SallroatU. PeiinNylrniilnllullroiul TYRONE & CLSARflELD BRANCH Ox, ud after Monday, MAT 14, 11)0, the Peoeoogor Trelaa will run daily (oxoept Bua daya) between Tyroae and OlearBeld, aa followa , CLEARFIELD HAIL. LKAV SOUTH, LEAVE NORTH. Corwenafllle,, ..I.JO, p. .4.S0, Tyrone, ......, VaBBOOyoO,..., Summit PowoltoQ, Oaoeola,.. Boyntoa, ,. Bteiner'o, Phllipebarg,.. Gran am, Blue Bill,....,. Wallaoaloa,... I.OO.l.l 4.14, 4.40, 10.00, 10.13, " 10.17," 10.21, 14.14, " Hlrerriew CleerSeld, Leooard,. .... Barrett,...... Woodland,.... Bigler,... Wallaceton,.. Bluo Doll, Graham Pbilipebnrg, ..1.40, ' ..I.4II, " .4.44, ..4.4)1, " ,.40, ,4.IT, ..., ,..1, " ...., " ...4.SII, ..4.40, " ..4.SJ, ..4 04, " 10.14, 14.ST, 10.44, 10.41, 14.40, Btolner Boyntoa........ Oaoeola, ........ Powelton, Summit,....-.... Vanaooyoo,IM, Tyrone,. ....... Bigler Woodland, Barrett,.... 11.07." Leonard 11.11," 11.14," II. 14, III. 40i.ii .4.14, " ..4.S4, " ..4.04, Clearfield...... Rivorviow..... Curwonerllle, CLEARFIELD EXPRESS. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. CarweniTllla. HiverYiew..... 6.34 1. 6.34 " J.47 " TjTODO...... ...t.14 p. . ..7.44 " v aneooyoe,.. Summit, Powelton, Oaoeola,. BoyntoB Bteioer'a...... Clearfield.. Leonard, liarrett, Woodlaad Bigler, Wallaoeton,... Bluo Ball, Oraham 1.06 " 6.17 .418 .8.34 6.53 " 6.47 " 60S 6.08 " 6.16 4.11 " 6.1J " 6.14 " ...4.14 rhihpaburg Graham Bluo 1) .11,..., ...4.41 " .4.47 ..8.46 " Pblllpeburg.. Welhvoetos, 01 " .4.10 ,.4.17 " ,.4.14 ,.4.34 nteiner e, Boyntoa, Oooeole, Powelton,.... 6.33 " 4..17 " 6(1 " 4.61 " 7.46 " mgier Woodl.nd,.., Barrett. ....... Leonard, , Clearfield...., Summit V.nrooyoe,... ..4.38 7.13 Rirerview,... .4.44 Tjrono, 1.44 Carwenevulo 10.44 PIIILIPSBURQA M08HANNON BRANCHES LBATB IOTJTB. P. M. A. H. A. If. 1:00 3:14 7:00 1:14 7:03 3:34 7:04 3:30 14:34 7:18 1:44 14:36 7:11 3:47 10:41 7:34 3:63 10:48 7:46 3:67 10:61 7:66 3:07 10:68 8:01 3:13 11:03 6:U4 tTATIOKI. Morriadnle, Philipeburg, titeiner'e BoTDtOO, Oaoeola, MoefaaonOD, Sterling, Iloutidale, MoCauley, Kondriek'o, Ramey. A, M. P. H. P. M. 13:40 1116 4 30 11:11 4:14 13:14 4:14 4:14 13:04 4:41 8.66 11:63 1:67 8:60 11:46 1:60 8:46 11:40 1:46 1:40 11:36 1:46 8:36 11:36 1:30 8:30 11:16 1:44 BALD EAGLE VALLEY BRANCH. Ki. Moll. HoiiTKip. P. M. A. M. P. M. A. If . 7.04 8.10 loAYo Tyrone arrive 4.13 7.66 3.3.1 8.87 Bold Kigle 1.17 7.43 8.01 4.10 Julian 6.38 7.06 8.34 6.43 Mlleiburg 6.16 4.43 4.33 4.61 Bollorooto 6.06 4.33 6.46 10.03 Mlleaburg 4.66 6.33 4.06 10.IU lloword 4.31 6.00 4 43 11.08 orrlr. L. Heron Iooto 1.66 6.36 TYRONE STATION. B.0TWARI). A.M. Peeifio Kxpreia 8:14 WI1TWARD. A. H Plltiburgh Kip'ee, 1.68 Paoilio Exproii, 6:18 JoboitowB Exproii 8:61 p. . Dor Eiprou 13:64 Moll Train, 3:37 P.M. 1:16 3:36 6:34 7:08 Way Paiioagor, Chicago Bipreea, Moil Troio, AtloBtlo Eiprou, 6:61 Pbila. Eiprou, 4:33 1 Foot LIbo, Close oonneotiona modo by all trains el Tyrone OBd Look Ubtob. 8. S. BLAIR, mylT-tf. Superintendent. STAGE LINES. A otaeelearoe Curwenirille dolly for Reynold! Tlllo, ot 1 o'olook, p.m., arriving at Reynoldrvllle ot 6 o'clock, p. m. Returning, le.rea Reyoolda- vine ually, at J o clock, a. to., arming at uur woBivillo at 13 o'olook, m. Faro, oaoh way, $3. A ftago leaver Curwooirlllo dallj, at 1 o'olook, p. m., lor DuUola City, arriving at DoRoia City at 6 o'clock, p. m. Koturning, loarea DuBoia at 7 o'clock, a. m., daily, arriving at CurwoBivillo at 13 a'olock, m. Faro, oaoh way, $1.69. Alloghcuj Valley Railroad. LOW GRADE DIVISION. ON and aftor Mooday, Aogoat 4tk, 1676, tho paoaongor tralna will roB daily (oloopt Suoday) botw.ea Rod Bafik and Driftwood, aa follow! t EAHTWARI). Il.y Maillcaoot Plttabwrg 8:66 a.m.; Rod Bank 11:14; Bligo JunotliiB 1 l:S3 Now Bethlehem 11:34 p.m.; Mayarille 13:50 1 Troy 1:13 i Urookyillo 1:35 ; Foller'a 3:06 ; Roy. aoldivillo 3:33; DuBoia 3:64 Bommlt TobboI 8:14; PoBiold8:43; Woodoillo 4:06; Beneaetu 4:31 1 arrivoa at Driftwood at 6:30. WEHTWARDD.yMaileaTOa Driftwood 13:30 p. m.) BeBOtetto 1:04; WoodrlllO 1:16; PeoOeld 1:46; Bommit Toonol 4:14 ; DoBolal:35; ReynoldaTllle 3:63 ; Follor'l 8:10; Brook 1 1110 8:33; Troy 8:64; looyarllla 4:14; Now Bothloh.a 4:30 j BHgo JuactloB 6:13; Rod B.nk 6:14; arriroa at Pittaborg at 4:00 p. m. 4T- Tbo ReyBoldnillo AooonmodatloB lovoa ReyBoldavillo daily at 7:66 a. .; Bad arrira at Hod Bank at 16:60 a. m., Pituborgb at 1:36 p. m. Loavoo Pitubargh at 3:16 p. m.; Red Baak at 6:66 p. m.j arriving at Reyaoldavillo at 4:06 p. to. Cloao ooDBoetioai mado with tralax oa P. A I Railroad at Driftoood, aad with tratoa od tbo Allegheny Valley Railroad at Red DAVID McCAROO.Ooa'l Eap't A. A. Jacebor, fiop't L. (4. Dlv. FARE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO Bellefonte, Pa 43 66MiddlotowB .....M..t6 64 Look Uavoa I 74 MarUtU.. 6 56 williamaport- I 60 Laneaator 6 80 HuotiBgdon 1 80 PHILADELPHIA 7 44 Lowlatowa. ......... 164 Altooaa 146 Maryavlllo.. 4 44 Johaatowa.. 184 CowoBavillo 30 Philipaborg 61 Oecoola 65 Tyrooo 1 33 HARRISBURG... 4 76lPlTTBBURO 4 16 Ulucfllanfous. ARNOLD WANTS Shingle Bolts & Saw Logs. CorwiBivUlo, Jaa. I, '74-tf. BWW XkXXXjXj -AT- PRIVATE SALE I ANY pirtli in aoed of a flw Mill are honby in for mod that I will icll than oot M good - nw. eioni rtsioflki, o fifty'fovrixcu saw, llalllog, and all lb. othar (itaroa la good order. For furtbor iBformatioBf addroaa JlltiTIW J. PIS, Oaoooh Willi, Clooriold Co, Po, March 8, 1886 tf. CENTRAL Ntafe Xoriunl Neliool. (Eighth Normal School District.) Lock Haven, Clinton Co., fa. A. JV. HA UB, A. M.t Principal Thii School ot at protn4 oontUtoted. offri tbo Tory boot fMilitloi for Profeeiloool and Claaioal ikraiD)(. Buildlngi ipaolooi, loTttlrtK aad oomnodloai t 4Mnplou)r hMtod by itoora. well nntilatod. and faratrhed with a bonaOfal tupply of part wator. Loaatioa boaltbfal aad tuj of aooow. florroaadlaff ternary auarpatoad. Toaobora uporioaoid, offioloaL aad aliro lo their work. bifolplino, Ira bat biad, vnlfom aad tboroo(tb. BipWNI aiooeroTo. t(ly ooaU a wook dedaettoa to tboot propkwf eg fitadoau adnittod aar tlao. Ooami of ttadv praoerilpod bj tho Btatof I. Modol Hohool. II. Proparatory. III. Elonoa- U17. a v . Minima. kNvticr oooaiat I. AeadoKlo. IL ComnoroUl. Ill, Mult. IV. Art. Tbo Blotaoatary aad BeloaUfto mbm m N. fmioaal, ond todooto gradatiat UMrtla nostra HUto UiploBaa,oonrrTiBg tb following oorraO' pwauiBB a-gTTOB 1 vimimn iiii ociiiam, Urad aotot ta tbo otbor ooarooo Teiro Ntraial Otl Mt9 of tholr aUalaoioato. oicaod br tho hMiu Tbo Protaojtoal ooarooo aro liboral, aad an la tboroogbaoao oot inferior to taooo of oar boot .fOllrgOO. Tbo BtaU roqalnt a hlrbor ordor of eititoa. oblp. Tbo tlaioi doauad it. It to aao f tbo artmoobjocti of tbU nhool to bolp to Monro It hf ibthikdidb wjiiiirwT, enq foivitsai Maoatn for hor oohooli. To this ood It oolieilo yoaag per on 1 of good obilitiof aad good parpono thooo who doaira to Improro thoir timo and tbolr tol onu, at tndenu. To all tnob It proa lot aid la deroloning their powen aad abaadaat opporta- nin a-". ww4 paid iwor aiier waviag kiml, Vqt oatalogM aad toraao addnai tbo Priaolpat, BOARD Of TUUBTKISi Tociaouiaaa' ravaraai, J. n. Barton, M. D- A. 1. Boot, Jaeob Brown O. M. K w ford, iiniM bbhn. A. K Cook, oi, i. v. inppio, KK, at. r. Meuoraioal, Kaq , W. BukiB, JUUN A. KOBB. Tin TBctnaa. Ilea. A, O. Cartla. Boa. H. L. Dtabaeh, mib nom. mm. mgmt . u. 0. Wbal7,8. Miliar MeConalok, BiT WILLIAM BIO 1,1 rl, Pratl'I.Mit Boord af Trattoof, cfKekil HRRRIli, Vtoo Pnolaoat 8. MILLAR MoCflRMtnp;, lowotary. THOMAS YARDLET. Trwanror, Uok IIim,;Foo.,74.1yl6, WflffUatuoiK. ARNOLD HAS ADVANCKD Prices of Shingles, SHAVED AND HAWKD. Curw.n.IM., Ju. 4, 11 It. E. S. HENDERSON, UNDERTAKER UUKNH1UK, rBflfl A. nnill labserlbtr mo olTfln to tbt eltlmi of X Uaraiitlo ud vtotottj, on nprovlilml IpmIoUj. Uonftfter oil kiodi of Otvikiti ond InM.a oltl k A i. J I J. .A him rm Ty wu HBtjt aun iuii uiim m 04JOt FwMrraff 1ttenUi ttnywhert. I will farnUh Ibo looal m woll u tbt obtopoat ortiolM deaioMod toftiBtrolc All ordan loft oi tho otoro of Jooo O. Corrbr will rooolT prompt ottoatlon. For fortbor portlcaUrt, e.ll o or oaarvM S. UEriiKHbUN. Deo. to. We-tf. GEO, WEAVER & CO., SECOND STREET. CLEARFIELD, PA., oposod op, la tho iloro room latoly ooeoplod by Woayor A Botla.oa Saoond atroot, largo and " wwiwimti .(ooa oi Dry - Goods Groceries, BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEENSWARR, WOOD A WILLOW WAR8( HATS AND CAPS, FLOUR, FEED. SALT, 4c. Wblob thty will ditpoN of at roaaonablo ratoa lor oaab, or ozebaogo lor oouatry aroduoo. OEOROK WEAVER A CO. Claar6old, Paw, Ju. . 1874-tf. REMOVAL ! James L. Lcavy lUrlor Darehntod tho oatlro itoek of Frod. Sftokett, berebf givai aotleo that ho bu novod Into tbo room lately ooeapiod by Head A Hofrorty, on Second otroet, where ho tl propand to offer to we pugue COOK STOVES. PARLOR STOVES, of tho lateit Improved pittorni, at low prlou. HOUSE F0ENISHINQ GOODS, Gas Fixtures and Tinware. Roo6ng, 8poBtlB(, Plambiof, Oaa Fitting, and nepairiog rompi a apeolalty. All work warranted. AnythiBff la ano llao will ao ordorod aneolal If doairod. JAS. L. LEAVT, Proprietor. FRED. BACKKTT, AfOBt. Cleartod, Pa., Jaoaary 1, 1876 tf. -THAT ALL- WOOLEN GOODS HAVE ADVANCED ENORMOUSLY IN VALUE, THS rSXCZS OF 0TO New Spring Clothing 111 h hi k Low AS LAST YEAR. GUINZBURG'S -ONE PRICE i WESTERS II0TEL C0RSER, CLEARFIELD. PA. CloarAold, Pa., April 14th, 1444-lai. HOFFER'S Cheap Cash Sl?re- R(M)M N)t, TIIHKE, (IPKHA HOURS, Clearfield, Pa., WHOLKSALI A RKTAIL DSALIR IN DIIY GOODS, Oomprletoi Drew Goodi of tho Tory Utoet i lylea. ooaiieuDg im part of Oathmeroe, HuiehoMor Vaaoiea, Alpooaet aad all aaaaor of Fancy Dress Goods, flaeh at Crotoao, Mohair Laeton, PUlde, Droai Ulaithami, Droai Ptaetoi of tbo Tory htaat ityloa, aad ao oheop aa thoy oaa ho aold ta thlf Market NOTIONS, CnalatiBg of Oloroa for Goati, Ladlofl and mi mm. uoaa or all thadaa, out rrtnioa, Laooa, Poaoy Droo Battoaa. Ladloa' Tiao of all .aide aad etyloo, Cafo aad Collara, Hlbboao of all klada aad ojBalitloa. Merino Vadarwear, Trlaaaalaa, .to. BOOTS AND 8H0E8, GROCERIES. Queensware, Hardware, Tinware, Carpet, Oil Cloth, WALL, PAPER, LE1THZB, FISH, Etc., Which will ka fold wkoknalo or ratall. WiU Uko Country Produce la Eirhenfft Air fiooda al Markai Price. wu. J. HorriR, ( Irarlrld, Pa., Vpt. 14, l"T If. CLOTHING IWUrtllantou. FOR 1.6.Tblrl..o hlroa of 9 Hallaa Beoa which I will Mil ab.ap for u..u, u, oxon.oe tor wooau ror lurtber IB formation oall oa or addroH the uodonined. J.F. KKAMKH, NoJ,'T tf. Cl.ar4.ld, Pa. Thomas A. Duckett, -DBALKB IN- IIIRRXHY giro aolioa lo tho olllaona of Clear. Hold and Ilia aurroundliif rlolnliy that 1 am prepared at all lluioa to furaiah famllioa aad n.nur.clorioi atabllahBieBta with aaperlor Coal, Wood & Coke, Which I ant prcparad lo deliver In a f.w houra1 notice. I am alway. ready lo haul aad doliror Iroaa and to tko depot, or alio, aad mora fanillea and kouaobold gooda onywhera oa nunooiioo, 1IIUB. A. UUtKKtT, Oioardold, Pa., Mar. II, 1486-lf. JOHN TROUTMAN, DBALBR IN FURNITURE, ?f ATTItF.SSFM, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKIT STREET, NEAR P. O. Tha BBderalcnad beaa leara to bifonB lha oltl. aoa of OloarAold, aad tha publio fonorally, that ha haa OB hand a Ibo aaaortroent of Furniture, raoh aa W.laat, Chaatnnt and Painted Chamber Huttoo, Parlor Bultoa, Reollnlng and BltonaloB Chalra, Ladlea aad OooU' Buy Chalre, tbo Per foratod OiaiBgaad Parlor Cbaira, Caoa Sootaaad It motor Uftalrt, Clothoi Bare. ton and Kite. aloa Laddera, Hal Raoka, Borabbing Braahoa, it M0ULDIN0 AND PICTURE FRAMES, aoklag eiaaeeo, Chroraoo, Ao.. wklok woald vlublo for Iloliday proooata. oaoioia juun flBArr. Re-Union of Trade. TUB UBJereigoed wliblng to Inform tho publle that ho opeaod a COMMIMHIOlt STORE At the old stood In Troutrllte, Cloarflold oouaty, ra. oa ino ibio laou. wtta a run etook or DHY GOOD, GROCER I EM, NOTION,, Iloota, Shoei, Etc., Id fiot orerrthini to bo found in a flret-elaei itore. all of which I ant dotormioed to foil at tho loweit oah price. FARNERM AND LUMBERMEN Wtll Hod It to thrlr adraatanto do tbolr doollot? with me, u tho hlffheet prioee will bo pi id for Uraio, Bhinglei, or l'roduoo or any kind. Port or ooe half owh will bo paid. Trading for Sbinjrlei or Lanborof any kind a epooialtr. Alio, agoot for Singer Sewing Machines. Hortoff nadt arrangement! with Eaetera aaer- and wo. at I will bo enabled to eel) cheaner thftn tboobeopeet. J. W, CARLILK, i Trootrllle, Fa., Hopt. U, '7 I y. Agent. NOT AT STUMP CREEK. BUT AT H. LEHMAN & CO.'S Slore, ROOM NUMBER TWO, Pic's Opera House. CLEARFIELD, PA., Where H. Lofamaa A Co. hare opened a Tory largo lock of tbo latott aad boat atyloa of DRY GOODS, Fancy Goods, MILLINERY GOODS, AND A FULL ASSORTMENT Of Ladloa', lassos' & CMlron's S-X3C-0-3K-S Of all atjloa , bow ll tbo markot. Coll la poreoa. or addroaa H. LKIIMAN A CO. Cl.ar4.ld, Fa., March 17, 18e4-tf. BFBSln'B FORT GRAPE WINE Uaod la tho prlaolpol Obarohoa for Coaimoaloa parpooea. Excellont for Za&diei and Weekly SPEEITS PORT GRAPE WINE 1 FOVR fE.1RH om. rbla CoUbratod Nallra Wlae If aiada frost tho Jolce of tho Oporto, ralfod la thla Ooaatf. Ita Iaraluabla Tonio and Slrongthoning rropertloi ara naaraaaaol hy an atkar Native Wiaa. Re in I tao nare jaioa oi too proaneeei aodor Mr. Spear a owa poraoaal eoporrialoa, It. parlt, and ,aaalB0Booa ara flaraatoad. Tha voaBfoot obild aiaj partake ,f lu (eaoroae ojaalltiea, and tho woakoot laralid aa It ta adraataff. It La perUralarl, hoa4olal to tko a, od aad dobillta tad, aad nltod U tko rarloaa ailaaata that af reet tho weaker ao. It la la aor roopaet A WINS TO BB RKLIKD ON. SPEER'S P. J. SnERRY, Tbo?.J. lUBUKT If a Wlno af Banerior Ckaraetor, aad partakoe of tko goldea qnalittoa ot tko (rape fro, wklek It la atado. far Parllj, Blekaooa, rtorar aad Medlalaal Propartloo, H wlU ho foaad aaoaoollod. SPEER'S Ft J. BRANDY, Thlf BRANDT tUadjaariraM la thUaoaalrr. bei lar faparlor far aaodieal parpoaea. IT H A rCRB dlrtlllallaa froaw tho trap aad ooatalBJ ralaakla aaodioal proportieo. It haa a delleata laror, rlallar ta that af the rrapoa fraat wklok k to dlotilloA, aad la la (roof rarar aata trei-aiaai faaailioa. Baa that tha aliraatara af ALFRBD BPBBR, Paaeai N. 3., ia arar tho aork af oaoh bottle. SOLD BY S. 7T. OUATTAM dalr 14, 14T4-1. ANOTHER iv THE REPUBLICAN. CLEAHKIELI), PA. WKDNEBDAY UOHN1NO, JI NK .10, 180. " HEIMGA NG," or a. j. u. avoknn. Htimgang f Ho tho (Iftrmai. ponplo Whiier wbea tbey hor the betl Tolling from lomo gray old iteople Deeib'i fktuklUrlftle to tell ; When the bear tho orgRB dlrgei Hwelliogout Onta ehapel dome, Aad tbo ikogere chanting eurgtia, "IhtMffung I " Ho ! going ho tut. Hfimgangt Qua tot aad loader oajrlog la tbo grand old tJeraiaa tooguo That batL ibapad alelauobtbon'a praying, Aad the b-iune tbot Luther auog ; IHrmd io our looing Maker, That where'er our foot oball roam, Still wo Journey toward "Uod'a Aoro" "Ihimyang t " Alwayi gulog homo ! Ilttmgnmg I Wo aro all eo weary. And the willow, at (boy wave, Softly eigbing, awoetly, dreary, Woo ui lo tbo (ran null gravt. When tbo gulden pitober'i broken, With ill drege and with iti fuata, And tbo Under worda aro ipukon, "Hnmgamy " Wa aro going botua. THE SALARY GRAB. Another Chapter In Garfield's Infa mous History. TUB INCEPTION OP THE JOB AND HOW IT WAS WOBKID THROUfln THE BEPVB LICAN CANDIDATE FOB PRESIDENT ONE Or ITS UOBT PERSISTENT SI P PORTERS. Tbo story of tha oulury urub forms ono of tbe most disreputable chapters in all tho dmreputuble history of Amer ican politics. It was a sympathetic, woll-considercd, previously concocted steal. It was an audacious attompt to rob tbe Treasury. Mcmburs ot Con gress who had done nothing to signal ice their somcos members who wore never heard of except as tbo ayo and noovoto was called ; mombois whose principal business about tbe city was mixing up with bad women, iruttincr systematically drunk and betting boav- ly on poker, wcro prompt upon their foot when it was proposed to double pay themselves for services they bad never half earned. The commonest kind ol Jioprcsontulives; tbe seediest sort of Senators were in the scheme. Thoro were some Democrats, as we aro sorry to say, aolivo and earnest in promoting the success of a programme that, iu its best aspect, contemplated a deliberate robbery of tho Treasury. Our l)emocratio friends, for the most part, have since repented of thoir sins, become more or less ashamed of them selves, as it were, covered their tbctts back into tho Treasury, done divers and sundry things to make themselves roasonably straight with an outraged and insulted constituency. Not so, however, with JAS. A. UA lir J KLD, of Ohio, tho Christian disciple par ex celltnct, and, by a phenomenal combi nation of circumstances, Jleptiblican candidate for I'residt'iit of tho United States. Tbe story of this great sbamo is not easily told. It is not a pleasant thing to write. Thoro wcro weak kneed and woak-cohscienced Dentocints in it men of whom bolter things had been expected hut this dorsn t oxsuso Mr. GAKFIELI) at all. lie was on the winning political side at that time. lie was a prominent representative of the great party ot relorm. Ilo was looked upon as tho embodiment of high moral ideas, that were born into being with the gostation of tbo Itopub- ncan party. 11 was lhoui:bt ot tiAU FIELD, as a robust representative of liopubiican principles comma- Irom a district of Ohio whero Democratic in iquity never obtained even so much as a loothold that be would honor the drafts of the party upon his reputed statesmanship; that in a great crisis oi virtao, bo to speak, ho would be found true amongst tho truo, steadfast among tbe sloadlast, honorable where fow wore honorable, honest where honesty had becomo an oxecption. In this groat emergency, however, when the thieves massed themselves for a raid upen tho Troasurv. Mr. GAKFIELD was found wanting. II is Puritanio morality succumbed in view of doublo pay. It was a torriblo temp tation. If there wero less prominent statesmen who yielded to the seduo tive influence ot enlarged drafts on the paymaster, it was at least expected that JIM GAKHELD, tbe exponent oi all that was truo and noblo and honest in tho Kcpublican party, would on ibis occasion cloak himself with double mail and call to bis aid all the sturdy sincerity of character that is supposed to be evolved from tbe fault less atmosphere of Csyabogu. It was at this critical moment, how ever, that tho fortitude of Mr. (iAR FIELD broko down, and there is no man mora shamolossly audacious in the whole history of tho salary steal no man who went about tbo fraud with more unblushing self possession than the distinguished Representative irom unto, who now asks tho votes ol tho people for tbe highest ollico in their gift. It was in December, 1872. Schuy ler Colfax, who at that timo. bad re ceived no checks for his scrvicos to the Credit Mobilior ring, but who was supposably waiting fur something of the Kind, sal in tbo Mpoakor s chair, ll was iu the worst stages then ol the worst administration that tho country had ever experienced. Dissipation, recklessness and habitual immorality prevailed everywhere. With the ex ception of Sumner, of Bayard, of Trumbull, of Frank Blair and Jim Nye, in the Senate, and of Klocum, Itandall, Niblack, Wells, of Missouri, and Mitchell, ol Wisconsin, in the llouso, thore wore few men in Con gross who wore not "on tho mako." It was doubtless the most Infamous Con gress that ever sat In Washington. Tbe gems that shone conspicuously in the Senate wore ratlerson, of Now Hampshire ; Bimon Cameron, of Penn sylvania; Pool, of North Carolina; Spencer, of Alabama ; Ames, of M issis sippi; llrownlow,of Tennossoe; Clay ton, of Arkansas ; Harlan, of Iowa ; 1'omoroy, of Kansas. It was a season Peculiarly fit for strategoms and spoils, and onr noble friend from Ohio, blatant with relig ious profession and ofllcionaly promi nent in affectation of a high type of virtuous living, came promptly tc tho front as loader and advocate of tho greatest grand larceny that was ever perpetrated on the Government On the 2d of Docembor, 1872, Mr. GARFIELD, present Kcpublican can didate for President, reported from tho Committee on Appropriations a bill making appropriations for legislative, judicial and execulivo expense, which was referred to the Committoo ol the Whole House and mado a special or der for Docembor 12, and from dsy to day until disposed of. On the 31st ot January, 1873, the Legislative bill was returned by tho Senate to the llouso with sundry amendments, in which concurrence was asked. Mr. (JAIiFIKI.D moved that said amendments be numborcd, printed and referred to the Committee on Appropriations. Airroed to. On the 7th of February, the boat of mo proposed steal being still on, Mr. Butler, ihs model relormer of Massa chusetts, otherwise known as the Es sex statesman, reported from the Com mittee on Judiciary, by unanimous consont, a bill to adjust the snlarics ol tha executive, judioial and legislative departments of the Government. Fob lowing Is the bill In lull : That aa aad after the 4th of Haroh, 1414, the Preoldealof tho Varied Stale ahall reeel'e, for hla aoroloee dariag tha tarat for whleh ho ahall kara aooa eloeiai, tka aaaa of l&o.aos tor aannn, to bo paid ee.rt.r'7 at Ike Traaaarj I tho Vir Preeldoat of th raited fflotf. shall alio rerelTo, for the terra for whl.b ha ahall bo eleoted, tbo au n of 410,11110 p aDBUm (u for hie oerrloee, to b poid quarterly at tb. Troaaorv i aad tbo Chief Jn.tiflo of tbo Supremo Ooort of tbo United 8talea aball roeeivo the auto of 410,4410 por annum t and tbe Juatloea ol tho Supremo Court of ibe rotted gtetee aball roeeivo tho aum of 410. uoo por aa ouu oaoh the Strretaro of b', ibo Rer.Ury of Ih. Treorury, tbe b'eoreUry of Ibo Ntry, tbe Seorel.ry of W.r, lb. Srr.t.ry of the Interior, the Attorney Uea.ral and tb. Puetm.eter lloooral au.ll It.oov per annuia e.oh fur tlirir eerrleoai aod tho Spe.kar of tho Uuuee of Krp reMOlotlvae ah.U rcoeivo ooinpeeaatiua at the rata ol 414,000 peraaoum, and Senator! aod Rep. reaent.tlvea ia Congroaa, and delegate, from too Terrltorlea aduiitte.l to a feat ia Cungreee, tV eluding Smatur; Hifirtuut.tiM mad ptl.ynlrt ia lee orro-terond c'oMore... iheli rooeivoo im. prnaatloB at tha rate of go.iluO pw anoam, and la Uea of mileage, there aball bo allowed to oaoh Hoo.tor, RepreeeBUtivo and dol.g.te, ...riidiif lAoea a (A. W Me,,.,! c'weor.. hie aotu.l .1 iieneoa from hit ulao of reaidenee to Wiabint ton oity, at tbe eoaimeooemeftt of eob ralon of Congioaa, and return, to bo eerti4ed lo a bill of Itouta, to bo Bled aa a roaober. This bill was accompanied by a long and plausible arifumciit from the com mittee, showing wherein tho justice of tbo Dill consisted. It was a supreme moment. It was a timo when steal ing was easy. To doublo tho salaries ol Congressmen and mako tbo nieas- uro retroactive was as easy as rolling on a tog. UAiKIfcLU was not be hind bis follows in the avidity with which bo rushed to the consummation of this deliberate and inexcusable pillage On tho 19th of February Mr. GAI FIKLD, tho nominee for Prosidont of tbe Chicago Convention, called up this bill and moved that the House re solve itself into a Committee of the Whole on tho State of tho Union for consideration of the Senate amend ments thereto. This was agreed to by a voto of 88 to 4'X In course of thedebuto which follow ed, many amendments being orTcrcd, and cither adopted or rejected, Mr. Butler offered the following amend ment: "And thero is hereby appropriated a sum sufficient to mako the annual salaries of such of tho clerks in tho otllce of the House of Ilepresentutives as receive 82,501) and upward, and not increased in this act, 3,000 each, and of such as rcccivo S2,1C0, tbe sum ol (2,500 each, . and of such as rocoivo $1,800, the sum of 8 2,1 GO each, and of the clerks of several committees," etc. Mr. (1 AlIFIhLD, tho model reformer and economist, who is now tho Kcpub lican canuidato tor l resident, nomi nated at tho Chicago Convention, moved to amend Mr. Butler's amend ment by striking out (1,800 and in serting (1,700, so ss to raise the sala ries of such clorks as receivo (1,700 to (2,100. Mr. Butler so modified bis amend ment. Tbe bill was further discussed on tho 27th ofFcbruary, 187.1, Mr. GAR- rlELD interesting himself ofliciously in non-concurrcnco with certain Sen ate amendments by which the magni tude of the steal bad been reduced. l'endingfurthnr discussion, Mr. GAR FIELD slated that with reference to tbe various amendments which had been referred lo tho Committee on Appropriations touching tho employes of tho House, the commitlco bad in. slructt'd him to report, as tho result of its investigation thereof a subntiluto as follows : ''Thut the salaries of the employes in tho department of doorkeeper and postofllce of tho llouso, and drew hero about tho House, bo increased in tho samo ratio and for tho same period as thoso in tho clerk's desk, whose sala ries aro raised by this act." Which was agreed to. Tho bill being reported to the llouso, Mr. GARFIELD called tbo previous question on tho amendments reported by tho Committee of tho Whole, and il that call was sustained, he asked that gontlcmcn who wish separate votes on amendments may indicate the same. Mr. Duller moved that tho rules be suspended, and that the bill, with amendments adopted in Committee of the n hole, bo passed. Suspension refused yeas, 69 ; nays, 02. a Proceeding then to consideration of nonate amendments, the following, as an addition, was rcjocted, to wit : Pro viding after otbor salaiies that Sena tors, Representatives and delegates shall receive compensation at tho rate of (7,500 each. The vote on the re jection of this amendment was G9 to 121. I be House soon after adjourned. On tho 1st of March, tho Legisla tive Appropriation bill being again beforo tho llouso, Mr. Farnsworth moved to lay upon the tablo tbe mo tion of Mr. Butler to reconsider the voto bv which tbe llouso refused to I ogroo to the amendment mado in Com mittee ol the w bolo to the tlrst senate amendment. Tbe motion was reject ed 60 to 105, Mr. GARFIELD voting in the aflirmativo. In the courso of subsequent proceed ings Mr. Sargent moved to strike out that clause of the bill fixing tbe com pensation of Congressmen at (7,500 per annum, and insert (0,500, which amendment was agreed to by a vote of 100 to 97, Mr. GARFIELD voting in tho negative. On this samo 1st day of March, 1X73, a mcssago from tho House was roceived in the Senate announcing that tho House had agreed to some and disagreed to other amendments of the Sonalo to the Legislative, Execu tive and Judicial Appropriation bill, and asking a conference. Tbo Senate thereupon proceeded to tho consideration of tho bill, as it came Irom tho House. Mr. Edmunds moved to amend h striking out of the salary clauso al alter the increase of the salary of the rrosidcnl. Disagreed to ZU to JH Mr. Edmunds subsequently moved lo strike out all that related to sena tors, Representatives anil delegates. Disagreed to 24 to 36. On tho 3d ol March tho Committee of Conference having in tho meantime concluded its labors, Mr. GARFIKLD rose to a privileged question and pre sented me report oi mo uommiuooon the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on tbe amendments to tho bill. Tho conlcrence report was adoplod 102 to 95-Mr. GARFIELD voting with the other stealers in tho amrma tive. Among tbo ncgativo votes on this momentous occasion wore Sam. Cox, Crobs, of Illinois Farnsworth, ol Illinois; Wells, ot Missouri; Willard, of Vermont, who died only tbe otbor day; llawley, ot uonnecticut ; Mocum, of New York, and Niblack, of Indiana. Upon tho other side, votintt in favor ol what has since been universally condemned as a most outrageous measure, were such men as Darrall, of Louisiana; Kainey, ol South Carolina, Hon. Butler and a handsome sprink ling of avaricious Democrats. Tbo Sonato voto on the report of the Con- icronco committee was .10 to il. The Democrats who voted against tho steal were Tburman, Casscrly, Hamil ton, ot Maryland, Kelly, ot Uroiron, and Saulsbury, of Dolaware. Tho wholo business was disreputable from the start. It was bad in its inception, bad all tho war thronirh. Probably none of the Domocrats wbo wore se duced into support of the measure bare ovor since ceased to rogrot their action. Most of thorn bare dune works moot for repentance; but wo have never heard that JAMES A. GAR FIELD, who was on of the originators and always one of the most active pro motors of the grab, got down on his knoos to bog forgivonoss for tbo sin. lie proved bimselt a cornintionist in the mattorand gloried in bis sbamc. Think or it I Let it be remembered that Mr. Jamos A. Garfield, ol Ohio, was a ciomoer oi the Electoral torn missioa. If, in view of this fact, anv Democrat, or olhor onent voter can vote for Mr.Garfleld for President then, indeed, be must be devoid of all sense of honor and Justice. T11ECIUCAOO HOTELS. HOW Tlir.T PROFITED BV TIIK HtHtlll.I CAST CONVENTION. (Krum Ibo Cbluago Ttaaoe. Jua. 14. Competent authority ootimutes tho iiiiinhor ol strangers who visited the city during tbo days of the Conven tion at upward ol 50,000. Of this number the Grand Paciiiu Hotel and Palmer Uouso, respective head-quarters of tho two loading parties in tho contest, each afforded accommodations to about 2,000 guests. Tbeso were tbo bouses most taxed for aeeommo dution. The great influx of delegates and visitors set in on Monday a week ago, and remuined with us in largo put t up to Saturday and Sunday lost, when the sight soers becoming weary ot tho tuidy action of tho Convention, commenced to thin out. It was not, however, until Wednesday morning lust that any perceptible cbango was noticeable in the orowds at the hotels. Then a general out pouring commenc ed, and oonlinued until late in the ovening, wbon the caravansaries again assumed their ovory day appearances. The Palinor House contains 800 rooms capable of accommodating over 2,000 gueBts. To meet the require ments of tho recent boom Mr. 1'ul mcr added 600 oxtra beds, which wore placed in every available apartment of tho house, and mado lib eral expenditures in olhor directions for tho accommodation of bis visitors. It Is cluimed that over (17,000 was expended in this manner, for which liberal returns have since been mado. Tho receipts of tho houso during the Convention boom foot up ovor (105, 000. OI this amount abaut (74,000 wits received during the woek oi tbo Convention from tho following sourcos: Hoard, (51,000; bar, (9,500; restau rant, (3,500; cafo, (2,500, and bil liards, (700. As a notable instance of tho manner in which some of tho workers entertained thoir frionds, it may bo stated that tho bill of a promi nent ofllccr of Brooklyn, wbo came bore to counteract some of Itos coo Conkling's inllucnco, footed up a trifle ovor (2,500. Some two hundred extra waiters wore employed by Mr. Palmer during tbe rush, which swell ed tbe force of sablo-buod attendants to over threo hundred and fifty. As will bo seen by the above figures, the bar receipts of tbo house averaged about (1,000 a day, a sad common, tary upon the work of the politi cal evangelists. Over 3,000 people, it is cluimed, dined at the hotel on Wednesday last, when 4,000 pounds of meat were served and seven barrels of flour worked into pastry. At tbe Grand Pacitic the demand for accommodation was fully equal to that at the Palmer, and during the latter days of tho Convention exceed ed that at any other house in tbo city. Ibis house contains 514 rooms, which, together with tho temporary arrange moiits provided in tbo club rooms, billiard-rooms, and parlors, afforded accommodations for about 1,200 guests dully. Un l uesday last, tho Lonveu lion day, over 2,500 people dined at Mr. Drake's caravansury. ' "hile the management of this house dm not fool disposed to a (lord a comparison ol re ceipls wilb other bouses, yet they are believed to have nearly reached (100. 000, but a trifle less than tho ralmor llouso. Tbe Tremont House, with tho facilities afforded by 215 rooms and duo extra cots, accommodated about 800 guests, and retained be tween (27,000 and (30,000 for its la bors. The Sherman, containing 230 rooms, with lis providod extra facili ties, averaged about 600 euosU daily, and realized a profit nearly equal to that ol the iremont. It is cstitmated by hotel men and others who claim to hold extra facili ties for gaining a knowledge of such matters, that the Convention "boom brought ovor (100,000 to Chicago, and, what ia still more satisfactory, left that amount horo. la brier, the hotel men are uniform in expressions of sat isfaction at tho results ol their labors during "Convention week," as they aro pleased to term it and believe that tbo experience gained will prove serv iceable during the triennial conclave of Knights Templar, to bo held in this city in August noxt, when Chicago win witness such a centering or bu manity as she has never before expori enced. A WELL-MEANT SUGGESTION. Our contemporary, the iVrtiM.which sincorely dosires to bo right on all tbe questions ol tbe day, asks us whether it can be truo that James A. Garfield has been guilty ot bribe-taking and perjury. lo wnich we reply that it can be truo, and is true, for further inlormalion we refer the Herald at this time to the testimony embodied in the report of the commitlco ol tbe llouso ol Kepro- Boniauves Known as tbe l olanu com mittee. This document constituted House Report Numbor 77. Forty-sec ond Congress, Third .Session. Our in quiring contemporary will there find set in appalling clearness tho evidence of Gen. Garfield's guilt on both charges. But that report was mado publio more than seven years ago, and Time is morcilul even lo a cenvictod bribe taker and perjuror. People forgot Therefore, wo regard as timely and highly valuable tbo suggoslion of tbe Herald that tho pooplo of 1880 be mado familiar with the circumstances of Garfield's bribery by Oakes Amos, his denial nndor oath of the charo, bis immediate and torriblo conviction of perjury by tbe testimony of Mr. Amos and tho rocord of his guilt partly in bis own handwriting, Lis attempt to induce air. Amos lo commit perjury in his bohalf, and his final silence nndor tho crushing load of cumulative evl dance. Gen. Garfield is now a candidate for President of tho United States. It is proper that the pooplo should have all tho cvidonce of this case spread before luein anew in the most autborattre shapo, in order that they may be eparod that humiliation in tbe eyes of nations winch tbe Jleraid so torvontly depro catos. Tbe furtbor suggoslion of our os- teemod contemporary, that the demand lor another investigation should coma from Gen. Garfield himself, would also be eminently propor, wore it not for the act thai ineiirsi investigation by Uon fross was exhaustive and conclusive, f there wero any ground for an ap peal, any room for another invostiga. lion, any way to bring one about Gon. Garfield should have the boneflt oftlio chance to which evorr criminal, how ever guilt)', is entitled in tbo opinion of all fair-minded mon. When the Herald has refreshed Its own roeolloction of the evidonce taken by the Poland Committoein 1875. and when It has spread forth the facts of the case for the benefit or Its readors, in its own admirably lucid and concise mannor of presentation, both the 7er- ald and the Jlcrald't readors will see that the case was fully and fairly tried, and that the proof of guilt cannot be sot aside or disputed. N. Y. Sun. Increahk nt Wtiii KitipuvMTa Tbo total shinmenta of wheat (mm our Atlantic ports during the past two luuiibua were iu,lt,uil DUBUOIS, an increase of 3.635.946 bnahnla nr nnarlar 28 per cent over the shipments of the corresponding period in 1870, whon Iboy were groator than tbey had ever I 1 l r oeen Known oeiore. Tin GEABniRs The salary crab fraternity are awfully alarmed over tbe nomination of Gar Hold. It "stirs ap an old," etc. It la well for the DeGolrer candi. date that Oakes A met is dead, because If ho wore around he would fool Gar- fleld airain. HISffUanfou3. ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE. Curw.iu.lll., Pa., Jaa. 4, 74 U". FLOgiiM'SEIil WILLIAM POHTJ2H, CLBABKIKLD, PA., hlenafaelnrer and Dealer ta Firat elaaa H'rW FLOUR, CHOP and FEED, A II of which la guaraatood to bo of tbe Iret qoal ttj. Kilu-drioii Oora Moal maila a apael.lir I TrjUM ,rl.l. A Bargain t FARM FOR SALE 1 The aodar'algood at private e.l. that el farm allualod la UKAHAM TOWNSHIP, Clearlteld oouotj, kaoara aa tho ( IHI-IP JVfKJf, Ooot.lalag 111 aaraa, 10 of which ara alearod, aao aanoginereoa ereoled a largo rraae dwell ing houeo, I err. train, bora, and tbo atbor neooa ear. oulboildiooe. with a larva orehud. good water, oto. Tbo property will be aold on rerr oaot term, lor farther pertiealere iaqalre w. . Euuw:riuer, id poroa, or letter. PKANK PIKLDINll. CloorS.ld, Pa., H.reh Mta, 1810.-tf r. aoLica. Gl'LICH, MrCORKLE & CO.'S FURNITURE ROOMS, Market Hlreet, Clearfield, Pa. Wo naaufaotura all klnda of Fnrnltara for Cbambera, Plolng Room., Llbrarloa and Halla. If joo want Furniture of any kind, don't bur until jroa aao oar etook. IJNDEltTAKIjrG In al) Ita branohes, promptly attended to. Ot'ILCH, McOOHKLI A CO. Cloarleld, Pa., Feb. t, '78. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS t STATIONERY. Market SU, Clearoeld, (at the. Post Office.) TUB anderelgned hoga to annoaaoo to tho oitiaoaa of Cloarleld and Tlolnitj, that be haa fitted op a room and bu Jnet returned from the ally with a largo amoaot of reading tauor, oonaiating ia part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Aeoount aad Paaa Book, of ovary de scription Paper and Enrelopoa, French prilled and plain Pena and Pencil! i Blank Legal Papera, U.iji, Mortgagee ; Judgment, Sump tion and Proraiaarr aoteai Whita and P.reh meat Brief, Legal Cap, Record Cap, aad Bill Cp, Sbfr.t kluaia, for either Piaao, Flute or Violin, oonataaUy on hand. Any booha or aUtionary duired that 1 aiay Dot hare oa hand, will bo ordered by Irat aipreaa, and aold at wholeoale or retail to anlt ouatomora. I will alio keep pwlodloal literature, aoeh aa ktageaiaoe, Newapira, Ao. r. a IltrMfler, rood i will 1m told for CASH mil. or 1b iGhMgo for product. No bookf will bt kept Id tb futaro. All old soooaati Doit b MUlod. ThoM who otnaot iuh up, will pl hud oror their Rotot ud CLOSE THE EECOED. I m deUrmioed to Mil my goodi t nib priaM, nd at ditooant far blow that ovor oStrod in lou rlelnilj. Tbt dltoouat I allow my .utonn, will mako thtai rich in twenty ytart 11 tbey follow my ad riot and bar thtlr troodi from at. I will pajr oab for whtat, oat and oloTtr- Ma. UAH I Kb UUUULANUKK. LathtnbarK, Juuary 17, 1BT7. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, 8KC0MD STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS IN PURE DRUGS! 3bXICEaUDH22LlLEia3. CHEMICAL SI PAINTS, OILS, I)YK STUFF VARNISHES, I1HU8UE8, PERFUMERY, FANCY 000D8, TOILET ARTICLES, or ALL KINDS, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS for aaodlolaal parpoaea. Truaaoa, Sapportera, Sohool Book, and Stattoa. ary, and all other artioloa aaaally found la a Drug rJloro. PI1YRICIAN8' PRESCRIPTIONS CARE FULLY COMPOUNDED. ll.Tiog a large el- Cirieoeo la tha buainaaa tbey aaa glra entire aat faotloa. J. O. HARTSWICK, JOHN F. IRWIN. Owrlrid, Daaamher It, 11T4. II ARD TIME8 HAVE NO EFFECT IN FRENCHVILLEI I an aw art that tbtrt art teat Mrttai a Httla hard W bltaat, ud I 9,m 1m awara that tbt tonplalBt of 'bard tlta" ll wall nigh utrtrtal. dub i am to aiioaita ow tai i iu tattify tbt ftrtatr ud prort ooaolarittly that whard Matt" will aot tSaot thoat wbo hmy thtlr good froa at. ud in aj patrui aball ta uittiattd in It th trtt tf HOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES I hart fuodt tnoucb tt unnttl all tbt Inhabi tant! la tbt lowtr tnd of tbt county which I toll at tiotcdinff low rtttt froa my aaaaoth ttora ta M (I L80N b V Uii, wbtrt I tea mlwaya bt fownd rttdj to wait npon tnlltra ud tup pi; thta with Dry Goods of all Kinds, Saoh aa Clothe, Battnotte, Caaalnoraa, Mvallaa Dolalaeo, LI.ea, Drllliaga, Callooea, Trimmloge, Rlbbooa, Laoa, Ready-made Clothing, Boot, and Sboaa, IlaU aad uopa ati oi too neat notarial aaa Hade to order Boon, Reeka,, HitUaa, Laeee, Hibboae.Ac GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Ooff.e, Tea, Soger, Rtee, Melaeeoa, Flah, Salt rora, buueeei oil, riaa Oil, Oarbaa Oil. Hardware, Queea.ware, Tinware. OaaUan. Plowe aaa now uaauaga, nana, Bptaaa, vera t'alura- tora,vioor rreeeee, aaa ail aiaoe al aiea. Perfumery, Patau, Varalah, Olaaa, aad a gaaaral Mwnwni oi otaueaary, GOOD FLOUR, Of liferent fcranda, alwaya oa heed, aad will ha oiw we two rawooi poooiaia Bgaraf, J. II. MeClala'i Medlelaea, Jayao'l Modlolnaa "ww nniNM e mare, .oaa - J . w , . . . . . . .. - - - - r"-"" " "i wHfv ror waioa tao kl.ku, uwim lll k ..I J .11 J . .B. . r.. .... r'w OB BBBa aad hi aala at tha loweit eaarkal aria, Alao, Agent for Str.ltoarllla aad Canreanllla Threahlag Maohiaoa. oWoVCall aad oaa for Tn will lad ararythlag laaally kept la a retail a to re. . ,. ... . - . " ""UDRIET. Fraathrllla P. 0., 11, lirt. r,iB..-u- ' . On. square, 10 linos, . . . 8 00 A NEW DEPARTURE Twosquares, 15 00 ls Three squares, 20 00 LDTIIERSBDBG. 0n8fonrth colun,n' 60 00 Ooe-halt column, .... 70 00 Ono column, 120 00 nr cDivn aflmtUfrarut. THE REPUBLICAN, Pabliahad eren Wodnooday bj G. B. GOODLANDER, CLEAHflULI), PA., Haa the Larf eat Circulation of aao paper la Nurtawwatern Peaoaylvaula. The largo ant ooustantly increasing circulation of the Kkpubuoan, renders il valuable to business mon as a medium thro' wbioh to reach the publio. Tlrms or Subscription : If paid in advance, . . . 12 00 If paid aftor three months, . 2 50 If paid a tor six months, . . 8 00 When papors are lont outside of the county payment must bo in advance. ADVERTISING : Ten lines, or less, 3 times, . 1160 Each subsequent insertion, 60 Administrator' Notices, . . 2 60 Executors' Notices, . . . . 2 60 Auditors' Notices, .... 2 60 Cautions and Eatrays, ... 1 60 Dissolution Notices, ... 2 60 Professional Cards, & lines, year, 6 00 Special notices, per line, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS : IILANKN. We have always on hand a large stock oi blanks ol all descriptions. SUMMONS, SUBPUSNA8, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ART1CLKS OF AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, - FKB BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, &0. &0. &0. JOB PRINTING. Wo aro prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING 8VCU AS POSTEKS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, Ac, Ao., IN THE BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Geo. It. Cnloodlamlf r, Clearfield, Mrarflfld Connty, Pa. THE MANSION HOUSE. Corner of Soooodand Market Stroeta. I l-KAKKlia l, PA. T111S old aad aoaimodioae Hotel haa. daring the p. it year, boea enlarged to double lu former eapaetty for tbe oat.rlalnai.Bt of atraa gera and gaeale. Tho whole hutldtog haa ba.a raforaiahod, aod the proprietor will aparo ao poiua H reoaer aia gueau aoaBiortaaie while auyiog with blaa. or-Tho aBaloa Uoaao" Omaibaa rana ta andfroatba Depot oa tho arrlral aad departora of each train. W. C. CARDUN, July 11 17-lf Proprietor LLEGHENY HOTEL Market atriet, tiearBeld, Pa, Wm. R. Bradley, formorly proprietor of tka Leonard II.ium, harlog lo.iod tb. Hotel, aolicil. a abaro of publio patronage, The Home he. boon thoroughly rep.irod and aewly furniihod, aud gueila will god It a pleasant atop, ping plaoo. Tin tablo will bo .uppli.d wilb the beat of everything la the market. At Ibe bar will bo found tho beat wlnea and llquora. Oood eleMing attached. WM. S. BKADLKY, Way IT, '7S. Proprietor. rpMPERANCK HOUSE, KKW WA61IINUTON, PA. II. D. KOSB, . . Pora,aroa. Meala, lie. Man and horeo night, tl Ot. Moo and two boiaoa ovor night, Tbe loot of aooommod.Uooa for aaaa and bt..t Oot. 2a,'78-lf. WASHINGTON HOUSE, NKW WAS1IINUION, p. Thla B.W Oftll Wall k.J . L . tak.n by tha and.nlgnod. Ho foela ot being able to reader aaliafaetloa totboeowho m.v favor him with a oall. lay , l71. O. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. T OYD HOTISR -Li ll.lo Btre.1. PUILIl'HllUHU, PRNN'A. Table .Iw.V. nr.lll .,.k Ik- L... ., . . - -j - r,-.. u. mm mar awl aJorda. Tbatrareliag publio la invited too.lU ., ... nuuBltl' LOVO. Counly National Bank, OP CLRARPIRLD. PA. ROOM In Maaonl. Building, oa. door north of 0. D. Walaon'a Drug Slore. --ft- '-"' i. ... irom ..irerpool, Uooene- w.nU,HRuwf uunuon, r.ria and Cop.nb.g.a Alio, Drafta for Bale on the Royal Bank of Ireland .nrf tm.i..(.l R.h. -r T .1 JAMK8 T. LEONARD, Prei't. W. M. SUAW, Caihler. jenl,'77 DREXEL .4 CO., No. 31 South Third Street, Philadelphia H.1JTKKHS, And Dealers in Government Securities. Applloatloa by mail will resolve prompt attea tloa, and all Inform. tioa ehoorfolly furnitbod Ordera aolictod. April 11 If. r. . annoLp. a. w. abbold. i. a. AaxoLU F. K. ARNOLD 4. CO., ItnukerH and ItrokerK, Keynold.vllla, JefiYreou Co., Pa. Money reoolred oa d.poilt. Dlirnunti at mi der.te rata. Koitem and Foroiga al wayi on band and oolleetion. promptly mad. Keyoolderille, Deo. IS, 1874. -ly Urntislry. J L. R. II EICHHOLD, 'surgeon II e n t I r t, Uraduatc of the Penaiylrania College of Dental Surgery. OfSoa In reiideneo of Dr. II illi, oppoiito the Shaw Uouao. mchlS, '7o-tf. DR. E. M. THOMPSON, (OOoa In Bank Building,) .CurwenaTllle, Clearfield Co., Pa. moh '79-tf. M. 1ULLS, " OPKltATIVi: iK.HTWT, CLEARFIKLD, PSSN'A. rOffioo In reiideneo, oppoeite Shaw llouae. J) U.IKTU-tr J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, OLEARPIKLD, PA. (Office In realdeaoe, Seoond atroot.) Nltroaa Oxide Oaa admlnlatered for the pain aaeitraotioa of teeth. Cloarleld, Pa., May I, 1877-1;. piSffUanfous. ft wswk in tnr noai Inda Tanoa .mI t. ) outfit frt. aAddrem H. Uillct k Com nan v. Port tnd, Malnt. dfcl7,7-ly. TO b7fl Perdy tt honi. Samplti wortk Addrtit fitlnnoD A Co., PottUod, Maine. dMl7,';-ly. WJO Nk. a d&j t homo tlly mado. V I 6 Ooatly outfit froo. Addrtii Troo k Co., AugnaU, Maiito. dMl7,'7-1jr. SHOi:MAklN;-I fcoroby Inform my po tronr, ond monklnd lo Ronoral, that I horo rvmoTod my hoemokinf ibon to tbo room in Urohon't row, oror 8. 1. Snjdtr'i Jovalrj ttoro, ond that I $m prrparod lo do all Hindi of work in By Hno eboopor tban any otbor ibop In towa. AH work warraoted at good ai oaa bo dooo any. hero tl io. Foaitlvel; tb io ! tbo ohparteat ibop In Cloarbold. JOS. H. DKUKINU. Doo. 11, 1878 U. J.H.LYTLE, Wholesale St Betail Dealer ih GrocorioS, TDK LAHOKST.nd BEST PRLECTBD STOCK INIIIRCODNTV. COFKKE, TKA, Sl'GAIl, RYRDP. M EATS, Pisn, SALT, OILS, i)V EENSWAKK, Tl'BS and BIlCKRTS, I1R1KI) KHUITS, CANNED GOODS, SPICKS, BROOMS, KLOUK, PKKD. County Agent for i.onn.i..inn s toh.hcoh, Th.ea gooda bought for CASH la largo lota, and aald al almoit city prleoa. JAMES II. LYTLI, Cloarteld, Pa., June 11, 1H ly. The Boll's Run Woolen Factory Peoo towaihlp, Cloarleld Co, Pa. B II R N K II II Tl aot MOT BURNED UP1 Theettbaerinora hara, at groat eipeaae, rabalh a aelghborhood noeaeetty, In tbo eroetloa of a tret. ateoa Wooloa ManBfaetory, with all the modera bapreraaaanta attaohed, aad are prepared lo make all klnda of Clotba, Caoeiaearoe, Settnatta, Blea kota, Flaaaela, Aa. Ploaty af gooda oa haad lo bapply all ovr old and a thoaaaad bow eaetomero, whoa wa aak ta aome aad aiamlaa oar atoak. Tha baelaeaa of CARDING AND FULLINQ arlll raeolra aar aopaolal - alt.atloa. Proper arrangoaaeaU will ha mado ta roeoiva aad deliver Wool, ta aall ouatomora. All work warraalad and doaa nana lha ohortaet aolioa, aad by atrial attea tloa ta baalaoaa we hap. to raallea a liberal eaere af pahlla patroaaga. lOMMI POUNDS WOOL WANTED! Wa will way tha higher! eaarkal arlaa br Woo aad aall aar maaafaolarod gooda aa low aa elaaller gooda oaa bo bought la tha oaaaty, aad whenever wo fall ta reader reaeoaabla eaiiefaetloa wo aaa alwaya ha foaad at heme Bead, ta arooar eiplaaallea, altb.r la pareoa or by letter. 'BIB dUtirtSVH SONS, PrtlMtf ., f. S