Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 21, 1880, Image 1

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riir Urgent Clrculntloii nf aiiy Ncwatnprr
In Worth lentrnl Penunylraula
Termg of Sabaoription.
If paid In iJtum, or within t ontbi....93 HO
If ptd nfler 1 nod before f aoiihi S SO
If pd after the aspiration of 4 montha... 3 OO
Bates ot Advertising.
Trenaltnt ftdvrtlMmnte, per tqnartnf ! Iinr
I timet orliii ... 91
for tneb anb.wqnnnt Iniertioa...
....... M
AltalnLatratnri' and Ktoo.or'notlott.. I
Auditon' notiot....H..H.,..M. t
Caottona ud Hitrayi. 1
Uiiaolutlon nottoei I
Profoeatunnl Cardi, h llnea or leaa,l year.....
Ureal notieee, per lint
1 iur...
t aqaai-aa ..
S aquame H
U I oolnmn. $
...H.U 60 ft eolnmn. ......... T
10 Ofl 1 column-.,... .11
11:1:71 " Clearfield, Pa.
A T T 0 R N E Y - A T - LAW
1:11 Plilllbur(f, Centre Co., Pa. rr
CurwcBeellla, Clsarnild county, Pa.
oct. , '78-lf.
1T-Ofnoa in tb. Op.r llou... oolV, '78-tf.
Q n.4 V;. BARRETT, ,
January 3t, I87S.
Clearfield, Pa.
jfOftct la tha Cart House. Jj".'l
OBJ.i In M.sonle building, Second re.t, op the Court lion... Je2y78-tf-
ej CUirH.M Conner, Penn'a. T4y
onto. In Optra IIouh. ap 25, 17 I;
W-Offlca In the Masonic Building, oeer tb.
County National Bank. (lo.rjt 80.
yiLI.tAM A. n A&EHTY,
jR-er-WIII attend to all legal burlne.s with
promptness and udsllty. Jfebl 1,'iO-tf.
DAVID L. bibbs.
h . aar r. WALLACB.
IT nnwaauri ui Wdi a Fiti-Hni,)
ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW,'77 Clearfield, Pa.
I .
office In Pi.'. Op.ra Uouh.
J on. M.'78lf.
g 1 1. MofiKK,
DuBoia, Clearfield County, Fenn'a.
9Will attafld promptly to all l.r.1 bailn.H
.nlrafted to ail ear. Uaall,
raui. a. avaaAT.
ctbui aoBroi.
flrOttoa la Pl.'i Opera Bonaa, fasond door.
loiara a. a'BNAbi.T.
t, ri.
jPr-LKal bnainata atuad to prompt) althj
d.l.litj. offio. oa ttooad atrMt, abor. :b. Pint
National Bank. n:l:7l
A T T O R N E Y - A T - L A W ,
Real RiUU and Collaetloa Agent,
Will promptly att.nd to nil builaall a
tru.tml to bit oar.
pm-Otto ia Plt'i Op.ra Hoaaa. Jan I '71.
All lava bn.inMi .nlruaUd to hi eara .ill ra
alr. prompt attontioa.
:-OBj. In tb. Coarl Houio.
Heal Ratal. A)reut, 1. arflfld, pa.
One. aa Tblrd, b.t.Cb.rrji Walnat.
JMT Raip.otrally off.ra bli ..ralaaa In i.lliog
and buying laadi la Gl.arfl.ld and a)JolBlng
aaaatiaai aad fritbaaaip.rl.BetoloT.rtw.ntr a. a anrf.yor, flatt.r. biml.II that b. .aa
rand.r latlifaatloa. F.b. !S:aS:tf,
i'ltysicinns' (TarUa.
OBoa la mMo oa Flrrt it.
April 14, 1171. Cl.arB.ld, Pa.
''JR. W. A. MEAN'S,
Will attaad profusion.) aallf promptly. augll'Ta
. Ode. on Mark.! Strait, Cloart.lJ. Pa.
AW-Ufflc. boarn I ta IS I. aa., and 1 to I p. m.
troaoa adjoialag tbi raaldiara f Jama,
Wrigky, Eh., oa Saroadlit., CkArl.ld, Pa.
at- OBoi bo.ra-From It ta I P. at.
May II, Itl.
R. J. V. UKCUF!KJ(!(
Um 8nr(ot f Ut 134 lf Intnl. Nnnlvnnln
Tinntorif nnvmi rtrn iroa ih Am,
fftri bit profUni inrfUti U UttiUioni
f ?1rlldomt.
4r"frfMtnltIU proantlr ttton44 I.
' Im 0mi4 ilrttt, fotmtjoni4
r. Wwdi. avpri. lt t(
tlta ttHii; timttd nt tbti ofc
GEO. B. Q00DLANDEE, Editor
W btv printed n Urg nnnbtr of tiu nt
FK8 BlCLp and wlU on th rMetpt of Iw-nty.
trm tnti. nt1 iwdt to nny addrtif. mfl
or ran Vmxcm aid Bcaivnnin, LUM&BK
CITY. Oolloetioot ni-vd nod money promptly
ptid ow, Artiotai of airotcnfwt u detla 1
eunftjaaoo tiy txcouitd tnd vairanlod gor
rtot or no obargt, 13jj'7l
Juitlet of tbt Ptaet and ScrWeritr,
CnrweiitvlllCt Pn
.Culltotlont naada nnd money promptly
paidovtr. feb32'7llf
9 (ditirp r. 0.)
Hay I, I87t lyi
Square Timber & Timber Lands,
House and Sign Paintor and Paper
licarltrld, Psfiu'a.
fcfuWIII .laonte Jobi In hit Una promptly and
In a workmanlike manner. ayr4,07
BAKER, M.rk.t St., Ckartcld, Pa.
Freeh Bread, Ru.k, Rolla, Pl.a and Cak..
oa band or made ta order. A general BJeortlnent
of Confaelioaariee, Froile aad Nuta In Mock.
Ifl. Cream and Oyel.r. in aeaeon. HelooB nearly
opposite tba Poitoflica. Price, moderate.
Merck IO-'7k.
Real Estate, Square Timber, Saw Logs,
-fl"-OtfiMi on tSotcnd Mrcet, in rear of alore
room of llturgc Weaver A Co. jml. '78-tf.
Itrtalur Townhlp,
Oiccola Mills P. O.
II official,l .ntra.led tu hiin will be
promptly attended tn. mctitf, 7A.
bhop on Market St., oppoltt Court Honvt.
A eleaa towel for every customer.
Also dealer ia
llt llrnndt if Tubnrca and I' I care.
riMrftcld. P. ma? 1. 'T-
Wnllaretoii, pa.
4T !Ie hai prepared biuielf with all the
necei.ary blank fi-riui under the Pen lion and
liounty law, at well aa hlank Dteili, ett. All
legal mat ten en tr tilted to nil care will receive
prompt alien ton. way Tin, it.v-u.
L Market Mtreet, ClenrOeld. Fa.,
Harness, Bridlet, Saddles, Collars, and
Horse-furnishing (foods. ,
AII bind of repairing promptly attended
tiaddltre' Hardware, Hone Ilmibee, Cnrre
Coinba. to., alwayi on band nnd for aalt at the
lowtiit naeh prion. IMaren IV, i7V,
s"Puinpi alwayt on hand and made to order
tn ikort nutlet, r ipea oorea on romonabit teraa.
All work warranttd to render tatUfaction. and
deli rered Ifdeiired. uy2:lypd
IA4ry Ntablo.
rpHK nndtriigned begi leave to in lor in the pub
1 He that be la now fully prepared to accomrao-
date all tn the way of farntehtng l.vtei( Bnggiet,
iSaddlet and llarneta, on the) iborteit ootlna and
tn reatonable term. Keiidenoo on Loouatetroot,
tetween intra ana founn.
OUarfleld, Feb. 4. U4. -
fpHK nndertlgned, having lea'ned lb la turn
X. modiona lltl, in the eUlaprt of Glen Hope,
ii now prepared U noeomrnodatt nil who in ay
call. My tablt and bar ahall bt np plied with
tba beat the market afforda.
,KOKR W. D0TT.S, Jr.
Qlen Uupa, Pa.. Manb 10, 1H7W tf.
Alio, eiteniiva tnanufactarer and dealer In Square
Timber and Hawed Lumber of ill kindi.
JMrOrdera aoltrlted and nil bill promptly
4Hed. lJyiTS
oral ana in
and manufacturer! of
Watvhoa, Clorka and Jewelry,
tfcoanai'e fee,, Mark Strrtt,
1 I.tAH.l:lU, PA.
All hind, of NUM.. i. il itH.mntlw At.
mded tn. AarllM, Ittk
Clearfield Nursery.
'pilK andatrita.d, ha.lng a Mar
A aery aa the 'Plka, abowt half way betweca
ClearA.ld and Curweneeille, U prepand ta far
Kb all klnde of FRUIT TREES, (.tand.rd and
dwarf.) Er.rjrma, Shrabtecry, Urap. Vinai,
OooMbarr. Lawloa Rl.rkr.wra. Htrawbere.
and Haspbarry Vine.. Aire, Siberian Crab Trwa,
vntnc, ana aarif .oarlet Khunarb. o. Ordare
prompUy altanded to.,
apJ Curwennllle, Pa.
0b Market BL, an. door weet of Maniloa Housa.
Oar arraafcmeate an rf the most eonnl.te
eharaoier tor furnl.blaff tha pnbll, with Freeh
neaiioe ail aiaa, ana at taarary wait auality.
Wa alio deal ia all kinda of Agri.ullarnl liapla.
meats, which we keep oa eahO.ltioa for tha baa
afit ef th. publll, Call aroand whB ta town,
aad taaa a loah at tatatra, at addreae ai
t. at. CAUDON A BR0.
Claarield, Pa., July 14, 1 8 7 a -1 f .
iltarflrld iHffrmnrt ilfrnry.
iAMR. aaaa.
tAaaai.L a. bibbi-b.
f.KH Jr mnin.t:, efrntr,
Reprasaat th. (blrserlag aad other Irst -class t'o's
Companlas. Assets.
Liverpool Loadoa A l'. A. Br t,0l,
Lyoomlag oa mutual A cash plans...- ,tn0,0o.
I'bo-.n, of llartrvrd. Conn I.O4.0M
Ineuranoa Ca. afNirlh America I,4m,674
North Brilleh A M.rranlile H . . Br. I.7SI.IM
Srotll.h Commercial II. I. Branch.... 7.Ml
Watartnra - - TlK.SIt
Tra..lui (Lit. A Accldut) 4,lls,
OAcaaa Market npp. Cenrt Home, rhar.
laid, Pa. . Jobs i, '7 II.
it Proprietor.
A Graphlo DeacrlpUon of G.n. Han
oock'a Service to Hia Statu aou
Country by a Republican -who
la GoiriR to Vote) for Him
and Telia Why All
PennnylvanlAnn . :l
Cok Joka W. Formy in Progress.
There aro many di'ttlileea duy in
ill Amoricftn memory ; among thorn
the attack upon the American flag at
Charloeton harlioronthe l:ith of April,
1801, the battle of (ictlyaburir on the
ltd, 'ill and 3d days of July, 18(13, the
lull ot Kirhmond, on' the Olh day ot
April, 1HC&, and the Assassination of
Abraham Linooln on tho 14th day ot
April 1H05. JMo days in human history
over aroused a moro agonizing solici
tude, or closed upon more L'iimntic
transactions, or opened an idurvista
of hum on possibilities. Kadi of those
evenlN had a strati ire and almost provi
dentiul meaning. Km Ii possessed the
peculiar quality of conquering inanin-
stunt millions ol prejudices, lue Dull
fired at tho old flag from Charleston
consolidated tha North and struck
down human slavery. The victory cf
tiouynhtirg saved the second gi cat city
of the Union from tho flumes. Tho fall
of Richmond was the certain rise of
the Republic, and the death of Lin
coln consveratod his groat mission of
forgiveness to all. lien we como to
notice the annals of our civil war,
these fonr events, with the emancipa
tion of slaves, on the 1st of January,
1 Si;:t, will bo to tho historian liko so
many plunets, shedding light on all
other objects, and niarshaling tho way
to the final lesson and duty of the pa
triot. Each was a revolution in itself,
ull'eeting the remotest inturtwts, and
leaving all men in a new condition of
thought and self examination.
lint none ot thoso tragedies wrought
a deeper sensation or gave birth to a
moro lasting gratitudo than the buttle
of liettysburg, l.Stj.'l. jloro nt least is
one of thoso occurrences that cannot
easily bo forgotten. The hiimun raeo
is prone to forget. One philosopher
says that ingratitude is tha badge of
all our tribe ; but liko all maxims it is
best provod by the exceptions. In
this instance wo cannot if wo would,
and, thank (iod, wo wouldnot if we
could, blot out what that dofeat of the
(Jonfodorates did for the city of I'hila
phia. Happily it is not so long ago as
to have faded out of our minds. It is
only seventoen yoars since, and it was
a day of such shurn agony and such
universal terror, and the victory was
8ucn an unspeakable relief, that oven
the children now grown to men and
women think of it as gracefully as the
middle-aged and the grandmothors
and grandfathers. It was the single
Instance in which the fiory blast of
war came close to a great Northorn
metropolis. Tho Confederates ad
vanced in tremendous lorco. Led by
their beloved Oonoral Leo, and his
chosen Lieutonants, they seemed re
solved to make a last stand in the
rich valloya of Franklin and Adams,
choosing, as if by instinct, the regions
called after two of the most precious
namos in American history, (irant
was at the same moment winding his
fatal coils around tho Southern city
of Vicksburg : bat the point most vital
to all that supremo moment was the
held ot (iettysburg.
What I'hlludclphian can ever forget
the suspense ol those July days?
There was not a household that did
not throb and thrill between hopo and
fear. There were over one hundrod
thousand men, thousands of them from
Philadelphia and the neighboring
towns; and thore was not a family
that did not tremble for Its loved ones
engaged in that fatal strifb, or that did
not shudder at tho advance of the foe
who tseemed so near, or thitt did not
funcy In that advance the loss of the
holy caose of tho Union. '
On tho morning ol the Fourth Df
July, 1MU.I, l was at tho Union League,
then on Chestnut street near lltb.
Philadelphia, in the massive building
now occupied Dy mo lamny ol the Do
loved Matthew Baldwin. Tho rooms
and gardons of tho lovely mansion
wore tilled to overflowing with pale,
anxious men ; tha streets were lull ot
a silent waiting orowd ; tho sidewalks
and windowB wore crowded with wo
men ; even the children were awed
into silence, as their elders discussed
in whispers tho possibilities of the
dreadful fight in the green valleys of
tne uumDorianii. Reynolds had boon
killed on tho 2d of July, along with
thousands of othorB, and his brother,
.las. 1.., who cumo Irons Lancaster jthis
oinvo, uoweu uown wun terror at tho
sacrifice, and humble women wore
sobbing over the dispntchos already
rccoiding thoir losses. It was a day
ot tears and despuir. I had boon pre
sent at other scenes of sorrow, but
nothing like this rourth ol July, ISC.T
Tho commandant of this department
was (jenornl J. A.J. Dana, and his
ofllco wasin Olrard slroet ncarTwclfth,
and I held a position as a consulting
member of his staff. About noon of
that Saturday 1 saw a tall form cross
ing Chestnut street to tho League and
when bis eye caught mino 1 saw he
was in tears. Ho handed mo a dis
patch Irom General Monde, jnst re
oelvcd. I opened and tried to road it,
but could not. I saw enough to feel
that wo wcro saved. And soon the
good news bocamo univorsol. Tlion
all hearts exploded with joy ovor tho
dclivorance. It was a wonderful sight,
that suiidcn change from griof to grati
tude. Some shed tears, some shouted
in joy, old foes became frionds, and
oven infidels joined in tho spontaneous
prayers of the proacbors. llobort
llrowning's thrilling pootri describing
the man who carried the "good nows
to Ghent," which broke the siogo and
filled the tools of tho Flemish with a
dcop thanksgiving to God, might havo
boon paraphrased in honor of tho
messenger who brought such happi
ness to tho oppressed and torrifiod. and
despairing Philadelphia.
Who won that great fight? Who
saved Philadelphia from fire and spoil ?
Who drov back the enemy, andsavod
us from a fate of which the burning
of Chambentburg and Carlisle, and tho
focccd contributions upon York woro
intended to bo grim preparations? A
bravo army of patriotic eitisens, led
by three Pennsylvania General! :
(icorge Gordon Moado.of Philadelphia:
John Fulton Reynolds, of Lancaster;
anu v tnticld Scott Hancock, ol Mont
gomery, Moacd and Roypolds aro both
gone. Meade died on the Gth of No
vember, 1872. in tho hotiso presented
to his wifo by the peoplo of Philadel
phia, afterwards supplemented by a
contribution of oue hundrod thousand
dollars from tho same annroe. Rev.
nolds was killed In the fcattlo on the
2d of July, and is burred at Lancaster.
Hancock it to-tlay tho Democratic can
didate for ' President of the Unlte4
States. - " '" " 1
, To show how I felt at the critical
moment, aovsntoon years ago, I reprint
what I wrote mtlio Irm on Tuesday,
the 7th of Jul v, JS03 jiot only to
prove my plain duty to Uon. Hancock,
us the survivor of this glorious trium
virate, but also tho duty ol all tuo peo
plo of Philadelphia to that incompara
ble soldier. 1 recall it at once as a
personal plodgo and promise, and the
solemn covenant ot a groat community
to a soldier.
' Meanwhile, tho army of the Poto
mac, suddenly placed under tho com
mand of Gonornl Meado, whom wo are
proud to claim as a fellow citizen,
hastoned Northward, and fell upon the
rash and audacious enemy. Weknow
the result Heithcr our children, nor
our children i chudren, to the remotest
generation, thall ever forget it, or fait to
remember it u ith a thrill of gratitude and
honest prtdt. '1 ho rebels woro asBaded
with unexampled fury, and the gullant
Genoral Kcyoolds, a Pennsylvania
soldier, luid down his lite. 1 he strug
gle ragod for several days, the losses
on both Bides wns fearful and still the
result seemed doubtful. If we should
fail, Washington, Jlaltimore, Philadel
phia, perhaps H ew t orn, irouldoc doom
e,d. In this crisis of the Nation's fate it
teas rcnnsylrnia that came to the rescue.
I do not stop to debate tho other con
sidcrations that enter into this vital
issue : tho grave considerations that
domand the roleaso of my dear native
ntato from the desperato men who, in
the last ten roars have coldly crushed
out the prido of our peoplo, and placed
under theiron heel of brutal inferiority
tho hopes of our youth and manhood,
making of this luir Commonwealth a
vast political Golgotha, and of our
proud city of Philudelphia an oflensivo
roost tor tho most desperato and vul
gar mercenaries since tho black days
ot Tweed and Tammany in Now York.
1 do not stop to debute those consider
ations now. It is not the time, iint
this is the time to open to tho common
mind our pledged word to tho last of
our great soldiers who placed us under
obligation that we hastened to avow,
and ropeatcd ovor and ovor again, ily
own plodgo binds mo as my own noto
of bund. Injuw if it had been signod
to promise to pay a monoy debt I
could bo held by it, and my estate il
1 failed to pay it. In morals it la as
solemn as if 1 had gone before a
magislrato and sworn to libido by it.
And what is truo ot myself is equally
binding upon othorB. What my fixod
judgment, privato or public, is of tho
men who saved tbo American Kopub
lio, I havo not concealed. It is a
ransion that grows stronger the moro
see thovaluo of what has been saved
to ourselves and to all mankind. 1 fool
it as tho rescue of human freedom for
the ages to como. I prize it, this over
throw of the Kcbcllion, as the best
blessing to tbo South which made tho
licbollion. 1 cherish it because the
moro 1 pondor tho priceless value of
tho enormous destiny saved, tho more
eagor I am to convince tho South that
thoy must aid to pcrpotuato it. Whon
1 severed my connection with tho
Democratic party twouty-throo years
ago in company with Stephen A.
Douglas, Daniol Doughorty, David C.
llrodorick, and luter with Daniel S.
Dickinson, Matt. Carpouter, John A.
Logan, and many more, it was because
that parly scemod dodioated to tho
cause of slavery and rebellion. With
victory ovor both, with emancipation
declared and obeyed, with lroo opinion
ull over the land assured and sufficiently
established, with Kansas an emniro of
liberty under the resistless doctrino of;
popular sovereignty, all my projudicos
against tho Suulh vanishou, and I,
who at ono timo havo seen tha rebels
pursued with all the penalties of tho
law, and all tho rigors of tho war,
speedily saw that I might havo been a
"rebel" if I had lived in the South,
and that I must, to uso Abraham Lin
coln's loving maxim, "put myself in
thoir place," and forgive thciu, as I
hopo God will forgive mo my trans
gressions. Honco, over sinco Goncral
Grant's (IrHt eloction 1 lubored to oon
vinco my old Southern friends that
havo boon lorocd to stay in tho Union,
that we Inlond to keep thorn in by
love; and Grant knows how oltcn I
pleaded with him to boar with thgm,
to remember that they wero still our
own, that wo had bolh Ueen roarod as
Democrats, and that wo had known
the South, ho in tho army in Mexico,
and 1 in my long years of residence
in Washington, and must mako allow
ances for them. And bow willing the
great soldier listened to me is proved
by his rauny attempts to show bis
anxiety to aid and help tho South I
need not say.
And now tho Domocratio party
comes forth with fresh gifts of repen
tance. Now thoy again proffer new
pi oofs of thoir submission to the ideal
that conquered them, and present two
men for tho votes of tho peoplo at the
next Presidential eloction, one. of them
a life long friend, to whom 1 have shown
all of us in Philadelphia owe a debt that
he made for us, and which, if tee lived a
thousand years, ice couM not repay, I
acoopt the responsibility. Twenty-two
years ago in General Hancock s own
native county of Montgomery, when
ho was a very young tuldier, I spoke
at Mill crock, Conshohocken, October
2nd, 1S5H, and surrounded by thous
ands of Democrats, I demanded that
James Buchanan should pay Ait debt
to freedom. Ho gave mo his noto that
he would allow the pooplo of Kansas
to frame their own laws in thoir own
way j and in that movement among
the most active friontls of free Kansas
wero Hancocks s own relatives. We
forced the payment of that debt, and
now we aro horo, in 1HH0, as Demo
crats and Republicans of Philadelphia,
to pay our debts to our prosorver.
Liko that of James Buchanan to tho
people nt Kansas, our debt waa not
tba result of chance. It wat tho out
growth ot a spontaneous gratitudo,
freely voluntoored, eagorly and pas
sionately prossod upon others. Truo,
Philadelphia waa in groat dangor, nnd
tear sometime, inspires gonorosity;
and Buchanan wanted votot, and to
got them was ready to twear to any
thing. Tho groat diffurenoa botwoen
tho two wai that Buchanan tried to
oscapo paymont of his obligation, and
had to be held to it; while every year
that baa passed since Hancock's groat
work at Gettysburg on tbo 2nd of J uly,
1803, has added to tha value ol hit
Borvicos, and bat so added to the read
iness of the peoplo of Philadelphia to
rocognhr.o them.
A low days ago, on tuo sum or May,
1880, tho Prosidont ol tho Unitod
States, General Hayes, in his speech
at the Academy of music, tho Govern,
ornf Pennsylvania, General Hoyt, pre
" ' -Ml .
PA., WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 1880.
siding, spoke at follows In favor of the
snort to raise moans to ereot a colossal
monument in memory of tho commas
dor of tho Union forces at tho battle
of Gottysburg, in July of 1863, Gen.
Gaorijt (oH' Meade :
H thank tho Commander of this
Pott and the Committee ot invitations
for-th opportunity thoy have given
ma to enjoy and take part in this pro
gramme), which has for its object the
raising of funds for a monument to
Genoral Meade. 1 be oiuor grout com
mandert who have passed away havo
boon remembered, and yon will see
their monumonts in the beautiful parks
of tho Nation's Capitol. You will see
tl.ere a monument to that hero ot three
wars, General Winfiold Scott. Ap-
pianse.j lou will too there a monu
ment to that horo ot Chickamauga,
General Thomas. Applause You
will see there a monument to that no
ble soldier and native of my own conn
ty in Ohio, General MePhorson. Ap
plause.l But you do not seo a monu
mont to Genoral Mcadt, and this moot
ing here in Philadelphia. I understand
is for that ptirposo. Msaducommand
od at the critical period of the war, at
the vory oriBrs and at the time when
Genural Grunt and bis army wero nt
Vicksburg, but bad nit got in. - fl
commanded ut that ponod when thoso
who belonged to it ani tnoso who did
not belong to it loved to hear it spoken
of aa the grand old amy of the Poto
mac. Applause Always equal to
tho highest place he over hold, always
adequate to bis dutios, always faithful,
always conscientious, and at all times
ono of tho most fortunn'.e of men. It
Bometimos happens to tho best of them,
through no fault ol Heir Own, they
fail aud pass into obscurity. But Gen.
Meado was always fcrtunuto in his
command of that grand old army.
. r .
Applause. Had he tut turned the
scale in that decisive batlli at Gettysburg
the iMilislmant footsteps would have
been heard on 7i debris of a fallen lie
public. But now Mosdo's memory,
without a monument, is lorovor sale.
Applause Muado and Gettysburg
aro linkod together in adamant that
ill nover crumble rApjjlauso.l luon,
when wo build our monument to Meado,
it needs no extended inscription. We
will Bimply writo there, uoorgo U.
Meado, who commanded tho torcos at
Gettysburg." Great applause
lie was then followed by Gen. Wm.
T. Sherman, tho chief of all J.he armies
of tho Unitod States :
Ladies and Genthmen : When I
lull you that 1 have performed a full
days work in taking part in your
splendid decorations 'o day, 1 know
you will excuse me if my remarks aro
brief. I oome beforo you to talk busi
ness. Let us look at tho erection of
Moade't monument in i business point
ofviow. Supposing that Meade instead
of defeating Leo at (Iettysburg bad
boon defeated by bin. What could'
have been the consequem then to Phila
delphia t Even if you kad owed him the
one-hundredth part of your city for his
victory at (iettysburg, you would owe
him millions now. Meade it now at
rest; ho sloops peacefully. He usks
nothing of you. His family admit that
thoy have received great kindness from
you. I hey ask nothing. It 1b a duty
you owo to yourselves and your chil
dren that you may be able when yon
drivo in your beautiful Kairmnunt Park
to point out his monumoni, and tell
bow tho brave man lor whom it is
there to'cosimmioraff! saved your homes
and your firesides at Gctlysburg.Grn.l
Moado has gono to his long homo,
and only Hancock survives ol tho three
freat Pennsylvania chiefs in tho torri
le buttlo of Gettysburg. My own
words eevonlcon yoars ago, in the
Press, como back to me an ocho of that
Fourth of July woek which oponed in
despair and closod in gratitude of God
for tha delivorenco of our fair city ;
and what I said about Hancock was
surpassed by all the other papers.
Poets sang his praises ; Philadelphia
?avo him an ovation in Independence
lull ; the Union Leaguo hung his por
trait in its lino Hall ; Now York and
other cities rivalled in grateful men
tion ot bt name; and when he and
Meado appoarod together it was liko
the Knglish welcoming Wellington and
Marlborough (if that oould havo been),
or the Frouoh receiving Napoleon and
the groat Condo, if two such men could
havo lived in ono oentury. Thoy wore
both Pennsylvaniuns, though Meado
was born in Cadiz, Spain, in 1810, and
came here tolivo aftor ho had married
tho daughter of the groat iawyor, J ohn
Sergeant ; wherever thoy moved thoy
excited universal enthusiasm.
Tho votorans of his old army corps,
and of tho Pennsylvania Reserve,
Democrats and Republicans, ollicors
and men, regard Hancock with tho ad
miration that the Old Guard foil for
Mural. Thoy were aliko in personal
beauty and splendid horsemanship,
only Hancock was moro cultivated,
polite and scholarly. How tho gronl-
erehiefs regarded him, lot tho Generals
of all tho armies of tbt Ropublio
answor. On 1 bursday J tine 2 lib, ihku,
Gonoral Sherman said to ono of the
newspapor reporters of Washington :
"If you sit down and liritt the best thing
Ihit can be jtut In limguane about Gen.
Hancock as an ojfieer and a gentleman
1 will sign it without hesitation."
Genoral Hancock was ono of the
favorites of General Lincoln. Evon
tho saturino and exacting Stanton
was bis friond. To mo Hancock Was
more than attractive. 1 had known
his blood, bis brothers, his associates,
his comrados in anus, und whenover 1
had a party at my rooms on Capitol
Hill, be was there if ho was in Wash
ington; he and such men as Sickles,
Rawlings, Georgo H. Thomas, Senator
Chose, Mr. Reward, Judge Holt, Sum
ner, Bon Wado, Genoral liutlor, Gen.
Meade, Gonoral Reynolds and tho
whole galaxy of patriots. Wo did not
think ot politics in thoso days. We
wore, to nse tho blazing watchword of
Douglas in 1801, "wo wore all patri
ots 'and if Hancock wat likod a lit
tle better thun others, it was because
whilo he fought liko a lion for tho old
flag, ho nover denied that ho was a
DomocrnL. 1 believe he and Grant
have had a difference In military mat
tors ; but ft littlo incident of rather re
cent occurrence will show how Han
cock fools in regard to hit old Com
mander. We wore acting at pall-bearors
at the Itinera! of poof Scott Stuart,
who died In London In the Wintorof
1878, and waa buried in Philadelphia a
fow weeks after. Aa we wore riding
to tho grave one ol the oompany broko
out in angry denunciation of Gonoral
Grant, and, according to habit never
to allow an absent Irietid to be assailed
in my presence, I warmly and prompt
ly defended the ex-President. 1 cannot
give General Hancock's worda, but he
wat oourteous and dignified in second
ing my opinions, and in expressing bit
regret Hint tho scene had takon place
in hit presence I was also in Wash
ington during Mrs. Hurratt't trial and
elocution at a participant in the mar
dor of Abraham Lincoln, and can bear
personal testimony to tho manly bear
ing of Genoral Hancock, who was tho
military'ofllcer in command of tbo Na
tional capital in 18G5. Tho attempt
to arouse Catholic hostility to bim be
cause ho carried out the orders of the
Government, President Androw John
son, and Secretary of War Stanton, is
one of the worst exhibitions of psity
defamation, and disgracoa all who aro
engaged in it. Ho did not hesitate to
express his ropugnanco ut tho fearful
duty imposed upon him. Nobody in
Washington had any doubt about his
sentiments tit teen years ago. Hence
whon Judge Clampitt, now of Chicago,
Mrs. Hurratt't leading counsol in 1805,
comet forth, as ho does in Don Piatt's
Washington Cirjiifnl, and states as lol
lows, bo docs what is equally well
known to mysell:
"Hancock," continuod Judgo Clam
pitt, "had no more to do 'with those
details or mattors than you had. Whon
Judge Wylie, with a iioman majesty
of character, issued, almost at tho
peril of bis life, tho writ of habeas cor
pus in tho caso ol Mrs. Surralt, Presi
dent Johnson and secretary Stanton
decided to suspond the writ, and the
execution followed."
"We had the hopeoMo the lust ot a
reprieve and a pardon for Mrs. Surralt,
and 1 waited at the arsonul, hoping
against nope. Uonoral Hancock rode
down, and approaching him I asked,
'Are there any hopes ?' He thook his
head slowly and mournfully, and with,
a sort of gasping catch In his speech,
said : 'I urn afruid not. No; there is
not.' "
"11 o thon walked off a bit ho had
dismounted and gave somo orders to
his otdorlics, and walked about tor a
moment or two. Returning, ho said
to mo:
I have been in many a battle, and
havo seen dentil and mixed with it in
disastor and in victory. I've been in
a living boll of tiro, and shell, and
grapo-shot, and, by God I I'd sooner
be there ten thousand times ovor than
to xivo the order this day for the exe
cution of thai poor woman. But I
am a soldior, sworn to oboy, und obey
1 must.
"This -is tho truo and genuino his
tory of all that Hancock had in com
mon with the affair. Ho was com
manding, and as Commander and con
sorvator of tho National Capital, was
compelianily obedient to tho orders of
the Court which sentenced the con
spirators and the so-called conspirator
to deulb. p.o naa no voico in mo mat
ter and could havo no action save as
the agent to soo that tho letter of the
law was carried out in an order of al
phabetic certainty."
Calumny of any kind on General
Hancock is a bad crutch to help the
ambition ol weak men. It ia the last
rosort of imbecile partisanship, and
will havo no more effect than if it wore
employod to scandalize tho dead Presi
dent Johnson or the doad Socrotary
Stanton. It it lika the attompt to eay
that hia nomination it bis surrender to
the South he conquered, wbich would
bo like laying that when a groat sol
dier receives the highost honors from
thoso bo had taken prisoner in battle
he has becomo their prisonor in turn.
Considering that we Republicans havo
been trvine to eat the South to sup
port our candidates for tho last Qlteen
yoars this logic is vory lamo indeod.
Gonoral Hancock is tbo fa von to son
of Pennsylvania, and oomos beforo tho
noonlo of his native State with an ex
ceptional record. He is the oandidato
ot a party wim a wnoio pcopio at uis
back, lfis filty-sevon yours aro cloud-
od by no political animosity or Ucleat.
No man has gathered moro frionds
around bis example. At nis homo )n
Montgomery county faction and even
Republican criticism ground arms be
foro the evon tenor of bis youthful re
cord and ihosluinlcss pages of hia latter
years, and another soldier of great
tamo, a Republican, native ol tno same
shire, adds: "We must concede Han
cock Montgomery county by a groat
majority at onoo. At the lust election
of tho Loyul Legion in Philadelphia
be was chosen its r-rosiuont Dy accla
mation, and, aa 1 writo, loiters, pour
in upon mo from all points of the com
pass in this proud Commonwealth. Ho
is tho unconoioiis uleu! oi a nost oi
ardent expectations. It is a just yet
dungorous concession that no ono nuta
tions and all applaud hiicourago ; dan
gerous because such justico conqnors
thousands who hold courage a Godliko
virtuo. 1 1 is an eloquent tact that all
men should speak of Hancock's moder
ation, lor moderation convinces moro
than courage. But hero is a f'uvorito
son, who has done moro things than
either Buohanan or McClellan. Tho
first wat a ripe statesman, tbo second
a consumato soldier; and conceding to
oach all that is claimed by bis friends,
neither was to fortunate as Hancock.
Read hia own narrativo ot tho battle
of Gottysbnrg which I copy from the
Committee on tho conduct of tho war
DP. 4034H8, taken from hia exami
nation at Washington, March 22d,
1804. Plain, unaffected, and, above all,
honest and impersonul, it reada like a
great opio in thicli tho exploits of the
rook horoos woro described by Homer
in tho 71.111 or the CMys-'cyortho JCneid
of tho Latin Virgil. To thoso who have
passed through tho horrors ol thoso
three dayi carnage, or who inhered
the tortures of tnsponso during those
fearful conflict this unadorned and
modest recital of General Hancock's
reada liko a mystic dream. The can
nenado of that serried column, tho hor
rid slaughter oi tho combatants, and
tho frenzy of the hand-to-hand conflict,
enlislod a thousand pons as thoy wrung
millions of hearts; but no part of the
drama is moro startling than t he sereno
compoeuro of Hancock as ho was borno
bleeding from the field, coolly dictating
hit dispatch to Meado, directing the
future operations of the still doubtful
day. We read of tho dying knight
prollering water to tho wounded soldier
at hit side, or of the bleeding command
er moving hia ship full upon the brosd
sido of his adversary ; but a stricken
General who'did not know if he had
been wounded to death, directing the
onoraliontota alill lighting army, reads
like the exploits of the gods of mythol
ogy, and defies the sober prose of hu
man language. How wonderfnlly simi
lar the contrast between inch serene
equanimity and the I'rantio agony of
llio hundreds of thousands in Philadel
phia during those days ot hatllo, impa
tient to bear, yet Icurfnl that tho next
newa would be the doom of their city,
the tacriflco of thoir lovod onei, and
the certain sack of their homoa I
It ia well to froshon inch memory.
To louve iUodio would be like striking
Calvary from the Scriptures. It is well
that wo should be taught bow much
our liberty cost, not alone to win but
to tavo. How hlasphomous to profane
inch momorios with the shallow bigotry
ot the Pharisee, or the wicked hatred
ol tho partisan. Gratitudo, next to
God, Is the highost type of divine jus
tification. In this ease it also secures
and seals the reoonoiliation of the Sec
tions. Philadelphia was aarod from
the invader bv Hancock and hit coin-
radet in arms, and it ia right that the
altar ol eternal honor to tho surviving
leader of the victorious host should bo
set iii in her midst. Such an altar in
such a temple becomes at the same time
the symbol of popular gratitudo, und of
tho eternal peace and lorgivenets of a
restored pooplo.
I am only ono of the array of Repub
licans who will vote for Gen. Hancock
for thoso reasons : Only ono of many
of the oldest Republicans in this city,
who cult upon me to say that they
would bo ashamed of themsolves if,
after all their wordB of praise and
thanksgiving for tho salvation of Phil
adelphia from fire and rebel contribu
tions in 1803, tboy should now vote
against tbo man who did the most of
the work. Genoral Garuold is a good
man, but we owo him nothing com
pared to the debt to Hancock- When
told to vote for Hancock ia to voto for
a Democrat, 1 reply that the partition
between tho two parties is very thin.
Tbo only point on which wo may be
said to differ is protection, and that
cannot be a vcrv stronir one when
Hancock comos from the grout tariff
county ot ilontgomory, Pennsylvania,
and all his friends are open advocates
of'protoction, whilo Gariield was elec
ted a member of the Cobden club in
London, tho great froo trade head
quartora in England, beeanso of his
rather bold sympathies with the Wes
tern enemies of Pennsylvania interests.
If the iron men of Pennsylvania want
to know any moro about Garfield's froo
trade Idoas, they ought to read over
Judge Kelly's exposure of the Repub
lican candidate foe President a few
yours ago. Tho Republican and Dem
ocratic parties in this country aro too
close to oacb other on all questions, and
too much interested in National peace
and prosperity, to mnko tho oloction
of Hancock or Garfield a matter of tho
gravoBt consequence in point of fact.
Only for mysolf and for many others
I prefer Hancock, bocanso of his groat
work at Gettysburg, and bocatiso, if lie
is successful, there will bo an end of
that rulo in Pennsylvania which has
subordinated all our Republican ideas
and duties to tho interests of a few ly-
mimical poillicianB.
But there is one view of General
Hancock's future that 1 havo left to the
luM. He will restore peace and pros
perity to tho South. 1 think Grant
would havo done it better, but tho
frionds of General Garfield would not
allow him to try it. You answer tint
this is to remit tho colored people, to
mcir cruel roasters, i rejoin that these
masters could not treat tho colored man
much worso'thnn tho Northern Repub
licans do in tho distribution of party
fuvorg. Here away they uso tho col
ored voters to elect the worst hite
material to our state legislatures but
they nevor think of aendinir a cultiva
ted negro, and I could name fifty fit to
sit in Congress even, to that choice
menagerie ol wild beasts and birds of
evil omen. 1 be bloody shirt, by Han
cock s election, will bo washed out,
driod, ironed, and put away as a rolio
oi a oao era. wenowsctjohn Hrown
Dixie, My Maryland, and. the Bonnie
Bluo Flag, in one great union overture
to tbo opera ol international harmony.
Northern buccosb in business is the
great example. It is a better school-
master than tho crufty carpot-bagger.
The Tennessee Jubilee Singers nave
hcon hotter missionaries all ovor J.u-
ropo and America than all tho Repub
lican campaign clubs botwoen tho
Whito mountains and the Podeo.
Thero is immense medicine to party
disease in human charity. When the
South lakes Hancock aflor he'ehastised
them, they givo themselves as hostages
of fidelity. Thoy will not find bim a
soft and easy Damocles toproacb plati
tuuo and obey arrogance He is one
of your men sharpened into shrewd
ness by the common sense of a great
oxperiunoo. At ho will givo them
much leeway, ho will insist on much
loyalty. I know thoso Southerners
well. Cruel in angor, brave in buttle,
relontlest in revenge' they are also as
lull ot honor as thoy are ot lite, it thoy
are not kicked wbou thoy are down.
Observe,, wo mado them our equal
partners alter wo lorgavo them ; and
wo can no more try to clip thoir wings
to make them less tree than we can
restoro the broken fetters of the slave
laid deep under the ocean of einanei
pulion. noon the south will be on a
new trial, and as Hancock will bo
elected by tho votos ol many thousand
Itepnolicans liko mysell, tho honth
will have no more interest in bad faith
than he will have inclination to per
mit it.
Hanoock'a Own Story at Gettysburg
Before the (committee on the Con
duct of the War, Washington,
March 22l, 1804.
TcsUmoay of MaJUeu. W. 8. Ilaarork.
I Thursday, July 2d, 1819.)
1 Boon received an order, dulcd 1:10
p. M., directing mo to proceed to the
front, and in the ovont of the death of
General Reynolds, or his inabiliiy to
command, to assume command ol all
tho troops thero, consisting ot the 1st,
3d, and 1 1th corps. (Order appendod
marked A.) I started a littlo before
half-past one, turning over tho com
mand of my corps to Gon. Gibbons,
under Gen. Meade's direction!. Gen.
Gibbont wat sot tho noxt in rank in
that corps ; but ho was the one Gen.
Meade dirooted should assume tho
command, aa he considered him the
most suitable person for it
Several Buck instanoos oeourred dur
ing that battle General Meade, prior
Id tho battle, showed me or told mo of
a lotter he had received from tho Sec
retary of War on thia subject. Tho
Government recognizing the difficulty
of the situation, believing that a bat
tle was imminent, and might oocur in
ono, two or three days and nut know
ing tho views of General Meado in re
lation to his commanders, the socro
tary of war wroto him a noto, author
izing him to make any changes in bid
army that be pleural, and that he
would be sustained by tbo President
and himself. That did not make it
legal, because it was contrary to tho
law to placo a Junior officer over a sen
ior. At the same timo it was oil of
thoso emergencies in which General
M eaile wat authorized, at before staled,
to exorcise that powor. 1 was not tho
senior ol eilhor Genoral Howard, of
tbo 11th corps, or General Sickles, ot
the 3d corps. . My commission bore
date on the same day with theirs ; by
my prior commission thoy both rank
od mo. Of course it wat not a very
agreeable office fur me to fill, to go and
tako command of my son iocs. How.
ever, 1 did not loel much embarrass
ment about it, nocause 1 was an older
oldier than either of them. But I
know that legally It was not proper,
and that If they otiose to reaist it il
might become a very troublesome mat-
tor to mo for the time boinir. Whether
or not Genoral Meado, when ha gave;
me tho order, knew about this relative
rank, 1 do not know, 1 say this be
came I have since nntlirstnod that he
TEBMS $2 per aaaam in Advance.
did not, , Whon I spoke to him about
il before departing, bowevor, he re
marked in substance that be was oblig
ed to use sucb persona as bo felt dis
posed to uso ; that in this ense ho sent
mo bocauso he bad explained them to
tho othors ; that 1 knew bit plana and
ideas, and could bettor accord with
him in my operations than anybody
else. I went to Gettysburg, arriving
on tho ground not later than bull' past
three o clock. I lounii that, practically
tho fight was then over. The rcur of
our column, with the enemy in pur
suit, was then coming through the
town of Gettysburg. General Howard
wat on Cemotory Hill, and thero had
evidently beon an attompt on hia part
to stop and form some of hia. troops
thero; what troops he bad formed
there I do not know. 1 understood
afterwards, and accepted it aa a fact
that ho bad formed one division thero
prior to this time. I told Gen. How
ard I had orders to take command in
tho front. 1 did not show bim the or
ders bocauso be did not demand it. He
1 exercised the command until even
ing, whon General Slocum arrived
about six or seven o'clock. . His troops
woro in the neighborhood, for they ap
parently had been summoned up be
fore l arrived, by General Howard
possibly, as well as tho Third corps.
W ben General Slocum arrived, bo
being my senior, and not included in
this order to mo, 1 turned the com
mand over to bim. In fact I was in
structed vorbally by General Butter-
Held to do bo.
When I arrived and look command
I extended tho lines. 1 sent Genoral
Wadsworlh to tho right to take pot-
Bossion of Gulp's Hill with his division
I diroctod Gon. Gcury, whoso division
belonged to tho 12th corps (its com
mander General Slocum, nut then hav-
iag arrived,) to take possession of the
high ground towards Round Top. I
made such disposition as I thought
wise and proper. Tho enemy evidently
believing that we wero reinforced, or
that our wholo army was thero, dig.
continued their great efforts, and Hie
battle for that day was over. There
was firing of artillery and skirmishing
ull along tho Iront. but that was the
end ol that day's battle By verbal
instructions, and in tho order which I
had received from General Mead, I
was directed to report, after having
arrived on tho ground, whelhor it
would be necessary or wise to continue
to fight the battlo at Gettysburg, or
whether it was possible for the fight
lo be hud on Ihe ground Gon. Meude
hud selected. About 4 o'clock P. M.,
1 sent word by Major Mitchell, aido-do-camp
to Gen. Meado, that I would
hold the ground until dark, meaning
to allow him time lo decide the matter
for himself. As soon at 1 had gotten
matters arranged to my satisfaction,
and saw that the troops woro being
formed again and I felt secure, I wroto
a noto to Gon. Meade, and informed
him of my views of tho ground at
Gettysburg-. 1 told him that tho onlv dis
advantage which 1 thought it bad was
that the roads were clear for any
movement he might make. 1 bad
ordered all tho trains back, as I came
up, to clear the roads.
General Meado had directed my
corps, the 2d corps, to march up to
ward Gettysburg, nndortbe command
of General- Gibbons. Whon I found
that the enemy had ceased thoir opera
tions, I directed General Gibbons to
halt hiscorpstwo or three milos behind
Gettysburg, in order to protect our
rear from any flank movement of the
enemy. Then my operations in tho
front being closed, 1 turned the com
mand ovor to Goncral Slocum, and im
mediately started to report to Gonoral
Meado in detail what I had done in
order to express my views clearly to
bim, and to see what he was disposed
to do. I rode back and found Genoral
Meado about 9 o'clock. Ho told me
ho had roeeived my mossagoi and noto,
and had decided upon tho representa
tions 1 had mado, and tho existence ot
known fuels of tho caso, to fight at
Gettysburg, and bad ordered all the
corps to the Iront. That was tne end
of operations (or that day.
On tho third day, in tho morning,
tho enemy and General Slocum wcro a
good deal engaged. About ono or two
o'clock' in tho afternoon the enemy
commenced a tcrrifio cannonado, from
probably one hundred and and twenty
piecoa of artillory, on the front oi the
lino connecting Cemetery Hill with
Round Top, the left contra commanded
by mo. That line consisted ol the 1st,
2d and 3d corps, of which 1 had tbo
genoral command. I commanded the
whole front. Gonoral GibbonB com
manded the 2d'corps in my absonce.Gon-
eral Birncy the 3d. That cannonade
continuod for probably an hour and
a ball, The onemy then mado an as
sault at the end of that time. It was
a very lormidablo assault, and mado,
1 should judge, with about 18,000 in
fantry. When tho columns of tho
enemy it appeared it lookod as if they
wcro going to attack tho centre of our
line but alter marching etraight out a
little distance, thoy tuemod to incline
a little to their left, at if their object
was to march through mv command
and seize Cemetery Hill, which I have
no doubt was their intention. 1 hey
attacked with wondorful apirit noth
ing could have been more spirited.
Tho shock ol tho assault fell upon the
2d ond 3d division of the second corps,
assisted by a small brigade of Vermont
troops, together with tho artillory ol
our lino which fired from Round Top
to Cemotory Hill at the onemy all the
way as they advanced whenever they
hail the opportunity. Thoso wero tho
troops that really met the assault. No
doubt there were other troops that
fired a little, but tbose woro the troops
that really withstood the shock of tho
assault and repulsed it. Tho attack of
tho enemy was met by about sit small
brigades of our troops, and was finally
r-Aiiuhuid affair a tnrrilin ctontcaL at verv
close quarters, in which our troops took
thirty or lorty colors and tome 4,utiu
to 0,000 prisoners, with great lost lo
the enemy in killed and wounded.
Tbo rcpulso was a most signal ono,
and that decided tho bailie, and was
practically the end of the fight 1 was
wounded at tho close ot the assault
and that ended my operations with
ll,o army for that campaign. 1 did
not fullow it in its future movements.
jf'A.i! practically ended the fighting of
the battle of Gettysburg. 1 here wat no
serious fighting thero after that, save
on the loll, In an advance by ft small
command of the Pcnnsy I vania Reserve
mado vory toon atterward and baaed
upon bur tuccoss. I may any ono thing
here : L think it wat probably an un
fortunate thing that 1 waa woundod
at the timo I was, and equally enfor
tunate that Genoral Gibbont wat also
wounded, because the absence of a
prominent Commandor, who knew the
cireumatanorej thoroughly at mob.
moment as that, wat a groat disadvan
tage I think that our Unci thould
bavo advanoed immediately, and 1 be
lieve we should have won great vie-
tory. 1 w as very confindoul the ad
vanco would Ira made. Gon. Moado
told mo before the fight that it the
enemy attacked me he intended to put
tbo fith and Bth corps on the eoemy't
flank ; therefore, when 1 was wound
ed and lying down in my ambulance
aud about leaving tbe field, 1 dictated
a nolo lo General Meade, and told bim
if be would pat in tbe Bth and 0th
corps 1 believed bo would win ft great
victory. I asked him afterwards when
I returned to the army what be bad
dune in tho promise. Ho aaid be had
ordered tbe movement, but the troopt
wore slow in collecting, and moved to
slowly that nothing waa done before
night, except that tomoof tbe Penn
sylvania Reserves went out and met
Hood's division, it was understood, 'ol
tbo enemy, aad actually ovortbruw It,
assisted, no doubt, in some tnuature,
by tbeir knowledge of their failure in
tho assault There were only two
divisions of the enemy on our extreme
left, opposite Round Top, and there
was a gap in thoir line ol ono mile that
thoir assault bad left, and 1 behove if
our whole line had advanced with
spirit it it not unlikely that we would
have taken all their artillery at that
point. 1 think that was a lault ; that
we shi.uld have pnnhed the enemy
there, for we do nut ollen catch theia
in that position; and tbe rule is, and
it is natural, that when yon rcpulso
and detcat an enemy you thould
purine him ; and I believe it it ft rare
thing that one party beats anothor
and does not pursue him; and I think
that on that occasion It only required
an order and prompt execution.
1 have no doubt the enomy regard
ed the success of their assaultaa cer
tain, to much to that they were will
ing to expend all tbeir ammunition.
They did not aupposo that any troo)
oould live andei that cannonade; but
thoy met troops that had been to ac
customed to artillory fire that it did
not have the effect on tbom that tbey
expected. It wat ft most terrific and
appalling cannonade, ono possibly
hardly ever parallelled.
Q. Was there ovor, in any battle of
which you have read, more artillery
brought into action than in that bat
tlo ?
A. 1 doubt whether there has been
moro concentrated noon an equal space
and opening at one time. I think
thero has been moro artillery engaged
in many battles, but do not believe
thero bus been more upon both sides
concentrated on an equal space.
u. ion did not lollow tho army
from there?
A. No, sir : I led the field the mo
ment the tight was ovor.
t. vt hen did you join the army
again ?
A 1 did not join it again until some
time in December, when active oper
ations had coasod. I was then order
ed by tho Socrotary ol War Into
tho Suites from whence tbe regi
ments of my corps came to fill them
up by recruitment, and I am now on
my return to tho army.
O. Hut with equal numbers, you
would not hesitate to attack the enemy
anywhere under equal circumstances?
A. .No, sir, 1 would not. In fuel
there is no finer army, if as fine, in
existence in the world than the army
of tho Potomac. The troopt will do
anything if they are only ordered. 11
thoy have not made thit or that attack
it is because thoir commander! did not
order them to mako it
BY M. L. McliUOWN.
EducatioB is a better safeguard of liberty than
a standing army. If wa retrench the wage, of U.
soboolmuter, va meet raise taoaa of Mia raerail-
Ing sergeaat."
We visited in Huston, Sandy and
Union during tbe early part of July.
The Director! have all eont in their
subscription for the School Journal.
A fow families living north of tbe
Mill . Run disirict are asking for a
Alien II. iiosoncrans, baa been ap
pointed Socrotary of tba Board, (or the
ensuing year.
Prol. G W, Weaver, will bavecharge
of the Graded schools of Penfield, and
will have two assistant teachers. .
Tbe now school kouto at Hickory
Kingdom, it noarinc completion. The
Contractor it Elias Horning.
Director, James Calaban, who has
boon suffering ao long with a broken
limb, returned from Philadelphia, with
out being operated upon.
Albort Bird, a graduate ol Mansfield,
Stuto Normal school, and ft teacher of
experience, will enter me rroennian
class at Laffayette College toon.
Tbo Directors have laid thirteen
(13) mills lor school purposoa.
P. S. Weber, the gentlemanly Secre
tary oi tbe Board, it an ex-teacher
and a scholar.
fho publio schools were well attend
ed during May and July; not to well,
however, during July.
We were very highly ontcrtained at
tbe residence cf Mr. Andrew Riddle
while visiting the schools ot the town
Another school building will be e roo
ted in DuHois this fall, and aroomseat-
ed on tho north tido, making light
schools in that populout town.
Miss Roso Butler, teaober of North
Side school, makes a specially oi lang
uage lessons and refined calisthenics.
Her Bihool rctiecta culture and renne-
W. W. McCullough. of the West
Liberty school, it proa pooling in Colo
ratio and G. W. Weaver, ot the Cen
tral High school, is attending College
in Illinois.
Somo malicious parties entered the
school bouso at Sabula recently and
committed tome misdemeanors that
would be reproachful to an uncivilised
community. Tbe people are looking
out for them.
i BtADr.
Miaa .Sadie Morgan it the popular
teacher ol tho township.
Work bat boon commenced on the
loundstion of tbe new school hosae on
the farm of Jesse Line. -
Mr. W. C. Pentz, after two yoart
absence at the Lock Haven Normal
school, ii again among his friends in.
uraay. r -
The students who have been attend
ing tho New Washington Normal In
stitute aro at borne again and are
It n rumored that Mr. L. E Wobor
will conduct a Normal class, of aix
weeks, at Luthersberg, eomraeocing
the last Monday in July.
Messrs. S. K. Hay os and J. I. Brock
bank, very promising teacbira, expect
to remain at Kdinboro Slate Normal
school until they graduate.
Some families living between tbe
Harlzfelt and Coal llill district, are
getting anxioui about ft echool for
their immediate oommunity. .
Example and practice are more effi
cient than precept and theory.
' Education in not creative ; it only
assists In developing existing possibili
ties Into realitioe. JSreMs. .
There la lott ov people In thia world
who arobkeaguido bward at Ualotki
ov tbe road. They ban point out the
way for otbera to peraow ; bet they
don't follow it tbemselvee. ,osrt zVi).