THE REPUBLICAN. CLEAKKIELD, PA. WEDNKSDAY M0KN1N0, Jl'LY 31, ISA Termi of Subscription, If pkid In advenoe.or within tbre months. ..It M It paid after three and before sin wombs... S ftO If aid after thceipiretlon of sil monhta.,. I 00 9Ueun. B. M. Pbttrroill A Co., Ntws- (...per Advertising Agents, 17 Park Row, corner Itofkmao Htreet, are our auijr neinnmea n N-w Jork City. Kl!M(illUH M)TI( I'V. MrthodUt i:iUcopl Chutrh Rot. Gno. I.KiitT, Pastor. Services eva-ry Nabbetb it tui A. M., and 71 P. M. Sabbath School at 9 A. M. M..fir.t Wsuln-a.lkV. at 11 V. k t'on.n.unlon Service, (lrsl 8bbetb of ever .iionm, ni ii a. . eVent Clenrfleld H, E. ( hurrli,-Rev. Ciuhlki W. liHRiair, Pkitor. Preaobing every alternate Huntley, et I o'clock, P. M. Hunriny Mi,.oJ at 21, P. W. All in invited to attend. lrebierian Church--Re v. II. 8. Bmnnn. o.tb School at I P. M. Prayer Meeting Wednes- lay evening. HaplUt Churrh Rit. . Pastor. SaUeth Bohool ell P. M. Prayer Mooting every Wednesday evening. Ht. HrncU I hurch Cathollr Hot. P J. Sheridan. Divine service et 104 A. M., on L. n ikt.j ami 4Antli U.iml.vanf aanh monthi Vespers and FlJn edict ion of Ibt Blessed Bee re merit l 7 o'clock, P. M. fundey be boo l every eunuay afternoon at o'clock. OFFICIAL IHRECTOBV. TIMS OP BOLD! QOARTU I BUI UN I COURT. Second Monday of January. Third Monday of March. Pint Monday ef J una, Fourth Monday of September. TIMtt Or HOLDIRQ COMMON PL.BAI. First Monday of Jane. Second Monday of November. PUBLIC orricBRB. Prttiitni JdgeluTi. Charles A. Mayor, i.ork Haven . Aeeielamt Lam Judge- Hon. John II. Orvls, of liellefonte. ' A nodal e Judge$Ahrtn Ogden, Clearfield Vincent B. Holt, Clearfield. Votioaolary KU Bloom. Krgitteraud Reeorder L. J. Morgan. Treaeurer PbiHp Dotts. Itittriet AttormevJ. F. McKcnrlok. Sheriff James Mahnffey. Ueyulf Sheriff?. I. Thompson. County Surveyor Samuel F. MoCltiskey, Cur-i-cnsville. County ConmiioHerC. W. Kyler, Oraham tnn P. 0.; Klah Johnaton, Grampian Dills P. 0.; John Norrle, Br., Carwensvllle. Cummiieienrrt' (,Wrt John W. Howe. (Jaunty Auditor William V. Wright, Clear-fi-U ; Joseph UUUIaad, Three Kuna; J.S. Nor-ri-. Woodland. Couary Coroner James A. Mtjore, Clt-arneld. Jury Commieeionert Andrew J. Jackion, Clear, flp'l, Wn. R. Hrown, Clearfleld. A'uperiwtad--il faWte SchooU M. L. Mo tjuown, ClearBeld. Sraltrof Weight f Jf"aaaiir Jell W . Carl I la, I.itthMrchurv Pa. ' .V..(ana Public John W. Wrlgley, Wm. Ra- Jpliaugh, Cyrui Gordon, Clearttold; Joaepn n. Irwin, N. K.Arnold, Curwenavillo ; J. A. Living stone, Dulloli City. Pur Special oolumn it docldedly intereating in b looal point of Tlew, and profitablo raadiug to oiitaidera who want to aava money. "Will you take wheat, oata or corn for lub rfription V Wo are often Inquired of to thli way y Utter fro in jiatrotu who roaidt at a diitance from Clc-rneld. We again aay ya. The roeeiptl ul a recpcnaiMfl march ant or mill owner In the vi. inity, will anawer ua Jut aa wtll m the eah. T. illluatrate : If any of our patroni will deliver m a bug of grain at tbe mill of Jo.epb U. Bretb, in Cheat townahlp, Uoraot Ptftchin, In Bnrnaida, Thotnaa H. Forcey, in Uraharo. Wm. Porter or Hhaw, la Lawreneo, or Urown A Seyler'a, it Hock ton, I'ni.B towaahip, and forward their rectlpti for the nmonnt, we will trtdit them on their accouot for the lame. In tbia way all may toon pay what Ibey owe, IT tbey will purine tbla eourae. fittyAdvortiHtirs and ctliors will bonr In mind that all article intended for publication In thla paper muit 1 banded it, not later tban Tueidny, at 0 A. M. Don't forget Itf If you wunt to got rid of pimplea, bulla, tetter, Ac, uaa"Llndaey'a Blood Searcher." Hold by all drug - m em Hackino Down. Tlio Constm ro turni of Venattgo unty, showa a Ion of 4,600 in that county, alone IH'O. McKrst eounty haa fw:illowed thia loa. - - 'I'm TlieOrpluiui liundaerniuiluUHovL-ial l-diea, who are viaiiing friend in thia place, on Monday evening. They produoed lotue aoat ei crlltnt niuaie ua th ie ooraelon. Kra nk Cooper, who has ben in Phil adelphia for lev era! weeba nnder the care of a phyainlan, retarood houe on Monday evening much benefitted by the treatment ree tired while there. Dr. Stowaia will bo absent from town ob Tuesday, Wednesday and Thnraday, Ju)t JTih. tSth and JVth, attending the seaiiona of the State Dental Pociety, which tneeta at Bellefonte. Ckntre Cenhuh. Mother Centre has not eut much of a awell In thi Cenras line during the past ten yean. Tba population in 1870 was 84,418, and U only 37,V2tf now, being a gain of only S,M 1 , er about tea par eent. We learn that County Superinten dent McQuown will be oaf of the speekera at the closing of the Bummer term of the Limber City Academy, on Friday evening. If there ia any solid work tod j after Bottorf getitbrongh "Mack" will do It In order to make It a suoceis. Cosirna to thi Front. Only one county In tbe Htaieexceetli Clearfield McKean Intheeensna for gain. Tbe oil builneas sent McKean abesd. While the average Increase lb the Bute If hut twenty per eent., we More 6KVKNTY j and when the plug Is taken out of the Stump Creek oil well, we will iquelch even McKouB county, . - em i More'Kemedirs. Kloowhere in tliia laaue will be found the card of Dr. Wloilow, who bas looated la our towo, for the purpose of prac ticing medicine. If he is "a chip of the old blork," he bai reputation sufficient to give him a good send off here, became, the name of Wine low, among tbe "old settlers," waa a household word. Success to the teeond generation. liOCAL Finances. Corry in of courwe happy. The city haa a debt of f luO.OUO bearing eight per cent. Interest. Our Borough Dads have a debt of lose tban aix ibuiard do Hart, and they are compelling the holders of fix per eent. bond to deliver them up, halug lota of -per cent, rffers. From what la traoaplriog In many circle we believe $68,000 eould be aeg. Hated Sy the barenh for Ive per seat. em i Well Done. The children belong ing to the Bplsoopal fluaday Bohool held a feait val In tba Shaw House week before la it, wbloh was a decided sbcmm. The receipts amounted to $210.56) and the e.enie to $I.f4, This leave a aloe margin for the Sunday Hohool. The lady managers rrqnert aa to return thanks to tboat who kindly contributed and maiireited to much interest in tbe nndertaklng. Thanks to all. - - mm "Stand Out of my Sinriiine." 1 hie is tbe title of a aew and excellent lecture by Frank U. H.rrla, Kaq., which be will deliver at Lumber Cily noit Friday evening, tbe J3d to it. The Lumber City Academy, which will close en that day, bai been ua usually prosperous thia Hammer, and it is proposed to etote tbe term In a manner worthy of the school. Those whe at tend and can apprvlat a good ibing, will re ceive a ra?e titwi. More Uaii.road Outlet. The Phil tpsburg Jommml remarks: "Mr. R. Carman Combe, Pre Ideal ef the Pennsylvania and Weatera Railroad Company, aeoompsniej by William 0. Sehofleld, Kaq., will leave New York aa Monday next, to make a tour ever the pre jeetad route froea Jersey 8 here, eta. fiseeh Creek ' Bad Meebeaaa creek te Pblllpsrurg, le aaaerUia more parttcularl wbitacncragemeat the Cesa paay caa eblala La tbe way of iuberlptiBB toward building a railroad along this liaea aa wallet to the ralaablc coal and timber land along aid ro-te, Thar expect le visit Philipeberg dariag tba trip. Mr, Sohnfield te tbe ivpiweeata tire if Bngtlab rapt u II its who will be governed very largely In their la vestment la this enterprise according ac bis report may Indicate a favorable retponse e tba part af property kolderaaael other aJosg the Haa. As Phillpebcrg U Urgely l teres td is a aew railroad eailet far eol u4 tisaher, It would be veil for her eipltallitr tc at lead nil possible encouragement le thla atari-rise by eubserlblDC liberal I y lowards tate hailel l nf laid rvid oh, foraa Ula in the tnldit of an oaeao, ' , Where tbe palm tree la waahed In the sail ocean epray, Where one eould give voat To tbe heart's deep emotion , And elimb out of tbe sua en this bliatertng day Oh, for in too hot, well stocked with the frosa, where one might lay far -From the world's searching gate, Where one might diapewee With bia ooufcicnee and clotbea, And never more fee) tbe sun's ecorebing raja, p mm Lint oflottora. remaining unclaimed la the Poaloffice at Clearfield, Pa., for tbe week ending Jnly Uta, IbMi , r . , - John Anion, W. C. Surge, Oeorge Hill, Thos, Powara, Bam I. 0. Rlneer, Kllen fltaget Kll-n Smitb, Maud Tate, Jobs Whipple. P. A. OAUL1N, P. M BoROUtm School Tax. The Direc tors of ClaarAcId have plaaed Ibe duplicate for the current year. In tbe handa of D lit rid Trees urer WhlUhill for collection. All tax paid previous to fe let of Bop t ember, there will be a dlaooant of Ave per aenU After tbat data there will be no abatement. The levy for the year la eight mllla. july-tMt A (i rand Chance. I have the sole agi-ney of Clearflald rouoty, for the magnificent plcturee of the Presidential eaadldates, Ilancouk at d Engliib on mi aheet, Unflcld and Arthur on tbe other. Tbe plrturee are 12x28 In l lie, perfectly II Mike ird rtfall for ouly Jfi cents eah. I sold 100 In two deya. Petid 60 cents for aauipte ptctuies and term to agents. A. H. RiisRNkaANh, July 21t 2t Petitteld, Pa. em The Normal Institule at Now Wuh ington closod on Friday evening of last week with a priie coatest. Miai Hannah Corp, of Brady, won the prlii In select reading ; Mies Annie Mai thews, of Glei Hope, eieelled in eeeay; Miaa Kate Rmigh, of New Washington, In select oration, and A, A. DeLarme, of Jefferson Line, ia original oration. Each ruceeasful competitor was presented with a b audio me prise, and ac knowledged tbe same in a very courteous and ap propriate m tuner. .. e em Tobacco, Ckiars.&c This bnwincuB will be continued, at my old ftand on Market atreet, by James B. Wataon, or tome one elae, for the present. Tbe finest branda of Imported, doinntie and Key West cigars, and moil popular branda of plug, chewing, fine cut and eiuoklog tobacco. Will also keep all othor goods In the tobacco busineia Wilh the advantage of now being ablo to buy entirely fur eaah, we oan give our trade rate barg-loa in ebuioi foods. Country dealers nipplied with job Iota at lesi this mana faotureri' pria. Albx Watson. Clearfield, Pa., July 21, 1SS0 St. Tnis is mv Proclamation. If you want good tin ware go to Merrell'a ; I will not repair any cheap tin-ware Imported Into tbla vicinity, e.-pflciatly In the fruit can lim ; 1 keep BO books; puy rstb for everything, and I ex pect my patrons to do the iamo wit h me ; I guar antee my work and material. All itinerant tin peJdl are invading the county for the purpose of telling their cheap wares had better look up the Act of 1134, from which they oaa learn that there W a penalty of 100 incurred f. r violating it. 0 I). Mkrhcll, July 31it, 1980-ltn Agent, i Ol r Poitlation. The Courier man feel l good over tbe re.ull of tin Ceusu. Hi says: "The population of Dulioii within toe boruugh line is 2,71V; of Sandy townahlp, out ildeof Dulloia, 1,121, nuking a total of I, Ml. In addition to the people properly belonging here in about two hundred men employed in vaitoue purault-, but whoie families reside else where. Consider thenis- of the town 7 years ago nuthing tbe luoreare of 2,70 t a very credita ble allowing. I'ulloii ia now the largest town on tbe Low tirade, or bitwe-n Look lluvan and Pittaburgb. Alio the largest in Clearfield, Cam eron, Klk Jellenon and other neighboring coun tiN. PRIMARY ELECTION. Tbe Democratic Primary Elect leu will occur this year on the 18th of September. It will, therefore, be In order to aonounoi the names of candidates on and alter the 4th day of August. Our fee for announcing candidates will be aa fol lows : Congreaa $15 Asaembly 12 Frol bono try , 10 Register and Recorder . 8 County Surveyor - 6 This will include the printing of 12,000 tickets and the noceasary blanki for holding tbe Primary Election. No name will t.e announced unlefs the caih acoouipanies the urder. 3t em Kkliep VvtiD. Final luUiiiciit of Philip Dotts, Km)., Ttcacorer of thi Irish Relief Fund of Clearfield county. Ilelow will be found a dftailed statement showing the total amount contributed, and Ibe several district from wbloh it was oollccted : Durnrmle borough eoumittee,,.. .$ 13 80 ... 180 15 & 3i . S 80 ., & 00 .. 20 7S ... i:i oo Clearfield " Beecaria township Cheat (J. P. Fry) (Dr. J. W. PoUer),., commit tee , Covington ferguson Oraham Huaton Jordan K art liana Knox Lawienre Morris r so 21 81 3.1 o 18 50 - SS 60 .. 14 1ft Total $30 2ft I hereby certify that tbe above amount haa been duly forwarded by ane to the Hintld Com mittee, part of which waa sent April Utb, J 880. The amount sent le-day having been paid to me dnoe the other remittance. A. W. Walt. an, Pbii.ii- Dotts, Chairman Co. Com. . Treasurer, The eht. Tho wonderful returns made by the Equitable Life A scar ane e society arc Illustrated by the may lei ten expressive of satisfaction, written by tbe policy-holders to the company. The following Is a fair example : York, Maine, March "d, 1880. J. F. Clark, Esq., Agent, Portland. Ihar Mr ; I no in with pleasure the rrault of my insurance by the Equitable Aisurstioe Society under my Tontine policy, No 4'J:UI0, I havejpaid $:f,076.05,sud for ikia you have carried an insur ance of l.'i.l'i'O on me for eleven yare, and J"u now offer me oa-h $;t, or lM.vv.25 more than 1 haie paid vou. beoluT at life insurance should note tli-se r-sulli and insure in the Kqullulile. Yours Iruly, Hbrry Moi'LTuN. With sucb dividends It Is m! aurprising that Ibe Equitable dues so large b boalnt as. All Its policies become Incontestable after three years, and no company in tbe country has so wide a reputation for the prompt and lull payment of death claims. R. M. McKnally, DiatrU Agent, Clearfield, Pa. Office In Shaw's Row. W. H. "UNhrnRii, Agnt, Osceola. D. 8. Moorr, Agent, CurweosvUle. Jj1Uhiltun, Agent, Luthereburg. June 1 6 4t PRINTERS' PICNIC. Ttimn m rr inu op th avii lim e covinrraR ox aavvHDAV. , Five of the tea members of the Juniata Valley Printers' Association, vis t Messrs, E. Conrad, of (he McVeytowa Jomrnmt Al. Tyhurat, ef tbe Huntingdon Ohke ; Oeorge Sbrom, ef the New port ledger James II. Irwin, of tbe Altooae Rnd.cel, and H. A. Mel' ike, of Ibe Cumbria f"ree is, ajet at the residence of the Secretary, la Ebcuiborg, al I o'clock, P. M. on July 10th, 1880. The icleetioa ef a oCraet band and orchestra for the coming plenic at Roaring Spring, September 4th, ItfKO, being the first business In order tbe proposi tions fnr warded to the Chairman were submitted for the eoasideratlou of the Committee. They were frum (he follow tag place i Newport, Miftlia town, Tort Royal, Alciaadrla, Pbilipshurg and Mines. Mr. Sbrom vouched for the ability of the New port band te furnish good music, md atse an or chestra first class la every respect. Thia being the only organisation, so far aa known, that could supply tbe laet earned desideratum It was esteemed the best offer made, inasmuch as music for all purposes could thus he obtained at lower rates than by employing twe separata and dis tinct bands, therefore, ea motion ef Mr. Tyhant, tbe Newport Bead was teleeted by acolhtaaUoa, Oa motloa of the same gatlemee the Secretary was last rusted t prepare an I send oat at looa as possible the aeeeesary circulars, blaaki, simi lar la Import to those fssaed last year. Tbe Pennsylvania Railroad Company, through Its gentlemanly and efAcleat e (Boers, Ueneral Superintendent I'cgk aad Chief Clerk MalUaad, and th lUatlagdea Broad and Top Railroad, through Ita equally efficient Superintend eat (targe t. flsge, Kq., have assured the Committee that tbe same oarteslc will be ei tended lath Asseciatloa oa this occasion aa oa the previous oiei, Oa motion ef Mr. Shrem ibe Commlttiee ad journed la met fa A I toon a at tbceaHcfth SeereUry, for tba purpose ef sending oat the tickets and transacting each other baslness at ay he accessary. ('r . J( B. Coaaan, Chalrmaa. II. A. MrFiaiBj, Sscrlry. j - ,i THOSE DELATED LOGS. araa.TioNi runan war ro amao a lanui i 1KB OP fHBM IXfO TUB Boon O0D CUT- look roa woaaiiuMBN. ' Wa Icari froas the WiUlBtneport BullHim ( last week tbat In consequence of the laek of water, a large number of logs are still back In tbe river, and many of the mill of thla ally have .feeu obliged to stop ranning. After a long wait la the hope of a fro bet, (be lumbermen have finally become Impreaiod with the belief tbat tome action should he taken to remedy tbe exist ing difficulties. Various projeetc were considered, and the most feasible oae that of undertaking to drive a portion af the deinyed Irgi was adopted. At a recent meeting of leading lumber men, a Committee was appointed and entrusted with full discretion to take oharge of the opera Hons. Tbe Committee oonslsts of Messrs , Bdgar Munron, B. 0. Bo man, William Howard, S. T. Pore man and K. C. Reading. The Committee promptly met, when Mr; Bdgar M union who was chosen President, and Mr. R C. Reading Secre tary. Tbfy lost ao time In beginning operations. Mr. O. II. K entry was engaged, and he began operations yeaterday with number of men and learns baulog the lo-l Into tbe stream at tbe different ben above Keating. The work fl to be pushed vigorously, urrd the uicnburi of the Com mittee will be in the ground ia for ton te sup ar ia teod matters There are from 30,0u0,000 to 6tl,flOO,OCP foot uf lugs In tlio r'.vcr between Lock Haven aitd Renting, nearly all of which, it Is believed, can he brought In upon h A( a flood. Aa soon aa there la a two foot tlod in tbe rivor force of twe bacwlrcd uiao and twen y team will be empiujed euit ut vitw uf driving thejogs promptly through' to the boom. It il bclievul that tbey caa roa them to Lock Haven in three days after star ting. Mr. B. 0. Bowman has promised to BMiat with splashes from Dennett's Branch and other poind. Kreo ahould there be no flood on Bennett's Branch, a half a flood on the river above Keating will give sudloieat water to accomplish the desired purpose. The pros pects for our Idle mills starting up at an early day arc, therefore, very encouraging. Princi pally all the lumberman having logs back are united in Ibis enterprise, and It will be pushed forward with el! possible energy. Tbe Committee have- perfected arrangements by which tbey will be proviied with an ample rupptj of fundi to carry on tbe work. It Is thought that the total cost will be between $3,000 and $4,010. -7-- i m - THE CENSUS. The Enumerators of our county have filed with Prothonotary Bloom, a complete list of Cenfus for 1SP0. Below will be found the population of each borough and townrhip In Clearflold county for IS 50, ISflO, 1870 and 1.-90, and by an alpha betical arrangement tbe formation of each town ship and borough si no 1450 Is pointed out bob's a rwr'i. 1850 IBfiO 1870 18S0 a "Burn side Dor. M mi Clear fled " ' aCurwenalie " - clloutitlale " a. d L. City e 1 Xewbarg H &03 7o7 46ft 1,811 ftofi 1.110 706 2,0flH 2118 281 1,261 106 1,401 1,001 443 00ft 1,086 1,8M I.7V4 1,205 8 ft 2 2,4 4 T 715 575 601 846 452 1,080 K'.h RIM 012 7tH 1,226 1,071 All 1,440 3,72V 561 6,101 N. Waabn" . 211 813 1,30 "18 81ft 7K4 1,172 1,024 1,178 701 1,461 i85 4 WO tig Jtioeo'.a M Wallaoeton " M Ilccearia Townships Bell i Uloom ' Boggi Bradlord " Brady BiirtisiJe " Cheit " Covington ' Decatur ' j Ferguson " Uirard " Omhen H H7 4S- 4ti:t m I.Otiii 1,010 420 8.IT 100 2U4 5fll Uofl I,(1S7 l.a:it 742 M0 510 4D2 .102 6f..l 428 oHI 410 4J 2 1,402 570 VtlV j'WrahiMn ' C:i(i roi 5"7 601 452 !,H7 1,720 l,4hl) 1,138 400 1,034 ttroenwo u " ., (ttulioh Huaton " J-.rdan " Kartbaus " at Knox " 2:10 012 :no 1,173 Liiwrenoa Morris Pean Pike i tiandy I'nion Woodward 1,249 '. zr.2 3J 2Ufl Total 12,407 18,760 26,741 43,401 'Included in Burnslde township, f Included in Chest township. Burnside borough was formed within tbe boundaries of Burnside township in 1H74. oa Clearfield berooeh was formed oat of Law rence) township per aot of Assembly approved April list, into. o uurwensvtiie Dorougn was tortnea witnio the boundaries of Pike township in 1951. o Houtsdale waa formed out of the teiritor7 of Woodward township la IH7J. a Lumtior titv ooronrb was rormed cat or the territory of renn township In 18j. c Wewburx borousn was located within the boundaries, ef Chest township, and formed la 1919. New Washington wai formed out of territory belonging to uurusiJo iowosni)i to looy. g Osceola was erected into a borough In 188.1. outer territory belonging to Decatur township. A. Wallacelun borough was termed (n ISM within the boundaries of Duk-rfs township. i Bloom township was funned out ef Dradr, j'onn, i'ikc ana in ion townmins in imiu. (iraham wai created into a township in I860 out of portions of Bradford and Morria township. ureenwoou was erecioa into a townump in inio out oi parts or Hell, ferguson and rem t Gulich was erected Into n township out of parts oi uecoana and Woodward in ic v. m KaoB Was created out of parts of FerguioBj Jordan and Pike townsbipb la 1854. - - a Handv township was formed in 1879, out of parts oi iirauy and uustoo. AMONG THE TOWNSHIPS. Continmtd from jirit page t aion. ' The schools will be open seven months the present year, with one exception. , Miss Fannie Head li teaching a sohool of tender juveniles, who cry from fright wbeo visitors enter the room. Frank Harley bas been appointed a member of the Board, to take the place of Mr. Sehofleld whe resigned. Mr. Blanch ard in ten J s building a small school bouse near Walkerville, for the accommodation of tome families there. Tho School Board will fureiib and pay the lew her. ' i LAwnisk'i. Scoretary Cooklia Is receiving numerous appli cations for situations for tbe Winter term, The contract for building the new school bouse in Hillsdale, bas been awarded te Mr.A.F. Logan for $728. Mr. Dmk, of tbe Ml. Joy district having re reslgnrJ, Mr. Oliver Conklio bas boon appoint i to fill the vacancy. Th Directors will meet on the day ef examina tion to consult with tbe applicants for their school. They will eipeet their leathers lo be eiemlncd in their presence. The Primary school or Ulen Hope Is now in session, and la presided over by Mr, Haley. Mr. B. 0. JUly, the effiolent teacher of Ulen Hope hex been employed fur tbe third term at tbat place. i Misses I,i la C. and Willa V.KhofLof llagerty's X Koads are attending Mr. Scofleld's Select school at Jaynesvlll. The So lee, school at Qlea Hop gar an Kx hibitfua on lb evening of July 2d, U aciowded house. Tbe cierolies gave complete satisfaction. The aew School Bjard at a recent session , elected Thos. Flick of Utahville, Preside t and John II. Weld of tbe same place, Secretary. Both art well qualified for the political. , Missel Jennie Dewalt and Annie Matthews hart been attending the aew Washington Normal loitltntc during lis Summer. Miss Matthews wn the prist aa assay at ft close of tbt school The Public Examination, By consulting the advertising columns of this paper you will find th programme for the el imination of teachers for the sohooli of the couay. In addition to (be programme we give the following Informatics t lit. The classes, when large will be divided Into parts according te the attainments of the applicants. 2d. The candidates ibonUaorne well prepared wilh paper, suitable for pencil writing. Pencil tablets preferred, and which, likely can be secured it tbe Kaaminer's desk on dar of examination. 3d. CertifloatM'wlH not be Issned to person i under seventeen years of age, unless such appli cants have taught la the eoemty, er come speetel ' reason ha given tbat will Justify the issuing r Certificates I applicants af that age. 4th. Those whe have failed ia teaching, or are knows to be ef Immoral habits need aot enter any class for aiamieaiion. j 6th. Teachers who have aot been si ten ding school during the year Will be eipeoted to mcui- fast seal enough to at least, subscribe for aa eda- i ealieaal Journal. j fitb. The Educational meeting In coaneetien , with each appointment, when tbe classes arc large will be held at eight, and where they are small the meeting will be held la the artiraooa. The programme for these meeting! will ha pah llibtd in dae time In the Bducitional cola mo, er by pesters sent te the several districts. Speakers will be present en each occasion lo address (be people, aid It Is hoped the local authorities will furnish a tollable place for holdiag tbe meeting, and a'akt luoh other arrangement aa may Mem neceissary. ., , t . M L. MiQrcwi, SeperlntctHlent. The loorot of long lit is to keep tho liver perfectly healthy which is bcrt icrompltshed by alag only "Slier' itr Pllli," Got a policy in the KqaitaMe Life aiiarancc aootety oi taa u. a, m. mcMiy, Clearfield, Pa., It District Agent far this aid and reliable Company. 1L Bur Youb Mill Now I Wo are tho proprietors of a Saw Mill, complete la every par ticular, wbloh we will ll very ebcap. ror par ticulars, address B. A. A W. D. BIOL BR, Clearfield, Poaa'e. Celkry Plants. Ernest Bock, Clearfield, Pa, haa oa bead a large u entity of Celery pleats, aad of the bast eualtty, at bis green bouse, oa Front street, which be will eU nt 76 cents per bundrel, or one thousand for $8, - . - imt emi Fifty Men W anted. 1 illy men urs wanted to engage In cutting and hauling logs ob Moravian ran, In Graham township. For further particulars address Dxvid B. Wruir, O rah am too. Pa. First com, first served. H-St I Hank CnAMOBa.-The County a tional Bank having purchased the Banking Ileus of the Clearfield Count Bank, In Ora ham's building, has removed lata that block, en Mark at street, while tbe Clearfield Coaaty Bank will occupy tbe rooms on Second street vacated by the County National Bank. " - - - me m See a woman on horseback in another column, riding near S peer 'a Vineyards, with a bunob of Urapes from which Ppeer's Port Oripe Wine Is made, that is so highly eeleemed by the me Heal profeaslun for tbe act of iivalida, weakly, ptrtone and the aged. Sold by E. W. (trahii Drugglit, Clearfield, Pa, Jly-lfi 70-tf. A Fact. An advertisement Inserted in the RiruaLicxN will reach more readers than If published In all the other papers In th eoan- ty.and cost the advertise! lest than one-half, In other words, nn advertisement published In our jcurnal la worth double the prloe of that charged by any other publisher In tbe county. 'It is a faot." Femalo woakneps, acidity of stomaob, llvtf and kidney diseases, non-retension in chil dren (or wetting the bed) have all been oared in a great number of cases by aslng Darosma, Liver and Kidney Cure. ' Prepared by R. K. Thompson, Titusville, Pa. For sale by all druggist la Clearfield, -and Joseph Seyler A Son, Luthersbarg, Pa. 2t New Daily Staoe LtNR. Jamos L. Leavy hi succeeded in having a dally mail estab lished between Clearfield and Pen n tic Id, and will beroafter rua a daily aUge between the two points. Ills contract began with April 1st, and the stage will leave dear He Id every morning (except Sun day) at o'clock, making connection! with all trains on the Low Grade Railroad at Pennfleld, re turning after the last train the same evening. Passengers and freight will be carried at low rates. Orders left at any or tbe hotels will be attended to.' I0epr79-tf Farmers. Look Here ! Lytle will give you highest market prices for Wheat, Oats, Corn, Buckwheat, Butter, Eggs, Onions, Apples, dried frulti, and ill kinds or produce. He has tbe largest and best selected itook of groceries, teas, coffees, molasses, spices, oil salt, sugar, qusensware, tubs, buckets, barkets, churns, no., In Clearfield county. He buys his goods In large quantities from manufacturers and first bands 1 for cash, and takes the advantage of all discounts, aod so he is enabled to sell at lowest prices. He gives cash prices for produce, and sells his goods at the lowest prices la the county. npt-a- 7-ti .. Mt em Clearfield Coal Trade. State ment of Coal and other freights sent over tbe Tyrone A Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Rail road, for I he week ending July 10th, 1880, and the lame tlmo laityear : COAL. Fur tbe week - Same liioe lait year Increase. Previously during year Same time I act year Decrease...... Total in 1880 Same time last year Decrease ornxn paaienTi. Lumber 81 cars. Miscellaneous freights ...-..! 34 "WAS BILIOUS AND MY NERVES WERE QUITE UNSTRUNG." 8 m am an, N. Y., Jan. 187$. Dn. M. M. Fbhki, Fredonia, N. Y , Dear Sir : I had been out of health for tfar months. Was bilioua, my eyes aod eomplexloa betas? vellow and mv nerves wer quite unstrung. Had lost my eppetite, my mouth tested bad, my head was stopped Bp and felt dull and heavy aod I bad lost my ambition. 1 have now taken one bottle of your Blood and Llrsr Remedy and Nerve Tonic and feel entirely cured. Youra truly, July. 14-21 N. N. WHITAKBR. Dr. Fcnner's Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic may well be nailed "The conquer ing hero" or the times. It 1 the medical triumph of the age. Whoever bas "the blues" should take It. for It regulate aod restores tbe disordered system tbat give rise to them. It always cures Billoaioosa aad Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dys pepsia, Constipation, Heads oh a. Fever and Ague, Spleen Enlargements, SoroCula, Erysipelas, Pimples, Blotchel and all ikia Eruptions and Blood Disorders; Swelled Limbs and Dropsy ; Sleep less nen. Impaired Nerves and Nervous De bility Restorer flesh and strength when the sys tem Is mining down or going Into decline ; care Female Weakness and Chronic Rheumatism, and relieve! Chronic Bronchitis, and all Lung aad Throat difflouliiei. It does these thloga by strik ing at the root of disease and removing Its cancel. Dr. Faoner'i Improved Cough Honey wtll re lieve any cough La on hour. Try a sample bettlc At ten cenls. Dr. Fc oner's Qeldea Relief cures any pain, as Tooth -ache, Neuralgia, Colic or Headache in live to thirty nloutes, and readllj relieves Rbeuma- tlim, Kidney Complaint, Dlarhaa, etc. Dr. Fenncr! SL A' It us Dance Specific. Oct bottle always cares. For tel by Hartiwiok A Irvio, Druggist, Clearfield, Pa. aug 27-lf. LETTER FROM HUSTON. PanriBLn, July 10th, 1888. Mr. RrtlToa : H niton townihln has made most gratifying progress since 1870. Then lis popula. Hon waa S7. Now It Is 1,358 j besides, at least lOOtekeninte Sandy township. Then Pettfteld was only a cross-roads, containing n store, a blacksmith shop and a few dwelling houses. Now tt Is a flourishing village with 300 Inhabi tants wilh stores, churches, shops, hotels, Ac, in abundance. In 1870 the present sits of Winter- burn was a fore it. Now It has a population of i u, rn.mii iwo one steam saw-mm, i non ryierc was a blank. Now It bas a population of Ml, and two firit class saw mills. In 1870 there was not a railroad within sixteen miles. Now the Low (trade Railroad tuns entirely through the township, ani nas opened np extensive mining and lumbering enterprises. In 1870 there waa not n church nearer than Clearfield, and the Sab bath was kept by hunting, Ashing, working aad playing ball. And when th M.B. Minister, nt Pen fie Id tried to organia a Sabbath Hchcol, not a praying man could be found for Superintendent. Now there are two nice churches In Pen field, and the Sabbath II quite well observed, and plontr of men for i ravin nurnoeea can be found. In 1870 only indifferent oounlry eenooia, in erunary country tcnooi nouses ex isted. Now we have a good a school building a th country affords, and a High school which Is the pride ef tbe towaahip, and has a county wide If act a world-wide fame. In 1870 there wa not n steam law -mill in the township. Now there are six first-class ones, producing annually 20,000,008 feet of lumber. The saw mill owned by Wa. D, Woodward, Jr. It located oa Bennett's Branoh, near Peaueld th mill of Charles Blanehard, and the one owned by Mr. Georr Craig A Son, nt Wintorbcrn t th mill ef J . K. futoam a Co., at Tyler, and those of th Laurel Ran Lumber Company, aad F. 0. Bowman, on ijBarci nun. Now, If any of the ordinary township of Clear. field county can heat Huston, let nt hear frow them. Of course we do net challenge inch prodigies as Sandy and Woodward townships, it. ii. ti. HpcctalM. , MacamRB, Km. All iterion wanttn, a nr.. elaaa Bawiog Macblaa ihoald bo, tha Naw la- Ero.M i.ignt-nunnlng wim, lor aaia o; naa a. Mra, Claaraald, Pa., o, Mila, R. Baara, dealer la Machlnaa aad Organ,, K.inoMatllla, Pa. a, llb-5a" Waeran. Delivered at tba Rail Road. -1110,9m ld.larh abarad iblnglM. I no, on, le-laeb aawed iblaglaa. I00.BIH feu of viae aoarda. , 00,on U-reet .hated boot. 5,011, ralread tlea. 60,000 feet of good hemlock bnarda. Par tableb I will pa, th. higbett a ark at prloe, dellfered at Clearfield, or at aa, foiat aa th. Tyrone A Clearfield Railroad. 4. W. a.BaMBB. Clearfield, Pa. 0.1. 16, 1171 tf. Jiint Itecolvod. Junt RcoftiTed by ARNOLD, at CURWENSVlLIiE Car Xxiad Nora Hcolia riaalorl Car Load pure Corn, ftyt and Oata Chop ! Car Load Peakcn Salt I Car Load of Choice Family Flour 1 Car Load Dry Good, Hmoeriei, Ao.! Mr-Bhintticf, Bark. It. It. Tie and Grain will be taken In exchange. , CurwenBvillc, May 1, 1R78. Oki Boannan Pan Cbnt. Diioodxt on Old Pbicbi. Sewing Machines can aew be pnrobaaed at Merrell'a tta and variety store, from $ p wards. All kinds ef sewing machines repaired on tbe shortest notice. Clearfield, Piw, July IS, 1S7T. Collbctob'b Salri I We have prepared a form, and hare oa hand a large quantity, of blank "Collector's Sales," which have been ap proved by the highest legal eathrity In the Courts ef thia oouaty. At fieeaiy Cenle per doeea we will mail any number to the Collector ordering them. A Collector, when compelled to advertise property, must post ap not lee than three aotlcec in the most public places la bic borough or township. tf. SJlarrtfl UARTXFIELD KORB At the Reformed Parsonage, oa Tuesday evening, Jul- I lib. 1880, by Ree. John Welhnoh, Mr Jacob Uartifleld and Miss Annie L Kerb, both to Brady township, Clearfield county, Fa. our loR. iTom whoro we (UI(lv,Mv MTicE!-U.t,.ir.,ir,or. division) lay, the whole country in Jfj MurrUdai. u.. imb da; or Ma; fmnL and fur to our left, awnv to l0. BLACK COW, atioal i mn old, raibar rps ght . mnA In T i(i rjn.imall aod Ibio, bad bell oo wb.n la.t ai bom.. poach orchard and to L tu KoiA. lno.lnt of b ...b.,,, j iwn vie LOp, WM in mil vie- uur uiviltirln.lDir bar lo aa al Morrlldal. Hlnu, Clear. stood in brigade columns, and wheBflM oou&ir. P.., or a.adina ro. wnni wb.r. ,b. .,, IJo1ihn)u - - n - .'' - vr - It. 1'ar.oa.K., l'billbbor(, Jal, 41b, ISsU, b, K,r. A. M. rnlfbtoii, Mr. O.bor. U. RowlM.ol Oraapla. Hill., Clwrlleld a.unlr, and Mi.t Marlba J. ilciUcnr.tbar, of uurw.utrille, Bld aonol,. fa. PARI8H RUPKRT.-ODTo.ida;, July l.llh, IHBO, bjr llaar, UMb, K.q ar. J....rb Htl.b and Ul, Ao.a llnpert, al lo( B.lllowmhip.C'lear fleld ooongr, Pa. BBAFFKR UAVK. Ia Tioutrill. oo Tu.i da,, Jolj 1 lib, Mat, hj R.r. Jubo Wolbaob, Mr. Jacob I. Hhafftr, of Witiiamiport, Pa., aod Mill Abbi. C. II auk, of lluboil, LlMrlald aounlj, Pa. sua. FINKBETNBR. Itt Clearlild. Jol. lT.h. I8S0, Oeorga a., orTI, bob of J.F. and Catbarloa ,inkbain.r, agad IU anOLtlia and 1 daja. Tha child waatiarlad la tba Lulbaraa Caroatarj Daar Trontrllle. Tha parent, a, to r. torn thank, to th. aelghbors aid oitiiooi for tbalr aaiiitanca oa tha ooeaalon. CLEARFIELD M ASSETS. CLBiarriLD, Vkn July 20, I8K0, Flour, per ewt .t 00 Buckwheat Flour, per cwt ... 161 Corn Meal, per ewt t 00 Chop, rye, perewt 1 70 Chop, mixed, per cwt I 40 Bran, per ewt 1 16 Wheat, per bushel 1 10 Rye, per bushel tt Oats, per bushel 60 Corn, earl, per boahol .. at Buckwheat, per bushel 0 Clover eeed 8 00 Timothy seed 3 75 Potatoes, per bushel ou Apples, per bushel 00 Onion 1 00 Hams, per pound 124 Shoulder, per pound ...,. S Dried Beet, per pound 10 Chickens, per pair W Butter, per pound 16 BrkIi per dosen 12i Salt, nor lack, large 1 vo uoai uu, per gallon ia Lard, per poun H. 10 Dried Apples, per pound . T Dried Peaches, per pound 12 Beans, per bushel t 0 PRODUCE MARKET REPORT. PniLAniLrnia, July 10. There wa but little duing in bread itoffa nod very little change in prices. Cotton Is quiet and steady at 12io for middlings. Hark Ho sales, heeds remain as last quoted. Choice clorer is worth 71 f(iBc, aod timothy Is at i. Flour and MealFlour hi in fair demand and prices are rather better. Sales of 1,000 barrels. Including Minnesota extras, at $6.260.76; PeonayWania family at Hu;, Ml; weatern do. do. at 6.2o(o6, and patents $7.i0(4i 8.2.'. Rye flour is steady at $4.26. Grain Wheat Is fairly active and firm. 8ales of 0,000 bushels, including red and amber, choice at f 1 .14 ; do. do., damp at $1.0ii(a,1.0H, and No. 1 red, elevator, ntfl.14. At tbe open hoard, first call, tl.l.lj was bid tr July i $1.00 for August ; $1.0V for September, end $1.10 for October. Rye is steady at 70c for new and 82c for old Penney I nia. Corn is In better dsmand and firmer. Bale of 0,000 bosbeli, Including rejected at 47 KM.; steamer at 4eci nixed at 4yuy4V4o, and yellow at 60i($61c. At tbt open board, first call 6,000 bosbels September cold at 60vc ; 4S,e was bid for July j 4iic for August j hOe for September, and SOJo for October. Data are quiet. Sales of 7,0u0 bushels, lacludiog rjMted nt 3630. aid white at 4orb43o. Whisky Is stead. Bales western nt tl.H- CnicAoo, July IB. Flour steady and Iran. Wheat in fair demand, but lower ; No. I red win. ter, 06 No. t Chicago aprlng, tMfe for cash and July 0c for August ; 87 c for September ; No. I do., 82(i&4o rejected, fil(ri' 06c. Corn fairly active and a shade higher; STfi.lfte for cash : ffi f J7 for July 3-.('ti lor August ; Bl OLtei for September. Oats fairly active and bad higher ; 24(ifa.4.c for rash ; 32i21ro for Ausust and Beptemb-r "ve firm at floe, llarley steady and unchanged. Pork atsady and in fair demand; f la.ftOf.t ia.76 for ca0 ) l,i.ttofo, i .i.vo forJu v: l.00((ii 3.V21 for Aucuat : fifl.8ar ia.B7i for September. Lard firmer $0.80 for eaah and bid for August : $.H5 bid for Hcptem bcr. Bulk meats easier ; shoulders, $T.fi6 : short ribs, $0.06; short clear, $7.20. Kggs, 'oi&Vc. Whisky steady. P OtlU HIIKHEL Oeorge Wearer A Co ej. want five thousand bushels of OATS, now, and will pay cash or produce. ClaarflelJ, Pa Aug. II, 1879 tf. TIEEII VIM HArE.Tbirteea hires of J) Italian Beet which I will cell cheap for eaah, or exchange for wheat. For further in formation call on or address the undersigned. J.F. KHAMKK. Nor 6,'70-lf. Clearfield, Pa. jn. . wiNsnow, MYSICJANd- SVRGEON, Clearfield, Penn'a. The Dr. having recently located la Clearfield, offer his service to tbe people of this vioinity. p4t Office on Reed street. Residence Leon ard House July list 0iD rpO HIIOM IT MAY CONCERN. An J application will be made to tbe Court of Uuartor oesstonl oi u learn ell couoiy. on tbe 4tu day of August next, for the appointment of viewers, to view the dumber City brldfc. Clear field creek bridge, at Leonard Station, and the lower bridge, Clearfield, Pa., In order te male them free bridge. C. W. KVLKIl, juiin rum run, BLAH JOHNSTON, County Cum mission srs. Clearfield, July 14, 1880-41. AS1NIGNI.KR KOTICKTo Whom It May Concern Tbe naderilrned, bavina been appointed Assignee for the benefit of eredl tore by Jas. B. tirabam, of Clearfield boroogb, all persons, therefere, having claims sgaimt him will present them to ns for settlement, and those in det ed to tbe said U rah am are required lo Httle and make payment to us. fiPWAKU a. HII.1.KU, AHIIUHV W. LKK, Clearfield, Pa., Dee. 24, 1879 tf Asilgnecs. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTIC'K. Notice ia hereby given that Letters of Adminis tration on the . late of ALPRKI) W. OWKN8, late of Ferguson township, Clearfield county, Pa., lee d, havinc beta dety eranted te tbe under signed, nil persons Indcptrd te said estate will rilenae make imnaediau payment, and those bar ng claims or demands against the same, will present them properly cut hen tie ted for settle ment without delay. JAMRH II.IIILB, Administrator. Lumber City, Pa., Jant Id, 186Mt. APMIKIMTIIATORA NOTICK.-Notlce tt hereby alveaj that Letter! of Adminis tration on thesstata or JOHN A. THOMPSON lata of Brady township, Clearfield county, Pa , deceased, having bean duly granted to the undertime, all persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and those having claims er demands aganat the same will present them properly authenticated for settle ment without daley. HA K A II Aflfl THOMPSON, MILTON H, THOMPSON, Administrators. Latberabarg, Pa , Jane I, 1880 fit. (lAirTIONWhereasmywlfaJaraca.ha left J my bed and board without any jieel eauee or persons againet harboring or (mating her oa my awiym, i ut mi in I"" vv ymj 119 aev.e con tracted by her after Juae ROtb, Ift.iO, unless, eom pelled tt dc so by due protest of taw. uDoiMf m, Drain Lin, Pa., July Utk, lH0at C'l AIITION.-A1I personi are hereby warned J Baralnst pnrrh ulnar ar In any way med dling with the following par sou property, now an we peoeeeeien i u. mee, ei nnai towatbip, vis: I Sorrel horse, 1 Bay mare, 1 let of heavy harness, Singletrees and Spreaders, 4 head of hogs, I slock, I sieve,! beds and boding. The foregoiag property was purchased by as at Constable sale and Is allowed to remain In the noeeesstoa ef said Alfred 0. Wis oa suae only, subject lo ear order at aay time. w. ii..vrinrl, WM. C.ARNOLD, Raw MiLLFoar, July 14, llttl. st Dia)ei4)UfTlOr10PPAIiTlIKRItMIK Notice It hereby givea that the partnership lately existing between J. F, Kramer and W. W. Worrell, of Clearfield, Pa., nnder the Arm name of Kramer A Worrell, the saloon be si- Bess, In Clearfield, wai diaseWtd en the Utb day ef Jily, llhi, aad that I will hold my a If re rponaible, or pay aay further debti contracted under laid firm acme after thla Jit. ."UN F. KRAMKR. Cltarflehl, July 14, IMt II X ECdTOR'a NOTK E.-Notlce la here. J by given tbat Letter! Testamentary ea tbe estate of WILLIAM JO..ES, late of Clearfeld borouch. Clearfield county. Penn'a, deoeased. having bee duly granted to the undersigned, a'l persons Indebted to said estate will plea a make immediate payment, nod tuoae navmg claims or demand! against the same will present them properly authenticated fur settlement without delay. ttUUbKi wmui.KY, Kiccutor. Clearfield, Pa-, July 14, 1860-At. E XKtl'TOH'H NOTICE Nolle. U b.r- i b. jr'V"0 that L.ttr. TuliUHlir oa lb. UUOfJUHN hill I KK, Ula U lo.D kip, ClMrB.ld MHty, I1,., decattd, b..ln, ln dult ,r.Btd lo tb tiailtriiKiiod, .11 pr ,oo. iod.bial to Mid Mill, .ill bl.M B.k. im v.di.1., ind tbow b.rinf claim, or ti.- maud, agalcatlh. mb. will proMot .rop- .rijr ,miier.tittal.d lor aeni.tiirBi wimoat a.iay UKOKdEC. KIRK. Kxacutor.,, 1'.., Jun, J, IK8(HI. ,. 1 "nl '""''. braide. pa, them for their time and trouble. (IKOlUiK FLEOAL. Merritdale Uiocs, Pa., June I), IBSu-lt. ATTENTION FARMERS I I UAVK returned to my old business, aLd will be f und at the PUniog Mill office, on Pine itrcet, CLRARPIULD, PA., where 1 will sell all kinds ot AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, AND THE CELEIIRATXD WOOD UQVTZZ & EEATEE, A larce stock of which I have alwavs on hand. Also, HAY RAKES and all other machines osd by the rarmer, as well as materials lor repairs. r I will exchange the above articloa for CASH, GOOD BEEF CATTLE, or SHEEP, Al I contemplate butchering, and would be pleased to have the trade of the farming public. ELAM W. DROWN, Clearfield, Pa., June 9, IftHO-tf. ORPHANS' COURT SALE Valuable Ileal Estate ! IN pu nuance of an order of the Orphan' Court or Clearfield county, Pa., there will be ex posed to cale at tbe hotel of Uco. W. Davis, In the borough of New Washington, In said county, on Wednesday, August 11, 1880, at 2 o'clock P.M., ail th following described real estate of John Korabaugh, late of Burnside. town ahlp, in said county, dec 'd, to wit: All that cer tain tract of land situate in said township, bound ed west by lands now or late of Jamea Uallagber, north by lands let of Crawford Uallagber, east by land now or late of tbe heir of David Mitchell, dee'd, and south by land lateef Benjamin Galla gher, containing 11)0 acres, more or less,and known as purpart No. 1 in the partition of laid dc cedent' estate. The Improvements oonsist of a TWO-STORY PLANK DWELLING HOUSE, S4il. feet, with an "L" sttached, 23alf, leel, liAHK II A n ft , (HUB leet, WAHUrt SUED, and other outbuildings, also n good orchard. Property nearly all cleared and under good cultivation. TERMS Or S.tLIU One-third tha purchase money, aod alao enough of the residue thereof to cover the cests and fee Incident to aaid partition and sale, eaib on con firmation of sale, ene-balf the balance in one year Irom the date af said sale, and the remainder at the death of Mary J. Horabaugh, widow ef said deo d, tbe latter two payments with their interest, payable annually, to b secured by bond and mortgage on tbe premises, 11. L. HENDERSON, Administrator. Ostend, July 21st, 1M0-3.. Teachers' Examination I The public eiiuiinition of teachers fornrorln oial certificates for tbe present school year, will oe neia as follows : Morris, at Kylerfown, Tuesday, Angus! 10th. Graham, at Centre ilill school house, Wednes day, AOtuit 1 1 th. Uoggs and Wallaoeton borough, at Centre school bouse, Thursday, August 12th. Lawreoce, Lawrence Independent nnd Clear field borough, at Clearfield, Friday, August 13th. uoanen, at rnewiviue, Monday, August lota. Uirard, at Oillinghem school house, Tuesday, Angus! 17th. Covington, at Union school house, Wednesday, AUgUSt IB to. Kartbaus, at Oak Hall trbool hone, Thursday, August 10th. Pike, Pike Independent and Curweneville borough, at vurwensville, Selu'day, August 21st. Ifraaioru and Dradlord independent, at Uigler, Monday, August 23d. Ooceola borough and Decatur, at Osceola, Tues day, August 21th. Woodward aod Hoatadale, at Houtsdale, Wed need ay, August 15th. Mulich, at Janetrllle, Thursday, August 2fVb. Beecaria and Madera Independent, at Ulen Hope, Friday, August 27th. Knoi, at New Millport, Tuesday, August Slit. Jordan, at Ansonvill, Wodnaeday, Sept. 1st. Cheat and Newburg borough, at New burg, 1 bursday, beplcmner 2d. Burnside township aad borough, at Burnside, Friday, September fid. New WasbiBgtoa, at New Washington, Fat or day, September 4th. Bell, at Susquehanna school house, Monday Sent ember 0tb. Greenwood, at Bower, Tuesday, September 7lb. fergucon ana Lumber Ulty bornugn, at Lum ber City, Wednesday, September 8th, Penn, at Pennvihe, Thursday, September Oth. I'nion and Loion Independent, at Rock ton, Friday, September I Oth. Brady and Bloom, at Luthersbarg, Monday, September lllh. Sandy, at DuBols, Tuesday, September 14th. Huston, at Pcafleld, Wednesday, Sept. 16th. No one will be admitted to the clast whe ha not lelt a written application ror a trhool with th Secretary of the district ror whieh the exami nation ii held, we earnestly request the attend ane of all the Directors at these examinations, In order that we may consult together en subjects pertaining te the interests of the schools. The Secretary of each Board will please be prepared to announce tn application at in opening ot tne examination. Some evidence of good moral character will te required tf applicant with whom I am not acquainted. The speakers who will address the people at the dur -tional meet lags.will be announced tn the educational column of tbo papers. K laminations will open at 8:30 A. M. M. L. MctjllOWN, Co. Superintendent. Clear field, Pa , July 21, 1980 0t. AriHTORH'HTATUMICNToflbe finance of Brady townohip, Clearfield county, Pa. , from April 1Mb, 170, to April 12th, 18S0. J. II . Kirk, District Treasurer, in account with tbe ROAD, SCHOOL aod POUR funds uf said town ship. aean n una, . DR. To balance due at former settlement ,..$2,078 86 To amount of duplicate for I87i 2,3 IS M To back tax for 1878 - fife 8 Total.....' $4,800 III CR. By work done by elHsens en roads $2,115 12 By exonerations for 170. 19 SI By vouchers redeemed 617 II By Treasurer' percentage at X percent. on M7.l.'t .... 1 61 By ain't of tat not vorked out 107 AO Hy hack tot worked oat 8M 00 By balance In Treasury , 1,666 96 Total... ...44,$0fl SI reoa rirap. DR. Te bai. duet p. from former Mtlltrosat...$ 11$ 40 To amount donated by Jesse Line...,. 10 00 To full am'tef duplicate fur 1879 $80 04 Total .$1,111 44 CR. By vouchers redeemed- $ $17 98 By Treaaurer'apereeatage at 8 per cent. en $817.98 24 IS By making duplicates aad paying for seme H M $ 60 By abatement i to cltiseos 10 40 By amount In Treasury & 03 Total .....$!,! 1 1 44 i nocL rtm. DR. To amount tfeajh oa band I 436 60 To amount due from A. M. Drencher... 406 06 To amount due from John Jimesen 3rt2 02 To amount of subscription for Luthers barg school boae 200 00 To refund of J. II. Kdinger 22 60 Te I per eent. added an duplicate ef IH7T aad 1878. 206 40 To State appropriation H 686 88 Te full amount ef duplicate for I8T9... 1,790 48 To amooct due District Treasurer H 1 04 ToUl. ... ...a M.H. (S CR. Br Toaehar, redeemed H II, Bute approprlatlea m, , fir belaooe aot oelleelad.... M Bj balaaee la bead, of A. M. UraMbor. bf balaaea of aabarrlptioa aapaid..... Total.. ....4,01, M Wa. tbe anderiif aed Andltora of Rradr towa ahip, barlbg oaaaiaed tb. aaiciaat of JaMpb II. Klib. Tr.aor.r of BraJ, townahlp, la ao onoat wilh the Read, Poor aod grbool faoda of raid tewaiblp, Ib4 ibera . above atated. DANIKL UOOH1.ANDRR, Alteat I- L. BKV1.KR, J. W Colt. J. H. BKYLBR, Clerk. Aadltore, Lalkertharg, .lulv llrl, 1M l, "1 AM 614 4 141 4. 4t M gnu gUSQl'EHANNA HOUSE, CURWENSVILLE, PENN'A. -Thii old ao well-otebllah,r! Hole! ba, aeoa leaaed b, Ibe uoJer.ltaeo:, aod ba reela eoa odoot of reodelln, aaliafaetioa to tboee wb. nae aelrooia. blia. Uood etebhne; altaobed. LEW 18 0. BLOOM, I'roprletor. April II, '8011. gm yhiarrjHa- " viie fl te In awl . rail, A44i-ss CITT NOVBLTV CO, hjaf jiMUvn tl June 10, 16S0-la.- AIIIIIWIHTRATRH KOI ICK.-Notlc la hereby eivrn that Letter of Adminis tration on th oatate of A. H. SIJAW, late of Lawrence township, Clearfield county, Pa., dee'd, bavin? beoil duly iranted le tbe un jersianed, all persons Indebted to said ertate will please mike immediate payment, and lliose hat log Claims or demands aainut tbe same, will present tbeiu properly authenticated far settlement without delay. aiAiu e. piiah, W. W BKTTS, Adininlitratoni. Clearfield, Pa., June SO, 1880-Ot. SpriiiglSiiiniiier Milliner)! To Mr CrBTOUBBS ABO THB Pl'NLIC AT I.1BUB I Aboot batordajr, April, 1 will retum from Philadelphia wilb a full liae of MILLINERY HOODS of all kind,. Wilb aew raollUie, for do ing baiineee, I will ilrapl, ,a, tbat I eao now live ray eaatomere tbe beoeflt of tnj adrantairea la boyiaf, atelea aad prioea tbroogboot tbe entire araaoo. mra. i. r. naiouni Claarlald, Pa., April 11, Mi la. A IIDIIXIR'M NOTIi;ia.Io the Ornbaa,1 J Coart of ClearBeld Bounty, Pa., Ia the matter of tba Batata of Robert Young, deoeaeod, late of Lumber City, Clearfield eouaty. . Tbe uodaraigned Auditor, appointed by tbe aaid Court, u diatribute the money la tbe band, of Anthony llile. Adminlatrator of aaid aalale, among tbe penone legally entitled to reeelv. tbe eeme, hereby glvea ootloe tbat ha will attend to tha dutiaa of hi, appointment at hi, office, la the boroogb of Clearfield, ea TUESDAY, the J7T1I day of JI LY, A. I). 1880, at 1 o'eloek P. M., whea and where all peraoaa iolarealed may at lead. OSCAR MITCHELL, Audttor. Clearfield, Pa , J una If), 1 180. J)KIrf Al.S FOH lllULDIXi. To Ottrprnters ani Builders I The Lawrence Townahlp School Board will re ceive propo.ala until KATIIROAY, tbe 10TH DAYOPJl'LY next, for the erection of a frame School building, to b located at or near " Hills dak," In said township. Proposals will ba re jected after, o'clock A. M , July 10, IChll. ror full particulars, apply to or adiire-s J. L. CONKLIN, Bec'y of th Board, Clearfield, Pa. N. B. The Board will rciorve the right to reject any tr all bids. IIO FAHMEKS I The Fourteenth Annual Exhibition ol the CLEARFIELD COI NTV AURICLLTURAL SOCIETY will be held At Clearfield, Sept. 15, 1G & 17, 1S.S0, LIBERAL PREMIUMS will he offered and made public In due time, fur which every Farmer m tne county is inviiett io compete, rormiorma tion address LEANUEK DENNING, Pres't, Or AL. M. HOW, Secretary, Clearfield, Penn'a. Executive Committee Philip Dotts (Co. Treat nren. Dec-ear ia twp.; EHrha M. Davis, Pean twp. John Smith, Bloom twp., Levi R. Dressier, I nion twp.; Wilson r. late, Lawrence twp. June 10, 18H0-t4. Stale Normal School, INDIANA, Pa. Bl ILDINll, the belt of th. kind In the I'nlled State,. ACCOMMODATIONS for 4IK, beardera. SCHOOL, tral-elui ia all re.pectl. DEPARTMENTS Normal, Claaaical, Commer cial, Mualcal THE l-ALL TERM of IA week, will open oa Monday Sep't 16, 1880. EXPENSES, as low as those of any other school affording equal advantages and accommeda lion. For Catalogue, ad dries JOHN H. FRKNCH, LI,. 1)., PRINCIPAL. Ianue., Pa., Jaly Utb, 1880-9m. Aaron Pet.r, ..A. B. Woolrldga -lir-ALUftS IN Dry Goods, Groceries and General Merchandise, WOODLAND, CL'F'D CO., PA. Ilonpontfully solicit tholr irttrons JL ) and the pablle generally to call and exam ioa tbelr new atook of Spring and SmniiKT Goods, CONSISTING OF Cahlimcres, Velvetcena, Delaines, Lswni, tnnghsms, l'rlnti, I'll liloachcd mid Blenched Mus lins, Fancy Skirts, Sheet- -iiiffs, TickinRg, Carpels, Jtnrrs, Oil Cloths, HOSIERY, Lnundried, Whito, Choviot and Porcalo Shirts, Oloves, Neckwear, Men's and Boys.' Clothing, lints, Caps, Hoots, Shoes, c'.o., olo. Grocrrips & Gcn'l Mrrehandisc Will bo found ol first quality, and satisfaction ia guarantood. The fol lowing are always kept on band, (somo few only in their season): Sugars, Toas, Coffees, Spices, Syrups, Confectioneries, Oranges, Lemons. Bananas, Figs, Dates, ele., Hard ware, Qucensware, Glosswars, Tinwaro, Wood and Willow- waro, Paints, Oils, Clocks, Trunks,Valises, Mirrors, Stationery, Furnituro, A Minors' Supplies, ALSO, DEALERS IN BARK, S.R.TIES & SXIX2TGI.E3. June 2, 1880-lf. THE BEST Boot and Shoe, Hal and Cap Store IN CLEARFIELD COUNTY Is th tnt in the e OPERA HOUSE, KEPI BY G. C. & T. W. MOOltE, We have just re eel red our Spring and Summer a PATCH n umm ilh..ii emit w a-ld-rinji Any luAj ar f"" A ehlU . n? iL Will 0. ,.',,.(, I S I nl.u kr Ball (With etlraeilnaai ih. -.n !-! a Ii n-fnrlh Ineh P-Uhei u rrctiiil ef lie t fa, i, ;) for 10, P...IM itaain r.olC M Mall. Adlsri WalTII' Oaa rirrt rUfa stock, which, having been purchased before the advance, can he told at the OLD PRICK. Call and tee. Besides the cheaper goods In oar line, we keep BOOTS, FINE SHOES, Perkins' Boots and Shoes, CLAFLIN'S SHOES, STETSON'S HATS AND THE OINL'INE TAYLOR MACKINAW HAT, Which are oar laeeUlliae. W. al. hare a full lln.of HINTS' 81 MM KR IINUKHWEAH, All taoleteo.Teltieota NKC'KWKAR. Uire ei a eel I aad ba eatl-ted. - Olv, C. ATOM V. M04IHB. Clearlell, Pa, April 14, IIS0 Sal. ?WUttanroui. ATTENTION FARMERS 1 WB IIAVE ON IT AND AND FOR SALE ONE CAR LOAD OP CHAMPION REAPERS & MOWERS. A CAR LOAD OF THE- FARMERS' FRIEND noriH.K FORCE FEIU) GRAIN DRILL, AND A CA It LOAD OF THE ' . TIGER AND THOMAS HAY RAKES, THK BERT RE LP AND HAND DUMT RAKES IN TIIF. WORLD. ' 1 jV'JuaT- Wo nlso have a lot of Ileebner's Level Tread Horse-Power Threshers nnd Clertners for one nnd two horses. AlsoTurnbulls Ohio Wagons with Beveled Shoulder Spokes, which ndds fully one. third additional strength to the wheel. Also Cortland Platform Spring Wagons, with two nnd throe scats, nnd Open and Top Bug gies. Please give ns n call beforo buying elsewhere. The above Articles will be Exchanged for Sheep, Cattle or flood Horses. F. M. CARDOXS,- DRO. Clearfield. I'a., May 2d, I880-2m. N. E. ARNOLD, CTyxixKrjsiJsr&xrxxTLmJS WILL HIGHEST CASH PRICE -XT' ODEV 1,000 CORDS HEMLOCK BARK. 1,000 CORDS OAK BARK. 1,000 CORDS SHINGLE BOLTS. 1,000,000 ONE MILLION SAWED SHINGLES. 1,000,000 1,000,000 ONE MILLION SHAVED SHINGLES. 1,000,000 No waiting for turn, but unloaded immediately. Highest cash price paid nt all times. Liberal advances made on large lots. Go see Arnold before contracting your hark. N. E. ARNOLD, Mi, 11, IBSO tr. JAMES L. XJ" JSf I 3S3 3FL "X1 .A XX. 3K Ft 9 MARKET STREET, CLEARFIELD, PENN-A. . All kinds of Caekota and Coffins kept on bnnd, and (urnistiod to order on abort notico, Including-tbo finoat ai well ai tho cheapcat that can be manu factured. Our oonrsn Fiuxin.vxn Is tbo best In one, and will be furnished when required. Funerals ollsnded io any part of the county. Call at my ofllco, on Second street, or loave your ordors at Troulmoii'a Furniture Store, adjoining tbo Postoffloo. JAS. L. LEAVY, oct l,79-1y.T Clearfield, Pa. $fur giawtiistiuruts HfOM'.V TO LOAN. -On Int eleee Im- IfX prored feria property, b tlie Mutual Life la-urenoe Company of If.w York, on flrat mort irafre, ia aoma from $1,000 up. For further la foraiatioa aitl'lr lathe unrir-raifrne.1. Ill BXTHA1. W. SMITH. Cleailald Pa., May 'ah, 1H7K If. null l. alalia eiin ait.c i. iinBtn. X anS Pia. taanabina, ClaarBoIrl county. lt.aaonabk time aleea lor part af nurobaae -f ly aaooey. Prior, n.llu to SIO.HS wr acre. TL Mioera'i reBerfed. ( "l-""'i " L fenlield. ra. or Wallacb A Kniaa, StfU 10, lS.B-tf. Clearbald, Pa, TO FARMERS! I wish te Inform tbe Partners of ClnarCehl county, that I am the manufacturer of Wheeler's patent way Chain 1 lOKSE POWEIt, With Threshers and Cleaners of une or two. horse power. Ker farther partinelars address tbe nndersifrted at lilooiiishurn, Oelmnbin coon it, er call upon P. M. CAHUUN A IIRO., A urn is, in Clear Odd i'a. J. M. liUl.Mll.b.n. Jane U, jOR TINWAHfC, II A llli W ARK, nnd HOUSE FUBNISHIN0 GOODS, and , HKKD1.RA, ATTACHMENTS AttD PARTS, and all klncla of SEWING MACHINES,'. 00 TO . O. H. MKKHEI.l X Agont, Juae t, 'SO.If. CLKARFim.D, PA. FARM FOll SALE ! The andmlfrncd will sell at private ante, his farm, located In Fenn tcwnahip.Clenrfleld cnnir, fe., containing SIXTY AOniQS. half of which Is Inn ol sute of niltlr-lUn, with a frame dwellltiA, ut bam.a lliriltf orrhard and an eaccllciit sprnif of ner failing water, together wilh the a dreary ontbnildlnge. The Jertion not oleared Is heavily timbered, and all s underlaid with coal en.t irtn. It will be sold low and on e-sjr terms. For further Information call on the premies, or cl'lrest the stitur-rilier at Mramptan Hills P. 0. OWKN J. KKKNAIf . Grampian Ulls,Juue t-1, IKMl Xn, WAGONS- WAGONS uvGdira-nuouiix SPHINOWAOQNS. SPK1NO WAGONS. mi coxun wacoxs. TOP AND OPEN BTI0OIS3. KEPT O.V 1JAKD FOH SA IK. STAGE 5t REILLY, CLEAKNIU), PA. May 11 Sat. ctrl 7rM"- PAY THE CURWEIMSVILLE, PA. LEAVY, Srw ai'ttHsfmrntu. ARNOLD WANTS 5,000 Rail Road Ties. Curweanllle, Pa. Jaa. I, 71-tl Agents Wanted .b.r.Wri the only su ben tie low priced booh containing the lives ef , GEN. W. S. HANCOCK ' AND W.'H. ENGLISH. A complete record of the early nnd military life of Mij. Oen.WinHeldB. Banceck.with n fall and graphic account ef the proceedings, peeehea and Incident at the I Convection, else tbe platform, table of ballots end letters of accept ance, with the life ef W. M. Kngllsh. Rlebl embellished with numerous artistic illustrations and Aee, bandseme engraved pertrnita of ennh candidate. Sure success te all wbe take hv.ld t will posliivclv cctse'l alt hooks. Bend for cir culars and eitra terms. Address, W. M. kRM.EV ct CO., Til Hiisom Blrcet. Fbiladelpbla. Pa. Jul; U, m-it, tM DJ O I RYLD EXECUTORS' SALE or Desirable Real Estate ! Estate of Eichard Shw, SraDso'd. TIIR anjarla;neil, Viaeator of tba eatat. of KICIIAHb HUAW, Sr.. deeeeaed. (Ill oaTa- al pablle uleal tba COl'RT I1UUS8. la tba bor oogb of Clearfield, pa oa Monday, August Oth, 1880, AT 1:30 O'CLOCK P. St., Tha followlai raluable real erlau, ela t Tbe tbreo-etory B111CK BOTKL property, toraer of Markrl aad firat HreoU, Is lbs aor oufh of Clearfield, boeaa aa 'The Shaw House.' Proallai wltb two lot, of (roand thereto beleaiief no ree, oa Market itreet, aad l0 r oa rir.t atreet, wita a two -atorj dwellfnif hoaoe attarbed. Tba ke brl proper baa tiny bed-raoata .ail j . aa all aoBvealenee, for a Srel-ae aalal. Oaa of tbe neat dralrable hotel proaartrea lo Oeatral Peanaylraaia. Tba above will ho sold lof.lber with a twe atery fraaie dwellla hoqas ea Market aueea, aaV jaeeot to the Hole!, aad MB other fraaM dwelliee. kouae aad a two-story Mors balldiof , all freatinf oa Market aire. Alas, A fraaM dwelliag kaa frooliog oa Pirat etreev. A 1.80. All that eerlala lot, ka.w a) raw K- il. of Clearfield keroagk aa Lot Ke Ue, . . otlB( U feet ea Lor eat street, raw tTTl bIob baek Ul Feet, BMr.wUea,t.aa alley I. . .1 wilb dwelling bene a aad ellseeeeeery ea. A S I bulldlagB tkaraaa eawaM.sad etkaw lapneeeaaau. TEHM Of MLS I One t bird aaak al dallrary of goaw ebaad, aad Ik. balaaee la be seeared ky head aad eiortgage, aayaUe la oas aad twe yeera, with teUreat, A.I. SHAW, JO. IHAW, Harrlflag li'rl of klekard lhaw, Sr, dee'd, Clearfield. Pa. Jaly 14, lit 11. .V aWJ-a.