Gioroi B. Gooplandkr, Editor. CLEARFIELD, Pa. WEDNESDAY MORNING. HAT 19, IflM. Reader, If yoa tiot to kiow what ! going oa U tho bulla world, J art read our advertising oiumns, tbo ap$etal ooluma to particular. MAXIM fOR THC DAY. No man worthy tbo 0O00 of President should bo willing to hold tt If coon 'id la, or pld tbtrt by toy fraud, u. o. uaauT. I eonld BOTor hYa bora roeonelUd to tbo olo- vatlM by tbo inalUst aid of oiioo of a paraon, howovor roipooublo la private lif, who nuii forovorearry apoa ma trow toe aianip oi rraua fine trlumnhant la Anorioaa hlilory. No auh- loquoat action, fcowevar o.rltorioui. can waib away tbo latter oi mat rooora. COABLBK FaABCll A DAUB. I would ratbor bovo tbo oadoraeuient of a quar tor of a Bit I Hod of tbo Amarloaa pooplo than that of tbo Louisiana Returning Boara, or of tbo Com. m t salon wbiob eioluded tbo faotf and da-aided tbo qutatloa oa a tMbnltinlity. Xaot. A. IIrrhrickb. Under tbo form of law, Rutherford B. Hayes baa been doolarod Pro, dent of tbo United inte. 11 ta tltlo rNti apoa diafranohlscmeot of lawlal rotors, in i an ooruneaiea oi ibo roiurniog oa eon acting eorruptly, and tbo decision of a oom mtaaton wbleb hao refaaad to boarovldoooo of el legod fraud, for tbo Irtt liato aro tbo Amarioan pooplo ownfrontod with tbo faotof a fraudulently. looted Preeident. Lot It not bo understood that tbo friad will bo ellenlly aeqaloieod la by tbo oonoir. ao nour pui in ino ueurpa tics is forgotten. Aobbrrb or Dbmocratio M. O.'b. On hundred year of human depravity eeeu nutated aad oonoontrated Intoa elimai of erlmo. Never again la uu hundred yaara hail they bare an opportunity to ropeat tbo wrong. Daribl W. Voorbkrb. DEMOCRATIC STATS TICKET. FOR supreme judob: JTon. GEORGE A. JENKS, Or JEFFERSON COUNTY. . FOR AUDITOR GENERAL: Col. ROBERT P. DECUERT, OF PHILADELPHIA. . TBS ELECTORAL TICKET, i FOR ILSCTORI.AT-LARoH : Robert K. Monaghen, William U. riayford. MR MSTaiCT RLICTOna t Dli. 1. Jobn Stevln. . Kdwln A Pat. I. John M. Campbell, 4. Oillei Delicti. John M. Muffltt. 5, Edward Waldon. 7. Nathan C. Jam... R. George Filbert. 9. Jac. 11. M'flparreo, 10. Dr. A. J. Martin. 11. Adam Gerringer. 12. Frank Turner. 13. P.J 14. II. E Dart.. Pi.. 15 Qeorge A. Poll. 16 A. M. Benton. 17. J. P. Linton. IS. Ool. John e). Millar. t. J. O. H.iiod. 10. U. N. Bow.ra. 21. J. A. J. Bachanaa. 22. Chri.tophar Mageo. 13. Robert M. Oibmn. 24, Thotna. Bradford. VS. Harrjr W. Wilaoo. 20. S.rou.l llrinib. 17. J. Hoi. Thompion. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY COM MITTEE FOR 18K0. . on. a twp. MKHDRna. ponrorricn. Burnaldo B'r. Charlei B. Patrick, Burnelde. Cleertold Knit. V. Wllaon, Clearfield Curwcn.v'e " F. 1. Thompson, Cnrwanrilla. Ilooiid.l. " Patrick Dunn, I.omb.rC'j" Daniel W. Ilil, Lnmbar Tlij. Ncwborff " Iaaao Marklr, Hurd. N. Waib'u " Dr. A. D. B.nnatt, N. Vaiblntan O.caola " R. A. Catnpball, Oieeola Mill. Wallaaaton 1)00. W. Knlgh, Wallaoaton. DMcana x p. vaata near. (Urn Hop.. OwoJ. 11.11 John M Rom, Bloam William Llnw, Koff " Iaaao BaUh, Ur.iirord " HitablaKa, Ilradj ' Cbarlai Hehwam, barn.lda N Jobn Weavar, ForeiL Wallaaaton Lntbarabarfr. H. Waiblnclon, Chart " Jaaapb II. Broth, N. WibiDr;ton. ut lojlon " r. u. uoadrlat, Kr.ncbnlla. Daratur " Jaob P. Btolnor, rbllipabirg. yarjra.on " A. A. Bloom, Marron. llirara , ' - J oka Naweomb, ailllniham. Hoiban Job. A. k PleaJ, Llok Kan MM: Qrabam 11 0. W. K7art Orahaaton. Uraeawood H John A. Rowlca. Marron. Qnllah Jama. Fljrnn, Bmitb'a Nilla. II niton . II. L. Horning, Panl.ld. Jordan M Pr. A Craararall. Antonviho, Kartbau. Oeorga Baakandarn, Halt LUk. Kaon Conrad Uakor, . Kan Millport. Lnwranaa Clark Rronn. ClaarfioIJ, Morrli D.H. Warnlna, Morrlldala Mlnaa. Pann ' ' M.rtinM. Fl;na,8rampianllill.. Pika " Hamaal Addlaman, Cnrwan.Tilln. Banda ' John M. Troiall, DaBoif. Dnion " Raab.n H. Laborda, Roektan. Woodward " William Lntbar. Madam. Dn. J. P. BUKCIIPIKLD, Chairman, Claarflold, Pa. W. K. WiLLAcn, Baoratara, Claaro.ld. Tb Carweniiville "organ" has a now publisher. Woll, thero ia nothing like change. The Lowor Houoe of Congress adopt ed a teeolation on Friday to adjourn on Monday the 3 1st How the Sen ate looka npon it baa not trannpired. Improving. The Curwenaville "or gan" bad something over ten lines of original editorial In its columns last week. Tbat'i a "boom" Tor once since its birtb aa such. Great Foresight. The editor of the Punxsutawney Spirit, In alluding to the settlement of the Curtin Tocom contest, says In effoct : 41 We told yon so a year ago." How propholle ! What a pity Congress did not take beed Cool. Wo notice that some editors chide one another for using the pro ductions of others and dnly crediting them. Now, what is to be said about those who plunder all and never credit anybody, JJecirlcdly cool, is it not f Homs. Senator Wallace came home on Friday to remain for sovcral days, but was telc?ranhed on Ratnrdav eve. B 1 j ' dIok that, be mast bo is Washington at 9 o'clock A, if. on Monday speoial train came over on Sunday evening and took hint to Tyrone. Stati Tarrr The editor of the Al toon Sun, who lashed in with the Pittsburgh Post and the baianco ol certain export rocord compilers, to : libcrl and abuse Senator Wallaco pre vious tb tbo recent State Convention, now slope over and wunts that gentle man made Chairman of the Demo- oralU) National Executive Committee. That ia a bad thine for that mountain illnmioary. Too this I v 1 Qcur CoitaBiMtMRsi. We have 291 member of Congress sitting at the Foderal Capitol, voting and drawing pay, and yet, when the Important rase of Curtln vs. Yocum camt? pp for set tlement the otbor day tbs vote stood : . Yocnm, 113; Curtin, 73 ; absentees, 103'. This vole smacks of as much corruption as was practiced at the polls during the election, and must be iwoordod and considered by all honor able men as equally aa damnable. The Congressman absent on this occa sion is j out as guilty of a kenions crime aui the man who bribt-d tb voter at the polla. ' Under all the circumstan ees, how conclusive the last that bell la a military neotwaity, for lb parpoae of pnninhing criminals who sin against society. A SLIGHT IMITA TION OF THE HA YEH FJIA VD. The editor of tuo KnKton H-ntincl was prcsout at the lato State Conven tion, and be has this to tmy about the procoedinKS: "We are vory sorry to know tbiit the resolution requiring the dulfgatos from Pennsylvania to tbo Icmocrutlc National Convention to vote as a unit on all questions coming beloro that body, was defeated j and especially ao whon wo think of tbo questionable moans used to bring about that result. Whon the strength and power of a groat Btalo like Pennsylvania, is to be frittered away to gratify too ambi tion of ono man, we think It Is about time to rail a halt. When a minority,. who happen to have tho mvnting power n thojr bands will delihoratoly deleat tho expressed will of tbo majority, we raise our voice as loudly in condemna tion as we did when the minority played the same- game In counting ilaycs Into tho Presidential chair. We nevor will countenance chicanery or trickery, it matters not whore wo rind it. Whon we rclor to trickery, wo mean the manner in which tho 125 voles were obtuinod against tho unit rule to the 122 for it. Every tally kept in the Convention, excopt that kept by Tim O'Lenry and A. R. Hoi lean, gave a majority for the unit rule, and why Mr. Monaghan, who bus tho reputation of boiug a fair man, would lend himself to such a nefarious schemo to defeat the will of tho majority is inexplicable to us. When be an nounced the "elorks agreed in their tally" ho knew that that was not the tact, becauso Mr. Bogart, one of the Secretaries of the Convention, a repu table gentleman, (whoso word ought to have as much weight anywhere, as tbe two worthies, O'Leary and lloi leau,) roso in lull view of the Presi dent and declared tho clerks J id not agree in their tally. Had be not been quite eo much biased on this question, be certainly would have ordered an other call of the roll, as was his duty to do. But no, that did not suit the minority and ho doclnred tho vote against tbo nnit rule, without even di recting tho list of yeas and nays to be called over, in order that tbe delegates might see whether or not their votes had been properly recorded. This kind ol business may succeed sometimes, as it did in his rase and in the case of count ing in Hayes, but it is infamous busi ness just as low when practiced by Democrats as indulged in by Jtcpubli cans and tbe parties engaged in it will bo held in just as much contempt by all right-minded and thinking peo ple." JUndall's Ksnceh. So many states men lately loavo Washington for their homes, for tbe purpose of repairing the fences on their farms. John Sher man, lloyos' Secretary of tho Treas ury, perpetrates a great deal of this kind of delinquency, and the Demo crat io journalists mako a note of it. Last week, the Boston Commonwealth, a, red-hot Radical organ, pitched into somebody iu this way : "Speaker Kan dall has appointed four Speaker pro tern., for the House within a month, while be left for Pennsylvania. When a Republican official goes home, unless there is a deutb in the family , out marches the gallant Washington Tost and bolda forth about 'the fence the Hon. Mr. finds it necessary to leave bis public duties to attend to per sonally.' From that text is preached a very edifying Democratic sermon. 8poaker Randall goes homo to tinker and replace his rotting panels ; but tbe Post ia silent, or casually mentions rSpeaker Randall's unavoidable ab sence from the city.' No other Speaker was ever absent so much." Frail Man I An Associated Press telegram says: "Rev. Dr. Georgo A. Pelts, a prominent Sunday School workor, one of tbe editors of the Sun day Sehool Times, conductor of last Summer's Sunday School Assembly at Monterey, Cal., formerly ol Philadel phia, and for two and a half years pas tor of tbe church at Jamestown, N. T., has been forced to resign bis pastorate because reports of immoral practices had been circulated against bim, and on being confronted, be confessed bis guilt." On the other band we see it stated that the Baptist State Convcn tlon, in session at Bacramonto, Cal., tabled tbe resolutions expressing con demnatlon of the course of Revs. I, S and 1. 11. Kalloch. The fatbor is a notorious adulturer and the son a mur derer. Ia it to this we are oomine. that high-toned religious assemblies refuse to condemn the most benious crimes that man can commit SARCASM EUBKLLISllED WITH TOR Narid Truth. The very latost rea sons lor giving Grant a third term la advanced by Judge Mackay, of Booth Carolina, He favors the ro nomination of ex-President Grant because, if elco- ted, be will hava wardecluod againat llaalna, J tk.. mow B4 will Ija added to this country. Tho Judge ob serves with a grim bumor that "with wbat tbe Soutborn whites have learn ed from carpet-baggors they will be ablo to carpet-bag into these States and make New Kngland grit its tooth by showing what on really be done in the way of dealing out a conquer- ed territory." Nor Romance. The Philadelphia Record of tbo 12th relates the follow ing : "A dead man was found on lop of a sleeping-car of tbo 3.30 Washing ton express aa it pulled into tbe West Philadelphia depot. lie had evidently been killed In passing nnder a bridge, as tha contusions upon bis person indicated. Tbe incident fur nishea a bint of pathoa when it la con sidotod how the aleepors In the car be neath and the sleeper upon tbe out side, so narrowly divided from on an other, were hurled along together In their midnight ride." A Vacarct. We notico that Prof. II. L, Raugher has resigned his Pro fessorship iu Pennsylvania College and accepted call to the Lutheran church at Omaha, Nebraska. This broad western field, so rich aod invit ing, baa feature that point to Prof. Baueber's disUnotion in it. lie must not be confined to the pulpil, however. Tha educational demands of tbo im. mens territory west of the Mississippi can hardly fail to call Into play just sach pluck and culture as h possesses, and tb right time will doubtless find it right man. iNTiitvuwxD. A representative of the Cincinnati Enquirer encountered Col. Hub Ingomoll the other evening, and oxtractcd tho following from him: "Colonel, who ia going to bo the nominoo of tho Chicago Convention f" "1 think lllaino will bo," answered tbe Colonel. Reporter How about (irnnt f Colonel Jngursoll I don't believo Grout will bo able to got the nomina tion. Reporter Wllltlie iJeiul) its mi p: port bim if he does? Colonel Ingorsoll Oh, yes. ltdon't matter bow much Republicans quarrel before tho nomination, thoy always kiss and make up after it, and are found working togothef unanimously for the nominee. Reporter You think, then, no mut ter who is nominated by tho Republi cans, they aro going to win ? Colonel Ingorsoll I don't know as to that. 1 think tho Democratic par ty just now bas tbo best (banco oi winning. You see, tho Democrats have 1D8 votes solid lrom tho South. That much tbey are sure of, and ii thoy run carry New York and Indiana they will havo 188 votes, thrco votos to spare. Besides those, thoro is a chance of their carrying Now Jersey or Connecticut, and perhaps Oregon or Nevada. You seo, there has been such an emigration from Norada to Lcailvillo anil other points in Colorado quite recently, tlmt there is no telling how tbeso Stales are going to go. Kven if the Democrats lost Indiana, ii they carried New Jersey and Con neclieut, they would still bo safe. Ingersoll is "a knowing man" and au enthusisstio Radical ol tho Blaine school, but be seems to doubt tho bold bis party friends have on tbo people. . Skvekal Goon Thinus. Tho llollo fonto Democrat throws out some ad vance Information ot this kind : "With Andrew II. Dill as Chairman of the Democratic State Committee several good things are assured. First of all, every Democrat in tho Statq will ro coivo lair and honorable treatment at his bands, which was not tho case un der his immediate predecessor. That will be ono good thing. In tho second place, it may be set down as a certain ty, that tho hall in which tho State Convention is held a year henco will not be packed in advance of tho as sembling of the delegates by a brutal gang oi ruffians, from the slums of Philadelphia, to act us door keepers, with untliority to insult and maltreat decent people, as was tho case ut 11 ur rishurg under bis immediate predeccs sor. This will be another good thing. In tho third place, there will bo no lightning calculators among tho Secre taries of the Convention to falsify the votes of delegates, us was also the case at Harrishurg under bis immediate predecessor. This will bo still another good thing. For all these good things Mr. Dill's honesty of purposo and in tegrity of character are an ample guarantee." A Plan Demauouui. Mr. Blaine's sole idea of statesmanship seems to be to array ono portion of the country against tho other. He bas occupied himanlf t)Rclunialjr with thin miaalnn for the past Ave or six years, and all bis energies have been devoted to tho tusk of rekindling the embers of sec tional bate. "We know of no opinion looking to the constructive work of government," says the New York A'tt (ion, commenting on this fact, "which be bas preached or with which he is identified. We know of no bill affect ing any grout publie interest which he has introduced, debated instructively, or amended, We do not know, and we do not belicvo anybody else knows, what bis views are about any of tho problems, such as currency, taxation, or administration, now pending or im pening. On none of these subjocts bas be rendered any aid in forming or moulding public opinion." In other words his sole claim to consideration at the hands of the Republican party is that bo is one of the most successful of the many "stalwart" demagogues produced by the war. A Great Calamity. Not since tbe great fire of 18-15, in Pittsburgh, bas any section of our State been so afflict ed wilb tbe fire fiend as the beautiful and wealthy borough ol Milton, in Northumberland connly, woll known to every Susquehanna raftsman. A fire broke out in the car-works, on Friday, tho 11th inst., during a very bigb ind, and tbo devouring element spread nntil 660 buildings wore in ashes. Nino of the ton churches are gone, all the hotels but one, tho two banks, and tho two printing offices, together with nearly all the business bouses. Tho loss will exceed two mill ions of dollars, about one lourtb of which is Insured. Tbe distress is re ported to bo very great, and it becomes the duty ot all who can, to assist thoso wbo met this sadden disaster. Our Ouvwwlw a,w, Iu tore, nag ttuallw an bad ; but the number of buildings was not near so great. Tbe poplatlon of Milton is over 3,000, four-filths of whom aro burned out of bouse and home, Us is a Queer Fellow. Tbe "in dependont voter" that the Philadelphia Timet ao constantly prates about, ia a creature of its own Imagination, and appears to be on without political or moral principle, wbo is wafted About at tb pleasure of bis mere whims, or puffed about by blast from doma gngues. He Is a voter fur barter, for compromise, and for selfish profit. Fortunately so tow exist that they are incapable of making an impression upon any ordinary scale. Tb Inde pendent voter in fact is ono who is faithful to political and moral convirj tion and bas the courage to uphold them on all proper occasions and to vole In strict accordance with them. Clinton Democrat. Tut Radical Pool. Of tho 756 delegates to tbe Chicago Convention thero bar already been chosen C50, wbo have been instructed aa follows Grant, 299 : Blaine, 230 ; Sbcrman, 68 Wasbbume, 13 ; Edmunds, 40; nece aary to choice, 379. - Delegates remain to be elected in Alabama, 20; CoVora do, 6; Dakota, 2; Illinois, 42; Louis iana, 16 .aMinrjcaota, 10; Nebraska, 6; Wyoming,); 108 In all. Independ ntly ol instructions, however, tbo del egalea elect are estimated to stand : Grant, 256; Blaloo,2M; Sherman, 90 Washburn. 13 ; F.mmunds, 32. POLITICAL "TAFFY." I THE FOUR MSHQPti Hero is a sample of tho very cheap-1 Oneol the duties Ol tbo General Con est method, adopted by somo. largo-1 feionoeof thoM.K.Churi h nowin ses sixod statesmen, for tho purpose of, sum at Cincinnati, was tho election of elaborating themselves on the iinprov cd nlan of dcmagnime. The follow, i ing telegram was sent thraugh the Associated Press, lor lliu pin p- enlightening tbo venliint : 'New York, May 111 Yesterday afternoon Speukor liandall, Mr. Will iam L. Seoll, of Krie, Pa., and Mr. Htrrry '.Vrilterson putd Mr. Tildcn a visit together, and remained with him suverul hours. Towards sunset Mr. Tildun and Mr. Watturson took a diive in Central Park. Tbe lew other visi tors wero denied admission to the Grunmi'cy Paik bouse on the plea that Mr. Tilden wus particularly on irngod. Speaker liandall arrived lrom Wushingtt.n in tbo morning and ro turned to-night. Mr. Wallemon was invisible al thu Kvorett House this eve ning, being fatigued Mr. Seoll had nut returned to the Fifth avenuo hotel at a lato hour. It was rumored at the Manhattan club this evening, where tho intorviow of Mr. Tilden's three truest aids with their chief socn be came known and was made tho topic of conversation, that Mr. Tilden, since iho Ohio Convention, had determined to prepare a loiter of withdrawal, with power ol attorney ol his Cincinnati delegates to iiamo tho delegate, and that William L. Scott was to hold thai power in blank. Failing lo find either Mr, Seott or Air. Wallvrson, Mr. Run dull found Col. Pelton nt tho Kvorett House. A dialogue lollowod. but noth ing could ha elioitotl fium Pelton." Dr. Walts must have bad tbo afore said in his ryo when he remarked: "lluw vain are all thing, bera below , How falaa and yal bew lair." Hkiiihu's Asskts. The assignees of. Putor llerdic lately sold a large amount of so culled assets, consisting of notes, checks, bonds, slocks, judgments, bills ol sale, certificates, book accounts, etc. Aside from tho book accounts, tho "aa. sets" offered for sale amounted to about $250,000. Thobook nceniintsamountod to something over $1,000,000 or more. Only some $1,500 was lealir.ed from Ibo million and a quarter dollars ot the bankrupt assets. Among tho lurger book account credits claimed by the assignee, and so sold, were tho follow ing: Lycoming Gob and Water Com pany. $11) 298 ; Rtimhright Ii Dorman, $78 498; G. W. Sands k Co., $:!7.1 10 ; William Stoddard, manager, 088,438 ; Susquehanna Boom Combany, $ 18 I37; Williamsport Passenger Railway. 820, 051; Cresont Nail ' Works $23 751; Knsworth estate, $11,172; Uolehkiss & Barber, $86,915 ; D. K. Hantx, $f2, 000, and numerous others of varying amounts. In somo instances tho bid ding was qnilo lively on a "fivo cent anlo" basis, and tho auctioneer's gavel and tonguo (lew fast as the amounts otlereu lor twentv" ana tiltv thousand dollar accounts run up to twenty orioi me t'rew ineoiogieui nemuiarv, a thirty cents by fivo cent bids. Tho , position which lie leaves for thu Kpis attendnnco was not so largo its it waslcopacy. Ho is theamhorof a number lively ; but thero was considerable in torest manifested in the sale. Mr. llerdic Was an interested spectator and one of tho liveliest bidders. This was ! an odd spectacle and ono thut caused considerable comment. It mny be qnocr lor a recently discharged bunk rupt to bo so active in purchuning his own assets, but it should bo remcm bered that this is a greut country. Another Pardon Oi traiir. Tho uto Postmaster of Chicago, General McArtbur, having been convicted of cmDOMling government lunds,has gone to Washington to got tho President to pardon him. Ho hasn't been sentenced yet, the Judge having a kindly dispo- . . , n . ,.. , .,nn.uU wllllnHnuau tu anlt nii.l see what tho President is going lo do about it. This Chicago P. M., while n offloo "spluiged" at Long Branch, Niugra Fulls, Whito Mountains, etc., itb the Grant gangs, and using tho Govornmont cash lor expenso money, now bo comes lorward for a pardon. Hayes will no doubt grunt il. Had McArthur stolen a ham to feed hungry ohildron, he would have been in tbo penitentiary two years ago. How moral ideas" do prevail in these ' ad dition, division and silence" times. Good News. A special correspond ent of the New York World bus por sonally seen and conferred with twon ty one of tho twenty six Democratic dclcgalos from tho State of Massachu setts lo the Cincinnati Convention, and findj only two of tho twenty one in favor of tho re-nomination of Mr. Til den. Eightcon out nf tho twenty one were for Bayard. If bo is nominated it is thought be will draw so heavily on the Republican strength in Massa chusetts as to put it from tho start among the doubtful States. It would be a rare joko on the Hoars, Dawes and Ben. Butler, if that Puritan Com monwealth would go Democratic. Radically Wrono. An exchange says: "lion, iiulustia A. drow Is en gaged in tho pleating task of dividing tbe Pennsylvania delegation to the Chicago Convention. He says twen ty -five men in tho delegation will not vote for Grant on any ballot. This looks bad lor tbo third-termers, as thoy cannot nominate Grant without a solid delegation lrom Pennsylvania." Il Ga- lusha don't look out ho will knock his political horns off so effectively that bo will nover reach the Senate while there Is a Cameron around, Aaa 1) - . (J Ha rrinlmrg Telegraph calls attention to tho distressed fact that "Iho millions of colored pcoplo in the South have no representation in thu forty-sixth Con gross." The colored penplo of the North aro equally bail ofT. Under the circumstances our esteemed Harris burg contemporary wilt be delighted with the movement now developing to make Senator Utuce the candidate for Vice President on tho Grant ticket. Gir6on Democrat. WAHTgn. An apnllcaat for tha Vica Preti daney. Like a. nat though, there era a lot af to- tired atateetneu etending roond boning lightaing in that direction may atrikn them. aafiega'oa tflaaa. Why don't you tako ono ol those eminent "colored brethren" Fred Douglass, or Sonstor Bruce, and, for once, show tho negro that you want to be bonest with bim? Sambo bas not forgotton the Bureau business and tb Freedmnn's Bank robbery by his whito friends! Deal fairly with tho gentleman from Africa and quit fool ing bim. Gone Over. We notice that Sena tor Bruce, the only colored member in the United States Senate, is a Sher man man, it seems. This rather in terlercs with the moroment of the col orcd people to get Senator Bruco nnm inatcd for Vice President on the ticket with Grant, However, a ticket com posed of Sherman and Bruce would do. Tb coining Presidential campaign will b tb longest as woll as the hot test vor known. It will be opened In June and continued until November, four Bishops. This took place on' Weil uesJuy, tbo 12th inst 1 no slate was blocked out" for a colored and a Ger. man Bishop, but the votes did nut tally in that way. They are all Yunkoc.., us follows : Ileniy W. Warren is u native ul Massachusetts and graduate of the Wcsloyun I'tiverail.V ut Micldleton. Connecticut. JU took his degree in lHall ; taught 11, o classics in H' libra hum Sennnui'v for two veins, and then joined tho-Now Knglund Conk-renco. At lliu timo of bis ek-clion bu wus pas lor ol tho Arch Street Church, Plnln delphiu, ami member ol lliu Philadel phia Coiilerunee. lie Inn long been a prolific writer lor church uud inker periodic-ills, umt is author of a volume uiving u record of extended travel in Europe, lie is also a writur on asiron oiuy, und frequently lectured on linn subject, some ot hi laical lectures be nig delivered in this nily. He is in the prime ot life. II is brother, President ,ol the Boston University, is like him- sell, ilislinguisbed tor seiiolaily uttuin inenls. t Cyrus D. Foss, D. U-, is by birth a New Votker, and like Warren, a grud uuto of Wcsleyan University, Huinlimg bis studies llivru one year later than Warren. Ho ulso spent two s a teacher uller gruiiuuling, serving in the Seminary in Atnenia, New York In 1857 be entered lliu ministry and filled various siaiion until 1373, when bo was chosen Pruaidem ol bis Alma Mater. Tho iinidiuimi bus been very prosperous under bis admiiiinlraliou, us thu inlluciioe of llr. Foss was full everywhere in tho denomination, and attracted not only students, but finan cial aid to it. Ho is one of the fiixml orutors ol tie day, with u strong con stitution and high ambition to leaVe the world boltur than he found it. John F. Hurst, I). I)., is a nutivo ol Mary land, and of the same ago as Dr. Foss, both born in 1831. Alter leav ing college, he also tuught tho anciont languages for a couple ot years, in lied ding Institute, New York. Ho ihen went to Germany and studied llieology al the Universities of Hullu und Held elberg, and ri turning to this country in IH.iH, entered thu Newark Coutei onco. A Tier a period spent in the itinerancy, he wus uiadu principal ol Iho thoologicttl department ot thu Mis sion lnslitutoof the Melhodixt Church at Bremen, Germany, During bis charge this instit'ii ion was removed lo Fraiikforl-nn-tlie Main, anil renamed the M ui tin Itililieal Institution. Iu this position ho remained three year.", and tvhilo there traveled extensively in all parts ot hurnpe. Ho returned to America in 181, and became Professor of Historical Theology in the I)re T beologiesl Institution at Madison, N J. In 1 873 he was eiiosen President of theological works and tho e iiior ot others. K. O. Haven, D. D.. is a native of Boston, born iu 1820. und it graduate ot Wcsleyan University. lie was two years a teacher, and then entitled the ministry, iu IS 18. in which bo remained until 1H53, when ho accepted a posi tion in tho University of Michigan, tilling successively the .professorships of I. ulin and that of Rhetoric and Ku ghsh I.iieruturo He nasehnted cdi ",r ,"' 5 " "", in .u '.,., p.,..,,.,. ' . Michigan University. In 180'J ho was elected Presidenl of tho Northwestern University at Kvanstou, III., in which ' """'"ined lliroo years lie was two vears hecrctary ol tho Bosrd ot i.,ln. ,.u0!1 ,, ll0 rfalhodisl CUUreD. anil la now performing tho duties of that office ; nnd in 1870 was niado Chun eellor of Syracuse University, which position he filled when elected Bishop. Ir Haven bus been a meinbol of five General Conferences. In all bo bus been prominent. He wus Chairman of tho Committee which provided for the introduction ol lay delegation in tho General Conference, and the Bishops appointed him fratornul dclcgu'e lo tbe f.nglish and Irish Wcsleyan Cbnrcb. The Coniiressional Text. To bay onets at tin polls. Ao ffjf onfA for jurors. ivo pay from the treasury for repeat ers disguised as Deputy Marshals. This it tiht voice of the people ex pressed by their faithful representatives in Congress. Rude Mar I The Phil'a Chronicle, strikes out from the shoulder in this way : "Tho Pennsylvania Republicans can't conscientiously support it third term after refusing to allow Kcmble to serve a single one." Thky Have It. Tbo Hill's Hollcw (Nevada) Reporter, requests Colonel Ingorsoll to oomo out thero and seo it lor hiinsulf, and thereby euro liitnsell ol a part of bis Paganism. Tho Now York Times cattle repor ter is a Miss Morgan, an estimable lady, six feet two inches high, and is said to bo tbo best Judgo of rattle in the Statq of Now York. With the presuut term of Congress my official lilo terminates. President Grants Annual Message, to Congress, December 6, 1876 Correct. gfpl dfvrtisftnfntj. SherilTs Sale. 1)Y virtue of writ, of fi. 'a., la. I 1 oat nf the fonrt of Common Plena of Cloar field county, and to ma directed, there will be lnthe borough af Clearfeld, oat Wrdiietda) . Juu u, Irlrlll, At I o'clock, P. .M., Ika following daacrtbed rail aetata, lo wit : All Defendant', latere.! In n oeruin tract or piece of land, aituata In Hell townabip, Clearfield noantv, Pa beginning at a rock oak on aub df via. Ion Una nf tiaet No. s,7SS t thoaiwi liy ..Id tin. .natb 87 degree, eaat 107 S 10 perche. to n poat ; tbenre north 2 degrae. -net IG.7 perche. to a po.t on tract line nl TV.,. tt,7M t ihenno north S.I d. grace, 40 weal 11)7 a It to a port- thence anuih 2 di-grrea wcat 170 2 IS peroho. tn rook oak aad p'ace of hrginmng.eiiatalaing lutaorc. an-l allaw ance, and known aa tract No. 17 In aub.dlvlaioa of Na e,l fin.hevit g about 2a aerea rlearod.with email plank bona, and ronna Ing barn thereon erected Hi-lied, ia eirautioa, and lo he. old al tbe property of Henry W. Kori. ALSO, All Ihe right, title) and intern! of Defendant. in all that certain tract or piece of lan I eiiuele tu Lawrence townabip, Clearnell flu , ra., boun ded and described aa follow, t llcglonlng at a poal earner and Una of a HO-root etreet and 4S teal aart from eeelra of the Tyronn A t'Marfinld Railroad; lhnee Rnnth 154 fel 10 pnat corner Ibi-nee oa.t II.') feet to poet corner thence north IM feet to .aid St fent .tract; thrn beginning al a poet earner ol other .Ida oi at rent , thence north IS.v fret lo ptat t' t thenoe by 1 yrona A Clear, field Hal road aonth l7 fret to peat oornar at SO. foot alrcct before mentioned, and having therenn ereeted a brewery. I!i2g feat, 1 1 atorlee high, with oe'lar aod beer vault: alaoniwa-atory frame bou.., 3b by 40 fret, with atone bnacmenti nleo a frame .table, is by 21 feet, lea boitae, and other nnt- hulldlnf. thereon. A 1.141). All tba light, title and Inlrraal of Defendant in floe other lot or piece ot ground rl.uala In lb. vinaga at mil.dale, Lewreace townahip. moor, field eounty, Pa., bounded aad described na, fol ow. i Bounded onlhcwaal by an alley, on tha ut rtn by Drown .tr.i, on the eaat by spring elieel, on tha aonth hyOwenl road, oentaietngl ol aa acra. na bulldinga thereon. Soiled, taken In eiccutloe and to bo lld na tba prt-pcrty of Cbarlea Sbafer. Te or Paui. Tbe price or lura al which 4ha property ahull ba itrnck off mo.t ba paid al tba tlmo of eale, or aaeb other arrnngwenenu made ai win ha approved, ntberwlae tba proper ly will na Immediately nut so and aold again at tha atpenaa aad rl.h af tho pereo to whom II wna ttruaR ofl, aud who, la oaeo of dooeteaev nt anak ra-aala, .hall make good tha noma, und la no Inatenoe will tho Dead bo are Boated In Oeart for oontrmatlon nnleea tha eveney la aotwally pain to too naonw. jaa. MAuartav, Haaatrr i Orrtcg, I Sharif. Clears. Id. Fn May n, I sir, I ftc (U'tftlsfiufnts. Orplum' Court Nale -or "V vlrlua of an nrder of th. Orphan.' Oonrt 1) urCua- Bi-ld itouoiv. ibo nndnral (nod A lrnla ixratnr of lb. aatala of P II 1 1. N HUH SMITH lata ol l.awrrnca townabip, Claarltald auotr. Pa , door.aaj, will aa'l nt publln nut-ora to tho hid ibaCOI RT Hot -JK, In inn UOROUIII of CLK tRFIKLD, on TiiPRilny, Juno Slli, lp), Al a O'CLOCK I. M., Tlta following daaoriuad raalattata .In NO. 1. Bounded North by land ot Tlt'ioi.) Mofb. r.n. Raat anil Knutb br townabip ruad l.aditig Irnin Uigl.r'a faria lo MoPharaon'. mill, and on Iba Wrat by land of J. Linn Mol'bor .on, aortainlng about Iwa aora., mora or Ir-aa, of animpr'irril lau l. ITo. 2. Buiinilod North by township romi Ira-img from Rlglor. tarro to MoPbarann a mill and ha land of gab Lawhra.l, on tha Kaat y land ot I. M. Hlara, on tha Hoath bv olbar land of P. Smith, daoaaaod, and on tha Wort tt townabip roaJ loading from tha O xtdfaltnw hrnlga in klofbrnt-'n. mill, bf land of Win. ltadob.ugh. Jr., and land of J. Lion MoPharann, aontainlng lurlr-aiglit aero., ninra or k..,and hnvlugalarga amount of btuilook and wblia pioo timbar llicreoa. XTo. 3. Bounded Norlli by land ot M . .-"age, Eatt bj land of rl (Invrrnnr Big lor, John Powell, lluitoo tluHeb aud Jobd Mad dry, on Iba 8uth by Jbn Maildoy and tho Hua qu.banoa rlrrr, and tha Waal by towtianip road loading lrom Iba llo-idiallow brldga lo Mofhar aon'a will, containing IDS acre, and 27 parallel, and having about live aeri-a ek-arrd, wtlh a .mall dwelling hioire aud good aw null, picket mill, and lulb mil', all lo good running order. Iba halitn-a of thj land Ii ooverrd with bt mloi-k abd ntber timber. T Kit. VS. One third e.ah, and iba reaiilue In two riual annual p.vnienla, wilb inlareet, lo h. aeured by judgment oona. A. V. iaic, Adtn'r of Katnte of P. Htuitb, Jcn'd. ( learleld. Pa , M,y 12, Hri0-4l. NOT AT I hi -a--a. BUT AT H. LEHMAN &C0.S Store, ROOM NUMBER TWO, Pic's Opera House, CLEARFIELD, PA., Wbert n t,ntimLn Co litre rapenct rrj Urge ntncfc or lb .ittft tod btt KylM of DRY goods, Fancy Goods, MILLINERY GOODS, AND A FULL ASSORTMENT OF laiiics', Hisses' & CMldica's Of all atyli't, now in tbe market. Call in peraoD, or eddreM H. LEHMAN 4 CO. ClearfieU, Pa., March 17, 184-tf. Ayer's Hair Vigor, FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. It Is a moit agracabla dressing, which Ii at oncn harmle&a and cffRctnal, (or pre serving tho hair. It restores, with Hie gloit and freshness of youth, faded or gray, light, aud red hair, to a rich brown, or ilcvp black, at may ba desired. By its uat thin hair It thickened, and baldoeas often though not always cured. It checks falling of the hair Immediately, and causes a new growth In all esses where Ui fhwrii are not decayed; while to brushy, weak, or otherwise diseased hair. It imparts vitality and slrrngtu, and renders It plitble. The Vinou cleanse! the scalp, cures and prevent! (lie formation of dandruff; and, by lis cooling, stimulating, and RooUiIng properties, It healt most If not all of tha humortand diseases peculiar to the sculp, keeping It cool, clean, and soft, under which conditions diseases of the scalp and hair are Impossible. Ao a Dressing for Ladies Hair, . The Viouu Is Incomparable, It Is color less, contains neither oil nor dye, and will not toll whits cambric. Il Imparls an agreeable and luting perfume, and at an article for the toilet it it economical and unsurpassed In 111 excellence. rRRTAllRO ST Dr. J. CATER. & CO., Lowell, Bass., l-ractlout and Analytical Crieml.ta. BOLD BY ALL DIUKIOIBTR EVERY VTHKHR. THE BEST REMEDY Diseases o( tbe Throat ni hm ' Iv-MM-a of the pulmo. ' 9 Y IT Po nary ortmna aro ao rm-v- H'llb tMltl I MUM, UIM aaio and ruliahbirtMiM'tly for ihnia la Invaluable to vrv eotntiiunity. ATUt'l ClirHHV FkO tciral ii mich a n'ln.Hlv, and bo oUier an rmi. nently inert la tho cuntt denco of Uie pa bile. It In a orient ittc comblna tion nl tha nmltrinai nhnctnloa wid cumtivo vlrtuoo tif tha flnrst drug, ehtnlbnal)ta unit ed, to tauiura th grcaU Mat nnulltlM ItlTtr-UrM'tJ rECTORAL. wnilomilty of re. lihyMrlana a wn an Invalida to um It with couHdenc,. It la tho moat rrltaltto nunc-1 y fur dtveiwM of tbf throat and hutgw Utat acf rmnfl hi proditml. It atrlkna at Um foun dation of all pulmonary dUnaaoa, affonlinf prrnnpt and onrtaUn relief, and ta adajtd to patjonta of any airo or ciiUisr anx. B'lng; very najatahrn, Um ywingn-it chlldrfn t&kn It without dlrtjty. In U UMtmnnt of ordinary ugba, Ool da, Horw Throat, iron oh 111 tiiua, inn Influeinma. ('lorxyinnn't Horw Throat, Aaihmra CYoaiPi and ttnrrh, Um otYorbi of At an 'a CmtBar Pno Ttuub aro ma.A!, and mutuuiuoa ara an ttunlly prmorvM from aerloua lllnrwa hr Iu tlinnly and faiUifal iiaaj. It ahoutd hd kont al hilnd In ovoa-y lwuarhold for tha pru tjvtion it afforda la atifldnn attrvk. In WhooplnK-ooiiarli and (naumatia them U ao othwr romedy ao adttoaotoos. nouUiing. aud bolpfui. Tho -Tiarer-lloana Willi orhk-h Aral CHKiutv PstrruRAL aaai ffoctaxl nil orcar tit world are a RwAtt-irnt guaranty tliat II will mnUnttn tn prorlttro tho bcM reanlUl. A a Imnttrtlnl trial will noftvlnno tbo wtnet one ao rtal tu! It wonilarfnl curative power., an wnil na nf IU nnperlcttity ovw all olbcii propam tionn lug Hilmonary ooenplajnto. Emlrmnt nmyaaVtans In all rvartn of tka rrHltitry, knenainc Its tvravtpramioa, rnriov- 1 AVI raw-. Cetaautv P-ar-nioiA L It) lurnjia. ami praacriba It la tkcdr aaacttoa. Tkai tant of half a oootvry baa proverl Ns nlaaoluta) Certain to cure all iMilttKinary coanrdainjat at airaauly baynnd tbo) ranch ot Utmaa) aid. PrepartxJ by Or. al. C. Ayr fc Co., rrwotloaj asat Awaanleal nmsM, - Lo-arsd, Mnaa, otn tv ait Dauoetm g.RwvwRtsa. ANOTHER STRIKE &lcw Saflt'crtiSfrafttH. Police lo Hi Irs! lit Iba inatler af tha Fa-) la the Orphan-' CoBrt tateof John Hancock. J of Ovarii. Id County, drceaard. j Henna. To Sir.. Mary llano ek (wldew), II B. Nenoock, J.K. Hancock, I W. ilaoaoak, Jobn Hannnck aad 8ui-th V. Wilaon, bia Guardian ad fitaia, Margaret Ann Paa.luorean-1 Harvey Paaemore, her buabaud, Mary Ball rnllinglon and A. I.. FolliliKlkn.her buabatid.HanOHb II. Mrl'uriaoo aad Jobn H Mc-Phrr. ,n, brr hu-b.nd, oil-a Bruton and H. V. Ilrbton, her buaband, Ruaan hl.ntun and William Ni.rton, bar buaband, ll.nnab McPberaon anil Jobn H. McPhoreon, net nuao.uu. a .1 woo ... ra. to o. Biantoo and William .....on, b.r b..b..d,- j T.ka Noilca,lbet at an i rpbana' Court bald at kaineld, In and f..r aaid c only, on tha Ism CI. dv of Maiob. A D. ISM, a Hula ai granted, whereby )OU and aach of you are couuiaudcd lo to aod appmr at an Orpbau.' Court tu ba bold at Clrarttelil, to aud f-.r .aid couuty, on tbe FIH-T MONDAY OF JUNK MiXI, at 2 o'clock P M., tbrre aid theu to or tbe real aatala of ihe .aid Jobn llanaook, late of Pika townabip, deceaaed, at Iba valuation thereof, aad in oaae you tfglect or reluaa to lake the value to show oauae il any you bavewby tbe Mttte.bould not ha aold accord, ug to law. JAMK8 MAI1AFFRY, KhcrUT'. OBoa, I Kberlf. t'l.arflfld, Pa., May 4. l8S(l-t JJOHKT PHH I.AMATION. Wrriira., Hon. O. A. MATER, Pre.ldent Judge of tba Court of Common Plea, ol the Twenty-fifth Judicial Diatrlot, eompoa.d of tbe couutlea of Clenilletd, Centra and Clinton aad Hon. AaaAM lianas and Hon. Vircrrv B. Holt, Ai.oclato Jodgea of Clearfield eounty hava leaned their precept, to ma directed, for tha holding of n Oourt of Common Plaac, Orphan.' Court, Court of Quarter Be.alon., Court of Oyer and Terminer, und Court of OeneralJall Deliv ery, at tbe Court Home at Clearfield, in and fortba eounty of Clearfield, aommeoclng on the Ptret Muuduy, the 7ta day ol Juue, Irtrttl, and tu oonlinuo ooa week. HOT ICU IS, . VW .1. .... . 4 Coroner, Juaticua oltha Peace, and Con.table., in and for .aid oonnty of Clearfield, to appear In their proper poreona, with tbalr Record., Roll., Inu,uittiun, baamineltoai, and other Kemem brancee, to do thoae thing, which to thetrofliooa, and In their babalf, pertain to ba dona. Uy aa Act of Aaaombly, paired tba Sib day of Slay, A. I), lib., it ia made the duly or tbe due- lice, of tbe Pcaea of tha several eonntiaa uf lliia Commonwealth, U return to tbe Clerk of the Court of Quarter Keaaiun. of tha reaiieollve oounlie., all the recognisance, entered into before tbem by any paraoa or peruana charged with tbe eommiuioa of any crime, aieept aueh aaaaa a. may ba ended before n Juatlna of tho Peace, nn der exlating lawa, at Icaat ten day. befor. tha oommenoameot of tho aanton of tba Court to wbleb they ara made returnable reepectlvely,and In all aaae. where Roy vcoogoitanoe. ara entered Into leu than tan day. before tbe oomineoeeuieut of tbo aeaelou to whicb tbey aro made returna ble, tha .aid Ju.ticea are to return the name in the acme manner aa if laid aot had not boon paaacd. UIVK.V andar nay band at Clearfield, tbli Hit day of April, la tba year uf onr Lord, ooa ihouaand algbt boadred and eirhty. apr2l to JAMES MAUAFKKY, Sheriff. The Ldiiig, h Cheapest, THE BEST Boot and Shoe, Hat and Gap Store IN CLEARFIELD COUNTY I (be ent in tfa OPERA HOUSE, KEPT BY G.C.&T.W. M00RE, We bavc jntt r'tirJ onr Sjria m4 tiumncr loi'k, which, buTinfr bcn purnbttl tiHi.rt lbs rlvtno, c. b told tvt th "il) 1'hICB. CtllftndM. lUid tb ftbr taper good iu our llDe.wt kp BOOTS, FINE SHOES, Perkins Boots mid Shoes CLAFLIN'S SHOES, STETSON'S HATS AND THK OBNIUNK TAYLOR MACKINAW HAT, Which are our ipecUltfa. We alao have a foil hn of ti KNTa HCaMM KK CMtKKH'KAK. Alt tbe ltal aoveitie in NKCK WEAR WW a a eall and b aatiified, C.KO. C.aVTOM W.MtMlRU CUarfleU, Pa, April U. 1810 6m. AUIHTOHtM HTATEMENT.Ai, aot of J. 0. Whlcehtll. Treaaarerof tb borouah landoftha borongh of ClearBeld. Pa . for tbe yr ending A pi II li, 1H0: DR. To balaneo of Duplicate af lHTi, IS, SI ill 10 H 77 41.1 tu t.tlt J M 88 To 17 To To ' To amount of ' To amoant balanoe.. ' 1J7 , I7S , ltl... Total ., M,:w at CRl y am 'I duo Tceea'r tt but .cltkment . lit So HV am t paid aa follow. : William Dorvltt....H....H.., II. W. Smith, Auditor 34 tt 4 INl I M) t 00 I M 1 ill 71 74 It 10 37 Wl 4 40 I M I W I 60 I so IS 4 Al 41 at s .. V. Wllaon, Auditor J. 0. Wbitohlll B. P. Bi.kel. W A. Ogdcn Wm. T. Wilaon, work, etc.. Daniel Connolly. Jemcl Pendegraat..H...HHI Rdward II III Jneapb Yotbera Henra Pord. .... . -r- Jobn Hulllbon...., John McCiellea Cnlvln alvar. Patrick Herbert.. Tim llennaayM Kicbard rbirR ... ...... P. A dentin Alfred Shirk Wm. lloflmea ,.M .... W. C. Foley Thome. Bcllly Horn Heed Wm. Powell..... R. A Dlgler Clears. lo Una Light Co , ga. Rod light. ing lamp, H ri.arteld Uaa Light Co., (a Wm. R. Dron, work, eU C Laipoldt H T. J. lloyer Thorn.. Dougherty.. W. Kndrvaa.... ...... Jobn hchieller Jobn Hemphill John Livincaton Jobn W. ribugarta S. J. Row A Hon Clrarleld fire Brlch Co Lewi. Unlet ..... tleorge H. Young H.,.H Ororge B. Ooodland-r. M Claud Welch J. Frank, erect lampa, freight, gla.. aad repair. J. Prank Powell, duplicate and paetaga. J. Prank Powell, aalary aj SeereLry.,.. J Al (Irani John r-bort .m..m.... tleorge Tborn n. B Powell Jonn Kmgle, ar- M,H...H HH M II. Brown Bra..... II Maraball A. M. Flack, repairiag etraat lampa Jaoob MooroH t..M. Cera. 4w,n. ...... W. V: Wright W. W. Worrell John Barclay W. Halt John atoNemara W. J. Hemphill, Ui. Robert Mitchell Frank Mebermot K M. MaOnUonk, llgbllag.gaa lampi. J. I. Paid eo J. W. Batik', judgment....... I aaapoaa, tt tt eueh aanpoa. aach I It I so I it i bl II II 4 eo ' U 1 00 IIS 40 tt OO IM 00 !7 4c A Ml 1 60 4 M I 4 40 4 all i i I on si II I I 40 14 00 I M 7i 7 15 tl 11 to I .It I 14 II IS 4 II si oo I tu l it I It I tt 4 I tt t II It 01 t ot II it I et 14 7i ? II it 74 441 tl 1.1 N Rebate of t per oeut. on 11,411.1,, Jt daya ool lection... Perron toga. por oeat on paid alur W daya. : Percentage, per aant, on 74t 14, ool- baclad on duplicate of IS7I Parorntaga, It owr oanL oa 14.4 aet- laauad on domllanu of 1 S7I rteteaooef daplibata af ISIS ia bead. ot oetkraiov John MaVlallaa Balanoaof daplleataof HIS ba beads ofoollectev Whilakill Raleaoeordopllealeef II7S nnaal eatad lioe.rattea aa daplleeia af 1177 " " III!.. Prratlag and atatloajorv.. 71 II I II It II I 44 110 II II II 3li It I 14 IT 14 I 01 Trvei. Paroaalaga, I par eeeL oa II, - efl Total. -ti.m m Wc, Ika amdaralgood beroua-h Auditor,, kavlaa eiemtaoel tba foregoing aooouot of tko Irietriat Trraawror, and oomparwd tbo veoekera, ind tba oaaat oat reel, aad aorl!f that tkorn la 4m Ike Tveeaarer, 4 . 4J. allekiU, froa Ika bevungt, fund a aaJaaroclfK al. JAC BA0RRTT, SMITH V.WILSOIf, ... . . Andltara. may lata, man.,,. Jlfw drrrttarmruts. gUSQUEHANNA HOUSB, OURWZNSVILLE, PENN'A. tirThi. old and wall e.lublltbed lintel h neew lea or toe woo",, -, au-i uw uw- udet.t al rendrilng ealiefaolloo In wbo may patronlaa him tiood atabilng anaoned. . LEWIS 0. 1ILVU.U, Proptalor. ' April II, 'M-tf SpringlSmnnier Millincry!i CratMRRR A0 TRR PCB.Ie 4T LaROR I f-'; ''J''" "S. I"' 1 ."'X ii lnf ,,,!, i ,,u .imui, ,,y ,h.i I ,.n now , ltom, benefit of toy advanuae. in buying, atylei aad prirea tbrei gbnut tbe nilr ecaaoa. Mt$. T, K. W4idUfl. Cleirfleld, Pa t April 1. 18Hi Ha. COVUT I H ( (' L A M A Tl O N W ti a h rah, lloa. C. A. MAY hH. I' Judge of lb Court of foBBinoa Plaa of twnnlf Iftb Judielal Uiatrlat, onwipoaed of the eouniiel of Ukarneld, tenlr and Clinton, and ifon. A an am On i km and Hob. V merit 8. Holt, Aaoea'e Judgta uf i lea i Arid county, hx t Isiued (heir prcti()t. lo ma direeied, for tb holding or a Court of Common Plea, at tb Coort Hons-, at Clear field, io and for tb tounty if Oieapflol t. arnn tue'ieingon tha fourth loHdayof May, 1hMI, being lha it-ltli day of tti moutu and oa tinui g two wveka. NOTICE ta therefore hereby glr.l tn Juror and witnearea, la and furFaid ooumy of C earfivld lo b and appear ia tbeir pro-pur peraoaa, at 10 o'nlook A. M. of tald day, to do thorn tbittga whlrb In lklr bohair pertain to b done. UIVKN ndr my band at CUarlield, thi 3 I'd day oi April, In tb your of our Lord one ilnu- Mt.d eight bund red and eiphty. JAMK-. MAI1APFKV, Hheriff. apr2S tc. SherilT's Sale. 1)Y rlrtoe of writ of Lrri Vioa lamed J J out ol tbe Court ol Com mo n Plea of Clean tn-ld count, P., end to me directed, there will I or piere of lend v.tnat ia Peon townabip, "lnr. he ex poind to 11 HLIO BAI.K, at lb Court fif 1.1 county. 1'a , bounded and daaeribed aa fol II uu, in lb borough nfCUatneld, i'n., on Iowa i Hrnlnclrg nt n poat eorner, kaowa aa tb frlday. May 8let. Im. j "Hagcrly place" ; ibtrceaouth 2 dagreciweat l.t prrchoa ta a poat : thene anrth 87 degreei At 1 oVl"tili P. M , the folhwlnf dfucribrd rtal . w't 104 ptrebca to a pott, eorner of Tbocaea oaUte, to wit t j Wall Und ; thenne by aauie north 1 dtgreai eatt AH iheriglit; t.ll nod iutcreat nf Defendant Sfl Phri ti. a bemlork j ihrnr Berth H7 dgreei in all that otrtaia building, a one .lory tram ; ' !'cLf to a b mloek ; thenoe north 3 da. barn, located on lot or piwt of gront-d atlu.te in r',, "t'7 l'" Pi. of the Dreatur townabip, CUar fi.l I Ouiio.y, P., being I Hngrly place ) thoiw by aeiue o'b 87 degree part of a larger tract of lend eon r.aiaior tl area. in ii re or laet, aaid ba tiding being 41) tent in widtt nnd 40 feet in length, with a baeuiet at able uu der tbe weat nd of tb barn. . Set led, taken in leant ion, and to be fold tb property of Andrew Kopbart, owovr, and I Jatnea ltloooi, oon tractor, j ALSO, . AH tbe right, tlte and lntrat of Ufcudni In a cerium two aloiy frame dwelling bouae, l teet wide, 28 feet ."Off, and IT feet high, loeated on a 1 lot or ptec ofgrouud ituau- in Decatur K'WtiKkip, , Clcar&eid froocty, Pa., partoi a larger tract w here- j on Ar.drew hiepbart Bow Uvea. iSfitod, takua lo execution aod to bo a U a tbe property of Andrew Kepburt,ownr, or reputed i owner. ALSO, I AU tbe iutereal or Defendant ia all that errtein l m.J twntii road north 23 drgreea went 2 p-r-lot or pi-- ot ground i(uaU ia tb borouitli of clip to a p il ; ibenea north o-s, at 34 perche Cnrwenaviil. tlearflld mmnty. Pa., bounded ' lo a pnl on nrtginal line of eiirvey ; thence along and described a follow, w : On the east h ' rrttuc north ill Uegreea neat 7V perrb, more or Filbert afreet, on the wt by lot Iwlonging to tb , iana, to thu pUca of beginning, eon tainiog 7 ettat of 11. P. Tboupaoa, dee'd, on tb north by acrea and Wl iierche. more r ,, n-wrlf a I af i Htale Ptreet, and on tha touib by an alley, ha- ing a rront ot o rpi oa Biaie a i reel ana a uepiD ; tog bouae, log hern, wagon abetl and other ont 1 of ISO ial on Piltwrt etroer. and known in the i handm. I plan of tald borough aa lot No V. i Heired, tnhen in excoulion and to btold a tba proper!) of Jobn Irvin and Win. P. Chamber. ALSO, All tha riabl, tilt and in tercet f befttndant is lb at certain lutul ground lying in Oovingt townabip, CUarnald ouauiy, Pa., containing tm acre and twelve and one-half perch, bimnded and described a fiillows, rii : llegioning at a pott eorner uf tbe MiUaburg nd timtlkport tarn pike road : thenoe along road weat 36 perche to apoat; Ihcno aou'b IV prehl to poat i thecfl elong tonnhbip rondnrtb ftj dugreea uat 4b per cfae to place of beginning, U being part of a larger tract granted and oonveyad by Peter A. Kanhaie, jr , of the eily f lUllituore, Md , to Mary K. hily, af aaid eounty of Clearfield, Pa. Bnied, taken in icoutlon aod to be auld a tn propert- nf W. .S. UilliUad and Uforge lltcken doru. ALSO, By a writ of iVro Faria: thir wi'l b acid at lb earn tiui and place tb following ; All the Defendatt'l right title and lotereit In tho two ecrtaia lot of ground lo th vil'a;) nf Trout till, Oeerfeld eotialy, Pa,th one bound ed and deacribet aa follow : Bonn. led on th eaat and north by Und nf Jeoob KuoU, on the weft by i-t No XI, and oo tha tth hy Caroline tract, "and knowa In plan of aaid vilUg a lot No. 31, and having thereon orooied afraw dwell. feE: table and otner ouibuti'itngi. unded on ihe eaat by ao allev, VI Dr. . lafUICt, mi III aara,t by an alley, and on tb north by Caroline treet. and known in plea of aaid village aj lot No, 5, and baring tbereou erected n larg. ,b,P anil other ombaildiag. rVi.ed,t..o lo ai.culion. and lo be wld a. tbe property of William Kindorinno. Trrhr or Salr. Tha prle or sum at wbicb tba property aball ba atroek off mo.t ba paid at tba time of aala. or ancb oi bar arrangemanta made ai will be approved, otborwiie tbe property will ba Immediately pnt np and aold agaio at tba aipenaa and ri.k of tbo poreeo to whom it waa . track 00, and wbo, in on., of defioienoy at auok re.aala, .ball make good tbo aame, end In no inatenoe will tba Dead ba pre.ented in Court for conftrmnUoa nnleaa tho money I. actually paid tn iba bherlf. JAM. UAUAPPKY, BRRRirr'a OrrtcR, I Sheriff. C1e.rt.ld. Pa.. April lit, IS 80. I AI DITtlRSt HTATKSIENT of tbe Inan ce. of LAWHKNCH lUWKoUlr. lrom Juue, IS7S, to April I4lb, ISSS : 1. OODRV, niRTRlCt TRRABHRRR, IR ACCOritV WITH TRR ROOD ARB POUR VCD. ROAD FUND. DR. To amt received from Tree.nrer 0wena..$l ,4?t to Tointereat 27 to To am't of Ueerge llolleb l.fins 14 Inam'tnfM h Kranl-r duplicate To am't of A. O. bawbaad rtupliaate Ta am't of Jamel Brown duplicate - nr. aj 111114 il i la ami of naweraed tea raoaivod by Lawboad Il II Total Road fund. ..1.017 71 CR. By am'l ticorga tlnllck orders far aervl- aai a oemmar Randiei, By am't A. Y. Mooro eider for aarvlcci, By am't M. S. Kramer ' " " By am i A.U Uwbvad " By am't Jamee Brown Hy am i Iaaiah Bloom " " ' By am't Jobn Whaling, for work and daraagaa . By am't paid Auditor! and Clerk... By am't S par cam on till . 77. By am't Road tag worked out nadar tl. tlullch... By am't Usee unworked by tluliob Hy am't eioooratioae allowed Uuliob... By am't Road tax worked out nbder M.H. Kramer .....,... By am't tale, unworked by Kramer By am't cxooeraiiuoa allowed Kramer... Uy am'l Road tai worked out uudcr A.U Laabead By am't back tai worked out undvr Law. bead By am', tale, unworked ny L.wbeatl... By am't eiouerettona allowed Lawbead. By am't Road tax worked out under Jaa. Brown By am'l exoeeralmne allowed Brown... By .m't balance in Traaaurer'l banda... I US 71 II 00 Oil 00 104 00 110 00 i in II 10 11 41 1,1'H SI 10 41 11 Ii 4IS 94 4i 40 4 Oi 771 SI it II 10 10 I ti lit II 4 il 841 31 Total Road fun J 14,111 1 1 Amount un.eatd tax werkod, a. fallowat Mote. ta. Krau Mil RO - WVUIgV VOUCH Albert U. Lawbead.. Jamee Brown - a va It I 00 II UU POOR FUND. DR. To am't of balanoe received free. Treas urer Owonl. 4S 83 To am't at duplicate lor ltlil 1,414 II To am't from Chew, by Kramer 41 lit To am't fram Dad, b, l.rael Te.t bt 00 Toaiu't f om Pn townabip Ill tu To nm't received from Joei pk tlweal... 7cl 41 Tc am'l melted from N. I ul Total Tour tax 1I HI o CR. By nm't paid for boarding paupers...... till 41 By am't paid far eletbiog not groceries. IHI 49 Hy ameual paid Ilea villa A.v into, 311 II By am'l paid Waodward tewa.bip lev Hn Delea...... Ill II By am i noil, paid lo ea-a or P. Doeaa. Ill On By am'l paid bar Paul Williams, ol Piao lowoabip.... 151 IU By am'l paid Taylor Kowlea for aarvioaa. It 00 Hj am't paid Matthew Head for aor'ooa. 41 75 Ry am't paid D. B. Bloom for lervieet. II 00 Hy nm't pmd liana Stage for lent II 40 By am't paid for mabiug dapltoate. lor la- ,ii By am'l paid Porter Ptlaa, for il. Well... I il By am'l paid A. tl. -Kramer, Att'y fee... 40 00 By am i paid I. O. Uarlawlck, Do, ovjl. oal nttoodaaco I 71 By am't paid J. K. Wrigley, for medical atteodaaee I it By am'l paid IU Bloom, tor W. T. Irvin depeotttoo.... By am'l ootid eW mabtog elelkiog lor pauper. .. By am't paid James Kerr, far o..t...... By aao't paid Wm. Hadekooja, for drpo- ailloa Ily nm't paid Geo. W. Utathart, livery hire By ami paid far fori . Hy I por oeat. aa 11,047 10 .... By I por coal oa I4al.fl . . By bolaaeo unoolleeiej, duplicate 1&79. il til I 40 Total am .eel of erodtas.., Balance dot Treaaurer Og Jen ......... gj Wa, tba andaraigaad A allien, kavlag aiam land tko aoroonl ot t. Ogxi.o, Trooaom of Low. renoe lawn.hlp, la nooooati with tbo good and Poor landa of aaid Uwaahlp, led loam a. above 4o4. RIuUARD OOtlKLU, OaVUKUl H. HALL, LKWIb) BI0VTM, attar! i Aodllera W. T. Btaoiuau, ToWR'p Clark. May II, lllo-lt I 00 l SO 4041 tl II II 14 ...tMJif, UI gafll'ftilStnlfOtfl. WAGON S WAGONS BUGGIES BUGGIES. nniVl ir a AWy Ml al 1 N w V il)i , SHHI NO WAGONS. THE COmiX .VAGO.XS. TOP A1TD OrElt BUGGIES. KEPT ON II A AD FOR SA LE. STAGE & REILLY, cleaufii:ld, pa. May 12 I in. SherilTs Sale. lij virtue of tbe oaxttl mi foregoing riti of fitri 'uio fufil out of your honorable Court, nd to mo directed, I have levlnl on ami will iietto pQ'illo tvttba Court JloQSf, in 'be b'iroitjf,b of Clearfield, TlmmtU)-. June 3d. lo, At 1 o'o'nch. P. W , ll Ibe following meMutrn, tv-nrinrnu art ft tract uf landa, boucled and df. Mribfd follui, vli : AH Defend ".' InttTrat in ell tett'ortaln Irnnt or (ilece of Und il'ualo In II loo in lownthip, Clear Held count-. Penn'ft, Hounded an-l drecrir.e't aa fellow t DegiBoing nt n down hemlork eomar f Ibcnoe by lands of MoClare at Wond nnrth H in grrri est b9 perehet to peat ; l In one by Und nf 0. M. Oi ff ttnd T A. t R M Wt iturth A 7 1 dr greet welt IU M perebea to hrtBl'k : trienc bf Ucdfl of T. A. k K M. Iloovoranutb SJ ItgttM wfpi p4ra.baja to pott ; thenoe hr lend of Jam JktMntiro eon lb H lgrfj at IL'.I fin perch a to lb plen of bglining, eon tainiog 1 14 ecrea end t& prrcbra, and nllownnce with nboui Kfl nerea elrartd, end baring tbertn erectrd frame bona, two barnt, and other out building, end beting tt ereow growing two r rberdr ofrhuinefinU tmi, ALSO, Atl oi DrftndaM'e Intrreat la on other trnot 17 aerea and 3S percht, net meaiur. and having bout .'(i acre e)red, with g'od orchard grow Ing therein, ana bevtng tn-rvon reria p,g bouae, log barn, and otbnr ontbnildioga. Seiiml, iHlton in rxt-cmion, and to b told aa lb prfiper'y of 0. I. Ketdall. ALSO, All of terendant'i IntcM la alt tha leertaio trict ot pier ot land etluate, lying and being in Lawrence toworhip. Clrer&eld countr, Pa , btmn. ded and de'intifd as fojiona. to wit t beginning at a be a. loch on tbe original Una of the Hobert HopFga tunty tbenoe eontb bt drgrtw weal 134 perch to n p-t on original line it a id aur ey ; ibeii( alone taine iuib itO drfrr-a eaat 75 pa-r chea to a poil ; thftir north 7 degree eaat It'll percttea in a po! ; thenee north t degreer. went t oerctiea to a peat o ton nihip road : ibace aloBa? i which ia cleared, and having t bet eon erected a tteiaed, taken In acitioo and to b aold thu prx perty ol Mi H on H. Miller. ALIO, AH tb riirbt.tltl and intert of Defendant in ; a certain liaat ol land aiiuaie in (lirard tiiwnrbip. C'earli.ld county. Pa., bouuded .ml dcacribed aa f. liiiw. : Beginning at a poat adjoining- land! of Prattci. Ootiilriet, being th. norlbweat corner of .aid tract : thence eaat lit perobe. to .too. comer; Ibenee eou'b along p. 1). Broencl 50 pcrebc. to ,tiner; thenoe weal ulong Nirhola. L'lugia III petehe. lo .fine corner : Ibenee north along Jo a. J.ouet :.9 perche. to pl.oo of beginning, cua Ininicg ill acree 10 percher, an-l allowance, m-re or la.-, being part of Warrant No lb:n, about 15 ler" of which i. cleared, el.d having tbrreoa erected a plenk bou.e, Itorlri bigb, log barn, corn crib, and otber outlimMinga, aorl a .tnall orchard there n growinc. Keiiad, taken in execution nnd to be aold aa iba properly of Daniel Lougm. ALSO, All Iba Defendant', interval io a certain lot of ground ailunto in I'ike townahip, Clearl.M county, l'a., bounded and nViuvibed aa fnllaw. t Oa Ibe eaat bv laudi of It. tj.min Bloom's cata'e and D.rJ. PirmiLg; i.nthcnrth bv land of D. H. Flem ing and lianu.b Way on tba wa.t by land of liarmah Way ; anj on tbe anuth hy laed ol Jaoob b Iger, containing oue ecrc, having t hereon erc-i ed n Iwo-.tory frame bouae .nd kitchen atucbeil, together with ate'ilo and other ouibuildinga., taken in oxecutioo, anl ta be void al ihe piopen or tl. L. tray. ALSO, . ."'" in ai. taat ' X"' "'. P1" ""m' "' ,,' f" "'' ',,a' '"'P. Cl-rfl.l.l All the Defendant, lot.ra.t In all tbat oertaia illage of coumr. Pa., bounded end derenbod aa follow.: fte.ia- ning at a po.t on H. Itroet i tbenoe rab runuing ia a we.tarly direction and fronting an aaid .tract it feat 10 eeroor of let ; theoce along laid lot in a roo'b.rly direction 150 loot to a poit on llemlook alley ; tbeoco in aa an.t.rly direction iO feet to ooroor ol lot of Jeaae Diggio.t tbeneo nloog aaid lot 150 feet to a bo.t on bt. Jerao. atroet, nnd plane af beginning, aad having thereon erected a small frame dwelling booao. N.iied, taken io uxoentlna an I to b, aaid a tbe property or William PabVofl. ALSO, Alt tbe Dvfcadant'a Interest lo a certain lot ar piece of ground citaato lo tba village af Htcrling, Waodward towa.bip. Clear!. Id aunty, Pa., twenty-two feet front on tbo eouth aid. of Virgin .liey : tbenoe oaal along let af Pailip Mar tin 50 feet; thence north aloag lol of Philip Mar tin 11 teel ; tbenoo woat ulong lot of Loei. Bolaol iO foot to Virgin alley, known a. part of Lot Na. in the general plot, and having tberaon erected R li-.tnry frame bouae witb baeeioeol. bailed, taben in oiccuiioa nnd ta ba aold al tba properly of i'raacl. Ferrier. A LSI, Ry virtue of a writ of Pradi'ifoal Crpoaaa, al iho eerao tme and place, all Dafeodaal'a iatarvil in n certain tract ol land aitu.ta Lo Uotbea town. bip.Clea Sold oeooty, Pa.,boundod aao deeortbed aa loliowi : Bouoded -in tbe eaat hy the oujque. hnnon river, nortb by lead of T. Llogb-, aoatb by river, and wa.t by T. Llngla. ooalaioiug II aerea, more or leu, wiib about 10 acme cleared, aad knving eroeied tberaon n two-.tory frame bouae, email .table, and olbar euibildtoge. Sailed, lakca tn axeautton, and lo ht a tli aa the properly of AilrR Cuppler. ALIO. Ily virtue of wrlla of mr ueioc. at lb. time and plane, afl tbo Defendants' Interval in n aettala two-.tory frame dwelling booee, with lot and cartilago apportroant thereto, aitn -te ie Nortb lloutad.le, Clearfield eounty. Pa., fronting on Railroad .treat id feet, ihenno 150 feet to H allro.d .treat, being aituata about 160 foot wort of tleorge Hbodoe' Ho el Said building ia a twe tury ftema boaaa, 10x24 feat, and It feet bih. ISelled. taken in execution and to ba aaid aatbe property of Jobn Hagan, owner, and John Dutf.y, contractor. ALSO, All tbat thai oortala lot or place ol land alter on Front street, in the borough of Clearftell, Clearfield enunly, Pa., bounded and described a. follow.! Beginning at tha Kaquebana riv.r at tha eorner oflnnd of Jobn Mefhcreoa'l eetaloi thence alnnr land of MePbereon' aatala ia aa eeiterly direction 16 perche. ta n po.t t thane, ia n aoathertv direction I parehea ; tbeaca along iana ol tho William Merrell aetata In a wraterly di rcction 10 perche. to npo.t at .aid rlverl thcee. along river i perchea ta plaeo of beginoing, onntAiaiag nne-hVf aero, atrial ma.aura, new ia tbo poNcaaion or C. at BorrbOcld. Arlmial.irator af Joacph llerobcald, deo'd, aod beiog tbo eere. Irkk dvairaTb-Taaaa HHmUmiIi TUotm sruoW4 ta Joae,h BurabKald, now decoaaad, hy Lined ol parlllloo rceor.!ed ol Cioartnld ia Deed Book " P," page lot oa. 1 1)3, and baviag arreted tb.raoa a barge iwo-.lor frame dwelliog houao, a large frame ,tab!o end other oeceeaary ootbuililiaga. Bailed, token In exeenttoo and to be aold al lb. property of tbo eitate of Jos. Burehlcld, dae'4. ALSO, All Defend. ni'i lntere.1 In n certain two itory frame bou.e, being ebout feet in depth and about feet front, .Hone In tha ol Diggineville, tn Wonitwerd townrhlp. Cbarlrld ot,ui,ty, Pa , baonded'oa follnwa : On Ika eaat bf lot af Hamnal llordon, on tho eialh by Prent atreet, on the weat by lot of Mrs. Mary Rilar, aad on the nortb be an alley. Railed, taken in evocation and lo ba aold aa ika property el hamual B. Oaborn. ALSO, A II Defendant'. Int.roat la at,4 la a certain two .tory frame dwelliog noons, ataruat feet b,eg and feat In depth, aituata bt Hnulidate borough, CiearAeld county, Pa., aa tha aoraer el Meple al ey and Clara elreel.oo lot known is tie grnerel plen of aaid borough aa Let Na. 00 Belled, taken la e.-eoutino and lo ho .ok! aa properly of lira. M. Huge, .unit, or reputed owner. ALIO, Alt Defenlent'a Intcreit In and to a certain dwelling house, ldilo foot, aitoata oa let ef ground in North llnuttdale. Woodward tewaahlo, CleerOeideountut Pa., bounded nnd deeerlned aa follow,, te wit : Begianing at a poat aaath 14 degree. wl 24 feat lrom lhaoroaalig of tba Web eter mine Iramwny wltat tba lowoabip road le4 ing from Whitehead A Pieber'l minae tbeea, along raid road nortb 81 degree, west Ii0 feat le po.t l tbcaoo olong road Ronb 4S degrcM weat ISO tort to poet thence aoatb 341 degree, we.t liO feat ta poat Ihenro III eaat 'l faelt anvooe oowtn a, wagioal west I : i " poat) thence nortb IS degree, aail IMteelu poll, tko place of beginning, nnd known and be ing Lo'. A ood B, In tko plaa af tba aiteaii 'a el tWik lloaiidalo. Weedoerd lowa.kip.tna hoem being an Lot H nloraaatd. Belled, tahaa ta cxacaiioa nnd U be add ai tko property of Kulak bra taker, vr, ar r patiaj nwoar. Taauaor B a lb. Tba price or aaa at wbleb Ike preportv aball bo slrwoh of mail ba paid at tb. time ef aala, or awab other arraagameate madaaa will ba npprnradl, etaonrloo tbo proporty will be iaamedauely pwt op and aold again nt tba einoaei and rl.k of tow porooa tawhom M wna struck el aad we, In eoee of d.t.lia.y al look ra-ea, shall atana wool tko taaan, aod bt ao baHaass will two Deed! be proooatod la Oaort lor MOtlrma tlon nnlaos tart naanry bl aotwally paid ta Lb, Oberlff. olAMnH MAUAVPKT, Saeairrw Omow, I Ikmut Cleart.14, ra, kay It, list