THE REPUBLICAN. UKDNKSDAY uornino, MARCH SI, IIS-. Terms of Subscription. If ftii in wtibto throe Booth... $ 00 If paid rter throe ud bofore ail Bihi... I oO If (said ivfter the ipiritlio ef oil eioobt..., I Ofl 4TMurt. S. M. Ptto.ll A Co., Newe irn par rtdT.fdxar Anli, ST Perk How, eoner ReitknitB Street, are our dulj ftutliuriicd Agente In N-w York C1I7. RFMCilOl'S KOTICEM. MMliodlat I'l-iicoinl Church RtT. J. B. ViMttHAT, I'ertjr. Hcrrieet trarj Sabbat b u loft A. M.,ftnd7ft P. M. S.bbeth School et 0 A. M. Prajci llcit.og every Wed.eiJaT, ot 7) P. M. Coumiioioo Borriee, flrit Bebbath tf erery iuntb, et lUft A. M. Wot Clear Held M. E, Charc-h Rr. V. fam WiUttR, Pastor. ProhiD every alternate Bunder, it I o'elonk, P. M. tiunday Sobool t 21, P. M. Ail ar Invited to attend. Presbyterian Church Be?. H. 8. Bctli. -Hahbittti nrTiN morning and eroalne; Heb Utll fiiihool at I P. M. Prayer Mfftlnj Wt-dneo-Ur ertniDg. I U (it I at Churrh. Her. , Paiior. riabbato School at S P.M. Prayer M.ei.nt;erery WadoMday evening. St. franc-IB' Church Catholic n. P J.Khcrida. Iirip Rrrle at 10ft A. M.f 00 the fint, third and fourth Sundayeof cool, month; fffert and Ben edict ion of the Uletaed 8eramul at 7 o'elook, P. M. Sunday School every Sunday .fternooD. at I o'clock. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY, TIME or BOLDIHC QDARTCK IIUIOII OtlTBT. Swond Monday of January. Third Monday of March. Fiift Monday of Juno. Fourth Monday of September. TIMB Of BOtOIUQ COMHflK PLRAt. Pint Monday of Juno. ' j Second Monday of November. runic omenta. ' Preeident Judge lion. Cbarlei A. Mayer, u'i l.oflk Haven . I Attittant Lam Judy Hon. John II. Or tie, of1 Dellafonte. j Attotint Judgtt Abrara Ogdcn. Clearfield j Vincent B. Holt, Clearfield. Hrotkonotaiy Rli Bloom. j 7V.rr Philip Dofta. Diitriet Attorney J. P. MrKenrlek. ,Vrt Jtme Mahaffey. Iputu Sheriff- t'uMify tfurfyor Bamual F. MrClonkey, Car wrnirille. County ConmittionirtC. W, Kyler, Draliam ton P. O.t BUb Ji'hnatoo, Grampian I'tlU P. 0.: t'mmittionrt' Clerk John W. How. John Norrle, 8r., CorwM.-vl.le. tWify i(rfiore William V. Wright, Clear finld ; Joiepb Oilliland, Three Rune) J. S.Nor ri. Woodland. County Coroner 3. B. Neff, New Waihinton. Jury CommiuioutrtAoinwJ. Jack ion, Clear f,ri, Wd, R. Brown, Clearfield. Sprifi't of Publie HrhooU M. L. Me Qaown, Clearfield. Staler of Weight & Aftire Jefee W.Carl.le, offloe at Latberihurjt I'a. A'oiono 'iioiic John W. Wriftley, Win. Ha drbaujch, Cyrua Gordon, Clearfield; Joaeph K. Irwin, N. R. Arnold, Curwenpillt ( J. A. Lirinjt mono, Dulioli City. Oar Spetial aolnnn id decidedly interottlng In l eal point of view, and profiubto reading to outsider! who want to tar money. YR, OK COt'RSR I "Will juti tukt wheat, out or ern for uii--frtlon " Wt are ofen inquired of In tbli way by Mter from i-ittrnnt who repldt at a distance In. 1 Clearfield, ffe again aay yea. The reoelpti ot a reeptniitilt tnerrhant or mill owner In tha ficinity, will anewer ua juat aa well aa the oath. To itlluitratf! If any of our patrona will dalifer ui a hag of grain at the milt of Joaaph H. llrath, In Cheat township, Horaoe Patohla, In Burmida, Thoinaa H. Toreey, in Qraham, Wm. Porter or Shaw', In Lawronoe, or Brown A BeyWi, l Itofktoo, I'nion townihlp, and forward their rereipti for th amount, we will eredit theia on Udr arct'tifit for the mine. In tbia way all may o. pay whftt they owe. If they will pnraue thl -court. Jtejy-AdvortinerH and otlierft will boar jfl mind tbst atl art If lea intended for publWtloa in this paper rauat ho banded la, not later than Tuesday, at 8 A . M j'oo't forget It! BULLETIN OF PUBLIC SALES ! The following aales appear In thce cilutun. All tales advertised In the Rr.rt'it.iCAS ill he nitud under the local head free of charge: Thurday, April 1st. Property of Richard Shaw, dsroaed, in CIrariWId Imrnughand Morris townahip. Friday, April Id Property of Arthur Rtee, Wednesday, April Tth. Property of Robert l.iddull, deeeaaod, In Jordan towaebip. Palsrdey, May lit. Property nf George M. N older, deceaaed, in Brsdy township. Trout fishing will bo legal next month. - m mm Have you seen tho two cent poBtal . card yet r To-morrow, April lt( i'AII KooI'r tUiy." Ho look out 1 - - mm mmt Aflraall flood in the river on Mon day nornteg oreated eonaiderable stir among our tHumbsrmea. Quite a number of raft a psasdhy na thsir way to market. 'e e awi A beatititul sold plated Kb Corner. tln Bnlsh, to bo axed by Frank MeCullOugh, of the Orpheus Band, arrrind by expreas on Mon .lay. It is valued at 170. The Sociable under tho auspices of be lady mambenof toe rreabytortaa oongrega tk will be held this week, on Thursday evening at the resident of Mrs. Samuel Mitchell. Jacob D. Snoko nan pu reliant! tho boast and lot on Third ttrsct, opposite the Lutheran church property, from Mr. George ' Thorn. We dd not team Ibe price paid lor it. The achools ot thin liorongh will ohratb wtaiorterm to-day (Wednesday;. TbM afternoon a joint esbibiilon will bo given la Mr. Binge's room by bis own and Miss Flegal'a pu- Ur. HoflVr has had nome improve meats made In the windows of bis store room in ' Pit's Optra Hons, w her thy he la enabled to ahow off his goods to a great deal better ad vantage. Tak a look at them. 3. Jloward Cramer, a former nn qlloje of the Journal olBee, In this horoagh, has Jkesn visHlog his acqutiaianots hare for tha tpit twe weaha. lie is working on the turn at Minefield, AJUgbeay oounty, Pa. The Unceola aehooio avo a intMical entertainment recently, tho proceeds ot which tutted nearly 1100. The money will ho uied lo firooaring a oomplet oat of Appletnn'a Amerl "in Cyvlopvdia as a norteas for a school llhrety. Mr. EL N.Bhaw,ortheKhaw Houhc, -, ia this place, hat perfeeted arrangements by which h will luefeed S. D. Row, as prepilator . m imm beraara iioaee, acer mw uiiui. in f-htoge will take place during the piaocnt week Mr. K.J. NH'hnl wifoer Hoa. Robert J. Ni her of the Legislature from a well known lumberman, Brookville last Wednday wok' kllaor. - -- e - Min Marie Moore, n, tho eMiinahle 'hulaoe, preteot mam Jeflerson county, and died ot her homo in evening, aftr sererel tea' her of FalU Cieek school In Handy to wnshtp, nesr buDots, returned to her a ae in Saturday. 8be shied the acbool on Friday laft with rnenl and tibtbttlon. West Clearfield last WinUr term of her n pleasjat'entftrUlo' Hubert lcm of tbi paper who have ranged tneir rraidenet tuts ppriag.of Intend doing so, will pleao notify ua by postal card, or utberajiys, of their present postofice addren ' that we sray make tbe necessary change on our tihicriptlon books. f .mmomm j liev. George letdy preaebed lant ' Sabbath morning ler the first lime to bis new charge In the ( learfield M. R. Church, and la tho oven ing fund acted aa Impressive and laterestlag I J-aster aevviae, consisting oc sieging, speaking siad rospeoafve road log. Thnt in the tilth woelc nf tho ntnke tm Ika OlMrlUld eoal reeiosi. Pram the Phtllne berg Jomrmmt of Petard ey wo learn that en Tburs. day evening the Kiprew brought one oar toad of A soioe any miners rrom uo anamoaia istrici to -; work la the Morrlsdsls mlsiee, . Thomas V. Moor, of lain place, iHi on Monday uieruooa for new leru and . Pbikdelphlc, to got now sapply of geoUaaaea s and lad too shoes, nod a com pie to lesertmeatt of ' genu' furnishing goods. Call U On. C. A T. W. : Moore's toro, la pie's Opera Rsuw, and toe tbe , new goesV, The Davt Growing Long Again. The day are growing long again 1 Btill later falla the abode of eight t Still earlier breake the golden dawn, And darting through the tuna bine bright The aparrowa atrala tbelr little throata To tell, la Joyoua chirraptag, i How aigaa la earth and air portend The glad returning or the Spring. And at I note how Whitera rpell la broken, note the budding tree And toft, moiat earth and balmy air, My heart drewi aweat analogies ; Fr in nurlita taemi broken, too, The Winter apell of grief and pain, And with the coating of the bnng thir daye grow kag and bright again. Go to John MuGauhey'M lor all kinda of grocariatud aeeJa. Pirtt-elua Timo thy teed, and large and tin all Clover teed at Id writ prieea. Kd. Lcilr.inL'cr tin gono Ku-t to buy Spring Uoodt far T. A. Fleek A Co., aud will be accompanied home ia a few dayt by Mi' Mttit Rofaa, of Philadelphia, thtlr Milliner. m e - II. A. invitos tlio altoiitioo of buyer to hn new Spring etoek of dry goodi, dren good, white goodt, hottery, glovei, neek wear, handkerchlefa, Ac , Ae., which he will eel I at low aa can be bought anywhere for eeh. - e 1 - A IUavt Wkioht. A Joriian town- hip correpondtSt Inform! ua that Robert Hunter, last week, aold atls-year-uld oow, wwipthlog I,i80 pounds. If anybody elta can furnish more be( ia the terue mount of hide let hire the re turr.i, . - Tho utmotit quiet piovaila 111 Clear- Held eoanly, notwlihataodingthat there It a strike of coal minora. Hxrkange. Yea, our sit i ten a know hew u deport tbem trWet, and when a lot of oqtalders come among as and mitbehara, they either land la jail or the penitentiary. IiETt'RN It. Mr. Mattbow Ketd informs ot that party eloped with hit boat last week, and be requests 01 4o say to I he party who "gotwy with it," to return the same to its mortringa at one, or an officer will bo put In pomeaaioB of the farts, and boat and Nlmrod gobolcd up and expoaed. 1 was cured ol kulnoy ditfeaao, palpi tation of the h sort, brought on hy a deranged state ofthe liter, by urlog K. K. Tbnmpsnn's Baroama. A n ui II. Don Law, Franklin, Pt. Prepared at K. K. Tbempfon't laboratory, TitnavUle, Pa. For sale by all drugglata In Clearneld, i.d Jnarpb Seyler A Pnn, Luthrrs burg, Pa. . It At a rt'milar meeting of Clearfield Lodge, No. m, I. O. 0. F , last Saturday evening, the following officers were elected :-- Noble Grand Thomas Roblua. ire Grand A. M. Bloom. Hecretary Joba K. It .tterf. Aaaiatant Secretary S. J. How. Treasurer Aaron C. Tate. Trustee Aaron C. Tale. .... 1 - Andrew Miller, a farmer ot Jersey Sliorr, Pa., was found banging from a beam la hit barnoa Friday morning, the lfltk lest. Ills head wee crushed, and it Is hclierH he wt mur derd. il' wife aud a man namrd leo. Hmilh have boea arreated oa suiipiolon, and are now locked np lo the Wilhaojaport prison. It Is re ported that the falihleas wife has aloe? ecitMd to the murder. I.iHt of leltem remaining unclaimod nainin eld, for tb. in the Poatofflcoat Oleerfli ie we4k ending March 19, WQ Mi.s Fannie Art.. Id, Miss Maggie Bet) t, Willism Cundo (2l, Mra. P. A. Caldwell, Harry W. Field, Jobn R. Uemperlj !"), Theodore Henry, Charles Hnjef, f.rire I.ewta, William MoAlar- , ny, Char f Mangles, James Nesey, A. R. Wool- ridge, Annie Walk. P. A. (UrLix, P. M. A Or err Heskrvation. The Punx- autswney Spirit aaa t "An old German, who hat several farms In tl.e vicinity of Slump Creek, 1 rated a portion of them tme lime sgo to Brad ford pertier. He had a el suet put la Iks lease, kiblting danciog, telling liquor, gambling, or the precnee of lewd women on the premise, under penalty of forfeiture. Thla reservation will nearly ruin tbe oil trade in the Htump Creek belt if 01 her teeesrs adopt it." 'Cawct." Your communication if entirely too parsooal. Tbe hits are gooJ, but too apparent. Mrs : You wrote dear aeroaaa fools Cp sheet, and when pot on the compositor's oaaa t would rover it half orar sod, If not re-wrlltoo, be would be unable to find half of the cap botes without rrmovag tho ropy. Persons writing for write en une side, and tear tbe sheet In four strip sitd make tbe copy narrow, so es to cover the uppercase as slightly m possible. 1 mm e - The TrwuK Care Wo take the liberty of partly expressing our contempt for the uncalled for ut tarings of tbe editors of the Clear field Citiuu and the Curwenivllle Timet, in this case, which la still pending In our Court, on the motion for anew trial. As oowipapor man, they were gr nsly out of order, libeled their neighbors, and took tbe case from the Court. Norerpeota- ble oitlten of aay community, should be charged with tbe fu'.llessnd fAliehooda of e few rain and conceited oeaeembs, whether they are editors, lawyers, or ordinary fools and knaves. ie e 1 Thr Orphu Festival. We are requeated to remind our chiiens of tbe 6 1 raw- berry and Ice Cream festival to b given ooder tha auaplces and for the benefit of the Orpheus Cornet Band, during the first week of the nsit Court It will be held ia Pie's Opera House, cum in earing on Monday evening, and continuing the remainder of the week. All the delUaoles of tho seaaoa will bo furnUhed and served np in stylo. There will bo refreshments for all, both great and malt. Walt for it) save your money for It. Tho band now numbering twenty mem bers, will be present every evening In full dress uniform. A.10THEU Kffort. We learn from the Altooae Sum, that Messrs. My ler and Button, of that city, who had charge of the artesian well while that enterprise woe progressing, are now lo Oseeola, where work baa been commenced on the Railroad Company's hew well. Carpenters hare been employed and the derrick at that place Is probably eon pie led by this time. Tbe gentle men state that while tbe drilling at Osceola will be hard and laborious it will not be near so Motigh" aa It was In the yerd at Al'oona, vharn a Imiy Hntettrae attended te the dptb of ban dred of feet, because the formation lo the new rejrn i principally eandstoio. - - we mm 1 - Handy Hook. Menru. J. U.LInnln- A Co., of Philadelphia, have Juat published a work of real value to every one Interettsd in literature, W refer to "The Readsr't Hand- book, by Dr. R. Brewer, Ibe author of several similar books. In reviewing the volume tbe Pkiladetftkim Seeniny BmHeti says t 'Thil SUr paaaas all that wo hvt ever seen In a hook of re fiTencs for readers and writer, at It aombiaoe the best qualities of the enoyvlepoHlea, biogroph ieil dictionaries, and quotation books. Appended to it I a Ustof aoihra and dale of draoua and operea, numbering iil7, and a second appendix gives tbe dates of tho pomt, novels, etc., referred to In tho hook, which la quite es thorough aud end complete. Altogether The Reader's Hand book' would he cheap at any price, aud it will take a plane la ovary vell-vrJerod It W try, small or large, that belongs tea person food of read ing or ccupied la writing si a prtfsaal .a." We Were Si rpeiheu. It U seldom tbst this happens, and it Is pretty generally con ceded that we are not very Mthin akloned" over holidays regulated hy Acts of Aasemhlf, and va rlvua erteedu moos a res of a oea -essential chef after. Bet we were surprised when our Cap it eonoaed on Hood Friday, a day that only ocean once in a yar. Banks were closed, and Ibe mlnda of many god eltiseos were drifting la aa enltte different direction. Instead of moving tooaid the chimes of the ohursh, tbe shrill rings af the Court HonooVdl had to he Obeyed. As tkere are uhoot Xlf other days In the year oa which this might bare occurred, we look upon it as an orTtnco to many, which should not bo re peeled. Mure: Tbe ''late lamented" Llaooln was killed In a theatre on tho evening of Oool Friday. Had bo remained at his post of duly en that day, he tvould in all probability bo aJIre to-day. 1 mm Death op Mr. 8chnri.l. On Mon day afternoon, at tea miantes after four o'clock, the groat reaper, Death, out down all that woe mortal of our late respected townemnn, Joseph Echnell. Pneumonia was the cause of his death. Mr. flehaell wee eiity seven years of age. Bit beloved wits died about all months saaee, and the husband thus early followed her lo the grave. Mr. ftehnell emigrated te thil ujonatry from luasbarg, Fraooa, at a very early age, and ascot of his life since then her been spout In Phltaewl pbia and In Clearfield and Centre oounliea. Ia li lt bo wbj married te Cethoriae Brow, sister of Mr.AuHiu Brew, of Ibis p lose. JJ a has been a sit lien af this borough since 180, having re moved from Uilosburg. A large family of oaae and daughter s--clerea la all hove grown up about him, eighl nf whom fire ooos sad three daaghtersetlll a or vivo him, end are all well known to thia eoenmenlt. Mr. Bchnell wen an Industrloaa, honest, eeaerleutloni gentlemen. AMteeefe Ueateeroi. " What every one nayo must be true," that Dr. hellers' Cough Syrup has no equal for ooogbs and colds. Try 11. Price 3ft eents. Go to John MoG&ughey'a for all kladi of grocer lee and eeeds. Flrst-olaes Timo thy seed, nod large and email Clover seed at lowest prieee. Tbomaa A. Ducket, of tbia borough, gives notice ty an advertisement tliowhereln this p aper, that be la ready la supply fuel of all kinds, move household sad other goods, and do all kinds of hauling, oa abort not 1 00 and at reasonable rated, (live him a trial. O , AND C'HUKCHEfl. The doC tors of Now York city aay ttpeer's port (J rape Wkue has proved to be pure, unadulterated, of a fine flavor and Ionic properties, and Is unsur passed for its restorative powers, nod they pre. 1 ci ibe it as n very superior wine. Churches use it for communion. For sale by K. W, Graham, druggist, Clearfield, Pa. 1 'mm I'Cwi'i A well-known Gorman minister, Rev. A. Opits, of Sohleltingsrville, Wit., writes; I was n suifersr with rheumatism fur yean. t Frlsndt recommended tbe use of St. Jacobs 011. I tried It, and most eonfsas that the result was astonish ing. Having hardly used up the first bottle, I found relief, and tbe seeoo I one cured me. I therefore feet under obligations, and shall recom mend this effective remedy whenever I here a chance. A CARP. The unbounded satisfaction expressed on all tldos, by our dally visitors, over tbe splendid new stock of dry goods and millinery, which we hare opened, Is a matter or great p'easore te us. Wo tender our respectful thanks to the public who to promptly prove their eppreclatlen of our efforts- We shall add daily new and seasonable goods In every lino, which wo will offr at the lowest prices. H, Lux A Co., Room No. S, Opera Jiowse, Clearfield, Pa. Dubois. We take the following Items from the DuBoli Courier of last week : Mlii Boyd, or Ohio, has boea assisting In the revival meetings at Luthersburg. A fly-wheel of two tons weight was east this wceh at DnBois' machine 'bops In this city, Hsv. L U. lletrick has returned ft urn Confer ence. He guts from here to Dempitytown, near Oil City, and li succeeded by A. W. Platt. J. D. D'.mer, or Ohio, Is tbo new Presiding Elder. Ira Fuller gave the contract last week of tak ing out the derrick Umbers Tor his new well, and iheSykes mill wot to ooinmenao his bill stuff on Wednesday. Mr. Fuller Is a sound man himself, and in addition he has with him othor parties of tils ttctton whom we know and race amend. A special diipatch from Bradford rays that an engine and boiler for the third we)), to be put down by Mr. Csdwallader on the Adam Kaarr farm, will start to day (Thondav.) 1 mm K. C. Bender, editor of tha Philipa l)ii rg Journal, and a member of tbe School Board of that town, in reviewing the work of their schools for tha term juat ended, alluded In tho following way to tho efficiency of one of our Brsdy towt.hlp t rashers 1 " Mr. L. B. Weber, who taught tbe Grammar school, ended tbe term by having a brief exercise of n 1-terery character. In the way of recitations, spoobeca, essays, dia logues, concert reading, singing, etc. Quite a number of parents and visitors were present and expressed Ibcuiisliee aa being highly plea'ed with tbe rendition of the pupil s respective parti Mr. Weber departed tbo. same evening for bid home at Luthersburg, and on the 2Ub of April will assume tbe Principalahip of tbe Normal Academy, at New Washington, Clearfield county He is an efficient teacher and untlrlrg In bit efforts to promote tho Interests of those who may come under bis charge, and being genial In uis disposition, galacd many fricods during hi stay In our midst, who will regret bis departure. Wo bespeak for him a luooesiful future, and hope that be may return to our town at no distant day to sgain fill tbo position be so faithfully occupied tho past six months." mm mmi A Smiling Front. Never oinco it was be I It hai Pie's Opera House worn such n smiling face. Every store room and office It occu pied, and It Is "nip and tuck" between tbo pro prietors of the large show windows, as te which can put on the most style In displaying their giruOs nod waive A etw pteeeeeede la treat ef the stores, and a proper contemplation of the clerks and the goods Iniido, reveals a grand pee- taole, especially 10 In the evening hy gaslight, and Is worth at much at a visit to a Zoological Garden, or a Church Fair. More than this, everything that is needed la the household or oa a farm Is to bo found at the stores In tbe Opera House. This Is a great as ootnmodatloa to those people who have hut aa hour in tho morning or evening la which to do their shopping. Quit your Philadelphia and Pittsburgh shopping, and patronise your home tatabliib stent, wberu you can find everything you need, and at equally aa reasonable rates as In tbe cities. If you mako your money la Clear field, why not spend it at home if you eaa buy ynur wares as cheaply as yen can abroad. Pat ronise those who patronise yon. Buy from those who sell jm tbe cheapest goods f ind if you have anything to dUpmo of, tell te these who will give you tbe most for" your produce. Htatr Krporto. In Auditor Gen- oral Schell's and State Treasurer Koyes' report! for 1879, tbe most laUafaotory and complete are reports that have been Issued from tbe two State departments named for years, we Ind the follow ing amounts paid Into the State Treasury by Clearfield coun ly for Slate taxes etc., during tho year: 1 Bennett's Branch Imp. Co $ M 00 Clearfield County tax eu Loans,,.,,....,,, 441(3 Clearfield Borough tag on Loans H Te 81 Clearfield Cooaty tai oa Bank Stock.... 164 61 Cititene Banking Company Osceola, tax on not earuioK.. , 48 87 Curnsnavilio baok,tsx on nst earnings. 146 07 Tax on write, wills, deeds, ao-. - 001 4V Toveru licensees. .1,4.17 60 Retailers' linens es , . WaO 20 . V 00 14 2 . fa 00 . ?i u 31 n , 10 00 70 00 I 28 . dot 00 . A.M 01 . fi,7i7 07 Kallog houo liotases. ,..,,., Distillers' licensee Billard H Urokero' lcenies....M...... , ... Liquor licences Patsnlmedtelna licensee,, .,.,. Tat on theatre, eirsus, Ac ..., Pan pb lot Liwi.,h.h.....wh,, Decatur Coal Company, tax ., Kuterpriso Coal Company, tax Hltlanning Ueel Voiupany, tax.. Msihannou Ceal Company, tat., 8H 0 Franklin Coal Company, tax 3,192 00 Tho following some of money ware drawn out ur tho Treasury and paid te tho parties named: 0 A. Mayor, Prealdent Judge 15th dlsU&.MS 60 J. II. Orvis, Additional Law Judge ,tfl 20 A. D. BenneU, member last Leg slaturo. 1,6W 00 V. B. Holt, Aesociato Judge Clearfield mmy ctfl 0 Abreen Ogdoa, Associate Judge Clear field county 421 60 Jameo A. Moore, Mercantile Appraiser. 28 88 M. L. MoQuown, County Heparin ten rJ'L 1,000 00 Appropriation to public schools or Clear- eld eeunly 4,740 81 J. B. Walters, Cashier State Treasure- 2,000 00 J. B- Walters, Clerk lo Comr's Sinking rund...MM. ...HM m - J,evt to W. H. H ant borne, Hupt. af Pabite Oreande....HM....MM.....M..H..MM Ms7 Tf "WOULD LIKE SOME MO HE." PtTKorru, Ind. Oat. 1. 1877. IIxuwai A Buomnn.Ohcrlln, 0- ttenileueo When I wee la Ohto I bought one af Dr. Penaor'd Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerre Tonic at your store. I never took aoythlngtbat did me so moch good tn so short a time. I would like te net eoata more ef it ae I eau not tad It here. Will yon please let me anw wnaa t os a ges eoe-nau dotes bottles rer, and oblige, Yours truly. MARY MRDB0URN. Mar 11 It Dr. Feasor's Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonla may well be celled "The eoequer lag hero" of the limes. It la the medical triumph of the age. Whoever has "the blast" should tabs It for U regnlatef aad restores tbe disordered system that gives rise te them. It always cores RlHotsuadi nad Liver Com pi slot, Jaon4leo, pyt- p opsin, Con a U pat ion, Headaches, Fever aad Ague, pi eon Esbvr gem eats, iorofula, Iryilpelas, Pimples, Blotched aad all akin Brapttoai aad Bteod Disorders ( Swelled Limbs and Dropsy Steep lesea ess, Impaired Nerved and Nervens Do hi Illy j Restores flesh and strength when the eye torn Is running down or going lute decline j tares Female Weak ease aad Chroals Rheumatism, and relieves Chreale Br aa eh Ills, aad aU Loag aad Throat d I Seal ties. Jl does these things hy ttrlk log at Urn root of disease and removing lis onuses. Dr. Fanner's Improved Dough 11 easy wilt re lieve aay tough la tut hoar. Try a sample bottle at tea eoata, Dr. V saner 't Ooldaa Relief ewroe aay pain, aa Teeth-ache, Vtaralgta, Collets Headache la Ave te thirty mieotee, aad readily relieves Rbonma- lira, Kidney Cempleiat, Dlarbesa, ete, Dr. Feaaor'i IL tu Daneo Heeslte, Oao fcottlt always euroe. For talo hy llartawlek A Irvla, Drug gists, viearaotd, re, sag iT-tr. COURT PROCEEDINGS, Caurt ea.oonrened on Friday afternoon, Maroh I4tb, IIWO, with Judges Orvis, Ogdoa and 11 oil on the Ueaoh. Tho argument list was takes up and tbo eases on tbo samt disposed 01. no AD UATTKUa. The following report 1 of road viewers were con Inn ad AaaoLUtaLV. to wit t H-port of viewers, laving out a public road la Cheat township, from east corner of laud of Joba Fisher, eudadjulning lands or usary renmogton to bubllc road leadina from West over to New burg. Report of viewers, vacating and supplying read lo Ooshen township, between a point at or near the Lick Hun bridge It a point at or near tbe farm or mattnow Tate. Report of viewers, laying out road from Bear Henry riaoes, on nrie lurnpiao, w dhoim nwj leading from Blokle's to Ridge road, la Bloom towneklu. Report of viewers, vacating public road from susquoaaona roao near 4. sr. uees, 10 uei ship, to tbe Indiana oounty line, near James Martin's, and making private rosu 01 aame. Kenort ef viewers, vacating nubile road leadlag from mouth of Laurel run. In Bell township, lo Frederick Rupert's. Report of viewers, laying out n putlio road In nrody lownsnip, neginnmg si or sear me une ei Klias Lines' and Joaoph bey ler, jr., 00 road lead log from Thomas Lines' te John Bailey's, and thenee tea point at or near Sevier's sehool house. Report of viewers, refusing to vacate that por tion or public road beginning at the boundary lino between Ball and Jreenwood townships. and Isading to Charles II. Dougherty s. Report or viewers, refusing to lay out a public road from at or near Wm. (uardrant's-te at or near Haywood Clark's, in DuUoit, Sen ly town ship. Ksport of viewers, vacating that pjrtion of the Old Township road in Woodward township, bo ginning at a point near W. B. Shore and inter sect iug the Madera and Houtsdale road at Alex ander Run bridge, and laying out a new rood root near Wm. B. ShetTs, to tnLcneet tha U ml dale and Madera road, at or near Madera school house. Report of viewers, laying out a public road from a point where road leading to Laogloo's mill ia intersected by Bruih run, te a point at or Bar tbe Indiana oounty lioo. Report of viewers, refuting to vacate road from Ieaae Thomas' te Peter SbogarVe, In Bloom town ship. Report of viewers, laying out a public road from Henry Ueilbum'a byWm. Clarkaplsoe at or nar where the old Neeper road connects with the aame In Penn township, to a pdnt la the old Punxiutawney road at or near where the line be tween Wm. Rowle'i and James McClinsey's land crosses the same In Boll township, and vacating that part of the public rood now opened from Daniel Fryer's to the old Punxsutewney road, la Boll township. Keport of viewers, laying out a p-lvate road In Bandy township, leading from residence sf John Ovordorff, te public road loading from DuBois to Creim Hill turnpike, near Elijah Aabenfelter's. Report of viewers, refuting to vacate road lead ing from Whiskey run, to Andrew Dougherty's, In Bell township. Keport of viewers, refusing to vacate a road leading from bridge across Wuson run alNewburg, up W t lion's run to a point on road lead log from James MoUeeban's to Mc Harvey's road, near Pat terson's school house. The following reports were confirmed m 11, te Wit! Report of vis warm, vacating a portion of public road between Thomas Hill's and George Davit, in lluggt township, to or near Wilton lluurer's, ia said townanip. Report ef ?ie wort, laying oat a public road from M. S. Wilson's, to tbe river road, on tbo (arm of Archibald Sbnw, in Bradford township. Keport of riowera, laying out a public road from D, Aakcy's to Fairraouot school house, in Covington township. Keport ot viewers, laying out a public road from or near H. 0. Anderson's, to a point at or near Thome A. Smith's, la Bloom township. Report of viewers, laying out a public road leading from tbo line of Houtsdale borough, at the western terminus of Elisabeth street, to the t'athollo oemetry, In Woodward township. Hopurt of viewers, laying on l a public roai Iromtbe borough of Houtsdale, at the northern terminus of Uood street, to the residence ol Michael Leech, on road leading from Houtsdale borough to Ocean Colliery, In Woodward town ship. Remonstrance filed. view or new Ro ins. S. F. MrCloikay, Danlsl Faust and David Way, were appointed viewers to view and vacate that Sort or public road, leading from a point on tbe rie turnpike, tn Bloom township, to a point oa Anderson's ereeK ia same townanip, lying oe twoea said turnpike and the old Kersey road. retttioa prevented lor appointment 01 viewers to vacate oubllc road loading from tbe Seyler sawmill, in Bloom township, to n point on the Erie turnpike, in said township. Read, and S. F. MeCleikey, Daniel Faust and David Way ap pointed viewers. Report of viewers, vacating public road loading from Susquehanna river, near Rbinehart Welter's, In Bell Indiana count v line. Referred back to viewers to correct the draft and mako it correspond with tbe report. James A. Moore, Jobn Lytic and rater uam area were appointed viewers te review the road laid out from a point at mouth of Alexander's run, and ending at B. Hegarty s flouring mill, near Madera, ia Woodward township. onraax'a oounr. The account of J. F. McKenrlck, Baa,., Auditor, distributing tbo monies in the hands of the Ad ministrator, read and confirmed absolutely. Wm. M. Mci'aiioogo., Biq., nied ate report as Auditor, doetdlos tbe unwiloni tw she wuovnw ot J ernes T. Leonard, Ouardiao of Miss Kate Monro. Confirmed aosolutely. Return of tbe sale of tbo real estate or Oh ris tlan Neff, late of New Waabiogtop, dee'd, filed and confirmed ui at. Im re estate of Abram Hoover, dec d. Proceed ings for specific performance of own tract A. A. Adams, Esq., appointed Commissioner to take and report testimony to the Court. In tbo estate of Jacob Wilbelm, dee'd, rule granted oa Administrator to show cause why be should not pay O. H- Best tbe amount appropria ted to his Judgment by the Auditor. In tbe matter of tbe estate of B. J. Chaffee. J. P. Snyder, Biq., was appointed Auditor to distribute balance in hands of tbo Administratrix. In Ibe estate of W. i. Dickey, deceased. Kx- teptlona were filed to Auditor's report. Report rciorreo oaea w Jtsaiwr. ooauoa ruut. Baadv TownahlD vi, Brady and Huston Town ships. Bill in Bqnlty. Fiank O. Harris, Eaa., appointed Master. d t. woes nam, aao., was appoiateu jiuoiur te disDoeo ef tho eioefctioai to the account of James T. Leonard, Trustee of Kd Forks A O9. Frank Llveright A Co. va. C. W. Bartley. No. 61 January Term, 17T. J. F. Snyder, Beq.,was appointed Auditor to distribute proceeds of Sber ifl '1 sola. Smith V. Wilson, gaq , filed li ncenunt as Auditor, distributing money arising from the sale ol the property of Tracy A Barr. Read and oonnrmeu at et. Court adjourned tn Saturday, March 27th. linn I dsn 1 BRADY HEARD FROM. Lvvntnatino, Pa., March 29, I860, Mr. Knrroat In this quiet little mountain town we art all pursuing the even tenor of our way. The oil excitement has taken n relapse, and nothing insults a townsman quicker than to refer te his affiliations with the Stump Creek enterprise. Even tkt glowing advertisements of "Ot. j sco os lie, seen ia every snow ease in town, have been grealy damaged by the fowl suspicion of Stump Creek victims. Mr. Oec. Dun lap, of this vicinity, was united on tbe 1 8th lost., In tbe holy bonds of matrlmooy, with Sadie Kriner. According to a peculiar freak of tbo roles of et quette, all theoougrstuta- tioos are extended to bits, bs having been exceed ingly fortenate, according to poblte oplelon. Messrs. bnaffer A Troxol have reoeatly added to their thiugle mill, two miles from this place, a eapaeloas saw mill. The two mflfs, when in operation, require fourteen mea. "Billy Keen, the eateiont foremen, ha been succeeded by Mr. rtnutraoo, ot Stockton. The laborers eiuoloved on the htm bar mill of Cast. L. B. Carlile slruok for higher wages the begioniog or march, s bey alleged that Uto gen tleman 'y proprietor was indebted to them, and a settlement was in order before they would re adme work. Their request was promptly eom- Ciled Wltn not wttn oao or two exception, tbe olenee about waa the wrong way te too amount of from 80 to SlfrO, Tbe mill runs ns usual, now. Tbo revival meeting, In progress in the M, B. Church, ie attracting mere tfaaa wsaal latere!. This, perhaps, it awing te the fact that the ser mons are preached by a lady. Miss Boyd, a lady of talent an I great seal. It conducting tho meetings. Forty-five persons at one lime wort seeking pardon for their sine. Among tho arrivals la town Is Mr. L 1. Weber, who has been teaching school la Philip burg, Centre county, during the lest six mouths. The treatment of tbe people of that town muat have agreed with him, as kls peroneal appeeraoco indicates aotb lug to tbo contrary. Mr. Chris. Burkett purebnaed from Reuben 11. Moore the late residence of Qr. ?. A. Maa, for tho turn of fil.lOO. Oa Friday last Mr ft. iadnlgad ia out of the aoveltteiof the seaaoa filling kit tot house. Mr. Isaac Lines will dlapoea of his property on Wednesday aext, and on tbo Friday following will leave for Ore rot. Madam Uoasip Is cruel eaongh ta allege that our defeated candidate for uenstaoio win go epd do likewise, The Teachers' Re-anion was hold In the Le tbe ran Cbarob on daturday leat Tbe inclem ency of tho weatbot Interfered somewhat with the tuooess of tkeday tssiiooi, but tbe night ses sion was eminent! v successful. Hen. O. R. Bar relt, Supt M. L. Mcquewa aad Matt. Savage, of your town, were present aad participated in tbe exerclsee. Jadee Barrett delivered a vers scholarly loeiars OO tho "Improvement of the MlncT to a select aad oppreoietlvt audieace. These gentlemea aeeerve prates tor coming to far to help at, notwithstanding the storm aad badroada. Our schools art nearly all closed, and tome of our toeeaerff bavo already packed tbelr satchels and taken their departure for the Bdinboro State RormaJ SohoeL Others will rest until the lo-u of April, when they will fold tbelr tents aad go Sooth to the) Row Waehlogtea Normal Institute, waa re they will figure, I fcopc, as tbe mining itgatt it taat tastituuea, alpha. Fa a hem, Look Usee f Lytle will givt you highest market prKw far Wheat, Oeta, Cora, Buckwheat, Batter, Iggt, Onions, Applet, dried fruits, and U krodo tf produce, ho bet the hvgwtt aad beet selected Mock tf groceries, teas, aofeot, molasses, apices, all sell, sugar qeetoavart, tabs, haehett, hashetB, ohoras, Ac, la Clearfield county. He hays his goods la hrae qutailttew from maatfaMurtrt nnd first hands for each, aad takes tho advantage af all discounts, aad nth to tutUed te sell at lowest prices. 0o first cash prices for ptodaeo,asid telll his goods at the lowest price la tho aouo(y. aept-l4-7ttr Vha new Spring stock of T. A. Fleck A Co. It holag toaetanUy resolved. Spring stylos constantly being re reived at T. A. Fleck A Co. r r- Call t T. A. Flflc & Co.' and got . Fuhlol IbMt. uul-H. A usual, T. A. Fleck & Co. ars l,.dlc lb. arkrt. Birt-IU Tbs Niw Remington Family Srw- lQ kUcul for ul, l ! I. Il.rd.r',0.1 Slora, Clrarlilil, Tn. Oet 1Mb. Ladies, bear in mind that in dress ud nilliar; food,, w, Itltos Bikini,; Ihl, Muoa. T- A. Flics Co. Constipation, sick headache, and blltou.MM ooral by "Mtars! Ut Pllto." , Tr, th.m. li M.ta pw bol. Carpels, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Win. dow BbdM, Lu. OorLlo, l.rj. Mook lw hand .1 H. A. Ki.niK'a. We have now on band several thous and flr,t-lu, urslopM, wbioh w, will ,rlnt for builnMi mm, or MjboJj tit, 1 prlw IbM Ma ul b. rlroJM. 0.11 tod m Mum. tf. llumburff Kmliroiderioa in Edirinirs and IoHrtlon, t A oonpltu lloa, wmpHll.g all lb. n.w, Jml rmliad at T, A. FbMk 4 Co. Call amrly and grt tb. barga!a,. our S-ftt. At tho Rkpcrmcan offiro is the place to got yoar Job work dona. W.arafally propand to do anjlbing la Ibe. prlatlog Mn, will do II wall, aid at lb. rlgbt kind of prlow. If. Now covers nut on old umbrellas and paraaola. ICeyanad0,aad all kladaaf loeka, tranka aud aatobala ralrtd at Hard.r'a. narM-St. It is acknowledged by multitudes who bar. boM owrod of llrar aoaaplaiai, grartl, baokaoho, boodaobo, palpitatloa of tbo boart, Ae , tbat Banana la tbo bort naaodjr kaon. Remember, the only place you can got tbo Klniro boota an d ahota, and Carlial. fla. abooo for ladiM, la at II. A. Klllll'a, OlMrflolJ, Pona'a. SpaiHO, 18801 T. A. Kleck & Co. ar. opralog oil ibdr Inrolo. of Spring good. tbia wk, whiah ar, marbod at a igur, Ibal la boand to thfm and eannot b. nnd.raold. Bar. 9-ot. lluy Your Mill Now I Wo are the proprietors of a Saw Mill, oomplet ia every par. Ilea ler, which wo will tell very cheep. For par ticulars, address B. A. A W. D. BIOLER, rechSSO-tf Clearfield, Peon a. Kji a w iimn 11 on hnrttohaok in another column, riding near Spoor's Vineyards, with a bunch of O rap from which P peer's Port flrapo Wine It made, that is to highly esteemed by tbt medical professloa for the use of invalids, weekly, persons and the aged. Bold by K. W. Graham, Drugglit, Clearfield, Pa. jly-lfi-TO-tf. A Fact. An auvortiscmont Inserted ia Iba KarranrAB ailll naob mora roadora tbaa If publlahod In all tbo olbcr pa para la Iba ooin- t;,and aoat tbo adrntiaai laas tbaa ona-balf Ie athar wonla, aa ad.wllainalt pabllabW ia our Jcaraal ia worlb donbla tba priM of tbal oharjwt by aay atb.r patliabor la tb. ooaaty. Il It a faot." tf. Rf.moval. Dr. T. J. Boycr has re- norod bla aodlaal oltoa to tha rooau newly oeenplad by Book A Orak.os, la Grabaai'a row II. makoa CHRONIC DISEAoKa a epaelaily. CIIAROKS VKRT LOW. Tho alufaatarera bat lag low.rad prieoe, ba li prepared ta faralab STRICTLY Pl'HI MRDIl'IRSS It f rwtly re- duood ratoe. Tba aflleted will ba tweeted by firing bin a cell. Jly . Special to our Customers. We deaire to inform oar large patronage il Dreae aid Millinery Good,, tbat we intend to Bake Iheae brnnchee s eneolalty tbli eoming eoaaoi. Ulaa tlattio Roba, our milliner, la low ia Philadelphia attending tbo epealnge, and will be bare eooa to lake ekerga of ber department aad Bake II Ibe loading Millinery depot la n.w and lata alylee, aa aba haa dona heretofore. T. A. Flick A Co. New Dailt STAOg Line. James h. Leery haa aiooeodod la boriag dally nail aetab llabod between Claerlold aad Ponaleld, ud will hareafur raa a dally etaje botweei tbo two aetata. nt, eontrael bag ei with April lit, end tbe etage wlllleaTe Cleerleld aeary Botalif (eiaept Sun day) al I .clock, Baking eonaoetloa, with all trainaon tbe Low Qrade Railroad al Ponnfletd, ra. timing after Ibe leat trail tbe oaae erenlng. Paaaoag era and freight alll be carried at lew ratee. Order, left at any of the hotel, will be attended loepriv-u Trout fishing? commences on T blun der, April let, aad Harder bee prepared far the ooeaeioi by buy I of a ,ar load af iahiaf tackle. d at afreatreduotioaby be. log la large auan- llUea. All tackle la werraaud te ba the eery beet la the market Thla alack will eompriee erery Iblng Is tka tebinf lukte llao Celoetta aid Japan bamboo aad oaae pu, Jolatad trout aad baa, rod, la grant Tailety, eel aad Blnaow iota, twlaoa and oet-Hneo, beatau, bail boiee, ly aad tackle heeki, tie,, rauhoppere.froj a, half aaitea, epoona, and all kind, aid alylee of belle, Limer ick, C,rllile, Aberdeea, Spreat, gnenk and Hlrby hooka oi gut. Kferylblag In Ihl, Haa will be foaad al Harder'a atore. Country etoree aapplled at wboleaale prieoe. Cemo and eiamlaod before kaylag elaanbero. Ordara by Ball promptly at tended te. Jp. B.aota, Dealer la guar, rerolrara, sad gjhlng taohle, Clcarlrld, Pe. merit St. How to RiAcn Kamsas. Persons! aelag ta tba Weal ahoald conceit tbelr owe comfort b; meeting Ike route by wklek there are rare eoaaoclleat Is I'aloa Depute, fact tralae and comfortable eera. There I, ae Una that eea com pel, with tha Pea Haidle Roata la thee, par- linlare. Two dally tralni kwra talon Depot, Plttibqrck, ri Pep Handle Route, which raa through ia meay koura quicker lime than by eny other lice, ae fotlowat Lean Plttibarih (city lime) Ml a. m. 1 1:47 p. m. Arrlre He. Louie HO " IH " M Kanaaa I0:0U p. m, 8:00 a. m. - Lea.enworth 11:40 " I0:le " Atcblaca 120.. m l I 10 " " St. Jonph li - MM p. B. Prompt eoaBcoliona are Bade li CalM Dcpcta atpoiute named. fur all landpolata. For farther information, tim. teblc,, etc., addreee. O'Brlan, Qcnerel Peaarngr Agent, Pan Handle Rente, Cotambaa, Ohio. Fob-ll-tt C'LbUBrisui Coal Tuabe. Htattv eat of Coal and other frc ghio teal over tha Tyrone A ClearSeld Die ieien,Ponne;leunla Rail. road, for the weoh aiding March IS, 1880, aad ibe eame time laalyoar t ' coil. t . tone. Fur tbe week. - 3,01 Seiaottrao laalyeerMM - w..... 10,141 peereaee ...,. Prarlonaly dnrlag Sam. lime lent year....... lacreaee , ToUl ia 1880 Same time leal jur.HMHM. .,.. 18,741 craaa racism. La mber ........ ... ..II In ..148 ' Mteeellaneon, frelg ht,........ LETTER FROM HUSTON. PanriBLS, Pa., ark 18th. 1880. Praf. Jeha A. Uraewry etcrmed In tbia plea, ei Friday for a few boure. tlo eame from Look HerM.end wneoa hie wey to DuHoia. ler.'a hi. II. UUIer, af Oaenla, and II. 8 Bat la, of Olaerfield, oamo to thia pleoe en Friday , aad eerrieee were held le Ike Preebrtertaa cbarob en Frldey ftnd Saturday erMingi, Ha maniun aarrlee oa Haooeia meralng, and prcel ing oa Sabbath ereaiag. Jur. Oeo. O Hart, of Wayoa canty , I'a , da llrerad a Tompereaoe lectBre in the Pre.byter lei chareh ai Wla.erley eneieg and a leelar. II M. I Church aa Thuriday ereaiag. T-e lec ture, were practical lelae aa ae Impertaal cab . . . Tbe achoola or lleatoe w-wainip, wltb Ibe Mptloa or tbe PooleM Oreded 8,hil, hare eloeed. There will bo a three moatbe Sea mer Urn la ell af tba oeboolo eieepi tbe PenSeld uradea aeaeeL jae .vBnin- appolataneate ban bael aede t Hickory, I,, hi, a hebacaer I MiH Raa, Cerrl. Lafoehe, Wlaurbera, Uca. W. Wearer i Pallna'a,ao4 d-elded. Work bee ben eommoneed .a the aow nt Hickory, which le a helalahed by Jeae l.i. Bneieeaa lo ia a healthy eeedltloa. The lata eaowa eaeated the lunbermea u fialak their lobe, aad aow a inmbOT af mat are . uwa awalti ag tba fined. Tho Woodwerd uw alll, near Ihi, place la mahlag a greet deal ,f anber, which le healed W Ibe depM fer ehipBla, f . 0. Bow nan . ahleele alll. oa Laurel r... I. Inralnn owl iwenty-fire theneeod ahlnrlai aWdey. fbene ar. aatppeo rrem an. , eepol, Jeeaph Wllkola,efHI.M,'a, Lee letead aoae lead loac ihie piece te a eonpeny eec hnee beaod IheaeelrM under a for'.,, ( ... tkoaaaad dallara U net a hole dew. H leaal Iwe Ihsuaand toot tn lea tbaa I yoar. Be ae are going on bore for - lie," to.. Among the Inprweowoi-a ef tbe Iowa Is S lew archena., built by Dr. Heahai Sank, af Ike drui otorn. Ur. B, ie eaa ef eoefel ettieena eAe le OMataally Inane leg bic praawty, than giring amplcymaat la tabor cad oiraalellng the aedtua. Ha Bar. .. It.lSO IM,8l , Slii.Ul ... 84,081 . 817,108 .. HI,4M MpettuU. N. E. ARNOLD, CUBWBNIVILLB. PBMN'A, rats caeb ros Saw Logs, Shingles, Bark, AND BAIL EO AD TIES, fk.M nnM.ft. I.wla'a lira fltoM. Call il poraoi or addroa, aa abora. aarl-la.. Wain!. MO.tOS 14-fa.taharod koona, dallr arod al tbo railroad, la oar load, of 1,000, at all 5 .lata M lb. Tyron. A CloarSald, P. A I., Bald agl. Valloy, and Poaoaylraaia Hatlroada, ror wbiob I wtu pa laa IlflMl awriw pnoa. J. P. Kaaiaa, OettS, lSri-tr. Claarlold, Pa. r..ia Bv.vaio Pan Caar. Duoocirr oi Oto Paicll.-B.wiag Maebiaat m, bow ba paraiaawf' al Momll'a lia aad aura, froai Sib ap warda. AU klada ot aawlng aoaebinta npairod aa tbo ibortaat aotlea. Cl.arl.ld, Pa., Jolj IS, IS7T. ii n a... B Wk. Bk.B full aupplj af Fradooia Buggl.a and Platfom Wagoaa for aala. To bo moi al tb. Shaw Honaa yard. Call oa or addraao bioa al Claarlold Poaa- ajlranla. amy CoLLORToa'a WABiaiTa. Wa kara nrpard a form, and ban on baad I larga awantily, tf bleak "Celkctor'e Belee," which ken keen aa. prornl by Ike klgbeal legel aathorlty ill the Court, of tbia oonatr. At fwenre (Wre per d'leea wa will aail any auaber to the Collector ordering them. A Collector, when compelled to ndvortia. property, muat poet np lot leae thai tone Mtioec tn me moat pool!, pieooe in ei. borugb or townahip. If. WeTin. Delllered it tie Hell Buad lOO.fltio Ifi.iacb ahared chingla. 100,000 14-ineh eawed ehlnglee. 100,008 feet of pin. boerde. 400,000 14-fea ahared boopa. t,0t8 railroad tia. 60,000 feat of good hemlook boarda. For which I will nay the hilhect aerhet prioe, delirered a Olearfield, or at amy poial the Tyroie A Clear Bald Hailraad. 4. r. anawnn. Claarlold, Pa, Oct. 10, Just Received. In.t Reoiivad hv ARNOLD, at CUKWKSVtLLK : Car Load Nova Scotia Tlaslor I Car Load pure Corn, Rye and Oats Chop ! Car Load Deaken Halt l Car Load of Choice Family Flour 1 Car Load Dry Goods, Groceries, ie.! ewj-.m,,n,rlon Rsrk. It. R. Ties and Grnin will bo taken In exchange. C'urwenBVille, aiay I, istb. NOTICEABLE POINTS lu the S'ltb. Annual Statement sf the liqultabi. LU. Aaauranr. Society, January 1, Iweu. Aaeeta, f.17,l8A,l4l,anieereaeo In 111! of aear ly Tw. Milliea Dollar, orer 1878. Mow Boaineaa, tlo.801,o4l. aa iacreaea of more then rin Million Dollar, orer 1878. SurDMU orer nil llabililia. 87.4lt.407. ae in- eea. of more tbea ail hundred Ibonaend dollar. liar 1878. Amoaat paid to policy faoldera and their repra eeoUliceo during the yew 1878, 4,8S,S7I. The year 1871 cloaed without a dlaputed death elelm oa tha reeorda ef the Boeioty. All juat oleimo peid promptly and ia full. Tha policy contract le clearly and eeneieely ax D reload, wlthoat ear technical condition.. In aaa of forf.itere of ordinary policiee, a lib eral enrronder eelue ia giren in tree paid-up In- enrenee. H. a. McbAALLl, DliUlct Agent, Clcnrtcld, Pa. Marob 14, 1888 tf. SHarrirtt. CURRY DAVIS. Al Ramey, oa Wedneadey, M.roh lltb, IBSO, by Rar. V. Adema, Mr. Kd mnnd W, Curry aad Miae Pbeaettia Deria.botb of Boooarta t.waahip, Cieerfleld eoaaty, Pa. WEISOERBKR-ZKIOLSR.-Al Troalrllle. oa Thuraday, Idercb loth, 180, by Rar. Joba Wolbacb, Mr. Joba A. wolarerocr mat Mica Sarah Aaa Zelgler, both af Brady townohip, Clearfield oanaty, Pa. BHASRBR afoCl'LLY. Ia Jordan town chip, an Tburcdey, Alereb Ifttb, by laeao F. Bloum, Kaq., Mr. Frederick Sbarrer, aad Mlee Lydla K. McCnlly, both af Clearfield annnly, I'a. DEW ITT LA WB BAB. At Ike M. B. Par- eonage, in Clearfield, an Bonder, Merck tik. taitu, by Kir. tt. beidy, Mr. William B. ilewtu end Mice hlery Lawhced, both .f Lewranca townohip, Cleerfield Munty, Pa. MORRIS MtNEEL. Al the PmhyUrlaa enreonace. In Aneonrllie. Teeedny, Mnrch ld, 1800, by Rer. D. il. Campbell, Mr. William w. Bjorria, or riko townabtp, nni HlH Meola MoNeel, of Jordan tawaahlp. OARDMKR WALL. On Sunday, Marak 18, 1880, by Hoe. John T. OladhtU, Mr. Jceeph W. Gardner, ef L Dana, Pa, aad Mill Jaauie Wall, of Latberibarg, Pa, KNKSS 8MILIY. 0a Randey, Merch I4lk, 1880, hr Bee. J. B. Deea, Mr. Wm. H. H. Kneee aid Mill Margaret . Dmlley. allot Clearfield conaty, Pa. McQl'IL l.AND-BWIFT.-At the AlleiheaT lloaae, la Clearfield, March I4lk, 1880, by Rer. Wa. 11. Dill. Mr. JobaT. McUuillaad and Miae Sarah J. Swill, both of Woollead, Bradford towientp. FRY. Ia Allomentllle, ai Tneedir, March Mlb. I8M, Mr,. Harah Jaae Fry, eawd M yeare. 1 Booth, aid 17 day,, FRRELAND In Coelnttoa tnwnahlD. en Taeaday, March lad, Jameo Fraolend, eged ahoal M year,. BCHNELL. At Bollefoate, an Maadey, March lid, 1880, ef nneumoaia. Mr. Joeenh tjehnoll, nged nbolt 88 yenre. CIXABWLP MARKETS, Ci.iuRr.BLa. Pa. March SI 160. Floor, pet ewt. ,........... $3 M Bach wheat Floor, percvft H Cora MeaJ, per et.m,...H.m,. f 6e Chop, rro, perct....,..,Mt,...H.,lt I 10 Chop, atiied, per ewt....,,., ....., 1 4 Hrap, per ewta...l.Mtlo.wHw.. I f Wheal, per hushel..M,..M I 16 Rye, per hoshol H 86 OaUp par hoshol ( Cera, oare, per bushel..H 4t bookwboat, per aaskelM.. .... ' o Clover soot) H,.H , 4 16 Tiesothv leetl 4 10 Potatooo, per habol..M M 9 Apples, per httshel.. ,... .,., ii Oflloai ... I 00 Haas, par pooa...M (Is Hboalder, per poaod I Drieti Bool, per poaoa . t. 10 Cbickeae, per pair .... u Batter, perpooacl 16 f ga, per aoaoa ... 12 Salt, per each, laroe .... ) Oa Cool Oil, per gallon 1ft Lord, per poaod , Q Dried Applet, per peaDd..-. Dried feeehes, per posad, I Ueaot, per buibsl. .. I 60 PBODUCE MARKET llEPORT. PaiLAiiLritA, Mar. 18. Trade wee qwie! to day, bat wbcat met an aalin Inquiry for April dcllrarlce. Flour and Meal Tbe Soar merbet la dall and price, fe.or bayere. Sai.a of 1,000 berrelc, iacludin g atanceote eilree at euo ou; Peaaaylreaiaectra femlly et SOfuifi&Oi walan da. at IC11IOJ7, and pal Ml aud ether high gredea at 87 fbfuil. Rye Sour la Innctin. We naoa al 4.87,re5. Corameat Ne ealee. Grala wheat ie dall aad U eealt pec beih.l lower. We qu.le Piuinl.ani. a. -' II 48 aeethela amber, Irecb, at 11.4 1, aad Na. I red. eleretor. nt 11.41. At tbe open Mard, Brat call. 8,000 baahela, April Bold al 11.40, i 10,00. buik. la da. at 81 41 1 aad ai t. 401 1 11.48 waa bid for March: 11.18 for April $1.18 for May, aad 1184 for J ana. Rye la qelel. We oaoto reanr.lranin nt ena uern m quiet but Ira. Belee nf 7.000 bnihela, Including ailed, at lent yallaw at44(ftlc aad while al 47te(,, tie. Belee of 4,000 heabela. Including rejected et4t4Se, aad wki'fi at 40,(0)48., CatOAfle.Mareh M. Flour nomine Uy unchang ed Who.t nnaetlled, lewer oleeiag Mmgt No. I red .1. ler, 81,17 i No. I Chicago iprtaj, l.ll (o)l. Ii fer eeehi 81 I4 hid for April i 81 l(W l.l far May Ne. Ida. (1.02., reiaaled, 87c. Oera ha fair demead aad tewer freah, J&ie j rainier, ISjefor ench aad April i I7(37le for May llo bid fur Juaa. Gate dull, weak aad lewer freak, 10c rcgulur, I7a tor neah Ind April, Hie fur May. Bye ojtttel wd aacheged , fierier oaeia at 14c. Pork atraageodkigheri S10.7I raraeeh f If.- 84 for Mey 811 .71(0.11 10 fhr Joe.. Urdu fair demand aad higher I 87 Zf'o (or April: 8T lt(7 It for May. Balk meeu etnng aad btgnw, eaoai.ere, , aaacinnc .ee court, M I4. Egga firm at lie. Wbleky aleady aad iinkeBfad at 11.00. gtw g,amtlsmrat. $400 for$250 1 TnEaaderaigaad will all a Lot with a low Steele Bad ether Mlhaildiage thereo. erected for 1140 worth liOO. SneaU le EeN ClearSeld. D. IIKll.HKlN, Variety Sure, Clearfield, Pa. Janaery II, IHM-tl. ARNOLD EA8 ADVANCED Prices of Shingles, 8IIAVED ANP BAWEP. Oarwaairllla, Jea. 8, 'li t. T.I A PI 88 LANIM FOR ALbV.Ii lleatoe I aad Plaetoweahlpa,claerfieldoeuaiy. jlL Keaeeilhle lime gtran la part e pneahaea !j aaeey. Price. 0 00 te tll.00 per .f laen'a raeema. Bine, new Pw.8Wi.Pa. t Wallaos A ianne. Sept. 10, UtO tr. Clearfield, Pe. t-m gUiirrtistmfntJ. Dl HKOI.UTIOM OY PA etT EBSHI W . Tha ae-parliarahlp heretofore eaiatiag be tween the nndenienad li tha Ireettee of law.waa dlecolcad by net oil eeaeeal oa the tth day of Marah, ipao, rneiia naLuiau, WM. D. BIOLKR, SMITH V. WIL80R. Clearfield, Pa., aCarnk 10, 1188-41. Ths Wilis Imi Caa be koogbt at lowed pricee from ALEX. PATTERSON, Woodland, Pa. It U equal, If lot oaperier tn aay fira-elaee Bowleg Maebiee li the market. Circular, eeol ca appllnalioi. Woodland, Pa., Oct. 18, 1878-lm. CLEARFIELD COUNTY BANK Tho bnnhing firm kaewl ae the Clearfield Caaty Beak kae beel dleeolrod by autunl oonant, nnd the beak le le go late gradual liquidation. Wo are raapanriaie lor mo urate, ena win pey .n, The acoeto will b. aador aontrol of Joba W, Wrigley .sclialroly, at tba banking aoao., aid an. wui lewiiecwa ny aim. JAM KB T. LEONARD, JAMBS B. GRAHAM, WILLIAM PuKTKR. WILLIAM A. WALLACK, GKOKUK L. KI.KU. Cleerfield, P., Dee. 8, 17 If. SaA.XV XhrXXXaXa -AT PRIVATE SALE I A NY parties ia need of a He Mill are hereby jtx ioioroietl tbat 1 will sell them uaeae good as aow. Biers s fiiocas, a FIFTY-FOUR-IS CH SAW, Belting, and all the other liloraa li good order. Fer further Information, addraeo . JUBTIW PIB, Oeceota Villa, Clearfield On, Pa March I, UM If. B 8ALB.- Tba anderslned will sell ai arlvata aala all that tract or peroel af laod sltaato la Decs tar towBshtp, Clearield aoaaty. Pa with la a short distaaoa of the Tyrone it Clearflel't H. R., aod adjoin too laatu of Hebcrt Hodsoa and otaers. and hoowa as tho Jacob B. Uearhart loL The said tract oontaiolng te acres atore or loee, with two Tolas of vslaabto eoal therooi. has aboat M acres e leered, and is tho hey to a lark-e bodv of ooai auooi aeiog oeveiopoio. wm oo sold low aad poa easy lams, tor particulars, apply to DAVID L. KHKB8. Clearfield, Pa Joly IS, 1874). NOTICE 1F INCORPOHATinN Notice is hereby givca that ao applicatioa will be made ooder the Act of Assembly of the common waa i ia oi rooasyivaata, entitled "Aa Act to provide for the lDOorporatioa ted Rsgnle Hob of eortola Oorperatioos," approved April 19, 1&T4, aad the supplsotent thereto, far tbo charter at aa iBteDdec corporaiioo to bo oallod the CLEARFIELD COAL COM PANT. The character aod object of which is lo oa rebate or leaee eoal lands, to opoa aod work the same, to miae, qoany, obia, treaspcrt, aad hoy aad H sua., sou lor .oorc parposes to aave. Dosaess aad enjoy all the rights, aad benefits and privileges wmrrrry vj insj Hirj jtn 0I ASSCIDbiy. TliUMAH H. Ml R RAT, H.C. McCORMlCK, Bolicitort. Clearfield, Po,, Mar. U, 1AR0-SI. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN THAT aa applleatioa will be BMrfe aoler tbe Act oi AUienoiy or tbe Uoraianowoalt, or 1'eonsylva nla, entitled "An Act to Provide for tha Incornn- ration aod Refold ion of certain Corporatloas," opprored April If, 1074, aod Ibe supplements inerono, iur iae Lttartor oi ao lateoued corpora tloa to be oallod tbo BEAVXR RUN COAL CO MP A NT, Tbo character aad object of which Is to parehaat or lease eoal leads, to open and work tho same, to une, quarry, sbip. transport, and boy aod Mil eoal : and Tor these Purposes to beve. pooscos and enjoy all (he rights, benefits and prirfleres of the saia daci h itsaaojDiy. uanni V, iakki, Ho teller. Ke. 711 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Mar. 10, ISM It. LI AH RILE TO PLEAD, William D. Bigler versus L. A. Miae hart and Barbara Lucas. No. January T , 18S0. Sumaoos la Ejectment, Aad aow, to wit, tho Utb day of Mareh. 1M0. oa aaotioa of Mr. Field In-. Altornev fur PUIattff. a rule is granted oa the Defendants te appear aad plead to this action of ejectment bronght to enforce specific performance of eoatraet for tho sale of a certain lot of groan d situate la West Clearield, aad kaowa ia lot No. 17, being 64 ft irua. n rroat siroei, aao f oecp, or judgment shall ao catered against them la default of each appearance and plea. Rule nturnable at Jaae lormaeit. FRANK FIKLDINO. March If. 18S0.3L Att'y for Plaintiff. UlCkical School ! KYLERTOWN, PA. Boealei will waaaua APRIL 1ST II. 1880. ind eoBiiaae tainni week. TUITION : Ccmmci Kngllah Brnnchee .14.00 Bigher EagUah aad Cleaalca . ... 1.00 Boardiog eu be had at from 11.00 te ll.M aer week. jap-For Cireolare eoatelaiai farther laforoaa- tloa, apply to the Principal al Kylcrtoun, Pa. aer. a. r. roitKDMAn, Principal. 0. W. KMiail, A.riatant. RylctUwa, Pe., Marah I, IHI0 4t. BUKNSIDK Normal Institute ! Tbli Sekoel will oen on MONDAY. MAY IIL 1880, end ooali.a. twelve u cake. TUITION: Jurenlle Uepertaent....... ......4 80 Cemaoa Brenekee 4 10 Common Branobee aad Theory of Teaching, ft 88 uigner ureieaae..M.M o eu Mra Melt. Ir.ii will teach larlmmaatel Buale It reueonable ratee. The Normal CI nee will be eiealned munlhlr be the County Supenateadeat. get4nod boardiog aaa be bed al from 11.80 U II 40 per week. Woama for calf boerdn eaa he bad el reaaonnble rata. For farther bfarme UoB, cell oi .r eddreae UBa W. INNEB, Priaelpal, JAB. II. KELLaY, AaaietaaL Burnalu, Pn , March 17, 1880-tf. A Bargain t FARM FOR SALE! The BBdcreiaTBod offers at or! rate sale that val uable farm situated ta UkAHAM TOWNbl.ll', Clearfield eouaty, kaown as tho Coalaiaiug US acres, ftlt of which are cleared, aad haviagthcraoB erected a large frame dwell ing boaee, large frame bare, and tho athar aesoo eary eatbuildlofe, together with a large orchard, good water, eta. Tha property will be sold on very easy terms. For farther particulars taqairo ef the Hebsorlber. In per eon, or hy totter. r nana, riabui.iu. Clearfield, Pe , March lltb, 18gtv-tf. XW0 - FARMS FOR SALE 1.1 BELL TOH'.rSBIi: T N 0. 1. Bitaala on lU lank ot the Hnioeekaane river, li Bell townabi., CtoerfieM eoante, Pa., eoet.lning 141 ACKEK, with none 7t aeree etcerud end ia a gend etale ef onllivatlaa, baring tBerMn ereone. a mrg. twn-eaary plena kenM, well tairhed, a large plaak bam, Juet hi, and ether eeeeaaery outbaildinee. NO. I. Containing 101 ACRES, abnejt 00 earn cleared, Ibe belanoe well limberad with haealack, Ac., and Snvleg Ibwreo. ereelnd . log bonM, leg burn, nad olhw Mtbuildlnge le with. In eio half ail. ef the rlrer. Soil la laterally good aad prndwetlva. The abora far ma will ke acid aheap, aad ae aaeoaahlo lorme, Poaeoeaioi elrefi April let. r HAH K PIKl.DlMI, w. u. nun. Kit, P. Y. WILSON, Clearield, Pe, March 10, 1880-41. Executors Nnle 0P A Valuable Farm! pHE aaderalraed Eteeatere af tbe eetata ef I MOBKnT LIDDKLL. diceaead. will afier at Public eale, ea Ike irealMC II Jordei tawi ahip, Clearfield eawaty, Paaieylraaia, aa Wednesday, April 7th, 1880, At tw. o'clock P. M.. the fcllewlnt deerrlbed property, ete t A Inrm elt.nto la Jordal lawn ahip, adjoining laada af R. M. Jobactea, Joba U Wileoa aad .laora. belellh. kamabead or iron. erty beleagiag u laa Mlete ef the Mid Robert bidden, deeeead, OMIaialng V AUXNl "1" V" -nVoraxuB, More ar lean, with a Seat It acree elecreA aad anda enrtivatlm. Tbe Imprev.meete eeialat If a goo. frame oh a pturi iiuuna. ail. reel, well Saiebed, a good frame kern, about fc.i40 feat. Mart. lew. ead a food bearle,, d7-,0ilCUARD, (tela Waa aid1 FjoeeLbor nibelldlage. Tb. coal lo reeorred we. aiacr IB acne el it. TVrati r flat. Oio-thlrel eeeh, aid the kalaac la tw. equal aaauel payaeale, with lilereet. a ba acred by am aa. a.ngege. roeoeatea eea a. giro. aaacaaay. jutll, u. wiijtun, , JAMES BI'NTEH, ' MRY SWAK, 1 Eaeeilera, Aowiellle, Pa., March 17, IBS It. t mi purrllanrouj. AN IMPORTANT NOTICE I I beg leave to announco to tho citizens of Clearfield and surround ing country that I have" opened a flint-class establishment for the sale of a Ready-Made Clothing, HATS AND CAPS, GISTS' FOBHISHJHS GOSBS; TRUNKS a VALISES. BESIDES I PEOPOSE TO CARRY A FDLL STOCK IN THE MERCHANT TAILORING LINK. ALL OP WHICH I WILL HULL AT VNI'SHA t.l.V I.UVV PRICKS MY 1'I.Ari: OF 111 ;sinkss IS IX Room No. 4, Pic's Opera House. Your patronagci Is fuitictt'ttlly milicitt J. 1'iiH in tivmiri or atttlri'M ALBERT THAMAUSEK, . S. B.OXB PRICE STRICTLY ADHERED TO. . Clearfield, Pa., March IT, 1880. The Game of "Fifteen" Solved at GAULIM'S. OOMB eBXlZ JPOIX 'T'OTTTtjeiZIXj'VBaBI. ?WX3SFXOXKr SXXjX3S:S THAT LAST A LIFETIME ! NEVER GET OFF THE ROLLERS, Keep out Flies and Mosquitoes, AND ADMIT THE AIR. March 17, lSeO. JAMES L. MARKET SJTR EF.T, CI.RARPIRI.D, PBKN'A. All kinds of Caskets and CoOlni It opt on band, and tarnished to order on short notice, including ths fineit as well as the cheapest that ran ba manu factured. Our oonFsm rjTrasjaxT.xrEixi - Is the best In uso, and will be fttrnieliej when required. Funerals attended in any part of the county. Call at your orders at Troulroan'l Furniture oet 1,79 ly. T. A. FLICK. NEW, NEW, NEW. SpringSummer Styles, AT THE ONE PRICE T. A. FLECK & CO., i CLEARFIELD, PA. j Black and Colored Cshtoores, Brocade Dress Goods, Plain Preta Goods, New Shawls, Ladies Coats, Red I Ianne1s,ray rlannels, Flaid.rlsnnels, Navy Bine Flannols, Waterproofs and Ladies' Cloths, all colors, Caesimeroa, Men's and Boys' Wear, Dress Ginghams, Calicoes and Muslins. Our stock was nover batter. Millinery Goods, A complete Stock at our iiNiinl Ilnrgalu. 8a Plumes, Flowers, Wlnga, Ostrich Tips, New Ilrocade Velvets and Silks, satins, i;iack ana loiorea hiiks, niaci and Colored Silk Velvet, Kid Gloves, Lislu Gloves, Silk Fringe, Buttons, Laces, Corsets, F.mbroidcrics, Edgings, Insertings, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, Linen Ilundkerchiofs, Ladies' Ties, Hibbons, Gerroanlown Yarni, Zenhyra and Fancy Yorns, Ladies,' Gent's and Children's Undorwcnr, Ladles,' Gent's and Children's nose. We don't intend to have any store in tent iiu viiiiuicii a iiwtB. v u.. '.wu. w .. . Clearfleld oounty beat ns in anything style, prices, quantity, ,,. . il: !..- II m - A AM .,n..MAf fUailiy,Or selling. . mva uo Oil Cloth, Ottoman, CARPETS, T. A. FLECK & CO. Graham's Building, ; - Market St., see: eweak le Tear own town. Terete aad Bi Mt.a tiom, ateaiaaa H. al anaa . Ommymmj , PertianA, Maine. lOMl7,tO-l7. ARNOLD WANTS 5,000 Rail Road Ties. Cerwiarrllle, Pa. Jaa. 8, "78 It AKSIOWEEJM MOTICBLTI HHa It May Cencen The alAarclewael, her Ini heea apaeiBteel Aeel(aeaa for the henelt eferedi lore hr Jea. R. UreheB, nf Cleerl.U homach, all paraoai, therefor., hnvlnff eleime ereieat hlea will Ihont te na for eetllawnl, aa. laeao lo ix "I lo the ealit 'Irak am are rrqeire. to Mill. aaO make aajatcel to aa. Huaaitn a. nn,i.r.n,' AHHUHV W. I.KK, ClearSeld, Pa., Dm. 14, I87l lf ) Aaalfaawe. MEW WA8HX1.GT01I total Iiistfjiitet! Opou 2CoxidA7, April acth, 1880. ONK TKHM OM.r-TWBLVh WEKKB. THIS Bcbaol entaaienda tlaelf le uhllc feror fer the following ranaoio t e-lrrt, Roarrltaa eea he h.4 la good fediliee et from II to ll.M per week. Beeead, Location le hrellhrel aad ptdnrMqu. Thlid, The oe uric ef atadr Inoladea connate aad hlfher braaeaee. rerth, lu atadeel, reoeWe the heaell of ea MUkllahrd Leetire eoarea free .f eharro. ritth, The ileoet, kare the idraatife 04 a well-cendneled Literary ftoelety. Bluh, The aeerla of the rlclelly tern.rete the tearhere end .ledcBle li their wnrh. Bareath, TMH KOHMAL CLAMS WILL K BXAMINRD MONTHLY BY III! COL'.NTV BUPE RIN TBN DENT. ( , , , TriTIOi: Aay af alt af Ih. hlhr brenchee . W So CoaaaMa araar haa. wltb Tbevrv off Taicala ... tatl OeaWMia w..a.M ,., ., 4 ao SSeaac at..... Ira JMT-Tne iidelaed aria bs .haaeed eafenleb edjitlaaal laierwatiaa, either by iiiiae aw hHVar Altai aao Meet Beraie, ClavleU. Pa. hi V7IBI, . . aA;t BAVAtJE, . fektwer, Ma, l,t I at. . Z -. . SmUrtllanfcni. LEAVY, my dike, on Second street, or leave Store, adjoining tho Postoftlce. JAS. L. LEA VI , Clearfiold, Pa. A. M. niLU. DRY GOODS STORE OF Our Ladies' Skirts are beautiful. all kinds of Fancy Wings and Birds, ten mm bi'o w llnga, Kte. Clearfield, Pa. Sent. I.'7Q ly Sftt 5tfli'(rti3fmta. All.TOTTHMKn ADMINISTRATORS' SALE Real Estate! BY vlrtoe of an er4er leml eot of too Orjjhomo' Court of CkeroaltJ eeoat, Fa., the under irnod AtlHioUtratore mf too eatete of ARTHI'K RKKfK, Uto of Lawraeoe towo.hln, ia aaioj woo 17, defoaeott, will Boll at Feb He Hoio, ol (bo Coort Hoooe, ia loo boroQ(a of GlewBeM. oa Friday, April 2d, 1880, At Iwe e'eleck P. M , tint etlaehle him aad hemeateed, eitaeta la .aid teweehli, boaaded ead deeenbed ee followe : Bcataalns at a poet at comer of Una of Genre. Better i aheaee aorta le. de.reea weal II aerchae t. I rad eak i thence north 18 dcKreee eaet 41 r.rehee to a k eaa each nrar the bank ef CleerSeld oeeek, aad aear aaealk of rn t Iheaee eaalh It degree wed 41 aerehe. ta I while oak aear the Cleerleld mea nad I tbeac Berth 81 defreee went 4T aerobe, ea a neat la Una af laao i th-ece math hy lend, nf Haaiael Tete'e helre 47 dearoai wear 117 I. I dead heatloe ekm hr the aide ef the labile road leading freea Wat. A. Itead'a eawntillto Aaeoa Rood, bhu'hataltk ihep ; Ibenee hy laada af A. U. Tato, lb. oovrre af aaid ro4 bcteg eoalk. 3S degree, enat It perchee le I poet, or eteae la eatd road aa Haa nT te Peter MarUi treel ; tbOBM aertb att drireee aaat tit 7-11 acre haa la nine. ef hcglaallg, eeaulalag ojru nvjruRLO jlrkm and aUawalc Thle la en. ef tbe heel Insamed feme h, tb. maty. KltlHTY A0HK8 are Merao, meal, nad endar gnnd mace ai eaiitraai.n, Bar lag there, oa erected a large TWO-STORY HOI-HI, d barge BANK. li a it pi. together wltb a an, I. oom, i mmm torn aaawwr, .ei. 1 lb. iceeeeary aat. a. I a large arebard erat lade, aad a well SfV bwlldUge, a, well ae i frail Ireae of aU blade, aieetloil water' TVriets tinef rscftfeM t Oa. third ef the parehne. (toley aaaet ha pale) . aw mSraallaa ei aale, aad the kalaaa. ha tw. e.nal awiaal payeacata, anearew by baaed omd , mortgage aw eh. yreeilaae. Pee farther Interna tea. la.nhmM tAe f reaiaaaa.w ef t. Id. Bahryewr, .1 Clewlerld, ar Slew Reace, Phillpehnrg. JOHN O. SCIIRIVI1, ' SILAS RIKSI, I ACwlelatretort, ' OerOeH Pe., Merck 10, lose-ll.