Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 18, 1880, Image 2

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    Gioeoi B. Oooduhdir, Editor.
H.der, if yarn want to know what U going on
la tb. ba.tneee world, ln.t read our .dvertl.lnf
oUoinft, the Sfial ooluran la particular.
No man worthy tbt ffiot of Prwfdrtit ihould
U wIDinf tft hold It tf wanted In.orpltoedtliar
by ny friad. V.H. Obaht.
I eould Brr been retfonrlltd to th j
vmlin b tb imtlleit kid of Bint of ft pcrton,
howt)rtr rMpwtkbt In prlrkU lift, who muit
foravor mitt p hit brow tbt tmp of fraod
flrit triampbftDt is AoMrioao hiitor;. No tub
wjwtit Mtioa. bowovor mvrttorioui, oao wh
ftWAjr tbt letton of that rooord.
I wosld rmthor htvt tbt dorMmnt of aquar
tor of ft Billion of tbt Amerteaii pooplt thao that
of tbt Loniif aot Eetornin j Board, or of tht Com
mfaalov which oieloded tho factl and decided
tht qaastioa m ft tobalftl)tjr.
i t . Xiioa. A. IUvnnicift.
Tndtr tba form of law, Hmberford B. Ilayot
hai bon declared PrtHdent of tbt Uaittd Htatta.
Hit titlt rente upoa di if ranch leement of lawful
vottre, tht fftltt tertlOetlM of tbt return loj olB
oere ftetiof eomptlr, and tbt dee U Ion of ft oon
tnleeion which faai refuted to hear evidence of al
Itfrtd fraud. For the Bret time are the AmerioM
neoole confronted with the fact of afrandalentlT-
eleottd Preeident. Lot It not be onderttood that
tht fraud will bo illentlr aoquteioed tn hj tba
sirt. I f a a. abl.k ia uaui fm-
U forrottrn
Aooaaae of IHocaArio M. 0.
Ont hondred jeare of human depravity a ceo
mutated and concentrated into a climax of crime.
Never again in Art hundred jeare ihall they have
aa opportunity to repeat the wrong.
aus. l rwr. McunBR.. I'OKTorricn.
llurnildo ll'r. Cbarla. li. Patrlok, Hum. Ida.
CloarBald "8milbV.Wil.on, ClamrOald.
Cnrwan.v'a " V. I. Tbompaoa, Ctirwanavilla.
Houtzdala " Patriok Dunn, llout.dalo.
LnmbarC'y" Daairl W. Ililc, Lumbar City.
Nawborff " InaM Marklo, Herd.
N. Waab'n " Dr. A. II. Bannell, N. Wa.binitUin.
Oscaola " K.A. Campbell, O'caola Mill.
Wallanlon " Uao. w. timlali,
Ilowaria T'p. llaald Bear,
Olen II una.
' John M Ko.,
II rod ford
William Liner,
" l.aae Ilei.b,
11 Daniel Hitcban.,
" Charlea Hehwem,
n allaceton.
1 John Wearer,
N. Waibinnlon.
" Joaaph II. Brelh, N. Waabinjrton.
Covington " r. u. uonrtnai, irencovme.
Ilaoatur " Jacob P. gteiner, l'billpabura;.
A. A. Uloom, Mnrron.
John Newconib, OillinKham.
John A. L. Flegal, Lick Hun Mill..
" C. W. Kyler,
" Jobn A. Hoarlea,
" Jatnea Flynn, 8
' II. L. Horning;.
" Dr. K. A. Crea.wall,
11 Ueorgo lieokendorn,
nllh'. Mill..
fall Lick
Conrad linker, New Millport.
" Clark Brown, Claartield.
" D. 11. Warning, Morrladale Mine.
' ilarlinM. Flynn, Urampian 11 ill..
Hamurl Addleinao, Curwen.villa.
" John M. Troxell, Dulloia.
Reuben II. Laborde, Koeklon.
Woodward " Jamea H. Campbell, Ilootadale.
Dr. 3. V. Ill HCHFIUI.D,
W. S. WlLlira, cJEr,.'I.'!"j.?l',,r.a.l,IJ' ''
liKMocaAnc Committee. A meet
ing of tho Pomocratio National Com
mittee will take place at Washington
on Monday, the 2: Id day of this month.
for the pnrposo ol fixing tho timo and
pluce tor holding tho next National
Convention. It looks now as though
Cincinnati was ahead; but other cities
ure working vigorously.
Chiap (i ratification. The Wash
ington Post suys: ,:l)on. Cameron has
tho satisfaction of being officially as
surcd that (ion. Grant is 'gratified'
wilb his work at llarrisbnrg. As
that work was of the same general
character that made Grant's ad minis.
tralion Infamous, it ought to be highly
IIabd to Tleasi. The Chester
county J!ad aro bard to please, al
though the Camerona have made one
of its prominent citir.ens a United
.States Judgo and elected another
State Treasurer the past year. J)on.
should ask those "Chester whites" and
blacks what else they want beloro the
year closes. Hut then, as it is not our
Inmily fight, onr advice might bo
deemed impertinent. ' -
A lliu Election. Tbero will bo to
vote tor on tho Btato tickot this year
ono person lor Anditor General in
place of Schcll, and ono for Supremo
Judge in place of Judge Woodward
deceased. Bosidcs the two Btato ofll
oors there will be a full list of tho mem
bers of tho Houso of Itcproscntntivcs,
201 in all, and half tho Senalo, num
boring 25 members. All this in addi
tion to the President a full delegation
to Congress, and largo county tickcla,
will make a lively contost next Tall.
Tin liiniiT Bill. We notice that
Congressman Fort has introduced a
bill in that body, reducing tho tax on
common papor from 20 to 6 per cent.
This is A just and sensiblo measure,
and ought to become a law ; but tho
papcrmakors will fight it bitterly.
'f bey are desirous ol reaping a rich
rtarvcit out of tho improvement in
business, and to Ibis end they propose
to put up the price of their wares by
conceited arrangement. Tho country
can't afford a heavy tax on news and
knowledge, on papers and school books.
Why not repeal the infernal tariff law
nltogciher? It is a fraud in every
Honest Jim IIlane Wbhe r roe tor
Knolt traced $G4,000 of I.ltllo Bock,
I ort Smith and In ion Pacific bribery
money Into riaine'a pockets conclu
sive reply was that Knott was a robot.
When Den. Hill showed that lllaine, in
writing, had demanded, and in writing,
bad receipted for tent ol thousand! of
dollars lor making his rulings and
packing bil committees, Mr. Ulaino'i
crashing rejoinder was that Mr.
Hill had beon a accession il. When
lmar proved that 3. II, Stewart
brought Blaino $21,000 worth ol Cum-
lierland coal slock at midnight, lilaine't
noanswcrable connlerstntcment waa
I In J.amar bad been a confederate
rwldicr. When the Maine ponplo bring
bribery to Ktuinc'i houso bo crios out
conspirators anrl rnscala. In calling
name and roceiving or disbursing
iiribea Hlatm) Is an entire sneccaa. As
the reverse of reformer, or as tho
exhibition of an bonol character, be
j a complete failtire.-l"'i'"y AffHi.
Fromtb. New York Herald of Fib. 4, mill.
"ibci AMn'R r.BV.
VL-to r I taw? W w
Over Throe Hundrud Thousand Pm
plo Slowly Starving ;
i .' , i
To tht People of Clearfield County, I'eiin-
- At a meeting held in the Court
Uouse, In Clearfield, on February Hth,
1H80, for tho relief of the starving peo
plo ol Ireland, tho undorsigncd were
appOintCU OS a ouniy lominnwu vu
appoint a Coniinillcc in every district
iu the county to solicit aid and receivo
subscriptions and contribution" in their
rospocuvo uinincin, a uuno vimuiiiu
tecs can conlcr together and hold
meetings, or act individually, such as
they think will bring tho best results.
All contributions muni no seui to me
Treasurer of the Belief Fund Philip
Dolts, Clearfield, Pa. Tho Commit
tees aro requested to take down tho
name ol every person coninuuung, 10
cethor with tho amount contributed
and return a copy of tho eamo to the
Troasuror at Ulearneia. ino lyom
mittoo can report as Ircouently as they
desire lo tho Treasurer ; but all must
make their linul report not later tbun
Sntnvdar ol tho Mureb Court. A oopy
.1 11.. i - Vv.i- jj i-t -t X' - t j
4th, 1S80, has been mailed to ono mem
ber of each Committee, showing in de
tail tbo number of peoplo in want,
their actual condition, and place whore
thoy live. Somo moy licaitato in giv
ing, thinking tho fund may full into
improper bunds aud never reach its
destination. Wo aro glad lo state that
there is no cause for such apprehen
sion. A gentleman in Philadelphia,
who was on the L'ommitteo of 1817,
for tho relief of the same people, bttB
consented to go to Ireland free of any
charge, and personally diroct tho dis
bursement of the fund raised in Penn
sylvania. If each Committeeman in
tbo county would rolurn to tho Treas
urer only tho small amount of f 10, it
would amount to a county contribu
tion that would reflect credit on the
generosity and charity of our pooplo.
That thoro is great misery and want
and people actually starving to death
in that unfortunate and oppressed
country, thoro cun bo no doubt. Every
telegram, every letter, both public and
privato, confirms and depicts tho hor
rible condition and suffering all thro'
tho greater part ol Ireland. This tnm
ino comes from causes which no hu
man hand can avert. Tho long-con-tinned
wot season of Inst year in many
of tho counties entirely destroyed their
crops. Thousands of acros did not
harvest a busbol of grain, or food of
any kind. Ireland, iilthougu only
threo fonrtlis as largo as Pennsylvania,
bos fully if not moro than double our
population When their littlo farms
fail to support tut.,,, n.y . cn,.,,!,.
destitute. They are not permitted 10
take timbci sjr minerals from tbo land
na wo aro in this country.
Tho fuel that over three hundred
thousand human boings aro now on
the verge of starvation, ought to
aronso the sympathy of every human
heart, and inspire every ono that Prov
idence has blessed with plenty, togivo
freely and liberally to these poor starv
ing and misgoverned poople.
A. W. Walters, .
W. M. Siiaw,
V. r. HaKHIB, ,
J. M. Stewart.
Jon Houlaiian, '
xocutivo Committee.
ciavAasiKO coHHnrii..
Burn. Ida borough Jackaon Patabin, Hubert
Connor, W.I. Kline.
Clearfield borough John I. Fatteraon, 0. L.
Barrett, J. L. Leary, Captain I'eter A. Uaolln, J.
S. Shower., Jack Lylle, S. B. Kow.L. U. Ale,
I'aul Wearer, Mm. W. W. Bella, Mr a. Dr. Stewart,
Mr.. Wm. il. Dill. Mr.. Jnmee McLaughlin, Mr..
Maria K roller, Mil. Annie Mitchell.
Carwanarllla borough Jobs Fattun, H. B.
Tbompaon, Henry Kama.
lloutadala borough Robert Flaming, Patrick
Dunn, P.J. McCulloub.
Lumber City D. L. Pargu.aa, Antbouy Mile,
Jobn Rnaaal.
hewbnrg borough L. 3. HurJ, J.aae Markle,
William Hunter.
New Waabington borough A. D. Bennett, J.
P. Fealh, Henry Roan.
Uaeeoln borough Jurlin J. Pie, Patrick Lorl
gan, Smith Baird.
Wallaraton borough Frank tin.., llenr Ooa.,
Jamea Turner.
Beoearit, townabip William Dotla, Joba U.
Gla.gow, John llindmen.
Bell townabip Robert Mabelley, Jar. McObea,
Jacob Oampbell.
Bloom townabip John rjeailh, il. II, Ander
son, Uoorge A. Bioom.
Bogg. lown.bip Jacob plmllng, Jobn B. Ky
ler, Burton Merrill.
Bradford town.hip We.ley Mbirey, J. S. Nor
ria, Patrick Curlay.
Brady town.hip Char la. Schwero, Dan'l Oood
Isnder, R. V. Sparkman.
Uurnaid. townabip Aaron Patobin, A. W.
Fry, John Wearer.
Cheat town.hip Anthony McOarrey, John
Doekenberry, II. II. Hurd.
Coeington town.hip Dr. J. W. Poller, I.. M.
Condriel, Frank Laigey, Fred. MignoL
Decatur towD.blp Ueorge Mutfalt, Q. P. 0.
M altera, Jacob fitinar.
Ferguaon town.hip Jamea Qlana,Corlea Ball,
Jamea Ferguaon.
Uirard lowniblp Mitchell Khope, II. I, '1 Slew
art, Bernard MeOorern.
Uo.ben town.hip Lewi. I. Irwin, Heye Mor
row, II. I. Meade.
Urahaea town.hip Lucien W.rJ, IT. II. Kr&oe,
Arooa Uutiler.
Oreenwood town.hip Jobn W. Bell, (1. U.
McCracken, Darid Uoyl.
tlulioh town.hip Jamea Flynn, John S. Uc
Klernan, llreenberry Nerllng.
Hnalon townabip Lneien Bird, C. II. Coryell,
Amoe Horning.
Jordan town.hip Henry Hwas,Tbeuia; Smith,
K. M. Johorton.
Kartbao. townabip Oe e. Ilrekendorn, Jooepb
Uilliland, Iraae McCloakey.
Knon town.hip Conrad llakrr, Roland Lewie,
Qreoowood Bell.
Lawrenoa tewn.blp !,aver Flcgal,Clarh Brawn,
Jobn Smith.
Morria town.hip Jamoa Stewart, Wm. Wigton,
Jobn B. Kyler.
Penn town.hip Patrick Daly, Martin Flynn,
Ell.ka Dee!..
Pike town.hip lease Caldwell, J. Norrla. J.,
Vrmi HlntMi
Sandy townabip John DaBol, Joe. P.Toylor,
W.N. I'rotbero, A. J. Mrllugh.
Union lawn, hip-Darld Dreiiler, Tbo.. Brsrk
bnak, Daniel Brubeker.
Woodward lowniblp William Lather. Nicho
las Welch, William Smith.
Out Thino Snri-ID. A corres
pondent of the AHoona Tribune has
interviewed the Hon. Milton S. I-ytlo,
of nnntingdon, on the U. S. Senator
hip. Mr. Lylle, it aeems, is a politi
cal bedfellow of Hon. Malt. S. tjuay,
now Secretary ol tho Commonwealth.
It has been prolly profusely announc
ed by Mr, Quay' political playmates
that be wants Senator Wallace' seat;
but tho Honorable Mr, I.yllo an
nounces to the world, and tho rest of
mankind, that tbo Senatorship has
novor boon alluded to between them
What millions moro could testify to
this tame fact! Lylle should study
the fublo of tho ox and tlia toad, for
fear something might "bust."
i - . j
Wabnino Squatters. A Washing
ton telegram says : "Secretary Schurr,
la preparing a proclamation for Mr.
Hayes to sign, warning ali fjimttors
aud others Irom encroaching upon the
land of the Indian Territory. The
proclamation will Lo Jwiod In a low
day, and the Government will pro
pare the nocessary lorcc to carry out
ill intentions." This reminds na of
th busy mother, who remarked:
"Children come away from those cur
rant luislica ; yon .will got lick !" All
remain quiet for a time, nntil on of
tltoa comes around, crying, and re
mark: "Ma, 1 fcav got the belly
ache !"
A Washington telojrain myi: Itrp
rctwnUllve Sjicar, oi lioorpia, recently
iiilrodtircil in the IIuum t liill to pro.
hibit llio Laiiiin of thunrmy Irom luy
ini! miir-ic on Siinduy. Tim bill, il
Bounm, iHotijut'tioiiublo to (li-nerul Slier
man, und thiil iliUiif?uinlit'il ullkurliuit
written a letter to Mr. Spear, iu'wliich
bo threaten to remove the troop Irom
the garrinon at Allantu il Hint gentle
man preaaoa bin bill. Then) are riev-
cral eiimpanieH ol troopx ami a bum! of
music Bliiiiiincd at Atlanta, and their
preiieiiee eonlributes to tho amusement
ami wiyety ot social lilo at thai point,
and adds materially to tho biwinenn in-
terests of Atlanta. Tho garrison la,
therefore, popular with the peoplo,
who would oxort all proper influenco
against its reduction or removal. Gen.
Shorman's letter tbreatoninglo remove
tho troops Irom Atlanta has been mailo
known tn the people of thut section,
and bos resulted in bringing to Mr.
Spear a largo number of lottors pro
testing against the passage ol his bill.
Mr. Spear baa boen irritated by Gen.
Sherman's method of expressing op
position to his measure, and regards
bis conduct as an attempt unduly to
influence legislation und lo intimidate
a ltepresoulalive in Congress in tho
discharge of his public duties. Ho
thoreforo proposes to rise to a pcrsonul
explanation, and to call tho generul of
tho army to account for threatening!
lo uso his olriciul inltnoncw tn l.ilr
measure pending in Congress and for
attempting to intimidate Members of
tho House. Ono of tho rules of tho
War Department requires that all ofll
cors of tho army in addrossing commu
nications to Congress, or to tho mem
bors thereof, in reference to any sub
ject of legislation shall forward them
through tho Secretary of War. Mr.
Spear claims that (ion. Sherman is
subject to reprimand for violation of
this regulation in addressing a threat
ening letter to him in reference to his
bill for prohibiting army bands from
playing music on Sundays.
Wo hopo Mr. Spear will succocd in
spearing that old military rooster.
Jo Go. Tho plan adopted by Mr.
liuthorfoi'd 11. Hayes to renew the
commission of J. .Madison Wells as
Surveyor of tho Port of New Orleans,
if not entitled to the respoct of tho
Sennto for ingenuity is certainly en
titled to their contempt for impudent
reltv well assured 'mnn of ""V C,X7 "T10 town '
,ut,y,B10 , c,ibor.ugh, Constable, Judge, Inspect,
o old Presidential! or nork of cof,lion lin,ler this Con
hypocrisy. Being pr
he could not puss th
thief through the Senate and thereby
continue to force tho Government to
pay the reward of villainy for whicH
he only should be liablo, he bit upon
tho sharp dodgo of nominating the
son lor the vacant office. Tho car
murks, however, were loo plain. Tho
name ut w.iin i. .unnneiiiin with
11 ayes was too familiar to go unchal
lenged. It is not likely the appoint
ment will over reach a confirmation.
Hillrfunle Democrat.
Settled. Wo notice by our Pitts
burgh exchanges that tho Alloghony
County Commissioners on last Friday
paid the riot losses of the Pennsylva
nia ruilroad company in lull, il being
only the handsome sum of S1,C00,0()0.
Tbo sumo officials effected a compro
mise with the Baltimore It Ohio ruil
road company on thoir riot losses for
$33,000, tho orginal claim being $.4,
000. It looks now as though the real
ascertained losses would not amount to
tho sum of two and a hall millions of
dollars. Wo womlor what Spoakor
Long meant whon he introduced his
FOUR MILLION bill in tho Legisla
ture lust Winter? Who was to re
ceive tho one and a half millions of sur
plus? Wo hopo "Mr. Spoakor" will
riso and explain why Ibis was thus.
A Clerical Suookstion. Tho Ve
nango fipectator puts it in this way :
"Col. Reisingor, of tho Mcadvillo Re
publican, wants to know how it hap
poncd that Mr. 11. C. Bloss, of tho Ti
tusvillo Herald, voted for Grant at liar-!
risburg last wook, when ho was in
structed to 'uso all honorable means to
soenro tbo nomination of Jaraos G,
Blaino.' Tho Republican says 'it may
have boen that Mr. Bloss changed his
trowsors before leaving borne and loft
his instructions in tho other pocket'
Tbo excuso is rather thin, but the flut
tering admission that a Titusville edi
tor might havo two pairs of breeches
goos fur to atono lor tho sharp doubts
of Mr. Illoss's good faith. A revorend
gentleman at our elbow snggests that
thoro may have been a holo In Mr.
Bloss's pocket."
la A IltiRRT. Ilooton'g organ, tho
West Chester Record, remarks: "By a
resolution of the recent Stato Conven
tion, tho appointment of Chairman of
the Stato Conimilteo was left to the
President of the Convention, Mr, Olm
stead, in consultation with Judgo Green
and Mr. Lemon, the candidates. Col
onel Hooton, tho present Chairman,
has written to llio threo gcntlcmon
named saying thut bo desires his namo
shall not ho ( onaiilcroit in connection
with tho place." A little modesty on
the part nf the Colonel would not have
been out of order. Porhaps the Chair
manship may not bo offorcd him.
Thoro is no uso nf kicking before yon
are pricked.
Audacity. A contemporary re
marks : "The parado mado by tho lato
Republican Convention in favor of "a
puro nnd frco ballot" would almost
tempt ono tn forget the unclean source
from which it caino. It is difilcnlt to
realise that such utterances could como
from tho party that stolo the Presiden
cy and havo yet exhibited no shamo
in having the stolen goods in its posses
sion that havo yoar after year em
ployed 'Gopher Bill' nnd an army of
rounders and repealers lo pollute tho
ballot and falsify the honest result of
elections in Pennsylvania."
A Good Idia. An exchange re
marks: "A Chicago Presbyterian cler
gyman has been preaching npon the
wickedness oi ontcring church late and
disturbing the congregation, and bis
sermon has Lad (he effect of decreas
ing tho number of tardy worshipers in
his church." The clergymen In nearly
all tho churchos could uliline this hint.
No lie. Won't! Tho Grant men are
trying to put up a job on Blaino. Thoy
want to say: "Grant, of Illinois, for
President," and "Blaine, of Maine, for
Vice President." Uul the dealer In
Credit Mobilior stocks replied, ompbftf
ically, "Aim if, no I I won't do it;
if I can't bead the ticket. I am ofT."
As Jane next bat been awiKiicil by
tho Federal Government for Inking the
link I Ceii.iw, il iiv wiU t"ni;;h tor n
all lo know noinetbinij; about il. We
clip tho following from the limiting
don Monitor of laitt week, and from tho
IniliiiU we infer Ihul the article etiio.
,.u(.. irnm .T Siiiiiumi Alrica. the
:...!.. i
nunervicoi hi our umiriui, aim me
"K f
"Tho lentil census if tho population,
wealth and industry of llio United
Slates will bo taken during llio inonlli
orjunonoxt. Tho plan lor conducting
the work differs materially Irom that of
any preceding census and the results
will be mili'U Inner aim more complete.
Each Stale baa been divided into a
suitable number of supervisors' dis
tricts. In Pennsylvania there uro ton.
For oach of those districts a supervisor
has boon, or will be appointed by tbo
President, by and with tho advice aud
ounsent of llio Senate, whoso duty is:
To proposo to tho .Superintendent, un
dor such generul directions as that
officer mav nivo, tho appointment of
territory of his district into suitable
sub districts ; to designate lo the Su
perintendent suitable parsons, and with
bis consent, to employ them asenumer
ators, one for each sub-division and a
resident therein ; lo furnish the onum
orators with tho nocessary blanks, in
struct them relating to their duties,
and to serutinizo their returns and see
that their work has beon performed in
all respects incompliance with law, etc.
1 110 act 01 lllii proviuus tunt a nuu
division assigned any onnmorutor shall
not exceed four thousand inhabitants,
according to the census ol 1H7I). Tbo
Miperintendent is aisposcd, in oruer
that tho work may be done promptly
and thoroughly, to have tho snb-dis
tricts much smaller than Ibis maximum.
Enumerators aro to bo selected solely
with reference to thoir fitness for the
proper discharge of their duties. Tho
Superintondend remarks on this sub
ject : "It would not merely bo a wrong
to tho liovcrnmenl but il wouiu oo a
positive cruolty to the appointee him
self, tor a supervisor lo coiner a com
mission as onumorator upon any per
son not ol decided clerical aptuudo anil
of active habits, writing freely, and
tfood at fifruros. " 1 ho compensation
which may bo either a spocille sum for
each living inliutmum, earn death re
ported, etc., or t l for each ton hours'
actual field work, Is optional with the
Superintendent and will bo docidod by
him in advance. A law of this Stato
approvod tho llilh day of May, 1H74,
declares that every person holding any
olllce or appointment ol profit or trust
under tho United Stutes, shall bo in
capable of holding or exercising at tho
same timo, tho olllco or appointment
of Justico of the Peace, Notary Public,
Mayor. liecorder, llurgess or Ablor-
All applications for appointments
should bo addressed to the Supervisor
of the proper district, and, if the writer
desires an acknowledgment of tho ro
coipt thereof, bo should inclose stnms
to pay return postage. Long petitions
signed by everybody carry littlo
woight. Personal interviews are not
doairsbln. Tho qualifications of an ap
plicant can bo most clearly shown by
written communications Irom men of
good character and standing in his
neighborhood or county, accompanied
with a letter dictated and written by
the applicant himself. No appoint
ments can bo mado until uiter the
Supervisor baa beon commissioned and
sworn nncf tho sub districting com
pleted. This, the seventh district of Penn
sylvania, comprises fourloon counties,
lor which. 1. Simpson Africa, of tho
borough of Huntingdon, Huntingdon
county, has been appointed and con.
firmed as Supervisor. The population
of these counties, and tho principal
towns therein, according to the census
of 1870, was as follows
Huntingdon ....
. J..,7ll
, 11,111
. 34,41!
, 17,j0S
. S,Mi
. Sl.lfil
. nvisii
. i;,juo
. 4.1,1111
, ne.m
. 7,134
. Il.onj
. l,o:i4
. l.MJ
a.on j
. MM
. 1,144
. I, us
, nil
patatir-Ai. row..
Leek llarea
lluntlngdoua m,,,.
Lewietown H
O reen Ce.tle
M.roor.bmg H.
Peteraburg, (Perry Co)..
Bloomaeld oil
McC'onnellaburgO..., i'jt
Mlddlebiirga ISO
Tboee marked with .(, are oounly tonna.
J. H. A.
It will be observed thut tho act of
Congrossdisfranchixcs all Stnto, Coun
ty, Borough and Township officers,
none of which can serve as enumera
tors. The applicants fur this position
must be tree from all official position.
IlATnitR Looical. Tho New York
Mail says : "It is only a fow weeks
since Secretory Sebum innocently rc-
mnrlort talk. W.aLtnfftan Miiewei4
ent of the Timet that Mr. Hayt's eon-
duct must be honorable, because 'be
was a man of means, to whom the sal
ary was no object.' Experience shows,
however, that it is among the wealthy
classes that the most wanton violations
of privato and public trusts have'oc-
curred, in our time. The men who
huvesubordinuted every thing to monoy
making are very liable to yield to the
temptation to rob corporations, the
Government and ono another.
O.saii Grant. An exchange re
marks: "Thoro will be no fulling In
the market-place and foaming at the
mouth and other useless but touching
formality when our modern CVsar Is
proffered tho crown, no will quickly
inntoh It, put it on his head and say :
'That' what I should havo had In m
I gavo np a life position to accept the
Presidency. Having saved this coun
try I ought to enjoy the blessings ot
my labor and life tenme is briof
enongh. Now, on with the dance ol
corruption, lot villlans bo unconfi nod.' "
Moral Music. The editor of tha
Clinton Democrat, in alluding to some
stubborn facts, remarks : "Mr. Cam
eron's Convention at Harrisbtirg con
grululatcs tho Radicals of Maine over
'tbo peaceful and successful resistance
to the effort to defraud that Stato of
the right to choose its own represent
atives,' and the de facto President sends
in the name of J. Madison Wells' son
in part payment for tho fulher's part
in stealing (he Wectonv) votool Loni
SIeaihiw Jln.u, Va , I
Fob. 14th, 18H0. I
KlUTOIl of iieTtnUCAN : Since
writing my lout, in which i pronilncd
to write u,;uin, I bare Keen nolhing
1 1 out on r Hiate in your paper, no by
your permimaion 1 will try to give you
a lew ileum that mar interoitt, at leant,
a lew of your rea lew. Tho weather
has been exceedingly mild
.i.......i..,. : i. ,i,i.i
VIII uilUtniltl UIV II llllin, "lull nim'ii
une ween, which iim imi rnuiiw
cold. The thermometer on Thursday
morning, the llilh inst., reached 5 do
grees below xern, since which timo il
has risen to 40 degroos above, where
it now stands, with slight changes.
Cm tho 4 1 It iisl., about three inches of
snow Covered the ground, and thut,
with the cold weather, gave the people
ol this section a golden ice barvosl.
Tho ice gathered measured from 2 to
3 inches thick, which is about the
usual thickness.
As lo wheat tho prospect is very
flattering at present. The wheat fields
look green as meadows, and the farm
ers are rejoicing over tho prospect.
The quantity sowed this year which
fur surpasses thut sowed llio preced
ing year shows that the fanners are
daily becoming mom and more Indus
trious und thai they are giving ngri
oullure their wholo attention ; and by
casting our eyes toward the In turn, we
can see that tho puth luyod out for
Virginia isoneof prosperity and wealth.
Luxuries, and even necessaries com
mand fabulous prices; hut ibis does
not deter tho Virginian from enjoying
himself, and having his friends around
him doing tho same. Mon mako
monoy rapidly, und slH'llll it fl.
Sooialloa am""K auroioty ,l, iu
private theatricals, f'tfrnish meaDS of
amusement to those so inclined, and
to do canuiu, t ie young una no on,
tho rich and tbo poor, high und low,
all give thomselves up to enjoyment
a, 11. . l,n id nu In ...V.,u in,
...,. ...v . .,.. . ... s
But everybody knows how to work.l
anil to worn. naru.
A now railroad, which is being built,
is now attracting tho attention of tho
peoplo. It loaves the B. and O. lioad
ut a point near Shophardstowu, W. Va.,
runningduesoulh and passing through
Pago Valloy, which is celebrated for
its wealth of minerals, such as iron
ore, manguncesc, and copper, aud its
tine timber land, (yellow pine). At
presont largo quantities oi iron ore are
being mined aud shipped over tho road
tu i viiiisyivaiim. xiiu .:..iini.jr won.,
the road passes through is very beau-
tilul and fertile. !
Thoro is a mistaken idea existing
among nearly all Northern men, who
havo never visiteJ tho Southern btatos, I
in regard to the relation existing be- i
twoeii the while, and blacks lhoy(.i lu If Senator Camoron or any ol
think that both colors attend the sumo, hj, inol.CIltB wer0 dt.Ked, it was be
church, and the same school, while ill vnma jeliUoruloly located them
is quite the contrary lor numerous, 9t.kc9, ,h0 ,.ns(.ad0 ,,- loneNl
reasons, semo ol which I will give. nabli. ,,.,luun. i. WUH , i,..,
1 ho first and most important is that 'w j ' inill but lor that
the whites consider themselves fur,i,nK, 1ui ... -Lr ..,r,...m.. i
above such proceedings. The second
n' V . m'T', ," "" '" , 18 , V" ,
Kighls Bill, the negroes eonsii erlhem ,
selves abnvo the. whiles. 1 ho third
and last which 1 shall give is, that all ,
sensible peoplo know llist when tli
two races mingle together that one or,
tho other must be out ol tbcir sphere
Human nature is said to be all ,
the world over; hot I must confess:
I SOmOlimtW IttKCS U IOII llXfll
most Krotcwiuo forms as m demon - ,., , poltlicul trladislor won llio i
striilctl lit some of the Nortbern Stulos, j ,ttUK0 , (lf ti 0)pollol,Ui ullJ
wlioro (.lis invitation is extended to, j,iB poilj(.ftl lml.,linu , workcj wi(h
tho blacks to cat at tltc mimo table and ; allt(milllio precision until tho drivini;
attcn.l the same si hool that tho whites whco w mas,od. To tume Me.
do. Mo-t omphatiea ly ihi. isnotthe lm wl0 Jiwibl,j.ed Ihe orders of
case in ViiKiiiia. Now, il any ..onstiiucntr. and oll themselves
ot ls mdiaposcd to beltcvo these lul ls, , ,r vury llm, ,,, of poilif.,i pi)t.
let him come and sea lor himxclf.
Yours i'aspectfully,
' Old Dominion
lowing correspondcncii litis just been
mudu iublic :
.Sui'EltlNTENDENr's Otril'g. )
Kastkrn 1)1 VISION, l'.rfc. K. It. It j
Wn.i.iAWKVORT, Fin, 1, 1SH0.
Mr. John II'. Ilittlcr, Engineer nf En
gine. 1.12 :
Di.m Sin I'leaNU accept tho en
closed clirck as a sliejit token of onr
appreciation of the good judgment nnd
prescnr of mind displayed hy yon in
stoppinK the Krio mail went, on Ihe
Philadelphia and I'lie railroad, on the
morning of January 4th, 1880, anil al
lowing the Philadelphia and Heading
freight train to run through the ex
prcNS car next to your engine, instead
ol the passenger ears, thereby causing
much less damage to the company's
properly, anil no doubt avoiding a
great sacrifice of livet to tho passen
gers on the train you wcro hauling.
Yours truly, Thomas lit CKr.H.
It affords me great pleasure to ex
press my appreciation of judgment
shown and to add In behalf of the cor
poration its thanks.
Wm. A. Rai.iiwin,
(ien. Sup't P. K. I!. It. Division.
Tho cheek, it is uiidorntood, was for
the haudriome sum ol one hundred dol
Iuik. And in addition to this substan
tial mailt of appreciation lor llio exer
cise of great coolness and good judg
ment in the moment ot extreme peril,
the officers ol tho railroad company
have, funnelled Mr. Duller with a hand
soino new engine, No. 00, reconlly fin
ished nl tho Altoona shops, which ho
will I'lin between llarriubnrg and
Ton Mri'ii Chin. The C'hamburs
burg .SiCni remarks; 'That man of
chin, Ocnnrul Sherman, has grossly in
sulted a rospoetnhle gentleman and a
Republican, (Ion. II, V. Boynlon, of
Waxhingtnn city, hy unjustly declar
ing Tlnyrttnn to va. e dolftmor amd
blaekmuiler, simply bcrauso he criti
cised rather sharply 'Sherman's me
moirs.' Doynlon is an honorable news
paper correspondent, prominent In po
litical circles in Washington and not
without distinction as a soldier. Gen.
Shermnn grows moio impertinent and
imprudent with ago and lie too fre
quently adds diserctlit lo tho country
which gives him hii bread and cloth
ing by his rudeness ol speech and Im
perious manner. Tho lirolhcrs Will
iam T. and John too frequently lurget
ibal litis is A morion, not Khonnany."
Worus or Wisposi. The editor of
tho Now Orleans IHcaynne, has evi.
dently been ranting bis eye North
ward, and he soes it in this light : "It
is perhaps about time to remind Messrs.
Kolly mid Tilden thut the Democrat io
party is not tho propoity of oithur of
them, nnd that it does not proposo to
adopt their difTumncca as national
issues. It is not st till essentia! cither to
tht triumph of the party or the pros
perity of the nathm that Mr. Kelly
should nnino tho next JleniiK ratio con
didalo for tho I'rosiJency, or thut Mr.
Tilden should bo thaleandldato."
Till Iniiirint Motive. Thcro is a
strong (Irani feeling among (ho Bt.ulli
crn carpet baggers and plnndcrers who
olect themselves to National Conven
tions. Hut John Sherman is " march
ing through Georgia" and other South
ern Slates now at Government ex
pcfise. llo Is using nil tbo corriiillro
power at hip hands to gam control of
ihe Until hern delagslinn.
vox rorri.i.
Ono of tho iuomI tearful norma over
known along the Atlantic Bcnboard
wan thai ol the aooond anil mud in
mailt, which carried dir-iister to m
many lough ami hardy niuriiiorn ulong
the jerney shore. Tho night was durk,
the cold intense, (bo air tilled with
snow and sleet, the wind blow ing
a gale, the sea running mountains high
and breaking upon tho bar wuh de
structive force : all tho elements com-
.in,i ,,, .k , ... .. .,,, i,.ul.
till and mcinoi-nhlo one When the
storm or the elements had been chain
ed by tho power which created it, a
political storm developed at llio'lio
publican Staid Convention nt Harris
burg, on the fourth Instant, which has
never been equalled in the annuls ol
Pennsylvania politics. An attempt
was about to be uiado to subvert and
demolish the will of the poople that
will which had been whispered in every
breeze from tho mountains nnd valleys
of the old Commonwealth and had
found a lodgment in the heart of al
most every Republican voter in Penn
sylvania, who owned biinsell and
whoso honor was not tor barter and
whoso principles wore nut mortgaged.
Tho details of the fearful struggle
have now drilled into political history,
and the facts familiar to overy school
boy -need no reiteration in our
columns. There is a moral, however,
which political magnatos und poten
tates should, and trill, remember. The
man, clique, cabal or faction, that runs
directly counter lo intelligent public
opinion, will, in Ibe long run, be
stranded and shipwrecked, niorettlect-
ually aud thoroughly than were the
,loine iiiuiiiiurs in tho recent tornado
WHICH nu luilouolj ewt against ttielr
sandy beach. With n lew tolerably
bonest, but intensely sellish exceptions,
um -n Uuukt wuaU,.0, thal at th0
UurrjHl, rg Convention tho Blaino men
mt)I10p0iw(1 lh0 intelligence, culture
. . . .
capital and honesty ol the Itepublican
' of 1cu nayvnia. Tho;triumvi-
, r,r .,.,;,, ,,nml,iiii,i i...
tho chain gung from Philadclpbi
Lancaster and Pittsburgh did more to
demoralize tho vory cause they espoua
od than all tho efforts of tho Blaine
men combiued. These fellows repro
sented nothing but political seltdom of
the very lowest order, and oven lacked
the fuel so sandwiched in an occasional
decent man to givo tho thing a puluta-
blo Tuwl0 cilie. know ihi, t0
bo truo . jiurrisbllr); know, it 01ld t10
Slulu 0, i'0nn8ylvania, to her sorrow
am hor Hmf kllowg it l0 ko ,,.,, ,
,i. i,,..P
..,,:,, ,,,; Hhi ,l ll,.,-,i.,, w.
Lt ,,, (Hmcl.l)ni but flir
hi. .'. in iu oi, ii (or.
u , n)u,0 ,bw.rvient l0 n. in.
wMl -M (llu l rown u(
Itepiiblicanism. Tho ynit rule that
WB, , on 10 convolllioni wi
bo rt,,d by uM mnMllu delegates lo
vitinf(0 M u ,)ttm,0 nulily, and they
wi vto in lliu I. t.nvenlion .m Mr
,,1Ii(, Senator J. lion.' Cameron
f ll wjl, tt ualltl.v worlhy of a
botll(, ealllll!j aild ,i)r llia
.,. ,VM ,ttrii-.l,.,l i.v m...
a.: :.,.. 'CI,,, Kn.,t,.l, ol II,.
tiiLro, we have not a word lo hav. He
commit thorn, covered with blushes
nnd lalAchoodx and inlumy. to the len
itur rri.ruio. of ttiit, IrionU. anil noih
bors whom they sold out, to obtain
pott-positions lor themselves. And
now thut the smoko of battle has dis
appeared, and tbo halls and corridors
ot llurrisbnrg are deserted, the Ga:ette,
with all its preferences for .1 limes ti.
lllaine, will support the worst nomi
nation that can be mado at Chicago,
rather than tbo best nomination that
can be made at tiny Democratic Con
vention but, until tbo Chicago Conven
tion has named the nominee, tho i'cf
citriiro County Oa:ette will fly at its
masl-head the name ol James li. Blaine,
and wo will never lower our standard
until the electric flash notifies us that
the licpublican party has slullitioU it
sell by his rejection in tbe Chicago
Convention Delaware County Ca:ette.
limiiLY Dissatinfikii. Some of the
liadical leaders down in Delaware and
Chester counties are highly incensed
over the proceedings of Comoron's
State Convention. Klsewhore will be
found an article tuken from the Dela
ware Gazette, ono of tho loyal organs
of that county, entitled " Vox Populi,"
under which caption he flails tho Cnmor
nns, and hsists Ibo name nf l'lalne for
President, lie's a plucky dog. 1)on. Tho llcllolonte Dem
ocrat punctures tbo caso in this sly
way : "If Don. Cameron and bis Penn
sylvania Convention arc not moro bon-
cstly committed to Grant and the third-
term than to tho 'honest election' plank
of tho platform, tho distinguished trav
eler may havo occasion to pray tho
good Lord lo save him from hypocrites
and liars, about tho timo ho einurgrs
from tho Chicago Convention."
An ext-hango says : Tbo light tyr
tho placo of holding tho Democratic
National Convention now seems to be
between Washington and Cincinnati,
with the ohances slightly in favor of
Washington on account of that city
being located on neutral ground.
5,000 Rail Road Ties.
Corw.nit ill, pa. Jaa. V H it.
Prices of Shingles.
Cvirwanifilla, Jaa. ft, 'Tl tf.
1 )Y ilrtua uf an nrder of tho Orphani' Conrt of
J) ClearlMd eoantf, tba nnderiitiH, Adiala
Utrator or tbo Kitato of l, A. CATHCAKT, lato
of Knni lowniblp, Cloarflold oonnly, fa., doe'd,
will mil al public tale, ai theftnra home of Joieph
Krhird, la tba village of NKW MI I.LPOKT, in
aaid towmblp, oa
Saturday, March J3tli, 1880,
AT IIVB ll't'.()l:l p, M.,
All of the latere.l or aald erl.le la Ihe folio. leg
deerrlbed real e.lal., via i
In Fersu.on town.hip, near tha tillage of New
Millport, in Ihe county of ClaarAeld, I'a., bounded
by landi af Obarlti Honard, Ibo Lutheran trioa.
ftgo, and Haw'l Tol)', oontainlag on aure, mora
or leu, wild a two liory plank lrao bouao, liitSI
root, and othir ontbDlldiagi iborooa erected.
ALSO, A Iraot of land litnata la Kant towa
nip, Clnrleld emioly, Pa., bonnded be raaili of
Hamaal lloorar, Jamea Cat heart, Juha Itanghmaa,
aid Jaba R. Dunlap.oontaiaing
More or leu, I ft tea aorec of It t eh are cleared and
under oaltlvatlon, and a twe-Mory plank friaa
duelling home, Ail4 feci, it i blo, and other oat
baildlngilheraoa eraeled. There li aba ayouag
orchard oa tho aano. Tba timber li referred oa
area and one-hair aorta of laid land,
One-third eaih, aad balanoo la two aqnal an
Sual payanata, after eaapmathin of lalo. nith
iotemi, to b lociaied by ju'lgnieat notoi or bond.
' 1 laKMt KL C. BLOOM,
Adm'r of Ritata of 0. A. Catheart. dee'4.
Kfw Millport, Pa , Fib. M, IHH 4t.
3fu: tU'crtistrntitts
(AUTIUI.AI1 aaraona aro hereby warned
j afsiail meddling or la an; wejr Inutfer
inu lit. Hut Der.nn.1 nronerty, daw in
Hi. awHiNat JOHN L. McUAKVKV, ot Clint
totrnrbln, til : Ooa men ih, 3 cow., aheap.
1 ..m i4 M la tbo around, Mid a aeraa
i,f rya. Tba foriruln wr.1 non baMd by m l
Cooilablr'i aala on Ilia :IM of January laal, nnd
( llnwA.Ko rouiain in DouraKUsi ol raid Jobn
Mollarray on loan only, rui.jaol w my t't
any lima.
Uol'brrraa, Pa
F.b II, l0 II.
. fuaHintarlHS1
mMm i
fct-r-,ji),.i-.a4uii'ua." '
INTllISasenrCnmnierraarMl la iheae Rn-a-faead
limee, lit. pieMlna dt-niend le for tli.nouahly
trained men for Ounlneee. Our liialHiitlon oflne un
enneieMd tai lllti. lo yoone end middle exed men
lor otHaiulna a I'ractleal Mueellon. A abort lliu.
unly la rnpured lo t,,niilele llio eooive of etudy.
tiiwnweliaht. IndirSlual inatrurllon. Sliidcnieeaa
enter el eny tinte. No reiell"ii K'ir clrcula-n
adilm. '. Ill I K ONN.
w1iiS H.Mkkeeoluf, puOiltliMl by llar)ier
A iln..; irltilod In color. 400 pp. Hie largeet work
on Ibe arU'tice pulmabed. A work for banker
railroad LueinMa mon and pnKUcel aocountanla.
l'r'oa, SH.wO, puelago SU eenta.
February IS, 1SSH-4I.
T H KreMR NOTK F.-Th. following nor
IJ Bona bar. lied la tba oBic of Ibe Clirk nl
the Cuurl of Querter Seraione of Clearfield oounly, ,
their Feliliooaand Honda for Llrenee., at II'.!
January Haoiioo., ISSU, egrrealily to the Art of,
Aaaemtily :
W. (1. Cordon
S II. Row
W. 8. Bradley
tt. N. Phew
.lauca McLaughlin
Thome. Moore
William Curren
Riehard Maddigau
Jama. Haley
Ueorge Ithoder
William Weill
I'eler ItuSaer Mi
Smith Hatrd
...CIeMrUld j
..WoodnoT.! Tw I
'Jcorge n . Lane
W. L.Niebolaoo
Ktnanuel Kunti.
R. T. Kellry
W II. M.nlcj
II. P. Stn.liri.lge
William Rcbwem
Meorero Koarr
W. W. Mar.h
Jaeob B.elnmo
tlrorgc K. Hobacker
Jamo. L. Smifleld
Mary Kirenbonar
i.UuB .lw, Kondy Twp
...I.viihmliurg, Urodjr Twp
Troutfilla, "
n 41
UKoorio Twp
I'onOeU, IliiKtoo Twp
Morril Twp
....borniido liorotiKb
roater bavla...
Johs Million CoviDrta Twp
U. M. Flynn. Ptnnrilif, Fnn Twp
II. LiviBRttoo ....CleorfioU
Julia hooier "
J. 8. Uritl Ciimonovlllo
Amlrrw Millir Trout. lit , Vrntiy Twp
PfUr Moron.,,..
Mx KliDordltncor baltoin. Stnity Tp
CorllBod to from the ft nor J it Cloorliotd tfaii
111 lb of IV-raarr, A. 1.
Ull ULOOM, Cltrk
Orphans' Court Sale
Or l iMiBLF
Real Estate!
1)1 virtue ot an order iMu.l am .r Ihe rba.e'
1 Court ol Clearflrld eounty, P.., there ill
be exK.e,i lo uulilir .ale on the nreiui.e.. in the '
villnge of Truatrille, on
Monday, March 1st, 1SS0,
At oat ti'clo-'k P. M., all tbowi certain Irortu ond ;
ire,t of Innd liiuato in OiturlieH eoiiDt)', tx.ur.. 1
M ind dcrild a follow, to wit : j
I?0. 1. Two lull In tbe 1 1 litre, or Tr-mttille. J
Brady towufblp, ooeb fruct lug fwit on l.alben-
burf turnnlbO, aud eteitdinr b-k 2lnlt. wild
a two ilurr dwrllinir butno, a twu-ilnrr otiro'
hrmie, frame nll ni airier ootbmldioK". t
toinin other loti nf miA ilroodrnt end U W.
I tirbucb.
NO. 2. Or.o olbor lot in uf Trtinttitle
fit fert front nn Lutboriburg funiikF and JIS
fret rfofp, witb nu I'uildiug-, odjutninf lot ofj.
M. Lydi.r.
KO. 3. Ono Ibt in the Tllluff or Wtt Uberlj.
Bandy tuwnibip, adjoining lend u( lleberling
oftalo, containing one-ho If acre, tnuro or lei.
NO. 4. A parcel of Innd liiuato la Bra-ly town
ihip, bourn led tm (ho at and north iij land of
Chariot Korb, oa Ibo loath by land of
tiue, and on Ibo woit bjr iullic mitd, runtalning
four aorer and allowance.
One-tbird of tbo anifint of tale tn be ch on
eon Anna t Kin of and ilia balance, tot-ured l-y
tondi and murtraref , In two eptal annual piy
n.rii!, with inicrevt thfretm (Vnm iliof ai.
Truutville. Pa, Jn. 2i, ISSO it
Ri:.lHTi:il' KOTIf li here,
by given that tha following aceounta bare
been examined and pnaed by lue, and remain
filed of record la tbil oBioo for Ibo inspect Inn of
heira, legatoei, credit ore, ami all olberi mtereited,
and will bo p repented to tha next Orpbau' Conrt
of Clearflrld oounly, to le held at tbo Conrt
Iloiiae, la the borough of Clearfield, rnmmrnring
oa tbo third Monday (being llio litb dcy) of
Manh A. I), lost) i
Fiaal aeooont ot Neeey K, Thomptdn. AJmiali
Irilrii of tho aetata of John A. Tbompaon, lata
of Bradford lownibip. Oar field cumity. Pa.,
Pinal aeoouot of Abraham lljil-y, Administrator
of tbo aetata of Kuiannaa H loom, lato of I'ike
tewnibip, Clearlield county, Pa., deefaacd.
Final aacoat of Truman J. Wall, Adminlatralor
ol iheeitato of W. Wall, lata ol town,
ihlp, Clear Held ount,leceaied.
The aoeouat of Wllioa Hoover, AduiniFlrator af
tbeaitate ol Joibna W ood, lite of Morrii twp,,
Clrarfield oounly, Pa., deo'd.
Final account of Henry 8 meal, Admiaiftrator of
the aetata of George Watiol, late of ihe borough
ol W allaceton, Clearfield oonunty, H.. deed.
The lit p piemen tel account of Willie J. Korent,
Adioiniitrator of tba aetata of Klliott King'
late of Burniidetwp., Olearficld Co., Ha , der'd.
Final arouunt of Joiaa Qom, Juaidian of Mi lei
li. Emeal, minor heir of I'rter 8 meal, late af
Hogg! twp., Clvarlield countr, Pa., dec d.
Final acraunt of 7.ach. McNaul, Omrdinn of Will
iam MrHrlie. Jr., a ion or Wm. Mollride, Kr..
lata of tbe borough of Curweaivilla, Clearfield
county, Pa. deoeared.
Final aoeount of John ti. Sebryvar, tluardiaa of
Howard Nicholi, minor heir of Jouathan
NlcboU, lato of Lawronoo towmblp, Clearfield
aouaty, Pa., dee d.
Fine) aooonnt of John 0. Bokryvar, fluardlan of
Addio Niohoia, minor heir ot Jonathan Nicholi,
lata of Lawrraea townbip, Cartield countr.
Fa., dee d.
Partial aoeount af Aaroa C. Tate, Ouardiaa of
V. II. NcKre, minor heir of W. II. Mckoe.lata
of Kwx township, Clearfield county, Pa. dee d.
L J. MORGAN, Kegfi'er.
Clearfield, Pa., Feb, U, IsHW-te.
Dfinlilp lpiil llnln I
a'vk'ii il inv xayllll XitllltV e
Etta to of Hiclnrd Shaw, Sr Bee'l
ri'IlK niijen-lrke,!, Vireulorl of Ibe ..tale of.
1 KICIIAKl) HHAW.Br, derel, willSer
at p.bll. eale.t Ihe COHHT HOI'bK, in Ibe bor
ough of Ctmroeld, Pa., on
Sriturduy, March 13th, 1880,
AT 1:311 O'CLOCK P. M
Tb. followlni T.liinbla ami eitau, eli ,
FIRST. The three .lori brieh bolel pronerle,
o.mer of Maraet and ,'ir.l aineU, la tbe bnr
ooeh .f ClMrflold, known na
'Tho Shaw House
Fronting with tho lot of ground thereto belonging
j iei on mortal ureet, and IKi
f ir ,wo" --'"tMraot.withalwo.itory
to) trper haa liatv bed-nnma nil
all aonvoaleneaa for a Aral elaae
hotel. One of (ho moit df lire Me hutol proper tiei
la Central Peanrylvania.
8RCOND, A lot orgrnandla Clearfield horongh,
bogiaalngat tbo end of Hi feet.froallng an Mar
ket it reel, and thence along Market itraet lt feat,
and renning back H feet, with lha bukldlnga
thereoa erected.
THIRD, A lot of ground ilttiale la Clearfield
horongh, adjoining part No. 3, and eilendlag
along Market treat feet la an allay, aad ran
qlng back 110 fact, with balldingi thereon.
FOURTH. A mt af ground In Clearfield bor-
ough, adjoining hotel property, and attending,
aloog Pint itreet SO feet and running back Jtoi)
feat, mora or Ian, to aa alley. j
FIFTH. All that certain lot. known la the
plan of Clearfield borough aa Lot No 139, i
fronting about 110 (Vet on Locnat
ning back Itiafaat, store or leaa, to aa alley .gl
with dwelling hoaie aad allaooewiery out. A
boiidinji therroa irctd,aad otpar improremeata. '
IX TH. AH that cert i la aadirldad ......
a(fcJ laterait la that eerUi traol of land
A 9 I i lu ale la Morril towaihip, Clearfield
MntT, Pa..
koowaulbe-'N.Uirh 4
I'erl. Iraet,"
B7 A.ozxmmt.
Mor. .r le.e. and he Inn, Ih.rwo t la r ire 0.01117
a. whiba,lna, barakiek, Mb ..4 ether limber, ,,j
Il ond.rlaid with ralaablerelaa .1 BlTliM INUI. 8
One t bird earb at delrr.rr nt food ii, aad
the balenoa I. b. eeenred be bond ..d nortfaie,
rajabie In in. and Iw. eeatt, wilb
A. g, drlAW,
ll'r. ef RlebaH Shaw, Sr., in 4
Cle.tCfl.l. Pa., r.'imarr II, I"l lt.
ts dt'fftisfiututs. !
IMislii Classical School!
riXIIH M.K.I nill opm u MONDAY, A I'llII.
X I'JTH, Ilia l.ouaiii K.b....I 1.,mI.Iii.,
in CliarAald, and oooilnua alavvn naaW
Tt'lTIONl f'ommoll KlilflUll Hranrlira, - 04MMI
HIUlieri:u;ll.ll and llaaalra, . . . H.)H)
JUr-A Normal Claaa nill ba roinrd, nllb Wlrb.
ttvbaej'a K,.bo,il Kponomy ajolrat bunk.
Cloarllold, Pa., l .liro.rj 41b, JHHO .1m.
James L. Lcavy,
inic I'tirohttttiJ lb ontlr ittnli of FruJ.
8tvflklt, hcrbjr notlo that bi hM moved
to to lbs room Hty ooenpiciJ hy Hootl A HtftorXj,
on stroet, tl)iro tio li pr)irii to oiler to
tb luUfo
of 1b lulrit iiiipruvi) iUarit, at low pri.
Gaa Fixtures and Tinware.
inliitjjr, Uk Klttinp,
ft iiietcioJir. All
Hio.rint I'umj.i
wont wnrrnntr-iJ.
AityibinK in nj (ino iw urdiireil If
deiinM. JAS. U. I.KAVV,
Oleortivd, !'., Jonnor I. HTO If-
riicitifi- I lian ever in llio store of
G. 0. k T. W. MOORE,
Wii hu.'ii iiiMt riirtivi.l t l.o
'and bot Kolontod Mock of '
Thai has ever coino to town. Also,
all the new novelties in
Driving Boots and Shoes.
Rubber Boots & Shoes.
(Vive its a call und boo if wo doit'l
cheaper than anybody oIhc,
CleerfielJ. Fa, Sept. 31, HTtf-Im.
If you want to see tbe finest Stock of,
Ufiidy-Miule Clolhing
IN ll.KaHKII I.I). I.IITil
If you want to Buy tie boat Fitting
If you want the most Reliably Made
If you wmt to buy at tbe lowest Cash
Prices, go to
.I IK. S.
If ou want to see the best assortment of
' CLOTflM;
If you want to see a nice selection of
Gents' Furnishing Goods ;
If you want to buy a
If you want to get the worth of your
Money, don't fail to go to
a ixziii ittrs,
Oat. ill,
Cheap Cash Store.
Clearfield,' Pa.,
Couipriilng Iren (loodi of the eery lateit itylea.
eon liming la part af Oath turner, UanoUoMor
Peneiea, AIaoai, and all meaner of
Fancy Dress Goods,
8"m "k,'"''n"' U,!,rfr ,'''J'' tl"a
"la-pHMi, via. raiiKifs vi me erj llieil
rtylea, aad a cheap ai they oan bo eold
la tint market.
ConiUting of (Hare for float. Ladlet and
Millet, line of all ihalee, Nilk Pringoi,
Lae, Fancy Dreu Hattoni. LaHpi'
Tiei nf all fhndoe and Mjlet, Cuffi
aad Collar, Ribbon of all kindi and
qaalitiee, Marina l aderwrar, Tnmmiagi, ate.
Queensware, Hardware, Tinware,
trnrpelM, Oil C lot Iim,
Whir, will Ue nU wheleule w null. W,M i.t.
Country Produce
I. Ei'h.Hge flir Hoode Markat Prlr.a.
WM. J. il or r in,
( IrarHrlil, Pt.. fpt. IJ, am IT,
Cnrwanaylllo, Pa., Jaa, , '7 tf.
ONCV TO MUK.Oi flrvtrlMt iw-
uruvfti firm lroitrty. by tho Mutuol LI t
roiioo Ouuiiiooy of .Sow Vnrh, on tint norl-
snKo, t iuuii hum up. tt furtlivr tn
luiuiitllon ttl'l lj' to tbo uii'lrnlfrntrtl.
Ul 'HXTHAL W SMITH. Ym , Uj Tib. TV tf.
Alia nk llialNwr Breaks.
j Try Itlyt'oal.
Tbo uitatr.iKDfJ oJuitti ibl uf itifurnt
ii lk nutimrutii onitPiivon. Ihot bin ruol bouk
ii not nWiolfT rrmtgemnit only, but tbot it
Kill bo oiorottl in tbo Huinmor well Wn
Irr. J rloln tint I hovolho
Best Goal in the Market,
ad will H U for oab, or It ebon go for duur,
(ofsl, griN'eriof, oli. iMf ooatrootl nill U
motlo ot o ty niuftll rtl.t. Fur full pRrticuloia
soil nn mo il ior.oB, reiitllBft In id of UroboB'
oipr Iiovh, or otl'lrti mo throuifb tbo puii
otboo. Orilon loft ol Ibo M4ifl.l'o will ronoito
prtiipt ftltontlon. TII'rH. A. DIM'KKr i.
CliorBold, F , Joi 6, 1471 tf.
(ilLICII, MclORKLE & 10,'S
Mnrkrt Mtrfrt, f Irarflrld. Pa.
Wo mofluiieturo all klod of Furnituro fir
Chtviuhw-'. Jioloit Kooiiii, l.lbrorioi ond Hall.
If you wont F urn it uro of onj kind, d'-n't ny
until n roo our ototk.
la all it. brnnchea, iromitly nttendod to.
ClearOal l, Pa., Feb. , 78. '
j Market Kt., Cleai, (at the Poet (Iftire.)
.npHR anderilfni-d hegf leave to aanoau-e to
' X the oitiiem of Clearfield and vicinity, tbat
' bo hai t.tted np a room and hai jait returned
from ti.e city with a large a infant uf reading
matter, conn ting tn part ul
Bibles and Miscellaneous Books,
, DUnk, Affnount aad Pan Book of orory de
lai'iffRt ecrtptiun; Puper and Kuvelopei, French pre wed
b lend plain; Pern and Pi'Ofili : Ulank Legal
i Papcri, l'eedi, Mortgagee i Judgoitnt, Kxeiup
Uon and PPuntiarr mitre; White and Parrii
men! Brief, egul Cap, kerord Oep, aud Bill Oap,
8beet Millie, fur either Piano, Hole vr Violin,
emitaatly on hand. Aqv bookl or itationary
deiired tbat 1 nay not have en baud, will be ordered
by Int exprejA, and luld at wholesale ur retail
to aait eaiUimera. I will alio kerp pariodiral
Hteratnro, inch ai Alaatinee, Nowcpii.ert, ke.
P. A. ti Al LIN.
Clearfield. May 7, IHftS-tf
I, I T II t It S U I! It U .
HoreafUr, good will he void for CASH only,
or in evrtieoge fur produce. No book will be
kept in the I u turn. Ail old aavuuoti tnuit bo
ettloil. Tfauo who ran not cah up, will pl
handover their noter aad
I am determined tu cell my goodi at -cub
price, end at a di Mount far baluw that ever
offered ia Lhie vicinity. The dieeount ! allow my
cuitomert, will make then rirh In twenty veari II
!? iKX, 'ZV'Z
l.ulberebarK. Ja
irj 17, l:
llb'ALKKtt IN
Fancy ooups,
tot medicinal parpoaee.
Truiaai. flupportara, School Coohi and ttletiua
ary, and all other article! uiually
ffuad ta a Urug 8 tore.
HILLY COMPOrNDKb. Having a large ex
per te ace la tha buitaeei they aaa giva entire eat
ufactioa. 1. U. HAUTdWIOK,
0rt)d, Ut M. 1174
itAV no crritoT
I am aware that there ara omi peretAi a little
hard to pleaie, and I am alev aware that the
complaint uf "hard time" la well alga aaiToreal.
Hut 1 am ao ailaatrd aow tbat I can aatiffy tha
former and prate eonrluileely thai "hard tiuoe"
wlll not effect tboee who buy their gnodi from ma.
aad all my pekroai ihall ha initiated late tho re .
erei ot
I have rjooil. enough to tui.lf all tbe Inhabi
tant! In lb. lower an! .( tbe oeaatji which I Mil
Ml'I.HON lUlKll, wber. I fan alwaT. be foMd
rand I. watt npon eallera .nil eulf ia itb
Dry Ctoods of all Kinds,
ftneb na Cloth., Ratlnella, ra.Blaj.raa, Mwaline
Uelalnaa, Llaea, Urlllln., C.IImw,
Trlatnlnj., Hlbbnna, Lao,
Raule uaJa Clolbinf. Boala and Khoea, HaU nni
Cape all of Ihe bail material and Blade lo order
Hoe., Boeka, Uloraa, allllena, LaeM, Hlbbona.Ae
Coffee, Tea, Sneer, Itloa, Molaaaaa, Flab, Sail
Pork, Llnaa.4 Oil, flak Oil, C.rb. Ull.
llardwara, Qiaaea.war., Tinwaiw, C.atlnga, Plawa
and Plow C.itl.,., Nalla, 8pihea, Com Cnltlm
tra,Cltl.r Praaaea.and .11 klnda .( Aa,
ferfuiaery, PeJ.u, V.rnl.k, Qnu, nni n fnerM
.aaertBaat af 8l.llo.ery,
Of brand., ajwaaa hnnt, nnd wilt b.
aold ai lha neelkle If nrM.
i. II. MeClal.'a Vedlel.aa, Jarna'a Medlclaa.
He. utter', uil Heoland', Blltera.
I eel po.nde .f Wool wnnIM for btb lb.
hlbe.t prlo. will b. paid. Cloeweaad nnnt
and for aala nt tha aj.rk.l prlM.
AI.e, Airent for itrelton.Ule .id OnnewBaelH.
Tkreeblag UaoblnM.
h.Call ue Ntf.1 Tonreelrel. TonajtHleA
nerjtki.i n.ulli kept In a mall atm.
rrearVvUle t 0., Anvl If, tTV