THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARKIELI), FA. WIDNKHDAY MOHNINd, MAY II, I9M. Terms of Subscription, f paid In advaneo.or within torn 9 If paid ufter Ibre. and befon an month... S ft If paid after Ibe oapiratloa of ix ".. i 01 Mr Menu. I. M. PTTaiLL A C... New. pPor Ageou, II Park Row, eoroe. nan Street, aro oor luly Mlhorlaod Age.w Id N.w York Cite. HKLMiltlUH KOTICKN. Mrtlindlal K'll.oopal ChurchRer. dio Limr, IVaHor. ""ervtoe, ev.ry Sabbath at 111, 'A. M.,aod7 P. M. Sabbath Sohool at A. M. Preye! Meetiog every Wodnenlay, at H P. M Onion union riorvloe. firat Sabbath of .vary aonth, at ini A, M. Man! llrartleld M. K, hurchll. CutRLKa W. IttreiiLlv, Paator. Preeohing every alternate Hundey, at 9 o'olonk, P. M. Burnley Scuoul at 24, P. M. All are invited to attend. I'reehyterlaii L'liurc ItRev. U. 8. Bert.... -Habbath aerrieei morning and evening Beb uatb Sohool at P. M. Prayer Meeting Wednee ia.T evening. Ilaptlat Church. Hot. , Petor Sabbath Reboot at P. M. Prayer Meeting every Wedueoday evening. t. frauela' church C.thollr Ree. P J.Siinain.ic Divine .ervlee at 10, A. M., on the firat, third and Inurtb Sunday.of eaoh month; Ve.pora and Benediction ortbe Blened rjaeramenl at 7 o'clock, P. M Kuoday Bebool aver; Bunday afternoon at t o'eloeh. OKKICMI. DIRECTORY. rim or lOLOiad qdartik amain, cornr. Second Monday of January. Third Mondav of March. Kli.t Monday of June. Fourth Monday of September. timi or loLniav. OOMMOH ri-iAa. Firat Monday of Jeuo. riewind Monday of November. ruBLto orrtcRHl. V.,-,;,.l .fif,e Hon. Charlea A. Mayer, o Look Haven. Aifteioal Law Jm.lf Hon. John II. Orel., of Rellefonto. Anocfole Judin Abram Ogden, Clanrleldl Vincent U Holt. Clcarlleld. frolAo.olory Kli Bloom. Ktgitutatkd Recorder L.J. Morgan. 7V.a.ur.r Philip Dottl. fli.lriel Allorw.y J. T. MoKenrlck. .o.erViT Jemee Mehenoy. r ... . .i d..i, t. ""ZT" Z M r.,.e.. C... Count CommhnomtrtC. W. Kyler, Graham ton P. O.i Elah J..holoo, Orempiao Hill P. O.j John Nrrli. Br., rurwen-rill Commiuionrn' Cri:-.J.ihn W- ;Ift"' , Vaunt Auditor W"""tn V. Wr.tfht CWr IVII: JMph Uilliland, Thro Rami J. 8. Nor rla, Woodland. 7oa.y GoroHJmmn A. Mowi, Clurfiold. Juru Comminiw Andrrw J. Jchion, Cl-er-Bt-fi, Wn, R. Brown, neerlJeld. Snptrin tiuHtml PnMit Schools M. L. Ho Qanwfi, Clenrflrl'i Stnliraf Wtiyhf t Veatrf JN W.CrIH, ofliri Rl Lo'hor-hurg Fv JVofariii i"ufcie-J)hn W. WHftley, Win. R dfUuiih, Cyrui Gordon, Clrrne1d; Jonc.b H. Irwin, N. K. Arnold, Cnrwi-nivilU ; J. A. Uvlng. tune, DuBoii City. Our .peciaooluinn 1 derided.; Intereiting Id a local point of iew, and profltahle reading to outiidera who want to ava tnimey. YI',S, (IK COI'KEI "Will ji.n uke wheat, oati or eorn for iuh lediption 1" We are often inquired of In tbii way by letter frum patrone who wide at a dittanee rr-m ClearBrld. We again ra jee. The reeelpll of a rerponeible inorehant or mill owoT in (he ivini(y, will antwer ui juft aa well as the each, To ilitiiatrale: If any of our putrona will deliver ni a bug of 8r" tB nI" r Jo"ePh D'vth, in Oh cut townrinp, Horace Patehin, In Bnrnilde, Thomat II. Porwy, In On bam, Wm. Porter or Shaw, in Lawrenoe, or Brown A Seyler'i, at Rortttm, I'nlon townthip, and forward their rfreipti for tli nmonnt, we will eredit them on their arrount for the Mine. In thii way all way aouo pay what they owe, If they will pnreue thli ontirae. tf. Advortinurs and ttbers will bear, in nimd that all articles intended for puhllo-tina 1 In this paper a-u-t be beoded la, not hater than Tu.ttlay, at 0 A. M. Don't forget It! j M nu new K'tO'U at 11 l-ohmuii A t'o.'s it'irc. In tbe opera llmtse. William Wolty, ol' l.tH-ktori, olFew a fi'ic hlooiied Bull fur tale. See special. e OmuuIu wan dt'Ntroyvd by tiro on May 20 ih, 18T&, and Miltua on May Utb, UNO . i - The days are said to be growing longer ; bat they don't show that way on a Bute. a Tho County Comimsaioners will bo in aeciiun for torerat weeks on and after May 2tb. . s m i St rvics will he hi Id in tho Epincopal Chuirb, iu Clearfield, next RaMath morniag and evening. m . Comical Conly will entertain in Pie's Opera U"ase, next Friday and Saturday evenings. f te - Jf the Grand Juror pay any atten tion to tbe New York, tbey will co use to Court just two weeka too seva. Tho workmen ol' the Slump Crevk test well are still fishing for tba tools la that cele brated oil well. It's a very slippery job. Dr. J. P. Burxlifiuld expects to be absent from hi me for several dayp, In attendance at the State Medical Society, at Altoona. Corwonsville in making due prepa- rattona lo celebrate Decoration Dtv- All the neciitary committees hne bun appointed. Tbo names ot the purrtuim oompoa- Ing the Deeoretl'io and Floral Ceiaatiitcea, for rtrceratlon Day, will be puMlibed nest week. children are bein picked upin our Ptreeil every few daye. If parents do not lake butter care of them, they will be Cifarley Ropsed. !- Sheriff Mahatley ban sent iu his aal weekly laetalmat of real mate eatea. This time the sale takes platoon Vetnesday, June Jih. - a an i - Tho Auditora ot Clearfield borough pabllib a detailed ta tenant of the fininilal O'la ditlnb nf affairs (a oar municipality In thiiiM. Read It eart'ntty. iWho editor ot tho threo tourth's N w York Ciifiia. ar bla Imps, wonll waah the rr.iier, or els get the other qarter print 1 In New Veh, Nt-tatt M u. , , ,. . J TheNtale MedipalSoriptyfAllopathiol Is in settlnn at Altoona. Tho deleat't from tbe Clerft-ld Ononty Mdloal 8ocietv are Drs. TndJ, of lloatidale.aa'l Rmatbere, of DaRols, Rontt MardtA. a member ot tho no- lorlfiaa gang of eounterfe iters, died In tho West ern Penlientiary, of eonsntnptlon, on Monday aenlng a week. lie was seat there froa Indiana county. Oinrtis CominoI Tho boys will bo glad la learn that tba A Wne Agent, with cet era) hill rotten, of tbe New York Circus arrived In town to-day. The show will he Monday, Mav 3 1 at. v 0. W. Kortney, tho firnt Principal of the Leonard Graded Sahool in this place, la Bow pastor of a Latberaa eoagregatloa and Prinrlpal of the public Oebola of Chatham Vil lage, New York. Tho railroad bridge and a couple of, an nor onigae across tne Hosnaanoa eat ween rttxanlAX cmrl lltiBttrlkla miavM ku.mawi laf Wrkab. The railroad bridge has heea repaired. The gtreeto in that vicinity aro alt burned over. W- W Tho mid wavo struck tbi region Met Taareeay. an4 lingered with aa for several r 0y daring which time overcoat, extra wraps, a and flrae felt very 'fortahle. The damage iene by froet 10 far kaa beta rather alight. o Mr. Jonathan Hoyntrm. of thin place tlii ted the targe llnbor tract of Meter. Royatoa, Pill A Co., la Somerset eoonty, tear the State Rne, I act week. Re reports work progressing favorably la the ereciloa ef the mill and eaulng Isge to iteek the sama. t A spr-etal train will leave licllpfbnte a Thursday mora log of aott week e eeevey r-aatantCemmaadry of that piece aft Willi etas tort to take part la the Maieatc parade of Heights Templar la that ettr m tbe day ladleaieJ, 9fder have heea iMteal to the Kalghu at New Weehlnsjte, Oeeeeka, C tear fie V4, Tyretve, aaA Pklllpebwrg, to )ela Ceattaaa Cecaaiaedefy at ateilefeaic aa Wedaeeday evaalag preoadiag. Fleck it Co.'i Sick headHoheft incewaruly diotratt mny, Lt ivota an "Selltn' Llrtr Pilli." lie. oi. ..i gji-f Boarding IIoubi V learn that Mr. W. W. Worrf.ll bo ranitd tbt FIgl-Mo. Qvergt dwelling, Roooed .troat, ud ku o)ed a boirdlng houtt. "More Anon." Yuu sent us a very good )otU hittt, but jo forgot to forward jour nimt along with jngrooawuDloation. Therefore, onnnot nw It. Kv, U. 8. UuUr will rotorn home from fata taoatioa tbii wren, and oocupy hit pal pit la tb Prt-bjterlan fburob nait Babbatb Bjomtag and tning, aa aiual, Struw hulit are luiliionablo in tbo rioloity of Carwtoiville, u itore la that bor oub having lit Id, it i Id, on hu nil rod and flfty of tbfMarttolei In out daj rofitntlj. in . . Wo tram Irom ihu Curweimville Timr that Mr. It-aae Caldwell, uf Yxkm towohp, lout ibr thildraa wilhta ana weak, and aau'tier oblld i vary low and out expect J to recover. This It (ba nod work of that dreadful dinette dip n- Iberts. "i)mhol,,, as Artemflt, Ward re marked in bin 4?, when b foaod a fallow who attempted to rt'gulato a Coalinanl aouordlng to bit lata and dtiirat. Tbt Ilooltdala editor of tba Now firk Vilwn It nt of the fell-.wt lodi oatad. - - Iiiliirtnaticin in wanted by John Darbjr, Howard, Cintr-i Co., I'a., of hi ion, who wandered from borne In a da ran god mental oon ditlon. Be la aged about eighteen yean, flvo feet high, red hlr, and hud on when he left a Wght bat with oord band. J. Hluke Watieri, Hie relirint; CttHh Iff of the State Treasury, and a former oitlten of Clearfield, wai presented with a Hue gul l watob by hie frlendi at Harrlnba'g, on Tunday erenlng or lait week. Appropriate epetwhe were made and a general good time bad. A Uru tumiery, and a -Jwullii.' home at Krerett, Bedford county, ba longing to J. B. Iloyt k Co , of New York, proprietor! of tba large tannery at thii place, wai burped at aoon on Wednesday of laM weak. Sptrki froa the to oke iU"k wn toe oaua. Lou, i.'t.flilO ; fully ioiured. Bailed. Andrew J. Ku in trior and bii wife, English'! father In-law and mother-in-law, arrette 1 as tfcetorlt te the murder of Con tahla Warnitb by English, have been released on ball, $1,000 aah. It la thonjjht that Oonita ble Vollmer, who wee shot by Rnglitih, will re eoeer. .. aw i A fire was atartt'd iu tho vicinty ot Mr. Boyd'a farin,ifcw inilet eouth of this borough, along the railroad, on Moi.dy, and destroyed eonsiderabla fencing and tiuher, Mr. Boyd'a barn waa on Are Ihrra times, but was extinguish ed. It took bard work to Msy the progress ..f tho (ftiar. - e m- - Miehai'l Kuurney, ued ahout hH' I yearP, wss killed at the Uauiier Meet work, on tb. rub lost., by tbo bursting of u pully-whsel, a piece of whirb rm-k bim Previous to 177 he j was an engineer on iae i. v. unucn i Railroad, lirt leavrf a wit"vi an I five chilirea to mourn their topf. Tho regular untuiul Hocnion ol the j Grand LoJge of IVnusylvania, I 0.0 F,oun- . vened yemterliy at Reading. Toe ten inn will , la it all tlili week. A nuiutxir of RrnreeetitmtiVflS ' Inm tbe Liidg's in tbU oounly are amcing th e I.VUO tie leaf ten in attendrtnw . Clr3eld Lodge ,! .No. I OS, it represented br A. M. Roe. At a moutitii; ol thu men. ben of the Orpheus iljtid, ot this borough, on left ' F to serve during tbo enduing year : President Thos. A. FiecS. Treasurer Wm. M. Phaw. Secretary A. W. Graham. Leader Thus. K. Co . per. A fire destroyed nome bulf a dozen dwelling h"UPei la the little vilUgti tf Walker Town," cinsuuing the entire town, in to ion township, and ale burned out Walket's rtu on Ao ierton creek. Sevesal inilei of tram railway and a laryeiiaantity ( log were totally tiettroyed. The pet..le in that beihburhood have been watching Are fur a week pit. D. L. Ktvbrt 1 1 us bud a nuinbet'of sbaJe trees set out on the north side of his prop erty, along Locust street, this Spring. His work la commendable, and bis example should be fulbwed by other owners of property in our town. Nothing adds to the beaut of a town like hand some shade trees. By planting shade trees, yon will add fifty per eent. to tbe value if voir prop erty. ... gf m "Nrw PnuN." To thotieof our tiii- rena who have listened to "Comical Cooly" it is uoneeeasary for ni to say anything, be?aue they know that he Is tbe K ing of Laugh-makers. He bul ls forth In Pie's Opera House on Friday and Saturday evenings next, May the Slat and 211 Instant. Those who love fun will of course go to bear bim. A J minion, 10 cents ; Children, ID cents, boors open at Performance com- meneet at S o'clock. Lint of lottera remaining unclaimed in tba Poatoffloe, In Clearfield, for the week enl log May Utk, UeOt I 0. Anderson, Lida Berry, Belle Brandon, Lisiie Dixon, Joba II. Franklin, T. W King, Ferdinand Knarr, 8uTI Uguider. Isaam Moore, N. D. Mills, Joseph Pteebota, Harry Rhoads, Miss Edith Kilter, J. A. Stewart, Mrs. Matilda Tate. P. A.Gacu, P. M. Dkatii or Joe Pi. Jiwt as wo fto to preia wo learn of the death of Joseph F. Pie, ana of ex-Sheriff Pie, of Osceola, which occurred et Philadelphia during Monday night last, where be bad heea taken for medical treat meat about ten days ago. The cause uf bis death, wears told, wes eaacer of the liver. He wa! eged about 13 yvais. Jo waa a god boy, and was well liked here, as well as wherever ha was known. All will regret that be was called ewj so early lu life The pruviouhly announced Pustivul of tbi Orpheus Band will he bald In the 0,era llouoe, einumeneing oo M-nday, June 7V and will continue during the entire week. W be speak for the Hoys 1ltical c -ntf ihutiont aod pa I roots. They hive given their lime without any outpermti n to have a flrtt-eU'S Band, end aow we phoul l nit failtoahow Ibcm that wo apprcfUt It by giving then eur aarneat and bear'y support, a Sudhcm Dratii. The Rev. Thomas Burnnaft, well-known to m-iny of our readers, died tuddeoly at hli home Bear Council B.uffs, Iowa, on Saturday, tbe 8th lent. Several years ago Mr. Bartbait withdrew from lbs Central Penmylvaiiie Conference, and Joined the Drl aA4at ftW.) roefaranx H- ( IM. piathd at Clear 11 eld, Oarwanaville and Philips burg, and waa afterwards Presiding Klder of tbe Juntate District, and at the time of bis daalb served In the souse capacity la the Council Bluffs District. He waa about aixty years of ae. Plants I Krnent Bock wishes to annouana to catena la the vicinity of Clear field, Curwioavllle, and eliewbere, that he haa on hand a variety of first class cabbage and to mato plant for trinspiantiag. He baa alo eelerylpepperleauliflowr,egg plants, all of tbe best Improve! varieties. He hat alto a Stioaasarlmeat ef lowerieg plaota for diapoe!. 011 at hie Grace Hon, en Front street, nd get lofijeiaa Hue la vt-grd to equality aod prloea. No trouble to thow job around. Ordere by mail promptly tttnlfd to. Ad lrs, KenaaT Bock, may 19 It Clearfield, Pa. A Tr.HT Cahk. AtttvUt-rHirs aro some times in tbo hahtt el golog wrong, like other people. Tc illustrate : George Oourley, Atseetor ef Perry township, Jeffereoa oounly, BMtSied CK-Shenff Mitchell, of that township, as a "loafer," The Skeriff took umbrage at ibis dclgnalioa, and brought salt ageteet tbe Aaecetef for libel. The ea-c was tried la BrMk villa last week, and the jury renterei a verdict la favor of Mr. Mitchell, for IIUl and eoalt. It will be observed l rum this that Amttwra skuwld avoid the aae ef a Jeko hy petting a anaa na the lax list as a "loafer." The tax Ht Is a perpetual pabltc record, and ebuttld hot be tmbellisbed la that way. A Fiat Incidknt. On Wednesday last, among the aamervwa Ire alarms tareugbout tbe eeuaty, waa oee to the effect that tbe steam grist mill ef Mr. Hddieger, la Brady Uwaship, was boiag rorreanded by Ire. Among those who wsat t lb roecee were several partlee fro Lathersbarg, who drove ever t the eaeae la a beggy. end wboa they arrived near tbe tire they stump ted to Una the here areweJ. t beeame frlghtcaed and leaped dewa ttrrrtbe bank into Stoop creek, railing a been look aaag, aJawet discmboeelliag the beast. It bad to ba abet to put It eat of lu misery. Na ether damage ee ear red to tbe party, and the Ire waa pat aader eeetrel after It Oetreyed seasa Usaber aad ftaoe. fill tind mo T. A. w Iitwa uJ Buntlngi. H. Lehman A Co. it hoadquartera for millinery goods. Store la Pie's Opera Ueuee. - . Every one will find a general tonio la "Ltodrej'a Improvad Blood Saarobac." All drnggista sell iu Ladien call and look through our ftfiilioery Depart mLt be for boy log alee where. Oar price are low. Reepaetfully, T. A. Flic! A Co. Festival! -We leurn that the chil dren of the Clearfield Episcopal Sunday School will bold a Festival a tbeliib.lfl.h aod 17tb of June neit. The plane for balding It will ba filed la a abort i!ma. T. A. Klet k, ol the firm of T. A. Fleck A Co., baa just returned from Now York and Philadelphia, after parobafing a large stock of Summer goods, embraolag tba latest styles la Lawoa, Buntings, I'arascla, Sun Umbrellas, Fans, and a large new let of Milliner. Among tho latter, aro Bona cbuioe new styles. Wa invite our lady patrons to eall and sea for tkemeelTta, No Irooble lo abow goods, Reapectfally, T. A. Flb.'K A Co. Nkh Daily Staor Line. Juntos L. Leaey has succeeded in having a dally mall estab lished helweno Clearfield and PcnnQeld, and will hereafter rue a daily stage between the two pnlata. Uistontraet began with April 1st, and the stage will leave tearflehl every morning (except Bun day at 8 o'clock, making connections with all Uainson the Low Grade Kail road at Pen o field, re turning alter the last train the sama evening. Patsengeriend freight will ba carried at low rates. Order left at any f the hotels will bo attended tn. Iltapr7-tf Wo k'lii n that a little four-year old son of J. K. Uaneock, of Lawrence township, got p of sen ion of some matches on Saturday last, took tbom to bis father'! barn aod set fire to tba hay and stuff oa the barn -Boor. When discovered It was spreading rapidly, aHhoagh then was no draft through the building, and would have soon caught the overhanging straw from the mow. Luckily a destructive conflagration was prevented by Instant and well-planned action. Mr. II. was not at home at tbe time, and had It not been fur bis neighbors he would have bean minus a barn. Keep matches eat of roach of small children and rata J Kntrrpririno Youno Man Wo undeisund that N. K. Arnold, of Ourwensvllla on Monday I nit, ttarted a large crew of raea to the wn4i to out a large tot of hemlock and pioe leg-, tie will aho start another crew off next week to cut about three million feet of logs, and peel about 1,5041 tnrd of hem look birk. Having completed bis shingle mill at Bridgeport, ho now proposes to put sjveral thousand oord of shingta bolts from bit lands cn Anderson creek. Be will aUo buy bolts aiong Anirta creek, and drive tbom in the mill at Bridgeport, or, will buy the bolt delivered at the mill. Mr. Arnold Is deaHog eh icily in shingles and bark, lie has no mercban die to offer, t-ut pays en4 for everything he bnya. He hat a aeit li tie office opposite Irrin's Jru ,,orf " hc an P",ie h"iD Mw-loga, btn)ls, biog'e bolts.tnd bark for sa le, will find , t0 their intrrett tfcall on htm. Ho will at all time, l, fond at his nfflce, and will pay the very w. have personally known Mf ArnM hr(h( M kQQW Ut fae hM UrR ,UMtr, io ,bll r. if,ho.,t-eip.rlenoe long enough to understand all tho "ops" and ''dowbs" lu b'lsineis Tir. lie now strikes oat anew with the intention of unoovarlng alt, and to build up a prosperous hutinee Head bis adver tisement elsewhere in thif paper. THE NEW YORK. CIRCUS. Prcf. Hamilton's Great N?w York Circus and Golden Band is coming to Clearfield, Monday, Mat Ittt. It Is pronounced one of the very best bows on who in, and elicits tbe highest encomi ums of the press everywhere. The following no I. . . , . . ,IL, k tire of the circus is takrn :rom the Cantoa (Ohio) While the fisies Is asuaily very caution a in ppeaking words ot eonimondation of tbe average ; ciroua, ws teal it but juilioe to this exbit'iUon to commend tt to all. It Is decidedly the sruarett dealing show that hue visited this place in many a year. Ilodett in adveitie ng the programme aa announted is givenentire. The thow it notice. t ie lrm the simple fact of the entire aStehce ot all tide shows, gamblers, and peanut vender ; trout all drunoeuness, petty thievery, und inault ing familiarity of employes, It is a No. 1, first olass, itfuaro-toed concern frum tbe lop of ttae centre-pule down to tbestaiilee. From the manager to the last employ any one l sure of civil trratment and po.ita anawen. Tne show itielt Is replete with novelties, aod memliera ft ( nl.ten.av -f m tejej ffmim- tloa. During iis two lay's suy here we did not near of a single theft or case of drunkenness be ing loll lo any of tbe eighty ptople eoooeoitd Wtth tbe abow Wit on by saying eonie again boys, for such shows as tbe New York Circus do do harm lo any town, and a little fan we all enjoy." . The thow grounds seleuted, are on tet Clear-! field side. The lower bridge has been chartered for the day, and will be free for all, to and from tbe show. l EORATION DAY. At a meeting held a the Court House on Mon day evening, committees were appointed and ar raageincau made to fittingly observe the ap proaching anni-rarr of tioooratiog soldiers' graves, May 28th. Fol owing ii the programme to bo observed on that day t An oration wilt bo delivered io front of tbe Court House t 1 o'clock P. M. At the conelu eion of tbe exercises, tbe procession will form In tbe fol low is g order i Chief Mar-hat J. P. llnrcbfleld. iJa Captain P. A. Gaulin, Captain Jbn Sim mont, Lieutenant a rote Kerr, Lleat. A. W, Wallers, Lieut I.. J Morgan, Capt. Rota MoPherson, Licit M. L. MoQuown, Lieut. J.M Stewart, Lieutenant Osnir L. Mo'Te. Cornet Band. Speaker, ex-Govcraors, Jadxet and Repreeenu tivea uf tbo Preas. Legnl Fraternity. Burgess and Town Counoil. Drum Corps Captain Mutton. Bold era Colonel -wcup, Marshal. Artillery Criptein Brown. Soldiers, Widows and Orphans. Floral Committee Marthal, Suoitto V. Wllsna, Cornet Hand. Clllrent Marshal, D. R. Fullertnn. Aide Os car Mitebell. J. F. Sovdcr. Odd Fellow , MaauBa and otner Soaieties aa I As- eooiaiiona Marshal, S. J. How, U. K BnbtHth School in oharge ef Superiotcod- rni Marshal, F. G. Harris. PreahjterUn babtiaib Suhuol la oharga of Super- h. ten d eht Marthal, J. L. H. Ilelohhold. West Clearfield Babhalb Hobool in uhargeefSu- per 1 1, te orient Mhtrehal, George 0. Moore. Luthera- ewbOatb -eboot tnebage of Superlo- t.adrDt Maribr.1, Maarloo Uoffer. Cathulio Hoblmlh tMbool la oharge of Superin tendent -Mersbel, J. F. XeKcoriek Fplieopai IS ab bath Hehool In charge of tfuperia- trndent Marihal, A.J. Hagerty, Baptist Batibath School io oharge ot buperlntcnd CBt Marahal, Rtehard Sbi-k. The re rem on lea at tbe et tottery will consist of sumo very interesting exercises, after which Suff er will ba strewn on th grarea if ibe fsilcn he roes. Com one OomnHt Do honur t9 tboe who died, that our liberties might be preserved. We extend a general invitation to all persons, sold tare and civilians, all aocietlci and Sunday trhoolt, and an c asset oi people to jot a wnu us en Decoration day to doing thai boner aod offer lag that respect aad htvowhicb those dreerra, who gave up tbeir Uvea that liberty might live and our inititatlons he preferred unto tho latest generation. D. MoGauauRr. F. 0. Harbin, June M mm lias, H. II, Snaw, at a ire V. Wiiaoa. Committee ef Arrangement!. ft la earaettly declred by the Chief Martha) that all eli I tent and every body else juta Id tbe proccrtlon. If "Decoratioa Day,' la worth oa- aervlng at all, It Is worth observing right. If ibe fallen heroes are worth honoring at all It Is worth eur while to manifest a willingness to do in a proper spirit that which every patriot heart must acknowledge Isaju.t aad appropriate .tribute to tbo memory of tba brave ipirlu, who sacrificed tb lr Uvea la defense of ear Oummea Country. foevereVbeBr Into lino aa! let there heea lounging on the street eornera end sidewalk when tbe reeessioa moves for waved. Mtrsielt, he promptly oa time. Be active and stir up the multitade from far and a ear te do bonnr to tbo dead eeldicie. 1 By order ar Cnixr MaasBaL. The Committee aa arrangeoieaU appointed tba follewiog Oommitteee and (Score t Commttiee oa Mo iis- If . D. Van Yalsab.Chalr. man Jee. Weaver. Ueo. Moore. Committee of In vital ie George W. Rbeesn. Chairman; J. F. Snyder. Al. M. flow, W. A. Barr, II. W. Swiiib, J.F. MnKonrjok. Committee eej Ft w. U. Sis lee, Chair man t W. M. Shaw, Clare new R arrest, A. I. Susder, Joaalhaa Beynea, C'omiaittee oa UecurevtUMi- laaace Kerr, Chair man, with lurty-twe yowog tad mo to aaitst. Committee en hpaekert Hen. U. JL Barrett, Chairmaei F. U llama, W. fat ittll Floral Committee datBcsL. Leaey, Chairmen, with about lit I .d es aad geatlomea le anlst Committee ie Mark Oraest drw Jack sob, Cbeirtnaai tfeiauel Barge, Jaatee McDoaeid, awd eihera. J. P. Barebfteld was appeleted OkUf Marshal, with power to cheese hie ewai audi. Wm. M. M'Caltoegbwll' eidre the people oa Deooratleb Day, Ho. ilk V; Wll.oa will real Will CarlaWo Feoaa, 0ever Tbeea Over. Copt. D. MeUaugbey, Smith T. W II tee. tV H. Shaw, Freak Uarrm, Jehe fcHmmeoe, l. . PmU Urtoe, ware appelated a Pervaaaawa OemmMcaoj fbr lUl.toUaeiha aaa-Uer la hand aad perfaet inch arraagameata aa they deasa fit. A aerond Urira invoice of Millinery, jutt opcocJ, at T. A. Fleck A Co.'. Sun Umbrella". Parasols and Fans, just reeeived, at T. A. Fleok A Co. 'a. Fn Rat al A Thirty fivo Horso- Power Kngiee end B Her, Ball Shingle Maokioe, Parker Shlnxlc Machioe, Drag Saw Bolter, wita Shaning, Po.lsjt, Belting. Mill aompteteand la good ardor. Located aeor DuBoii. Address, Ib DiWitt, j( DuBois, Pa. Farmers, Look Hire I Lytic will give you highest market price for Wheat, Oat. Cora, Buokobeat, Butter, Egg. Onion, Apple, dried ' fruits, and all kiedt of produce, be ba the largest and best selected stock of groceries, leas, eoffeee, urn I at tat, spices, oil salt, sugar, qtjeeoeware, tuba, bucket, baskets, eh or dp, Ac, lo Clearfield eoanty. He buy bis good la largo quantitiea from manufacturer and first bands for aaab, and lakee Ibe advantage of all diseouBU.and cob le enabled to tell at lowest price. He give eaah priors for produce.and tell hi good at tho lowest prtocs la the ooanty. sept-24 T8 tf LETTER FROM HUSTON. putFiaxo, May 15, 1M0. Ma. RntToB : The Hr drive Is about "bung op" on Laurel Run. Cent, ecarolty or water. The aaw mills and shingle mills In tbe township ra ail runnlna and dailr ahiomants of lomnvr and shinnies ars made from the depots at Tylers, Pen tie Id and winterourn. The farmrrt are busy ; bet thing are growing slowly, tbe weather being so dry. Harry C. So-fieiJ, wtiiie oa a trip to tbe Forest eouoty pigeon roosts recently, brought home five doien wild pigeons alive. He baa them eontinfd In a buildiog,end tbey are every intereiting tight. Two first-class fight dlsgraood tbe town tbie wrck. On of the oombnanu wss badly lamed Oo Friday night a party of woodsmen went to tbe Hobaoker Hotel, about midnigbt, and do manded admittance and whisky, ibe leader of the party was Patrick Hiiey, who on a futtner tiL.l-u kUaoel dwui la. (.U ikU kll. K "backer reloped to let the orowd lo, and aome hostile demonstration being made, tbe landlord fired through the window, bittiug Riley io the side, aod eerluutly wounding biui. Tne crowd retreated, and oa Saturday Hi 107' friuoda ar reated hohaekcr, aod the latter "at held aader hail to antwer at Court. Ykiu.iI. That Xew Hailroad. The Altoona Sum of the 13th, In speaking of the new railroad, say tho survey of tbe projected railroad from Altoona to Carrol I town to connect with Cberrr tree aod potsibly point further northward ha progressed to one mil wett of Aihland Furnace, a distance of aboot eleven miles. Dy this route, bioh is belog ran under the supervision of an engineer named Hammer, the distance will be twenty -two miles. Tbe Johnstown Tr-ternee says that "should tbi route prove satisfactory two others will be surveyed, if necessary, both to follow tbe Clearfield creek, bat diverging at different polti la different directions. The people of Altoona and Chest Springs seem to he la earnest In tbia matter, but those living In Carroll! own and Cherry tree are decidedly lukewarm Tbe latter are of the op nion that if the line It built at all It ought to be bo lit to Ebenshurg. And thus, as between a conflict of ideas, tb prospect of an early completion of the road la not to say good." The Altoona Trihunt In alluding to the snme enterprise says : 4 Oa Monday the survey of tbe proposed Cherry tree aod Altoona railroad was begun. An engineer (the same who surveyed tbe Bell's Oap rallroa t), accimpanied by come of the f' lends of the improvement and about lea men, started to locate tbe line near tbe Buokhorn, lac ing in the direction of Atbtaad Furnace. It Is tho intention to surrey several lines 00 Ibis part of tbe road, aiit will be the most difficult of any, and then adop tthe unit feasible. A number of Altoona gent Its en bar large land Interest! Ib the section of country through which it will run. Tbe road will he a narrow goatee." HIS HUNT IS OVEU. Wo regret to Icaro that ''Bill Long," the oldest and tnoit daring banter Ib this section of tbe State, died at the reel Jen ee of his soa Jerk Long near the Summit tunnel, 00 the Low Grade Railroad, on tbe 7th Instant, la the Sttb year of bis age. Th last fifty years of hi life wes spent in tbooMog Jeer with the rifle, which ho did by the hundred. Hi chief ecoupaLt-iO was bunting, trapping aod keying wild beasts. He exhibited to tbe writer of thi article, (who at tbe lime wa an acting J attic of the Peace) hiio.Irojs of scalps pantbera, wolves, wild eats swd foxea. Wa rcei lleet one e mat Be eavua lutwoer vase, end uuebuutdeiad a bag filled with scalps, and, when, assorted and oounted, there were over forty fnx, ton wild est, ava wolf aud two panther aoelpi tbe work of owe campaign. He would slay the foxes and wild fats daring the Winter while tb fur wa In Its prime, dry tb soalps, and In April and May be would make bis raid en the wolf dene for their pups, and neatly always ancedcd in getting away with them and the mile wolf. Ho never killed a ''mammy wolf," except oa two occasions, when be waa compelled to do It la self-defence. He held that by killing the females be would hate a very abort orop the next year. The dent would be vacated and he woe Id have to bunt new one. The deaswer loeated along Boone V, or Elk Muontain, and on th bead watcra of Clear field and Cheat creeks, and be seemed to have them aa well loo ted a th reaidoQce of his neighbors, Hi asesp from death was frequent and mlracuton. LETTER FROM NEW WASHING TON. New Waamxamiv, May 17th, lest, Mb. Int'oa t Nutwithtiaadlng the fact that a great deal of timber did not reaoh tbe market, a con ico aeon of wnun tnere is a leek of money. the merchants of tbii place are dot eg a brisk 1 buatoca.- ihetr motto la "Small probta and qu'Ok sales," by whieb tbey are securing them- , eoives an immense en it ore. Owiog te the dream and high wiads, the fire fiend li duibg ewietdeiubie damage io this eection of the oounly. The residence of Mr. Prank Neff, tell a victim to this destructive element last Wednesday alter , Buoa. Mr. N bed beta working to a lie Id not j far frum the bouse when he first saw the fire, the ; the blase of wbinh emanated frum the roof. Tbe dmes made soch bite d May that quvnebng them . wa not to bo tbuuffbt of. To Ot'Oteota of tbe; bout were, however, nr)y al aaved. The build- I ittg was owned by Henry Ittetb, Ktq. I Our genial friend, Mr. Ja. Orr, formerly ef 1 this place, and bow elerk In tbe W bile lluuae, near Marietta, Pa., Is seen oa our streets, ahak- ing hands witb bia many friend. He axpoaia to return ib about too days. j The (bird session ef tbo New Washington Normal b.s opened wit b grand eueeese. In both departments Normal and Model there eraaw one hundred end fity student. Mer. L K. Webrr, Matt Savage and J. M. Davidson are ibe li'Strueiora of tb Normal department, end Mica ataic M Mitchell of the Mudel .-b.ol. Superintendent MoQuowu examined the elaas ia Theory of Teaching last Friday eftarawoa. He rsprestod himself highly pleased with the elaa la every particelar. We, a eitisena, fetal proud of hir. MuQuuwn at a pubuc oOloer. . He wae at one lime one of our enterprising aad eunbiiWwi yoang saee, and by bia energy, faiib tulness and sell-rvliaooe tie gained the owahdwoee or tho people, for whom, be new so untiringly labor!. 8, T. Breekhanh, Biq.,of Clearfield, delivered rtwtn. ,m ' I'nliu. .. )rln K r,l ..., wr the sfudenu of the Normal liuiuaie vi tots piece Mr. B. waa gieeied by large and Intelligent-look lug auJ onee. He held bis be re r a epelUbaund fur terry-five minutes. All went away highly Waxed, 'iae entire lecture waa marked with tb aat sublime thoughts, cloth in xquMl language, that gave It rlobneta end beaut jr. Such eoeationo are highly ioolruetlve ea well aa entertaining. They have a tendency to educate tbe aaaasee. 11 GAINED 23 POUNDS." Noxtii Clvmrb, N. T.,Dee. 24th, 1875. Dr. M. M Pa nan, Freedcaia, N Y , Dear Sir i A boat year ego my health waa te too that I wa hardly able te do ba tinea al ell. lei no appetite, con Id aot sleep Bigblt, coughed a great drel, and bad, In fact, begun te ennuia platatbe Bcoeasity ef breaking up my buioee end g'-ing le a different climate for my health. I bad triad moat everything recommended for such onset, but found wo relief. I took five bottles of your Blood and Liver Keeaedr n Nerve Tonic, and gaiaed tit pounds In weight, and feel myself aa well as ever. i oars truly, My 12 2t J. II. NHWK1.L. Dr. Feaoar' Blood and Liver Remedy aad NrT Tool may well be called "The eenquer ing here" ef tbe limes. Il la the medical triumph of the age. Whoever be "th bluti" should take il for It regulate aod restore dbe dieerderod system that give rise te them. It alwaye cure BMIoosbom aad Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dy pepaia, Constipation, Ueadaobea, Fever aad Agaa, Bpleea Knlargmet, Scrofula, Brytlpelae, Pimple, Bletebe aad all aklB IraptloB aad Blood Disorders Swelled Limb and Dropsy Sleepleasnes, Impaired Nerve and Nervous De bility i Restore flesh aod Mreagth whoa Ibe ) a tefct I raaalog daw or going Into declloe ; cure Ftmale Wee knee aad Chreale Rheumatism, aad fcbevea Ckroal Bronehiti, aad all Lang and Threat dtBenbiea, li dee theee telega hy sirik Ing at th root of dlte aad rtraevlag lu eaaaea. Dr. Feaaar Improved Coagb lUaey will ra liev any eoagh la eoe hoar. Try a sampl bottle mt iNMiii Dr. Faeaer'e tteldea Rellel ewre any pain, aa Ttoth aeba, Wooralgla, Colic or lleadaobe lo Ire to tbtrty mleuttt, aad roasUly relhjvw Rbeem tiaaa, Kiaaey Oaaiataka, Dlaw4.eaa, aa. Dr. Feaaar'a St Vita Dtae Speelfle. Ova belli alwaye re. Fer aala by llartswlsk A Irvla, DniggUu, Clearlald, Pa. . . aeg tlf. ? a II T nVimnn A Ona atnt-A ami aee their new stock of Lawaa, percalu Llacai, etc. Store ka Pie's Opera uenaa. 'What can 1 do to keop cool this warm weatherf" Yoa can get a liaea duster, an .i.a. . eakiia vast, atraw hat. or an am brella, at II lr linger A Rook's It The New Centennial Family Sewing Machine for ealy SIS. end the ew Remington for Warranted to be Ant-class ! For fur ther particulars, address Jofli B. llmDik, ,pjdi tf CUarfield, Pa- Switi for a-!, bolb f-et nd imall, . . ,t For Tat and lean, and nice when seen 1 Then i.aoy will laugh I save tbeir oath, Aod buy their suit Uirlinger A Rook's. St 15uY Your Mill Now 1 Wo are the proprietor of a Saw Mill, complete la every par tlcalar, which we will sell very eheaa- For par tlculara, addr.t R. A. A W. D. BIGLEK, mrh3,'B0 tf. Clearfield, Penna. Boo a woman on bonwhack in anothor column, riding near Speer' Vineyards, with a boaeh of Grape from whleh Fpeer's Port Grape Wloe la made, that fa so highly ei teemed by the medical professloa for the use of Invalids, weakly, persons and lh aRed. Sold by K. W. (Irahsm, Draggitt, Clearfield, Pa. Jly-lfi '7-tf. Pain in the side, ahouldera and back, bitter taste in the mouth, dissiuesf, smart nu of tb eye, brlok dutt deposits, nerroas de bility, Ac, are cured by Bsrosnia. Prepared at R. K. Thmpsoa's laboratory, Tltasrllle, Pa. For sal by all druggist In Clearfield, aod Joseph Sevier A Soa, Lulbers burg, Pa. t A Fact. An advertisement Inserted ia tbe Rxri aLicaa will reach more rradara than If published lo all the other p Mi era In the eoon ty, and cost tbe adrcrtlsei let than one-half In other words, an edvertiy mcit published in our Jrarnal is worth double the price of that charged by any other publisher la tbe eouoty. It le a fact." I'- Clkarpirld Coal Tradi. State ment of Coal and other freights sent over tbe Tyrone A Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Rail road, for tbo week ending .May Stb, 1880, end the same time last year t COAL. For the week Ham time I a I year.. TOM. I,7li2 2o,lna Dfr-av (a trik) 8,M)o Prevlooily during year - $M.7Bi tain lime last rear 477. U8R Decrees SH.Ml Total in 1HS0 4(Mt 41 Same time last y tar Decrease - V5.773 ornxx rar.ioBV. Lninhar tl " Mitceilaneous freishts " Sptcinl. lieu, ron tai B ! A crow-bred Alderny atd Jertey lil'I.L. ibreo . old. Addreaf, lor further particulars, Willi aw V autr, myl2.3i Rookian, Pa M iwete p Krr Vli perpons wanting flrtt olass Vwing M tehin thoud buy tb N.w I to p ed,t,nfilng Weed, for tale bj S. B-er, Clearfield, Pa , or Mile R. Heert, dealer in .M-u-hlneo and O gtns, K vn l hvlllt, Pa. miy llfth &m lltaoira Foa Salb. R. Newton Shaw keeps a full supply of Fredoma Uugitiet and Platform Wagons for sal. To be seen at th Shaw House yard. Call on or add ran bim at Clearfield Penn sylvania, may 13-tf. Wabtih. 600,000 H-ft-et shaved bonp, deliv ered at the railroad, in car loads of 8,1100, at all Euints oo tho Tyrone A Clearlield, P A Bald agle Valley, and Pennsylvania Railroads, for which I will pay the highest market price. J. F. KftAMKR, Octlfl, IR7"-tf. Clearfield, Pa. 0a Hi'xnsan l'ia Cxv. DtsconnT or Old Pbicb. Sewing Ma-rhlne can now be purchased at Merrell tin and variety store, from $;ti up wards. All kinds of sewing machines repaired on the shortest notice. Clearfield, Pa., July It, 1STT. CoLLicroa' WanaAST. W have prepared a form, and have on band a largo quantity, of blank "Collector s Calei, wntob bae Owen ap proved by the hinhest Icg-il author Hy In Ibe Courts of thie county. At lt ("is par doaeo w will mall any nam her to in Collector ordering them. A Collector, when compelled to advertise propertv, must pott up not lets h-D three notloe In tb mott punlio places in nit borough or towntnip. n. vTAMTen.I)rllvere.l at the Kail Rnnd. IOu.iiiio 111 Inch ahavedtliingiei. lU.0l,n 14-ineb eawed Ihlnglre. ino.lluo feet of pine boarj.. i" '.iiiiii 14-feet ehaved huo. A.llno railroad lira. oli.OliO fret of goud hemlonk brdl. ror which 1 will tsar th. hixheit market price, delivered at OlearBeld, or al an point on the Tyrone A Clearfield Kailru.d. J. r. ftaAiia.. Cl.arllcM, Pa., Oot. II, 1878 tf. Just lU'i't'lveil. Just Roeivod bv ARNOLD, ul CUKWE.NSVltiLE: C'nr l.oiul Nuvtt Kcotin Vlaslor! Cur X.ond pure Corn, hy. and Out Chop ! I rtr I.nnd lenken hull : Our Load ol Choito Fttinily Flour I Car Load Dry Unods, UriKMiries, Aii.l tarHhinirloii, Uurk If. It. Tics and Gruin will ho tuktiti In exchunge. I urwotiHVille, Mtiy 1, 18(H. PAUL TAYLOR. 0o Thursday, May fitb, 1HR0, by Rev. R. Minkit.Mr, C.J Paul. of Clear field county , and Mr. C. Taylor, of IlualingdiB aoenty, Pa. , OODKN BAILEY Oo Wednetday, April 2tb, I1S0, by Rev. George Leidy, Mr. Jonathna Ogrdea, of Lawraooe lownahip, and Mil Martha atiey,or fixe towninip, t'learnexi eouoty, ra. FORCEY HOOVRR At theretldenoe of the hridw'a ia br. io Murri lownahip. on Sunday, Mav t b. ISHO. hy Rev. W. H Whilnev, Mr. Clarenre A. Forcer end Miss Mary R. Hoover, all of Olearueld county, Pa. PALMRR BMBAT.. On Sundnv. Oouher 19th, 1ft, U. hy J. M. Turner, K-q , Mr. James M Palmer. of Deoaturtown.hip.and Miss Beitha Sinaal, of Bogs; townthip, OloarfieU county, Pa, PAHB II l' IU.IR. Oo We Ine. lev. April 7th. IFllO.hv J. W Turner, Kq , Mr. Isaac Pate and Llllia HuMer, both of Graham town 'hi p. Clear field ceuBiy, Pa. BARGRR. Tn Bradford Friday "rninir, May Utb, 'fSO, Mrs. Rachel Baraer, mother uf Isaiah G. Barger, aged about 72 years. SKLFRIDOK At th home ef her aon, In Ooabea tuwoahtp, Clearfleid county, Pa., on Tuesday, April 2UUi.laH0.Mra. Barbara Hcllridae. IB tne MO ib ter tl hae ) , , . . , BEtM. At the retideaee of hi parents la M rtia township. Claarltold eountv. I'a.. on Fri day, May 7th, Il 9. Francis J , etdeil eoa of Jesse and H, Beam, agftd llyart, B inontha and 10 day. It Is ald that "deaih love a shining mark," and astf In coofirmatien of this the grim M inster leveled bis fatal abaft at the subject of thi no tice, A young mta uf most eiemplary character, Illustrated by aa wnblemithed and pure life, and pottesting la an eminent degree ihoeo qualities of bead and heart thet so endears en lo his fel lows, kind aad courteous to all at home and abroad, a dutiful and loving aon, a tender eoa tldcrate brother, a genial and true friend, having the esteem and retpeot of all hi associates. Bojoylrig the full confidence of Ike couiwianlty la nhich ha lived, he bad already made for bim self a character which would have (old maca In bis favor lo th item battl or life bad he been spared. That he had a large piece b tbe affee tlnn of his friend and neighbors, tb large eon coot whleh followed hi remains to their Isst reeling plaoe auffloieotly attest. "My he rest la peaee." eoa CLEARF1ELDM ARRETS. Ot-BABf tBLOf Pa, May 18, I MO. Flour, per owt $3 $6 Buckwheat Floor, par cwt ,., go Cora Meal, per cwt - I Ov Chop, rye, per ewt. 1 To Chap, anixed, per ewt . I Bran, aer ewt H - 1 Wheat, perbu'hol 1 Sft Rye, per butbel Bfc Oeta, per bethel $0 Oera, ears, per besbel . 40 Book wheat, per bethel a Clorar aeed....H.H..M.- . I to Timothy ed..- m I T Petaton. per bnehel fie Apple, per bahelu. . Onion m t aa Ham, per arauod - Ill Shoeldar, per pound - S Dried Beef, per pound - 18 Chlekeaa, per pair.-...M-M.. - M Setter, per pound tb Big, per desea lo Salt, per aaoa, large. ..... I le Ooal Oil, per galUe.... II Lard, per poead... .-.eM...M 1 Dried Apple, per nb4h.hhm f Dried Peaobea, per powad. ) Deaaa, par buihel.. . t $ PRODUCE MARKET REPORT. PniLADKLrni A, Mav IT. Breadstuff are less active. Corn Is steady. Small rale at HJjfor uplands. Bark Is nominal at 129 per ton for No. I queroitrnn. Seeds Clover la dull at M71c ) timothy Is nominal at 12 763. Plat la Wirtb ll,s. Fluur and Meal t-tour la in limited re quest, but quotable unchanxed. Sale ef $1,1110 Laerele. tneluding Minnesota entree at i,2ft(i)) (1.50, Penot) Irani family at a.7ofuo.Tn t wtt era do. at $i.T6(oiflli, and patent at ftf) btt T.76. Rye fluur la quiet. We quote at 14.15 per banal. Grain Wheat 1 In limited demand, but rather lower. Sale of I 200 buehels, including rod, at, and author at II l.l.Hl Bl. At the opea hoard, first call, il 31 was bid lor May , II.2M lor June; $1.14 fur uly, and $1.10 fur August. Kye tfc itea-ly at Soc. Corn ia o,olet and a ibad Aimer. tele oi o,00 nueheia, ineludiog ni jecitd atilc; steamer, at jl(n;2c. At the open board, first eall, i."o0 buthels August sold at 610, and Alio was bid tor May 4iu for June ; 410 tor July, and buo for August. Oats are firm. Rales of 4.20tJ bushels. Including mixed at 4( 4 Ice, and btto4-ri(!f,4fia. W hlsky It steady. Sales or western at Jl.U'l. Caiciuu, May 17. Flour le quiet. Wheat dull andlnw.Tj So. S Chicago ipring,$I.IA for catb vl lljI ll for Junet $Uflj tur July f-r Juty; Nj. S d. 9rnV7e. Corn doll and lower K7(oj;t7)olorcaeh j Jiti;fa:He. for June; afljo bid Juiyj rtjeeted, S&(o.:ioj. Oats In good demand tending upward; 3i Jo lor eato ; 30 j for June, itfcc for July. Kyeilrmerat 82e. Barley firmer M7fVt,SS. Pork dull, weak and lower; 111 40 for cash , $1042) lor June; lo&rj'M for July. Urd dull and lower: SA.VOffi.o0-4 for eafb and Judo; $fl vi tor July. Bulk menu dull; choulders $1 i ebort ribs, f A 40 ; ebort ete.r fl e. K$, ii$Ve. Hhitky tteady, uncbangtd, at II.HS; same sates, $1.07. Jfur flmtlsrmcuts. T)I.PH FOR 8 AI,F. Thirteen hive of 1) Iuliao Heea wbieb I will tell cheap for uatb, or schanv for wheat. For further io- lormstlon call oo or addrctt tbe undersigned, J. F. K RAM ICR, Nor ,'79-tf. Clearfield, Pa. MONEY TO LOAN. On first-class Im proved farm property, by tbe Mutual Li e Ioiuranne Company of New York, on first mort unite, in sums trom $l,0i'0 op. Fur further in formation apply to the undersigned. HI RXTHAL W, SMITH. Clearfield Pa., May 7th, 1879-tf. Thomas A. Duckett, III KU ERY give notice to tbe eltiiens of Clear, fie'd and the surrounding vtrinity that I am prepared at a'l time to furnish families and manufsrturing estabiithtnents with a superior quality ol Coal, Wood f Coke, Which I am prepared to deliver tn a few hours' notice. I am alwaye ready to haul and deliver Imoi and to ibe depot or anywhere etae, and move fx mi lie and household goods anywhere on rttort nonce. Tll'ir. A. Ul lhtn Cl-arfield, Pa., Mar. 11, I.StO-tf. JURY MT. List of Grand and Traverse Jurors drawn for June Term. A. D. IBBO, Court comtnenelng on the fourth Monuavof May (,24ih), and lo oooiioite three weeks ; TkAvxanit junot-a, rianT wxbk, war 21. F K Sbeicrd,rJurnaida,' Wm A Ogden, Lawren', Henry Young, " Johp Smith, " Kamnel lUlr, Bell, Wui Itrocius, " W II 0-r, ! Mi Hehrvvrr, II W M"tt, " 0 radwailader, Morris, John Hmith, niooni, Milo Hyt, Osceola, JeeteSmral, Bofxo. Kljah Wlut, " KdJ Wrigley. Bradford i David T Sharp, Ponn, David Gingory, " J-e R Caldwell, Pike, las L Leaty, C Inert! eld, Samuel Starr, " ItiiaeNiirrie.Citrwent'le.iJ M Ilnnrer, Bandy, L-weenfO Killim. Cheat, W G (juinley, ' Adam Kcphavt, Decatur, U L Hoy, " .lot R Ames, lerguson, 1 ug lloherllcg, " J W Voting, J J Overdorf, ' Jeff Hell. Greenwood, 'Sam'l J Gelnet, Union, John llafkett, Huston, K. Jefferion, Woodward, tSyl'ler Weituer, JurdanThoa Gordon, H TRAYBPtna j i' aorta, iroobp wxer, mat SI. penry L McOhee. ReMWm Miller, Covington, Tohias SI, a Her, Bloom, jllenj Klinger, Chest, C M (.off, ihan'l Gots, Sr, Deeetnr tno B llesrharl, DoKgs,i Henrv Owens, Ferguson John W Kyler, " J',hn D Butler. Girard, Jaoob Dimcling, " C Langafoed, Houttdale James Shimmel, ' (Gen Bowmen, " Jae-b Peirr-e, Bradford. .Matt li-trney, " Jot W Fmith, Brcarla.!John Thoiopaon, Jordin I homaa Cooiier, Geo II Mall. Lawieoc. Jacob Ppriotf', H Ttioma Flick, ' Hid r.h'.!f, " Peter Wioteert, Rrady, Lewis Sbitornvl M rri, , J Ames, Morris, It II Lawtbc, Or ccole, Jonathan Wall, Penn, J. K. notiorf. ClearfielJ W Eddy, Woodward, Jacb A Fault, Ja Carter, " Aug Mulson, Covington. Jock Abbott Jnu J I'icard, " jW II Joy, OBAND JVBORN, THIMP WKKK, it'lK 7. Wm M Shaw.Clearfleld, Sam'l Hsuerty, Outieh, II It Thompson, Cur'ilk, John W Moore, Hue ton, W SOil Hand, Ooring'n Jet MfKeehan, Jordan, Weatlev White, Burntide James Catheart, Knnx, Jas W MeGhee. IMI, iamael Hoover, John 0 Ntewe-t, Brad'J,A Humphrey, Law'nee, Joe U Kirk, Brady, lo LSchoonover, Morris, Kdward Albert, llotrca, 'Isaac Markle, Newhurg, tWeh'd Hughes. Ilec4tur,itJeorge K Jonct.Otoenla, Jet'hae Cleaver, Pcnn, Jno W Morrav, uthn, lvi R Dressier, t:olon, Heirk'h bweal.Graham,1 A F Baughman, Wood'd. TRAVRRHB JUkORB, TBIRD WEB ST, lt'R 7. Wm Bard.Curwensville 'J W RtfT-rlt, Pono, Jona Shatter, Brady, John A.Wouuer.Oeceola Uwis Shindi ll, " T C lleims, Geo A Allls, " Jacob K'linger, ' Jerse Harmon, ' J Jiinison, J W Horn, James T llelile, " Geo Hegarty, II ottdale, Patriok Shields, M Thet hipgletoo, M John I)0 der, Bradford, Hiram Wilson, " L C Watson, " Aehiuy Siewsrt, M Aarun Petere, ' Robert Hell, Sandy, inos Kline, " J A Terpe, " Psler B liJuy, J J Snyder, Cbet. Silas Carey, Cledrfiu1dta H m Poiter, Willi m Davis, tiiilieb, Hobert MvCally, " Adam Custard, Decatnr, Afonto White, 11 " C hheeta, W T Rntbroek, Morris, Albert Swartaell, ' Amoa t'enaal, Wuod'd, James Moots, Uu reside. T N Folton, Lawrence, G 0 Irvin, " J A Antes, " Daa'l Bowman Jr, Knox, Mirhael Smittt, Jordan, Kin 1 1 Rougeaux. Girard, Wm Job aeon, Graham. Jacob Barger, Pike r LCoudriai.CovtnatnB. JobuaPeliwall,Nwi.'g, Oltrer Moere, K art bant, I Wettl.rovk, Wnlliee'n, SherilT's Sale. BY virtue of sundry writs of Pea Sr., itsned out of the Court of rommon Pleat f Clear held Co., and to me directed, there will beexoted to I'I'tiLIO SALH, et tbe Court House, lo the borough af Clearfield, Pa,, oo Friday, May 2 let, INrtO, Atl o'clock, P M., tho following deirrlbed real ettate, lo win All tbe right, title and in tores t of Defendants lo sll that certain tract of land situate in Green, wi nd townahlit, Clearfield county Pa., bounded and described at follow : Bounded on th north hy Isnis late nf Wm Bell, deceased, on tb south and weat br lands of John W. Bell, and on tbe eait by lands of William McCrackan, containing ahout oa acres, witb about li acres cleared, ana leaving erected thereon a small frame boue and log barn, and also a ynungtirchard of about 100 ttaes oi chn .4 fruit growing theroo. Sriaed, taken In et ecu ion an I tn be soil at the property of N. H. Arnold and W. R. Harts bora. A LRO, All tbo right, title end Interest of Defendant In a certain piece of land situate la llonlsdule bor ough. Clear Ao Id county, Pannsy Ivania. being lot Qi 1 00 feet on Hannah at rent, large hotel, three siorie high, 10x40 feet, barn Us art feet, " FeiiedTletken -O enerBtlo the property ef .1. B. Benn, ALSO, AH the right, title and Intercrt of DeMdaota In aoertala lot of ground situate in Hueton town-1 thip, riearfield uuoty, Pa., In ihe village ef; Pen ft eld being part of lot No. 27 on the plot of said village, and part of lot donated by II. B Hewitt. Hie whole hae 103 feet front and 1U4 ; feet deep, fronting on couth aide of Woo Iwnrd j Hired, bounded north and east by lands of F, K. Ilrwilt, south and wett by land of II. Woodward, and north by landa of George Woodward. Tbe i flhnrcb it ib by CU fset, two stories high Seised, taken in execution and to be sold at; tbe property of M. B. Church, Penfletd. I ALSO, All tb right, Mile and Interest of Defendants la that oettain tract of land situate ia Lawrence j township, Clearfield county, I'a., bounded aad i described as follow 1 1 Int. Beginning al lot ef I M.AA. Carter; thence by lot sf Lewi UMr north 01 degrees east 17 psreae to a post la ! Moose creek t ihenoe by line nf land of Hlohard ! Shaw sooth I degrees wett perettro to post j i tkenoe by line of land of A. L..Ogdn south o 10 j degree west 14 8 10 perches euulb J decrees I west 7 f -10 perehee north 22 degrees west 2 I II perehe Boutn fill 4 10 p rebel west 10 4 10 per- -h o corner tf ether lot of M. A A. Carter i tbeooe by same north It degreee west 4 4-10 per-1 cbes io plsce of beginolng, containing one acre and 77 S 10 prrcbe. I ALSO, Id. On other lot In said township, beginning at a put la townthip road Ihe eoranr al ibis lot and lot Bold to Gevrg Mullen; thence by said to ash ip road north 20 degree west 80 feel to let, Iff Mrs. Carter; thence by the earn north 83 d I area east ii 3 reei, ennre er iee, io ioi an at. ttr lert tbeaee by the same eoatb 61 degrees east $0 teet to pott ( thenoe by the aarae aoeia 03 degeee wet 176 ft. to post and pi ace of begkenieg, beiag 60 feet front on Lnthertburg end Clearfield turn pike and 174 feet deep, and having thereea ereetod, a large frame home, atabl aud ether eu'bu.ld ings. raised, taken lo exevMBtloa aad to Veecld aa the property af Matilda Carter and Abraa Carter, her huabaad. Tnnntor 8a lb. Tbe price er sent at whieh tbe property ah a II bo streak off meet be paid at the lime ef aele, er such ether arrangement made ae will be approved, otherwise the prwperty will be immediately pet up and aot acwa at tbe ei pooae aad rl-k ef tbe perees to whom It wee straak off, and wbe, to com ef deocieney at aaob re-tale, shall aak good the earne, aad Ib bo tettatvo will tbe Deed be preeealed Ib Court foe eecifiranation aalea tb mo ay te aotawJiy paid to lh Sheriff. JAMKS M AHAFr'KV, Baaairr't Or tic a, I fihanl. CUajfiald, P April T, 1IU. Qtvs durrtisrmtttti. f NKI BUHII eLM -Ueorg. Weaver Co. O, want Iv. Ihoeaand hu.h.ll of OATS, taw, and will par eaah or prodooa. C:..rO.IJ, Pa Aug. li. I'TI-tf. IV MM I.ANIM KftR A1.B. In Unito. a- U Pine lowHbipa, Cleerfleld eountv. Cg, Uraennable time .Iron tur part nf purehaaa mono;. Prieee ta Ittl te glu.Uv per aore. 't Mineral, marred. L. BIRD, Agent, Penlleld, Pa. r WaLLac. k Knaaa, Eept. 10, IITt-tr. Clearlald, Pa, ADMINIHTHATOrVN NOTK'K. NotiM la h.rebj give, thet Letter, nf Adnlnl.ira nua an Ibe of KJNC'1 M FULTDS.. lata of llurnei'l. to.nahip, Olearfl.1,1 eountv, Pa., deoeaaed. having hMnlul, granted to tb under lltned, all pereonl Indebted to .eld eitata will plea make Immediate pavmcnt, and thoie hav ing elaime or demandi ag.inet tbe itme will pre lent tbem properly aulbentleated for ..ttletuenl, without del.r. JOHN K1MK, Pateblnrllla, Pa., My S, RRCIMTIOH'H NOTICK. Nnlioe 1 her, by given that tbe following account bare been examined and passed by me, and remain filed ofreoord in this ofltoe for the laspoitloa of helra, legNtee, creditor, end all other interested, and will be presented to iwenxt Orphan' Court of CUarfleid oounly, to b held al th Court Uousa, lo the borough or Clear Held, ommeaclng tb first Monday (being the Tin day) o! June, A. D. l&SO Account of Robert Witberuw, Goardian ef I James Guillen, minor child of Job Guillam, late of Knox townthip, Clearfield t toty, Pa.) deceased. I Final aceount of James McMurruy, Guardian ef ; UrinG. Irvin. minor von or n m u.trvio, lai et j Buraside, Clearfield eouuty, Pa., dee d. Account of Wlllita A. Barr, Administrator of the estate of Mary S. Barr, late of Clear sod borough, Pa , deo'd. I Final accouot of David Ream, Guard laa uf Mile A. Kirk, aod Thou a Kirk, jr., minor beira of Wm. Kirk, lata or Brady towoahip, Clearfield ! county, Pa., dee'd. Account of John 8. MeKlarnan, Admlai trator C. T-A., of tbe estate of Mites Dav ia, late of Becoaria towobip, Clearfield eoonty, Pa., dee'd. Final account of Henry Werts, Administrator of tbe etiate of Catherine Troy, late o: B.oom townthip, ClearfiuU owuotr, Pa., dsceasoJ. Final acvount ef Joseph If. Broth, Administrator ot the csteie uf Chriitlan Net!, late of New Watbingtoo, Clearlield lounty. Pa., deoeated. Final account of Dr. J. G. Harttwiok, Executor of the ettate af John Beaumont, lata ot Law rence township, Clearfield county, Pa, de ceased. Final account of David llitebtogt, Administrator ol the estate ol William Hileniiig, late oi Itradioru township, Cieerfieldcouoty, Pa., de ceased. Account or inventory of tb roods, chattels and real citato, which were of Wm. L. Hithel, late of Lawrence tow nth p, Clearfield couaty, Pa., deo'd., selected, appraised and tat apart f r tn ute ot uvurietta u ivitnai, wmuw oi said dee a. Final accouot of Anthony Hile and Suaan Young, Administrator aud Administratrix ot the estate ol Rooert Young, late of Lumber City, Clear field eouuty, Pa., Ueceaied. Final account of Thomas Pi fer, Administrator ol ot tbe estate of W aa. Hluppy, late of DuBola, Clearfield oounty, Pa., dcee4. Final account of A. W.Young, one of tho Admin latratort of the estate of William W Miami, late ol Jordau township, Clear fluid Co., Pa., deo'd. Final account of J. W. Potter, Guariiaa ef Caro line Curley, uiar heir of Jemee Cur ley, late of Knrlhaus town-hip, Clear livid Co., Pa., deo'd. L.J. MO KUAN, Register. CleATflelJ, Pa., May IS.w.te. -THAT ALL- W00LEII GOODS HAVE ADVANCED ENORMOUSLY IN VALUE,! THE FBICSS OF 0TO ITcw Spring Clotliing Will Be Found As Low AS LAST YEAR. GUIIYZBURG'S -ONE PRICE WESTERN HOTEL CORNER, CLEARFIELD, PA. CleartelA, Pa , April Ktb, ISSO.Jm. AlinlTORR KTATEMT.NT nf Ihe M neneri.f HUsTnN TOWNSHIP, far In. year ending April A. Ida. : . . , ROAD rCND. . ..opwAftn,ait., aan a.ce!(WartflrraRrlftBaa. DK. To ata't order, drttwn hf Auiliton M HoaJ Fund 4I,47 U To au'l of reeled Koad laa fur IH79 ,., SOU n To am i af Sfele.l Koad 111 far l-7 1J VK To am'ldoelrom,A,rH 14, T. 14 M Total. ....?, it CR. IT e'l pel' Town.Mp Cl.rk t " W H, an t paid Aadtler, . .. II Oil llv aui'l paid for plaoli end .plaee S7I 91 II, ata'l paid for uee af took 4S III) II, eio't of eioneratioo. H 34 A6 By ain't Bnaollected Seated tat Sit 7K lly ain't workod by taaa.lea 74 hy aut't iaid Dlatnet Tree.nrer H .In ol 0 am 'I .ork on road, including pereoo al l.rvicee, aoeat I lo) :.... 1,130 31 Total H.SM 01 OutilandlnK order., $1.08. t Intereil, about $100. Hoed Ui levied mr lellll, t mllle. I. m. noaaitiiRAan, Bi.riirr TRiaarnrt.. To am'l due bmaehip, April 14, HTD... !i 11 To aM't Adilnr'a order, April a, UH...., 34 AT Total CR. Py aut't one-third .f .alary lly am i .rder. eaahed .... ni roon rovn.;' CLOTHING m ne jMr.. 169 00 ............. I0 .... tno 00 DR. To aw'kof order, drawn en Diit.Treae'r. $691 IT Total .1 tm 6? CR fly an't paM for anpport ef poor, ell I laaae T.rnay nd wife.. (Ml 2 Arehiheld I.aeor....m... 93 PS ThoDne Uaniilt........ ......... . 19 41 Mre, Inn..... 93 03 P. W. Chamber, 19 l.ll C. Palmer 14 90 Mr.. A. Hole. 13 H , Tramp. ...... 4 T 91 ra. rVter Weaver II 4(1 JobnStorm ... 9 00 Ry am1! paid for pilbllng blank order... 1 29 lly an't paid A. Ilorninl, fur eervieea... 13 on lly an't paid 8. Hoot, for eervleM II 00 Total .... J. . nOIKNatAN ftlBVRICT TR.A.Oni.. DR. To balanee du. from 1479.... To am 'I dae from IJ. W. Broom, Collee'r. To am't due from A. Jlunl To ami due from D. Horning To am't do. from IV. J King. To am't due from L. Bird To am't heated depllcalM, 1979 Te am'l rae'd from Ce.Tree.,M.r. 11,'M. Total ....... 9714 03 CR. Ry am't Celleehen1 'tea ai8S.ll , 99 II 9 37 71 9H 19 IT lly am't eieoeralieee lly am't nneolleetod tae for In; 9 ..... By am't inoolleoerd hy W. J, kio,.... H am'l aeoll.M.d hy U. W. Wrew..... 79 91 rly tm-l tenoolteoaHl by k. Hlrd..... .'IIM By am'l .ae.ll.eled hy (. Ileal............ I II By .ea t paid Ton.kip Clerk 10 H By am't paid el Hunt, Ceniuble'e too... 9 90 By nm't ef one-third oi anneal aalary.... to 00 By am't of Ovareeer.' .rder..... . 436 91 lly am'l da. tmahlp .... ....... 1 14 Total .... ... .. lilt n Ne Poor HI levied. Poo. .rdon Mtuudlat .t HIT N Wa, tb. nderela-oad, Andlkera af R.eten Hrm ahip, da heN4, eavtily thai tbe fiere.!.. eute mrnl ka trwe a4 eorroat, le ib. hMt of oar kowl edce end belief. A. H. HOr-KMi-Abn, CIIA8. kUllACKBII, . IV. 1). WVOUKAKD, Allot: AnditMn. L. Ulan, Cterh. May, 9, InM-lt IHUrtllanroul. N. E. ARNOLD, O XT 3R. -W 3E! JV S XT X X TLm 33, ---WILL PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE JP O XTL- 1,000 CORDS HEMLOCK BARK. ' - ; ' 1,000 CORDS OAK BARK. 1,000 CORDS SHINGLE BOLTS. 1,000,000 ONE MILLION SAWKI) SIILVGLKS. 1,000,000 1,000,000 ONE MILLION SHAVED .SHINGLES. 1,000,000 No waiting for turn, but unloaded immediately. Highest cash price paid at all times. Liberal advances made on large lots. Go see Arnold before contracting your bark. N. E. ARNOLD, CURWENSVILLE, PA. May U, 1M0 If AN IMPORTANT NOTICE I I beg leave to announce to the citizens of Clearfield and surround ing country that I luivo opened a first-class establishment for the sale of Kcady-Mado Clothing, iHATS AND CAPS, GISTS' ?0SEISHIiS SO03S9 TRUNKS a VALISES. BESIDES I PEOPOSE TO CARRY A FULL STOCK IN THE MERCHANT TAILORING MXK, ALL OF WHICH t WILL SKLL AT UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES. MY. PLACE OF BUSINESS 13 IN Room rio. 4. Pie's Opera House. Your pulronngo is ronpeetfully solicitej. Call in porton or dclrfii ALBERT TIIANIIAUSER. X. n.-OXE PRICK STRICTLY ADHERED TO. Clearfield, Pa., Maroli 17, 1880. JAMES L. VV: i i w4 aH4f!kW: t'l-iV? XT XV X 353 JEt W J. XiC JS 3E. MARKET ITBECT, ( LEABFIKLD, PEWWA. All kindi of CBfketB find Collins kept on hnnd, and furnished to order on hort notioo, including tho 6nost aa well as Ibe cheupejt that can be manu factured. Our -oonpssi riiEsjEJixxraBrL In the bnnt In use, and will be fumiched when required. . Funerals attended in any part of the county. Call at my ofliee, on Second at reel, or leave yonr orders at Trontman'a Furniture latere, adjoining the Posmfflce. , , t JAS. L. LEAVY, oet 1,70-ly Clearfleld, Pa. $fiv g,flrfrtlsfmcnt,3. ARNOLD WANTS 5,000 Rail Road Ties. Curweoarlll. Pa. Jaa. f , ?9-tf AHir.NKKfl' NOTICE. To Whom It May tonter II The ud Jentinr I, baviof been appointed Aaair nee for the bfDfit vf errli l i n l .r ti...a.i i L...k .11 iorF ny tin o. ufaum, wi vninnj """"F-' peraofte, therftare, harlnf elaim aRilnit him will prveni inam i iht -.iirni'', i9t. mv-. dtt ed to tae aeli Qrahaai are mQtr4 lo ttl aee make pe-aat aa. KDVTAKD . dMILKH, AHHI'KY W. LkB, CUarfleid, Pa., Dee. 14, 117 9-If J aHiffaee. AIMIM4rR4T4H'H NOTlCU.Netl la berth? flvea that Letfrra ef Adminia irmtioa oo tbe aaUte of JAMBS F Rat LIN, tela ef CoTinRloa tewwaklp, Oleevrfleld eeoair, Pa , deeeeaed, bbtIbr been doly granted to the andemlltned, all peraoa Indebted to aaid eatate will ploaae nak immediate pavnent, and thore aaviag elaiaia or deaenda affatoel tb aan will ereeraltaeea preperlf MthanUeatad tor aettle eDt wueeatdeler. CHAKLKH UIOMOT, Adminlatrator. Clearflald, Pa., April 1, fit. CAUTION Alt pereon aro hereby warned agaleat pamhaaitag or teeny way noddling with the following p-raooal iiropertri Bn B the paaaeaaion of J. Ooate lirena, of Morril towoabip, Tfii Tw vale aad harotai, four n re of oeU aad ten aere of eon. lo th ground. Tbe foregoing prop-it? wa pnrbaad b- m et pr. vole !-, ea tbe Alb dap er May, IKS", aad ia allowed lo roetaifi la poaaraaloB ef aaid J. Coat Kvaoa oa lea onlr, tnitJeei to r nrd-r al arte tlana. J')Kl'll I'OTTKK. MKrtwwii, ra., May IX, iae u HUIINSIDK Normal Institute ! Tl,l Sohool will open.. MONDAV, MAY ID, 1M0, nndeonliaae twelve treeke. TUITION: Juvenile Deparlraeat 13 OR Comwom Branehe. 4 ft. Canon llranebea aad Tttaory of Teaehiag.. ft .9 Higher Braaehee... ......J... 1 30 lire. Malt Irvin will teeeb Instrumental mnei. at raannable rate.. Tb. Normal Cleat will be eiamiaej mottlhly hy the County Bupormtendent. dr-tleod boarding ran be had at froa 12.00 to 13.90 per week. Koomi fer eelf boar,le-e van be had at rrerwehle ratee. for farther Informa tion, eall on ar addre. HBO. W.1NNE3, rrin.lp.1, JAH. H. KKLLHY, Amieu.t. B.rneieV, Pa, M.reh IT, 11H lL IMTI.Iel ef aaoe 1 down for trial at tb. ereond and third week, et May Turn, 140 : . . . . rtMT wr.t rtrerti .0RDrtl4n).r Bat. Pnhn Plett v.. Coohren A Young. W H Hhaw - va. Jamoe Irwlw- David Uahlll va. J M Uehla A Oo. Job. Boaaler v.. Andrew ft Beam et .1. Job. 8 Baidorf at al re. Thee L Betdoef at al. Job. R DIIM al ra. Itewarl Oowaa at al. Job. foioai A 41. to. A L Wiley. Tboma. Rvan. ra. Hamuel MeCo.e, lleorg. B ttoodlandar tn. Kramer A boll. Hatnael C Boeder ve. William Oerler. B D reboeeoier it. D W A Job. 11 Dolt. W m Albert A Bro, .... n. Tboma. Park a. Llterlgbt, Liable A Co va Whhe'h A Town'detal. Barbara An. Ilyera . v.. W R Dlekebm. Job. Creeiwell A rlu. va. D 0 Ueual. noon, ni-rim odat (h) wr .ar. Abram Tel. r. WV WrigblA GCbore'o. J 0 Aehard ' ' ra Joh. Liawtwer H II Sbilliegfori ' ... tlobort H.ra PeweU. Mey. A llameriy va Jeoale 1FO Bmitk. Co Nail lea. of Ol'fd ra. Abran Mnmphray. le Nat'l Bank ofCI'fd ea. William A Waller. I T Metier ea. Joeeph Pry M al. Joha M thee. .. ea. e. Kile.. Levina Woodie va. Aueii. hll... Matter. A Miller e. JaMk 1 Oeerhart. Jamea Port, wee ef re Jaoeb Rlaelatl M al. Joaalhaa ke.te. ra. Ihwmaa parhaat al. L U Ltntw ta. Lffm. Owl Uompeav. J RM' William WeMover. Hoover, Harrli C. v.. Mer'ij A M.h'a lu Oo. (I.t BLOOM, PreUo.otary. Cle.r9.ld, Pa , AprH 14, I Ua.le. tnUrrUanresf. LEAVY, cu? tli'frtisfmfnts. ARNOLD HAS ADVANCED Prices of Shingles, SHAVED AND 8AWED. Curwenrville, Jaa, 9, "79-tf. C CAUTION. All pereonl are hereby waned J nt to parebaa. or have anything tft do witb the fullowlog peraonal property, wew la In. poa eeionof William of Bloom tawaahip, via: fin. yoke .f Ones, a.J on. T wo-koree Waa-ob. l n. lerrgning property wa. purenaaen ny me at privae eale o. lb. Itih of April, Mid I, albrwed t. remai. in the peoeoeoeo. if aaid Wm LI.M en wa. aalv aunjaet to my order at any time. I.RWIR I. BLOOM. Uloomlagtoa, Pa., April II, 1M0 3I.O A DMINIMTHATOR'H N'frilCE.-Notle. i le hereby girn that Lottera of Admiala tr.tioann tbeeetauef ISABELLA LIDDLS.Iet. of Jordan towoenip, Cleardold Manty, Pa., Am 'A, having bare daly greeted ta the oBoer.ifn.d, all pereon. indebted to eald aeuu will mleeaa m ,ke ImmediaU pavmt, ud thee, bavieg alalme or deuende ai.inet Ihe aama, will preeeat thorn properly autbooUaaud for eelllement wllhwl del.,. J.iMBtf HUNTER, . Admlnteirater. AnMDVllle, Pa., April 19, lMO-tt. 1-3 X H UTOH'II r.tTI('E.-Notlee I, hen j by given that Letter. Teetemeetary ee th. e,ieie af LUTilRR BAKRITT, leteef Ferroeea town, hip, ClearAeld Mnety, Penn'a, daoeeaad; havmf been daly granted he tb. ..deraia-nod, .11 pereon. indebted to aaid aetata will pleeee mah. immvdiet payment, .ml Ihoaa haviag aminw or domaoda airainal tba earn, will preml tk properly aulbeolioatad for eottlement wllbowt delay. JAMES McKKKHAN, , . KlMUtM. Marna. Pa., April 19, 1999 St. pOK 8ALE. ; Th. mdorelgMd will avdl at private eale all that tract er panel W load ailaata La Dooatai towa.hip, Clearlald awaaty, Pa., wilhla a ahdrl dutanoe of th. Tyran. A CtearwoH R. ft. aad adjoining lead, of Robert Rndeoa aad eta ere, aad known aa th. Jamb 1. ttearhart 3M. Tba aaid traet aantalaing 90 aero, neon er loam, witb tw. nine of valoabia eoa! thereea, haa abeat'Jw aorwa .learad, aad k. the key le a hug. body ef ooal about being developed. Will be aeld haw aad nana aaay term., for partlealere, apply to DAVID L. kkSgS. Clearlald. Pa., Jaly II, IIJ9. A DJO VRJfED ORPHANS' COURT SALE I BT Tlra of aa order of tbe Or-phaa Ceert of Dearileld aodrirfiea. AdealB- latratoref the oatato of D A- CATHOART, lota of Knox tewnablp, Clearfleld wooatp, Pa., dee'd, wlhaellatpoblleaale.atthettora hewao et Jeeepfc n re era, to tne einage or nr HiLbronT, w aid tawaahip, ok Saturday, May 29tb, 1880, AT I O'CLOCK r. M AU of tba laureat ef Mid utaa. b tbe deaeribad real aatate, eta ONE UOUSK AND LOT Tn Pergneow t.oraeblp, near th. tlllag. ( Hew Millport, In theananty.f ClearAeld, Pa.,b..aal by lead, .f Cbarlae Renard, tba Lnlberaa par. aonaga, and flamoal Tobtar, untalatag ewe aan. more er I Me, with a Iwo-etorv plaok frame haaM, l.ill feel, aad ether Mounding, laoreoa treeud. AL80, A treat af hand rilaat. la Reel towa .hip, Clearlald eoonty, Pa., bounded by of Hemuel Heevor.JemaeCalhaarwJeha Baugbmaa, aad John R. Dnnlap. wnlainln, . fill! A0RU, ' ' Man ar leaa.lflM aan. of wkUk ere e leered am4 andev oaltlf atlea, aa4 . twa-atar. phaah fraaaa dwelllog hnaa, 14.14 feat, atabke, aad ether aat h.ttdi.gtaraoa aroMed. Then la ake. a ywea, wehard wa tfe. aaaua. Tb. teaebar la renrred aa eaea. aad eo bill aerwe ef aatd hued. T9tR9nOf--aALB: tTeao-third aeeh, eA helaeee en two aqaaj a, anal perwMWM, altar Malratalkaa ef warn, with OO awMtra. ay eaagmeai Bate, ar WMORk. 8. llKIM. Ada-r af ah. eetate af D. A. Oeahaart. doe'd. Nee MIUp.rt, Pa, April M, lUeUt.