Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 28, 1880, Image 3

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Terms of Subscription.
f paid In adrance.or within throe mnthi...$l
If paid arter throe and bafuro ill monttae... 1 (0
If paid after the expiration of ill luubhU... I 00
fMtun, 8. M. Pbttrnoili. ACo., Nbw
(i.p.r Advertising AgenrJ, 37 ark Row, oorner
l("kmu Street, art our duly auttauriied Agcota
.n N'.w York CitT.
MrtltodUt r-iUcupaI C'liurrh Rer. Oau., I'apt-jr. KVrvicei evsrjf Sabbath it ID)
A. M., anj 71 P. M.
Subliath H-bool att A. M.
.'raver Meeting err Wpdneitay, at 74 T. M.
Couiti union Horvlce, flrit Kabbalb of every
.....nil., at I0 A. M.
Went Cleartield M. P., I'hurrh Kit.
1'h a klkb W. Ui bnlbt, l'aator. l'reaobiog every
eltemata Kud-Ut. at 8 o'clock, f. M. buoHny
SIioul at 21, P. M. All art Incited to attend.
I'rmb) terlaa I'hurrh Re. II. B.
i-abliath aerTicei morning and a renin 8ab
..tli Hchoi.1 at S 1 M. Prayer Meeting Wrdnee
!v evening.
IUtlxt I'hurrh. Kev. , l'ailur.
Sabbath Schoi.l at 3 P. M . Prayer Meeting nry
Wnlnflfilay evening.
t. Kranrla Miurrh rtho1lr Re?. P
I . S it k it 1 1 A H 1U ine aprvlce at lu A. M., B
rh first, third and fourth Kiindnyiof each month;
V toper and .icnetUctioo of the IDrwod riaerameht
st 7 i.Vlotk, P. M. Sundny School every HuDday
jfu-rnooa at 8 o'clock.
TIM K or loLDiao glTARTRB BBMIOIta (WltBT,
Picr-nd Monday of January,
iliird Monday of March.
First Monday f Juna.
tVurtb Monday of September.
Kirat Monday of June.
Soei.nd Monday of NoYemW.
ruBLio orricBRi.
I'reeident , Uun. CharlM A. Mayrr,
Auutant Law Judge-Hon. JoU H. Orrll, of
Aoci(il Judge Ahram Ogdn, Clearfield;
Vincent II. Holt, Clearfield.
I'rotkonotarf Eli Bloom.
liegieter and Recorder L. J. Morgan.
Trenemrtr Philip Dottl.
lUttriet Attorney J. F.
Sheriff Jaunei MahafTsv.
Itepvtj Sheriff V. I. Thompson.
County ,?m eery or Samuel V. McClonkey, Cur-
Camnlg rmmiicHer C. . KyUr, Oriham
tun P. O.i Klah Jwlinaton, Grampian HiHi P. 0.
John Norrli, Sr., Curwenivllle.
.-..; r,rtJohn W. Howe.
Count Auditor William V. Wright, Cl-ar.
Hold: Josapb Uilliland, Tbrea Rulij J.S.Nor-
ri, woodland.
rriicr Jamei A. Moor. Clearfield.
Jury Commiitionere Andrew J. Jarkeon, Clflar-
ficd, Win. R.Brown, Clearfield.
A'iijariaitMiliil o i'vllit SehovitM. L. Ho
i rUarflfiltl.
SrnUrof WeigMt A Meaeurtt Jena W.Carllla,
onice at LiithM-MiiirK ra.
.... h Cvme l)ord:.n. Clmrficld : Joiei.h R.
Irwin, N. B. Arnold, Curwensvilt ; J. A. Living
Ftone, Uulloia City-
Our Sperinl column ii deeidfdly inlereiting In
toeal point of icw, and praftublt reading to
.m'sidors lio wtint to iav money.
v i, i)F rouiw: i
"Will )tni tako nlical, oti or eotn for mb
j. rijiiiun?" We are often infilred of to tbii way
L l.Hrr frm i troni ho rciido at a distance
fioin ,VirfivM. Wo again lay yea. Tho mcel)li
.t a retixti.fible loarchanbor mill owui-r In lha
U inity, 1M nnnwcr u Juct aa well an the caib
To illltiMrate : If nny of our patrona will dalirar
uf a of grain at tho mill of Joiieph II. Bratb,
in Obi-sl township, Horace PaUihin, In Hurnaide,
Tl-oumi II. I'orcpy, in Orahain, Wm. Porter or
MirtwV, in Lawrenoe, or lirown A Scylcr'", at
llwhti-n, Vv.iua towndiip, and forward their
rtoL-lpu for rb"? mount we will era-lit them on
l,lr arrcut.t Inr the lAint. In Uila way all may
loon pay wlint Ihry owe, if they will puraua tbii
inr AilvorlisurH und otliow will bear
in mind thnt all articlca intended for publi-vUion
in tbif i.u er miirt le liumled in, not laler than
IV A. M. liin't foritet It!
The FuiiXMiluwrn-y oil well is down
ix bundrid ant litty feet. Lota of waar and
Ksthays.--Vo full tbo nlU'hlion of
ur reakra n, tho notice of Mr. Wobt in 'hia
- ii-, hoaring ou lha Ima of h.a property.
An adjourned Court will bo hold on
Wv.lin-.lay, August 4th, fur the argument ol eaaea
ih it rrr not dipuird of t the rrgnlar term.
- m m
lii unotlH-r column Mr. John C.
Reed annuiiai-ra that ho will ll hii farm. Penoni
ileMring a property of tbii kind can purchase it
nt a bargain.
It will bo olmorvod by an advertiao
nivnt iB thla journal, that tha .firm of Meaara,
Patera A Wo,ilrldge has been dinolred and a
tinw one formed by A. E. Woolrldgo A Co.
. M
Tbo County CommUnionon
meet on Monday, Septemler 6th, fur the purpoie
tr receiving tha raturni of the 11 eg liter, and at
tcii iir.g to such other dutin aa tha law require.
- m e- n
CinhUb in Jf.iperson. The Knum-
ratun of Jefferaon county have tallied 27,81
tor that eounty. Urookville 2,N, HaynoldiTille
1,4118, Punxiutawney A74, Big Run 2.s, Ciayvilla
Tub AssFHNortH. The County Com
mlifionera will, during tho currant week furniih
encb Aiciaor with two copiea of tb Ragiatry
Hal, one of which muit be polled up at tbo Klao-
tin Ilouca, ro ai to let every voter irt if bt I
properly regiitcred.
Curb htone Mabket. Wvhavn been:
riquealcd to itato that tha farmer! have male nr- I
ratigcmcnu to have two market mornlngi, Tuea
day and Krtdny, commencing on Tueiday, Au
guxt 3d. The demand for a Curhitone Market ii
fully rca lined already by both the farmer! and
cltiseni. The former tender their tbanki to their
m Iron for their aiaittanoe in eatahliihlng a
Curb lt ne Market, mnttiallr benefloial to all.
School Clomem. Wo learn that tbo
Nurmal and Claaloal School at Kylartown, con
ducted by Rev. K P. Foraimtn aid Q. W.
Kmeljjh, during the current term closed on tbo
liith. Three day! were ipent ineiaaoiniog the
different cliMta in tha atudiaa puriucd during
the term. Tho itudinti acquitted tfacuiielvei in
a creditable manner. It ii underituod that Mr.
Kuieighhaa lead a rtangt manti to tnntlnue (he
School two monthi longer, eonimeariiig on Mon
day the2nih ioitant.
No More Jokinm. On Monduy
tnornirg while paaamg the Court ILuac, w no-
tired Janitor Jordan doluging tha long iloni
tl with wa'cr, and eomplimrnled blm fur hi
cnlerpriao. He replied : "1 am e impelled to do
tl.lf. Thr-y htld a Radical meuling in (be Court
room on laat Saturday night and before leaving
the building about half-a-doion depoaited a '
hemorrhage on the tt-p and I am compelled to
elean it oft ," The j kr wnf on ua for our inuiM
tinneia. Wo paafi on.
llnw to Make Icr.n Tea. K-cd loa
in a nice aa well a a faihionabl drink fur Sum
mer meali, hut It la not o generally underatood
thai the heat icrd tea ll not Mreped in hot
water. Jut try "itenpirig" it f r a few boon in
ddj wu-r, ua.rt a little more tea than for the
hot bevctatc. """I having it trog enough to be
wcakrntd with W watir when it 1 aeited Tha
fUtw and tlfwi are mu'h betttr than by the but
water method. And, by the wny, the lame plan
a roiu'ng to be rrcogniied ai the beat p rep ara of ll a hub ttaa md fcr medical purpose
t pvrially aiit-h aa thorough wurt (bnat ) and
other, wbieh, stteped la bat water, produce an
aotlaafaiii, uftdiiiraMa naunea. Tbii erTeat la
obviated by steeping in eld water, an 1 tha lea
ean ba madv much atiurger, and uaed to belter
iw a -
Oil.. The IuBt'is f'uurur, in allud
ing to furrtunding oil affair, remark : "Tha
tool at tba Vineyard well at Broekayille ware
attache 4 laat week and ad vert I led for sale by
Thorn a McLaughlin, Constable of Snyder town
ihip, at the Inataaoa of Raaaell, a workman who
claimed wage doe from Browajar, tha Con trea
ts. Thia, of ouarat, allow lime for delay. At
Rorkdale g a la lnulag from the hole. Last
week all wa qalet waiting for the new line which
did not get la place. Mr. Ira Feller waa In towa
on Wcdnevdat and reporled Rockdale Try hope
ful. Mr. Fuller ear be la confident of ail at
Htuaip erek and Ihinki It must ibow op ra lima.
He la now tr)ing to ealirt HuDoli capital la the
wora of linking a loit wall In the ? wialty ef lb.
tcwa aereaing to eontrltula half tba neceaaary
. ainoubihlinaelf. He thioki he will bi luweifal
in hit vent era, and alee It hopeful ol reaching
the rand at Rockdale in two or three wteki. Hit
may he the flrrt well down et."
Bf Allen U. ttoumkrmmt.
AtK--aianaate uarcb to u
Ob, tell lha walooma, Joyful aewi
O'er all our glorloua land,
liaBoook It tho ehoaen ehlef
To lead our valiant band,
Aad we'll aannd tha bugla oat), '
And rally round our (lag
Aa we are marching to f ictory.
Hurrah) Rarraht We'll ling oar awotrofglea,
Hurrab 1 Hurrah ! We'll aaarcb ta vtotory ;
Aad wa'll aound the eboraa fiom tha mountala to
the mb
Aa we are marching to vletory.
At our country 'a eall to war.
Our ehie1 umhealbad bka aword,
And be led lha boya in blue
Wilfa braia and ebaarlng ward, '
And we'll ting tha praiiea bow,
Of bii brare, coble dcada
Aa wa are marching to Tictory.
And on many a bloody Arid,
Our hcro'a atalwart form u
Led hit army brave and true,
Tbruuith Btroe battle ttoroi.
And with llanooek at tha front,
Nut one ht-art knew a fear
Aa they wvra marching to Tictory.
And whan Paniiayltania'a heart
toud mil in d ilj fr ;
Whtu at tJiitiykburgthn ll'iud
01 nun waa ao near,
' I'aai our own aon'a atalwart bre.iel
Tout ftr muted the lurrn, t wild
At be Han marrbing lu vlrtury.
OKorme :
Wbea the night of War waa paat,
And Pcaca'a bright dawn had come,
W lien our Soldier Chief waa atnt
To rule tba Southern homo t
Tben be proved in Peace aa great
Aa be hat) been in War,
When ba waa uiarobing to rletory.
Tbrn our hero, juat and true,
Pr.ielaimel that law waa king ;
That in Peaoe lb aoldiar'a aword
Should not oppraaaioo bring,
And all honor to our chief,
For tbeaa grand worda of truth
Aa we ara marching to Tictory.
And the people' gift w'l. glra,
M iih belloteol the free,
And our leader brare and trua
Our Prcaident ahall ha.
And we'll aound tba oborua
From tba mountain to tha lea,
Aa wa are marching to victory.
Ckorne :
a a
"Inlullihle" is tbo vordict of tbo
a filleted when referring to the merit! of "Seller'
Liver Pill "
Chanok. liy rcqueat ol tho Diioit-
ora of Pike townibip, tho County Superintendent
will hold tho examination of toaohera for that
dtitfii-t at n loom log ton, Saturdtty, Auguat 2 let.
See oliange in programme. .
Bank Changes. Tito ('onnty Na
tional Bank having purcharod the It n king Houaa
of tha Clrarfltld County Bank, In Graham 'a
building, baa removal into that block, on Mark
et itreet, while tha Clea rflald L'onnty Bank will
occupy th room n Second treat vacated by tba
Conntj National Bank. 4t
w m -
List of lottorn remaining uiK-luimed
la the Puitofll-e at Clearfield, Pa., rr tha week
ending July 2oih, 18H0 :
Mi. i. Jenie Clark, Parrluk Danigan, H II-
ForJ, R. A. Holdcn, Charlei IIraa,;Chriit Krgley,
Mill Annio Keln, J. Liaditrlum, Conrad Long
Alice A. Noldtr, W. Oaburo.
P. A. tiAULIN, P. M.
Deah. Wo ret; rot to rocord tbo
dcHth of L. fl. Wyle, of Philadelphia, an ei teemed
young man, who die J at the residence of hia
father-in law, ei Sheriff Powell, on laat Sunday
morning of consumption, in bis 34th year. The
remalni will ba Interred in the Cemetery, eait of
town to lav (Wedneiday,) at 9 o'ctook AM.
He leart-a a wife and friend lo mourn hie un-1
timely death.
m e
It is but a nimlo statement ol a;
fact when I any that Dr. K. K. Tbompioo'a I
Sweet Worm Powder ha laved, humanly 'peek
ing, itvtral Hver, one of which wa that of a
valuable native preacher. i
Rev. J. K. Clocoii,
Mltfton Ilouie, Ongola, Ili&dooatan,
l'r pared ly K. K. Thompson, Tituirllla, Pa.
For aale by all druggiati in Clcarfletd, and
Joiepb Sevier A Son, Lutbersburg, Pa. St
a ai
11 ar vent IIomb. We learn that tbo
Patroni of Huibaudry pr poa to hold a "llarveat
Uotne oa tho farm ef Ki Sheriff Head, on the
turnpike about throe milea east of Curwenerille,
on Wednesday, August Ifilb, 1680. Tba State
Lecturer, S. R. lbwtit:g, will be pre rent and de
liver an address lulled lo the vooaaioa. Although
the affair I being arranged under the aurpicea of
the P. of U , all are cordially invited to attend.
One of lha officer of Lawrence U range remarked
to u tha other day, that tba Home waa open to
all Pilntcri, free. Tbat'i a good thing, but bar
ing cradltd on bumlred doaea af wheat la a
day and hound tt up the neit, we fully reallu
tba fun of garnering plenty oftbakituff ia a
abort time. Jt
Camp Meeting. Wo aro glad to
atale for the benefit of all who contemplate at
tending Camp Moating lb ia year, that a no mora
attractive place oaa be found than the Juniata
Valley Camp Meeting Uroundi, at Newton Ham
ilton, Pa. Thia meeting will Segin Auguat loth,
and continue ten day. Laat year, on aocouot of
tha general malaria along the Juniata Valley,
considerable aicknai prevailed. Thia year we
are glad to record a it at a of entire freedom from
epidemic of any kind. Besides the preacher i of
the Juniata District end other portion of the
Central Pennsylvania Conference we are author li
ed to tata,that tha following diitinguiihad aa in la
ta r wilt be in attendance: Ra. 0. IT. TUXtiy,
D. V., of Arab Street Church, Philadelphia, will
ba there from tha 10th to tba ISth. Rev. W. Mc-
Klnley, U. D., of Minnesota will spend four or
five daya, and Rev. Dr. Guard, the great Irlab
Preacher of Baltimore, will preaah tba Sacra j
mental Sermon on Tueiday, tha 17th, at 10:30 A. ;
M . We are of the opinion that a good time may
he anticipated by all who can arrange home mat
ter to liia away for a week's eojojment ia this
di llghtiul grot a.
m e
Cuurt auBveu4 on- Tueaday, Jaly 10th, HttA,
in purawauae of the aiijowraeaeat ef Jaly I lib.
Judge Orvte, Ogdan and HU aa tha Bewb.
The argument list wa taken up and tha follow
ing cMi eonaidcred.
J. W. PoH.'rv. Thowa While, No. 17 Juna T.,
1830. Rule ta show eauae why Judgment ah old
not bo opened end belendant let lata a defence.
After argument it waa ordered ibat all execution
proeeea oa abuve judgment he stayed until the
Court be aaticned that iba I'latntifl baa paid the
Keatlog estate the amount of money mentioned
ai iba eoniideraiieu af aatd judgment.
The ether aaace on the lilt were all continued.
varHaaa curnr.
Jiseph Bbaw waa appointed tluardiaa lor
William K. Holler and Jamee M. HoBr, salnor
children ef ttarah Hotter, deeeaeed.
A. U. Kraauer, Ktq., was upon application of
Bioaun rulton anpuinlea uuardiaa ulem at
lbs aaiaor children of Alas k'ulton, late of Burn-
aide townabip. deceased.
William M. bhaw waa appelated Qaardiaa of
nulomon Kidrr and Harry Hitler, miner enlldre'
Juab Rider, late of Cot mat on towaahtp. deceased.
James Wrigley, Kaq., wae appointed tiaardjan
ot Juno n. uarr, miner entia ol iteoj. r. varr
late ol Pike towofbip, deceased.
fi u uiuti it rautiu iv eiuun l iinvj. nuiuuiia-
l rat or of Fraaria M. fultoa, late of Rarnsid
township, deeeued, to aell tba real estate af laid
dixedcnt fur tbe payment of debt'.
An order waa granted la at. W. flrabaai, A4
miniairalor of A. A. U rah am, Kan., lata ot Clear'
deli borough, deeeaaed, fur tba tale of real eetal
of said deoraaed, fuf payment of aedta.
frank u. llama, hsi.t Aulttor, heretofore ap-
pi.inted waa directed ta restate Ibe eeeuual of
Aaron u. late, Aamiaiatrator ol samuel trowel,
di ceased.
1 he etceptiona to the report ol Daniel W. Mc
Curdy, Kaq. , Aadiler, distributing the balance In
tbe haada af Pramptoa Uell and Z. L. Hoover,
A dm integrator of W m. Hell, deeeaaed, were over
rated ani the Aadtter'a report eonnraaed abe
lutely. hieeptlon la the report af Oaear Mitchell,
Eaq., Auditor dieiribating tha reeadi arising
front tba aala of tha real eatata ot W. V iHokey,
deeeesed, overruled and Auaiter a report eoa
Armed absolutely.
Oarer Mitchell, Ksq , A led bta report aa Auditor
distrii.uttng toe money la the aaaaa el James
alcObt. br., Adwmiatrator -af Mart J. David-
aon, late of Hell township, deeeeied. Read aad
confirmed AY Hi,
W aa. A. llagerty, Kq , waa appelated Auditor
to diitrlbuie the belaooa in Ibe bands at ibe Ad
tnlntalralor of Miki Havl, late of O alien town
ahip, deoaeud. ,
CoU mom n.naa.
Alice R. Early ts. James M. Karly, No
March Tet a. laaa. Hab Hur. Divorca, H. . wal
lace, a'p, was appelated Commtaaioaer ta take
ana report teettmoay.
Clara K. Cainrator vs. Leonard Carpenter,
No. Term, Hub. Her Divorce, W. I. Shaw, wa
annotated L'ominieatoaar to take teitimoay,
Wm. Albert, Henry Albert and George Albert
v. 0. Rrenneman. W. Joy aau Mania bmb www
Joepb L. Heat, Kxeeatra ol JoiepB Hen, ae
ereaed, No. Ml Jua Term, 1174, la Kqalty Wm
ti liil.r. ma . waa annotated Mtetar.
Il waa ordered thai ao eivll causa b planed
upon tbe trial ltt for September Term, ie.
Thursday the 124 tasU Coarl adjonrnad Ull
August 4tb, 19 i -
Bad blood always can bob trouble. It
may be a family fight, or bo I la, pimple, Itcb,
Utter, Act but no matter, "Dr. Undity'a Blood
fiaarohar It tha oura-all.
. But Youa Mill Now I Wo r tbo
proprieteraof a Saw Mill, complete ta every par
ticular, which wo will aell very cheap. For par
ticular; addraaa E. A. A W. V. BIULh'R,
obl.'SO-tr. Clearfield, Peon 'a.
m a i
Cklkry I'lamts. Krncat Iiock,
Clearfield, Pa, baa on hand a larga quantity of
Celery pi at a, aad of tha bait quality, at bla
green bouia, on Front afreet, which ba will aell
4 T& cvnU per bioie, .it,,bouand for
Fiwt Men Wantkd. Fifty men
tra wanted to an gaga in rutting and hauling
logi on Moravian run, In Graham lowuablp.
For further partlculan addreaa David II. Wblkrb,
(Irahauitvn, Pa, Flnt aoaaa, Irat aarrad. U Sl
Fact. Anaavcrtiscmentinacrted
In tha Rrpitrlicam will reach more readeri than
If puhllahed La all tha other pap era in tua ooan-
ty.BJid foat tba advertiaei laaa than ono-half
In other worda, an Bdvertlatmont pubflahed In
our jcurnat la worth double tha prioo of that
charged by any other fubliahor 1b tho county.
Borouoh Scuooi, Tax. Tbo Direc
Ur af Clearfield have placed the duplicate for
the currant yoar, Id tho band of District Treaa
nrer Wbitehlll for ocllcctlnn. At) tax paid
preriuu to (ba I at of September, there will ba a
d if at ant of five per cunt AO that date there
will bo no aba'e'inent. The for the yrar ta
eight mill. July-21-4t
A iiRAND Chance. I have tbo polo
agency of CleerSald county, for the magnlAccbt
picture of tha Presidential candidate, Hancock
and English on one eheet, Garfield and Arthur
on the other. Tha picture are 22x28 in li,
perfectly lifelike and retail for only S eenta
each. I aotd 100 ia two day. Send 60 centa
for sample picture aad term to agent.
A. 11. RoaKRKRAR,
July 1lt-lt Penfiold, Pa.
New Daily Stage Line. James L.
Lear j ba succeeded in bating a daily mail el tab -llahed
between Clearfield and fenD field, and will
hereafter run a daily atage between the two potnta.
Hli contract began with April lit, and tha stage
will leave OearDeld every morning (except Sun
Jay) at 6 o'clock, aiaklnf eonnecttoni with all
train on tha Low Urada Railroad at Pcnnflcld, re
turning after the last train tha same evening.
Pa-scnger end freight will be carried at low rata
Orders left at any of the hotel will ba attended
lo, ,.( oaprf-u
KARUEas, Look Uere! Lytlo will
give yoo highlit market price Tor Y heat, UaU,
Corn, Buckwheat, Butter, Eggs, Unions, Apple,
dried fmlti. and all kind of produoa. He baa
the largeit and beat aeleotcd ttock of groceries,
teas, coffee, molaaici, spice, oil aalt, sugar,
nueensware, tubs, buckets, baskets, churns, Ac.
in Clear field county. He buy hi goods ia large
quantities from manufacturer and fir it hands
for cash, and take the advantage of all
discount, and aobo ia enabled to sell at loweat
prlcaa. He giveaoaah prices for produce,andaells
hi good at the lowest prices ia tbe county,
aept--'7 tf
Tobacco, Cigars, &o. This business
will be continued, at my old atand on Market
street, by Jauica E. Walaon, or soma one else,
for the present. Tho fineat brand or imported,
dotoeitio and Key Wait cigar, and moat popular
brand! of plug, chewing, fine cat and smoking
tobacco. Will also keep all other good in tbe
tobacco buainaii. With tbe advantage of nnw
being able to boy entirely far cai-H, we can give
our trade rare bargain In choice goodi. Country
dealers supplied with Job lota at ten than manu
facturer' price. Ai.BX. Watboi.
Clearfield, Pa., July 21, 11S0 31.
This is my Proclamation. If you
want lood tin ware go to Marrell' ; 1 will
nt repair any cheap tin ware Imported into tbii
vicinity, eapeeially tn the fruit oaa line ; I keep
no book! t I Py ei'h for ytbing, and I ex
pect my patron to do the lame with me ; I guar
an tea my work and material.
All itinerant tin paid I era invading the county
for the purpoie of sailing their oh cap Ware bad
better look up tbe Ait of 184, from which they
can learn that lb are Ii a penalty of $100 ioourred
for Tietattng it O. B. Mbbrkll,
July tlat, 1880.1m . Agent.
Tbt D.mocrttit Primary Kkciign will occur
tbber on lb. 18th of Btplembcr. It .ill.
therefore, h. in order to .n.onnc. the n.mel of
e.ndidete. on end efter tho 4th daj of Auguit.
Oar fee for .on'ouocing e.ndil.tei will he . fol
lowi :
Centre.! fl"
Aliemblj 12
HrothonoUrv H. H
Hegi.ter end Hecorder 8
County fiureejor - &
Thli will Include the priotin, of 12,11110 ticket,
end the neeeeierj b!.oke for holding tbe Priinery
Election. No nemo will be announced unlefe tbe
o..h ecoompeniee the order. lit
CLKAayiiLU Coal Thaui. Stutc-
nent of Coal .nrl other frei,hte eent orer the
Terone k Cle.rfield Dltlilon, Pennivlvant. Rati
road, for the week enJin, Jul; Ulh, Into, and
the aatne time Let Tear
Fur the week
Same time laet ja.r..
4 1,1143
Iueraaaa. 7,507
Pravlowaly during year - TM,U(t
Same time laat year V 71,0V 3
Deeraaaa " 41,313
Total la I8S T71.V53
tiana time laet yaar ti6,M9
Daoreaae - 3V'8fl
tuaa raatnaTK.
Lumber a 124 can.
Miscellaneous freights 17.1 "
Li'TKiaaai bo, July 20th, 1HB0.
Ma. EniToa : Oil rests at par, while farming
Is at a premium, tiraei and grata have come on
together and everything ii a good crop. The
other day I had tbe pleasure uf turning aalde
from busy care to weloome the return of eight of
our most promising yoothi, who have been our
reprerentatlrea in tne new vt aaDiogion normal
Institute duriog tha term, which has juat closed.
Judging from what I aaw there on the oloaiog oe
aaeiua. 1 believe all connected have been wiaety
ctpendtng their time. That our folk have, ts
proven in ma tact, mat out ui iour pruee turn
ed in tbe Liter arr canteat, two coma ta Hrady
Prom the paal work of tbii school 1 bespeak lor
Its atudanta a brilliant future. I look to them to
bcAotna aa their worth Preceptor, reliable stand-
ard-beareri in tb battle agaioel ignorance and
A Normal claas now await Mr. Weber
Utheraburg, and one at Hullolii thui showing
the eon nene tn mm a an instructor.
Wholesale Dry (loods Housenf J. V. Farwrll A Co.
UHlCAttl, in., uot. am, mjn.
Da. M. M. Fafticfi, Fredonia, N. V ,
Dear Sir I took voor Illood aud Liver Reme
dy aad Nerra Toaie for a severe bilious attack
with perfect sueeess.. Three-fourths ef a bottle
of iaar Ht. Vitua Dan oa Specific cofntilelclv cured
my buy ol tnar. uiaease, aner ne aau dcvd aociureu
tbrea montha by eminent phyaioiane without
beneAt. I wish alio to lay that I ibink highly
of your Improved Cough Honey.
- Yours truly, J. M PHELPS.
Jul tS-tt
Dr. Feaaar'i Blood and LWor Remedy and
Nirve Tonic may well be called "Tha conquer
tag hen" of tha times. It b the medical triumph
f the age. Whoever ha "the bluet" ibould take
It for It regulates and restores tbe disordered
system that give rise ta them. Il always enras
Oil ion mats and Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyl
nepaia. Constipation, Headaches, Fever and
Agaa, Spleen Kalargamenta,tcrofula, Erysipelas.
Pimple, Bletehea aad all ekis. EruptloBS aad
Blood Disorders; Swelled Llmbi and Dropsy
Sleep lei anes, Impaired Nervei and Nervoai De
billty Restore flesh and strength wbaa the ly
tern ts running down or going lata decline cures
Female Weakness aad Chronic Rheumatism, and
relieve Chronic Uroacbitis, and all Lang aad
Throat dlSouIUei. It does thaw things by strlk
tog at tb root of disease and removing lla caasei,
Dr. Fanner's Improved Cough Honey will re
lieve any eeugb In ana hour. Try a sample bottle
at lea cents.
Dr. Fanner's Uelden Relief car any pata, a
Tooth-ache, Neuralgia, Code ar Headache ia Irt
ta thirty mlnotaa,aad readily relieve Rhea ma
Use, Kidney Complaint, Dlarhaia, ate.
Dr. Fanner's 9L Vitus Dance Ppeclftc. One
bottle always cures. . .
For sale by llartswlck A Irvla, Druggists!
t'learaeld, ra. aug-lT-lt.
ft.IMM) Iba. Wool wanted by
H. A.
Clearfield, Pa,
July tt, IM0 4t
CeLUtreoa'a Balbs I Wa have prepared
a form, and have aa land n targe quantity,
blank "Collector's Dales," which have been ap
proved by the blab sit legal authority In the
Courts af thia count v. At TW'r 0M ei
doaea we will mall any amber ta lha Collector
ardertaa them. A Collector, when eon. sailed ta
advertise proper r, must part ap net tee than
tbrea netleas ta tba most public placet la his
borough or towaibip. tf.
M. Kr All neraonl .ntlaf . flret-
clue ! Machine .hould buy the New Im
protwl Llfht-Huonlof Weed, for eel. by John B.
lleere, Cleuoeld, f.., or Mileo H. Been, de.lw
I. Meehlnoa ud Ocjane, Heynoiaaeiiie, re.
may IVth.oiri
Oa. BuarniiBD P.. Cut. DiaootJT oa Old
Pairei Hewing Heehlnoe o now be pnrchaaed
at Merrell'i tin and earloly elor., from We up
werde. All hlnde of aewlng machine! repaired
on the ehorUet notioe.
Cle.rH.ld, Pv, duly 19, 1S7T.
Wunn.-Delleered .1 the R.ll Road.
100,000 14-inoh ohevod ehinglea.
1110.000 14-lnob aawed abinglea.
,ah no, feet of pine boarda.
oo,ooo 14'feet enavea noopa.
5,000 railroad tiee.
60,000 feet of good hemlock boarda.
For whin. 1 wUI pay tha higheat market prloe,
delivered at Clearfl.ld, or at .ny puint on the
Tyrone ii Uleirteld Kailroed.
J, F. KrtA.a.t
ClurBeld, P., Oat. It, 1878 tf.
Jut lleeelved.
Just UccnlvcJ by AltNOIj), at
Vat Load Nova Hcollft Plnnlpr!
Car Tjontl puro Corn, Rye nnil Oats
Chop 1
Cur Load Dcaken Hull !
Car Load of Clioico Family Flour 1
Car Load Dry Roods, Groceries, &t.!
ttirSliinnloo, Bark. R. H. Tie. and
(iritin will bo lakon In oxohango.
Cur'onvillo, May 1, 1878.
IIKOWN DICKKV. In New Waalilnnlen, .1
the T.interanc. Home, on Hunday,July 18th,
1KI0, by Her. 0. II. Ague, Mr. A. 11. Brown and
Mm Nannie Illokey, both of Dower, Vlearlcld
oounty, l'a.
ton, at tbe M. K. Pereonege, on Sunday, July
IMtb. 1880, by Her.U.B. Ague, Mr. J.(. Tbomp-
f n -..III. ..J UI.. U.lti. II ln.K
UK, VI UU, t. .w, -ui. ..... ....... . w .. ,
of I'enoTllle, Clearlleld wunty, Pa.
WKLKKB 11UULKR. At Wallacaton, on
Sunday, July llth, 1880, by J. W. Turner, Ksq.,
Mr. Darid Welker, or Bradford town.lilp, and
Miel Kit. Hnhler, of Graham townabip, Clear
field county. Pa.
FrLLKRTON.-On Monday, July 1 tflb, 1880,
Sammy, aon of Iaaiah and Mary Ellen Fullerton,
of Lawrence townabip, aged 1 yeari, 8 months
and 17 daya.
Clrarpirld, PAn July 17, WH.
Flour, per cwt. .
ft 00
Buckwheat Flour, par owl
Corn Meal, per cwt
Chop, rye, crcwt
Chop, mixed, par cwt
Bran, per cwt
Wheat, per bushel
Rye, per bushel
Oata, per buahel
Corn, ear, per buahel .
Buckwheat, per buahel
Clover seed
Timothy seed
Potatoes, per bushel
Apples, per buihel
llama, per pouud
Khoulder, per pound
Dried Beef, per pound
Chickens, par pair
Butter, per pound
Kftga, per doen
Salt, per lack, large
Coal Oil, par gallon
Lard, per poun
Dried Applea, per pound
Dried Puachea, per pound. .
Beam, per buahel
1 80
S V0
1 70
I 40
1 tb
1 10
fi Of
1 00
1 Olr
2 Oft
11111. AORLrai A, July 20. Cotton la weak at I So
for middlm. Bark ia nominal at $2t per ton
for No. 1 qucrcitrou. Seeda Ciorur is firm at
7Utx8c. TimothT and flax are unehaaged
Flour and Meal The flour market ta quiet and
toady. Fale of 1,200 barrel, including Minne
aotaaitraa. at .hu((t4.1t : do. atraiitht at $.(
fi,0.7o Pennsylvania family at $&(ni.2i. R ye !
Uuur I firm at $4.2(4 :t7, with aale of lOtl
barrels at the latter.
Uraia Wheat ti dull and weak. Bales of
fl.OOv buahels, including rejected, at t !.(-, and;
choice red and amber, at .lUtfu, 1.1 1, and $1.10
wa bid for July ; $l.07 for August and Septem
ber, and ll.OX, for October. Rye 1 steady at 70c
fur new and N0c for old Pennsylvania. Corn la
quiet and steady. Belee of 6,000 bushel, In
cluding rejected at 4n(g,4ta steamer at 48c;
mixed at 4V,l(iji51r. and yellow at 61c. and 4H$e
waa bid for July : 4fo for August ; 4 Hie for Sep
tember, and 4Wo for Octobr. Oat are quiet and
anebangrd. Halo of 4,000 bubel, tnoluding
mixed at JV.v.iiie. and white at SH(.ii43c.
Wblaky ta aleady at $1,10 for western.
m gtflwnstim'mg.
r OOO UIWIIEI.H. Oeorge Wearer t Ce
O tut live tbuuiand buihell of OATH, now,
ami .111 paj cain or priiduee.
CleartiolJ, rh, AO. ia, ioie-ii.
The oo-pertnerehip b.retofnr. .lining In
tbe raervulile buiineaa ia ina Tiiixe 01 "mi-
end, waa diuolved by mutoal eooeent on men
lav. JulT lfltb. IH80. Tb. aeltleneot of bookr,
notee .nd mcouoU muit ba made with the new
ra of A. E. Woolridfo '.
AA nun rCTEHM,
WxiTiLD,July Htl, 1880 4t
iotioa is hereby given that the partners
telr exiiting between J. F. Kramer and
Worrell, of Clearfield. Pa, under the firm
name ef Kramer A Worrell, tn the saloon baat-
nesa, tn Clearfield, waa diaaalred on the 12lh day
of July, IbbU, aau tnat l wtn not noiu my sen re
ponsibha, r pay any further debts contracted
nder aia nrm name aiiev mia uaie.
Clearfield, July U, 1H80-4t.
n. n. wisslow.
ClearAsid, Penn'a.
Tha Dr. bavin a recently located ta Clearfield,
fleraiiii aer vices to lha people of this vicinity.
JTdr- Office on Reed street. Residence Leon-
ard Home
July Hit Cin
f STRAY NOTICI'-. Bitrayed from the
J premises of the subscriber, in Bloom town
ship, on or about July 6th, 1(131, one large roan
mileb cow, a bout raven yean old.and thick born a,
one tbrea year old red ateer with short thick
borna, two old a beep, one with horni and bell on
nd three lambe. I will pay liberally for infor
mation which will lead to the recovery of my
property. My address is Forest Poatofllee.
t no nun nnav r.n,
Bloom Tuwiaaii, July 2t, lBK0-3t
npidieatton will be made ta tbe Court of
Quarter Heaatons of Clear 11 ell oounty, on tbe 4th
nay of Auguat next, for the appointment of
viewers, to view tha .Lumber City bridge, Clear
eld creek bridge, at Leonard Htatioo, and the
er bridge, Clearuell, l'a., In order ta mate
them free bridges. C. W. KYLKR,
County Commissioners
ClearAtld, July ll, 180 4t.
AHKIC1 IvRr.sV NOTIC'R. To Whom It
May Concern The undersigned, having
been appointed Asslrnea for the ben en t oteredt
tor bv Ja. B. (traham, of Clearfield borough, all
peraon a, therefore, having claims againathitn will
present them to u for a U lament, aad tboae in-
det ed to tbe aaid J rah am ara required to settle
and maka payment to ua.
BifWAnu Ae nuiLftn,
Clearfield, Pa., Dec. 14, 1871 tf A si lineal.
i la herebv aiven that Letters of Adtntnii
trationanth aetata of ALFHKD W.0WKN8,
late of Ferguson township, Clearfield eounty. Pa.!
dec d, having been duly granted to tne under-
I nt.. all nereona tndot.Ud to Said estata Wll
nleaae make immediate pavment, and those hav
Ing alaimi or demands against tbe same, will
present them properly auineniicaiea inr same
meni witnoui aeiay, jimB.n n. iiu-o,
Lumber City, l'a , June Id, 18u ill
i ta hereby alreei Ibat Letters of Admini
tralion ou the aetata of JOrt!t A. THUnlr-rtUN
laU af Brady township, Clearfield county
Pa., deceased, bavint been duly f ran ted ta th
nnderaigned, all peraon Indebted ta aaid eatate
will pleats make immediate payment, and those
having claim ar aemanua again, in iimi win
present them properly authenticated for settle
sent without delay.
Lulhsrsburg, Pa. June S, 1980-ot.
CAIfTION Wheraai my wire Faraea, ha left
my bad aad board without any JuH em re or
provocation oa my part, I hereby caution all
permo again at harboring or trusting bar on my
account, as I am determined to pay no debt con
tracted by her after Jane Mth, 18K0, union com
pelled ta da ae by due p roe as of law.
Daata Lira, Pa., July 14th, IBM-It
11 AUTIOM. All parson ara hereby warned
against purr basing ar ta any way mea
dhfla with the fellowlns: personal property, now
in the poeeeuiou of Alfred C. Wise, of Knai
township, Via t I CMtrroi noraw, i nay mare, aw
of heavy hareeia, Binglelreea and Hpreadora, 4
bead of bou a. I eloek. I stove, 1 beds and bedina
Tba forasroinfl prnpartr waa purchased by us at
Constable sale and ts allowed la remain in the
poeatoa of aaid Alfred C. Wise an lean only,
subject iour eraer mi any time.
1 NkW MttimiT, July 14), Uba.m
CAUTION All parsons ara hereby warned
egaioat purchasing or in any way meddling
with tha following personal property, now in
poieefiioa of David Lyon, of Handy township,)
Tla: Twn black hone aad tbelr baroaaa. Thai
foregoing property wa pnrchaaed by me at Con
stable Hale on tbe lLHh day of July, and they are
allowed to remain ta the poaaeaaton of aaid
David Lyona on loan only, subject to mr order !
at any time ELIJAH AHHKNf ELTKR. j
LuTMRtaniJBa.Jaly lH,lo-t
I; ARM K)H BALE. The aubaorlber now
1 offer hia farm for aale. The property ta lo
cated one mile and a half north of Clearfield,)
containing EIOI1TY ACllKH, moit of which la
aleared and under good eultlvatlon, atod two!
lory 'L" bouie, targe frame barn and other nee- i
assary outbuilding!, together with an orchard of
all kind of fruit. The whole ia underlaid with
a rain of good coal. Vr further particular
eall on tbo premise, or by letter at!dreaed to
July-Sfl, 18S0 St Clearfield. Pa. j
In pursuanoa of an order of (be Orphan' Court
of Claarlield oounty, there will bo expoaed to pub
lic sale at tbe Court lluuie in Clear&eld, Pa , on
Hatiirduy, Auguat Uiui, kh(,
at I o'clock, P. M., tha following described real
estate uf Cliarlea W. Leonard, late of Lawrence
tawnahlp, aaid oounty, decea"d, vli i All hi
right, title and Interest in and to I hut certain
true I of lnnd situate in nid Uiwnihip, buuiidcit
en tba Houlb by lunda of Clnrk Brown, ou the
Eatt by land ol John A. Ked and r-fiwart Reed,
on tho North by Ktowart Hred, and on the Weet
by W. P. Read and Joiah K. 1J, 4 oiitalilllHf
l;iT Arrra, more or les, late tho estate of bis
lather, Robert Leooard, declared.
The improvement consist of a larga two-itory
frame dwelling bouae, leg barn, and other out
building. About 100 acre of the property
cleared and under cultivation.
One-half of tba purcbaia money oash on con
firmation of aale, balance In one year from data
of sale with Interest from date of sale, to ba secur
ed by bond and mortgageon the preuiiaea.
LVD1A P. LKUMARD, Administratrix.
July M, lH8U-.ll.
By virtue of an order Uautid out of tha Or
phan a' Court of tha County of Cleatflold, to tha
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, theunderrigncd
Aduinlalratrix will aell at Public bale on the
premise, in tbe Borough of Hcutsdala, in raid
oounty, on
Thursday, August 1!), 1U80,
All that certain botsl property knuwn aa tbe
"rT. ULOUO I1UTE..." comprising Lota fto. 274
and No. 3H0 in the general plan or tha Borough
of Ilouttdale, with ibe improvement tfaereoa,
eonilatang ol a two l lory Frame Mouse, being 7ft
feet front and 28 fret deep, with an addition
thereto of 18 feet. The bouie contains Altaaa
rooms up italrs and Ave rooms down stairs, with
a good cellar, and there ts an excellent stable on
the premise. The property ll well-Riled in
every way for tb purpo.e of a Hotel.
TVilJtiS Of 84 Lt
Fit a per cent, on day of sale, balance of one
third caih on confirmation of late, and the re
mainder in two equal annual naymonta, with in
ternet secured by Bond and Mortgage en tba
II out in a LB, July 23-4t Adminiatralrlx
Notice to Heirs I
In tbe matter of tbe estate In the Orphan' Court
ol Frederick Frai)ey,late of Cleartield county,
of Chest towuabip, dec u. ) Pennsylvania.
To the heir and leiral representative! of Fred
eriok Frailey, late of Cheat townabip, Clearfield
county, Pa., dru'd., list Elliabcth Ann Frailey,
(widow), John Frailny, Andrew Frailey, Lydta
Frailey (intermarried with Hamilton Whit), and
Hamilton W'nit her husband, Klisalfeth Frailey
(intermarried with John Hockenberry), and John
Hockenberry her husband, Catherine Frailey (in
termarried with John Hoover), and John Hoover
her buitirind, and tbe heirs aud legal representa
tives of Magdalena Frailey, deo'd., (who. wa in
termarried with William Barto), via : Harrison
Barto, Lydia Barto, (intermarried with Jonathan
Westover), aad Jonathan Westorer her husband,
Kd ward Barto, Caroline Barlo, (intermarried with
George Wallace), and (J corn a Wallace bor hus
band, Klmira Barto and John Frailey his Guard
ian, and Jane Barto and John Frailey bar
TA K K NOTICE that, In pursuance of a writ
of partition to toe directed, out of the Orphan'
Court of Clearfield county, 1 will, on Till R8
IAY, theSoTH DAY of AUtlUBT, 180, hold an
Inquest of nartition and valuation of tbe real
estate lata of Frederick Frailey, late of Cheat
township. Clearfield oountr. l'a., dec d. The in-
quelt will assemble at the late residence of said
freaericK frailey, ueeu., in vnesi inwnamp,
eounty and State aforeraid, at 10 o'clock in the
forenoon of aaid day. M A llAf FEY ,
btiBRirra orrici, f nneriu.
Cleartield, Pa , July 2Mb, 1880. j
Notice to Heirs !
i the matter of tbe estate 1 In the Orphans' Court
of Joreph Yotberi, late (ifClcarQctdcounty,
of Karthaus twp.,dcc'd. J Pennsylvania.
thru or rAUTinoa.
To the hairs and legal representatives of Joseph
V others, lato of Karthaus township, Clearfield
county, Pa., deo'd , via: John V others, Henry
1 other, Bnp hia x others, (Intermarried with Ueo.
tleckondorn), and ueorga HeokendArn bar nua-
band, Chriatiana Yotbari, Joiepb W. Yother.
Daniel mothers, Iaabella Yolher, ( Intermarried
with William Patterson), and William Patterson
bar hoaband, and tba heirs and Isgal representa
tives of Adeline Yothcn, dee'd., (who was Inter
married with Joseph Oilliland), via : Joseph
(lilliland, (surviving bui'.andt, Lydia Oilliland
and Clara tiilliland, by their Guardian, K. J.
uuiiiand, and the heirs and legal representative
of Mary Elisabeth Y others, dee'd, (who was In
termarried with William Ilelehel), vli : William
Heichel, (surviving husband), Darid Ilelehel,
Alfred Heiohel, Nora Ilelehel, Orrln HYchel and
Mabel Ilelehel, by tbtir tiuardian B. J. Oilliland.
TAKE NOTICE that. In pursuanoa of a writ
of partition to ma directed, out of the Orphan'
Court of Cleartield county, Pa., I will, on Tilt US-
DAY tbe lOTII DAY or hKI'TKMllh.K, A. V.
1180. hold an lanuest af nartition and valuation
of the real eitate, lata of Joseph Yvthen, lata of
Kartliaui towaahtp, dee'd, ntuate tn nartnaua
towaibip, Clearfield county, Pa. Tbe Inquest
will aaatmble at tb late reaideneo of said Joseph
Y others, deo'd., tn Karthaus township, at 10
o'clock in tbe forenoon of said day.
........ u i n i FKIIV
lAinns niAanrrni,
eiiBnirv'i Orrtra, ) Sheriff.
Clearfield, Pa., July 2s, IHSO. J
Bv virtue of an ordor issued out oftheOrphani'
Court of Clearfield County, Pennsylvania, tho
undersigned Kxecutors of the Kitate of RICH
la said County, deceased, will sell at Public Bala,
on lha preuiiaea, in said township, on
Saturday, August 21sl,lft0,
All that certain traot of land, or farm situated
ia the Township aforesaid, bounded as follows
On tha north by land of Nelson Walker, on the
eaat by Jesae Hpeneer and William K. Danver,
aouth by Joseph Dati and weat by Allen Mc
Donald, containing
more or lea ; about lixty acre of which 1 Inv
proved and under cultivation, having thereon
ereetea a tog uweuiue; nouae, log iarn ana i
other necessary outbuildings, together with
Ane UUCHAItU uf good Iruit, and excaiirnt
One third af the price unit be paid down, and
the balance In two eoual annual pavment. with
interval, secured by bond and Mrtg.ige r-n tbe
premises. kiuhahd d a a v b K, Jr.
Fxecaton ot H. Danver, Hr., dieeased.
CJ ni Ni'iAR Hills, July 2S, l8H0-4t,
AIUHTtmiS RIJMmTof ibe llnancei nf
In ion towmhip, forthe yiar ending April
Vita, 1HH0. Thouiaa lirocktiank, District Ireaa
urer, In account with tbe Road and Poor funds
noan ri Nra.
To am t eerelred from D. R. Brubekrr.
Tre.e.rer for l7V (1,418 l
To em'tofe.H. Ilnllnpeter duplicate...- l-'K M
Ta an lof R. II. Win, dapllcate 1
II, amount of oid.ra redeemed
hj .mount of t.i worked .nder B.
11,411 1
lloiiopeter -
Bj .m'tof t.mnworked b, ll..ll..f,ter .
4 .1
By .m l of t.i woraeo inner n.
lie em't of tal ..worked 1, 8. II. Wing
11 tl
ti.un ii
Hoc. rt ina,
To wn't or t.ael cot b, W. W. Duolap.l
To am't received from D. R. Itrakaker
T. kle.M do Tbomea Broabbank....M
111 T
I ll (0
B amount of I tnl III
We. lb. .nderilf ned Auditer haelnf en
ed tbe Mount ef ib.iitae Broekbank, Trea.wrer
of Cnln. town.hip, I. Meount wttb tbe HOA
.nd POUH lundi of aid townihlp, nnd eertlf,
that than do. tbe Ui.trlet Treeenar . balanoe
from Ik. poor fond ot
B. r. IIABI.KV, it..
Atteett II. V. KTtiWKI.1,
B B. Welti, C. U. I.AIKIKDK,
I'lerk. A.ditor.
J.I, I!lk, !.
IlXE(:rTtH'H NOnt K.Notloa libera
j by aiven that Let ten Teatameatary ob tbe
eatateuf WILLIAM JONE8, laU of Clearfield
borough, Clearfield eounty, Penn'a, dsoaaaed,
having bean duly granted to tbe uniieraignea.aii
fieraona indebted t aaid aetata will please make
turned lata payment, and tbo having olalmi or
demands aaeinat tbe aama will present thsm
proper) authenticated for sett Ism ant without
n xecuir.
Clearfield, Pa.. July U, UeO.fiL
II X IX I TOH'H NOTK B. Notice Is bere
A by fiven that Letters Testamentary on tbe
eatat of JOHN POTTKR, late of Brady town
abip, Cleartield eounty, ra, having
bceu duly (rented to tha uaderalanad, all par
son Indebted to said estate will plsaaa make lu
men laie pajorn.,anu umw MTiinoiiiiiur u
maud i airainat the aama will present theiu prop
erly authenticated for settlement without delay.
,UfiUUUfi v. ninaw.
Lutbersburg, Pa., Juna M, MH6-t.
ITSTHAY KOTiriSt-Lost.ur strsyedfrom
j Morrisdale Mines, on the 2Mb day of Hay
IhfO, a BLACK COW, about 6 years aid, rather
i mall and thin, had a bell on whtn laat af bma.
Any person knowing of her whereabout end
bringing her lo me at Morrisdale Mines, Clear
Held wuoly, or Bearding me word where eho
oan b bad, I will be very thankful, beside, pay
them fur their time aad truul-le.
Morriidile Mines, Pa., June 21, ISo-lt.
111AVK returned to Biy old butt pea, al.J will
ba f und at the PlaniSK Millottica, on Pine
street, CLKARFI1CLD, PA., where 1 will rell all
kind ol
A large stock of which I have always on hand.
Alao, HAY RAKES and all other machine used
by tbe Farmer, a well aa material for repairs.
jr-Vf I wilt eiebange the above articles for
As I eon tamp late butchering, and would ba
pleased to have tbe trade of th farming public.
Clearfield, Pa, June 9, letJO-tf.
Valuable Real Estate !
IN pursuance of an order ef the Orphan' Court
of Clearfield oounty, Pa., there will be ex
posed to sale at the hotel of Ooo. W. Davis, in
tbe borough of New Washington, la said
oounty, on
WedmsBday, August 11, 1880,
at 2 o'clock P.M., all tha following described real
estata of John Rorabaugh, late of Burnside town
skip, in said oounty, deed, to wit: All that cer
tain tract of land situate In said township, beund
ad west by lands now or late of Jamas Uallaaher,
north by lands late of Crawford Gallagher, east by
lands now or lata ottne heir ol oavia nnoneii,
dee'd, and aouth by land late ef Benjamin Ualla-
ghor, containing 100 acre, more or e,aud known
as purpart no. i in to a partition o o
cedent's estate. The improvement ooniiit of i
B4x1B feet, with an ML" attached, 23 IA feet,
BANK BARN, A4xJt8 feet, WAGON RHKD, and
other outbuildings, alao a good orchard. Property
nearly all cleared and under good cultivation.
Ono-third the purchaiemoney,and alia enough
ol the residue thereof to cover the ooet and face
incident to said partition aud sale, oeb ou con
firmation of sale, ana-half the balaace ia one year
from tha date of aaid tale, and tha remainder at
the death of Mary J. Rorabaugh, widow ef aaid
dee'd, the latter two payments with their inteveit,
payable annually, to be secured by bond and
murfgnge on the premiisi,
Oatend, July 2 lit, 1MB 3i.
Teachers' Examinalion 1
The public examinalion of teacheri for provin
cial certificate! for Ih present school year, will
be held aa follows t
Morris, at Kylertowa, Tuesday. August 10th. Centre Hill school house, Wednes
day, Auguat llth.
lioggi and Walleeetoa borough, at Centre
school house, Thursday, August 13th.
Lawienoe, Lawrence Independent and Clear
field borough, at Clearfield, Fridy August l-Hlh.
tioihen, at ehawivllle, Monday, August intn,
Uirard. at Uillinaham achool htnaa, Tuaadav.
tiaruit 17th.
Covington, at Ifnion icbool houso, nednefday,
ngmt Utb.
Kartbana, at Oak Hall ictvol bouie, Thursday,
ugust IVtb.
Pike. Pike Independent anl rarwensviiie
borough, at liloomington, (Saturday, August 21 at . I
Bradford and Hradford Jndopandant, at uigicr,
onday, Auguat 2:td.
Ofeccola borough and Decatur, at Oaeeola, Tues
day, August 21th.
Woodward and llontidale, at lloutiJale, w ea-
neaday, Auguat Jith.
Huhch, at Janesrllla, Thursday, August join.
Deeearta and Madera Independent, at Olen
ope, Friday, August 7tb.
nnui, mi new miiipui., uniiei, nuuat. ,.
Jordaa, at Anmnvllle, Wedneaday, Sept. 1st.
Chest anT Newburg borough, at Newburg,
Thursday, Hrptember 2d.
U urn side lownsbip and borougn, at Durnaiae,
riday, KeptamberSd.
New Washington, at Plow vtaaningtoB, Satur
day, September 4th.
Uell, at Susquehanna achool bouie, Monday,
September Olb.
ureenwood, at liower, j uesday, nepieinner un.
Fcrruson and Lumber City borough, at Lum
ber City, Wedneaday, Hrptember 8th.
I'ene, at rennvuie, tnursuay, Depiemocr via.
(Inion and In ion Independent, at Rockton,
Friday, September 10th.
ltrady and llioom, at LulDritnrg, aionuay.
eptambar 18th.
ranuy, Bt UUlieia, lueauaj, rrpiemuer
Hualon, at Pen field, Wedneaday, Sept. Ulh.
Ho one will ba admitted to the class who ba
Bot left a written application for a achool with
the Secretary of the district for which the exatni-
natioa ia held, v earnestly reajueat tne auaoa
ano of all lb Director at tbeee examinations, tn
order that we may consult together on subjects
Sartaiuing to tbe lu teres t ot the school, ine
ecretary or each Hoard will please be prepared to
anoouncathe applications at tba opening of tbe
examination, home evidence or good moral
character will be required of applicants with
wbm I am aot acquainted. The speaker who
will address the people at the educational meet-
ags.will beannounoed in tue enueauonai ooiumn
fthepapera. 1.x am mat. on will onen ai o.av
, m. n. u. ni yvvn ,
Co. Koperintendent.
Clearfield, Pa , Jaly SI, 1980 fit,
of Hrady township, Clearfield eounty, Pa,,
from April IMh, I TV, to April Ulh, IttO. J. II .
Kirk, utMricf ireasurer, in -wimni "
ROAD, SCHOOL and POOR funds of said town.
ship. ,
Roan ri ana.
To balance due at former settlement ...12.078 86
amount of duplicate for 10.1'
Teback tex for 1 H?H 0
., r) (.9(1(1 HI
He wurk .tone be ellliene on roadi
iJ.lli 113
liy esonerattona tor 11.1V .............
lij vouehera redeemed -
Ujr Treapurer'e pereemage at I per eent.
. 617 It
on ..I7.I.I
Pi; .m't of la. nut forked out
He been t.i worked out
He balanoe in Treai.rj
It tl
Iv7 XV
., j4 no
.. l.iia vt
. H.Siid III
eoo. rti.n.
To ba), ilueln. frum furinereafltenent-..
To .rooant donated b, Jeeea Linea :
To full am't of duplioale for !87v
till 40
10 00
t i 04
. SI, III 44
l!y rouebcri rade.raad I 117 fa
Ity i'ree.orer I percenuge .taper cent.
Ml SB 1 7. us t ae oa
Dy nn.klnf duplicate, and payiug for
By .batementa tocttiaeai.H
S 60
10 40
Uy amount I. ireaeury
Sol 03
Total ','H 44
moot, ri'nti.
To amonnt of oaih o. hand I 4.15 60
To .mount due from A. At. Draneber. - 401 09
To nmou.t da. frer. Job. JimeM. Iff 82
Tn amount ef aatucriiition for Lutberi-
bnr, eohool bon.e tot) 00
To refund of J. II. Kdlnter II 60
Tn . nap Mt. .filled On dlMlllCBte of
ill and laia
To Slate appropriation - 6St 18
To full amount of duplleale for l;...- I,! 48
To .raoutt dee DUtrlot Treeiorer. 1 44
.... H.OJt IS
Be voucbera redeemed... I2.T4A IT
Hy Slat, appr.prl.tlo. ttt 88
Hy balanoe not eellwled . 614 40
By I. of A. M. Drauekw. 141 41
Off belane. of aabeerinttoa .np.ld...M.. t SO
. $1,0.16 SI
Wa. tba anderilined Auditor! of Brady tow.
ahlp, hat la aa. mined tbe eeeee.t ef Joaepb
11. Klin. Ireaearer .1 Br.jy town.eip, in ee.
oon.l with the Road, Poor and School fundi f
aaid Uwnahlp, lad Ibeni oa aboea elated.
Atle.1 J. 1,. BKVl.KR,
d. W Coar, i. U. ri.YL.H,
Clerk. Audilore,
I.nlber.Ur,, Jul; tl-l. 1MI It.
l)F.i; VOn KALE, Thirteen hires or
J) lull an Haea which I will aril ofaeap fur
oaab, or exchange for wheat. For further In
formation oall on or addreaa lha undersigned.
Not 679 tf. Clearfield, Pa.
ouawENsmLE, penn'a.
-Thli old and well-eatabllabed Hotel baa
been leaead by tbe underaigoedv avnj he feel con
fident ol rendering eliifatiua to thoee who may
patronise htm. tlood stabling attached.
LEW1H C, BLOOM, Proprietor.
April Jl, 'SO if.
0. ir,'i
.nr1 ..........
., !,... t.iN- .h.a,,'. hli.
m tr.
. i i it uuvmui't (Xl
ijdii.,i,iiuiKiiia,Ba p"J
a ui. .(,!,.,.,,.
June 1C, lsl 3
AlsltllMrfa HATOH'R MUM I- V..i;.-e
ts hereliy givi-n that Uitera uf Admtnis-
tratiou oa the enta of A.- ! K1JAW, In f
Lawrence Inwrtehin. Clearfield county, l'a., dei:M,
buving been duly granted to tho un -ernrfoi-J, ull
peraon indebtod lu said a -talc will pkaao mke
immediate paj iiiMit, ar.d Uinre ba ing rluiim or
demando against the annie, will pri-ritt them
properly tor teHU.t wiibiMit
delay. wah r.. niiAH,
W. W. liK'ITS,
CU-arlield, Pa., June .10, 1880 fit.
SpringiSumiiicr Millinery!
To Mr CtratoniERi And thk Punuf AT Larob :
About Saturday, April 24th. I will retutn from
Philadelphia with a full line of MILLINERY
OOODHofall kinds. With new facilities for do
ing busine, I will simply say that I oan now
give my customers tbe benefit of my advautagoa
in buying, style and prlcei throughout tho entire
Claarflold, Pa , April SI, I8P0 -3m.
AUDITOR'H 91 OTIC 14. In the Orphans'
Court rf Clearfield oounty, Pa In tbe
matter of tha Ettate of Robert Young, detxaaed,
late of Lumber City, Cleartield county.
The underairned Auditor, appointed by the
aid Court, ta distribute ffae money to the hands
of Anthony line, Administrator ol eala eatate,
atnooe tha ueraon iVKullv entitled bo receive the
aama, brret.y gtvea notice that ha Will attend to
tbe duties of bii appointment at hia office, in the
borough of Clearfield, en TUBriDAY, ibe S7TII
day of JlihY, A. if. 1BV, ai a ociocr r. ai.
when and where all persona interested may at
tend. OSCAR MITCHELL, Auditor.
Clearfield, Pa, June 24, 1090.
To Carpenters and Ituihlen !
The Lawrence Townahlp School Ronrd wi.l re
caive pronosal until HATURDAY, lha 10TH
DAY OF J I LY next, for the erection or a frame
Kobool building, to be located at or near " Hills
dale," la said township- Prorata I will be re
jected aftar J o'clock A. M , July 10, iHtsn.
For full particulars, apply to or addrew
8eo'y of tha Board, Clearfield, l'a.
N. B Tbe Bonrd will rferve tho rlpbt to
reject any or all bid. jtl3-3t.
TO FARMEKH t The Fourteenth Annual
Flhibition of the CLKARF1KLD COIM V
AiiRIUL'LTURAL BOCIKTY will be tteld
At Clearfield, Sept. 15, 1C & 17, 18),
LIBERAL PREMIUMS will b oflered and
made public in due time, for which every Farmer
in the eounty ia invited to eovnetc, For informa
tion addrci LEAN lKR DKSMNtf, Pres s,
Or AL. M. HOW, tiearetary.
Clearfield, Penn'a
Kxacutire Committee Philip Holts (Co. Treat.
uren, Ileccaria Iwp.; Ellsha M. Davis, Penn twp.;
John Emitb, bloom twp., Levi it. Dressier. I nion
twp. Wilson P. Tate, Lawretioa twp.
June In, lfs-0-td.
t)R TI Alt B, HAimWAHi;,
anil all kinds uf
do TO
O. B. MERHEI.L, Agent,
Alinina. mm wry W Kr .L. r n . n
end PdOR fundi of lioKji tnwneliip. for
the current year, al fellow. :
fuun rr.u.
To Iluplioale of Lerl Leudw Sup.rvi,or..7 1 HI
To lii t aee eerf U'e aa rui,eriiwir v,.
...:o 6U
Re order to Levi LiMidor :l
liy order to Devid Ueaiie Id j7
hr work done by eitiarno undr Leri
Lou.ler. - - if" '
Be tea nut worked eat 12 to
Be amount returned tA Coinuiillioticri... 44 S.
Br eionerntlooe .,.... U tt)
..820 DO
To am't of Ditplieate of Jaob llaney (till 110
To 47 data aerrloe aa HuliervLior V4 00
By ordera to Frank Qoea
By Jaoab llaney : M ..
By work done by cllitena
By etoneratioaa
liy am't returned to t'ommluioDere...
Uy tal Bot worked out
TotiU ..
roon rt'.iw.
,...$ 40 110
.... Ii 00
.... 887 SO
6 70
,. - 1 SO
.... 10 V0 It M
To balance at aeltlement of IS. 9..
To duplleale for IS II
JM2II 04
..... Ut .11
..8.1 Jfl
n h.t&ne-e at aettteuient
f! 87
ont ol mie amDuni mere i. in m .hi..
ol David Mca.e ...-llf'O 00
In tho hand, of Jacob Dimeling H w
In the handa of aae Ueiib 83 M
CR. ' '" "
By .rdere redeemed t'Ml 60
Hy eioneratlone and return to Coininii'e 46 24
liy amuunt to balance 2H8 87
We. the nndariiened Auditora at Haifa towo-
lilp, aa.rained lb. aboea etatonienl ud
find it trrect.
Allot :
II. llRiin,
Jaly JSib, 1880. II.
JnllN SI'"NK,
UEALina in
Dry Goods, Groceries and
General Merchandise,
Ueap.ctfiilly solicit lltolr pnlrnm
and tbe p.hlie fenernllff to eill .n.t .xam-
ine their new atock of
Spring and SimiiiHT Goods,
" COSfilsTIUO OP, 1 '
Cahbmores, Valvoteeni, jJulainos,
l.nwns, (iinglintns, 1 rlnts, l'n
hlcn'ihed and lileaehcd Mus
lins, Fancy Skirts, Sheet- .
iiifs, TicUin(;s,Curielfl, ' ,
ltugs, Oil Cloths,
I.aundricd, White,
Choviot and I'ercalo
Shirts, Olovos, Neckwear,
Mon's and Hoys' Clothing,
lints, Caps, Hoots, Shoes, etc.,
Crot'crios & (icn'l MrrrliandLse
Will bo found 01 first quality, and
antinfurlion is tuaranteod. Tho fol -
lowing aro alwnys kept on hand,
(somo few only in their season;:
Sugar!, Tems', Gonccs, Spioes, Syrups,
Confoctlonerios, Oranges, Lemons.
Uananns, Figs, Dates, lo., Hard
ware, Quocnowaro, Glassware,,
Tinwaro, Wood and Willow
wars, Taints, Oils, Clocks, -Trunki,
Valises, Mirrors,
Stationery, Furniluro,
& Minors' Supplies, . , 't
July 2,
noriiiiK rortcR fero ohain piiu.i,, and a caii load oftuk
Wo iiIho have ft lot of lloebncr's Level Tread Horse-Power
Threshers nml Clenncrs for one and two horses. Also TurnbuH'a
Oliio Wagons with 15eveled Shoulder Spokes, which adds fully ono
third additional strength to the wheel. Also Cortland Platform
Spring Wagons, with two and three seats, and Open and Top Bug
gies. Please give us a call before buying elsewhere.
The abovo Articlos will be Exchanged for Sheep, Cattle or Good Horses.
F. .If. CdRDOX $ BUO.
Clmrficld, l'a., Jlity 2fl, lSMKL'tn.
1,000,000 ONE MILLION SAWED SHINGLES. 1,000,000
1,000,000 ONE MILLION SHAVED SHINGLES. 1,000,000
No waiting for turn, but unloaded immediately. Highest canli
price ),iul nt all tunes. Liberal mlvnnees iiinueou large lots, un
see Arnold before contracting jour bnrk.
War 11, I880 lf. r
u vrf I 4 jl
All kiiidri of Cakols nnd ColHnt kept on hand, and furnished to ordor on
short notice, including tbo finOat well m tho cheapest that can bo manu
factured. Our
oonrsn piiEBiinvBn
In tho best In me, nnd will bo fnrnifhed when required. Funerals altonded
in nny part of the county. Call at my oflico, on Second trett, or leavo
vour orders nt Trontman'a Furniture Slcre, ndjoining the Fostofllco.
oet 1,70-ty.'
grur 2Kli'tiSfmriits.
MONKV TO 1,(IA.-On Kr.t cla.e im
proved farm property, by the Mutual Life
ln.uranca Oompaoy of New York, on Ant mcrt
.ace, ia luine from Il,(lli0 up. For further In
formation api'ly to III. uodcreiened.
Clrarlrld Pa., May ttb, lS7U tf.
11 A It M l.AMitt Fllll SA1.H... lo lluiton
.ed Pine town.hipa, Clearfield county.
Hconable time riven 'or part of t,urcba.e - . 3
mono,. Prlcaa f o t" iio.oo pi-r oro.X7
Mitcra'i rtlcrtcd. ' B1HD, A,ent,
Prnlicld, l'k
or 4Ll.Ara A Knaaa,
f e t. 10, IMU-tf. Cleartield, Pa,
I wi.h to Inform the Farmere of Clearfield
eounty, that I am the manufaclurrr of Wbeeler'a
patent Hallway (jnein
ju "ui- !;-;
. ' .-.
" S ur '
With Tbrbir itid OIibn of un or two
otrt ior. Fur lurlhtr fnrtit?uUri l lmi tb
unJeniftifJ it .llonm-burg, Columbi county, or
(11 upon r. M. UAUU".1! lliur., A-Tt IB
Ciflirui-ia ri. .
June 3J, ISSO-ta,
Ilia undenlrand will aell at itrirata aale, lil :
farm, leeated ift Pan towiinhlp.Olearltel'i roanlj,
Ha., aonUiDtna;
tialf of wliich ii In f nlllTMioa,
with a tone .IweHinir. W larir. thrill; orrhard
and an itrclkm '',l,lt ' f'lBl ''.
loirrthfr with thit ntreMary ontliolldiap. Tha
portion not cleared ia brarily timhmd, and all
ii underlaid with mil and In.o, It Mill be told
nw ard rn oafiy tfrtnf. rnr forlhtir Informatloo
eall on the nrftn !. or al-lr tha luhii-riher at
(Irainiiian llillr IV O. OWKN J. KKKNA.
UrainiaB Hilli, Juna 5 t,lSsO :1m.
IIVGfilKS ni'GtilKS. '
' ' tiie cokii wmm.
KKl'T O.y JIAM) FOR sali:.
OliFAIiriEM), PA.
Olearnold, Pa.
5,000 Rail Road Ties.
Curwenirilla, P.. Jan. I, '78-tf.
A n o n I c W a n ! a A '? "'"""i ''.
"3V"'" "' ebeapett, beet
tha only nutbentle low priced
tbe urea of
A oniri.lett record of 1h nrlj nnd ntlitarj
lift of Mj. Ucu. Win fluid 8. HuotMh, with ft full
imi gra)Ltie aevouol of lit proeModiifft, ifidMeaM
and inndentt at the C0(iorie,U Conrtntioa, ,m
tbt pleJ f'-Tin, tnhle of haltnti and letUn of fteetftl
with lb life of W. n. Ktifll-h. Kit-hl
embclliibeii wilb .ainvroui ftrtiitio tlluitrttione
Ktid fine, hftmlMM Mffrtve porirftiti of Nok
randidete. Rure iumcm to ull who Uko kold;
Kill fioiitlrtlr outM l ll book i. Bead fur cir
cular! and aitra ietmt.
A.l.lmi, , II. kKLLKY A .,
Til riainon Street. Philadelphia, Fa.
July H, l.v-4t.
Desiralilc Estate !
Estato of Eiehiri Shaw, SrBto'd.
iiton of tbe aetata of
dec led. will offw
RT IIOUBK. talba bor.
ougb of Clearfield, P.., an
Monday, August Otli, 1880,
AT 1:30 O'CLOl k p. a..
Tbo lollowln, ralnalile real utata.rla t
Th. threo-iloly El'.ICK BOTltl. property,
oorner of Market ooj Firet atrMU, ia Iba bor
ongb of Ci..rleld, knowa a.
'Tho Shaw House
fronting wttb two lottof ground Iberato baloag ing
iou rati on Mar tet atroet, and Ii
faet oft irat atraet, with a two -llory
dwelling bouae attached. Tha bo
tal proper ba ility bd-roaa aad
all oa rente noci for ft Irit-eleia
botal. Ona of the noil dnlrabla botal prnportiea
In Cafttral Paftntylrftola,
ThaaUta will ba lold tDghtr wlik a two
lory frame dwelling boaaa oft Mark at atroat, ai
javrcol to tha Hotel, aod ana other fraaaa dwelling
bouae and ft two-iter itura.buildiag, all frofttiag
Market atreat Alao, ft trana dwalliag hoaaa
frontiug ob Pint llraot.
ALSO. AH that aerial, lot, knew a la tba
tla k ol Ulnar ae- boruah aa int am nw,
nntlaa ftt feet oa luat Mraai, rwa-
ning back 171 feet, more or le,toaa ftlley I
with dwelllni bona a and allBeoeiiarr et
baildingf tbereoft ffrteted,aBd albor inproTtwftttv
Ona-lblrd aaab nt Jelirary of to4 deed, aad
tba halanoa to ba aaenrod by bond and mortgage,
payable la ana and t roar, witb Intoroat,
A. B. 8 II AW,
4lUH. BI1AW,
rtervtvlnt Ka'ra of Rlebard Bb.w, Sr.. dee'd...
amain, ra., u
.July 14, I9M IL