THE REPUBLICAN. CLKMWVAA PA. WEDNEHDAY MOKNINU, FKB. I. HHP. Terms of Subscription. If pa.d advanea.or wlthla thrM mouths. ..$1 10 If paid after three end before iti months,., I M If paidaftetlbeeiplretloaof sll monbls... I 00 .tc V..... B U pBTTKMHILt A Co.. News- mper Advertising Agents, IT Ptk How, corner lUekman Street, are our duly authorised Agent .n N.w York City. HKM(;lXt NOTIC K. 4l I u A. M., aad Tji P. M. - fMihlmh Mflhuul at tt A. U, Prayar Maaitag artry Wadoaaday, at Ti P. M. l',pmnloa Harrlaa.Or.t Babbatb -,f ovary month, at I0J A. M. i Hat tMearfleld M. li. Miurch-Kaf. i w"0( 0 V. Hr-uTT WitJOH, Paitor. Praanhing aery ' ,,,,. Ititrnata Handay, at I oVIonk, P.M. Kaaday pRtHlRKiWINtl. TllO AltOOIlU EvfMIUf S houl it St, P. M. All ara Invllad to aitand. (', or l ha Hib lnl., aaya : "Mr. J. U. Kpleaa, Proabyterian Miurrh Ka. II. fl.Burt.RR. tit gaailraunly Huparrlior of tba Claarflald ll--Habb&tb BtrTlraa morn In g and aTaaing Sab- tiiiun ut ,hf fjaJi'a flap ItallroaJ wan in towa tithSahool.tlP.M.-PraarMeatlDgWdii. u ftporti( htt ,hi woll JoBt upoB UHM,"atD ClM.rrh.-nar. . P.-,or ihi'd " inf pu-ba-l rapidly. .bra. Habbath Boh on! at I P. M. Prayar Maailig "try milMbait.g rtady for lie. and iron near Coalporl, Wrdoaaday evening. aotwIlh'Undlog Iba " mud" t bay Lava lo contend Ht. Fraiicla' ( hurrh Catholic Hav. P J . MmiinAM. llivlna varvlra at I a A. M tlia Qrit.tbird and lourtb Swadayaof aaoh motih Veipenand Denadletlon of tba Uleiaed Haoratnant at 7 o'clock, p. . Hunday School vary Sunday afternoon at 8 o'clock. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Tina or luLUiia quartm iiaaioaa curar. Second Monday of January. Third Monday of March. Kirat Monday af J una. fourth Monday of Heplaiaber. tui or aoLDiao common pi.. Pint Monday of Jane. t MMond Monday of Novautar. public orrtcaaa. It r J. II... f L . .1.. k u... ( r iiiui linn, vhbii n. iiibtct, vi Uck Haven. Afitlanl Lot Ju4y- Hon. Jobn II. Orvla, of ; llellefonta, I Attottnn juaijtt a oram ugiien, biarueiu Vinoent B. Holt. Clearfield. ftolkomotarp Eli Bloom. KtyiMr nmd 7earriar L.J. Morgan. Trtaaurtr Philip itotta. Itittriet AttorntyJ. F. MrKanrlck. tlhirif Jamea Mahaffey. irpafy Sheriff t'uNNly Sarwyof Hamual P. McCloakey, Our ntnavilla. County CammiftonenC. W. Kyler. fJrahani lon P. O.; Elah Jnhnaton, Grampian Milla P. 0,: l'mminiir$' VUrk John W. Howe. Jlm Norrlf. Sr.. Curwenavllle. County Audilart--William V. Wright, Chnr- j liflldi Joaapn fitliiiana, i nree uni, i.a.vr- , Woodland. fouMfy Voromtr J. B. Keff, New Waehlngtou. Jury fcommiuionm Andrew J. Jackin, Clear trd. Win. R. Brown, Clearfleld. XepariafeaoVar of Puhlit tiekoott M. h. Mo- StnUraf WrigkttA- JMara-Jcie W.arlile, ..fTioa at Utharebnrg Pa. 1 iVolartea Public John W. Wrlgley, Wo, Ra-I .Ul.augh, Cyrua Uordon, OlearHald ; Joerpn K. I Irwin, N. K. Arnold, V urwenarlBo ! J- A. Living- j fiono, DuHoie City. I - -; oar .SWmitolttuin ia de-ldrdly iateraatiog In j loea.) point of view, and profitable reading lo j xtw. of cocnp. i "Will W'O take Mliaai,OKli or corn for aub- tfii.tiun?" We are often lininired of in tlii way ; 1 1 b l.-Ocv fiom patron who re-lde at a iliatawia , 8v) d ihbutg, al the Ut meoting, a Con liom OarMd. We again ay yea. The reeelpti i rtutlcn lu thv iitlt-reaO of lloai Miarlon, will ol a re-pomlUu norrhant or oill owner In lb I held at Huntingdon on the Sfftk and 17th of , , . ' i February. There will be thra leaiion, vi : vt-lnlty, w III aniwer u Jnt ai well w the caah. ; ' ip (I ;3U P. M., Tbuffdty, 2iib ; tt:XD A. M , and 2 P. To illluatrate: If ny or our patron will deliver ; M J7(b Kc(. sheldo1 jnekil(tt( D u a bug of graio at (he milt of Joieph H. Mreth, ! m rptak at each Minion, lira. F. K. H. in Cheat towmhip, Horaae Palehio, io Buroelde, ! llainei, Corresponding becretary or the Witnan'a Thorn. II. Frcay, In Urahaio, Wm. Porter ur Kwnlifi VamU ot Home Minion. Ia ! , D . , , aipeeted to be prcaent, and will 'peak on Woman .-bnwV, In Lawrence, or Brown Soylera, at, ' . work in Hume Mimon. Ho-kt.m, Tnion townahip, and forward their chuich la the Preabyiery li earneitly ro- rt-i'rlpta for the iniioiint, we will credit lb em on ! queMed lo re ripteientrd by Ita Paitor and ibrr thlr e.foBiit lor the aim a. In thi way all may delegate, two of tbetn helug laJIci. Knit.iain- eoon nay what they owe, it Ihey will puraue tbla firiT Advertiser and others will hear ;o mind thai all article intended for publicallon In thl paper n.ut be baadrd ie, not later than Tortduy, al 11 A . M. Don't forget It ' iiood hiiKar-makin weather. - JiuWOm ifl holding Court this Ht at Kbitnaburg. Cambria eounty. W ' Several rafXn ol' new limher floated d .wn the river during tbe paat few daya. The pay car niado iln ivgulur monthly viiil lo :bi ritijn lait Wednaday .lti:noon. e ir vi ..-, i.n !..,. ii. iwo'Mf;, i.".t iuiw . jiortef tor I hi diatrict, haa been admitted to j'ia-tie m tbe bar of Centre eounty. Kranciat Murphy, the Temperance xiik, arrived la Altooaa last week, where he will remain for some time, w rating being held A danceroufl connterleitftilverdotlar, ,,ar.i.lly eomPod or blork tie, is lo circulation, j Il I not affertcd ly acid, and haa the Irue ring , f genuine silver. j m i a 1 Sheriff Mahaftey publishes his first i real estate bulletin ihie week, which oceupiea con aiJerable apace In this laeue. Sal to take place on Thunday, March 11th. Mr. John Taylor, lather of 'Squire Taylor, of DoBole, and n well-known lumberman, died at hi hone la Pinecreak townabip, 4efTr ,ai.n county, on Tuoaday of Imt week. John Scott has been appointed rout- ina'tsr at Brookvlllo for another term of four years, which will make a .,uarler of a c'enlnry .th;it he fan officiated la that capacity. m-m A revival meeting in the Cilen Hope r M K. Chureh, after being in progre for seven eiesks, closed last Wednesday night. There were forty conversions a a result oi tms ciiori. A mi in bo r ol ice Iiouhus in this vkinlty were filled lart week with "anow ice"ol an Inferior quality, fiom alt to eight Inches thick. Hnwaver, it Is a groat dVel betUr than ft'jne at all. The rains and thaw Of Utt week) Ailed the river bank full, and on Haturday and ; fun Jay it was "booming." A lot of new timber wrut adrift on Frld-iy night, some ef which wis reci'Vsred. . . mm e mm i'atttrand Muster Itorie, of I'inlu- delpbla, will deliver a free le-ture oa "Odd Fal lowing "in Flyna'S Hall, Tyrone, nevt Friday evening, Feb. 20th. Tba rra'ernlty ii cordially t aarlled to attend. 1 - - mm I Wo understand that J H.Mcl- ailden has perfected artangements by which he will aa ean.a control of the Oioeola Rmrtiltr, Mr. BeoH retiring. Capt. Amo Row will bat charge of the Job department. i mm ; An insane woman, wandering about uur towB last Thursday evening, was lodged In - Jail for safe keeping. Nothing of her paat history, to who she ie or where ibe belongs, could be dirtied from her. IIr actions are elmple and I iingo age profane. All Ice Cream IVstivul, under the ait'picee of tbe ladles or the Clearfield Presbyter- isa Cbaroh, will bo held at tbo residence of Mrs. ' Kdward A. LHigler, on Second street, to-morrow i vThanday) evening. The public In general are ( rnrdlally invited to attend. -. mm- Dr. K. it. I!cad, now located at Uitf- ur elation, in Bradford township, purpose non to remove to 0reola. He will offer a lot of per tonal property at pub 1 1 sale oa Saturday, Feb. 2 1 it, at I o'clock P. M , caltlng of live stork, houwhoM furniture. An. See Posters for par Ocular. - i mm e aw - - I .ant Saturday was St. Valentine's Uy, aad many person la this vicinity took ad vantage of it to display their concealed affection or bate, aa tha eae might be, towards their ae- - ouaiataafee, as well a to criticise their neighbor, wbase style ef living did not juat exactly rail their idea. m ' The firm oi Hoover, Hughes & Co., if Philipftburg, have ewutraMed Ur the erection of a aaw depot at Allegheny etty, fbrthe West i'en Railroad. Tbe baitdlag will be OiTI feet, r two aiorle high, with Mansard roof, aad tbe con iract speclflas that II li to be ready for en-upancy ; t t the ) of May nest. Mrs. Kititshoth Hastings, mother ol Opt. John Hastings, and grandmother of John - M. Hartiagi of thia plane, died It Ike residenee if her daughter, Mrs. R. R- Means, la Rrookvlllf, na Monday mornlag of lst week, la the fit si , j ear of bar age. She waa tho widow ef tho Hon. Tb.a Haetiags, who was well-known through nt this toaaty, and wis aoe of tbe few "rigln'1 tilers of BreakvHle. "Roller' Liver rill," cured mo ol f Itftr oinnllnl of tight yeara standing." i Win. Krani, JotUt, 111. Ulvs lbin a trial. - m m I On. at Stump Creek tlidoro go-! ln, I will purchase ft warm suit of clothing, a I lb old prices, ftt lllrllagcr Rook 'i. f.h -Jt. - ... .rw c -.-., Al r. ClirirttCiurdlock and wifo, of Cur wnavllls, wer bereaved let weak of I wo of their children by diphtheria, and third one ha , been attacked by th lint diaeaae. They are oati'M, and, no doubt, kevc tb ayiupelhy ef the community la thli eaJ affliction. ' A' 'let lUlO will di'livored ill thu U. U. Church at Lumber City lul (Wednesday) evening, by Rev. A. Anderson, af Philadelphia,! a Hcoteh-Irlh American. Subject t "The Trip I Iter, Anderson li raid lo ba I HuaDt aod plaaalag apaakar, aod all who hava kubortualtf of beariuf biin. bo dtuU. will ,nju DBtual feut. A ainall aduiiiion u b J( h, (o b(1 flr lh, ! r, I with. If auihlog hapnaa tha road will ha m- plrted to l lahvilla by Iba la of May." t Tho Cnrwcnsyille Thiua wtys lluit Mr. Harrloon Miller, of Lawrtnot townahlp, ettliar MI from tha loft of fill barn or bulla i bla head agalnat one of tha rafter, a abort time ago, , an tn fiqm Injurlea thnt reiulted In fall death on Mnnday night, February tttb. Mra. Millar, two yean ago, went Into lha barn lo gather eg;, ft'll through from the loft and wai killed, making I a rather alngulnr and ftttal eotneldenoa. Mr. ; Miller, we believe, wai bora la Clearfleld eonwly, and aa about ility Ova jraar of eg". a a i Slow hut Si rs. It Roems that in bar ltb vtrir, II in Siiaan B. Anlbony, the noted ,, . . laeturaal, bal baoome aanolblc. For yeara aba faaa davoUd her tine and talcnla la lecturing I' n itc J Rlatf fenatrr, Cungree'Riea, and Legii- latora gi-nrn!ly, upon the aubjeet of granting wrnnrn the ballot, rihe If how delivering a new ItTture on ilia .ubjtft f ' Woaaan waata bread, not the IUIM." What a revolution time baa wrought f Mle Anthony willdelirer Ibli leatura In Pol tar 'a 1UII, Philipatiurg, to morrow evening, February lfli, a a - How to liKArn Kanpar. I'umoiiB moving to tha Writ aliould tbt-ir own oomfort by ilecttnj: the route by which t&era are ,Ure connexion io I'nlon Uapota, fat traini aod ouror1nble cn. There li no line that fan eoia para with ti P-in llanllc Riute in lbaa pur tloulura. Two daily traina leave I'nlon Daput, Pittn'mrgh. r.i Pan Handle Koatc, which ruo through la many bonra quitkrr time than by any other lln, ai fo'loa Uas o Pittsburgh (city liuiei 9:12 a. in 11 17 p ic Arrive Ht. Loui 7: " 0d Kaniaa p. m, a. in I.eavrnwurtU ll:M l:l " " AirbUnn l:2a ia. I WIU " St. Jo-cph 2:06 " l?!i)op. ut ( rauii i coun action rt aia la In I'oloa Depot I( ,luintI nmed.f-.r all land pointi. For furtbor uliod, time lablea, etc., addreia. w. u, t O'Brien, Uineral 1'iMcngrr Agcbt, Pan Handle i ! R.uitr, Cotuuibu Ohio. Ftb-19-St j ; " HmiK AI ikkionAIIV ON 'RNTlom. : , ' . ' ... . kM',K. I In ii'tnr. tnn wilh a rrtuliittoa adontcd nv the I wo"1 "T " " " ' who notify me of their Intention to attend, Railroad OKcnnloo order will be forwarded on application, tu de'egnte, a.U all other desiring lo aiteud the Cenveuitou. A. Nil. (tow HoLLirtai.iJ. Tub Ki.eciion. Am wo o to press this iTueijay) aft et noon our annual election for municipal officer is being held In the different borough and township throughout the oounty. Tbe weather is baauMfut and Spring like, and ever) thing i paiiug oft Uwioniou'ty nod quietly. Below we give the .rterul tuktt vuletl f-ir in llii borough : !EvoriUTlt Burg William Powell Town Council Frank II. Reed, J year Wm. M Nhaw, S yeara ; B. B Row. I year. High Conitaide-Wil iam Conlable John Mouieiiaa. Alienor I). W, Moore, .fudge or FlectionWin. l IJigler. Inipeetor- Freil. Sac-kelt. 0creeri of the Poor William PwMar, f, Morrell. AuditorJ. Frank Snyder. RRIM BLICAM. Uurreaa Frank (I. llarrl. I Town Council Jona. Boyutou.2 eara: JC((li;uUej,lhn ,,111. Constable lleorgo D. Hunk. Aaeieor BJwin Cooper. Judge of Election C. W. Kuilh. luapector of Kicctiona-U. w. Rbeew Overseers of tbe Poor-John MrOaughey, John K. Bottorf. Auditor Oscar Nllcneli. The Law or Tcbliu Sales. The Altoona Triton of Monday last printed the fol lowing important Item in relation to tho lav of publie sales, so apt to lie forge tta by both auc tioneers and readers t In a sale by auction there three parties, namely, lb owner of the prop- rly to be lold, tbo auctioneer, and a portion of tha public. Tbo ortielrs muit bo sold without I renrve, and onleas the vender rricrva. one open bid be cannot bid himself or have (he auctioneer ar any onc h in bid for bin. There ere cesea 0B rec)(rd whrt h fciJ WM not and the , , hlJ l(idder who (Uibt lt ,n gftr. wards mii1 s broiigrt agalnrt the veodtr by the hig1t oulu biddir fur the artlile, and It wai dcridHl i brit ha, tha plaiotlft, the highest li.lle-, and enlitM lo tbe article against the v ruder. Ko, ii1o if article Is struck off to a person, and II l afterward aa-ertaiaed that Ibe teoder or auctioneer practiced fraud, by bidding Umsrlf, or bad puffers, It w.s held both hy tbe Courts of Knglan J, end eo repeatedly doolde l by the Hafireiae Court of Pennsylvania, that the pun baser rould not U held, but lbs purchaser loua ai ha discover Ibe fraud practiced on him, mot rrtura or lender the ri il to the vender. i RAILROAD WRECK. The Tspreaa tiaia going south lat Thursday morning, W. S. Plumiaer Conductor, leaving thi plaee at 1:17 A. M., waa wrecked a short distance beyond M It-be I Is saw mill, near what is known a Leonard's Point, tbo accident being eaosed by a brkea roll. Tbe leeoinulh passed ever all right, hut Ibe baggsge ear and two passenger soaebe left lbs Irach, the rear one turning over on its side, wi the sight hand side of the road, and wa only prevented Trea going dowa an em bankment (wanly or thirty feet high by a stump peai'lratlug Ifcf underside through one of tbo window., aod holding p, there being jaat about tbe width of lha oar of lavel ground along tbe track where the ear lay. Tha teal Ing of those on bosrd cau aeitber be Imagined or de aeribed One of the stoves waa broken into many pieces, ibe light were asltugutshrd, and all were loft la total darhnea. None of them, aieept the train mra, hnew exactly where they were at ibe time. Two women aad ten or twelve men were ab.ard.ttev. lalber Sheridan, (leorge C. Moore, and Michael Kelly, Section Bj, of this place, baini among tba number. Miraculous as It may Mm, all esciped uninjured, save a reW wtlb alight bruiess and sratobes. After day dawned, the Interior or ILe up-lnmed eoacb ap peared la be little ditiurbed, one or two of the seats being oat af pUrw. Tbaatutnp wai what averted a terrible ealamiiy i for had tbe ear taken another tore all would no doibt have been k Hied, er badly crippled. The trucks of lha everlorneJ car dropped offend lay iiartially on t he Ira, one of them being re verse). The beggsgeand smoking cars were off lha tails, bet remained right Bid up. It took some time to get the engine detached from tbe wreck, when II went to Phillpsborg aod returned wilh a car, and about t St- A- M. tho passengers wore scaio etarted for Tyrone. This is the first wreek that has oeeurred te a passenger train on this end of the road, an J was one thnt sou Id not be nveided. We did not bear any theory advshevd in regard to the breaking el tbo rail, which is broken In five aieees. The track was ballaited se solidly that It was aet tern up any. The passengers and good of the Mail Uele north al Soon on Thursday war transferred to the taboo aad a hot ear of tho Loral Freight mtt broncht to town, and a (aw fcanrs afterwards tas wraoh wai rlred away and Iralnv ilkwed to pass is nna More now "good it I Jlirlingor k Ilook'i thi week, Mid they an oloalng out ever eoals at bargain, ftb lilt -o m A ttjuirrol, pare whito, and ftt largo u any grey squirrel we ever sew, tn hanging up oa the corner of the llaaiton Uouh oa Tuva day for tba Inspection of thuM who never aaw tba lika before ; and Ibatr name tu legion. It we (but and killed by Nwt. PuHoo, of Lnwrnoe township. m e So r womun on uornohuck in unothor column, riding near 8 peer's Vlusyardi, with a booeh of Mrapea from which Ppcsr' Port Urapa j Wine la wade, that la an highly aataoned by the tnellcut profession for tba useof Invalids, weakly, persons nod (ha aged! Hold by K. W, OrabSili, Hruggtil, Clearfield, Pa. jly-lfl-'i9tf. leuorn romftining ttnnuimou ia tba rostomceatuiorfieid,rorihe wok ending February 16, lBhli Mit 1 Mkwl Cvpv V Mi Nanata Boughmnn, Jitniti fltyttr, Mn. McOec, Miia Mny 0dn, Srh Snyder, Cappar Wllbelm, P. A. lUt'Lix, P. M. A Fact. An ftuvortisomont inserted la the Rrfi iLtrn will reach more reudara than If publliibt'd In all the other papari In tba coun ty, and ct'ftt Ilia ailvrrtldfi leu (ban ouy-half In other wonU, an adverllatiuent publubod in our jcurual li worth double the price of that charged by any other puMicbir in the county, 'Tt la a foot." tf. (iMAi'K Ji;u b. Tho nrt ol t'urmunt lag the Oporto Ur.ipa tiit wine In tail country haa bocn brought to a greater degree of perfeetlun by Mr, Alfred 8 peer, of Paaaaio, Mew Jaraey, than by any other pt-rion ; and bla wina la rerj popular aa a taJiea' wine, aa well aa fothe ooni munlon table a (id for Invalid. For tale by B. W. llrahau, druggial, ClearDeld, Pa. m an Prooukhh. "Did l'roliabilitiua" litis now made Clearfleld a weather elation. Tboae wfubiog lo poal theumtvee dally on the wealber baed but repair to the naaaenger deiiot and oon- ault lha weather bulletin noated op there. Of court, after tiauiiniog "Iba Government" re port we eau alwaya get out of the atom pro vided, that 0!d Prob. alwaya atlcka lo the troth. Important Kotlre to the Public I take pleanura ia orrtilying that uiy anw mill, which waa burned en the I8tl of November lent, wai iniand wilh KKKIl A 1UUDLK, State (Vutral AjtiMita of the A v no a a Finn lsi tuseit Co., of Cinoltnatl, and that they have promptly nettled anl paid my Ion, and I would rcoouimend the Aumra and It Agent aa reliable partial to injure with. Wilko K. Huuvxn, Jan. 18, 18SQ -tt Clearfleld, Pa. , HkmdVai.. Dr. T. J. iioyer haa ro tauv.'d hi medical eUico lo tho rooma recently occupied by Buck k Graham, lo (Iraham'a row Ha makea C1IU0MC DISKAHK8 a apaolalty. CHABU Kfi VKKY LOW. The manufaoturera having lowered price, he il prepared to furfllr-h HTRIOTLV PrHK MKPIOTlfER at greatly re duced ratal. Tito afflicted will be benefited by glviug hiiu a oull. ju1y33, '79-tf. New Paii.v Ktaok Line. Junius L. I.cavy line aucrcedfd in having a dally mail eatab liahc.l bttwren Clcarflt-ld and Pennlleld, aod will lirrrefter run a daily atoge between (hi- two p'tlnta. llic :ntr:ict begjn with Aril Irt, and the itage will l-ave i tcardetd every moining (except Sun Jy) at o'oloik, making connt'Ctiona with all tralnaon the l.ow oraie nauroaj at renuiicu, re- turning after I li Imt train tha aaiue evening. Paf-ngrrand freight will be carried at low ratea. Order left at any f the hotela will be attended '" loapriv-ti Probably no one preparation haaro- eiivid to mncb praiie from It patron i, nor It lo duttrriug of C"m mend at ion ae IUU' Hair He- newer ! We hut echo the voice of the million who have uaed It when we pronounce I' the beat Hair Dreirlng in the world. It itan Ji unrivalled. Thoie who are affected with dlieueof tha Mat p accompanied with itching or Irritation, find re lief cd renew .il ia thl valuable remedy. When the lair 1 Inellatd to fall eff, a moderate use of tie IUnewer will trugtban the root of the hair, altd preserve It, and if It exhibit a tendency to turn gray it will re tore the natural color. Ftt to (Jo.J Tthg'opk. 1'armkrh, Look lUuts ! l.ytlu will gire yoa biglteit market price for V heal, Out, Corn, Buckwheat, Butter, Eggr, Onion, Apple, dried fruit, and all kinds of produce. He ha the largest and beat selected Stock of groceries, tea, coffee, molaaaee, spices, oil salt, sugar, quernswsre, Ipbs, huokeis, basket, ettorn. ., in Clearfleld eounty. He buys his (rood In large quantities from manufacturers aod first henda for caah, and takes the advantage of all disoouoU.and so he la enabled to sell at lowest prices. He gives onb price fur produce.and sell hi good at tb lowest prices in the eounty . cpt-24-'7-tf i mm A iooj lpr.A. Wo see il stated that at a ipeoial term of Court kl(f l"1 week in Armalrong oonnty, Judge Bredio.of JJqtler, pre sided. The Judge introduced a now and quite novel feature, which might be adopted with profit in every county in tbe Commonwealth. This may mt be according to the Aet of Asiombly, In such Oaacs made and provided, bat It partakes of tfioip large broad view id oesentlsl to tbe proper regulation of all public and private affaire It was no more or less thn a general ebirgo lo the Traverse Jurors before taking up Ibe trial Hit and oonsisted as we glean from the report of a local paper ol an eiplanation to the Jurors of their Juliet in the elvll oauies on the list f the Im portance of being and continuing entirely on nreiudiced. as was. in abort, a kind of a charts similar to tbe one unually delivered to the flrand Jury at tbecopiatrocemant of tbe quarter sessions Judge Bredla also suggested sppething of a new departure In tbe mailer of Jury challenges. Jt Is to eall eight additional Jurors after the box is filled, thus silo wing tha parties to make their challenge, W)lb all tba ptnible Juror before them. In that way the poiiibility or some vpry objectionable last man, to whom noohallenge can he made, is avoided. Thorn is ao apparent pro priety In both of these innovation, i mm A young man hy tho name of Win Kola, coachmen for Cbartea McClellan, cam to my store one morning complaining thnt hi feet hurt hlia very badly, and expressing fear that Ihey were froit bitt.n. -He bad In v. triad to get relief hy consulting physicians, aod bad en deavored, without aaoeess, to esae tho pain by rubbing his feet with snow and Ice, tbe remedy applied in loh cefsj). Bsifif exposed n great deal to the cold by Ms oceopatiin, hi feat gut worse dally, until one day he fainted la tha street A few days after bo again name to my store and showed me his feet I hare seen a great many sores In my life, but nothing to equal this, ind was afraid Ibe poor fellow would lose hi Hmba, II a eked me for St. Jaeobs Oil ; but at first I refused, as I did not wish to take the responsi bility upon mysajf, not being a groat admirer of ro-sslled Pstent-Medieiats. However, lotni friend, who happened to be la lha store al tho time, begged 10 I1" tD Bt Jooobs Oil to the suOererj io we ruboea mi leei wun tan unt ana be look tbo rtmalnder with him. After nine days tbe same nan again same Into my store, psrfeotly well, and requested mo to write lo yoa of this most wonderful core; be also slated, that two other psrsoas had been land or rheumatism by the same bottle which helped him. Joni l,Mt.r.H. Atau, Lorain Co., Ohio, Jan. 17, 1H7V. i ii a mm LOGROLLING EXTRAORDINARY We slip tbe following from tbe Cambria mo of lat week : 0ueh frequent reference has been made of lata to tha logging Imalneaa la this and adjoining ennntle that we certainly feel ua-1 der obligations to oyr observant and obliging friend, Br. M. R. B. Creery, of thl plaee, by tba following facts in relation to this very Important bran ah af Industry. Tbe figures given represent the number of feet of square limber pat In ar to bo put Into the Susquehanna river and Its tribu taries during the present Winter, ind the territory Included extends from four miles above to six teen miles below Cfaerrytrse, Indiana eounty, tbe only eieeptlon to the latter rule being lbs S,IA0,- i 000 feet with which lbs list close, the scene of that log Job being oomc twenty mile below Cherry tree, Hera are the facta t Dell Not ley ...... I C. Fairfield Andrew Long...., .,.. Peter O arm an I.Sflfi.OAA reel. wl,!0ft,guv , 60(1,000 0C, 000 ROO.IKlO " Hlfi.OOO 4t0,0rtt .... M 4fin,oio 11 1,400.0m) MO.OnO " , t, 3"i.,0l0 500,000 ROO.OOO 1,000,1.1m . tO.Oflt .10.0H0 " Iiio.ono I5t,00 w IT.OOO ao.oflo M Jlfio.iino l.s.oito ............a 40,000 100 0O0 ... t.WO.OOO ' John Lantiy John nelly K K. Brllbart Joslah Lmgham Craig A Cameron ........... Kleberd Smith, Sr.. John Crosaman ... Richard Smith, Jr Oeorge Pmitb John ArdelL B Brilha-t... John K. Johnston . 8. B. Camp Penae! lireth II P Baker , ,. Thomas Pheppard,. - Abram Ralec H. Ueorge Patch re Jamea Moore , Aaron Patehlu, a boat Conner A Darr.d ..., Connor A berr 400.000 Dell Not ley (eeonnd contractl H1,l00,oow Mr. Flynn M Flyna rotbers)M...d,00,Mi ' Bard A Caaaldy ,OS,00 Higlrr't ....- X,0(!0,M ! Nothing but mud. The New IUhinoton Family Sk- iia Machihb fer tale at J. B. Harder'aOua Store, Clearfield, Par- Oot. SM. A precious pom U "Sollern' Cough Syrup" haa never Veen knewa to fall In earing eo Ida, and eouaba, and whooping eougb. Prloe twenty lira oent. Wo havo now on band bo vera thous and nnt elaaa envelope, which we will print for bualneo men, or anybody elaa, at prleee that n not be rivalled. Call and aee tbetn. tf. an At tho Rti'DBMCAN odlco in tho pluco your Job work done. We art fully prepared to do anything In the printing line, will dolt well, and at the right kind of prioee. If. ..- - m m - - Mr. Ilonry G. Vonnor, who predicted the big enow that waa to fall oa the 10th taatant, ha hidden biuialf.and tboaa who ooee had faith In him aa n weather prophet havo faith la him a each no more. He and the g. h. are fraud.. m aw ... IT your dru'int don't have it he wl It order It for you at the regular price. Baroama, Buchu, Backache, Lifer and Kidney Cure la pre pared at K. K. Thompson 'a laboratory, Tllua rille, Pa. Por eala by all druggiel in Clearfield, and Joaepb Seyler A Son, Lutbertbarg, Pa. St Clkarpikli) Coal Tkaue. Stuto ment of Coal and other freyjhta aent over the Tyrone A Claarflald Divlilon, Pennaylvanla Halt-' road, for the week en Hog Fob. 7, I8IU, and the aame time laatyear ! COIL. For the week ametiuie laatyear. Previously during year Same time I ait year Increaaa Total la Uttu , Sam liaua laat br .. Id create oTHsa raaionra. Lumber - Miieellaneou freight......... m H.ll6car. ..Ifia GAINED A POUND A DAY." Soi-tr StorKToa, N. Y., AraiL 7. 17. Da. M. M. Fbkrmk, Fredonia, N. Y., lJear Hir : I had bean aufleriog from aboeaaes on my Long and Liver Dlaeaae for about three month. Coughed a great deal, bad become nervoua and reatlei aod my flaab had waatad away. I had been treated by three different pbyaiolana without any material benefit. After naing two and one-half bottle of your Blood and Liver Kemedy and Nerve Tonie I wai a well man. Once fairly under it Influence I gained He Rb at the rate of a pound a day. Uratelully youre. J. H. CLAKKL. Feb 18 St lr. Fonaer' Bluud and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonie may well be called "The eouquer ing hero" of tbe times. Tt la the medical triumph or tbe age. Whoever baa "tbe bluea" rhould take it for U regulate and reitere the dleorderod j item thai gire riie to tbetn. It alwaya euro Blliouinei and Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dy pcpila, Conitipation, Headache, Fever and Ague, Spleen Kolargementa, gorofule, Kryalpelae, I'implea, Blotchea aod all akin Eruptloua and Blood Difordera; Swelled Limb and Dropty ; 8leepleinei, Impaired .Nerve and Nervoua De bility ; Rcitorea flcib and MrrDgth when the a; tern la ruining down or going into drclloe j cure Female Weakneae and Chronio Rhaumatitui, aod relieves Chronic Jironobitle, and all Lung and Throat dlffloultics. It doe tha tbiogi by strik ing at the rout of d!eae and removing ita caaiea. Dr. Fanner Improved Cough Hooey will re lieve any cough In one hour. Try a lample bottle at ten cent. Dr. Fcnner'f Gulden Rollel euro any pain, aa Touth-ache, Neuralgia, Colio or Headache la flve to thirty minute, and read 1 1) reliavea R lien me -t)m, Kidaey Complaint, Biarbwa, ale. Dr. Fenner'a Si. V ilu Uanoa Hptoint. One bottle alwaya cure. For aala by Hartfwlck d Irvln, Druirgiota, Claaraeld, Pa. aug 17-tf. Special. Wantrd. 400,000 M-feet ahaved hoops, deliv ered at the railroad, In car loads of o.vuu, at all poinis on the Tyroue A Clearfield, P. A E., Bald Ragle Valley, and Pennsylvania Railroads, lor whiub I will pay the highest market price. i, V. Kuambb, 0m I A, lfl;s-lf. Clearfield, Pa. Qua Hi'fti'BKn Pna Crhv. Discot'av on Old Pair flawing Machinos can now be turnbaed at Merrell'a tin and variety atore, from up wards. All kind of sewing machine repaired on the hortot ootiec. ClearkelJ, pa., July Ig, UTTf Mrr Hundred Thousand Strour Tn the rest few months there have beea more than 600,000 bottles of hbiloh's Cure sold Out of the vast number of people who have ascd it, more than 2,000 rase of Consumption have been cored. All Cough, Croup, Aithma, and Bron chitis, yield nt onee, heneo It Is that every body Speaks In It praiis, io mose wnu amm nui usrd it, 1st us say, If you hive a Cough, or your obiid the Croup, and you value life don't rail to try it. For Lama Back, aide or Cbrtf use Bhllob'i Porous Plasier. For sale bv C. D. Wat son, Clearfleld, Pa. sep-lO-eow 6m. f Strange Veople Do vnn know that then are strung people (n our community, we say strange because they seem to prefer to luffer nnd pass their days mis erably, made so by piepepsii, aad Liver Com plaint, indigestion, uotnopaiion, ana ijoaorai Debility, whenBlULOH'B VlTALlltKR Is guar anteed to oure (beta. For sale by L D. tt atson, Clearfield, Pa. scp-10 eow-fim. We have a speedy and positlra Cora for Ca tarrh, Diphtheria, Can her mouth, and Head Aebe, In 8HILOlr8 CATARRH RKMKDY. A nasal Injector free with each bottle. I'ae It If you de. sire health aod sweet breath. Price M cts. For sale hy C. D. Watson, Clearfleld, Pa. seji-lO-'tV-Oow-ftm. BttuaiRi For Bati. tt. Newton Bhaw keep a full supply of Fredonia Boggiee and Platform Wagons fur sail. o no even at we eaaw iiuua yard. CM on or address him at Clearfleld Penn sylvania. may Collector's WiiiusTs. tt'e have prepared a fwrip, and havo on hand a large quantity, of blank "Collector's Sales," which have been ap proved by the highest legal authority In tba Court t thi county. At JVfy Otntt per doien we will ipn.ll any number to the Collector ordering them. A Collector, when compelled to advertise property, moil poit up not less than in roe notice in too most ponnc piacea io aia borough or townabip. If. W4Tn.-D.lirerd at tbt Rail Rood. 100,1100 211-Inch bavadahinclM. 100,000 24-lneh aawwl ebiaglea. 100,000 f.e! of pin. boardi. ,00,0110 tbavod boopl. 6,000 railroad Ilea. .0,000 f..t of good b.tulnok boardt. For which 1 will pay tha bigheat attrk.t prion, d.llrar.d at Clearfield, or at any point an tb. Tyrone 4 I'laarfi.ld R.ilrotd. J. f. KaAuia. Clr.rCU, Pa., Oot. 10, lSTI tf. ,Iust Itocelvoil. Juat Rooolvod ' liy A)1N()I.D, ftt rnitwKXsvn.t.Kt Car i.oad Xov Hcotln riaster! Cp T.oitd pure Corn, Ryo anil Oati Chop ! Car I.oatl Dcnkcn Snli! Car Load of Clioico Family Klour I Car I.oad Dry Rooda, (rrocoriei.Ao.l fSqrBlnnicloi, Park. It. It. Tieo and Grain will bo takrm In echan(9. Curwonavillo, May 1, 1878. CLEARFIELD MARKETS, CuunrtBLn, Pa. Flour, per it.t Bork wheat Flour, parewl - Corn Meal, per ewt Chop, rye, per ewt Chop, miiedt par ewt. Bran, ier ewt , fob. 17. Ifn. 10 I I o I I i ' to ' i a i .' UO H o Hi If M H . I I On ! s ' 1 Wheat, per bushel Ryo, per busba). Oats, per bushel Corn, ears, per bushel.,., Buok wheat, per bushel., ..... Clover eeed Timothy seed.. potatoes, per liuiaet Apples, per bushel Onioas Hams, ner wound 8 hou.der, per pound Urie.1 Beer, per pound Chickens, per pair Hotter, per pound Ergs, per dosen Salt, per sack, large Coal Oil, per gallon. liard, par pound , Dried Apples, per pound Dried Peaches, per pound....... Deans, per huihel lmUi. 1.AM11KRT-I1A1(1HMAN At the L. B. P arson nge, near Woodland, an Thursday, Febns ary, Hb, llrfift, by Her. L. Conley, Mr. Thomas M. Lambert, of Hoggs township, nnd Hiss Tilho llanghman, of Woodward township, Clearfleld county, i't. ROOT J'RKIrRICF. At th residence qf tbe bride, near tlien a ope, on weanesaay, ran- a.u loan k - D 'M (lamnlll Mr Jnha C Root and It Irs Hhoda Jsao Frederirh, all of Clearfleld eoanty, Pa, RANKIN BR ANN AN. AttheM. B. Chursh, New Millport, on Suadey wveaing, February th, IKAO, by &e. J. A. Aldrad, Mr. laaaa Htekla and Mra. RebaaacaJ. Hraanan, both of Knoi townahip, Clearteld nwnty. Pa. Tone, . iv, i by ... 195,54ft .. 110,11(11 ... s;,o8fi ,.. 2Sfl,70l . uo.uce Sir! LRWIS. At the rwldenoa In Hilledale, near tali borough, oa Thnraday, February Uih, iBoO, Mra. Margaret Lewie, wife or lavjd Lewi, aged about AO yoara. NOKL. In dullcb towaehlp, on Tuesday, February Iftb, laKU, Mr. John Koel, aged IS years, months and 4 day. FII.IIART. In llenderaon townablp, Jaflar aoa oouaty, on Monday, February Vtb, 1RMI, Anna Maria, daughter of Jacob Filbert and wtfe,Klia bath, deceaaed, aged 7 yeara, IL montba and li daya. BCHI.KMMKR. In llenderaon townihlp, Jef ferson county, on Thursday, February I2lh, laal, Raebel, yonngeat daughter of Jaeob and Catha rine Sehlcmnier, aged 11 month and 20 day. NIHLBY. AtSteelton, Dauphin eounty, Pa,, on Monday morning, February 'Jth, I8H0, Kliaa Johnaon, Infant daughter of Fred, and Halllo ) Malev, formerly of Cieaineld, aged 8 weeks and aayi, &On fc .Hk Id y our owo lowo. T.rml ind IA V 00 outfit trvt. Aildr... II. llnll.t A ComiMjr, rortnd. H.lna. H1M17, TV I.V. 1U7 At bum. .Mlljr B.U.. 0 I u Co.ll; outfit Tin. AUUr.i. iru. 10-t Augmtft, M.los. Sto on f !"" Sample worth yioar... uo. a17,'7-ly. I'oill.od, Main.. l)Kl: I'OR HALB. Thirl.. n III... of I) iullu ll.u wlilrb I will nil ch.ap for o.ab, or ..abaiiKv for wb.nt. For farlb.r la formation e.11 ou or .illr... tb. una.niDMl. J. F. KHAMKH, Nor t, '18 tf. Claut.ld, 1'.. "YyiM.UM A. II AGKliTV, ..TTOfi.iEi-r-f... ir, CLEARFIM.D, PKNN'A -H'lll attrod to U builnua with protnpto.aa .nil Ddalitj. fcbllSO-tf. TAKM LAND POH AI.K.-.lg UuatoD .V d"v. WJ, Ha.MD.ble lime il"" lor ii.riof purob... rrS mooe;. Frlcci 0.Otl to 11.00 par Mr.."JT Mlnert'e r.ierred. L Bill II, Ait.oi. Penfield, I'., or Wallaci A Krk.., Cleulald, tt, SepU 10, $400 for$250 1 rpHK underalgned will sell a Lot with a new X. Stable and other outbuilding thereon erected for $2 .0 worth Stluato in Kaat Clearfleld. I. HHIl.BRrN, Variety Hlorc, Clearfield, Pa, January 31, ISSO-tf. TIMBER FOR SALE. Tin undersigned effur for aaleallthe pine, oak, fmplar nnd bemiocR timber on na acres oi tana ii Clearfield county. Parlies consulting the map or atlas of the eounty, will find it In Brady townabip, adjoining the Uell towninip m, lina, and known aa traot No. MM. Thlsea3 timber will be held open for sale nnttl I he .lAmm, 1st of December next. For further particulars apply to or nddri, linu, d, iioui'itAnodn. October 16, 1870-IL Clearfield, Pa. ANSIGNEi: NOTIC IS. To Hliura It May Cotircru t The underiigned, having been appointed Asilgnoesfor Ibe benefit of credi tors by Jas. B. tlrabam, of Clearfield borough, all persons, therefore, having claims against him will Dreeent them to na for aettieiaent, and tboae In ¬ debted to the aald 'Jraham are required to settle and make payment to us. Kl'WAlfl) a,, At-HUKV W. LKK, Clsarfield, Pa., Deo. Si, lS79-tf.j Asiiguses. ADMIMHIR ATORH NOTICK. Notion Is hereby el ten that Letters of Ad ministration on tha estuts of JOHN P. HILK, Isto of Lumber City borough, Clearfleld county, Pa., deceased, having been duly granted to toe undersigned, all persons Indebted to enid estate will pleaie make immediate payment, and those having claim or demand agatnit tbe aame will preseut them properly authenticated for settle ment witnout delay. makiim a. m.l,&, OR1KR HILE, Administrator. Lumber City, Pa , Jan. 28 t At DITOK'H NOTICE In tbe Orphans' Court of Clearfield coutty, Pa In the matter of tbe estate or William B. Dickey, deo'd , ' late of Beocarla township, Clearfleld eounty. Pa. i Tha andersigned Auditor, appointed by tbe i Court to distribute the prooeees ot the real eeta'e 1 account filed in aald estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at bis office in Clear field, on FRIDAY, the 30T II DAY of FKBKU ARY, 1SB0, at J o'clock P. M , when and w bare all parties iptercitsd may attend. OUCAR MirCHI-'LL, Clearfleld, Pa., Fob. 4, JHaO-St. Auditor. Atin.iHna koticb i. ti. ok.. Court ol ei..m.ll oouoif, I. the matter of tb. Mlt. of John V.n Unban Jt, deo'd, Int. of Ilmton to.niblp, Cl.arli.ld ooantr, Til. andflrrigoed Auilitor, tinoinlod by the Court to di.trii.ut. tba bal.i.Q. 91 tpon.y In tho hand, of Luelen IJird and Ctiarl.. hobacttor, bundem.n of Alfred Seofi.ld, Admioiitralor of .aid oatal., will attend to tliedotie.of bio appointment at bia offloo In tle.rfl.IJ, 01 Tl'KHBA V, tbo 4TI1 DAY Or FKIIHl'AHV, 1HS0, al I 'olook P. M., when and wbera all pattiea lnter.erf nta. attend. OSCAR Mltl'llKLL, Clearfield, Pa., Fab. 4, iHiiO.Jt. Auditor. C" l.EAKtMRI.n COUNTY HANK.-Tb. bankina firm known a. tbt Cloarfl.ld Count. Dank baa keen dleinlrd br mutual ooment. and tb. bank ia to go into gradual liquidation. Wo ara rcrponrlbl. for th. dfbl., and will pay thm. Tha aaaet. will It. under control of John W. Wriler, at tba banking boaet, and and will lioolleet.d by bin. JAM KS T. LEONARD, JAMKH B. OHAIIAM, WILLIAM ruRTKR, WILLIAM A. WALLACE, OIOHHK L. HR'I Clrarlold, Pa , UaoJ, l7 tf. NOTK K IN DIVdIK r-Intbe Common Pleae Court of Cleaileld aounly. C brieli.n Heir I No. Ill Term, I SS. ... 1 Addia ) Eubpiroa But. Dlrorce. Tha und.rlt;n.d Coaiuilaioo.r, appolnUd by th. Court to taka Uatiioony in tb. abora autcd caae, beraby glr.a olio, that ba will attend to btaduti.a at tba ofl'.o. of Iir.e) Teet, , in Clrarteld, Va., oa BATt'KDAV, IKIIKI AltV, IIHT, IHH", at III o'elook A. M , when nd when all parti., may attond. I RANK I). HARRIS, Jan28-4t J vonnnieatoo.r. IIPtKNA IN imOHCIw-In the Court Common Plea of Clearfleld county. Clara C Carpenter, by her I Ho. HS Sept. T., 1879. next best friend, vs. V Lsonard Carpenter. J flubpn-na But. Divorce, To Leonard Oarjttnttr, oiore-nawed rttpomdtnt Km : You are bercbv notified to appear In said Court on or before TDK THIRD MONDAY IN MARCH NEXT, aad show cause why a divorce from tbe bonds of matrimony should not be de creed in the above eaae. JAMKS MAHAFFEY, Sheriff. Clearfleld, Pa., Jan. XU, 18Mt. COlltK IN IV(ltCHf Io the Coqrt of lj Commt T J a juts Ful imon 1'iaas ot near u aim uo., ra. Fuller 1 No. Ml Jan. Term, Isitt) I'lsas or.arU(i No. Ml Jai r j Huh Her ltanoah Fuller ) Suh Her. Divorce The nnderslgnsd, appointed Osiinmlaaloncr by said Court, to take testimony In thenbove stated ease, hereby gives notice that he will attend to thedutiesof bis appointment on THURSDAY, FKI1KI AKV loth, 180, at bis office la tbe borouab or Clearfield, between tbe hours or lfi o'clock A. M. and P. M., whoa and where any partie" Interested mav attend. Ill BXTIMLW. SMITH, Cpmtnisnoner. wiewinvia, rn , raw. lltlti toe.. R vtn to ptEArt. Wllllaal D. nigler No. January T., versus I L. A. Mioebart and f flunimons la Ejectment. Barbara Lucas. j And now, to wit,th3IM Uy of January, 1 flftfl, on motion of Fielding, Bl;ler A Wilson, AOr. neys for Plaintid, n tal is granted on tbe De fendants to appear and plead to this action ar ejectment brought to euforue specific performance of contract for lha sale of a certain lot ground sit uate tn West Clearfleld, and haown as Lot No. fi7, being 60 rent front on Front street, nnd 120 feet deep, or Judgment shall be entered against them In default of snob appearance and plea. Hule returnable at March Term next. F1KLHINO, HluI.KR A WILSON, Jan. II, ll0-fltll) Aa ys for Plalatif. JI'RY MmT. Liit ef the names of jurors drawn for Marh Term, A. 1. IH0, com mencing on the lid Monday (11th), anl lo cab tioue cue week t QKillB JI'BOBH. (1 W Orarbart, Clear'ld. Joe MrColleogb. Oulloh, (1 W Harley.Cnrwens'ls.A. Newell, hr., Huatoa, A W II ile, L City, J R Patteraon, Jordan, t) W Davis, N Waahtna, Jos Rnnler, Kartliaue, 8 B Pllne, Oiceola, Alei Ilronm, Knot, Jne Dillon, Deevaria, J L MePherson, Law'ca, Hi moo Laborde, Ulooffl, n d Jordan, Lawrence, J H (larger, Bradford, :Jaa LKUwart, Morris, rrcd k homer, liraay, inj r moon, riae, David Fulton, Burnsldejll Kldndge, Woodward, Kliieh DecaUr'Jno It purkeo, Wond'd, J A Fulton, tjoalira, ;J CrMtimkeckaor, Vnion TAvitiii it tons. R Ahlrk, Clearfleld, A Lamb, lluitoa, Wmll Thompion,Cur'la,!J Caldwell, Jordan, W Curren, lloutidale, jTho Strorg, Jordan, Oao Cauflmaa, Hell, " W Lord, Knos, Hohf Thompson, Illeosi.'Js Mr-Hoc, Knot, Jaeeb Rlebner, Boggi. A LOgdew, Lawrence, U O rah am, Bradford, J McCullongh, Law'cc, A Hraham, Bradferd, lAsk Ihom, Lawrence, J Pmead, Burnaide, IR Wrigley, Lawrence, 0 (ImMwI. llemalde, ! Little, Morrl-, DMcOraekea, Baraeld. A h Johnston, Morrl, J M Weatovcr, Cheat, Mile Pelt on, Morris, R Freeman, Covington, A Rcugvui, CoTlagtoa( T W A .b croft, Decatur, 0 H Weat, (llrard, T Lin e la, Qoahcn, i lwlt K eater, pen, D 8 Fleming, Pike, lame Nnrri. Pike. Andrew Llddle, Handy, t 8m at her i, Sandy, 1 C Pitsgerald, Daica, Jesse Oweas, I olofl, U A Baldwin, Wood'd, J W Aleaander, Wood d 'e Percy, Woodward, Bowles, Wood srd 'srry Htinea, Wool'rd. R (1 Hhaw, Uoshen, J Rhinebart, Urabam, , R MrMurray, Oulleh, 1 Anthony Flynn, Oullch, Jas H Davis, Uuliob, J B Bowman, Oalirb, Wm Sears, II listen, SherifTs Sale. BY virtue of wrIU of fi. Ft., laaued ont of tbe Court of Common Plena of Clear Held oountv, and to me dire ltd, there will he expoeed te PUBLIC SALR, al the Court Home, In tho borough of Clearfteld, on Tburattny, IMarrn lllk, IN), At 1 o'clock, P. M., tbe following dseeribed real aetata, to wit: A certain tract or pieoe of land situate lo Cor Innton townabip, Clearfield county, Pa , bounded and described aa follow ; On tha north by John Rongeur, on tho east by John Rougem, on the enoth br Auguat Roogeas, and on the west by John B. Martel, eoaUiiag about titty aorea,with about forty-five aereo cleared, and na orchard , having thereon erected a log bouiu, lg biru aa I other outbuilding!. belsed, taken la cieonttoa and lo be sold as the properly of P. A. Coudriet, ALSO, All that traot of laud situate lu BeecarU town ship, Clearfield county, Pa., beginning at poet by dogwood, being corner of tbe Jesse Hoover 1 after wards Adam Uurdmaa) farm ; tbenoe by land of Dennis UoCoy north 89 parobes to a post by a dogwood ; theara by land of John Wold, Jr., wt T.ii perches to a post theooe by land of H. Philips, (aAcrwards Hamlltoa Weld), south n. Se-rebes to post by pins stump ; thence by land of eaae Hoover aad J eaae Dillon east tit perches to the plaee of beginning, coaUining lli aerea nnd allowance, and having a frame house and barn thereon, together witb other buildings and Improvements, with land cleared an 1 Improve I, and known as tbe Theodore Weld, or Ueorgo W . ! Pearoa farm, which was purchased by Articles of j Agreement by the Jt'leodandanU Irjui iduati Flick, beiaed, taken la uxecution and tu bo a il I na the property et Jaoob Lender, John Landc nnd Kdward Lender,. ALSO, All that real estate conveyed by Deed dated April 13th, 1808, froa W. H. Uibbony and Wife to Willi J. Nugent, recorded in Clearfteld eoanty, Pa., In Deed Book "CO," page (1SS, Ao., being the moiety or undivided half part of a tract of land oalled "Pin Grove Farm," containing Kit) acres, more or less, situate la llurnsidc towmhip, Clear field eouuty, Pa., bounded on tho north by lauds of John Hummel, cn the east by lands or Joseph Brothers and Elijah P. Barker, on the south by lands of Joaeph Walls, and on the west by lands ef Header King's heirs, being In greater part cleared nrt i,lti..o.4. -ils -4-.lel0 lawtab m barn, with other building and improvements. Seised, taken In elocution an 1 to be sold ai the fro party of Willis J. Nugent, terre tennut of W. I. Uihbooy. ALSO, A certain traot of land tU.tUi in UIodji twp ., Clearfield county, Pa., bounded and deaorlbod a l Colluwi: On the cast by land of Kill Kaiter, n the south by land ol C. M. tioff, on the weet ley land or D. A. Fetier, and oa the aortb by land of Frank Oroutt, containing 131 acres, more or less, about 90 acres, more or less, cleared, with a good orchard growing ihereou, and having there on erected a frame house, a large hank bum and other outbui'dings. Heited, taken iu execution and to be sold ai tbe property of U. U. Anderson. ALB0, The undivided one-half part of that certain tract of land situate in Morris townabip, Clear field county, Pa., bounded and described as fol lows i Beginning at a dead pine on land of Oeo. Waitsel survey, corner of Ibis and O.Wirts: thenoe south 2 degrees west 149 perches to old hemlock corner i thence by M. Louder survey wait 42 perches to a post oa line of Perks ; Ihenoe north 41) degrees west 61 4-10 perchee to a white pine ; thence sonth il degrees nest ft4 710 perches to post on old line; thenoe writ perches to a post corner of laud sold to Sboweltsri thenoe by Showalter (now U earner!) north 141 perch oi to a post on line of C. Wirts, Hr, j thence east h9 per ohea to line of C. Emelgh lani, out of thl survey to a post on line of Win. and C. Wlrtr, Sr.; thenoe eait 119 perches to a doad pine and place of beginning, containing Jtil acres, mora or less, and being the aame premises conveyed to Rich arp Ario Pardee from J. Oscar Lorain at ni., by Deed dated April 1st, IH7I, and recorded in Deed Book " FF," page tji. Seised, taken In execution and to lie aold aa the properly of Richard Ashman. ALSO, The following real estate situate In the vilUge of Franklin, Uoll tewusblp, Clearfield oounly, Pa.; Two loan lots fronting 12ll feet oa Riror atreet, and running hack 176 feet to land of R. Mahaffey, bounded eaat by Rirer afreet, south by an alley, weit by land or R. Mahatley, and north by land of 11. Mahatley, and having thereon creeled a two. atory frame houae, with kitchen attached, well finished, frame atable and other autbaildiug. ALSO, Another tract of land ! taste In Bell towsiMl', bounded oast by Chest creek, north by fiusciua hanna river, wait and south by land of P. Relth miller. containing five aorer, more or leu. all cleared, aod no buildings. ALSO, Another tract or land situate io Ball township , bounded and described as follown Kast by land of R, C. Thomp'on, south by land of MolJee A MahafTey, wut by land of Logan A Mahaffey, north by land ot lieu a irvin, containing 4uu acres, more t less, with about Ti acre cleared and under improvement, the balance Is tltqbor land with various kids of timber, having there- on erected a log bouse and a log stable. Belied, taken ia execution and to be sold as the , property of l. W. Logan. 1 ALH0, I A certain tract erpleoeof land slluate in Bloom I townahip, Clearfleld county, Pa., bounded and ! desnrlbel a follow i On th north eaat by land of Mitlignii, on the werl by land of Widow Irvin, 1 on tbe south hy land of Uilger A Tbotnt, no the ! cast by land of William Dale, John Ilridge and 1 Peter (..linger, containing 120 norcs, mora or less, about AO acm oleared, with two good young orohards thereon, and having thereon erected a good frame dwelling bouse, a good fmrne barn. and other ootbulldmgs. Bailed, takta in tieeutlon anl to be rol tba property of rlamoel Irrln, ALSO, Aatrtalu trl at-plaoaof lanj Ituite In rrr,. ton townabip. ClearO.lii ooonlr, Pa., bounded an.l denrilxd ae fellowt : Ue.inamr at a pal : tb.nea by land or Jamea Fergusan north firlT degree oast 176 perches to a post ; tbenoe nortn .1' de gree west by land of Henry Bean IM perches to a post: thence couth 47J degrees west 4b perches along the public road leading to Lumber City ; thence by earns h 41 degrees west 52 percha ; thence by the same south 4 degrees west til per ches) trance bj vhe lama south &2 degree west v percbee; tticqoe ny tne same sou to io aegrevs went tt) uer-hes ; thenoe bv the same south 10 de grees east 27 perchea; thence hy the same south mi agreae east 7 o-t perenes to in plane or oe ginmog, containing kU acre and allowance, with about 26 sores cleared, and having thereon erected a sawmill, small dwell! ng house, table and other outbuildings. ALSO, A lot of ground in the villa of New M ill purl , Knux towmhip, Clearfield oouaty, pa., bounded on the north bjf lot of Christ fjlojipy, on the iiulh by lot of Joaeph Erbard, on tba cast ly an alley, and on tbe west by public road, and having there on erected a frame dwelling houae, fra'ne ahop, small stable and other ouLbuildiaxe ALSO, Que other lot In said VilUge qf New MiHp art , bounded on the noilh by M of Ocorge bloom, 03 the sooth by lot of Joseph Kr bard, on the east by an alley, ant) on the wet by ai) alley. Setied, taken in execution and lo be ruld a tb property af Klin L. Kirauk. ALSO, All that oerUin pieoe or tract of land aituate in Bell townabip, Clearfleld county, Pa , b .ended and dcserlbei as follows 1 On tbo enat by land af Henry le lee, aa the south by land of James Dummorrille, on the west by Kuaquehennu river, and on the north bv land of Wauel A UalUber, containing about leak acre, more or les ajitli about lo acres cleared, and having thereon erect ed a frame houae, bank bara, and other otillMild- ings, I4eled, taken In erull, and to bt ejld aa Ibe property of J. M. Work. AL0, All that certain real estate voniUtlog of about one acre, more or leas, of land, being a part of a tract or .in acres or isail si in ate la tnlon town ihlp, Clearfleld Co., Pa., bonnrfed hy Henry Linlnger on the cast, by land of Da rid Welly on tbe south, by Vtrady townahip an thp west, and hy land of John DuBola on the north, with a ateam ihinalo mJL about iOiflD feet, a iiatll nfnr.i hnii'c abuul Htle Iet, ana three tlwefimg housm, one a boarding house about Jiii feet, and another a dwelling bun ie about Ifixtl feet, and another dwelling home about lost! fWet thereon erected. Heised, taken In eaeentl'-u and to be ald as the property of 1, C. Kinyon. AL0, A certain lot or piece ef ground situate In the village of Hlnuplown, Deeetwr township, Clear field county, Pa., bnunded and demrlliod as fol lows North hy an allay, south by lot of Kdmund A ih worth, east by land of John Crane, and west by public road leading from Oaceol a Mill to Phll lpburg,and hating Ibareoa erected a Trame dwell ing house, waih hooae, stable and other outbuild ing. Heised, ttkca la execution and tu W iUm lbs property ol Frederick Shield. Ttnwa or Pi lb. Tbe price or twin at wbloa the property shall ho itruek of must be paid at the time of sale, ar each ether arrangements made at will be approved, otherwlee tbe proper ty will be immediately pot up and cold again at toe expense and rik af th peraon to whom tt waa struck off, and who, tn eaee of deficiency at seek re-sale, aha II make good th same, and In no lnunce will tbe used no presented in court for ocnlroiatlon unless lha money 1 actual ly paid to the Hherlff. JAS. MAllAFr'KY, Bunmrr'a Ornca, I Sheriff. Clearfleld, Pa., Feb. 18r lt;u. J . , , Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of anndry writa of Lemrt Firtni Is sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Clear fleld county, and to Re directed, there will be posed to public sale, at th Court House, In th borough of Clearfleld, on , Thurwdsy, Marrh 11th, IMst), . At I o'clock P. M , the following dracribrd real estate, to wit : A certain two alory frame building, tilS feet, and front nfflce added, 14x14 feet. The otllce building wilh lot and enrlilage appurtenant thereto, aituate in tne borough of Osceola, V If ar il eld (manly, Pa. The offlee is a one aiory balbl log. NeB, bonnded nenh by Ne. M, eait y Lamher alley, sonth by No. (IT, aad west by I I.lngl itrect, W feet on Lingle otrest and 1l feet dean. i H.ieJ, taken la .lee.iloa aad la b. aU a. laa prtptrtr af Aa.lla Rarla, awatr, ar repat. 1 nmuinairvier. ALSO, A eartaln Iwo-ator, fratit b.lldlog IS farl froat kr U feet dm ra Sow b.tai kailt a. a atnre room, aad the mwad Lot a. a piclar. g.l-1 le, and lMal.4 an a aarlala ll rf, aortb alda.l II la IB. .M. at, nam ng tba .tritrt ball af lot known is fftnertl plan of raid hlrnugb a lot f ftial flmtisfuitufs. No. IT, aad bounded as follows t North by Beaver alley, south by Hannah street, cast by balance of lot No. 17, aad west by Fine alley, being 16 feat on Uannah street by liO feat deep. nVeiaed, taken in oxeenliua aad lo be sold a ike property of O. JT. builb and Jaualle Pmiib, hi. wife, owners or reputed owners, ALSO, i Thai cert ;i a liiaueof land ailu&La In Claarflald borough, bounded and described as follows t Be ginning at tbe Hus(uehanna river at the corner of land of J. MePbersou's estate : thence aloof land of McPbcraoa'a eslate ia aa caiterly direction 10 rerobas to n post tbenoe in a southerly direct Ion parohea ; thonec in a wosterly direction in per ches to a pint al aaid river ; tbenee nlona said river ipernhaalo plaoa ol beginning, containing cue half acre aejint ia ibe poaaoseion of K. M Burohtield, Administrator of labl Juieph Burchfield, dre'd, aad being the same which Ilea Thorn od RMiabclk 'lhtn graulwl to Jopb Hurchfleld, dse'd, hy Deed ot partition recorded at Clearfleld in Deed Book MP,"page 1 3 and im, and baring erected thereon a Urge two. story frame dwelling house, a large Iraine etab.'e and Other neoeasary outbuildings. BciBeU, taken In executloa and to be sold as the property of the estate of Jut. Burch field, dee'd. AlHhatoertaia lot or tdeeenf ground situate in Decatur township, Clearfleld cnuaty, Pa., bunnded and dewribsd as follows: Beginning at a post , on the north ride of townsbin road lea line from. Oaceol to Janeaville 9(11 fe- i in a wraterly dlreo-- lion from a post in a run (being a boundary line; Utiorfc llOtlPO, including tbo iWt It Well ftl tbt) fllftipCHt that CStl be mai.ll between aaid borough and limnahlp). thence ,(t,.f npA,l ' (),i, ' . t along towmhip road north 79 degeeca and li.,nLU!rr" vnr mlnuteaweit 420 rcltoa post : theiu, n.rth 10 OOJirBH ZXI8IZinXr2DnL degrees and 40 minutes cael 4 111 Iret to a uoat j I thence aouth 10 degrees and 46 minute, wet 4Sn feet to pi aoeol beginning, conlainiog Tom acrea, ."tr'l".' ir..:l.':.TAt ...h..7icr.',,d other outbuildings. 8s I led, taken In eiecution nnd to be cold a tha property of Jenetta Frailer. Tbbhb op 8 a lb. The price or turn nt which the property shall ba struck off must bo paid at the time of Bala, ar each ether arrangements made as will be approved, otherwise th property will bo Immediately put up and sold again at the expense and risk ef tbe person to whom It was struck off, and who, in case of deficiency at euch rc-salc, shall make good the aatae, and in no instance will the Dead be presented In Court HaT. u,7bb;rVw""jAhtf. flfflKfVR?u,T BntHirr'a fcVrici, I Sharif. Clearti.ld, Pa., Feb. 1!, IS7II. J I Sheriff's Sale. j BY virtue of sundry writs of IV. ., litneJ out of the Court of Common Pleas of Clear fluid Co., nnd to me directed, there will be expoaed to public sale, at the Court Houpc. in the borough of Clearfleld, on Thnraday, Mnrrli lllh, lHm, At 1 o'clock, P. M , the following dearribed real estate, to wit AUthoi several tracts ot landeituate in Clear field and Cambria conn Her, boanded aad de scribed aa follows, vis t tne thereof aituatc ia Beocarla townabip, Clearfleld eounty, Pa., be a in ning at a poat corner of H. Wilson survey, and being the south-west corner t thence north perches lo poat ; Ihenoe eail .13 perches, more or' fear, to post ; tbenoe south 220 perches, more or ' leaa, to iioill hickory ; tbenoe eaat 9a perchee, ! more or leas, to post; thenoe south l.I perches,.' more ur tear, io poai ; meneo cast ion perches, more or less, to post; thenoe south 100 perches, more or Isis, to post ; thsnre wssl 320 perches, more or leu, to plaie of beginning, containing 1 1 arrer, more or Icra ALSO, One other theroof situate pri"y hi Beocarla ! townabip, Clearfield owunty, Pa., and partly In ' White lownabip, Cambria eounty, Pa., surveyed 1 In the mune of J, Uilpin. Tbe part io Clearfield '' oounly bounded aa lollowa: Beginning at a post the north-east comer of tract t Ihenoe aouth j lit fl-10 perches, more or leas, to county line; ' thrnce weat along same 2 par. to poat i thence I east 320 perchea to plaee of beginning. The j part In Cambria county bounded aa follows : Beginning at a hemlock south-east corner of Iract aforeaaid ; thence north 4L perches, more or lets, to county line: thence along iaine 20 per chea, more ar less, to poit thenoe south 40 per ches, more or less, to hemlock and beginning. The White tract io both counties containing 244 acre, more or leu. ALSO, One other thereof surveved In tha ha.,., nf Jacob King, aituate la Clearfield and Cambria' oounties. 'Ibe part In Clertrfleld countv Kw : in cere aria -taip, -Tjiumug noriu- west corner; Ihenoe south 112 perches, more or less, to oouoty lice ; tbenoe eait 2.1 U perchee, more or Ism, to poit: thence north HZpenhes.inure or less, to post ; thence nest 2.1 If perches, more or leis, te beginning. Tbe part In While towo.uip, Cambria county, bounded as follow, t Dcginoing at n poat nt county line on wait aide traot ; tbenoe snath 3(1 perchea, more or lesv, to beech ; thence eaat 1X0 perches, more or leu, to post : thence north 108 perches, more or lea, to Hones : thence 100 perches, more or less, to post ; thence north 40 perabes, more or lass, to eounty line i inenoe wen along lame s.m per,, more or less, to beginning. Tke whole tract containing tA4 acres, The above described tracts being unimproved, Heised, taken In execution nnd in be sold as properly of Saamel Ullliken and A. C. Milhk-o. . ALSO. A certain pieoe of ground situate In Oiouole borough, Clearfleld oouoty, Pa., fronting 2a feet on Lingle atreet and runniag luck lit feet to an Uoy, hounded weat by Lingle Ureal, east by aa ftHuy, south by lot of D. bl. Hstney, and north by lot of Osoeola Mervantile Co. l ha buildings are burned on thi lot. bsieoh, taaea in riecimon aau to be sold aa the property of T. S. Isett aod J. B. Itt. ALSO, A mUin ef j (h(l (, Birn1Je h-.(hi Clearfleld aountv. Pa . bounded on the a.l b. Main itrevt, weat br aa aller, north bj lot oi ..a. w.iaai, astl on id. aouta tT lot No. 1.4. and known in Man ef said boronirh a bit No. I M. baring lb.r.on traetnl a frame .tore houie, "lorlei liib, aad otbar onthotldinja. haiaed, lakea in aioontlon, and to ba 1 ,11 the proporiyof Man hew Irrln. ALSO, A cerlaia tract of land aituatc in Curwensville borough, Cla:field county, Pa., being fi.ur lota, bounded and described as follows 1 Beginning at the corner of Filbert and Ueorge etreeta, and running northward along Filbert street CO the oast side of aaid street 24U feet to UsxweH atreet ; thence in aa easterly direction along said atreet 1UU feet to twenty foot alley) thenoe along said alley til) feat to Ueorge atreet ; tbenoe west along said street 1 10 feet to place of beginning, and having thereon erected a large planing mill, board shed, dry kiln, and other outbuild tng and various wood Working machines. Belied, taken In execution and to ha $otd as Ihe property of M. B. Fay and, J co. uislerfordcr. ALSO, A certain piece of land situate lo lUutule b 11 oufh Cletifield eoanty, Pennaylvani , being lot ollxlVfi feet on Hannah street, large hotel, three itorie high, HUt'iU feet, barn laj.2 feet, and other oulbuildmgi, (Se LeeJ on record.) belied, taken In execution aad to lie cold as 1 1)o property af J. B. Benn. ALcO, All tVa. lol. of around tn Cuiwenirillt bor- ui4,anj being purpart No. 5S la partition of Willianl Irrln'a etwta, bounded at followt: B.- (Inning al poati tbaana along tba Soequehaaaa ! I riv.r ; thenoe aortb ,4 d.'ir.aa ...I 4 feat to iiu.i i iiiqiid uur, ii ow, w.'arve. iert acruae Meadow alrtat U T. A C. Railroad ; Ihcoa along rlghtof-.a, line of railroad SO j fart t. pott at I..ruet alrMtl Inane SU, dafeau So, faat to beginning, orintainiag l acrae and rsperrhea, more or iret. .ad all elotrtd. AW04 All of lii-fcndaoi'a luttreit In N of said eetale, being two lot. One thereof adjoinieg properly of William Price, fronting Jtirer I ,'re,t ' foot, having hereon a dwtlllng bouse and other improvemente, The other thereof adjoining lot last mentioned , aatendlug AO feet on River pemt and back, with dwelling house anl other improvement! thereon. ALSO, All of Defendant's Intercut In purpart No. li tn said cilate, bounded went by Husqoehanna ALSO, A certain fractal land liluat ia ii ratio m town ihlp, Clearfield county, Pa,, bounded as fbllowa On lha eaat bv land of llaiaklah LaBaharrT. anulti by land of 8 wee I A Urahain, west by land nf John Powell, and north by land of Urabam A Morgan, eontainiag III aerae, more or lca, with a I .out no acres cleared, and having thereon erected a two- story frame bona, book barn and ether outbuild- lag. Halted, taken In eaecuilon and to'he sold as tne property ji jonn .wcuoweu. ALSO, A certain piece of ground situate In Clsarfield borough, Clearfleld county. Pa., on corner ef Third and Market streets, fronting Aft, more or lei, on Market street, aad running along Third street 173 feet, and known In the general plan of said borough as lot No. I tff, and having thereon creeled a two story brick house, with brick kitchen a t tar bed, stable and other euthalld logs. neiicd, learn tn execution and to ae tout as tbe 1 rrJ."J "U"B v ""H1"' """"'I w "a"'" A WO, ! A scrtaln tract ot land sltua'o in hevalur tow ahlp, Olearfield oennty, Pa., b,unded weat by Mrs. Merlin's land, south by William Martin's land, cost by tlardaer's land, aad north by 0. Ream's land, containing 40 area, wilh about It acres r leered, nnd having thereon arreted a two-story frame hoae, barn, aad black imiUi abop, Heiied, taken In execution nnd tu be S'tld ai the property af J,oh Martin. ALtO, . A certain lot or ground aituatc tn Nrw Waah loKtoa borough, Clearfleld county, Pa., fronting 00 feet on Front street, and running bnvk Sou feet, more or lesi, to aa aller, bounded eaat bv an alley, west by Flret street, north by Odd Fellow' Hall, aouth by lot of W. W. Barclay, and i having tnereoa erected a two-atery frame dwell- Ing house, small atable, aad olber utbuHdtng, rislsed, taken lu elocution aad t b aeld ae the property oi A. J. J ask son, defendant, and D, tUeimaa, F. F. Wilsen nnd H. L. Headervan, Adminlatratvra of John Orr, terre tenant. rMm Bit. a. Tbe price ot ram at which .l.. ... !. n l. a i. .u .a j ,n, rum, 0( w ., I:ninan mli, , M ( mrmt. otb.rwle. lb. proprrlr will I b. Iaiiaadl.t.ljr put up aad aold aaaia a,t tbt t- ptaa. aad rlak tb. pranaj t. whom It wai j etraell arl, and who, la law of .Bi..r, al taeh 1 r, aalt, aball aaah, food tbt taint, aad la a. taelaao. will tb. b. prmni.1 la Corl lu, tonOrraatloa aala.. lb. ...r II aoUtallr paid I. tbe Sberil. JA.4KH MAHAKKIV, 8.1. irr . Orrita. I nanrntld. Pa., t'. (, ll'i r ver, south by Hiram Caldwell, aad on the eaat ; 'm,p r TV "w" .: by tnnipik. and land .1 , cnUining Canlle, on the Sonth by W'1,,B-B' ft aore.' and 41 perchei, mora or let. ' " "dth; Weat by landa of Robert .Myers, ron r.isii, .o.hx I.. ixiltu mmn t fe will aa tin . " 1 - -- property of A. H. Irvin. d. Ihe balance w.-adlaod, with son whit win IHlsrrtlanfous. JAMES L. LEAVY, , . -1-., -" - ' - mlmP KA tX C i , If A H K r.T BTH KKT, All klBlla ol CflfkOtB ItllU Cotlino i . . , . ' wv Uf'81 mot tt,iu WNI Uo IliriilrbOtl WbtMl l iqun td. l uiu iuU ulluhjtftl I" Uliy tirl Ot I til COIlOly. (All Bl : yMr w'ien V; ton uc. i,iu-iy. T. A. FLKCK. NEW, NEW, NEW. Fall and Winter Stylos, AT THE ONE PRICE DRY GOODS STORE OF T. A. FLECK & CO., Iilack and Colored Caahmoren, Brocado Drcua Goods, l'lnin Tiros Coodn, New Kbawls, Lndica' Coata, Hod Flanncla, Cray Flanncla, Flaid Flannel., Xavy Blue Flannols, W'aterprnola and Ladiea' Cloth,, all colon, Ca8lmoros, Mon'a and Uova' Wear, I)rc, (iinphams, Callcoea and Muslina. Our stock wna never better. Onr I.ndiea' Skirti are beanliful. Millinery Goods, A cnmplete Kloek at our umiiuI ItaraiiiM. IMS, HiTilBirS9 IMiimca, Flowcia, Wina, Osltit li Tips, nil kinds of Fancy tt'lnjra and Iiirdrt, Now lirocado Velvets and Silks, Satins, Black and Colored Silks, Black nnd Colored Silk Velvet, Kid Gloves, I.islo Gloves, Silk Fringe, Ittittons, Iiiices, Corsets, Embroideries, F.dgingu, Inserting, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, Linen fluiiilkcrcliii'fs, Ladies' Ties, Ribbons, Gcrmantown Yarns. Zephyrs nnd Fancy Yarns, Ladies,' Gent's anil Children. Vndcrwenr, Ladies,' Gent's and Children's Hose. Wo don't intend to havo any store in Clearfield county beat ns in anything style, prices, quantity, quality, or selling. dive us one loth. Of coin mis CARPETS, T. A. FLECK & CO Graham's Building, $nv aftrtlsfinrnts. E. S. HENDERSON, UNDERTAKER Bl'RNSIDE, PENN'A. THE subscriber now offers to the citisens or Burnaide and vicinity, an ' unprovided specialty. Hereafter all kind af Casket and Coffin will be kept on band, and order filled al once. funerati ef fffHrffcf Anywhere. Twill fnmlih the flncst as well as the cheapest article dedicated to funerals All order left at tn Mur ui aiun vuisisbh win rwaiTc prwnpi attention. For fnrtber particulars, oall on or address K. 8. HENDKKSON, Pec. 10, ISTMf. HOMESTEAD FOR SALE -IN T1IK- Borough ol CurwsnsvillQ ! THAT well-kaown property ettnataoa the bank of Ihe Susquehanna river, la the borough ot Curwenarills, Clearfleld nonnty, Pa , occupied by tbe lata BKNJAM1N II AHTSHOKN, deed, is! nnW offered for eal. It eoataina a boat I TVi rtaon A rrnc A illl LCCil COj tTpun which is erected a fine two-story frame DWELLING 1I01SE, ! .' ST A 111, E. and tha 'nr. et. bailditf., aad alt. a Ki.UHINU Fol N i AIM af pura Sl'KINIl WATKR. Tbla il a r.rr d.ftrabl. propwt; for a prirala rerl lene. Th. propc.-t.. ia now offered at PRIVATK KALE. OB reaann.lil. tarma. For further In- Ion In relation to IL rail at tb. nnnlm. ar apple I. tb. and.r.lrned in peraon or l.y lellar. II 1 11 XTII A 1. W SMITH. Attornr; for lha 11. irt. Cle.rfi.lj, Pa., ii. ISTS-lf. ! A T , .ORPHANS COURT SALE. W ' "n,,J VyWMI W"a.t. ! . t im , 1 )Y virtue of an order isfued oat of the Or J phena' Court of Clearfleld eounty. Pa., there will be exposed lo public sale on the promisee Hi New Washington, on WeuneMlay. Marrh .id. I who, At 1 o'clock P. M., all the following described real estate, lata the properly of Chrlatian NefT, deceased, aituate la lha borough of New Wash ington, and bounded on Ihe north by lands of F. Zimmerman and P. B. Neff's estate, on the east underlaid wi:h eoal- Th said farm Is nador rood cultivation, nnd ha thereon erected rm ritaaallln ImuM ltlili Teet. with norab. I. nst ham b0M tmml. Inaludlnv larea ! sbel, with nil the neo-siary cot bull lugs, dry- bom, ie. Also, Urge, hearing orchard of fruit ittTt 0B ,he pVmiea, tnclnding apple, pea eh, I near, plum, and eberry trees. Tnhus iOne third of th pure nan money at eonftrmallon, and tae balance in twa eaual aa - anal nav meats thcreeftor wlih fa to rest. Jadg- nent bond and Sci. Fm. mortgagee lo ho given far a. i deferred varments. .lOhKl'll II. HHKTII. Adminlstrater New Waibitigten, Feb. 4, IttMMt. JOI HT PIKM l.AN TIOJ, WiinnaA. Hon. a A. MATER. President Judge of tb Court of Common Plea ef tho Twenty -fifth Judicial Dlalrlct, composed ef the counties or Clearfield, Centre nnd Clinton nnd Horn. Aesf Onnnn nnd Hon. VtarnuT U. lloi.T, Associate Judge af Clearfield county have Isswed their precept, t me directed, for the holding af a Court af Common Pleas, Orphans Cimrt, Cowrl of Quarter Sessions, Ceart of Oyer nnd Terminer, and Court of General Jell Deliv ery, at the Court House at Clearfleld, la and for the coonly of Clearfield, commencing on tha third Monday, tlie lAta day ol March, IM0, ed t continue ne week, NOTICE 18, therefore, hereby given, U th ; Coroner, Justice of Ibe Peace, and Conatabl, in and for aaid county af Clearfield, to appear in their proper person, with their Records, Rolls, Inquisitions, Examination, nnd other Remem brance, t do tbo thtngi which t their oflUee, aad In their behalf, pertain t ho done. By an Act ef Aesuly, passed th flth day af May, A. D. It is made the duty of th Jus ttces of the Peaon cf the several counties af this Commonwealth, to return ta the Clerk af tha Coart of Quarter Beaalona af th respective eo untie, all tha fweogaiaancee entered Into before thed by any person nv per eons charged with tha aommlsslea of any crime, aveept sueb ease aa nay be ended before a JuiUee of th Peer, mm. der existing tews, at Imui ttn day before tb oameneement af tb aeesloa of tSe Court t wbleb th tn a,.. raMraabl.r.rf,aad I la all taMa wbar. an, mngalaalm. ara aHrrl Into laea tba. I.. dara baworw Ib.Matai M th. twatna t wbleb thr at taaja Mart. bit, tba tald Juitltti an to naara tb. aent I. th. Mt. natter aa if taid art tad awl btwa pa".. 0IVIN a.der k.adat CUut.U, thl. ink daj si Frraarr, 1. tfc. rw war Lrd, M. Uoutaad tight buadnd .ad alibi,. . fahll-l. JaVK-l MAHAFf IV, aarlC . . 7:. a, ftAS I Wtttllnntm. ; 7" - - vr"r- - ' DC Uf. 3E, 3EJ jtl, ea I I.AHF IKhD, FENN'A. kept OU llAlltl, AllU lurilifiliod (O Older Oil Ifiy ofll('l), Oil Second hltOCl, or leflV S.ce, adjoining tho PomoSIc. JAS. L. M'.AVY, . clearfleld, P. A. U. BILLS. J it call and seo lor yoiiracll. ltURH, te. Market SI., - Clearfleld, Pa. Sept. I, T I. $tiv .ttvrrtisnnrnts. j f- Otlll BllrllllCLrV Oeorf. 1 C. and will nay cash or produce. Clearfield, Pa Aug. 11, I87tf. Tb llii. Mil Mm Can be bought at luwt price from Al.KX. PATTKRrlON, Woodland, Pa. It ia ao,aal, If aot euparior t. an, flrt..lua Sawiatf Maohlaa la ta taarkel. Cirenlara aaat oa .ppliMlion. Wowllaad, Pa., Jet. 11), ljl.e. F 'OR SALK.- Tha wnderslrned Will cell at wrtvaka aala all that tract or pareel ai land situate In Decatur township, Clearfield eoanty, Pa., within n short distance of tha Tyrone A Clear field R. and adjoiaing lands of Robert lladsoa and at'ners, and known as the Jacob B. (Jearhart lok Tha Mid trae containing AO acre mora or lees, wilh two veins or valuable coal thereon, baa about gft acras cleared, and I tha key to a large, body ef coal about being developed. Will ba aoli law aad upou aaay torus. For particulars, apply to IMYIL) L. KHKB8, Clearfield, Pa., July It, 174. BLACKSMITHING. Horse-Shoeing A Specialty. The aadenigned.being thankful for pact favor, wpoouuiiy miorai tae cutaea oi vieav- fldd and vicinity that be has purchased the lhap in Clearfleld boron ah rroently occupied by Amo Keaoard, sllnated on l-oeaat street, tn tba roar or lieo. Weaver A Co. 'a atore, where hy atriet aod close attention to business, he hopes la receive a large share of public patronage. ft-Prlecs rwaiynabla and all werk guaranteed. CHAfl. H. UALFOKU. Clearfield, Pa., Oot. lj, 187-3m, Triennial Assessment I APPEALS FOR 1880. i XTTICKifl beraby given that the Commission. i meet the tax j payers at tba foHowjiag aamed plaoaa, far th I purpose of hearlngand determining append on tb j Triennial Asscsement for lbSO. Tha tlma for hearing appeals will bo between th hour ef o'floca A. M- aau o eiecn r. a. oi eaca uny. Th appeal will be held for Bogg township, at the bona ol Kdward Al. bert, on Moaday, February 14th. Wallaeetoa borough, at tba beta! In laid bar. ough, oa Tuesday, February 17th. Klorrla townahip, nt the houae of Mr. Klaen k ii war, in Kytrtuwn,on Wed need ay, F'eh, lath. Decatnr township, at tha houae af Richard Hugh, cn Thnrdy, February 19th. Oaoeela borough, at Hoyt'e betwl hi Mid ho. ongh,on Friday, February Mth. Houtrdal borough, at tbo BL Clowd hulol la aai.I hnmK'h. na S.lnrdae Febrnarv flat Woodward townabip, at iba boas af Thomas Henderaan, on Monday, Febraary Ltd. liulicb tewasbip, at tke hotel ia JaaesTtlte, a Tneaday, February S4th. Beeearia re w a ship, at th he'ei mi Frank Dot is i i tile Hop, OS M edncedaT. February lath. Jordan township, at the hotel in Aneonrllia, an Thnraday, February teth. Kaon tawnahtp, al Turhey Bill sohwl hutt , on Friday, February I7tk. Fergaeoa lowa-hip, at tha realdenca e( Utfk 1 Moore, on ttatnrday, Febraary lath. Lumber City borough, at tb mmm af Israel Ouppy, en Monday, March let. 1 Nfiwhitra knrnueh. at tha Nrwbura borough, at tba BMrttf lata llatkl. : la taid b.r.agb, a Taaewaji, hterah Id. j towaip, at Rorairaagb't mbi Kttie, ', na WadnMda,, Marrb Id. New Waahiagtoa borough, at tba kwiMof M.IV ' Roa. la taid borough, an Tbaradar, Mar.1 4tk. t Buraeida t.waabip, al oaag't aaletot b.wtt, .k I Frldtr, Mank ith. boraalda borwagb, at lha boat. f tvtl b. .(a ta aaid iMroagh, .a Batwrdar, Idartb Sib. UeU towaehlp, at I ho b.uM .f R.brt M bafle,, oa Mooda,, Maroh Stb. llrMBwood t.woahip, at ib. boul t OMrg. D. MeCraehaa ia bvllrllle, m TitMdajr, Mart tlb. PaaatowBtbip,atM. U. Vl;aa't bot.l la P.aa rllK aa Wadada,, Marab loth. btaoai Wwatbip, at ta. .ttrtrot beta-. Tb.radar, Han. lllh. Head, lowatblp, at WHIitti g.bwta'1 bot.l la Lelharabarg. a. Pi War. Marrb lltb., towaahip, at tba alMtloa bo.H Is LiaHota, oa .tardaj, M.rnb Ulk. Jala, towaebip, al tba eleetl.a hotel I. Roek toa, aa Mtaada,. Hmk Utb. UaM. a towaabln. at tba nabll. boaM af Joaaa. loollald la PanBald, aa Taaadar, Marek 1Mb. ClaarS.ld borough, at tba Oaa.aiia.hHim' Of. lea la aald bmagh, ta Wadiaadap, Hank llh. Lawroao. lowarhip, at th. Ooniatloatn' Of lea la Olaarltld, .a Tkandagr, Mank lalk. Kotlea Ualta harah, glren ta tb.A8ril.-U0M af tba aartnl boroagba and tawaahiaa, that th, b. promt wick ta Hoard wf Oaataitatlaaara aa tb. da, .f Appeal, in tkalr raajwllra dialrt.!., aa wall aa all prrtoaa wka avaj Ittl tkttattl.a. tflrltrad. A (..oral IppMl will ka Md at tba Corau.1.. ll.nm' Olle., la Cnjara.M, aa tha M. ttth al HAIh data .f Marrh aalt. a ft or whoa aa appeal- will a Mard. Th. A Italian an ra o,atrad t. glr. nek U labia a wrIUM ar prtatad .otic af th. bind aad aaawaat prwpwt, h. m ah. I. a-tat,wL at Inat Sra da-t bafon tba da, af Appaal. CONRAD W. hVLKR, F.I.AH JOIINHTON, JOHN NOKH1M, At'Mt t t'Hali-iaa.r. Jobs W. Uuaa.0t.rk. i, C.aataaMtraii' Orriva, I - - 0i aa.rr.ia, Fa.,Jta. U, kS, J