Railroads. IVmiNjlrniilalCallrwiuI TYRONE 4 CLEARFIELD BRANCH ON nd after Monday, MAT 14, 1180, tha Peeiinger Trftlna will run daily (elcept Sua dayi) betwoea Tjreneaad Clearfield, aa follow! ( GLIARFIILD MAIL. " LKAVK SOUTH. "7 LKAVK NOHThT Curw.nlrlll,..l.!o, r.v Tyrone, I4,. lilrorriew .. 30, Veueaoyoo,,.. V.So, " Summit SO, ' Powelton 10.00, Oaoeoln, 10.13, ' Uoynton, 10.17," Slnlnor'i,.. 10.31, r,hlllpiburg,..IO.SV' Graham ,10.311, " Blue 11.11 10.37, WaUeo.lon,...IO.U, Bliiler .....10.13, Woodland, 10.6V, Barrett, 11.07," Leonard 11.13," Clearfield 11.10, ' RlTorrtatr 11.U. Clearleld,.., Leonard, Ilarrett Woodland,., lliglor,.. WftlUofltuB,, Ilia. 11.11,... Uratiein,...., HiIIIuiImk, ..140, ..., ..I.M, ..4.01, ,..4., ...4.17, ...4.JJ, ,..4,l, ,4.50, 8lelnera,.........4.I, lloynlon,. ..in, Oiceole, d.M, l'owelloa, i.Oi, Summit,. .......... 15, Vanaooyoe,..,.....!!), Tyron ....4 00, Curwnirilli,.11.4ll.. . CLKARi'lKLD KXtMlKSli. LKAVK SOUTH. LKAVK NUKTII. Curwenlrllle. .30 4. , Tyron,...,..,T.J" F. : V.Dlco7wM,.,7.43 " Summit, 8.(16 " Powellon, 8.17 " Oiceole,....,..., JI Uoynton, 8.34 " 8leinor'a 1.30 " l,blllpiburg...l.il drill. ui .8.47 " lilueBell, 8.16 Wnllaceton,....0a Blgler II.IO " Woodland,... .9.1' ' Ilarrett 0.35 " Leonard 0.30 " Clearfield, t.S " Hiferriow,,.. Clearfield Leonard, Ilarrett, Woodland,.., Hlgler, Wellaoeton,.. HI lie 11.11,.... (Jrehatn, PuilinabarK., S.3 47 6,13 .5T . e.os 6. IS (.31 11.25 mv IU3 flleiuer'a, Uoynton, 0.37 Oiooola,., A. 43 Powelton (1.13 rlummit, 7.06 Vanaooyoo,.... 7.23 Tyrone,.. ...... 7.l Hirerview 0.48 " Curweolvil 1.10.00 FIIILIl'SllimOA 1IOSIIANNON 1IKANCIIES LIITS IOUTH. P. M. A. H. A. H. HTATKlim. 3:00 Morriidal., 3:11 7:00 Phllipiburg, 1:10 7:03 b'toiner'e 3 34 7:0V lloynlon, 3:31) 10:20 7:18 Olocola, 3 44 10 31 7:31 Jloihannun, 3:47 10:41 t:J Sterling, 3:53 10:48 7:41 lloutiilale, 3:57 10:63 7:61 MoUauley, 3:07 10:58 8:01 Kendrick'i, 3:13 11:01 8:00 Hamey. A, H. P. V. P, H. 13:40 13:36 4:80 13:33 4:34 12:14 4:l 0 10 12:04 4:01 8 15 11:53 1:67 8:10 11:43 8:10 8:41 11:40 1:46 8:10 11:36 8:46 8:15 11.30 S:30 8:30 11:25 1:30 BALD EABLB VALLKY BRANCH. Kg. Hell. Mail. : p. at. A. M. - ' - p. w. , Exp. A. K. 7,55 7.41 7.05 8.43 8.33 8.33 e.oo 6.26 7.08 8.20 leave Trone arrlfe 6.3t I D 8.37 Bald Kagle ' 8.01 0.18 Julian 8.34 t.43 ilileaburf 8.33 0.61 Uellofonle 8.46 10.03 Milceburf 0.08 10.30 Howard 0 43 11.08 arrire L. Haven leave TYRONK STATION. .ir 1.38 1.16 6.05 4.55 4.31 9.56 BAITWARD. A.H. Pacific Kipreaa 8:14 Jobnitown Bipresi 8:11 p. M. Da; Espreie 13:14 Mail Train, . 3:27 Atlantio Kxpreil, 8:11 fbila. Kipreea, t:.1,l WRRTWARD. A. M I'itteburgh Exp'ea, 1.63 1'Aciao Kxpreil, 8:18 P.M. YVAy PaneBKer, 1:16 Chicago Kxpreil, 3:31 Mail Train, 8:34 I'ait Line, 7:0. Cloie oonncotioni made by ill trtini it Tyron and Look Havan. 8. B. BLAIR, myli'-tf. 8 o peri n tender t. BTAOK LINKS. A itualeavti OunrcLivillsdtlly Tor RejnoMi- rllla, at I o'olock, p.m., arrlfinjcat Rcynoldi? Hie at 6 o'clock, p. m. HeturDing, learn lley no Mi ni ! daily, at 7 o clock, a. m., mrrlvlna; at Var weoirilk at 12 o'clock, to. Pura, aaoli way, $2. A itajte learn CarweniTllle daily, at 1 o'clock, p. m., for DuUoii City, arriving at UuUoii City at o'clock, p. m. Keturnins, lenvei Dullolt at 7 o'clock, a. m., daily, arriring at Curwenirille at 12 0 01001,111. tare, tautt way, 9!.Eu. Allegheny Valley Railroad. LOW URADK DIVISION. ON and after Monday, June 381b, 1880, the Ballanger traim will run daily (except Sunday) between Hed Hank and Driftwood, oa followl : EAHTW ADD. Dajt Mall leavea I'ltiiborj 8:11 a.m.! Red llenk 11:31; thgo Junction 11:51 1 New Ilethlebein 13:56 p. m.; M.virill. 1:10) Trnj 1:35 Brookvllle 1:55 Valler'e 1:30 1 lUj noldirille3:3B; Dulloii 8:08 j Kuntmlt Tannel 3:31 1 Penllcld 3:43 1 Tjltr I 3:55 j lleneietU4:3li arrivee at Driftwood at 1:20. I'.ST W A K U Day Mall learee Driftwood 13:20 p. m : HeneiFtU 1:00 i Tvler'l 1:38 l Penlleld 1:30 ; Bnmmlt Tnnnel 1:00 ; Dnlioli 3:16 nejnoiuiTiiie x:jb; jullerex:oe; jlrookrtllel:I6; Trojr 3:33; MaTlvllle 8:15; New Bethlebem 4:011 ; Sligo Junction 4:47 Ked Bank 6:03 1 arrival ftt Pittiburg at 7:40 p. m. 4r The RevnoIdiTllle Aeoommodatlon leaTea Revnoldirilla dail, at 7:16 a. u.) and arrive! at Ked bank at 10:50 a. m., l'.ltil)urb at 1:40 p. m. Leavea I'iluburh at 2:11 p. m.; Ked Bank at 6:61 p. m.i amvmjat Rejnoldlville at t:0t p. in. Cloie ooflnectioni made with traini on P. A I Railroad at Driftwood, and with traini on the Allegheny Valley Railroad at Red Bank. DAVID McCAROO, Oen'l Bup't. A. A. jAraaoa, Sap't L. U. Div. K ARE 'FROM CLEARFIELD, TO BellefonU, Pa 3 OilMlddletoirl .......$! 00 Lock Haven t 70 1 Marietta.. 6 66 Williantiport-. i 60 Lanoaiter (80 UuntingJon... 1 80 PU1LADKLP1IIA 7 00 Lewiitown. 1 00 Altoona 1 81 M.rjivMle... 4 50 Jobnitown 181 Cuweniville SO PhlMpibur.-... 11 OioenlA 85 Tyrone 1 33 UAKR1SUUKU... 4TllPITTKBUH t it "iSf(Uaitous. ' - ARNOLD WANTS Shingle Bolts & Saw Logs. Cnrwenivllle, la. t, It It. I ! , mATW XkXIXaZj ' AT PRIVATE SALE 1 AN i pArtiea In need of a Raw Mill are hereby Inormed that I will tell them one aa good ai aew, titera'Bloekl, a FlFTY-FOUJt-iyCH ,SA W, Belting, aid til tbt other litnrei In good order. For further Information, kddreli JUKTIN J. PIB, Oieeola Villi, Cle.rleld Co, Pa. March , I80 tr. CENTRAL State Normal ISchool. (Eighth Xormal School District.) Lock Haven, Clinton Co., Ya, A. N. RA UB, A. M., Principal Thil School at at nranent oonitltnted, otTeri the vary beat faeilitiai for Profoiiional and Cianical ItMnlng. fiuildinga tpaolonf, tnTittng and rommoilioui ; eomi'lalely hoalad by Matis, wall Ttatllatad, and furnUhed with a bountlfnl lupply of pura water, loft tpriPR watar. Location healthful and aaay of aoeeia. HurroandiDr nenery nntmrpaaaed. Tcahari axparitnoadi fffiolnt, and atirt to thflr work. i Diaoipllna, Inn but kind, uniform and tboroagk. RTponRe taoderata. fay cent i a weak dedoctlon to thow praparlng to teaon. StadfBti admlttftd any time. Conraoi of itudy nroaoribad by tha Pta( I. Modal School. It. Preparatory. HI. Klamti- tary. IV. Bcleatiflo. ADJiiacT oonaan t I. Academie. II. Commarctal. IIL Muoio. IV. Art. Tha Kltmantary and Bclantlflo eonrfa arc Pr. feuional, and itaditoU graduating therein receive Slate Diploaoa,eonfening the following oorree pondlng degrees i Maatarof the Motenoae, Urad aatti in the other oonreea receire Normal Certil oatea of their attainment!, algned by the Faculty. Tha Profeeitnal eonrwea are liberal, and ere In thoroogbnau not Inferior to thoee of oar beat eolloga. - Tha tftata raqnlraa a h if her orHer of eltlreo. rtip. Tha timat demand it. It la aaa of tha ririmo obJeeU of thin achool to help to taoora It by arnlahlng Intelligent and affieienl teach era for , bar arhoola. To thia and It tolicita yuang pr. " ' a"" uuiiio inu guoa parpoaea taaae , who deiire to Improf a their lima and their tal. f ante, ai UndenU. To all aueh It pronUei aid in developing their powera and abandaat opperU itiea (or well paid labor after leaving arbool. For catalogue and term, add rem the Principal. BOA It D OF TRTJ8TEB9 rontf oiDimt' TttotTtta. J. II. Barton, M. A. n. Bert. Jacob Brown. A.M. Bickford. Satjoal Cbrit, A, IT. Reob, R O Cook, T. 0. Hippie, R-nj., M. P. McCormlck, Ew.. W W .all. imiM A tin nt) ' . MlTlTBUITMI. Hen. A. U. OnrlUk Hon. H. L. WtTnlli O en. Jem Merrill, Hon. Vim. ltigler, J, Q, C. n oeiey, o. aiiw eiPvwTTDff t, nwi. w lLLIAU 8I0LRR, t rratwdent Heard at Tnutee JKmK mkkril, Viae PreeideaL 8. MILLAR MrCORMTHK, RecreUry. T1IUNA4 k'AKDLb'V. Tratwarar. Lock niTU,(feb.l9-lt6, Vrr-M iiSffUnufoun. AKNOLD iiasadvanckd Prices of Shingles, SHAVED AND SAWED. Curwomrllle, Jul. 9, '7J if. ' ;E. S. HENDERSON, UNDERTAKER . ' IL KMflUB, rBNH'A. rpilH auburlWr no uteri to Ilia .Ilium of X HurnaMe and rlcinlty, an unprovided apeolally. Ilereeller ill bind, of Caikell .od Coma, will b. bent on band, and orderi Ollod At no. funerals MlriuUd Anywhere. I will funl the Inert Al well u ilia ehwpMt artiolea dedicated tn funerala. All ardere left At the itore ol Jena 0. Uuitaae will reoeiva prompt attention. For further particular!, eall on or add roll I. 8. 11KNUEK60N. Dee. 10, 1870 tf. GEO. WEAVER & CO., 6KC0ND STKKKT. CLEARFIELD, PA,, nv optBQfti) up, (n the itor room Utely otwaplthl by W?tr 4k Uetti, on tioail itrMt, Itrf and well Hlvcttd ituok uf Dry - Goods roceries. HOOTS ANDSHOKS, Q1IKENSWABK, WOOD A WILLOW WARK, II ATS AND CAPS, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &c. Which they will Jinpoi of Kt reuoutblc nlei lor Mutti, or icbuig lor couairy product. GKOHUR WEAVER A CO. ClMrfield, Pa., Jan. 9, U78-1. REMOVAL ! James Im. Leavy, Having pnrohned tha entire atock of Fred. Saokett, hereby fivea notice that be haa moved Into the room lately ocouiiied by Heed A Hagerty, on Koaond it reel, where na ll prepared to offer to me mono COOK STQYES. IIKJTt.rtl .!. PARLOR STOVES, of the latent 1 in proved patterns, at low pricei. HOUSE ' FURNISHING GOODS, Gas Fixtures and Tinware, Roofing, Spouting, Plumbing, Uu FlUing, and Repairing Pumpa a apeoialty. All work warranted. Anything In my line will be ordered ipeoial If daairati. JAS. h. LKAVV. Proprietor. FRED. SACK K IT, Agent. Olearfled, Pa., January 1, 1879-tf. -THAT ALL WOOLEN GOODS HAVE ADVANCED ENORMOUSLY IN VALUE, , ma pbice3 or oto New Spring Clothing ill l Founi Us Low AS LAST YEAR. GUINZBURG'S -ONE PRICE WESTERS HOTEL C0RXER, CLEARl IKI.D. PA. Clearleld, Pa, April 14ln, U0.1o. HOFFER'S Cheap Cash Store. ROOM NO. TIIHI'.B, OPERA IIOUHE, Clearfield, Pa., ' WHOLESALE RETAIL DEALIR IN DRY GOODS, Cotnprlalng Dren Ooodi of the very lataet atylaa, aonpiiting In part of Oaahmaraf, Mancbaiter Faneiaa, Alpaeaa, and all manner of Fancy Dress Goods, 8 ii eh aa Cratone, Mohair Luiteri, I'laiJa, Dreei Uiagbana, braai Faneiaa of tha very lataot tylaa, and aa aheap aa tbay aan be aula In thia market. NOTIONS, CofieMIng of OIotm for Oenti, Larilei and almel. Hom of all inadel. Silk JrlnfM, Lae, fanrj Dr.! Bntlona. Ladlea' Tin or all Ihadef and elrlee, Cafe end Collar!, Ilbbeni .f all klnde and qaalillu. Maria. 1'ad.rweer, Trlianil.e, ele. , BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, Queenuwure, Hardware, Tinware, Carpet. Oil Cloth, WALL PAPER. . LEATHEB, FISH, Etc., Whlok will ke mid wkoleiale w ratail. Will lakl Country Produce la Eichangt for Good, at Market Prlrra. WM.J. IIOFFER. ( If arrlrld, Pi mrfU l, lUTnif. CLOTH STIIRk Kl A VJ.IJJ Uisrdl.mfom. J F4IH HALE Tl.lrlr.n hl.i ol Italian llee, wWi b I will 4ll ekeap fur e.in, or eiohange rur wneau ror lurtuer in. fortnetlon Mil o. or odilreae Ih. nnHeni,ned. , J. r'. kKAMKH, ' Not 1, If. Clearl.ld, I'.. Thomas A. Duckelt, -LKAl.KH IN- 1IIHHKIIY five nolle, to tlx elllieai of c'ltar. elelti and tbe aurroundltig vlrlnitj that 1 aw ir..errj at all tlmei to ferulik l.mili.i and manulaotiiring Mtabllabmenta witk a anperitir quallt of Coal, Wood $ Coke, Which I tut prrparad to deliver In a fw bun re' nolle. I ats alware ready to ban! and deliver Iruu and to (he depot, or anywhere else, and uiovt fa mi lit a and biiuiehnld rooili enva-hf-re on abort notlea. THOU. A. bUCKfe.IT, Claarfleld, Pa., Mar. 11. lH0-tf. JOHN TROUTMAN, &EALIR IN FUKNITURE, n iTTiti:ssi;s, AND Improved Spring Beds, UAHKKT tSTHKHT, NKAH P. O. The uoderalgued bega laara to Inform the eltl. aani of Clearfield, and tha public generally, that h haa an band a Una aiaortiaent of Furnltura, auflh aa Walnut. Chaitnat and Painted Chamber Hultea. Parlor kSuitea, Keollnlng and Kitenalon Chaira, Ladiea' and tlenta' Kxiv Chalra. the Per fnrated Dining and Parlor Chaira, Cane Seata and Windaor Chaira, Clutbea Sara. Hten and Kxtan- Ion Ladderi, Hat Raoka, Borubbing Brunhea, Ae MOULDING AND PICTURE FRAMES, ooklng Qlajaae. Chromoa. la., which would ul table for Holiday preaenta. aeoivia auiiif thuutm A X. Re-Union of Trade. rpilR onderalgned wishing to inform tha pnl.lio X Ibat he opened a COMMIHMON 14 TO HE, At tha old atand in Troutrllle, Clear De Id county, r., ua me ioiq inai., wun a tun itoci oi DRV G(M)IW, GKOCERIEM, KtTI(NH, Iloota, 9Iioei, FtC, In fact everything to be found in a flrit-elaiti itore. all of wliioh I am determined to aell at the loweat oaih pnoea. FARMtRH Ann 1,1 MIlKHMfcN Will And It to thflr advantage to do their dealing with ma, aa tha blgbeat priuea will be paid for Grain, tihinglea, or Produoo of any kind. Part or one-half oaab will be paid. Trading for Shingleior Lumber or any kind a ipeciaity. Alio, agent for Singer Sewipg Machines. Harlng mada arrangemanta with Eaatera mar ohanu to aell gooda furoiined ua, therefore eall and aee, aa I will ha enabled to aell cheaper than the ebeapeat. J, Vf, CAKLIKB, Trontriile, Pa., Sept. 74, 7V-1y. Agent. 1! NOT AT STUMP CREEK. but'at' H. LEHMAN & CO.'S Store, ROOM NUMBER TWO, Pie's Opera House. . CLEARFIELD, PA., Where H. Lehman k Co. have opened a very largo atoek of tha Uteit and beat atylai of DRY goods, Fancy Goods, MILLINERY GOODS, AND A ft'LL ASSORTMENT OP Ladies', Misses' & Children's 3E3C-0-3ES-S Of all itylee, now in tbe market. Call In perien. or addrei! 11. LKIIMAH A CO. Clearflela, Ta., Marca 17, lnt U. FORT GRAPE WINE Uaad In tha principal Chorabai for Coanvaaaioa parpoaei. Excollont for Lalios aniWoakly jtotsoils ana uo Agocu mmmm SPEER'S(PORT GRAPE WINE Tbli CW.bratwl Kativw Wine la mada froaa tha Jnft of tbe Oport Urapt, raited In thia Conal. Iu Inraluabia Tonio and fltrongtboning Properties are anfarpatind by any other Native Wine. He. tag tha pure jviea of the Urapa, produewl ander Mr. Kpear'a own per tonal aaparvlpfon, ita parity and geaaineneaa are guaranteed. Tha yoangeat eh lie may pa flake af ita generoaa qaalitiea, and tha weaheal invalid aaa It to advantage. It la particularly lenencial U the age4 and deblllt tad, and aaited ta the rariooi ailmenti that af- iwt the weaker ml Tt ! la every retpcat A W1NB TO UK KKMKD ON. SPEER'S P. J. SHERRY, Tbe P i. flllRRRf I, a Wine of Por.rior Cheroetw, and partake, ef the iroldea qaalitiea ot tb. (rape fraa vhieb It ll made, for Parity, Rlrkn.H, Her of whI Medielant Froperliea, it will b. f.nnd nneacellad. - SPEER'S ' J 1 ' P.J. BRANDT.. Tbli BRANDY lUadlaeriraled Inlhli eeeelrr. being lar taparlor for Medleal pnrpoM. IT IB A P11B1 diitillatlel froaa lfc.a-raeaad eontaiu TalMbi. aiKlic.I preaertiee. It kal a delleaU faror, elrailar to that af the iravM trna wbieh It fa dlilllled, and It In rat rarer aaaoif Iret-elaaf faaalliea. tee that the ilrnalnre ef ALPRRD HPKKR, Paaaai. N. J.. hi otw th. Mrk of eayh hottl SOLD S7 S. W. OHAZIA1C. inly l, HTf-ly. 1 ANOTHER THE ItEPUBLICAN. CLKAUKIKU),"i'A. WKUNK8DA Y MuBNINll, JULY II, IIM THE FIGHT FOR VICTORY. HANCOCK'S LOFTY CHARACTER AND EMINENT FITNESS. HOW ALL ACCUSATIONS KAIL ' AtlAINBT III) 1NVLI NKUAnH RtCOUD Ula COR Uasl'uNUSNCl; TUB U. 14. ATTOBNIY HHP FOR THE W'lKTtllN IIIHTI11RT KX SPEAKIB M'coBMIt'K IN lH'UlKH 111. CHIN. Flum tha K. Y. Trnlh, Urant paper, Jul, Vlh ThuiBdny tlio Pomocrulio party, by it action tit Cinciiinutl, took up onco more tlio thrcudei of powur which In 1SC0 woro wfOHlud from ita gruep. Id ono moini'iit the blimilcTri of 20 years havo been etfucod. Tlio nomluuliun or Wiufluld Suott Hancock in one that leave, nothing to be dcoircd. Of all the candidate, pro tented lio teemed the mom unlikely ; yet, now that tlio nomination has been made, there is such enthusiastic unan imlty about it that wo marvel if there was over a doubt bh to the wisdom of its adoption. Tho Democratic party in the one that will win next Novoraber, and on the 4tb of March, 1H81, a Democratic President will sleep in tho White House. It is useless now to arguo tho blun ders that have left tho Republican party so dci'ciir,clcB8 and weak that it own lendern acknowledge defeat, (lar- field airuiust Hancock. Tho liltlo deeds ol Garfield, as a soldier, coinpur ed with thoHO of Ifuucock arc no mora ridiculous than a comparison of the records of the men. Hancock has ever boon tha soul oi chivalry and honor. Our country pre sents no nobler typo ot citir.on than this worthy scion of a pure old family, this sign manual of which is inscribed among tho very records of our revolu tionary war. Ilis own political life has been as blameless as his mili tary record has been proud. Invul nerable either as soldier or man ho compels admiration and naturally draw, about his name the solid phal anx of tho Dcmocratio party. Hancock in fact united in his person ovory virtuo of which a Presidential candidate can be possessed, lie was a Democrat when the Republican par ty achioved its groat mission. But he helped tho ltepiihlican party do it be cause bo (ought tueir cause. They cannot wave the bloody shirt at Han cock, for ho woro it. Tliey cannot re vivo tho issues of tho war as against him, lor ho helped to seltlo them. They can only say, "Being nut one of us ho fought for us, against us ho was with us, he did nothing that we did not make him do." This is the peculiar olumont of strength in Hancock as a candidate. Tho Republican party can reproach him with nothing, lor all he did w at their behest. In spirit a Democrat, ho has been compelled by his prole. sion to obey in all things a Republican administration. When in tho. South he refused to as Sheridun subsequent ly did ovorride the civil authority by tbe military. Grant and Hancock have boon tho only two soldiers of the war who instinctively understood whoro tho military function in a Re public begun and ended. In Hancock', career there has been but ono accusation made agaiust him. It is an absord ono, but political con tests in this country became so bittor that, absurd ns it was, it was made. That accusation was that he was in strumental in tho hanging of Mrs. Surralt. The answer to this Is, thut General Hancock being in command of tho de partment at Washington, be was oblig ed by his duly to seo carried out the warrant of execution signed by the President of tho United Stales and tho Secretary of War. To have refused would have been to foileit his com mission. But who can reproach Han cock with this 7 Suroly not the Re publican party, which wa responsible for that execution. During and before tho War Gonoral Hancock was a brave soldier. Since the war ho has simply and modesly done his duty to hi. country. Novor a politician, bp sought no political pre ferment, and would have refused any lessor oflice than that now tendered mm. Wo speak the sentiment of two thirds of the nation's citizens when we say that Hancock will bo the noxt President of tho United Stales. Tho mistako made at Chicago i. now irrep arable. Garfield might havo with drawn two day. ago, but it i. now too late. But one man in that parly could havecarriedthe Republicans to victory. That man would now decline to be a candidate, even in the event of Gar field', withdrawal. Now Garfield must stand up and be knocked down, and the Republican party must go out of power for many yoars to come, Trio Democracy ha. been enabled to profit by the errors of the past, and their reward ha. come. With Wlufield Scott Hancock in tho Presidential Chair, we shall have no reason to fear that any of the result. of was' will be undone. Ho himself purchased those rosulU loo dearly to allow any one of them to be thrown carelessly away. Kndowed with firm conviction, and an unalterable pur poso, General Hancock will preserve to hi. beloved land all that it bled and suffered for. He will with wise pur port take advantage of all that has boon done by tlio Republican party that u good, and at tho samo timo, push aside all the rottenness and cor ruption that engraft, itself on a body polilio which ha. had too long lease of powor. The time has come for a change. Lot ua be grateful thut it will be mado nndcr the guidance of a man so chiv alrous, so noblo, bo pnblio spirited as Winflold Scott Hancock. , Disappointed. Tbe Now York Ev min? Potf was sadly disappointed by Garfield's letter. 1 1 expected .scholar ly, statesmanlike paper, th. fruit ol largo experience in publio life and com prehensive view, of National polioy ; but tho loiter, the Pott says, "Is neither courageous nor frank, only resporUblo and moderate, and we foar that hi. uncertain phrases will fail to give satis faction to either branch of th party' ne represent., or to stir me neart. ol tbe people like the sound of a trumpet." I'OJtaciui-xjoy ivyx'T iiva. , Tho Washington iW appropriately remarks: ' , "Tho uttompt to check tho move" ment ol soldiers to the support of Hun oock by proscription iu tho depart ments will not, succeed. All over the country the men who fought tho bat tles of tliU Union, who aided Umicock in stamping the lift) out of Ibo rebellion, in fki,i,i it; .1 , ... ,1 .. K,.vluu lllu,li;111)s 1U.IUQ(,, 0I tlio war throngh alternating periods of light and darkness, until tho sunrema- oy of the Government was ailmiuod I "Iicocup t"ut 1,18 Congress of tho Uni and the old (lag was respected on ta'e. were not responsible for 0,o , , , , x. .. ,' . "laet. of said Board, nor tho United ovcry foot of our J.ution.1 domain-Ktte liable for t L dl,t creaLed Ix'i'i' am shnwinrr a' fiuu. injpuunciiii party in obudi enco to tho Bamo high sense of public duty that impelled them to tuke up arms against tho rebellion and fight it, as ilar,cock did, until it was dead Ihcy are patriotio citiaons. Their creed is thut their acts should be such a. will best promote the public wu. faro. They went Into tho war bo causo they felt that the success of the Confederacy would ho the destruction of the best government on earth. They fought for tho restoration ol the Union. They will not believe and they can't possibly be mado to believe, that the object for which they sacrificed so much, and for which so many of their comrades died, was not attained They believe tho Union is restored. Thoy are confident that Gun. Grant told tliem Ihe truth when ho said, in hi. tour up the Mississippi, that be had seen, in every State of the defunct Confederacy, the most convincing of proofs that tho men of tho South woro is loyal to the Union, and a. devoted to tho old flag as the people of any Northorn Stato. Tney have seen enough of soclional bato, havo heard tho howling ol tho bloody shirt chorus until they are sick of it; liavo witnessed tho untiring ef forts of tho Radicul leader, to fan tho cmbors of expiring malice into flames until their vory souls loatho tho old shibboleths and mottoes by which tho Northorn heart has been fired until ll has ceased to respond to the old infill enccs. Thoso men recognise, in tho choer- lul alacrity with which tho Saulh comes to tho support of a soldier liko Hancock, the best possible evidence of a desire on the part of the Southern people to get the country out of tho old sertionul ruts, and put our politic upon a higher piano. They are. with Hancock in this campaign for tho bouio reason that they wore with him at Gettysburg and other fields whoro he earnod bis immortal famo because they are sure that the future of our country will be happier, moro prosper ous and more glorious if tho cause which he reprosenls is triumphant. Agoinst this patriotio impulse how poor, how small, bow impotent aro such devices as tho dischurgo of a gal lant soldier like Captain Ilumlin from a departmental position for declaring that ho would support Hancock. True, the sneaks who discharged him wont ed him to rcsnmo hi. place when they found thut he was a gentleman of in flenco and would take tho .tump in Illinois, but this only aggravates ihe original business. Captain Hamlin spurned their offer with the contompl that Is shared by the wholo country. As persecution is the seed of tho church, so Ibis sort of proscription, which is bomg tried in not less than three of the departments, will but add to the tide it is intended to check. Tho soldiers uif! rally to the Hancock column. They will vote for tb great General who fought to tho end ol the war, and whose record is spotless, rather than tor tho smaller General who left them in tho midst of tho ter rible conflict to tuke a civil office fur to the rear. WHAT GARFIELDSPARTY AT HOME THINKS OF HIM. Tho Republican candidate for Presi dent doos not have that clear record among hi. constituents at home that ought to bo professed by a man who Is a candidate for so high an oflice. Hi. friends cannot blamo tho opposition press of tho country il they now avail themselves of the ammunition which was prepared by Garfield our political friends whon he was a candidate in 1874 and 1876 for Congross, aflor tho exposure of the Credit Mobilior Scan dal. On tho 7th day of Scplembor, 1876, tho Republicans of the nineteenth Congressional District, of Ohio, oppos ed to tho return of Jamoa A. Garfield to Congress, met in Convention at W arrcn, Ohio. A Committee was ap pointed at this meeting which prepar ed and submitted a long .eric, ol reso lutions denouncing the offence of cor ruption generally In publio men, and moro particularly, among other resolu lions, declaring aa follow. : Retoltvd, x hat there la no man to day olllclally eonnocled with the ad ministration of our National Govern ment against whom are justly prefer red more or graver charge, of corrup tion than aro publicly mado and abundantly austuinod against James A. Garfield, tbe present representative ot tin. Congressional Di.lrint and tho nomtnoo nt tho licpiibhcan Convention or ro election, Rmolvnl, Tbat since he first entered Congress to this day thcro is scarcely an instance in which ring, and monop olies nave Dcen arrayed against thein- torest ol tho people, that ho has bocn found active in spocch or voto upon tho aide of tbe latter, but In almost ovory case he ha. been the ready champion of the-rings and monopolies. lic.foinJ, l bat we arraign and do nounce him for his corrupt connection with Credit Mobilior, for his false de nials thereof before his constituent., for his perjured denial theroof boforo a Committee of hi. peer, in Congrosn, for fraud upon hi. constituent, in cir culating among them pamphlet pur porting to aet forth the finding of aaid Commiltoa and the evidence against him, when, in fact, matonal portion. thereof were omitted and garbled, i Ktmvm, mat w lurther arraign and chargo him with corrupt brlbory In selling Lis ofllcial influence a. Chair man of th Committee on Appropria tion, for 15,000 to the e Golyer pave mont ring to aid them in securina a contract from th Board of Public Work of the District of Columbia: selling hi. Influence to aid said ring In imposing upon the people oT aaid J'm trict a pavement which is almoat worthies at a price three time. M. cost, as .worn to by one of the con trotor. selling hi. influence to aid 'said ring in proenrinp; a contract, to procuru which ll norruptly paid l'J7, UUU for "influence ;" soiling his Influ. enoe in a matter that involved no ques tion of law, upon the shallow pretext Ihut he was acting a. a lawyer ; .oiling his iiiflueuco iu a Niuiilior so palpable and clear as to bo so found ami declur. ed by au impartiul and compulunl Court upon an issue solemnly tried. firsolvfil. That wo arraign him lor the fraudulent manner in which he at tempted, in his sieeuh delivered at ltarron, on inc Warren, on tho ltllh day ol Hoplcm 1874, to nhiold himself from Just censure in reeoiving the before named 5,0(10 by falsely rentofentinif in said thereby, when in truth and fact, as 9 then woll knew, Uio said Board of ublio Work, and the oflloers of sum istrint wore but the agent, and in rument. of Cotigross and tho United , tates was responsible for the Indebt Incs. by them created. f Kesohed. That we arrali?n him lor gross dorvlielion of duty as a momber of Cougrumi iu failing to bring to light and exposure the corruption and abuse in the bale ol post tradonihips, for which, the Into Keorolary Belknap was Impoauhod, when the same was brought to bis knowledge by General Hazon, in 1872, and can only account for it upon the supposition that Lis manhood was debauched by tho cor ruption funds then by him just receiv ed and in his own purso. ItiJiolvcil, That believing tbe itato monls in the foregoing resolutions set lorin, wo cannot without stultifying our manhood and debasing our solf- reiioot, support at tho polla tbo nomi uco of the Republican Convention of this district tor re election, nor can we without surrendering our right, as electors and citizens, sit silently by and see a man so unworthy again sent to represent us in the JNational legis lature. That strong in tho conviction of right wo call upon tho doctors of tho district, irrespective ot lormer or present party attachment, who desire honest government, to unilo with us in an earnest, faithful effort to defeat the ro election of General Garflold and elect in bis stead an honest and relia ble man. When his own immediate political associate, in hi. Congressional district so lute as only four years ago .hall thus speak of him, how can he expect tbe people of the country to do other wise than endorso what his own parti sans so recently said concerning him. Wo havo no desire -to throw mud This man is before the people a enndi duto for the highest oflice in their gift, and it should not be bestowed on ono around whom. bangs the .cent of cor ruption. It I. true that notwithstand ing this denunciation bo was ro elect ed to Congress, but it was at such a sacrifice that no character can with stand. He was furtunato in being in a district where his majority previous ly had reached near 12,000. His ma jority which had been nearly 12,000 in 18,2, just proviou. to tho oxposure, fell to 2,528 in 1871. At this timo thoro was a third candidate in tho field and he barely escaped defeat, and tbo best test -of how hi. record was considered by hi. constituent, will be .een when ho fell from 18,18!) votes rccoived in 1872, to 12,591 roceived in 18(4, a loss of nearly 0,500. In othor words, this largo number refusod him their support in consequence ot their want of confidence in hi. ofllcial in teg rity. What the country will say of him id Nouomber i. but vlearly imag ined, for any ono can be mistaken in tho result. COJtRECTlOy. The Republican pres., in the ar.xio ty to secure words from Democrats in dorsing Gonoral Garfield' political and private oharacter, in aoveral instance havo materially altered the words of indorsement. We have an instanco in hand. Tbcy give Hon. R. Milton .Spoor's words at Pittsburgh a lol lows: "This is my first public utloranco since mo Lincago nomination and J dosire to say right horo tbat I served tour year, in Congrosj with Gonoral liarhcld. I know him well, and honor him for his honesty, bis integri ty, bis ability, bis breadth of knowl edge and hi. upright character." Now this 1 what Mr. Speei aaid : "A thia la my first pnblio utterance since the Chicago Convention, 1 wish to sny that l sorvod tour yoars in tho House with Ucneral Garfield, and know bim well. He is a gontloman of pnt culture, broad information and un- loubtcd ability . The Monitor, published at Mr. Speer'a own homo adds those comment.. Read them : "No reference whatover wa. made to General Garfield', ofllcial conduct or integrity. Hn Spoor could not truthfully or consistently have made nso ot the language imputed to him. because he ii on record in the House as assailing General Garfield's connection with ihe Credit Mohilier scandal. What Mr. Spocr has said in regard to Gen eral Garfield's "fine culture," "broad in formation," and "undoubted ability," is no oouni true, cut tno republican or gans cannot distort his lanirnairo into an indoisoment of General Garfield's official conduei or integrity. His guilty connection with the Credit Mobilior job has been clearly established by the report of a Republican Committee of tno iiouso, and nothing that hi. Ro- publican friends can aay for him now, win removo that stain of dishonor." Gabuki.d's Kitort to Heuo. Kx-Congrcssman M. W. Field was re cently interviewed by reporter of the Detroit Free Press on the Presidential candidates. ' Speaking of Gonoral Gar field' habit of hedging he aaid : . "I do not tec how Garfield can pos sibly be elected, lie worked lik,e a beaver against lb bill to equalize sol diers' bounties, and koked me to voto against it in the House of Representa tives. I refused, and ho voted 'no.' When ha found tho bill carried by an overwhelming majority ho wont to tho clerk' dosk and in my hearing asked tlio clork to bare hi vote ohanged to yta. Ho is a rich roan now ; ao la John Rhorman, who, when ha wont to Washington from Mansfield, Ohio, was possessed only of a law library worth about !I0." "How about the I)e Golyer case?" "It waa proven before au investiga ting Committee that Garflold, Chair man of lb Appropriation Committee, took tr,0n0 as an attorney' Ico, for which aa such be rendered no serv ice whatevor. Garflold an 'attornoy,' pshaw I 1 wouldn't trust him with a case before a country justice of the peace." 1 ' . " -Garfield wasnulortunatein roforring to bi. congressional record in the letter of acceptance. According to hU party papers h was UirwiDg mud at himscll. . i aw, aan i i W are awful lorry that Hancock used to exchange cigar with General I., hnt it can't he helped now. UarfUanfouj. ARNOLD PAYS GASH or TRADE. Ourw.iierllle, Pa., Jan. D, WILLIAM POJtTJSH, CLKABPIK1.D, PA., Manufaeturar and ll.al.r la Flrei.elan Whrat FLOUU, CHOPand FEED, All of which It iturantaMf. U b of tbt Irat qoal y. ktlo-tirtt)! Cora MaJ wadt a ipaaUltjr 1 A Bargain t FARM FOR SALE I Tb. anilariianwl oflera at private eale that ral able farm ailualed In UHAIIAal IOWNDIIIP, Clearnelil oountj, known aa in. Ountaialu 123 aire., 60 of wbfch ara eleared, and navlog tbereon .reeled a largo rreme d..ll Ing noni. lara. frame barn, and th. lh.r neooa. arj enlbuiblinge, together with a larg. orehard, good water, .to. Tb. pru party will no aold on verr oaiy tarmi For further partienlare iaittire m tn. c-Buecrioer, in perenn, or nj letter. KKANK Clearleld, Pa. a rittuuinti. March lllk, 1U.- a. T. anuca. a. a'ooaau. . aiLaaoi t UK II, McCOMLE & CO.'S FURNITURE ROOMS, Market Htreet, Clearfield, Pa. W. Baonfaetar. all kiada of Furniture for vnamnera, utnlng Koomi, Unrnriel and H.lll. If ro. want Furniture of an; kind, don't buj -" " v mwm uiu UtfMEltTAItllV In all It. branobai, promptly atlnd.d bi. OI'ILOH, MoOOHKLR A CO. Oloarleld, Pa., Fab. , 'IS. READING FOR ALL II BOOKS & STATIONERY. Market U, t'learteld, (at the Poet Offlre.) TUB nndenlgned bog! leave lo annoano. to tho eitliem of Clearleld and rielnltr, tbat bo haa ttud ap a room .nd Del jut returned trom tno eitj wit a larg. amoant of reading wh.u,hi w par. Ul Bibles and Miscellaneous Books. Blank, Aooonot ad Ptua Book, of vrary da Mription ; Pap and KavelopH. French prtMd nd plain, Fan ud Pattella f Ulan It UrkI Papari. ada, Murtncaai Juilvmant. ICi-inr.. Uua and Promiaarr auteti Whit and Paret. man l Briar, lif.l Utvp, Keoord Cap, and Bill Cap. Shawl Huaio. fur aittiar Piano, Flat or Violin, oonatuti? on band. Any book a or atationarjr daairad that I tnaj not havo on band, will ba or da red by Irat ozprMa, and fold at wholaaala or ratail to aakt tttatuaera. I will alao kaep periodical i.wraHBTs, iuqi u .uagaiinM, nawapapara. Ao. ,a UL Ilaraaftcr, gooda will bt aold for CASH only, or la aichaojra for prodaoa. No book, will ba kept In tb fnti.ro. All old aooonot aiuat be aattlad. Tboao wbo eanool caib tp, will pla band oror tbair aotaa and CLOSE THE RECORD. I aaa datarmlaad to a 11 any ffooda at oaab prieaa. and at a diaeount far bolow tbat arar oflarad In thia TlotnitT. Tb diaeoaat I allow ao enatoMera, will anaka than riob in twenty yara 11 tbay follow my acWI and bay tblr gooda fro as bm. I will By tub fur wheat, aula tod elovr ad. DANIKL J0lLANLKR. Latbrburc, Jaaaary 17 lltTT. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, 8KCOND STRKKT, , CLEARFIELD, PA., D1ALRR8 IN PURE DRUGS! CHKMICALSI PAINTS, OILS, DYE.. STUFF TARNI8HKS, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, FANCY WOODS, TOILET ARTICLES, OF ALL KINDS, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS for Medicinal pnrpoMi, Truaa, Support art, Bobool Booki and Station- try, and all othor article naually found ii a Drag 8 lor. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CARE FULLY COMPOUNDED. Uavini a larn v ariene In tb bnalnaa tbey aaa giro antir aat- .faction. J. O. HARTSWICK, JOHN F. IRWIN. iKr IU. IIT4 CWrletd. DAt II ARD TIMES IIAVI NO EFFECT IN FRENCHYILLE1 I am a. war tbat ther ar eon nanona a tittle bard is pla, and I aa alao awar tbat lb plaint of "hard tltnea" la wall aicb oiralil ant i an to Mtnatvd no tbat lean aatiif tb format and torofonltMlvl tbat "hard tiaaar" will not flot tbo wbo tkv their cooda front m. aaa au mj pairona anaii a tamatad lata tb a- trat or HOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES I bar food anoocb to aantly alt tb Inbabl taal In tho lower end of tb euunty which I tell at itding low rat from my naaamatb ttor In MUUONBIJRU, wher I aaa alwaya b fnnd rvdy to wait npon ailri and tnpply tbm wilb Dry Goods of all Kinds, Saeh ai Clolhl, Hatl.atte, Coaalaaeraa, Uulim vuainaa, bln.a, UrlUlag e, CeJleoM, Trlmmlnja, Ribboni, Lm, RmuIj-iiU. CWthlax. BmU aa Bheea. UaU and Cape all .f In. e.t maurlal an aaad. ee arar Uom, Seeha, UI.TM, Mltteae, Uw, Klbaoaa, Aa OROCSRIIS OF ALL KINpS. Cofea, Tea, Rater, Hlea, Melaiaee, Vlih, Bait fark, Llawa Oil, Flak Oil, Oarbai Oil. Hardwara, Qaenawara. Tinware. Ca.tlnrl. Fl.we a., now t,Beun.e, rtalli, nnia.., vera CalUTO tere.Cld.r Preei,aad .11 kladi af Am. Ferraraerj, Patau, Varalih, Qlaii, aal , taral wevnaawit .1 otailh.r, GOOD FLOUR, Of dllerent kraada, alwaya ea kaad, and wlU ka aeia na tae iew.at peuible Sgnra,, . U. eClala'i Hadlelaaa, Jajn.'e Medlelaee Heiutler'l and Uaotaad', Bitter,, ..and! f Wool want, fur wkt.h ik. kl(h.it prlee will he aaid. Clarareeed aa kaad and fer aela .1 tk. Uweil market priM. AIM. Aa-nt far Strattoarllla a.d G..u..ui. Tkraekla Maeklaae. tA. Call and ee. far roareel.ee. Yaawllll.. .rarjlhiaj araall kept la a retail Mora. Frmkrllla F. 0., Aaiatt II, IIT4. ClM,.1d.11.rT.l8...tf One square, lUliuea, . . . S 00 A NEW DEPARTURE Two ,uaros, 15 00 lS Three squared 20 00 LUTII KRSBVR6. ?ne fourth colu,n 60 00 Ono half column, .... 70 00 ' - One column, 120 00 THE REPUBLICAN, Fahllahed ererj Wadaeada bj G. B. GOODLANDER, CLKAHI'IBl.D, PA., Haa lb Large.! Clrculatloa of auy papwr la NarlbwwaMra Pennejilraala. Tb largo and uuiistaiilly inorcasing circulation uf thu Kcpuhucan, renders it valuublo tobuainuaa men a A modi urn thro' which to reach the ' publio. Tk'RMa of Subscription : If paid in advance, . . . f 2 00 If paid aflor three month, . 2 60 If paid after six months, . . 3 00 Whon paper are sent outside of the county payment muatbe in advance. ADVKKTI3ING: Ten line, or loss, 3 time, . 1150 Each subsequent nisurtion, 60 Administrator Notices, . 2 60 Executors Notices, .... 2 50 Auditors Notice, .... 2 50 Caution and Eslrays, ... 1 50 Dissolution Ivoticos, . . , 2 50 Professional Cards, 6 lines, year, 6 00 Special notices, por lino, ... 20 YEAItLY A DVKRTISKM ENTS : We bave alwaya on band a large atock of blank ol all description. SUMMONS, SOBI'tEXAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AfiREEMKNT, LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, Ac, Ac., 4o. JOB PRINTING. Wo ar prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING 6VCII AS POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PA M I'll LETS, CIRCULARS, Ao.,4o., IN TUB BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS ORDEIIS BY MAIL . FOR AU. KINDS OF WORK . WILL RECEIVE I'ROMPT ATTENTION. f , Geo. II. tioodlander, Clcarfleld, Clearfield Countj, Pa. THE MANSION HOUSE. Corner of Seoond and Market Ktreeti. MCAHf-IULII, PA. Tills aid aid aommodioui Hotel kai.uune tke pit ear, kaea .alar(.d lo dwihUiu loruar eapaolte fer tbe entertainment ul itr.. fere and eiU. The whule bulljin, t.. , ' reruralebed, aad tha proprl.tor will ,, palm la render kla gueeu aenilurlabl. l,i iiajlo, wltk kla. ' ar-Th. 'tl.ailon Home" Oanlkm rum u and from th. Depot oa tk. antral and departur, af onek train. ' W. c. I'AROiiN - JJ?""'". 'roprleu, LLEQTIENY HOTEL Market Htreet, ClearHeld, Hi, Wm. g' Bradler, rormorljr proprietor of a, Ionard lluna, having Ir.irJ tb. Alle.hee. Hotel, aoliclu a ibare of publie patronage, it,, llouee b.e been thorcul.lj repaired and ai.l. fumiibed, and ineata will led It a plee.ant it,, pln( plara. Tb. I.M. will b. iuppl,.d ilb tf, belt ol e.erjlhlng In the market. At tbe li, III be found tbe beat winei and liuuori u,,j at. tiling atiaobed. WM. 8. URAUI.KV M7 '" Proprnt'.,. rjEMI'EIiANCE HOUSE, KKW WASIIIKHTON, H. II. V. HOBR, . . P.,..,tI0, Meali, 35e. Mao anil bone ovvr Bight, ll.uv. Man and two bunei over night, f l.ju. The bait of accblumodaUoue lor wan and L..., Oot. 23,-78-tl. . "' WASHINGTON HOUSE, NKW WASI1INUTON, .A Thia new aad w.ll rn.ni.k.j k . . taken hu.ij..7Ti , . . . a-. . w. oonaa.Dl ol king able to render eatUtaotloa lo thoee who ,.. faror bim with a eall. Ma, S.U7I. O. W.I) AVIS, Prpr. LOYD HOUSE, Main Street, PHILIl-rJUUKU, PKNN'A. Table alwoTi aupplled with the Uit the nark.i affordi. The traveling publie la Inrited to eall KOBliKT LOYI). ?anks. County National Bank, OF CLKAKPIKLD, PA. KOOM In Maaonle Building, one door north .,r 0. 1). Walaon'l Drug Store. town, Olalgow, London, Peril and Copenhaien 7, i . . ot lrel.i..l and Imperial Bank of London. JAM r T. LKONARD, Pre.i W. M. B1IAW, Caikl.r. Jpnl.'JT DREXEL & CO., Ko. II Koutlt Third Htreet, Philadelphia U.l.rKLHS, And Dealers in Government Securities. AlittliflfttloB bv ttlatil wltl MKail va ...nt.., ... Hod, and all io formation 3boerful furniihci Ordar folioteU. April 1 tt. f. I. A RROLD. tl. W. ABXOLO. J. . A it Null. F. K. ARNOLD & CO., ItmikerM iiikI ISrokcrN, Keytioldevllle. Jeflemon Co., Pa. Money received on depoiit. Dlieount. at mo derate ret.i. Uaitera and Foreign lichenx al wayr on band and eolleetione promptly mad. Heynoldiiille, Dee. IS, lM..lj Sfutistrtj. J L. It. nKIC'IIHOI.I), K V K O K N I) U N T I H T , Uraduate ol the Pennrylvania Collrgp of Denial 8urg.ry. Office In reiidenoe of Dr. Ilillr, oppo.it. the 3baw Uouaa. mrk II, 'Ja if. DR. E. M. THOMPSON, (Office la Bank Building,) :f'nrwetiTllle, I'learfleld C o., Pa. meh '7e tf. A, it. hills, OPKHATIVK IIE.-TIST, CLEAItPlKI.il, PKNN'A. Aaw-Oflie. In reildenea, cppoalta Fkaw lluu. j) D.I87U tf J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLSARFIKl.D, PA. (OBoa In reeldene Saeond etra.1.) Nltroua Oxide Oa. admlnlrt.rad for tke pain- eltraotleo of tenth. Cl.art.ld, Pa., Mar I, I HTM jr. IttUrfUanrou!). tOC a week In your nwo town. Term end ti fUU entlt frM. Addreae H. Hall.t A Company, Portland, Maine. deolT.TU l . Tfl C7n P day at bom.. Sample, worth O'J IUU ii free. Addrme Slta.on A Co., Portland, Maine. deoir.'tMy. nrt a week, f IS a day at home eaelly made. $ I ll Coelly outlt free. Addren True A Co., AuguiU, Maine. deeir.'ll ly. SHOUMAKING.-I h.rel.y Inform my p. troni, and mankind In gmeral, that I bare removed my aboemaking ebon ta tha room ia tlrakam'a row, orr 8. I. 8nyd.r'e )ewelry atorr, and tbat I ana prepared ta d. all kind, ef work la my line cheaper tbaa any othw ebop In town. All work warranted ai good aa ean he done any. where elie. Poiitlrely tbli ie tbe rheapeit ihop In ClearHeld. JOB. H. DKKHINol. Dae. II, 1871-lf. J.H.LYTLE, Wholesale & Retail Dealer in GrocorioS, T1IK LARGEST and tlKST HEI.KCTKD PTOCK IN TIIK COUNTV. COFI'KK, TFA, SlfiAK, SVllDP, MKATS, FISH, SALT, OILS, (JUEENSWAKK, TITS and BTCKKTS, DR1KI) Klil'ITS, CANNED QOODS, SPICES, BROOMR, KLOUft, FKKD. County Agent for l OHIM JIIII'S TOII.K t OS. Then gooda bought for CA8II la large Iota, and aold at almoat oily prieoi. JAMKR n. LVT1.E, Clearleld, la., June It, 17' ly. The Bell's Run Woolen Factor; Pton lownithlp, Clrtl(l Co., IV II I! It HED Ot'TI OT HUT BURNED U PI TboauliKrlbtri bTt, at trvti iBH,rt)uil ihborhood oiitt, In tb trvetioi of Irtf aim Wooln Mi.B.fkiorjp with H tbt mot" Imprdf .ntt f.ttebd, vsl in pnpftM lo til kin, mt Clolht, Uuilmmi, BitiMtu, B.i hot, VlMtiilt. As. Plenty t oodi oa baa- (Wpl all our old and a thou. and aw waoai wa aak to aoata aa iatatno eir Tba bnlaaii ef CARPIHa AND ruLLiwa Will raoalra aar aaaaal attantloa. Prop amnfaaati will ba aada la raaalvt a4 a-1 Waal, U iMlt outonara. A II werh warraniM doaa aaoa tha iborUit aolUa. . b atria -tM' tloa to batlnoM wa bopa to raallta a liberal n af pablla vatrowajia. lO.MM POUNDS WOOL WANTKD! Wa wilt af tha alahaal aiarhat srtiat iVf aad tail ov anaaqftr4 a;o4a aa low aa alw-1" food a oaa ba botLfht la tha eoaatj. aad wbT wa fall lo randar raaaaaabla aattafaoiloa aJwara ba foaad a4 hoaia taad ta mk ff aiplaaalloa, aitbar la f araoa at by lattaf. JOHNSON VUPf. prlllrltf Boaar P 0