Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 25, 1880, Image 3

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Terms of Subscription.
It paid Id tdranet.or within ibr month.,. $1 00
If pld after threa aad bfur aix tnonihi... I 60
Ifptid tflw tbipirllon of ill uottbta... t 00
f-Mrun. B. M. PiTTiHaut A Co., Hawa-
m flr A'irartiiing Agent. 17 Park Bow, aornar
Hknian Htrovt, ara our duly authnrlwd AfenU
ia N.w York City.
IMctliodlut ( liurrhRc?. Qio.
Lmur, I'aitor. Herviotl at try Habbatta U lli
A. M-, nd 71 P. H.
tJubbath Bnhnol at B A. M.
Prayer Meeting every Wln.lny, at Tl P. M.
Couiu'.unioo Kcrvlflt. flrit Sabbath of avary
uonlh, at 101 A. M.
Wo Cleat-Held M. E Church. ReT
Ciiaiilki W,'aitor. Preaching ovary
attentat Sunday, at 9 o'clock, I1. M. Hun tiny
.School at 2, r. M. All an Invited to at Lend.
Preabterluu Church Roy. H. 8.
H&hbath aarrieei morning and arenlnji Sab
bath School at 1 P. M. Prayer Meeting Wodna
4ay avenlng.
lUptlat Cliurrh RT. , Pastor.
Hnhbath Scbool atS P. M. Prayer Mooting eerjr
Wednesday arauing.
Ht. Frniicla Church Cattlmllc Hot. P
J. SnRHinAR. IMclne rtlc at lul A. M., on
tha firit. third and fourth tiundeytof each nionto
V taper and licnediclion of tba lilciaad Kaoramant
at 7 o'clock, P. OA. putiday Bcnooi ovary Dunuay
alternoon at a clock.
mil or iolimio qUARTRft iiihiom oodrt.
rVeood Monday of January.
Third Monday of March.
Ktrat Monday af Juna.
Fourth Monday of September.
nai or bdldikb combo pLaaa.
First Monday of June.
Hecond Monday of November.
rtiBLio orricKM.
Pretident Judge Hon, Charlet A. Majr, of
Look llavan.
Ailant Late Judge Hon. John II. Orrll, of
AnciU JudyeeAhrnta Ogdn, Clearfield)
Vincent 11. Holt, Clearfield.
i'rolhonotary Eli Bloom.
Rrguter and Recorder L. J. Morgan.
Treneurer Philip I)ott.
Oietricl Atlorntw J. F. MeKaorlck.
Sheriff Jam Mabaffcy.
V;uly Sheriff K. I. Thnmpion.
Ounfy Survey or Samuel Y. McClonkey, Cur
nnuni AiMMlnloiiiri-C, W. Kyltr, Ornhnm
ton P. O.i Kltth Juhnaton, OramjiUn If ilia P. O-i
Jwhn Noma, r., LurwenfTiiie.
fSmmiteionrre' Clerk John W. Howe.
Ooumtjf Auditore William V. Wright, Cloar
flld ; Jnaopb Uilliland, Threa Runs ; J. S. Nor
n. Woodland.
Count Corontr Jarnf A. Moor, Cltarfleld.
Jury dommietionere Andrew J. Jackaon, Clear
r....i Wm R Ilrown. Clearfield.
Superintendent of Public Svloole M. L. Mo-
yuown, uieftrneiu.
Sealerof Weight! a Meaeurte Jee W .Carllla,
oftipa at Luthemburg Pa.
v..,,.,.- pu,,i,J1Jhn W.Wrlale. Wm. Ra-
debaugh, Cyrui Uordon, ClfarHeld) Joicph R.
Irwin, N. K. Arnold, Curwcmvilla ; J. A. Living-
orxne, L)uHoi City.
Our Serial column la decidedly intereiting in
a locul point of Tiiw, and profitable reading to
ouUiden who wunt to ave money.
"Will you tbka whi-at, oU or euro for aub
rriitl(.n V We am often liiquirod of in thli way
by U tter from Uroni who rviida at a diatanoa
from Clearfield. Wo again aay yea. Tha receipt!
of a rfttjioniihla merchant or will owdct in the
vicinity, will answer ui junt at well u the ch.
Ti. illluatrata: If nnv of our pnlron.i will dolifor
hi a t;t(( of grain at the mill of Joaeph II. Broth,
in ChrM tuwuidiip, Horace Putchtn, in Burniida,
Tbouaa II. I'orcey, In drub am, Wm. Porter or
Sbaw'e, In Lawrenoo, or Urown A Heyler'a, at
Ruckton. Uiii.n towniliin. and forward their
receipt for the n mount, we will credit them on
their aecounl for tha imi, In thii way all may
ioiio prty Mhut they owe, If they ailt pursue thll
ooune. tf.
$rif-'AdvortiHein and othcra will bear
Id mind that all artielei Intended for publication
in thii narer uuit ha handed 1b, nut later than
Tupidajr, at A. M. Don't forgot It!
Tub LahI Day. Wedrnieduy, Sup-
ti 1t., ii tha Uit day that the name of on-
didiiieo for biitrict or County officer oan be
letrllv announced uudvr our larty rule. The
Prtmivry Eleotion blank! and ticket! will bo pre
pared and printed within a few thrroafur,
and delivered In Ilia County Committee a here
Squirrel shooting in lawful alW
Fe. teiuber lit.
m a
Afu-r oil, a Hank it what the Courier
wantt lor Dulloia.
"ConHiBtoncy, tliou art a jowol'ond
your oputle anall appear next week.
m - -
Call on tlio regihtoring ofliecr in per-
ana and tea that your name Ii on bta liat.
.Mr. MoHHop ban placed a lare and
handioiuo afe in bia ilore, velgbing tnrae r.ou
Fand poundi.
.. mm
inn nmnAiu svniu nAnnuAi
Don't forut tlio Lutheran Church
faetlval In the Hbaw llouaa, eommancing to-morrow,
Augmt 2(ltb.
Mr. V. H. Weaver has severed his
oonaection with tba Brookvillo HrpnbUeom, and
la inooooded by hit brother Homer J.
mm e -
Senator Wallaco is billed to mako
the campaign opening ipeecbei at Meadvilla, to
day (Wnlaaidiy) Ijtb, and at Tltuarilla to mor-
row (Thunday) 21th.
Tho "cheokored trout" which now
adoma Harry Snyder' Tobacco and Cigar Store
anil Barber Shopon Marketitreet,glrei It a neat
and city like appearance.
Frank, yonngrnt con of KxSharifT
rente, of thia torougb, wbilt at bia latber'a
farm in Brady towmbip, fell and fractured h la
left arm on Wadnaiday laat.
- mm i -
Young men upwards of twenty-two
yeara of age muat la easeiied, and hava paid a
tax at least one month before tha eleotion and
within two year next preceding the eleotion to
an tit la them to vote. 1
- - mm i
We learn from tho Reveille that "Mr.
Klijab lleece, of Decatur toohip, hai leafed tho
ooal on hi! land toD. W. Holt A Co , Philipibarg,
and operation la to ba eotauteuoed at onoa. Tho
Srm hava leaocd all together about four bun J red
acre of eoal laod and It will be eonti'lared one of
largoet optratlre firms la the oouoty.
A HrAvr LodH. During the slonn
of Thursday afternoon, the barn af OapU Matt.
Ogden, residing about three miles north of this
eorongh, wai it rook by lightning and burned to
tba ground, together with all his crops and most
el liis farming untvnilli . Two hundred buihMa of
Wheat wereaonanmod with tba rest of the grain.
Tha bam wmb good one and will entail a lots on
the owner of not leia than 12,500.
Harn Burnki). About midnight on
Sunday, tha l&tb inst., the barn of David John
Mn, in Jordan township, was fired and enioaaed
with all iti contenU, eonsiiting of over 1 ,000
dosen of grain, thirty too of hay, wagons, iledi(
gears, ate. The barn was one of the floes t in the
euaty. Mr. Jobnstnn'a lots will reach nearly
$3,bO0. The fiend that applied that torch de
to be hang to the Bearcat apple tree.
mm i - -
Tho Orpheus Cornet Hand of thin
piaee patd rnuipsburg a "Dying visit on Wed
nesday afternoon last, leaving on tho Mall train
and retnrnlng In tbe evening on the Express. The
Journal, of that place, In speaking of this organ!
aallon, and Its visit to their town, gives "ear
boys" a lift in ffcis ip lend Id style i 'On Wodnea
day evening tha clliiena of Pblllptburg enjoyed
grand musical treat from the Orphans Band ef
Clearfield. This musical organisation, although
youthful In Ha musical training, display a ret
ran ability in Us musical productions. Iu Proai-
dent, Mr. Thus. A. Fleck, sen of Sam '1 K. Fleck,
Bq., of thia place, and prominent merchant of
lrfield, baa done mack for the advancement of
the organisation, bat Ita watt developed aualeal
ability is taigaty owing to tha floe taste and high
aujleal culture of lie Leader, Mr. T. F. Cooper,
a type In the Raruaucin oBoe af that place.
Fae editor of the Journal deemed himaelf highly
nwpliaianted, as the band discoursed several of
ita finest select ion a brfm his mid nee on thlf
Maslon, and hope, tbe pleasure enjoy) from
he sweet mailoal strains, may be reproduced ere
ng and often again, The band left for bono on
the MftP.M (ralo.M
Gurflold'a Hymn.
A oharge to keep I have,
Myaelf to glorify I
If I my tottering cause would lave
Then I must on ind aay eye.
Arm mo witi aoaloui cere, ' ' ' ""
Lett I ntyaslf betray, w .
And, taken sometimes unaware, "
bhould give uynlf away.
P. 8 Keep a look out for Mlowa like Oakaa
Ames, Da Uolyor, ato.
Tho necret of portect heultb in in
variably found by iboao who take "Sol lore' Liver
PilU.' '
. i '
Ice cream, cako, Rundwitfhcft, fruit,
lemonade, Ao.( at the Feitlral, la the Sbaw Houio,
on Thunday and Friday avenlng a.
Dkad. Jacob Uurkot who for many
yean kept a hotel la Dreokvllle, nod wai widely
known, died In thai borough n few wtek age
aged ninety-one yeara.
- i e i i -T-
Bank Ciianokh. Tho County .Na
tional Beuk having parcbaaod tha Banking itouie
of the Clearfield County Bank, In (Jrahain'i
building, baa removed Into that blook, on Mark-
atroet, while tha Clear field Count Bank will
oooupy tho rooms on Sooond street vacated by the
County National Bank. 4t
- a
1oht 8-00. A toward ot Iwontv
do Hers will be paid to the fludir. Tba money
loit whi wrapped up In paper and left at Kulton'i
Dead water, ur lost Id tuwo. It u made up ai
follow! i Five twenty dollar bill, and balanoe la
Uvea and tern. Tba money to ba r turned to Klllutt
Pantt, or bia attorney. Smith V. WiLau.
-m i
Gnovs Mietinu. Thero will bo,
ProvMenoe permitting, a grove meeting bald
nndrr tha auipioei of tha Meniah'a Church, on
tba land of Urjihsr M. J. Urown, one-half
mile eaitot Kylsrtowo, commencing on tha Sftth
of Aumt, and to continue over tha Sabbub.
Rov.A. F. Reminiogten, of Hobrenvllls, Massa
chusetts, and others will be present to preach the
word. ' 1
All persons interfiled in tha troth are Invited
to an iid. M. L. Jacxsok, Pastor.
mmm -
Tub Flood. It ia doubtful whether
the reeeut euddtD rise in oor it roams has proved
a beneQt to the many, except to those angagvd in
logging. Not less than rfy fiet million ftel
of logs drifted Into tha Lock Haven boom and
beyond, whilo only one hundred and fifty raits
reached that place out of four hundred that
started for that landing. The rest are sad'tle
ba;rgel on stud bars, rocks, or moorbd lo aorue
ide pocket, while quite a number bare gone
adrift.- Meairr, Weaver and Betti take tho lead
in the raft line, having landed thirty-eight at
Lock Haven.
To The Front, Mr. John LuwkI.o,
who at one time represented this oouoty In the
Legislature, hut now raiiding in Southern Cull,
fo ruia.ii alluded lo in thii way by tho Cvlton
Stmt -Tropic "By underground telegraph w learn
that the Democracy universally ooooedo that
there Is only one man in the county, who would
stand any show against Hon. H. M. St re tor fur
the Assembly and that man Is our eiteeiuad fel
low townsman, Hon. John Lawsbe. We could
have given the iulormation long ago hut the im
prest Ion ha letiaed to prevail among tha Demo
cracy, in regard to Col ton, that no good thing
could come out "I Nutarttih. We aro gid to
know that thuy cud foil that Co I ton pun.cfias the
only man, in the periun ol Mr. Lawabe, who ia
doomed worthy of being nn opponent of Mr.
Streeter In this rsco."
A State Normal. Tho l'onunylva-
nia State Normal School at Indiana has lour De
part men ts organised aud fully equipped for
e (Do lent educational work, as follows ;
1. The Normal Department, fur the thorough
preparation of teachers.
2. The Cliicl Departineut, in whlih students
can either prepare iorvotrannu to, or an advanced
standing in any Aincrisan College; or, pursue an
advanced ooune of study In the Latiu, llreik,
Uermen, and Frunch languages.
3. A Business Department, full equal to the
best Cummeruial Colleges f and '
4. A Deparimuut lor elementary an I advanced
instruction in Vooal Instrumental Music.
Young perious desirous of securing the beat
educational advantages, will And no better place
than the Indiana Normal School. Sua adrertine
MmW '
A (iaovic Dedication. Wo Warn
that a "free to all" Banket Pioio, will come off on
Thursday, September VLB, lhttH, in Merrell's
Wools, on an eight acre lot in tba rear of tbe
Fair Uruunds in West CI ear lie Id. Those who pre
fer taking their dinner on the ground oan be ao
oommodatod. Wm. M. McCullough, E'q., has
been selected aa Orator of tbe Day. A platform
40x00 feot, under cover, has been noted for
dancing purposes. The music will ba furnlihed
by Jack MoClelUnd, David Richards and Tony
MoAHistor. The Orpbcua Band will be present
to enliven matters, as wellai "Flying Dutchman' '
swings etc., for the purpose of amusing the pa
trons of tha drove. No ohanoo or gambling
schamee will be allowed on tbe grounds. The
large dinlog table Till be undercover, so that a,
little rain will out disturb tha harmony and pleas
ure of the guests. It 1 to be In fact a "come as
you please picnic," open toaverybody for pleaiura
and enjoyment.
mm i
A II Em 13eaht. Wo notice by tho
I'bilipsburg jornat tual "frank Uoss, ui Wal
laoeton, Clearfield county, la the ownor of one
of th finest bull in this seotluu of the uounlry.
Jobo, as he call him, Is entirely black excepting
tha two bind feet which are white, Is twenty-eight
months old and weighed on Tuoaday laat 18021
poundi., Althoogh not a pure breed, being of
mixed durbam stock, yet ba is a beautiful animal,
being well proportioned with a boavy set nock
and brood iboilder and breast and otherwise
well do ve'oped, just the form and build of a first
olass draft ut. lis 1j guitls no 1 quiet a a
sheep and ia fond of being petted and follows bis
master at the word of command. Last year Mr.
G on had him on exhibition at the Clearfield Fair
where be took the first premium. This year, his
ovotr purpuitt attending ths State Fair at Phil
adelphia, and haa ne doubt but what he will t
traat much attention by bis weight and beauty."
Since tbe foregoing was put in type ws learn
that Mr. Uoss has added 'Hancock," to his 1,901)
pound calf, in honor of tha boldness and weight
of tha signer. uf t'ie UecUr4tlon of Independence
of that DMine.
m n
JJiimuiAY Party. Saturday, Au
gust 21 st, was the bixty-fuurth Anniversary of
Mrs, Rebecca MerreH'a uirthriay,and to her sur
prise, her family and relative had arranged to
hare a social westing of bcr many friends.
About ID o'clock A. M. the friend from the
country brgao to arrive Ui goodly numbers, ao
oowpKuied with well filled baskets. After ex
changing greeting' with "Aunt hebeooa" the
ladies repaired to the ktlcbeu where a sump tous
dinner was prepared aiid spreml upun a table Id
(be jard. The announcement "dinner is ready"
brougntout the family, and ninety heidi were
counted. Alter partaking of tho luxuries pre
pared lor the occasion the old folks enjoyed
themselves la talking over tho times whsn they
wsre young, whilst the young folks mads merry
wltb recreation devised for their enjoyment. Af
ter ipending tbe day In a vary agreeable manner,
evening waa tbe signal for a general "good bye"
and the party took leave of the recipient of the
days festivities with many wlshee uf long Ufa and
a pleasant memory of her Hlxty fourth Birthday,
aud lht each returning 3M of August may
bring to her memories of a life Well spent and of
assooiatioas pleasant to her, and an occasion for
bar many friends to cat! and repeat tbe pleasant
tittle experiment.
A JIoilku Kxplohium Wo learn
from the Johnstown Dtmvurat the facts of tbe
fatal accident, which are as Mlowt : "Aiblsnd
Furnace, near Cheat Springs, on Friday last
waa the scene of a frightful boiler explosion
wkieb resulted ia tbe death ef one man. Mesart.
James Peary A Son's Bhingle mill standi on the
bank of Clearfield eraek, In which ara made
laths, ihingles, aad barrel staves. A boat noon
the boiler In tbe building burst, destroying the
structure and killing John Allen, the engineer,
Instantly. Tbe boiler waa an old fashlonsd ita
tionary cylinder affair, and bad been In as for a
long time. The ng incur wna working it the Iro
when It went off. The whole beildlng, at
atory frame, waa wrecked and fell la amass.
Allen waa Instantly hilled and moat fearfully
maog'ed. Tbe top of bl head, one arm and one
foot were taken off. His body waa taken oot In
a very few minute. Allan waa aalngle man and
a resident uf Cheat Aprtnga. Twu nan were at
work in the mill and both were near the hollar,
Neither was Injured but their escape was in ir ecu
Ions. One of the men waa reaching across a
running saw and was blown clear over It, land
ing safely en the other aide. The building fell
all around htia aad there waa not a hole ever
two feet square for him to crawl out Immediately
after the wreck fall M oaogbl fire from tho hrbaoo
and there we every proepeet of an extensive
ooaflagraiioa. Fortunately a good aupply of
water was la the a reek near by and the Ire waa
put out. The cause of the explosion lo not known
and no UivoHig atioo hatyil ben made.,
Tumors, orynipclas, morcunal din
ease, scrofula, and general debility on red by " Dr.
Lindaey'a Blood Searcher."
Kemombcr, that In auking yoo to
patronise their Festival on Thursday and Friday
evenings, the Luthsreua do so for thafirit time.
Something that ovcrybody ought to
know I tinimburg keeps tha most reliable cloth
la tha coanty, and anils them for the lowest caih
prioes. He also lake all ktuda of country pro
duoa in eaoliango at market value. aug Ji-4t
They aro ho mild and strengthening f
They stimulate the liver, help to carry off the
acid and bile and purines the blood.
Prepared by E. K. Thompson, Titusvill, Pa.
For sale by all drugajsta In Clearfield, and
Joseph Seylrr A Sons, LutbtTihurg, Pa. tt
LImI of lotlcrn remaining nnclaimcd
in tho Postoffico at Clearfield, Pa., for the week
ending August 33J, 1880 :
O. M. Cramer, Ellis 6. Foulkrod, George Hill,
Benjamin Hill, George Barf, Mrs. John Mcjflel,
(2), Miss Mary Maurar, Henry Siger,W.8. Shewed
John Smith, James T bom an, OroerTornian, Dock
Terman. P. A. (JAULIN, P. M.
Farmekh, Look IIeke! Lyttu will
give yoa highest market price for Wheat, Oat,
Corn, Buckwheat, Butter, Eggs, Onions, Apples,
dried fruits, aiid all kinds of produce. lie ba
tbe largest and lest selected atock of groceries,
tea, aoffes, molasses, apices, oil salt, sugar,
queens ware, tubs, buckets, baskets, churns, Ac,
in Clearfield county. He buys his goods In large
q as h titles from manufacturers and first hands
for cash, and takes tho advantage of all
discount i, and so be la enabled to sell at lowest
prioes. Be gives cash price for produce,ruid sells
hi goods at the lowet price in the oouuty.
We to-day publish tha Premium List of the
Cluarfield County Agricultural Society, for the
Fair which li to be held at the Park, lo West
Olearilcld, "0 September 1Mb, 1'Uh, and 17th.
Tlx re Is no rrsson why Clenrfield county should
not have as good a Fair a any of her neighbor!,
nd the InJk-ttlloii arc that this Fall she will
have. Tbe premiums are well diitributcd among
tbe products of ill oUsaes, and to farmers and
fruit growers they are particularly advantageous.
The officer have taken hold of the affairs of the
Soc'iuty in rrneit, and tbore is a manifest dis
position upon the part of the farmers of the
oouuty, as far as we are able to judge, to step to
the front and giro th in a good substantial support-
Every farmer who desires to are the agri
cultural and stock Interest! of our county ad
vanced owes thli support to the Agricultural So
ciety, and we believe that they will thii Fall be
proven fully awake to their duty and responsi
bility in this direction. IIcrttfore It has been
ouitutnary to devoto tbe first f and pari of the
sooond day of tho Fair to the arraugemeut of
articles on the ground, but this year a day haa
boon tot apart for that purposa and no exhibits
will he entered afier 12 o'clock on tha first day
of the Fair. Read the rules and post yourself in
regard to tha mattur. The officers luform us that
tha ground will this Fall b in bettor condition
than they have been for some years. A number
of new tempumry buildings will be erected and
tho grounds otherwise Improved end tnore con
venient and coojforlahlu. Nothing will be left
uudone that in anyway concerns tho welfare of
exhibitors or visitors.
Tbe editor of the Williamsport Banner, In Bl
ading to the death of our esteemed neighbor.
any ! "Tha dsath of x-(lovtrnor U if lor rocalls
prominent events connecting him with his active
political life During tbe lluberiutorial canvass :
of ISM, be was announced to spenk in Williams- i
port, which gathered thousand from tbe country ,
who eaino In their own conveyances, with ban
ners (lying atd loud cheering into town. Among
tbo notable attractions from tho "upper end"
none attracted mora attention or caused more
plearaut satlxfacllon than a largo raft brought
from Woodward Uwnt-hip by iti patriotic Demo
cracy, of which Ur. Lyon, of Lindrn, waa tha
pilot. After tbl odd-looking craft, having aa
unnatural an tippcarauce aa a fish out of water,
was lately anchored la front af the Court House,
the meeting waa organised and It officer Invited
tu take seat on tho raft, which was loon filled
1th "official and spectators to It utmost limits,
not one fearing a leak or apstt.
The rpeakor was In- bii bnppieit mood, and
kept hlsaudirnce In rapt attention while he rpnkc
upon the issuts that then divided the Whig and
Democratic parties. Ilia eloquent appeal In
pport of Democratic doctrines, and severe, yet
manly denunciation! of hit opponents showing
conclusively that the Democratic position waa a
true one, and abould triumph, proved iffectual
aa the election in October clearly demonstrated.
After Mr. Blglor had finished hit speech, and
before taking bia seat, the ladies of Williamsport,
through their representative, James Gamble, Eiq.,
who subsequently waa chosen a member uf Con
gress, and Judge, presented the Democratic can
didate with a wreath a ao evidence of their bsst
wifbes la bis lueoci. II politely accepted tbe
gift, and remarkod that be would accept the
ludica who presented it. Al he was young and
Olio looking, the latter elauie of hia eentenc
created a general outburst of applause, in Which
all present, the old and young alike, Joined.
The oldest Inhabitant ntver witnessed such a
storm in this vicinity as that of last Thursday
afternoon. At 2 o'clock P. M. the rlvor waa
neatly dry, and at 8 o'clock rafts began to break
loose from their mooring and quite a number
went adrift. The damaged farms Is vary great,
whole fields of corn were nearly ruined, tbe stocks
being prostratod by the storm and many washed
out by the roots. Many small bridges In this
eeotioo, between Clearfield and the Mosbannon
creek were w .is hod away, as well ai much harm
denote fields by washing gulches through them.
Anderson, Montgomery nod Moose crooks, on tbe
north and west aide of tba river were tbe only
streams that were flooded.
The Osceela It refill dctallei the damages In
the Moibannun valley at that p!aj and Houts
dale, as follows :
"Quo scourged by (Ire, our town has now gone
throegh a baptism of water. Thursday oreniagi
the Mosbannon rose so rapidly, that in a short
time, the bourn on tho lower part of Curtin
atreet were surrounded by dsap rapid current,
and between ten and eleven o'clock, the dam of
tho Mosbannon Land and Lumber Company's
mill, broke (n two places eauaing gaps from
forty tu fifty fct-t In width and an increase uf
sight to ten feel In the rUs of water below the
At leait o,0l)0 iaw log went over tho dam
tearing away the Company's blacksmith ihop,
damaging the brick walls of the bailor house, and
crashing down the trestle work of eight line of
tramway. Jamming against tbe double railroad
bridge, the whole it rue tar waa swept down the
current like a piece of cork, This opened tho
channel and tba log formed another jam against
tbe Moshennon bridge on Curtin street) but that
old ttrnoture rcsiited the pressure, and the logs
went booming on tho Hood, oret Curtin atroet
and against the konaet, which had all been va
cated t end finally passages were forced betweon
tha houses, and the "drive" went through on the
enrrent, about as tho great log drivel go over
yueon a run dam above Lock Haven. '
On tbe far aide, tbe Immense jam reached be
yond Ple'a foundry, tearing np two hundred or
perhapi three hundred yardiof aldewalkn. that
side of tbe Mofha&non. The street waa filled
with logs, pickets and drift, a distance of more
than nine hundred feet. Onaliouie waa aboved
off Ita foundation, and a number ef dwellings
were filled with mud ond land. The log Ji
above was held by (ba railroad trestle across tha
dam otherwise, the mill, lumber yard and all
the honisi to the lower end of town, would have
been awept down tho stream. The township road
and bridge above town were totally destroyed,
and at Una tidal tho railroad and brldfoi shared
tho same fata, Tho Iota here may bo estimated
roaghly aa follows :
Moahannon Land and L amber Campany, 1,000
logs cost of returning them, $1,200 j matob-
wood and pickets, f 1,000 to repair milt dam,
91,000 1 tranwoads, railroad track and bridge,
1800 ; ether losses not Included In above, $M0 j
toUl, $1,109.
Other leasee Psnnsylvenia Railroad Company,
$2,090; J. K. While, $3lO; J. J. I'l. $208
damage to sidewalk, $200 j township bridges,
$.000; total in all, $7,700.
Neat naming, when the water bad subsided,
large saw-log wai found with one end through
the deer of tlaaketh I Cabinet abop.
From two hundred to three hundred people, In
eluding (hose driven out by tbe water, were on
tbe atroet afl night, watching the flood. All the
cellar ! town, wore filled with water, and from
an olratlonof two hundred feet, the water poured
down tbe streets like madly rnsblng rivers.
Wo have merely opoco to o il, that thll 'is the-
gieatrit flood w have bad bore fur twenty years
Tho public aro respectfully invited
to pnrUke ef the refresbmeota of tbo season, at
tho Shaw House on Thursday nod Friday even
ing!. Come,
Fob Sale. All kinds of Doors and
Wiodow-aash. Call near the Lutheran Church,
or address mo at Clearfield, Pa.
R. CinriiLD.
Aug. II, 4t.
mmm "
Buy Your Mill Now I Wo aro the
proprietors or a Saw Mill, complete la every par
tlcular, which we will eel) very cheap. For par
tlculars, address K. A. A W. D. BIULKR,
mch.1,'80 tf. Clear Hold, Pcnn'a.
A Fact. An advertisement inserted
in the RarvBLican will reach more reader than
if published lo all tbe other papers la tho coun
ty, and eost the adrartlsei leaf than one-half
In other words, an advertisement published In
our journal I worth double tbo price of that
charged by any other publisher la tbe county.
It Is a Tact." tf.
- m o - -
Tobacco, Ckiaks.Ac Thia bunine
wilt be continued, at my old atand on Market,
atreet, by James B. Watson, or tome one else,
for the present. Tbe finest brands of Imported,
domestic and Key West cigars, and moat popular
Iran da of plug, chewing, fine cut and amoking
tobacco. Will also keep all other goods in tbe
tobacco business. With tbe advantage of now
being able to buy entirely for cash, we can give
our trade rare bargain in choice good. Country
dealer! supplied wltb Job lot at leaa than manu
facturer!' pricea. Alrx. Watsok.
Clearfield, Pa., July 21, 1SS0 St.
m an
Clrarfikl, Auguit 2d, 1830.
Editor Rbmblicar: Ai the market ba be
come permanent, ia It not time that we were pre
paring a building in which It may bo maintained
throughout the Winter. In a very few month it
will be Impossible fur buyer or seller to remain
In the street for ths purpose of barter, and unless
a place a shelter is provided the market muat
atop for tbe season. I believe our people will be
very lotb to give tt up. Why cannot the build
ings upon our Market lot be arranged for the ac
commodation of tbe people, for wbom It waa do
signed ;' b.
That Is a pert incut question for those interested
to aetlle.
mm i a'
;01L AT 1,700 FEET.
The Second Chapter-No Doubt About
It This Time The Oil Men Sold.
lhe editor of the Dubois Courier, or tbe IVtb,
feels considerably olated over the oil prospects
in that vicinity. Rockdale Is lo Washlugton
township, Jefferson county, abouC six miles west
of Dollols. He goo on to itato that "about 4:30
o'clock P. M., Thursday, as the drill was moving
slowly through a slate at the Rockdale well it
broke through tbe butlotn crust, and the ease with
which It penetrated the noxt formation showed
that ft had entered a sand, Thia waa verified
immediately by a rush of gas more forcible than
any that had yet preceded It, and tbe upward
pressure of tbo tools. The tools were drawn at
once and ths aaud pump run down, expecting, to
fltid a prolifld gas pocket, and no more; hence,
when the land pump reappeared the oppcratora
were surprised to find that it contained a fair
proportion of good oil.
We don't know whither tbe oil would have
been co&ccalcd or not, but a Mr. Bond of War
saw, hup pt nod to be oa hand at the time the
strike waa made and the gas drew the attention
of ao many people that before anything oouU be
done a crowd hnd surrounded the derrick and con
vinced thcmselroa that the strike did occur and
t genuine. Further Investigation, however,
showed it to bo a stray sand, which probably ac
count! fur tho publicity of the whole things as
the regular producing sand was not expictl
hurt of seventy five feet further.
But this is sufficient. It proves conclusively
, that oil exisn at or near Rockdale and it la now
hut a queilkn of lime when it will bo developed.
Wo tbiuk Mr, Fullor will go on with this well or
others until he know pretty near what Is there.
Mr. Fuller Is at present absent in Uuonison,
Colorado, attending to some miuingclafm and
iiiilierd, tbe contractor, eays his work Is com
pleted with the strike of oil. Besides this the
lino Is too short to go any deeper, and the aup
ply of water for the boiler has run low. Having
alt these excuses for a oassatian of work lb well
wa shut down and a plug put in the hale.
Whether this is to follow in the footsteps of
Stump ereek ia now a question that will be an
swered only aa time mores on.
Drockwayvillo Is promised to ba the next wild
oat that will come in, aad we persist In thinking
that It will be tampered wltb so that It will he aa
Indefinite ai the others. It la now down far
enough to reach the aand at a few hour! notice,
but little anxiety la felt about getting there.
Stump Creek oontlnuea to he aold and resold,
and a watch la atill keat over the hole. It Is not
abandoned now nny mora than It was threa
months ago.
The Kremkiaw well near Puuxautawuey, Is ao
bothered with aalt water that little can be ex
pected of It, and should It find oil tbe salt water
ill not allow it to boa paying well unless tbe
prediction la large. Maha&ey'a well la going
down at (he beat rate, and bopeo are entertained
of early development by the parties in oharge.
The present outlook at Uookdalo and Stamp
Creek would Indicate either a departure from the
belt system and the presence of pool, aa on Oil
Creek, or a belt running bat a little eaatof north.
by h. l. n'utrowR.
ooaii r.n.
On WaJnesday, August lfltb, wo examined a
clan of six in tbe public school bouse at hhawa-
villa, and issued tour oerttuoatea. 1 he director l
and a large number of el ti sens were present dur
ing the day. W'a taking pleasure in recording
(Jul ben among tbe Hit ol progressive towninips,
educationally. The Board bald a srrxlon at the
close of tbe examination and fixed the salaries
at $?& and $3u per month. They elected John
u. Meau, learner ei west uosuen acnoui, nobert
C. fclittw, teacher or Ldt-n scbool and tirace o,
Morrow, teacher of Liuk Ran school. Shawsvitla
and No. 6 are yet to be supplied Tbe Board
purchased Sohool Maps of Pennsylvania and now
Outline Map for all of the schools of tbe town
ship. Ibe Educational Meeting, a porannounoetnent
wa Held in tbe H. K. tliureu, in tbe even id ,
Lewi Irwin, II. 11. Morrow, D. K. Bottorf, Matt
Savage and tbe)County Superintendent addressed
au appreciative audienoe. Mrs. Alioe Lltx and
draco S. Morrow read essays. The meeting was
dignified, appicolativa and interesting, and did
mueu good.
Five applicants were examined at Uillingham,
on tbel7lh,in the presence of a full Board of
Directors and a respectable number of spectator.
The class at this appointment waa a good one,
and we bet peak for Oirard unusually good sohaola.
The Directors at a sesiton held on Kxaminatien
Day, purchased for all tbe schools house of tho
towustiipthe celebrated "Triumph", furnlturo
tbe Dove Tall patent at a ooat of $440, They
also mad the following appointment for their
apuools, wttn salani's at iu perni'ntb: Hilling
bam, Alice tl. Llti i Con area Hill, Mamie A
Irwin ; JUKI Hill, Ada O. Mewart Plank Road,
Maggie Htrawbrldge. The Educational Meeting
neld mine evening was large and enlnusiastie.
Tue Htnng Hand un.lcr the leadership uf U. W
Bteerer, Esq., famished delightful musto. Ad
dresses were delivered by Messrs, Iaae Smith,
A. A. Murray, Matt 8 a v ago and the County
Vuperintendeal. Alice t. Lite, and Ira U. tthope,
read eraays, Henry Hbope and ei-teacher pre
sided, and tha tichool Direr tors present served as
Vice President. Tha event of tho day and
evening mark a new era in tbo educational aflairs
or Uiard.
As oiaal, Examination Day at Central Point
waa marked by storm. The class was email, and
in point ef attainments below tbe a r erase. Foui
Directera were present, and at a aeision bold tn
the afternoon, decided to pay from 'iU to $:10
per month lor teachers, and to advertise for ep
plications, in ruuoauonai Meeting was organ'
lied in tbe evening, by elect in Mr, Huhnarrs,
President ; and Koiand Kanudy, Yioe President
and W. K. H rotter, secretary. Allen Hosenkrens,
Rev. U. W. Stroup, Matt Savage, Dr. J. W . Pot
ter and the County Superintendent addressed tbe
The Directors were present at tha Examination
and exchanged tnrir old National Headers for
the Appletoa Series. They also contracted for
new Outline Maps, rl art nans has good school
but Id in as and a generous and enterprtsinc peo
ple ( hence their schools will come np to the
standard. The DtreUri have decided to hava
six inoalhs school the coming term and have fixed
tha aalary al $ao per month. The appointments
nave nut y neon maue.
Eleven teaohon were examined for this dlslrlol
at Bloomfngton, Saturday, August list. The
class wa tba ocean d best we nave met tbl far la
the tour. Five Directors and a large number of
spectator were In attend sac. Tho Board of
Pike township have In contemplation tbe repair
Ing and furnishing with patent furniture, about
nne-nan oi ine scuoei louse oi the township.
They appointed the following Mockers at the
close Ol the aviaminalion i Uloomington, W. W
Harbor i Ererrretn School. Wm. J. Owens
Robins Sohool, Nra Morrii Curry Sohoeol, F
w. larry; weaiand rcnooi, baeiia farewell
Pleasant lirove Scbool, Albert Straw, Carwen.
rill District School. Caniinut Ridceand Liaust
Ridge schools will be filled at a meeting of the
uoaro, uie taei Saturday in August
Tbe Educational meeting was called to order ia
tne Latnrran ttiaren at nioomtnrton, at I r. M
Joseph L. Dale, President of tba Sohool Board
waa euoren r resident, and rtoiand i. npeneer,
Secretary, rim. A. llloom, Join Horns, Jr
and Alfred Lng, acted a Viae Presidents, The
programme of the evening wa opened with a
stirring ipeecn uy air. w. a. uioori, on "Moral
Edoeatlua." He waa followed by Mauri. W. C
Penta.Jehn H. Mead, V. L. Spencer aad tbe
vounty Biipertotenienl. ine meeting waa a
grand anoeeaa, aad lb. edurallenal pain la Pike
quiokened tbereb.
New Daily Btaoe Line. James L.
Leavy haa eueoeeded in haying a daily mall as lab
llsbed between Claarflold aad Penn field, and will
hereafter ran a dally atage between tbe two point.
Ilia contract began with April 1st, and the atage
will leave Clearfield every morning (oioept Sun
day) at $ o'clock, making connections with all
traioaon the Low Grade Railroad at Penofield, re
turning after the last train the same evening.
Passengers and freight will be carried at low rata.
Orders left at any ef tbo hotel will be attended
to. lOaprTv-tf
This is my Froclamation. if you
waut good tin -wore go to Merrell's j I will
not repair any cheap tin-ware Imported into thli
vicinity, especially In the fruit can Una ; I keep
no books f I pay eash for everything, and I ex
pect my patrons to do the same wit k me ; I guar
antee my work and material.
All itinerant tin peddler Invading tha county
for the purpose of selling their cheap ware bad
better look up Ibe Act of Ihid, from which they
oan learn that there Is a penalty of $100 Incurred
for violating It. O. B. Mkrrki.l(
July S Tat, lSSQ-lm Agent.
. . . mm aw i , .
ment of Coal and other freight! sent over the
Tyrone A Clearfield Divlilon, Pennsylvania Kail
road, for tbe week ending August Htb, 1880, and
tho lame time last year
For the week - 8,2J
Sme time last year - M 36,000
Increase 2,30
Previously during year &II 1 ,3rt
Same time laat year Ml,l&t
Decrease 10,2:12
Total In 1880 02,28
Same time last year 037,874
Decrease 7,048
Lumber .........
Miscellaneous freights
..HI ears.
-.130 "
S.OOO lb a. Wool wanted by
11. A.
Clearfield, Pa,
July 28, 18S0 4t
MarRMKa, Etc. All perrons wanting a first,
olass Sewisg Machine should buy the New Im
proved Lixbt-Runnlng Weed, lor sale by John S.
Beers, Clearfield, Pa., or Miles R. Reera, dealer
in Machine and Organs, Reynoldsville, Pa.
may IVtb-otn
Ono HuMnaan Pan Ckrt. Discount or Olp
Paten. Sewing: Machines can now be purchased
at Merrell'a tin and variety store, from fo up
wards. All kinds of sewing machines repaired
on the shortest notice.
Clearfield, Pa., July 18, 1877.
Coi.lkctor'b Salbs U We have prepared
a form, and bare on band a Isrge quantity, of
blank "Collector's Sales." which have been ap
proved by the highest legal authority in tha
Courts of thia county. At 2Wry fVnf pur
doacn wa will mail any number to tbe Collector
ordering tbem. A Collector, whon com pell oil to
advertise nronertv. must roit up not less than
turee notices in me most puuno piuc m
borough or towmnip.
Want t. Delivered at tbe Rail Rood.
1 OD.liflO 26-Inch shaved shingle.
00,000 24-inch sawed shinjtlos.
100,(1110 feet of pine boards.
ftOft.HOO 14-feet shaved hoops.
M0 railroad lies.
50,000 feet of good hemlock boards.
Fmwhl,h 1 nil) nav tha hiirheit market price,
delivered at Clearfield, or at any poiut on the
Tyrone A Clearfield Railroad.
Clearfield. Pa., Oct. lft, 1378-tf.
lust lleeeivotl.
JiiHt IloceiveJ by ARNOLD,
Cur Load Nova Scotia Plaster!
Car Load pure Corn, Ryo and Oats
Chop I
t ar .Load J'eaicen mui i
Cur Load of Choice Family Flour 1
Car Load Dry Goods, Groceries, &u.I
fcir Sh inirlcs, Hark. li. it. iioa anu
Grain will bo takon in exchange
f urwonsYilIo, May I, lewo.
14th. I8h0. bv J. B. Shaw. Mr. John M.
C7pbra of Uosbeo township, aud Miss Clara 11.
Peters, of Doggs township, both of Clear Geld
county, Pa.
CYPHERS WALKER. -Tn Clearfield, Aug. 31,
1R80. bvC. How. Km-Mr. D. U. Cyi bers.of
Woodward township, and Miss Emma Walker, of
Ulearneia norougn, re.
KLINE MA INKS At tba office of the
oftioiattna: justice, Jacob Williams, Auguat 6tb,
lNsu, Mr. Jacob Mine, oi uiraru townsnip, ana
Miss Ida Mainea, of liradlord lownitnp, Clear
field county, Pa.
MAINKS CROWELL. At the oftVa of the
official in: iuatsoe, Jacob! William, July 3th,18H0.
Mr. Samuel E. Maines, of Bradford township, and
Mtss Maggie K. uroweii, oi uranam townsnip,
Clearfield county, Pa.
UREQORY ACKLKY. At the residence of
the bride'a fathar,in Dullois, August IVth, 1880,
by the Kev. Wm. M. iiurcbflekl, Mr. John A.
Gregory, of Corwensville, and Miss Minnie Aek-
ley, ol foiiois, t-iearneid county, i a.
HI MMKL In tlraham township, Aguat Vth.
1S80, Catharine, wife of Abraham Hum uie I, agej
00 yeara, 11 montba aad 17 eays.
LANE. At Osceola, Auguit Ifith, 1880, Mra.
Matilda C, wile ot Ooorge W. Lans, aged -12
PARKS. On the lth inst., In Osceola, of
Cholera Infantum, Mertie, iniaut daughter of J,
Q. and A. U. Parks, aged 3 months and 10 days
BURKE. At Ulen Hope, July 20th, 1880, of
diphtheria, Emma CI la daughter of John and
iiannan uurae, aged a year, 1 montn and a day .
At Ulen Hopo, Auguit 8th, IftaO, of diphtheria,
Maggie A., daughter uf John ad ilannah Burke,
aged V yor and 14 day.
Farewell, children thou bait left ui
And gone to fairer worlds on high,
With broken heart we linger round thee
And heav tbo solemn heartfelt sighs.
W little thought the dread destroyer,
Our happy home so soon would break ;
And from the nn broken family oirete
Our darlings (or iu victim take.
But God oar Maker and Creator,
W bo know and does all for the best
Has called you home to lira la Heaven
Amongst ths shinning and tbo blessed
Fsrcwcll then, though grieved to part iou,
Wo would not call you back again,
Sinoo 'lis our Maker will lo taae you
tip from this world of grief and paiu.
Ci.tAlirilt.l, Pa., Atig-
Flfur, lvt owt
nt.nkwhei.t Fluur, p.r cwt ...
Cnrn M.alt p.r owt....
Chop, r.r, p.rowt
Chop, itiix.d, p.r owt
Ilmu, pr owt.
W.e.t, per bu.htfl
R.Tt, p.r btinho!
O.u, prr bu.htil
Corn, ..ra, p.r bu.h.l
BuakwlL.t, pwrtmib.l
Clorcr ,
Tlmoth, id ..,
Putoto.,. pr bub.t..,.M,.MM, por bu,hl
Onion, :
lUr.., pr pound
Shoulder, p.r pound
Dried Root, pw pound.. p.r
Buttar, p.r pound
BirRt, p.r dowan , ,, r aiok, Ur,.
Conl Oil, per Uon
Lnrd, per nou.
llried Apple., pur pound
lMed Pencbea, per pound
itenut, pr butbel
24, I KM.
(S 00
I 0
I en
I 4(1
I 10
II 00
J 74
1 Ml
I no
l ao
Htm ipt'fdlsftntnts.
w CMIO llllMIIX.-(l,r. Weaver k Co
fj . went Rrt tkou.nnd bu.hel, of DATS, now,
nd will p.. ot.b or prodope.
Clenrlield, 1'., Au,. II, IHJV tf.
OKF.Y Tl I.OAK.-On (Irrt rl.u Ii
liro.ed f.rni property, hj tbe Muliitl Life
lurnnoe UoropiiDj m new lorf, on nr.. nor.
R.R., in turn, tnini 11,000 np. For further I.
formmllon npplT to tbe undrrif(n.Ll.
IimXTIIAl, W. BMtTn.
Olnrtdl P.., Ha., Tth, IDTH tf.
X Tb. Bonrd of Count, Comuliiioner, will
leoeir. propo.elf, t their odle. tn CleerBeld,
ontil Mondn.T.tSrpt.mbor Hh, H0 f.r repairing
tb, bn& Mtoa, t;nee.OT.en nt newimrr.
Joan W. llowi, JUIIN M1HIII8,
Clerk. Comniailoner,.
Chnrteld, P Aug. II,
Divorce Notice.
Almlm Krlae, ) her
neit friend
William Urabatn
O. II. P. Krln.
In Ibe Court of Common
Pleu of Cle.rn.ld Co.,
lenn n. Aliubiibnn.
nn Is HiTorc No. II,
'nn. Term, li-ll.
Te O. H. P. A'n'w. tV.hwoVwI .
Rir : A, directed br u order of Court, eou
are b.reh, .otiaffd t. appear at nr nest Court of
Common Plena, holden in and for tb. fount; of
Clearfield, on Honda,, neptember tb. 271b, l",
and abow mum wh. a oirorr. . tincer. ntrrt
Monn ahonld not b. mad. and entered In furor
of libellant ia tb. alio., oaie. Pereooal aerTloe
anoa ,on ba.lnf felled on arenunt of Tour ab'
(one.. JAMhri MAHAKr KY, BberiD,
Clearfield, Pa. Aug.litb, 1 Sll .
Curwenlrlll., Pt., Ju. 9, '78-tf.
" FOR SALE. Thirteen hlr.i or
I 1 ILI1.B wliteb 1 will IcU lur
o.ib, or .lob.nff. lor whet. ror lurtncr to
form.uon oul ea or .aar.u to. unaentirnea.
l.r. K HAM KB,
Nor S, '79 tf. ClcnrnelU, 1'..
r AIJTION. All person ara hereby warned
t BVBlmt nririitiatinir for a note a-lven bv me
to Henry Drug calling for firty-nlue ($MI) dol
lars. 1 am en Hi led to a ctfuh wi in 'n mid
note. I am willing to pay the balance, but I will
not pay tho $44 again unleaa compelled by law.
n- r . v r. i iiahi.'
West Decatur, Aug. 11, IBMI.Ht.
11AHM 4.AMM IO It ft AM:. In Huston
and Pine townships, Clearfield county. ffa
Reasonable time given lor part of purchase 22?
money. Prion $o.0U tu $10.00 per aora. fry
Minora i s reserved. L. BIRD, Agent,
rCDfi eld, fa.
or Wallacb A Hrkha,
SepL 10, lSTD-tf. Clearfield, Pa,
CAl'TIN."Wherca, my wife Tcraxka, or
To race, ba left my bed and board without
any joit cause or provocation on my part, I here
by give notice and warn all parties against
trusting or harboring hor on my account, ai I am
determined to pay no deliti contracted by br af
ter the Kith of August, IHSit, unless compelled
by due process of law, of which, business men
and neighbor! will plomc take notice.
(I KOn ti K 11 Alt i, rr
Drain Liok, August 36, 10-31
9-This old and well-establlfhcd Hotel has
been leased by the undersigned, and he feels con
fidont of rendering satisfaction to Ihoae who may
patronise him. flood stabling attached.
Lnn is u, DL,uuoi, rropneior.
April 21, 'SO tf. , ,
am eliiltl enti kih.J (1i h. ..I .n.J .. ...
i jiUt. l.j cil, .lit,.. t:..i. It.t u, .ut
fl ..r l!...T,.rtt tV.w.t.u,,.. r,.4 m a
0t' i k in yuit .n'kt. s1fi v It. 1 J .i in In iir
Utir M l ' Il!a"rl... rtMl.'iut uf Si
.. il-.. MnX -.. U.
- rani. A.IOi.m CITY NOVni.TV m..
June 18, ISHO-Sm.
TlVOIICB NOTIC'i:. In the Court of
Common Plea of Clearfield county, Pa.,
William Selfrtdce . Sarah C. Selfridco, No. 10.
Juna term. 10. Subrju-na Sur Divorce.
I k Comtnim loner BT-rointed bv
fiaid Court to tnko tcitimony in uie aoove case,
bercbv vivos notice that he will attend to tbo du
ties of his appointment at his oltiuo in Clearfield,
Clearfield cuunty, Pa., on Tueidoy, the 31st dy
of Auiuit, no, at nine o'clock A. M., when and
whore all parti os interested may attend.
Clearfield, Pa., Aug. 11, 1SS0-.11.
4 irDUOlt'H BitniCE.
Iu the eitato of Jan. Kid-") In the Orphans' Court
die, dee'd, lataofliurn- Y ol Olesroeid cr
side township. i ty. Ponn'a.
The undersigned Auditor appointed by the
Court to distribute tbe balance in mo nanus oi
tho Administrator to and imoni the creditor.
Kives notice that he will attend t tho duties of
his appointment at hia ollice, In Clearfield, on
Friday, August 37th, lts0, when and where all
parties Interested mav attend.
FRANK (1. HA It It IS, Auditor.
Clearfield, Pa., Aug. 1 1 , 18H0-.Ht.
fgat ilrrrtiscmrnts.
SheriiTs Sale.
By virtue of the annexed and foregoing writs
of fieri faeiat issued out ef your honorable
Court, and to me directed, I have levied on
and will expose to public sale, at the Court House,
in tbe borough of Clearfield, on
Thurtutay, September, !,
At 1 o'clock, P. M , all the following messuages,
tenements and tracts of lands, bounded and de
scribed as follow, vii
All that certain lot or piece of ground situated
In tbe borough of Curwensville, Clearlield oounty,
Pa., bounded and described as follows : On the
north obk t and wort by lands of John Patton, on
tho Sonth by public road or atreet, being about
200 ft in width at the front end on public road
or street and about K0 loot at tha south or back
ond, and about 275 feet in depth from front to
back end, having thereon erected a large two
and a halt story frame dwelling bouie, a large
two and a half story frame stableand a one tiry
ioe-bouse, wood-bouse, coal-house and other nec
essary outbuildinga and a small orchard of young
apple trees.
Also, all of defendant' ritfht title ami Intern!
In one other lot or piece of ground situated in or
near the village of Bridgeport, Pike twp., Clear
field county, Pa., bounded and described ai fol
lows: Beginning at a stone corner on the Elo
turnpike, thence south 02 degrees cait 31 perebci
to a post thenae south 08 degree oast 27 per
cho to a post thenea south i degress east 13
perches to a poit thenoe north 80 perches tea
post; thence cast U perches to a post ; thence
south 9 perches to a post; thenoe south fli de
gress oast L4 perches to a post on Anderson
creek thence north 3V degroo cast 10 perches
to a chestnut (gone) ; thence north M perches to
a white pine; thence north 4 degrees west tin
perch to a Spanish oak : thence south 02 per
ches to place of beginning, containing 48 acre
and 12? perches, except a half acre aold by Tito .
Hill to Samuel Jenkins.
Also, all of defendant's right title and interest
In on other lot or piece of ground situated in or
near the village of Bridgeport Pike town Hhip,
Clearlield oounty, Pa., bnundrd and desoribed as
follows i Jn the south side of Erie turnpike, and
west of main channel ot Anderion creek, begin
ning at the said turnpike at the main channel of
aid ereek ; thenoe south .til degrees west 17 2 10
perches to poat ; thenoe north U degree west 12
porche to a poatj thence north 20 degrees east
5 Dercbos to turnpike: thenoo along said pike
south Oi degrees east 1.1 6-10 perches, more or
I sis, to beginning, oontaining nve-stxm oi an
acre, more or less, except one-half acre sold and
conveyed by Thomas Hill to John Stull on south
side ot creek.
Also, all of defendant's riirht title and Interest
In on other lot or piece of ground sltuttod iu ur
nenr the village of Bridgeport, Pike tap., ficar
fleld county, Pa., boondid and deicribed as fol
low : Beginning at tho Erie turnpike at Antler-
son creek at the southeast corner of a tract of
land sold by James Hpeacer, ileo'd, toTtios. Hill ;
thence along said turniilke south degrees east
20 perches to a post; thenoe along said turnpik e
outh ill degrees east 10 percura .eapuii; menu
along laid turnpike south .tV degrees 18 per
ches to a post; thenc along said turnpike south
H degrees east perches to a post along said
tum i ike. north bV dvirrees cast 'Jb perches to a
black oak ; thenoe north el degrees west 77 per
ohes to a chestnut, (gone) being a corner ot tue
aforctaid tract sold by J. hponoer to l nomas
Hill; thence along line of aaid tract south 30 dn
grees west 10 perches to place of beginning, con
taining" 0 acre and 77 perches and allowance.
having all the water privilege and powors, and
having thereon erected a largo water-power
sawmill, woolen factory, throe two and a half
story frame dwelling houses, large barn, steam
shinKle-mill and other outhuiMiilgs. Selied,
taken In execution, and to b sold as the prop
erty ot W. R. Hartshorn.
all tha following described real estat of defend
ant, to wit: All that certain pieoe of land liluiti
in Knox township, Clt-arllcM county, I'a , b-jr,i li
ning at stones I thence by land f 8. Bigler
Dunlitp north bi degrees t 121 percho to
f tones ; Ihenn by land late of James Forest north
ST) degree west 56 2-1. i i.ercbea to a post; thence
still by lain south 64 uVgrets went perches
to stones: thence by land of Puscys smith 4tl de
gree east 2-10 porche a to place of beginning,
containing 40 arret, 48 perches and all. Seited,
takon in execution, and to be sold aa tha prop
arty or Chas. A. Kauttuian.
all that certain lot or piece of ground situated In
Biirnsida township, Clearfield oouoiy, Pa., bound
ed and desrrihed a follows: Oa the eatt by Al
bert Behrtng, oa the southeast by E. B. Camp A
Son, on the northwest by tha public road, oin
Ulninr one acre, and having Ineraon erectn.l a
good frame house, blacketnllb shop and small
stable. Seised, taken In execution, and to bo
sold as the properly ef William Ayera.
all that certaia piece or tract of land aituated In
Karthaus townehip.Clenrrield county, Pa., bound
ed and described as follows: Beginning at a post
corner on Joseph Rubley'a line; thinne weit Vf,
degrees to a while oak corner ; thence north 43
perohei to a post and stone; thence west 71 per
ches to a dead birch ; thence east SO perches to a
laurel corner t thence aouth 3 7-10 perches to a
deuble heinltx k thence east 120 parches to a
chestnut; thence south HO perches to a post ;
thence east 17 degrees to a post ; thence north t)
perche to a post corner and place of beginning,
being part of tracts No. 10,4, liiuft inj .ui.con
taiamg 98 M0 acre, having about f.d acre
cleared, and having thereon ereolod a good frame
house, a large bank barn and other outbuilding,
a good orchard, also being well underlaid with
bituminous coal. Salted, taken ia execution,
and to be sold as the property of Justin Hecble.
all that certain lot or pleea of ground situated In
Bloom townfhip, Clearlield county, Pa., bounded
and deeribd as follows: Beginning at a post
oa the Erie turnpike, a comer of land conveyed
to Christ Back j thence by said Buck's land south
n degrees wat I .'12 7-lt perches to a pott cernor
of Robert Leeches land; Ihene by said Holder.
Leeches land south 87 degree east Lit B IO per
r boa to a post eoruer of Place's land t thence hy
same north 24 degree eaal S2) perrhta to a post,
north l:i) degrees wel X 710 perches to a post
ialane; thence north 47 degrses west 21 4-10
Eorcho to a post on th Erie turnpike; thence
y tbo same north II degree west perches,
north 40 degree west 27 perche j thence north
8V degrees west 18 I perche to th place of be
ginning, containing 100 acre, mor or lei, hav -1
lag SO acre cleared, and having thereon erected
n small frame house. Hial, taken In exeent ion,
and to be aold as the property of R. P. Thomp.
tbe undivided half Interest la all that rtaia
tract of land situated in Bradford lp., Clear
field twenty, I'a., beginning at a gum idown) on
the bank or the Susquehanna river; thtneeaorth
(la degree east 811 perches la a chestnut ; thence
north St nerchas to a white oak (down) i the boo
north 22 degrees 44 pervhe ton post tleo e
north 27 degrees wsst no porcue to a wnuooa
thence south Kd degree west IIS perches to a
white oak i thenoe by John W'llaon south A4 per
ches to a white pine ; thence aouth 24 degroei
east 60 perches ; thenoe 1 1 perches to a black oak
oa the bank of tho river thenoe by tba river 1 48
perohoo to tb place of beginning, containing lllfi
acres and 44 perches and allowance, eiompting
and reserving, nevertheless, seven acres sold by
John tJrahaui, Sr., In bis lifetime, out of tb said
boundaries. Seised, taken in execution, and to
be sold a tbe property of Robert Clraham,
all that certain lot or piece of ground situated In
the village uf DuUois, Handy township, Clear
field county, Pa,, bounded and described as fol
lows ; On tha oast by Main street, on tbe north
by lotol (1. W. Woll, on the -vest by an alley and
on theinuth by Warhingtoo street, being sixty
(liO) feet wide by IfeO feet deep, and known aa lot
No. 7 in Rumbarger'a addition to Dulluii, hav
ing thereon orectod a two-story frame home lflxSrt
feet, with addition 10x12 fool frame with bouia
and other outbuilding.
Also, two other lots In same village, towiuhlp,
and County, situated on Long street, bounded a
follows; On tha north by Long street, on the
east by Het ricks, on the wait by High street,
nn tbo south by Church street, and knewn as loU
No. 12 and IX, having thereon erected a large
two-story frame bouse, small barn, and other out
buildings. Seised, taken in execution, and to be
sold as tbo property of Fred. Traoy aodC. A.
Taims or Salb. The prlre or sum at wbh h
the property shall be struck off mut be paid at tbo
time of sale, or such other arrangements tnal as
will be approved, otherwise the property will bf
immediately put up and nuld again at tho expunge
and riik of the parson to whom It was struck oil',
and who, in ease of deficiency at such re -sal.),
shall make good tho same, and in no instance
will tbe Deed be presented in Court for confirma
tion unless tb money actually paid to the
SaKRirr'a Orrtca, I Sheriff.
Clearlield, Pa., Aug. 25, 1H80. (
SherilT's Sale..
"IY virtue of sundry writ of Yen. Rf., Issued
J out of tbe Court of Common Picas of Clear
tiuldCo., and to me directed, there will bo expound
to PI BLIC SALE, at the Court House, in the
borough of Clearfield, Pa., on
Thuraday, Sept. 3l, lH8),
At 1 o'clock, P. M . tbe ful rowing descrlbid real
citato, to wit :
All that certain tract of land situate in Law
rence township, and I orougu of Clear Bold, Clear-
tit Id county, Pa., iu Moisop'i addition, and being
part of lot No, 14, commencing at a post on ex
tended Front street, at lha lotithwest corner uf
lot No. 34 ; thence east lo& feet to post; thence
outh HO decrees went by Moore's coal road 117
feet to post by township road ; thenoe north IS
degrees east aiunir extended front street ttu tost
to beginning. Improvement twj-ftory frame
dwelling boure and outbuildings.
Alno, six vacant lots situate In said borough of
.'learlleid, in Mosaop auditiun memo, on ex
tended Fourth itreet, bounded by other lands of
Delt'Bdant on the east, by lot No. 4i on the north,
by Fourth street on the west, and by lot No. 86 on
the south, bring each 5 II K-et iu width. 200 feet
in depth, and being known In plan of aaid borough
or addition, as lots No 's 41, 40, 3", 3t, .17 and Jo
Atfo, ono other hit tltuate in Mosup'sadJitlon
In said horuugb, being known u lot f'o, 'M, ni
beiim 60 feet in width hy 200 feet in dnth.bound-
ed north by lot No. 3tf ia said addition, west hy
extended Fourth street, south uy an alley, and
eat by othor lands of Defendant. Improvements
two-story frame dwelling ouuie aud otboi out
Also, one ether lot situnte in said boruuirh i
Mos!ops addition, being known as lot No. .'14, and
being at) loot in width by 2Ui leet in dnib. bound
ed north by an alley, west by extended Fourth
street, and sutb and east by other lands of De
femUnt, with a two-story frame bouse and other
AIhi, one other lot lituate in tho borough of
Clearlield, beginning at a poit on lino of Willia:
Merrell's land ; thence by said land south 140
degrees west 21 perches to a pout: theme by lot
lo. 7 north 8S1 west ..( perches to do it ; them
north & J d pgr re en ft 74 perchvs to post ; thence
by land late ol James 1). Urn ham south 88 j eat
13 perohei to beKinuinir, containing ftmr acres
and 1.'15 perches, being part of out-lot No. 8, and
being partly cleared, w ith ccml hank opened
Alio, one other lot situate in Lawrence town
ship, Clearfli'ld oounty, I'a , becinnintr at ftmies,
a corner ol land sold by Richard Sh;tw to Cbrii-
tian Buttorf; thenoe by land of ssiJ Buttorf south
77 degrees west oS perches to pitch pine; tbuuoo
by ImdiI of Hugh Leavy' heirs aouth 4S decree
east iO perches to itone : thence by laud of
Richard Shnw north ISO east 7.) perches to an ash
on the old Mile burg road : theuoe by said rad
north 43 degrees west 0 perches to white oak ;
thence still by uini north 00 degrees wait 17 per
ches lo place of beginning, containing 21 acres
and V' perches, heingcleared and under good cul
tivating Alio, ono othor lt situate in snid borough of
Clearfield, beginning at a post i thence south 48
degrees east 14 perches lo post, by Matbcw Og
dens land ; thenoo north 13 decree tast 074 per
ch on to poit ; then tie west 4(1 8-10 porche to post ;
thence south 151 et 31 perches to beginning,
containing M aero, more or leia, partly clearud.
Also, one other lotlttuateln said borough known
as lot No. 84, being (TJ feet fronton Second street
and extending In depth 200 feet to an alley, and
bounded front by Second street, north hy Cherry
street, oast by an alley, and aouth by lot No. Hi,
with a tw vtory brk-k dwelling house, frame
stableand oilier outbuilding. Scited, taken In
execution, and to be sold as tbe property of Js.
A. Moore.
all that certain traot of land situate In In Ion town
ship, Clearlield county, Pa., beginning at a post
corner of land of F. Holl'tpeter aud Klah Johnson;
thence north by same I .ill perches to a stone east
Ut perches lo hemlock ; thenoe south by land of
John Hoel 112 perches to poet at Scowshoe and
Pockersvllle turnpike ; thence hy sail turnpike
south lift degrees west II perche ; tbonceby nam
south 71 degree west IS percbei ( thence still by
hdd north 70 dvg. west 16 per. ; thence atill by
same north 87 degrees west 2il perches; thence
south by same degree west 32 perches ; thenoe
north by same ns degrees west 37 perche to be
ginning, oontaining 70 aero and 40 perche with
about l acres cleared, and having thereon erected
a dwelling bouse, barn and othor outbuildings.
Seised, taken In execution, and to be aold as the
property of J . K. and J. C. K ratter.
two certain tracts of land situate in Karthaus
townihip, Cleat field oounty, Pa., one piece bound
ed east by land of Oodfrey Fisher, south by pub
lio road, weat hy Robert Bridgens, and north by
land i of Henry Ythers, containing 144 acres,
more or leu, and having about 100 acres cleared,
and baring tkereon erected a frame bank bam,
grain boueo, wagon shed and at bur outbuildings.
Alio, one other tMot of land situate in Kart
haus towothip, Clearfield County, Pa., adjoining
tha abev property and containing 107 acres,
more or en, with about acres cleared, and
having thereon erected a frame bouse two stories
high, frame bank barn and a water saw-mill
thereon erected. Keisod, taken in execution, and
tn be sold ns the property of Thomas and Juioca
two certain lots of land situntc In the villoge of
DuUui', tjlearbeid emmly, Pa., No. 1, bounded on
the east by lot of , on tbe west by
othrr lots ol Defendant, fronting on Williams
street 60 (set, and extending buck north from laid
atreet 100 ft, having thereon erected a frame
home 2Jx-U leet twu stories high. No. 2, bound
ed on tho east by lot just dcicri bud, west by land of
WIntny, south by Williams street, and having a i
front on said street of fit) feet, and extending back '
north I lilt led, having thereon erected a frame
house 10x24 feet two stories high, and a frame
stable 2Ui3U feet. Seised, taken in execution,
and lo ba sold aa the property of Maria C. Daum.
all (bit cert-tin trnct of land H'uite In Nuilh
HoutidBle, Wood Ward lowmhip.ClcarQeld eounty,
1'., bounded on the north-east by tJuss Run rsU
rud, on the weit by a street, and on tha south
by Wallace street, being a tilangolar shape, end
having thereon erected a Urge train boue, uird
a a bote). Heiaed, taken in execution, ami lo
sold as the pooporty of William hiiiilk.
all that certain tiaotuf land situ ato in Bradford
township, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded on the
east by lands of laiab tl. Ilarger. west by land
of Jama Lauid.ery, south by land of Iaj lar
ger, and north by land of James Stewart, contain
ing 22 acres, more or less, with a' tout II acres
elrared.bavingt heron erected a small frame heue,
frame barn and other outbuildings. Seised. Ink en
Id execution, and to he aold as the property (of
.loiepn m . uarger.
a certain lot of land altaate In lltotilalo bor
ough, Clearfield county, I'a , a core r let, an the
comer -f Hannah and llrlsbln street! on the
went, hy Railroad street on the south, hy a brick
bnlldiog belonging to Cameron on the east, being
24 feet front and 41 feet deep, with a two. story
frame store-house thereon erected, being 24x40
feel, and
Alio, two loti of land in tbo borough of Houts
date, Clearfield county, Pa., beiog lot No. SS2
and 2U3, adjoining and fronting on McAtocr it root
aliout 200 feet and running back liO feet to Pine
alley. Bo u a ded by railroad oa the north by Mo
Ateer street on the west, Pine alley en tha east,
and Ale alley oa lhe aouth, eontnluing one-ball'
acre of ground, with a large double brick house
112x40 feet two stories high, stable, and other
outbuilding thereon erected. Seised, taken In
execution, and to be aold as the property of Wm,
Watchman A Son.
all that certain tract of land situate In Greenwood
town-hip, Clearfield onunty, Pa., beginning at a
red oak stump near public road ; thtno by other
land of John A. Howie north 40 degrees wast 64
perch to a post tn th middle of public road ;
thenoe by same north 2.1 degrees weit 12 perche
(o post in line of Thompson Wiley (now John A.
Rowleeh thenoe by enid John A. Howies 21 dc-
;rees 100 9-10 perches lo post on line of John
tell and B. Huliihea A Co.; thane by said line
tenth Sf degrees east ,H8 perches to post ; thenoe
by public road and other land of John A. Bowles
north AT degress east 03) perches to plae of be
ginning, oontaining 46 acres, more or less, with
about ! j acres cleared, and a small orchard grow
ing thereon, and having thereon erected a log
house. Swixr l, taken la execution, and to b
aold ai lhe properly of Jamei D. Wiley and
Joiepb M. Wiley.
Trrw or Sam, Th price or ivra at which
the property ahall be struck off mast be paid at
the time of sale, or such other arrangements made
as will be approved, otherwise the property will
be immediately put up and sold aain at the ex
pense and lik of the person to whom it was
struck off, and who, la oaie of deficiency at each
re-sale, shall make good the same, and In no
Instance will tbe Devd be presented in Court fr
confirmation unless tbe money Is actually paid to
tbe Sheriff. JAMES MAHAFFKY,
Bnaatrr'i Orrira, Sheriff.
Clearfield, Pa Aug. 1840. J
T t, a, qp
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Almost Given Away, an Ei.L'lit-l'iiiro Pupcr for Lows than Cost of
Paper, Ink find Postage.
Postago paid, from now until January 1, 1SS1,
WEEKLY 23 Cents
DAILY (including Sunday)
Or until after tiie Inauguration
Democrats, send for it and read what in being done all over the
country by Democrats to insure a glorious victory this Fall. Send
it to your Republican neighbors, and convert them to Democracy.
Address TIIE WORLD, 33 Park Row, New York.
Anpmt lllh, 4MK80.
1,000,000 ONE MILLION SAWED SHINGLES. 1,000,000
1,000,000 ONE MILLION SHAVED SHINGLES. 1,000,000
No waiting for turn, but unloaded immediately. Highest cash
price paid nt nil times. Liberal advances made on largo lota. Go
sec Arnold before contracting your bark.
Ma, ii,
MAHKI.T KTHK.KT, t I.U.tKfir.l.I), l'EXVA.
All kimls of Cafkots aiitl CclHm on linnJ, anil iurninhoJ lo order on
abort nolico, including tlio finost an woll ail tho clit-upoat (lint can bo manu
factured. Our
conran pnEsmnvEn
Ia tlio best In lino, and will lo fiiruinlied wlion required. Funerals attended
in nny pari of the county. Call at my office, on Second atreet, or loavo
your ontera at Troutmnii'i l'nrnitnro Stcrc, ailjoining tlio Poetofllco.
ort 1,70 1v.' ' Clearfield, l'n.
fWJ gkUl'tltlSftlldltS.
and all kinds of
(10 10
0. Ji. H i;l:iIi:l.K, . Agent,
CI.KAHFIK1.D, PA. (June I, 'HO tf.
rild fAHMKII t-Th. Fnnrteenlh Annnal
J. Kihlb.ti"Ti tt lli.CI.KAHFIKI.U ClilNII
At Clearfield, Pupt. 15, 1C 4 17, 18H0,
LIBERAL I'UHMHMS will b. nnd
Bade pnlili. in en. tine, fur vhirb vrTJ Farmer
la tb. ennnl, ia Invited te ,otm.f.. For inf.rma.
Iioa ulilrea, I.KANl'KIt IlKNNtNU, 1'raa'l,
Or AL. M. ROW, Seeretarj,
Cl.arfl.lil, I'enn'a.
Kieeiillr. Committee Philip li,tu(Ca. Traaa.
arerl, llereatia twp.; Kliaha M. Daria, Fean twp.)
Jeha Sulla, U!m twp., Levi R. Ureatler,
tw.i.; Wilioa F. Tate, twp.
Jun. in, 1SW-I.I.
i i i 2
- C
ta 65 P
O 41 f;
8.2 S is
O. - w P i
-si i .
t i c "
f rj 1
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' w-H "T3 .
tr. JS C a CI
6 3 !
3 o t a
& tlt 1
vHldlJ u
30 Cents
- - - - $2.50
for double tlio altovo prices.
2cw g,tirfrtlsfuttnt.
By f irtae of n order lifltxl out f Uit Orfibnei'
Court of CURrfili oountr, in tbe t uaamoDwaslih
of I'fnniTlfKii, tbe re will h tjioMd to pub lie
nit at tbt COI KX 1101 6K, In Cletr&eld, on
it 1 o'clock P. If., lb following (Urcrltad rl
itate, Uit lh rUil; of J A M K3 1 KKI.IN,
rjiat0, Hnnt in Cflvinxton lownthip, ClMr
flild county, Pft., brnoloK ml n poei, ihvoe
pnuth 171 ipr(hf to whit pint i thftn nit S3
-! rckM to pnit ; thHM north IIS probM I
pout f lhBM vnt U 4 10 pmfati t foet nod
plic of brKinmnf. rfbritiintriK
tivi;mtv-fivb acres,
mm 9t leu, ftll eU-rrd, mmiing thron tecteA
r in all frftia lioaM ftttd log btrn.
On half fvh noflrmntion of th !, na I
rnlinr In 'Ii b tare4 by jadgtntnt
bond nd Snre rt'n tnarfetir, on tb prvmiMl .
Ctnrfltli, P..., Abu. 11, IMU.St.