Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 14, 1880, Image 2

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    Giobqi B. GooDLANnia, Editor.
Rftdrt If jom w.nt to know what U going oi
1 lb builncu world, luii rut) our fcdvirttiing
oIuibdi, tb SftUl mIuub Ib prlleulr.
No nta worth? tb olw of Pfeiident ihould
bo willing to bold U tf eoun'td to, or plwoJ tbort
by nj rruid. t- h. u RAKf.
I eon 14 Mvor br boon rcoonolltd to tht
ration bv tb imtlltit kid of mint of t ptrtoo
fcowtvor rcipooUblo la prlvtU lift, wbo Matt
KiNvor oarrv upon mi crow too ikinp 01
rtt triumph nit (a Amtiiotn hiitorj. No lub
qutnt trltou, fcowovtr uerltorioui, ean waih
oiy too louori oi mat woru.
Cbarlm Francib Adah.
X would rothtr hv tbt OBdorHuiont of a nur
Ur of Billion of ibi Amtrican tiauplo tbn tlmt
oftb LouiilanB neturoing uoaru, oroi instom
ninluD which oiduded tbo fact! ftBil dtsided
tbaqueatlou on a twhnieallty,
'Xbui. A. lUiinRii-Ki.
I'ndor 1b fortni of law, Rutherford It. Hajroi
hai been doetarad Prtildent of tbo Unitod Staloa.
llli tltlo roiti poB dl if ranch iitmtnt of lawful
vottri, tha tain writ Beat oi too returning om
eara actio f corruptly, and tht dwiilon o( a com
inlailoa which baa refused to bear arldenoa of at
Ugd fraud. For tha Ant tin are tha American
iieoola eon fronted with the fact of a fraudulently-
alattod Pftttdent, Lot It aot bo understood that
tha SrvU will bo liJeotly acquleioed la by tha
aountry, lm no nour pan in wnicn tno uiurpa-
tioa la rorgotUB.
AsaaBii or Dbmocbatio M. C.'i.
One hundred year of human depravity aecu
nutated and concentrated Into a climax of crime.
Nerer again In Are hundred yeara ihall they have
an opportunity to repeat tne wrong.
Dabibl W. Voonniia.
Dcinorrnllc National Ticket!
Gen. Winfii'lt S. Hancock,
lTon.Williaiii II. English,
Robert I. Moaaghan, William II. Playford.
1. John SIcVIS.
3. Edwin A. I'ue.
.1. John M. Campbell,
4. Uilleo Dellclt,
5. John M. MomtL
. Kdwerd Weldon.
7. Nathan 0. James,
a. fleorge Filtnrt.
V. J as. tt. M'riperren,
ID. Dr. A. J. Merlin.
11. Adem derringer.
12. Frank Turner.
:i. P. J. Birmingham.
14. II. K. Davis.
16. Ooorg. A. Poll.
10. A. M. Benton.
17. J. P. Linton.
It. Col. John ti. Miller,
III. J. 0. gallon.
211. 0. M. Doner.
11, J. A. J. Bucbnnuft.
21. Christopher Mure..
2.1. Hoberl M. (lib.on.
24. Thomas Dredford.
I.'i. Harry W. Wllion.
!. (Irlfflib.
27. J. Koit Tbompion.
Dcmocralic State Ticket !
Ilnrniide Il'r. Cbrl B. Pntrlek, ilnrnilde.
Cle.rfi.ld " Saiiib V. Wllion, Clenrfielil.
CurweniT'. " P. 1. Tbompion, CurweoiTille.
Houtsdsl. " Pntrlek Dunn, lloolldil..
I. umberC j " Da.ld W. lllla, Lumber CICJ.
Newbnrjr " I.ane Merkle, llurd.
S. Wa.b'n " Dr. A. D. Denncll, N. Wa.blnften.
niceota " K. A. Campbell, Oi'eeola Milla.
Wallaeelon " lleo. W. tmig I, Wallaeeton.
Demarin T'p. neart Ulcn Hope.
II, 11 " Jobn li. Koei, Oicend.
Illoom " William Linu,
ltofire " Isaae Ileinb, Wallaoeiun.
Ilradloril " Darld llitcbingi, Woodland.
Drndj w Charlei rtabwcm, Lulbaraburg.
Rurniid. " John Weaver, N. Wnahingloa.
Cbeil " Joiepb II. Brelb, N. Wuhinjlon.
Coringlon " P. U.Coudriel, Frenobvilln.
Deentur " Jacob V. titeiner, l'bilipiharg.
Vurguion 11 John N. lllle, Lumber Cilj.
liirard " John Ntwcomb,
tioekM " Jobn A. L. Fleal, Liek Hun Milla.
Unheal " C. W. Kjler, Urabainton.
iJrvenwMiil " John A. Rowlta, Marron.
Uulieh " Jamei Flrnn, Smllh'i Milli.
Buiton " II. L. llorninir, Penfleld.
Jordan " Dr. A. R. Crexell, AneonTilla,
KarlhauR " George Ileckendorn, Helt Lick.
Knoi ' Conrad Dakar, Ne Millport.
Lavreno. M Clark Brown, Claarfield,
Morril " D. II. Warning, Morrlidalo Ulnee.
I'.oa " Merlin XI. Fljnn, Qrampieo llilll.
Pike " Hamnrl Addleman, Carweniville.
BandT " John M. Trotell, Dalloii.
I'nlo. ' Rraban B. Lnbordt, Rorklon.
WoodtarU William Luther, Madera.
Chairman, Clearfield, Pa.
W. E. Secretary, Clears. Id.
A Childish Inquirv, "Pa,
wlmt (Iocb tlio printer live on ?"
"Why, my child ?" "Because I
heard you say you hadn't paid
him for six years, and you still
take the paper."
8 tbo "Unfortunalo Garfield" on
our fourth pOKO.
Read! Read!! The patrons of the
JUi-i-DUCAN will be decidedly inture.itecl
in reading tlio letter of Gonoral Pear
son, of Pittsburgh, found on our fourth
Pt,'- '
11 ore JtEnti.MON. Colonel John W.
Forney has taken ofT bis coat and now
Btrikes out from both houlders lor
Gen. Hancock, Aftor thin conversion,
who can held out f
"iiet Garfiold explain." This U the
point mads by the Philadelphia rimes.
Sea fourth pago for romarka. Wo
nooond the motion ol tlio editor in
question, and call upon Iho organs in
tins county to call for a vote,
The RkihtMan. Wo notico that a
largo number of our .Domocratio ex
changes are urging the appointinont of
Vonutor Wallace to Iho Chairmanship
of tlio National Committco. He would
le the right man in tbo right, place
Till Two Oatiib. Wo call tbo at
tention of the reader to the oatln of
(ion. Garfield and Chairman Poland,
(Radical loo), of tho committee on the
Credit Mobilier question. Soo fourth
page. Garfield swears no ; but Poland,
who received no cash, ewoars yc.
Reader, who will yon belioro the
man with the plunder In his pocket, or
tlio man wholly innocent ?
llAkVocn amd Erioi.isn. Tho Dem
ocrat, and all others who furor the
election of General Hancock to the
I'rcsidoucy, are requested to meet In
tfce court room on Friday evening next
at 8 o'clock, lor tho purpose of organix-
irifr a Hancock Club. All who want
to ace the old I'nion restored are re
quested to attend.
Smith V. Wilson,
Chair'm Vigilance Com.
(YiARFittn, Pa., July 14, Wn.
Thoro is nothing thai so heuvily
iliscotmls the public carver nl tho lunl
ieul IMiiiiinue fur Presiilunl as the leu
timoiiy of his own parly friends urn!
organs. We call to the wiinens stand
tbo editors of tbo New York Timet
and tho Tribune, the two leading Rad
ical organs, and nil that wo uitk the
reader to take in is wlmt they said
about the Credit Mobilicr Iruud at the
time tho crime was boing investigated
by Congress, a body composod of two
thirds Republicans. We are particu
lar in giving the dates when tho or
gan! in question uttered tho naked
truth. Of course tho oditori at that
tlmo novor dreamed thai Garfield
would be nominated for President.
Head what they then said about their
present nominee. Tho statomonU be
low aro not Pemocratio lioa, but Radi
cal truths, uttered when tho hearts ot
the. writors possessod tbo facts, und
gave impartial utterance:
From the New York Timea, Feb. 10, 1871.
Meaira. Keller and Uarfleld preeent a uioit
ill.treeitig figure. Tbeir participation in the
Credit Mubilier allelr ie eomplicated by the nioit
unfortunate oontradiellone of teftlinooy.
Prom lb. New York Tiroei, Feb. 10, IS79.
Th. character of Ib. Cradit Mobilier wai no
ecrot. The eouree of Itf profit! war. very well
known ar the time Congreeimen bought it.
Though Oekec Amee niay bar. aneoeeded in con
cealing bll own motive, which wai to bribe Con
gretitnen, their aoceptaoe. of the it'iek waa not
on that account innocent. Th. diihonor of the
act, aa a participation In an obviotu fraud, llill
Borne of them bare indulged In Ultlmon, with
reference to the matter wbicb baa been contra
dicted. The committee ofiettMrry refe lee rr.ri
wor, o ereemf o lAe MeMCere. Tkit eaR Ml, i.
(lone on lee freaed leaf if ie vefnie. Hut untrut
to.fiaiowy ,ier. MHtf.r Mie If MOraf,, 1 mot Itgal
h. perere.
It le the cleer duty of Congrcif to with
puni.liuent all wbo took Credit Hoblller llecl
from Oakel Amel,
From the New York Tribune. Feb. ID. 1873 1
Jotnea A. Uerleld, of Ohio, had tn aharue :
never paid R dollar; received :12V, which, afar
the investigation began, he waa aniioua to have
oonei.lered aa R loan from Mr. Oakee Amee to
Well, tha wlckedneai of all of it le that tbaie
men betrayed the truet of the people, deceived
tuelr Miiitituenu and by eveilon. and laiieboodi
oonfeeaed tbe traaeachon w oe dligraclul.
From th. New York Tribune, Feb. 10, 1973.1
Mr. Amee eilabliabee very clearly the point
that be waa not alone i. thii offenie. 0' r lo
bt txpclltil or on'bfry, lAe men uko leer oWbrol
Aoeiu oo arifA Aim.
Rcador, remember tbo Timet' re-
murk : "Mr. Cur field presents a most
distressing figure" And tbe Tribune!
James A. (iai field, of Ohio, bad ten
allures ; nevor paid a dollar," and, "If
Ames ia to bo expelled for bribery, tho
mon who were bribed should go with
him." Congresa did not heed tho re
marks. Ames was expelled, and it
killed him. Hut Garfield, Kelly & Co,
still hold scats in Congress, and tho
former bus tho impudenco to ark tbe
honest voters of Una country to elect
him President. Woll, that won't bap
Good Authority. A few thin skin
cd peojilo claim that Gcnorul Hancock
is not lawyer enough to bo mnUe Pros
idont. On this point wa rctor the
reader to the opinion of one of tho
ablest Senators, who is personally ac
quainted with both nominocs. We
allude to Senator Katon, of Connecti
cut, who said at a Democratic meeting
tho other evening: "Gen. Hancock
was nominated because bo is like Jef
ferson and Madison and Jackson, a
Democrat from Ibo crndlo. I tell you
here tonight with a good deal of
knowlcdgo of the man of a pcrsonol
acquaintance with the man that be
ia a better constitutional lawyer than
tbe nominee of tho Republican party."
Thoso, thereforo, who nro looking
around for a lawyer for President,
should givo this subject some thought.
Wo know Garfield it a high-priced law
yer, having charged Do Golycr (5,000
for an opinion, but in a common sonso
light ho is tho cheapest lawyer over
nominated for President, whilo bo is
tho proprietor of one nf tho dirtiest
record n over offered to the American
We Cannot Comply. Thoro seems
to bo a universal run for "Hancock at
Gettysburg," tho title of an article wo
published on tho 17th ot March last.
Ono writer says: "George, send mo
ten copies of tbe Reitulican duled
March 17th." Another, "Send mo fivo
copios," and it third, "thrco copies."
Wo cannot comply with cither request,
our edition being entirely exhausted
except our own file. From the in
quiry raised about this document we
will agreo to re publish it within the
next two weeks, so that all may have
an opportunity to read il from a stand
point after tbe nomination of the Pa
triot, Hero and Statesman to whom it
refers. Wo do not think that wo can
givo our readers any better matorial
to peruse on this occasion than to re
peat "Hancock ut Gettysburg."
Aliunde Joe. Tbo New York Sun
in alluding lo tho miserable figure eight,
now occupying a soat in tho Supreme
Bench by accident, says : "It appoara
that Joseph P. Hradlcy, of Electoral
Commission notoriety, is still alive,
Ilia namo figured in the list of hotel
arrivalsyealorday. Wherevor he goes
ho carries with him tbo consciousness
of his own infamy and Ibo incffacoablo
mark that years only wear tbe deopor.
Gone. Hon. Joseph it. Chandler,
ono of Philadelphia's most oslcomod
and worthy citir.ens, died on Saturday
lost, aged 88 years. Ho was for many
yeara chief editor of tho JVorfA Amcr
tci7N. Ho was a grand old noble lio
roan. So far as wo know bo leaves no
successor. He was "no kin" to the
Chandlers of Michigan or New Hamp
shire. Ho was a true American
A Radical exchango says: "Mr. C.
C. Coffin, better known aa 'Carloton,'
is writing a lifo of General Garfield. It
will bo published by Jamos 11. Karlo
of Boston." Wo hope tho author will
not overlook tho report of the Poland
Committco, and tbe Congressional
Record, fuels in Iho lifetime of the
Thieves. Header, remember that
Gartluld waa one of tho guilty EIGHT
who stolo the Presidency from Samuel
J. Tildon in 187C. lie Lad a majority
of 250,000 on the popular vote, yet the
Commission counted him out.
"Around tho World with Grant," ii
not so much of boom just now as bo.
fore tho Chicago Convention. The
author and puhlishor of that book, we
suspect will fall short financially oi
(heir aims.
Mrs. Huucock, tbo wilo of tbo Gen
eral, is a lew years his junior in ago,
and aa a woman, is as Imposing in ap
pearance as ho is a man. 'fall and
well proportioned, with tbo most win
some smile, a niuiiiiui' I hut puts you at
your ease at once, and a pair ol eyes
that animate every line of a handsome
face, alio is still a beauty, although her
hair, is becoming slrcakcd.wilh gray.
Nho was married when tho General
waa but a young lieutenant doing duty
in tbo fur West It wus entirely a
lovo match, and neithor of tbcm have
since regrutod It In fact, their home
is one of the happiest imaginable. Mrs,
Hancock has always beon opposed to
her husband becoming a candidate for
tho Presidency, and f he now is oven
above tho weakness of wishing lo bo
tlio mistress of the White Honso. She
dreads Iho worry of tho canvass, and
if her husband is elected sho thinks
Ibo honor which the position brings
will bo deurly purchased by the rontin
cialion of all domestic lifo for four
yeara lo como and of bis position as
senior Major General and his chances
of soon becoming chief ot the army.
While sho prefers her homo exlstonce,
however, thoro is no ono better quali
fied to play tho hostess on a grand
settle than alio. A society belle, oven
after her marriugo, sho bas all tho .elf
confidence and resources noeded to en
tertain tho most varied company
Thoro is nothing in Iho range of con.
versution about which sh does not
know something. Her greatest charm,
howovor, is and it is tho General's
also the art of making every individ
ual atom feel as if ho were tho sole ob
ject of her attentions. H. Y. Graphic.
Queeu. Gen. Hunoock is in favor
of tariff for revenue Gon. Garfield is
a momber of tho Eree Trade Leagno.
Vet, his party organ the Jotiri,i last
woek had tho audacity lo assail our
nominee on tbo tariff question after
tbia manner: "Hancock is running for
President as a Pennsylvania man and
in hope of carrying Pennsylvania on a
platform of a tariff tor rovenue only.'
If be can carry it on that platform,
then good bye to protection for ever.
Even Dallas, in 1st f, could not carry
Pennsylvania excopt by professing
(falsely as it turned out) to bo in favor
ot tho tariff ot '42." Well, sinco you
have sounded tho alarm bell on "pro
tection," what would become of our
poor Commonwealth if Garfield oould
be elected 7 Would not tbo "good bye"
be Blill longer. More : Six your, ago
when Garfield was the Radical nomi
nee for Speaker, thrco Pennsylvania
members refused to voto for him bo-
causo of bis Eree Trado views. Please
toll your readers tbo truth about your
own candidato and quit lying about
Hkkdio to THE SURFACE. Wo no
tice by tho Williamsport Sun that Pe
ter Herdic has invented a now style
passongcr coach, capablo of seating
eight persons and to bo drawn with
ono horse. Tho principal points about
this coach, giving it siiperionty over
any other, is in the fact of its having
very largo wheels, thus passing more
easily over tbo rouirh pavements and
allowing ono horse lo draw about aa
much as two with smaller whoels.
The axles are in a single piece of cast
ing, with a drop nf eighteen inches
from tbo spindles, allowing tbe coach
to sot nour tho ground. There aro
olher points of exoollenco which com
mend Ihemsolves at onco. Mr. Hordic
has organized a company, with a capi
tal of $1,000,000 at Philadelphia, where
they intend lo nianufacluro theso
coachos on a large scalo and expect to
supply ovcry city in the United Slates.
A Good Tiiinii Puck's campaign
pictures aro good. Last week Gonoral
Hancock is represented as standing
erect and laiiltlcss, while a scoro or so
of Republican editors are hunting
through his pockets, trunks, dusks,
and drawers, searching for something
derogatory lo him. Ono fellow went
so fur as to poko his noso into a spit
loon, while another one nearly broko
his nock peeping up tbo chim
ney. Rut it was no go; llioir efforts
wero fruitions, and despair Is pictur
ed on their faces, while their hair
stood eroct liko porcupine quills,
Our nominee never engaged in grabs,
stocks, big fees, and other disreputable
jobs. His life has boon exactly tbe
rovcrsoof that of his rival, Garfield,
who, it seems, if tho Congressional Rec
ord is truo, engaged in every disreputa
ble job that came along.
Off mi Track. Leonard W. Jo
romo, a prominent and wealthy Re
publican of Now York city, has come
out for Hancock. Mr. Joromo usually
contributes 125,000 to a Presidential
campaign. This takes an influential
man and a nice sum of money away
from Garfield.
Hon. Job Stovonaon, for many years
a Radical Congressman from Cincin
nati, aays: "In jnatico to the party, it
should be slated that if Iho candidacy
of Garfiold bad boon proclaimed for a
woek only a week before Ibe Con?
vontlon met, he never would liavo bson
nominated." And he throws ont a
very broad hint that ho will not go
Garfield in Novembor, because of the
notorious shortcomings of the candi
dato in a moral point of view.
Wur NoTf The Williamsport Ban
ner romarks: "Why notongage Schity
ley Colfax, Gon. Belknap, and the rest
of tbo 'soiled characters' that were
laid aside by the dovelopmenU of Con
gressional peculations a few yeara ago,
to stump tho States of the North for
Garfield. Thoy are all ready to swear
that his record it at white at mow, and
that he is as innocent as they were of
any Intended crime, when he invested
in Credit Mobilier Blocks, or took
money for political influonco in favor
ol Congressional schemes ol a dishon
orable character."
L .
Radical Troubles. Somo of the
Republican newspapers which affect
great horror at tho prospect of the
Confederate Rrigadicrs gotting into
power, have no answer to make to the
tartling comparison that, of the two
great opposing corps commanders on
the field of Gettysburg, lhj rebel Long
street baa roconlly been appointed by
a Republican administration Minister
to Turkey, whilo tbo I'nion Gonoral,
Haiwauk, Is the Democratic candidate
for President.
Tbia is tbe ghost that now disturbs
Ibo Gin fielders. Ho bus tbo swig in
his pocket, and tbo West Chester RiC
ord, tho local orgiin of Judgo llutler
and tbo Htute Treasurer, in alluding to
tho "grub," goes on in Ibis way : -
8u far ai Ibe Republican! are eonoerned, It
makaa little odds what falaehoode, or bow many
ol litem, Ibe Democrelio newiaiera print oon
cerning Urn. Oarfield, but even the rea-lere of
Dtnaocratie newfiepere are entitled to have some
thing besides lies. A story wbiob is now persist
ently adhered 10 la tbe sheets designated is that
llrdoral Uerfleld is "a salary grabber." We find
tbie untruth in n number of our Dcaooralie as
ebangea, among them tbe following!
The Uumtm, M iluiugton, Dataware.
Tbe frelieef, Keslon, 1'eon'e.
Tbe Jtrmoernt, West Cbssler, Penn'n.
Tbe HaruauCAR, (Wallace's orgenl Claarfl.ld,
Now It Is next to impoeslbte that these news
paper, ah.uld lot b. perfectly well nwar. that
the charge of salary grabbing as applied to Uea
era! Uarleld le uujust and nutrua. They eanuut
well be igoorent .1 this, for th. facts baye be.n
fully etated in leeding Journals tiiat ho voted
chains! the salary grab in the House, and turned
th. amount which it gar. blm Into tbe lulled
States Treasury, io full.
That ths newspapers niuied choose deliberate
ly to enroll lueuisrlvea In Ibe li.t of ootnmnn li
belers and fel.lflt.ra will clearly appear If Ibey
continue printing th. falsehood we reler to. Per
haps tbey may, thougb it is to be hoped, for tbe
credit of tbe parly to wblt-h tbey belong, that
they will prefer not to persist in re-asserting
what tbey know lo b. false, e e
Tbo way to settle iho veracity in
this cnio between Garfield and bis
backers and the United Stales Treas
ury, is to get Socrclury Sberniuii'a
affidavit on tins point. Garfield's
neighbors truo Ohio Iliickcyes toll
us ho did luko the "grab," and tbe
Record man knows thai lie is lying
about it.
"Government" Remarks. An ex
change remarks : "Tbo very good
opinion some individuals hold oi' them
selves usually escapes when they aro
unexpectedly culled on for a speech.
Tho other day in New England, when
Mr. Uuycs was addressing somo stu
dents, he made a remark of no conse
quence, adding, 'I say this with em
phasis; it is well to say things with
emphasis as it shows you have decision
of character.' Ho could not moro
clearly havo said, '1, Ruddy Hayes,
have, decision ol character ; behold a
pattern.' Gen. Grunt, usually modest,
was not to be outdone by his fraudu
lont sncocssor. A few days Inter,
speaking at Kansas City, ho said, 'I
am not awuro of having committed an
act in my lifo or saying a word which
has injured my own standing ono way
or tbo other.' Ho points bis forefinger
at bis breast and exclaims, Heboid tho
perfect man. flitch remarks as these,
oomiug from such men, show the pro
gress of American impudenco under
tbo lostering raro of tbe Republican
Remold tux Hypocrite l'or bold
ness, tbo Itcynoldsvillo Paper has few
equals. In caps tbo oditorof tbo same
rooords, via : "In politic, our paper Is
unbiased." Rut at the head of the
noxt column wo find tho following:
"Hancock, tho man, is not objoctiona
blo ; but Hancock, tbo Democrat nom
inee, is seriously objectionable. Vote
for Uarfleld, bocause ho represents
policy, principle, issue. Tbo oounlry
is prosperous. A chango of Adiniiiia
trntinn would be attended with more
orlessdanger. If you are sulisfled with
tho times, do not moddlo or trifle with
thorn. Do not vote for Hancock be
cause bo Ib a good man and a soldier,
but voto for Garfield because it is bet
ter to let well onough alone." Reader,
what do you think of tbo editor who
thus boldly and brazenly prevaricates,
and assumes that you aro too stupid o
soo Ibo deception. The Democrat who
will dance a jig to that luno'is easily
The Fitness of Tiiincis. The
Bridgeport (Conn.) Farmer, published
at tho homo of Marshal Jewell, Ibo
Chairman of tho Radical National Com
mittee, Boys : Tho managers of tho Iio-
pulican Presidential campaign seem to
havo been very appropriately chosen.
Messrs. Jewoll and Dorsoy, as Chair
man and Secretary of the National
Committee, respectively, nro not likely
to bo troubled by any scruples m work
ing for Garfield and Arthur. The
former has achieved an unpleasant no
toriety in this State through his skill
ii dirty, underground political work,
and cx-SoiMttor Dorsey has been con
nected with pavement frauds in Wash
ington and ban a very unsavory record
in otbor matters. Tbo two men, with
Garfield and Arthur, make a picture
upon which tbo popular eye is likely
to linger long but not lovingly.
A Family Fuss. There is a teapot
tempest raging in tho bosom of. lion.
H. H. McCormiek.of Allegheny oounty.
IIo was Vnitod States District At
torney lor the Western district of Penn
sylvania, and bo is not. His term
having expired, Hityes named in his
stead William A. Stone, Esq. Mr. Me
Cormick was a Grant Republican, and
ho declares that the Administration is
trying to defeat Garfiold in Pennsylva
nia by snubbing the Grant mon. It is
probable that tho w hole trouble finds its
solution in the fact that the authorities
at Washington havo not bo high an
opinion of McCormick as McCormick
has of himself.
A Cheap Candidate. Tho Now
York Sun plugs the Radical nominee
for President In this matter of fact
way: "Tho fco of 15,000 which Mr.
James A. Garfield, Chairman of tho
nouse Committee on Appropriations,
roccived from Do Golyer A MeClollan
for 'casually speaking lo Gov. Shep
herd' in favor of a quick-rotting wood
en pavement, equalled Mr. Garfield's
salary as Congressman for a whole
year. It was just fifteen limes as
much as the bribe by which Oakos
Ames bought him for tho Credit Mo
bilicr." A Jonnrx Htii.l. "Men aro known
by the company they koep, und par
tics by tho men to whoo bauds tbey
confide tbeir interests," says Iho Now
York Tribune, and straightway en
dorses the Republican National Com
mitteo for selecting Dorsey for Secre
tary, whom il denouncod somo years
ago as a jobbor. Garfiold boing a no
torious jobber and swagger, it is but
proper that Dorsey should be a mem
ber of tho same family. "Birds of a
feather will always flock togcthor," is
an old Baying.
Afflicted People. This seems to
be a very sickly poriod for our Radi
cal friends. Senator Don Cameron
was too tick to take the Chairmanship
of the National Committee. Conk
nj is suffering with nausea, Logan is
in bad health, Arthur's legs are rheu
matic and bo will run very poorly,
whilo Garfield feels every hour as H
he ought lo throw np. Poor fellows I
Many porsons, in our bearing, have
expressed a desire to know how tho
Pennsylvania Delegation voted on tho
Presidential question in Ibo Cincinnati
Convention, and we havo taken tho
trouble to ascertain tbo vole and annex
il. It will bo noticed tbut our delegatus,
Meosis Higler and Cusunovu, split on
the first ballot, but went solid lor Hun
cork on tbo second :
For Hancock Messrs. Lewis C. Cas
sidy, It. Milton Specr, Goo. MoGownn,
Thomas J. Burger, E. 11 Flood, J.-L.
Forwood, ilorman Yerkcs, J. Wright
Apple, Thomas 1). Fister, Henry W.
Seotl, Charles B. Staples, It. Bruco
Rickotls, F. J. Eitzsimmons, James H.
lieilly, Grunt Weidman, H. V. Moyers,
John J. Melzgur, Henry Sherwood,
A. S. Lundis, W. J. llaor, D. M. Craw
ford, C. M. Duncan, Win. McSbcrry,
J. N. Casanova, Edgar Cowan, C. K.
Boyle, V. F. Mi K onus, J. B. Knox 28.
For Tildon .Messrs. W. L. Scott,
W. S. Sleiiger, Dullus Sunders, John
It. Read, Henry S. Donahue, Duniul
I'.rineniroiil, v.. A. Wotfu, John 11 l.ur
kill, Malcolm liny, Georgo W. Miller,
William Gordon, J. P. Gilluspio, L.
M'Quislon, George A. Allen, II. , li.
riummcr In.
lor isayartl Jlessrs. vt.ll. Winger-
ly, Samuel Josephs, Frederick Gorkor,
Joseph il. Baker, James Ellis, T.
Grumbs, K. A, Uigler 7.
For Seymour Messrs. W. U. lien
sol, W. H. Sowden, B. J. M Graiin 3.
For Rundall David Lowenberg.
For Fiold-C. F. Black.
For Hendricks-"-.!. B. Brawlcy.
For Jewett Itifbert A. Packer.
Tho above ballot was oast on Wed
nesday. Ob Thursday tho delegates
votes on the first call ol tho loll us tul
For Hancock Messrs. Cusaidy,
hpecr, Alcticwan, oingerly, llargor,
Josephs, Flood,' Yorks, A nolo, FisU'r,
llonsel, McGrann, Sowden, II. W.
Scott, Staples, Ricketts, r itxiinmons,
Weidman, Meyers, Mutr.gur, Sherwood,
Land is, Baer.Crawford, Duncan, Black,
Mc.Sherry, Uigler, Cusanovn, Cowan,
Boyle, MeKoiina-,12.
For Rnndtll W. h. Scott, Stongor,
Sanders, Retd, Mullen, Donahue, U or
itur, Forwood, Krmcntroul, Lowon-
liorg, Whs, Keilly, Packer, Grambs,
Wood, Lark.n, Hay, Miller, Gordon,
Knox, Gillospic, Brawlcy, MoQuiston,
Allen, l'lummor 1:5.
For Bayard Bokor.
The Difference. Uarfleld went to
tho army In 1 SCI as Colonel of an Ohio
regiment. lie quickly sought and ob
tained a position as stuff officer and at
onco became a candidato for a Con
gressional nomination, which ho ob
tained in a slrcng abolition district in
Ohio. lie wai elected in 18C2, and
that was the last of his record as a
warrior. While Hancock was fighting
at Fredericksburg, Second Bull Run,
Gettysburg, Williamsburg, in the great
buttles of tbo Wilderness, In front of
Richmond, &o., lo tho ond of tho war,
winning victory by his great ability,
energy and bravery on a hundred bat
tle fields, Garfield was lolling in bis
cushioned Congressional chair, and
smirching his record with heavy fees
from contractors, stock speculations
and Biliary grabs I
Be Honest poiiOsce. Not tho least
of tbe ludicrous absurdities of the Re
publican campaign is tbe cry which
tbo organs and orators keep up in re
lation to the election laws, and the al
leged necessity ol their maintenance.
Tho ready and suflli ient answer lo all
this is tbo fuel that ibo Radical candi
date, Gen. James A. Garfield, put on
record bis omphalic condemnation of
these laws, and Irankly conceded, in a
spocch in Congress, that tbo Democ
racy bad just cause of complaint
against the partisan character of those
enactments. If the Republicans wero
not hard pressed for campaign capital
thoy would not directly and positively
antagonise tho recent and. solemn ut
tcrunces of their standard bearer.
Votes the Rkiht Ticket. When
General Jerome, a leading Republican
politician of New York, announced bis
determination to support Hancock, be
said all his family (a largo oonneclion)
would follow. Tho Radical papors of
Now York city soon published a letter
from 1 homos Jerome, a brotbor, de
claring continued adhesion to the Re
publicans. Gen. Jerome replies that
his brother Thomas is a very old man
who years ago lost his mind and that
ho would not know Iho meaning of
tho letter bearing bis signature if read
to him, and that thoretoro bo could
neithor havo written nor authorised It.
It is quite probubio, however, that a
cra:y man might express a purposo lo
adhere lo the Republican paily !
Bad Brains. Tho Washington 'gif
chimes In on tbo Radical nomineo in
this way : Tho claim that Garfield will
bo elected because ho is "a man of
brains" is not solidly founded. Tlio
uso lo which brains aro put, not tho
mere fuel of their possession, la tbe
main thing in a mailer of this sort
Wo look for Garfield's defeat for these
reasons, among others : 1st. Tbe De
mocracy havo a majority of voles, to
pile up against him. 2d. He has made
a bud uso of his admitted brain-power,
Hud he boon loss strong in intollectnal
resources be would bo moro excusable
for tbo slips and crooks in his record-
as that record exists in Iho archives of
tho Capitol.
A Thundering Tri tii. Tbo Spring
Hold (Mass.) Republican, an organ ol
'tho loyal millions" of tbo Plymouth
Rock persuasion, in alluding to the
Presidential question, remarks: "Re
publican papers, which aro working
Ihemsolves up for lear tho Democratic
party will boIzo tho Presidency Ibis
timo, may as well remcmbor that tho
only party which evor gavo up tho
Prosidoncy when all its own mcmburs
and many of the opposition thought
its candidulo elected was Iho Demo
orotic party, which is now charged by
its opponents with intending to seize
the Government, wkatover the result
may bo." Uow is Hint for truth and
One After Another. Tho venera
ble Pclor Cooper, who was tho Green
back candidato for President in 1870,
called on General Hancock on Mon
day week wilh tho Hon. Samnol
Cary. In tendering him Iheir con
gratulations they expressed the ot
most confidence of his election.
A Political Straw. Very signifi
cant, indeed, is tho indorsement of Gon.
Hancock by the society of the Cincin
nati at Ibe meoling in Now Y'ork re
cently, al the, same timo thst Hon.
Hamilton Fish la re-elected President
or tho Jss3f;ntion. Fish was Grant's
Secretary of State.
Our opponent! baso all their hopes,
in a military sense, on tbo part Gar
field look in the battle of t'hicamauga.
Ono of the chief heroes of that bloody
field ia General Stecdman, of Toledo,
Ohio, be is a brother In law of Judgo
Barrett's, and during the w ar delivered
a speech in this borough, and is theio-
fore persiiiiully known to those of our
citizens wbo were present, ami we hub
peel that be will mako another speoch
in our town before November, famil
iarly known as " Old i'lviekainauga, "
it it well known is the ruul buro of that
bloody battle. At a Democratic meet
ing in Toledo tho other evening, Gen.
Stecdman mado a speech from which
we extract tbe following :
' ll was evident from the first tbut
Hunoock was tbo choice of tho people.
From tho moment his name was men
tioned the enthusiasm grow in his lit
vor. Ii was in response to tbo demand
of the people that he wus nominated,
Genorul Huncock was a heroic soldier,
anil, liko Andrew Jackson, when tbo
wur ended ho showed biiusell to bo a
great statohinan. Ho i.phcld the law
and acknowledged the sovereignty of
tho people. From thai lime be has
been regurdod as one eminently quali
fied to administer tbo affairs of this
great nation. Hancock, liko Andrew
Jackson, wus a great soldier, and liko
Jackson bo is also a great statesman,
and if elected he will give to the coun
try such tin administration as Hint of
As lo Guiierul Garfiold, tbo General
said ho bad not a wortl to say against
him. He was a good volunteorsoldier,
though early rosigning bis command
in tho fluid lo lake a Beat in Congress.
But as a soldier compared wilh Han
cock, ho compared about like a tom
tit compared with the American eagle.
Vhcn Garfiold was at Chicago thoy
culled him "Chickamauga," and its hero.
Up to thul limo (icncrul Stecdman
said he had had some idea ho himself
was al that skirmish. So far as be
know Garfield at that battle command,
cd just two men himself and an or
derly, Gonoral Garfiold was, he said,
a bravo man, an honest man and a
gallant soldier; but lo coinparo him as
a soldier to Ilancoi li was loo ridicu
lous. On every field upon which Han
cock fought ho won imperishable re
nown. Through his whole lifo ho
never did a thing for which a friend
should bhisb.
As this was the caption two woeks
ago in uvery Radical organ whilo allu
ding to the Judge's loiter certifying to
tbe innoconco and verduncy of bis
client, Jamos Abraham Garfield, we
bopo tho Bomo organs will now print tho
Judgo's letter to General Hancock,
after bis famous "order No. 40" which
reads as follows :
WaantRrtToK, Norembnr 10, 1867. My Deer
Oanernl: This nom.nt I read your admimM.
order. I am much engaged, bat I eaonut renist
tb. temptation to steal time enough from my
olirnle to tell yon how grateful yon bav. made
uia by your patriotic and nob!, behavior.
Youra ie tbe first, molt distioot and most em
phatic rwognition wLlcb tbe principle of Amer
ican libarly baa received nt th. bande of any
high ofttcor in a aoutbera command. Itbaeth.
very ring of Ibe revolulionery metal. Waebiag
ton never said n thing In better taste or belter
time. It will prove to all men that "Peace bath
bar victoria, not lees rnownd than thoee ol
war." I eongrat.lal. yon, not beeaua. It will
make yon the most popular man ia Amerien, for
I dar. any you oar. nothing about that, and be
cause U will giv. yon through nil Ilea. tb. ootid
reputation of R tro. patriot and a sioeer. lover
of your country, iu lews, and lu government.
This, added to your brilliant achievement, as ft
aoldier, will leave yon withont R rival in tbe ftf.
fectioni of all whoa, good will la worlb hiving,
and giv. you a plac. in history wbicb your chil
dren will be proud .f.
Tale acknowledgement from me does not .mount
to muob, but 1 aa .nly .iproaaing the fcllogs
of millions nod expressing them feebly nt that.
Yours, etc , J. s. Bucr.
As the Judgo ia first class authority
we hope tho Radicals will continue to
quote bim. Radicals I how is that for
youi recommondor of Garfield f Is
the Judgo aforesaid as true to his
country as to his client. If bo, what
of the client Garfield f Is bo still in
nocent, verdant and easily imposed
upon ? If ho, tho said Garfield, is that
kind of a man, why slptild ho bo elect
ed Prosidont? If he should Buccood
will not somebody waylay him as Mrs.
Pinkston did John Sherman ?
Letter From the Next President
Gen. Hancock has roceived nearly
5,000 letters and telegrams since his
nomination. Tho N. Y. Sun publishes
a letter from General Hancock, as fol
lows: . Governor's Island, New York
Harbor, July (I. i am lato in respond
ing to your kind notes and telegrams.
My correspondence, personal and olll
ciully, at all times heavy, has boon im
mensely increased lately. I am not
abloat present to ros pond promptly and
fully to all of tho welcome greetings
extended to mo. 1 hope unavoidable
delay will not be mistaken tor indiffer
ence or ncglor t. Tho truth is, I have
not heretoioro realized how many there
aro in Hie land who feci kindly toward
mo personally and who cspouso the
causo in which I havo been so conspic
uously honored. In delay ol my
acknowledgements 1 beg the forbear
unco ot my friends, and of my most in
tiniuto I venture to ask the most in
this regard. Thanking you most
heartily for your congratulations and
for your kind letters, I am truly your
friund, Winfield S. Hancock.
Tnr True 1nwardnrss.-TIio Louis
ville Courier-Journal docs not think
that the Republican National Com
mittee will undertake a serious can
vass in tho South. It says : "Tho rea
son they carefully refrain from stump
ing tho Southern States is that tbey
know, if thoy go thero and conduct a
campaign, they will simply provo to
the Northern Republicans that they
have been lying about the Soulh. By
pretending that thoy will be shot as
soon as they stop on Sotithera soil tbey
can koep np bitterness, and that la the
soe aim of Ibo Republican loaders.
Tho Courier-Journal is oply half right.
A superior reason for tho neglect
shown by the Republican party in
nursing its Southern strength is to bo
found in a hoped for solidity at tbe
North. This hope is now nearly aban
doned, and tho Republicans are detor
mined to re establish their party in
the South. Jt ia thoip true policy. But
success there is utterly Impossible.
No GomiiNii. A oontemporary re
marks: Every word which the Re
publican newspapers and campaign
speakora utUr in oondomnotion of
what thoy turm the "Dcmer ratio on-
elaught on the safeguards of the ballot
box" is a direct condemnation of Gon.
Garfiold, who was the author of the
alleged "onslaught," twice velood by
Mr. Hayes. Mr. Garfield's speech on
tho oloction laws out to be put into Re
publican hands by Democratic mission
arios, lor il Is studiously ignored by
fbe Radical press, I
Senator Wallace, as we have already
said, duos not sook tho Chairmanship
of iho National Domncrolic Committee.
Ho does not desire a position thai
would increase bis burdens. Bui al Iho
samo time he.would not shrink from its
responsibilities. He bad tho cause of
tbo Democratic parly too much lo heart
to decline the performance of uny duly
tbut inuy be required ofhim in this con
test. Tbero is, however, no dispute
upon tho Chairmanship. Tbo only ob
ject is lo secure the best Chairman un
der all the circumstances, und this will
bo dono without regard to personal
wishes or predilections. The Cincin
nati Inquirer exactly defines the situa
tion thus :
The National Democrat!. Commits., will meet
oo. bene.. A Chairman of tbe Committee
will be ehosen, and tb. .rr.ngeinnnls lor tb. ail
duot or lb. campaign will ho begos. It Is grati
fying to know tbat there la no ooftest for tbe
Cba,irmenbip. There la no .agerue.a to grasp
It on tba part or anyone. Tbare I. no unwill.
iagness to take it on tbe perl or anyon.. There
Is no bitterness. There Is no struggle. If Mr.
Iiarouio Is chosen Chairman It will be without
opposition. ;if benatar Wallace lecbosen Chair
man it will be without opposition. What acouis
t be best for the party will be dooe harmonious
ly. Henalor Wallaoooaa havo;ihe Cbairman.blp
If be .i.bea it, and bia eloaenees to lien, llan
cook and his political experience and skill point
lo bis .Ircllon. Tb. Chairmanship would be
gracefully conceded to him if he desires il. If be
prefrrs tocondu. bis atteotloa to Pennsylvania,
or, for any reae-in, declines the place, tb. chair,
uiaurhip will be readily given to Mr. Barnuin.
Whether Mr. Wallace be made Chair
man of tbo National Committco or not
tbo suggestion of this name for tho
position has evoked testimonials of
personal esteem and confidence from
some of tbo best Democrats in the land
which are gratifying lo bis friends in
Pennsylvania. Senator Bayard says
We have a great many men wbo would III tbat
uosiUun wilh ability and Real. I bav. aeea,
oowever, in oenntor viRllace, or renoaylvanta,
aapecially while noting aaChalrmaa or theH.nat.
caucus, nil Ihoe. ejualiliee which would make
blm invaluable in tbat position. Ene'tetlo. aeal-
ous, of fin. .Kocuiv. ability, b. would effiei.nlly
aid us, and I should b. pleased to tee hlo a t tba
neau oi mat losRiallte.."
In an interview wilh Ibe New York
World, tho Hon Milton Sayler, a di
tinguished Democrat of Ohio, pays the
following tribute to the ability and fit
ness of Senator Wallace :
If you will allow m. to mak. n suggestion,
whil. talking about Pennsylvania, there ia one
tfaing she can do, and in my judgment ought to
do, and tbat is, furnish tb. very beat man In tb.
L nlteu states for Chairman of tb. National Dem
ocratie eampeign Committee I mean Senator
Wallace. He ia n warm and devoted friend of
lt-n. Uaoeock, did much lo oonnsjolioa with Uen.
Franklin toward bin aomioation, und I think ia
tb. best political organiser wa bav. in th. naitv.
I do not mean to disparage othere wbo might
have tbe claims and quail Ileal ione for tbe position.
1 only giv. my own Individual opinion tbat
among in.m all wetlacia easily Bret.
An Impreunaui.e Candidate. The
New York Sun shines after tins lash-
ion :
"General Hancock, as an officer of
Ibo army, has always been in public lifo,
"in person bo is comparatively a
giunt. Ho cannot movo about, or go
anywhere, without attracting atlen
"In the avowal of sentiments he is
remarkably outspoken.
"Andyot, thus early In tho campaign,
tho Republicans seem lo have becomo
completely discouraged in Iheir efforts
to find anything be has done or said,
in all bis lifo, to find fuult with.
"So now thoy full to liko a pack of
disappointed and hungry hounds, and
aro trying to tear him lo pieces for
something which they say and imag
ine he might, could, would, or should
bare dono under other and different
circumstances !
"They can make out nothing strong
er against bim.
"What a tribute to tho purity and
wisdom of his life ! "
OuuhttobeScalped. When Hayes
was nominated for Congress in tbe
Ohio district in 18C4, and requested to
loave bis position as an army officer
and come borne and make political
speeches, be answered vary tartly:
Yours received. Tbaaks. I beve other busi
ness luat now. Any man who would leav. tb.
army at tbie tim. tn .leelloneer for Congresa .r
any Dinar piac. .ugnt u oe scalped.
Yonre respectfully,
H. B. Uarsi.
General Garfield, whilo in tho army,
was nominated for Congress and got
a "leavo of absence on account of
sickness," and camo home, mounted
the Btump, and mado a vigorous cam
paign, as Ibe old files of tho papers in
his district will show. According to
Hayes bo "ought to bo scalped '' He
will be nexl Novomber.
The Rkiht Tiiino Gon. Chalmers,
of Mississippi, who was badly whip,
ped by Hancock, at Gettysburg, in '03,
suggests n mooting of the surviving
officers of the Foderal and Confeder
ate lines on tho old contested field. It
will not bo surprising if the meeting
of Union and Confederate veterans at
Gettysburg, suggested by Gen. Chal
mers should turnout a big thing. "Lot
us shake hands on Cemetery Heights,"
says General Chalmers, "on the spot
where Hancock fell, after bia gallant
struggle bad turned the tide of batlle
in fuvor of the cause ho loved." There
are a good many old Second Corps
men in Ibis region who would enjoy a
visit to Gettysburg on such an errand.
"Political Knaves." Tbe editor
ol tho Boston Advertittr seems to have
(good mad-on, and delivers bimsell as
follows : "The Greenback candidacy is
afiaudof iho moat transparent char
acter. Tbe party ia made up of
knaves and dupes. The knaves pro
pose to soil out the dnpos, if they can,
to any other party, no matter what,
wbich will pay them a good price.
Tho time has gone when any man can
be a sincere Groonbacker with any
protension to com mon sense. The party
will not carry a single Congressional
district in the country without help.
It will not hare a singlo electoral vote."
The editor is evidently mad at Ben
A New Man. W. A.tilone. Hsa..
bas boon appointed U. 8. District At
torney for Wostern Vonnsylviiia, In
place of H, 11. McCormick, Kq. Mr.
McCormick says "Prosidont Haves is
a snivelling hypocrite," and that he is
turned out by Hayee am) Sherman be
cause be was a Grant man, The great
mora) party appears to be diseased,
Set tin Example. We notice that
some ol the liadioal organs are calling
on Gon. Hancock to resign bis position
in the army. Since Garfiold ia a mem
ber of the House, and has been elected
to the Senate, would it not be well for
blm to Inaugurate tbo roalgnatlng
movomont. More: Did Grant resign
when bo was nominated f
Wbt not Produce it. Tbat bril
liant essay on wood pavements, for
which Chairman Garfiold was paid
5,000 by De Golyer A Co., has never
beon permitted to see tbo light. This
is a great loss to oor curront political
literature. i
Tho Philadelphia Record romarks
Thero is a whisper of war in tho latest
advices Irom r.uslern I'.uropo. turkey
rosenls the proposed Irmnsler ot a largo
slice ol tho old liroeiun territory Irom
her jurisdiction to tbo modern King
dom of Grevco, and appears inclined to
carry her protest aguinst the recom
mendation of tbe Berlin Confurcnce to
the extent of armed resistance. Tho
Porte is already mtikiugaclive military
preparations, oven going so fur us lo
release malefactors Irom mo prisons oi
Constantinople for scrvico in Thessuly
and Kpirus. Turkish troops aro being
concentrated within striking distance
of the disputed territory. Greece, oil
the otbor hand, ia putting herself in a
dolensivo position, and enlistments are
actively progressing wfih a view to the
impending struggle.
Taking these two nations by them
selves there is an immense disparity In
tbeir relutlve strength and resources.
Tho population of Turkey when last
ascertained was 9,573,00(1, while that
ot Greece wus 1,4 57,8:1 1. J ho Turkish
regular army numbers 157,CU7 men,
but the uslimato of her war footing is
018,100. The Kingdom of Greece has
a regular army of 12,3!i7, with u wur
footing of 30,000, less than one l en
tielh ihul of Turkey. Greece hus but
21 naval vessels, manned by 052 men,
while Turkey bas 170 vessels, with
about 0,000 mon. Tbo war, howovor,
If tbero is one, will not bo confined to
tbo immediate parties to tbo struggle
All Europewill lake a hand in the tight
when it comes, and tho result is likely
to bo very different from the issue of
tho lamous war of the Crimea, it will
not be this timo an ulliunco of France
and Great Britain against Russiu for
Hie maintenance ol lurkisn autonomy.
Tbe aspect of the long and vexed
Eastern question, which has more or
less controlled European diplomacy for
tbo greater part of the present coulurv,
has undergone a noteworthy change of
laio years.
The "sick man of Kurope" lias been
all along moro a puppet t bun anything
elso in the bauds ol the great Christian
nations seeking to preserve the bhlanco
of power as against the presumed am.
bilious designs of Russia. But for
those necessities of statecraft the
anomaly of Mussulman absolutism in
Europo would havo long since tlisap
pcared. It tbe Sultan now fatuously
interposes force to defeat the solemnly
declared willol tbe Powers that joined
in the programme of tho Berlin Con
ference tho days of bis power, on this
side of tbo Bosphorus and thu Darda
nelles al lenst, aro numbered. Tbe
action of the Confuionco was u media
tion rather than an arbitration, but in
this case it is equivalent to a command.
Tbe rehabilitation of Greece has been
resolved upon, and it will be made good
at any cost. Tbo friendly countenance
which Christian Kurope gave to the
Greeks when they rebelled sixty years
ago aguinst the Mohammedan slavery
of four centuries mado thoir bravo effort
for freedom to a degree successful in
the establishment of modern ti recce as
an independent kingdom, and Olho,
her first King, wus chosen by Russia,
France and Great Britain as long ago
as 1H32, Greece has beon over Binco
practically under the protection of
thoso two great nations. Tho reign
ing Boveroign,George l,son ol Christian
IX of Denmark, was elected with their
approval in 18G3 ; and there is every
reason to beliovo that the proposed ad
ditions lo his domain, taken as they
arc from tho torritoryof ancienlGreeco,
and being in fact merely a restoration,
will bo mado effectual by tho combined
force of Christian Europo.
effaTTs(Tafami L Y
Danville, Va., July 9. Last night
about midnight Thomas do Jarnctte
entered a bagnio boro inquiring for
Mollie de Jarnetto, an inmate thereof.
She appeared, recognised him as her
brother, and at his request wenl with
him to a private room. A few minutes
later repeated pistol shots were beard
from the room. The polico wore called
in and found the door fastened. Tbey
broke il down and discovered tho girl
lying on Iho floor weltering in her own
blood, her brother standing by her,
pistol in band. Ho immodiulely con
fessed having done it to wash .out tbe
disgrace of his family by bis sistor's
conduct. He surrendered himself to
the officers and bas beon committed to
jail. IIo declares his willingness to
accept the penalty or the law. Mod
ical examination showed tbat the girl
was shot in fire places, two at least
necessarily fatal, and that she cannot
survive. She protests that her brother
waa right in taking her life, and begs
that be be not punished. On their
separation after tbo tragedy the broth
er and sister embraced with mu
tual torgivoooss and tears of grief.
The girl is only 17 years old and wont
wrong but a few months since. She is
romarkablyintolligcntnnd fino looking.
Her brother is about 20 and is a rail
road agent and telegraph operator at
Brown's Summit, N. C. Tho mother
is the widow of Dr. James do Jarnetto,
and lives in Caswell county, N.C.,
near Danville.
Hendricks on Indiana. The Re
publican papers havo boon very busy
tbo last two weeks telling tho country
tbat William U. English was over bo
unpopular a man, ana that Indiana was
sure to go for Garfield. Tbe way it
will go for Garfield is thus confessed
by no Icsb authority than the man who
by right ought now lo be vice presi
dent of the United Slates, a position
to which bo was unquestionably elec
ted in 1870 :
Indianapolis, July, 1880. Cot.
John Ferry, Mr Dear Sir: I was
very glad to receive your.kind letter
of the 28th ult. I very Bincorely
thank you for it. As my friend, I want
you to feel assured that I have no
grievances growing out of the Cincin
nati Convention. Tbo New York dele
gation assurod the delegations from
olher States that 1 could not carry that
Slate, and tbat prevented my support
Irom them. A State that doubled us
ability to carry New Y'ork did well not
to support mo. I want you to bo as
sured also that I will most cheerfully
and oarnestly do my part to secure
success, as will all my friends in this
Stole. We will curry the Stuto. The
ticket takes very well, and makoa some
fains from tbe Republican ranks. We
are no spocial return of bard limes,
Buch as you doscribe as appearing in
Now Jersey and Pennsylvania, biit'the
impression prevails that wo ought to
bavo a chango of national administra
tion, I have po doubt of the success
or the ticket. With best wishes, truly
yours, T. A. Uendrh kb.
Can't Swallow Him. Although
Garfiold was Chief of Gen. Roscncrans'
staff, he ia not for the Ohio man for
President. Gon. Roscncrnns presided
the othor eveping at a Hancock nttifi
cation mooting in San Francisco., and
mado an eloquent Democratic SDcecb.
He intimated tbat the Buckeye man
remained in tbe army too short a pe
riod to roaliao tho true danger a sol
dier encounters,
iNyiisiTlVB. The Pittsburgh Com
mercial Gazelle it extremely anxious
to know "in what particular part of
Pennsylvania General Hancock bas
bis residence." On one occasion Gen
eral Hancock bad a temporary resi
dence at Gettysburg. The "particular
part" was Roand Top. His present
residence Is in tho gratoftil hearts of
tho pcoplo ol Pennsylvania.
Pitch iN.-w-From tbo way the Rod
iruls are denouncing Gonoral Uuncock
as a Boldier, we would infer that Gen
oral Garfield's military record was tu
bo igiioicd, anil the ret old of (ingress
was to curry bim through. One rea
son assigned for this is, tbut Ham-nek
deeds so belitllo them of Garfiohls
tbut Edison's electric light Would bard
ly bring Ilium out us hack-ground eur
rotindiiigfl with Haucock's military
beuring as a oentral figure.
His Ghief. Crier, tho fellow who
nominated Garfield and who was led
to beliove that nothing less than a for
eign mission or a first place In Gar
field's Cabinet would bo a rewurd for
bis services, has offered to soil out bis
chances for a pint of peanuts. Dan.
Dougherty lull him ont colder than a
wodge, and he is considering the ex
pediency und propriety of having In
name changed from Grier to Grief.
The Clean Thinci. Dr. Alexander
N. Dougherty, Postmaster under Grunt
ut Newuik, New Jersey, proclaims for
Huncock, who, bo says, will be the
next Preside nl. Ho declares that some
of bis Republican friends huve ussured
him that tbey would voto for Hun
cm k. Snys Dr. Dougherty. "We don't
want any President who accepts bribes
or perjures himself or w ho has even
the suspicion of taint about bim."
grip iPrrrttsrtnTtrrA
RpplieeUon will be mode is, tbe Court of
Quarter Ses.iona of Clearfiel 1 eouoty, on tbe 4th
day of August next, for Ibe appointment of
viewers, to view tbe Loiober City bridge, Clear,
field creek bridge, at Leonard citation, Rod the
lower bridge, CleRrfield, Pa., in order U mete
tbem (roe bridges. C. V. K Y I.Kit.
County Comiuie.ionerr.
John Irvin & Bros,
All Kinds of Merchandise,
Dry Goods, Groceries, Etc.
S(H AKi: T 1 71 It Kit,
The Only Manufacturers in Clearfield
County of thu
n. en n, chop ,i.-i ri kit
ef.M'. o.r II.1.YIH
Fi?'as!i paid for nil kinds of
Grain Wheat, Rye, Oats, Etc.
Curwensvllle, Pa., June I, 18S. tr.
statement of th. receipt, and expenditures
ol Decatur township rur tb. jenrs ls,ll-t,tt:
DR. ,
To anaoont of Duplicate...... $.01 Ti
To order on Treasurer. M Alius
To order mi Troasurar e. .......... S9 00
To order .n Treasurer W So
To order on Treesurcr 83 US
By Hoad tax I. collect.....
...I 11 V7
.... 28 76
By exonerations
By nmount of work en roads......
m it
By Supervisor . tins, (lilt, days) :i (HI
By bftlanc of ipeeiRl Ux, 1877. . S IH)
Total .tUS i
June, Rxraahr, at-rtRViaoa.
To entouat of Doplicat.
T. Treasurer's orJur. M
.fl.10 1.1
. lit IM
ToirI 5 (IJ
My Rinnuot of exonerations
By O. 8. Flegal'sUx
lly JohPbilips' tax
By amount of work
By Supervieor's tim. (ot d.y.)
t 81
4 l
... 411 8!
... 118 00
Total ,. gi48 o:i
lrwii ri'LTox, r-oon ovrrsf.rr ' '
To order of March ti, 1871 .. . 17 0
To eaeb from Treaeurer..
IS to
To lex on lot In Oeoooia H
To balance du. nt eettlement....
I 20
II 14
till 44
By eeih for Jobn Johnson t 13 fa
lly Mrs. MrCool ii li
lly Mrs. Wm. Harner I W
By Mrs. Wm. Ilecuiau 2
lly Mrs. Dr Blandy 1
By Ux on lot in Osceola 3 V'j
By order of removal, Mre. Lather........ I 04
By ee.h lo Uonj. Ileeman 23 IT
By Overseer's Um. and expeaeee 44 22
$21. 41
WH.LUU iRpnaar, roos ovswrrrr.
To order on Treaeurer o PI
CR. "
By services rendend tw 00
DAVID IIKARBART, Treasurer, lu account
with the Poor Hand of .Rid township :
To ain't from Adam Kepbart, let. Tr.aa..S VO 10
T. esu't from W. A. Reams, Collector tt 02
To amount Trom Lvi Ooee 4. .0
To .mount from Levi Ooee H 4. Rfi
T. .mount from Lovl Uoes..H. H s. to
To amount horn Lavi Uo 28 M
Total ttor 42
By ca.b paid Dr. Lytl.
By ...b paid Dr. Lytic
By .ash paid Dr. Lylle
lly Jirbn Hugh.
By Lewie Fulton, Overseer
lly Wm. Kepbart
lly I per cent, on ! "!
By balance du. distrtut
Total tJT II
DAVID UKARIIAKT, Treasnr.r, fn eocooei
wilh tb. Road food:
T. am't ree d from Kepbart, Ut. Tree.... I 3 'I
To balance due Treasurer , , . 2 SI
.t li
lly orjers oenerled;, Jobn MftCiurron t M
By W. A. Beams S. 44
By J.ibn Hughes !
ByW.B. Hull 4 04
By Simon Kepbart I 44
lly Stephen Melcber in
lly H. 1). nnowoller I te
By Jacob Mock : 4
By per eeol. for paying nut M7. 14 Hi
Total Tn
DAVID. QBA RIIART, Trcrurtf, la arc "
with tie School fund :
To St.t. appropriates for 1S78 f HI
T. Stale appropriation for ISIS IK 11
To eaeb from W. A. Ream. Ill
To sash from Levi Uoee 410
To haleoci dae Treasurer H "
I 2i 04
2S 00
21 40
t it
, 180 li
!t H
By orders eaauled f 7,4 IS II
By I per coL an $l, 411
By percnlag. on appropriation II "
Total. '. ....2,i04
We, tb. undersigned Au'iton, baring eisa
Ined lb. sererel areonnla of Raid tow. ship, cs4
Ibeen r. .hoe staled.
Sine n. J, P. BTKINKR,
Clerk. A.dllon. 14, 1 5(10-31.