THE REPUBLICAN. CLKAKKIELD, PA. WKDNKSDAY MORNING, JI NK I, ISM. Terms of Subscription. If paid to edvanoe.or wltaia tbrM montht...$l M II paid titer tbrM mid before els months... J 10 I r paid alier the expiration of six munbu... I 09 Messrs. B. M. Pbttbhoill A Co., New rnpor Adrertlslng Agent. 17 Park Row, corner Herkman Btrft, are our duly authorised Agents la N-w York City. MnhmllM P.plcotnl t'taiirrh Rev. ((ao. Lkiht, Pastor. Service every flnbbatb t ltft A. M., end U P. M. Sabbath 8bool at 9 A. M. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday, at T P. M. Cu can union Harriet, 11 rtt Sabbath of every Month, it l A. M. Ue.t Clearfield M. C hurch. Kv. CHAKtca W. Ui rmmt. Pastor. Prrsubing every eltcrnnt Suii'ley, al S o'clock, P. M. Sunday hnboul at 71, P. M. All arc invitrd tu attend. irrl) terluii Church- Rer. H . 8. Htmftu. ynhktHtb services morning and evening beb nth Solum! at P. M. Prayer Meeting Wedns lr avenin Hunt let t'hurrli, Hev. , Pastor HaMietb Hcbeol at 4 P. M. Prafer Mee.lng ertry Wednesday evening. -t. Kraucta' t'tmn'li--t tliollr Kt, P '. SiiRftiiiAN IHrine rriea at In, A. M., on .a nnt, third and fourth Sundaysof each tuouth, V .m nnd licnedtot it'll of the blessed (Sacrament i 7 Vlock, P. M. Sunday ricbool every Holiday jMf.-nuon at 3 u'clcck. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY j tims or u.Diia upabtb ibbiioks oonav. Second Monday of January. Third Monday of March. Pint Monday af Juno, Fourth Monday of September. timi or aoiDiiia combos flu!. First Monday of June. 8eoond Monday of Not am bar. ruiLic omenta. Prtiidiui JndgtUon. Charlal A. Mayar, Look Haven, Attittant Law Aity Hon. John II. Orvis, of Bellefontt. Attoeiatt Judyet Abram Ogden, Clearfletdj Vincent U. Holt. Cleartiald. I'rotHonotary Kit Bloom. Htfiitirand RieorHirh. J. Morgan. Trtawr Philip ltotts. IHitrict Attorney J. F. McKanrlck. Shtrijf Jamei Mahaffay. Ihputy Sheriff Andrew Pents, Jr. I Count n Surttyor Ham a el F. McCIoikey, Cur ennsvtlle. C'owfify rosatmssioncrs C. W. Kyler, Oraham- ton P. 0.; Elab Johnston, Grampian I-ill P. 0.; John Norrli, Sr., Curwensvllle. romminiuw' Cltrk John W. Howe. County Auditort William V. Wright, Clear fluid; Jusepb Oillitand, Tbrea Rum; J.B.Nor ris, Woodland. County Coroner James A. Moor, Clearfield. Jury Commifiontrt Andrew J. Jackvon, Clear fled, Win, R. Drown, Clearfield. Suftrinltndtnt of Public SchooU'bl. L. Mo Quown, Claarfleld. UtaUrof Wtigklif-Maurt Jeise W. Carina, gflioe at Luthernburg Pa N Mar if 'itoite John W. Wrlgley, W m. R ilfhiuRli, Cyrua Oordon, Clearfield; Jotejih R. Irwin, N. R. Arnold, Curweniyilla ; J. A. LiTing tone, Dnltoii City. Our Speeinl nolumn la decidedly tntereiting In a local point of view, and profitable rending to ou til den who want to lave money. YI4K, OF COlJRR t "Will j on lake wbnat, oats or corn for lub rfptinn t" We arc often Inquired of In thli way l.tter fr m j atroua wl.o raeide at a diitance in Clearfield. We agila y ya. The receipt a Ttfpc.Miltle n;erchant or mill owner in the Hnity, annaer re juct ar well aj the oath, i illNmtrate : U any of our patron will deliver a Imjr of grain at the mill of Joveph H. Ilretb, CbcM luwnnliip, Horace Pntohin, iu Ilurniide, Loilhi II. Fnrccy, in tlraham, Wm. Porter or .aw', iu Lnvrrene, or Uruwn A Keyler'i, at oktun, Vti townitliip, and forward their t-t ii I'nr Ibc i.mtiunt, we will credit them on ,-ir at-cuuLt Ut the ti:. In tlti way ell may m puy what they owe, if they will punue thli tf. Advertiser and otliem will bear in mind thnt all artlcka intended for publication in thii puer muit be han led in, not later than Tueilny, at 9 A. M. Don't forget It! Tho Const. Enumerator began to art question yeit -r lav. Dii'sh and trimming Bilks in all col on at II. l.nhman A Co. Uev. W. S. Wilson delivered tbo oration at CurweDaville on lieceration Day. Tbo new clip of wool ift arriving in the ClearQold market, and we learn U eelllug at furty ctnti per pound. Ice eream, cakca, and strawborriee, and plenty of good anile at the Opera Houe every evening neit wevk. Rumember tlio Orpheus Hand Festi val la Pie'a Opera Uonae, to continue all of nit week. Now, don't forget tt 1 Sarah A. Thompson and Milton II. Thompion, have been duly qualified aa Adminis trator i of John A. Thompson, lata of Brady towniMp, deoeaied. i - Itev. Dr. McMurray, ol Shamokin, mado a flying visit to bis acquaintance! and former parishioner! In this place last Saturday, lie left for bit home in the afternoon train. Tlioso iu need of a farm, partly covered with limber and underlaid wttk a Urge vela of coal, and offered on easy terms, would do well to confer with Mr. Keenao. See his aad." elsewhere. - - Hurry Hemphill, who baa beon ap pointed Street Commissioner for 18 SO by the Town Council, has been repairing the streets and crossings io the eastern part of the borough tbe put week. Our second week ot Common rh-an Court begun on Monday. Judge Mayer is on the bench The attendance hi not extraordinary large. The Quarter Ben ion! Court next week will be apt to brlag a crowd of people to towa. If the weather iw tuvornhle, the ladle of the Presbyterian Church, 1n Curwens villa, Intend holding a Festival In the grove near the cburob next Friday and Saturday ereningi, .Tune 4th and ilh. The ground w ill be Illuminated with Chinee lanterns. Wo call tho attention of farmern to the adfertiMmant of Mr. J. M. llulihiser, of Bloomiburg. II It a well established mn,ufae torer of leading agricultural implements, and be baa ib pointed lb Cardon Brother! h'i agents In this county. Bee advertisement. m A tiro in the board yard at Elliott's mill, near Oioeola, destroyed 810,000 feet of lumber on Friday, the list Inil., earned by sparks from a passing locomotive. The lumber bad been sold to Messrs. I sett 4 Stokes, of A I toon a, and was mainly covered by Insurance, --- m - The advance agents for Welsh k Rands' Circus and Menagerie have erected two large bill boarda one opposite the St. Charles Hotel, en Third street, md one on Leavy'i let in tho southern part of the borongh and covered them with highly -colored and attractive posters. m Lightning strtmk 1 tie msideiiee of Hon. Mm. A. allare, in this berougn, during tha thun ler slni sn last Thursday afternoon. Tbe damage don to the house was very si ght. Pomo of 'be inmates were badly frightened, while atheii were not aware that anything eitra bad happened. tMil. Levi Ji Tad', senior frditor ot lite WilUaiusputt .Va, and an old veteran in lha newspaper business has ben f jouramg among n-'itlves trnl fflekd In Clearfield and Uoinity the past week. He was sommnrd here let week ! attend the luuerel ef hi brother, tltorge P. i mut - County Hiiporintendont Mctjuown aim oceuta ibe office in the t ewer of tbe Conrt llojte, oa tbe faoead flnor, which was originally tntefided for that puraoae. 11 baa It fixed up neatly and eeaifwrtably, and will be aleaaed to bat hi Mends eall aad'tet bias, either on bail ness r pTeaiura. . ii It in now lawful to caloh black baan over sis Inohei In length. All aider that aiae mast be returned te the water, oral yea ran the risk of paying a penalty of tl for the violation ot the law. Tbe soasoa for eeteblng aaek boa amends from th let of Jun antll tho lit of January Ik each year. m - Tho membera of the Orpheus Cor pet Uad of tbl plaea are par footing their ar rangeaaat for the Pestlral to be held la tho Opera 11 ease, aoameaalag aeil Monday eveolog, Jana Tth, and aoatiaalag all ylek. Oar ettUea bar beet noted for geaeroaitypatrenlslag festi vals, aad wa hope they will kindly remember tba bovee the ooeailoa meailonoJ above. Sun Umbrellas and Parasols at II. Labia A Co. ,1b tba Opera House. aw Boils, pimplusand all blood diseases ara aurad by "Dr. Lindsey 't Blood Searcher." Sold by all druggist. Matthew Sidel, ot Joney Shore, grew o,lSI pounda of tubaeoo oa tbraa aom, wbleh ba aald at ISieaata par paosd. Welsh k Hand' great show will plteb their nanmoth tent on the eommona la Waat Clearfield oa Vriday, Jam 11th. Tba lower bridge will be fret from toll on that day to the pablia. - ' It is reported tbut the strike iu tbo Clearfield aunt region bai rlrtoally oeaaed to ex lt, all tba itrikera who eould get employment having gone to work on lauttn) AYtR K the old prke or flPy oenta per ton. mi - (junk Too. The UiutU of Uoorpu T. Tte, on the 2Mb of May, rciuovea from thu vi cinity ana welt known to the e Ideal lnbabltaa t for the pail f"rty yeara. Ha leave a wife and a laryt eirele f frieuda babiad, who waam bta Iom. m l'ruf. Iluutilitun's Now York Cimia' put In apearaooa according to a'luounoement hl Uond ij,r,.l i far aa weouul 1 I rn, the par-1 ftiioiatide gava good aatiafartiun. I' I a good I ibow, an 1 all -nneete I with it e induc e I tbera- aelrea liknlalkm and genlleiuea. I j KeaHV fR Al-I The udrorlino-; Ule, fixjtid lwhert in ton Uu, Inlifltt lbt tttv oxmii b jiiOM', and 0411 b id tt the old aiaod. Tiie firm if doing a proaperou buaineM, and dervea a literal (bare of patruaagv. The co i ion a rains ol Sutuiduy niht and Sunday fumiihed water In tba river, euffl olant to "ipkrh" and atabla the law logi to move. The rear of Ardell'a drive, with tba arki, panail Clearfield this (Tuesday) afternoon. A few rafti ware ran out of Clearfield creek on a "plah," Tueiday. ew - JiiHtof letter rurnainin unclaimed in tbo Poit office, in Clearfield, for the week end ing May Slat, 1HS0: Miai L;Jit B. Barrett, Mim Liuie Caldwell, J.R. Caldwell, Jamai Conell, M. M. Darla, Miu M. E OriT, William Ovborn, Mn. M. L b'mitb. P. A. lUi'UN, P. M. Tub Censch. We learn that J. M. Daily, appointed Enumerator or Hoetoa and I'nlon towoihipa, baa resigned, and Ibat A. II Rosenkrani, of Pen field, ba been appointed In bia place. A. W. Walters, Esq., appointed for Lawrence district has also resigned, bat we have not learned who bis nooasiar la. - Communion services will be held in the Clearfield Preibjteriai Church nest Sabbath morning. Tba annual congregational meeting will be held on Saturday morning, Immediately after the prparatory lecture, which begina at 11 o'clock. It Is desirable that the attendance at (he congregational meeting will be aa large aa possible. Messrs. John F. Kramer and Wm. W. Worrell have bad the vacant room In S.J. Row 'a building on Hecuud street, one doer South of Hartswink A Irvin a drug store, nicely painted and remodeled, and have opened an ice cream saloon and confectionery establishment. Their room oould hardly be more neatly nod conven iently arranged than it 1 for the purpose in tended. "Phcn." The Executive Committee of J. V. P. A. will bld an adjourned meeting nt tbe Ifrruld otfiVe, io Tyrone, on Sntur Uy June 6th, at I o'clock P. M , for the pur ansa nf com pleting tbe arrangement fur tbe annual meeting at '"Dell Delight." It is slid this Is oue of Ibe ruo.-t delightful gPive In the State, atid If the day ll without rain It wi'l be a h.ipy Joy to poolers. The Orpheus Itaml Kostival will coiuaienr neat Monday, June Tth, in tbe Opera Huusi'. Tbla worthy organisation should have the liberal patronage and contribution of every ritiien. The boys have cheerfully given their time and money to make It a enrcess, and we would fdil tt do iur duty if we did not lend them a belirg baud. When they oal on you this week, give them a liberal donation. A Sad Cask. This community was terribly shocked at about 7 o'clock Ibis (Tuesday) morning, whan It wa announced that A. II- Shaw, of this place, bad committed aaieide by banging. Mr. Shaw bad been mentally de ranged for some time, and although closely watched hevueceeded In his work of self murder. Tbe grief-stricken familv have tba ajmpatby of all their neighbor! In the hour of sorrow and affliction. Head This ! The In Hi tula Session, or Teachera' Term, of tbe Brethren'! Normal College, tt Huntingdon, Pa., for 1890, will open Monday, July 17tb, and eontioue ail weeki. Farilitlaa aad accommodations unsurpassed. Am ple Paoolty of experienced Instructor. Expenses moderti. For circulars, etc., address J. II. Brumbaugh, Principal, Box 190, Huntingdon, Pa. Fall Term open August 30th, and will continue fifteen weeka. june-J Jt m en One ot Forcpanh'a valuablo show wagon, together with the driver and hones, was thrown down an embankment tt Parker City on Tuesday morning, tbe 18th nit., falling a distance of nearly on hundred and forty feet, tbe distance being seventy feet before It first struck. The wagon wa a valuable one, worth $3,000 j the side mirror alone aoat $1,100. The driver will probably recover. One of th horse was killed , and the other badly Injured. , Sudden Death or Mb. Miciiakla. Mr. George Michaels, an old and highly respected oitiua of Kartbao township, dropped dead at hi home on Tuesday evening of laat week. He had just finished eating hi supper and had pro ceeded bat a little distance when he fell and g pired. The deceased bad reh4 hit fear eoove of years, and had always enjoyed good health. Ills remains were Interred In th Lutheran ceme tery, In the vicinity of where ha lived, en Thurs day last. Tito circus iff coming!" remarked Mrs. Kafooselgm, laying down her paper, "with no end of trained horses and caramels, btpoth. nue. u( other bedi ten of tbe furaat and jungle. die well I ietneiubr th first time Daniel took me to lb circus! As we enteted the tainted en closure I aaid to bins, 'How terrible th wild anl growl, don't they V I was Vetiamost fright ened to dea'h, till Daniel told me it was only the vendoos of peanut aid prise packages plying their rogation." - - mm e ... Last Sabbath was,fixd aa the duy for the M. K. Sunday school throughout this Coun try, to celebrate the 1 Oil lb anniversary of tba la- 1 titutlon of the modern Habbeih school, which was established by Robert Rtlkes In Oloooeattr, KnKtand, In th month of July, 1780. The Clear field M. K. Sub bath school held a aervio In the nfterrH'on and again la tho evening, th eterolsts of w hichfjj&ilsted of responstv rtadmgi, songs, etc., of a vary appropriate and Interesting char actar. - a Tin Printers' Picnic. We learn from tbe Cambria Frnman that the Printers' Picnic ba been pattfally provided for, a! will bo gleaned from the fact that lb Kiecutlv Com mittee of tbe Juniata Valley Printers' Associa tion met at Huntingdon on last Saturday after Boon a week, and deal led apon Dell Delight, Hoilidayabarg, a tba pUo, tad Saturday, Sep tember 4ib, t tbe time, and a basket plcalf lb nature of tbe I bird anneal reoaioa of tbe printers and publisher! of tbe tea eouaties em braced wltbiu ibe limits wt aald organitatloa. Go! pei-nona who am so refined i?) or letle aa to bj auabla to oa lure tba so and of a steaui whistle, should gi to tbe peaks of the Allegheny Or Rjvky uouiitalaa, ouUide of the Iiom of elvilitatloa and progress, so that they might be happy and enjoy their rest. Why not bey tho Ptre Biick aurke and level Ihrm to tbe ground f Not a single complaint about steam whuilrs, or other aound Indicative ef Industry, has been lodged with os, although tbe otreuletioa of ite HarcBLiCAS In th borough alone t three times that of any other peper. Claarfleld want to encourage ail tbe atenafacturluf mdasirka that may see proper to loeata la her midst. ia ItiiNAWAY. On Tuesday evening of last week, Ueorgo Boyle, hoetret for Mr. Jena. Beynloa, bitched a team of borao ap la a buggy aad dreve lata tbe river la Ibe vicinity of "Uevy'a Rlpplae,Ma waeb th vehlole off. Mas ter Boyoton Dill aad a lad named Hoover were sealed la Ibe baggy, while Mr. Beyle wa it tbe rear at work cleaning It off. The berseahitcbed to tbe buggy beeesae frightened at tbe splashing of a horse being ridden aro th river by a Soy. They instantly started, aad took djwa Front at re i at a 1:4 pec to th lower bridge, where they turned tho aevaer of the jail tot and brent. ht up agalaat the feo ef Oyra Gordon, Esq. The fen wa wreaked a little, bat the boys, horses, buggy aad haraaa all etoapod aa- Injured, which wa alraculou. The along tho route noticed a couple af badly frlghi vwed lade. A iocond laro invoice of Millinory, juit opened, at T. A. Pleek Ce.'a. The bAppieat resulU invariably at tend tba taking of "Seller' CelebraUd Ltrar Pilli." t Tweuty flre eeata per boi. II. Lehman A Co. have a llrst-cla&a Uilllnar In their employ. Ladiea, remember that wa will trim fyou aa ityllah a bat or boocat ai yon oaa get from tbaelty. The New Centennial Family Sowing Machine for only VIA, and tba New Remington for Warranted to b flrtt-eUti 1 For fur ther partleulari, nddrew Joan B. Uabdbm, apt if ' Clearfleld, Pa. IJut Youa Mill Now! Wo are tbo proprietor! of a Saw Mill, eompleta In every par fiuufar, n&iv& - wif? Nil very heap. Tur par ticular!, addre . X. A. W. U. DIOI.HR, mcbSflO tf) - Clearfield, Penn'a. Why is Hit row ma, the ben known remedy for kidney and llrary difficulty F lie oauta It baa eured chronic caiei of twenty-It re yean etaoding tLougbt to ba Incurable. Prepared at E. K. Tbnipaoa'a laboratory, Tituavllle, P. Vor aale by all druggiiti In Clearfield, and J irph Sej ler Hon, Lutbera harg. Pa. It A Narrow Escape. A fire was dis- eoverc J in the barn belun(inff to lb Leonard Housv, near the depot, abuat t I'clook on Tues day morning, which caused eunsl terahle nnmmu tlon among the attache! and gunst of th bote'. The fire was first discovered by the crew of th Local Freight, which had Jnat arrived, being some six or eight hours late. As to how th fir originated,, nothing U dfialtely known bnt when first noticed th thro top steps of (be italr way leading to th now had been consumed. Aa good luck would have It, there was no bay or straw near by to feed tbe flame, aad with several bucket of water a hot conflagration wa pro vented. m e More Accommodations. Wo learn that a new fast passenger train ba boom pat en the main lin of th Pennsylvania Railroad, call ed the Chicago Express. It leaves Philadelphia at A. M., Harriiburg M 30 P. M., Tyrone 3.36, A! toon a 4, arriving at Pittsburgh nt 7:30 P. M. and Chicago at 8:30 the neat morning, making the ran in less than 4 hours. The flag stations between Harrlsburg and Pittsburgh for Ibis train art Newport, Bliiri'vllte lntreotioa and La trube, and tbe regular station! are Mifflin, Lw iitown Junction, Huntingdon, Tyrone, Altoona and Johnstown. It will doubtlarsa carry tbe mall, and hence w will receive tbo Eastern pa per and ether mall several hoars in advance of the mail arraogemeut heretofore. "Gandkk-leob " We have before ug a.copy of the Caster Vkronict, from Coster City, Black Hills, Dakota Territory, and on tbe editor ial tripod Is straddled the siill-living form or W. U. 11. Dialnerd tbe famou "gander legs" ef ancient renown. Tho (VomVfc Is brim full of fresh mining nows, and its terse ed items, evince the fact, that Braiaerd hain't forgottuo how to edit a paperhasn't f one back on bl old love. By tbe way, h wa nominated by lb Cusler people, as a candidate for Justice of the Peace ; but oontrary to tba aelfsacrifiolng principle of the averng candidate, and tbe eternal fitness of all things political, Mr. Braioerd bluthingly, but sacvtly, declined the honor and glory thrust up'-n bin In a strange land Tyroa Herald. Visnnou Aoain. Mr. Henry G. Yen- nor comes forward again with his direful pro phecies of storms, heat, eeld, Ac. His letter Is dated at Moat real, Mny 18, aud in It ho says : "J believe that Jun wilt bo an Intensely hot month, on tbe whole, but tbe end of l lie present month, and probably tba first ot June, will be Kali-like, with trust again. July wtll be a terrible nioutb fur a torus, vnin terms of intense heat, but another Fall-like relapse, with frosts, will in all likeli hood, occur a lew day before th 20tli. I fear tbe storms of (bunder and hail will be of unusual straiity during July. I must claim the verifica tion of my prediction relative to 'a eoll wave, with fruits, over a large portiua of th United States betweun tb lUth and 15th ol May,', Th relapse towards tbe olus of tbe present month will be mora sever than (tut just past." Enumerator's Oath, Tbe follow ing is th form of th oath for Census Enumera tor! i "I, Patience P, Sagacity, an Knutoerator for taking th tenth ceastis of th United State, do solemnly swear that I will make a true and aiact enumeration of all the Inhabitant within the sub-division assigned to me, and I will also faith- , fully collect all other statistics therein, as pro-1 vlded for taking tb tenth census, aad in eon ! fortuity with all lawful instructions which I may receive, and will make due and correct returns) thereof aa required by aaid act ; that I will make j and file the lls(Of inhabitants required to be mad 1 and filed by tba sixth section of the not approved April 2th, 1BS0, nod that I will not otherwise ! disclose aiy informative contained In the. schedule, list, or statements obtained by me to to any person or persons except to nay superior officers: So help me Uod." After the oath baa been returned to the Super visor It Is put on file aad the commission and a portfolio are mailed to th applicant. "OUR BOB MARRIED." Th Bellvfont Democrat, In alluding to th affair, remark : "Mr. Robert Larimer, ton of Pleasant flap' good olliten, Mr. J. 0. Larimer, and whom it is eitremely convenient as wsll as apropott to dub 'Our Bob,' because be baa been connected with th jVemoeral office during lis en tire ex It ten oe, departed on the train last Wednes day efterneoo for Clearfield. Tbera was nothing strung about that, however, a he bad frequently journeyed to that town before, and whenever be ohoee to depart for aay length of time from tbe honored precincts of the printing offic, an at traction, delightful la Its essence and strong ia ill power, drew him Irreeistably In that direction. Often we guessed tho sweet attraction which en ticed him thilher, aa often b declined to ac knowledge It. But at last th May aun grew strong and tb daya grew long, and the flowers put forth their glowing petals. 'Dob' again re newed bia preparation! for a vlst to tb town la which hi affection seemed to be most firmly fixed. Those Inexplicable but unmistakable signs which sugfiit a mom n too event In lif were plainly evident In tbe actions of 'Bob,' and we suspected strongly, and, a vnt proved, truly, that the coming trip would be an impor tent on to 'Bob' and perhaps to another. "H reached hi destination, though tbo cars did travel slowly, and was married on Thursday night to Miss Rllla MePherenB, at th resident) of hor mother, Mr. John MoPheraon, In Clear Bold. Th wedding was appropriately solemn ised by Rev. George Letdy, of the M. E. cburob of that place. "Tho happy eonpVe returned tbe following day to this place and war driven Immediately to the groom's boa ,t Pleasant Oap, where hospitality ever standi with open arms bidding all to enter. There another happy scene took place. ' "The bride I a aiatar of Ross MoPherson, Biq., ex-Shsriff cf Clearfield ceouty, aad apokaa of In terms ol th highest prala. Tbs groom well, ha I so well hnowa that h require no Intro duo tloa. Everybody Jala to wishing? them a mar ried life of much happiness and prosperity." All the Aftfrregatlona of the Earth Ag gregated Into one Monstor Aggregation--Welsh and Sands' Croat Show. Tb St. Loul! Olobt Vtmotrmt aya of Walsh A Sands' Ureal Shew ( "A far as oar advice roach ovary body rook aa tip-tot with eager and well founded anticipations of a day aad even log rim full of wonder fat sights, and world of fun. Yesterday, for long ere th tea deigned to show bis face, th Cnion depot, street and avenues leading thereto was. too solid mars of human flash swaylag to aad fro watching tbe aaloadlag of Welsh and Sands' great show, which La en tirely new and undeniably leads th van la mag nitude. Long be fere t o'clock thousand upon Ibousandsof people filled tbe streets along the line ef march, which fahd been published In th column to witness tbs most gorgeous and ensatlcnal free street pared vr given la tbi ity . la tbe forenoon their enormous teutt were filled ta their ntaaoit capacity, to witness an ex hibition of mere rare wild beast, birds, reptiles and merle wonders and a greater number of thrilling, novel and Indiana Equestrian aad Oymaasti feaia and animal acts and antics, thaa ever before seen la this oily, In aay five howi put together. What a bast of genuine feature!) they hav combined ample capital with every adjunct af modern science ta gather la the most actable of living curiosities and muse alar phenomena frees tbe uttermost parts ef the earth, and to present t&sm with tvery alcgi&t accessory that eta devise to Impart attractive egalleenoo both Bpeoteealer display and areola perform ance, Including (be art el e a steam Electric Light. It Is th first show la our recollestiea that has over exhibited more ander their canvas thaa puled ao th hit) boarda, aad ear advice would ba te those who were unable U get tickets la tb great Jam, or gain ad mis at oa last evening to try it agaia this afternoon aad evening, a this la positively the last day.' This shew wiU esillvely oihlbit at Clearfield, oa Friday, after aoeu and uvealng, Jun llth, and at Pblllpabwrg, Ba turday, June tttb. Sua Umbrella. Para sola and Fann, just received, at T. A. Flack A Co.'. A Fact. An advertisement !ntertod la th RarDiMca will reach mora readers thaa If published ia all tb other paper ta the coun ty, and tost tho advertises lea than oaa-heif In other words, an advertisement published In our Jcurnal is worth double the price of that charged by aay other publisher la tb county. 'It Is a fact." tf Earmerh, Look Here I Lytic will give you highest market prices for Wheat, Oats, Corn, Buck heat, Batter, Kgga, Onions, Apples, dried fruits, sod all kinda of produce. He has the largest and best selected stock of groceries, tsar, coffees, molassss, spices, oil salt, sugar, quaansware, tubs, buckets, baaheti, churns, Ac, In Clearfield county. II buythla goods la large quantities from manufacturers and first bands for oasb, and takes the advantage of all discounts, and sob Is enabled to sell at lowest prices. He gives cash price for pruduoe.and sells his gooJs at tbe lowest prices la the county. sept-S4-'7S tf LETTER FROM HUSTON. A Tier bunting tba farmers' fences, demagog and drtro)lng a great deal of bark and timber, and frightening th people, the forest Arts in Huston township have been coiqured by the ru i u . The tnrk business lias commenced. Mesr. James Wlllhelm, on Monntaiu run, and W. L. Parker and lleorg E. Williams, on Laurel run, wtll pool and ship a large quiuitiiy ul Urk dur ing tbe Summer. Tbe Woodward saw mill, now operated by Wm. D. Woodward, jr., Is now cni(sgd in sawing a large bill of oak lumber. Tbo oouutry is being ransacked for oak timber. The "oil" excitement baa apparently died away. Tbe parlies who were attempting to lease land Could no secure enough to suit thslr purpose, and beooe It appears that they have given up the Idea or boring for oil in this township. With the coming of Summer, a number of per sons have began to dig gl using root. It 1 read! ly sold for twenty-five cents per pound, and good nagea are made by a "professional" digger. The arons look nromislusr, though tbe weather baa been vary dry. A considerable aoreage of wheat has been sown, tut lesuve poiaio-oug has appeared In great numbers and quietly gone to work. A gloom has been cast over the whole commu nity by the death of Ruobul, littl daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John Motiillis. A prettier and sweeter obild Is seldom seen, and her winsome ways bad won th bearta of all. All mourn her untimely taking away, and nils th brightness of bar presence, and Ilia bereaved parents have the undivided and heart felt ayaipathy of tb entire community. Jlannt, Penfield.May 30th, 1880. COURT PROCEEDINGS. Jttlfl TKHH 1880, 1ST WIIK. Court convened on Monday, May 34th, at I o'clock P. M. President Judge, Hon. 0. A. Mayer, and bis Associates, Ogden and Holt, on the Bench. John Kenton, Joseph Yot hers and D. W.Jordan scrvod as Tipstaves, COMMON PLBAS. This week having been apeclally set apart for the trial of civil causes, the trial list was taken up and th following disposition made of tbe oases composing the same: W. 1. Irvin vs. H. U. ibompon, no. z"J June Term. 1880. Feigned Issuo. Continued till Mon day, June 7th, IBH0. John I'lati vs. Cochran a Young, no. zza June Term, IN80. Feigned Issue. Continued for cause. W. B. 6haw va. Jamea Irvin. No. 318 January Term, lHfiO. Assumpsit for labor. Settled by parties. David Cabill vs. J. E. Lskl A Co. No. 3 8 January Term, 1880. Appeal from Judgment of justice. Labor, bettiod. John Bossier v. John J. Y. Thompson, A. F. Baum t al. No. 1:17 January Term, lHrttJ. Ejectment. Continued for cause. John U. II it dor fl t al va. Thomas L. Batdorff et al. No. 303 September Term, 1872 Eject ment. PiaintifTnot appearing, judgment of non suit entered. Juhu B. Dillon and Himon MoFarland vs. Stew art Cowan and John Taylor. No. Miu deptomoer Term, 1874. Continued on account of sickness uf UeffiiJant's witness. John Ferguson A Co. vs. A. L. Wiley. No. 102 January Term, I87u. D. B, B. Judgment opened. I'iaintiU aufiora a voluntary non suit, ul Juilginent of O'lu-sult accordingly entered. Theniaa Evans va. Samuel MoL'une. No. 13 June Term, lS7i. Assumpsit. Verdict for Plain -till for l-'jil. ti cor ii B. 'Joodtander vs. George Kramer and Wm. Bell, No. 37 June Term, l&7j. Trespasa, Ao, cutting and carrying away timber. Verdiot for Plaintiff for l,817.4j. hamuel C. bnvder vs. Vt ill lain voriey. o. .112 June Term, 1875. Ejectment.' Hettled. U. V. Sohoonever vs. U. W. Uoit ana jobn u. Holt. No. 818 January Term, 1870. Continued at costs of Plaintiff. William Albert A Tiro. v. Thorn Park. He. ISA March Term, I87S. Assumpsit. rdlot for rial mm lorazuu. Llvarifht. Linfl A Co. vs. Whiteomb A Town- tend Defendants, and Tho. H. Ziaglsr, Garni shee. No. 802 March Term, 1876. AUacb sur. sx. Verdict for Plaintiffs. Barbara Ann Bvers aad Abraham flyers, la rlgnt of said, Barbara Ana Byera, vi. W. H. uickonson. Ii. uuna Term, I flit. Ajsotmeni. Continued for cause. John Cress well A Bon va. Dsvid C. Hensel. No. 831 September Term, 1870. Ejectment. Verdict for Pis In tiff. road ma Train. The citisens of DuUols presented their petition, asking Ibat viewer be appointed to lay out pub lic road, leading from Main street In tbo town of Ounols to iiuUoi station. In Sandy township. Read, considered and David Reams, John Uood year and John Lytic, appointed viewers. ISCBLLXXBOt-l. William A.Cbase, of Houlsiiale. student in tbe law office ef Murray A U ore en, waa admitted to praotloe in the several Court of Clearfield county. it. r. Alexander wa appointed Supervisor ol Beccaria township, Id place of W arrack, resigaed. Havinc An is bed all bo Iocs. Court ad to u mod on Wednesday evening, till Monday, May klst. DECORATION DAY. Tblssecond'Tonrlhof July" day, I960, passed off more pleasantly and mora satisfactorily thaa that of lsst year. The weather was cool aad pleasant, and could not hava been more desira ble or propitious for ao occasion of thst kind. Tb towa pretested a holiday appearance with It decoration aad crowd of people. A larg flag was suspended across Second street from th Court House to th Mansion Hons. Aa arch of virgreen was erected across tb sam street In front of Fullsrton A Llvlngton's restaurant and th residanc of Judge Barrett. Tbe Court Hoaa and other buildings were profuaaly decorated with flags, and, with tbe appearance aad noise, on was impressed very much with the idea that tt wm one of the eld fashioned Inde pendence daya. At t o'clock P. M,, tb Court House bell wa rung, and th poop I assembled la front of tb building, where a stand for tbe speaker had hesa erected. On motion of Smith V. Wilson, Esq., .Col. Walter Barrett was chosen to preside. Prsyer was offered ap by Rev. II. 8. Butler, after which the Chairmen Introduce 1 Wot. M. UcCallough, Esq , of this borough, tbe orator of the day, Mr. MoCullougb delivered a vary elo quent and appropriate oration, which wa s clothed la as beautifot langutg as could be uttered or expressed, end occupied about three-quarters of an hour. The meeting adjourned to form In process i en and march to tho eemetjy, Th line was formed oa Market street io tb following order, vis s Carriages containing Speakers and Clergy. Orpheus Cornet Baud. Martial Band. Boldiera on foot, Citisens' Cornet Band. Wagons containing Flowers and th Decoration Committee' composed of Mule girl. Citisens In can lag a and on loot. The procession moved out Market street to th cemetery caat of town, where tbxerolsc were opened -by mqile by tbe Orpheus Band, playing a funeral dirge t prayer by Rev. Uacrgo Leldy ; mtsic by Citisens' Band 1 reading WIU Carlton's Decoration Poem, "Cover Them Over," by Smith V. Wilton, Esq. ( mall by Cornet and Martial Bands. Tho artillery under the supervision af Capt. W, K, Brcwa, assisted hy son half a dose eta aoBr,done mm loul nnd rapid firing, die cbaglag same thirty aboti while th flowers were being strewn oa the graves of the dead heroes. Delegatioas with wreaths aad flowers were sent to Owen's graveyard, Oatbollc oeaulery aad Mt, Joy to deeorat the grave or Iheee burled there. Tbe crowd d isporsed aad th bead re turned te town, and tbas eaded Decoration Day, 1880, with credit to our cltlteaa, aad especially to thoae who had the blf management la tbetr bands. MIICBLLiMBOVB. Among those oa tb Speaker stand, oa Dsoo - ratioa Day, was Mr. Joha W. Sbelow, of Tyrone, brotbr-la-Uw of A. M. Fleck, Super In tea deat of tbe Clearfield Oaa Works. Mr. Bbelow boloaged to Co. A, 110th Regiment Pt. Volunteers, and Is perfectly blind, having had both eyes shot oat la aa engagement io front ef Petersburg, Va., an the IHh ef Juno, lft4. The ball entered the left eye aad came out Ibc right. Button's Xtrtlal hand created considerable or dltt&nt aad enthusiasm atneag the boy. It consisted of flfbr, bass drum,, and fear Inner drum. flower wsr prattler aad mora profuse this year oa aooaual of the rorwsrdneos af tbo season, thaa has bom generally tba cue ea tba Slth af May. The report of tbe eaaeoaadlog don hcrt oa Dwofttten Bay waa heard In Glrard aowasbip, dshttea or twenty miles distant VuBou did aol eelebrai beoaratdea Day, act having any soldiers hurled la their eeotelery. Docoratlea Day waa geaertlly observed threogb cut tbe entire land. Call and boo T. A. Fleck & Co.'r. new Lawn aad Buntings. Ladies call and look through our Millinery Dspartmcnt before buying elsewhere. Our prices are low. RcspMtfully, T. A. Flick A Co. See a woman on bo mo hack in another column, riding soar Spoor's Vineyards, with a bunoh of Ore poo from which Ppeer's Port Urape Wise Is made, that Is so highly esteemed by tb medical profession for tba use of invalids, weakly, person and lha ag Hold 7 . Urabara, Druggist, Clearfield, Pa. jly-ll-'TO-tr, T. A. Flock, ot tho firm of T. A. Fleoh A Co., hat just returned from New York and Philadelphia, after purchasing a large stock of Bummer goods, embracing tbe latest style In Lawns, Buntings, Paraw.)Sa V'l-.brollas, Fans, and a Inrg new lot I lllinery. Among tho latter, ar toato choice new style. We Invite our )ly patrons to call and see for themselves. No trouble to show goods. Haepeotfully, T. A. Flicr A Co. New Daily Staoe Line. Jamea L. Leavy baa succeeded in having a dally mall estab lished between ClearlMd and Pennfleld, and will hereafter rut a dally '"g oetwnen Ibetwo points. His contract began with Apnl 1st, and Ibe stage will leave t learfield evt ry morning (rxoept Sun day) al 8 (.'clock, making eonnectl -ns with ill trains on the Low flrade Railroad at I'entiOeU, re turning after the Ust train the same evening. Passengers end freight will he carried ii bur rates. Orders left tt any of the hotels will he attended to. flapr7U-lf Planth! Krncat flock wisbea to announce Io citisens In tb vicinity of Clear field, Curwenivlllc, and elsewhere, that be ha on hand a variety of first-clss eabbag and to mato plants for transplanting. lis has also celery, pop per, cauliflower, egg planU,tll of tbe best Improved varieties. He has alto a fin assortment of flowsrlng plants for disposal. Call at bis Oreen House, on Front street, nnd get lo forma tion In regard to quality and prices. No trouble to show you around. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Address, Errmt Bock, may-19 3t Clearfield, Pa. Clearfield Coai. Trade. State- ment of Coal nnd other freights sent over tbe Tyrone A Claarfleld Division, Pennsylvania Rail road, for th week ending May llth, 1880, and the tame time last year : coal, Toita. Fur tbeweek H 27,62(1 tsam time last year 20,08 Increase. (a strike) Previously during year Sam tim last year Decrees Total ia 1880 Bam tim last year Deereae VS.8M Lumber 128 cars. Miscellaneous freights 168 " WHAT PHYSICIANS THINK. New Yoax, December 21, 1871. Da. M. M. FisifUR,Preedinia, N. V., Dear Mr i I have no hesitation in saylnK that sbeeffioacy of your Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic in relieving and curing tne various chronic disease you meution In Connection with it, far surpasses anything 1 nave aver met witb or known, during a twenty' years' extensive prao tloe of medicine. It is successfully administered In so large a number of diseases because it oper ates by way ef removing tbe causes of disease, hence they yield of necessity. lours truly, A. r. Jt.AMMtS, M V, mey-20 2t Dr. Fenner's Blood and Llrer Remedy and Nerve Toole may well be called "Tbe conquer ing hero" of tbe times. It la the medical triumph of the age. Whoever has "the blues" should take It for It regulate and restores the disordered system that gives rise to them. It always cures Biliousness aod Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dys pepsia, Constipstlon, Headaches, Fever and Ague, Spleen Enlargements, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Pimples. Blolobet and all skin Eruptions tad Blood Disorders; Swelled Limbs and Dropsy ; Sleeplessness, Impaired Nerves and Nervous De bility; Restores flesh and strength when tbeeys- tsm Is ruining down or going into decline ; cure Female Weakness and Chronic Rheumatism, and relieves Chronic Bronchitis, nnd all Lung and Throat difficulties. It doei these things by strik ing at th root of disease and removing it cause. Dr. Fanner's Improved Cough Hwnsy will re lieve any cough ia one boor. Try a sample bottle at ten cents. Dr. Feanr' Oeldea Relief curs any palo, aa Tooth-ache, Neuralgia, Colic or Headache la Ave to thirty minutes, and readll) relieves Rheuma tism, Kidney Complaint, Ditrhsa, tt. Dr. Fenner's BU Vitus Dane Specific. One bottl tlwayt cures. For sale by Htrtswiok A Irvin, Druggists, Clearfield, Pa. aug-27-tf. Sprclals. Bi;ll ton Sale ! A eruea-bred Alderny and Jersey BULL, three years old. Address, for further particulars, William Wilvt, my 1 2. It. Rock ton, Pa. miumiiKs, jvtc, aii parsons warning a ursi class Sewing Machine should buy lb New Im proved Liiht-Rnnninc Weed, for rale by Jobn 8. Beer, Clearfield, Pa., r Miles R. Beers, dealer may lOtb-om Bcoeias Fon Ha lb. R. Newton Shaw keens a full supply of Fredcnia Buggies and Platform Wagon for sale. To be soon at the Shew House yaru. Call oa or addrasi bins at Clear! eld Penn sylvania, may ta-tf. Wahtbo. 600,000 U.fect shaved hoops, deliv ered at tbe railroad, la oar loads of 8,0t)0, at all DoInU on tha Twrona A nia&riald. P. A K.. Ht Kagle Valley, and Pennsylvania Railroads, for union i will pay tbe highest market price. J. F. KftAHBB, Octlfi, 1878 tf. Clearfield, Pa. Orb II I'M not d Pib Cbbt. Disooitrt oa Ot.n Phicib. Sewing Machine can bow be purchased at Merrell's tin aud variety store, from $8c op wards. All hinda of sewing toaobioea repaired on tne snorteet notice. Clearfield, Pa., July 18, 1B7T. CoLLtcroa'a WaanAurt. Wc btve prepared a form, and have on hand a large quantity, of blank "Collector's Sales," which have been ap proved hy the highest legal authority in the uourt ar this county. At Imnty ;m per do sea we will mail any number to tbe Collector ordering them. A Collector, when compelled to advertise property, muss poet up not less rhaa three notice In the most public place In his borough or township. , tf. WAtTBr.. Delivered at tb Rail KWI.- 100,000 28- Inch shaved shingles. 100,008 24-Inch sawed shingles. 100,0(10 feet of pin boards. SO", lino U-feet shared boeps. a.Ouu railroad ties. 60,0uQfeetof good hemlock boards. For wbleh I will pay the highest market price, delivered at Clearfield, or at any point on the Tyrone A Clearfield Railroad. J. F. Kbamxr. Claarfleld, Pt., Oct. 16, 1871 tf. liitt IleceivcMl. .fiint, nftAiviMi tiv Anvm.n t CUUWKNSVILLF Car Load Nova hcotia Flanler ! Car Load nuro Corn. live and Quia Chop I Car Load Peak on Sail I Car Load of Choice Family Flour 1 Car Load Dry Goods, Groceries, Ao.l arjrSh initios, Park. it. It. Ties and Grain will bo taken In exchange. Curwenaville, May 1, 1878. CLEARFIELD MAHKETS. Clbabfiblb, Pin Ji m I, 1880. Flour, par owl, :i 26 Buckwheat Flour, per ewt R Cnrn Meal, par owt 00 Chop, rye, per ewt - I 70 Chop, sailed, per owt ....,... 1 46 Braa, per ewt n 1 00 Wheat, per bushel 86 Rye, per bushel 8f Oats, per bushel 60 Corn, ear, per bushel 40 Huekwheat, per bushel 86 Clover seed 5 Tf. Timothy seed 9 76 Potato, par bushel 60 Apples, per bushel 60 Onion ..- S 00 Ham, per pound 124 Shoulder, per pound 0 Dried Beef, per pound 10 Chickens, per pair...-...". 60 Batter, per pound - 16 Rgga, per dosea H, 10 Ball, per sack, large I to Coal Oil, per gailou 16 Lard, per poaa 10 Dried Apples, pet poead T Dried Feaebee, per pound m II Been a, per btjahol 3 3Uhj dtfrtisrrarntfl. s OCMi DtirtllKLaV Oeorgo Weaver A Co J, waat five thousand bushels of OATH, new, and win pay cash or produce. Clearfield, Pa, Aug. 18, 1871 tf. T)ELfl VOH flALB.MTbirta hives of XI Italian Beat wniet 1 will eU Ohetp for esh, ar ei change for wheat. Far further In form alio a call aa at address tbe undersigned. IF. K RAM MR, Hovl.Tttf. Clearfield, Pa. PEOPLES HUNTER. At tbe Lutheran par Onega, New Millport oa Tuesday, May 36th, ItflU, by Rev. P. ll. Sherk, Mr. William Peoples, of BlooseingtoB, aad Miss Ida I. Hunter, ef OIn Hop, both of Clearfield aouoty, Pa. sua. CALDWELL. In Plk township, on Satur day, May 1st, 180, Lure I la, daughter of Isaac aod Catherine Caldwell, aged 4 years, lit months and 28 daya. CALDWELL. In Plk township, an Thurs day, May 0th, I8N0, William A., son of Catharine Caldwell, aged A ysrs 11 months and 20 days. CALDWELL. In Pika towuship.oa Friday, May 7th, 1880, Edward Charles, son of Isaac nnd Catharine Caldwell, aged 3 years aud 8 months. Diphtheria waa tbe cause or tbo deaths la this family. Tb fourth child ba miraculously re covered, and Is nearly well. TATK. In Lawrtnoe teivnship, noir this bcr-ouk-h.on Wednesday morn toe. May 20th, inhO, tfur a shop illuess, Mr. tivurge P. Tate, ago-i TA years, II mouths and ii days. OfAi-NS. It Fura-uoon hwali1p, i-n Tuesday, April :i 7 lb, iMtu, AllreJ W. Oweus, egd 2M yen re. BARTON. It Peril u in townihiu. on K.iJV. Mar 21st, 1(410. Jamie M. Barton, aged lift ysars nit II uiontfis, JMRTON.-lu Frrgoson tu-n.b'i'.oe Thurs day, Apill l b, Ibol), Mary DelU llarlou, daugh ter ot J. M. and Jane lijrion, ugeil 2 years, T months aud 1 1 days. WILSON. Io Atuhl-otrnmnt , Ken, , IRMt, Alice, duugliteror Junes A. VYtlsun, firiu. erly f Kimx township, ClesrfUM count', l'i., an i-d ltd years aod tt months. I Cambria county papers pious copy. KYLKR. At tha residence of Us grand par ents, J. nod 0. Hoover, In Morris township, on Wednesday, March 81st, 18H0, of diphtheria, Emmlt, youn gee t sod of Aaron Kyler, aged 7 years, 6 months and 18 days. When wc gather aroond the table, Aod we see tby vacant chair, We always think of Kmmit We nrr shall behold him there, 11. KMIOH. At bis residence In Susquehanna township, Cambria county, on Friday, May Uth, 1880, Mr. John Emlgb,sged 61 years. Mr. Emigh was born In Hollidaysbutg, Nov. 16tb, 1813, and name with his father to the farm in Susquehanna township, In 1826. In 1814 he removed to Burnsld township, Clearfield county, but returned In 1847) and. therefore, be ha re sided fifty-four year upon tbe tame farm. An affectionate husband and father, a kind and gen erous neighbor, a faithful friend, upright, honor able and courteous in bis iotcroourst, he was highly esteemed by all who knew him. He raised a numerous family all of whom ar qualified for (and those who hava left the paternal roof are occupying) respectable and useful positions la life. Mr. Rmigh died lo tha triumph of th Christian's faith, and bis last dny were vary peaceful and happy. OH FY TO LOAN.-On first-class Im proved farm property, by the Mutual Life Insure ranee Company of New York, oo first mort gage, in sums from $1,000 up. For further in formation apply ta tho undersigned. HI RXTHAL W. SMITH. Clearfield Pa., May 7tb, IhTtt-tf. 1AHM LANIItt FOR a I.E. In Huston and Pine towuxbips, Clearfield county. Reasonable time given for psrt of purchase money. Prices $6.00 to $10.00 per aore.JJjj Mioera's reserved. L. BIRD, Agent, Penfleld, Pa. or Wali.aci A Kress, Sept 10, 1H79-If. Clearfield, Pa, APPLICATION FOR PARDON. No tice is hereby given that application will be mads to tbe Board of Pardona at their monthly meet I in goo the third Tuesday of June next, for the pardon of 8 S. Haynes and Oeorge Haynes, now in the Western Penitentiary under sentence (or horsestealing, of which they wore co vie ted at tbe January session for I47K, or tbe Court of (Jnsrter Sessions, of Clearfield emintr. S. T. BROCKBANK, Clearfield, Pa., May 26-2U Attorney. ADMINISTRATOR' N OTIC ! Not ice is hereby given (tint Letters of Administra tion on tbe estate of FRANCIS M. FULTON, late of Burnside township, Clearfield county, Pa., deceased, having been duly granted to tbe under signed, all persons indebted to said estate will f lease make immediate payment, and those hav Dg claims or drmands against tbe same will pre sent them properly authenticated for settlement, without delay. JOHN KIMK, Patcbinvilla, Pa., May 6, 1 HHO.flt.- ADMIMSTHATOH'M NOT IClS Notice is hereby given that Letters of Adminis tration on the estate of ISABELLA LIDDLE.Iate of Jordan township, Clearfield county, Pa., dee'd, havinc been dulv cranted ta the underlined, all persons indebted to said estate will pleeae snake immediate payment, aod those having el alma or demands against tbe same, will present I hem properly authenticated for settlement without delay. JAMES HUNTER, Administrator. Aasonville, Pa., April 1 1880-fit. F Oil BALE. Tb undersigned will sell si private sale all that tract or parcel of land situate in Decatur township, Claarfleld county, Pa., within a thort distance of tha Tyrone A CleerfleM U. R., aod adjoining lands of Robert Hudson and others, and knowo as tbe Jacob B. Oearhart lot. Tha said tract eon tain in a 60 teres more or less, with two veins of vsluable coal thereon, baa about 80 acres cleared, and is the key to a large body of coal about being developed. Vt ill be cold low and upon easy term, for particulars, apply to DAVID L. KREBS. Clearfield, Pa., July 13, 1876. T I.(;lJTi:H'8 NOTU' Is here- XV by given that tba following accounts have Been examined and passed by me, aad remain filed of record in this office fur the Inspect loo of heirs, legatees, creditor, and all other io teres tad, and will be presented to the oext Orphans' Court or usarneui county, to do neia at me court House, In the borough ef Clearfield, commancinc on th first Monday (being lb Ttb day) of Jun, A. V. I!bu : Account of Robert With crow, Onardlan of James fluillam, minor child or John Outllam late of Knox township, Clearfield ov mty, Pa. deeeetid. Final account of Jamas McMurray, Guardian of unou. Irvin, minor ton or wm. t.irvtn, late of Bnrtslde, Clearfield county, Pa., dec d. Account of William A. Barr, Administrator of tb estate of Mary 8. Barr, late of ClcarOod borough, Pa, deo'd. Final account of David Keams, Uuardlan of Mile A. Kirk, and Thome Kirk, jr., mioor heir of Wm. Kirk, late of Brady towoship, Clearfirld county, Pa., dee'd. Account of Jobn S. McKiernan, Adminis trator C. T. A., of tb estate of Miles Davis, late of Beocaria township, Clear fi el I oounty, Pa., deo'd. Final account of Henry Worts, Administrator of tbe eMeto cf Catharine Troy, late oi lUuora township, ClerfioIl ouuutr, I'., deemed. Filial aceouut of Josrpb II. Breth, A Irninlstrstor ot ibe estate of Christian NtA. late of New Washington. Clear lie Id oounty, Pa., deceased. Final acoount of Dr. J. O. Hartswiok, Executor of tbe estate af Jiba Beaumont, late ol Law rence township, Clearfield county, l'a, de ceased , Final sooouul of David Hitching, Adiulnlmatnr of tb estate of William llitobiogs, 1st of Bradtord township, ClearfloM couuty, P , da ceased. Account or Inventory of th good, chattels and real estate, which were of Wm. L. Risbel, late of Lawrence towoship, Clearfield county, Pa., dee'd., selected, appraised and set apart for the use of Henrietta 11. Rishel, widow of said dee'd. Final account of Anthony It lie tod Susan Young, Administrator and Administratrix of the estate ol Robert Young, late of Lumber City, Clear field county, Pa., ueeeaecd. Final account of Thomas Plfer, Administrator af of tbe estate ef Wm. lppy, late of Duliois, Clearfield county, Pa., deceaaed. Final account of A. W, Young, on of tbe Admin istrators of Ibe estate of William Williams, lat of Jordan township, Clearfield Co., Pa., deo'd. Final account of J.W. Potior. Ouardlaa of Care- line Curley, nsiunr belr of Jatnee Cor ley, lata cf sv art o a us towosblp, Clearfield vo,, l'a., dec d. L.J. MORGAN, Regls-er. Claarfleld, Pa., M-y 6, USO-tc. JURY MMT.-Ltit of Grand and Traverse Jurors drawn for Jane Term, A. D. IH80, Court commencing on Ibe foarth Moaday af May (24th l, and to continue three week : anaae jctoaa, vaiao wbrk, jvrb T. Wm M Sbtw.ClearfleldJRam'l Hagerty, Oolich, H B Thompson, Cur'ille,! John W Moore, Huston, W SOilMland, Covlng'uJJas MeKeehan, Jordan, WeslleyWhita, Ba reside) Jamea Cat heart, Knoi, Jaa W MeUhee, Bell, iSamuel Hoover, " John C Hlawari, Brad'd.lA Humphrey, Law'nce, Joe H Kirk, Brady, 0 L Schnnnover, Morris, Edward Albert, Boggs, Isaac Markle, Newhorg, Rieh'd Hughes, Deoatur,Ueorg K Junes, Osceola, Ja Ferguten.Perguaon.jchM Cleaver, Peno, Jno W Murrav, ysh, Levi R Dressier, I'nfnn, Heieh h Smetl.Orabaw, 1 A F Baugbmaa, Wood'd. vaAvniaa Ji'hoas, third wrbi, jfan T. Wm Bard,Curweaavillt,'J W Refferty, penn, Jena Shatler, Brady, Uoha A.Womcr,Oseenla UwU Sbindoll, ' ,T C lleima, " William Davis, (lulloh, Robert McCally, i Adam Custard, Deeiter, 'A ion so White, " C C Sbet, N Y T lUthrk. Mcrrls. UeoAAIlis, Jaob Rdinger, 1 Jesse Harmon, J Ji miaou, J W Horn, dimes T Hebte, tie Hegarty, H.ntslale,i Albert Swart-ell, Patrick Shield, ' Amo Henaal, Wood'd, The. Singleton, Uame Moore, Burnside, Jobn Louder, Bred ford, T N Foltoa, Lawrence, Hiram Wilson, (J 0 twin, L C Watson, Ashley HtewnH, " Aaroa Peters, Robert Bell, Sandy, Amot Kline, " J A Terpe, " Peter Sell -lay, J J Snyder, Chest, Silas Carey, Claarfleld, Wst Porter, J A Antes, " Dan 'I Bowman Jr,Rnnx, Michael Bra ilh, Jordan, Kmll Rougeaux. Oirard, Wm Johoaon, Uraham, Jaocb Barest, Pike ,F LCoudriel.Covingtoa, Joshua FellwelLNewb g, Oliver Moore, Karl hams, J Wslhrooh, WtMaot'B, AIOJOLD HAS ADVANCED Prices of Shingles. SIIAVED AND SAWKD. Carwtnsvillc, Job. 0, '76-tf. Orphan' Court Nalo -OF- 1) Y virtue of an order of the Orphan' Court J of Clearfield oounty, th underlined Admlo istrator of the eat ate of PHILANDER SMITH late ol Lawrence township, Claarfleld otiunty, Pa , deceased, will sell at public out-cry lo the highest bidder, at theCCI KT Uul Sbi.m tb BOROtUH of CLEAUPIELU, on Tuesday, June 8lh, 18S0, Al O'CLOCK P. M., Tbe following described real estate, via : No. 1. Bounded North by land ol TbotiiB! Mcl'harson, East and South hy tnwmhip road leading from Iligler'a furm te McPheri'in' mill, and m lha West ly land of J. Liun Md'her sod, curtaining abnut two acres, wre or less, of unimproved Und. No. 2. Hounded North by lowimlitp mad leahrjg from Ditflcr's (arm to MiO'hers'in' mill end ly land of Zob LawbeaJ, oo the test by lend of I. M. flag, oii the South t-y niter In nil nt V. Hmtth. riecmsca, ami on iov Wel tit townhip road leading fro the O .miMiow hr.le to MM't,rr"ifi uull, by l.ia l of Wm. lUi.'l.i. rh Jr,, and land nf J. Liiin Mnl'borson, cmiainiiig forty-eight acres, uiuro or less, and baviug a Urge amount ol hemlock sod whit pine timber thereon. No. 3. Hounded North by land ol Isaac M. ciage, East by land of ex-Govern or Big. ler, John Powell, Burton Uulieh and Jobd Mad dey, on tbe South by Jobn Meddcy aod the Sus quehanna river, and the West by township road leading (rum tha Joodfellow bridge to Mcl'hcr son's mill, containing 108 acres and 27 pern bos, and having about Ave acre cleared, with a small dwelling house and good saw mill, picket mill, and lath mill, all la good running order. Tbe balance of the land Is covered with hemlock and other timber. TEilJflS. One-third cah, and the residue la two equal annual parmeote, with Interest, to be secured by Judgment beod. A. C. TATK, Adm r or Lstate of P. Smith, Ate d. Clear Geld, Pa., May 12, lH8U-4t. The Lsading, Ti: E:::d, THE BEST Boot and Shoe, Hat and Cap Store IN CLEAEFIELD COUNTY Is th one in tbo OPERA HOUSE, KKI'I BV G.C.&T.W. MOORE, Wa have just received our Spring and 80 miner Sleek, which, having been purchased before tbe advanoe, oan be sold at the rLL) I' HICK. Call and see. Besides the cheaper good iu oar line, we keen BOOTS, FINE SHOES, r 1 ii . 1 ni l lTKlllS i)0(HS 1111(1 Cllllt'S, riArriN'C cunrc I LLAr Llll o bHULb, STETSON'S HATSI AND TIIE GKSriNK TAYLOR MACKINAW HAT, Vbich ftr. our tppri.lttei. W. alio b.rt . full llo. .f HINTS' SL MMKR I'NUKKWKAR. All th. l.l.Hnoi.ltl.. in NKt'KWEAIL Uiv. ui . 01 .nd b. Mtiifl. f.l.O. C. St TOM W. MOOR 12. ClnrLU. P., April 11, ll) dm. -THAT ALL- WOOLEN GOODS HAVE ADVANCED ENORMOUSLY IN VALUE, TEEITvICES 0F0TJS New Spring Clothing Will I: Found Us Low AS LAST YEAR. GUIIUZBURG'S ONE PRICE- M ESTEH HOTEL CORNER, CLEAltFIICM), VA. Cl..tP..ld. P., April lUb, 1880.1b. SherifTs Sale. vlrta of writs of V. Fa., Issued I ) out of the Court of Cora moo Plea of Clear Held county, and to me directed, there will be exposed to PUBLIC BALD, tt lb Court Hons, In tbt borough af Clear lei d, on WedNeedajr, June 0, IKMO, ' Al 1 o'oloek, P. M the following described real estate, to will All Defendant' interest In a certain tract or pisoe of land, alluate in Boll township, Clear Ae Id oounty, Pa., beginoing at a reek oak on sab-divis ion line of tract No. I,TA8 f thence by said line soaia or cjegree eaet ivr a l perches to a poet ; thence north 1 degree caat 147 perches te a post on tract liae cf No. 6,764 i t beooe aorth ti de grees, 40 west 107 I II to a poet thence south 1 degrees west 170 1-10 perches tn rock oak aad place of beginniBg.enalaiatnf lOTaereaaad allow anoe, and knows at tract No. IT la tub.cHvie.ou of o. a,7fe,naf tng about 1 tore cleared.witb en all plank boas and round log barn Itioreon erected. Belted, taken la execution, and to be told ts tb property of ilenrv W. Kerb. All tbe right title and Inltreet of Ilefendanta In all that certain tractor piece of land si I a ate in Lawrence township, Clesrleld Co , Pa., bouiu ded and described as follows i Btginalng at a post corner and line of a 10-foot strert aod 49 feet east frees oentro cf the Tyrone A Clearfield Railroad t thence snuth b0 feet to post corner i lb race east 1 tfs feet to poet sorner ; thenre north 161 feet to said M foot street; thrn beginning at a post corner of other aide of street ; thence north Ifl.i feet to poet corner : thence by Tyrene a Clear Arid Railroad tontb 107 fecit o post comer at 30 foot street before mentioned, and having thereoa erected a brewery, Hi 18 feet, I, stones high, with cellar and bear vault; also a two-story frees house, .Ift by 40 feet, with atone haeeawuti also a frame sUbla, 18 by 14 feet lea boas, aad ether out hatldtog thereon. ALSO. All tbe right, title aod itterest ef Defendant lo out other lot or piece of ground Blsuat In tb villag or Hillsdale, Lawrence township, Clrar leld scanty, Pa., bounded aad described as fol- j cwst Bounded, on tbe west hy aa alley, oa tbe a.rih by Browa street, oa the cart by Spring street, oa tbs south by Owens read, containing ef aa acre. No boilditaw thereon. Seised, taken tn elocution aad to be sold as tbe properly af Char let Baaffet. Tiano ot rU lb. The price or can at wbleh tb properly shall be struck off stast be paid at tbe ttsae of talc, or each other errangesaeaU made aa will he approved , etaerwiee th proper, ty will he Istntedlaiely pal ap aad al4 tiratn at th expeaa aad risk of tho person so when It was struck off, and wko, la ease af eeftoleaey at tuah re-sal, ball stake good the aave, aad la ae will the Deed ho presetted la Court for oenflrtiatloa 181081 tbo taewey It actually paid va the Sheriff. JAB. MaUAFKKY, Batairr'c Ornca, I Shtrlf. CUanlsld, Pa May If, 1191. J IHisrrllanrous. ATTENTION FAR3IERS ! WE U.AVE OS IIAXD ANP I'OIt SALE ONE OA n LOAD OF CHAMPION REAPERS & MOWERS. -A CAR LOAD OF THE- FARMERS' FRIEND nOUDLK FORCE FEED CHAIN PKILI,, AND A CAR LOAD OF TIIE TJGER AND THOMAS HAY RAKES. THK BEST SELF AXD HAND DU.MI I'.AKKS IN niE WOltLD. 4 Wc tilso have a lot of Iloebnpr's Level Tread Horse-Power Tlire.shers nuJ Cleaners for one and two horses. Also Turnbull's Ohio Wagons with IJeveled Shoulder Spokes, which adds fully one third additional strength to tho wheel. Also Cortland Platform Spring Wagons, with two nnd three seats, and Opcn'and Top Bug gies. Plonso givo us a call before buying elsewhere. Tbe above Articles will ba Exchanged for Sheep, Cattle or Good Horses. M. CARD OX $ BRO. Clearfield, J'n., Aluy 2fi, 1880.2m. N. E. ARNOLD, O XX DEt. -"W 3E3 IV S XT' X X X DES. WILL PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE Xi"0 3Ft- 1,000 CORDS HEMLOCK BARK. 1,000 CORDS OAK BARK. 1,000 CORDS SHINGLE BOLTS. 1,000,(1111) (INK MILLION SAWKD SHINGLES. 1,000,000 1,000,000 ONE MILLION SIIAVED SHINGLES. 1,000,000 No waiting for turn, but unloaded immediately. Highest cash price paid at all times. Liberal advances made on largo lots. Go soe Arnold before contracting your bark. ' May 17, lHSfl tf. AN IMPORTANT NOTICE! I beg leave to announce to the citizens of Clearfield and surround ing country that I have opened a first-claw? establishment for the sale of Ready-Made Clothing, HATS AND CAPS, GEBTS' f DBHISBIHG TRUNKS e VALISES. BESIDES I PROPOSE TO CAREY A FULL STOCK IN THE MERCHANT TAILORING LINK. ALL OF Wnicn I WILL SELL AT UNUSUALLY LOW PK1CE3. MY I'LACK OF BUSINESS 13 IN Room IMo. 4, Pie's Opera House. Your patronags is roepectfully olicitctl. Cnll in person or address ALBERT TJIAMAUSER. X. It. ONE PRICK STRICTLY ADHERED TO. Clearfield, Pa., March 17, 18S0. JAMES L. 2x : - 'ij TT2r33RT ABLER, MARK KT riTHF.KT, 1 I.KARKlKl D, PPNN'A. Alt kinds of rackets And Cutting kept on hand, and furnished to order on short notice, including tbo flnsst as well as the cheapest thnt can be maua fact u red. Our ' Is the best In use, and will bo furnished when required. Funerals attended in any part cf the county. Call at my ofllco, on Second street, or leave your order at Tronlman's Furniture Store, adjoining the Postoffioe. JAS. JJ.LKAVT, net 1,79-Ty.' j - Clearfield, Pa. 1 X r.f l'TtH' NOriCF.-Nollce is here J by gi"n 'bst I-ettcrt Trstanentary on tbe estate of Ll'THKR HA R RETT, late of Ferguson townstjlp, Clearfield county, Penn'a, deceawd, having bsn duly granted to tbe undersigned, all f ereons Indebted t. aald cvtate will please nske mmediale payment, and (hose having claims cr donaeflda agaiaal tbe earns will present them properly authenticated fer settlttncnt without delay. JAM KM Mi KKF1IAN, Ki ecu tor. alsrroo, l a , April IU, I8f0 t. (lAaJTItlNa All persons are hereby warned j at to purchase or have anything to dowilh tbe following personal property, aow in tbe poe stcn of W sa. 11. Hchnarra, of K art baas township, vis : Cook stave and utensils, one hratmg sieve, two bedsteads, with beddtag, one bookcase, one cupboard, one sink, one set chairs, one stand, one table aod otner Household gooff, i Be foregoiag property was purchased by me tt Bhenff's and prirata sale, and is loaned to tbt tsid Waj, If, ochnarrs, subject to my order at tny time. KhWAKtmilNAKHS. Karthaus, May IS, IShO-Sl. I III I tWe went wpebl, Agsnts Wka&teii ! sssrASsiS HCK la Cl..r. t.l. Mini;. A ka.wMf. .( It. burinul to Matly .m).irl. W. o(Tm PERMAMKKT RMPI.OVMKST, UOOD lAT AND KXPKN8KS to th. rlcbt m.i who .m T kit a.dtrll'.J .1. Untlo. toth. .rk. Ul.. .,, pr..l.ul ud prM Ml Ma.ttoa rr.r..o Addr.,1, R. a. CIIAHS A CO.. I, Nortk Mtrriik im, Phil's, P.. M.y J, . SEHiwltanrcB. vt 1.1 13 CURWEIUSVILLE, PA. LEAVY, ARNOLD WANTS 5,000 Rail Road Ties. Cnrwoo.TlIU, P.. J.o. I, It-it. awlUfcKIJM NOTICE. T. Wkn II May tHcira t Th.M4M.ln, k.ti.g Ira, .(.potato AHisaM. for th. ba.Bt .f .radi. ton by Ju. H. Or.h.B. tt Clwa.ld hmh, 1 p.rMo., th.r.r.r, h.Ti.K el.lmf (.iaH hiai wtll y rint Ib.m to u, far mULawnt, and that, la. tlt l I. th. .aid 'inhaai an rM.alr.4 I. aitll. aad maa. payatMl ta at. IDWARO A. RIllLKR, AHBURY W. I.EM,, ra Dm. i, l;-tf.) AMlfSMi. IJUHNSIDK Normal Institute I Thu lobHl will or... ia HON DAT, MAY IO, IKS0, aad MBtiau. twain wtka. TUITION : JaiMlUP.partaUBt m 14 Comwiaa, Rr.a.bai 4 M Cnt.a Sraa.hM aad Tknry af Taahlaa. I H Uibar Uraaoh. Mra. Matt. Irrla will taaeh nwlnaiaaUl aiaai. St naMttaol. ntM. Tba N.raial CI.M wtll h. MaailaaS aiaathly h)f tba Cnaty Hupartntaadaat O-yood h.a'dia( hi a. k.d at fraai M S to p wm. kwai hr a4f hoardM aaa b. had at najaaabla n'm. For rarihar lafama. tloa, Mil m 1 addraM II KO. W, IrtNIR, Prla.lpal, JAS. H. KILLSV, AailMaat. Bom.Mf, Pa . Marrk I7,l ll.