4 i f ... t She jSUpuMiatt. T" Uioeoi B. Goodlandeb, Kdilor. CLEAKF1KLD, Pa. WEDNESDAY MOHNINI1, MARCH I, ftaadar, If vol wbb, to kaow bb, it talni oa 1b ibo bnataoe, world, loot read ear adrartleiBg ovlonni, too aweeial toluma IB partiaalar MAXIMS TOD THE DAV. No maa worthy too of"oo of Pruldoot ebould lio wllllo, to Bold II if eoutdl la, or placed tb.ro bjf aoj (road. I'. . Obabt. I oould Btvor bare booa roeoaellod to tbo olo- volloB by tbo omallMt old of fltlnaaf 0 partofl, boworor roipHtolilo in prlroto Ilia, wha naat firal trlaapbaat is Araoriooo hietorv, No eab- aoquent aatloa, koworer Berltorloae, oon work owor tbo leltere or tnoi roooro. Cbablbi Fbablmi Aiuho. I would rotbor bare tbo endowment ol oquor tor of a bIIIIob of tbo Amarlooo poupU tkoo tbot of tbo Louliiaaa RoturfliDr, Board, or of tbo Cora mlaaioB arbiab aieladed tbo foot! and decided tbo quoatloo oa a tooholoalUj. Tnoe. A. llaonairao, Under Hie forma of law, Hutbtrford B. Hayea baa boon doolarod Pro. Ideal of tbo Ualtod Slatee. Hla tUlo raati upon diafraoobiaamont of lawful votara, tno telee aertinealea or tbo returning om oora aollne; avrnptly, ond tbo doaialoo of a oom. nilaaloa whiob boo rofaaod to boar ovidaneo of al leged fraud. For tbo flrat llano oro tba Amorioan boon la eon fronted witb tbo foot of a fraodulenlly. elded Proaldont. Lot it aot bo aadaratood that tbo fraud will bo allently aeqaloeoed in by tho eooatry. Lot no boar pau in wblob tbo aaurpa- tloa la lorgottea. Aodbbbb or Dbbocbatio M. O.'i. Oua hundrad yeara of bnnaa deprarity eeoB. mutated and oonoontratod into a elimax of orlmo. Nerer again in fire bundrod yeara ahall they haro an opportunity to ropeat tbo wroog. Labibi.W. Voobbbbo. DEMOCRATIC COVA'TY COM MITTEE FOR 1880. RUN. A TWP, MBMHF.HA. 1-oaToirtCB. Buroilda B r. Cbarlaa B, Patrick. llornalde, Claardold " 8mitb V. Wllaon, Clearfield. Carwenaro " F. I. Tbonpaon, CurwanaTlllo. Uoutadele " Patriok Iunn, Iloatadslo. Lumber C'y" Doaiel W. II lie, Luuibor CitT. Newhorr " laaao Marble, Hunt. N. Waah'a " Dr. A. !. Banaett, N. WaablagUB. "areola " R. A. Campbell, U'eeole Hill,. Wallaoetoo - Ui. W. Uiaigli, WallaeetoD, Heoeana T'p. David Hoar, Uleo llopo. Hell joha M Hooa, Oelood. liloou " William Llora, Foraat. H8ga " laaao Bolah, VYallaceton. Bradford " Danlol HiteboBa, Woodland. Brady " Cbarlaa Sohwem, Lutheraburg. Ilurnaida Jona wearer, A. Waahiogton, Cheat " Joaepta H. Bratb, X. Waabington, Covington " F. ti. Coudrlot, Kronobvilla. Iteoatur 11 Jaoob F. Hleinor, I'billpeburg Fiirguaon " A. A. Bloom, Marron. lllrard " John Nrwoomb, Oilllngliaro. taotben " John A. b. Megal. Lick Han Mtlla, lirahaui C. W. Kjlar, llrahaiutoa. firet'tiwood " John A. Bowlra, Marroa. Hallrh " Jauter Flrnn, Sullb'a Milla, Uuaton " II. I.. Horning. I'onllold. .lorUn " Dr. K. A. Craaaooll, Anaonvillo, Kartbaua " Qoorge llarkandure, Halt Lick. Knox Conrad Bakar, New Millport. i.awrtneo " viark nrown, tiaarnoid. MorrU " D. U. Warning, Morriadalo Mlnoa, t'ann " Martin M. rlynn, Urampian Jlilla Cika t( hnmurl Addleinan, Curwcnavillo. Sandr " Joha M. Tmiall, DoBoia. I'niiiB " Kcuhcn H. Laborda, Kocklvo. Woodwurd " Jatnaa II, Campbell, Iloutadala Dn. J. P. Bl KC'IIKIKI.I), ow.;.-Cleirflcl.l, I'a. W. H. Wallai a, Heorotarr, Claartield. Democratic Committee Meeting. Wahhinoton, I'a , February 25lb, 'HO, Tborewill be a meeting of llie Denv ocriitic Slnlo C'omniittec uttlio Monon irabolit House, I'ittiiburgb, on Tliura. day, tbe 18th day of March, 18H0, at :t o'clock, I'. M., to fix tbe time and place lor tbe meeting of tbe Demo cratic State Convention. flEO. VV. Mili.eh, Chairman. Xot Vert Poetic Hteplien Long fellow, nepbow of tho poet, jumped bail at Boston lor forgery. He has gone to South Amorica. Tlentt. The wife of Adam Mur ray, living near Now Glasgow, Nova Scotia, on Sunday gave birth to five children, three girls and two boya. They are finely developed anil at last accounts wore doing well. A Cup at Davis. The Atlanta (Geo.) Constitution, condenaen Judge Davis' (Sonator from Illinois) patriot ism in this way: "David Davis is a man who knows no north, no south, no east and no west, lie just sits on the fence and watches the wholo herd." The Third Term. Those ol our readers who want to learn the real tacts of a third-term President should read the opinion of Judgo Black, to be found nn our first page. The Judge's logic and bis statement ol stubborn facts cannot be gainsayed by any one in la vor of a Itepuhlio. Mark Our Prediction. Tho Na tional Convention, which meets at Cincinnati on the 22d of June next, will be presided over by a Democrat, und that body will announce to tho world tho name of the man who will succeed tho Fraud lluyes, Pinkston, .Icnks k Shorman ! ScnrACE Indications. On Thurs day last the National Groenback Labor Party State Executive Committee met at Harrisbnrg and fixed the time of holding the next Slate Convention at Harriaburg on the 23d of March, tor the purpose of electing delegates to the general Convention, which moets at Chicago in June. Who will be the Clearfield delegate? A Premium on Ionorance. The enormous increase in tho price of pa per is a freak of damnable features of a tariff for rovenue, to support tbe Gov. ernmcnt, instead of assessing a tax honestly lor that purpose. Tbe Wash ington Post, in alluding to this matter, remarks : No pooplo eon afford to tax iBtolligoaao. To iBcroaao tho float of aabool kooka and Bowapapora la ono or mo anoai oojeetioBaoio atotooaa ol rata tag roroau. It la almpl; oferiag apodal In durottont tor Ignoraaeo. I. ' Then, why not advocate the repeal ol the tariff on type and paper, and allow us to buy both where we can gel It tbe cheapest 7 Business, A Washington telegram ol the 2.1th ult., says: a Bobator Wallace, yoftorday aroaoatod roaolu- tiona of tho Philadelphia Board of Trado praying for tbo paaoago of a bill providlag for tho prompt aotiionioBt 01 cllapatos auottioaa arlotag la oioo tione for Prooidoot. Yes, business might as woll undergo a revolution in real earnest in 1881, as to be again tortured as it was alter the Vwtidentittl election of 1878, by Mrs. Pinkston, Mrs. Jenks, John Sherman -i Co., wJ lh infernal lioturning Board. We must bave Ion political 'harlotry neat iiaie, or our political rabrio will upset. Tbe Board of Trade, through Senator Wallace, have struck the right chord business, instead of crime, CO hH HOT. (en, Davis, editor ol tlio Doylontnwn Vtvwriit, who went through the Meg-! lean war, ami the late Itehollioii, and riddled with shells anil builds puid a visit to Washington the other duy and took a general look al everything, and, among other things, remarks : " Wallace bus tho reputation of being one ol the ablest men in the Senate, and abler than any other this Stato bus sent to the I'pper House in a quarter of a century. Speaker l'andull is ac knowledged one ol tbo best presiding officers tho House over had, and all parties admit his thorough bonosty. Tbe modest, domestic life he leads umid the' gaieties of Washington is much to bis credit. While at tbe War Department we paid our respects to Secretary Ramsey, whom we found the genial, warnvheartod man of twenty years ago, whon he had not climbed so high up the ladder of fame. His success should oncoumgo every toiler for where there is a will there is always a way, to climb from the car penter's bench to the Sonato and Cab inet, as be has doue. It will be recol lected that his wife is a daughter of tbe late Judge Jenks, of Mewtown. At the Postoffioe Department we were shown the three or four small books in which Franklin, whon Postmaster Gen eral, kept the accounts of the Depart ment for throe years, including l'VG. Mow filly-two large lodgers are tilled each year. There we met our old friend Mr. Mai r, now one ol tbo Assist ant P. M. G.'s, who will have been in office fifty years in June, 1881, when his "golden wedding" will be cele brated, lie told us that when be came into the Department a small pouch bold all tho letters and 0110 bag the papers of the groat Southern mail, but that now ten tons a day go over the route. The Supcrintondontof r oreign Mails, Mr. Hlackfun, was born in Doylcstown, and entered tho Depart ment twenty-eiubt years ago. Tbe Third Assistant P. M. General, Mr. llur.on, is a native ol Xorlbaiuptou oounty. Wo are under obligations to both of these gentlemen for eourtosies. Wo found Postmaster General Keys an exceedingly pleasant, genial, man, and he could not woll be anything elso, when we consider his avoirdupois. We are astonished that more Americans do not visit Washington instead of spend ing their monoy visiting fashionablo resorts for thero is much to bo seen and learned there." Hi is no Democrat. Wo learn that a numbor of Padical editors announco that Hen. Hu tier hus turned Demo crat. This is not tho fact. General Butler has recently been asserting oonw Uamncrutio truths with relation to fraud perpetrated in his own beloved Massachusetts, by the voters of that loyal Commonwealth. He makes tho bold point against the admission of the present strength ol Massachusetts in the electoral college, which, it made against any Southern State, we are very sure would be regarded as quito formidable by our political opponents. According to Butler the reading and writing statutory qualification of vo ters in that State excludes 130,000 men from the polls who are otherwise qualified voters ; and therefore under the lato amendments to the Federal Constitution its representation In Con gross and in tbe electoral college must be cut down ubout three votes, Il South Carolina or Goorgia or Alabama had such a statute, tens of thousands of negro voters would be disfranchised and there would be an eager clamor for an according reduction of their rep resenlation, Tbe power of Massachu setts in electing a President must bo graduated to her voting population. and she bos no right to count anybody in getting Congressman whom she does not count on election day ; but it will surprise a groat many people to hoar General Butler's statement that Massachusetts has 130,000 mulo adults who cannot road and write. That Niw Bible. We see it an nounqed that the revision ol tho Kn glish Bible undertaken by tho Convo cation of Canterbury, England, in 1870, says the Now York Sun, has now so fur proccedod that the revised New Testament will be copy righted this Autumn. In two or three years more tho Old Testament will be completed, and a few years later tbe Apocrypha will be ready for tho press. The ie- vision is in the hands ol a commission of clergymen and scholars, roproncnt ingdifTerenlProtestant denominations, and this English board submits its work as it progresses to a similar commission in the United States lor criticism and suggestion. Teahino Thiib Hair. A large meeting of Crawford county Republi cans was bold at Meadville on the 14th ult. They declared that nine-tenths of the Republicans of that Congres sional district favor Blaine for Presi dent, and condemned the unit rule, adopted by the Ilarrisburg Convention. A Committee was appointed to confer with th Republicans of otbor counties, with a view to bave their choice ex pressed at tbe National Convention Mr. Artemns Ward would remark, if alive : "O I yon damphools, dry np I" Cameron hosall these follows where tho hair is short, and he knows it. Hence, this Radical yell don't scare bim. Camebonian Eloquence. Tbe Cam- erons have been noted for their orato ry, but they have a simple, persnasivo style Which never fails to move mem here of the Pennsylvania Legislature. Tbe venerable Simon is said to bave the most eloqnent check book in the United States, and it is said that Don. has a pocket-book which has been known to address a Pennsylvania Dutchman in terms far more moving than anything ever employed by the impassioned Mirabean or the silver- tongued Demosthenes. St. Louit rout. A Coon Jon. Tbe Krie Obsm-er ssys a New York preachor aunouncos that be hits commenced laboring and praying for the conversion of tbe devil, lie should first try bis Land on John Shorman and the Louisiana Returning Board. If be can convert tbem be might then feel encouraged to (ok Satan. A ratterson, Juniata county, theo logian, baa discovered that it took Noah 127 years and seven days to build bis ark, and that tbe word Je hovah occurs 0,855 times In King James' version ol the Bible. Ot'h VIEWS EXACTLY. . I he Lancaster IntfUigciuvr, in allud-; ing to the question, remarks: "Chair-! man .Miller calls the Democratic Slate Coinmiltoo loirothor at PittsburL'h. on March 18th. Ws have no objection! to tbo lime, for, m wo ha?v utid. a Hi. I tin while earlier or lutur for tbo mect-L. 111 of tia CotiVMlllii'tl. imtLitai rii A " O ' i.Ulunr, I'vmwiair, iub miim ..j ence. But wo do seriously object to: the sub-commiltee to which tho case ; the nlttce, because it is imnortant that when the Committee meets the mem- bersalioiild be present, and mostol'tbem cannot go to Pittsburgh without a de gree of inconvenience which it is not right to subject tbem to, und which will keep many of them away. Thero is no rhyme nor reason in appointing tho Committee to meet at on. end of tho State. Tbe place should be cen- ti-al, so that tbe time eonsumed in koU ting to it should be as equal as possl- ting 10 ii snouiu do as equal as possl- bio to each momber. Ilarrisburg or i Altoona would make (rood meeting places, being central; Pittsburgh may suit the western membors, and is very handy for tbe Chairman ; but it docs not suit on this side of the mountains any bettor than Philadelphia would suit the west, nor as well. The Comiuitteo may not havo any business of import ance to transact, and probably bus not; but, if so, the grculoris tho hard ship of dragging the eastern members to Pittsburgh." In our judgment, tho right place for the Committee to meet is at the State Capital Harrisbnrg. Lots or Character for "Out Mim ukb." The Centre Hall Reporter com piles the following Congressional rec ord lor the benefit ol Hon. Suth H. Yocum : Yociim is wanted to vote in the Don-olly-Washburn oontested election case. Yocum is wanted by tbe (ireenback ers to vote for Donclly. Yocum is wanted by the Republicans to vote In favor of 'Washburn. Yocum dodges off from Washington to hum behind a "sick" baby. Yccum'a buby, however, Is found not to be sick and too young to play the dodge of being siek. Yocum's tlodgo shows tbut he is much sicker than the baby. Yocum's vote for Donelly will mako the Republicans kick him over, and if ho votes for Washburn Ihe (irecn backers will kick him out. Yociiiii then dodges: but oh, il only baby hail the croup, measlos or mumps, what a godsend it would be tor Setb in his dodge. Yocum accordingly is sent for to luce the music. Yocum's dodge didn't dodge worth a nickle. The siek baby we think, is Setb himself Partisan (Jlorv. Mr. Blaine is waging a vigorous war against Urunt on paper. The Now York Tribune has already succeeded in proving to its own satisfaction, at least, that Penn sylvania is for Blaino, notwithstanding the fact that the delegation was in structed lor Grant. The Tribune's ef forts are supplemented by a broadside just issued containing extracts from Pennsylvania newspapers which in- dorso Mr. Blaine and smite his enemies hip and thigh. Meanwhile Genoral Grant's friends can afford to smile good-humorcdly at Mr. llluine's frantic efforts to fight over again a battlo thut hus already boon won for thorn. They havo the votes and will probably be content to let Mr. Blaino bave all tbo glory to be got out of vigorous crow ing. Don. Cameron's Ehict. When we take into account just what happened at the recent Radical State Conven tion and boil it down to a pulp, we have about this as the substance : Rtnhft, Thai tho afty-elght dalegatoa to tho National Convention ahall voto aa oao man. freoiW, That Dob. Caaaeroa II that ono Baa. That is the whole story in a nut shell. Yet, tbe 151 delegates, who were registered as freemen, and for a lifetimo bave denounced slavory as a relic of barbarism, liko tho historic sow, rot urn to the wallow. It makes no difference who cracks the whip Bob Toombs, or Don. Cameron over the heads of human beings. Democratic Sense. Tbe New York World, In alluding to the approaching Presidential contest, remarks: "The problem lor the Democratic party to day is, therefore, a simple one. It is to select a candidato who roally repre sents the Southern and Western forces of the party, and wbo will, at the same time, appeal most strongly as against General brant to the neutral voters who exist in much larger numbers in the Kastern States than any whero else. Who is that man?" The Pocket Nerve. An exchange remarks: "The riso in the price of white paper is hard upon the nowspa por men, but it may eventually be of service to tbe people, in that it will di rect attention to tbe iniquities of a high protective) taitrirT. -Tbo aaaexii ble taut of protectionists among the news papers are demanding a repeal of tho tariff upon tbe material that is used in tbe manufacture of papor. There is nothing like touching one's pockets to make him understand." lion. Kindlcy Pattorson, present Hop- rosentalive in the Uouso from Wash ington oounty, died on Thursday mst, aged seventy-two years. Deceased was born in Washington county, but resided a number of years in Arm strong county, which he represented in tho Senate in 1639, and in the House in 184ft 6, being the Speaker during tbe last session. He was a Democrat of the old school, and was every inch a man. Kami'li Newspaper Cuts. Tho Philadelphia Times thinks that if tho New York Tribune had paid a little loss attention to polling Pennsylvania and a little more to 4nvassinc New York on the Grant question, It might bave done something to help its candi date on towards a Presidential nomi nation. If the Trilmtuft foresight were equal to its hindsight It would be of mora consequence in politics. Jrvi'irw o. It la fimny to notice Low ajnick the paXuut wsklo aud out side Oeiwspspers jump en fiAy mt year, boosiue of tbe advance in lite price of white paper. II the pghJishen of those journals would pursue a legal and legitimate way of supporting their profession, they would not be com pelled to dishonor tbe trade In this way. Fraud uually begeta fruil. CChTI.X AM) YOCCM-AX OLl CASE. 1 ' i ' Philadelphia 7Vi--i of the' -"I b of February, we liwl lb follow-1 'ing : ' The F.loeliou Committee of the i (Uo?"ar!n,(a XM' riKrlH 3t,"ford.u-v Hrim,r. Hiwv ind! rufl MuHara. Mnrtntrur. Hawvcr und: Wll rcierrea, mauo report to ma ren-i ! eomittf '".'"'V ol v.u' ",l"' ! 16 seat aim mamg no i- o a v.. ffinovZm I.U.., .ends Ihitoo to the place, and Mr Weaver tireenba.k j Civil Court owned by the Sherman wntrred with him. Ihe general I Brothers. I his is a Very low dodge I committee adopted the majority ropou , ir n,0 Commander-in-Chief to ti.ko.i presented it to the llousu and bxod!. ,.. , ,!. .,j!,. 'I'ltouilihir nnvt. fail it f'lilitlifaitrftt iftti I Messrs-'Fiold, Overton and Camp, puoiicans, oi me general committee, - second minority report, dis- " ' n A 7m ' " ,, "J. T - j Calkin, WoaTt, lmt Bring no resolution to tbo House. 'Jhey refuse to decide tbe issue with any degree oi posiuveness.nuiciosouDy saying that il the case must bo decided : on tbe tacts now colore the committee, they think that Yocum should be al- lowed to retain tho Beat. It is manl iest Irom the wholo letter and spirit of the report, that Messrs. Field, Overton and Camp regard Yocum's right to the seat as more than questionable; but if they must choose, they think It sale to go witb what would seem to be the near est party landing they cun find, and Ineir sell respect compels apologize for doinir so. It is reasonably certain that the majority report declaring tho seat vucaut, will tie adopted by the llouso. Prominent Republicans both in the Pennsylvania delegation and from oilier Slates regard tho solution of the con test hy the committee us eminently just, and they will not invito tho Dem ocrats to solid party voteB against Orth and Washburn by a solid Republican vole in favor of Yocum in tho face of both tho law and tho testimony. Mr. Yocum has evidently weakened bis purty claims upon tbe Republicans by the fuct that the t irecn back members, of whom ho is one, huvo decided to support Yocum in his contest, and to vote solid for the expulsion of Wash burn and tbo admission of Donnelly. Tho fact that Yocum and bis friends arc thus under contract to unseat Wash burn, bas aroused much Republican indignation against him, and he seems likely to lose tbe favor ol both sides by attempting to support or cheul both sides. As the Curlin-Y'ocum case will bo the first contested olection lo be aisposea oi ny mo House, llie lie niu- Means do not mean to give a solid veto against both law und justice, and they hope thus to strengthen themselves to prevent the unseating of Orth and Washburn. Kniiorkemknth. Tbe II atehman, in alluding lo a sq business transaction, injects a little politics into tbo case in tills manner At the coeniiicmoratioti of Presidei Lincoln's "birthday, in New Y'ork recently, Henry' Ward Buecher took i occasion to express his preference for) Grant for tbe next Presidency. Of course Grant couldn't help Beecher's recommending him, considering tbut be is away in Mexico, but the very fact that a man has such friends is bad for him. It is a little like the story of .i.,f.,i i., ed at a bank with a certain indorse mcnt on its back. The cashier exam ined the note and then looked ul the indorsement, and returned it to the party wbo prasanlod it, with the re mark : "The face of the note is bad enough, and with tbut indorsement it is not worth ad n." And thut is the way with Grant. He is at best very bad, but with Beecher's indorse ment he becomes utterly worthless aud will certainly bo thrown out by the people." Oi'I'osed to Stronu Government. If tho Grunt people don t look out tho anti-third term boom within tho Re publican party will prove to be a good deal more formidable than the only original boom itself.' The German lie publicans are falling into line all over the country and tho "young scrutch ers" promise to do some effective work. An enthusiastic mooting of Independ ent Germans was held in Now York on Monday, at which vigorous opposi tion to Grant was expressed, and tho Ohio Germans have already doclured themselves, through their accredited j ... , , . , - , , representative, to be in favor of almost anybody to beat Grant. The Germans! havo had a taste of "slrunu" Govern ment and know what il means. He Keels Guilty. Senator Conk ling argues probably from a guilty conscience when he charges tho Dem ocrats witb contemplating "revolution ary" measures in tho approaching con test for tho Presidency. Tbe prompt and patient submission of tho Demo crats to tho Klei'torul Fruud ought to convince even so skeptical an individ ual as Mr. Conkling that 'revolution" is about tho last thing ol which they are capable. Tbe trno "revolutionists" are Mr, Conkling and the other third term leaders who deliberately propose to violate a hallowed precedent of tho iccpublio in order to soat Grant once more in tho Wbito House. Not (i:iet Vet. The row in Maine has not wholly quieted down yet. Governor Garcelon is out in a card de nouncing as (also the statement ol Gov. Davis that any part of the 118,001) ex penso incurred in "koeping the peace" during tbe late political difficulties ac crued under bis administration. Ho says the charge is "as destitute of foundation as the claimo of the wolf in tbe fable that tho lamb, which was quietly drinking in the stream below, was disturbing the waters above." 11. 0 Illoae, of tho Tiloavilla Ihnid. aa ia atruoled lo vote fur lllaiooiB Ibo Stato CooreB tloa and "to aoo all bonorahle aoaiia to eeeo re hla aomiaatioa " vat, when he got to llarriihairg, ha waa a eolid Urant bwb. f-iraanpe Why I thero wore lots of them that did tho same thing, and it is rather rude to critlciso, or qnostion tbe mo tives of tbo men, berauso they all be long to a party "governed by grand moral ideas." " We Will Not. The Brooklyn (New York) Timet, one ol the Radical organs of that State has got its back up since ConJUing'a Convention mot. The editor rotnarks : Ws will not sup port a third torm nomination. n this ro bave tho sympathy of thousands and tea i of thousands of the vory best Republican! U Uu land. ' ( I ai III Position. Tbo B'aaingUui sajd i ' John Sherman bas ealablisliQd bis 'residential' headquarters at tho C,orcorn JJul)dvig. 4'hrep Govern- natiit florkj occupy Inoly &sUod room, and have just fitted a nice niokoj plated crank to the barrel of tbe boom. Urnther ln l.aw Munllnn presides." THE SIIEHMAS-KOYSTOS IIMfY. Those two stalwarts have been scoring each other for some time, and tbelidool'mililarj etiquette ran so hk'h that General Boy uton brought charges gint onoral Shcrnmu, "of conduit ; unoRuiranU a genii muii." From ihu fullowin forri'H- puiiilenco llie reader will learn just uun uiese g,cm mcu write uumi eucn n. a nn.,,. a iour. ' ' " " 'y, teen . nic-e man - ' .m.-u m...... ""'' inquiry : Umik.uait.iw Aumv or the I S. ( it AnuifttiTON, v. reu. is, iaau, ) to uir iion. a. jiamsey, seaeiaru ol r.tr .SVr . I huvo this moment re ceivcll )ur tLo HrMt ,im0 tl)e comrnum. clUjgn 0( a. y jjoynu,,. addressed to vou unaor jutu , Jlinuar' 2S, 1H8U IIK.08j,,g hurgo and specifications against lien. W. X. Sherman, wilh his volume marked exhibit ' Ji." 1 recog nise his manuscript document us sub stantiully the same us has been pub lished in all the newspapers tor tbe pust two weeks, and herewith return it with tho low "remarks 1 deem proper; to muku." Tbe charge iLself is un in. them tolnull tu my ollice, my past record ofilicuns cull a strong tiovemiiiotit is public services, and a name wlncu has stood sixty years Without a single imputation on my honor or integrity. I Tho first two specifications involve j purely the civil .offence ol libel slander eouiprosacil into the short toller 1 wrote bim under duto of Jan, Hi, 1KSI), every word of which is true, and which 1 am prepared to juslily. As to the third specification, 1 have never beard that (ioneril (iruiit, or Thoaias, or Logan, or lllair, or any of tbe great men wnom lie assumes to delund, bavo ever appointed lien. Boynton as their chosen Senator, and acted in that ca attorney. To lbs liwng and to the paci'.y until ISo.'i. friends ol tbo dead 1 am responsible for every word spoken or writton. I yield to no man my love and venera tion of my comrades, and have been for fifteen yean, on all suitable occa sions, their eulogist. All men havo their good qualities and their human detects, and in accounting for tbo actual events of a terrible civil war, I was forced, liko every commandur of an army, to account lor actual results. If over in my lile, at any time. 1 have done injustice to any person whom- wlavi,r i winch I ,li.v, I will l.i,ni.. fully submit tbe matter to an umpire and abide by his judgment. I have , mudo this proposition ugsin and again, 4IM wjji renew il publicly at our uext larmy meeting. These meotings are composed ol tlio very men wbo know liellelontO:ttnd fut tue cuuia relcrrel lo, and 1 c nnrt noil , TJiarl Tioc a sqiia.o compose the rightful tribunal lor tbe!,UUU U3U "0aa 1,eS' mulier set forth in tho third ami lust speciticulioiia. I uJjml Uiu neht of il. r'. lloyuton or any citizen to prefer "lj those or any charges, and thai 1 am I always auienuuie to a uoiiri-inarliul, and 1 uiu glud ho bus reduced bmeoiii- P1""11" " tangible lorm. He bas no , i . ... ... "h,""! iu niipunu on tue United States the heavy cost ol a military trial, of witnesses Irom a dis. ' tanco and tbo necessary attorney fees. 1 1 regard his prcmulure publication of tllu"u of scandal us in the line f " V'oin and meant purposely ,tV0,J 'ly."'al which is right und proper, via: in ono of the many civil tribunals winch exist in the District of Columbia lor Ibis very pur pose. 1 beg, therelbre, tbul you will understand thai 1 am nbuudunlly ready to answer belbru any Court ; lliul when, u month ago, tins ISoynton publicly threatened luu wilh u suit, I employed as my attorney tho Hon. Mutt. 11. Carpentei, who is ready to answer, in my namo, ut any anil all times. 1 huvo tbo honor to bo Your obedient servant, (Signed) W. T. Sherman, General. In a letter to the Secretary of War, replying to this, Goneral lloynton saya : "But my attempted proceeding, recognized both by the J udge Advocate General and by General Sherman him sell us legal, was for the military otlence of 'conduct unbecoming an olli cer and a gentleman' an oflenee not known to tbo civil courts. By the President's decision, no military officer will hereafter in jure his army standing, at least during ihe term of this Admin istration, by donouneing any citizen through tbo public press in language of thu foulest ubuse, even though be repeat this language to the President in official form. Against a decision which fully justifies this construction, I, as a citizen, most respectfully pro test. Whilo this decision, in its terms. '" " br0Bl1 '.,1110 a,ru,y lna biKh ""V"1 ol honor which always actuates the gmi body jU) Knilm u certain that tho President's indulgence will be rurely, it ever, needed by any oflicor below its Genvrul. 1 thank tbo Socrotary ol War Ibr his courtesy from the first to the Inst ol this business.'' Puritanism. An exchange says: "When any poor man in Massachu setts, from loss of employment, from sickness, domestic n miction or any other cause, is obliged to accept tem porary rebel Irom tbo public purse, he is disfranchised lor two years, liko a convict. No mutter how long or to whut extent he may have paid taxes, if he has a dollar of the money thus paid returned to him in time ol trouble he is degraded by disfranchisement. This is Republican respect lor tho working classes I Tho Bay Stato has throo representatives in Congress to which she is not lawfully entitled, be cause her l.'lti.OOO disfrnncbiscd citizens arc counted in fixing her basis of rep resentation. This condition will not continue. Her disfranchised citizens will be counted out." A Vital lebtion. Tho Peters burg (Vn.) Index raises this issue "It is becoming a vital question all over tho country, 'Does protection protoct, or docs it simply foster monopolies?' North, South, Kast and West the peo ple are beginning to realize that they are impoverishing themselves to enrich avaricious speculators ami extortion ists, who plead the infancy of our man ufactures as an excuse for protection against competition. Tina annso hus certainty lasted long enough, and the country will hail with joy the act by which Congress shall put an end to it." The Great Family. The 7eur, a Spanish paper published at Havana, Cuba, where the Grant family have been on parade lately, says : "Shades of Carcmo I A t a table d'hoto, a short time ago, an ex President of the I'ni lcd States waa sitting with downcast eyos and solemn mien. " Father," cried bit son Colonel Fred handing him an admirably cooked poulct la Mar engo, "havo some this chicken pie." " "J'a'nt pie, Fred," replied the saviour of his country ; "it's chicken sloo." OiiioKit, Ahead. Nearly all the Buckeye people ro ' waljonet" Into ihodovcinmont sUilbi.undcr the Jcnkl-Piiikston-Shornian dispensation, jmd they bats succeeded in gobbling up he iV aliotal DeiLiarratio Convention too. WOhl.l) .VA'ir. ASP Till: The recent impetus given to emigra tion from tho Old World is attracting public notice Some years sl'o a Ilia- uriiy of thosu who loll Ureal Uriluiu anil Ireland tor thu New World first anjwi , ('ttnadii and Uro numUm ol them look up their residence in that country, ft is not so, however, at the present tillHl J,om (1, - th .Now a very large per- U of the umii'runts lioin r.nulunu hind at pons in the I'nilcd Slates and find a home in some of the Stales or Territories As in umiuranls from rZZ ! hilsTrio'lv tr,,,y ttm t.itij!0ni, KlWls have been repeatedly made by Canada, Aus-', fii-ii .nn n,h Hrtti.h nninnin. tn.f.l- ... w - '.( trom the Old World is to tho United Sutes and the reasons for this may be jea.ily noted. In tbe tir.t place, our lorm ol liovernment is a tribute to man's individuality. Ho is not actu ally murged in the great muss, but is in a great measure separate and dis tinct. Ho has a voice in making the laws which bo is called upon to obey umi a cuoioe ol llie men wuo are to ad minister thoso laws. This is a rich boon to an exile Irom tho tyranny of a strong liovernment an umplo and precious legacy to his children and it is no wonder that so large a number flock to the United Stales and seek the blessings which our free institutions irmni. Rut if u-htii il,,, i:r.,i I2,.nh. ostublislicd hero it is not likely that this country will bo as attractive as formerly to tbeopprussod of allnalionr, because' it cannot bo expected that any j very lurgo body of men in these days win wiiiingiy jump out oi uie trying pun into the fire. Jhltimore Gazette. Mr. Peleg Spragtte, of Boston, is the oldest ex member of Congress how living. He was a Representative from Muino from 1S24 to 1K21I, when he was Queer Booming. The Philadelphia Times says that up to tho present time lilaine has had all the ''boom" and Crant has got tbe delegates. This can hardly be called a lair division. Ilemember. tho last Democratic Pres. ident was nominated at Cincinnati, and 80 wi tie 10xt onu jj,, t)Bl i fttw giflmUsfmntts. f? QUO M'KIIRI.H.-Oe'.rie Weaver A Co. J. went lire thouaand bunbela of OATS, Boar, ' and will pay eaah or produce. CUarllelJ, Fa., Aug. 11, 187V. If. I ARNOLD WANTS Curwenavlllo, Pa. Jan. 9, '7(-tf. 'P1"'1 of Haaara. Meliirk A Perka, of I borg, fa., hereby glvei Boticetoall lutrr- I eated, that he Mill lie hie amount in the Court of j common rlnaa al Ihe approaching March Term, U k..U .( f'l. P. ah It,. 4. U .... I . 151h ja'mk'st. lbo.vard, , Clearfield, fa, l-eb. Zj, H-J. Trnalee. tZflfl fin tO'if. I 3nUU IOr 4-OU I rpiIK ouderaigned will aell a Let with a Bear X Stable and other outbatldinga lliereoa erected for Hull worth tlllll. Slluata In Koat Cl.trll.ld. U. IIKII.BRI N. Vatlaly store, Clfarneld, I'a. January II, lH80-tr. T:: White Sewing I'::::: cmi hr ttonfht ei lOWMt lriot from AI-KX. FATTKR&ON, W.widltvnJ, Pi. It ! fr,tnl, if not tup-rior t ny Qm -. towing Mubinc in tb dim r ket tiroulan neat od tipphettiuD. Woo'llind, I'a.. Oct. Itf, m. t'DITOH'tt NOTICF.. In tU Court of J Common FIbm of Clnrlet I eoitat?. Vi.tm. N. Jnn. Trm. lUiSO. John Brnbkrti. 1 C. Knnruo. Tb undera ifned Auditor, Bppolnttd by th Court lo dittrtbul tho proomdi trUis, from Hhtriff'i l of (laleDdnnt'l netton! nroDtrtv. herrb- g.t-t notice tbtt he will atttntl to tbt lintitt of bit Appointment nt bit offlon In C.Mr Id, on FKIDAY, MAH01I 13TII, IHKU.nt on 'flinch P. M.. when nnd wbr nil partial inter tiled mty Rtttod. J. P. M.KKNRICK, Clerid, I'a., Mar. 3, '80-2(. Auditor. PRIVATE SALE ! ANY parlies In nte. nf Aim Mill arr banby Informed that I will sell them one good ai . Htr-'i)Uloka, ft F1FTY-FO VR I.XCIf SA w, Ileltlug, nu'l sit the oUur fltturef In good order. For fnrther Infotmntlon, nddreii JUSTIN J. P1B, Oieeola MHU, CLwrfleld Co., I'a March f, 16S0 tl. REHRT or thu fxmditlon of the FIRST NATIONAL DANK or Clearfield, at Clear. Hold, tn the 8 tat of Pona'Tkania, t the elota buiineit, Pebruary Slit, 1BH0 : RHO0RCE. Leini and dl Mount k tU.t.t. M Oterdraftii , -l,f5 ft V. 8. Uonda to eeeurn fliroulatioa nt),0 00 Otbr ilofiki, bondt, and murljc-K.. H.IUO QC Due (mm approved reserve agonti 8.1,1'. H 46 Dae from Ktats Nankl and bankerii... $4 Hm) eetata, rarnitorn, and tsturen... 1,2(10 AO Current Mite-Ma and ta.ee paid 720 45 Chtrkl ami other narb itctni 1,425 04 Bill or other Bin hi 7 00 Praotional eurreney, Including niakel 331 4 Specie, Including guld treasury rer- tifleatea :,(13B I.egal-tnder Hoist ,4-10 00 Hedemptoto fund with U. H. Treaa. rer, 6 per cent, of elroulatien. 4,W 70 ,s.rtr! 4 Total. LUBILITIM. Capital ttiwk paid In ,.JI0H,OOi) 00 Hurplae fund .... St.OIIU 00 Vndividrd protitf .t.RlIt) tU National Itank nnti ouUtanding 00.000 00 I)ildrndt unpaid To 00 Individual drponita lubjant Uxibeck 70,30.. 04 lrmitnd oprtifinaieir of l-polt 3H,6S 00 Tim. (Ntrtlflcatee or depoelt 2,:i.O 00 Dne tt other Natinnal limit 10 Iue lo Krate Banh and hei,kfrt ft,44fl 00 Total 114 M.iit Sink y Pfnnfttamii, Voumijf e i'Uarjitltt, US'. I, WILLIAM II. DILL. Cub lor of tba abort named hank, do Mokmolr twtar that the abnre tatement ii trna to th Vfrt of my knowledge nnd belter. WM. II. DILL. Uaiht.r. Subwrtbod and urn to bffhre me thlf 17th day orfeb, IHK0. WM. HADKBAlIt.H.N. P. CoRRRrr-Atlftt: JONA. BOYNToX, R. MOflHOP. 1 JA.MKS IRWIN, March 3. 1880. DirMtorl. POUT of tha eonilUliiB .1 the COUNTY A'l'lONAL BANK of Ciaarfleld.at Clear- Held, la tha Htalo of Pena'Tlraala, at tbo eloao of bualoeae, February Hat, 1IH0 I BRBOt'BCBI. Loan and dUoouala (0l,m IT OrerdrafU 7,l'l 91 V. H. Bobda to aecoro elroolatloo 7a.0i(l (10 JoHiraent 10,415 64 Other atorka, bonda, aod aiorlratee.,. l.liao AO llae from Btprnved reaerro a,enll...M 7,lnr! ,T Hue frnm other Natlooal lUnae ,.. ,5 laa Iroe, Hlal. Han la and bankera-. I .all ,0 Real aetata, roraituro, aad flataroe..,, $M1 aa Current eipeneea and taie, paid...... l.t'.'V fill Cberka and el her oaah Itema :. 4! Bill, of other bank, an,, Fraelloaal eorroaey.tBclodlBR Blckela 111 IT Hpeeio, looladioi gold troaaurj ear- llHeel K37 JJ Lettal-lender aotoa M 0,V1H tn) Hodenptloa load with V.R. Traaa. Btar, a peroral, ol nirrulaliim M l.jri 10 Total . ....K WMM btiaiLiTiia. Capital otaek paid la Hunlu, fand...,..M ...... I ntiiflded omflle Nellonal Bank nntoe ootatandia, Indlridaal depoelu aableet lo ehoek.. Deraood aartiBoalea af depoaltM..., C'aahie,', ehoeka .otatandiB(w,.m... line to other Nallnaal Hank, Una to 9tole Bank, aBd baakere . Tolal .,..,.., n....4l0,ISl It 5lefe - o atirea, Of-rlt.M OimHr, KM i ,1. yt. M. tjllAW, Caahier of tha abara Mated Bank, do et.lemBl, awear Ibat the abor, llatemenl I, troo lo the beat af m kaowledro and belief. " " . -W. M. HIIAW, Caehlor. futarrihd and e.ora to bafure mo thia Inth ity ,.i ri. j, i.du. rfu n . n rtii i.e. i , n. r. Correot Alteal t I. T. LKIINAR), J.r.WKAVIl, ,0. 1., Hi:ti, llrfrtora Virrli It'll. THE Ol.D .II00.O0, N ,B0 l.n.it T , IT,0 M , 1.11414 04 . 14,14, 4 . . 121 IT ' ! (4 . 1.4K Ii fiF drntlsntunts. AKNOM) HAS A DVANCKD Prices of Shingles, SIIAVKD AND 8AWKI)., I Curwnill, Jai, V, '71-tf. ORPHANS' COURT SALE ! I) V Tirlue or an order of the Drpliaiio' I'ourr ui J) Clear II tld miunlri the undemrned, Admin-1 Uirilor ol the KaUte'or D. A. CAT11CART, late : of Knl lowiiiihip, Clnarfleld count, I'm., dffl'd, ' vt ill tell at pulilin at tttr ntire-biue of Jn,i'ih KrharJ. In the vIIIm ol NKW M ILLPUKT. tn , aid tiianihip, ua Saturday, March loth, 1SS0, AT tNE (MCl.OCk P. M All uf Ihe interest of Mid eMale tn tbe fi.lli.inj deritHta) rial aiatate, via ONR HOI1HB AND LOT In KrguMa township, nar th village or New Millport, In the (.tint- ol Clearfield, Pa., -oumltd by lend ol Charlet Kruard, the Lutheran aroR. age, and Haui'l Tobiaa, aoiitaialng one acre, more ur U, with a two-elorjr plank I rami bouae, IlltlM fpl, end other outbuilding! thereon erealed. . ALSO, A into, of laud lituate la Knoi tmu hip, Clverfleld oounty, Pa., boundfd br landa of hamnel Hnoer, Jauivi Calboatt, Jubu llaughtuan, and John R, Dunlap,euutaioing FIFTY A OR KM, Mote or Ut, flfteen aore of which are elearcd anl uuder cultivation, and a two tory plank frame dHling houie, lffx.4 feet, viable, and other out buildings ihrrvou erected. There it alio a young ort'hard on the aame. The timber l retrvrd on arm and one-half arei or aaid land. TUHM OK HALUt Oue-ltiird oasb, and baianoe to two nqual an nual payment, after confirmation or aale, mth inlrrrat, to tit t routed bj judgment notei or bend. LKMUKL C HLOOM, Adm'r or Kvtata ol D. A. Calkoart, dro'd- New Millport, Pa., K- b. 10, IHXMt. Ri:.H1 i:H' P40TU:K.-Notie U here by given that tho following acominti hare ba axauiined and passed by me, and remain 111 ml or record tn this office fur the tnspeotiuu ot heirs, lgiees, ur editor, nd tt at hers lotereMed, and will be presenlod to the oeat Urpbans' Court of Clearfield oounty, lo bo held al the Court House, In tbe borough or Clearfield, 'ronimenciug on the third Monday (bring the llih day) of iltrcb A. D. IKH0 : Fioat arootint of Nancy K, Tliumpi in. Adminis tratrix of thn estate of John A. Thompson, late or Bradford township, Clearfield Bounty, Pa., deoraaed. Final aoeount ul Abraham Bailey, Administrator nf tba estate uf Husannah Bloom, lata of Pike township, Clearfield county, Pa., deoeaard. Final account of Truman J. Wall, Adminlilrator ol the estate of Urn. Wall, lata of Putin Uq. ship, Cleartiald oounty, deceased. The account of Wilson Hoiver, Administrator ut the ait ate of Joshua Wood, lata of Morris Iwp., Clearfield county, Pa., dee'd. Final account of Hunry timeal, Aduiinistrxtor of Ihe ostata of Ueorge Watzel, lateof (be borough ol Watllacetoo, Clearfield cununly, Pa., dio'd. Tha suppletuental account, of Willis J. Nugent, Administrator of tha tstale of fclliott king, late of Burnsida twp., Clearfield Co., Pa , dec d. Final a-C"unt of .leae (Joo, loardiati ol Miles B. htuntl, minor heir ot Pettr tStueal, lato vt Bt ggs twp., Clearfield county, Pa., dee'd, ; Final amount ol ,acb. MrNaul, linardinn ol Will- i lain McHnde, Jr., a son ot Win. Melinite. Sr.. i late of the borough of Curaensville, CI ear fit. Id ' oounty, Pa., deceased. Finil accmint of John (1. Schryver, UiirJin u( Howard Nichols, minor heir of .loiialuan Nicbc.l. Into of Lawrrnee lowuship, Clearfield' county, Pa., derM. Final acenont of Job n 1. Srhryrrf, tliurdimi of Addie Nlchn.s, minor hfirol Jonathan Nichali, lato ol Lawn-nee township, Cliaificld eouaty, I Pa., dee d. Pmlial account of Aaron C. Tata, Uimrdiau of W. JL McKee, minor heir of W. II. MeKiie, late of Knii township, Clearfield county , Pa. lcc'd. The account, of H, 1. Morrow, adniihistralor of ibe etie nf Jstnea Ltci'le, late of llosben tap., ' Clear hold county. Pa., deed. Final aeeount ot Henry Kornman, Administrator of tba estate ol Henry binkabin!, late of Uultch lownnbip, Clearlield ouunty, Pa., dee'd. ' Final aoeount or Mrs. Belle M. Chaflte, Admiois- j tratrix of the estate of K. J. CbatW, late ol the borough of lfoatidak, Clearfield county, Pa. , 1 deceased. j L.J. MORttAX, lleglsiar. Cloarfiald, Pa., Feb. 11, UftO-to. EXECUTORS' SALE Desirable Ileal Estate Estate of Rlc-arasiiav, Sr.,I)o:'d. fpilR onderlnneif. Vxeeotnr of the eale'e ,if 1 KIUIUHU fill AW, Br., deemed, Bill orler ai public aalo at Ihe COIHT HOI SK lath, bur ougli of (.'Irarfield, I'a., oo Saturday, March 13th. 1880, AT l::iO O'CLOCK P. M Tha following TahiablaraaUstaU(Tli : VIH8T. Thrthran liory brlek hotel property, eornar of Market and First ttreeU, im tbo bor ongh of Clearfield, known a 'Tho Shaw House,' Fronting with tba lot of ground thereto belonging r n 144 feat on Market street, and Vb JPj a"ltll fetoB V'ir't'Jtraat.with ativo-itory 1 1 Ibjr dwelling house attached. The bo. aSwflilla ' proper hat sixty bed rooms and 5? kVXSl all eonvealnce for a irst-clssi betat Ono of tba oetdrairnblebotal prnpertiei ip Central Pennnylrania, 8KCOND, A lot uf ground in Clearlield boroogh, beginning at tha and of 144 feet, fronting on .Mar ket atreet, and thence alang Market street 1H feet, and running baek VO feet, with tha buildings thereoa arectad. T1I1HI). A lot of ground situ ale In Clearlield boroagh, adjoining part No. I, and extending alnng Market street M feet tn an alley, and run ning back V0 feat, with buildings thereon. FOURTH. A lot of ground in Clearfield bor ough, adjoining hotel property, and extending loug First Hreet AO feet and running back 20 feat, Bora or lesa, tu at alley. FIFTH. All that tertalQ Int. known it tbe plan or Clearfield borough aa Ut Mo 13V, fronting about 00 feet on Loouat ire-tt.rua ning back zUO tact, more or lesa, to an alley witb dwelling bona aud ellneeeuarT out buildinga theteoa erweted.and other improvements' SIXTH. All that oertaia undivided oae sitlk interest In that etrtttn ra-t of land Vil? altt-ta ,n A'nrrii township, Clearfield cnunty, Pa., known aa tba -'Mcltlrk A Parka tV-iaer " aiamntail iaa( B74 AOnEB, Mora ar leaa. and bbtIbk tkereoa a larre qaaatil.. ol white pine, netnloeK, oaa and other limber, aad la naderlaldvilhraloablaTelnaoflllTI UlNnl S COAL. TVH.fIS Or H.ILKt Oua-l bird raah at dellrer at Knod deed, aad Ibe balance to oo aaeurod h. bnad and nortgafe, parable la on, and too reara, with inlereat. A. B. HI AW, JOS. HIIAW. A. II. SHAM, Ki'ra nf Hiebard Hhaw, rr.. dec-'d. Clrailleld, Pa.. K.biuarr II, l0 tl TH'ENMB NOTIt'R.-The followion per J eon, hare filed la tho office of Ihe Clerk of t lie Cunrt of Quarter rieaaiona of Clearlield mmB to, tbelr Pellltoaa aad Bonda for Lleoneea, at the Mareb Roaaioaa, 1880, agreeably to the Act of Aerembly : Hou:l.. Bf. C Tardea - IW eWa I II. Row VY. H. Ilradle, R. N. Shaw a. lamea klnliaufhllB, Thoroaa Monro..,..., William Correa.... Rlehard Mad.llj.n Jamee Hale, Kraab Klator Prod Wreea Hat Shield, B. Rwoopo Waa. Parker Mra. K.rlaallea Pat. Dana llrorte Rhode, William Well, ..lloiittdale ....Woodward Twp I'otor Roffoer Madera .TohB Mi-lllrk.. . Wra. Khlelda Mra. Bridie! lloaakoo frailo llalrd ,, Osceola Milo llorl " '.leoriro W. 1.aoa " Nioholea HeolllBO.M " W. L.Kieholeoa. ..lloBida, Kaad; Twp Kmanoel Kuala ' R. T. Kelley W. H. Itlaole, 11 H. P. 8trnbrt'iM u JaeobSulada HlaH , a h n JnhB Dullola ..,. o . Joko MrMolt, Ktlltaaa Rohwaaa I.nlherabor,;, Brad Twp (laoraa Kaarr Troottille, W. W. Marah .. " Jaoob Raelmea Mecca Hi Twp .Pent el J, Husto Twp ..Morrli Twn Burnsida Rorougn i Oeriigton Twp Carlngioa Twp ..rennrllle, Fenn Twp Heorae B. Rohaekar. Jamee L. Srol.ld..... Marr Klroabowar Foaler llarla Joha MaleoB Loala ll,e,,. ,. H. M. Fl,aa..... Ramaol HullihaBH.... ttoonro W. llafla..... Roorg, MrCrarkoa... Cnrwentvtll New Washington ..Hnady Township Kliaa Walk l)oiteliir Towaahlp W- I.l-Jd ......UaVkTawn.tip (leerneW. Delta ules llopo (loorfo W. Leafber;. ....... Barrett, Bradlord Twp BBaTMBairt, II. Llrlai(.toa.... .....Cla.ra, Id John Koorar .' " J B. Qrafl Odrwanarllla Andrew Mlller...........Tmirllle. Brad, Two Jamee Pbawaey ..,..Corlotft; Twp aaei.ian.a Felor Moraa ..Iloi'lidelo Mai KIlBordllbfor..'. ....baBula, .-dr Twp BBBCAIITILt. Fotar Uraler.. Oo?lolea Towaahlp OeHllled ta froea lha reeord al Clearlield Iblt Ulk dp; af febrwarj. A. I). :i. bloom, rink. -iUu' rtirrtisfiiifiils. LUMBER C1TYACADEMY! fpHK Nn m urn r. (Mm of Itiii HrlW.I will m.en I Id tl SUV Sl'Um.I, jilUM'IN.. U- Ur I'ltr, Pa , un M .ndaj, Way .11, lit elarrn w ooka. TI'ITION i v f 'omamn R ii ar 1 1 all Itrnurliaa , Stl MI i aligner X!.naiian auu a.aiin nmi Mr-Hod U.rJlBI roa be had al Ir ! In H ill uer ae. A Normal l iar, mil b. oron- url. K. D. UII'IUKK, Fr.nci.l. Kebruar, li, loHO Ira. Eiislishf Clascal Sfkil! rmilR8oh'.o will open on MONDAY. APRIl X l-TH, l0,in Ibo Laouuid Kchool tuilditig, Clarfield,and continue eleven weeht. $0.1 It t H.IM 4'otnmoli Ktiic'lsh llraiirlieM llltfherKlifrllhli and ('laaalra, -A Normal CtasR will befoiucd. with Wi. k- er-ham's School Economy as a text book. H, U. YOCMtMAN, A.M. Clearfield, Pa., Febrnary 4tb, lH0 -ia. 1 NEW -WASHINGTON Normal Institute ! OpoasHontiay, April 2Ctif 1880. N K TKltM ONLV TWLLVK Y KKKH. rplild School totnmanda luelf to public (aor X tor tbe Mm owing reaaons : First. B'..rdiL-uan he bad in iru.M families at from $2 to 50 per week. heeond. Location ii t-oalthlul and pictnresue. Ihird, The cource of Mudy includes common and higher branches. Fourth, Its studenfa rt'M-ive the benefit of an established Lecture course free of charge. Filth, Tbeitudents have the adtantngc of a welhconiliiclcd Literrtry Society. Kmb, The people tt the vicinity anrourage ,uxzrr'si "N-i'sriVi: '.rrfcHx , t TI'ITION : ' Anvurall ot the lilchrr liruuclic. . tl .VI '... laai.ta hr.iii-i... u iih ti,..,,.,, .,f Tearhliic i A M t'omiiion branrhea I .Model fcrliool 3 M! ?-The nndeisigned will he deaeeJ to furni-ih ; addilioa.il Itilurmuttvn. either by jorea or letter i Addi.sa Mull bavage, Clearfield, J'u. L. K WKHK11. , MATT PAVAOK. FeiTiisry 2 m, lt9U 3iu. ! r ! Administrator's Sale OP REAL ESTATE I 1) Y virtue of aa order issued oat of thu Orphans' Court of Clearfield oounty, Pa., the under - aliened Ailmtnlitraior ot the estate uf JollN HhHKKLIMi. dfte'd. will aril at Public Rale, nt tbe 4 rtitral Hotel, in tbe village ot Dulloia, THTHSDAY. MAKCH I8TII, The undivided half interest of the said decedent in nnd 'o certain lot of ground situate in the vilUgo ul Wtst Liiierty, Sandy lowo-liiii, front hg UMI feet, more tr less, on the SuvMiie-hanna and Wnlerlurd turnpike, and running hack If.U feet, havitig thereon erected a large and eonvnuitti store nouse and nther iinproveiDeoli1. Also, two other lots situate in the same illn.e, a'ti'iinttig esch other, and being ea'h (10 teet trunt on said turn juke, more or leu, and extend ing back f't fr-et, ruorc or le'. it h no itnguovc ments. Also, A lot of ground situate in Dall.M, in said luwtiahip, being 1-1 So. 04 in Kuiulin'gcr's addition in the plan i;i aaid tnn, mcauring tt) f.et rrnt on Main street, and t tteudlng hack Ml) feet to an aMey, and no improvement-. TEH MS AND CONDITIONS : The sale will open at IB t'sok A. H. The terms, are five ptr cent, of tho bid is cash wbtm the property is kn'lte.l down, the h; In r, -e, urn--third al e ntlrninlitn of sale, oue tiurJ u uric ear, end ne third .in two yetiri with intTt-t, secured by bond aiid uiurtag on the t-romieos. Admiiiittratc Lutberfhurg, Pa.. Feb. 25, tSSO-St. JUHV I,lMT.o-Lit of tbe names of jurori drawn for March Term, A. D. 10, cttn j uiencing on the 3d Monday (lith;, .inj to con- I tinuo one weak : II W llrarh.rl. Clear'M, Joa MrCollniigb. Hull. Ii, Mole, and Ihe ii., r....l, lleaia.ld ereek mad, IIW ILrleY.L'.iraroae'le, A. Newell, Sr., llu,l,.D, an.l ooutai J.ing H orrra. raoto or leaa, all wood A W 11,1a. L Cllj, J K t'atleraoB, Jjrd.n. U W I). via, N Waah'tun, Jul B n, lev, K.tlliau. B o Mine, ueeeola, Alex llUioou, hnitx, Jao Dilloa, lleoeeria. J L Mrl'heret'B, Law "ee, Hlaion Laburda, Ulootn, S 11 Jurilao, Lawrence, J II llerfer, Bratlurd, Jaa Lsten.rt, Monia, Frt.l'k Kil,ler, Ilrady, Ilrnj 1' Illoolli, Ptk.-, riarid l ullnn, Huron le B Kl lrldee, Woodward. Elijah Iteeee.lr lleoatar Jnn U Llorkeo. Wood d, J A 1'nllon, lloaliea, ,J 0 8teiaikechni-r, I nioa tbai neal jitBoit. It Shirk, Clearlield. 1W A Lamb, Hu.lon. W'mll 1 butnpion,Ctir'lt, J Caldwell, Jordan, W Curren, Hontidate, iTbne Htrong, Jordan, Oao Caiittuim, Hell, () W Wd, Knox, Rcibt Thompson, Hloom, I Jss W-Kee, Knoi, Jacob Hlchner, Hoggs, A L Ogdeo, Lawrence, 0 tJrabam, Ilradford. J MoCulWogh, Law'ee, A tlrabato, lindfonl, .Asb Thorn, Lawrence, J Knieied, Burnside, K Wrigley, Lnarence, O Ktnaud.Uurnrida, Jai Little, Morris, D McOrarlien, llurnside.t A li Johnston, Morris, J M Weatover, Cheat, Milea Fclton, Morris, R Freeman, Covlngi.n, Lewis Hester, 1'enn, A Rougrux, CoTtnpton, U H Filming, Pike, T W A b croft, Decamr,1 Jamet Norri, Fika, O H West, (Jirard, Andrew Liddle, Handy. T Lingle, Goshen, W J Ktnalhert, 8andr, R 1 tihaw, Uoihen, U 0 Filigerald. Vnion, J Rhinebart, Drahaia, Jesse Owena. In ion, R McMurray, Onllch, U A lis id win, Wnd'd, Anthony Flvnn.Uulich.iJ W Alexander, Wood d Jaa M La-Is, titilicb, ;Ue 1'arcy, Woodward, J B Bowman, Uuliob, Wa Howies, Wood ard Wm Hears, Huston, ,Jerrj Jlaines, Wool'rd. SherifTs Sale. To (Ae Honorahh (Ac Jutliftn, fe.j Ry virtue of tha annexed and foregoiog writs of Fatim Issued out af your honorable Court, and to ma directed, I hart levied on and will expose to public sale, at the Court House, in ha borough of Clearfield, on Wednesday, March 1Kb, IHmo, At 1 o'clock, F. M , all th following messuages, tenrmenti nnd tract i of lends, bounded and de ter i bed at followi, rii : NO. I, All that certain trmflt uf land, situate in (Jrahitn township, Clearfield county, I'a , aurreyed on warrant to Jamea Hawthorn: bounded on th ton lb by th Jasper May land rurrey, on the west by Win. Hell surrey, oa th north by the Wm. West eur-ey. nod on the east by (array lo th name of Tho mat Hawthorne, containing 414 acres, mora or less, and baring thereon erected. grist mill, saw mill, nine frame dwelling houses, with stables, large- hank barn, corn crib, wagon sheds, and other buildinga. NO. 1. All that certain piece of ground situate in Lawrenc township, comity nf Clearfield, be ginning at a post on township road, tbenne hy the Merrrlt lot south 14 degrees west 2i perches; thence north 80 degree XS parches: thence north 16 de (trees aait .'IT perches to aShirk'e line ; thence south 8M doartea east 31 narobea to nof at white plnej thnc south 14 degrees west IS per r ties to th plac of beginning, containing T acres and T perches, reserving thircwt loti uld tn John .Murray and v. I.elpnldt, and having Ibereon erected four dwelling bous,with stables, and other improvements. NO. X. Heliig situate In township of L.wrcn.e, in "Hillsdale," beginning ut a post, southeast corner of Brown and Spring street .- then alone: spring atreet iiq leet, mora or less, to Owena' read : theoee along said rond lr.0 ft, murvorleis, (o corner ot Lot ,o. jj ; ihrnce in a northerly sjirec tion along Lot No. 42, fet, to Drown street j then re along said street 1W1 feet, lo plM of be ginning, conlaiaing acre, aad naianprorad, nemg tyoit , iu ana 4i m "inuirtaie,' NO. 4, Nltual In the township nn I county latt name(t,binning at a poat nt leieraeetion of town ship mad t thenL- south 1 degree west S perches to whit oak, oroer at Mitchell road; thence south 17 dege east -t4 perohei to a poet In th road ; theno by road, Us sefnral eoursan and dn talces, to land of Robert W rifle- at Lits nd t thence along Lite road north 71 degree weal 17 prehssi thnc by aam road South 10 degree. wst Si4 perches to plee of begmnirg. eontai. Ing t acres ana 1114 perehes, more or less, nearly all unimproved or si eared. NO. i. flilnatcj In township nnd mnnty last j '"nn'p. "' oounty, aajoiuing lands aur imed, and beginning at post corner of Mitchell I "Twl lo :'"hn M'!'r! : '''ll H acres, land j thence south 81 degrees eaat 1 lu parebei t. post in Hnrlm run ; thence south i degree w.tt by land f Wriglee 18 parches tn post en road thane south 7f degree west V perches to post : men soutn n grees west 7V I ll perehes to Clearfield ll ridge road I then north I degre waawi in a:,, Min tu ui uajir, inning, piiBbtlDinf e acres ana tz peronei.nei measure, all cleared NO. fl. Iltnat lu tewnihln and emmff laM named, and beginning at stone In old Mileharg road ; tbnse by etaor land of defendant tenth I X degrees wt4t) perches to poat ; theno hy Leavy estate sooth 4,H ilegrees asl 4S perches to post to Harrett lot; thence north 1.1 degrees t M ptrebe to stone and MHeohnrg road: thenc north 0 degrees west 40 perches te place of be ginning, containing IS acres, more or less, about one-half of which Is els a red. NO. T. (lituate In the borough of Plrarflcld, and heing lots tit nnd IX, bounded on the north hy Market street, on the west by nn alley, nn tbt I south by lot No. f4, and on Ihe east by fWcond street, each lot being 0 feet deep and 10 feet front on Hectmd street, havtag Ibercen erected n large brick dwelling bouse, with outbuildings, nrtcg nana Mtiutng, brie, sure house, with row of fram shoos, a stable, and n fwn-itcry t'k drttg storeend oatce. Rp. I. All tbijt errtnin lot knpwn ai jo. 90 in the borough af Clearfield, bouuiled on the north by Pine street, on the west hy an alley, on the south by aa alley, aad nasi by lot No. I lift, having there on erected n (we-slor- douhl brick duelling bouse, rtahl nd other outlildlngs. NO. 0. That oertaln lot knewn as hfo. S3 in Clearlield borough, bounded on tbt west hy Third street, on th north by alley, en the east by lot No. 1X0, nnd south by Locust street, and ex tending hack 7 feet, baring tbere'p etectfd n large frame dwelling hoti't, itable, od o(ljeg oul buldngf. NO. 10. That eartain lol known as No. it In th borough of Clear Held, bounded on th north by Cherry treat, en th east by lot N. ft., nn the sulh by an alley, and m th west by nn alley, baling thereon erected a Urge frame dwell- itv flrr rttsruifntff. tK brniK, Itari itnl franit tlitellluf hum, mil nriM4i uutlull'lini. N'l. l, AU'i, (lul rsrUiti lot kiM n tl. f-; in t'lrurlifll lintufht kunniil ai'tiib lay I'm atffrt, on lb tl 'J J-'t No. UX, tin th nrih b,t an r-1 on lb I an iliry, aiirl tiavlnq tbtrroXia. rcoli'l frain ilnflhii) bo u if, tUMr, and oiltri ouilmllJiDj. NO. It. A Wo, tliat rertato lot known ,, az.i in ttraineia wirenKii, iwqnnrn di me ibvito "7 '"o alrael, no IBO al n 11 ill, on Ibu """ ''T ' " ' ".'' N"- I, and hat ing thereon erected two fr.uie dwell ing housti, wilh stablr and other oiitbuildingo. NO, t l. AIfO. Ihe west bt u( Lot 10 j. in Clear field burouitb, bounded on the north by Pie street, on the eoutli ly an alley, on ibo west by L Nt, Vlt, and on the east y residao r said lot, n, hating tbren ererled a frame duelling hunst , s'ablr, and other outbuildings. NO. 14. Also, alt O.at v,rl l"t o. 17, i , CUartteld torougli, bonaded o tbt north by an . iMvn l. 6 an alley, on yta ! iiv No. vtt, and on tbe south by roe i due ol Lot No. v; , fixtilirg jUfeet on an alley and running back Uf it.. and having thereon arevted a large Iratne stable. N(t. Ii. Also, all that (rlain Lot in Mo-sop's addition to Clearfield borourfa, beginning at a 1 putt on hour to street ; nitneo along line oi M. I Shirk, south Mi degrees eaat JoU feat, more or ' less, lu other land ot Defendant thance south lf decrees, west 4v feet to poat : theaoe along said street V feet to place ot beginning, and baring thereon erected a tram a dwelling house wilh stable. NO, 18. Alsn, all that certain lot in Mosso'i addition, in Clearfield borough, beginning at a post on F earth vtreer, 40 feet north from an al ley ; tbmiee along said afreet VV feat, more or lesr, tu Smith let (fiirmeiT) tbanco by same g( de grees east 2U0 foot, more or loss, tu Und ur De lendant: thence souih 16-) degree! west fit reel, more or less, to corner of Kodresi's lut ; thence uortn Hi degroes west .on ieei, more or it, to :r,"reo' "g.n. "g. n",BF inwT'u 9Twr;r lwu , tnu dwe,,in tW lr ,U"M- NO. 17. Also, all lLat uertaiu lot known No I n Clearlield liorough, bounded on the north i by ('berry street, on tbe west by an alley, on tbe j "iitb i,y Alexander lot, and on the tail by See- nnd atreet, being 60 fret frunt un Heeond treat. : aud SiH) fret deep, having therein erected a large I brick dwelling bouse, atalila and other buildings. I ALSO I ,"'" . --v -?,r j will sell un date itbote named, all tba follow in g I traote r parcel of land, tii : .... . .. . . . . , . , uh'ii. lusu iB.r4'itii mtcreei in inat tract of land situate m Morris townnbip, Clear field cout.lv, Pa , and known at tbe Motiirk Perka tract, tbe whole conia ning 274 aerea , mora or lesc, dj ioing lamia of 0arhart heirs and otlivrs. havitig (hereon a large amount of white ).Ilc. hemlock aud other limber, and being under laid with I'itiiiiiirimii coal. NO. 2. Ais.), the undiri led one fourth interest in the Und and mineral 'if tbe surrey warranted in (lie dhiih' f Henry D. Minker, siluata In Ora bnm tow of hip. said oounty, bounded by tbe John llndtun, Joseph Siinuooii and Mtitihcw h'lougb un the purth and eatt, and John Donaldson and T'-nch Prancis surveys on tho west, tbt whole iracl containing .'id I) acres, more or las, n im proveiriLis. NO. 3. AIo, the undivided on- half interest in " acres, Bioreor le",nf Tench Francis survey ,ait- 1 i" Oraham township, said county, adjoining lands of Itaac Hotbrock, Levi Hubler, e tit.. Having el out jn .etc cleared, having thermo a dwelling n.'U'f. imni and other impr.ivenntl. NO. 4. A I i-o, all drfoudant'a iutereM tn W aorts of Tench Frui ts survey, situate In lirahiiitwp , sud covuty, Bujtdniug lati-is or Isaac Miimel, lcHac ltothrnck. .!hn Holt ot al , wilh ahmit S cleared, wilh dwelling house and nulbuild ngs thereon. NO. ii. AI.u,m11 defend nf' lutvrcst n and to 1 1 acres of jr.nn.nd, more or less, situate in Bradford townhip. said county, hiunded uu the north by puhlic rad lea i in (( Intni Woo.lljinit tu Higler. and ailjoiiiing Und of John 11. Oca rharl. Jonathan Boynton et al., hating about 4 aores cleared and well fenced, aud tbe h-Unce timbered. NO. ll. Al'o, all di-fr.idant's interest iu and tu about 3 i0 acres of Win. MPherion survey, situ ate iu Bradford tuwnhip, said county, bounded hy Sus'inrhanaa river, land of Dixun. H. P. La nr. berry and John Peter. Small piece cleared, coal bank, sugar camp, witb bcuiloek and rock oak tiuit.vr thereon. NO. 7. ANfl, all derendaafa interest in and t., acrei ad.ioininjt Iwod ul Peter ( radius, Daniel Maiurs. Jvhn C-nder et al., situate in Bradford luansliin aaid titiiv, itt acres cleared, no build old to Peter reserved therefrom j,,..,, ivn a-res in this sale. NO. H, ADit, that parcel of land situate in Lawrence twp., said county, adjoining landiof Ot-orge lnlc, Samuel Jordan and Kobert Mitchell, ' ct'Utninirg 7 acres, more or lern, all cleared and fen.el. NO. V. Also, that parcel of landsltuate In Laa- retice twp., said eounly, adjoining Ilohert Wrig- ley, other land of lrttilant known as Hfaitehill iu. Aiei. all Ibat Iraet of aad ailuato Id ltralfor.l twp , paid eouotr, parla ol llallaa and has ir aurTcra, containing ll'.n aerea, mora or leaa, adinmin, land nf John liraliaoi e.tete, Kchoon i.ver, Stewart A Co., et too ecree cleared, frame dwelling tioue, tiir'e barn and other outbuildioga cc mplt le. NO. II. Ala., the andivided iiae-balf intercM in and to that tract of land, ailuate lo Brad lord twp., aaid county, adjoining J. II. Kyler, bounded byturnpik on south, weit by Thos. Forcy, north by W. rt. Taylor, containing loo aores in all, tn utrei cleared, house and baru t hereon, witb al u reo lay ana otner minerals. NO. IS. All that certain lot of giound situate in the Tillage of Williarusgro Bradford town ship, bounded en th north by turnpike, wet by lot of Thomas Forcey. containing one fourth til an aera, more r leu, having n dwelling hoife, labia and ether outbuilding thereon. NO. 13. All defendant's interest in that certain tract of land situate in Uradlord township, aaid county, adjoining land af John W. Ilrahan. estate on ibe south, Uill's tint on th west, John West survey on tbe north, eoataining t0 acres, more or less, pirt el W 111 ma Bell survey, subject to the rights of J sired Fisher, Thomas MKlvey, Leri Pcarce and Win. Knepp, suhjecl to co air art of Weaver A Letts, for timber. NO. 14. All tbat tract of Und situate In Brad ford township, said oounty, aJjoioing Wm. lull survey, land of John Laic, ludr and fienjania Knepp, containing SI5 acres, more or less, pari of John West survey, subject to improvements of John Louder and Wm. Knepp, subject Iu contract with Weaver A Hett, fur timber. NO. 16. All that tract uf land situat in ttrnhaa. townvhip, adjoining John West surrey, James Hawthorn survey, Und of Wm. Hitching' elate, containing .Hsu acres, mora or less, pari of Win. II. West survey, subject to the rights of D- Wil liams, N. Maines, nnd Henry Maine, Jr., subject to contract nUh Weaver A Helta, for timber. NO. til. Alio, all that certain tract situate il Ttradford twp,, aaid oounty, a4joiniog lands of Wui. 11. W est survey, A. K. W right survey, con taining 1125 acres, more or less, part of Timothy Pax on survey, having t heron an improvement of Henry Maines, uhjtutto contract with Weavtr A lied fur timber. N. 17. Also, nil lhal certain tract of Und m Hradford twp , said oounty, adjoining lands at Wm- Porter. Jon. Uoyntonaud Robert Mitobtll, and bounded on the north by T. dt C. Railway, containing 1)7 a res, more less, part or t a Aaron Levy and John It a it In y survey, hftlig a'tout I . acres cleared, underlaid with ralatvMe fir rlir, opened, witb coal bunk opened and opemtl. N'l, 18. Al-o. all that corUin traol of laud sit uate In Urabaiu township, said county, adjoining John Hawthorne survey, lands f lloaver, Hsrria A Co., Mitees Evans t nt., containing 3.i aerea,, more or l,part of Thomas Hawthorne survey, subject to timber cuntracts of Wavrr A Belt. NO. 19. Also, all (hat ittain truvt f Un.k itnile in llrahaiu twp , said rwinty, adjoining lands of Hoover, Harm A tV. Jamee Hawthorn, surrey on the north, Alex. Dallas survey on weal, nontaining s(i acres. rorr or leu, part of Jaiper Mavland mrvry, nnd ubjert to timtwr contract of Weaver A Hells, NO. 20. Alo, all that tial uf laud situat in II raham tnwnhlp, said etiuaty, adjoining lands of Wm. H. West, Tho, llwihrne, andCfaas. Smith rve,va,coeiitiindV -res, more or less, and ,... j. i,n Mowr. ie timber con- travt of Weaver and ileh. Nil. 31. Also, all that tract .if land situat im Uraham towmhip, said onuaty, adjoining Unda sort eyed to John Moore, tJeo. Moore, I'adwalUdtr livens t al nontaining about 2(10 aares, part sur vey tn norneel Israel H heeltr, auhract to timber contrsci with Weaver A Hetti. kmall amount cleared. NO. 21. All that tract nf land situat in (Ira ham town. hip, aaid county, adjoining lands sur veyed to Israel Wheeler, l'eter Widows, Timothy Pall tin At ail . nlaiHitio I Oil I... p,rl 0, Cdwallsder Kran ...rv.y. lulyeot to ti..' r eonUllc, nf M eater A Iletts NO-1 All that tract of land situate In dra I ' ..",.:. R "' ll nrvP? i " w u" "r- " Uelts, NO. 21. Alia, all that iraot of Und aitiMt U. (Irahatn township, said roiintyt nl;oiniog Land surveyed to John Moor, T,hwt. Hawthorne, et al.. i containing t aores, mora or leaa. ban ot Ck.rlBf ilbsunrr, subjtet to eoulra.-t ot Weaver A ll. NO. 1. Also, all tbat treat of land situate in Orahain town, hip, said county, adjoining land ol Mn.es Kvans, Jackson Hubler et al., containing Iw'.'aeres. more or less, part of Patriok Moore sur vey, snbject to contract of Weaver A Belts. NO. Sfl. Ala., all that tract of Und sltnats in Bradford township, said eouaty, adjoining land of Juhn Cowder t al., und bounded by Huso,ue haua river, eotitainlng ST acres, parte ol Jos. Sam eon, Wm. Ham ana and Ma Hb itlaymaker sur veys rafting grauad. NO. ST. Also, all lhat trent of Und situate in Bradford township, said eauaiy, adjoining Und ot Wm. K repp and Ben). Krupp, and boumed b HuMiaebsnna river, containing ItO aetwi, part . Aarn Uy survey, bal ing raUi,u gruund, sab, Jtcttf mftrat d everA llett. M .otslir rred to Urais Bros. NO, 51. Also, all that parrel of ground at Billet Station, hounded on treat and south by pubiw street, on north hy turnpike, having M acres, mora, or let. No Imprevemante, del sed, taken In evecqtlon and Ie he sold as lb,' property el James B, Urahain. Tim or Pai.n. Tkm price or sum at wkirlt the property shall b struck off mnti b pmi at tbe lime of aale, or snch .tther arrangements made as will be eppcuveiL otherwise th property will b ImmeiLatety put up and sold, again at tdioupeaf tiid rlk of thf person tn whuiu it ias ttnudi o( and who, in uq of deflcUnc at such re sale, li 1.1 1 pate good, Ihe same, and U no laslanr will the Ueet ho presented In. Cuurt fur gonOrme tion unless lb money Is actually paid t th hsrifl. J A Hit 4 MAHAKKKV, Hiisairr'a Orrim, I Sherif. flearlield. Pa., Fell. 1, I.HSil. saa-f"