Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 02, 1880, Image 2

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tiioaai 0. Gooulandeb, Editor.
Ruder. If you want to know what U folne. oo
Ib the buaineaa wurld, Juit read our advertlalog
eolnmaa, We apmut eolamn IB partlenler.
Ke Qiao worth? loo office of Prealdetit ihonld
bo willing to Bold it If counted In. or nluod there
bj Boy frkud. U. B. Onaar.
I oould noror bare boon reoonolled to tho ele
TBtlon by tho emalleet Bid of mino of b peraen,
boworor reepeetable In prleata Ufa, wbo Bail
forovor oarrj upon hi, brow the etainp of fraud
lint triumphant Ib Amerteaa bietorr. No ewb
eoquent Bctlnn, fcowerer uierltorloiie, obb weah
BWoy Ul lOIlori ui in, rwvru.
Chablbo Pnaaote Adahb.
I would rather bora tbo endoreouient of aquer
tor of B million of tbo AniorloBB pooplo tboa tbot
of tho Louiilann Helurnioe: Hoard, or of tbo Com.
minion whiob exolmled tho facta and doclded
tho quoitloB on b technicality.
Under tho forma of low. Unthorford B. lUyM
baa boon doolnrod President of tho United Btetea.
111! tlllo reata npon dlafraDchlaement of lowtul
volorl, tno lalee aerllDeatee or tno reiarning on
oere acting corruptly, and tho dooiilon of B cota.
miealon wbiob baa refuted to hoarevidenoo of kl
leeod frond. For the flrat time nro the American
DeoDle eonfrontod with the feet of a fraudulently-
elioted Preildmt. Let It not bo underetood that
tho fraad will bo llenlly eequleaned In by the
country. Let no hourpaef la wnioo mo usurpa
tion la forgotten.
Addrihb or Uihocratio H. C.'e.
One hundred yean of human deprarity accu
mulated and ooooantrated Into a ollmax of crime.
Nerer again In Qve hundred jeara aball tbey bare
an opportunity to repeat tno wrong.
Dakibi. W. Voounnui.
Robert E. Monigban, William U. Harford.
1. John Slerln.
1. Edwin A. l'uo.
5. John H. Campbell,
4. Olllei Delicti,
6. John M. MolHtt.
. Kdward Waldon.
7. Nathan C. Jamoa.
8. (leorgo Filbert.
0. Jaa. 0. M'Hparren.
10. Dr. A. J. Martin.
11. Adam derringer.
13. Frank Turner.
1?. P.J Birmingham.
14. II. E. llarli.
lift. George A. Poet.
In. A. M. llentoa.
17. J. P. Lintoa.
ID. Ool. John 8. Miller.
m, J. O. Helton,
i 111. 0. N. Bowen.
31. J. A. J. Buchanan.
123. Chriatopher Magea.
1 23. Itobort M. Otbinn.
lie. Thomai Bradford.
:i. Harry W. Wilion.
211. Samuel Griffith.
1 37. J. Hoae Thompaon.
bob. a twf. MKMBBna. roarorrica.
Buroilde B'r. Cbarlei B, Patrick, llurniide.
Clearfield " hmitb V. Wilaon, Clearlrld.
Cure-enav'e " F. I. Tbonpaon, Cnrweniriile,
IlonUdelo " Patrick Dunn, lloutidale.
Lumber C'y " Daaicl W. llile, Lumber City.
Newlurg " Iaaae Marklf, Ilurd.
N. Waih'n ' Dr. A. !). Bennett, N. Waibincten.
lUceola "B.A.Campbell, Oeceola Alilla.
Wallaceton " Uco. W. hiuigh, Wallaceton.
Beocarie T'p. Daeld Bear, tllen Hope.
Hell John 11 lion, Oitind.
Bloom " William Liner, ForeiL
Bogga " laeae Ueiab, Wallaceton.
Bradford " David Ililoblnge, Woodland.
Ilrady u Chariot gehwem, I.uthenburg.
Buroilde " John Wearer, X. Washington.
Cheat " Joaeph II. Broth, N. WaabingUn.
Corington " T. tl. Coodriet, Frencbrilla,
Doeetur ' Jacob F. Bteiner, rbllipiburg.
ForguaoB " A. A. Bloom, Jtlarron.
Ulrard " John Newenmb, Gllllngbam.
Ooahen " John A. L. Flegnl, Llrk Han HUla.
Uraham " 0. W. Kyler, Urabamton.
(Jreeowood M John A. Rowlea, Uarron.
Ilullcb " Jamoa Flynn, Smith'a Milla.
Huaton " II. L. Horning, PeoReld.
Jordan " Pr. B. A. Creaawell, AnaooTille,
Kartbaua " George Heekendorn, Halt Lick.
Knot " Conrad Baker, New Millport.
Lawrence " Clark Brown, Clearfield,
Morrla - 41 D. If. Warning, Morrladale Mlnoa.
Pann " Martin M. Plynn, Grampian Ililla.
Pike " Hamuel Addleman, Curwcnarlllo.
Sandy John M. Troiell, DuBole.
UnloB " Reuben H. Laborda, Rockton.
Woodward 11 William Lather. Madera.
Chairman, Clearlleld, Pa.
. W. E. Wallace, Secretary, Cleardeld.
The Kadical "Boom." As wo go
to press the leaders of the opposition
party aro in session at Chicago, lor
the purpose of nominating candidates
for President and Vice President. It
looks very much as though Grunt the
Third-tcrmor and Emperor would be
tho man seleoted by the boomers.
Tho Jeflorson County .Republican
Convention met on Monday, the 21th
ult.and nominated the following tickot :
Congress, Harry While, of Indiana;
Sonator.Dr.W. J. McKnight.of Brook-
villo; Assembly, Jamos E. Long, of
Brookville; Associato Judges, John
Thompson, of lioso Township, and Dr.
J. W. Poust, of Rcynoldsville borough.
George T. Bodgcrs, of Brookville, was
ohoson Chairman of the County Com
mittoo. '
Pardoned Too. Wo boo it slatod
that tho Itcv. Dr. Geo. A. Pcltu, woll
known to "many of our citizens, has
been unanimously acquitted of the
chaTges ol immorality proforrod against
him, at Jamestown, N. Y., after an ex
haustive examination by a committee
of tho church appointed for that pur
pose It has boon deoidod, however,
that he shall abstain from preaching
until he has rocoved from the effect of
the rumors. Tho Kev. Dr. has been
badly wounded, in a moral sense, and
it is not likely that ho will evor recover.
The judical Cdaiuman. John
Cessna, ono of tho completest dema
gogues this State ovor produced, is tbo
Chairman of the Cameron Slate Com
rnittco, and resides at Bedford. The
Radicals of that county hold a Conven
tion last week and instructed thoir
delegate John Cessna to the Chica
go Convention, to voto for Blame, at
though their Stato Convention had in
structed bim to vote, for Grant. At
their primary election on Friday last,
the) Radicals expressed their views on
the Presidency by ballot. In Cessna's
own ward the vote stood; Blaine, 72
Grant, 3. The latter was made up of
the Chairman, brother and ton. This
is cooling, indeed I
Bold as a Ham. An exchange
says; ."The oditor of tbo Indiana Mrs
Knger, a Republican papor, says ho is
'cloarly of the opinion that if Grant is
nominated at Chicago, five hundred
Republicans in this (Indiana) connty
will rofuse to Toto for him.' Wo must
patiently wait and see what those
'five hundred' will really do should
Grant he nominated, and will simply
remark now that if the Republican
party in Indiana can swallow Harry
White for a third term in Congress,
as he wants it to do, it will not stop
t gulping Grant down along with
him, strong and repulsive as tho mix
ture would undoubtedly be." "Now,
iust yon mind," the Alaaengrr man
will take to the wster in both rases as
glibily as a duck.
It iii with uloumiro thut we rvcord
die fact thut thcro are 8 Tow Radical
editor (vory few) who nro alill tho
propriotor of it conxclenco, nnd aro
not ulraiil to Hpcuk their KctitlincntB
hoiit'Klly acquired, and In thoir jour
nal" proclaim agniiiHt the iiitttijr jjreat
Crimea committed liy their party lead
era in thin State. The editor ol the
Now Castle Countif Is ono of the tow
Indicuted loft, lie iuy :
"On Friday tho State Penitentiary
wm disgraced. Tho partiea who di
graccd it woro M. 8. (Juay, Secretary
of tho Ccmmonwoalth ; Aaron K.
Dunklo, Secretary of Internal Affairs;
Ilonry W. Palmer, Attorney General;
Chas. V. Stono, Lieutenant Governor,
and Jlonry M. lloyt. The fimt four,
after moolinp; in a hnrrlod aession,
whero tho Commonwealth was not
represented, rccotnmcndod tho purdon
of Kcmhle, PolrolT, IUmbergor, Salter
and Crawlord, sentenced tbo Monday
nreviuiioj. and Hovt crantod it. The
brihors and corruptioiiisttt thus go tin
whipped of justice, and tho moral sen
timent of tho Slalo is sot at denance,
True, their flnos and costa were paid
and they go out disqualified to hold
any office of trust or profit undor the
Commonwealth. But what caro thoy
lor that. Success in crime has ma-Jo
them peculiarly independent. Snatched
by men from tho jaws of tho peniton
tiary never having actually worn the
tripos nor eaten prison furo thoy ro
turn to their usttociutcs whoro their
wealth insures thoir standing. The
moral forco ol their conviction is, in a
great measure, lost. Instead of being
a torror to evil-doors, it is only a warn
ing to them to bo a little moro careful
in their ways and means.
"This dofcat of justice and this tri
umph of critno is churgoable first to
Quay, Dunklo, I'almor and Stono, the
Pardon Hoard. The two former wore
always In favor of it. Tho latter two
at ono timo refused a pardon and re
ceived tho approbation ol tbo people
thorolor, Hut thoy have changed,
and it must bo inferred that they have
no reason to give for tbeir change, or
that tbo reasons that caused thoir
change of front would not stand the
light of day. No other construction
can bo put upon it. in doing this they
have signod thoir political death war
rants, as well as Qiiny and Dunklo.
So of Governor lloyt. In signing tbo
pardon of these 'roosters' ho signed
that which exoludes bim from futuio
political hope. No doubt tho Cam
eron machine forced him t3 do it, but
tbo Cameron machine cannot give bim
the placo in tho minds of the pooplo
he formorly possessed. But still ho
had a pluce; he dishonored It and was
cast out.
"Quay is seeking higher honors.
His eyes are set on the United Statos
Senate. Ho is working for that in
devious ways, oven in this county,
some of which wo may yet point out.
lie wants to go there as a representa
tive of the Kepulicans. It' the Repub
licans of this State have tho moral
principles thoy are supposed to have,
he will never got thereby tbeir votes.
Not only that; they will hurl him
lrom the place ho new occupies at as
early a day as possible. True Repub
licans bave no uso tor such men no
use for a party wbo steps between
justioo and hor victims. True Repub
licanism motog out justico to all scoun
drels, whothor within or without the
ranks of the party."
Mad Ambition. Tho New York
Sun pours red hot Bhot into Grantism
as follows: "Ulyssos S.Grant is a man
driven mad by ambition. Ho now
seeks to grasp tbo Governmont of the
United States a thing unprecedented
for a third term. To accomplish bis
purpose be resorta to methods boroto
foro unpracticcd in American politics.
Such methods will be condemned by
the moral sentiment of the American
"iligb-handed have been the as
sumptions of tbo Grant clique in New
York and Pennsylvania ; and now still
more dosperate aro tho means they
Ladopt in Illinois. '
"It is woll ; at least we think it will
be woll in the end.
"Can tho American people he robbed
of tbeir right to chooso their own
President f In othor words, can thoy
bo deprived of their liborticsT Will
thoy tamely submit to have Cameron,
Conkling, and Logan, or any other
threo men, dictate to them whom they
shall havo for Presidont?
"The issuo is now made moro sim
ple and plain than evor.
"Amoricam of grit, of blood, of aolf-
rcspoctl Rise and redeem your rights
and your libortioa 1 The great major
ity of you are bettor men than Grant,
who seeks to bo yonr Emperor or
King I
"Down with liiml
"Vote him down at tho polls I
"Consign him to eternal and con
dign involuntary retirement."
"Loyal" Divilopmknts. The Rad
ical National Convention meets at
Chicago to-day for the purposo of
nominating a candidate for President
A cotemporary, in alluding to the
event, remarks : "One of the last 'clos
ing ont' sales of the Republican masses,
beforo the shambles aro set up in Chi
cago, was hold in Louisiana on Mon
day. It divided, a number of the auc
tioneers striking out and opening op
in another plaoe. At what was called
the regular auction room a divided
delegation was choson, one-hall for
Grant, and the othor half foi Mrs.
Pinkston's man, John Bherman. The
other crowd put up a solid body fir
Grant. Mr. Cameron's estimate of
the first ballot only claims eight votes
from Louisiana, but Mr. Logan, wbo
has proved the master machinist in
manipulation, has promised the bolting
delogates thoir scats, and considering
the fine work be did in the Illinois
State Convention be will probably de
liver the goods."
Oua 8tati Faib. We soo it stated
that Messrs. D. W. Seilor, F.sq., and
Major F.lbridge MoConkoy, Secretaries
of tha Bute Agricultural Socioty, re
turned from trip to Ohio and Ken
tucky recently, whithor they bad boon
on business connected with the ap
proaching Slate Fair. Thoso gentle
men met the prominent blooded stock
raisers of the two States and received
assurance that thoy would sond to the
State Fair at Philadelphia some of the
finest herds of short-horn cattle, the
best sheep and pigsaand blooded horse,
The death of lleury S. Kooto ends
tho curoer of ono of tho most remarka
ble men of the last generation. Thore
havo boon many abler men and yet
moro wbo were wiser than Kooto among
his contemporaries, but few havo loll
ao varied a record, llu entered tho
United Stales Senate from Misninaippi
when Clay, Webster and Calhoun were
yet among its members, and first did
tinguishod himself by bis violent as
saults upon tbo anti-Slavery men of
tho North and his amiable suggestion
thut bis fellow-Senator, John P. Hale,
should be hung fur treason. In 1850
be joined tho conservative elemeuts of
Congress to pass the Compromise
measures of that yoar, and when Jeff
Davis,his Senatorial oollcaguo, revollod
against the adjustment and aoceplod
tbo Radical pro-slavery nomination for
Governor of M iasissinpi, Foote rosignod
his sent, became a stump candidate
against Davis on the Vuioti platform,
and defeated him, ilii next prominent
nppoaranco was as a secession agitator,
and when tho Confederacy was organ
ized be turned up as a Senator from
Tenneaee, and was faithlul to his old
vagaries by opposing pretty much
everything that anybody did about the
Davis administration. Alter tho war,
when old ago and grim want came
hand in hand, be favored tho old flag
and an appropriation, and managed to
keep himself hanging around the rag
ged edges of power. He held tho office
ol Superintendent of tho Mint at Now
Orleans until a lew days ago, when ho
resigned and returned to Tennessee to
meet the long bait that sooner or later
must come to all. He wits a petulont
agitator, aggressive, quarrelsome und
seldom did even tbo right thing wisely.
His usefulness for any purpose had
long since ended, and the world will
take little note of his departure
RENDERS. Hundreds of soldiers in this county
remombor the bravo Colonel Simmons.
We notice that a graceful and fitting
compliment was pairf to his widow at
Uarrisburg, on Sattudoy ovoning lust.
She, it will be remembered, is tbo
widow of as bravo and gallant a sol
dies as ever unsheathed a sword.
Among "tho bravest of tho brave" was
Col. Seneca G. Simmons, who lost his
lifo during tho rebollion. Tbo Colonol
Seneca G. Simmons Post, No. 11C, G.
A. R , ot Hurrisburg, hit upon the ex
pedient of making Mrs. Simmons an
honorary member of that Post, and
without letting any one outside the
organization know anything about it,
surprised that lady by presenting hor
with a beautifully engrossed and train
ed certificate of honorary membership,
with I lie regulations of the G. A. R.
and the by lows of Seneca Post. Mrs.
Simmons, who is ono of tho most esti
mablo and agreeable of ladies, simply
but gratefully remarked in reply to In
observation of Commander Cocklcy:
"1 surrender, for 1 have been completely
out-generalrd." Forty-five members of
the Post were present, and they woro
delightfully entertained by Mrs. Sim
mons and her daughter. Tho occa
sion was made still more pleasant by
tho preeenoe ot a number of visitors
to the family who were as completely
surprised as was Mrs. Simmons her
self. The ceremonies took placo in
tho beautiful garden attached to her
residonce, on Front street, where the
lamented Colonel was wont to spend
many happy hours with bia family
and friends.
Tho editor ot tho Lancaster Intelli
gencer, in alluding to the up-hill business
the Census takors meet with, says :
Tho Census Supervisors have hard
luck. Poor White in Philadelphia got
together such a lot of jail-birds that it
was necessary to cut off tho heads of
the whole party, Supervisor included.
And now our Snowdon, aflor coming
amongst ns and looking into the char
actor of tbo applicants, and vowing
that he was going to chooso tho boat
men, regardless of their politics, has
had such confoundedly bad luck as to
oo two of the Enumerators in thiBcity
sent to jail for thirty days ; a period,
too, which carrios them clear ovor the
time appointed for taking the Census.
What is to he done, about it? We
can only suggest an appeal to the moat
benevolent judgo of our Court, who
maybe so impressed by thoimposibility
of two officers of the United Slates
having done anything worthy of thirty
days in jail especially when it was
only their Republican xoal that got
thorn thore that ho will let tbom out
as innocent and malignod workors in
tho good causo ia thoir wards. At any
rato the judgo should be besought to
let these two Enumerators out tor a
couple of hours in the cool of the
morning and ovoning to take the Con
sub in tho Third and Seventh wards.
Thoy lie bandy to the jail, to whose
shady retreats they might return to
spend the heat of the day, which ought
not to bo spent on the streets anyway.
Thus the needs of the United Statos,
the demands of justioo, and the require
ments of humanity may be satisfied.
A Niw Candidate. Another dark
political bono is being put on the
track, groomed and barnossod for the
Cincinnati Convention. A number ot
ot Congressmen and othor Domocralic
politicians mot at Willard's Hotol the
other night to get op a "boom" for
Wm. R. Morrison, of Illinois, for Pres
ident. Among tbo Congressmen pros
ont wore Knott, Blackburn, Reagan
Hnnton, Chalmers, Atkins, Sanlord,
Clark, Philip., Clarcy, Bickncll and
V addell. They are resolved to sup-
port Mr. Morrison's aspirations. Mr.
Morrison is one of thoso ablo, cool men,
wbo can always be trusted with State
affairs, and would make a noble Presi
rTTY Good. ThoNew York World
sys that in common justico and pro
priety tbo rrosiuoncy in order of Tin
dicalion belongs to General McClellan,
and that "after tho wrong of 1864 bas
boon righted and the tie jure Presidont
of 13G4 has been seated for a full torra
in tho White House it will be In order
for VI r. Tildon to claim consideration.'
Trno enough, but what the Democratic
party should do Drat of all ia to vlndi
cate ita own righui which were ruth
lessly OTerturned by fraud and violence
in 1864 and 1878. Measures not men,
party not individuals, ont to be the
watchword ol the Democrat at Cin
A Washington J'i. interviewer has
recently made a raid on the "intelligent
oontrubaiid," found so tisctul during
the war. Ho says :
Hon. J. Milton Turner, next to Fred
Douulas nrobablv tho bent known
and most influential colored man in the
United States, is in the city nguin. luo
last timo he cumo here as a witness
before tho lixodus committee this
time bo oomos on his own hook and
with an eye to the polllieul situation.
A Pout reporter, who intdo tho ac
quaintance of Air. Turner beforo ho
was appointed minister to Liberia, and
knows him to be a man of first rule
intellectual ability and nerve, took tlio
trouble to get at his viows lust evening
and record them for the lientfitof The.
Pott. Mr. Tumor can speak for tho
Northern negro as authoritatively as
can Mr. Scbitrr. lor tho German ele-l
ment ot his party, and as such a repre
sontntive his views are entitled to con
sideration. "How is it," said 77! Pout to Tumor,
"that you woro not sent as a delegate
to Chicago from Missouri ? Don't your
noonlo niako ur tho bulk ol tho Re
publican party in Alissottrl ?"
"Certainly they do. The Republi
can party of Missouri is composed of
nogro and Gorman voles. I reckon at
least 40,000 negro votes. Tho white
Amoricans wbo belong to it.liko Filley,
have nothing but their own ends to
Biibsorvo. Filloy's interest this timo
was to got a delegation for Grant and
as I wasn't a very stronuous Grant
man ho koptmeotit. Filley only wants
such men ubout him as hocan use and
I probably wos dangerous, bocnuBO 1
think for mysoll."
"Ato tho negroes domanding with
any degroo of unanimity a representa
tion on tho Presidential ticket ?"
"I think they generally beliovo Chat
they are entitlod to it. If I had been
sont to Chicago, 1 should havo placed
ono in nomination. We will cast 600,
000 voles in tho United States this Fall
at least and are tho balanco of power in
Ohio and Indiana. Wo aro a signifi
cant element, too, in New York, Now
Jersoy and Connecticut"
"W ho would your candidate havo
been ?"
"I havo no especial candidate.
Douglass or Senator Bruce would have
suited me, and would suit tho negroes
generally. Uruco 1 think has moro
elomcnts of success about him tiian any
othor man wo could name. Ho has
won golden opinions as the only un
questioned Southern Republican Sen
ator from both parties. Ho is a man
of good character, good address and
good abilities, and therefore wo could
present his name on other grounds
than that ho is merely a black man."
"What grounds ?"
"Well, because bo bus proven himself
to bo an eminent and siicco-'Stul lie
publicun stutesinun."
"Does Senator Bruoe fuvor such a
proposition ?"
"I do not know that he does. He is
a modest man and would have to be
pulled forward by his race il at all. I
have never asked him to allow his
name to bo used. One of the righls I
obtained by citizenship was the rii;lit
to prefer whom I pleased for any onice
1 cun voto to lil!, and that riht in this
esse leads mo to select Mr. I. nice.
Rut you aro a Republican, aro you
not f"
"And want to see the Itepuhlican
ticket elected
"But are you not aware thut tho
nomination of Jlruco a negro, would
drive away thousands and tens of
thousands of white Hepublioan votes 1"'
"1 am not It cortainly wouia not
if Republicans aro honest and mean
what tboy say, and tor ono I am de
sirous of putting thoir protestutions to
the tost. It would be unwiso to offer!
Mr. Bruoo as a negro. Wo oll'or him
as a Republican truo and tried. If be
is rejected bocauso he is a negro, the
responsibility will rest, not with us,
but with the Republican party."
"And now tbat you are not a uelo-
gato to Chicago, will his name be pre
sented ?"
"I havo no doubt it will he. Kev,
II. M. Turner, of Philadelphia, one of
tho most eminent and scholarly negroes
in the world, the managing editor ol
the Christian Recorder, tho organ of
theAfricanMothodistchurch ; alilaine'
man, an anti-third term man and, if I
am not mistakon, a delegate from
Georgia; Isaiah Waro.ol Philadelphia,
another vory influential negro, and a
number ot other prominent niembors
of my race, while thoy differ as to tho
head of the ticket, are a unit tor Mr.
Bruce, or some other distinguished Ro-
publican like him, for the second plaoe.
These gentlemen will be at Chicago
and in tbo Convention, and 1 havo no
doubt thorotoro, Hint Mr. Bruro's name
will be proposed.
"Why do yon opposo Grant ?
"I am not opposed to Grant. Of all
thecandidatos bo is my personal choice
Ho took mo from an humble position
and made a United Stntes Minister
out of me. I feel grateful to him for
tho distinction, and rczard htm as a
great military captain, but 1 fear his
nomination will create Irreconoilanio
dissensions in tho party and I liko my
party even bettor than I do tienenil
Grant Another thing I would hate
to see Grant defeatod. He is too great
and too good a man for such a slight
or indignity as that."
"What do you think about Sher
munf" "I think ho is for tho negro a good
friend to him, taking his history in and
out, and would, so fur ns my raco is
concerned, bo willing to tniBt lilm.
"Is ho your candidate ?"
"Yes. I prefor him, and think, too,
he will be nominated."
"One more question, Mr. Turner. If
tho negroos propose Mr. Ilrucoor rrcd
Douglass and aro refused recognition,
will thoy bolt r
"I cannot say. It is not possible for
me to forecast tho action of 600,000
PaAYXB IX roi.iTics. A sort of ro
ligious proclumation has been issued
in New York invoking Divine aid in
tho settlement of l'roalJontift) tickets.
It is as follows :
In view ol the fuel Unit the nominat
ing conventions of the political parties
in June next will dcHignato those citi
zens to whom tbo choice ot the people
lor mo i.iiicl Aiagmiralo ol these
United Stated for lour years next en
suing will be restricted, the under
signed auk their Iruthron of all denomi
nations to unit with them in making
.Sabbath, the .lIHlt ot Hay, a special
occasion lor prayer to Almighty Clod
that Ho will vouchsafe to guide and
diroct those aiwcmblies in the oboico of
men 111 lor the suffrages of the people.
R. I). Hitciioock, S. S. MiTcnu.L,
It. 8. Storrs, Arthur 1!rook,
H. W. Hai.i.ows, K. H. ('iupih,
T. S. llASTINflS, J. II. rtTr.Ancr.,
O. C. TimilT, li l). Bivan,
A. P. Putnam, (J. M. Hamm-toh,
W. Okmiton, H. HmiB KsttToir,
J. A. Cbapmar, W. T. 8abii;
Tul TrI I lNWAHDNr.saj. Xhe Sec
retaryoftheCoinmonwcallb Quay
js now a full (lodged cantlidato for the
H'oitcd Btaloa Senate. It ia not to be
wondered at, tbereforo, tbat lit object
ed to bi main supporters being kept
behind prison bars during this moat
important campaign.
ThxUmmoi.y Trio. Cameron, Conk-1
ling and Logan uro entitled to great
credit for their efforts in looking up an
F.mperor fur us. Tbo Jkllufonte Dem
ocrat, lu alluding to tbeir venture, re
marks : "Senator John A. Logau, un
der tho immediate oyo of the 'Old Com
mander,' has proved himself fully equal
to any ol tho Lieutenants in command
or tho 'third-term' war in tho Repub
lican ranks. Having defeated the
Mulligans in Illinois, he can now givo
his hand and claim equal rank with
our Hon. and the shot gun hero of Now
York, not only lor forcing success tin
der difficulties, but in tho methods
used to obtain il. The .Mulligans and
their allies are suppressed, and the
Duko is placed in supremo command
of tbo situutiou. . Now it is in order to
boost tho P.inpire und givo full devel
optnent to the real object which sup
porlurs ol a 'strong Government' mi
der Grant have in view."
Ilulil lieinled persons are reuum
mended, by ono who knows how il is
himsell, to have n spider painted on
their heads as a preparation lor the
fiu-t approaching fly lnne.
Colored Sonalor Hrnceiionly thirty
nine, weight 210 pounds, anil dresses
well. Ho ib very modest and never
gets in anykody's way.
Courtney felt oold when he reached
his hotel. "Bovs, said be, "I m a
numb-scull." '
gtw Sfli'irtlSfinruW.
s and all kinds of
ao to
O. B. M Kit It ELL, - Agent,
CLEARFIELD, PA. J.nt I, 'a tf.
The nn designed will H at prirata aale, hla
firm, leeatai in renn townimp.tJlearflold ooonty
half of wbloti il ia a food atat of cultivation
witb afraiaa welling, Tog barn.'a tliriity orchard
add la excellent a firing of ner failing water,
together witb the Decenary outbuilding.. The
portion not cfcared is heavily timbered, and all
ii underlaid with coal and Iron. It will be aold
low and on aaay termi. Pur turthor Information
oall on the pr-mitei, oraddreai tha iitirinr at
Urainpian llil P. O. OWKN J. KKENAN.
Urain)tan Hllli, Juni 2d, IHKO-Sm.
Thomas A. Duckett,
I aud Terminer, and court ol Heneral Jail Uellr--w
uiiL-i.i i . .i i.i ., e(T,attlieCourt llouae at Clearfield, In aod for the
prepared at
II lttn. In TurnUh rmille end:
- -- - i
manufacturing o'tanltahmeni with a auperinr
iualily St
Coal, Wood f Coke,
Which I am prepared to dilirer in a fw boHri'
notitte. I an ilwart read' to haul and deliver
Iruai and to ihe ilayoV or enywbvre eiae, and
wove U iu ill and bout ti old guoda anywbi-re on
ihortnotire. TIIOB. A. Dl'CKETT.
Ciiarflald, IV, Mar. 81, lfiHt-tf.
John Irwin & Bros..
All Kinds or Merchandise,
Dry Goods, Groceries, Etc.
Jot .
Mfcl iicr, TIM IS Kit,
The Only MannfacturcrH in ClcarAold
County of the
n.ot it, vnon .. t r.r.n
,ii,ntrs . ha a-it)
t'Casli puitj for oil kindH of
liraiii Wheat, llye, OaU, tic
Carweolrille, Pa, Jen. 1, 18;0-tf.
Aarua Patera..
..A. X. Woelrldce
-PltAl.litS IN
Dry Goods, Groceries and
General Merchandise,
Respectfully solicit their patrons
and the pul.lla arnarally to eall and ataia.
loa their near atneh af
Spring and Summer Goods,
Cashmerea, Velveteens, I'elnints,
Lawns, (iinf(linms, Prints, tin
bleaohrd and llloaehril Mus
lins, Kaney Skirls, Sheet
iiifrs, Tickings, Comet,
lloffs, Oil Clothe,
T.nundried, While,
Cheviot and Percalo
.Shirts, (iloves, Neckwear,
lion's and Hoys' Clothing,
I'api, Boots, Miocs, etc., etc
Groceries A (if n'l Merchandise
Will be found ol first quality, and
satisfaction is guaranteed. The fol
lowing are always kept on band,
(some tew only in their aeason) :
flugnrs, Teas, Coffees, Bpices. Byrops,
Confectioneries, Oranges, Lemons.
Bananas, Fig, Pates, etc., Hard
ware, Queenswaro, Glassware,
Tinware, Wood and Willow
ware, Paints, Oils, Clocks,
Trnnki, Valises, Mirrors,
Stationery, Furniture,
ft Uinere' Snppllea,
Jnn 2, IRSO-tf.
Srw guU'frtlsruicnts.
JT-ff-Tlili old ftoi walUitftMUtifd )!iil bm
tn Iftuw) hj Ibu unJrlffraed, Mid In ttla con-
nUnl t"1 rcnitatintt ttiiftwtiop to IIiom who mty
paUrunliw him. (Joint Hibling ltohl.
IKn IS U. UkUUMj t ftiirior.
April 11,'hl tf.
J J by Riven l bat I.tttri Ttiuintftrv n lb
oitaltor JOHN PUTTKK, lU of Hrady town
thip, ntkrllclij count), IV, dcovtafd, htn
tiB duly trntil to tti uDdBtalinvd. ftll per-
i ni Ioilttblod to mid oattmt will plH uuk Itu-
inodtitfl pnrnfi.t, ind umm hiilng olAim ir a
LBKhdi tb Mint wit) prant tliiu prop-
rlr ftUluantieawtl lur acttir moot wunntit ihij.
Lulhri)iurg, l'a., J una IJ, IhrtO ftt.
tralion on tli fMato of AI.PKKU W. OWKNd,
late rtf Kcrr 'H t"nMp, ClrarfleM county, Pit.,
dw d, hating biea duly untoud to I hi nodrr
ii.ii.Hj, ill paraooa IndopUd tt aaid '
rila mak itnmdlt payment, aud tltoai hv
Df claim or demobda agaioat ttia pmii, flll
prett-nt ibeio itrnparljr uthaottoatad for aattl
luant without .,4-litr. JAMES H. Illl.K,
Adtuiniatrttor. Olty. Pi., Jan 2J, ltiMU-At.
I rlk t fitfftri lb Fanoira of OlimrftrM
ounly. tint I ira tb armutW urer 'if WhnrlvVa
p.ileot Hallway Chain
Wlib Threabera in4 OIinri af una or tw
boraa power. For lurlhir purtloulira itldrtai the
unJtril((nr)d at 11 loom aim rt, Columlili euunty, or
call upon V. If. CAHlMlN HKO., Atmnta, In
flurlleld Pa. J. M. IIULHII1KR.
J una 2d, IB80-.lm,
SpringlSnffliner Millinery!
To Mr CraTOHRftf An rni Pinur at Lirri j
About Saturday, April 24h. 1 will rat am from
Philadelpbu with a full liu of Ml LLINKHY
OuOUS of ill kind. Willi ntw fictlittea for do
ing buainoii, I will aim ply any that I oin now
fiv my enttomtra the hen lit of my dvantijta
In buying, fly let and prirei throughout tho ontiro
riflon. Mra. T. E, WATSON.
CUarBoU, Pi, April 11, 180 rim.
U bar by giren that lttri of Adminli
trttion on tho iitnti of JO UN A. THOMPSON
lata of ' bndj towDihip, Cloirfitld county,
Pi , dKeiifd, hiring bicn duly grmtod to thi
undarilgnod, nil poraona Indebted to aild latnto
will pltia niaki imnediato payment, and tbon
biviug olaiwi or diiumda igiiDal tbo nnu will
p reieut tbem properly nuthoutlonted for lettle
nont without delay.
ClearfleU, Pi, June 1, 1880 t.
Court of Cleardeld connty, in tha matter of
the eiUte or Alary l. DaTtdaon, deoeaaed, lata of
Dell townahip, Clearfield oouoty. Tha ander
aigned Auditor appointed by aaid Court to die
tribute (he balanoe of money In the handa ot Jaf.
MeOee, Sr., edtninUtntor of laid eat ale, among
the pereoM entitled thereto, glrea notice that be
will attend to the dutiee of liii epp ointment at
hit office, in Clearfield, on TUKSDAV, THK Tti
DAY OF JUNK, A. l., iHHfl, it 3 o'clock P. M ,
wben and where all partial tnteroited may attend.
080 AH MITCHELL, Auditor.
Clearfield, Jane 2d-3t.
WaaaBAa, Hoi. O. A. MATKR, Prealdcnt
Jadpe of the Coart of CommeD Pleaf of
the Twantj-crth Judicial Diatriet, eoaipoaed of
the eountiea of Clearnold, tentre and LHdi.o
and Hnn- Abram Onnra and Hub. Vikcknt 11.
Holt, Aea.reiala Judaea of Clearfield eoanti
have Uaued their precept, to lao directed, for the
liuldlng of a Court of Common Ploaa, Orphana'
Court, Court of Quarter fiea.iona, Court of Over
nioiidNV. tna Tin nnv nl Juno. IMNI,
te oonttnua oua eruek.
NOTICE 1H, therefore, herebj (ivea, hi the
Coroner, Jurtioee of the Peaoe, and Conatablea,
in and for aaid eountjr of Clearfield, to appear In
their proper peraona, with their Reenrdi, Holla,
Imiutiltlone, Kiaminetlone, and other Kemeaa.
braaoaa, to do thoae thiojta whieh to their ollleoa,
and In their behalf, pertain to be dona.
)ty an Aet of Aaiemblr, patacd tha 8th der of
Mar, A. K. 1M, II la made tha dote of Ihe Joe-
tieea of tha l'eaoa of the aaveral eountiea of thia
Commonwealth, to return to tha Clerk of the
Court of Quarter Bexilooa of tha reepeetire
eeaatlee, all tha reeognliaaeee entered into before
then by anr pereoa or pareoaa ebarged with the
eomralMiaa ol any arise, aieepl aueh eaai
may be ended before a Juattce of tha Peaea,
dor eilatinf lawa, at leael ten daya before the
eommenoamenl of tha aaaeloa of the Coart to
wbKh Ibej are made returnable reBpoetlTely,end
In all eaeee where any reengnitaneee era entered
into leie than ten daya before the eommoncenient
of the eeeatoa to whleb tbey are made retaina
ble, the eaid Juatieea are to ret era tha name la
the aatna manner aa if aaid aet had aot beea
OIVI.V wader mj hand al Clearleld, thll Hat
day of April, la tba year of oar Lord, one
inouaana eight baadred and olxhty.
aprJI-to JAMKd MAUAfiKY, Eherlt.
iV V. Whllehill, Iieaaarer of lha borough
lundoftho borough of Clearfield. Pa., for tta
year ending April ia, ikho :
To balance of Duplicate of W4 4 Hi II
To " m IS SO
To " Il7t...... It t7
To " " 1TS 411 M
To amount of ' " 1I7 1,011 I
To aaaouat balance . 19 IS
Total.. . l,7ld S3
Ry aaa't due Treai'r at hut aaltkjmnL.t M
By am'l paid aa follewa I
William Dorrllt S4
n. W. Rraith, Auditor . 4 00
S.V. Wilion, Auditor ISO
J. C. Wbitehill 101
R. P. Ilicael 88 60
W. A. Ogden , 1
Wm. T. Wllaoa, work. ete. 71 T4
Daniel Connelly....- ... Ill f
Jemea Pendegraat H IT 60 lllll 4 40
Joeepb Yothera..... H - I
Henry Ford...., , MN H 1 1
John lliilllhen 1 I.
John McClellan I M
Cel. In Mr era .. ti
Petrlrk Herbert 4 61
Tim Ilenneay , M 41 00
Richard Shirk I lb
P.AOaull 1 IS
Alfred Shirk . i 60
Wm. llofman i
W.C. Poler i M
Tkemaa lleilly It JO
Roaa lleed .. 4 to
Wia. Powell .,.. I tJ
R. A. Illjler I t
Clearfiela Daa Light Co., gaa and llrhl-
Inglempa ... ITS 41
Clearfield Uaa Light Co., gaa . 01 00
Wm. It. Bro'en, work, etc 1.1 0
O. LeipohH IT 48
T.J. borer ............ OKI
Thomaa Dougherty H M. I to
W. Kndreaa 4 Hi
Jobn Pcbieffer I 10
John Hemphill. .... 4 40
John l.lriagiua ....,....,.. 4 to
Jeieph llrae , ,,,., 71
John W. Bhugarta... I 11
8. J. Row A Hon S 00
Clearfield Fire Brick Co - II 81
Lewla Lanlch 1 II
llaorge H. Young 4 40
lleotge B. Ooodlaader 14 00
Cleud Welch lil
J. Prank Powell, alreet lampe, freight.
glaia and repalra 6fi 7i
J. Prank Powell, duplicate end pealaga. ST
J. Prank PeweU, aalary aa Ooerelary.... It 00
J. M. (Irani 10 II
John fehort m. I 80
tleoree Tbnra - S 14
II. B. Powell II
Jena Kragtt. ar .H.- . 4 II
M. tl. lltowu k lira - S4 0
I Mer.haH I 10
A. M. Fleck, rrfiairlng alreal lampa I 04
Jeaob Moore ...... I II
('urn. OweiM M
W. V, "- right I 10
W. W , 4.1
Jol,n llareUy I 00
W. Hall I
Jobn McNanaia It 00
W. J. Urmpbill, taaee I 01
Kobetl Milchell r 13 10
Prank Mellormet I 00
V. M. MoCallough, lighting gaa lampa. It 71
J. t. Patlerooa f 10
Paid oa i. W. Holth'a Judgment ii 74
120 eonponl, 13 bO each... M 44110
6 eoupona 110,10 each 1.1 00
Rebate of I per cent, on 1,4(1.111,10
daya collection...., Ti ll
Parecnlagc, i per oaat-aa $104.11 paid
after .10 daya "
Percentage', t pet went, on ttll.24, col
lected ao duplicate of IliS Il Jl
Pererategc, 10 per cent, oa 14.49 eel.
leeled oa dupllcateof 1177 ' ) 44
Balance af dupliliateof I87t la handa
efeolleoter John HeClellaa. - IU II
fialanca of duplioata or 1871 la handa
of collector Wbitehill Sill
Polancoaf duplicate of 171 uneol acted 4SI 10
Kaoacratloa oa dunllaaia of 1177..,.. . II 14
" llil Jl 4
Printing aad atatloacry i Ml
Treaa. Pereentage, I per eeaL en 91,-
679.14 M 18
Total 41,716 U
We, tha anderalgned horongh AadlUra, having
eznmlnad lha foregoing aoooaat af tba Dtctriet
Traaaarar. and compared tba voaehera, fad the
eatae correct, and certify Umt then la daa the
Treamrer, J. 0. W bllchtll, hem tha herragL fend
a balance of til IS.
May tlh, IMS. ft.
WrUh & Mantis' ttrMt
All tlic Affirresr
Aggregated into one Monster
Aggregation !
largest Tented ExMM.ioaoa.Eatlh!
itiM l V414 V eftja IAAala
- -
Great New Orleans: and San Francisco
Itywal Enl .sir Um $Xpv& I
Vu.-Wwj' v..a ni wd ..t v.-. -wdi v-wn? v
The Ono and Only WORLD'S K A I
Locomotive Trains.
I'nilcr its Four Thounand Yards of Lofty Tents, made H righter lliun 1'r.
clouded Kquatorial Ji'oon, by tho New and Jut Perluotcd
Sunbeams uro shadows in its chained lightning blur., which upon Science
a lleuven born Ilulo. Wo, nnd wo alone, have it. No othor show can obtain
the right to uso it. Mono other could nfTurd. It is itsell a Glorious Kxhitii
tion, well worth going full 100 miles to see.
Its 100,000 Gasfelit -
Which Is exhibited both afternoon und
all single cxlnhitions, coetnir .ilMH)il
anu many miios 01 oopper cauio.
aViT One ticket for tho usual price admits to w hat ia more than 20 first-class
shows. Children nr.der !) yours, half rates. Separato from all, but without
extra charge,
A 1100,000 herd ot Klcphants, a whole Menagorie of these Mammalia iluwto
' dons, including
The Largest Captive Monster in tho World, which weighs moro than any
three other Klcphants in America, and
The Midget Dwarf of nil his nice, less than three feet high, and
the (wmllest Elephant on earth.
Amid a captive world of Karest Living Savago Wonders ia ponilivoly ex
hibited TWO STUPENDOUS LI VINti SEA LIONS, which cwt ns 110,000,
weigh moro than a ton and aro hy Inr the largest pair of these Kare and Cu
rioua Arctio Amphibia1 ever captured. An onlire caravan of Abyssinian Drom
edaries and Uactriun Camels. A larger number than all other menngorics on
this Continont combinod can produce. Then thoro'sour little ones. You will
soo the smallest Baby Klophant over on exhibition, tho Hahy Lions, the Baby
Camels, tho Hithy Tigers, the Ilaby Monkey, the Baby Sea Lion, and posi
tively the
That evor walked, less than two feet in height and weighing lens than 100
pounds. Tho only Hairy Kliinoseros, tho only Horse nf'Elhopia, the
only Unicorn of Holy Writ, ol which Job says: "Upon tho
earth is not his like." The only Abysxinian Viacko
Yark, and over
It n lmtneo tod luprb trftr4tj Ont. md bright w day hy tit KHetrie Light. Th (Jruil
Nw Urlcnt and Han Franatw Htilroad Cirrut, Intro iJoom, without txfra rbarga,
Man and bttr Btrrharh Erjaeatrlani, nora lorrly Lidj Hlrlfrt, mora Lapari, mora GjmT.aoti,
Mora TueBblara, Bora Aort'baU. nora Bquaiibibrift. mora Doatila tSomartaalt Uhampluai, mora
Atrial ArtUU, mot Kiladaled Anlnali, aod mora Prior. pal, Hpaakil aod Urnafat l'rfcina
tri than war arar bfroraaawmblcd oodar oj aaaopy. A programma of AKtaundlnft
Frfbraooat wlihoot ft parallal ! way totrodnaiog at aaoh axhtbttian ft
tfoftpo of ganvlna
At frea I ta II n'eloek aaea arelr.. Tha Olarlaa af tha floldea Age ErllpteJ.
More than ft mile of eelia peg eaatry.
A erhele eaeaairerle ef llafihaataln Ilea. Three apleadeil handa of aauale. The greet Rteeia Oearlet
Uaa J. A Cararaa af Oaojela latrodaeed. The liil.lel llnge Aqaarleaa Car. The Vlerea Jaa
gle kToBartha Croeehed on ttlaalag Ueaa. A Oieeaal Chala of Ulittertng CharloU. 8la
aeadona Fqaadrona of Prlaeel; Trapped Rteeda, A IfeTeleade ef Uidet Poalat. An'
lndeeerihabla Array at Heeole Heealallona and Haparh AanaaUona.
It la worth ft day 'a Jearnej ta fee.
Ono Tickot Admits 'you to All.
Will Exhibit at PHI LIPSBURG, Saturday, June 12.
Cirrus ana Wirrt
ations of the' Earth!
(l! W w v as m as- par .
Uar (Jilt -
- .. -.j.----.- ::i:,vr
II ol the Kail I . Vpon iu own Three
Will Positively lOxhibit
Power Electric Motor,
evening, und in ulono tbo greatest of
cimh, roquinnir rt bu horse power boiler
is. w-x-.v :?'"; .
M IW T1 Tl J
. ff di',r,lsil?lnJs-
wagons wagons
stage & reilly,
M.J II lin.
SherilTs Sale.
y tfirt of thtj rfw.e'ffl ni fttrfj-itn-; writs
nl yitii t'neitf ni-Ltti nut lef j"ur bt'ttn'ilv
Court, inl to mi- tiirtrted, 1 have lrtid (
will x;su to r j' H' Nif, l I tie C"tui llon,
in Mir burmijjh 'T Cli-nrflt M. tn
Tliuraday. aliiti .'Id, Ihh,
At 1 io'iM-it. V. M . all thr (oIL.ninjj nrua) a,
.plB-ii and trac-ln t luniiat, tiouaiitxl uu ,ir
rfi'ifd nf. f.ilt.wi. rii :
AH lrfand'i' t' inirw in ) t it fi rtnio tt.t
fr ! of lan'l li'iiiitf i-i litti- ii. ii.wiiniiiji, -r ,r
ft el j fHnjn'r. Hann'a. britidfl nt lehrrtttt n
leliow ; Itattmnmit at a d'n bi ..-b norprr ;
lbrnt'4 h Uttfi of Mff1!- 4 a nh Jfr J.
Cifr tll '.'! wrMej to t '' i Mi hy Af.t
if r V. xl.a ntl T A i H M II otr Rortrt
t ..jrff- writ IV'.' IU inr) m U. a bf ml-fl- ;
H tun- I-1 iDii'lo ol T A. 4 aM. Hutu or imith J
Jfrri '' p r.-1.-t ( a pol ; Ihciirn l.v
U'nl. t, J .nit il -iaurt uuib dievi mit
I'.'Jt I II' (i in? it.-1 lu luo ftUiM ot bj(iniMi, con
m in m t I airri acl (rrb, and alluaantv,
a-.tb alicui tilt trtf r'rarrd, and hatiag Ihrrc u
Ttotcil a frame bnura, two barof, and other tiiif
bitil'liuc, sod haYinjc tliamm Krowing imur
rtaardr of choice fruit trert.
A 10,
All nl Ifti)dart iutret In ooa obr tract
or i-ieteof land n'un'e ia Peon towevblp, CtT.
fteht county, I'a , tiuundrd and dracribed aa M.
tm : Hi Kin nil k at a l eorner, kmmp a Mi
"iJiifertj 'liar"; fculfa X dfjrreei wH l.'(7
pt-rriiei to a port ; tbrnre nortb ST deftren
wort 1 04 irrctia to a pfit, earner of Tiioma
W ail land ; thrnna ly ttma north S drfcrma earl
60 perch ci to a haiulouk ; tbene nrth k7 degree
et 16 perrhn in a hrmluck ; tbenec nortb S ).
Ktmii t-ft 7 iribn to a putL MirnT of the
UajIrtT place ; t lie nee Wjr atna anlib S7 degrci
east I IV perclie to liee of byinninft. eontaioinK
V7 arrti and ptrohci, net uieaiura. aud bavin
about fib aerea cleared, with gotid urchard fmn
mi tberenn, and Laving tbercoo erected a lg
h"uo, lojt tiara, nnd other autbuillinx.
Hrlie J, takt-rt in aieention, aud W be luld ai
lha prupertj of 0. 1. Ketdtll.
All of I'efendent'i intert t la atl tha certin
tract or piece of Und ituatr, y ag and bein( in
I.awrtnre lownahip, nmr.irtd countr, Pa , bonn
4i d and de cnbrd ai f-llnwi, to wit : Itrjilnoina;
at a Itewloek vn the orif luat line of the Kolrt
Jio jnurrvttj- ; thonce aoath M df greet weal IU
percbra tr a pi t on original line ol aaid aur ay ;
thrirnr along aama aon'h '((I dogreoe eait 7ft p-r-rbea
to a poit ; lben north a7 de(rm aaat luff
prrchea lo a ) 01 1 ; I bone north 0 degree weit C
perchc" to a puat n towDahip road ; tbaooa along
"nii tnwni-hip road oorih 211 degreoa writ 2A prr.
ehea to a p't ; tbetoe nortb OhJ omi il fierobai
io iUft on nrifrinal lino of mrre ; thence alng
name north 31 Urgiee wcat IV perchei, more or
leu, to the plat e of lirginiiing, containing i
aorea end tft (i rebel, mora or lea, nearly a I of
wbieh la cleared, aud bat tiig thneon erected a
tog bouee, log barn, weevil! auid aud o'lirr out
bnildtnga. tlciieti, uVeu in hoc at Ion and to lit ') 1 a
the proper. of Milton 11. Miller.
AH tta right, title and interval of Defendant in
a certain tract of land aitnate in Q Irani tow or hip,
Clearfield county, P., Iieiundtd and dracribd ai
fullowt : U-n'vun at a port adjoining Ian t f
Fraoria Coudriet, brir.g lh- nortliwdt eoroe of
aid tract ; then- 1 4 1 pnrehaa to at m cornrr;
thenc rou'h il-rv K. It iJi-nel iv p-f-hf iw
too-; ttirnoe ( along Nihl.ia L-inm III
p loboi Id ftune "tn-: thr tic north it''iTig Jn.
J ii .i9 iier-ln-a ' jilei: of litg:i,nini:, otn
Uintg fi' Icrc ti j. rehr. enl HlUitinru-c, rc- re
i,r l , bi-Kij; petit rtt U trrntNo 1VHI, about .'
i -n i-f wbu-h If clcurt-'l, ai.d haxing tltfrf io
. l d a plank honae, 1) Ktori- a h-glt, i"g ,aiu,
c.;ic i nb, a i,rl o'biT ou'bu.l ii:, A.nt ion all
u:t'br.1 ihnre a crown.j.
Se-tAU.I, taken In exioutt n u I u h p "rt
prupcrtj ot lu,i-l l.outn
A l.fxt a.
All tb ltfr.' nl'a n-u ret in errtuiu lu' -f
lir itintl ri' unU.' lo ''ike i a nli y, ('! rfirl l o'molT,
I'a , boundrd and deil.ed a IoIIpw : On ibc
mtt y lucua of lit njuiii m liioom'a eitae aud
U. A, Fleming: T the nnlb by land ( D. S. Hew
ing and llatiLah Way; on the weal be land d
Han nab Way ; and on the aoutb by land o I Jacob
Bilgrr, containing one acre, having t hrraon erect
ed a two-atory frame houae and hilchen attwehrd,
topetbar with atalile and other outbuilding.
Heiaed, taken in exeetttton. and to ha aold aa
th property of U. L. Way.
All the itefendant'a In Urea t In all thai certain
lot or piece of ground altuat In th Tillage of
Kterdrg, Woodward townahtp. Clearfield enuntv,
I'a., bounded and deicribed aa follow: Begin
ning at a poat oil M. Jamet itraat ( theno rut
running in a werl direct ioa and fronting oa
aaid at reel 6 feet to eoraar ef Andereon let ;
Ibenoe along aatd lot in a aoolherly diraetioa lit)
leet to a poat on Henloek alley ; theno in aa
aaterly direction 60 feat to corner at lot af Jeaa
Diggina; theno along aaid lot 150 feat to a poit
on bt. J tinea a tree t, and plao of beginning, and
having thereon erected a anall frame dwelling
Betted, taken In eientloo and to h aold i
the properly of William Falooo,
All th Defendant Intareit In a oerlain lot ot
piece of ground aituat in tba village of
Starling, Woodward townahip, Clear 11 Id oouoty,
Pa., twenty-two feet front on th eouih aid of
Virgin alley ; theno aaat along lot of Philip Mar
tin 60 feet ; tbenee nortb along lot of Philip Mar
tin 22 feot ; thenc weat along lot of Loaia Hoiaol
&9 feet to Virgin alley, known at part of Lot No.
in the geworelplot, and having (hereon araoted
a l)-atory frame honae with basement.
Baited, taken In aaoeotion and to bt aold ai
tba properly of Fran el Perritr.
By virtna of a writ of Vtmtiiifomi pa, at
tha aamo lima and place, all Defendant' inltreat
in a certain tract of land aitoata In Uoabea town-ahip.Clea-.teld
eeaaty. Pa. .bounded anddeaeribad
a lollnwi : Bounded oa th eaat by tha fiutqa
haona river, nortb hy land of T. Lingle, contb by
river, and weat by T. Lingla, containing 21 aerea,
nor or let, with about It acre cleared, and
haring erected thereon a two-atory frame hoae,
a mall itahl, aad other outbildingi.
Betted, takra In execution, aad to W aold at
th property of AlUa Cupplr.
Hy virtu of writs of Lenin ineiie, at th
fame time and plaoe, all tno Pelendanta' tatereit
in a certain two-atory frame dwelling bona, with
lot and curtilage appurtenant thereto, tttuU ia
North Hooted ale, Clearfield ooaaty, Pa., fronting
on Railroad alreet iu feet, theno 150 fact to
Kailroad alreet, being aituat about 160 fet weat
of (Jeorg Hhodea' Hi. ol. Haid ballding la a two
atory fiama houaa, lfii!4 feet, aod 18 feet high.
Beiaed, taken in execution and to be BolJ at tti
property of Jobn Rngan, owner, aad Jobn DuHey,
A II that that certain lot or place of land ilfuati
on Front airier, in the borough of ClearfielJ,
Clearfield county, Pa., bean led and daacribed ai
followa: Hrcinntng at tha Haaquahanna river at
th corner ot laud or John Mc I hereon a aetata
tbenoa along land of aaid McPheraoa'a aetata ia aa
aaterly dim' tion 1 6 perehoa to a poat ( theneeia
a toutherly dlree Hon & percfaci ; theno along Tand
of tba William aterrall aetata In a weiterly ai
reetfon 10 perehe to a pott at laid river; tbeaet
along laid river a perctiea ta plao ol acginnirig,
eoDtaioing one-batf acre, atrict naaaaure, now il
tbe poMeeiioo of K. M nurcfaAeld, Admlniitratar
of Joufph Porehfteld, dee'd, and being tha aatat
which tleoree Thm and UlliAbeih Thorn gran 14
to Jnareh Ilttrehlleld, now decaatod, by Deed m
partition recorded at Clearfield io Deed Book " P,'
page 102 and Iflft, and having areted theraoa
large two-atory frame dwelling noua, a larp
iram otabl and other necaaoary otttnuitmngi,
Beiaed, taken in circuit on and to be told aa ta
pre prrty of the eatata of Jo. HtirthtUld, dee'd.
All Defendant' Intereit in a certain two itort
frame houe, being about feet tn depth aaa"
fthout feet front, tltoala In lha tillage el
Digginaville, ia Woodward to am hip. Clear (114
dufty, Pa , bounded aa followt : Oa th eat by
lt of Samuel llnrdon, oo tba mutb hy Front
treet, on the weat by lot of Mr. Mary Rilev, aaJ
on the nortn bv an alley.
Beiaed. tulten in evocation and to bo aold :
properly uf Lemuel It. Oahorn,
II Deferdant'a inti real In and ta a certain ''
atory frame dwelling houaa. about feet loaf
and ft In dfpth, aituat In Houtirf-
borough, OlnrtWd ciun'y, Pa., on tba corner
Mafile al ey and Clara at reel, on lot known in ir
gt nerel plan i f aaid borough aa Lot No. t)e
Htiacd, tki'n In a,e"utiiB and t' h 'M '
proper tr of Mrt. M llugea, owner, or rajn
All Defendant' Intereat la and to a ctrtu'
dwelling h'-uo, 14x20 feot, allaale on let '
ground tn Norlh lloutsdale. Woodward townitia
Clearfield county, Pa., bounded and dear rib"!
follow, to wit : Beginning at n poat oouth !'
degree weat 24 feat from tbeorooeiAg of th W
tr win ttanway with tha townahtp read let'
ingfroaa Whitehead Filter' aataei ; lbtf
along eaid road north A2 degree a weal 1 W
poat t theaca alone; tame road north 41 df"
weat HQ feet en poat; ibenoe eoutb Ui deur
watt Inv feet to pott theaca 4?f aaat in
feet; tbenoa aootb M degree weat Ii M "
poat) thenc north 64 degreal aaat IW lei"
poat, th plana of begin lag, aad haowa and be
lag Lo 'a A aad D, ia tha plan of the etten-i
North Uoatadala, Woodward townahip, tha br
being on Lai II aoreatd.
Belaod. taken in asacniiaa and to be a -U
tha properly of Klijah Hrahakar, airar, w "
putrd wwaar.
Taewa or Sai.k Tba prlea ar luai at
th property aha II ha atrnck off aaat be paid at
Uma of aala, or wh 04hr arraageeaeau a
aril) t-a approve! atbarwiae tha property mil
Imiaeitlaiely pm Qfl and aold again at tha aip"
aad riak of lha paraon ta whom il vaa atnea
m who, In aaao of dttcianvy al aaah re-"
hall make good tha can, and la ao la(U"
will tava Dce4 b pr a en led ta Coart for onlrtj
Hon nnlai th ntonay ta actually paid
Sntairr a Or r it a, I ,f,,
Claarfleld, Pa., May 12, 1M0.