ld, l'nnn'a.
The Dr. havlne; reeentlv looatr-d lo Clearlield,
offer! hi! Mrvleea to th. ieoile of tbil vtciniljr.
rr- Offlo. on K..U itroet. ItcalJoneot.eon-
ard lluoae
Jul, llit (in
A Bargain t
The undersigned offers at private s.le that ral
uable farm situated in GRAHAM TOWNSHIP,
Cleat fl old eouoty, known as tbe
Via Lt:w tutst,
Containing 1JJ acres, 60 or wbloh are cleared
and having thereon erected a lertr frame dwell
ing house, large frame barn, and the other neces
sary outbuildings, together wltn a large orchard,
rood water, etc. Tbe property will be sold on
very nj terms For further parlieuUm inquire
or lue subscriber, in person, or ny letter.
Cle irfield, Pa , March 24tb, lSSO.-tf
The undersigned offers at private ilo, a tract
.if about T IM Y At K lf Und situate in
Wst Clearfield, adjoining lands of N, Rirbl.
Henderion, and Richard Shaw. Ten ecnts
Ibis Und is covered with rafting end tic timber.
The balance is improved, bariog tboreou a suial
bank oarn ana a goo i
opened, besides an e ice I lent spring of water. Thii
lot adjacent to Clearfield, is a very valuable prop
erl, and can be cut into lots of any sice. The
proporty will be sold -cheap and on very easy
terms, ror lunner particulars, nail in person i
address O. U. M K R RELL, Agent.
Clearfit-ld, Pa., Aug 2b, IhgO 4t.
T HAVE returned to tnv old business, aid will
I be f .niiil at (bu Pinning M ill nllioe. on Pine
ftreet, Cl.BARPIULD, PA., where 1 will sell all
binds of
A large stock of which t have always on band.
Also, IIA HAKK.s and all other machines used
by tbe Former, as well as materials lor repairs.
1 will exchange the above trtlclol for
cash, good di;i;f CATTLE, or SHEEP,
As I contemplate butchering, and woold be
pleased to have tbe trade of the farming f nhlie.
M.An w. uitun n,
Clearfield, Pa., June 9, 18S()-tf.
State Normal School,
HI Il.MNU, tb. belt of lho kind in Ibe United
ACCOMMODATIONS for lOO boarder!.
SCHOOL, flrit-el.n in all rriueetf.
DKr-ART.MK.NT8 Normal, Cleuioal, Commer
cial, Moiioal
THE FALL TKIIM of IS we. hi will open on
Monday Sep't 6,1880.
EXPENSES, as low as those of any other school
affording squat advantages and accommoda
tions. For Catalogue, address
I until, a, Pa., July Nth, lR80-m.
John lrvin S Bros.,
All Kinds of Merchandise,
sucii as
Dry Goods, Groceries, Etc.
MlUAltl. TI9I IIKll,
Tho Only Manufticturcrs in ClcurfU'ld
County of tho
not it, chop .i.rn rr.r.n
.O H'.fl d O.V U.l.YIH
FFCrtsh paid for nil kinds of
tirain Wheat, ltye, Oats, Etc
Corwenirille, Pa., Jane i, 18S0-tf.
HUie Xorninl School.
Eighth formal Srhool District.)
Lock Haven, Clinton Co., Pa.
A. JV RA UR. A, M. Ph. ., linc,iil
This School as at present constituted, oflVra the
very best facilities for Professional and Clasioal
Buildings spacious, inviting and commodious ;
completely heated by stenra, well ventilated, and
furnished with a bountiful supply ef pure, soft
spring water.
Location healthful and easy of aceess.
Surrounding scenery unsurpassed.
Teachers experienced, efficient, and alive tn
their work.
Discipline, firm but kind, nni form end thorough.
Erpenses moderate.
FAy cents a week deduction to tbone preparing
to teach.
Students admitted at any time.
Course of study prescribed by the State f I.
Model School. If. Preparatory. III. Elemen
tary. IV. Soientifle.
Atumtcr rorrnsne:
I. Academic. II. Commercial, lit. Music.
IV. Art.
The Elementary and Bel en U flo courses are Pro
fessional, and students graduating therein receive
Bute Diploma, conferring tbe following corres
ponding degrees) Master of the Elements and
Master of the Sciences. Graduates In the othor
courses receive Normal Certificates of their at
tainments, signed by tne f aculty.
The Profetainal courses are lllrel, and are
la thoroughness net Inferior to tho of out k..i
ool lges.
The Plate requires m higher order of eitisen
hip. Tbe times demand It. It is one or the
firitne objects of this school to help to secure it by
urn tilling Intelligent and efficient teachers for
her schools. To this and it solicits young per
sons of good abilities and good purposes tboso
who desire to Improve their time and their tal
ents, as students. To all such It promises aid in
developing their powers and abundant onnorlu.
ities for well paid labor after leaving school.
ror oaiaiogue ana terms address tbe Principal,
r tbe Secretary of tho Board. j
Tom bold nut TntllTlRf .
J. H. Barton, M. A. II. Best, Jacob Brown,
S. M. Biokfnrd, Samuel Christ, A, N. Raub, R (I.
Cook,T. C. Hippie, Esq., . Kinttlng, . P. Mo
Cormiek, Esq., W. W. Hank in, W. II. Brown,
Hen. A, O. Curt In, Hoe. IT. L. Dteffenbech,
Gta. Jesse Merrill. Hon. Wm. Bigler, J. C. 0.
Wbaiey.B. Millar McCormiok, Esq!
or nr gnat
President, ClearflelJ, Pa.
Vice Prv-sident, Lock Haf en, Pa.
B. Millar Mccormick,
Secretary, Iortt Haven. P,
Treasarer, Lock IUtm, pa.
Look Dareo, Pa, Auguit t, IBSO.ljr.
5,000 Rail Road Ties.
Curw.nirille, Pe. Jail. , 7 tf
a. r. ouLtca. a. a'coaxt-a. o. Han-aaua.
Market Htrtet, Clcartir-ld, Pa.
We manufacture all kinds of Furniture for
Chamliert, iftning Rootus, Libraries and Halls.
If you want Furniture of auy kind, don't buy
humi yuu im uur it'icii
In all Ha branehee, promptly attended lu.
Clearlield, Pa., Feb. 6, '18.
In with the Act of Ansototily in sui'b
Cttsea made and provided, the Court, at an ad
journed scsoion held in the Court Hue on the
4 III day of Atiffil't, A. D. 1HM), appointed Daniel
Slewnrt, ofllriidlord, T. J. MrUuliough, of I, aw
rence, Daniel W. Moore.of Clearfield, Cortes Dell,
of Ferguson, Ivaao Caldwell, of Pike, and Joneih
11. Jtruri, of Lnwrence, to view and appraiie tie
toll in id I'd, vit: The bri'lge aorn tho river at
LuuiKer City, ths luwer brilg aoross the river at
Clcatrfiold, and lint briilge ai-rs ('leartitld SN'ek,
rent il (tie borouftb gf (Iwdirlield. The said fiewrr
will ni-ft ttt Lumber City, on
Tut'stliiy, September 7th, 18S0,
At 10 o'clock A. M , and at the Com in i union a' it
of fine the nctt d.ty, for tlii urpoie of bearing tbo
pleas of it irkholil rs an 1 all oilier imr.uni inter
ested, who caw the:i iv'id tbirn attend if thoy sue
J..HK w. iit.wK, John nokkih.
Clerk. Coiumiiariiiae..
Cimtistioar. iivvvw, )
ClerfieiJ, Pa-, Aug. 14, IHsO Ht. J
Market Ht Clearfield, (at the I-o.t Uili. e.,
riTIIE undersigned btgs t.vo to annotinne t
X t oitisims of CI::trfjol'l nnd rinlmtv, tluti
be has fitted up a room and bas juxt rffnrti(J
from tbe city with a large amount of rei.l.iiK,
matter, consisting in part of
EibleB and MisccllanoouB Books,
Blank, Account and Pais Book of ove.-v Jf-
scriptiont Papr and norclupes, Fretu-h prcn.'f l
and plain; tn nnd Pen nils; Il!.mk
Papers, Deeds, Mortgages; Judgment, Lieti.p.
tion and Promlsarr notes j White and I'aruh
meat Brief, LegM Cap, Record Can, and tti!l V.,
Sheet Music, for eitbor Piano, Flute or Violin,
constantly on hand. Any books or stationary
desired that 1 may not Have on ban l,will be rder d
by first express, and siid at wholesale or
to suit customers, I will aUo iceop period; !
literature, such as Magatines, Newspn-oers, Ac.
r. A. UAl LIN.
Clearfield, May T, UflS-tf
LUTJ1 E It S IS I' El ii ,
norsaiifr, prnijn win do vom tor ttKii oniv,
or In exchange fur produce. No books will 1
It im l),J r.ala.w. Ill -1.1 .. . I..
ftlk.l Tk,..a k ...k .... .ill ..1 -
hand over their notes and
I am determined to sell my roods at rub
prices, and at a discount fur below thnt evor
offered in this vicinity. The diirount I allow ntv
customers, will make them rii-h in twenty yerv If
wey ioiiow my advice and buy tbolr goods rr oi.
me. I will pay cash for wheat, onts ami clver
Luthersburg, January 17, 1 -S7T.
Dry Goods, Groceries and
General Merchandise,
Respectfully solicit their pnlron
and tbe nuliiie aenorallr to eall and exam
ine tbelr new itock of
Spring and Summer Goods,
Cnt-limcres, Vclvctecna. Delniiu'S,
Lnwnn, Ginglmms, I'rinls, Vn
blcaihed and Illcnchotl Mils
linn, Knncy Skirts, Sheet
ing", Tickings, 'ttrncts,
litlfrs, Oil Cloths,
Lsundrieil, Whilo,
Choviot nnd I'orcalo
Shirts, Gloves, Ncekwenr,
Men's and Mors' Clothini'.
Hals, ("aps, Hoots, Shoes, etc., etc.
Groceries & Gen'l
Will bo found ot first quality, nnd
satisfaction is guaranteed. Tho fol
lowing nro always kept on band,
(somo few only in their season):
Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Spices, Syrups,
Confectioneries, Oranges, Lemons.
Bananas, higs, Dates, oto., Hard
ware, Quoonjwai'O, Glosswnro,
Tinware, Wood and Willow
waro, l'ainls, (.Mis, Clocks,
TrnnUi,Yalics, Mirrors,
Stationery, Ftirnituro,
& Minors' Supplies,
July 2S,
Teachers' Examination I
The public CTarolnnHon of tfachers for nrovin-
clal certificates for the present school year, will
be hold aa fallows :
Morris, at Kjtertown. Tuestlay, Augnst tOlh.
Graham, at Centre Hill school houte. W.dn.-
dav, August 1 Ith.
loggs and Wallaeeton borougb, at Centre
school bouse, Thursday, August 12th.
Lawrence, Lnwrenne Independent and Clear
field borough, at Clearfield, Friday, August 1.1th.
ifoauen, at rnawsviue, Monday, August inth.
Girard, at Uillinsliam school h.mia. TumiIsi.
Aucust 17th.
Covington, at Union school noma. WdnidB.
August lHth.
Kartbaus, at Oak Hall school house, TbanJay,
Auguat liitb.
Pike, Pike Independent and Curwensville
borough, at Hlonmiogton, Hat u 'day, AuUl IIpI.
Bradford and Hrndford Independsnt, at Uiglcr.
Monday, Angmt 2:td.
Ueeoia borrughand Decatur, at Osceola, Tues
day, August 11th.
Woodward and Houttdate. at Houtidale. Wed
nesday, August Sjtb.
nlirh, at Janesrille, Thursday, August Ifth.
Beccaria and Madera ImlnnnnJant. t Oli-n
Hope, Friday, Aurixt irtb.
in..M, mi Pfw miiipor rnesilav, August Sltl.
Jordan, at Anonvl)e, Wednesday, Sept. lit.
Chest and Krwburr borouch. al Newhurv.
Thursday, September itd.
Hiirnnde townshin aai boemivb l
Friday, Heptemlr id.
New Washinvton. at New Wart(ninti R.iyr.
day, Septemlwr 4th,
Bell, at Susqushantik school home, Mnndif,
September nth.
ureenwood, at Bower, Tuesday, September Tib.
Ferguson and Lumbar Cit linrmmli. t (.am
ber Ciiy, Wednesdav. St
Penn, at Pennvllle, Thursday, Septetnbr 9th.
I'nion and 1'ninn Independent, at Hockin,
Friday, September 10th.
Ilrady and Bloom, at Luthersburg, Mondsy,
September 15th.
Kandy, at Huiloii, Tuesday, September Itlh.
Huston, at PeifleJd, Wedoesdaj, Sept. 16th.
No out will be admitted to the class who hu
not left a written application for a school
the Secretary of tbo district for which the elimi
nation is held. We tarnestly request the etleoi
anee or all lho Directors at these eieminali'mi, It
order that we may eoosilt together en subjects
pertaining to the interests of tbe schools. The
Secretary of each Board will please be prepared te
announce tbe applications at the opening of the
siamination. Some evidence ef good miral
oharactor will be repaired of ar.plirar.ti
whom I am not acquainted, The speakers who
will address the people at tbe educational mret
lags.will be annonaoed la tho educational colnma
of the papers. Eiaminationt will open at M
A. M. M. L. MctjVOWN,
Co. Snperinteodsot.
Clearfield, Pa., July SI, l8H.flt.