Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 10, 1880, Image 2

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    She gtpuHuan.
Geoeoe B. Goodlandeb, Editor.
Reader, If eon wul to know what la going ob
la thi builnm world, last rood onr advertising
.olomni, too Npttiai ooiumn ia nartlonlnr.
No man worth? tbo iDm of President ihould
bo willing to bold tl If eons tod IB, or nloeod thoro
by ooj fraad. U. a. Obabv.
I ooald noror bare boon reeonellod to tbo ele
TatioB by tbo imollut old of ealneef o pernon,
however rotpoetoblo to private life, who moot
forever oorrv a poo bio brow too olorop of frood
ant iriompbant in Anorieoo hiitorv. No inn
oqaent notion, bowovor moritorloai, oan with
wo; tho lotterl of Ihot rooord.
Coaki.1I Fbibcii Aoam.
I woald rather have tho endoreemontoroquar-
tor of o nillloo of tho Ameriooo people thoo tbot
of tho LoaiiltDO iletnrnini; Board, or of tho Lotn
mluioQ which excluded tho footl ond doeidod
tho quoitton oo a teehnlealitj.
Tbob. A. LUnnniriB.
Lnder tho forml of low Kutherford B. Havel
baa been declared President of tho United Steles.
Hittltlo mil opoa disfranchisement of lowfal
voters, too relso oertmoato. of too retBralBf on
oere noting oorroptjv, ood tho doeifioo of o eon
miision wbioh hoi refused to nearevidenoo of ol
leged fraad. For tho fint tiro, oro tho Ameriooo
pooplo eon fronted with the foot of o fraudulently
elected President. Lot It lot bo aodentood that
tbo froud will bo lilenllv neqaloaeed in by tho
oruvitnurtfirtteir. - -
Addmiii op Dihochatio H. Co.
Ooo buodrod yoon of heroaji depravity boob
mulatod ood eoneentnted ioto o olioiix of orirao.
Never again in fivi hoodred yiari iholl they horo
00 opportunity to rvpeol toe wrong.
LlaniBL W. Voobbbbb.
Kurnilde B r. Chirlei B. Patrick, Hurniide.
Clearneld " 8nllb V. Wilson, Clearfield.
CurweaiT 1 u V. I. Thoropool, Curwenlville.
lloolidale " Patrick Darn, lloutidete.
l.nmbarC'y" Daaiel W. Ilile, Lumber City.
Ncwhnrg " Iiaoe Horkle, Hurd.
N. Weah'n ' Dr. A. D. Bennett, N. Weihtnruo.
Iliceola " R.A. Cimpbell, Oeeeoln Milli.
Willaeeton " leo. W. Emih, Wallaeeton.
Beccaria T'p. David Dear, Ulen Hope.
Hell " John M toil, Ortiod.
llluom " Villi. m Lines, Forest,
" lsaao Beisn, Wnllueolon.
" Daniel II itehens, Woodland.
M Charlei Sohwem, I,athersbnrg.
Burn tide
M Joha Weaver, X. Waihiaetoo.
Chen " Joseph ii. Brelh. N. Waahiuston,
Covington " F. U.Cnudriet, Freoohvilla.
Decatur " Jacob F. fjteiner, l'hillppburg.
Purguson " A. A. Bloom, Alarroa.
Wirsrd " John Newcontb, Glllioghem.
).:ibn " John A. L. Flegul, Lick Hno Willi.
Unborn " C. W. Kylor, Urahatotoo.
tlrrenwood " John A. Rowlel, MarroB.
Uulich ' James Flynn, 8railh'i Milli.
lluiton " H. L. Horning, Poofield.
Jordan Dr. B. A. Crosiwell, Aniooville,
Kirtbiui " Oeorge Ilecieodorn, Halt Lick.
Knox " Conrad Baker, New Millport.
Lawrenoa Clark Brown, Cloarfleld.
Morris " D. II. Warning, Morriadale Minoi.
1'ciin " Martin M. Flvno, Urampian ililli.
I'ike " Hamui-I Addlrtoen, Curwemvillo.
Bandy Julia M. Troiell, Dolloii.
I'nion " Reuben H. Laborde, Rocktoo.
Woodward " Jamea H. Campbell, Iloutidale.
Chairmen, Clearfield, Pa.
W. K. Wallaitb, Secretary, Clearfield.
riF.MocRATirCoMMinr.i Mietino.
Washington, I'a , February 25th, '80.
There will bo a moeting of tho Dem
ocratic State Committee at tho Minion
gahelk Homo, 1'ittnburgh, on Thurs
day, the 18th day of Maroh, 1880, at
II o'clock, I. II., to fix the time and
placo for tho moeting of tho Demo
cratic State Convention.
(iio. W. MiLi eu, Chairman.
years old on tho 8th of this month.
"The good die yonnR."
(iooD. The WanhiiiKton Pout con
soles tho citizons of the Federal Capital
for the loss of the Democratic National
Convention by the reflection that al
though the Contention will not come
to Washington, tbo man who is nomi
nated by it will. That Is the way we
all feel about it.
Compliments. Auditor General
Schcll and Stale Treasurer Noycs have
our thanks for copies of their respec-
tivercports. They are the best attempts
in matter and workmanship ever put
forth in this State. The reports are
just such documents that furnish the
tnx-payor with proper information.
Cheap Johns. Those Hadicals who
nre holding Blaine moeting are play'
ing a bluff gamo, and only want Cam.
eron to see them before the Chicago
Convention. It is understood that Don
is paying cash for tbe "unit." Hence,
the apparent disturbance in the Kadi'
cat ranks in this 811)10, for the sole par
pose to soe who shall rake in the most
cash, or got the promiso of tho best
office under Grant, should he be acci
dently elected. We happen to know
more than one-half of Blaine's "bum
mers" in this State, and we know also
that thoy are cheap, but sharp fellows.
A J.EW XUM(. The readers of the
Philadelphia Frest have no doubt no
ticed thut that journal has been play
ing a new tnne tho past few days on
the Presidential question. Blaineism
nd McPhorsoD are played out. Tbe
stockholders voted Mol'horoon out of
bis editorial chair bocauio be was
booming too much for Blaino, and they
bavo put Charles Smith, one of Cock
ling's Albany Journal men in his place.
He will, no doubt, keep quiet for a
short time, but tbtu tho organ must
boom for Grant and not for Blaine.
How musical to "loyal" ears this tune
must sound. The .Radical waters are
awfully troubled. .
Well Said. tansom,of tbe Indiana
Democrat, say the Pittsburgh Fast is
making a desperato effort to manufac
ture public sentiment for Samuel J.
Tilden. As a natter of course the
gentlemen who take the votes or inter
view Democrats desire to make as
good a report as possible and take good
caro not to go near ITancock or Bay
nry men, or those prefornng other can
didates. Tbe matter must resolve
itself to this if Tilden is re-nominated
tho Democrats Will loss New York,
and possibly tbe Presidency. If some
other good Democrat ii nominated we
will carry New York and sleet t Dem
ocratic President We prefer success
as a party in proierence ta the vindi
cation of Ur. Tildcti. it ore: Mr. Til
den did not bebare right when he was
elected in 1876. ' It was bis own fault
that Hayes ft Co. chested him oat of
hit seat j
This mode of taxation to support tho
Government, butters the broad ol tbo
few ; but It proves a commercial night
mare to the mavy. We begin to look
upon the acts ol Congress imposing
tax of 'JO per eenl on type, and the
same on paper, as a mortgage on In
dustry and intelligence. In fact, it is
a crime, because a potent thing is done
indircolly, (decoptiely, which Is not
good in morals) which should be done
directly. All tariff laws inure to the
btneflt of the ftw, and entails a Ltg
burthen on the many. Koador, just
think for a moment of the enormous
profits raked in by the lew under the
tariff laws of Congress, in the shapo
of and under the guine of revenue
tax, to support the (iovornment. Vet,
all the revenue collected during tho
past year at tho various Torts of tbe
United States, from type and pa
per, willnot pay tho salary of one
Congresituian. Nevertholces, the peo
ple of the United States have paid to
typo-foundurs and paper-makers mill
ions of dollars, which the latter have
spent at tho sea shoro, Vi hito Mountains,
Niagara Falls, juunU to the Pacific
coast, and trips to Europo nice indeed
lorifTnnl .Tnot rftf.r f
wtiut it costs for newspapers, school
books, Bibles, and your letter paper,
by adding 20 per cent, to tbe msnn
faclurer's price. Why does Congress
not endorse blaoksmitbri, carpenters,
and tho laboring man in a similar
way? It tho Government assumes to
stuff and protect a lew of its citir.ens
with Government pap, why not all?
Let us ignore our manhood no longer;
and deny that our Government is a
paternal one, and say that all who are
twenty-one years of ago are froenion
and able to tako care of themselves.
A Suockinq Affair I Tho Altoona
Call is responsible for tho folio
ing: "A pitiful story is telegraphed
from Washington of the wrotched fate
of a clerk in the I'oetoffice Department
who vainly supposed that this admin
istration really intended to do some
thing in tho way of reforming the civil
service. This clerk, whoso uarno is
Morton, devoted some of his spare
thought on reform, and, finding that
there was a ring in the department,
ho wroto the factB to a relative who is
in Congress. The letter was sent to
tho rrosidont, who was very much
shocked, and he forwarded it to Post
master General Key. That official was
also distressingly shockod, but imme
diately sent tho letter to Assistant
Postmaster Genoral Itaien and shock
ed him. llazen called In bis associates,
Tyner and Brady. They were all
shocked. They agreed that. if there
was a ring in tbe Department some
thing ought to bo done about it They
came to the unanimous conclusion that
it was tbe most dreadful thing ever
heard of, and tbe man who found it
out should in some way receive some
intimation of their amireciation of his
work. They have, therefore, had Mr.
Clerk Morton turnod out of his post
lion and have at the same time recov
ered from their collective shock."
Boot's Diamonds. This branch of
trade tolerates its humbugs just as
freely as the nutmeg vendors do their
wooden rivals in that business. An
alysis is easier than synthesis. It is
harder to put together than to take
apart to construct than to destroy.
Any chemiBt can dissect an organic
body, animal or vegetable, and tell its
constituent elements ; but all tbe skill
of tbe whole human race cannot make
one blade of grass. There is the same
difficulty in tho reproduction of Inor-
ganio bodies. Tbe composition of the
diamond has boon known far ages.
Every effort to produce diamonds out
of their component parts baa failed.
MacTcar'a supposed discovery turned
out to be only an illusion. Mr. Uun
nay is now said to be able to obtain
small particles of crystaliiod carbon
They may be of the same nature as
diamonds, but they are not in fact dia
monds after all. lie admits that the
manufacture of thoso gems has not yet
become a practical reality. Alchemy
it not a science, but a dream, and it is
not likuly that it will ever be anything
A liiou-TONXD Radical. It is said
tnat Mr. John C. Now it the only
wealthy Republican loader In Indiana
who gota free rides to Washington and
his hotel bills paid by procuring biro
self to be subpoenaed a a witness on a
subject of which after he hat been in
town long cnongh to get homesick
be confesses hit entire ignorancel It
has a quoer look when a man who re
cently had charge of tho United States
Treasury adopts that sort of a ruse to
got o few eiotloa ww vtf Uma ivuviavcla
of the public fund. In this connection it
is worth noting that Mr. John C. New,
Chairman of tho Indiana Iladieal Com
mittee, is the only prominent Bcpubli
can in bit State who it in favor of
Grant Mr. New't plan lor paying
bis traveling and botol expenses looks
like a section cut from the Grant era
of good stealing. ' , ,
Taking the Watek. An exchange
says: "A good backdown is said to be
better than a bad ttand. This idea
appears to bavo occurred simultaneous
ly to Hayes and Governor Cornoll, of i
New York, who, by a coincidence not
very remarkable, perhaps, but worth
mentioning, respectively withdrew on
the same day the obnoxious nomina
tions of Pincbback for Naval Officer
cf New Orleant and 8mytbe for Insur-
anct Commissioner of New York,
Neither appointment was fit to be
mads In the first place; but, being
madt, tht next best thing was to re
voke them."
JJATBta PaouLua. The editor of
tbe Brookville ItqMicari bat for some
time past bad Grant at its masthead ;
bnt one evening last week the Blaine
men got up a large meeting, elocting
all the Weavers belonging to the Re
publican officers, and passed strong
Blaint resolutions. Tht Grant unit It
not running well in Jefferson county,
and non ttaliat tt more fully than the
RiyMitan Weaver!.
The Altoona S'uii, of the 2d inst,
says that a lot of dirty Chlnnuieo pass
ed through tht city en retire to) the eaxt,
and from present indication Unite
were not the hint batch thai may bo
oxiected. They art making tlieio wuy
over other lines of roar!, howrvcr, as
thoy are constantly arriving ut Kansas
City aud St l.ouie and scattering in
different directions.. A day or two
aincutwocar loads of Celestials reached
Kansas City and took tho Kt. Louis,
Kansas City and Northern railroad for
St Lonlu. , At St. Louis tho company
divided, and some went to Toledo over
the Wabash and atbers tools be'ui
dalia road for tht east., Five hundred
more Cinnamon were expected. They
are to come in the same way that tht
others came. Tbt Chinamen are all
from California, mostly from San Fran
cisco, and ure bound ft New York
city. They came to Omaha over the
Union Pacific, and from Omaha to
Kansas City over tho . Bluffs rued,
There are two causes for the migration.
Tbe principal one is the treatment
they havo received at tho hands of tho
"hoodlums." ,. Tho secpudary cuuse is
the cutting of rates now going on be
tween the Pacitio Mail stoamship com
pany and the Union Pacific Tailwny
ooiiipany. Until recently these organi
zations have been working under an
agreement Tho Kteumship roinnnny
uU h . w. ., mum iuu agreement
and made a rate of its own. The rail
road companies then agreed to carry
those Celestials from San Francisco to
New York for $35 pur head. . . .
Tboeo of or Doeaoorwlio eoatemperariei whw
tremble it the mere mention of a "itrons f overn
mrnt,u abonld fiance back to tho diyi of poor,
oldJinwij buobaoaB, when ItnbeeUity Mtorany
made Btma ngnreot wot. Jto woo of no mora
aooount In the l'realiloatiil chair, than tho Imaoro
of tbo Chioeie -'oih." Any nan with I leimo
of right ead Juitioe, would havo srroeted and
banted the Southern traiton. thereby preroatiag
a long and bloody war, with all 1U attending
herruri. What thloouotry want, Ii a Prell'lcnt
who will fearloeily Okeeulo tbe hawi and protect
the OvBatitutioB. What tbo DetooemU want, tl
a una who will do bo lock thing. -fau'tvaj '
con eye. f
Well now, that's strong f Buchanan
is dead ; but Gon. Grunt is still around
and wants to billet a bordo of crimi
nals, like Belknap, Babcock, etc.,- on
tho tax payers. Had he executed tho
laws according to tho provisions in
inch cases madeand provided, while he
was President, one-half the loaders ol
tho Radical party would still be in the
penitentiary, or exiled. And still you
want him again, while ansumiug that
you ure governed by grand moral
ideas I Could the hypocrite be render
ed more elaborate on this Continent of
freedom? ' "' .'!
A Bi ole Blast. That tho Grant
leaders moan mischief, there can be no
doubt. And to avert another civil
war, all patriots must combine against
thieves and puhlie robbers of the Grant
regime of the former days. A Wash
ington telegram to tho , New , York
World reads this way : , ,j ,
Oeweril drtnt'i epooial tramawteri hare lo tho
Senate Dob CamlroB, Taller and Logan are
making a deiporate effort lo bulldoie aoiae of tbe
mora timid among their Uetnocralie oolleeraef
leBow sobu by lows aiewraawoo of tho amparav
tiooi made sad to bo Biade Wr aaaliog lliaaral
Oraot uext year in the Preiiileotial oftWwhothor
or bo." Dob Camorow Intailly wont fro far as to
Baeara b BoatherB Senator that ka held in hi
hand a faroo of lOV.OSO man frooi PenaiyleaBie
who woold bo marebed to Waebinartoo "to iBinect
tbo electoral ooont." Logaa and'Tellor are ten
peeiSa, sol ffeiliog oo Bare perhnni of the fond a
...k. j H H.v.v MMnuigt'uii no .ameroB
dooo. fiat thii ii tho mrt of thing wbiipered day
after day k) tbe United Btatot Senate !
' For superlative impudence wo never
read anything to exceed this. Area
majority of the voters in the Republi
can party knaves, or slaves? That is
the question. '
Pebiian So. The New Haven Rem
itter calls attention to the fact that the
country has just entored the fourth
year of Mr. Tildou's Presidential term,
Who knows but that the old gentle
man may tend Hi a bill for the entire
four years salary $200,000 ? That
would fill good many barrels with
"cartwheel dollars" at sixteen to tbt
pound. To bt tort Mr. Tilden has not
actually served ati President, but' he
will, no doubt, rely upon his equity
principle that "what ought to have
been done is to be considered at hav
ing been done." In reference to Mr.
Tilden's further aspirations. The Phil-
adolphia Record Is inclined to favor tbo
an ti second-term doctrine advocated by
Uonry Clay aad tmblaxoned upon
tbe old Whig banners.' Mi. Tilder.
should be content with a singlo term,
nearly a whole year of which remains
to be filled out 1 ., , .
It if laferred froi
tbo iharp growb) of the
tore, I
BoorboB organs that th
rant that they to not love, bnt fear.
little Joea Oeaene," the ReBuMMaa Stale Ckair-
rfiliomtpert faifano.
That's so I Hii bold attempt to rob
the United States Treasury ol four
hundred and Jlflg thousand dollars. In
the natno of Chorpenning, while a Con
grosaman, shows conclusively, that he
hat no eonecienoe, nor any regard for
an outb. We have a right to fear such
men. More than this, (Ion. Camoron
purchased him for cosh in '63, and owns
him now just at absolutely at he doos
tho span of mules on hi liocbiel farm.
A man without a conscience and tbe
property of another equally corrupt is
uu to bv feared I Trny, Driganai arc
gentlemen compared to suuh fellows ;
because thoy only plunder tbe private
citizen on the highway, while Cottons
k Co. plunder the people and (iororn-
meftt - -
Hteikins roa Blaire. Tht editor
of the Bsllefonte Republican is sendlhg
oaf Columns of matter advocating ihe
nomination of . Blaine, although the
Radical State Convention instructed
for Grant Here It one paragraph of
bit last effusion, from Col. IngcrsiiTI :
Like as armed warrler. like a nlansed knla-ht,
Jenael O. Blaino marehod down tho halla of the
Amorieoa Oeaaraee aad threw hii ratal at Una
foil aad ralr aotalaat toe braees mrohoado af too
dofamen af hie oonntry and the mallgnere of hla
noser, for tbo Ropoblleaa party to doaerttbti
5 el lent leader bow he ae ibawgb aw army obobIS
eoert their Oosaral apoa the Sold of battle.
This m pretty, and romantlo too.
Blaint never took up arms, although
ha had an opportunity for four long
years; he refused to bceomeaVplumod
knight" ior fear of being shot. More:
lie never threw a lanot at any one,
and nevor will except through a ftub-
stlwte. ' " ' 11 ' -
Cheap Slaves. TbeC'bambrrwburjr
Hpirit remarks! "Tht mildness of the
protests ol the New York Blaine men Is
only ezcoodod by the summary smiles
of tbe anti-Grant men ef this State.
They ail admit that Camoroa and
Conklihg are political despot and ene
mies of honest End decent government,
but anything it better than a Demo
crat They isd it pleatanter to ait lo
the 11th of tbe valley of servility than
to ooms p End get the f ore sir of the
mountain of freedom"'
Yen, thero aro quite a number ol
pursuits in America who are clamoring
for a strung government -.They pro
ier Doitjiotism to it Republic, because
they deem (liu latter nnimt'e. A glance
of what is bow truimpiiing in Rnwia,
the strongest. govorimciit in tho world,
should satisfy the mtwt refined skeptio.
A cablu telegram Buys :
Paeis, March 5 Tho "irreconcila
ble" journals publish what purports to
be a inunil'otilo of the Kmuiiun ituvcilu-
tionary Kxoculivo Committee, justify
ing the plot against tho lil'o of tho, wlnelt resulted lu tue explosion
n the Winter Palace at bt, I'dtertQur.
Tbe manifesto expresses regret at the
duatli of vltu uuloitUiwUetuiiJiet'aiuoliu
puluce, hut declares that such catas
trophes are inevitable so lonjr as the
army is the bulwark oiiinperial autoc
racy. It rmys that' tho revolution is
forced on Russia hy the (iovorr.ment'B
repression of intellectual development,
and that the rilrngirlu must continuo
until the ('ear abdicates or grants ft
Constitution, and it declares: "Wo will
triumph at all costs." ''
Again a Cotemporury remark? :
"All tho hatred that was eon Hod on
the C'sar, uow finds its uaturul fucus
on the man whom Alexander has,
practically, put into but pluco. It is
tlie system, uoi iue man, linn is uo
tested. It cannot bo duolutl that as
sassins deserve death, but there is no
good grouud for a beliuf that the ex
ecution of these miserable tools of
Nihilism will eradicate thutastoclution,
or change its purposes, it will be sato
l(eternlj'urg for a .Ioiig tiiue to come.
There is evident sympathy botwoen
the upper classes, who demund a con
stitution and tbe Nihilists whose pan
acea is Communism. It is doubtful if
uny possible measure of reform would
restore tranquility and order. The
outlook is gloomy enough from any
point of viow." i . :..-.
The Camei-ons ami Conklings are
lending tho American people to juat
such a political leant' 1'Ut we aro
satisfied that the Kr'11 msjority of
votes are against "their treasonable
purposes, and therein lies their defeat.
Straws RTrtAnnSD. Two promi
nent Grunt men in Pennsylvania wero
stranded on Tuesday of last week, via :
Col. Chariee Thompson Jonos, who
wus a randidalo for re-election to
Councils from the Twenty-third Ward,
(Manayunk) Philadelphia, and ox Con
grcsainau C. W. Gillillan, ol Franklin,
Yonango county, who sought tho votes
of his follow-citiwns in his candidacy
for School Director. In Col. Jones'
Ward tho .Republican, majority is quito
large, but when ha announced himself
as a Grant candidate, sufficient of hit
party friends voted for the other man
to strand him biuh and dry. At the
lute Republican Suite Convention Mr
Gillillan was named as Presidential
Elector for tho Twenty-seventh Pis
trict. lie, too, was for Grant That
determined tho independent voluis of
Franklin, and instead of having tho
usual party majority of seventy, he is
buried nmfor eighty-eight of a minori
ty. ' And tho other fellow Is tl Demo
crat. Next! I'ittabsryh Mewd.
" -v . ... . .
, j .finwia owrt te- i w mvmv b.ui. uw
the 19tb f May tbe lvcpablintns ofi
J "
Illinois will hold tlioir Stale f'oiiVen
tion,:!ih which' Mr. T.ognn will essay
the role cContly enuctctl liy Messrs.
Cumerou uuil CoulilinK iu tkoir n-spee-
tivo DaiuwioKS. ADere is lively com
petition for the Iindiciil nomination for
(iorcrnrrr of that r5tate, the entries al
ready constituting a field of twenty or
more. The tlnoo Kadical shepherds
just drive tbeir flocks wherever thoy
want to pastnro them, like so mnny
sheep. The Radical votcro In the throe
greatost States In tho Union arc as ab
jectly ruled by those tlirco "bloody
shirt'' patriots, as though they were
The Trve (tospil. The Washing
ton Post, In alluding to current events,
remarks ; If anybody is idiotic onough
to suppose for a moment that (iruot
can force hit way into, the Wbito
House with nu better title than tho
present Occupant possesses ho ought
to at onco bo provided with quarters
in seme hospital lor iuourublos. When
Gon. (rrant mounts to a tbront it Will
bt ovor the bodies (it many thousand
freemen wbn still believe that human
liberty and human rights are as well
worth fighting lor at thry were in
1778. -
The annual report of tho Pennsyl
vania Jlallroatl Company has just been
published ami shows tbo nut earnings
(or tbe past pear to have been 12,722,
780, an inoroaso of t3,06,fl51. Tbe
company will spend this yoar $1,500,.
000 upon construction, equipment nnd
real estate. After complimenting the
cmployos for their fidelity and elllcicn
oy in the lint of duty, the company
assures them that a general IncrcaHO
01 their wages will bo made to lake
effect not later than tho first of1 April.
1 t ,
One Man Short on due Sihe.-t-.V
tie vote was rant for 1). W. Holt, lem
oorut, and O. B. Hlmlnr, Repuhlimn, for
burgess of Phllipshurg, Centre coanty.
Tbe coulcst. was decided by lot, the
Kadical candidate eviuiii"u Wbonever
a Democrat is oompcllud to ((amble
with a Radical fbr an offlcc, ho Is stir
to Ioto ; becauso our friends aro not
export cuough iu tho ways that are
dark and tht trioka that are vain,
Fraud ia not a part of tht Domot ratio
catceMsm.'"'"1 ' " "'. ." '. r , "
i BftAuroBB Oil Hons. Tho Oil City
Dttric, tn its numutary of operations
In tbo northern field during tbe ninntb
of rbrary, shows that during tbo
month 27J wells were completer! with
a daily production of 7,711 barrels,
against 242 in January, producing 6,
22H barrels. : On tbt last day of Feb
ruary, 578 rigs wore up aud 4R0 wells
drilling against 445 rigs and 450 wells
al tht close of January. . ,. t , , ,
: A Bittse I'nx There It a follow
in New York who oaet a lath as ef
fectively, and with as sovore a "ting as
that of oul" Cameron whip.' Jht lo-
publican soldier tiomlilot n hou Conk-,
ling's name it told, 1'oor slavct they
cannot keep them sol voa, or proclaim
that they are freemen.'1 An African
under similar circumstance! might de
clare his freedom, but Ibt white fellow
darSAVOa. v'.i .nloe jr , . -t i i nl t, il ,.
C r, , ,)' lit l.'II.H JU-I.I I , , I I
. "(etxHw) tqe Be)Da"o-V tinti oo
that Jsdgw Black' artidt againot the
third term, publisher) in this paper last
week, hat boon republished in tbo Chi
sago Tribune, Cinetonati Commirtinl,
and other able and Influential KepublU
can Journals that fere "opposed to im
perialism and the, "fnan on tot-scbsck,'1;
Vain to Pheacii a Lie. Tho -New
York iS'tinttfi Mercury says: "The
wholo olijoct of the premeditated at
tempt fo re-elect Grant to a place for
which he Is confessedly unfit by edu
cation, instinct, and habit, Is to revo
lutionize our form of Government
ami . make the pooplo the subjects
of a one-man power at Washing
ton. It is vniu to tell the anti-third-term
Germans, who met ut Cooper In
stitute ami ut Rochester, that our
futhers mount ronsooutivo turinriaiid
not a third term interrupted by the
accession of another President than
Ucnerul Grant: , It is Tin to preach
tins ho to the American people ut
lurgsw They am averse) to auy Preai-.
dent holding tho Executive office for
threo terms, whether consecutive or
not. The principle is the samo, the
danger Ike sitinoi and tfaey know that
uothing short of unholy ambition ran
impel any man tc seek: nr accept a
third term."
A bride may wear a very plainly
nmilo dross ut her wedding, but she
wants to have it pulled ill the paper.
jlm gidvfrtisrmfiits:
f OOO III'MIF.U'.-.UrorK Weaver t Co.
ti. went Are tbouiind buihela of OATS, now,
anr will pay eaeh or prixtuoe. ,
ClearlialJ, Pa., Aug. It, l; tf. '
5,000 Rail Road Ties.
Cnrweurlllo, Pa. Jan. t, '7t-lf. ,
f "ho oo-rilrtRer'bip heretofore ejirting be
teeen the oaclereieaed IB Ike practice of law.wai
dlieolred by Mutual ciiaient on tbe 4th ilay of
March, ICKU. . . r HANK I'lKI.HINQ,
WM. I) UlUI.Kil,
ClearfoU, Pa., March 10, IMSI tl. I AMII POD ALK.In lluiton
Bed Pmetfiwnnhiur.CleirfirM county. Wjf,
Koaionibto time liven for part of purcheee
money. Prlooe t6.uu to Ho.flo p,r acro.L
Hineraii roaerrcu, ' l. iilllD, Airent,
I'-i.fnid, i'a.
orWALt.ArR a KRr.nM,
repL 10, 1"7 tt Clearteld, Pa,
rpm Ti:l:'H NoTK K.H nn lenifood
X Truetee of Menri. Metlirlc A lerk, of
rbUlriikorg, Pa., hereby jri roa notice to all intcr-
eited, that be will tie hit amount In tbe Court of
Common 1'leaa at the approaching March Term
'o be held at Clear'eld, fa., on the -VI Monday,
Huron 1Mb. JAStKrl T..I.KONAKD,
Clearteld, Pa., Pen. ii, Trwlloe.
$400 for $250 I
rpilB ucdenlKiied will tt-H m Lot with a oo-w
X HUrtf nr! ulhtr mat tmlMlrir- thprron rirtpil
Tor 2Cs w.,rth lltiU. fellMte in Knot Olfirdctd.
- , .. 1. IlKILbKUN,
Vrlcl hlvtftt Cloulikld, Pe,.
J denary 21, 110-If,
STRAY BiOTIfK.-LotftriTMon thn
7th dn nf Fobrunrr, 1HI), ft CUW,fthu.
fn janrt old. with wtiitc nnd ml vpoti na tbi
bend, nlonf the ilf and bind prt; tbr h-m
ut well it and (trull? rund ; tiol n try lr(c
enwsB-tbnut aniddin iici and nil red nnd white.
Ao? ptrton knuwinf vf her wfaembouti, and
britj,')ng hr to ma ml Biinaville, opo'it tha
ltrHnir Con) Worhi.nrar Jlcu(nl1e, Cle.rflel.i
county, or ' ml in it wurd nhr alio enn b had, T
will ha verj nlit.ns.fnl, hpnJet will pay tbtiB for
their tiu'f and tioublr. Addrrp,
Hootirliwri'. Clwdeld Oo., P.
' Marob IS, laeO-HL
CI AI TIOX. AH pariMM ut hareb warnvd
J ijinlnf. fitirfihaninnor in nnj wuy nii'idling
wilh the foiluwlnc Ofmiatl fmjiertr, now in
" aMion f Lewi Laoonle, of Covin n inn town
rtip. vii : A full fl af vaicoomaltar'a nm) oabt
Mtmihrr'i tt"l, ana griDl.-wm), vua taroll
i n !nl nf ftimilnra, n lnt of bnrdar, two phint,
, a lottif wrntharhonrdi, a lot of hftfd lunik, twa
i ""' ' "mJ " r'"i w sural 01 p'trm, tn
ftta av inn uiPiifiiR, nBf aupOokri. nnd dutkoa ,
' l"'"; '" one table, throe
itendr, ona parlor l"Te, one bOreeu, iwd d
and licldinK, and one double-barreled fan. Tbo
foregoing property wal purcbaaed by me at boor
ul rale on the 20th dey or robruary, Infill, and
ia allowed to remaio lo tbe poieeeeiow of rati
!.cwla Leeonto oa loaa only, inbjeet to my order
at any time. KKANels Lltluev.
L,eont'i Milli, Pa., March Irth, lB'0-lt.
1 an application wlU bo made gndor tbo Act
ol Auetobly of llw Commonwealth of i'lnnrylvo
Bia, entitled "An Act to Prorido for the Incorpo
ration nnd Regulation of oertaln Corporetloar,"
approred April III, 1874, and the lapplenaenll
ibereto, for tho Charier of n intended oorporB
ItOB to be celled the
Tbo ehirter nnd object of whl (t Ii to purehnet or
leaaoooal landl, to owen nod work tho lame, to
ml no, q.nrry, ihlp, traniporl nnd b.y and oell
eoal ; and for three purporei to bare, pooeene and
enjoy all Ihe riehtr, benrfitr and pririlefee of tbe
aid Act of Ai.embly. IIKKKV CTKUBV,
i ... Solicitor,
e. ?U Vl'alBKt St, Phlladalphin.
Mir. 10, 1.UO-at. i ... ,
Hernial Classical M !
Seriloa will lotameooe APRIL 1STH, IsaO, and
seBtinne thlruon wroka. .
Tuixlbx ' '
Ontnmon Knglljb nrftnohf v ,.$. 00
HiUhar KnfftUh nnd Olaai.c 0.00
Boarding nan bn had nt IHn t2.M to ? 6fl fir
jUJFur Circular! oontainlni fnrtfiar inform
tian, nnplj to the Frinriual nt Kvkrtown, rn.
Kfr. K. V. fuKKSMAV,
O. W. KMIOU, Aruutniit. ,
Kyletttiwn. Pa,, March Z, WM-U, ,.,
, M'ttELti TOfr.vsnif.
Bitunie on thnLankof tbaHaiwitFhnnaa
rar, in iioll tnwnbip. Clanrflald eouati.
l'n-B nnntnlolnt 163 At'UKS, with nbout 7ft nerai
cleartd nnd in n flood atata of enltl? ntlen, hnvlng
tnareon nrantad n laria Iwn-itarr ptnnk konna.
wn4l flniihMi, n larga f lank barn, Juifc new. nnd
fttnar nMfftiarT oottuHninrt,
AJ0. I. Orsnulninn 101 ACRKS.aboot i$ nma
1 1 alanmd, tbn linn well tifabarrd with
haanlork, Ac, and baring thereon rtwtrd n lug
bouse, log barn, and olhr nuthiilldinK I with
in one half mil of tbt rivr. tH la nntunlly
rd nnd prndurtif t. i
Tha nbova fartni nil. ba Mid ohnp, nod on
rtaitmaMa Termt. roiciMon rirrn April lot.
If. V. w ILbdtN,
, i Real Estate! '
BY vlrtnn of an order Itaard oat of tbe Orphan.1
Ownrt nf CtarM f onntT, P., tha undr
nittrvwl AdaatniltraUm af tfaa aatatn nf ARTHUR
RltEbK, lata of Lawrence tawnehlp, io naid
eDty, dwwed, will aatl nt Pahlia 8le, nt tha
Onnrt How, in tha boronRb -rf Cienrfl Id, on
Friday, April 2t!( I8S0.
At two o'clock P. U , that (Jtitvbl Urm nnd
ananenUnd, ailnnta In aaid townnhip, bonnded
ind dtMribni na Mtftwe? Hftlanirf nt n nnut at
corner a. Itwnnf tiaorpr Bntlari than nnrlh Ive
drena waat 12 pnrrha Ut n rod mk then
north 34 dngrcra 40 perobri to a httnlnflk
near the hnnh nf 0 taertMd ertk. nnd near tnnntb
of ran i tiienea tanih II dngraaa wait 41 arbaa
to nwbit oak nenr thn Ciearfleld nrnak td ;
tbfncn north PI degree weat 47 perobM Ut n
mat In linn nf lane ; throra ninth by landa of
Hnmoal Tnle'a hnfra 47 oVgraaa ant II T Mrtvhei
to n dnnd hamloek flH bf Ike nda of tht pabtic
man ieniing trom win, a. nead'a lawtnill to Amoi
Rnnd'a Mnokimitk abon ; thenre by Innda nf A. 0
Tata, tbt nonren nf aid road beiapf Inntb, M
dagroan onai at parfh tn n noit, orniton In aaid
riad on lion of the Pftr Martia tnwt; tbanoa
nrlh 6 dfgtTwrt et 334 T-U jaTche lo fine
ami allonw, Tblw la nf th bnfl hnprnod
fama tn tbt nonnty, HIiHlTY ACKKA wa
. aUnrad, fanned, nnd awdtr gntd
l7bl-'. ftaU of flulliratttn, htrinthrr
fl-Tifrf rrt" ""H TWO iTOItr
fc'jyMHorHR, nnd a large BANK
"HARN, toftthar with naprtng
knar, eora-erib, nnd tbn naftiMrr nut-
iMilldiugi. m well na a large err hard nf-vt
frail tree nf nil klr.o( and trail aftVflK
illant wnter. ,
-, Trrm nvnnf i mruiUlontt :
Uaa third af tka pareha aoanranat b-a fialtj
on nonflrmntioB tf atla. nnd iba kalnnaa la to
nnnnl an Dual pnyntnta. nerired by bond and
fjortgag na tbe pmnilana. far rnrihw tafwrma
Uta iandira aa thn pfeaiaan, or ef J H . iabry rar,
at Clear Held, or tiiU Kotkftw. fhllirtbnrr.
, jOtlfr .l.nrHAfVBR,
'- AdAhyilrwlon.
draifliid,!., Marvn 10, . . ,
ilnc drrrttsrmfntj.
AI'OITOH'H NOTK IC Id tht Court of
CuunoB I'ltsvi uf Cloawfirli cuualj. Fi- F.
Nu. Jrb. ir, IkOtO. Julin BruUktr vi. L. t.
KeDYOQ. ' " v
Tbt UDderaifMd Am'Mvr, tMIlitid Xf Oil
Oiiurl to ditlriwHi't ikr prwovtMia unioft (rUI
SharilT'i uf defrid4n(' pcrioltal prupwly,
hrrobT octk ! ho will Uend to ttt
dutlti uf hii Bi'pointruat tt hii uIBp in Crr--eld.
on I-HI MY. MAH:il 12X11. 1H0,t on
o'okek P. M , wlinvABd phnm mil ptvrtir uU
td nv KtiroJ. J V. ML'kKNKH'K,
(Jlfirheld, I'.. Mr. I, 'M-tt. AndtO.r.
A NV putlci In teed of 1 1: Mill trbrrlr
i. tnlArnK-d that I Will t 1 lieio ftO M fwd I
tw haw. Utcro'i lilooka, t j
UeltluR, itnl nil tha othtr fliturei Id good order.
Fur Initbnr UifornmUon. addrwi -
OrMdU Ml 'If, Clwrdfld Cu., I'
reh , H8.f. '
. , y'-in-tfi ""' n.
Mercantile;, A ppraisciiicnt.
TUK Tindori of Voroiia and liemeet.o Mer
cbandiee, Itlottllerr, firewera, Dre ten, So.
IB Clearfield etmnty, will take notice that tbey
aro appraieed and olaiied hy tha underelsned
Appraiser of Morebaadiee aad other lieewee uxoa,
for the year Itif-U, ai lollowi ;.
clau. ' llumilde llorougtl. rax.
14 Ilorace Patrbin.grn'l merohaiidlM..... 7 00
14 Jachinn Patehin, Ren'l nidae...., T OS
14 John V, Conor, gen 'I lidre... ....... J SO
14 Prvwell A Conner, Urus....n.M.H.-RM 7 OS
Clearlield ttorouiflu (. ;
14 J. A. Sladler, bakery t oonfoctloBery.. 7 00
II W. J. ll"fler, general mercbandiie , III 00
13 0. C. T. W. Moore, hooti A ihoci.... IS (
14 P. A. O.ulln, ...tioo.ry ......... .. t (Hi
lit U. A. Krtvtter. dry gtwda
. 1 tl
11 i 9: l-torWr .-vy-ai-donr,
18 Hirliug A Knuk, eltlhing...h
14 Alx. VVttm, Ubaoo A nitfasa M
14 Ij. (ulntlmrg, nlfthiiig
14 II. Ltviogftun, eonfactifinery
11. LiringEtun,httHardfl,2 tnhlai
W. C. I'oMoa, blUiardt. 1 labia .
' R. K. Hfaaw, hillinrdt. 1 table
. r o
. 10 so
- 7 "0
7 00
7 00
40 00
...... so so
.10 Oil
..... IS 00
....... to 00
....... tl M
II Jnhn Mciaurhey, groceriaa...
II Wm PewHI, hardware
T. A. Plank A Jo.iJt eoda.
14 h. 1. Boydnr, jewnlry ,
14 E. W. Orhm(drugi.,..w
4 R W. 0 rah am, patent medicinal
10 H. Moaaop, gn'l vernhnndiae
14 Jtiba A. Muuk. tobnoao and rigara
14 f. H Crdnn A Uro., agr'l in.iiom'uM
14 0. D. Watiun, drogR
4 U. D. Wataol, patent tnediofflae.. ,i
14 JUrt.augbny A iSbowera, hoota A ihoctU
14 Hurt. wick. A Jrwio. drngjt .......
4 HartEwlck A Irwin, pat. mHHuei
14 J. L. Learr, atom and ttbwara
I 0l
7 00
J no
JO oo
r no
7 SO
7 Of)
7 SO
7 ou
r so
9 Ueu. Weaver A Co., geo'i dat.... I'- 0
8 C. Leipoidt, brewery m H.,W,H. I Ot)
8 Theodora J..II, brewery - 1ft 00
14 M. R. linrp, anwfng machinal T 60
14 Harry ttnydrr tobaoeo and elgaraM.. T wO
14 1. Uejtbrua, variety atom T 00
14 W. D. Mi-Kay, aening niaobiuea 7 00
Curwciiavllle Hktrough.
II &. ArooU, general merchaniita.. 13 -n
14 D. Pant, grnttral tnerrhandiM T 00
It P. K, trpreokel. dry gooda 11 60
IK Korahaugb A Noma, gmcerina ... IO 00
14 Watt II. TbtiQjpaoo, grcrie. 7 00
14 Annie M. Inin, geni-rnl mert-handiat ., T 00
14 Jar oh tiilatr, harJnare..... T t-0
13 Abrain liatea, hardware 10 On
14 A. M. Kirk, jfwclrr T
14 W. A. Dale, Rroceria -. T 00
14 J. K. Irwin, drugt 7 00
4 J. R. Irwin, patent medieioae ft U0
14 Ptei.beD (Iratf, o-nr.ctiineriea.,..w 7 fO
arei.hen UrafJ. billiirda. 1 taMe SO CO
CurweoiYtil Uank 30 00
13 llfrtnaa Hmtpt, general mdiw 10 00
13 J. O. Wright, get, art! tnorchitDiiue..., It) 00
II H. w. fpmoer, gcnrral tneranandiM..., ii
II J. R. Altar, tobnue nnd eon feel Inn ery. 7 00
llautidale Bin-onph.
II l.'nina Hardware Co , hardware e. Ik 00
II C. W. Van buaa, geo'i aaerebanditt... 7 W
14 C. W, Van Duron, bouts aud aboaa 7 01
10 P. Marlght A Co., gen'l la i.e v.. 20 00
11 R. K. 9haw. gan'l menhan ta..t.. It) 00
14 J, W. ..bead., druge 7 00
It Ji H. Puretuan, ouulecUonariaaM.m. 7 00
14 Htfpkrn ('Htilin, grocerieo - 7 00
U M. A I M. l.ang. gfn'l mdae 10 On
14 A. B. Aahttn, gnoeiy A ooafeoiloaBry. 7 00
14 J. K. ArnuJJ, itaUwnery M.M. 7 00
II Andrew (i Ir&aun, grn'l ndaa , lo 0t
II W, J. riharbaiigii, druga 7 OO
14 M. Mayor, anuair.M..w. ........... 7 00
14 U. Chnrtlon, fauuvo 7 Otl
14 1'etar Caoicron, jr., gioceriaa..... 7 00
14 P. T"dd. drng 7 00
14 W. V. taattlort, not lain 7 00
14 U. lle-ttu-ty, bakery A aafctinary.,. 7 0
13 fetar M'iran, wholeeaJv Itauur dealar... S5 00
14 Lrrtin Omnnr, groerriei 7 00
14 R. B. tlratn, general aiatvhandUt. 7 04
.umber City llornugti.
11 Dyef A Co Ii roth, gtn'l nidaa 10 00
14 I). L. Ptrgoaon, gen'l iadw...M 7 00
Newbury Borouglu
14 Win. Hunter, genaral naarcharidiM 7 00
New S at Mil ((ton llorauclu
17 J. R. MoMurray, gen l ndie H 13 bi
14 N. K. Arnold, gen'l tnerrhandiit 7 00
4 It. B. Arnold, patent twedieinee - ft 00
(tea tola Bortugh.
14 J. R. Browa.e'tnfeattanary M t 00
1J W. ii. kelley, gaaeral marohandiao..... 10 00
11 T. C lleimi, general merebandtae..... 1ft 00
15 Krania Brother, grooerioa..., 10 00
Cittaenar Bank 1ft Ott
14 .Miehaal Urtflayi ftrooariaa....... 7 00
14 W. 8. Weill, italioaery A conIaci'ici.H 7 00
If T. Hlrnh, general march and tie II &0
11 Henry Mveright 1ft 0
14 11. P, IU Blaady. daga.t....M i t
MaUacatoia Baraug;!.. - it,
14 V. t). geaaral BarohandiM.....M. .1 00
i llar.arU Ton aahlBw
14 N utter. Komier A On-, gan'l aidaa 7 09
14 Max Prick A Co., grn l mdia.. 7 00
14 Jnha 0. Oatei, gnn'l odea T 00
Mum aide Townahlp
14 Aamn Tatebtn, gn1 ndn '..'..,.',1 T 00
' Brady Townahlp.
14 J. ftwylwr A Ron, gttil daa..',i.A., ...... t t
14 1. Uvwtilaadar, gea'injdat,... 7 00
14 Woora A Hamilton, gen 1 mdae..H 7 00
14 (1. fl. Knarr, booti and ibeei 7 6fl
14 6. Knarr, gromriei w 7 00
14 J. II. Bdingar, hardware f 00
U J, W. Carliaia, Agent, gen'l ndit 7
14 I.. B. Carliila, gun'l aidaa T 00
Bell Tow nihil.
14 McOea A Co., gen'l mdaa , 7 00
; BradAird Townahlp.
14 P Corley, groeral ndit 7 00
11 I. V. tirny A Oo., geaeral aadtt 10 00
14 niatleabergor A Uo., drug! ... 7 00
13 Aaxoa Paten, dry gwdi....... ............. 10 00
Cheat Townahlp
14 J. R- McKee, gen'l in d 7 00
14 K. B. Camp A Soar, gen'l tndie 7 00
t'ovlnfrtou Townahlp
14 Prineli Lelgrr, gmeral mdiif 7 It
U L.U.Coodrtat. general radie-..... 10 00
v . Uaratwr Townahlp.
14 M.UnACo., (twoaralmlaa M 7 00
' ' '.Irani Town an. I p. -
14 W.A Oinilaod A Co, lmgi... 7 M
i.raham Tuwnahlp.
14 T. JI. Ftroat A to Rw&aral aidaa. 7 M
. . ,: - Gwllrti Townahlf). .
II P. A A. Plyan, general ndat ...... 1ft OA
14 t. A Prltleaux. general aodae 7 00
14 l. R. Bimry, geaaral mdia ... 7 On
14 If. AllMnnn.geotral andn T 00
Mwaton TDWiuhlp '
11 C. II. rrTllr gvnaral adae 10 00
11 t'karira Robaaker. gnntral ndia.....o 10 00
14 A. llornL&g,irn bartlwara....n....H.w. 7 00
H ('tea. IM.or.Kr.1 ' 10 an
14 KmWi Raitth, druga M 7 00
. i ' Jordna TownaMp. '
14 W.T. Parryi rnral Bdai f 00
. . ii ; Knot Townahlp. " -14
Joarpk krhard, gwaaral aidM.....ti.... T 01
:: J i' Karthaaa Tawnahlp. i
14 O. yirtiat. rtfsraJ merokaa dim 7 Of
14 (i.llilad A l eibera. gno'l B.daa...t' 7 M
. , Lnwrwuea Tawiahlp
14 (1. . Celkaria, greeriMw..N...M ? Ml
1, 1 Morris TswbbbIb.
K. B. Wifton, tmeral inj...,.. ii M
14 Peter M'tver, seoeral milar T 01
14 Leonard Kjler, Reneral rndor,... T M
14 jooil Mobo, leaanal r OS
. Fens TownatiJs. ,
14 W. A. aloe re, jtreeeriea t ao.roo'rl. T nt
14 McDonal'l A Spencer, ten'l m Im H ? SO
. Handy Towniblp.
14 C. t. Team 4 Bro., teneral ndae..,.,,. 7 00
14 John Ooetvear, seneral aoio... f OS
14 Trolel t KUta, soBerftl n)d( 7 SO
14 T. II. Simon, groo.riee.w.m.....M.w 7 01)
II P. fl. Weber t Co , eenerol tn4e.... lo 00
t John DuDnte, jreBeral radla 6ft 00
W.L. MokoleaB. klHIarta, . tablai 4S SO
E. T. Keller, billiarila, 1 U.l..,,.. It tfl
(. M. Komi, .illiardr, I telilel. 411 00
John H. Here, nilhanflt, I tablre..., , 40 00
14 Hoary Pent., faroatnr. ....... a. .......... f St
It Ball, Valae, ren'l il-e......i It OS
15 H.odT Llrk nai.Ouaia Coke Co., mdw 10 00
14 Wm. M. Mriilloneit, gmeetlM r 7 00
14 Lewi. E.lnlor, trooarion,.,...,,.. f OS
14 Walk A Ueilbrna, (aitrai BidM.,h.., 7 M
14 i. S. Kaae, tlrugi . .... m,mm. T 00
14 Drier t Hro., hardware.. M 7 00
14 M. B. AkialaT, train ..... f 00
II Len( a Uraoe, karO we re,.... .,.,.,... It 00
14 tlorna tctiwetn, oonfectiOBer7HMHUf.. t 00
"' Ifalaa Tuwuitalp,
14 i. F.J Ier 4 Son, (en.ral ejd.... I to
,' ' WtodiiBrol Towaihlp.
14 Jarnaa Corftele, general tndie ,
14 Jamea Lnwtber 0... oeBerel widi,.,.H
t 00
t M
10 N. Llterilbl t Co4 seoeral Bldea... JO ts
14 Mra. B. i. neoeadlnser, aaa'l at.ri,. 7 so
S WMtenead k Oo., general rod. MM OS 00
10 Frank t On., geneml rode. aH ft lit
14 J. 0. teaaoart a Ub., BoalMtlMeortoo... 7 to
Take bMIoi, aH wko aro eoa earned is tklo ns
nratienieBt, taal aa avp..! will be kedii B4 tha
Cottnininnerl' Offleo, IB Cle.rfleld, oa Fridee,
APIUL iti, IMS, betwealB.kowwof It.'ohMk
A. M, and 4 P.M., what aad .ken gnat raar
allead If 700 (blnlt rr"nor.
- Jirnrr uninit, - .
' ' n MeraaBIUo Aspratear . .
J)loomlntn, Pa., Mnrcb 10 lbStU4. .... .
w; rtrfftisfmfnts. !
Prices of Shingles.
CurwenirUlt, Jaa. 9, '7B-U.
1 ) Y virtue of an order of tho Orphan' Court of
1 ClaarArld oounly, tha nndemgnrd, Adtuin
iftrator of the Kittle of I). A. CATllt'ART, late
of Knoi townvbtp, OlearAeld ouuuly, I'a., do'd.
will at nubho kale, at the it ore home of Jottuh
Krhinl, lu the village uf N KW MILLfOHT, ia
aaid luHnatiip, oa
Satunlny, March 13th, 1880,
All of the intereit of aaid attata In tha Mlowing
daorlrd real eft ale. via i
Tn Krrguiun tuwnihip. near tha village of Nww
Millport. it tbeooaniy ol Clear laid, Pa., buomled
br landi ol Char lei Hennrd, tht Laibaran pariun-
age, aad Kam'l Tobtaa, eoaUtniag ona acre, more
r lei, arliu a two-etory plana irama tonne, 1012.
feet, and other outbuild 10 ga, thereon erected-
ALSO, A traet of land iktuate ia Knm town
ifaip. CUarueld tonnly, Pa., bounded by laada af
Samuel llutiter, Jamei uatacari, uuo uaugoinan,
and John R. tinnlap.eontaioing
Mare or leai, fifteen aorea of which are elearod and
under oalilration, and a two-itory plank f raise
dwelling bouao. loi'i feet, liable, nod other out'
butldiugi thereon erected. There U alao n young
orehnrd uo tbt not. The timber U rewrvrd 00
etren aad ona-ball aeree of aaid La ad.
Ona-lhird eub, and balanoo ia two aqua) an
nual payment!, after tooftrotaliun of aaie, with
ietercit, to It aecurrd hy judgment ootei or bonda.
Adia'r of Ritalo or U. A. Cathfart, dee'd
Now Miit.rt, I'a.. Fib. M,
1) E(.IHTi:RH NOTICi:.-Notice la hero-
l V by given that the follow lug account! bare
bacn ataniinra ana pa ilea ny ma, ana remain
titea hi roLura tn ttui ottitt fur iUa laiitwUB. of
burr, leirtteei, credit on, and all ultien lulertiated,
and will In prexented to tht neit Orpham' Court
of (JlearBeld oounly, to bo held at tbe Court
Home, in the borough uf Clearueld, ooranieauinr
on the third Muaday (being tha Ivih day) vi
Harcb A. 11. nu :
Final amount of Naooy K, Tb'nnon. Adtninii
tratrli ofthaaiutt of Joha A. Tbompeon, lata
ol urailtora lownamp, tylearbetd eouuty, ra.,
f inal aooount of Abraham Uailey, Adtuinintrator
of the eitate of Har-annnb 11 loom, lata of Pike
tawoihip, Clearfield county, Pa., deeeaeed.
Final aoo-'aBt of Tram an J. Wall, AdminUlralor
of the aetata or Wm. Wall, lata or Peno taw a
hip, Clear Held county, deoeared.
The aooount of Wilioo Hoover, AdminUtrator ol
tht ttate ofJoabua sond,taie of Horrn twji
Ctcarfiald arunty, Pa., dao'd.
Final aoaoant of Henry 6 meal, Adminlatrator of
the eitata of (Jeorgt Wataal, late of tht borough
ol nallaceton, Clearfield oununly, Pa., doe d.
The miipiemnnlal account of Willi J. Nugent,
Adtnmiitrator of tbo eitate of Elliott king,
late or uuraaltie twp., Vlearoeld Co., I'a , doo d
Pinal aeoount of Jerao don, .luardian of illle
11. bmoal, minor heir of l'ettr iSuieal, late of
Ili g hi twp., Cloartield oouaty, Pa.t dae'd .
Pital amount wil 7,ach. McNant, Unardian tfWHI
lam Mnltride, Jr., a ion of Win, McUnde, r..
lata of tbr borough of Curwrorville. CloarGcId
aoa&ty, Pa., daoeaMd.
Pinal acoount of John Q. Scbryrar, (Jmriiao of
iiowara nieooii, minor imr el jonaihan
Niofaoli, late of Lawrenoa towoihip, t'leartield
tounty, Pa., deo'd.
Fiaal aooonnt af John tl. St-hryrer, Ouardian of
Addie Nicho i, minor heir ot Jonathan Nichola,
late of Lawrcaca townithip, Clearfield county,
Pa., dro'd.
Parr'al areount of Aaron C. Tate, Guardian of
W, II. MoKea, tstor heir of W. H. Mrhft. lata
of Knoi tewnihip, Clearfield lounty, Pa. doo'd.
Tho acronnt of H. P. Morrow, administrator of
tbo rrt ate of Jamea Linglo, late of tloihan twp.,
Clvartield county, Pa., dco'd.
Final account af Henry Kornman, Aduinietrator
of the eitate of Hanry Si oka bine, lale of Guhob
tuwnsb'pt CliarBeld rxinnty, Pa., dw'd.
Final acoount or Mn. Drlle M. ChntTef, Adtninii
tratrli ef the trtato ef E J. ChirW, late of the
borough of Id caudate. Clearfield eonoty, Pa.,
L.J. 1IORUAN, Regii'.tr.
CrrirfieH.Va., Feb. 11, IMo-ta.
Desirable Ileal Estate
Estate of Eiekwd Shaw, Sr., Dee'd.
fTMIK ander.ttned, Vfeeatorl of tneeelataof
X KICU.A KU SHAW, Br., depeaaed, will offer
at imblleialeat tbe CUIIRT IIOI'NK. In tbo bor
ouek of Olearneld, Pa., on
Saturday, March 13th, 18S0,
AT 1:30 OTI.OCk P. M.,
Tht following raliiabla real aatatat via ;
FIRST. Tho threw -nary hrlak hotel property,
tornrr of Market and Pint itreeli, ia th bor
ough of Clearfield, kaowa at
'Tho Shaw House
Fronting with tht lot af ground thereto belonging
l4 toe. oo Mai-hot itroet, and w
1 1 14 dwelling faonet attached. Tho ho
tel proper baa liity badraxima and
all aoDVtaitaoM for a ftret-elate
hat el One of the anoildeaitablf hotel prcpettiti
in Ctntral Paaniylraaia.
8BCOND, A lotofgronndinCleirfleldhornnxh, 1
beginaiagal tha tad af Hi feet, froattng oa Mar-1
ket atrial, and thonotaloog Mar hot itreet 2d ft,
and runaiag back VO feet, with tbt building! .
tbtrtoa erected. I
THIRD. A lot of ground iltaato In Clearfield
boroagh, ad)tlaiag part No. J, and tiltoding
along Market tfot Id foot ta an alley, aad roo
aiag back 0 feet, wilh baiidinga thoreoo.
POrBTII. A lot af groand in Clearfield Uor
ongh, adjoining hotel prnparty, and eitending
aloog Pirat atreat 10 foot aad running book tw)
feet, mora or lera, ta aa alley.
FIFTH. All thai oertaia lot, known ia tbt
plat, ef Clearfield boroagh aa Lot No UV,
fronting about M feet on Locnat t reet,rooe
aiiig bark tul feet, ttttrear leaa,toaa alloy
with awtlltna aouaa aad all aeoaiaarr aut-
baildiaga thereon erooted, and other improromanti'
BIX Til. All that certain audi Tided one tilth
.JJMa intereit In that oertaln ract of land
tttaala In Morria towaihin, Clearteld
aoooty, Pa., knowa aa tbo -'Motiirk A
Perkc trvet," eoataiaing
074 Aonss,
More or tott. aad harlng thereon a largo quantity
of whltapiao, kemlook, oak and other timber, anil
la underlaid with valuahlt vetoiof BITI M IMOliS
Ooa-tbird eaih at dellrery of good dead, and
tho halanea to be aeenred by bond nnd mortgage,
payaala lo ott and two yearn, with Internet.
Ki'ra of RlohaH "haw. Sr.. dec d.
Clearfield, PaH Febraarv 11, lSBt 4t.
T lCRNftK NnTICR.-Tba following
X of
1 J anna hara lied ia tha efflpe of tha Cl
iheCifBrttf Uuartor Heiiioaiot Clearteld aoaaiy,
their Petition! aad lloodi for Lkenioe, at tbe
March 8eaiioot, 190, agreeably tn tha Act ef
W. P. Cordon. Clearfield
8 B. Row "
w. e ai.s it
It. N. Hhow..
Jamea McLaughlin "
Thomai Monro M Iloutidale
William Cunan..., ......4 M
Hlcbard Maddigan H "
Jaaaoa Haley.,,. "
Praah fla!ar.....
Fred Wrooa
Pat hkielda ....... "
. HTOOpa..... enteH. Mt.tssVBtee M
Wm. Parker
Mre.Brtta.lee, -
Pat. Uann...m.HM.m...HHH...H .
Oeorgt Khodea...t.HH..HH.w.,.M.Woadward Twp
William Weill , "
Peter Ruffner. Madirm '
John McUlrkH4H.M.u....,H...M
W'm. Shield! . "
Mn. Bridget Ionaho " "
ISmith Bturd-,..., , Ok tola
Mtlo Ho.t ....
'(corga W. Lana..H
Nieb'ilai Beollini,..
W. L.NiehnlMB
Kmanool Kaati
R. T. kellay
W. H. Btanlty....
U. P. etrobridgt
Jaeob Rolada
Joha DaHoia..H,.M.,
John MMuty....
William Rchwtm ,
Oeorga Raatr
W. W. Maria
.....UnHoi., Kaadj Twp
..Lntbenhnrs, Drarie Top
Jaeob Kilrairau m Beecarla Twp
Oeorga B. Kebaker..HH.PaaAeU lluatoa Twp
Jamea h, floofield " "
Mary kianhowor...M... ...Morria Twp
Footer lavia....MM M Bnmaida be rough
John Mulaoa...M ....H,...Otviagtoa Twp
Uum titgey Cnrlnftoi Top
M. M, Flynn.HHHMnK.M....PtBartlpa, Pona Twp
Matnaal H oUihaa.M.4 .H Cnrwewavllta
Uatrfro W. ..,., Now Washington
Qaorgt McOraekea flendy Tnwnahip
Kllaa Walk..M,..(M,.HMM.,Iaoauir Townahlp
U. W. Lloy4-...4M.MiahekTa wnth.p
aaargtW Delta ..... Ulea Hope
Oeorga W. Lanabcry .Barrett. Bradford Twp
1 niraTariuaT.
fl. LltranetJ-d...w...T......,.,...CIraHl.rd
Joha tittitisy, M..LM ....... i
J., Orafl ..,......., - Carwemrllle
Andrew Miller ..Trootrllla, Brady Twp
Jim el PhaMy...M..,.m...H.H.H.Oaviagtow Twp
Peter Monui .,.w..a.,.-... HeutidaVe
Mai EUoordlin4of..w.w.iaD.U, Sandy Twp
Pater Qaraltr Coriaglia Toanihip
fVtllaA tn from (ha roeoH tl Clearfield thii
into day af FaWmary, A. P. IRM.
f ELI BLOOM, Cletk.
cTTriv SdrrrtisrmrntHa
rpHE Hommer trrm af thla ffehonl will open
I In tbe NkW Ht'llOOl. ill II.DINU at Lum
ber t'lty, Pa., on Xoaday, Hay Stl, to ouotinue
eleven weika.
Common IfiiKlloh Hranrhea $0 (Ml
II I ii her KuLiiah aud Latin Hint
jrrT'Oood boardinv eaa ho bad at from $3 to
J i0 per week. A Normal (') will he organ
iaed. E. I). liUTlOHP, PrlnolpaJ.
Pebruary 75, IBiO Sin.
EndisliJ Classical Sciiiwl!
" " "
rp Hlfl Rehonl will npon n M"NDAY, APIUL
X UTII, lhHD.ia the Lronnrd B. h 'ol building,
iu CUarfield, and continue eleven wee a.
C'ominmi KtiaT'l-li nrnnrhea." - -? wfl.OO
MltllterLtlirUall and Claaaire, - - - M.Utl
jt-OrA Normal Ctail will )u fttimed, with Wick
aiibata'i School Koontmy a a text tw
Claarfteld, Pa., Fehraary Uh, IbHt) ;iiu.
Normal InsiHiiie !
Opoas Monday, April 26th, 1880.
WII18 Sebeel eomnienill Unit to pub) faror
X f'r the following reafune:
Firet, Il'iardinff can be had in good femiliel at $2 to per weea.
Heeond. LoeetlOB ie belltufu! ind pletorert,...
JJhlld, The eoureo of Ituiiy include! common
aud hiener lirancnee.
Fourth. Iti nudeoti reroivt the bonafit of an
t-tl,lithrd Ltolort eourie free or charge.
Fifth, Tbeitudcnti hart the advantage of a L-torary Society.
riiiih. The pilo of the viciuily eooouroge
Any or all ol' the lilhr bmnrhea...tO ftu
Cuniniuii brnnrliea, wlllt Tltt'ory uf
r.Brliliic S 4M1
f'cninioii bralichce I fill
Model erltool 3 H
.T?4T-The nn.lenirned will he plr.rej to furni.b
additional in ornialii.n. eitlior hy iertoti or loiter snase, Cleat n 1 1, r..
I, K Kl'KK.
r.t'rtlirjr ll.'lh, !') la.
Administrator's Sale
) Y virtue of an order iuued out of tha (hphani'
) Court of C Imr tii-Id ouunty, Pa., the uodnr
ncned Admioiltrator ol tha eita'a of JUllN
lIKUKKLlMi. dee d, will tell at I'uMio Kalu, at
the Olitral Hotel, m tb filiate of l)uli.ila, u
TiiritsiiAY, march istm, i8,
Tbe undivided half inte.ct of the ial I dcreilent
in and io a oortain lot of gr'iuod lituato in the
Tillaffsol Liberty, Haody towoahin, froi.t
irg Idu font, more or lra, the Suiuehiinna and
Walcrfitr.l turnpike, and running back 1 60 feet,
having thereon erected a large and oooranieni
tore nuurto and other im-rovetDnti.
Alio, two other InliMtuato In tbo aania villni;e,
aij'dning OMoli olhwr, aud being ra"h Ott int
(root on aaid lurnpika, inure or aud txtenii
ing back lfii feet, tnure or le, th no iniote
aienti. Aim, A lot of gruuoj riEuit In liali ; in
laid township, bring l t No. (IH io Kuroltt'cr'
additi'-n in ilia plan of aaid town, n.eN.unDg flit
feet front on Main ft reel, and extending back 1 tsO
feat to an al'ry, and no intproremeatf,
Tht lata will 0. at lit o'clock A. hi. Tbo
term i, are Are wr cent, of the bid ia cash wbou
tbe inirly is komked down, the bsnui'o, o-ta-third
at C"U!iruimiun of aale, one tlnM in tn
year, idJ ine lhrd in two year! with iottrt't,
ecu red by kHnd aad mtTtynge on tha rremin i,
UKUUliK C. Kill K.
Admit, ietral.r.
I.otharnhurg, Pa., F.-h. 25, SHn .1.
Jl'WV l.lT Llit of the nr.mei of jurors
arch Tertn, A. Ii. IfiO, ctifo -moncing
on the rtd Monday (1Mb), and to con
tinue oue week :
on inn jbohi. t. :r r
0 W Gtarhart, Claar'ld, Jo MeCatruogh, Ouilch,
U Vi llar'ey.i.'iirweoi'lr, A. IVewell, nr., Ilut .n,
A W ilile, L CitT, J H fat'erioo. Jordan,
Q W H.tIi it War-htn, J-r Rudey, Kanhav:,,
8 B Krlna, Oncanla. Ah-i Rlotiui, Kn.a,
Jno Dl ll-tn. llatvaria, J L Mnl'her n, Ltw Ve,
Sininri Laborde, llloota, 8 B Jordan, Lawrence,
J U Ilarger, Bra tford, Jm LfMr-warl, Mrni,
rrtd'k Kohler, llradr, Henj P Hloom. Pike,
Uaid Kulton, Hurniide U Kldndge, Woodward,
Kiijih ltoooa,tr Decatur Jno U lJurk'-o Wood d,
J A Fulton, tioahco, . J C Sleiiukvohner, L niun
TftavcTiia ji'iotu. .
R Phirk, Clearfield, W A Lamb, Hurton,
Waail Tbotnpion.Cor'lt.fJ Caldwell, Jordan,
W Ourron, Uontidalo, (Thoi htrong, Jordan,
Ooo Cauffinin, Urll, Ml W Lord, Knox.
Hobt Thotnpaon, llroon, Jaa MrKea, Knox,
Jacob Kieboer, Itoff, A LOgden, Lawrwnoa,
I Urabam, Bradford, (J McCnllough, Law'ce,
A (Irabatu, It rid lord, jAek Iborn, Lawrcnie,
J Sroeed, Burneide, k Wrigley, Lawrtnct,
O 8 mead, Uurniida, iJaa Little, Nome,
I) McOraekoo, iiaraildej A D Jobnatoo, Morrii,
J M YVeetortr, Cheat, Milei Pelton, Morrii,
R Freeman, Covlngtoo, Lewla K ester, Peno,
A Haageua, IS Fleming, Pi ho,
T VI AaharofL Itoaaiar. Jamta Norrn. jViko.
?I1 U om Uirarw, Andrew Uddie, tkaady,
LintU, wJoihtc. W J Hmalhore.handr.
It It beiow, tioibea,
l hbinchart, t) rah am,
R kicMurraj, atleh.
iti C jVitigerald, Union,
'Jriie Owrni, I'mon,
a A Baldwm. Uood d.
Antbonv Firnn. Uulioh. J W Aleiaoder. Wood d
Jaa M liavii, Uulich, tleo Percy, Wot.dward,
J B Bowman, Uulich, jWm Howie, Wood'ard
Wa Roare, ilutton, 'jarry llainca, Wool'rd.
SherilTs Sale.
To (kt HnnonhU tit JuJy, if.:
By Tlrtue of tbe annexed and foregoing writ
of trvari Facia inoed oot of your honorable
Court, aad to Hit dirotted, I have levtrd aa
aod will OlpoaetopBlille aale.attbjn Qwtl ilnoaa,
in the borough of Clearfield, on
edurwlay, March 17th, Mf-K,
At 1 a'olock, P. M , all the follow iag Bteaanagea,
tenrtaenu and tract a of taadl, noundod and de
aoribod ae folio wa, via :
NO. 1. All that oertaia traot of land, aHualo in
Qrabim townihip.Cliarflold eooaty,Pa , anroeyed
oa warrant ta Jamea Hawthorne: Bounded on
tho aouth hy the Jaaper May land larrey, on the
wtt by Wm. Hell autrtr, on tho north hy the
Wrn. West nurray, aad an tha aait hy rarroy In
Ihe line of Tbo ona Hawthorne, fontalning 4M
atroe, mora or lo, and having thereon erected,
a griit mill, raw mill, nine frame dwelling houiei,
with liable, largo hank barn, corn rib, wagon
shedi, and other building.
NO. 2. All that certain plett tf ground situate
ta Lawrenoa township, nonnty of CI ear A a Id, be- ;
rinning at a poet oo towoihip road, thenco by j
tho Mcrretl lot louth 14 dcgreei west 24 perchn;
thenet north 9 degrees S.1 perehe ; thtnre
north 151 degreoi aait .17 perches to 8hirk'i line ;
thence aonth (MJ dogreca oaat 31 parehei ta pmt
at white pine; tbrnct aonth 14 degreoa went 1)
perch ei to tht plica of bet inn ia ft, containing 7
aorn and 37 perch!, rtnerving th"rooot lta ald
to Joha Murray aad C. Leipoldt, and) hairing
thereon erected four dwelling bouter.with itahlei,
and other Improreuenti.
NO. 9. Balag alt a ate la towwihip of Laamwiet,
ia 'Hillda,a," begiomng at a post, aootheatt
earner of Brown and Spring itreeti ; thenc along
Spring itreat ISO feet, mre or lis, to Owein'
road i thenco along aaid road ICQ fl, mora or Icta, to
oornrojof Lot No. 41 : thence fn a northerly direc
ts. eui t t u. -to, aa fsnjt, iu Diowo urcer,!
thence atung aaid street IM fret, tn pta of he-1
ginning, containing acre, and nnimprooad,
being Lota .ID. 40 and 41 In "llillidale,"
NO. 4. P.taett la tbe townthlp and oftnnty lait
namtd, beginning at apoit at iotcraection of town
ahlp road ; thence ion lb deffrrt writ S perches
to white oak, corner at Mitokall road; tbenoe
tanth I7J degreoa aait H4 perehe to a poet In the
raad ; theoco hy road.ltt eet-tral ooaraea and dn-1
taarea, to land of Robert Wrijley at Lita road ; 1
tbenro along Lita road north 74 degree west 17
porehft; tbenot by lama mat aonth 10 degtei
wait S4 perrhea to plawo of b-ginarng. contain
ing I acrei and 134 percbei, mora or Itn, nearly
all an improved at else rod.
NO. i. jiitoato In townnblp and oonnty last
nataej, and beginning at poit eorner of Mitchell
land ; thence mnih S( degrrri east 6 2-10 perebej
lo poit in HrHng ran ; thanoe aoutb J degroo west
by land of Wrigley IS ptrchei to pmt en roa 1;
theoco aouth 75 degree! Writ 7 prchoa to poit ;
thtaea armth AO degreoa weit 79 4 10 perch m to
Clearfield Bridge road i thnnre north J degrea
eaat IA perch en to place of beginning, eontainiag
4 aorea and 144 meaaore, all cleared.
NO. I. ftiiuata in township aad county lait
named, and beginning at atone In old Miletburg
road ; thence by ether land of defendant aouth 13
decreet weat 4 perohea tn pott t theaco Ly Leavy
eitate aoath h decree! aait 4 ptrchei fo pint
ta Barrett lot; thence north 13 degreoa nt (A
perch ei to atonal and Mlleahurg road; thence
north 10 degree! wort 40 perchoi ta plaoe of be
ginning, noataiaing 1.1 aorae, mora or loaa, about
oat hair of which ia oJaareu.
NO. 7. Situate In tho borough of Clear 6 old, aad
being lota It and II, bounded oo tho not lb by
Market it reel, oa the writ by an alleys o Uiet
arwtk by lot No. 44, and an tha oaat by (Seonnd
etrret, tact, lot being 100 feet deep and 00 fct
front on (Second it reel, baring there on tree led a
largo brick dwelling (tout, with outbuilding,
brick baak baildiog, briek atort hooi, with row
of framo ibopa, a stable, and a two atory brick
drag atort and office.
NO. I. All that certain lot known aa No i In
tna harongh mi C -tar field. aenaoWA aa two aorth by
Piaa atroet, oa tbt weat by aa alley, oa tha aoath
by an alley, and oaat by lot No. 105, having there
ob a reeled a two.itory double brick dwelling
boaio, iiahlo aod other eaiaaiUlaga. . , .
NO. t. That oertaia lot katwa aa Na. SI la
riearAekl boroagh, bounded oa tha weat by
Tkird atrett,oa the aorih by alley, oa tha aait by
tat Na. 110, aad aoath by Laeart straw, aad an.
tending back ITI feet, having tharona treated a
largo frame dwelling bouao, aveuJe, aad other ooa-
NO. 10. That aarlala Wt kaowa m Pa. In
Iba baroawh of Claarlaht, baaaeM aa the north
by Cherry street, aa tba aaet by lot Na. 99. on
tha aoath hy aa alley, and aa tbo west by an
alley, having tborana traded a largo frame dwell-
$tv Stdrrrtlsrmrnts.
Ii.g houce, a large double franit drilling houia,
and necenary oull nil ltpg.
NO. U. Alio, that corlaln lot hat.wo ai No. 123
In Clearfield burough, Woanled aonth hy Pint
t reel, on tbt rait by l.l No. in, on tht
north bv an allay, and on the nut by an alley,
and having thurroD ertuMed a frima dwelling
bnuae, ital.le, and other onihnlldinga.
NO. 17. Al'v, that certain lot known aa No,
13-1 In ClearHetd httrough, hiionded on tbt ninth
by Pint itraal. oa tha weat by Lot 721, on tbt
n..nb by an alky, and ta tbt aatl by Lot No.
211, and ha . ing 1 hereon erected two frtme dwell
ing hnuiea, wlih aUhlea aud other ouibulldtngi.
NO. 1.1. AUo, the writ half of Lat 15, In Clear
DeM hoiough,hound d on the north hy Pma etr!,
on tht- tirultt 17 an alley, on the weft hy I,ot No.
ilO, arj on tha rait y raiidua ef aaid lot, and
having lhf-n meted a iraate dwallitg home,
ilalile, and other irttttiOTldinga.
NO. 14. Alao, alt that pirt of Lot 97, la
Oleariinld borough, hooadud oa the aorlh hy aa
j atlty, en the wrt by an alley, on tho eaal hy Lot
1 "B uulh hy reaidut ol Lot Nu. 07 ,
f(atiagi.vCe..ton mu alley and running bwk trf 11
0O naung inereun oravitu m 'i-p
Nil. 14. Alio, all that oertaia L'il in Moaop'a
addition to I'laarlield borouirh, heiianmg at a
pmt oa Fourth elroei ; Ibeooa along liao of M.
tliirh, loutb degitvi eaat HM) tact, mora or
ei, toolbar land ut leleadant theoco aoath U4
degrea. wnt iV feet to poit , tbenoe along aaid
tret-t 4'.1 feet to plave ol brgitming, and having
lb-' recti errrtrd a fraret deviling home with
NO. tfl. Alio, all th it orriain l-t In Muiiop'a
addition, la ClearfielH borough, bejiinning at a
post on Pftwrrh itroot, -tVi foot north trm an nl
ley ; thence along aaid alrt-et VV feel, more or leu,
lu ti in lib lot (fornielyti thewoo by aame 8i dt
greriea.t 20U foot, inuro or Ian, to land of le
teodant; thence aoulh IjJ drgraoo went WW foot.
uii'TO or lei, to oorner of Kodreii'a lot; the not
north 74J drgrefi welt 3U fret, mora or loaa, to
iler of b(-r.mniD, haviog I hereon erortod two
frkuie dwelling houioa and two frame itablea.
NO. 17. AUi, aM that ofrtaio l-t kaowa ai No.
e3, in Clearfield hurough, bounded oo tbo north
bv ( hrrrv rtreet, on the weit bv an alley, oo the
Uouth l y Alexander lot, and on the ea.t by Heo
end Itreat. litlog ofl foot front on Bwcoad nllot,
I and Kill fctt deep. bu. mg tucrem erected a large
i brick dwelling houn-, ibiMc aod oth-r bnildmgi.
Ily virtue or tut dry write of Fiiri Fmciu liiB
ed 'ut of l ho Court of Common 1'leai uf Clearfield
county, I' , aod to me directed, I have levied aod
ill all on daiv nbovt rmurt-d, all Ibt folli-wing
tracts or paroeli of faint, vis :
NO. 1. TheuniliiiJcd oae-iUth interest in that
traft of tend ntuale in Morrii township, Clear
. liU rouoty, P , and known ai tht Mdiirk A
i Perk tract, the whole eoLta ning 274 acres, mora
I or len, adi-iining land of iarbart hrln aod
Hi her, having iharnoo a largo amount of white
j pint-, hemlock and other timber, and being under
I laid with liittituitiuu oonl.
NO. 3, Alat, the undiviilet) one fourth intereit
in the Und and mineral of the itrvey warranted
' iu t lit name of Jit nry l. M inker, sttuatt lo lira
, bam towm-htp, raid owouty, houo led by tht John
I lluiton, Joeph Simmon aod Matthew (Slough
on the rorth and east, and John Ionaldon and
j Tench 1'ranci lurveyi on tht weat, tbo whole
i tra'it containing ,rno a.-rc, more or loos, no ita-
N'J. 1. Alt'i, the andivided ont half intervit a
' SO s'-fer, more or levf Tench Kraneii iurvy,iif
I uate In llraham towmliip, aaid county adjoining
landi of laae H.tbiv-k. Lori .Uub'cr, tt at.,
( hnvmg about 3J acres cleared, having thtroou a
, dwelling h'ue, b.trti and olhar Improremeota.
! NO. 4. Alio, nil drndant'a interest in 44 acres
of Tenrh Franc I survey, itutte In ttrahnm twp t
. said counts, O'ljuintng landi of lac fhitnel,
I luaac Itoibr'.i'k. John Holt el al , with abvut 8
acrt cleared, with dwelling home and outbuild
ng thereon.
NO. 6. Aleo.all defend nt's ioUrfSt in and to II
acre of grouu.l, more or less, situate in Bradford
town. dip, said ooonty, hounded on tha north by
, ).ibiii! r'ad leiling frm Woodland to Bigior, aod
I aiijfiiniiig Und of John II. lira rharf, Jonathan
ll'-vnti.n ft al., having about 6 aeree cleared and
1 well fenced, aod Iho u&lauoe ttinbored.
t NO. fl. Al', all i"fr-.i(iot' intcroil in and lo
obout 210 acres of Wm. Mrphermn surrey, lita
ate In Bradford towoh'p. aaid eouotr, bounded
bv mu'haoTia river, land of Disoo.H. p. Lam.
berry aud Jto Peter. Huiall piece cleared, eon)
bank, eugar camp, with hemlock nnd rock oak
i um1 er thereon,
i NO. T. Also, all dafendaat'i iatereat in and to
JH ncrei adjninmg land of Patar Uraffiua, Daniel
, ilaio.. Juhu Cowder et al., ntuatt in Bradford
tn vnxhip, laid coubtj, JO acre cleared, no build-
, itijf. Ian aore iild to Peter reserved therefrom
in thn n't:
' NO. Aim, that parrel of land iltaato In
LnnrrOf-e twp., raid county, adjoining lands of
: ijeorge Tate, Sjmueljordan and Robert Mitchell,
rontninii-g T acrr. more or In, all cleared aod
i f encode
A O. 9. Aim, that pared of Und situate In Law
rrce twp., said- county, adjoining Robert Wrig
gler, other laoitwf iMcn iant knowa aa White ill
, b't. and the Owen road, (.learflcld creek road,
and containing ti icrti, more or lesi, all wood.
, IHtlti.
I Nu. 10. AIk, all that tract of land eitnato la
' Hrs.ii ot J twp , iHid eounty, porta af Delia and
1 Hni t surveys, oontaimrg lld acre, mora or leu,
ndjoiuing land of Jobo lira ham eitate, Scboon
j ofr,Mart A Co.,e( . acre eleared.framt
dwelling houe( large barn and other outbuilding
I ct-mplete.
NO, II. Alu, the undivided ont-balf interest
In and to that tract of land, lituatt in Bradford
t , said eounty .adjoin ing j. (1. Kyler, bounded
I by turnpike on tout b, we t by Tho. Korray, north
by W. 8. Taylor, containing )0i) axrei io all, do
I acre cleared, boose aod baza theraoa, with eoal
fireclay ana other mineral!.
INU. 12. All that tartain lot of ground situate
in the village of Wiillamgrov, Bradford towo
ihip, boonded on tho north hy laropiko, weat by
lot of Thomas Poreey, containing one-fourth of
aa aoro, mora or Um, having a dwaHiaf boae,
table aad other outbuildiogi theraoa.
NO l.t. All defendant! intereit ia that certain
traet of load iltuala ia Dradford townabip, aaid
eounty, adjoining land of Joha W. Urabam citato
on tha aouth, Utll'a aetata on tha writ, John
Wt survey on tbe north, ooataiaiog 2oO aorea.
anore or lei, part of VN iiliam Bell sorvav, aubjeet
i tt tho rigbu of Jored Fiiher, Thomai Mc Elver.
La-i Pearcc and Wm, Knepp, luhjcot to contract
of Weaver A UetU, for timber.
NO. 14. All that tract of lind iltnate In Brad
ford townibtp. awid eounty, adjoining Wm. Bell
survey, land of John I talc, Louder and Beajarain
Knepp, containing 214 acres, mora or leu, part
of Joha Writ inrvoy, subject to improvement of
John Loader and Wm. Knepp, ewtijoat to contract
with Weaver A Bctti, fur Umber. ,
NO. 14. All that tract of land iltuate tn Graham
townthip, adjoining John West survey, Jamea
Hawthorne lurvty , land of Wm. Ditchings' eitatt,
nontaining 350 acres, mora or lets, part of Wm.
H. Writ survey, aub)ect to tha rights of D. Wi.
1 1 am i, N. M aides, aad Henry Mamta, Jr., labjttt
to oon tract with Weaver A Bctls, for timbtr.
NO. Id. Alio, all that oertaln traot illuite !
Bradford twp,, laid ooanty, adjoioioir laada of
Win. 11. West aurvey, A. k. Wright mrroy, toa
taialrg 3-4 icrrr, more or Itxa, port of Timothy
1'aioa lurvoy. having thoron an improvamentof
llenty Maine, lubjtct to contract with Wearer A
Bolt for timber.
NO. 17. Alio, all that oar tarn tract of land la
Bradford twp , aaid oounly, adjoining landi of
Wm Porter, Joan, lloyntoa aad Robert Mitohell,
and hounded on the nrth bv T. A C. Kailwav.
containing 1 IT t.-rea, mora Irn.part of tbo Aaron
ijvj ana wo on uarcuy survey, naving anout lb
acre cleared, underlaid with valoahlt Ira tlay,
opined, with eoal bank opened and aparatad.
N'J. IK. Alio, all that certain tmot of land t
uatt in tlraham townthip. and eounty, adjoining
John Hawthorne lurvey, landi of Hoovtr, Uarria
A Co Hons Kvani rt nf., eontaining S;tg acras,
oiore or l,part of Thomai Hawthorne survey,
lubject to timber oontracti of Weaver A Brtti.
NO. 19. Alio, alt that certain tract of land
lituife in t.rabarn twp , aaid enanty, adjoialng
I an Is of Hi over. Harm A Co . Jamto Uowibora
aarvry on tht north, Alei. lallai surrey oa west,
containing M) acres, more or leu, part ef Jaipur
Mayland survry, and luhjoot ta timber coo tract
of Wearer A Itetn,
NO. 20. Alio, all that traet of land altnate lb
Nraham lonhip, aail county, adjainiog landi of
Win. H. Weit, Ihea. llawtkorao. andCltai. tJmith
orvcj i, containing 2 Hit acrei, mure or leal, and
part of Joha MiHirtiarvtv.iubjvct lo liiabor ooa
t.siot ornravar aod tie I is.
NO. 21. Alio, all that traet of land aituata ta
Ur-haiu township, aaid aoaaty, adjoin tag landi
aarvayed to John Moore, Monro, Cndwailadar
K an at al., tontaioing abnat 2o0 aorei. part aar
vry in name uf laraal n WUr, euLjtwt ta timber
contract with VS caver A Bella, hmall amonat
cleared. ( '
NO. 22. All that tract of land aituatd ia Gra
ham township, mid toaaty, adjoining lands sur
veyed to Ifrael Wheeler, Peter Widows, Timothy
Pm on et al , containing lun acrai, mora or lesa,
part of Cadnalladrr Bran lurvty, luhjeet to lim
ber contract of Woaver A Betti.
NO. 21 AH that tract of land situate In Gra
ham township, laid county, adjoining lands anr
vaved to Jnhn Moore at al., eontataing 118 acrta,
Bora or leu, part of A K. Wright lurvty, aub
jeet to tha ryot reel of Weaver A Ilattt.
NO. 24. Aim, all that trait of land aituata ia
(Irak am township, laid county, adjoining lands
lurveyed tt Joha Moore, Tbea, Unwihoraa. at ai.,
containing 33 aorea, more or less, part ot Chariot
Smith survey, subject to eonlraot of Weavvr A
NO. 3. Alio, all that tract of laitd timet In
Urabam tow n. hip, said connly, adjoining land of
Moa Krana, Jack son Hub let e al., auolaialng
HiWarre, more or lea, pad of Patrick Moortanr
vey, rnhjert to contract of Weaver A llctte.
NO. 21. Aim, all that traH of lan l aituata in
Bradford townthip, aaid eouoty, adjoining landa
of Jjfaa Cowder et al., and bounded by 8oque
hana river, eontaining 27 aoras, porta afjoa. ham
on, Wm. (Sainton and Matthew Hlaymaker aar
Veji reftleg ground,
NO. 27. Also, all that traet of land iltaato la
Bradford towaibip, laid noaaty, adjoining landi
ufWm. Krupp aad itenj. Krupp, and hounded by
Huquehaona rUar, toaUiaiog 240 aorta, part of
Aaraa Levy larrey. bavin ratling ground, tab
j'Ct to oonract of W oarer A Uatts. Mlaaralira
atrrrd to Urata Bros.
NO. 2. Alto, all that parte! of gn and at Rigler
Station, boundrsl on weat and aouth by publw
atroet, b north by larnptht, havtag 14 acver, mora
or leai. Na improvements.
failed, takou la o era tint aad lo be told aa tht
property at Jamea B. Urabam.
Taaue er Bat a. Tha price or a am at which
the property shall ha struck off must be paid at the
tima af aalo, ar aaeb atbev arrangomenta made aa
will b ear raved, otherwise tba pntwwiy will ha
immediately pat ap aad aold again at tba aapaas
and risk of tka person to whom H waa awrwok off.
aad who. ta aaaa af decry at awnb rt-aala.
ahall aaaka r-ej tbe aasna, aad ta aa aaiiaaee
will tba Deed ha prtacate4 ia Coait for con Urina
tion anloaa tha money la aetaally aaid to tba
btriff. JAMBS MAIiAfKKV,
Kntairr'a Orrtca, I fjbtrff 1
Craarftcld, Pa., Feb. t 1M0. J