I'ennnyl vuiiln Hull road v..nrv .r n TYBONB 4 CLEARFIELD BRANCH "VS anil tltl Monday, NOV. 10, UTS, Iho sPeaaenaer Tralna will run dally (oioopt Bun- dejra) between Tyrone and Olearnold, bi follow! t ' OLEAHFIELD MAIL. - LKAVfl SOUTH. LKAVB NORTH. Curwenellle,..l.l, r.n Kleenrlew 1.3a, " Olearlold,. 1.10, Leonard,.. 1.40, " Barrett 4.i4, ' Woodland 4.01, " Birler , " Wallaceton,.....e.lT, " 'lllo. Uall, 4.19, Urahan,....4.SI, " Phllipebnrg, ...4.5, " Kleiner" ...4.3V, lloyntoa, .4.40, Oeoeola 4.(1, " Pawolton t.Oi, " Summit, 1.19, " Vaaaeoyio,...a.lo, " Tyrone, 0.00, " Tyrona,.. 9.00,4. 11 Vaneeo.oe V.I9, Bainmlt ., ' l'owellon, 10.1)0," OMoola,-....,l0.11,' Boynlon, 10.17," Btelner'e,.. 10.21, " rhilipibarg,.10.1t, " Qranarn 10.10, Blu. li.H,......ll).7, ' WallaMtol,...104, Biglor I0.il," Woodlead, 10.00, Barrett, ....11.07," Leonard 11.11, " Claarlild,..II.IO, ' Rlaerview Il.lt," Curw.nirlll.,.11.40A. CLBARPIELD EXPRESS. LK AVE SOUTH. " LKAVi KORTllT- CarweniTllle. 6. BO 1. v. Tyrone, ...7.10 HIerTiew... e.SD ' I Vaneooyoa,....7.4) " Cl.arl.ld... 147 " ; Summit 8.00 ' Leonard, I M " Poweltaa, 0.17 " Harrott, 0.67 I Oeoeola,.. 8 18 Woodlaad,..,. t.01 ! BojnKm (.M " Blalar t.Ot 8t.iD.r'a,.-..8. Wallaootoa,.. 0.11 " Pbilipibur(...8.41 l)lo. Uall, 0.11 (Ireh.m. ....... S.47 Graham, 0.15 " Bine Bell,....IU " Phlllp.bnrf.. 0.10 " Wnllaooton, ...V.01 " Stelner'e, fl.Sl " BIjIct 0.10 " Boyaton 0.17 " WoodLad, 0.17 " Oaeeole......... 0.41 Il.rr.tl,. ,... V.24 . Powelton, t.5S ' Leonard, 0.30 Summit 7.05 " Clearfield 0.S8 " Vaneeoyoo,..., 7.23 " Hiaerrlew 9.48 " Tyroaa - 7.40- " j CarwenlvUU 10.00 - PHILIPSBURG A JJOS11ANNON BRANCUES Liara iouti. P. H. A. M. A. H. 1 01) 1:15 - , 7:00 1:19 7:03 9:14 7:00 1:10 10:10 7:18 1:44 10:35 7:31 1:47 10:43 7:19 2:51 10:48 7 16 2:57 10:58 7:61 3:07 10:51 1:01 3:11 11:01 8:09 LB.TB BOBTB. a. b. r. m. r. h. 13:10 12:35 4:10 11:21 4:14 12:14 4:10 9:10 11:04 4:01 65 11:61 1:57 8:60 11:41 2:60 Sill 11:40 1:41 8:40 11:36 3:45 8:31 11:30 1:30 8.30 11:11 1:30 TATloas. Morri.dele, Philipabarg, Stelner'e Boynton, Oaoeola, Moahennoa, Sterling, Hoattdale, MoCauley, Kendrioa'e, Ramay. BALD IAQLI VALLEY BRANCH. El. Mall. Mail. Kip. p. a. A. a. p. a. a. a. 7.08 8.30 Lira Tyroaa arrli. 0.10 7.19 1.13 8.47 Bald Kef la 1.19 7.41 8.01 9.30 Jullaa 1.19 7.01 8.14 1.11 Mllnburf . , 4.41 0.43 9.31 10.03 Bellofonto 4.11 1.11 8.41 10.11 Mlleaborg 4.16 8.13 9119 10.40 Howard 4.01 8.00 9.41 11.18 arrlraL. IUtob leaf! 9.11 1.11 TYRONE STATION. BAITWAan. A.M. Paei0oElpr.il 8:14 wbstwaho. PtttiburKb Eip'n Paoifio Kxpreaa, A. M , 1.61 8:19 P.M. 1:16 0:34 7:09 Jobnatown Kipreee 8:51 P. M. Day Kipreu 11:64 Mall Traia, 8:17 Atlantia Kipreal, 0:61 Phila. Kxtiroia, 9:33 Way Paf.Dgr, Mall Train, Fait Lino, Oloae eonneotiooa mado by all traina at Tyrona and Look linren. fl. I. BLAIR, myl7-tf. 8up.rlntond.nt. ' - . STARK LINES, t? A .tag lea.ee Curweaeetlle daily for Reynolila Till., at 1 o'elook, p.m., arrirlngat Rcynoldevillc at 8 o'clock, p. m. Ratarniag, leavoa Reynold! Tillo dally, at 7 o'clock, a. m., arriving at Cur weaavillo at II o'olook, m. Faro, aaoh way, $3. A at ago leavee Corwtnirlll. dally, at 1 o'clock, a. m.. fur DuBoie Citr, arriving at DoBoli City at 0 o'olook, p. m. Roturning, leavee DuBoU at 7 0 clock, a. m., daily, arriving at lurwenavill. at It o'olook, m. fare, each way, tl.M. Allegheny Valley Railroad. ' LOW GRADE DIVISION. "VN and after Monday, Augult 4th, 1879, Vr th. paaienger train, wilt run dally (oieept Sunday) between Rod Bank and Driftwood, aa follow, t - . EAKTWARD. D.y Mall leavo. Pltliburg 8:56 a. DM K.d llank 11:11; Sligo Junction 11:39; N.w BcthLbm 11:31 p. au Maylvillo 11:50 1 Troy 1:11 1 Brookvllla 1:31 1 FBller'a J:o i Hey noldivillo 1:11 1 DuBol. 1:59: Summit Tuonol 8:10 1 Ponn.ld 8:42: Waodvillo 4:05: Bon.HtM 4:31 arrival at Driftwood at 0:10. W USTWAttD. Day MalllaaT.. Driftwood 1Z:ZD p. m.; ll.n.Htta l:U9 vrooavnio i.'.oj I'.nnold 1:40; Bnmmit Tunn.l 1:11; DuUoia 1:15; Rynold.vill.i:51; Fullar'.8:10; BrookTillo3:93i Troy 8:14; Maynilla 4:14l Now B.tblahaa 4:30; Sligo Junction 1:11! Red Bank 0:30 1 arrival at rituaarg at 9:uu p. m. 4P Th. ReynoldaTilla Aecommodatioa laaTaa Reynoldavilla daily at 7:11 a. m. and arrival at hod Bank at 10:10 a. Pittsburgh at 1:80 p. m. Lnv.i Piiuburgh at 1:11 p. .: Red Bank at 1:11 p. arriving at R.y ni.ld.vlll. at 9:01 p. m. Cloae eonnaotioaa aada with tralaa aa P. A 8 Railroad at Driftwood, and with traina on tbo Allegheny Valley Railroad at Hod Bant. DAVID MoCAROO.UeB'l Sup't. A. A. Jacbbob, Sup't L. U. Die. FARE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO Bellefonta, Pa ,.9105 Mlddletown. 10 99 Marietta t 00 Look Havan...H.. Wllliaminorl..... IUnttaKdon Lewiatovrn. ...... M.ryiville.. Cawonevillo....... Oeeeola UARR1KBUKO 170 100 1 80 199 4 00 . 10 Laneaater.. 9 90 PHILADELPHIA 7 99 Altooas.... 1 00 JohaaiowB.. 1 90 Philinibara 01 01 Tyrone., ..rrTl il Hi'VllTHlHIRU I 10 HiSffUantous. ARNOLD WANTS Shingle Bolls & Saw Logs. Onrwenavllle, Ju. I, Tl-lf. Hew Marble Yard. tombstonesTmonumints, Fott for Ctmetery loti. A NEW MAfUILK YARD Call at J. FLA. . H ARTY'S Marble Worke. Cboiea work and low Brieea. Dlreotly opfoaita the Lotherao Cbnroh, Third alroet. ClearOeld, Pa., March 17, 1879-tf . CENTRAL fttate Xorinnl School. (Eighth Normal School District.) Lork Haven, Clinton Co., Pa. . . A. X. RA UB, A. M., Principal. .tpi Tory beat faailitiee lor ProfaaaioBal and Claaioal laarntBB. Balldaara apaotouf, favltln and oommodlona eomnletely healed by etaaaa, well ventilated, and mrniraed with a Baaauial aapply ar pare walar, ofl eprlrg water. Location haaltbial and aaey of aoaaei. HarroaadiBf eeeaary aaiBrpaiaed. Teaebert aiperienoed, aOjeteaL .a J alivt to tholr work. bioelpliae, Irn bat hiBd,BairorBiaBd thoroagB. ftipeBMB Moaenu. fly aeUa a week dedaetioa to tkeae preparinf to teaoh. HtadanU aetealtteA aaa tl Ooaraa. of ilady preeeriaed by tka Bute T. moojei ecnool. 11. rreparaury. 111. Elemoa lary. IV. goleatike. anjDBrr conaaB: t. Aoadeailo. IL Comaieraiel. III. Maale. IV. Art. Tha Elementary and Scientific oourae are Pro leeelonal, and lledenU (radaatina thereia reoeiva State Diploaiaa, ooaferriol the following eorreo pondiog deitreee: MaataroftaaSeieaoaa. Urad. iiateo in the other eooreaa receive Normal C.rtil ealee of Ihelr altainmaata. aiaaed by the Vocally Tha Profaaalnal aoareee ara liberal, and are la thoronf hneee not inferior to thoeaef obi aaet aollrgaa. The Stale reonlrao kicker order af eiliee akin. Tha timea demand iu It ia aae af the prime obJecU of thla eobaol to help to Monro it by lurnt.ntng intaiiigeni ana emoieni uaoaera lor bar aehoola. To tbia aad It eolleiU yonna per. eona of good abilltlea and good parpoaea Ikoaa wha daeiro la Impraao their time aad their tal. ante, aa atadaata. Ta all aaoh it avamleea aid ia developing their powera and Abaadeal apparta. itiee lor wall paid labor altar leaving acbeoL Far catalogue aad lereu addroM the Phaeipai. . . BOARD Of TRUSTEES! , TacsaJOaBBBl' TBBBTBBO J. H. Barnaa, M. Da A. Baft, Jaeah Brewa, 8. M. Biekfoed.alaaaaal Ohrlet, A, N. Raea, . 8. Caoh, T. O. Hippie, Heq, B r. HeOonalet, Kq., W. W. Raakia, JUUN A. ROBB. , . . BTAT9 TBUITBBB. : Ilea. A, a. Cartia, Uoa. H. h. Dtefoakaek, Oaa. Jaeea UmiU, Uoa. Wat. Blglar, i. O. 0. W'halay.E. Millar MeUemieh, Eea. . WILLIAM BIOI.ER. fiwaeal Board af Treat one. , JkarJI If IKRIL, Vice Prealdaat. S. MILUft WcTORMIrlC, Beorotary. THOMAS VARDLElr, Iraaaarar. . Lock Dva,:ret.,T9.ljJ0, Uis!Ian(ou. JOHN' TROUTMAN, - i N ' DEALER IN " FURNITURE, JIATTIIKSSKS, AND 1 Improved Spring Beds, MASieM DiaSBT, NEAR P. 0: Tha unrioTalgaod bega leave to Inform theeltl. tern of Olaarlold, and tha nubile generally, thai ha haa on hand a One aaaortment of furniture, neb aa Welaul, Cheitnut and Painted Chamber Builea, Parlor Sulua, Reclining and Kiteaiiea Cbelra, badler anu ueaie ievj vu,r , rev forated Dining and Parlor Chain, O.n. Heale and W injur Chain, Cloth.a Bare, BUp and Eaton aloa Ladder!, Hat ftaakl, Bcrabblng Bruihea, Ae MOULDING AND PICTURE . RAMUS, aoklng Olaliea, Ohroaoe, Afc, whlok would aaltaMe for Holiday omenta. deolO'71 JOHN TROUTMAN. Re-Union of Trade. THE tttx.sraiffnsoi wlsliiog to in form iht publlo thut be ojieoed ft COMMIHMION 8THE . At tbtjold mnd in Troutvllle, ClenrflolJ eountj, ., on the liih inii, with full iiook or DRY COObH, CHOtr-HIKJH, NOTIONS, llootii VliMi. Btc, Ib fiot tvry thing tob fuaod in flrit-altu itar, All of which I Ktu deUrmioed to tell at iho low OMb pricM. , . FABMERB AND lUNDl-RMCN Will Bad It to their tdranUcato do tbtlr deilinit with m; u lbs blxbait prioM will b paid fur Unin. fihincler. or I'roduot of hind. Prt or onc-balf onh will b paid. Trading for Sblnglei or Lumber of any kind a -ptc-alty. Alio, agaot for Singer Sewing Machines. Ilarlaa nnda arrantomtnti with Eaatorn nr- ohtota to bII fooiii furniitiefd m. tborofurt aU and mo, ft I will bo enabled to ill cheaper than tbo ebeapeit. J. W. t'AULil-K, Troatviiia, iwpi. J, iv-iy. Agwu TIN & SHEET-IRONWARE. CANDIS MERRELL Hai orened. to ft buildinc on Market itreet, on the eld Wei tern Hotel let. oppoiite the Court factory and Store, where will be found at all lin.ee a Cull line of H0TJSE FTOinSHILTcl GOODS Stoves, Hardware, Eto. Howee Bpoatlne; and all ktnde of job work, repair ing, ufcee? done eo ehort notioe and at reaaonablt ratea. Alto, agent for the Singer Sewing Machine. A Mpplj of Maohinee. with Need lei, Ac, al ways en hand. Tertnt, etrictW eain or eon n try produce. A bare of patronage eol .cited. O. B. MKKKBLU, ' Buptrln tea dent. Clearfield, April 25, 1877 -If. Cathartic Pills Comt-in- the rholrwt ratliaiitt) prlm lplM In tno?lt-lu6, In pruimrtioiia umtratl)' nit jiiftteil to aortirn activity, icriuintv, ami u iii form it 7 of dfTfot. Tlify am ihn rcitult of yfRm of rnrrful ntuily ami nrnctl.'iil r rw)Tlmnt, nnd ar the miwt i ffi rtiui! rcm eily yi?t Olitrorerod lor UtapaH- i, i auwil by (frrnnRrrar-nt of tlifl ernntivh, lirtr, ntitl Irowln, which roquirn pnitupt ami ftTfrtual treatment Avku'i nr aiKUtially at- (ilicuhle to thia clana of nia R'4'e. Tlcv m t ilirtxily on tho iiCfetiTH whI twdinilailvo protoHApR, mud rretoro regular IiphIiIiv t tiuii. Ttifir extenxtvo nno y tltyMi'io tin In Ihetr iirarilun, wid by all civil ik. i1 niitlniia, ta ono of the mnity proofd of tlwir vhIiic im anfe, aun, and jwrm-tly n-lialilr pnritlvn Intdicine. Itttiiig !uipui.d(il of Iht) t-on-rpi.trutt.Hl virtues of puridy Vf((ttaltlfl enl ntaiici'a, they lira pcmitiv.ly fn-u from calo um'1, or any injur, on propcrtifa, nnd rnn In fttluiiuiattrttl to children with (nrft'Lt satVly. Avrn'n Pimji to an rfTertnal nr for C'Wiatipattoa or lMttvoMkaa, IihIIk tlout Ilyspepslav hm of Ap4tlt, Koul 8lonMoh mid liraath, iXixxliifwa, IlfiuliU'ha, Lou of Mpmory.Muntltnfwa, itltloiiniHtUb) elaundico, itlipiimatlnm, Krnptlona nnd Hkin lla4Mtaa, Iropay. Tumors, Wonw, NaaurttlgUh, oll tirlpoa, Diarrhurtt, Ityapntpry, Omit, rilen, Dlaonli-ra ot the IJvrr, and all othnr riiafoaM roaultioR from a diaonlfrMl Mate of Uie Uigcativa apfiaratua. An ft Dinner Pill thoy have no ennal Whllo (irntle In thflr action, t)M pILIJ are the moat thowngtMILlU "rhinK ratlmr tin that c-ou e eiuployl, and fnert Kivn pain uihm tha bowrU are inHainwl, and then thlr tnttnenre Is liralinff. 1 hey atitnu .ate the anoetitn and diircNtlve onrana; tlrny operate to purify and enrhdi tbe blood, ami Impart renewed health and vigor to tlio whole ayateiu. , r Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical Analytical Chew I to, Lowell, Matt. OU IT Alb DariMlHTl tTinTWHUEft. FORT GRAPE WINE Uaaa to tko prloolpal Charcoal for Caumaalo parpoeel. Zzeelltut for Zetvdies nd "Weakly eVersona ana uu Afoa. SPEEDS PORT GRAPE WINE I rOIR WEJRS OLD. Thla OI.br.U4 Native Wise la ejaao tnm Ike Jalee of taa Oporla (Irene, railed IB this Coaalj. t lavaluakle . Tonic and Strengthening Proiwrtlca ara aaearDaaaal bv anv olk.r N.llr. WJoa. Be. Ibk the purajBioaof ihe drape, projooed Bnder Mr. Spoor 'owb paraoaal aapervl.ioa, ila warily and ireaBlBeaaea ara gaeraateea. Tba jeeogaat child aat parlahe af lu jr.ii.ro. I aaalilloa, aaa lha waakeat iavalid aae It ta advantage. It la wertlrnlerlr keaetclal le Ihe aod aad debilita ted, aad enllad ta tka Tarleaa ailaaau I bet af. tbe weaker net. ft le la avary fcapoet A WINK TO BB KKLlkl) OPI. SPEER'S . ! P. J. SHERRY, Tha P. J. SHERRY li a Wlae Of toperhrr Character, aad partake, or th ffoiaaB luamiae 1 tka irapa free, whlok It li aade. for Porltv, Rlekaeee, Flavor aad tfedlclaal Prapertlee, II will be roaaa BBeicaiiad. , SPEER'S F.J. BRANDY Tbli BMNIiVaUadieeriveledlalkl. aw.tr;, baiaf lar aeperier for eediaei parpaaaa, . IT 11 PURI dlatillaUaa fraaa their.p.aed eaatatai rei noble aaadlaal praaartiea. tt kaaawaHoata warer, evaillarte that af tko arapea free, wktek M u aaniiM, aaa u In (real farer oaaaai ret4laaa faaallloa. . Sao that tka HeaeHre BT ALPRID SPtfRR, Paaaale h. J , la area tke aerk af aaak kottla, GOLD ST S. rr. OTT ATTATiT dalr U, UTO tf. I ik Tn "T"trnT'TTn'T"nnrT''''iT,gMfri THE REPUBLICAN fT" ClTEAUr'lELD.'pA. - , WEDNESDAY MQRNINI), MARCH 31, 18H9. ' STAR IiOUTB fiEFWlESCY- DISCUSSION OK THE MEASURE IN THE SENATE. BtNATiiR WALLACE, Of t'ENNBYLVANIA, MAKIM A VINE SI'EERH ON Till MILL a .XL. un'j. a f.ii4irroioi.slATio!i 01 THE WUUI.1 HUIUECT T11E . rONHintRATlONE IN9LUKN0INO , r i Till OOMMITTKE. - ' - On Monday, March 15, tho Sonato resumed wnai deration of theKur route deficiency appropriation bill,' The pre- omblo rocite. tbt tho deficiency ii oauHoJ by tlio Pwtofilee Dopartmont diorogurdin); tho law rohibiting ox pendituro in excoNioi appropriation or making contracts involving the (iov- ornmont for pnymont of monoy in ex coxa of the appropriation, which defi ciency, uiiIchu oupplicd, threatcna to deprive tha people of the nocenmry mail acn'icoa to which they are en titled. It therefore cnaote Hint '1, 100,0(10, or ao innch therool u may be ncceHajury, he applied to meet the ox penixta of inland mail transportation on Star routoa for tho romaindor of tho current fiscal year. During tho romaindor of tho year no further ex pediting of Borvioe or Increase ol tripe on any Star route ahull to mado. Tho further aunt ol (100,000 is also appro priated fyr placing Bow aorvlco accord ing to law, provided that tho Postmas ter General shall not hereafter have power to expedite any contract either now exiuting or hereafter given to a rate of pay exceeding 50 por centum upon tho contract originally lot' This differs from the Homo bill in several particulars. '-. '. Mr. Wallace explained tho bill and gave the views of the committee. Ho said "Star routes" covered 215,000 miles in all sections of (ha country, while all othor routes of mail trannpor tatitn amount to 100,000 miles, so that star routes cov'er more than twice as many miles as railroad and steamboat routos. The amount appropriated for Star routos for the current fiscal year was $5,900,000. Tho amount neces sary to continue tho service to the end of tho year under existing contracts (not as originally let, but as increased, as shown by the report of tho sixth Auditor ol the Treasury) is $7,055,000, showing a deficiency of $1,100,000. Who is to blame for this deficiency ? Tho answer that cornea to Congress is that there are over 2,000 now routes created, for placing service on a por tion of which $131,000 havo bocn used during tho year. In tho next place it is answered that increase in tho business of tho country demand ed increase in mail facilities and expedition of time on now routes, and that those facts wore not calculated cn when tho estimates were submitted to Congress. What a demand! The Foalraaster General, on December 8, said tbe deficiency wim $1,720,000, and asked an appropriation of $2,000,000 to cover It. The sixth Auditor says $1,155,000 will covor it. These fere very strange figures. Tboy demon strate that either tho Poatofftee De partment did not know Its own needs or the sixth Auditor of the Treasury docs not know what tho service needs for Its completion to the end of tho yoar, for there Is a difference of $5G5, 000 between their estimates. Tbe con clusion is foreed on ua that they did not know their own wants, or clso bad some other purpose to serve In the in crease or expedition of thesorvico, and proposed to have enough money to do all the Department (".' fit to do dur ing the year, ids our duty, ot course, to take a. charltable'vicw of the sub- imbt, ana toe oommittoo call attention to me discrepancy in ine ngurcs. it is certain that tha House was justified in careful inquiry on tbo. subject of ap propriations. Por this purposo the House bill appropriated $970,000. The committee has adopted what scorns to be the substantial amount fixed by the sixth Auditor as necessary to conduct tbe service- to the end of tho fiscal yoar on the basis of the contracts as they exist at present, Including increased trips and expedited time. The House bill was, therefore, loo little by $140, 000, but the Dopartmont fixed $900,- 000, more than waa qceded on its own basis. . The committee bavo taken this view of it : That it is our duty to vote tbe money needed to carry on the service on Ita basis to tbe end of tbe year, but no moro. We cannot put under the control of the Dopartmont the largo surplus of $5G5,000 or $900,. 000. Mr. CON KI.INU What is to bap pen aflor July 1 f , Mr WALLACK The appropria tion bill for the succeeding year will be passed before theft, appropriating what ia ascertained to be required for that fiscal year. The Department has exercised its discretion under these laws, liut in this Instance tho exor cise has boon tremendous ; the increase is more than 1,000 per cent, in some cases. For instance, Bismarck to Fort Keogh, $2,35(1 to $70,000, and Rock Crook to Fort Custer, $10,507 to $88, 768. This is too much discretion to vest in any executive officer. Any officer should shudder to think that ho had such discretion. The excuse givon for its prosent exorcise is that tbo bids originally givon for tho carry ing ol nans on these routos are too low. Tho Dopartmont ia com polled to accept the lowest biddor, and tboy do that with a full knowledge and understanding that tbo service is to be expeditod or the number of trips increased, and then (hey ran giv'o tho contractor what will pay for carrying Hie mails and what be ought to havo Now, as (bey are obliged to accept tbe lowest bid, and tbon to increase tho pay by authority of positive law, tho whole thing simply oome back to this That tbo PooU)fllce Dopartmont ran make just what contract they please in regard U expedition ot aorvice and increase of trips. Mr. Wallace thought this practlco ought to be ended, and that the policy of thosw statutes had been most unsnfe and unwise. ' It oponed the door for favoritism of the most corrupt cbarac tor, and, If corruption bu not entered, it cannot fail to do so at no distant day. The committee has addod to tbe second section of the bill a proviso that tbe rostmister General shall not here after have power to expedite any contract either now existing or here. aftor given to a rutti of pay exceeding 50 por CuJitom upon tho contract to originally let. II thut proviHO bad hrn in fnrcd hoforo 187!) wo would liuvd1 no complaint nn thii tnbj6ct of incroasetl expedition.',; Tuo contractd pould not bftvu beon taken ; tboy would tiuve bud to bu t.uricmli rod and now onea mado. Ah tho law now tt tun d tbe I'ustinaalor Gonei'u. baa no Iwnufit from competition. Ifo la obligod to give the tiiortuwu to originul contract- on. The rcnaic vmi icavi- tno qnoH- lion of right tr wron !n thin inrretiBo to bo ButtUd in tho bill fot ihe next year. The effect of tho Iloune bill In striking down Ihcee 107 routes would be Heverety felt in oounoction with the now mining citios of tho wohI, whtre rapid increase of population baa neces sitated increased muil facilities. New York, tho great mining" centre now, would sutler as ijiucli as any othor part of tho country by Iho crippling of this service. In such cases no ono will say tho 1'oBtmUBtor General exer cises discretion wrongly. Wo elimi nated that proviso (striking dowu all these routes) because it would have deprived whole communities of the rapid transoctioii of business botwecn them, which is so characteristic of our people. , Wo would have firtt felt the crToct In the oast. Beside thnt, it would have givon to the express com panies tho opportunity for carrying now posttohsed by tho Government, and, whoro a fust truin is given, a slow one would have bocn put in its place. Then we had complaints before the committco by contractors who bad taken contracts in good faith, and gone to great expense, and who would be ruined by tho House bill. 1 Mr. Wallace sent to the clerk's desk and bad road several statements of leading con t me tors on this point Mr. Walluce went on to show that tho forfeitures Incurred by tho abroga tion of contracts under tho House bill would tako $207,113. Iho amount appropriated was $970,000, making tho total expense?!, 237,113; whereat) tho Sonato bill appropriates $1,100,000, tho amount shown to bo sufficient by the statement of the sixth Auditor. So that, from every standpoint, tho Senate bill is totter than tbe House bill. The people want fast mails, and contractors iu good fuith should not suffer by reason of wrong action by tho Government. . It is better for us to wail until wo put our hand on tho wrongdoer, and discovor whoro cor rupiion exists, if it does exist, and then punish the contractor or tho officer found guilty. Wo did not feel war ranted, In tho absence of any proof of fraud or corrupt conduct, ill striking dowu these contracts. At the same time let tho House'' continue thoir search for tho thieves, and if tboy find them, tho Senate committco on appro priations will bo tho flrol, without dis tinction, ol part)', to punish the scoun drels, whether In tho Department or out of it. When wrong is found the Sonato, acting In its judicial capacity, will bo ready tc strike men down until wrong ia found ? 1 have no defence of the l'osfoflico Department for these unreliable figures, for the attempt to oxpend more monoy tlian the law au thorised. Cut the simple fact that thoro is in this case a requirement that the sorvico Bbould go on on its exist ing basis, and that there is no ground in fact or law for stopping tho service warranted us in reporting the bill as we bavo and sustaining contracts to the end of the year ; and if we find, before tho bill for tho noxt year ia completed, that these wrongs do oxiat, and that any of thceo people are con nected with them, I will bo the first to aid in forfeiting any contracts so held. But we believe the demands of busi ness require the sorvioo to bo kept np, and, in the absence of proof of corrup tion, wo mako no charges, but simply return the amended bill and ask its passage v; WALLACE OR RANDALL. The other day we took occasion to remark that tho only really serious blundor tbo Democrat are over guilty of, is tho gross one of failing to forget thoir personal differences for the sake of the parly. We might have added then, as we aro constrained to now, that Ihia blunder is a Democratic blunder of frequent rocurrenco, For inatanco sundry Democratic newspapers in this State bavo lately boen waging unrelenting war against Senator Wm. A. Wallace. They find excuse for their onslaught in tbo con firmation by tho Senate of the notori ous Marshall Kerns, of Philadelphia, which tboy say Wallace might have prevented, and in tho dispute as to the census suporvisorship of this district. This, we say, is their excuse. Their real motive is a disposition to deprive Mr. Wallace of bis leadership In the party, because Ins views as to tbe Presidential and other questions, do not tally with those of tho malcontents. But whether this bo tho fact or not, what we want to say is, that this fight against Walluce, or a similar fight against any rcputablo prominent Domocrnt in this Slate, at ibis lime, is a most unseemly and a supremely foolish thing. It cannot possibly gain tbe party a convert, hut it may loso it many followers. Tho Republican par ty is torn from ono end of tho country to the other just now with dissensions, which .bid fair to totally disrupt it Unless we Democrats are guilty of some dreadfully gross blundor, the en cmy'i organization will Inevitably go to pieooa in November, wo rare not whether tho would bo Emperor Grant, the dishonest Blaine, the Moloch-worshiping Sherman, or some now un known nonentity be their candidate This is, ol all times, no time for Dem ocratlo qnarrellng. What matters it to the peoplo whetbor Wallace loads, or Kendall leads, if but the principle of Democracy triumphs t 'Let that triumph be achieved first. Then, per haps, it will be appropriate to quarrel over the leadership. If the Randalls and the Hairs and tho Honscls can then show that they aro more capable ol acceptably filling tbe high places than tbe Wallaces, then tho Wallaces will be promptly retired, and the oth er elevated. But the Kendalls and tho Barrs and tho Hensela cannot achieve that triumph without the Wal laces, any more than the Wallaces can achieve it without them. It will re quire a long pull, a strong pull, and a pull all ToorrniR, Mr. Randall bas done tbe party and tho country good service; ao has Mr. Ilenaol; so have the Burrs. But so, also, baa Mr. Wal lace, be was a failbtul wheel boroo in tho darkest hours ot tho party. As a Senator he bas won tho admiration and thanks of tho Democracy from Maine tu California. Suppose wo ad mit that his permission of the confir mation of Kerns, and his share in the census superviioreliip dispute, wero mistakes. We do not, because we do not full)' understand either matter, though, 1 1 oin what wo read in tho I'vst and lnMliqrnrrr. we do tint believe ourselves any moio iu iho durk con corning them, lliun they are. But suppose wo admit it. To balance two political errors, ho bus done a thou sand good things. Shall wo, at this critical juncture, sacrifice the harmo ny, and therefore the strength of the party, by rending him out for Iho two; or shall we applaud him for the thou sand, and postpone the hour nl his final triul on the two until wo have AM TousTiiER performod the infinitely moro Important duly that awaits to bo porformed ? This is tho question which overy patriotic Democrat needs to ask himself. Not, shall Randall lead? or, shall Wallaco lead? But, shall va follow, not ltundull, not Wal lace, but the good old Democratic flag, on whoso folds is blazoned tho record of so many glorious victories, and un der which, united, wo can win, but disunited and dissentient, wo must necessarily suffer ignominious defeat and disaster. IVilkct llurrc Leader. EDM USDS1 ELECTORAL FLAX. Mr. Edmunds re-introduced into the Senate last week his Electoral bill with additions and improvements which passed tho Sonato during tho Forty-fifth Congress and had it reler red to the special committee appointed to oonsider tho subjoct, bo stating that he bad presented a bill for a similar purposo moro than a year ago. Il has boen referred to a special committee, but, so far as bo know, tho committoo had had no meeting and no action had been taken upon it. The bill that passed the Senate at the last session was In regard to the lime of holding tho election and also looks to tho fu ture legislation in tho Stales relative to disputed electoral votes. Tho pres ent bill, Mr. Edmunds said, modifiod tho bill passed by tho Senate and contain ed some ol the features of his first bill. Tbe bill provides that each State may determine before tho timo fixod by Iho bill for the mooting of tho elec tors, tho second Monday in January next following thoir appointment, any controversy concerning their appoint ment. Every such determination made prior to tho mooting of tho electors in January establishes the lawful title of the electors so appointed and shall govern in the counting ot the oleotdral voto. The execulivo of each Stuto is required to deliver their certified lists of electors chosen to iho electors be fore tho day on which llicy aro re quired by law to moot. For tho pur poso of counting the electoral vote both Houses' of Congress avo rcqnirod to moot in joint sessions on tho second Wednesday in February suocccding tho mooting of tho electors, with the President of Iho Senate as presiding officer. Tullore aro to La appointoil to present ail the certificates and papers purporting to be cortificatcsof electoral votes. Upon tho reading of oach cor tificutc tho President ot tho Senate shall call lor objections. Every objec tion shall be mado in writing. Wbon all objections have beon received and read, they shall be submitted separately for decision, and no electoral vote for any State from which one return has received ahall bo rejected, except by tbe afflrmativo voles ot both Houses. If mere than ono return from a State shall havo boon rccoivod, only those votes given by "electors appointed in conformity with the provisions of this bill shall be counted. In case the question arises which of two or more returns is tho law I ul one from any Slato, only those electoral votes shall be counted which the two Houses ac ting separately shall concurrently de cide is supported by the decision of Iho proper State tribunal. In a case whoro there is moro than one return from a Stato, not supported by tho decision of any Slato tribunal, thoso votes only shall be counted which the two Houses acting separately shall concur rently decide to bo Iho lawful votes of tbe legally appointed doctors of such States. Tho President of the Sonato ia authorized to proscrve order In the joint meeting, allow no debates and onterluin no motion from cilher House except the one to withdraw. When the two Homes separate to consider any objection that haa been mado to tho counting of any electoral votes each member can speak five minutes on tho quoHlion, and after the debate has lasted two hours tho presiding of ficer shall put tho main question with out further debate. The joint meeting of the two Houses shall not dissolvo until the count of the electoral votes is nnmplotcd and the result doclarod, and no rocess stall bo taken unless a ques tion shall have arisen in regard to counting any such votes, when it shall be competent for oithor House to direct a recess not beyond the next day, Sunday excepted, at tho hour of 10 in the forenoon If the counting is not completed after the filth calendar day of tho joint mooting no further recess shall bo taken by either House - TlIRY M Xa19 TO SeIKK Till GOVERN MENT nt Pone:. Tbo Now York Sn says: It caniot be complained that the third-term men at Utica havo disguised their purpose in pressing the nomina tion of General Grant on the National Republican Convention. Thoir pufpose is to seise the Government, to take forcible possession of tho office of Pres ident, in the ovent that the result of the election should bo in doubt after it haa taken place. Tho strong point made in faver of General Grant was that after election he would take pos session of the office. Now no one will affect to doubt that Mr. Blaine, or Mr. Sherman, or any other Republican, if elected beyond all doubt, would be in augurated.. The preference avowed for Grant, therefore, on this ground, must moan that il doubt should exist as to how the election had rone, be would lake possession of tho office any bow. Ilia great military fame, it is behoved, would overawe the opposition and give him an office to which bis legal title might be very doubtful. Such a doctrine might do in Hoaioo, whore Gon. Grant now is. It ia out of place In the United States. ' TT WOy T DO. -A certain email faolion of the Democ racy of Pennsylvania, actualod by rto highor motives than a determination to rule or ruin in the deliberations called to shapo Ihe policy of tho organ ization, nro at prosont engaged in their annual diversion of fomenting discord and strife in the party, With iho select coterie who comprise this faction, work of this kind has beooiuo habitual, and they would probably not be happy without indulging in it whenever an opportunity hat suits their peculiar whims and purposes comes to hand. The efforts of these gentlemen tc weaken tho integrity of the Democratic organization and thus destroy its powor to successfully meet iho Repub licans in battle are well understood and appreciated at thoir full valuo. Their work alwuya crops out in ItB most virulent form just before tbe meeting of a Democratic Stute Convention, and it would bo entirely too much to ex pect that the prosent year should wit ness an exception to the rule. It does not, indeed, but rutueran aggravation of it. In fact tho ovil design assumes an unblushing boldness and an undis guised violonco fur moro arbitrary and malevolent in spirit than was ever be foro manifested. As usual, tho fomcntors of etrifo bo gin this year with thoir habitual as sault upon Senator William A. Wallaco. Ho seems to bo thoir standing target, and it appears Btrange that past ex perience has not long since taught them that abuse and disparagement ot this able and distinguished repre sentative of tho party will fail to help their bad cause. They cunnot accom plish tueir enua by aiicn a course as thoy should have learned long since. For his post sorvices to tho parly, for his ability, integrity and usefulness as a representative of the ideas, the hopes and tho inspirations of tbo truo Democ racy of the State, he is so firmly in trenched in tlio hearts and affections of a largo majority of tho party that blind defamation and unreasoning do traction ol bis political charaotcr and standing can only bring confusion and defeat to thoso who are foolish enough to believe tboy can break him down by such means. Thore can be no othor motivo, asido from a desiro to injure the Dcmocratio organization, in this periodical abuse and misrepresentation of Senator Wallace by men who can not bend him to their schemes, than an absurd jealousy ol bis attainments and of tho powor bo exerts in tbo high places of the nation. Oh, they say tho Democratio party has been wronged In the appointments of Supervisors of tho Census, and in tho confirmation of a Federal Marshal in tho city of Philadelphia f Thore has been collusion belwoon bim and Senator Cameron! Is it trnoT Cer tainly not. What hu Senator Wallace ,! .1... .V..1J UUIIW III iui.n LUOWl ,uitl .uuiliu UUUUU the Democracy, or bring upon him ibis unjust criticism and reproach? Let us see. Ho demanded that Dem ocrat, not only of Pennsylvania but of Iho entire country, should receive a fair proportion of tho Census Super-1 visors and compelled an unwilling ap pointing povrcr to respect tlio demand. And now, when these appointments aro so divided and both parties are represented In them, what reason is there in tho driveling soreheads of tho day assailing tho man Who stood gal lantly by his party in thia, as he bas over done in all things and on all oc casions? What right have they to charge him witb collusion witb Cam eron? With about the sumo amount of Justice rs Mr. Wallace censured for the confirmation ol Kerns. . As Chair man of a Committee of Investigation, Senator Wallaco. examined into tbo acta of tbia man and found that bis appointmcntsof Deputy Marshals wore disreputable in tbe extreme Evory fact in connection with thoso appoint ments were fully reported and laid be fore tho committee of tbe Senate to which Koins' nomination bad been re ferred, with a protest against his ap pointment. 1 ho committco, however, in tho face of the protest of Mr. Wal lace, reported In favor of confirmation, and tho Senate, in executive session, adopted the report But notwithstand ing all this, and against all reason and justice, Senator Wallace, in tbe Opinion of tbcBO wiso men, must be held rcspon siblo for the re-appointment of Marshal Korns. For tha sake of harmony in the party, without which wo can novor expect success in Pennsylvania, thoso repeated annual assaults upon Sonator Wallace must ceaso. The men who instigate them must be taught not thus to trido with great cause that bas highor aims and nobler interests at stuko than the building up of any one man at the expense of another, or tho pulling down ol ono leader to ad vance tho ambitions of others who aspire to his honors. Mr. Wallace lias given the bostycars of his life and all the powers of his active mind in maintain ing the Democratio parly. Ho has never faltered In duty and devotion to the cause, and as wo approach another I'residonlial campaign, In which he will beexpectod to tuko a leading part, it is hot too much to ask that this work of personal defamation and mis representation be brought to an end Thus fur it hae been borne by himself and friends without striking back, but the day may como when patience will ceaso to bo avirtuo. Ctufre Democrat. tiaxATLT Marrikv Tbo man Clar ence K. Davis, whom the authorities of Chicago havo in' charge, turns out to be much more of a bigamist than was at first auspeutod. Tbat he was entitled to the award from tho very first aa the prise bigamist bal never been denied, but tho return) bavo since been coming in in a way perfectly as tounding. Thirteen wives have al ready boen hoard from, and considera ble portions of tho country are still unreported. The Chicago peoplo are beginning to feci as if tboy bad an es caped Mormon on thoir hands. A Philadelphia man remarked in the presence of twenty-six ladies that he had jnst found an elegant switch ol false hair, and twenty-three of them suddenly put their hands to tho backs of their heads before they yelled : "It ain't miner And the follow hadn't found any switch at all. " , A Michigan girl bas been arrostd for carrying a revolver. Tbia ii right. No female should be allowed to wear hangs In her hip pocket. . , gjKUttllatuoug. ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE. Corwinirllli, P., Jan. 9, 'TU lf. M Oft ICY TO LOAN. -On flnt ola. im jirovojj farm property, by th Mutual laift Iiiturano OotopaBy of Ntf York, on flrt mwrt ajt. la Meat from II, 00 up, jft furtbtr ta IvrUealiua api-ljr to tba nndaraigntil. IHHXTHALW. AM ITU. Ctearflald Pa., May 7lb, lSTV If. A Bank that Never Breaks. Try My Coal. Tha uudtmlKOfld adopt tfaU mrt)iii of tnfora- Ing tba nuinaruuf ooneuBtri, tbat hit coal bank tl not ft Wioter arraogemaBl ealj, but tbat II will ba oratsKl ia tba tfuniaar ai wtll M wia tar. I alaia that I baft Lha ' Best Coal in tbo Market, and will Mil it for oaih, or U lobatiira fur lour, fafij, grooarief, ate. Large eontranU will l aiatla at a vary mall pmflt. For foil particular! aall on ma la panoa, rati 4 in ia oaa of Uraham'a u ii per hoiiiai. or add rati taa through tba poat officfl, Ordera left at tba poatoOioe will rv-alra prompt attention. TliOH. A. DUCK hi IT. Clearfield, Fa., Jan. , UTV-tf. a. OOBKLB. P. BBILBBDB. GIL1CI1, JIit'ORKLE & CO.'S FURNITURE ROOMS, Market Atreet, Clearfield, Pa. We manufacture all kind! af Furniture for Cham bam, Dialog Hoomi, Librarlei and llalli. If you want Furniture of anj kind, doa't bay nuiii job eee our hocb. -t"-'. 1 THaVa 4taaeailtnewBpaaft ijV AT WW jf t xin:itTAKi(j Id alt lie brenehee, prompt) attended to. OIIILCII, MoCOHKLB A CO. Clearteld, Pa., Feb. t, '7. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS & STATIONERY. Market SU, Cleariald, (at tha Past Offlee.) THE andereirned bega leave to anaeaoea to tbe eltiarae of Clearfield aad vtoiaitv, tbat be hae oul np a room and bei juat returned from tbe elty witb a large amoBnt of readiag manor, eon.ining in part 01 Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Aoeoant aad Paaa Bookl of overe da eriptioo; Paper and Kovelopee, French preaaed end plalnf Pena and Peacllaf Blank Legal rapera, iroeae, mortgagee jadgmenl, mom Uon aad PMmiaarv aotae: White and Paroi meat Brief, Legal Cap, Heoord Oan, and BUI C.p, Sheet Miiale, for either Piano, Flnta or Violin. oonataotly oa band. A07 booka or atatlonary daalred that I may aot have oa haBd.wlll be ordered by fret eipreaa, and Bold at wboloeale or retail to inlt euotomem. I will atao keep perlodioal Itlerataro, rnca aa Magailaea, newapapero, ao. P. A. UAUL1N. Clearteli May T, tstS-tf A NEW DEPARTURE Ll'THERSDURG. Hereafter, goodo will be eold fur CASH only. or ia eiebaoge for produce. No booka will be kept in tbe futnra. All old aeeounte muat ba "r. -" r u.l..l Tk..u kA ....... l .in nBOQ OTOl lOClT BOiee BOS CLOSE THE RECORD. I am detenu toad to eell mr aoodi at eub prieai, and at a dlioonnt far below that eer offered la thi flelnilr. Tbe dl Mount I kIIow eojtemere. will Make tbeaa rich ia twenty yean If taejr follow my ad vim and buy tbeir goodi from me. l will pay eah for wbeat, oiti and e.nrer aeea. UUUULAKDKK LutWiburf, .Jaauer 17, 1877. HARTSWICK & IRWIN SECOND STREET, - CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS IN PURE DRUGS CEEMICALS1 PAINTS, OH.S, DYE STUFF VARNISHES, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, f ANOT 800D8, TOILKT AKTICLKS, Or ALL KINDS, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS far aoedlelaal paraoeas. Traaeaa, Supporter, Sonoel Bookl and Slattoa. erv, ana all other arttclee aanallj found Ib b Drag Store. PHYSICIANS' WRRRCRIPTIOMS CARI FULLY OOM FOUNDED. Heals! a larta 01 aerteaee la the aaetneee tney oaa give entire eat. teraotlea. S. 9. nARTSWICK, JOHN r. IRWIN ClearSa!. tlaanW In, IBfe II ARD TIMES HAVI NO EFFECT IN FRENCHYILLE! f am aware that there are na ptrnm a little hard to pie aae, aad I ata alao aware tbat the eomplalnt ef "bant tinea" le well a.gfc nnivereeL Uut i am to Mtnated new that I eaa laOer tb former aad prove eeaelailTtly that "hard timet" will aot effect thoaa who hue their rtoodi from me. aad all my patroai thai) n Initiated late the at om er HOW TO AVOID iTARD TlilKS I hare t oodi aaeaca to eily all th iahabt tanta ia the lewer end of the eeaaty whteh 1 eell at aaeeedine lew ratee (rem m mammeui ttore atULttONBUKU, where 1 aaa alwaye ho (band ready to wait apoa e altera and inpply them with Dry Goods of all Kinds, Saefc aa Clothe, BaUnetta, Oaaelmerei. Maalii aUele.nee, Linen, Drilling!, Ceheoet, Trtmnrini Rtbhone, Lane, Ready-made CMMhk, Bob aad Sbnet, Rate aad Jape all of tba beat atatartal and maae taardt Hon, Booha, U to tee, Mittoni, Ueee, bib bene, Ae 9R001RIK8 OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Buffer, Rle, Molaweaa, FUh, Perk, Llaaoad Oil, Vieh Oil, Oatte Oil. Hardware, Qaaemawara, Tl aware, Oaetlafro.Ptowe aa rmv UMUaffa, pane, Bpikee, Dora Uaitlra tore. Cider rreaaai,aad all kkadi of Asee. Perfumery, Patau, Vera lab, Olaaa, and a general aieorxmeat oi Bieuoaery, GOOD FLOUR, Of dllrevent arandi, alwevl ea BaaaT, aad will aa - v said at tka leweft peeolMe farei, 1. H. Bf.Cletn'e Hedlelaef, Jeyn.'l Medlelaae Haetettar'l aad Uonlaad's Ulttera. tsot pfleeda af Wool want fur wttek taa kltrheat arte, aril Ba paid. OWvareeel oa Bead aad far eaie at tks lewaee merkee artee. A lea, Afaat far tnttoaville sad Cavwaaavltle Tkreeatai Maaalaoa. . , weVOall aad aeafof jaaraalvaa. Taa will lad staiittlni aaaallv kepi ta a retail Mara. , L. M. COUDR1ET. Fr.rvlll. P. 0., Aararl 11,1174. CDttr flu &dwtlfmrnt. THE REPUBLICAN, rubllebea evelj WeJneeJ.) Iij G. B. GOODLANDER, CLKAHKIELU, PA., Has tba l.ar(e.l Clrralatlon of any paper lu Northwestern Peunaylraula. The lurge and oonslaully increasing circulation of the JIipuumcaN, rondors it valuable to business men as a modium thro' which to roach tho . publio. Terms or Subscription : If paid in advanco, . . If paid aftor throe months, If paid aftor six months, 12 00 2 50 8 00 When papers are sont outsido of the oounty payment must be in advance. ADVERTISINGS Ton linos, or less, 3 times, . fl 60 Each subsequent insertion, 50 Administrator' Nolicos, . . 2 50 Executors' Notices, .... 2 50 Auditors' Notices, .... 2 60 Cautions and Estrars, ... 1 60 Dissolution Notices, . . . 2 50 Professional Cards, 5 lines, yoar, 5 00 Special notices, per line, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS: One square, 10 linos, . . . 13 00 Two squares . 15 00 Throo squares, 20 00 One fourth column, One-half column, . . One column, . . . . 50 00 . . 70 00 . 120 00 HI, A Mi N. We havo always on hand a largo stock of blanks ol all descriptions. SUMMONS, SUI3POCNAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, ' LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, Ac, io., io. JOB PRINTING. Wo are proparat to do all kinds of PRINTING SUCtl AS POSTERS, programmes, - Cards, letter heads, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, V ' PAMPHLETS, CIliCULARS, io., Ao., IN THE BEST STYLE, ; AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS DY MAIL" FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK , WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. . Geo. II. tioodlander, Clearfield, Clearfield County, Pa. THE MANSION HOUSE. Corner of second and Market Btreeli, Ca.EAHfllil.il, PA. mills aid aad eoraaiadloai Hotel kae. dnrlti ! tke aall Bear, keaa OBlaraad la doable lu former eepa.lt J for tha eatertetnmont of etran- f.re and fo."l. TBO wbolo Bulldlag aaa bo.e refaraiahed, and tke proprietor will epare aw peine ,1a reader kla f ante eevafertable while alejtas wilk kla. Toe 'Manalaa lioaee ' uaaiaae rana to and frora the Depot as Ike arrival aad departnre ef eaeh train. . W. C. CARDoN, Jul; 11 IT-tf Proprietor LLKGIIENY HOTEL -v- Markst Direct, Clrartltld, Pe. Wm. 8. Bradley, formorly proprietor of ILe Leonard llouae, having leafed the Allegheny Hotel, eolloiie a there of punlie patronage, Tlio liuuvo hea beea thoroughly repaired and aoaly furiii.b.d, and gueete will Arid It a pleaaant .lop. iing piao.. 1 lie laMO wilt be auppltea with the .ret of everything in the aaerket. Al the bar will be funnd the beet wieee end liquora. Good atel.llng etterhed. WM. !. BRADLEY, ley 17, -7. Proprieter. SHAW HOUSE, (Cor. af Market A Front atrael.,l CLEARFIELD, PA. The andereigned having takoB ckarae ul thla Hotel, woald reipaetfully eollcii nubile patronege. I0O2O, jo. 11. Stan TON SHAW. rpUMPKIUNCN HOUSK, -L KEW WASHINGTON, PA. li, D. ROSE, Paot-BIBTOH. Moalr, t'jt. en and korae ovtr nisht. II 00. Mun and two koreee over Bight, $l.0. The tot of accommodation! for men and heart. Oct. 2S;l tf. WASHINGTON HOUSK, NEW WABIIINOTON, PA. Tbli n.w aad well furntebod hoaee haa beer. taken by tke nnderaigned. He feela confidant ol being able to render aatiifactioB to tkoae ako to.y favor kim with a call. Me, , 1871. O. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. LOYD HOUSE, Mala Street, PUILIPBUUHM, 1'ENN'A. Table alweya euppliad wltk Ihe beet the mark.t afforda. The trftveliag public ie invited Ue.ll. Jen.l,'7t. ROBERT LOYD. Sauk).. County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM In Maeonie TlnlMIng, one door north ,. C. D. Wetaon'l Drug Store. PaaaegcTioketv to ar.d from Liverpool. Onoeii.. town, flUagow, London, Peria and Cupeuhagtii. Alao, Drefti for laleon the Hnyel Bank of Ireland and Imperial 11. nk or T.ondna. JAMK8 T. LEONARD, Pre.'t W. M. SHAW, Caahler. Janl.'TT DREXEL & CO., No. 3d Bomb Thin) turret, P1llladrl.lila B.(.VNLR, And Dealers in Government Securities, Application by mail will receive prompt ettrn Hon, and a! infor-natlon oboorfuily furnirb.d Orden toileted. April 1 1 if. r. k. anaoLn. a. w. abnold. j. b. ibbolu F.K.ARNOLD & CO., Itaiikern and ItrokerN, Reyiioldevlite, Jcflereou Co., Pa, Money recti red en depocft. DitoounU et mu JcrHte retce. Eectem end Pore ire KifhenfT hi rati en hand end collection prompt.; mailt, HejnuMiiville, Dee. IA, 187d-1y gcittistrij. K. nEioiiHoi.n, J.1 SUHUEON DENTIST, Sreduate of the Pemjlranl College ol Dei.tal Surpfry. Office in rei idenee of Dr. 1J ill, npftuiiK the bbiw Htieee. ncblS, 'Tb-tf. DR. E. M. THOMPSON, (UBoe ia Dana Ifoildinc) CarweriBTllle, ( IcarUcId Co., Pa. mch II TS tt. j II. II ILLS, Jjgjj CLEAUFIKI.D, l'KNN'A. er-Oflino la reeidence, oppoaite 5bew Home. j),IS7 If J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLBARFIELD. PA. (Offloe In real dance, Second atreet.) Nitroue Oiide One edminUtered fur Ihe pein eu extraction of teeth. Clenrleld, Pe., Mat I, IBTMj. UsrrUanroud. .a C-OA Pr dt7 l bome. Sample! worth C'J 1U VU ii free. Addrcta 8 Ho ion A Co., Poitltnd, Maine. declT.'T ly. $70 wt dey it home enitlj mtli. V I i Coatlr outfit free. Addreee True A Co.. Augaitft, Maine. - - (deelT,'Ttt lj. SIIOi:MAKIN(awI herb Inform mr pa trona. nnd mankind in general, thnt I haia it moved my ahoemekinK abun to tbe room tn tirahetn'e row, orer 8. 1. Snyder' jewelry etorc, and that I am prepared to do ell ktnde of work in my line eheaper then any etbee atrnp (b town. All work war run red aa gnod aa oaa be done any where elee. Pueit.relj thia ia the ebeapeet ebon In Clearueld. JOS. 11. DK KM NO. Dee. 11, IS; 9 If. J.H.LYTLE, Wholesale it Retail Dealer in Groceries, TI1K LAltUBSTand BKHT 8RI.KCTK1) 8TOI K IN TUB COUSIV. COFKEI5, TKA, SUGAR, SYRUP. MEATS, FIX II, SALT, OILS, QUEENSWARR, U BS and Ill'CKKTS, DRIED FRUITS. CANNED GOODS, SPICKS, 11 II (KIMS. FLOUR, FKKI). Comity Agent for ior it.i.,1 mr & toimccos, There goode bonnet for CAHM la large lot, end Mid et aleaoet eity prlcee. JAMKR II. l.YTI.K, Clearfield, I'a.. Juee 11, lela I;. The Itcll'8 Run Woolen Factor) Pena lownablp, Clearteld Co., Pa. R 1 1 H N K I) II Tl T I BBT Sot BURNED UPI Tbeenbeartberf he.e, at freat eipenee,reb.iKa eeifthkorheod eoeeeltj, in the ereetiea ef e lm elaeeWeolea Uaafeotor7, with all tbe mod re ItnproTemanta attaebed, and are prepared to make ail kinda of Clothe, Oeaalmeree, fUttaottl, Hn keta, Ftaanele, Ao. Pleat ef itnoda on hand te apply all ear old and a theaeaad neweaaueirri, whom ere aeh ta earn aad eiamlne ear atoek. Tbe hailaeea af CARD I NO AND VULLINU will reeatre oar eepeeial atteatiea. Pro arrangemeata will he made to reoelro and deliver Wool, to auit enetonere. All work warranted aed done apon the ahorteat notioe, and by atrtet etua ttoa to baaiaoee are hope be realtae a liberal akare af pablie pairowafe. IOMK POUNDS WOOL WANTED! We will pay tha hi f heat mnrket prion for oe aad eell oar meaafeetared t94 M low ae etntilor goeda aaa be baaght la the eepety, aad waanarer wa fail to reade reaaoaabla gnllafMUea we aa alweya be foaad at home needy te make prop expleaettoa, either la pereea or by letter. JAMBS JOUNBON A SONS, tprillAlf Bower P- 0 v..