Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 25, 1880, Image 2

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Uioroi B. Goodlander, Editor.
WRDNRf DAT MORNING, AlTlll'ST J5, 1IHI., if yon want to know what li RolnR on
la lae baltneie world, Juit read our advertiaing
aoluaio,, Ike tyeetul ooiumn Id partlouler.
Democratic national Ticket!
Gen. "WinlicM S. Hancock,
run kLECTinn-AT-l.AnnK :
Robert B. Monagban, William II. l'layford.
IS. George A. Poat.
111. A. M. Ileolon.
IT. J. P. I.lntnn.
la. C..1. Joha S. Miller.
John Slevin.
Edwin A. Pue.
John M. Campbell,
Olllei Dallrtl,
John M. Mullill.
E'Uwd Waldou.
Nathan C. Jumei.
fleorgii Fill.crt.
Jee. (1. M'Niarren.
Dr. A. J. Murtin.
AiUta derringer.
Frank Turner.
P. J. llirraingham.
11. K. Darii.
ill. J. 0. Hnxton.
20, 0. M. llower.
21. J. A. J. Burhnnan.
122. Chriiloplier
Robert M. Uibntin.
21. Tbomaa Urilford.
2.i. Harry W. VYilion.
I'M. Harauel (Iriftlth.
27. J. Kinr Thuinion.
Democratic State Ticket !
For aijiiitoii oknkual:
Not) fourth puga.
"(Inrficlil's Sunday," on our first
pngo, la good political reading.
Don't fail to read tlio letter ot "Uur
fiuld's Friend on Hancock," found on
the Erst jwjro.
Tha eJiter of tba Hrpi'Blicaii twin ui about
Dot going into tba field Journal.
That'll a mistake Our remarks
wore intended for portions ovor twenly
ono yeam of ago and not boy babies.
Oj U'iim Vi!ii. Wo notice that
Senator AVallaco was posted to make a
poach at Clarion on Tuesday 21th,
Mciulvillo on Wednesday 25th, Titus
villo on Thursday 2Cth, and Nowvillo,
Citniberltind comity, on Saturday 2Sth.
Such is the prograramo of a busy lite.
Tug Last Day. Wednesday, Sep
tembor 1st, is tlio last day that the
names of camliiliUen, for District or
County officers can bo legally an
nounced Under our party rules. The
primary election blanks and tickets
will be prepared and printed within a
few days thereafter, and delivered to
tho County Committee as horetoforo.
(lAiit'iEi.D On., On our fourth page
will bo found a local history of (ion.
(iarQold's oil speculations. Tho Do-
troit Free Press man had a linnd in it
and knows all about It. It seems that
tho Jtiulicttl nominee- for Prusidout was
always Imposod on by tho vendors of
doubtful stock, such as Credit Jlobi
lior, Do Gotyor pavement bnsinoss, oil,
naudstone, and everything elso that
camo along which looked like paying
good dividends. Liko older saints, ho
ovidenlly has his weakness too.
Mori I1ki.pI Tho editor of tho
' Journal list week announced that his
organ ''lias always been dignified and
traight-forward," oto.' lint,
"in tho coming campaign," it would
ANDAliTUUR." Good! Well, that's
just what wo liavo been figuring at,
but we mav havo been too modest to
fully explain ourself to our readers.
P. S. This is not intonded lor some
KT 11 fll ...... ...
n. i. mis is not intonileU lor a
All Hancock and Kngliih Campaign
. Clubs and other organizations which
support tho Democratic candidates are
requested to lend to
W. n. Uarni'ji,
Chairman Nat Dom. Commiltco,
,' ' 138 Fifth Avo.,
n Now York,
lot. The name and location of their
2d, A statement of the numbor of
members enrolled.
3d. The names of officers.
4th. Accounts of meetings hold.
6th. Report, every two weeks dur
ing tho campaign, of tho number and
increase of membership, with tho con
dition and prospects of tho canvass.
h 'in.
w, r i ii . i
Tho editor of tho Ypsilaiill (.Michi
gan) Sentinel senini to havo been per
sonally present when thu Credit Mo
bilier question was dincinuted by those
two eminent "Christian SliitOKinen"
(ittrtield itnd Oakes Amns. Wii clip
tlio following from his paper of lust
wook :
liurflold Ames, can you let mu
liavo u small sum this morning?
Amos Willingly, nty boy; how
much do you want?
Garfield Well, I don't know: what
you can sparo.
Ames All right, I can work out
that sum. There are ten shares of
Credit Mobilicr, Dr. 80 cents on tho
lollur, Cr. by riso in valuo. Ditto by
dividend, HO is 80; 07 is 07; $1,000,
11,1111) ; f 2,100 ; stock all paid for, bal
anco of dividend due (iarllold, (32i);
thoro, sir, that is Just whut you want
Threo hundred and twonty-nino dol
lars. Hero Is your chock.
Garfield Thank you, thank you ;
but mind, this must bo considered a
Ames Oh, yes, and as lust us tho
stock rises und dividends aci ruo(whiuh,
between ns, you can help umuKingly
by voting in Congress) I'll "lend" you
Homo more. You never look a lu ilio.
No, sir!
Gaillold Never! never I
Amos (asldo) Hardly' over.
Tlio text book lor Speakers, for the
oampuign of 1S80, will bo ready for
distributing in a few days. Speakers
wishing to bo supplied with tho Text
Hook should write at ouco to
Chairman Nut. Dem. Com.,
1:18 Fifth avenue.,
New York.
Tlio Text Hook eontiiins tho lives
of lluncoi'k and Knglisli and their
Letter of Accepliinco, the plutlonn
adopted in Cincinnati, tho I'ecimls ol
(iarllold and A rlhur, including histo
ries of the Credit Mobilicr, District'of
Columbia und Indian Kings, the Elec
toral Fraud, the l'acilio Mail Steal,
tho Moth Hwindlo, tho Civil Sorvico
Sham and tho othor grout scandals
which havo disgraced tho Republican
administration. It also contains Com
pilations of Statistics und Political
Information of great valuo to speakers
and editors.
The Cadet Scandal. Tho negro,
Whittakcr, tho last of his raco who bad
themselves smuggled into tho Military
School at West Point, has been award
ed a furlough for an indefinite poriod
(for life) by the Secrotury of War, in
stead ol a Court Martiul. This is cow
ardly. His clipped curs thut called
Cabinet session aftor session; annoy
Congress for six months, and agitutcd
to country from tha AtUtntic to tho
Pacific, is now smuggled out at the
back door with 08 little ceremony as a
chicken thief would be sunt to tho
lock-up. However, if tho Secretary
of War can stand such tomfoolery, we
suspect Whittakcr, and tho Congress
man who sent him to West Point, can
aforesaid ears must bo left ulono."
That puts tho joko on Whittuker.
A (ioon Straw. Tho car voting
season has commenced. On Monday
morning lust, aftor tho Raid Ruglo
Valley train left Lock Haven, a vote
of tho passengers was taken for Presi
dent, resulting as follows :
Ilaneork, Dom l',l
Uarllelil, Hop W0
Weaver, Ureenback m 80
A voto was taken on the afternoon
train resulting as follows :
Hancock, Dem 20&
Oarfiebl.Rep H
Weaver, Urecnbaok ST
Dew, Prohibition 1
These votes show conclusively how
tho working man votes. A voto was
taken on tho same road on Saturday
previous, which gave Garfield five ma
jority over Hancock but it wds a
Cnmpmeeting train.
To VoTFits. Tho 2d of Septombor
is tho last day for registration and as
Tho Assessor of each district is re
quired to bo at the election-house on
Wednesday and Thursday, Septombor
1st and 2.1, from 10 A. M. to 3 P. M.,
and from C P. M. to 9 P. M., to per
fect tho list of voters.
All poisons entitled to voto should
personally soo that thoy nro assessed
as well as registered.
Porsons intending to bo naturalized
before tho 2d of October should also bo
assossod and registered by tho 2d of
Moiie Music Wo will next woek
publish Judgo Black's celebrated open
letter to De Golyor, alias Garfield, in
187G, relating to things generally. It
is tho biggest boom now afloat, and is
worth a thousand per cent, moro than
when it was written. Look out for It,
Every voter in tho United States
should road it before election day. The
Judgo is being citod as good authority
by DoGolycrs chief friends. Porno-
crals can qnoto him with good grace.
Judge Henry M. SpofVoid, a promi
nent Louisiana politician, diod sudden
ly at tho Red Sulphur Springs, Va.,
on the 22d. Ho was oloctod to tho
I'nitod Slates Senate in 1877, and has
sinco then boon contesting tho scat of
tho notorious Wm. Pitt. Kellogg. Ho
was, no doubt, tho legally oloctod, but
Kellogg still lives and holds tho scat
of tho former.
Dead. lion. Lin Rartholomow, a
prominent politician in this Slato, and
a resident of Poltsville, diod suddenly,
of hoart disease, at Atlantic City, on
the 22d. Ho was born In Ilrookvillo,
Jefferson county. His death will bo
regretted by many.
Aeoordint; ta the Cambria freeeut Col. A. K.
JHeCloro whoa rooentlj vmtina- JthenRbara. ai-
preieed bia "cand'd bailor tbat PeoniTlranla
would eait her electoral voto for lianoock." AV
Why. there Is no use in joking about
this matter, Pennsylvania it snro for
Hancock, and thousands of othor peo
pie beside Col. McClure know it too.
Sri IX Aiiiiunii. Thoiisunds of Radi
cals have untitled ox-Yieo President,
ex Hpfiiker etc, Schuyler Coll'ux, to re.
in ui ii uwuy from pubHu gatherings of
tho loyal persuasion. Yel, ha turned
up nt the 'iailluKI fandango a.few Sun
duys ago at Chaiituiiguu Luke, to tho
disgust of many Gurlloldors. His sad
die -bugging himself upon the lladical
nominee for President at this time, bus
produced a sonsution among "tho loyal
millions," and tho Philadelphia I'ms
hits him a clip after this Cushion :
Wo want It illillnoll; oUtnlood thai Bohur
Irr Colin aa pD tlio (Utll.ld llb.riii at
Chautauqua on Sumlajr, thuugli not ouuiidarad
una of tbo fJarllelil parly.
We wonder if anybody present in
formed Colfax to tho cll'ecl Unit his
room wus nrul'orithlo to his company
Am that occasion, Wo suspect not.
this thin stutement is miido for politi
cal cllVi't, (Ion. (i in field is not one
whit hotter in morula thnn Schuyler
Coll'ux, und the records implicate him
with tho sumo corrupt practices, In
volving acceptance ot bribes, taking of
illegal fees, swearing falsely and vot
ing uwuy the money of tho people in
order to double ip his own sulury Its
member of Congress. Both men prov
ed ilihhoiM-Nt public hcrvants, und the
fnivi d ivtircinclit of I 'olfux will he fol
lowed by the retirement ol (ienentl
(iiii lield in Novcnili- r. .No inun I'oiiud
guilty ol iruiiiluleiil actions over was
or over will bo ttectnl President ol this
WoNiitHKiikLy Inokinant. Culonol
Chalfant, of tho Dunvlllo lntdUtjenixr,
remurks : "Sinco Col. Fomoy bus an
nounced his determiiiatioti tosuppoit
Hancock for tlio Presidency, his former
Radical allies have opened tho vials of
their wrutli upon him, and if they are
to bo believed, no worso man ever wont
unhung than tho recusant Colonel, und
whut is most ungrateful, many ot thoso
journalists liuve been indebted to him
in tho past for furnishing them with
bruins, i. t. editorials, which they had
Hot the honesty to ucknon leilge. ff
nil they Hity of Forney now is true,
they were uwuro of it long ago, but re
fused to divulge it, hence they will
gain no credit for honesty, but only
prove thut as long us a man works
docilely in tho Radical harness nnd
winks and assists ut its plundering und
villainy, ho is defeudod as a saint, but
let him leave the foul party, and at
once they ventilato their rottenness by
accusing him of having been engaged
with them in corruption and robbery."
This is a mighty bad personal accusa
tion. A Stchp Text. Tho Patterson
(N. J.) (luardian, in alluding to the
Credit Mobilicr scuudul, remarks:
"Garfield admits thut ho 'borrowed'
money frum Oakes Amos. What a
quoer coincidence it was, to bo Buro,
that several other members of tho
Houso borrowed tho same amount
from Oakes Ames at a poriod whon
ho was putting out money 'whoro it
would tlo tho most good.' Hero is tho
little list:
.Inba A. Logan
William D. Kelley
Jamee A. flarfleld
We have not noticed that this queor
circumstance has yet bcon explained
by uny of tho Gatfiold slump orators."
The Juurnal and Times orguns will of
If so, why don't they pay it to Ames'
hoirs and tnko their receipt? If that
documont is produced wo will 4 ublisb it.
P. S. Seo that tho statito of limita
tion docs not cut the claim out."
"ir he (OarfirM) would earry the principle!
which regulate hie private lire Into bia publie
eonduot, be would make the beet Chief atagiitrate
we ever had." J. H. Mack.
That Uunlortunato "if !" If Bene
dict Arnold had boon as good ns he
was bravo thon ?
If, Aaron Burr had beon as honest
as ho was sagacious, what thon ?
If, Uriah Hoop, with all his sweet
humility had carried into practice his
professions, what thon ?
Bah ! It is ridiculous to imagine that
tho sanctimony that could mislead
even tho sagacious old Judgo can cover
tho sing imputed to Garfied by his own
party, and tho voico ot the Radical
press. His "offenco is rank, and smells
to Heaven," and not all the washing
of his party can muko him clean again.
Old Partners Meet. Somo rcck
Icsb editor cantormcs two "Christian
Statesmen" in this way : Mr. Schuyler
Colfax and Mr, James A. Garfield woro
couplod once before by a Y. M. C. A.
affair, as they wero at Chautauqua on
Sunday a woek. That was in 1873,
tho Credit Mobilicr yoar. Tho cvont
moved tho Aation newspapor, ot Now
York, to say : "Such a spoctuclo leads
rospcctablo pooplo to ask, Ms thoro
necessarily any moro connection bo
twocn Christianity and the practice of
morality than thoro is between tho
practice ol morality and tho worship of
Pan ?' " As tho Nation now supports
Mr. Garfield, it is to bo expected it will
apologir.o to Mr. Schuyler Colfax.
Tho voters in tho different election
precinctsshould oxatnino the Assessors'
lists, which aro now on tho election
houses and in the possession of tho As-
sossors. II thoir names aro not on tho
list thoy should at once require tho
Assessor to add them, without waiting
for the extra assessment. It is a mis
demeanor, pnnishable by fine and im
prisoninent, for nn Assossor to neglect
or refuso to add tho i.amo of any quuli
fiod voter to the list who shall make
personal application to him botwoon
this timo and 9 o'clock P. M.on the 2d
of Septombor. Tho As iossor is requir
ed by law to allow any porson resident
in the division to inspect the list froo
of chargo.
Lincoln's Rioht Hand Men. Of
tho surviving friends and counsellors
ol Abraham Lincoln, nono woro closer
to him than Lyman Trumbull, John
M, Palinor and David Davit. Lyman
Trumbull is the Democratic candldalo
for Govornor of Illinois ; John M. Pal
mer is warmly supporting him and is
an honored niomber of the Democratic
organization, and David Davis has
pronounced for Hancock for tho sit mo
reasons that would load Abraham
Lincoln, wero lie now alivo, to give
bis good wishes to tho author of
Order No. 40.
Domestic and Historical. Young
men and maidons who aro holding back
from gotling married nntil they aro
rich enough should remomber that
Adam and Eve had no such squeamish
notions. Buffalo Express. What lg
norancol Why, they woro tho undis
puted owners of tho wbolo world.
'Simon's Last Hold." Such is the
remark made by tho Pittsburgh l)i
patch, olio of the Ruilicul orguns of thut
city. The editor continues ; "Senator
Cameron bat one pluco It-It which ho
can politically cull all hit own Hav
ing lost his grip in every other part of
tho Statu as nianugur of tho machine,
his wish Is still supremo In )aiiphin
utility, wh. ro ho resides. His local
machine is Intact, and, Iheielore, at
thu Ucpuhlicun Convention last wuek
tho Cameron sluto was nominated
throughout. Two men wuro nominated
who should bo defeated, if Dauphin
county would not bu further disgraced.
Hamuul F, Rurr was nominated for
Congress, and will probably be the
nominee of the District. Senator Heir
was rc-nnminuted for the Stato Senate.
Ilarr was a inomber of tlio grand jury
which smuggled an extra, unsworn
juror into its deliberations, and is
strongly suspected ot having known as
much aboiittho scheme us any one elso,
Herr wus tho leuding counsel lor tho
defense, but bo went fur beyond his
province us a lawyer, and used his per
sonul und political influence in every
possible way to accomplish the escape
of heiuble and his crowd. Common
decency would suggest to Republicans
ill all purls of thu Statu that no mini
should ho elected toollico in uuy cupuci
ty who lubored in tlio into.'osls of
Kenible k Co."
"Tub Government." Tho Alloona
.Sun shines on the subject In this way :
"Poor Hayes ! Ho is now digesting his
dish of crow with becoming griniacos
ami occasional fits of nausea. Ho had
no idea when he kicked Arthur out of
the New York Custom Uoiiso that tho
victim of his official wrath would so
soon bo vindicated (?) by his party
through a V ico Presidential nomina
tion. But then Tie should havoconsid
ored thut the electoral thieves who
plucud him in tho Exceutivo Chuir are
oupuhle of uny iufuiny und utterly ro-
gunlless of thu feelings of tlio creature
of their rusculitv. -So he must not com
plain that I hey aro now forcing
down his reluctant throat, not only his
order turning Arthur from tho Custom
House, but also Arthur's vindication in
tho shape of a nomination to tho second
highest office in tho gift of tho people."
Explaining. Oakes Ames' threo
sons havo joined in an oddross to the
American people setting forth tho
suporior honesty and integrity of their
deceased parent, and declaring that in
bribing Congressmen in order to in
turest them in his Pacific Railroad
scheme ho was innocent as a fawn
This is a noble thing on the part of the
boys, and Gun. Gurfield will indorse
ovory Word that they say. Also S.
Colfax, Glenni W. Scoliold, Wm. L.
Kelly ,olc. What blockheads tho mem
bcrs ot tho Poland Commiltco must
have been, us well as tho whola body
of Congressmen who saw all this thing
in another light.
A Solid Reason. A Dutchman was
relating his marvelous eseapo from
drowning when thirteen of his com
panions woro lost by Hie npseting of a
bout and ho alone was saved. "And
how did you escape their falo ?" asked
one of his hearers. "I tid not co in te
Vutul Tliuie nnnUjvmiinvYUHI 1m
was tho Dutchman's placid answer.
No Good. Thore is much Gloom
about tho Republican headquarters in
New lork. Tho gunoral impression
is that tho Fifth Avenuo Conference
and Garfield's swing 'round tho circle,
woro sad failures, and tho OiminrTciVif
Advertiser (Republican) does not hosi
tale to say so.
Another Foiitv-day Man. It is re
ported that General liutler has mado
a vow to abstain from political talk for
forty days. That will bo as severe a
lest lor him as Taunor had, but he will
muko up for it whon ho gets a going.
Cadet Whittaker's clipped oars aro
now nt liberty. They havo lelt West
Fim. The ft mutt tt paid in a dv trice for
an noun drift thmnei of canJlilitei nnd the print
lng of 12,00 ticket! will In u follow.:
Cmgrttr fi?
Afiembly j
Prothonotaijr 10
Keg Inter and Recorder
County fitirrrjror
We are authoriied to announce the name of
J A M KH FLYNN, of (lutirb tuwmblp, ai a oan-
uiuaia lor Aiaetnitiy, fiibjeot to ttit rolee govern
Injr tht Democratic party.
liiiiomco aoareia, ft mi in i Mini,
are aullinrlied to annotinrte the mm a of W
POTTK R It K K l, of Lawrence towmlifn. ai a hid.
aiaaia ir a Memoir, lubjeot to the ruin govern
Irtjr the Democratic party.
1'oRtuffiot addreia, Curwcnivltle.
We are anthnrlirtt to announce the name of
A II HA M III Mt'HKKY. of Lawrence towmMn.
ai a candidate far Aiaemhlf, aubjact to the ml ft
governing tba f'fimocralic party.
Poitoilice add rem, Clearfield.
We art authoriird to announce tee Dame of
UKOIUiE 11. HALL, ofl.awrenea towi-hiti. aa
candidate fur I'rotbunotary, eubjeot U the rulea
guverning the Deniocrattc party.
Poatoffict addroie, Clearfield.
We are authorised to annnunc tha name of
UKUKUH C. KIUK, or Brady townahfp, aa a
oaodidate for I'rothunotary, eubjeot to the rule
governing to uetnooratio party. add ran, I.Ntheriburg.
We an authoriied to announce tht Dame of
n. f. WlLrfON.or UradTord towartin. aa a ean
didate for Prothoootary, eubjeot to the rulea gur-
rning mt u camera uc pany.
Poitoffloe addreii. Woodland.
We are authoriied to announce the Bane of
J AMt-.o K Kit II, of Clearfield borough, aa a tad
didate fur Prothoootary, eutijeot to the rulea gov
erning the Demooratie party.
Poitoffloe addreii, Clearfield.
We are aatWWed to announce tha name of
A. W. WALTKHH, of Clrarfleld borough, aa a
candidal for rrotaonotary, aunject to tba rulea
governing tho i'emocratto party.
Potto til ce add rett, Clearfield.
We are anthorlted to annaunrja the nam of
ISA AU MAI 8, of Knox townehip. at aoaadidato
lor rroinoDoiary, tabjeci to tb rulea guverning
me uemocraiic party.
Pottofl.ce addreia, New Millport.
We are author! red to announce the name of
WILLIAM It. DICKINHnN, of tiulich to
elilp, aa a can did at for Prothonntary, aubject to
ma rui?e governing me utnoo ratio party.
Portnlfirejiddrem, Ramey.
We are authoriied to annonne tha nana of
ADAM IIKKTII.of New Wathiofton, aa a eandl
date for Register A Recorder, eubjeot to the ro let
governing tba Uemoeratlo Prty.
Poitoftlca addreia, New Waahlntoa.
We are authoriied ta annoano tht a am of
OK OK UK M. FKKU t'SON, of Lumber City, tea
candidate for Rgliter t Recorder, tubjtct to tht
raiea governing tba Venoeratic party.
Poiioffioe addrett, Lumber City.
Wt trt authorlted to announce lb nam of
WM. V. WltKUlT, or CIarSld borough, aa a
candidate for R eg i iter Recorder, aakjact to tht
re lee governing tha ivmtcrtic ptrty.
Poitoffloe addrtaa, Clearfield.
We are authoriied to annouoe tht name of
A. FORKSTliK BLOOM, of Pike towmhlp, at a
candidal lor negmer Heeorutr. aubjeet to
to raiei govern i tig in Vfnoeratie party.
Poitoffio add ran, New Millport
We are aolfaorlied to announc tba Bain of
WINPIKI.D 8. LI Til KR, of Ilrady towneblp,
at a candidate for Reg I Her Haeorder, auhjaot
t ine rate governing lb Ueraoerauc party,
Poitoffio addreaij Lutbariburg.
We era anthorlvtut ta anantnina lha ma of A
tj. FOLMAR. of Morrta towmhip, aia cane id at
for RegUter Hecordr. eal'jtat to the raltn goT-
rotng the Uemoeratit party.
fo'tonc aa dret, Kyltrtowa.
ltv tU'frttSfiiuuts.
A Bargain t
The undcrtiitned oftVi at private ante that v&.
unlle l-rm aituated la UHAIIAM ToWNHIlIP,
Clvarlleld oouniy, known aJ tli
Containing I2S airei, (0 o( wtitrb are cleared,
and having tlicrvon eretd 'WK- fratut dwell
ing bout, largv lra;nibarn, and the otLur Besot
naiy uulbuildingi, ti1(!Blifr with a large orcbtird,
good wator, etc. Tha prxperty will b told on
very oaay ternie Vvt further particulars inquire
of the Hubao nber, tn parion, or by lttor.
ClearBeld, Pa., Marob Stb, 1 tisO.-tf
srillNCf WAGONS.
M II 3u
Tbo uodcriienvd otTere at private aale, a tract
of about TV KN TV At It I t t Und aituaUio
Wait Clearfield, adjuining Uuda of N, Hi;hel,
llnndcrion, and Htfhsrd Hhaw. Ten acrei ol
thii lend la oovaraa wAta rafting and tie timber.
The balanoe la improved, having Uiartwn a email
bank barn and a good
opened, beaidea an tied lent iprlngtf water. Thii
lot adjacent to Clearfield, ia a very valuable prop
erty, andean bo out into loli of auy me. The
propirty will b aold cheap and on ery eavy
termt. Fur further particular, call in prton or
addreii O. It. M K It It I', L L, A(nt.
Clearfield, Pa., Aug 'ii, IK8U 4t.
a. H'cuaKLi.
n. aitiLaiDH.
GILICH, McCOlikl.L & C0.'&
Mitrkrt Htrect, Cltaiiti-ld. I'a.
W manufacture all kindi of Furniture for
Chntn)ore, Dining Hoouii, Lihrarlei and Mailt.
If you want Furniture oT ny kind, don't buy
until you aoa our elock.
Io all lta branehel, prompll. attendvd to.
CleartelJ, Pa., Keb. t, '7s.
SherifT's Sale.
1 )Y virtue of lundrjwrlti of Levari Fan' nati
J out of the Court of Common Pleat of Centre
ounty, Penn'a, and to mo directed, there will
be oipoaed to P U It LI U BALK, at tbt Court
llouie, Id the borough of Clearfield, Pa., on
Thuraday, September 'i.ld,
At I o'clock P. M.f tht following described real
eUte, of Dtftmdeoti to wit :
A tertian two-tory frame bollding .tOi.'S feet
with lot and curtilaRe appurtenant thereto, eilu
ale in the borough of Oi-ieula, ClrnrlblJ oountv,
Pa , bounded and deveribed ai followi : Oa the
eat aide of Pruner ftreet, and known aa tot No.
lVft in the general plan of laid burougb. tii-ited,
taken in executlon,and to be aold at the prep
trty of ilinry Wallace.
Tan ki or Bam. The prlc or ium at which
tht property aball be atruck off aiuat bo paid at
the tlm of tale, or euob other arrangeinanu
taadeae will b approved, otherwiit tbt property
will 06 tmtnediately put up and lold agaia at
the eipeme and riak of the per ion to whom It
waa i truck off, and who, la oaae of defieitney at
auoh re-aale, aha 11 make good the lane, and in
no in t nee will tba Deed be presented in Court
for confirmation unlet the money la actually
paid to tbt Sheriff. J AS. 31AHAbi KV,
HiiBHirr'a Orrtca. I tibertff.
Cb-arlield, Pa.. Aug. 35, 1MK0.
.iojor i.vf
DcsiniUc Ileal Estate
E3tato of Iticfcud Ztim, Sr., Doc'd.
TIIR QnJer'ifrnci!, Kiecutin of the .elate of
IUCIIAHI) HIIAW, fr.. dei-rainl, will oiler
at pnbllo ealaat Ibe CUl'KT HOI'SK. ia tba bor
ough of Clearflelil, Pa., OB
Monday, September Cth, 1880,
Tht following valuable real citato, vti :
Th thre atory BFIICK HOTEL property,
corner of Market and Ftnt itreeta, in tba bor
ough of Clearfield, known aa
'The Shaw House,'
fronting with twolota of ground thereto belonging
Ktn Sot) feet on Market itreet, and UO
Cailtsst ftetoa ir,t alrt,withatwo-itory
1 1 W dwelling home attached. Tb bo
AiflcpS Prler h" ,ia,T d-roonia and
W.'-ija all flonvenienoea for a firit-elaaa
hotel Ont of the nottdnlrable hotel nronertlea
in Central Peanaylvania.
The abov will be told together with a two
lory framt dwelllnc bom on Murk at itreet, ad
jacent to tht Hotel, and one other frant dwelling
bouie and a two-atory itore building, all ironting
on Market atrt. Alio, a frame dwelling hooae
fronting oa Pint itreet.
ALSO. All that carta in lot, known la the
plait of Clearfield borough ai lot No LSD,
orough ai Lot No 1X1), . .
in Locuit itreet, run
more or left, to an alley I gl
e and all neoeiaary out- i I
fronting 50 feet on
ning back 172 feet, moi
with dwelling home and all neoeiaary
buildinga thereon erected, and other improvement.
TEitJta Of1 81 LE S
One-third caih at delivery of good deed, and
lb )a l a no to l lecurad by bond and Mortgage,
payable In one and two years, with in t ere it.
Surviving Kx'n of Hiobard Shaw, Br.(dee'd.
Liearoold, ra., Auguat id, is-3t.
KI'(;iTi:HH WOTICIS.-Notle la here
by given that Iht following aoeounti have
beon examined and panted by me, and remain
filed of record ia thii ot&o for tht loipeatioa of
h-lri, legatee, creditor!, and all otheri inter. lad,
and will be preented to the neit Orphana' Court
of Clearfield oountv, U b held at tb Court
llouta, in tho borough of Clear flu Id, commonoing
oa th fourth Monday (being the 27th day) uf
Pentembar, A. U. 10
Final account of Lemuel Byeri, Guardian of
Lemuel J. Ntff, minor heir of P. U. Neff, lata
of New Wathingtoa, Ciaarfield Co., Pa., doc'd.
Final account of John J. Pic.rd, Guardian of
Milleney Uormont, minor ehild of F. I, (lor
mont, la' oi Covington townabip, Clearfield
county, Pa., dee d.
Final account of J. P. Fry, Administrator of the
rut ate of Nnrtcy Unman, lal of lliirnitdo town
ehip, Clearfield eoanty, Pa , dea'd.
Final account r Kdward Farrell, Guardian of
Tbomaa Levi RatTerty, minor heir of Thome
Kafferty, lat of Pna tuwnibip, Clearfield
oounty. Pa., det'd.
Final account of A. D. John ion, Admtnlitrator of
tbo etntor Aleiandar Umey, lat of Horrla
towaahip, Clearfield ouoty, Pa., d'd.
Tb account of Jamee B. (1 rah am, Uuardlan of
Daniel Kider, Joaeph Kider, Henry Hider and
Solomon Kider, minor hcln of Joab Kider, late
of Covington townabip, Clearfield tounty, Pa.,
Partial account of Margaret A. Dickey, Admia-
litratrii of theeitateof William 8. l)ickey,ate
oi uecoarta lownnmp, ticarlleia oDQly, I'a.,
deoeaied .
Partial account of John T. Straw, Admin latrator
of tho aetata of Joeepb Straw, late of Ferguioa
towmhip, Ciaarfield Co., Pa., dea'd.
Partial account or H. L. Ilenderion, Adninlitra
tor or tha titate of John Korabaugh, lat of
It urn tide townabip, Clearfield Co., Pa., doc'd.
Final aecvunt of William T. llloum, Uuardiin of
Frank Srhoenlng, minor heir of Franc ii Scho
Dlng, lat or Jordan towmhip, Clearfield Co.,
Pa., deoeaied.
Final acoaunt or Lawrent KlonJ and Francli
Itarmoy, Adininiitratori of tb atat of Job!
llarmoy, lata of Oovingten towoihip, Clearfield
Co., Pa., dec ated.
Final account of John B. SoiUb and laaao Scllb,
Administrator! of tb ettate of t.o. II. fiinitb,
lat or Utrard towntblp, Clearfield eonaty, Pa.(
Account or Anthony Hi I, Guardian of Margaret
Uippi, Nathaniel Hippa and Joha Jlippi,
minor children of Mn. Hippa, lat of
, Clarfleld Co., P. dee'd.
Ajtreunt of Jam B. tfraham, Truat for the
tale of th ml eitata of William Irvin, lat of
Curwenivtlle borough.Clearfleld Co., Pa., doe'd.
Flaal account or John Smith, Adminiatralor vl
tha aetata or Joha Clary, lata of at loom tewa
bip, Ciaarfield Co., Pa-, doeeaaed.
Final account of Charlei Helper, Adminlitrator
of tba eetat of John B. Rafferty, lat of Peon
townabip, Clearfietd aoaoiy, Pn-, dee'd.
Final aeeounl of II. L. Mallet, Trait" of th
eitaia of Joevpb 11. Lavidnn, lat of Bell towo
ihip, Ciaarfield county, Pa., dee'd.
Partial aoooant of Heary 1111, Guardian of Laey
K., Ida aad Bamantha B. Bloat, taiatr thii
dren of George Biota, lat of Knox tuwaiblp,
Clearfield county, Pa., dee'd.
Aoeonnt af Ilenry Hil, Adminlttrator of th
eetat ot warren mi, lat or rn town i tup,
Clear field tounty, Pa., deo'd.
. L. J. MORGAN, Reg 1 i;ar.
Clearfield, Pa., Aug. 11, IssO-ta.
Tha eo-partnenhip baretofora etltin ia
i mercantile buiimm la the village uf Wuu.
land, wa dliolvod by mutual euuant an Mho
day, July IWib, 1B0. Tha ittlea.nt of bouki,
nt'lei and aooouote mait he made with lha new
lirui of A. K. Woolriij.a Co.
Wuoii,Aiio,Jitlyl5th, laal) 4(
AttMIUNIil'M NttTK K. To Hhon It
May Concern The ondaraignad, having
Ihmu appointnd AiilgoMe fur the Imiii-AI ufrdi
lora by J at. 11. Urabaiu, of Clemfiuld borough, all
,...,V,H..IUR viaaaau. H.iu.a u.aa. wm,
present lb cm to ui fur aottiaineut, and thuae in
dt d to tba aald '.Irabam are required to tattle
mu max pa j woo i io ui.
Clearfield. Pa., Dae. 24, U-V-tf Aaigua.
CltarflolJ, Penn'a.
The Dr. having recently located In Ctearfield,
offer i hie arrrloea to the people of thii vicinity,
jt-f tXUceVn Heed atrttt. heildeno Leon
ard Jloaia
.July Slit 8ui
AT'DITOII'M KOTICE.-fn the Orpbam'
Court of Clearfield oouoty. Pa. In tha mat
ter of tht cttate of Isaao Tbouipaun, latt or Bloom
townabip, dce'd.
Tht undersigned Auditor, appointed by the
jouri id uiririuui iu oaianoa remaining la
the banda of Aaron C. Tate, Aduiiniatrator
of the above eitate, hereby girei notice that
he will uttvud to lha dutie of hi appointment at
hii ofilea In Clearfield, on Friday, Augait fith,
ItO, at I o'clook P. H , at which lime aud place
all porioaa inttretted aro required to uak their
(mbiiui, or te u:uiarrvd irim cmuirig in on laid
fund. B. T. IlllOCKHANK,
Ckajfltld, Pa., July II, ICttO-lt.
ANY partiea la need of a Saw Mill are hereby
informed tbat I will aril tbtm one aa good
iu new. btern a uiooaa, m
Dlllpg. ami all the other flituree In good order,
r'ur further Infurtnation, ailjreoa
0rp.,la MllU.t'l.r.M Co., I'a.
Marrh I8S0 tf.
T HAVK returned to my old btuineii, ai.d will
I te I -unl at the 1'UniDg M ill ottife, on Pint
.treet, CLKAKFEULP, PA., where I will aell all
kindi of
A large atock of which I have alwaya on hand.
Alio, II A V HAKKri and all other machine uaad
by ih Kartuer, ai well aa materiali for rpairi.
t4f- I will ciohang tb abovt article! for
Aa I contemplate butchering, and would ba
pleated to bav the trada of the fanning public.
Clearfield, Pa., June 9, l8N0-tf.
State Normal School,
Ill n.IlINll, the beit of Ibe kin J In the Called
ACCOMMODATIONS for 4(M boarder..
SCHOOL, la all reipeell.
D EPA HTM KNT8 Normal, Claiileal, Comnior-
oial, Muileal
THE FALL TliltM of 1.1 w.iki will opto oa
Monday Sep't 6, 1880.
EXPRNSKS, ai low aa tboie of an; otbar aohool
affording equal aJvantagea and accominoda
For Catalogue, addreii
Iaoiial, I'a, Jul, Itch, IsiU Sin.
John Irvin & Bros.,
cunwnNuviij.n, ia.,
All Kinds of Merchandise,
Dry Goods, Groceries, Etc.
' H
Tlio Only Alftiiuraclurerri in Clearfield
County of tlio
.iLir.irn o.v ii.i. r in
ri?Casli puiJ for nil kintln of
Urain Wheat, Ito, Uats, htc.
Curweaiillle, Pa., Jane I, I8S0-tf.
Stair Normal Moliool
(Eighth Normal School Vistrit.)
Lock Haven, Clinton Co., Pu.
A. N. EA VB, A. AI., Ph. I)., Principal
Thii fMioot at at rrnent com tit u tod, offer th
very bet facilitiei ror Profeiiioaal and Claaleal
Buildinga apaclnua, Inviting and eommodioul ;
completely heatad by ateara, wall ventilaUd, and
furnlrbed wltb a bountiful aupply of pure, aoft
aprirg wer.
Local koa healthful an I aaay of aeeaat.
flurrounding aeenery uapuniaiied.
Teacbera aiperlencad, efficient, and allva to
their work,
Dlaolpllne, firm but kind, an If era and thorough,
Ktttenaea oioderal.
Ffty centa a week dnluctlon to tho.te preparing
ao tearn.
Btadenti admitted at any tin.
Court of aludy f reeoriUd by th Stat I.
Modol School. II. Preparatory, lit. Elemen
tary. IV. Bclenlilo.
anjtarr covaaaat
I. Aeademla. II. Commerelal. Ill, Muilt.
IV. Art.
Th Klemen tary and Scientific, eourtei ara Pro-
feaiional, and atudenta graduating therein reeelv
nut Uiplomaa, eonferrtng tb following orra
iiondlng degreei i Matter of tb Elementi and
Maalaroftht Fclcnca. Graduate! la th other
oouraa rtoeiva Normal Cartlfloattt f their at
tain menti, pigned by tb Faculty.
Tba Profoainal oonraea ara liberal, aad ara
In thoroutjhntM net Inferior to thote of our beat
tolleg. i
Th Ktata reqairt a higher order of elflaen.
ibip. Tb timet demand It. It ia on or lb
Jirim object of thii aohool to help to a our It by
arnieblag Intelligent and efficient taaehera for
her achooli. To thii and It o licit yoaag per
aoai of good abilitie and good purpoaaa thua
who daaira to tmprora tbir tlm and their tal
ent, aa atudenta. Ta all nob It promt aid la
developing their power and abundant opporta
aitle ror well paid labor aftor Wiving tehooL
For catalogue aad term addrvat th Principal,
r tba 6cratary of lb Board.
tTotinoLDtna'TBcaTiii. t
J. II. liar ton, M. D A. H. Beit, Jacob Browa,
8. M. Bickford. aamoel Cbriat. A. N. Raub. R. (I.
Cook, T. C. llippt, Rq t. Kinttlng, K. P. Mo
Oomiok, Km, W. W. Rankin, W. II. Browa.
iTiTB ran ara .
Ilea. A, O. Curlla, Bon. H. L. DlefWabaoa.
Oea. Jeeee Merrill, lloa. Wm. IllgUr. J. C. 0.
naaiy,a. Miliar Hcormiea, bio,.
Prettdent, Clearfild, Fa.
Vie Preeidtnt, Lock HarH, Pa.
e. millar Mccormick,
Secretary, Lock Uavtn, Pa,
Traaaarar, Lock Havaa, Fa.
Look Uaren, Pa-, Auguit 4, H8t ly.
Unr SIdmtisrmenU.
Fourtoentb. Jlunual ExMbition
Agricultural Society,
Wfitneaday, Thunriay a Friday,
8KPTKMHKU 15, 10 ami 17, 18RD.
Prealiteut LaaatiiR Daaaiaf, Lawrencetwp,
Vlra Prcaldeiita N. Rinnil, Lawrence lp;
M.S. Sea ara a, Peun twp.
Trraaurer Joaa McUaruHar, Ciaarfield, Pa.
Hrrrtary-AL. M. Row, CloarfielJ, Pa
Fkrcutlve Committee K. M. I) a vie, Peun;
W. P. Tatk, Lawrenot : John Hmitu. Bloom : L,
R. Daaen.RH, Union PiiLir Dottb, Utooaila.
1. Tb galea will be opened at S o'olook A. M.
each day, and at that time every officer t r
culred U be at hit poit. Tha gate will be oluted
at 6 o'olock oaoh evening.
S All atook and artloloa offered for premium!
muat ba owned by th penon or penoni oflering
the nam, or by som ueiubar of ble or bar faui
3. All artlcltt tnuit be entered in th name of
tb bona fidm owner. Hhould any be entered
oiberwtre, ihuy win not be allowed to receive
premium, allbougb awarded by tb Judgva j ner
win men aardi t pu'iiifbed.
4. Any link at patted through the fenec, or
logiid in me pittsctsinn o ny porion wbo la net
tba rightfulunnir, wll' ba forloiUd to the Atuci
alion, and peraont detected In parting tiokeU will
b dealt with according to law.
. No charge will ba made lor eoterlug an i in tie
or artlclet fur ethlbitkun tucb a ahibiiion being
etnoluiejy tree.
. Tb Borikiy will open lie premium lift to
peraone without diillnotioa on breeding atock
from all part of the Union, whether bora, eattle,
thiep or twin. But an field eropa. Hour, iralo
and manufacturing or mechanical ethlbili, all
award! aball b confined to tba county, and all
artioloa uiuit nave been made within lb ueriod
of ooe yar prevluui to the proient fair. Article
of ipeoial merit manufactured outiid of the
county may receive a diploma If io roe emended
by in Juogee oi meir reaneutiv elasi.
T. AH pertona entering animali and artiolea
for axtiibition mmt proour card from tb See
rotary, and attaoh th earn to tha animal or
article uraviuut to biug placed upon th around.
Th budW and olaii, and the nunibor in tb
clan, with the name ol the article will appear on
the card attaohed, but tu nam of tb exhibitor
will not appear.
8. Th ofliorre will be on the ground at V
o'clock on Tl'KSDAY MORNING, .September
mti, anu an animaie ana arneiei are ipected
to be vbleted on that day ; but xbibilort MlT
have their exhibit! entered oa the Secretary'!
book and hav them within the eooloxur by 12
o'clock oa Wedneaday, the fint day of the Far-r
xcapt h oriel for pleuur or trotting prniiutul.
Tbia rule will be Hriti.'g mdhtrwti to, ai tbr are
but three dayi or the rair thii year.
tf. No perion ahill ioe or bs informed of tha
number! or kindi of antriea xopt Uie fl.on.
10. WbuB no oompetition ooouri in auy elaaa,
A premium ihall be awarded only when tha in
trlnaie merit of the animal or article warrant It,
and tbia ihall not neceeiarily be the flrat premium ,
but auoh aa in the judgment of the exaaiiumg
oommitt the article deianrei
11. An animal entered for exhibition In on
elaaa oannut tompote for a premium ia any other
claaa, axoept a follow : A tingle animal may
be exhibited aa on of a pair, or in the olaii uf
IX. AH .dock and articles' entered for exhibi
tion, muit remain oa tb ground! until S o'clock
P. M. of Ibe laet day of the Fair or forfeit pre
mium, unlen perm in ion la given by the Super
intendent of the department to remove them.
l.H. Hay and ttraw will b farnlibad gratli for
all animal! entered lor premtumi, and grain will
b furnitbed at cot for tho who deair to pur
chaie. 14. No animal considered unaound ihall ba
allowed to compel fur premium. Thii rult
doei not apply to-hortei entered for tpeed,
H. All aatmali in elaiiei 1, J, S, 4, 6, 0 and 7
muit ba tbown on tbt track at 10 o'clock on
Friday morning, Taow not exhibit 1 will not
be examined.
16. Belling and wagering upon tbt Society
rouodi are itrictly forbidden.
17. The Executive Commute may re rite tb
rirtmiumiawaruea ai any regularly tailed meet
ng, aad, at iti diicretion, alter, amend or rvr
the award of th Judgei,
18. Th demand en th Treasurer for preiul.
uina muat l made either penonally or by Utter,
on or before tbt flrat day of January following
tb Fair, or the premium will be considered for
feited to th Society. Premium will b paid oa
and after September 20tb, 1SS0.
19. Krcry precaution will b taken for th
lafety of etoek aid article! on exhibition, after
Iheir arrival and arrangement on Ik ground, but
tb boolety will not b rponiibl tut anv Ion
or dainana that may corur. Exhibitor! will be
required to give perineal attention to lb animal!
aaa itieit, aud at Ibeclote of the Fair to attaad
to Iheir removal.
20. Eating aaloooa, lllng all kindi of eat able,
fruita, nut, enndiee, and rlrehing drinka (etbr
than intoxicating drinki) will be liond to tl)
oa tb ground, by paying to thScrtary twenty
d II art ($20) previous to going onto the groan d.
Each on to renting a refreshment booth ihall ba
n titled to ticket of adininion for four person t.
21. Uacki, carrying paeiengere in and out of
of th ground! will b charged a lleanaa of tan
dollar, ($19) to bt paid to lb Secretary before
going on lb grounds. Each back will ba n titled
to ticket! of admission for two perion t.
22. "Flving Uereet" will bt given tht privilege
of the grenade during the Fair tor twenty dollar,
$:0) to be paid to tha Secretary before going oa
the grounds. Each "Dying horse" is entitled to
ticket of adininion for two peraona.
11. All peanut and lemonade aellerf, (eiopt
thote paying $20 license) all games of ebanea,
lottery ache met, buck iter and peddler, will be
trictly excluded from the grounds, and vill not
a admitted mt any price,
There will be an auction aale of Block oa tba
laat day of th Fair, at 2 o'clock. Tbo desiring
to tell will plea notify th Secretary ai to tb
kindaf etock and number, prior to tb day ol
tale. Tba auctioneer will be paid by tb Society.
MITTEES. All members of Committee! will report at tb t
ticket olltoe at 10 o'clock oa Thuraday morning,
September loth. After filling vaeaneiea tb
booka will be plaoed la their bandi, and they
will Immediately proceed to buiinesa. Their
report muit be banded to the Secretary not later
than 9 o'clock of Thitfidayaicaptth judge In
claaaca 1, 2, S, 4, 6, 6 and 7, who shall report by
12 o'clock on Friday,
No persoa can act at judge ia a elest la wkloh
be 1 aa exhibitor.
Aa article or animal having no competition
hall not In all easea be entitled to a Brat pre
mium, but may receiv iuch a premium a iu tb
judgment of tli Committee it merit warrant.
No discretionary premiuma aball ba awarded,
but article and animals which art not included
la th regular list may be commended, and the
cem men aauun meet ner with ttia reaaoa therefor.
entered on th Commitlea'a book for action at
soma regular meetiag or th otticers of tb Asso
ciation. If it a ascertained that anv exhibit., hat
made, or eauaed to be made, any false etatemeuia
in regard to any animal or article exhibited, or if
any exhibitor ahall attempt to Interfere wltb the
jBUgea in me performance of their duties, by let
tar ot otherwise, bt or lb aba.ll be excluded from
Tbere wtll b a Committee of three judgea for
eaca eiaaia
Each judge aa named below ta Chairman of bis
Committee, aod 1 authoriied to appoint two
ataiitauts, and report such appointments, with
their acceptance, to tli Secretary of th Society
be for September 8th. It 1 recommended tbat
neb an is t ant be appointed from men and
women wbo are active and intellirent. All aorh
member of Committee (not being members of
the aeelety) will ba furntshad wltb free card af
admtttioa, oa presenting te tb Heoretary a
written eertincaie or mtir appoint meal aa auoh
aignad by the Chairman of the Committe by
waom appoiawa.
cLAaiKi. NA.IB. r. o. APDaana.
1,2,8 Chni. Drown Rockton.
4, ft, 6, T A in oi B. Tat ..Bower,
sMft'l"'1 ,oh "r...Kylirtaja.
JI; J5;11' j ..T. W. Moor..CurweMvilU.
Tit .m, w, nn A. M. II ills Clearfield.
2ft, 27,2 Mn. J. Mcllride, "
0. SI, 12 Mn. D. U. Navlln.
14, 16 Ja Runell L. Ctly.
All peraona oae obtain ticket of admission to
lha grounds at tha Secretary's otfic, a ear the
entrance, aa roiiows, w wit i
fi ingle admiiiloa for adntta , $ Jj
etngl admiatiOB toreliildrea under II and
over 6 yean t n
Mingle adininion for single team...M H tb
ntngi at mi mn ror double team 25
Dy tickets," admitting also bona and car-
. - ftO
Mmbrthip or eeaaon ticket, entitling holder
to paai la hones and carriage, and alto to
enter articles for exhibition without farther
charge to
Family tioketa, almiUing w if aad childrea
under IS, also hone ard aarriaga, and an -title
(he bolder or his family to enter arti
cle for exhibition Mf 00
Membership and family tickets can be had two
two weeks prior to tb Fair by apply to the Sec
retary. Admission to Grand Stand . 10
Class I Stallions.
Beat elalllan, for h.a'T draft..
peooaa Deal..
B.M Due ealt, bil.m I aad rare - I
Smad bart.. .. I
CUm 2 Marts and Colts.
Rut brood nan (or ,11 work.. I 1
!)Mad dmI
ll.A eolt aad.r 1 vaar uld t
Rwoad aaat 1
But (.Idlaa a Mar. ailaare I aad I trt. I
ttMendbaet ... .-... 1
Class bClydtsdalt and Pereheron
Beat etalllea, ear a(e.... .............4ia
Swoid baM a
?Wur g.tlrrrtlsrmrntsi.
Class i Short Horns.
Ilert lull, I year, aad ov.r u I I (0
H.oatU. 4 00
llr.l bull enO.I I Ja,l t I Oil
Nwuad a.n I 00 oow, 1 y.ara ur afar 4 00
H.oued bait I 00
Jlait belief uador S jeare t 0U
SMoad a.t I 00
CVdJJ 5 yl?iiTiifi or Jerseys.
Same ai Clall 4.
Class 0 Ayrshire..
8alae aa Olaa, 4.
Class 7 Native or Grade.
Rett bull, I jroari and over 9 I 00
Heeoail ba.l I Oil
II. .t ball uadw I ,..r - - 4 00
Krooad ........ I 00
llut eon, I yean aad over S 00
SeouaJ beat.......... . X m
Heat better aadar jear. i 00
rt.ooodL.t 1 00
. . Class 8 Cotswuld
k.m I veari old aod over I I 60
Ham I year old aad over I 00
Ham lamb 1 00
Heo I aviei, I yean old aad aver M t 00
1'eo I one lamb. 1 00
Class it Leicester.
Same e Claia .
Class HI Merino.
Hatue aa Cla.l I.
Class 11 .SWA Downs.
Baioo aa V.
Class 2 Fatted Sheep.
II. at Hock, all Iu number, any age or breed,
Cuanlry lieollrwao
Class llerkshire.
Boar I old and over
Uoar under I year
fcow 1 year old aad ever.. M., ., I
How uod.r I year
Clans U Chester White.
Haui a aa Class IS.
Class XhPvlaml China.
Same at CUae IS.
Class 10 Yurfahirt,
Kauic at Claxi 13.
Class naraded.
Best aow and pigs
Ctii$ lHChieftrns.
Hail trio Brahma ,
Heat trio Uutf Cochins
Best trie l'artrtdge Caubins M
Best trio Leghorae H.M
ltot trio llamburgs .
Best trio Houdam
Heal trio I'olanda ,
llett trio Flyioouth Rooki
iti tt trio iUbtunit
. I Ml
I I'll
, 1 90
Rati trio (J ma Fowl-
ltet 'ti'play of cbiulttn, not lea thau S
Irioa, all dillvrent bru lt
Class QTurkeyt.
l!it trio Bronte
Uost trio Wbitc llollaudt
Best trio Native
2 oo
1 ou
1 00
Cities iiO Ducli$t Geese,
Deat trio Muscovy -$
Beat trio Aylesbury
Rest trio 1'ekia
Best trio Native
Rett trio geese -
Best trio guinea fowls
1 IU
Bust collection of pigeons
Best pair peafowls ,
Fenoai bringing fowl? of any kind muit alio
trior eoouiauilab e for kecuiagutem in anu an
playing them te advantage. A new building will
be provided for their accommodation.
Class 21 Farming Implements, f c.
Bet barrow .' Dip.
Best fanning mill Ulp,
Beat tulky cultivator - Dip
Beat bone rak Dip
fleet wheat drill Dip
Beat bay rigging Dip.
Iteit cider mill uip.
Rest corn pheller -Dip
Boat horse power . Dip.
Belt doa power.... Dip
Rest churn Dip.
Best farm !... Du
Beat bee hire. Dip.
Best wool folder H.Uip
Rett subsoil plow. Dip.
Beit fertilising grain drill ..a. . ..Dip
Itat threshing machine Dip.
Beet reaping machine -lip
Best mowiiiBT tuacbiaa Din.
Rett combined reaper aad mower Dip.
Bast sewing maclin .Dig.
Best straw cutler...- uip
Beat half dotan broom i It 00
Beat ipecimea cooper work
Beat grain cradle 1 00
Best display tiuwar ,
Beat display hardware 1 00
Beat display sporting good.,. 1 00
Beautiful lithogrephdiplotnaiwill bepreiented
to iBose peraoni to waom toey are awarded by
l tie juugei.
Class 22 Fruits.
lit Fr. 2d Fr
Bast ft varieties of aammer aod fall
applet, 4 each $1 00
Best ft varieties winter applee.4 each 1 90
Uit3 varieties market eplf,4 each I 00
Largest aud bee collect ion of apples 2 00
Bast i varieties pairs, 4 each 1 00
Real collect loa of pear... 1 90
Heat S varietiea of peaches 1 00
Beat display af peaobe ..... 1 tO
Bat variety qaioee.,.M.M. I 00
Beat variety plums.. m m 1 00
Best variety grape 1 00
Largest aad beet collection grape.. 1 00
Largest and best collection of fruits
of all kinds S 09
1 00
1 50
Notb. Fruit must be properly named and
labeled. jUake np your list ol fruits carefully
Cltiss 21Flomrs.
Bert display of flowering plant....; 4 90
. .. CUiss 24 Vegetables,
Beet collection of potatoes, named and
labeled, on pack each t 1 00
Beat single variety, 1 pk, named A laHeled 60
Best perk large onions .
Best half pack st onions from seed
Rest peek tomato! M ..
Best peok varsnip M n,.M
Best peck field turnips
Best peck turnips for table ate
For the largest turnip
Best three bead ofcabbaga...n.... n
Best pack table bt .
Beat peck field beet
For th largest beat H
Best peck carrots
Beat peck mangel wurtal
Bat half peck vegetable oyatcrt..,,,. ........
Best three squashes
Uaavieat field pumpkin M
Beat peck Hmn bean, shelled
Beit half peck sweet peeper
Best specimen tauliflower .
Best six stalks celery
Beat two water melons. ..,..
Best two mask melons
Beit pec i sweet corn ears -
Beat half pound hops
Beat collection of yegetable raised by on
Class 25 Grain and Flour.
1 00
S 00
Bost bush) white wheaC....... ............... I 2 00
Heat buibel red wheat 2 00
Best bushel corn ia tht car 75
Beat bash ai oats M. . 7ft
Beat buibel rye 75
Best bushel barley...... w 75
Beit bushel clover seed 75
Best bushel timothy ed , 75
Rest 50 pound wheat flour 7ft
Beat 50 pounds graham flour
Beat 60 pounds corn meal 60
Best six aia Iks earn tekaafrom tb field... 50
Class 2f Butter Cheese, Honey, die,
Beat 19 pounds ot mora of firkin butter, at
least I month! old .f 9fl
Beat five pounds or mere of butter w 1 00
Second bst....H.... ftO
Best cheese made by exhibitor 2 00
Second belt .................. I 00
Th exhibitor to aiva a statement of the man
ner of preparing the firkin butter and of making
iae aeevee.
Bast ipecimea maple auger, ft poundf 1 00
Second best ftO
Beat box of Boay..w ,., 60
Best display af honey 1 oo
Class 27 Breadt Vickies and Jellies
Best loaf f wheat bread I
bt loaf of browa bread ,
Beat specimen bisaalt m
Best secimea era ken H
Utt specimen Jelly oak
Beet iveeimea fruit aake
Beet specimen marble eak
Beet specimen whit cake
Beat ipecimen ahoooleta cake..,,,
Beat specimen eurraat jelly
Best specimen peach jelly
Best specimen pear jelly
Best rpecimea apple jelly
Bt speciuea Siberian orab apple Jelly.,.,
Beet aiiecimea crab apple Jelly nHn.H
Best ipecimen tomato catsup
Best ipecimea pickled aueumberi...
Best specimen piefclad tomato
Beet specimen pickled mango
Beet specimen piekled peach
Bt spMimaa pick led pear
Largest eolleotiun ol pick las .,.
Best and largest collection of preserves,
not leas than lx diflarant kindi... ........
1 00
Class 28 Canned and Dried limits.
Best specimen taoDtd applet 69
Beat specimen tanned peaches 60
Beat spvclmsn canned charrie H 50
Beat ipecimea canned tomatoes , , 59
Best specimen tanned raspberries 50
iieet specimen aaancd blaokbarrlea o
Uet specimen eaaned strawberrt...,..,., do
Beat specimen canned currant 50
vest specimen canned quinces M,M 50
ileal specimen tanned plums ... 60
pew epeetmen taanei grape , j
Beat spMimM aaund huoklebtrriei H. u
Best and largest eel lection of canned fruits 1 00
Beit ipecimea drtad apple. I peunds ftO
11 est specimen dried peaabes, ft pouodi (0
iit ana largaet coi. driod Iruil ft lti. each 1 00
it jar nppi bBttr,.....HH.H,M,.,.,M.H, 59
neat jar peaon butter, q
ah ibc aooy to a put ap ia glass jars.
CUm 29 hnt Arts.
Itest India Ink portrait f 90
iitfi eoiiKtion 011 panting 4
Beat tollectloa or photographs, all kinds... I u
Beat pencil work 1 00
Second best 511
Class iWDomftic Manufactures.
Ten yards olib ... co
Ten yards natiuei, plain .V
Ten yardi (Una el, barred 1 o0
Ten yards llnei 1 (19
Tea yards low ololb j iij
neee rag carpet H oo
I'ieo wotil carpet on
I'air wool blanket! uu
Covarleli - 1 uu linen wool yarn f,u
Specimen linen thread io
Couatcrpane uu
Wool oooilorur 1 oo
Fair wool -ak, hand-made o
I'air wool mittens, band uiede
Talr wool gloves, hand made ,n
I'air Wool hose, ladies', band mad ju
I'air woul h ne, childreu'a, baud-made ju
Pair buokikin glivea ,
I'air fur glovaa 5u
Lap robe l (HI
I'air cotton socks, haud-inade s
Pmr linen socks, hnnd-made iu
Beit made overcoat 1 00
Bait made dress coat U'l
Beit made pantalooni 511
Best made vest , i
Class 3Xeedtework.
Bent lao collar, hand-made $
Best leca handkerchief, hand-made
Iteit ubla spread, band made
Brut ottoman cover, hand made
Best silk bed (uilt, pieced 1
Best delaiii bed quilt, pi''d
Uest eradl quilt, any kind
Brst eotlon quilt, any kind
lint pin ouililo", liand-mdn 'i
Heat stand onver, band-mnde 5u
Ut'sl lailv's lac tie, hand ma I. ,'.ir
Bi'tl pi no atoul nir, hind-mad 60
Bvst lady'a eiubrwldwrvd skirt itti
Ih-tit lady's einbroidit'd oheaiae iu
Ht-ft tally's drawrra 5H
Best lady's embroi.len-d night gown u
B'tt lady's ewliroidortid aprou 2j
Best lady'e embrotderod cape iit
Beat embroidered drtta fur oblld 50
Best embroidered cloak fur child w 64
littt embroidered lliawl Inr cbtld 60
Best crooliet skirt lor child 60
Btst koilUid uiisan'hood 26
bt knitted child's bod 26
Best pair ouiTs and oollar 2!t
Beat pair pillow ihaiut, embroidered , 60
Best sheet abauta, embroidered 50
Best shet shams, braided Ifj
Beit window lambrequint 5H
Best acta cushion ur pillow 61)
Best chair o million 25
Bert toilet set in worsted, 7 pieces j0
Best set crochet, 7 pieces 611
Beat slippor Work 5U
Host child's carriage albnii, hand made... 1 I'll
licit bureau tidy, crochet 5li
Beat rmitroidtrud tow:
Brit braidtd caU-U-all SJ
Class 32 Children's Dqnirtment.
Made by children under IS rears old, only
Brst or- rhel tidy for cbtlr, wootn 26
Bft cr. ohet tidy fur cmir, ctlon 'rj
Restore bet barker, cotton or woo! 25
Be'l knit lamp nrit, woolt-n 'i'j
lli-tt knit wa'ib care, wookn i'j
HcnI Ciiuib and bniji oitn - 'J'j
ltt toilit set, woolt-n. 7 piei-et 5)
Betl tttiltji ta t, c 'tLtn, 6 incis '1j
Best ahppor boltlcr 25
Best card recatver 2i
Bent cardboard lambrequins, for braokeu . Js
Best pillow shams 25
Beit pin cushion on R R. canvas' 25
Best pin cushion on liwr .
Rest spvcimen of feather trimming - 1j
Best handkerchief b x 2;
Best bair receiver 15
Beat canvass tidy ?j
Bast balloon made of cardboard 2b
Best silk eus hion Tj
Best picture frame if 5
Best lanry scrap hag 25
Best sample woolen edgiug 25
Beit child's hood 26
Class U3 Carriages, Wagons, itV.
Bait two-hone wagon I 00
Beit two-horse spring wagon 3 00
Beit one-horse spring wagon 2 On
Beit two-tea ted top carriage 4 00
Beit one-horse buggy 2 HO
Best on. seated pLu.-lon , 2 I'll
Best light sulky I UU
Beit aleigb, single 1 (Mi
Class 34 Furniture, Wood work, iW.
Best display of fi, At itore $ 4 Oil
Beit parlor suit S 10
Beit chamber suit S lie
Beit specliHco fancy scroll sawing, hand... 5i)
Best specimen fancy art roll sawing, machine 5U
Bett specimen fancy work with penknife, 5t
Best specimen rustic work 5U
Class 3tiItirne,sMJjtathert &e.
Best set farm or road harnsta . t 00
Best carriage double liarneii 2 On
Best set single harneai 2 oO
Beit man's aaddle 1 00
Beet lady's saddle . I "ft
Beat bridle and martingale t ftl
Best halter 50
Best display of ladies' aad gents' boot,
iboea and g liters S 0"
Beit bone oollar .'0
Beit two sides upper leather 1 00
Best two aides sole leather I 01'
Beit two sides harness leather I 0(1
Beit two calf skins I tin
Class 30 Musical Instruments.
Rest and largoet display pianos A organs...) 5 00
No. 1Puani $10. Or to All.
Trotting race. First hon $20. 2JS15. .U ..
No entrance fee will b charged. All trot tin g
to be in harness , best 2 In S heals.
No. 1 Pi'bbi 20. Fob Norms Raiatn m Co.
Trotting race. First bone 410. Id I. Sd $4.
No entrance fe. Any horse winning la No- 1
will b excluded from No. 2. Beit 2 in S beati.
N. S Pi aii $19.
Walking race. Firat team $5. 2d IS. Ad $2.
No entranc fee. Two honea to walk la an
ordinary farm wagon. Single half-mil heat.
No. 4 PtTRti IS.
Pulling atoo boat. First team 2. 2d $1-
Two borne to move load not leanban S feet
L. DENN1NO, President.
AL. M. ROW, Secretary.
Clearfield, Pa., Aug. 25, IS HO.
Twenty-seventh Annual Exhibition
Psiiiia. Agricultural Society
Fs.irmoiint Pm k, Thiladolpllill,
SKPTKMIIEUtilh to 18th.
utteihtatioitai. sno'w
BIITKMI1F.B 2dTn TO 25m, 1SS0.
Rnlrr Booke Kill dole. t theoaiee, Norlh
earaer Tealb anil Chailnal Slr.tli. Aoj. 31, IHStl .
$40,000 IN PREMIUMS.
Cash Prizes for Live Stock, $24,315.
txcrailoa Tlraara AT caa.TLT ftRDt'ftD aaia.
Liberal Arrangrmenti Tor Transportation.
V'M. BISSKL, l'aaa r.
D.W. San aa. Rep'e;. See.
Ki.ianxia k'C.JUt, Cor. He'.. Au, t), '80 41
Teachers' Examination I
Tb publie x am Inn I Ion of teachers fbr prorio
elal oertil eat ei for th present school year, Will
be hfld as follows :
Morris, at Krtartown, Tuesday, August 10th.
( Centre Hill scbool'bousa, Wednes
day, August 1 Mb.
tloggi and Wallacetoa borough, at Centre
tchool boue, Thuraday, August 12lh.
l.awrenoa, I.awrono Independent aod Clear.
ld borough, at Clearfield, Friday, August 1 tb.
t.oshen, at Hbawsville, Monday, August lfta.
(llrard, at tlilllngham school boas, Tuesdav,
August 17th.
Coviagton, at Union sohool kuuse, WedDedy,
August I fib.
Kartbaus, at Uak Hall icdjoI house, Tbursdar,
August l.'ih.
l'tke. Pike Independent aad CurweBvitli
borough, at Ulooiaiegton, Hat unlay, Auit 2lit.
UradTord and llradfurd Independent, at lliglor.
Monday, Aoguit 2Jd.
0eola borough and Decatur, at Osceola, Tun
day, Augait 24th.
Woodward and Ooultdale, at Houtsdale, Wtl
neaday, Aagiial 25tb.
Hulich, at Janesville, Thursday, Augat 2ftih.
lleccaria and Madera Independent, at Ulsa
Hope, Friday, August 27th.
Knot, at New Millport, Tuesday, August 31ft-
Jordan, at Ansouvtlie, Wednesday, Sept. 1st.
Chrat and Newburg borough, at Newberf,
Thuraday, September 2d.
llurnilde township and boroogh,at Bura'iJ.
Friday, .September Sd.
New Washington, at New WaablngUia, Paur
day, Hplmlr 4th.
Ull,at Susqusltanna school hums, M"uJf
September 6th.
UrMbwood, at Bower, Tuesday, September Tti.
Ferguson and Lumbar City bomugh, at
bar Citv. WednesJav. Hentamtiae th.
Pnn, at Pennvill, Thursday, fleptembef !
Tuioa aod I'nlon Independent, at KociUe
Friday, tfepUmber 10th.
Ilrady and Dloom, at Lulhersburg, Mondsj.
6epretntr 1-lth.
Hndr, at HuTlol, Tuesday, September 14th.
IJaston, at Peafleld, Wedaaaday, Sept. Ibtk.
No oa will be admitted to the laai who htf
not lelt a written application for a school '
tb Heoretary of th district for which tfa ""'
nation is held. We aarnastly re uest tbe ti
BBoe of all th Directors at the eiamkaali
ardor tbat wa may consult togtther oa iabjK"
parUimng to tbe In ten Is ef th schools. Ts
Secntary of each Hoard will pleat be prepared I
aaaouooetiia applteeUana at th opvaing ef
aamiaaUoa. Some avidaaoa of good ei
ebaraoter will be required ef applicants
whom I am not annotated. Tbe speakers
will aldres tha people at th educational x'
iagi.will be aauouaoed ia the edttcatienalcelo"1
ot tbe papen. Kiaminatluni will opea at
A.M. M. L. McyllOVTN,
Oo. Bapariulendetd.
CUarftelJ, Pa., July 21, Hit) fit.