THE REPUBLICAN. CLKAHKIEU), PA. WRDNRHDAT MOKNINO, Al'Ol'fi'f 11, IIM. Terms of Subscription. If ptid In ttvah,tir within thr Months... S3 W If pfJ alter thr and bfor sit months... 1 60 If .id kftw tbKplrtlon of til tnoshu... I 00 fVNMiri, B. M. Pittmsili. Co., Iftwr ...r-vr Advii-tiilng Agents, 17 Prk How, oornor UoekURO titrert, rs onr duly aathoriiod Agvotl Id K-w York City. KULICaoUB NOTICKtt. Methodist Knlaeopal Church Rar. (I to. Lunr, I'titor. Smo Try 8bbth at 10 A. M-, and 7 P. M. Sabbtth Sohool at 9 A. M. Prayer MsetlOff Try Wadnaaday, at T P. M Communion Barvlca, Brit Habbatb of arary nnntb, al lit A. M. Heat Clearfield M. E. Church Hot. 0h a silks y. Bnaiuar, I'ftstor. Preaehaog arary hernat Hunday, at 8 o'clock, P. M. Sunday School at 21, r. Ai. All ara invited to attend. Preebyterlan t hurcli Her. II. Sabbath serTicM morning and vning Hal- bath Sohool t I r. M. Prayer Mettlog wadnar Jay tvening. Baptist Churrh. Rt. , Paitor. Sabbath Sohool atS P. M. Prayer Moating arary Wednesday aranlng. Ht. Franrli' t liurchCftthollc Her. P J.HHamnii. Mvlte lerrtca at 10 A. M., on tha first, third and fourth Sundayiof aaeh month; Vespers and Benediction of tha Blessed Haoramant at 7 o'alook, P. M. Sunday School Try Bun day afternoon at I o eloek. OFFICIAL DIKI-XTOHY. tiki or loLDiaa qua ant sbmiohs count. Srannd Monday of January. Third Monday of March. Fit at Monday af J una. Fourth Monday of September. tihb or MOLDiaa coumor plkah. Pint Monday of June. Second Monday of NoYeuibvr. PDBLIO orricsRB. Preeident Judge Hon. Charier A. M ayrr, 1 ook Haran. Aetietant tow Judge Hon. John B. Orris, of Mellefotit. Afoeiaf Judge Abram Ogdan, Claarflald; Vincent li. Hull. Clearfield. i'mlkonotaryRM Bloom. Hegieter and Recorder L. J. Morgan. Trenturer Philip DotU. bietrict Attorn J. F. McKeiirlt'k. Sheriff James Mahaffey. deputy Sheriff V. I. Thompson. County Survey or Samuel K. MoCIoskey, Cur is ensyiH. County CommiionerC. W, Kyler. flraliam ton P. 0.; Elab Johnston, flramptan 1 ilia P. 0.; John Norrla, Hr., Curwensrille. Com mi mi itre' C'trt John W. Ilowa. County Auditor William V. Wright, Clear field : Joseph Ullllland, Thraa Kudi ( J. S. IS or ris, Woodland. County Coroner James A. Monro, Clear (leM. Jurw Commifionm Andrew J. J ack tun, Clear ficd, Win. K. Brown. Claarflald. Xufte-rinUndrnt of Public School H. L. Mo (Jnown, Clearfield. Sntlerof Weight dr Mtituree Jet W.Carlil, oflU-e at l.utherp'burg Pa, Nutariee Public John W. Wrlgky, Wm. Ra dnhauirh, Cyrus Uordun, Clearfield; Joteph H. Irwin, X. K. Arnold, Curwemvilia ; J. A. Living ston, ItulloSi City. ur Sueeial eoluinn ia dofldedlf intereiling ill a Leal point of view, and profitable reading to oiitttdi-n who want to lav money. YF.N, (IF ( omim; I "Will )i-u lake hoal, oata or oorn for auu prripiion ?" We are often Inquired of in tbia way by letter from patroiii who reaide at a diatanoe Troin Clearfield. We again aay yea. The receipt! of areiponaible merchant or mill owner to tha Trinity, will aniwer ua Juat aa well ai the oaib. T.t illliiitrate; If any of our patrona will deliver ui a bug of grain at the mill of Joseph H. Bretb, in Cheat townthlp, Horace Patch In, In Burnalda, Thumaa II. Forcey, in (J rah am, Wm Porter or Sbaw'a, in Lawrence, or Brown A Seyler'a, al Ko.-itun, l'nl.n townahip. and forward their rtecipta fur the amount, we will credit tbem on tlulr accouDt tor the an id a. In tbia nay all may aoon pay what they ova, if they will puriue tbia oourie. tf- BnrAilvertiHora and others will bear In mind that all article! Intandod for publication In tbia paper mutt be handed ia, not later than taeiday, at A. M. Don't forget It ('amp nu'ftingft are now in progress all over the vountry. ... m The Tyrone gemi-weekly Times has become a ""k'y, and will hereafter be iaiued on Ttieaday. Don't give tip getting a stn ot sprink ler. Our atreeta will aooa be covered with duit again. He ready for act Ion. it i a A litlle dutiiililerof Walter Southard Wat Mverely Injured on Saturday laat, by falling from a porob, a diatanoe of about four feat. Minn Kate Fortney.ol Centre county, haa brought auit agaloat toe olty of Altoona, for tnjurlea received by a fall on the uoaafe board walk. A Festival for the benefit of the Lutheran Kunday School will be held in tba Shew Uouva, on Tburtday and Friday eraniDga, Au gust 26th and 27th. - tm e - - The time of the spicing and pick 1 log of fruit haa come, and the economical bout( wifc may ba aean going through her buiband'i real pocket for elovea. M i What a soothing effect a "sbecpttkin battery" baa whan you ara about to drop ioto the at mi of old Morphaua. Bid any ona experi ence it on laat Saturday night? Youn Indies who wish lo have small mouthi are adriaed to repeat tbia at frequent in terval! during tba day t ''Fanny Fineb fried Are (louodarlng froga for Farmer Fowler' father " - i m As this in tbo month for the killing of weeda, which are to numaroua along our itreeta and gutter, wa auggeat (bat our oitiitai clean tbem away in front of tbair reiideneta and placet of bualneaa. e m W. I). Irvin, of Curwensville, was a pueienger on the train of tha Bald titglo Vklley Hailroad on Tueiday, tha Id, when (be accident oocurrad. It w aa canaed by a broken rail and tba pittenger all made a narrow escape, e - Tho funeral nervicoiiofKx-Ciovernor Biglerwill ba held at his late reaidence to-day (Wednesday) at I o'clock P. M. The Governor and Ki Uorarnora are expected to be preaenl to attend tba fanaral obeequlea. A Ilia Fish Story. An exchange aaya that "a UollUayiburg man oaugbta base in tba river near that place a few day liooe whleh mea lured twenty two and a half Inchek ia length, weighing aaven peanda and eleren ounce. A kitten belonging to a family in thli place, wai evidently fattened in aa enoloi re where it remained Mveral daya, and b dUeovered It wa In a atarvtng ooaditlon, 1U (ait being too much for it. Tbey bare named it Tan ner "Tan" lor abort. An Altoona man bought a bottle of "are-air from a euroatne doctor, and after taking a few doaea of the dmottion waa oompelled t take hla bed and ia now In a critical eonditlga. Paraona should put little faith in the remedial old on tha atreeta. The following gentlemen have boon drawn from this plana ai Juror for tha ipeelal term af tha United State Court, which eonrene In Wtlliemapert, Pa., tba present month t Traverse Juror -A. A. Adams and C. W. flmlih. Oread Juror Clarence L. Barrett. Cell a Al. Jtowbotham, daughter of fror. J. P. Rowbolham, at Philadelphia, died suddenly at Atlanlio City, ona day last week She was aged about twenty I vt yeart. The ptrenta have the aympatby of all friends and acquaintances In their Bad bereavement. The seventh annual Tri-ftato pic nie and exhibition of (be Patrons of Vaabaadry an! farmrra of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Weat Virginia and adjoining States will be bald at Wit llama' Orve, Cumberland ooaaty(on Aaguat t4tb, 1Mb, Iih and ITth. A Ana programme baa been arranged. a .- Wright MrKnaliy and John I.eiti- loger, member of (be Ciilsena' Band, the former nineteen and the latter eight yeara of age, whose birthday was oo Thursday tha Iltk iait., celebrated II by Invlliag tbelr fellow baud aaeanbarf to Iba Hettaarant to partake of tba dell aaelra of tba eeaaoo, whlob waa enjoyed by all. No Harm Intended. That Demo- ratia Club at Carwenrvllla, aeeme to diaturb tha Radiaal organ Bp I be re very awlr. Thoee Pike and Curwaoivtlla De moors U have a way of tor eniiag ikelr lajal aeigabora bat then ibey an wly la fan and a vat hart aaybody. It If fenny lo aa bow aatily some people art annoyed. A torn eat tlti spot a ibed And warbles wilaly to hit mate, ' "Ob, whan tha world baa annate bad, I lora to alt and anew till lata." But wbila tbia t oca -oat alia and ilnga, I'p aprlngi i boardar.tuada with hata, Who i boot that aat lo Bddla-atrlnga Ila alao lorad to motilala. TIIR 8KNI0H HANCOCK CLUB MKET8 IN TUB WIlIWAM BVEHV HATUHDAY EVR NIKU. ATTEND. ai "When wise men speak lot the inul tluda giva ear." In "Altera' Llrar Pi Hi." Fold by Ell drugglati. "A-iamor wan removed frommv bead by nalng 'Dr. Llndiay'a Blood Hvarobar' 8. Sarrar, Plltaburgb. Pa. (told by all druggUta. Mr. liun ii ives notieotliat be will, on tha 17th of Auguat, aat aa Auditor in tha aatala of Jamaa Hiddlaa, of Burnalda tvwnablp. aw For Sali. All kinds of Doora and Window-utb. Call naar Iba Lutharan Chureb, or addraia ma at Clearfield Pa. R. CmriaLD. Aug. 11, 4t. a i By retjnoHt, Kev. II. S. llutlor will tranafar bit nait preaching appolntmant, Auguat lb, at S o'olook P. M., from 1'lna Qrora Bobool Huuia, to tha " old Camp Oraund " upon Bharlff Read'a farm. Rat, J. Q A. Fullartao U aipaet ad to aailit In tba Sarrieaa. Concert. Prof. Johnson (Blind Charlay) will giro a aarlaa of Conrarta on Lumbar CHy Circuit, Method iat Kpiioof aJ Cbarab, ginning Auguat tilth. Any una not latiiflod wilt hara tbalr money rafunded. All ara inritad. J. EnwAnna, M In titer. Heavy Keoal Trams. Wo learn from tba Ittmoent, that Hooa. A. B. Richmond, of Maadrllla, and J. J. Matagar, of Wllttama purt, will defend Harry Kog)iab,and Bona- John 0. Hall, of Kid g way, will aaalat In tba proaaoa lion, tba trial will be tba moat Intaiailing la Iba Mitory of tba eouoty. a a "Babosma." Women need it I It regulate! iba female function, relierai painful men it rati oa and ilrknaaa, and ean nevar do any harm. Prepared by B. K. Thompaon, Tituavilla, Pa. For aala by all druggUta In Clearfield, and Joerph Seylar A Bona, Lutbcrakurg, Pa. St . M hint of luttont remaining unclaimed in the Poitoffloa at Clearfield, Pa., fur tha week ending Auguat (lib, 1880 ; Robert Calhoun, K. Corett, Joel Faster, Annia Keen, A. C. Qulnby, Rlijali Bmltb, John II Pita- ona, Myroo Skiff, Emma R. Sherman, Bella Wil aoo, L. R. Weher. P. A. (J AH LIN, P. M. e- Borouor School Tax. Tbo Direc tor of ClrarOeld bare placed the duplicate for tba cor rent year, In tbo bandi of Diatrlot Treaa- rar Whit-hill for collection. All tax paid prcrlvui to tba 1t of Kept ember, there will be a diieoont of fire per cent. After that date there till be ao almtruient. Tha levy f the year ia tght mUln. July-2!-4t Fatal AcnincNr.- -We learn from Waller Bryant, Sr., a our K k eichanifpi. that I proreinen atjd wealthy Philadelphia, who wai incring at tha Hyde Home, Kldgaay, delib erately left hia bed during the night of Sunday the lit !nat., and walked out of the window, fall ing In iti piircment, from the effVoti of which he died the fallowing evening. He represents a large family. M m A Fkhtival. Wo havo been re quested to alate that a Fealtral will be held In Janeaville, on Thuirday, Friday and Saturday, Auguat IV'h, 10th and Hat., the proceeds of which gues to I be benefit of the Catholic Church. Everybody ia invited to attend. Dancing, cro quet, etc., will ha on tha grounds, and all the re- freihrnents of the season. A back will be run to and from Ramey tri-dailv i - Uuo. W. Uhecm, our gentlmuily Kx press Agent, wbo waa called to Erie a few days ago lo eerre as a juryman ia tba United States Court, returned hums last week. He also visited Niagara Falls, Carlisle, and other place of Inter est. H was aooumpaaled by hia win and little daughter. John W. Wrlgley, of tbia place, and Uee. M- Rrlsbin, o Osceola, were alao at Erie serving in tha aama capacity. Sir. S. B. Jiow, late proprietor of tho Leonard House, bar purchased tne Interest ol W. C. Cardoa in the Mansion Uouae, aud ia now ia full poiseiaion of the aama. Mr. Row baa bad oontiderable eiperlenoa In tha hotel buainesi, end wa have no doubt that ba will acquit himself to tba aa Ua fact ion of bis gueata. Mr. Cardon haa removed hia family loto tba house lately oa eupled by Mr. Row, on Second street. I'rosperty and success In the future to both ol them. This is my Proclamation. If you want good tin ware go lo Merrell's j I will nut repair aay cheap tin-war imported Into this vicinity, eipecially In the fruit can Ho; I keep no books; I pay cat h for everything, and I ei peot my patrona to do tha same with ma f I guar, antoa my work and material. All itinerant tin peddler Invading tbo oounty fur tha purpoaa of selling tbair cheap wares bad better look up the Aet of 18i4, from which thay eat learn that there la a penalty of $100 incurred for violating it. 0. B. Mkrbbll, July Stat, 1680-Iia Agent. m m Democratic Mono-Book. Wo have r reel red a eopy of the "Uanoook and English Democratic Song-Boob," containing a good aup ply of rousing tongs fur tba campaign. There are alao sketch af our ataodard. bearers, and a good portrait of Gen. Hancock. The icngi are full of "go," and art set to familiar tunes, suoh as "Dixie," "Battle Cry of Freedom,""Amarlaa,' Marching Through Oeorgia," "Bonnie Blue Flag," and a lot mora. Krery Democrat should have It and Join In grand ohorui. Tba price la only tea rents. Address iba publishers. W. R. Swam A Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, - harvest iiomi. vve learn tliat tho Patrona of Buabandry propoaa to bold a "Harvest Horn on the farm of Kx. Sheriff Read, en the turnpike about three miles east of Curweosvllle, on Wednesday, August iSth, 1880. The Stat Lecturer, 8. R. Downing, will be pretest and de liver an eddrers suited to the occasion. Although the affnir Is being arranged under tha auspices of tha P. of U., all are cordially in r I ted to attend. Ona of the officers of LawreVo Orange remarked to us the other day, thai the Horn waa open to all I'rtntera, free. 1 bat a a good thing, but bar Itg rrsdled one hundred dviaa of wheat in a day and bound It up ibe next, we fully reallu the fun of garnering plenty of that stuff ia a short lima. j( m . Badly Cripplkd. Tho miomanage mont of tha a Hal re of (be Lyovminf (Munoy) lo in ranee Company, (or a serial of Jeara ba brought It Into disrepute recently, although ona of tho moat popular In tbia section for tha paat twenty-nr years. Tba Huntingdon O'obt af laat Week In alluding to what is transpiring say "A Committee of Centra county policy holders of tbo Lyoomleg Mataal Flrw I am rase Company, appointed for tba purpose or Investigating the condition of tba Company, report that thai find the Company in a very bad aonditien ; that It has been loalng an average of $411,000 annually for va yeara that It ia aot In eondition to continue buslaesa, and they reoommand tba eloiiog ep of tha affairs of tbo Company at aa early a day aa possible. Ai'i'LETohs' JtiADKKS. We learn that the school board of Clearfield borough bar adopted the Appleton Beria af Readers. These reader were recommended for we In all tb tcboole ia the county by ibe Text Book Commit tee after ibey had examined tba read era of all the leading publishing bouaee in tho eeefetry, Tboy are cheaper books than those ia use, whilst they contain more reading matter and are highly re commended by our County Superintendent and many of oar leading teachers. This Is an eooaoml -oal change and a beneficial aae. The school di rer! or s of the eouoty should see these beautiful reader. W hope to ae a uniformity of books throughout the oounty. Mr 8. J. brlnkwater, f Williamrport la the General Agent, and he Informs ai that be will be pleased to rend an Board sets of tha readers fev aanlaettdtj, r. ' Clears1 i kld Coal Trade. Huto- meat of Coal and other freigute eeat ever tb Tyrone A Clearfield Dlvlelon, Pennsylvania Rail road, for tbo week ending July list, 1880, and the aama time last year f OOAL. Fur Ibe week Same time lasi year.... Previously during year.. Same ties lut year Decree )..., Total In 180 .... flame time last year Decree.. evata tnataara, Lumber ...108 care. ....ItfO MiaelUaona freight!. ' Tuna. 7,VHfl .M,fiT4 T.I1I ..... 8 1 ft, to I .... 3 40, J 44 14,0:11 ...... IM.187 87(i.Vu TDK JUNIOR HANCOCK CLUB MBKTB IN TIIK WIQWAM EVERY THURSDAY EVE NING. BOYS, TURN OUT. Buy Your Mill Now I Wo aro the proprietor of a Saw Mill, complete in every par ticular, which we will sail vary cheap. For par tlculara, addreai R. A. A W. D. BIGLEK, Bchl.'BO tf. Clearfield, Feno'a. Bank Changes. The County Na tional Bank having purchased the Banking Houae uf the Clearfield Count Bank, In Oraham'a building, haa removed Into that block, on Mark et street, while the Clea rficld County Bank will L t MomBftBBwollJ ,treft 04(ed by tb. County National Bank. ft A Fact. An advertisement Inserted la tha Rupubul-a.ii will reach nor readara than if published In all the other papers la the ooun- t,and cost the advertlsai lesi than one-half In other words, an advertisement published to our jrurnal la worth double the price of that oharged by any other publisher in the county. 'It la a feat." tf. New Daily Staue Line- James L. Loavy has mooeedrd in having a dally mall eatab liahed between Clearfield and PetinliehJ, and will hereafter run a daily stage between the two point. Hie contract began with April 1st, and the stage will leave Uearfield every morning (except Sun day) at 8 o'clock, making connection! with all train a on the Low Grade Railroad at Pen n field, re. turning after tha last train the same evening. Pasaengersend freight will be carried at tow rates. Orders left at any of the hotels will be attended to. ,, , lfiaprTtt-lf Farmers, Look Here! Ijytto will give you highest market price! for Wheat, Oate, Corn, Buckwheat, Bultar, Eggs, Onions, Apple, dried fruits, and all kinds of produce. He haa tbe largeat and Lest selected Itock of grocer lee, teas, ooSeec, amlasaea, splov-s, oil salt, sugar, quaeoaware, tuba, buckets, backets, churns, Ac, In Ctearfirld couoly. 11 buys bis goods In large quantities from manqfneturers and first handa for caih, and lakea the advantage of all discounts, and so ha la enabled to sell at lowest price. He give cash price for prmlnoe.and eella bis goods tit the lowest prices In the oounty. sept-24-'7U-tr 1 - Tobacco, Cigars, &o. This business will be continued, at my old stand on Market street, bp Jatuea K. Watioo, or soma one el a, for the present. The finest brands of imported, domestic and Key West cigar!, and most popular brands of plug, chewing, tine cat and smoking tobacco. Will alao keep all other goods In the i tobacco business. With the advantage of now being able to buy entirely fur cash, we can give our trade rate bargain la choice goods. Country dealers supplied with Job lota at lees than manu facturers' price. Alix. Watson. Clearfield, Pa., July 21, 1SSQ St. PI HE AND CURWENSVILLE SPLICED. Cl'fcV.'EKflVlt.I.K, Aug. V, ISflO. Knirnu Rr.rrni.tcAK: At a mi-ding of tha Hancock A ttnuliih Club, of Curwensvilla, Pike township, the following officers were elected : PreMUi'nt. John II. A orris. Treasurer. M K Owens. Secretarka W. O. lie'mold, C. L. Prank. Vice Prtrirtenm. J.imeK It. Caldwell, J. Ross Bloom, llutfh Mullen, N. C. Farewell, Mosca Wiic, J. A. Bl-om, Thomas A. Hoover, D. D. R i Iter, John G. Swnrli, A. J. Cupplea, George kittleoerger and Richard Freeman. finance Committee. 1 Imuaa W f arbor, John R. 'e, Jms A.McIutyre, J nob Uilger, Hubert Mul leu. Executive Committee. Arnold flloom, Walt If. Thoiuievto, A. K. Diauikir, lia She tier, J. S. U rail. Our membership at present is l2 ; but we ex peel to tnoreao it to 25U I y next meeting, Friday August l;i, when there will he aeveral apeakers prcacbl. vi. u. If ii.uuulu, V. U. I1 RANK. Secretaries. DEPOT ROWDYISM. Ma. KntToK : Aa jou seem la favor of reforma tion in general, I would liko to say a few words through your columns about a little rowdyism that takes place nightly at our Depot. When lb night train cornea in there ia a lot of young men and half-grown boys congregated there awaiting ila arrival, and the sound ol tbe whiall ia a sig nal fur them to ruh right up lo the very step! of the tram, and passengers have to push their way through them to get even a o hanoo lo breathe as moat of them have filthy cigars In their mouth, blowing tbe smob In their faces, and some of them add the atench of beer to it. Persons who go down to meet friends cannot get near to receive them for the loafers wbo crowd tbem away, and they are a clan who never hare a friend to come and if they bad the friend wouti be ashamed of tbem. W hy can't they atand up on (he porob of tbe Depot like gentlemen and watch the passengers get off If they tnuat go down t but the fact is, they bave no earthly bun neas there. Could aot tho Railroad officials hire a man to atand outside and when tbe train ia nearing the Depot let him shout in the Gentle men's Sitting Room, "blackguards and loafers to the front aod annoy tba respectable people who arrive to get off the incoming train I" dhamo young men, think over this ana you will proba bly break yourself ef the habit of running there every night. Thavklm. CLRAuriRLD, Pa., August Vtb, 1890. LETTER FROM HUSTON. pHBwrtBLD, Pa., AuguatOth, 1980. Driving from Shaflera' to Summit Tunnel tbe other day, I overtook a man and aikcd him to ride. He got into the buggy, and I learned that he belonged to Do Beta City. Speaking of Uarry Eoglirh, be wa led to aay (hat a boo ling a man waa a vary aerioua affair, though ba auppoaed that he had don it, having boen a member of me tern out uuoxtails daring the war. lie then spoke of General Thomas L. Kane, who, ba said, though a "little Icllow, was full of ' 'grit." Then ne launched into warm praise of Gen. Hancock and wound up by declaring that, though he had always been a Republican, ha was going to vote tor iianooca, ana ne knew lute ot follows ernund Dullois just like him. The sentleman then slated that be bad been watching the oourse of events for tbe last Tour years, that he had earefully read both aidea of the question. During tha Electoral Commission business, he had watched thin si olosely, and been forced to the conclusion that tbe Republican part deliberately cheated tha Democrats at every point, by a vote of I to T. Hi would, therefore, hare no more to do with such a corrupt party. He acknowledged that Garfield waa a fine-haired man. with ao oilv toneue. but tbe Credit Mobilier, and De Uolyer buaineaa bad been explained lo Ins satisfaction, and never Id be, while Hancock waa a irand soldier, and a noble man without a stain. And thus the ball keeps rolling. Hi' a ton Dkhothav. LETTER FROM BELL TOWNSHIP M aha rr icr, Pa,, Auguat, 3d, 1880. Mm. RniToni While looking over aome of the lettora in your paper from di Ha rent parts of the county, I think that a letter from Una place may oa ui miereii. inr are urea very Important iningi now pan wun us, nx : ibe new Wash. nglon Normal In'titute. harvest and all fear of UerfirlJ being our next President. There are three mere things that are boomlns? with us at tha present time, vis : Outt, heat and tha Dtmo- ernlie parry. Alse another thing that to aome extent agitaiea the minds of tbe fnt-nda of juatice and education in tbia place, Is a letter In the He riiBLiCAH or last week's issue from Brady, wltb tb signature of "Citikbb." While I would not wiah to pluck one laurel front tbe brow ef Prat. Weber, aa a worthy Preceptor and standard bearer again it Ignorance and crime aa mentioned by ur Bradv Iriend. I alao elaim that honor la equally due in every respect to our Aer Preoep- wr, riui. matt navag, wnoae name waa wholly discarded In the Bradv Utter aa beine? in anv wv deserving of tbe hooera of tbe eureeas or tb School, i alao think that Bradysboald not boast of carrying two of tb prises away from tbe New naeningtuo oooteai, alter tba iletghltng manner In which some of the decision were giren tbem. However, only ona brii went to Bradr. the other to Jefferson. I will think ao more of Bradv lettora hotmi. but will at i II ewnttem to "boon hai an fev tit oook and English." Tbe Repabllcanaall peas la our town, while ih OeoMeraei aural It down and make tl Han cook. . j. . 4 , . Oirixaa. TYRONE HERALD CLIPPINGS. Frort was reported at f reason laal Thursday morning. W bave no doubt of It. Tbe world Is prepared to beltore anything ef Cresson. On Friday, th nil. an agent tram Mlfllin- town travel tog for a pottery hooaa, wa sael by a couple 9t "road ageaia," near U untitle, Clear field eouaty, and relieved of fifty -a in dollars in cash. Thw man want to lloutadal and nut the caae In the band of tbe police, but no arrata umvu j mi en mad, i , Tb eon tract oa the new Mosbannna above Osoeola, eoinmooced work oa Monday morning. This road will tap the eoal baaia en Whiteside run, and eventually reab out into Ibe region of Glco Hone. Tho freight over tb new road wiM be shipped by way of Tyrone for some yeara, sh roast. on the road, aoaewbere Bear Heilweod, by two burly tramp, and robbed of about $77 in cash. They are perhaps the same pair of traanpa wbo robbed DavUl Miles, eeme time ago, near t ub villa, Clearfield county. That hiud ol business appears 10 am getting Kale and monotonous, and Juat for a change, to ear nothlaa of v.ruir would suggest a little more polk-e or something lea. About two weeks ago, a man whose name we sopuraea for certain reasons, came to Tyrone and going on foot np the Bald Eigle valley, shoved a profitable busies In the wa of selling bogus loiter tickets, warranted to draw immense lor tuna. Borne of them wr nrinlad U llim.n. and lha eld tl well a the young farmers ep the - iwwrw wa aa iiiume ha It, bit at tbe enticing bail anA were badly tabaw ha. lb "agent "wa to appaai at a Aag-auUca , una certain day, to distribute the wealth t but o hnw, be furg .t all about It, end the folks up that way are just beginning to realise that Ibey are ibe vtetlms of an owtrageona ewlndle. The earn part waa formerly In the "boodle racket" bua. nee over to CleerlaM eooaty, but when U got loo hot for bias, ha left tor other and greaoer pasture, . ( OBITUARY. William Bitler waa born la Shurmanaburg, Cumberland county. Pa., In December, 1813. Hla early year were spent la Mercer eounly, where bla father died In the rear 11. After learning tbe trade af a printer In Ballefnnte, Centre ooun ty, with hla brother John (afterwards Uovarnor ofLahrornia) he moved to ciearneia oounty in 1833, when only twenty yenrsuf age and founded the Vltmrfieid liemotrai. U waa married in 183 to tbe eldest daughter of Alexander B. Reed, one of tbe leading and early aettlars of Clearfield, wbo survives him, and was oolfttAnt and unwearied In her mioiitrations at his bed during bii long and painful Illness commenced with hia advent to thia oounty and was elected to the State Senate In 1844, and was elected Speaker of that body in 184H, and was re elected in 1844. By tbia time he had acquired a nlate reputation aod ale name waa prwiuiaealiy mentioned at tbe Democratic State Convention a a candidate for Governor in 184d, In 1H40 ha was appointed one of the Revenue Commission ers. In 1851 be was nominated by acclamation by tha Democratic Convention for Governor and waa elected by a large majority, lie was re-nominated la 1HM, but waa defeated by tha tidal wave 'of Know NotblBsism. Oa tbe expiration of bla term as Governor, In 1956, be wa elected Presi dent of tbe Philadelphia and trie Railroad Com pany, eerviag in that position ona year i was then elected to tha United Statee Senate, serving in that capacity for alx yeara. He waa elected a member of (he Coaatituliunal Convention in 1873 taking an actire part ia that body. Prom 1874 until Iba closing of tbe Centennial Exhibition be served as President of tha Hoard of Commission ers to Supervise tbe Expenditure of the Slate Ap propriation of one million dollere, and waa also a member of tba Centennial Board of Finance. As a member of tb Stale Senate be greatly aided In abolishing imprisonment for debt and tounding the Insane Asylums at Philadelphia and Harriiburg, and the great envelopment or tb resoureea of the Slate by tbe Pennsylvania Railroad Compauy, are duo principally to bla effort at that time. Aa Governor, hi adsioie tratioa waa marked with ability, honesty and economy, and many Legialative ahnae were cor rected at bia suggestion. Aa tbe Representative of a ci cat Stale upon the floor of tba United State Senate, ba took a loading part in all ques tions of public policy, and bis utterances reflect tba wiidom of a thoughtful and coniervative Sla'esman. Aa a member ot too sum constitu tional Convention he assisted in acoomiliahing many returina that bave followed tho adoption of tbe new (JouHtitutlbB. AS a memuer i in i m (wnnial Commission he display! great executive ability, and its sueoeaa waa largely due to hia ua. tiring and ctlicient aervioea. ai a oiuseo over thoughtful of tho progress and develop menLjf local interests, was first to Inspire, and with m duminable energy aooeuipllabcd many of our greatest improvements, for years devoting almost his en tire time to the construct Ion of our railroad and public school buildings, ai well as being the leading spirit In soma of our moat important in dustries. As a Christian, bia lilo was on ot faitb and works, devoting his time and energy to tha erection of tbe beautiful Presbyterian Church which adorns put village, aud waller mftuy years President of It Board of Truateea, and hi! aup- I port of Ibe ohurcb, as indeed wars all bii aota of bunavolenoe. of the moat liberal and unaelflnh .k.ruiir onniriliiilinir la.relv anil renerouslv of bia moans. His uublio career, covering a perl id of almolTi forty yesrs, haa been marked at almost every step by unialu-ring devotion to duty and principle, and in no official or private atntion haa ever there nCB Ul'IUIUH VI lW"t Vl Hi. lyi' jiiv;,." - life and character baa ever been resjiocted, even by political opponents, Tor hia many vtrtdea. Thus ia mad up Die reeord ol the leading and more nromtnont acts and services of our esteemed follow-citiien, much of which are matter of bis- tory eogravod upon tbe records of Ibe State and Nation. But who will or can make up bia record aa a neighbor and friend, aa be hae been reoog nited in thu community for almost half a century t No pro can sketch a history ot his private life ana portray ll onaracier aa it waa bmu mna known by hia perioral and intimate friends. A man of great benevolenoe, a tiae friend, a bind uuJ considerate Bi-iLuur, a loutlel husband and tatbiT, a lirm and cu'Ctentious hclirver. Truly has this eouirauuity aullen-d a ruat loss. BRADY HEARD FROM, Tkoi'TVILLK, Auguat 2d, 1880. Mr. KniTon ; I see hr a communication under date of July 10th, In the Hafltman'tJonrnal that some lying Republican Ass under tbe aiogna ture ef'Jim" baa ridiculed the Democrats of thia plaoe by mivrepreeenielious parpurtiug to be tba proceedings of a meeting held by tbem fur the organisation of a Hancock and Engliah Club, which ibey did with good success. That 1 why they lament through the "1J raying Aaa Jim. I do not deem it necessary to use time and spar to refute this Aas' lamentations, from the laot that tbe reputation of the Democracy of this place andsurroundingoountry is too well known, lor even the most radical Republican to believe that we could raise oo more than balf-a-doin men to organise a Hancock and bngltab Lluo, Hence I scud you thia for publication nut only to. relute the statement mad by this lying biaok- guard, but to let tbe public know what we are doing tbnt so grieve th two or three Republi cans of thia village, and In vindication ut the rivlita of the Club. Aocording to arrangements mad a number of Democrat and former Kepubltsan (but wun ua;, of tb townships of Brady and Ball, in Clearfield aountr. and Henderson tb Banner Democratic township In J e Hereon oounty, met lo Troutvill for the purpose ol organising a nanooca ana English Club, of which Captain William Kopp, formerlv an ardent Republican, but now an out- pok iIitAwdr Democrat was one of th prime mover. Alter preliminary organisation, name for membership wer solicited. Aud now w will see bow tola iatstner "Jim - counts . when be sera "ibere assembled half-a- dotan men as many mar boys" corresponds with tbo record i ot the meeting, mere were toon en rolled sixty name all of which were voters, since which time names have been added to swell ute number to almost one hundred. In connection with the above Captain Kopp has organised a "Marching Club,"which after It is thoroughly drilled aod equipped will make edis dIbt that will make the "knee quake," of the coumrdly rneak, who wa prowling around tb house duhng tb meet toe; l gainer reports to manufacture mlarepreaentatlona like those of "Belsbaxxar or eld." Tha speech of Captain Kopp a reported by thia blackguard is nothing ljt manufactured liea, conceived by one of tbe imp of tb "father ef lies" hi own writing be trays hia meaoneea In ridiculing a follow man for not speaking th Kngliih language correctly, when bia own cowardly meanness would not per mit him to do as well in public as did Captain Kopp, wba made a clear at lament aa to why bo left the Republican ranks and ia now entbuiiaali exll supporting tbe Democratic nominees. L. Scboch, Esq., addressed the meeting, nrgiog tbe Democrats to org an tie and present a solid Irunt and victory would be their. A a to ridicule he triee to place upon me. I would simply say to the shallow brained "non com potmen tie" your explosions do no contain foroo enough to knook tbe bubble off a litlle boy's pipe) hence I do not fear the shooting of it at me. I will do yon no harm, you may at 111 peram bulate the street of Troulrillc a living ghost of meanness, looking as if resurrected by aod filled with tbe spirit of that arch enemy of mankind, of whom It ia said, that ba waa kicked out of the upper sanctuary for juat suoh work a you bave taken upon your el fin tb article yon wrote. I know you too well to waste any lurther time upon you. And Captain Kopp and I, will notwith standing your braying and wagging of ears, vote for Hancock and Unglub, In conclusion I will say that for th three Dem ocrat be counts for Uarfisld, I can already count stx Republican members of this Club who will rote for General Hancock. "And lfaneoek will be tbe next President." Hahuri. (I. Knatx, Secretary H. and E. Club, Troutvill, Peon a. ., August 2d, 1. 80. Emtoli Rbhjblii! AM Oor Sr: Tber ap peared in the columns of tbo Infltman't Journal of th2Vth tilt., a letter from Troulvill, written by "Jim," giving a report of a Hancock meeting, that organised hi re. "Jim" also apeaki peraon ally of Captain Kopp, who be claims called ibe meeting, and being of itspablloan ootoriaty. Now I will admit that a meeting was called by the cilisens of thl piece sod vioislty. Captain Kopp being the prinoi leiostigAtor, did then and there organise a Hancock and KaglUh Guard com posed of seveuty-lwo meubers several of them being of Republican fame all of whom are citi tuai and entitled to a vote. Now "Jim" must have been misinformed, or driuking tbe day be fore, when be state that th mealing was com posed ot "hair-a-doaen man and twice as many boys,'' I was surprised to think wo had a human being, or a thing that thought It was a being among us that would sloop so low aa to write eeob an article aa there appeared in the columns of the Jvurunl, giving every eillteu that withes to aae their right and privilege as eititens of tb United Stales such a low and despicable charac ter. Captain Kopp, aa well a tbe thra con nected with thia meeting are gentlemen, and lb no wise merit tbe abuse given them by tin Journal, I can lamagin tbe feeling! ef MJlm,M when bis fellow men are deserting bin oa all aides it must be discouraging, and I think all that bnlda "Jim" ia tba pros peot of aome trifling offle la tbe fu ture if be is faithful. i would say to "Jim," since It U apparent that the star of bia party ia linking in the West never to rise agala, 1 will be neighborly and extend to him my band of good fellowship, wblob he had better grasp before tt will be foiever e late. fftircfAM. ft.000 lha. Wool waiittd by II. A. KftATZKR, Jul U, I880-4t ' . CieertUld, F, CoLLtrtoa'e lt.n tWa hire prepared a form, and havo on baud a larg quantity, of blank "Collector's Sales," which bar bon an p roved by tbe bias eat legal authority In tbe Court or thia oounty. At Twenty VnU per inun we will mail any number to tbe Collector vdering tbesn. A Colleeter, when compelled to advertise property, biust post op not less than three notice In the nest public placet. In his borough or townahip. ) tf. MArnisiRs. Err. AH Person a Want In a flr.t. class Sewing Machine should buy th New In, proved Light Running Weed, for sale by John S. Baera, Clearfield, Pa., or Miles R. Beers, dealer In Machine and Organs, Renoldarll le, Pa. . may lUth-om Qm Hrwpnnp Pan Ckrt. Disooiwt on Oi.p Pricbb. Sewing Machine can now he purchased at Merrell's tin and variety etore, from $ up wards. All kinds of sowing machines repaired en the shortest nolle. Clsarfleld, I'a,, July IMIfr. W a wtbp. Delivered at th Rail Road.- ' IflO.ono It-lncb aaavadahtogloe. . , . 1 00,000 14-inch em wed shtnglea. lti,0 fact of pin hoard. SUO.UUO 14-feet shared hoops. 5,0d0 railroad tie. 60,0(10 fe uf good hewlloHt bardl. For which I will pay tha highest market prioe, delivered at Olesrfleld, or at any point en the Tyrone A Clearfield HellrweA. I. K aji in Clearfield, Pa., Oct. tft, HT, tf. Just Received. Jut Received by ARNOLl, at CUUWENSVILLK Car Load Nova Scotia Tlasterl Car Load pure Corn, Ryo and Outs unop I Cur Load Deaken Bait t Cur Load of Choice Family Flour 1 Cor Load Dry Goods, Grocoriea, Ac.! foTShinglos, Bark. It. H. Ties and Grain will bo taken In exchange. Curwonsvillo, May 1, 1878. CLEABFIELD MARKETS. CLiant.vnTP Aug, I, 1880, Flour. nT ewt. Jj Buckwheat Flour, per cwt 1 KO Corn Mal, per cwt..... t 1 80 Chop, rye, per cwt 1 BO Chop, mixed, per cwt I 40 Bran, per cwt 1 36 Wheat, per bu hoi. 1 10 Rre, per bushel tb Oals, per busbel 46 Corn, ears, pr buahel Buckwheat, per buahel ... 00 Clover seod 1 04 Timothy seed 3 T& Potatoes, per bushel ftO Apples, per busbel . M Onions I 00 Hams, per pound 124 Shoulder, per pound .... 8 Dried Beef, pur pound 10 Chickens, per pair, Butter, per pound 20 Eggs, per doten 121 Salt, per sack, large - J 0b Coal Oil, per gallon - 16 Lard, per puun 10 Dried Apples, per pound H. - 7 Dried Peaches, per pound. 12 Beane, per bushel J 26 FEODUCE MARKET EEP0RT. Pmlapklphia, August . Bread stuff! move slowly and wheat la a shade higher. Cotton la quiet and week at lUcfor middling uplands, with small sales. Bark Is nominal at l'2V per ton for No. 1 Uuereitroa. Bds Clover fa firm at 7i(ui8ic for good to choice, iitnotny is steady at ti.7&(Vi- Flax is uncneugeti. jnour and Meal Flour at quiat and steady. Sales of SOU barrels, including Minnesota extras, at i.2i rtvfi.26 straight at Ifl.iOf'bTi Pennsylvania family, new and old wheat, at Ml; western do. at l&.&OfM.M, and patents at fifcirS. 2ft. Bye Dour ia steady at It.bntVae per barrel. Grain Wheat U quiet and firm. Hates of 6,000 ; bushels, Including rejected at $1(1.04 ; red and . amber, track , al il.OU, and No. 1 red, elevator, I at ll.Otfj. At the open board, first call, 40,00(1 j bushels October sold at f 1.10 ( $100 was bid for August; $1.01 for September, and 1.10 for Oc tober. Rye Is steady at 6io for new. Corn is in good demand and firm. Kales of 4,000 bushels, including rejected as evvaw u vf" board, first call, 483o was bid for August ; 4tf)o ! for September, and fiOc for October. Oats are dull. ! Sales of 6,000 buxbcls, Including rvjected at 3ic ; and what at 37f42o Whisky Is bold firmly. Hales ot 50 barrel! western at $1.11. GKNSLY KKPHART. At the reaiaeneo of Mr. David Kephart, August .fth, 1 K8ll, by Itev. N. 11. Miller, Wet. B. Genaly, r Curwensvil le, and Miia Francis E. Kephart, of O'oeoU, Pa. Sled. WILLIAMS.-Iu IkCeh Crvek. July 2tb, sah, of heart disease, Alhina A. Willums, wife of Henry Williams, in the -Uh year of her age. The fulijerlof the above iitticewas a duughtar of Mr. and Mrs. Pamuel Itrit-klt-y of Howard. Centre county, Pa. The sickness which cauaed tor dtarb laMed for rome time but It wa only within th Nat three montbii that she suffered vry severely from its effects and several times her life waa deapaired of. She bora her suffer ings with great patlenoe and resignation. Shi was a member of tbe Disciple Church for about fifteen years, and sine her profession of faith sb has maintained a consilient christian life, ever looking as did Job or old fur a resurrection to immortality. She wa a kind neighbor, an a fleet ion t mother, and la much lamented by all who knew bar. Her mind was clear to tbe last, and but a short time before bar death, she ex pressed herself to her vliitiag m in titers that sb was holding fast to the faith of a risen Saviour. The funeral services were eondtcted hy Rer. Blair of the Diso iple Church, of Kaglerille. He preached a vary appropriate and affecting dis course to a larg congregation. J. K. T. 1T ONI: Y TO LOANOa first-clas lm- l I J r . k. .V.. U.. ...! t If. Ill pruvru irui prwiianj, uj u Iuiurance Company of New York, on first mort gage, in sums from $1,01)0 up. For further In formation apply to the undersigned. 11 ' ...tuvii.i ur OMrTti Ul DAIUnll n.Odlklllt Clearfield Pa., May 7th, 187lf-tf. C1 AUTION. All prohsare hereby warned l airain st negotiating for a note glv en br me to Henry Druga calling for fifty-nln (b9) dol lara. I am entitled to a rradtt of 14 on Hid not. .1 am willing to pay tbe balance, but I will not pay the $4S again an less compelled by law. West Decatur, Aug. II, 18S0.3L CAUTION All persona are hereby warned againat purchasing or in any way meddling with the following personal property, now In possesion of Darid Lyons, of Sandy township, vist Two black bones and Ihelr harness. The foregoing property was purchased by me at Con etahle Sale on the lillb day of July, and thay are allowed to remain la the nostesslon of said David Lyons on loan only, aubct to my order at any lime KL UAH ASH KNFKLTKR. LuTitRRsaune, July 2H, iBHO-at ARM FOR a AIR- The subscriber now offer a his farm for rale. The property Is lo- eated one mile and a half north of Clearfield, containing EIGHTY ACHES, most of which Is cleared and under good cultivation, good two story 'L house, large frame ham and other nec essary outbuilding, together with an orchard of all kind or trull. Ibe whole la undariaid with n vain of good eoal. For further particulars call on the p rem i , or by letter addressed to JOHN C. RKKD. Jwly-gfl, 1SS0-$t Clearfield, 1V triinOH'S NOTICE In the estate of Jas. Rid- ) In IheOrpha&a' Court die, dee'd, late of tlura or flea me id coun aide township. I ty, Penn'a. The onderaiened Auditor appointed by tbe uourt to distribute in balance in tee banns oi tbe Administrator to and among the creditors, gives notice that ba will attend to the dutlea of oi! appointment ai bis race, in uearneia, on Friday, August 27lh, iNPO. when and where all pirtiea interested may attend. ffriAn k u. hakhis, Auditor. Clearfield, Pa., Aug. Il,3l-18r0. TVVOItCK NOTICF. In the Court of 1 Common Plea ef Clearfield eounly, Pa., W illiam Selfrldg vc. Sarah 0. Setfridge, No. 10, June term, ISbU, Subpiena Sur Divorce. The underatgned L'otniniMioner appointed by aaid Coart to take teatimony in tb above can, hereby gives notio that he will attcud to Ibe du ties of bis appointment al bis olfic in Cleartleld, Clearfield ei.unty, Pa.t on Tuesday, tbe ii 1st day of August, Ihku, at nineo'olock A. M., when and whore all parlies interested msv attend. OSCAR M1TCHKLL, Cniuoiiif loner. Clearfield, Pa., Aug. II, 1880HL Divorce Notice. Clara R. Carpenter Ty In the Court of Common Pleas ef Clearfield Co. No. 1. 10, January term 110, Alias Sub. Bur Divorce. bar next friend Patrick Quirk, ve. Leonard Carpenter. The underlined Commlaafnner annotated bv tald Court te take testimony in the altov ease, hereby gives notice that be will attend to tbe du ties of hi appointment at the office of Murray A Gordon, lo Clearfield, Pa, on Thursday, August in. ihbii, at JO o-olool A- M., when and where a II parties I attracted may attend. w. i. mi aw, Commissioner. August 4, 1880-BL A' In (be irniToH notice:. esUte of Samuel) In the Orr hens' Court Powell, deceased. J of Clearfield Co Pa. By an order of Coart dated Jnlr tflth. 1NH0. the undersigned Auditor heretofore appointed, ia ordered to Testate tbe account of Hon. A. C. Tate, Adtniaiatrator, Ac, ia accordance with ibe facta as they may be preiented to him, and to distrib ute tb balance as shown by a restatement of the account, to and amongst those legally entitled. ne nereny sires nonce mat ne will attend to tbe tiea ef bit arpolatment, at his office in Clear field, nn Monday, Auguat 23d, 1KK0, at 9 o'clock A. M., when and where ell partite interested may attend. FRANK U. HARRIS, Auditor. , Clearfield, Pa., August 4th, 1880 It. 1 ORPHANS' COURT SALE '! . , ; ' -OF , j REAL ESTATE, ' IN COVINGTON TOWRRniP. ' By virtue of an order lasted out ef the Orpbana' Court of Clearfield oeuniy, in theUuaimonwealih of I'enniylvsnla, there will be expuaed to public aale at th OOHKT HOUSE, In CiHlld, on PIATLRPAV, AU(;jflT 9H, INHO, at I o'clock P. M.. Ih following daroribed real est ate, lata th property of JAM KM FRRMN, deesased, situate ia Coringtoaj township, Clear field county, Pa , lginnlog at a post, thence sooth 171 perches to while pine : thence east 28 4-10 perrbeetopoit; thence north 1)0 proha to post i theoe weat 18 410 perches to poit and place of beginning, containing TH KNTV-FIVK AtRRH, more or leas, all a lea red, baring thereon erected a imall frame bouse and leg baro. TERMS OF BALI : One-half cash oa evmOrmatloa of th sW, and balance la ei nwnlb,to be aeenrel by judgment bond and Srire t'nnttt mortgage nn the premeals. CHARLES MIGNOT, Adaiinistralor Cle.irfleld, Pa., Aug. 11, 1M0 It. I 51 w gdifrtlsriwruta. F ARM LANI9 FOR iAI E. In Huaton and Pin tosfnehiiii, Clearfield oounty. Ptu Reasonable time given for part of purchase., J! money. Price ad. 00 to $10.00 per aore.'fT Minera'! reserved. L. SIHD, Jtiral, PenCrld, Pa. or Wallacb k K... Cl..r(i.ia, Vt, Sept 10, HtftMf. WAGONS WAGONS KUGGIKS ISUGtilKS. SntlNO WAGONS, SP1UNG WAGONS. THE to'vkLI.V WAtOXS.' TOP AND OPEN ST700IES KEPT O.V I1ASD FOR SALE. STAGE & REILLY, CI.EARPIELU, PA. MJ 11 3m. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. In pursuance of an order of tbe Orphan's Court of Lieartlelu oounty, trier will becxpoaed to pub lic sal at th Court Hour in Clearfield, Pa , en Saturday, Auguat Stint, IttHO, at 1 o'clock, P. M., tbe following described real estate of Charles W. Leonard, late of Lawrence tewnabip, aaid county, deceased, vis r All his right, till and Interest In and to that certain tract of land situat In aald township, bounded en tbe South by landa of Clark Brown, on the Bast by land of John A. Reed and Stewart Reed, on the North by Stewart Reed, and on tbe West by W. P. Read and Jonah R. Reed, Coiitallifiitr. till Acre, more or less, hit the estate of bis father, Robert Leonard, deceasod. The iioproretueate consist of a large two-story frame dwelling bouse, lug bam, and other out buildings. About 1 00 acres of the property cleared and under cultivation. TEKM8 OF SALK : One-half of tbe purchase money cash oa con firmation of sale, balance in on year from data of sale wltb Interest from date of sal, to be secur ed by bond and mortgngeon tbe premises. i-i via r. LtUftARU, Administratrix. July 28, 18KO-3I. Notice to Heirs I a the matter of the estate In the Orihans Court ot rredeuek rrsiloy.late or Clear nold county, of Cheat township, dee'd. ) Pennsylvania. WRIT or PAHTITIOX. To the heirs and legal representatives of Fred erick Frailey, late of Chest township, Clearfield oo only, Pa., dee'd., vis: Elisabeth Ann Frailey, (widow), John Frailey, Andrew Frailey, Lydia Krai ley (intermarried with Hamilton White), and Hamilton White her husband, Elisabeth Frailey (intermarried with John Hockenbrry), and John lloclienberry her husband, Catherine Frailey (in termarried with John Hoover), aod John Huover her b Ultimo d, and the heirs and legal reprenta tivus of Mag'laluoa Frailey. deo'd., (who waa in termarried with William Harlot, vis: Hum ion larto, Lydia Barto, ( intermarried with Jonathan Wrstover), and Jonathan Westore her huxhand, Kdward Barto, Caroline Barto, ( intermarried with George Wallace), aud Ueorge Wnllace her hus band, Elmira Barto and John Kraik-y hia Guard ian, and Jaue Baito and Juhn Frailey her uunrman. TAKE NOTICE that, in pursuance of a writ of parli Ion to me directed, out of ihe Orphans' Court of CJrariiel.i county, 1 will, on Till RS DAY, tb2ii'fll DAY of AUGUST, lb80, bold an Inqueit of perlilion and laluaiiun of the real oatute Ute of Frederick Frailey, lata or Cheat uwnthip, Clearfield county, Pa-, deo'd. Tho lu iuest will assemble at tbe late rciideoce of said rredenck Frailey, deo'd., in Chest town chip. oounty end State aforesaid, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. JAMES MAIlAFFEV StiBHirr's Orrica, ) Hhehff. L-ltarfield, Fa , July 2tttb, U80.J Notice to Heirs I In the matternf the estate 1 In the Orphnns'Court oi tfosepa i oi n ers, late ot UlearQeld oounty, of Karthaui(wp.,dcc'd. j Pennsylvania. WRIT OF PA HTiTION. To the heirs and legal repreaentatives of Joseph Yothers, late of Karthaus township, Clearfield oounty, Pa., deo'd., vis: John Yothers, Henry Yothers, Sophia Yothers, (Intermarried with Geo. lleckendorn), and George Heckendorn her bus band, Christiana Yothers, Joi.W. Yothers Daniel Yothers, Reuben Yothers, Isabella Yothers, ( inter married with Wm. Patterson), and Wm. Patterson her husband, 'and the heirs and legal representa tive of Adaliae Yothers, deo'd., (who was inter married with Joseph Gilliland), vis : Joseph Gilliland, (surviving husband), Lydia Gilliland and Clara Gilliland, by their Guardian, K. J. GillilMid, and th heirs and legal representatives of Mary Elisabeth Yothers, deo'd, (wbo wa In termarried with William Hcichet), via: William Helchcl, (surviving husband), David Heiohel, Alfred Heiohel, Nora Hcicbel, Orriu Helcbel and Mabel Heichel, by tbelr Guardian B. J. Gilliland. TAKE NOTICE that, In pursuance or a writ of partition to me directed, out of tbe Orphans' Court of Clearfield county, Pa.. I will, on Til U US DAY the JflXll DAV or SEPTEMBER, A. D. 1880, bold an Inqueit of partition and valuation of th real estate, late of Joseph Yothers, let of Karthaua township, doe'd, situate lo Karlbaus townahip, Clearfield county, Pa. The Inquest will aaaemble at th lata residence of aaid Joseph Yothers, deo'd., in Karthaus township, at 10 o'clock in tbe forenoon of said day. JAMES MAIIAFFEY, Snanirr'1 OrricR, Sheriff. Clearfield, Pa., July 28, IK90. Sheriff's Sale. T) Y virtue of sundry writ! of Levari acta Issued J out or th Court or Common Pleas of Centre county, Penn'a, and to me directed, there will be exposed to PUBLIC SALE, at the Court House, in tbe borough of Del! o font e, Pa., on Saturday, August 3let, lHO At 1 o'clock P. M., the following described real state, of Defendant to wit All the right, title and intereetof Defendants In all that certain tract or land situat lo Rush twp., Centre conn ty, Pa, in the warrantee name of Jno. Hambright and described accord Inc to a surrev made taereof by David Haugh en tbe 80th day of Aiigun, man, Beginning at a pine tree corner; thence extending by a tract of land In tbe war rantee name of Andrew Graff, north U derraea eaat, 314 perches more or les to a while nine, a corner ; thonc by a tract of land In tha warrant nam or Casper She Oner, south 881 dearest east IHS perches more or less to a red oak tree or blaok oak fallen ; thence by tract of laud in the war rantee name of Robert Speer, south 61 4 degrees west 320 perches more or lets tea post) thence vj a tract oi una in me warrantee name or Ueo. Hu finagle, north i degree weat, 3Ht perches more or less to the plaoe of beginning, containing a wcrea ana iou peranea and allowance. ALSO, All tha right, title and interest of Defendants In all that certain tract or pieoeof land situate in nuin township, centra county, Pa., ia the war rantee aaino of Andrew Gran, beginning at a hemlock tree, a corner; thence extending norib 60 degrees west, 820 perch oa more or leaa to a pine tree corner f (bene by a tract ef land in the warrantee nam of Christian Murser, south 40 degree at 2.10 perches more or less to a eugar tree, a corner ; thence by a tract of land in tha war rantee name ot John Hambright, aouth 50 desreea weat, 320 peicbrs more or leaa lo a pine tree cor ner; thence by a tract of land In the warrantee name of Sebastian Graff, north 40 degrees east 2:10 percnei more ur less to the plaoe of bogmoing, uuuiaiouig at resanu i:4 perches more or lens ALSO, All the right, title and interest of Defendant! in all that rer tain tract or piece of land iltuate in ftuab township, a To 'eta id, and partly lu Morrie townahip, Clearfield count, Pa. Bounded on the north by landa of the estate of Henry Lreint aecoasea, on ins eaat oy tends ol ijiiay and hyler, on Ihe south by lands In warrantee name of Aa. drew Graff, on the wrat by landa late of Brenner ana company containing 4i7 acres and 1:17 perches aurveyed April 1, 170, oo warrant In name of Christian Muster. Thereon erected two frame houses, an eld aaw mill and other out buildings. ALSO, All the right, title and Interest of defeferidants In all that certain tract of land situate in Morris townahip, Clearfield county, Pa. Beginning at a atone heap, formerly a white oak earner I thenno hy landa laic of Lever and Lorain south 2i perch to a pest, east 164 itercheo to ssoit: thence by lands surveyed to Robert Raioey north 220 6-10 perches to a white pine, aloasr landi surveyed to Btepben Kingston 164 perches to the yimvw vi ucginiimg, oooikining u acre a nna p ere bee and allowance, and waa surveyed It, pnr mancaof a warrant dated March 13, A. D., 1887, i steed to Leonard Kyler. ALSO. All the right, title and Interest of Defendant In land aituate in Morris township, Clearfield county, Pa. ! Beginning at a fallen hemlock ; thehe eoutb th degreea west, SI6 perches to a white pine t thenee north 87 degrees west, SIR A-IO perches to a mapl tree ; thence north tl degreea east, 16 6-10 pare he to a post ; Ibeoco south 84 degree weat, flW 110 perehst to a post, north I degreea east, 80 t 10 perches lo a bero sook f tbenoe south 83 degree eaat, 24T 6-10 per ohe to the place of beginning, containing 411 acre aod 84 perches, more or leaa. Being part of n larger traot eurveyad in tha name of John Houston. ALSO, AM the right, title and Interest of Defendant in al) that certain tract of land situate lo Morris township, Clearfield county, Pa. t Pea, Inning at a sprne eorner t three by Daniel Milk purchase north 88 degreea west 100 perches to a pine ) thenee hy John Taylor and John Houston surveys 22s perches Ut a pine, south 14 degrees west course, called In the original survey south ; tbenoe east 70 perches to a post j thence north I, de grees eaat 106 porehee to a spnsoe f (hence eoutb SMi dgroc east 84 perches t tkenc north tft de gree east 120 perches to the place of beginning, containing 170 acre. Being parts of two or rays In warrantee Barnes of David Bsrerage and Francis Johnston. Thereon ercted n I wo -story frame house, stable and ether outbuildings. Seised, taken In ex ecu Moo, and to be sold as th property ef Jacob Monk, with not In to Job a Wagner and W. E. Wagner, as terra lea eat. NOTE Th undlrided one-third part or the above described traetl of land will be sold at th same Ume and place by Wai. T. Kirk, Ran , Trustee fur certain red I tori of Wagner A Br. Term made known on day of sal. Tbrms Ci. No deed will be acknowledged until th purchase money il paid In full. JOHN SPANGLFR, Hberif. Phenir OfrW, Belle font, Anj, 4th, IHfl, iUur SUwtisnurutjj. 5 00O IlirHllkIA George Weaver A Co , Wkiit fire thousand huabela of OATS, now, and will pay eaah or produce. ClaarlielJ, 1'aw.Aug. IS, 1879-tf. BEI-:t FOR OA I. R. Thirteen hires of Italian Bee which I will sell cheap for cash, or exchange for wheat. For further In formation call on or addrasa th uodtnigned. J.F. KRAMER, Nov ,7. tf. Clearfield, Pa. gUSQUEHANNA HOTJNJfi, CUEWENSVILLE, PENN'A. 4rThia old and wll.establl.hej Ilo-el has been ieaeed by the undersigned, and he frets con fident ol rondttiing satisiaction to those who may patron ne aim. tona siaoimg attached, LEWIS C. BLOOM, I'roprietor. April 21, 'SO tf. P? PATCH TJ itliuuj'aei t ellii i-a bin him th. A'IKni rioa if... Ar U4f .. Vi Hi 1F. unt 10)1 i'lii. i. rri.ifld it., fw t$r ltliM rrrrlTtd M (V Skirt iitl'l l! lo 111 tr lit. 1hir U-itM ItlailrftUd i'lllhiiM ot SKwl ri.i iiiiim. J-otltj. N .-itiixt, fti, xj. eu. I U loau.HtbBi.rnuadaipbia.ra ITI alwliaaU)Usa(. (1 rtt. A.ldrcal I ITI BOVSI.TT (V) June 18, lsS0-3m, 1 l!HI NINTH ATOR'H NOT ICR Notice i Is hereby circn that Letters of Adminia. tration oo tbe estate of A. 11. SHAW, tat of Lawrence townahip, Clearfield county, Pa., dec d, having been duly granted to tbe undersigned, all pereons indebted to aaid atat will plea make immediate payment, and those having claims ur demand! against tbe same, will present them properly authenticated for settlement without delay. MAKY B. 811 AW, W. W. BKTTB, Administrators, Clearfield, Pa., June 10, 1880 fit. SpriiigfSiiiiiiiicr Millinery TO Mr Ct'XTOMRRf AND TBR Pl'BLIC AT LaROB t About Saturday, April 24th. I will retain from Philadelphia with a lull line oi Mil.Llftt.Kl GOODS of all kinds. With new facilities for do ig business, I will simply say that I ean n give my on to men tbe benefit of my advantages in buying, styles and prices throughout tbe entire Mason. Mrs. i. u. HAinun Clearfield, Pa., April 21, 1HM Urn. ORPHANS' COURT SALE IN IIOUTZDALE. By virtue of an order Issued out of tbe Or phans' Court of tbe Couoty of Clearfield, in tbe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, lb undersigned Administratrix will aell at Public Sal on tbe promisee, in lb Borough of lloutadal, in raid county, on Thursday, August 10, litlfO, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M., All that certain hott-1 property known as the Mi . uluuij iiUTrll," comprising l,ota No. 174 and No. If HG lo Ihe general plan f the Borough of iloutidale, with tbe linpntreiiioiits thereon, consiHiog of a two story Prune lloue, being 75 feet trout and 24 lent deep, wllh an addition thereto of 18 fei-t. Tb hi art contains fifteen rooms up stairs and five moum down stairs, with a good oellar, and there It an utceduut sUbla ob the preuns'-a. 1 tie properly is Wuli IttwJ every way lr ih purpoxes of Hotel. TEHJIS Of Fh per cent, on day of sale, bataneo of one thiid cash oo confirmation of sle, and the re mainder in two enual annual pnvmonti, with in teret scoured by Bond and Mortgage on the premises- Mna. ELM 1 HA BAl'MGARDNER, Hoi'Tr.DA lb, July 28 41 Administratrix, EXECUTORS' SALE HEAL ESTATE IN TENN TOWNSHIP. By virtue of anrordar Issued out of the Orphans' Court of Clearfield Couoty, Penusylvauia, lha undersigned Kxeoutors of tbe Estate of RICH A HI) DANVER, Sr., late of I'ENN TOWNSHIP, in aaid County, deceased, will sell al Public Sale, on tbe premises, In said township, on Saturday, August 21st,18aof AT S O'CLOfK P. M., All that certain traot of land, or farm altuated In the Township aforesaid, bounded a follows Oa tba north by lands of Nelson Walker, on tbe east by Jesse opencer and William h. Denver, south my Joseph Da via aad weat by Allen M Donald, containing SEVENTY ACRES, more or less ; about sixty acres of which Is im proved and under cultivation, having thereon erected a log dwelling house, log barn and tbe oiner necessary outbuilding, together with fine ORCHARD of good fruit, and ice I leal water. TtK.W.SOr SjiLE. One-third of tb price must be paid down, and tbe balauoe in two equal nnnuul payiaeiiU. with Interest, acourod by Bond and Mortgage f.n the premiaea. iuuiiahu hanvek, Jr. JAMES McKKOWN, Executor! of R. Danrer, Sr., deoeaaed. Grami iar Hills, July 28, 1U80-4L A iriMTOHfci REPORT of the finance or In ion townahip, for the year ending April tiu, loou. i nomas uroexoanx, district treas urer, in account wun tut jtoad and Poor fund roap VrJtni. DR. Toam't received from B. B. Brubaker. Treasnrer ror 1S7U 11.418 31 To am'tof 8. 8. Hollopetor duplicate 2 .1 14 lo am t ei B, ft. ff ing duplicate 144 77 Total... $1,810 22 CR. By amouut of order redeemed $1,418 SI By amount of tax worked under S. B. llollopeler m 4ft By am tof tax uoworked by Hollopeter.. 48 ftS By am'tof tax Wiag 1.11 76 By ain't of tax unworked by 8. II. Wing 13 02 Total ...$1,816 22 POOR VI'RPI, DR. To nm't of taxes col. by W. W. Dun lap. $ 17 41 To am't received from D. B. Urakaker- lit Ou To balance due Thomas Brookbank 121 67 Total ..$ 208 00 cu. jf order redeemed.. By amount ....$ 2i,8 00 We, the undersigned Auditors having examin ed tbe account or Thomas Brockbank, Treaaurer ot I nl'in township, in account with Ibe ROAD aod PuijK tuada of said townahip, and certify ihmi ucrt im uue me uisinci ireasuera balance Irum Ibe poor fund of $11.67 B. F. I1ARLKY, Jr., Atteat : . F. HToWKLL, S. B. Wrltv, C. D. LABOUDK, Clerk. Auditors. July 2Mb, 1H80-3I. AUDITOR' HTATF.MKMT afihe ROAD and POOR fend af Bcgga tovaahlp, ror in correal year, as iuiiowb : ROAP ri'RIi. DR. To Duplicate of Levi Louder Supervisor. .$710 fill To tilt days service as Supervisor 110 00 Total m 00 CR. By order to Levi Louder $ 00 43 ny order to David Mease n U 67 liy work done by eititena nndvr Levi ; Louder. H , M m 76 By tax not worked out 02 80 ity amount relumed to Commisalooers... 44 tb Hy exoneration v $ f go Total.... $820 00 DR. To am't of Duplicate of Jacob Han $418 00 To 47 days service aa Supervisor ..-. V4 09 Total . .$610 00 CR, By order to Frank Gobs I 40 00 By Jacob Haney 64 00 By work dons by oil i tea a 187 80 By exonerations , 0 70 Ky am t returned to Coma lis I oners 1 ao By tax aot worked out 20 to Total ..$'10 to roc a iranm. DR. To balance at settlement of 1870 ....131 04 ,.. U0 St To duplicate for n7V Total ..$083 IA By balance nt settlement $208 87 out ef tbia amount there la ia the handa of David Meets $lc9 $0 In the haa. is af Jacob Dltneltog.,..,...., $2 to La the baada of laaat Belsbt4.MM. $6 07 CR. Ry order redeemed $.1.11 60 By exoneration! and return to Commla'a. 46 24 By amount to balance un 7 Total ..$6K3 20 We, tbe undertime Anditot ef Beraa town ship, bar examined the above statement and find It correct, JOHN BKISII. Attest: JOHN COULTER, Wm. H. Brapv, JOHN STuNE, Clerk. Auditor. Jaly 21th, Htet St. lU5Ilan(ou5. A NEW Almost Given Away, an Eiglit-Pnjrp Pnpor for Im than Cost of Paper, Ink and Postage. THE WORLD IS FOR HANCOCK ( ENGLISH FIRST, LAST, AND ALL THE TIME, AND wiu, m: sent. 1'oMago paid, from now until Juiiuiiry 1, 1881, WEEKLY 25 CeuU SEMI-WEEKLY 50 CcnU DAILY (including Sunilny) .... $2.50 Or until nfter tlie Inmigurntioii for dutilik' the above priced. Democrats, send for it and rend what in being done all over the country by Democrats to insure a glorious victory this Fall. Send it to your Republican neighbors, and convert them to Democracy. HELP ON THE GOOD CAUSE I Address TIIK WORLD, 35 Tark Row, New York. Annu.t lllh, .80. ATTENTION FARMERS 1 WE IUVE ON IIAXD AND FOI? SALE ONE CAR I.OAD.OF CHAMPION REAPERS k MOWERS. -A CAR LOAD OF THE- FARMERS' FRIEND POUPLE FOltCE FERD GRAIN TIGER AND THOMAS HAY RAKES, TIIK BERT SELF AND HAND DUMP HAKES IN THE WORM). X1 1 .f:---J--1S r&jTK&Z. J i ir:rm? ts& ji.jV.VV 11 "'I'-T-IA'-f w' - We also have a lot of Ih'ebner's Level Tread Horse-Power Threshers and Cleaners for one and two horses. Also Turubull'a Ohio Wagons with Beveled Shoulder Spokes, which adds fully one- third additional strength to the Spring Wagons, with two and three Beats, and Open and Top Bug gies. Please give us a call before buying elsewhere. The abovo Articles will be Exchanged for Sheep, Cattle or Good Horses. Clearfield, I'n., May Sli, lSS0 2ra N. E. ARNOLD, O XT n. W 3E3 IV S XT X DL Tm 3EU --WILL HIGHEST CASH PRICE 3F 0 3R. 1,000 CORDS HEMLOCK 1,000,000 ONE MILLION SAWED SHINGLES. 1,000,000 1,000,000 ONE MILLION SHAVED SHINGLES. 1,000,000 No "waiting for turn, hut unloaded immediately. Highest cash price paid at all timed. Liberal sec Arnold before contracting your bark. N. E. ARNOLD, CURWENSVILLE, PA. JAMES L. XJ3VX3E!jFl.,X,jA.X3E3n., MAItKCT BTKI'.ET, H.KAHFIIil D, FK!U'I, All kind) of CafkeU and Cofllna kept on hind, and furnished to order on abort notice, including tlio fincol na Inoturod. uiir Ia tho best tn hue, knd will be furnihel when required. Funerals attended in nnv nart of the cuuntv. Call at mv oflic-o. on Second street, or leaVe your orders at Tronlman'e Ftirnilnro oft 1,70-ly.' (W gmrrrllsrmfnlu. ARNOLD WANTS ' 5,000 Rail Road Ties. Cr.o.TlU., p.. Ju. , '71-tf. OH TISWAKH, llmWKBr aoA ' HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, , and NEKDI.KS, ATTACHMENTS AND PARTS, , and all kinds of SHWING MA CHINKS, BO TO O. B. MKHREI.Ij, ' . Agont, C1.KARF1RI.D, PA. (Juo. I, If. T W FAHMEH l-Th Poorlwnlh Annu.l Klhibttloa ( Iks n.l ARHKl.l) VOUMY AUHIUULTUHAL HUClKll will b. ball At C'lenrflold, B'pt. 15, 18 4 17, W0, LIDKRAL PRKMIIIMS b. r.(l.r.d d .. p.bli. le ds. Ila., for whWfe titrj la tb. ..writ; I. InTlle.) tn somprt.. For Informa lloa addraw I.KAMjKII DKNNINU, Pra. 1. Or AL. U. BOW, gMr.Urr, CinrB.ld. I'oaa'.. Kisrull.a CiiBlll.. Philip Il.tU (da. Traaa rr, llm.Tla lp.; Kll.ha M. Davis, Phi twp., Joha Smith, Uloom tirp, 1,.! R. Uraailaf, I'aiva twp. I Vt lliaa P. Tsla, Lawraara twp. Jam M, yusrcllauroij. OFFER. PH1I.L, ANP A CAR LOAD OF TMK jj - ' wheel. Also Cortland rlattorm F. M. CARDON 4- BRO. PAY THE-- BARK. 1,000 CORDS OAK BARK. 1,000 CORDS SHINGLE BOLTS. advances made on large lots. Go LEAVY, well it tbo clionpcnt thut can be maim- 1 Ktoro, adjoining tbe l'oatoffioe. JA3. li. LiCAM I, Clearfield, Pa. tw dvrrtUtmrtitf. PRIVATE SALE ! AMY partiaa In -i ol a Saw Win an karat Informed thai I will sail tkaai aas aa oo4 aa saw, Stara'ajBlsaks, a F1FTY-FOVR1XCU SAW, RalttoR, and all tha atbar lilaraa la gao4 ardar. I'or furthar iDr.rmaiiaa, addraa. JUSTIH J. PIE, Oaaaola 1I1IU, ClaHBald Co, Pa, March , ! If. Agents Wanted a th only ftutbmtl lo rle4 kwok MBUlalai tb llss of GEN. W. S. HANCOCK W. H. ENGLISH. A tomalala mflrd of tha ,lf aad. wUliaar, Ufa of M.j. Oaa.Wlntald. nasMakTwIth a faiT and fr.phi. annual of . rwdln(a, apMakaa. aad (noldaats al lb ClaaauaM Ooa.aaUM, alaa. tha platforia.ts'wiaaf aatlloMud latlan of a.Mp.. ssm, wllk da lia, ,f w. H Rlckl arahallUha4 with saaasraas artlMla lllaMraUoa snd flta, handaoM aairsTwd partralu af Mk, aaaiUiala. Sura aiwroH to all wko Uka bold tat, oatMll all kookt, Soaol fat air aulara and aitra larata. ' Ad.lnaa. . at. k.tI.LBV .VCO, 711 Suaoai Stnol. PkHawartkls, Pa. Jel; II, lst-i.