$k k publican. Gkoeqi B. Goodlandir, Editor. CLEARFIELD, Fa. WEDNESDAY MOKNINd, Al'lll'ST 11, ISHO. Reader, If you want to know what li going on In ths business world, Just reed our advertising toiamns, to tiptciai column in particular. Democratic National TlcKcl I'On PKES1DKNT . Gen. Wiiiiicld S. Hancock OF PENNSYLVANIA. FOK VICE PJUESIDENT ; Si WW Hon. William II. EndislL OF INDIANA. THE ELECTORAL TICKET. roll RLECTOR.-AT-LARflJR ! Il.ti.rt B. Monachal!, William II. I'lavford. rem piBTRirr clkcvorb : Dii. We. 1. Jobo Blevin. 15. George A. 1'o.t. . EJwin A. I'ue. III. A. M. llenton. . John M. Campbell, 17. J. 1'. I. into.. i. Uillai Dallelt, 18. Col. John S. Millar. 6. John M. MufiilL ill. J. 0. Huxlon. . KJw.rd Waldon. 211. C. M. Bimer. 7. Nathan C. Jamas. 21. J. A. J. Buchnnaa. 8. George Filbert. 22. Cliriitophar Macoa. 9. Jaf. li. M'H)arren. j2il. Hubert M. (Jibaon. 10. Ilr. A. J. Martin. 21. Thomai Bradford. 11. Adam derringer. '25. Harry W. Wilion. 12. Frank Turner. 1 2. Samuel (Irllfltb. l:t. V. J. Birmingham. ,27. J. Koia Tboiapeon. 14. II. E. Davia. I Democratic State Ticket ! FOB SUPREME JUDdE: Hoh.GKOUGK A. JENKS, OP JEFPERHON COUNTY. TOn AUDITOR GENERAL : Vox,. ROBERT P. DKCHERT, OF PHILADELPHIA. MAXIMS FOR THF DAV. No man worthy the office of President ihootd b willing to hold It If counted la, or placed there by any fraud. U.S. Or art. I could new have ben reconciled to tho ele vation by the smallest aid of mine of a person, fa o waver respectable io private life, wbo must forever carry opoo bit brow tho eta Dip of fraud flrit triumphant in American bit tor jr. No sub sequent action, however meritorious, can wash away the letters of tbat record. Crab lbs Fa a Kit i Adami. I would rather bare tho endowment of aquar tor of a million of the American people than that of the Louisiana Returning Board, or of tha Corn million which excluded tb facte and decided the question on a technicality. Tnoi. A. II ten Drum a. Under the forme of law, Rutherford B. Hayes has been declared Preiident of the United States, ilii title rests upon disfranchisement of lawful Toten, Uia false eertificatee of the returning offi cers acting corruptly, and the dec ii ion of a oom tu in loo which hae refused to bear evidence of al leged fraud. For the fint tin are the American people confronted with the fact of a fraudulently elected Preiident. Let It not be understood tbat the fraud will be ailently aoquieioed in by the country. Let no hour patt in which the usurpa tion 1 forgotten. A none m op Democratic M. C.'i. Ob hundred year of human depravity accu mulated and concentrated lutoaelimei of crime. Neveregaialn five hundred yean eha.ll they have au opportunity to repeat the wrong. DiriilW. Voobbbbb. BASCOCK'8 SAYINGS. RXTRACTl PR MM III OXDRRS THAT I MOW WHAT it run of war m. The true and prop or uia of the military power, be i i dee defending tike national honor against for eign nation, ii to upheld the lawi and civil gov rnmentand to secure to every person residing among ui (he enjoyment of life, liberty and prop arty. The right of trial by jury, the hebeai corpus, the liberty of the press, the freedom of speech, the natural rights of persons and the right of property mult be preserved. Power may dcitroy the forme, but not the prin ciple! of juitic. Thoie will live In ipite even of the iword. The great principle of American liberty it ill are the lawful inheritance of thii people and ever ehonld be. Armed forarrerttnin en forcible reiiitance ta the lit will be Instantly rep ratted by arm. Nothing ean Intimidate me from doing what I believe to be honeet and right. Arbitrary power baa no etirtenct her. From the Now York Timet, Feb. 19, 18711.1 Meter. Kelley and J are Id present a mott distressing figure. Their participation In the Credit Mobilier affair is complicated by the most unfortunate contradiction! ol testimony, Prem the New York Timet, Fab. to, 1MB. The ob tract er of the Credit Mobilier was no secret. The aouree of it profit were very well known at the time Congressmen bought It. Thnwgb Oanee A rim nay have eueeeeded la eoa eealing hi own motive, which was to bribe Onn greiauien, their aceeitanoe of the ttck wa aot on that account innreent. The dishonor of the act, a a participation in an obvioui fraud, ittll rcm.M. 8ome ol them have indulged is testimony with reference to the matter which has bwn contra dieted. The committee efiitiacffv w)rt IA fe(i wonyo eeecrei of tkt tMintWe, Tait eaa ewJy e Hont on tin frcunet IAI it it ealrw. Hut unlntt U$timony oiWa undtr oath it morally, if not legal- It I the clear duty of Congres to visit with ftnnisbmrat all wbo took Credit Mobilier lleek rom Oake A me. -f From the New York Tribune., Feb. 11, 1S73. Jtntl A, Oarfteld, of Ohio, had tea eharrc; never paid a dollar; received a-UH, which, after the inveiligalion bagan, he wa aniloui to have cooilJered a a loaa from Mr. Oak A me to himtelf. Well, tha wirkednea ef all of It Ii that that men betrayed tb trust of the people, deceived their constituent and bj ovations and falaehoods eoafetsed the transaction to be disgraceful, from the New York Tribune, Feb. J(i, IflTS.J Mr. A met tetahliebe very clearly the petat that he wa not alone la thii offeaie. he i f ht trpeUM er frrttStry, ,lht ara wao were entref tkoud ffo with kirn. A Childish Inquirv. "Pa, what docs tho printer livo on ?" "Why, my child ?" "Becaime I heard you eny you hadn't paid him for six years, and you still take the paper." "T1IE BAYONET IS XOT A FIT JSBTKtMENT FOU COLLECT 1NO TIIK VOTES OK KIlEKMEJf." Tlaneock. ORGANIZE. hT.T THERE BE AT LEASr ONE HANCOCK AND EaVGMSH CLUB OIWANIZEP IN JJVEBY ELECTION DISTCICT IN THE COI'NTY. VKATll OF EJC-OOV. BIQLF.R. Thi community wa novor before tinned into hqcIi abtuilnlu and wiilu- Bjireail motirnin); an on tlio Dili ilny of Augut, 1S80, when it was miiiouncud tliutull tliutwuBiiHirtulol llon. Willium Uiglcr wuh duaJ. Tbo noblo mini ex pired a litllo before uino o'efock A. M., in hit) G7tli year, cuuitcd by dropsy of the heart. Although hi death had been anticipated almost every hour lor the previous ten days, tbo announce ment cuuHed a shudder in the commu nity, in him tho Comnionwoulth limes ono of its purest statesmen, tho com munity a neighbor in the broadest sense ol tliut term, the fumily u noble husband and father, and the relatives a friend whoso place will be hard to till, and all, "one of tho noblest works of God an honest man." It is a pity that men like him cannot live always, lie leaves a wile and three sons to mourn his premuturo demise. Tho funeral will Uko placo to-day (Wed nesday), at I o'clock P. M. Below ill bo found the proceedings of the borough authorities, as follows : CLRARriKLD, Pa., Augoit 9th, i.80. In puriDAOM of . eatl .lib. Burgeia, tb. Too Council mat la Ipaelal laailoo, prtlent: Wllll.ni Powell, Burgcaa; Jonathan BoTDton, T. J. Bojrar, H. B. Van Valtab, S. B- Row, Councilman. Tba Burgaaa briefly announead tba death of ez- Qorernor William Biglcr, wbloh and .rent ocourrad at bis late r.etdeno, In thta borough, tbll morning, whereupon tha following pratnbl. and roaolulione war. offered bj Hon. T. J. Boyer, and unaniinoualy adopted. Whkrba., It haapleaaad Divin. Provid.noat. laim bjr deatb, our dlatioe-uiihed and muob aateemed fellaw-citiien, ex-llor. Wklllatn Biglar. And. aa tb. borough of Ctearfleld, the bom. of our diitinguithed fellow townaman, mourna with einrare aorrow hia death, and reoogniaing in hia death th.loia of a atnoereand eaterprltiog (ri.nd, a truly great and honeat maa, therefor., tit t Aaeulmf, Ibat the ilurgv.e aad Town Counoll requeit tbat out of raitiMt to- hia m.tuory. all place, of bu.lnen be olo.rd on Wedneiday, Aoffuet Utb, lhall, Irom twelra to three o'clock V. SI. frMlvcrf, That the Burueli Bad Town Council attend hia funeral iu a boily. Atteat: WILLIAM POWELL, J. F. Sav.RR, Clerk. Uurgeia. Thanks. We aro indebted toSpoaker IJandall for three volumes of the Con gressional Record containing the pro ceedings of that body for 1872 and 1873, while tho Credit Mobilier lraud was being discussed and investigated. Tho debates show that General Gar field and his confederates in tho jobs of that period were "kicked and cuffed" from "pillow to post" in a most dis graceful way by thoir own friends, who saw that the crimo was too ap parent. The lladicul who will road tho Globe, and tho report of tho Po land Committee, must be crony, in a party sense, if ho persists in voting for Garfleld, who was one of the ring- lenders of that day in every fraudu lent scheme that turned up at tho Fed eral Capital. THE BAYONET IS NOT A FIT INSTRUMENT FOB COLLECT ING THE VOTES OF MERMEN." Hancock. Comk Alonu. Those iiadicals who through ignorance and bigotry pro nounce the story entitled, "Garfield and tho Credit Mobilier," a LIE, bad better confess that they aro liars. Wo huve three volumes of tho debates of Congress during 1872 and 1873, in our oflico, as well aa au official copy of the report of tho Poland Committee, all of hich documents wore written and printed by Radical hands. Who would suppose for a moment that such lead ing Itudiculs as Gonoral Banks and Judge Poland would LIE about such a man as General Garfield. Header. tuke tho official record for your guide and learn for yourself who should father the LIE. Mori Mktinos. A Democratic meeting will bo hold at Wintorburn on Tuesday evening, tho 17th inst., and one at Laurol Bun school bouse, near Tyler Station, on Wednesday, tho 18lb. These meetings will be address ed by Wm. M. MoCullough and 8. T. Brockbank, Ksqs. Tho Democrats in Huston socm to be nlivo. Tho moot ing at Ponflold on Saturday evening last was a succoss, and tho initial stops taken to organise a Club. Koop the fire burning by forming Clubs at ovory post villoge, and betwoon places, if a doaon or moro members can bo gath ered up. THE SENIOR HANCOCK CLUB MEETS IN TBE WIG WAM EVERY SATURDAY EVENING. ATTEND. The First Attack. Senator Wal lace opened tho campaign in the Key stone State at Norristown, near the home of General Hancock, on Tuosday, the 10th. Gonoral Davis, of Doyles- town, Hon. B. Markloy Boycr, and others wore down aa speukors. The Sonator fires his next gun in "alt Barkoa." Beading is to have rous ing time. They want to make Berks tally 8,000 instead of six or seven as horotoforo. HioiiLT Endorsed. Gen. Sherman, on Tbursdny, June 24th, 1880, said to one of tho newspaper reporters of Washington : "1 you tit doitn and write the best thing you can put in language about General Hancock at an officer and a gentleman, Iicitt sign it without hesita tion," Scared. Tho wbolosale meeting of the Radical bell wcathers, headed by Garfield, in Now York, on last Thurs- day, is an indication of tho universal alarm that now prevails in tha Radical camp. Boys, "tho jig is up." It's Haucook. Hancock I Wo have printed pos ter for another Club mooting at Cur- wensville on next Friday evening. Speakers David L. Krebs, Esq., aud Abram Humphrey. Democrats, turn out. A Patent Idia. Those editors who advise their readers to peruse Han cock and Garfield's letters ol accept ance, and don't print them, is what may be termed a pmfonnd anijgcstinn. ORCASIZE.LV.T TIIEKK HE AT LEAST ONE HANCOCK AND ENd'LlSU CLL'U OlitiAMZEU IN EVERY ELECTION DISTINCT IN TI1E COUNT V. "I'XltOUyPEP COXl'lDKXVE IX J11M." Yes I Such is the remark wo notico recorded in tho columns of the ordina ry Radical organs when alluding to their candidate for Prosidcnt. Ono of thoin glowingly remarks: No oendidate for Preaident baa ever hej ao many and aa warm endorieinentr Irooi tha relig ioue preaa, from Praaideoti of college! ami oili.ra whoaa worda of praiae may b. .ileeiuod of value, aa tiarSald. Tho following from tho Christian Ad vocate, of Cincinnati, is lo bo added to tho list. It says: On nconunt, we prelum., of our kbowr long ao4uaiutanoe with th. oaudldale of the Republi can party for tha Preildency, and tba peraonal frieudehip eilitlng between ua, w. ar. already beeiegod with queatlvne, louohiog .very rumor put ia circulation by bia political opponenta to hia Injury. Oura la not a political paper, and w. hart aothinf to aay. In thai, eolumna touobiog the political laauea between Kepublleaoa and Democrati. Uut aa touching the oharacter of Jatoee A. Ilarneid aa aa honeat man, a Cbrlitlan gentleman, aa upright, loyal and faithful .Itlaen, and a etalefinan of great ability, of high integ rity, and of pur. morale, wa are frc. tu aay, aa tha reault of long and intimate peraonal acquaint ance, that we hav. In blm, and bar. alwaya had, unbounded oooudeno. that ha. nav.r trembled for a motaent. From the tuul manifested by these brethren for General Garfield, "un bounded confidence" mint bo a dog cheap sentiment. Why should sensible men ignore tho oaths of "Christian gentlemen" like Oakos Ames, Do Golycr, etc., and the equally loyal men who made Congres sional reports, under oath too, in which tho oaths of outside, disinterested par tios convict Gonoral Garfield of com mitting moro heinous crimes than woro over chargeable to any candidate for President ? Is it so becoming in a man who as sumes, and is credited tor boing a "Christian gentleman," to gamble in Credit Mobilier Blocks, (and novcrpay for it at that) take a 13,000 feo from the corruptest gang of robbers that everontorcd tho Federal Capitol, grab a double sulary, etc. 1 How is that for "gentleman" without tho affix? The editor seem to bo just as much beside themselves in this matter us Garfield was when ho allowed himself. to be rakod into theso corrupt schemes. Ilo is guilty. THE JUNIOR HANCOCK CLUB MEETS IN Til E WIGWAM EVERY THURSDAY EVENING. HOYS, TURN OUT. Grkat Mkn. Duritig tho war, somo men mudo themselves great by a re mark. To illuntrato : General Dix did that thing when ho said: "If any man attempts to haul down the American flag, spot him on tho shoot." Mr. Hayes, now drawing Tilden's salary, at ono timo made nearly as cute a re mark, which is detailed by tho Phila delphia Record in this way: "It is the fashion to depreciate President Ilayos, but in 1863, when he and Garfield wore each offered a Congressional nomina tion, Hayes wrote from tho army to his constituents: 'I decline tbo nomi nation. Any man who would leave the front at this time to accept a place of safety in tho rear ought to bo shot.' General Garfield took another view of tho matter, and afterward took bis scat in Congress, whero he has remain ed ever since." Notwithstanding those murderous remarks, Hayes and Gar field are both living. As adepts in po litical larceny and sham statcmanship, no two over became so near being twins. "THE BAYON FT IS NOT A FIT INSTRUMENT FOR COLLECT ING THE YOTE3 OF FREgMEN." Hancock. How Natural. The local of tbo Journal don't liko Huncock's Fourth of July talk. Well, thore aro lots of fel lows that don't liko tho man. ' Ho helped to lick tho Mexicans in 18IG-7; ho has helped to quiot tho redskins on the plains, and ho squelchod Long street, Mosby and thoso other "rebels" who kicked up a fuss on the other side of tho Potomac Moro: Thoso people who favored "war to the knilo," and had thcmsolvcs exempted when draft ed, should bo a littlo modest when as sailing other folks. We suspect that Jeff Davis is as hard on Hancock as tho local in qucstioii. Ho "tricked" Jeff Bcveial times during the Rebellion, but he never has had "a rako" at tho Journal men, who remained off the Sold of strife liko thousands of othors who yelled to thoso on the other sido of tho Potomac, "On to Richmond 1" but never went. How jokoy tho local has bocomol Kvery lemocratle voter In t'lrarrleld county ahou Id hrarln mind that W e-'.li !:. IIAY and Tilt HMDAV.HKPTftMlllvK l.t and 'id, are the laat daya for rru;ltBr!iig; for the aeit election. "That Credit Mobilier LIK." J 11 that is a lib, no Democrat had a hand in framing it. Tho fucts were detailed by a Rudical Congressional Committeo, and all the oaths recorded on that occasion woro made by "Chris tain Statoamen" of the highest stand ing In the Radical party. To pro nounce that Radical report a LIE, con victs half the Radical Senators and Congressmen of that day as liars of the first water. However, the oditor of the Journal can have his own way In tho matter of libeling his party friends. Wo havo tho official report on our tablo, and have stated tho naked truth as put on rocortl undor the oaths and seals of Radical statesmen. If it is an offence, wo are not the author. It's a Pur. Tho most distasteful reading in tbo world to Radical Re publicans is Gonoral liar field's Crodit Mobilier record and the history ol the Do Golyor paving swindle. But, then, thoso confoundod transactions took place, and tho good man and hia back ers must bear up under this moral dead weight as well as possiblo. Letev.ry Itraaocrat In ClearHcld county ace AT ONCK that hia nana. Ian Ih. Hrr. latry. Th. Hat of voter, la now Boated up at every election lluuaa. Throw Yocr Mud. Boys, it's no una ; not only ia Hancock a grand lol dior, but the gonoral verdict pronounces bis Sherman leltor the most complete campaign document of tho day. Evon his bitterest foot admit tho fact. - If the boys in tho big Club don't oome to time wore pjontiful on Satur day night, we will move that the small boys take charge oi tho Wigwam and carry it on In a business way. t .- ' a m Go to the Club moetings oh Thurs day and Saturday evening. "1170.1 THE (10PS, tie." Tho saying, "Whom tho god's in tend to destroy they first muke mail," is utmost too ollun used to be repeuted again. Hut this seems lo be tho futo of liurlleld. His political record is a fearful one. In order, wu have tho Credit Mobilier fraud, the Do (iolyer bribo and tho Salary Grub, any one of which is enough to ruin a "brainier" stutesinan and greater man, than the Republican cundidulo for President. His oxperienco in those transactions did not prevent him taking htnd.ln tho next dixhonoHt transaction which turned up. When tho Republican party foil ml it necossary to steal tho Presi dent, In lieu ol electing him, thoy re quired mi'n to boss the job who would not "Htick at trifles." Garfield was selected as ono of tho "visiting states men," to go South to arrange with the ballot-box thieves for carrying out the villainy. A better selection could not have been made. Tho employment suited tho mun, and so effectually did ho do his purt that he was appointed a member of the 8x7 Electoral Com mission which consummated tho vil lainy. Again was (iaifield equal lothe occasion, and his compatriots said, "well dono, good and faithful servunt," Uis vote was ono of tho eight which robhod thocountry o! its legally elected President, and put in his place the de feated candidate. As thore ore no moro Credit Mijfciliura, Do Golyors or Sulary Grabs, lo put money in his purse, Garfield modestly asks tho poo plo to elect him President. Not much. They havo resolved novor again to put a man in Washington's chair whoso hands aro not clean. Doylestown Deny ocrat. "Til E BAYONET IS NOT A FIT INSTRUMENT FOR COLLECT ING THE VOTES OF FREEMEN." Hancock. Fixed. At the recent semion of the General Coiiferenco of tho African Methodist Episcopal Church, in St. Louis, thieo llinhops woro elected. Among them was the Rev. R. II. Cain, of South Carolina. Old "Daddy Cain," as they call him down on tho Soa Islands, has had his up. and dows in lifo and is in bettor business now than he was a few years ago. A nutivo of Virginia, lie studied for tho Ministry in Ohio, preached in Brooklyn, went South as a Missionary to the Freedmen, got into politics, edited a nowspapor, served in tho Legislature and was sent from the Charleston district to Congress by about 40,000 majority. Ho sat in tho Forty-third Congress and made his mark as a 1'ort.iblo speakor, with all the characteristics of his ruco. He claimed ro-elcction, but failed tooblain tho scat. His political associates led him into very bad company, but his hands wero kept pretty cloan, and he had tho good sense to drop politics as soon as tho Democratic restoration oc curred ; and now be is a Bishop and comfortably fixed for tho balanco of his days. Imposed Upon. It is remarkable how many statesmen antl other people are "tricked" those days. Look at the numerous schemes that poor Garfield has boon rakod into within the past twonty years by Buch scoundrels as Ames and Do Golyor, etc. Tho last imposition we have, is a local case. Tho editor of the Tyrone Herald has been led to say: "Philipsburg, Centre county, has a veteran club of 120 sol- diois all for Garfield. Tho town of Osceola, near tha former place, al though a mero infant village, at the timo of the war, and now a Democratic precinct, has thirty-six veterans for Garfield and three Democratic soldiors for Hancock. Thoso towns are both near the homo of Senator Wallace, the latter being in his county." This stato mont is too jokey for anything, and tbo Pbilipsburgors and Oscoolans arc swig goring of tho Garfieldism, with which somo smart fellow has plastered tho Herald man. Every Democratic voter In Clrarflrld county abould bear In mind that H Kli l-:n. DAY andTMI KNDAY.HKHTKMIIF.II let aud 3d, are the laat days for rcglaterlna; fur the ucxt election. Our Boys' Club held their meeting in tho Wigwam on Thursday evening, according to adjournment, and was called to order by President Short. J. Frank Snyder, Esq., hud been selected to address tho Club, but having been called away from homo on important private business, he failed to put in an appearance However, he furnished a good substitute in the person of D. L, Krobs, Esq., who delivered an ex cellent speech which the contemplative boy must appreciate Sock A Soi ilciur. The editor of the Journal having pronounced the Poland Congressional report on the Credit Mobilier job a LIE, we will drop quoting from it for tho present and ook up the Garfield Do Golyor- I arsons cuso. Vi o have no doubt but that tho Rutlical Coneressmon who made that LI R ing report will feel bad if thev learn of the remark mado bvour neighbor about that standard public document. How is it f If tho Journal man tolls the truth, tho New York Od';ii man bus mado somo ngly remarks about his neighbors within the past year. We must look into this matter. Becauso, if wo have sold our "soul to Wallace, tho Dovil & Co.," wo want the hand monoy or an office We must stir np tho Senator's "roservo of pimps," who worked night and day for Slahuffey, and tnuko them pony tip. Let every laemocrat In Ctearfleld county tee ATONt Klliet hia name la on the Hear latry. The Hat of voter, la now pooled tip at every election llouae. lion. Wm. A. Wallace, of "coffee pot" feme, waa ngiateted at tb. Millar hotel en Friday af ternooa. Huntingdon Globt. Novor vou mind, ho will Fisher a Democratic Congressman out ol the penitentiary district this Fall. And the oditor of tho Globs will not bo the next postmaster, eithor. "Goodlandor," according to tho Row Journal, die tut bod that family won derfully last woek. Just consider ua publio property and go ahead. Boechor is decolving you. There is a licit, and you'll not miss It if you keep on the route you havo started. " Democratic oxtravagance " now socms to trouble our Radical frionda. Yet, (be pomocraU bavo not been in power lor twenty years. The remark mutt be intended to fool Sun lay school children ORGAXlfiE.-LKT THERE UK AT LEAST ONE HANCOCK AND ENGLISH CLUB ORGANIZED IN EVERY ELECTION DISTRICT IN THE COUNTY. LETTER FROM VIIILADEL I'll I A. Philadelphia, August 7, 1880. This has been a week fraught with political importance. Ex Senator An drew H. Dill, Cliuiriiion of tho Demo crulio Stato Committeo, has opened heudquurtora at No i)2i Cb'islnut street, where he will remain in con stant attendance, until the November olection. During tbo woek Senotor Wallace has been in frequent attend once ut headquarters, closely scrutinix. ing the field lo find out tbo weak places in tho enemies lines. Both tbo Sena tor and Chairman entertain strong hopes of currying the State for Hun cock if tho local loaders iu this ejly will succeed iu culling down tho fraud ulent majorities invariably given in Philadelphia. Campaign Clubs are tho order of the day horo, and alter night too, tor that matter. Thore are not less than fifty Hancock Clubs in Philadelphia. Theso ouch hold one meeting a woek, and in consequence wo havo, on an av urago, at least eight meetings each week. Local speakers of ability ad dress theso meetings, and, us a result, our enthusiasm has already been awuk onod so that it surpasses anything ol the kind ever seen in any party in tho citv of Philadelphia. i)r. J. M. Paxsnn, President of the Permanent Exhibition, is making ex haustivo efforts to havo tho coming State Fail wliuTbe thicks it really should bo: An exhibition tor the ad vancement of all branches of agricul ture and mechanical industry ; the best means for organizing lorul, coun ty and Stato societies for the promo tion of family aid snciul culture, and of contributing to tho hcullb, uojoy mont and prosperity of all engaged in agricultural pursuits. Dr. Paxson thinks it is not so much a question as to whether Jersey cows are more prof itable than Short Horns, or how the fattest sheep or heaviest pig can bo raised, as it is how can wo best 0 mote tho common interests of all ; how wo are to make labor less wearisome and moro' remunerative, or how tho comfort and general welfare of tho American ponplocun best bo attained ; but in taking this progressive step nothing will bo left undone to make the Stute Fair in September the most noteworthy of any ever hold in this country, both as regards tho number and high grade of the livo stock, tho display of mechanical skill, and tho number of visitors Irom overy Stato in the Union and from European coun tries. ' "THE BAYONET IS NOT A FIT INSTRUMENT FOR COLLECT ING THE VOTES OF FREEMEN." Hancock. Old Sinners Beinm Converted Suys Col. Forney in his Progress this woek : "There are throo classes of men that are daily joining the Hancock column, North and South, exclusive ol tho Union vetorans.. These aro tho Republicans ol tho Charles Sumner school, tho Republicans and Democrats of tho Douglas school who voted for Abraham Lincoln, and the Republicans who havo grown tired of tho rings of the North and the carpetbaggers of tho South. I receive letters every day from men of one or tho other of these chutes. On Saturday, July 24, 1880, I rccoivcd several. Ono is from Daniol R. Goodloo, a Republican of tho old school, a Southern Abolitionist for thirty years, a personal friend of Abra ham Lincoln, and one of tho ablest Ito publican writers during the war. Ho wus an Emancipation Commissioner under Lincoln, and has held many offioes of trust and honor. I was asso ciated with him in journalism at a lime when to ho a Republican editor was not to be called on constantly to advocate doubtful measuros and to whiton odious and inferior politicians." Kvery llemocratle voter tn Clearfield county ahnuld bear In mind that W Hl I ;m. IIAt andTHrKNIIAV.HKPTHMHKK let and Vd, are the laat daya for refflaterlug or tiiw uc&l election. A Nast-t Reason. Cartoon picturod, liko young chickens, come homo to roost. A onn temporary says: "Naat, Ike artist, doesn't work well as an organ. Ilo caricatures Democracy as mercilessly as ever, but ho won't picture Garfield at all. The reason for it is that in Harper's Weekly for 15th March, 1873, he published a cartoon grouping Garfield and tho other Crodit Mobilior statesmen with the following placard below : 'Disgraced in the eye of the public for owning Credit Mobilier stock, which, was in fact and intent a fraud upon the Government Also for deceit and evasion.' Nasi must be allowed a recess on Garfield until after the election." A Good Straw. Alabama and Ken lucky havo held tho first elections of this campaign. Tho Democratic ma jority in each State will bo over 50,. 000. In Alabama the Radicals and Groonhackcra joined hands, and Gen oral Weaver, tho Presidential nominoo of tho latter, stumped tho State so as to got up a loyal boom for Weaver and Garfield. But as tho boom is awfully the other way, wo suspect the part nership will soon bo dissolved "by mutual consent." - l.et every Democrat In Clearfield rounly aee ATONt K that hia name ia on the Hcg--htry. The Hat of voters ut now foaled np at every election llouae. Jat Cooke-inu. Tho Uolcna,( Mon tana) Independent, says : "Tho cole bruled Horn Silver Mine, in Utah, has been sold to the Cunard Steamship Company for tho enormous sum of 113, 000,000. Throe years ago tho mino was sold by tho discoverers of it for (25,000 to four men, who subsequently sold it to Joy Cooke and others for $7,- 000,000." The Cookci will aoon bo able to make throo bankrupt defalca tions good if they keep on raking after this manner. Solid. General Hancock's Missouri letter to Gonoral Sherman, written in Docomber, 1876, the publication of which waa ao vehemently demanded by Radical organs, has boon produced. We suspect that those who domanJod its publication "would rather not," now. That letter is a bitter pill for Radicals to swallow, but it will elevate the Gon oral In tl'o estimation of evory patriot in tba Union. Hancock, like Wash ington, la a fighter and a writer. Pointed Shots. Joroma Ames, of Watcrlown, N. Y., shot seven times at a man six feet away, and nover grased him. Detroit Free. Press. The aoonor Jeromo changes his last name the hot ter. Something wrong about bia Ames. Philadelphia Bulletin. But that wa not the case with Oaket Ames. He hit Garfield the very first pop. 77nr- riihurq Patritt. PRETTY CALLERS. Tho Washington Pott says: "Mr. James A. Garfield, tho Republican candidate for tho Presidency, wus uo cumpuiiied on bis luto trip to Now York by tho men who would, without doubt, exercise the largest influence overjiim if elected, and a scurvier set of politicians it would bo hard to bring together. "Ono of tho most prominent was Venexucla Orth, a man of such odor that ho was obliged to resign tho Gu bernatorial cur.dide.cy in Indiaiia lour years ago at tho indignant demand of his party. Another was Lieut. Gov. Uosklns, of Now York, whose career as a representative in Congress wus so disgraceful that he was defeated in a strong Republican district whon a candiduto in I87fl lor reelection Omur I). Conger, of Michigan, was another of the party, a man who, it ho ever posBoesod a thing above tho reach of a pot-houso politician, successfully withheld it from publioity. Marshall Jowoll, tho fussy litllo snob whom General Graut kicked out of his Cabi not, and a Chicago justice of the peace, who manages to get into the papers as Judgo Morrison, completed the list. " Among tho earliest callers upon the author of the I)e Golyor brief was ex-Secretary Belknap, convicted of re ceiving bribes while in oflico, and only saved from impeachment by resigna tion, ex-Secretary Robeson, and " cler ical error " Stoughton. " Ol the unfragrant gang, the two Pattersons, Schuyler Colfax and Sub sidy Pomoroy woro alone conspicu ous by their absence." Every Democratic voter In Clearfield count) .h.uld bear in mind thai WEI) N e. DAY and lill IIMlAY.Bltl'ltMilKR 1st and 3d. are the laat daje for regleterlug fur the ueit election. GARFIELD "ULAD OF IT." Fifteen yours ago, when Gen. Gar field hud just begun lo curve out his political fortune, he recognized the ten dency of Radicalism towards tho sub version of our simple Republican sys tcin of Government. It is not lo be supposed that he was the only states man of his party at that time wbo mudo the sumo discovery. No discern ing mind could bavo failed to read tho events of that period as he read them. But he was the only Republican wbo stood upin Congress and boldly avowed that wo wero "tending towards a strong Government," and that be was "glad of it." that tendency has con tinued to this hour, so fur as it has been possiblo for tho Radical spirit to control National affairs. It has been steadily aggressive on theConstitution, stenilily grasping power lor tho cen tral authority that tbo fundamental law locates in tho States and with tho people thereof, ceaselessly working to cnango I li o sirucluro ot our tiovern ment, not uy opon revolution, but by a process moro dangerous becauso less likely to bo detected and resisted. Wo know tho pooplo of tho United Shales, the honest musses of all parlies, are acvoieuiy attaenca lo tho lorm ol Gov ernment that the fathers iravo us. The)- all beliove in tbo sovereignty of too central power wuuin its prescribed sphere of action, but thoy don't want that sphere enlarged. Ihov cherish the right of local self government, Iho mo riglit ot tbo button antl tbe munic ipalities created by tho States, to con trol all those affairs not embraced in the sphere of Federal authority. Gen. Garfield will find no rosoonso in the publio mind to bia ardent longing for n strung uov oi umeni. x nero isstrcngiu enough in our system as it stands. It was strong enough when it came from the bands of its builders. The defeat of tbe "strong man," at Chicago, was a protest against tne sontimont which Gun. Garfield has cherished since bis entrance upon tbo political arena. The New Secretary. Joseph F. Cummings, Esq., of Sunbury, haa boon appointed private Socrctary to Hon. A. II. Dill, Chairman of the Demo cratic State Committee for the cam paign. This position will call Mr. Cummings to Philadelphia about the first of September, where be will re main until after the election. Senator Dill has mado the bost possiblo selec tion, as Mr. Cummings is very fine stenographer and will perform all bis duties to the entire satisfaction of the Chairman How is Tins roa Banks. We learn from the Now York Star that Gonoral N. P. Banks is stumping for Garfield. Dunks was ono of the signatories of the bistorio Poland rcpoit. If be did not then knowingly traduce an inno cent man, be ia now trying to white wash the crimo which ho then expos ed. How ia that for tho Shenandoah Valloy and tho Red river suttlor ? Is he lying now, or did be lie when be signed tho Crodit Mobilier Poland re port r A Good Lick. Tbo Philadelphia Ledger, Mr. Goorgo W. Childs' paper, seldom says anything politically since Grunt is nut of tho way, but in allud ing to tho Hancock-Sherman letter, tho editor remarks: "The folks wbo wore Tory active in bringing Goncral Han cock's letter to General Shorman, and woro unhappy until they got it, aro moro unhappy since their wish baa been gratified, Now they wish they had let it alone." a rvri j m itaiin, w m ail -s i at l ii. i aa f uubii aee AT ONCE that lila name la on the Reg;- at every election Monae. A View. The Philadelphia Tunes in alluding to tho Radical Moguls that met In New York on tbe 5th, remarks : "General Garfield seems to have got tho most of tho Republican party to gether finally. Perhaps a few prom ises may serve to gluo the various fragments so that they will hold togother till tho campaign Is over." Tramps. Two of the Presidential nominoos, Weaver and Garfield, in Im itation of Grant, have turned tramps. Probably they understand what is about to happen them, and thoy will improve their timo previous to tho olection lor fear nobody would invito thorn out after that affair takes placo. Music This Hancock businossseema to be making musio in the swamps of Now Jersey, aa witness the following : To I. AV,Mr mf la. ATne rare ,V.a : Bib ! Th.r. ar. tw.aty.Bv. Htpublleaaa and .even Ore.nback.ra .mployad la my piaa. and rg.a worka, wb. will tot. ear Hancock aad Ka- ll.k. Uasibl f llBAtr. Wainigt.b, N. J., July SI. TIIK BANNER OK A THII I UNION. 11.11 to the chief I Alkali t. tb.R I And lh.Conatltutlon'1 right!.! rolg N I Now aa tb. Marry emblem flail Call, forth a nation, anthem p.!.., ti er tni.a tbat tb. Uiaelaeipp I Chain, ia link a of knmooloat etatetv : Keep N aleft with proud h.mHI H e", ('.liree, Minlfomtrf, Ala. A Good Steal.. Tha Hancock and English pyramid begins well and al- phabotically with Alabama'! C0,0OO majority. SI .VOX CAMEROX OX HA YES A XU THE ERA VD VL EX T ADMIX1STRA TIOX. i a que n. Ev can't see nint h in them. Evan's lor- cign policy 1 The feature of it hue been to protect Seward, thai Consul in China although tho most conclusive proof of hia crookedness is alleged to exist ; now he is trying to ruin Col. Mob by becauso Mob by finds the oflico rotten. I havo no doubt personally of the had flavor of that Shunghui, but Evurls has held np ono side of the coop while Sewuid crawled out. Hayes surrounded himself with tho men who went over to Greeley. I always pitied Greeley. Ho was a baby out of the editoriul room. A mun of intolerublo egotism. 1 am glud lo aoe my son's letter. His health is nuilu nonrlv. Ho would have boen vory foolish to have tuken the Chairmanship ol tho National Committee. Had he done so I should have been sorely vexed. His health, which is some value to him, will not permit hitn lo manuge a campaign. Then, loo, why should he? It's not only a tiresome, but an expensive business. Money is wanted ut all sorts of times, and I toll you the Chairman of that Committee nus to go down into bis own pocket and his friends' very olten. The campaign ol '70 cost my son a pilo ol money. Noarly overy dollar Chandler got credit lor spending, personally, came from Donald. Chandler was a close mun a vory close man. Of course, 1 presnmo he gave something. But that is not all, tor after the legitimate campaign expenses woro provided against my son handed Hayes fA,000 in cash for his personal fund. Hayes came to him, was absolutely impecunious, and my son gave it to him out of his own wallet. Thero wasn't a dollar in tho campaign fund, and Hayes was whin ing for pocket money. 1 know that Hayes got this money. If 1 didn't 1 wouldn't mention it. Reforming the Indian burcuu ? Who says llayea is reforming any thing ? My advice to everybody is lo lot tho Indian business alone severely alone. That's ono hope I have if Hun cock should get in. 1 believe be would reorganize that system whore it belongs. But, I repeat, anybody who touches it as it is now will get smeared. Honest or dishonest it's all one. A'. V. Herald. "Bones," "Hatchets" and "House Money." In the Lifo ol John Shormun, by Rev. S. A. Broi.son, D. D., of Mansfield, O., it is charged that Chester A. Arthur, the now Re publican candiduto for Vice President, received as bribes from owuors of steamships "a gratuity of from ten to fifteen dollars, technically called house money. "Iho agent of one of theso lines staled that thirty dollars was paid to each inspector discharging their steamers, as " house money." "It was also in testimony (says John Sherman) that other irregular fees wore constantly received by in spectors, cullod 1 hitchets ' being tees received ftom merchants for tho privi- tego oi noiuing tltcir goods on tho dock instead of going into tho general order store at once; und boneA ' being fees paid by rassentrei s for favors ex tended to them at tho examination of thoir baggage This is tho beautiful specimen of noncsty tne lionublicans have nomi nated for Vice President. Mr. John George Ripper, editor of me ataais Aeitung, a German paper published at Harrisburg, died in that city on 1- riday, alter several days ill ness of cancer of tho stotnuch. Ho was well known throughout the State among the Germans. The Democratic National Commit tee has designated the following Penn sylvaniuns as members of tho Finance Committee: Wm. L. Scott, St. Clair A. ilulbollaud. it. M. Hover. W. A Wallace, Lewis C. Cassidy, and Mal colm nay. Hon. Jacob Brinkerhoff, aged 70, died at Mansfield, O., on Sunday. Ho was the author of tho original draft of tho famous Wiimot pro viso, and was Judgo of tbe Supremo Court of Ohio Irom 18!ti to 1871. Mrs. John G. Saxe, wife of the dis tinguished poet, died at her homo in Brooklyn, on Saturday night, ofbron cbitis. She was sixty years old and leaves two sons and one daughter, all grown up. Anolher tidal wave of crime ia sweeping over tbo country. Murders are becoming as common as if hemp culture were an obsolete industry. ANNOUNCEMENTS, PUMA r BLBCrie,ATIJBPdT, lift. 18, 1880. Fm. Tbe fee mott be paid la advaaoe for announcing the names of caadidatet and the print Ing of 11,000 tickets will be at follewt: Cenirress $15 Astembly Protbunotaiy , o Re n inter and Recorder ft County SorTeyor 6 FOK ASSEMBLY r We are authorised to announee the name of JAMKS FLYNN, of Qulicb township, as a can didate far Aatembly, takjeet to the rule govern ing the Detnoeratie party. Poet office addrett, Hmith't Mills. We are authorised to ann oanee the name of W . POTTK R RKKD, of Lew re do. townshin. a. a rmn. did ate for Aaaemhly. eubjeet to the rules govern- 111 -..ia isvuovrviitj parij. FuetutBee address, Corwensvllle. We ar autboritrd to announce tbe name of A It RAM HI MPIIRBV, of Lawrenoe townabip, as a candidate for Assemble, eubieet to (ha ralM governing the licmoeratM party. roaiomee auaretf. cieeruold. FOR PKOTHONOTARY 1 We are authorised to ann on no the nam of UKUKUK It. II A Lb, of Lawrenoe town. hia. at a eandidate for Protbu notary, lahjeot to the rmlei governing the Urmocratie party. Pottofioe address, Clearfield. We are authorised to anaonnee the name of uhi'kun u. kirk, of Brady township, ae a eandidate for Proiaoaotary, eubjeet ta the rulee governing the Democratle party. PofltoKee address, Lathertbarg , We ere authorised to anaonaoe the name of N. P. WILSON, of Bradford township, at a ean. dldate for Prothouolary, subject w the rales gov erning the Democratic party. Potto IB oe) address, Woodland. We are authorised to announee tha nf JAM US KKkn, of Clearfield borourb.at a ean- uiomie lor rroinonotary. subJeot ta tha nt u a. em Ing the Demoerelle party. rotionoe address, I'learfleld. We art ant harked to aanennea th. .. f A. W. WALTKKS, af Ctearfleld borough, as a oauuiaat iot r reiaenoiary, eubjoot to tha rulee governing the Democratic party. Pottoffiee addrett, Clearfield. Wa art) authorised at announee the name of ima au ssAiH, or aox townia.p, at aoaadtdaCe for Protbonotary, aubjaot ia the rules goveraiag Ibe Democratic? parly. Potlettce address, New Millport, We are authorised to announce the name of vt lblAlAM It. DIChlNHIIN, af Oulleh town hip, at a candidate for Prothoootary, aubjeot to voa ruin governing me tiemocratte pnny. Pofrtoffiee address, Kemey. REGISTER A RECORDER We are authorised to announee the name of AUAM ItnKTH, of New Washington, ae a eandi date for Hegiater A Reorder, subject to the rales governing uie uemooraiie pari. Pottefloe address, New Washington We are authorised la announce the name of UKumia as. rantn BOfi, of Lumber City, at-a eandidate tor Register A Recorder, tubjeet to the ruivi governing tne ueasooraue parly. Postutfioe address, Lumber City. We are aathoriied lo announee the name of w si. v. WHiuiiT, ar Clearfield horough, ae a eannioMEf ir nwinir noeeraer, Smajeet to the rales governing the Democratic party. PoitoBo address, Clearfield. We are authorised to announee the name of A. rHK9THn miMvm, af Pike township, at a eandidate for Regliter Keaorder. subject to tbe rales governing tha Demec ratio party, Poetofl.00 address, New Millport. We are author I ted to announce the a ante af WLNriKLU. LI THKR, of Brady tewaehip, as a oandioau for Reg irter A Recorder, tobjeet so the rules goveraiag tbe Democratle parly, Postoffloa addrett, Lutbersburg, We are author I ted to anaounoe the same of A. O. fOLHAR, af Morris tew a eel p. at a aaadidete for HegtMet at Recorder, subject to the rale 1 rales gov- erning the uemoeratie party. PoitoftVe address, Kylertowa, ?tftv uvfrtisfiiifnts. (CAUTION. AU paraoua ar. hereby warned J aat to purobaa. or have anvtblng to do with tb. following poreonal property, now In the poi aeaaion of A. Bifleinan, of Covington towntliip, via i On. dua and one brown male. Tlie fori-go-Ing property waa purchaaa by uii at private aale, and ia allowed lo remain in the ptieieeeioa of a.ld A. Itiglrm.u on lo.n only, aubjaet lo my order al nv time. K. K. CO HI H IKT. rVoucbvill., Pa, 4uguat4, l.HO-.'U. DISMOMITIONOKPAHTNEHNHII'. Kotic I. b.reby given that the perlner.nip lult-ly exiitiug between J V. Kramer and Vi. W. Worrell, uf Clearfield. Pa., under the Arm Berne af Kramer A Worrell, t. the ealoon buai. neee, In Clearfield, waa dle..lv.d on tb. IZIb day of July, lSbU, .ad that I will not hold myeelf re rpuo.iiiie, or pay aay further debt. eontrMled under laid flim name after ttiie date. JOHN '. KHAMKK. Cl.arlalJ, July 14, lSSu.tt jyn. b winslow, I'll YS1C1AX it- SURGEOX, -a Clearfield, I'enn'a. Tbe I)r. ha fin; recently looeM In Clear Held, offers bit servic) to the people of ibis riclntly, prtf Offio on heed street. Krsidcnoe loa ard II cum July Ilt Am EBTHAY NT1tn.HRstraycd from the premises of the subicrlhcr, In Bloom town ship, 00 or about July Jib, Iftvn, one Urga roan milch cow, about seven ye re old, end thick horns, one three yoar old rod steer with short think horns, two old sheep, one with horns and bell on and three lambs. I will pay liberally fur infor mation which will Iced to tba recovery ut my property. My addresi Is Fore! Pnetofflfrv UKORUK WKAVKIt, Bl.ooit TowasaiP, July 23 th, l.s0-3t IXEi:t;TORM KOTIt'E.-Notlce Is here J by given tbat Ltilt-rs Testamentary on tbe estate of WILLIAM JONES, late of Clearfield borough, Clearfield county, Peon 'a, deceased, having been duly granted to tbe undersigned, all ti..rfe.na twain... I.! l.t tanl ..11 .....- n.k. , ----- ------ wea.a y. mww waav iioiaedieto payment, and those having claims er uviuum BgaiiBd mf aaua win preeni trtem properly autheolitttl fur eettlrment without delay. ROBERT WRIULKY, ecuUr. Clearfield. IV, July 14, MHO-Hl. AHKIGWE.KM NOTICIU To Whom It May Concern i The undersigned, having been appointed Assignee for tbe bene lit of credi tors by Jas. B. Graham, or Clearfield borough, ail per so or, therefore, having claims agalnt hiui will pre cnt them to us for settlement, ami those in det ed to tbe said 'Jraham are rcuuired to settle and make paymeat to us. KDWAKD 4. BTilLEH, Ab'HL'HV W. LEE, Ctearfleld, Pa., Dec. U, lH7V-tf.) Ai'ixouei. TO ttHOM IT MAY ONt'i;HN.Ah application will be made to the Court of Quarter Mentions of Clear lie 1 1 county, on tha 4th day of August next, for the appointment of vie wore, tu view the I. limber City bridge, Clear a field creek bridge, at Leonard Station, and the lower hmige, Clearfield, Pa., In order lo mate them free bridges. C. W. KYI.Kll, JOHN MORRIS, KLAII JollNM'iN', County (Jt-uimieci'Kien' Clearfield, July It, UUO 4t. L ltmiR'tf NOTICE. In the matter of the relets n the "rattans' Court of hi iles Davis, deed j of CI ear fl-Id Co., Pa The undersigned Audit or, appointed by 'lir taid Court to make diitritiution of the balvnnc re maining inthe hands of J( UN 8. McKKIRNAN, L' -a- :.. j j . . i.vuui.i, if ,ui um iiiMeu, aiufaDs; me panic, legally son tied thereto, hereby give notice tbat be will set lor the purp-tee of hi aiipniotraeDt, at the f tl.ee ol McKotlly A MnCurdy, in Clearlield, on Friday, the Sd day of Keptemher, A. D. 163(1, at I o'clock P. M. W. A. HAtiKRTY, Auditor. Clearfield, Pa- August 4ih, lO-St. ATTENTION FARMERS! I HAVE returned to my old business, ai.d will be fnnd et the Pinning MilJofrce, oo Pine street, CLEARFIELD, PA., where I will sell all kinds of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, AND THE CKLEURATKD WOOD M0WEE Ss EEATSE, A lerge stock of which I have always on hand. Also, HAY HAKES and all other machines used by the Farmer, at well as materials fur repairs. JtT-1 will aiehangs the above articles for CASH, GOOD BKliK CATTLE, ar SHEEP, At I eon template butchering, anJ would be pleased to have the trade of the farming public. ELAM W. BROWN, Clearfield, Pa.. June , IfiHO-tf. State Normal School, INDIANA, Pa. Bl ILDINIl, tbe beet uf th. kind in Ih. l olled State.. ACCOMMODATIONS for 4IKI boarder.. SCHOOL, r.t-el.a la all reapeoU. DEPARTMENTS Normal, Claaaioal, Commer cial, Mualcal TH E FALL TERM of IS weeaa willp.a on MondaySep't6,i880. EXPKXSEd, at low as those of aay other school affording equal advantages and accommoda tions. For Catalogue, address JOHN II. FKKNCI1, LL. D PRINCIPAL. Indiana, Pa., July 14th, 1880-Sm. STATE FAIR. Twenty-seventh Annual Knhlblllon or run Fenna. Agricultural lu WILL IILD IN MAIN CENTENNIAL BUILDING, Fairmonnt Park, Philadolpllia, SEPTKMHEH Oth to ltth. ENTRIES AXD COMPETITION FREE UTTEUNATIOITAL SHOW or SHEEP. WOOL AND WOOL PRODUCTS, BEITKMIIER 2l'TH TO 2.riTll, 1S30. Kntrv Books will close at the Office, North west corner Tenth andCheetnal Strectt, Aug. St, 1880. $40,000 IN PREMIUMS. Cash Prizes for Live Stock, $24,315. Ctlttloa TiraiTS AT SHKATLT ftRIM CIO aATRS. Liberal Arrangements for Transportation. j WM. DIiStSKL, Pans'r. ! D.W.Pin ea. Rec'f. ftee'y. KLaaitiei M'Coxkbt, Cor. Sec'y. Ao480-4t Teachers' Examination I The public eitminetion of teachers for provin cial certificates for the present school year, will be held as follows i Morris, at kylertowa, Tndmj, August 10th. , tirabam, at Centra 111 II school house. Wed net- i day, August 1 1 th. fioggs aad Wallaoeton borough, at C eat re school house, Thursday, August Uib, Lawrenoe, Lawrence Independent and Clear field borough, at vkerfteld, Friday. August Utb. Uoshsn, at Hhawsville, Monday, August lrtth, Girard, at Qilliagbaia school house, Tuesday, Auguitmh. Covington, at Union school house, Wednesday. August ltUfc. Keiths us, at Oak Hall tohual hoaeo, Thursday, Aagust IVth. Pike. Pike Independent and CarweasvllU borough, at ttloominglon, Hattrday, Aaiunt list. Bradford aad llradferd Independent, at Uigler, Monday, Aagust 3Sd. Oteeole horough aad Decatur, at Oeeeole, Tues day. August S4th. Woodward and Boatsdale, at Houtsdale, Wed nesday, August Ifith. ttulich, at Jaticeville, Thursday, Augast Ifith. lleeearta aad Madera Independent, at tilen nope, Friday, August l7th. Knoi, at New Millport, Tuesday, Auguit fllst. Jordan, at Aasoaville, Wednesday, ISept. 1st. Chest and Newburg borough, at Ncwburg, Thursday, (September 2d. Hurnside township aad borough, at Barn rids, Friday, September 3d. New Washington, at New Wethlnghn, Patar iy, September eth. Dell, at Busqushanne school bouse, Monday, September fila. Oreenwood, al Bower, Tuesday, September Tth. Fergusoa and Lumber City borough, at Lum ber City, Wednesday, bp tern bar 8th. Pena, at Penn? ills, Thursday, September tlh. Union and l aioa Independent, at Aocktoa, Friday, fee p Umber 10th. Brady and Llewu, at Luthstsharg, Monday, September Uib, Sandy, at DuBoit, Tuesday, Seplemher 14th. Halloa, at Pee fie Id, Wedeoeday, Sept. lath. No eaa will he admitted to the elass who has net leli a writteej application for a achooi with the fecit la ry of the district for which the etaml aalloa Is held. We earnestly request the attend ance of all tha Directors at these eaaminef tons, In arder that we may eoa is It together oa subjects pertaining to ths InteretU or the Schools. The itecreisry ot each Board will please be prepared to anaouneetha applications al the opening of the ea amtaatioa. Home erldeaoe af gtod snorel character will be required af applicants with whom ( asa net eeqoeiatad. The speakers who will eddreet the people at the educational meet iags.will be ann on need ia tha adueatlenal asXuma of tbe papers. Kaaataetione will opoe at iiio A. M. M. L. MrgloWH, Co. Keperinteadeat. Clearfield. Pa , July II, Utu.i. ilvrrtisfmrnts. DIHOtjrT(iM(IPPAMTNr.H4Hp.. Tho eo-partnership heretorre uu. tin? ,' tlio mercantile buines la the vitlai ,' Win, . land, was dlffolvtiil by miiuel on-tnl on M -n day, July IVlb. IKHu. The etllmnr.-it .f i1iIm' notes and actuute mun ha tut do wuh itii t,e' firm uf A. K. Wou'ridno a Cu. AARo.V PKTb'Rs, A K. Wot'LkUH.V Woi M-AMU, July Hlb, I MMU.dJf AMHTOir MTIClr:.-In the Orphans Court or Clearfield eouoty. Pa. In (be m,t trr of the vstaleuf Iaae 1 houipion, Ule ut township, dee d. Tbe uiiilerfiftrned Auditor, appointed ly tt. Court to distribute the b-Utoe reran mine, ,k the hsnls of Aaron C. Tate, Adininutrsi ,r of he V"ia estate, herehv rival tifiti- ihlt he will attend to tha duties i( his appointm. m ,t his office in Clearfield, uo Friday, August cu, lM, at 1 o'clock P. M , at wbirb time and pi,' all persons interested are required to make their olaims, ur be debarred from ruin ing in on pai fund B,(T. liROChllANK, Auditor Charflcld, 1'., July 21, IMO-Jt. Sheriff's Sale. 1 ) Y virtue of sundry writs of IVa. Ay, ,rilrii J out of the Court of Common Plem ot Vvtt Uu.dCo., and t m directed, thurs will l.eri,.,.j to PIBLIU SALE, at tbe Court Houie, ia ,be borough of Clearfield, Pa., on rriday. august i.llli, Ihmo, At 1 o'clock, P- M., tits following de-rribe J rf. eststa, to wit : All that certain trect of land litunte Iu (iriluu, township, Clsrflld county, Penns Ivauis, U K inemg at stone corner ol Samuel Siutial on 'ins of tleorge Harriion and Joseph Mnylro lurveji ; thence south 15T ft 10 perches mora or leii tun,,. ner ot I nid of John lldt ; thenoe eat 1HA pe relic, more notion to a pint uo old Hae between llie Ut-orge Harrison and Tench Priiieis tracts ; lb.-n-i north almg said line I ii 5 10 pert hoe to oirnsr of lieorKe llarrii.in. Teiirli Franci-, Ueorg-j CUn ahan and Jnper Marlen surveys 101 perch-i mr or lass Iu stones and lilacs of brk-inijirij containing llHA acme, a,,. re or lese, with about 70 acres cleared, and a guod young orchard grow ing thereon, and hana ttmeon areoted a fidiut, I nnu, good bank b-irn and other outbuildm Pie i ltd, Uu In a oration and ta be eolit at we pr peny ui rrauk UolrgroVo aud 1-jsi tihlutel, terre tenants. Tanas or Ssi.a - The price or sum at whi. h the property shall be struck off must be paid at inv timo uf sale, or such other a-rangetiiWtP1 ,,,,, as will be approved, otherwise the property n be immediately put up and told axam at the ei pense and rink of tha parson to whom it wm struck off, and who, In cace uf deficiency at iu, b, re-iale, shall make good tbe same, and in uu instance will the Dec J be presented ia Court l.,r confirmation un!utj tbe moi.ev ii actually pid iu tbe Sheriff. JAMKri MAUAFPKY, hHCKirr't Orrict, .-her if rieartttLL Pa.. July II, UsO. ( YAU AISLE FAIU1 FROl'MTV, In pursuance of an 'T Jer of lbs Orphan" Court r Clearfield eouaty, Pa . thtrc will l e expu4 to rale at the Dram-ker ll'iuee in the buntuh of Cutwensrllie, on Saturday. Augttxt 'il, Immo, at 3 o'clock P. M , all the fi.llowing d scrihei He I Estate of 8amu1 Caldwell, late ot Pike town-hii., said county, do-eased, to wit : Two certain piemen of land fiiutu to said lwe fbip : Purport n'linl.tr r.re : Hounded en t;ie No th by tbe Went Branch of tho UKjoehanna rirer, on tbe South bv pnpmt number taut, on the F.aM and West be land of iVin. Caldutdl, containiue ot.c hundred antl forty seres, m trr or los. Its iliiprovemeriti C"nlit of a two-story Ira me hour-, IBx:., with "L"' Btiarbcd IL'xH, log harn.rpntu h')ue, and otbrr out - bmldi ngr. Alio good or chard, seventy (TO) acres cleared and under cul tivation, tbe residue being covered with osk and pine tiniher. Purport number two: Bounded on the North by the West Branch of the Su'iiuchanna river, n tbe L'at bv itu'rort number one. on the S-.iiik by land of Win t aitlaih, and on tLe Weit U land of Peter Hoover, (now Farewell) contaloirij tjltr-seven (67) acres, bsving erected thereon i two-story frsuie h-iue I!i2ti, lug barn, and other t.ut buildinsrs. Alio good orci.ard, forty imi cleared end nn tier culttvatton, the residue Iwibj wood land TKRMS OF PALE: One-third of the purchase money to be paid oa confirmation of sale, and tbe balance in twutijoil annual pa menls, with interest from day of isis, to be secured hy bond and mortgage on theprera iiee. JOHN T. HAi.EkTY, Admtnistratur. July 18, 1180-31. John Irvin & Bros., CURWKNSVIl.l.E, PA, -DEALERS IX- AI1 Kinds of Merchandise, si cn As Dry Goods, Groceries, Etc. MANl'f ACTl'ItERS AND DEALERS IN Sll AKI. TI9H.EK, AND KV1KV DESCRIPTION OF SAWED LUMBER CUT TO ORDER. H; The Only llanufHtturcrs iu ClcaifirlJ Connty of tlie NEW PROCESS FLOUR! Jot t'Lorn, CHOP .!. I'l l.l) 1LH1t S O.V H.1.VIU FtF'Cnsh paid for all kinds of Grain Wheat, THye, Oats, Etc Carweaeville, Pa., June I, ls.'0-tf. CENTRAL Stale Xorinnl Keliool. (Eighth Normal Srhool District.) Lock Haven, Clinton to., Pa. A. RA VHt A. A!.. Ph. P., VmHi, This School as at preseat eonitltuted, offrri ttw very beet facilities for Professional and Cluiesl learn in sr. Bnililings epaelous, iu Tiling and eommodiosi'. OODinletelj boated by Stawin, well rauiilaiei, furnished with a bouali.'ul supply af pure, sprlrg water. Location healthful and eay of aee. Furrounding seeoery unsurpassed. Teachers eiperienced, efliileat, aad alive u their work. Discipline, firm but kind, anlforsa and tboroorl Ktpenees moderata. Ftty cents a week deduction to thowprepsrinf, to teach. B indents admitted at any time. Course of studv rtreseribed bv the Rut; I Model behool. II. Preparatory. 111. Klrmte tary. IV. BclenttAe. anjt-ncTcouasis: I. Academic. II. Commercial. IU. Mb' IV. Art. The Elementary and Seientinc eoorsei are Pre factional, and student graduating therein reesin State Diplomas, conferring the following err ponding degrees; Master of Ibe Kleinrsti s Master of the Mencet, (1 ra1 nates In the o'r courses receive Normal Certificates el their talnments, tinned hy the Faculty . The Prolesdnal courses are liberal, ltd " In thoroughness net inferior te those of ver ss colleges. The (State reqatree a higher order of sin" rhip. The times demand it. It is one of prime objects of thle school to help to sen re " furnlihlng tntelligent and efficient teafh" f her schools. To thii sad It solicits yoonyf sons of good abilities and good purposes-tb-e who desire ta improve their time and their en is, as students. To all such It promises v tities for well paid labor after leaving echuil For catalogue and terms address Uis Pnser ar the Kerretary of tbe Board. BOARD OP TRC8TKIM : ITOt-KBOIaDIBl' TaviTBBS. J. II. Barton, M. D, A. H. Best, Jscb fl.M.BtckfoH.SamaelChrist.A. N. Rso, Cook, T. C. Hippie, Kn., (I. Kinfitng, t Cormick, Esq., W. W. haa kin, W. li. Urces. Hon. A. O. Curtln, Hon. II, L. Dleffei Hen Jesse Merrill. II oe. Wrt. Miclrr, i I ' Whaley.S. Millar MeOonaiok, Esq. arrinnii WILLIAM RlflLKR, , Prevldent, ClearflsM, f tiea, JEilSK M KHHILL, . Vic Preiident, Lock Haves, r I. MILLAR McCOKMICK, Reereury, 1ock IUee, r THOMAS YARULIIV, . Treasurer, L-vfc llavsa. r Lock neven, Pa., August 4, Hie If