THE REPUBLICAN. CLRAKKIELD, PA. WPDNFUPAY M0HN1N0. MAY It, Terms of Subscription, If titid in adranea.or wltaia tiff- moatbs ..$3 0 If paid after ihrao and boforo ill ttosibi... t 0 raid aftor tboaiptrattoa of lix mophu... I BO eMMirt. 8, M. Pittbhili. A Co., Nowa ptor Aivorlltng Ajtau, 17 Park Row, oornor Iter), nan KlrtMt, sro our duly aatbor.aa. ArfoBtw In N.w York Cliff. HI I H-I'HI WOTICK. MrtliiHllt Hpieupil t hurfh Rct.Oro. Lmr, Pt-tur. Har-ioas aTtrj Sabbath U 1"! A. M-, and 7 P, M. Suhbalb School at 9 A. M. 1'raTor Mwt.ojt aTory Wednesday, at ti P. 11. Coiun union bortioa, Aral Babbalb of vary wnth, al 10 A. U, Weal 1'lrarHeld M. K. hurfh. Rt riiAHi-aaW. HDLr, Pastor. Preaching aory alternata Huoday, at S o'flltwk, P. M. Monday Hrbool at 2J, P. M. All arc invited to at land. Ireittterlaii (:l.urcli-hor. H. B.Botlbb, -tfaiihalb aervloM Burning and area in l Ban- ath School at 1 P. M. Prayer Vetting VVodnai- ia aTeoing. Kaptlat Church. Hav. , Pastor Hahtmih Hchoi.t-.t1 P. M. Prayar Mooting -'try li'rdnesiia arenint. M. Frauds Church Catholic Hot. P f PuKRinAa. Iivitia larvlca at 101 A. M. the flrit, third and (north Sunday of taoh month; Vfianand Kcnadletfon ot rbe Blcssea nnernmen. at 7 u'cloek, P. M. hunday tic boo I a vary bun day afternoon at t u'eloek. I OKI 1(1 AL DIRECTORY. TIMI or HOLD t0 Qtf AIITKB EMI OK I CflHttT. Hfond Monday or January. Third M tin day of March. First Monday af Juno. 'ourtb Monday of September. TIM B Of IOLDIBO COM HOI rLIAt. First Monday of J an a. Sooond Monday of No veto bar. roBLto omenta. Priimt VWy lion. Cbarlel A. Mayor, o l ock Haven. Auiitaut Law Judgt Hon. Johtt II. Or t la, of Melleionra. Aitoeiat JAgn A bran Og.lon, Cfoorfleld j irteant B. Holt. Clearfield. Pf-otoitofar Bit Bloom. Itrgitttr and Rcordth. J. Morgan. Trta.urtr Philip DoU. IHttrict Alton i. V. Me It an rick. Hriff Jamai Mabaffay. I'tpuif A'r Andrew Peu'i jr. A,Un(v Surfyor Hamual If. MoCloakay, Cur stent villa. 0,mt9 ftoaiaWaWoMra CW. Kylar, Orahaa. fnn P. O.t Blah Johnalon, Oram pie a .Mils P. 0.; John Norria. Br.. On rwan villa rVatMiaaioatra' Ctrl John W. Howa. Vaunt Aurfilora William V. Wright, Clw-fl.-ld : Jusapb Oilltlnnd, Thrat Bunt J. 8. Nor ri. Woodland. County t'orontr Jam! A. Monro, Ctrarfield. JurV Oammitnontrt Andrew J. Jack ion, Clear fled, Win. R. Brown, PleatSoM. AMMlada o Public SeKooU M. L. llfl Qunwn. ClearfleM Smttrof WiiuklaA Jaoauraa Jciae W.Carlilo, off.ri at Lo'hefvhurg Pa. Solaris raKir-John W. Wrlglty, Wm. Ra dcbau(th. Ctrui (lordon, Clearfield; Joneph K. Irwin, N. R. Arnold, CnrweniTlllo ; J. A. Living--tone, hultoii City. Oar Social column la decidedly Interoating In a h-eal point of view, and profitable reading to cm til d me who want to save money. ykh, P (in'itr. 1 -U lii vm take wh"at, oats or eorn for sub 'rrtlnu V We are often Inquired of in this way litter I'rm - atroiis who reeiJa at a distanoe fn.m Clearfield. We agnin say yea. Tbo receipts of a reipi.nsiblo merchant or mill owner in the v trinity, will answer ns juU as well as tbo easb. To ililustrate: If any of our patrons will deliver in a bug of grain at the milt ot Joseph II. Broth, in Chest township, Horace Pntcbin, In Bnrnllde, Itioinaa II. Forcey, In Graham, Wm. Porter or Si.iw's, In Lawrence, or Brown A Seyler's, al I'.ockton, I nin township, and forward their reenpta for the tioant, we will oredit them on thf!r aiTiiunt fur the same. In this way all may sunn ry bat they owe, If they will pursoa tMs iMorse. tf. B-Advt'i liMi'rt and others will hear In m-nd that all artifles Intended fnr p'lhllemtloa in this paper nwt be handed in, not later than Turrfy, at 9 A. M. Don't forget It! Cull nnd m e T. A. new Liwn an I Buntings. Fleck Co.'a The hrii'k-work on tho new hank i rinil'iing at Cirwrovil le has hoen enmutraeed. i mm U Luhmun has It It for the eastern ' markets Ulav In another new suck of geJi. i mmm Workmen are cntfnjrod at painting the tin rfinf on the Leonard Graded school build In, Atnonn the latent, wo notice A new pl,tik par.ment on Market street, in front of Mr. Uudebaiigh's property. . mm w - Tho Auditorrt' report of the finan eil oonditlim of Lawrence township li publWbed in this Ifsuo. Ki'iotvr Murun puhlinhcn auverul accounts in this ifBiie, in additlen to ihose pob Hrhe l lest week. Two hundHome round front .'' show caee bare recently been placed on tbacoun- '1 kara in Lytlo's grocery. i mm -mm ! The hi5 firu, on Moraviun run, below Orahamptnt in (i rah an tuwaihip,was r top pod by Monday night's rain. li s Jlon. Geo rye Jt. Karrett and I). Jj. . Krebs, Ksoj., of this place, were attending Court i' at IMIefunto last weak. $ Kuv. Mr. Whiimarrth, of Philadol- pbia, preaobed an able eermm In tbo Clearfield Bajdist Choreh last Sundae evening. .' The hertt atlvortnnn mudium it) the & paper having the largest emulation tn tbe eounty. Th you will please bear in mind m tbe Hart a- LICvl. mm Krv. J. ty. A. Fullorton, of Curwont- ville, we ere authorised to announee, will nroah . la tho Preabyteriao Gburob In this plane aoxt Sabbath morning at A o 'a lock. I 11 1'ti ry Shope, a former Cloik in Mr. Moeiup's store, In this plaoe, bat now a na- dent at a medical Insiltatlun la Pblladelpbis, jt w in town oa f aturdaj. The fushiunublu-coluiud dumlulioti ih now trump In tbe Court Hwm lawn. Thousands 7 of tham oaa bo counted In tho morning before the heal of the son oaueee them t-t oollapie. f Cnpi. John 8. M Kiurnun, of.lnnea- I ville, fa a, reaioved t-j Ta lorstille, Va. He has In JiMich tiwn'bip, for y ar. a nerlod of seventeen f l'rothonuiary IMooin, who has been ;onnnad to bis homo for some time pat with ' rbeumatlsm, U able to ba out oa tba etreete agaia. We bpo be will eooa fully teoover front hie ill nsie. ic Dr. W. 0 IJmhop, dontiHi, of Ucyn ol Jitille, wisbeo to aoowuaeo In tbe ell item oi Letliersburg and vicinity, that ba will visit that lown,pro'esionally,oa M nday, May ITib, aal vwill wjiaio until ibo loth. '; A brilliant meteor pawed In a north erly direction over Crfleld lat aUturday evoo- .liiK shortly after I o'slerk. It appoatod W bo aa 4urc is a half bashel meaturo, end ite transit was Very rpid. Fr a few mo muni it looked like al ij light la cur streets. i The hiiHile and coiiltiion in our 4t n lint Painrdnj alternaoa and evening, ro ar, nded tae of ''sold lang ijae. Tho streets ere filled with people, and only aa ordinary tWlares day, too. It would have dene credit to 'a Brit-eUf. sbw dy. The mei)'Bus and i)eu' Mlrrtng strains of a band-organ alo roa V l u'rd to enliven tbe seeae. I Tbo taking ol the cennua will begin a ih first of Juno. la allies it man ie eorn- : la 11 day, to Ibe r"untry tfi days are (Ji .wr-4 ftr Its aompletioa. 1 No atriutljr law abiding and peaceful i4"ien Will aww ladolgo or Bed die with the Jairy oyittr. This bivalve has boea retlred- neat four moatbt, aoeording to a lew af tbo ft ate Uglslatura, bWh tnaeti that oyster sbal Bjat be rinad for Sale belweoa tbo Mlh 4ay 0 April and tbo 1st dey af Bepumbar. ' ( AlUKina, nnvwiiliftntt'lmg a largo apprpriama baa baoa awda by tho Wavoramooi lor a peufieo Iwlldlag. It aoi happy. Tho aneMka of a etreoi railway le aww being agitato, ad tho lahabttaata af tha Meaatala City will oh to eeUsfea mow aalU Uef aooara II. Tha aw- mo of a speaUl metlag af tha Conaoll aa Mew da; evealag waa fbvatnbla, A second larjto invoice of Millinery, Jurt opened, at T. A. Fleck A Co.'a, Sun UmlirollftH, 1'arttHolt and Fung. Juit roneivod, at T A Fieek A Co.'a. i a mm . Dr. Hill and Mr, Klei-k, ol the firm of T A. Plck A 0e.t vi.itad New York and Phil adelphia laal cak. mm a Arnold, of Curwuitriville, will pay the bltfbeat oath prleo fur bark. Head bit proa lamattun la another tnlnaia f tbti paper. Hoovur, llyDoB oi Cu.'a new saw Ml, oa John Vf. 'Jomer'e land, la (3 ra bam towa bV U ready to rbtabr. LudioH, if yuti wittb to acquaint yourioivet with the Utcei eiyioa to Hate and Bonneti, eall at H I.ebmn A Co.'a. Thorn in 11. Korcoy Ima men pros peoting for eoal and gre-ei'av oo (bo llarger - tate, near Bigler ifatioa, la Bradford towotbip. .. - . hi i m Lata Thuruduy wan "Afweimion lay" tbo aouhenary of I be time whao the EvangetUtl lay our Lard aeofoded into Ilfaeo. . mm mm - If you want a Conklln waon, a prlog wegoa, a top or opto buggy, eall oa el ber laaac M. Stage or John Rellly, ClearflalJ, Pi. fleo adf trtiaament A inttu fiumud Sliooly, from Wilcox, Klk county, wat knock ad off a rait by an ear just below Raugbt'a dam, oo the Clartoo river, os the 10 tb ult., and Jrownnd. mm m - - Tbo Now CVtiu-nniul Family Sewing Maohina for only 91ft, end the ew ttrniingtou fur 9'i Warranted to be first elaas t Vat fur ther parllaulars, address Joui E. lUabR, apS4 tf CloarReld, Pa. mm a mm Suite for all, butb great and itnall, For fat and loan, and nloe when eeen I Then iby will laugh to eave their oatb, And buy tbair snlu at Hirllnger A Book's. St Kkhtivai, I We leurn that the chil dren of the Clearfield Kplsoopal BuBday School will bold a Festival an tbo 1Mb, 10. b and 17th of June naif. The place for holding It will be flied in a short time. Wednesday, April 21ht, wan "Arbor Day" In Nebraska. Thousands of fruit, forest, nnd evergreen treos were planted. Rven thnte who plant (rare In as thickly n wooded country as Clearfield eounty are public benefactors. 1UY Yuiib Mill Now ! Wo are the proprietors of a Saw Mill, complete in every par ticular, which we will all very cheap. For par ticulars, addreu JC. A. A W. D. UIULKK, torh3,'K0 tf Clearfield, Penu'a. Ice Cit'uio ia now one of tho luxu ries of tha season, aui ean behal nt tbo diffrreat restaurants there wrm aveniogi. This Is a uxury, which, tf iudulg-d le tbie Summer, will lead to eitrevagenee. From a Hiudlord towawhip com-ti pondi-nt. we learn that Iiteae K.iepp's boue, n ar Bigler Station, caught fire from a etovo pipe on Monday n'lerneou, and burned down. Tue good were nearly all saved. Attkntion, Collector ! We notice that tho Commissioners have ordered treasurer Dolts to proceed against all del inrpnnt Collectors uf Mate ar-d County taxes who do not ooue for ward and settle their respective aeoouots by tbo 1st day of July nait. Tbosa hi fail to attend to this matter will Inour cot. County Fair. The niuiinem of the Cltartlcld County Agricultural Society iofurm ui that a fair will be held next fall, and lilieial premium will be given to eibibitors. The time has been fifed on the 15th, Ifith. and Uth of Seplemb-r nil. rrmiuui list and other lnfor m4tion will bn given in due time. Foil Salb! A Thirty five Unne- I'owtr Kngine and B'ller, BaH'shingle Macbioe, Parker Shingle Machine, Drag ftiw Bolter, with Sbaftirg, fulleyi, Belting. Mill complete anil In good order. Ijotutnd near DuRola Address, In Da Witt, 3i Dullole, Pa. Kahukkh, Look 11 krb ! Kytle will give you bigheat mark! price for Wheal, Oats, Corn, Buckwheat, Butter, Kggs, Oaione, Apples, dried fruits, and all kinds of produce he baa the largest and best itUcted stock of groeerioa, leas, coffees, molasses, spices, oil salt, sugar, queens ware, tubs, buckets, baskeU, ohurar, Ae., in Clearflt-ld county. He bays bis goods In large quantities from manufacturer! and first hands for easb, and laker tba advantage of nil discounts, and so be Is enabled to sell nt lowest prices. He gives easb prise for prodoce.and sails bis good at tba lowest prices la the oonnty eept-24.'7 tf -i mm mm - DkCORATINU THE SOLDIKHS1 (iBWKH - Pursuant la aotioa publish! last week, a few persons assembled in the Court House on Mon y evening, to maha preliminary arrangi tnenta toward the obaervaneo in thla borough of Deflo ration Day. On motion, 0. Owena waa chosen Cbslrmaa, end Wm. W. Worrell ana Dr. IL-iab-bold, flieretariee. Aa KxeeuHve Committee, ar Committee of Arraogemt-ati, oompoeed or Capt. David MeUaugbey, R. H 8bfiw, John Simmons. Frank (i. Harris, and Smith V. Wion, wai ap pointed to make arrangemeats, snob as to ap point the noeensary sob committee to assist, and to report pngrese nt a meeting appointed to bo held la tbo Cootl House next Monday evening. On motion, adjourned. That Stump Crkek WaLL.The PuniButawney Hpirii of last week, in aliadmg to that everlasting oil well on tbo bank of ibla historical creek, says t "Tbe driller atsiump Crook, Me sere. Mahaffay and Dobla, ware la town a day or two ago, and informed us that they were still lr tng to rauiove the reamir which U Jown In ibo bole, and at which they haa been at work rur six weeks. Just wbeu (bey will gat it mi, no one ean tell In the meant i tue a number ut pieoca of laod have bean purobaied by Hunter, Crawford A Co., aod several farms have bet a leased upon lavora ble terms to the owners, aod n haudeom bonus paid in vaeb instance." Tbit Stump Creak oil wll ie, iudeed, a bonania, worked ap by sharpen for ions one's bane lit Why the lass Is kept Bp so long, tf there Is bo oil there, is what puiiies ns I KNOLIM1 Hfl.lrVKI) TO BB ON H IH war vu 'HAP. Tha WitlUwsport Banntr, ol tbo 1st ia't., cuntaio the lollowiag Item : "The following liiiurioaiion aonoeming thi murdersr, KngUsb, wa given at this offlce last night by a geutUuiao residing ta this city, who received a letter lrm a friend living la the vl eibity where Bnglub was eoo. Too facts are as follows: KoKltb, tba Elk eounty murJerer, was ap at Mrf. Curist'a the lore part of thi oeek, on tbo tp of Laurel bill, about ten miles from Trout too, and demaoded his dinner. His band was tied up, and ho waa lauae Irons tbe injunea be received at tba time of tbe bloody affray with the uf!lere at Caledonia. On Tuesdiy night he tk f dmelitlay, in I'ntou UWaiBip, a(U(B WIBIJI Bill '"a m-vm, which place I about twelva miUifrom tbe boats of Mr. Carlit. He demanded hi ewpper at this pUeo, whlob, of oeurso, wa givea bim. He iken st rank for tho wood. In all probability ho le matt eg hi way ta tbo State of New York, and from there b oipt-ota In roach Canada. Tbe roato be baetakeo oo far, Is tbe tnt isolated that O'iuIJ have boon seteoiod." j mm mm A LTJMBEH FIRE. Bin million feet of bsarda wort readers Into ashes at Williamvp trl oa Friday last. The fire broke out aboat five u'elock In the evening, ta tb lumber yard of Howard, Parlay A Howard, from sparbs from an edging burster, and as tba nlod ee blowing at a hurricane rale, the Ire soon spread over aero of lumbar. As aear a ana he aseerutoed, tb lscn ar OflimAted as follows t Bowmaa A Co., 160,000 feet, insured ; Williams A Fore wan, 100,000 feet, insured ; Howard, I'etley A Howard, 1,500,000 foot, losared T. M. Thompson, l,00,0un, partially inrored; making n total of fi,S3,0OI feat. Tbi lumber I eat meted at 121 per thou sand, making a total af $117,00. Tb ires 1 ling destroyed mil amount ta about 1 1 1, W00. It u thoacM that $140,000 willrrr all losse. On canal boat, whleh wa lying la the canal neat where lLo Ire started, waa horaed, tugetbor with a ro af alt frame boas, occupied by ten faml lie, Tbey barely eaeeooded la laving their af feoU, o rapidly did tha fiami com apn them When the ire wo under amtrol, and avry body was oeogra'nlating tbemeelves that all danger was past, a aiagulaf pbeaemeaoa nonr- red. A fuonel-sbapod whirlwind Mddenly apt by, taking up a great mas I af huraleg "! nad aarrylag It up into tbe air nt meat two hundred foe, donoaltioc It oa tb couth ilde of the canal la that part of tba yard of Tboma M . Thomp son wbWh had not boon diet orbed. Tbo whirl- wiad wa ebaat one hundred foot la diameter, nnd lha srwotnatott prWntod we grand, Tha oaoaent thi mas of fir waa dropped at the Umber pileea freak $ro iprang up, and la leet that twa bear, fully throw a mora war horned vtr. Tba teaal emstut af acroo huaed ever wUl probably raaah For Sale Co bap. A good two- seated. CanniAGa. Inquire of t i T. J. Bora a, ClearfiilJ, Pa. "Femalo oomplaintt" aro th rcnU of Impart blood. Use "LlBdsey'i Blood Searcher," Sheriff MnhtilTVy publishes annthor i eat ion tbli week, la regard to tbo eio or real oalato. Btle to be held at 1 o'elook P- M., oa Thursday( Jobs 1, 4 What tan 1 do to keep cool this warn weather F" Vo ean got a Itaoa duster, an arpaoa iM', a whit rait it raw bat, or aa m brella, at Hirllnger A Rook's. U Kadit-a call and look through our Millinery Department before buying elsewhere. Our prices are low. Reepeetfully, - T. AFlick A Co. Tho Ourwonvitlo Timet saya that Merrill log drive got out of Aoderson a reek last Wednesday afternoon. ArdoM's drive Is down tbe river as far as Blots' bridge, near Ctireni rllla. - l . , - The wood't aenm to ho hnrnini? on tha moumalnB In almost every dtrretlnn from town, a Is evidenced by tho ml glare In tba iky la the avertings. Wo IneidentaHr learn that a number or log belonging tt Wile. Hoover, la Boggs township, and some oetilo belonging to Qoorge Turnor, were da troy od in tho flimor. A verdict of "mnrder In the first degree" waa .rotamed at Willla-nsport, lat fiatar day evening, against Ca'hirlna Millir and Oeo. Bra 1th, foe the merder of Andrew Miller, bubaed of the former, on the night of the IStb of Mareb last, near Jertey Ahra. la Lvoootlng eounty. Orphans' Court Salb. A. C. Tato, AdmlnU'rabtr of tha estate of Philander Bnith, lata of Lawrenee township, daeeaeed, will offer a lot of va luable teal aetata at puMlo sa'a, on Tuei 4 J, June ttb. A toll description of the property pao be found eliewhero In the columns of thli week's HcPLiticAii. Tho rear of tho up-river and Ander son creek log drives, reached Bloom ' bridge, a few mile abov this plaee, t-a Monday avonieg On mora good "splash." like that of Monday, will oarry them away past Clearfield, Mr. tieo, Merrill will have obarge of the Corporation drive from the nmuih of Clearfield creek to Williams port. An itinerant minutrel troupe of some half a dmen obony bued sob of tba Sooth, or loHie other pice, with violins, banjo, tambou rine, eto , arrived on tba Mail train on Monday noon,)aod during their stay in oar town furnished some appreciative aiute. We know not whence tbey eomelli, or whither (hey gnath, but are hid ibey ar visiting from toon to (town, glrlng street con-trti. T. A. Fleck, ol the firm of T. A. Flock A. Co., has jost returned from Now York and Philadelphia, after porotiilng a Urgt Hook of Eumuier goods, cmliriotng tbe latest styles In Lawb, Buatiogs, Parascls, bun Umbrellas, Fans, and a large caw lot of Mtllioery. Among tho latter, are i-me otoice now styles. Wo lotile our hy putrODS to eall aud sec for themselves. No Iroubleto show gouJs. Rc-ipectfully, T. A. Fit- A Co. JUDGE JUNKIN ON LI CENSES. En. Hart'BLtcti : I sec iu the columns of Tour valuable pipir rfriuo mo'le to a ' new dipHrture," ahtch Juilg Junkio, of Ferry county, bits tktn in rrierenco to granting li ri-usea. 1 was ionciaent enough to that tbe Aseuihly of I'eiiosvlvaoU had ty stitute orovided h iw, and unler what eon1itirn licmses could be proou'ed. But it seems that In ad litioo to giving tba proper puolio notice, gt-ttitig the re fnifite number ol names to tha aertiiiunte, and tiling a bund in the utu ol two thou-aml dullars. With two approved sureties, for the pert'oruMnce ol all ouch -hiogs as the laws of tbe Common wealth rrlaiiag to tha aao of Lquor require, the learted Judge of tho Perry ooutny court super atds tboegeoutton of an areemeal not C"0lrm plated by law. It may be that he has the power to exact such a pledge as is referred to In your article for there can be no doubt that every man who sign the plelge,(loes au under duress lut it Is douiitlu1, if the eutijeet was brought be fore the Supreme Oour', whether tbey wuld re eogiiiao such power. On tha ettitT'j, it it (utr o Ur that tbey would regard it a an innova tion and usurpattoo which oooid not bo trlv e 'Uotenanced, for if Judge Junkio ean eompel n person to giv a pld(jf this kiad, rra ea also refuse to grant a iineiiS to a man an.oas be euft svribae to this, that, or tha other re4i(i-a dogiea or creed fur which bo may have a prt-ferrnee, or unless be agree to have hi lieaoeo revoked if ho par wits aoy one lo gormo its at bta talle or leep more i ban a given number of hour eaob day that be may remain a guest at biahotel, Fata rtAT.' "GAINED 23 POUNDS." North Cltmrb. N. Y..D. 14th. 17&. Dr. M. M Fb!nbh, Freedtaia, N Y , Daar Sir: About a year ago my health waa so oor that I was bardly able to do business at all Hai no appetite, could not sleep nights, coughed a great deal, and had, In fact, begun to oontem platatbe necessity of breaking up my husinc an3 going to a dtBerentoltinat Ir my noalta. I bad tried moat everything recommended for sorb aa, but found no relief. I took five bottles of your Blood and Liver Ketoedv and Nerve T ml. and gained 1U pound in weight, aad feel myielt well as over. ours truly, May I Ml J. H. NEWELL. ' Dr. Fosner's blood and Liver Remedy aud Nerv Tonl may well be eallsd "Tho conqur- ing hero" of the time. It la tbe mediMl triumph of the ag. Whoever ha "(be blues" should take for it regulats and restore! tho disordered system that give rise to them. It alway eoroe Biliousness aad Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dya pepiia, Constipation, Headache. Fever and Ague, Spleen Enlargements, Sarofola, Bryilpalas, Pimple, Blotches and all skin Kruptlon sad Blood Diiordera ( Swellfd Limb and Dropsy j Sleep lesinesa, Impaired Nerve and Nervou De bility Hettores flesh and ftreagtb when the ays torn U ruining down or going into deoline ( cure Female Weakness and Chronic KboomatUm, and relieve Chronic Bronchitis, and all Lang and Throat difficulties. It do thee things by strik ing at the rootot disesse and removing it cans. Dr. Fenner's Improved Couib Honey will re lievo any eoagb In one hour. Try a sample bottle at teneentc. Dr. Penoer's Oolden Reliel cures any pain, as Tooth ache, Neuralgia, Guile or Headache ia five to thirty minutes, and readily relieve Rbeuma- m, Kidney Complaint, Dlarbma, ate. Dr. Fenner's SU Vitos Dsnee Specific. One botUe slway ear. For tola by Harts wick A Irvln, Drogglsts, Clear 5 eld, Pa. aug-17-tf. LETTKR FROM GOSHEN. Lick Run, Pa., May lfitb, mt. Ma. Boron: Along tbe lino of occurring events, Goshen has bat few to record. At pre sent, each individual is pursuing hi adopted avo cation. Tho farmers are rostly engareo la eorn planting, and are exceedingly aitleocholy from 1 the dire attest uf tba presuut dry spall. Toe idle fishermen lingers in tb ehudv Die I along tba bank of lb dunqueuanne. sighing fir in advent of that ttm designated by our law . mtker, and known as tbe "bass seaion," wbea bo hopes bis present dream, of look et fortune and ot lame a an angler may bo luliy realised. A iiutnber ot th jarmrs ol tb towoililp tie driven tbem i lb hrrns, .about midway be tween tbi aod Danesette, a bar tbay will a al tewed to romaia to feed on ihe vege alton of tbe foreit a til the chills of Winter damaad their re turn, providing tbey escape tbe lry of wild boasts and domestic piratee that frequent this desolate reglua. Mr. A lea Wallaoe will remain during tho Mesa soar as herdsmen, providing h don i get ecarva eat by tb aumore paatbars, boar, wild eat, aad rattle snake ibal be report to hav ao. Eii i aad Lewi Irwia bar fear largo board raft ready for a flood, wnieh will make thirteen sent out irom their mill during lb Hpnog- Kev. Burnley, tbe new Methodist mint ar, p reached lor the people yeateriay at Bbacrsvtlio aod West liosbso. All have bt-au very favorably iai pressed with bim a a gentlemen aad a pre -nor. Com aubwa Nrvloa Will be bKl la Wa.t Oosben obnmb en Seoday, slay Sid. Uor biaehamiib toils It for a trail thai tba the noted Mrderer, Harry English, pureed by his shop last week, a.rry lug hi WtncBesiOf rtfio uwoe hi shoulder. Said blaekamilh was ac quainted uh bim 1b year gone by, hone re oognited bim a Bight. One thlag rtsia.b Oailed on aoo of our people, and BOB of our people celled oa him. g uit a lingular aceiJont hippeaed ld Mr. Liver good ions lime linoe, wblia oomiag Irem Clear ueld to Uia plaee. Too eld gnmlomnn la almeet tvtally bund, bnt still iruus him eel I to iravol alo, and while pa. tog aver the dug road at ibo top uf Lick haa bill, supped fl In stone wall at to lower ld, tailing was distance and hurting bisaeelf quite badty li wa wellud u his hoeio lor aomo Urn alurward irom tn al leoiset ft is I juries. Hammer school ar ta etfln at 8 li a wit 111, West sjoihsu nnd this plac. Tney ate But Wett at lauded Oa tba tth lost , M L. MeQnews, wif and baby, mad a very a arrow eevepw fruea Injury for death, wbll driving irvan Cleat aM ia Mr. 4umm FKgai's, lather ol Mr. Uyguowa. Just hloro raaaaiag lee )! Wee be Uuarh, aad whil passing over a rateJiog pieo el grouad, tbo spin til of one of tbe hiae wheals el tb baggy bio h, npssumg lb vobiJo ta aa iestaet Tae top en U eugy provoated the aeeepaata Owen go'tiag out, aad the hurt, aa m aui a aueh weoaMuos, bceama Ingbteeed and started le r Mr. MeUaowa, wbw bung wttb toaaoloas grip to lb babe, was aeon tkewo oat tbroagb th epaatag la Ihe top. wblr Mr, Motieewa el eg t ta liavs, and eaeeooded la gHtiag tbe tngbieoow aaimal to pad. lb boggy was aomewaat dawayod, aad the partem eughlly bruised, bat tb babe eaped aohurt. Jodglog from what yoar roportor saw, however, the ettrwme ingbt al tb partlee was teivaleal t an ardiaary ael deal. AuaTBon, Those Mihject to coativeneM, should at anoo try Scllerc' Llvar Pill-" p hoi Sold by all druggists. A Lkctiibb. We- have been re- queitad la state that Frank O. Harris, Esq., will deliver a leaiara befer the Uraiaplan UkUs Tem prano Union, nt Pnnvll,on Bunday after noon, tb 16 h last , at I o'clock. Lot tbsr be a good turn oat 1 The jury In tho Clancy murdor case, 1 forth iboutlng and killing of Oal tbsr, a ductor oa tb Clirlon Narrow Gauge Railroad, tho trial of which wa aoaeluded last weak barer i Ja lg Janhs, found tb defendant guilty of vol-1 notary' man slaughter. List of letlcm remaining unclaimod i ia too Postofflo, la Clearfield, for to asek end ing May lfitk, 1B0 1 j Frank P. Colby, John Carmoo, Mis Jennie, Clank, Ml Mary Hang, Andrew Murphy (1), Mis Keta Marroo, Mi M. K. Ogdea, Frank Wiafleld. P A. 0 at li , P. M. The Katon Sentinel mado its ap-1 pearaooo week boforn last Inn new d roe, enlarged, and very much Improved la sppsaraaoa. It la ai frih looking aod nttraetlv as Nature' adorn ment la lb 8prlng-tUn. W oongratulata Brotliar Nairn a o na this maaifwtatloa of pros, porlty. See a woman on horseback in another column, riding near Spoor's Viooyarda, with a bunch of Urapet from which Spoor's Port (Irap Win Is made, that la to highly esteemed by tb medical profession for tb 0 of Invalids, weakly, persona and tb aged. Sold by E. W. Urabatn, Druggist, Cloarfield, Pa. jly-ll 79 tf. Pain In the si do, ahouhlers and baok, bitter taste in tb month, diiBinaes, smart nss of the eyes, brlek dust deposits, aervoa de bility, Ae.,aro cured by Darosma. Prepared at B. K. Tbampson'a laboratory, Titnsvill, Pa. For sal by all druggists la Clearfield, and Joseph Seyler A Son, Lutbers bar , P. It A Fact. An an vertiHcinent Inserted In the HnrUBLlcan will reach more readers than If published In all the other papers in tha coun ty, and oust tbo adrcrtisei Ism than one-half fn other words, nn advertlsrmcnt published tn our Jcurnal Is worth double the price of that charged by any other publisher la lha eounty. 'It Is a fact." tf. American Wines. Hut few per sons are aware of lb great amount of grape raised In New Jersey. Alfr d 'peer Is known to ba tho lotgeet wine grower east of lb Rocky Mountains, III Port Grape Wine I the best, nnd is conil Isred by phyilolans and ohomiats as b boat win lobe procured. It la ordered to London and Paris, wbr It Is becoming eery popular among wealthy families. For sale by E. W. Graham, druggist, ClearfleM, Pa New Daily Staob Line. Jamea L. Leavy has sncreedrd in baring a daily mall estab lished between Clcurflold and Peonlield, and will hereafter run a daily stage between lha two points. Uis contract began with April 1st, and tbe stage will leave tea rn eld every morning (except Bun day) at 8 o'cloi-k, making connection with all trains on tbe Low Grade Railroad at Pennfidd, re turning after tbo last train tbe same evening. Paoscngorsand freight will be carried at low rates. Orders kft at any of tbo hotel will bo attended to. ICprlW-lf Clbari'ikld Coal Tkadi. State ment of Coal and other freights sent over the Tyrone A Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Hail, road, lor the week ending May lt, 1880, and the same time last year i coal. Tons. For tbeweck 11,67 Saw time last year. 1,274 Deoreas (a strike) 6.0-57 Previously during year- 870 118 daine time last year r. 4.'il,Sll Decrease.. ... 01 OiU Total 1b 18W 3S9.75& Same tune last year 4 7 7, If SI! Porreaso M BS(S.11 otrbr raaioar. Lumber 110 cars. MisfelUuoous freights 182 " OBbP DcUoih' Mills Bcrned. The "Little Mill," or bill mill, of Jbo DuUols, at Dull- It City, this miunty, was destroyat by (Ire on Tuesday night of last week. Flame wr discovered Issuing trout tb roof-aver lb hollers, about tea o'clock P. M., and ia a few hoar tbe mill, with til it machinery, was in ruins. Tu "Big Mill" na located about a hundred yard distant, and waa saved only through the bard work and pluck of tb employes and eitlteas. Mr. pnBols waa absent at Willlatniport nt tbe time of Ihe fir. Th mill destroyed was one t( tbe finest and most complete est bllsli meats of tha kiad In the United States. Bill stuff eighty feet In length eould be awed, and logs were oon vortod Into any kind of me re bam a bio lumber. It aontalned valuable nad Ihe latatt Improved machinery, th majavlty or which waa af tha propria tors' a Invention, now warped, and unfit for as. About HO men and boys were given employment. A targe let of lumber, pi lad in Ihe vtcmity of the mill, wis saveJ, owing to the oal mo ess of the night Thelms Is put down at between $-1(1,000 aod $70,000. . Tbo DuBols Obart'er says i "Th llttl mill which wa destroyed, tubraod a ot renter saw mill oapabl of sawing lumber lgbiy ft In length, fitted ap In lha most approved manner j threw ahinglo mills, with tbo best modern Im provements n framing mill, where bill stuff was framed and tttod for im mod iota raliiogt a dry kiln ; a stave mill t aad a bei faeUry, wbr tb raw materiel waa converted through all tha varl on stages Into all kinds ai.4 siaes of labeled boxes. Tba bog foolery aentaiaod several lo veoilona of Mr. DuBoU' own, anJ was far sope' rlor to anything of tb kind In th country, at was, Indeed, the whol mill. Baal da the mill property, aboat 7M(Q or 100,000 feet of wall lumber was deitroyed, aod a few bog-bordi." Tba mill will be rebailt aa tb ipot of th oa burned. Spttift$. Bull row Balb lA oross-hred Alderny nod Jenay BULL, three tears eld. Addresi, for further particular, William W bltt, myl!.3L Ruektan, Pa Wantbb. (00,1100 14-feet shaved huona, deliv ered at the railroad, lo car loads of ,01W, at all point oa tbe Tyrone A Clear field, P A B , Bald Kegle Valley, and Pennsylvania Railroads, for wnica I will pay the bigbost market price. J. P. Knaukh, Octlfl, 1871-tf j Clearfield, Pa. Oaa IlttniiBBn Pan Canr. Diaootinv an Ota Pair. Hewing Machines ean now be purchased at MerreH'a lia and variety star, from $4 up wards. All kind of sewing machines repaired on tbe shortest notice. Clearfield, Pa., July IS. 1077. CoLLieTon'a Wannam, W have nreuared a form, end bnv on band a large quantity, f niaeit "conretor a naiee," wblcb Bave been ap Courts oT tills county. 'At 'lieeate 'tfttU fiif doien wo will mall nny number lo Ihe Culleetor ordering tbem. A Collector, when ompoiltd t advertis property, n.ot post up net lsa ba ibr no tt aa in th most poniia piao in ni borough ar township. tf. ' WiPTan. Delivered at tb Rail Read. , 100,oo 20 Inch shaved shingle, I'i,0ii0 tl-lneb eawvd sbingl. 110,000 foot of pine boar its. 50 ',0uo 14 fort shaved boops. .0(0 railroad ties, Jfl.OfO feet of good hemlnnh board. For which I will pay tb highest market price, delivered nt Clearfield, or al any point oa the Tyrone A Clearfield Railroad. J. F. KrfaMK. Clearfield, P Pet. 1L H7t tf. ' alust Itrcofvcde Just Hcwived by ARNOLD, at CURWRNSVIIiLK Car Load Nova Hcotia riastorl - Car Irfiad pure Corn, ltyt and Oat Chop I Car Load Deaken 8n1t ! Car Load of Choice Family Flour I Car Load Dry Uooda, Groceries, Ac. I BrHtiink;le, Hark H. li. Ilea and Grain will be taken In exohange. Curwensville, May 1, 187M. WAGNRR WARINO.-At th re ri lens of la ettelaling jostle, le Kylertowi, en Sundae, May Id, IBSu, by J II ttbreek, R.q Mr Gearge u vvkgner sao witiaowa war tag, aji or viear field oowaty. GILL flwKAL. At tbe PreshyterUe par- enage Hi Kylertown. oa Wodewsday, May 6lh, lf, ay a, a. r. rorofmaa, Mr. aameel II. Hilt, f Bradford towoablp, aad Miss Sadie A SmaaL af Boggs tewaabtp. WBAVRR SHAFFBR -On Tha radar. A aril lid, I960, by Rev. C. BngiUer, Mr. Oeerge Weevor, af Bloom township, and Mrs. Lucy snaSer, ar faody aswasntp. BBTLBR-O00DLANDRB. At tb Lotbaraa para.ln Hbrwsbarr. lorh aaaatv, Pa., an T aura ay, A aril lid. ISM, hp Re. B. Mongea, Mr. dames a. aoyier aad Ml lhi weed, leader, third daaghber af Dae ret Uoedlaodar, Bsq-t hath of Lethoreharg, Olearfiold ooaaly, Fa. KRRRnLBR YIN0MN0 At tb Evan gelical personage, In 11 tiros id township, oa Thursday. Mv fl'h. 118", bv Hv. J Boh, Mr Ueorg B. KreeclLr, af Cherrylr, Indtanb aoanty, and Miss Sophia YibgUng, of Borostcie township, Clearfield county. MOYBR WAGNER-AI Drain t,lek, la Morel township, on Tnirsday, Mav 0th, l0. by J. II Br. reck, Msif ., Mr. 'acob Mover an I Mis Suiaa Wagner, all af M rri township. 0ARDNK-DIT7.W0HTII-At ibo M B parc nave. In Oronla,on Haturlay evening, May lit, HMO, bv Rev.W. Sott Wilson, Mr. Cortes Gardner and Miss Anoi Ditt worth, both of Os Mola Mills, Pa. sua; Rllfil'IIKHD III Dnrn.liU lowniblp. Cl..r- en.Bl. .,r Ih. CbTrytn., on Ki..d.T, April fiib, !., B'l"'l Sh.ih..d, 64 ,.r,, 10 . onlh, .nil S 1'h Ih.,I born In Cllnlun .outiiy, tt.. Jun. :ld, A. I), Iftia. Clinton oonntj p.,," plttu onijr HILLIo'lll. norou,h,on Wedn... d.r, Mr lib, 1KH0. of oun.uinpllon, M.rjr K mf.of J.m.i u. 1101. tB tb. silth j-ro( h.r CLEAEFIELD MABKETS. CLBAnriRLn, P. May II, Flour,prr ewt Ilunkwheat Flour, perewt ..... Corn Meal, perewt. - Chop, rye, per ewt . Chop, mixed, per ewt ..... Bran, per ewt Wheat, per husliel - Rye, pur bushel Ont, per buhu Corn, ears, per bushel Buckwheat, per bushel Clover seed t- Timothy oed -i Potatoes, per bushel Apple, per buabol Onions Ham, per pound ,..... Shoulder, per pound Dried Beef, per pound C bio kens, per pair H Butter, per pound ... Rug, pvr doaen Salt, per sack, large Coal Oil, per gallon Lard, per pound Dried Apples, per pound . Dried fraobes, per pound M. Uvaus, per bushel loSO. $:t oo I 80 S 00 1 70 1 40 1 00 1 as i 60 40 1ft a 71 3 76 6U e 3 oo s 16 60 SO 10 S 00 16 1 11 3 Oil PRODUCE MARKET REPORT. Poif,APLr-U'A, Mav 10 Breadstuff ar less active and wheat la again lower. C tlto la doll et I2,c lor m ddling. Bark Is nominal, at $tl per ton lor No. 1 qoerel'roa. Heeds Clover is dull, atnall aalo at 0(t7Jr. Timothy and flax ar unchanged. Flour aod Meal Flour is rather firmer, but tho dt-mand i moderate, and only for choice grade. Salea of T"0 barrels, Including Minnesota extras, at $5.151 16 ( Pennsylvania b'alrs Family, at $i 60(ijSj"6; wostern do. do , al $5 60(8. j, and paouis, at $S 767.66 i also, a odt) barrels. Oirerd. Market Hireei. Cxmden, Gem, Egypt and Frank ford, e secret teim. Kye Hour l dull at 4 Uorn meal, bo eaies. Grata Wheat Is unset lad and lower. Pales o red, at $l!8i,aod amber, at $l.S(a, A2 At lie on board, first call, B.Ol'O busbela July d at SI 124 i and i.0 busbels augusl aottl at atfil.ohS: $1 US was bid fur Miy ; l.2:!i Ur June) I.I7 lor July, aad f I OH J for August. Ky is quiet, email salea et Pennsylvania ai i. Co n I Brm, and in moderate requm rale of 6,u00 bushels, iuelaJiog jolt w, at 67(l$ 62io: uiiii-d, at 6go ; steamer, at 60fojit, aod wbi, at 6iu- At Ihe Open board, fi st call, 4ulo wa bid for M4y,47Jj lor June, 4Ho fur July, and 4-lc lor August. Oaia are lirm-r. Sales uf 4.7UO buahrls, including mix J, at 4lo; and white, at 4i4ra46. nimkr l in better dvtnani. nates oi uv barrels western, et $1.10. Ciiicaoo, May 10 Flour I dull, Whaat In ftir dmend and lower i N. 1 Chicago aprlng, $1 I7(u)l 17 lor cash 1 17 for Mayi $1 U(o I iu uid lor June ; ai.utfi lur Ju'y ; no. a o., vs tvU.-ic; No. S rod w nter, SltiVfg, l.nv. Cora is iu good demand, and loner Ingn miied and No. 2, Alio I r ah and May; gtiiJOle f .r Juno a6)f?y lor July f rjf eted, HJu. Oat inactive aod iuer ; N 3 3ic for easb and May lUjc lor June; l;lfll o lor July. Kya i tn lair de mand, and uigher, No, 2, . Sc lor easb and May. U ky quiet Pork inactive, lower i $10 fur cash, May and June: fld.lorlO 11 lor July. Lard iuactl., l.-wi-r: $fi.Httyvfl BJi lur cah, May aud Jud : to.H7i r-ir Jul. Bulk miats shoulders, $1.16 ; hnr' ribs, $1 371; ''ort clvar, $0.46. Whisky quiet, steatly at $1.07. grw gutrrrtisfincnts. F AHM l,AMd fon SALE. In Huston a d Pine toaoshins, Clearfield county. -rTp- Reasonable time given lor part of purchase .T money. Price $fl DO to fiie.OO per acro.J Minera's rsserred. L. BIRD, Agent, Penfield, l'a. or Wallacb A Kaiki, Pcpt 10, 1870-tf. Cleartield, Fa, persons are hereby warned igalnet purehasirig or in any way mrldllog with th following pereaeal pmpertr, now ia tbe possession of J. Coate Evans, of Morris township, vlst Two males and harneai, four ac ra of oils and ten acres of eorn ta th ground. Tha foregoing prop-rty was purchased by mo st pri vate sal, on tha 6th day ot May, ItHti, and la Mowed to remain in possession ol aid J. CoaUa Branson loan only, subject to mv order at any tlto. JOSKI'II I'UfTkH. K vlrrtown, Ph., May 11, 18H0 M. Orphnii' Court Kalo -OF- BY virtu of an ordsr of th Orphans' Court of Of- Beld count y, the under! rned Admin isiratorof tbo octal of PHIL'NDKK SMITH Istoef Law roue township, Clvwrfeld tuntv, Pa , deceased, will ta't at puhlln nut-erv to the highest bidder, at ih COURT UulHR, in th BOROUGH of CLE (RPIELD, on Tuesday, June 8ih, 1880, Al 9 O'CLOCK P. M., Tho following described real stat vlt : Ho. 1. Bounded North by land ot Tbntnas Mf hereon. East end South bv township mad 1'adlng from Bigler' farm to Mel'hersna'e mill, and on the west by land of J. Linn Mr Kher son, aortainlng about two acres, more ar leu, of unimproved land. 2To. 2. Bounded North lV townnhtp road leading frnm Bigler'a farm to Mol'berron'e mill nnd hy land of Beb Law heal, on tho East by land of I. M. Stage, on tbe Hoaih by other land uf P. Smith, deceased, and on the West by township road loading from the G .od felloe bridge to MoPbera'ffl'a mill, bv land of Wm. Hadtbangh. jr., nnd land f J. Lin a MePbersnB, containing rorty-lght seres, more or lees, and having a large Amount et bt mloek and wbit pin timber thereon. ' ITo. 3. Hounded North hy land ot Tsaao M. 'liege, East by land of ri flonrnur Ilia ter, John Powell, Buiton Golich and Jobd Mad dey, oa the 6aib by John Maddey and the bus quehenna river, and the Weal by township road leading Irom the Uo' dielluw bridge lo Mcl'bor eon's mill, oonlaining I UK acres and 37 psrobe, and having about At acrea cleared, with a small dwelling anure and good saw mill, picket mt"l, and lath mil', all in good runotna or-ler, 'I be baian-e of tbe land t covered with hemlock at,d other timber. One third eeih, aad Ibo residue In loo equal annual pay men ta, with he seeurod by Jodgmeot bend. A. 0. TATR, Atlm'rot Rstate or t. Rmith, dee d. Creorletd. Pa., May 12, UM0 41. NOT AT STOMP CREEK. BUT AT H. LEHMAN AlCO.'S Store, ROOM NUMBER TWO, Pic's Opera House, CLEAEFIELD, PA., Where $T Lehman A Co have opened a very large stoch of the latest and best stylea of DRY gods, Fancy Goods, MILLINERY GOODS, AND A PCLL ASSORTMENT OS . Lilies', Kisnoa' tt Children's S-X3C-0-3GS-S Of all rtrlct,Bw la Urn Call la pereen, or addres I'KIIMAN A CO. Clearfield, Pa, Msra IT, llOO tf, ANOTHER STRLKE ! lrw flrrrtlsfmtntl. Boaaiaa Fon Bali. R. Wwton Shaw kps a fill I sunnl nf Frcdoaiu Bunnies and Platform wagons for sal. To a sn at in nnaw none yard. Oal) oa ar addres him at OIarflld Pna sylvnnla. may IS-If. rlHOOl UTIOM OP PAHTNFROIIIP. The oe-partnersb p hilofoe existing ha- teeea Mllloa U Brown aad Kltm w. llrowo, do ing tutnc nnHer tb firm nam of M. O BROWN A BROTHER, wa dlolved by mutual ee.nnt on Ibo 10ih dv of April, A D. 100. Tbo boob aod acoounts or tbo arm win on mil ia tho hand nf Lawi Brown, Clerflld, P. M. 0. HHOWN, E. W. BROWN. Clearfield. Pa., April 11, 180-4L SheriiTs Sale. I )Y virtue of writs of V. a., Issued I I oat of the Court of Common Plena of Clear. field eouotT. "nd ta m diretd, tbr will b ipoad to VlllJl.lO SALB, at the Court House, in tb borough of Cler field, on Friday, May, 21at, IHHO, At I o'clock, P. M. th following described rail eat at, to wit : . All Hi Defendant's right title and Interest In trior two oar u In lot of ground In th village of T'outvillo, Clearfleld eounty, Pa .tb one bound ed and describe aa follows t Bounded oa tba east and north by land of Jacob Bunts, on th wast by lot No. h, and oo tho sooth by Cnrolio street, and known In plan of Bald village as lot no. a I, and having thereon erected a frame dwell ing bouse, frnm atabl and other outbuildings. Th other lot is bounded on th aet by an allay, on th west by 14 of Dr. J. Lydick, on tho south by an allry, and on th north by Carotin street, nd known in plan of said village as lot No. 6, and having thereon creoted a large shop and other outbuildings Seised, taktn in execution, and fo be sold as tb property of William Emderman. Tnnns or Salb. Th price or sum at whlob the property shall b itruck off must be paid at the tiao of aaie, ar auob other arrangements made as win be approved, otherwise tbe proper ty will b immediately put up and Bold again nt the oxpeoso and risk of the person to whom It was struck off, and who, In ease of deficiency at sueh re-sale, shall make good tbe same, nnd la s iastaae will tbe Dead bo presented in Court tor eunormation unless the money Is actually paid to tile Sheriff. JAS. MaUAFFKY, ' Snaairr'a Ornca, Sbriff Clearfield, Pa.. April li, 1080 I JHHY MT. Listof Grand and Traverse Jurors drawn for June Term. A. D-1880, Court eommenelug on ire fourth Monday of May (2tb), and to continue three weeks : , . Turinsn jtmoHs, rinar wrrk, may 34. F K Sbrpperd.Burnslde, Wm A Ogden.Lawren', Henrr Young, .I nho Smith, Hamuel Hale, Bell, W H Orr. II W M'.tl, John Smith, Bloom !Wm Urooius, (1 SchryTer, M 0 fadwailader, Morris, ;Milo Hoyt, Osceola, Jeeae Smeal, Boggs, IKIijah Weston, Ed J Wrigley. Bradford. David T Sharp, Pena, David Gingery, " Ja H Caldwell, Fike, Jas L Leavy, Cloarfield, jSimuel Starr, M Isaac Norrls.Curwens'le,J M Hoover, Sandy, b'wrene Klllian.Uhesi.i w u yuigley, Adam Kepliarr, uecatur, Jns H Am, Ferguson, J W Young, " Jeff Boll, Greenwood, L Hoy, tug Heherltcg, " J J Overdorf, " Sam'l J Golnet, Union, K Jefferson, Woodward, Tho Gordon, M John He"hell, Huston, Syl'ter Weimer, Jordan,: that Kits a jurors, aaoonn wbbi, uav 31 Henry L Med bee BM.Wm Miller, Cnviogton, Tohlas Hhatler, Hlnetn, Henj Ku grr, t'best, C M (loir, " Dan'l Goa, Sr. Decatur Jno S Oenrhirt, Boggr, lleorv Owens, Ferguson John W Kyler, " t John D Butler. Girard. Jarnb Ditncling, " C bang. lord. HouttdAl Jmee Shimmel, " 'jOeo Bowman, Jicob feree, Brndrord Matt Broey, Jos W Muiith, B.ccaria, John Thompson, Jordan Geo H Hall, Lawiene. 'I horns Cooper, " Jacob Spnngie, " Tiom Fliek, M Stiiaa Hhoff, " Lowjs Shimmel Mjrrif, 1 A J Ames, Morris, K H Law she, Osceola, Pettr Winnert, Rrady, Jonathan Wall, Penn, J. K. Uoitorf, Clearfield W Eddy, Woodwerd, .lac b A Faust, " Uaal'erter, Aug Mulaoa, Covington j Jerk Abbott Joo J Picard, " W II Joy, " an Ann JtRoaa, Tniao xt, it aa 7. Wro M Shaw.Clearfleld, Sam'l lUgerty, Oulioh, H B ThompsoD, Cur'ille.lJobn W Moor, Huston, W SOiHiiand, Coving'oJa McKeehan, Jordan, WeatlcTWhite, Bornside Jamas Cahert, Knoi, Jas W McOheo. H.ll, Hamuel Hoover, " John C Ktewa-t, Brad'J.i A Humphrey, Law'oe, Jos II Kirk, Brady, 10 L Hchoooover, Morris, Edward Albert. Boggs, j laaa Markle, Newburg, Riob'd llughea. Decatur, ilorge K Junes.Osocoia, Jas FrrgiiBn, Ferguson, I t'haa Clearer, Penn, Jno W Murray, 'luslieo,! Levi R Dressier, I'oion, Heaek'h bmeal.Orabam, A F Baugbman, Wood'd. TAVkBB JUkORS, TainO WKBK, 1VU 7. Wm Bard,Curneosrillo,;J W RafTerty, Peaa, Jona Shatlsr, Brady, (John A.Woomer.Osceola T C Harms, " ( Willi m Davl. Uali-h, iSobert MeCully, Adam CuMard, DecAtur, IAIodio Whit, " C rbeet4, " Lewis bhindrll, Geo A A Ilia, Jacob Bilingcr, Jesse Harmon, J Jtwiaon, J W Uorn, James T llablo, iV T Hot brook, Morris, Geo llrgarty, II mlldalf, Albert Swartsell, 1'atilnk Shields, Amos tnaal, Wood'd, Thos hingleloo, w John Louder, Bradford, Hiram Wilson, " L 0 Waison, " Asbiey Siewart, " Aaron Peters, " Kobert 1UII, Sandy, Amos Kline, " James Moore, Burn side, T N Faltoa, Lawrence, G G Ima, " 4 A Antes, Dan'l Bowman Jr, Knot, Michael Smitb, Jordan, Kmil KouKOaux. Girard, Wm Johnson, Graham, Jacob Bsrger, Hike F LCoudnei, Covington, JoibiiM Fellwll,Nawti g, Oliver Moore, Karlheus, J Wcstbrook, Waliaeo'a, J A Terp. " PHr Sot.Jay, J J Snyder, t'bet, bila Carey, Cloarfield, Wm Porter, Sheriff's Sale. BY virtu of sundry writs of Pea AT., Issued out of Ibo Court of Common Plea of Clear tield Co., and to me directed, then will bipod to PUBLIC BALK, ot tho Court House, in Ibe borough of Clearfield, Pa., oa Friday, May Slat. IHHO, At 1 o'clock, P M , the follow leg described real est!, to wit) AM th right, title aad Interest of Defendants in all lb i.t certain tract of land situate In Green wood township, Clearfield eounty. Pa., bounded and described a follow : wounded on tb north by lanJe 'at of Wm Bell, deaed, on tb south and watt by land of John W. Bell, aad on tba east bv lands of William Ms Crack an, oonlaining about 66 acre, with About 16 a ores cleared, and laving rid thereon a email frame boue and log bare, and also a youog orchard of about 100 tract ot ebo fruit growing thereon. Seised, takon In execu'ion an I to be sold a the prnpurty of N. R. Arnold aad W. R. Harts horn. ALSO. All the right, title and Interest of Defendant In all that certain tract or pier ef land situate tn Lawrence township, Clearfield Co , Fa, boun ded nnd deeorlhed as follows: Beginning at a post corner and lin of a 10-foot tret aod 48 leet east frnm cent re of the Tyrone A Clearfield Railroad; th-noa south 160 fel to post eoroer ; iheuoe east 116 feet lo post aorner ; I bene north 160 feet lo said 30 foot street ( thru beginning at a post corner ol other tide at atreet thence north 106 feetlopst OT&er j tbno by Tyrone A Clear Held Bei road sooth 3"7 fel t post corner al 10 fuot street before mentioned, nnd having thereon erected a brewery. 31x28 feet, 1 atone high, with ee'lar aed beer vault; also a two story frame house, 36 by 40 feel, with stone basement j also a frame stable, 1ft by 24 fcrt, ice bouse, and other out buildings thereon. ALSO. All lha right, title and interest of Defendant in euo other tot or pleoo el ground slsuale in the village of Hillsdalo, Lawrence township. Cloar field county, l'a., bounded uud deoribd a fol ows t Boundd on tbo sroal by aa alley, on tbo m-rtb by Br en street, on tb at by Spring street, on tbe south by Owen read, toaUining j ef an sera. No buildings i hereon. Helaed, lake Iu execution and In be sold a the property of Cbsrlet Sbafer. A LSO. All tbe right, title and Interest of Defendant In n certain pleoe of land situate la lloutidule bor ough, Clearfield county, Pennsylvania, being lot 60x100 feet 00 Hannah street, larga hotel, tbra stories high, XQiAO feet, barn H24 feet, and other outbuildings, belied, takcB la exeentlon and lo he sold a ALSO, All Ibe right, title and Interert of Defendant s In n certain lot of gronnd situate in Huston town ship, Clearfield eounty, Pa., 1b ibe village of Penl) rid being part of lot No. 17 on tbe plot of aid tillage, and part of lot donated by H. E Hewitt. The whole has 103 feet front and 104 feet deep, fronting oa couth Bid of Woo I ward street, bounded north and "est by lends ef P. E. Hewilt,eouthand west by land of H. Woodward, and nertb by lands of George Woodward. Tbe choreh Is 46 by 00 feet, two stories high . Seised, taken In execution and to be Sold as th property nf M. tt. Church, Penfield. ALSO, All tb right, 'lite and InterMt af Defendant la that certain tract of laod alt eat e la Lawreaco towaship, Clearfield eounty, Pa., bounded nad described as follow i let. Beginning nt let of M. A A Carter ; then hy let of Lewi Carter north 0.1 degree east 87 perehe to n peat In Moose creek thence by lin f land of H tabard Shaw South t degree West $ v-10 perched to peet ; tbeneo by lino of lead of A. L. Ogden south 66 6 10 degree west 14 S 10 perches suath 03 dgres west 7 7-10 perches north 12 degrees weet I 8 Iv perches enuta OS t 10 porch weet 10 4 10 per ches to eeraer of other lot of M. A A. Carter j ibeooe by same north 31 degress west 4 4-10 per ebes in pi f beginning, oaiaialng on acre and 77 I 10 perch. A LAO, Id. On ther Id In said township, beginning at a post In township road th orner et tht lot and lot Bold to Ueorg Mulleuj thence by said township road north 20 degtea west 00 fvt I lot ef Mrs. Carter) theu by th Mia a north $1 de gree east 176 leet, more ar less, to let el M. Car Un tbeneo by tho tame eootb 06. degrees east 00 feet to post; tbeace by tbe same seat 04 degree wnt 176 II. to post sod plof begloalng, being 00 let I root oe Lutbershurg aod Clearfield tem pi k and 176 feet deep, aod having thereon erected a large from house, atabl aod tbr ou'bu Id ing. 8111, token la eteeutloa aad to be sold a the property of Matilda Carter aad Abram Carter, her hue band. Tanua or SsLa-Th prle ar earn at whiea the pre party shall bo struoti ef meat ba paid at tho time of sale, or Mnh other two ge moot mad aa will be approved. oGivrwiee th property will be immediately pot up and sold agaia at the oa pee aad rik ef tb per ia weeea 11 wa etnseh af, aod who, la ease ef weueteaey at each re -sale, shall make good tba aame, aad la aa inetaaee will the Deed he preseated ta Ueart for eeaflrmatioa un tb money a avdaaliy paid t ta ribani. 4 anm slAtiag at, Bt.tirr'k Orric I Sktrif ClMrvWd, Pa, April T, '. I APMINiaTRATOR'a MOTICR -Nolle I hereby given that Letters nf Adlalatra Hoe an tb aetata of FBtNOIS M. FULTON, late or Burnsld township, Clearfield eounty, Pa., dr oaa sad having been daly graaUd to Ih nndr slinsd, all pron Indebted ta eald eUta will r lea-e make Immediate pa v ment, aad those bnv. og claim or demands aglnt th aim will pre sent tham properly authenticated for aattleuiant, without delay. JOHN KIMK, Patebtnvllla, Pa., May ft, ISOO fit. XTOTICE IN DIVORCK- Luer ucMtlaMcOulr,) Ta th Court of Com. Plea f v. Ulea-leld Co.,No. Ml Jan. I. Mi oh a' McGuIr ) 1870. Subpoena la Divorce. The an-lerelgned Commissioner, appointed by lb said Court, lo take testimony ta Oi abovq elated case, hereby gives notlo ibat he will at tend to hi duties at th office of MeKnally A Me Curdy, In Cloarfield, Pa., en TUUKSDAY, MAY l.ltb, 1880, at 10 o'clock A. M , and eontiaae It from time lo time aolil all tbo testimony is taken, nt wblcb time aad plaoe all panics tntrted may attend. v. a. iiAuam i, Commiislooer. Claarflatd. Pa., April 18th, 1880 JL Rr.GlJtTKR'S PJOTICKNoti is here by given that tb fol 'owing account bave bean examined and passed by toe, nnd romaia filed of record la tbi olfio fur th Inspection of hir, legatee, sredtiert, end all other intereaUd, and will be presented t lb ooit Orphans' Court of Clearflald eounty, to he held at th Cnart Houee. In tbe borough of Clearfield, commencing on tb first Monday (being tho Ttb day) of June, A. D. I HSU i Aceoust of Robert Wilbrow, Guardian ol Jam Uuillaut, minor caild of Wo bo Uutllaut, late of Knox township, Clearfield Bounty, Pa , deceased. . Final aanouat af Jamas McMurtay, Guardian ar OriaG. Irvia. minor son uf Wm tUrvln, lata of BurBstde, Clear fluid county, Pa., deed. Account of William A. Barr, Administrator of thaeatato of Mary 8. Barr, late of Clear ed borough. Pa-, deo'd. Final aeoouat ef David Ream,Guardiaa of Mils A. Kirk, aad Thomas Kirk, Jr minor hairs of Wm. Kin, late of Brady township, Clearfleld eounty, Pa., deo'd. Aeoouat of John S. MoKleroan, Adminis trator C. T. A., of the estate ef Mile Davit, let of Beoearta Uwnibtp, Clearfield eounty, Pa., deo'd. Final aoeount of Henry Werti, Administrator of tb estate of Cetharlo Troy, late o! U.oom township, Otoarfitild county, Pa., daeetsed. Final aeooont of Joseph II. Broth, Administrator ol th estate of Cbrislian Nctf, lata uf New Washington. Clears Id county, Pa., deceased. Final account of Dr. J. G. Hartswick, Executor of tho estate al John Beaumont, late ol Law rence ttwahip, Cloarfield coualy. Pa, de ceased . Final aoeount of David Hitching, Administrator ol the estate ol William Hiiobios, Ute of Brad lord township, Ciearfield eounty, Pa , do oeeswd. Account ar Inventory of tho goods, chattels and real eclat, wbob wore of Wm. L. Kisbwl, late ol Lawn-no tuwosb p, Uiearbeid county, Pa., dro'd., selected, appraised aod sol apart I r trt use oi nennaiia u nisnei, wmow oi said oee a. Final aeeounf of Anthony Hit and Susan Young, Administrator aud Administratrix of the estate o Hooort Young, lat uf Lumber City, Clear Acid aouoty, Pa.t boaad. Final account of Thomas Pi fr, Administrator of ot tbe estate of Wm. Sloppy, lata of DuBois, uearooia county, re-, deceased. Final account of A. W.Young, one of tho Admin istrator of tbe estate of W iliiaus Williams, lat of Jordau township, Uieartleld Co., Pa., dee d. L.J. MO tit AN, ilegis:r. Cloaifield, Pa., May 6, lH0-lo. -THAT ALL WOOLEN GOODS HAVE ADVANCED ENORMOUSLY IN VALUE, THE PSICES OF 0TO a New Spring Clothing Will Be Found As Low AS LAST YEAR. GUINZBURG'S ONE PRICE WESTERN HOTEL CORKER, CLEARFIELD. PA. CL.rteld, Ft, April 14th, MM-lm. AUDITOR' STATI'.H-iNT of lb. Fl n.nrn.f HUsTuN TOWNSHIP, for tb. j..r mdia, AprJ ft. ISW I ROAD ri'ND.. . . D.WfMibWAKn,WK. A.D i..ONWAT,lirPNRTIin.. . tui. T. am't erAwn inmm b. Auditor! o. H..J F.Bd To et h..l.d Ko.d UI for mill (M ft To .B't.fH..ud Ko.d Ui for l"7 103 To 't Woodw.rd.Aprtl II, 'II. 14 31 Tol.l. rf. I M CB. My .tn't p.ld Township Clrk. t It 00 I! 00 By .m t Anditot. Bjr kw'l f.r pl.ttk .no apik.i H. .n't for .M) of tool. u By .n'l vf .lon.rmlio.a ., By nt't ancoll..t.d 8o.t.d ut II J .n't work! by Ui.ble. Hy .m't paid Lliatriol Tra...r.r By .ia 'l ..rk on road, inaloulu, p.r..,.. .1 l.rrleta, tbont 1 18 d.yf, kt I?.... ri m 41 (II 34 tb 111 t !0 14 It 07 ,130 14 Tot.l Oul,l.adlnr otja, II.MI I Int.r.rt, boit00. Rwd Ui l.vied l.r IH", t milla. DR. To .n't do. to.a.bip, April 14, l?... IU n To .n't Adilur'a ordar, April 1, 1900.... 14 47 Tolol CR. Py Bia't ... third of aalary ftu w.H. 00 By a'! ord.ri a.ab.d m.... IV 00 rOOR fUMU. AMok ROR.t.Q A". 0. IPIt, OT........ To lra'lof.rdaradr.w. m Dtat.TruaVM M1 kT Tol.l... ,.... Ml H CR By kn'l paid f.r aopport of poor, kit t liaM Tra.y .nd wlfk..HH.. Archibald Luoor. ...... Hamilton. ', Mr., Don. HM. .,H , H H.Cli.koi.. . , O. Pmrr .... .. ' Mra. A. HoU.. Tranpa... .w .. ih. Mrt. PMrr Kwtir J.b.Stom H Ry .m't for printing hmnh ordwa By am'l paid A. Hornl., for a.rvio.a... Ry paid 8. Hn.t, ttr rsrrlnM rf Total fIR. To bain... do. from 1070. Tonu'ida. froai H. W. Brow., CodiNi'r. Tn .m't dn. froaj P!. II. M To .m'l d.. from D Horning To nia'l do. front W. J King..... H To am't dn. from L. Bird w T. am't bral dnpllfwi... Ik7.... To am't no'd CTraat, Mar. II, '10, lift 14 7J SI J II IK 13 IT 10 00 :o ; It 00 Total ....................... 1714 0.1 CR. Ry tm'l Clinton' moV .. tIM.II..... la II Hy .m'l ..... 4T By am't on.lltd l.t for llk't WH 71 0a Hy am'l onoollrMod by W, J. King....... II IT By tm'l M.IIMd by II. W. Brown.... )t II Hy tm'l mMlloti.d by L. Bird . 10 00 Ry am'l nnMllmod by t. Uwl I II Hy tm'l ptid T.rwn.kip Cl.rl 10 M By tm'l paid . Hunt, Conaubu't Im. 1 " By nm'l nf ...-Iblrd of otwry.... tl 00 By nm'l nf Ornraoart' nrdara - 4t0 01 By nm'l dn. tw.ibip..;.H 1 14 Tolal ;u 3 No fo Ui ' foot otwnn ol.dlng..... HIT K W, lb. nnd.r.lg.t AndlMra.f U.rto. tnw. afaky, d. kmby Mrlily tknl tb. k.M.f Mnu Ml M Irn. nntl onrrott. U Inn boot or onr bnowi odg. n.d kvitf. A. U. BUr.kNKH.ANH, . i CUAB. HUVAOKKH, j - ' ' . W, K WVODHABD. Aunt i ,- Aa44tott, l. Bi.n, Ol.rkj. - . . . . May, t, IU044. CLOTHING STORE, tim lit S 04 . 7'l t Oo II ttr 14 00 II 14 4 TJ 1140 . loo 110 11 00 II M lllsrrUanroui. N. E. ARNOLD. . o rrn. xxr xs jsr s xr x r js, WILL PAY THE HIGHEST CASH FBICE 27" 0 3FL 1,000 CORDS HEMLOCK BARK. 1,000 CORDS OAK BARK. 1,000 CORDS SHINGLE BOLTS. 1.000,00(1 ONK MILLION SAWED HHlXCiLES. 1 ,000,000 1,000,000 ONE MILLION SHAVED SHINGLES. 1,000,000 No waiting fur turn, but unloaded immediately. Highest cash price paid nt nil times. Liberal advances made on large lots. Go see Arnold before contracting your bark. N. E. ARNOLD, M.; II, I "SO If AN IMPORTANT NOTICE! I beg leave to announcn to the citizens of Clearfield nnd surround ing country that I have opened a first-class establishment for the Bale of Ready-Mad Clothing, HATS AND CAPS, BESTS' FUBHISHIHG S5Q03S3 TRUNKS a VALISES. BESIDES I PEOPOSE TO CARET A FULL STOCK IN THE MERCHANT TAILORING LINK. ALL OF WHICH I Wll.L SELL AT UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES. MY PLACK OK IiUSINKSS IH IN Room No. 4, Pie's Opera House. Your putronago in reopoclfully tolieiU'J. Cull fn poraon or Jilro ALBERT T1IAMAUSER. a: n.oxrz mice strictly adhered to. Clem field, l'a., Mitreh 17, 1880. JAMES L. T7 3rXEIRTA3B:23R. MARK RT RTRHET, CLEARPIBLD, PKKN'A. AH kinds of Caokota and Coffin kept on hand, and furnished to order on hort notice, including tho finest aa well aa the cheapest that can be maun factured. Our oonpaii riiEBEnvun. Ia the boat In une, and will be furni.hed when required. Funerala attended in any part of the county. Call at my oflice, on Second street, or leave your onlcra at Troulman'a Fnrniloro oct 1,70 1y.' 2tcip flffrtlsrtutnts. ARNOLD WANTS. 5,000 Rail Road Ties. CanrraiTllla, Pa. Jan. I, '71-U. T:: White Sewing Machine Ca bcuptht at few I prleas from ALCX UaTTBR8UN Wndulltiiiti. Pa. 1 1 ll MttnY.. if Bnt superior lo n- flr.t alM Kwiaj; Muhlna la tha itnracie virraiin wn k p'inttiwis. WoodlaDd, Oct. , la;-tas. AltMICottRKH' NOTICIw Ta Whom It May Concern Tba aadrslj(nM, balng boon sppointotl Aasiooafor tbo bntl of rod. tar by Jas. B. Urh, of CtosrHejIJ boro(th, all porsons, tborolara,bMtns:alaiiasatlnstbia will prt-ant tbra to at for sotllsinsni, sari iboso la drt td ta tba ss,td Srabnai aro mini rod to sttl aad Bftka pataiaBt to ot. BUWAHD 4. B'OLER, AHBtlKY W. LKB, CliarSold, Pa., Doa. 14. I7t tf Assignros. APMINI9TH ATtlR'H N(TICR.-lVotiot la boroby fttvo Ibot Laitrri of Adnlais i rati on an tha oatata of JAMKH FHKI.IN, (ta of Corltgtoa township, Clrjarflatd Moaty, Pa , dtwoasad, taoTiait bota duly graaiod ta tbt andtrslgnod, all porsoas tadabtad to said tstalo will plsosa snaka Innodlata payoiont, and ibosa bating claims or dosnanda against tho sn will prcaoot ttas proporly authenttoarod fnr srltk. aaat without dolajr. ClIARLKrl IdlUTfUT, Administrator. Clearfield, Pa-, Apitl SI, lRSO It. HURNS1DK Normal Institute I Tbla Bfbool will opto oft WON DAT, MAT 10, 181, andooatlaaa twthro waoha. TUITION: Jortnll. Daptrtmonl M H...M 00 Cominom 4 40 Common llrnnthot n.4 Tbtorj of Tttaklng 0 00 niRker BrtMk.n.M..M.....M...M....... 40 Mm. I'.ln will tmrh ln.lrnm.ttd mtilr tt rratonnhl. mt.a, Tn. Normal Olnat wlH k. .iamls.4 aoftthl b tb. Cow. I anprint.n4ont. 4T-Moo4 konrditf M k. bnd at J M to t IB pnr wook. koomt for aolf bMnto mo ko ka4 nt rrwouble rtt... For funkv !a(o tlnn, JA ow or l4drfM IIKO. W. INNKfl. PrlMip.l, JA8. II. RRLLKY, Aaalalant. B.rfi.M., r. , Hnk 17, IkHLlf. TFIAI. l.lRT.LItt of rtnm Ml down f..i trial nl Ik. artwit n.4 laird WMka of Ma; Itm, 1100 i, pinaT w.tRr.i.rtil w.xn.T (34r.)or mat. Pobn riatt .a. Cokran A Y...C. W B Kh.w va. Jam. Irwin. D..I4 Caklil ... i H U.kl. Co. J.k. Bo.akr ... Andrtw t Bnnm ot at. Jok. 8 llaidorf tl nl t. Tko. L Bu.rl M .1. J..b. B UUIm H nl ta. Bl.w.rl Co.nn M tL Joka "ortnMn. A Co nAL Wll.,. Tkomna Rvaaa ra. Mefun. Uwirir. B Uoodlandrr va. K mmnr A Boll, .amaol 0 flfrdrr tt. William (Hrlar. B I) r.huon.ivor la. D W A Jckn M, Wm Albert A Brot, .Ms .a. Tb.mna Cnrk.. LK.rtkl. Lin.l. A Cn .a. Whli.'k A Towa'dtlll. flarknr. An. B.rt va. W ft Ul.konron. Jok. Cmawall A 8... n. DO Hananl. ktounewni rirta aAkktr (Sltl) kr war. A brim Tat. .a WVWrlfbtm UCk.rc'a. I 0 Ack.rd va. J.k. Ll,bior. II H Stllllnnford .a. h.borl U.r. r.ll. Mart A Uam.rlv va, J...I. I 10 Smllk. C. Kntl Bank .( Cl'fd va. Abram oamnkrtr. I', hat'l U..k of Ci rj vt. William A Wallas. t M.ltw va, Joionk Fr, M nl. .uk M tkn o. t. Klin.. Lnvint Woodl. vkA.iii.kllM. A Mllkr v.. jMok 8 Uo.rk.rt. JH P.rt, ua of v. J.ook Riaololt M tl. J.t.ikna t).,nlo v. 1 bom a I fnrkaMnt, L U LlnK va. Uin Coal Ouo...n J KM'ia,madAO.M,vt. Kliu.m WaMonr. IlMrn, Uarria C. v.. attr'H A Hok't lu On RLf BLOOM, FrMkoaotarr. ' Ctouiaid, Fa., A,rtl 14, III. M. isrrllBnroni. CURWENSVILLE, PA. LEAVY, Store, adjoining the Poaioflice. JAS. li. 1.KAV Y, Clearfield, Pa ITfw giflrrrtioSfutrnts. ARNOLD HAS ADVAIS'CKD Prices of Shingles, SnAVED AND 6AWKD. Carwtosrillt, Jaa. f, T8tf. CAHTIONo-AM pflrmoa art bor- arao4 n-t ia parebitaa or bava anv thioc ta 4a with tbo Mlowinjr personal propfttf, aosr la tba pos-a-aslonof Wtlliaa Lrees, of Blooas tawatbln, via: foo joba of Oisb, aad aaa Two-boraa Wtgoa. 1 no fors;oiDg proport y waa partnmoa by asa al prlToio tala oa iba I9 h of A prtl, nd is kHowod to rtatsia la th fniam nt iM Vim Lisoa oa I a oo Ij inbjtet to my ardor at aaj tiara. IB i. Diuua. liloi'talagton, Pa., April 28, lftHO.Si.a AI)MIMTR ATlin'a NntlCR-Notlr U b.nbv iv. tbnl Ulan f AdminU- on Ih. of ISABKLLA Ll DULB.Inl. of Jordan town.nip, Ctotroold MiMtr, P, dM'd, bn.lna tmon .my grnniM an lo. .no.riifnoa, mi .oraona tndrbt to anid ..tat. win pwaM ia. iinmrnlinto pnjmDt, nnd tk.M knvlng .loiia. r demand! aio.t lb. lama, will promt Ikotn prop.rlv nutb.nti.aud for wttlrmMl wltkont .1,1.,. JAMBS UUNTRR, aominiMrnir, Aa.onvilli, r.., April IS, UM ll. 1-lXH UTOB'R KOTirE.-l'otlMlt kro. j ky girrn Ibnt Lrttrrr T.ainmonl.ry fm tkn .,iai. af LHTHKR BARH RTT, K.r(a..n towo.klp. Clv.rflrld Monty, Pann't, doooopad. b.vln, botn dory .ranted t. tb. .nooraiennd, til rimooi Ind.btrd t.i nld Mint, will plat makn mmadlnt. payment, tnd I bota kavlng tlnim. oe mtinnadi nicain.t Ik. Mm. will ,rnint tbom property .otbontlealed for retllemeat wltkowt delay. JAMKS McKKKHAN, aaoenmr. Marroa. Pa., April 11, UkO 41.. LOR BALK. Th. andeealnod will aoll at nrivata tola .11 that leant of pnraol of mod atraan la Dm. In. towaablp, CkarSobl annly, Pa oitkl. a ab.rt dliuno. nf lb. Tyran. A dMr.H R. H.. and djolainf laada nf R.kart H.deo. nnd Mkara, and know. M tka Jnmk . 0arknrl lot Tkn ntld trnot ontnlolnt M MVot moro or men. vrltk tw. vrioa of valonbea oonl tkoroo, knt nbont le norm .kiarod, nad It Ik. key a. n larrt body of tool tbont knln, devalopew. Will k. aM l.w and npo. May ktrmt. lor wnrtteniera, tppry t. vaviu a,, ansna. Clonrtald, Pa.. Jnly It, 1174. .tujovRjrmo ORPHANS' COURT SALE I BT twin, of ta erdnr of tka Orpkttl' Ooortof fltarleld roomy, tb. ndnr.lnwl. Admin. Iitiaunroftb. e.uiaof D. A. CATHCAHT. l.i. of Knot lowniklp, aonrl.ld Malty, Pa , doa'd, w,,i e.., m p.oiio in. mom konM ol JoMpk Rrb.rd, Inlk. vlH..W NKW MILLPORT, la aa id lowniklp, oa , Saturday, May 29th, 1880, ATI O'CLOCK . M.. All nf tV. latoroetof antd MttU la tb rolnnrlnc aeieribod real Mlttt, vit i , ONK HOUSE AND LOT . tn rer,oKa towaablp, soar lb. ell Ingn af Mm Milium, In tko nl Cle.rteld, P.., bonadod by landt ot Cbnrlot R.nwd, Un LaOwrna pnr. 'Ha, tnd Bnmntl Tobinn, noalninlng OM nnnn, mere or loia, wltk t lwn.aL.rv plonk frntM k.oeo. Ii It font, tnd olk.r nolbaildlnga tkere.n amliol A LAO, A trnot of had 1IM1U la (ana Iowa, ikip. Cle.rleld, P., kvndod ky load, of Aamnol Hearer, U.U.ort ,Jokn Bawg kmnn, nnd J.ka R. llnnlap, Mnvalnlag FIFTY A0RB8, Her. or lom.lftMa Mrt. af wklek IN olnnrod and under .nltl.ntleo, aed a too- lory plank fmaM dw.lllng kotM, 14.14 font, ankle, and etoor nwt eoMing.tkereoaere.ud. Tkert U tloo a ytaag orekard ee tbe eemo. Tit Umber kt i.itr .d o. , eeroo and oae knJf novo, of anld land. . TttMIOFIAlli frne nbwd tut, and kaltM. la two a. '.of na nnl paymoaU, afur oootrwiali.. of anw, wltk talereai, lo ke Meared ky tadgaoat aolt. ar knada. LRU UK t 0. BLOOM, Adnr tb. nrtatt tf D. A. Oatbnart, d.r'l. N. Millp.rt. Pa-, AprU II, IU0-4L