Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 30, 1880, Image 3

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Terms of Subscription,
If j-iii Id within tbr noDthl...2 M
If paid trter tbre ud Ufor ifx nonthi... 1 60
If ,id ftr theiplrtloD of tlx monhta... I 00
Meun. B. M. Pittrfoill A Co., Ncwi
pTfr AiUirtlitug Ajcenti, 8T Park Row, eoror
lekmn Btrert, ara our duly ftnthuriied AnU
id Nw York City.
Itlrtliodlat i:pIeoiml t'hurrh -Rt. Ono.
htwr, I'aitor. Hervicel awry Sabbutb tt 1 0
A.M., nd 7 F. M.
falibatb Hrboul at 9 A. M.
Prayer Meeting erei-jr Wed dm lay, at Ti P. M.
Cmn: union Herric, flrit Sabbath of attry
month, at 10) A. M.
H tht C'leartteld M. E. Church R.
Chahux W. Uurjilby, Pitor. Preaching ararj
alternate 6undy, at 8 o'clock, P. M. 6unUj
Hoboul at 31, P. M. All an lorHed to attend.
Hreibterlit ChurrhReT. H. B.Butlr.
-Sabbath lerTlcei morning and Tenlnif Sab
bath Hohool at I P. M. Prayer Meeting Wedtiee
Jay Tanlng.
Ilapllit Churrh. Iter. , Paitor.
Kabbatb Schoul a! 3 P. M. Prayer Meeting every
Vedoenday evening.
Ht. Pranela' Church--Cthollc--ReT. P
J.Hhkhiiar. Hivire lervlce at 104 A. M., on
the Oral, third and fourth Hundayiof ech month;
Viien and Benediction of the lileiaetl Sacrament
at 7 o'clock, P. M. Hunday Bchool every Sunday
afternoon at I o clock.
Hrond Monday of January.
Third Monday of March.
Kint Monday ef June.
Fourth Monday of September.
tin or ioldihs oouhom ri.Bat .
Pint Monday of Jane.
Second Monday of November.
ruiLio orricKBa.
Pfidtnt J-dgt Hon. Charles A. Miyer,
Lock Haven .
Afittant Lam Judy-Hon. John II. Orvli, of
Attoeiat Judg$ Abram Ogdeo, Clearfield j
Vincent 11. Unit, uiearneia.
P rotkonotmrj EU Bloom.
Reyitttrand Recorder h. J. Morgan.
Trtaeurer Philip Uotti.
Hittrict Attorney J. F. McKonrick.
.S'Aerijf Jatnei MaharTcy.
thputy Sheriff F. I. Thomriion.
(,'otnfy Survtyor Samuel F. McCloikey, Cur
County UammiMontrt u. . njrirr, urnnw
ton P. 0.; Klah JolinMon, Grampian I'illi P. 0.;
John Norrii, Sr., Curweniville.
CommiMiomrrt' Clerk John W. Howe.
County Auditor William V. Wright, Clear.
nId; J..eph Oilliland, Three Run; J. 8. Nor
rt, Woodland.
County Uorontr Jamei A. Mooie, Clfirrleld.
JuryCommifioniri Andrew J. Jackson, Clear
fird, Wm. K. Urown, Clearlleld.
.f.prtntn(fnl of Public SckooUU. L. Mo
Quown, Clearfield.
StaUrof Wtifjhtt & MtaiurtiJwa W.Carlile,
offire at Lutbenburg Pa.
totirit Public John W.Wrl(1cy, V,m. Ra
dibaujth, Cyrui Gordon, Clearfield; Joarpb K.
Irwin, N. E. Arnold, Curweniville; J. A. Living
tone, UuHoli City.
Our Special column ii decidedly IntereitiDg in
a local point of view, and profitable reading to
outiidera who want to ine money.
YKM, Of C ()irHU I
"Will you ttike wheat, out! or c-rn fur lub
irriptiun V Wo are often inquired of In tbli way
by letter from patron who reaide at a dUtance
from Cluiirfifld. Wo again aay yci. The receij.ti
of a rcFpomible merchant or mill owner in the
vicinity, will aniwer ui Ju.-t a well a the ei"b.
T" illlmtrate: If any of oor patrona will deliver
uf a bug of grain at the mill of Joieph II. Breth,
in Cheit townibip, Horjoe Patohin, In Burniid.
Thoinni II. Forcey, In Graham, Wm. Porter or
Shaw', in Lawrence, or Brown A Seyler'a, at
hock tun, Vulcn townibip, and forward their
receipt for the amount, we will credit them on
their rcount for the lame. In tbia way all may
loon pay what I bey owe. If they will pursue this
oourie. tf.
BnT Advortirwrn and others will henr
Id mind that all articlei intended for publication
in tbi paper muit be banded la, nut later than
Tun ,!)-, l 9 A. M. Don't forget It!
The 104th anniversary of American
Independence will occur on Sunday next,
Hegtilur horvices will he held in St.
Anlrewa' Kpiioopil Cbnrcb, Clearfield, next
- m
The residence ot Mr. Thomas Mills,
on Third ttreot.i being newly weather-boarded
and otberwif improved.
wm -
Hoiitzdalo borough has a little over
2,0 li of a population, and that of Curweniville
ii ertttnated at between 600 and 900,
So far as we aro able to leurn all
the crops In thiliection give promise of an abund
ant iold, with the exception of grail.
(ieorgo M. ltrishiu, of Osceola, has
been drawn as a juror to attend the neat laulan
of tt I Ditrd State! Diilrlct Court at Erie.
Cleai field county farmers will com-
mtnee harvesting wheat thia week, which Is 41
leant two weeks eanier tbau in former year.
A special train on Sunday evening
took Senator Wallace and hii ton Huh to Tyrone,
to make connection with an eastern train on the
main Hi..
. i
The Clearfield County Medical So
ciety held a meeting at Oiceola on Wednesday of
lait week. It adjourned to meet at DuBoil in
September neat.
. - -
The Citizens' Cornet littnd and tho
the Orpheu Band of oar town will attend the
celebration at Oiceola oo tho XI of July, and
the former ft I' en lit Id and lhelattrt Uoutidale
on Monde, the 5tb.
m e - - -
Kxciimoii tirkets will he sold at all
ita'iom of the l'cnny Irania Railroad and Iti
Irancbea on the 3J, 4th anj 5th or July, 1SS0,
good to the fitb of July, Inclusive.
Oneof the lareand handsome li mh n
hid tree in front of Je lie Foley's reii lenoe,
on Market it reel, broke off on Munday lent. Ill
dettructioD wai eaaied by wind and wonni.
Notice. All mercantile licenses not
lifted by tbe first day of July are subject to col
'Wtion by a civil suit. This fact merchant!
should always bear is mlod, ao ai to avoid penal
tin of the law,
Don't forget the sale of the Shaw
llontc, and other property belonging to the ci
te t of lb late Judge Shaw, on Monday next,
July 5th. The tale will tnke place In front of
the Court Home, at 11 o'olojk P. M.
W. F. Uehor, Ksq., of lU-llelonte,
Court reporter for thli Judicial district, wis
united In marriage oat Wednesday of last week,
t Mlsi Gertie Butts, also of Pollef oie. W
eitend onr tungratnUtions to Mr. lleberaad his
Some valuable properly belonging
to the tsUt of Benj. Lanaberry, deeeafed, will
be offered for !) on the premises, In Bradford
township, on Friday next, Jul.r 2 J, at 3 o'clock In
the afternoon. There ar three different tract!
with Improvement on each.
Hubert Allison, a farmer of Wsnh
lug ton townibip, Indiana. County, was ihot and
killed by his ion James on lait Friday a week,
three of tbe four shots fired Uilng effoot. Bad
tamper was the oauM of thia horrible, witked act.
The murderer Is about twenty-eight yeara of age,
and Ii bow in Jail.
Nino or ten wagons put in an tip-
pearanco at the curb-alone market last Friday
mornlag. The attendance on the part of the
Granger wal better than lhai of the eltiaeni.
Tliej no doubt will get It regulated alter awhile
perrcver. We Mrred a three yeer apprewtic
hip befcre we "made it pay."
The editor of this paper, accompanied
by hi better half, 1 absent tbla week, attending
tbe eighth annual Summer masting and eicartlna
of lb Pennsylvania Kditoritl Association, being
held st Wattle's files, In New York Stale, Should
owr reader notice any Improvement 1b tbl I sin
ef lh RtcrrvLiCAN, thsy can attribute It to "Jim,'
our devil.
mm e mm
I'olitencss should bo ecorcised at all
timer, and sip dally by the erks and anlitanU
aboet oiirmercanttl MtabllihmenU when laiiea,
unattMded by geaOem, drive mp I their door
In a carriage or other vehicle. It I frequently
the ease on our street, that laJie have to get out
and la tbtlr buggy ar carriage tk beat way they
oaa thmlva, an) n temp I led to bitch and
aohiicb their bora, and fr qutclly tho clerk wan
biding behind tt show wiadew. Tbl kind of
wurk might do ! nctvllieed aommiBlU, but tt
shnnld not i lb rn hers.
A second largo invoice of Millinery,
ju.t opened, at T. A. Fleck A Co.'t,
"Worth their weight in gold" U
what "Setters' Liver Pill" are laid to be. If
you du&'t belie v it, try tUetn.
The Ladioej' Aid Society of the M.
8. Cbureh will meet on Friday afternoon of tbii
week, at the realtime of Urt. Dr. Stewart,
When tho 4lh of July fulls on Sun
day ihe following Monday, by not of Leglalature
paiied April, 1H73 , li made the legal holiday,
A. B. Shaw hue boon chosen a morn
ber of the Clearfield lioroufb Bchool Hoard, to
fill the vacancy occasioned by tho resignation of
Ueorge 8. Yonng.
Tho hoys and girU, hetwuon the
gel of ten and fifteen year, bad a very ploaa
ant plooid party In the grove aouth of town, oo
T hurt day afternoon Ui.
- - m m - - -
Vi ni lore are beginning to arrive in
tnr town lo ipend the Hummer. A number of
lady vUltori era gneeti of onr eitlieoi, and it ill
there are more to follow.
The last week's .hhuo of the Lwk
Haven tirmbit'egm ya that about milli m and
a hair feet of log! , belonging lo N. Bbaw Co.,
got into the boom at that place on the late rite
in the river.
Celery Plants. Krncst Bock,
Cleaiflrld, Pa, Las (-n hand a large- quantity of
Celery plant, and of the best quality, at hi
green house, oo Front street, whlnh ht will tell
at 76 cents per bun J re J, or one thousand for $S.
mm i -
We understand that tho merchants
of this place bav all entered into an agreement
to close their place of buiines on Monday next,
July itb, to remain eloicd thecntir Jay. This
I done Id order to give the proprietor and em
ployes a chance to celebrate.
im -a mmu
No paper will bo issued trom this
office next week. The next Uiue of tho Rrhi;b
licah will bo dated July U'h. Thia li an old
time custom with us, by which the ofDce employes
get a few dai freedom out of doora. Our sub
scribers lose notiilng by the omlsilou, a w give
(he required number of papers each year.
- m
Lint of letters remaining unclaimed
in the Poitoffioe, in Clearfield, for the week end
ing June 28ib, 1USU :
James II. Blyber, Charles Berry, J. E. Htmperly,
Julius Larsaon, Margaret Redden, John B. Stew
art, Rorey L. Vaabinder.
P. A. Qahu, P. M.
- - - mm
Oacar Mitchell, Ksq., has boon ap
pointed Auditor lo diitribute tbe money in the
hand of Anthony III), Administrator of th es
tate of Robert Young, late of Lumber City
borough, deceased. The time fixed for attending
to tho duties of his appointment Ii TueiUy,
July 27th. Those interested take notice.
- mm mm -
A class of forty-two persons gradu
ated at tho Lock Haven State Normal Suhool on
Monday, th 21st lnit.,with high bonori and
great credit to all concern id. Amng Hi gra lu
ate were three Clearfield county tenohen, via:
W. C. I't nti of Brady township, A. D. Wirlx of
Pike W. A. Ambrose of Osceola
Tmk Festival. Tho ladies of tho
Clearfield Kpiscopal Cherch commenced hold
ing a Feitival, for thi benefit of their Sabbath
school, In the Shaw Home building yes
terday. It will continue fjr several days.
A cordial invitation Is extended to everybody to
attsnd, and th manngen appeal to our cltiiens
for a liberal support.
S. K. HcrgKtDm, tho Swede who
was seriously wounded at Houtx dale, In the shoot
ing affray last Saturday night a wuk, was Im
proving at latest accounts, but 1 not yet out of
danger. Seven other partici wcr arrested on
Tacsday of lait week, a nd released on ball being
given. Some of them are Implicated In tho mur
der, and others are bald only as witneiiss.
- mm e
Mr. John I. Patterson and 1i. A.
M. Hill are attending the Commencement exer
cise at the State Agricultural College, In Centr
county, tbl week. Tbe gentlemen will act a
delegate to represent th Clearfield County
Agricultural Society In the annual election of
Trust o and other officers of that Institution,
whioh also takes place during the present week.
mm i
Death of Wm. Jones. Mr. William
Jon, shoemaker by occupation, departed thi
life at his bom on Tine itroet, In thi borough,
last Sunday morning, In tho u0tb yaarof his age
His illness was of hut few days ' duration, having
been prostrated by a paralytic stroke one day
last week. He we about the ol lest eltiien la
Clearfield at tbe time of his death. His funeral
took place at 4 o'clock on Mondny afternoon.
John Ij. Cuttle, Esq., Enumerator
of th Census for Clearfield borough, bai about
completed hi work, and wai at the Commission
ers' office on Monday and Tuesday, to make any
correction necessary. Tbe population of this
borough, wo le-tro from bim, ii about 1,810, al
though lb figure were Dot added up. W will
give a complete table of Ihe population of the
Caoius of 1HT0 and also of 18(30, as soon a tbe
return ar all in.
Successful. The acquaintances of
our young friend, Huston llartswick, of tbi
borongb, will be pleased to learn that fa baa
passed a lucccsiful and creditable examination
for admission a a cadet lo the Military Academy
at West Point, N Y. Uood luck, Huston. Sea
that your ear ar not slit like those of W hi taker,
B a good, Btudioua boy, and yon may eseepe bit
misfortune. P . fl. B careful when yon writ
to your mother on a half aheet of paper, to burn
lb other half.
Camp Meeting. The eighth annual
sossioo of th Juniata Valley Camp Meeting As
sociation will oummence on th ground at Nw
Urn Hamilton oo Tuesday, Anguit l'Hb, end
clo Friday, August SOtb. The grounds wer
openod for occupancy on Saturday, Juno 10th,
and all wbowlib to occupy tbelr tenti at that
time crd do so. Fieachingon tho ground vry
Sabbath fn-m July 10th unlil (he opening of the
Can.p Meeting. For olrvulara and information
a.ldrens J. K. Ithodrl, Secretary, Ni-wton Ham
ilton, Pa.
A Ikak 1)oy Killed. As n train
t empty eoul mr was bt lngputhud oo the siding
at tbe Morrisiiale ininel, thi connty, on lent
Wednesday afternoon, draf uiul, named Robort
Hi'llobiugb, axed ah ut lei years, was atrnck
aud o serloutly injured as tu oaua his death lo
the course of btilf an hour. Tbe lad was walk-
tig io Ihe trsek ahead of the approac-hiug train,
the engine beiDg Id the roar, pushing, and al
thongh those on the train made every eff.irt to
gaio the boy'i attention and cause him to get
out of tho way, It was all lo vain.
mm m i
The Town Council of IJrookvillo
recently pissed an ordinance, making It a mini
mcanor for persons owning oowi to allow them to
ru at larg from S o'clock in the vnlng to 0 Id
tho morning, unler th penalty of $2 for oach
offeno,and ftrtter of cost If the cow ti Impounded.
Thi mov could he imitated with happy re
mits In tbl eominunity. tt I certainly a great
nuifanoe and annoyance that our eitltem should
not tolerat to have oowi rnnning at large during
th night, breaking and befouling IJ walk,
opening gatei, breaking fences, destroying shrub
bery and demur log gardeni, t3. tearing down
In oo eight what it will take all Hammer to
Out ItoRouou Schools. At a moot-
of th Clearfield Borough School Board, la th
Leonard Bchool building, oo Tuesday morning,
the folio lug named peraoni were selected to
teach in our borough school th approaching
W Inter term, vi :
Principal Prof. B. C. Youngman.
1st Assistant Frank G. Harris.
2d Assistant Malt. Savage,
No, 1 Primary L. K Weber.
No. S Primary W. K. Tat.
No. 1 Primary Miss Carrie Flegal.
No. 4 Primary To bo supplied.
The last mentioned, N. 4 Primary, will be
held la th Academy building. Th time of
opening Ihe reboots and lrgth of th term has
not yet been determined.
On My I The licynoldsvillo Voprr
aaa tak exception to the KaruBkiciB' Item,
wblcb we published e few wsek'i ago, t regard
to th "hash" that appeared a tho first page of
hi aheet, and ho eouateri n byeopilngn
oale oo wkieh b "murder" by leaving ul
several word. Tho Mntrae Is a follow, tb
word omitted being endued la bracket: "In
thi way all may eoon pay what they ow, If
they will pursue this coarse."
What tbe profound (?) erltlc's objection 1st
the above language bo do ant itat, for
h knows It i eorrecL It li certainly more ele
gant and correct than hi learned aroductloa,
which oo not a de with tbl sentence i "Clearflstd
oouaty eiai lo to 1 ret such eae! editor, but he
wouldn't llr long In Jefferso. No, it th at
phro affect all I Ik tho Mmpl before tf
W doa't think II la healthy In JerTrna Bounty,
poHilly la fttynnHsvilm,
Clothe, cuHHimerc and tailor's trim
mingt, at 11, A. Kratier'i. June 16-3t.
mm . .
11. A. Krtttzor is agent for Richard
eon' Elm Ira Uooti and shoe, and Carliile fin
ahoe for ladle.
M 'Dr. Lindsoy'g illood Searcher1
cnrd my sob of ryiiplai." Mr. K. Suisltitr,
Larimer, Pa,
Dr. J. M. Slewart will be absent
from hi office Id Clearfield, from Thursday, July
1st until th fitb, Inelualr.
Motto framus, with glass, buck and
orew-oyei, an ooupiat, for a cents, at Jaok
son's, one door eat of Moiiop's Store.
mm a mmm -
M rs. Mury E. Shaw and W. W. Holts,
Eio,., bav boen appointed Administrators of tb
stata of Archy II. Sbaweocastd, late ol Law
rone towtihip.
. mm e ow
IIuy Your Mill Now! We aro tho
proprietor! of a Saw M ill, eomplet Id every par
ticular, which we will Mil very ehsap. For par
tioular, addres K. A. W. D. BIGLKR, Clearfield, Penn'a,
mm awi -
Two children in Trumbull county,
Ohio, wer oolitely eurtd of non-retention of
urioo by taking Baroima, prepared by B. K
ThompioD, Tituivlll, Pa.
For sal by all druggist In Clearfield, and
Joseph Seylsr Son, Lutbersbnrg, Pa. St
mm e e
New Standard Sinoer Sewing Ma-
CIiihea for 130. Each with oaator, drop leaf
three drawers, half cabinet, wind bobbin without
running machine, and Warranted for Fir Years.
Remington Maobioor, sm description, $-t0
acb. New Centennial, $15 each. Call before
buying elsewhere. J. B. n ardrr,
j10-4t Clearfield, Pa
- - i mm
New Daily Stage Link. James L.
Leavy baa succeeded in baying a dally mail eatab
1 lined between Clear fluid and Peon field, and will
hereafter run a dally atage between the two points.
Ilia contract began with April 1st, and tbe stage
willlear ilearflald ovary morning (except Sun
day) at I o'clock, making connections with all
trains on the Low Qrmdo Railroad at Tennfield, re
turning after th Inat train th sam evening.
Passengers and freight will be carried at low ratea,
Orders left at any of tb hotel will be attended
to. IflaprTV-lf
Farmers, Look Here! Lytic will
give you highest market prices for Wheat, Oats,
Corn, Buckwheat, Butter, Eggs, Onions, Apples,
dried fruits, and all kind of produce. He has
the laigeitand be it selected slock of grocer in,
teas, cofftci, molasses, spices, oil salt, augar,
quecnawarc, tub, bucketi, basket, oburos, Ac,
in Clearfield oounty. II buys his goods In large
quantities fro in manufacturers and first bandi
for cash, and takrs tb advantage of all
discounts, aod io bo la nabld to sell at lowest
price. He givci oash prists for produce, and sells
bis goods at tho lowest price la the oounty.
ipt-24-'7 If
The Democratic Primary Kleciien will cocur
thia year on the 18tb of September. It will,
therefore, be in order to announce lh Dame of
candidates on and after the 4th day of Augnit.
Our fi for announcing candidates will be as fol
low :
CongreM $!
A ieuj My H IS
ProthonoMtry 10
Rcgiiter and Recorder 8
County Surveyor t 5
This will Include tbe printing or 12,000 tickets
Bod the nee Mary blanks for holding the Primary
Election. No name will be announced unlet the
cash accompanies tbe order. Si
Tub Fire Crackers. The OuJiois
Courier, In alluding to ibia much debated ques
tion, gives ihe law relating to tb ue of Ore
cracker, rooketi, etc. It ii ai follow:
"If any sorion or person whatsoever, In any
county, tow or borough in tbia province already
built and settled, or hereafter to be built and set
tled, not hitberto restricted nor provided for by
our laws e
shall make or cause to be made, or sell
or otter, or offer for sale, any squibs, rockets, or
other fire works within any of the said towns er
boroughs, without the Governor's special per
mission for tbe lame, every person or persona so
offering shall be subject to the like penalties
and forfeitures, and to be recovered io like man
ner a in an aot entitled 'Ad act for preventing
accident that may happen by fir,' are directed to
be levied and recovered."
Clearfield Coal Trade. State
ment of Coal and other freight aent ovr tb
Tyrone A Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Rail
road, fur the week ending Jan IVtb, 1880, and
th lain time last year i
For the week
Heme time last year..
M Sn,0&
, fi81,78B
Previously during year
Same time last year
Total in 1880
Same time last ytar
Lumber .
Miscellaneous freight H
,.178 car.
..U'. "
Till Keht. Tho wonderful returns
made by th Equitable Life Anuraoca Society
are Dluatrated by th many letters expressive of
satisfaction, written by tb polloy-bolden to tb
company. Th following 1 a fair xampl :
York, Main, March 3d, I860.
J. F. Clark, F.sq., Agent, Portland.
Dear Sir i I note with pleasure tho rriult of
my inmrancoby the Equitable Arsnranoe Society
under my Tontine policy, No. 40.UIV. 1 harejpaid
$.1,076.00, and for this you hav carried an insur
ance uf ti.COO on me for eleven yeara, and yon
now offer me canb f:i,44.80, or tMQ.ib more
than I bar paid you. Scoffer at life Insurance
should not thea reaulta and insure Id th
Kquitable. Your truly,
With such dividends It i not aurpriilng that
the Kqultabl doe ao larg a buiinei. All it
policies beoom Incontestable after three yean,
and no company ia tb country ha a wide a
reputation for th prompt and lull payment of
dealb claim.
R. M. MoEnally, District Agent, ClcarfialJ, Pa.
Office in Shaw'a Row.
W. H. RAWitroRn, Agmt, Osceola.
I. K. Moorr, Agent, Curweniville.
J. Hiuii.roR, Agent, Lutherabarg.
jiino 16 4t
Before another tmue of th Ci.barvirld Ra-
ptiBi.ii-Ai appear, ibo 4th of July, IS SO, will
bav passed and the event pot on record. It
now seems very evident that th patriotically
Inclined cltixan of our town will be compelled
to go abroad to oelebrale the approaching anni
versary of oar National Fndepondenc that 1,
if they wish to do It with enthusiasm. It perhaps
Is just as well ; for th sodat portion of our peo
will be rid of th anxiety, labor and an d aye ae
incident to th preparation niceiiary for ao oo
cailon of this character. If we don't wish to vlilt
any of the neighboring town celebrating the day
mentioned below, or to din with any of our
neighbors at hom, wa can set down to a feast of
seasonaM detlcatlti within tho domaiti precinct
ef th family otrcle, inch a new potatoes, fresh
gretn pea, cherry pie, etc, an 1 hav a good
tim all by oarielrei, after which we can read
tho "Declaration of Independence," or have
other road tt to as, aad sing th "Star Bpanglad
Banner," 'Yank Doodle or bavombody als
Ing them for ar, and wo will be oontented and
feel a well satisfied a though w had wilnasicd
a graad Fourth of July olebratioa at th Centen
nial ground, Philadelphia, or at Bostoa.
The 4th falling on Sunday this year, in lem
localities Batarday, tbe Sd, will be duly observed,
while) other will prefer to oelebrato on Monday,
tbe itb.
W under tend that th ltiio of New Wash
ington and vicinity ar going to eelehrala a
Saturday next In fiae ityta, whew Wm. U. Mo
Collough, Eiq., of this place, and lion. Harry
Whit will deliver add reus. Various klodi of
amBiemoDti will be provided for thoi desiring
anything of th kind.
Uioeola will also eelebral oa tb 3d under Ihe
ausploe of th Cornet naod of that place.
DuDol and lloalsdal will give vent to their
patrioliam oa Monday th 6th . At Ilontidel
tbey Intend having a gnuia old sty I pleaie
and celebratloa, A parade la tb forenoon, an
oration by Thomas It. Murray, Bsq., of Clear
field, amusement of various kind during tho
day, aud a grand xblbliloa of Are work la th
venlog will eoaelad tb feitlvltle f th day.
Th Orpheu i Cornet Baad 1 this plac hai been
n gaged tad will furs lib th music for lb
TbeeiUua ef Penfleld aad vicinity will m
brat oa Monday (lb th.) Hon. T. J, McCul
lough.of Clearflvld, ha been ngaged a orator
of tbt day. Tb Coram it te of Arrangemenlt,
composed of Jam L. Boofield, Dr. J. 11. Kline,
Warren Letts and t. O, Bowman, ar making all
nee nary preparatloa to hav a graad Urn oo
th day lad mated, and visitors from abroad at
oor 1 1 ally larlud to go Bad partlelpat hi tho
oelobraiioa. Oood musle will be famished hy
StriBi and Bras Band.
May all erjoy themnlrefl at tb tim aad
plac above mentioned, aad may aolhleg eeowr
la aiafa Bay regret or Interfere with tb happl
ni of thin tBfaged, 1 th wlak of this Journal.
Sub Umbrellas, Farasols and Fans,
Juit reoeirsd, at T. A. Fleck Co,'.
Call and boo T. A. Fleck & Co.'s
new Lwa ad Banting.
Carpets, oil cloths, window shades
and lac curtain. A large assortment always to
be had at fair prices at U. A. Kralisr'i.
Ititu il.n Kola Tin nhnna fnr vnnr
cbildrao, at 11. A. K raiser', 0 lea rile Id. Tb
bast thing out. Call and tnem.
Ladies call and look through our
Millinery Department before baying cliswber.
Our prices r low, Rispeetfully,
T. A. FutcE A Co.
Seo a woman on norsoback in anothor
column, riding near Spoor's Vineyards, with a
bunch of Grape from which S peer's Port Urip
Win la mad, that I so highly eiteomed by the
medical profession for the uieof Invalid, weakly,
persons and (h aged. Sold by E. W. Graham,
Draggiit, Clearfield, Pa. jly-U '7B tf.
A Fact. An advertisement inserted
lo tb HnruBLioAB will reach more readers than
if published In all th other papen In th conn
ty.and cost th advrtist lem than on-balf
In other words, as advertisement published la
our Journal 1 worth doubl th pric of that
charged by any thr publiibar in th county,
'It I a foot." tf.
T. A. Fleck, of the firm of T. A.
Fleck A Co., hi just returned from New York
and Philadelphia, altor purchasing a large stock
of Summer goods, embracing tho latest style In
Lawns, Buntings, I'arar&li,SuB Umbrellas, Faaa,
and a large new lot iflllioiry. Among the
latter, ar sum choice new aty tea. W invite
our lady patrons to call and for themielvts.
No trouble to show goods. Iteipootfully,
T. A. Flick A Co.
Dr. M. M. Fan ?rr, Frsdonl, N. Y.,
Dear Sir : I have beca mine your Blood and
Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic during the past
few week, and desire to say that I like it. I find
it anmirablv adapted to Ibe purposes for waicu
yoa recommend tt. It Is an ex oil lent remedy for
the biliousness usually Incident to the change
from Winter to Spring, luOiotently phyiioing and
yet not debilitating a tbe marourl) remedies
are, but strengthening, Initoad.
Truly youri, vr, mcmhstrt.
june la-Jt.
Dr. Fconer'i Blood anil Liver Remedy and
Nerve Tonio may well bo called "Tho conquer
ing hero" of th time. It Ii tbe medical triumph
of tb age. Whoever ha "the blue" should lake
It for It regulate and roitorci th disordered
system that gives rite to them. It always ourei
BilloBineia and Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyi-
pepiia, Comtipattoa, Headache, Fever a&d
Ague, Sploea Enlargements, Scrofula, Erysipelas,
Pimple, Blotcbe and all skin Eruptions and
Blood Disorders ; Swelled Limbs and Dropsy j
Sleepleisneis, Impaired Nerve and Nervous De
bility) Restore fleih and strength whan Ui iji-
tern 1 ruLnlng down or going Into decline j cures
Female Weakness and Chronic Rheumatism, and
relieves Chronic Bronchitis, and all Lung and
Throat difficult!. It does these thing by itrik
ing at the root of diacai and removing it caaiei.
Dr. Feonar'a Improved Cough Honey will re
lieve any oongb in on hour. Try a sample bottle
at teu cents.
Dr. Fencer's Ueldoa Relief cures any pain, as
Tooth-ache, Neuralgia, Colio or Headache la five
to thirty minute, and readilj relieves 11 heu ma
il m, Kidney Complaint, Diarhoca, etc.
Dr. Fonner's SL Vitas Dance Specific. One
botU alway cares.
For l by llartswick A Irvln, Druggists,
Clearfield, Pa. aug-S7-tf.
Proceedings of the Grampian Tem
perance Union.
G mum II i li b, June 16th, 1880.
Convention wai called to order at )0 o'clock, A.
M., by th temporary Chairman, B. C. Widemlr. ;
The opening exercise ooniiited of Scripture1
read in ir. followed bv illent auiwlieation and
music by tho choir "For tb Thousands, Lord :
that Buttered. ") Delegate wer present from i
Chestnut Ridge, Greenville and Grampian Hills!
Imons, the Lnion at Hooktoa not being repre
On motion R. J. Spencer was elected Chairman,
and Laura A. Moore Secretary. Th address of j
weloome was delivered by Jobn Hosiell on "litter-1
ature as a Factor in Temperanoo Work," followed
by Nathan Moore, Sam net Irvla, and others, with
remark on tho same. Singing, "God Speed th
Right." Select oration by Flora 0. Miller, en
titled "Onr Work." Miioollaneou buiinei.
Appointment of committee on resolution!, or
ganisation, and oonititution. Singing, "Band o f
nope i aion. Adjourned until I o oioca id tn
Aurmoou Nation. The Chairman oalled tb
Convention to order at S o'clock P. M., th choir
singing "Sound tb Battle Cry." The first address
was by Davis C. Smith, on "License, and tb
Duties of tho State." Remarks were made on th
am by J, Pattoa Bard and Rev. Edwards. E.
u. widcmir delivered "A Prise lemperanc
Poem." Reports of committee on Organisation
reported that a convention will be held at Green
ville, October lAth, 1H0. Kemarki by Wm.
Dale. Sinn in. "Wine ii a Mocker." Next was
anaddri by Cyrus A. Woods oa "Prohibition
tu llesulti and Probabilitiss. KemarKs oa tn
am by Jaokson Roblsoa, Jo. M. Hnencer and
John Ruisell. Singing, "Touch not th Cup."
An al(lren by Col. Jamei Miller, on "ine ualiot
ai a Meani of Defense." Remarks by J. Pat ton
Bard, Rev. Edwards, Lewis Woods, R.J. Spencer
and Andrew Moore, after which tbe choir santr
bigo lb Pledge," and the Convention adjou.ned.
Tti Committf on Resolutions reported th fol
lowing whioh wer adopted : -
The Grampian Temperance Union In conven
tion aitembled hereby Aesolve j That we view
with regret th great and continued deraitattoa
occasioned by th oecaiioood by lb ai and
traffi lo Intoxicating drink, and tb actios of
oar Legiilature in ovntinaing to aanotioo th
granting of licenses.
Th at w believe It to b oar duly as Christians,
and as fres and sovereign cltiiens of this greet
Republic, to adrooat the eaue of Temperanc
In ever manner con it stent with Christian charity
and National patriotism.
That we see tbe general advancement of public
sentiment with hop for tb near future, and that
we oor J tally unite wltD Ibe "w omens i; DM man
Temperanc t'nioa" and "National Temp ranee
Society" in their effort on behalf of this cause.
Ei.ihha M. Davis, thsirman.
Spec in It.
MArntur.s, Ft'. All persona wanting a first-
claas Sewing Machln should buy tb New Im
proved Light-Running Weed, Tor sale by Jobn 8.
Beers, Clearfield, Pa., or Miles R. Beers, dealer
to Aiacbluos and Organs, Iteynolilivtlle, 1'a.
may ivth-dm
BirootB Fob 8ai.b. R. Newton Shaw keopa a
full supply of Fredonia Buggies and Platform
Wagons for sal. To be aeon at the Shaw House
yard. Call on or add re bim at Clearfield Pnn
tylvania. may U-tf.
Waxtbh. 600,000 14 feet shaved boon, deliv
ered at the railroad, In car loads of S.Omi, at all
mints nn the Tyrone A Clearfield, P. A E., Bald
(agle Valley, and Pennsylvania Railroads, for
which I Will pay tb blghat market pric.
OctlR, 1878 tf. CTearOrld, Pa.
Okb HiTHrtBBD Paa Cbnt. Discount on Old
Pbicb. Hewing Moehin can now be purcbaied
at Merrell'i tin and variety store, from $36 up
wards. All kinds of sewing maohine repaired
on tbe shortest notice.
Clearfield, Pa., July 18, 1877.
Coixbctoh'b I W bav prepared
a form, and bav on hand a large quantity, of
blaak "Collector Bale," which bav beeo ap
proved by th highest legal authority In tb
conn or mis oounty. At wer vtnu per
do tea we will mail any number to th Collector
ordering them, A Collector, whoa compel led to
advertise property, aiuit poit ap at less thea
three notla la th most pnbli place la hi
borough or township. tf.
Wawtbd. Delivered at tb Rail Road.
100,000 SS-lnch shaved shingle.
100,000 S4-lnch sawed shingle.
(it), (too feet of ptno boards.
600,000 14 feet ibaved hoop.
5,0110 railroad tie.
50,000 feet of good hcntloeh board.
For which I will par tho bichest market price,
delivered at Clearfield, or at any point oa the
lyroa uiearnelo Kailroad.
Cloarflold, Pa., Oct 1A, 1878-tf.
JiiMt Itceclv4ul.
Just Pveceived by AltNOLI. at
Car Load Nora Scotia riaslorl
Car Load purs Corn. Rye nnd Oats
Chop I
Car Load 1'eakon bain
Car Load of Choico Family Flour 1
Car Load Dry Goods, Grocorios, Ac. I
ftiarShin trios. Bark. K. K. Tios and
Grain will bo taken In exchange.
Curwensviiie, Aiay 1, Ib7&.
DAVI8-PATT0N. Attb Knellih Lutheran
Sarsonag, In Look Haven, oa Saturday evening,
uneAtb, 1889, bv Her. P. A. Hetlmaa. Mr. Jaa.
K. Dart and Mil Emma F. I'atloo, both of
Clearfield toanty, Pa.
laa Chnreh. flhlnoeBfbart. bv Rev. W. A. Car-
rell, aasisted by Rev. R. . McLcaa, Mr. J. L.
Voebar. of DaBoii. Uirflia ouBir, ra., aal
Mis JennleB., danghtor of Dr. C. A. Mowlaod,
of Saippensbnrg, Pa.
RANDOLPH Mcfl'LLY. At th M. R.
Parsonage, In Glen Hope, on Tuesday, Jnae 13d,
IAS, by Rev. F. Adams, Mr. John A. Randolph
and Mil Maggie McCully, both r Uoutidal
borough, P.
W00DLE LAN IC II. At Woodland, oa Thurs
day, Juos loth, 180, by Rv. H. E. Wilson, Mr.
John A. Wood I, of Woodland, IV, and Mia
Mary M. Laoich, or fiearneia, ra,
BRt'NER OUPPLER. At Woodland, en
Wedneidav, Jun JH lt80, by Rer. H. E. Wil
oa. Mr. Milton M. BruBr, of Woodland. Brad
ford township, Pa , and Mis Clara Cuppltr, of
SbawsvlU, Guben townwip, ra.
PATCH IN WRIG HT. At th hom of tb
bride, oo Wednesday evening. June JU, J80, by
Rev. L. B. Kins. Mr. John W. Patehln, of Glen
Hop, Clearfield oounty, Pa., and Miia Aorilla
n. V rigbt,ot ueatiivuie, aauurue eouniy, unio.
JON Ed, la Clearfield borough oa Sunday
morning, Juno 57th, INnO, William Jonea, aged
btl years, montbi aod - days.
(Sent by Rev. Campbell) In Jordan townihlp,
on Tuesday, Jun 1Mb, 1880, of dlpbthratlo
croup, - -, aged 4 yean, 9 months and
17 days.
HOCKKNBHhRY. In Jordan township, on
Monday, January IVlh, 190, of dl hthsni. Olio
Jane llockenberry, aged S ytan, lo mootbi and
S day.
Parents dear, I have gone to my hum
On Heaven' fair end Howry plain ;
Here now my eouldoei peacefully roam,
Wber 1 no sickness, sorrow, nor pain.
So parents, dear, do not weep for m
Patiently bear a kind father's hand ;
Soon w together jtio shall be
Forever united in tbla happy land.
IRVIN. Attb rvsideoe or hi parent. In
Bumside, Pa., on Tuesday mornlag, June 22d,
US0, James Leonard, son of Matthew Irvin, aged
IS years and 10 months.
Th subjeol of tit abov notice wa stricken
down by on week s illuas. II itarted to
school, aa usual, on the morning of th 16ih Inat.,
bat, before reaching thticbool-room, h was com
pelled to return hom. H wa not thought to be
In a aeriou condition until a day or two before
hi death, and, although erery effort was mad to
err it tb disease, oa the morning of th icrentb
day death ended hi lufierltigi and deiolaled the
bom of which h was tho pride.
It wa tbe pies u re of tb writer, for tbe lait
two months, to meet Jlmml dally In tho clan
room. Io or Instance only hav we his equal in
brilliancy of mind and concentration of thought.
Ho wa th prld of his class both In tb day
school and th Sabbath school. lie loomed to be
ndeared to rry on. Non speak of him but
with moit tender reool lection. II li quick mind,
his agable manner and disposition to oblige
friend and itrangenare cndearlngremembranoe
of the dead boy.
His death baa cast a gloom upon hi parents
and friend and oorachool. 11 Is mlasedat home,
lo tb ichool-reum everywhere.
Although his friends mourn with doepeit sor
row his sudden taking off, yet tbolr Ion li hli
unspoakabl gain. They mourn not as tho
without hope. HI memory li enshrined Id th
heart of his teachors and sobool-matei He will
ever be remembered aa tb joy of bit paronti'
houiebold and th frieoda of both young and
old of hi acquaintance. H wal followed to
his lait roiling place by a large and mournful
Dear boy, your stay oa earth was brief,
We little thought how soon the end must com)
How soon jty must turn to grief;
For thou shalt ne'er to us return.
Though sad our hearts, thy joy Is great,
Tby Saviour claimed thee for hi own ;
Tbou'rt passed beyond the pearly gal,
To join tb oborui in thy Fathir'a boui.
No mor we'll meet thy winning amlle,
No more we'll hear thy happy voice;
Farewell, dear boy ! a little while,
We'll go to thee, with thee rejoice.
l)i a null), Jan2fith, 1880. I.
Clbarpibld, Pa., Jane 29,
$:i oo
2 80
2 00
1 70
I 40
1 2J
1 20
A 00
8 71
2 00
s fiv
2 00
Flour, per owt
Buckwheat Flour, par cwt
Corn Meal, per cwt
Chop, rye, per cwt
Chop, mined, per cwt
Bran, per owt
Wheat, per bashel
Rye, per bushel
Oati, per buihe
Corn, ear, per bushel
Ituokwboat, per bushel
Clover seed
Timothy ied
fotatoea, per bushel
Applea, per bushel
Hams, per pound
Shoulder, per pound
Dried Beef, per pound
Chicken, per pair
Butter, per pound
Eg it, per dosea
Sail, per sack, larg
Coal Oil, per gallon
bara, per noun
Dried Apple, per pound M.
Dried Peaches, per pound .....
Deans, per bushel
pBii.ADtLPBiA, Jane 28. Cotton li dull at 12a
for middling!. Bark Nothing doing. Seeds-
Clover and timothr aro nominal. Flour and
Meal Floor is dull at former rates. Sales ol
1,000 barrels, Including Minnesotaextras, at 14.60
(tub i Pennsvlvaoia famil7 at Ii.50(o5 ; western
do. at $6ro6.76, and patents at $ft.80(t)7.7.
Itye flour li steaay at a4.zat(L.ii i.
Grain Wheat ii quiet and unsettled. Bales of
new rod at $l.l4(o.l.l4i, aad old amber II. 17
1.18. At tbo onen board there werenoaales:
$1,161 was asked for June; $101 fur July ;
$1.0ft for Auguat; and $1.00) for September.
Rye ta steady at sic tor Pennsylvania. Corn is
quiet and weak. Sales of fi.OQO bushels, Inoiad
in re looted at 544c : and vellow at 51 fo63. At
th a poo board, first call, there were no aalea ;
60 was bid for Jun ; ivfa for July i and 6to for
August. Oati ar dull and weak. Sale! of 4,200
buihels, including rejected at IlAc, and white at
W bisky Is steady. Sale of 60 barrel wtitern
at $1.11.
Chicago, Jane 28. -Flour dull and nomlnat.
Wheat steady and in fair demand, No. 2 red Win-
tor. 0ct No. 2 Chloaco Sprins. 88t(n,8Vo for
cash f 10 tor July j 84 (c for August ; no. ao.
81c ; rejected, 03g. Corn steady and firm 84((
:18c for sash ; 34i(3c for July ; SiiiMe Tor
Augnsf Oats dull, weak and lower; 241 for
cash 24o for Jun t 24 bid for July; 221(a)
22 le fur August. Ry steady. Barley firmer at
7liU2c. Pork strong and higher; $11.95 bid
ferJuIv: Bli.06 b id for Ausust : Ill.fllifffl
for September. Lard stsadv and Id fair demand ;
$ri.66 for oash and July ; $tl.7U for August ; ).72
f(i;n, 75 for September, liuli meet lieauy,
Whisky steady.
(WtO Itl Georee Weaver A Co
f) want fir tboasand bushels of OATS, bow,
and will pay cash or produce. ,
Clearfield, Pa., Aug. 13, I87 tf. v
A DMIMSTn ATOIl'M KOl It'Kr-Notloa
7 Is hereby eivrn that Letters of Adminis
tratioa on the cutate of A. H. SHAW, 1st of
Lawrence township, Clearfield oounty, Pa., deo'd,
having been duly granted to the nnaersigned, all
persons Indebted lo sam estate win pieaio id me
immediate payment, and tho having claim or
demand againat th anmo, will preient them
proper I v authenticated for settlement without
delay. MAKY R. SHAW,
Clearfield, Pa., Jun 110, 1880 fit.
A HOITOH'M NOTICrU-In Ibe Orphans'
J Court rf Clearfield oounty, Pa., In the
matter of the KMale or Metier! Xoang, uweaaod,
late or Lumber City, Clearfield county.
Tbe underlined Auditor, appointed by (he
laid Court, to distribute the money la the band
of Anthony llile, A dm tali tret or of eeld estate,
among tho penona legally entitled to receive the
erne, hereby lve notice that he will attend to
tb dutiei of his appointment at hi office, in the
borough or Clearfield, on TUESDAY, the S7TH
day of JULY, A. D. 1880, at t o'clock P. M.,
when and whir all persons in tore ted may at
tend. OSCAR MITCHELL, Auditor.
Clearfield, Pa, Jon 28,1880.
A trniTOKft' RRPORT.-Z. OflDKTf, In
TV eount with the LawronooTewnsnlp Seboel
Fund, fur tbe year ending Jun f, 1880 :
To am't received from Jessph Ownt,
Collector for 1878 $1,159 45
To am t received from vr uiiam Urabam,
Collector for 1M80.H
To am't received from N. Riihel, by
Hugh Orr
To am't of Btete appropriation
To am't reo'd from Jos, B. McEnslly,
of Read
To am't ree'd from John Shaw, Col
lector, IflTT -
T o am't received from Hugh Mullen, of
Pika township, for tuition
To am't collected on duplicate by Treas
urer, 1880
844 76
600 00
S7I 7A
81 00
S44 82
4 6
41 84
Total - $3,251 OS
By balance due Treasurer Owibs at lait
settlement :i01 II
Ry isn't Teacher' wga 1,917 00
By am't building 80 00
By am't furaiibing 188 21
By am't rent 25 00
By am't repair - 9t 9b
By am't fuel 9b
By am't John Shaw, 6 per ent. on $ '09, 25 0U
By am't Attorney' fee fur collecting... 20 90
By am't for Jommtl and dupli
cate f 66
By am't Secretary's salary 80 00
By 2 par seat, oa $1,728.88 64 67
$2,788 46
By balance du district $t8S 18
By bel. due district from J. Owens, Cut'r, 484 60
By bl. du din rtt from William Ore-
bam.Colleoctor H 1,180 40
We, tbe andarilgoed Auditor, having exam
ined th account of I. Of den, Treasurer of Lew
re nee township, la aeooaat with tb School fnad
of said tow ns nip. find them as above stated.
Attest: LEWIS II HOW If,
Ws. T. SrafKHAS, Town Clerk. Auditors.
Jun 10, IMA t. 1
I STRAY NOTICE I Lost, or strayed from
j Morrisdal M ine. on tie io(h dy of May
180, a BLACK COW, about 6 years old, rather
small and thin, bad a bell on wh in last at heme
Any person knowing of ber whereabout asd
bringing her lo me at Morrisdale Mines, Clear
field oounty, Pa-, or seeding me word where she
can be had, I will be very thankful, besides pay
them for their time aad trouble.
Morrisdal Mines, Pa., June Si, 1880-St.
la hereby given that LuMen of Adminis
tration anth estate of ALFRED W. OWKNS,
late of Ferguaon township, Clearfield oouaty, Pa,,
dee d, having been duly granted to tho under
signed, all persona Indepted to laid tte will
? i leas mak immediate payment, and tho bav
ngclaimior draiabda against th saw, it
present Ibsm properly authenticated for lettle
oieut withoat delay. JAMES II HI LB,
Lumber City,', Jun Sd, UtU.t.
1 hereby given that Letters of Adminis
tration onthstat or JOHN A. THOMPSON
1st of Brady township, Clearfield county,
Pa., deceased, having been duly granted to tbo
undersigned, all pereon Indebted to said vital
will pleas mak Immediate payment, and those
having claim or demand agnn'it th sam will
present them properly authenticated for aettle
meat without delay.
Lulhersburg, Pa, Jun 2, 1880 fit.
1 X i: I TOR't NOTK'U.-Notic 1 ber
J by given that Letter lostatnentary on the
estatoof JOHN POTTER, late of Brady town
ibip, Clearfield connty, Pa., deceased, having
been duly grented to th uaderilgned, all per
sona indebted to said estate will plias mak im
mediate payment, and tho having claim or de
mand against lh sam will present them prop
erly authenticated for settlement without delay.
Lutbenburg, Pa., Jun 2d, UNO-fit.
tie is hereby given te the stockholders of
Ibe Lower Bridge Company that a meeting will
b held at the law office of Meurs. Wallace A
Krebs, in Clearfisld borough, on
Saturday, July 3d, 1880,
At 10 o'clock A. M. All th holders of laid
stock ar requested to be present, a bailees of
Importance will b transacted.
JAMES IRWIN, President
Wm. M. Ebaw, Secretary.
Clearfield, Pa., June 23, 18 SO .It.
SpringlSninincr Millinery
To Mr Custom kh Ann tb Pi imc at Labob i
About Saturday, April J4tb, I will retuin from
Philadelphia with a full lio or MILLINERY
OOOn.Sof all kinds. With new facilities for do
ing business, I will simply say that I can now
giro my customers the benefit of my advantages
in buying, styles and prices throoghout the entire
caion. Mrs. T. K. WATSON.
Clearfield, Pa., April 21, IhSv m.
To Carpenter and ftuiUhn !
The Lawrence Townibip School Board will re
ceive pronosali until SATURDAY, tbo 10TU
DAY OF JULY next, for the erection of a frame
School building, to be located at or near " Hills
dale." In aaid township. Proposal will bo re
jected altera o'clock A. M , July 10, 18811.
tor full particulars, apply to or address
See'y of th Board, Clearfield, Pa.
N. B. The Board will reaerv th right to
reject my or all bid. jo23-3t.
TO FARMER I The Fourteenth Annual
Fxhibition of thsCLr'AKFIKLD COUNTY
At Clearfield, Sept. 15, 10 Si 17, 18x0,
LIBERAL PREMIUMS will be offered and
made public in due time, for which every Farmer
in lh county is invited to nmpete. For Informa
tion address LEANDKR DENNING, Pre t.
Or AL. M. ROW, Secretary,
Clearfield, Penn'a.
Executive Committee Philip Dotts (Co. Treas
urer), Becearia twp.; Elliba M. Davis, Penn twp.;
John Smith, Bloom twp., Levi R. D renter, Union
twp.; Wilioo P- Tat, Lawrence twp.
Jun 10, 1680-td.
I wish to Inform tb Farmer or Clearfield
oounty, that I am tb manufacturer of W heeler
patent Railway Chain
Witb Tbreahou ud OlM..ra of on. or two
born pow.r. For Iurtli.r pRTticBlori ftdilreM tb.
and.raiKO.d .t liloom.biirr, Columbi. oountj, or
till noon P. M. CARDON A IIHO., Arenli, In
Clrl.ld P.. J. M. I1ULSI1UKK.
Jun. 3J, 1880-lm.
Tb undersigned will sell at private talc, hi
farm, located in Penn townihlp, Clear field connty
Pa., containing
siaszTTr Aoniis,
hair of which la In a good itate of cultivation
with afram dwelling, log barn ,m thrifty orchard
and an xcllent ipring of never failing water,
together with the necessary outbuilding. Tbe
Jtortion not cleared ia heavily timbered, and all
l underlaid with coal and iron. It will be sold
low and oo easy terms. For further information
call on the premises, or addres th lubicriber at
Grampian Hill P. O. OWEN J. KEEN AN,
Grampian Hilli.Jun 2d,lSH0-3m.
and all kinds of
(10 TO
O. J)., Agoul,
I HAVE returned to my old bnifn.Ri, ltd will
b. fmind at tb. Tinning M ill oftice, oa l'iaa
treat, CLEARFIELD, 1'A., nbera I will aril all
klodi of
A large stock of which I have alwats on band.
Also, HAY RAKKH and all oilier machine used
by tb Farmer, aa well aa materials lor repairs.
jf-dr I will exchange th abov article for
A I contemplate butchering, and would he
pleased to have tbe trale of the U rail op p.tiio,
Clearfield, Pa., Jane 9, I SMI if.
AIIDITOKM ItLHOHTof th ace oati t of
J. C. Whltehlll, Treasurer of tbe POOR
FI ND of the borough of Clearfield, Peonsylva
nla, for the year ending April 10, UU i
To balanoe from lait lettlemont $Ti 2ft
To balanc ofdunlwit of W7 2'H 9
To amount of duplicate of 1879 19b 0V
To amount to balance 7 64
$1,191) SH
By smount paid as fdllows, to wit :
Tho. Robins, boarding W, Oliver $2To 0ft
John Livingston, boarding B Clayton.. AO 00
Wm. Reams, boarding of R.Montagu. 24 4ft
Mri. fihort, ' 34 91
Mr. Short, sewing 98
Jam McLaughlin, boarding tramps 4 00
Harvey Pasimore, " 1 20
J. B. Grabam, rent for Mr. Lamoat... 1 00
I. W. Graham, mdso for fairer 19 15
I. W. Grabam, dnigi for Oliver 11 2
H. B. Bpaukmaa, druga fur Williams. 1 2
Thome Ducket, coal 4 00
Wei. Dory, on account of W. Olive...- 2 00
I. M. 8 Lie, boor 1 60
Warren Thorn, repairing shoes I 90
H. A. Kratier, merchandise 12 "5
Barry Hnyder, sharing W, Oliver. fi 59
L. Uuinsbnrg, ololbi&g 8 ft
Gulich, M. Cork I A Co., oma for
Wm. Oliver U 9fl
0. B. Gnodlandcr, printing t CO
Wallace A Krebs, attorney fe 10 00
Dr. T. J. Boyar. medical atteadanoe... 91 IN
Dr. J. G. Hartiwick, med'l attendance) 19 00
W. V. Wright, making oat duplicate.. II 00
Wm. Porter, Jnitie'coits !1 90 1
0. How, Justice Mite-... 2 49
Jam Kerr, Justice's cost ..,. 200
Ron Read, boarding tramps ft 00
Ross Read, Overseer, 1877 25 90
D. W, Moore, Overseer, ISTT 17 fit)
H. W. Park, Overseer, lf79 19 VO
Charles Mignot, Overseer, 1M7V 10 00
H W. Smith, Auditor 9 oo
h. V. WiIiod, " 2 AO
J. Hagerty, - 2 00
Juba I. Palterion, exonerations and
abatement on duplicate of M79.
and Collector's per eot age. TI ib
Collector Read, exonerations 41 42
Delano of du pi inat In hand of II.
Head 109 tb
Balano 4a from J. I. Patter ta
duplisata f 1879 H 122 49
Treasurer's per oentag oa $787-71, at
I per cent 29 f.H
James U. Lytl, srobeadlee...... 199 28
IW 19
Now April 12th, 1Bf9, we, th BBdereigoed
Auditor of Clearfield boroagb, having examined
th forego log account of th Dlslrlol Trewaarer,
and oom pared th vouchers, find Ibo ame cor
rect, aad certify that there is do tho DMtrlet
Treasurer a balano from tb Poor fund of
B .Ml i ll V. Wll.HCN,
And! lord
Dear ft eld, Pa, Jan 2 1M9 It.
drTbl old aod well-s(ab1ihcd Hotel ha
been leased by tbe undersigned, and he feels con
fident of rendering satisfaction to tbo wb may
patronise him. Good stabling attached.
LEWIS C. BLOOM, Proprotor.
April 21,'60-tf.
Th partaershlp here t of ore txiiting m
tween David B. Welkcr ud T. II. tb
lumbering business, etc., was dissolTod by mutual
eon lent on tb 1st day of May, 1HB0. All per
sons having claims unsettled ar requested to
present them immediately to either of the under
signed. DAVID B. WKLKKR,
T. It. wtti.Kftit.
Graham ton, Pa., Jane 9, l&tJ0-4i.
(tfcoui acid r ioli.rlui ha. At UAf aem)
A -Mid ui mmi .tb It Will mbI un .... j, I
lw fcx Saul (alia SireeUaul) Ihkt UI eel
IM j-fouf I. Inch vUb.i. un rtc.ipt uf m. I ,
f isorer in tnt ilnni.i r.celnte m
iok la ioil.
. Kalii rlild Si u u m B
iMi Iltmtrated ff.uh.fme ef Mai
CbrtM. Jtwfi)
Vaaa. AtlSfau
V MiaUea tall wt.
iwa.mam.ruiiaaeipma.ra fw
Jan I ft, 168-lm.
Notice to Bondholders I
rpiIK owner of Clearfield County Jail Bnad
X will pleas tak notice that the County Com
missioner have authorised the payment of th
outstanding Jail Bond, numbered from 116 to
ibi, both an m ber inciniiv, uaien jaauary,
173. The owners of the said bonds are hereby
required to present them lor payment at my
office, in tbe Court House, at Clearfield, on MON
DAY, tb TU day of JI LY, 1S80, at which
time tbey will be paid. Interest there a will
ceas after that date PHILIP DOTfS,
Attest : Treasurer.
Jobk W. Howl, Cotn'rs' Clerk.
Clearfield, Pa., June 1A, IbHU 51.
Th under itiined will !! at private sal all
that tract or parcel of land situate la Decatur
township, Clearfield oounty, Pa., within a short
dlitaoo of the Tyrone A Clearfield R. R-, and
adjoining land of Rubert Hudson and otoere,
and known as the Jacob B. Gearhart loL The
said tract containing 80 acres mor or less, with
two veins of valuable eoal thereon, ha about 90
aero eleared, and is th key to a larr body of
ooal about being developed, n ill be sold low and
upon asy terms. For particulars, apply to
Clearfield, Pa., July 12, 1878.
Desirable Heal Eslate !
Estate of Hicliari Shaw, 5r.,Dcc'l
rilHE undersigned, Fxecutora of the citato of
KICHAKU SHAW, hr., rtefensed. will offer
at public sale at tbe COI'RT HOUHli.loth bor
ough of Clearfield, Pa., on
Monday, July oth, 1880,
AT 1:30 O'CLOCK P. M..
Th following valuable real Ute, vis :
Tb three-story BK1CK HOTEL property.
corner of Market and First streets, In tbe bor
ough of Clearfield, known a
'Tho Shaw House,'
Fronting witb two lotiof ground thereto belonrlng
200 feet on Market itreet, and 10
II II I Jb dwelling bouse attarbod. Tho bo-
ci u mi ft uaa piaiv mm -luwiui nun
all Convenience for a flrit-olai
hotel. One of Ine most desirable hotel properties
in Central Pennsylvania.
The above will be sold together with a two
storv frame dwelllnr house on Market street, ad
jacent to the Hotel, and one other frame dwelling
bouse and a two-story store building, all fronting
on Market street Also, a fjame dwelling houie
fronting on First atraet.
ALSO. All that certain lot, known in th
filati of I'learnela borougn as lot no i.iv,
rooting 60 feet on Locust street, run- 4"
n ing back 173 feet, more or less, to an alley C!J
with dwelling house aad all neceary ut !
bnildinga thereon erected, and other improremenlf.
One-third cash it delivery of good deed, and
th balano to be secured by bond and mortgage,
payable la on and two years, witb interest
Surviving Ex'rs of Richard 8baw, Sr., deo'd.
Clearfield, Pa., June 10, 189-St.
Aaron Petr ..A. K. Wootridge
Dry Goods, Groceries and
General Merchandise,
T cspoclfully solloit their patrons
X nu tne puiiiio generally to can ana eiam
ine their new Hook ot
Spring and Sniiimcr Goods,
Cshlimcres, Velvetoenn, Di'lnincs,
l,awn, Ginlianm, l'rinl", I'll
Mcaihed nnd lilcachod Mus
lim!, Fancy Skirls, Sheet
ingi, Tiokings, Caruela,
Rnps, Oil Clotlis,
I.aundrioJ, Whito,
Cheviot and Percale
Sliirts, Gloves, Neckwear,
Mon's and Boys' Clothing,
Ilng, Caps, Boots, .Shoes, etc., etc.
Groceries & Gen! Slerrhnndisc
Will bo found ot first quality, and
satisfaction is guaranteed, ibe lol
lowing art always kept on hand,
(somo few only in their season) :
Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Spices, Syrups,
Confectioncrios, Oranges, Lemons
Bananas, Fis, Dates, eto., Hard
ware, (Jueenswaro, Glnsswara,
Tinware, Wood and Willow
ware, Faints, Oils, Clocks,
Trunks, Valises, Mirrors,
Stationery, Furniture,
.V Miners' Supplioi,
Juna 2, 1880-tf.
The bliu Ti: Cheapest,
Boot and Shoe,
Hal and Cap Store
I the on in th
G. C. & T. W. MOOltE,
We hare just received oar Sprlag aod 6uannr
torn, ifiiiuB, aTina; iven purvnnrao uriur
tb adranoo, oaa b cold at th OLD
PRICK. Call and ee. Hesidei lb
cheaper good lu our liaa,w kep
Perkins' Boots and Shoes,
WhlnB ar oar epecUltlei. We alio hav a fall
Hn of UB.i IS SI M mhn UNUKKn KA K.
AU thlatetaoTltiiB NKC'KWEAH.
Uiro aa a call and b aatiifled.
CttvO. d TOM W MNiRB
ClearBtl l, P-, April 14, 190 Aj.
&.&mmm .vrrj m
Wo also hnve a lot of Huebncr's Level Tread Horse-Power
Threshers and Cleaners for one and two horses. Also Turnbull'
Ohio Wagons with Beveled Shoulder Spokes, which adds fully one
third additional strength to tho wheel. Also Cortland Platform
Spring Wagons, with two and three scats, and Open and Top Bug
gies, .'lease give us a call before buying elsewhere.
The above Articles will be Exchanged for Sheep, Cattle or Good Horses.
ricurfield, Fa., May 26, 18SQ.2m.
O XT 3R. 33 JSf & XT X 3L. 7L DE ,
1,000,000 ONE MILLION SAWED SHINGLES. 1,000,000
1,000,000 ONE lILLIOX SHAVED SHINGLES. 1,000,000
No waiting for turn, but unloaded immediately. Higliext crhIi
price paid nt nil times. Liberal ndvances made on large lota. Go
see Arnold before contracting your bark.
Ma, 1J, 1880-lf.
I beg leave to announce, to tho citizens of Clearfield and surround
ing country that I have opened a first-class
establishment for the sale of
Beady-Made C othing,
sssssb f mhisems mm,
Room No. 4, Pie's Opera House.
Yonr patronage. Is re.pcctfnlly solicited. Cnll in person or addross
Clearfield, Pn., March 17, 188ft.
MAHKi.T htri:i:t, ( MCAKfim n, pend'a.
All kinila nf Cnakots nnd Cofllns kent on hand, and lurnishcd to order on
short notice, including tho Bneit as
Incliircu. Our
oonpazi F2i.xizm.T7'xan
Is tho best In use, and will bo furnUhcd when required. Funerals attended
In n. nnri nf ihf rnunlv. Call .1. inv nfllr. nn Second street, or toave
vour orders at Trotitmnn'i Fornltnro
oet 1,70-Ty.'
$fitr 3iai'frti3(mfut5.
miii:v T
IIIM:r TO l.OAN.-Oa r.l pi... Im-
1,1. prarMl tarin pronarty, ay th. Mutaal Lif.
Imaranaa tiaii
fas., I. laoi. fr
ian, of N.w kora, oa lrl taori.
r... I. from tl,ilO ui. t or lartbat In-
foiai.liuB innl. to th. unil.r.icntl.
Clt.rt.ld Pa., M.j 71.. M) it.
I.ANIM FOR 1.E.T llo.loo
1 aad Pina town. bip., Cla.rfi.ld Muntj. gfe
H.aonatl tine al..n for part of purchaw
BOD.;. Plloa. $01111 to 1 0.00 par ota.''! raHrtrd. L. Bill II, A (ant,
r.naald, 1'a.
or W.U..O. 4 Kbbbh,
S.pL 10, IHTS-tr. C'l..r.ld, Pa,
tiie tmuw WAC0S.
X.y II m.
&'W3Et.XJE3LJei i
- , jam! I J
well as the cheapest that can be manu-
Store, ailjoining the I'osloffice.
Clearfield, Pa.
$tx gifli'frtiSfmrnts.
5,000 Rail Road Ties.
Curw.tUTllL, P.. Jan. I, 'Jl tf.
May I t Th. nidanlsiMd,
Lmd appoialod AhIkbm. for tba baB.St .radl.
tori bj Jaa. B. (Iraban, .f Wro.k, all
paraoD., tb.rcf.ra, havias alalma agalaat htm will
prMBt tbM to m far aattl.Bi.Bt, and laoaa la.
d.t 94 to tba said Urabam ar. paf ulrad to Mill,
aod nak. pa.HMt to ...
AtillUHY W. LKK,
Ol.arS.M, P.., I)aa. 1, U7(.tf.) AtalfaoH.
Normal Institute !
Tbli School .111 opa. a. MONDAY, HAT ID,
IMS, a.doobtlB.a twain waaka.
Jera.llaD.part.iaBt ...II
Cosmo braoabaa m 4 M
ConmoB Brfta.haa aad Tbaary- af Tw.hi.gM I ee
Dighar M
Mr a. Matt win Lata l.atnaaaUl Bail,
at niaaoaablc raUa.
Tba Narwial 0aM will ka uaalaad aaawUllj k.
tb. Coaai rlaptriBUMdeat.
ertl.od aoardiB( w. k. kad at Iron
to ll.o ft WMk. Reoaa hr aalf koardar m.
k. hd at raao.abM rata., tot fartkar lar.rma
U.a, .all a. ot addma
UKO. W. TUNIS, Pria.lp.l,
;A8. H. KIU.IY, AulMaal.
Bora-l l., P. , Mirrb IT, lsaef.