Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 17, 1880, Image 2

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    he Republican.
Geoboi B. Goodlandbr, Editor.
Header, If ton want to kaew wbe la wing on
la the bailne world, Juit rend oar adrertiiing
eolnmni, the Spnai column In particular.
Mo man worth? the office of President ibould
bo willing to hold It If counted In, or placed then
by any frand. U. fl. (1at.
I eoo Id norer bet been reconciled to tbo el
vatlea bv tbo imalleit old of nine of o perion,
however' reepeetablo la private lift, who a. a it
forever oorrr upon bit brow tbo itamp of frond
flrit triumphant In American butory. No lub
loqaoot notion, however meritorioa. eon tub
away tne lettcri oi ion raeora.
Chauli FniKcit Adahi,
I would rntbtr have tbo endowment of nquar
tor of n Billion of tbo American poopU than that
of tbo Louiataaa Roto mint Board, or of tbo Com
million whiob eieluded tbo faetn and doeidod
tbo qneitioa on a technicality,
Tbo. A. ntiirici.
Under tbo form of law, Hntborford B. ilayoe
hat boon declared Pre id en t of tbo tniied Hiatal,
llli title roeti upon diifranehiiement of lawful
voter, tbo felie oortinoaiea ot too warning om
eeri noting eorrnptly, and the dec ia ion of a eon
million whiob hae refuted to hearovldenoe of al
leged fraud. For the Bret tin e aro the American
neonle confronted with the foot of a fraudaiently-
clected President. Let It not bo andentood that
.a-, ntliu Dim uw anvuuj MUi maiuiu IU UJ 1U
ooantry. Let no boer paef la wbiob the uiurpa-
uoa u lorgoiien.
Apoaim or Dimocuatio M. C.'a.
One hundred yean of human depravity aoou-
tnalated and oonoantrated Into a elimai of orlmo.
Never again In Aro hundred yeare ibail they bate
an opportunity to repeat tno wrong.
Dixinx W. Voormbi.
Burnsld. B'r. Charles B. Patrick, Burnslde.
Cleardel " Smith V. WIHub, Clearfield.
Carweas.'. " F. I. ThoBipoon, Curwonsrill..
Uoutsdal. " Patrick Dunn, Houtadel..
Lumber C'y " Daaio) W. II , Lumbar City
Newburr " Ibbm Marble, Bird
N. Waab'a Dr. A. !. Bennett, N. Washlnstea.
Osc.ola " K. A. Campbell, Orceols Mill,.
Watlaastoa " Oeo. W. Kmirh, Wallaeeton,
Beeeeria T'p. David Baar, GleB Hop..
iion jobb a nose, upland.
Blow " William Lints, Forest.
Nog gs " Isaac Beish, Wallaoeton.
Bradford " Daniel Hiteheas, Woodland.
" Charles Sehwera, Lutboreburg.
Joba Wearer, 2. WaehlBgtoa.
Cbeit " Joiapb 11. firatb, -. Washington,
CortngtOB ' T. 0. Coudriel, FraaebTilla.
Daoalar Jacob f. Btoiaer, 1'hllipaburg.
Furguioa " A. A. Bloom, Marroa.
Ilirard " John Ncwcomb, Oillinftham,
Holben " John A. L. Kleral, Lick Hun Milli,
llrabam " 0. W. KlUr, Grabamtoa.
Ilraanwood " John A. Bowlci, Marroa.
I illicit ' Jamai Fljnn, Smitb'a Milla.
lluiton " H. L. Horning, Panfiald.
.Ionian " Dr. B. A. Graaoirall, AnaonTilla,
Kartbaul " aaorcalleckantlorn, Salt Liek.
Kooi " Conrad Baker, New Millport.
Lawrence N Clark Brown, Clearfield.
Morrll " D. U. Warning, MorrlidaleMlnoi.
rena " Martin Al. rlynn, uramfilan Jlllle.
Pike " Samorl Addleman, Curwenarilla.
Bandj " Joba M. Tmiell, DuBola,
llnloa " Brubcn H. Labordf, KocktB.
Woodward " William Luther, llaiiera.
Cbairmaa, Clearfield, Ta.
W. E. WaLtara, Seoretary, Claarfleld.
Cathcart Taylor, one of the editors
or tbc Philadelphia Timrs, killed bim
self with a Jiifitol on Snnduy laHt. Too
inuch brain and not enough balance
wheel. Poor follow I
Rudk. An exchange rattles it over
Blaine's scalp on account ol his vacil
lating cousin in this Kyle : The meek
ne with which "near personal frionds"
or distinguished aspirants tor the
Presidency submit to flat denials ol
their statements is a refreshing exbi
bition of Christian virtue and humility.
How Ciianokd. An exchange re
marks : Tin bravo bold Mr. Kearney
finds talking in the mouth of a loadd
cannon is by no means an exhilarating
pastime. Sinco the concentration of
regular troops at San Francisco be bos
ceased to amuse himself by threaten.
ing to hang and broil his adversaries,
and ho is now counseling "moderation"
and "poace."
iiisiQNio. James Campbell, the
member of the Democratic Committoe
tor Woodward township, having re
signed that position, William Jjuther,
Kw., has been appointed in his stead,
J. V. BuBcuritLD,
Chairman Dem. Co. Com.
W. B. Wallaci, Bocretary., Pa., March 17, '80.
SoMiTUiNa Niw. Tho birth of the
first baby elephant on this Continent
occurred in the Zoological Garden in
Philadelphia, on Wednesday, the 10th
day of March. It has always boon
held by scientists that theso animals
would never breed in captivity. That
theory has been exploded by this
event. The baby weighed 214 pounds.
VmsAmi Mortal. The editor of
the Altoona Sun is ury-oui because
Senator Wallaco allowed the United
States Senate to confirm the appoint
ment ol Marshal Kerns for the East
ern District of Pennsylvania. Well,
there are somo people who expect other
folks to do a groat deal, yet tbey are
poor imitators. To scold and growl is
all thnyaw gnnrl for. Srtph murrain.
fill attacks upon the Senator will not
brighten the rays of that Sun.
, . i . . -
What Miobt be Kxpbitbd. No
section of enr country Is so badly dis-
tuibod as California, This is due to
Kearneyism and Kallochiam, two her-
csios that will damn any oountry, and
if not eradicated in the Golden State,
will, In ten years from this time, re
store the Facifio slip, into a wilder
ness as absolutely as it was thirty
years ago.' Where there is no protec
tion for lite or property, barbarism
soon renders the country a waste.
Loyal Statishamsihp. .We see it
stated that two Radical Congressmen
Milter, of New York, and Russoll, ol
Massachusetts are the proprietors of
a patent for wooden pulp, oat ot which
half thoprinting paper in the country is
made, and which yields them 1200,000 a
year; and, In addition to this, they are
the chaps who jumpad a tariff duty ol
20 per cent on this Same industry, so
as to prevent its importation. Why
not employ the devil to superintend
a Svndsy school, or a harlot to take
charge oi the sanctuary, as well as
to elect such Congressmen to legislate
fort interests of the people 1 Why,
such kigisUtori should be pitched into
the fotomao river by their consllla-j
enta, and drowned tor perpetrating
crimes against society I ' ' j
A few thin skinned editors with slight
Democratic proclivites are attempting
to find liui It with Senator Wallaoc, be
cause he did not have a Federal ap
pointee rejected. The llnrriaburg
Patriot, in calling attention to the mat
ter remarks :
Senutor Wallace is b'ilturly annulled
for permitting V. H Kerns to be con
firmed as United Statos Marshal for
the Kastorn district of Pennsylvania.
We have gathered the following facts
in rogard to this mattor : Whon the
nomination of Kerns was sent to the
Senato it was referred to tho judiciary
committee of which Senator M'Donald,
of Indiana, and Senator Garland, of
Arkansas, are Dcmocratio members.
M'Donald and Garland are also mem
bers of the Investigating committoo
which sat at Philadelphia, known as
the "Wallace Committee." Ail of the
testimony affecting Kerns was sent by
Senator Wallace to the udiciary com
mittee accompanied by a letter oppos
ing confirmation. M'Donald, Garland
and Edmunds were the sub-committee
of tho judiciary oommitteo to whom
the appointment of Kerns was reforred.
They knew all about Kerns' action in
regard to Doputy Marshals at the
election in 1878, and they bad Senator
Wallace's protest before them. J ever
thclces they reported to tho Senato in
favor of Kerns' confirmation. The
..n-. M"" Lr ln in1 tVioir .otlon
are that Korn's behavior as an official
on cloction day was good, that he
(Kerns) sworo beforo tho investignting
committee that Marshals vere not
needed in Philadelphia t that he was
compelled by law to appoint them
when two citizens asked for their ap
pointment and that such applications
were made to bim every where in the
city ; that he took the recommenda
tions of his political friends as the
vouchers for tho character of his Mar
shals many of whom were infamous,
but that from all the proofs he seemed
to have been doeoived in this respect
and did not know thoso porsons him
self; that no chargo except tho bad
character of some of the Deputy Mar
shals seemed to be sustained against
him and that his own character and
official conduct were shown to be good.
Finally the judiciary committoe con
cluded that it would be better to have
a Marshal who himself was opposed to
the use of Doputy Marshals at the polls,
than risk the appointment of a now
man who might prove much worse
These were tho grounds on which tho
judiciary committee based their report
in favor of Kerns, and Senator Wallace
could not defeat that report without
showing tho facts on which the com
mittoo relied to be false. In matters
ot this character the Senate acts in a
judioiitl capacity and it is very difficult
task for a single Sonator to secure tho
rejection of an appointment except for
cause and it is a very rare thing that
a recommondation of a committee in
favor of confirmation can be defeated.
Mr. Speaker Randall was as deeply
intorcsted in the appointment of this
Marshal as any member of the Seuate,
for the appointmont affects particu
larly bis own city and district, and he
has certainly as much influence with
the Tiemocratio members of the judi
ciary committee as any publio man in
Washington. Nevertheless the judi
ciary committoo reported In favor ol
K or us and the Senate confirmed him.
Wo do not see that either Randall or
Wallace is worthy of death or bonds
because of this matter."
Pincrino. The beheading ot Mo-
Pberson, the lato editor of the Phila
delphia Frets, is alluded to by the Timet
man in this way: "Mr. Charles .
Smith dropped quietly into the edi
torial cbair of the Prest the other day,
and his presence and direction are vis
ible rather in the absence of the child
tab, fretful petulenco oi McPberson
than in any positive journalistic fea
tures. The name of Blaine drops out
of the news and editorial paragraphs
as quietly as the new editor dropped
into the sanctum, and something of
the air of a nowspaper, rather than
of a spiteful, personal or factious sheet,
porvados tho columns of the old party
organ. Mr. smith is evidently dispos
ed to feci bis way with caution,
and won't be likoly to repeat the
effort of his predocessor to make a
very little tail wag a very large dog.
McPberson's brief but disastrous edi
torial career to this city has one silver
lining to it it will stand as a conspic
uous journalintio finger-board to warn
future editors from making unmitigat
ed fools of themselves." We wonder
if Charles is a relative of Pocahontas
Smith; if so, ho should sond us an" X
In The Kiii.d. We notice that the
Prohibition party will hold its Na
tional Convention at Cleveland, Ohio,
on Juno 17th, to nominato candidates
for President and Vice President. The
representation ol each State will be
the same as its representation in Con
-mi, mmA 4V.A TUI -I- . . 1,J
and each oi the Territories will have
two delegates. Tbo delegates are not
restricted as regards race, sex or pre
vious condition, but anybody can come
in. Mr. James Black, of Lancaster
county, Pa., is Chairman of the "Na
tional Prohibition Reform Party." If
this party could carry a 8tate it might
complicate matters. Hut Its candi
date, whoever be may be, stands no
bettor chance of being Prosidont than
John Sherman.
' IIiub tonxd Ihdeid. The, editor of
the Cincinnati Enquirer is wonderfully
pleased because the Democratic N a
tional Committee has sol cc tod "the
Paris of America" for holding their
Convention. The editor is sending
out his card endorsed In this way :
The Peril of America
Preeeala Ik. aempliRtaaU f Ike foaaei ,
afretri. Ttldaa, nendrickl, Barajaaf, Bayard,
Haaeaoa, Tbwravaa, JeweU
aad friawda,
And beji laara u reqaeat tba alaaiara of tbalr
OS Tanadar, Jaw 11, IMS
Will da tke baadeoBM thlei U yoa or kail s Sua.
Well, we always like to see men foel
good; but the pork signs and the in
clined plane railroads of the Queen
City, don't make it look like Paris.
Babcastio. 'J'beCbamberftbargVal
ley Spirit tortures the Grantitos, or
bloody-shirt party, in this way : "There
is an Indian ebief la Dakota Territory
leading a little band -which attacks
surveying parties, who would do well
for Vice President on the Grant ticket,
bis nam being Bed Shirk The nam
wonld b as good as they oould got
anyway, and the fellow rum well.
The editor of tbo Pittsburgh (iazette,
who knows all about it, says: "Sam
Randall owes his present seat in Con
gress moro to the eld or Cameron than
to any other man. Tben the Suite
was rcdistriuted at the time of the last
census no efl'ort was made on the part
of tho Philadelphia Democrats to pre
serves Democratic district lor Itundull.
Un the contrary, they oontrivsd to
have thoone Democratic Congressional
district of that city so arranged that
Mr. Randall was left out in the cold
entirely. II is ward was left in a Re
publican district, and tbo Apportion.
mont bill in that shapo passed one
branch of the Legislature. Randall
was at his wits' end. What to do ho
did not know. Tbe Democratic mem
hers ot the Legislature were dead not
against bim, and in bis despair he went
to Sonator Simen Cameron, and begged
bim almost on his knees to come to Ms
rcliof and do something for him. The
Sonator at first was not disposed to do
anything for bim, but he pleaded so
pitcously, and put it on the ground of
personal friendship, past services, etc.,
that at last Camoron gavo in, and telo
graphed to his Republican friends at
llarrisburg to save Randall s district
tor him. Mackey was alive then, and
he was not at all inclined to have things
ro-arranged just on Randall's account,
and he telcgraphod back to Cameron
tbal ii wae impossible, as tbo provi
sions of tho Reapportionment bill had
not only been definitely settled on, but
it had passed one branch of tho
islaturo. General Cameron immedi
ately sent word back, insisting that
tho bill be amended in the Senate, so
us to satisfy Randall, and then bo sent
again to the House for its concurrence.
This occasioned a great deal of trouble,
causing a rearrangemout of several of
the other Philadelphia districts. Ran
dall's bacon was saved, and he owes
his present position moro to tho Re
publican party than bo does to the
Democratic. Ho belongs to a disaf-
fectod faction in Philadelphia that is
annually sat down upon in the State
Convention. But this year ho hopes
to get his friends seated through Chair
man Miller's tampering with the mils.
Rut he will not succeed."
Shirman BrMMiNd. An exchange
remarks : Socrctnry Sherman is said
to be industriously working to securo
tbo Republican delegations to Chicago
from Maryland and other Southern
States. To accomplish this object he
is using all Urn vast machinery of the
Government in other words, violating
tbe famous civil-service order of Mr.
Hayes In the most unblushingmannor.
Rut all bis work will go for nothing
and all his scheming and bargaining
can hare no other result than to injure
him with tbe people. For it is patent
to tho most careless observer that a
vast majority of the Republican party
are opposed to Mr. Sherman. His
name exoitoe no enthusiasm in' tbe
rank and file, and asido from his per
sonal unpopularity his connection with
the nayes administration would bo
fatal to him with the Stalwart loadora.
Mr. Shetman, moreover, ha trimmod
and twisted and provarioated so often
that the managers nf the party Vnnw
woll enough that he would not evon be
a possible compromise or "durk borso"
candidate from the simple fact that
the people have no confidence in bim.
His whole pofitical career has bocn
marked by a disingonuousnoss which
would be fatal to any candidate and
he might as well spare himself the
labor and expense ot organizing a
triumph for his enemies.
Bad Roostihs. The Baltimore Ga
zette in alluding to what happened at
Uarrisbnrg last week, romarks : Tbe
conviction et tbe mcmbora of the Uar
risburg lobby by a voluntary plea of
guilty i the most remarkable of recent
developments in Pennsylvania politics.
There is a etatuto again Bt corrupt
solicitation of tho vote of Legislators
but until quite recently it bos boon re
garded as a doad letter. In connec
tion with the bill introduced at tbe last
session of the Legislature to pay the
claims tor losses sustained in the Pitts
burgh riot tbe charge was prclorrod
against certain well-known politicians
that an attempt had bocn mudo by
them to procure the votes of Lcgisla-,
tors by bribery. Their prosecution un
dor tbo statute roferrcd to woe com
menced in the local court and vigor
ously pressod. Of tbo persons thus
accused four have pleadod guilty. The
effects will be, of course, to paralyze
notorious lobbies which bav so long
taintod tbe political atmospboro of tho
Koystone State. No bottor or more
effective work for genuine reform has
been done for many a day.
Howl and HrouonTon. The Phila
delphia Times, commenting upon the
recent articles in the North American
Review, on the third term question
state : (n fact, setting Black on Howe
Iooks very much like solr.inp; a frtcnVe
ammor to brain a ninsquoto. Aol
since poor Mr. Stoughton, of clerical
orror uotorioty, was vivisected by lb
tarn band bas such bloody work been
done on th pages of the North Ameri
can Review as this slaughter of the
mild but raging Wisconsin third termor,
whom the ox l'rosidont was one half
inclined to make Chief Justice nf the
United 8tatcs." , i
A Compound Harcahm. An ex
change strike out from the shoulder
in this way: "The conspirators In
Russia could succeed in their designs
upon the Czar if thoy paid a little moro
attention to event in our own coun
try. Let them smuggle John A. Lo
gan, of Illinois, Into tbe old gentle
man's cham ber, wound up for a speech.
In ten minute the Czar's brain would
be palsied in trying to make ont what
the Senator was talking about It
wonld be a horrible death it is truo,
but there isn't much sympathy for the
Cxar." ' .
A Buaiais Mima. W notico
that Congressman Ward 1 trying to
secure homes in Delaware and Choater
oountie for "sober and industrious col
ored men who wish to loav the
South." It is said that Mr. Ward
never lost any tim or money in look-
iog out borne for the members of his
own race, but is now invosting largely
for th African. The freak of taste
which some men and women strike out
attar cannot b accounted for. If
Chester and Delaware oountie are
satisfied with bis philanthropy and set
tter,the rest of theStato need not growl.
From a Teaea KlfthaDfo.
Ilian On Saturday nlaht, February 14, 1M0,
alquailer to II o'clock, In Celeetino, Tatar, tin
lna Harilua, wit. i.t nicnuen mnhihii,
twenty, one yeari.
Today a brido to -morrow sleeping
in tbe grave. Seldom lias occurred a
more sad event in tnis city man mat
recorded above. Only six nionlliB
since tho subject ol this memoir came
to 1 ulestino us too huppy ni iuu m ono
to whom she had long been plightod.
Everything in lite seemod lair and en
gaging. Dul alter a few weeks' illner.8
slio suddenly passed away liko a Sum
mer dream. The t'unorul was attended
at the Presbyterian cburcbon Suuday
alternoon, February 15, tba serviees
held and preached by tlio pastor, nev.
W. M. MoKlwee, The order of exer
cises was as follows :
1st As tho procossiou enlurod the
i.Kurori w mntirliinl (lirrro was nlaVcd
by Mrs. Mead, tho organist. 2nd. Tho
cho r chanted "lilonsoil are the douil
who dio in the Lord ;" 3rd Portions
ofscripturo wore read; 4lh Tbo hymn,
"I woula not live ulway, was sung
5lh. Prayer by tho minister; 6lu.
Another nymn, and then camo the
discourse Irom tho text, ol iiiaunew
2tth. 15lh."Therufimlero also ready,
for in such an hour as yo think not
tho Son of Man cometh."
Tho sneaker during his remarks ul
ludod to tho lovely character ot the
deceased, and her bright, sparkling,
vet amiablo ways una temperament.
and tbo religious r.oul with which her
lite was adorned. Six months sinco
she was a joyous bride, now sleeping
in death how important the living
should lay tho truihn ol' tho text to
heart ! During bor residence here the
speaker had convorncd with her, and
had the assurance that having been
baptised in the church, she proposed
becoming a full member betore bor
death. Tbo minislor dwelt with em
phasisupon the question "What is tho
readiness roquieito to moot tho .Lord .'
Her devotion as tcuchor of the mission
Sunday school and mcmbor of tho
choir all evinced her religious faith and
Isaac Newton Pollis is a celebrated
Crawford county politician, of tho Rad
ical persuasion. He bus been Judgo,
Congressman, stago driver and pleni
potontiary, and still bo is unhappy.
He always turns up about Meadrillo,
on tbo Congressional election year, and
after announcing himself a candiduto,
the other fellows get bim a place.
Two years ago Hayes sent him over
to Bolivia, South America, in the ca
pacity of United States Minister, only
to como home again under the pioa
that there was nothing for a U. S.
Minister to do tboro. Ho having cx-
pressed an unwillingness to go back on
tho ground "that no Christian gentle.
man could live in Bolivia and preserve
his moral character," has persuaded
Mr. Hayes in theintorestof bis moral
character of course to nominato bim
to tho Senate for the associate justice
ship of Wyoming territory. Tho Phil
adelphia F.rtning Telegraph thinks
tbo point of which the Senato will
have to consider, in passing on this
rathor extraordinary nomination, is
whether a Christian gentleman, wboso
moral character bas so little backbone
to it that he cauuot live iu Bolivia
without losing it, is exactly the kind
of a Christian gentleman to dispenso
justice in Wyoming territory."' Ho
111 no doubt pock bis carpet-sack and
play Territorial Judgo for about two
years, and then turn up again at Mead
ville a a candidate for Congress.
Application for Pardon. Messrs.
Komblo, Salter, Crawford, Rumborger
and Petroff huvs alrrady given notice
by advertisement ir, the newspapers
that application will bo made to tho
Board of Pardons for remission of the
sentence which the court will pro
nounce on tho 20 tb inst. This was
not unexpected after the plea of gmlty
entered in the cases of the first four of
theso defendants. Indeed it was no
doubt a part of thoir plan in pleading
guilty. This i probably the first in
stance on record in which the Board
of Pardons has boon petitioned to in
tervene beforo tho sentence of tho
court was pronounced. Before the
adoption of the new constitution ex
ecutive clemency was sometimes ex
tended in a "previous pardon," that is,
tbe Governor issued a pardon to tho
person indicted lor a criminal offense
before trial or sentence. All that,
bowovor, has been changed. A "pre
vious pardon" is now Impossible. Nov
ortheless tboro seoms to bo such a
thing as expoditing the businoss of
procuring a pardon by giving notice
of application beforo tho court has pro
nounced sontenco.
If tbo H'arranati la rightly Ufnrmtd, we maet
hava a bad let of Sonatora and Conretemen at
Waahlncion. "There la a itfaaa dlih of eceadal
of which Ibepablie era now partaking, la the af
fect that certain Senator! and tnerabera of the
llouoe are In tbe habit of cnllclor young women
employed la tba Treaaury and etber Dcpertaaeotf,
through proeoreaoeo, into boueae af had repute
where, under the eeduotlve ioAueooa of wioa aup
pcre, tbclr rnln le aecomplilhod, flerarel yuung
lediee have reorally been eeduoed io thle way,
aad there b) aaaeb talk and oaoilemoat." Thle
le a bad odor, ooming aa It daee, from tba a'iret
Uemoeratia Concroea tbe country hae bad ainee
IKoO, aad the Walraiawe ehoalil be highly com
mended for ila heacety la thua mildly reproving
tho immoral ooadurt of it, political brethren. -Tyrawe
.. io -
this has been one of tho game ol tbe
"moral idea" venders tor over fifteen
years I The Departments of tho Gov
ernment wore turned into harems un
der tho reign of Lincoln and Grant,
and tboro the evil stick just liko so
many tick. Who is the parent of tho
, A ' Potint Powxr. An exchange
asserts that there aro 107,031 pcrsonB
in tbe employment of the Federal
Government. Each individual membor
of this obedient army has an averago of
five persons dependent on him, and thro'
him, on tho Federal Administration.
We have here an army of li t 0,0(10 per
sons all in tho pay of the Administration,
and working to ptrpotnate tho party
in power. That is a machino which
counts a froe ballot as naught and
swoeps away opposition majorities
with a stroke of the pen, and is ready
to work out any fraud conceived by
tho Republican loadors. '
Send Bitter Men. Tbe Philadel
phia iV(ir, in alluding to tbo recant
bribery trial at Uarrisburg, says : "II
the publicity given to the vile proceed
ings ot these corrnptlonists, although
a reproach on our lair fame, results in
awakening the true and honest men of
our Stat to lb importance of sending
a better class nf mon to tho Legisla
ture, and to the salutary pnnlsbmont
ol til thoir corruplori, our Statu will
soon b rdoemd irom the dishonor
entailed upon her by theso scoundrels
and the dawn of a better day for the
Commonwealth will bo at band."
Tho appointment of General I.oiis
MelikofTut tho bead of commission
to "slop revolutionary mechlnallons"
is a conlession on tbo part ol mo Kus-
siitn Government of the total collapse
of its policy of repression. General
GourUo, who was created Governor
General ol St. Petersburg sumo months
ago, was Invested with ample puwers
and charged with .the work of stamp
ing out sedition. General dourko, who
is a thorwi -iJiHtr, "t to work with
great diligence and St. Petersburg was
soon placed under the strictost police
surveillance. Extraordinary precau
tions wore taken, inch as placing por
ters at the doors of houses, increasing
the police force, making wholesale ar
rests ot siwpoctcd persons, enforcing
tbo most rigorous supervision of the
press, oto.
in spito of theso despotic measures
the Nihilists carried en their work ss
boldly as ever. Revolutionary procla
mations continued to bo posted in con
spicuous places, the Nihilist nowspa
pers were circulated by thousands,
and, it is said, means were found to
convey threatening letters to the Czar.
Theso demonstrations were answered
by tho adoption of new and moro
stringent measures by (iourko, until
the city ol St. Petersburg and, indeed,
all Russia, was practically in a stale of
aicgo. Still tho Nihilists were not
frightened or subdued. Un tho uun
trary thoy seemed to grow bolder and
moro aggressive. In addition to many
lesser deeds of violence iwo attempts
two blow up the Czar with dynamite
bavo been mudo within two nwmtbn,
and so carefully laid were tbe plans ol
tho conspirators in each cose and with
such oxuet knowledge of the move
ments and bahits of tho Emperor, that
his escape twice seoms little short of
miraculous. Tbe failure of the police
to discover these plots beforehand, and
the subsequent failure to detect the
conspirator seems to have finally de
stroyed lbs confidence of the Czar in
the Gourko method of suppressing dis
order. Tho appointment of General
Melikoff as the chief of a commission
to be made up of delegates from tbe
different departments is a significant
though not necessarily radical depart
ure from tbo previous system. It af
fords, however, unmistakable evidence
of a conviction on tho part of tbe Czar
that the policy of arbitrary repression
has boon fully tried and bas failed.
Should tho Czar have the moral cour
age to go still further and grant to tbo
peop'e the reforms which are demand
ed and which do not necessarily in
volve tho destruction of tho Govern
ment, his throne and dynasty might
yet be saved. Tbo great bulk of tho
(ussian people are not yet prepared
for a Republican form ot government
and it would perhaps bo better for the
tuturo ol genuine Kcpuulicamam in
that country that tho overthrow
of tho Empire should bo delayed by
timoly concessions than that the pros-
lent system should bo swept away in a
wild outburst of popular fury. A peo
ple must be capable of self-government
bcliire a Itepiitilic can lie safety erect
ed iiioii the ruins ol a despotism and
tho great muss ol the Jtussian pooplo
srs as yot too ignorant to permit tho
hope thut they would render a loyal
and permanent support to a moderate
Republic. That a Democratic form ot
Government will be secured to Russia
at no distant day cannot be doubted,
but by wise concessions it is possible
tor the Czar to muko the transition an
easy and gradual ono. On tho other
hand it is equally within his power, by
continuing tho stubborn resistance
which bus hitherto marked his con
duct, to provoke the savago monster
of revolution into a frightful outburst.
One thing, however, bus been settled
beyond dispute, and that is, the almost
ludicrous helplessness of a "strong"
government iu tho hands of a madden
ed and desporalo people. Evidently,
the "statesmen" who are clamoring
for Grant and a "strong" government
in this country do not comprehend
what is going on across tho sea. Bal
timore (iazette.
So Wt Go. The advent of nearly
three hundred Chinese cigar makers
in New York, and the probability that
fully throe thousand more will reach
that city during this month, is causing
much comment. White workmen de
nounce tho proceeding, but tho manu
factures bail the advent of the Celes
tials us giving promsiso of a release
from tbe tyranny of strikers. Koarncy
ism in California is likely to have an
immediate and important influence on
soveral Kastorn industries. If the
Chincsu cannot stay on tbe Pacific
coast, they will cross the continent.
What bothers us is what the man who
can adapt himself to the African eat,
sleep and enjoy his company raises
such a "hillahaloo" becauso John
Chinaman wants to be treated jusLliko
him. The man that embraces th
negro and discards 'tho Chinaman is
either a fool or a knave. Look at
Africa, and then contemplate China,
where both races manage their own
affairs without any Yankee attach
ments. Then speak : Tho common
brotherhood ol man was never so
damnably led est ray aiuco the full of
Adam. Aud tho refined, high tonod
leaders of tbo Radical party are guilty
of this National sin, and if tho true
gospel of American Democracy is not
embraced by a majority of the votors,
thoso who am hero fifty years henco
will ho worse off than either,
Too lAT. The announcement that
tho venerable ex-Senator Clingman, of
North Carolina, ha discovered n now
i.i- . -i ,i i .i .
will supply tho missing link in tbe per
fection of the electric light, would have
created a decided stir a month or so
ago, beloro tbo discovery of Edison
that a carbon filament obluinod from
paper would answer his purposes. Sen
ator Clingman cluims that the mineral
will burn for an almost indefinite period
without being consumed ; but then so
will tbo carbon filament. That difli
culty lias, in fuct, bocn tided ovor by
Mr. Edison, who is now chiefly con
cerned by tho cracking nf tho glass
globes. M r. Clingman's discovery may
prove of valuo in the latter connection
by providing a substitute for tho fila
ment which will not require tho ex
haustion of tho air tor illuminating
purposes, and hence will do away with
tho globes which have given Mr. Edi
son so much trouble.
A Pxatino Club. It is said that
Mr. William IC. Chandler's Blaine Club
at Washington, the meetings of which
are always oponod with prayer, seems
to have resolved that praying isn't all
that is required in the present emer
gency. It ha begun business in the
literary bureau line, and between
prayers finds time to mall thousands ot
sheets of good things about tbo favorite
son of Maine, which newspaper favor
ably to Blaine are desired to copy.
This is a very nice thing In Its way,
but It ought not to to absorb attention
that tho important matter of picking
np a few delogate to the Chicago con
vention will b overlooked. Noxt to
prayers, lllaino will most ncci delo-gttes.
J! CLE OR A77.V.
I- 1U-". il... II, ,.,.. ...I., l l.,ni,ovl
In 1H(5 the Democintaol tonus) I-
vaniu elected a United Stales Senutor,
Tho struggle between tho several ut.ii
didutos for the Senatorship before tba
Democratic Leirislulivecaueiis resulted
In tho nomination of Hon. William A.
Wallaco by din overwhelming niujority.
His election tollowoo. though not with
out an effort on tho purt of soma of his
unsuccessful competitors to com puss
his defeat by a combination with tno
Republicans. From that day to the
prcscst certain envious und evil dis
posed persons who iinuginud that they
sustained a personal grievance in bis
election have striven with might und
niuinu, now seorotly now openly, to
rob him of tho oontidenco and esteem
of his purty. Theso have been aided
in their worn or aoiamation Dy omcrs
who sook to raise thotnselvet to leader
ship and power in tho party on the
ruiusol tbe proud reputation they uope
to destroy. It is nolbiug to them that
the object of their detraction bas given
his best years to I ho up building of the
Democratic party, nothing that in tho
dark days of tho. war and reconstruc
tion lie bore tho standard ot the party
with a gullanlry thut challenged the
admiration and won the affection of
evorv true Domocrut in the Slate,
nothing thnt in the Stale Legislature
and in the United States Senate be bas
always been found in the fore front of
the battle for Democratic principles.
Nor docs it concern them that their
conduct is productive of serious harm
to tbo party, that tbey have created
schism and faction and that their as
saults upon so prominent and iiirlue'ti
tinl a Democrat give constant aid and
comfort to tho enemy. Their policy
is simply to rule or to ruin. .
Curtain newspapers have invariably
bocn made the avenues of assault upon
Senator Wallace just before the moot
ing of Democratio Slato Conventions.
Amontr these tho Now York Sun is
pro-ominont. Through its columns
tho malignant personal enemies of tho
devoted Senator snoot their envenomed
shafts. Tho Pittsburgh Post picks up
the poisoned dart of the Dunitea of
the iS'uil after they aro spout and uses
thorn at second-band. The Luncaster
Intelligencer gathers tbem up, puts
in its little quiver and shoots thorn
from a very lonir bow, but with nerv
oils and unsteady aim. Murk, now,
that this newspaper war on Senator
Wallace is always made just beore the
meeting of a Democratic State Conven
tion. Alter tbe (Jonvention bas been
held it ceases and is not renewed unlit
the delegates are to be chosen to the next
(ontiCTidon. 1 ta is is rather peculiar,
but not by any means at difficult of
solution as the ''blleen puzzle,
How havo Sonator Wallace and his
friends mot the assaults? Have they
repaid them in kind 1 Have thoy de
manded an eye lor an eye and a tooth
tor a tooth 1 Not at all. They have
borno them without rosentment for the
sake of harmony in tho party. Tbey
havo given a cordial -support to tbo
ticket when it was named by thoir op
ponents and wben the canvass was
managed by men who train with their
enemies. They bavo retrained entirety
nun niakiiiL' counter-attacks in tbo
newspapers upon the principal men in
tbe opposing faction. They have en
deavored so to act that no door might
be closed through which reconciliation
and harmony might re-enter. But
their patience and forbearanco have
evideutly been misunderstood. When
oontumuly and reproach are silently
endured tor tbe sake of tbe common
good fools mistake the act of fortitude
lor cowardice. JJutlue limogcneruliy
comes when tbey are undeceived.
Senator Vt allaoe and bis mends still
dosiro, above all things politically, tho
unity and harmony ot tbe party in
order that success may be assured in
tho comma- contest at the polls. Any
ono with a modicum of sense ought to
know tbal tbe .Senator but a deep per
sonal interest in tbe success of tbe
Early in this State al the next election.
Lis term of oflico will oxpire on tbe
fourth ot March next If the party
cannot carry tbe Stato and secure a
majority ol tbe legislature on Joint
ballot at the comming oleetioo hi pub
lic career will end within a twelve
month. He can have no political fu
ture except through the success of tho
Democracy in this State in November
noxt. It is then reasonable to suppose
that be would lend himself to any
scheme calculated to injure his party ?
If he has secured appointment lor
Democrats by conceding other appoint
ments to hi uolleaiTue, is it not oloar
that he must have acted on the belief
that be was serving his party ? Won.
A. Wallace is too able and larsigbted
a politician to deliberatoly oomnnl an
act which will injure his party, especi
ally wben be knows that his political
future depends solely and absolutely
on the succea of that party. W bat he
bas done in tbo matter ot Fedoral ap
pointmont will redound to the advan
tage of tbo Democracy, as will appear
after the count of the vote in Philadelphia
and other centres of population next
November. Meanwhile it is for thoso
who havo assailed him and are still en
gaged in traducing him because ot
these appointments to docido whether
or not there shall be an end of feud
and faction and whether or not thoy
will pormit the Democracy to make
united battle lor the recovery of the
State. Jlarrisburg Patriot.
Snch a remark wonld etartlo Wash
ington, Jefferson and Jackson, if they
could bo reached. While they tarried
on earth no sucb laws were ovor
dreamed of; but the corrupt day of
(iranlism, liko tho fall of Adam, has
contaminated tho Amorican mind so
grossly that Empiro instead of a Re
public seems to be tho prevailing sin
among us.
"This fnrco of a covornmcnt" has
knlhnn.,1 .n n .t .,..n ll--.,..l ..(., ,T
neighbors for over twonty years, and
tbey stick to It. A Radical Congres
sional Conference met in Ridgway in
1858, and in one of their rosolvos they
called npon their follower to holp
tbem "wipe out this farce of n govern
ment." Nevertheless, since that day
tbrso self-same patriot have arrogated
to themselves moro loyalty than most
mon do by substitutes. A contempo
rary, in alluding to "Federal election
laws," says: '
"Tho affirmations of the Constitu
tionality nf tho Federal election laws
by the Supremo Court of tho United
States, by its decision of yesterday, in
tbe mattor of tho Maryland election
Judge, comos closo npon tho heels of
the political cases determined last
week favorably to tho validity of tbo
statute of Congroes, enforcing tbo
civil right of colored citizen. Associ
ate Justice Field dissent from tho
Judgment of the Court In tho two cases
decided yesterday, as he did, in tbo
provioua ones, and upon th same
gonoral grounds. I Them decision may
bo sound and correct In law, and their
authority must bo rocognixod as of tho
highest character. They definitely
settle tbo point involved, and mako
an end to all controversy concerning
them. Notwithstanding all this, how
over, they mark t sndden but tremen
dims advanco in the march toward
consolidation. Power it faat being
ocntralizcd io. the National Govern
ment. Tb tendencies seem to be to
c-onecntrato all authority In tho Union,
The end Is not yet."'
The 'Druiocrelr. of hie Conereellonal dirtrict
i oould not well do a nicer thing tbm to aoea mm
A. 11. Dill, lata oaouiucie lur
,. b ,d b Jo, sit.Jn. ri.e.
Hlaht. Bro. Welriok. In our Judgment a bel
ter eeleelioo oa tba part of the Domocrale aoald
not ba mede in tba diuricl eieiiraire t'fri
Go uhcad, boys! You are mighty
good at conjecturing.
The Clearfield rlaroBLlraa i Oemoerall Is run
ning Kliia Piarkeloa for Presideat Hadieal
Thut's not lino, it is John Sher
man, assisted by Mrs. Jenks. They
bare m J Win-to" since 1870. Kliza
is being boomed by thoso members of
tbo family of fraud and loyalty. Wo
aro not in the case. 1 ho firm consists
of Pinkston, Jenks & Sherman, neither
of whom ever voted the Democratic
griv 2fli'frti3tmrnt3.
The ondcrelgned will eell el private aale all
that tract ar paroel of land eitBate Io Dooatnr
hownebip, Clearfield county, Pa-, witbiB a abort
dietenoe of the Tyrone A Clearfield K. H., and
adjoining lande of Robert Iludenn and otoera,
and knowa ae tba Jacob B. Uaarhart lot, Tbe
eaid tract oootalnlng 60 aoree mure or leas, with
two veins of valuable coal tberooo, has about 30
arras cleared, and Is the kt-y to a large body ol
ooal about being deeelonad. Will be sold lew aad
upoa aasy terms. For particulars, apply to
OAV1U L. Kiir.
Clearfield, Pa., July I J, 1ST.
nil limn p. Uigkr
) lo. Janaery T , lean.
L. A. .MinehiH and
Barbara tarae.
Sum moii i in Ejectment,
Aad now, to wit, tba 15th day ul Marrti, IHrtft,
oa tm.otkon if Mr., Atlura fur PUtatif,
a rule i Rrantrd on tho Defendant! to appetr
and plead to thaw art tint, of eject neat brunt' lit to
enforce ipteifio per form enoe f contract for tha
eala of a certain lot of fro tin d aitnuto In Woet
Clearfield, and known In lot No. (17, beitijf AO foet
front on Front etreat, and 220 deep, or Judgment
ball be entered against tbem in default or niflb
appearance and pioa. Rule return Kb I at J one
Term next. FRANK rlKUHNU,
Mareh 17, IflMO.M. Att'j for Plaintiff.
Normal Institute !
Tbla 8cbool will open en MONDAY, MAY D,
1980. and continue twelre week a.
Juvenile Department ti 0
Com mom liranebee 4 60
Common Branched and Theory of Tiaebinj- ' 00
Higher Braaahei 0 ftO
Mr i. Matt. Irrin will leach Imlnimental muile
at rxaerinablo rat.
Tbe Normal Claat will be examined monthly by
the County Hupermtendfat.
4T"ood boarding ceo le bad it from $2.00
to 12,50 pr wee. Room i for eelf hoarde-t can
be bad at reaeonaMe ratei. For fnrtber Informa
tion, call oa or aditreee
UKU. W. INNE3, Principal,
JAR. H. KRLLhY, Ainatant., Pa., March 17,
Executor' Sale
Valuable Farm t
npHK nndenigned Ri ecu tori of the eitate of
X ftOHKHT LIDDKLL, decraied, will oflarii.,
Polilie lale on ibo premiiei In Jordan town
ihip, Clearfield county, fenniylventa, on
Wednesday, April 7lh, 1880,
At two o'clock P. M.f the following described j
property, flit A farm rlluate In Jordan town-'
hip, adjoining landa of K. M - Aolmiton, Joba it.
Wilion and othere, being the bomaatead or prop,
orty belonging lo tbe eitate of tbo laid Robert
Lidded, deceaied, containing
Moro or let, with aN)ut 6$ acre, e'earod and
under otiltiToHua. The ImprorrroenU enoflit of
a good frame ON K-STORY Hot 8,
IHi.iQ fMt, well flanked, a good JO i i iU
framo barn, about 60i50 feet, nearly jft 1 1 f M
r ". and a good bearing AjJAtl
itORCIlARD. .Train baaet ana-4-
;pi other onthnildinga. The coal la referred
undrr 1 aerea il it.
Term of Sate t
One-third eaeb, and tho balance ki two equal
annual payment, with intcreat, to be Kcared by
bond and mortgage. Poiiriilen can bo girrn
Immediately. JOHN (. WILSON,
JAM Bf til rvi un,
Anioneille, Pa.. March 17, 1880-3t.
An Important Notice I
II KO leave to aneounoo to tbe eltiteaa of Clear
teld and pnrrooudint count rr that I have
opened a ftut olaai eifabliihmtnt for tbe ie'i of
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Eeiidti I jropoM to carry a full itock ia tba
Lin', all of wfclrb T will tell al uoun11; law
prlcee. My place of baiineia li la
Tour patronage li reRpcolfully eollottad. Cal
InpertoB oraddrert A. THAnRAI'SKR,
Cleeufleld, Pa., March 17, lHW tf.
Pic's Opera House,
Where H. Lehman k Ce. bare eaened a very largv
lock of tbo latoit and beat itjlei or
Fancy Goods,
i - .
' LfULioi', ICiuoi' 6 CUIdion'i
Of all etylee, aew It tba Market. Pall la pereot.
or eaoreew n. i.aiiMAif a vu,
Clearfield, Pa , Mtrr-n 17,,
The undartljrned t-Btri for tale all the pine, oak,
fmpUr and bi m loch limber on 413 vt of land
hCI.RmldL'uoty. Parite eoniultlog the map
or allae of tbe oounty, will fl-.d it iu llrnly
tt.aoihip, adjoining the Hail tWQfhipV
line, end known aa tract N. 14.14 Thl-J
timber will be bold 0a frr tele anlil the w.'.fc
lit of lfeoruilicr nnu 'ur further partiauUri
apply to or aitdroti,
October 11, UriMf. Clearfield, Fa.
lUB luUoriber am offer to the citiioni of
ipeclaltr. Hereafter all kinds of Caikcti and
Coffloi will be kept n bantl, and ordrn HI led at
I'hmomi -itteutltU -fiiyirAcre.
I will furnlih Utr fin eat ae wall m tit ebeepoet
artiole dtdloated ti ftmerale- All orden left at
the More of Joan 0. Cuairgn will reooive prompt
attention. or fnrtber partieulan, en II on or
allri E. H. 11 K.NJJl.HtiO.
Deo. 10, lf)79 tl.
Have opeoed up, In Ihc store loom lately oorupied
by Weaver A Belli, on Second elrcet, a larjie and
well seleclaj stock of
Dry - Goods Groceries,
WbU'h tliey will tetipoeo of at roaeonalila ratei
lor tSt it eifbauge for country produrw.
ClearflffM. Jan. V. U7Mf.
James L. Leavy,
Having purohaeod tbo entire atoek of FrH.
Beckett, hereby givea notice that be has tnored
I .In th. I.I.I- lx. Uu.l M M. ......
nn nnd ilrf wh, ,f pTi!Vrfd , ,.
the public
iiom-tv ji.ri
of tbe let fit reproved pattern-, at low price.
Gaa Fixtures and Tinware,
Hoofing, Spouting, Plumbing, Oas Fitting, and
Kspairiog rump, a specially. All
work warranted.
Anything in my line will be ordered creels if
desired. JAB. L LKAYY,
Clearfied, Pa- January I, ISTS-tf.
Cheaper than ever at tlio store, of
G.C.& T.W.M00RE,
RIM1M Htl. I, I'll.'n tlPRRA IIIIIIHK.
Wo havo just received tho tamest
and best tolooted stock of
t: Furnishing kk
Thnt has ever coma to town
all the new novelties in
Driving Boots and Shoes.
Rubber Boots & Shoes.
Give as A call And eo if wo don't!
sell chenper thnn anybody else.
e;i i. c. Moimi-'.,
TOM W.MIMlltl;.
Cl.arl.l.l, Pa , Bept. 14, llit-ln.
Cheap Cash Store.
Clearneld, Pa.,
Oonprlaiag Ureae Ooodi of tbe very lateat etytei,
oomtittng La part oi UaMtner, Maneaeater
iVaaaie, Alpaca-, and all manner of
Fancy Dress Goods,
Saeh aa Cretoni, af cbair Lnitere, Ptaidi, Drefi
Uinghmi, Drea Fanciei of tha rery lateat
-iTle, and ai cheap aa they can be enld
la (hie market.
Can fitting of Glnrei for flentf. Ladie and
Mliteo. llotw of all ah ., H1IK Frlngei,
Laeca, Peary Draw Buttoni. Ladiea'
Tiei or all ihado and it y lea, Cade
nd Collar, Kibbani of all kicdi and
aaliiiee. .Marino 1-aderwoar, Tnmaiingi, etc.
Queensware, Hardware, Tinwarf ,
LEATEEE, FISH, Eto., ' '.
Wkl.h will he Mid wb.lMBl. wr null. Will lak.
Country Produce
In Eirhaut; Ihr Caoda it Market Fricea,
WM. J. noFFRI,
"t'lrsriflil. Po pt. t, 170 tf.
ttt' SiU'rrtiSfmfnts.
rpilK Summer terra af this School will open
I Io the NKW SCHOOL ill ILDI.Nlj al Urn
b.r t'ily. Pa., on Monday, May ed, to continue
fleieB week..
Common r iigll.ll llranrli.a Ml IHI
lllflicr KiiKiieli and 1-atlii hiki
74r-Uond hoarding can be bad al from 12 to
Sl.MI per wee. A Normal Olai. aill ho organ-
iae.l. K. V. UOI1UP.F, Principal.
P.bruary la, I8S0 Jio.
Englishf: Classical School !
TIMS Brhool Will open OB MONDAY, AI'RII.
1JTH. ISSI", lathe Uonard School buildier,
la Cl.arfield. aadoootiBue eleven weeks.
Common fCiiglUh llralirheo, - - mmi
II Ip licr au flaaalra, - . . H.oo
O- A Normal Clara will be f.nmej, with Wlrk-
crliaa'c 8ihool Economy aateit book.
Clearfield, Pa., Frbrnary Itb, 1K80 3m.
Mercantile Appraisement.
TDK Yrndcrf nf rtirtign ami lioineotic M.r
ebandiso, Di.tillerr, Brenert, Broters, Ae ,
in Cleerfleld county, -ar a I a lake notice that they
are eppraired aod elarerd by the ucitenigncd
Appraiser of Merchandise and other license lexer,
lor tbe yrar ISr-0, as lollows :
i'lahh. Ilumalde Itoruuirli. TA 1,
II Hi.rnre Petobin. gra'l mercbaodiae i T IHI
I 14- Jarfcnm Palehin, ger,'l lodes T US
II John t. ( onnrr, gt n I mdsc 7 en
14 I'r-.well A Conner, drugi -. 7 OJ
Cleerfleld IlorotiKli.
14 J. A Sta.ller, bakery A confectionery... 7 Oil
II W J. Ilofler. general aiarchandiie ..., IS IS)
15 II. C. a T. Vi . Moore, boots 4 iboea.... 10 to
14 P. A. Gau'in, it.tionerr
II II. A. Kroner, dry g-.ail.
Ill J II. Lytic, gnioeriei H
j 14 J. F. ruikhtlorr, lakery A conlrcl'y...
. Hirliosi-r A Rook, clotbiug
a I, a. Wateon, tobacco A eijSre
j II I., tiolnsburg. clothing
II it
It 00
T 00
10 in
7 oo
t 00
7 00
411 00
so on
.10 00
15 00
10 00
15 ot
7 01
14 II. Livingston, eoniertionerv
II. I.iringitoo, biliiardf, 2 tsMes
W. I'. Cardan, billiards, 1 table
H. N Shaw, billiardc, I table ......
II .TnliB Mcllauzbey, groceries
13 Win Powell, hardware
0 T. A FU.-k A Co., dry goods
14 r. I pnydi-r, jewelry ,
14 K. W. Urabain, droits 7 Oil
4 K- VV. llrabam, pateut medicines I 00
10 H. Moasop, gen'l merobandiee le 00
14 John A. Stuck, toliacoo and ricare T fie
It V. . Cordon A Bro., egr'l implem,ts. T u
I 14 C. D. VVation, drogi. M 7 t1
! 4 I. WfttNon, patent mediclnea. I 00
I 14 MVaughey A 8 bower, boU A ehoel.. 1 tu
114 llarftwifk A Irwia, drug 7
4 HerifWit'lr, t Irwin, pat. medicine ft 00
14 J. L.- KeaTT, tft-l and tit. ware HH. 7 00
! V Geo. Wearer A Co , gao'i mdno - 1j 00
B C. Leipoidt, brwerr 'i Oil
H Theodore Ull, brewery IS 00
j 14 M. R. liter, eewinir machinei 7 00
1 I t Harry 8iiydr inhafiw and rigare 7 OU
I 14 I. Ilrilbr'nn, Tarltty -tore 7 00
14 W. I). McKay, eowmg machinei . T t'O
! urnetiMltle Ituroiigh.
11 8. AroolJ, grneral merchandlie 12 Ml
14 t. . Faual, g.oeral oierrhendiae 7 00
12 P. K. hprcaael, dry good 13 Jtl
' 13 R'iranauj(i. A Norrii, grooeiira 10 On
' 14 Watt J!. Ttinmpfun, grcenei- 7 OA
i l i Annie M. lrt in, general merctiandiie .. 7 nt
I 14 Jacob B fleer, hardware 7 iO
1 1.1 AbiMiu (iatei, baidware 10 0
14 A. M. Kirk, jewelry 7 M
14 W. A. Dale, Kroeeri . 7 00
j 14 J. R Irwin, druge 7 M
! 4 J. R. Irwin, patent medicine ft t
1 14 ftcphon lira", oontrcll ineriei 7 On
Htepben t.ralT, bitliardi, I taHe .10 00
Curwonavtllt llaok 'M Oti
13 Jltrman llauft, geDr'itl mil 0 Alt
I IS J. V Wright, grreral merchandiae to 00
II H W. spencer , scnrral merrhandiie.... It Ml
I 14 .1. R. Akere, tobauco attd oonlectionery. 7 on
llnuUdale Itoroiigti.
II I Lion Hardware Co , hudware - IU Oil
14 C. W. Van Duaen, gen'l me rchaadite... T 0l
14 C. W. Van Duten, booti and rbei 7 ft
III Y. Liwright A Co., grn'l utJoe 3" OA
1 It. If,, gen'l ratTc-han 're. I'l 0"
14 J. W. I.hoade, druge 7
14 J. II, Foreman, eonfectiooeriee 7 Ott
14 Ptrphen Uandin, groceriei HH H 7 Oil -
H M A I. M. Lang, gen'l mdM I 00
14 A, B. Aobton, grocery A confectionery. 7 01
H J. U. Arnold, aUittoOt'ry 7 0u
II Andrew Uleaaon, gfti'l Bidae IH'i
14 W J. iSbarbatigb, drug 7 00
14 M. Major, notion . 7 00
14 R. Charlton, notinni 7 lA
14 Pettw Catnrrun, jr., groceriei 7 0A
14 V. Todd, drug! 7 W
14 W. C. Langilurd, notion! 7 0t
14 ). Ilegarfy, bakery A oonfeettonery.... 7 Oil
15 Peter Morao, wboleaftlo liquor dator... li (M
14 LitiB (Jraoger, grucerlea .t 7 tlf
14 K. 11. (lreen. general norehaodUo 7 (u
Lumber City Hiirougli.
13 Dcr A Co a ll roth, gen'l aidac 1 I'1'
14 I). I. jrpuioD, gen'l mdio 7 All
Men burg Ito rough.
14 Woa. Hunter, general nerchandiee T (Hi
New WaahlnfTton norougb
1) J. R. McMurray. goa l aid HH... II 0
14 N. A. Arnold, gen'l merchandiae 7 0U
4 N. A, Arnold, patent Medicine H. 10
Oiceola Borough.
14 J. R. Drowo.confectionery 7 00
15 W. tl. Kelley, general nerflbaiidiie 10 OA
11 T. C. Heimi, general awrchaDdtie An
13 Krauie Brother, groceriei 10 0i
Ciiitena' llank... H li ft
14 Michael tlriffey, groceriei. 7 Att
14 W. 8. Welle, itationery A coofeet'ici... 7 OA
12 P. Iltrib, general mercbandiae 12 50
11 Henry .......... 15 Au
14 11. P. R. Blandy, drugs 7
Waller rton Borough.
14 W. J. Ooaa, general nercbandtae M 7 A"
lleccarla Townahlp.
14 Natter. Honior A Co , gen'l udie ....... 7 0
14 Max Prick A Co., gen'l mdio 7 oa
14 John C. Oalei, gen'l tndie ah 7 tl
Dnmtide Towiiahlr.
14 Aaron Patcbin, gen'l ndie 7 OA
ISrady Towuahlp.
14 J. Seyler A Son, gen'l mdea 7 At
14 D. tluodlander, gen'l ndie . 7 '
14 Moor A llamkltcn, gm'l mda 7 W
14 J. A. Knarr, boot and abooi 7 AA
14 B. Knarr, groceriei 7 W
14 J. H. Kdiuger, hardware...... T
14 J. W. Carlulo, Agent, gen'l mdae 7 0
14 L R. Carlialo, gen'l ndee 7 10
Hell Town eh I p.
14 Mrtieo A Co., gent nda 7 00
Itrariford Towuablp.
14 V Curley, general m lie 7 00
II I. V. (Iray A Co., general a die U 00
14 Rlattenterger A Co., drogi. ..,...-- 7 AO
13 Aaron Peien, dry gooii 10 00
meet Townahlp.
14 J. R. MrKoo, goal ie... 7
14 K. B. Catnp A Son), gen'l aadn 7 fiO
Covington Townahlp.
14 Prancia Leigey, geaeral mdl t
15 h. M. Coudrlet. general ndao ... It 00
Deratur Townahlp.
14 M.I aiigA Co., general m !.. 7 OA
t.lrarJ Township.
! 14 W. S Uillllaad A Co , dra(lMM. 7 to
firakam Towuahlp.
14 T. II. Korcar A Co., general tada 7 M
r.o'lrh Townahlp.
II P. A A. Flynn, rural nathe IS at
14 T A Pri.leaaa, general ndw H T 08
14 I. K. Raniey, general tnda 7
14 II. Alteman.g nral ndo t W
Hueton Townahlp.
15 C. II. Currtdl, general mde H M 10 00
II (karlr Kchnaker, general aidM It 00
li Af.M:'D.Tn'ttfTe-.".-." It? OH
14 Heuben r'inith, drug 7 a"
Jordan Town.hlp.
14 Y. T. I'nry, general nda M Tut
Kilos Townahlp.
14 Jceph Krb.rd, general nds. M 7 lit
karthaua Totvnahlp.
Id (1. Pl.ticr, general Berrhan llae 7
14 tiillil.nd A lolhers. ge'l tadse 7
l.avrrsih?. T.arSMhla.
14 II. N. Colbura, rnlM........ ......... I M
Murrl. Townahlp.
R. II. Wigton, gensral tadae,..,. tj M
14 Hrter Moier, general rndse 7 u.
14 lonard Kylcr, general rode............. 7 IS)
14 .Innee Mons, general rajae 7 oil
Pens Tuarn.hlp.
14 W. A. Moore, groeerie, A oonlke'riM... 7 uf
14 McDiiuaid A bpeBeer, gea'l Bids. 7 M
Kaarly Tonaehlp.
14 C. D. Kvans A Mro , general mdes 7 Oo
14 John aids. 7 H
14 Travel A kills, general ad.. 7 w
14 T. II. N-rueo, grooerlre 7 M
II I'. 8. Weber A 0. , general ads. ! I.
John Ilullols, general njdie 0 H
W. L. Nlrholeon, billiard., J table.
H. T. Krliey, billianlB, I table .14 "
K. M. Knnla, billiards, 1 Uhlee. 4. M
John 8. Harr. billiarda. I lablee 40 OS
11 Henry I'eoli.f.rBllere I u
10 Bell, Uwis A later, g.o l aadse II Ml
11 Hendy Lirk (lai.Uoal A Coke Co., ajd.e 10
14 Wm. M. MeOallough, groceries 7 0B
14 Lewis Zeigler, grwerna 7
14 Walk A U.llbiaa, general aids........ .7
14 J. 8. Kan., drag 1 0
14 drier A Bro., uaidwar. 7
14 M. B. Ain.lay, dr.g ..,..,..,.. 7 04
II UegA Brady, hardware Is 01
11 George Hcbwem, nonlectioeery 7 ft
Union Touahlp,
14 J. Seyl.r A Son, goaaral aids. I "
Wwoilwaral Township,
14 Jarn.eCoraly, f.nar.1 Mds. - I 09
14 J.roe. leather A 0.., geaersl rods..... 7 0
15 M. Ll.enght A Co., geoer.l atdes M 04
14 Mr.. 8. J. 8eB.Bdlnger, gea'l Bid...... 7 04
t Whitehead Oo., general ai4e.....- t
It Prank A Oo.j..el Bids. M
II J. U. rtbhart A Co, .olN.tle.etlM... I "
' Tase"allo.rell who are"oooerned la this ap
araleeinent, that an appeal will be held l
Oommlaslnuwr' OfDoe, ia ClMrltrid, e. frldy,
AI'HILIU, IS0,b.t.Uieibew.ef lOe'elee"
A. M.and 4 P.M., whoa and where you pay
attend If yoa thl.k preper.
JOnN OWtrTrl,
Meraaallle Appraiser
ntoomlhflon, fa , March IS. I"l 41