IV ii UN y 1 vnn la Hall road L"SiTT All 'J.r. H l-'-lr ivEtl TYRONK ft CLEARFIELD BRANCH ON and after Honda,, MAY J4, 1(111), I hi Paaaenger Traina will ruB detljr (except Bub dajrej between Tyronoand Olaarflold, aa followe t CLEARFIELD HAIL. LEAVE BOIITil. LEAVE NOHTU. Curw.nertlla,. HlTereiow .I.ii), r. .S..1U, " TyrBt,. Vanaeovoo,..., Hummit, H Powelton, OBBMla,... Doj QtOB, ...... Bteinor'e, Phllipir.. I. aa.i.a Lib, " 0, 10.(10, ' 10.1 J, " 10.17, 10.21, II. lt," OleerAeld 1.40, " ,l.4, " .1.64, ' 4.01, " Leonard,... Ilarrelt, Woodland, Hlgler Wallaoeton,.., Mine Uell, Orahnin Philipiiburf, , nltelnor 'a ..4 0, ,.4.17, " ..i.ii, ' Oraaa 14. IB, " 10.17," 10.44, 10.61, 11.60, 11.07, 11.11," ,11.10," ...4.81, " .4., " ...4.SII, 4.4, " ...4.6J, ..t.Oi, " lllu. 11.11 WbIIbwIoB,.., Bljler .... Woodlud,.... Barrett, Leonard, ....... ClearAeld...... Uoynton, Oaoeola, Powellon,. ... Summit. Vanecoroo,.... Tyrone, MS, .00, RtrervUw..... Curw.nirlll., 11.15, .11.40.., CLEARFIKLD EXPRESS. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. Cnrweo till. Hlverrlew . t.0 1. 6.10 " Tyrone, Veaeooyoo,.,. Summit,......, Powelton, ..7.10 r. .7.41 " .8.06 .1.17 " Cle.raeld...... Leonard, Harrett WoodUad,..,, Hlgl.r Wnllacetonw. Blue U.ll, Qraham, Philipiburg Hielner'., i.47 " 6.63 " 6.67 .0J " .0S " .16 " d.ll A.JS " O.IV " A.S3 .HT a.o .61 " 7.06 " UlCBOlB, UoTBtOB ..819 " .8.14 Steiner'e ..8.10 " rmiip.bur, Grabam ,.1.41 .8.47 lllu Bill ..8.66 Wallacetoa, ,.0.01 " .0.10 nigier Woodlud,.. Barrett, Leonard, Clearaald,, hirerviow,.,, CurweaiTUU Mormon, Oic.ole, Powelton, Summit, Vaneooyoo,.,., Tyrone, M ,..17 ,..li " .11.30 ,.0.38 " ..9.48 ' 10.00 7. 23 7.46 ' l'HILIl'SUniO A M0HIIANN0N BRANCHES LBAVB BottTH. P. M. A. H. A. M. MTATfORfl. 100 Morrtedalt. LliVI NORTB, A, V. r. M. P. N. 12:40 1:16 1 ID 334 1:30 7:00 fbilipoburg, 7:0.1 Uteiner'i 7:00 Bojrnton. 11:15 4:10 11:11 4:14 11:14 4:18 10:30 7:18 Oioeola. 0:19 11:04 4:01 1:44 10::6 1:11 Moek.nnon, 3:47 10:411 7:10 Sterling, J 53 10:48 7:46 II.mtid.le, 3:67 10:61 7:66 MoCauley, 1:07 10:69 8:01 Kendriok'e, 1:11 11:03 8:110 Hauiey. 1.66 11:61 1:67 8:60 11:46 8:60 8:45 11:40 1:45 8:40 11:85 1:46 8:35 11:30 1:30 8:30 11:15 1:30 BALD KAOLE VALLEY BRANCU. Kx. Mi r. v. A. 7.08 8, 1.33 8, 8.01 0 8.34 . 8 33 0, 8.46 10 0.08 10 041 II. 111. M. Hail. P. M. Eip. A. M. 7.66 7.41 ,30 lears Tyron. arrlv. 8.81 .17 6.38 6.11 6.06 4.55 4.11 1.66 .17 Bld (! .11) Julias .43 Mile.l.nrj ,51 UHl.funl. .03 Miloilmrg ,1 Howard 08 arrira L. Hareo loaT TYRONE STATION. 7.06 6.4.1 33 33 t.OO 6.16 K1ITWARD. A.M. I WIITW1HD. A. M Paeifle Kxpreaa 8:14 PUtiburirb Kip'ii, l.&S Jobnatown Kxprcii 8:M jl'tvoifio Kzpreia, 8:18 P.M. P.M. Day Etpreaa 13 541 Way 1'aiienffer, 1:16 Mall Train. 3:27 Chica(fo Exproti, Jt U Atlantic fix pre u, 8:51 Mail Train. 8:4 I'hila. Kipreia. V.lH-'mt Lino, T:8 Close connection- mailo by all traina at Tyrono and liook Haren. S. 6. BLAIR, myl7-tf. Snperintondont. STAdB LINES. A atano laves Cnrwemville dally for Roynoldi ville, at 1 o'clock, p.m., arriving at RynoldiTille at 8 o'clock, p. m. Reluming, learoi Reynolda Tillt daily, at 7 o'clock, a. m , arriving at Cur wenarillsat 12 o'clock, ra. Fare, etvcb way, 2. A it age leavei CurwcDirllla dally, at 1 o'clock, p. m., fur t)ulloU City, arriving at DnBolf City at 8 o'clock, p. in. Returning, leave DuBoil at 7 o'clork, a. m., daily, arriving at Curwenavillo at 11 o'clock, m. Fart, each way. $1.60. Allrghony Valley Railroad. LOW GRADE DIVISION. OS and aflar Monday, Anguat 4th, 1879, tha paaaangar traina will ma daily (oqt 8unday) botwaaa Red Baak and Driftwood, ai followa : EAWTWAHIl D.j Uaillaar.a Pitlabnrf i bi a.m. Rod llank IlilJ Sligo Junction 1 l:89i Now Uflhlahcm ll.Si p. m.; Mayartll. 11:59 Troy 1:12; llrookrllla 1:15 Fullor'a 1:90 Ray. m.ld.rilla 2:3! ; DuBola 2:59 ; Sumtolt Tuanal 1:IA Pao&eld 1:42 ; Woadrllla 4:06 1 BenoHlU 4:31 1 arriTea at Driftwood at 5:19. W KHT W A KI1 Day Hall Lata. Driftwood 12:20 p. m.; Benaittta 1:05) Waodvill. 1:10; PonDeld 1:411; Hummit Tunnel 1:10 1 DnBolal:15 HeynoldaTille2:61; fullar'i:IO; Brookaillo 1:11; Troy 1:54; M.rivill. 4:14: Nrw Uethlehar 4:19 ; Bligo Jnnetion 5:11 ; Red Bank 5:89 ; arrive, at Piuaburg .t lu p. n. ptr The RayooldaTllle Aocommodatlon la.Ta. Rcjnoldeville daily at 7:55 a. m. Bad arrlvea at Red Bank at 10:50 a. m., Pittabargh at 1:80 p. n. Leavee Pittabargh at 2:15 p m. Rod Bank at :oo p. m.; arrinng at naynomavtiia at v:ue p. m. Cloie oonneotioaa Bad with traina on P. A I Railroad at Driftwood, and with traina oa tba Allegheny Valley Railroad at Red Bank. DAVID AfcCARUO, O.n'l Sup't. . A. A. J.oiaoB, Sup't L. Ii. Div. FARE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO Bellaronte, Pa I 05 Lock Havoa 1 79 Wllllainaport. 1 80 Iluntingifon . 1 89 Lewiatown i 99 Maryarilla..... 4 59 CnwanaTille 20 Oaceola 85 HAKKIKBIIHO... 4 75 Middletown 5 90 Marietta.....,,.... 4 51 Lanea.ter.HM 1 80 PHILADELPHIA 7 99 Altoona 1 85 Johoatown.HH 1 85 l'hilipabnra: II Tyrone I 21 PITTSBURO I It WisrcUatuous. ARNOLD yANTS Shingle Bolts & Saw Logs. CarweaaTllle, Jan. 9, 78-tf. BAW IVCXXjXj AT- PRIVATE SALE 1 A NY partiea la need of a Raw Mill are hereby lninrned that 1 win aeu mem one ai gooa hi new. Stern a.uiocki, a FIFTY-FOUR IXCJl ,SA W, Reltlng. and all the other flitarei in fooel order. Vor TurtLer information, addreti JUHTIN J. PIS. Oicwla MtUa, OlMrneld Co Pa. Marcn s, mo ti. CENTRAL iState Xonnnl Ncliool (Eighth formal School District.) Lock Haven, Clinton Co.. Pa. A. i RAUB A. M.t Principal Tbti Bchont aa at iretnteonttltqted, offerathe very beet raetittiea lor rroieiaionai and ClaJleal Item In jr. BuiUllnca traelonm. lav i tine and noniBodlou i eon f let ly heated by itoam, well rent Hated, and furnuhed with a bonatifnl tapplj of part water. toll aprtr( water. Location health fol and may of aiieaaw. Korrouadlng tefAerr nnnamajiaed. Teachers iperioooed, fflolent. and allra la their work. Iiaciplfnet firm hat kind, an.forv and thoroagli, KincnatM nodarate. Ffly eenta a week deduction to tboat preparing (O (faVOB. 8tndenU admitted mt lima. OeerM of etudT preHribd by tha 8utej I. Moaei rmnoi. j i. rroparatory. in. Jfiemea tary. XV. Scteatifle. aitJtmrT coraan: I. Acadeil. IL CoanereUl. III. Mule. IV. Art. The Elementary and Helen title eotme art Pre. feaeional, and atadenta frradoatinfr; therein reoelr Bute uipionai.oonrerring tbo following aorrea ponuingaegreeai jUMieroi ine ttoienoee. Grad uate in the other ooareoa rnelre Norma) Oertil oatea of their ittalniaeata. air Dad br the pAvenkw Tbo Profoaalnal ooartea are liberal, and are ta thoroogbaeef not inferior to thorn tf ow 1 eoll'rei. The tStaU reqnlrea a ilgtior enter af eltlaea rhip. Tba timet demand It, It Ii on of the prime object! of thla acbool to help to aeenre it by lunnininn laiviiigan aaa voicnni waenera lor her Hhoola. To tbil and It tolieit voan nor. one of food aMIitlM and good pnrpoaea tboee who deiire to Improve their time and their tal on ta, aa atadenU. To all enrh it prom tea aid la developing Uietr power, owd ahnodant opperta. nitfea for well paid labor after leaving aehooL For eatalogua aad term nddraaa the Prineinal. D0AKD Of TKUBTKBSi BTocinoLDiM' ntrtrnna. J. II. Ilartoa, If. A. B. Baft, Jaaob firawi, H.M. Ilickford.iunnalCbriat. A. N. Ran, It Vouk, T. O. lllppla, Kk) U. P. McCerniek, Ken., n. n. nantia. jvun a. wa. rran nttrima. lien. A. 0. Cvrtln. Hon. H. t.. DlrffeaVach, O.a. Jeaea Merrill, Hon. Vn. Bigler. J. 0. 0. rYhaley.B. ftiilaar McOomlek. Kaq. WILLIAM BIOLKR, Preeidfit Barr of Traateei M KURIL, VIm PrMldanL 8. MILLAR WcfORMICR, rWetary. THOMAS TARDLKV, Tmnnr. Lock Haren.ebr lyS8, SMsrtUaufOM. ARNOLD HAS ADVANCED Prices of Shingles, SHAVED AND SAWED. Curwonerllle, Jaa. 9, "It-it. E. S. HENDERSON, UNDERTAKER BURNSIUE, PENN'A. rpilB luUcrlbar now olT.ri u tba allUani of 1 Bnnalda Bad Tlcinltj, an BBproTldad poalallv. UaraafUr all klnda of Caikoti and Cofflm will ba kapt on band, aod orderi fillaj at onoa. funeral! Mltndtd Jnywher. I will tor.Uk tba laaat M wall u iba (kaapatt Artlolaa dadioaUd to faBoraJt. All ordara laft at tba atom of Johw 0. Cowubb will raoalro proaipt BttaotlBB, For forthtr partlanlara, aall or addroal . B. HENUXHSUH. Dao. It, laT9.tr. GEO. WEAVER & CO., SECOND STREET. CLEARFIELD, PA., Hava opanad op, in tha itore room lata! ooonpiod by Www A Batta, on HoooBd alraat, b larga BBd wall aalactod atook of Dry - Goods Groceries, D00T8 AND SHOES, QUEKNBWARE, WOOD A WILLOW WARE, HATS AND CAPS, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, Ac. Which thay will dlipoM of at rcaaonabla ratal for aaab, or oiohaoga lor ooaatry produoa. OEOROE WEAVER CO. Claariald, Pa., Jan. 9, 1878-lf. REMOVAL ! James 1m. Leavy, Having purehaaed the entire ttook of Frd. Baokett, hereby gtvea notice that he bai moved Into the room lately oeeapied by Read A lUgerty, an Second ftreet. where be la prepared to offer to the public COOK STQYES. PARLOR STOVES, of the latett Improved patterni, at low prlcea. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Gas Futures and Tinware. Roofing, Spouting, Plambtog, Oaa Fitting, and Repairing Pumpa n apeclaity. All work warranted. Anvtblnc In mr Una will be ordered ipaolal if deaired. JAS. L. LKAVY, Proprietor. FRED. BAOKRTT, Agent Olearflod, Pa., January 1, 1179-tf. -THAT ALL WOOLEN GOODS HAVE ADVANCED ENORMOUSLY IN VALUE, T3S rEICES 07 0TJS New Spring Clothing Will I: Found As Low AS LAST YEAR. GUIItfZBURG'S ONE PRICE- WESTERN HOTEL C0BNER, CLEARFIELD. P . ClMrtald, Pa., April 14th, lHO lai. HOFFER'S Cheap Cash Store. KKIM NO. THREE, OPERA HOIME, Clearfield, Pa., WH0LK8AL1 RETAIL DKALSR IN DRY GOODS, Oomprttlng Dreaa Ooode of tba very latett atvlee, onaieuag ta pan m uaan merer, HaneaeaiaT Faaeiee, Alpecaa, nnd nil manner of Fancy Dress Goods, 8och aa Crotoae, ICohalr Lnttori, Platda, Dreaa Oiaghaiu, Dreaa Faneiaa of tba very latoat etjiea, and aa ehean aa the- eaa ha Mid la IhU Market. NOTIONS, Oonrlatlng of Olevee for Oante, Ladtea aad Hiaaoa. lioee or nil enanea, aim rnnmy, Lwvwe, Fine Dram Battona. Lad I a' Tle of all ahadaa and at v lee, Gaffe A.ll.- Blkk -A .11 kl J qnalitioa. Meriaa Underwear, Trimmlaga, ate. BOOT8 AND 8HOE8, GROCERIES, Queenaware, Hardware, Tinwara, CarpeU, Oil Cloths WALL PAPER LEATHER, FISH, Etc., WMak win at mil wa.lwak ar relalL Will Una Country Produce la Eirhup ftr G4b at Market FTkea. wm. i. Borriit, rifarrlcH, Pa., K-pt. t4, Irvm.tf. WIG STORE lUisrdliinrom, BKVM F()H PA1.K. Tblrtaoo bl.il of1 Italia llaaa wlilcb I will aall ahaap for oi,ab, or aicbanga br wbaat. For furtbar In. lorutatlon CBll eu or ad.lraaa ina nailaratitnad. i t. H KA. UK. Not 1,18 tf. Claariald, 1'a. Thomas A. Duckett, DEALER IN I HEREBY lva aotlao ta tha elliiaaa of Claar. aid and tba aurronndini alolailr Ibat I ana proparad at all tlmea to furclih faialllaa aod BtanuraoturlBf aatabllabmcula with a aoparlor Hualil; of Coal, Wood $ Coke, Whirl. I DNDftrtd le itMwtr In ft ftw Itoiin' aotiot, I in ftlwfty. rtftdj to hsul od deliTtr Irum sad to th dspot, or Mjwbtro ), td moTi hmltUi ttid hunithold fooda n;whert on nun nouoa. TMOB. A. UUUhKri, Oltt.rl.old. Pk, Mu, , ISttD-tf, JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN FURNITURE, WATTItlJSSFS, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STREET, KIAH P.O. Tha nndaralgned he(a la.r. to Inform the alt! aaaa of Claarfleld, and the nubile generall, tDat be ha. on hand a fin. aaaortcieot of Kurnltar eneh a. Walant, Cbeatnat and PalnUd Chamber Boltea, Parlor Boilaa, Reelining and Kxteaeion Ghalra, Ladiea' and Oante' Kaay Chalra, tba Per forated l)ia lag aad Parlor Chadra, Cane Seata and Windaor Chaira, Clothe. Bare, Step and Eitea aloB Laddera, Hat Raeka, o'erabbln, Druahaa, Aa MOULDING AND PICTURE FRAMES, oklng Olaeee., Gkromoa, Ae., whloh wonld laitable for Holiday preaenta. deoll'TI JOHN TROUTMAN. Re-Union of Trade. npilR nnderalgned wiahlng to inform the public X idm ae opeoea a COM Ml HMO K HTOHI3 At the old atand In Trout vlilo, Clearfield county Pa., on the lfth iniU, with a full atook of DRY t.OODH, GROCEHIKH, N(lTKKH Boota, Shoes, Ktc, f .ki i- i a i . -i all of which I am determined to aell it the loweat oaao pneea. FARMKRH AMD LUMBERMEN Will And It to their advantage to do their deallog with me, ai the -iffbeet price will be paid for Urain, Bhinglea, or Produce of any kind. Part or one-half c:h will bo paid. Trading for Sblngleaor Lumber of anykindarpeoialty. Alio, agent for Singer Sewing Machines. Having made irrangementa with Eeitem mer chant! to aell guoda furnlabed me, therefore oall and eee, aa I will be enabled to aell cheaper than tbe ebeapeaL J. W. CAUL ILK, Troutville, Pa., Sept. U, 7U I j. Agent, NOT AT STOMP CHEEK, BUT AT H. LEHMAN & CO.'S Store, ROOM NUMBER TWO, Pic's Opera House, CLEARFIELD, PA., Where H. Lehman k Co. Ijave opened a vary larga atock or tbe lateit aad beat atvlei ar DRY goods, Fancy Goods, MILLINERY GOODS, AND A FULL ASSORTMENT OF -Alios', Zlissos' & C-iliren'i s-ex-o-e:-s Of all etrlee, bow Ib tbe aiarket. Cad la pereoa, oraildran H. LKIIMAH A CO. CUartel., Pa., Marea 17, lSM-U. rSXX3Zin'S PORT GR APE WINE Uaed in the prineinal Charohei for Commaalon pnrpoaea. Excellent forLalioa ft&dWe&kly . tenons ana ma aoo. SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE I rot r reRs old. Thia Cl.br.U4 Satire Wlae It Base fro- Ik. Jala, of ta. OporU OratK, ralaal la thla 0BBt. Ita Uralaekla Tonic nd Strengthening rropertlM ar. aaaantaaMe k. aa .Ikar NaUra Wlae. Be- lag tb. pare JalM o( the Urape. preAaeM Bailer Jar. Bwear e owa aweoaal aapereiaioB, iia paniy aad (eaalaeaeee are (aaraaUeil. The yeaaneei ebtla an partak. af Ita leaanal a,e.lit, aaA ta. weaaeet iaraliA aa. II U aAraaU... It la parUralarlT keaelelal K Ik. aeA aad d.bilila ud, aaa aaited Iw tke van... aalaiMU that af reet th. weaker ael. ft la la .T.rj raapMt A WINK TO BK RBLISD ON. SPEER'S P. J. SHERRY, The P. J. SIIKRkT U a Win. T Saparier Cheraeter, aad partAkal .r Ik. (.Idea aaliuaa at the (ran. frm whloh It la aaada. for Parltr, Rleka.ea, FIbtm Bad Madlelaal Preawtlaa, II will k. r.ead aaatMlM , SPEER'S P. J. BRANDY, Thla BRARtlTMandaaariraMlalhlaawaaitrr, Being let faawrMr lor aiadlaal p.ry.,... IT 18 A PUR! dletltl.tlat fraej lk.frap.aed eeatalaj ralaabha aaedlMl prepwrtlM. II kaa a d.lleett larer, rlwllar te tk.l af Ike rp rraa wklek II ta dlatllM, aad ta grwt iar.r aawag IrM-alaal failiea. Bwtkal ika dgaalan e ALPRID 8PBBR, Puuia H. i-f ta .rat Ik. Mrk tt ek koMba, SOLD ST S. VT. OnATTAW Jal. Id, lTI-1f. ANOTHER STRIKE P? OOO BITH1II I.H. (Jrorfo Wnvir A Co tj wtnl Bro thotmnd buili of OATS, now, N4 will pojr etah or pro'luc. C.MiiilJ, '., Aug. II, IBTW-tf. MOK ICY TO LOAN. Oa fint olftw lu nrored Urm nroptrtr. by tbo Mulul Lifo luiuraneo O(miooy of New York, on flrat ttiort kro, la flDiai rrin $1,000 up. Fur furtbor In furnttitiva auplj to the nndprslxnod. UIIDVTII.I V BtlTTIf Cli.Wld Pa., Mai Tth', 187V tf. 1 nd Pino townibl), Cloorneld ooantj. jjfj hesaonablo time Riven lor jmrtof purobaMgJg Bono;. Priool trt 00 to 910.09 per MM.'T; kllnerk'a reaartvU. L B1HD. Aieat. Peelield, Pa. or Wau-acb A Kaaaa, L'learHeld, P BepL 10, 18711-If. WAGONS WAGONS HUGGlKS-HUGCilKS. SPKINO WAGONS, SPUING WAGONS. THE C0kU W k,()S. TOP AND OPEN BTTQQIES KF.PT ON JUND FOR SALE. STAGE & REILLY, CLEARFIELD, PA, M.ru am rrjal 3i(lrfrtisrmfnts, Treasurer's Sale Unsealed Lands IN CLEARFIELD COUNTS', fATOTICK la hereur glren, la purau.nea of an XM Aet af Auambl; approved the 12th da; of Julie, A. D. entitled "aa Aet ta amend aa Ael directing the mode of railing Uneeetad Lantle In Clearflald eonnty," and tbe Mveral aupplementa thereto, there will he expoeed to Bale or onterr, oa the SKCOND MONDAY, 14th da. of JI'N E, A. D. 1HH0, tbe following traota or pieeea of land in aald eooaty, for taiea due aod anpaid, aia : llrcrarla Town ah I p. Aeraa. Per. Warrantee. Tax. 110 Joha Nallor I 40 60 J15 P.A A.PIrna 70 SV 1U0 Jatnea McMurtrie II 60 60 Tbomaa Morgaterv 18 00 80 313 701 482 IK8 84 846 170 JU 184 104 316 80 164 433 110 124 800 174 29 18 80 330 T 1311 60 70 308 483 42 I of 48.1 4.13 Mangna Miller Id 00 Joha llrade 121 12 William Bred? 174 06 J.IOM Illaia 166 70 A l.x. Mam 103 60 John Wbilmer 114 06 Henr, Whitmer 124 20 William Wilaon.... 01 30 Herman Wbilmer.. Jaoob Krug John Uiheoa Robert Wil.on Joha Ketlend Peter llela David llartiin Fred Howman , Drania McCov, ar.. . 107 10 , 88 00 2) 07 13 06 76 , 84 06 , (7 44 , 40 60 . 112 60 Jaoob krug.. M 00 Jeremiah Mo.her 80 16 Frederick Bate. 77 85 64 00 80 10 ' Thome. Uillingtoa John Keen i Martin Franta Jamea O.ha 1 J. W. Kmilh Fred Uul,loT Blewart Cowan Jaeok Fouet Wall A Maja J. B. Walter. I William (Ire; I Joha Miller Bell Tuarnalilp. Par, Warrantee. Henry Berk ... 226 00 .- I 36 ... 40 06 11 26 ... 31 60 ... 106 60 .. 178 87 .. II 26 ... 44 It ... 68 60 No. 4248 6030 6704 6020 428T 6810 601) 6411 48HI 6016 6021 A.. 1000 600 moo 600 110 102 lit 101 70 807 not loo 300 600 10U0 768 BOO 31 448 120 247 870 600 OS 101 4110 141 60 112 342 130 76 l0 100 07 Ae. Tar. i 800 00 . 164 II 807 80 ' " 88 II 28 " 20 04 100 ' . " 44 88 . 88 18 22 II 120 " " 13 88 Niahlin A Orlffllh.... 108 110 " " .... 180 JO from Reed 4 48 from Delia 1 VI 428f 6004 6001 6007 6010 6000 6V10 6011 67M 4281 4287 6008 6911 6811 6011 6(11 6810 438T ' llrnrr Seek 22 II Niehlia A GriUlb 176 80 " " .... 68 88 62 80 " " .... 1 81 00 115 41 28 27 08 51 78 33 18 10 38 11 22 Henry Beek.. 32 Nleklln A Clriffith.. 31 lltnrj Berk 81 SI II 80 11 08 53 70 lot 60 1. P.. Bargoea M. W. Bnrder Widowion Broa... Mra. Glenn Jamea Mitchell.... Illoona Townehlp. P.r. Warrant... 45 21 80 00 00 II 08 0 61 No. 2004 3811 8608 1610 1MI 3011 6061 Tag 80 Roberta A Foi J. W. Bmlth Roberta A Foi t 180 00 21 80 f 66 87 60 8 76 160 Jabob Burger Daeld Irvio aat 368 00 35 Roberta A Foi 13 60 ' t 00 Milloa L. ktoClure... 18 00 Nlehlln A (Irlffltb.... 8 30 Philip Feaaler 8 00 112 111 Daniel Rode-err 27 William Arnold 22 60 llorara Townehlp. Ae. 413 440 410 41V 139 105 100 i of 404 427 10 100 61 Per. Warrantee. Tea. Wm. MeCormlek ...t 80 16 Nanny Bog.;. H TI 28 fi. lioDoaald....... 80 88 John Ilrera 09 08 37 John Montgomery 21 to Thome. Bmilh 82 40 Jno. Kephart.. 27 to Blair M.Lanahan 64 00 30 Joha keen..... 48 20 Thome. Parka A 40 Albert Owen 21 60 Weteon A ktunoon 8 12 llradiurd Townehlp. Ao. Per. Werranlee. Tal 808 Aluead.r D.llu. 40 10 44 Knaanna Raaor a 15 81 HarrlaoB. Ilarard A Brr.uo . 19 80 170 Andrew Ilarard 39 30 it Boreal. L.llall... 16 250 Blair Mi-Lanabaa ...... 39 30 10.1 Janaea Duaran It 60 178 Laniard A Clyde 26 95 lot Reynelde Kaaa It 80 It Deeid Aakey I 61 160 Hall A Hook..-. 60 91 R. Mooaop T 14 84 D.rldAek.y 1 77 Brmrly Town.titp, Ae. Per. Warrantee. 100 (1. B. (loodlaader I ill Da.ld Kennedy...... 213 Conrad Long Tel. 41 00 131 04 826 6677 6879 6881 6886 101 30 852 80 168 81 It It 647 64 151 10 878 00 It It 81 01 It 10 It 23 172 01 it 10 146 ll'nry Wyoof..... 131 Joha Doelap 40 Caper SuiTor.... 1971 Rekerta APoi.... 823 105 2009 1 IS 1904 1010 nil lit 1997 111 !6 804 66 115 At Char lea II. Preaeett... Chrietiaa Lower...... Robert. Foi UollneUrAUrabak.r 171 Cbrlatlea Lower lit i. W. Bmilh Hurmelda Townehlp. Ko. Ae. 602 100 8603 114 5M4 SSI 79 81 114 110 434 101 147 111 300 114 III 101 lot lit 9t 114 Warrantee . Joha Niekolaoa I Tel. I 17 10 76 72 lit 70 61 92 64 82 76 72 107 62 286 04 60 16 238 J4 Hi 80 John Nallor Make. Wkiteaaa Caper Bhaler Jr Deatel Wbilmer Joha Ilabley Mar. Roberta ,. John Treealer H Ceaper Hheffer Jerry WilliamMa Mary Orewford Tewaaead Bpaakmaa...... R.b.eea Brewa.. UMUd ilelli. Praderieh k.ba Heary R.per From aled-J.M.U 134 40 146 04 261 14 160 39 I 96 141 It 43 13 17 10 rheal TowaaMp. Ao. Per Warraatee. 101 WIMI.m Beeaaraa IN 111 Joha Boyd 146 Joelek Delaee 431 161 Tkoaie. llamlltoa 60 Charlea Qobla . lot Robert Flaming 200 laaa. Rlohard.oa.........w, 2at Jonathan Walker..... 4S3 161 Joha Cook 431 153 JaaperRwIag.... 431 161 WilliaaCouk........ 141 MoCord tr.et.... 86 Jam. Piper 171 deerge Peg. 411 Henry Page..... 134 Jamea Noble It lit Chrietiaa Rokror 60 From faith lot Mekafey A MiUhall 433 Metlklea Bbragk lot Millar A Cbrtat 11 " " Tal. 107 60 IT 2t II It 139 Tt 61 T6 181 19 84 ii 14 69 66 91 ti 90 17 41 17 09 13 IB 61 17 81 17 15 IT I TO II 61 41 00 II II 44 09 3 17 100 160 John Brenti.man 10 Joseph AloMurrey 21 60 'Jeaver Mill. Co If 16 K.filng llround 4.1 Jc.ba Mrll.uxh.T A Co 31 40 Void A Hprcuhle ' 12 Jamea Ha,. 66 47 John Cunningham 03 II H.ory PreiB Jr 00 Prom B. A. Iriln '3 13 J. W. Lambotn 16 0.'. Hulh McConnel eaule 12 01 Uonard A William, 21 60 CovlllKlou TiiWIielllp, 10 I 2ii(l 6.1U 26 4.1 I no 411 1411 140 ICO No. Ae. 1083 1 1110 III 1100 1040 1100 1100 lino 4;i 826 678 800 646 Warraotee. Tel. 30 00 IH5 00 6908 587J Oeorge Mead I 6374 1K6 00 40 70 31 85 40 70 40 70 111 00 74 00 44 40 303 60 6) 76 300 38 193 61 19 T3 18 60 118 40 6I0 5SIHI 5310 6410 6407 S370 6104 Hill lout lint IHU, 6"7 6307 6377 1H03 Horrla A fte.arl no 160 (leorge M.ad 8H4 " 1100 ' .. 80k ' I'eratur TuwuaUlp , 618 00 II 10 T.l. ..t!65 80 . 167 28 01 60 . ma 06 , 38 64 9 46 , 123 00 13 SO Ae, Per. Warrantee. 162 Gilbert Vaugiit 314 ' John llarriaun 116 K, Fletcher 105 Joaepk llarri.on. 47 D. W. McCnrilr .1 ' 100 Henry Po.t 60 Millar e.lala 141 47 Joha Drinker 123 John 8. Hrron 3111 117 Richard Thorn. 58 117 Jaeob Downing 2H8 154 llogh Kly 40 41 John Kyron 34 Williem Montgomery. 210 70 Henry Drinker 167 136 Tbomaa P. Cope 104 05 JoaephHan.om 208 tl William Hao.oia , 80 115 Jamea Hamilton i of 404 Charlea HI. a 31)0 Holier! k.lney Ill 1'etrick Moore 100 Thome. Klewftrdaun... I of 404 Ann McLaoahan 25 John AieLenahan of2U 22 William Kraua 90 John Drinker 246 147 Tbomaa KdmundaoB... 400 Samuel Hamilton 100 Patriok Moor. 75 D.rid Blewart , 111 II . 66 66 . 177 .15 275 II . 124 86 . 30 T6 . 17 03 . 172 20 . 136 94 . 160 08 . 10 60 16 4 03 40 04 40 . 12 00 62 00 . 61 60 4 10 . 08 hi . 110 70 . 151 TO , 146 Oil . 82 00 26 05 Tel. Feriruaoti Townalilp. 'or. rVarraefee. J. II. ForgueoB John Graff From George Straw Werrea Bell , Cilrard Townelilp, Ao. Per. Werreatee. 1066 George klcad 750 , " 1100 ' " ..... 641 ..... 1038 " 1100 " 11148 " 1006 ' " 1000 " " 1100 " " An. I 178 t 41 54 60 76 40 12 00 , 18 10 . 21 12 No. 6364 6366 6::1 5.179 6171 6360 6366 Tel 1.10 00 . 62 00 . 156 00 VI 00 . 28 60 KH 60 . 208 00 . 466 00 26 00 . 311 00 . 26 Oil . 324 80 6364 369 6S..5 6368 6.172 6376 1100 11 110 1061 100 60 1100 1II0B 254 10 173 120 70S 1103 1100 111.0 130 00 10 80 r en 260 00 100 00 61 00 I 10 18K8 1818 .Vll'il Morria A Ftewart..., George M.ad m Morril A Stewart.... George Meal Morrir A Rtewart.... Meorgo Meed 5362 1800 8647 5365 ) 6361 1 7 03 1 II 1.10 on 672 00 620 00 171 60 1 12 14 U4 43 04 6 46 51 It 50 34 8 32 7 28 62 00 26 00 9 10 13 00 10 40 8 88 13 00 .11 20 31 20 3 12 18S0 6361 5351 535; 636 I U211 1030 1016 IV37 1U28 1817 1831 8646 187 I SHS 1017 .1651 1V25 183K 1V1H . 1031 1936 19.17 No. 5318 5317 6111 6.119 6820 5321 6121 6328 6331 5.121 6316 1911 1 WI SH 4 1684 6314 6326 5327 6.129 5.130 1012 10IIB 1 008 1H64 I 1915) 1023 IV22 18N6 6814 6318 6316 6326 I 6151 ( 5.126 6331 6333 30 22 Miirrir A blewart. 134 32 22 " " 400 8H7 ll 282 4.-6 258 .146 106 110 61 111 4.-0 430 120 Aug. Beauieinger.. Morria A Stewart..., Cloehcn Tuwualllp. Per. Warrantee. Ae. 65.1 10,0 1009 1009 Hot luill lloo 1100 1100 not Tel. ... 141 10 ... 40 28 ... 166 44 George Meed.... .... 83 60 ... 88 60 ... 76 69 ... 83 60 ... 200 00 ... 126 40 ... 136 40 .... 343 20 i TO ... 12 T4 .... 81 70 Morril A Stewart William Mapee... George Mead IT 269 16 1100 not 1113 not 1100 411 1:1 to 32 416 404 163 771 661 10M 1001 3T7 lot 172 3.1 06 IT 66 96 I ... 41 60 .... "27 00 .... 423 94 .... 627 00 .... 411 00 .... 78 28 Morrii A Stewart. .... .11 44 6 70 11. II. Morrow Morril A Stewart.... GillingbamAQarrieoa George Mead ... 61 II 46 67 21 09 Tt 00 41 66 71 at 70 00 62 66 26 tt Cherlee T. Roberta. Uwnaranknowa Thompeon Reed..... M. G. Brown A Bra. William Webb 1. O. Smith.. (iralian Townehlp. Per. Warrantae. 82 68 t 29 II 07 t B8 I 6C 21 66 Aa. 107 148 For 1S7I 100 14 Tal, Tbomaa P. Cope...! John ekyron Charlea Hall 10 86 T 40 It 00 2 80 Tax. Iarael Cope..,. KreenwoMl TuTfiiahlp, Ae. lot 60 810 613 100 Per. Ill 113 158 158 48 71 146 158 69 Per, W.rrw.lre. John llamhrigbt... 36 90 R. A. Ir.ln 9 20 Nleklln A GrlDta. 811 60 14 John Meholioa 263 63 Joeoph Boon... 24 60 6031 6VH2 Clullrlt Townelilp. Warraatee Tax Ae. 110 193 438 316 23T 210 316 436 431 356 130 73 48 349 134 151 91 306 361 09 121 lit 231 183 126 100 170 lilt 6.10 No. Chrlatlan Stark f 56 68 Metlblai Young 179 80 Chriitlen Ilegor 400 20 George Murienmlth. 150 80 Tbomei Yedler 110 20 Daniel Offley 07 44 George Baker Vt T6 Timothy Paalea 102 00 Joha Unrge 201 26 Kmannel Kogort 165 30 William Gray Thomaa Grant George Moore...... 81 84 11 04 328 64 61 06 78 08 Philip Bloninger...-. John MeCabat...... " 1 George Baker John MeCehaa Lempbhwh ............ B.nJ. W I lien ......... Joha Whitmer PigolShew Howard Hand Pigot Shew BenJ. Wllaoa Robert lleodereea... Dealel Palkeraoa..... k. Nutter Ilueton Toernahlp, Per. Warrantee. Wllhelm Wlllink t Darld Caldwell Moor. A DelaaeyM 89 31 141 62 141 18 91 10 64 00 68 00 220 40 81 18 IT 16 41 92 19 Tl II 60 61 49 T.a. 46 10 t 10 Ae. 275 196 411 877 177 990 4902 6678 6674 6676 6066 6087 til 78 107 93 108 96 182 16 802 17 289 30 76 62 II to lit 24 131 16 61 08 223 66 03 60 16 06 IOT 00 414 00 178 04 84 60 21 03 16 60 67 67 106 to 71 W 184 tt Willi. m Powera.... , u Iit Moor. A Delaney.. 101 5671 1011 6871 847 4691 4231 4221 4301 6061 121 Wllhelm Wlllink... Jemea Wilaea 490 T40 370 lit 176 101 150 600 III 110 100 ill 117 1011 tot William Pewera... K. Shoemaker , 417! 4236 4308 6063 4002 6671 6877 6676 Jamea Wilaoa Woodward A Fianey 61 Moore A Delaney... 11 ' " 6677 1674 674 1 676 I 677 J 6676 r 1.17 6674 4131 4116 4! 4131 tMI 6069 4131 4234 6672 6676 5677 4609 176 46 10 653 10 Bit 80 tMI 901 066 tor wo no 1.16 iN 24T tot 600 Jamea Wll'oa.. 1 M 1061 16 - w . 131 10 William Po.en.. 171 00 " " 161 to Jamea Wll.oa.. III 46 160 10 91 60 in ti 27 Moore A Delaney... lll to 121 Yale lot 10 II 3591 1021 8601 43T At It 161 lot 61 tl 16 01 64 l.'lt Roberta A Fox...., 1031 34 120 61 into 109 III tt 3671 T33 let 111 0 3671 T6I Ot 8604 1020 860T 665 819T 169 SSH4 1010 8561 1020 86.4 696 1031 14 630 20 lot 10 966 M 066 It 191 00 49 II I0A6 4193 111 937 William Powera.. Jemoe WD'en 516 to 306 John Puttlap 96 Keynolda auh. dir. J. Nleklln ."0 Reytolda eub. div. J. Nloklia loj Reynold, aub. dir. J. Kl.-klia 4 He) no Ida eub. dir. J. Nii-kliu 0 Kt-ynolila aub. dir. J. Nleklln a I 31 25 SI) 14 72 190 61 4 60 II 74 134 00 1 106 00 04 40 no Beyaolila eub. dir. J. Klcklln 80 Tiiuaie. Ho.a lot.... 22 Roberta A Foi N. Pearaoa 10 A. 8. Urowa lot Roberta A Fo. 15 Moor. A rielan.y... Roberta A Pol 20 " ...... William Powera Moor. A Delaney... 147 656 26 178 1020 1 1 HI) 147 too 429 900 630 1X7 Per. 151 33S9 60118 moo 1001 6071 351)1 I9S6 60711 567.1 6074 Ae. 433 2H3 9VI 110 471 80 118 60 321 61 85 III Tex. 161 60 01 00 9 40 47 00 71 60 47 00 IT 64 r 05 13 10 Tax. 83 72 lit 76 151 00 1 23 20 80 60 SO 80 134 40 174 43 113 00 7 28 40 04 111 16 1 40 It 80 1 40 1 R0 4 48 6 01 It 60 6 60 Tax. Jurdan Townelilp. Warrantee.. Thomaa Uartla I Hoberl Martin William Johaaoa Daniel Hmilh Richard Pel.ra " ... Philip Pouta... John Uraf BeoJ. Young likrtliaua Tonrnahlp. 49 11.0 117 124 91 60 154 No. 6411 6418 6406 6114 5409 6411 1900 1901 1013 1003 1430 6720 6703 6406 1665 Ae. 717 1013 1100 1100 1100 1100 tot 778 607 200 239 704 200 167 48 60 60 65 700 2110 Per. Warrantee. George Mead... Morrl. A Stewart.. Charlea Wlllink.... William Smith..... Caaper Wiatar 27 George Mead I. C. AtcCloikay Myera A Fi.hor.... Hugh MVGonlge!.. David Mainea Willlard M'Clo.keyA Potter. Knox Turrualiip. Per. H'arrait'ee. Ae. 87 4.18 281 433 153 Benjamin Ponltney 163 l.rael Morril 153 Merlin Pe.ro. 153 laabella Jordan Adam hhoilei Suianna Ward 153 Jamea Duray Uwen Telk Lawrence Townehlp. 22 63 315 12 132 113 133 20 15 II 17 16 65 52 61 00 90 60 314 200 No. 5200 6300 5101 5.109 6308 3304 6305 3300 6807 5308 6309 5310 6311 6202 5294 5295 5209 620.1 Ae. 1 1 00 1100 1100 1100 1100 U0II 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 374 330 1100 38 30 221 2IS 90 .17 4116 63 726 lino lloo 48 1100 74 341 37 109 Per. M'arroaree, Tax. , t 621 to , 63 80 62 80 264 00 , 106 60 . 62 80 62 80 144 00 240 00 ...... 62 80 76 80 240 00 76 80 316 80 960 00 664 00 601 00 18 02 16 81 George Mead 62X9 6313 1996 144 00 IS 24 86 48 21 13 20 16 Roberta A Fox Hugh Jordan John Reed Robert Mitchell Pemuel Clyde Roberta A Fox Rudolph I.lta George Mead 1996 38 40 T 20 2001 2 1)3 62V6 6297 6200 52111 3! 83 4 30 101 00 61 80 il 811 70 08 158 40 10 66 11 80 IU05 1007 1013 Bill. Ir.ln A Son 4 80 9 60 2003 Roberta A Fox.... MorrlB Townatilp. Per. irwrreelee. George Wetael Williem Werta Chriet Werta., Daniel Lonek Jeaie Yarnell 65 Jnieph Turner 109 " Ae. Tax. .1 197 10 402 206 377 .172 431 440 410 340 423 800 433 4.13 433 407 206 Vt 69 831 433 433 433 433 433 433 433 433 433 433 203 90 273 1 00 401 61 108 101 317 400 173 444 90 111 III 151 II 91 88 309 IT ,- 110 70 .. 171 51 .. 121 60 .. 147 69 ,. 81 00 .. 64 00 ... 6T 60 .. 81 00 .. 81 00 10 George Habeoker ....... Frier Yarnell 1..8 Clem Stoker 153 John Vaughn 163 Jonathan Neiblt 91 II. 8. Drinker , 91 John Read 141 William Kvana Blair Mcl.anaban 163 Thomaa Morria 163 William llorria , 158 Samuel Meredith 168 William Miller l.'iS Hetty Morril 1.13 Tbomaa Filaelmmoa... .. 13 40 .. II Bl .. 36 II ,.. 101 89 .. 91 66 ... 63 46 40 .. 7T 22 . TO 10 ... TO 20 .. IS 42 03 43 85 10 153 George Clynur 35 10 158 Robert Gr.y 85 10 153 Patrick Moor. Tl 20 161 Mary Morria 93 43 163 Nalbit Fretler ... 46 Ti 153 Magnul Miller II S3 Patrick Hay, 14 61 It Rob.rtGI.nn 68 74 19 Patrick ll.ji...... 31 60 John Huaton 108 to Franeil JehneoB 1160 David Beverag. 23 22 Wall.rSt.wart IT 86 TO William A. Smith............ 2T 00 10 Willi.. Bmlth 64 00 10 William M. Smith 46 Tl 45 " . " 24 03 Joha Palmer 4 66 William Smith 61 Tt Hymen Grata . II 09 40 Conrad Swarta 34 18 IT John Graff 4 96 N.Hedeaower 1143 Mallbla. Slou.b........ ...... 21 96 Robert Car.en.......... ....... 104 49 117 N. Redenower 27 Matlbiaa Slonxh ............. 21 t 167 91 136 tl 90 No. 5953 51)29 696! 6951 693 6931 6033 5931 5937 6951 6959 6051 6951 Henry Drinker 1 61 Chrialien Werta...... ........ IT 00 Joeeph Potter 21 79 FraoDia Jonnaon v vv " " . II 91 Joaepk Raymond 9 Tl Penn Townnhlp. Per. Warraatee. Ae 1003 875 TI7 98 213 200 Tag. ...I 3.11 II .. 268 00 .. 273 22 .. 18 63 .. I IB 82 .. 121 10 .. 1 IT 41 .. Bi 12 .. 80 40 Nleklln A GriStb. 823 140 60 168 143 60 126 300 A a. I T',0 688 820 116 lot Alt) 306 201 278 441 187 13 117 Aa. lit 127 70.1 090 1011 096 9Vt 44 496 191 99t 990 1011 137 II Greenwood Bell NiohllB A ariffltb. .. 102 22 t 12 .. 16 21' .. II 16 . 12 16 Pike Tovtnahlp. r. Werreatee. Joha Nleholaoa.... No. 5T6I 6774 6771 6771 1777 i77T 6021 6931 5779 1719 i77T 577T 1771 No. 4161 4264 Tax. .1 111 01 .. 31 10 .. .11 65 Jamea Wlleon.... John Nieholeea. I 60 I 46 .. 73 10 43 00 ... 43 00 ... 13 90 ... It 15 .. 31 26 4 10 .. I II Tex. ...I t T3 ... lit 00 ,. 285 10 .. 851 40 .. 374 86 .. 685 00 .. 326 00 ,. 21 60 II 60 ... II 60 ... 46 tt .. 45 M 46 00 46 06 ... 45 tO Tax. 881 00 ,. 466 00 .. IT 00 .. 101 00 .. II 00 Tax. Nlcklia A Griffith.. John Nleholaoa , Jamea T. Leoeard... Pin Townehlp. Per. Warrantee. Jamea Wihwa IB Hi Jamea Wilaoa 4266 4261 5679 Moore At Delaney.. Jamu Wilaoa 4364 42il 4199 4199 4260 4251 4161 1781 Jokn Nlehetaoa Jamea Wilaoa John Nleholaoa 4153 6784 ti 41 Union) Towuelilp, Per. Warrantee. 161 Roberta A Fox IB " ' w m 66 JameeWilaon , Ueone W. Arnold...., Woodward Townelilp. Warrant... Na. A.. tot 60 135 96T 100 8603 3500 8581 4361 Ae. Per. 151 433 Ilra.1 Wheeler Kit llootm.. ........ ,... 461 00 .... II 80 .... 90T tl ... 81 00 .... 136 10 ... 136 11 ... ill 16 176 12 111 II . . S4T 61 ... 171 91 ... ITT 20 ... 00 11 80 . 17 11 ... 44 il ... 10s to .... 151 IT ... 46 10 ... 4T IS 191 l0 ... Ill 14 ... 171 M ... Ill 00 ... 400 10 .. 18! II ... 44 11 60 Sll 100 334 216 438 436 211 404 411 360 100 166 It 46 lot lOt 91 71 100 III 381 til 421 lit John MoCahaa Rolaad Evana I'lgot Shaw . Scbaatlea Graff Tbo.. Bdmundioa.. Joaeph Aabkrtdge.......... Joha MuHeer jr....... . Philip Foila Jaeob R. Howell William Johaetoa.... (leorge Berkhem Samuel Emlln Henry Shaffer Thomaa Barton...... ..... Joha Lowe....... .......... Ieaaa Q.n J.mee Alexander ..... Roland Erana Benjamin Johaatoa........ Jnho Vaugbi ...,..,.. ... William Per ler .... ...... Jaha Cermea...m.M........ Henry Drinker ............ William Drinker........ Mary Sudwlek Mary Nail ..... William Wiatar. . A . C. Finney William Wi.i.r lit lit Tt 40 It I i 101 lit I tef444 toflOt 191 IB II It I 91 I IT 1 IT 81 10 111 80 It 40 111 TT 41 it J. Lowder ...m. MeCanley A Lewlker Keaaedy AS Oa ....... Jaha Uarrl aaa ..... Janaea Clark PHILIP DQTT8, Traatam. (lea rleld, April Tth, IMI. S.l T II 13 0 I 16 mt3Han,oufi. ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE. Curwenirllle, Pa., Jan. 9, 'Tl-tf. 3PL0SRi?fiil WILLIAM POHTF.ll. CLEARFIELD, PA., klanufe.turer tad Deal.r la Firat ileal 1,'Afat FLOUR, CUOPund FEED, All of which la guaranteed 1. b f Ib. Irelqeal. Ity. Kiln-drl.J Cora M..1 tuad. a epoelelly I Try It II apm iia, A Bargain t FARM FOR SALE I The uaderrlgoed offora at private eale that vel. o.ble farm allualed la GRAHAM TOWNdlllP, Clearfield eouaty, kaowa aa tha dfltir .f.Tf, Containing 122 aaraa, 10 af wklek ar. .learwl. and kavlagtberaoa araeted a large frame dwell ing houee, lerr. frame bara, Bad lb. tb.r eecae- aary onthukldiaga, together with a larga arehard, good water, ena. Tb. property will be eeld on very eeay terma For fnrtker partlenlara inuulre 01 tao Baoeerinr, ia poreua, or nv leiwr. rnANit rin.i,ifimi ClearAelJ, Pa., M.roh 24tk, IS80.-tf. 1. r. euLica. 1. M'OOBXLB. a. aiiLaaoa til LICIl, MdORKLE & CO.'S FURNITURE ROOMS, Market Street, Clctrflelt., Pa, W nuafulara til klDdi of Farnttar for Obnmbori, Dtainit Koomi, Llbrarioi ud Hilli. If yon want f uroltar of uy kind, doa't buy UDlll JUW MO OUT llOCIe UNDERTAKING Id til Iti braoohM, promptly sttandd to. OniLCII, MoOORKLK k CO. Clur-ild, P,, Fob. t, 'TS. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS A STATIONERY. Market HU, Clearfield, (at th Poet Offlce.) TUB ndoriifiied begi learo to aanonaoo to tba oitiieoi of Clearfield aad Tlcinltj, that ho haa fitted op a room aod baa jntt roturaod from tho eity witb a large amoaot of reading uiur, wail. ung ui pan 01 Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Aooount and Paaa Book, of every do- aeriptlon ; Papor and Eovolopoi, Prone, proiaod nd plain j Pena and Poaoile t Blank Logal Papari, beedi, Mortgrngoaj Judgment, Kiemp tlon and Proniaarr White and Paroti mast Briuf, Legal Cap, Kooord Cap, end DDI Cap, Sheet Muiio, for either Piano, Plate or Violin, eonatently en hand. Any booka or itetlonery deaired that I me aot hero oa hand, will bo ordered by firat exproaa. and aold at wboloaalo or retail to nit eatomora. I will alio keep periodieoJ iutrataro, auen ai eiagaaiaoi, newspapers, e. r. A. UAULIH. Clearfield. May T, lSIS-tf A NEW DEPARTURE IN Ll'THERSBVRG. Hereafter, goods will ba sold for CAM. onlv. or In exchange for prodooa. No books will be kept In tbo futare. All old eeeevot. mast bo settled. Those who cannot ea.sk ep, will pi bead ovor their notes and CLOSE THE EECOED. I eos determined to tell my goods at cash prices, and el e discount far below that ever offered in this vloinlty. Tbe dieeouet I allow mr castosBora, will make tbeai riek In twenty years If tney follow my advice end bay taelr goods from ao. I will pay each fer wheel, eatt end clovor- OMMI. U A 1Kb wUUULAM UK ft- Lutkeribarg. Jeaury 17, 177. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, P.., DEALERS IN PURE DRUGS! 5X -BSa3a S-riB3B , CUBMICALSI PAINTS, 01I.S, DYE STUFF VARNISHES, BRUSHES, FERTU3JKRY, FANCY flOODS, TOILET ARTICLES, Or ALL KINDS, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS for eaMelaal p.rpoeee. Trnaaea, Supporter, Seaool Booka anA Btatlaa arj, anA all otbor artil.a aaaallj foanA la a Drag Store. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CARE PULL! COMPOUNDED. Harm, a kr. aa- Cirl.oee la tbe baalaeaa tke, aaa glra .atlr. aat. feelloa. J. O. HARTSWICK, JOHN I. IRWIN. CtearAelA. Deeeaalw IA, 1114. JJARD TIME8 HAVE NO IPtECT IN FRENCHYILL.EI I eta awere (het taere are leeie pereoai a HtUo hard to pleeto, ae4 I aa aloe aware thai tbe eooirilfttnt of "bard tleiea" if well elf b aatrerML Bat I em te ait.eUd aew Ibat I eea atlir tbe farmer and prove eeae lealvel thai "bard tieiee" wtn eet eset taoM wae e- taetr good! nom ead ell my p.troni ibell be leltieled late the ae erel ef HOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES I hare goodi eaoue b te i-ti1jr ell tbe Inbebl taata ta the lowar end ef tbe eoeety wbieb I eell at esoeatllot low retea from mr aieaieietb atere la MULHONUlIRtJ, where I ea elwayi he feend readj U welt npoa eellere and eeppl; tbea with Dry Goods of Ml Kinds, Saeh aa Clatka, S.tla.tta, Oaaalm.rM, Uaalla. Delalnee, Lln.a, Drllllaie, I'aliMM, TrlnxmUiKa, Ribboa LtBM, teadjr-aaad. Clnlblej, BeeU aad Sbeei, llela and Uape all of th. aeet ataurtal aaa mad. t. .raar Uaea, Seoka, Ulo.ee, Alilleni, Leoe., Ribbona, Ae QROCERIES 01 ALL KINDS. Oof.., Tie, S.rar, Rlc, MolaaeM, Flak, Sail fork, uaaaad Oil, iak oil, Cartoa Ull. Rerderara, QaMaawara, Tl.erara, Oaallara, Ptowe end Plow Oeatinxa, Malla, Splkea, Cora OalUra- eere, Cld.r Preeeee, aad all klade af Aim, PerfaaMry, PatBta, Taralak, Olaaa, aad a (Marat aaeortaaaat al SUttnaar,, GOOD FLOUJl, Or llferaat braede, alarap, aa kaad, and will be old at ta. leweet poinai. a fare.. t. H. lleClala'l Medlel.ea, Jaraa'a Medl.laaa H.aUltw'l aad UoeSaad'i IllUn. AM aoendi ar Waal araeted for wklek Ike kl(hA prlee wlU U paid. OUTaraeed ea kaad aa let mm al la. lanil aarkH prwa. Ala., Ajeel for traltaarlll aad Carwaneellle TbrMblBf Maakiaaa. kA-Call and eee fer ,o.rtolrei. Tot will (ad erer, laieg anall kept la a null nora. L. M. COUDRIET, Pranakrllla p. O., A .tart II, 1174. ,,.fc v:.m.i... ty or (!) it'll dmtUfrafut. THE REPUBLICAN. Published every Wodaoeday by G. B. GOODLANDER, Cl. BAR FI ELD, PA., Ha. tht Larfeet Clrrla)o .f any paper In NnrthwaaOra Pcnnaylvanla. Tbo large 11 lid oouttanlly Increasing circulation of tba Republican, rondors il valuable to bu6ino6i man At a medium tbro' wbich to roach lbs public Tumi or Subscription : If paid in adranco, . . . (2 00 If paid after tlireo months, . 2 60 If paid after tiz months, . . 8 00 When papors aro tent outsido of tba county payment must be in advance. ADVERTISING : Ten lines, orltan,3 timoa, . fl 60 Each subsequent insertion, SO Administrator' Notices, . . 2 60 Executors' Notices, . . . . 2 60 Auditors' Notices, .... 2 60 Cautions snd Estrsys, . . . 1 60 Dissolution Notices, ... 2 60 Professional Cards, 6 linos, year, 6 00 Special notices, per line, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS : One square, 10 lines, . . , 18 00 Two squares, 15 00 Three squares, 20 00 One fourth oolumn, . . . , 60 00 One httlf column, .... 70 00 One column, 120 00 HI, INK. Ws have always on hand a large stock of blanks ol all descriptions. SUMMONS, SUBPOENAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OP AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, FEB BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, 4o., lc, 4c. JOB PRINTING. We are prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING. Sl'CB AS POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STAT KM EN TS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, Ao., to., IN TnK BEST STYLE, AND ON RRASONABLE TERMS. ORPEItS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Geo. II. 3ollander, Clearfield, Clearfield County, Pa. SOftl0. THE MANSION HOUSE. Corner of Second and Market Btreeta. 1 lkahmi-:m, pa. fpBIS eld and eomaodloaa Hot) kaa. dsiing JL Ike peat year, beea tnlerged te double lu furuor capacity for Ike entertainment of lu-en. gari and gueiU. The whole betiding kaa beea refurnished, end tbe proprietor wllf spare ae paint ,to render kli gniite omforteblt whllo toying with him. arTbo 'Mansion 11 onto" Omalbea rem to and from tbe Depot ea tho arrival end di porta re of oech train. W. 0. CAKDuN, July 11 H-tf Proprietor jLLKGIIENY HOTEL. Market Ktreet, Clearfield, Pa, Win. B. Bradley, formerly proprietor of tba Leonard iloaee, beting kaei tbe Allegheny lintel, solicits a share of public patronage, Tba JjnuM haf been thoroughly repaired and newly famished, end gucste will And it a ploesant stop, ping place. The table will be supplied with the beat or everything in the market. At tho bar will be found the best wines and liquors, Uovd tabling attaonea. H. . UKADLEY, -lay 17, '7B. Proprietor. NKff WASHINGTON. PA. II. U. ROBE, . . PiorniBToa. U aali, S&fl. Man end bone over night, $1 t0. Man and two horses over Bight, Tbe bet of aeeomntodaUons for nan end krasf. uct. -a, fn-tf. WASHINGTON HOUSE, V&W WASHINGTON. PA This new end well furnl hod boose baa beau taken i oj mi no ner signed, jie reels confident of 1 able to render ti-ftuetif.- tn tkn.. .i. being favor him with a oelL Mey 8, 1871. O. W. DAVIS, Prop--. LOYD HOUSE, Main Street. PHILIPHHURU, PENN'A. Table always supplied with the best the market rords. Tha traveling public is invited to call. J-b-V-'. ROliKKT LOVU. County National Bank, OP CI.RARFIELD, PA. ROOM In Maaonie Dollding, one door aortb i 0. D. W.taon'a Drue, Slora. Paaaat-e Tlokata to and from Lirarnool. 0. ton, Ulaeiow, London, Pari, and Copenhagen. Aleo, Draft, for aale on tbe Rora! Bank nf Ireland and lrn.erlal Bank nf London. JAMKS T. LEONARD, Pr.a't W. M. SHAW, Ca.bler. JenlTT DREXEL & CO., No. 31 Mouth Third Hlreet, Philadelphia HA.riLRS, And Dealers in Government Securities. Application b. nail will reeeiee prompt etten tinn. ejt(l ell lnforin(lAn .kr..il r.nl.U Ordere eolicted. April 1 l it. 9. I. MN0Lt. e. W. IHROLV. j. a. ae-oLD F. K.ARNOLD & CO., IKaiil-frs mill JfirokerM, IteytioldHVllle, JelTereoti Co., Pa, MuDT received on dtpoMt. Dlfcount at ao- dcr-ta rttPi. Kurn and foreign Kichanctal- wari on band -nJ oollHtioni prumptlr nada. Ke.7I.0imT.ua, JJ04J. 10, 1074. -l- L. R. H EIC'lIIiOM), 'fJHfiKOK DENTIST, Qradaete of the Ptnorrlvank Cnllejrc of Dtntal Surjrfrr. Office In renidenee of Ir. Willi, opnoilte tho bht.w Ilnuit. aohlS, 7tt tf. DR. E.M.THOMPSON, (OBlce In Bank Bnildln,,) .Curwcnatllla, t'learflelrl Co., Pa. mek 22 '7 If. M. HILLS, OPVItATIVK VKATIST, jjjgjii CLEARFIRI.D, PENN'A. l,atr't'rfl. In iwaMcnee, entmiite Skew lleuae. J.IH7lf J. M. STEWART, . SURGEON DENTIST, CLEARFIELD, PA. (Oflla. In realdeaee, SeeoBd etraet.) Nitrnaf Oxld. Oa. adulaletareA tnr the palB aa extraetloa ef Utk. Clnrneld, Pa., Mar I. ISTT-ly. pisrrllanfous. $66: a --k !bb vnaav an IntH Tina -net i,k ) outfit free. AddrtM H. HIUt k Conttae-, Portieod, Maine. declTTV-lj. (ft .a ttOfl rordtyatbotno. Banpltiworlh CO 1U C6J free. Addrrir 81 in sob k Co., t.!l.J U.I.. (! ter I a vi aibuii, aea biuw. UKll, 079 " wek ' B(IB ellj made. V I U Coit I- oatfit free. Addreti Tme k Co., AuRtiata, Maine. deel7,'T-1jr. SIIOEMAKINCI I aerobe inform my ne trom, attd maoklnd ia mere), that I hare rent or od nay hoemafcinr ahop te the room la Orahan'i row, orar S. I. 8 ardor's jowlry More, end that I an nepered te do all hinds of work in my itno enper than any othw oh op in towa. All work warranted ai food ai ean ba done any whore eloe. Puoitlrtlr thit ! Iharb-anatt ohop in Clear-old. JOB, 11. UKKRINU. Lee. 11, IliTS-tf. J.H.LYTLE, Wholesale & Retail Dealer in Groceries, THE LARIKHT.r'l"iBT,,l"'t'1'BB 8Tocl( ja- I UK LUl ill t. COFFER, TRA, 8UGAI!, RYRUP. OA'RKNSWAKK, H'rlR and BTCKKTH, PRIED FRUITS, OANNKD OOODS, BI'ICKS, HROOM3, FLOUR, FEED. M KATS, 11x11. SALT, OILS, County Agent for i.oHti.i..iRirn Toajt voH, Thea. ,nnda konrkt fer CASH la large lote, and anld at alwoal ally prleee. JAMRS II. LYTLK, Clearlald, Pa., June 12, l7 lj. The Bell's Bun Woolen Factor j Pena tawnaklp, Claarfleld C, Pa. la U It If B D t) II T I nr pot BURNED UPI Tho nbaerlbero hare, at great eipeaee, MbaIN t aeiehhorhood aeeeulty, la tke araUoa of a ftrtt- eleee Weolaa Maeafaotory, wilk ell tke eiUre uuproTemeeti atteohod, and are prepared te all kinds ef Clot hi, Cuiimerei. Satleetu, keta, FlaeeoU, Ae. Plenty ef goada ea head te mpply all ear eW e4 a tboaeaad aew oefUeier whom we aah to eome aad ei amine eyr ileek. Ike eailaeio of CARPIMa ARB rULUV4 will reeel-t ear eaeelal aitoatlea. propel irreoftneeU will be at ado to reoaire aad doilror Wool, te oalt eafteaert. Ad werk werreeted end dnae epft tke herteot net lea, and by etriet atiee ttoa to kojloeH we hope to reeltee a libera) ban ef pat-lie petroaeffe. lOKM) POUNDS WOOL WAHID! We will pay tke klgkeet a-erket arlea fer Wo an! Mil eer aaafaeiared gooai ae low at el-alle good 1 eaa be boaght la tha eeaety, aad wbeeo-or we fall to reader reaeomabte eetlifeetloa we eea elwayi be feead at heme eeady to aiake proper eapiaaettea, eiteer in pareoa er ay leuer. JAMBS JOHNSON k SONS, flower P tprlltHtf