She publican. Ti-r vcy,v tii I Oioroi B. Goodlandir, Editor. CLEARFIELD, Pa. WIDNISDAT MORNING. AI'KIL 14. 1IB0. Reader, If yo want to know what If Roll); OB ll th basifleea world, Jutl rood our advt rtiitBg oolomno, too 8p4timl oolumn In pertloular. MAXIM FOR THE OAV. No row worthy tbo offlee of Prtfldent thould let wtlltnor to hold ll If ooutod to, or pitted there by to; (rood. I'. 8. Oust. I oould never nnvt boon reeonolled to thi ele- TOtloB bv tbo ttnalleit Bid of mint of B ptrSOtt. howtvtr' rtf ptcttblt 1b private Itfo, wbo bui fororer tarry opos hla brow tho lUfflp of fraud Irit triumphant la American biatorj. No sub sequent nation, tnwevar ntritortoB, eon wash away tba la tiara of that roeord. Cbablbo Faiaeia Adams, I would rathar barf tbo endorsement of aquar tar of B mil Hob of tba AmerteaB people than that of tbo Louisiana Returning Board, or of tba Com mission whith excluded tba faotf and dacided tha euestiQ0 OB B technicality. Taoa. A. HrsnmrKl. Tadfr tba forftl of taw, Rtttberford B. Haras hat beoa declared President of tba Uolted Stataa. Hla titla roata opoa disfranchisement of lawful voters, tba falff aertifloatet of tho returning ofl. eert anting torroptly, and tho deciflion of a oom missina whiob baa refuted to hoar evidence of al leged fraud. Fur the lint tiaaa ara tba American people confronted with the faot of a fraudulently elected President. Let It not bo undemtood that the fraad will be silently acquiesced Ib by tbe country. Let no hour past la whiob the uaurpa tins la forgotten. AoDBtea or Dbmocbatio M. G.'b. Obo bandrad years of human depravity aoeu aiotatod and ooooealrated into a elimex of arilna. . Never again in flvt hundred yeara kball they have an opportunity to repeat tho wrong. Dasibl W. Vooaflxas. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY COM MITTEE FOR WO. SOB. A TWr. MKMBBBB. Buroiide B'r. Cbarlet B. Patriok, Clearseld " fmM V. Wileon, Corwenev'a " F. 1. Thoaipaon, Hontidala " Patriek Dunn, Lumber C'J" Uaalel W. II lie, Newnwrc " Iiaec Markle, roarorrtcR Boroiide. ClearBrld CnrweoiTille. lloatfdale. Lumber City. Ilurd N. Waib'n " Or. A. 'J. Bennett, X. WaibingUo Oaroola "H.A.Campbell, 0-teola Hillt. Walleoeton Oea. W. Kmigh, Beecana T'p. David Bear, Brll ' John M Kotn, Bloom " William Llnee, Boggi " liaae Beiib, Walleeelon. tllen Hope Orleud. Foreet. Wallaaeton Woudland Lulhereburg. N. WuhingtiiB. dluri: Oanlel llteben, Brady " Cbarlei8chwem, " John Weever, Burnaida Cheat Cuvington tlecatur yurguion Oirard Moaheu .. . llrahaui " Jorepb 11. Brelb, WaabiDgton. " F. II. Cnodrlel, 1'reoobville. " Jaoob F. Steiner, Tbilipiburg. " A. A. Bloom, alarron " John NewiTooib, Gilliogbem. " John A. L. Flegal, Liok lion Milll. " C. W. Kvlar, Urahamtou. Oreenwtod " John A. Rowlef, Marrou Oulleh . " Jaiuee Flyno, Smith's Milll. Ilurrlon " H. L. lloraiag, 1'eolield. Jordan " Br. K. A Crenwell, Anionvillo. " Oeorge Heckendorn, Sell Lick " Cnrad Baker, New Millport. " Clark Brown, Clearfield. " D. H. Warning, Morriedale Mines. " MsrtiaM Klynn, Urampian lltlls " Samuel Addlriuan, Curwenavilla. John M. Trnxell, IloHoli M Hruben H. Laborde. Korkton. Karthaul Knox Lawrence Murrif I'ODB Pthe Sendy" . l'oini Woodward " William Lnlher, Mailora. Da. J. P. BIRCIIKIKI.D, Cbairmsn, Olearfleld, Pa. W. E. Wiiui t, Secretary, Clsarleld. Senator Davis, now tbe richest man in West Virginia, was oneo a railroad brakeman. Not Wiiuiity. Senator-elect Ma hono, of Virginia, the railroad "bosa" of that State, who defeated the Con anrvativoa, weighs only ninety pounds. An exchange aas that Colonel itob- ort Ingersoll will lecture at Washing ton next Sunday night on tbe subject "What must I do to be saved ?" It is ubont time for Boh to cast bis oye in that direction. Nebraska bae elected aTildoB deleeatloa to tbo Democratic Natleaal Convention. PKtmdilyki VtmmomtMallk. Well, what i there in that? Tbe aame State ia aura to furnish tbe Radi cal nominee three Klectora. There ia no nae of boasting about delegatea to the National Democratic Convention It Is Klectora we want; and tboae sec tions which are unable to furnish tbe realities of Buoceas, nood not put on so much romance. Who Is Senator Wallaaa'a candidate for Presl deotr This if a qBeetioo that If disturbing tbo minds of tba Demuerecj In this nsck o' woods" at present, isit Beiaru, Uaoeoet or Wallace. Yea I More : Wby do yon concern yourself about that matter? Ton will not vote for cither ot them. Again : Yon art for JSlaine; but Cameron baa directed yourvote to be cast lor Grant I Would it not be well enough for yon to regulate your own political family and let ours alone r A Uuhinisb Spiica. On our first will be found tbo recent speech made by Senator Wallace, relating to tbe 1'ostofHco frauds committed by those insido and oatsido of tbe Department. A perusal of tbe Senator's remarks will give the reader an insight Into the workinga of that most useful, to the people, of all the Departments of the Federal Government, and should tborelore be kopt intact in all its apart ments. That "Rebel Key," we have no doubt, learned something to bis ad vantage by tbe Senator's remarks. Those Fooa Acts. Four of the five fugitive riot-bill bribors, Salter, Hum , berger, Potroff and Crawford, appear ed in Harriaburg on Monday, tbe 6ih Inst, and delivered themselves np to tbe Sheriff. They were put in prison for a brief space and then brought be fore Judge Pearson on application for a renewal ol tbeir recognisance to ap pear for sentence at tbe next term of Court. After some argument by the ' attorneys on oither aide the Judge , granted tbe application and tba four prisoners regained their liberty until tbe 2Cih Inst. Kemble did not make his appearance, but why is not stated Trifling with justice in Ibis grave runt. tor won't be excused ; but we still fear , that the criminals will get away. Go to Work I We again eall the attention of our readers to tbe fact tbat tbe next eession of the Legislature will '. be one of tbe most important ever held. Tbe Bute will have to be ap portioned for the election of Judges, Members of Congress, Senator! and Representatives for the next ten yoars. There will, in addition, be a revision of the revenue laws, and other weighty . public matters to determine. A Uni ted State Senator for the term of six ' years will also be olected to succeed Senator Wallace, whose terra expiree od tbe 4th 61 March, 1881. It will be noticed by this that a large Hold must 1 becultivated to reap a full crop. There lore, let every Democrat put on tbe harness and work a be nover worked before. Then, and only tbeu, will auoceai crown our efforts. MODESTLY STATED. Tbo editor of the lliurintMirgWriW, in alluding to cunvnl tivonUt, (in the I'rvoldi'ntial iitifotinii, irtipt'rly ro murko : "It in ij(ottMl tint Stilton li kr Iowa, Ncbrank, UinnoRotft and lli mujority of lliu New Kngland Statro might not to 1)0 Iimi forward in introduc ing and advocating a camlidate lor the l'nmi doncy, Nona of aUmio can poilly cant a Mingle electoral voto for tbo Democratic nominee and it would be the part o( modoaty in tho dologationa 1 from such Slates to defer soinuw bat to tbe choice of the delegations from States which are certainly Democratic or doubtlul. While we class Pennsyl vania among the States which uro de batable ground, wo aro willing tlint Indiana, Now York, Now Jorsy and tbe Southern States shall indicate tho candidate. Those Suites will furnish tho electoral votes necessary to insure the eloction of a Democratic President, and while the delegations from other States to the National Convention ought not to submit to any dictulinn from them, the wishes and opinions ol the delegations from thosocortain Dem- in any land. A Court of Equity tan oorutic or doubtlul Stales ought to not enjoin on tho giound that tbo have great weight with the National Convention In tbo choice of a candi date In 1870 such Republican rotten boroughs as Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Minnesota, Michigan.Wisconsin.Maine, Massachuscts, Vermont and Rhode Island absolutely dirtntod the nomina tion for tho Presidency. They were the authors of the Iliad of our woes. Tbey introduced into tbo National Con vention at St. Louis the personal poli tics which has been the apple of dis cord in our party. The influences which brought about that condition of things are woll understood. They are amattorof common notoriety in politi cal circles. It is apparent that they are again at work. Tbe ocrliiin lie publican States are sending the Hume sort of delegations to the National Con vention which in 187(1 wero the au thors of failure and disaster. It is high time tbat tho Democratic National Convention should be no longer con trolled by tbe Representatives of States which are unablo to cast an electoral vote for the nominee. Let tho will of the Democratic and doubtlul Slates be asserted with emphasis at Cincinnati and it will certainly be respected." Oua Comfrrcncx. The Senatorial conferees of this district will meet in Bellefente, on Friday, April 23d, to se lect a Senatorial delegato to tho Stato Contention. The conferees are: ( John F. Weaver, Clearllrld, Cl.KAsnBt.ti, I Thorn nomas smith, Aneonville, Or. J . W. Poller, karlbaus. I Hon. 0. Quigley, Beech Creek, Ckiarov, ! W. W. Rankin, Look Ilsren, ( Dr. K. lleoknlea, Sugar Vallry. I J. 0. Ha J Oeo. K. I ( J amos A Harper, Bellefonto, Cbstir, Barrett, Bellefonta, A. McClain, Miloiburg. The IfiifcivMn, in alluding to tho fact, assumes this at'.itude : Wa presume there will be but litlleccetest over the selection of a delegate, aa 11 is justly eoocad ad that Centre la entitled to the appointment. I'learneld navlng natl Mr. Wallace at rittrourgn, in ISIS, and Clinton having bad Mr. Hippie at Harrisbori, In 179, ll is right and proper that the delegate be given to Centra tbia time. We presume if it were possible to elect a third Judge and a second Sena tor, the same wail would come np from those two conntios, because Sen ator Wallace bad been in the State Senate some eight or ten years ago. Modesty seems to be one of the lost virtues among onr Centre and Clinton county friends. Give them all the Judges, a Congressman, Senator, and everything else, they would still claim the delegate to the State Convention. Tbe more that some men get, the more they want. "Evirtthino Lovilv." Our neigh bor and friend, Sansom, of tho Indiana Democrat, it known as tbo "pbnnny man" among the editors of the Juniata Valley Pi inters' Association, although bo resides in General Harry White's Valley of the Kiakiminetas, and after the improvement of that great river, so aa to admit ships to come np from New Orleans to Cressnn, tbe subject that lies nearest to bis heart is the success of tbo Democratic party, and to tbis end be wants to make "every thing lovely," and then, on bis own account, be remarks In this way "The editor ol tho Pittsburgh Tost ia satisfied that all or nearly all tho dele gates to tbe Democratic State Con vention ara for Tildcn and anti-Wat lace, and that the Convention is to be assembled for tbe sole purpose of en dorcing 'Uncle Sam,' Sam Randall and tbe Pittsburgh Post. On tbe other band, the Harriaburg Patriot ia aatitv fled tbat all or nearly all the delegates are opposed to Tilden, tbat bo does not stand tbe ghost of at chance and that Mr. Wallace will be fully endors ed and vindicated. Now, gentlemen, since we bave come to an understand ing about this important matter, 'let us have peace.' " A Crimk. Several of our exchangee during the past week ,bave contained posters inside of the papers ; circula ting them, no doubt, for the benefit of advertisers. This kind of work is a criminal offence. There is an act of Congress which imposes a fine ol five dollars for every such circular or pos ter so sent out. Ilowover, if the pub lishers of papers see fit to run this risk we will be content for tbe time being; bat if continued, we will for ward tbe next samplos to the Post master General for inspection. We nopo the profession will refrain from openly violating tbe act ol Congress. The extensive planing mills connected with the llarrisburg Car Works were destroyed by fire on last Saturday. Loss $40,000 ; partly cov end by insurance. The heart was burned out of Petro leum Contra, Venango county, on Fri day last. More than 120,000 worth of property was destroyed. It waa at one time one ot the leading citioa In the oil regions. Wilmington, North Carolina, had a 12.1,000 fire on the same day. It will be observed that the fire fiend ia not like the Radical loaders sectional. Kon.gsiASTicALCocKciL. TbeCath olio Standard of last week says: "The most Rev. Archbishop of Philadelphia baa announced that Provincial Coun cil for tbe Ecclesiastical Province of Philadelphia, which comprises tbe en tire State of Pennsylvania, and it made up of this Archdiocese, of Pittsburgh, Scranton, llarrisburg, Erie and Alle gheny, will convene on tbe fourth Son day after F.aster, April 25"." Kia JITS OF A JUTHtMKST CUED! TOE. Tlie .Supruuie Court baa delivered another ileeinion holding that a credi tor who baa ohtaiirvd a judgment can levy on and any real rautu which bo thinks the debtor ban an intercut in, onli'Na in cam wbon the barm done the debtor cannot be remedied. An the purehaner buy only the inter est ut the debtor in the real cmitto, whatever it way be", r,Tr 'haVr.i eji, bo! ,i,.r,., i I., m... tu--. I viu,llll. ..(.nee., ill ,,1.11 mix, . Catharine Wiser bought from her brother, J. W. .Mutthews, a lot at 8th and Venango streets, Philadelphia, and upon which sho ciuimn that sbo subse quently oreutod a house. On April 10, 1877, John Droff obtained from Matthews a judgment note, which ho entered up, and on Oct. 11, '7!', levied upon the property in question. Mrs. Wiser asked for an injunction to stop Droll' from selling the property; but tho court below refused, and now tho Supreme Court alllrms this decree and says : A creditor who bus ohtuinud a judgment has a clear legal right to levy on and sell his tlebtor's interest debtor has no title or interest. Tbat would he to draw (o itself a question which belongs to a' common law tribu nal and would deprive tho party of tho constitutional right of trial by jury. Tbe question oan only be fouled in ejectment by the Sheriff's vendue. Tho only apparent exception to this Is when the property of a married woman is levied on for tho debt of ber buaband, but that rests on the con struction of a statute. A I.ivki.v RfToBT. Tbo editor ol the Holliduyshurg Standard, in allud ing to the recent huppenings nt Alton na during the selection of delegates to the Domocratio State Convention, per tinently remarks: "Perhaps it is not fair to hold the wayfarer who is tem porarily editing tbe Altoona a'un to a rigid account lor his statements. Cer tainly a 'bird of passuge' liko him t on not be presumed to know tbo attitude of the Standard toward public men. But when he accuses us of being un der the control of Wullaco and his friends he makes a tine display of his ignorance, pardonable under the cir cumstances, since during the pant few weeks we have boon defending Senator Wallace against the attacks ot Migrates wbo haveucccpted lavorsat bis bands only to turn upon bim with stinging words of abuse. We bavo done tbis, not because we bavo uny inorilinute affection for Senator Wallace, who is not even a subscriber to our paper, but becimso we have become thoroughly disgusted with the course of the politi cal curs who hang upon the outskirts of the Democratic camp, and over year, just previous to tho mooting of the State Convention, set np a pro longed and united bowl against Sena tor Wallace, whose chief sin seems to be that he is in ollice and they are out." A Good Lick. Tbe editor of the Clinton Democrat hits some fellows be low the belt in this way: "It is an nounced that Mr. Wallace and his friends are trying to get control of the State Convention to carry it against Tildcn. Hence we bavo a terrible bowl against him as one who is doing a great wrong, and abuse ia heaped upon his devoted head. Hut those 'other fellows who are working for Tilden, do not regard the part they are taking aa anything but tbe right thing. It is no barm for them to ad vocale Tilden, but it is a crime for Mr. Wallace to advocate Hancock or any other man. It seems that they deny him the freedom of political action which belongs to every citizen, and claim for themselves tbo right to do as they please. Tho whole extent of hit offense is just this exorcise ol politi cal freedom, and it it bad been in ae cord wilb tbora, instead of against, there would have been no words of blamo for him." ' Thoso fellows as sume that tho Senator has no rights, except tho right to bo assailed by blackguards and political whelps. Jaw irr Nixt. Tbo Cincinnati En ijuirer, although slightly tor Hancock, is trying to get up a "boom" for Hugh J. Jewett, an ex-Congressman from the Buckeye State, in tbia way : "Han cock is the only Democratic candidate besides Jewott whose prominence has lately increased, and Hancock's growth has boon spasmodic and in spots not steady and widespread aa Jewett's baa been. Some of Jewett's strong points are bie probity, bia soundness as a Democrat, bis executive ability, bia financial standing and bia clean politi cal record. Jowott has been in politics enough to give him the prestige of a publio man, and has been out long enough to overthrow any charge that is a political back. He ia eminent in hiabuainess. He is above the ordinary political methods. There is no man in althar-party Hi to Is Prowlelont who can better afford to be indifferent to the office than Hugh J. Jewett." , . Short asd Sharp. The editor of that "slow coach" the Philadelphia Ledger tn alluding to the conduct of tbe Lancaster Judge, says: "If the Supreme Court shall afHrm Judge Pat terson's (Lancaster) decision - disbar ring two attorneys of bia Court, wbo are editors ot the Lancastor lnteUigen err, because as editors they harshly criticised bis judicial acts, it will be notice to all practicing lawyers to keep out nf no wepsper alliances. TTieymust keep out, or print nothing but what is agreeable to tbe Judgea, or be in read inesa to be thrown over the bar." The real question now before tbe people is, shall this thin-skinned Judge suppress the press, or shall the press suppress bim? We are satisfied at thit dis tance fiom the scene that he is an unfit man for the beech, and the sooner he ie bustled ont ol bia place the bettor. Patterson, resign I Too Much Fcas. An exchange, in alluding to a West Point school affair, sayt: It aearlne ta lack as if rather tea much fasf was being matta over ths Begro eadet Wbiiaker. It woald be a llltle mare dlralled to await the re sult ef tba Inuulrv as to whether he has really lea tbe victim sf an eutragt borer asking a aalional matter f tho aflair aad railing on the President lor a special message aw tbe subject. Many a wbito boy has been "har-cd" in that institution, and yet it never at traoted the attention ol Cot. greet or the Commatvler-iu-ChW. Why pat on so much style f 1 t the Profetnwrs attend to that matter, and let Congress attend to its own legitimate business. KKllEF lOIt IIIELAXD. IV Committee al l.aige lor Icar i Held futility recrlfiilly retiei. hIiouM be dinbearlened ami diHtoiirug 10 imliliah tho lollowing arlielo Imin j I havo asked again and again the pen of one of the Sew York 'Vr-I wnal ,rrl il0jP wretebednciw in due aid Heliuf Committee, now in Ireland,: t0 Intenmerance. lam assured that and who write from what he actually aaw. Tbia Committee pnaiused in their address to the people of the county, when they appointed district Committees, to furnish to each a copy ol tbo New York Merultl, showing the nunrk.ur of jwnplo. in waul their respective disli icw ; but wo were una-1 but to L'Ct tbe lutpei's from tho news dealers, or the office In New York. Home of the townships and boroughs bavo responded promptly and very liberally, and the umounl now on hand will be lurwurclcd ul once tnrougii me Herald Relief Committee, believing thut to be tbe safest, surest and tbe quickest way to reach those in actual want. Wo sincerely hope tho Committee in the townships and boroughs that hnvo not yet reported any donations will be moved by tbe fuels in the fol lowing letter, and go to work at once and procure u liberal contribution from thuir respective uistricls. there may bo a few persons who pretend to be lieve there is no want in Irulund; but bow can any charitable Christian people, alter reuding the appeal in this letter Iroin one of their own cilisens, close their eyes, their hearts, and their nurses, and nay there is no want or sutl'uring in that unfortunate country, and aim n-luse to cuntritiulo a mite to save human lives from tbe most horri ble of all deaths Unit ot starvulion 7 Most Respectfully, A. W. Waltkus, .1. M. Stiwart, W. M. Shaw, Frank U. Harris, John Hoiilaiian, Committee, THE FA Ml HE IX 'J HE LA XD. VIHlTINf I THE STARVING. PRO I'I.E SCENES OF ABJXl'T UlsERr AND S1CKENIN11 SQUALOR "THANK OOB, AME RICA HAS NOT FOROOTTIN IKKLANP." The Itov. George llepworth. one of tbe Now York Herald Relief Commit tee, makes the following report of tho condition in which be found the starv ing people of Ireland. It is a vividly told story ot want and woe : It is easy to understand the causes of tho present poverty. The people have had three bad crops in succession ; things bavo beon growing worse and worse until tho almost utter failure ot crops last year brought them to the verge ot starvation. 1 hey huvo noin- ng to plant a want which the uritish Government will supply hy the loan of seed potatoes on very easy terms. They have nothing to eut, a want which you have youisuhes so gener ously helped to supply by gills wuicn 1 am sure you will supplement by other gitts when you know what is tho real stale ot tbe case. In order to under stand tor myself the condition of uf fuirs, I spent a few -'uys under tho leadership of Colonel King llarman, covering about thirty square miles on the first day and over forty on the second. I visited a lttrge number ol sinull set llements on the west bank of the Shan non, in the counties of Roscotnmon and Sligo. For about ten hours each day I rode and walked, entering alto gether about 100 wretched hovels, which this alllicted people delusively cull their homes, and where from morn- ing till night they encounter the tlread j U"1 mtHmg, fur signing a petition reo monotony of want anil misery. While j oimiiending the pardon of the Legis fully prepared to meet more or less! laiire '-roosters." We hope the Board lest distress everywhere, knowing through former visits something of the chronic state ol poverty in which Ihe pcoplo live, was not prepared, nor could anything I huvo ever before seen in any degree prepare me, tor the sconeB ol abject misery and sickening squalor which I found at every turn. Tbe people did not know of my com ing, and could not prepare for any dra matic display of wretchedness and want. Unawares I searched every corner of scores of houses for any means ot subsistence, and came hack at night with an aching heart. I bad seen what it would do you all good to see. Kven after hearing it 1 am sure you will in crease your gifts, generous ns they bavo been, until tbis great chasm of distress can be bridged over. When 1 tell you that I bare seen men utterly break down when I slipped a paltry shilling into their hands, and women clutch a loaf of bread as though they wore afraid that something would sud denly appear to take it from them, you can faintly imagino what 1 bave ex perienced in tbo lust few days. The friend who accompanied me observed that I felt a large lump in my throat all tbe time. 1 could find no filling language in which to express my sor row and my symprtby. The first case I remember was thut of an old woman whosut on the muddy threshold of ber but as we went by, lilting up ber hands as if in supplica tion, and crying: "Nothing bus passed my lips lor twenty-four hours." 1 never knew tbe value of a loaf of bread till that moment. When wo gava her half a loaf she took it with the eager ness of a lamished dog. Sho trembled wilb ago and weakness, for she was over seventy years of age, and hunger bad reduced her to the likeness of a skeleton. There was a glare in her eye tbat told of famine. Sho stood in the middle of tho road and thanked God that Americans bad not forgotten Ireland. It was hours before 1 could got away from that haunting, haggard face. Nor shall I soon lorgct the sight wbieb I saw in another but. The mother of seven children wus holding the youngest, a girl of a few months, in trantio embrace, moaning' as she rocked toand fro. She looked up with ernrttrrt""We-iii.oieU me aoor, which we could only by bending, and gave a low cry. as though in very ter ror. After a few minutes she was re assured, for sho thonght mn an aeent ol tbe landlord sent to evict ber. Then she told me she bad nothing to oat for many days except a poor dole of In dlan meal which a relief committee gave ber, and for which she wastthatik lul enough. .She added that being hall starved herself ' it was impossible to supply milk for her babo. She would be compelled to see it die by inches in ber arms. Rut for tho meal which tbe relief committee supplied tbe family would have litorally had nothing to eat. ' But 1 cannot recite all tho indi vidual instances. Let me give you a sample of what I saw in many scores of huts, and in a faw which are thatched and of stone, and stand on tbe edge ol a bog which affords them peat for fuel. Tbey con tain three small rooms. Ono in the room wbore the household lives Through a small hole in it roof tho kitcben smoke ia generally forced to oacape. There is almost a peat famine this year on account of the wet wealh er. The only fuol consists of a bunch of green twigs. Another room is for tbe cow, If they are happy enough to possess one, which is very rarely the case. Tbe cow is part of the family, and always goes m and out through the front door. In the third room, which is perhaps eight or nine feet square, la where the family sleep. Tbey have ono bed, with two thin, wornout blankets, and here four of a household of nine must sleep, not lengthwise, but crosswise, covering themselves at best they can. The rest pile up a small handle ol straw in tbe corner and sleep on It. Pressed by hunger, they bave eaten all their store of potatoes. Tbeonly food in the whole house is a few pounds of Indian meal, which they mix with water and make into a ntiruiiuiil. i anil u 1 1 they will Thin Ik all they have linvo until the An. luIllll. What wouder. then, thnl thev it ia caused solely by tho utter failure ot the crops. And wilb all this pov. erty the majority of tlio Irish ia cheer- j ful. The people are enduring the great hires ol aiittering with a pluck iintl eourago which are truly admirable. It is my hope and prayer that ,ho Amen P4ln ;M)p.e wj n0 fu0 iia, ,-nough has fieen already done. trr.m Movemints. The Blaine mon who lost thit Slate put great faith in tho success of tbeir hero, because of bis popularity. Look at Rlaine's borne Now Knglarid I Out of four of the States in his bailiwick which have olected delegates to tho Chicago Con vention, only one Maine has In structed for bim. ' And it really looks now as ihough Connecticut, Mussaehu setts, Vermont and Rhodelslund woald go for Kdmunds. How is that tor ltluinu's popularity around borne 1 We suspevt that the Senator from Maine is like muny other men who become candidates for cftlce they inn much bettor where they are unknown than around home. Tbe fact that the Yan kee States have fuiled to instruct fur "the Pennsylvania Dulcbmun" is con clusive that they want somebody else for President. ; In such an event, we hope there will not be another sun stroke ' ' ' !l Still Unhappy. A Democratic co temporary of variegated opinion, on party affairs, hinges in on us in this way : Tbe tone iB wbieh tbe Olearheld Kaerai-iraa talks about the boiaoerals who bave the teroiirlty te diner with 8euat-r Wallace ouneerning the men .gemrnt of tbe party bas sb nnplesssnt im perial sort of souad. Autocrats arc naturally in clintd tn mili-ary methods, and the Kavcaticaa e-iBveye lis noliun of Ihe way peupla wbo rrlil. e ee Henstor Wallace ought to bo treated by a military Igare. "it in war limes," it says, '-a soldier was caught doing this kind of work, be wuBld be arrested, trird, convicted, shot an hur isd aa a trailer." That Is about the way disci pline hss beea OBf.'rctd ia Ihe Krpuhlicae party by its Heoator, and the result does not ,cem at all eatisfaetnry to the masie. We bare great rea rm ta he tbankful lb it wa beva an boss with such aulhority to suppress freedom of opinion in tbe good old Democratic party. We care nothing about this piece of "balderdash;" but if the editor in ques tion wishes to treat us fuirly hereafter, he should give bis readers just what we mud, and not gurble our remarks to suit himself. Don't "renig !" A Good Hit. Tho Ilultimoro S'un hits this wny : "This idea of looking upon government as a sort of fertiliser, like guano or phosphate of lime, is a new one, but it verifies tbe claim of the cx President's friends, that his foreign tour haataiigbt him some things. When be went abroad Gen eral Grant seemed to tbink that Lou isiana, with ils virgin soil and scant population, needed much more govern ment than Massachusetts, with its dense inhabitancy and barren acres." Hit Him Aiiain We arc pleased to notice that the members of the Phil adelphia Prodii o Exchange, censured their President J. D. Myers at their ot Trade will follow suit. What is to deter criminals from violating tho laws of the Stute if, when caught and found guilty, they are all recommended by the men indicated for a pardon. He Iiesth, as Ltwf ers WolldSay. Peter Cooper, ti e head of tho Green back party, announces through tbe New York papers that he "bas with drawn from all active participation in tho politics of the day?." Hereafter bo will content himself with moroly expressing his opinions on National subjects in his pamphlets, and anybody is welcome to these, no bas evident ly, like his party, 'Coopered out." Jrw 2ltlufrtisfmfnts. (YWJTION All ptnoii sr hvrtbjr wirovd J nf(H.nit purchlii or ia may wy noddling with lb following fMroDl protrtv, now im Met fMiMtM.oii of llimm MeCrtvottto, of Forraoon biWBfbip, iR: On f rfci 'Mptrator and tbrfwa ItigntcbiDf, twoauUitDd bftvrntM, ud oh two hurt wnejoD. Thi furwiiig prop-rif wai pur. h..ed bjf ait it OontlaftU'i (, oi tba td dj of April, and li ftllowtd to reniola poimtiun of i id Hirom MoCfinfevo on toa only. Ruhjtet to my order nt toy LKVI MX'KACKBN, Now Mit.port, IV, April T, IflHO t SheriiTs Sale, By rlrtuo of too inni-iod ond fnroffolitff wrtti of I'uW fneiai Imuc4 out of your honiiroblo Court, nnd to diroototi, I bfto lTid on odd will oiputotopublia ioIb, nttba Conrt Houm, Id bo borough of Cleirleid, on ffnturtny. Ma tb. IHho, At 1 o'olork, P. M , ilt tbo following meiiaigoa, t-n"mTiii and trtrta. of land, hounded and d tribod na follow, ?li I All dftftnd-at'i Lot trait tn til UatuorUin trnot or piooo of land mnato in Bradford lownabip, CUarfleld ooooty, tod, feint of Poonpylrnoia, honndrd oh tba tooth Uy A J. lull turvoj, on tho onat ty Jarne Hawtbrtmn aorrojr, on the north by part ot Will-aa Hi anrvaj, nd on tho waat by land of John W. Urnham'a oitato. ha lo c part of William Bell inrTfij, and ftontaltiing Alty-ont nrrca, touro or ip, aubjrot to timber contract Uh Waa? at A Belta. (iid, taim tn aifOtitlon, Dd to ho u)d at tbo property of Janioa B Oratiam- TnRtta or Tho prlea or nm at which tho propOTiv hall bo itruoh off man b paid nt tbo Una of !. or iooh .Hbar nrrnnfomanta aado aa will b approvod, olbarwiio tho property will ho lumedittflj pot up nnd noid again at tbo otpooM and rt-k of tbo poraon to wbum U waa airoek off, and who. In oaao of dafloionoy nt inoh ro anlo, ball maha good the lama, and in no Inaianoc will tk ItrwJ ho nintfd in Court for aonArma tion nnlaaa tho niOMy ia nrttuatly pnid tw tho flk.-iaV ll UV4 UltllVfliV BwrnirrmcF rrro, i, . . Pboiff. CUarAald, la.,Apr. 11, 1H0. The Leading The Cheapest, THE BEST Boot and Shoe, a . . ' Hat and Cap Store JN CLEARFIELD C0DNTT It tbe saa la lbs OPERA HOUSE, .ii I. i i l KKPT BV '; i G.G&T.W. MOORE, Wo havo Jort raittd oar Spring nnd ffummor rrt, hktt, tattng mow parfnaawd DOforo tbo ad v anew, rm bo Bold at tbo OLD I'RIVl. Oallandao. Bafidta the ohrapor good la onr ltae,wo kop BOOTS, FINE SHOES, Perkins' Boots' and Shoes, CLAFLIN'S SHOES, i STETSON'S HATS AND TIIK UKSI INK TAYLOR MACKINAW HAT, j Whin are ar epeeiattlas. Wa aleo haveia fall I.eeulUKNTS BUMMF.R UNllKHV, KAK All Ibeletefl novelties it MICKWRAH, j flits ns a esll eee be aatisM. UF.a C. TUM VT. M(MH K. ClsartelJ. Pi, April II, IW uj " Bfiv lU'rrtisrmfnts. f- (Mill lltlatll.:.M.-lleorge Weaver A Co. ej4 waal Ave tboaaand bushels of OATH, Bow, aud will pay cash or produce. 1 CearltelJ, I'a., Aug II, lalt-tr. ' BKI'.H FOR HAl.R.Tbirteen Mrs. of Italian lleea which 1 will asil elirap for' 04sh, or eiotienge for wheat. For further in-1 foratetloa eall ou or address the underslened. J.F. KltAMKH. Nova.Tv tf. Cleartrld, Pa. MOM:V Ttl I.I1AN-. Oa trst class Im proved farm property, bv the Mutual Lie Insurance Coaipauy of New York, on flrst mort gega. Ib same Irom II, tint up. Fur further la formation apply tetbc undersigned. Ut RXTIIAL IV. SMITH. Clearleld Pa., May 7th, IS7II if. IKE! NOT AT STUMP CREEK, BUT AT H. LEHMAN &C0.'S Store, ROOM NUMBER TWO, Pie's Opera House, CLEARFIELD, P.t, Wharo H Lohtaao A Co. baro opuited vary larjta toclt of tho Ula nnd hatt atylei of DRY goods, Fancy Goods, MILLINERY GOODS, AND A ft'LI. ASSORTMENT OP Ladioa', Kisses' & CMllrcn'B S-3E3C-0-3S-S Of all strive, now In the raerkel. Call In person, or address H I, HUMAN A CO. ClearSela, Pa , Marrb 17, IsM tf. Sheriff's Sale. BV vlrtao of wrlti of Ltmri Vt'aa littuod oat of tba Coort of Common Plana of Cant oonntv, Pa, and to mo directed, thero will bo oipnaod to pobllo ialo, nt tbo Court Ilonao, In tba borough of Belle.ooto. Centra Co., r.,on a turd ay, April Sllh, liMO, At 1 o'elooh P, M , tho following dfwribrd real aetata, to wit : NO. I. All tho riarht. tltla and Interaat of De fendant la al that pertain traot of land fitntte in Kuvh towoabip, rntro eoaoty, Pa In the warrantee oauieot John Ham 'ririit.and deeribed according to a aurve nade thereof tn David H ou ah on the S0th day of Aojruit, 156, begin, ing at a pine troo ooroer I thenco oiten'tinr by a trart of .and in tbo warrantee nana of Andrew (JrarT north ftl degree! oait .11 1 perrbet, more or Ian. to a wbfto pi do. n ooroor; thence by n Irani of land in the warraoteo name of Oaapor bhnffnar aonth 33) degree eat 1SS perchea, to aro or lam, to n red oak troo, or bNek oak fallen; thence by a tract of land In the warranto name of Hubert 8 peer toutb il degeaea watt .'ISA per oiiai, more or leaa, to n poit; tbonn by a tract of land ia tbe warrantee on me of tteore HutTnegle north degree wet 111 perehee. mora or leia, to the plaoa of beginning, 43.1 acre and 10 portrbea nod allowanoo. ALSO, All th right, tltla and Inloreat of Defendant In alltbateerUia tractor plovooflandMioatata Kaih tnwmbip ararcantd, in tho warrant nana of Andrew draff, beginning nt n benknk tree, a comer ( thane a i Urn ding north Wt degree weat .120 petrhe. nor or la, to a pine tre oornori then" by a tram ot land In thi warrantee nam of '.'brlatian Mueraoulll 40 degroa ont 1,1 perrb, raor or leM, to a fugar troo, n corner ; theno by a trnel of land in iho warranto nam of John H a t bright onth AO degrtea welt 3 JO perch, nioro or leaa, to a pin troo oorner ; thenn by a tmet of land tn tho warrantee aame of Hehaatian UratT north 40 degree eaat 33(1 per fltian, mem or le, to tbo plae of beginning, con taining 433 aoron and Ibt norohen, mum or loaa, ALSO, AH tho right, title nnd lntnrcot of Defendant! In all that certain tract or ploeo of land aitnata partly in nn-n lowntaip aioreeaie: anoj partly to Horrlii townahip, Clearfield eownty, Pn., honndod and neaerinod na toimwa t un tbe norm oy tenrte lata of tfa tat of Henry Loenioo, deo'd, on tho ee at by land Into of Quay A Kyler, on tho aoatb iy land ta tno w rraniee name or Aonraw urea. on lb wet hy landa Iota of Brenner A Oo oon- lalntaff 41 neroa and 1ST p rebel, aareyed April tt, I TIM, on warmnt ia nam of Chrtitfaa Mniaar, baring thereon erected two fram bio, an old tram aaw mill aad other ontbaildinga. ALSO, All tho right, till nnd inter.! of Defendant! tn all that certain trnot of land ait oat la Itorrla townahip, Clarftl I eonnty, Pa boooded nnd deaaribed ni follow : Beginning at n aton heap. former It n wbito oak oorner ; theaeo hy land late of Lerer A Loraine aoutb 1201 perchta to n pott, east 14 perches to n port t tbeeoe hy landa wrvd to noort nainey north W t ir per- ebea to 0 white pin elong lends urvefed to 8ttphoa KingMon IM probi to plao of begin ning, containing ?0!) aerei and X7 per. nd allow aaee, and waa vurveyed In purtnaaee of a warrant dated March 13th, lVlT, limed to Leonard Kyler. ALSO, All the right, title nnd interval of Defendant! In atl Ibat certain trnot of land itiaate in Noma lownabip, Outfit Id ooanty. Pa., hounded aad 4eritd aa ioiiuwr : rJginalnf at a fallen been look t tbonoa aoaia 1 dagreo weat 11 A pe rebel to a white pioef thenoe north 17 degree went 116 S-10 perchea to a maple troo; tfaaooo north 24 degreea eaat I A3 6-10 preha tn a poet j thenoo oon no negroes we, oy in peranea to a poai, north S degree eaet 80 1-10 perehe te a hem lock t thenoo eowth .1 degroea et SIT -lfl por ches to th plan of heginifing, oontalntag 413 aero and A4 porh, atoto oriir, being part of a larger traot aurreyed tn tan name oinjao. Houston. ALSO. i All tho right, title and fatertrtof Defendant In all tbat eerialn trnot of rand rliaau la Motrin lownabip, Clenrttcld eonnty, bonnded aad describ ed a follow, i B tinning n prnco oorner, by Daniel Milk pnroha-m north 88 degree ISA perch to a pie, thine by John Taylor and John II en it on sartrey til porohei to n pine en nth l Hog reel weat oure, eaited in tbo ortginal inrvey aoaih) thenoe eaat IA per aba to a post t thenoo north li degree eaat 106 perehe to a apron ; theaeo aooth 844 degree oaal 84 p rebel j theaeo north 1 degree feat 120 perches to tbo plan of beginning, eootalning 170 acre, being parti of two rnrraya in warrantee name of David Uevorage and Prancli Johnetoa. Thereon erected n frame houi and a fram barn and other owtbnildingi. Belted, taken In oireatliin. n4 to a Bold aa th property of Jacob Mok, with notlea to John Warner and W. 0. H'aguor aa trr ten ante. Nora. Tbo nodi Tided one third part of the Jeaerihed tmoUof land will be aeld at tho nam time and pleoe. hy William T. Kirk, loq., Truato for tMrtaio oradliors ef Wagner A Ilro. Terms made known on day of sale. K0 S. A-1 th nailvldei oa half pert of the three MTral mesanagvs, lean men t a and trat of lead as follows, u wit t Tbe one iltaato la Rah tnwnehtp. Centre eonnty, Pa.,anrreyd aa a warrant to Christopher Ten bow, beginning at aa aih eeraer of John Bam bright aad Caeper Bhatfoar, Jr. thnee arth 60 degrees eaat 320 perehe, morn or I, ton pin ) thenoe eonth 40 degree oait 11 perehe. mor or I, to n pin eorwor of Henry Pinkerioa theaeo by Iho aaid Henry Pin bar lea aarrey tnnth 60 degrees wait M0 parches, more or lets, te n dgwood oorner of Robert Ppeer ; then ny im said Kohert rpr sarvey aorta 40 degrees ami 1..0 aerehea, mor or leas, te the pleoe of begin olr.g, ttiatainiog 413 acre and 161 porehvt. ALPO, Ono ttnet traot sitaato la Ruih towmhip, Cea rra "oaty, P , inrreved on a warrant to Robert ttpeer. bonnded na tolhawe, to wit : Beginning at a post oorner of John HnmMgbt and George HnDaagi I bene by tbe Joan iiambrigni sar vay north M degreea east 120 aorabea, mere or leal, ta an aih, a teener of tho traot abero d- aorihd tbeaoa by aaid ahavn dMrlhd traot oatb 40 degroea anal 1.10 perebe, more or laas, la a do wood, a oorner or tho Haary rtaaertoa nr ry I thenoe aoaih 60 degree weat J0 perehei, more or leas, to a root, oorner of traot In tha name of Peter Miller, thenoe hy th anid Petar Miller snrrey north 40 degrees wast S0 prbea, mora or loss, to th ptooa of beginning, containing; 411 aores aad 163 pornb. mor or teas. AU0, Th other traot, iltaato partly ta it aih town ihip, Centre eoanty, nod partly la Morris towa hip, Cloarilald oounty. Pa., deaerlbod noeordlng to a plaa or sarvoy thereof made la April, IT01, en warrant dated the 14th day of Deeemhor, 1V91, being No. 1 aa aaid plaa and warrant ia tba aame of Caspar Phaffner, jr., beginning at ftpoit,a oorner of traot la the aame of ChrUtlaa Mniaar; then oonth 40 degree oast 130 perohoe ta a post) t nence ny traet ia ta naiaa oi unrtrtiaa i an now onth 60 deg. weal 370 per. to a port t tbeao hy tract la th aatno nf Jf-nn hi am bright north 40 deareos Weat 1.10 noreaoa la a ot tnewee a trnot ia tho name of ChrUtlaa Masaer north 60 degrees eaat KM aerehoa ta the plane of bag la aieg, ee a tela lag 433 aoroa aad 163 peaehe. mora ar lea. Beiaed, takea lo aionalion, aad to bo sold aa tha property ot John Trwoti and joa. rarkor Taaaa, CUsa. No oVods will bf acknowledged tui i a auroaaao money ia aato ia raw. JUilN SFANWLtsK, Phrlff. ' ' H-tUfual. pa.', April T. I Is 0-It ANOTHER IB iltu drrrtismirntew. CAIfTI()N-All persona are hereby warned against pnrebaaiug or in nny way meddling wnb tho follow tog property, auw In tbe poaieailun of Jba It Lytle, of Lawrence townahip. via: One aorrel bona, 1 roan horao, 6 yenning ualvea, I cow, 1 two-year-til j ileeri, 6 iltitale, apring oaltrea, 3 tens of bay, 16 baehili ef wheal, 20 bn he la of potatoes, 8 aora rj in the ground, 0 aerei of wbat in th ground, 1 buggy, I log, lad, 1 fanning mill, I tnu-hnr wagon, 1 plow, 1 rullirator, 1 harrow, 3 seta harneti, I double hovl plon, t tet uliairl, 1 table, 1 eooklr.g rtov aiid att-Biiia, I beating stove, about 31'ti ponndi pork, 80 bond las rye straw, and n lot of looie straw. Tbo above ttainad property waa purchased by in at Hbtrltt'i sal and is lelt with aaid Jaytl on loan only, sitbirrt to my order at euy time J. L. YOll.S. Cnrwinwirllla, Pa., March Slat, lHHU-ft, Thomas A. Duckett, tlKALKK IS IHKRKTtV give notice to the eititens of Clear' He'd aad tho aurronndiog vleiaiiy that 1 aia prepared at a'l tines to luroiih tamiltee aad manulaeturing aitabilabmenis with a inporinr quality of Coal. Wood Coke, Watch 1 am vrrpered ta deliver in a IVw boars' notice. I am reed; in heel and deliver Iroai and to tba dnput or enwtiere else, and nova laniltva and bnusehold guoils aiivwbere na sbortneilea. TH'lh. A. Dl ChKtT. ClearBeld, Fa., Mar. II, IHIO-lf. ifflal drrrtisfmrnts. Treasurer's Sale OF Unseated Lands IN CLEARFIELD COUNTY. NOTIL'R is herehv given, in vtnrriianna of an Aet ef Asaembly aip-ovad tbe I2'b dey or Juoe, A. T. 1H46, entitled "SB At to amend aa I Aet direetlnit tbe mrKteof fell eg t aseatad Lands I in Clra Aeld eonnty," and tba several ettpiiloeianls I thereto, thera will he exposed to sale or nuirrv, I on the KKCUND MUNUAV, 14th day of JI NK. I A. D lnno, the following tracts or pieaea of land ! in said eooaty, for tales doe and anpaid. vir : I llcrCBrU Tovrnahip Aerea. 110 116 100 HO 00 111 ;i m im 140 346 170 J IS4 104 111 :to 161 4113 IIO 174 3 174 1 lao 10 3311 1 10 .',0 70 Ml 4:. 41 nt 4H3 431 Per. Warranias. Tax. Julia Natlor t 49 60 P. A A. t'lynn 70 H James MrMurUia.. ...... it 60 Thomas MiirMtery In 00 Manens Miller.... 18 00 1 John Hrady William Bradj. Jsmes Rlaio Alex. Blain Jobs Whiimer Henry Whiimer Willi.m W'ilson Herman Wbitmer Jacob Krug Johntllheoa I Hubert Wil.oo I John Ketland Peter Oeia I David Barton Kred tlnwtaeo lli-anis McCoy, rr Jscob Krug Jerrml.B MosLer....m 3 Kredarieh Bates 7 Tnomea BillingtoB Joba Bean I Mania Pr.nn... James tlsba 1 .1. W. Nmllb Pred 11 u l.l.j Stewart Cowan Jacob 'oost....H.MH... Wall A Mays J. B. Walters I Willises tlray I John Miller..... Hell ToKlielllp. Per. Warraatee. Henry Benl ......... ... Ill 111 174 06 165 70 '03 50 ... 124 06 ... 134 10 Ill Iff . 107 10 I ... .10 00 ; ... 10 07 ... 1.1 ei ... o -t ! ... :,4 6 ... 07 44 ... 40 60 , HI so: ... m on, ,. 80 16 ... 77 lo ! ... 64 to : .... 00 10 1 ... 126 00 j . I 36 ... 4V 6! ... It 16 ( ... 31 60 1 106 30 , .. 173 37 . II 16 I ... 44 171 ... 60 Na. dm titii 174 into Aa. 1000 too 1 "no too no hi nc lot 78 007 1100 tea 100 600 Iikio 76S ant 0:10 140 130 147 ; tot oi 101 400 141 60 111 141 lit 7t l-t too 47 Ae. IM 111 III 1006 Tax. i IVIi 00 161 II . 307 30 M II 30 04 44 00 , .13 lt 11 II 13 10 . las 00 . 100 10 4 40 I 01 :i ii 427 6I0 6011 Mil 4J7 6VI6 6031 Kicklia A flrlrlis..... froea Heed rroea Bell Henry Benh Niehlln llrlHilh 45-0 t04 6nt 67 6010 51I00 6IO 6011 67M 4lat 4I7 60ll( 6011 6011 60111 6(10 10 1 4107 176 00 CO 61 00 71 01 (0 OS 41 10 17 0(1 6.1 71 33 1.1 10 7.1 It 11 35 II 14 00 11 00 63 71 lot i 45 I 00 Renry Beeh..u..H. tt ii ....... Niehlln A Uliii'lh'.'. Henry Beeh M 31 10 J. R. Bargoew ., 34 w ttnyder..... WidawsaB Bros Mrs. eiena .- 00 00 II M tl James Mitchell.. Bloooo ToWBshla. Par. Warrantee. No. 1(W4 Mil .16A m 100 .1611 Tat. .. 100 M .. 31 10 T Ot 00 Roberts A Pol.., J. W. Eoaith RoberU A Pox... I to 07 M 71 300 00 1.3 tt 0 00 10 00 30 .10 00 27 22 10 100 ;i7 76 60 00 60 100 III lit Jabnb Barger liavld Irvin aet Roberta A Pot Millie L MocVnre".' Nlchltn AllnBlh.... Philip P.t.l.r.. Daniel Rodgers....M W illiam Arnold M tngtra Township. Ao. Per. Warrantee. Tal. 413 Wm. MrCormick........l It 00 440 N.ncy Bo,. 71 10 430 N. MeDooeld .. 00 00 420 Joba Byert 00 00 130 17 Joba MoBttons-ry ....... 11 00 106 ' Thomas fmilh 3140 let Joe Kephart.. 27 Oi i of 404 Blair MUnabaa..... 14 00 417 10 Jobs Keen .... 41 10 10 Thome. Parks I 40 100 Albert Owen II 00 14 . Watson A Mnnsoa....... 13 Itrndford Townahip. Ae. Per, Warrantaa. Tax. 3M Aleisader Dallaa 40 (0 44 Hneanna Reser t. d 15 00 Harrison, Bayard A Brye-m.. 10 00 170 Andrew Bavard 30 10 6 Horatio b. 11.11 ..... Oil 160 lllelr WcUn.baa..... .10 10 10.1 Jamee linncan .. 10 no 171 Leeward A Vlvde... ...... 10 96 10 Revaolde kesa II 00 .40 ' liavld Askay.. ..... 60 160 Hall A Back HO 111 R. Moe.op . I 14 84 Uevld Ask.y ...... , I 71 Hf-Bfly Townahip No. Ac. Per. Warraotea. Tax. taw- e, 14. Oee-tlaoaer 49 BO dll David Kennedy ...... 131 04 020 111 Conrad Long. ...... lol .10 1077 I H-ary Wycot.. Hi M tOrt 323 105 1IW0 1 13 I IW4 101 1411 IIO 1007 III 311 40 1071 30t 0O4 u 115 04 00 171 115 John Punlap M. Caspar Htelver Hobert. APox .. IM II It 10 041 04 111 09 370 on Charles II. ProseeU... Christian Lower Roberta A Pol HnllopetarABm haker ChriMtian Lower. 1. W. Hmilh ll II 01 10 00 It 13 171 01 il 10 Hsirtlasdo Tatraablp. Warrantaa. Job Nl.hola. ............I No. Aa. ton 100 1001 111 304 3M TV 01 :i4 100 414 101 347 111 10 114 III IV lot III 04 IM Ae. Par 100 IM IM 141 431 151 1 It 100 1' 431 15.1 431 113 431 IM 14 M 171 411 134 19 Ut M 100 411 16 n Tax 17 10 7 71 171 70 .lob. Mailer Menem W human....... Casper flhaSar jr....... Deatel Wklimar JobB llabley.......... Mary Roberta..... w Joha Tta.sler..w....l Caspar ftbeffer .. Jerry Wllliaeaeen.... Mary Crawford Townsead Hpaekman.. Rebaaoa Broww,,,,..,. Leoaard Holllt...,,.. Prenleriek kiabn... Henry Rapar Froea tettod-J.M.H.. 11 92 14 11 70 71 IOI 11 lot 09 II 1.13 14 lit 104 141 04 10 It 11 90 141 I 41 I 7 I fatal Township. Worrnntte. Winiant Baaatnna . JobB Boyd Je.lah M.I Tbo mas Hamilton Cbarlet Debit Robert Fleming....... twaf kmh. id.oo Jaaatbaa Walker... Joba Cook ...,.... Jasper Rwing....,..... WUIiamCeoh..........., MoUord traet............ Jaaatt Piper flearge Paga..... Renry ....... Jaeaofl Nebla. .......,. Chrtetiaa tUkrar...,., Proof Smith M. bailey A Mitchell...... Matthias dloagk..... Miller A Christ Tax ..I 17 I IT 10 II 11 .. 13 tt M tt . 104) II . 14 ! (4 tt tt 10 . tt 90 .. I' II . 17 9 ,. 10 10 60 17 m 0 17 17 .. l to ,. 11 ta .. 41 0 . 91 II .. 41 9 .. I 17 Xrpt adirrtisr mrnts. ton I s v I 2'lil IN tb 49.1 I'll 413 1411 1411 Ut Nl,. I'M Mil 1.174 M0S, ISlill i.DIl 14 1 64(17 lilt 4H4 I HI. lotsw mm IV41 I an, s7 i:m Mil mv.1 John Brsnnsaian Josepb MoMurray Hearer Mills t)o. KafltnK lirouad JobB UatlsiiKbey A Ce..... ford Nprenhla James Ross Ji'ba CunniaitbatB Hear; Itrelb Jr from B. A. IrriB J. VY. Lsinborn Halb MeConnel estate Laaaard A Williams ( ovhiaTton ToH uslilp. Warraotae. lU J'. 31 tn III 16 4.1 .14 4S 70 'l H 4i 0 II II All : H 16 .', II 04 31 ill Ae. luU I Ilia iii I I Ml Una 1100 1 1 HO 1 1 no 4J m i7 nwit hMt 64t 60 latl an 4, im XIII. ia isearge alead t .111 IM ts no jjnur) tle6 no 2(inl 4 70 I Mn 3 6 j:,u, 40 70 1 i 40 70 51,70 III I6II7.1 74 00 M7, 44 40 J'i.1 6" j . ,01 76 ; Ao :mo aa i o.i.t Miirrlfl A ,lewart 11 SI 10 7 10 6" 1 IR 40 oil on 11 in tiearge Mead.. llerotur Tutrtialilp. Per. ' TftrrBBtet. Gilbert Vtugbt .. John HarriaoB R. Flelcliar Joseiih Harrison , ll. W. Mrt ardy Henry Post Miller estate 47 JobB Drinher John ej. Byron 117 Richard Tboeaas l:i7 Jacob Uowotog I..4 liogb Kly 41 Ji bn Kyron William Monigomery... 40 Henry Drinker............ 1.10 Thome. P. Cope ot Joseph Hanson 01 William Hansom lit Jamas Hamilton H. Char es Bisk .. Roliort Keiney Patrick Moore Thomas SlawardsoB Ann Mi-Laeah.B John M.,janahan ll M .I 1.0. John Drinker 117 Thoma KdmandsoB ' Samuel llHuiiltun.. Pstru-k Moore l)avid Stewart Fcrf(uauu Tnvriiahlp. H'arra.lee. J. H. Pcrguson H John tirelt From tieorge htraw M.... W arreo Unl flrard Toevuetilp. Per. Warrantee. Tal. .1153 M 107 10 161 alt 116 106 47 S 900 to 141 I2S nl S6H oil.l 4 .14 110 107 104 XOH SO t ol 404 300 III IIMI 1 of 401 ., at' 114 n S4(l 40" I III. 01 to 103 06 j 'it 14 i 1 40 123 00 11 10 III II :,e in 177 .15 175 II 131 SO 10 71 ' 17 0.1 171 20 l:in V4 i;,v on 170 m IS 46 IIS 40 to 1 00 2 on 01 60 4 10 Vi HI 110 70 !.',! 70 040 lol Ml till 20 i'-.'. Ac. I 173 Ml 76 40 ... 6.101 6:106 i.-irl't 5.17U 6171 l.lfO 5.i;.o T.I. 11 il , 12 on 1 10 10 1 21 Ac. 1000 70 lino oil 10SO 1 100 nun 1 lloS long lion tttiii lino I0H2 loo 60 lion 10110 21 10 Tax. t 1.10 no 12 no 150 110 VI IIO ?e, HO YH (10 Ueorge M-ndM 6164 6151 tJ:. 6.".fl S.17I t.i;i Hli 1.-18 6.1M tin! 1000 0047 t.!06 ) t.infl ) ls 6.151 .',360 6.1.' 7 5170 10t lu:it loir. 101? Itn. 1817 lfc.1t 'ir, Iftn7 Ishl 1017 30 SO 1016 i me mo mn 1016 IV37 No. 6.1 1. 1 5.117 5310 6330 6311 6:133 5320 5.111 5.121 6:126 1011 1000 6314 IKK4 6.134 6.110 6327 633t 6S10 ' 'Oi5Jtl2 20 00 I 5!o( lt I'D I 6J05 ?n 00 5Io 2 no I 5m, 1.1 Dn , 5,.o . 20 nO ) 5:1,1 Morris A Stewart..., tieorge Mead t Inn Morris A .Stewart..., tieorge Mead uu Morris A fltewart... fiaorge Meed Tl Morris A Htawart.' .1 "0 I 20.1 111) 100 00 61 HO I y.o 7 V! I 3 11 lit, mi ..72 till 5211 0 171 ill! I 11 II 04 4.1 114 i 40 53 10 30 3 4 0 32 7 20 51 no 2 00 1 in 13 00 10 40 3 .10 1.1 no .11 m 31 20 3 12 70S 110.1 1 100 lion It I.14 31 6.1 44IIC 37 101 211 46 26S .140 100 110 00 114 460 4X0 120 Aug- lteauseinger.., Morris A SUwart... Coahen Ton ushlp. Fat. Warrantee. Tax. Ilaorga Mead . 141 10 " . 40 1 " " 100 44 Aa. 5.1 1069 into looe 1109 1000 I10O 1I0O 1100 1100- 000- 50 7 It 15 1100 1 1 JO 111:1 110 1109 4117 170 to 03 00 70 19 S3 00 109 00 12i 40 121 40 143 20 t 70 II 74 III 70 I 90 41 h 027 90 422 94 027 00 411 00 71 10 .13 44 1 70 Mortis A Stewart. Will lean Mapat...'.'.'." ticorgt Mead........ . ,.,,, u M m m Mnrrit A Stewart n ii M ,1 .1 M.H Morrow Morrit A Btewart.... OilllagnanAOaniaoi tieorge Mead., - 1011 1000 I0O0 Ifc84 I at Oil) 411 tl 13 40 17 2 90 7 ol 4! 50 70 M 0 00 tl 5 M 10 It 01 0 20 I 07 00 9 60 21 00 021 41.0 1021 IH04 6314 5316 111 163 771 609 low looe 17T to itr 3.1 05 7 50 96 tilt 1 1351 J 1121 Charles T. Roberts.. Owner ooknowB...... w m m,. Thompson Reed..... M. O. Browa A Bra. William W.hb J. 0. Smith 1331 1333 1. rattans Townahip. At. Par. Warrantee. 107 Themes P. Cope...! 14 JobB okrron ...... Tax. I 30 T 40 !1 n 00 Tax. "0 to 10 3 0 60 203 03 14 lo fat 107 low Ckariee Ueil lei laitoi Cope Gretumtod Townablp. No. Aa. Per. Warraalre. 10 JobB Ilambrtgbt...$ to K. A. Irvin 16 Nle.llo A Qriaith.. US 14 Joba .Mebolata.... ll Joseph Uooo.. (ullch Tnwnablp. Per. Warrantaa. Ao. IIO 190 4: ll lit tl lit 430 Tax. . ii ... 17 10 Ill Christian Stark lit Mattkiaa Yoaag I5 Christian lleger lt;l tieorge Mureeramitb. 40 Thomas Yndlar Daniel OOley 71 Ueevga Baker t It Timothy Paxton IM John Bnrge 00 Rmanntl Rugert William Oray Thomas Hrsat. 114 tieorge Moore 40 I 16 00 no 20 07 44 li 70 70.1 II mi 1 105 10 oa 90 l 04 21 04 321 04 01 00 73 00 9 .11 141 tt 14, 10 91 00 ' AO ee to n 120 4 04 lit l 41 91 19 12 II 00 01 4s 431 .160 13 71 40 349 14 lo 90 .106 too ot . I70 IIO 2.10 10:1 130 100 170 In 6.10 No. 4901 607! S074 604 MOO 107 07l 1071 490 42.14 4216. 4.10 t04 Philip AhrelBger.... Joha MaUaban - leeorge Baker Joba MeOsbea. ...... Leve(.btaek....m..e..l benj. Wlteoa Joba Whltmer.....M. PigetBhaw Kdward Hand........ Piget Hhaw ReaJ. Wilson Robert Henderson... . Daniel Falkersos. K. Natter...... H Baton Townahip. Ao. 276 105 471 177 177 99 000 1041 atl lit 4I 740 37 01 lit 101 16 Per. W arrestee. Wllhelm Wlllinh. ..I David Oaldnall Moert A Delsney.. " . . ,1 M Willi.m Pewen.. Motet A Detaaey... Wllhelm Willlah..!! Jamat WIUoa..... W M M e. ' William R. Hkoemaker - Jamaa Wileon W M .... Woodward A Piaooy M . Moore A Delaaey... Tax. 41 10 20 224 70 207 91 103 90 101 11 SOI 17 139 10 71 01 II to 191 14 104 10 o to 113 50 0.1 to 10 0 107 90 414 00 111 14 14 50 21 00 90 00 07 0 7 4 lit 42H 43V0 itHII 4001 1070 5077 toro 11 210 2 141 III 1041 40 tot 00 71 40 114 M l7T 60741 1071 I 137 1077 J 1071 71 40 00 4111 4220 4JJ0 4I3 torn Ma 4211 41.14 1071 M70 1011 4091 3601 .1001 1000 3571 9171 9604 307 3307 364 .1611 00 9941 0 tat 90 il OH ttl 147 190 109 til 101 417 099 191 let 12 001 59 ION ION MM til in Janvta Wilsan..M 11 .1 m M ... . William Power..! II M ft James Wilson 1 Moore A Delaaey... lit 11 Oil 10 loot 10 331 10 171 0Q 161 ;uo to tal 10 00 Hi 9 111 Yale lot Roberts A Kot.. 1 tl 1031 14 t ti 109 00 t . ei 11 12 tl H 7 00 I at) o tot 0 lost II 410 10 In I 900 0 904 M 49 N 41 11 n William Powers.. 70 Jemes WIItcb ..... 104 If (int fltfiitsfiitfutj. !.! I II ia ( li ion nt .10 in.. 4 C 110 Joba Donltp Heynolds sab. dir. J. Meklln . Heicolda enb. dir. J. Nicalia Reyenlda sub. dir. J. Nioklla Keyoolds sab. div. . Niehlln Heyaolde sub. div. J Nick lie Reynolds sab, div. J. Nick lis 0 Thomas Hose lot.... 21 Roberta A Pet N. Pearson Oil A. 8. Brown lot ' ' rloorruT A Kl ........ 11 ej 26 Monro A Ileleney... Roberts A r'oi in " " William Powers Moore A Uelaaey... M ... 60 Ho 11 IS rt 111) '.'4 17 147 61 It 17.1 I Ota II HV 47 vno 4'.'f two fl.tO H17 Per. I 14 7J 1V0 ,1 4 I" II 71 I.' I ii llvo Oil 04 III 003 10 473 si, ll Ml 611 III 5 i. 36ti 6oim Jordan Tnornsltlp. Warrantee. Thomas Martla i Robert Martla ...... W'lllism Johnson M liaaisl elmiih a... Richard Peters 1, . Philip Ponlt .... John llrall . BenJ. Young M Tet. Ml ill 01 on 0 111 47 im 70 : 47 mi 17 SI 7 1 . 13 lu 2M 40 liT 124 III to It4 karitiaiiB Ttiwitahlp. Per. Warrantee. Tai. George Mead 4 03 7: - lit 70 ' 164 Ho " Ill 20 " " .10 mi " " .in m M mis A Htawart. 1:4 In No. Ac. 747 1043 1100 II0U lino 1100 000 ?; 6,17 TWO 130 701 200 107 Is 50 1411 541 1400 . 3414 , .1.00 1411 I tlnO 1 1 on I I '4 12 111 no 7 2s 40 04 111 II, 0 411 10 SI' 1 0.1 1 s 4 4S .1 HI 1043 I i'V.1 1 4 H0 67 20 1701 1401 Charles Wlllinh William Hmilb Caspar Wlstar 17 Iscoige Mead..H.,.. I. C. MrCloskay M)ere 1 Kl.o.r... Hogb MM),,oi,l... bavid Maiaaa W.llia.d M Clo.keyA Poller. 700 inn Pel. 10 on I IM5 I 1 A-. I ' 2s ! 4 .:t : or; Knox Tots!ielili. H'ocniet'e. tlen.ismia Poaltnty I Israel Morris Mirtin Pearca l.sliclla Jordan A'lam ttho.le. iiseen. W ard James tloray Trlk I.awrrtire Townaltli. 163 loll 1,3 16:! an 12 1.12 11. Mi 16 l.l 17 I' fit . : 53 :f 311 2im N- ;,?ko Ac. 1 1 no 1100 t 00 1 100 1 1 no lino lino lloo lloti 1100 lion 1100 1 100 lino 1 100 lion lloo 371 0.10 Per. Haemal... Tel. (leorge Mead I 320 On 1.100 6101 5.111! 5:101 5ln4 S.W5 .'.:me 6107 53110 51P9 5! N. 204 111 106 lie 52 !, 52 so III 10 140 or 62 s.i 70 210 no 70 .0 110 s ono pit out im ..( ,. IS 02 IS si 111 i. 10 24 t 21 11 211 in 310 nil 1005 to Robert, i Fox Ml . - Hugh Jordan John Rd Robert Mitchell.... Semnel Clyde On Robert. A Fox 114 Rudolph I.itt tieorge Mead I'.iO.i 221 31.1 00 ' 21103 400 12 720 not nto ISO 1 ICO 71 2l 1119 ' .'A M 4 si. 102 no 1 -II 52 -li 70 OS I5M 40 III , 2s .a ."ilt'l 5200 6207 6200 SM I out 101.7 1011 200.'; Ellis trwla A Hon.... RoWrts i Fox Morrla Townahip K'tirroNler. 4 sn 0 en T.t .. 107 10 . 110 70 . 175 60 . 171 .I' . 147 0 . 4 1 " 64 on ti .,t 11 01 . l on .. 21 40 . l l .. 36 10 . 100 60 no 00 r-i . 77 22 70 2n . 70 2i . 1 t . 93 42 35 in ,. 35 I" . 36 la .. 70 20 93 42 .. 40 71 01 02 . 14 5 ,. 60 74 . 21 00 .. 100 00 . II 50 , 1 22 . 17 i.- 27 In . 64 01 . 40 71 .. II 1.1 4 . 6 70 . 10 0, . 14 13 .. 4 06 12 42 1 21 104 411 27 II 04 I 51 . 17 01 . 10 70 9 ' . II 9 77 Ac 402 2(10 Per. tieorge Wetiel Willism Went Chrl.t Wertt Ilanlel Looek Jee.e Y.rnell 277 171 421 440 410 310 42.1 05 Joseph Turner mo lleorge llsbacker... Peter Yarnell Clem Pinker Joha Vaughn , Jonathan Neshit II. S. Drinher John Bead ., Willi.m, . eiair aiol.ansbeo Tbouiaa Morris W'illiam Morris Rsmuel Meredith William Miller..... Hetty Morris Thomas Fitiaimtaoos t.eorgo Clymar Robert Oray Patrick Moore Mary Morria Nalhit Fresier Magans Millar Patrick Hart Robert tllena Patrick Hays ........ Joba Hu.toa ., ... Francis Johnson . David Beverage...... Walter Stewart ........ William A. Smith.... ... William Smith William M. tiraiih. ......... .i ,1 John Palaver William Fmltb Hymen ttratt Conrad Hwarts..... John Ur.1 ............. N. Redenow.r Matlbiaa Slough. Robert Careoa N. Redeoower Matlbiaa Sloagh ........... Heary Drinker. . Christiea Worts...... Joseph Potter....... Frsnirls Johason .1110 41.1 111 413 4(17 105 0 360 433 433 433 4.1.1 433 433 433 431 431 4.13 2S 99 271 100 4' 01 I OH 109 117 400 173 444 90 311 111 III 19 91 30 309 1' t 107 90 1.10 01 Joseph Raymtod...... Ftnti Township. Per. Warrantee. Tea. Ae 1093 071 717 01 11: 3953 5929 1(11 59:,l toil NlekHB A Orifllk.,.,1 391 It " .... 20 Ot .. 173 22 111 " " ..- I i'1 " .... 110 H - " .... 121 " " .... 117 47 " 85 II " " .... 30 4 too 121 14 ill IIS 149 5 12 ,100 Ac. P 75 00.1 I 020 I 111 10 I 41 208 104 17 440 107 02 11 40.11 59.13 5937 6361 6951 5051 6V5I Greeowood Bell.... MlrkllB A Uumik.... lot 22 I 11 15 !' 12 II 11 y Plha TowBshlp. r. WarraBtea. John Nlchol.oa..... So. 5711 5774 577t 6770 1777 1777 1030 6031 5779 17 I 1777 1777 1771 Mo. Thi. 170 oa :ia In .11 James Wilena Jotrn Mlaboleos ... 8 44 is ?.i In 4.1 if 43 S 12 19 J. 11 ! Nlcklla A llrlffitk..... John NIcholeoB.......". 4 James T. Leoaard Plat Touuahip. 7 !l T.i. 4 7i Aa. Pee. Wareawma. 160 Jamee Wlleea 127 CO Jamee WUeoB 190 Hi ..., 990 ...... 1041 tl Moon A Delanay.... 900 Jame.Wilren. ........ 990 "i 449 " " 46 - 101 " " ......... 00 V90 1020 04 John Nicholson 967 96 Jamat W, leva. ....... It 41 Joba Nlchol.oa...... 4250 4154 4164 42111 tl so 106 ta 7154 4S 374 0!l 4104 4201 419 4109 421 4269 4.'H2 17 HS 415 571 Na. 3003 3599 3601 4151 6J K 125 04 tt 21 13 i' 46 N 16 14 46 04 4a as 1., tittlon Townahip, Per. Wtrraataa. 161 RaberuA Pot... to " " .... l.l ... 4 ... 404 ... 21 ' 15 J.mtsWilsot 1st H l Oeert W. Arnold...... Woodward Township. Warrantaa. A a. 4'U 09 III 100 131 210 4:10 4:'. 21 4114 411 la loo I.rael Wheeler Kli lloaiman ..... I t" - II ' , ... 37 l ,l.t S4 S l ?'' 671 I' 51 U 113 H 317 I' ' 171 "1 John McCahan.... Roland Rvans Pigol Shaw Sebaetlea Urn" Thoa. Rdmnndsafl ..,. Joseph Aahoridge... JobB Mussel j ...., Philip Fonts Jacob R Howell William Johnston Oeorge Beehnam Samwel Rmlia... Henry ShaOer Thomas Bartow. Joba Lewa m Isaac floss Jamee Alexander Rohaad Rvant..... Beojemin Johaateo. J'dla Yaugbt William Par tar... John Carmen.... .... ... Henry Drinker....,... William Driaker. Mary Sandwich....... Mary hell . 271 I S4 M 61 17 It 41 ' ll 16 It 04 11 l H c ill I7 H lit 40 1 M I! 14 l II I it I s" I .11 1 119 tl' 211 41 p 204 34 41 16 199 91 II 10 210 I 300 411 410 I 110 1.11 71 40 It 1 t 101 110 I ,01441 junto Willi.m W later, A. C. Flanay William Wieiat. 3. Ltwder MeCaabry A Le ether Keaaedy A Ot Joha Uarrlsea James Clark PHILIP DOTTS, Trad'ersr Clearlfld, April lib, 1961.