Jili!l'0.n!S. I'en iih j 1 v a n In I ta 1 1 road Ww rri ' TYRONE A CLEARFIELD BRANCH OS and after Monday, MAT 34, 1800, th I'aaaengar Train will rua dally (aioept Sun day) between Tyrone and Clftarnald, aafollowa CLEARFIELD HAIL. "tKAVB 801ITIL f LKAVK NORTH," CurWCMTltU, .1.30, p.m Tjrro n........ Vansooyoo,.. Buuinlt, Ponollun...... 0.0.01.,......., ttoynton Hteln.r's Phillpsburg, (Iran am , a. 00,1. k K I Terr lew , o.js, " , t.m, 10.00, " 10.1 J, ,io.ir, " .10.22, 10.24," 1B.JH, Cle.rfleld,.., Leonard,.,.. Harrttt Woodland,, Biitler ..., ,.I.M, " .4.01, " ..4l, " .4.17, Wallacelon.,.., IIIQ 1111,.,,, Oraham Philipaburg, ileiner'i , Boy n ton, . Oietola l'OWlton,s .n Buinmlt, Vanwoyoo,.., Tyron ...4.15, " ...4.31, " ...4.84, " ...4.SW, " ..4.4, " ..AM, " ..6.05, ' ,...IS, " ...6.J5, " ...0.00, " Blue 1UII WftllM.tUD,... 10.37, " 10.44, Woodland, It .mil Lsonard,..... Cl.arlt.ld HiTorvi.w CurwansvUI., 10.4, 10.40, 11.07," 11.12, 11.10," 11.25, " ,.IMIA. CLEAKl'IELD KXl'KBSj. LEAVE SOUTH. LKAVE NOHTII. Curw.niTlll... Kiv.rTtew Cl.arll.ld...... Laon.rd, II rr.lt Woodland Bl(l.r Wallaostoa,... Blu. 11.11, Graham, Philip. burj.. Htain.r's, BojntoD, Oso.ola, Powalton, Huminlt, Vansooyoo,.... Tyron., M 4.90 A. a 4..10 " J.47 " i.M " 6.57 " .uj " d.OS " 6.15 " o.Sl " f.Ji " (1.20 " .a3 (U7 " t il 0.6S 7.04 " 7.23 7.45 Trron. Vansooyoo,... BuDimit, Puweltoa, Ososola, Uoynlon, Stein.r's, Phillpsburg., (Irabnrn .7.20 r. .7.43 .8.05 " .8.17 " .8 28 " .8.34 " .1.30 " .8.42 " .8.47 " Blu. 11.11, Wallaoeton, ... 8.65 ' 0.02 " 11.10 " 0.17 " 0.25 " mgiw, Woodland,, Barrett L.itn.nl,.., 0.30 Clsarflold, I 0.38 .0.48 " mr.m.w Curwimsvlll. 1 0.00 " PIHLll'SBURO 4 MOSIIANNON BRANCHES LI ATI IORTI. At M. P. M. P. K. 12:40 12:25 4:80 12:22 4 24 12:14 4:18 0 10 12:04 4:01 8.55 11:52 1:57 8:50 11:45 9:60 8:45 11:40 1:45 8:40 11:36 1:46 8:36 11:30 3:30 8:30 11:25 3:30 BALD EAGLE VALLEY BRANCH. Hi- Mall. Mall. Kin. . P. M. A. . 7 0S 8.20 liar. Tjron. nrrirn 8.32 7.55 1.23 8.37 Bald Eugla (.17 7.42 8.01 0.18 Juli,Q 5,:ig r.05 8.24 t.43 Milcshurg 6.IS 8.43 t.32 0.51 ll.ll.fc.nls 5.06 8..13 8.46 10.03 Mil.lburg 4.55 2:1 0.08 10.10 Howard 4.31 6.00 41 11.08 arrlr. L. llar.n leave 3.56 6.25 TVBONB STATION. IAHTWA8D. A. H, WIHTWARIl. A. H Pittshurjth Ex'u, 153 Pad Do KxproiH, 8:18 P.M. Wy I'liBonRor, 1:15 Chicajro Ex.re.i, 3:.TS Mail Train, A.-34 Paolfic Kxnreu 8:14 Joboitown Kiprrii 8:11 p. H. Day Kipreit M.il Train, Atlantic Lxpreia, Phil. Kipreif, 1251 :?7 V:3;t Pint Litja, 7m8 Cloie oonnectioni made by all train at Tyron nu Lioca uareo. S. S. BLAIR, Saperintenilent. myir-tf. STAOK LI.VKS. A itatto learei CurwenBTilla dully fur RefnoM. villa, at 1 o'clock, p.m., arming at Heynoliliville at o o dock, p. m. neiorning, leavae Heynoldi villa daily, at 7 o'clock, a. m., arriving at Cur wenirilleat 12 o'clock, m. Fare, each way, t'i. A itage learei Curwenivllle daily, at 1 o'clock, p. m.,for Dulioii City, arriving at DuHoii City at o'clock, p. m. Returning, learoi DuBoie at 7 oVIock, a. to., daily, arriving at Curwensvilleat 12 o'clock, o. Fare, each way, $1.60. . Allcgliony Valley Railroad. LOW GRADE DIVISION. ON and after Honda;, Jun. 38th, 1SS0, tb. naisengar trains will run rlail j (elopt SuDdaj) b.twecn Hod llatik and Driftwood, ai follow! i EAXTWAKI..-Da; Mall l.ar.i Pittiburg 8 55 a.m.; Ked bank 1 1:35 ; Sligo Junction 1 1:61; Nflw llrtbl.hfm 12:53 p. m.; Mayirlll. 1:10; Troy 1:85 ; llrookvilf. 1:55 ; Fuller'! 2:20 ; tLtj. oldirill. J:8( Dulloli8:0; Bummlt Tunnel 3:21 1 1'anOeld 3:42; Tjl.r'i 3:55; Uenoiett, 4:31; arrlr.i at Driftwood at 6:20. HI.T AKI1. Day Mall leave. Driftwood 12:20 f. m.j Veneiett. 1:00; Tjler'a 1:28 Pontold 1:10 ; Rumrnil Tunnel 2 00 ; DuUol. 2 15; Ke;noldrill.2:38; Full.r'l2:54; Ilrookr ill. 3:1 5 : Trojr 9:32; MTi.ill 3:65; New Ilethlehem 4:00; Sliico Junction 4:47: "J 6:03; arrive, at 1'lltlburg at 7:40 p. m. pit Tb. Roynoldtrlllo Accommodation IflaTM RejrnoldiTillo dail at 7:46 a. m.j and arrW.i at Red Rank at 10:60 t. a., Fitttburgb at 1:40 p. m. Learco PitLburRB at 2:15 p. m.; Red Rank at 6:66 p. m.; arriving at R.ynoldirill. at 0:06 p. m. Cloi. eonnoctloBi mad. with train! on P. A E Railroad at Driftwood, and with train, on tho Allegheny Valley Railroad at Red Bank. DAVID McCARUO, Uen'l Sup't. A. A. J. cuo, Sup't I. U. Dir. FARE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO nelleronu, vm...ii Middletown 6 00 Marietta- i 56 Lock llav.n 1 I 1 I Willlamiport. Uuntingaon . Lewlitown.. HaryiTill. Cuw.niTill. Oeeeola UARKISRIIRO... Lancaster I 80 PU1LADKLPUIA 7 00 Altoona 1 86 4 60f!Tohnitown.H 1 86 Phillpibnrg 61 Tyrone 1 22 PITTtiBURI) i 16 ItUscfUancous. ARNOLD WANTS Shingle Bolls & Saw Logs. Curwenivllle, Jan. , '7B-tf. FA1IM FOR SALE ! Tha nndereigoad will eel I at prirate ale.hif farm, located in Fans towtmbip.ClaarDeld county, Fa., eontaininf SIXTY AOXU2S, half of which li In a good itale of fultiratlon, with afratna dwelling, log barn.'a thrifty orchard and an excellent ipring of never Tailing water, together wilh the Decenary onttmildingi. The portion not cleared it heavily timbered, and all ( underlaid with coal and Iron, It will be iold low and on aay termi. For further Information eall on the premiiet, or acldre! the inbicriber at Urampian Hill P. O. OWKN J. KKKNAN. Oram plan UillitJun M,lK.sO-3m. JJARD TIMES 1IAVI NO EFFECT IN FRENCH VILLE I I am aware that there are tome peraone a little hard to pleaaa, and I am alio aware that the complaint of "hard tln.ee" te wall ligh anlrernal. Bat I am to aituated now that I can eatlefy the farmer and prove eoncluiWely that "hard timei" will aot affect tooto who buy their goodi from ma, and all my patroni thall ba initiated into the a cret of HOW TO AVOID 1IARD TIMES I bar. ftwit .aoull to iup.l7 all th Inbabl tanU In th. town ana of th. oounly whica I ..II at .ioa.ttlr.it Inw ratal from mf mammoth .tor. In HULHUNUt'ftU, whna I .an alwa;. ba foand raady t wait npoa aallan and lupplj them with Dry Goods of all Kinds, Bach aa Clothi, Ratine tie, Caiilmerae, Matline veiainei, litnea, dm Hinge, taitooai, Trlmmlnge, Ribboni, Laea, Ready-made Clothing, Boot! and Bhoei, Ilati and Cape all of the bait material and made to order Hom, Soeka, Ulorai. Mitten I, Lacaa. Kibbana. Ac . GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Co flea, Tea, Sagar. Rica, Mnlaieea, Flh, Bait fork. Liateed Oil, Fish Oil, Carbon Oil. Iftrdwarc, Qaaentwara, Tinware, Canting, Plow! and Flow Caetlngi, Nalli, Ppikei, Corn Cultira- wre, vmar rraiee,and all kinda of Axei. Par f me ry, Palnti, Varnlfh, niaee, and a general M-vTtnvoi i oiaitonery, GOOD FLOUR, Ot dlftr.nl bnuidi, alwayi on band, and will b. aold at til, lowt pp.itbl, flgnr,,. 1. B. M.CIala'l M.aicln.i, Jatn.' M,dleli ll.atatur'i and UooOand Bittara. 101 pond, of Wool wanted for wblob tb. illtli.it prloa will a, paid. CloTara.d oa hud an. lor aal, at u, iow.it mart.! prloa. AIM, ArM for (trattonrlll, aid CirwanrrUI, larwaaini MacbUM. fetX-Call and n, for ToaraalTX. Toi will la. ...ruiag aiaaii; ,.p la null Mora. h. M. CnUDRIIT. FranrtTlll, t. 0., Aoir.it u, 1ST4. LlATt IOUTB. P. M. A. M. A. If. ITATIOMR. 2:011 Morrtid.U, 2:15 7:00 Philipsburg, 2:10 7:09 Sl.lnor'l :24 7:00 Buynton, 1:30 10:20 7:18 OlMola, 2:44 10:36 7:31 Mushannon 2:47 10:43 7:30 Stirling, 2:52 10:48 7:46 lloutsdalo, 2:57 10:43 7:46 McCaul.r, 9:07 10:59 8:01 K.ndrick'i, 3:11 11:03 8:00 llama;. AUNOLD IIA3 ADVAN'CKD Prices of Shingles. SHAVED AND SAWED. Curw.u.vlll., Jai. 0, 7-lf. E. S. HENDERSON, UNDERTAKER ULnaDlUK, I'JENN'A. rTIIK labMrfbar no offen to ttaa eitiiem of X. liuroiido and tioinity, an onjirwTiJed lpoliIty. llrtafir all kindi of Casket and LuQiai will b Hpt on nana, and ordsn niiad at on oa. ftmeral tattled .iuyirhere. I will fiirnUb tha flout ai well ai ilia ahaapait artlelai dedloatad to funarali- All orders left at lha itoro of Joan O. Cunmkr will raoaira prompt attaotion. Fur fnrtlier particular!, ontl on or aiiuroii B. H. HKiNUkK.iU.N. Deo. io, mv-tr. GEO. WEAVER & CO, SECOND 8TKKET. CLEARFIELD, PA., Have opened up, In the it ore rooai lately oemipled uy nearer ueu,on aevond iireet, a large and wanteiecud HOC It or Dry - Goods Groceries, DOOT8 AND SHOES, QUBKNSWAHB, WOOD A WILLOW WARIl IIAT3 AND CAPS, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &c. Which they will diipoia of at reasonable rate. tor divin, or exctmoge lor country proauca. ah'OROR WEAVER A CO. Clearfield, Pa., Jan. V, 1878-tf. removal: ! James Lu Leavy, Having purohaaed the entire atock of Fred. Sackett, hereby givee notice that ha hai mo red lulo the room lately occupied by Heed 4 Hapcrty, on Hecond atrect, where ha U nrepared to otlvr to the jmbllo CQOK ST0ES, PARLOR STOVES, of the lateit imp roved pattcrni, at low prlcei. HOUSE FDRNISHINQ GOODS, , Qas Fixtures and Tinware. Roofing, Spouting, Plumbing, Oaa Fitting, and Repairing 1' urn pi a ajiecialty. All work warranted. Anything in toy line will be ordered peo.al If deiired. J AS. L. LKAVY, ' Prflprietor. FIlED. 8ACKk.IT, Agent. Clearfied, Pa., January 1, 1879 tf. -THAT ALL WOOLEN GOODS HAVE ADVANCED ENORMOUSLY IN VALUE, THE PRICES OF 0TO New Spring Clothing Will h Found t h; AS LAST YEAR. GUIIUZBURG'S ONE TPJCE- WESTER HOTEL CORNER. CLEAHFIKI.I, PA. Clearfield, Fa., April Hlb, ISBO-Im. HOFFER'S Cheap Cash Store. RIMIM NO. TIIKF.E, (IPKBA IKIlmB, Clearfield, Pa., WnOI.ESALI ii RETAIL DKALER IN DKY GOODS, Comprliing Draei Ooodi of the Tery lateetatylet, eoniiiting in part of Ceibmeree, Maaekeiter Fanciea, Alpacaa, and all manner of Fancy Dress Goods, 8uoh si Cretona, Mohair Lou tart, PlalJi, Dreai Uiaghame, Hreea faneiei or the Tery lataet itylea, and aa ebeap ai they oaa ba aold la thii market. NOTIONS, Conelptlng of OIotm for Oeats, Ladlai and Hieeea. iioaa of all inadae. ohk rnngoa. LaMra, Fancy Draei Battona, Ladlei' Tiee of all ehadaa and atylee, Cuffi and Co Man. Rtbboni of all klnde and qnalitiaa. Merino Underwear, Trimming!, ole. BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES. Queensware, Hardware, Tinware, Carpet. Oil Clot,,, WALL PAPER. LEATHER, FISH, Etc., Whleb will U aold wbohnl, or ntall. Will uk. Country Produce la Eirhangn Air Good, at Market Prlrea. WH.J. BorriR. Clrarflrld, Pa., rVpt. 4, ISTB.tf. . ' w -w -'; GLOTHING STllRR Kl 1 UllU UsallatJfouu. Thomas A. Duckelt, LKALKH IN IHKHKIiY give notice to the cltieeni or Clear field and lha urrounJin flolnltv that I alt iirooarud at all tlmee to furnith tamlliee aod uianuraeturing aetabliihmenia with a euperior quaiuy oi Coal, Wood 2 Coke, Which I am prepared to dullftr In a few hoiire' ootica. I am alwaye ready to Caul aud dalUer Iroiu and to lha dipot, or anywhere alio, and move laimitea ana nouiehold gouOa anywotre on bort notice. THOS. A. Ul CKtl i. Clearfield, Pa., Mar. SI, IHSO-tf. TO FARMERS! I with to Inform the Farmers of Clearfield county, that I am the manufacturer of Wbeeler'e patent nauway mam lIOKHEPOWElt, With Threthen and Cleaner of one or two borte power. For further particular, ndilreu the undenigned et Uloomibtirg, Columbia cunty, or can upon r. u. iakuua a iikm., Agnii, tn L-'ieameid ra. J. n. nuL.siti.r.n. June td, 1HS0-Sm.. JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN FUIINITU11E, MATTItKHSKS, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKKT STREET, NEAR P. O. The nndenlrned beri leave to inform the oitl. one of Clearfield, and tha public generally, that no naa on nana a nne as tort men t or rurn tura. raoh aa Walnut, Cheitnut and Painted Chamber Bui tea, Parlor Suitea, Heclining and Ettcnaion Chaira, Ladiea and Uenti' Kaiy Chalra, tha Per forated Dining and Parlor Chaira, Cana Prataand Windaor Chaira, Clothei Bare, Step and Ei ten sion Laddera, Hat Rack a, (Scrubbing Bruibea, Ac MOULDING AND PICTURB FHAME9, ooklng Qlajaea, Chromoa, Ac. which would laltable for Uohday preaenta. aaOIU7l JIlilN THfH TMAN. Re-Union of Trade. fni.E omlenigncd wishing to In for in the iubllo X toa. be opened a COM!1lHH)K STORE At the old aland In Trontrllle, Clearfield county. i'a.,00 tue 1Mb mat., with a lull atook or DRY .OUIH, CKOCEItir.M, NOTIONS, Ilootft, Slioea, IHc, In fact everything to be found in a flrat-elansatore, all of which I am determined to aell at the loweet each prices. FAHMl'.HM AND I.l.HHLItMLN Will find H to their adrantage to do their dealing with me, aa tho higheat prices will be paid for Grain, Shin glen, or Produoa of any kind. Part or one-half eaah will ba paid. Trading for Shlnclea or Lumber of anv kind a tnecialtr. Alao. agent for Singer Sewing Machines. Harlne mado arranirementa with Eaatrrn mer chants to aell gooda turn ii bed ma, there Tore eall and sea, as l will ba enabled to sell cheaper than tba eheapest. J. W. CAHL1LB, Troomiie, a., Prpt, n, 7V-iy. Agent. h 1:::;:,:, Tiis h:: THE BEST Boot and Shoe, Hat and Gap Store IN CLEARFIELD COUNTY la tba one In tho OPERA HOUSE, KEPT BY G.C.&T.W. M00HE, Wo have juat recolr?d our Spring and Rummer ioob, wdicd, oaring ueen purroaneu ociore tba ailvanee, can ba sold at tha OLD PHIOB. Call and see. lt.iiJt. the cheaper goods iu our line, we keep BOOTS, FINE SHOES, Perkins' Boots and Shoes, CLAFLIN'S SHOES, STETSON'S HATS AND T1IR OENUINB TAYLOR MACKINAW HAT, Whioh are oar epccUltiee. We alio hare a full una or ukxis ummkh (inukkwkak. All the lateit norel ties in NKCKWKAK. UiTO aa a oall and ba sat ii tied, GEO, C. ATOM W. MOOKn. Clearfield, Pa., April 14, 1880-Cm. NOT AT STUMP CHEEK. BUT AT H. LEHMAN &C0.'S Store, ROOM NUMBER TWO, Pic's Opera House, CLEARFIELD, TA., Where H. Lehman A Co. bare oneoed a rery large stock of tha lateit and best stylea of DRY goods, Fancy Goods, MILLINERY GOODS, AND A FULL ASSORTMENT OP Ladioa', liiaaoa' 8c CMldion'i S-XX-0-3S-S Of ,11 M.lM, HI lo Ik, marl.1. Cad I, ni. or adlr.a H. l.KflJIAN A CU. Clnrl.K, Ft, Marr, IT, HSI-tf. ANOTHER THE REPUBLICAN. "CLKAHKIKKD, PA. " VTKl)Ni:sn.Y SIOHNIN'I. Al'tll'Hf J3, laa A WOMAN'S REASON. Why ahould I etako my happj youth, My daya of fpring. Tpon a tuau'a unlcalrd truth And proilered ring F You praiia me for my gulden hair, My a toi of blur, llut oh en ae o'erUkaa tha faircit fair Then w hat of you 1 When all you pralae haa auHered wrong And I am old. Will lore that did to youth belong Uy nge nafold t Hinna you but prixs my amlllng eyea And bluahing check, Then breath no mora your tender tight Tta tbinga you serk Are but the shadow of a shake. Will ranlan faat Mirage, of mlata of morn log made, That cannot laat. 'Tie ho who seeks a woman's soul Who wina ber heart One rttarhra not lore's final goal With Shallow art. Louiti Ckauiiltr HoultoH LOCAL HISTORY. ABOUT GENERAL JAMES A. GAU- KI ELD AND HIS BUSINESS METHOrS. WKTBOIT CAPITALISTS WHO LOUT T1IOII- SANI18 ANI WIIIOWH WHO LOST THEIB AM. TlinolJOII Till KRI'UHLIRAN CANHIDATK. U.trolt Fro. Pr.si, Auguit 3J. It is now uboul flflcun yo Binco Ueiieraliimva A. Gurflold, tho Kepub lican nominco for ProKidcnt of tbo United SlttU'B, paid a buainosg visit to Detroit wbich resulted in tbo loss of thousands to capitalists of this city, and swept awuy tbo liltlo all of not a fuw women who wero widowed by tho Into war. It was in tho ''flush" times of 1805, when fortunes wore being mu Jo in oil and coal, und this "distin guished General" camo with tho 6rst warm winds of Spring and sang tho syren song of wealth boncath tho ground. Tho particulars of this par ticular bit of "shrewdness" on the part of General Garfield, us near as could bo gathered by a reporter of tho Free Press, who has been mining for thorn tho past week, aru as follows: In the Spring of 18C5 a company known ns "The People's Oil Company" was organised in this city, with John Burt as President and a number of capitalists as stockholders. Tho com pany puiiliuscd hinds in Venango county, Pennsylvania, and mado prep arations to driro wells. Just about this time Garfield appears on the scene by letter, writing to the new company and suggesting the purchase of soveral hundred acres of land in West Vir ginia and Kentucky. Mr. John Burt, it is said, went South and inspocted tho lands, and on his return tho com pany decided to ask Generul Garfiold to Detroit and allow bim to describo theso valuablo Innds which it was un derstood ho discovered while in the army. Accordingly General Garfield camo to this city and before a meeting of tbo new company expatiated on tho fortunes thut lay under tho Kentucky and West Virginia lands. Thcro wero rich coal mines in tho lands and sibly oil in great quantities ; at any ralo tho binds woro cheap and some portions ot them under cultivation. Tho company finally decided to pur chase 221 acres in Floyd and Johnson counties, 1S2 acres in Floyd county, and 850 acres in McGoflin county, Kentucky, and l'.IO acres in Way no county, West Virginia, and take up a twenty years' lease of 6(10 aeros in Floyd county. James A. Garfield and his three friends, Messrs. Plumb, Munger and Burrows, owners of tho land, were to tako (10,000 of tho purchaso money in stock, which they did, and a now com pany was organized under the laws of Michigan and onlitlcd "Tho People's Union Mining & Maufucturing Com pany," wilh tbo following officers: President John Burt. Vico President James A. Garfield. Secretary Wm. C. Colburn. Treasurer Albert Ives. Directors Jno. Hurt, J. J. Leonard, W. W. Wheaton, Joseph Hubbard, Austin Hurt, Israel Mowry, A. G. Noycs, Wm. C. Colburn und Morso Stewart. Tho capital stock amounted to 20,- 000 shares, at 125 a shato, repre senting (500,000. Tho company was assured by General James a Garfield thut thotitlu to tho lands in Kentucky and Wost Virginia should be com plete and ported anil with this assur ance tho shares went off like "hoi cakes." Amongothur gontlemen interviewed by tbo reporter of tho Free rres was Albert Ives, tho first Treasurer of tho oompany, and from bis ussessmont book tho following list of stockholders was obtained : Hero follow s a long list of tho names of tho Block holders. Khitor Hlci n LICAN. "How comes il that tho names of so many women appear in tho list of stockholders?" asked the roportor of Mr. Ives. Well, tbo investmout was considered a good one," responded Hint gentle men, "Gonorul Garfiold convoyed tho dca to ns that ho marked out these lands whilo skirmishing around down South with tho army and it was always understood that tho General had given his written guaranlco that wo should havo a pcrfoct titlo to tho proporty. Sometimo afterward wo learned that heirs to tbo properly woro disputing the com jinny's titlo and wo wroto to Garfield to have tho matter dofended. Ho replied that Mr. Burrows would attend to it and shortly wo beard that tho courts had decided against ns. "If I remember rightly 1 gavo Gen oral Garfiold whon he was hero 15,000 of tho puicbase money. I know 1 cither gavo it to him or sent it to him vory shortly afterward." Mr. Ives further said to tho roportor that at the tamo time ho paid 11,750 into the company ho supposed that tho docd of tho land wan to como through Garfiold, but tho General af terwards shifted that responsible posi tion on Burrows' shoulders. Mr. Ivos took 375 shares at 1.15 per share. Ho thinks there was about (S0,000 put into tho company. "Tbo fault wo find," said Mr. Ives in concluding, "is that Garfiold mado aome money and wo lost it." Wm. C. Colburn, Secretary of the company, was next Interviewed, but that gentleman had ceased to be con nected wilh tho company for aome years and had forgotten all ahnnt tho details. Tie prosumod Austin Burt wno was tiio lust elected President of tho company, uould tell him more uboul tha matter. "1 do not reirurd it as tho worst In. vestm. nt 1 ever made, for it taught mo a lesson " sind Mr. Colburn. Austin Burt was called on at his olllco in Humlrumck. Mr. Hurt said ho supposed that ho was President of the "People's Od, Mining and Manu facturing Company-." if tboro waa anv President. Jlu romomborod many of tho company woro all with his son, 11. II. Hurt, who was at present out of tho city. ' Gunuiul Garfield assured us," said Mr. Hurt, "that the Innds should bo conveyed to us bv warranty deed. which was dona by Mr. Burrows, but it appears thut there were other claims upon tho land. There were over 900 ucres involved. Generul GurflelJ has luid tho responsibility on the shoulders ol ilr. Murrows. Mr. Burrows failed to defend tho suits and I suiidoso." ,1, suid Mr. Hurt, smiling, "thut Garfield will some day make thu warranty good Ilu bus raid he would." A (I AH FIELD CAT FC II ISM. Tho New York World remarks : To comfort our unhappy Radicul contemporaries wo mugnunimously make them a present ol the following sweet and simple Garfield culechisui, adapted from ajwent Knglish eoutri. button to the purity of elections : Q. Have you had considerable ex. pcrienco of Congress 1 A. 1 blush to say I havo. Q. In spite of all your experience you still retbin tho guileless innoconco of youth? A. I do. (J. Have you retired from defending your uclion in tbo casu of De Golyor first, on high public grounds and sec ondly, to savo tho fuolings of your friends and supporters generally ? A. 1 havo. . Your life, I understand has been singularly blameless. A. It has. Havo you ever met a man of higher moral tono than yourself ? A. Never. Wero the Do Golyor case tried bcloro Judge Swayno, would any wit ness who reflected in any way on your conduct commit perjury? A. Uo would. Q. IIuvo you ever lull u sordid cmo lion ? A. Never. O,. In tho whole course of your political career huve you uver had an unworthy thought ? A. Never. (J. Is yours a simple and confiding nature ? A. It is. (J. I boliovo, however, you oro a connoisseur in pavemonts? A. Iam. Q. Ab an export, then, aro you pre pared to assure the Court thut no charge of irregularity can with justieo bo brought against your action in the Do Golyor matter ? A. I can give that assurance. O.. Termit me to put ono general question. A re you the greatest, the wisest, noblest and purest of men ? A I am. Gahfikld Koosts Lower. The Boston (llube remarks: "It will be remembered thut in the autobiographic defenso wbich lien. Garfield furnished his biographer, Colonel Couwell, the Republican candidate indulged in vory indignant expressions of condemnation ol tho "Credit Molilicr ring," styling its members frauds and swindlers. It is now understood that tbo surviving members of this ring, togothor with tho friends and family of the lato Oakes Ames, havo demanded that Gen. Gar field shall strike out all those charges and thut he has done so. The intima tion was quietly conveyed to tho Re publican candidute that if ho persisted in the attempt to relievo himself by accusing Oakes Ames and tbo rest, legal proceedings would at once bo in stituted and further rovolationa of his corruption made. Garfield weakened at once. His autobiograpbio defenso will not contain the.o charges as ro ccntly printed." Tin Royal Stock. Ulysses Grant, Jr., or "Buck" Grant, as he is gener ally called, is'noir twitvcih.ycarB old and ono of tho most successful financiers of bis ago in this country. In view of his impending raarriago, the great bonanxa firm of Flood k O'Brien took him under its wing. Mr. Flood tossed young Buck a tew points, and ho so mado use of his skillful training that ul the end of two years bo had 1300,000 placed to his credit. It wus only when this sum was reach ed that the young man proposed a matrimonial alliance wilh tbo great firm. Buck has now associated with him us parlnor bis brother, and to gether thoy arc piling up tor themselves and tho "olo man." Campaioninh. Tho stulwurl odilor of the TYfij informs bis readers thut tho liepublican canvass in that lily is proceeding briskly and in proof of this his paper tells thut John Cessna and tho young men's Republican Club pass ed resolutions denouncing tho "base calumnies" that bavo boon published against the lute Arthur. Let us see; it was Mr. liuyos, we bolieve, who oommunieated to the Sonate the start ling information that In deference to bis oath of ofllco ho felt oompollcd to vacate Mr. Arthur's ofllco and givo it to aome one who would seo that II was honestly and efficiently administered. tf Cessna keeps on Hayes will reduco his campaign subscription from 110 to $2.50. A DoLBi.i tiKADER. An cxclmniro. in alluding to the leading Greenback Congressman, Do la Matyr, la said to nave una asido his clorical garb and adopted lay raiment. Ho finds that politics and piety don't mix harmoni ously, During Lis Alabama tour ho mado ton Greenback speeches and preached seven sermons. That was putting in ton licks on one side and sovon on tho other. IIo saya the poo- plo down thore treated bim with a good deal ol hosnltalitv and courtesy :' but they forgot him when thoy camo lo voto. Congressman De la Matyr will now carry his donhlo headod gos pel olsoivhoro. Mr. Shorman saya bo lias not forgot ten the colored people of the South, and tho stories "they have poured into bis ears." This is Mr. Sherman's elo quent tribute to the voracity of Kllxa Pinkston. In Florida, the cotton plant ii form ing, blooming and fruiting well, and It in quite a good, if Dot better, condi tion than last year. LINCOLN ON 11AKCOCK. lie wdor, whonevor vou hour a Iiadl- cui abusing Hancock, quota the re marks ol tho "late lamented" Lincoln. and eye make him tako tbo wulor. An witness Buys : Soon ufter President Lincoln issued the ber Rmuncinuliou Proclamation a num- of friends from Baltimore oullod on bim to extend their congriittiltilions. ilo in his presence the visitors gave Wh their i opinions as lo who was the aolest General In the army. A number of namos ' woro montionod. but President Lincoln In remarked thut they had not struct k the riirlit man. aud auid it was Gonoral Hancock. Tho countenances of bis visitors ex pressed their surprise, and ono of thorn ventured to suy that ho feared Hun oock was too rash. 'Yes," said Mr. Lincoln, "so some ul i older Goueruls have said to me, 1 1 have said to thorn that I buvo tin an Wl 'utchod General Hancock's conduct vory i carefully, and I havo found that when I lie goes into action ho achieves his purpose and comes out wilh asmull. or Bi list of casualties than any ot them, ild he is, but not rah. Why, gen tlemen. ii, do you know what his record was i at West Puiulf" And Mr. Lincoln went to his book- shclfi 'and.takingdowuun army register, s h liowi od the position in which Hancock had i gruduutod, and that, furthermore. in a class thut was ono of the most distin inguisbed that had evor irruduutod at to the Mililury Academy. Continuing spoak ol him in the highest terms, he lurtlier sunt : "I tell you, gentlemen, that if his life and strength are spared, I believe that General Hancock is deHlinud to bo ono of tho most distinguished men of the age. Why, when 1 go down in tbo morning to open my mail and I arise at 4 o'clock I declare that I do il in four and trembling lost 1 may hoar that Hancock has been killed or wounded." Why, It's Awful I Tho editor of tbo Huntingdon (Hole gushes In this way: "Tho Meridian (Miss.) Mercury, whoso editor shouts for Hancock, do siies to distinguish himself as a prophet. He says : 'We would like lo ongravo a prophesy on stone to bo read of gen erations in tho future. The negro in those States will bo sluvu again or ceaso to bo. His sole rufugo from ex tinction will be in slavery to the white man.' Licet Hancock and put the Confederate Brigadiers in power, and nothing is more likely to occur under the Ileavons." It's awful I awful II awful! I I Was the man under ago during tho war, or was ho exempted whon drafted f Who knows ? Still in Business. Tho Credit Mo- bilior scandal, in which Schuyler Col fax and James A. Garfield wero part ners, so far as square lying can make mon partners in iniquity, seems to be booming again. Theso two criminals stood on tho same platform on last Sunday a week at Chautauqua Lake, and made political speeches to a crowd of Radicals who had gathered there to seo great men who had committed per jury eight years ago, and who aro still embraced by their party frionds as "Christian statesmen." If theso men want tho rest of mankind to believe that they are what they assume to be, they must quit making stump speeches on Sunday. 8. R. Mason, B.q., tba. QrMnbaok aaodl.lata for Oor.rnortwo y..ra ago, willoaara.a Iudiana ooantr la tb. lot.r.t of th. Henublioaa tirk.t. Indiana la food territory for raiaalonary work tbi. r.ar, and nona .an tall how It i. tb.mMlrM n.t l.r than Mr. Mason. Hadieal Exekamgt. Yosl Mason was fooled by tho Cam eron ring two years ago. Ho waa paid a 125,000 fee (just five times what De Golyor paid Garfield) for rnnning as tho Greenback candiduto so as to elect Hoyt, and now he goes clean over into the camp of the enemy. Tbo Domo cratio-Groonbackor of two years ago must see by this time that bo was used as so much merchandise for a cash consideration ; but the other follow got all tho cash. i i lit is A Posir. We notice that Hon. H. K. Mason, who was the Green back candidate for Governor two years ago, is an ardent supporter of Garfiold and Arthur, and mado a Republican spooch in Pittsburgh on the 7th Inst. Mason rocoivod (25,000 from Hoyt & Co. two yours ago for the use of his namo. Now we presume he will got a similar sum for blowing for Garfield. As a eanb transaction, that kind of business pays bolter than playing Gov ernor. We hopo that tho jrfen Green backer will begin to seo why thin side show is kopt up. IIistort Repeated. Tbo Patriot mnkos tho good point that Missouri contributed more men to tbo Union arm- tor tho suppression of the robell ion than tho wholo of New England, Minnesota, California, Oregon and Ne vada combined. While Massachusctta was recruiting ncgrooa in tho roar of Sherman's army to fill hor quota, Missouri was sending hor patriotic vol unteers to the Union Army. Yet Missouri is one of tho "rebel States ol tbo solid South." Hi Understands Tm Game Tho Baltimore Gazette saya: Wo mot one of our prominent Hadical politicians lha other day and inquired of bim what ho thought of General Hancock's letlor lo Gonoral Bhorman. "Well," suid ho, despondingly, "we bad the 'call' and mado bim show his hand, but instead ol 'nary par,' aa wo sup posed, he held four aces and raked tho pile." He knows the game must bo ployed "according lo Hoylo." A New Tuni. Tho Now York Tribune now remarks : "Gen. Logan is waking Ike echoes of tho Green mountains with the stalwart Western oratory." This is the same Tribune that erstwhile characterised Logan's speeches as deadly assault! upon the mother tonguo. How easy it is to change a lladical tune.. A NoRnr Kemark. At a down-cast revival an old lady prayed fervently for the "young lambs of the flock." Anolhor lady asked, "Wouldn't it bo veil to include the old sheep too." This, of course, produced a titter In the audionoe. OiiTRAOE, or Course I A real "reb el oulrago" was that oommilted by a Virginia postmaster who mailed a Confederate twenty dollar bill In re sponse lo tba Republican Campaign Committee's demand for money. ?i5fHaufous. ARNOLD WANTS 5,000 Rail Road Ties. Carw.na.llls, Pa. Jan. I, 'Il-lf a. r. euLK-H. s. M eusxi.a. D. saiLaaoa. (.UK II, MctOUILE & co:s FURNITURE ROOMS, Markut Ktret, Ciearflvld, Pt. W tutvaurtotarc all klnda of Furoltor fur Chambara, liaina; Ruoma, Llbrttia Mil 11 alia. If yuti watu Vurnitnr of may klolt doa't bay until jruo our atook. UNDEItTAKINO In all III branohM, promptly attandvd to. Oi'Il.CII, M.OORKLI 00. Cl.arl.U, Pa., F.o. (, '7S. , BRIDGE APPRAISERS I ! aVooortlaDoo with tba Aot of AHombly la auoh flaaaa mod und providad, tha Court, at aa ad jouroed aeai ion bald la tbo Court lloua oa tb 4th day of Auguat, A. D. 1800, anointed Uanlal Blavart, of Bradford, T. J. MoCulloub, or Law ran ra, DanUI W. Maura, of ClaarAold. Oortea Ball, of FaricuaoD, laaaa Caldwell, of Pika.aad JnMpb It, Kaad, of Lawraaca, to vUw and afjptaUa tbo toll bndifea, rii : Tha brlduj acruii itta rirar at Lumbar City, tba lowtr brid" auroii tba nrarat Claarficld. and tbo bridga anruaa Claarneld crack, tail uf tba boruuh of Claarliald. Thtnaid tlaaara will meat at Lou bar Cltj, oa Tut'Bday, September 7th, 1880, At 10 o'olook A. M., and at tbo Conmtaaioaara offioa tbo oait day, fur tba purpoao of boarlag tho filfM of atockhuldera ad all othar ttrona iotar aatad, who sau tbaa aod tbara attaod if tba aoo Bi. U. W. KVLHK, Atteat : BLAH JollNbTON, . Joan W. Ilu Wat, JOHN N0HK18, Clark. Comaaiattnaara. CouaiiiioKKRi Orrii'i, I Claaruald, Pa., Aug. II. IH80-St. J READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS & STATIONERY. Market NU, Clearfield, (at tbt Pout Office.) rpilK anderaigned bags laare to anooaaoo to X tl oiliaena o( Uaarnald and ftclaity, that ha kaa fitted op a room and baa jaat returned from th city with a larg amoant of raiding matter, oonalatlng ia part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Amount aad Pau Booka of Try do aoripliun ; Paper and Karelopoa. French praaaed and plain Pana and Pancila ; Blank Legal P altera, Daeda, Mortgage!, Judgmant. Examo- tloo aad Pmmiaarr note; Whito and Parch ment brief, Legal Cap, Record Cap, and Bill Cap. 8 beet Muilo, fur Ubr Piano, riot or Violin, eonatantly on band. Any booka or atationary deaired that I may not har on hand.will b ordered by firat oxproaa, and aold at wbolaaal or rata.il to iuit enatomera. I will alao ktep periodical ilia ram re, aaco aa nagaunaa, nowipapera, aa. P. A. U A I) LIN. Cltarfltld. May 1, lSSS-tf A NEW DEPARTURE 19 LIT II E HS It I RG. Hereafter, gooda will bo told for CABH only, or in exchange fur prodao No book will b kept In th future. All old aeoounta inuai b aettled. Thoa who eannol eaah up, will plaaa nana over ineir noiea ana CLOSE THE RECORD. I am determined to Ml) my good! at eaah priooa, and at a dieoonnt far below that orar offered intbia rlcinity. The dieeonat I allow my euatomera, will make them rieb in twenty year If Lbey follow my ad r tea and boy tnalr gooda from m. I will pay eaah for wheat, oat and elot-or- aof. 1A A 1 Kb UOUULAMifKH. Lutharaburg, January 17, 18T7. HARTSWICK &. IRWIN, SECOND 8TRKKT1 CLEARFIELD, PA., DKALKR8 IN PURE DllUOS! CUKMICALSI PAINTS, 01IJ3, DYE STUFF VARNIB1IK9, I) HUSHES, PERFUMERY, FANCT GOODS, IOILET AKTICLKS, OF ALL KINDS, PURE WINKS AND LIQUORS far sasdteUal parposaa. Trais.1, Supporter,, Sohool Books and Station, art, and all othar artlelas asaall found la a Drag Stora. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CARE FULLY COMPOUNDKD. UaTlna t law aa prt.na. In th. hnsin.ss they aaa glva aatlra aat- taraotioa. J. O. HARTRWICK, JOHN F. IRWIN. daariUM. ttonaw It, llll. IE, DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries and General Merchandise, WOODLAND, CLT'D 00., PA. ToflpecLfully aolicit their patrons M. and to pubii generally to eall ana exam in their new a Wok of Spring and Summer Goods, CONSISTING OF Cashmere, VolTeternn, Dolalnoa, l0.wn, liinfrliamfl, rrlnt", Un bloaobcd and Bleached Mus lins, Fancy Skirts, Sheot incs, Tickings, Carpets, Jtuirs, Oil Cloths, HOSIERY, T.nundriod, While, Cheviot and Percale Shirts, (Hover), Neckwear, Hon'a and lloyi' Clothing, UaU, Caps, Boots, Shoos, oto., etc Groceries & Gcn'l Merchandise Will ba found ot first quality, and satisfaction Is guaranteed. The fol lowing ara alwaya kept on band, (soma few only in thoir goason) : Sugars, Toas, Coffees, Spices, Syrups, Confectioneries, Oranges, Lemons. Bananas, Figs, Dates, (te., Hard ware, Qneonsware, Glassware, Tinware, Wood and Willow ware, Paints, Oils, Clocks, Trunks, Valises, Mirrors, Stationery, Furniture, ft Miners Supplies, ALSO, DEALERS 15 ' 82l&x,b.:r.txe3 b snnroLis. July 23, 1880.tr. Onr ait AdwIUtmnit. THE REPUBLICAN, Pbllnl .T.rj Wadnaada; uj G. B. GOODLANDER, l'i.lAHPIl.l, PA., Haallia Largut Circulation of any paper In Northwaatera Peuuajlraula. The large and constantly increasing circulation of the .Republican, rendors il valuable to business men as a modiuin thro' wbich lo reaob tho public Terms of Subscription : If paid in advance, . . . f 2 00 If paid after throo months, , 2 50 If paid alter six months, , . 3 00 When papera are soot outsido of the county payment must be in advance. ADVERTISING: Ten lines, or loss, 8 times, . tl SO Each subsequent insertion, 60 Administrator' Notices, . . 2 SO Executors Notices, .... 2 60 Auditors Notices, .... 2 50 Cautions and Ettlraya, . . . 1 50 Dissolution Notioes, . . , 2 50 Professional Cards, 5 lines, year, 6 00 Special notices, per lino, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS: One squaro, 10 lines, . . . f 8 00 Two squares, 15 00 Three sqnareB, 20 00 One-fourth column, .... 50 00 Ooe-balf column, . ... 70 00 One oolumn, 120 00 We have alwaya on hand a large stock of blanks ol all descriptions. SUMMONS, SUBPOENAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OP AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, 4c, 4o., 4o. JOB PRINTING. We are prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING SUCH AS POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, Ao , 4o., IN THE BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. iieo. 11. Ooodlander, Clcnrflcld, Clearfield County, Pa. Soft's. The mansion house. 0rnrof heoondmnd Market titrMU, ra-:AHtII:LtJ, tA. fplllS ! oUB.Vtl.oaa .lot,, baa, dUIU, J. tb pait 7ar. boa aUrjrod to doubl iu loriBr caiM.t; for th atrtainmaat vt tlrmu garaaadgu.au. Th akU build. ng haa ban rfarniabi. aad th prufrUtur will apar b0 paiaa .to rudr hit f utata ooiaforubi mlii auyitig wilh kin. lb 'Mm lion llvaa" Onaibm ram t aod from tb Ipot pa tb arrival ard datariura of each ttaia. W. C. CAHbuN, jMly Jl-TT.tr 1'rcj.ri.lw LLKGHKNy 110TL.- Market Htreet, Clvarlield, Ha. Wia. B. DradJey, formerly projiriator of tba Leonard lloua. having lcd tL AlIeKhaDT Hotel, tt'liriti a tir of .ulUo pairuui;i. Hi, lloua ha bn taumuflly rtuwl t,a awl fur nil hod, and guwta will II nd it a leaur.t tu.p i.tng . Tb tul 1 will t b1(.llcd Wlli, thv htH ot lrt)itiic io tie Uinrktil. At tb 1-t.r will b found the be it aiimtuLd liuon. (iouj KaLliDg attarbtd. M AI. is. UllAULKV, Maj 17. :. W.rktor. rKMPKIiAiCK JIOl'SE, N tW WAfclUNUiON. VA, H. D. IOK, . . homiiM. Mrala, 2-c. Man ar.d burne tivrr aigbt, l t,o. Alao aud twu buittca uver u i b tf Th bt of ai!CliiUji)dHtitt,a Wt uitn tJ l, B(i Oct. ,''- T HKW WAKIMNUTU.N 1 , Tbi aew and wt-U fi.n.i.h. k ' . taken by tb unjeraincd. lit fceW c.-rifidrm , i DiDg aDi to render latiitwlioti tu tboa who u ... farur him with a call. May It, Wl. U. W. HAVIS, l'rw.'r LOYD IIOUSK, Mala Htreet. PUILU'riiniKiJ, 1'KNN A. Tabic alwa.ra ut.nlUji iik u. .. .1 .1 afford i. Tht travehog public ia invited iu ci.ll j.., ... nuiiRiii I-OIU. County National Bank, OF CLEAKFlhLD, lA. ROOM In Masonlo Bolldina;, oas Jnr nurn, ... C. D. WaUon's Drug rilor.. Paas.KcTlok.lt to and I'rom Lir.rpool, (Jucti,. town, Gla,g(iw, London, Pari, and C..j..hIi.ki, Also, Draft, for sal. on tb. Hoyal Uaukol Irclni -i and Iin.rial Dank of London. JAMKS T. LKONAIIli, Pr, i W. M. SHAW, Cafliier. j.nl.il DREXEL & CO., Ni. SI South Third Htreet. Philadi,.iia And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mail will rreeW p rioiit att. i, Hon, and all Infurmntiun chacrfully furni. ri Ordera loliotvd. April II tl. P. K. ARHOl n. O. W. AKJfuLD, F. K. ARNOLD Sl CO., I5una'rN and lir4k'iN, Hejnulilhvlllr, JelTerttnu Co., Pa. Mony roaird on deporlt. Itiicuuntu at u -derate rates. En tern and Foreign Kirl.ami ul wayaon han! and collretiona proitptly madt. Hcynoldavill, Doo. U, 1874. -ly J 1.. II. nEIt'lIIIOLI), Mint; ICON' DKNTIMT, 9raduat of th PennylvaDia Cullf-t;e of Dental Hurftery. Office in reridence rjfl)r. Jlilln, oppc.ite the hhaw lloua. mchlS, 'Tfe-tf DR. E.M.THOMPSON, (Offics In Dai.k IluMJltif.) ;CarwenTlllr, C'lenrficld o Ha. il. JULLS, CLEARFIKLD, I'KNN'A. Oflio. In rcsid.ne oniio.lt. ISb.w lluu... jj,l;tf J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLEARFItlI.il, FA. (Often In r.ldnos, Bwoad stwt.) Nltroua Oxid. Oas admlnistorad for th. pain ass .xtractien of tenth. Clf.rtcld, Pa., Mar 1, W7.It. IHisrrUaitfous. womb In vnns non IntiM TapsnnT wl J outfit fr. Addreni II. Hallet A Company, Forti and, Maine. deoUV-lt. COA per Jay at homo. Sample wurtb a?rj lv ?6J j5 frt.. Addreia 8llnaon Co., fottland. Main. dl7; ly. it '70 vNk. IIS a day at horn ally aia.lt. Vk4 6 Coatly outfit free. Addra Trat A Co., Auguata, Irlaina. ldMl77W ly. SHOEMAklNC-I hereby Inform my pa troni, aad mankind in ffeneral, that I bava remored my ihoetnaking ahop to th room i Grab am 'a row, over 6. I. tinydar'a jewelry aturr, and that I am prepared to do all kinda of wrk is my Ho a cheaper than any oilier ahop in towi. All work warranted aa good aa ean be dun anr wher ). Poaitijely thia ia th elicapent ibop in iwtifiu. Dm. 11, im-tt. J OH. II. UKKKlNii. J.H.LYTLE, Wholesale & Retail Dealer in Groceries, TDK LAKOESTand BEST PRI.ECTKR RTO( K IN Till COUNTV. COFKEK, TEA, SIHIAU, SYKOP, Jl BATS, FIf II, SALT, OILS, ytiKKNSWARK, TI MS and Pl'OK K IS, nniRD KKUITS, OANNKO 0001S, Sl'ICKS, P. ROOMS, KI.OUR, FEED. County Agent for t. O ft II. 1 1 !' 8 TOnj('(W, Thus, roods Wight for CABH In largr I'll, and sold at almost .11. nrloss. JAMK8 Jl. LYT1.S. CUatllald, Pa., Jun. It, l7a-ly. The Boll's Run Woolen Fm lorj Pcna townahip, Cltarfleld Co., Pa. II I) R N B I) ( II T I act lot BURNED U PI ThaautiMi-ibara bar, at area! apAi.rebail(l aalvliborhood aoaaltv. In tb retion f I' laaa Woolen Manafaetory, with all the vr lmpnTtnnla attahd, aad ar preparwd to all kind ot uiotna, caaainar. oauneu. kU. Plana!, A. Plenty of gooda oa b"tt upply alt our old td a thoaaand aeweo'ti'w"- whom w aak to oom aad tiantn oar au-- Tb bainM of CARDINi) AND FULLdtO will raoalra oar aaplal atUntloa. rrer arrai)gcnnta will a aiade to roaaiva aad dh Wiwtl in ull anatAiiikpa. All work warraatM doa apoo th ahoruat r-tiee, and by atrlet uoa ta aaatnN w hop u raaiii a uor f pablt patronafr. 1U,IMH POUNDS WOOL WANTK1M W ertll tik Ik kt.kaM Hftrht wriea fr V" and !) aar tsaaafaotarod gooda a low aa foodaeaa Mitoaghi (a thaooaaty, ana w--w fail to rendar raonbla aatlafaotloa alwaya b foaad at koa ready to Pn' aipiaaatiot, aitbar la parana ar by wr- aprllJ"t' Bower P 0