Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 28, 1880, Image 2
She jgt publican. Gioboi B. Goodlandir, Editor. . CLEARFIELD, Pa. WEDNESDAY MOKN1NQ, JULY IS, 1IHO. U.der, If yog want to know what if going on 1b too business world, Jait reed oar advertising aotBBsBa, id apeei.1 oolann id paruouiar, democratic National Ticket! FOR HtKSlDKST Gen. Winficld S. Hancock, OF PENNSYLVANIA. FOR VICK PRES10KNT : Hon. William II. Ensjisli OP INDIANA. TIIR ELECTORAL TICKET. roll KLRrTORS-AT-LARO.R: Itobirt K., Wllli.m II. riajford. FOR DISTRICT BLICTORS ! D.i. D!l. 1. Job. SleviB. 1 16. George A. Poll. 3. Edwin A. I'ue. to. A. M. Benton. I. John M. Campbell, '17. J. P. Linton. 4. Utiles Dallett, 1. Col. John 8. Miliar. 4. John M. Muffld. IU. J. O. Ballon. . Edward Waldon. JO. C. M. Bower. T. Nathan 0. Jaraei. ,11. J. A. J. Buohnnan. I. George Filbert. 1. Christopher Magee. 9. Ju. U. M'Sptrren. iX llobert M. Oibion. 10. Dr. A. J. Martin. .24, Thomas Bradford. II. Adam derringer. Jo. llarrjt W. Wilion. 11. Frank Turner. lis. Hamad Griffith. 13. P. J. llirmingham. 127. J. Hon Thompson. Democratic Stale Ticket! - FOR RUPRKMK JUDOK! Hon. GEORGE A. JENKS, OP JEKFERSON COUNTY. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL ', Col. 110 BERT P. DKCHKKT, OF PHILADELPHIA. MAXIMS FOR THE DAY. m in inn j to bold it it counted in.orplaeedtfaereJ by any fraud, li. a. Ghaut. I CO old oei-tr bar been reconciled to tbe ale Tat ion by the emalleet aid of mine of a peraon, bowerer reapeettble In private lift, who nnit rorever carry upon bit brow too itmp or fraud firtt triumphant la American history. No eub aequeot tut ion, however meritorioui, ean waih away tho letter or that record. Cbarlii Frahcu An ami. I would rather ban tht endorsement of a quar tor of a million of the America, people than that of tb Louisiana Returning Board, or of the Corn ea.! I on which excluded the facte and decided the quetttoa on a technicality. THoB. A. HeDRICK1. Under (he forme of law, Kntberford B. Hayei nat neen aeetared rreiident or me united Blafee. Ilia title reita apoa disfranchisement of lawful voter!, the falia oertlfloatei of the returning offi een acting eorrnptJy, and the dec ii Ion of a com mission which hai refused to heareridenea of al leged fraud. For the flnt time are the American people confronted with the fact of a fraudalentlr- leeted President. Let It not be understood that the freud will he allcntly acquiesced In by the eountrj. Let no boar pasi In which the usurpa tioa ii forgotten. Admhi or DitfocHATic U. O.'t. One hundred yean of faamaa depravity accu mulated and concentrated Into a olimai of crime. Never again In ore hundred yean ahe.ll they have aa opportunity to repeat the wrong. Dakibl W. Voorbrui. II AS COCK '8 8AYINQS. EXTRACTS FROM Mil ORRBR1 TB AT I HOW WHAT KIND Or NAB BR II. The true and proper see of the military power, bee idea defending the national honor against for , eign nations, i to uphold the lawi and olvil gov ernment and to feoare to every pereon reiiding among si the enjoyment of life, liberty and prop erty. The right of trial by jury, the habeas corpus, the liberty of the press, the freedom of epeeob, the natural right! of aerioni and the rigbta of property mail be preferred. Power may destroy the formi, bat not tho prln clplu ofjuttioe. Then will lire in ipite even of the tword. The great principles of Amcrioan liberty atlll are the lawful inheritance of this people and ever boa Id be. Armed Insurrections on forcible reiUtanoe to the law will be Inaiantly repressed by armi. Nothing cm intimidate me from doing what I ' believe to be honeat and right Arbitrary power haa no existence hare. iFrom the New York Timet, Feb. 10, 1873. I Mire. Kelley and (larfleld present moit dUtreaiing figure. Their aertlcipttioo in the Credit Mobilier affair if eomplloated by the moit unfortunate eon trad iotioni of taitimoay. Prom the New York Timet, Feb. 10, 1RTA.) The eberaeter of the Credit Mobilier wai no teeret. The fouroe of tta profile were very well known at the time Congreeimea bought It. Tbongb Oakei Amea may have raeoeeded in eon eealiiig hit owa motive, wbleh waa to bribe Oon greaiaieB, their acoeptanoa of the itViok waa not a that aeoonat lanooeat. The d it honor of the eel, aa a pertioipatioa in an obvioui fraud, atill ' remalni. Bam af tbem have Indulged la Uitlmoay with referaexM to 4he matter which bai beea contra dieted. The oommitlee diiictfarjrt iA (ft Roeye Ammf o tk HMMftert. Hit em only oVar .en tA frunti that il i mntrui. Hut nninm faAey fiptn mnder oath it morally, if not Ugal- It U the clear duty af ContrreM ta vliit with puniihmeat all who took Credit Nobilier iteek irom Oakea Amea. -fFrom the New York Tribune, Feb. !, m. Jtunee A. Uerfteld, of Ohio, bed tea ibaree; never pl4 a dollar; received m, which, after the investigation bogen, he wai aoxloa to have enniidered ai loan from Mr. Oakei Amea to kkmeelf. H ell, the wIckedaaH of all or It la that tbaae man betray d the Uuit of lb people, dooeivrd their oonriitnenu and by ovailoni and mlaeuooda eonfeeead the traaeactioa to be diigraeefnl. I From tbt New York Tribune, Feb. 1, 1871. Mr. Amea eaUbliihef very clearly the point that he wai not alone la thla ofTenie. (f A i$ le U vpll4 ft nry, l men wk wre iVioref eaedrf 90 with Aim, A Childish Ixijumv. "Ta, what does tho printer live on Y" "Why, my child ?" "Becaune I heard you gay you hadn't paid him for six yearn, and you fltill take tho paper." ORGAKlHE.-hV.lL TilERK BE AT LEAST ONE HANCOCK AND GNGLI.SU CLUB ORGANIZED IN EVERY LKCTION DISTRICT IN TLTK COUNTY. THE HANCOCK CLUB MEETS IN THE WIGWAM ON FRIDAY EVENING AT 8 O'CLOCK. LET EVERYBODY ATTEND. Don't foil to read ".Scandal in the Army," Da oar fonrlh fiape. If., J, . iff ORGANIZE. LV.V THERE BE AT LEAST ONE HANCOCK AND ENGLISH CLUB ORGANIZED IN EVERY ELECTION DISTRICT IN THE COUNTY. CLVB MEETING. In aicordunct) with tho adjourn ment of the week previous, tho Demo. crnta ol Clearfield borough tmiernbleJ in the Wigwam on last Saturday even inir for the Kjriioso ol orsum'g n Hancock Club. The meeting was called to order by Smith V. Wilson. On motion of Win, E. Wallace, W. W. Botta waa oleoted tomporary Chairman. On motion of Wm. M. McCullougb, Dr. J. L. It. Hcichhold and L. H. Ale were, elected tomporary Secretaries. . The next business in order waa tho report ol the Committee on pcrmanont organijuition, whic h, through ita Cupir man, A. B. Shaw, made tho following report: Presidont, Win. M. McCu; lough. Vice Presidents, J. A. Fuust, Gcorgo W. Goarhart, Jas. McLlauglilin, Michael Kitllebergor, Frank ttiekel, Daniel W. Mooro, Fred Cardon, E. C. Welch, and John I. Patterson. Secretaries, Dr. J. M. Stowart and John Ray Bixler. Treasurer, W. M. Shaw. Marshal, George Weaver, with power to appoint all the necessary aids. Exocutivo Committoo, Colonel Wultor Barrett, Chairman, James L. Leavy, Wm. D. Biglor, J, Frank Snydor and A. W. Loo. On motion of D. L. Krebs, tho re port of the Committee was unani mously adopted. Tomporary Chair man Belts called upon the now officers to come forward and tuko their scats. Tho tomporary offlcors thon vaeatod their seats, which were occupied by tho permanent organisation. Mr. Mc Cullough on taking bis seat en the platform, delivered a ringing spoccb, followed by Mr. Krebs, Col. Barrett, and somo others. 1 ho mooting was decidedly a lively ono from the open ing until tho adjournment. The Ex ecutive Committoo will fix tho time for futuro meetings. "LOOK A LITTLE OUT." Tho Soldiors' Homo, at Dayton Ohio, was lounded under proper mo tives and for a good purpose. But for several years past its mnnngement has become debauched, and tho charity in jected into it originally, is being utilir. cd to advunco tho interests of' tho Rad ical party. It is now being used as a surface graveyard for the purpose of colonizing Radical voters for the Oc tober election in that Slate. Wo are credibly informed that two soldiers, citizens of this vicinity, and draw ing large pensions, aro basking in that beautilul Dayton grove, making ready to vole the Radical ticket in the Buckcyo Stato in October, and then turn np at their homes in the Key stone Slate in time to volo at the No vember election. If this is true, it is a most damnable way of working up tho succoss of tho Radical party. Lot our friends, both hero and in Ohio, look into this fraud and cxposo the .. ......... U .111. crime. Democrats of Ohio, look into this fraud. If they are colonizing sol diors from Clearfield, they are at it overywhore. THE HANCOCK CLUB MEETS IN THE WIGWAM ON FRIDAY EVENING AT 8 O'CLOCK. LET EVERYBODY ATTEND. Radical Authoritt. The celobrat od Oakcs Amos, formerly a Radical Congressman from Massachusetts, has assigned 329 roasona why James Abra ham Garfield should not bo olectcd President. P. S. Lator returns show that ono Do Golyor out-tops Ames and fur nishes 5,000 reasons on this samo point. This is a little rough on this truly good man. It looks like turning State's evidonce, but tho Democrats are not responsible for what tbey say. Fo&wardI MARcnl I Wo notice thut the Democrats of Curwonsvillo and Piko township havo joined hands for tho purposo of organizing a Hancock Club, and have fixed npon next Satur day evening as the time to open the ball. Wo understand that Col. Walter Barrett, Wm. M. McCullougb. and J. Frank Snyder, Esqs., will bo present to address tho meeting. See posters which we have printed for the occa sion. Domocrats, to your post) W. S. H. Thcso aro tho most significant in itials in the whole alphabet they stand for both the subject and the predicate of tho most interesting and important fact that now concerns tho American pooplo: "TIT-INFIELD riCOIT TTAMOOCK TT ILL rOUOCBKD J. J. AYES. Tboso letters of themselves betido a Democratic victory. It is Auazinu. If thoro evor was a man on this Continent that commit ted square-toed porjury, that man is James Abraham Garfiold, who swore befura tho Poland Committee that he nover dealt in Credit Mobilier, whilo 1329 dog-cboap was in his pockot when bo kissed the book. Now be wants to bo rrosidont ! Why, bo should be sent to the Ponitontinry in stead of to tho While House I Our first page is covored with Han cock at Goltysburg. Those who fail ed to read this article last Wintor when w published It, should embrace the present occashSn, and thou that read it then should road ft over again. "Round Tip,''"Sominary Ridge," etc., it not romance. The editor of the Amy and Navy Journal, who Is a strict Radical, gives Gen. Hancock a good sond-olT. See fourth page. The owners of borses may flmt soma consolation by reading an article on our fourth ago rulaUng to bono thieves. A DIRTY THICK. The editor of tho Journal, who has recently fallen in love with Judge llluck, because the Judge, from per sonal motives, niiil aa Garfield s legal adviser, has given the Itadicul nominee several puffs, and therefore the editor in question quotes tho ex-Attorney (lenerul us good authority. Judge Black has been traveling in Kuropo for some time punt, and has been writ ing letters homo to his personal friends, among them Col. McClure, of tho Phil adelphia Tunis, in which tho Judge, lawyer liko, gives General Garfield a good purT ; but before ho closes his opistlo ho gives him an awful dig, too. Below will bo found tho letter in ques tion : IIotkl Coxtirt.l, PaRII, June IS, 1SS0. - Mt Da.R Sir 1 bar. regularly received the TVnee einu. 1 bar. been or tbii aiue, and through It I bav. learned all I know about the .itaatinn at borne. 1 am inforinej fully oouoerniog the nomination at Chioago, and did Dot need muvh Information about too ebaraeter and hiatory of the Modulate there let up, tny peraonal acquaint ance with blot haing tolerably full and lotiinai. Th. acoounta 1 Bav. of lb. preceding, at, utn einnall and of the uiovomonta tbat led to tb. r.- ulte art editorial ulta ar. provokingly meagre. Home letter or if your upon th. eiieet ot oenerai itan- oook'a nomination waa tdegraphed and publish ed in th. London .nd farie papera aev.ral day. ago. No political paper of equal length baa ever given me greater ploalura In the reading. Yon area political pbiloiopber and your .peculation bav. eoinewliel ditappointod me by their eound n.M and accuracy. You let drop a. expreaiion In INSo concerning Ooneral Hancock and bii then particular frienda which impreiend ma with the notion that you did 0"t admire either blin or them up to the point of their merlti. I .. now that you appreciate not merely bia gallantry and herolam aa a ei. Idler, but tboie far higher qoalt tiea of mind and heart wbicb go to form the ohar aetef of a great ruler in . oon.lltutionaj govern ment. Your expreurd determination to aee that General Uarltelu ahull b. defended agalnit all un- Juat arperaloB Irom nil perlooal character la equally pleaiant reading to ma, lor 1 nav. neon hie devoted friend for many yean, and I am re solved tbat I never will believe that be doea not deiarv. the affection I Bav. OMtowed npon him. If b. would carry th. principle, wbicb regulate bia private life Into bia pahlio comluot h. would make the tint chief magtetrate we hare aver bad. But he will act for the Inteaeita of bit party, aa be haa acted all bia lifetime, and tbat will require1 bim to take tb. advic. which Stcpheni gave to Monleliua In the war. I DO NOT KNOW ANY It K ALLY HOOD WAN WHO HAS DONK AND ASSIriTKD IN DMlNtl SO MANY BAD THINGS IN t'OLITICS AS UENEHAL OAHriELD. In Kngl.nil, Scotland and Ireland L have learned much that I never would bav. known without ooming abroad ; but th. deair. to return h.l been increasing upon me until It amount! to noatelgia. It ia plearant to be here, but the pleaiuro il mora than oonnter-balunced by the wearin.fa of abeenoe from borne. Nevortholeu, I cannot getaway from Liverpool before AuguM, and may porribly be detained even longer. I may b. pcriuad.d to at.y her. until aftftr th. 41b for the great dinner thco to com. off, but unleaa I ean getaecority and aafe pledgei againat being called out to make a public exhibition of rnyaclf, I will ahak. the doat off my feet aa a testimony againat the oity and go to BwitBerland-"fly to tkie mountain! and tarry not Ia all tho plain" or I may go up to Dresden and floe General Cass, tb.beat .nd trueit of American Democrata. I w T.ry truly yonrs, J. S. Black. Now, what we object to Is, that tho editor of thc.otrnfl(, in publishing tho loiter, omitted what wo havo put in "caps." Among newspaper men this is considered a very dirty trick, and tho writer has tho right to cowhide an oditor for such work provided ho has tho nccossary muscle. A TmtiLMNn Stout. Among tho vory affecting stories told of tho early lifo of Jimmy Garfield, going tho rounds of the Republican prosa, is the following, which we re-print, admon islting our readers to prcparo to shed whatever tears they may have to spare for an emorgoncy liko this: When SJ a youth h. t.ught aohool In Ohio, h. sit a. poor that ba had only nna suit, and tbat ol jean. Toward the aod or tb. term, the troweere became vary tbia, and wbil. bending down one day be tor. on. of th. ko.M nearly around. The chagrined teacher pinned it together aa h. wai aoie, and mat nignt mad. Mmewoal hitter com plaint to Mra. Stilee, wber. b. waa boarding, in regard I. hla poverty. "Ob, never mind," laid the good woman, "you .an go to bad and on. of the boyi will bring down your pantaloons, an. I will ..arerully derBjh.jijWifl, lft .wjji. jj will forget all about such little things as tbat." Those of our rcadors who wont to school about tho same lime will ro member that tho method of correction in uso was to draw the pupil across the knee and apply the remedy to the prominent part, and this doubtless ex plains tho woakness of the tcachorV trowsers in that particular point. It indicates further that when a youh committed a misdemeanor ho was not allowed to "lot it go as a loan," but suffered for it, which also may be pro photic. And if James Abraham should now go on tho stand and swear that bo "never owned, received or agreed to rccoivo," a pair of darned pants, what would bo left of tho story, any way f Lewistocn Sentinel. Paoroi'ND Disoust! Yes, those aro good words when uttorcd at tho right time and in tho right place. Tho con duct of the Conlodorato Brigadiers is viewed with profound disgust bv tho Radical brothron. When thoso "red- handed rebels" insisted on voting some 830,000,000 of pension arrearages to tho boys in bluo, tho Radical soul was ponotrnted, permeated, perforated and saturated with alarm. But now those "traitors who Vtsvo captured the Capi tol" bavo done a mora awful deed than voting to tax themselves 18,000,000 for tho benefit of tho Northern sol diors. They havo seized on ono of tho boys in bluo, ono of the bravest men bo fought them on the balllo-fields of the war of the Rebellion, and arc going to seat bim in tho White Houbo, when tho present fraudulent incum bency is ended. Thoso aro dolorous days for the Radical brothron. General -IlANoocK'a Farm. CI Hancock has almost regarded Penn sylvania as bis home ever since be married here, and often comes hero to visit. Ho osnn a farm near Norris- town, Montgomery county, and waB thoro superintending some improvo menu not ovor throe months ago. At that tim'o ho said to somo friends that he might ono day mako his homo on his Norristown farm that the but rounding country was beautiful, and that lie did not know of a more charm- Ing place whoro ho could spond tho remainder of hi lifo. Ho thon inti mated that be expected to rolire from aclivo service in tho army. Th. friend, of Senator Wallaoa throuahoal Uia Biai. were oompejieu to underg. a painful disap pointment npoa learning that be had not been onoeea Chairman ar tb. National Committee, CaaeioerceNr, Spirit. , That romark is loo cute for any thing, and goes to show that there is still a "dam phool" about as Artcmus H ord would say if ho wore still around. If the editor in quostion would expend as much talent In defending the Deni ocratio party aa be does in libeling Senator Wallace, tho Democrats of Franklin county might bavo somo show on election day. As It, is, tho onomy gets away with that county. The reason is apparent to all sensible people. Garfield Discounted dy nis-Niinu bobs. Previous to tho Credit Mobillor and Da Golyor investigations jn 1872-3, Garfield used to carry bia Congres sional District by from 10,000 to 12, 00 majority. Sineo then It bos dwln- died down to 2J300, and bo made np bia mind not to run again, and bad himself smnpvlod into the Senate. OltUANIZE.-LKT THERE BE AT LEAST ONE HANCOCK AND ENGLISH CLUB ORGANIZED IN EVERY ELECTION DISTRICT IN THE COUNTY. IIOS. WILLIAM A. WALLACE. Tho Rockvillo (Maryland) Sentinel, in alluding to our fellow-citizen, says There are few statesmen or politl ciitns who occupy a more prominent and enviable position in the political history of our rmintry than tho hon urod and ti listed personage of the Hon. William A. Wallace, United Slates Senator from tho old Keystone State of tho Federal arch. Scrupulously honest in -all the rela tions of life, his unswerving fealty to the great principals which underlie the foundations of the Government, tho purity of his public and private record his untiring vigiluucu, his devotion to and inatchli aa vindications of his party, his advocacy of men of integrity, of character and tried honesty to fill posi tions ol trust, possessing tho mental powers of a Cromwell and moving with tho measured tread of corps of disci plined infantry in the execution of his matured plans,' have justly entitled him to tho distinguished appellation of tho Wellington of tho great Democratic party. In bis urilliant services in tho united States Senate, but lew men have dis phtyod such masterly ability in moot ing the great emergencies of tho times, and fewer still have achieved such signal triumphs in tho adoption of measures calculated to give reposo to the institutions of tho oountry and re store tho principles and confidence of tho bettor days of tbo Republic. But few men have struck tho enemy moro stunning blows or accomplished more in unearthing of such frauds aa have shocked, nay, almost parulyzod the patriotic sensibilities of every man who has at heart the perpetuity, honor and glory ot his country. But few men have risen to tho snblimo height of cutehing-and utilizing the spirit ot tho fatheis and heroes ol the revolution who gave us tho power and splendor of a unilcil .system in the grand galaxy ol nations. It is bis success as a great organizer where his unrivaled powers as a party leader is best demonstrated and most to bo admired. With tho profound deliberation and foresight of i Carnot are his plans arranged and matured ana with equal precision ana skill aro they put into execution. In tho great fight at the Cincinnati Convention, the crowning victory of his life, when asked who was his second choice, ho replied, "Hancock," and when further interrogated as to who would be his third choice, his reply was equally significant, when he again replied, "Hancock." It was a confi donee in bis position, bis power to con centrate- and hold his forces that gavo him tho prestige of the first day's skirmish, it was the splendid dash of Murst under tho sun of Austorlitz, that took the Convention curly in tho gen eral engagement of the second day and thus Bocured bis choico and that of his honored Commonwealth and gave to tho country a hero, a patriot and states- man, ono whoso name killed all divl sions and animosities and flooded the land with rejoicing hope of a now era of pcaco and prosperity. When wo behold a man of such ad mirublo proportions of mind and heart and wielding them in the defence ol his fellow man, it is a cause of congrat ulation and rejoicing. All honor to tho "Old Keyslono" .hat sho has within her borders so gal lant a Icador and son, one who bos tho courage to strlko down wrong as bo has tho magnanimity to clovato and maintain right tho honored and fuith ful tribuno of tho peoplo of the great Mate of Pennsylvania. P. S. Pittsburgh Post, Lancaster Intelligencer, Chambcrsburg Spirit, etc., "please copy." THE HANCOCK CLUB MEETS IN THE. WIGWAM ON FRIDAY EVENING AT 8 O'CLOCK. LET EVERYBODY ATTEND. a nutiE rswiNni.E. ino urokon Reading Railroad and Iron Company acknowledges a total indebtedness of two hundred millions of dollars, aud ohiims assets to tho amount ot fifty millions. It was the haughty boast of these combined companies for years that they oro tho host officered of any corporation in tho Stato or United States, and they insolently pointed lo tho high sitlariej they paid, such as $30,000 per year to their President, $10,000 per yeur to their Vice Presi dent, $10,000 moro to an engineer in chief, Ac. All advocates of high sala ries pointed exiiltingly to the "liberali ty,'' ol tho Reading Railroad Company, its magnificent olllcering, Ac, aa at once an example and proof of the wis dom of Btich salaries. Now we have tho finale in tho hugeness of its debts, tho magnificence of its swindle and tho stupendous gronduer of its rob boriesl Extravagant salaries In cor porations as well as In government are the prolific source of corruption, mis management, imponderable exlriiva- ganco and indebtedness, and final rob bery of the whole people interested In them. Boomino. The Bollefonto IPwVA- man oayB ; " i he salary of tho Philips burg pnstmastor bas beon Increased from $1,100 to 1,400. No doubt that official felt bad when bo beard tbat the extra $300 wero to bo put in hie pocket. Well, our Philipsburg neigh bors aro giving to put on airs in a sub stantial manner. Their postmaster bas a big salary, and the town contains one ot the largest Hancock Clubs of any place of its sizo in tbe Slate, orna mented with the largost banner that ovor floated Irom any wigwam. With Casanova, I. ingle and Lindsoy and thoir backers, tho Hancock boom will roll over the foea of the Union along the banks of tho Moshannon, and pret ty soon alter the 4th of March next, the big salary of the poslmastor will be eovorod into the pocket of some Democrat. We suspoct that the $300 amendment to tbe salary la a campaign assessment under Hayes' Civil Service Reform movement, and that much May bo cut off after all, when the Democrats got bold of the machine, Proi-ehlt Balaeoed. Garflold'a friends complain that Arthur is weigh ing down tho ticket, and Arthur's friends make the samo complaint con- j corning Garfield. IWh side aro right (bia time. I LYISG HISTORIANS. It seems to he impossible for a Radi cal editor to slick to un historical truth. Tho Now York Tribune tints delihorato falsities history: "This party (tho Democratic) was swept from power in 1HC0, because it was unuor the control ol tbo South, and tho country found tho predomi nance of Southern sentiments," Nuw Bee bow plain a lulu will put lllo falsehood down. Tho historical fact is that the Democratic party de feated itself in J8C0 by dividing into two distinct factions. The joint vote ot the peoplo for Douglas and Breck inridge, the two Democratic candidutee for President, was much greuler than that given to Abraham Lincoln. .The popular volo in 1SI10 stood thus: A. Lincoln, reu u I.SnA.H&l vote. 8. A. Douglas, dim 1,376,144 volei J. O. Breckinridge, dem SI7.M4 vela. United Democratic Vote 3,2'JS,S71 votes Deiuooralic majority j,Sltl volei A fourth candidate, tho nominee of tho "Constitutional Union" party, also received,5liC,380 votes. Honee, accord ing to history tbo Republican parly was in a minority of 011,140 votes in lHtiO, and tho Democratic party failed of buoocbj in that campaign, not "be canse it was under control of tho South," but because it divided its strength between two caudidatos. Bo sides if tbo party bad boeu under con trol of the South, Stephen A. Douglas woultl not have boon voted for and John C. Breckinridge would havo re ceived all instead of a minority of its votes. The Tribune'! monduoity 'can not unmake history. llorrisburg Pa triot. OUTSTINDINO SCHOOL WAR RANTS. Dar-sRVHRRT or Public IffaTRTcrloll, 1 IUbbiiiuro, ISih, ISStl. J Ta lit AooW o &W Di'rocfero .- The Slaw Treasurer, Hon. Samuel Butler, authorise! ua to give notice that .11 outstanding Werrante Blued to gchool Districts for the ap propriatloa or 1S7,, numbered up to 1,0-011, will b. paid ai ?reiented during the current month ; and tbat thi balance of the Warrants, numbered (rem l.ftoo upwards, remaining unpaid at the end of July, will ! paid during August. I eongratutat. School Direotora and all inter ertested in Piblic Schools, that the long delay in the payment if tbe money due from the Slate il thos bappily snded. J. P. Wn aRnaiiaH, Supt. Publi. Instruction. This is about tho shabbiest card that ever came from a Stato Chamber, and for an old rooster liko the aiiAM, Super intendent, etc., to issue, is a sin. The foregoing is an assumption tbat the Stato Treistiry is bankrupt when it is notorioua that thero is a balance of nearly (W million of dollars in the Treasury (be whole year round. Sup poso a bisiness man were to adopt such a shj-stering plan to defraud his creditors, what would booome of his good nane if his creditors would dis cover tint bo had millions in the bank. Such is the situation of the Stato Treas ury, and why should a Statu ofiiciuf, ot anybody "interested in tbe public schools" or in the advancement of sound morals, issuo such a card as tho above. Thero is money enough in tbe Stuto Treasury to pay overy School Warrant when issued, and it is a crime for any Stuto official to assume that such is net the fact. It is a Crime. A Democratic ex change says: Gun. Garfield is enti tled to a lull and sc-mploto correction of tbo statement tliul Judge Swayne had oflicially denounced his conduct in th Do Golyer caeo. Tho languagoattrib u ted to Judge Swayne was not his but that of ox-Senator Doolittle'a brief, who was counsel in tho case. Mr. Doolittle, by tho way, is an old line Republican, who is now supporting Hancock, and the opinion ho expressed of Garfield, though not aa significant as it it bad come from tho judge in the caso is forciblo and true, and as the Now York World suggests, why do not the Republican newspapers boldly take up and deal with the much more important question whether the re ceipt ol a $5,000 bribe Irom contractors of any sort, by a lawyer who is also a Congressional Chairman of the Com luitteo which must pass upon the claims or bids of such contractors, is or is not. in tho alleged lunguago of Judge Swayne, "a sale of official influence which no veil can covor." LETTERS OF. ACCEPTANCE. We police by our exchanges that General Garfield bas two letters out accepting tho Radical nomination for President. Tho editor of the Journal was kind enough to publish tho long ono, and wo givo tho short ono as fol lows : GARFIELD S LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE AS IT SHOULD HAVE IlEtN. To the Hon. (Irorge lyisbie Hoar and others, Committee oj the National tic fublioan Convention t Gentlemen: My nomination by your tonvontion at Chicago was un expected. 1 did not desire It ; 1 had not even contemplated loo possibility of its being made. A very distinct recollection of events in my own pub lic career left no room in my mind for tho Supposition that the political par ty with which I am acting could, un der any circumstances, risk its suprem acy upon my candidature. Aftor the moment ol weakness in which 1 consented to allow my name to go bo- tore the delegates, my first Itnpulso was to withdraw. That Impulse has recurred with augmented strength at various times during the past five woe an, b w Bint strong wtinin me. . ever tboloss, it having been represent ed to mo that withdrawal at this lime is impossible, I have reluctantly doci dod to accept a nomination that was unsought and uncovcted, and to enter into a canvass which my better judg ment declares to be hopeless. In ac cepting the nomination of the Repub lican party to be President of the Lnitud ntutcs, i exprossly disclaim re sponsibility for the rosult. If unfavora ble to that party. Having candidly defined my position in regard to tho canvass, it becomes proper lor mo to touch, with equal can dor, upon tho loading issues that will ongngo. tho atlontion of tho people dur ing tho next few months. In June, 1H68, as ia shown by the record, and as ia declared by the re port of the Republican investigating committoo, known as tbe Poland Com mittoo, 1 received from Mr. Oakea Amos a check for three hundred and twenty nine dollars, being a dividond on stock bold by me in the Credit Mobilier of America. J n the confusion of a trying moment I swore that 1 bad never owned such stock and novor re ceived such dividend. Whon - it Was shown. that the money in question had neon naia mo, ncyond the poasiniuty of a doubt, 1 rcntiestcd Mr. (lakes Ames to consider it a loan. 1 aow respectfully ask the voters ol th" Uni ted States to take that viow of the transaction, and lot it go as a loan, .On tho LithofJulv. lHils-by an interesting coincidence just eight years ago to-day I received from a Arm of contracture Interested in procuring an appropriation by the t'ornmittoe of hich I wus Chairman, a chock tor $5,000. When this transaction wits investigated, live years later, by a Committoo of Congress, 1 swore that the fj.UOii, was not a bnbo, but a lee. The tact that 1 had never rendered to this firm of contractors any services of a legal nature is ono which, in my opinion, it Is neither pist nor geuerous lo bring ii D after ull litis lapse of lime. 1 thereloru respectfully request the voters of tho United Stales to adopt my view of the live thousand dollar transaction, and let it go as a fee. In February and March, 1S73, 1 was lurgely instrumental in effecting the ol an appropiation of about 2,0011,000 for the back pay of Con gressmen. 1 considered tbe amount which thus came into my bunds a welcome addition to my slender in como; but when I found that the meas ure waa odious to the country, and likoly to affect the politicul futuro of the Congressmen concerned in it, I made haste to covor the ontiro sum into the Treasury. I was ono of the first half dozen to-refund. 1 now ro spoctftilly ask the voters of the United .States to take my view of that resto ration of the people's money, and let it go as a virtuous act. There are no doubt other questions unvoting my personal character wbicb will come beforo tlvo oountry ; those which 1 have specified lecm to mo to be among tho most important. My earnest desire is that, whatever course political discussion may lake be tween now and November, we may be spared a campaign of calumny. On the other band, if culture and classical attainments are to havo any weight in tho contest now opening if, as has been recently suggested in the spooch of a distinguished Massa chusetts Senator, the schoolmaster is to be given a bearing I can promise that, like tho blind Tyrttcua at the terriblo pass of Salamis, inspiring the Athenian Old Guard by combing out bis long locks in tho proBenco of the Egyptian hosts, I shall bo found at the Iront ot ttio Itopublican column, carry ing confidence lo tho hearts of voters by the ooolnojs with which, in the hottest of the fight, I shall bring out front time to time some ot the trcas ures of a cultivated mind. I remain, genllomon, your fellow- cilizon. Jaues A. Garfield. Mentor, O., July 12, 1880. ENGLISH CAPTURED. Tbo notorious Harry English, who murdered Constable Warmth at Cale donia, Elk county, In April last, is now lodging in prison in Itidgway. Tbe St. Marys Gazette remarks: We have been favored .with the sight of the official report of tho agen cy, and from it we glean the following minuto particulars ol bow be was ap prohended and arrested. Tho report is Irom July bin to the liith inclusive, and we publish only tbat from the Uth the balance of tho report being devoid ol interest turlber than it would be in teresting to see how the wily detective moved in bis bunt lor tbo prisoner : Friday, July 9th, 18S0. To day at G:30 A. M-, I left Point St. Ignaco and returned to Cheboygan, wbero i arrived at aDout y.m a. m About 1 P. M. I saw a man who I took to be English from bis features. Ho waa at tbo corner near the Spencer bouse, lie waiKca np the street and got on a wagon before I had lime to decide, and tho wagon started out in the country. 1 bad no time to lose, so 1 got a buggy that had just como in at the livery, and 1 followed tbe wagon out to, Duncan, (there were two men in the wagon) whoro they disposed of some fish, then returned to Cbeboy gan, the second man was a big Indian named Hen van Haul. During the at- tornoon tney wore around town drink ing. I followed thorn into throo sa loons to hear their talk, and at the last placo 1 treated them. J be man who I took to be English made a re mark that "five or six men triod to got away with mo onco, but they found ibey bad an all day's job of it." 1 looked for Pnquotto but could not see him and 1 did not wish to loso sight of my man. That evening after l baa learned who tbe Indian was, and that' the other waa working lor him helping bim fish, 1 wejit and found Pa quotte and told bim I waa anxious to bare bim take to man In and examine him, and if bo was not English I would not oxposo myself. We thon looked for the Indian and bia friend until 10:30 P. M., but wero unable to find them. Paquotte said he know' Van Saul, tho Indian, and where be lived out In the country, and we could got the man to morrow, i went to the hotel; 1 retired at 11 P. M. Saturday1, July 10, 1880. To day in Choboyiran, at 5:30 A. M I saw Ben Van Saul and the man sup posed to bo English. They wont to the river and wont out on the straits ( got a boat and followed thorn anet saw them go ovor to Boblo Island and commence fishing, I rottirnod to Che boygan at 9 A. M., saw Paquotte and told bim I was sure the man waa En glish as I could be from tbo doacrin lion, and Paquette aaid ho would tako him in aa soon as he came ashore again, which might not be until Mon day. I was on the watch all day about 7 P. M. they relumed to Che boygan ; Paquette got two of bis offi cers and they collared Knglish. l a quotlo put on tho "cnfTs" bofore En glish know what was going on. I was at bis sitla to give a hand if necessary, but the attack was so sudden that be did not show fight at all. We took him to tbo "lock up" and examinod him and found a scar on tho calf of bis leg the sizo of a pistol bullet, and one on the left leg abovo tho knoo where Dorsh said be was wounded, also a scat on his hand. Ho gave his name aa John Mnrkham, and says be comes irom within soventocn miles of Buffalo. After talking with him a few minntos he left the by.word "By Jimminy Pellz," slip out. After tbe examination 1 went to the telegraph ofllco and telegraphed Su perintendent Lindon as follows i I bar. Rngllih locked an Lev. : have Ller..ih. d slat! t. Mnd reqoltlllun.' And to Mr. Hall: I bav. Ingli.h arrested. Send reaniiltlon. No mlstako thla time. I treated Paquette and bia officers with two of thoir frionds, and at 10 f. al. retired. On Saturday a telotrram waa receiv od from District Attorney Wurzol at t neooygan, that tbey would start with English by way of Petofkoy, Mich., on Sunday morning, On Tuesday's man me prisoner arrived in the custo dy of Detective Thomas, who was ac companied by District Attorney Wur- son. we met toe party at Kane, and botwoon that place and Rido-wav we gioanea me loiiowing irom the doteo live and Mr. Wuntoll: DETECTIVE TROMAI SATS: 1 went to Calodonia in tho fore part of May, about the 10th, I was thore on two occasions for a day or two at a time, r.ngusn waa not in me nolgh borhood whon I arrived thore, 1 not on bia track thore but it waa vory old, and I traced hla rout aa follows : Ho remained on the hill southwest of Calodonia until the third day aftor tno snooting, lie leu thore on Hon day, April 20, and camo to St. Mary's no got some nre or aiz oavoa of rye bread ana some bologna and walked out east on tbe railroad for three or four tnilea, and thoro went into the woods and remained for five or aiz days, Aa soon as be was able to move an account of bis wounds, (having taken cold) he moved toward Keating summlt, passed through Emporium about two o'clock In the alternoon. On hia arrival at Keating summit he I remained in the woods until about the 10th of May, having a friend who pro vided lor bim. lie passed through West Randolph, making a abort atop of two or Ihreo hours, and then went through Dui.kiik, taking the curs at lite hist station north ot Dunkirk and wont direct to Buffalo, wbero ho re ntaincd a few hours, and thon Went on to Suspension Bridge, where bo re inoined over night. From Suspension Uriilge he passed through Canada to Detroit: ho remained three or four duya in Detroit, then went lo ( hip pewa, Mich., thence south to Cedar Springs. Mich., where bo remained about twelve days; then went north to Petoskey, remaining in Petoskey one night. From Petoskey ho crossed tbe Bay to t.ittle 1 ravurse ; llicnco to Cross villago; thence to old Mackinaw; thence across to Uhoboygan, where he became acquainted with a ball breed Indian named Vincent, and together tbey went to Bois lilano Island, where they had been Dsbing lor in reu weeks, when he was taken by the offlcors as detailed in the report WHAT BARRY ENUL1SII BAYS: We learn that English, in an inter view last night, says that bo letl Calo doniu about lour days after the killing of Warmth and started from L-aledon by tho way of Warren, but got lost in the woods and lound himself near !u. Marys. Ho crossed tho railroad near the round bouso and started into tho woods, but his leg became so soro that he lound ho would bavo to rest, lie camo toSt. Marys and went to a bakery and bought a supply of bread and bologna and lay in the woods between this place and Hemlock for four days. Ho passed through Emporium in open day light and went Irom there to Duo- kirk. Tbe story of English and Do- toclive Thomas agroo as to the route which he took in his flight from jus tice. English arrived at Ridgway on Tucs day on the mail east, in chargo of Do tcctive Thomas, accompanied by Dis trict Attorney Wnrzell, who had visit ed Cheboygan with the requisition for the prisoner. I'.nglish is in the full flush of health and looks well, barrin the seedy clothing which he wore urn the almost worr. out moccasins on his feet He was securely fastened with handcuffs on bis wrists, bobbles on bis ankles and a strap jacket upon bim. wbich socuroly pinioned his arms, ren dering him perfectly bolpless. A largo crowd was at the crossing near Oster- hout's tannery to reccivo bim A larger crowd was at tho depot which failed to got a sight of tbe noted crim inal. He was placed in a hack and driven direct to the Ridgway jail where he will ba safely kept until his trial comoa on, which will bo in oep tombcr noxt, witbont doubt. THE NOMINEES NOTIFIED. THE PROCEEDINGS ON GOVERNOR'S ISLAND YESTERDAY ADDRESS ES TO GEN. HANCOCK AND MR. ENOLlsn AND THE REPLIES the Btcumer Fletcher having on board members of the Committee of tho Democratic National Convention, some members of tho Democratic National Committee, quito a number of members of tho Domocratio Con grossional Campaign Committoo and many prominent politicians landed at Governors Island at 1:40 p. m. yes terday. Tbe party proceeded to the Gcnoral a resilience, and being ushered into the parlors, General Stockton, ad dressing Gcnoral Hancock, said : General Hancock : I have tbe honor to introduce to you Governor Stevenson, Chairman of the Demo cratic National Convention, recently assembled at Cincinnati. 1 have also the honor of presenting to you, the Committee appointed by that body to wait upon you to nottiy you ol your unanimous nomination to tho highest olfico in tho gift of the peoplo. It is a source of great satisfaction to the Committee in making their announce ment to you, to say that your nomi nation was not secured by the solici tation of personal or political friends, but waa tho spontaneous action of that Convention, actuated by patriotio du ty. One of the ablest and wisest bod ies of your countrymen ever assembled haa givon you this nomination with perlect unanimity ; and, General, since that Convention haa adjourned we of that Commilteo bave boon to our bonioe, we have aeon our constitu ents, tbe Domocratio masses and tbe oonservalive peoplo of this country, and with one accord tboy ralily the action of tbat Convention. So we are bound to beliovo aa we do, that your elcolion will be an accomplished fact. Wo cannot doubt it, and wo bclievo that when the election ia over tbe great principles ot Americnn liberty will atill be tbo inheritance of this people and shall be torover. And now in the name of the National Demo cratic parly, by virtuo of the powor entrusted to this Committoo by tbo Convention, as ita Chairman I have tho honor to hand to the Secretary a communication in writing informing you officially of your nomination. Ooneral Stockton then handed to the Secretary of the Committee, Mr. Bell, the address signod by tbe Com mittee, after which it was handod lo Goneral Hancock. It ia as follows: " New York, July 13. To General Winfield Scott Hancock. Sir. Tbe National Convention o' tho Domocratio party which assembled at Cincinnati! tbe z-d ol last month unanimously nominated vou as their Candidate for thoofTioo of President of tho United States. Wo have been di rected to Inform you of your nomina lion far tho exalted trust, and to ask its acceptance In accordance with Iho uniform cuBlom of the Democratic party, the Convention has announced ita views npon the important issues which are holore tho country in a so- ries of resolutions to which we invite your attention. Those resolutions embody tho general principles upon wuicn tne Democratic party demand that the Government should be con. ducted, and they also emphatically oondomn (he mal administration ol tbo Government by the party in powor, ita Crimea againat the Constitution. and especially against the riirhts of ine poopie to. choose and install thoir President, which have wrought so much Injury and dishonor to our country. That which ohiefly Inspired your nomination was the fact that you had conspicuously rocognized and ex- omplilicd tbeyearningol tho American pooplo tor reconciliation and brothor. hood under the shiold ol tho constitu tion, with all ita aoalous care and guarantee for the right of persons and States. Your nomination was not made alone, becauso In the midst ofarma you ilitiBtrnted tho highest quality of the soldier, but becauso whon the war bad ended and whon In recognition of your cournire and fidelity you wore placed In 'command of a part of the Union undergoing a process of reconstruction, and while you wero thus clothed with absolute powor, yon used it not to subvort but to sustain the civil laws and the rigbta they wore established to protect. Your fidelity to these nrinoinlea mam. featod In tba important trusts hereto fore confided to your care givoa proof ma. wiey win control your adminis tration ol the National Government, and assure the country that our Indissolu ble union ol Indostructab o States. and th constitution with It wide dis tribution of power, and regard for the honored laws of Slut and Foil oral authority, will notsntl'urinyourhands; .me jue wm iiiaiusaip ine euDoruina tion of tho military to th civil powor and will accomplish th nnrlfioattnn of th public ervice and especially that tbo Government which wo lovo will bo tree from the reproach of a state or sectional agitation or malu o in any ahupe. Rejoicing ill common with tbo masses ol the Auicrtcuti peo plo npon tho bright promise fur tbe fu ture of our oouutry, wo wish also lo expross lo you, personally, the ussur- ance ol the general esteem anu rami donee which have summoned you lo the high duty, and will aid you in its purpose. Your fellow citizens. John W. Stevenson, President of tho Convention. Nicholas M. Bell, Secretary, (and all other members of the committee.) A sumowhut similar letter was ad dressed lo Mr. English. General Hancock replied : Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Committee: 1 appreciate tho honor conferred upon me by the Dem ocratic National Convention lately assembled in Cincinnulli, and 1 thank you for your courtesy in making that known to mo. As soon its the im portance of the matter permits I will prcparo and send to you a formal ac ceptance of my nomination for tho ofbco of President of the United Stutes. Applause. Those present wero introduced to General Hancock, who had a few words of welcome for each ot' them. After about ton minutes spent in hand shaking General Stockton, turning lo Hon. William II. English, said : "The Ciiicimittltl Convention, with a unanimity unparalleled, appointed us as a Committee to wuit upon you at such a timo and pluce as would bo most agreeable to you and inform you in person and in writing of your nomi nation. 1 now have the honor lo Con gratulate ourselves on the event and to present to you, on tbe pari of the Committee and in tho name of tbo con vention of tho Democratic party, the official, announcement of your nomina tion." Mr. English, in reply, spoke as fol lows : Ma. Chairman and Genti.emkv of the Committke : As a practical business man not much accustomed to tho indirection of action or circumlo cution of speech, 1 will say plainly and in tew words that I accept the high trust which you havo tendered me with feelings of profound gratitude, and that I will at an early date, for mally and in writing, make the accept ance which I am inlormed is usuul on snch occasions. In doing tiiis I fully realize Iho great responsibility of the situation, the care, turmoil, anxiety, misrepresentation and abuse which are certain to follow, and I understand thoroughly that all the resourses and power ol our political foes from all parts of tho land will bo concentrated against us in Indiana, my native State, where the first grand battle is to be fought, and probably tho most impor tant of all. But these aro great occa sions when tho diechargo of high pa triolic duties is to be considered above all present consideration, and 1 shall not disregard the unanimous voice of the Representatives of a majority of tbo American pooplo which you speak here to-day. Applause. 1 am pro fuundly grateful lor the high honor which bas been conferred, and 1 have an abiding fuith that with the favor of God and of tho people we shall suc ceed in this oontcst. Tbe speaker was applauded at the closu of his remarks and then followed another genoral hand shaking, after which the parly again boarded the steamer and left tho island. RUCKLING ON THE ARM OH. SIR COMMITTEES OF THE DEMOCRATIC CAMPAION COMMITTEE. New York, July 25. No business of real importance was transacted yesterday at tho Democratic National Committee Headquarters, No. 138 Fifth avenue. Last night tho Execu tive Commilteo appointed two Cora- mitteea ono to bave chariro of tho distribution of documents and newspa pers anu mo oiuer to arrange lor speakors. On the former Committee are Senator illiam A. Wallace of Pennsylvania, tho Chairman of tho National Congressional Committee ; Orestes Cleveland, of New Jersey, and iirauiey u. omalley, ol V ormont. Tho Committee on speakers consists of Abrem 8. Hewitt, of Now York ; William Picknev Wbvto. of Maryland. of the Congressional Committoo, B. M. lioyer, ol Pennsylvania. General Duncan S. Walker, of Washington. D. C, was made Secretary of the Com mittoo. Among those who visited the Com mittee HcadqUArtors during the day and ovening vcro General Colston, of Virginia ; General Thomas Kilhy Smith, General Thomas Ewing, of Ohio ; General W. F. Smith, Senator ti. r. Jonas, of Uou:;iuna; Mr. Henry A, Tilden. Siiovinqtiie Hick. It looks now as though the Kiskamiaitas Congress man, Gen. Harry While, would bo mosgroved in the pending conflict. It ib truo that Gcorgo A. Jenks is not on tho tickot for Congress, but bo is not far ofT, (see our mast-head) but thoro is ono named Mosgrove that has taken a joint Interest with Jenks, and if wo are not mistaken, tboy huvo pooled thoir interests and wo suspect from the signs of Iho time tlir.t Harry will be hollopcd as ho was in 1870. Watch Them. When Radical p. pora and politicians lulk of electing Garfiold, you can put down two things as cortain :' 1st, They are only whistling to keep up tho courage of the men in ihotr ranks. 2d. It is only the unscrupulous who say so. Those who read the leading papers of tbo party, notice that they are not predicting the eleo. tion ol Garfield. Tbey want to have an opportunity of saying, afXcr tbo election, " I told you so. " Mark tbia down. Hayes b,s appointed Gen, Jleide koper, of Meadvillc, Crawford county, Postmaster at Philadelphia. That may bo called "fur fetched." Konalor Wallace has beon ruraliaing at bis borne for tho past few days. Itriv 3artrrtl3f ttttnts. Sheriffs Sale. BT virtue of sundry writ! of V... St., Irsued out of Che Conrt of Common Pleas or Clear field Co., and tomediraoted, there will becxpoted to PI BLIC BALK, at tbe Court Hon.., in the borough of Clearfield, Pa., .a Friday, August,, ihsvii. At 1 o'clock, P. M., the followlBi doscribed real aetata, to wit t All that or ruin tract of land annate la Orahem township, Clearlleld no.nty,, no finning at alone eorn.r ot Samuel Kmeel oa Una of Isoorfo Harrison and Jotoph Maylen surveys Mm. south IsT I II perebaa store r less to cor. w of land f John II olt east I US perehe. snorter loss to. post oa .Id line between the ""I Herrleo. and Tench Kranels traeta ; tbenea aortb aloof aald lloe l.r I II perch., to eore.r of Ueorire Harrison, Taneb Francis, Ueerge Ckn aban and Jasper May lea aurvey. Its perehe. aior. .r leaa to stone, aad place of beatonis. containing 10 J, aoras, aaor. or lees, with about TO aerea cleared, and a good young orchard grow. Ing thereon, and having thereon oracled a flam. Bouse, good bank barn and other .utbulldiagi. Hulled, tae.a la election aod to be Kid as tb. properly of freak Colegrov. tail Isaao Bhisasl, lam tenants. aha property shall be itnsok of must be paid al th. time of sale, ar aucb other arrangement, mad. opproveu, oiaerwise th. property will b. Immediately put oa aad Mid al la.. ... paaaa aad risk of the p.rtna to whom u was struck of, and who, la aaa. of deualoaey si such r. sale, .ball make good lb. Mm., aad la bo iBstaaoo will tba steed he presented ia Court for oonlrmalloB Bale, lea aaoaey Ia actually paid la w AAiaB MAtlArr KY. Suaairr'a Orm-a., Pa., July Jl, ll0. Sharif. $fu; lU'frtlSftiuuts. AIIDITOIfaJ SIITICt-I, tl,. On,,,,,,. Court ot iMrSeld enuuly. I'a. In n,, U-r of the etalei,l Irene i liupia , l.i. f jfj , t) (tmnsiiip, uio u 'Ihe undrrngned Audit. - l'"iiul.. i,, ,k( Cnuit to distribute tli hiUooe the hand, tit Aaron P. Tetp, A'linioi.-,.,' Ihe above arl.le, btrvhv he will attend to the duties .r bis .pjn-mhiutl st bis otto, in Cleal field, ou Fnd.y, Augoe Hit, tli it leno, a. I o rioca i . as , at woicn tiro, aud ail persona interested are required to make tbsir claims, or be debarred trom mining i f,n ,t, fuud. 8. T. IJHOt'h 11A.N K. Auditor, Clrart.ld, Pa., July II, I'sc-Sl. OF VALUABLE FARM PKOrTKTV. In iuruanre or an nrdcrof the Or.luu.a' Colm ef CIt-arftdd county. Vm , there will Le i( to eale ot the Drau.'kor lltiuce in ihe l..rJU! ,, Cuiwciiiville, on Na tun-lay, AitgUKt 21, ihmii, at 1 o'clock P. M , at the follow.!, d-icnt.. ,i ;, , Kitete ot rtamuol Caldwell, late l Pikel-i (,,, eid oounty, tleoeaied. to wit : Two eertain pirrri of lend Hiuilt In ..n -hip : i'ur"rt nuinlier (te : Hounded on tlie NViS by the W(t Branch f Ihe lSui(oehtnt . r,..-r, oo I he Saul It by urort number two, on t!"- r I end Wo't I'T It'id of Win. Caldwell, n.t.tsiti :ij "ii hundred eixd fmty lorre, Umrf or le-F. Tl K ifniroMUicr.ti cnp-iM of a twoHury frame b un; lex.12, with eltetl.fd i'JxM, Ion hern, spnr.-' kiuc, i J nt lit r out luiidinp. A'vo gtoi ,r cher.l, tvtniy t?f) ectca rltared end under u -Intit.f n, the rcaiilue leing eoiend with -ivl 'i) tiiuter. I'll r or t nouitjer two : lit. uridyl oa ihe N .nh by the Weft Iiraiitli tf the r-u'-juilmDne rim, on ihe Ket-t l-T iaif ort nutubor onf, on ilmS'-uth by land of Win. lr.l(iwilj, emj on the Went t v lend of t'tttrr H do vur, (r.(.w Fart wall) rontalnin, flilr-f jvpo (j'l ecrrr, bnrinf erected there m two-alt. r? frami' hfiinc lilJO, l" hern, and olbt r cut liuil liotra. Alau good orclmrd, forty ai r cleared etd un tii r culm alien, the rraidue Uir,' wood ll. nd TKUMri OF SALE : Otie-tliird of the jiurchtl morey to he iaid on confirmation of tale, and tbe bale nee in twi.tonl annual p) mrt.ti, with iotereet from tiT of lt, lo be fecurcd ly loud end liiortcajrr- on the lip ta rM, JOHN T. HAl.P.ltlY. Ailminiitrut-.r. July JH. lajif-St. Join Irvin & Bros., ctrwknsvii.i.k, i. -UKA' Kits 1N- All Kinds of Merchandise. Dry G owls. Groceries. Elr. HANl FACTritEKS AND DK.U.l:iiS IV NtHAi:i T I WISE Si. ANU RVKIlV liKSCItlPTIo.V OF SAWID LUMBER CUT TO ORDEK, Tho Only .Manufacture! in CI-hiic I County of ihe NEW PROCESS FLOUR! i i.orie, vhop .. f . ii. i.) in LCnsli paitl for nil kinds ol Cii-ftin Wheat, ltyc, Oats, Klc Curwensville, Pa., June 2, ts-ti-tr. rrinv shiii' stati'.mick T. I csp iKy - Aim, entitle X stiitcmrnt of tbo receipt! am ot Dccitor toMn-liiji for the jear. U'. A. nr.AMB, Kl l-KRVti Hit. To amuunt of Duplicate , To order on Treasurer To order on Treasurer To order on Trca.urer Te order on Treasurer .. ill i Total.. t'U. By H. ad lav to collect Ily aaoneratioBs by amount of work on roads , M H 7'. f.lll ill Uy Supervisor', tim. (UHl days) 205 tm ny balance ot special tsx, l77 Tolal ... .... 8 l till! ! jour act-uAhv, an-RRt m.-n. I.R.. To aim UDl nf Uii(.licate ,$1.10 0. Te Trcaurer'e ordi-r P d.i Total .i4(l D I CR. - Ily amount of eionerationi t ft ft- Hj U. 8. Fli-jtal'itai 4 M lly John Philipe' tax f.i Uy amount of work 41ft it s Ily Hupetvifor'i time (58 diye) lit'. td Total fMfl i liwii ruLTON, pooa ovrkhxkr. 1R. To orJrr of March 2,, 1878 1 57 i' To eaih from Treasurer 1U0 0'1 To lax on lot in nt, i ;o To balance due at eettknteDt 22 21 Total 41 CR. By cneh lor John J oh neon Hy Mra. MeCool Hy Mre. Wm. llarner Br Mre. Wm I Item an By Mre. Br Dlecdy By tax od lot In Oaceota By order of removal, Mri. Lai lien By eni-li to Benj. lleemm By Oreneer'e lime and expencee ... li Ij ... S "u ... 1 ,, 6 ... 2 Vj ... I D- ... 2.1 IT ,.. 44 22 Total $2 lit 44 Will, UK IRI HaVkT, i-ooa Of, tanH." LR. To enlcr on Tteanurer it 09 CR. Dy service! rondcrt j $t tw DAVID UKARH ART. Treasurer. In ,v. unt with tbe Boor fund of aaid tuwuihip : DR. To am't from AJm Kephart, late Treai..$ To ain't from W. A. lUawi, Ca.Uelnr To amount from Levi (lou 4" i'C To amount from Levi (Jou id " To amount from Levi Mm , ; ntt fo amount fiom Lerl (Jot : V Total. CU. By caah paid Dr. Lytle.. By eab paid lr, Lytle By eneh ptd Dr. Lytle By .loha Hiiffhee . By Lewie Fulton. Ofericar.. ..$2". ! J.-. .. 2 ... 1"' ii m ... iT By W. Kephart ii y 2 per eent. od f'iftft 72.... By bnlftQoa due dutrlet Total : DAVID UK Alt II ART, Treanurer, la 'am m.i wtih the Road fund: DR. Te ain't rer'J ftora Kephart, iate Tree... uamni' Hue iremfurer Total lit. By onlrtr canerlcd, Juho MfCIarren.. By V. A. Roami By John llugtsiie.. By W.H. Hull II. L v... a ... " "" By fftfti.hen Meleher By R. D. fihowaller By Jacob Mock By I per oant. for paying out $47 M... .. 4 t"1 .. I "'' .. 1 T Tutal DAVID OKA HII ART. Trr.Fun r. with the Rrb.iol fund : Dlt. To Ststa appropriation for H7S ,:tV :ui. 11 J u h sei I l.i H to etata appropriation for IS7 To oh flout W. A. Hcansa To eash from Levi Uoss To hilano. due Treasurer , Total $2.'.(il T CR. By order, eanaelrd f:',tt l Ily 1 per cent, on IS ey percentage on appropriates ' Total J,iol ' Wo. the unil.rilen.ul A1li... tuvlne rum laed the several acronnta of said tuanstup, f"1 them aa above stated. . B. ailOWAl.TM. Hll'lUltl) III ll II l. J. I. ttlUNKK, Attest r'tUAtt Han R, Clerk. 14, ls.i n.