1 "t "U. She jKUpublirxtt. Gioroi D. Goodi.andib, Editor. CLEARFIELD, Pa. WKDNRSDAY MOItNlNO, AIHII'ST 18, ISBO. Reader, If you want to know whit I jolna; on la tbt business world, Just read our adve rtislng olnmatf too tipmal oaluten In particular. Democratic National Ticket! VOV. H5ESIDKNT : GciioAVinfitUS. Hancock or m'xsvtvANiA.' " l'Oit VICE PBKMDKNT : non. William II. English, OF INDIANA. THE ELECTORAL TICKET. TOR BLECToRS-AT-LARQB: Robert E. Monaghan, William II. I'ltjforJ. FOR DISTRICT ELKCTORR: llil. I Dir. 1 1.'. Qenrge A. Poll. 1 14. A. M. UentoB. 1 17. J. P. l.inloa. 18. Col. John 8. Miller. I in. J. 0. Pmlon. 120. O. M. llowor. 21. J. A. J. Buibnnan: 22. Christopher Magoe. I5S. Hobcrt M. (libion. 24. Thomai Bradford. 26. Harry W. Wilson. 2'1. riamuel llrldilh. :27, J. Hon Thompson. I I. I. I. 4. St . 7. 8. . 10. II. II. 1-1. 14. Joho Slevla. Eilwia A. I'ue. Jolia M. Campbell, Dill.. Dnllctl. John M. Muffi'C Kdward Waldon. Natbaa C. James, fleorgo Fillierl. Jaf. (I. M'fiparren. Dr. A. J. Martin. Ailata Marring. r. Frank Turner. P. J. Mirtninghnm. II. E. Davis. Democratic Slnle Ticket ! roa supreme judoe: Hon. (iEORGE A. JEXKS, OF JEKFRHH0N COUNTV. FOR AUDITOR OENEItAL: Col. ROBERT P. DUCUERT,' OF PHILADELPHIA. MAXIMS FOR THI DAY. No man worthy the office of Preiident ahould bo willing to hold it If counted in, or placed tbero by any fraud. II. 8. Oraht. I eould never have beon reconciled to the el. Tatioa by tha smallest aid of mine of a perion, however respectable in private life, who must forever carry upon bin brow the stamp of fraad llrit triumphant la Amerioan hiatory. No tub equeat aotloa, however uerltorioua, can waah away the letter! of that record. Cbmri.r Fbabci. Adah.. I would rather havw the endorsement of aquar ter of a million of tha American people than that of the Louisiana Returning Board, or of the Com mission which excluded the facts and decided the question on a tachnirality. Tens. A. Hkroricks. Under the forms of law, Kutherford B. Ilayes has been declared President of the United States. Ilia title rests apoo disfranchisement of lawful voters, the false eertlQcatet of the returning offi cers acting corruptly, and the decision of a com mission whiob has refused to hear evidence of al leged fraud. For the first time are the Amerioan people confronted with the feat of a fraudulently elected President. Let It not be understood that the fraud will be silently acquiesced In by tho country. IM ao hoar past in which the usnrpa tioa is forgotten. Audreii or Derocratio M. C.'b. - One hundred year, of human depravity aeca muiated and oonoentrated Into a climax of crime. Never again in Are hundred years shall they have an opportuniiy to repeat the wrong. Daribl W. voorreer. HANCOCKS SAYItHIS. IX1RACTI rRoH BIB ORIiBES TBAV BII0W WHAT RIKD or BAB BS IS. The trn. and proper use of the military power, bealdea defending tbo national honor against for eign aatiena, is to upheld the laws Bad civil gov ernment and to secure to every person residing among us the enjoyment of life, liberty and prop erty. The right of trill by Jury, the habeas corpus, the liberty of the press, the freedom of speech, the natural right, of persons aud tbo rights of property mast be preesrved. Power may destroy the forms, hut not tl.e prin ciples of justice. These will lire in spite even of the sword. The great principle, of Amsrleaa liberty .till are the lanful inheritance of this people and ever should be. Armed insurrections on forelble resistance to the law will be Instantly repressed by arms. Nothing can intluiiiate me from doing what I believe to be honest and right. Arbitrary power has bo eliitence here. From the New York Times, Feb. 19, 1S7J.J Messrs. Kelley and Uarlield present a most dlstreviing Sgure. Their participation In the Credit Mobilier affair la Kmplireled by the nest aaforvanate watradletleas ef tesitmeay. IFrem tb. New York Times, Feb. 10, IHTfl-l The cherooter of. the Credit Mobilier was bo secret.- The source of Its profits were very well bnowa t tile time OoBgressmen bought it. Though Oakes Aulas may bare euooeeded ia eoa eealing his owb motive, which was to brib. Con gressmen, their acoeptanc of tha stock was not on that aeeoaat innocent. The dishonor of the eat, as a pailielpalion in an obvious (rani, still remains. Some of them nave Indulged la testimony with reference ta tb matter which has been noBtra dicted. The oommitteo tfttfieeff rejects (Ae re.lt asoey of several o IAe mmfters. Tkit ean only 6e lion on lite ground leel it it untruo. tint ttnlme fetlisway . teen Mauler oa la ts morwly( 1 wee fe?al- avrinnr. It 1 the clear duty of Congress to visit with Jiuaishotent all who took Oredil Mobilier stack roa Oakes Ames. I Prom the New York Tribune, Feb. IS, I'll. James A, Uarfleld, of Ohio, had tea ebarsa; never paid a doilari received I !, which, after L the tnveetigojtMu began, be was an lions to hare oosftdeved as Joaa from Mr. Oakea Ames to hlmseir. Well, the wickedness of all of It Is that these men betrayed the trust of the people, devolred tbeir eoaatitaenta and by miioar and faleehooili confessed the transaction te be diigraeefal. From the New York Tribune, Feb. It, 1871.1 Kfr. Ames .stabliihee very elearly the point that he was not alone ia this offense. Ar U to oe erawolesl or frnoery, las atea wao erere ertfreel okoold go ttith kim. A Childish Inquiry. "Pa, what does the printer live on ?' 'Why, my child t" "Bccitiise I hoard you imy jou hadn't paid him fur six years, and you still take the paper." "THE BAYONET IS NOT A FIT lXSTKl'MENT FOR COLLECT ING TIIK VOTES OF FREEMEN." Hancock. QBQAX1ZE.-LiT.E THERE BE ATXEABX ONE HANCOCK AND ENGLISH CLUB ORGANIZED IN EVERY ELECTION DISTRICT IN THE COl'NTY. ;-r"VA r--? l"" (IF 1 ORGANIZE. IKT THERE HE AT LEAST ONE HANCOCK ANPj I.' V: f 1 C IT 'I T II f 11711 1 V17LM I V I KVK.riV KLKiVrinV DlSTmrT iv!1""1' '" 1873,when the Credit Mobilier THE COUNTY. IMPORTANT TO YOTKitS. Tlio iit xt oW-tion in I'oniiHj-lvuiua will be luld on Tuesday, November 2d, 1880. Voters muHt be announce) two month boforo tho election tbut in, on or be fore Soplumber -J. See that tbo Afwetwor'a reentry of voters ban been posted on tlio election houso, as required by law, where it can be conveniently inspected. Tho Asmossoni must be at tlie clue- lion bouse on Wednesduy and 'i'burs- day, Septomber 1st and 2d, from 10 o'clock A. M. to 3 o'clock P. M. ol oaoh day, lor tbo purposo ol correcting tho list of voters, by adding namon tberolo or striking tbem off. The Committee men of tbo renpeo livo eloction districts should attend at tlio time tho Assessor sits to correct tho lint. To secure their voles, voters must have paid a Stute or county tax one month before tho election and within tho two years immediately preceding tho date of one month before the olec- lion. The last day fir paying tax this year is October 2d. Mombors ol Democratic State, Conn ty and City Committees should see to it that every voter of our party has complied with the law. Failure to pay a tux in season do privos tho voter ol tho privilege of voting. Ad Klcctor can swear in his voto though he bo not assossod, but the neglect may cause mnch trouble THE JUMOH HANCOCK CLUB MEETS IN THE WIGWAM EVERY THURSDAY KVEXINtt. HOYS, TURN OUT. Tho text book lor Speakers, for the campaign of 1880, will be ready for distributing'in a few days. Speakers wishing to bo supplied with tho Text Book should write at onco to W. 11. Barnuh, Chairman Nat. J)cm. Com., 138 Fifth avonuo., Now York. Tho Text Book contains the lives of Hancock and English and their Lottors of Aceoptanco, the platform adopted in Cincinnati, tbo Records of Garfield and Arthur, including histo ries of the Credit Mobilier, District of Columbia and Indian Rings, the Elec toral Fraud, tho I'uc-ific Mail Steal, tbo Moth Swindlo, tho Civil Servico Shnm and tho other groat scandals which havo disgraced tho Republican administration. It also contains Com pilations of Statistics and Political Information of great valuoto spoakors and editors. THE RAYO.NET IS NOT A FIT INSTRUMENT FOR COLLECT ING- THE VOTES OF FREEMEN." Hancock. . All Hancock and English Campaign Clubs and other organisations, wbioh support the Democratic candidates are roquosted to send to W. II. Barnum, Chairman Nat. Horn. Committee, 138 FiRh Ave., New York, 1st. Tho namo and location ol their organization. ' 2d. A statement of the number of mombors enrolled. 3d. Tho names of olllcors. 4th. Accounts of mootings held. Oth. Reports, cvory two weeks dur ing tho campaign, of tbo number and incrcaso of membership, with tho con dition and prospects of tbo canvass. THE SENIOR HANCOCK CLUB MEETS IN THE WIGWAM EVERY SATURDAY EVENING. ATTEND. "Look Hebe I" Say, why did those two "Christian Statesmen," Collax and Garfield, fix upon Sunday, August 1st, for their jamboree at Cbatauqua luko? It's too funny for anything, that thoso two Boiled political doves should jointly engage in desecrating tho Sabbath. Rut, then, its like tho Credit Mobilier job. A Gkand Verdict. In scanning ovor a largo list of exchanges for tho purpose of observing what the oditors would say about our noble fellow-citi zen, ox-liovornor Higler, since bis death, thoy all, in subslanco, say that ho was an able Govornor, an industri ous Senator and an HONEST MAN. That covors all. Tverr rtemcirratlc voter In Clearfield rnnnty ahrnild bear In mind that W l--.l VM. II A V andTHIIIIHUAV.MKHI KM It K II 1st and 3d, are tlie laat days for rafrleterliif fur the next .lection. Roi.LiNfl Atoiiri Tho Hancock Club business seems to bo the staple busi ness of the country in a political sense. Tbo man that penned order No. 40, and addressed a long letter to General Sherman, is being looked up by tho intelligence- of the country. Ho is a tramp. Thoso of onr roadors who want to obtain somo information on tho Gar field pavoment business, can bo en lightened by turning to onr first page and reading what Hon. 1. II Doolittle, ox-United States Senator Irom Wis consin, says. Let every IV-morrat In Clearfield ronnty aaa AT ositK that h name leon the Rra letry. The Met ol voter. I. Dow posted up at every etertion Houee. Adjourned. Tho moctings called for Winterburn and l.aural Run, In Huston township, on tho lGth and 17th, have been adjourned until the 26th and 27th respectively. Postors will be for warded tho Local Committee. Tho texts Irom Gonoral Hancock's loiters, found on our fourth pago, mako an excellent pockot memorandum. Wallace at N orris town, on our first pago, Is the bugle note of the cam- Read "Tho Soilod Candidato" on our fonrth part. VP Hill WORK Thone liudirul organs that uttered tho frauds wuru being debated and investl gated in Congress, are in an awful situ aliiui now when I'lio of ihote "soiled doves" is running fur President. Hero aro n few spec imen bricks linin the Philadelphia Jluliilin, a rampant liar field organ now. In February, 1873, the editor said : Supposing that the acceptance of the bribes did aut cover the members with dishonor, the perjury that was ootnmllted surely did, and lor this alone the criminals should be expelled. It Is useless end foelisb to attempt to dodge this issue. The Nation regards It aa of tbo highest importanoe, end if the House overlooks an oSenie whinh the laws punish with Imprisonment In the penllen tiery, It will deserve the scorn and oonletupt or vtry uuneat wan. e e a . a e e No one oan 1 satisfied with the report of the Credit Mubiiier Committee. Very properly it convicts Oakes Ames ol brlbeiog varieus members ol uongress, but there could be no bribery unless some members were bribed, and the Committee pretends that such was not the eaae for it falls to oondemn the various parties who had negotiations with Ames for stock of tho Credit Mobilier of the U. F. H. R. Co. The public will receive with failh the statements of the Oomuilttee in regard to the various members, for those statf insnts show that Mr. Dawes, Mr. Bcofield, Mr. Ding- ham, Mr. William D. Kelley anil Mr. Uarlield were all ceaitged la associations with Anns. Toe attempt to eACUie them by declaring Ibat tliey bnd no knoale Igo that they were doing anything disreputable Is very lumo. No one belleres Ilial there moo, experienced in all tbo tricks of the loot,)-, wire ot natures so enna like sui simple as not to fiill.v iin b rstand what they wore nboiit. 1 bi is eei ,ctAllr the oa"e with thole thai receiv ed loans ul eioovy from Ann, or errlifieetcs of stock, or dividend, or ili.tros for which they bad nevsr paid a dollar in o.sb. "Supposing tluit the acceptance of the lirik-t did not cover the members of Con gress with dishonor, TUB PERJURY THAT WAS COMMITTED SURELY DID, AND FOR THIS ALONE TH E CRIMINALS SHOULD lilC EX PELLED." That's good orthrography and sound morals, but tho editor in question, since he has been saddlo bagged with one of tho CRIMINALS indicted, for President, he, tho other day, chimed in on this saino subject in this war : "The sons of Oski-s Ames have issued a long statement, in which Ibey attempt, with what seems tobealargo measure of success, to vlodi ode tbeir father from tbe charge that his conduct of Hie Credit Mobilier busiues was unworthy uf an honorable man It Is not likely that the pub lic will care grestlr about tbe niatl.r Just at this time, excepting In so far aa thoy may be new proof preientvd lliet Ames did not corrupt llrn etal Uarlield. Dut nobody outside of the Demo eratic parly even now brlierea that tisrlleld wos oorrupted, and nobody inside of tbe Democratic parly would venture to admit that Uarlield is In nocent, although aa Angol from llciren, instead of Ames' children, should pruo'eitn the fact." How stupid for oven a boy to crucify himself in that kind of a way, much less the high moral educator of the Rulletin. 'THE BAYONET IS NOT A FIT INSTRUMENT FOR COLLECT ING THE VOTES OF FREEMEN." Hancock. Tlliil- SHALT NOT I1KAR FALSE WITNESS AUA1NST T11V NEIlllIBuK."-AWus AA lf,. There aro somo persons so grossly given to lying about and slandering their neighbors, that it operates on them like a malady. To illustrate, we givo the following : DcRois, Fa., August 11. A spirited Garfield meeting was held here last night, and was a grand success. The Republicans are doing .vorythiiig they can in this new and thriving city, and hope to redeem this end of old Clearfield frons the rule ofrebel sympathitera. During tbe parade, befor. the meeting last evening, a prominent Democrat, on being asked to join the procession, replied : ".ilot by a d d sight. That is tbe Lnton nag, and I never trained under it nor won't to-night." This la nothing strange to people who have lived in tbia banner Democratic oounty of coffee-pot fame. We bare heard the rebel yell here before, but w. put them down once and can do It again. Thoabovo appeared in tbo Pittsburgh Gazette of tho 12th, and was headed by the editor, "Clearfield Copperhead- ism." Tbo man that sent that tele gram is eithor a tool or a knave, if not the projvrietor of tho combination. More : Ho is a liar and ho cannot call a singlo witness to vouch for bis dam nable accusation against bis neighbors. Again : If that tolegram was sont by a Sunday School teacher, Bible readers can mako tip their minds thut ho has no rospoct for tho TenComiuandmonts. Wo hope tho "prominent Democrat" will cooio to tho front and assist us in oxposing this arch-enemy now pi oy ing upon this community. l-'.verv Isemoeratlc voter In Clearfield riiunty should hear In mind diet W HD low. IIAl aUd I IIDKSIM 1 ,Pt-.B I B-jSeilB-.K Bat and 3d, are tlie last day. for registering fur the nest election. For neytoLari mkr. N oarly every body hereabout personally knows Gib" Larimer, as well as Col. Fomoy. Gib," learning that his mutual friend, Col. Forney, bud oVelared for Hancock, refused to believe that tbo Colonol had for aken tho sinking Radical ship, and he at ouco addressed him a letter on tho subject. Tho following is the aiiBwer : Friladbi.pbia, August 7, isss. Mr Dbab Larimrr: 1 have your kind letter of the Sd or August, dated at llsllefonte, and I answer It by sending it to your old home at l'leaaant Dap, Centre oounty, fa. 1 return to the Democratic iterty simply because I am animated br an Irresistible sense of grati tude to a man who,I belicve,sared my native State from CuofederaU invasion, and to an unequal Irresistible desire to promote peace and reconcili ation between tbe North and South. And if our eople do not carry out tbe idea, I shall then be ieve that the Republican party wee insinoere when it oftered pardon to the elouth. 1 send you several papers, and am always glad to bear from yon, and desire you to remember I n, sincerely your Irlend, 1. W. Fobrkt, J. O. LahiMRR, Kiu., 1'leasant Uap, Centre county, Fa. A Cute Remark. "Tho Govern ment" onco said : MYoQ have made the Custom House a centre of partisan political management. With a deep sense of my obligetinns under the Costltution, I regard It my plain duty ta suspend you ia order that the office may be Aoaesly aitmioiittrtit." It. nr. myes re AriAMr. This corrupt man, w ho was removed bocauso of his crimes, is now the Rad ical nomineo for Vico President. Did Hay os lio about him, or is ho still a scoundrel ? That isaquostionforovory voter to solve between this and Novom- bor. Wo beliove Hayes told the truth. A FotL Blow. Tho DuBois Courier last week, under tbe hoad ol "mud- slinging," doalt the Journal a severe blow below tho bolt. Even, as an or gan, tho attack on dipt. Kopp, and other old rospeclcd citizens in the vicinity of Troutvillo, was too much for "Jim," or anybody elso. Let every nemoerat In Clearfield ronnty aee AT IIMH that Ills name la ou 111. Reg istry. The lint of voter, i. now poated up at every election llouee. Too Thin. That "UN-biasod" Paper tho "organ of the Rcynoldsvillo coal region," ties right up to tho Radical nomlnocs, Whito, Long, oto. Tho capital loiters, "un" should be knocked off the bead, and tho false pretence avoided in tha future. "No Go." Garfield went to Now York to sell tho patronage of the Ad ministration to Conkling for his sup port In this campaign. Conkling is loo mart to give his services for nothing. lie knowi the jig ia up. The Nonsense- Ended. Unfortu nately for socioly and tha health and life of other fools, Tannor got through bit starvation exporimont alive. We had indulged in tho hope he would die and end tbe nonsense. OROAMZi.LKr T1IEI1E BE AT LEAST ONE HANCOCK AND ENGLISH CLUB ORGANIZED IN EVERY ELECTION DISTRICT IN THE COUNTY. TIIK DEMOCRA TIC PRIMA R Y ELECTION. To tlie Democratic Yotcrt of Clearfield County: In obedience lo the rules governing tho Democratic uartv ol Clouiliulil county ttt the Primary Eloction, the County Committee hereby gives notice that tho election for delegates, and for tho instruction of such delegates, as to candidates lor tlio several ollices to be filled at tlio approaching November ..!....! ...LI, 1 .1 1.1 ... .'l.- l.i.w.4i..n I'lt'nion, win ue nuiii ui uiu i,ii-i:uuu Iloiino ill tbo suvuiul boloughs and township in said county, on HA 1 I'll DAY,. THE EIGHTEENTH DAY OF SEPTUM HER, A. D. 1880, begin ning at 1 o'clock P. M., and continue open until 7 o'clock P. M. of said day. Tho election will bo lielil ly tho vigi lance Committee, who are tlio Election Hourd, under our rules, and aro con stilutcd us follows : vtGii.AHi-B cohmittbr run IS8d. Tlurnside Ilorough Charles D. Patrick, ltobt. Conner, J. II. Nell. Clrarliald 9. V. Wilson, 8. I. Hnydor, John llullaban. Curweneville F. I. Thompson, Al. llilger, Htephen tlralF, lloutsdale l'aliii-k Dunn, James Ward, John U Mi-Uralh. Lumber City Daniel W. llile,.Iolm McDivilt, Israel Oupy. Newl.urg Isi;e Narkle, John D. Miller, Good win Worrell. New Wa.blugton III. A D. Dennett, N. A. Arnold, Wm. Mnhatfcy. Osoeola It. A. Campbell, Ueorge B. Junes, J. It. I'asely. Wallaceton George W. Kuilgb, Frank Ooss, John We.tbrook. Ileocaria Township David Dear, Ueorge W. Dolts, Jr., John llindman. Hell John M. Hoss,Jeph L. Campbell, J.C. Nefi". Bloom William Lines, John F. ftull, Frank Mdlride. Hogg. Isaao Bcish, John W. Kyler, Thomas Beers. Bradford-David Ililchllgs, b'lljah McDowell, Jobn Livingston. Ilrudy Charles 8chwrin, Lewis Schoch, J. llsiniltou. tlurnside John Wearer, James Pylvls, James Chapman. Chest Joseph H. Until, lilulr Summervllle, Matthew MoCully. Covington V. L. Coudriel, Lewis Ficard, Peter dernier. Decatur J. F. tjteiner, Frank Parsons, David Hughe. Fi-rgu.on Jobn N. II lie, Ueorge 8lraw, War rrc Bail llirard-Ueoro W. Stover, It. 8. Stewart, John 0. Leiffey. Ilo.ben Jobn A. L. Fiscal, W. M. Wilson, Thompson Heed. tlrabam C. W. Kyler, D. D. Bohoonover, Henry liubler. tlrernwood John A. Rowlee, A. II. Newcomer, James Cloary. tiuliob D. C. Flynn, James B. Davis, Isaac Wolfe. Huston II. L. Homiog, W. D. Woodward, Jr., Jobn A. Mcllillis. Jordan Dr. A. K. Cresswell, Michael Smith, John M'-Craoken. Karthaus Ooorge Heekcndoro, B. I. Oilliland, James U. Hunter. Knox Conrad Baker, J. 11. Dunlap, Lewis Erhard. Lawrence Clark Brown, Leandi-r Denning, 0. W. Ogden. Morrls-D. II. Warning, A. W. Raymond, Alex. Hoover. I'enn Martin M. Flynn, Warren Sharp, John I'cnta. Pike .Samuel AUdleman, John llagerty, Sam. nel McKendrick. Pamir John M. Trolell, D. Ohagon, Joseph A. Bowcrsox. Union R. U. Laborde, Simon Welly, Oscar M. Sevier. Woodward W. M. Luther, Nicholas Welch, Thomas Mathers. Every Democratic elector has tbo right to vole for One person for Courcr, One person for Assembly, One person for Prothonotary, One perion for Register A Hecorjer, One pcrsoo for County Surveyor, and for tho proper number of delegates assigned under rule 2d, to each elec tion district, not loss than two in every caso. Tho delegates will meet in the Court room, in Clearfield, on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER TWENTY-FIRST, at ptecisely 1 o'clock P. M., and there and tbau proooed lo nominate candidates for the govern! ollices above named, throo Congressional delegatus, and to select three Senatorial Conferees to moot like Conferees from tbo counties of Centre and Clinton, for the purpose of selecting a Senatorial delegate to tbo Stato Convention, and ono person as Representative delegate to the same Convention, and also to elect a Chair man and appoint a standing Com mittee for 11, as well as any other matters pertaining to our party in terests. It is tbo desiro of the County Com mitlce that tho mouthers of tbo Vigi lance Committee, or Election Boards, ho al tho Election Ilouso at the time appointed, and bo prompt in tbo dis charge of the iltilics enjoined upon thorn. J. P. BlRCIIFIKI.D, Wm. E. Wallace, Chairman. Soc rotary. Clearfield, August 18lh, 1880. "THE BAYONET IS NOT A FIT INSTRUMENT FOR COLLECT ING THE VOTES OF FREEMEN." Hancock. No ao. Oakes Ames' three sons aro oul in a letter addressed to tlio Press and tho people, defending their father's conduct in the Credit Mobilier scandal. This is a joke on Congress and tho Po land Committee and thoso newspnpers that condemned Antes, Garfield Si Co., at tho tiino tbo crime was committed. Tho Philadelphia Rulletin, a high-toned Radical organ, in February, 187.1, among oilier things, remark c J : e Oakes Ames seems to have eonflned bis operations to the highly moral men In Con gress who have boasted loudly of their purity and condemned oorrtiplion In the most vociferous manner, e e e nt successes were with such immaoulates as Colfax, Kelley, Bcodeld, llawes, Bingham and Uarfleld. ee..aa.e It Is with shame end mortification, therefore, that the Nation ia compelled to admit that its greet representative body to-day prefers to re tain its members who are convicted of crime, even though II Is compelled to And for its action excuses which would excite laughter, if they did not provoke otter conk-nipt, e.ee'ee.ae The eiorm oarae and the lightning flaibed, which struck Oake. Ames and James 8. Brooks and very badly woundod Ksllay, Scuoeld, Uar fleld, Dawes, Bingham aud ethers. Tbe storm having cleared away the spectacle of the victims Is before the public and their blasted forms and reputations are displayed as a warning ta simple minded men who bare been looking up to tbem as models and endeavoring to follow ia tbeir footsteps. Oakes Ames' heirs should have pro duced their lalhcr'i vindication at somo other period, and not at a tiino when ono of his chief of staff of bribe-takers is running for President, and all hon est pcoplo re investigating the scandal of eight years ago. Attention, All I Tho National Democratic Committoo, with head quarters at 1.18 Fifth avonuo, Now York, wuiit all Hancock and English campaign and othor Democratic organ izations lo send to thut address : 1st. The namo and postofllce address of thoir organisation. 2d. A stntemont of the number of members onrollod. 3d. Tho name of oflicers. 4th. Ao counts of mootings hold. Kvery Democratic vnter In Clearfield count) should hear In mind that W lllivKw. )A V and Tilt KKIlAi .H:HTI0MIII.H let and lid, are III. laat day. for rrg;lslrrliia; fnr the next election. Of Course. A contemporary in quires: "Will Hayes and John Sher man Yotofor Arthur for Vico Presidont, after both saying officially, in writing, that ho ia dishrnest? Yos, they will both vote for him, for of such is the Republican party." viviiuiai ,i ul, vr, aiuviui, luu survivor of a Democralio Presidential ticket, died at Carrollton, Ky., recent ly, at the advanced ago of 87 years, WILLIAM RHU.ER. A DEMOCRAT or Til R 01,0 SCHOOL AMI HIS SI't'llllY PUBLIC SBUVII KS. William iliglur died at his hoinu, m Cleurlield, August !lth, alter an Illness of sumo months. Tho youtiirer ircuer atimi of men, those who huvu grown lo manhood since tho war, uru less f'uiniliar with the namo of William Rig ler than thoso older. He has, howev er, occupied a uiinnpioli'ius position In kliu flout runk of illustrious Pennsyl- vuniiins tor tnitty years, having snrveJ as iiovernor unit I nileil Slulis neua tor. William Biglor was born at Slier nittnsburg, Cumberland oounty, Pu., in December, 1K1J. II is iiarents. Jacob Bigler mid Susan Duck, sister of Judge Duck, of Hal rislmrg, were ol uorman tleseeiit, unit wore educa ted, like most children rtl their origin, in both the Gorman and English tongues. While very young his par ents removed to Mei-cer oounty, hav ing purchased a lariru tract of wild land, in tlie hope of building up their lorlunes; but the title proving detect ive, thoy found themselves in a short lime bontfl of every thing but a small farm, luo children had a sovere struggle with lilc, und William drifted into u priming ollieo. From 1830 to 18X) lie was enniloyeil hv Ins brother John, in the olllce ol' the Centre Demo crat, published ut ilelletiuitii. At tlie end of that period, influenced by tlio iibvico of his friends, among whom was Andrew G. Citrlin, sineo tiovcrn. or of the Commonwealth, he decided, though not without many misgivings, to remove to Ulraifield and cominenco tho publication of a iioiilical tiuiier Yuung Bigler bad no money, but ha possessed about everything olno requi situ to tko publication of a paper. With tbeaiu of his friends ho secured some ulc typo ttnd a second-hand press; tleu, as ho used to say, ho slurlctl An eight- by-ten .lucksou pa per to counteract the infliienoo of a seven-by-nmo Whig paper which bad preceded him Into thai mounluinous region." This paper was called the t. learlield liemocrut. liiL'Icr tlul ueur ly all tho work, writing tlio editorials setting ti e type and working the old baud press. Wilb all tbeso drawbacks the publication was a very spirited one, but it was not a source of iininudiute wealth, lie was deep in pnlilcs, how ever, and soon acquired a reputation lor good iUdL'mcnt and siucerety. 11 is uuilbrin courtesy toward everybody made bint a gonerul fuvorile, und it is said of bim thut ho was a real buck- woodsman, u good hunter and the best muiksman with a idle in all the coun try accomplishments which in thoso days by no means detracted from bis intlueneo as a political loader. In 1SJ0, or shortly alter Mr. Uiglor, having married a daughter of Alexan der B. Reed, of Cleurlield, disposed of his paper and entered into purlnershit with Ins tuthor-in law in mercantile business. Reengaged in his new pur suit with his usuttl industry nnd oner gy, and in a brief period placed him self in tbo front rank of the merchants and dealers in lumber in that section From 1815 to 18.10 bo was by liir tbo largest producer of lumber or squaro limber on tbo west branch of tho Sus quehanna river. But his previous uct ivo participation iu politics and his well-know views on public questions kept him prominently belore tho lico plu. He wus an ardent udvocute of a convention to amend the State Con stitution und was presented f rom his county as a delegate to that body, but ho declined to bo a candidate. In 1811 ho was nominated for tho State Senato, and though much to his pecuniary disadvantage, ho accepted tho nomination. 1 ho district was composed of tho counties of Armstrong. Indiana, Cambria and tloarliuld, and ho was elected by a majority of ovor J.UUU. i hough opposed by a regular ly nominated candidato ol tho Whig party ho rccoived every voto in Clear field county Bave ono, a result unpre cedented in tbo history of politics. Iho termor service Upon which ho now entered covered a period of un usual difficulty in the management of tho amtirsot the stato. Ilo was elect ed Spenkor of tho Senato in tho Spring ol 181.1, was ro elected at tho opening of tho session of 1844, and in October lollowing was returned tor a second term. Mr. Bigler did not desiro again to ho a candiduto, and ao disinclinod was he to continuing in puplio life, that ho had instructed tho delegates from Charfield lo the nominating con vention to withdraw his namo, wbicb thev did ; but tbe delegates from the other counties composing tho district conferred tbo nomination on bim not withstanding, and he was elected by a voto much larger than tho regular parly voto. In 1818 bis namo was presented for Govornor, and ho ro ceived a larger vote in the Democratic dominating Convention ol that year; but tho chutco tell upon Morris Long strolh, then a Canal Commissioner, who was defeated by William I' . John son. In lh III Mr. liiglcr was appoint ed ono of tho Jlovonuo Commissioners, whoso duty it was to adiust the amount to be raised by taxation the different sections and counties of the State. At tho succeeding election for Gov ernor in 1851 Mr. Bigler received the Democratic nomination by acclamation and was elected after a wurm contest, in which Governor Johnson was his opponent. Not only wore questions ol , State concorn involved, but discus sion turned upon tho fugitive slavo law and tho question ol slavery In tho Torritorios. Mr. Bigler was at this time but 38 years of age, and it is something of a coincidence that at tho timo of his election as Governor of Pennsylvania his brother John was chosen Governor of California. Gov. Iliglur's administration was character ised by the virtues of the old-time Govornors, especially maintaining rigid oconomy and strict accountability in tho use ot imiilio moneys. Ilo took a firm stand against the praclico of put ting good and bad legislation together in a singlo bill lor the purposo of pet ting tho bad measures through, ami it was owing to his exertions that a bill was passed forbidding tho passago of any act which did not fully stato in its title tho suiiioct-mutter and which contained more than ono subject, thus breaking down forever this most per nicious system. In Murcli, in.1I, he was ugain unani mously nominated for Governor and entered upon another laborious cam paign ; but bis health failed and he lay sick in tho northern part ot tho Slate during mostof tho canvass. Ho was dofeutud by tho Nalivo American paity by a large majority. Tho new party was very strong that year. In January, 1855, but a tow days alter tno expiration of bis luibcrnatnrial term, he was elected President of the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Co., in which capacity ho evinced his usual onergy and industry and contributed largely to bringing its alluirs to a healthy condition. He was also, in 1855, elected to the Senate of the Uni ted Stales, where be served for six years, vt ben, alter tho election of Mr. Lincoln, it became apparent that secession would bo attempted, Mr. Higler was untiring in bis cllorts to secure an amicable adjustment of the National troubles. Ifd acted with Mr. Crittenden in bis efforts to socuro a compromise, and held thut the peo ple of the Southern Slatos oould have no reasonable plea lor rosortinu (o violonce until thoy had first exhausted all peaceful moans for tho adjustment of thoir grievances. In the oourse of an elaborate speech upon the aubjoct in tbe Senato, in February. 1HC1, he said : "As for secession, I am ntterly against it. 1 donr tha riuht, and I abhor tho consequence; but I shall ;,wii,.., ...... ...., i .... ,i... I ...v..,KV u a,,u " uv I It is no remedy for any one of the evils lamented, ami In my judgment it will aggravate rulher than remove them and, in addition, superinduce others of a more distressing und de structive ehuiuclur." lie wus a member of the Comitillleo of thirteen, to which wus relorrcd the I'umoiiB compromise propositions ol Mr. Crittenden, and presented and udvo caled a bill providing for subniilling tho Ciilleiidun resolutions to a vole ul tho people of tbo several Stales, which wus rejected, but which hns since been regarded by sagacious mun us a remudy which would have utteily crushed secession. He wus a member ol llie Cbui'lestun Couvciillit. :A !8tl(), where he took decided ground aguinsl the nomination of J udgo Douglas. Ho was temporary Chairman of tlio Democratic Convention ot 1804, und voted lor the nomination of Gunerul George B, Mo. Clellan. Ho was also nominated in the same year for Congress, and though detoaled roceivud tnoro than his puny vote. He was again a delegate to the Democratlo Convention of 18(18, which met in Now York. Ho hud tho nomi nation for deleguto lo tho Convention for tho revision of tho Sluto Constitu tion, but withdrew from the tickot to give place lo ex-Governor Andiow G. Ciirtin us representative of the Liberal Republicans. Afterwards tho dele gates ut-lnrgu in the Coiislilutiuiitil Convention reported that they bud selected him to fill the vacancy caused by tlio resignation of S. U. Reynolds. In 1874 bo was olected a member of the Ceuteiiniul Board of Filianuus, and tho energy and ability which bo dis played in that service are still fumilliur to tho mostof our people. In Septem ber, 1875, bo was presented in the Democratic Stato Convention ut Erie for tho Gubernatorial nominulion, and Irom tho third to tho tenth bulloi led all tho other candidates. His namo was withdrawn alter tbo tenth ballot, and Cyrus L. Pershing, of Schuylkill, was iioimnuleu. In 187U he manifested a warm in terest in tho Democralio canvass for tbo Presidency, and when the election was seen to turn upon Iho disputed votes ol certain Southern States, be wus requestor) by Mr. lilden to go to Lou isiana with other prominent andsuL'u Clous Domocrals to see thut tho votes cast in that Sluto wore fairly canvassed and that tho rosult was leu-uHy declar cd. His associates from Pennsylvania in this duty wero Mr. Kundull and ex Govornor Curtin. Mr. Higler went to ."sew Urleuns at a great sacrihee of personal comfort ami business interests, but in obedienco to a profound sense of tbe gravity of tho crisis. In his own words, lie lult tout he was "a peace com missionor" and being such, could not bo influenced by mere partisan consid erutioiiB. II soon becamo satisfied that Louisiana had declured for Tilden by a very largo maiority.and could not for a moment believe that tho despuruto scnomos imputed to them would be carried out by tho Returning Uoard. When ho saw that he was mislukon in this chaiitublo judgement, ha was as- totmded and feli back upon the hope thut there would bo such a manifesta tion of popular indignation against the Returning Board as would compell it to retrace its steps and prevent the consummation of what ho believed to bo a great outrage. There could bo no better illustration of his strict senso of justico and his sublime confidence in tho policy ol law and the integrity of tho American people. In all ot the proceedings at Now Orleans ho was a prominont figure, commanding tho re spect of both parties, and consulted ns an oracle by those ot bis own political faith. For several years past ox Governor lligler has given almost his entire at tention to tbe development of the ro sourcos of tbe county in which ho lived, and was hiirhly esloomed by all who know him. Ho was a man ot tho sturdiest character, honest and faith ful in doing all that ho undertook, and whatever of good can bo said ot any man who goes from this life to the one boyond may bo said of William Biglor, and truthfully. Ex-Governor Bigler for a number of years had boon ullectod with valvular disease ot tho heart, and for tbe last twelve mouths groatly enfeebled. For the last threo months ho has boon con fined to bis room. Although every effort has been made by tho best med ical skill he continued to grow worse and for some lime it has beon evident to his friends that his recovory was impossible. He bore bis sufferings with great resignation, and being fully conscious of his condition be calmly awaited death. On Sunday ho was very much oppressed with difficulty of breathing but passed a comlortuble night, and at seven o'clock Monday morning guvo signs of groat prostra tion, his pulse being almost gone. Ral lying again it was thought ho might livo somo hours, but at filtecn minutes of nino bis bead fell back, and, with a fow gasping breaths and without a strugglo, he passed away as in a gentle sleep. Although unablo to oonverso much ha rotaincd full consciousness until nearly tho last moment. His death bed was snrrounded by his family and many of his personal Irionds. His botly was deposited in tho comotry at Clearfield on Wodnosday at ono o'clock P. M. "THE BAYONET IS NOT A FIT INSTRUMENT FOR COLLECT ISO THE VOTES OF FREEMEN." Hancock. Bi'rnino Words. On Ssturday evening last, Judge Slnllo presided at a grout Democratic mooting in Clifton, near Cincinnati, at which J udgo Hoadly, the temporary Presi dent of tbo Cincinnati Convention, In tho course of an address on tho issues ol tho campaign, drow a most striking comparison between tho fitness lor power of Iho Republican and tho Dcmocrulic candidates fur Iho Presi dency, as exhibited in tho lelaliuns ol oach of them to tho recent history of Louisiana. Gonoral llanoock aa Militnry Oovornor of Louisiana re stored civil liberty and self government to tbo pcoplo of that Slnlo. Gonoral Garfiold as a "visiting Suites man" in Louisiana oonsonted to a shameless fraud upon the pcoplo of thut State and of tho wholo Union. Tho "soldier," in Iho wordsof Judgo Black, "reassur ed tho Iriondi of froo govornmont and inspired tbem with now hopos." Tho lStato8man"nssistcd still in tho words of Judgo Black "to stranglo tlio liber ties of a State" and to "SWINDLE A WHOLK NATION AT A PRESI DENTIAL ELECTION." Kvcrv lrmocratle voter In rlearftcld county ahould hear In mind that W kills hat and i ill KHDAi .hi i'TKMIIKK let and 3d, are the laat day. for reglaterlnn; or nisi near- election Ratiixr Much. Tho editor ol tho Chicago Times becomes sportivo in this manner: "Mrs. Hancock must submit tha Genorul's lovo lottors for publication. Thoy aro suspected of containing treasonable utterances, or at any rato of having boon written by Jero Black." rosiEal Tho Carbon Democrat says : Hancock, tho living hero of Gettys burg, tbo Republicans profess, is not to bo trusted In office Tbcy do not hesi tate to trust Longstroct, who fought against Hancock, on that memorable field. Ob, what oontomptibla hypoo risy I" THAT CEI.EIIRA TED ORDER NUMBER FORTY. Below we priul the celebrated Or der No. 4(1, issued by General Hancix-k, in which he rccoguigad Iho supremacy of the tHvil luw and laid the foil lulu tiiui fin that grcitl popularity with ibe masses of the pcoplo which has rosult. ed in bis nomination for the Presi dency : llRAIignABTBIIB Firm MlLITABV DlSTBICT, Naw Ohirakb. La. November 111, 1SS7. I. In aocurdnaoo witb general erdera No, HI, Headquarters ol tbe Ariuj, Adjutant llenersl's Oince, Wiubluglon, 1) V , August !7tb, !!, Major llenural W. H. llanoock hereby assumes eouimsnd of Iho Filth Military District and ol mo Ue,arllneiit composed or the States or l.ou il-inne and Telaa. 11. Ibe tieneral Oomin-iuding Is gratified to learn thai peace and auiet reign In Ibis Depart ment It will be bis purpose to preserve this condition of things. As a means to this great euq ne regarns me mainirneiiee of the civil au tborities in tbe execution of the Inws as the m-isl .Indent under existle. circumstance.. In war It Is Indispensable to repel furee by foiee, and overthrew and destroy opposition lo lawful authority. Uut when Insurrectionary force has been uvertbrowa and neaee esuldisbed. and the ofvll authorities ara ready and willing to punorm taeir unties, me military power should oeaee ut icau, and tne eivll admini.tration re sume its aaiural and rightful dominion, do emnly impressed witb these views, llie Ueeerel announces that tbe great nrlnolDles of Americaa liberty are still the lawtul inheritance of this people, and ever ahould be. Tbe right of trial l'y Jury, the habeas corpus, the liberty ot the pros, tue ireeuom 01 rpeecn, the natural rights of persons, end tbe rights ef property must be pieverveu, free institutions, while they are .sseiitial l tbe prospeiity and happiness of tbe people, al ways furnish the strongest Inducements to pence end order. Crimes and oflencee eummitled In this district must be referred to the considera tion and Judgment of tho regular civil tribunal. and those tribunals will be supported in their laniui jiirisniellon. Miould there be violations of exlstlne taw which ar. not Inquired into by Ibe civil magis trates, or should lallnrea ia the administration of justice by tbe courts be complained of, tbe cases will be reported to these headquarters, when such orders will be made as may be deemed necessary. While tbe General thus indicates bis purpose to respect the liberties of the people, he wishes an to understand tnat armed Insurrection or lor otble resistance to the lew will be instantly sup pressed by arms, lly command of Majob Ububral W. 8. Mabl-oi-e. The Bcnlimcnls expressed in this order is conclusive evidence ot the in born statesmanship of our noble stand ard bearer. At tho timo it wuaj issued, no one ever dreamed thut ho would bu nominated by any parly for President. Hence his utterances were of genuine American character, although other wise schooled. , Yeh, Despotism "We are gravita ting toward a strong Government. 1 am glad that wo are," said Gen eral Gurfield in Congress fil,cen years ago. General Garfield will learn in November, as General Grant learn ed at Chicago in Juno, thut tha pcoplo are satisfied with the Democratic Re public that the fathers erected. ANNOUNCEMENTS. HRI Met ItT RLKCTIOH, HATI'RPA Y, BUTT. 18, 1380. I'-ii -Tbt fM mutt If paid ia idvsne for tnnouDcing thtDavtnti of cindidttM ttntl th print, ing of 12,000 tick el l will b u follow: CtsDftreif ,ri Aiewmblr I .'rothonotairj Re uliter ind RMordur 8 County HorTdjjor- i FOR AsSSKMHLY: Wit r ttitWiied to annonoce tha niinti of JAMfc-S ILYiNN, of tJulicb towoibip. u eu filiate for Acinl'lr, fubjeet to Ibe rulei jpfem- id(T ia iiemorrane pnr. Puatufflot iddrH, Smith Millg. We art inthorlttd lo anBoanne tbe name of W, ri'TTKH KKKD, of Lavrenoe townihip, ai a oan didatt for Anembly, lubjeet to tbt ruleiforern tnft the iJetnoeratio prty. P oil office addrfM, Curwenif llie. We ar aothnrlietj to announce tbe name of AtJKAM III Ml'UKEV, of Lawrence townihip, a a eandidate for AnetoMy, ubjoot to tha rulet goTornrrig tot lieu oert tie party. Puitotbot addreef, Clearfield. FOR PROTHONOTARY : Wo art authoriird to aoDounoe the beroc of OKOKtiK II. If A LI., ofLawrenoe townfhip, ua eaooiiiate tor fro too notary, aubjeot to tbe mlee govern ine; the D em oe ratio party. Hoitoft.ee addrefea, Clearfield. We ara author! ied to announce the name of UKUKUKC. KIRK, of Brady townihtp, aa a candidate for l'rotbu notary, t.bjeut to tbe rule foveminK the Deinorratia party. Poitutnot addrtfa, I.athcriburg . We are authorlted to annooofta tbe name of N. r. WILSON, of Bradford tuwnabtp. aa a tan didate for Prothonotary, aubjeot to the rule fur em ing the Democratic parly. Poitoffiet addrtta, Woodland. We ara aotboriied to announce the Dame of JAMKS KKHK, ofClearBeld borough, aa a ean didatt for Prothonotary, aubjeot to tbe rulea gov erning the Detune rede party. PoKtoffioe addreae, Clearfield. We are aut herded to announce the name of A. W. W ALTKKtf, of Clearfield borough, aa ft eandidate for Prothonotary, aubjeot to tbt rulaa governing tha Democratic parly. Poatofnct addrtfa, Clearfield. Wt are author! ied to anneunet tbt name of ISAAO MA IB, of Knot: towoibip, aa a candidate for Prothonotary, aubjeot to tha rulea governing the Democratic party. Poatoffiet addreaa, New Millport. Wt are authorised to announce the name of WILLIAM K. DICKINSON, of Uellch town ihip, aa a candidato for Prothonotary, aulject to tbe rulea governing tbt Democratic party. Poitoffice addreaa, Harney. RKOIflTKR A RRCORDRRt We are antborlaed to annoanoe the nana tf ADAM It RUTH, of New Waabiogtoa, aa a Candi da to for lira; inter A Recorder, aubjeot to tbt rulea governing the Democratio party. PoetofliiM addreaa, New WaahiBitton. We are authoriaed te annoe.net tbt name of (IKoKtiU H. FEKUt'SON, of Lumber City, aaa eandidate for Regiater A Recorder, auhject to tbe rulea governing the Democratic party. Poatuftioe add ran, Lumber City. Wt an aa I horded to announot the name of WM. V. WllHJHT, of Clearfield bomttb. aa a oandldate for Regiattr A Recorder, aubjeot lo the rulea governing me uemoeretie party. Poetuffice adiirtH, Clearfield . We art aotharited to an n on not the name of A. Fl'KK.iTKK BLOOM, of Pike townahin, at a eandidate for Hctj liter A Recorder, aubjeot to the rnlea governing the Democratic party. j'oeiuuioa aa ureas, new aauipori. We are auiboriied to announce tht name of WINPIKLD B. LI Til BR, of Hrady townabip, aa a candidate fur Resiflir A Recorder, aubjeot to the rulea governing the Democratic party. roatomot addreaa, iutaarburg, Wt are authorited lo anftnnnet tht name of A. C. FOLMAR, of Morria towoabip, aaa ean didatt for Rrgltter A Reorder, aubjeot to tht rulea gov erning tbe Democratic party. Poatoffloe addreaa, K j lor town. WiSffUancous. HARTS WICK & IRWIN, SECOND STKKKT, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALKKS IN PUUE DRUGS! C K E M 1 C A 1 S I PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFF VARNIBIIKR, DRI'SIIKS, PEKFUMk'HY, fancy Boons, TOILET ARTICLES, or ALL KINDS, PURS WINES AND LIQUORS for asaaieiaal Baraoeec. Trasses, gepporters, geaaol Book, an. Static. orj, and all other artlele, aseallv foaad la a Drag Htora. PHTSICIANg' PRRP-CRTPTIONS CARE FULLY COMFOrnDED. liaTlat a lava. el. perleae. la la. kailaes, taev eaa give eallre saa- uiaeueB. i. fl. sURTRVMCK, JOHN F. IRWIN. ClairlasJ, Dseeaber II, UN, ?lfii' flwtisfinruti (CAUTION. All persons are berativ warned J nat to p.rcbaae ur have anribmf to do with tlie fullowing pereunal proiirtv, sus In Ibe tos. session ot A. rliileuian, of Coviogion towosliip, vis : Ono dun eud one biowa mare. Tlie fortyo tna property aaa purehese by ue al private sale, and is alloaed to rruiala in theposeesslua ol said A. alijrletaaAi un loan only, subject to u,r t,rd.'r al any lime. V. Cni: J HIKT. Fr.nrbvllle, Fa , nust i, lH0-:lt. DI-sll.rTI(IVIKPAllTM,lllllll- Kollee is hereby Biven thai Ihe p.rtnei.bin Ulrly exlstlUK between J 9. Kreioer and VY. W. Worrell, or Cl.arfleld. I'e., under tne Una name of Kramer a Worrell, in Ibe saloon busi ness, In Clearfield, was dissolved on Iho lilh day of July, IttbU. aad Ibat I will aot bold myself re sponsible, or pay any fuiihor debts ounlraeted under said tlrui name after Oils dale. JOHN . KKAMElt. I'learDelJ, July II, IsllMt. D U. B WIXSI.OW, l'JI YS1C1AX .0 SURG EOS, Clearfield, I'cun'a. Tbe Dr. baring recently rocatd In Clearfield. i.lTeri hie eervire to the people of tbia vicinity. Ufflot on Heed ttrtet. Reeidenoe Lwd aril llunae July Slat flm EKTKAY KOTICR.-.Krtrayed from tht premiaoa of tht aubtoriKrr, io llloum tuwn hi, on or about July Mb, IftMl, one large roan uilloh cow, about eevn yeri old, and thick Iiorm. one three yer old re J atenr with i-hirt thick horoa, two old ahfen, one witb borne and bell on and three lauiha I will pay liberally fur In for um I iu a wrhi-'b will read t tba recovery f my property. My ndlrtMii it Foret Port "Mr.. UKQ1.4.K wkavi:k, D!,oqm Town kbit, July 2Mb, lr0-.it TIXKTUTOII KOVICF.-NotIcelib-w. J ''J K'vr,n 'Here TfHaioenttry on the eutt or WILLIAM JUNKS, )t .J Clearfield Isimiugb, Clearfield txmntf, Penn'a, deroaatd, bnTlng been duly ((ratted to the undeiriijrne.,ali i-eratina In de Weil to eaid ratalt will aleaie make immediate payment, and ihoee baring cUimi or demmnda agaiaat the earn will present tin-in properly authenticated ur ttiVtnfnt without delay. KOlfKRT WKUiI.BV, acuUr. CIcorDrld, I'a., July U, I8h0-fit. AKiNEM' Nt)TU i:,-To Whom It May Cell rem i Tbe inderilgned, having beeu appointed Aiiigneei for tbe henetit of orodi tra by Jut. l. Urabam, of Clearfield borough, all peraona, therefore, huvit.); claim aalmt him will preient them to ua fr aotllemetit, isvad Ibwao iti dot ed 19 tbe aaid rabalu are required to eelll" and make pa two l t tin. KIlWAltD 4. It IU LK 11, ASIil KY W. I.KE, Cl.arfinlil, !., Dee. U, 1B7U tf J Aanigtieea. TO WHOM IT MAY ONt t R.-An application will be made tb tbe f'otirt of Quarter Stfxluna of Clearficlt c utility, on tlm 4th day of Aua;uat n-it, lor lite appointairnt of tlewern, ti . ii-w the Lumber City bridge. Clear tieltl creek briilijp, at Leonaril Htntiori, and tbe lower britlfe, Cloarbel-I, Ca.. in order te mace tbem (tee bridge. C. W. KVLKK, Jl-HS MlltlllH, Kl-A H JOIIN.STO.tf, Conrity Comiulafioiiera' Cltar&eld, July It, 1M0-4t. Vrin ntt?i notici;. In the matter of the eMate ) In the Orpbana' Court of .Mi lei Uaril, dec d uf Clear tie Id Co-.l'a. The underlined Auditor, appointed by the aaid Court to make diatribution of tbe balance re maining In the hand of JOLI X 8. Mt-KKIKNAN, Kxecutor, Ac, of eaid dceaaed, among the partiei legally entitled thereto, hereby xirea notice that be will eel tor the purpt of big appointment, at tbe r.fiioe uf McKnally k Mo Curdy, in Clearfield, on Friday, the Jd day of S-ptwrnKer, A. D. 18 SO, at 3 o'clock M. W. A. UAUKKTY, Auditor. Clearfield, I'a Auguat 4tb, 1 -SO-.t. ATTENTION FARMERS 1 T HAVK returned to my old buainena, atd will ! X r-'unl at tne fltimog Mill otni-e, on fine atreet, CLKARFlKLU, PA., where I will -ell all ktnda of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, AND THE CELEBRATED WOOD 1V1WEII 5 EEATEE, A large itock of which I have alwava on hand. Alio, HAY KAKli.Sendallothvrmechinee ued by the Farmer, aa well aa material! 1'jt repalra. V I will eiflhaoge tbe above article) for CASH, 000D BEEF CATTLE, or SHE BP, Af I aontemplate butchering, and would be pleated to have tbe trade of the farming public. KLAM W. IIHOWN, Clearfield, Pa., June 9, lflsO-tf. State formal School, INDIANA, Pa., liriLDINU, tbe best ot the sin J in Ihe Tailed Stales. ACCOMMODATION'! for 4K boarders. SCHOOL, list-class In all respeoU. IIUI'AIITMK.NTS-Normal, Classlral, Commer- eia), Musical TIIK FALL TEHM of IS weoks will upon on Monday Sep't 6, 1880. KXPLaNSKS, aa k)W aa thoaa of any ether acbool affording equal advantage and aeeommoda ttona. 'or dialogue, addreaa JOHN H. FRKXCH, Mi. D., FHINCIPAL. IaniABA, l'a, Jalj 141b, laSO-Sm. STATE FAIR. Twenty-seventh Annual Exhibition OP TMI hm. Agricultural WILL llLt) in MAIN CENTENNIAL BUILDING, Fuirmount Patk, Philftdolpllia, SEPTKMHEIt Oth to lHih. KS TRIES A.D COUrETITlOX FREE ! nTTEENATIONAL SH0"W 8IIKKP, WOOL AND WOOL PBODlCft, REPTF.URKR 2(TH TO 25TH, 1880. Kntre Books will eloae at tb. Odlee, North-west corner Tenlb and Cbestunt Street., Aug. SI, 1880. $40,000 IN PREMIUMS. Cash Prizes for Live Stock, $24,315. RXCI-RMOll TIC KkTB AT OBIATLT MIX CRD R4TIH. Liberal Arrangetnenta for Transportation, D. W. Srii.kr. Hec'g. Bm. Klkridor M'Co.iik, Cor. Ste'y. Aug 11, '80-4 1 Teachers' Examination I Tbt public examination of tearbera forproflo oial oertillcatea for tbt preeeut Kboel yeer, will be held aa followa i Morria, at Kylertowa, Tutuday, Auguat lfftb. Uraham.at Centra Hill acbool U"Ut. Wednaa day, A uk oat 1 1th. Bogga and Wallace ton borou(th, at Centre echoul bouat, Thureday, Aoguit 12th. Lawrenoa, Lawream Independtfil and Clear Held borough, at Clearfield, Iridey, Auguat Ulb. Uoabta. at Sbawavtllt, Monday, Angnut lAth, Uirard, at Uillinghatn acbool houae. Tueeday. Auguat I7tb. Covington, at Union acboo4 howio, Wedneoday, Auguat 18th. K art bau a, at Oak Halt arhool home, Thuraday, Augoat IVih. Pike, Pike Independent aad Curweaaville borough, at bloomington, Saturday, Aaauat 21et. Bradford aad lira J ford Iadependtnt, at Bigler, Woo day, Aoguat 23d. Oactola borunih and Detatur, at Oactola,Tuoa day, Angoat Kth. Woodward and (loattdalo, at Houttdale, Wed neaday, Augutt tiib. Uulich, at Janearillt, Thuraday, Aagnat 28th. lleccarla and hi ad era lmlepondent, at Ulea Hope, Friday, Auguat t;th. Knoi, at New Millport, Tueaday, August Slat. Jordao, at AmortTklle, Wtdneainy, Sept. tat. Cheat and Newburg borougb, at New burg, Thuraday, geptentlier 2d. Ilurnai'de townahip and borough, at Burnalde, Friday, September Id. New Washington, at New WaahingUn, Hatur day, Bepttmber 41 b. ilell.at Bueqaabanaa tohool bouat, Monday, September Oth, Oreebwood, at Bower, Tuatday, 8ep!euUr 7th. Ktrguaon and Lumber City borough, at Lum ber City, Wed need ay, September Blh. I'enn, at Pennvlllt, Thuraday, September 0th. 1'nion and I aion Independent, at Kookua, Friday, September 10th. Hrady and II loom, at Luthoraburf, Monday, leptember 18th. Handy, at IiuHola, Tueaday, (tepUmber 14th, Halloa, at Pealeld, Wtdoeaday, Sept. 16 lb. No oat will be admitted to the el aaa who baa aot Itlt a written application for a arhool witb tbt Secretary or the diatriet for which tbt tiami aatioa It held. We tar neat It rtqutet tbt attend ance of all tht Director! at tbete eiamtnaliona, la trdtr that wt may oonaalt togetbar oa nbjecia Sertaln.ng t tbe InUretta tf tbt evboola. Tbt ecretary of each Board will plea be prepared to anaouaettbt applleatloaa at tbe opening of tht tzaaaiaaUoa. Boast rideaot af good moral harecttr will be required of applicants with whom 1 am aot acquainted. Tbt a peahen who wilt addraea tbt people at tbt eduoaiiouej matt laga.will btaanouaoed la tbt tdueatieaaleoluma tf the papen. Ktavlaatlona will open at M A. M. M.L.MtgliOWN. Co. SeperiotwndeaL ClaarflelJ, paH July 11, 190 ft t. 21 nc avfftl$fmrnt5. DlMHtlM TION tkKPARTNI-aKHIIlp.. The oi-farln-rii!iii. haaa ilurd ein!in ,a tliri man-antile buineit in the Tillage of Wih. 1 land, waa dlail.it by miitutl C-ormut on Mm. day, .luly IV. tMtl. The retll-tneii bu ,ti , oulte cud itcvuuta muat le tw t with ih ij ta ll rut uf A. .. Woelivli; A l : A A l( ' i N PF1 KhS, A K WOOI.KILUK. Wooi)LAMo,July2stb, Ipbu 4 AI IMTOIIM lU-ln tbe Orph.,,,' Court of Clrartivld oouuty. t'a. In the mn. ter of tbt ettateof l'a 'I bump mo, late of Llmrtn townabip, Joo'd Tbe utidortittticil Auliior, appoli.lej bj tbe Court tt diatribute the biltvooe remaining in the h Mida uf Aaron C. Ta'e, Admininrator of tbt abort ttat, hereby giiea notice that be will attend tu tbe dutiea of bi ai.j-i.ti.lun nt t hia oflioe la Clfarfic M, on Friday, Auguit t(h lssO, at I o'clock I. M , at which timo end y,-t all peraona iuttreited are required to ioak their claiiiia, or ba JtlurreJ trom Ct.uaiDg in up m fuud. b. J. LUuCKIlANh, AuiiUur. Ck-arGf'd, l'i , July 21, I ? HO 3t. A Bargain ! FARM FOll SALE! The unJoralrfued offera at private a:tl, dint ?kI oobie farm aituated in ( H A 1 1 A M TOHNjiHI', Clearfield euuety, known aa (he Containing 122 mren, bf) of wliich are cle.irt-4, and baviiifc th.-rcria ereeti a lrgf f ratine iUh' ing houai, Urge fiame b;trn, und the et.tr re-ci-aaiy otitbuililingr, togrtbtr with a Urge orch-ir I, good water eto. Tlie proparty will Oo aold n very c-j term br lurthor parti.-uUra ieuirw of tliw hultacrilier, in per n, or by Idtfr KRAXK PICI.lH.Vtl. CltidrfU'lit, l'a , ilarh atth, SMl. -f READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS d' STATIONERY Market HU, I learfi. LI, (at the Hunt (Itire.) THK nnderaigncd Wa leave to announce the cititeoa of OarficM and vicinity, ;!i.,t he baa fith-d up a room and baa junt ret urn v. 1 from the city witb a large amonot of readily matter, ccnaiatlng in part of Biljles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Account and Paea Book a of every lc ecription , rapr and KuTelopea, Frenfb prcasij.) and plain; t'ena and Pet.dla : 111 ink LeI Hnpcj-f), Deeil, Mortgagti; Ju.ipmont, Kietnp tion and Priinilnrr nn'i-a; White and l'rch mcnt Urief, Legal Cap, Kmord Can, ati l Hill flbent Muaio, lor eittier Piario, Flute or Vii!io, conataatly on hand. Any boika or iutii.u4rv deaired that I may nut have on hand, will b i.r.lei fj by firat eiprcaa, and told at wfaolnaala or rt'Ait to auit Quntoinere. I will ao keep poricl'.rti literal :i , auoh a Magaiioor, o-ihts, Aiv P. A. tMULIN'. r,erneld, .May 7, I -tf Sheriff's Sale. J)Y virtue of autidry write of Vtm. ., ikik. ) out of the Court of Common Pica of Clenr-tii-UCo , and to me 'lirectcd, tb.-re will betxpod to PI IlLIC HALR. at the Court H'iie, in tLe borough of Clear field, Pa., on Friday, Munt I.'l'lh, IMHtl, At 1 o'clock, P M.( the following deacrlbed ral catate, tu wit : AM that certain tract of land fi.ui.teln Urakaui U.wnahip, Clearflfld county, Pi nniTlrinie, be ginning at atone oornor nl Samuel Sm-al m iin of (ieorge lUrrinon ar.d Joaepb Maylrn aurveya : thence awutb Ii7 610 perohna more or lena to oor n er of Und of John )lot ; iter ice cat toft perclni more or taa to a po-t on old line t.i-twcfa thr tieti-fte llarriion and Tench Franci tracta ; thf nee north along aai 1 line 1 57 S 10 pcrchei to c-irnar of tienrge Harria.m, Tennh Franei. (i forge Cieu ahan and Jaaper Majlc.n aurveja III, percbfi mor or Icaa to atonea and place of beginning, ouiitainiog 10,'tj acrea, more or lexg, mib aliout 7 acrea o I eared, r;h! t ,od young orchard grow, inz ttieron, nnd bitving tbrreon er--ted a fi.iiue bour, good bank barn and other oiittuil.ling. Stiied, taken in di lution and to be aoid m tbe pr-perly or frank Colrgrove and Ifia. .Sbiintl, tcrre lenanta. Tkrhr or Sii.i.-The price or nn at whi.b the property aball be atrui-k olf tnuat be pai-l at tho lime of ml, or au?h other arraugementa ma le aa will be appMve-d. otherwiae tbe proRrty wiil be Immediately put up and aold again at tho rt penae and riK of tbo poraon to whom it wan atruck otf, and wliu, in cacr of deflcicucy at ut b re-rale, ah all uake goud the aamo, ami in no inatunco will the Prcii be prenentod ia Court ! j r confirmation unle( tbe mmiry ia actually pmd t the Hbvriff. JAM M A II A r r K V, SaaRirr'i Orrira, I SherifT Clearfield. Pa.. July 21, USO. ( John Irvin I- Bros., rURWKNSVII.l.K, I'A., DEAIKKS IN AH Kinds or Merchandise, sren as Dry Goods, Giwrics, Etc. M ANT FACT!' RKRS AND DEALEllS IX Still Alt i: TIJIISElt, AND KVBHV DESCRIPTION OP SAWED LUMBER CDT TO ORDER. Jot Tlio Only Manufacturer in Clcaifn-IJ County of the NEW PROCESS FLOUR! M- y i. in it, chop ,i.ro m ji.ic.irs o.i u.i.vin trV"Casli jiaiJ fur nil kimls of Grain Wheat, Ityc, Onts, Kto. CiirertBSrllle. Pa., Jane 1, 1S-0 If. CENTRAL Ntute Xormul School. (Eighth Xormttl School District.) Lock Huvnie (linton fo.t Ta. A. X HA VB. A. M.. Th. )., Principal. Tbia School aa at preterit oomtttutcd, offm tha very beat facilitiea fur Profeaiional aud Claaical learning. Buil.llrtr vnaeioue, InvltlBg and rommo.tluUf . completely bealcd by ateam, well vvntilatcl, auJ furniabed with a bountiful aupply of purr, oft aurira water- liocatton neai thru i ana eay oraceeaa. Hurrounding toenery unanrfiaaaed. t v.. I a a . t. their work. Itiaripline, flrro but kind, antform and tboru-;a. Kvpenaei moderate. Ffty eenta a week deduction to thotepreparinK to teach. Student! admitted at any tine. Courae of atutty preacrild by the Plate ; I Model Hrai.ol. If. Preparatory. III. Kit-n, sa lary. IV. Kclenlifio. aw ti set connta : I. Academic. II. Commercial. III. Mu!e. IV. Art. The Kkmentary and 8oientifld cournfiare Pro feaaional, and atudanta graduating therein rr-reiTa Htate liplomaa, confening tho following crrri ponding degreea: Matrr of the K lenient i i'' Maateroftbe Kriencee. (Iraduatea in the other oouraea receive Normal Certifiratel of tbeir at tain men t a, aigned by tbe Faculty. The Prrelnal eouraea are liberal, and an In tborougbneaa net inferior to tboie ot rnr btrl oollpftea. Tbe Htate require a a higher order of citiaoa thlp. The liaiea demand it. It ia one of tb prime object a of thla achool to help ti.ee cure ii If furtilnhing Intelligent and eOi'lent tearhrrifrf her sohoola. To thii end It eollrite you-ip; V' ( of good abllillea and good purpoaeatl)"1 wbodeatreto Improve their time and their tal ent, aa atudenta. To all euch It prom lie aid " de ret Kiting their power and abundant opp'1'19' Qitlea lor well paid labor after leaving aebo d- For catalogue and term a addreaa tbe I'tiO''"!"' tr tb BecreUry of the Board. BOARD OF TRl'BTKKMi took floLfrEUi' rnriTiaa, J. II. artoa, M. D4 A. II. Deat, Jacl i't B.M.Bickford.iamaHChriBt.A. N. Kaub. R Cook.T. C. llippla, Kaq t. Kiotiing, K- P Oormick. Effl.. W. W. Kaokin, W. 11. llrowa Hoa. A, 0. Curtin, Hon. II. L. I)kffrnbaA flea. Jeaaa Merrill, Hoa. Wm. Bigler, J- & Wbaley, 8. Millar MoOoraick, Kaq. orriraait WILLIAM BK.LRR, - Prfldent.ClearfliM, rfc (lea, JKHSR M KKHIU. Vlee Prealdent, Imnb llar, " 8. millah Mccormick, HeereUry. Uek Harea, P THOMAS YARULKY, Traaearar, Lock Havta. F Leek lUrn, Pa, Auguat 4, IMO ly.