... jRailrcaiU. m-r ; " rennnj Ivaula Unllroiul -.i4--v-' .11 TYRONE 1 CLEARFIELD B1UKCII A! , ul after Monday, NOV. It, 1979, tae Teeeenijer Train, will run daily (aieept Bun ) btw.n Tyrone .nit CleRrtleld, ae follow. ) CLIAKFIELD MAIL. j LEAVE SOUTH.' tLEYS NOHTU. GurweaRrllle,. Kiverview OlotrAeld....... Leonard, .. Ilerrett, ........ Woodland Weler .1.10, r. .I SO. Tyrone,.- t.99,i.n Vaaaeojoo,,.., t.li." Bommlt 9.0, ' P.iweit.n ln.ou. " ,.1.49, " ..., " ", ,.4.01, ..4 OH, " -41T, " ,.4.J " -4.31, " ..d., " 4.a, " .4.49, " ,.4.61, " .6.04, " ..6.1. " ! C,K,I.,...... 10,11, Botnton, .19,17," Slelner' 10.31," Pbllipibor(r,..19.1t,", OraBata 11.19," lllul 11II,m....10.J7," Weliao9ti.a,...19.44," Hlgler ...19.il, " Woodland, 19.59," Barrett, ...11.07," Leonard 11.11," Clearfleld, ....I1.19," Bittrvlw.....ll.l, Wallaeetoa,. Blu Ball,.... Oreham Pblllp.bura;, Btelner'e, IlDynton, Oieeola,.,,... Powelton,. Bommll, Venaooyofl,.... Tyrone, .(.Oil, " Corwenivllle,.11.40A. OLKARPIKLD EXPRESS. LEAVE SOUTH. LKAVB NORTH. Curwenivlllo.. i Rlrerrlew..... e-39 Cl.arteld ... 6.47 Leonard 9. 61 ll.rr.lt t-47 Woodlaad,.... 9.01 Blgler, 1.09 Welleeetoo,... t.li Blue Bill, 31 drehaio 0.25 Pbilipibura;.. 9.J9 tileiuer'a, Ml Boynton 9.H7 Oieeola, 9.4J Powelton, 9.M Summit 7.00 Van.eoyoe 7.28 Tyrone T.44 I. . Tjrom,.......T.J0 . m, " , VRReeeyoo,..7.4I " " Summit 8.06 " ' Poweltoa, 9.IT " " Oietol.,.. 811 ' ' Boynton,.. 8..14 " " Hteiner'l I.M " "' Pbillpbur...l.4l " Orbm, 9.47 " " Blue Ball 8.64 ' WBllaoeloB,...9.9J " Bigler 9.19 " Woodlaad 0.17 " Barrett, 0.14 " Leonard 0.30 ' CleerUeld 0.38 ' Rivoriew,..'...9.49 . Curwonivllle 19.99 PUILIPSBUKOi MOSIIANNON BRANCHES l.BATB ROtlTB. F. w. A. B. A. V. 3:00 BT4N0RR. -MurrlidalR, Philipeburg, bteiner'e Boynton, ' Oieeola, MoihAnooo, HlerlinR, Jlootidalf, HoOkuley, Kflodriok'l, a. . v. r. i 13:40 1:16 J in 114 1:811 144 -99 7:03 13:36 4:80 13:31 4:14 13:14 4:18 10:30 7:18 10:35 7:11 0:10 11:04 4:01 8:66 11:61 3:67 8:60 11:46 1:60 6:46 11:40 1:46 8:41) 11:36 1:45 8:86 11.30 1:30 8:39 11:16 1:30 1:47 10:41 Ml) 1:51 10:48 7:46 1:57 3:07 10:61 7:6 10:58 8:01 11:03 8:0 3:11 BALD EAOLK VALLEY BRANCH, a KiTm.II. M.ll. Kip. f. . A. n. r. b. A. b. 7.08 8.30 lTt Tjrom irlva 6.10 7.66 1.13 8.47 Bld EiflB 6.68 7.41 8.01 9.30 , JuliAB 6.10 7.05 8.14 1.66 Mlleibgrc 4.46 8.43 8 31 10.08 BallefonU 4.36 8.33 8.46 10.16 Mlleaburf 4.16 8 33 9.118 10.40 llow.rd 4.01 8.00 41 11.18 arrlraL. Hbtm Itb 8.16 6.16 TYRONK BTATION. RARVfrARn. A.B.I WRHtWARR. l'olc EipriH (:UPitlibnrtk Eip'H, 1.68 JohnitowD ExprRH 8:61 Paoiflo Exnril, 6:18 r.M.I MtUTriii. 8:27 Way Paiaeiiger, At Ian tie Exprtai, P;M I Mull Trsio, Yn 8:34 7:118 Oloie eonnwttuni niada by fell trkini t Tyront idiI Look iUrtn. 8. B. BLAIR, - BjlT-tf. - 8 prio Undent. ' PTAUB LINKS. A iUglevi CorwtniriIltdtly tor RynoMi Tltli,ftt 1 o'clock, p.m.,rrlfin(rt ReynoldiTillc i 6 o'rloott, p. m. Retomiog. Im Rtynoldi Till dnily, 7 o'clock., . m., trrlving t Car wDTill at 13 o'olook. n. Varfi Mb wty, $2. A itge leirci CurweDiTlIla dtily. t 1 o'clock, p. m., for DuUoti City, trrivlng at Dulioii City at 6 o'clock, p. m. Ktturnitig, loavca DuBoil at 7 o'clock, a. (B daily, arrif int;at CurweoivilU at II a'elock, n. fare, each way, $1.60, Allegheny Valley Railroad. LOW ORADI DIVISION. ON ud Rftr Mondaj, Ao 41b, 1879, tbt pRHRnrtr IrainR will ran d.llj (aRMpt Baada;) Utm.a K.d Bank and Driftwood, at follow, t ETWRD,-I)i; Hall laarol Plltiborc 8:55a. to.; Rad Bankll:li; Blijo JaoetloB 11:33; Now B.thl.h.ro 11:33 p. m.; MajirMI. 11:60 1 Trojl:13; Broukrll'. 1:35 ; Full.r'l 1:00 R.J. noldi.llla 1:31 1 DaBola2:69r Sontalt TuodrI 8:18; Ptalild 1:43; Waadrllla 4:06 B.o.Mtta 4:31 1 arrl.aa al Driftwood at 6:19. W FJ4TW A Ft D. D.j Mall Irbth Driftwood 11:30 p. n. Beooutta l:06t Wndtllla 1:30; PaoO.ld 1:40; Bommlt Tunnel 1:1 0 ; DoBolil lS; RejD0ldiTlll.3:61; Pollar", 3:10; BrooltTillaS:33; Troj 3 64; MaTRTillt 4:14; Nt w B.tbltbem 4:30 ; Bliffo JunotloD 6:12; Rd Bank 6:39; arrival at ,Piltiborg at 9:00 p. m. 4R Tba Rajooldarilla Aoeomnodatloa laavaa Rajooldavilla daily at 7:66 a. m.( Bad arriTaa at Bad Bank at 19:60 a. ., Pitubargb at 1:39 p. m. Laava, Pittabargb Bi 1:16 p. n ; Rod Baak at 6:65 p. m.; arriving at ReTooldtvllia at 9:06 p. M. (' L Cloaa aoBDaetloaj mada wltb train, oa P. A M ' Railroad at Driftwood, and witb tralni oa tba ' All.jh.nj Valler Hailroad at Red Bank. DAVID McCAROO.UaB'l Sup'l. A. A. Jaorbor, Bap't L. U. Dir. FARE FBOM CLEARFIELD, TO B.ll.fonU, Pa $3 06 Mlddlatawa 6 90 Look Ua.aB 1 79 Mariatt .. 6 66 WilliatBipart. 110 Lanoaatar.. 9 90 Hantinidoa 10 PHILADELPHIA 7 99 Lawiatowo.. I 90 Altoona 1 96 Marjririlla.- .. 4 sol Johnitown....... 116 Cow.oi.ill...... lOlPbilipabari 61 OKaola 66 Tjrona 1 11 UARRISBtlRO... 476lPITTBBDR 6 16 tUsctllautoua. ARNOLD WANTS at Shingle Bolts & Saw Logs. OarwaatTUle, Jan. 9, 79-tf. 6B6A.-W XbXZXaXj AT PRIVATE SALE t ANY partial la need of a Raw Hill are hereby Informed that I will aell tbtm onaai good as Ben, blare I Bloom, a F1FT Y-FO V R INC1! 8 A W. Baltiag, and all tba other fixtflre, la good order. rer farlbar infornatloa, addraea JUSTIN J. PI, Oeaaal 11 ilia, Olearteld Co, Pa. Mareb J, 10 If. ,, ( CENTRAL Ntnte formal Nchool. (Eighth Normal School District.) Lock Haven, Clinton Co., Pa. at. JV. SA VB, A. M., Prineifal. Tbla Reboot u at preaent eonititwted, offeratba ary beet faoilitiaa for Prafe,einaal and Claalaal laarnlag. . , Baildiaga rpaeiona, iBritlag and eomraodtoae aorapletaty heated by ateara, well rentilatad, and farnuhed witb a baaBtlfal lappiy af para water, loft aprlrg water. LoealMB baaltbfal Bad aaay of aseeea. finrroaBdiBg eeenary BBenrpaaaad. Teeebera aiparlaaaad, afleleat, and alira ts tbeir work. Diaeiplina, flrn but krad, aniforBt aad Ibaroagb. RipenMa aioderata. PftyaaBtaBwaek dadaotloB to tboaa preparing lo aaaek. Sudaata adailUad aay time. Ooereae ef atady presort bed by tba flutat t. Model Hekoal. If. PreparaUry. Ill, Klemea Wry. IV.gobntiBa. aajvaow oartlR ' I. Aaadaaila. II. OaaaaearaiaL III. MaaU. IV. Art. Tbe Eleejeatarr Bad BeVaatlaa amna a-. faealoBal, and HadaaU gradaaUag tkerela ree.lv. bum. vipwaiaa, erravemag tBe fellowtag aorraa. BoBdlogdegreeet Maetar af tbe leleweee. Urad. Bwtea I. tbe other aoareaa reo.lv. Normal Cavttg. eate. af tbelr auaiameole. alaaed bT the r.mlt The Prefaaaiaal aoareaa are liberal, and are la tbervagbaeea aet lafarior ta tboaa af oar beet aallegea. Tba Slate reoairee a blaher ardar af aUieea abip. Tba time, daaaaad IL It la aaa af Ike Brimaebjaeta af tbla aahaol u belp UasoBre It by rarauaieg laietitgaat aaa eraet.at eaaaBara tar bar eeboole. To tbia aaa It eelieite yoaag per aoae af good abilitlea and good parpoeee tboaa waa deetre ta imaroro tbair time and tbeir tal- aata, aa etedeala. To ail eaeb It promlaaa aid iB Beveloptng their powere and abaadaat opporlB Blttea lor wellaeld labor altar laarlaa aeheeL far catalogue and terra, addroaa ILe Priaelpal. ' . ; DOAED OP TUUflTBXSt . BTaxaHauaM' vacavaaa. J. n. Bartoa, M. D, A. B. Beet, Jaaeb Braara, B.M.Biakford.BaaRaal ChrteUA. M. aUoa.K-S, Cook, T. a Ulppw. Baa, B. P. bloOoiaiok, Baa, jn, n . MBBIB, rfUfla Bu atlR. t. . . wraea tawamae. . ' Re. A, Q. OartlB, Baa. H. t. Dfeffeabaoa, ea. Jeeee Merrwl, Hea. Wat. Btgler, 1. O. v. Wbeiay,B. Millar MoOiwvalek, Bee. ' ' - - WILLIAM BIOLRR, 1 ' ' " Praaldewt Baard af Trwtteel t a- . . . JBUnBKHBlO. Vara Preeidaai. I. MtLLAl MoCvRbf7rrr, rbefatary. THuMAB IAHULBT. Vraaaarar. baB HaTB,;ab.,r.ljre. S. HENDERSON,- - a"V-r . - - - . - , . Vt-t.4.-a.A.. titj'uUAi, .tt I . UNDERTAKER DL'RNHIDE, 1'KNN A. Tt aabwriUr fe V oiTtrt t tht) oUt.tai of Buriitlla and iemity, an uoprovldl VenUlty. HtranfUr all llnda of Cafketa and CuOaa will la kty oa band, autl ur&et flllad at o&oa. . Fmitrai 1tttndtd Anywhere I will furnlah Hit flaaat aa well aa tha eliaapeat arttolaa dfdloattd to (ontrali All rdan Uft at lb ator nf ion O. Ouaftaa will raetiva prompt attaotloa. For fnrlhar partlxuUra, otill na gr addreaa - , B. 9. IIKN'lKR80N. las. H, lITS-lf. k j : GEO, WEAVER & CO., BKCOND STREET. CLEARFIELD, PA., Ha.a opanad Bp, la tba Itora room lalalv ooeupiad bv Waavar A Brtta, OB Sooaad rtraat, a larga and wtll atlaftad .took of . i Dry - Goods Groceries, ' . '. BOOTS AND SHOES, QUEKNSWARE, WOOD A WILLOW WAKE HATS AND CAPS, FLOUR, FEED, SALT. &c. Wbioh they will ditpoaa of at rauonaMa ratal for QMS, or elcbaoga lor oountry produoa. UEOTiaK WEAVER A CO. CI.ar6.IJ. Pa., Jan. 9. Is7l-tf. REMOVAL ! James L. Leavy, II a vine parehaaatl tha ant Ira ttoftk of Fred. Packrtt, icrby fivaa aotioa that ba baa movod Into tba room lataly oceopied by Kced A Hatrerty, on Baeond atratt, whara ha U prepared to offer to tha publlo COOK ST0ES, iika Ti.ra .. PARLOR STOVES, of tba latnt Luprnrad pattern, nt low prica. HOUSE FUENISHING GOODS, Gab Fixtures and Tinware. Rooflng, Fpoutlng, Plttuibing, Qaa Filtinr, and K.pairing fumpi a )Mioi:y. Ail work warranted. Anything in my Una will ba order.il ineeial If de.irad. JAS. L. I.KAVV, , f Proprietor. FKKD. 8ACKKTT, Agent. Olaarted, Pa., January 1, 1679-tf. anjoi R.rnu EXECUTORS' SALE OF Desirable Real Estate ! Estate of Eichird Sh&vr, Sr, Bcc'd. TRR ander.igned, Fieeatora of the eetate of RICHARD HIIAW. r.. deeesied. will offer at pablia lale at the COH RT 110 OBB. la tba bor ough of Clear&ald, Pa., aa Tuesday, June 1st, 1880, AT 1&0 O'CLOCK P. M., Tha following ralaabte real estate, vli : FIRST. Tba tbret-atory briak hoUl property, earner af Market and Firat atreeU, ia tbe bor oagbof Clear Do Id, hnowa aa 'The Shaw House.' Fronting with tha let af groan rJ thereto belonging 144 reet aa Harhat atrtet, aad W feet on rirelatraat,ffiui atwo-etory dwelling bonaa attaehed. Tba ho tel proper hat eiaty bed -noma and ail eonvenieaoea for a flrat-eleaa hotel. One f the moat deeirable hotel proper! iea ia Ceatrtl Pen nay We le. BKCOND, A lot of groan d ta Clearfield baroogh, begin a i eg at tba and of 144 feet, fronting on Mar hat atreat, aad tbene along Market etreotlHfeet, and rwoaiag haek W feet, with tha beildinga Utereoo araeUH. TFIIRD. A ktefgroond litoata la CIer6eH boroagb, ndjoining part No, I, and extending along Market atreat 30 feet to aa alley, and ran ting beh feet, with baildmga tberaoa. FOURTH1. A let e greand la Clearfleld hef. onih. adjeintag hotel prepertT, and ei tending alone; Firet atreat SO feat aad rennlng berk 200 la asora or laaa, ta aa alley. FIFTH. AH that certain lot, known ttt tha piaa 01 v rear new ooroogb vol Ho 13?, fronting about 60 feat on Loouet aret, run ning bark ! feet, Bore or laaa, to an alley with dwellint honae and all aaoeaaerT out hnildioga thereen ereeted,and other improvement!. TERMS OF 8MLE t One-third eaah at dallrery of good deed, a&d Ike balaaea to be aeenred by bond and mortgage, ewyeoie in one ana iwo yeare, wtu mtereita A. B. hllAW, JOS. SHAW, A II NUAW. Ei'ra of Riehard Shew, Sr.. dee d. CloarBald, ra. April 7, lSst-tf. HOFFER'S Cheap Cash Store. ROOM NO. THREE. OPKHA HOIWB, Clearfield, i Pa., WHOLESALE A RKTAIL DEALER IN V . ... -.. i 1 DRY GOODS, Ooaaarlelng Vreta Oeode of ike nry lataal .trlee, aaa.teuag IB part at uaaaaaera., rRaaeaaaier PaaeiM, Jtlpaeaa, aad all ai.anar af Fancy Dress Goods, Sweh aa Oeleaa, Mohair Loetare, Plalde, Dreaa Ulaghaaaa, Irreea Vaaeiaa of tba eery latent at; lea, aad aa aheap aa they aaa bo aold ta thie market. NOTIONS, OoaetatlBf of Olnoae fer Oaata, Ladlaa aad mieeea. iieoa or au eaaaea, niia rnngea, Laeea, Fanny Dreaa Bnttoaa. Ladiee' Ttee of all ebndet and etylee, Oaffa aaa veiiere, Kihbeae of all Rtaa ana e.aeJitiee. Marine Uadarwear, Thmmitge, ate. BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES. QuMDiwara, Hardware, Tinware, nrpet, OH Cloth, WALL PAPER, i i ;mTEEB,n3H,itc!, WbUk will be aald wkekaak or rataB. WiU uka ' - CoUnlry Produce r- ' ta Blrbaagw Ibr Oawdw at Markai Frlcwa. wbi.i. BorriR. CIcarlaM, Paw r- B4, l"Tw tf. HUsrcllaurotts.' JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN FURNITURE, AND Improved Spring Beds, MAKKKT hTKKKT, NKAR P. O. The undernlffned bft lonre to Inform theoltl lana of ClaarAald, and tba publle luaerally, that ba baa od band a Sua aaaortmaot of Kumtiura, nob m Walnut, Choatnut and PaiutMt Cbambar Bultea, Furlor 8uita, Haolinlni; and Eitenrion Cbalra, Ladiea and Ucnta' Kaay Cbaira, tha l'ar foratad Din in nd Parlor Cbaira, Cana oesti and Wlndaor Cbaira, ClotUai Burl, 8tep and Kxtan lion Laddara, llat Rarka, Scrubbing llruaboa, ie MOULDING AND l'lCTt'RK FRAM K8, ooklng lllMRa, Chromoa, Ao. which would itiltahla for Holiday praaonta. daulU'TI JOHN TROUTMAN. Re-Union of Trade. THE aadariigned wiibing to Inform tbe pnblie that ba openod a COMMINrtlON HTOKB Al tbe old Hand la Trotttrllle, Clearneld eounty, Pa., na tbe IKtb Iniu, with a full Hock of DHV (iOtlDH, tROt;i:HIi:s, NOTIONH, lloota, Hliota, Etr In fROt everything to ba found in a Brat -olaf. (tore, all of whiob I atn detariuinrd to aell at tha lowait oa.b prioea. KAHMEHIt AND l.HMIli:ilIESi Will Bnd it to their advantage to do their dealing with me, aa the higbept priee will be paid for Orain, Fhinglci, or Pruduee of any kind. P,trt or one bnlf f.h will lie paid. Trailing fur Shtogle. or Lumber of any kind a .peoialty. Alto, agent for Singer Sewing Machines. II or ins mada arranffRmBnta with Raatcra mar- obanta to aell goodi furnnQad tn, tlierctoro call and aea.a I will la nablad to aell chenper tbaa tba rbeap(. J. W. CAULlLRi Troutvillo. Pa., rlapt. ?4.'T0-ly. Afnt. . TIN &SHEET-IR0N WARE. CANDIS MERRELL' Ilaa opvnd, In a bultdtna; on Market atreat, on tha old Waatcrn Hotel lot, oppoaita tha Court Henae in Clearfield, a Tin and Sbeat-Iroa Manu factory and Store, where 'will ba found at all timea a full line of noxrss innnnscura goods, Stovos, Ilardvaro, Eto. r ; Houae Spontina; and all kindi of Job work, repair in It, Ae., done an abort notice and at reaaonable raua. Alto, agent f-r the . '!'! ; , ;(!. rr ' Singer Sewing Machine. I . ..... 3 '-.J A A anpply of Maobinra, wilh Necdlea, Ac, al war a on band. 'irmi. trletlY (h or eountrr croduoe. A abara of patronage aolloited. o, u. aUt.nnr.Lu, aSuptrintendri)t. ClearfleM, April 26, 1877-tf. j--.:&h!C!!?. Cathartic Pills Combine tbs :lio.-lhft Vrubur.1.- ir?n' 1't in rrMHlirlm, 1n pmrKtrttiiin ni rurnt.'ty jiiMtiMl to wcum activity, riTiiiintv, unit uniformity of effect, Tln-y an tli r.'milt of yearn of careful atuiiy anil prm tim) cx prliiient, ami are the Vmt effintiml rein fly yet diiwovprHl for itia'a'iii, rnn-n.! i lcranefltwnt of tbe etmmrti, li'fr, "ami Imwi'la, wbU h require prompt And rnVt-tunl trcntment Atrii are aw itlv ap- plirahle to tnla rliwa f diwiwea. Tliy art dirix-tly on tha tligrative ami iDwimilntive yiroceasea, aim n-atnre ri-RiiiHr iifanny nc tiim. Tlieir ext-nntv m by nhvuiciiuiatn thtjir practice, and by nil rivtllwd nati4UN, la one nf tlio ttmny rmi ( tlifr vniu m n anfp, wire, and prrfirtly Ti-liiiMe pntyniKi tlHttltriue. ting eoinpuiinll of tlm rn eentrated virtu. of purely vi-Rrtalile untr nlAnoea, thoy are prwitlvely frue from rultt mel, or any'lnjiirUiiia propiTtira, nnil rim m wlminiBU'fid tocbililrun with KirIc4l m.d li . Atrr'i PiTaU are n rffnettml rr for CtinaUimtloB or Cohtiveneaai I ihII dim. IyHpepttlft, lxina nf Apetlte( Foul HlomiMih and Itreiith. IMlnrHH. Hiwlw'ho, Lom of Memory, Numbneaa, IttMounnpaa, .luiinillee, lEheuniHtifini, Kruptlona nnd (skin DIwhwi, lrfipay, Tn mora, W'oran NruruUia. Colin, 4JrlMNi, DUrrbo-m IyiMitUryt 4io.it, IMIett, Tiaorltra if tho l-Jvcr. nni nil other illw-aeen reuniting from eliiirilrt'i( lato of the Uigi Mlve upparatOB. Aa a Dinnor P'll they have no pqmU. While (rnntle In their art ton, theae Vtt.i are th moat thonitierlt ! aeiarrhina; pthnr tio that ran 1 employed, anil nevT give pnin tinli-m the tniwrln nre infiiuneil, ami thnn their inflimnre in hfaJing. Tboy atlmn late the appetite and diRetivn orpin; Uiy operate to purify and inrich the blood, and impart renewed health and vigor to the) whole a8teiu. , - f Prepared by Dr.J. C. Ayer ft Co., Praotloal aad Analytic! Client eto, Lowell, Mats. BOLD BT ALL DWroolBTe WTKKTWntBM, P0RT6RAPE WINE Uiad to tha principal Churohei for Com tana! on parpoaea. Esoollo&t for Ladies ani'Woaldy mmstm a? n; . jeUlWaaT.'yyi SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE I Tbla Oelebrated Net ire Wtae ia mada ftoa tbe Joiooof tbe Oporto tfrano, raiaed la tbia veanty. I la loeaiaeaio Tonio and Strengthening rropertiot are oearpaaaed by any ether Native Wine. Be ing tba pare jaioa of tba Urapo. prodaeed ander Mr. ftpeor'a own peraoaal laporTiaina, ita parity and eaataeaeaa are waraJitoed. Tba yenatat ebtld may partake of ita genereaa ejaelitlea, and tba weakeat invalid woo tt to advantage. It U partifularly benefllej Oa tho aged and dobilite tod, aad enited U tba oariona allmoau that af feet the weaker . It la la every roapoet A SPEER'S P. J. SHERRY. The P. J. SUB RUT la a Wine of Snperier Cnereeter, and partake or u a golden quaiitiea ot tho grape from which It le made, for Parity, Rtehneaa, Flavor aad Medicinal Properties, it will bo found anoioouod. Kl'EER'S P. J. BRANDY, Tblt BBARDT euad.aariv.W la tbli aeontry, aalnf lar aaperior lar Bjadloal parpoaaa. IT IB PI'BB dittlllalloB frora th.jr.p.and aaataiaa Talaabla BiadieaJ propertioe. It baa a delleau laaor, elallar be that af tbe tvapea fraaj wblab k ta dialilled, aad ta ta freal lavar aaivBf 6rt-elaaa faaiiliat. Baatkal tba Ripalar af ALFB1D BPBBB, PaaaaM M. i., w ever tbe aerk af aaab bottle, SOLD ST E. VT. GRAHAM Jol. , l.Tt 1. m 4NH BI1HIIKI.M- Otnrna Wnar k Co. O, want flva lbouaod bmhela of OATH, sow, and will pay eaab or produr. OarlialJ, la.. AoB. I, lS7V-tr. M 254 TEi: Will HAl.K.Thlrt.eti blvx of J) llallRB Htaa wbli-b I will Rtll rbeap lor o..h. or ejoliange for wheal, lor turlh.r In loruiation eall on or adilre. tbe unil.rMgn.,1. J F. KIIAMKK. 13.1 1)0 413 Not 6, '79-tf. Clearfl.ld. Pa. MONI'.V Tl I.OA-Ob trit-Rlaaa Im proved farm property, by tha Mutual Llie In.uranoe Company nf New York, on fir.l oiort. gage. In lutni Irmu 91,0110 up. For further In ruioatiun Rliply to the unilrraignad. .. Ul'RXTIIAL W. SMITH. Olearteld Pa., May "tb, IHTW-tf. Thomas A. Duckett, DEALER IN IHEHKKY Riva notiea to tba ciliiani of Clear. Aald and tba aurroundlnt; vicinity that I am nronared at all timfR to furoiah faniliaa and in ou factoring aatabliahraanta wilh a anparior quality or Coal. Wood t Coke, Which I ata prepared to di'llrer in a f.w hour' notice. I am alway. reedv to haul and deliver Irooi and to tha deput. or anywbere elie, and move fiinilice and bou.ehnld good, anywn.r. on .hurt Botlee. TIIOH. A. DUCKKIT. Clearleld, Pa., Mr. 31, KHSO-lf. t$n g,fli'trti.scmfnts. Treasurer's Sale Unseated Lands i IN'OLEAEFIELD COUNTY. !.-,. ! IWTOTIL'B la herebe Riven, 4n purfuanee of aa X 1 Aet ef A...rnbly airi'Ovad tbe llih daT of June. A. I. lH4b, entitled "ea Art to amend an Aot dirfotinr tbe miideof hIIIok 1'n.eatad Land, in Clearfield eouaty," and the aovera) .upplementa thereto, Ibera will be expnaed to eala or enter.. oa tbe SliOUNU MUNDAY. I4tb da; of JUNE, A. D 1K8U, tha follijwing traete or pioeee of land in raid eonnty. fur taie. due and oopaid, .it : lleccflrla Towiielilp. Aeree. Per. Warrantaa. Tax. 110 John Nailor ..I 49 69 2J5 V. A A. Flvnn - 79 89 1A J.rne. MrMurtria VI 60 R0 Tbnmai Murtaterf in t0 80 Alangm Millar 1 00 31 John llradv UR 11 . To I Williara Bred; 274 Hi 431 J.tne, lllaia 166 70 IS) Alex. RlaiB H.1 60 JUA Jubn Vt'htttner IZ4 95 :U.S Ilpnrr Wtiituter u. 114 10 J 179. T- Willl.tn Wllwn... (II 90 1 W j ; Urrroan M'bitmarM M. 107 10 -' i 1M ! i ' Jl"b Krai 4....... 00 i , M I ! 1 .lahn lllbrca , in 07 116 71 Hubert WiIm.o I;l 05 30 SO John Ketlaod 9 76 161 I'.terlletl .14 tb 4.1.1 1 .3 David Harbin 97 44 110 Fred llnwntaa 49 60 124 Drnnli MrCuv, ir Ill 60 led .I.r-ob Krna; ht 09 174 Jeretni.b Mother 9 l.i ! Freilerirk Bale. 77 til l 37 Tbotna. llillioitOB 90 0 John Il.ao - an I" 110 1M Martin Franta 236 00 7 - Jame Onia I 1 6 130 .1. W. fmith 49 96 Ml Fred lluMer II 26 70 rllewart Cuwaa 31 60 1U3 .laeub Fu I'ti iO 4S3 I Wall Maja 173 : 4! J. II. Walter. II 2 of 4.1.1 153 William tirev 44 17 4 i.f l.iH Joba Miller j" llrll Townaltlp. No. Aa. Far. Warrantee. Tax. 4! 1000 ll.nrj Beck l"l 90 5A10 609 " ' 154 11 6704 10110 " " S7 90 5010 609 " " rr) II 4297 110 111 .' ' V '. 29 04 6619 101 199 ' " 44 n 6(16 1IC XO M 6KII 1111 " " 11 II 43M7 79 110 " IS 69 6916 997 Kieklin A Orltntb 109 90 6021 1109 " " .... 19 19 1 log from Reed 4 4(1 lito from U.tte 9 91 429 600 llvorr lleek 12 II 6994 1900 Nic.lio A llrlfttb..... 174 Ml 5906 769 ' " .... 9 6007 909 , , .'il 90 5919 ,.,, " 71 91 J009 441 " ' 1 ' 90 9i 5919 Bl ' ' - - " ' W 5911 147 " " .... 27 09 5766 979 UeorT Beak :3 73 4166 509 " " S3 93 4J17 93 " " 19 13 6009 101 3 Meklia 4 tiilffltb.... 1112 5011 400 ' .... 3S 31 5919 111 31 Ilenrjr Back 14 99 619 , 60 . , ' i " II 6619 111 ' ' ' ' H 7 6619 142 10 M ' 109 69 41x7 119 J. Tt. Borroaa 45 II 75 M W 8nvder 9 (0 9I9 Widowion Broi 99 99 4197 109 . lire, (ll.uo II 99 7 ( Jarnre Mllcb.il 61 ' HlooB ToWlialllp No. Ae. Ten Warrantee. Tax. 3001 309 99 Roberta A Fox l0 Of) 321 J. W. Smith II 90 Mil rill'; Roberta A Fox '95 399 1096 159 ' " 97 69 3919 109 Jabob nurjrer 9 76 307 , ll.vid Irvin eat .199 09 1099 75 35 Roberta A Fox 13 60 3611 69 " 9 00 90 Milton L Motion... 19 M 6961 69 Mlrhlia a Urititb.... 9 39 - 109 ,- 1'bllip FrMl.r......... . 39 09 ' 111 , Daniel Hodrer....i, J 17 00 116 William Arnold. ...... 2169 llotrirB Townahlp. Ae. Per. Warrantaa. Tax. 413 Wat. MeCorraiek 99 98 449 N.ney Bogae 71 18 " 429 N. McDonald 99 89 429 John Ryen 89 98 139 27 Ji.hnMontgora.ry 21 AO 195 Thomaa Smith 8149 IU9 .Ino. Kcpbart.. 17 91 1 of 404 Blair MeLaaehaa 51 00 417 ' SO John Keaa 4.1 10 19 Thomae Park. 9 49 199 Albert Owen II 80 61 Watpon a Muneon 9 12 Itradford Towii.hlp. Ae. - Per. ' Warrantaa. ' - Tax. 306 Alexander Dallaa I 19 69 44 ; Bol.n.a Ra.or 15 99 ; I ( Barrleon, Bayard A Bryeun.. 19 99 179 1 Andrew liai.rd..- 39 19 60 Horalla L. 11.11 9 15 259 Illalr Mcl-anabea S9 19 103 Jaaea Daacaa 19 60 176 Leonard A Clyd 1 95 200 R.ynolda Keaa 1 89 David A.key 9 69 169 Hall a Back 99 91 R. Mouop T 14 14. ... David A.key ......-... 177 . ., Brady Teevnetllp. Na. Ae. Par. Warrantaa. Tea. 199 31! 919 tit 6877 ) 5879 " 5891 M 6889 123 , 331 195 40 "?' 1994 ' J85 2010 001 1413 63 119 115 1997 99 99 319 179 1.16 . .. O. B.Ooodlend.r I 41 99 David Kennedy...... HI 94 Conrad Long 109 36 :- ..... ,.i v. ... V. Henry Wyeol. a.. '851 90 i Jaba Danlap. Ca.per Btoiver Roberta A Pox 198 II 19 19 C47 94 151 00 379 09 , IS 18 81 09 18 90 35 13 171 91 69 79 Charlee II. PreeeoU... Cbrl.tlan Lower.. Hnherta A Pox HollopetarAllni baker Cbri.tian Lower i. W. Bin lib Hiirnaklti Townahlp. Warreatae. Ha. Aa. 6801 190 6893 114 5994 818 79 81 114 199 414 101 947 911 199 124 til 199 100 tit 99 11.9 Ae. Par. Tax. 87 19 79 71 12i 79 tl 92 14 31 71 71 or tt 286 94 99 It 1.1! 14 lit 90 ISt 40 141 94 191 14 169 12 I 99 141 II 41 II 17 19 JohB Niebol.oa .... Joha Nellor Mahara WhituaB Caeper fthaff.r Jr........ Daniel Whiiaier Joha Ilabley.... Mary Roberta Joba Tre.eler Ca.per Hbaffer J.ny Wiiliamaoa Mary Crawlord Towaeeod Hpeekmaa.... Rebeoca RrowB....M.. Leonard llolll. Frederick k aba ......... Heary Raper Prom aaaled J. M. U ... Cheat Townahlp. Warrant... William Baaaman M .. Joha Boyd JoMab Haieea ..... Themaa llamiltoa HH... Charlee HeblB Robert PHrjipg Ixaae Riehard.oa H Janalban Walker......... Juha Cook Juper Kwlag..H William Ceo......... MeCard treat Jemea Piper..HmH Oeerge Paga....M. Henry Page....Ha Jemea Keble CbrietiRa Robrer............ Prom Bmllk Mahafey A Mltebell..... Mettbiaa Bloagb Millar Cbrl.t...... Tax. .. I9T tt ,. IT It .. II 91 .. 131 Tt .. 61 T6 199 19 94 II 14 tt 66 19 . 61 10 .. I' 41 .. 17 99 ,., 19 18 .. 61 17 . 99 17 .. 15 17 .. 91 T9 ,. II M 41 99 . II II . 44 99 1 17 199 199 111 14 1 4HS 151 69 lot 299 119 433 163 431 153 431 1 63 149 99 171 411 114 IM 164 64 109 431 161 11 10 35 11 6ti 19 16 ' 43 ;u 49 79 12 66 7 9 I 93 II 9 9(1 61 12 15 9:. i; ot i 140 no K9 No. 21 6n : ' lex 19 9i 186 00 Ae. Il3 II no 6191 5379 Oeorio tleod t 6374 1109 f " i. unit " into ' Iloo lino ' lino u .., 4:i " 925 " 679 Morn. A Ftawart..., 890 " , 186 911 49 711 ' XR 95 49 70 49 711 , 111 110 74 90 44 40 l 60 , 99) 76 , 309 38 , 19.1 61 , 19 71 14 60 , lit 49 , lit 90 IJ 10 I93 99 , 197 18 , 91 611 , 103 96 31 64 ,' 1 4 123 00 II SO . Ill II 59 69 . 177 35 , 175 II . 121 89 . A 39 16 . 17 93 . 172 29 . 139 91 . 159 98 . 170 69 19 4i 98 49 94 49 82 90 81 00 . 31 611 4 III 99 91 . 119 70 . I ll 79 , 249 90 . HI 119 29 95 Tax. 41 64 II 99 StRR 53119 6370 5410 6407 f.nt 6404 lu 1X09 I Oil 1941 11119 57 6.19T 5:i7T 1 99 64a - 119 1 260 (leora-e Me.d nt h u lino " ' an ' " ....... , Dtralur Towualtln. . Fer. . Warrantaa. 162 (lilbert Vaofbt.,..;.., 314 - John HRrrieon 116 K, Fleloher 196 Joa.ib HarrietiB 47 U. W. McCardi ' XtHI ' 60 141 - 123 3111 159 103 49 34 119 I9T 194 209 30 ) of 4l4 300 111 111 ) of 44 25 i of 214 90 149 400 100 75 llenrj Po Milltro.late Joho Drinker , John H. llvron Hlehard Thoraa. Jaeob IKiwnlna llur.0 Bly John Kyroa Williaia 61ontfonier7... Ilenrv Drinker Tbotna. P. Cope Joieph Haneoaa Williera Haa.ora Jama, liaioilton Charle. Kl.k Holiert Heiney I'atriek Moore Thotnu titeward.oa Ann Mrl.anab.n Jnhn UeLanahan 13 William Kvana Ji.bn Drinker 14T Thomae Kdinand.iin Karauel Hamilton Patrick Moore Darid Stewart Fergueon Townahlp. Warranttt. J. II. Ferffnr.ua Joha Ur.O .. Prum Ueorga Straw m .... YVarrea Bell Girard Tovriiatilp, Per. Warrantee. t Ae. 179 69 75 49 19 19 . 11 12 So. 6334 Ac. 1099 769 lino 941 us 1 1 Oi l 1U4S 1009 1009 II0O 1 1 Oil 1100 torn lnu 59 1109 IIHI8 254 19 173 120 "98 I III.' lino I ll ll 30 I. '11 31S :.t 409 387 K,l 281 459 55x 34! IH9 no 99 114 4.0 4311 T.X. 1 130 90 llanrge Mead 6396 . 61 09 . 159 90 . VI 90 . 29 00 . 98 CO 5331 6379 6171 6300 536H 564 4.16. 5356 6359 63i! 5376 18S9 119 6191 6M'il 1 990 3917 5:;ti6 1 61109 IP..S9 5362 .',36 53:7 6379 IV29 1:9 1.16 1 W27 l.i2S . 209 . 494 CO . 29 90 , 311 On . 29 00 128 90 139 0" I 10 801 . 7 80 ! 180 00' too no I , 61 00 Morrll A XI. wart.... tleorge Meed......... Mnrril a Stewart.... lleorge Mead Morria k Stewart... tieorge Mead 1 30 7 92 S II .loba Brenneman........,,, JoMpb Mi-Marra;. t'.: Beaver Mill. Co Hefting Oroond ' Joba UcUentber A Co Ford a Hprenkla Jaraeo Boil Joba Cnnntnithatn..., Hear; bretb jr From B. A. Irrle J. W. I,imbom Hath McConnel e.tata Leonard A William. l ovln.liin Towuallli. ' Warraetee. 139 911 1 510S 671 00 j 62'.i8 610 00 5297 171 till 6290 1 12 I 5201 1 1 94 j 19"6 41 91 I""' 5 4(1 111 5.1 19 : 1II0S j0 14 : 8 :" ' Ae r 28 A '51 no I l"i 18 0l i 2119 9 10 277 1.1 Oil ! 5'1 19 40i 1 1 88 4.9 1.1 oolio SI 20 I :fJ" 91 ei I J 309 433 M'irria k Stewart. ... H:i9 .r,i iser ii-m 1917 .Ifl.'llt Aug. BeaurciOar.. Muni. A Stewart.... 1025 IS39 lIH mil 1936 1937 No. CioallcllTuwn.llIp Ac. '.3 I9..9 1999 1099 11119 loot 1100 1109 1100 II no 909 69 97 lt',9 16 1100 1109 1IIS 1109 1109 411 171 69 81 416 4I. 163 771 6n0 . 1000 1900 177 101 172 1 89 96 87 59 95 Per. Warrantee, tieorge Meed.... T.X. ... 119 19 ... 49 19 .... 199 44 83 89 ... 83 89 ... 71 69 ... 83 19 ... 109 90 ... 126 40 ... Ill 49 14 19 6 79 ... II 74 .... 81 79 1 90 41 80 .... 837 on .... : 412 94 .... 917 49 .... 419 99 .... 79 18 .... 19 41 .... I 79 ... ' 51 IS .'.313 5317 5319 5319 6329 6321 6311 6329 5331 6321 6.116 1911 1 9H9 6314 t94 6:121 6.129 5327 6319 5939 1012 1909 1009 1994 I 1916 j 1923 U22 18x9 iJI4 6316 5313 6325) 5369 ( 6'26 69.11 63.19 Morrll a Stewart, William M.pea... George Mead Morrii a Stewart, H. II. Morrow.:...... Morrii a Stewart.... 49 67 29 09 71 99 41 69 71 ag 79 99 61 66 OilliagbamAQarrtioa tieorge Meed...,,.. Charle. T. Roberta. Owner noknown ThoRipMB Reed..... M. a. Brawn A Bra. Willl.m W.bb........ J. O. bmith !6 89 31 88 t 19 II 97 t 88 9 to 11 68 Tax. firahana Townahlp. Ae. Per. Warrantee. 197 Thotnaa P. Cope...l 149 Joba okrroa....,.. For 1979 109 Cbarlea tiavll 146 Iarael Cnpe ,. C.reeuwood Tuwaalilp. 19 19 T 49 II 1 19 Tax. No. An. 109 69 959 919 P.r. Warraaree. John lletnbriht... SI 90 K. A. lrvtn. ... Nioklin A Urimtb. John .Nteboleoa.... Joaapb Boob....... I 19 6921 6901 348 60 183 93 14 10 14 109 Per. 121 111 161 15.1 49 79 145 I.M (ullr h TowttRhlp. WRrranlee. Cbrietlao Hta.k I MatlbieeYoong Cbrietiaa Uagar Qeerge Mureerimitb. Tboma. Yodler Daniel OOley George Baker Timothy Paxlon Joba barge Kmeauel hagert William drey H. Thomae Ureal George Moore.......... Philip Olonloger..... John McUaban t Seorge Baker. ........ John McCabaa L.mpbl.ek Ben). Wl!eea..... Joho Wbitmar..., PigotShaw Kdward Hand Pigot Hbaw HeoJ. Wllaoa Robert llrodoreoa.... Daniel Fulkeraoa..... B. Natter Ila.ton Townahlp. ', Pet. Warrantee. -Wilbelm Wi!llek..l DavMCaldweil Moore A Dclanoy.. Tax 65 98 179 99 449 19 159 80 110 10 IT 44 99 79 103 90 mi in 195 30 99 99 91 94 12 04 329 94 91 09 73 09 91 81 141 61 141 19 91 90 It 90 59 00 129 40 94 19 117 16 41 92 It 71 II 60 91 48 No. 4902 697.1 6874 6971 50 AA 6097 6971 6971 4899 4139 4221 4:i9 6994 Ae. ' Tax. 49 00 I 2(1 119 18 1"T 91 103 99 181 16 801 17 199 19 T9 91 II 10 181 34 139 19 99 91 113 68 19.1 60 It 09 JOT 99 414 99 179 14 SI 64 1 31 98 91 In 87 97 to 91 71 19 114 90 17.5 195 411 S77 .177 999 899 1041 347 124 490 749 979 819 976 1IIP 169 699 119 119 199 647 I4T 1941 409 William Powere..... U M ..... Moore a D.laaey... Wllhelm Wllliak.... Jemea Wileaa..... William Pewore.. K. Hboemaker 4125 4234 4399 6981 4101 6171 5677 6871 6I7T Jama. Wllloa.. Woodward A Ftonoy II Mre a Delaaer..: 91 " 68741 6876 1 1977) 1ST &B78 4131 4129 4219 4139 1961 6089 41.11 4131 9971 6979 5877 4999 ! SliDl 1901 9678 . 3671 969. 3907 S69T 1694 176 " .. 49 99 Jaaaet W ilaaa... 9511a I I eaeeoooM' 1 1 M .. . ,'( 1991 19 .. - ....... lit 99 txt 999 965 607 . 9V9 919 938 611 347 109 699 111 1929 437 891 7l IVt , 1029 , 996 61 1919 1929 99 III 92T William Pewen. " Jamat W'iiaaa..... M . M , ...... 17 Mean Dalaaay.M 171 tO 161 9v lit 49 IM 10 91 99 lie It 111 19 It 91 1931 14 1 79 tl tT 99 119 90 T9I 99 lost 11 199 10 199 11 Yale lot KoX.ru a rox...... ta 111 1ft 99 94 94 139 1611 1904 At 90 99 99 41 II lot 9n 6994 William PewerR... 419S Jamee Wileea Ifflal SiUrrtismunts. l.'l , 7 109 , Di Joba Daulap. Bt-VU'il'l. .uli. die, J. Nirklin ' Hcycoldf aub. dir. J. Nieklia 9 99 21 17 Hevnold .lib. . J. Mrkliu... die. "diV. Hetiiolil. aub. .1. Ni.-klin. 92 I 39 !', SO 14 75 699 91 4 An 91 74 194 99 1 199 00 94 4l 999 119 419 99 218 69 521 114 95 19 Brrnnldi eub. dlv. J. Nleblla Uejaiild. eub. dir. J. Ntuklin M. Thiini.. Bo.e lot Bob.rt. A Pox "N. PearanB A. ti. Browa lot..... Hob.rU A Pox....... t Moore A Delaney... RoberU a Pox Williara Power. Moore a Irelanej.., ,15 , 119 117 859 16 I, 171 I Mil) It HU 947 9110 , 429 900 919 387 Per.' 153 ' 39X11 5098 ,i . i 21109 10111 61171 S.19I 19.19 jll.9 50J3 5874 Jordan Tuwtiehlii. Warrantee. '' Thntnae Martin. . Itoberl Martin.., Ae. Ta: 433 191 .. 191 69 91 99 49 2l'U 187 ' 524 91 59 164 , No. 6412 5113 5409 0414 5.09 5411 1900 I90t IH1 ll'03 II :n 6729 6799 5406 138$ Willi. raJohniun....... . .. Daniel 8milb KirbardPelara 9 49 47 99 79 60 47 09 17 (4 T 06 Philip Poult. John Urea' BcoJ, Young., karluatta Totvnahlp, . Per. Warrantee. (l.orge Mead..,..! 19 10 Ac. 747 1043 1199 1109 1100 1100 800 779 , 607 200 239 794 199 197 48 60 39 96 790 1110 Tax. S3 72 119 79 164 00 113 10 39 80 SO 80 134 40 Moril. a Stewart.. ! " " i -Ch.rl.i Willink.... Williem Smith ' Carper Wi.t.r I '4 41 111 no 1 28 (9 94 III 19 9 40 19 80 I 40 1 80 4 49 A III 17 O.orge Meed I U. MciClo.key ' Mt.ii A Piih.r Hugh MeOonlgaU David Maiaa....... Williard M'CiorbeyA Putter. 19 00 6 90 Knox Tuwuehlp. Per. H'arroelee. 153 Benjarein Ponltney .1 153 I. re. I Morri. 159 Mertia Pearoo 163 I.aballa Jordan Adara Hhodee Ku.anna Ward 153 .laraee Doray Owen Telk Lawrence Townahlp. Ac. 97 439 Tax. 11 9.1 315 12 131 118 291 433 I 9) 80 314 I 109 Na. 5209 6300 6101 6301 6301 6304 5306 6309 53117 538 53(19 5319 6311 ' 5292 5291 5295 6299 29.1 136 10 15 19 17 19 t',5 52 61 00 Ae. 1109 1199 HOC 1100 1100 ' 1109 1109 1199 1199 1100 1100 1109 1100 1100 1100 1 1119 11119 .174 330 1100 .19 : 39 221 111 911 37 409 61 729 1199 II Oil 419 1109 74. 241 37 109 Per. B'arraalee. Oeorae Mead I 519 09 61 99 . " 61 90 104 09 i 105 90 . 61 80 " ..... 61 80 ' " 144 90 , " " ,. 149 90 . " .. 61 80 " " 79 149 90 " " .. .. J9 69 " , 31li SO ' I 989 90 - 804 09 " " 984 99 " " 18 02 " " ., 15 84 529 5311 1VV5 1996 144 00 19 14 39 48 II 13 20 13 98 40 r 29 M 89 4 80 102 00 61 80 61 80 79 99 I. it 49 19 59 19 89 4 99 89 Boberre k Pox Hugh JordxR Joho Reed Robert Mitchell P.mo.l Clyde Roberta a Fux...... Kudolpb I. a. ....... Ueorgc Mead 3001 Kill. Irwin a Hob Roberta k Pox.... Morria Townahlp. H'arraalee. .' lleorrR Wetlel William WertR Cbriat Wcrti Il.nl.l Lonck Jene Yarnell Joieph Turner ' Tax. 197 19 . 119 79 . 179 50 , 121 50 , 147 l . 81 99 , 54 00 . C' 60 81 09 , 81 90 . 1-1 40 , 91 11 . 36 It . 109 89 96 16 61 46 I 40 7T1I 71 19 . 70 10 . 91 41 , 9 42 . Si 11 . .16 10 . .16 19 , T9 10 93 41 . 49 Tl 91 01 - 14 69 . 69 74 . SI 90 Oeorge U.becker... Peter Yernell Clem Stoker John Vaughn Jonathan Naebit ..... U.S. Drinker John Read Willi, m Kvana Blair McLanehaa Thomaa Morria William Morrie.......... S.moel Meredith Will,.mallller........ Hatty Morri. Thomaa Pltaaimmoaa...., Ueorge Clytner Bobert Gray Patrick Moore Mary Moreta Nalbit Praaier...... Magnu. Millar Patrick Haya. Robert Ulena.... Patrick ll.Ta.......... 493 433 407 291 91 69 359 4 33 431 433 433 43.1 431 43.1 433 431 431 283 99 171 100 4i, 91 -1118 109 217 400 171 444 ' 90 Stl 111 191 19 II S3 . 309 67 T 197 91 119 91 90 No. 6961 6929 6961 6939 6931 69.K 6936 59.11 69.17 5951 6951 5951 5961 No. 6781 6T74 6779 577 1777 677T 5031 6931 577 67,9 677T 677T 6771 So. 41541 4164 4259 4261 6679 4264 4281 4199 4199 4259 4251 4261 57X3 414 6781 Joba U niton ,...M.M..m 199 99 .- Freneie J k eaoa ..... ....(M. David ll.veraga..... , Walter 8tewart . Williara A. Kroith ........... William Smith William M. Smith..,,...... w it w Jobn Palmer William Smith Hymen Orate Conrad Hwarta Joho Ur. 9. ...... ......... N. K .4 Mower u. ....... Mattbiaa 8laagb.... Robert Caraoa N. Redeaowar.....WM..w. Mattbiaa Sloagb ......... Henry Drinker Cbriatiaa W.rU........... Joaapb Potter Praaeia Johaaon ..w. Jo..ib Raymond. ......... .. II 69 1.1 11 IT 66 17 90 54 00 49 71 14 93 4 86 66 70 19 09 II IS 4 95 II 41 t 11 194 49 17 II 99 I il 17 00 29 79 9 79 It 99 I It Penn Townahlp. Ae I0J 916 T47 99 111 199 121 149 59 169 143 69 129 .199 Per. Warrantee. Tel. Itiehlla a Orimlb... 3S1 11 ' .... 199 99 " .... Ill 11 . . - ... It IS " ... lit 91 " ' ... 121 to " " ... 117 41 . . 96 II - .... 39 40 fleeoBWond Bell Nieklia a UriaVia... 101 11 II II IK ' II II ' It 16 Plko Townahlp. Par. Werraatao. Tax. Joba Niebolaao 111 99 Aa. T59 983 919 136 109 419 109 lot 171 444 187 91 197 Aa. 150 121 199 ' 999 1041 999 . 999 449 495 108 999 9VI 1019 ' 957 911 99 19 19 15 Jamee WUiob. .......... John NicboleoB . I 60 46 7.1 10 Nieklia A OriBtb.. M John Nlebnleon 41 41 00 II 90 19 15 91 16 4 39 Jamei T. Leonard Pine Townablp. Par. Warrantee. JataelWileoa .9 T II Tax T5 619 90 2kt 19 151 40 174 96 686 99 1 Hi Jamee W i leoa ......... Meora a Delaoey.... Jamat W iImb. 125 99 21 50 21 60 13 60 45 90 45. 09 Joba Niehot.oa.... JameaWileoa..,.. Joha Nubolwa....... 45 94 49 09 46 99 t Union Townahlp, Per. ' Warrantaa, ,' 111 RoberU a For.., It " " ... Na. 360 3699 3591 4131 ' TR .4 M 00 ... 401 09 17 Ml jRnte.Wilaon.rf... ....... 199 09 99 UeornW. AtroM ........ 19 99 Woodward. Towttahlp. An. 43.1 90 111 190 194 111 I 441 419 111 401 411 190 199 119 ' 19 41 ' IM 19 l Tl Varraotae. tirael Wbeeler.. Tar. . , 4fl 09 1 10 ,. , 0T 91 II 90 Kll Mi.nl t..a ...... John MeCabaRH..MM....w. Rolead Rvaal ., M Ptarel8haw n hm tebaitlaa Oraf Tboe. Kdmondiea.'..HM....M JoeeBh A.bbrt4re...HH.. Jeba Moeaar Jr...... Pblllp Form Jamb R lltwell...,..MHM.H Vl'illiam JobaiteaM..M..HH (Jource lteebbem...M..Mw.a 8amaal Kmli. Near 8ha9er . Taamea lartea... Joba lriiH.iw.H....HMi laaaa laaa...i...MM.MwMM.w. Jamee AI.Baador. .. Kelaad Iiimmmm.,hwm. Jeealeeala J.awateR., J.Aa Veaibt .... Willl.m P.narM. - Jaha OirB.i.MmHI,.WMW, Hearj DHnkr...M..M..MM. vTilitaai Drlnb.r .,.,... Mar, Haadwieh....H,.M..HM Mar, Nell .. William Wl.lar .... A O Plaeev-.... ...... Wllllaat Wietu.w, IM It 199 It 111 It 171 11 IIS 14 14? II 171 91 177 10 90 (HI II 99 17 II 44 II 199 09 199 It 49 II 199 99 lot 111 i a 109 ltd III III 14 171 M 111 09 949 ire III II 41 l lit 9t II tl '19 . I 9f -. 1 17 w a1. Lewder ... 11 90 MeCaata, A Uwtber. KaaaedR A Oe .. Jaba lle-rlea- Jeeeaa flfl ,, , III tt I to'444 fell 09 M 49 111 Tl 41 M PHILIP DOTTR, Treaaanr. Clearleld. April rib, l9 WtsctUaiitous. ARNOLD PAYS , ' CASH or TRADE. Curwenevtlle, Pa., Jan. 9, '79-tf. WILLIAM POKTKH, OLIAHPIKI.D, PA., i Manafaetarer aad Dealer ia Piretlaaa M'rttf h l.OVlt, VHOPani h'KEP, All of whleb i. guaraatacl to ba of tba Iret qual ity. Klln-drlad Cora Meal made a epeelady 1 Try It!! aprll-lai. English Classical School ! rpillXJ Bcboal will open on MONDAY, APRIL X lain, laai'.tauia Ueonard ttckool butldiag. lu CUarfield, BBdaoatiaua eleven weeke. a. . TI'lTIONi ( omul. ill RtirlUh llraurhna, - Btl.lMI lllglierEntrilali and Claaalra, h.mi ' T4RA Normal ClaiR will be formed, with Wick er.bam'. Kobool Eoooomy a. a text book. B. 0. YOI'NIIMAN, A.M. ' Cle.rB.ld.l'a., P.braary 4th, 1989 3a. R. r. BtlLtCH. B. Rt'OOBBaB. - . RRiLaana GULICII, HcCORKLE & CO.'S FURNITURE ROOMS, Market Mtrcet, Clearfield, Pa, Wo maoafaetara all kind of Varaltaro for UhtmUre, Uioinir. Room a, Librarlea aad Utile. If yon went Kurnttnre of any kind, don't boy ontit yn aeo our itoek. UNDERTAKIXU In all Ita brancbea, promptly attended to, Ul'II.CIl, McCOKKLE k CO. ClearteM, Pa., Peb. t, '78. READING FOR ALL II BOOKS A STATIONERY. Market BU, Clearfleld, (at tha Post Offlce.) rllUE udenlfned tega leave to annoaaeo to X tne eitliena of UlearBeld and rtninity, tbal be haa Stted ap a room and baa Joit returned from tbe etty with a lariro amonnk of reading auiW) wwaaieiing ia part 01 Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Account aad Paaa Boeke of ererv do eeriptioni Piper and Envelope, f re neb preaeed vidu fiaain i rm ana renrua j niena U Paper, Deed i, Murtgeeef JadgmoDt, Kteuap tlon and Prutniaerv aotee; White aud Perch meat Hrief, Legal Cap, Recard Cap, and Dill Cap, Sheet Muaio, for either Piano. Plate or Violin. eonatanUy oa band. Any booka or atotlonar) doaired that I nay aot have oa haod.will ba ordered by I rat ex p reai, and aold at wboleaale or retail to an it etutumare. I will alao keep period icai uiereioro, anon aa oiaatloea, Newapapere, ae P. A. uaI lin. Cleerfield, May 7, Ifit8-tf A NEW DEPARTURE . . IS LIITHEU8BCBG. HeroaAer, rood, will bo told for CASH oatv or fa eirhaoire for produce. No brvoke will b kept la tha futar. All old aecoaatf moat br aetlieil. l&oae erbo oanaol aaea wp, will pleaar oaaa orer tofir aotee aaa CLOSE THE REC0ED. I am dttermined to aell my rood, et eaab prioea, and at a dtaennnt far below that over offered In tbia vicinity. Tbe diarooat I allow my ooatomera, will make thee rich ia tweaty yoarell they follow my adrine aad buy tbeir fooda from me. I will pay eaeb for wheat, oata and oloTer- 01. UA.MBli WUUUUA.1II.rt. Latborabarf, Jaanary It, 1S77. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, BKCOND fiTREST, CLEARFIELD, PA, ' DEALXR8 IS i ; r . .1 i . ' ' PURE DRUGS! XXI QB1XB23IX 5CTLEUvS3 ( CIIHMICAL8I -e PA1N1-S, OUS, DYE STUFF VARNISHES, BRUSBK8, . " rmuxERT, , .. V ..' iaSct ooods, TOILET AKTICLFS, ; 0 ALL KIlfDB, PURE WINES AND MQVORS tot Hiedielnal BBrpoaaa. Tra.eea, ARpportarR, Heboot Hooka and Stattoa ary, anA all atbor arttole. brbrII -roRnd hr Dra( Dura. - niTstciANg' rniMORrPTioN cari- FULLV OOMPOUNUliD. M.rlaj a larae oa nerienee In tha ba.inaaa Ibaj eaa give eatiro aaV taraetlen. 1.9. HARTRWICK, JOHN r. IRWIN. . riearteld. Nwakw 19, 1974. II AMD TIMES HAVI NO KFFSCT IN FRENCHVILLE I I am aware that tl.Tit are ioaie nereoBi a Utile feerd to ploooe, aod I a aieo awar that the eoa.ale.at of "hard Ua.ee" ta well aigb aaWetaai. Bat 1 an ao tt tne ted bo that I eaa ealiiTy the farmer and prove oonelumeij tbat "bard tta.ee will aot effect thoao who hoy thetr sonde Ooea km, eotd all my patrova thai I h loltlafod lata Ue a. oret of ... . i .. - HOW TO AVOID IUIU) TIMES 1 haro Roade eaoaoh to dopply all the tathaht lanU tot tba lower and of tho eoaatr whieh 1 eel ei oioeedtnn low ntoe frota air ejMtaaMth ttoeo la MU LHUNIi URO, where 1 oan wJveye he fownd ready to watt poa aeilera ud npvly tho with Dry Goods of all Kinds, flarb aa flntaa, BaUneUa, Ceillmerea, tfttella. uelatnae, unat, Ortlllagi, Callaoea, Trlmmlnga, Rlbbooa, Laca, Ready -made Clolblog, Boot, aod cmeee, Bate aad Cape ail of tha boat material and made ta order Uoaa, Booka, .laaaa, Mittoae, Laaaa, tlbbona, Ae , OROCRlM 01 AU KINDS. , .', O.ffr". Tea, "agar, Rlaa, Mntatlaa, Flak, (all fork, i.laaeW Oil, Fl.b OU, Oarboa Oil. . Hardware, Qa.eaewara, Tlawara, Caatlag a, Plowa and Plaw CeeUage, Nalla, Splhae, Oora C.lllva tora. Cider Pre eaoa, aad all ktaaa ad Alee. Perr.ra.ry, Palata, Vanlah, Slaaa, aad a foaorat t aaaorvaaaat ar fltalieaery, Y dd'dD fl o vr, Ot dll.roat brAd.( alwaya aa head, aad wiii be aold at toe lew eat poeeikie kgaree. 1, B. MoClala'a MadlebM, Jayaa'a Hadl.laai JJ a. totter' a aad DooSaad 9 Blttora. . ttvl poaadl af Wool waa ted for wbjeh tha klgberi print will ba paid. Clare. ..id aa Band aaa rer aaea at aaa lewoet oaarwet praee. Alee, Agoni hr glratteBTilbi aad OwrRroaavlll. TaraahlBg Haekbaoa. - ...... a. Call aadl aaa let yowreelvea. - Ton wlU lad BRaryiaiag anally Rapt ia a ratal! atere, L. at. OODDRIKT. Frtaekrllla P. 0., Aagael It, 1974. fflnr (Ottn fli'frtiramt. THE REPUBLICAN, PuMlabed arary M'odaeaday by G. B. GOODLANDER, ii t'LU.iKflBLIl, PA., , Haa tha Lariraat Clrt-alalloB of any papoi la Northweatarii PanuRylvaiila. Tliu lurgu aud ountlnntly iDureaBiiii! circulation of the JixpuiaiOAN, 1 1 rondoraitvuluublo tobiiRlDCM men at a medium thrr 1 which to reach the " . TtltMS OF SUBHORIPTION i ', '". If paid in advance, . . . . 12 00 If paid after three mouthi, . 2 50 If paid alter nix months, . . 3 00 When papurt are lent ontiide of the county puyniont tntint be in advance. ADVEBTISING : Ton lines, or lo, 8 timet, . 1160 Each iiibgeqitent inoertion, 60 Administrator' Noticoa, . 2 60 Executor' Noticea, . , . . t 60 Auditors' Noticce, .... 260 Cantiona and Entray9, . . . I 60 DitAolution Notices, . . . 2 60 ProfoHHional Cards, 5 linos, year, 6 00 Special notices, per line, .. .' . 20 YEARLY ADVKKTISEMENTS: One square, 10 lines, ... , f 8 00 . u Two siuares, -. 15 00 i i Throe squares, ..... 20 00 One-fourth column, . . . . 60 00 One-ball column, 70 00 One column, 120 00 BLANK. We have always on hand a large atock of blanks ot all detcriptione. SUMMONS, - . ... SUBPCENA3, EXECUTIONS, " ' ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OP AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, FEB BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, . to.," ' " Ac, ; t6. JOB PRINTING, We are prrmreil to do alt "kioda of PRINTING 8UC1I AS ,V POSTERS, , .. . l'KOGRAMMKS, - i CARDS, ' LETTER HEADS, ' ' ENVELOPES, ; BILL HEADS, , STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, i -.. t , ' ' CIRCULARS, ' -'. ' - . . h" 9- . - , ' V y t ; ; V"' "' ."" " 1 if. .- .- - - " f; IN THE BEST 8TTLK, ' ; ' r . 'akd on . REASONABLE TERMS. ' ORDEllS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK ; - WILL RECEIVE ;;, PllOMPT attention! Geo. It. Ooodlander, -' - -- . - 1 - Clearfield, V Oparflfld f onnty, Pa. ' '" H ' loftls. ; THE MANSION HOUSE. Oornarof Aocund and Market Btraata, t Lt:.utKii:i,i. pa. ' THIS eld aad aomtBodleaa Uolel ba.,9unaa tba pa.t year. beoB enlarfed to deabl. iU lurmor aapaelty for tbe eatertainment of itraa. ten and gaeau. Tbe wnvle building bae b.ea refurntabed, and tba proprietor will ipara ao aaiaa to ranoer al. gaeaii oamtonaoia wbile naylng wltb Aim. eTTbe alaaaloa Hoaaa" Omalbna ran. u and Irnm tba Depot oa Iba arrlRal and der-ertnre a eao train. , v. , v. UAKDON, Julvll-U-tf Proprietor JaEUHENl' HOTEL Market Klreet, t leal Held, P., Vm. It. Bradley, formorly proprietor of tbe lonard ilouaa. having leaaed tbe Allegb.tiv Hotel, ei'llctl. a .bare ot publlo patronage, Tl.. Ilouea haa been tborou,l,ly repetred and aewlv tarniibed, and guele will tod it a pleaaaat .to,., nlng plai-a. Tl.e table will be .upplted with ta. oral of everything In the market. At the bar aill be found the beet wlr.ee aud liquor, liuod tabling attached. YYM. H. BKAOLEY, Way 17, '79. , Proprietor. jKMIJKJ(ANCK UOLKE, NEW VTArllllSuTUS, PA, , II. . HOSE, . J'R0rn. M eali, lie. Slaa and neree aver night, II 99. BlaB and two boreea ovar Bight, l.9. The trt of aeeomraod.tlr.oa for man and bean Oet. H,'7!-tr. WASUIXGTOK HOUSK, NEW WASIIIMJTO.N, PA. Tbia new and w.ll r...n.h..t t. k. . taken by tbe nnder.igned. lie feele eonBd.nl l being able to render latlafeeticn to thoaa who Bur lavor bin with a eall. May 9, 1971. . W. DAVIS, prop'r. LOYD HOUSE, Main Street, PiULIPbBUHli, PENN A. Table alwav. .ui..lleu wltb the be.t ih. afford. Thatrareltng publle 1. Invited tueell. jan.i, in. rlOHKKT LOYD. County National Bank, OP CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM in Maaonie BailJing, one duor aertb of C D. Wataon'e Drug Store. PaaaageTiqket. to and from Liverpool, Queeni town, lila.gi.w, Londoo, Pari, and CnpeobBRen. Alao, Draft, for aale on tha Royal Bank of Ireland tod Imperial Bank of London. JAMES T. LEONARD, Pr..t. W. SI. SHAW, Ca.bi.r. Janl.'IT DREXEL 4 CO., Nt. 34 flouth Third Htroot, Philadelfilila UWKERS, ' And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mail trill reeeWa prnmpt el ten ion, end all iuftrmiitroo ebeerfully furnirbttl Otdore olieted. April 11-tL r. K. ARNOLD. 8. W. ARRULB. i. i. An Mute :F.K. ARNOLD Sl CO., EL.ankor and llrokrrn, Keyiioldevlllu, Jefleraou Co., Pa. Mr-nej- mwivod od depofit. Diienunte at mu Jerete retf. Kntern and Fore i ft o Kiobantr el WHjt on tiuDd aod collrcHon prmuptl made. KeTboldnrille, Dee Ifi, 1H74.-Iy j l. u. nKicuiioi.n, 'tHHUEtm IIKXTI91, 9reduRta of tho PonnrylvoBla Colleae nf Dental Stirrery. Office in reridenoa of Dr. Hill., nppoiit. the Hbaw Hnn.e. each 19, '79-tf. DR. E.M.THOMPSON, (Office In Bank Ilailding,) .Curwenarllle, t lrRrflrld t o I'a. mcb 1J '79 tf. A. M. 11 ILLS. orm.tTire dentist. CLEARFIELD, PKSN'A. ar-llfliee in reildenca, oppneite ftbaw llooie, jvt,lS!9 tf J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLEARFIELD, PA. (Otaoa In retideoea, Second etreet.) Nitroaa Oaide Grr admlDlrtared forth, p.la aaa axtractioa of teetb. Cleartetd. Pa, Hay J. lSJ7.lv. lUisrfUantous. $60: awrth la jonr owo towa. Terme end i UW ootfitfiea. AddretvH.UaHettaCflapas;. Portland, Maior. deol?TU.lT. AC OH P''a7 t hon PewiplM worth yrj - d Jree. tAddrei StlniuB a CoH HartUnd, Maine. Ideel7p'79 1. 0"7O a wetk. Ill a dat mt hone eerily made. V i u Cottly oelbt frre. Aufuita, Maine, Addre.i Tree A Co. do1T,'Ttf-1r. SIIOEMAKING I ben-h It. form my re trofit, aod aiaohind ia fetter!, tbat I hare rrmoted my tbotnokhinf ebov to the room ie Orahaai'i row, over B. I. Sander 'e jowelr etorc, and that I aw air pared lo do all hi tide af work in my line cheaper Uiaa ao oiber )bp ta tooa. All work warraaled a annd aa aeo be done avr where elee. Pueitlrel thie le tbo eheapeet iboe in Clcarueld. Jln. n. l-KKKlNd Dee. II, lT-tf. v J.H.LYTLE, ' Wliolcsolo & Retail Dealer in CroccrioS, THE LAKUKrlTeod HKHT HRLRCTED STOrK IN llllt CUL-VI V. COFKEE,' tKA, Sl'GAU, 8YR0P. MEATS, PIHII. HALT, OIl.A, QUF.KNSWARK, ' Tl'BS end PrCKBTH. nniKD KRUITS. PAMNKI) 800D9, BHCKS, PROOMR. FU1UH, PKRD. ' County Agent for i.onii.v.4im'M Ton.tn os, Tb.ee Rood. wooht Ibr OAKU la large IM hi eold al almoat oily ariee.. JAMPH II. LYTLK, Clearfleld, Pa., June It, lI-ly. The Bell's Bun Woolen Factor) Pen a tvwnrhip, Clearfleld Co., Pa. HIIRRBI) OUT! BT HOT BURN E D U PI Tbeawbaaribora haro,al groeMPdMM.reoeiMi oeif bhorbood aeoeeeitt. In tho eroettoa of a If"' -1 tjti I U I ita. .H iL. am.tafl RttttMl w. w l oa at aaa avwRt itwaiRwa w . wr i vaa mil aatti brr-- inproveneata attached, and are prefard to - ail kiaiie ot ty'iotat. uaaeiaiaroi, naiiaeiu, keu, Pi twine I Ae. I'leat- of (oode oa bee." aavalv all eeroM aad ft oaaaad aew oaeto-wit whoet wa aak to eoete aod aiajalna ear eteek. The boeinoM of CARDINQ AKD rrLLirfo will rooalva oar aepoWai atteatioa. IT irTVe w.ll be mAm a rtoeivo aad deli Wool, to lalt onaloiBora. All work warraateda' doae apoa tbo aborutt aot loo, and bj rtHet i' Mow to bwotaoM wo booo torooJIae e ttboraJ al fabbW patroftafo. ICM-OO PDUHDfl WOOL WAWTBDI Wo will aej Ue blfboet aarbet ariee for aad eeli m aiaaafeoUud Kooia aa low ae et-tW foods ea be boBdtht la the eooetj, aad whw-V wa fall to reader naooaabla etlifeetleft we w eitr.ro Wa fewifJ al beeo eeodf to Bake aff eialaaatloa, either la pareoa t be letter. tlAMBA alOUltttOlf A 8UN3, etH'Mlf lowot "