Bkc jjtUjroMuan. Gioaoi B. Gooulander, Kilitor. CLEARFIELD, Pa. WEDNESDAY MOItNINO, AI'lll'ST 4, ISflO. Raait.r, If yon want to know what ! going on IB tha bu.lnaia world, luat raad our ailvarttalng aolamna, tha Spmal oolurao Id iartloular. Democratic National Ticket! FOR 11! KSI DENT : Gen. Wiiifield S. Hancock, OF PENNSYLVANIA. VOW VICH PRESIDENT : non. Wflliam II. Emdisli, OP INDIANA. THE ELECTORAL TICKET. run klectofi at-i.aboi: Robert E. Monaghan, William II. PlayforJ. POR DISTRICT BLICTOMI! ;Dii. 1 1 5. Gnrf A. l'oit. I In. A. At. Benton. 1 17. J. P. I, into.. 1 18. Col. John S. Miller. J, (. PnxtoD. 2fl. C. M. Bower. 31. J. A. J. Buehnnan. ,22. Christopher Mage. 23. Hubert M. Uibioa. j24. Thomas Bradford. J5. Harry W. Wilson, jutf. Hamuel Griffith. ,27. J. Koii Thompson. John Slcvln. Edwin A. 1'ue. John M. Campbell, Utiles Dallrtt. John M. Moflltt. Edward Waldon. Nathan C. James, Oeorge Filbert, .las. U. M'.Hparron, Dr. A. J. M nrlio. Adam Ocrringcr. Frank Turner. P.J. Birmingham. II, S. Davis. Dnnonatlc Slate Ticket! FOR PUPBMIK JtlDOE: Hon. GKOI.GK A. JEXKS. OK JEFFEUbON COUNTY. FOR AUDITOR GKNBKAL. Cor,. ROBERT P. PIX'IIEKT, of Philadelphia. MAXIMS FOR THE DAY. b willing to bold It if counted in, or placed there by any traua. v. o. urart. I could never bare been reconciled to tht tie ration by the smallest aid of mine of i person, however respectable la private life, who man forever etrry upon fa te brow the stamp of fraud first triumphant in American biatory. No sub sequent action, however meritorioae, can wash away tne letters oi mat record. Cbarlib FaAHcta Anatta. I would rather bare the endorsement ofequar- ter of a million of the American people than that or tne Louisiana Keturning lloard, or of the Lorn minion which excluded the facta and deoided the question on a technicality. THoa. A. IlKHTmirxi, Under the forma of law, Kutbcrford B. Hayes hat been declared President of the United State. Jfia title rests npon diafranobltement of lawful voters, the falie eertifloatei of the returning offi cer! acting corruptly, and the dec i ton of a oom- mliflon which haa refuaed to bear evidence of al iened fraud. For the firat time are the American people con fronted with tbe fact of a fraudulently elected President. Let It not be understood that tbe frand will be silently acq ule toed in by the country. Let no hour pan In which the usurpa tion la forgotten. A ddr i hi of Democratic M. C.'a. One hundred yeart of human depravity accu mulated and eonoentrated into a elimai of crime, Never again In five hundred yean shall they have an opportunity 10 repeat tne wrong. DahiRlW. Voorrirs. HANCOCKS 8 A YINQS. BX TRACTS PftOK III orprri trat show what KIND or HAH IH. The true and proper one of the military power, besides defending the national honor against for eign nations, is to upheld the lawa and elvil gov. eminent end to secure to every person residing among ua tbo enjoyment of life, liberty and prop erty. The right of Iris) by jury, the habeas cornni. tbe liberty of the press, the freedom of apeeoh, the natural rigbu of persons and tbe rights of property man tie preserved. Power may destroy the forms, but not the prin cipal of justice. Tlteae will live in spite even of the aword. Tbe great principles of American liberty atlll are tbe lawful Inheritance of thia people and ever should be. Armed Insurrection on forcible resistance to the law will be Instantly repressed by arms. Nothing on intimidate me from doing what I believe to bo honest and right. Arbitrary power has no existence hers. From the New York Timet, Feb. 1ft, 1878.3 Messrs. Kelley and tlarfleld tire sent a moat distressing figure. Their participation In the t.redii ftlol)!her all Air is complicated by tnt most unfortunate contradictions of testimony. TFrom the New York Timet. Feb. SO. IR78.1 The character of the Credit Moblller was no secret. The soaree of its profit were very well mown ei ine time congressmen nought it. Thnngh Oakes Ames may hive succeeded in eon eeallng his own motive, which was to bribe Con gressmen, their acceptance of the stock was not on that account innocent. The dishonor of tbe - act, as ft participation Id an obvious fraud, alill remains. borne of them have indulged In testimony with reference to the matter winch has been contra dicted. Tbe eommlttee dittinctl rrittU fas letti monf mf seeentf e I wewiecr. Tkit mi on y fce state a tie rmd that U is walrus. Vmt umirvs (ftMoy gireMj under oath is moroUy, if not Ufai Ir. Brriun. ft ts the clear duty of Congress to visit with punishment all who took Credit Mobilier stock from Oakes Ames. from tht New York Tribune, Feb. 19, 1MB James A. Garfield, of Ohio, had ten shares; never paid ft dollar; received $M9, which, after the Investigation began, ht was amloas to bare considered as a Joan from Mr. Oakes Ames to himself. Well, the wickedness of all of It Is that these men betrayed the trust of the people, deesired their ronftttoents and by evasions and falsehood confessed the transaction to be disgraceful. From the New York Trlbunt, Feb. 2(1,171 Mr. Ames titehliihee very clearly the point that he was net alona la this offense. If a U (e k ewpM or erieery, fie men ttko ssert bnbtd stoeild ft ttitk kimu A Childish Inquiry. "Pa, what docs tlio printer live on ?" "Why, my child ?" "Bccnunc I heard you pay you lindn't paid him for six years, and you still lake tho pnper." 'TDE BAYONET IS NOT A FIT INSTRUMENT FOR COLLECT ING THE VOTES OF FREEMEN." Uancoch OKOAX1ZE.-LVT THERE BE AT LEAST ONE HANCOCK AND ENGLISH CLUB ORGANIZED IN EVERY ELECTION DISTRICT IN TIIE COUNTY. Til . OIIO A K17.E LKT THKRH UK AT I.KAST ONE HANCOCK AND KNCiUHU CLUM OIKiANIZEl) IN KVKKY KLKCTIOX KISTHICT IN Till'. COUNT V. Wllb.hlohw. print ll tbf tlok.U iia dld.t. da.lr.a, mmd prami mat I. ma, on. n.tH. ill Iumjur.Jli Ha) llitltr. Wo lllo expoptinni to that portion in Itulio. It it a mam Inniiiuntlan and wholly unlruo il intonilcd for u. More; Wo will pay into tlio borough poor fund 120.00 for tlio namo of the nmn, ur men who nmko ny mioli alli'gitlion ngulrmt ua, provided tlio suid Jlixlur forloits a similar Bum if ho tails to pro. dueo his man or mun who furnished him with the. information upon which ho bases hia liholoni Insinuation. Wo want an explanation, and wo aro bound to havo it. II in our buainoae we have overcharged any ono, wo are (Garfield iko) ready to oovor back to the propor mun that which wo have wrongfully taken from our palrona. More: Wo ill do bettor than Garfield: we will roatore threefold, and wo will allow tho other fellows to go clear il they pay up their reasonable hills liixler and all. "Dam Piioouhu." Tho Pittsburgh Critic treats a stubborn fact in this way: "The latent and most striking instance of necrophilism is to bo found in the Whitlukor case. After careful inves tigation tho West Point authorities lound that ho was simply tho victim of self-inflicted injuries that in plain English, ho was a sneak and a liar. Against any white cadut such a decis ion would havo been final and hu would havo been ignomiuiously ox polled Irom the corps ho had disgracod, but as ho was a negro, the adminis tration is hesitating about confirming tho decision of tho Hoard of Inquiry, and there is a strong probability that this convicted liar will bo accorded tho benefit of an oxponsire and un necessary Court-murtiul. " THE JUNIOR HANCOCK CLUB MEKTSIN THE WIGWAM KVEHY THURSDAY EVEN IN 0. BOYS, TURN OUT. Hi Took the Hint. An old luw- yor onto suid to his pupil: "Whon your client is guilty, abuso tho oppo site attorney and his witnesses, and try and get tho jury to bolievo that you aro telling tho truth." Ex Sun day School Superintendent McCurdy, evidently acted on this plan tho other ovoning in the Coin t llouso at the Rad ical Club meeting, when ho remarked that there wero but two things in this world that troubled him : "Tho Devil, and tho Democratic party." We aro pretty suro that unless tho aforesaid changes his futuro life ho will bo cap tured in the end. I'ndappv. Tho editors of tho Chambersburg tijririt teems to bo un happy. Their constant abuso of Son- ator Wallaco is so undemocratic that no true member of the party can justi fy their course, llonco thoro is troublo in that Spirit-aal wigwam. If tho oditors would behave liko all other Domorcatic journalists in the State, they would not bo compelled to spend tboir time in corroding misrepresent ations. "THE BAYONET IS NOT A KIT INSTRUMENT FOR COLLECT ING THE VOTES OF FREEMEN." Hancock, Alarmed. Tho Radical organs are calling ,upon their Democratic breth ren not to "sling mud" at their candi date That's a polito request, but when such staunch and recognized or gans as tho Now York Timet and Tri bune furnish tho ammunition, tho Dem ocrats cannot withhold tboir firo. It would bo treason. It's your own fam ily that lurnisbes tho "mud," and thoro is no nso in pukoing over the fact. Solid Facts. (Jon. Hancock's letter contains more campaign mottoes than any similar document has for many years, and thoy aro so profoundly Dom ocratio and American that no Radical skeptic can successfully assail thorn. Although an educated fighting soldior, ho doclnrcs boldly for personal froo dom and liberty. The Fkiiit in New York Over. Put down Now York at D0,000 for naneock. Tho President eloct, Sam'l J. Tildon, presided at a rousing moot ing on lost Thursday, at which timo Tammany and Tilden shook hands and harnessed lor tho campaign. The Empire FStato will bo solidly Demo cratic in November next. THE SKIS loll HAN' COCK OLUIJ MEETS IN THE WIGWAM EVERY SATURDAY EVKNING. ATTEND. (Jt.'XiR. Carl He hurt, one of Hayes' Cabinet ornaments, mado a two hours' spooch at Indianapolis the other day, lauding Credit Mobilier, Salary Grab, De Golyer Garfield to tbo sky, but be novor alluded to the namo of Ar thur, bia candidato for Vice President "Want It qnoorl" Converted. We notice that the New York Tribunt now admits Gen oral Arthur's namo to its eolumes, but we aro pained to notice that Mr. Carl Schurz refuses to poluto his mouth with tho bated word. This Is an evi denco of a lack ol unity which cries lor corroctioo. Ciieekt. Kicked out of the Now York Custom Homo by Hayos and Hhorman for corruption and mal-admin strolion, Chester A.Arthur Is now tbe candidate ol the Civil Sorvico Reform party for the VicoProsidoncy. Could impudent pretension fto further f Gen. Hancock's letter ol acceptance will be lound In this Issue of our pa por. It is ft noble production. Next week wo will give that of Vice Prcai dent English. J, Frank Snyder, Esq., has beon elected to address the Junior Han cock Club at the Wigwam next Thurs day evening. Boys, come lo h Iront. THE TWO OCTOIKR ST A TKS. Indiana casts Ulteon electoral voles anil Ohio casts twenty-two. They hulli bold Statu elections in October, and these elections will he watched with anxious intercut by tho munagurs ol the two great parties. The third party this year will make but a suiull figure in tho National content. The venurublo Peter Cooper, who may be suid to represent ils best element, was quick to acknowledge this fuel by his visit to General II uncock. In 187G the vote for President in In diana stood as' follows; Til dm JIS.S14 I Toop.r B.6H3 IUv 2118,1111 I Tlldcn'. .lu'lj... Mli In 1878, for Secretary of State, it stood : Rb.nhlln, U...IU-I.II I Jaiuet, Nnl'l .,! Moore, Hep Isu.755 Dein. plur.lt;... U" Tho volo of 1878 was about 17,000 Bhort of that of 1870, and with this de ficiency tho Democrats lost lft.OOO and the Republicans 28,000 on tho total poll. J 1 once, it is upparont that tlio defection to tho Nationals was greater on tho Republican than on tho Demo cratic side. During tho past year sev eral thousand negroes woro colonized in Indiana with tho expectation of cap turing tho Stnto by that movement. But tho practical effect of tho ullempl seems to havo resulted injuriously for tho Riipublicun by a reliction against this partisun munu'uvru. In 1K7G tho voto lor President in Ohio stood as follows : ll.TC 3:iO,AV8 Tild.o 124,112 1Ib;ci' niNjority, 7,6111. A chango of less than ono and a half: per cent, on Hayes' voto would havo given the Sluto to Tilden. In 1879 for Governor it stood : Fo.Ur, Hep SJS.SSI I Piatt. Urwsb'k....t,ur Kln(. Il.m .1111,131 Stm.rt, Temp'o..4,Ho Foattr'l majority ovor at, 4.V1-4. The voto was 11,730 greater than in 187ti. It is well known that many hard-money Democrats refused to sup port Kwii.g, while on the other hand he did not satisfy the Grccnbuckcrs. These figures exhibit tho political condition of tho two States Indiana strongly inclining to tho Democrats and Ohio to the Republicans. Tho candidacy of General Hancock brings a new element into the contest which will reinforco tho Democracy in both States, and ought to bo decisive in each. But It would bo worso than un wise to count upon accessions which aro contingent on circumstances, and it would be foolish, even if tbey woro reasonably sure, to abate any effort ot to relax any energy on that aocount. Tbo Republicans will concentrate their resources, their uppliances, und all tho official machinery on Indiana and Ohio, knowing full well that if cither bo lost they aro certainly beaten. Tho Democrats cannot do better than organize their cumpuign on a similar basis. They aro in a condition to cur ry both States, and the battle should bo fought with tho resolution to make tho victory crushing at the outset. A decisivo triumph in October would sctllo tbo Presidential election, and save a largo expenditure of money und of material. Ono hundred und cighty-flvo votes are required in tho electoral colleges to chooso tho next President. Giving 138 Irom the South, according to Mr. Conkling's favorite form, with 35 from New York and 15 from Indiana, and Ocn. llancrrck would havo turce more than aro required. Or Indiana might be left out, and New Jersey and Con necticut would furnish 15 to mako tbo same complement. Thero is much confidence that Penn sylvania will vote tor Genoral Han cock, and the Pacific States promiso to do likewise. But wo cast all these speculations aside, and regard the Oc tober States as tho pivots of tho con- contest. In that view, tho friends of Hancock would bo criminally negli gent if thoy failed to orgunir.o prompt ly and vigorously, so as to put Indiana beyond all doubt, and to make Ohio hot lor tho Credit Mobilier candidate. Now is tho timo to begin tho work, and every day of delay invites danger. New York Sun. "THE BAYONET IS NOT A FIT INSTRUMENT FOR COLLECT ING THE VOTES OK FREEMEN." Hancock. Look. Tho editor of the Iowa ,S7ife Prem hits a number ono domagouo right bctwoon tho cyoB in thia way : Mr. Emory A. Storrs, latonttornoy for tho whisky ring, hasoponod Garfield's campaign in Iowa, with a spcocb at Burlington. Having got hia hand in defonding tho rovomio thiovos, it is perfectly natural bo Bhould now have the rust of tbo party for a client. Ho has got the whisky thieves off the "batches." Ho declared tbo pardon of the "first botch," "tho second batch" and so on, until all tbo thieves woro at largo. Ho latoly appeared as attorney for the "Grant batch" of the Republi can party and got hisclionts convicted. He bus been to Burlington to mako a plea for the "Garfield batch," and very nearly convinced the jury that thoy aro guilty. Radicals Rememiier. Anoxchungo BAJ-I, I It mil bi. -TCbll for il.ubll- can advocates ol further theft ol tho Presidency to romombor that a Domo oratio Congress counts tho doctoral voto, and it will consider carefully tbo juBtico ol taking a Presidential election out ol tho hands of tbe people and giv ing it to Legislatures which wero not chosen with reforonco lo such duty. There is a higher law than resolutions of the Republican National Committee, as thoso oonspirators will find at the outcome Tho Forgo, Dakota, Argus, before the Convention, used to bead its tele graphic news each day In rhymo, and each such bead ended with a compll mont ol snnio kind lo "Grant." Tbo nomination ol Garfield seems, bow- ever, to have taken all the divine a Hia tus out of our contemporary. Since that melancholy event all its heads ap pear in the piosiost kind ol prose. It was quite unnecessary for tho Or angomon to parade their nearly unanl nous voto for Garfiold, but there are a good many peoplo who would like to know bow many of them are citizens and whothor they can tako tbo oath of allegiance and remain Orangemen The Colorado Qtirflain, published at Pueblo, Colorado, Is a Garfield and Ar thnr supporter, yet It asks "can the Republicans defeat Hancock f and an aw era: "If they do tbo Republicans will achicvo ft triumph that will be as gratilying as it will be unexpected." OltaASIZE.-LK't THERE BE AT LEAST ONE HANCOCK AND ENGLISH CLUB ORGANIZED IN EVERY ELECTION DISTRICT IN THE COUNTY. OUR flOYS' CLUB. Tho Hancock fever hits spread all ovor town until tho boys loo havo opened a raking fire on tho President steiilers. Tho Democratic bo s of tho borough met somewhere in town some evening and appointed a Committee to intiii view tho Hancock Club Execu tive Coininitloo for the purpose of renting tho Wigwam with tho Inten tion of organizing a boys' Hancock Club. Tlio Executive Committee ol course consented, anil tho boys went to work, und on Thursday ovoning, July UUtli, met in tlio Hancock Wig warn lor tbo purposool eiicctiug a per manent organization. At about 8 o clock Win. Jl. Jlcuul- lougb, Esq , President of tho Senior Jluneock LIUD, cuueu tlio meeting vo order, and stated tho object. On motion ol John Short, Thos. J. Dover. Jr.. wus elected temporary Chairman, and on motion of Frank Sbugart, Joe Smith was elected tem porary Secretary. A temporary organization nuving been effected, the next business in or der was the appointment of a Coin initloo to select permanent olllcers lor tho Junior Hancock Club. Wbilo tbo Committee were delibera ting, loud culls were mudo for a speech from President McCulloiigh, who at onco proceeded to talk to tho boys in regular hunuuy bchool manner, whicb the boys of course enjoyed us well as the mimorous adults who wero pres ent.' District Attorney McKonrick also talked lo tlio boys, urging tticm to go on in their work. At tlio con elusion of bis remarks, tho Committoo on permanent organization reported lor permanent officers : For Prriiilent Joho Short. For Vina Pmidenti John Konnard, Osorge hraf(le, Frank MoCullouRb, Ooorn 11. HoClallaD Frai.k Sbaw, Frank K.illy, Harold K.nard, Law reno Sfhillio, Mm McKnight. For Rorretarjr Jaio.a 1. Uoodland.r. For Hacordiog tioor.tar? Kdward H.al. For Trealurer Jatuca lludur. For .Maribal.-Kdward Hbeem, with power to .elrrt bll own aidl. For F.icrulive Comuiitlet T. J. Iloyrr, Jr., ( bairm.n, HoluntlO. WriRl.l, Jo. Suiitb, Ibarlta Tborn, William r. Walton. Tho report of the Coininitloo was unanimously adopted, mid tbo Jloys Hancock Club of Clearfield is a fixed fuct, and will meet in tho Wigwuin every luursdiiy evening, for tho pur- poso of transacting such business as may be brought bclore Uiooriranizalion Wo understand that tho Executive Committee havo engaged J. Frank Snyder to deliver an uddrcsson Thurs day evening. Hoys, turn out. Tbo vt igwam is a tar bi tter place to spend a lew hours in tbo evening than in tho street, il you must bo absent from tho parental roof. Home, is of course, tho best placo ; but after that, a Dem ocratic Wigwam is tlio best place for boys to learn something in tlio past, wliKli can bo utilized in the futuro. "Til E BAYONET IS NOT A FIT INSTRUMENT FOR COLLECT ING TH E VOTES OF FREEMEN." Jluneock. States' Riiiiits. It is timo for such Republicans as have common -honesty to stop their studied and persistant misrepresentation of tbo Democratic position on tho question of Status' rights. Bold and vigorous lying will do for such a party us theirs in a des perate emergency und us a temporary expedient, but it cannot be mado to pay a permanent policy. Thero is no intelligent Republican who does not know that tho Democrats stand square ly on tho Constitution in regard to tho respective rights and duties ol the ruderal und State Governments. Thoro is not a Domocrat in Congress, or elsewhere, who holds any thoory of States' rights inconsistent willi tho grandest futuro that any patriot can desire for this nation. "An indissolu ble union of indcstructablo States," a central government sovereign in its sphere, and Stutes sovereign in tboir undelegated authority this is what the Democrntic party will try to main tain. We Second the Motion. Tho Lew- istown Senlificl says: "Our stalwart opponents condemn "mud-throwing," and Democratic friends deprecate abuso of Gen. Garfield, which is eminently propor unless thoso terms havo acquir ed a no meaning. But when ft can. didalo is presented for tho highest office in the gift of tho people, bis pub lic record is a mattor for discussion, whether it bo good or bad. In dis cussing Mr. Garfield's record wo pro poso to draw mainly upon official pub lications and tho testimony of Repub lican journals and il is not our fault if they place bim in an unfavorable posi tion before tho people. We shall aim lo be truthful, and tho stalwarts can call our criticism by what terms they may. Gen. Garfield, in bis letter of ac ceptance, is rather severe on bis own party. In every sentence ol his elo quent allusion to tho mutter of frco and unrestricted sufl'rnge, ho arraigns tho Republican bull dozers of Massa chusetts anil Rhode Island with merci less severity. Tho record of the Re publican party is sufficiently offensive on tho subject to warrant the castra tion, though wo scarcely oxpoctod that Mr. Garfield would bo tho man to present tlio Indictmont. Exchange. Ob I OiMutt'Vvlj tia ti!,io.il uu liiui again just as Oakes Ames and Do Golyer did on a lormer occasion. "TIIE BAYONET IH NOT A FIT INSTRUMENT FOR COLLECT ING THE VOTES OF FREEMEN." Hancock. nnoui'i (lanoora o. iri.n, .m w. wuum apply for a a! In hia eabln.t. SMralary ol War Il what the Conf.il.ratM hankar afl.r, and thay think Jrff la adapted to that kind of button!. ijronm ri.mi... Why, ho baa as much right 'to con trol the War Department as his First Lioutcnant, Koy, bad to run tho Post oAko Department, or the cut throat Muse by has to suck a big Consul plum. What is Ihodiflorenro bctwoon "rebels" anyhow T Settled. Democratic union in Now York, Massachusetts and Virginia, lo! lowing immodiato upon the reconcilia tion and settlement of the difficulties existing in tho ranks of tbe Pluladel phia Democracy in our own Slate, all combine to firo tho Democratic koart with now enthusiasm, while al the same timo conveying certain usatir. anccs ol success in Novombor. All Over The family figlil which has been kept up among the Demo crats in Philadelphia for the past five years has been settled. All tbo factions have embraced, kissed, mtdo np, and havo taken off their coals to capture that black city next Novombor. And from the way matters aro progressing, they will have a sure thins; of it. MY JIEUAHKK Clearfield, Pa., July -9, 1880. Mr. Editor: How tho issue in tho coming Presidential contest may pre sent itself to others, 1 am unablo to predict, but to me tbe greatest and most vital issuo of this camiiaii'ii Is. "Shall the right of tbo people to gov ern bo maintained or lost." This sin- glo issue, fraught with such vitul in terest, not only to tho common weal of tho country, but to the personal lib erty of every citizen, rises so high above tho partisan issue in Presiden tial contests in tlio past, and is so Na tional In all its sequences, that il should not bo considered as an issuo between political parlies. When tho right of tho people to govorn a right tnul lias boon won at sucb a learlul cost of blood and treason is lost, all is lost that has been won by tho Ameri cuu people since the first gun w us liicd on Bunkur Hill. This right is tho keystone of our temple ol liberty, und if it bo taken away, all othor liberties and privileges we enjoy, and whicb thia, the grandest leuluro of our gov ernment supports and maintains, will pass away and leuvo us a Nation with out a form of government. That it now is, and has been for years, the willful, deliberate und premodila ted determination of tho Republican party to deprivo the people of tho right to chooso their rulers by tbe f reedom and legul force of the ballot, in too well defined and too clearly proven to ad mit of oven a reasonably truthful do nial. In tho carpel-big governments of Southern Status, after they had been reconstructed, was one of tho first und most porlentious advances toward tho destruction of personal civil liberty and tho cBtablishinrnt of a military, or "strong'' contralized lorni ol govern ment in this fountry. No person who closely observed the conduct of tho Genurul Government in moulding or munipulutin' Statu governments for tho reconstructed States, could help but too plurily seo that the adminis tration parly abrogated and disregard ed all ll constitutionally guaranteed powers 'f Statu government, and set at armul defianco tbo constitutional right of a majority of the legal elec tors in those States to choose their own ruliis. Tlienuguiu, when a Republican Con gress jnssed and enfored the "Mur siials' bll," a bill which on its face is an insu't to every honest voter in tlio oaunlrr, and the ctlbcl of which, us has ben clearly proven, win to deprive the people of their rights which aro guuru-ilccd to them hy constitutionul powo". As un evidence of tho work ing of this iniquitous bill: In tho city of Now York thoso "Murshuls" arrest ed thousands ol naturalized voters, charging some irregularity in tho cer tificate of citizenship. The next day, when tho election was ovor, mid tbo citizen had lost bis voto by reason of Ins arrest, ho was released without further troublo. This is one more act showing that tho Republican parly is afraid to trust un honest expression of tbo people at tho ballot box in vindication of their party rule. It is rot tho will of tho people they want that is just what they don't want. The last, tho greatest, tho most glar ing and damnable evidence, and clear est proof that the Republican party uro determined, by means lair or foul, to dnminuto the will ol the people, was tbo larceny of the highest position known to Americans. Tho success with which they met in stealing tho Presidency in 18"(J by tho wholesale purchase of Returning Boards to forgo und fraudulently alter tho result of the electoral voto in tho several Status, und tho corruption ord debauching of the highest judicial tribunal known in tho land, to their political purposes, is so elear and so positive in its proof that thoro is no law, either civil or divino, thul they would not brush aside and tramplo under foot to accomplish tbo pnrposo of their parly. Between tho two candidates Tor President on tho Democratic and lie publican tickets, thoro is no compari son. America, with a tree govern ment over ono hundred years old, and with a population of nearly fifty mill ions in tho wholo annals of our histo ry, there is recorded but two names in whicb combine and bland together the ruro attainments of truo military gon itis, profound statesmanship, and patri otism. Ono was Washington, who fought tho good fight and won for his pooplo tho grandest and most liberal form of government ever bt'Btowed on man. Tho other is tho Democratic candidato for President, General W. S. Hancock, who drew his sword and buttled all through the durk days of the Rebellion to maintain and band down to posterity that same form of government with all its liberties and privileges that Washington and bis pa triots wrung Irom King Goorgo. The record of General Hancock has not lo be detended. Ho has too often on tbe field of battle worn the "bloody Bbirt," and with bis sword subscribed bis de votion to his country and the supremacy of constitutionul law, to havo any ono doubt his loyalty or question his patri otism. Organization. We notico tbnt the Democratic National Committee has appointed two Committees ono to havo charge ol tho distribution of doc uments and newspapers, and tbo other to arrange for speakers. On the lormer Committee aro Senator William A. Wallacc.of Pennsylvania, tlie Chairman of the National Congressional Commit too ; Orostus Cleveland, of Now Jorsoy, and Bradley B. Smalley, of Vermont. Tho Committee on speakers consists of Abram S. Howitt.of Now York j Win. Pinckncy Wbyto, of Maryland, of the Congressional Commiltoo, 11.11. Buyer, of Pennsylvania. General Duncan S. Walker, of Washington, D. C, was made Secretary ol tho Committee. Hancock and Stewart. On the 17th of June, ISC., Gen. Hancock, at Spottsylvania, captured twenty pieces of artillery and 5,000 prisoners. Among tho latter wero Gen. Edward Johnson and General George U. Stewart. When General Stewart was brought in, Hun cock, who had been an old army Iriend, held out hia band and said: "Stewart, I am glad to seo you." But Stowart drew back and replied : "Under tbo circumstances, sir, I cannot take your band." "And under any oilier nir cumstanecs" said Hancock, "I would not have offered you my hand." A La roe Man Tho editor of tho Petroleum WortJ embosoms himself after thia manner: "Sitting in the judgment scat, as wo do, valuable opinions aro expected of us on all mannor of subjects. As to Garfiold although Garfield la a fino haired man and a Christian statesman il the $5,000 in controversy was simply a feo, as wo understand be claims it was, why then wo fear he is loo high priced for President, Thia is, or ought to be, a poor man's country, and wo want a modest man for our President." peter Sutton, lalo Greenback candi dato for Slate Treasurer, lays that Harry White will be defeated for Con gross and the Democratic- Greonbae( ticket for Legislature in Indiana coun ty will bo elected, and that the candi dato for Senator, Hon, U K. Sloan, will carry tho district. IlAyCOCK SPEAKS. A riA.NK AND PATRIOTIC LETTER of acceptance. Governor's Island, New York Citv, July 2!, 1H80. Gentlemen : I have tho honor to acknow ledge the receipt of your letter of July 13, 1S80, apprising mo form ally of my nomination to tbo oftlco of President ol tho United Slates hy tho National Democratic Convention lately assembled in Cincinnati. 1 accept tlu nomination with grateful appreciation of tho confidence reposed ill me. Tho principles enunciated by the Cuiitvi.liti Ai'e thoso 1 have cherished in tho past and shall endeuvor to maintain in the future. Tlio thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth amendments to tho Constitution of the United Stutus, embodying the results of the war lor tlio Union, aro inviolable. It called to tho Presidency I should deem it my duly to resist with ull my powur any attempt to impair or evade tho full forco and effect of tbe Consti tution, which in every article, section and amondmcnt, is tho supremo law of tho land. THE L'NIOM I'NIIES TUE CONSTITUTION. The I onstitution forms the basis of the Government of tho United Status. The powers grunted by it to the Legis lative, Exocutivo and Judicial Depurt menu define and limit the authority of tlio General Government. Powers not delegated to tho United States, by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it lo tho Slutos, belong to tho Stales respectively or to the peoplo. Tlio General and Sluto Governments, each acting in its own sphere without trench ing upon the lawf ul jurisdiction of tbo other, constitute the Union. This Union, comprising a (ioneral Govern ment with general powers and Sluto Governments with Stnto powers for purposes local to tbo States, is a polity, the foundations of which wero laid in tho profoundust wisdom. This is tho Union our fathers made, and which has been so respected abroad and so bencficient at borne. Tried by blood and fire it stands to day a model form of tree popular Government, a political system which, rightly administered, bus been and will continue to bo tbe admiration of tho world. Mny wo not say, nearly intbe wordsof Washington, the unity of Govornmonl which consti tutes ps ono peoplo is justly dear to us? It is the main pillar in tho edillco of our real independence, the support of our poaco, salety and prospority and of that liberty wo bo highly prize and intend at every hazard to preserve. FRAHD MUST NOT SUBVERT POPULAR R10I1TS. Hut no form of Government, how ever carefully devisd, uo principles, however Bound, will protoct tlio rights of tho peoplo unless the administration is faithful and cfllciont. It is a vital principle in our system that ncithor fraud nor forco must be allowed to sub vert tho rights of the pooplo. When fraud, violunco or incompetence con trols, tho noblest Constitutions and wisest laws aro useless. Tbo bayonet is not a fit instrument lor collecting tho votes of frocmen. It is only by a full voto, frco ballot and loir count that tho people can rulo in fuct as re quired by the theory of our Govern ment. TaUo tho foundation uwuy and tho wholo structure fulls. PUBLIC OFFICE A TRl'BT. Public ollico is a trust, not a bounty bestowed upon tho holder. No incom petent or (Jislioncsl persons sbould ever bo entrusted with it, or, if appoint ed, they should be promptly ejected. Tbo basis of a substantial, practical civil service reform must first bo es tablished by the pooplo in filling tho elective offices. If they fix a high standard of qualifications for oflico and sternly reject tho corrupt and incom petent, the result will be decisive in govorning tbo action of the servants whom they entrust with appointing power. LET US HAVE PEACE. The war tor the Union was success fully closed inoro than flftcon years aim. All classos of our people must share alike in tho blessings ol tho Union and are equally oonceriwd id its porpotuity and in the proper admin istration of public affairs. Wo are in a stnto of profound peace. Henceforth let it be our purpose to cultivato sonli ments of friendship and not of animos ity among our fellow-citizens. Our material interests, varied and progress ive, demand our constant and united efforts. A sedulous and scrupulous care ol the public credit, togotber witb a wise and economical management of our governmental expenditures, should bo mantainod, in ordor that labor may be lightly burdenod and that all per sons may be protected in their rights to the fruits of their own industry. , Till WAT TO PROSPERITY. The timo haa como to enjoy tbo sub stantial benefits of reconciliation. As ono pooplo we have common inlorcsts. Let us encourago the harmony and generous rivalry among our own in dustries which will revive our languish ing merchant marino, extend our com merce with foreign nations, assist our mcrchanUi, manufacturers and produ cers to develop our vast natural ro soui cos and incrcaso tho prospority and happiness of our peoplo. If elocted I shall, with tbo Divine favor, labor with what ability t pos sess to discharge my duties witb fidel ity according to my convictions, and shall tako care to protoct and defend tho Union and to seo that the laws bo faithfully and equally executed in ull ports of tbo country aliko. I will as sumo tbo responsibility fully sensible of the fact that to administer rightly the functions of tlio Government is to disc hargo tho most sacred duly that can devolve upon an Amoiican citizen. 1 am, very respoctfully, yours, Winfield 8. Hancock. To tho Honorable John W. Sto venson, President of tho Convention ; Honorable John P. Stockton, 'Chair man, and others of tbo Committee of Iho NnttnnM Democrfttlc fonvn!inn It is said that General Hancock boa " so small a civic record. " Il is email for tbe reason that mont of his life has been taken up in fighting the battlos of bia country. Uo hud no timo to run lor Congress. But small as his civil record may be, it is large enough to contain ft pacified stato and orders and corrospondonco which reveal statesmanship of tbo highest ordor. His record is at the tamo lime too small to have any Credit Mobilier, or Do Golyer In it He Still Lives. Ex- Gov. B. Grata Brown, ol Missouri, announced himself as a Democratic candidato before tho next Legislature for the United Status Senate. Grata was Viro Pres ident with Groeloy, you know. Hon. Chas. A. Harnett, ol Bloom field, heretofore a Republican, and who at ono timo represented Perry county in the Legislature, has announced him self for Hancock and English, and will givo thorn his bearty suppoit. Mrs. Don Cameron believes that Hancock should be elected. Tbia is one of tbo instances in which the boat judgment in the family belongs to the woman that Is provided Pon'f sick noss isn't foigtiod. Tho Now York ll'orJ Thinks It is a cboico between ft De Golyer pave ment and lb battle ground of Gettys burg. That Is abont the truth of it. Tho Detroit fVcr? Press declares that "only ono h uso in a hundred in Chi cago is nil inhered so that they can be read at night. "Mo wonder tburo aro so many divorce suits m Chic ago," sug gests the Vt ushiligton mar. When an Ohio man gels into (ho woods lor a couple of days, on a fish ing excursion, iho first question he usks on Ins return is: ' liuvo I been nominated for any oflico while 1 w as gone '!" tx drfrtisnnriits. Divorce Notice. Clara E. Csrpenter by 1 lu the Court of Co mm mi iiar next Iriemi j I' leas cl Clearfield Co. "strict, Quirk. N't. 1.1t, January term vs. If 80, Leonard Carpenter, j Allsj bub Bur Dln-rca. Tbe uiidsrslkfnel 0mniisiioner apiHlnted bj said Court lo take trstltrjopy in (lie above ease, hereby ttlrei not lot that ke will attend to the du ties of bis atpo.ntinent at the offloe of Murray A Mordon. In CleartWId, fa , tin Thursday, August So 181), al It o clock A. M when a:.d whs re all artlos interested may attend. W. I. HI) AH', Couoitlllooer. August 4, 1880 -H. A ITDITOK'M NOTICE n tbe estate of Samuel j In the Orphans' Court roweu, ueoeasea. j oi uiearnem uo., i s. By an order of Curt, datM July 1Mb. 10, the undrrslgned Auditor heretofore ainlntelt Is ordnrud to restate tbe account of Hun A . 0. Tate, Atloiipisiraror, A a., In eooonUnas witb the tcu as thoy niay be rreentd to bin, and t distrib ute tbe balance as shown by a restatemunt of the enflounf, to and amongst those legally entitled Jle hereby uives nutioe that be will attand to the duties oi his appointment, ait his oflioe in Clear Held, on Mimday, August 2.'d, IHSO, t 9 o'clock A. M , whon and where all parties interested may attend. HAK U. llAHHIS, Auditor. Clearfield. Vx, August 4tb, 1MQ-8I. ANNOUNCEMENTS. ram Anr ii.rctior. sati'ihut. ikpt. 18, I 80. Fan. The fees must be paid In advance for announcing thenemes of eondidstes and the print. lug of 12,01)0 tickets will be as follows: Congress Assembly . lj Protbonotaiy 10 Register and Recorder 8 County Surveyor. 6 FOR ASSEMBLY : " We are authorised to announce tbe name of j nm bb rbinn, oi uuiion township, as a can didate for Assembly, subject to the rules govern ing the Democratic partr- I'oit office address, (Smith's Mills. 'm ar ant hn t ...t u ... . tk. r ur POTTKK KEKD, of Lawrence township, a. a can didate for AettinMy, subject to the rules govern ing the Democrat to party. roitoffloe address, Clearflold. FOR PHOTIIONOTARYi Wears aathorlied to snooanoe the name of UKUKMK It. HALL, of Uwrsnce township, as a osnomaie lor rroi no notary, subject to tne rules governing tbe Democratic party. Postoflice addreu, Clearfield. We are aothnriitd to announce the name of U Hutu. K U. hi HK, of Brady township, as a candidate for l'rolhonotary, subject to the rule governing the Democratic party. Postoflice address, Lathers burg . We are authorised to announce tbe name of N. P. WIl.HO.N.of Bradford township, as ft can . didate fur Protbonotary, subject to the rules gov arniog tbs Democratic party. PostoOioa address, Woodland. We are authorised to announce tbe name of JA.MK8 KKltK, ofClearfield borough, as a ean- amaie lor rrotnoaotary, subjeat to the rules gov erning tbo Democratic csriy. I'onloflice address, Clearfield. We are authorised to announce the name af A. W. WALTKRS, of ClrarBeld borough, as a caniiiilate rr frotbonotary. subject to tbe rules governing the Democretie party. Postoflioe address, Clearfield. We are authorised to announce tbe name of IsAAC at AS, of Knot township, as a candidate fur Prothonotary, suhjeet to the rules giverning tbe Democratic party. Postoffice address, New Millport. REOISTER A RECORDER: We are authorised to announce the name f ADAM JJKKTU, of New Washington, as eandi dale for Register A Recorder, subject to tbe rules governing Ins Democratic party. Poitoil.o address, New Washington. We are authorised te announce tbs name of QEORIJK M. KKKlirSON.of Lumber City, as a candidate for Register A Recorder, subject to tbs ruies governing tne urmoerettc party. Postoffiee address, Lumber City. We are authorised to announce tbe nam of WH V. WKIOHT, of Clearfield borough, as ft candidate far Register A Recorder, subject to tbe ruiee governing in iftmocrnue party, Poiwffloe address, Clearfield. We are authorise to announce tbe name of A. ruKKSTUK BLOOM, or Pike township, as a candidal for Register A) Recorder, subject to toe raiea governing tne uemooratto party. Postoflice address, New Millport. We ere authorised to announce the name of W INFIKLD 8. LU TURK, of llradv towusbin, as a candidate fur Register A Recorder, subject to ineruies governing tne uemocratie parly. Postoffioa address, Lutherrburg. Sheriff's Sale. BY virtue of sundry writs of levari Fitia Issued out of tbe Court or Common Pleas of Centre count?. Penn'ft, and to me directed, there will be ei posed to PUBLIC BALK, at tbe Court uoase, in tnt ooroagn or Ueiieiooie, i s., on Hftturday, August It I at, lfM, At 1 o'clock P. M., tbe following described real state, of Defendants to wit : All tbe right, title and Interest of Defendants lo all that oertaift tract of land situate la Rush twp Centre county, Pa., in the warrantee name of Joe. Ilambrigbt and described accord inr te a sorvev mftde teereof by Duvid llaugh en tbe 3tith day of August, isse, Beginning at ft pin tree corner ; thence attending by ft tract of land In tbe war rantee nams of Andrew Graff, north ftli degrees east, 314 perches so ore or lees to a white pine, a corner ; thenoe by a tract of land in tbo warrantee name of Casper Stiatfoer, sou th S8J degrees east, Xll perches more or less to red oak tree or black oak fallen Ihenc by tract of land lo th war rantee name of Robert Kpeer, south 61 i degrees west 820 perches more ur less to post; t bonce by a tract of land in tbo warrantee name of tie. llutToagle, north 3$i degreoa west, J;t2 perches more or less to the place of beginning, contain inc 4.18 acres and 100 perches and allowance. ALSO, All th right, title and Interest of Defendants In all that oertain tract or niece of land situate in Rush township, Centra county, Pa., In the war- rantee nam of Andrew Graff, beelnnine; at ft hemlock tree, ft corner) thenoe oatending north oO degress west. 120 perches more or Irss to a pins Ire corner thence by a tract or land In th warrantee nam of Christian Musstr, south 40 degrees east 230 perches u.ore or less to sugar tree, a corner i thenre by a tract of land In the war. rant nam of Joho Hambrigbt, south &Q degrees wen, mm poroses nor or lees to ft pin tree cor ntr; tfaeno by a tract of land In the warrantee name of Sebastian draff, north 40 degrees east 2 10 perches more or less to the place of beginning, containing 433 acres and IbS perches mot or loss. ALSO, All the right, title and interest of Defendants In all that oertaift tract or piece of land situate in Husn township, aro-eeaid, and partly In Morris township, Clearfield eonntv. Pa. Bounded on the north by lands of the estate of Henry Leraine. deceased, on tbe east by lands of Quay and Kyler, on in eootn oy lands m warrantee name of An drew lira IT, on tbe west by lands late of Brenner and Company containing 47 acres and 137 perches surveyed April 1, IJM, on warrant In name of Christian Muster. Thereon reeled two frain hemes, an old saw mill and other cut- ALSO, All the right, title and Interest of defeffmlaots In all that oertain tract of land situate in Morris township, Clearfield county, Pa. Beginning at ft stooe heap, formerly ft whit oak corner j tbenc by lands late of Lever and Lorain sooth 130) perches to a post, east 164 perches to ft post ; thence by lands surveyed to Robert Ralney north 220 ft-10 perches to ft whit pin, aloe a lands surveyeJ to Btephsa Kingston 164 perches tft th piece oi ooginning, containing iuu acre and 37 perches and allowance, and was surveyed In par. susnoeof ft warrant dated Mar oh 13, A. D., 18M, issued to Leonard Kyler. ALSO. All tho right, title aad Interest of Defendants In land situate in Morris township, Clearfield county, Pa. : Beginning at ft fallen hemlock, thence south 14 degrees west, 216 perches to a whit pin thenr north 87ft degrees west, lift 8-10 perches lo a mapl ire j thence north 2 degrees ernel, 1(13 3-10 perches to ft post ; tbeoce south 14 degree west, 69 3-10 perches to post, north t dftgreas east, 80 1-10 perches to ft hem lock tbono south 83 degrees east, 34 T 1-10 per ches to the place of beginn log, containing 412 eer aad 84 perches, to or or loss, Bslng part of a larger tract surveyed la tbs nam of John Houston. ALblQ, All Iho tight, till and Interest of Defendants la all that certain tract or land situat in Morris township, CleerAeld county, Pa. I Beginning at a spruce corner j tbeoce by Daniel Milk purchase north 88 degrees west I AO perches to a plni thence by John Taylor and John Uonslon surveys Hi. pert-net to a pine, south I, degrees west course, oftlled In th original survey south ; tbenee east T perches te a post thence aorta 1) de grees cast 103 perches to sprue tfaene south 8i degrees ast 84 perches thence north If de gress east 120 perches to tbs plao of beclaBinr containing 170 sores. Being parts af ij0 iur. veye in warranto name ot lUrid Ueverage nod Francis Johnston. Tberoou erected a two story frame house, stabl and othor outbuildings. Bslsed, taken in ictioa. and u k antj th property of Jaoob Mock, with mile to Jht na . regnr. as terra tenants. NOTB Tbs undivided on third n art r it,. abets described tracts of land Will be sold at tbo seme Ua aad plao by w. T. Kirk, Kiq., Trust for oerUia tnditori of Wagner A Bro Terms sn aits known oa day of sal. Tiaws Cab No deeds will b acknowUrl. until th parches noway Is paid In fell. juiin Pi'AhUl.KR, Sheriff. S if riff's Off, Belle fonts, Aug. 4th, h0. gWw flrcrlisrmrnts. C CAUTION. All persons are hereby warned J u-t le purchase or have anribing to do with tbe following personal property, now In the pos session of A. Uigleman, uf Cuviugton township. vis i On dun and ona brown mar. Th fori-Ko-Ing properly was purchase by sue at private sale, and Is allnwed to remain in the posesln ol siid A. Blglcman on loan only, iutit to my otIit al any Hut. V. P. CO 1 1 HI U. Preuobville, Pa, AuguM4, lBMO 31. DINHtH.l l ION tH'-pAltlM-HMIUI -Notio Is hereby given that the pArtnsrship lately cutting Utworn J 3. Kramer and W. W. Worn it, uf Clearfield, I'a., under tus firm nams of Kramer A Worrell, in the saloon busi ness, In Clearfield, was dinol ved on tbo llith day or July, 18b0, and that I will not bold myseir re sponsible, or pay any further debts contracted undr (aid firm name after this dale. JOHN V, HKAKUt. Clearfield, July 14, l0-4t. I) H. U WINSl.OVV, PU YS1C1A A' .f- SU1KIEUX, OaiftcliJ, l'. tin'a. Tha Ilr. baviDa: r.canllj locatotl Id Clearlalil, uflara bia irrvk-aa to Ilia peopl, of lata vicinity. MU OltlM on tiaad iIihI. k.'.i.l.nfln I.mib- ouse July 21st flu, IjWTHAY NOTKK. Ktlrayed fro tbe J premises of the subscriber, in Bloom town ship, on or about July 6th, I But), one lrs;e roan mlloh cow, about seven yeers old, and thick horns, one three year old red steer with shirt thick horns, two old sheep, one with horns and bell on aod three lambs I will pay liberally fur infor mation which will lead tu the recovery ol my property. My address Is Forest PoiioHln. UKOHfiK WKAVKH, Bloom Towsnftir, July 28b, lS0 3t IT XKt'IJ TOR'S BOriCF. Notice is here A t'7 gi"n tbat l.citcrr T stamebtsrr on the esiaie.if WILLIAM JONKH, Into M Clearfield borough, ClearOeld County, Punn'a, deceased, haviug bi-en duty granted to th underlined, all persons indebted li said estate will please make immediate payment, and those having claim or deiuauds against the saui will present tbum proper hr authenticated for rettteoicnt without delay. ltOBKRT WKlUl.KY, Kienutor. Clearfield, Pa., July II, 1880-Ct. Vhm(;m;i:h notick. To Whom It May Concern : The underilgned, having boon appointed Assignees for the benefit ufcredi tors byJas. B. tlralmm, of Clearfield borough, all persons, therefore, having claims against bun will present then to us for settlement, and those in det ed to tbe said 'Jrahum are required U settle and make psytneot to us. KDWARD . BIOI.KR, ASHIJUY W. LKK, Clsarfichl, Pa., Dee. 24, 187V tf j As'iynees. mo WHOM IT NAY CONCUR X.-An X application will be made to the rmirt of Quarter Hciins of Clsarflelt county, on the 4th day of August nut, for tbe appointment of viewers, Ui view tbe Lumber City bridge, Clear field creek bridge, at Leonard titation, and tbe lower bridge, Clearflold, i'a.. In order to mate them free bridges. C. W. KYLKU, JOHN NORMH. KLAH J011NHTON, Cdunty Comtnissi'inors. UbO It. Clearfield, July 11, ll"I)ITH'8 NOTICE In the matter of the etat I In the Orphans' Court of Miles Davit, dec d j of Clearfield Co., Pa The undersigned Auditor, appointed by h said Court to make distribution of the hnUnce re mitinlnglntbohand'orJOHN S- McKKIRN AN, Kxeoutor, Ac, of said deceased, amung the parties legally entitled thereto, bereby gives notice that bo will set ir the purpose of his appointment, at tbe office of McEoally A MoCurdy, in Clearfield, on Friday, the 3d day of September, A. D. 1 Bio, at 2 o'clock P. M. W. A. Jl AtJKUTY, Auditor. Clearfield, Pa- August 4th, lO-H. ATTENTION FARMERS I I HAVE returned lo my old business, at.d will be fi-u ml it the Ploniog Mill oflico, on Pine street, CLKAHPIIiLD, PA., where I will soli all kinds of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, AND TDK CKLEDRATEU WOOD MO-WEE St EZATZIt, A large stock of which I have always on hand. Alio, HAY RAKliS and all olhor use bine used by the Farmer, as well as materials for repairs. jtt-1 will exchange the above articles for CASH, Q0OD DKKK CATTLE, r SHEEP, As I contemplate butchering, ftnd would be pleased to have tbe trade of the terming public. ELAM W. BROWN, Clearfield, Pa.. June 0, ISnO-tf. State Normal School, INDIANA. Pa. Bl ILIIIM), 111. bait of tba kind la lb, relied 8lata. ACCOMMODATIONS for 4K) boarJari. SCHOOL, arat-elauln all raipaeU. DBI'ARTMKNTS Nornal, Claiiioal, Commar- elal, Muilcal TUB FALL TEKM of IS wtili .ill opto oa Monday Sep't 6, 1880. EXPENSES, as luw ai thofo of any other school affording equal advantages and accommoda tions. Por Catalogue, address JOHN U. FRKNCII, LI,. I)., PRINCIPAL. IaoiilA, Pa., Jolr Hlh, 1880 la. STATE FAIR. Twenty-aoventh Annual Exhibition or ran Peima. Agricultural l::j WILfc Bl aiLD IH MAIN CENTENNIAL BUILDING, Fairmount Poik. Pliiladolpllia, SKPTKMHEU Oth to 18th. f.VTKlKS ASD COMPETITION FKfSI INTERNATIONAL SHOW or SHEEP, WOOL AND WOOL PRODUCTS, HEPTKMBKR 20ril TO 2'lTO, 1880. Kntrv Rnnka will aIamiI it. a ntfU. Nnil. .. corner Tenth and Chestnut Streets, Aug. 21, 1880, $40,000 IN PREMIUMS. Cash Prizes for Live Stock, $24,315. IXCt'RBION TirKITa AT ORKATLT RiDt'CRD KATR,. Libaral Arrangatuaala for Tran.portatloD. WM. BISSEI,, faaa'r. D. W. San aa. W Sw'jt. Bt.aatlioa M'CoaRsr, Cor. (Wy. Aug 4, '80 -4t Teachers' Examination I Tbe public eiarntnetton of teachers for provin cial certificates for lb present school year, will be held as follows : Morris, at Kylertown, Tuesday, August 10th. day,Augus 1 1 Hi. Boggs and Wallaceton borough, at Centre school house, Thursday, August IJtb. Lawrence, Law reno Independent and Clear field borough, at Clearfield, Friday, August Mtu. Goshen, at Hbawsvill, Monday, August Itlth. U iranl, at Olllinghftm school house, Tuesday, August I Tib. Covington, at Ualon school nous, Wednesday, August 18th. Karthaus, at Oak Hall school bouse, Thursday, August Ifth. Pike, Pike Independent and Curwensville borough, at rJ loom leg ton, Saturday, Anj ut list. Bradford and Bradford Independent, at Bigler, Monday, August Sod. Ohcsolft borough ftnd Decatur, at Otceola, Tues day, August Sllh. Woodward aod floattdale, at UouttdaU, Wed nesday, August lath. tiulirh, at Janosvllle, Thursday, Augast Iflth. Beccarla and Madera Independent, at Ulan tlcpe, Friday, August 37th. Knot, at New Millport, Tuesday, Auguit Slit. Jordan, al Ansonvil), Wednesday, Sept. 1st. Cheat and Newburg boruugh, at Ntwburg, Thursday, Ktatemher Xd. Burnsid township and bornugh, at Burnside, Friday, HeptemlMsr id. New Washington, at New Washington, Satur day, September 4th. Bell, at Susquehanna school bouse, Monday, Hep t ember flth. , Greenwood, at Bower, Tuesday, September Tib. Ferguson and Lumber City borough, at Lum ber City, Wednesday, September th. Pane, at Pennvtlie, Thursday, September Vth. I'men nod Union Independent, at Hock ton, Friday, September 10th. Brady and Bloom, at Luiiersburg, Monday, September llth Handy, at DuBols, Tuesday, September 14th. Huston., at Pea field, Wodaesday, Sept. 16th, II ewe will be admitted t lb class who bas not lelt written application for a school with tha hecretary of th district for which th eiarai ftation Is held. W eareeillr request the attend ano or all th Mreetoi at thee iatnlnations, la order that we may eons It together oa subjects Sertaifttng to tho interests f th schools. The ecretary of each Board will pleas be prepared to ftnnouncoth applications al th opening or th eiamiaatlon. Horn vide he of good moral eh a racier will be required of applicants with whom I am not acquainted. Th speakers who will address th people at th educational aaeet iags.will be announced In tk educational eolumft of tbe papers. KiatQioetluni will open at at) A. M. M.L. JekylJOWN, ' Co. Hoperintendeol, Clearfield, Pa , July II. 1M0 fit. DiMMOl.tTTIOtf OF PAMTNI.R-llllp.. Th co-partnership berctifire listing tq tl,e mercantile biiknisa In Ibe village of Wood land, was dissolved by mutual ounasn. on Muii day, July J Wt I . If 80. The erttUineit o t-mki, notes and ao'iuuta must lt wale with tin utm firm of A. K. Wi-olridg A Co. AAlU'N PHTKHM, A K WuoLKIliUK. Wooiimro, July Jtth, I NSO 4 VUll TOlt'M NOTH'rVU-Iri the Orphans' Court of Clearfield cnuaty, I'. In the in.it. tr of the cstatenf Ieec Thump son, Lite of lilitmn township, dce'd. Tbo undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Court (o distribute tbe belanae remaining in tbe hands of Aaron C. Tale, AdininUtre.ir of tbe above estate, hereby gives nmie that be will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in Clearfield, on Friday, Augmt llth, 1KH0, at 1 o'clook P. al., at wtituii time and place ll persons intere'led are required to make titnir olainis, or be dubarioJ lM'n emiiing in tn Siid fund. b T. BllUC'h BAN K, Auditor. (l.arfWIi, Pa., July 31, lf-80-St. Sheriffs Sale. HY virtue of sundry writs of . Ex., lUrd out ol the Court of t'ounnon plea of ;iear. tit-Id Co,, nd to roe directed, there will Ueipoitcd to P( ULIU NALK, at the Court House, in Ibe bornugh of Ckarfiiild, Pa., on iTlday, August Mill, lrm. At 1 oVIcok, P M , the following de-nib- d rent estate, to wit : AH tli st certain tract of laud situate In (Irntiato township, Clear 61 d county, Penns) Irai.ia, be ginning "t st ;ns corner ot ;'uml Sm il un 'Irn of tit'org ll .rri'On and .li.eh Muylen surc,s ; tbeiic t S"ilh 1 67 5 I u parches more or lei t r i. nr ol It nd or John ti"it lbf-icr eat left, perelns mot or Ioas to a pot on old line bt'ttreen tlte U. i.re llnrris'ia mi I Tnrh Prjuci tra-H ; tlteni-e north al"rjr said li'J I 67 ft lU perches to or irr of tir-.tiio llarrisun. Tan -It Kraocii, Ueorga CInn ahau hiiI Jior M;iv!en surveys 10rt perches nior or less to atones and place of beginning, containing H'-'J acrea, more or less, with about 70 acre i cleared, and a gnv l young orchard grow ing there n, end nuving l!i-ieo erected a fiama houfe, good tijtnk barn mi. I oll-t-r outbuil Jm. Seised, tattvo in rx-ciition and to be sol I as tbe pr perty of J-rank Ci-gr,v and Iaae f biuitl, tetrr tciuuU. Tib.i or Sai.s. Tho tmce nr sum at wlttih the property shll be struck oft must be paid at ino iiiiiu oi unit', or such oiuer arrangt menls inads as will be approved, otherwise the property will be imiue.tutely put up and sold again at the ei pense and ri'k of the person to wlmia it was struck off, and who, In cane of duticiency at such re-saio, snan mnke goou tne seme, ana in no instance will the Deed be pre'entod in Court fur confirmation unless the money is actually paid to the Sheriff. JAM iiS MAHAt FKY, KiiKRtrr's Orn. a, i Shcrifl T eirliei,) p,.. Juty 21, iHStl. ORPHANS' COURT SALE Ol-' YALIABLE FARM PR8PERTY. In porsunne of an nrderof the Orj bans' Court ef Clearfield eonntv, Pa, there will be exposed to sals at the Drauekor HoU'c lo the borough of CiiTwenivilie, on Saturday. Auuat 41, IhH(, at 3 o'clock P. M , all Ibe following described Heal Estate of !tnnuol Catdwoll, lat of 1'iKc townbip, said county, deceased, to wit : Two oertain pir.rt.-s ol land situstc in raid t"n. ship: Purport number one : Bourdcd on the North by the West Branch of the Kuniuelmnnn river, on tbe South by puport number two, on the Kat and Heft by Jai.d of Wm. Caldwell, containing otic hundred and forty acres, more or les. Tbe improvement crtisist of a two story frame house, lHi.12, wnti "L" attached llill, lug barn, spring house, and oihrr out buildings. Alio good or chard, seventy ("Of acres cleared and order cul tivation, tbe residue l eing oovcrtd witb oak aod pine timber. Purport numbrr two: Bcundnt u tl.o Nor-h by tho Wft I) ranch of the ruttU bnnna river, on the KbI by pu'port number one, on the South hv land of Wtn t h Id well, and on tbe Wet by Innd of I'eter Hoover, now Farewell) contaioing filtr-sovcn (57) arree, having erected there n a two-M or? frame boure l.fs2t, log bnin, and other (,ut builtllngs. Also good orct ard, forty ii'ki cleared ar.d un Ji r cultivation, tbo residue boiog wood !ard TERMS OF. ALE: Ore-tlitrJ of tbe pun base money to be paid on continuation of sale, and (h e balance in two iijool annual pajmrntt, witb interest fiom day of sale, to be secured by bond and mortgage on thnp-em-lif. JOHN T. HAi.KlU Y, Administrator. July 28. lfiHU-St. John Irvin & Bros., CURWKNSVll.I.K, I'A., -DKAKKe IN- All Kinds of Merchandise, -SI'CII AS Dry Gowk Groceries, Elc. M MAM FACTI IlKES AND DEALERS IN slt iur: Tnim.it, AND EVEIlT liKSCRIPTION OP SAWED LUMBER CDT TO 0EDER. H Tbo Only MnriiifuvtiircTH in Clearfiflil County of tlio NEW PROCESS FLOUR ! w M I.OM, VIIOV .. f f.-EU .iiic.tri o.r n.i.rin Casli paid for nil kinds of (Irn'in Wheat, Hyo, Oat, Etc. Curwrairtlle, Pa,, Juna I, 180-tf. CENTRAL Ktnlo Normal IH0I100I. Eighth Xormnl School District.) Lock Haven, (Union to.. Pa. A. A RA Ufi, A. J., Ih. D.t Principal This Reboot as at present constituted, offers tbe very best facilities for Professional ati Clasiosl learning. Buildings spacious, Inviting and commodious i completely heated bj steam, well vttilsc. sprlrg water. Location nealtnrul ana easy or access. ISurrounding scenery unsurpassed. Teschers experienced, efficient, and alive te their work. Bisciptine, firm but kind, uniform and thorough. Kxpcnse moderate. Ffty cents a week deduction to tho preparing to teach. Piudeott admitted at any time. Course of study prescribed by the Ftatc i I. Model Pc.h'-nl. It, Preparatory, 111, Klcuen tary, IV. 6cieut.no. ArutiNrrcot'itHisi I. AcademiA, II, ComiuorcUI. Ill, Mmic. IV. Art. The Klementary and Solentlflc courses are Pro fessional, and students graduating therein receive Stat Diplomas, conferring the following eorres ponding degrees t Master of the Kletnents and Master of the Fclenses. Uraduatee In the other courses receive Normal Certificates of their at tainments, signed by tbe Faculty. Th Proloa.ltial course ar liberal, end srs In thoroughness net Inferior to those ef our best colleges. 1 Lie Mfile requi res a higher order of cltiicn vhip. Th tiuies demand it. It is one uf ! f riiue objects of this school to bolp to scours it '7 urnlshlng intelligent and efficient teachcri f"T her schools. To this sod It solicits young frr sons of gcod abilities and good purposes iho who den ire to Improve their timo and their ta enia, as students. To all such II promises aid ia developing their powers and abundant opp 'riu nities for well paid labor alter leaving scho d For retalngti and terms address the Princlj ai. ft.- the Herniary of tb Board, B0AUD OF TBI'HTKKSi stocvnolorrb' TRUSTS II. J. II. Barton, M. A. II. Best, Jatjb Brown. fl.M.Uirkrord. Samuel Christ, A. N. Haub, R. Couk.T. C. llippls, K.Q., (i. Kinttlng, K. p. Mc Cormick, Kq , VY. W. Kankin, W. II, Brow. stats rnra,Tbt. Ilrn. A. (I. Curiln, lion. II, L. MenVoWh. tlxn. Jess Merrill, Hon. Wm. Hlgler, J. C O. tthaley.H. Millar alsOorniek, Bit). orrirnast WILLIAM BIOL KB, President, ClearlelJ, Pa. Geo, JKflSK MKHKILL, Vico President, Lock Haves, Ps. B. M I lihn H McCUItalICK, Hecretary, l,ock Have, Pf THOMAS Y AllULKY, Trwunrer, loek Haven, Lock llavea, P,r August 4, Into ly,