Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 03, 1880, Image 3

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    Till? lJFPITRT.Tfl AN
Termi of Subscription,
If tald Id alvatic,or within three month...! 5 00
.rr . a L. l-.f.. el rroniK. 9 All
II paid after tb. expiration of Hi monhts... S 00
jMr-Meaers. B. M. riTTinoiti wpwi
imper Advertiilng Agents, 7 rk Row, aurnar
our duly authorised Agent
lierkman ruroet,
tn Nn York City.
kl.i.i.i(' notickm.
Mi'thodlat Kptocopal t hureli Her. J. B.
Mi Mi'Riiav, Pastor. Harvioe ovary Habbatb
hi Hi A.M., and 7J P. M
Huhhath hchool nt 0 A. M.
Prayer Meeting every Wednesday, at T P. M.
Communion Service, Ant Habbaih of every
month. at ll A. M.
Mft C'lenrUcld M. K
Churrh.Kev. 1
W. t?.TT W.I.BOK, I'utor. Hrononlng ;aver
alternate Sunder, at o'clock. P. M. Sunday
School at 2, P. M. All nr. invited to atfnd.
Frab)terlan t'hurrh-.RaT. H. pt.BrrtaR.
-Sabbath aarTicoa morning and erenlnit Hab
Kaih School at S V. M Hrayar Matting Wednea
Jay ran lug.
Ilaptlat Cliurch.-Rav. , Paitor.
SaMiath School at i P.M. Prayer Mm ling wary
We.lneniay arenlng.
Mt. 1raiiclB Miurrht'ntlioUr Hev. P
J . SHKRinan. 'Divine aarTleo at 10 A. M., on
Kia Brit, third and fourth Kundayiof aaob monlb;
Vciptn and Ilenodlotion of tha ltlfiied HortnaDt
at 7 o'elook, P. M. Sunday Sehoul a vary Hon Jay
alternoon at I o'clock.
imt or loLDiaa quart a anaaioiti ouirnr.
Second Monday of January.
Third Monday of March.
Kint Monday af June.
Fourth Monday of tieptaubar.
tiki or ioLDiaa com hub plrab.
firat Monday of Juno.
Second Monday of November.
puiLto orncRRi.
Pretutnt Jndf Hon. Cbarlei A.Mayer, of
Lock llaren.
A$ittant L JdfHiB. John II. Orvia, of
Attocinfw JudyiA tram Ogdan, Clearfield ;
Vincent II. Holt. Clearfield.
VofAuiielary Eli Bloom.
Iteyittir and Aeordr L. J. Morgan.
Treaiurtr Philip 1'ottl.
IHttriet Atlornrif J. Y. McKanrlck.
.Stiiriff Jatnai Mahaffay.
ihpuly Sheriff-
Count if Survey or Samuel P. MuCloakey, Cur
arnivtlle. (Vnnly Cue eiififoa era C. W. Kyler, Oraham
luu P. O.; Klah Johmton, UramvUn Hi Hi P. 0.:
f'ommitfiomm' Clerk- John W. Howe.
5 !,., N'nrrla. Sr.. Carwcni rllle
t Vounig Audiior William V. Wright, Clear-
t fi -Id ; Joiepb Oilliland, Three Runa ; J. 8. Nor-
t ria. Woodland. w.-t.tA-
I County Coroner3. B. Naff, few aahlngton.
i JurS Conminionert Andrew J. Jackaon, Clear -
I (ii'i, Wm. R. Drown, Clearfield.
Superintendent a Public SchooleM. L. Mo.
- (lumn. ClearflcM.
; Stnltrof WeighUd- IftwiKree Jeaae W.Carlile,
nflire at I,utherburg P.
f Xntariee Public John W. Wrlgley. Wm. Ra-
I .h-linuKh, Cyrui Uordon, Clarnld ; Joaciih R,
liwio, N. K. Arnold, CurwanaTlllai J. A. Living -
7 iumi vuy.
i i. - i. J.l.t..l. l.i.Hillna In
a l.,orpolnt of ,i.w, and proB.abl. rndlng lo
. uui.ldera bo want to rave money.
VI'JI, Ol' r'OUKfft? !
Will ymi tnko wheat, out or corn tor au'
m ription '!" He ere often imuirad of in tbia wey
'.' by letter from patroua wbo reaide at a di'taue ;
fr.,iu Cl.-artWd.l. We again aay yea. The reeclptlj
i -I a ra'ponaibte merrhant or mill owner In thai
: vii-initv, will anwir ui jm-t aa well aa the oaah.t
i Tn illlui-trate: If any of our patron will deliver
!ui obligor grain at the mill of Joieph II. llrth,jhi( uli, hum Mni, n. Moomp.nicd
" in Che.l lown.bip, Hnrae. I'ntcliln, In liuroalda, M,,.ri. A. W. Lm, Al. II. Reed, A. lloaman
Tboiaaa II. Foro.j, In tlrabaio, Wm. Porlir or Weav,r and Harry F. Wallace to New Orlean.
Mia. V, In, or Brown A Sejler'., at . "" "" P'"'" f '' in "
ft , , . turned home with them lint week. They wit-
tkt.m, Inion town,bip, and forward their: BM(i( (ht ubratfon of the Mardl (Jrai Featir.l
; rfceipta for the amount, we will credit them on n thv tboT, 0liaieil ctT( tb iotk ult., and
tin ir a' count for the nm. In tbii way all may j til aeem to hare had an eiceedingly pleaaant trip.
t im-n pny wlmt tbry owe, if they will puraue tbi !
- courae . If-
Bray Advertiser and others will bear
ia mind that ill artinlca intended for publication
;ln (hit paper muct be hitmlcd in, not later thaa
Tufiadiiy, at U A. M. Don't forget It!
Tbt following aalt apptur in tbeae c)uinoi.
All lalea edrertiied in the RirrnLtrAJi will be
aollred under the local head free of charge :
Wetlneaday, Maron 3d. Property of Chrlatian
deceaaed, in New Waibington borougb.
Ha'urday, March 13th . Property of Richard
fibaw, dectaird, in Clearlltld borougb and Morrii
Thundav. March lth -The property of John
IJebrrliBg, de.:aaaed. In Pandy townintp.
Wild pigeons aro flying. They are
taid to be ijuite plenty thla Spring.
Si'verul trumpH were guesia at the
Mre tlay oras ia thi pive over nuooay.
Judge .Mayer held an Argument Court
at llolttdayaburg laat' week forjudge Dean.
Pennington, who was recently shot at
Houttdala, ia it ill living with alight hope of hil 1
J. F. McKonrii k publirthoa an Audi
tora' Notice in the sue of John IlriilakLr va. I
C. Kenyoi.
Air. and Mrs. L. (i. Wile, of Phi!-
delphia, formerly of thli place, are anjourning at
Aihevilla, North Carolina.
- . m
,.. Ve learn that Prof. (i. W. tnnt'H,
wall known a an able Instructor, will open a
avhool at Durniide in May next.
Miirrh fntna in liltti ho uniHt iran
orally alwaya aomrtintca dota, and will probably : t"mi plft tbi Spring.
go out tba same way, only a little more ao. tx
, , , Saved h Row the Poor Houhe. ror
L. J. Luporte.tor a number of youirij Te Oavid Allingiworth auffertd with rheuma
a aompositor In tho Curwenarlllo Timet oHic it tlim, and notwithstanding the beat mtdieal at
now publlahrr of that paper. K. II . Bralnard ia . tea Janoa, could nut find relief. He came to the
alitor. ,
Jltiv. Dr. Alt-Murray, ol tho Al. K.
C'hnrt-h, and Rv. Henry S. Butler, of the Prethy
trrftn, exchanged place of prravhing In It Sab
biUb tveaing. .
Air. Win. Kuivy.ol Helleloilte, father
of Jot W. Party, of the Wnlrkmam, and JohnM.
rry, or tbt A I toon a Sin, died on the Itfth ult.,
1 the Till year of bla age. 1
J. II. VoHblirg, KhI)., Ot Belleloilte, ,
and late Court reporter of tbta Judicial district
wa recently upset from a aled while driving near
tool tin ten, and had kia right arm broken Dear
the wrist.
Jat k Hui;t'ity inlorma tin that the
item going around to tht efltct that be la lo oe
eupy a poaltioai la (he new store of II, Lehman
A Co., oon lo be tptmd in tbi place, la rather
- m m
Martin L. Atcuown. County Hupur-
inftijdrnl, will jileaat acrept our lhaaki lor a
Cpy of tht Teacher' County Inatltata proceed
ing, in pamphlet form, lie etlla them at I't
eeat per copy.
We cull attention to the advorline-
meat of the Kyltrtowa Normal and Claiilcal
arhnol In tbta ls. Any Information desired
fa be obtained: by eddrcaaing Rev. E. P. Foree.
bm, Kylertown, Pa.
The reporta of the Firat National
and County National Banka of Clearfield, at tbt
ehsr o buiinefi on Ih Hit ot February, appear
ia this laiae. The Institution are both In a
abatantial and flourlabing condition.
mt a -
Air. J. M.AIct 'umber, ot llowlonburg,
Weat Va., ia on of nar best aiibscriberf, and a
model imt, b haiing paid ep bii anbacrlption to
thi RariBMi an to January lal, tnsj. We Would
like to hare suae mora imitate thia nobla aiam
pit. CtHhiiiumoii aervicea will be held in
iheClrarfinld Preahytenaa Church next Habbath
tarwrniBK. The pastor, Rev. H . S. II oiler, tapeoti
re fee aiatd by Rrv. U. II. Campbell, ef Anson
illle. Preparatory ettvlcea will be held on
Wefiriqiday, Thareday and Friday eveainga and
Saiarday wiemlaf.
The Hlrikc ha.i had a Uoprctmiug
egret on Ibe coal train oa tba Tyrone and Clear
field road. iB'lead of fira or ail hundred aire
of e al being reeaitei at Tyrone dally thare
ia hrdly enough to itart one train east ever the
Mu liaa. There were, ( tbt atrihe, all
TMl traina left that place daily.
The roceipta of theitviTvumfcHtival
kbd aorlAble, held la tbla awrnagh by the lad:
of the I'rtabyietlaa Cburca, leal Thuiaday a v sa
le g, amounted to a little erar (otty three dollart.
1a arxt aeelablt will be lsW at the residence nt
MM. Hamuet Mitchell en Thursday evening ef
rt weak. Marr-H 11th.
Lulici, bear in ruinJ that in draw!
(bit etaioa.
T. A. Flbok A Co.
i mm
We have no v oral atiw milts nml fix
torn n hand just, now, which Will be told cheap.
I Head r Uverlleinenti it the subject In this
IfSUB of tb Rxi'DBLIfAB.
Our rural friends inform uh t hut
bio birds and robin put in at appearance In tbi
latitude last week Id large numbers, and they ap-
Pr.4 lo us as happy win latd-aummor
Ha V Go! Tbe Slid ol February
"ld tn Hit locality tbts yir. Happening
on r-uiiday, every liouy nearly) wenx to cnurea,
while tb batchst-oberry-tree boy was forgotten.
Huv Your M ill Now ! Wo aro the
proprietor of a Saw Mill, ooinpUt in every par
ticular, which we will mII very ehp- For par
tloulara, address K. A. A W. I. BIOLKR,
nicb-fSO tf Clearfield, Pcno'a.
e -
MitMltar.nuh Whitman, aire., about
.g years, daugbtoi of JoMih Whitman, of tola
b WA , died en Friday leil, after aa lllnoii of
. ' . ' . . . .
, '-k'- H" na"iat wm bttrUd in tbf
Clearfield oatnetery 84bbatb anernoon.
Pan motki). We learn that R. M.
McKoally, of tbii plaot, bai recently been ap
point fd Diftriet A fee I of the KqultaMe Lift
Anuranoe floe tat y for the conn t lea of MeKran,
Pottar, Klk, Cameron. Jefferwn, Indiana and
I). M. DohertyiioollectinamnHOum
of iloffad bird a and baaiti, which will be en
free Pihlbltloa at bit barherihnp Inthla borough. 1
Th. while ifjoirrel recently killed by Mr. Folton,
in Lawrence townibip Is lo be teen In the "Ag
gregation." e
Mrs. Klir.aboth Kinney, aged 83
year, an Inmate of the Cambria County Poor
Home, waa naiaalted by an iniane woniaa in the
ante Initltutlnoa. on Monday of I ait week, and
beaten on tha bead with a poker ao severely thel
death an load the aatne evening.
- - we m
Thk Cask Sktti.kd. As the Osceola
RtrrHU, Clearfield ( it item t and Curwecivtla Timr
have triad the caie of Ibe Commonwealth vi.
Nevling. there need be no time ipentby Ibe Court
and jury In again trying It ; beenuie a much
Chen per plan bai been adopted by the brew.
lusticeH of the Peace choncn at the
recent election ahould not forget to notify the j till ytu . gAa of 0T,r oat hundred per
Prothonotary. within thirty dayi erter tha alec- Leo, Atlli lhl, i, jHlt what oauted "the atrika."
lion, of their acceptan-eof the offlee. giving the Wheaaiirenk of prosperity oooura aoma "dam
Btmaof the peraon they ruccctd and their own j alwftJ( eo(Bt ftrounJ t(1 bre4k U up.
poitoffic. ddr.lf . i m m - '
j- " , , A (idiiu Jon. We learn thai ex-i.Mi-0RTii
1'om.THV. llesi.rn. John Rbiff r oooi, Uit i.k, m.of.rtur.d
W. Ilow., Philip Doll., ,1 -Sh.rlf I'.nli.nd . . . ,. . ,,. ... a,j.
j Clark B. Norri a received a box containing four
j fliiri 0f ,nnie lurkrya, nblppod to thla place, on
Wadneeday lat,from Auburo, Geuaga county.
J " '
1 The epeelel of tbea. fowla ara that
tbay are hardier and grow largor then our common
t(, turkeya.
i - -
, Akotiiiii IIihim 'I'akkx. Vo Irani
that Albert, Mrrebant Tailor, of No.
Till, Arch Itrwt, ftiiUd.liibia, ha. rent.'l tba
j K.trrn .lr, room ia tb. libera Ilou.a, rruantlr
ucoupi0j hy Mr. hraat.r, and will oui.q u a
.tork of food, about th. middle of tbi.
""" The r..oi i. belon nd u.
1 gnnA .111.
I dcrire to inform our large patronage in Drain and
! Millinery lloodi, that we intend to make their j
branrb)' a prcUIlT thin cotuicg it-asoij. Mica
Mutt ic Robn, ourtuilliner, ii now to Ph iUdelphia
attending the openiogi, and will be hure loun to
tnke rbaige of her department and make it the
.emli tig Millii.rry dfpol in and lateitylei, aa
Ait haa dune heretetore. T. A. Ft.Ri'h t Co.
Air. A. K. Powell, of Chica". III.,
! Ii.. Ii.i-ii in for lereml dam. ri.itin.
The (iood Templars- in this borough
celebrated the frit anniversary of their organisa
tion laat Thunday aranlng by a feaitof cake,
ice cream, etc., at the Lode room In the Opera
Houae building. A pub lie Temperance meeting
waa held in the Court Home on Friday evening,
which waa nddrctd on the queition of granting
licenne by Rev. Mr. iJubbi, of Erie county, and
Rev. l)r. McMurray, of thia plaot. The Orpheui
Cnrnt-t Bend waa out in uniform and aupplied
tnuilc for the meeting.
,m mm
J 'Bath's Sad Work. The house
hold of Mr. J. Krneit OewaM, wbo reaide la
1'nion townibip, hue been lit reaelngly afflicted
th diphtheria, four of hie children having died
i dieraae within tba paat few woaki,
The laat 1 1ctim were two hr ibt little a.r1ar, agtd
reaprc'ively about 9 and tl ytari, who died on
Monday evening, Ftb., one breathing her
laat at (1 o'clock and tba other at 7. They wart
both laid to rttt in tha lame grave on Wedneaday
i laal, in the cemetery at the 11 ru baker Churtb,
1 near the village of Roekton.
Binee tht above waa in type we learn thai
! the flfth one baa died, and waa buried on Sunday
j alternoon.
Townhhip Officerh. According to
tbt proviaitna of aa act of the Legislature ef
I thii State, paiaed Juna 4, IHU, the tatu of office
I of every tuwnahip officer hereafter elected, whole
term of office would, under exiating lawi, expire
on tho aaid Aral 'Monday of April, 'the termi
of of ea towoabip officer ahall
begin on tba Brit Monday of March and ahall
continue for the period now fixed fur tha duration
thereof by tililing law. And Townibip Audi
tori ahall meet on tk second Monday of March,
IHH,aod oa each year thereafter. Aa thia ae
waa pareud lufcatqaent to the bet Spring election,
it li conitroed bi not lo affect tht ufJIetn whose
Sclota County Pvorhouae, and had to be carried
into and nut of bed, on account of bii helpltai
condition. After the failure of all the rrmadle
which had been applld, the Director! of the
I'ourh'iaae resolved to uae Ilia celebrated Uerman
Remedy, Si, Jacob Oil, and tbi wa a furta
reaolutlon; for, with the.trialof one bottle,
tbt patlrot waa already much better, and whan
four bottle had lietn aatd apou bim. be eould
again walk about without tbt uit of a oana.
The fact aa above Hated, will be verified by
the editor of tbt Portemouth, Ohio, Vorreepandtmt
U. JJ. CoNr'KKENCE. The Allegheny
Annual Conference of the e buret, ef tha United In Cbrtit conveocd laaaailon at Uraena.
burg, Pa., on the 19th all., where It remained In
teuton for nearly a week. Forty-three oat of
Illy -on Btcmben were preaent, Blahop J.J.
Olotabrtnner was detained la Obamberaburg by
a severe attach of pneumonia, and in hie abatnoe
Biahop J. Dickson, of the Ohio let, presided
Tbe appointment In the Beat dtitrtet for the
tnsulng year are aa fotlowa
Eat Diitbkt-D. Speck, Presiding Elder.
AltuoBaM. tfpanglar.
Tyrone R, H. iVoodwanl.
Holliaaysburg A. K. Fultew.
Fallea limber-J. Felix,
BellefuBte J. M. Haith.
Port Matilda L. W. 8lahl.
Mtllbeim lo be aupplied.
Ottertwin-W. 11. Mailera.
C'ttarlild I'. Ueoiey.
Uursstde David Hteela.
New Paria J. U. MeUlay.
Jumaia V, A. Jack ion.
'I hrve Sprlagi. K. A. .eek.
btiade Oep J. F. Tallbelw.
t.Wtroul J, A. Clem,
haat faltui J. A. Laadi.
bomaraat J. U. Perahing.
I'll l li for Black Hah. Bitaa bah
ermen in ibi taction own reap a benefit la more
waya than one the coming tea son. The publish
er of Afield and Alomi, m journal devoted to
sporting inttraat, pabliahed la Philadelphia,
have made the following offer to anglen for the
lining M-eaoa of 1S80: for th largest black
baaa caught in the puhlia waters ef tbe Doited
Stele with bait, a bah detune baae entfit, ten
eletlng ef a fen rod, Uarinan Silver aaultlpl yiag
reel, Una, basket, threw leaden, one diiea he oka
and lit artificial man new. AaaipeflaJ premium
to PeBaaylvanta aagltr the following la offered :
For tht latgeii ble I besf eaugbl in tht public
wnteri ef Waaayltaela, with bait : A very fiaa
black baa oat It, eaaiating ef a aSperlor
red, mail let; tog reel, line, leaders, ana delta
hooka and six artiacinl tulu an or ted. The black
baa must be ef the species known aa the
net t beta ef instil toxmltwd baae, ( Wrmptern
Umimmidee), as it wewJd tie nayuat te nerthara
aagltr te latelada law heavy fiah of the aoMKera
variety tn the award. The preaeium will
a a aided oa Neeaar I, una, end all
who drains to eompete ahoald seed la their nam a
AO North Seventh 1 1 reel, Phitdelphla. There
it ae vipenea aah aa owUnnoe fee.ete to be In
Barred by tht eonteetanta, aad no doubt the oom
pet It fin ff"B thla leeallty win We nwrnttnaa.
SpritiR ityle consUntly being re-
Nevor let i-ulU run. Take it in
time. All that la n actuary U to procure a bottle
of "Seller' Ooqgh Syrup," nod be eared. ;
Sk! N. K. Arnold wunU every
thing in the ibapa of aaw Joga, iblngla, lrk,
and railroad Ilea, for which will pay tha eaah.
See adrtrttieurut aliewhare In tbla paper.
m -
At the ItgPUBLicAN oflice ia tlio place
to get your job work dona. We are fully prepared
to do anything tn the printing line, will do It
well, and at the right kind of prloee. ( tf.
vHi-iimi, lSHOV-T.' A. Klook A Co.
aru npeoiog not Ibclr Invoice of Spring goodi
thla week, which are marked at a figure thai la
bound to pell ihctn and cannet be anderaeld.
mar. 3-it,
List of lot turn remain i i) i unclaimed
in the Poit office at Clearfield, for the weak ending
March I, 180
J oitpb Jubneon, Jamn T. Katen, Mra. Julia
Morgan. P. A. Oaulin, P. M.
. . e w
According to the Times, Curwena
vllle will experience aa unuitul degree of aotlrity
tbii com log Summer. Three briak bleoka for
buaineia buuiea and a number ot dwelling aouaea
will be put up. Tbia will afford plenty of work
forcerprntcri, maiuni and bricklayer.
The Philiuurg Journal ia authority
for the it at anient that Mr, A. D. MoKinatry. of
('(tat eounty, New York, hai been it lee ltd by
Meiin. J. U. Uoyt A Co., to anperintend the
practical operation of the large new tannery at
tbii place, which will be ioon put In operation.
Mr. Wm. H. Pridoaux, of Hunting
don, who taught In the publte eeboola of this
borough tome aeven or tight yean ago, and Mlu
Florence U. Wallace, of Sbirleyaburg, Hunting'
don county, were uulted in marriage on the 18th
ult. They have our bcit wlihea for their future
m m i
One lady ol the UanvaftHing Com
mittee of tbla borough, for tha relief of the luffer
Ing in Ireland, returned $30 to Treasurer Dotla on
Saturday laat. If all do tbia well, the fund will
reach a aum that will be a tredit lo the liberality
of our people.
ProM'KRity. It will bo noticed that
i our uni weea a "lint oui ui roai amouaiau to
over 44.0110 tona to j?,ono ton for the fame weak
A Couin.117, of Ty rune. The 8b.rilT if an ,x
cellent meebuoio and deierte. patronage ; became,
whatever he ngreci to do, ha la lore to feme to
time iin 'I Jeliver the gooda according to agree
ment. (iruat nutnliorri have boun cured of
dropty, palpitation of tha heart, beat and pain
aornaa the bark, icanty and cloudy urine, by
(tog Itaroania.
Prepared at K. K. TheropaoB'a laboratory,
jTituaville, P. For lale by all drugfiita In
I'lcarfielJ, and Joirph Sryler A Son, Lutbrra
burg, IS. it
Thk Sti jkii Cheek Well. The IuhI
liua of the Panxiutawaey Spirit, February 20th,
uyt : "NeHi troin Slump Creek ii very inaagre.
oprrationa are au'pended and to all appearances
the well ia aliauloued. Hut oil men eon Untie to
coma and g, and an occasional farm is picked
up at handsome llurea. The developmaot of
the Punxautawney oil tiald is a matter of hut a
few tuunths."
Dpff's Commercial Coi-leuk. Wo
take pleaaurt In ccmmendlng thii old, wall man
aged and auocirful luiinraa college, whiah la on
of tbt popular institution of our elty and a
' houae-hold word" In lha community ; It fame
la widely spread and it i graduate are everywhere.
Beaide Ih auperior builneae training imparted,
tbe principals and teacher ondeavor, by txamplt,
to inculcate gentlemanly manner and exert a
Doe moral Influence on itudenti under their
oarr. Pitnryk Ckrittian Adeoeate.
Coiinllcas BtilVerers find tbe bulin of!
of relief, and tht fountain of their health and
strength. In Ayur' SariapariHa. It I the molt
potent of all the alterative to purify the lyitem j
and oltanae tht blood. It posits Invigorating
qualitiei, ao that It itimulatei the faded vitalities I
and purges out Ibe corruption which mingle j
with the blood,promotlng derangement aad decay, i
We are arsurtd by many intelligent phjiiciani
that this to edit in curat beyond all other of It
kind, and wt can fortify this alatemant by our1
own experience. ftiajsiiiaiitaey Pa.) Argw.
Moving time in near, and many ot
our eitiaens are pu. to comtderabla Inconvenience
and dlttrea on account of tht rcarelly of good
homes and high rant for Inferior properties.
Rent art bighnr than moat laboring men oao
afford to pay. High tent render th prosperity
of our town, aad prevent baainesa nan and thoat
of him virion occupation from locating and be
coming citiicni. It I better to put down tho
renti to merely eorer taxe and expe naea than to
retard prosperity and binder the growth ef the
Katally Inji red. We learn that
an accident occurred W Joatpb Bloom, residing
near New Millport, oa Saturday morning, Feb
ruary 21 it, which resulted In hi death a few
dayi after. He wai engaged at hauling logs In
tht wood near that village, when he aoeideatlly
fell and w ai caught by the alidlng of a log. At
flrit no great lean of a fatal nature were enter
tained ; but sooo internal symptom wert dis
covered which baffled th pbyaician'i skill, and
for which no remedy could be devised or applied.
From thest Inttrnal Injuries, Mr. Bleom suffered
In (en set j until Tuesday noon, tbe 24th nit., death
came to hi relief. He wa no profaning Chris
tian t but during th four days and nlghta of hi
palnfal suffering, he earnestly onfetid hi sins,
ought tba pardoning powtr, aad died in good
hope of Heaven aad eternal life. The deoaaiad
leave a wife and ona child, beside father, broth
ers, slaters, and a numerous circle ef relatival to
mourn bii early demise.
The relative and friends of Alfred A. Graham,
Ksq., aon of Jam B. Urahain,of tbia borougb,
a well aatbl whult community, ware atartltd oa
Saturday laat by a telegram from DuBola, atat
log that tha former wa found dead in hil bed al
tbe Central Ilottl that morning. Ui death leema
to have beeu easy, because no evldtaoe of a
truggle wai risible. Ilia watch wa fonndnoder
hit pillow, and hi cloihta depoalted on a chair,
and he had evidently turned Into bla bed aananal.
Ilgl the vital apark bad fled. Medical authorities
fate thai hla death waa oaoaed by apoplexy.
The deceased waa In tba 18th fear of bii ue.
He wa a member of the Clearfield eonnty bar,
and located at Dullois la December laat for tbe
practice of bla profeaalon.
Ilia remain! were brought to this plate ua
Sunday, and Monday afternoon were tonatgned
te tbe City of the Dead. Tht legal fraternity
attended the fuaeral In a body eut of reaped to
the memory of their deceased brother, aii ef
their number acting aa pall-bearer.
The father and friend rerjutit a to retnrn
thank to thoaa cl titan of DaBoti who took won
a decided Interest ia Icoking after their deceased
A meeting of tht Bar and affloari of tbs at vara I
Coorla of Clrarfield eonnty, called to take action
on the death ef A. A. Mmham, Eiq., was held nt
tha office of Mr Kn ally A MeCurdy, in Clear A aid,
Pa., on Monday, March let, 1HS0.
On motion, a committee, eooiliting of Frank
Fielding, Thomas II. Murray and Wm. M. Mc
Cnllougb, Ran,., waa appointed to pre par resolu
tions expressive of the Boate of tha meeting, who
reported the following, which were nnanimoealy
fYeeofrW, That th member of the Bar of
riearnelq- eonnty have learned, with profound re
grot, ol tbeandden and unexpected death ef ear
brother, ALfnan A. Gninau. Mao., we aiaearelv
deplore lae loa auaUined by mi, aa wall aa by the
community at large, la this affliction, we recog
nise th tn acre table wisdom ef God. ae-aia re
minding ns ef the an n finest end uncertainty of
iVeeoiW, That we hereby teatUy to the hlndly
dlspeaiiioa end upria-at oharaderof tbe deeeeaed.
bia admiralioB lor tbe proleaslon upon whtoh he
naa so recently entered, ana the learning aad
ability which so well fitted hla for aaefalaea
Keetrrd, That the member of the Bar of the
county attend the faaerel to a hodv. and that the
officer ef thi meet lag eeavey to the family ef
me asceeaeu aeopy ei ineee rtsoinnena, ana et
preas te them aws deep sympathy in their and
Jfeaefred, That the preeeedings of onr meeting,
together with a epy ef thee rlwtloM, he pob
Hshed in the eewaty paper.
On motion, Meeara. Fielding, Big tar, deed on,
Wm. M. MvCallowgh, MaCardy aad krebe were
elected te feet as pall-bearers.
AHtr sear ether arrangements were mad for
the Bar to attend tha funeral la a body, the meet
lag adjourned. (1 . R. Banair, Prte't.
Cvara OtBj, Secretary.
At nsnal, T. A. Fleck k Co. are
ImdiD, tbi uM awl tt.
The new Spring itock of T. A. Kloek
a 0.. Il balaf WDHM1U7 nrai,.
Call at T. A. Fleck & Co.'a ami get
Fubtoa Bbut. il-H.
J. r . Davit, of PortHmoutb, Ohio,
t& ia 9n. jw fu.rtoM thuitud boiM of " K,l
l,n' Ll.n Pill.." T17 thw.
The Kw Keminotom Famii.t Saw
mu Ucil lor mJ. .1 J. t. ll.rder'l U
Slort, CIK.ld, P. Oot. J9-d0i.
We have now on bund torero! tboua-
od tril olui rafolopal, whleb . will print for
buiinui m.o, or .DjboJj ,1m, l ,rlo tbii
otk.rir.llwl. C.I1 tod mtbam. If.
Jlamhur Kmbroideriea in EdgiDf
and Iaaertiona! A eomplete line, oowprlalng alt
the new pattern, jort reealved ii T, A. Pleok A
Co. Call early and get the bargaiaa. mar Lit.
Bee ft woman on n onto back in another
co lit an, riding near Bpeer'i Vineyard, with a
beach of Urape from whlck Speer' Port Grape
Wiae la made, that I ao highly titeemed by the
medical profMiloa for the nee of invalid, weakly,
peraona and the aged. Sold by 8. W. Uraham,
Drugglat, Clearfield, Pa, Hy.a--7 tr.
A Fact. AnaovortisomontlnaorWd
la the Rkpublicar will reach more reader than
if published In all the other paper la the eonn-
ty.and eoit tba adrertlatt Itat than one-half
In other word, an adrertfaement pabliahed In
our jtnrnal la worth double the prion of that
eharged by any other poblliher la the county,
It ia n fact."
New Jerhkt Wine Sent to Kuropi.
The suoosia of Mr. Bpttr, tht great wine man
of New Jersey, ha arisen from th strict parity
and valuable properties of hi wloaa for invalid
and feabls peraoni, and hi reputation eitandi
around tht world. HI Port Grape Wine Is now
being ordered by f am II Its In London and Paris.
For sal by K. W. Orabam, drugglat, Clearfield,
Removal. Dr. T.J. Boyer bos re
moved bis mtdieal offlne to the room recently
occupied by Buck A Graham, lo Graham' row
He makes CHRONIC PISKASES a apeclalty.
CIIARQKH VERY LOW. Tbs manufacturer
having lowerad price, be is prepared to fu rutin
duced rate. The afnirted will be benefited by
giving him a call. July 23, '7Ltf.
New Daily Stage Link. James h.
Leavy baa succeeded In having a dally mall estab
lished between Clearfield and Pennfiald, and will
hereafter rua n daily stags between the two points.
Jili contract beg a with April 1st, and the stag
will leave Hear fie Id every moiniog (except Sun
day) at S o'clock, making connections with all
train on the Low Grade Railroad at Pen n field, re
turning after the last train tbe same evening.
Paieeogenand freight will be carried at low ratee.
Ordtra left at any of tha hotels will bo attended
to. Ifinpr7-tf
Farmers. Look Here ! Lytic will
give you highest market price for Wheat, Oats,
Corn, Buckwheat, Butter, Bgga, Oniooa, Apples,
dried fruits, and all kind of produce. H ha
the largest nod beat selected stock of groceries,
teas, coffee, molasses, apices, oil aalt, sugar,
queen i ware, tuba, bucket, baskets, churn. Ac,
in Clearfield county. He buy hi goods In large
quantities from manufacturer and first hand
for eaah, and takes th advantage of nil
discount, and so he la enabled to tall at loweet
prleea. lit gives sash pries for prodoce.and eelli
bis goods at tbe lowest prices In the county.
Cleari'iei-i Coal Trade. State
ment of Coal and other freight seat over tbe
Tyrone A Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Rail
road, for the week ending Feb. 21, 1888, and
tba aame time laat year t
For the week
Same time laat year
Previously daring year
Same time last year
Total In 1880
Same time laat year
oibrb raiioiv.
Misoellaneoua freights
- gl.VM
..llti oarr.
..I7 "
How to I. each Ivans ah. Persona
moving to the West ihould eonsult their own
comfort by se letting tht route by wblob Intra art
aura tonneoliona in Union Dtpots, fait traina and
comfortable oar. Thar la no line that can com
pare with tbe Pan Handle Route la these par
ticular!. Two daily traina leave Union Depot,
Pittsburgh, rie Pan Handle Route, which run
through la many hour quicker time than by any
other Hoe, as follow:
Leave Pittahnrgh (city lima) fi-42 a. m. 1 1 4T p. m.
Arrive St. Louis 7:30 " V 00 "
., Kansas lO.OK p. m, b:00a.m.
" Leavenworth 11:40 10 I S "
" Atehlaon MO a. u. 11:20 "
M St. Joaeph l:9S 12:v p. m.
Prompt eonaeotiooj are made ta I1 aloe Depot
nt pointrnamtdfor all land point. For further
information, time table, etc., addreia, W.L.
O'Brien, General Paaitnger Agent, Pan Handle
Route, Columbus, Ohio. Feb II -It
MAHOHiirii KuntAca, Pa. May 1.1. 1878.
Dn. M. M. Pbinrr, F red on I b, N. Y.,
Dear Sir t I have tried your Blood and Liver
Rtmtdy and Nervt Tonic and Aad that It I a
splendid medicine. My father bad bean sick a
loag time. On bottle has helped him more than
any medicine he has ever need. My wife, also,
ha need a bottle with good results.
Yours truly, JACOB SMITH.
Mar -.1 21
Dr. Fetntr'a Blood and Liver Remedy and
Nerve To tie may wall be ealled "The conquer
ing hero" jf the time. It la the medical triumph
ef the ara. Whoever has "the bine" should take
IL for It regulates and reitoro th disordered
yitem that give rise to them. It alwaya tares
IHIiowiDees and Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dys
papain, Conatipatloa, Headaches, Fever and
Ague, Spleen Kalargement, Scrofula, Kryilpelas,
Pimples, Blolflhe and ell skia Kraptioai and
Blood Disordera; Swelled Limbs and Dropsy j
Sleep Its mess, Impaired Nerve and Norvoai De
bility i Restores flesh and strength when tba sya-
tarn 1 ruLnlng down or going into decline ; cure
Famale Weakneas and Chronic Hbsamatlam. and
relieves Chronic Drone bitla, and all Lung and
Throat It doe these thiaga by strik
ing at the root of disease and removing it eats a.
Dr. Fanner' improved Cough Honey will re
lieve any eongh la one hour. 1'ry a sample bottle
at leu veuie.
Dr. Fooner'a Qelden Relief care any pain, aa
Tooth -ache, Neuralgia, Colic or Headache in five
te thirty minutes, and readlli relieve Rheume
tjim, Kidney Complaint, Dlarboea, at.
Dr. Fenaar'i St. Vilna Danee Spetlfla. One
bottle always tore.
Per aale by tiartawiek A Irvla. DraaeiaU.
Clearfield, Pa. ang-tl-U.
fabraar. !.. I I'll, r K... I., Mr.
Tho,. J. Wld.ailra,.f SraapiM HIIU, and Mill
Mar, I)ouh,rl, ef Uleeai tewaaaip. Cleart.ld
Moat;, P, ,
MO0RK HANKY. Ou Tk.l.daj,
Itlb, mm), bj Rer. I. IJw.rd., M r. U.
Moer. ... Ml,, Nor. H.n,, bo( .1 l.oaator
CIlJ, Cla.rl.ld, P.. '
KN(lI.IHH-tlllMSk At lb. rwldeaa. of
W. la,!!.., oa H.oda;, yebruarj lib, IIM,
hr Jarab William,, I,Mr.O. I. Eo,llb ...
Ml.. Hal.. Mkla.l, .11 of (irabaa lo.i.bip,
Clearteld asntr, Fo. '
WINKY BRIGHT. 0. Moa.laT, V.braarr
Ud, 1HM, .. Her. W. M. BarebBeld, Mr. Hear,
W. P. Wire; aad Mle. Knea. E. Brlbl, .11 M
DuBol. Cltjr, Cleartald,, Pa.
BAROKR-KKI.I.RV. 0. W.doa.d.r, P.b
roar; 41b, tij R.. I. 8. MeMorrai, Idward
B.r.r, of Cloarleld, a.d Mia, Little K.ll.T, of
HOI.T-BARIIRR.-Ot,, J.a. Irt,
10, bjr Rer. J.t. MeMurrar, hehorl H.II .ad
Miaa Clar. U. Barfer, bolb of Bradford,.
FILLHART In Henderten townehlp, Jeffer
ewaeetsaty. Pa., en Tweadav, February llth. IMfe.
Saleeae, danghter ef Jtweb Fillhart and wife
Rlitabeth, deoeeaed, aged l year, meath and
t daya.
F(rRI,0N(I.-Io llewderaea tewaahlp, ieffer.
BeweoMBty, Pa., aw Thareday, February 1ib,
!, John Jaatee, eew ef Jeha aad Naaey Far
long, aged I year, 4 aoatae aad daya.
HOOVFR.-AI Lethereberg. en Monday, Feb
rwary tUd, IMO, William, oa ef Henry Hoover,
aged II year, I meath aad 10 day,
PITIRMAN. Oa Saturday, February 14th,
1MB, Mr. Jane Pelereaea, la the jM year ef
hershga. .
GRAHAM - At DiBola, on aaterdav mora-
Ing, Febrwary Mth, 1 (WO, awddealy, A. A. Oraaam,
Kaq., fersnerly ef tbi borough, aad sea ef Jame
w. u re ham, aged as yvwra and is ey.
Saw Logs, Shingles, Bark,1
Office opposite Irwla'a Drug Store. Call in
person or addres aa above. IwarX-ltn.
Wixmn. 680,000 U feet shaved hoops, dellf
ered at the railroad, tn ear loads of M.OnO, at all
points on the Tyrone A Clearfield, P. A K., Bald
Kagl Valley, and Pennsylvania Railroads, lor
whioh I will pay tha highest market price.
Oottfl, 1878-tf. Clearfield, Pa.
Our nrxnaan Pan Cw. Diacomt oa Olt
Pnicia. Sewing Machines can now be purchased
at Merrell'a tin and variety store, from is up
wards. All kinds of sewing mac bines repaired
on Ibe ahortsat notioe.
Clearfield, Pa., July 1. 187T.
fire llundrtd Thouuand hlroHg
Ia tb. put f.w Montha ther. b... boon nor,
than .00,001) bottlal of Kbllob'. Cure cold Oot
of tbe a.l oomber f ppl, wbo hav. aa) It,
ajiora tbu 1,000 of Con.uubtlon bar. bMi
oored. All Coufbr, Croup, A.toma, aod llron
ohill.. .laid at ooee, b.noe It la Ib.t ev.rr bud;
po.k. la It. pralM, To IbuH wbo have not
red It, lat a, lay, if too hare . Couth, or your
child lb. Oroop, .ud yom v.lua llf. doo't fall lo
tr; It. For Law. Back, aide nr Cheat, uae
Bbllnh', Poruu. Plular. For aal. by C. U. Wat
aon, ClaarBeld, Pa. aep lU eow dai.
. Strang V topic.
Do yo koow that there ara llraoe poopla In
our oommuDity, w. aa; atrana;. Iiecaue. tbe;
ae,n to prefer lo euflor and pa., their da;l mia
erabl;, made ao b; Dlapepiia, aod Llr.r Coin
plaint, ladi,e.tioa, Conatipatloa, and U.naral
Labilll;. wbenBHJLOM B VITALIZKK la ,uar
antaed to euro them. For rala b; C. B. iVuUon,
Claard.ld, P.. aep.l0 MW-m.
W. har. a BDaedr aod pealtlr. Cur. for Ca
tarrh, Diphtheria, Canker mouth, and Aehe,
10 HUILUH H CAlAltllll nr.Mf.ul. A
Inieetor fraa with aaeb bottle. Ua. It If ;oa d-
air. haallh and aweet breath. Price 40 ola. For
aala b; C. D. Watien, Cl.eilield, Pa.
DnooTa. Fob ai.. R. Kewton Shaw koapa
full auppl; of Fredooia Ba.(l.a and Platform
Kiriii for i.le. To b. aeel al tb. Hhaw Houae
yard. Call oa or addroaa hid at Cleart.ld Pann-
.jlranla. i may la-u.
Coixirron'. WinaaWTl.W. liav. prepared
a form, and bar. o. band a lara;. quanlit;, of
blank "Uolie.tora Halaa, vnir. Bar. Doea ap
proved b; th. hi(b..t letal autburil; ill Ih.
Uourle oi inu oouoi;. At rweaiy . mi. i.r
doieo w. will nail an; number to lb. Collector
rdario, them. A Uollettur. wuen nompollad to
adv.rti.. nrvDortr. ttiuat poet up not lee. lhaa
thra. notiee, in tha mo.t public plaoea in bi.
borougb or town.hlp.
Waavan. Delivered at tba Rail Road.
100,OiiO 2A-incb shaved abinglea.
ino.OOO 34-lnch aawed ahlngle. ,
100,000 feet of pine boards.
000,0110 14-feet shaved hoop.
VinO railroad ties.
60,000 feet of good hemlock board.
For which I will nay tht hifheet market price,
delivered at Olaerfleld, or at any point on the
Tyrone A Clearfield Railroad.
r, I. fixaaaa.
Clearfield, Pa., Oot. 18, 1878-tf.
Just ll?eeiveil.
JuBt RooiivoJ ly AKNOUx at
Car toad Nova Scotia Plaatorl
Car Load pure Corn, Ry and Oats
Chop 1
Car J.oaU Ueakcn rail i
(-'ar Load of Choice Family Flour 1
Car Load Dry Good, Groceries, &.!
gWShinizloot Bark. It. R. Ties and
CinuD will bo taken in exchange.
Curwenavillo, May 1, 18. s.
$3 HO
I tie
I oo
I 80
I 40
I to
I Bi
I it
:i no
1 to
1 0.
I to
Fluur, tier cwt
Buekwbeat Mour, par ewt ....
Cora Meal, per ewt
Chop, rra, p.rewt
Chiip,, par ewt
rlraa, per ewt
Wheat, per bn.bal
Kr, P.r .Babel
Oat., p.r buahel
Cora, eara, par bo.het
Uuokwbeat, per mi. aal
Clorer .Md
Tiuolhr aeed
Potatoea, par
Appll, par buibal
llama, par pencil
rlboulilar, per poand
Uried Va.f, p.r poaad......M....
Chiokeaa, par pair M,
Butler, per pouod
EKira, Per doieo .
Salt, per eaek, lar,.
Coal Oil, p.r galloa
l.ard, p.r poaod
llriwl Appl.a, per M.
Uried 1'eaobee, par poaad
Ueane, par buabal
pHlLankLraiA, March 1. Breadstuffa are dull
aod wnrat and corn are again lower.
Floor and Meal. Th Boar market Is dull and
weak. Sale of 700 barrels, including Minnesota
eilraa It $U7iu.7 ; Waatern do. d. at fi.ii,
aod patent and other nigh gradea al 17 .0.
Hye ttoor ta quiet, weouott at xo.ia.
Corn meal Nominal.
Oram Tbe W beat market 1 dull and 1c, lower.
Salea ef rejected at 1. --.(..!. 3il : Pennaylvanla
red, track, at $1.48 ; southern amber do., at $l.a0,
and No. I red, elevator, at $1.40. At tbe open
board, first call, 20,000 but he la April sold at
$1,401 $1.47 waa bid for February; $1.47 for
March j 1I.4N lor April fel.4l lor stay, ana
l.47 for Jane.
Rye Is steady at v3c tor Pennsylvania.
Corn ia inactive and weak. Salea 6,000 buab-
ela, loelading mixed at ftOe. At the open board,
firit aall, lii,U00 bus bale March aold at aate oc.
wa bid for February ftaie. for March, Wjc. for
April, and ftSlo. tor May,
Oati are dull and weak. Salee of 4.200 boahal,
including rejected and No. 1 white at 44ifv4io,
No. I whit at 47(gi47l, and eboiee and fancy
do. at 48c.
Whisky I ateady. Sal if 100 barrels waatern
nt $1.10.
Cmcaao, March I. Flour nominally ntichatijred.
Wheat dull, and lower i No. I Cbicajro aprinc,
$1,231 bid for eaah $124 hid for March ( $1.2&
for April; No. I do. $1.11 (a. ; rejected, Vie.
Corn uulet and weak; trash, alUlit for
eaah, Jlfl.c. for March) 171c. for April; 4l$c.
for eaah ntc. for March i 17e lor April ; 41.
fur May t rejected, 34 ie.
Uata ateady, Iraab, aiitaaj tor oaab ; 8l lor
February; Sc. for May.
Rye and barley steady.
Hoi quiet. Pork dull, weak and lower ;
$11.70(41 1 1.7 for eaah; for March;
ll .V0(a)ll21 for April.
Lard dull, weak and lower; T.IJi for eaah;
$7.1 14(7-1 far March ; $7.15 for April. Bulk
meat eaiterj snootier, It. Jo; short, .
clear, $A.7V. Whisky steady.
At oieee Wheat dull aud lower.
Cora eir and i lower,
Oata ateady.
Porh dull, heavy and 1 lower.
Lard dull and TH. lower.
u . I. lm. H. In.. T.rm. and t&
) eutnt fraa. Addree. II. Ilellet A Company,
forqaad, Maine. degl7,'7 IT.
vaal a weak. Ill a da? ut Jiona mad.
V I U Coall, outtt fie.. True A Co.,
A.f.eta, alalna. deel7,'7ll.lj
$Z Tn $OA rvr tt born, flainpla. worlh
0 lu QCiKJ ii In,. Addre.a A Co.,, Maiaa.
1)EEI FOH BAI.R Thlrteea kWea of
1 1 Italia, lieu wbleb I will eeU .heap fur
ea.a, or exonanaja lor wneai. ror luriner 10
foraaatloa nil .. er addr... the .nierriened.
i. t. KKAMKK,
Not t, H tf. Clawtold, I'..
1 lAHN LAKINI KIR MI.E-li llo.lon
1 and Pin. ta.B.bipa, Clearteld oountr. faV
oaaonabl. iiaia ftre. Impart of purenaae-TMr
HeaaoBUI. uaia fire, lorpartai pareBaae.
uj.ney. Prloaa It 00 to 1 1 1.00 per Mra.
Mineral, raierred. L. BIltD, Aienl,
Penteld, Pa,
ar A Kaaaa,
Sept It, ) Stl-lf. Cleart.ld, Pa,
' r ' ' "
NormalClassical School!
See.lo. will eomenee APRIL ItTII, IIM, d
eootinu. thlrtemi weak..
Commea Kngllah Branches .J.VOn
Higher Kngllah and Claasiea I.o
Boarding eaa he bad at from $2.00 to $7.60 per
wee a.
r"For Circular containing further Inform
Una, apply to th Principal at Kvlertown, Pa.
Rev. R. P. FtlRKHMAN,
O.W. KMlilH, Aaalaianl.
Kylettown, Pan March I. ll-4u
SherilT's Sale.
BY vlrtne of sundry writ ef Yen. AV., Issued
eat er the Court ef Common Pleat of Clear
OeldCe and tome direetod, tber will beetpoaed
ta public sale, nt tbe Court Hone, la lb born ugh
el wirerneM, ea
Thareday, March llth, lHm,
At 1 e'eleok, P. M., the following desrribed reel
estate, to wilt
All that certain tract ef land sit a at la Law
reaee tow ea kip, Clearfield eoenty, Pa., bounded
aad decked aa follow, to wit : Oa the north
hj lead ef Jame Thempaoa, oa the east by lands
of Jame Thapoi and John R, Letle, en th
eoath by land of M. II. Miller, and on the weat
by land el A. C. Tate, containing 104 acres, more
or less, and having about fill acre, with a frame
( painted and pltrch dwelling house, a large
bank barn, uagon hed, spring house, an eleganl
large orchard of bearing fruits (good varieties)
thereon, and an opeu coal bank near tbe huuat.
Seised, taken In execution aud to be sold as the
Rroperly of Mary Lliaabith Heed and Jama M.
All those sereral treat ol land situate la Clear
field and Cambria eouutle,a, bounded and de
an H bed as follows, vlat Una thereof situate in
Itecearia township, CUarflald county, Pa., begin
ning at a post corner of H. Wilson aurvey, and
being the south weat corner; Ihenoe north 3 if
perches to post: then re east M porches, mora or
lea, te ioat : thence aouth 320 paretics, mora or
leal, to email hiukory ; theiioa eaal Vn perohss,
mors or Iras, In poet; thence south M pare bee,
more or leea, to post ; thtnoe east I OA perobes,
more or leas, to post s thenoe south I DO jiercliea,
mora er leas, to post t tlienno wet I'll perches,
wore or leaa, to place el begiunittg, Boutulniog
110 acres, ttior or less
Ona other thereof altuat partly In Bvaria
owashln. Clearfield eeuotv. Pa., and partly In
White iownsbln. Oambrla eountr. Pa., surveyed
In tbe name ef J. (lilpia. Tb part lu Clearfield
county bounded aa follower Beginning at a
port tbe north -east eoraar ot traoti tnenoe soma
110 0-10 percbea, mors or lass, to Bounty lln I
tbence weat along aaui 2.1 par. to post j thence
oast JlltO perches to plaoe of beginning. Tbe
part In Cambria oounty bounded aa follows ;
Beginning at a hemlock aoutn-eaat aorner nt
tract aforesaid s tbence north 40 perohet , more or
teaa, to rtuunty linei tbenct' along same .tlti) par
ches, more er lsaf to poet ; lhaoc south 40 par-
ohes, more or less, to hemlock and beginning.
lbs White tract ia both counties containing 214
acre, more or leas.
Ona other thereof surveyed la the name of
Jacob King, ailuate In Clearfield and Cambria
countlea. The part In Clearfield oounty being
In Becuaria township, beginning at post north
west corner; theooa south 112 perhee, mora or
lesa, to county lln; thence east 2X0 percbea,
mors orloBi.topoeti tboooe north 112porohea,more
or lesa, lo puit ; thence weat 2.10 percbea, more or
leas, to beginning. The part In White township,
Cambria oounty, bounded a follows : Hi-ginning
at a post at oounty lino oa weat aide tract t
thenoe south 208 percbea, more or leas, to beech ;
then'' eaat 10 parckaa, more or lesa, to post ;
thence north 108 percbea, more or leas, to atones ;
thence 100 pa rebel, more or leva, to poet f thenoe
north 40 percbea, more or less, to oounty line ;
thence wast along seine 230 per., mors or lesa, to
beginning. The whole tract containing SlU acrea.
The above described tracta being unimproved.
Seised, taken in execution and to be aold aa
property of r-amuel Mil liken aod A.C. Milliki-n.
A certain piece of ground aituate tn Osceola
borough, Clear Held county, Pa., fronting ib feel
on Llngle street and running back 160 teet to an
alley, bounded weat by Liogle afreet, east by an
alley, aouth by lot of D. K. Harney, and north ly
lot of Oaceola .Mercantile Co. Th buildinga are
burned on thia lot.
Seised, taken in execution and to be lold aa
Ibe property ef T. S. laett and J. B. Ixett.
A certain piece of ground situate in Burneiiie
borough, Clearfield oounty, Pa., bounded on the
eaat by Main atreet, wel by an alley, north by
lot of J. A. Wetiel, and on Ihe aouth by lot No.
04, and known tn plan of aald borough a lot No.
r2, baring thereon erected a frame atort houae,
two elortea high, and other oulbuildinga.
Selicd, taken In elocution, and to be in Id ua
the properly of Matthew Irvin.
A certain tract of land iltuate In Corwenaville
borough, ClearfleJd eonnty, Pa., being four lota,
bounded and deacrited as follow: Beginning
at tht corner of Filbert aad tieorge itreeis, and
running northward along Filbert atreet on the
eaat side ol said atreet mo leet to Maxwell alroet ;
thence in an easterly direction along said street
I'0 feet to twenty fuot alley; tbenoe along said
alley 2-10 fet to lleorg street ; thence west along
said atreet 11-0 feet tu place of beginning, and
having theraon erected, a large planing mill,
board shed, dry kiln, and other outbuildings, and
various wood working masbincl.
Belied, taken In execution and l b sold as
the property ot M. B. Fay and Jno. Kustciborder.
A certain picoe of land iltuate In lloutiul bor
ough, Clearfield county, Pennsylvania, being
lot Mill HO feet on llaanab street, large hotel,
throe storle high, .tOxt'iO feet, burn IsxJtl feet,
id other outbuilding. (Hee DeeJ on record.)
Ihe property ef J. D. Dean.
All thoae lots of ground In Cutwtwevill bor-
ougii, ana oeing purpart no. - iu iariiiion ol
n lillam Irvin a esute, bounueo as loiiowa : lie
ginning at post; theac along tht Ruaquehaniia
river; ihenoe north 04 degreea eaat 4a feet to
ii oat ; thenoe north 30. dt-greos 474 fset aoroas
Meadow street to T. A C. Railroad ; thence along
right-of-way line of railroad lOi feet te post at
Locust atreet i thenoe atlV degree west OfO fast
to begiooing, containing 2 acrs and 70 perrfaei,
Hire or lees, aaa bii civarsi.
All of Pefendant'a Interest in purpart No. 10
of tald estate, being two Iota. Oaelhereof adjolnteg
property of William Prloe, fronting on River
street 50 feel aod extending back 10tf feel, having
thereon a dwelling house aud other improvements.
The other thereof adjoining lot last mentioned,
extending 60 feel oa River point aod back, with
dwelling bona and other improromenta thereon.
All of Defendant's Interest in purpart No. lb
a laid estate, bounded west by tsuniuebanoa
river, tooth by Hiram Caldwell, and on the eaat
by turnpike and land of ... , containing
00 acres and 41 perches, more or lea.
oeiiea, leaen in oxeemioaaDu 10 oe soia asint
property of A. 11. irrtn.
A certain tract of lend situate In (Irahatu town
ship, Clearfield Bounty, Pa., bounded aa follows j
Oo the eaat by land of lleiekiah Lanaberry, sontb
by land ot Hmeal Urabain, weat by land ol Jobn
Peweil, and north by land of Uraham A Morgan,
containing lid acrea, more or leas, with about V0
acres cleared, and having thereon erected a two
story frame bouse, bank barn and ether outbuild-
jHelied, token In e eciitlon and to be aold as
tht property of John McDowell.
A 1.30,
A certain piece ef ground sit net ia Clrarfield
borough, Clearfield eonnty, Pa., on corner of
Third aod Market atretta, fronting j0 feet, more
lass, on Market atreet, and running nlong
Third atreet 173 feet, and knowa in tbe general
plan of said borougb a lot Ho. I2ti, aud having
tfaerson erected a two story brtch bouse, with
brick kitchen attached, liable aod other outbuild
Heiied, taken ia execution and ti be sold aa tbu
prcverly of William V. Wright, surviving partner
of Wright A H rot bar.
A certain tract of land aitue'e In liecatur lowa-
ahlp, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded weat by Mra.
Mart in 'a land, south by William Martin's land,
east by Oardoer' land, and north by C. Ream'
land, containing 40 acres, wilh about 10 eorea
cleared, and having thereon ereoted a twu-story
frame houae, barn, and blacksmith shop.
Heiied, taken In exemtoa end to be oi n
the property of John Martin.
A certain lot of ground aituate in New Wash
ington borough, Clearfield county, IV, fronting
00 feet on Kront atreet, and running bank 20(1
feet, mora or laa, to an alley, bounde-ri east by
an alley, west by First atreet, north by Odd
Fellow'a Hall, south by lot of W. W. ltarday, and
having theroon erected a two-story frame dwell
ing house, small atable, and other ontbuildinga.
tiei.wd, token In execution and to be aold aa
the properly of A. J. Jankaoo, dclendant, and D.
Kcesiuan, . r. wnson anj ii. ... iicmierfna,
Administrators of John Orr, terre tcoa.ita.
Tnnaa or ffaLB, Tb price or cum nt which
tha property ahall be truck oft auat be paid at
th time of tal, or such other arrangement
made as will he approved, otherwise ths proper
ty will be Immediately put op and sold again at
the expense and risk of the person to whom II
was struck off, and who, ta ease of deficiency at
sush resale, shall maks good tht same, and In
uu lasMuua wilt the Peed be pteeeuietl le Uwatt
for eon I r mat I on nnless tha money la actually
paid to the HherlLT. JA8. M AHAKPKV,
naaairr a urrica, i aoerin
Clearfield, Pa., Feb. IH, 187V. J
SherilT's Sale.
BY virtue af writ of Levmri Fnrime Issued
out of the Court ef Common Plea ef Clear
field oounty, and to m directed, ther will
be expoaed to publte aale, at th Court House,
( the borough ef Clearfield, ea
Thursday, March lllh, IHho,
At I o'clock P. M., tbe following disc rib d real
state, to wit i
A eertain two-tory frama building, JHiU leet,
and front office added, 14x14 feet. The office
building with lot and cartilage appurtenant
thereto, situate ia the boroagh of Oaceola, Clear
field Bounty, Pa. The onW I a one-elory build
ing. No. MH bounded north by No. 00, eaat by
Lumber alley, south by No. "7, and weat by
Llngle street, af feet on
ingle tret and 1 ftO
Heiied, taken tn execution and to be sold aal
tee property of Austin Kertn, owner, or reputed
owner, and contractor.
A eertain twe-atnry frame building 10 feet
front by 10 feet deep, I rat fioer being built aa a
store room, and ibe second floor aa a picture gal
lery, and local ed on a certain lot or piece of
ground altaale on north aide of Hannah street In
tbe nor. of Hoatadale, being th weat era half of
lot knowa la general plan of aaid bsrough as lot
No. 1 7, and bounded aa follnwa : North by Reaver
alley, aoeth bv Hannah street, eat bv balance of
rot fie. 17, anil west by rise alley, aetog lb leet
on Hannah street by l.0 feet deep.
tie i aad, taken In exeentlnn and to b sold as (ha I
property af O. f. Km ilk and Janettt trmtih. his
wife, owner nr reputed owners, .
That certain piece of land eliaale In Clearfield
borougb, bounded end described a follow. i Be
ginning at th Hosqueheana river at tb corner of
land of J. MePbereou'e eatate t theaoe along land
ef Mcpherson's estate la aa easterly direction 10
petwhes to a post t thenoe in a soatherly direct loa
a perchae ; thence in a westerly direction in per-
chea to a port at aaid river ; thence along said river
0 percbea le place ef beginning, eowtoiafag eoe -
half aere atrial measure, new ia tbe poetessioa of
a. at. nnrenneid, Adminietraier ml aaje osepa ' as win ae apprvrea, eiaerwise ine property win
Rerch field, dee d, and being Ibe aame which Uen he immediately pnt up and aeid aaaia at tht ex
Thorn and Kllaabeth Thorn granted te Joaeph pease aad riak ef the person to whom it was
Hureh field, dee d, by Deed ot partitioa recorded at t struck off, and who, ia eac ef deficiency at such
Clearfield ia Deed Book P, page Ml and 100, ' re sale, ahall Make good th same, and in aa
and having arreted thereoa a large two tttry , Instance will tbe Deed he presented In Court for
frame dwelling house, n targe frame Ofable and ennflnaalloa an tee (he money ta aclnahr paid le
other neeeeeary oatnalldlage.
Reiaed, takea ta execution and to be sold aithel
property of tb tt ef Jc. Bnrrhfield, der'd
ffliat 3v4tffrHmrnti
All that certain lot or piece of ground situate Ir
Decatur township, Cleurlleld county, Pa., bounded
and described a follow i Beginning at a poet
ontb north aid of township road leading Irom
OaoeoIatoJaneaiilleUAl foot In n westerly dlreo
lion from a post In a run (lieing a boundary line
between said borougb and township)) thence
along townslilp road north Tl degree and li
minutes west 420 feet tun poitt thenoe north 10
degree and 40 mioutee east 420 feet tu a puet;
thenoe aouth 10 degrees and 45 minute weat 420
fetttoplaoeof beginning, containing four acre,
more or leas, all cleared, having thereon erected
a frame house, ona and a-half stories high, and
other outbuildings. , ( ,
Sailed, taken in taei'ulion and to lie sold a
the property of Jetieltt Fruiter.
Turk or Bali. Th price or aum at which
tba property shall be atruok off mual be paid at
the tlm of sale, orsuoh other arrangaaMvU
ad aa will be approved, otherwise tb properly
will bt Immediately put up and aold again at
tht aiueaat and rlk of tbt person to whom it
waa atmck ail, and who, la eaaeof deficiency at
such rs-sals, shall make good the aaiae, and in
no tnatanos will th Deed be presented la Court
for eonfirinaUon anlsss tbe money ta actually
paid (o th a bar iff. JAti. MAUAKPKV,
baaairr's Orricn. I , , Sheriff.
CUartleld, I'.. 'eb. IS, 1 HTM , ,
. SheriiTs Sale. -
"Y virtu of writ ef FL ..., laueJ
J I out of tha Court of Common Plea of Clear
tie id oountr, and to to a directed, there will be
expostd to PUIILIO SALK, at tb Court House,
ia th borougb of Clearfield, on
Thursday, March lllh, Ihmo.
At I o'ulock, P. M., the lollimiiig dosoribed rati
late, to wit ...
A certain traut or pla'e of land alluat In Cuv
inirion township, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded
and deacrlhed a follows : On the north by Johu
Rougeu,on the east by John Kougeux, on the
toulh by August Rougeui, aud on tba west by
John B. Martel, containing about fifty acres.with
about forly-Uv note cleared, and an orchard,
having thereon erected a log house, log barn and
other outbuildings.
Seised, takon in execution and lo be Bold as
(ha property of P. A. Coudriet.
All that tract of land situate In Htcarla town
ship, Clearfield oounty, Pa., beginning at poet by
dogwood, being oorner of tbe Jesae Hoover after
wards Adam lltirdtnan) farm, thtnoe by land of
Dennla Met'oy north Mr perchc to a post by a
dogwood : lhaoc by land of John Weld, Jr., west
3:t2 perches to a post; thence by land of II.
Philips, lafUrwards Hamilton Weld), aouth Ml
perches lo post by pine atump ; thence by land of
Jeaae Houver and Jess Dillon test 2.t2 perches
to tbt place of beginning, containing IIM acrea
and allowance, and having a frame house and
barn thereon, together with other buildings and
improvement!, with land cleared and Improved,
and known as the Theodore Weld, or Oeorge W.
Pearoe farm, which waa purehaaod by Articles of j
Agreement by tbt defendandanta Irom Tbomaa ,
Flick. Seised, taken in execution and to bt sold
aa the property of Jacob Lender, John Lender;
aoi Kilward Lender.
All that real relate eonveytJ by Deed dated !
April 13th, IstlR, Iro.a W. II. Uibbonv and Wife ,
to Willis J. Nugent, recorded in t'learfield county, 1
Pa., In Deed Hook "CC." page Ml, Ac, being Ihe
moiety or undivided half prt of a tract of land
called " Pine Urove Farm," containing JUO acre,
more or lea, litaat in Huroaide towoabip. Clear- ;
field county, Pa., bounded oo tbe north by land a i
of John Hummel, on the eaat by landa of Joaih I
Rrothefi and Klijah P. Barber, on the aouth by
landa of Joaeph Wall, and d tbe weat by landa vf j
Header King's bein, being in greater part cleared I
and cultivated, containing dwelling house and!
barn, with other biulilingM and Improvement.
He i led, taken In execution an 1 to be euld aa the ,
prpflriy of W illli J. .Nugenl, terra tennnt of W
: jj, (Jii.lmnT.
A certain tract of land iltutUe in 11 loom twp.,
Clearfield county, Pa., bounded and described ai
On tbe eaat by land nf l.lli K alter,
an tbe south by Innd ol C. M. Guff, on the went
by land of U. A. P.uer, ami un ih.. Bortb by land
f Frank orrutt, 1st a,-,., mora or
I... .bout i acre., mora or le... rle.rej, ..tha
good errharit growing tncreon, ana uaviof mere - i
uu erected a trme house, a large iaik burn aad I
other outbui'dings.
Setred. taken in execution and ! uld n tha
property of 11. O. Anderson.
The undivided one-half part of tlmt cert
( Held county, Pa., bounJt-d ana deeenbea aa m,.
Weitael aurvey, corner of this and C. Wirti: I hence
, 1(inih 1 deirreea weat 140 oercbe to old hemlock
corner: thene by M. Louder survey west 4tii
40 deRreee west il d-IO perch! to a white pine ;
f hence aouth tit degreea weat OH 7-10 perchea to j
poet on Old tins; tnenoe weal prfuoea to B poit
corner of land sold to t)bowaltr: tbence by
bbowalter (now Oearhart) north 141 perchea to a
poat on line of C. Wirts, Hr. ; thence eait hi per.
ebei lo line of 0. Kmeijrb land, out of thi aun ey
to a post oa line of Wm: and C. Wirti, Sr.j
thenoe oast 119 perch to a dead pin and place
of beginning, containing 311 acrea, more or leae,
and being the aame premises conveyed to Rich
arp Arto Pardee from J. Oscar Loraine et ux., by
Deed dated April lat, lf71, and recorded in Used
Book PP."nate i'6.
He i red, taken in execution and to te sold as tn
property of Richard Aabman
Tha following reel eatate aituate la the village
of Franklin, Hell townibip, Clearfield eonnty, Pa.i
Two town lota fronting feet oa River atreet,
and running back 1 70 feet to land of R.MaharTey,
bounded eaet by River street, aouth by an alley,
west by land or R. MahafTey, and north by land
of R. Mahaffcy, and having thereon erected a two
storv frame house, with kitchen attached, well
finished, frame atable and othr outbuildings.
Another tract of land aitaat in Bell township,
hounded eaat by C haat creek, north by Buaitua
batma mar, wait and tooth by land of P. Heith
millcr, containing five acrea, more or Issa, all
cleared, and no building.
Another tract of land aituate in 1111 township,
bounded and described a follows: Kelt by land
of R. C. Thompson, south by laud of MHJee A
MahafTey, weat by land of Logan A MahetTey,
north by land of Hell A Irvin, containing 400
acrea, more or leas, with about 75 acrea cleared
and under improvement, tbe balance 1 timber
land with vanoua kinda of timber, having there
on erected a log house and a log liable.
heired, taken in execution and to be aold as ihe
property of If. W. Logan.
A certain tract or piece of land aituate in Bloom
town-hip, Clearfield eonnty. Pa., bounded and
deaertbed aa follows: On th north east by land
of M i Hi r fin, on tbt west by Und of Widow Irvin,
on the aouth by land of Bilger Tbomaa, oo th
eait by land of William Uale, John image ami i
Peter Kllinger, containing 120 acres, more or
less, about no acre o) eared, wilh two good yonng j
orchards thereon, and having thereon erected a
good frame dwelling home, a gHd framt barn
and ether outbuildings.
Seised, taken In exeoution and to be old as
th property of Samuel Irvia,
A certain tract or piece or land aitaitt In Fergu
son townshio. Clearfield oounty. Pa., bounded and
described aa follows: llffginnlng at a pst ; thence
by land of James Ferguson north Mi d. frees
east 176 nerohas to a poat thence north elf de.
(trees weal by land of Henry 8 wan l;tl perchea to
a nost: thence aouth 47 degrees west 4b perchea
along tb publltt rond tending to Lnmber City;
mence uy aame eouin 11 cajrri 4 ymvim ,
thenoe bv the name aouth 4 degreea weat 30 per-
i ehea 1 thence by tba imns south M degrees weat
I 40 perchea 1 thenoe by the same south 10 drgrrrs
west SO percbea ; Ihenoe by Ihe same south 10 de
I grees east 27 perchea; thence by the aame aouth
I IT di-rreej east 7 5-10 nerchea to the tilace of be
ginning, containing (to acrea and allowance, with
about 3 acres leered, and having thereon erected
b aaw mill, amall dwelling houae, stable and othr
A lot of ground In the village of New Millport,
Knos townthip, Clrarfield county, Pa., hounded
ti ih etaa by let f Oheittt Mtoppy. aetata
by lot of Joaeph Krhard, oo tbe eaat I y an alley,
and on th weat by public mad. and having there
on erected a frame dwelling house, frame shop,
mall slai'le and other oulouildloita.
On other lot la said vilUga of New Millport, j
bounded on tbe north by Id of Ooorrc Blooiu, on !
the south by lot of Joseph Krhard, on the east by
an alley, and na tbe weat by an alley. '
Belied, taken In execution and lo tie aold as
tbe property ef Kites L. fitrvnk.
All that certain piece or tract ef land aitaat
la Rail township, Clearfield county. Pa., bounded
and desert bed as follows i On the east by land of
Henry, on the south by land ef Jame
Bnmmerville, on the weit by Pmquehanna river,
and on the north bv land of Wettol A Oallahar,
containing about 1 Its acres, mere er leas, with
shoal 1 0 acre cleared, and having thereon erect -ed
a frame bouse, bank barn, aad olher outbuild
Heited. taken in execution, and to be uld a the
property of J. H. Work.
. ,. , , , . t . ,
Alt mat .ctmip it.i rp cvniniiin t " a
; one acre, more or ), of land, being a part ol a
tract oMO acres of lead situate ib l nion town-
hip. Clearfield Oo., Pa., bounded by Henry
Linioger on tbe east, by land of David Wslty oa
the eoath, by Brady township on tha west, aad by
land of John DaRuls on tha north, with a steam
ahingle mill, about 60x10 feet, a small store houae,
about 14x10 feet, and three dwelling bouses, one
a boarding house about 24x30 feel, and another
a dwelling hoaae at'out IfixxX feet, and another
dwellinc houae about IflxlO fset thereoa erected
hetied, taken in execution and to be aeid as me
' property at L. C. hmyen.
A certain lot or piece of grunnd tiluat In the
tillage of Htumptown, Decatur townahia, Clear
field eonnty. Pa., bounded and deerrllted a fol.
Iowa t North by an alley, aouth by lot of K Inland
Aahwnrth, east bv land of John Cran. aad weet
by public road leading from Osceola Mil Late Phll
Ipahnrg.and having thereon erected a frame dwell
ing houae, waah bees, atable and other outbuild-
relied, taken ia exeeutlna and to be aold a" lb i
property of Frederick Hhialda. ' '
I Taaaa er flai o - The price er aum at which j
1 the property ahall be etruch off aaaat he paid al I
j the time of aala, ar such other a-reageeneata mad !
th Hheriff. JAM as HAnArKKt.
Kaaairr'a Orrtca, . Rhertff.
' CIarfitJ, P., Feb. 10, 1A. J
- -iruzjz-z lain, rr:i jto-wv
MARKKT fcTRl.l:T, ( I KAitHI lvl.l), PENIU'A.
All kind, of Cttkttt and Collin, kt'pl on band, and furnished to order oa
.hurt nolico, including tho finest at well at tha choupttt that can lis niton-
I'uotiii'cd Our
oonrsH FiTimxm.-mTt.
In 1 1 1 c lii uvu, tnd will liu lm nielicil when required. Kuncrale attended
in liny imit of (lie county. Cull at my cilice, on Second Direct, or louve
y on r iirdei'H at Trniitimin'i Fnmitiiro Store, adjoining tlie 1'otlofllio.
ot t 1,79-ly.' Clotrfield, Pa.
Pall and Winter Styles,
T. A. FLECK & CO.,
liltck and C'nlorod CtslimcrcK, Hrocade Dicst Cuods, 1'lain nrrh Cood,
Now Sliawln, ijadict' Contt, Tied rianncls,(iiay Klannolii, Fluid Flannclt,
Navy liluo Flannolt, Watcrprnott and Ladies' Cloths, all color",
CanHimcrot, Mon't and lioyt' Wear, Drest (iinfrhami, Caliooet and
Muslins. Our stock wn never licttcr. Our Ladies' Skirt", are beautiful.
Millinery Goods,
A complete Kloek nt our usual ISargniiiN.
M&tiS, 3BWSISSft3a
I'lumen, KloweiH, Win't. Ostrich Tips, ull kinds ol Fnncy Wlnt and llitds,
Now Hrocade Velvets and Silks, Hutins, V.lack and Colored Silks, lilai k
tnd Colored Silk A'clvct, Kid Gloves, f.isle (Jloves, Silk Fringe,
lluttons, T.accs. Corsets, Kmhroidcries, Edging, Inserting,
! Ijjiu.n Handkerchiefs, Ladies' Tics,
y . yurnB I,ttdies,' Cent's
f . ...
D UIIU 1IIIU1VII n Jiuau. n u uwn a, intvuu I " .ev mi.j oii .ea
Clearfield county bent on in tin) tiling style, pricen, quantity,
quality, or Belling, (live us u cu and hoo for yourself.
it.!.' aa I a f i "I I J r
Creams Buildinq. - Market St., - Clearfield. Pa.
. ,n .
8cw Sfertigrmgtttg.
OIIOF-M AKINC..-! bereby Inform my pa
O hrons, and mankind in general, that I have
removed my ahoemaking ahop to the room in
tirabam'a row, over S. I. 8nydar'a Jewelry atore,
and that I am prepared to do all hinda of work
tn my line cheaper than any other ahop In town.
All work warranted aa rood as can be done any.
where eli. Positively this Is the cheapest shop
, jn iftjeid,
JUS. il. JJtth.ttJ.MJ.
Dec. II, 1S78-tf.
AHK.NF.i:H NOTILF- To Uhutu It
May Con rem t The nndersigned, having
beta appointed Asaignee for the benefit of credi
tors by Jas. II. Oraham, of Claarfield borough, all
persona, therefore, having claim against hiin will
present them to us for settlement, and those In
debted lo the said Oraham art required to settle
and mak payment to as.
ClearCeld, Pa., Iec. 24, ltjTO-lf.j Assignees.
"VrOTICE.-ln theCourtof Common Pleas of
11 usarneia eonoiv.
Cleartield conn t v.
Commonwealth &r Hel
i o. to atarcn i., 71
It. A. Courtney.
Proceed ingi ia
I acy.
Notice la hereby given that th final areount of
Oeorge C Kirk, Committee in Lunacy, in above
case, baa been filed In tbia office, and will he pre
aent ed for ei 1 1 firm at ion at tha neit terra of Court,
eoiomancinx Monday. March 1Mb, 1MI0.
RLI BLOOM, Prothonoiary.
j CIarfiIJ, Pa., Feb. lObd-lt.
j banking firm known as Ih Cleartield County
hank has been dissolved bv inatnal conatnt, and
the bank la to go into gradual liquidation. e
l are responsible Tor the dobta, and will pay them,
Tht aaaeu will bo onder control of John W
j Wrlgler exclusively, at the banking bowse, and
I aod Will becwllecteJ hy hi
c..i, 1070 tf.
Clearfield, Pa ,
J. V. tiray ) In Common Flea Court ef
versus , Clearfield county.
.1. f. Fillisn. j Fi.Fa.tio. iT.Jen.T.. 180.
Tba undersigned, who wa appotated by the
Court, to distribute tha proceeds of the sale of
Defendant's personal property to those who may
be entitled to the tame, will attend to that duty
at hi office ta the Masonic building, in the bor
ough of Clearfield, on Till RHDAY, tbe 1ITII
day of MARCH, A. l. lotto, when and where all
parsons interested can attend, if they ae proper.
Feb. 3Mb, IMO-.U.J Auditor.
ia hereby given that Ihe Coiauiia-
o litre ot t;iarnaia oouaiy, r... ii nnr omrr,
will receive sealed proposal to find all material
and erect and complete a wooden atable for tbe i
ate of the Sheriff, on lot adjoining the jail, j
this date until tbe 17TH DAY OF MARCH, ItM),
when they will open aaid proposals and let or re- i
fusr. All proposals meat lie olear and definite In j
amount, and so .stated in figuroaorwriling. The ;
plan aad specificatlone which ware adopted are j
now on Ol la the Comioisiionera' office, where .
all interfiled can call and examine them. i
C. W. KM.KR,
Attest : Commissioner.
J.,n W. Mown, Clerk.
Commiif toners' Office, t
Cleartield, Pa., Feb. , MSO-St. f
-' wransniiiiiaea.
nt- nixt III lbre free-head
Imea. tin- i 'i i fr tl tialilv
trained men fit' Uitn ih.i In JUviloti tWfcia nn
eurpa.eil la ilult - lu mnij! i.i-i mo. Ml n(-d meu
tor otilalnluK a I'itm lii al .loi' A lliurt lime
onlr la mptnoit to i itm ili tin' iinnn nf atudr.
Kipwaenlfrfht liHllVrilnat instn -I'xii "lihients can
enter al any tl N ' I " firrulara
Wltm I. Ill t r eV MlN. riltthnnth.
arlsift'a Ilnilikifi1iiv t.j llarer
A ara.;ptinltal In rioM V" if'. I le larxeet work
en tbe a iriire om ni...l. v .i. iir toukere,
rallrHit, ri'iii it,, i. .1 i '-"' I atoiuaUuta.
Prke, !-,. -
February 19, 1HM 4t.
Borough d Immkl
Ttlin. ,1L . ,
UAT wall. knowa aropeny altaale oe ibebaah
ef tbe Snaqnebanna nver, ia tha horengh el
Curweaaville, ClearflMJ coanty, Pa, occupied by
th late HKNJAMIN 11 AHTS1I t)HN, dee d, 1
n-w offered for sale. It contains abuat
Thirteen Acres,
'put which Is erected a fin two-story frame
inYELLlG 1I01SG,
NTAHI.Ii. aad Ika aan anl
ifi m ' ""m aad alau . HJW1NU
rulMAlN.f .r.8PHINll WATKR. Tal.
la a far d..irabl. arsfNirty fur a rival. phI
ilw.. FIVATK
HALK, aa rmaonakl. t.naa. Vot furtbw la
foraiatloB la relatioa lo It, call al tb. oranlN,,
r apply to th, .aderaltned la eeran .r lij letlar.
Atlme, lar Ih. Haln.
rirarSald, Pa , "apt. M, ll; if.
A. U. niLLS.
liibbons. Cierinanlown Varus, Zephyrs
and Children's Underwear, Ladies,'
. , . . ,, .,r :
Notiee U hereby given that Letters of Ad
ministration on Ihe eatat of JOHN P. H1LK,
late of Lumber City borough, Clearfield county,
Pa., deceased, having been duty granted to the
undersigned, all peraona ladebted to aald eatat
will plea mak immediate payment, and those
having claims or demand a against tha aame will
preaent them properly authenticated for artllt
uent without delay. MARTHA A. BILK,
Lumber City, Pa , Jan. IS it.
The andersined will sell at private tela all
that tract er parcel of land iltnate la Ifeeatar
township, Clearfield Bounty, Pa., within a abort
distance of Ihs Tyrone A Clearfield R. R aad
adjoining land of Robert Iludaon and etoers,
and known as the Jacob B. tjearhert loL Th
said tract containing 00 acres more or less, with
two reins of valuable coal thereon, has about 10
acres cleared, and is tb key to n largs body of
eoal about belrg developed. W
eoal about being developed. Will be Bold low
upon easy term. For particular, apply to
Clrarfield, Pa., July It, 1376.
WanKKA, Hon. C. A. MAY KR, Prtaident
Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of
th Twnty-flfth Judicial District, eompoaed of
i th counties of Clearfield, Centre and Clinton
and Hun. Abbam Ohhbn and Hon. Vinotar R.
Hoi.t, Associate? Judge of Clearfield eonnty
bar issued their precept, to ma directed, for the
holding of a Court of Common Plea, Orphan'
Court, Court of Quarter Sessions, Obnrt ef Oyer
and Terminer, and Court of Otneral Jail Deliv
ery. tth Court House at Clearfield, in aad forth
oounty of Clearfield, tommtueing on the third
Monday, the I St a day of March, lH, end
to continue one week.
NOTICR IS, therefore, hereby giveo, to lb
Coroner, Jnatiova of tba Peace, and Conetablae,
in and for aeid eonnty of Clearfield, ta appear ia
their proper peraona, with their Reeorda, Rolls,
Inquisitions, hi laminations, and elbar Hmm
brancea, to do tboa thing which to their eSoea,
and In their behalf, pertain to be done.
By an Act of Assembly, passed the Oth day ef
May, A. D. lto4, tt ia made Ihe duty or tb Jus
tices of the Peace of tb several counties of this
Commonwealth, to return te tbe Clerk of tbe
Court of Quarter Sessions of the respective
count ira, all the recognisance entered Into before
ihem by aay person or peraona eharged with the
commission of any crime, except such eases a
eaay be ended before a Justice of tbe Peace, un
der ex ii lug In ws, at least ten day before the
commencement of th session of the Court le
wbtfh they are mads retornablerespeeUvely.and
In all eases where any recognlsancee are catered
into lesa than ten daya before the commencement
of the session to which they are made returna
ble, ihe said JuMlcee ere to retora. tha a area ia
the aame manner aa If aaid act bad net heea
, (JIVICN Hlljr my hand al Clearfield, thii llth
day of February, la th year of ear Lord, aa
thousand tght hundred and etenty.
lebll to J A Mitt MAUAFFKY, Sharif.
Triennial Assessment!
NOTICE ia bereby given that the Commiaslov
era ol Ctvarneld euuaty will meet the tax.
payer at the following earned plaee, for tha
purpose of hearlua; and determining appeaJioa tba
Triennial Assessment for 1H00. The time tot
hearing appeals will he between the beers of
o'clock A. M. and 4 o 'sleek P. M. ef eaeh day.
Tba appeal will be held for
Lumber City borough, at th boa ef Itrael
Ouppy, ea Monday, March lat.
Newburg boroagh, at tbe houae ef Isaac Marble
la raid bereagh, en Teeeday, March Id.
Cheat towaabip, at Rorabaugh'l school beat,
oa Wednesday, March A4.
New Waahtagton boroagh, at the himse of R . D.
Rose in aaid borough, on Thursday, March 4th.
Bu re side township, al Young's school hoe, ea
Friday, March tth.
Rurnside borough, al the hone ef Poster la
vis In aaid borough, en Saturday, March Oth.
Hell tewwahip, al the bowse af R chert Ma.
harTey, oa Monday, March lib.
Oreenwood township, at the hotel ef Oeorge !.
McCrarken la Rellvllle, ea Toe stay, Mareh tth.
Paan M. M. Plyni's hotel ta Pean
vllle, oa Wednesday, March loth.
Bloom township, at Ih elect loa ', ea
Thursday, Mareh llth.
Brady township, at William Bchwem'i hetol la
Letberabarg, en Friday, Marrb llth.
Haady towaabip, Bt tbe elect ten bona la
Dubois, em Hat rd ay, Marrb Hth.
lln tea town.hip, at the eteHiea hoaae h Rock
1 ten, on Monday, March 1Mb.
I Huston township, at Ibe public hew of Jaata
HoofieM In PeateM, ea Tnewday, Marxdj 10th.
i ClearOeld borough, at the Cemmlsaieneve' Of
1 tee in aeid boroagh, ea Wednesday, March S4th.
I Lawrence township, at the Oeiamiaetoaera' Of
iftreiaClearleld, on Thurailay, March laih.
Notice la alao bereby given to the AftftKORR
! nf saveral boroagha aad towaahipa,that they
I preseat with Ue Board of Coauaiasioaers
the day of Appeal, in their reepeottrt di-trWr.
j " ,mo"' ""
A general Appeal wlfl be held af lb Cenrntt,
sioaera' Office, ia Clearfield, en tia U, tlttk
and tMh da) a mf Marrh aent, after whea no
appeal will be beard. Tbe AaKasere are re
quired to giv each lexabl a written or prietod
notice of the kind and anaoejiV o( property be er
she i aeeeserd, at teaM five dayii before the day ef
Attoat : - Cemmlesl on era
Jonn W. Hon a, Clerk. ,
CoHwtMioaaa Ornre, I
f.'t nsnri t, Pa,, Jsa. 14, 1040,