TUB ' CLEARFIELD UEPICLICA," pdiuiiu itirt wbdmidat, at CLEARFIELD, PA. GITAHLIIHED IN 1ST. TUe Largei. Circulation fan; New ..paper lu North Central Penniylraula Terms of Subscription. f paid la druk0f or within I month.... M CM) If iiftid k fur 1 and balon I month! 8 AO If paid after th expiration of 6 montbi... 3 OO Rates oi Advertising, Trmlnt adTortiiemooti, pr iqntraof 10 11nior , a itm oriM ti Knroaoh lubaeuent lnrtton JO A lti.iniMrk.toiV tod Kxeoutori' notloci I 60 ... ii. ....-ti 9 f.0 AUMivvia - " Ciutluniand Kb tray 1 60 iKoinnon tiottcei vu Profitonl Cardi, ft Unei or Un,l ..... 00 Lioftl notleei.per line 10 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. iMur $B 00 1 olumaM $ 00 1 juari lft 00 j eolomiL. 70 00 S nuar. 30 00 I 1 eolamn ........ 120 00 G. B. GOODLANDKR, Publiihor. ntni(rs' Carfln. j j w. SMITH, A T T O R N K Y - A T - L A W , ll:l:tl t'learBeld, Pa. J J. LINGLK, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, I IS I'lilllpeburfr, Centre Co., Pa. rpd ROLAND D. SWpOPB, ATTORNEV AT LAW, CurwenaTilla, Clearfield county, Pa. Oct. 0, 'rn-tf. QSCAU MITCHELL, ATTOHNKY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. fl-Onlce In tbo Optra Houm. eats, '78-lf. Q 11,1 W. BAHKETT, Attorneys and Counselors at IiAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. January 30, IR78. "jSRAEIi TEST, ATTOKNKY AT LAW, Clearfield, Pa. JWOEee In the Court Home. jyll.'M yjl. M. McCULLOUGII, ATTOHNKY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. 0(11 -e In Mnaonle building, Second alreet, ep pcnite the Court lluuae. Jo!,'78tf. C. A UN OLD, l,AW & COLLECTION OFFICE, CUKWENFVILLE, e21 Clearfield Countj, Pcnn'a. Toy s. T. II KOCKUANK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, I'A. (. In Opera Houee. ap 26,T7-lj gMlTII V. WILSON, ttlornrynl-lMW, CLEARFIELD, - - PENN'A. eTOIFloe in tbe Mnaonio Building, over the Cuunty National Bank. nmr24-S0. w I I.I.I AM A. I1A0EUTY, jrroiM'iuri.i . CLEARFIULD, PENN'A ,-r.O-Will attend to all legal bu.ine.e witb promptneea and fidelity. febl 1,'eO-tf. WILLIAM A. WALLAra. il may r. wallacr. DATin i aaaaa. jobs w. WRIflLRT. ItTALLACK & KRKBS, II (Hmceeeore to Wallaoe A Fielding,) A T T O U N E Y S - A T - L A W , jnr77 (,'learlltild, Pa. T F. SNYDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. Oflioa in i'ie'a Opera Uouae. June !, 'J tlf. g L. McGEE, " jTroiMcr-jr-UH', DuBois, Clearfield County, Fenn'a, g'er-Will attend promptly to all legal bniinen entrusted to bie oare. janSl, '80. tnoi. a. mubbav. oraoi anacoi. Ml URRAY ti GORDON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. aY-OSloe in Ple'a Opera IIoum, feeond Boor. :J0'74 iosbps a. M'nit ally. naaiaL w. 'cuanr, McE: fcENALLY & McCURDY ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW, uicarneid. ra. NTLagal bnilntfi attended to promptly wfthj Idnlity. Offlo on Haoond itreet, abof tba Pint National Hank. Jan: 1:71 4 G. KIIAMEU. ATTOIINEY-AT-LAW, Real Bttata and Collection Agent, t I.EAKFIKi n, PA., Will promptly attend to all legal builneti en trotted to nil care. CrOffioe in Ple'i Opera Houm. jaul'76. J P. McKKNRICR, TiTRTHirT ATTIiflWEV CLEARFIELD, PA, All legal baitneii entraited to hli oare trill r. eel re prumpt attention. Office in tbe Conrt llouie. auKU,lH7Hly. JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. vurl Heal Ketata A (rent, ClenrflHil, Pa, Office oa Third itreet, bet. Vberrj A Walnut, 4rkeipeetfall ofleri fall lervieei la lllng oil buying landi la Olearneld and aiiJolniDg eantiet aod with an experience ol ever twenty r.ti.r'iAiWWoV: """ Umt!te.i.'i.iif.sra "hiisicinns' (fnrds. K. M. SCHEURKIl, HOMOiOPATUIO P1IYHIC1AN, Offlo. In reaidenee on Flret at. April 34, 1871. ClearOeld, Pa. jyi. W. A. MEANS, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, Dl:nOI8 CITY, PA. Will attead profaiaional ealla promptly, auglo'70 T. J. IIOTEU, i'UYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Ofllea on Markot Street, Clearneld, Pa. r-Offlo. koarai I to II a. m , and I to I p. aa. D U. J. KAY WRIGLEY, UOMtEPATIIIO I'UYSICIAN, iIMrOIBf adjoining the reaidenoe af Jaaaa JnlyJI78 U. ' yyii. a. o. van valzah, CLKARflEM), PUNA. OFFICE IN ItESIDKNCE, CORNER OF FIRST AND PINK STREET. OflW boaraProa It la I P. M. May II, II7. D It. J. T. BURCHFIKLD, Late Sargeoaof tha'ld Reglmeat.PanBaylvanla Volanteere, Bering retarnea irom ana Array, orlore kla profeulaaal aervlo.a te th.eiUaeaa or C'learfiata eoaaty. Aa-PrBre.Aianal aalla Broaatttlr attended to. L"joo na Beoead atreel, foraarlyoeeapled hy Lr. w.oda. lap", I on pmnTiMo or ivkrt descrip ttoa aoatly eteeated ,4 tkla ofjoe- CLEARE . ' '' 1 " r' . ii, . i. 1 --" GEO. B. GOODLANDEB, Editor L Proprietor. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. ' TEEMS-$2 per annum in Advanoe. VOL. 51-WIIOLE NO. 2,682. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1880. ' NEW SERIES-VOL. 21, NO. 30. Cards. J We have printed a lerge number of tbe aew PKR DILL, and will on tbe reeetpt of twenty. gv eMi. mat) a eopf to any addrew. myin WILLIAM M. HENRY, Juhtice op tbb Pnxca and ScniTaMiR, LUMHEK CITY. ColleetioDi made and money promptly natd over. Artiolel of airreement and deeda of eunveyane neatly executed and warranted cor rect or au obarge IiJy'7S JOHN D. THOMPSON, Juitloe of the Peace end Scrivener, Curwenivllle, Pa. it. Col loot loo. made and money promptly p.id orer. f,b."7i!L HENRY BRKTII, (OftTKXO r. 0.) JUSTICE OF THE PEACE FOR BELL TOWKRRtr. Ma; , 1ST8. lj JAMES MITCHELL, DRALRR I Square Timber k Timber Lands, J.H'7J CLEARFIELD, PA. REUBEN HACKMAN, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Clearfield, Penu'a. fe Will eiecute lob. In hti line promptly and U a workmanlike manner. nrr,7 JOUN A. RTAOLEK, BAK1?R, M.rket Bt., Cleartold, Pa. Fresh Dre.d, Ru.k, Rulla, Pl and C.ke. on band or made t. order. A general aMortinent of Confectioneries Fruit, and Note In itock. Vm Cream and Oy.teri in aeafon. Seloon nearly 0P"iite the rntu8iee. Prli-ai moderate. aUrh III--7. WEAVER & BETTS, DKAI.IRI IK Real Esta'.e, Square Timber, Saw Legs, AND LI MHKROF ALL KINDS. 2-fj-Offifle on Keonnd itreet. in rear of .tore n- iin of George Wearer A Co. I jan, '78 tf. RICHARD HUGHES, ..M'STICE OF THE PEACE ron Ittralur Tinrtmhip, Oaeeola M ilia P. O. J II nffinial builnen ontm.led to bim will be promptly attended to. mcb2, '711. HARRY SNYDER, JJAHUKR AND UA1UDRKSSER. Bhup on Market 81., oppoilte Court llc.uio. A elean towel for every ourtomer. Aleo dealer in lle.t llranda f Tnbareo and Clgara. "I..reld. P.. wiat 1. 11. JAMES H. TURNER, jrSTICEOF THE PEACE, Waller eton, Pa. eaHe hat nrepared blmaelf witb all tbe neeei.ery blank form, under tbe Pension and bounty law., ai well ai blank Deeda, eta. All legal mattera animated to bia earn will receive prompt attention. May 7tb, ISie.tf. ANDREW HARWICH, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa., HAirrArToaaa Ann pbalbb la Harness, Bridles, Saddles, Collars, and Horse-r urmshing Goods. cay-All kindl or repairing promptly attended to. Kaddlore' Hardware, llorae Bruabea, Carry Oomba, Ao., alwayi on band and for aale at the loweet eaah prioe. (March ID, 18i. G. H. HALL, PRACTICAL PUMP MAKER, NEAR CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. AAr-Pampa alwaya on hand and made to order en abort notioe. Pipea bored on reaaonable terme. All work warranted to rauder aatiafeotion, and delivered if deaired. my!i:!ypd lilvery Ntnble. rffllIR anderalgned kega leave to Intonn the pan- X He that he ia bow fully prepare to accommo date all in the wayof fnrniahing lK.aea, bugglea, Haddlea and llarneaa, on the anorteat nottoe ana an reaaonable tcrma. Reaidenee on Loeuatalrect, between Third and Fonrtb. OKI). W. HKARIIART Olearneld, Feb. 4, 1874. WASHINGTON HOUSE, GLEN HOPE, PENN'A. THE nndemlgned, having leeied tt.li eom modtosi 11'iUI, la the village of Olen Hope, le now prepartd to accommodate all who may eall. My table and bar shall be nppHed with the belt the market fford. OBOHdB VT. DOTTS, Jr. Glen Hope, Pa., Hireb J, 1H7 tf. THOMAS H. FORCEE, DiiLna ta UKNERAL MEKCH ANDISK, C.RAIIAMTON, Pa. Alio, extemive minufactnrer and dealer In Rquare iiuDer ana sawea Lumber oi tii xmai. "Orders loliolud and all bilU promptly niiea. l"jylo 71 E, A. BIGLER & CO., SQUARE TIMBER, and manufacturer, of Al l, KINDS OP KAU RI) LUMBER, I I'JJ CLEARFIELD, PENN'A. S. I. SNYDER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER ABB OBALBB IB WBtcnos, Ulceus nu juweiry tfraaaai'a Him, Marjft Areat, LF.AHFIKI.I), PA. All klnda of repairing In my line promptly at- enaed to. April H, 1874. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. WIIE andenlgned, hiring ettabliihed a Nor X nry on tba 'l'lko, about half way betweea tlfarfleld and Curwrniville. ) nreoared to far nth all kiodi of PKHIT TRKKS. (taadard aod dwarf.) Kvergreena, Shrabbery, Grape Vinei, Muoieorry. Lawton lllaokherrT, bt raw berry. ana natpoerry Vinei. Aio, Bibenan Urab Treee, gut nee, and early scarlet Khuhub, e. Orders promptly attendrd t. Address, J. U. WRIGHT, eepSO alt-y Corwenaville, Pa. MEAT MARKET. F. M. CARDON & BJtO., Oa Market Bt, eoe door weet of Mansion Howse, CLRAHFIULD, PA. Oar arrangements are rf the meet eomplete ftharaeter tor furnishing tbe pub lie with rresh McaUof all kind, and of tbe very best quality. We aleo deal it all kinds of Agricultural Imple ments, wbiea we keep en ei bi bitten for the beat- eflt of the aublie. Call around when la town, and take a look at things, or address ui F. M. CAHDUM 4 BRO. Clerneld, Pa., Jaly U, 187 tf. t ltarleld inturante 1ftncy, CABBOLL t. BinDI.B. Hr.HR If MtlltnLE, xfrrnf. Repraeont the following aai ether Irat.elaaa Co'a Companion. Aaaeta. Mvernool London A Ulcha-P. B. Dr. ll.sol.aa Lyeomlng a mutual A eaah plana...H 4,400,000 I'hwaiB, of Hartford, Conn H 1.0J4. OKI Inaarenoe Co. of North America (,451.074 North Brltlak A Mercantile II. B. Br.. 1,7H,J rWliltk Commerolal U. 8. Branch.... 170,141 Walertown 704,(11 Traveler, ILife A Aeeldeat) 4,tD5,44 UBee aa Market St., epp. Court lloeee, Clear laid, Pa. Jaa. t.fttf. GEN. GKLDS Negotiatons With Oakea Ames, of the Credit Mobilier Swindle. HE TAKES TEN SHARES OF CREDIT MOBILIER STOCK AT PAR, AND PAYS FOR IT OUT 0F1HE DIVI DENDS ON ITS PAR VALUt, BE SIDES BAGGING A HAND SOME BALANCE IN CASH, The Exact Money Ames Said He "Put Where It Would Do the Most Good." THE KX AMI NATION OF OABKIELD ANU AMES BEFORE A REPUB LICAN COMMITTEE. Garfield Swears He Didn't and Then Again He Swears He Did, PUTS HIMSELF in the same BOX WITH SMILER COLFAX Special Corrrepondcnoe to the Pittaburg Pott. Wasuinuton, D. C, Juno 9, 1880. DoGnlvep G&rfiold, nominated by tho Radical Convention at Chicago fur tho I'ruaiuoncy, belonctito thatpcalaxy ol tuitnots known aft tuo ( roilit Mubi livrntatcHmcn and the evidence against bun taken in the invextiL'alion in eon- cluoive and dumairinir. Tho manner winch Uttkvg AmiN bribed certain members of Congress to import his u-odigiouB acuemo it) truHh in tho pub io roiollet'lion and the fate of Smiler Colfax, who was ono of tho worst smurt hed in tho lot, is but a precursor to that in storo fur Do liulycruarhold who dilt'ers only fruin Iho Christian statesman from Indiana, in tlio cirenm stance that ho got a gmullor amount of money. OAKIS A M E8 LITTLE BUOK showed tho following entries of Sena tors and mcmbors ol Congress and the amounlB received by them. II. I., bawoa I (10(1 Bingham tl,M0 rinboOnld OHO Alliaon 400 leraon I,H0 Kelley .12 I'.iuter I , soil Win., n J2 Wllaon 1,100 Uarlold 320 Collal 1,200, All of these men wero just aa much bribed by Oukcs Ames to voto for bis Credit Mobilier bill as were retroff and Kumberger bribed by Kemble to vuto for tho Pittsburgh Riot bill in tho Legislature last winter. oak Ks ames' testimony. The following is tho testimony iiivon by Oakos Ames' beluro tho Republi can Investigating Committee of the Porty-socona Congress, that inquirod into tbis matter concerning the con nection of Do Golyor Garfield with the Crodit Mobilior business: O. In rcirard to Mr. Garfield, stuto to the Committee the details of the transactions betwoen you and him, in relerence to Credit Mobilier stock ? A. 1 got for Mr. Garfield tensharosof the Credit Mobilier stock for which he paid par and intoroBt. A. n hen did yon agree with him for that? A. That agreement was in December, 1867, or January, 1HC8, about tbat time ; about tho time I bad those conversations with all of them. It was about the iamo time. Q. Btate what grew out of it? A. Mr. Gnrficlddid not pay moanvmonov. 1 sold the bonds belonging to his $1,000 stock at 07, making 877b'. In June I received a dividend in cash on his stock ol ftiOO, which left a balancedue him of t'.l-'J, which 1 paid him. That is all tho transactions betwoen us. 1 did not delivor bim any stock before or sinco. Tbis is tho only transaction and the only thing. U. J bo fJ.'U which you paid him was tho surplus of the earnings on the stock abovo tho amount to bo paid it par valuer A. lcs.eir; ho had cither bis Credit Moblior stock or Union l'acifio Railroad stock. Tho only thing ho reamed on tho transaction was i.iz'J. Q. 1 sco in tbis statement of the ac count witb General Gartjold there is a chargo of $47 j that is intoroBt from tbe July previous, is it 7 A. Yes, sir. Q. Aod tho (77(5 on the credit side of tho account is the 80 per cent, bond dividend sold at 'Jf r A. lei, sir, Q. And (G00 en tho credit side is the money dividend ? A. Yes, sir. Q. And aftor you had received those two sums they in the aggrcgato ovor paid the prico of stock and interest, $329, which you paid him? A. Yos, sir. Q. How was that paid? A. Taitl in money, I beliovo. Q. Did you muko a statement of tliis to Mr. bar hold r A. 1 prcsumo so think I did witb all of them ; that is my impression. q. When you paid liim this $.129, did you understand it was tho balance of his dividend after paying tor his stock ? A. 1 supnoso so : 1 do not know what else be could suppose, (J.. You did not deliver thoccrtificato? A. I do not know. . XU J UU ICUIVUiOVI Mill Wll V l B' tion Dclwcen too antl bim In tho au justmentof those- accounts? A. I do not. Q. You understood that you were a holder ol bis ton shares f A. Yes, sir. Q. Did ho so understand it? A. I presume so. It dooms to havo gone irora Die minu, nowovor. Q. Was this the only dealing you had with him in roforence toany stuck ? A. I think so. (J. Was it tho only trat.saction of any Kina r a. i lie only transaction. Q. Has that $.129 ever boon paid to you ? A. 1 bavo no rocolleclion of it. Q. Have you any boliof that it ovor was r A. Ho, air. Q. Did you over loan Garfield $.'100 ? A. Not to my knowledge, except that ne cans tins a loan. Q. You do not call it a luan ? A.I did not at the time. I am willing that it should go to suit him. Q. What we want to get at Is tho oxacttruthr A. 1 have told the truth in my statement. Q When you paid Lira $329 did be understand that he borrowed that money Irom you ? Ai I do not suo pose so, Have yon any boliof now that be supposed of A. No, only from what be said tbe other day. I do not (In pute anybody. U. We Want vnur InrfirmanL nf Ilia transaction? A. My judgmont of tbe transaction ia Just what I told you. i nrirs was out one thing about. Q. That amount baa nevor boon re- paid to you? You did notaupposo inai yon naa any right to ll or claim to ii r a. no, air. (. You regarded that as money bo. longing to him alter the stork was paid for? A. Yos. air. Q. These wore dividends of Union lELD raclfio Railroad stock on theso ton shares? A. Yes, sir. Q. Did General Garfield over re ceive those ? A. No, sir j never has roccivcd but $329. Q. And that he has received as his ownmoney? A. lsuppose so; it did not belong to me. 1 should not have given it to bim if it bad not holongcd to bim. Q. You did not understand it to bo long to you as a loan. You havo novor called lur it and bave nevor received it back ? A. No, sir, Q. Has tbero boon any conversation between you and him in reference to the l'acifio stock be was entitled to ? A. No, air. Q. Has he ovor called fur it ? A No, sir. J. Havo you evor offered it to bim ? A. Jio, sir. Q. Has thoro boon any conversation in rolation to it r A. .No, sir. Q. Has thero over boon anything between you and him about rocinding the purchase of the ton shares of Credit Mobilier stock t lias thoro been any thing said to you of its having boon thrown up, or abandoned, or surren dered? A. No, sir; not until rocontly. Q. How recently ? A. Since this investigation commencod ? A. Y'es, sir. Q. Did you consider at the com mencement of this investigation that you held theso other dividends, which you say you did not pay to him, in his Oolialt l Din you regard yoursuii as custodian of these dividends for bim ? A. Yes, sir ; ho paid for his stock and is entitled to his dividends. Q. Will tho dividends como to him at any timo on bis demand ? A. Yos, sir: as soon as this suit is se'.lled. Q You say that $329 was paid to bun; bow wasitpaid r A. 1 prcsumo by a chock on the Sergcaiil-at-Arms. I find there are some cheeks filed with out any letters or initials indicating who they wero lor. J. Have vou bad any correspon dence since this dividend was paid with bim in regard to this matter I A. 1 do not know what matter you reler to. U. It you bad any correspondence between you, 1 would like to seo it? A. 1 bavo no copy of it. ). ilavo you tbe original I A. io, sir, Mr. Garfield showed me a letter which he said ho intended to inclose witb somo money sent mo. 1 did not know who tho money carao from, llo showed mo a lettor which ho said bo intended to have put it in. 1 indorsed on the back of tho letter mv ronlv. 1 just turned ovor tho loiter and wrote what 1 wrote on tho back ot it and let bim have it. Q. Your answer indorsed on the back ol the lettor was published in tho newspapors? A. Yes, sir. Ho published the letters I bolieve. Q. As published did thoy correspond witb your recollection of tho papers as written ? A. Yes, sir ; I wroto it off hastily. Ho came to my room and said ho bad been accused of all kinds of crimes and misdemeanors. I told bim I had made no such statement as he represented. He wanted me to say in writing that I bad not. I took bis lottcr which he said he intended to bavo inclosed with the money, and wroto on the back of it that 1 had mado no such statement. U. Tbo published correspondence in tho morning papers of tho next day, isyour recollection of whatocccurrod ? A. It agrees witb my recollection ex cept that ho says he loft a lettor for me at the Arlington, i novor received tbat lettor. I only saw tbe letter in which 1 enclosed my answer. y. Did be enclose tbe money 7 A. Somo monoy came to me enclosed in an envelope which be bad sent. I gavo it back to bim. y. How much monoy was in that envelopo ? A. Four hundred dollars. GARFIELD IN ACCOUNT W1TII OAK IS AMC8. Tbo follow ing momorandu m referred to by witness as a statement of his ac count witb Mr. Garfield was placed in ovidonce. J. A. o. Dr. 1808. To 10 aharaa alooa, Credit Moblllar, ..$1,000 00 Intereat Juno 111, To caab.. 47 00 129 On $1,176 00 Cr. lflOS. B diridend bonda Union PaelSe Railroad A. 11.000 at (0 nor oent. lera J per eent $770 00 June 17. By diridend eolleoted for joa m 000 00 $1,370 00 Furthor on in tho printod testimony Ames, whon asked whether Garfield had bocn bettered $329 by his transao tlon, replied : " That is all there is of it." OAItPIELD S PRITENCI TUB HRITIE WAS A LOAN. The fullowing is an extract from Oukes Ames' further testimony before tho Poland Committeo in rolerenco to Garfield's claim that tho amount re ceived bv him from Ames was a loan y. What the Committeo want to learn is whether in conversation with any of theso gentlemen they bave stat ed or admitted tho matter to be dill'er ent from what thoy havo testified bo foro tho Committeo? A. 1 hardly know how to answer that question. y. Take any ono that occurs to you ; IU1. AUUilnn, iuiiu ui iiiu tvimuilvluy suggests Mr. Garfield 7 A, Mr. Gur field hits been to soe mo about the matter and we have talked it over. A part of tbo time he thinks it was a loan sometimes ho thinks be has repaid mo ; and then again be is In doubt about It. (i. You may state whethor in con. vernation with yon Mr. Garfield claims, as he claimed before us, that the only transaction betwoen you was borrow ing $300 ? A. No, sir, be did not claim that witb mo. Q. State how he doos claim It with you ; what was said ; state all that occurred in conversation botwoon you? A. 1 cannot romombor hall ol it. I have had two or throo interviews with Hr. Garfield. He wants to put it on the basis of a loan. Ho states that when he came hack from Kurope boing in want of funds, he called on me to loan him a sum of money, He thought he bad repaid it, 1 did not know. I cannot remember. y. What did you say to him in rctoronco to that state ol the caso 7 A I stated to bim that be bad nover ask ed me to lend him any money ; that 1 never knew bo wanted to borrow any. I did not know be was short. I mailo a statement to him showing the trans anfinn anrl what tliorA wrea rliiA rrn If that deducting the bond divided and the cash dividend there was $329 due him, for which I bad given bim chock ; that he had nover asked me to loan bim any monoy, and 1 nover loanod bim any. y. Aftor you bad mado tho state ment what did he aay in roply ? A, He wantod to have it go as a loan. y. Did he claim that it was in faot a loan 7 A. No, air; 1 do not think he did. No, he did not. O. Go on then and stale what was said ; all the discussion that took plane? i A. I cannot tell yoa all ; wo had throe or four tulks: I cannot remember all that was said. i. How long after that transaction did ho go to Kuropo? A. 1 boliovo it was a year or two. (i. Did vou have any conversation in roloronce to influence this transac tion would have upon tho election last Fall? A. Yes, hosaid it would bovery iniuriotis to bim. y. Wbatclaoin reference to that? A. 1 am a very Iwid man to repeat con versation ; cannot roinembor (j. Stuto all yea know in relorence to it. A. I told bim ho knew vory well that that was a dividend. I mado out a statement tod showed it to bim at the time. In ono conversation he admitted it and 'aid, as near as 1 can remember that there was $2,400 due him in stock and bonds. Ho made a littlo memorandt.i of $1,000 and $1, 400, and as I recollect', said there was $1,000 of Union Pacif.c railroad stock, $1,000 of Crodit Mobilie-stock and $ 100 of stock or bonds ; I di not recollect what. (j. When was tbat nomoranduin mado? A. It was madoin my room ; I cannot remember the dato; it was since this investigation ctmmencod. Q. Was it in that conversation that be referred to the infitioncotais matter would bave upon tho electitn in his district? A. 1 do not rocollecl whether it was in that one or somo ather. I bad two or three conversations witb him. y. Tell us, aj nearly as ion can, precisely tbe remarks he macb in that connection. A. It was tbat t would injure his reputation ; tbat i) was a cruol thing. Ho felt very bad was in great distress, and hnrdly knejt what he did say. y. Did ho make any request jf yon to mako no statement in reterorco to it? A. 1 am not positivo ot that y. What is your best recollection in rolerenco to it ? A. My impression is fAal he wanted to say as little about ttas he could, and to qet off as casilu as he could. That waa about tho conversa tion I bad witb him ; about the long and short of it. CJ. Hiivej'ou tho memorandum Mr. Garfield made ? A. 1 have the figures that he made. Paper shown to the Committee con uining figures as follows : $1,000 $1,400 $2,400 (. You say these figures wero mado by Mr. Garfield ? A. Yos, sir. y. hat do three Bums represent r How did ho nut them down ? A. $1,000 Union l'acifio Railroad stock ; $1,000 Credit Mobilier stock and $100 which he could not remember whether it was to bo in cash, or stock or bonds. Q. 1b that what be received, or what ho was outitlod to? A. What bo was entitled to. y. That was bis idea of what was comiagtobim? A. Yos, sir. y. Was that about what ho would bave been entitled to ? A. He would havo boon entitled to the $1,000 in stock, and he would have been entitled to more than that ; tho$1001 think be is in error about; I gave him $329 ; I do not know wbolhor tho $ 100 roforrod to tbat. y. Did ho put this down as bis re collection of the statement yon mado to him ? A. Yos, sir. y. It was in that conversation that these figures wore mado that bo deprecated tho effect ot the matter upon his cloction? A. I do not know about bis election ; it was about bis prospects, his reputation, &o. y. 1 understand that in substance ho desired you to say as little as possi ble about it? A. I'd, sir, and is my diore. A. Will you report just about what he did say ? A. I cannot romombor tho convocation well enough to repeat it. Q. You can repeat tho substance of it? A. 1 bavo given you the suostanco of it. y. How did you happen to retain that littlo stray memorandum? A. 1 do not know ; I found it on my table two or throo duys afterwards ; 1 did not pay any attention to it at the timo until 1 lound tbore waa to be a con diet oi testimony and 1 thought that might be something worth preserving. U. This conversation was in your room and tho figures made thoro 7 A res. sir. Q. Do 1 understand yon that this loan which Mr. Garfield claims to have been mado was in reference to a trip to Kurope, taken by bim a year or two allorwardsr A. 1 do not know wbon ho took this trip ; he did not go during that session of Congross ; this payment was mado to bim during tbat session ot 1807 o. Q. Do you know whether bo wont during that recess following? A. 1 cannot soy ; 1 do not knowT y. Do you know that ho did not go to liuropo lor nearly two yoara after wards? A. No, 1 do not It is my impression that it was twoyears aftor- wards ; but I cannot remember dales ; peoplo ask mo about things that oc curred a yoar ago, and 1 cannot toll whether it was ten years ago or ono. y. .LMd you understand in this con . j . .. a... I ti . - I o field that you detailed the history of ibis matter as to bow tho statement yoa had let bim have was mado up ; and did you understand him to con cedo your statement to bo about the truth? A. Woll, 1 cannot say; bo would not havo been vory apt to re collect tho amount duo if ho had not acceded to my statement. y. rrom the wholo conversation, from what ho said and tho figures that he mado, did yoa understand him to concede to the statement yon had mado to him as about the truth ? A. Yos, 1 so understood bim. (J. That statemont you made to him was In substance tho statemont you navo to us in roierence to bim r A Yes, sir. THIS TIHTIHONr CONCLUSIVE The abovo comprises the matoiial parts of Oakes Ames' testimony, which is conclusive. To tho ofTcnso of being brined and corrupted by Uukcs Ames cash, Itarflold aduca tho onmo of per jury, testifying positively that he sim ply borrowed $300 from Ames and afterward repaid bim. riNDiNd or tub committee. The following ia tho finding of tho Poland Ropohlican Investigating Com mittee, with roferonce to Garfield's oonnoelion witb t redit Mobilier. "The facts in regard to Mr. Garfield, as found by tbe Committee aro identi cal with tho caso ol Mr. Kelley to the point ot the reception of the check of WJ. lie agreed with Mr. Amen to take ten shares of Credit Mobilior stock, but did not pay lor the same. Mr. Amos rocoived tho 80 per cont dividend bonds and sold thorn fur 97 nor eent., and also received tbe 00 nor oent. cash dividend, which, together paid the price oi the stock and Intor REPUBLICAN oBt and left a bulance of $329. Tbis Bum was paid ovor to Mr. Garfield by a obock on tbe Sergeant at-Arms, and Afr. Oarticld then understood this turn was the balance of dividends after pay ing for the stock. Mr. Ames rocoived all tho subsequent dividends and the Committtoe do not find, tbat since the payment of tho $.129 there has boon any communication between Mr. Ames and Mr. Garbcld on tbo subject until this investigation began. Some cor respondence between Mr. Garfield mid Mr. Ames and somo conversation be tween them during this investigation will bo lound in the reported testi mony." Ibis is but a single leaf in tho re cord of the man nominated for Presi dent at Chicago by tbo Reformers ol Massachusetts, who strained at tbo gnat (Ulaine) and Bwallowed the camel (Do Golyor Garfield.) The Bame re port that fastens corruption npon Gar field, says : "M r. Ulaine never bad any interest, direct or indirect, in Credit Mobilier stock, or stock ol the Union Pacific Railroad Company ?" X. il. READ AND REFLECT! HANCOCK 8 OWN BTonr OF OETTYKBURQ BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON THE CONDUCT OP THE WAR, WASUINOTON, MARCH 22d, 1804. 1 Boon received an order, dated 1.10 P. M., directing mo to proceed to tho front, and in the event of the death ot General Reynolds, or his inability to command, to assumo tho command of all tbo troops thero, consisting of the 1st, 3d, and 11th Corps. (Order ap pended marked A. ) 1 started a little before half past one, turning over tho command of my corps to General Gib bons, under Goncrul Meados direc tions. General Gibbons was not the next in rank in that corps; but be was tho oneGonoial Meade directed should assume the command, as ho considered him the most suilablo per son for it. Sovcral such incidents occured dur ing that battld. Gonoral Meade prior to tho battle, showed mo, or told mo of a letter ho had received from tho Secretary of war on this subject. The Government rocognir-ing tho difficulty of the situation, behoving that a bnttio was Imminent, and might occur in ono, two, or three duys, and not knowing the viows of General Moade in relation to bia commanders, tho Secretary of War wroto him a note, authorising him to make any changos in bia army that he pleased, and that bo would be sustained by the Presi dent and himself. That did not make it legal, because it was contrary to tho law to place a junior officer ovor a senior. At tbe sumo time it was one of those omergoncios in which General Moade was authorized, as before stated, to excrciso tbat power. I waa not the senior of eitbor General Howard, of the 11th corps, or Gonoral Sickles, ol tho 3d corps. My commission bore dato on the same day witb theirs ; by my prior commission thoy both ranked mo. Of courso it was not a vory agroo- able oflice for me to fill, to go and tako command ot my seniors. How ever, 1 did not Icol mucn omDarrass- mcnt about it, bocause 1 was an older soldier than eithor of them. Hut I know that legally it was not proper, and tbat if they cboso to resist, it might become ft vory troublosomo matter to mo for tbo time being. Whothoror not Gonoral Meade, whon he gave me tbe order, know about this relative rank, 1 do not know. I Bay this because I have since under stood that he did not. Wbon I apoko to him about it before departing, how over, he remarked in substance that ho was obliged to uso such persons as ho felt disposed to use ; that in th is case he sent me bocause be bad explained bis viewa to mo, and had not explained them to tbe others ; that I knew bis plans and ideas, and could accord bet ter with bim in my operations than anybody else, I wont to Gettysburg, arriving on me ground not later man half past throo o'clock. I found tbat, practically, tho fight was then ovor. The rear of our column, with tho ono my in pursuit, waB then coming through tho town of Gettysburg. General Howard was on Ceinctory Hill, and thoro bad evidently beon an attempt on his part to stop and lorm somo of hia troops thero ; what troops bo had formed thero I do not know. 1 understood aftorwards, and accepted it as tho fact, that he had formed one division thero prior to this timo, 1 told General Howard I had orders to take command in tho front. I did not show him orders, bocauso ho did not demand it. He acquiesced. 1 exercisod the oommand until even inir. whon Gonoral Blocum arrived, about 6 or 7 o'clock. His troops wero in tbo neighborhood, lor thoy appar ently bad been summoned up before I arrivod, by Gonoral Howard pnsai hly, as woll as the 3d corps. When General Slocum arrivod, ho boing my Bcnior, and not included in this order to mo, 1 turned tbe command over to him. In fact I was instructed verbal ly hy Gonoral Iluttorfield, Chief of Staff, before 1 Ivlt for the front, that I w i J . When I arrived and took command I extonded tho lines: I sent Gonoral Wadsworth to tho right to tako pos session of Gulp's Hill with his division. 1 directed General Goary, whoso di vision belonged to tho 12th corps ( its commander, General Slocum, not tlion having arrived ) , to take possession of the high ground towards Round Top. 1 made such disposition as 1 thought wiso and proper, Tho enemy evidently believing that wo wore reinlorccd, or our wholo army waa thoro, discontin ued Ihdir groat efforts, and the battlo tor that day was virtually over. Thoro was firing of artillery and skirm ishing all along tho front, but that was the end of that days battle. Hy vorbal instructions, and in the order which I had rocoived irom Gonoral Moade, I was directed to report, after having arrived on tho ground, whether it would bo necessary or wise to con tinue to fight the battlo at Gettysburg, or whothor it was possiblo lor the fight to bo had on the ground Gonoral Mcadohad selected. - About 4 o'clock P. M. I sent word by Major Mitchell, aid do-camp io General Meado, that I would hold tho ground until dark, meaning to allow bim time to decide tbo matter lor himself. As aoon aa I had gotten matters arranged lu my satisfaction, and saw that tho troops wore being formed again, and I felt aecuro, I wroto a note to General Meado, and informod him oi my views ol the ground at Gettysburg. I told him that the only disadvantage which 1 thonghtithad was that itoould be road, ily turned by way of Kmmetiaburg, and that tho road waa clear lor any move ment ho might make. 1 bad ordered all the trains back, aa I came up, to olear the roads. Goneral Meade had directed my corps, the 2d corps, to march up to wards Gettysburg, under tbo command of General Gibbons. When 1 lound that tbe enemy bad ceased their oper ations, I directed General Gibbons to bait bis corps two or throo miles bo- hind Gettysburg, in order to protect our rear Irom any flank movement of tbo enemy. 1 ben my operations in the front being closed, 1 turned tho command ovor to General Slocum, and immediately started to report to Gen. Meado in detail what 1 had dono, in order to express my views clearly to bim, and to see what bo was disposed to do. 1 rode back and lound Gen Meado about 9 o'clock. Ho told mo be had received my mossages and note, and bad decided upon tbe rcprcscnta lions 1 bad mado, and the existence of known tacts of tho caso, to tight at Gettysburg, and had ordered all tho corps to the front. That waa tbo end of operationa for that day. On tho third day, in tho morning, the enemy and General Slocum were a good deal engaged. About ono or two o'clock in the uflornoon the onemy commencod a terrific cannonado from probably one hundred and twenty fiieces of artillery, on tho front of the ine connecting Cemetery Hill with Round Top, tho lelt centre commanded by me. 'that lino consisted of tho 1st, 2d, and 3d corps, of which I had the general command. 1 commanded that whole front. General Gibbons com manded the 2d corps in my abscence, Gonoral Nowton the 1st corps, and General llirnoy the 3d. That cannon ado continued for probably an hour and a half. The enemy then made an assault at tho end of that timo. It was a very formidable assault, and, mado, 1 should jndgo, witb about 18,000 infantry. When tho columns of the enemy appeared it looked as it they were going to attack tho centre of our line, but alter marching straight out a little distance, they seemed to incline a little to theirobjeet was to march through my command and soizo Cemetery Hill, which 1 havo no doubt was their intcntiun. They attackod with wonderful spirit nothing could have been more spirited. The shock of the assault fell on the 2d and 3d divisions of tbo 2d Corps, assio ted by a small brigade of Vermont troops, together with tho artillery of our line, which fired from Round Top to Ccmoiory Hill at tho enemy all the way as thoy advanced whenever they had tbo opportunity. Those wore the troops that really met tho assault. No doubt there wero other troops that tired a littlo, but those wore troops that really withstood the shock of the assault and repulsed it. The attack of the onomy was met by about six small brigades ot our troops, and was finally repulsed alter a torrifie contest at very closo quarters, in which our troops tdok about thirty or forty oolors and some 4,000 to 6,000 prisoners, with gioat loss to the enemy in killed and wounded. Tbo repulse was a most signal one, and that docidod tho bat tle, and was practically tho end ot tho fight. I waa wounded at tbo close of the aecwult, and that andad any nparau lions with the army for that campaign. I did not follow in its future move ments. That practically ended the fighting of the battle of Octtsyburg. Thoro was no Borious fighting tbero after that, save on tho lelt, in an advance by a small command of tho Pennsylvania Re serves, made very aoon aftorwards and based npon our success, i may say one thing bore : 1 think it was proba bly an untorlunato tiling that 1 was wounded at the time I was, and equally unfortunate that Gonoral Gibbous was also wounded, because the absence of a prominent commander, who know tho circumstances thoroughly at such a momont as that, was a great disad vantage. 1 think that our lines should havo advanced immediately, and 1 be lieve we should havo won a great vic tory. 1 was very confident that the advance would be mado. General Meade told mo before tho fight tbat if tbo enemy attacked me he intended to put tho 5th and 0th Corps on the enemy's flank ; therefore, whon I was wounded and lying down in my ambu lance and about leaving the field, I dictated a note to General Meado, and told him if ho would put in the 5lh and fitb corps 1 boliovcd ho would win a great viotory. I asked bim after ward when I returned to tho army what ho had done in tho promises. Ho said he had ordored tho movement, but tho troopB wore slow in connccling, and moved so slowly that nothing was dono before night, except that soiuool tho Pennsylvania Reserves went out and mot Hood's division, it was under stood, of tho enemy, and actually over throw it, assisted, no doubt, in somo measures, by thoir knowledge oi thoir failure in the assault. There wore only two divisions ol the enomy on our ox- trcmo lelt, opposito Hound lop, and thoro waa a gup in thoir lino of one mile that their assault bad left, and 1 believe if our wholo lino had advanced with spirit it is not nnliko that wo would havo taken all their artillory at that point. 1 think that was a fault ; that we should havo pushed tbe enemy there, for we do not often catch them in that position ; and tho rulo is, and it ia natural, that when you re pulse or defeat an enomy you should pursuo him ; and I beliovo it is a rare thing that ono party bents another and does not pursue bim ; and I think that on tbat occasion it only requires an order and prompt execution. I have no doubt the enemy rcgardod the success ol their assault as certain, so much so that they wero willing to expond all theirammunition. They did not suppose thatany troops could live undor that cannonade ; but they mot troops that had boon so accuslomed to artillory fire that it did not have effect on them that they expected. It was a most tcrriflo cannonade one possi bly hardly every paralleled. Q. Was there ever, In any battlo of which yoa have read, more artillery brought into action than in that bat tlo? A. I doubt whothor thoro has ever has been more concentrated upon an equal apace and opening at ono timo. I tbink there bas boon more artillery engaged in many battles, but do not boliove thoro baa been more u,on both sides concentrated on an equal space. y. Yon did not follow tho army from tbero ? A. No, sir; I lea tho field tho moment tho fight was ovor. Q. When did yoa join the army again ? A. 1 did not join it again 'in lilsomotimosin December, when active operations had coasod. 1 waa then ordered by tho Socrotary of War Into the Statoa from whonce tho regiments of my corps came to fill them up hy recruitment, and I am now on my ro turn to the army, y. Hut, with equal numbers, yoa would not hoeitato toattack tho enemy anywhore undor equal ciroumalancos ? A. No. air, 1 would not. In fact thoro la no flnor army, if aa fine, in exislenoe in the-world than the army of tho Po tomac Tbe troops will do anything if they aro only ordored. If thoy have not mado this or tbat attack it ia be cause their commanders did not order them to make it. A. Headquarters, Army Potomac, I July 1, 1880, 1:10 P. hi. j COMMANDINO Ol'I'K'ER, 2d CoRI'S (General Hancock): The Maior-General commanding has just been informed that dencrul Key nolds has been Rilled orimtily wounded llo directs that you turn over tho command ot your Corps to lienerul Gibbons; that you proceed to tho front, and by virtue of this order, in case of tbe truth ot General Jtcynold s death, you assumo command of tho Corps thoro assembled, viz : The 11th, 1st, and 3d, at hmmctlsburg. Ii you think tho ground and position there a better one to fight a battle under existing circumstances, you will so adviso tho Gcnoral,and ho will order all tho troops up. Ion know the uenoral s views, and General Warren, who is fully aware ol them, has gone out to Bee beneral Jtoynolds. Later, 1:15 P. M. Reynolds has possession ot Gettysburg, and tho enemy aro reported as tailing back from in front ol Gettysburg. Hold your column ready to moto. V cry respoctfully, your ob t scrv t, D. BlTTERFIELD, Mujor General and Chief of Staff A SIIOIVMAX DEAD. THE MAN WHO DROVE TWENTY HORSES BEFORE THE OOLDEN CHARIOT. Asa C. bVrrydiedon Tuesday last at Brewster's Station, New York. To many an old showman tills will bo the first announcement of the death of Abo" lierry, one of the bost known circus men in tho United Slates, and ono of the last men with whom the thought of death would bo coupled. Tho boys aro grown men, who in days past have gazed at and envied "Ase" lierry, as, in gorgeous red uniform, ho sat on tho lolly scat of somo "Golden Chariot of Apollo, " and drove twenty prancing horses through the winding streets ot a country town in the grand procession ol a circus. llo was a Connecticut boy, and was born on a furm, and, liko many a New r.ngland lad, was at an early ago an excellent horseman. This was before the days ol steam, when horses occu pied a position of honor and useful ness, sinco lost Young lierry became in time a skilllul reinsman, so skillful that when hardly out of bis "teens" he was employed to drive on tho old turn pike that ran betwoen Now York and Albany. Thoso were tho days of four horse stago coaches, and the drivers wero chosen for thoir skill and care fulness. "Abo "lierry was ono of tho best on tho road. His skill attracted the attention of the circus mon. Then thero waa no railroad circuses, but all tbo travoling was done overland, by wagons, and tho owners of circuses wore on tbe lookout for men who could drivo six and eight and vavi tan hnraeua. at-1 tacbod to a heavy load, over country loads, by night safely. So Berry be came a circus man. This was thirty years ago, and ovor since, up to withiu a few months of bis death, be wan connected with tho show business. He worked for Koropaugh, Both Howo, Bailey, Barnum, and, in fact, almost every circus man of note in the Statos. Ho was known as the only man who could, and did, drivo twenty horses, two abreast. This be did with Seth Howe, and it was a sight worth soe ing to see this big, black-mustached man guide his ten span ot caprisoncd horses witb as much case as though behind a ainglo span. Whon in 1872 Barnum, eastollo, Hurd and Coupe got together their bis show, Berry waa mado master of the bnrsea. Ho bought and sold and tradod at his own discretion, and the result waa that tbe show contained tho finest lot of horses over gulhercd under a canvas. Ho was with tho show sovoral years, but he was get ting to be an old man over sixty and tbe labors ol tho road were too much for him. Ho Bought lighter work ; was ticket seller at tbo Brighton Beach race track last summer ; then had chargo of lnkorman's training stables In Green street, and last fall went into tho pedestrian business, and took Dobler and Grossman, to Canada. Last Spring ho was omployed again bv Forepauirh, but his old enemy, rheumatism, again attacted bim, and ho was forcod to ceaBO work. Ho went to Danbury, whoro, in years past, ho had kept a hotel, and where ho had many friends. His wifo was with him. Ho grow worso, and dropsy of tho heart threatened, llo rallied sufficiently to go to Brewster's Station, wbcro a married daughter resides, Thoro ho died on Thursday. False Teeth and Crutches. Among tho passengers who boarded tho cast bound train at Holly, Michi gan, the othor day, wore a bride and groom of tho regular hollyhock order. Although tho car waa lull of passcn irora the pair began to squeeze hands as aoon as they wero Boated This of courso attracted attention, and pretty soon everybody was nodding and wink ing, and several porsons so tar lurgot themselves as to laugh outright, liy and by tho broad shouldered and red- handed uroom bocamo aware ol tho fact that he was being ridiculed, and ho unlinked himself to the height of six loot, looked up and down tho aisle and said : "1 boro seems to bo consid ornblo nodding and winking around hero because I'm hugging the girl who was marriod to me at sevon o clock this morning. If the rules of this rail road forbid a man Irom hugging his wito alter hos paid lull laro, then 1 m going to quit, but if the rules don't, and this winking and blinking isn't bitten short off when wo pass tho next milo post, I'm going to begin on tho Iront seats and create a rising markot for lalso tenth and crutches I" If there wore any more winks and blinks in that cai tho groom didn't catch 'cm at it. Cohni'LANTBR. The monument erect ed to the memory of tho celebrated Sen eca Chief, Cornplanter, stands on tho Indian reservation, iifloen miles above arren on tho bank of the Alleghony, i hero aro now living throe ol Corn planters children. Tho eldest, Charles, Is a centenarian. Superficial knowledge ; pleasure dear ly purchased, and subsistence at tho will of another. These throe things aro tho diograco of mankind. Gustavus Adolphua ia (aid to havo died with hia aword in hia hand, the word of command in bia mouth, and victory in his imagination. Wise and learned men aoek not un attainable things, griove not for what la lost, and vex not themselves Id tbe boar of danger. EDUCATIONAL. BY N. L. McQUOWW. HKeep the people poatod apoa Ike raise of iBtelligeaee ever viee and Ignoraaee. latalll gent people are law-ahldiag j prod.ee ajore tkaa tbey eooauBAO Ibej earieh, and kaaatify, anal build ap, and eireulato money, aad areata dlvaral. Bad induatrv, which gives eanployiaeat le paepie. IntelllganM paya." EDVCA TIOHAL MESTIZOS. SECOND WEEK. Tho educational mooting to be beld in connection witb tbe examination of toachors lor tho currrcnt year, will bo announced from time to time in this column. The object of those meetings is. 1st To talk to the parents of tbe childi en regarding thoir duty to tbe public schools. 2d. To make suggestions to teachers and Directors upon such subjects aa seem to require immediate attention. 3d. To instruct the pupils who are attending our schools, in regard to their importance as a factor in school work. 4th. To moot the Directors, teachers, parents and pupils in an official ca pacity, mid exchange viows with them upon ihu grt at educational pi-ohk-ntB ol the day. These meetings will be held the second week of tbo tour, as follows : At Shawsville fur Goshen township, on Monday evening, August 16th, in the a. r.. unurcb. Speakers liewia 1. Irwin and John A. Fulton, members ot School Board; Mr. Ellia Irwin, John 11. Mead, Mr. U. H. Morrow and M. h. Mcyuown. An hssay on "Higher Culture" will bo road by Graco 8. Morrow. For Girard township, at GrDirtgham School House, Tuesday evening, Au gust 17th. Sneakers Allen H. Rosen kntns and M. L. McQuown. Kssaya will bo read by Mrs. Alice G. Liu and Ira D. Shope. For Covington township, at Union School House, Wednesday evening, August 18th. Speakers Dr. J. . f'otter, President or tbe School Hoard. Rov. G. W Stroup and M. L. Mc yuown. r or Kartliaus township, in tho grove at Oak Hill on Thursday, August 19th, commencing at 2 o'clock P. M. Speakers A. A. Rankin, Secretary of School Hoard, Dr. J. W. Potter, 8. P. r ishcr, K. h. McCloskey and M. 1.. Mcyuown. for Pike, Pike Independent and Curwensville, at Bloomington in tbe Lutheran Church, Saturday evening, August 21st. Spoakors William A. Bloom and other members ot fiko School Board, Rov. Shirk, of Now Millport, V. U. Spencer, Secretary of Pike Independent district. A.M. Buz zard and M. L. McQuown. Kssays will bo read by Mrs. M. J. SIobs and M iss M ary Long. W. C. 1'eutz, ol Brady and Mr. Matt Savage, of New Washington, bave beon invited to be presont at tho ap pointments ot tho socond week, and will address tbo people at some, it not all of the meetings on subjects per taining to the interests of our schools. Allen il. itosenkruns will likely be present at sovoral of the meetings for tho socond week. Tho peoplo of Kanhaus expect to hold an Educational Reunion and So cial Picnic, on the afternoon of the 19th. Wo bone all the teachers will ar range to be present at these meetings. It is hoped that thosa living in the communities where these meetings are to be beld, will make due arrange ments for light, music, etc. The an nouncements for the third week of tho examination tour will be made next week. Parents and Directors are especially invited to be present If yoa would be strong, conquer yourself. West Chester bas employed a Super intendent for thoir schools at a salary of $1,200 per annum. Examination for Pike and Pike In dependent at Bloomington, Saturday, August 21st. See change in pro gramme. Prof. G. W. Weaver, ol the Penfiold schools will spond his Summer vaca tion at the home of bis parents in Centre county. We learn that Prof, L. E. Weber oponod a school in DuBois on Monday of last weok, to continue in session about two months. W. A. Ambrose commenced a Select School io tbo High School building at Osceola, Monday, July 26th, to con- tinue in soesion six weeks. Knox township School Board bave decided to pay $26 per month, for teachers this year, an increase of $3 per month ovor last year. Sinuleton Bell, ot Lumber City, a teacher ol one years experience) and a young man of more than ordinary ability, will enter Ann ArDor Law School in October. Tbe enterprising Board of Directors, of lioutr.dnlo borough have decided to erect a $3,000 School building. It will be built on some approvod plan and will contain eight rooms. All the Annual Reports and Certifi cates of tbo school district ot ine County, were filod in the Department of I'nblio instruction bofore August 1st , except those of Woodward and Chest township. Wo paid a flying visit to Lumber City, on the 23d ult, to witness the cloving of the Academy at that place. The church in tho evening was crowd ed to its utmost, and all went away feeling that it had boon good to be there. All onilo in saying tbat tbe past term, undor Mr. Botlorf baa been the most successful ever exporionced in the history of that Institution. On tho billowing day, in company witb Mr. Ii. ri. Weber, wedrove to miners burg and attended an Educational picnic, under tbe auspices of Miss Sadie Morgan's Select school. On both these occasions we had the pleas ure of mooting a number of oar frionds interoslod in the cause oi education, and waa pleased to learn that tbe cause of Common schools ia still gaining io tho confidence and affoctions of th people of the district we visited. THOldllTS POB TEACHER, In geography and history let map- drawing be a constant exorcise. Hold the health of the pupils sacred. and guard it carclully. Subordinate all else to that Spelling is nevor used exoept in riling. Therefore lot it be taught generally as a writen exercise. Lei pupils make on the board or slate, lists of all new and difficult words. Avoid too much "prompting. Romembor that your work Is one of the bigbost dignity and importance. He a credit to tbe protoscion. - Kducation la to Inspire th love ol truth, a the enprome good, and to clurily the vision oi the intellect to discern it The worst education which toache solfdenial, is better than th best which toache everything else, and not that. - Nature witbont Instruction ia blind ; instruction without nature ia faulty; practice without either of these ia io perfect. " Teaeb penmanship to all pupil. Th youngest can learn to writ. Giv it ill place on th programme and nevor allow it to be crowded off. I call a eomplete and generooa edu cation that wiioh flu a man to per form Jnstly, Bklllully, magnanimously, all lb offioea, both private aad public, of pear and war,