Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 14, 1880, Image 1

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    TI1K . , . ,
I lir lara-eat Circulation of any Newspaper
Ih North Central Peuuaylvaula.
Termi of Subscription.
If paid la advance, or wltbln I months. ... (K)
If paid after I and before 6 aiontna 91 60
U j.ld aflar tha expiration of tuoBthl... 3 (HI
Ratea ot Advertising,
Traaalent advertisements, par eqaareef lOllneeor
la.s, I tiuie. or leas . $1 60
For eaeh euusequent insertion- So
A liuiBlstrator.' and JSxaeutcrs' nullcea...,.. t 60
Auditor' notiees 1 60
Cautions and K.tray. 1 60
Dissolution notloaa ....... 3 00
Professional Cardi, 6 llnea or iess,l year...- a 00
Loeal notices, per line 10
I so,ura .....19 00 I 1 aolnnu.r.., M 00
I squaree 16 00 eolumn.... TO 00
squares.. JO 00 1 (0101110 110 00
O. B. HOum.ANllKR,
lawyers' Cnrds.
tl:l:7J I'leartteld, Pa. ,
1:11 PhlllpeboTc;, Centre r-i Pa. yr?i
CurweOKTllte, Clearfield couotjr, Pa.
oct. 9, It-It.
S-e-O&ct In the Opera House, octll, "IS-ll
Attorneys: and CbuNHELonH at Law,
January 30, 1878.
Clearfleld, Pa.
J-OBoe la the Court House. JyllM
OfTi .-a In Masonic building, Eecond Itreet, op
po.ite the Court House. Je2,7S If.
flrarfleM Count?, Petin'a. Joy
OfBoe in Opera House, ap Ji.lMy
.ilOlllf --. if,
JOffira in the Maeonie Dulljiug, orer the
Cunty National Dank.. luiariH-SO.
.ITTOIl.yKV-.tT-L.I If,
yT-Will attend to all legal bu.lne.e with
protnptnrt. nnd fidelity, febl 1,'sw-lf.
UATln L. KRiaa.
juna w. WNiatar.
h tnttr r. WALLAl'R.
(Huttussors to Wallace A Fielding,!
A T TO li N K Y 8- A T- L A W ,
Janl'77 Clearfleld, Ha.
Ulflire in Pie". Opera House.
June 211, '7Atf.
JTriYIM'C I'-. T-L .1 IV,
DnBoiB, Clearfield County, Penn'a.
aVef-Will attend promptly to all legal buiineee
entrusted to his oere. jon2l, 'till.
ruoi. . hiibrat. crsua eoatoa.
eT-OOoe Id Pie's Opera Uouee, eeeond floor.
IUHBPB I. a'aNALLT. DAKIBI. . M'ctiaiir.
( leernelu, pa.
g" Legal bnelneie attended to promptly wltbj
niieiur. umce oa seeuna etreet, above :na ririt
National Bank. Jen: lite
i O. KiiAMER,
A T T O H N K Y - A T - L A W ,
Real Kitate and Collection Afent,
Will promptly attend to all legal butlnee an
truetod to nil car.
af-OAee la Pie'e Opera Uouee. Janl'71.
All lejral buaiaon tntraiUJ to hi ear will ra
ceire prompt attention.
f4l0n In the Court llouee.
tml Keel Ketate Acelit, learllrlrt. Pa.
Offloa on Tblrd etreat, bat.Obarry A Walnut,
flVHeepeetiullj aflere bi earflaee la eelling
and baying laada la Clearfleld aad ait)olnlBr
oeuntiei 1 and witb an xprlnuaol over twenty
f tare a a enrvyor, flattri blraielf tbat h aa
render atliraetloa. LFeb. SOiftAuf,
Jhpitinns enrdu.
jyi r. m. 8CHEUUEK,
Ofllo Is rtddcnr on Firet at.
' April 14, 1171. Clearfleld, Pa.
yi W. A. MEANS,
7 DI'lltilH CITY, PA.
ill attend profeeilanal ralla promptly. aug10'70
I Alt. T. J. HOI KK,
' Once oa Market Street, Clearfleld, Pa.
eT-tiffioa boura : I to 13 a at., and 1 to 8 p. n.
IF4rOffl adjolainK the residence of Jaaiae
1 'rtf ley, on Herond at., Clearfield, Pa.
Julj.ll, ; tf.
S4T OBc hour Prom II to I P. M.
' May II, 1871.
nil. J. P. nUKCUFIELl),
. ea Bnra ob f th, PBB.yleanla
lemteer, baelng rtarad frBi lb Amy,
4r bi. prf..laal trvtaaa t tBltlaa
4a-'ro...loaal aalla promptly attaaded ta.
a on Saeoael atrt, fornarlyoeapid by
Woede. (aprt.'MU
tion neatly eiocated at this od"
" 1 - pi a 1 ' " 1 ...j.i '
"'GEO. B. OOOLIANLEE, Editor & Proprietor. ' PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. " ' TEEMS $2 per annum in Advanoo.
VOL 51-WH0LE NO. 2,679. . CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1880. NEW SERIES-VOL. 21, NO. 27.
We have printed a larira aamber of tbe new
fBl lllXL, and will oa the receipt of twenty
flea aente. atail a aope te ant addr.e. aieflO
or ran Paica aan Honiraaia, LUMIIEH
CITY. Cullaetiune made and aioney promptly
paid orer. Article, uf agreement and deed, of
eonveyanoe neatly aiecuteit and warrentea eor
ret ur bo ebarjea. 11Jy'7l
Jutio of tb rMe and Scrirtuer,
CurwcniTUIe. Pa
t-H, Collection! mJ nd money promptly
paid or. f1" "
(OHTtlll P. O.) "
" 1 yon atttti Towaamn.
May 8,
Square Timber & Timber Lundx,
J.11'73 t'LKARFIKLD, PA.
House and Sign Painter and Paper
(Jleartielii, Peuu'a.
sAWill execute lobe In bi. line promptly end
In a workmanlike manner. apr4,7
BAKER, Market St., Clearfleld, Pa.
Fre.h Bread, Ruek, Roll., Pie. and Catee
on band or made te order. A general aeeortment
of Confeotlonariei, i'ruita and Nuta in atoek.
Ice Cream and Oystere in eeaaon. Saloon nearly
opporite the I'lHtoffioe. I'rieee modiTate.
M.rMi lll-'a.
liKALina in
Real Esta!n, Square Timber, Saw Legs,
.n-Offlrte on l-oend itreel. IB rear of .tore
room of tleorire Weavar A Co. JaoD. '
Itecatur Township,
Oiceola Mill. P. O.
All uffi.-iil l.u.slneKi entrn.tcd to him will be
promptly attended t. mcb2, '7a,
Shop on Market HI., Court Hon..
A eleaa towel for every aurtouer.
Alao dealer in
llc.t Hraiula i fTobairo and t'lRarn.
''l..rB.M I". 10. "71.
tVallareton, Pa.
flrlle baa prepared himaelf wilh all tbe
,.p..,ar blank forma under tba Pension and
bounty law., aa well a. blank Deeds, ete. All
legal matter, entru.led to bi. care will receiv
piumpt attention. May 7th, 187-tf.
Market Htreet, ClearUeld, fa.,
BAarrACTDaaa Ann obalrb in
HimifSf, Bridles, Saddles, Collars, and
Horse-Furnishing Hoods.
flrAll kind! of repairing promptly attended
to. Meddler.' Hardware, Itorre itmebee, turry
Comb., Ac, alway. on hand and for a! at tbe
lowril oa.h price. March 1, 18i.
fir Pump, alwar. on hand and made to order
en .hort notic. Pines bored on reasonable terma.
All work warranted ta render aati.faotion, and
delivered if de.ired. mj24:ljpd
Livery Ntiible;
Qtidertiicbed ben loava to Intorm thvpab-
X He tbai ht U no fully prvpuW to Beovinuo
4lc all In tbe mmyat furninning lU.tai, Uugfriei.
Kftdillei and 11 nvrneii, on tbe laortent notice and
in Naaonablc tormi. Koaidenoo on Loeuit itreet,
t0n Third and Fourth.
lUarflflld, Feb. 4, 1874.
rpilB andumlxned, having Uarad tbli turn
Xmudioui lintel, In th v.IUk of Gl" Hope,
ii now prfi-arcd to acoommodate all who djh
U t Iit t. ami Ur kail hd lnt.liid kb
the belt the market iftorda.
11KOKOK W. DOT To. Jr.
Otcn Hope, 1'a., Marrb IS, 1879-If.
dbalbb la
Also.extenslre manufacturer nnd dealer In Ruara
iimoer ana Eiawea Lumiierot all kinds.
AaTOrdara solicited and all bills promptly
nilea. ejyll'7a
and utra&utacturera of
Watohus, Clocks nnd Jewelry,
Oraknm't if.i, Marktt Strut,
All kinda uf repairing In ay line promptly t
ndad to. April Z3, IA74.
Clearfleld Nursery.
IllK undernlirned. baTlnf eiubllahed Nor
aery on (be Tike, about halfway belweem
CltaTli',ld and Cprwrnivillt. In prriiard to fnr-
niih all kinda of KKl'lT TKKKS, (ttaadard and
dwarf.) Breritreeni, Sbrabber, Urape Vioei,
UiiuHlicrry, l.nittaB blackberry, 8trwtirry,
and KaRpborry Vinot. AIo, Hibrrian Crab Trffcft,
Ualnne, anal early ararlel Hhubarb, to. O'dera
promptly attendid to. Addreaa,
H20 Alt.) CtirweenTille, Pa,
F. M. CARD0N i BR0., . ..
On Market 8t, one door eet of Mnnlon llouae,
' Oar arranjtruenie are cf tbe moat coin tile t
obaractuT tor furnlthinK tbe pablie with Kreah
Meat of all kind, and of tbe very beat quality.
Wealao deal tb all kinda of Agricultural Imp.
tnente, which we ktwp on ethlldtion for the ben
efit of the pbh. Call arouad wke ta towa,
nod take a took at tbini, or addrtai oa
r. M.CAHDuN l HHO.
Clearfleld, Pa., July 14, IttTa-tf.
ilearfirltt innttrancf irtftf
rARRulL la. iiht..
Rrprepentthe follow I o anl other Int-elaaa Ce'a
Cumpanlee. A Mete.
Livtrpoot London k fll .bt-U. ft."
IfMnltD-oi matual A oaah plana.... ft,tKt,Ol0
fli.pi.l, of Hanfurd, t'ona 1,(124 ,9.1
Ininranre Co. of N'rth Amerlck fl, 111,674
Nerth brttloh k Mrrrintllib U. 0. Br. 1,TVM3
BfotiUh I'litumereial H. S. liraunk... 17 5, 14 ft
Waiertown T4.U
TraveUra (Life A AenUent) 4,iv:,44
Office on Market tit., o p, Court Hooje, Clear
fleld, Pa. Jane t, Ttt tf.
LtviRin anroRB thi oraupur rilh tim (
Pblloaophy, rwe molt profound and deep, .
That e'er en Rafted the atrongeat human ulnda;
The eye of Ueniue, io Ita boldeat eweap,
Within the realm of Soienoe alway a find
Tbe aame nnra'jing aniwer alwaya ohimea
KQiponaiTe to the touch of those who try
To bring out haruiny to Nature's rhyme.., '
And iwelt the oborui rolling clear and h .Rb
Our Futber giva of good a full, a rich supply.
The garbing wntm from the monnUin-slde,
In gurgling muale from a thousand aprlnga,
loritei tbe thlrrtr safely to confide
In Nature's beverage. She alwaya bring
That tweet content impervioua to the stings
Perrertell appetite gives pertain, sbure. 1
Nnce are exempl ! Hear bow the warning rings !
Eiparloove then should teach ns to be pure,
And thus avoid (he ills toe perverse must endure.
Oh t hud our fathers remained oonlent;
Had Nature's aim pit dictkn Iteen obeyed ;
Had moral sgenoy been flUy bant t
Had man's perverted nature net been I way ad
By ctUFCi pretrmataral betrayed,
Our race would now be traveling, aa a whole,
In rubes of living sympathy arrayed
With songs of triumph buriting from or soul,
And etch one pressing onward toward the goal.
No mirage reafing on the royal road),
Ponced la with roses cheering to the view (
Tba level path led onward straight to ()od.
The awminn waa tbe real the good, the truei
On erery aide toe, whole attention drew.
No pitUlle m tbe pathway to be feared,
Ne nuilded v ice tu power immoral threw
Changing eondilions aa the point was neared,
Hot everything remained aitbey atlrst appeared.
Hot man has fallrn from hia towering height
To tyrant appetite, a cringing aiave,
Shorn of hia manhood, groping in the night,
Ilia self-respect in rags our pity erare
Tottering delirioua to a drun tard'a grave ; .
His firuineis feeMe, all resiatance flown.
Oh ! let ua reach a helping hand t save,
In kindliest arcenti still the jiiteous moan,
Repcue our fallan brother ero all hope is gone.
Oh ! tell me why this wretched state of things !
Ok! why will man forever be debated!
Oh ! why atioh patience whilst the monitor itlngn
Our dearest hopes to death, in ruin lays
Our brightest butl of promise, and betrays
The muni magnanimous, onre!fish, brave,
The crawling coward and the uocktsh knave1
Pans on alike, impelled to till a drunkard's gram.
Tbe tempoit In his bosom rolling high ;
The fumes of liquid poison wastes bis brain ;
The shriveled souses In eon fat ion He ;
Tbe baser paaiions rto4 without reign ;
The regal reason powerless to maintain
The throne erected In tho human will j
Tba debris scattered round diaoolored stain ;
Tho efrment of proiren naught can still
The raging ravage that soul and body kill.
It would be easy to run on and tell
The evils, which aie legion to nanate
Tho multiplied cnoruiiliee that wc
The calendar of oh ma, the rank. Ha bate
That drunltenneta engindera. Could tbe weight
ui misery m meaaurcu, would we nnd
A ubauipion bold enouuh who dare debate
The preposition, that all ills ooiiililned
lit re no propoi tiun to this scourge ol 1mm an kind.
The morn is breaking in the purple East ;
Die dawn gives token that the day Is near.
m tien rev 1 1 its at tbe Itaochanaiian feast
Shad see " the writing oa the wall " appear
In blackened obiireatere diirraee la here
And rum without nhilure tills the bowl.
Oh ! eould we stretch a needful band to save,
Helping our feeble broth or to eoutroll
And crush the giant vi:o that woulu engulf hia
UEi.ivEnEO ur t. e. iooiik mrong tiic
To-day wo moot in Convention ac
cording to a provision in our Conntitn-
tion forming our Union, and to colo
brato tho anniversary of our organi
zation. Tho ileanini duty ot extend
ing to you tho uand ol wolcomo has de
volved upon mo; and in oxtondinir to
you that welcome, I feel that I am but
receiving you in tho homo of your
choit o; A year has passod nineo upon
this spot lh firnt mcoting of this Tem
perance Union was hold. A few of
tho progressive Temperance norkora
of our Society saw that the good of tho
Murphy movement would bo lout, un
it's" wo had Homo rules to guido and di
rect our workings and wo had true
Temperance workers its our helpers;
and to day this privilege is duo in a
great degree to their ell'orts. In tho
name of tho members of tho (irampian
Tamporanco I'nion, 1 thank you for
your coming amongst us, and assure
you, that they will make your visit one
of pleasure to you, and wo trust it will
be one of profit to us. By your delib
erations wo expect to bo bcneflttod.
We look for an awakening of a still
greater interest among our people.
Wo hopo that a stimulus may bogivon
producing further aud more cxtniled
efforts in behalf of our youth that they
may bceotno intelligent and sober citt
icns. Wo trust that from your efforts
the people of this neighborhood will bo
led to feel tbat it is not only thou duty,
but their privilege, to givo their influ
ence as well as their means to extend
tho Temperance work ; and thus will
they realise that their money and timo
v ill bo converted into intelligence and
virtue in tho minds of thoso in whoso
society thoy and their children must
expect tolivo. I wolcomo you because,
as an Intelligent pcoplo, wo must wol
como overy movement which looks to
tho elevation ot individuals of what
ever class, aud which tends to increase
tho welfare of tho community.
Wo wclcomo you as a convention
in which wo claim a special interest
an organisation comprising thoso who
sustain a near and important relation
to tho public welfnro ; pontons whoso
intelligence and mental culture have a
professional as well as a personal con
nection with tho advancement of soci
ety. May yourshadow never grow less;
may the great and good work still pros
per in your hands, ami its influence'
extend from tho A llantio to tlx 1'acitio,
from the Arctic to the Antarctic. The
stars and stripes ore long will float over
tho whole continent.
(!od speed the day, and wilh it may
tho I'ennsylvaniaTcmporance wtjrkorH
carry prohibition to tho heights of
Cbimborazo and Cotopaxi tho valley
of tho .ms-.on, the pampas of tho Ar
gentine Confederation, tho mahogany
groves of, and tho bleak coasts
of Patagonia. May the land of the
Astecs, tho Montosumaa, and the Ineas
yot know another conquest, and that
the peaeulul contiost of an army ol
1'ennsylvatiia Tomporanco workora,
led by such icnorala as ISoal Dow,
J. N. Steams, Mrs. llonry, and others.
"no pent-np I'llea enntrant. our power. ;
The whole unbounded Continent 1. our.."
May tho deliberations of this moot
ing witH its promising iirngrammo
contribute to this grand result. Thus
will your mission bo accomplished and
our desiro gratifiod,
the uefoIui'TsiTthesta TE
lsi.ivinKD iiy , j, BiT.rcr.n ntroait
What is tho object and duty ol tho
Stifle, is a question which wo of to-day
may well ask. Js it hot to secure the
best interests ot its citi.eni and to
guarantee to them the inostimablo
privileges of lllo, liberty, and tho pur
suit of happiness, and all that will elo.
vate and ennoble, and to free from all
that will dobase and degrade? Is it
not to raise tht lowly and strengthen
tho weak, which it manifestly a publio
duty.hcnco of tho State? , Is it not the
protection ol society from foos within
as well aa enemies without, ol which
the pnnlsnmcnt of the criminal la but
a moans? Are not these a part, and
not the least part of its duties ? But
whon it a traffic which is an
acknowledged injury to the peoplo,
private and publio, docs it not step be
yond ita objoct and take a stand direct
ly opposite to its duty ? Does it not
becomo in this particular, instead of
tho guardian ol our nguls ana liberties,
tuo tool ol tne unnguteouB me screen
and protection ot iniquitios giving its
sanction and tho appearanco of right
to that which no earthly law can make
right because opposed to tho moral and
llivino 1 1
It is undoubtedly the duty of the
Stato to protect the weak from the
oppressions ol tho strong ; out it a
armed one portion of its citizens, that
they may proy upon tlio unwary ana
futtun from tho weakness and follies of
the race. Not that this was the origi
nal inUnt of tho license law, but such
it is to-day. Framed to restrict the
sale and use of intoxicants, it has be
como tho lion in tho path of reiorm
tho shield and perpetuation, instead of
the opponent ot tho train c.
The .State has liconscd thesalo of in
toxicating liquors. Is this all? What
has it done f at lias opened the flood
gates of destruction upon tho land. It
has torn away tho young and tho fair
into a bondago worso than death. Jt
has armed brother against brother for
bis destruction. 1 1 has protected dons
ot iniquity and given promiumstor vice.
It has snatched tho son from tho arms
of his father, and the husband from the
bosom ot his family, and whirled them
on to quick destruction, despite the
cries of tho suffering and hearkened not
to their prayers. It liasnorvod tboarm
of tho murderer and erected a thou
sand gallows. It has filled our Courts
and jails with criminals and our land
willi paupers, and taxed us for their
support. It has tapped the veins of
our prosperity and drawn Iborclrom
its own lifeblood. It has called down
the wrath of jtistico upon tho peoplo
and the whirlwind of destruction tho-
tret to fall upon thcin. And what
for all this has it received ? Tho gold
of them who havodono evil ; tho sup
port of tho moro than futherlct-s, antl
tho Bustenanco of tho starving and na
ked, l-'or all this shall thero be no
retribution? Kvoiy drop ol blood
drawn by tho driver's lash was requit
ed by a thousand poured out upon
tho fluid ol battle ; and shall wo go tree?
But does it not- bear within itself its
own great punishment. Its agent in
all this has been tho wine cup. How
much of good, ol virtue, must it tuko to
offset so much of evil f How much ex
penditure, treasure for education and
lor charity, is mado necessary by this
so great destruction f How much is
for no avuil ? and still it is all a dead,
dead loss a loss not only of treasuro,
and effort, and power, but of lilo, and
uopo and ileavun r A loss not to be cal
culated in this world, not in dollars
and cents, but in prayers and tears ; id
manhood destroyed, and the promises
of childhood unfilled ; in tho cries and
struggles of the orphaned and qf thorn
who are more than widows; in the
lives it has blastod, and thosouhi it has
lost to Heaven ; and not only in tho
mitory it baa brought, but in the peace,
joy, and happiness which should have
been tho portion ot thoso who brought
bitterness with pleasure and met de
struction in tho way of life.
I bavo said the stato has done all
this; but what is tho slute? la it the
land wo tread? Is it, as in tho days
ol Cu par of old, who said, "I am tho
state 1 II e are tho state, and u e havo
dono these' things. If wo are not,
another Ciraar has arisen whoso namo
ib rum. Shall Cicsar rule and wo bo
willina slaves t Shall wo obov his now-
or and murmur," ll' ar free ! " Heav
en forbid I Our Bafuty, and tho frco-
Uom ot our lathers lorbid that Una
should be. Shall wo turn traitors to
the cause of right and cast a stain up
on tho namo of freedom that namo,
tho watchword pf our land 1 It shall
not bo. Wo must bo froe not to do
wron; but to livo aright. Shall
there be no premium on virtue ? I lovo
the frcodom of our laws, but 1 would
seo virtuo placed beyond tho reach of
avarice ana passion, and wbercevcr
thoy would respect it. It is in our
hands. 1 The peoplo aro tho Stato, and
virtue still survives. In vnion there
Ladies and Centlemen : It is a
prineiplo generally conceded that law
makers should not bo law breakers ;
yot in the history of our Slato wo find
that a certain Legislature committed
murder. Yes, it actually killed tho
Local Uption Law, and on its cornso
gave birth to tho I. Ichiro law as it now
exists, which to say tho least is a dis
graco to legislation, a terror to tho
community and a libel against tho
rights ol num. Iiy a cureory exami
nation of tho law wo find it something
hkothis: liiccnso for selling intoxica
ting drink may bo granted by tho
Court of Quarter Sessions for one yonr.
Tho amount to bo paid to procuro
liccnso varies from $5(1 to $700, $700,
where tho yearly sulos amount to moro
than !0,000, and ."0 whero they
amount to less than $1,000. In the
liccnso for a bond of $2,000, and a peti
tion signed by twelvo respectable men
is required before the demon alcohol
can be legally unveiled for public viow.
Can thoso conditions bo complied with?
Tho bond may bo given, tho liccnso
fee paid, but can respcotablo men bo
lound to sign a liconso paper f I leave
this point to your consideration. Bon
der it well.
Liconso having been secured, the law
then lays restrictions on the holder of
it. And this part of tho law is sub
timely ridiculous. Those restrictions
roquiro that liquor shall not be aold on
Sunday, or on election days, and why?
It Bold on Sunday twill most likely
be drank on Sunday, and if drank it
becomes a disturbing elcmont that
causus a gloom ovor tbe sanctity of the
day ; and to soil it on election days is
simply tODifdnnger tho purity and froe
aio of tho ballot. W hat Solomon's
our Legislature must have boon com
posed ot lo make such wlso (?) restric
tions. Only think I days in a
year and I olootion days aud, 52 Sun
days deducted thorcfrom leaves 3111
days lor liquor to bo sold to inca
paliato man loi a propor observance ot
Sunday and an intelligent uso of tho
ballot. Vt hat wisdom! what wisdom ! 1
Now I ask if It Is detrimental to tho
publio interest to sell liquor on Run
day and olootion days (and the lawn
inlbr that it is) ia it not equally to to
scl It tho other 311) days?
Again, none is to Do sold lo drunk
ard. If this restriction was complied
wilh none would bo sold, lor tbo man
who takes a drink and walks upright
is a drunkard, the same io kind but
not in degree, as tho ono who takes
four drinks and wallows In tho ditch.
Tbo logical sequence then is that tho
holder of license must violnto the law
or ho will havo paid a feo to the State
for tbe privilogo of carrying on a busi
ness sbo torbidB mm to do. nut none
is to be sold to minors. This is the
only good feature of tho wbolo law,
and it pierces as a two odgod sword to
tho heart ot a motner whose busband
has reached the apex of inebrioty and
is roturncd to her worso than worth
less by the left fiaud of tho law, while
tho nebt band tears from her bosom
her son, who bus just becomo of ago to
fill his father's wako. (Jontlcinen, is it
any wonder that women aro scoking
tbe right of still rago when the law
robs them ot all that ib dear on earth
while thoy aro palo and motionless as
a marblo statue, ana are unable to pro-
vent it for tho want of a righteous
law. f or Uod s sau and humanity s
suko let us givo the women a vote, and
the traftio in intoxicating drink will
lorevcr cease. k
1 bavo ono little bright oved boy
and I had rut her follow him to tho
grave than to seo him become an ine
briate ; but 1 speak the honest Bonn,
monls of my heart when X say the
chances are favorablo for him to be
come one. Under existing law the
breach in that direction .s widening
every day and aa soon as he reaches
manhood the law loaves bim a proy
tor unprincipled landlords to do witb
him wbatsoovr thoy will, end what is
that f ' Why tboy drag hi in down
from that cstato "a little lower than
tho angels," and Icavohim alittle lower
than tbo brute.. This is noovordrawn
picturo, it is ono that is being seen and
r eali red by parontsevcry day through
out the leuglh and breidlh of our
land. Think ol it, landlords, and choose
for yoursolvea a bettor occupation.
Think ol it, you twelvo respoctablo (?)
men, and never loud your.signaturo to
another license paper. Tkiuk of it, you
drunkards, and swear ycu will never
tuko another gloss. Think of it, friends
of lemporunco, and let us doublo our
diligence und renew oar obligations
till we reach tire desired goal.
Let us now dwell lor a moment on
tbe duties of tbo Stato. A State Is a
union of people withia certain pre
scribed limits of longitude undlaliludo,
and with us is comprised of three do-
yai-tmcnls, Legislative, Kxec.utivo and
udiciary. Tho duty of tho first is to
mako such laws as will secure men in
life and property, and aid them in
their development of their intellectual
and moral faculties. Tho duly ot the
second is to cxecuto tho law. lS'ow, if I
either of theso departments would
perform its duty as delegated to and
required ol H no liquor could oe sold.
Tho Legislature could not have passed
a license law while under tho law as it
now is, it could not be sold if tbe Execu
tive did not belray its trust, and if tho
Judiciary would do its duty the law
would bo declared senseless jargon
and stricken from our staluto books.
Tho duties of tho Stale thou is not to
givo license to men to cngago in a
trade detrimental to the host intcrosts
of bor subjects ; but her duty to pro-
vido strmgont laws lor tbe punishment
of mon thus engaged. Ono more
thought and 1 conclude, the conflict
bolwocn tcmporancoand intomporanco
has boon long and fierce. Our victories
won have been local and not general,
temporary but not lasting ; still it is en
couraging to look along our ranks and
sco them slowly recruitodandsco hero
and thero ono who has been reclaimed
from tho grasp of tho dostroyor. Lot
us then buckle on our armor, and if wo
iall in the conflict let it be with our
faco to the enemy, Let conquer be
our watchword, for conquer wo must.
Our causo is just and right, and right
is truth, and
"Trnth eru.bed to earth shall rise again,
The eternal yeare of Uod are bars ;
llut error wounded writhes ia paia
And dies among ber wcr.bippers."
11 ILLS BY JOHN RllHsr.I.t.,
Jvhz 19, 18H0.
Tho importanco ot literature as a
factor in Temperance work or; in
other words, of Tomporanco literature
cannot, in my opinion, do more torci
bly illustrated than by reference to
tbo influence which is exercised upon
tho world of mankind by tho vnrious,
X might say multifarious, forms of litora
turo which have boon and aro now be
ing spread broadcast throughout tho
land upon every subject, whether ro
ligioUB or irreligious, moral or immoral,
chnsto or obsceno whother sciontillc,
political, sacred, or general.
ihrougn tno aid ol mo printing
press, with Us wondcrtul modern im
provements, tho facilities for communi
cating and circulating thought have
been increased ten thousand fold. The
almost innumerable und gigantic powor
presses which aro kept constantly run
ning to supply tho want that is croated
rh the minds of an intelligent people
by popular oducation aro destined to
exorl a mighty inlluonco for good or
lor evil, lo seo that the good may
prodrimihato is tho business of all good
poonlo. Tomporanco workers, then,
should avail themselves unsparingly
of this engine of power, not only in
disseminating tho seeds ot Temperance,
but in counteracting and thwarting
tho efforts of tho arch enemy, Intem
perance. it might dc argucu by eomo that tbo
Inebriate seldom rends, and hence can
not bo reached ly this method. Ad
mitting this to bo tho fact, which is
not, howovor, conclusive, wo havo still
a host who havo never, or seldom at
least, indulged in tho intoxicating
bowl to such an extent as to stultify
tho roasoning faculties and destroy
their desire lo read ; who aro standing
aloof from all Temperance work ; who
have planted themselves upon the
Drink whon you please and let it
alonowheo you ploaso" doctrino; who
bavo .never taken a thought ol tho ab.
Bolute deformity of the practice, or
culmnly considered its dire elfecls upon
individuals, lamuics anu communities.
Thoso should bo enlightened ; these,
many ot whom aro men of tender and
sympathetic natures, who would scorn
lo commit an oven act ol cruolty or
wrong heads of families, perhaps, who
would shudder at tho thought of a bo
loved boy, anon whom high hopos aro
being built, becoming a victim ot tho
demon of intomporanco, of running the
drunkard') cottrso and filling a drunk
ard's grave ; these whose inortnoss in
all tbat pertains to this groat quostion
has prevented them Irora attending
meoliiigs whore tho subject is discussed,
or taking any part in the work, might
bo reached by tho circulation of Tom
poranco literature
Ijot us aupposo a case, and, In doing
so, It noed not bo wholly drawn from
the imagination. When, during a
long Winter ovoning, gathered around
a oheorful tire, wife and children eager
lo bear tho nows which the day's mail
has brought tho father, in looking over
tho papers, finds one which does not
belong to his regular hndi'ot, h picks
it up and commonooa roading it. Il is
a paper published in the interest of tho
Tomporance cauae. " Somo ono bus
been kind enough lo sond it lo mo,"
ho soliloquizes ; " X am not particularly
iotorcstod in the subject, but X will not
be so unkind as lo throw it aside with
out reading it." Xlo finds an article
headed "A Sad Affair." Ho roads it
aloud. It is an account of a circum
stunco which had recently occurred
in a neighboring county. A young
man, while intoxicated, had committed
suicide. Tho namo is familiar; ho
knows him well. His family connec
tions wero highly rospoctahle; his
father was a thrifty merchant, whoso
timo had boon chiefly given to businoss,
and, though not ignorant of tho habits
into which his son was drifting, be
always lucked the lime or tho disposi
tion to take any part in Temperance
work. Tbo scono at the funeral was
vividly portrayed the mother and
sister crazed with griet ovor tbe un
timely and unnatural ending of tbe
lilo ol a loved son and brother who, had
it not been lor strong diink, might
havo lived to bo the pride of tho house
hold and an ornamont to society.
Tho picture calls lo the mind ol tbe
reader the fact that he loo has a son
on whom ho dotes, and who is liable
to thosame temptation. He remembers,
also, that he too has cvor regarded
the Tompcranco movomont as ono in
which he had littlo or no interest in
fact, ho has sometimes spoken light of
it ; but now bo takes a dillercnt viow
of tho case' "What if such a lalo
should befall my boy!" Ho pauses,
as if for reflection, and then with firm
resolve declares, " From this hour, X
-shall do my duty ; it shall never rqoro
bo said that my innuenco has boon
thrown on tho sido ot Intemperance."
His resolution is faithfully kept, and
tho Tcmporunce causo has gained a
useful member.
And this single instance ol tho effect
of Temperance literature, circulated as
it should be Into ovcry household, may
be ono among thousands ot a some
what similar character. Who, then,
will for a moment question the inllu
onco of literaturo as a factor in tho
causo of Temperance.
In short, through tho agency ot
printing, thosuhject might bo discussed
in all its bearings. And not among
the least are its financial features.
Statistical tables might bo made from
official and other reliablo sources which
would no doubt astonish tho impartial
thinker. Let tho books bo opened and
fairly kept Dr. and Cr. Givo the
dovil his duo; placo to bis credit all
the blood bought earnings of bis dark
caroor, in tbe shape of licenses and
lines, together with the profits ot tbe
manufacture, tho wholesalo dealer and
tho retailer : then, on the other sido,
chargo up a large share of the costs ot
our criminal Courts, our prisons and
our alms houses, tho reckless wasto
and destruction caused by tho ovil in
a pocuniary point of viow, tben add to
tucso the wretchedness, the misery
and woo that aro entailed upon tons
of thousands ol families the wholo
catalogue of crimo from assault and
battery to murder, bo frequently com
mitted through tho agency of whisky,
wilh nil tho dark and damning evils
growing out of tho same. Strike the
balanco, publish and circulate Let
the peoplo read and decide which iB
tho debtor tho peoplo, or whisky.
As my timo is limited, 1 bavo givon
in this ossay but a tew of the points
winch might bo given to show what
may be done by spreading Temperance
literature. Much moro might bo said
in its lavor. Lut tbe good work go on.
Bid in New Ksiii.and. In
Decrfiold, Mass., tbo Williams elm
measures In circumference, at ono toot
from tho ground, 2G feet ; at four feet,
l'J feet ; at seven foot, 201 loct.
Another elm measures, at the samo
olevalions, 27, 18 and 19 leet.
Another measuros 22j, 15 and 13.
This last named tree has a spread ol
100 loot Tho Williams elm measuros
in its spread at least 150 feet.
At Welborsflcld, Connecticut, there
is an elm trco which measures, at throe
feet and throe inches from tho ground,
22 foot 6 inches. The girth of this
troo whero the roots outer the ground
is 50 teot 0 inches. Its main limbs arc
great trees in themselves. Thus, tho
circumlbroneo of tho south branch is
10 feet 8 inches ; of tho cast branch, 1 1
feet C ; of the north, 11 feet; north
west, 10 feet 3 ; Of the west, 8 feet 7.
From north lo south the diameter of
tho eptead is 150 feel ; from east to
west, 152 feet; and the circumference
of tho spiead is 42!l feet. Hartford
'Conn.) Times
Tu it Jews in X'alehtine. A plun
for colonizing the Jews in Puleatino, it
is said, has received tho sanction of
that race, and has boon communicated
by Mr. Oliphanl lo the laullan, who
has receivcil tho project with favor.
Tho design ia to purchase 1,500,000
acres of land cast of Jordan, and to in
troduce a Kuropenn olemcnt into tho
colony. ' It is Intended that a greater
part of the colonists shall be peasant
tarmers, or Jowish farmers, employing
tho labor of the indigenous Fellahin.
Tho country is said to bo very fertile.
It is tho laud allotted to Keubcn, Dan
anil tho half tribo of Manassch. It ia
oxpocted that a railway will bo con
structed to connect it wilh tho Medi
terranean Sea, and probably a canal,
to mako connection witb the ltcd Sea.
"Ma," said an inquisitive littlo girl,
"will rich and poor folks livo together
whon they go to heaven ?"
"Yes, my dear, they will be all alike
"Tben, ma, why do not rich and
fioor Christians associate together
icrc ?"
The mother did not answer.
'Johnnie," said a man, winking
slyly to a dry goods clerk ol his ac
quaintance, "you must give mo good
measure ; your master is not in.
Johnnio lookod solomnly into the
man's faco and replied, "My Master Ib
always in."
Jonmos Mastor was tho all-seeing
The DfKPERRNcE. It look tho Lord
six days to create tho world, and it
took the Hopnblicans six days to nom
inate (iarfiold. Tha Lord rested on
Sunday, but the Republicans didn't.
A rlerrrvman asked a tinav lellow
7 i
wltn waa letanincr airfiinaa. a fence where
ho expected to go to when he died.
"If 1 don't get along any bettor than
now, I shan't go nowhere," said ho.
A pretty answer, was given by a
littlo Scotch girl. When her class was
oxaminod, to tho question, "What Ib pa
tience?" she replied: "Wait a woo, and
dlnna weary.
Tho Philadelphia Chronicle k nows an
organ grinder who is so suspicious
that he compels his monkey to carry a
bell punch.
A remark able career of social impos
ture camo to an ond not long since in
New York in the death of ono Haase,
a barbor of that city. This person,
strange as it may Room, lived two en
tirely different and distinct lives : in the
shop at homo ho was Darner iiaaso ;
in the great world of New York "so
oiety" ho was Uaron do Moiney, or, us
he was morefumiliurly known, "Baron
CailoB." Ab "Baron Carlos" ho was
introduced into what are called tho
best circles of Now York. Silly fash
ionablo women woro delighted to bo
noticod by this tonsorlal artistenfflurri,
and ho was generally a lavorito with
the females who woro honored wilh
his acquaintance. Carlos Bcrapcd the
chins of his customers, and Iho beau
monde ol Now Y'ork Blruggled to
scrap hi acquaintance.
In this way of mutual interchange
tho world and "Baron Carlos" main
tained strangely diversified but agree
ablo relations. But a timo camo at
last wbon M. do Maincy mot a cus
tomer who was noitbor lo be tritlod
wilh nor duped. Duatb, a moro ac
complished harlequin moro protcuu
in his disguises than even our Baron,
called in on him one day quietly, and
there was an cud ol the jest.
As Baron de Maincy bis death was
certified to, and a genteel tremor ran
through "society" ut the announce
ment that tho social lion was no more.
Indeed, but for a little matter ot
money a triflo in tho way of an In
heritance awaiting bis widow for
thero was a lime. Haase--in. beautiful
France, Murray Hill and thereabouts
might bavo gouo down to its grave, as
it wero, in ignoranco of tho truth of
tho impost ii re. But Mme. llaaso
learned that by a Fronch law it was
noccssary lor a wife to obtain hor bus.
band's consent, or show, proof of his
death, before taking a legacy. I'pon
this statement ot stubborn lucts she
applied to tho Supremo Court to havo
his death certificate altered to his real
name ot llaaso, in order that she
might present it in Franco as a proof
of her widowhood, and in this prosaic
way ot business was it that tho caro
fully kept secret became known. Last
week tho Court ordered tho change to
bo made, and Mmo. Unaso will proba
bly get her legacy.
There is something of a moral in
this littlo story of llaase alias "Baron
Carlos." It is this: tbat American
parents would do well to scrutinize
tho credentials of at least throe-fourths
of tho alleged scions of nobility who
present themselves as acquaintances of
their daughters. Old residents ot
aslnngton may romombor how
somo half century ago a cortnin tailor
in tbat city assumed after dark to
be a Count, aud assucb bad the entree
to what was, at that timo, by contrast
with tho preBcnt, tolerably "good
Washington socioty." This varlctcut
out and sowed breeches in the day
time, and in the evenings, undor tbe
sott light ot the wax candle, tho (if
ijiorno of tho Venetians, ho caporud
and posed as Count Sorncthing-or-othor.
A gcntloman who had met the
jester socially had occasion to call at
the tailorsbop to bo measured tor a
suit of clothes. In tho backroom ho
stumbled on tho "Count." The murder
was out, it is true, but how confused
was "socioty" at the discovory I Per
haps this person assumed to bo a
"Count D'Albora" perhaps it was
something else. At all ovents, had his
imposture and its exposure taught
"society" a lesson, he had not lived in
vain. But, as we all know, the exact
rovorso is the case, for Amorican "so
ciety" is as servile in its adulation ot a
Count, real or alleged, to day, as it
was filly or seventy-five years ago.
Tho Millars' International Exposi
tion recontly hold at Cincinnati is well
worthy the notice ot oven thoso who
may not bo especially intorestod in tho
milling industry. Tho Enquirer nows
papoieof that city vory properly rec
ognizes tbo gloat prominonco of Iho
milling and grain interest ot our
country, and notos tbo rapid advances
made in this business, within tho past
lew years, as revealed by the deliber
ations of this largo assembly of millers.
A few years ago tbe United Stales
manufactured only ita own flour, and
a comparatively small quantity ot our
ordinary quality for export; whereas
il now produces the very best flour
mado in the world, and more of it than
any other country. Our flour which
formerly ranked as a second or third
grado article in the markets of tho
world has, through rccont improve
ments, been made to equal the most
celebrated Kntopcan flour, and we
now furnish it in large quantities to
Kuropo, lo India, to Africa, to China
and Japnn, to tho Kust Indios, and to
tho various countries of South Amer
ica. Tbo npnng wheats oi tne unitca
States, which, until tho recont discov
eries of propor means of handling
them, havo been thought inferior, are
now recognized as tho best grown, and
Knglish millers say that they now
prefer ihcm to any thoy can procure
Tho greatnesa of our grain and mill
ing Interests may be estimated from
tho fact tbat thero aro about twonty
live thousand mill in tho United
States which employ not loss than ono
hundred and fifty thousand people,
and represent an invested capital of
$50,00U,UUU. Xb0B0 mills, il run stoad
ily one-hall the year, could grind every
bnshol of wheat growfl in our country
hence the importanco of manufac
turing all our wheal into flour for ship
ment to foreign countrica in order that
our mills bo kept employed. The
wheat export of tho I'liited States in
1H7!) was 12:',.l53,ii.l0 bushels, valued
at $130,701,079; tbo flour export,
during tho samo year, was 5,f2!,714
barrels, valuod at $2,57,730. These
figures indicate what a field the mill
era of our country have before them
a field which they ought not fail soon
to occupy.
Tho Enquirer rightly concludes that
the United State is to provide in tho
future tbe bread of tbo world. Send
ing abroad in 1800 but 4,000,000 bush
els of wheat, and in 1870 but 3li,000,.
(100, it sent In 1870 about 125,000,000.
In Kurnpe only Itussia, Hungary and
Turkey produce more wheat than
thoy can consume, but the surplus
which thoy furnish does not begin to
supply tho European demand. The
general Kuropoan deficit still leaves
Europe wanting annually 200,000,000
bushels, and of this vast amount of
wheat tho United Stales must furnish
the greater share. It is tHeretoro
ovidont that Kit rone must look lor it
main supply of wheal to tho United
States, and it ia also plain that the
growing ol wheal and its manufacture
into good flour are industries of the
utmost importance to our peoplo.
(Jen. Hancock is a twin. His broth
er, Hilary Hancock, ia a lawyer at
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
The effort now being mado at Car
lisle, thi Stato, lo educate Indian
children are worthy of encouragement.
Tho ultlmalo improvement of the In
dian can only be assured by trying to
teach bim, while a child, what is use
ful and necessary for him to know in
order lo properly appreciate and ap
propriate lor his own use and web
litre the industries und arts cf lhoo
races which have beuu iutluuiitod and
whose condition has beon advanced by
tho quickening power ol civilization.
Tho incalculable benefits ot oducation,
tho golden fruits ol modern soicntitio
investigations, which, through our
publio school system, are put within
tho reach of tho White and tho Negro,
havo hitherto been lost to tho Indian
child since tho last named baa beon
always Ibrcod to live wilh his savage
parents tar distant from all Influences
which tend to mako mankind wiser
and bolter.
We do not in the least doubt that il
is quite impoBsiblo to civilizo tbe older
wild Indians, but with their children
it is different, they can be taught and
mado, at least, to realize the advantage
of having a thorough common school
education. That this work, however,
may bo prpporly done Indian children
should be removed from the rough
Western frontier and put at a point
whoro they can be surrounded with
every influence likely to render them
amenable to law and order, and at the
sumo time provide them with the
knowledge essential lo their improve
inent. At Carlisle, in tho beautiful
Cumberland valley, tho young Indian
is furnished evory opportunity to wit
ness Iho many valuublu products
which tho earth when properly culti
vated can be niade to yield, and thus
tho youthful savago doubtless will
soon bo led to entertain a commcntla
blo desiro for the substantial comtorts
which he sees the pale lucos about him
so keenly relish.
It may be urged that this method
of disposing of tho much-mooted In
dian question is an extravagant
method. But it must bo remembered
that it is not proposed at once to edu
cate all tho children of the sixty-five
Independent tribes ol Indiana in tbe
United States but only a few children
year by year of each tribe trusting
that in duo timo these children as
thoy grow to ho mon and women may
bo activeagenuui teaching their rela
tions tho advantages of better ways ol
living. His Btulcd on reliablo authority
that since tho establishment of our
tlovcrnmeiit not less than $720,000,000
has been expended in the attempt to
control and civilizo tho Indians, ar.d
the result of this great expenditure,
as our readers aro well aware, is very
unsatisfactory. The Indiana remain
vicious and savage, and are in fact but
pan pore roaming over one hundred
and fifty millions of acres of land
which thoy do not to any appreciable
oxlont attempt to cultivate. Hence it
is thai tho Indian must bo taught the
lesson ol self relianco and obedience to
the laws. His real progress in knowl
edge and in the acquisition of wealth
must rest on tho solid foundation of his
own merit and industry. The Indian
and tbo Negro cannot be always bol
stered up by our Government; thoy
must learn tho lesson long ago acquir
ed by white men, namely, that with
out tho fuculty of paying for tbo mor
row, of providing for a roiny day, no
true civilization is possible. No amount
of silly Rcntimentalism crontcd nnd
fostered for political purpose by
scheming demagogues can prevent tho
inferior races from being subject to tbo
inoxorahlo laws which govern all man
kind. York Oa:i1le.
From tbe Kent (Md.) News.
On Thursday afttrnoon last Wiliiam
S. Walker, Ksq., residing near this
town, started for his farm.nearSwann
creek, and on tho way stopped at Mrs.
Dr. lticaud's, nonr St. Paul's Church.
On resuming his journey, in turning
ho drovo his horses' beads into a bee
nest on tho hanging limb of a trco and
in n moment the animals woro covorod
wilh the voracious insects and plung
ing in tbo most depcroto manner.
With the ossislnnco of C. O. JiicanJ,
however, he managed in a tow minutes
to Ireo thorn from the carriage, in the
meaiilimo calling for water. This was
promptly rospondod to and the appli
cation of a few buckets dampened tho
ardor of the devouring insects. The
horses woro then taken to the pump
and thoroughly dronehed, hut tho bees
did not Cease to hover around them
for some time. While detaching tbe
horses Mr. Walker was stung in many
places on tho faco and neck and fre
quently had tnwipooffthobocswith his
hand. Mr. Walaer undertook to re
sume bin journey Boon afterward, but
tho horses were so tromnloiis wilh
pain and tright that oven tho approach
of a fly would causo them to shudder,
and ho put them in tho stable and
drove home at night. If a boo' nest
had to bo encountered on tho journey
il is fortunate for Mr. Walker that the
attack was matle at that placo, for
without water the bens could not havo
been conquered. We congratulate our
friend on his lorlunalo escape Irom
moro serious injury. It was only last
Fall a year that Mr. Walter losden
lost two valuublo horses and narrowly
escaped with his own lilo from an at
lack of boos in tho same section of the
One (loot) Vote. "tionoral" (Jar
field's vote ir, Congress is recorded in
in lavor of the celebrated joint resolu
tion signed by Abraham Lincoln which
expressed the National gratitude to
Major General Wintiold Scotl Hanoock
"for gallant and conspicuous share in
the great and decisive victory ot
More than an average of the A morican
youth a self willed minister without
an ordination ; a ticncrul who resigned
from the armv to iro to Contfross : a
candidate without an election.
-"- . f n- V . - "
"Tuition!" exclaimed an Irish ser
geant lo his platoon ; "front face and
tind to rowl call ! Ab many of ye as
is not presint will say "Absent !'
Ml.mlt - ..;.t i v. . . l .. n t.
causes explosions in me lamiiy When
the old man finds it has been left out
oi nis collars.
At first Garfield a friends were blush-
imr at Artl,n'a eurtil hut. emu. A e.
thur's friends are aithast at Gsrfield'i
Why Is an elephant the most saga.
clou ol travelors? Because ho never
tnkes his eyes off his trunk.
' ' By m. lI Votjobwii.J"
"Kdueatloa ia a better safeguard of liberty UiaB
a .landing army. If wa ratraaob tba wagaa ot tba
aubooluasler, wa mast rale, tboaa ef tba rac rail
ing sergeant.
No man nreachea hia aermoo well to
other if be docs cot at first preach It
to ma own uoari. vwen.
Osceola borough will have six month
of publio school the present year, com
mencing on Monday, September 13th.
A. M. Buzzard, of tha New Wash
ington Normal Institute, will bavo
charge of tho Newburg publio school
for a term ot two months.
- '
Mr. 1). K. Hnttoif is now conducting
weekly examinations in his school, the
Lumber City Academy, as a test of the
ability of students to stand ibe exam
ination tor teachers' certificates.
G. W. Campbell has boon appointed
Secretary of the Bell Township School
Board, and F.oocb McLarren has been
placed in the same position on the
noggs Township School Hoard.
Three fourths of all ibe annual dis
Irict 1 1 1 oils mid certillruti s huve been
approved und Inrwardetl to the School
Dupui intent at Harrisburg. . Delin
quent utlieurs should take notice.
The School Board of Huston town
ship will meet on tha 21th of this
month to let their school. Applica
tions should be addressed to P. C.
Gould, Socrotary, Wintorbam, IV
Tho closing examinations of the
Kylertown Normal School will occur
July 15th, 10th and 17th. Mr. Emigh,
tho assistant teacher, we understand,
will open a school at Bigler as soon a
his work is completed at Kylertown.
Mr. Isftfid Miuire. of Murron. has re
ceived the contract for building tbe
new school house in Ferguson town
ship. The consideration is $482, ex
clusive ot seating. The Board expects
to nuvo il soateu wnn improveu paiena
Clearfleld Borough School Board sets
a good example in advancingtho wages
of thoir tcachors. Prof. Youngnian,
the Principal, will receive $125 per
month, three of the malo teachers $15
por month, ono male teacher $35, and
tho female teachers $30.
Last week we mado a visit to the
publio schools of Union, Sandy and
Huston township, and found them in
pretty fair condition. The attendance
is not largo, and the pupils goncrally
possess that stupidity characteristic
cf the worm Summer days.
Tbo directors of Ferguson township
havo let the contract for tbe building
of a new school house, which will be
located on the ridge road, near tho
Campbell farm. Tho public schools ol
that township will commence on Mon
day, the 2d day of August next.
Frank (K Han is, Fq , of Clcut field,
delivored tho third lecture of the course
heforo tho Now Washington Normal
Institute on Friday evening, July 2d.
Win. M. McCullough, Ksq., will deliver
the final lecturo of the course on
Thursday evening next, July 15th.
W e recently made an inspection tour,
visiting the Lumber City, Burnside
and Now Washington schools. Wa
aro really proud ol tho work of thoso
institutions, and think those who are
being taught in these schools will, at
least many of them, bo valuable addi
tions to the teaching foroe of our
The public examinations throughout
the county this year will be held dur
ing tbe latter part of August, a little
later than formerly. We desire to
have the directors and patron attend
theso examinations, and, therefore, will
not commence them until harvest is
ovor. The programme will appear in
the next issue of the county papers.
W. II. Lingonfeltar, the efficient
Secretary of tho Morris Township
School Board, writes us that bis first
duty, alter ton weeks confinement to
tbe sick room, was to attend tho organi
zation meeting of the School Board of
that district at Morrisdalo. Mr. L.
has been retained as Secretary, and
Mr. Toter Moyer, of Kylertown, haB
been chosen President, to succeed Mr.'
Wo acknowledge an invitation to the
Commencement of the Lock Haven
Stato Normal School, which occurred
on Thursday, July 1st - The exorcise
passed off in the most satisfactory man
ner, and are spokon of in tbe most
glowing torms. W. lT. Honsol, Ksiq.,
ono of tbe editors of the Lancaster
Intelligencer, delivered tbe oration.
Tho proud possessors of the newly
issued "parchments" acquitted them.
solves nobly.
Wo aro thankful, indeed, for the
promptness ot so many Boards ol Di
rectors in forwarding thoir annual re
ports and certificates. Up to tho 1st
day of July we received, approved and
forwarded to tho Department of Public
Instruction Ibe reports and certificates
of thirty four districts, leaving ouly
eight yet lo hear from, viz: Curwens
villo, Burnsido and Wallacolon bor
oughs, and Pike, Knox, Graham, Chest
and Woodward townships. W hope
those districts will report soon.
For some time previous to tbe an
nual examinations each year, teachers
get anxious for their certificates, in
order that they may apply for a school.
To all such we would say: Select tbe
district in which you cxpoct to apply
for a school, sond to the Secretary a
well written and scholarly application.
Then, when the lime of the examina
tion lor that district come around,
present yourself and, In th presence
of the Board, stand the examination.
Wo hope that no schools will be lot
until the time of tbo examination,
when we can consult togolher and bet
ter satisfaction will be given.
The School 'Board of Osceola bor
ough, of which ex-Sheriff J. J. Pie ia
President and T. C. Hoitns is Secreta
ry, met on the 30th ol Juna aad made
the lollowing appointment of teacher
for Ihoir public schools, via :
Principal W. A. Ambrose, alary
$50 per month.
Grammar Department Mrs. A. A.
Jolly, $35 per month.
Intermediate School Mia Maggie
Forcoo, $.10 per month.
1st Primal-- Miss Debbie Head, $30
per month.
2d Primary Mrs. M. H. (ireitl, $36
per month.
The Board has mado no change since
last year, which ia a just recognition
of the ability of those who wero tben
School Discipline. When tho will
ol the pupil rebelliously clashes witb
the authority of the toacher, the teacher
must be the mentor ol the situation,
ilettor a thousand told for bim to do it
without physical lorco ; but do It he
must, oven though be vigorously ban
dies the offender. When human nature
change ; when there i no more need
ol law ; when the policeman becomo
a superfluity; whon parent cease to
be troubled by the disobedience of their
children, tben we will hopo to see tbe
tens of thousands of our children
trained in largo schools without resort
to the rod. So long as punishment re
main a necessity in acme form, bow.
evor, let it be honestly administered by
the rod, and not with aarcasm, or ridt
cule, or other method infinitely more
debasing in their final result than a
wholesome and judicious application
of th ratan..-Sotfon Daili Traveller.