Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 10, 1880, Image 3

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Termt of Subscription!
If paid In advance, or within three moothl,..$t 00
If paid after three end before sii month... S frO
If paid after theeiplrttloo of tlx monhtt... I 00
TMmim. 8. M. pBTTBftOIM. A Co., NWf
papar Advertt'ing AgauM, 3r PJ Jtow( Burner
lieekmen Birest, art our duly authorised Agent
In N-w York City.
Methodist r.nitcopal Church Rv. J. B,
Mi MoaaiT, pastor. Henr lee vry Babbatb
it l A. M., and 7 r. M.
babbatb Nnhnol at I A.N.
I'rarer Meeting every Wednesday, at Ti P. M
Oomniunloo Herri oe, first Sabbath of vry
no nth, at l"t A. M.
Went f'learfUtd M. K. hurrh.Rcv
W. HroTT Wlt.oB, Pailor. Pruning vry
alternate Punriay, at I o'clock, P. M. Sunday
Mo boo I at L'i, I'. At. All ara invited to altnd.
Preab)terlau Church Roy, II. fi.'Bmiia.
Sabbath aervioas morning and evening -Hab-hath
School t S P. M. Prayer Meeting Wednea
lay Tuning.
slaptlat Church, her. J , Patlor.
HahbBtb School at P.M. Prayer Moet.Bgevery
Wednesday evening.
Ht. Francis Church Catholic RfT. P
J.tiuBBtiuri DIvIb service at JOi A. on
be Orat, third and fnurthSundaysofeaeb nontb
Vespers and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
at 7 o'clock, V. M. -nunday bcliool every minaay
afternoon at 1 o clock.
tiub or loLDiaa qoabtbh himioni ooob.
fWood Monday of January.
Third Monday of March.
First Monday ef June.
P north Monday of September
Firat Mo day of Jane.
Second Monday of November,
i rviuo orncBR.
Prwidtnt Jndgt Hon. Charles A. Mayer, of
Lock Haren.
Ailant tatt JudgHoo. John II. Orvla, of
Aiectaj Judm-Ahrtm 0gdn, Clterfieldf
Vincent B. Holt. Clearfield.
ProtkotarjY,ii Bloom.
Hlittr aad Reorder L. J. Morgan.
Trraiurtr Pbillp Dolt.
Oittriet dffonuy J. P. McKanrlck.
Sharif James M ah alley.
Jt'pu'f Sheriff --
wfy 5iroeyor- Samuel V. McCloakey, Car
weneville. County ComtntWooert C. W. Kyler, Ornham
ton P. 0.; Klah Johnston, Grampian Hill P. O.;
Cammiufanerf fVer John W. How.
John Norrit. Kr.. Curwenavlll.
Countf AnHifn William V. Wright, CI ear-
D)J i Joseph tiniiand, 'J hre none J.o.nor
rii. Woodland.
County Voronir J. B. Neff, New Washington.
jury (7oiwmMter Andrea J. Jack ion, Clear
lied, Wm. R. Drown, Clearfield.
Suptrimtendrnt of I'ulHe Schooli M. L. Me
Ounwn. Clearfield.
Sealtrof rVeiglf f- Mtamrm Jers W.Carl lie,
office at Luthenburg Pa.
Snlnrin gitbiio John W.WrlrIey. Wra. Ra-
dfl.nuirh. Cvrue (lordon, Clrarfleldi Joiepn n.
Irwin, N. K. Arnold, Curwenitille ; J. A. Living-
oiona. DiiBoii City.
Oar Sprii oolumn t daoidedly Interetting in
a local point of virw, end profitable reading to
outiiden who want to tare money.
XV., OH COIUtttlS t
"Will you take wheat, oala or corn fur aub--ription
V We are oflrn Inquired wf io tbia way
by letter frura patron i wbo reeida at a dietaaet
fiMn Clmrfleld. We egtin ray yen. The receipt!
uf a retpomible merchant or niill owner in the
vicinity, will annwer ui Jnt m wrll at the on'h.
To illluitrate i If any of our patron will deliver
ui a hag of grain at the mill of Joseph H. Hreth,
in ChfPt townrbip, Horace Potflhin, in Rnrnefde,
Thomai II. forcay. In Urahaai, Wm. Porter or
Shtw'i, in Lawrence, or Brvwn A Beyler'a, at
Itocklon, felon towoihip, and forward their
recHpli for the amount, we will eredit them on
tlx ir Kccoaot for the imi. In tfail wny all may
soon pay what they uwp, if they will purine thU
course. tf.
tYiy-AiivcrtiHvM and othurn will hear
in mind (bat all articlra intended for publlcatioa
in thin pitper munt be bunded la, not later (ban
TueiJiiy, at V A. M. Don't forget it!
The following aelei appear io tbeee columns.
AH file advert i it J In the Rr.ribttr aill bo
ti'itired undrr the local bead free of charge t
Saturday, March i:t:b. Property of D. A.
. Cilheart, deeaaatd, io Handy townahip.
Sa'unUr. Mareh 13th. Prom rtv "f Kidiard
Bhaw, decerned, in Clearfield borough and Mi.rrii
townitup. '
( Tluinday, March IStb. The property of John
; llcticrliDg, Ocaeaaaa, a nandy twwaebip.
Friday, April M.Proprty of Arthur Heeiie,
ileceaied, in Lawrvaea tuwoikip.
1 New moon tliin morning, Murcb KHli,
at 7:j1.
- - mm
Tlio birds have come, and their
' morning concert! and maiincei are enjojed hy all.
v The high wind ot Friday last blow
'; the "fiiitu" off of Mreral lamp pout i throughout
"p it an. , , . . ' '
"J Tito "IJem" puxxle or "Gumo of 15"
j i' having a run juit now, It being all the rage
j, everywhere.
Tho March term ot Court will com-
mt-neo in thii plaoa on Monday ncit, ani will
enntiuue In lenion only one week.
- - mm
; Ad iutvruBling letlor I'rotu tho Stump
7' tmpe to hear from thie cnrrerponrlrat igaln.
f The torritic wind lnnt P'riduy afler
noon demollihed the large lign of the "KartiiLi
' vau" on the roof of the Opera Uouae, end leveled
ineiope oi two onltnneye.
A very pleumtnt party was hold at
the residence of Mrs. lieu nab Moore, on Second
street, last Battftday afternoon. It was in hooor
of that lady's GDth birUidy. . r
.f ua. L. Leavy Hi Co., and other par-
ties, began rafting In their timber in the vicinity
of th Market atraet bridge last wk, and on Fri-
day stnrteA thru nfis to market.
The i limine womuu who was arrested
i in this plao a few weeks ago, and Imprisoned la
the county jail, hti Improved somewhat, and
wu liberated laH Saturday. She left on the
I Mail train in the afternoon.
room IS being fitted lip on Market
'.etrect between Fiokbetaer'a bakery and Btagr'e
meat market, to be ocoupicd by Harry McIIendiy,
of K art ha no, a a Jawalry store and watrb repair
. Ing establishment.
An adjourned huIoo! tho property of
lAtthiir Iteete, late of Lawrenoa township, deo'd,
Jwill take place on Friday, April Zd, For
V further particulars see filers, snd an advertlsa
J meat la this paper,
!Uov. R.1I. Klctchor.ol Lock Haven,
who has been supplying th pulpit of tbe Lutheran
Church, in this borough, occasionally, for a
E number of an col b pact, preached his farewell ser
') mo n nn Sunday last, and e'oied bis labors In thii
The Aahton Xhealnual Company,
wtticb tiited this place in December lait,
lir..k up at Butler, Pa., owing to tb bad health
af Mr. Ashton, wbn goes to New York tn recuper
ate. Neil Oray, the comedian, will probably
Ukr the party.
Mr Owens. Mercantile Appraiser for
puiliihi a list of those engaged through
at the county a renders of general mrebandis,
Drug, etc., and give notice rtf lb time when an
appeal will be held (AprU II) fer all who feel ag
grieved as regard the amount msV
r An occultation of tho planet Mars
wld occur March 17tb, and will be visible to she
1 aaslrrn pnrtioa of North America, beginning
bortly after sont and lasting an hour and a
uartr. Bow If yen run flni out which star
aspren-nts Mars, yen kaoW at) about U, and an
waj ) tbesighU ...
" H. W. Vincent has hoen engagod in
anvasslng this ptart and vlstatty fnt tb" leit
two ws-k for th sal of fruit anj rnaiaetal
Ireca. Mr. V. repreaenu tb well-ksewa Morris
VurH, af West Cheater, P. He reports food
airs at tbts paiaL II will seat eaovasa Car
tenllle aad rlatalty. We betpaah r hisn aue
fss. - ' ' ' ' '
i There was a flood in tho river at
b ii place last Friday, Oaturday and Hnnday,
a I durlhg thts diyi a latf o)hr at rHi
'd by o their way, to mark. Th triad
wa Priday maaa tt dlffieaU W ataac, aad aaiU a
uratxr of rafts were tovMM and stack Is
ansequtac. Rrma leaded slang tha way to
Wold diair and wait until th wind reaaed,
Tho law firm of Mestre. Fielding,
8 igler A Wilaon baa haaa dlanv..
Mr. Howon, ot Gun Lake, Mich.,
aaye: "The people here etnaot do without 8al
Urt' Lher PlUi." Try them. (r
To accommodate rallmetj returning
home from Look liar en and other point! down
the river, the ptmnger tralni are now eompoeed
of fouE and ftra ear. ,
Tho firftt thunder shower in this
ileinlty for 190 paeeed over tows aarly last
Thursday morning. It wae a terrific one, too,
and wae followed by a rimiiar obi TbureJjy
night. n , m ' v' '
A JCrw Stork. We learn that
Meure. H. Lehman A Co. have kuued one of the
large etoreroomi in Pia'i Opera House, and pro
pose to All It with store g mia. The proprietors
era now la the But era eiiiae leylng in beery
slock which they will open about tba 1Mb Inst.
- e mm -
Lint of loiters remaining unclaimed
in the Postoffioo at Clearfield, for the week ending
March I, IBM
Miss Nellie Arnold, Miss Lydle Barrett, Miss
Ninnie Utoie, William Larkey, Frank Meader,
George Owene, Mill Email Scbults, MiJl Kmlly
J. Homers, Miss Carrie M. Welch.
V. A. lUi Lit.. P. M.
. An exchange pointedly remarks that
"tba boy who doesn't leap over leren biloliing
poitf, kick a lame dog. anatob a handful of bang
In front of every grocery store, knock orr a box
or two, and work the handle uf every pump on
the sidewalk, yell 'wboi, Eomi!' or bit some
body with a stone or snow-ball en bis way home
from ecbool, is either laiy or doesn't fal well."
mt m mti
The miniwtcrr and quite a number
of laymen of the M. K. Churches throughout this
section left on Tuenday for A Hoops, to attend
the annual session of the Central Pa. Confsrenae,
which begins to-day. Bishop Jesse T. Peck will
prrside, Wo learn that quite a number of our
ottiifas will f Uit that city tawards the last of this
witk snd remain over Sabbath.
Kov. JacobS. AIcMurray, U.D., with
Sunday last, elosed his third Conference year m
Clearfield, and, by reason of the limitation of the
Itinerary, It Is bit UK. Daring his stay In our
mldat, not only the honorary degree of D. D. has
been worthily conferred npnn him ; but he and
his family hart won the cssttem aod respect of
multitude in this piece, who will be loth to see
him leave fur a now field of labor,
John's Day. Wo notice that John
O'Byrne, Kq , formerly of Philadelphia, lately
of Delaware, and now of New York, win deliver
a lecture at the Brooklyn Aoademy of Muxlo on
St. Patrick's Day he Hire the Irih Soieriwr of
that city. Mr. O'Uyrne Is well-known to many
of our eitisens. He Is one of the Aneat lobolefttlfl
speakers now oo the stage. We should like rery
much to listen to hie lecture : but It is too far off.
Me will, ni doubt, delight the ii. P-ttrik of
A Lumber Boom. Tho Myoredule.
(Pa.) Vommwreiat, published in Somerset oouoty,
ef the Id Inst., says: "A party of lumbermen
from Clearfield county, and elsewhere, among
wbom Is Andrew Dill, late candidate for llovernor
on the Democratic ticket, arrived In FUtabury on
THesday last to Inspcot the tiinW land pur
chased from Froit A Orabaio last Pall, la there
a boon of the lumber kind ia the wind fer 61 is
bury?' This purobate Is likely to prove a floe
rpeoulatioa for both seller and buyers.
- mm m -
Aucidknt IN tub Woods. Mr. SiUU-
uel Bill, of Wert Clearfield, received a dispatch
on Monday afternoon, stating 'hat hit sou William
bad teen badly hurt that day by a falling tree,
ia a shook camp, about two miles from Caledonia,
Klk county, whi-re he was engaged at work for
Jobs Pauver, We did not learn the ealent of
his injuries. Another party was cuttingdowuthe
tree, and it is tuppooed the wind InUueticed it to
fall in another direct ion from that Intended . The
father started for Caledonia on Tuesday morning.
Hotel Hall We noiieo that the
Ward House Uotol property in Tyrone was sold
oo the 2i)th lnt., at Asstgaae' sale, Hon- Samuel
McCamaot Assignee. Jebn T. Fowler, of Fow.
ler station, Centre oounty, purchased the property,
paying therefor $14, 10 It, subjoct to a motrgage of
$i. 1W. It te prasuaied that Mr. Fowler bought 1
in the interest uf the Pennsylvania (Uilroad
Company. The property bilonged to Mrs. Mary
Weston, of Tyrone. It was sold on the t'M
of lait Dcosmber, and brought but $13,310.
Tb tale now awaits confirmation by the Court, i
That's So ! Mowapaiier advertising
offers such facilities for addressing all elaises
from which eu Humeri would bo likely to be at
tracted, that is now recognised by business usn
having faith in tboif bwn wares as the best of all
possible itlesmtn up who never sleeps ant Is
never weary wh goes after business early and 1
late who accoats the merchant in his shop, tba
liwyar to hie office, the student In his study, the
cultivated woman at the family fireside who ea a
be In a thousand places at onoe, and speak to a
million people each day, saying to each one tb
Lest thing in tb best manner, -
mm -
About tub iSTRiKsv-Tbo Tyrone
litrald of laat Thursday says : "Owing to the
strike In the Clearfield region, th eoaJ shipments
have fallen off to almost nothing. From tha
present outlook, rery little work will be don this
month. It is said that tome of the operators In
tend to run their mines with new men. As a
oonsequeoe of the stoppage, a great many rail
road snaa are thrown out of employment, a Urge
proportion of them being residents of Tyrone .
It if a matter of regret that labor difficulties of
Ibis hind cannot b settled without seriously In
terfering witL tb badness of tb country.'
mm t e i ' 5
Thin paper dfisiros its friends through
out tbeeounty,when anything of interest occurs in
tbelr neighborhood, to sand it to us for publication .
Dea't put It off by thinking that somebody els
will do it, but Jot It down yourself and snd It In,
and If bt li nt jqt aorfeotty ipri.l e ill
ee thai U goes kg all right. But we anly want
the naif, sucb as deaths, arrivals, fires, accident ,
social gatherings, Ao t Ae. If you have one or
two item ssnd them In. Writ them on a postal
card, or two postal cards, If one Is not enough.
But for the sak of having a good pspar send as
T he crowings on Second street during
th pet few weeks bare been in a fearful con
dition, imbedded In mud from six to eight Inches
deep. It Is an imposition on th tat -pay ere, and
a disgrace to our town. It speak volumes In
regard to tb negligent of the borough council,
wbos boundeo duty, If we mistake not, 1 to at
tend to such matter. We noticed oneofourctt
itena the other day at work with a shovel, clear
ing one of tba croasinga In tb vicinity of th
Presbyterian Church, and be can testify that UI
no small Job. or bleasant una either. Tb Street
Commissioner will fully earn th wngee allotted
to him for doing the work.
-. Tb I.mtMlM tmlth if ttr, Mrfh til, nn
tains tbe followlog ltm t "A well aathentlcated
story reacbea as that week befor last, on th
farm of Mr. Miller, about three miles south of tb
Bunk, a trap was set to catch a Skunk, Instead of
whirh a ground hogwuoaught. Now people
bcllevlog in th theory that the ground hog, If
U eees Its shadow on Candlemas day (as It cer
tainly did ibis year) gee into its bete aod stays
i her for sit weeks, will have trouble to explain
why this particular ground bog eamo "out of tha
depth" of Ita bole tw weeks ago. Indeed tb
weather far th put two week hai not been such
a to tnoreas one's faith ia griuod bog theory.
Instead of lea and snow aad etolms, we bar lad
balmy, Spring like breeses." v
Man Drowned. A young man,
named Bainael Kelly, from Pott Matilda, Centra
county, and employed on Merrrll'e log drive, was
drowned last Wednesday forenoon. In Wing A
Bailey's dam, on Anderson ereik, about two mDes
above Rock ton. His body was recovered soon
after it disappeared la lb Water, but th vital
spark bad fled. Tb aolortunata man, It la sup
posed, tripped and fell while walking over tba
logs, striking hie forehead violently against one
of thorn and stunning him so st erely that be was
perfectly helpless. 1 BasooitisdStrvsoB
efforts to ear him but Ibey proved of so avail,
II was In tbe Stih year of bis age, and anmar
rled. 11 ia remains ped through this plao on
the Mall train Tbanday afternoon, on thdr way
ta bis former borne la Centre county.
Tin Turns Aruir. If over there
nil; ,rt f M.rob, II lol Hind., !)
brc II iniwU ud nlmtt w.ftMil, tram til
oluk la Ih. norftifif dvtd III a'alOfll IB la.
nnlo,, altaoyga aer. af a.v log. aad
Mara, of rafl. Soat4 b, tbi. plao. darlag tha
daj aud qalla a aaulir af earn, froai tb.
bnaJ f Iba Cb.rr, TrM aad Burn. Id.
tlia, rbawlog tbat lb raa bal bm aior. gan.r.1
aa Iba 8r,t n.Ur Ihaa far rnao, ,.rt. Not
irltbiundlog -tbi. nagaiioaat toa. af Ucaaar
tbf oarl,, a large amouat af It I. .till la tb.
.i la aartloa. of ran., oblla tbat aa Iba
baaob eaaaet ba raftod witbont aiaoh traabla,
awaaM af tb. abaoaaaaf MM. la awai aad aaba
a td.lfaraa. A. ta ,rkM, aar lafaraallaa I
loa aiaaitr. la ana majardtrt (a tbn poral. ' I
1'on't deceive yourfulvea. "Dr. Boi
lers' Cough Syrup" for tba aura of colls and
coughs has no equal. Bold by draggUU at Ifra.
- mm ewi 1
John N. (iarrieon, of Brookville,
Qolmate f Intfnal Ravenwa thr this disH4,
wet ia town an Tuesday, attending ta busticce
connected with bis offlsa.
Good Farms roa Balk. We call
the attention of those wbo wish to Invest in a
good farm desirably located, with eburoa and
school house In eight, ta tha advertisament of
MrHre. Fielding, Bigler end Wlttos, found else
where In tblsisroe.
jj: An'EdHorm tttflhi ti ,
Bt. Joeobe Oil eurea rheumatism i of this I am
eonviaeed. For twe yaam I rafTentd wllh rbau
meiisai In my left shoulder and right arm, and
last flail I was Incapable of attending ta mj ditfei,
and lay many a night unable to sleep on aoeount
of terrible paiai. . A few weuks ago a acrara at
tack of this trouble atrnek me, aad this time I
oenoluded to try tba Bt. Jacob Oil, I must frealy
confess that the result has completely astonished
me. The Irst application relieved tha pain vary
materially, and the continued use of only two bot
tles has ooiuplely cured ma f tbi unroot evil,
and that, after the must eminent physicians, aad
their prescriptions bad been of no avail. I than
for consider it a duty to publish the abort for
the benefit of all sufferers with rheumatism and
kindred cunplaiau. Q, A. Hati.Mai.
Editor iltpublicitM, Pittsburgh, Pa.
" S SB ) '.
The Sunday School.
Kelts Riraeui as Jrwr Sir .- Oar Socitty's
year eloscs to-morrow, t ouuld give you many
interesting facta coanoetad with tba work in our
home Held tf you had space to record them. I
liate on or two of the latent In hand :
n untn me pass lew nays i nave eeen iwd new
Talon Hunday schoale'well organised for the first
time In their respective localities. Not less than
Ave retiaioas denomination ara represented In
Lbem and working together in harmony, a'aob of
these schoola wilt have an average of aver fifty
Mbtii, TktftH UnamtNBitoeiMt eobosla
gon into Winter-quarters, that should be "pra
voked to good works" by tbaar anion atamples.
With these few word, I wish taeiptesvmy
thanks, aad that of the American Sandy bVbool
Union, to the many kind friends wbo have con
tinued their helpful cooperation. For the good
eervicei of the pree, also, I am yours aver grata
tully, K CnirraKUKS.
BKLLaroRTK, Pa., Feb. JHtb, 180.
r i - t h ' -t - , ' '
". tLtARPlEi.D Coal' Trade. State
ment of Coal and other freights sent over the
Tyrone A Clearfield DivWon, Pennsylvania Rail
road, for the week ending Feb. 28, 1880, and
tha lame time last year :
Fur the week W...M
Same time lait year...- n.
Previously during year
Same lima laat year...... H .....
Total U le8.H.H Ht.
.. S,7W
34,41 :i
8ame time last yt-ar M M
luereae .........mL.-
ainaa raaienft.
MisonlUaeous fraigbts a
IbO w
Tho Shocking Tragedy at the Cambria
CouutyPoor House,
The following is taken from the Cambria Frf
mam of the J7tb ult : We ere Indebted to Mr.
Lilly, Steward of the Poor House, for the particu
lars of n most felsnoholy nflair which aocurrad
In that institution on Ust Monday forenoon.
Elisabeth Kinney, formerly ef Munster township,
has been an Inmate of the Poor House for about
ten jeer, and baa racbd the advanaed age of
eighty three years.1 Patroarll Weahland, uf
Carroll township, wbo is Insane, has bein
there about four years. On the morning referred
to Mrs. Kinney, Mil Weak land, an old ledy
named Mrs, Felght, and another Inmate, Ellen
Makin, were all In what Is known as the sitting
room. Mit Weak land asked Mrs. Kinney for
soma tobacc, aad opon has? refusal to giv it,
Miss W. Instantly selteit a poker In the coal ben j
and dealt Mrs. Kinney a terrible blow near tb
top of th heal, following It up with five or sii !
other blews equally vigorous. Mrs. Kinney sank I
to the floor aad nvir aftarwardfspok, flying
almost Instantly. " Tier skull was broken in and
her brain ooted out, Kllan Makin attempted U
wrest th poker from the Infuriated woman whan I
she first took hold of it, hut was warned to keep
off, and hence desisted In her effort to scour It.
Mr, Lilly was down stairs at tb Use, aad before
he was awar f what had happened, Miss Weak-
land pissed down stairs Iota th office and said
to him that be must not whip her, and while sb
was repeating bar request, which Mr. L- f oars
did aot understand, a nsengr nam dowk aad
n formed him ot the tragedy and Its sad resolt.
Mr, Lilly states that from some causa Miss W.
entertained a grudge sgalnst Mrs. Kinney for
nearly two years past. The remains of th un
fortunate woman were InUrreJ in th almshouse
cemetery o Tuwdayv Meantime tha Insane
murderess, whose conduct has always been such
as to ereat th Impression that she wm entirely
harmless and therefore a fit subject to njoy the
freedom of th house and Its surroundings, has
been locked up lor safe beeping, and will bence
fvrth be rstaboad at hr -liberty.; Not blnf
amenable 4ba 4a, Ihtt af course is th only
pinlsbment that can b Inftjeted, though it la
unquestionable that sb should b sent to Dia
mond, ar provided won, other qua tars mart an.
cur than th Poor House afford.
"The Came of Fifteen. '
It is a simple gam with blocks, and yet many
men of nany vindslaoBtKaatem cities haraha-
come excited over It, and soma have aven gon
oraiy. To show how ay it 1 1 pussie tna
braiu, w giva a description of th paaaia. It
consists of a square boi, into which ar fitted
fiftewn slocks, numbered consecutively from 1 to
1ft, as follows : 1
Tbe abianoe of tbe .lileeoth hloek la Ike boi
afford, room for tbe movement of tbe ether. Tho
game U ta dl.arraoga tbe block, and than bring
tha numbers Into aoatecatlra order by .hifliag
them Into placa witbeat lining one off tbe bottom
of the box. The intrlcecte. of thi. Blmpl oxer
dee ara alartllDg. A math inttloiaa who raport.
tbe reault ef hi ealcalatton. rtata tbat tbe nndi
her of poa.ibl movement, le l,.107,fl7l,SeB,O(H)
There are ad la be a namber of aomblnatloa.
that are eitner vary difficult ot aolotton, or, om
baliera, Impo.iible. The eombloation arrived at
moat generally la thi. i , , r x , - , , .
4- i
. 18
Having failed to gat lb rlgU ooublnation in
th hiimtal row, tb aJfr wrftafo tha blaaka
In varMaaJ oalamna, whea tba feltawlag eolvMton
ta reached, claimed hy some to be thf tornot an
I 1
tin oAui or ttfinTt roca.
A alataeath block ampaaiec th gam, and
by adding this tha Miam of Thirty-four," ar
sii teen, la product . t Tbe thjeol af tb flaye to
to so a r rang th clocks that tbe sum of their
namber will be thirty-four when added h orison
tally, perpendicularly or diagonally. Tb block
may b taken out and haakgad In whaUvsr man
ner tba lay boaei, Tbi Is tha selatro i
a 7
12 ,
3 s : 16.
' oiiiOiaor twnoawn. - ai. w
Oa Itery tnakef th gams tha lu Yea Han of n
deaf mat In Hen ford, Cuoi., who made It for
the entertainment of th Inmates ef the As lorn
where ba lived, wMheal a thought of ih Inoaa
Asytum for which It likely to prepar ao
maay people, Another H07 albe tha thing
to tba noetmaater ai Cawteio. V, wha save
th game ta a lady la By recuse, who Mnt U to n
a lady at Welsh 11 HI, who took it boon to Hart
ford, whet a Boatoa maa saw it, and, o oa. But
wboo aaveatoa it, M Is tho aaaofacwaran who
era reaping tbt fnU It M oot paaraftad, (Mt
tbe maaufaetaro aawoart lo bar bn aload
thus far tw Nw Raglasd Irma, who ar aahl t
have hewh turnlogout tb gams at th rat of fit
or tight tbenrand t day, nd fhey eaa hardly
supply tb demand. , , ,
, ft,VtH
, lU,4na
.. iHM&a
T 1 2 3 4
I ; '. '
5 6.7 8
;-L w
9 i 10 11 12
13 j 14 15
At nsuol, T.'A. PleoU i, Co. are
laadlag lb. ajark.t. ajarl-lt.
The new Spring gtock of T. A. Flock
4 Oa. I. brtag sonrlaatlj rmltad.
Call at T. A. Fleck & Co.'i and get
a Faiblon gbaat. aiart-M.
. The Niw Rkuiikitoii Familt Siw-
m Mcia for nla at J. B. Hardar'a Goo
Stan, Clareld, Pa. Oot. M m.
. . - a i -
Ladies, bear in mind that in drana
aad vilioorjr good., v Intond naklag a apoetaliy
thia MMoa. T. A. fiacr. A Co.
J. Davia, of PorUmouth, Ohio,
Kld la oa. jrar foartaoa tbouaand boiaief ,,&l-
lon' Llrar Pill " Trjr Ibora. i
At the RapuBLioAM office ia tho place
tagat oar Job work dona. Wa an foil praparad
ta do anything ia tha priming llaa, will do It
.U, aod at tb. right il&d of prieu. If.
Buy Youa Mill Now ! We are tho
proprietor. of a Baw Kill, aompl.u la.r.ryp.r-
tl.alar, wbloh w will Mil nrj ohaap. For par
tlcol.r., addraM B. A. J W. B. BIOI.KR,
oh.l.'tO tf.l Clrt.ll, P.aa'a.
-r- m m i - .
See a woman on hornutmck in another
oolaaiB, riding pair'. Vlnajrard., with a
b.nob of Orapai ftoa which (' Port Orapa
Win. ia aad., tbat U ao highl, attMoad tJ tba
madioal profauloo for th. aMafiarallil., w.ahlj,
p.r.nnl aad lha ag.d. Bold hy K. W. Graham,
Drwgalit, 01o.rld, Pa. Jly.ll 'Tt-tf.
Great numbern have boon cured of
dropry, palpitatioo of th. h.arl, heat and paia
aoroea the back, laaotj and aloud nrlBa, by
taklag Baraaaia. ,1 1
Praparad at E. K. Th.rapwa'. labaratar;,
Tlta.Tilla. Pa. For (ale t, all drugglat. to
Clearfleld, and Joaeph 8e;)or A Bnn, Lather.'
barg, Pa. . It
A Fact. An aavortnomont inserted
In tb. Rrpl-blicaw will reach mora reader, tbao
if puMllhed Io all the other paper, io th. coan-
te.and Boat tha adTtrtian lew tbaa oaa-half
Ia atbar worda, an adrertiaemeBt pabllrbnd In
our Jcaroal ! worth double tba prloe of that
eharged bj an ether puhliaber in tbe Bounty,
It I. a fact." If.
Ebmovau Dr. T. J. Uoycr haa re-
marad bii medical omca to tha room, recently
occupied hy Buek A tiraham, in Grabem'a row
He make. CHHON10 0I8KA6EB a (peelelly,
CIIAROBS 'VERY LOW. Tha manifWtunrl
liaeiBg lawarad prfoee, he Ib prepared la fnrairh
STRICTLY PUKE MEl)ICIK8 at greatly re
dueed rata. Tb aRlicted will ba benefited by
glrlng hltn a call. - July SI, 71-tf.
' Special to our CUb-tomer. W
de.lre ta inform Bur large patronage la Drew aad
Mllllo.rj Ooodi, that we iateod to make the.,
branohe. a nieeialty tbla eomlog .eaeoB. ' Mill
Hattle Rohn, our milliner, la aow ia Philadelphia
atundieg tha opealaga, aad will ba here loan la
take charge of ber department and make it tbe
leading Millinery drpot in now and late itle, a.
he ba. dono heretofore. T. A.Ftarr A Co.
Nkw Daily Staoi Liu i. James L,
Leavy ba sooo ceded in having a dally mall estab
lished between Clearficid and Pennfteld,and will
hereafter run a daily stag between the two points.
Hisoontract began with April 1st, ndtbe stag
willleav (leer-eld every mom tag (except Ban
day) at t o'clock, making eonoeotlons with all
trains on tb Low Grade Railroad at Pennfleld, re
turning after tba last train the same evening.
Paiengersand freight will b carried at low rates.
Orders lft at any tf th hotels will be attend d
to. lpr7W-lf
Farmers, Look Uibk ! Lytlo will
give yen highest market prloe fer Wheat, Oats,
Cora, Buckwheat, batter. Eggs, Onions, Apples,
dried fruits, and all kind of produce. 11 has
tb largest and best selected stock or groceries,
teas, coffees, molasses, apices, oil salt, sugar,
qtteeaewara, tab, bucket, baskets, ehuras, Ae.,
in Csearfleid county. H bays hie goads In large
quantities from maaufaturra and frst hand
for canb, and takaa tha ad ran I age of all
discounts, and so h Is aabld to sell at low eat
pricaa. He givs aab prlao fer prodna,and sells
his good at ths lowest price In tb toanty. 1
to(t-l4-79 tf
How to Kt ac ii Kansad. Pentons
noting ta tb West shoo Id consult th air awn
earn fort by selecting lh rout by which tnr are
sursoonnvctione la Uaion Depot, fast train I and
fort able cars. There Is no Una that can corn-
par with tb Pan Hand) Roata Is then par
ticulars. Two daily tralaa leave Union Depot,
Pittsburgh. i Pan II and I Route, wbkh run
through in many hours quicker time than by any
other line, as foMows:
Leave Pittsburgh (city time) 8-41 a. m. It-iTp m.
Arriv 1st. Louis ; '
M Kansas 10;0u p. m, un a. m.
Laveaworth " 11:41 lo ll '
" Atchison MO a a. 11:20 "
8U Joseph ' 2 06 u lS.Mp.tvj.
I Prompt teoneetTon ara made In IT a law Depot
tH potnU,namd;for all land point, for farther
IbforaatioAi klm Ublas, 4., ad drew. W.L.
O'Brien, Oeoeral Passenger Agent. Pan 11 and I
Rente, Columbus, Obi. Feb-18-lt
Ma n omne Puajtica, Pa. May 13. 187a.
Dr. M. M. PBRffSK, Predonia, N.
Dear fcir t I have tried voar blaod and Ltvr
Remedy and Narva Tonia and flod tbat tt is a
ep lea did medio!. My father had baua siek a
Itiag tim. On bottle has helped him more than
aay medicine he has ever used. My wife, also,
ba ued a botil with good result.
tours truly, JAtui nuim,
Dr. Veaner'a Blood aad Liver Remedy aad
Nerve Tunis may wall beaaUd'Th anuer
Ing here" f tbe time. It Is tb medical triumph
of the age. Whoever has "the bines" should take
It for It regulates and raatara tb disordered
system that five tie ta them. It alwaya snrs'
llilloueaesa and Liver Complaint, Jaaadlo, Dys
pepsia, Constipation, Iltadaebea, Fever and
Agae, Spleen Bslargamants, Scrofula, Erysipelas,
Mm pie, Blot oh e and all skin Eruptions and
Blood Dlstrtkrai BwalW Llmba ana Dropay )
Sleepletsoea, Impaired Serves aod Nervous lia
bility ; Restores flesh aod strength when tbe sys
tem Is running down or going Into decline cure
Female Weakness and Chronic Rheumatism, and
relieve Cbronl Broaehitie, and aM Laag and
Throat dldeulUes. It does tttaa thlagi by ctrlk
Ing at th root of disease and removing its ceases.
Dr. Fanner's Improved Cough IJeoey will re-
Iler any owgh la on boar. Try n sampl bottle
Uaewnas. ' -
Dr. dVeoDsr's Uetdea Reliel euro any pain, as
Teoth-ache, Neuralgia, Collr Headache ia Are
ta thirty miontts, and roadll) rtlT Rheuma
tism, Kidney Complaint, Dtarhosa, ta,
- lr. Fanner's tL Vita Dana ffpeolfl On
bottle always eures.
Fer sale br Hartswiok A Irvln. UrojiBjits,
tiearaaia, fa. aug 30 II.
f m mm 0 'Tf-m-ri !
letter From Slump Creek, ' t
TaatrrvaL. Marek td, ItSO.
EniTon Rsrt'BUCA: I ei pee tad seme on
wonld take up the pen to Inform year reader as
to how a eaters and thiaga are moving her tn thi
new oil teld. But It seems ao one la inclined
that way ta, hr it gaee.
eiaee tb Irst aao turn eat ef ll being straak ea
faViassp creek, a namber of patties have been ber,
teneing and bey tag land. Mr. Broeherat,
from Bellefeate, baa leased about tuO aerea 1
Brady twwnsblp, riterneia: counts, and uender-
son township, JefTtrson aounty, atTeaing ta put
dawn n well i.ouu feet seep, uaieee an t aooatr
foead i and Mr. Onoaenger, freaa tb Bradford
diatrtsL has laaaed saver ai hundred narea bj ta?
log a bonus of $60 for eviry Illy or one hundred
acre. Other hatw laaaed wltb the prirWega ef
burlng the land at the rats of 1M per acre, W
aw ia louna aa ma laou.
Dr. Unaear. an inrtll ma a Crom PlUabarck.
haa bona ht a one-half lot treat from Mr. Keller in
ah teat well, aa the Weaver farm, aad haa
brought an four periene4 driller t pat down
th well 3,001 et and taat It. But behold ! they
bad salt putt pad about 60 feet af water awt of
tat wen, won in naens ei aienerson oounty
sorted a writ ar injunction on tnem.
I was aa tb weU yesterday eipeetieg a at
them drill, but whta I got hair way l wa in
formed hy soma aa that the Sheriff h ad been
there, aad ttpd all opar atltn. A I wealed
to so fer mystlf, I want to th well, and, aura
atmmae tat re wa nottoar nr tm sitam on tna
ground but by sntariog th derrick, I seta a
olanb pi d ever the hole, aad fastened with a
war at irea, twa ttwptee and a aadloBb. 1
tb.a lalliled Iba Mr. sheriff had beea there.
eeewtaiaed froai tha driller tha whye and tha
whereforee. The lalarmed ma that Mr. Neuer
had li.aed tbe writ, baeeaoa be did aot weal tha
tmltw devereaed. aalll the, era Be Biara etl
ia tha atbar tamlarias. Tby Miartalaad tbe
hope that tha writ would Bo aet aelde by Jadga
Jeaka, balara wbom a heeetna m la ka had aaal
Salardey, the lh, what lha reault will ba U hud
to tell roi n la a aempllcaraa mailer.
The Beewle Ha ara ta tha dart a beat Ula all
matter. It I. ee eil, the! aa eaa aaa get bold
of It Bel tba gaaeral Hapreaatea) h eil eaaeala-
terl wtu leaea aii Iba land Uey pmib,, aaa gel,
aad then wait until Iba ether larritvrlee ara raa
But. If evea Dr. Baaaaf I aeeeeeaful ta aettlag
Ibis writ af InJaaeUoa eelde, ha wlU aaly drill
Lha well deeper fer hi awa aallffaetlea fer he
eeld blemir, ba arauld raherpay(t,aat iribere
aa aa all la Ikle walk tba if there wa. , Uaieee
tbi well I "a leiher," wa will net led aat avea
when ekay here otreefc all. At all avanee, lhare I
pwaty af graaad ler law.eaiM already, aad .till
mere an brewing. Let thut aamea for thi time.
Mora haraeftet, H. I. Ih
Spring atylea comlantly being r
aelved at T. A. Fli
'lk A Ot
We have now on band aeveral thoua-
aud trtt-elaas envelope, which w. will priat for
buiiBM men, ar anybody .1., at price that aa
Bot ba rivalled. Call and lea them. tf.
Hamburg Kmbroiderios in Edgings
and IoMrtloii ! A wmplet. tin., aamprtaiug all
lha bow pattaraa, Jul rcnired at T, A. fleck A
Co, Call early aad get the bargaia. an i-lL
Si-rino. 188IM T. A. fleck A Co.
era opening out their ipvatoe ef Bprlag goada
thia weak, which ara auikad at a figure tba U
bound lo eel) them and caanat be uaderiold.
mar. X-M
nAI'KR KAI'LSIU'RV. At the of
Mr. David Beuer, la Tyrone, oa mere. , iaio,
by Rev. At. V. Lauter, Mr. L'barle Baaer, af
Tvroa,, Pa . anil Mia. Annie tsaul.bury, el llouta-
dale, Pa. ' '
FRAIf.KR ALtOE-Ia Karlkaaa tewaiklp,
oa Baturday, Febroary Hat. 1S0, by Rev. U. W.
Blroup, Mr. Jeeok A. Freiier and Mil Kale
Allea, bulk of .Karlbaal towaahlp, Clearfield
ceuoly, Pa s ;
SUKKICK MIC1IAKL8. Oa Moodav.Herch
l.r. l.sso. bv Rev. (J. VY.Htroup, Mr Benlemin
Kuieriok and Him Maree a. Micoaex, aeia 01
Kanbeui townablp, Cle.rtieiu aouel, f.
OSWALD. Oa Tuesdav. January iTlh. 18 SO,
la Union townshlo.of dit litheria, Reolsa, daugh
ter of John Krnest, and Mary Jane Oswald, aged
U years, V mentbs aad 27 days.
OHWALD. On Friday. February 20 lb, 18 tit).
of diphtheria. Lorena R , daughter of John Krn
eat and Mary Jane Oswald, aged T mentbs and
It days.
OSWALD. On Monday. February Sltd, 1810.
of diphtheria, Anna M., eldest daughter of John
Ernest and Mary Jane Oswald, agd 11 yaare,
it montna anu oays. ,
OSWALD. On Monday. February J3d, 1880,
af dinhtheria. Marv D.. dauahtarof Joba Kroeit
and Mary Jan Oawld, agtd years, I man tba
and e days.
OSWALD. On Saturday, February 28lh, 1880,
at fJInhiherlu. HtnrleUa. dauchter of John Krn
est and Mary Jane Oswald, aged 7 year, A
months and 24 daya.
Our children bars left us, tbe chain has been
severed :
The linke are all taken save one.
Abt well we remember their willing endeavor
To lighten tbe duties of home.
lias Uod dealt unjustly in using so many :
Forbid tbat oar heart should complaint
We think that our children from baby ta Annie
Still live In our Father's domain. M. 1.
Tiff nrU V. VA. .l.ln nn fWtrrAaw .
January 26th, laO, Ural 1 a Bloom, agd 1 years,
monins ana tv may.
Farewell, dear Urella! thou art gone,
Never more wilt thou return t
Os Jordan fair and flowery plain
Wa hope to meet with thee again.
, a a a
8ANDF0HI). At the realdeoca of Mr. J. V
Steiner, near Phillpwbarg, Pa., in Decatur town
ship, Harry, eon af William H. and Kile M. Sand
ford, of Oseeola through, aged S years, fl months
and a days.
Saw Logs, Shingles, Bark,
Offica oupotlte Irwin's Drug Hi ore. Call In
parson or addraaa as abort. (tner-I-lin.
Waktbo. 60.000 U-feet shaved boons, delir-
eied at the railroad, In oar loads of MJl,
nointa on the Tyrone A Clearfield. P. A K., Bald
kagl Vnllf-y, and Pennsylvania Railroads, tor
which wiU pay th higUait maraet priea.
ai. r. I B h ,
Ootid, 187 8-If. Clearntld, Pa.
0 a HtianRBn Pan Cbbv. Diacorar on Old
P a ic as. Hewing Machine ean now be purchased
at Marrell'l tin and variety store, from up
wards. All kinds of sewing machine repaired
on the ehortestaotloa
Cleerncld, ft., July 18, 1877.
.f Wof Arr't Grief.
The nride of a Mother, the life and icy of a
borne, are oer cnuaren, nenoe uer gnei woes sioa
acis enters and take tbem away Take warning
then, that you ara ruoatng a terrible riak, If tbey
kava a Couth, Cruun or VVheovi! Couth, wbioh
lead to Conauinpliou, if you do not attend ta It
ruaranteed to euro lbem. Priao 10 ota., H eU.
end $1.00. For lama Back, Bide or Chest, use
Shi lob's Porou Plaster. Price 14 cant. Sold
by C. D. Watson, Clearfield, Pa. epl7-ow.
The Brut I Krrr Hnntf Of.
J. G. Rtarkey, a prominent and Influential eit-
laen of Iowa City, says : "I have had the Dya
nensia. and Liver Comnlaint for aeveral years.
aad have used every remedy I Co Id hear af.
without any relief wbateter, until I saw your
Shllofa'a Vitaliir advertised io ear ppr, and
waa prauade4 t try it, 1 am happy to state
that It has entirely cured me. It is certainly tbe
best remedy I ever knew of." Prie 7 cents. For
sale by 0. D. Wauoo, Clearfield, i s.
oua Cure for Catarrh. Diphtheria, Canktr month,
and Heodaano. With aeh bottle U an inganloa
nasal Injector for the mora successful treatment
or tn complaint, without extra enargv, rnee
to cenu. ror saw ay u. r. aueu, vasrwia.
Pa. scptl7t 1170-flm-oow.
Bueoias Fon fli.-B. Nowtan Bhaw keep a
full supply of Fredonia Buggies and Platform
Wagon for sale. To ho seen at the Bhaw Hon
yard. Call on or addroee klm at Claarfleld Penn
sylvania. may 11-tf.
CoLLSCToa'a Wannixra. W have breparud
a form, and have on hand n large quantity, of
blank "Uollecteri Salt," which have aaeo ap
proved by tbe hiahtst leral authority in tbe
Courts of thi county. At fWtfy Ctnt per
do aa w will mail any number ta iba ueiiactor
ordertnc them. A Collector, when compel lea to
advartie property, most post up aot laaarhan
tare notice in tb moi public piaoe tn nn
DoroozD or townsnip.
WawTBO. Delivered ei the Rail Road.
100,000 2ft-lneh abated shingle.
1(10,000 14-lnch sawed shingle.
100,0t feet of pin boards.
600,0110 14-feet shaved hoopi,
9,000 railroad tiea.
k0,0tr0 feat of good hemlock boards.
For wbieh 1 will pay tha bickeet market price ,
delivered at Clearfield, or at any point on the
iyroao umarnetd Katiraad.
4. r. a aui a a,
Clearfield, Pa, Oot. 16, 1878 U.
oJuHt ll??elved.
JoBt RcclveJ by ARNOtI). at
Car Load Nova Rcolia Planter!
Car Load pure. Corn, ftye aod OaU
Car Load Doakon ball !
Car Load of Clioico Family Floor
CarLoad Dry Goodfl, Groceriaa, Ao.!
raTHhtnirles, liark. H. J(. Tien and
Grnin will b taken In exohange.
l.urwennviue, Alay 1, lB7n.
ri..A-iBi.a. P ifereh. fi.
Floar, par awt.H,m(..l.nH
an fit
3 Ot
. 1
1 40
1 N
1 II
i M
Corn tla, per ewt M,.....H. -
Chop, rye, per ewt , .
Chop, mtied, pr ewt
Hran, par ewl,H..nHM....
Wheat, per barbel
Rye, per burbot
Oat, per haiael ......... .
Cera, ear, per bu.h.l...,
Baokwbeal, per baikel....,
Cloaeraaed .
Timothy reed
I ni
retatoea, par na.aei
Innl. ItuahAl
Annie, nor
I .0
ll.n. n..
, . II)
Rhoaldrr, pr pound .m
Dried Beef, par pound, ........ ......
t'hickeae, per pelr H.
Butter, per peuad n.
age;, par oocea.,
t IB
' ' It
' I It
, pw ani.......H
Coa Oil, pr galloa....
Lard, per pouad
Dried Apple, pea pouad. .......
wrm riMBU, per pouu,
Beea, par barbel........
raiLnBLrniA. Mar. I. Floor dull: aaaerfim
,4.11(114 , aura, 5l "I Okie and Indiana
ramllv. an. 7.(0.7.7 i fMavTiveawa ramiiv, ae ar
fnt t at, Louie faaUy, ITIajf.lli Mianeteta
lamily, tl.IAliit.l7 1 palet and other hifb
gradu, tr.tlWjl fit. Ryatier, ,t. Oorm meal
Brandyniaa arkanged. Wbaw toll Ho. I
weotera rrd, ll.tlKa)! ' : F.nnajlvanla do.
I 4t! amber, Uora Mead, etaamar, llei
yellow, lte miied, (!.. Ual no
1 , 4( tSa Do. I, 47(4 "1 I No. miied, 4Mb.
Hya arm aad Been.) Vetera, ll(eilJe faaa
rvlvanla, !(.
Prevleieae aalM meat park, III, bear hema,
tll.MKdll, India maa. beef, ail . Beaea
Hmokad ahoalder., Ml rail de.,4ro)4r nohed
ham, (IJ. ploklad ham, (o,a. Urd
aalali ally k.itta.aei raoa bulbei,7a prime
auaa, I la. Cheeae dull i York laotury, 141
(tltte; wetlarw full eraam, 14W lto da for
good, Iat(tl4wl da. lad rtlma, lllevlle. Fe- dull reoaea, rr
Wbleky II tl.l. ' ' "
Caieaaa, March l.-Wbeal dull and rawer, tt
tut, for Marahaa4 April, Bad ,1.11 tar Me.
Cera dall, and Kiala lewor, OaU leady. I'enk
duH, weak aad lower I Ht kid fer Mareh i
, 1 1, tt bid far April. Lard tell, and Ita hwaf.
(ga! giflrrrttgrmrntti. h
SheriiT's Sale.
TJY rtrtoa of nndry write of Fen. M., Isaood
j out of tho Voart oi iiemmon ritee w vivm
Irld Co., and to mt directed, thr will bo lpod
to publi sal, at th uoart uoot, in voe ourouga
of Cltatiaiti, oa .
Thuroday, March lltb, IMHt),
At 1 o'clock, P. M., the followlog dacribed real
ettata, to wit 1
All that ertain"traot of land situate 1 I aw
rttnta Uwnabin. Claarhald coktnty. Pa., bounded
and deeerlbed as follow, to wit i 0a lb north
by land ol Jamas Thompson, on the east by lands
of Jamis Thompson and John R. Lytic, on tbe
south by land ol M. H. Miller, and en tbe waat
by land ef A. C. Tata, oontalalng 1 04 acre, mere
or Ices, and hating about M acres, with a frame
( painted aad plastered) dwalliag house, a large
bank barn, wagon abed, spring bouse, an elegant
large orchard el Bearing iruiu (.goou varied,
t hereon, and an open ceal bank a ear tbe hauaa.
Httiaad. taken In elocution aud 10 be soldaa the
pmprrty of Mary Rliaabeih R-l and Janet M.
. ALSO, " 1 '
All thoat several traote ol land sltuat is Clear
field and Cambria oouatie, boaadad and da
te ri bed as follows, vis t One thereof aitoat in
Beecarie townablp. CloarBaid eonnty, ra., Begin
ning at a post corner of R. Wiieea nrvy, and
beinr the sewth-art aemtrt tbaooo aorth
nerebea to past; tbeOM east A3 perebea, mora or
lees, to poat i theno tooth 220 perehee, mora or
laaa, to email nioaory inenoa aast vc perenes,
mora or leas, to postj tbaaoe south 13 percbe.
more or Use, to p"tt tbenoo ast 108 psrohoa,
mora or Itaa, to post tbtnoe south 100 perches,
more or Mas, to past i tbeuee weet 820 parches,
more or leas, to plaoa of beginning, containing
lift aeres, more or lea.
' ' " ' ALSO, ; " ' '
One other thereof altuato partly In Bacoarla
two ihip, Clearfield oounty, Pa., and partly in
White township, Cambria county, Pa, surveyed
In tb nam of J. tiilpia. Tba part ia Clearfield
oounty bounded a leiiows: uegtnntng at a
post trie aorta -east earner at iraou ueaoa soutn
116 8-19 perebea, mor or lass, to oounty lino
thence west along same 23 per. to post; theac;
east 320 parches to plao of beginning. Tba
part la Cambria oounty bounded a follows :
lifirfnnlnr at a hemlock south-east corner of
tract alercaaid ; thence aorth 0 perches, mora ar
less, to county line; thence along same 320 per
ehee, mere or toss, to post ( tbeeoe soath 40 per
ch e, mora ar lea, to hemlock and beginning,
Tbe Whit traot In both c-s untie containing 244
acres, mor or less.
ALSO, .. . j , , , ,,
One other thereof surveyed In the name of
Jacob King, situate ia Clearfield and Cambria
counties. Tba part ia Clearfield county being
lo Beecarie towosbip, beginning ot post north
west comer theae oth 111 perches, mora or
It, to county lie thtnoo at 2311 parehea,
mor orlcss.topost, thence oorth 112 perches, more
r lass, to pott ; theaes waat 330 perebea, ntore or
less, u aeginoiag. inepartia w mi townsnip,
Cambria oounty, bounded a follows l Beginning
at a poet at county lino oa weet aide treat ;
tbtnoe south 308 perches, more or less, to botch ;
theun east 130 perukes, mora or less, to poet ;
thence north 168 perebea, more or laat, to atoaea ;
theno 100 perches, mor or less, to post ; thenot
nortb 4ii ptrontt, mor or toe, so eeuaty nae
tfaenoe west along sain 330 per., mora or le, to
beginning. The whole traot containing 33 acres.
Tbe above dttcribod tracts beinr noimprorod.
timed, taken in txtnution and to ba sold aa
property of Samutl Mil liken aad A. C. Mt I liken.
A certain piece af greand eUuett ia Oweola
borourb, Clear Held county, Pa., fronting 26 feet
on Liogle atreot and fanning back IMI feet to an
alley, bounded weat by itingle street, taat by an
alley, south by lt of D. K. Kamey, and north hy
lot of Osooola Mercantile Ce. Tbe buildinga are
burned on tbia lot.
Seised, taken in eiaeuttoa and to bo sold ae
Ih property of I. 8. leetl aad J. fi. IietU .
A certain piece of ground situate la Burns! Je
borougb, ciearneid oounty, ra, atnnaad an tna
east by Main street, weat by an alley, north by
lot of J. A. Waisel, and on the sooth by lot No.
64, and known in plan of aald borough as lot Ho.
02, having thereon erected a frame store house,
twe stories high, and other outbuilding.
(Seised, taken la eaeoutiea, aad to bo old as
the property of Matthew Irvln.
A certain tract of land situate In Curwensvllle
borougb, C Ita; It Id veunty. Pa., being four Iota,
do untied and ueacrioed a follows t Beginning
at the corner of Filbert and Uecrg street, aod
running corthward along Filbert street on tbe
east side of said street 240 feet to Maxwell street ;
thence la an easterly direction along said street
1U0 fett to twtnty foot alley j ttienee along said
alley 24 1 feat to Oaorg street; tbeaoe wait elong
said street 110 feet to place of begianing, and
having thereon erected a large planing mill,
board ahed, dry kiln, aad other outbuilding, and
various wewd working aiaebinaa.
Belied, taken in elocution and to ba Sold a
the property of M. 8. Fey aad Jae. Kaatarborder.
, , . : ALSO,
A certain pieoe ef land sltuat In Houtsale bor
ough. Clearfield county, Pennsylvania, being
lot 0alv0 teet oa Met oak otreat, largo hotel,
three stories high, 30 a tilt reel, bara lax2tt feet,
and other outbuilding, (Hoe Deal an record.)
balled, taken ia exetotioo aad t bo sold aa
the property ef J. B. Bona.
All those lot of ground la Cutwanivill bor
ough, aad being purpart No. 28 in partition of
William Irrin a estate, bounaea at follows: Be
ginning at potf tbeoo along th Saaquebanaa
rtver; thence north 64 degrees cast 48 feet to
postf tnenca none av degroea art net aerote
Meadow atreet to T. A C. Railroad ; tbeaoe etoag
rlgbt-of-way Una of railroad 105 feet to poat at
Leoast atroat; thence 8oi degrees weet duo feet
to beginning, containing 3 acres and 78 perches,
mere or less, and all cleared.
i ALSO, '
' AH of Defendant's lot erect in purpart Mo. 19
ef said estate, being two lott.-One thereof adjoining
property of William Price, rroetiag on River
atreet 0 feet aad aiteadiag back 10 foot, having
thereon adwelling bouae and other improvements.
Tha other thereof odjolaiog lot laM enaatioaad.
extending 40 feet n Rivtr point and back, with
dwelling bona aaa otnar improvement tntreon.
A LAO, ' i "I t .j.
' All of Defendant a totertrt la) pervert Mo. li
in aaid state, bounded wast by 8usqubanaa
river, aoath hy Hiram Caldwell, aad wa th tart
by turnpike aad lead af ( eoaUiaing
e Mjraa aod 41 perobea, mere or Mas.
He aad, taken ia eaeaation aad to ho M aa tho
property of A. li. Irvta. ,
ALSO, "'
A certain tract of land situate in tiraham town
ship, Clearfield county. Pa, bounded aa (allow
Ub tbeeaat by land ai tie tea lab Lad berry, aouta
by lead of Bmaal A tiraham, weal by land tf John
rowel I, and naru by tend el tiraham a Hereto,
ooBtaining 218 aeraa, more or less, with about V0
eorte alearad, aad navtag thereon erected a rwo
story frammhoose, bank barn aad ether outbuild
belted, taken la execution aad to oo sold a
th property of John McDowell. (
A certain piece of ground situate la Clearfield
borough, Clearfield eeuaty, Pa., oa oernar. of
Third aad Market street, (renting All feet, mor
or less, oa Market atreet, and ronning along
Third atreet 172 teet, aad kaow In the genera,
plan of said borough aa lot No. 126, and saving
thereon erected a two-story brisk hnuao, wlih
brick kite ban attached, stable aod other outbuild
Seised, taken in oieeutioa aad to ho sold oath
prevertyof William V. Wright, surviving partner
ar Wright urotnar.
.. ALSO, ' t
A certnle tract of land tltaa'a In Decatur awa
ship, rirfield county, Pa., bouadtd wett by Mrs.
Martin' land, outb by William Martini land.
taat by Oardatr's lead, aad north by C. Ream'
land, eontaiulng 40 acres, wltb about 10 acres
cleared, aad having tneroon erected o two-story
framt bouaa. barn, and blaaktmilh shop. '
Htittd, taken In tt Motion and to b aold aa
tha pteptrty ef Joha Martin.
ALSO, . r
A certain let af ironed situate la New Wash
inirton borough, Clearfield county, Pa., front in
HO feat oa Front trtot, and rata lug baoh 30
feet, more or lass, to an alley, bounded east bg
Fellow' Hail, teatk by lot ef W.'W. Barclay, aod
having tharaoa arecled a twotory frame dwell
ing bouot, small arable, aod other outbuildings.
Heiaad, taken In eaaeatian aad to ha aold ae
tho property of A. J. Jaokson, defend tot, and D
Rceemaa, V. K Wilton aad H. L. Hendereoa,
Administrator of John Orr, terra laaaaU.
Tbbub or fli lb Tht arte or um at wbloh
the proporry shaH ho straok off aosi b paid at
tba time or sale, or aah ethos arrangement!
made aa will b approved, otherwlee tb proper
ty will be Immediately oat wp aad old agala at
taeaapanee aad risk of tho per toa io whom It
waa struck off, and who, In ease of deficiency at
neb ro-aala, aball make good tho same, aad la
no Inetaooe will tha Dttd be precepted In Coort
for oonttrmatlon an teas tb money is actually
paid to ttve Sheriff. JAcl. MAMAFFKY,
fiRBBirr'e Orrics, I Sbcrtt.
Cleartl(d, Ph Ph. 10, 181. I
Sheriff's Sale. ,
RY virtus of wrIU af Imrl f- Inaad
eat af the Court ef Oeame Plea, af Clear
field eoaaty, aad ta ma directed, there will
be eipoaed to public aale, at tba Caurl Hoaae,
en ta Baveaga at tilearBelt, en . , I
Thuroday, Marrh lllh, IHrtO, ,
At I a'elMk P. II., lha folloalo, dcecrlhrd real
Batata, ta wit i- I
A eertela twa-atory fraeae balkllag, IKilfi feat.
and frent euloa added, 14114 Teet. Ibe omce
halldiaa wllh let and aertilaffa enpartenent
tberate, altaata la tha boreugb af Oaaeola, 41 leer-
B.ld enunty, Pa. The omoe I a oao-etery oalld
ing. Na. It, knawdad Berlb by Ma. tt, aael by
Lumber alley, eoalh by Mo. 1, aad weal by
I. In lie alreet. It feet en Llaala tret aad let)
feK daen . '
Bel,i, taken la eievutioa aad ta be old aa
tea preperty af Aaatla Keria, owner, ar reputed
owaer, tna eoawaeier. .
' ' . i ALSO,
A certain Iwe-atory frame halldleg II feet
froal k It laat deep, iret teat kava, baalt ae a
More room, aad Iba aeeead fioor aa a ajielare gal
lery, and located an a aenalt let ar place af
grouad ettaale aa aaeak Bli ef Hennek elrM ha
tba her. ef Uoetedala, balag tha woolen half af
lot bnawa hj WBMral alan ef eatd kjreaak a fat
No. 1 7. and bouee-d aa lullaeai Hank by Beaver
allay, aoelb by llanaah alreat, aaat by balaane ef
let He. ir,Bnl teeel ay naa aajap, BatBff aa mat
oa Hannah alreet by II feat deep.
Belted, takan la eieeatlee aad ta ka Bald a lha
paapurty af a V. Donth Bed Jnaetu am ilk, hie
wile, ewaere or repetea ewaera. t
AU fkat certain lot ar pUca tt groaad 1taata la
Deeetar eawaab Ip, Cleartald aaamtp, fa ko taaXI
and daerihdl w fodowa i Bg.anlg at a poat
oa tht north tide ef township road leading from
OecoolatoJaoesvlllelrfil feat In a westerly direc
tion from a poat la a rua ( being a bcuadary line
between aaid borough and towasaipji ueaca
along tewaehip road north 70 degtee and la
minutes weat 428 laat toa poati tbeaoe north 141
degrees aad 40 minute east 410 feet ta a poat
taneeaeuth 18 dtgr and 4 minutes waat 438
feua plaoa ot bag.uaiag, eoatainlag four aoros,
mora or lata, all cleared, having tbereoa oreotod
a frame bout, one and a-half aw high, and
other outbuUdlng. t
Meed, tthea la etecutlon and to bt acid a
the property of Jenette Frailer.
Tbbmi ov SaLBL-uThd prt tipium at whtrb
th property shall b struck off aust be paid at
the time of aal, or such thr arrangement
made aa will be approved, ethorwla th property
will ho Immediately put up and aold again at
tb ex peat and risk of tho person to whom It
araa struck off. aad who. la oattcf deficiancv at
each re-sale, aball make good the aara, and in
no instance will tne ueea be preteated in vmn
far tsuaAnaatioa unls tho niy U actually
paid lotbS Frier Iff. J A3, SiAliArrKt,
natmrr't BrricB,
Clearfield, Fa., Feb. 18, 19711. ;
Sheriff's Sale.'
Y virtu of writs of .Fi. fa., lsuad
oat of th Court of Com maa Pleas of Clear
field county, and th me directed, tbtr will b
to PUULIO SALH, nt th Ooart Hon,
Is th rougk of Cletrdeld, oo
Thiirnday, Warrli lllh, lHO, 'v 1 "J
At I o'otock, p.MthBinUowingdescriiHsdvotii
slat, to wit:- ' I
A certain tract or nice of land situate in Co-1
pi '.. ia u. k,
and deeetsbed as follows 1 On the north by John
Roatana on lha eaat bj Jaba IUiifu,aia) ih
John B. Martel.eootaining about fifty acre, with
about forty-five aerea cleared, and an orchard,
having thcraob creeled a log house, leg barn and
other outbuildings.
Heised, taken in execution aod to be sold as
the property of P. A. Cudriau 1 r- 1 v
All lOBt tract or tauu litataitj in Dm.viIb two li
able.. Clearfield oaatv. Pa.. beicinnlnK at aeet by
dogwood, buingeemar of tha Jesse Houvtrfafter 1
wards Adam llurdmaa) farm ( thtnee by lane r
Dtnnis MoCor north 69 pare bet to a pott by a
dogwood ; theno by land of John Wold, Jr west
3X2 percba to a post; thence by land of II.
Philips, (afterwards Hamilton Weld), tooth 8U
perehes to pest hy plao stamp t thcae by land ef
Jesse Hoover and Just Dillon east Mt ptrcbtt
to the piaoe of beginning, eon tain ing II hi acres
aod allowance, aod having n frame bouse and
barn theroon, together with other buildings aod
Improvement, with land cleared and Improved,
and known as tbe Theodore Weld, r Oevrgt W.
Pearoe farm, which was purchased by Article of
Agrmot by tb defendandant from Thomas
Flick. Htittd. taken in e stout ion and to ba told
as the property of Jacob Ltndtr, Jobn Leader
and Kdwara Ltndtr.
All that real a data eotivevad by Dead dated
April 1Mb, 1B68, from W. II. tiibbony and Wift
to Willis J. Nugent, recorded in C iter A a Id eonnty,
Pa,, in Deed Hook,OC," page 6, a, botog tbe
moiet or undivided half part of a tract ef lead
called " Pine drove Fann, containing lull aerea,
more or lets, situate In Burniide towmhip. Clear-
fit Id ooQuty, Pa., hounded en tbe nortb by lands I
of John Hummel, oa tbe oast by land of Joscib
Brothers and Elijah P. Barker, on tbe south by
lands of Joseph Walls, aod on the west by lands ef
Haeder Kim's helra.tnKiaKraatrartateaeMli
and cultivated, containing dwelling howet aBd
bara, with otej-r building aod imptoTCvnam.'
?wM!.l4. - w.
II. uibbony.
UO,t ....r-.v-'Tj,!
A eertain tract of land aftuat io Bloom twp.,
Clearfield ounty, Pa., bounded and described as
follows i Ob the aaat by lead of Lllia K ester,
sa tba auuth by land el C. M. Uvff, ea tbe west
by land of D. A. Fetter, and on th north by laud
of Frank Oreutt, containing 134 acres, more or
lata, about 90 aerea, more or less, cleared, with a
good orchard growing thereon, aod having there
on erected a frame house, a large uank barn aad
ethtr outarwi'diogt, - .-, -i
tid. ta-etiliiaaecutioaaria to ueii.ias is
property of 11. 6. Anderson. ' J j
Tbe undivided oh half pert of that certain j
tract of land situate in Morris township, Clear-1
field oounty, Pa bounded and deatribed as fol
low i BegiBnlag at h dead pine o land of duo,
Wtitael surrev, corner of this and C Wirtr: thenot i
toulb I degrees west 14 perche to old hemlock
oornert tbeoo by M. Louder survey wett 4US
perches to a post on line of Perks; thence north
41) degrees west 61 4-10 percbee to a white pine;
tbe nee teatl oi degree west oo T-t perents to
post en old Itne; theoee west perche to a post
corner of land told to Bhowalter; thenot by
KkowaJter (now Oearhart) aorth 141 perche to a
aest on liao ef 0. flirts. Sr. i theno eat hv oer-
bee to line of 0. Kmeigh Uod, out or thia aurvey
to a poat on Hoe of Wm. aod 0. Wirt, or.;
tbeaoe eaat 110 paiebe to a dead pin aad plaae
of beginning, cualaiuing SAI acre, mure or le,
and being tht tame premise conveyed to Rich
erp Ado Pardee from J. Oscar Loraine at uju, by
Ueed jNLt Apill lt, lVTi,ana - m utta
Hook ' FF," page 6Si.
Baised, takto io eateaUoa and to be aold as the
property of Richard Ash maa.
vALSO, -a. i. , , .!
Th followinr real eetat situat la th village
of Franklin, Ball ttwnsbip, Clearfield county, Pa.;
Two aawa lots frontioar 12 toet aa ivr atreet,
and running back ltd feet m rand ef n. Mahaftey,
bounded eet bv River atreet. south by an alley,
west by land of ft. Mahaffey, and aorth by land
uf R, Mahaffey, and having thereon erected a two-
story Tram bouse, wltb kltcnen attaroea, wen
finished, frame eta I aad sthet outbuildings, .
Another tract of land sltasle Id Bell towa-hii,
bounded east by Cheat frcek, aorta vy Susque
hanna river, west and south by land ef P. Keith -
iller, ocBtamnir tea ree, tntr1 or mis, an
cltared, and no building.
Another traot of land situate in Ball township,
bounded and described aa follow: Kaet by land
of H. C. Thompson, eoalh by land of MoOea A
Mahaffey, west by land of Logan A Mahaney,
north by land of Ball A trrln, containing 401)
and vBdtr taprtarneat, tha halaa 1 ttahcrl.
itnw ii Tarivuv iinui oi iiHinr, nti'iii turn,
oo erected a log bona aad a log stable,
. Heiaed,takenlnxutWn aadto aa as th
property of O. W. Logan. 1
a t.t -r i j .li... t. lea Dl,
township, CUarfield county. Pa., houndod and
describel aa follow ; I'a the north-east bj Lead
of Mllligaa, en the WMt by land of Widow it via,
oa tbe tooth br land t Bibrar A Tbem as, aa tha
aaat by land of William Dale, Jobo Hrtdga and
Ptttr Klllngtr, eon tain ing iiu aerea, more or
leu, aboat fiu aoraa elearf lr with two Rood yeuog
orchard tbereoa. and bar ma tbereoa erected a
good frame dwelling ho ota, a good frame barn
and otoer oatouiiiings.
Belied, taken in OBecattoaf aad (j he soM as'
th property of; Samoa! Irvln, . i f j - .
A eertain traot er niece of laad situate io Farcu-
aoB townablp, Clearfield eouniy, Pa., bounded and
described as follow : Beginning at a pest t thence
by land of Jaoil Fergoaen north Afi dagrat
east ltd trcbes h a post tbtaec nortb d
greaa west by land of Henry Swan 131 perehee to
a post: thence sooth 4"i degrees west 4l perches
along tba publi road leading to- Lumber Citp
tbtnoe by aacaa aoath 41 das wtt AS peiwbea
thenea bv tb aame toulb 4 decrees west SO per
ches ; tbeaoe by aba eamo utb II degrees west'
4 perches t tbaaoe by the tain so aid iu angrect
wttt IV ptrenat j toanot ny ine aaioe euuiai i -greet
eaat ST parches teoaec by tho same aouth
ii deeraaa aaat I b-id oetohes to tbe Dleoe of be
ginning, sustaining BO acret and allowance, with
aheul U actoa tlearwd. and bar rag tbr.n rctd
mill, small dwelling bonis, stahlsand other
outbuilding. r
1 t; AL40.1 'iUn
A lot of ground In tbe village of New Millport,
Knol tow rub in. Clearfield eouolr, Pa., bounded
oa tba north by lot of Ckrlat Sfoppf. tho mtk
h Jrlt 6f.TneTjri Kit tha m0 V an all-v.i
and on lb west by public road, and havlug there
a trtcttd a frame dwelling faoute, framt shop,
sail stanM aaa otoer eutbuiidiage.
One other lot la said Tillage of Now Millport,
opajuueu on ibu inni aj tui oi vi or(fP Diuani, os
tbe aouth hy lot of Joaeph Krhard, oo the eaat by
an allay, aad ea the weat by au alter., .'
, Httsed, taata ra tieootion aaa to n snia a
the property of Ellas L. Btrank.
ALSO, " '
AH that ertatn. pltot or (root ef lead, tlaaote
la Belloanhip.rlaarfieMovaoty, Pa . bouB'tod,
and eViaAaad at Mtowif Oa tba east hy lead of
Meaty Metta, to the tooth by land ef James
Hammerville, a tb west by Susqaebtnaa river,
aod oa the north hv land a Wetae! A OaHaher,
twataitlbg about ISA acre. Ivor of lets, with
about liaera aleard, and hating thereon erect
ed a framt house, bank barn, and other outbuild-
iags. . . .M ! i fj ' i
Hekad, nlrm fh tteotfon, and to be sold at the1
p toper ty f J, 8. Work.
.. M.i . 1 ' ' 1
All that rtU rtal aitat consisting tff about
on acr, more or It, of land, balag s part if a
tratt tl X0 teres ef land situate In In ion town
ship, Clearfield Oo., Pa., bounded by Henry
Llaiagtr o tho tut, bf UBd f David Wflty 0H
th south, hy Brady wasbrp Aa tb wast, and by
land of John DaBoisoa tb north, with a steam
shingle milt, about MaM fei, a email atoro haatt.
about I4al feat, aad three dwoUmg harmma, oo
a beard leg boost abeal 4aao aaet, sad another
n dwelling haaee ahaal I4U1 twot, and another
dwelling haa to about 16x10 (at ahartaa averted.
Htiaad, takaa ia aaecutaaa aad to bo cold aa the
property of L. C. Kiayea.
1 , ALSO, i ft f T" O O
A carta. a lot or pit tf groaad titoatt In tbe
ritiaga of HiaotptowBraOMee lowainia, umar
field voaatT. Fa., boaaated aad dtraariead as M-
kwt- ManhhwM alley, aoath by lot of Aldiauad
Athwart b, east by lasd af Joho Crane, aad weet
by public rue feeding rrem Uteaote Slilla to I'Btl
lpsbarg,nd baokig titaawnn araatad o fraeae dwell
lag beat, wash beast, s table aod ether u thut Id
lags. , t t $ I .1 '
helaed, Uksai 1 etMatlen aad to be sold ai the
auaart. nf Braartatr.nk Khlml.ia
Tanuj ai iat-Thaprte araeZ whlrh j
tho property aball be struck oil mutt bo pud at
tht timt of tale, ar uah ether araangsmsato aaad
aa wtn at apaataooa, osntrwta a raterty win
bo Immediately put up aad aold asata at tba as
petto amd ritk of th pmoan aw whom It wa
straak off, aad who, la aaeo af deficiency at each
se-eale, aoaU aaakd goad tho oasua. and tb ae
lastaeoe will the Deed ba aratoattd IA Caart tor
eoalrmatioaaal th taoear I eotaaliy paid t
the Sheriff. JAMES MAD Ar KIT,
Bafr1 Ortwcw, I Bhtrtff,
trld, Fax, Feat Mi Ult.. i aw
yf. y" afT , . AV'Xi-;is,f -m-
XT N D 35S 31. GC jk JE3L 3ES "3EL ,
All kinds' of Caskata nnd (.'elfins kept on Land, an tl (urnislicd la order on
tli'ort notico, including llio finont aa well na Ibo olicupeat that can ba manu
factured. Our '
oonrsB piusfjzinvxin . '
! t)iS l.i (n llWt HUif y) yli furnitthed
in any part Of tlic? conityir,,Oull nt
' 1. . .'
VUDr (irueii at iruutiiiau a rurnituru
I; '
.Tjct 1,79-1 V. iu- '" ' '
T. A. FLECK. :
Fall;., aad':-Winter" Stylos,
.rA': ii; : i i;'i''v. ; 1 .
T. A. FLECK & CO.,
Black and Colored CaHhmcrce, Broeado l)rtt Goods, I'lain Drobt (loods,
Now Shawls, Ladies' Coats, Ited l''lanne!s,(irny Flannels, Klaid Flannels,
Navy Bluo rianncls, Waternrnots
rasslnicrca,' Mon't an
lu DOvs It
Muslins. Our stock was nover loltor.
' Millinory Goods,
rA. Cfimplete IStock at our usual lEargaiii.
i I'lumoa, Flowort AViKa, OMrirh '1 ipn all kinJa of Fancy WI.ik-.and I Bird.,
i Now Hiooadtf Velvota and Silks, Satin, Elack and Colored Silks, Uluck
and Colored Silk elvot, Rid Cilnvon, I.islo (iloves, hilk i nngc,
.., Uultona, J.accs, uirscta, j'.muroiurrii's, iiuymgt, inturiiiigs, i
liinon ITandkereUiefH, Ladies' Tics, UibloiiH, (lormantown Yarnt, ZcpLyra
and Fancy YornR, LadicK,' Oent't and Children's Underwear, Ladie,'
Gont'a and t'hildrcn'a lloo. We don't intend to have any storo in
Clearfield county beat in nnj-lhiiiR ttylo, prices, quantity,
quality, or selling. Ulf t fi rail and aeo for yoursolf.
on Cloth,
Graham's Building," - 'Market St., - Clearfield, Pa
, tx gKlvrrtiSfinfuts. .,
fan TuniKlit at' tberf pneel rfoitf 'M.ltW.
I'ATTKRfloN, Woodland, Pa. It i e((ualf if at
aupertor to any first-ela Hewing Maehiito in the
market. Oiroulars sent oa applicaiiun. , ,, , i
WaodUnd, Pa., Oct. 2ii, 181V m.
A Mar Ctuccru i Th under
igneu, naving
Can annotated Ae'nrnee- for the benefit ofered
tor by Jaa. B. Graham, of CtoarfiVhl bAmngh, aM
person , therefor, having claim agalnat him will
prent them to ua for tattltmtat, and I hot in
debted to tho aald 'Jraham are required to settle
and make pay meat to us.
ClMrleld, Pa.
rtoe, 34 l7-tf.) Awign.
TVT,ri,Ei"In Curto( Coiamun
i.1 Cleardeld unty , .
Coamonwaalth Kx liA 1 So. lfl4 March T , 71.
, i versus I Proceeding ia Iwoa. 1
1 U. A. Couttny. S My.
Ji Otic la hereby givea that the final account of
Ocorgt 0. Kirk, Committee In Lanar, in above
ease, has been filed in thia eflce, end will be pn
aented for confirmation at tbe next term of Court,
Outnmcncing Monday, Maroh Uth, lfla(,.
I ' t.l UlAlfum, t-roiaW'fitiarji.
ClaarlsU, Pa, Feb. 31, lflgtSt. " ' , '
' -r TTTTT r
banking firm knowc an th Clearfield County
Btnk baa boon diatottcd hy mataal aaotat, aad
tb aki eage into gradual liqui-i-uoa- V,
are Or-penrible for the debt, and will pay tbi
The asset! will oe antler aanvrm ov "-n
Wrigler eielnolvely, at tbe bnnkii
mid WtM hofMetod by him.- -
.1 AMK9 T. LKrtNAIID m
; 1 lmrv WILLIAM I'uKTBR, '
Clearfield, Pa, Dee.l, 1879-tf.
AC DlTOR'f 90TI-t-v a ,
4 ... a A, I
J. V. Uray ) Ia Common Pleas Court of
, fertua Clearfield county.
i. F. Fi Iliac. J ,i.a,o.6T, Jan.T., ISI.
f Th underaianed, who was tppointed by tbe
Coon, to dlttribato th procard of tht salttf
Defendant s o'sooal property to uoaa wuo may
he entitled to the tain, will attend tn that duty
at bis office in the Masonic building, in the br--
eh of Claarfietd. on TUl KhUAV, Iba tllll
day of MARCH, A. D. Hti, when aud where all
person iaterestea oan attend, n ibj --epriirr,
.( i TQOS. J. MuCLLLOl'OH.
Peb. ttlb, tf" .-Jt.) M
Notice la henhv tien that the Cemmi..
aiwner of Clearfield oeaaty, Pa, at Ibair olura,
wiH rewlte raalr crtpoml a tna ell niatrriai
nt arret and complete a wood.a alalile fn tbe
aoe ef Ibo hbariff, on lat aJlBimn, the .tail, fr"m
Ible date until lbs 17TB DAT O, MAH'JII, M,
wbea the, will enea .aid ana let or re
a. AH ,rosoaele meat be el Mr and defiaile In
avnoaal, aad to Mated In t(ureorwrlliiig. 'I be
-7. n . . .; -i l - T ' -J
now oa file In the Cumrala(iearra effleo, where
all latttoeted oan tall aad alanine lbem.
Attet : i Oommtraiun.n.
Jonn W. Boat, Clerk.'
OemmteiloaerV OSoe, 1 , r
Cletrfitld, Fa., Feb. IS, l0.Ju J
V ,.,.uia
IP 1 llaJ- met.' "1 t itlllli
Jtlnic, the piT'ii
Artiaad aml'M- Inwib
"C tV-a-lir-ail
i i- r..r it. t. uRiiir
tnt't rtiarttwTi iit
eu uiiailie, flMttl Ultml
.hltl 1'lJHlllltl I A,Lt T A .Ul Hint
Siwlr U rfiii,tt t rnniVii 1 nf Mmlf.
(-UiAT-lii;l,, Jliiltt jihiitl JirlMi ii. Md"HU ctll
ent-r at iif tuae. (.f. 911 I n ftretitat
atitt'tw 1'. Hi I A V rtJi-iMtt-tth.
4 at t ' un (1 tt.ft. . !,i.i -v l.r Havrr
A lirata, ibitu m i- vf ,n. 1 e Mnrat a-tk
on Uia tM.'tM- M---e a Iekea,
raiirmi to n
Price, H.tU.. f .
Ftbruswy la, liSUt-.
' 1 'Mr-' . kkfUUtaUVS.
-IN TUB-,,
rpIIAI wall-hnowa an,Hvaltaatewnthebenh
X of the near, la the konath at
Cerweaarlll. Cleerfl.lJ efiant, fe.eer.aied b
Ihe late IlKNJAhllN IIAHTSIIllHN, deed, I
aow onareii ror aale. tt aettelrie atout
Thirteen Acres.
t'piw whUltJti mmtvt fUra awt t.rr tame
Vera ar-v t ea . Iinfl.ti
liiiii TAIILII, and two neoMtwrv ont
aUsjteAMiaif, aad alaa a VLOWINB
tut MAIN of par PHJNf) WATRR. Tht
1 a vary doatfabt property far a private rest
den,v Thapaoaarty toMftertl PatlVATH
naitK, on raaaoaabio toraa. rr tarthar ta
k no at tea ta retetion ta H, eall at th aremlaae,
aroapp! Is UaonjcrFtgaed In prton or by letter.
1 ' ..UtRaalilAL W. SMITIL .
1 T T i l Attoraaf for tba II ait.
1 Cltsrtteld, Pa., Sept. 3d, IITt-U.
Tie Wtits Sewing Macliiie
when rennlrrd
I-'ii iiiru It attended
in 3 oflico, on Hccond fllrflot, or
, . 1. i,
riurc, iuu j imiiuiiui'.
J.A??. Jj. LVjA V 1 ,
' t ' ' ' Cloorficld, Pff.
ana A-auies lioius, an coioit,
car, lrc.H uinnaiu., tuiiuuni. ai
Our Ladies' Skirts are benntifii,
Bn-I 1. 'T It
"IJfii? flrcrtiSftutntjJ.
(.. i week In your own town.
Term and IS
VvV eutnt fn
free. Address H. Ballet A Company,
Portland, Maine. deol7,'fv-ly.
I A I'D II 8AI.K. Thirteen hlvn vjf
lulien Jl,e wLich I will Mil ch.op for
catb. or eiebange fer wheat, e'er farther in.
formation eall oa or edilreaa tbe anderaitned.
J.f. KKAatKK.
Nov 5, 'ID tf. Clearteiol, Pa.
i a a. '" p""" "" "i
I mmistratioo on tbe ettat of JUH.N' P. HILK,
late of Lumber City borough, L tear field county.
Pa., dceoaied, having beau duly granted to the
undersigned, all persons indebted to said ettata
will pleaet make Immediate pavmenL and those
having claima or demands against the same will
! present them properly authenticated for settle
ment without delay. maktm.i a. HiLJi,
' Administrators.
, Lambrr City, I'a , Jan. 28 Ot
Tbe undersiATBcd will tell at private sale all
that traot or paroel of land ei tenia In Decatur
tnwaahip, Clearfield auunty, Pa within a abort
diitanoe of tbe Tyrone A Clearfield R. R., and
ail joining laadt af Hohert Hndton and otoer,
and aaewn a th Jacob B. Uearhart leu Tbe
said tract oontainiag AO aorta more or last, wltb
two Twine of valuable coal thereon, has a boot 10
aoroa cleared, and 1 th key to a large body of
cal about being developed. Will be sold law and
liDttn easy terms. For particular, apply to
. DAVID L. KHKBli. t
I DImrGeld, Pa., July 11, 187A
t I t rT-Hk
Ubbria. Hob. 0. A. MAYER. President
Jurfgt of the Court of Common Pleas of
the Twenty-fifth Judicial District, composed ef
the enuntits of Clearfield, Centre and Clinton
and Hon. Abraw On nit w and Hon. V met fit B.
Holt, Associate Jodgea of Clearfield county
have iftiued their precept, to m directed, forth
holding of a Court of Common Picas, Orphans'
Curt, Court of Quarter he Ions, Court f Oyer
arid Terminer, and Court of General Jail Deliv.
cry, at the Court Hous at CUarfitld, In and forth
county o Clearfield, oramenring on the third
Monday, tho I Am day of March, mio, and
to continue one week.
- NOTICH .H, therefore, htrtby gives, to th
Coroner, Justices of tht Peact, and Constablts,
in and for said county cf Clearfield, to appear In
their proper persona, with their Records, Rolls,
Inquisitions, Bsaminatluns, and other Remem.
branoee, to do those thiagt wbieh to their onsets,
and In their behalf, partem to bt don.
By aa At of Ateeaibly, pasd tho nth dUy of
May, A. D. 114, it ia made tha daty or tho Jue
tices or the Peace of the aeveral counties of this
Commonwealth, to return to the Clerk of tbe
Coail of Quarter loSaleas of th respective
counties, ell the recognisance entered lnt befor
lhn by any persuo or person charged with tha
eommiritita of aay crime, eaex-pt each caar ao
my be ended before a Justice of th Peace, un
der oxlMlng law, at least tna daya before the
tuiiamencement of the session of the Court to
which tb'y are-made ralurBableraapactlTBly.aad ,
In aM eatot where any iwgaiiaBeee are entered
Into lefs than ten dura bcrDre thecommencement
in tne (! n 10 wnicn nicy era maia rttur lia
ble, the aald Jostle ee arw to return tho aamo In
tbo aame manner as If aaid act bad not been
11VE. under my hand at Clearfield, thi lllh
day of rebriiary, in tba year of our Lord, oa
thousand eight hundred and eighty,
febll-te. , JAM Ed MAUAl'F Kk' Sberif. .
Triennial Assessment!
; APPEALS FOR lt80, ,
NOTlCUit hereby glfea that tba Cnmmisstoa.
crs of Clcarlieltl county will meet the ta--'
pavert at tha following named plaoaa, tor tba
p urp of bearing aad determining appeal aa tha
TrieiiBial A'tessmcat fur lhea. lha tia fei
hearing appeals will be between tha boars nf g
ftVlonk A. M. aod 4 fl'eleek P. M. of tank day.
Tb appeal will bo held fur .
; Bell township, at tbe bout of Robert Me
hanVy, oa Monday, Mareh fith.
t.ravnwo.d twwushtp, at the hotel af tfoargo D,
MrCraohtn la Hollviiit, rn Tuesday, Mareh ttth.
Ptootownaa4rt,at M. M. Flvwn'e hotel in
vRli, ea Werdaaaday, March 1Mb.
Bloom tnwaehtp, ot tba elect tea Tinas, ea
Thaiaway, Matwh lllh.
Brady WHIlam oVbwm hotel In
Lutheraborg, on Fiiilay, March 11th.
Krvtidy town hip, tt tha eleetloa hous In
Dul lata, ta HattirUay, Mareh lllh. - ' '
Uatte twwathip, at ibt t let-Own twura In lUc
tonroa MoodaT. March 1Mb.- .
llttte tewnhln,at the puHW hot of JtmM
(Wield la Powtd, on Taiar. Mtr-h lih. '
Oltartteld borough, at tba Onramittienatr' Of
fice ia mud borewgh, en Wedatadey, March 14th.
Lawreacatnwathlp, at Ih Cmmttier' Of
Iraia CiterfloM, on lbartday, Matth JHh. '
Nrttlrt Is alto htrtby given te the AKHKSSORS
of the several horuught and towathips, that they
be p recent with the Board uf Comnitslonera on
tht dny of Appeal, la thtlr rotpettlve distrlcU,
a well as all persons who may feel tbemsclrot
A (fantral Appeal will b held t tha Commit,
siouart' Ofttet, ta HearfleM, an tho 9.1d, tlth
and VAth daya of Marrh ncit, efttr when no
tppaal will bo heard. The Aaat mar are ra
ti ut red to give aarh laaable 0 written or printed :
notice of the kind and emttnt of proportv ho or
abt tt atated, at least five dayt before tb day of 1
Appeal. - CONIlAl W, KYI, EH,
' ; John lioHHiM,
Atteet : Commlsaloatrs.
Johw W. Hon a, CUrh.
CeMnifaiat Orrica. I
CLRABriai,, Pa., Jan. li, ID,