Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 30, 1880, Image 1

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Ik largee! L'lrealelloa of any No wepaper
l North Central FeaBeylvaula.
Terms of Subscription.
If paid la idiuH, or wltala I moaths.... 00
If paid after ud baton month ... S U
If paid after the oiplratloa of I moBtha... 3 OO
Bate ol Advertising,
Tren.lsnl advertisements, par square of It llnaaor
levi, 1 tlmea or lata - $1 00
fur eah subsequent Insertion 00
Vlininl.trntors'end Bsseuters 'notleea...... I ft
Auditor!' ootlea t ft
Ctulions ud Rstrays 1 ft
Dissolution notices t t
Professional Cards, I Una or loss,l year...- I
L-ieal notices, per lioe . St
I s.iuere tt 00 I 1 eolumn.........$!.e 00
t squares.. -..U 00 I i column-- TO 00
a squares.- SO 00 1 column. ISO 00
niryrrn Cards.
ll:l:Jl Clearfield, Pa.
J J. LI 31 OLE,
1:18 Phlllpaburg, Centre Co., Pa. y:pd
Curwensvllts, CI.erteld county, Pa.
M , 71-ll
t-rrOfflte In tba Opera Uoun. oet, '78-tf.
Attorneys and Counhilors at Law,
January 30, 1878.
Clearfield, Pa.
sor-OSloe In tha Court House. jyllST
M. M. McCULLOUlill,
Ohl.-e in Masonic building, Second street, op
hite tha Court House. je28,'7H-lf.
Clcarteld County, Pain's. 70y
Office In Opera Ilouia.
p JS.TI-ly
(Hr-Omca In tba Masonic Building, ovsr tba
Cuunty National Bonk. JmarI4-0.
jXr-Wlll attend to H ltl bu.lne.e with
promptness and tdelily. (fobll,'00-lf.
(Suweesors to Wallaoa A Fielding,)
janl'77 Clearfield, Pa.
office in Pie's Oparn Bouse.
Juno 111, '78tf.
Qi h. MotiEK,
' .ITTOIMrEl'-JT-Mtr,
,DuBois, Clearfield County, Penn'a.
i ey-Will attand promptlj to ail legal bnilnoti
entrusted to hla aaro. Lioall, '00.
av-Ottoe la Fla'f Open Hoase, eoooad Boor.
.5 :J0'74
Rosara 1. b'rrallv.
Cleartteld, Pa
A Legal baaiaooe attended to promptly wlthj
Idohty. Offioe ok Haoosd Itraot, above tba Firot
Motional Bank. Jao:l:7a
Real EeUU and Collaetloa Aat,
Will promptly attend to all legal bualneaa ea
Unated to all earn.
trOOee la Ple'a Opera lloaao. Jan 170.
All legal buelneti entrnitrd to hla care will ro
eeire prompt attaation.
4r0mre la tbe Court Ileuoe.
tad Baal Ratal Acent, ClaarBeld, Pa.
Offloe oa Third street, bat. Cherry A Walnat.
arRespeotrally oters hie eorvleas la s.lllng
and buying lands la Clearneld aad ndjolning
waatles and with aa eiperleaee el over twenty
yean as a surveyor, letters him. .11 that he aaa salltfaotloa. ireB. ia:eaiu,
PDslriaM' Cards.
' Offleo la resldeaoa oa Pint at.
April 14, 1871. Clearleld, Pa
Will attend professional sails promptly. aaglO'TO
i OSes oa Market Street, Clearleld, Pa.
oMlllsa hours i I to II a. as., aad I to 1 p.
Jrtr-Oaioe adjolalag the rosldsaes of J aaa a.
'rtgl.y, Kaa., OB Beeoau SL, viaaruMo, re.
lj.1t,'7S If.
1 pf Ooa houre-Frem It lo I F. M.
May II, 1171.
' Sargooa of the 0S4 Bagtaiaat, Foaaeylvaala
'iRutoors, havlag retaraod from tao Arusy,
rs hla profoasioaal aervless Oa thoetUoeaJ
'learaeld aoaaty.
rProfeealoaal calls promptly atteaded to.
' oa Beooad sttset, formerlyeevuplod by
eodl. apr4,'HU
V. iM aoatly evented at this oSre.
GEO. B. Q00DLANDER, Editor
We hare arinud a larao aambot of tba aow
FEB BILL, and will aa Lba raooipt of twenty-
Ova oenta. mall a eon to aoy addroaa. r
HENRY, Jubticb
ortaa Piaci awp dcritrrrr, LI'MIIbh
CITY. Colleeilona made and moneT promptly
paid ovor. Artiolea of agreement and deoda of
aonvayaneo aoatly aioeated aaa warrantoo rar
root or ao abarga. )iy'7l
Ju.lloe of tba Foaoo and BorlTooar,
Carwcnavllla, Pa.
o.Collaotlonl made and mon.r promptly
paid ovor. tabJJ Till
(OflTBlP r. o.)
for rill Towaiair.
Hay , 1870.1y
Square Timber & Timber Lands,
House and Sign Painter and Paper
Clearfield, Pean'a.
aj.WIII aieraU Joba la hla line promptly and
In a workmanlike manner. apr,oi
BARER, Market St., Clearneld, Pa.
Fre.h Bread, Bnak, Folia, Plea and Cakei
oa hand or made ta order. A general aaaortmeot
of Confectioneries, Fruit and NrIi la atook.
loo Cream and Oyatars In tenon. 8alooa nearly
oppoaite the Poitoffloo. Prlooa moderate.
Manh It-lft.
Real Estate, Square Timber, Saw Logs,
rrOBIne oa Heoond .treat, la rear of atoro
room of George Weaver A Co. I jan. ';0-tf.
llttalur Toirnj,
Oaeeola Hill. P. 0.
II official builna.. ntrattod lo him will bo
promptly attended to. moh20, 7.
BbopoB Market St.. oppoilto Court Hoasa.
a aiaan towai lor ever
Alao dealer ia
llc.t Brand! or Tobarra and Cigars.
OU.rf.14. Pa. may 10, 'TO.
Wallnreton, Pa.
mar-He baa orooared himself with all tbe
oeooa.ary blank forms under tbo Pension aod
Bounty taws, aa won aa Diana ueeua, eie.
legal matters entrasted to bis ears will roeetro
prompt attention. May lib, l07V-tf.
Market Mtreet, Clearneld, Pa.,
Jlarnem, Bridles, Saddles, Collars, and
Horse-turnishmg (roods.
ey-AII kinds or repairing promptly attended
. Haddlars' Hardware. Hum Brushes, Curry
Ootnbs, Ao., always on band and for sale at tbe
lowest cask priee. (March 10, 1871.
mtf" Pumps always oa hand aad made to order
on short notice. Pipes bored on reasonable terms.
All work warranted to render eatlsfeettoB, aad
delivered if desired. myltilypd
TUB andriign4 togi ImtiM tatoni tba pah
li that ha la aow fallj vraparW to aeooBM
ItvU all ta tha way of farD.ihing, Bokjim.
tiaddlM aait Harnaii, oa ttat aortait aotioa and
an raaaonabla tanmt. Hattdaaoa oa Maumaat,
aatwaaa Third and Fourth,
TlaarfloU, Pah. 4, H74.
THE anderslffned, baring leesed this com
modlous HoUl, lit tha village of Qlen Hope,
la now prepared to aoeommodata ail wno may
oall. My table and bar shall bo supplied with
tha best tbe market affords.
Olea Hope, Pa., March 10, 1070-tf.
Also, eitaaslra manufacturer aad dealer In Square
limber aad Hawed i,Hmbero( all Rlnas.
JBVOrders eollelted and all bills promptly
Blled. I'Jyieil
E. A. BIGLER 4. CO.,
DBAt-aai ia
aad maauracturars of
I. 8 N Y D E R,
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry,
Srotam's tern, Jfart.l Are,
All kinds of roBeirlna la my lino promptly at-
euaea to. April ia, is,.,
Clearfield Nursery.
Till aaoiarilffBatl, hating attabllihad a Nar
wrj on th 'Piko, about halfway batwaaa
Cloarltld and Carwrrtif lilt, It araparad lo tr
alik all klada of rKHIT TKKKS. (Haiidard aad
dwarf.) Irtrcrteai, Bhrablttory, (Jrapo Vloa,
Ooooohorry. Lawtoa filaokborry. Htrawhorry.
and Kaipborry Via. Alto, Hiboriaa Crab TrooM,
Qainoti aad aarlj aearlot ft Sahara, tio, Ordart
proapU; attaaded to. Add rot,
at. U. W HlliHT,
tapIU - CarwoatTllIt, Pa.
F. M. CARDON 4 BK0,,
Ob Market Bt, aae door west of Measloa Hoasa,
Oar erreagemeats are rf tbe meat complete
character tor ruralebing tbe pabltf wlta rreeb
Meats of all hlad, aad ef tbe very belt ouallty.
Wa also deal la all kiada of Airlealtaral Imple-
Africa! tan
hlkltloa for
oaad whoa
r address as
leata. whloh we heep oa eihibltloa for tbo boa
hoop oa oihibltlea for t
ell of the pablle. Call aroaad whoa la lavs,
aad take a took at things, or address as
Cleareeed, Pa July 14, lilt lf.
Clearlleld Inmrmnte ttnry.
jaubb aaaa. cabbol a. bibblb.
KERR BinOLE, Jftnf.
Represeat the followlag eat ether Irtt-alass Ce's
Compaaloa. Asset.
Liverpool Loadoa A dlobs O. B.
Lyoomlag-oa mutaal A ease plaas. t.OM.OM
Pbmaii, af Hartford, Ooaa. !,0!l,00
iBSoreace Co. of North America 0,tn.7t
North British A Mercantile U.B. Br. I,7I1,)I
rVotllsh Cemmereial V. B. Braaoh.... 170,140
Watorloera - 7,ll
Travelers (Life A Aeeideat) - 4,t0t,4M
OSre ea Market St., opp. Cart Hoase, .-ar-
Beid, ra. jaae.,Tvii.
& Proprietor.
Gen. Garfield Tried by a
Jury of his Party
ReBolutlons Pasaed by a Convention
of Old Western Reeerve Abolition.
Ista A Scathing Arraignment
by Memberaor hla Political
Kellow-Citizins : Wo wbo address
you wero appointed a committee for
tbis purpose by an Inilopendont Con
vention of liepublicans assembled lor
the purpose ol putting in nomination
a suitable person as candidate for Con
gress in opposition to James A. Gar
Held. Tbe causes wbicb impelled tbe call-
ins ol that convention und inspired its
action are set forth in tbo resolutions
by it adontod and printed herewith.
lo tbe indictment contained in those
resolutions and tbo evidonce submitted
in support thereof we respectfully call
your attention and ask your candid
W e bavo no Krievanoc. Wo never
sought lavors at Mr. Garfield's hands
and have no personal quarrel with him.
On t'uo contrary we bavo boon among
his warmest political friends and sup
porters and now only attack his acts
and conduct in public life and tbo char
acter be has Ihorcby attained.
It is easier to lloat with tbe tido
than to row against it and we regret
the necessity that compels us to de
nounce him.
It is Iktinit that as true mou wo
should seek tbo cause and remedy ior
tnis state 01 ruin ana wo look not far
nor long. Corruption in office and
want of wisdom in legislation loom
up betore us. We roviow with
pride our party history and achieve
ments, but we now so fraud in binh
places eating at its vitals. Its Kovenue
ottioers are lound stealing and dividing
wun wnisa-y rings, its Secretaries sell
poet tradursbips. Its Congressmen
raiso their own salaries and make tbcm
retroactive ; take groat foes lor argu
ment on pavement jobs before boards
of their own creation, and pocket the
dividendsof greatfrauds liko the Credit
Mobllicr. Corruption rides in 81,000
l.andauloU, purchased at Government
exponso, and Congressmen build pal
aces at the Capitol whilo tho pcoplo
toil ana sweat under tbeir burdons
tbey forget that thoy aro but the serv
ants ol the nation and act as if they
were its owners seeking to wring from
it the greatest possible number of dol
lars lor tbeir own base purposes.
ibe .Republican party nas done
much to purify itself within itself. Its
V hisky King Kovenue onicers aro con
victed and imprisonod, Belknap ia do
posed and impoachod and only escapes
conviction by a technicality. Its Sal
ary Stealing, Urodit Mobllicr, .Pave
ment Jobbing Congressmen are mostly
retired. Jamoa A. Garfield remains.
Kicbard C. I'arsons, bis compeer as a
great patent pavement lawyer nomi
nated without opposition in a district
Kepublican last yoar by G.aUO majority
was burled at tho polls by Henry U.
t'ayne, a Democrat, by 2,duu maionty.
Tbo office holders nominated him, but
tbe bravo, honest people rebuked him.
jamoa A. uarueia tell from lD.Wid
majority in 1872 to 2,520 majority in
led. "Uli wnat a tall wb thore my
countrymen." liebnkod, shorn of char
acter lor truth and integrity, all that
is noble in manbood, almost defeated,
he stands a Bad and blackened monu
ment of avarice Jind greed.
By tho arts ol orator and demagogue,
of wbicb ha is a consummate master,
ho is striving and strutri?linff and mav
postpone the day of his linaldoom, but
bo bears upon bis front the writing on
the wall, "mene, nxene, t ekel upharsm."
" V hom tbo Gods would destroy thoy
first make mad."
Forgetting his duty to his country
and constituents, in his baste to serve
his bond bolding masters, on tbe 13th
of July 1876, ho committed himself to
tho delenso ot that great fraud upon
the people, tbo demonetisation of the
silver dollar and donouncod its restor
ation aa a "swindle on so vast a scale
as to mako the achievement illustri
ous." That speech so weak in its logic and
so damning in its political herosios and
so ruinous to tbo high pretentions to
statomansbipof its author is suppressed
by tho Kcpublican editois of nil dis
trict and is only to bo lound in tbo Con
gressional Record. Holding postoflioes
and placos of emolument at bis will
tbey dare to raise their voices only in
bis praise.
li the Kcpublican party would sur
vive it must strike from its rolls
the last dishonored name and select
only honest, true and bravo men to fill
Its high places.
Flaming oratory upon the horrors of
Andersonvillo and Libby, and tho dis
ordered condition of the Kouth are a
poor compensation for want of Integ
rity. Tha fools wbo believs that
another great rebellion or payment of
tbe Kubcl debt aro Imminont, are only
found in tho poslofflces and lunalio asy
lums. The people know better, and
that cry of tbe demagogue to arouse
their fears that bt may got tboir votes
ought to be of no avail.
G. N. Tittle,
It. U. IIlNB,
of Lake county,
J. A. Giddinos,
of Ashtabula,
It, K. Diinfib,
of Gonsga,
Ij. I). Drown,
ol Portage,
A. Yoiimans,
of Trumbull.
A republican convention declares
irs view of garpield's corruption
(Oaostal Report.
Tbs Republicans ol the Nineteenth
Congressional District ol Ohio opposed
to the return of James A. Garfield
tft Congress, met in convention at
Warren, Ohio, .September T, 1H76, and
orfranlr.ed by electing Dr.C. W. Knsign,
of Lake, lor Chairman, and L. D.
Brown, of Portago, and George K,
Paine, of Lake. Secretaries'.
On motion. G. N. Tattle and J. B.
Burrows, of Lake ; B. F. Porry, of
Ashtabula ; L. D. Brown, of Portage,
and C. O. Crary, of Lako, were chosen
a Committoeon Kesom lions, ana ii.ji
Uine. Wm. K. Hulott, P. Bosworth
J. 8. Casement, B. F. Perry, and It. M.
Murray, wero appointed a Committee
on Conference for Representative.
Tbe Committee on Resolutions re
ported the following which wore nnani-
monslv adontod :
Whenever in a country like ours,
governed by tho people through great
political parties, a body of its citizens
attachod to a political party teel con.
strained from any cause to enter their
protest against tbe action of such party
and lake separate action in tho selec
tion of a candidate for an important
offioo, justice to tbomselves and a
proper regard for the opinion of their
fvllow-citizons require them to state
distinctly and clearly the cause and
purposo ol sucb action.
Therefore, Be It by this Indopend
out Convention of the Republicans of
the Nineteenth Congressional District
of Ohio, Resolved
1st That dishonesty, fraud and cor
ruption have become so common, no
torious and obvious in tho administra
tion of our National Government as to
be not only humiliating and disgrace
ful in the estimation of every honest
and intelligent citizen, but to imperil
the prosperity of the people if not tbo
stability of the Government itself.
2d. Resolved, That the deplorable
oondition of the administration of our
National Government is largely due to
tbe election to ouice, and maintenance
therein, of corrupt, dishonest and venal
3d. Resolved, That it is useless and
hypocritical for any political party to
declare lor rulorm in its piauorms,
papers and publio addresses whilo it
insists on returning to high official
place and power men who bavo been
notoriously connocted with tho very
schomos of Iraud which rendered re
form necessary and urgent ; that to
send those to enact reform who thorn
solves need reforming lo make them
honest, is worso than sotting the blind
to lead the blind.
4th. Resolved, Thatthero is no man
to day officially connected with tho
administration of our Motional Gov
ernment against whom are justly pre
ferred moro and graver charges of
corruption than are publicly made and
abundantly sustained against James A.
Garfield, the present Representative
of this Congressional district, and tbe
nominee ot tue iicpuDiicau convention
for re-election.
Oth. Resolved, That since he first
entered Congress to this da' there is
scarcely an instance in which rings
and monopolies have been arrayed
against tbe interests of tbs peoplo,
that be has been found active in speech
or vote upon tbe sido of the latter, but
in almoH every case baa boon tho
ready champion in tho rings and mo
Oth. Resolved, That we especially
charge him with venality and cow
ardice in permitting Benjamin F. But-
lor to attach the appropriation bill of
1H7S that ever-to-bo remembered in
famy, the salary steal ; and in speak-
rig and voting lor tnat moasure upon
its final passago. And chargo him
with corrupt disregard of the clearly
expressed demand ot bis constituents
tbat be should vote lor its repeal, and
with evading said demand by voting
lor tho Hutchinson amendmouU
7th. Resolved, That we further ar
raign and denounce him for bis cor
rupt connection with tbe Crodit Mo-
A.- l!- 1-1... .1 :l- .1 r l.
unier, tor uia laisei uviiibib tuoruui uu-
foro bis constituents, for his perjured
denial in Congress, for Iraud upon bis
constituents incirculatingamong them
a pamphlet purporting to set forth the
finding of said oommittoe and tho evi
dence against him, when in fnot, ma
terial portions thereol wero omitted
and garbled.
nib. liesolvea, That we lurtber ar
raign and charge bim with corrupt
bribery in soiling his official influence
as Chairman of Ibe Committoee on
Appropriations for 15,000 to the Do
Golyer Pavement Ring to aid-tbem in
securing a oontract from the Board of
Publio IV orksof tho DiBtrictol Colum
bia : selling bis influence to aid said
ring in imposing upon the people of
said District a pavement which is al
most worthless at a price three times
its cost, as sworn to by one ol the
contractors ; selling his influence to
aid said ring In procuring a contract,
to procure which it corruptly paid
107,000 "for influence ;" soiling bis in-
uonce in a matter that involved no
question of law, upon the shallow pre
text mat no was acting aa a inwyor ;
selling bis intiuonce iu a manner so
pal pa bio and clear as to be lound and
declared by an impartial and compe
tent Court upon an insuo solemnly
Oth. Resolved, That wo arraign bim
for tbo fraudulent manner in which
bo attempted in bis spoocb delivered
at Warren, on tbe 19th day of Sep
tember, J H7 4, to shield himself Irom
just censure in rocoiving the before-
namod (5,01111, by falsely representing
in said spoocb that the Congrossof tho
United States were not responsible for
tbe acts of said Board, nor the United
ytatos liablo lor the dobts created
thereby, when in truth and fact, aa bo
thon well knew, the said Board of
Publio Works and tbe officors ol said
District woro bat agents and instru
ments of Congress, and the United
states was responsible tor thelndebtod
ness bv them created.
10th. Resolved, That wo arraign dim
for gross dorelictionof duty as a member
ol Congress ia failing to bring to light
and exposo tbe corruption and abuse
in the salo of post-tradornhips, for
which the late Secrotary Hoik nap was
impoachod, when the same was brought
tn hia knowlodrrs bv General Uajcen
Id 1872, and can only account for it
noon tbe supposition tbat bis manbood
was debauched by the corruption
funds, then by him just received, and
in his own nurse.
1Kb. Resolved, Tbat the law of
1873, known as the act demonetizing
silvor, was enacted in tbe Interest ol
gold rings, bondholders and capitalists
and against the interests of tax payers
and without thoir advice and Knowl
edge. That this act, by a single blow,
has seriously crippled our power lo
resume specio payments or pay our
National debt in coin. That no suf
ficient reason bas yet been given for
tbis legislation, so dishonest and pal-
pable in its discrimination In favor of
tbs imall creditor class and capitalists
and against the groat debtor class and
the industrial interests of tbe country.
That James A. Garfiold, during the
last session ol (Jo-ogress was tbe con
spicuous defender ol this crafty at
tempt to sacrifice the interests of the
people to bondholders and foreign capi
talists. Tbat when it Is proposed to
restore the old silvor dollar to the place
PA., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1880.
it bad hold during our history as a
Nation as a legal tonuor tor all dobts,
nublio and privato, he denounced tho
attempt as "a swindle on so grand a
scalo as to make theacbiovementilluB
trious" snd as "a scheme ol vast ras
cality and colloasnl swindling."
12th. Resolved, That neither great
ability and experience or eloquent
partisan discussion of the dead issues
of the lato war will excuse or jiislity
oast dishonesty and corruption
answer aa a guaranty of integrity and
purity for tho future. '
13th. Resolved, That believing the
statomonts in the foregoing resolutions
Bot forth we cannot, witDOui stullity
ing our manhood and debasing our
Bolf-rosnect, support at tho polls tho
nominee of tha Republican Conven
tion of tbis dislrict lor ro election, nor
can wo, without surrendering our
rights as electors and oitleci.a ait silently
by and see a man so unwormy again
sent to ropresont us in the National
Legislature. That strong in the con
viction of rinht we call upon the elect
ors of this district, irrespective ol
former or present party attachment,
who desire honest government, to unite
with us in an earnest, faithful effort to
defeat tbe re-election ot General bar
tlold and elect in his stead an honest
anJ reliable man.
Tho Conference Committee repotted
by resolution as follows:
Resolved, Tbatthiscommitteounsni
mously recommend G on. J . H. Casement
as a Buitablo candidate to bo supported
and voted for at tho Congressional
Tho report was accepted and adopted
and Uen. J. S. Casement was unani
mously nominated by acclamation as
candiuuto for Representative to Con
gress. Gen. Casement then came before
the Convention and accepted tho nomi
nation in a brief, pertinent speech, tbe
action of tbo Convention and accept
ances of tbe nominoo being grootod
with eutbusiaslic applause.
On motion the lollowing District
Central Committee was appontcil : J
B. Burrows, of Lake ; R. lit. Norton
of Ashtabula ; L.KDurfoo, of Geauga,
O. Todd, ol Portago, and C. S. rield;
ot Trumbull.
Tho following wore chosen a com-
nut tee to prcpuro an address lo the
electors of tho district: G. N. Tuttle,
P. Bosworth and II. II. Uine, of Lake ;
A. Giddings, of Ashtabula: L. .
Durleo, ot Geauga, L. D. Brown, ol
Portage, and A. Youmano, of Trum
On motion tho convention adjourned.
L. D. Brown, C. W, Knsiiin,
Geo. K. Paine, Chairman.
Not many rears ago, it was hardly
respectable to wear a beard ; but the
beard movement, rosistod and ridiculed
at first has conquered, and it grows
more and more tho fashion to grow on
Ibe lace as lull a covering ol bair as
can bo coaxed out. " Tbe beard, tbe
natural clothing of tho chin," says a
very old English writer, "was In an
cient time looked upon not a a troublo-
some burden, but as a dignified orna
ment ol npo manbood and old age.
Our prosonl generation, however, cares
nothing for "dignified ornament" in
dress, but vory much for convonionco
and utilitarianism. It sees in tho
beard, and above all, in the moustache,
a natural defence for the throat and
face against tho cold, and equally iu
warm climates, a protection of those
parts against excessive heat. Persons
w bo wear moustaches aro said, on good
authority, lo bo loss liable to toothache
than ethers, and it is also said tlmt the
teeth are loss apt to decay. Tho board
and moustacho equalize tho tompora-
ture to Ibe parts tboy cover with their
protection. Tbo sappers and miners
of the French army, chosen in part for
tho size and beauty of their boards,
enjoy an especial immunity against
bronchitis and similar evils. It is ro
tated that Walter Savage Landor was
a great sufferer from sore throat for
many years ol bis lilo but was cured
by the surgeon of tho Grand Duke of
Tuscany, who advised him to lot the
board grow. " Ye shall not round the
corners of your boads; neither shall
tbou mar theeorncrsot tby beard, says
the Scripture in Loviticus. In ancient
times all men and gods woro beards.
The glory and beauty of Jupiter's
beard was dwelt on by Homer, wbon
tbo fathor of gods and men is first
brought into tho Iliad.
Alexander tho Great first introduced
shaving, saying that in his Asiatic
wars tbe beards of his WBrrior " might
oiler a handle to the enemy." It be
came tho mark ol a fine gontloman to
wear no board in Greece, and dandies
even removed them by "sharp pitch
plasters," as well as razors. Rome
bogan lo shave about ono hundred and
fitly years before the Christian ora.
Scipio Africanus, the youngor, it is
saiu was mo nrst Konmii gentleman ot
nolo who shaved every day. Iu
CV'sar'i timo, young gentlemen of fash
ion woro a slight goatee, but the full
beard wm only worn in mourning or
in days of groat publio oelamity. dinar
Augustus and XNoro wore close sliavod,
but tho beard revivod again under
later Kmporors. Tho auciont Britons
out off their boards upon the chin, but
woro long, shaggy hair and enormous
tangled moustaches. A young bar
barian in some German tribes never
"reaped his chin" till be had slain an
onomy. ibe Saxons woro thomous-
tacbo, the Normans shaved, ruler
tho Great, desirous of do-Rusianizing
his subiect, imposed a graduated tax
on boards. Hen of the upper classes
laid one hundred rubles (B70) yearly
or tbe privilcgo of not shaving their
beards, and poor peoplo a kopce 1 about
one cont) apiece, Closo shaven faces
came back among our ancestors with
Charles 11., boing anothor of tho things
tor which hnglaud bad no reason to
thank tbe restoration. During the
reign of tho four Georges cropped chins
were universal, and though our grand
fathers still sneered at " beardless
boys" as a fiiuro of speech, they daily
labored lo be bearuicai themselves.
Afloat and asboro, whatever the diffi
culties of the operation, officers, so),
diers, and seaman shaved evorv day.
During the past tiny years boards bavo
been first tolerated as eccontrio. thon
accepted as optional, and at Inst have
boon restored to lasuion and honor.
We now hold with one of the old bards
who colobrsted Henry VIII. '1 beard,
A wall-thatchea face Is a arare,
Aad a shatter from the cold.
It was at the opera house. Tbo
performance was about to bogin, when
one of the two strangers looked all
around and said : ' ism, whore is tbo
dross circle f Bill glanced up toward
the third nailery and replied: "I reckon
it is op yonder. 1 see a fellor taking
on bis coal.
A tramp called bis shoos "corpora
tions, because tney naa no soles.
Poor little Charlie Kosss bas been
found again this timeout in Michigan.
Tho story of tho discovery is told in a
lottor received by Chief of Police
Uivin, of Philadelphia, from Mrs. A. B.
Pago, of Mondon, St, Joseph county,
Michigan. The loiter is dated Juno
9th, and in it Mrs. Pago Bays :
"I have for nearly a year past had
a strong boliof that 1 had socn the
missing Charlie Ross, and having
again come across tbe samo person
and a boy bearing a strong resemblance
to a photograph 1 saw of Charlie Ross
at the time be was first abducted, 1
will mako tho statement and give my
reasons for thinking the boy might be
Charlie Rons. About tho last of Au
gust or first of September, 1879, a man
came to -Norlliport, Michigan, and,
Booming anxious to avoid public places,
engaged board lor himsolf and son (as
bo saiu) with a broltiorot mine. The
man, 1 should think, was about forty
years 01 age, woro Ins bair quito Ion
and Burnside whiskers. Ills hair an
whiskers are aro vory bluck ; be looked
like an Italian, whilo the boy was
quito light, boing a littlo freckled
nair light brown and ralbor curly
Tho man styled himself Professor
Sehoonovor, and was ongagod while
thoro in touching vocal music: taught
children, took them as young as seven
years old and hot over fourteen, and
gave a concort with his class alter tbe
term closed. Ho was very tyrannical
to bis own child when alone, but very
afloctionate to him before lolks, often
scolding him sovoroly at night; was
overheard telling hi 111 how much ho
was doing to givo bim a musical edu
cation and how littlo progress he was
malting. J. no child seemed vory scum.
tivo and olU'n cried and sobbed him
self to sloop after tho fathor had bo
scolded and ollcn threatened to kill
him if bo did not learn fastor. After
tho term of Iobsoos at Nortbport ho
went around to country school houses
and gave evening entertainments with
the buy, singing comic, sentimental and
socred songs. The boy sang second,
Ihotutber played on any instrument bo
oould borrow for tho evening. Thoy
invariably traveled on foot wboncvor
thoy could. Tbey woro at my house
several times; culled lo seo sorao In
dian relics wo had collected and asked
if wo would sell them and wished mo
to give them a copy of an Indian song
1 Bung for them ; said thoy would he
glad lo get some Indian costumes and
sing Indian at their entertainments,
told ob thoy lived near tirand Rapids,
J una b, 18K0, 1 again met tbe parties
hero at Meadow, Mich., a small coun
try town of about fifteen hundred in
habitants. Iho father camo boro look
ing for a chance for a boy thirteen
years old to deliver a temperance loo
lure, which we attendod, and recog
nized the same boy who bad spent
about three months on Grand T ravers
Bay that Summer and Fall, and tho
child resembles Charlie Ross moro than
cvor, wearing his hairlong and combed
bohind his ears (his bair is quito curly,)
and 1 was so impressed with the like
ness to tbo photograph 1 bad seen 1
oould not koep tho thought from my
mina it might be the lost child. Tbey
came to this place on loot and went
the same way. They told us they
wore going to Yicksburg, nine miles
north Irom hero, but did not go thcro,
and I bavo not yet boon able to learn
exactly whore thoy went I have boon
minute In detail, bo you might judge
whether it ia worth investigating.
ror toe reiiablenessot my statement
or responsibility of my word I can
givo you as ruluronce or recommenda
tion many of the first people of the
State of Michigan, and will only say
my nusDana nas been i'ostmastcr at
Omens, Mich., fourteen years We are
now residing at Jttondou. J. bavo boon
employed by the Government as teach
er .among tbo Indians lor six years,
and bavo been employed as special in-
bur,iuwr nuu whuusb ut lueir annual
payments lor ten years, and held the
position until their annuities woro ex
hausted and tho schools were discon
My reason for writing to vou aro
the strong rcsomblanco the boy boars
to the photograph which was sent to
my brother, who was Bhoriri of Lee
lanan county, Michigan! at the lime
Charlie Ross was abducted, and tbo
equivocal and strango life of Professor
Sehoonovor and son (?).
II you think thoro is enough grounds
lo warrant an investigation and it
should bo necessary, 1 will make
affidavit to this staloraont Will you
at least send mo an answer, giving
your opinion, for if it is not possible
mat mo cnuii is t iiarno Koss thore is
still some mystory about him."
Tbe lost boy's lather, Christ K. Ross,
when quoslionod in regard to tho mat
ter in his office, of Master Wardcn.w ith
regard to the above lottor said he
thought littloof it. There was a possi
bility, of oonrse, that it might be the
boy, but it was not probable. He had
novor hoard of this caso before, lie
boliovcd that it was not his child.
Thoro was a discrepancy In tho ago
This boy was said lo be thirtoon years
01 e;o, but tjbarhe Koss, II living,
would bo only ton. Mr. Hons remarked.
howovor, that tho woman scemod to be
vory intelligent, and he proposed to
correspond with bor for the purpose
01 gelling moro inlormalion.
Pure Charitt. A poor Jrish wo
man went to a venerable priest In lloa
ton, recontly, says the -Tiuf, and asked
him to forward to Ireland bor holp for
the famino sufferers. "How much can
yon spare?" asked the priest. "I bavo
a hundred dollars saved," sho said,
"and I can spare that," The priosl
reasoned with her, saying that Iter
gift was too great for bor means; but
site was firm to her purpose. It would
do her good to know that sho bad
bolped : she could rest happier think
ing of the poor families she hsd saved
from hunger and death. Tbo priest
received bor money with moistoncd
eyes. "Now, whit is your name," be
asked, "that I may have it published f"
"My name J" said tbe bravo soul, count
ing ovor bor monov. "don l mind mat,
sir. Just send them tho help and
God will know my name."
"How do yon like me now?" askod
a belle ol ber spouso, as she sailod into
tbo room with ber long train sweep
ing behind her. "Well, said ho, "to
toll tbs truth it Is Impossible for me to
like yon any longer."
"Mamma, can't we have anything ws
wantr res, my dears: bul bo caro-
lul and don't want anything you can't
The pitcher tbat goes often to the
beer house is broken at last It is the
same way with the catcher.
One of tbo most attractive exhibits
at the Permanent F.xhibition is that of
silk culture, and owing to the efl'orts
ol Iho management to popularizo the
introduction of Ibo silk worm among
American people generally Ibis exhibit
bocoinoi ouo of the most instructive of
the 1,600 yet remaining Irom tho Cen
tennial. The decrease of the silk crop
in F.urope will stimulate its culture in
this country and a few facts in con
nection with tbis important industry
may prove of intorost. The silk
erop in Europe in 1878 amounted to
7,320.000 pounds j in 1879 it fell on to
2,510,200 pounds, scarcely more than
one-third the quantity of tho preced
ing year. Whilo there has boon a
lessoned production of raw silk in
Europo there has been an increased
consumption of it in the United States,
and as tho production of silk goods
bas increased in this country their im
portation bas decreased, as lbs follow
ing statoment attests :
In 1873 there wore 147 firms iu this
country employing 11.713 operatives,
who produced silk goods of tbo value
of $10,894,87-1. In 1878 there woro
213 firms, employing 18,017 operatives.
who produced $20,593,103 worth of
silk goods. In 1873 we imported Bilk
goods to tho value ot $24,379,322 and
in 1870 our importation of silk goods
loll otl to $21,192.80. Our increase in
homo production woa $G,G(I8,2S9 and
our docreaBO in importations during
ido period named was J,18u,tMU. Unr
ing tho year 187C the manufacturers
of silk golds in this country usod 1,
144,800 pounds of raw silk, of which
10,000 pounds only wero rsisod in
America, including Mexico and Brazil.
During tho same year, 1870, the
Chinese Knipiro produced 23.232,000
pound ol raw silk, valued at C'J2,'J.a,
0i)0. Tho world's supply ot raw Bilk
for 1870 was 55,903,000 pounds, valued
at $207,653,400, ol which the value of,
tbo raw silk produced in America was
only iuo,oou.
The raw silk of China is worth $4
per pound ; that produced in the
United States is worth $0 per pound.
For tbo raw silk used in this country
by the two hundred firms ongagod in
the manufacture ot silk goods more
than (5,000,000 are annually sent out
of tbo country. This ought lo bo
stopped, and one of the many good
things the management of tho Perma
nent Exhibition Company is engaged
in is to Btop it by teaching Iho boys
and girls ol this country that ono of
Ibe most protitablo and agreeable di
versions from labor that they can en
joy is the culture of silk, by supplying
them with eggs and giving thorn all
tho information requisite for the suc
cessful culture ot this valuable pro
duction. A lew TMr. mm .TnHrrA lnlth area
employed by tho Massachusetts Legis
lature to cxamino that report upon
tbe culturoof silk in the Now England
Slates, and in his exhaustive report
Bays that ho found almost every fumily
in Windham county, Connecticut, that
bad small children engaged in tbe cul
ture of silk, raising ten, twenty, fifty
and ono hundred pounds per annum.
-Mr. Lilly, ol tbo JSonotucli Bilk Lorn-
lany, says tbat many lamilies raised
38 pounds each. The value ot this
raw Bilk was $0 per pound. Tbe care
ot Bilk worms is no moro trouble than
that of a canary bird or a lap dog. It
is in every sonse as pleasurablo and
being much more protitablo, it ought
to supplant tbo dog at least.
Ibo Women s Silk Culture Associa
tion of the United Slates having start
ed a silk school at the Permanent Ex
hibition, aro prepared in this grout
school for teaching nsoful industries
(0 learn persons tho art ol raising Bilk
worms, reding tho silk from the co
coons, and other matters porlainingto
silk culture. Lvcry boy and girl upon
whose fathor'a farm or lot is a whito,
or smooth loaved purplo mulborry, or
osago orange ti eo, ought lo bo a grower
of Bilk, first lor the purpose of putting
money in their pockets and second to
stop tho annual flow of millions ol
dollars Irom this country to l'.urope
tor tho purchase ol raw silk.
The sulo ot Bilk worms' eggs, as
shown in it recent publication by the
Franklin Instiluto of Philadelphia, is
an important industry. During the
years 1874, 1875, 1870 and 1877, $0,
000,000 worth ot eggs arrived at San
Francisco for each of the years ststod,
from Yokohama, Japan, intended
to bo shipped by tho Pacific Railroad
to New York, thence by steamer to
Havre, Franco.
Jl is predicted that in less than ton
yoars wo will bo doings largo busi
ness in supplying Francs with Bilk
worms raised by Iho boys and gills of
this country. I htladelphut limn.
"A WIUTED sepulchre:
Bunk failures have caused moro
real distress, during the past year,
than all the wrongs perpetrated on
society by burglars and horse-thieves
combined. A New Jersey case is the
last one cited by tbo Philadelphia
7Vmr aa follows :
This time it is in Newark, Now
Jersey, at tho intersection of ibo two
principal streets or that busy city.
Tbo First National Bank did business
in a showy snow-while building,
erected at an expense equal to half
the amountof its capital. That is to say,
ol tho capital it was supposed to havo.
That capital was a purely nominal
affair ot an imaginary three hundred
thousand dollars. Oacothccpital had a
real existence, and thore was a time
wbon it was figured up as high as half a
million. But the figuring of this capi
tal made little difference. The direct
ors might as well bavo figured it at
five millions or five conts, as long as
the cashier was allowed to finger it as
much as he pleased.
This bank is a curiosity worth em
balming in some museum of metropoli
tan finance, provided enough ol its re
mains can bo found to embalm, It is
like the rind ol a choese, tbe insido ot
which chcoso bos boon eaten out by
rats. Such a chcoso rind may hold
together for a while and present quito
a respectable appearance, especially if
a fow kind boartcd and skillful rats
slyly combino to shore it up in its
weakest places and to drop a littlo
borrowed or stolen cheese into the
places wbonce too much of the gonn
ine and proper choose bas been exca
vated. The owneis of sucb a ohoeso
may take prido in its external appear
ance, just as tbe directors and officers
ol this whited sepulchre donbtlesa did.
As thoy daily pasaed tbe corner on
which stands tbe showy building they
would look at it and congratulate
thomselvos on their happiness in pos
sessing the stock of such a bank and
in boing othorwise identified with it
And well they might be happy in own
ing shares, for as lately aa April thoso
TEEMS $2 per annum in Advance .
NEW SERIES-V0L. 21, NO. 20.
shares paid a four por cent, dividend
to their holders. But It seems that a
system of what is commonly known
at "kiting" was kept up, and that was
what kept the bunk np. If rats were
kiting they would do it by carrying
to night a lot of cheese from one spot
to another spot where cheese wus
more evidently needed to stop tip a
Lolo or lo cover a weak place. Then
to-morrow night they would lifl dial
particular lol til t-hecso to another
spot where tbe need seemed lo be
more urgent. In liko manner did the
officials who did tho banking fur this
bank kite from bank to bank with
their epbcmoral drafts making good
one day the uobciency ol tho day be
lore, only to keep tbo tottering busi
ness on its shaky logs until tbe inevita
bio day of final doom. Tbis day was
when a ISew iork bank reluseu to
continue to assist in the flying of kites
for tbe suffering and sadly weakenod
institution. All of a sudden the funny
old perrons who were supposed to have
been managing this bank were struck
as if by unexpected thunderbolts. The
President, who said he did not know
anything about the business, kindly
stepped out and tacked a notice on the
door, saying that tho bank would not
bo open to-day. -then bo retired to
express surprise lo and with the other
officials at tho rottenness so suddenly
revealed. Tho directors all looked
blank. The large stockholders came
in and helped tho praiseworthy effort.
They bad all reposed confidence in
somebody else. Conlidcnco is a de
lightful thing, and to reposo it in any
body is ovorBulovoly. Allthodiroctors.
with one consent, said tbat they knew
nothing at all about anything, and
that the only persons who knew any
thing about anything woro tho Cashier
and the acting Cashier. Tho Cashier
had gono to Europe, and the acting
Cashier had rolirod from his scono oi
action and had gono somowhore or
other, nobody know where. Thcso
directors are going to try to find out
something. Ouo thing they havo
found out, namely, that there are
about twulvo hundred depositors, who
aro going to hold a torchlight pro
cession or something of the kind by
way of lunorul service in honor of the
whited sepulchre. They aro about to
find out another thing, to wit, tbat
bank directors who in April doeluro a
four por cent, dividend on the stock ol
a rotten bank become individually lia
blo it tho bank tumbles to pieces
in June. So let tho depositors be
happy, for tho directors aro wealthy,
and their experience will teach tbcm a
valuable lesson, even it it bo a costly
Tho wallowing of half a dozen ele
phants in Frog Pond tbis morning was
a wondorouB sight tbat will long bo ro-
mombcrcd by tho thousands ol Boston
ians of all ages and conditions who
thronged the knolls in thovicinity. The
picturesque strangers from India and
Africa wore not loss dolightud. They
Boomed to nualf tbe Chociluate and
sport in its wave with as much gusto
as it they woro reveling in somo remote
tributary of tbe Ganges or Nile in their
native jungles, becnataliltlodistance
the bugo gray backs of tbo tropical
boasts loomed up liko tape Ann rocks
at the head of the pond. At first they
stood almost motionless, but as tbe
reality of tho treat and tbeir liberty
camo to be fully bolievod in, tboy grew
quito demonstrative, and willing not
only to wet thoir "overalls," but to lie
down and roll all oxcept the venerable
leader who Boomed to havo something
kin to religious respect, liko ufukir ot
India, tor Ibe ancient dirt on his shoul
dors, and carried it back lo his tent un
prolancd by tho ablution, Tho youngor
elcuhauts trumpoieo, curved up lueir
trunks, stuck out their tails straight as
pokors, as in tbe pictures oi elephant
combais, and nnaiiy sioopea down and
buriod their immeuso beads under tbe
water, thoro remaining so long that
poople wbo did not seo Ibe tips ot thoir
trunks abovo Ibo sunaco thought tbey
wero drowning. 1 wo ol thorn got to
twining their trunks one around the
other, bo as to bring their nauoy lips into
a clumsy osculation. For Iho moment
tho show business was lorgot, and the
proboscidians returned to thoir native
sports and yet not wholly lorgot, tor
one degenerated youngster ot the bcrd
wcnl round the plasuy margin ot the
pond holding up the end 01 bis trunk
liko a contribution box for apples and
peanuts ol tbe small boy Who was on
band in his usual lurco on such occa
sions. After some outorprising photog
rapher had secured several pictures of
the bathing monsters they demurely
followed their trainer and a calico horso
from the circus buck to their tents, ad
ding, no doubt, tbo graloful testimony
ol denizens ol two moro grand divis
ions of the globe that Boston Common
is tho most beautifi.l spot in the world.
Direct descendants or the first families
of the Garden of F.don, they ought to
know. liosron Jransenpi.
A lady writer in one ol our ex
changes furnishes some of tho reasons
why I'.vo did not keep a hired girl.
Sho says :
Tbcro has boon a great 'deal said
about tho faults of womon and why
they need so much waiting on. Some
ono (a mun ot course! has the prosump.
tion loask " Why, when Kvo was man
ufactured of a sparo rib, why asorvant
was not mauo to watt upon ber r
Sho didn't nocd any, A bright writor
has said that Adam never camo whin
ing to Eve with rugged stockings to be
darned, buttons to ne sewed on, gloves
to be mended, "right away quick
now," bocanso bo novcr road tho news
papers until the sun went down behind
the palm iroes, anil no, stretching him
self, yawned out, " Isn't nipper ready.
mv tlenr 1 " Not ho. Ilo made tho
firo and hung tho kettlo ovor it him
self, wo'll vonttiro, and pulled the rad
ishes, peeled tho potatoes and did
everything else he ought to do. lie
milked tho cows, fed tho chickens and
looked after the pigs himself, and nevor
brought hall a dozen lrionds borne to
dinner when I'.vo haunt any Irosb
pomegranates. Ilo nover stayed ont
till 11 o'clock at night, and then
scolded becauso poor Kvo was sitting
up crying insido the gate. He nevor
loafed at the corner groceries while
Kvo was rocking littlo Cain's cradlo at
home. Ho did not call Kvo m Irom
the cellar to get his slipnors and put
thorn in tno corner whore be loll them,
Not he. When he took them off ha
put them under the fig troo bosido his
Sunday boots. In short, he did not
think she was especially created lor
tue purpose 01 waiting on bim, and
wasn't under the improssion that it
disgraced a man to lighten a wife's
cares a littlo. That's tbe reason Kvo
did not need a hirod girl, and with il
was the reason her fair deflcondantsdid.
The farmer loohod at his cherry tree,
With thick buds clustered or every hough
" 1 wish I could cheat the rabies," oald ha
"If sombody only would show m. hew,
"Ml meke a terrible soarOcrow grim,
With llirrateaing arm. and with bristling 1004,
And up In tbe tree I'll fasten him
To frighten them half to deelb," he Hid.
He faablooed a searscrow tattered aad Wm
Ob, 'twas a horrible thing to oee I
And very early one Hammer mora,
Ho sat It up la bis sherry tree.
Tha kloaiem. woro white at the light sea-roam,
Tbe beautiful tree was a lovely sight,
But tbe scarecrow sluod there eo much St homo
Tbat tha birds flew screaming away ia fright.
But the islt'.M, walking bim day after day,
With bead, on one aide aai eyas ao,-
Surveying the mon.ter, b.s,aa to oey,
"Why .bould tbis fellow our ,ro..ecls Might t
"He never moves round for tbe rouihe.t weelber,
lie's a barmleas, comical, lough old lellow
Let's ell gv into tbe tree together,
For he won't I adge till tbe fruit la msllow !"
So np tney flew f and the sauciest pair
'Mid tbe shady branches peered and perked,
Beloclod a spot with tho almost eara,
Aod ail day merrily sang aod worhsd.
And whsrs do yoa lb Ink they built tbeir Bast I
In tba icareerow's pocket, if you pleaaa,
Tbat, half concealed oa his ragged brraat.
Made a charmiog oovorl ol safety and eeat I
lij tie lime the elimle. were rul,T-red
A Itiriiirg feutih, hungry and brisk,
lb WLo'r day oe the ripe fruit frd :
"Iw.s .u col.veiiiint ! Tbey saw 00 rl.k !
Until the children were ready to Sy
All undisturbed they lived ia tbe tree
For nobody iboognl to look at the (luy
For a robia's flonrishing family I
Ceie ThaxUr, ,B Jmn Wid:Aak:
Under this caption somo Philadel
phia boiiso-keeper bus furnished the
editor of tbe Times onool "tbenobbiost"
editorials we bavo read for a long time,
Tbe writer strikes out in this stylo:
"One of the cleverest and buppicxt
fellows in the world is tho mechanic
who, having been sent for to do some
repairing, presents bimscll to perlorm
the job. With smiles on bis fuco, tools
in his kit and materials nndor bis arms
or on his shoulders, he pleasantly takes
possession of bouse, room, store, laetory
or office where tbo repairs are to be
effected. If there is anything more
positively happy and soreno than ono
of those men, it is two of them coming
together. Jn this ease each one relieves
tho loneliness of tho otbor. It might
bo supposed that two persons could
accomplish at least twice as much work '
as one. This is not always tbs case.
Whatever is lost in actual work is moro
than mado up in consultation. Con
sultation is good in its way. To see
two of theso men conferring with each
other is to realize tho mighty influence
ol Head work as compared with band
work. Brain supersedes muscle, and
muscle renll'ully waits in respectful
bomago until brain bos done its sbure
of tbe work.
"In whatever branch ol industry the
job oi repairs is to bo dono Iho jobbers
consider it ol primal importance to rrfltke
their appearance at the most inoppor
tune time. If it is the kitchen range
that needs mending tbo men who are
to mend it suddenly sail in on wash-day
morning when Ibe fire is at its hottest,
or else on tho day of ironing when tho
calorifiod flutirons are briskly flying
over the whitened linen and cannot lor
a moment be left to cool. We lot tbe
firo go out just to oblige thoso men.
Then tboy go out too, for tboy have for
gotten some of their tools. No jobbing
mechanic wus evor known to bring all
bis loots at one trip. 1 bey do not lor- -
got many tools. Sometimes It is the
butchot, somolimos the shears or tbe
nippers, aud again it is only the meas
uring tap or loot-rule. In the latter
instance it wore madness to offer them
the measure wbicb happens to be in tbe
house. It would not suit their purpose.
It might not be correct. They mast
have thoir own, and so thoy retire from
the sccno of confusion and of disappoint
ed hopes and aro gone until evening,
when wo want to build up tbo fire for
supper. Ihen tbey bring what wits
needed, tour the range to pieces, force
us to subsist on cold victuals, and again
dopurt for some castings or patterns, or
tongs, or almost any foolishness tbey
can think of. They come back tor
final action in the course of three days.
Ifthcjobbors are carpenters thoy bring
thoir measuring rulos, and lay line and
plummet to each wall and angle and
joint and window and door, as il tbey
were employed to mako a survey ol tbe
county. No carpenter since the days of
tbe men wbo built Noah's ark ever
brought his saw with him on bis first
arrival. The amount of timo oonsumod
by jobbing curponters in going after
forgotten saws must amount in the
aggrcgnto to tho equivalent of that
consumed in building the Pyramids ol
Cheops. Tbo patience of the plumber
is proverbial. His strong point is to
stay away for somo time after he is
sent for. When he arrives it is to re
ceive an avalanche of anathemas irom
the distracted house-keeper. These roll
off from him as rain-water Irom the
feathers of a duck. The plumber can
stand delay boiler than any other of
the wbolo fraternity of operating me
chanics. He laughs in bis sleeve at our
inconvenience and wonders why wo
should be annoyed by bio doing in
Iwenty-soven visits what ws think he
might have dono in two. Then thoro
is his twin brother, the gas fitter. Of
all the men who try the souli of people
who havo repairing to be dono, and who
mako such peoplo pine and pant for that
patient self-possession which was the
portion of Job, patriarch of the land of
Vz, the gas filter crowns tbe list. Hap
pily ho duos not come late in the even
ing, when we are burning all our lights.
Il is a wonder that be does not, just for
tho sake ot testing our patience. It
would bo such fun tor bim to turn off
our light and leave us sitting in mid
night gloom. Ho kindly consents, in
stead of thus liming bis visit, to come
in tho busiest hours of tbs day. II we
have a committee meeting or a dinner
party ora private conference or a wed
ding, in comes that malevolent and
mischievous repairer of fixtures. He
will be with us, ho says, for the space
of an hour, and will kindly dispatch
business to our soul's great delight.
First ho turns ofT tbe gas at tho meter.
Then he unscrews a lew burners and
brackets and a cbande''' or two. He
will not annoy us ; not he. He only
saturates our apartments with thespare
carbureltod hydrogen let loose Irom
tho pipes. His crowning joy is 10 go
and cut somo pipe. While engaged on
this errand he leaves his assistant to
superintend affairs. In the course of
the samo day be returns with the pipe,
which he bas cut to tbe wrong length.
Ho works and works along, and eoos
several times more to cut some pipe,
until we think ho has had time to cut
Into inch bits every length ol pijto in
'And yet we cannot dospise these
jobbers, nor can we afford to sneer at
the joba they do. fsithlul and labori
ous men thoy aro, and most of thoir
work Is done conscientiously, it is
hotter to be bothered for a day or two
with the doings and devices of a gag.
fitter than to sit in tho dark, or ruin
the oyos with an inadequate light.
Belter cat oold ham fur a week than
have the kitchen rango to vex us for
all time. Tbe jobbers are sent into
tho world lo teach as patience and
long suffering. Without them this
world would be a monotonous wilder
ness of woo. With Ihom ws have
somebody to acold at, and wha tbey
clear out we k now what a blessing it M
to bo rid of thorn."
One reason why Ltadvllls baa no
schools is bocause all the school
ma'ams who go thsre find husbands
botweon the station and the hotels,
and don't care a cent whether school
keeps or not.