Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 14, 1880, Image 3

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Terms of Subscription.
irpttd la ftdvftnM,or wlUin.thrw noothi..,' W
If fiKiil ilttr tbr nd btfun lit moaibi... S M
If IUftflrthiirUoa of til nonbu... I W
4rM.un. 8. M. Pirn MILL A Co., N-wt-
p.r AJttttiilni Acuta, IT Prk Row, ornw
lUtkuftii BlrMt, ro oar duly Mtborto-d AbU
lo Nw York City.
Method I tl KiUoopI Churrh Rt. Oio.
Lbipt, Pkitor. HorvivM fty t IO.)
A. M., and Ti r. m.
Bftbbatb Rnbool at 9 A. M.
rrarr Met) tint avary Wadatttlty, at P. M
Commuaioa Harvlearit ttabbath of avary
month, at 1P A. M.
Watt rieartteld N. E. Church Rr.
Chaklm W. Bi -MLBr.P.itor. Praacbiog avary
altaraatt SuDtUy, at t o'clock, P. M. SuD'Uy
Sotiool at a, r. W. All arc in He J to at una.
PrelbytoriBH rimrrb Hv. II. B.Butl.b,
H.hbftth Mrrleei inomin and araning 8b-
Uifa School at I P. M. Pmytr Moating WhUm-
lay avaotng
llaiitiat Cliim-h. Rjt. , P-Hor.
S.M..1I1 SobouUtS I. il. I'raynr Mm tin. wtrj
n ctaoi(I. venlng.
wt. KraucW t'lturch CatliollrHPT P
J.SuaMinAN. Divioa varrioa at 1U4 A. M., oa
tha fint, tkird and lourih Huadtyiof aaob month;
Veiper aad lJeoodietion of llm Hkfied 8aflrauint
at 7 o'clock, P. M. Sunday School avary Buaday
KiteraooD at 3 o clock.
Second Monday of Janaary.
1 bird Monday of March.
Pirft Monday af Juna,
Fuortb Saptoubar.
Pint Monday of Ja-a.
HoconJ Monday of NovauiW.
Prnidont JdgUoa. Charted A. M-r.
A mutant Law Judy- Iluft. Jo-n 11. Orvli, of
Attoeiat Judge Abram Og.lan, Clcarfltld ;
Vinoant U. Holt, Clearfield.
Protkouoiary III Bloom.
Kfitfrad Rrdth. J. Morgan.
Trtaturtr Philip DotU.
Dittriet Attornty J. F. M.Ktnrick.
Sheriff Jatnei Mahaffny.
htputy Sheriff Y. I. Tbontpion.
County Smrweyor Bamual P. MoCloikay, Car
County Commhetoner C. W. Kyler, flraham
ton P. 0.; Klah Johmton, Uratnpian Hilla P. 0.;
Joba Norrli, Sr., Cnrwanivllla.
Commiionrr' Clerk John W. Howe.
County Auditor William V. Wright, Clear
Bald ; Joiaph UUliland, Tbrat Rum ; J. 8. Nor
rir, Woodland.
County Coroner Jamea A. Moora, Clearfield.
Jrt, (fomaiMtioMr AndrawJ. Jaekion, Claar
Dcd, Win. R. Brown, Claartleld.
Superintendent of Public School M. I. Ma
Uuown, Clearfield.
Sealerof WeighuA ileaeuree Jeeaa W.CarHla,
uffica at Luthartburg Pa.
olarut i(i-John W.Wrlr;ley, Win. Ra-dpbau-h,
Cyrui Gordon, Ckarflald ; Joeeih H.
Irwin, N. K. Arnold, Carweuiville; J. A. Living
(ona, UuBoil City.
Our Sytcial column te decidedly Intaraetlng In
a loaal point or view, and profitable reading to
ouUlderi who want to eava money.
"Will you lake wheat, oall or Corn for tub-.-ripiloB
V Wo ara often Inquired of in thii way
by letter from patron, wlw reclde at a ditanca
from CIcarMd. Wa again aay yei. Tba recelpU
of a letpviniiblt merchant or mill owner In the
Iclnity, will answer ui Ju-t ai well a tha oah.
To illtoetrala: If any of our pel-one will dalWer
m a bag of grain at the will of Joseph H. Brath,
in Cbait towmbip, Horaoa Palchln, In Bnrniida,
Thomae II. Forcey, In Orabira, Wm. Porter or
b'baw'i. In Lawreuoa, or Bronn A Beyler'i, at
Rook tun, 1'nlua townahip, and forward their
recelptj for the amount, wo will era Jit them on
their account for tha-aunie. In thii way all may
soon pay what (hey owe, If they will puriue till
IAdvortiHcrs and others will liear
In mind that all articles intended for publication
in this paper must ba banded to, not later than
Tuesday, at 0 A. M. Don't forget It !
Some of tho far mora in Ijancaator
counly rut their grain by muonligbt Ibia harvest.
Tho crop of cliestnutB thin coining
Fall will be em.imooi, If something don't Inter
fere. a
An awning in front ot Morroll'tf tin
ware sturo and an'tlon room, on Market street,
is among tha lateat things out,
ThoH. F. Cooper, of tho Rkpuulican
office, spsnt the Fourth interviewing tha (Jetty s-
burg battle-field and surroundings, and had n
vary enjoyable trip.
. i
A twenty five hundred pound cannon
waa recently east nt ei-Sberiff Pia'a foundry. In
Osceola, and will boom during tha coming cam
paign for Hancock and Kngliih.
The naruo ofYrof. W. A. Kelly,
County Superintendent of Schools of J oil arson
county, has recently been added to tba list of
subscribers to tne nnpuaui m,
- m
A Bad Place to Live We learn
from tha Punisutawney Syiril, that Mrs. Hacker,
an old lady In tha Sith year of bar age, residing
ou Whisky run, In this county, Ml down a flight
of atalra on tha lta nlL, and broke three rib.
Shields Normal Academy, Funxnu-
tawney, Jeff. Co., Pa., re opes i on Tnaaday, July
37tb. Bishop Warren lectures In the evening.
Teacbara and all who have an Internet in educa
tion will find It to their advantage U read
"Reasona Why," found in our local eolntna.
i a mmi
will hold an adjourned sale, at bis offiu on Tues
day July 20th, at wb Ich time all unsealed lands
on which the taiea have not been paid for 1978
and 1879, will ba sold without any farther ad
V. 8. Minister to Turkey , agree with hia ftlead
Forney about Uan. Hancock, and desires bis
election. Mr. Morris made a elrong Radical
speech In aur Court House in 187ft, and will no
riitubt bo remembered by many.
Mian Kate M. Mitchell, of New
Washington, haa boen eboaen toteaoh 8a bow I No.
4, In tba Primary Department of tho Leonard
tiraded School, of Clearfield borough. Miss
Mitchell baa tho reputation of being a first class
teacher. Sshool No. 4 will occupy a room In the
old Academy building, whlea haa Seen lepalrrd
for the occasion.
m e m
The subscription achooU ot juveniles,
taught by Mias Carrie Flegal and Mies Ida tiaar
hart, In tha Leonard Uraded School building,
ak iad on tho SOth alt. On tha day following,
July let, the teachware and scholars united in hold
lag a vary pleasant a ionic la tha grora at rt Hills
dale," east of tho borough. The HtUt folks, it It
Stid enjoyed It hugely,
mm a
One Moat Knit. In tho death of
John Irwin, Sr., of Wolf Run, Law reap, towo
ehlp, and In fact the county, loonea on of Its
oldeat and most eateemod cltisans. lie was among
the) flret settlert In this county, and during his
lifetime commanded the rtspeot of all elassee In
bia neighborhood. His remains war followed to
th "r'nHoB ctuietery" followed by a very largo
toaeourso of people. His wife eorvires him.
"No You Ion't." Those of our
renvlera who made fun of our census slat meat,
walib we publish d oa the 1Kb of February last
firing onr population at 41,844 will pleas
obnago their lur; because, if the Censai Knnm
Praters are to be relied upon our county will ea
end tbtt figure, Tht aggregate Inorear will ei
Bc4 seventy per cent, and that of Woodward
M9'Bd; tonn'hlpe w itl eqael that of Loadtilte
)eath of Harrt McKiiuiin.
Harry MrKllba, son of Jore MrKibbaa, of the
Cfirard Hoase, Philadelphia, and well koowa ia
Clearfield, having olorked la tba hardware store
of at F. Bigler A Co., la tkts plaee, aoma si
yaarn ago, died la New 'rk olty oa tb 10th
ntt , ffhll Wing eonroyf d lo hospitnl. Ills death
wat anused by an orerdon of Inudaanm. lit
about ttSDty-five years of ago, and loaves a
young wife with whom h lived onbefplly,
a a mm
Two ftwht train came into collision
at an early bear an Tuesday morning, fvth nit,
at reeenbarg, on the middle division af tba Penn
sy' Mia Railroad. A freight train following,
Uh John B. Crawford as aoginaar and M. A.
ft-vr as fireman, ran late th wreck. Both
V Biea war last sally klllel by oars fafliag oa
t i Tbair ram a ins war taken lo their home
la arHsbarg. Cattle, grain aad merchaadlrt
f 4jry deecrlptloa wna sesttsred about prom Is
co ly. Fife of tl.e cattle mre hillel.
Tie ewaat la tba dim moonlight
to wanjer lortfe U mael bar '
And tba aaphyra blow ai yon oaward ga
There'a nolbiag thai la ewoatar I
Yon alog a aoag aa yon walk along,
Ana minB now nappy yen ibaii great bar I
But your witble'a huibad and your hopai are
Tog t bar wilA thalkoalar.M
Hclcmck Krpti licau.
'Or. LlndHoy't Mood Searcher," by
purifying tha lyitem, aofWna tha akin and beaut i
fiea tha eonpIeiUu.
i if
Cki.ehy Tlaktb. Krnt'St Bock.
Clearfield, Pa, baa an head n largo quantity of
Celery i-laati, aad of the beat quality, at bis
green bouae, oa Front ilratt, whieb ha will aell
at 76 oenta per handral, or one iboniand for pi,
e i -
Fifty Men Wanted. Fifty mon
ara wanted ta angago la caning and baullag
loga on Muratlan run, In Uraham townahip.
For furl bar partleulara addraaa Davit B, W blm in,
Grabtutton, Pa. Firit eoma, flret lerrad. H-U
Bank CnANQEa.---The County
tional Bank having purobaaad tha Banking llnuao
of tha Claarfirld County Bank, in Uraham'a
building, baa ramvad Into that block, on Mark
at itreet, while tba Clearfield County Bank will
eactipy the rooumn Haoond i treat vacated by the
County National Bank. 41
- - a m
A Cannon Kxplodrh and Kii.lh a
Man. Mr. A red Pearult, aged about thirty-four
yeara, waa killed at Brooktille early on Monday
mornloff, July fttb, by the aiploilon of a cannon.
A pit'ca atruok bim oa the h ip, mathlng It and
oauaibg death h) twelva boun a'terwarda. He
Ira res a wife and aeeral children to lament hit
untimely death.
m - 1 -
aioiana baro uaed Bpeer'a Port tlrapa Wine of
New Jaraey, and, having applied to It the itrict
eit tail, pronouaoe It a pure wine, aad rooaia
wend It to the aged and infirm, and for geaeral
ua nbeia wine la dtilrabla, aa tba moat reliable
wine to be had. It received tba bightat award
at the Centennial Exhibition. For tale by B. W.
Uraham, druggiit, Clearfield, Pa.
A Blunder. Tlio compositor in our
laat licue dropped a portion of a paragraph out of
tha article In our local eoluiana, In tba proceed
Inga of the dram plan Temperance In Ion. It
ahould read ai follows :
Tha addreif of walootoe waa delivered by
Thomaa K. Moore, followed by tha choir wltb
"Merry Greeting," and atterwarda an addrera waa
delivered by John Ruuell on aLlteratura aa a
Factor in Temperance Work."
The "devil" wai evidently aol around when thii
blunder occurred.
ItEViHKD. -Tlio Soorotury ol our
School Board, Mr. Brown, haa banded ua a re
vlsad list of tha names of teaohors and their sal
ary for tha eurrcnt year as follows t
Principal B. B. Youngman, $1,15 per nn.nlh ;
First Assistant V. U. Harris, $60 par month t
Seoond Assistant Malt. Savage, $4j per month ;
No. 1 Primary L. E. Weber, $45 per month ;
No. S Primary W. K. Tate, f2i per mootb ; No.
3 Primary Carr la Flegal, $:tfi per month ; No.
4 Primary Kale K. Mitchell, $0 psr month.
How We Grow. Ten yeara ajjo
tba Censua Kouineretore put Clearfield down at
1,9AI, and Wsst Clearfield (boo contained about
furt7 souls while at Clearfield, or Hillsdale,
waa a blank. Now we figure up as follow i :
Clearfield proper.- 1,810
West Clearfield
Tolal f,S83
In round figures this territory In 1870, con
tained a population of about 1,400, and now
1,383 ; being an increase of nearly vtnty per
ffNf, It looks bow as though our population la
the county would reach 43,000. This is certainly
a healthy state of facts and goes lo show that
Clearfield county has nut lost its rigor in sup
porting a large population.
"The Old Folks at Home." Mm.
Jane MeCultuagh, wife of Wm. M. McCullougb,
Sr., wna eighty years old last T hurt day, (he cttb
lost. Uer childrea surprisvd her about 4 o'clock
in the evening by bringing all tha little ones wltb
well-filled baskets, to tho old homestead to take
aupper with grandma. Her four sons Thomas
J., Levis K., William M. and James M. and
their wires were present ; two daughters Mary
A. and Jane twenty-three grand children and
three great-grand children. Tho old lady Is in
good health, and looks much younger than she is.
She haa aa only sister living In Oxford, Chester
county, Pa., srbo is 82 years old. She baa four
brothers still living, the youngest being 61 and
tba oldest V0 years old. Four of her grand chil
dren and one daughter-in-law were absent. Her
children are all living except on the lalo Z. C.
MoCullough who died a few yeara ago from the
effects of Injuries received at Uettysburg.
- mm
Maruied. Wo copy tho following
notice, taken from the Jorsey Shore llirald, as
tha brid formerly reaided la Clearfield, where
be has many acquaintances and friends i "A
large number of friends aisembled at tb resi
dence of Mr. and Xrt. Weston Culvert, on the
Island on Wednesday last, June SJd, to witness
tho marriage of Mr. W. U. Orafiusof Tyrone,
Pa , end Miia Rosa RuOnead, of Jersey Shore.
At 7 o'clock (be hippy couple were mart led, Rev.
W. A. Stephens officiating In bis uinal happy
style, after which the party partook of an elegant
aupper prepared for the occasion. Tb evening
waa oa of pleasure to all who were preaent and
Mr. Mre. (Jraftus warn warmly congratulated after
tbeir marriage. The beppy couple staited on n
weddiug tour on tho 9.3Q train, and parted with
tha good wishes of those present, for a happy aad
prosperous journey through life. May their Joys
b many and tbatr troubles Uw."
Announcement. Life of General
Winfittd Scott Hancock. Wo ar glad to know
that tba well known publishing bouse of Hub
bard Bros., of Philadelphia, have In preparation
and will sooa Issue the "Life of den. Hancock,"
written by bis aid time friend, Hon. John W.
Forney. Tbe career of the brilliant soldier viho
la sooa to be tramferrod lo the Whit House
fumlshea material for a volume which, In deep
nnd thrilling Interest, has rarely been equaled In
tha annals of American biography. It la fortu
nate that Its preparation has been assigned to
Col, Forney, who for twenly-lv years has boon
known ua on of the ablest editors and most
brilliant wrltsrs In America. Ills kuown ability,
and his pcrioaal Intimacy with Oen. Uaoeock,
nr a fufticient guarauty that tbe book will be
full, eompleU and authoritative volume of
permanent va'ue, anl la this respect widely
different from ordinary campaign literature. It
will be sold only by subiortptl jb, and m i t meet
with a very Urge sale.
- m -
Tut Beht. Tho wonderful returna
made by the If qui table Life Asauranco Hociety
are illustrated by tbe many Utters eipreaelve of
satisfaction, written by the policy holders to tba
company, the following is a fir eaemple : !
York, Maine, March 3d, 1S80.
J. F. Clark, Esq., Agent, Portland.
Jhar Sir; I note aitb pleasure the rtnult of
my insurance by tbe Kui table Aesuranee Society
under my Too tine policy, Na. 4V,V)v. I harefpald
$:i,tt7.Q-,and for this you have carried an iour-
ar.oa ot A,vU on mo for eleven years, nnd yon
now offer me eab $3,4X4 80, or $St.I& mora
thaa I hae paid you. Soofler at life insurance
should net these resulte nnd Insure ia the
Equitable. Yours truly,
With such dividends It Is not surprising that
the Equitable does to largo a business. All its
policies become Incontestable after throe years,
nnd no company In tbe country has so wide a
reputation for Ibo prompt and tall payment of
death olaims.
R. M. MeRnally, District Agent, Clearfield, Pa.
081 re In Shaw's How.
W. H. Hariiporii, Agent, Ooota.
D. S. Moor, Agent, Carweosvili.
J. Hamilton, Agent, Lulheraburg.
June II 41
Lahhimer Pout, No. 179, 01. A. U -
Oa Friday evening, July 3d, E. W. Halo, Dlstrlei
Post Commander, assisted by ComtadH Wm. II.
Kfnkade, A. H. Smith, and other members of
Joba W. Oray Post, No. V0, ot I'hlllpaburg, or
ganised a Post of the Grand Army of tha Repub
lic la the Lodge room la Pie's Oner House, this
horongb, mu taring in forty. four members. Tba
following (Bears were elected aad Installed to
am until January, 1st, I8HI, vis :
I. P. CCspt. P. A. Oaulln,
I. 8. V. C -K M. Hnhvurar. , .
I. J. V. C Hiram T. King. '
4. Adjutant Prank A. Fleming.
s. S. M.-Meorge D. Rank.
0. y. at Wm. It. brown.
T. U. M. fl.-Samael Pnoa.
I. O. D.-Wm. A. Ogden.
I. 0. U Cornelius Owens,
l. flurgeoa J. p. Burchfield, M P.
1 1. Cbapila Jacob U. fluok.
Alter tho installation of oOor, tb members
of the Poet and representative af lb ksenl prees
participated la a sapper al lb Leonard Hoase.
The Post wast named "Lerrimor post, No. IT 9,"
la honor of Major J. Harvey Larrlmar, who wai
Major f tha SSd Regiment, Pa. Velae tears, and
killed la an engaagomont near Brlsto Statlaa,
Virginia, Fehrnary I4ih, 1884. Majar Larrimer
was tb editor f the Rapuiuran In I860, and
for several year previous.
On Saturday, the Id i net, a Pott waa organised
A Carweasville, whet tblrtj four mmbrt war
mustered In.
Got a policy in the EquituMo I.ifo
Asanranoo Society of the U.S. K. M . McEaally,
Clearfield, Pa., ia District Agent for this old and
reliable Company. It.
- ! Ml -
JIuy Toot Mux Now ( Wo ro tlio
proprletara af a Saw Mill, aompleta la every par
tloular, which wa will sell very aheap. For par
tleulara, addraaa I. A. A W. D. BItiLKR,
mch3, a ear 11 eld, Pena'a.
m a- e H
See a woman on hoiaMelAc-k in another
column, riding near Bpeer'a Vineyards, with a
bancs of Q re pea from which Spear's Port Urapa
Wine la made, that la So highly esteemed by the
medical profession for tba nsa of invalids, weakly,
peraoni and tha aged. Sold by K. W. (Jrabatn,
Druggist, Clearfield, Pa, jly-U-'Ttt-tf.
i i
A Fact. An auvortiHomontinKorted
la tha Rnri'iLiran will reach mora readers than
If published In all tha other papera la tha coun
ty, and eost tha advertlaai leaf than one-half
In other warda, an advertisement published In
our Jcurnal la worth doubla tba prion of that
oharged by any other puMUher In tho eounly,
It Is a faat." tf.
Now Standard Rinoer Sewino Ma-
chimbs for $.10. Each with castors, drop leaf.
three drawers, half rabinct, wlod bobbins without
running machine, and Warranted for Fit Yeara.
Homing too Machines, same description, $'10
each. NiW Centennial, Jli each. Call befuro
bujlug eisenbore. J. K. Hanhkb,
j-lG 4i Claarndd, Pn
Fwinalo u eukiicHs, acidity of Btoinach
livr and kidney diseases, non-roienskn to obit
drrn (or wetting the bed) have all been cured In
n great number of oases by nsing Hams to a, Liver
aad Kidney Cur. 1 J '
Prepared by E. K. Thompson, Titusvlll, Pa.
For sola by all druggists in Clearfield, and
Joseph Seyler A Son, Luthersburg, Pa. It
New Daily Staoe Line. Jamea L.
Leavy has sueueoded in baring a dally mall estab
lished between Clearfield and Penufield.and will
hereafter rua n dally stage between tho two points.
His eontraot began with April 1st, and the stag
will leave (learfield every morning (oioept Sun
day) at o'clock, making connections with all
trains on'tbe Low Urade Railroad at I'tnnileld, re
turning after tbe last train the aama evening.
Passengers and freight will ba carried at low rates.
Orders left at any of tbe hotels will he attended
to. 10apr7Vlf
Farmkrh, Look Here I Lytlo will
give you highest market price for Wheat, Oats,
Corn, Buckwheat, Butter, Eggs, Onions, Apples,
dried fruits, and all kinds of produce. Ua has
the largeat and best selected stock of groceries,
teas, coffees, molasses, spices, oil salt, sugar,
qucenswara, tubs, buckets, baskets, churns, Ac,
in Clearfield oounty. Ha buys his goods in large
quantities from manufacturers and first hands
for cub, and takes Ibo advantage of all
discounts, and so be Is enabled to sell at lowest
prices, lie gives eab prices for produes.and sells
his goods at tb lowest prices in tho county.
Tho Democratic Primary Election will occur
this year on ta 18th of September. It will,
therefore, b In order to announce tho names of
candidates on and alter tbe 4th day af August.
Our fee for announcing candidates will be as fol
lows :
Congress $1A
Assembly , H It
Protfaonotry 10
He fritter and Recorder 8
County Suiveyor - &
This will include the printing of 12,000 tickets
and Ihs necessary blanks for holding tbe Primary
Election. No name will be announced unless the
cash accompanies tbe order. 3l
n i a - -
Clkarpield Coal Trade. State
ment of Coal and other freights sent over the
Tyrone A Ck-arfield Divlaloo, Pennaylranla Rail
road, for tbs week lading June iVtb, UasLand
tbe aama time last year
For the week
Sumo lime last year
Previously during year...,
Same time laat year
Total in 1880
Same time last year
Decrease .
, fiftl.TM
othrr raRioara,
Lumber 171 cars.
Miscellaneous freights 1 00 "
The Enumerators of our county have lodged
their returns with Protbonotary Bloom, except
Ing three townships Covington, Quitch and
Karthaus from which there Is no report up to
Tuesday moraiog, July 13th. Bolow will bo
found a tabular statement of the work of tha
Enumerators, which Is as follows:
Burcald Borough M
Clearfied " 1810
Curwens'll . 705
Hontidale 208H
L. City SVS
t New burg " ..
N.Washton" 281
Osceeia " 1254
Wallaceton ' liifi
Becearia Township 1401
Bell 1001
Bloom " 443
Boggs 905
Bradford " In86
Brady " I8H1I
Burnside 17V4
Chest " , I2VA
Covington H No return
Decatur ' 344T
Ferguson " 715
Olrard " 67i
Gosben " 501
Oraham " Mi
Oreenwood " 452
Oulich " No return
Huston 14 - 1358
Jordan " OV4
Karthaus " No return H
Knox 708
Lawrence " MM... 2225
Morris " I71
Penn U
Pike 1440
Sandy " 3720
Iniun u &5I
Woodward u 5101
Total 40,007
Included In RurnslJo township.
f Included In Chest townahip.
Tbe throe townships still out will, no doubt,
add not less than 1,000 to the population, and
make II, In round numbers, not less than 43,000.
This Is n handiome gala sloe 1870, when our
population waa only 25,741. But few oountbss
In tbe Slate can make a more healthy show.
two sot'ARRa or Horsi" in twb crbtrr or mi
towr in noma.
Between three and four a'eloch on Thunday,
July lib, n fir broke out In Woodtn's livery
stable, located la tho centra of tha principal bus
Iness square In Tyrone, The alarm was given,
but before the Tyrone engine began to play, tha
atablo, with Its contents, together with nine
horses, was toniumed. Ta splendid Lorsoa and
an omnibus, formerly owned by Robert Lott, of
Huntingdon, were burned.
Tba flames communicated to adjoining build
ings on Juniata and Mala streets, nod notwith
standing tho efforts ol the firemen, tho principal
business house la tho square worn barned te tb
ground befor tht flame were got under control.
The Vigilant steam fir engine of A 1 toon a arrived
about five o'olonk, and did good work In staying
tho progress of tha flames. Tb Huntingdon
steam fir engine wss also sent for, and at 6:25
started for Tyrone, traversing tha twenty miles la
about twenty-lva minutes, and In forty minutes
from the tlm of leaving Huntingdon had two
streams of water playlag apoa tb flsmes.
The fo 'lowing U a list of tho buildings burned
on Juniata street : Temp let on A Co'a warehouse,
and Dr. J- C. M. Hamilton's kitchen, insurant
$5,000 Smith A ti ray's grocery, Insurance $2,000)
Crawford A Co's storeroom, Insurance $3,060 ; J.
A. Thomaa' residence ; W. B. Stewart's shoe slur
and reside., Insnranc $9M Mn. lo Blseh'i
buck store, no insurance; Memlnger, Stewart A
Co's slothing store Blair County Bank City
HoitL on the wrnor, partially.
On Mala street tba following properties were
bailed : llrrmld printing office, insurance $3,00$;
D. Burkot Wilson's book store, partially ; Tyrone
Bank, D.T. Caldwell's tnsurano ofloo, Flynn'o
hall, Insurance $20f0M ; Qardoer's drug store ; P.
Saeerlnger's tobaoo itort aajl residence, In
surance $8,000 j D,fimt printing ofloo, In
snranc $70$ VaaValiah A Wilson's dry goods
sure, Insurant $5,000 Joba Seullla's taller! eg
establishment, fully Insured Isaac P.Walton's
Jswplry store, no Inmraa,
la the centre of tho square tb following build
ings were burned te the ground i Wooden s livery
stable, "Doe" Joaoi resident, Baaerlngor's
Isble, Hollaad's resldene, Mrs. Seswart'i rwai
denoe, CUeher'l rag warehons, Adam Statlar'a
resideee Mrs. Bigolow't residence, n tenant
home belonging Nowlln'i heirs, and three or
mur stables.
The loot Is rarionaly estimated at from $125,100
to $1 50,000, while the insurance amounts lo about
$HO,00. It I BBlrersally oaedd Uat lb fire
wis the work of aa Incendiary.
"Carry the news to Alary I" Health
and happiness ar found la every boa of "Sellers'
Llrw Pills."
Lint of letters romaining unclaimed
la tb Pos to files, la ClearDeld, for tno week ana
Ing July I2tb, 1880 1
Klr Andersen, Daniel A. Boone, Miss Minnie
Cohn, Stephsa Crawford, Miss Lias I Dixsoa, fi
A Bro EliUr, John W. Gray, Miss Kate J. Land
Btemr, Mrs. Till Mouroaon, Wm. McLarney,
Hugh UDoaald, John Nibill, Mrs. Sally Nusb,
Miss Marlah Snyder, John Hhanb, R. W. Vln
cent. P. A. Uaitlin, P. M.
. am
LTnuunavifi, JnW Tth. 1880.
Mn. tioonuRDBH : The Democrats af Brady
have organised a Hancook and hoglish Club, and
intend to seeur n full Democratic vote In tb
township. Tbe Club organised tba 30th of June,
The following officers were elected t
President. J. Hamilton t Viae President, Daa'l
(Hood lander i Secretary, W. B. Lather Treasurer,
Jacob Moose.
Tha following Committee were then appointed
to secure a room for tb meetings i w. H. Lu liter,
J. H. Bdlngorand J. L. Weber.
Committee on Music, Maj. Luther, Fred. Penti
nnd M. II. Thompson.
Committee on Constitution, W. 8. Luther, J.
II. Udinger and J. C. Wilson.
Everybody is satisfied with tho nomination,
and don't bo surprised if we send in tbo roturus
in November with four hundred majority.
Bbaiv Domochat.
Dubois, July Oib, IftsO.
Editor Munium AUPtur Sir : It allords me
pleasure to writ to you that on Friday evening,
July 2d, 180, we held ia IuUols a very success
ful ratification meeting. Major 8. M. Tinthoff,
nn eld veteran Democrat, formerly of Brook villa,
was ealled to the chair and made a neat III tie
speech, and slated the object of tho meeting.
The usual number ot Vie Presidents and Secre
taries being appointed. Dr. H. P. Btrowbrldge
opened the meeting by asserting that although
no bad been a Republican until tbo organisation
of the irettbek pnrty j but leelleg that the
party ooma aooompusn notbioc a would now
support llancoakand English. L Great Applauss.J
After the rendition of choice music by tbe Ex
celsior Cornet Band, Mr. P. S. Weber wai flailed
out, who responded with bis usual earnest and
oonvtnaing argument eulogising tlio hero, Men.
Hancook, for his high standard ol statesmanship.
as displayed bv him whtn Military Governor at
pi cw urieans.
D. L. Krelii. Kno.. was then called, who nro
eecded lo outline In n very eloquent manner
uenoocK a oareer wniea e:wned rounds oi ap
II also criticised tbe actions of Unrueld, as
establiahed by tbe Congressional Record, In the
Crvdlt Mobilier and Salary Urab.
Mr. J. B. Johnston, n College student at Uettys
burg, was (hen oalled and closed the meetlog
with an able address amid cheers, muiio and tbe
burning of oil barrels.
W'e are organising a Hanoick and English
Club, which bids fair to be a grand success.
loo nomination of bar belli not only fell like a
wot blanket on tbe Republicans here, but like a
dosen of them.
Hespeotfully. a a
mm e mm
Mail now, July let, 1880.
Editor Rn-unucARt A party of children and
friends came to tbe bouse of Joseph Pattersoa,
July 1st, 1880, to celebrate their fltlieth wedding
day. Tha parly eonslsted of four sons and their
wives, throe son-in-laws nnd their wives and i
thirty-six grand children. The party arrived at
the house at 10 o'clock. The old man was in the I
corn field plowing corn ; ho loft the field to ace
what it meant tnat so many wagons aad boggles
were stopping there. But besuoo took tbe hint
and all was right. He said if be had cradles he
would put tnom to cutting wheat, but the party
gave him to understand that they didn't come
for that purpose, but that they wore going to
have some fun and all waa soon right with tbe
old man, when boards was secured and a table
was erected in the front yard and spread with al I
tbo dainties that heart could wish or appetite de
air. When every thing was ready and the bride
and groom that were united In wedlock fifty
years ago to-day, took tbelr seats at the table.
Next thorn was Mr. (Jeorge Erhart and lady, of 1
Knox town Jb ip, wbo had oeiebretod tbeir fillietb I
wedding day on the I Oth of June latt. Tbe table
was surrounded by his sisters, brothers, children I
and friends. Every body appeared to enjoy
tbe dinner and think it was good to be there.
After dinner Mr. David Krhart read a letter I
from Rev. Mr. Campbell, which suited the M-!
easion and was vary impressive.
Mr. Patterson is abeat seventy ye ire old, and
there are few younger men wbo will go around
bim In a days work. Mra. Patterson is seventy-1
eight years old and is quite feeble, but eon woik
bcr garden yet and Is a sample gardener for some
of our young folks. There is not n gray bair to
be seen in nor head.
Toew.ih of the writer Is that their lives on
thv Bearing ahore may be a happy one, and not a
wave of trouble roll across their peaceful breast.
N. K.
mm aa i
Shields Normal Academy, Punisutawney, Jeffer
son county, Pa., which re-opens on Tuesday,
July 27lb, at 0 A. M., haa a larger patronage
than all the other Academies In tbo oounty com
bined. 1. Tbo Faculty is from three to six limes as
large; thasglving tha classes retry day, as much
recitation time as one in struct or could give in n
. A specialist Is placed over sach depart moot
8. There Is not another Institution in Pennsyl
vania offering equal advantages at the setae oust
board with furnlsbel room as low as $1.30 per
4. The Sunt Instructors In the Bounty in Elo
cution, Drawing and Penmanship, Oil Painting
and Wax Work, Vocal nnd Instrumental Music,
Fonr Languages, etc.
0. Tbo "Academy" n beautiful commodious
brick structure, is boated in n pleasant and
healthful town, thocittsens of which are determ
ined to make lb school second te none In tba
0. A course of lectures is one of tho attractions
of Ibo Institution. A 1 so I are will bo delivered in
tb M. E, Church, Punxsutawney, Tuesday even
ing, July 17th, Suhjoct i "Forces In a Sunbeam,"
by Bishop 11 W. Warren ; him of National repu
tation and Chan (angora fame, wbo Is one of the
most ek.'i sent. Interesting nnd Instructive lectur
ers in tb United States.
T. Normal, Classical and SeisntloedrpartmenU.
The ebarges for eight weeks, In tbe Normal de
partment which Includes the common branches,
Eractie In teaching, daily Instruction of ona
oura duration In t local ion by Prof. King, n
graduate of tha National School or K locution nnd
Oratory, Philadelphia, Penmanship nod Drawing,
Vocal Music Including nse of book, ar M.50,
8. Every sffort Is made to secure positions for
those who wish to teach, and every member of
the Faculty works with untiring onsrgy and seal
to prepare our students for tbe teacher's pro
fession. V. Tbe Faculty Is composed of Instructors from
Pennsy Ivania, Waynesburg, Pa., Lebanon, Tenn.,
and Pittsburgh Female Colleges, Natioaal Sobool
of Kiooutlon and Oratory, Philadelphia, also
Mlllersville and Indiana State Normal Schools.
Sand fo r a sircular.
SitKRiPAN, N. Y., Jan. 1870.
Dn. M. M. Fbnnkr, Fredonia, N. Y.,
Dear Sir : I had been out of health for three
months. Was bilious, my eyes nnd complexion
being yellow and my nerves were quite unstrung.
Had lost my appetite, my moutb tasted bad, my
head was Mopped up and felt dull and heavy and
I had lost my ambition. 1 have now taken ona
bottle or your HI nod and Liver Remedy and
Nerve Tonic and fse) entirely cured.
Yours truly,
July -14-24 N. N. WUITAKKR.
Dr. Ftnaer's Blood nnd Llror Remedy and
Narr Toole may well be called "Tbe conquer
ing hero" of the times. It la the medical triumph
of tba age. Whoever haa "tbe blues" should take
It for It regulates and reetorej the disordered
system that gives rise to them. It always euro
Bllloasnesi and Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dys
pepsia, Constipation, Headaches, Fever and
Ague, SplecB Enlargements, Scrofula, Erysipelas,
Pimples, Blotches and all skin Eruptions and
Blood disorders; Swelled Limbs and Dropsy
Sleeplessness, Impaired Nervae and Nervous De
bility j Restores flesh and strength when tbe sys
tem Is rot, n Ing down or going into decline j cure
Female Weakness and Chronic Rheumatism, and
relieves Chronic Broochitis, and all Lung and
Throat difficulties. It does those things by strik
ing at the root of disease and removlog Its onus.
Dr. Ftnaer's Improved Cough Honey will re
lieve any cough 1b one hour. Try a sample bottle
nt tan cents.
Dr. Fennsr's tieldea Relief euros any pain, as
Tooth-so he, Neuralgia, Colio or Headache in five
to thirty minutes, nnd readily relieves Rheuma
Una, Kidney Complniat, Dlarhona, stc.
Dr. Fanner's SL Vitus Dane Spools. On
bottle always cures.
For sals by HartiwUk A Irvla, Druggists,
Clearfield, Pa. aag-27-tf.
Mirii, Krr. All r.tinn. ..tillnj . r.t.
cLh So. in, Mubls. itould boj ih. N.w In
proTtd Liiht-Runiiln Wd. for Ml. b Juhn 8.
l)t.rl, Cl.mrfl.ld, !., or MiluR. Um, dt.l.r
in UKBiBM ua urging, JUynoldivlll., P..
lutb ia
Dream ro fii.i R. N.wton th.w kwpi a
full aupil of Fradonir. Bul.a and Platform
Wagooa fur lala. To bt aam at lha Hbaw Iloua.
7ra. vui aa or Klilr.aa aim at tl.arn.ld I'.nn
jlraola. Ba; I, if,
Wiarin, SID.tllt U.rMt.kairH boon., dallT
ara .1 lha railroad, In ear Inula ef i.tHju. at all
polnu oa lha Tjrona A Clearfield, P. K., Rait
K.ile Vallrj, and Peaa,lanla Rallroada, for
wniea i win pa, ine market prlee.
i. T. (nail,
OelK, CI.ar6.IJ, 1'a.
Wirran.DeliTered at tbe Rail RoaJ.
10(1, am l,.nab iba.W abln(lat.
10(1,(111, It. Inch aaed ab(nl.a.
loil.ooa feelef pine koarda.
eoo,0(l ll f.H ibared hoopt.
,oiio railroad II...
BO.toa feu of khkI k.alosh board..'
For erbleh I will pa, lb. blgheat aarket prlM,
dellrered at Olearlleld, or at an point oa the
iroa. iioarnoia nallroao.
J. F. Kaiaaa.
ClearlrU, Pa , Oet. ID, IS7I IX.
Orb Uitbohid Ptn Cant. Disooiirt Olb
PnivBi. Sewing Machines ou now be purchased
nt Merrell's tin and variety store, from Aae in
wards. All kinds of sewing machines repaired
on ia orioii none.
Clearfield, Pa., July 18, 187T.
vvkitatrroK a dim " uavo praparvu
a form, and have) on hand a large quantity, of
blank "Collector's Sales," which have boon ap
proved by tha highest legal authority in the
Courts of this oounty. At 7Vafy Vt per
uuaon wo win man any uuiur io ma vol lector
ordering them. A Collector, when ouuipotled to
advertise property, must post up not loss than
three notices in tbs most public plooos in bis
uunugu ar lonuiuip. (I.
Just llcceivcd.
Just Rocolvod liy AHNOM), al
Car 1-oacl Nova Hootia riaslor!
Car Load pure Corn, ft ye and Outi
vnop !
Cur Load Deukon Halt I
Car Load of Choice Family Flour I
Car Load Dry Goods, Cirocorioa, 4c!
oTBhinKlea, UnrK. i(. i(. Yio and
('ruin will bo tukun in exchange.
CurweiiHvillo, Way 1, 1H7H.
ClINRAII-WALUKON. Al II,. home nt lha
liriJe, on Tbur.d.y WKroinK, June aitli, IK80, l.v
II. V.lh.. I ..n.k U. Ilk.ill It I'l-.k
at tbe Ward lluu.e, Tyrant, I'a , and Mm Ho.
iraiuron, Ol Aim., ra.
BANDAlL-l'l'ltKOKAPK -In Wllllaia.poil,
on Wadneida;, June tll(b, USD. b, Her. C. W.
Ilurnl.y, Dr. Wm. II. Randall, of Porbxlllr,
Sulliran eoanty, Pa., and Miia R. Clo,d I'pda
fr.ll, ef Wllllaluapoll, Pa.
l'arionngeln Weat ClMrueld, Jul lit, lSbO, by
0. W. lluralav. Mr. Daniel Unniffarner. af Law.
renoe town.bip, and UlaaMar Uhiroy, of Uirard
townahip, Clearfield oounV, Pa.
McCONNKLL nAAD. At tba re.ldenee of
Mr. Cbrlitian IJaaa near Troalvklle. hr Hee. J.
T. Uladhlll, Mr. Win. K. MoConnell and Min
Kalle H. Haee, both of Urady towoihin. Clear
field oounty, Pa.
1IAR0ER KKP1IAKT. At tha U. B. par
aotiage, in Woodland, oa June KVtb, Ittbll, by
Rev. U. Coniy, Mr. Ooorico L. Ilaraer and Miaa
Cordelia K.pbart, all of Stoaeville, Clearfield
oounty, Pa.
PRtfKt.TN Plnannit
Mn..U I..I. 1.- t..k- 'lf-
y, aouv, u .... ltiru,
Mr. Jamea Proella and Mn. Caroline P. Ploard,
both ef Coringtua townahip, Clearneld eonoty,
.'nn.o i,ii,iiii,u-. in nuoiiiaau, neu
aeiday July 71b, Hull, by Rnr. R. E. Wllaon,
Mr. Charter Uatoa, or Philipiburg, and Miaa H.
Jennie Uithintfk of Wnnillnml. I'l.arfl.lit Alton.
ty, Ponn'a.
CARTER 8 II AW.-In Clearfield, on Tuea.
day, July tth,, by Kei. 11. B. llutler, Mr.
William J. Carter and Mlal MaKle 8. Shaw, all
of Lawrence tow n.hlp, Clearfield oounty, Peon'a.
IltVIN. In Lawrtnao towmhip, ou Thursday,
July 8tb, 18S0, John Irwin, Sr., aged 81 years
and 10 months.
CLBA RPItLD, Pi., July IS, ISS0.
Flour, per evu...M t'i 00
Buckwheat Flour, nor ont 1 00
Corn Meal, per owt - 1 00
Chop, rye, per owt 1 TO
Chup, miied, per ewt 1 46
I) ran, per owt 1 26
Wheat, per bushel 1 20
Hye, per bushel 85
Oali, per bushel 60
Cora, ears, per bushel 40
buckwheat, per bushel 00
Clover seed. ,. 0 OP
Timothy iced 3 To
Potatoes, per bushel (0
Apples, per bushel ,. 00
Onions 1 00
Hams, par pound 13
Shoulder, por pound 8
Dried Beef, per pound 10
Chickens, per pair &0
Gutter, per pound I
Knits, nor doton M. 124
Salt, per each, largo 2 -ttu
uoai uii, per gallon lo
Lard, per poua H. 10
Dried Apples, por pound m- T
Dried l'vaehes, per pound. . - IS
Ileans, per bo hoi 3 00
FHiLiDKLrniA, July 11. The flour market is
firmer, but wheat Is lower and corn is less active.
Cotton continues steady. Sales at I2.c for mid
dlings. 11 ark is hold at $M per ton for No. 1
quercitron. Heads No sales hare been reported.
Flour and Meal Flour Is Orrn and In fair de
mand at rather high rates. Hales of ,6i0 bar
rels, including Minnesota extras, at $4,1ii(6. 26 ;
Pennsylvania family, gt.02ifft,5 ( western do. da.
nt o.2si,6, and patents at 7UK T.7 j. Hye
floor is needy. Sales at $4.2j.
Urain Wheat is in good demand, but rather
lower. Sales of 4,000 bushsls, including choice
red and amber, nt 11.141, nod damn do. do. at
Kl.Ui. At tba open board first call, $1.14 was
bid for July; II.Oi'l for August; ll.OHj for Sep
tember, aad l.OSj for October, Rye Is steady at
at 86c for Pennsylvania. Corn Is Arm, and there
is n steady inquiry. Sales of 10,000 bushels, in
cluding rejected, nt 4i(it49c, steamer at 47(u4c;
mixed at 4VC, and yellow at 'jIlM. At the
open board, Arst oall, 4tja was bid tor Jaly j 49Jo
for August j 60o for September, and 41o for Oc
tober. Oats are Armor. Salss of 7,00 bushsls,
Including mixed nt 17 lo, and white, al 0(rb44a.
Whisky Is In good demand. Sales of 100 bar
rels western at $1.11., July IS. Flour dull. Wheat active.
weak and lower) No. S red winter, l7 No.S
Chicago spring, Wife ror August i 7 jo Tor Sep
tember ; No. S do., 8S('bSac; rejected, C I (u, ft tie.
Corn doll, weak nnd lower; Wi for cash aad
August, and bid for September. Oats active and
lower; 24jQforoash; 1.1 (c for August and Sep
torn bar. Kye dull and lower at 03c. Barley
steady. Pork active, firm and higher f)3.;Uf
11.74 for oesh; t U.8frd,U v0 for July; $i.W
for August ; IIS.T7 for Heptemlwr. Lord easier ;
$0.76(8,771 for cash ; $A.77((i0.80 lor August;
11. 811 for Sen Umber. Bulk meats unsolUod t
shoulders, $4.80; short ribs, $7.16; short clear.
Kgga, riifvo.
Whisky steady and nnchanfted.
X ECUTOR8 NOTICE.-Notloe Is here.
J by given that letters Testamentary an tha
estate ef mui.iAU JUna, late ol Utearueld
borough, Clearfield eonnty, Ponn'a, deceased,
having (V'fa duly granted to tha undersigned, all
fiersons indebted to said estate will please make
mmedlatc payment, and those having olaims ar
demands against the same will present them
properly authenticated for settlement without
. Clearfield, Pa., July 14, ls0-6t.
Notice is hereby given lhat the partnership
tatrly I lilting between J. F. Kramer and W.
W. Worrell, or Clearneld, Pa., under tho firm
name or Kramer A Worrell, in tbe saloon busi
ness, in Clearfield, was dissolved on tho 12th day
of July, 1880, and that I will not hold myself re
sponsible, or pay any further debts contracted
under said Ann name after this date.
Clearfield, July 14, I880.4L
CAUTION. All persons are berehy wsrned
against pnrchaaiog or in any way med
dling with the following personal property, now
In the possession of Alfred C. Wise, of Knox
township, vis : 1 Sorrel horse, 1 Bay mar, 1 sot
of hsavy harness, Singletrees and Spreader, 4
bead of hogs, I eiock, 1 stove, I beds and boding.
Tho foregoing property was perohasod by ua at
Coustable sale -end Is allowed to remain In lha
possession of said Alfred C. Wise on loan only,
subject to our order al any time.
Niw Miiiroat, July 14, 1880. St
Agenls Wanted rr
the only an then tic low priced book containing
tho lives of
A complete reeord of tbs early and military
life of Maj. Oen.WinflsldS. Ilancook, with a full
and graphic .account of tbe proceed i a gs, speeches
and Incidents at tha Ciacinnatl Convention, also
ths platform, table of ballots and letters of aooept
anos, with tb life of W. II. KngHh. Hlrhly
em belli thed with nutnoroua artistic Illustrations
and Bee, bandeome engraved portraits of each
oan d Ida t. Bur success to all wbo tak bold i
will positively outse'l all books. Send for cir
culars and extra terms.
Address, W. II, ki:U-KY c0,(
711 Season. Street. Philadelphia, Pa.
July 14, 1BI-4L
Slate Normal Scliool,
1NPIANA, pa,
Bl ILUINll, tbe beat of Ih. hind la Ibe 1'alted
ACCOMMODATIONS for KM) boardere.
SCHOOL, iret.elaeo ia all raapeeti.
DEPARTMENTS Normal, Clai.ieal, Comm,er-
elel, Mualoal
THE FALL TERM of 14 wteii will op. a en
Monday Sep'l 16, 1880.
KXPP.N6K3, aa low aa thoie of any other school
fjrdlng tqual a J rents gee and arcommada
For Catalogue, address
JOHN 11. KRKNCH, Mi. !").,
Isnuna, Pa., July ldtls, lfi s-t
9rw s4wti$fmfutfl.
f OOO llimili:i.N.-Geurre Wearer On
ej, want At thousand bushels of OATS, bow,
miu win pay oaan or prouuoti.
Clearfield, I'a Aug. 11, 18711 tf.
aTI AIITIIIM Whereas wife Farwa. haa lif
VJ my bed and board without any Just oauae or
provocation on my part, i bsretiy caution ail
persons against naruonng or trusting ner on my
account, as 1 am determined to pay no debt con
traaled by her after June Stub, 1880, unless eom
palled to do so by due prooess of law.
Drain Lick, Pa,, July 14th, 1880 Lit
1,1 NTH AY NOTICK I Lost, or strayed from
j Morrisdalo W Iocs, on the lth day of May
lsiru, m BLACK COW, about years old, rather
small and thin, bad a bell o wlroa last at home.
Any person knowing of her wbereatout nnd
brforlng her lo mo at Morrisdalo Mines, Clear
field oounty, Pa., or sending me word wber she
oan be bad, 1 will be very lliaaklul, besides pay
them tor tneir time and uoumo.
Morrisdalo Mines, P., June JJ, UHti-lt.
j is hereby given that Letters ot Adminis
tration on the estate of AI.FKKH W. OWKNS,
late of Ferguson township, Clearfield county, Pa.,
ueo , having been duly granted to tne under
signsd, all persona Indepted to said estate will
please make Immediate iinruient, and loose nsv
ng claims or demands against the same, will
present tbem properly autbenllflaled for selllo
inent without delay. JAMKH II. II IKK.
I, u inter City, Pa , Juno Sd, 18S(I Ot
A Dltll NINTH ATOH NOTI('l-. Noiict
J is hereby given lhnl Letters of rtilniinli
truiiDU on lha estate of JOHN A. THOMPSON
late of ltredy townhlp, Ck-arfiuld county
Pa., deceased, having boen duty granted to the
undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate
will pleaae make immediate payment, and those
navlug claims or demands against the sain will
present them properly authenticated for settle-
menl without delay.
HA It A 11 AH TlltrM.'SniY,
Luthersburg, Pa , Juna 1, 18 St) -(It.
HVaTllTtlUIB kl I at' f C. laT...!.. I. t .
J by given that Letters Testamentary on tha
ealats ol juilM fUTlhrl, tale oi Jlrady town
snip, u tear Held county, ia., deceased, Having
oeen auiy granted to tne undersigned, all psr'
sons indebted lo aaid estate will pleiue make im
mediate payment, and tnose Having claims or do
mands against the same will present them prop
erly authenticated for settlement without delay,
HbUlUJtt U. hlllK.
Luthersburg, Pa., Juno Sd, UfiO-ftt.
Spring,Suiiiiner Millinery!
To Mr CusTouaao and tub Pi blic at Larcb :
About Saturday. April 24lh, I will return from
rniiadeipbi with n full linn or MiLLinaKk
(JOODaSol all kinds. With new facilities for do
ing business, I will simply say that I can now
give my on Humors tne uenout oi my advent res
In buying, styles and price throoKhout tho entire
season. airs. i. u. rtAiau..
Clsarfield, Pa., April 21, 1S80 -3m.
A iri)IT(RM N(TICi:.-Io the Orphans'
J Uourt ft ticarneid oounty, fa., in thi
matter of the Entitle of Robert Voung, deceased,
late of Lumber Cily, Clearfield oounty.
Ibo undersigned Auditor, appointed ly the
said Court, t distribute tb money la tb bands
ol Anthony Jiile, Auulotstrator of said estate.
among the persons legally entitled to receive the
same, Hereby give notice tbat no will attend to
tbe duties of bf appointment at his office, in the
borough of Clearfield, on TLKSDAY, tbe 27TU
day of JULY, A. 1). lt.80, at 3 o'clock P. M.,
when and where all persons interested may at
tend. OSCAR MITCUKLL, Auditor.
Clearfield, Pa, June SH, 1US0.
J)HOP(8AI.l FOR IttllLniXG,
Jo Litrpenters and lluilder !
The Lawrence Township School Board will re-
eelve proposals until SATIKOAY, the t U Til
UA I Ur Jl LI next, for tbe erection of a tramo
School building, to be located at or near " Hills
dale," In snid township. Propoaals will be re
jected after a o'clock A. hi., July 1, iHtitl.
for full particnlars, apply to or address
Seo'y of tho Board, Clear Held, Pa.
N. n. Tbe Board will reserve the right to
reject any or all bids. je23 3t.
rjM FAItMEHK I The Fourteenth Annual
X Kxhihition of tho CLKAKP1KLD CO I' NT Y
AuRlCLLTL RAL BOClKTV will bo held
At CIcarGeld, ScpU 15, 1C & 17, 1880,
LIDKRAL PRKMIUN3 will bo offered and
made public in duo time, for which every Farmer
in me oounty is invited to compete, ror inform a
tion address Lb'ANuKK 1KNNINU, Prws't,
Or AL. H. ROW. Secretary,
Clearfield, Peon'a.
Kiecuttr Uommlttse Philip uotts (Co. iress-
rer), Beccaria twp.; llisha M. Davis, Penn twp.;
John Smith, Bloom twp., Levi R. Dressier. Union
twn.j Wiiaon P. Tate, Lawrence twp.
Juno 10, IKNO-td.
X wish te Inform the Farmers of Clearfield
oounty, that I am tho manufacturer of Wheeler's
patent Railway Chain
1 1 onE l'O wiut.
With Threshers and Cleaners of ona or two
horse power. For further particulars address the
nndersigned at Uloomsbiirg, Colombia county, or
UiearOeid fa. 4, M. llULttlll.UK.
Juno 2d, 1880-Sm.
The nndersigned will sell at private sal, his
farm, located in Penn townabip,C learfield oounty,
ro., containing
half of which ta Inn good state of cultivation
wltb a frame dwelling, log barn.a tbritty orchard
and an excellent spring of never failing water,
together with the necessary outbuildings. The
portion not cleared is neaviiy timiersd, and ail
is underlaid with coal and Iron. It will be sold
low and on easy terms. For farther reformation
all on tho premises, or addrtM the enhsrrilr at
Grampian Ilills P. 0. OWKN J. KKK.NAN.
Oramplaa Hills, June 2d, l(0-3m.
and all kinds uf
(10 TO
O. 1). MKKKEI.L, - . Agont,
CLEARFIELD, I'A. June i, 'SO If.
I HAVE returned to my old bu.ineia, aLd .ill
ba f.tund at tho I'l.niog Mill otlioe, on Pine
treat, CLEARFIELD, l'A., where I will etll ell
kind. or
A large etnek of which f have always on band.
Also, 11 AY HAKES and all other macbinas used
by ihe Farmer, as well as materials fur repairs.
I will exchange the above articles for
As I eontemplato butchering, and would be
pleased to havo tbe trade of the farming public.
Clearfield, Pa,, June 9, 18S0 tf.
af JO f M f . ll
Desirable Ileal Estate !
Estftto of Eicliard Shaw, Sr., Doo'd.
111IE ander.laned, Vxeeutere ot tbe e.late of
. HICIIAKD BIIAW, Sr., ilereaed, alll odor
at pnblle aala at tb. COT RT lIUUtiK, In tbe bor
ough of ('learllo)d, Pa., on
Monday, August 9th, 1SS0,"
AT 1:10 O'CLOCK P. l
Tha following Talnahl. real Mate, via i
The tbree atorjr BRICK HOTEL proper!,,
earner of Market and Firat Hroeu, la the bor
ough of Clearneld, enown aa
'The Shaw House
Fronting with two lots of ground thereto belonging
iwu loot on Market street, and lw.
reetea First street, wltb a two -story
dwelling hooee attached. Th ba-
jtaWao! all eonvenlenoee for n first-eless
hotel One af the most desirable hotol properties
in Central Pennsylvania.
Tho above will be sold together with a two
story frame dwelling boos on Market stmt, ad
jacent to the Hotel, and one other frame dwelling
house and a two-story store building, all fronting
on Market street. Also, a from dwelling house
fronting oa First street,
ALSO. An lhat certain lot, kanwa in th
nhb ef Clearfield borough as Lot No ISO, . .
fronting 50 feet on Locust street, run T
ningbeck 172 feet, more or less, loan alley I ;
with dwelling bouse and all accosts ry out-
buildings thereon erected, and other Improvements.
rEM.Vaf or MALE!
One-third cash al delivery f good deed, and
th balance te b secured by bond and mortgage,
payable In one and two years, with Interest,
Rurrlvfng Kx'rs of Richard Shaw, Br.,de'd
Clsarfield, Pa , July 14,
)Ww lU'frtiscmruts.
-Thla old and well-established Hotel has
oeee leased by the undersigned, nnd be feels eon
fideat of rendeting satisfaction te those wbo may
patronise nun, tiond stabling aitacned.
LKWI8 0. BLOOM, I n. pre I or,
April 21,'hO-lf.
A DMIMSl UATOIt'H NtllCR.-Noiice
J is hereby eivrn lhat Letters of Adminis
tration an tho estate of A. II. BIIAW. Into of
Lawrence township, Clearfield oounty, Pa., dec d,
having I een duly granted to tbe onuertigned, all
persons Indebted to said estate will please in the
Immediate payinsnt, and those having elaiina or
lieu an da against the ssma, will p niton t l hum
properly euOiuntieiited for seilU inent wilhoui
delay. . MAKV R. SHAW,
W. W. LKTTe,
t'lcsrlield, Pa., June 10, tSHii-flr.
-am a! a r u
The uudurilicDod .ill aell at urivala .ale all
tbat tract or paroel of land altuata In Decatur
towmhip, Clearneld oounty, l'a., within n abort
diitanoo of the Tyrone A Ciearfiel l R. K., and
adjoining leada of Hubert lludaon and otoera,
and known aa tba Jaeob 11. Uaarhart lot The
aaid traet eontalainc Ah aorea more or leae, with
two reina of raluabie ooal tbereon, hu about 80
aerei eleared, aad la tbe ace to a large bode ef
oual about being developed. Will be aold low and
upon ea.y tertna. ror partleulara, apiiiy to
Clearfield, Pa., July II, 187.
AUDITOR1 fll'.PORTof theaeeountof
J. O. Whitebill, Troaiurer of tha fOuR
ID of tha borough of Cloarueld, Fennaylva-
ia, for th. year ending April 1(1, 1KSU :
To balanoe from laat aettiement H $7X Sd
To balaneo of duplicate of 1?7 til
To amount uf duplieaUof 187 v. , ;va nv
To amount to balanoe VJ 54
By amount paid aa follow., lo wit :
Tboa. Kobina, boarding W. olirer
John Living.ton, buarding E. Clayton..
Win. Hoauii, boerding of H. aloatag.e.
Mn. Short, " "
Mn. Short, aewing
Jama. McLaughlin, boarding trampa..
Harvey Faa.mure, " M
J. U. Qrabaui, rent for Mn. Laiaont...
K. W. Uraham, mdie fur Olirer
E. W. (Iraham, drnga for Oliver
II. B. Spaceman, drug, for William,..
Thomaa Duoket, ooal H M
Wra. Dory, on aoeount of W. Olirer
I. M. blase, beef
Warren lhorn, repairing ahooa
II. A. Kratter, mercbandiie
Harry finyder, ahariug W. Oliver
L. Uuinaburg, elotbiug
tiulicb, lict'orkla A Co., oiSa for
W m. Oliver
II. B. Uoodlander, printing
Wallace A Krebi, attorney fee
Dr. T. J. Doyer. medioal attenilance...
Dr. J. U.'latlendaneo
W. V. Wright, making oat duplicate..
Wm. 1'urler, Juitioe'. coatl
C. Howe, Juatloe'a eolta
Jamea Kerr, Ju.tiee'a ooati ...,
Hoi. Read, boarding trampl
Kuil Read, Overleer, 1877
D. W. Moore, Overleer, 1877
II. W. Park, Overeer, 1871)
Cbarlea Mignot, ilveraeer, U;......
II. W. Bmith, Auditor
8. V. Wil.on,
J. Ilagt-rty, "
John 1. 1'atteraon, etoneratlone and
abatement on daplicate of 1S7V,
and t'oileetor'a par ecntage
Collector Head, exoneration.
lialanca or duplicate in bandi of H.
Balance dee from J. I. Pattcnoo on
duplicate of H7
Treaaorer'a per oentag. oa 478T.73, at
S per cent
Jamea II. Lvtle, tnerehandiie
tin to
ro no
14 411
84 :
4 00
. 1 10
1 00
10 li
11 20
I i
4 00
1 00
1 50
1 00
13 SS
t it
8 05
15 to
3 5t
10 00
'.'I 18
It 00
t 00
:i 8o
1 40
2 00
6 00
S5 00
17 00
It 00
10 00
I no
1 00
71 55
43 42
100 5
122 10
23 f.3
100 13
Total .......$!, 100 58
Now April lltb. 1810. we. th. underlined
Auditor, of Cleartield boruugb, having examined
the foregoing account of the Dlatriot Treaaurer,
and eoiunareil tha vnueh.ra. And tha .am. car.
reel, e&a certify thet there ia due tke Diitrict
Treaaurer a balanoe from the Poor fund of
ClearDeld, Pa., Jane 13, ISfO St.
Aaron Petara..
A. K. Woolrldgc
Dry Goods, Groceries and
General Merchandise,
llcspoctfully solicit llioir pntrons
Jii and tne pui-lifl generally to call and exam
ine (heir new stock of
Spring and Siiiniiiif Goods,
CtthlimoreH, Vclvotoona, Uuluiiu's,
l.nwnfl, Oingliama, J'rints, In
lilea':hoJ and lilcachrd Mus
lint, Kancy Skirls, Sheet
inp, Tickings, CnrDoti,
Ittigs, Oil C'lotlio,
I.nundricd, Wliito,
Cheviot and l'crcnlo
Shirts, Oloves, Neckwear,
Men's and lioys' Clotliini;,
lints, Caps, BoolB, Shoes, ctu., etc.
Groceries & (ien'l Mereliandise
Will bo Tound ol first quality, and
satisfaction is guaranteed. Tho lot
lowing aro always kopt on hund,
(noiho few only in thoir season):
.Sugars, Teas, ColTecs, Spices, Syrups,
tonleclionorios, Oranges, l.emoiis
liunanas, l'ifjn, llntes, clo., Hard
ware, Qncenswaro, Glasswaro,
Tinwaro, Wood and Willow
ware, Taints, Oils, Clocks,
Trtinka,YaliHcs, Mirrors,
Stationery, Furniture,
& Minora' Supplies,
June 2, 1880-tf.
The Leading, Tiis Cheapest,
Boot and Shoe,
Hal and Cap Store
Ts the ona in tba
G. C. & T. W. MOOliE,-
We have jast rneeWeJ onr Spring aad Sumner
kith, wuiro, nsTiag ireon purenwea nernre
the alrane, ran be aold at the OLD
1'RICK. Call and sua. llesnies tha
ohespe gotids lu our line, we keep
Perkins' Boots and Shoes,
Which are onr specialties. We also have a Ml
line oi ur?i in BiaahK i dukkhkau.
All tbe laUst aoreltiae in NBCk'WSAl,.
(lire n a oall anil be tallsfled.
tKO, C. ATpm y. MtXMlli.
ClearCcU, Ta , April 1 4, nrn.
for l IMft., iii P.,tM, Hiri, Mrtl,d at AW
Mh. Aut.Ti rfutm HMrr
Otiih la j9.iP.fiai. ftt.1.. r llit a to in ui .
June IA, IKH0-Sm.
We also lmve a lot of Ileebncr's Levcl Trcad Horse-Power
Tliri(iira nnd Plontipra fnr nno nnd fwn linrftoa. Alan Tnrnbull H
Ohio Wagons with Beveled Shoulder Spokes, which adds fully one-
il 1 1 1 . 1 i lie tl 1 1 aV y 1 I 1 Til lf
inira nuuitionai Btrengiii io ine wncei. aiso woriiana riauorin
SnriiiDr Wagons, with two nnd three seats, and Onen and Tod Bub-
i o '
gies. Please give us a call before
The above Articles will be Exchanged for Sheep, Cattle or Good Horses.
Clearfield, l'a., Way 2fi, 18S(.2m.
O XT 3FI "W 3S 1ST S XT X JL 3L. 3S,
1,000,0(10 ONE MILLION SAWED SHINGLES. 1,000,000
1,000,000 ONE MILLION SHAVED SHINGLES. 1,000,000
No waiting for turn, but unloaded immediately. Highest cash
price aid at all times. Liberal advances made on large lots. Go
see Arnold before contracting your bark.
Mav II, IHSO.lf. r
I beg leave to announce to the citizens of Clearfield and surround
ing country that I have opened a first-class
establishment for the sale of
Keady-Mado C othing,
Room IVo. 4, Pie's Opera House.
Your jiatroiiogo In rcajicctrully foliiitod. Call in jioraon or address
x. n,-oxE rnicK strictly adhered to.
rival-field, Pa., March 17, 1880.
All kinds of Carkota and Cofllnt kipt on hand, and lurniahcd to order on
thorl notice, including tho finest as well ai tho clioapest that can be manu
factured. Our
oonrB niBBBnvEn
Is tho l-t In line, and will to furnished when required. Funerals attended
in nny port of the county. Call t my oflico, on Second street, of loavo
your orders at Tronlman's Eumiture Sicro, adjoining tho Postoflloe.
oct 1.70 Ty.' ; Clearfield, Pq.
Hftt dffrtljfmtnts.
MOM'.V TO l.DAN.-Oa Int elaa. Im
proved farm properly, by tbe Mulaal Life
In.uranoe Coiunanv of N.w Yurk. on flrat atort
Kane, ia euua from ll.OnO up. For further la
formal ioa aily to (he urlrriirnel.
Ill K.M IIAI, n. DAlllll.
Cleeil.U P. , May 71b, lI If.
1AHM l.tMII Hll Hl.n. lo lla.loa
anil Pine lown.bipa, Clearfield eoanly.
Hra.oiiable tiae ai"-n lur pari of piircbaee l9
money. Prlcee 10 110 lo 10.00 per acra.
Miner.', reaerfrd. L. BIRD, Areal,
r.nteld, l'a.
r IVaLtaea Kaana,
S..L 10, ISIIl.if. Clearteld, Pa,
M.y II Sra.
. a w
buying elsewhere.
Jltm flfrrttsrmriils.
5,000 Rail Road Ties.
Carweaivllle, Pa. Jaa. I, H tf.
a IHlniHKL!.) aniTlr-a. -er. aw
iV May Conrera Tb. .adee-alined, aa.lna'
been appointed Arle;ne.e for Ibe beneSI W.reda.
lore by Jaa. II. Urab.m, .f Clearleld beroef h, all
pereooa, theref.r., bavins eleime aaain.l bin atll
preaaal tbem to aa for, nad la
del ed t. tb. aaid '.Irabam are ranlrad t M
nad aiak. payaaaal to ...
l'WAHa a. BIULEIa.
a rilltl u v tv fa
Clearleld, Pa., Dee. It, 1 STav-aV 1
Normal Institute I
Tbia iebeol will ope. .a UflNDAY, MAT ID,
I "."0, aad eontlaae t.elv. aeebe.
Javealle hepartment
Cjaraanai Draaebea 4 t
Comaaan llranebaa aad Theory of Teabia( I B.
Uiber Braaebea .....m taut
Mra. MalL Irvla .III teaeb laetraaealal SaalOi
nt reaeonalil. rate.,
Tb. Norma! CI... will be eiamtMd area ably by
tbe Onanty Hopenntendeat,
r-ti,.d bo.rdm wa be bad at frost
to II per we. fc. Koaaaa eelf boarder, eaat
be bad nt ranaoaabla latoa. for fartkor labrava
lioa, .all oa eff addreaa
UUO. W.Ulma, ri,,
JArl. II, KILLIY, Ae.l.teai..
lem.lle, fe, Mereb If.lalS.lf,