k lUpntliatt. . . . Gioroi B. Gooulandib, Editor. CLEARFIELD, Pa. WEDNESDAY WOHNINO, MARCH 14. 110. ltwdir, If yoa want to know what Is going oa la tbo bnalnoM world, Juat road oar rtvartUIng Diana, tot Spteimi oolumo in particular. MAXIM! FOR THE DAY. No man worth? tb eOlM of Pr.ildnt ihuM to willing to Hold It If oantd In, or pltuwd than lr mj fraud. o. urart. I eoald sirtr bar ben mono 1 14 to tbo olo vat lea bv tho mallai. old of nino of a parton, kowortr mpootoblo In privata lift, who unit ivrtrtrflarrT upon on orow ina aianp 01 iraa Int trlatDDlioai In Amarloan fciitorf. No lub- oqaoiit action, bowovor uarllorLtMt. coo wh away in itttoro 01 inai roeora. Crarlbi Kkaroii Amm. I would rather ha tbo ndoriotoontof aquar ian of a Billion or tbo Amcrloan pooplt than that of tbo Leu 11 aa a Ktarntng Board, or of tbo Com minion which ozo laded tbo facta nd dooldod tbo quoit Ion ob a Uohnieallty. Tno. A. llavnaicita. to dor tbo forma of low, Katborford B. Jiajraa hai boon dooiorod Prtnldent of tho United State!, lilt tilt roiti apoB diffronflblifmont of lawful solan, loo uim MM in oat i oi in warning om eon noting oorroptl, and tbo doeltfon of a eoin miaiina which boa rtfuied to facer evidence of al leged frond. For tbo flrft tlaio aro tbo A mar Icon people nonfronted with tbo fust of a fraudulent I j oloeiod Preafdeat. Lot It aot bo nadoratod that ibo frond will bo lUently aoqutoioed la b tho country. Lot no boarpaic la which tbo uaurp- lion i forgotten. ADDBiai or I)RMouaATio M. C.'a. . Odo hundred yeara of human depravity aeoa ruuUtod and oonoonlratodlntoaolimoi of crimo. Never again In boodrod yaare thai) tbey baro an opportunity to repeat tho wrong. DaMIILW. VoOKBBIfl. DEMOCRATIC COVNTV COM MITTEE FOR 180. 4 TWr. MKHI.nt. Barnld. B'r. Chnrlu B, Patrloh. ClurOold " fln.it. V. Wllion, CnrnT'. 11 K. I. Tbompion, llonlKl.l. " Pstrlok Don., l.titnb.rC'" II..I.IW. II i K, N'-whort- " lnue Mark I., rDMTorric.. ltaraatt).. Cli.r.lL CitrwtBiTtll.. HoBtld.).. Lumbtr Ctty. Uurtl. X. Waib'n " Dr. A. 9. Bannotl, S. Waahlnni.il. (ii-aola 11 H. A. Cinnbfll, O'ewl. Hilla. Wallaoalon " U. W. KmijU, W.llMvton. nocari. I p. ua-rld near. Iil.n Hop. Bell " -tonn at noaa, William MnH, " laaMllalib, " Daniel Hiuhani, " Charla. Srhwm M Job. Waa-nr, o-t.nd. ForMi. W.ll."t-ton. Woodland. Lnthtrabnrs. Uloom llorgf Hr.dfnrJ l)r.lj Harm. its Ob-it UorinKton l".tur Fa-gaion llirard Ooihtn . Or. hit. (IrMQWoml (lullnt HastnD , Joril.n Kirtb.m Kdoi liswrfnt Morrti Pens Hik. 8ndjr Union Wio4 irnrd N. Wublnittoa. " Joiispb II.Brstb, N. Waablnito., " F. U.Coodrlat, Fr.nch.llla. " J.iooW Y. Htalnar, 1'hillptb.rf . " A. A. Bloom, M.rraa. M Job. Na.'omb, Ollllagbam. ' John A. L. Fle(al, Lick Hon. Villi. " 0. W. Kjlir, llrahamtoa. " John A. Rowlta, Marro.. " Jamai Fljnn, Smith'! Mi III. " II. L. Horning. P.ntiald. " Dr. E. A. Cioioell, A.Knrlll., ' Oeorire Ilet-kendoro, Halt Llek. Conrad Bak.r, New Millport. " Clark Bro.n, Cloarfiol J. " D. II. Warning, Xi.rrli.l.la Mln.i. " Martin M. Flynn, Grampian Hills. " Samurl Addlcman, C.rwtnavill.. John M. Trosoll, llolloll. " K-ubon II. LaborJl, Rorkl.n. ,( William Lnttivr, Mad.rta. H. J. P. Bl KCIIK1KI.1), Chairman, Clsartold, Pa. W. K. Wit.l.ii t. Secretary. ClaarUeld. Itcad "The Law of T'aut v, to be found on our fourth page. Unr fourth pngo contain three or four excellent political articles. Don't forgot to road "Judge Field's Warning," found on our first page. "Annals of the War," published on onr first page lust week, should be read by everybody. with the notice published by Cbnir man Miller, the members of tho Dem ocratic Slate Committee met in Pitts burgh on Thursday, the 18th inst., and agreed upon Jlurrisburg as the place, and Wednosday, April 28th, as the time for holding the noxt Demo cratic State Convention. IIappt Thought!--An exchange has it in this way : "What we wont,1 muses Conkling and Cameron, "is i man who will seine possession of the Presidential Chair oven though not olectcd. Thors is no possibility of ns electing anyone this year; but we can keep possession all the same." If the fellow elected makes no greater effort to obtain his place than Tildcn did in 187GI "Hal ball That's so .Mrs. Jcnksl" Sherman chimes in. iawpehei juMtTiNO. i ho Demo cratic Stato Committee, having agreed to hold tho Stato Convention at Har risburg on tho 28th of April, it is about time that onr Senatorial Conferees fix upon some timo and place for a meet ing, for tho purpose of electing Sen atorial dolcgato to the approaching Convention. Our Conferees are Thos. Smith, orAnsonvillo, Dr. J. W. Potter, of Karthaus, and John F. Weaver, ot Clearfield. Jli'Miiix "Wo will wait for the people." So remarked Hon. Hichard Vaux, of the Philadelphia Common wealth, after the meeting of the State Central Committee at Pittsburgh. To onr personal knowledge there Is no prominent man in onr party, in this State, who has for the past twenty- five years manifestod so little respect for the people as Sir Iticbard.; This lost yell is that of pure demagogue, without the hopo of accomplishing anything except disorganization. . A Powwrui Maw. The Pittsburgh Pott, in its late tirade against Senator Wallace, In the Kerns case, says : "Wo are assured the Democrats of the Sen ate wonld only have been too glad to have rejected Kerns, but it would have been in violation of 'the Bsnagea of the Senate,' with both Senator, in bis favor, to have rejected the appoint ment. Wallace had only to raise his little finger." What a powerful man the Senator must be. We wonder if he "raised hie little finger" at Pitta lorgl., on the 18th inst., and la the aT dora by 28 to 14. No, this can't be so; for while the 28 to 14 were in session, the Senator was seated in onr Court room watching the Inter- eats of his clionta during a Sheriff's salo of a large amount ol real estate, jut aa calm and carol oss as though the Stale Committee was not in ses sion at the iW. door, and all the Barn loose, ready to devour every Wallace man who had the impudence to wander to Pittsburgh on that day. if J :i'r2rj- v RECORD COMPILERS. t'nlorluimtely the Democratic party of our Stula contsiua a ttiiprrilln ele ment within Itn lines, the membcie of whlrb uro in tli habit of jmttinK on licmiM'iniy in llr.c style ami literally proclaim it from tho hoimoti'J) a vig oroimly a Ihu common harlot Uihik bcr virtuiM on lite Iruet comer. Hunoe we volunteer little sdviow. We know tlint tbo one offender ii about at bard to reclaim a the other; but we will try. . : . ',-:. The class indicuted are very liigli- lonoJ (jn tlaeir own hnaeilifttlon) and are the proprietor! ol old uoumm York, Lancaster, Clianiliorshiirg, Al toona, PilUtburgli, and Fourth Ward in rbiladulphia. Xhexe eatabliabmenta are run by litis element and the mem ber, exhauet all their huge talent" in compiling the laulU, inatcad of the virtues of lar better men than they can prove themHolvea to be. Then lei lows are always carping and finding mull with the aucceiiaful member of the party ; but they never auggeat a plan by which to rake in tho common enemy. They aro adept" at compiling "tho record of leading member of their own party, and in thia way fur niah guna, amunition, and provision to tho common enemy. If, in war times, a soldier wua caught doing thia kind of work, he would be arrested, tried convicted, ahot, and buried aa a traitor. Will either ol tho he tinea indicated, or the political household of Sir llifh ard Vauz, (all men of hugo talents, liberal views, and unbounded virtues if they arc not lying) point out to ua verdant backwoc-dnn.cn just where the meridian lino runs between a true sol uiera conduct and that or a progres sive membor of the Democratic party ? Is not tbo man who furnishes proven dor for tho enemy a traitor? If so, why ahonld he not bo shot 1 Now, go on with your compilation of Dill, Wallace, or anybody else's record. P. S. A you are the proprietor of much talent and great virtue, please try a compilation of the record of our oominon enemy ; stop playing the po litical sneak, and grow np to be true Democrat, and, of oourse, patriots, in whom there is no guile. N. H. Uo.vevor, if it is imposaiblo for you to improve your political na ture, go over to the enemy, and quit devouring onr rationr. We never waa a soldier; but, after thoordinary tramp, we despise the liospititl bummer above all human beings. A CROOKED EDITOR. The profession is occasionally both ered with a man of thia kind. The ed itor of the Pittsburgh Pout is the char actor in point. He is nearly always a tools op, and the man who dares to favor another, or oppose him, is knifed and driven to the wall so far aa Ban can do it. Senator Wallace has been bis target for sovoral years, and be ia constantly fired at by tbe malcontents of tbo I'osi; but they never hit their mark. Tbe Post men have now shoul dorcd Speaker Kandull and Aldorman McMullon, and are trying to make Mazeppas outoftbein. Tbe 8 peak or writes to the Post, alluding to a circa lar, as follows: "I wish yon wonld publish it and say that 1 put myself in black and white demanding the rejec tion of Kerns, and had udge Thar- man's assurance, as Chairman ot the J udiciary Committee, that K erne would be rejected. Upon that usaurance I took for granted that it wonld he so ; but Senators Cameron and Wallace overruled ine." This is a queer con fession of weakness. Not until now haa the Spcakor admitted that any body could overrule him. W lovo the Speakor and the editor of tho Post, and we thorefore advise them to be have like other good Democrats stop off playing the granny, or go over to the enemy, and quit eating our pro A Matter or Krcobd. One ot the cutest ideas conceived yet brought to light in this Kerne Marshal business, Is tbe item in the Lancaster Intelligencer, which reads as follows: . - iloval sr rUntiUTiTivni, Waa.inoTow, U- 0.. January IS, INNS. Dub Bib: I ooocor wltb Mr. Wallaoe I. rsw sommsndlag tb. rsjastioa af Mr. Ksrnl as Mar Ibal af ths K altar, dlitrlel of Pnaaylssaia, far rsaaons I am trilling at an; tlms to giro lo jsa. Y..rt vsrj rsspaslfullv, Ram. J. RniiAi.L. Hon. A. 0. Tbcbbm. For a long time Speaker Kendall was on both sides of this question privi.W.v bat now, tbe verdict is ren dered ffirough tbe Speakor'a organ, for the benefit of Marshal Kerna. As tbe Benator did just what the Kseaker concurred in, why should tbo .farmer be set upon by the whole kennel Blanch, Tray and Sweetheart and tbe latter patted on the back f We con fess the problem is too high-toned (out side of the Ten Commandments and the single rule of three) lor ns, and we are, therefore, unablo to solve it. Social Slop We see it elated that Mrs. Chriatianey, charges that her husband, Judge Chriatianey, sold his seat in tba Senate to tbe late Zacb Chandler for a sum of money, and that her knowlodge of thia transaction, gained through ber husband's son, Dr. t ictor Christiancy, was tbe cause of tbe cruel troatsaoot she received at the hand of her Venerable lord. She telle a frightful story of Ill-treatment on "her man," charging him with be ing a confirmed epium eater and a slave to liquid stimulants. If all this be true, the yoaag darn eel "brought her pigs to a very poor mark of when she bestowed her affeetioai and band on Judge Chriatianey. But the Judge seems to hold out far better in this transaction than "old 7.ac." did. Tllf. LOflSIAXA SEX A TO It-SHIP. The Committee on Privileges and! .lections, In tbe I' nitedStiitoe Senate, on the 10th inst., reported its action in the Kellogg-Spofiord case fi-om Loui aiana. It ia as clear as the sun at noon, that the notorious carpet bagger, Kellogg, has hr-ld a seat in bnl body for over three years to which he hue no better title than Hayes haa to the Pres idency. The aaino scoundrels who seated the one seated tho other, by porjury and bribery. After some little discussion Senator Hill offered two resolutions, tho tlrat docluring that William P. Kellogg was not uluclod a Sonator, by reason of having been chosen by un illegal body, and having gained evon its action through bribory and corrupt practices; second, that! Honry M. Spofford was ontitled to the scat now occupied by Kellogg, and has boon entitled to It sinco March 4, 1877. Theae resolutions were adopted by a strict party vote of six to two, Senator Logan, of the minority, being absent. The resolutions will, in all proba bility, not be presonted to the Senato before tbe early part of next week, and will thon be accompanied by tbe majority report, which ia vory lengthy, oxbaustivo and ola borate, and ia describ ed by those who have seen it aa a very remarkably able documentand convinc ing in character. It traverses both the law and the facts at great length, and states that Kellogg is clearly proven to have been guilty of bribery and cor ruption, both helore and after tho elec tion, accuses him of procuring wit nosses to swear In his interest, and of other and divers crimes. The first high ground to be taken by the report will bo that Kellogg was not electoj .B....,. .K, twHttn, quorum not being present. 1 he, come in Die alter tacts, and the clearly proven vhargea that ho manipulated the electors before and tho returns af ter the election aro adducod against him, a well as the matter of hiring lying witnesses and bribing the mem- ,, bora of the pseuJo Legislature. minority report will probably be made I up hy Senator Angus Camoron, and will favor the retention of Kellogg, winding up with a bloody-ehirt howl. Well Don.. A Washington letter writersaid: The othor day somebody U w 'oun'l guilty as be stood in was observed Bitting in the sent in the d'''1""1- Tho oli,or 'w were then Senate which is designated as that to.postpo" "nt" the next term of court, be occupied by Senator Jones, of Xe- vatla. It waa reported about tho Sen-! ate that the person in question was actu-' ally Jones himself, but nobody could corroborate the report, aince nobody in tbe ball was ablo to recognixe hi P. S. Jonca has been Senator for over throe years, and ho has not put in throe weeks service in tbe body ; but his $10,0i0 salary and milage ia receipted for every quarter, although be baa a silver tongue of his own and millions besides. He is one of our modern "Christian statesmen," wholly "controlled by grand moral ideas." If the taking of 110,000 of the people's money without rendering any service is a "moral idea," we want less of it. Fairrv. A Radical exchange hits one of his loyal follow-citirens over the shouldors in this .way : "Kmile J. Pe tmyi mtrthsn-rA tAVmracnrra.'wB last week convicted in the Dauphin county Court of attempted bribery and corrupt solicitation of a member oi tho Legislature. This man was expelled irom toe .Legislature a lew years ago for corrupt practices, and it is anything but creditable to bis constituents that they should send him back only to futherdisgrace them and binisolf. no will get his sentence on the 29th inst., and from what we know of Judgo Poarson, he will suruly got what bo so richly deserves." The fellow is after a pardon, and yon had better look out, or he will get it I And then what 1 Scot boiho. The Philadelphia iT.'aiej, in alluding to the misfortunes of a great man, says : It Is sad to think that in the House of Correction in which Donnis Koarney is to pass the next six months there are no lamp posts npon which be may hang the bloated bondholders who havo Incur red his displeasure. He may improve the time, however, by writing a book, nnloss they make him work at some olher trade. Enterprieing demagogues are as dangerous to life and liberty as lunatics. Tbe consignment is an ox collont one, and "the Pacifio Slope" is ontitled to the credit ot all who prefer this boon for the exoollent manner in whioh they have squolched this ignor ant, wicked demagogue. A Diad Shot. Tbe editor of tbe Selinagrove Times adorns a stubborn fact in this way : "Another one has boon atlded to the daily and endless train of those who go out of tbe world by fire, In the porson of a five y oar old daughter of Henry Itennor near Buf falo X Roads, Union county, whoso clothes caught Dm. ' Hundreds ot women and children annually lose their lives in this way; yet wo see no one proposing a preventive or any logisla lation on the aubjoct, whoreao il a few old cows die with pleura pneumonia we must have a State board of hoalth to look after them with a nice appropria tion." Whirs do Tbxt Come Faox. Tho Boston IlcraU states that , now appli cations for ponslons are pouring into the Interior Department at tho rate of 7,000 per month. Where thoy Dome from is a mystery. Some 250,000 pen sioners are now on the rollamjuf over 200,000 claims are pending, and those nambera Indicate that nearly one-half tbe men enlisted in the Union army were either killed, wounded or die bled while in the sorvioo. It is cer tainly an extraordinary fact that, after a lapse of fifteen years, some 2.13 per sons should daily discover that they are entitled to relief from tbe Govern ment. Thosi Calves. It in evident Irom the following that the editor ol the Uarrisburg Patriot Is dreaming of the stage. He says : "In the great moral drama to be enacted by the Republi can party in Chicago next Jane, tbe Vitwudi perrnnar will be represented follows : Path... Mr. J. P. I'amstoa. P-aallralSn.. sir. U. S. Oram Tba BtoBSsb sld. PshagBtaa ka tba Ooaraatlow. Falrad OaK ....... ..Mr. Jams. Ii. 11.1a.. Major Filler ia either reading some eiaseieal author or regaling himself in Bible studies. Tbeoloirv nn ths alao-a I- --rw - r-t Major! Til K XE.XT MOVE Noth:k in HK.m-.iiv ;i tsr Til at auDlloalioa will b. mads to Ibo Board of Far.l.ni lor lbs pardon I Ul.siln B. Saltsr. Will- lam H. k.mbi., Jis B frafor.l, William K. KuinborRor and Broil J. I'elr.., lu lbs oa.ei r.- ' ' " psetiiols Malnat them In In. Court ol yuart-r II. llendotn, of Missouri, who says o"'''", '"'" """""" jiluttif (;,,t bc candidate, In the We give the above notice publish- j present teper of political parlies, he ed in tho advertisement department oil' an llort to inangui-ato bim the Dauphin county papers one rat iiilotta insertion, as it is highly itiiixirt ant to all the people of the State that they should know of tho outrage that is to be attempted upon them. The four "roosters" who plead guilty of corrupt aolicitutloii of Legislators at llarrisburg lust Monday, and tbo one who was convicted after trial, have had their sontonccs postponed, and it ia now propoaod to bold n special meet ing of the Hoard of Pardons, to be ready to grant a free remission as soon as tho penally of the law shall bo im posed. Ordinarily tint lioiird . would not meet until sometime in April, and if Imprisonment waa a part of tho sen tence it could not be evaded. I'nder tho operations of the old pardon ring, it has happened that a (iovornor s par don has boon ready before sentence, but such a thing was supposed to be impossible under the constitutional provisions fur a Hoard of Pardons. It soems, however, that money and po litical deviltry are equal to all occa sions, and an attempt ia to bo made that " unparalleled in this Common wealth. Wo slinll wait to sco the de velopment of it with great solicitude and yet with confidence thai in the event of tno worst happening tho iron hand of justice will soon atone for tho delay of the leaden heel. For whom the gods would destroy I hey first make mad enough to attempt such deeds as the ,)fir(igrB,lh at t,e top 0f ,hi() arti L0 roinls i0Lan,,tcr MMigmm. SCOVXDREL1SV The Kaston Sentinel remarks: "In our last issue wo gnvo tbe facta of Koinble, Salter, Crawford and Rum- I bergcr, of legislative bribery notoriety, Pdingguilty in thecourtsof Dauphin county, when thoir cases wore called for trial. At that time Kmil J. Pctroft", a member of tho House from Philadel phia Fifth Legislative district, was on trilllt charged with the same onenso. ni1 "(IK 1 "on lixed tho :.!th of tl" month a9 the time on which be would pass sentence on t he whole gang. "And now comes a scrjucl to the trial. Hoping to defeat tho demands of justice liv political power, these worthies have already advertised no tices of application for pardons. The regular session of tho lloaid of Pardona is hold this weok, at which time they expoct to arrango for a special meet ing of the Hoard, on tho anmc day oi which they are to bo sentenced, wih a view of being relieved at once fpm any and all penalties that tho curt may impose upon them. This is a high-handed piece ot prcsumptiol and tho people will anxiously wait .o eoc whothor tho Hoard of Pardon 'lare commit such an outrage Tbe convic ted parties aro all Republicans nri tho Board is all of the same poetical taitn uarVrho -boStiniiiKfi,JtS':!L-, for political reasons, to defeat tho de mands of justice f We will see. A Ctti Remark. -The Venango Spectator remarks : "It strikes us that the few Democratic papers in the State that seek every occasion to pock at Sen ator Wallace cannot consistently find fault with Mr. John Kelly and his Tammany crowd for distracting the Democratic party in Now York." How quick some of those imaginary chickens come home to roost I Why, John Kelly has just as much right to raise h 1 in New York, as the fellows indicated have in Pennsylvania. Stoi t and Hobist. Tho Washing ton Post has bad Horatio Seymour interviewed, and the result was a three-column letter, which waa re contly printed in that papor, all intend ed to any that the venerable ex Gov ernor will accept tbe Democratic nom ination for President if it is forced upon bim j but, for all that, ho hopes the party will try and get along without him. Mr. Seymour, by tho way, is stated to bo in a thoroughly robust condition The Rev. Dr. Dashiell, of the M. E. Church, who for fivo years was Presi dent of Dickinson College, at Carlisle, in this State, died iri Nowark, N. J., on Monday night, March 8th. Ho was born at Salisbury, on tbe Kastei n Shore of Maryland, in 1827, and began hia ministerial work in Virginia. For moro than a acoro of years be labored in Delaware, Now Jersey, and this Slate. It hi rannrtag during tb. alltlng of lha Coin mlltas that Nsnator Wallai-. waa In thi oitv, dl ranting bla brm frooa aoma hldlug pla'-r, ht this was not traa PUfbuFgk 7(4rjA . Senator Wallace was sitting in the Court room at his home, attending to the interests of his clionta, while tho Committee was arranging for the meet ing of the Convention ; eud he seemed to labor nndor no exoitoment, either. That Iniamois Game. The Bed ford Ga:etle chimes In on it in tbia manner by way of remembrance: "Kigbt lo seven make tho famous or rather infamous game wbicb waa play ed In American politics a littlo ovor three years ago. But 8 and 7 make the troublesome '15 and the 8 always beats the T." Versatile. Stanley Matthews ia in for Orant head over heels. After a whilp somebody will renognixe that Ibis is the same Rlonley Matthews who, In 1S72, was ono of the most con spicuous of tbe anti-Urant leaders, and then well, some people don't mind having a little fan poked at them. Mr. Blaine may be called upon to ex plain that bribery business in which bis friends indulged just before the or ganisation of the Fnsionist Legisla ture. The money haa been traced pear enough to his own residence to make things exceedingly uncomforta ble for him on tho stnuip. DRirriNO. In Virginia, judges of Slate Courts are being Indicted in the I'nitcd &au Courts for not putting negroes on juries. 4 little Biorn con-) tralixation, backed by "a strong man," and white men will be sent to prison if they don't employ ncrroe " ! TIIF.1SE TO HEW TO. j ' ,0 WuingiJn i'wf, in alluding to I " . "omillg ents, lemnrKs: "It ia an nlil il i. l l!.,nlll (:.. I..l. ,mi.i-T it'H'fl or n'iv .... ciani ,.l u...i i.i- i i.i:,.i ... . ' ! or, ... I, dgmciit. than the tempo- 0 (),.t , uMl,Ct wliere ,)B w rary sucnclol tbu nemormtic party, j hold to bail and his iiatmiiliaalion pa When tho le of tho majority is once ' pore taken-fiom him. In one case a broken, tlicesiilt iaeithor Anaichy or warrant had been cxecuteJ. tho party Monarchy. In preference to either Qf tJ ,'d brought before Daven ,. . , . , i , , iiort j tbe warnjuit was signed by Duv- these give, the peaceful rule of any ' rl, UIK, 0ged Information under party. Theuc may bereinudied with-1 oath aiiaiual .be narty aireatod.. Hie out blood ; -,o other, nevor. In con- noclion wilhUr candid avowal, tuko the statement frequently iimtlu by the third teera that they fuvor Orant becaustio will he sure lo got in, if elected thas, if bo thinks he either has or ought diavo bad votea enough to give hinilio oftlco. Remember, there has beeno threat ol counting out. P.ear imind that tbo only in stance ot frdulently putting' a de feated cantlico into the Presidency waa the Kcpifcan crime, which gave Jlr. Hayes tli place winch ho now Irregularly flnpics. Putting these expressions 1 these lucts together, I ul'" warrant bneed npon this inlor and scanninihem in the light of the! n"f.V.""- , , "strong ma theory o persistently j i.uiuiivM, ni' v i u nmi in i nr i em , purpose tbu, u-s at the huw of the (.rant movcwit. The parly that has held oxecuti-nower for twenty years, ., .. ' . , , , ' the party th has li-otldon the (;otisti- tution anil wa nndcr its Icet whoe necessary to sum its grip, the party I that nov hoi all that it posscasos bv I , . . ., .. .. J Huro man iraii... lias no intention of ylding to the will of the people n ISSany moro than It had in 187 This whatfirant's candl dacy ncans. This is what tbe third terra Itadcrs itend. Mr. Henderson's tears re bard on a substratum of solid tel. 1U for all that, Grant will not tnl' possuiion ol the WliitcUouse. Tbo inn wlids lawfully elected next Novcmur wl bo duly inaugurated next Mxcb. Anil any man or set of mon wb nndrlnko forcible resistance will becliminlcd from the tumble- some sjnus r this morlul sphere." the :a TttXAi cox vextiox OF 187li. sour. rrXHWTiNii ritn ans to look nr.a ji st now. In tliuIepiiolicanNational Conven tion of DC, which -mt at Cincinnati, Ohio, on io l-llh of June, there were 7;W (Ieleg.es from nl the States, and Tcrritnric, requiring 87fl voles to mnlte a ominntmn. 'iuthcrfoH B. kayos, tlji Governor t Ohio, was jhosen on lio seventh htfot, James (r. iw iuiiuk -o ram norl ol the necessary lumber. 1 ho o0tiiiga n the Convention were as folUvs iLLorit I I S 4 a J Jamai II. Ill Ina... ton 2V2 Sill S. -.o Oli.w P. Mmloa...ll 12 ' I ' a. BanJ. J. Brl.tow...ll " II. 11. ,. Roioo. Conkling- " ' ' A J r. b. n.7a. si si s7 as if ,1 J. F. ll.Mr.nS.... S SS tl ,9 Manhill Jawwl...- II ... - - Wm. A. Whoalar... :l 1 S K. II. Waihbvn -. I t Total vatas lit Hi '-' 7i4 ''''4 rsad, along lbs sidaa and bind parti,- tbs borni In tl... Democratic National I. on vi. tho 27th Int. nf lrilO, ' i I lo Jnne at St. Loni,lhere wero738 dole tfates, and tho two third rulo of former convrnliuna waa adopted, 492 votoa were necessary to a choice. Samuel J. Tildcn, then Governor of New York, was nominated on tho sec ond ballot. The following ia tho voto BALLOT. I 3 Hamuli J. Tilfc. 4(!i Mi Thomaa A. Il.tiarloki mi CO Wlalsld N. Haoaock - Ii i William Allen .. r) 41 Tboinas F. BiiarJ 17 II Jo.1 Parker IS IS In both Conventions tho nominations for Vice President were uiado by ac clamationWilliam A. Wheeler, of Now York, being tbe Republican nom inee, and Thomas A. Hendricks, of In diana, tho Democratic nominee. In the Republican National Conven tion of IS.kO we see it stated that the whole number of delegates will bo 754, making 5176 necessary for a choice. Tho Democratic National Convention, we presume, will be composed of 738 delegates. .1 DAMXABLR RECORD. We loarn from tho Hnrrishurif Pa trint that tho investigating committee ol tbe Luted Mates henate nl which Senator Vallat e ia Chairman, resum ed wotk list week in Now York city. The purptsc of tho committee in visit ing Now Voik was to take testimony in regard to tho manner iu which the rodcral election lawe woro administer ed in that city in 1873. In two daya thirty -seven witnesaca were examined, a majority ot whom were riliicns who were disfranchised anil arrested by tho United .Stales Marshals under the di rection of the notorious Davenport. II was proven Delore tho committee that the perrons arrested by order of Davenport wero first taken to the Re publican hcail'iuarters in tho Assembly district in which they wore arrested. Thoro they were examined by politi- cians connected with tbo Republican organisation who bad no oflicial con nection whatever with tho I mtcd Slates Court and no jurisdiction or powor at all In tho matter. Afterward they woro taken before tho I'nitcd States commissioner. Thirty ol the thirty-seven witnesses wero arrested because they had alleg ed fraudulent naturalisation papois Issued in 1CH. These witnesses, in ovory case, were shown the original papers found nn filo In the offlco of the clerk of tho Superior Court of theoity of Now Y't.rk, which wero tiroduced Dciorc ine eomtnitteo ny tho clerk ol court, i hey each IdentiUcd tho aiirna- tnro to tho oath of allegiance found therein to be their irenuino signature. antl swore that that oath of allegiance was taken by them at the time of their naturalisation; and thai they each know the witness testifying to their residenco and saw bim aign bia name and be sworn. All of these witnesses swore that tbey got certified naturali- aation papers in IMS, and voted regn larly upon them without difficulty from 18BH to 187S. Many of these were men ol family, and all residents for over fllieen years In tho city of -tew iorn nrior to mio. manv oi these naturalization papers had been issued by the courts to Mim honor ably discharged from tbe Federal army fbr service during the rebellion. line mac of a soldier named John Wright waa shown, who served 4 years in a New iork regiment, and was natiirslir.ed bv reason of such ser viroa, and triod lo voto In November, 1H78, after havinir voted everv vear since isnt without difficulty. He waa aiTcslpd hy tho Deputy Marshal at the K)lls, taken o the lleiinblican headquarters, from thonco before Dav enport, detained several bonis. Imnria- oned in tho Iron cogo with some fif teen others in the upper story of the poptofilco building anj was not permit- iru to p, oniu nc promised pot to vote. 4H of the men called to testify were nun apparently in tlic lower walks ol lile, but sober and industrious. Not one of them has ever been hold to an awer to charges made ncainsi him on election ilayv , ; f , It wua also proved that (line men were brought to liepnblicnn headquar ters Irom the polls wbero Jiey had been arrested, anil wcie tetiunined there. Twt of tkauu.- Bicii ure loini'l . . , ,. , . , . k uo tiepiiuiicans, nnii pcrinumi 10, no lite. I lie third one was li.undtoi he . Il.mioei-nl nnii arnt Hnu-n In I Itir. i counsel lollowcd bim anil examined, into the question. The counsel was! sent ny tho District Attorney to an upper room in the postolnco luiiluing, where ho found one Stephen Mosber, who had a large pilo of information before him, which ho waa signing. He asked for the oath against nie client, and was handed a bundle of papers not indorsed nor loiacd, containing nuout fifty aflldavits relating to that Assem bly district. 'Not ore of these bad the name of DaveuKi t or any other o!U oial annexed . to it. ' (Jn examina- ition of tbam he found the information against his client in the same condition, and not sworn to, although bis client had been arrested three hours before gwl t0 wnj(.h ,hu Rublieuns appiieo ine proviBionB oi tno r oocral i election laws, it is estimated that I man' thousands ot citir.ons who were jjUKlli'"."d 1"',.ullJ cn,i,l'ldD lo were disfranchised in 18i8 by the mil(;1,inationBo.1)llvon10M Thocom- miltoe will return to .Now York in a few weeks and completo their work. ,, - - - j, I H I nam EH to Pick Cotton. Henry t,- l.harrett. a nlantor. of I.bs Chris. turn, Mississippi, who is now in ot. Louis, aays the planters in his section bavo been canvassing tho question of securing itiinose laborers to till the places of tho emigrating Irocdmen. Correspondence has taken place with souio of tho Cbinoso companies, and il ia not unlikely that some Chinamen may bo act at work on Mississippi plantations in a few weeks, Joseph A. Joyce, a well known news paper man, died in a hospital at Cin cinnati recently and willed his body to a doctor for desscction, saying : "1 am only a poor panpor ; let my poor body ho usod to the benefit of science " Sen sible after all. $fu; gtavfrttsruuiits. fj OOO niIKHl;l,.ar.,rir. W.av.r A Co. aj4 want flrs thousand baabols of OATH, tow, and will pa eaib or pmduc. OarfiiU, I'm., Aug. 1.1, lS7vMf. gMlTlT V. WILSON', iltlornen-itl-I.aw, CI.EAKFIKI.D. - Pg.NN'A. StfTOmi-. IB th. Maioule Bidding, nrsr tb. Count; National llaok. warti-sO. E" TXWtJTOIIH' JTICK.-NoUoa Ii hara- br girsn that Lettsrs Tailamantarr ob ha lints of JOHN Hol.T, lata of Wallassto. borough, Cloarflald .ounlr, Pann'.., dacaaand, having bran duly grantsd to ths nndorilgnsd, all pr-rsoni Indrbtsd lo said aatato will plsais mak. itnmsdiata paymant, and tbosa hating slalmi or damandl agalmt th. sam. will pnamnl tbam proparljr nuthcalioatsd for aetllsmont without dslajr. RKI'ltHN HOLT, PTKPHKN HOLT, Exseltori. WallL-.tou, Pa., Slirch 24, IHaO-tt. E" HI R A V KIITICb-Loit or llr.i.d on Iks lib day af P. binary, 1HB0, a COW. about htm vaara old. with wkila and tail annl. nm ih. . . W ?ur,,d 1 ' "7 ' . -anom ibiuoio aiaao aoq all two ana Willis. nr prOB hnowing of her whereabouts, and rT'sgin. bar to ma at Diee-inavilla. onno.lt. tb. oVljng Coal Works, .ear Uooltdale, Claarlald i'' .nr aendtng word whore she eaa ha had, I their Ik, (Hanbf.l, aaaidns will pay ibem far ' t ttMble. Ad.ir.ii, a. i. .a '..a. PATRICK TANNKV, Marrh H, Ilea, ifo.m.i,, Clsarlleld Co, Pfc BA'WN PRIVATE . ASV parties lo need of a Haw Mill arv inlormod that I will sell them one SB g,r new. oiern s uiooaa, a FIFTY-FOUR IXC1I SA W, Helling, and all th. other llitnres in good order. For further Infarrnation, address JUHTIN J. PIE, Oeeeou M ill.. Cl.arl.ld Co, Pa. March , 195 If. NOTICE OK INCORPORATION... Notlrn it hereby giran Hat aa application will b. mad. ndm tba Aot af Aleerafclj af tb. Coumonwsalth f Psaai;la.ia, aalltlod "Aa Ast to nrovids for tba Incorporation aad Regal. lion of eerlala Corporation!." epproeed April ti, 1.74, aad tba SBpulsmsnts thwsto, for tbe oh.rter I aa intended aorporatiaa to ba oalled tb. CLEAKPIKLU COAL COMPANY. The eharaeter .n4 objaet of which It to pareh... or leas, ooal lands, to open and work the samo, lo miss, nnanr, ih'p, transport, and boy and tall ooai, ana tar insa. psrpoiei to bars, poisen and enjoy all th. rights, and benefits and prlf lieges j ,H. .in nr. m APiemillJ. THOMAS n. Mt rtllAY, II.O. MeCORMIOK, 8ollollor. ClaT,.ld, P. . Mar. 14. Ia St. A Bargain I FAlvM FOK SALE! Th. .ndaratgned offers at prirste sale that ral aeble farm sltaalad la OKA HAM TOWNblllP. Cloarflald Bounty, kaow. as th. t int.r.r i.ik.w, Oonlalaing l wa, it ef whl.-b srs olearad, and baring tbaraoa erecu.l a large fram. dwell ing bonee, largo frame ham, and tba atber nsoea ary ntballdlnge, together with . large arebard, good water, ate. Ths property will a. aeld ob very aev t.rme For furthsr p.rtie.lars laouira of lha Hobseribar, In pormn, or by letter. BKANK FIKLIIINO. ClMrlleld, Pa, Mirob lllb, li.80.-if LIAM RI I.R TO PI.RAI), M llllera D. Bigter 1 No. January T , la. Toreua L. A. Mlnebart .nd Sammons Is fOectmeBt. Barbar. Lmbi. Aad bow, to wil. lha 11th dor of March. iao .. motion of Mr. Fielding, Attoroe, for Plaintiff. a rah) la granted 00 th. Dsfndsnt, I. anoear ho pieeu i. inis aeuoa at ejeetmeol brought t. eniorea spseino periorm.nee or sootrMt for tho al. of a eerUlo lot of ground slloat. I. W.et Olearaeld, a.d ba.wB la let No. S7, being SO faet front aa Front street, .nd lie deep, er Jndgm.BI hall ba aatarod agaiail them ia default of loob ppMrane. aid plea. Role ratnrnabla at Jane Term nest. FRANK PIKLPINtl. Mrh 1 7, I aa.JI. Atl'y far Pl.intilT. UtJHNSIDK Normal Institute 1 TbU 8 boo I will apD aa MUVDAV. MAT n H0, andtMDtiaaa tweir waba. TUITION : Juianila Department M fl an Com mom branake. 4 m Common Bransbee and Theory of TaaehiBg.. ft aa uigoar urawaaei..H. w ,.... s .Q Mrs. Malt. Irrla will leaeh Initnmi-nlal mails 'at reasnnalit. ratee. Tbe Normal Clais will U eisminei moalhlt he tba Oannty fiuperint.deBt. T"M Boarding aa. he bad al from S2.0S to Si.M par week. Rooms f self hoards. ... he had at rntaonable ratal, for farther l.forai. ttoB, eall ob .r addrees IIKII. W. INNIS, Prlnelpal, JAS. II. K KI.LkV. AMUtaal. Baeaside, I". , Marsh IT,loi.f. KHTII'BABLB rolNT In lha oth Ann.sl taUBaaaat .r tis Ksjaltabla 141a Aaawranea akaa-irly. . daMHBry I, IMHt), Aiasli..1?,aw,lll,aaia.raasa kt la:tof aeaf. ly Tw. Mllli.a Dollars oeae IB7S. New tli'oeii, jr ,4,J,MI, aa laareaa. af mora lhan Pie. Million DoUers orar ISra. S.rplan.rw .11 llBbihtlea, ;.allJat. sa la. mas. si more Ihi. sig hundred tboaaead doLmn .res I67B. Amoa.t paid lo poller holder, and (heir ra.ro- eenreiiteo d.rtog the year l!l, Kimi,!;!, Tb. rtmr 1ITI .toesd without a dlanated daaiL etsir. oa tba reMrds af tb. Society, All lult elaims paid promptly aad la foil. l b polio) .ree Bad. wit 1 aa polioy aoBtraet a) elearlr aad oeaelealt aa bout eay tarhofru MndltleBs. Ifl ess. of forfettor. of Brdlasry BolielM. a Rh. wsl rarrr.de takit la gWaa In free paid .. IB eBraaee, , .1 . . R. M. MeKNALLY, piilriM Ag.nl. Clearaald, Ps. ti, 1H9 f. $nv di'fitisfnifiits. 1KICM FOM HAI.K.TMrte-n bir.i of a wblrb I will sill sbsap for J) Italia. Ui a.ih, or axobant-s for Uwt- For further In ftriiJlun rll on or asVlrrM Hi underolrned. , , I J J KHAMKIt. , Not i, "l-lf. " Claart.ld, Pa. DlrHtOI.UTION.IP PARTsiUHllltV .bo-parlnsrMp hsfslofor. sxtiiias ) tsn tbs ubUriiai.fNl ia lbs prarlvs. of la.al iisroirru nr moiiiM rnnieni on in.- .ib m ui (g,re FRANK PIKI.IH.Ntl, HM. u lilol.KB. SMITIIV.Wll.SOX Claartsld, Pa , March 18, ISHO tl. CI.BAHKIEI.ni'OITNTV HANK. Tba banking Srm knonc ai lbs Cli-artMd Counlr Bank baa bsen dlisolvsel h mntu oooaant, and tbs hank Is to go Into gradual lltiui-lallon. Wa ar. responlibls for lbs drbli, and win par tb.m Tbs aiaets will Im) under snlrol of Juh. W. Wrlxl'v Sleluiirelf, at lbs hanking boms, sn-l and will h-enllM-tod hf htm. - JAMK8 T. I.KONARn.-- JAM KH B. 0 HA II AM I WILLIAM PoHTKIl, WILLIAM A. WALLACK. f I't . - ii l . SKOKHK L. RKKIl. Cl.arOald, Pa , Das. I, ISIV-tf. - - i i ' F? Oil SALS. Th. aadenlganl will ssU at .Hfat. sals all that traot or pareal of land sit.ata In lleeelw townabip, ClenrBald aounty, Pa., within short diitanea of lb. Tyron. A Claarlal I R. B... and adiolning lands af Robert Hudaon ,J olners, and knowa aa th. Jsuk B. Qterharl lol. The said traot aontaioin. SO aree mora or leal, with two Toina of valuable ooal tbareon, baa aliout III acres .leared, and Is the key I. a largo body ot ooal anoai natng awvaiopad. n ill aa sold low and . unoa am Uwtna.. Fa ttarttaulara. ..... ... I 0AVIB L. KV. K1IS UlearBeld, Pa.. July It. IS7S HOMESTEAD FOR SALE - IS THE M a I M III I toriM. if iirasvi t rXH AT wtll-huuwii f rnj.-TlT Ittivtc 011 ibf link 1 of lb (yUKduabuiDt rttcr. th borunrh nl 1 C'urwentville, UI ear lit" 1.1 counij;, P , nn-unlnd by I ibt lt 11KNJAMIN HAUTHli"KN, dfr-d, i! nnw olftrM for tal. It emeu in it about Thirteen Acres, 1'pnB whsdi ! mtfd a fin two-atnrjr irnmt Ap mVELLIXG 1101SE, IliilPv 9 8TADI.E, and tbs nec.iiarr ottt I11 mi '' !ff '" H.OtvlNll HM MAIN of par. 81'ItIXfl WATKR. Tbii is a rsry dsiirabla properly firr ft prirera rail draee. The property Ianow offered .1 PHIVATB SALK, o. reaaonalil. terms. Vot further fn formallon in relatioo to It, eall at tb. premlios, or apply In the anderslgned In person or hy letter. HI KXTIIAL W. tiMllll. Attorney for th. Heirs. ClelrOilil, Pa , 8pL St, IS7-tf. KxeuloiV Kal OF A Valuable Farm t fTMIK nn.leriignej Rseontors af the ulsi t of KOUi:ur UODEL&, deoeaiod. III Mfr u Publio on tba pr-tnii. Id Jordnn town fhip, Clrarflald oauatj, I'enoiy Irania, on Wednesday, April 7th, 1880, At two o'clock P. M., tbo following devribod property, i : A farm illasta tn JonUn town hip, adjAiritnff tan do of R. U. JflbDTon, Jobs U. WiIpob aod oihera, Kain,c th honiMtrtd or prop arty belnnniUat to tba Htitt ef tba aaul Robert Liddcll, daoaaied, aooiaiolof SBVB1VTT AOXICB, Mora or let, with aoat 6ft acrr e-rarad aod onaer eniti(-atlfn. I h Iranrovf tnpnti Mm t ai BOf-a rmtBie I K STORY IHM.SK, Sr-SSiiiiCOOK STOVES. frame ittisr ombuildingi. Tbe eoal is rnsrved under l acres tf il. Term of Hate t Una-tblni cub, and tb kali no In two annual paTinants with inlerpft, to b ffurd b bond and morfsaaja. Pi-n rn he niven Immediately. JOHN tl. WII.miN, JAM KS Hl'NTKK, 1IKNKV SWAN, Kxecotur. AnaoiTlll, Pa.. Jan-b It, US0 -at. ANOTHER STRIKE ! NOT AT HUT AT ROOM NUMBER TWO, Opera House. CLEAVErU) pA bsrs H. Lebmaa A t!o. k. olotk of lbs lateal and best "dl"1'1 DRY goods, Fancy Goods, MILLINERY GOODS. AND A FULL ASP0RTMBNT OF Ladies', Kisses' tt Chlldroa's Of all styles, now ia the marhef. Cell ia person, oraddres, H. I.KIIMAN t IO. Clrarleld, Ta , Mareb 17, UoS tf. EXECUTORS' SALE OF Desirable Real Estate ! EaUto of UioiiTil Shaw, Sr, Dco'd. TIIK .ndenlgned, Vieealers of the sulat. of HICIIAHb KI1AW, Sr., deoeared, will oflor at pohlle.al.t the COIiRT IIOl'K In lha hor. .uga 01 l.'learaeld, Pa.( vn Thursday, April 1st, I8S0, AT l:JO O'CLOCK P. M.. Tb. foltoBiBg raliuthl. real .etala, via : FIRST. Tba thro, story hrlob hotel proparly, o.niw of Market and First etreet,, ia tba bor ough af doarheld, kaown aa 'Tho Shaw House,' Fronting with lbs lot af gre.ad thent. belonging a leei .. Market Itraet, aad Bu roetoa urn street, with a lw. store dwelling bone, .ttaehod. Th. he lei proper has slity bed-room e aad all eo.vo.la.o.e for a Arat.l..a hat.L On. of Ihe most draireUe hotel properties la CeBlral Psaneyleania. RRCOND. A lol of ground In CleBrleld bornoek. beginning al tba aad af 144 feet, froollog .a Mar ket street, .ad thaaos al.ng Market itreet ga feat, .nd running hash (a feat, with Ih. b.lldingi tbareoa wet.d. THIRD. A lol of groand pttuat. In Cle.rfietd horeugb, adjoining purl No. I, aad aiundlng along Marhl atraat ta feet ta aa alley, aad run aing bark 90 faet, with bnllding, tbereon. FtU'RTH. A let af ground In Clearfield bar. otigh. adjolalng hotel property, and .Heading .lo.ff Fiiel slroM a foot and running barb i i (aat, para or paw, l. aa a 11,7. FIFTH. All that orrtala lol. b.o.a la Ik. plan af Ctaaraell boro.gb ah Lot No I S, frootulg ahowt aa feet oa Loenal ..reeLrn.. ""aV nlag ba.k lot faet. more or leee, tea. aller ,,. with dwelling b.u. aadnllBeooeaary aat I i ! balldloge thei eon treated, and other impmeameati. SIXTH. All that eeHala aadlelj.,1 ... .1.1a Olateraet In thai Mrtala Wt of l.ed sitaala ra Mwrls tew.ihtp. Oloarfleld r0.nt7.Pa., kaown as la "Meg irk A t.... ..... . .' trj Aonns, Mae. ar loos, aad uorln. thereon lam on..i:i. af wbltsp.os, learn look, oak aad etb.r timber, end at .BdMUidwltAr.laablaT.lBsafRlTI.MIKl)l S COAL. reft. or B.11.K1 Oae-thlrd Mk at dellrwry of doad deed, and Ik. hale Boa I. a. snared by Bond end morig.,., aayabls l -ow and twa yara, with Interest. . V A. B. BIIAW, ''' JOK. SHAW, A H. SHAW, ,'.. ' ' af Rl.bBH 8baw, tm deed. Clre.. p.., Mareh 17, 1M I. Wisfrllnucotis. TIMBER FOR SALE. Th aD.Irkfk;0ad a ntff fur alr alhb- pit., tok, tnplor and bfUilorh llaitior on 'tlSarua f lunct i (Tloortl-ldmuat. l'trir anaulttia tit map at- alia .rih ratio ly, will flrd it ia Br. It (anabip, atljoiti.ng b Boll iuwnhit f- .il ??ml ?! 'r,rt , '.4;U TM-gK liiubew will hm hold nnnn In ia) nnul . 'V I it or ltfniriar 9t . : . ' " Vot Itifller partionlira 1 apnlv U. or aldroR, MKU. U. .iUOIH.AXUKH. O.iu'rcr l, lirHtt.U.i. Ei- Si HENDERSON, ' UNDERTAKER BI RNHInH, PENN A. TIIK abarribai aow oll.ri U, ihi rlliiena af nuroille and rirlnily. tb linprorldail (peoially. Ilareaner all kinds of Caiketi and CoBoe will be kept on hand, and ord.ri ailed at onoe. fum rut $ .tlttnited .laytrhcrt. i I will furnish the Inst ai well u Ilia ohcatisst t uiMu dedicated lo funarala All orders Isfl at , the Mora sf Julia C. Cosais will raoeire prompt atlaatioa. For fnrther particulars, eall on or addrae c. a. UMlKHi-0 j Deo. ID, IS79.tr GE0. WEAVER & CO. MtL'O.VU STHFUT. CLEARFIELD, PA ' i 1 Lr-, 1 gv !...,.;,.,..;,; ! Dry Good s G ror.prlp.s. I1o(iT A Nil .tllok1. gt EK.V.-WAHK. W11OI1 willow WAKi; HAT AND CAP., FLOUR, FEED, SALT, Ac. Hht..b th,y will livp.anor at rainuali ml" fuf.c-'S. or ftrhmntrft lor oounlrj produro. OKORUK rVEAVKK A ( . Jao. 9. If. REMOVAL,! James L. Leavy HftvlujC ureliMsj4t ih anilr ttwk oi Ko.. 8a4k(t, bcrtihj Dnti,g t),ut br ha moTfri Into tbe rim tatelvtwnpictl by Rrml A lUkrvrtt, on Haenntl nfrarl, wb-r lie In pparfd tn "Par in tha public ' . t .... ' HI..IIM li MI I PARL0K STOVES, of lha Intritl Imprnrad pmtfrnp, ni lw prite. HOUSE FDENISHINQ GOODS, Qa Fixtures and Tinware. sod Roollug, Sg.ouling, Pluuit.ing, Onr Pitting, Kepairiog Pumis n .perlslry. All worn warrantai. io.".' 8 mJ f "B'Vr.A'Wi1 '""" Pn.prietor. FRED. SACKKTT, Ajent. Olesrtad, Pa.. Jinuarr 1, JS71I-H. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS and CAPS, Chcrtpi'r tliiin ever ul tlio sloro nf G.0.& T.W.MOORE, ROOM M). I. PII-'.'K IIPF.BA IIOHSIR. Wo buvo juat received tho and boat sclcoicd stock of liirjjfstl BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, That lias ever come to town, all tba new novelties in ,lo, HECKWEAB SULK AUKXTR FDR PRRKIXS' Driving Boots and Shops. Rubber Boots & Shoes. (ivo us n rait and aw if no dnn'l oil cheaper thnn anybody else, f:n. f. MooiiH TtIM H. MIMlrtlw ClearHel.l. P. , Eept. 31, llTO-Jm. HOFFER'S Cheap Cash Store. RIHItl Bit I. THIIKR, IIPIIIA IIOUHK. Clearfield, Pa., WHOLC8ALG 1 KlifAIL IlKALhR IN DRY GOODS,!" OouprUtng Drum Ooxl of th rrf latoit Ptylft, onulttUff l part mt Cmthmfff, MMlmiior Fanrlrt. Alpaeai, ntl all iwiif of Fancy Dress Goods, fli.ti CrtM, Mohir Lmltr, 1'lanli, t)rn Ufajrhtv-M, Drtua laci)f nf th vry Utcrt Ijl, Di1 m rmp m thff ran t tttl.1 m Ihla Mr)it. NOTIONS, Conklwiliif of OIotci fnr nat, I.arti h Mint. Hom of all ihail, Hi Ik Vtknf, LafM, Pane; brtff Itnttona, .mien' Tiip of all fhaHot aid ty1, Cttfl tiial CoMara, Hihhna af all kindi and raaIU(ia. Marina i:adtrifar, Ttinailaf. fti. BOOTS AND SKOE8, GROCERIES. Queonware, Hardware, Tinware, CnriolN.OII;iolliN, WALL PAPER, LEATHER, FISH, Etc., Whleh will be sold whalreal. of retail. TATill nke Country Produce In Etrhang. for iiaodi si Market Friers. bVU. j. roffcii, C If .rdrld, p.,, wf pt, , INTO tr. ,11 tu' dfrrtisfiiunts. LUMBER 'ajV ACADEMY I rami b...... . - ...... . .-ui. rvRiu.r ivrai oi inn nrnisit .111 nbt I I- VlU U.lli,.,l . r" Ml lLltlNU I..,,, M' B.lay, Mr U. lo Mnim,,, eiata trait., U'lTltJN : i i )inimu)1 a-llfjii.h llraitrhci. Mi ,N, l (... . . . nt r iiicikt r-iiciiMi ai a i.aiiti ir-t.Aii-1 boirrtint; rnn In bad at frn 2 tl iO pr ttk. A aNoimal CIim oltl bo otg.ii K. U. ii.r, rriBctpal. 1 Knglishmf Classical Srhonl ! rp HIS School will open ... MO. DAY, APRII, X I-'I H. ISSH.I. tho Leonaid School huil.lini i lii CI- arArid. sod continue slsvsn weeks. ti rno.vi Couiuiun tCtltfilall Itraurhe.. eu.tHI lll;herl:iif;llali anil ( laaalra, . . . kIH, -A Normal Clara will lie f.iimed, with Wi. I rrrham'iScho-il Kconmv aia toil book. II. C. YOI NtlMAN, A.M. Ctaarfteld, P.., K.broary 4th, ISaO 3m. MfiTanlilc Appraisement. Till. VKii.ltr of Knfflj;n i)J UoDitltir Jrtvr rhtndlfr, !litllirr. flrtwrrt, 0ratr, if , Id Clwrflrrltl eounhr, will ink teller that tb-y ra apprftUcI kdJ l-ta-4 br Ik wcUr-iitt,,, Apprir of .Mrrehaodi nd tnUrr ) Wn imr for ibt fnr ho, u tdllowf t 1 1.. Ilumltl lld.ruii)(i, (1I 14 Ilr. i, Piirln.tB'traprchai)diM...M. 7 fl U Jitj-lufit) Pichin. jrn'l mitt 7 mi 14 .lobn C, "oiirt. (fd-n'1 tniri j Ad H Pr'wdl A Coof.fsr, drn,t. 7 nu CleftrHvld Horauffli. H .1. A SlsIUr, btkorr t -nfehrtiftOTv. 7 ttij 14 W J. Iloiltjr, Bpnral ini-h(.rtih ...... In tin , ( i.i . i . 1. n. AInorr, bwt A tioM.... 10 Cm ::sF.HSr.H H In. inbAmn t ciiirt 7 i0 0. r. 4 T. X. Moorr, hmtU A ho.... 10 (h 'It I. iiulniliurr. nloltiina... 7 tin 7 n- 40 i.j. ai-l 0l j All 1(1 (hi 2 "i 7 fr 7 it '., ni .i ua 7 iu 14 II. Livingiloa, eanle-tionery II. LivinvHlu., I.iliiardi. Inl.lei.. ! '.' '"r lo. b"nrd, i i.m.. K N Shw. billiarde. I Uble ! II .IntiQ Mc(inii((itT. arofriai 'Ii Wm Fowi, haral war I 0 T. A Phi A Crt.( dry uoodn 14 S. I 6n.tr, Jawalry H I'. W, rahtiu, druifi . A V.. W. (Imlum, ainnt incdirio.ii I 10 K. ll.M.op, jen'l ntrrhandiM ' 1 1 .Mia. A. NKwk, Inbaiw and .-luar. C. Ii. wWli rm(c. j I). Httt.ua, pHtant luedlrine. It M.' ipybiv A Hhowera, bot A bon j 14 llaM.wi.'k A Irwlo, driU" ! 4 Karinwick A Irwin, put niMiiciofw. i U .1. J.. Len t. t ! v rf cntj tir.trnrc i It (fr-fi, Wflitier A Ct. ,Rtn'i mdae j H C. L-ipold(, brrwtry Then. r UN, brewiry t I M. R. Ji-fpf, wl&t; miKhfiine f I. Harry Rfiydrr tol.ar and ilgan..M... I I i I. Ilfi:hruo, Tnrirry Mnff . M W. U. .Mvl.tiT. wwnii naetkinai , tiTwriiMlltr Rurnugh. IJ S. An..,H, RiU'-fjl tiierolia ottiiia j 4 I . latut, gi Dnril inrrrl.iidi IJ P. K. tprroki-l. dry ttoodf R'iribpueh A .Morns, j(roreriff 14 Watt H. I lionipunn, jjp''fri, II Anni M. Into, pm-ral tnerhao lite .. 1 1 .ln-ob Hiifr, halwirt ' I 'l Ahrnm utt-aj, haidware : U A. ,M. Kirk, jewelry ; U W. A. lite. (.rocrrif' ,, ' II J. It Irwio, diut 4 J. H, Irwin, pmaiil lutHlirine ' 14 Pifphen (Jralf, c-.rjr.rli'.Deri Stephen Draff, billi.rjn, I tall rurfnVil. liank I-I lltruiiio iliupt, cenetal Bnle 15 .1. tMVripht, gerrral urehantiee 11 II W. Sprnrtr. central uiarrhandt-e.... ill J. K. Akrr, tnbrii'y and tBIeriioiiery, Houtzilate Horoush. II I't.ii p ll'.rdifiri ft, , h t.were -It W. V an luten, feti'l taer-buadie... 1 14 T W. Vh bnrer, (Ht'il and iibr.oe IP F l.i. wigtn A !.. (tcd'1 nid 7 6 n 7 flit ? ' 01 15 cii IS dfl 7 no 7 Ui 7 do 12 ..if 0 llll 7 (Hf 7 Dl i Ii 7 H 10 on 10 01 It I., no 7 M 7 I'l 2' 00 lo m i .i n ii. rraw. eeij I merrlian ie ! 14 J. '. Ilboad., dro7... j 14 J. 11. foreman, eonfeotioDsries 7 nH , II Stephen tlanrlin, gruesrlei T f" j IS M. A I M. Lang, grn'l mile la m 14 A. n. Aihion, gn.eeiT A eonlet'lioiierv. 7 On II J. K. Arnold, atationre . 7 oe j 11 Ar.drew tlleawm, grn'l oidli IA lit ; 14 W. J. .--harliaugh, ilrugi.. . 7 OH 14 M. Mstsr, nntiont 7 no I 14 II. Charlton, nollnns ,.. 7 Wl 14 Peter t:auieron,JrH grnoenol 7 W j 14 p. Tod.l. drug. : PS i Lsngnlord, notions 7 "I 'II Ii. llearlr, hikrrr A ooiifretl.msrT...- 7 nk 1.1 Peter M..r.n. whileialr lio,uir dealer... 23 ue l V.'L(l M(LfWWln-ijraTtiiianoii Lumbrr C Hy Horougll, r e. I.H liter A Coalbrolh, gen'l nidre 14 II' f. Krrnion. geo'l mdee Nenhur IVirnugU. 14 Win. Hunter, ssneral merchandise ... Xftr b aahiufrtnn Borough, 12 .1. R. McMurray, gen'l radio 14' N. A. Arnold, gen'l merobandiea 4 N. A. Arnold, patent medietnes Otreola Dorouch 14 .1. R. Browo.oonfaetinnery 13 tv. O. Kelley, general msrcbsndlas... -II T. C. lleime, general nwrhandiee U Kraase llrolben, grooariae Citifeas' Bank 14 Micbarl Oriflcr, grooeiies 14 W. 8. Welle, stanooery A oonfeel'ies, 13 F. II inb, general merchandise II Henry Liverigbt II H. I". R. Ulan Jr. druge Wallatelnn Boroug;li. 1 1 IV. J. floes, general merchsndin. ncrrarla Toarnabln. 14 Nntter. Romisr A Co , gen'l mds .... 14 Mai I rlek A Co., gen'l mdle 14 .fohn C. flates, geni mdi. Ilumalde Townahla. It Anr-in ratebla, gen'l Bldie Brady Torrn.lilp. j 14 J. He.ler A Ron, gen'l mdN . j 14 D. (l.iodlindsr, gsn'l md. 1 14 Moors A llomilirn, gen'l mdes 10 ! 7 I. 7 ai , 10 M 18 N l.'i en II U 7 M 7 7 14 II. S. Knnrr, hoola and lhoes..., .... 14 S. Knarr, groceries 14 J. II. Kdioger, hardware 14 J. W. Cerli.la, Agent, gen'l mdee.... 14 1. B. Carlisle, gen'l aides Hell Tovvnollln. 14 Mctlee A Co gen'l mde. .. 7 7 4 Ilradlord Townahlp. Y Cnrley, general mdi. : i IS 114 ; 11 I 14 Ill-i.. ,V. time A Co., general mdie 'nSerger A Co., drjgl....H 7 0" I IS Aaron a.lpr, ir, gmi, n o vtirat Township. j 14 J. R. Mrkee, geal mdi. j 14 K. P. Camp A Kone, gen'l mdie t'ovlliglo. Township. ' 14 Frarels Leigey, geaersl aides : l.t I.. M. Condiiet. general mdae Ilcralur Townahlp, II M . 1 ang A C. , g.aer.l mdee ' lUrard Townahlp. II '. R l)i inland A Co, drugs I liraham Township. I 14 T. II. loree, A Co., general mdie.... j l;uilrh Townahlp. I II P. A A. Flrnn. general md. II T. A Prldesnl. general mdae 14 II. K. Ramry, gansral mdae ... 114 II. Alleman. general mdie. 7 10 us J 04 7 7 w Hiialon Townahlp. C. II Oirrell. general Bdee Chnries lt.heeker, general mdis.... A. Horning.ir.. harjoare i) ia 1 ia M r m in M H Thai. Illanibard. general mdia. 14 Ite.f-en milh, drugi 71 1 Jnrdan Townahlp. I II W. T. Perry, general mds. ! W 1 Knna Townahlp. I 14 JoM-ph F.rhard, general ttidrs ' el i karthau. Tnwnnhlp. ! 14 tl. Fi'hrr, geteial mrrrhan lias 7 4 I 14 1I1IIII.11..I A Vol hen. gen'l mdee I " ! Lawn nre TnwnBltlp. tl. N. t'olhiirn, groeotiai 4r Morris Township. S 'R. R. n'le'nn, general mdisM ? M 14 Pt-ler M'irer, general mdae 14 Leonard Kiler. general mda. 14 Jonee Mom, general m.lsa. 7 I'rllB Townahlp. W. A. hi.Kire, groceries A eonfa.'rlsr MrUoaald A fpeueer, gen'l mds. Randy Township. ,'? ! 1 14 O. ti. Keens A Mr. , general mdae 14 John (londtear, geeeral mdas 14 Trot el A Kill., general mdes .... ; 1 11 .... Si III .11 1 ... II " ... II .... I" ... II 14 T. 11. M-tnon, groceries , 1 1 P. 8. Weber A Co , general mda... A John IlnHoll, general mdae M. W. 1. Mrholson, billiard.. 1 lal.lei R. T. Kelley, hilllanli, I table I.. M KnnlB, billiard!, I labia John f. Barr, hlHiardi, I tables.... II Henry I'snti, furalturs 10 llrll, ,ewli A Tatei, gen'l md II Handy l.h-k flei.Coel A Ookol'.., mdee II 14 Rm. M. Ms0.ll.ogb, groeetlas " 14 Lewis 1.1,1. r, groceries 1 M 14 Walk A Heilniua, general mda...,....,. I h llJ.rt. Kane, drug! ... T 14 HrlerA Urn., herdware 14 M. R. Aiailey, drags . ! II Long A Rrndy, hardwar. .,.... Ii 14 lienrge hchwota, aonleetMaery 7 I aUa Ton-nehlp, 14 J. "eyler A Soa, gen.r.1 mds ' Hoodward Townahlp, 14 Jimss Oorasly, gineral mes T ' 14 Jinn Loutbor A Oe.,goaer.l mdes " la M. Llrengh! A Co , general aide. 71 " 14 Mrs. H, j. rlraondlnger, gen'l mda,.... 7 f A Whitehead A t gewral mda. l Frank A Co., general mds. II J. C. Peabbsn A C. MafMtloaerles... I" Tks Botios, all nko ere foansraed la Ible i pratiement, Ibnt .. appeal will be held el ih C.rsmlaelonrrs' fifSoa, la Cleiraald, en Fr4 APRIL ID, !, netweaa the boars sf II o'd.''' A. M. and 4 P. M , wben and where yen n! altead if yea Ihlnt proper. JOBS 0H-E, MsrsaBtll. Appraiiei LIrtrtnlnil.n, Ps, March 10. IhSii.k.