gailroailii. "Penniiy 1 van I 1 roiid TYRONI A CLEAKF1ELD BRANCH ON and after Monday, NOV. 10, 1ST, th. i'asieager Trains will run dally (exeenl Sun days) between Tyrone nnd Olearfleld, u follow! i CLEARFIELD MAIL. LEAVE ROIITII. LKAVI NORTH. CurwenSTlllv RWerrlew....... .1.10, F. Tyrone,.... 4.SI1, " .1.40, -.e.4, Vaneeoyoe,.... 9.14, " Summit U.M, " Poweltou, 1M0, " Osoeole,.. 10.11," Biiyntou 10.17, " Bt.ln.r'i, 10.11," Phlllpeburg, -10.1a," Onlii 10.M, " Ulna U.1I,....10.S7, " Wellaoelon,...10.44, - Blgler 10.0!, " Woodland 10.I0, " Barrett, ........1 1.07," Leonard 11.1, Clearueld,-.!!.!"," Hlferlew 11.14, " Cleerleld,., Leonardo Barrett, HMI .1.64, " Woodland,... Bllr Wellnoeloa,,. Blae 11.11,.... Orahem, Pbilipsburg, Stelner's Boynton .4.01, " .4 01, " .4.17, .4.15, ,.4.S1, " ,.4.J6, ,.4.J, " .4.44, M Oieeele, , ,4.41, " Powelton, Human, Vaneooyoc,-. Tyrone .5.04, " .4.14, " ..6.J4, " .MO, ' Cureusrtlla,.) CLEARFIELD BXPRK38. LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. CurwensTtlla HlrerTlew.... till. " 4.47 " Tjrona, , ...7.10 r. V nnaooyoo,... 7.4a " Clrlld.. Leonard, ...... Barrett .... Woodland,. n. Blgler Wallaeetea,... fiummtl, , Poweltou,.... Oaoeola........ ...4.04 " ....I7 ....! ...I.M ...1.5V " 4 51 ' 4.67 " 4.1)1 - e.oo " 0.16 (.31 Boyaton...... Kleiner's, Pbillpiburg Grallaia ...a.4i ..8.47 mua nail, tfreham,..,,.. ri.iiipbiu. Kleiner's....... Boynton, Osoeole M Po Walton, e.u O.J0 0.31 ' 0..17 4.43 e.6j " Blue Ball ,... " " ,...10 Biilar. Woodland,..., ,0.17 " ,0.35 " uerreu,...... Leonard Clearfield , ... 44 ... ' .0.44 tiummit, Vansooyoc,.... Tyrone, . 7.05 " 7.31 7.44 " RirarTiaw,.., Curwensville 10.00 ' P1IILIP6BURU A MOSHANNON BRANCHES LBATU SOUTI. r. n. A. n. a. . 1:00 LnATB nonrn. HTATIOKll. Morriidala, Pbilipsburg, titalner'a Boynton, Oiocola, Moshannon, Hurling, Houtedeie, MoCaulay, Kendrioa's, hamay. 11:40 1:16 1:10 3 14 1:80 344 1:47 TlOO 7:04 7:011 10:30 7:18 10:34 7:41 10:43 7:10 13:15 4:10 11:11 4:14 11:14 4.18 0:10 13:04 4:01 4:66 11:61 1:67 8:60 11:46 8:60 1:51 10:48 7:44 1:57 10:51 7:56 1:07 1 0:58 8:01 V13 11:03 8:00 8:46 11:40 1:46 8:10 11:86 8:46 8:36 11.30 1:30 8:30 11:36 8:90 BALD IAOLI VALLEY BRANCH. Ei. Mail. P. M. A. H. Hall. P. M. Kip, A. M. 7.08 4.30 leave Tyrona arrlra 8.10 7.44 1.13 8.47 8.01 0.40 8.14 0.44 Bald Eagle 4.64 4.10 4.44 4.84 4.16 4.01 leave 1.14 7.41 (.05 8.43 8.88 13 Julian Mllaabnrg Bellcfonta Miloaburg 8.31 10.03 8.46 10.14 0.08 10.40 Howard 8.00 4.16 41 11.18 arrlraL. llayan TYRONE STATION. UASTWAUD. A.M. PeelSo Kiprau 8:14 Jobnitown Eipraaa 8:51 p. M. Day Eipreu 11:64 Mall Train, 1:37 Atlaatia Kzprall, 8:61 Pbila. Kiprau, 0:33 WI1TWAUD. A Pittsburgh Eip'H, 1.68 Puotue Kiprau, 8:18 P.M. 1:15 8:34 7:08 Way Passenger, Mall Train, Pall Llna, Cloia connections nada by all tralni at Tyrona and book unrsn. i. I. BLAIR, mylT-tf. Superintendent. 8TAIIE LINES. A stage leaves CurweusTilledelly for Raynoldi- Tille, at 1 o'clock, p.m., arriringat Reynoldirilla at 6 o clock, p. m. Keturnlog, leeeee neynoius villa dally, at 7 o'elook, a. m., arriving at Cur wenivilla at 13 o'olook, m. Para, aaoh way, $3. A Itaga leavei Cnrwanavlllo dally, at 1 o'elook, p. m., for DuBoli City, arrlvina at DoBoti City at 8 o'elook, p. m. Heturning, Teavee LuBolf at 7 o olook, a. in., daily, arriving at torweaivllle at II a'eleok, m. Para, aaek way, $1 .60. Allegheny Valley Railroad. LOW GRADE DIVISION. "N and after Monday, Anguet 4th, 1870, J the nawongar trains will ran dally (except Sunday) between Ead Bank and Driftwood, ae lollowa t KTWARI. Day Mall laavoa Plttiburg 8:66 a. m.j Red Bank II:I6 Bilge Junction 1 1 Mils New Bethlehem 11:34 p. n. Maylvllle 13:50 1 Troy 1:11 1 Breokville 1:86 i Poller'e 1:00 i Rey. noldivllle Ml DuBolil:50; Summit Tunnel 8:10 j Penleld 1:41; Weedvllla 4:05 ; Beneeotte 4:31 1 arrives at Driftwood at 5:. VV EBT W All D Day Mall leaves Driftwood 11:30 p. m.; Beneartta 1:06; Weedvllla 1:30; PenOeld 1:48; Summit Tunnel 1:10 ; DuBolll:16; neynoldevlllel:51; Fuller's 3: 10; BroobvilleS:33; Troy 1:64; Meyiville 4:14; New Bethlehem 4:30 ; Bligo Junction 6:11) Red Bank 4:30; arrival at Pltuhurg at 4:00 p. m. cT The Reynoldeville Aecotomodatlon leaves Reyuoldsville daily at 7:65 a. m. and arrives at Rod Bank at 10:60 a. m., Pittsburgh at 1:30 p. m. Leaves Pittsburgh at 3:11 p. m.j Red Bank at 4:46 p. m.i arriving at Reynoldirilla at 9:06 p.m. Cloea connections made with trains on P. A I Railroad at Driftwood, and with trains on the Allegheny Valley Hailroad at Red Bank. DAVID McCARIIO, Oin'l Sup'L A. A. Jacisok, Bup'l L. U. Dir. FAKE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO BellefOnU, Pa..... 13 05 Mlddletown ......5 0 Look Haven 1 70 Marl.iu......... i 44 WillUinrport. ...... ISO Laneaitar.. 140 Huntingdon 180 PHILADELPHIA 710 Lewistown. ........ 100 Altoona 1 Maryivllle.. 4 40 Johnstown- 144 CuwaoiviUe.... 1(1 1 PhiliDiburi. ......... 41 Oicaola 06 Tyrone 1 13 HARRISBURQ ... 475IPITTHBURO 4 14 ARNOLD WANTS Shingle Bolls & Saw Logs. CurwennlUe, Jan. , '78-tf. New Marble Yard. tombstonesTmonumints, Jo(g for Ctmelery Lots. A NEW MARBLE YARD Call at J. PLA HARTV'S Marble Works. Choice work and lew prices. Dlreetly eppoiila the Lutheran Church, Third afreet Clearlald, Pa, Marah 17, 1870-tf CENTRAL State Normal Ncliool. (i'jAffi Normal School District.) Lock naven, Clinton Co., fa. A. JV. RA VB, A. At., Principal. it ni very best faoilitfea for Professional and Clasleal learning. Bulldingl rpaelons, Inviting and eommodlous t eomoletely heated by steam, well ventilated, and fttrntrbed with a bonatlful supply af pure water, eon epnrg water. Location healthful and easy of aieess. Surmunding soenary nniarpaseed. TeMbera experienoad. efficient, and allvt to their worh. Diaslplina, Arm hut kind, uniform and thorough. Ripenies moderate. Pfty aeata a week dwdwetlen ta thee prewiring to teaoa. gladeols admitted any time. Ceuraeaof etody preaerilied hy the Sute; t. imei noaoel. ll. rnparatorr. 111. Clemen tary. IV. golantilo. Anjoacv oavnani I. Aeadamlo. II. CommeretaL III. Mute IV. Art. The Elementary and Seleallle ooarea are Pro. faaslooiil, and atudeau graduatlag therein receive Slate Diplomao, aonferring the following eorreew ponding degreea t Maeter of the EeWneae. Urad. nates In the other ooureee rooolve Normal Oarlil oates af toalr attalamonta. algaad by law Faculty. The Profeeeinal ooarses are liberal, and are In tboronghnaos not Inferior to those af ear hoot eol leges. The SUte requires a hliher order af sltleea. shin. The limes demand it. It Is ana of ike prime objeots of this aohool ta help to saeare It by inrniining mutagens aaa emeioal taaaaers for ner senoois. lo tais and H atriieita yoang per. aoas of goad abilities aad rood nurnoaar tboeo wna aaaire ta tmpreva laeir una aad their tei anla, as stadenta. To all aueh It aremmea aid in developing their powers aad abundant eppertw. kitlea for wall paid labor after loaviar eehoeL For catalogue and terms address the Phaeipal. BOARD Of TRUSTIES i arocvinoLa-ani' rurmng. J. H. Barton, If. I), A. II. Bast. Jacob Rrcwa, S. M. Blckford, Samuel Cbrlil, A. N. eUaa, . . Cook, T. C. Hippie, Esq, B. P. McOormiok, En W. W. Kaakin, JOHN A. RODS. avavn vacmaa. Uea. A. O. Onrtle, Hon. H. L. Dietaaback hm. Jesse Merrill, Moa. Wm. Bi.lar, J. C. 0. Wkaley.B. Millar McCerajIek, Era. wibbtani niiiLnit, Praddeat Beard af Tract aes, JkoDE MKHRIU Viae Precidani. I. MILLAR WeCORMIOR, rberetary. TllllklAB 1AK1H.IT, Lark Havaa,;Febv70-lyn, plSfaUautoun. JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN FURNITURE, MATTIti:!HHi:.S, AND ''" Improved Spring Beds, MABKBT STREET, NEAR P. O. i i t i.... t. i.r,.m ,h .111. lum unuvr.ixiivii wB" " ens of Clearlald, and the public generally, that ha has on haud a 8na eelortment of Furniture, such as Walnut, Cheitnut and Painted Chamber Suites, Parlor unites, nociiomg w. uualre, i.auiaa anu ueww r " , foratad Dlalag aad Parlor Chairs, Cane Seats and Windsor unalrl, noiuea wera, 0f slow Ladders, Hal Racks, Borubblng Bruibsa, dtc MOULDING AND F1UTUH rnaaKB. eoklnr Olaiiei, Cbromas, Ac, wbloh would . Bltabk for Holiday praseats. - dcnl0'7S JUMP inuniiasn. Re-Union of Trade. rpilK undersigned wlihlng to inform the public X that he opsncd a COMMIHMON fTOHU At the old stand In Trouivlllc. Clearlald county, f a., un me iota rosi wivn a iuu we w DRY C(M)I), GROCERIES', NOTIONS, Boota, ajhoea. Ktc In fsot everything to be found In a Irat-olasi store, all of which I sut determined to sell at the lowest cash prions. FARMERS AND LUMBERMEN Will H-J ll ten i..ta. mjlmanlaeMiA An lhati s4at,lln with n. m thi hibit phcM will lt ptiii Ivr or ono-h-Ji onb will lw p-'d. Tradlof fur HhlncUi or Lumber of nj kioJ idmIaUj. AIm, tgojnt for Singer Sewing Machines. Hm-IbsT UKdi imnpnioti with Eastern ntr- chaiDU to H good furolifiod n; tbetefor eall n& tet, u I will Imj liabltil to tell cbesper than the ebMpeit. J. W. CAHLIhK. TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE. CANDIS MERRELL Itu onened. In a bnildinr on Market atreet, on the old Weitarn Hotel lot, opposite the Court Houae la Clearteld.a Tin auu Bbeet-lroa mana. factory and 8tore, where will be found at all limes a full llna of house Tvzmsmxot GOODS, Stores, Eardv&ri, Etc House Spouting and all kinds of Job work, repair ing, Ac, dona eo ekort notice and nt reasonable ts. Also, agent for toe Singer Sewing Machine. A rapplT of Mftehintf, with NowIIm, 4c, at- wy od hand. Tfrni. itriotty oaah or oouotrr produo. A hart of pfttrongt Mltciud. u. b. Hunnnu Us Superiotwdeot. ClMrfletd, April n, im-tt eltCETAB,' TRENEWE Bm bora l eotiatADt 1H by tb publlo for oror twrmty J and 1 Iho boot prirtUloi mv lnrmtti Ar BEBTOB HfO GHAT HAIR TO IT vnxvruwvi. volob jurn LIFE. j At rappUOT MM Will food and volar to tho hair KlADila without auinlBc tho kla. It will facroAM and thlekea tho growth or tho hair piWTool Ua Uaaohtaf and fklllnf off. aad that AVERT BAaLUNRJM. It cures Itching. Erup tions and Dandruff. Aa a BAIB DREHHIMO It la verw deelrmble, (trla( tfca kalr s sllkrn aoftsHaai which all adnalrw. It kawpa th head clcaa, Iweet and bawl thy, WHISKERS win ohaaga tho hwaural to a BROWN ar BLACK ai dlaerctlom. Balsul la auaa preparation It la eauUy applM, aad wredueea a parnaaswak color that win wad wash off. fKKI'AIUtll UV R. P. HILL t CO., NASHUA, I. H. SeM sr all Dealen la Sieklae. HPBBn'B PORT GRAPE WINE Used In the principal OkarekM for Communion purposes. Excellent for Ladles'WwklT a ii. . a a " SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE I FOIII rfUiRH OLD. This Oeleantad Kallre Wine Is made from kVa Juice of the Opart drape, raised la thin County. Ill Invaluable Tonic and Strengthening rropertlo are anraraaaseol hy any other Native Wlae. Be ing the pure Jeiaa of the Urepe, prod need under Mr. dpeav s awn ttcrsonai sepervisten, its parity and genuiaeneas are guaraaurad. The yeungeot ohild may partake of tta generous qualities, and ine weaaMt tavaiia are ll I aovaaoaga. 11 is particularly benanelel ta the aged aad debilita ted, aad suited ta th various atlaecala that af fect the weaker cel. Tt Is la every raapeat A WINS TO BK HILIBO O.f . SPEER'S P. J.SnERRY, The P.J. SHERRY Is n Wlae af Srpcrlor uaareeier, ana paruaec or ua goiaea quallltes et the grape fram which It Is enad. Ve Parity, Ricbaees, Flarar aad Maicenal pasrtlas, it will ha found aiBaxcallcd. SPEER'S P.J. BRANDY, This IRlllDTlUudleerlvaUdlateiUeouatry, being lar sapcrlor far medical purpeaea. IT IS A FORI dletlllatlea frem Ike grape and aaaulaa ralaahh) mod leal aa. It he. a dallaalc lame, similar ta ikat ef ah grapes free, watek to la duutlled, aad Is la great favor among Sratla Ikmlllaa. See that the eirnatnrt af ILfRIt) Spggl Pnaaak) M. i-, aver tb. cork of each kettle, BOLD ST S. W. ii, iiti if. 1 1 m SSAIC.aT TIMBER FOR SALE. Tha nadenlgaed efevs for sale all the pine, oak, fioplar and bemleek timber cn 414 acre of laad 11 Olearleld coaaly. Parties consulting tke map or allasof iheeoeaty, will lad It la Brady towaahlp, adjoining the Bell lownihip 5Aat line, and ktiewa aa tract No. 1444. ThiiiaV limber will be acid oped lev sale nntll tnc ..n 1st af lleoeuiber next, for further partlenlara epply 10 ar auare.., UKO. D. OOOULANDKR. Oclcber 14, Mlk-lf. Clearlald, Pa. E. S. HENDERSON, el sara.-ieiis. a. wsianat UNDERTAKER BUKHHlilK, fCfllla. . ' fTMll sahacrlhcr now olers to the eltlaaas af X Burnslde and vicinity, an unprovided specialty. Hereafter all klnda af Caskets aad Oofflns will be kepi on kned, and orders llled at onee. - . 1 . , Funerals Mttndrd dnyuihtrt. ' I will furalsk tha laast as wall aa the cheapest artiolec dedicated to fuaeraw. All order, left at the .tore of Joan 0. Coama will reoeire prompt attention. For further partlonlara, eall on , or address m. S. HBKUEHdOM. Dec 18, 187-lf. GEO. WEAVER & CO. 6KCOND BTRERT. CLEARFIELD, PA., IUv optQd op, la lh itort room laUly oerupitd wwii arwsajuiang. mwvm VI t Dry - Goods Groceries, BOOT AND BH08H, Qt'RENBWARS, WOOD A WILLOW WARE, HATS AND CAPS, FLOUR, FEED. SALT, &c. Which they will dispone of nt reaeouable rates for scan, ar eiohaage lor aouatry prodnca. OEORIIK WEAVER A 00. Clearlald, Pa, Jan. 1. 1471-tf. REMOVAL ! James Li. Leavy, H t vice Tnrt)hfttxl tb ntir (took of Frd. SavektHt, hereby fiff toilrm tbal k bu moTed Into the room Utel j ecenplcd hj Reed A HftTrtj, on Booond ttrt, whtra nt ! prfpred to offer to tho poWlc COOK ST0ES. PARLOR STOVES, of tho Utott luf rvveit pittornig at low prloot. HOUSE FUBNISHIN3 GOODS, Gas Fixtures And Tinware. Kealng, Bpontlng, Plumbing, Oar litting, and Repairing Pumps n specialty. AU work warranted. Anything In my llna wlU ha ordered special If. deolred. J AS. L. l.KA V f. Proprietor. ' FRED. BAOKETT, Agent Clearled, Pa., January I, 1174 if. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS and CAPS, Cheaper than vr at the itoie of G.C.&T.W. MOORE, RfHlN MO. I. PIK'B OPERA HOIFMB, W hvi Jut TCoolTed tbo Inrgcut and beat lelootcd itock of BOOTS & SHOES, Hats, caps, That has ever com to town. Also, all to new noveitioa in NECKWEAB. BOLE AGENTS FOR PKRKI5B' Driving Boots and Shoes. Rubber Boots & Shoes. Give ai a call and eee if we don't cell ohenpor than anybody else, otto, r. moor n, TOM W.M.MIHK. ClearleU, Pa gepL Is, 1871-laa, HOFFER'S Cheap Gash Store. RtMlM Un. THRKE, OPEHA UOIISB, Clearlleld, Pa., WHOLESALE A RETAIL DEALER IN DRY GOODS, Oamprlalng Dress Oaods of the very latest "l.les, aeaalstlag In part of Cashmeraa, H anoho.tcr Fanetee, Alpaaas, aad all manner of Fancy Dress Goods, luoh m CrotoBt, lfohftlr LiMon, PUidi, Dmi Uinitbuii, DrM PmoIm of tbo Tory Uttt ttltt. oad u Af u tbot em U toll ta ULf ntrliit. NOTIONS, C.nrirtlag af Olerot for floats, Ladle, and Mieaea. Ho af all shade., (ilk Vrlegca, La a, Pane? Drees letteaa, Ladlec' Ties af all shades and etvles, Oafs and Oellera, Rlhacnc af all klnda aad qenliliee. Morin ll nam wear, Trtmmngs, ate BOOTS AND 8HOE3, GROCERIES. Queeniware, Hardware, Tinwrt, Carpt, Oil Clothn, WALL PAPER, IXATKEE,FISH, EU., . , Whisk wW ha said wteWssia ar retell. Will lake Country Produce la Bxrkaaca far Gaoda at PI ark at pricwa. WM.J. lorria, f lrarwVId, Fa 4Vmt. , lT ff, Fug THE REPUBLICAN. CLKARKIEI.D, FA. W1DNE8DAT MOKNINll. MAKCII l, IIM. MARY'S COAT. Marj had a Wllllain oat, And ke wel Week a. jell He followed Mary 'round all JJ, And liked her f you Just hel I Ua want with her la school oad da; I The teacher kloked bim oat I , II made the ehlldroo giio, jua know, To have that goat about. But thoutil old WbMVere U"JV .VuVH,', Tet still hs lingered near 1 He waited Ju.t oul.ide the door Till Whack'am did appear. The William ran to meet that ninn He ran bis level beat; And met him Juit behind, vou know Down Juit below bil vest. Old Wbaek'em turaed a aouersaultl ; , The geat stood on his bend, And tier; I curbed heiaalf eo sick . Una had ta go to bed. ' THE OTHER SIDE OF THE , MOUTH. The Washington Post givoa an ex act inside view uf the negro exoilus caso in this way : The loud, hollow luugh elToctiid by the Rnpublicana whon the exodus in vestigation waa proposed bu ceased ta break upon the startled air and no longor bourn rudely against the public tympanum. ' It was never a healthy lauifh. It was not the product of jnyom Iceling, and wan not endowod with the infoo tioua quality of genuine merriment. One is more likely to hour such a sound issuing from the grated cell of a maniao than from the hoodlum gallery of a variety theatre. ' At an curly pe riod of Its misshapen caroer it showed a atrong tendency to migralo. 1 1 didn't exactly exodus, like the blacks, but it gradually cfTocted a change of base, and, for omo days past, has been lo cated on the otlior side of the faeial or i Geo, where it shows up only in shrill quavers suggestive of the hilari ty of a sick hyona. Tho cause ot this sudden and lolemn letting down is quite sufficient. In fact, it bas an abundant amplitude that satisfactorily account for the decisivo effocti produced. The exodui investi gation baa been bringing out a solid array of facts. Like tho projoctilca of heavy artillery, thope luota have been hurled asiiinnt the flimsy walls of falsehood and calumny with which tho actual purposo ol tho oxodua was thinly disguised. Ouo of these lies wan that tho blacks were driven from North Carolina by cruel periecution. Tho whites of that State arc said to be banded together as a mighty league to do all manner of wicked thinga to their colored neigh born. The blacks toiled and the whites lived in idlonofc on the fragrant sweat ci their honest and unctuous brown, The Door negro the same son of Adam for whom Mr. Hayes dropped bis tears when he learned that Mr. Tilden was elected was compelled to low and reap and gather into stacks, while th wbitei sold tbo products of the harvest and put the money in their pockcU. . , It was always turkey for th white man, always crow fur the negro. From such heartless taskmasters and luch relontless persecution the blacks so the tearful story ran wore flee ing as the children ol Israel fled from the bondage of Kgypt, only the blacks wore not able to bring off any plunder, And the Radicals', the statesmen, poll- licians and strikers of that party of progress and reform, the men who muniScontly endowed each boat! ot a colored family in the South with "for ty acres and a mule," the mon who grandly opened up the portals ol the Freed man s bank, so that tb earnings of the enfranchised race might bo kind ly and permanently cared for these world-renowned philanthropist met thiexoduiting baud in their hourof woe and pointed them to the promised land in Indiana ; not for any gain or hope of gain in this lifo, but lor the satisfac tion ol doing good to the poor, the downtrodden. It win a glorious display of ditv interestcd benevolence, and one can not belp regretting that tho heavy pro jectile from the battery of truth, above mentioned, have battered it down and scattered it to tho wild winds. But such has been its fute, and tho Pecksniffs and Cbadbands ol tho Emigration Aid Society and their numerous coadjutor" are wailing over the ruin of their fortification. By the evidence of leading colored Repub lican from North Carolina, two great facts have been so firmly act op that tboy will stand for all timo. Tho first of those is, that the blacks ol that State ar treated with as mooh kind ness as th whites; and th second is, that the exodu was started and push- ad by Radical politicians, for th sole purpose of gotting voters into Indiana, in order to "redeem that State." We havo not space to review the testimony presented. It ha all tend ed to Tirov that in no other rtart of tb Union are tho negroes so well off as in tho old North State, and that there would have been no thought of oxodua if the Radicals of Indiana had not wanted voting material. The evi dence of Mr. Olcy, a colored school teacher and editor Irom North Caro lina, iairly samples th whole. He testifies to the exceptionally kind treatment of his race by th whites of North Carolina. Not only in their private bnsines transactions, but in public affaire ar their rights resiwoted and their interests consulted. Under a Democratic Governor and a Demo cratic Legislature tbo most liberal ap propriation bav been made lor col ored Schools, and a Colored Normal school established. They have asy lums for the deaf and dumb and the insane. They enjoy th produots of their labor, and prosper if they are in dustrious. . Mr. Otey goes further than this and shows that th exodus was planned and executed as a political scheme to get black voters into Indiana. Ho was an officer ol th Emigration Aid So ciety and left th concern because he would not countenance th transpor tation of his race from on Stat to an other, like hogi or cattlo, to bo used for selfish purposo. Thaam ar some of tb bomoly faoU whiub liar dis gruntled the Radicals, and which prove all tb allegation on which th inves tigation wai based. Tbo case might b rested kr and no man eonld assart that tbs Democratic theory of tb ex odus had not been fully established by th most pompttsnt and reliable wit- neu intelligent . colored Republi cans. ' .''' One of tbo witnesses, a white gen tleman residing in the South, demands that ho shall not go into history as having "mixod" with the blocks, lie diun t "mix," ho only "mingled, In a biisiiiesd way, and we bop tbe inves tigating committee will do bim justice. There was no confounding or com. pounding ol ingredients, lie preserv ed bis corporeal integrity, lie con fesses to having "circulated," but In sists that bo shall be acquitted of "mixing." Mr. Windom seems disheartened. As tho truth is slowly brought out, and tho true character of his emigra tion scheme is exposed, he appears as if he would like to "mix" to "mix forever with tho insensate clod wbioh tho rudo swain turns with liia sharo and treads upon." But Mr. Windom must hoar more ot tbe samo sort. The country, howovor, will never again hear that laugh which greeted the In vestigation. " A FOOLISH UTTERANCE. If it be true tbal Mr. Senator Cam eron said to a nowsjiapor correspond ent that "tho people of this count! y are tired of the uncertainties of its Govern ment," bo either did not know the meaning of what be was saying or ho deliboratoly stated that which he know was incorrect in point ol tact. If Mr. Cameron meant to say that tho people are tired of changing their rulers, ho uttered a proposition which in simple charity we will only call a grevioui error. The people of this country are not tired of electing a Prosidont every four years, and Mr. Cameron well knows it, but they are tired ol tho miserable shams and trickeries and corruptions which havo made Rcpub lican administrations a by-word and reproach and Mr. Cameron also knows this just as well. It is the baldest non- sonse to talk of the people hankering after Grant because they want a strong Govornmont. They do not want any thing of tho kind in tbo sense that Mr. Cameron and his Republican associates understand tho moaning of the word They want a good Govornmont, an honest Government, a Government of tbe people, for the people. And they naturally become disgusted and sick at heart when thoy ice the reverse ot all those iuipoeed upon thorn by a few selfish and nnprincipled leaders, who cot only foist upon tho country a bad administration of public affairs, hut ah- solutcly perpetuate their power by stealing a President and then Insolent ly gloat ovor the infamous crimo they committed against tho sovereignly of tho people. Mr. Cameron is a man of senso and more than ordinary shrvwd- neHs as a political leader, but if bo used the language attributed to him be bas yol a great deal to learn bcloro ho can successfully play tho rolo of statesman Such twaddle would not pass current for wisdom even in a Dauphin county Convention, and wo gently suggest to him to abjuro it in the future. Baltimore Gazette. A OMCg KxiONlNIl lilLLB'S ilUHBAKD too Pooa io Boar Uib. New Yoek February 18. The death is nnnonnced to day of Jennie Tyler, niece of ex- President Tyler. Ten years ago she was on of the reigning belles of Wash ington. She possessed also a comforla- blo lortune. Yesterday her , dead body lay stretched on a table in 8 rickety and squalid tenement of Brook lyn, her husband, William Collins, be ing too poor to defray th expenses of tbo funorul. It appears she has wealthy relatives in this city, who refuse to bury her. Jennie was married twice, liar first husband squandered her money. Her second husband, Collins, was poor and was thrown out ot work It is said Jennie's futber lives in Ilar- risbnrg and has been telegraphed to. Tho dead woman's lister live in a handsome, four story brown stono house in a fashionable locality in Now York. Her husband said Mrs. Collins was not rocognited on account ol hor marriago beneath her station. Mrs, Collins' first cousin is a prominent city politician, and ah was also a relative ol a leading lawyer In Wall Btroct. Her brother is said to be in a Baltimore college. Senator John W. Stevenson is her cousin. Jennie Tyler was born in Richmond, Ya., in 1848. Society People. Tho Detroit Trib une relates the following : Jamos Bu chanan Kvans was one of tha head olerks In Iho Treasury Department eighteen years ago and a great favorite in Washington society. Ho was a noted wit, a graceful dancer, wealthy and a free drinker. A Miss Harvey was a Washington hollo. Sho belonged to a Norfolk family and bad boen oar tally reared, this couple caused a social flutter by eloping and getting married. Thoy did not return and wore soou forgotten in the circle in which they bad moved. Even their relatives lost sight of them. A fo 1-s-- - '-el and danelng on tbe stago of a concert loon at Milwaukco, she was told that bor husband was lying oncon scions in a bar room. It was common for him to got drunk and she attached little Importance to th message ; but hor daughter, also a performer, wont to see her father and found him dying Irom a fractured skull. He was th one courted James lluchanan Evans and had become a sot. The woman was tho formor lolle, Miss Harvey, and had turned her accomplishments to account in a low form of th show business. That's Sol Tho Washington Post consoles the cillr.ens of tho Federal Capital fur tho loss of the Democratic National Convention by the reflection that although tho Convention will not come to Washington, th man who is nominated by it will. That is tho way w all Icol about it- Some DirriRiNng.Th Springflold Republican sayi : "Tb United Sutoi pondi a fourth ai much on Its navy ai th United K ingdom, and the Ameri can navy is not one fortieth a pow erful as tb British ; but th chiefs of th Navy Department retire richor here than they do there." 1 Mosul. Liuw.atios W notice that a bill baa boen Introduced in the Iowa Legislation, to prohibit the nol- lane of treating. This is striotly an American vice, like pie-eating. It shonld ba classed with marder, arson and Finafor practice, and stamped ont by rigid Irsgislitmn. OOOD PLAIN TALK. Although Doinocrallo communities and individual Detnoorat hav pro nounced preferences fur their local or party favorltos, and work aealously for thoir recognition, yet seldom when tho choice of conventions have been adverao, bas thoru been bolting or op position within the ranks of tbo party, but it is well that car should be taken to antngoiiixo tho friends of no candi date and render lukewarm their sup port ol the nominee. Entering upon the very threshold of tho mont criti cal, perhaps the most eventful, Presi dential campaign aver waged iu the United States since the foundation ol the Govortmient, we ought to weigh well the qualification., past record and everything that is likely to be brought to tho surface by tbo nomination ol any man. ; More than this, hit probable action and conduct, his fitness to U tht representative and leader of the party in the contest that must follow a second tu tempt to thwart, by fraud and force, the expressed will of the peojtle, must be carefully and fulljf considered. There must be no room fur mistakes. Wo know this is the scntimont of the Pern ocrats throughout tho country, what ever else it may be in tho citios. Tho question of availability, so far as it doos not conflict with principles, should receive recognition. Hoth par- tioo regard Now Yorlx aa tho pivutal Stale. That is, neither party can oloct its candidnto without the electoral voto of that State Victory turns upon tho highest ballot of bor people, and if it is but by one vote. So it seems, and for tho present lot us so regard It. So it was held by Cameron Convention tho other day, when General Grant roceived it instructions for the Pros!. dontial nomination ; bo also it was by Cockling 'a Convention which mot i few days ago, a wore shown by aim! lar instruction. General Grant is sup posed to bo able to carry Now York. It remains to be proven. Many good men have been named for the Demo cratic nomination. Tilden, Hancock, Bayard, Thurman, Hendricks, Parker, Jewett, McClellan, Field, Seymour, McDonald, Trunkoy, English and others. That a man wants the nomi nation is not to his detriment, neither can it generally be urged in his fuvor; that a man docs nol want tbo nomination docsnot debar him from being thechoice of the people, and it may bo particu lurly urged in his lavor. We rocog niie no man as having a mortgage on the Democratic nomination to be fore closed nt bis own pleusure. What ever wrong was dono Mr. Tilden by the electoral jugglery of four years ago, was dons to bim as the representative of tho party. Neither is it altogether clear to many minds that tho great wrong to tbe people was not greater than it ought to hare been by Mr. Til den's neglect of opportunity, not to any of duty. All men are swayed more or loss, principally mora, in evory un dertaking or emergency by their own interests. It is well that it is so, as it gives us a guido to their futuro actions. W hav aeon it slated by friends of Mr. Tilden, as in his favor, that when be was urged to stand for bis rights even to resistance hy force against the counting out out process, be replied "What will become of our securities." Wo cannot bcliove Mr. Tilden did not share the higlior reasons for a patient submission to tbe wrong. But he is reputed to be possessed of great wealth and be might not be altogether willing to mak tbo sacrifice of bis securities for the preservation of the safeguards ol a free Government. Tbe Republi can party bas hithorto boen regarded as tbe guardian of tho sacrod interests ol th capitalists, and we are willing it should continue to be bound to the wheels ol tho bondholders, bankers and corporuto monopolies, tbo Democratic party will never voluntarily be found crowding it for the honor. Again can Mr. Tilden carry tho Slate of New York? With John Kelly arrayed against him he cannot. With John Kelly, silently acquiescent or working strenuously for him, it is still doubtful, Mr Tilden since 1876 has alionated many fneuda in bis own State. His method of making friends is mechani cal, bis magnetism manufactured.' Our doubts of bis ability to carry bis own Slat is not derived from what we have read In hostile journals, nor the moral effect produced by John Kelly's with drawal of opposition, but from personal conversation with Democrat living along the border from Klmira to James town. Mr. Tilden bas great ability as an organisor, but this alono is not suf ficient in the coming campaign. Thar is a class of mon in all parties that yon cannot organlr.0. Wo moan the "stay at homes." Those are the ones that docitle all olose contests by thoir pres ence at the polls. They average per haps hall a doion in each election dis trict. Tboy are not independent vo ters, only indifferent partisans. Their indifference arising in soma instances iruiu tuts uistanco io or difficulty in reaching the polls, but more frequently from some objection to tho candidate, or rather want of appreciation. In the event of General Grant's candida cy, the Republican party will not got them to the polls; the Democratic party will be no hotter off by Mr. Til den'g nomination. To auoesed wsmust bav a man that will ensure tboir will ing and hearty support. To nominate a candidate because ha will draw torn Ropuhlican Votes is suicide. To draw tho whole Domocralio vote i inooess. Wo bellovo no man bas the right to disregard the call of his party, when honorably givon. Wa boliovs that Horatio Seymour, of New York, com bines above all other tb requisite qualifications lor leadership In tbo com ing campaign. His nam is on all can unito on, and his nomination will bring harmony to the party. Hilhon sty i indisputable, and hi fidelity to tho best intercuts of the country Is evidenced by bu popularity among all classes of people. Exchange, KxAOTLf I The Washington Post Injoct this sentiment into Its columns: "Several persons who hav been in specting th groat National weather ooek at the Whit Hons as to indica tions about tb rejected Supervisor' nominations hav rcaohnd tb conclu sion Ibat possibly ther i a probabili ty. This is ilrlctly officiol." ; . . 1 ... i an ia , Thirteen clauses of aa Irish seed potato bill hav pasaod tb English House of Lords. At tbe next session th members should pass the jwlatnc. iniSffUanfouu ARNOLD PAYS CASH or TRADE. Carweuavllle, Pa., Jan. I, 'T.-lf. MO&KV TO LOAN On Irst class Im proved farm property, by tha Mutual Life ranoa Company of New York, on 8nt mort gage, In sums from II.OiiO up. for funker In formation apply to the undersigned. alllH.A.1 HAL, W. DOlIAl. Clearlald Pa, Hay 7th, 187 tf. A Ba nk thai Never Breaks. Try My Coal. Tha Mntlwi.nad ftilvntf thll OMttaoi f Infom Ing tb Butuvruus JDuBri, Uitt hit ootvl bank ( not a Wiaur arret. gcmaDt only, but tbl ti will tM opvrmud In tbo Hummer wall u Win Ur. I ' tatt I bavaiha Best Goal In the Market! and ttlll Mil It for aaib. or la aieaanM for flour, feed, frooeriM. aU). Larga ooatraeU will b wli at a very small proflt. For full partloular oall aa ma la parton, rwidtag la ua of Urabam'i uppvr bouMi, or addraaa ma through tba port offloa. Onion Itft at tba poitoffloa will raueiva prompt itUrjtloB. Til OH. A. DUCKKIT. uuarneid, fa., Jan. ft, IMV-U. r. auuca. I. M'OUKKLI. ft. RBILIRDIi tl Lit II, Melon kLE &C0.'8 FURNITURE ROOMS, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa, Wa aiaaufaotura all klnda of for CbMnbara, Lilolog Rooma, Llbrarlaa aad UalU. If joe want Kuroitura of any kind, doa t buy ufliu you mo uur iiook. uxiiKiiTAitiarc. In all Its branches, promptly attended to. 01TIL0II, McCOHKLK k 00, Olcarleld, Pa., Feb. I, '78. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS & STATIONERY. Market MU, Clearfield, (at the Pvat Office.) TRB andenigned bagf leave to annonnoa to tha oititene of Clearfield and vicinity, that be hai fitted up a room and baa Jo it returned from tba city with a large emuant of reading mattar, oonaiiting la part or Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank. Aooonnt aad Paaa Bookc of ovary da- aerlptlon ; Paper and Rarolepaa, French preawd and plain j rani ana reaoiia niaoa iegai Paper. Ueed. Mortgagee Jangmant, letup tlon and Proaiitarv aotaa t White and Parch nt llrief. teaal Can. Kaoord Can. and Hill Can. bheet Muiio, Tor eitber Piano, Flute or Violin, oonetaatly on hand. Any booha or itationary deeirad that I may not hava oa hand, will be ordered by tnt ezpreia, and aold at wholesale or retail to rait aajtomera. ( will alio keep periodical literature, nob aa ASagasiaea, newipaiiere, o P. A. UAULIM. Clearfield. May 7, lS68-tf A NEW DEPARTURE 15 I, CTHEfiSBUEG. Hereafter, good will bo aold for CASH only. or la emhaoge for produoe. No booka will bo kept ia the future. All old aoeonnta muat ha Httled. Thoia who eauool oath up, will pleaee oaaa over ineir aoioa ana CLOSE THE EECOBD. I am determined to aall my gooda at aaah prioee, and at a diaooont far below that ever onerod in uu vicinity, i bo diaooant l allow my flmatomera, will make them rioh la twenty year If they follow my advloe and buy their gooda from ma, I will pay eaab for wheat, oete and elover- eee3. VANIKL WWLAMUKK, Latherabarg, January 17, 11.77. HARTSWICK & IRWIN, SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DIALERS IN PUKE DRUGS! CHKMICALS1 PAINTS, OIUS, DYE STUFF VARNISHES, BRUSHES, FERWXXRY, FANCY 800D8, TOILET AKTICLK.S, Or ALL KINDS, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS tot Bodleian) narnosoa. Trasses, Supporters, Behool Books end Station. ary, ana all otaar articles asuailj found In a Drug Store. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CARaV FULLY COMPOUNDED. Harm, e lerce ex perience In the business they can give entire sat- J. O. BARTSWICK, JOHN F. IRWIN. (Searleld. Deeemher Id. 174. II AMD TIMES HAV NO HOT IN FRENCHYILLEI I am awaro that there are aomo pereoat a little hard to pleaee, aad I am alao awaro that tbe oompiaiat or "bam nmoe" ta well alia aaivor Bat I am eo tatoatod aow tanU I aaa eatitfy the farmer aad prove oonelaelvolv thai "hard tlmoa" will set effaet thoaa w bo bay their gooda from ma, aaa an my patroaa taaii ae mutated lata tao eo evotof .. j HOW TO AVOID 11AKD TIMES I have gooda eaoarh to all the (nhahl taata ia tha lower aad of tho eounty whiah I 811 at eioaading low rataa from my mammoth atoro la MULHONllUHn, whore I eaa alwaya ha found ready to wait wpoa oallor aad tapply than with Drj Goods of all Kinds, Booh aa Olothi. Ratlnette, Caaelmeree, If wall a veiainoB, Line a, irtiiiiaga. Calleoei, Trimminfo, fclbaoae, Laeo, Eaady-madaClothlof, Bent aad Bhoea. Rate aad Cape all of tha boat material and made te ardor Uoaa. Hooka, moves, Mitten a, Laooa, Hlbboaa, o QROCSRIBfl OF ALL KTND8, Oefee, Tea, Bafar, Rloa, Molaanea, lih, Sail forh, Llneeed Oil, Fiat Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Qoeeaiwaro, Tinware. Oaatlaaa, Plowa and now UaatiaRB, fHaila, Splkaa, Cera CalUva tora, Older Proataa, aad all kinds of Aios. Pertamary, Palate, VarnUh, Glass, aad a general1 aetenmeai si ntaiioaery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brands, always an hand, and will ha ' selS at lee lowest aoaotble fares. i. H. MsClaln'l Medicines, i.jn.'s Ifsdlelnec ! noctettero aaa nooland'i Bittern. IMI aouada af Waal wanted tut which tha highest arlee will ha oeld. Olerereeed aa hand and ht sale at ah lowest market arlee. Alee. Area! fee StratUarllla and CarwenaellL Thrashing Machine. tcTa-Oall aad aaa for yovaaleee. Yea will Ind everjtnlug aiaallj heat la a retail etore. L. M. COUDRtlT. FmehTlllc F. 0., Aagnst 11, 1174. nr Own dvrriUrmrnt. THE REPUBLICAN! Publlibtd arary Wadaaiday by G. B. GOODLANDER,, PA., Has tbs Largest Circulation of auy paper la North wasters Pennsylvania. The large and constantly increasing eirculation of the Rifuiilioan, rendora it valuable tobuaineas men a a medium thro' A. which to reach tho public Teums or Subscription : If paid in advance, . . . 12 00 If paid after three months, . 2 50 If paid alter six months, . . 8 00 When papers are sent outside of tho eounty payment mast be In advance. ADVERTISING : Ten linos, or loon, 3 times, . 1160 Each subscquont insertion, JO Administrator' Notices, . . 2 50 Executors' Notices 2 50 Auditors' Notices, .... 2 60 Cuutione and Estrsys, ... 1 50 Dissolution Notices, . . , 2 60 Professional Cards, 6 lines, yoar, 6 00 Special notices, per line, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS: One square, 10 linos, . . . $8 00 Two squares 15 00 Throe squares 20 00 One fourth column, . . . . 60 00 One ball column 70 00 On column, 120 00 ItldANKK. W have always on hand a large stock ol blank i ot all descriptions. SUMMONS, 8UBPGSNAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, Ao., &o., Ac. JOB PRINTING. W are prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING SUCH AS POSTKRS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, Ac, Ac, IN THE BK3T STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDEKS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE . PROMPT ATTENTION. deo. It. Goodlnndrr, Clearfield, Clearfield County, Pa. THE MANSION HOUSE. Cornarof Haooadaad Market Straati, I'LEAHaKIULI), PA. THIS old aad aomaodloai Hotal bu. dariag tba paal yaar, boaa aalargad to do tibia iu toriBor capacity for tht Dtartaiomaot of atraac gn aad gnU. Tha whola building haa baoa rtinraiibod, aad tba proprietor will iparo as palaa ,to -raodt r kli guaita aonfortable whila uytof with bim. tariba 'Haailoa Hoeae" uaiaibni ram to and froia tba Dtpot oa tbo arrlTa) aad dtpartara af aeh trala. W. O. CAKUoN, July lt-77-tf Proprittor LLKGEENY HOTEL. Market Street, Clearfield. Pa, Wro. 8. Bradlay, fortoorly proprietor of tba Leonard lloute, baring taMd tbo Allegheny Hotel, aollelti a abaro of publia palroaege, Tba UovM baa baea thoroughly ropairad and oewly furtatilied, etid gueete will And it a pleaaaot atop plug place. Tha table will ba euppliad with the brat of ator-thlog In tba martial. At the bar will ba funad tha beat wioee and llt)nori. Good taUiog attached. WM. B. IllMDLKY, May 17, '7A. Proprietor. SHAW IIOUSJC, (Oor. of Market A Front etretti,) CLEARFIKLD, PA. Tha andenigned baring takea ebarga of thla Hotel, would reipaotfully aolicit t.ubtie patronage. lb:,'78. Jt. NKw TON bUAW. T1:M PE RANCH HOUSE, NKW WAHII1NUTUR, PA. Paoraiaroa. a. D, KOBE, Meali, lio. Mao and horse ovr night. $1 (10. Maa aod two boraaa ovor Bight, $1.60. The boat of aocommodatlone for maa and bat. Oct. X4,'7-U. WASHINGTON HOUSE, NKW WASHINGTON, PA. Tbls new and well furnished houee hue been tahen by the andersigned. He feell confident of being able to reader satisfaction to those who mee faTor him with a call. Ma, 8, H7J. O. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. LOYD HOUSE, Main Street, PniMPoBUKU, PKNR'A. Table always supplied with tba belt tbe market aiTiirda. Tbe trareling publl- Is Invited to e.lL iuu.1,'76. KOBKKT LOYD. Bants. County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM In Maaonle Building, one dour north ol C. D. Walaon's Drug Btere. Peasajre Tickets to and Irom Liremool. Queens- town, Glasgow, London, Paris and Copenhagen. Alio, uraii. lor sale on tne nojal Hank ol Ireland aod Imperial Bank of London. JAMES T. LEONARD, Pres't. W. M. SHAW, Caahies. Janl.'rT DREXEL & CO., No. 34 South Third Mtreat, Philadelphia And Dealers in Government Securities. ApplfcalioB by nail will raeaira prompt attan .Ion, and all lafonoatioa ebaarfully furnithad Ordara lolioUd. April ll-tf. r. a a old. . W. ARKOLD. j. a. aatioLD F. K.ARNOLD & CO., IlankerM and ItrokerN, Reyuoldarille, Jcfleraon Co., Pa Money repaired oa depoilt. Dlieounti at mo derate rttfi. Knitern and Foreign Kiohnrifra aU ATI on band aad eollectioni pruwplly aiaTa. Kaynoldirllle, Daa. IA, lHTd-ly gftttistrij. J L. Ii. HEICIIIIOLn. 8UKCEOR DBNTIHT, ttradoate of the Pannpytrania Cnllrjr of Dental Surjrcry. Offioa in raaideoe of Dr. 11 illi, oppoaita the Hbaw Ilouae. mob 13. '7Mf. (OBoe In Bunk Building,) Curwensrlllc. Clearfield Co., Pa. meh IJ '7 tf. 11. IllI.LS, 'OPKHATII'E E.TISr, fg CLEARFIELD, PINN'A. eV-Offios In residence, eppoaiu Shaw Heue. )),17 tf J. M. STEWART, SURGEON DENTIST, CLIAHFIILD, FA. (Office in residence, Second street.) Kitrous Ozlde Oas adminlrtsrsd for the pain ts eitration of teeth., Pa., May t, l7My. fttisrtHanfouj. con pr dob' Samplei worth Vvv fi rrea. A Ud ret i Stlnron A Co., dael7-ly. Pottlaod, Maioa. t'T? WMK- " ' dJ B0a aajily maia. JP I ii Coatly outfit fret). AdJrata Traa k Co., Aujruita, Ualna. Ial7,'7i--ly. SHOEHAkl !.-T hareby Inform ay pa tront, and mankind la ooeral, that I have remoTad my ahoemaklna; ahnn to tba room la Qraham'a row, ater 8. I. Bnydar'a Jewelry at ere, aad that I an prepared ta do all kiada af work ia my llna cheaper than any other eboa ta towa. All wnrk warranted aa good aa aaa ba dona any where elae. Poaltirely tbia ia tbeeheapeat ah op ta Clearti-td. JOS. U. DUEKINU. Deo. 11, IHs-B tf. J.H.LYTLE, Wholesale & Retail Dealer in Groceries, TIIK t.AROKST.nd BKST SKI.SCTS1I STOCK IN TIIK COUNTY. COFFEE, TKA, SUGAR, SYRUP. M KAT'J, PtHlf, HALT, Olid, QUEENSWAKF., TI'BS and BHCKKTC, PRIRI) KKUIT3, CANNKD QO0HS, Pl'ICKS, nnooMii, , KliUl'K, FKKD. County Agent for i.ont'.i..tnira TOHJt'eoa, The.0 goods bought for CASH In large lols, id sold at almost city nrlre. JAMKK H. LYTLI, Clearlald, Pa.. June 11, l78-ly. The Bell's Run Woolen Factor Pawn tewnehlu, Olaardeld Co., Fa. II IJ R N K D III1TI nv hot BURNED UP1 Theaabaorlbare great aipaaaa.rebaiNa aaighborhood BMraaaity. In tbeeratftp q( trti alaaa Woolen Maaafadloryi with all tie moijera Improfementa at tao bed, and are prepared la maae all kinda of Olcttba, Caaaimarea, Sattnette, ltlaa keta, rianaala, aa. Plaaty of gooda aa band ta apply all oar aid and a tboaaand aeweaetoaeri. wb wa aek ta tome aad examine ear atoak. Tke aaalaaaa of CARPINQ AND FDLLIIfO will raaalv oar aapaelaj attaatlaa. Proper amagemaata will ba made to waalra aad dellrer 1 ool, ta eatt eaaUmera. All wark warraatad and doae apoa tha abortaat aotiee, and by atrial at tea tie ta baalaaaa wa bopa ta raallaa a libaral akare f paklle patrenaaga. lUUOO POUNDS WOOL WANTED I Wa will pay tba blcbett market nriee far Wee and eel) oar maanfaetarad gooda aa low aa almilar gnada eaa ba boagbt la tha eeeMy, and whaaeTtf wa fall ta raadar raaaoaabla fatiaraatlea wa aaa alwaya ba foand at home raady ta make proper acplaaatloa, either la peraoa ar by latter. efAaaarj juunsun a ovno, pHllf fiowar P 0 DR. E. M. THOMPSON,