Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 25, 1880, Image 3

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- Termi or Subscription.
If paid in adrance.or .Ithio tbreo ttuntbe.,.$f M
II paid alter thro, ud before tlx anoniba... I 60
11 paid after tbe axpirativn of eia, aiooble... t Oil
trMmn. B. M. PinlMiu O.., Newa
i..por Adrerllilne; Aftente, T Perl Row.eorner
Hera men street, are our duly eatborleed tgmu
in N-w York Cltf.
Mi-ttiudl.l Cliurcli R. J. H.
M.Minuar, Factor Servian erer, Hcbbefb
.1 lt A. M., and it P. M-
Habl,atb Bobool at A. M.
Prayal bfcotia, .vara,, at 7, P. M.
Coianioaion Service, Irit Snbbalb of eeerj
aionlb, at 111, A. M.
Went Clemrflelrl M. l I'hurcllaHev.
W. Unort VTn.aon, Pastor. Preaching ovor,
alternate Sonde,, at I o'clock, P. M. Sunday
School at 2, P. II. All ara hulled to attend.
Preabvterlou C'hurrhRar. II.
-Sal.hath aarrlcaa morning ud aTenlng-Kab- ,
alb School I at P. M.-Pr.,.r Moating Wadn...
lit rtDini.
lUptiit riiurrh. Ut. . Vtor.
SkbtMlbBvbooUtl P.M. I'rtjfr MilD(t.cr7
We.oeiUy trcnlnf .
St. KraucU C'UurrhCthoMrltf. P
J. Shkhidaii. Divin terrict at 1U A. M., en
ih Art, third and fourth Sun day i of h munlhj
VnaiMm and DvnsdtAlion oflh Blewed Karramant
at 7 o'oloek, P. M. nndy School avtry Buadaj
afternoon at 1 a'eloak.
Herood Monday of January .
Third Monday of March.
Viiat Monday f Jnn.
Fourth Monday of Bptainbn
Firnt Monday of Jona.
Sacond Monday of Norambar.
rtiBi.10 orricRRa.
JtJjf Hon. Charlfi A- Mayar, af
Luck llaran.
Anittant Law Judf - Hon. Juho II. Omt, of
AttoeiaU JndgtAhrm Ofden, Ctarfla)dj
Vionant B. Holt, Clearfield.
Prolkouotaty Eli Bloom,
Rtgitttr and Reortter L.J. Mrtrfan.
'frenturer Philip Dottt.
Oittricl AttorntyJ. F. McKanrlfk.
tikirif Jamea MahaftVy.
Oiputf Shrriff
Cuif Sary or Samuel t. McClotkay, Cur
vrnirillo. County Com miti oar C. W. Kytrr, tlrnham
tnn P. O.t Klab Johmtoo, Oramptan Htlti P. O.;
t'oMMiti'oit'rf' CUrk John W. Howe.
John Norrli, Sr., CorwentTllle.
County Auditor William V. Wright. Clear,
flotd : Jovh Oilllland, Three Rum ; J. 8. Nnr
rif. Woodland.
County Corontr3. B. Ifeff, New Waibina;ton.
Jury Commiuionr Andrew J. Jackffon, Clear
Bed, Wm. K. Brown, Clearfield.
XujKrimfndtnt of Publio AVtoofeM. L. Me
Quown, ClearflaM-
Sealtrof Wrigkti A' .Vt-uivree Jem W, Carl! la,
uffice at Lathemburg Pa,
Notarit Public John W. Wri((ley, Win. Ea
debaogh, Cyroe Uordon, Clearfielilj Joarfb H.
Irwin, X.K. Arnold, CurwennTftle ; J. A. Liring
Mone, Dnlluli City.
Oar Spn-ial eolumn ia decidvdly Interesting In
a local point of Tiew, and profitable raading to
outatderi wbo want to iva money.
vi:, of coirnF. i
'Will jim luke Kbt-at, nati or cm fur auti
t. ritiu ?" H t are oftt-n inquired of In Ibii way
by letter from nitrr.i wbo reila at R diftani
i.i m Ck.ili.-1L We again say yea, Tha receita
jT a reponiUile m erf bant or mill own it In the
virinitr, will aniwer jo't well aa the eh.
To illlultrate : If any of our patron will deliver
ui a Lag of grain at the mill of Joseph II. Broth,
in Cbcal Uwnrhip. Horace I'atcblo, In Durnai.le,
Tbomaa II. Forwy, la Graham, Wtn. Porter or
.Shaw'i, In Lawrence, or Brown k Peyler'a, ut
Itiwkton, I'oion twwnabip, and forward Ibo'ir
rr'-rlpta for the amount, wc will ore lit them on
thfir account (01 lb auma. In thia way all may
toon pay what they owe, If they will purine tbia
ff.iurae. tf.
iVr"Ailvorti(Krn and otliors will bear
in rolod that all artlclra intendrd (or publication
in tb la paper vturt be banded ta. not later than
Tuesday, at S A.M. Don't forget It !
Col. J. I Htthlord lectures at Jerncy
Shore tbia evening.
Tho lump Hrit in hunt ut' P'iu'h
'Optra llonni needi a"new head put on It."
. ib ani
Terrier, who blabbed and killed La-
IhII at IIoRttdal lew weekaago, baa nut jl
teen captured.
A special train, with the hih "murk
a inuoka" aboard, paned over the T. A C. B ill
road lat Thursday afternoon. '
The candidfltcB IbrCcnrai Kuurnera-
tora tra getting too nuneroua to en o me rate, and
the portion of (ruparviatir U anaoi pity more
than tnvj.
mm '
The "Canadian nnow"on Katurday
tailed to "pan out" nnnording tn the eipootatlooi
of aonie. The aiouunt that fell did tmt exneed
ttire inebfta.
A. A. Graham, i'.nq.. of Dulioin, re-
fltntly ationded Court at Urookvlile, ana wa ad
mitted to praatire law in the atreral Court of
Ji-fTerana oounty.
l.i'Ht Kundav wati tho MStb anni-
vertary of tba btrib af Oeneral Waabtngton. and
waa nor generally and itrietly obaerred than it
will be for tba neit fiva or alx yean t0 come.
"Another of the remarkablo Ireaku
or thla wonderful Winter" waa a oireua patforn
tnoa one day and a heavy arww atorm the neii,
aa waa tba cane in thia phne lait Tridny and
' Tho white Buirrol that wns on ex
fcibitlnai ia thla boruagh oo tketioa dny baa beta
tufted by I. L. HobiDcoo, of Curwenarllle, and
U on eibibltloa at Irrln'l drug aloro In that
Tho Kcitlivul, ntxler the nuspires uf
the tady new bet a o( tbe Clearfield PreabyteriaB
t'burob. will bo held oa Tharadaj evening of tbia
Swaeb at lb reaWcaae af tin. J(i l WraT,"n
cond k treat.
In tho United HtaiM District Court.
at fit tshurgb, on Saturday, tbe llih int., JuHgra
AtchUon and McKannan filed aa opinion dia
charglog Petar Hrrdio from bankruptcy. Th
op.o.n,. ., s.y.og vua.
are guaa through with.
Tim now flra-alnrv bruk linlfl at
Dubois was opened oa Monday laat by a big bop,
vr did aot learn who will superintend lb
bouse, Thla la a flu building wlib ill the
. modem Improvement, being betd with steam
and lighted throughout with gaa. Its arrango
vweot fur hotel purposes la com plat
Tho Presbyterian church nt Oneeola.
aught fir oa Sunday afternoon a wk, but was
dlsMrered lo tim to prevent very much damage.
.A large window waa taken from tb tower to
aB)ow tha deaaa smoke Iu the building to ip,
aad wbea threwa U lb ground, strnck 'riquir
' t'eerpb)), Injirlag blm aarerely,
7 .Rev. John Ji. (ti ter, the oldest uiin.
Inter f Norlbembarland Praabytery, died at
' Jeraey Shore ob Tuday, IVbruary 10ibM at lb
' advNBred age of nluety-tvo years He performel
Ibe marriage eeremony of over sis band rnl coupl
and wet himself married foes limes, H
preached nearly fifty years to lit Jersey Stior
The name ol Levi Dresalvr. of 1'iiioH
, towBhip, baa beea placed on th Kxrutiv Com
ruitte of the Clearfield Ciiooty Agricultural
clely, making th fifth memlr and eompUting
- ih Committee. Wben Is the neit Fair to b
held f That Is Ih que-lUa. Many of oar olgh
boring txiunlia bave already flaex! tb tim and
got to wrk making th arrsry prspsratloBS
for the Fall rtbibttiaa.
. J U . n iWm and w tie, ol "Ja kets-
Cbv" fWf, gara a pabll vatorlaiamaat B
Msrke atres, (m ttwrni at Pis' Opra Hoa, Utt
i rrifif Bi'VTU'ran, enn'isiing wi m pr -
I f-ruiaac, walking a wire, lifting a 22 galloa
ikrrl with Mvaral boys attrad Jl of it w.tb bia
tetih.ete. it wa r attar ei wwr ir circus
clothes. Th hat a paMd?wHad, and a Utile
mw arrow dollar waa rta is looted.
The youth of Clearfield eounty will
mm want for any gnod epportunity to Improre
Ifaeir edaeation for thr present year at let. To
thoa who ralamplt going, mt to parents and
geavdtaM who bar biUrsi lo awed, wald
ash them to net lee Ike adverllsearett; the .
Washingtoa Ttorail IniUtet t b Mod la tbt
ta of our paper. This bai it oortby of a
Urge share of public patraaag. th naaoas for
erbicb eTsfuliyeet forth law bare jo tiwvc-Hsa.s
I "Seller,' Liver Filla' curod me of
j eomplaml." D. II. Clomon, Mm Cntk, W. Vm.
Jlr. W. B. Aluxandor, of Hoynoldri
ellle, bu beoa aoamii.looed a Notary Poblle by
Gorarner Hoyl. M ' ' ' ' ' '
' lioTii. AVo notice tlmt JamuH K.
Hamilton, Drade townibip boy. i elected aa
uoa of Iba Juilieaa of tba I'ra lr Ilrooa.llle,
ob tba lllh lie!., bl bit broluer Joba.toa vu
elected lo iba .ante olllae la llrodf towo.hlp, on
tbe pauie. d.y. Uoaebotil i i
- . !
Did You KvmI A amart-youiitr;
Bill IB Clarion eonplclnrd bat conic oue bud
clohaeged bat. wilb blm. Aa lave.tlfalloa dl
aloicil (ha feel that ba km wearing bia intended
fnlberia law'a lila. Ha did tbe tbiii, blniMll,
anil thai vMla Ilia old nentletnon llaut.
. . .
; Narrow Kw'AI-r J. I.iun Mcl'litfr-
, mWl at biullnl lor. tu bi, mill lo
;' , , , . ,
; "-"" l"o.lp, i-.'uHar had b.c leg.
eaiubt by a rolling lo,, and It by a miracle
j ibat Ibay were Dot both lu.ebed. lie wa, badl,
burt a. It war, but out farlnua, no hone bavlag
. ,rcQ ar(lkAa
j i .a
'o ( ail the attention of our reader
to thaadrartiaaBient of iba Lumbar Uiit Acadtuiy
.Uawbara lo thi. n.i ar. Tbt Sumuiar
rf ,,,,. w,1,0, M,a,v, j,.,,
Mr. Dottorr, lU rrin(inl, li wrll -ktiuvn is
viciuitjF an it) nblt infiuclor. inil.tullj
qualified : fill the porilioa lo rvcry rvpeot.
With tbe plaaiant lj?atioi aul g-od a(cjmui-i
datlobf that I.uuibi-r Cit aiTurd, itie A' aletny
ahould meet with unjweiieiited mwf at tba
xpprcaehing aanalon .
IIatino Hananah. We learn iroin
Sbcrifl Powall.tbat Maura.,WIU,RaeJ,nd
the reat of lb CI ear 11 aid boyi, bars alt aafe ly
arrived at New Orloana, and bare taken la iba
whole to wp. They bar furnlabed tba Sheriff with
undoubted teatimony that Secretary Hheraian'a
worain, Ellia Plnketoa, la itill allre and kicking,
and thitt Mra. Jenka la only a few lailee off,
ready to aiMit the Saoretary of tbe Treasury at
any moment In Iba dictation of tetter or enuoti.
Heretofore tba 'Sheriff haa bean a little akrptL,
but now be li fully aatiafled.
. - ma m
The Kiftfrp Nam, Work a. Tho Ty
rone llfratd ta noticing a dUpqt between Dun
earn villa, Blair oounty, and Akxaadria, Hunt
ingdon county, aa to wkloh of tba two places firat
manufactored cut uaila in erntral Pmnaylvanla,
the latter rlalulag tu bate btca ia that buaiaaaa
litty-elgbt yeara ag, ia rrmlnded that about
lb tear I7D4, lb Mewra. Pbilipa came OTr
from England and laid out tbe town of Moban
Bon, now Pbilipaburg, la Centr oouoty, and aooo
after aatablirtbed Ball work in that town, girlng
U a riord of orer eighty yara.
mm -
Mr. John Mil hi if,', Foyuor, low a,
acuda u the follow tog communication:
"I have bean a "uiTerjr with rheumatiain lor tba
lat at x yi-ara ; I tried Iota of medioinea without
any tut'eea. ViaitiLg one iUy tb at-.r of
Mcwe. Waoiflar Br.., iit WaterL-3, Iowa, then
gehileiueu induced B to try tb St. Jaooba Oil.
telliog m that it bad a record aa a very effective
ninedy. I lMuht a bttle. uaed It regularly n-
Milling lo dirMlnn. aud waa relieved of tb
ailaient fro a. wbiih bid lulffreJ tor it bng
mi - - -
Tiik Minkhm. The Valley Timts,
publiibi) at Lh nacon lug, Maryland, tn III iaruc
of February Mtb, eon I aim tb following an
ounce merit : "We are authorised to announca
thiil the miner of the Cuinbcrlaiid coal region :
thr B infr of tba Meyer dnle coal rvgion, and (U
minera of tb Cltarfltld legion, aolify all peraona
iatrrated iu the coal burioera through lUeovlumoa
of the Timrt, by adverliicuicnt and by poatera,
tbat on md aftrr Mondny nMt, February 23d,
IfiSO, no more coal will I iitioel at len than
ilily-lie renta par ton." lo tfonieuanoo of tb
Hlritre.the miner at llou'i lal went out on Mon
dav lat
ma m'
In the lint ot "principal tow tin" in
thi Con nu diMrict we notice that Hout'dale,
I) itl Iota ami Curwriiet ille ar omitted. Iloutt
dale ia, probably, tb largc-at town in the county,
OuUoi neit and tbn Clearfield, while Curweaa-
wermville has uvor tiltt. t'mnMmitttt Timrt.
Houtadal wa not ia erlatenc la IB70. Tbe
enumeration wa then Include! la WooJward
lownhip, and DuBdU will not com into thia
eenaaa, eioept through Handy townabip t becautr
It is aot aa urgald nuuioipallty. The popu
lation of CurweiMvllle waa 456 in 1 80S, and 6iC
fa I S7U : Clearfield waa 7A" In ISM, and l,3fil la
Fatal Shootinu Accibrnt. -A oor-
reapontlent at-nrta ua tba partioulars of a dlatraaa-
ing and fatal accident, which oecurred at the
home of .Mr. 3nmul Melaugbin, la Chest
townhlp, on Fri'liy, the t.ltb Inat. Miia Buale
Mcltaugblin, a yoang lady aged about aixta
year, waa handling bcr l ode's rifle, when !t waa
accidentally dliaharged, th ball onteriag th
forehead of Peter McLaughlin, who waa tan ding
aear by, killing biia almost instantly. Th do
ceaad was about twenty-tbre yeara af age, and
leaea a larg oirelo of relatirea and frietida to
mourn bia untimely fat. Thi I a men table oo
currcne ahoutJ aurr as auothar waroiug ti
young praona not to handle dangerous weapoaa.
Iniliana and Cambria soanty papers plea oopy.
mm m
JOklm oh thr Movf. A JIolliJavB
burg eorroapondent of tb Altoona rridtiaf.of
tb 2mh loat., la mponaibl for tb following
"Another ofth rtmarkabl fieaka of thievery
woflderful Winter, Is th fast tbat tela ha? failed
to go Into their oaual Winter ,uartera, wber (key
re matin la a torpid atata until tha warm Sprtog
showers brings them bark to their slippery lir
atate. Humbert hae hen eaugbt bar within
January and tha present month of February. On
Wednesday evening a gentleman eaugbt sis In a
dip net at tbe viaduct la less than aa boar. We
have never before beard of tlve, aotlr eel a being
oaught by net r book In midwinter. It Inter1
feres with ,th Flab Gemmiaeionere' theory, wbo
aay ela iprnd th Winter la salt water and re
turn in tb priug." i
i i mm i i' ,
" Another J'iorkkr (lnNE.-On Hun-'
day, February Rib. at th realdeaee of Peter'
Tbompaoa, Kiq., In Foi townahip, Elk oounty,
1'riah Rogers, ua of tb pluBrs of this seo
ticB breathed bis last, at lb advanced age of
eighty-saves yeara, sil months and ail teen days.
Mr, Rogera moved into what waa then Clearfield
oounty, In tb year atd act tied ob th Toby.
II movrd Lrr from I.osrrae conniy, wltb th
early .liter of that day. Alt ar Bow gone ei
erpt Hon. .1 0 -e Kykr, who U ti living la that
aeciion ii f the county. Mr. Rogers enjoyed ci-o-llenl
health during the whl offals life, never
being any trouble to bia fiitiidi until about thre
weehc before hi death, when tb bngioningof Iba
end rain. One by one tb old (toora are drop
ping utT, and la a lw yeara atore tbey will all
bnv paad from tbia ewlh to ternity. St.
.tory'f Uautt.
A Ha0 HmeaVEMKNT.-TIio Had ill
Mrtf ,Mt ,r k l(tlo ,., fchMW(
u . w-f-u-mr,, -.-., m
left ClHifiaU ob Tuesday afternoon of laM
wr,ia cinpBy with bis grabd mother, Mrs. E.O.
Clements, of India, to spend a few months at br
hoot. Two or thr- days afterwards, informa
tion of his lllns was received, and his father
started to Indiana oa the Mall train Saturday
afternoon. He was called back from Tyrone, a
telegram bavlag ha received at Ibis plao that
little Paul had died shortly after 4 o'eloek P. M.
II was io the firth year of hie age, aad was
rather bright for on of bis years. He waa a
faiMrKe al home and among tboe with whom b
aiaoolaled, and will Ire sadly uilsd. Tba parents
bar the sympathy of thla community ia the try
ing boar or a HI iei too. Th remalu arrlre I oa
Monday ooa, sad th funeral took place oa
Tuday alternuoo, at f o'eloak.
A Tr.nRiHi.E Dkatii Wo take the
particulars efadreadfat acldeat f,oia tb Rey
aoldsvllla Pnptr, which oearr4 oa Saturday
afternoon, Feb. 14th, and by which Robert Bol
ton, an employ ra ib low (1 tade DlvWoa, A.
V. R. H., lost his life, lit waa sngagrd at Ih
lime etputilog aaw dait Intoan lc bouse rcled
by th Railroad Company at lb Reynoldsvill
slatiua, and the Local Freight trnia was oa one
of th sidln waltia lb passag of lb 2:i
Mail train wast. Wboa tb toad aeaekar the
freight traia moved, and e prelradltig bemper of
uae of tbe ear knocked Bulua oat f bia
eqailibrioa, a rttrrep of a eer caught bia, and
la aa lastaat hta left leg, from tb hare down,
wa pnlverlaed, and hi left had waa cat off.
Surgical eld was lamsdlalel summoned, but
lb round footed monster had loo well don He
work, aod alter lingering about two hours tb
soul of Robert Bolton took It flight. A Coroner's
jury considered the ease Saturday night, and a
aeeond jury sal opoa II Sunday, but vry faalar
of lb affair ealy i tested people's eerelestnese
about railroad, aad ssnorid the trala aea
from all blame. Mr. Bioa bad beea eeverel
Unvs Famed of tbedeegor a was la ee this a,
oailon, but b rpptdy aasarvd Ih ah gave
th pruaittioa that ff sal Alas, bow little
oarowa aesaraaee of ear Befitf a.ot lol
It nil o a bad baoa aa engineer a lb P. A fc.
Railroad, and a firemen on the Lew QreJe, Ho
pes about fbrly-lv yaor of eg, and lave a
wife sad r0 ehildna the oldest eblld a boy
of e'atn. Th reati yere lnttred la ibe
Catbolw ceaeter a atnaeav
If yon call on your druggists (or "Dr.
BvlltiV Com h Bjrup," Udg luinwlltt r
lif siid ear om abort aollot
A portion ol the heavy plate gloM
In en of th show wiodows at Ly tit's groary( ia
tb Kralaar building, fell to th pavement wltb a
orasb ob Monday afternoon.
rnoiOBAr.ti. It will bo olworved by
an advertisement la thla Isaa that th Coeoty
Commissioners propoa t build a stabl or tb
prlfon tot, and ar bow Inviting proposals.
I low to ho it. We leant that on
fiiturday hot Leavy, McUaughay A Co."auaked"
Into th landing at this plat strearyeeef sticks
of so, uiire timber. That's tba way tu put yoar
timber oo tb bank whan snow ia soaru.
A Hio THiNt.-T..e Klk Vmoerat
re iu a rks : "Tbrre ma to ba no question but Ibat
Port Allegany baa th largest tannery In Ik
world. It has IH4 layawaye, 0 fet Squar, SI
Buaka and 21 awealplta, vats i by V ftet taeb,
30 baiidttta, and Ita capacity 1 250,00" hides a
Who ih IIkiiit? Several wcokn ao
ca Ancriat Pre telegram announced that Dr.
It. V. pack tuan, bad bea appointed Poatmaater
at Lutbtraburg. In Saturday'! telegram w t
that I.eia B. Ctrlile haa been appoiutod, tleorge
Barge'' ia also put down at Puatrnmtor lor Clear
fl-bl Bridge.
-- - e mm ,
List of IfittofH reinuiitini unehtimed
la the PotblHre at Clearfield, for tbo wtk aoding
February 33, IScO :
.Mra. Cbnrla Adams, R. X, Campbell, Jauea
A. Gray, baa -Mars, Jama a MoCUIhrty, C. J,
Marhl'(f.) Fraak Owens, Mlsa Kt Pbeppard (2)
P. A. Uaitlu, P. M.
mm mmm
Hun! Ala meeting of tho Com
mittr oa Traoaportatloa and Muaie, of tb
Janlata Valley Printers' Arsoeiatlon, bald at th
Suit bffioe, Altoona, ob Saturday. February 14tb,
th account fur ths past year were audited.
After all spBaa were paid, a balance f 111. (19
waa turned over to Frank Witluiighhy, Treasurer
of lbs AiaooiatloD.
t -
Save Post auk. Humnerw mon tan
Buv aiika money and giv tbi r tranaaelion
solid j pcarnnce by having bllt-her.ds pribttd.
By th latest postal law, a bill mad out with pea
and Ink, with a printer! bead, aa ba sent through
the maile for 1 cent; wbertas If It la mad out on
anprinted ip-r, full letter poatag (thre centa)
will be oharged. W aro prepared to do this
kind of work cheaper that it oan b don lr.
whet In tb county. We have lb material,
band and fail presees.
A TttAtiic Affair. It twoma that
RboJ I eland ia not tb only plao where shot'
guns ar used. The last victim encountered is on
in Iloolrlalo. A man named Pennington, aod
another aaniel Netting, had a quart el ua Mon
day night, tb IGih inat. On Tuesday morning,
the lat'cr procured a gun and loaded It wltb
bockahut, nud meet tog the former on the street,
dischergt-d Ibe eontvolii of bia gun into th body
of PtBuiogtou, who at last accounts waa at th
point of death. Nevliog ia in the Clearfield
prison, and will, ao doubt, in da lime reap th
reward of hie crime.
"Boomino." Mearira. Morrinon, Hare
A Cass, of Roaring Springs, Blair oounty, will
at one eoiumenc tho ereolioa of a targa paper
mill at Tyrone. From the way tho editor of tha
Htrnhi, of that place, delivered himself last wee t,
he cildeatly felt gooJ. Hear bira : " With tb
paper-tull I an assured certainty ; th Lew if burg
A Tynne IUilroa-l a fixed fact, and tbe prospect
of large works for the manufacture ot Iron and
stt el, tbe future of (ur towa is ao luager a mat
tor ol di'ubt. Our people may bt ongratutatd
upon tbe fact, tbat tb leadirg buiineaa man of
the town, In connection wltb goo lie men wbo own
property here hut ar not aoiual residents,
ire making extraordinary efforts to ao
our th adrnntagea of additional railroad anal
manufactories With the hearty and mutual
eo-opration of all parties concerned, acb
and all unit lug their energies topromot tb gen
eral iBtersats of Ih towa, tb present beginning
mu't vrniually result la a prolonged ara of
largely incroasd prosperity for Tyron. making
it th nucleus of a thousaad clustering Indus
trie." The Horouuh Election.
tioB in this borough on Tuasday of last week,
th 17tb last., reaultad as follows :
!. IDROtat. if CD.
Wm. Powell 177 I Fraak U. Harrf CO
Frank B.Rnad.lf. 17A I
Win. M.8baw,3 y. 174 Jona. Boyntoa 02
8. B. How, 1 y Til
Wis. Borvltt - lAO I Juba Hill 63
John McClellan... 2U2 I Uorg B. Bunk ?S
D. W. Moore loS Udwia Cooper 8.1
ji'por or BI.RcriODB.
Wm. B. Biglcr..... 1H0 Clem. W. Smith fit)
Fred. Sarkett 177 U. W. Rbm 01
ovRBflRBBi or rooa.
Wm. Porter - 148 John McOaugby...n 79
L. R- .Merrill 170 Juba K. Uottorf 00
J. F. Baydcr - 171 Oscar Mitchell
Lawrence Township Klection.
Tbe vote east at the electloa la Lawrence towa
ahip, oa tb 17th tost., Is returned aa fpllowa :
Ifrm. Ji BTicB or tub reara. Rtp.
J. B.febaw.. ISA A. P. Moor 86
Aailin Haaey 161 Clark B. Norrla....,
Joba C Bead - 138 Hubert Wriglay
Za. k Ogdaa, 16 W. P. Fultoa
JUDUl Of Bt-fCftOM.
Lewi C. Bloom.... IM John W. Tats
Morris V. Wallace. US W. S. Port
James 8. Read 124 I W. R. Hays
Jaa. Doufherty, Jr. 121 John W. Morgan.,
icfa aviso rti.
, 3
. 66
, 04
Wm. Brown 1a0
Jam Brown lf4
A. U. I.awbead ...... lot
J. W. Hancock.,
Dennis Owens. .,
P. H. If inkle.....
Owen Campbell 161
Taylor Rowles 160 Oliver Conkllo
David E. Bloom.,.. 144 lleory Gulicli.,
AOP1TOB. 1 '
Lewis Brown 160 Gao, W. Fullertoo.. S4
rowaaaip clbri.
Wm. T. Spaekman. 164 F. U. Irwin
mm mm'
Below will be found a tabular statement of tbe
ceasBS of Clearfield eounty for tha peat thre do-
oadea. It sm to as, to view of the feci, that
this (IHflO) Is the enas year, w cannot lay any.
thing mor Interesting before oar readers. Hence
we have compiled tbe stall sties below, and ask
tar patrons to study Ibe figures and keep e look
out for the oenras of 1180, which lake pit tn
ror a twi'h.
- B-M.,,,1, rii.r'b ....
Claarfield " ...
iWavllU - ...
isio. ma.
I, ol
lloutsdal " ..,
d L. City " ..
Newburg " ,.,
N. Waah M ..
WallaoetftB " .
Baocaria twbip.,
Bell "
i Bloom " - .,
Boggs i
Bradford "
Baroaid '
Cheat '
Covington "
Deoalur "
Ferguaon '
Goshen "
I. oo
, 462
i l,0h:i
, 4 10
. 3t
aov '
1 !tll
4 AH
Graham "
ii Uro 4 " .
I Gahob '' ,
I us too
Jordan 0 "
Kartbaua '
m Knot "
Lawrence '
Morris "
Pane " , ..
Pike " . ..
it .Handy " "
Woodward rf
. 21ft
, bin
' 401
Total .
JJ.107 1VM 15,741
0 Burn aid borough was fbrmed witbla (h
boundaries of Berosid township In 1874.
b Curwcnsvlli borough waa formed wtthla
th boundaries of Plk township la MM.
e Houtadal was formed not of the territory of ;
Woodward townabip la I"72. j
tf Lnmbrr City bornogh was formed out of th
territory of Peon townabip ia 1860.
e Newburg borogb was located wlthfa th
bosndarle of Chast tewaafaip, and forad In 1071.
Mew Wathingtnn was formed out of territory .
belonging to Burasid township, In I860.
g Osceola wa creeled lalo a borough la 1806, ;
onl of tnrltory belonging t Beeatur tcwaahlp. j
k Walleeetoa borough was formsd la 1071,,
with! a tb boaaderla of Begga townabip. ,
1 Bloom tow a ah la was formed out of Brady, ,
Peon, Plk aod Union tawaahipB, la 1800.
j Graham was erected Into a township m 1 859, ,
oat of portions of Bradford and Morria town 'hips.
Greenwood waa erected tnto a townabip la
.67, out of parte of Hell, Ferguson and Pa.
i Goliah ra erted tate a tewasMa mmt of
parts of Dar ad Woodward, le I6V.
a Kaon wa ortd out of parts of -'rruaoa,
Jordan oad Pike sowaabl'ps, Ib IIH. "
n Heady township was formed la 1079, ut of
parts of Brady and N a ilea.
Tbe New Beminoton Family Sew-
no MacaiBB for aai at i, E. Il.rder'sOuB
Stora, Claarflald, Pa. Oct 2Mb.
- --. mm
Wo bavo now on band several thous
and Irat etaas BvaJopea, wkloh w will print for
buslnesa man, or anybody els, at prloes that aa
aot b rlvaJlad. Call and a them . tf.
At the Rs: publican office Is the plaoe
to get your job work dona. W an fully prepared
to do anything la th printing Una, will do It
wall, and at tha right kind of price. tf.
i mmm '
' Heo a woman on ho rue back tn another
column, riding near Spr's Vineyards, with a
bunch of U rapes Trom which Spear's Port drape
Win Is a.ada,tbt Ib so highly l teemed by tbe
medical profession for the aseoV invalids, weakly,
parsons and th aged, flold by E. W. U rah am,
Bragglst, Clearfield, Pa. Jly-ll.'79-lf.
If your (Ironist 'don't have it bo
wl II or Jer it fur you at tb regular price. Baresma,
Buobu, Baekacb, Liver aad Kidney Care Is pre
pared at E. K. Tbampsoa's laboratory , Tit ua
villa, Pa.
For sal by all druggists la CI ear He Id, and
Joseph Seyler A Son, Lot bersbarg. Pa. It
" A Fact. Anaavortisomentlnaortod
ia tb Rkpi-bmi . will reach nor readers than
IT published to all th other papers la the coun
ty, and cost tb advert!! less than one-half
In oilier words, an adrertlaiurat pablisbed In
our Jcuraal la wvrth double tb price of that
charged by any eta publish la th eouaty.
'It Is a faot." ' tr
Removal. Dr. T, J. Woycr baa ro
moved his medical to the rooau reooatty
occupied by Bock A tirahea, la Or barn's row
He makoB CHRONIO PI8KABRS a specialty.
CHARGES VERY LOW. Th manufaotarara
having lowered prices, h la prepared ta furnish
duced ratts. Tb aftllcted all) be bonefl ted by
giving blmaealL julyl.1, '7B-tf.
i mmmi
Opr Census Report. Wo have token
th liberty to tak th ecnaua of oar county,
which will b found In foil oa our first peg,
making oir pop a let loo 42,0t4. We bar blocked
out eleven districts, for oar county, end a glenoe
at the oounty map will satisfy .any one that the
dlstrioU are judiciously formed; but If tha Federal
authortlla oan dt tt aay bttr, let them go
A New Coi rt. Tho editor ol the
lUttiUf, last week tried tb lata lloatidale shoot
ing case la bis columns. If such Is tb prvltio
of a newspaper w have been fooled for twenty
years. W have always supposed that suck out
ragee were Tor the Court and Jury ; but If the
Court eaa put up wltb saoh advance trials, by
those wbo were not even eye witos tnthe
tragedy , we can stand It.'
New Daily Stage Line. James L.
Leavy has succeeded ia having a dally mall estab
lished between Clearfield aod Pwafield, and will
hereafter rua a daily slag bet we a the two points.
His contract batten with April 1st, and tb atage
will leave (learfleld every morning (except Sun
day) at B o'clock, making connoetinna with ell
trains on tbe Low Grade Railroad at Pcnnfield, re
luming after th last trala th sain evening.
PaaBgriBd Height will be carried at low rates.
Ordars left at any of tb boisla will bo attended
l. l1.apr7U-tr
Kaumkbh, Look IIeiie ! Lytle will
give you highest market price for Wheat, Oat,
Corn, Buckwheat, Batter, Eggs; Oaloo, Applet,
dried fruits, aod all kinds of produoe. Ue has
tb largest and beat selected stock of groceries,
leas, coffees, molasses, apices, oil salt, sugar,
queen a ware, tuba, buckets, baskets, churn, A.,
Is Clearfield oounty. Ha buys bis goods lo large
quantities from manufacturer and first hands
for eash, and take tb advantage of all
discounts, and ao he Is oabld to Mil at lowest
prlcos. Ha give oaab prices for produc,nd sells
his goods at th lowest prlcos la tb county.
Cleakbield Coal Trade. Stuto-
aoat of Coal and other freight aunt ovr tb
Tyron A Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Rail
road, for tbe wk ending Feb. U, 1830, and
th nam time laatyaar :
Fur tho wok - .-.
Same time laat year .
Previously during year
Bam lime laat year i
Total la 1880
Sam tim last year
Miscellaneous freights...,.
low TO Itr.ACn IVANBAS. i-eraune
og to iba Waat aboold eooault tbairowo
oomfort by aalaeling tb. rout, by which tbara ara
aoraoaooootiooa ia.UoioB Dapata, faat train, aad
oomforubla aara. Tbara la no Ho, tbat aaa aoa-
para wltb iba Pan llasdla Roita la tbaaa par
tlonlari. Tao daily tralaa laara Union Oapot,
PittaSargb, rid Pan Handla Routa. whieb ran
through In many honri qaieknr lima than by any
otbar Una, m followa i
Laara Piltiburgb (aity tlua) 8:43 a. m. 11:47 p. n.
Arrira BL Loula 7 J ' 0 -
Kama, 10:0V p. m, B:00 a. n.
' I,aa?anworth 11:40 10: I "
Atcblion 1:30a. m. 11:10
" BLJoarph ' 105 " 12:01p.m.
Prompt aoonaetiona ara mada In Ualoa Depot,
at polnta.namad;for all land polntl. For furthar
Information, tlmo tablaa. ate.. nddraH. W.L.
O'Brien, Oeneral Paaiengar Agent, Pan Handla
Houta, Columbne, Ohio. Feb-IM!
(InlHan fowaania, fablltb, 1880.
Kditor HapcaLtcaa : Pleaee allow ua a imall
Iliac In your aalnable paper. Although modem
cbool teaching baa Ucome a acienee it oaonot
be elaaicd among tba abilruia aeienoea i for tba
raaeon that it ia not a dilfiealt thing to compre
hend. It I, ao aatonteblng real, apparent lo
careful ob,ervere, Ibat of all ooeupattone under
tbe aun that of tha teacher reop, tbe lea.1 ben.flt
from the eoboola. It will not ba denied that
wttera one tearhor la properou. and auceeiifa),
at leaat half . doaen barely drag through. Tbara
area laree numbarwbo, aouimenclna with nothing
but a rich .lock of energy and neri.reranoa, hate
reaped the golden reward, wtiy u ll tneo, taal
among Iboaa wbo ware equal at tbe atari, tba
reat maioritT bave failed ia win tba priaa
for which Ibay were aenteadlng f The tiutb la,
Ibat the nnmcciful Uaobera ara anemic, to
Ihemaelvea. IHvldr-d Into two e1ae,ea, II will ba
found that one el.ea le compoecd of urn and
women who are eomperelieely Ignorant, and wbo
hold nawnp.p.ra and all other louree, of inform.,
lion In eootcmpt, while the olher elarcea ! oar-row-minded,
bigoted, egollrtieal, and 10 etubboro,
Ibat believing their own way to be tba bell they
reeolutely ahut their area lo the eocccMef their
netghbora and refuaa to aeail Ibemeelfea of Iba
beneflt to wa nerlrea tram . aampariaon
mclbodl. It le in toaebiag ecbuol a, in any otbar
nurcuit or aroeallon only the and
fereei'erlae: wbo prod'Or.
w a... in ntr aeiiool at praiant a leaohor
wno will never o, iBceemui unie, eoe give, uer
miad a b.i bwoh.. A SvMfc-
Hot' to Grot-Brow, N. Y-, April 7. 13 A.
Pa. M. M. Y.uywu, Frdnla, N. Y.,
Dr Sir I had bea su0rlng from bWcbbcs
ob my Lungs and Livsr Disease fur about tbroo
month. Cuugbod a grat deal, bad beom
aerroas and reitlas and ay flesh had wasted
away. 1 bad ba treated by tbre diffcmol
pbyaielaa without any vltll boaeflt. Aftr
asingtwo and ear-ball bottles of your Blood and
Liver Kady aad Ntrv Tool I was a well
aaa. Doc fairly uadrr Its tnflaeotM I gained
flash at tb rat of a pound a day.
Gratefully yours. H. CLARK K.
Feb 18 Jl
Dr. Feaaar's Blood Bad Llrer Hemcdy aad
lrv Tonle aay well be oalled "The eoaquor
tog hero" of tbe Unas, It le th aediaal trtuapb
of th age. Whoever has "tb blees" rboald take
It. for It regulatps and restores Ibe dliordored
system tbat giro rise to the. It always euros
BllloBaoeae and Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Ilys
pepale, Constlpetloa, Headache, Fever aad
Agae, Bpleea F.lrjement,erofule, Erysipelas,
PlapUo, Blotebea aad all skla Kruplloai aad
Blood Disorder Swell, Llabe Bed Dropsy
fllevplsssneet, Impaired Nerree and tUrroas De
bility Restore flesh aad itreagth kea tb lye
tea 1 rwtnlog down or going Into deollBe earee
female Weekoess aad Chroale Rhaaatla, aad
rellerea Cbroole Drooobltli, aod til Long and
Throat difteujlles. It does tbeee things by strik
ing al tbe root of disease aad roaevleg Its Me4.
Dr. Fn net's Improved Cough Hooy will ty
tlr aay eoagb la oa hour. Try a sample bottle
at tea oeat.
Dr. Fraaer'e Goldea Rllef eares aay pala, aa
Toeth-aeho, Kearalgia, Olio ar Headarbo la Ave
to thirty alentes, aad readtl) reHeree Rhenoa
Usa, Kidney Coapleiat, Diarbaa, etc.
Dr. Fner's U Vltaa Daaea Rpesile. Uae
bottle a I wave earws.
For eale by llartswlek Irvla, Drag elite,
Clar9ld, Pa.
c ; Bpeclal. ..
Wanrnn. , H faetehavod hnope, dallv
arad al the rallrMd.l. mr l,aoi, at all
oiwta wa law Trrana a OlearAald, P. A K., Bald
k.fla Valley, -nnd Penneylvaaia Rallroade, for
Vina, I Will pav tna nigne.1 maraei prion.
' ' I ' j. ? Kaeain,
Octln, 1171 If. ' UlMrbald, y.
... I4.8HII
. ,l,tOi
... r.isi
... i4,m
... 1(17, lio
... 101,1111
....10 can.
...17K "
Oaa Himnnnn Pn Obbt. Diaooun- an Gu
Pairae Hewlag Maeblaeaauaow bapnrchaaad
.1 11 arret 'a tin ana vnrieiv eiore, rrom nea up-
warda. All klnda of aewlng maobloei repaired
on ton inertaat notioo.
Claarflald. Pa., July II. 7T.
. .W olhtr't Crier.
Tba nrhla of Mother, tho Ufa and lov of
noma, are oar oniiaren, bmo ner griei wnen eioa
n.,1 antara and takea tbom .way Take warning
tbon, that ynn ara ruuning a terrible rlek, if tney
bare a tougb. Croup or n nooning uougn, wblon
lead ta Consumption, If you do not alund to it
guaranteod lo euro them. Prlca 10 etc., 80 eta.
and 11.00. For lama Hark, Hide or Cheat, uae
Shllob'i Poroua Plaalcr. Price 18 mnli. Bold
by C. p. Wation, Clearlleld, Pa. plT-aow.
The Mint I Krtr Fiiine of.
. O, Htarh.y, a prominent and luBucntial olt-
lacn of low. City, aay, "1 bave bad Ibe lya
pepala. and Livar Complaint for eaveral year,,
and have need every remedy 1 eoald hear of,
without anv relief whatever, unlit 1 caw Tour
Nbiloh'a Vitaliaar adrertlwd In oar paper, and
waa percuaded to fry It- 1 am happy lo atate
that It baa eatlrely cured me. It ta certainly tha
beat reinrdy 1 ever knew oi. rrlce ij cenlo. t
eala by 0. l. WaUoa, ClaarOeld, Pa.
oua Cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker mouth.
and Headache. With each bottle le an ingcnloue
naial lojeotor for the mora eucoeiiful treatment
af tbe eoruiileint, without cairn charge, Price
80 cant,. For tale by C. D. Wateon, Clearfield,
Pa. aeptir, H7U-(lm eow.
Uuuaiaa Fob 8ilb. R. Newton Bhaw kaepi a
full eupply of Frcdonia llugglee and l'latrorm
warone for eala. To a. eecn at ine nnaw iiouaa
yard. Call on or addreia him at Clearfield Ponn
eylvanta. may m-u.
CoLt.ncToB'8 WaBnasra. Wa have prepared
a form, and kava ob band e large uuantlty, of
blank "Oolleotor'c Balei. which have boon al
proved by tho hlgbeit legal authority lit tba
Court, of thia eounly. At TwcMly CW, per
doaen wa will mail any number to ibe Collector
arderiog them. A Uoiuator, wnen compelled lo
advertiea nroparty. tauei poit up not leea (ban
inraa notice, in tne moat pnouo piaoee in on
borough or townibip.
Wintnn. Delivered at tha Rail Road
100,1100 28-Inch chared ebinglea.
100,0110 14.noh aawad ebiaglee.
00,000 feet af pine boarila.
800,000 14-feet chared hoepa.
5.IHI0 railroad tice.
80,000 feet of good bcmloik bourd.
For which I will nay tha hlgbect market price.
delivered et Clearfiuld, or at any point on the
Tyrone A t'learneld Kailmd.
j. r. HKAMka,
Clearfield, Pa.. Oat. II, I8VB tf.
Just Iteevlved.
Just llccnivej by AKKOM). at
Car Load Nova Scolia rlaslor!
Car Load pure Corn. Rye and Oaln
Uur J.ond jjcukou bah:
Car Load of Choice Family Flour 1
Car Load Dry Hooda, Grocorio,4c.l
ItSrSlitrmloa, Bark. Ii. H. Tios and
Grain will bo tukon In exchange.
Curwcnsvillo, May 1, 1B7H.
DellAitR LVTI.E. AtCurwcnavllle,oB Thurs
day, February 10th, 1880, by Rer. George Leidy,
Mr. Wm. T. DeHaa, of DuBol. Haady town
ship, and Miss Virgi Ljile, of Hock I on, I oha
townabip, Clearfield oounty, Pa.
f-Tl RDKVANT SAYRB At the reiidenc
of the bndo'a parents In Williamaport, Pa., Feb
roarv lHtb 1880, by Rer. Mr. Burrowa, Mr. E. M.
Nturdevant, of Pbilipaburg, Centre county, and
Miss uarrie k. eayr.
SHAW SMITH At lb reaideaoo of tb
bride's parent a la Weat CIrold, oa Tueedav,
Febraary 17tb, IS)I), by Rev. H. 6. Butler, Mr.
Zena Bhaw, of Qoehen township, and Miss Mary
M. smith, boia of tbis eounty.
MILLER. Ib Lawrenw township, oa Tuesday,
February 10th, I8K0, William Harrison Miller,
(generally known over tb uanty a th bridge
builder), aged 66 years, 0 month e and 24 day a.
BCHBURKR. At fn liana. Pa , on Saturday
afternoon, Febraary Silt, , Paul, bob or Dr.
E. H. and Rose B. Scbearer, of this borough,
aged 4 years, 0 moaths and 13 days.
NKFF. Ia' Chest township, oa Wednesday,
February 4th, 180, of consumption, Mary Ellen,
wif of John L. Netf, and daughter of Adam and
Jaa Hagr, aged U2 yeara, 6 Booths and 4 days.
CLBARntLD, Pi Feb 14. 1880.
Flour, pr ewt. .
13 10
Buckwheat Flour, prowt
Corn Meal, par ewt,.,HM
Chop, ryt pcrewt
Chop, aixed, per ewt
Braa, par ewt
W'baat, pr bashl H '
Rye, per bushel
Oats, par bushel
Cora, ears, pr buahel .,.
Buokwhcat, par baabsl ..
Clovar d
Timothy sd
Potato, per bushel
Applae, per bushel
S 00
t ee
1 80
1 40
1 00
1 86
e 60
1 00
2 00
2 00
. A
1 60
Hams, par pouod
8 boulder, per pound ...
Dried Bf, per pound.
Chicken, par pair H
ButUr, pr pound
Eggs, per doaen
Bait, par sack, largo
Coal Oil, per gallon
Lara( pr poana , -
Drid Appl, per pound M
Dried Pceha, per pound
Beana, pr bnahol
PiiiLiURLraia. Fab. 23. The snow storm
to-day haa materially interfered with business.
Flour and Meal The flour market Is firm but
there is very little disposition to operate. Ha lea
of 7,000 barrela. lo loa, $8. 60(rjj 7.26 for western
do., aiad at 87 oms ia for patents.
Hy Hour is arm at aa per Dnrrni.
Comment Nemlaal.
Grain Th wheat market 1 quiet but Armor,
with ala of rejected at 11.27 a to $1X1 ; red
at $1,484 t abr at $1.61, and No. 2 red, eleva
tor, at $l.4Mi. At tbopn board, first call, II. any
waa bid for February; $l.40 for March ; $1,604
for April, and $1.11)1 for May
Ky is Brra. Lai yesterday ,eou oasneia
Pennsylvania void at 08 cents.
Corn Is la fair demand and stronger. Balei of
4,000 buabels, Including mixed, at 67 cents yel
low at 67, coats, aad white at 00 oonts. At tbe
open board, flrat call, 68 coot was bid for Feb
ruary 6t1 eents for March j 65) cents for April,
aod 64 oenta for May,
Gate are are lets aclire bat itea-iy, wiib aaie
of 4,200 buehele, laeluding No. 8 wblt at 46
eents; No. I do. at,.fll cents, and choic
whit at 4HJ coats.
Whisky Is Arm. Sales el M birrels atttera
at $1 10.
Chicaoo. Feb. tS.Ptoar dull and oowinal.
Wheat act l?, rm and highr No. 2 red winter,
$1,241; No. f Ckicago spring, l.I4ft lor caan i
$1.26 for March, $1 ful.Xa lor April Ho. a
do. $1.I0oi.).12 i retected. l'J cents.
Cora stronger! S7J aeots lor cash l 3? cent
for March; .17 i eeote for April j 11 ccnta bid for
Mny j rejeeiou, doeeBts.
Oats quiet, steady and iWh i 121 fr
cash 82 for Marob ; 88 ceo l a bid for Miy.
Hy aad barley steady. .
Tlmntby seed lower j $3.40(u.lo6.
Dressed bogs Arm.
I'ork strong and bk'aer; $11.03 tor cah ;
W-i for Bf-erf ) lt lcrtj, 111 for April.
1is T.o&nf itii for A pin.
Bulks aats strong and higher) shoulder,
$4.26 1 abort rib, $0-0., short elear, $0.8'i.
Wbiaky suady.
Hn giflvrrtlgtmtntg.
a week ia your ana town. Term, and 18
CQI) eotlt free. AilJrcea II. Ilallel A Company,
Portfaod, Maine. dccl7,,v-l).
e-rO a week
til a day at home eailly mad,.
O I u Colli, outlt frar.
Addre.a True 1.0.,
Auguita, MalBa, deolT, IB iy.
$20 r.
dayatboma. ftamnlee worth
free. Addrei, Ktininn A Co.,
Pattlaad, Malna.
decl7,'T ly.
1F.I'.H FOR tl.K.Thlrlceo hire, of
I) Ilallaa Ret whlcb I will evil ebeap for
oaab, or eaehange for nhcat. lor forlbor
formation call ou or dlraa, the und.rfiitnod.
Kov I, '71 If. Clcarleld, Pa.
DNrWIII atlead lo all legal bu.lne.e with
promptnaee and fidelity. f.bll.'IO If.
ARM I.AJIIr" FOR llnetoB
lenabl. lim. tlvn lor part of parchaae '.Jg
ey. Price M to 110.00 par acre. "TTs
ana r nm,"1 -tvn.rin.m.iii ' r
Minna', rerarvrd
it. until, AgBt,
P.nll.ld, Pa.
at H .i.ura A Kbbb,
Clearlald, Pa,
P..u 10, la-lf.
grpl ftimtlgmrttts.
SherilT's Sale.
t)Y f trie of eawlry write of Fee, AV laBBed
1 1 out f th Court of Oemmoa Plea of Over-
Bold Co., and to medireoted, there will b posed
to public sale, at th Court Heu,lB Ibe borough
or Clearfleld, oa
Thwraaley, Mertb llth, I Heat I,
At 1 o'clock, P. M , Ibe Mlowiag described real
stale, to will
All that certain tract of land situate la Law
rcnee towaahip, Clearfleld ounly, Pa., boanded
abd described aa follswa, lo wit : Oa tb north
by lead of Jarass Tbompaoa, oa thereat by lead,
of aantj TwnapMi JoI,b D,. Lute, (in (be
south by land of If. 11. Millar, and on tbe weat
by land of A. 0. Tate.oontatalBg 104 ar, mora
or less, and having about 00 acre, with a from
( painted and p)aatrd) dwelling bou, a large
beak barn, wagoa abed, spring bou, aa elegant
larg orchard, or bearing iruita (goou van(ias)
thereoa, and ao opa coal bank aoar tb houa.
Seiaad, taken lo eiecatloa and to be eold aa tbe
property of Mary Kliaabttb Bred and James M.
Alllhnao several tract ol land situate ia Claar
flald and Cambria counties, bouaded and de
sert bod aa follows, vis: On throf alluate is
Beocarla township, Clearfield county, Pa., begin
ning at a post corner of R. Wilsoa aurvi-y, and
being tb south-west corner; tbenc north 870
perches to post ; them east H8 perobea, more or
lea, to pout i thene south 220 perohs, mora or
ieaa, lo small bioaury , tbti, nerebes,
more or lass, to post; thence south III pervbea,
mora or Us, to post, tbenoe sl 108 perchta,
uur or Ieaa, to post t hence aouth HI0 perch.,
more or les, to post t thane weat 820 perches,
oioro or less, to place or beginning, containing
116 acres, more or leas.
One other, thereof situate partly la Beooeri
ownship, Clearfield county. Pa., and partly In
Wblt township, Cambria county. Pa., aurveyed
Ib the nam of J. Gilpin. The part in Clearlleld
county bounded a followa: Beginning at a
poft tb oorlb-oaat corner of tract I tbenoe south
1 1 ll 0-10 perches, more or I, to oounty lin;
tbenoe west along earn 2.1 per. to post ; (bonce
east 320 percboa to place of beginniog. The
part fa Cambria eounty bounded as lollowa :
Beginning at a bemlot'k aouth-oast corner of
tract aforasaid tlieuce north 40 pcrcbc, mor or
tess, to oouuty lino; tacnoo along aaiue yiu per
ches, mure r teas, to post i aouth 40 per
ches, more or leas, to hemlock and heglauuig,
ine nntte tract in both count ie onntalnlng 244
acres, more or less.
One other thereof surveyed In the name of
Jacob King, situate la Clearfield and Cambria
ooontlee. Ibe part In Clearlleld county being
la Beocarla township, beginning at post aortb
west corner; thene aouth 112 porchea, more or
less, to oounty tin; theno aat 230 perobea,
mor or leas, to post; theno north 112 perches, more
or less, to post ; thence west 2.10 perches, more or
less, to beginning, ine pan to w nu towns uip,
Cambria oounty, bounded as follows : Beginniog
at a post at eounty lin oo west side tract;
tbenoe sou in zoo pare has, mora or leas, to iieech ;
thence at 180 parches, more or less, to post ;
theno north 108 perches, more or less, to stonei ;
thence 100 perches, more or leas, to post ; theno
oortb 40 perch e. more or I, to oounty lin
thene west along aame 1M0 per., more or less, to
beginning. 'Ibe who I tract containing .184 acres.
Th abov described tracts being unimproved.
He i aed, taken In execution and to be sold as
property of tamusl Miihken and A.O. Millikon.
A certain piece of ground iltaate la Osoeola
burough, Clearlleld eounty, Pa., fronting 26 feat
on Lingl street and running back 160 feet to an
allay, bounded waat by Lingle a treat, ast by an
alley, aouth by lot of D. K. Harney, aod north by
lot of Gaoeola Mercantile Co. The building! ere
burned on thi lot.
betsed, takea In eieeuttoB and lo be sold as
the property of T. S. Iseu and J. B. Isett.
A certain piece of ground situate In Buroslde
borough, Clearfleld county, Pa , bounded oa th
cast by Main street, west by an alley, north by
lot of J. A. Welsel, and oa the south by lot No.
84, and known in plan of said borough as lot No.
02, having thereon erected a frame store bouse,
two atorlea high, and ether outbuilding!.
Hailed, taken In execution, aad to be aold as
tbe property of Matthew lrvlo.
A certain tract of land situate In Curwensville
borough, CI: field oounty, Pa., being ftiur lots,
bounded and descriltad a followa j Beginning
at tb corner of Filbert aad Goorge streets, and
running eorthward alone Filbert atreet on the
aat aid of amid street 240 feet lo Maxwell atroet ;
theno in an easterly direction along aaid street
IU0 feet lo twenty foot alley; theno along said
alley 240 feet to lleorg it reel ; thence watt along
said street 100 feat lo ilac of begtnuing, ana
having thervoa erected a large planing mill,
board abed, dry kiln, aod other outbuildings, and
various wood working machines.
tfeised, taken tn axecition and lo b sold as
tbe property of M, B. Fay and Joo. Kustei border.
A certain piece of land situate tn Houtule bor
ough, Clearfield county, Pennsylvania, being
lot iOxlyO feet on Hannah atreel, larg hotel,
three a to rice high, 3Uji-D feet, barn IttxltO foot,
aod other outhuildiogs, (See DJ on record.)
Betted, Uaon in execution anil to na sold as
lb property f J. B. Benn.
All those lots of ground to Cut weusvill bor
ough, and being purpart No. 28 In partition of
William lrvtn s estate, bounded as toiiuwa: He
ginning at pusl; I he ao along the Susquehanna
river ( thence north 04 drgreos aat 4H feet to
post; thence north 80 degrees 474 feet ecross
Meadow street to T. A C. Railroad; theno atocg
right-of-way Una of railroad 106 feet t post at
Loust atroet; tnnc ao a agrees west ouu teat
lo beginning, containing 2 acres and 78 porches,
or or tees, aaa an citarei.
All of Defendanl'a tatereet In purpart No. HI
of said atate, being two lota. On thereof adjoini' g
property of William Prion, fronting on River
street 60 frt and extending bark 108 leal, having
i hereon ad walling bouse and other Improvementa.
Th other thereof adjoining lot lael mentioned,
exlendlog 60 hat oa Rtvor point and baok, with
dwelling boos and other improvement thereon.
All of Defendant's Inter! la purpart No. lb
ta said estate, bounded west by Buirjuehanna
rlrar, south by Hiram Caldwell, and oa lb east
by turnpike aad land of con Wining
00 acrsa and 41 percues, more or less.
Beised, takea tn exeeutloa and to be sold at the
properly of A. U. lrvlo. j
A certain tract of land situate tn Graham towa- I
bip, Clearfield eounty, Pa., bounded as follows : I
Oo the east by land of Hesekiab LansUrry, south
by land of Sineal A Graham, wast by land of John
rowel), and norta by land ol lirabain a atorgan.
con tain in g 218 acres, more or less, with about 110 ,
acres eleared, and having thereon erected a two
story frame house, bank barn aad other outhatld- j
ings. j
tie i ted, takin in axccutloo and to 1 sold aa
th property of John McDowell. !
ALSO, - . !
A cerUlti nice of eroaod attuau ia ClearBeld 1
borough, Clearfield eonnty, Pa., oa corner f
Third aod Market street, fronting 60 foot, more :
or Use, oa Market atreot, aad running along
Third street 172 font, and known In tbe general
plan of aaid borough a lot No. 120, and having
thereoa arecled a two-story brivk buus, with
briak kitcbea aUachd, stable and other ootballd-
Hatted, tuieo in aieoutloa and to be loin aa lb
prererty of William V. Wright, surviving partner
of Wright A Brother.
A eerWio tract of land eitua' la Decatur town
ship, tMearfleld county, Pa., hounded west by Mrs.
Martia'a land, South by William Martin's laud,
aat by Gar doer 'a land, aod north by ('. Keaia'
land, oortaioing 40 acres, with about 10 acre
leered, and bavin thereon erected two (lory
framo house, barn, and blacksmith hp.
Seised, taken in execution anil le qM a
lb property of Jhn Martia.
A certain lut of ground situate in New Wash
ington borough, Clearfield county, Pa., fronting
flo fut oa Front street, and running back 20u
feet, more or less, to ao alley, bono Jed east by
an allay, wast by Flrat street, north by Odd
Fellow's Hall, south by lot of W. W. Barclay, and
having (hereon reded a two-story train dwell
ing house, small stable, and other outbuilding.
t-eiitd, taken In soutioa and to be !! as
the property of A. J. Jackson, defendant, and D.
Bream an, F. F. Wilaoa and It. U. Ueaderson,
Administrators of Joba Orr, lefre tenauts.
Tbbbb of Aalr, The price or sua at whloh
the property shall be' struck off mast be paid at
tb tim of sal, or such other arrangements
mad a will b approved, otberwtae the proper -
ty will b immcaiatoty pui up ana som again ai
tb expanse aad risk or the pereoa to wboa It
was struck off, and who, Ib ease of deficiency at
aueh re-aal, ahall mak good tb same, and In
no inatanee will the Deed be praeatd ta Gourt
for bob tir mat loo nnleas th m-eey ta aetually
.iV A. JXtA. 14 A 44 A lr L' la' Y ,
BHBBirr s urriRB, i waitu
OlearSeld, P., Fob. 1. 1870. j
SherilT's Sale. -
virtue of writs of iatmrf F(a Isaued
eat of the Court of Oommoa Plea of t'lerT
bold eonniT, and to me dire-ted, there will
bo eiposed to peblio eele, at tbe Court House,
tn the borough of l'leeru)d, oa .
Thureday. Marrll lltli, lesratl,
At 1 o'clock f. M , tb following aVaertVd rent
estate, to wtt i
A certain two story frame kulhiing, 2talti It,
and front offlo addwd, 14x14 feet, 'the ulllre
building with lot and curtilage appurtenant
(beret, dtuftte ta tbe borough el Oaoetfla, Clear
field oounty, Pa, 1 he tUoo is a one-atory build
Inf. No. BH, );otnded orlh by kio. ewt by
Lumber alley, south by No. 7, and weal ly
I, Ingle street, fct n L mgle slreal and 1. 0
feet deep.
Belied, taken lo eifeutloa aud tu be eold as
to property of Austin lyftlB, aw ner, or reputcA
owner, and c-ntrcir.
A certain two-atory frame beildtug U leet
front fay 26 feet deep, first Ho or being boilt aa a
store room, aad the aeooad fleer aa a picture gal
lery, end located on a eertaia lol er pier of
ground situate on aortb aid of Hannah street ia
lhbor. of lloutsdale, being th western hall of
let known ia geoeral plan ef said borough aa lot
No. 17, and hounded as follows i North by Beaver
alley, aouth by Hannah street, eaat hy blna nf
lot No. 17, and west by Piae alley, being 21 feet
en Hannah eirnyt by lie feet deep.
8lad, taken la eiaoation aod lo b n1d at the
property of O. P. (Smith and Janelle Smith, his
wile, owner or reputed owner.
Thatceitala pleorul land shaale In Clratfleld
.roufh.beuadedand deer.bed as f.dlnw : B,.
boroiia h. beunded and
giaaing at th Husfuebnaartrrattheorarf
land or J. Mrnrsoa a seiai ; ineoo aieug ian
of Mcl'barsoa' ostat In an easterly direeiioa IB
r relies I a post tbenee B a soeiberly direction
perches ; tbenee Ib a westerly direetiea It per
ches lo a post et said river j (bene along as id rt rer to piareei oeginning, eoniaiaieg eoe
half acre atrtet measure. ew !a lb Mseeosina of
t. M Derek flM, Admlalstraur of aaid Joseph
lUrehleld, deo'd, and being th tm which Oeo
Thorn an Ellaabeih ThorB graoled to Joseh
Burebflahl, deed, by UeeO ol pertttlo reverded et
Clearfleld lu Uaed Book " P, par 102 and 10.1,
and having arreted IbereoB a mrge two stry
frame dwelling bou, a Urge fraiao Ul arid
Otbar aeeessary outbuildtagi,.
Boltsi. taken In e.ecutlnn andlo be svtd ailbe
properly of the estals of Jot. VnrfMelJ, dee d.
Xrgat &vtttt$tmtM.
AUO, : .
AU that certain let or plo of ground altuat ta
Decatur townabip, Clearfield eounty, Pa., bounded
and described as follows: bgiuoing at a post
oath north stdoef townabip road loading from
Gaoeola to Jaoeavlllo 001 feet In a weaterty direc
tion from a poet ia a rua (being a boundary lio
between aaid borough and (owaahip)i thence
along townibip read north 70 degree and 16
mlnutawst 430 fettoa poatt tbenee aortb 10
degree and 40 minutes cast 420 feet to a poat ;
thence aouth lu degtaea and 46 minutes went 42(1
feet to pi ace ol beginning, euntainlng four acres,
more or less, all cleared, hating heron erected ;
a frit me bouse, one and a-half striea high, anil
other outbuildings. i
Selaod, takea in etecutioa and to ba aold aa '
tb property of Jcnetl Fratlar.
Trrmb or Salb. Th price or sum at which
the property shall be a true k off muat b paid at '
tb tim of sal, orsuch other arrangements
made as will be approved, otherwise th property
will b Immediately put up end sold agent, at
th xpna and risk of the person to whom it
waa Btruok ott, and who, ta eaae of deficiency at
such re-eal, shall snak good th aame, aad in
an lastane will lb Deed b prasented la Court
for eoottrmatloa unlaas th money Is actually .
aaid lo the t her iff. JAs. MAI1AFKKV.
EHBRirr'i Ornca, ( Kberifl.
ClearOeld, Pa., Feb. 10, 1870. 1
Sheriffs Sale.
Y virtue of write of iV. Fa.. Iau.d
out of tbe Court of Common 1
B l'loa, of Clo.r-
field eouotr, and to me directed, there will I
exposed to PUBLIC HALF, at Hi Court Houo,
in the borough of Clearfleld, on
Thuraday, March lltli, 1hki,
Ai I o ohMik, P. M., the Mlwing 'I escribed rail
state, to wit r
A certain tract or piece of land situate lu Cov
luffton townabip, Claarflald eounty, Pa., bounded
and described aa followa i Oa the aortb by John
Rongeur, on the eaat by John Rougeux, on the
south by August Rougeux, and oa tho west by
Joha B. Martel, containing about fifty acres, with
about forty-uv acres cleared, and an orchard,
baring thereon erected a log house, log barn and
other outbuildings.
Heiied, taken In execution and to be sold aa
th property of P. A. Coudriet.
All that tract of land situate in Beccuria town
ship, Clearfield oounty, Pa., beginning at post by
dogwood, being corner of tbe Jesse Uooverlafter
warda A dura Hurdmaa) farm tbenoe by land of
Dennis McCoy north 9 perches to a post by a
logwood : tbenoe by land of John Weld, Jr., west
2'i'l percbea to a post ; thence by land of 11.
Pbilipa, (aftarwerda Hamilton Wold), aouth 841
Sere hoe to pott by pine stump ; thence hy land of
esse Hoover aod J eaae Dillon eaat 232 perches
loth plaoe of beginning, containing 118 acre
and allowance, and having a frame houa aad
bara thereoa, together with other buildings aed
improvements, with land cleared and Improved, j
and knowa aa the Theodore Weld, or George W. 1
Pearee farm, which waa purchaaed by ArUtilea of j
Agreement by the defend andante (rom Thomas
Fuck. Beiaad, takea ta execution and to be aold '
aa tbe property or Jacob Lender, John Leader
and Kdward Lender.
All (bat real estate convoyed by Deed dated
April 131 b, 1888, froa W. il. Gihbony and Wife
to Willie J. Nugent, recorded In Clearfield ooanly,
Pa., tn Deed Book "CC," page 0:S, Ac, being the ,
moiety or undivided half part of a tract of land
eallod " Pioe Grove Farm," containing 200 acres, ;
more or less, situate to Burnside town-hip, Clear-1
Odd eouuty, Pa., bounded on tbe north by lands j
of John Kjuimel, on tho east by land of Joseph !
Brothers and Elijah P. Barker, oa the south by j
lands of Joseph Walla, and on the weat by lands ef
Boeder King'a heirs, )elng in greater part cleared
and cultivated, oontalntog dwelling house and
barn, with other buildings and improvement i.
belted, taken tn execution an 1 to be aold as the
Croperty of Willis J. Nugent, terra tenant of W.
I. Gilihony.
A crlain tract of land situate ia Bloom twp.,
Clearfield eouaty. Pa., bounded and described aa I
follows: On th ast by laad of Kilts Keller,
an the south by land ol C. M. Go IT, on tbe wt
hy land of D. A. Fetter, ami on tho north by hand
of Frank Orcutl, containing U4 acre, mor or
leas, about Of acres, mor or leas, cleared, with a
good orchard growing ibereun, and harinhr
on erected a train bou-, a largt hank barn aad
other outbuildings,
Feitrd, taken in execution and to be Soli aa tbe
property of H, G. Andersaa.
The undivided one-half part of that rer In in
tract of land situate in Morris wliir, Otear
neld ooantv. l'e bounded and deacrtbed ai fol
lows : Beginning at a dead pise on land of Geo.
Wcitsel survey, corner of tbis and C.Wirtt: ( hence
south 2 degrees weat 140 perches to old brmlick
corner: tbenee by M. Louder aurrey wet 4i2
perch (o a pott oa line of Perka ; tbenoe north
4t) degrees west 61 4-10 perrbes to a white piu ;
I he no sooth 62 degree wst Ot T-10 fere bee to
pi i at on old Ho: theno west perobea to a poat
eorner of land aold to bhowalter; thence by
Bbowalter (now Gearhart) aortb 141 perches lo a
post oo lin of C. W iris, Br. ( lhene east 60 par
etics to lin of C. Emelch land, out of this survey
to a post oa lin of Wm. and 0. Wirts, Sr.;
theno cast 110 perche to a dead pin and place
of beginning, contain inf 801 acre, mora or leas,
and beiog th lain preuieee conveyed to Rich
arp Ario Pardee from J. Oaoar Lorain tux., by
Deed dated April 1st, 11 1, end rooerdedta Deed
Book "FF," page 6j6.
r-eiied, taken in execution and to be eel las the
property of Richard Ashman.
Tbe following real estate situate la th village
of Franklin, Bell townahip. Clearfleld county, Pa.:
Two towa lots ironting 12" leet oa Biver street,
and running hsck 170 loot to land of K.MnbalTey,
bounded east by River street, south by an alley,
west hy land of R. MahafTey, and north by land
of R. Mabaffey, and having thereon erected a two
story frame bouse, with lie ban attached, well
finished, frame stable aad other out hull dings.
Aootber tract of lanj situate la Bell township,
bounded east by Chest creek, north by Buaque
hanua river, wet aod aouth by land of P. Keith -miller,
containing fiv acres, mor or lass, all
cleared, and ao buildings.
Another of land iltuate In Bell township,
bounded and deeorlhcd as followa: Heat by laud
of R. C. Thompson, aonlh hy land of McGe A
Mabaffey, west by land of Logan A MahafTey,'
Borth by land of Bell t Irvln, containing 400
aores, mor or lea, with about tit acres cleared j
and under Improvement, the balance Is limber
land with various kinds or timber, having there
on erected a log house and a log eta hie.
tSeited, taken in execution and to be sold a the
property of I. W, Logan.
A certain tract or pleoe of land situate in Bloom
towuship, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded and
deter ibe 1 as follow : On lbs north eaat by land
of Milligun, oa tbe west by land of Widow Irvin,
on tbe south by land of Bilger A Thomas, aa the
east by land of William Dale, Joba Brldgo and
Peter KlliDger, containing 120 acres, more or
less, about flu acre cleared, with two good young
orchard thereon, aod baring thereon erected a
good frame dwelling home, a good frame barn
aiul other rnthaiMIn".
Belted, taken In execution and lo be fold ae
the property of Nam net Irvln,
A certain tract or piece of land aitutle la Fergu
son township, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded and
described as lullows : Beginning al a pit j thence
by land of .Uinea Kvrgoson north Oo,; d- jreea
east 170 pertdits to a p it ; thence narlb 8' do
giees west by land of Henry Swan Ul perches to
a post; thence south 47, degrees wct 40 perches
along the puLlio roti l (en liog to Lumber City 1
th'tice by same south 4l degrees weat ii porchea t
thence by the aame aoulb 4 degrees west 20 per
ches 1 thenoe by lb siiino south 'ii degroes west
40 perches 1 thence by the same south 10 dcgronB
west 2 pen-he ; theno hy the Btuw south 10 de
grees nl 27 perches; theooe by (lie same aouth
2" degrees met 7 6-10 perche! to the pise of be
ginning, eoaialnlug Ott aoree and allowance, with
. about 26 .teres elearod. nn t hnvtaa thc-tvto creeled
a sawmill, sumll dwelling hams, (table aod other
1 0utluiltlin.
A 10,
A lot of ground .a lb vkllgof New Millport,
Ivlaol tuwuihin, Clearfleld coitalr, Pa., houaJ'.-d
on the north by lot of Christ .Sloppy, nn the south ,
kv IkI nf Hrhnril An Ika aall I an I
... i .t.. i.u ..i.ii- .,,-.1 .-.I h..a.i.i tK-.
liuolic roaJ, aau naviuf tnerc- i
. .iiii..- t, f,... .k ... I
a ertoteil a Tram dwctliue Bona, fra'ne wi 'i, (
small itiM and other cutbuildlngs.
' i good cnttivatluB, and haa thereon recll a
I On other lot la ald vilUge of New Millport, Mtw frtme dwelling hou-e lfia24 feet, with porch,
I loi ua tb north by l -t ufdourge Uliom, fi i s fftJ friunt hara bviov feet, Including large
the south by lot or Joseph Erhard, on the it by i ,)f.,l w;th all th aeo'esary out boiling, rlry
i an llr?, and oa lbs nest by i alley. kouae, Ac. Alao, a large, bearing orchard of frnlt
j lie ued, takea In execution an t to he sol at ' tree on th premises, Including appl, poneh,
in .-vf t. . i7n. m,
All Ibitt certain piece or traet of land sitoie
Ib Bell townahip. Clear ft alt ooantv, Pa., biunlal
and dccrtrHtd as fulluws i On Ih east by laod of
Henry Met lee, on the aouth by land of James
Hutomemlle, on tbe west by Hnsqueharina river,
and oa the north bv lead of Wet sal A Wallah er,
containing about I aeree, more er lei, with
About 1 ti acres oleared, and baring thoreoa erct
ed a frame house, hank barn, aad ether outbuild.
j ina.
b. .,11 .. il,r
rtriied, taken in eteretin. aad t
prijierty of .1, S. Wert.
All tbat eeilala roal Uts ooa.istlng of ab nil
one acre, snore or les, of land, belag a part of a
tract of .'tUM avrrs of laad si mate ia Colon town
ship, Cloatfleld Co., IV, bounded hy Henry
Lialnger oa the east, by land of l'arld Welly oa
Ih aouth, by Breriy township oa tb west, aod hy
land o Joba DuBla oa th north, wlih a steam
sbingl mill.ab'iat 60 1 0(1 feet, a small store boue,
about 1418 feet, aod three dwelliof, on
a boaiding houa about 24x30 feet, and another
a dwelling hoes about Iflia feel, and another
dwelling hoas about Iflall fet (broa erected.
Uelied, taken In execntloa and ta be said a th
property of L. C. Kinyon.
A certain lot nr piece of ground iltuate la the
village of Htemptuwa, letur towashlp, Clear
fleld eountr. Pa., bounded aed described aa fol
lows i North by an alley, south by Itstof Edmund
A'hwor1,h' M?."T1,,,i of i'kn ?? i?"1
by pablio road I wl log fraai Osoeola al.lleloPbi-
Ipsburg, and baring thereon totod a fraaao dws 1 1
tag bouse, wash house, etabl aad otBer oalttaild
iag. deised, (ah oa Ufkeeuttua and t he eold e tbe
property ol Fredariok ShialJa .
Tbnms r Rat a. Tbe prtee nt sun at whinh
th property shall b struak off muat bw paid al
! the time of sale, or such other arrangement tale
I as will be approved, otherwise (he property will
j b Immediately put up aad sold atata at tbe g.
penae and risk of tbe pereoa to whom It waa
sinn-B on, ana wan, ia Oay 91 OeaeUaoy at suah
1 re sale, shall tbahs g'v4 tha earn, and la ao
In'taue wili U BaeaT he preaentod ia Oourt for
eouflrmatloa unleji aity te aetually paid to
tho 6herQ, J AMlvti MAHAFFRV,
begairr'i Ornca, Bhertff
' Clearfleld, Pa., Feb. la, U-0. f
-Witb'.-Vrf - ,-ia,Mi
XT 2T X3E2DFl"Jt X51 313 3R.,
MARK ET STRi:i:T, ll.tAHI'll:!.!), PGNN'A.
All kinds of Cankots and Co Hi tn kept
. .v.., ;i.l,..i;n il.n
orl not
luetiirrd Our
Ih I li iical ill tint.', and nil! Lo fiitiiirbul wurii ntiuirt'd I''ni,iiuU nlKl.ded
in tiny jmtt ul lliv tounly. Cull lit my nflirti, on Sctond "U wl. nr loave
your ordinH ut Triititman's l'tiriiiluio Sioro, adjoining the l'oiiloftict).
out 1,79-lj.' Cloarflold, Pa.
Fall and Winter Stylos,
T. A. FLECK & CO.,
filaclc and Colored CanhmercH, Brocado Drcus Goodn, Plain DrK, Goodo,
Now Sliawln, Ladies' Coat, Red Kin n ncls, (1 ray Klanncli, Flaid Flannels,
'avy Bloo Plannole, Waterprnofi and Ladies' Cloths, all colon,
CaxsimorcB, Men's and Boys' Wear, Drees Ginghams, Callooos and
Mut-linn. Our stock was.nover bolter. Our Ladies' Skirts are beautiful.
Millinery Goods,
A complete Stock nt our iimiiuI ICargnliiM.
Pin rnci, Klowers, AVin8, Ostrich Tips, all kinds of Fancy Wlns and Birds,
New Hrocudo Velvets and Bilks, Satins, Black and Colored Silks, Black
nnd Colored Silk Volvot, Kid Gloves, Lisle Gloves, Silk Fringo,
lluttons, Laees, Corsets, Embroideries, Kdcinc. Inscrtines.
Linen jTandkurchiefn, Ladies' Tics, Ribbons, Gcrniantown Vorni, Zephyrs
and Fancy Yarns, Ladies,' Gent's and Children's Undorwcar, Ladiei,'
Gent's and Children's lloio. We don't intond to have any storo in
Clearfield county boat us in anything stylo, prices, quantity,
quality, or Belling.
(nvo us
oiicioths par pT7""rr
Otfuinniis uAlli 1j I O,
Graham's Building, - Market St.,
$tu) gairrtistiarnts.
TUB snbacriber bow oflers to the citlsens of
Bnrnside aod vicinity, aa unprovided
specialty. II area! tar all hinds of Caskets and
Cofflas will be kept on hand, aod orders filled at
M unerals mlUtndtd lHyirhtrf.
I will furnish th flaeat as welt a th ebeapsst
articles dedicated to funerals. All orders left at
tbe store of Joan C. Coxxeb will receive prompt
attention. For fnrther particular, call oa or
address . R. ti. HEM'EBSON.
Dee. 10,
Borough ii Curwensville !
fpilAT well-huowa properly situate oa the bank
X. of the Sysouehanaa river, la th borough ol
Curwenivtll. Clearfleld eonnty, Pa , occupied by
tb let BKNJAM1N UAKTtillOBN, dae'd, I
now offered for sal. It oa tains about
Thirteen Acres,
t'pon which ll erected a flue two. story frarrt
Ij I!;!'?.. STAIILG, ao. tee airwiarr out.
illf JlAi bnildlnae. aad alio a M.OW1NU
FOI MAIN of pure Sl'IIIXn WATKR. Thla
le a tor? prapertjr for a private reel
drace. Tlioiiropeitr la now olercdal FBIVATE
6ALf), on rraaonelile tern, Vtt furtlier in
(Vrniellnn in relatian lo 14, call at tba praaiiMa,
or Bp.ljr lo lb, gndoriisncd In perron or l? Idler.
Artornc; for tbe llcira.
Clearlleld, !'., 8opt. 3d, ISTa-tf.
1)f tlrtn f n order isfoel oat of tbe Or-
phaoa' Court of Clearlield eouaty, Pa., there
will bee i posed to paMie sal oa the premises ia
New Washington, on
WcliifMlay, Ularrli Uri, Heit,
At I oVtoek P. M., at! the following described
real ftnls, lata the property of Christian Nff,
deceased, situate la th borough of Hew VYesh
in(oB, and bounded on the north by fends of P.
Zimmerman and P. B. Neff'e estate, en the eaat
hy land of R. Nolmao, dees aed, aod Alex. Me
Cardl. oa th South by land of Wary Williams,
nnd oa the Weat by laoda of Robert Byers, eon-
tainlnr V2 acres, more-rr teas, aeons n isrfiur
C4l. Ill Dai
---r V""
"w i"rto"' "001" . "
ptar nium, aaa ewerry ireee.
Teiaus One-third of the purehan money at
nouArmetion, aad tbe baleen la two equal aa
anal payment thereafter with iatsrest. Judg
meat bond end Set. in. mertges to be given Ur
deferred pavments.
.KIHKPII It. B BET II. AJininl.iratnr
Kew Wa-bington, Feb, 4. lNt-4t,
ioitrt Pimri.tM tii.
Wilnr., linn. C. A. MAYKK, Praeidat
Judge of the Court of Comwa Pleee f
the Twenty flfth Judicial District, eompoaed f
ta euunti ol Clarflld, Centra ani Clinton
aad Ha. A am a Oodkb aad Hob. Vibckrv B.
Holv, A asocial Jdga of Clearfleld eoaaty
hv lud their precept, to m directed, fjr lb
holdiag ef a Oourt of Common PI, Orphans'
Oourt, Oovrl of Quarter Basal, Oourt of Oyer
aod Terminer, and Oouet of He a era I Jail Deliv
ery, at tb Court Houa at Clearfleld, ia aad for Ih
eonnty of Clearfleld, commenting oa the (bird
Hnuday, tho I t a day al NaiTh. InsjHK and
lo continue one week.
NOTICE IS, therefore, hereby glvea.tethe
Coroner, Juatiree of the Peace, aad Coaatablea.
ib ad for aaid roaaly af Clearfleld, to appeer la
(hair proper persona, with their R word a, Bolla,
Inijuiaiitoas, Hxaminatioas, and ether Kiata
brances, to de those thlnri which to their offices.
and Ib their behalf, perula to be done.
liy an Act nr Assembly, passed the f th day of
May, A. D. 1861, It is made the duty of the Ju
tieaa of th Peace of th several eoantlea of thia
Commonwealth, to return te th Clerk of tb
Court of Quarter Hesalont of the respective
eouBltes, all the recognisance catered Into before
them by any poreoa or persons charged with Ih
eommisiB of any crime, except suelj oaeea ae
may ha ended baler a JutU of tb Peer, un
der existing laws, st least tea days before th
BBaemeat af th essia or th Ceart to
which they ar made iwierordipertvly,and
U all eaaos wbr any rewjralsan are eatarod
tnto Ieaa than Ua day before tbooommoBcemeot
oi tne eesstoa to wbicb ttanv ar aaaJ retoraa-
hie, the aaid Justices are to retara the same la
Ib earn manner aa if said flu aad aot berg
GIVEN under mv htvndat Clearfl.U. tku Uib
way oj reoruary, in the year of oat Wiliot
thnaand eight haodved and otfh'm.
febll.t JAMES )lAUAFFMf, Sheriff.
on band, and larniihed to ordor an
A. II. HILI.f.
u call and seo for yourself
Clearfield, Pa.
Sot. I, )y
! Srui 3rJrrrtisrmrutfl.
ff OtM) l1I'HII:lje,llcoraa Wearer A Co.
I ei, want Ara thoneand boehel, of OAT, Bow,
anil will pay oath or produce.
ClearOelJ, l a, A.. 11, 18711. if.
Tho White kiii; Machine
Can le bought at lowest price from ALEX.
PATTERSON, Woodland, Pa. It la eo,oal, If aet
superior to any flrat-clae Bewing af acbln la ta
market Circular seat oa applicative.
Voodland, Pa., Oct. 20, 1870-Om.
Th BbdcTiigned offers for sale ell the plao, eek,
fioplar aod hemlock timlior oa 411 act of Uad
n Clearfield county. Parti eoosalilng the map
or atlas of tbe county, will Hod it la Brady
township, adjoining tho Bell township t
lin, and knowa aa tract No. 1434. ThUM
timber will h held opaa for sal aall) tr- - rw
1st of December acxt. For farther particulars
apply to or addreas,
tiEU. B. 000DLANDKK.
October 16, lSTO-lf. Clearfield, Pa.
on SALB.-
Th nnderaigaed will sell at prUat salt all
that tract or parcel of land aitaare la Deoatar
townahip, Clearfield oounty. Pa., w I thia a short
dlstanoe of tbe Tyrone A Clearfleld B. ft., aad
adjoining land of Robert Hudson and oteers,
and knowa a tb Jacob B. ttewrhart lot Tb
said treat containing 60 acres atevo or tea, with
two veins of valuable eual tbrOB, haa aboat !
acre eleared, and 1 th key to a largo body of
ooai auoui oeing aeveiopeti, mil o sola low en it.
upon easy trma,
For partlcnlart, apply to
DAVIU l. aKsns.
Clarf)ld, Pa., July 12, ISJ1
; T4l PLEAD.
William B. Biglef
No. Jan wary T., m$.
L. A. MiBehart and
, Sam
bwbbobb la Kjeotmcat.
Barbara I.acaa.
And bow, to wit, '.ha 31st day of January, M&9,
on motion of Fielding, Bigler A Wllaon, Attor.
neys for Plain tiff, a ml la granted on tb is
fendanta to appear Bad plad to Ibis aotloa of
ejectment brought to nforc speelfle performanc)
of contract for tb sal of a certain lot ground ait
uat in West Clearfield, aad knowa as Lot No. .,
being SO feet front ob Front street, and 12 feet
deep, or judgment shall he ntered agaiaat Ik tat
ia default of such appearance aad plea. Hnl
returnable at March Termaeit.
Jaa. II, ISoO.fellltl Att'ye for Plaint iff.
Triennial Assessment I
TDTICBl hereby givoa tbat ths Cntamisiduu.
i.1 era of Clearfield eounly will meet tbe tax
payers at the following named place, for th
n nrps of kcei lug and determining appeal om lb
Triennial Assessment fur 180. Tbe Mate for
hearing appeal will ho between th hoar of V
n'olook A. at. aad 4 o'eloek P. hi. of each !v,
Tbe appeal will be bold for
Henderson, oa Monday, February ?.1d.
Uulicb towaibip, at th hotel la JanotvilU.oa
Tuesday, February 14th.
Beccarta towaibip, at (b hotel of Fraak Isett
la Ulen Hope, oa Wednesday, February 2Kb.
Jurdaa township, at the hotel ia Aaaonville, on
Tburedy, February 2')tk.
Knox townakip, at Turkey Hill evboe! Wwee.
on Friday, February 7(k.
Ferguaon townabip, at (ho re idea of Jeph
Moore, ob Katurday, February Sfih.
l.iar City boritugb, at th hoaa ( Israel
floppy, oa at on day, March let.
Newburg borough, at (he houa f Isaac Markl
tn ssid boieuch, oa Tuesday, March 24,
Cbsst Uwnhip, at Kurabaugh'a aohool house,
on W ednesday, Xiaroh J.
New Washingtoa borough, altb bouol H.D.
i Itos in aaid borourb, oa Tharadar. Msr.k Oik.
Burasid (ownbip, at Young's acbooi houa, oa
Friday, March lib.
BttrOlid boreuab. at tha haute nf Vtmlmr tw
vis ia said borough, oa Saturday, March Ath.
Bell township, al (be hnuae r Bobovt .V
befley, on MoaoVy, March ftth.
tireeawood townabip, at ibe bo lei of Ooorge D.
MCraokoa ia Uellvilie, oa Toeaday. Maroh fib.
Pcaa M. M. Flyna'shol! ia Peae
vlll. oa Wwlaeeday, aMaroh Uth.
Blnm towaship, at lb alert lea hoa, oa
Thursday, March Ulb.
Brady toaaship, at W illiam Scbwom a hotel ia
Liitberaburg, en III. lay, March lJjh.
oaady towaship, al tbe eleela Itoua ia
DuBuls, oa beturd.y, Mar eh Uth-
LaieB towasbip, at th kwiia house ba Reek
Ion, no Monday, March 1Mb.
I iinp.v m iae puenn boum et Jam
en-mm iu renia, oa lueeoay, Merra lata.
iieameii horough, at the Oemmiaoore' Of
Ice ia aaid borough, oa Wednesday, Marrh 2 4 lb.
Lawrence township, at the Oomiuiaeloaere' Of
lice la Ckaraeld, aa IhiirsiUy, Mare) 2e(h.
Not tea Is also kerehy glvca la the ARBRAMlftB
of lb e vara I horougba aud tewBehip. that they
be preeeat with tha Board of Cosamlse loners on
the day of Appeal, la their reapeeUvo districts,
aa wH a all pawns who ay feel thesaMlvee.
A gral Appeal wilt he held at tho C'rani.
toBraJ Olioe, ta Clearfield, ee) tha a 9H(b
aad SAth day at swarf h aext, aAer ahea aw
appeal will ha heard. Tha Aaseeawra ore re.
qeirod la giro earh taxable wvutea aw printed,
aeUo of the klad aad eraouat of proaortg or
he le asses, at kavt lv 4a is bforw la day el
Attea : OoBBBlaetoaersk
Ciraarnta, Pa Jaa. 14, tllfl.