lEallroaflj. PeunMylvanlallnllrond TYRONK A CLEARFIELD BRANCH 0! Bad aftar Monday, NOV. Ill, 1179, the Pmhiiu Train, will run dally faxnent Bub. daya) botweoa Tyreneaad Clearfield, aa fullowat CLKARFIELD MAIL. lkavk imii." TIkavi north? CurweaBvllle,.J.19, p. M Klnnii 1 ;, " Cl.r.ld,.....l.40, Leonard,. 149, luriU ..1.64, Woodlaad, 4.01, ' Rltler,... 4 UK, WBlLao.lon,.....4.l7, " Ulan lielL 4 la, Tyrone.......... t.9t,A.B Vantcuyue,.... 9.14, -riommll, ........ 9 89, Powelloa 1B.90, Omili,. 10 13, " Boj Dtoi, ...... u.it, ". Bi.idwi,....10.JJ, Pbilipebtrg.-ltll," OlUll 14.lt, ' Bio. U.I 19.87," WallBeloB,...19.44,'' Hitler ......10.81, ' rVoodlaad,.....l9.8l," li arret! 11.07, Leonard 11.11, Clearfield 11. 10, Riervlew....ll.l8, " llrebam, Phlllpeborg, -4.SI, ..4.14, Bteloer'a, .....4.19, lloyatoa Qeeaola, , P.woltoa,. , nnmmit, , Vanaeoyoe... ...4 48, ...4.12, ... Mi, ...tit, ...1.18, Tyrone, 4.00, Curw.nivlll.,.ll.4l)A. ""cukTSifikld EXPRESS. LHAVB SOUTH. LtUVB NORTH. Tyrone, m.,7.10 r. . Vnmijoe1....r.43 6mmll,.,..l.4S " Pow.ltoo 8.17 " Oeoeola,........! 18 Boyotoa 8..14 " Btaiaer' 1.89 Pblllptbur...l.41 " Qnbu 8.47 ' Blue Btll,-....8.6 WalUootoB, ...0.01 Blgler (.11 " Woedl.nd,.....9.17 ' Barrott,.........9.14 " Leonard 0.30 Clearfield,....9.88 " . Kiverview 9.4S " Curweninlle 10.00 ' ' Rlverview S.S9 Clearfield.. t 47 Leonard, , til 17 0 t.08 a.ifr (1.1! Barrel! Woodlaad,.. Bljl.r , Wallecaton,. Bin. Bull,... 'jraBam,. 0.74 Pblllpibarg.. 4.10 nteioor'a....... 4.82 Boyalon, 8.37 Oeoeole, 8.41 Powelton 6.88 Summit, 7.84 Vaaaoiyoe,.... 7.24 Tyrone, 7.41 I'HILII'SBIIRO A MOSHANNON BRANCHES LBAVB B09TB. T. M. A. N. A. M. ITATtowt. SOU Mnrrladalt, Hi 7:00 Pbilipibiri, LBAYB 90BTB, 11:40 11:16 4: 11:21 4:34 12:14 4:11 I IV 7:08 ttlelner 1 114 7:00 1311 10:10 7:18 Boynton, Unili, 9:10 11:04 4:01 1:44 10 .15 7:11 Moabannoa, 8.68 11.51 1:67 1:47 10:4.1 7:19 2:41 10:48 T:l 3:17 10:53 7:51 3:07 10:58 8:01 1:11 11:03 S:l Sterlln. 8 50 ll:4i t:0 8:44 11:40 8:45 Houttdele, MoCauley, Kendriok 't, Ramev. 8:10 11.36 3:45 8:81 II. 0 1:30 8:30 11:18 1:30 BALD EAOLK VALLEY BRANCH. Kl. Mall. Mall. Exp, 1 p. m. a, P. M. A. B. 7.08 8.30 leave Tyrone arrhe 8.10 7.56 1.23 8.47 Bald Katie 4.6.1 8.01 8.30 8 34 t.66 8.33 10.03 8.4S 10.18 8. (14 10.40 Julian 4.10 dileabar 4.45 llell.rontt 4.38 Mileahurg 4.13 Howard 4.01 9 41 11.18. rrlteL. H.e.n have I.It TYRONE STATION. A.M.! W BIT WARD. 8:14Piltiburih Kxp'el, 1.63 iJllPaoUe Kxpreae, 8:18 P.M. I Day Kipreei Mall Train, Atlaatio Kxpr.il, Pbila. Kxpreea, 11:44 1:17 8:61 :33 Way PaiHug.r, Mnil Train, F.kI Liaa, 1:16 :34 1:08 Cloia eoDDMtloDi mal bj all tralus at Tjrroat ana uook uartn. , B. 8. BLAIR, '. mylT-tf. 14nii.rinl.Bd.Bl. BTAIII LINKS. A ilageleav.a Curw.niTi)l.d.ily fvt Rnjaolda vill., at 1 o'clock, p. ra., arritiBg at RvjaoldaTill. at 6 o'clock, p. la. R.rurBing, leave Keyaoldi. villa daily, at 7 o'clock, a. m., arrlvlof; at Cur weniville at 12 o'olof k, bo. Fur, .aob way, 82. A Ititv l.avv CflrwcBtvllle dally, at 1 o'clock, p. ra., lor IluBoii City, arriving, at LluBola City at 6 o'clock, p. m. Kolurfling, leave. i)uBo)i at 7 o'clock, a.m., daily, arriving at CBrwca.vilkat 1 2 o'elwak, ui. Far, OAoh way, $1.80. Allegheny Valley Kailrond. ' LOW ORAUE DIV1SI05. 0! and after Monday, Aoguit 4th, 1870, tba paiMOgtY train, will ran dally (arapt Bunday) botwaaa Rod Bank and Driftwood, af fnllowB : BAMTVt ARI.Il.y Hall laavu Plll.tmrg S:56 a. m.f Rl Bank 11:16) Sligo Jonotlon ll:33i New BcthUhcn 11:14 p. m.j Mavivlll. 13:50 1 Troy lill; Brookvlllt 1:34 Follir'l 2:00 Ray. aoldrvllkt 1:31 1 DuBola2:SI BamBit Tunn.l S:18 I'.nB.ld 8:43 i Weadvlllo 4:06 1 BancaatU 4:31 arnrai at Driftwood at 6:30. W I2KTW A B D Day Hail l.v.a Driftwoad 11:211 f. n. tnaiaM 1:96 a WMdvilla 1:80 1 P.nS.ld 1:4(1, BammltTuan.lMti DaBolal:li R.yaoldavlllel:il: Full.r'i3:10, Brook villa 3:3; Troy 8:84; Mayivill. 4:14; N.w Batbleliam 4:39 i flllgo Janotlon 1:11) Rad Bank 4:10 1 arrivM at Pitubarg at 8 00 p. ra. ' Tba Raynoldfrflla Aeeommfrdatloa laavas Rcyaoldavill. d.ily at 7:66 a. n. and arrlvaa at Rod Bank at 10:60 a. m., Pitubnrgk at 1:30 p. at. LH Pitubargh at 1:14 a. b i Rd Bask at 1:66 p. m.j arriving at ReyooldatUI. at 9-.06 p. at. Cloaa 4WBBaotloa. mad wlta tralal oa P. A I Railroad at Driftwood, aad with irainaoata Ail.gb.ny Vall.y Railroad at Red Bank. DAVID MoCARUO.Oaa'l Hup't. A A. J.ciaoB, Bop't L. Q. Die. FARB FROM CLEARFIELD TO Ballefont, Pa tl 96 Mlddlatown.. 6 99 Mari.tlA........... 66 Laneaatar.. 6 99 PUILADRLPBIA 114 Altoona 1 66 Johnrtown I 96 Lock Uavan. ....... a 70 William eport.. 190 FlnntiBgdoB Lewttuiww Mary.Tilla. . OnwaacTill. OMeola DARIII8BURU.. 1 90 too 4 69 30 6 4T6 Pblligabnn 61 Tvroae I 11 PITT8IDRt t 16 Slisrdlanfous. ARNOLD WANTS Shingle Bolts & Saw Logs. CbtwhutUIs, Jaa. 9, "7l tt mATW MITiTa AT- PRIVATE SALE t A KT partlee In need ef lew Mill ire hereby XL iQlermod thai Z will icll tbem oat ax good aa new. Btern i BioeKi, ft FIFTY-FOURINCII SAW, Beltlna;, end ell tbe other fit tret hi good order. ror iruer mrorwiatton, irturm JU8TIN of. PIT, Oeeeoln Willi, Wlwrflald Ots Pt. Ilareh 9, tW tf. CENTRAL Ntnt Normal Nchool. (Eighth 'Xormal School District.) Lock Ilaveii, Clinton Co., Pa. A. K. HA VB, A. At., Principal Tail School aa at rnlMnetilwted, oftra the vary nwt faeilitiaa lor PralMaioaal and Cla.ical learaing. Batldlnga apaolouf. lavitlat aad aamavadliMa rwaipl.Uly beatad by fUam, well ventilated, BBd larnunm wlta a baaatital aopply ef pan water, vui. vfinpg water. Loeatlea beellkful aad uy aceeea. RarronBding aeeaery BBaarpaaaed. . T.acbera eiperl.nced, aAclaat, and alive tbelr work. Dlaeipltaa, firm bat kiid, ttaiforoi aad thomaga. . Exnenaea moderate. Pfly eeata a week dedmetiea to tneawpr.par1ag to teaon, EUdiaU admitted anv Ubm. Coortaa of itndy preaaribed by tba Ptale t aaooel Penool. li. rreparater. ill, Kieaaaa. Ury. IV. geiealiae. adjunct cei'BJB: I. Aoademle. 1 1. Comaienaal. IIL Jlaale. IV. ArU Tbe Kleaaenlary and eeUatlae aoaree an Pre. feeaieaal, Bad atad.au graduating tbereln reoelvt Htate iiploatae,aoBrrrlng tbe fellewing eerree- pee.Bgan'v.i aveetevei tee ncieaoea. lirad. vaatea Ib I Be otber eaaraee reeelva Nevraal OerviS. eatae ef tatir aualameeu. aimed he tba Paealte. Tbe Prefee.iBBl Bennea ar likeral, Bad ar a UMreagaaeea aet laajrlor te tboae ef ear ben eeliegea. Tbe bt.U nqalrae a blgber order af eitlaea ebip. Tbe tlmea demaad It. It K Baa of tba prime object, ef tbi. lebeel u belp taHeara It by u ,,D,, iBieingsaa aaa ametenl leaaae lor ber eekeeli. To tbll ead It BelietlB yeaeg per aoaa af good abtlittea .a 4 good parpeeea tbeea wbe deem U improve tbelr time aad their tel. rate, a. atBdeata. Te all each It premi.ee aid la aoveiwplag tbetr powera aaa abaadaat eppeKa aitiee lor well paid labor altar leavtag eebeoL In eataJegue aad lerma addran tbe I'riaeipal. HOARD 0F IKUSTKK&i ITocBaoLBaaj' tb uarBBA. 1. D. Bartoa, M. D, A. H. Barf, Jeoob Brant, S.M. Blehferd,BamaelCkrlat,A, N. Kaab, R. e). Cook, T. 0. Hippie. Rao, 4C P. kfcOormick, Ki., W. W. Ranlila, JOHN A. Rtii. . 9TAl tnntaaa. Hn. A. O. Oertla, Ilea. H. L. aVMTaabaivb, Oam. Jean Merrill, Ilea. Urn. Illgler, J, V. O. Waaler, H. Millar MeOeawM, 8k,. ' WlbAIAM BtOLIIR. 1 frorloaat Beard of TrBAtoea. - ' " ' e 1 , dbtSttfl bmHeUL, VIm PraetdnH B. MILLAR McnontrTftiT, (VimreUry. THOMAH YAKbLKf, Traaaanr. Look Dawa,eb.,T.lyle, la jrtltsrrUaurous. E. S. HENDERSON." UNDERTAKER BI'RN.SIDK, I'KNN rpiIK labaeribcr now ufftin lo tit .UtM of X BarfliiJr uil vicittily, m usproTadetl liMlaltjr. Ilri.fwr U klfidf of Ctubta aod Colli oi will m kept on baol, nnd ortlri fitl t onoe. MineruiB itttndtd 1nyrhrtt I will fartiitth ill tiwi k w$U j lfi vlimpit rticlet 4MloaUt, n ruamftv All ordtra Ufi tvi tfa ttort of Jvi ir O. Con m will rMaiv.rBpt tltvotioa. For farther prtl"oUr, or lildKM I. . IIKNPKKHO.V W!0, 187H.tr. GEO. WEAVER & CO., BkCOND STREKT. CLEARFIELD, PA., Htv opuJ up, la tbt itoi iwv Jfttalj iMoupicd vj du,ob troABi iirwi, iarg and Wtli MIMt4M ntook of Dry - Good3 Groceries, B0OT.1 AND HilOtS, QLKK.V.SWARK, WOOD A WILLOW WARE HATS AND CAPS, FLOUR, FEED. SALT, 4c. Whicb (hey will dlapoa of at ruuonaUB ratal . lor aan or BBcbaag lor oouatry prodaea, UKOROE VEAVF.R A CO. Olearlald. Fa.. Jan. 9. 1878-bT. REMOVAL I James L. Leavy, HfcTlnr DorebftisJ tha sntir mltwV at Pntl. Sack tt t, htnbv kitm boUad tttt has moved Into the room Uty oreopled kj Riwd 4 Hairtjr, on 8eend street, where Be it prepaird to offer to PARLOR STOVES, of the ltt Improved pnttvrnr, nt low price. HOUSE FDENISHINQ GOODS, Qm Fixtures aud Tinware. Roofing, Spontlng. Pluuibing, lla. Flttlni, and R.pAiriag Futnp. a ep.ai.Hy. All work warranted. Anything in my line will be ordered apeelal If aanria. JAM. I.. LKAVV, Proprietor. ritKD.SACKKTT, Agent. Olearlled, Pa., January l, l97-tf. EXECUTORS' SALE or Desirable Real - Estate ! Estate of Slcluri Sha, Sr, Dec'd, rTljlH andvraigned, 'lefnto ra of the ealate ef X BICUAKU BHAW, Br deceaaed, will efer at panne aajo at taa cuuttT IIUUMK, Id tbe bor aogb af I'learaeM, Pa, en Tuesday, June 1st, 1880, AT 1JO O'CLOCK P. M Tba fellewhag (alaabla real eatate, via i F1R8T. Tbe tbree-nery brick betel properly, ewreer el aaeraea bob Birai BireeU, IB the Bor- aaga af Clearbeld, baowa ai 'The Shaw House Fronting with tba let of ground tberata keloaglBg i.e icei oa Market, atreet, BBd V9 iveiea nrat atreet. WilBatwo.etery dwelllag boure Utaobed. Tba bo te! proper baa oiity bed-rooma and all ooaveaieAeee for a Irat-alaas boleL Oae af tba moat daairable hotel preporttee la Ceatrel Peanaylvaaia. gBCOND. AwtofgreBadlaClearaoldberoagri, begiaakig at tba aad of 144 feet, froatlag oa Mar ket atreet, aad tbonen along Market atreet 38 feet, and ranalag baak 90 feet, wilb the baildlaga tberooa erected. THIRD. A lot of graaad aitaata la ClMrfeld baroagb, adjeiaiag pari No. 3, aad attending Biosg marBet atreet zb leat to aa alley, aad raa aing baek 99 foot, with balMings laarooa. FOURTH. A lot of ground la Orarteld ber oagh, edjeiBlag bote! property, and attending aloof Flret alraot 99 foot aad running back 100 laai, more or aa, to aa alley. PIPTH. All that eerula lot, kaowa la tbe piau ui liioaroeie nnrongii aa tjet no 139, ironaingauooieeieoi on bOOBatrreet,nia aiog back 309 feet, mere er leae, te aa alley with dwolllna boaaa BBdallBsevBaarv aul baUdlnga Ike rota .rected,.ad ether Imprevemenia. TVH.VS OF SALE I One-lblrd oaab at delivery af good deed, aad iae uuiaaee to bo aocarea by aoaa and mortgage, eejnvw ib ene ana two yaara, anta inarreaL A. B. rHAW, JO. 8HAW, A. II. SUA W. Il'ra of Richard gbaw, Sr.. dee d. VMarnald, ra, April 7, IMHMf. HOFFER'S Cheap Cash Store. ROOM SO. THREB, OPBRA HfMIHB, Clearfield, Pa., ' WHOLKSALI t RRTAIL DEALER It DRY GOODS, Ooaaprlrlag DreM Ueode af tbe very leteet alylet, weoaining la pan at vaeameree, Maaeoeater Panciea, Alpeoae, aad all m.aner of Fancy Dress Goods, Snvb ae Ootoaa, Hobalr Lartorv, Plalda, Dreea uiaglauBo, ureal rwaotae of tha Tory lat.at rtjlve, and aa abaep aa they can be aotd ia thia market. NOTIONS, Ooaaktiog of Qhtwm tat OonU, Iadle tad Mittee. una ar mi imm, mm rm(i, Laroff, VaBcj Dreaa UiUom. LwHm' Te of ell ehedee ib4 atrlee. Cufft end Col rare, Rtbbmt ef eil klnda nnd r' --taC im tjoAlittdte. dMertM lTnderfr. TrtHBlnga, tte. BOOT8 AND 6HOE8, GROCERIES. Queens wore, Hardware, Tinware, Carpets OU Cloths WALL PAPER, mTBiii,nsH,it!., .", Wbieb WIU bo Bold wkelraals ar relaU. WIU take Country Produce KmAurb) Per flooda tl Markri Priea. WM. J. nOPFXR, (. loarflrld. ra.. u,fi. , Ta tf. JjUUftllantom. ; JOHN TROUTMAN, Db'ALKR 15 FURNITURE, n ATTItKSSEN, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKKT BTRKET, NEAR I'. 0. The uaderalgned bega leers to Inform the cltl- BBBa oi uearneld, and tbe pnlillo generally, tbal be baa on hand a fine aaaurttnent of Furniture, each aa Walnut, Clieatnnt and I 'tinted Chamber nuitoa, Perlur Huil.a, Reclining and Kxtenaion Cbaira, Ladlea and ftrata' K.ay Chalra, the Per foratad Dlsingaad Parlor Cbaira, Cane Hcata aad wmdaor Cbaira, Clothea Bara, Hup and gttau aloa Laildera, Hat Racka, Bcrubblog Brnabae, Ac MOULDINU AND PICTURE FRAMES, ooklng Glaaace, Cbromoa, Ao., which would teltable for Holiday praaenta. deelO'tt JIHIN THdHTWAI. Re-Union of Trade. npiIR unertljtDrd wiihinj; to infurm tbe u)tle X oieoea a At the old atand In Troutftlte, Clearfield nmuty, r., on trie mta mat., wun mil itoct ot DRY t.lHtDN, CHOCKRIEK. XtTIOHH lliHitH, Shoea, i;tc.. Id fet evervthluK to be round In a fi rat-el tw atore. all of which 1 eiu lift ermine-1 to Mil nt ibe low est onh price. Will Hod it (oth. lr ndvnntanto do their dealinr with me. avi the bij(beit prioe will be jiaid for Grmin, bhioglen, or Pruilnee of an kioil. fart or otie-haJl carb Will be p. id. TrailinK tor Shfnglei or Lumlx-r of any km i rpeulalty. AIro, agent lor Singer Sewing Machines. liar log made arrangements with Raiti-m mer cbanta to cell enodtt furniabed me. therefore call nnd aee, na I will be enabled to iell ebekvper that Troutville, Pa., Mept. J47K Ij. Agent. TIN ti. SHEET-IRON WARE. CANDIS MERRELL Hu opened, in n building on Market itreet, on the old We tern Hotel lot. oppoiite the Court Honae in Cltwrfield.a Tin nod tSheet-Iroe Manii factory nnd Store, wbere will be found nt all timoa n full line of house Frnttranxxa goods, Stoves, Hardware,, Etc. Houae fipoutinr an.l all kindi of JoK work, rrnnlr- ing, Ao., done on abort notice and at nu.flont.ble rnteii. Alio, agent for the Singer Sewing Machine. A awnplf f Machine-, with !ed!i. Ae,. el- ware on hand. Terma. n riot I? ceh or oonntrT nroduoe. A ahareof patronage aoliclted. O. B. MKRRELId, Superintendent. Clenrfleld, April 35, 1877-lf. parpalilla la h cflmpcmn1 of tins vtrtum of ftarutrmrilla, atilllngia. mandrake, yvllnw ilnok, with the iotliilu oi pntaaHh nnd iron, all powerful Mfxnl making, blood-rleAnfiing, ami lifeniuittiiirting linm.tji. It ia tlin jMircat, nnffat. nnd in BYfiry way thn mmt'-iTorttml n!tratietnedt?. cine known or nvnilattto to tlm public. The. arlfnrt of mfdlrine ami vhembatry Imvn ntiver pTodupfHl no vftlimliln a rwntsly, nor nnn no potent to run. nil (lirv-wt n-Miiltitii from tmtHire blood. It, emm Hrrofnln, and hII nrruinlottH illiHMiHtw, KryMliui, Kom. ot HU AMtlintiv'n FJrs 1'tinplm nnd F .?-gruia, I'uatttleft, lilotcthrn, Iiile, Turnort, Tttttr, llumons Halt Rheum, IHrttlil-henvfl, Ithigworm, IMcfim, Horn. Ithetumatlam, 1rririiii IlMan4i, Nn rnlKin Feinulu Wttknmftra and Irrt'gu Inrltlca, .luundlctTi, Auction of tho IJvttr, rVHHpalo, KmMiatloii, auU H.enrrnl PfUllitj. By lla afan'lilnti and HbOHnaintt ()ii.ilitlei It ftunriii tm Urn foul ntrrnpttoi.H wlticli contMinliiatn tho hlofMl, and fauiw flenunn mnt und fltvBV. It NtiinulHtiii and i.livHnt tho vital lunrtiona. It prtnnoUie nnergy and atrongth. It nH4imi and pnwrvM health. It infitrMM Uf.vi lifi and vlgvtr UirouihonL the, wlidln nyttra. NowiiiTe.rurfmni any dieMwn tvhii-hnHaea rfnm Iinpnritynf the hlod m'tl (1r'i..ir,h4iwlll frivti Avrjt'a Harjai'Aihi.la a iiur trial. ItRfrwnnrwr, tint earlier the tri.tl, tlH! .tperdi.r tho cure. lie rvipe) haa hm furntattMl in phvniriana (vorvvyhrn; and tlmy, reiXbgntiing tu nurte rior tualitie. wlminiHtar It in Unlr practict. For nearly forty yearn Atkk'i Rarhaf BH4j4 htw Ibtx-n widely iumI, and tt now pnav. "am Uie contldftnoo nf millkrn! of peoftla who have xpnrinnrid be nullta from itg mu velloua curative vlrtai. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer k Co., Practical and Analytical Chomlata, Lowell, Mam. eou nr all cnuoeirr mttTWHsns. PORT GRAPE WINE CMd In the principal Chnrehea for Coram anion pnrpoaea. Sxoollcmt for Ladioa and Toakly Vf,S("'.ii.j, SPEEtTS PORT GRAPE WINE I rhU tlebntd Nat I re Wine ia ate-ie frj9 the Joloe of the Oporu tirepe, reitted in thia Ooaatj. Ita tnealnahla Tonic and Strengthening Properties No. BA (i ' . ; ..w j. 660 6691 5664 ar nnrpeeeed by any other Ifttlre Wine. Be init tbe pare Jaiot of the Grape, prndnoed nnder Mr. Speer'a oarn pereoaal enperriiion, IU parity and nanoineaeoa ere etematoed. The yeantt child may partake of lu jreneroni qnaliliea, and ha weak eat Invalid nee it te adraatare. It ia partiealarly heneflnial lo the aed and dehilita Led, end enited te the fnriona ailmenta that af Vt the weaker e-. It fa In every reepcot A W IJMh to hk kklikdon. SPEER'S P. J. SnERRY, The P. J. WH ERR V I a Winn of Sat.er.or votxreeier. naa penaaee oi ue noiaen naailtlM of tbe crape froa erhieh It la made. For Purity, Kiebaeae, Flavor and Hrdielnal PmpertlM. It will be feund nneioalled. SPEER'S P. Ji BRANDY, Thia BRANIirnnedtanrlvaledlBthlaootnlry, Being tar eupenor lor moairai porpoeoe. IT Ifl A PKR1 dlrtltlatloa from the (rape and oontiinj TBiaabhi medloel proBenioa. It baa a delicate flavor, timllar lo tbal af tbe !(rapea I rem whieb It It dlalllled, aad it la great aver aaoag IrBt-tlaat fttailaea. fel that tbe tliwBtart of ALPRKD RPBRR, Paaaaia M. 1., it over tbe aerk ef eaek boUw, SOLD ST S. W. OTlATTATaf ialy It, 1679-ly. 3Bnv Sflt'frtisrnuuts. m IMlfl HITHIIIsLM flftor Wenver A Co. t) wiint tle ihouaend bunheln ol tlATH, now, enl will pay cbIi or pro-lti. t;rtielJ9 I'., Aug. II, injy.u. V.I'M l'()H HAI.K...Tb.rlau blvaa ol Italian lleea w. I.t. b I will aril rhaap f o.ab, nr .xcb.ngc iur wti.at. lor further In formation call on or aillroa. III. unl.r.irn.d. J.I'. KIIA.Ml.ll. Xov i,'79 lf. CI.arH.ld, pa. MtlM'.Y Tl l.(IAJ.-nn Itat rlaaa Im proved farm ir(ip.rt.v, by tb. Mutual Lii. luaurauoe Couipany of New ork, ou tlr.t mort gage, ia euuie Iruui 91, mill up. For further In 1'iirmalion aptily te the iinderaiona.l. LIKM IIAl, W. SMITH. Olearlcld Pa., Mav 7th, 18T9 II. Thomas A. Duckett, -DEALF.ll IN- 11IKKKHV give notioe to the oltiaem ef Clenr. Held nnd the aiirrouuding vleinitjr that 1 am prepared at nil time, to luroiib teoiiliea nod manufaetoripg enlabllihmeula with auperinr quality of Coal, Wood f Coke, Which I ttn prepared to deliver In fw boHrri' notice. I am alwev ready to haul and deliver iroiu and to the depute or anywhere elie, aud move tamme and bourbold gooth anywhere up abort ootic. I H Oh. A, DLfKETT. Clearfield, I'--, Mar. SI IbHO-tf. Iffl.it tlvfrtisftiifnts. Treasurer's Sale l T '' .j. . . . y or u nseated Lands " IN CLEAEFIELD CODNTI. N0TICB ia hrrebv given, in piirroanoe of in Aot of Aaaaublv app-uved tbe I3ih dev of Juno, A. II. 1843, entitled "en Art te amend ao Aot direetine; tbe Bind, of eelling I naealod Landa in Clea.ll.ld oounly," and the aev.r.1 aupplamenta thereto, there will beetpiiaed to aale or ontrrv, oa the SKCUND 340NUAY, 14th dav of JI NK, A. 1 I8tit), tba followinR tracta or pieeeo of land in raid county, for tetee due and unpaid, vlt : llecrarla Townthlp. Acrea. lilt 2!i IliO 80 80 313 701 432 28 .148 ;I4;. 170 ! 508 1.14 . 104 218 90 lit 43.1 III! 124 880 " 174 Jso lie. ItU 80 i 7 isu Per. Warraniea. Tax. John Bailor t 49 89 P. 4 A. r'lynn 70 89 J.mea MeMurtria 33 80 't'bnmaa Murcatory H 18 00 Mangiia Uiiler 18 Oil John Urady 138 I William Brady S;4 US Jaiana Blain..M 13 70 Alex, rilaia k. f u:t on Jubo Wbitnter..... 134 8o Henry Whitmer 124 20 . William VVllaon 01 30 . Herman WbiliaerM e. 197 10 '' Jacob Kruf 4,w M.. 3d 1)0 ' Johnllibaoa... 38 97 74! Hubert Wilauo.... 1J ai .'II John Ketlaud 8 78 Paler Oeta 34 88 IlevM liartmi 97 44 Fred llnwman 4W 8fl liennia McCoy, ar 1 12 60 Jaeob Krutr 91 b8 Jeremiah timber 39 18 Krrioriok D.t.a 77 ii Thomaa liilliuKton j4 0(1 John Keen , 80 o Martin Vr.nta S33 00 Jautee (Uha I 1 S."! I.W.finllb 48 96 Kre.1 llubley 11 2S Htewart Ciwan 1 50 .Uo..b Fiiuet 108 .1(1 all A May 173 87 J. U. Walton '. II li Willi. m (iry 14 17 113 i;:i 211.1 4 V. 43 .if 4.1.1 43 183 I John Miller .'.I .'.n llrll Towilahlp. No. 4318 1Kb 8704 8C.20 427 Mil 1618 8819 43H7 5014 5b:i Ae. 1000 809 imiu 800 till 102 116 101 70 607 1100 too 200 8119 1009 J8S 800 9.18 446 320 147 679 806 93 101 409 141 60 122 312 819 74 609 I on 67 At. 309 322 111 1 908 ' 199 Ml 75 50 89 59 109 111 115 Per. Warranter. Henry Boek Tax. 3U6 00 154 II .107 81) 6 II 29 04 44 88 :i8 is 21 II 11 86 108 90 169 111 4 46 9 91 22 II 175 89 04 66 ol HI 20 190 Nu-klin A Orirtth.... from Reed from Betta Henry Ueek Nirklin A lirllhtb.... 4389 8894 89118 11107 8919 3999 8919 iVIl 8788 4288 4787 4008 8919 .'.618 8619 0619 8619 4J-.7 71 81 99 95 41 16 ' 17 96 ..1 7.1 33 83 19 2.1 II 32 Uenry Meek 32 Ni'klia A r,r 116th. ... . a 31 Ileury Berk .. 36 II 14 69 II 51 79 10 " - . J. R. BnrnooB M W Snyder Wldowaon Broa.... Mr a. (II. nn Jam.a HiUball IHoobb Tonmahip. Per. Wtrraolee. . I0 45 ll 6 69 99 00 .. II 96 9 51 No. 2004 3611 3!.9 3619 1999 3611 69 Keherta A Pox J. W. Smith Bolierta A Fox . 180 90 II 60 I 66 . 67 69 76 151 Jaboh Borfer flavld Irvin eat Kob.ru A t ot......... Milton L MaClore'".' Nloklin A lAritBth 1'hllip Feaal.r......H.. .160 00 1.1 68 9 00 18 Oil 6 30 .. 36 09 . - 27 00 . 1 21 80 Daaiel Rodgere William Araold Ilorrira Townahlp. Ae. Per. Warrantee. 41.1 la. MeCormlek 440 Nanny Ilogra . 429 N. McDonald ... 429 John Byere :9 17 J'lbuMonlitom.ry 105 Thomaa Smith H 109 Jno. Kephart.. M ) of 404 Blair MoLaaaban . 427 89 John Keen . 10 Thomta I'arka 109 Albert Owen 54 W.i eon A M onion llradlbrd Tor.nahli. Tat. . f 66 96 71 19 69 66 ,. 69 66 II 60 . 83 40 . 27 ! .. 54 00 ,. 4J 10 6 40 . II 60 6 12 Ao. Par. Warrantee., 336 Alexander Dnllaa ..'..... 44 8uaaDna Itaaer 69 t Harriaen, Bayard A Bryaon.. 179 . . Andrew Bavard 59 ' Horatio I,. Hall . 8'.0 Hlalr 84l.anahan 10.1 Jamet DuBran H 279 Leonard A Cljda.. ...... 209 Heynolda Keaa - 88 David Aakey 159 Hall A Buck..... . 92 ' K. Moeaop. ... M. 34 bavld Aakey Tat. t 19 (0 15 19 60 39 20 6 16 .19 10 19 60 16 95 19 60 9 68 80 14 I J7 r nrttriy Tnvrnthlp. No. Ao. Per. Warrantee. ' Tax. 100 0 B.Ooodlander t 41 00 di: David Kennedy....... 131 04 636 918 toured ljuuf 103 .10 5877 63' 840 f Henry Wyeof, 861 60 6B6j '' 121 331 Joba Danlap 166 12 195 40 . Cooper Stoirer........ 14 16 "fjj 10TI Roberta A Pox 647 64 1994 r 968 , ,. jjj go 2919 664 , . .176 09 1411 85 Cbarka H. PrraeeU... 93 II 119 lj Cbrlallan Lower. 81 96 1997 66 -. Honertl A Pot....... 11 99 99 ' - HodepeUrABrll.akar ' 36 II 916 171 Cbrtrtlan Lower.... 172 91 136 J. W. Smith 66 70 238 I HO 630 No. 490 567.1 6674 56'5 6066 6067 5671 5671 4899 42.16 4225 llurnalda Townahlp. Warraniea. Joha Nirhnlaoa Tit. 67 20 Id 72 128 79 61 92 64 82 76 72 107 61 166 94 69 16 3.11 11 lit 19 1.14 40 148 94 261 24 259 12 1 96 ... 4399 Joba Nallor Maham Whltmaa reaper Shaffer jr.... Daaiel Whitmer ........... Joba Hubley.... Mary Roberta Joba Treealar. . Caaper Shaffer. .,...... Jerry Williemeoa Mary Crawlerd Townoend BpaekmaB....... Reboea Browa Leonard Holllt. .., Frederick buna Heary Ruper From aaateil J M.U 5064 4125 423d 4399 6061 4001 66; 6 5677 6671 5677 111 12 48 II 6677 J 5674 43.11 4226 4229 4231 1061 6069 4281 4134 6071 6671 6677 4699 1691 .ion I , 67 10 ('Intel Tnwnahlp. Ar, Per. Warrantee. Tax. 160 William Bauaman ....... I 107 80 109 16.1 Jnba Boyd.... 17 19 141 Jeelab Hal.ea....... .... II 61 431 161 Tboaaaa Hamilton......... 1?9 16 64 Chtrlaa Uebla.... M 76 lot Robert Fleming 186 19 109 latae Riobardaoa.... ,. 114 69 !t Jonatbaa Walker ..... ... 61 69 491 153 Joba Cook M M 65 99 4.18 163 Ja.par He, ag 6699 4.18 168 Wllllamt'eob 8' II 149 MoCord treat 17 99 98 Jemoa Piper.... 18 86 171 Ueorgt Page 61 17 411 Henry Page... ......,.. 66 17 134 Jamet Noble...... It 17 199 164 Cbriati.a Hokier.......... 61 79 14) Prom Smith 11 16 lot MahalTay A Mitehell.......... 41 99 433 Wutbiea Slouth..... 9111 166 Miller A Cbritt 44 99 II " ' 9 67 3576 8694 36(17 3597 .1584 3585 3604 6068 4191 ?((ial ai'frtlSfmrulj. 100 John Breniitmaa. It." Joeeph Me Murray ... V r BHm Mllli Co..... I ' Halttny (.round It0 John MiUauebey A Co ftilO Ford A Hnrenkle Soft Jemei Rot. HH at oho Uunnionheta Henry Mreth Jr. ... I' mm I, A. Irrin J. W. Lftioborn It nth MeConnel aaUte UuQDard A VVilliau i'ofliislon Townahlp. . Warrantee. 118 140 140 Ibli No. 6 66 5373 6474 1101 6.109 5379 5419 5407 378 8404 I SKI 1X99 1901 1041 f. 567 3.107 6377 IS93 Ae. 1083 1 1 (III 111 1 1 till 1049 1100 ll9 lll 483 125 678 890 8.-9 545 . (10 380 804 1 109 ' .Ido eorne Mead ... 44 411 3" 3 60 86.1 76 .1(19 88 .Morria A Klewtrt 19:1 61 10 71 ih it. 119 40 619 00 11 10 Oeorge Meed.. llfrnlur Townalilp. Per. Warraatee. (Illbert Vauibt John Harrieon ' K, Fletcher Joerpb ll.rriaoa ll. W. McCardy M M Henry Port Millar eat.t.. 47 John Drinker John H. livmn 117 Rlrb.H Thomaa 1:17 Jaoob Downing 154 Hugh Kly 41 Jnhn Kyroa....A William MoBtgnmery.. 79 lleary Drloker 138 f hoiaaa P. t ope 06 Juavph tlanaom 64 William baaanm........ 116 Jamea Hamilton I'harlea Hiak Hubert katney Petrlok Moore Thouiaa rllowardaou Ann AlcLaoaban John McLanaban 23 William Evaua Tat. 152 311 115 196 47 3 809 611 141 128 ' .102 158 208 49 34 119 167 194 308 SO Jo! 404 . 200 111 109 j of 404 25 (01514 99 246 400 100 70 165 80 167 18 61 60 101 96 11) 64 1 46 113 90 11 80 111 II 66 68 I7T 35 176 II 134 86 80 76 17 13 171 29 I.U1 91 159 98 179 60 19 46 96 40 !' 40 82 00 83 9(1 61 60 4 10 99 81 110 70 1..I 70 246 00 91 Oil 26 65 John Drinker Ill Thomaa K.lmunilaoa bamu.1 Hamilton....... Patrick Mnore David Htewart Prrguion Tuvrualilp. Per. IFarrnafM. Tax. i. II. P-ergitaua t 41 64 John Urall 12 00 From Uaorge straw 18 10 Warrea Bell 11 12 fllrarr Townahlp. No. 5364 5.165 5.161 5.I7U 6171 6:1(10 5.158 i54 6162 5356 5:166 5872 6.176 148 1818 5.161 5:.1 1690 S64T 5II65 I 6H66 f IHK8 6881 5168 61." 7 5:176 1929 IK.t 1919 ii'i; 1938 187 h:I9 ViMi i8i: leS4 1917 :I650 1915 I KM 1918 mil IKI6 19.17 No. 5313 i:il7 5319 5.119 Ao. 1066 750 1100 641 I0s8 1100 1048 1008 19041 1190 1100 1100 1081 IU 60 1100 1008 254 19 17.1 l!6 798 1 1 till 11 no Per. Warrantee. Tel. George Mead.......( l.'IO 00 61 00 ).. 80 91 Oil 28 60 28 60 118 00 468 HO 24 90 .111 00 26 90 128 60 1.10 90 10 80 T o 160 on 360 00 51 90 I 30 Morria A 8lew.rt.. tleorge Mead H Morria A Stewart.... .. lirorgc Mead Morria A Rlewart 1 12 fieorge Meed 139 90 ... 671 (Ml 5211 (ill 171 60 1 11.9 " 30 ; 22 M'.rria A Ktenarl. .. 114 ill" 2'.' I 11 11 It 43 61 6 46 j5 19 50 .'III H .12 T 18 1 51 90 !6 00 : 161 22 454 2oc :i4(. I oil im 66 114 45u 480 120 An. 66.1 1059 1099 1099 1100 1008 1109 1109 1100 1 1119 900 69 67 269 1109 lliH) 1113 1190 1109 411 176 66 11 41b 41.4 151 711 660 1090 1909 177 loo 171 :i 95 87 60 96 Aug. ItcaiitelBgnr... Morrl A Stewart.... 8 1" 1 1.1 9(1 16 40 8 88 13 90 31 10 31 20 3 13 C;o.heliTuwU8hlp. Per. Warraotee. Oeorge Mead... Tax. . 141 20 49 16 . 166 44 8.1 69 . 68 60 . 76 69 . 83 80 . 309 90 . 126 40 . 128 40 . 142 10 70 12 14 . 81 70 I 90 . 41 60 . 627 00 6.120 4.151 6:123 6:129 5.C1I o:2! 6.126 1911 1909 5314 1584 6134 6.126 5.127 6339 68:9 - 1911 1909 1901 1884 1 1916) 1923 1921 1866 5314 6316 5.116 6325 I 6351 ( 5326 6332 5.131 Morrli A Stewart.. William Mapea.." (Ivorta Mead. " " ........ 423 94 " " 027 60 " " 411 411 Morria A Stewart.... 78 18 " " .... 31 44 " " .... 5 70 H.II Morrow Morria A Stewart. ... 81 13 46 5 29 99 76 09 ailllnrliamAOarrlaoa lleorte 51 Md 41 56 76 B9 79 99 61 . Charlee T. Roberta. Owner unknown..... Thoiapaen Reed M. II. Browa A Bro. WillUm Webb . J. 0. Hmith 26 60 11 69 19 19 07 16 50 21 tl Clraaam Tnwnahlp. Ac Per. Warraatee. . Thomaa P. Cope...! John Okyroa Chariot Hall Iarael Cope Tbi. 197 149 Per lJ9 100 146 10 36 T 40 12 90 3 80 Greenwood Townahlp. No. An. Per. Wurroacee. Tax 100 Juha Hambrigbt..J) 60 P.. A. IrvlB 021 l:.9 Nloklin A Griffith. 36 90 10 349 69 263 63 14 to 5963 61.1 14 Joan .Mebolaua.... 109 Joaepb Uooa. fiullrb Townahlp. Per. Warrantee. Ill Chrlatlaa Stark. .....I III Mattblaa Yoang..... 153 Ubrialiaa llager 163 tioorge Mateeramita. 46 Thome. Yedler........ Daniel OOley .. 75 George Baker 145 Timothy Paatoa 163 Joba Barge 69 Kmanuel Kogert William t) ray ......... Thomaa Grant......... 114 taeorge Mecre. ....... .. i , t tl Philip Glonlnger...M John MeOehaa m I MM , 14 Oeorge jleker. ....... Jobn MoCahaa ' Lampblack B.nJ. Wllaon John Whilmer..... PtgotSbew. ........... liJw.rd Hand......... Pigot Hhaw ............ , Benj. Wllaon Robert Henderaoa.... Daniel Palkereoo..... E. Nallor... Ao. 119 19.1 Tax. 66 68 179 431 116 3.17 499 30 150 90 119 10 119 lib 436 481 .166 97 44 11 76 203 00 20 38 165 39 60 90 1.19 7.1 4 31 64 22 94 328 64 61 06 349 1.14 159 7.1 08 9 ' 89 .11 141 a! 141 28 91 80 .108 169 99 126 68 116 89 90 180 40 183 116 1(16' 174 81 68 117 16 41 91 19 II 60 61 48 Hiitton Townahla. Ae. 176 195 411 377 377 990 806 1041 847 m , 40 ' 740 .170 Bit 376 10 1 160 6911 116 216 209 647 . 147 ,1041 . 499 637 ' 176 I 966 9t9 966 907 999 19 . 6.18 , 616 847 609 . 899 131 1919 Per. Warrantee. Tax, Wllhelm Wlllink.....! David Caldwell..... Moore A Delaney.. ej M Willi. P..wert...Z - Moort A Delaney... Wllhelm Wllllab.!!! Jamet Wllaoa... 4 00 9 20 S21 78 1"7 91 103 16 161 16 01 17 239 10 76 81 II 60 136 24 134 It 61 08 223 66 08 60 28 06 J7- 90 William Pewera... P. Shoemaker 111 PB 94 .11 89 21 98 96 6e 61 87 Woodward A Pionay M M Moore A Dolanei ... . 905 99 73 69 . 184 90 56741 6671 41 90 . 661 29 . 618 til . 1061 86 , 3.16 10 . 174 90 , 161 89 , 311 48 . 161 10 Jamea W ilroa. William Powera.... Jtmtt Wlloaw. Moore A Delaney., 96 . Ill , 111 k ale let.. 39 81 itMb.ru A Pol.... 10.11 14 4ut; . 19 . " " ...... Ill 63 161 ' . 7 10 !.. a. ....? 8 o I HI " ' ....... 711 99 1 -co --o ,,,., leat 01 " 6.10 In 15 " ...... tot 19 . tl " . " 964 90 t4 ..... lot 99 114 - t9t 99 9601 j 999 1579 . 731 low' 985 69 loio 1030 896 III 917 William Powert.... Jamea Wlleea. 49 II I'd 99 Iffjnl dvrrtlSfmrnts. 19 li !'! 106 ' John Ilunlap 69 10 31 90 t 09 Beynolda tub. dlv. IV 15 j. Nleblla II 66 4.1 11 "0 - Heytelde aub. div. 34 40 J. Niekha 6 90 79 11 13 HO RovniiMi aub, dir. I 5J 47 J. Ni-klln 24 171 09 II 6 4 K.vnolda aub. div. II Oil 1. Nieklln HI 6.1 12 If koyaolda aub. div. 15 0:i - J. Nleblla I .18 II 4 I- 119 Reyaolde anli. div. 21 811 J. Nirklin 35 80 147 80 Th.imaa Ruaa lol II 73 36KV 856 21 Koherta t Fox 890 61 6066 15 N. Pearaon 4 60 SH '! 178 89 A. H Brew. lol...... 9174 Ih5 00 lima lum Unbent A Fox IH4 90 186 90 3U0I low . Jlbd on 40 70 5671 147 15 Moora A Ileliney... lit 4 I .1' 88 1591 900 Roberta A Fox 998 00 40 70 I9" 429 10 " 473 80 40 7(( 6070 9911 William Powert 116 60 III W 5673 t' . . MooroA aVaawe... 611 84 74 00 6074 -7 "... 95 10 durdau Townahlp. Warraniea. Thomaa Martin . Bubert Martin...... Willi.m Jobnaoa... " Denial Hmith Richard Patera . Philip Poult, John II rag Benj. Toung ktrtftaaa Townahlp. Ae. 4.1.1 281 49 200 IU 124 91 60 164 No. S4I3 5413 6406 0414 5409 6411 1900 1901 1943 lt98 1439 5!J0 6702 8405 1665 Per. 15.1 Tat. .... let 611 ... 94 911 9 40 .... 47 00 79 60 ... 47 90 .... 17 61 t 05 ... 1) 10 Ao. 747 101.1 1190 1100 1 1 Oil 1100 COO 778 807 , 109 239 794 299 167 48 60 Per. Warraotee. Ueorga Mead.. Tat. 8.1 72 116 76 154 00 11.1 10 .10 80 30 60 134 40 I'd 42 III no 7 16 49 94 111 16 6 40 It 60 Mnrrla A Stewart.. Vharlat Wlllink William Hmith.,... Caap.r Wletar 17 iteorge M..d...... I. C. MoCloakey..,. Myere A Fiaher.... Hugh MoUonig.l.. 1 40 I 80 4 46 66 D.vid Malaaa 799 W.I li.ro 206 M'Cloak.yA Poller. Knox Townahlp. Per. H'ofro.lee. 16.1 Benjamin Poalta.y .1 153. iarael Morria 153 Martia Pearoe 18.1 Iaaliella Jordan Adam Kboileo 1 0 19 60 i W Ao. 87 433 281 433 Tat. 13 68 316 12 131 lie 135 JO 15 18 17 16 66 62 51 09 96 80 114 2(10 No. 52U9 6:iol 5101 63ol 5.103 5304 6106 5306 6307 63118 5:1119 5319 6311 6292 5294 5195 6296 8398 639 6:112 1995 1991 bueanne Ward Jamea tluray tiwea Talk l.awreure Townahlp. Per. PAirraaree. Ac. 1100 lino 1 ion 1106 1100 lion 1199 1190 1160 1190 1100 1100 1100 1IO0 1109 1 100 1100 874 330 1100 38 38 111 113 90 37 406 61 726 1109 lion 4H8 1 1119 74 241 .17 lol Tat. .1 811 00 - 51 80 . 61 80 . Hit 00 . 105 69 . 51 811 , 81 80 . 144 00 . 146 09 . 61 80 . 76 80 . 149 90 . 71 80 . Ill 69 . 969 00 . 864 00 . 864 90 . 16 01 . 16 84 . 144 0 11 14 George Maad 0 Roberta A Pot 89 ' " llugb Jordan John Reed Robert Mitchell Kamuel Clyde 60 Robert. Fob 114 Rudolph Lit. Uenrge Mead ... 36 46 21 11 29 16 38 40 7 20 38 88 4 80 192 Oil 61 86 6191 6296 5297 6790 5291 19(15 1907 1013 2003 61 69 .- 70 98 . 456 49 ... 14 86 ., 24 49 4 80 9 69 Tax. 197 10 .. 119 70 .. 176 ot .. 121 50 .. 147 99 . 81 0 , 54 00 ... 6 50 .. 81 lit .. 81 99 ,. 23 40 .. l 11 ,. 35 It .. 109 69 96 66 .. 6.1 46 5 40 .. 77 12 Kltia Irwio A Son.. Roberto A Fox.... , 402 '.'06 Morria Ttiwil.hln. H'erreNlee. George Wetrel William Went Chrlat Wertt Daniel Lnnek Jeoae Yarnell Joaepb Turner 377 371 421 440 440 318 423 809 433 George Habarker..... Peter Yarnell Clem Stoker John Vaughn Jonathan Neebit H. B. Drinker John Read William E-ui Blair MoLeoahaa........... Thomaa Morria William Morria Samuel Meredith............ William Miller ... Hetly Morria Thomaa Plttaimmoat....... George Clymer... Robert Grey Petrieb Moore Mary Morril..... Nalblt Fratier... Magnua Millar Patrick H.yt. ......... Robert GleBO.,.HH ...H... Palriek liaya.......... Jobl li U.tUD ..,.,.... Kraaeia JobaaoB David Be.emre Waller Htewart .. William A. Smith. William Smith .... William M. Smith............. 4.11 43.1 4117 235 99 59 359 431 433 4.1.1 431 4.13 433 433 433 433 48.1 183 9t 171 190 70 20 70 10 . 91 42 93 41 35 19 i 10 .16 19 70 )t 91 43 46 71 61 92 14 68 61 74 31 69 198 19 11 69 21 11 17 66 17 to 64 941 46 Tl 14 9.1 d 86 54 79 11 09 84 13 d 96 11 41 11 104 49 17 11 96 I 61 17 99 24 79 t 19 It 9 9 Tl 4"9 61 108 109 317 409 173 444 99 312 111 161 19 91 86 .109 67 167 9t 136 61 9 No. 395.1 5929 6961 6959 69.11 6939 6936 5931 6917 6951 Joba Palmar..,.,.,... William Smith Hymen Graft Onarad riwerti. ....... Joba Graff N. Redeaower Matthiaa Slough Robert Corona N. Kedaaewer ......... Mallbiaa gleugb Henry Drinker Cbrialiaa Wertt..... Joeeph Potter Fraaoit Juhaieu... Joaepb Raymond. ., Pcna Townahlp. Par. Warraatee. Tax. Ao 1993 875 TIT 91 112 190 121 141 59 166 14.1 69 126 391 NiebHa A Oriffllb...! 131 II " 16t 09 " .... 171 21 .... Ill 61 " . lit 61 " " .... 321 69 ' .... 117 41 " " .... 1 II " " ... 80 40 GrcenwoM Bell...... Nlealla A Orlfflib.... 101 II 11 5959 5951 5961 1.1 In 11 16 II 10 Plka Townehlp. No. Ao. T80 668 670 116 109 419 106 106 171 44. 187 91 167 At. Per, Warrantee. Joha NlebolaeB... Tag. 5781 -I 121 tt 5774 36 It .. 34 65 t 69 t 46 5779 5771 677? 5777 6921 Jamea Wtleoa.... Joba Niebolaea " " ... 71 10 MiekliB A UriffHb... 43 00 9.11 41 09 13 90 19 15 .11 18 d 30 5179 Joha Mcbolaoa 47:9 8777 577T 6771 No. Jamet T. Leonard...... Pill Towathlp. Per. Wtrraatoa. I 11 Tax. 75 4216 4184 4256 4241 5679 4244 150 127 791 990 1041 999 994 449 49 199 99t 990 1019 957 819 JameeWilaoB ....-l It Hi demean 819 00 185 36 861 40 174 85 68) 96 121 00 21 60 21 60 II 10 46 W Moore A Delaaey.. Jemea Wllaoa 4261 4199 41ft 4261 46t 4741 1786 4153 74 No. 366 48 09 48 00 41 90 41 90 64 Joha N Icbolaoa... 95 Jamea WileoB 41 Joba Nloholaoa.... Vnlon Towneblp, . Par. Wtrraatoa. 151 Robert. A Pox ....... It Tat. t 694 10 .1691 . 468 tt 3661 .. IT M 4151 85 JamtaWlleoa , tleorto W. Araold Woodward Townahla. . 106 90 .. 16 00 Ae. Per. Warraatee. Tat. ..4 461 to .... II 10 .... SOT II ... 91 00 ... Ill II ... 36 II . 571 16 ... ' 176 13 4.1.1 181 Iarael Wheel... 60 Kit Hootmaa .... Ill 145 John Median 160 Roland Irene ..... 1.14 41 Pigot Shaw..... .. lit B.baaUaa Graf... 4.(6' 71 Tbot. Kdmondeoa ....... 4.16 Joeeph Aahbridge... 210 153 Joha Muaan Jr....... 404 10.1 Philip Foott 411 151 Jacob R. Howell......... 2st 163 William Johanna....... Ill 14 . . 317 61 .. 171 91 177 tt M 90 61 80 ,.. 17 62 .. 44 66 194 90 109 , 6.1 tleorge Herbham .. 263 ftemuel Kiol.u....... 86 Heary bhaOer ........... 45 Thomat Bettoa...... . ll- Joba Low. , Ieeet Hon....... . ... 166 17 . 44 00 4T 11 . 191 69 ... ill 11 171 66 ,. Ill 96 .. 409 10 - 16b II . 41 It . 199 66 11 19 ... , I 16 .. 1 7 ,- 1 67 m. 31 N 91 Jamet A Iraaiwier . 71 Roland K.ant fleniamia Jobaetoa...... lit lit Jidia Vangbt , ;6t William Partar I 41 Joba Carrara.... .... 424 110 Henry Drinker...-... it William Drlabar I3t Mary 8aBdwiab...... 70 Wart Nell 40 William Wlalar....-.. IT A. O. FiBBay 1 William Wlitar... t i 101 . . J. Lewder... .,.. ltd MoCaalet A UwUor III 99 It 44 J19 TT t Keanedy A Co... tofl44 Joba Harrleoa.. Juea Clark .. lollllO it M PHILIP DOTTS, Trtaaurer. riearltld, April 7th, 1649 WisffUatuous. ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE. Curweuevllle, Pa., Jan. t, '78-tf. LUMBER CITYACADE1Y1YI fpllK Hammer lria of tbi Hrbool will opei X ( B" ftUllOOi, Ul ll.DIHU at Lum ber t:ity. Pa., on .Monday, May Id, to oontiou elevea week. TI ITION : Common Kngllah Hraiirhea ,.WI M Higher bug. UU and Lullii H HiH T0od lioerdiDK ean be bad at froa $2 t IJ.6U wr wtt-k. A Normal OUi uill be orfran iaed. B U. HoTTOHP, Prineipal. February ti, lls-3ia. EiiillislilCliissiralSfliool! rilHIS Hohool will open oa MOXDAV.APHII X I3TU, l80,la tbe Leonard Itobuol building ia Cl.arleld, and eontlaua oleveo week. TI'ITIONt Common KliK'lah llralicbaa, wtl.lM lllKlierBiigll.lj and tla.alra,. rt.tx tP-A Normal Claat will be foimed, witbWiob trebam'a8chovl Kounomy aaatext-book. It. C. Yor.N'OMAM, A.M. Ulaarleld, Pa., February 4th, 1889 3m. a. r. Bourn. B. tt'OOBKLB. d. aaiLiaoa GILICH, McCOBKLE & CO.'S FURNITURE ROOMS, Market mrert, I'lrtrltrld, Pa. We manufacture all kioda of PBrailaro foi Ob.mbera, Diolag Rooma, Llbrarlet aad U.I la. II you want Furniture of any bind, don't ba uniii yen aee our lioor. 1IXUE11TAKOG la all lit branrhee, promptly attended tu. Ul'ILCll, McCORKI.E A CO. Cleargold, Pa., Feb. 6, 76. READING FOR ALL II BOOKS & STATIONERY. Market HU, Clearfield, (at the Poet Oflre.) TUB undersigned bens leare to aaaonaoe U the eitiaena of Clarfild and vicinity, tba be haa fitted op e room and hae Just returnm froa. the city with a large amimnt of read t Of natter, eonitatinf in part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank. Aeoount aad Paw fiooka of every de eerlption ; Piper nnd Knrelopee, Frenrh preMe end plaint Pa nnd Panel ie j Blank Lega Paperi, Deeda, Mortgagee; Jedgment, fcieinp tiun anil Pruaaiearv notea; While and Parol) meat Brief, Legal Tap, KeeordCan.eni. Bill Cap Sheet Miuio, for el t ber Pi.no. Flute or Violin onatantly on hand. Any bouka er atatioaar; dee tred that I may not hare en hand. will be order- by Irat eiireaa, and nold at wholeaale or retai to nit eu tome re. I will alao keep periodica literature, lueb aa .Megatinei, NewRpaiiera, Ae. P. A. UAl LIN. CleerAeld. .May T, IBAS-tf A NEW DEPARTURE IS L U T H K ft. 8 B C R G . lUre-fl-r, gooda will be eeld for CAHH only nr In exehamre fur prodtioe. No booka will b kept In the futare. All old aenonnta eajt.i aettled. Thoie who cannot eaiih up, will pleaa band 'lrer their notti and CLOSE THE RECOED. f aa determined to Mil my goodK i eab prioea, nnd at a tjtaoonnt far below that erei offered in tbla vietnlty. The dtaeouat I allow mi oottoaiera, will niekelhen. rich in twenty yeerall iney imow my aatloe and bay their gooil Ina me. I will pay eaah for wheat, out eoii clover aeed. DAMKL GOuOLANbKH. Lntberahitrg. January 17. 111. HARTS WICK & IRWIN, SECOND ITRBKT, CLEARFIELD, PA., DRALBRS IH a PURE DUUCJS! CUKMICAL8I PAINTS, OlleS, DYE STUFF VARMIHUSS, BRUSHES, PKRf UMKRY, . FAKCf GOODS, TOILET AKTICLES, or 'all kinds, PURK Wlii EH AND LIQUORS for atedlolBa) aarpoBaa. True tea, supporter, oobeol Rooba and Statloa. try, and all other artiolea atually found la b Iirag Mtnra. P11Y!ICUNS PRESCRIPTION0 CARS PtlLLY COMPOCNDMI. Having a large ea porlenoe la tbe buainee. Ibey cats give entire att. itfaetleB. J. . BARTHWICK, JOHN ?. IRWIN. nieaelald. Tlecwmkev 16. 174. JJARD TIMES 11 AVI NO RFFICT IN FRENCHVILLE1 am aware that there are t-aeie peraon a little hard te pleeee. end I an aleo aware that the oomplaint ef "bard time" la well nigb aniveraai But I ant eo altnated aew that I ean aatiafy tbe foraer end prove eonnhiattely that Mhard tiatee" will net effeet tboae who buy their gmtde Ima nM. aad all my peu-oua ahall be initiated late the a- orei or HOW TO AVOID HA HI) TIMES t have rtMda enough to napiry all the Inhabl tanu la the lower end of the ooonty wbleh 1 eel I at eieeeding low ratea from my taaaaniotb atore In Ml'LBUNUl'Rt), wbare I flan atwaya be fbHd ready te wait up-ia eallere and inppty then with Dry doods of all kinds, Suet at Cletbt, iBtlaaltl, ratlimerot, Maaliaa wolalBee, blo.n, Urllllnga, C'alleeea, Trtmmiaga, Kibbeat. Laea, Ready-made Olaibiag. Boott aad nheea. Halt aad Oept-all of the beet material aad mad. leurder How, Rveba, Ulovot, Mllloae, Laeot, Ribbone, Ae OROCKRIKA OF ALL R IN 1)8. - Oofeo, Tea, Hngar, Rlea, Moleeeee, Flab, lall Porb, Llaeaod Oil, Pub Oil, Oarbo Oil. Hardware, l)BeentwtrB, Tinware, Caallnga, Ptewt aa new vealtaga, nolle, Unite., Dora C'altiVB ura, Older Preeaea, tad all kladl of A let. Perfamerv, Paintt, V.rnlah, Glut, and a genwal attorimtnt af SUUonery, " GOOD FLOUR, ' Of different braada, alwayl an band, tnd will be told at tba lowttt aoatiblo Igarea. 1. H. MtCmla't lledlelaat, J.rn.'a Hedltiaee UaMettar't aad Hoodaad'a Bltlera. Ittt poetdt af Wool wanted for wblob Ibe blghert prlet will be Bald. Cfovemed oa baad aad fat tale at tbe towert market priee. Alto, Agaat for lutttotrlll. aad Ctrveaiville Thrtehlng efankinee. bJavOall aad tatfar roaratlvta. Toa will lad everything anally btpl la a null Mora. L. M. CO U DRIFT. Prenrbvltl. P 0., Aagnl 11,1174. " ""if 1j-aAl: nr (Oiru gutrrrtiarmrnt . ipvv nrDnnTTPAM luu urn viiuivaii) Pablithod every Wedaaedav by G. B. GOODLANDER, t'LBARlVIELD, PA., Hat tha Mrg;oal ClrcalaUon oF an) paptn lu Northwewtaru maajiByivanla flio lurgo and oonalmitly inuieabin circulation nf tho lina'Bi.icAN raniion it valuable lo busiDeitt men in A modium thro' which to reach the public Ttami op Subscription : If paid in advance, ... . 12 00 If paid adtrr three mouthi, . 2 60 If paid alter aix montha, . . 3 00 When mr are teiit outaido of the county payment in oat be in advance. ADVERTISING : fen line, or lens, 3 times, . 1160 Kucli utiKcqiient Insertion. 60 Adrniiiislrutor' Noticee. . 2 60 Executors' Noticea, .... 2 50 Auditora' Notices, .... 260 Cautioim and Eotrart, ... 1 60 Dissolution Notice, -. . . 2 60 Prolerwinnnl Cardfl, 6 linaja, year, A 00 Suociial notifen, per line, ... 20 YEAKI.Y A I) VERT1SKM KNTS : One atiuarc, 10 linun, . . . H 00 Two niiuaren, 15 00 Three nquareH, L'O 00 One-fourth column 50 00 One-half column, .... TO 00 One column, 120 00 1.1. A MiS. We have always on hand a large iVocV l blanks nt all descriptions. SUMMONS, SUBP(ENAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OP AGREEMENT, . . LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, Aa., Ac, An. JOB PRIMING. W are prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING rll'CH AS POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, ' LETTER HEADS, EN T ELOPES, U1LL HEADS, STATEMENTS, , '' PAMPHLETS, ' e CIRCULARS, Ao., Ao., IN THE BEST STYLE, i AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. orders uy. mail for all kinds of work will receive prompt attention. Qeq. If. (tloolanler. Clearfield, Clearfleld County, Pa. .THE MANSION HOUSE. Comer ol fteeondud Jtltvkel Hlret't. i'LAkKltl.!), PA. Tills eld end eeniMedUBi Uflel h.i.iona the put veer, fcwe Mltrgtd te tfoabl tu wfieer eepeeitf for U DUruinMel ot tu. (e eed fuu. II. vtawlt bulltlliiy he bi f(tik4, end ibe frprititr will $ti rteiB t render hii feeite eeBieruble vktlt ueylaJt wlte bin. VThe 'Meoiiea lioaie" Omaibui net u end from tb Wot oa Ibe errtvel eed detrtert t eeb trele. W. C. CAhbuN, Jul; IS-TMf "' Proprietor LLKGHKNY flOTKL Market street. Clearneld, P.. Wn. B. Bradlcj, foraorly proprietor of ib levnrd lluuw, be luu ltead ibe Allfgbtn tlteUI, Milicila e ibara ol publie patrjD, TL tlui4 h b4ro tliurougit Upnired aud aewly ami. bed, an U (unii will tnd il a ImuI Hoi piug plic. Ibe utU will be tup plied wilb (fat oral tit e.erjlbmi la bt market. At (be bar nil be foetid tbe beat wtaca aad liijeorfl. Uoud tabltbg aittv-hed. VM. 6. BHaULKY, Wa 17, '76. Prupneior. JEMI'KliANCK HOU.SK, .NKW V ASHlNi.TON, PA. H. U. P.0SK, PaoraiaroH. Altalr, Jie. Man ind borta wt eijrhl, $1 69. Mm aad two borne urer night, Jl.il). riie l-et df aoeoiniiiod-tionf fur naa aad baii Oct. 2.1.,7-tf. WASHINGTON HOUSE, NKW WAhHINUTON, PA. Tbit new aad well turnUb! booe faai Uh.B by tbt aDderaiftned. ti (fit tsoanditDt n baiag able to render aliifartioB to tbnr wfab u,t evur biiD wltb a call. Mey , 1871. . W. ItAVIfl, Prop',. LOYD HOUSK, Mala Street, PHILIPfiBUKU, PKNR'A. Table alwava jniatiHatri ath ai.. w.4 a i.. . t aflrdi. The'travehag pubiie la iarited toall. aiwu.a, ji. KUHKKT LOYU. County National Bank, OF CLRARPIKLD, PA. HOOM In Maaonle Duilding, oar door n.-rtli ..( C. U. Wataoa'i Dm- Store. PaiaifraTlRketa to and from Liverpool, Cuml--town, tflaFpow, LntiiloB, Parti and Co.-or,aj'rn. Alto. Draft for aala on th Ryj-aJ Hank r f rHani md Imi'-riet Bank of London. JAMKS T. IaEONAKT. Pre.'t. W. W. SHAW, Cashier. janl,7T DREXEL CO., Nn. .M Rnuth Third fltreet, Plilla.lrlphla BATHER And Dealers in Government Securities. Aj'plitatioa by tuail will reeeire prompl attea -m, and all information eheerfull furnnb-d Ordert lolieteti. April II n. r. . ARXOM). I. V. it II OLD. J. . Aliaf'l.li F. K. ARNOLD & CO., Hniikc'rM aud Srok4rM, lteuoldkTllle, Jeflfreou Co., pa, Mo&c- received oa d-po-tt. Dltrountt at m ti le rate ratn. Eaitern and Poreijra Kfrb-up-t ml iVBOn baod and auUntioni pfdmptl mad. nevDuiciiviiia, um ia, IH74.-IT T L. I!. UEICHIIOLD. l) o l M 4; K 11 N UK.1TI8T, Irailuate uf Hie P.aopvlv.nia (Vlleirr uf D.rt.l nrreeT. OfBee In roeideiior iif I)r. II ilia, oppnelte 'he Khaw lli'UM. mch IS. ",t tf. DR. E. M. THOMPSON, a (OBot lo Bank Bai!din4, I urwrutvlllf . Clrartield Co.. Pa. mob 12 T4-tf. M. II ILLS, On llJTIt t: VK.VTIST, 5:rS. CLKARFIKI.il, PKNN'A. mtT'llBin. to real.lenee, oppoaite Bhaw llouee. j)9,!879 tf J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLKARPIRLO, PA. lOffioe lo reaiihoae, Secoad ttreet.) KitroBB Oxide (lea admlalaterod fir tha naiii- tat extraetioa of teetb. Cleeraald, Pa.. Mar 1, 1 ST7-1 v. - Usrtllanrous. P R yoar owe towa. Ttraii and $& VUU aatfitfrae. Add km U. Hallet A Comnaov, Pertiaod, Maine. d-el7.7y.lv. Xf. TO 90 Pr .oin. fi-mptfi worth -j'V ') -. V l0 free. Addr-M S tin ton A Co., PortUod, Maine, 4leel7T-Ie. (fnrO a waek. Hi a dav at buna ea(le vad. V V Cottle oatAt free. Add re. Trae A Co , Augajta, Malaa. (d4Ml7,'7H l.v. SlltlKM AKING.-I herehv laforta tav pa treat, and mankind ia eeeeral. tbat I ba removed my iboamahing abop to tbe room ia Urabam'i row, over it. I. finvdar'f jewnlry Hare, and tbat I aia prepared to do all klndi nf work in my line eaiaper tban any othar abnp la towa. All work warraattd ai reow ai eea he thine ant. wbt.reele. PocltiTfly tbia li tbe ehfapnt ihop la Clearuetd. JOH. H. DKKKINU. im. li, i.i; tf. J.H.LYTLE, Wholesale St Ketail Dealer in GrocorioS, TIIK LtRflKSTand UKUT KKI.FCTKII STOCK I.N IIIKCOL'.MV. COFKKE, TKA, SUGAR, SYRI1P. MKATS, PISH, salt, on., THIS and BIH'KKTH, DlilKD FliClTS, TANNKD IIUOUS, sriCKS, It ROOMS, KLOUR, PEED. Coanty Agent for Lomi. limit's Ton.tccos, Tliete io.la nought for CASH la Itrirt Iota, and "old at tlmoet elty prlrea. JAMKH H. LVT1.K. Clearltld, Pa., lane II, IHTB-lj. The Bell's Run Woolon Factory ' Pran towntblp, Clearold Oo, Pa. HI'MRBll OUT I BIT BUT BURNED UPI Tbeaubaaribera bate, al real eapeate, rtbalH a aaiithborhood ae4MMity, la tbe ereetloa ef a fir-i-elaa Wnylea Maaafafltory, with all tbe modtre Impreveuaota ettankd, and ere prepared to mat all kin-It ef Olotbi, Uaaalmerei, Hatlaetti, Bi-a-keta, lartneli, Ae. Plenty ef good baad u ept'ly all ear eld and ft tbeaaead tvfwt.ern, wbrna e aah te eome end eiamlao ear to. The bntlacta ef CARDIN0 AND FULLING will reeelva ear ettpeelal atUatlon. Hroi- arranKemeaii will be made te reealra ead dll Wool, te aall eaatfttnare. AM work war ran tad nd done iipna tbe ahertett aetfee, and by rtrlet tioa te bvataeee we hope te reelUe a Itbaral liarj af pablle palreaafie. IPAMMI P0UVOS WQpL TAt)I0l We will pay tbe klhttt market nrtee for Vet and tell our mtBBfaotared KomA ae lew at almilal (ooda tea BsBoaiht la tbeeoaBtj, Bid wttntre! we ibii as renter reaooaeblo tttiaraetloa wt alwart aa fraad al beat. bbb4 u Babe tropw atplBBBtlua, Bltb.r la pereea er ky letter. 4ai8 ouunaua a Bonn, le!18tf Pwor P 0